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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-de-b

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
B {n} (musical note) :: H {n}
baa {n} (bleating of sheep) :: Blöken {n}
baa {interj} (cry of sheep) :: bäh, mäh
baa {v} (to make the cry of sheep) :: blöken, bähen, mähen
Baal {prop} (deity) :: Baal {m}
Baan {prop} (language) :: Baan {n}
Ba'athism {n} (ideology) :: Baathismus {m}
babalaas {n} (babalaas) :: Katzenjammer {n}
Baba Yaga {prop} (hag who flies through the air in a mortar) :: Baba Jaga {f}
babbitt {n} (alloy) :: Lagermetall
babble {v} (to utter words indistinctly) :: brabbeln, murmeln
babble {v} (to talk much) :: schwätzen, plappern, babbeln
babble {v} (to make a continuous murmuring noise) :: plätschern, gurgeln
babble {n} (idle talk) :: Geplapper {n}
babble {n} (inarticulate speech) :: Brabbeln {n}, Murmeln {n}
babble word {n} :: Lallwort {n}
babby {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (baby or infant) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (darling) SEE: baby ::
babe {n} (attractive person) :: Puppe {f} [female person]
babesiosis {n} (parasitic disease) :: Babesiose
babirusa {n} (a member of the genus Babyrousa) :: [♂♀] Hirscheber {m}, [♂♀] Babirusa {n}, männlicher Hirscheber {m}, weiblicher Hirscheber {m}
Babism {n} (19th-century Persian pantheistical religious sect) :: Babismus {m}
baboon {n} (primate) :: Pavian {m}
babouche {n} (Turkish or oriental slipper) :: Babusche {f}
Babungo {prop} (language) :: Babungo {n}
babushka {n} (matryoshka) SEE: Russian doll ::
baby {n} (very young human being) :: Baby {n}, Säugling {m}, Kleinkind {n}
baby {n} (young animal) :: Baby {n}, Junges {n}
baby {n} (term of endearment) :: mein Schatz {m}, Schätzchen {n}, Baby {n}
baby {n} (form of address to a man or a woman considered to be attractive) :: mein Süßer {m} [to a man], meine Süße {f} [to a woman]
baby {n} (lastborn of a family) :: Nesthäkchen {n}
baby boom {n} (post-World War II baby boom (1946 to 1964)) :: Babyboom {m}, Geburtenwelle {f}
baby boom {n} (any increase in the birth rate) :: hohe Geburtenzahl {f}
baby boomer {n} (person born after Second World War) :: Baby-Boomer {m}
baby bottle {n} (bottle with a teat) :: Babyflasche {f}, Nuckelflasche {f}, Saugflasche {f}, Milchflasche {f}, Schoppen {m} [southern Germany, Switzerland]
baby buggy {n} (a wheeled chair for the transport of a baby) SEE: stroller ::
baby bump {n} (noticeable abdominal swelling in a pregnant woman) :: Babybauch {m}
baby carriage {n} (cart that is designed for moving a baby around in a lying position) SEE: pram ::
baby face {n} (face resembling that of a baby) :: Milchgesicht {n}
baby face {n} (person having such a face) :: Milchgesicht
baby face {n} (headlining wrestler with a persona embodying heroic or virtuous traits) :: Milchgesicht {n}
baby-faced {adj} (having a youthful face) :: milchgesichtig
baby fat {n} (natural fat of the body of a child) SEE: puppy fat ::
baby food {n} (food designed for babies) :: Babynahrung {f}, Säuglingsnahrung {f}
baby grand {n} (small grand piano) :: Stutzflügel {m}
baby hatch {n} (hatch for abandoned children) :: Babyklappe {f}
Babylonia {prop} (ancient region and empire of southern Mesopotamia) :: Babylonien {n}
Babylonian {adj} (pertaining to the city or empire of Babylon) :: babylonisch
Babylonian {n} (person from the city of Babylon) :: Babylonier {m}, Babylonierin {f}
Babylonian {n} (person from the kingdom of Babylonia) :: Babylonier {m}, Babylonierin {f}
Babylonian {prop} (Akkadian language) :: Babylonisch {n}
baby monitor {n} (Intercom system) :: Babyfon
baby oil {n} :: Babyöl {n}
baby powder {n} (astringent powder) :: Babypuder {m}
baby seat {n} (child safety seat) SEE: child safety seat ::
baby shower {n} (party) :: Babyparty {f}, Baby Shower {f}
babysit {v} (To watch or tend someone else's child for a period of time, often for money) :: babysitten
babysitter {n} (baby or child caretaker) :: Babysitter {m}, Babysitterin {f}, Kinderhüter {m}, Kinderhüterin {f}, Kinderbetreuer {m}, Kinderbetreuerin {f}
baby step {n} (small effort) :: kleiner Schritt {m}, Minischritt {m}
baby talk {n} (form of speech used when talking to babies) :: Babysprache {f}, Kindersprache {f}
baby tooth {n} (tooth which will be replaced) SEE: milk tooth ::
baby walker {n} (baby walker, see also: walking frame) :: Lauflernstuhl {m}, Lauflerngerät {n}, Lauflernhilfe {f}, Laufstuhl {m}, Laufhilfe {f}
baccalaureate {n} (examination to enable higher education) :: Bakkalaureat {n}
baccalaureate {n} (qualification awarded after passing the baccalaureate exam) :: Bakkalaureat {n}, Fachabitur {n}
baccalaureate {n} (bachelor's degree) SEE: bachelor's degree ::
baccarat {n} (card game) :: Baccara
Bacchanalian {adj} (relating to reveling) :: bacchantisch
Bach {prop} (German composer) :: Bach
bachelor {n} (unmarried man) :: Junggeselle {m}
bachelor {n} (bachelor's degree) :: Bachelor {m}
bachelor {n} (person who has achieved bachelor's degree) :: Bachelor {m}
bachelorette {n} (unmarried woman) :: Single {f}, Junggesellin {f}, Fräulein {n}
bachelorette party {n} (bachelorette party) :: [modern, US-influenced celebration] Junggesellinnenabschied {m}; [more traditional celebration] Polterabend {m}
bachelor pad {n} (dwelling of unmarried man) :: Junggesellenbude {f}
bachelor party {n} (party) :: [modern, US-influenced celebration] Junggesellenabschied {m}; [more traditional celebration] Polterabend {m}
bachelor's degree {n} (first or lowest academic degree) :: Bachelor {m}, Bakkalaureus {m}
bachelor's thesis {n} (thesis for bachelor's degree) :: Bachelorarbeit {f}, Bachelorthesis {f}
bacillus {n} (any bacteria in the genus Bacillus) :: Bazillus {m}
back {adj} (not current) :: früher, alt, veraltet
back {adj} (far from the main area) :: abgelegen
back {adj} (phonetics: produced in the back of the mouth) :: hinterer, Hinterzungen-
back {adv} (to or in a previous condition or place) :: zurück
back {n} (the rear of body) :: Rücken {m}
back {n} (the reverse side) :: Rückseite {f}, Kehrseite {f}
back {n} (that which is farthest away from the front) :: Ende {n}, Fond {m}, Hintergrund {m}, Hinterseite {f}
back {n} (the part of something that goes last) :: Ende {n}, Hinterende
back {n} (the edge of a book which is bound) :: Rücken {m}, Buchrücken {m}
back {n} (the backrest, the part of a piece of furniture which receives the human back) :: Rückenlehne {f}
back {n} (a position behind most players on the team) :: Verteidiger {m}
back {v} (to go in the reverse direction) :: (vehicle) zurücksetzen
back {v} (of wind: to shift in an anticlockwise direction) :: rückdrehen
backache {n} (any pain or ache in the back, see also: lumbago) :: Rückenschmerzen {m-p}
back and forth {adv} (from one place to another and back again) :: hin und her
back and forth {n} (movement (of someone or something) forward followed by a return to the same position) :: Hin und Her {n}
backbencher {n} (member of Parliament who does not have cabinet rank) :: Hinterbänkler {m}, Hinterbänklerin {f}
backbite {v} (to make defamatory statements about another) :: verleumden, afterreden, anschwärzen
backbone {n} (series of vertebrae that encloses the spinal cord) :: Rückgrat {n}, Wirbelsäule {f}
backbone {n} (any fundamental support, structure, or infrastructure) :: Rückgrat {n}
backbone {n} (courage, fortitude, or strength) :: Rückgrat {n}
backbone {n} (backbone) SEE: spine ::
backchat {n} (backtalk) SEE: backtalk ::
backchat {v} (backtalk) SEE: backtalk ::
backcomb {v} (to hold hair and comb it towards the head) :: toupieren
back door {n} (subsidiary entrance to building) :: Hintertür {f}
back door {n} (secret, unprotected means of access) :: Hintertür {f}
backdoor {n} (backdoor (all definitions)) SEE: back door ::
back end {n} (computing: part of a system that is farthest from the user) :: Back-End {n}
back fire {n} (explosion of a combustion engine) :: Fehlzündung {f}
backfire {v} (fail) :: fehlschlagen, nach hinten losgehen
backfisch {n} (teenage girl) :: Backfisch
back-formation {n} (linguistic process) :: Rückbildung {f}
backgammon {n} (board game) :: Backgammon {n}
back garden {n} (garden at the rear of a property) :: Hintergarten {m}
background {n} (social heritage) :: Hintergrund {m}
background {n} (part of picture) :: Hintergrund {m}
background {n} (relevant information) :: Hintergrund {m}
background {n} (less important feature) :: Hintergrund {m}
background {n} (computer background) :: Schreibtischhintergrund {m}
background {n} (activity not visible to the user) :: Hintergrund
backhanded compliment {n} (insult disguised as a compliment) :: vergiftetes Kompliment {n}; zweifelhaftes Kompliment {n}, zweideutiges Kompliment {n}
backhander {n} (blow with the back of the hand) :: Schlag mit dem Handrücken {m}
backhander {n} (bribe, secret payment) :: Schmiergeld {n}, Bestechungsgeld {n}, Bakschisch {n}, heimliche Zahlung {f}
backhander {n} (shot played backhand, a backhand stroke) :: Rückhandschlag {m}
backhoe {n} (a piece of excavating equipment) :: Baggerschaufel {f}
backhoe {n} (a multi-purpose tractor) :: Bagger {m}, Schaufelbagger {m}
back in day {adv} (back in the day) SEE: back in the day ::
back in the day {prep} (in the distant past) :: damals, früher
backlash {n} (mechanical: distance of free movement between connected parts) :: Spiel {n}
backlog {n} (an accumulation or buildup) :: Arbeitsrückstand {m}, Auftragsüberhang {m}, Nachholbedarf {m}, Rückstand {m}, Rückstau {m}, Überhang {m}
backmarker {n} (straggler) :: Nachzügler {m}
back matter {n} (parts of a book that appear after the text) :: Nachspann
back office {n} :: Backoffice {n}
backorder {n} :: Rückstand {m}
backpack {n} (worn on a person's back, e.g., for hiking) :: Rucksack {m}
backpack {n} (containing parachute) :: Fallschirmcontainer {m}
backpacker {n} (a traveler) :: Rucksacktourist {m}, Rucksackreisender {m}; [specific sense of “usually young, hostel-dwelling traveller” also] Backpacker {m}
backpackers {n} (hostel) SEE: hostel ::
backrest {n} (back piece of a chair) :: Rückenlehne {f}
backronym {n} :: Backronym {n}
backroom {n} :: Hinterzimmer {n}
backroom {adj} :: Hinterzimmer-
backscratcher {n} (rod for scratching one's own back) :: Rückenkratzer {m} (back scratcher)
back seat {n} (seat) :: Rücksitz {m}
backside {n} (buttocks) :: Hintern {m}, Gesäß {n}
backslash {n} (punctuation mark) :: Backslash {m}, Rückwärtsschrägstrich {m}
backspace {n} (typewriter key) :: Backspace {m}, Rücktaste {f}, Rücksetztaste {f}
backspace {n} (computer key) :: Backspace {m}, Rücktaste {f}, Rücksetztaste {f}
backstage {adj} (behind a stage) :: backstage
backstage {adj} (secret) :: hinter den Kulissen
backstage {n} (the area behind the stage) :: Backstage {f}
backstop {n} (thing or a person to support) :: Rückhalt {m}, Schutz {m}, Unterstützung {f}, Sicherung, Rettungsschirm {m}, Sicherheitsnetz {n}
backstop {n} (default arrangement) :: Letztsicherung {f}, Notlösung {f}, Auffanglösung {f}
backstop {n} (wall or fence behind home plate) :: Abfangzaun {m}
backstop {v} (support) :: Rückendeckung geben
backstory {n} (previous life and experiences of a fictional character) :: Hintergrundgeschichte, Backstory
back street {n} (small and narrow street) :: Seitengasse {f}
backstroke {n} (a swimming stroke swum on one's back) :: Rückenschwimmen {n}, Rückenkraulen {n}
backswimmer {n} (aquatic insect) :: Rückenschwimmer {m}
backtalk {n} (verbal impudence or argument) :: Widerworte {n-p}
backtick {n} (the symbol `, resembling a reversed quotation mark) :: Backtick {m}
back titration {n} :: Rücktitration {f}
back to square one {adj} (located back at the start, as after a dead-end or failure) :: Alles auf Anfang, zurück auf Feld eins
back to the wall {n} (very difficult situation) :: mit dem Rücken zur Wand
backup {n} (reserve) :: Unterstützung {f}, Deckung {f}, Ersatz {m}
backup {n} (copy of file or record) :: Datensicherung {f}, Backup {n}, Reservekopie {f}, Sicherheitskopie {f}, Sicherungskopie {f}
backup {adj} (standby, reserve or extra) :: Ersatz- [noun], Hilfs- [noun genitive]
back vowel {n} (Any vowel sound produced in the back of the mouth) :: Hinterzungenvokal {m}, hinterer Vokal {m}
backward {adj} (in the direction towards the back) :: zurück, nach hinten, rückwärts
backward {adj} (in the direction reverse of normal) :: rückwärts
backward {adj} (reluctant to advance) :: zögerlich, gehemmt
backward {adj} (undeveloped) :: rückständig, unterentwickelt, zurückgeblieben, zurückgewandt
backward {adj} (of an idea: outdated) :: altmodisch, rückwärtsgewandt, rückständig, überholt, antiquiert
backward {adv} (in the direction towards the back) :: rückwärts, zurück
backward compatibility {n} (compatibility with older systems) :: Abwärtskompatibilität {f}, Rückwärtskompatibilität {f}
backward compatible {adj} (compatible with older systems) :: abwärtskompatibel, rückwärtskompatibel
backwards {adv} (toward the back) :: rückwärts
backwards {adv} (in the opposite direction of usual) :: rückwärts
backwards {adv} (with back preceding the front) :: rückwärts
backwash {v} (The saliva, spit or food flowing back into a drink) :: Spuckschluck {m}, Spuckrest {m}, Uwe {m}
backwater {n} (a remote place; somewhere that remains unaffected by new events, progresses, ideas, etc.) :: Kaff {n}, Dorf {n}
backwoods {n} (a remote place) :: abgelegene Gegend {f}
backwoodsman {n} (A person who is acclimated to living in a forest area that is far removed from civilization) :: Hinterwäldler {m}
backwoodsman {n} (An uncivilized person) :: Hinterwäldler {m}
backyard {n} (yard to the rear of a house) :: Hinterhof {m}
bacon {n} (cut of meat) :: Speck {m}
bacon and eggs {n} (a dish consisting of bacon and eggs) :: Eier mit Speck {n-p}
bacon rind {n} (skin of pork) :: Schwarte
bacteria {n} (bacteria) :: Bakterien
bacterial {adj} (of or caused by bacteria) :: bakteriell
bacteriological {adj} (of or pertaining to bacteriology) :: bakteriologisch
bacteriologist {n} (microbiologist) :: Bakteriologe {m}, Bakteriologin {f}
bacteriology {n} (scientific study of bacteria) :: Bakterienkunde {f}
bacteriophage {n} (a virus that infects bacteria) :: Bakteriophage {f}
bacteriostatic {adj} (of or relating to bacteriostasis or a bacteriostat) :: bakteriostatisch
bacterium {n} (single celled organism with no nucleus or organelles) :: Bakterium {n}, Bakterie {f}
Bactria {prop} (Greek name for ancient country) :: Baktrien {n}
Bactrian {n} (a native or inhabitant of Bactria) :: Baktrier {m}, Baktrierin {f}, Baktrer {m}, Baktrerin {f}
Bactrian {prop} (language) :: Baktrisch {n}
Bactrian camel {n} (Camelus bactrianus) :: Trampeltier {n}
baculovirus {n} (virus of the Baculoviridae) :: Baculovirus {n}
baculum {n} (bone found in the penis of some mammals) :: Penisknochen {m}
bad {adj} (unfavorable; negative) :: schlecht, schlimm, übel
bad {adj} (not suitable or fitting) :: schlecht
bad {adj} (not appropriate, of manners etc.) :: schlecht
bad {adj} (tricky; stressful; unpleasant) :: schlecht, unangenehm
bad {adj} (evil, wicked) :: böse
bad {adj} (faulty; not functional) :: schlecht
bad {adj} (of breath: malodorous) :: schlecht
bad {adj} :: schlecht
bad {adj} (spoilt, rotten, overripe) SEE: spoilt ::
bad {adv} (badly) SEE: badly ::
bad apple {n} (a person who is not wholesome) :: schwarzes Schaf {n}, Unheilstifter {m}, fauler Apfel {m}, faules Ei {n}
badass {adj} (belligerent and troublesome) SEE: belligerent ::
Baden {prop} (former state) :: Baden {n}
Baden-Württemberg {prop} (state of Germany) :: Baden-Württemberg {n}
bad faith {n} (intent to deceive or mislead) :: Arglist {f}, arge List {f} [dated, poetic]
badge {n} (distinctive mark) :: Abzeichen {n}
badger {v} (fart) SEE: fart ::
badger {n} (mammal) :: Dachs {m}
badger {v} (pester) :: belästigen, plagen, piesacken
badger {n} (native or resident of Wisconsin) SEE: Wisconsinite ::
bad guy {n} (a villain) :: Bösewicht {m}, Böser {m} [informal]
bad luck {n} (misfortune) :: Pech {n}, Unglück {n}
badly {adv} (in a bad manner) :: schlecht
badly {adj} (ill, unwell) :: schlecht
badly off {adj} (In unfortunate circumstances) :: schlecht dran
badminton {n} (a racquet sport) :: Badminton {n}, Federball {m}
badminton player {n} (a person who plays badminton) :: Badmintonspieler {m}, Badmintonspielerin {f}
badmouth {v} (to criticize or malign, especially unfairly or spitefully) :: schlechtreden, schlechtmachen
badness {n} (the quality of being bad) :: Schlechtigkeit {f}
bad news {n} (news of unpleasant, unfortunate or sad events) :: schlechte Nachrichten {f-p}, Hiobsbotschaft {f}, schlechte Neuigkeiten {f-p}
bad news {n} (irritating person) :: Störenfried {m}
bad-tempered {adj} (having a bad temper) :: schlecht gelaunt
bad trip {n} (psychedelic crisis) :: Horrortrip
badware {n} (malware) SEE: malware ::
Baeumler {prop} :: Bäumler
Bafanji {prop} (language) :: Bafanji {n}
baffle {v} (to totally bewilder; confuse or perplex) :: verblüffen, verdutzen, verwirren, ratlos machen, aus der Fassung bringen, überraschen
baffle {n} (regulating device) :: Schallwand {f}, Leitblech {n}, Abweiser {m}, Umlenkblech {n}, Schwallblech {n}, Strombrecher {m}, Stromstörer {m}, Tauchwand {f}, Prallblech {n}, Schwallwand {f}, Luftleitblech {n}, Spritzblech {n}
baffled {adj} (thoroughly confused, puzzled) :: verwirrt, ratlos, verdutzt
Bafut {prop} (language) :: Bafut {n}, Fut {n}
bag {n} (flexible container) :: Beutel {m}, Tasche {f}, Sack {m}
bag {n} (paper (or plastic) container given or sold to shoppers) :: Tüte {f}
bag {n} (suitcase) SEE: suitcase ::
bag {n} (backpack) SEE: backpack ::
bag and baggage {adv} (with all one's possessions) :: mit Sack und Pack, mit Kind und Kegel
bagatelle {n} (trifle) :: Bagatelle {f}, Kleinigkeit {f}, Nichtigkeit {f}, Geringfügigkeit {f}, Belanglosigkeit {f}, Unwichtigkeit {f}
bagel {n} (toroidal bread roll that is boiled and then baked) :: Bagel {m}
baggage {n} (luggage) SEE: luggage ::
baggage car {n} (A railway vehicle in passenger trains used to carry passengers' heavy luggage) :: Gepäckwagen {m}
baggage cart {n} (luggage cart) SEE: luggage cart ::
baggage claim {n} (designated location for receiving checked luggage) :: Gepäckausgabe {f}, Gepäckrückgabe {f}
baggage reclaim {n} (designated location for receiving checked luggage) SEE: baggage claim ::
baggy {adj} (of clothing, very loose-fitting) :: ausgeleiert
Baghdad {prop} (city) :: Bagdad
Baghdadi {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Baghdad) :: Bagdader, bagdadisch
Baghdadi {n} (person from Baghdad) :: Bagdader {m}, Bagdaderin {f}
Baghdadian {adj} (Baghdadi) SEE: Baghdadi ::
Baghdadian {n} (Baghdadi) SEE: Baghdadi ::
Bagirmi {prop} (language) :: Bagirmi {n}, Baguirmi {n}
bagmaker {n} (manufacturer of bags) :: Beutelmacher {m}, Beutelmacherin {f}
bagna cauda {n} (dip made from anchovies, olive oil and garlic) :: Bagna cauda {f}, Bagna caoda {f}
bag of bones {n} (a skinny person) :: Haut und Knochen [skin and bones]
bagpipe {n} (bagpipes) SEE: bagpipes ::
bagpiper {n} (one who plays the bagpipes) :: Dudelsackspieler {m}, Dudelsackspielerin {f}, Dudelsackpfeifer {m}, Dudelsackpfeiferin {f}
bagpipes {n} (musical wind instrument) :: Dudelsack {m}, Sackpfeife {f}
baguette {n} (a variety of bread that is long and narrow in shape) :: Baguette {n}
Bahá'í {n} (follower of the Bahá'í Faith / follower of Bahá'u'lláh) :: Bahai {m} {f}
Bahamas {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Bahamas {p}
Bahamian {adj} (pertaining to the Bahamas) :: bahamaisch
Bahamian {n} (person from the Bahamas) :: Bahamaer {m}, Bahamaerin {f}
Bahá'í Faith {prop} (religion) :: Bahaitum {n}, Bahaismus {m}
Bahrain {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Bahrain
Bahraini {n} (a person from Bahrain or of Bahraini descent) :: Bahrainer {m}, Bahrainerin {f}
Bahraini {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Bahrain or the Bahraini people) :: bahrainisch
bahuvrihi {n} (type of compound term) :: Besitzkompositum {n}
baiji {n} (freshwater dolphin) :: Baiji {m}, Chinesische Flussdelfin {m}
Baikal {prop} (a large lake in Russia) :: Baikalsee {m}, Baikal {m}
Baikal teal {n} (Anas formosa) :: Samtente {f}
Baikonur {prop} (city and cosmodrome in Kazakhstan) :: Baikonur {n}
bail {n} (security) :: Kaution {f}
baileychlore {n} (yellow-green mineral of the chlorite group) :: Baileychlor
bailiff {n} (steward) SEE: steward ::
bailiff {n} (equivalent officers of the court in foreign contexts) :: Gerichtsvollzieher {m}, Büttel {m} [archaic], Häscher {m} [archaic]
bailiwick {n} (precincts within which a bailiff has jurisdiction) :: vogtei
baillie brushkie {n} (parakeet auklet) SEE: parakeet auklet ::
bail out {v} (To secure the release of an arrested person) :: gegen Bürgschaft freibekommen, durch Kaution freibekommen
bail out {v} (To remove water from a boat by scooping it out) :: schöpfen, ausschöpfen
bail out {v} (To exit an aircraft while in flight) :: abspringen , sich mit dem Schleudersitz retten
bail out {v} (To rescue, especially financially) :: retten, aus der Patsche helfen
bailout {n} (a rescue, especially a financial rescue) :: Notverkauf {m}
bailout {n} (backup supply of air in scuba diving) :: Rettungsaktion {f}
bain-marie {n} (pan containing hot water) :: Bain-Marie {n}, Wasserbad {n}
Baird's sandpiper {n} (Calidris bairdii) :: Bairdstrandläufer {m}
bait {n} (substance used in catching fish) :: Köder {m}
bait {n} (anything which allures) :: Köder {m}, Lockmittel {n}
bait {v} (to attract with bait) :: ködern, anlocken
Bajan {prop} (Barbadian) SEE: Barbadian ::
Bajan {adj} (Barbadian) SEE: Barbadian ::
Bajocian {prop} :: Bajocium
Bačka {prop} (historical region divided between Serbia and Hungary) :: Batschka {f}
bake {v} (to cook in an oven) :: backen
bake {v} (to dry by heat) :: trocknen
baked {adj} (cooked by baking) :: gebacken
baked {adj} (high on cannabis) :: bekifft
baked beans {n} (food) :: Baked Beans
baked goods {n} (bread etc.) :: Backware {f}
baked potato {n} (potato that has been baked) :: Backkartoffel {f}, gebackene Kartoffel {f}
Bakelite {n} (heat-resisting chemically inert resin) :: Bakelit {n}
baker {n} (person who bakes and sells bread, etc) :: Bäcker {m}, Bäckerin {f}
Baker {prop} (Occupational surname) :: Bäcker, Becker, Beck
baker's {n} (bakery) SEE: bakery ::
baker's dozen {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin ::
baker's dozen {n} (group of thirteen) :: Bäckerdutzend {n}
bakery {n} (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) :: Bäckerei {f}
baking {n} (action in which something is baked) :: Backen {n}
baking powder {n} (dry leavening agent used in baking) :: Backpulver {n}
baking soda {n} (common name for sodium bicarbonate) :: Natron {n}, Backnatron {n}
baking tray {n} (oven-proof tray) :: Backblech {n}
bakkie {n} (any light delivery vehicle) :: Bakkie {m}
baklava {n} (sweet pastry) :: Baklava {n} {f}
baksheesh {n} (bribe or tip) :: Bakschisch {n}
bʼakʼtun {n} (Maya calendar period of 144000 days) :: Baktun {n}
Baku {prop} (the capital city of Azerbaijan) :: Baku
Balachka {prop} (Russian regional dialect) :: Balatschka {n}
balaclava {n} (headgear) :: Sturmhaube {f}, Sturmmaske {f}, Skimaske {f} [all common]; Biwakmütze {f}, Balaklava {f} [both less common]
balalaika {n} (Russian instrument) :: Balalaika {f}
balance {n} (equilibrium) :: Balance {f}, Gleichgewicht {n}
balance {n} (scales) :: Waage {f}
balance {n} (awareness of both viewpoints) :: Ausgewogenheit {f}
balance {n} (accounting: list of credits and debits) :: Bilanz {f}, Saldo {m}, Guthaben {n}
balance {v} (to bring to equipoise) :: balancieren
balance {v} (to make concepts agree) :: ausgleichen
balance {v} (to hold precariously) :: balancieren, im Gleichgewicht halten
balance {v} (accounting: to make credits and debits correspond) :: bilanzieren
balance {v} (to estimate) SEE: estimate ::
balance {n} (astrology: Libra) SEE: Libra ::
balance beam {n} (gymnastics: narrow wooden rail) :: Schwebebalken {m}
balance of power {n} (situation of equilibrium) :: Mächtegleichgewicht {n}
balance of trade {n} (difference between the monetary value of exports and imports in an economy over a certain period of time) :: Handelsbilanz {f}
balance sheet {n} (summary of assets, liabilities and equity) :: Bilanz {f}
balance wheel {n} (timepiece mechanism) :: Unruh, Steigerad {n}
balanitis {n} (inflammation of glans penis) :: Balanitis {f}, Eichelentzündung
Balaton {prop} (a lake in Hungary) :: Balaton {m}, Plattensee {f}
balcony {n} (structure extending from a building) :: Balkon {m}
bald {adj} (having no hair) :: kahl, glatzköpfig; [but usually expressed with the noun Glatze: mit Glatze, hat eine Glatze, etc.]
baldacchin {n} (canopy suspended over an altar or throne) :: Baldachin {m}
bald eagle {n} (species of eagle native to North America) :: Weißkopfseeadler {m}
balderdash {n} (nonsense) :: Gefasel {n}
bald-headed {adj} (having a bald head) :: kahlköpfig, glatzköpfig
baldie {n} (somebody who is bald) :: Glatzkopf {m}
baldmoney {n} (Meum athamanticum) :: Bärwurz {f}
baldness {n} (condition or state of being (or becoming) bald) :: Glatze {f}, Glatzköpfigkeit {f}, Haarlosigkeit {f}, Haarlossein {n}, Kahlköpfigkeit {f}, Kahlheit {f}, Calvities {f}, Haarausfall {m} [androgenetischer; beim Mann, bei der Frau], Alopezie {f} [androgenetische; des Mannes], Glatzenbildung {f} [männliche / weibliche], Kargheit {f}, Dürftigkeit {f}, Schmucklosigkeit {f}
baldrick {n} (broad belt) :: Wehrgehänge {n}
Baldrs draumar {prop} (eleventh book of the Poetic Edda) :: Baldrs draumar, Balders Träume
bald spot {n} (area on the head which has little or no hair) :: Kahlstelle {f}
Baldwin {prop} (given name) :: Balduin
bale {v} (to remove water from a boat) SEE: bail ::
bale {n} (rounded bundle of goods) :: Ballen {m}
bale {v} (to wrap into a bale) :: paketieren
Balearic {adj} (of the Balearic Islands) :: balearisch
Balearic Islands {prop} (group of Mediterranean islands) :: Balearische Inseln {p}
baleen {n} (plates in mouth of baleen whale) :: Barte {f}
baleen whale {n} (whale of the Mysticeti suborder) :: Bartenwal {m}
Bali {prop} (island of Indonesia) :: Bali {n}
Balinese {n} (language) :: Balinesisch {n}
Balinese {n} (inhabitant) :: Balinese {m}, Balinesin {f}
Balinese {n} (cat) :: Balinesenkatze {f}
Balinese {adj} (of or relating to Bali, or its inhabitants, language or culture) :: balinesisch
Balinesian {adj} (of Bali) :: Balinesisch
balise {n} :: Balise {f}
balisong {n} (a folding pocket knife) :: Butterflymesser {n}, Butterfly {n}, Balisong
Bali tiger {n} (Panthera tigris balica) :: Balitiger {m}
balk {n} (an unplowed strip of land) :: Rain {m}, Furchenrücken {m}
balk {n} (beam) :: Balken {m}
balk {v} (to stop, check, block) :: verhindern, stoppen, blockieren, behindern, vereiteln, Einhalt gebieten, durchkreuzen
balk {v} (to stop short and refuse to go on) :: verweigern, stoppen, scheuen, stocken
balk {v} (to refuse suddenly) :: sich sperren, zurückweisen
Balkan {adj} (of or relating to the Balkan Peninsula) :: balkanisch
Balkanian {adj} (Balkan) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanic {adj} (of or relating to Balkan peninsula) SEE: Balkan ::
Balkanization {n} (fragmentation of a region into several small states) :: Balkanisierung {f}
Balkanization {n} (any disintegration process) :: Zerfall {m}
Balkanize {v} (to break up) :: zersplittern, balkanisieren
Balkan Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in southeastern Europe, see also: Balkans) :: Balkanhalbinsel {f}, Balkan {m}
Balkans {prop} (geographical region in the southeast of Europe, see also: Balkan Peninsula) :: Balkan {m}
Balkan studies {n} (field of academic study concerned with the Balkans) :: Balkanistik {f}
ball {n} (solid or hollow sphere) :: Kugel {f}, Ball {m} [naut.]
ball {n} (object, generally spherical, used for playing games) :: Ball {m} [hollow or soft], Kugel {f} [hard]
ball {n} (quantity of string, thread, etc., wound into a spherical shape) :: Knäuel {n}
ball {n} (ballistics: a solid nonexplosive missile) :: Kugel {f}
ball {n} (mathematics: set of points in a metric space lying within a given distance of a given point) :: Kugel {f}
ball {n} (testicle) :: Ei {n} [slang]
ball {n} (in plural - mildly vulgar slang - nonsense) :: Mist {m}
ball {n} (anatomy: ball of a foot) :: Fußballen {m}
ball {n} (formal dance) :: Ball {m}
ballad {n} (narrative poem) :: Ballade {f}
ballad {n} (slow romantic song) :: Ballade {f}
ball-and-socket joint {n} (type of joint) :: Kugelgelenk
ballast {n} (heavy material placed in the hold of a vessel) :: Ballast {m}
ballast {n} (material laid to form a bed for a road) :: Bettung {f}, Schotter {m}
ballast {v} (to stabilize a ship with ballast) :: ballasten
ballast {v} (to lay ballast on the bed of a railway track) :: beschottern
ball bearing {n} (bearing assembly with spherical balls) :: Kugellager {n}
ballerina {n} (female ballet dancer) :: Ballerina {f}, Ballettänzerin {f}
ballet {n} (form of dance) :: Ballett {n}
ballet {n} (theatrical presentation) :: Ballett {n}
ballet dancer {n} (a person who dances in ballets) :: Balletttänzer {m}, Balletttänzerin {f}
ballet master {n} :: Ballettmeister
balletomane {n} (a ballet enthusiast) :: Ballettomane {m}
ball game {n} (game played with a ball) :: Ballspiel {n}
ballgame {n} (ball game) SEE: ball game ::
ball girl {n} (female who clears balls) :: Ballmädchen {n}
ballistic {adj} (relating to ballistics) :: ballistisch
ballistic missile {n} (missile) :: Ballistische Rakete {f}
ballistics {n} (science of the study of falling objects) :: Ballistik {f}
ballistic vest {n} (bulletproof vest) SEE: bulletproof vest ::
ball lightning {n} (a short-lived, glowing ball sometimes observed to float in the air) :: Kugelblitz {m}
balloon {n} (slang: woman’s breast) SEE: boob ::
balloon {n} (inflatable and buoyant object) :: Ballon {m}, Luftballon {m}
balloon {n} (child’s toy) :: Ballon {m}, Luftballon {m}
balloon {n} (inflatable object to transport people through the air) :: Heißluftballon {m}
balloon {n} (medicine: sac inserted into part of the body) :: Ballon {m}
balloon {n} (speech bubble) SEE: speech bubble ::
balloonfish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
balloonist {n} (a person who flies in a (hot-air) balloon, balloons) :: Ballonfahrer {m}, Ballonfahrerin {f}, Ballonflieger {m}, Ballonfliegerin {f}
ballot {n} (paper used for vote-casting) :: Stimmzettel {m}
ballot box {n} (a sealed box into which a voter puts a voting slip) :: Wahlurne {f}
ballot paper {n} (voting form) :: Stimmzettel {m}
ballpark {n} (field) :: Stadion {n}, Platz {m}
ballpark {n} (general vicinity) :: Gegend {f}
ballpark {adj} (approximate) :: ungefähr, grob
ballpark {v} (make an estimate) :: abschätzen
ballpark figure {n} (rough estimate) :: Hausnummer {f}
ball pen {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
ball pit {n} (type of play area) :: Bällebad {n}, Bällchenbad {n}, Kugelbad {n}
ballpoint pen {n} (pen) :: Kugelschreiber {m}, Kuli {m}
ballrace {n} :: Laufring {m}
ballroom {n} (large room used for dancing) :: Ballsaal {m}
ballroom {n} (type of elegant dance) :: Standardtanz {m}
balls {n} (follow the translations in the entry "ball") SEE: ball ::
balls {n} (testicles) :: Eier {p}, Klöten {p} {m}
ballsack {n} (scrotum) :: Hodensack {m}
ballsiness {n} (courage) :: Mut {m}, Entschlossenheit {f}, Draufgängertum {n},
balls-up {n} (something which becomes botched in some way) SEE: screwup ::
ballsy {adj} (having balls) :: mutig, draufgängerisch
ballyhoo {n} (noise shouting or uproar) :: Klamauk {m}
ballyhoo {v} (to sensationalise or make grand claims) :: marktschreierisch anpreisen
balm {n} (sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from some plants) SEE: balsam ::
balm {n} (plant or tree yielding such substance) SEE: balsam ::
balm {n} (soothing lotion) SEE: balsam ::
balm {n} (figurative: something soothing) SEE: balsam ::
balmy {adj} (soothing or fragrant) :: lindernd, mildernd, sanft
balmy {adj} (mild and pleasant) :: mild, sanft
balneology {n} (study of baths and bathing) :: Balneologie {f}, Bäderkunde {f}
balneotherapy {n} (treatment of disease by bathing) :: Balneotherapie {f}
Balochistan {prop} (region on the Iranian plateau in south-western Asia) :: Belutschistan {n}
Balochistan {prop} (province of Pakistan) :: Belutschistan {n}
baloney {n} (type of smoked sausage) :: Fleischwurst {f}, Mortadella {f}, Lyoner {f}
baloney {n} (nonsense) :: Quatsch {m}, Käse {m}
balrog {n} (fiery demonic creature) :: Balrog {m}
balsa {n} (a tree) :: Balsabaum {m}
balsa {n} (wood) :: Balsa {n}, Balsaholz {n}
balsam {n} (sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from some plants) :: Heilsalbe {f}, Trost {m}
balsam {n} (soothing ointment) :: Balsam {m}, Trost {m} [metaphorical]
balsam {n} (figurative: something soothing) :: Balsam {m}
balsam {n} (flowering plant of the genus Impatiens) :: Springkraut {n}
balsamic vinegar {n} (a dark, sweet vinegar, made from reduced white wine) :: Balsamessig {m}
Balt {n} (inhabitant of one of the modern Baltic states) :: Balte {m}, Baltin {f}
Baltic {prop} (Baltic Sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
Baltic {adj} (of the Baltic region or sea) :: Ostsee- [in compound words]
Baltic {adj} (pertaining to the Baltic languages) :: baltisch
Baltic {adj} (pertaining to the Balts) :: baltisch
Baltic {prop} (Baltic region, Baltic states) :: Baltikum
Baltic herring {n} (Clupea harengus membras) :: Strömling {m}, Ostseehering {m}
Balticism {n} (word) :: Baltismus, baltisches Lehnwort
Baltic Sea {prop} (a sea) :: Ostsee {f}, Baltisches Meer {n}
Balto-Slavic {adj} (of or pertaining o the Balto-Slavic language, people or culture) :: balto-slawisch
balun {n} (electronic device) :: Balun {m}
baluster {n} (banister) :: Baluster {m}
balustrade {n} (row of balusters) :: Balustrade {f}
Balzacian {adj} (of or pertaining to Honoré de Balzac or his writings) :: balzacisch
Bambara {prop} (language) :: Bambara {n}
bamboo {n} (plant) :: Bambus {m}
bamboo {n} (wood) :: Bambus {m}, Bambusrohr {n}
bamboo antshrike {n} (a passerine bird) :: Bambusameisenwürger {m}
bamboo shoot {n} (edible part of some bamboo types) :: Bambussprossen
bamboozle {v} (to con, defraud, trick) :: beschwindeln, tricksen
ban {v} (forbid) :: verbieten
ban {n} (prohibition) :: Verbot {n}
ban {n} (a subdivision of currency) :: Ban {m}
ban {n} (title used in several states in central and south-eastern Europe) :: Ban {m}, Banus {m}
Banach space {n} (complete normed vector space) :: Banach-Raum {m}
banal {adj} (common) :: banal
banality {n} (quality of being banal) :: Banalität {f}
banality {n} (something which is banal) :: Banalität {f}
banalize {v} (to make banal) :: banalisieren
banally {adv} (in a banal manner) :: banal
banana {n} (fruit) :: Banane {f}
banana {n} (plant) :: Bananenstaude {f}
bananalike {adj} :: bananig
banana peel {n} (outermost layer of the banana) :: Bananenschale {f}
bananaquit {n} (Coereba flaveola) :: Zuckervogel {m}
banana republic {n} (country) :: Bananenrepublik {f}
banana seat {n} ([elongated seat) :: Bananensattel {m}
banana skin {n} (banana skin) SEE: banana peel ::
banana split {n} (A dessert containing a banana cut in half) :: Bananensplit {n}
banat {n} :: Banat {n}
Banat {prop} :: Banat {n}
Banbury story of a cock and a bull {n} (roundabout, nonsensical story) :: eine Geschichte ohne Hand und Fuß (a story without hand and feet)
band {n} (strip of material wrapped around things to hold them together) :: Band {n}
band {n} (part of radio spectrum) :: Frequenzspektrum {n}
band {v} (to fasten with a band) :: binden
band {v} (ornithology: to fasten an identifying band around the leg of) :: beringen
band {n} (group of musicians) :: Band {f}, Kapelle {f}, Musikkapelle {f}, Combo {f}
band {n} (orchestra originally playing janissary music) :: Blaskapelle {f}, Marschkapelle {f}
band {n} (group of people loosely united for a common purpose) :: Bande {f}, Gruppe {f}, Stamm {m}, Trupp {m}, Gemeinde {f}, Mannschaft {f}
band {v} ((intransitive) to group together for a common purpose) :: sich vereinigen, verbinden
bandage {n} (medical binding) :: Verband {m}
bandage {v} (to apply a bandage to something) :: bandagieren
bandage {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid ::
band-aid {n} (adhesive bandage) :: Pflaster {n}, Heftpflaster {n}
band-aid {n} (temporary or makeshift solution) :: Behelfslösung {f}, Behelf {m}, Notlösung {f}, Übergangslösung {f}
bandana {n} (large kerchief) :: Piratenkopftuch {n}, Piratentuch {n}
Bandar Seri Begawan {prop} (capital of Brunei) :: Bandar Seri Begawan {n}
banded {adj} (marked with bands of colour) :: gebändert
banded anteater {n} (numbat) SEE: numbat ::
banded archerfish {n} (Toxotes jaculatrix) :: Schützenfisch {m}, Spritzfisch {m}
banded mongoose {n} (Mungos mungo) :: Zebramanguste {f}
bandgap {n} (physics) :: Bandlücke {f}
bandicoot {n} (small Australian marsupial with a long snout) :: Nasenbeutler {m}
bandit {n} (one who robs others) :: Bandit {m}
banditry {n} (acts characteristic of a bandit) :: Banditentum {n}
bandog {n} (guard dog) SEE: guard dog ::
bandoleer {n} (bandolier) SEE: bandolier ::
bandolier {n} (an ammunition belt) :: Patronengurt {m}, Bandelier {n}, Bandolier {n}, Bandalier {n}
bandoneon {n} (accordion) :: Bandoneon {n}
bandsaw {n} (a saw whose blade is a continuous band) :: Bandsäge {f}
bandstand {n} (platform for bands to play on) :: Pavillon {m}; [specifically for bands also] Musikpavillon {m}
band-tailed antshrike {n} (bird) :: Schulterflecken-Ameisenwürger {m}
bandura {n} (Ukrainian plucked stringed instrument) :: Bandura {f}
bandwagon {n} (Large wagon to carry a band) :: Musikantenwagen {m}
bandwagon {n} ((figuratively) Current movement that attracts wide support) :: erfolgreiche Partei {f}, erfolgreiche Seite {f}
bandwidth {n} (width of a frequency band) :: Bandbreite {f}
bandwidth {n} (width of the smallest frequency band within which the signal can fit) :: Bandbreite {f}
bandwidth {n} (measure of data flow rate in digital networks) :: Bandbreite {f}
bandy {v} (to give and receive reciprocally) :: wechseln, austauschen
bandy {adj} (bowlegged) :: o-beinig
bandy {n} (winter sport played on ice) :: Bandy {n}
bandy-legged {adj} (bow-legged) :: o-beinig
bane {v} (to (kill by) poison) SEE: poison ::
bane {n} (killer) SEE: killer ::
bane {n} (source of harm or ruin; affliction) :: Ruin {m}, Verderben {n}
bane {v} (to be the bane of) :: ruinieren
baneberry {n} (plant) :: Christophskraut {n}
bang {n} (A sudden percussive noise) :: Knall {m}
bang {n} (A strike upon an object causing such a noise) :: Schlag {m}, Hieb {m}
bang {n} (An explosion) :: Knall {m}, Explosion {f}
bang {n} (The symbol !) :: Ausrufzeichen {n}
bang {v} (to make sudden loud noises) :: knallen
bang {v} (to hit hard) :: schlagen
bang {v} (slang: to engage in sexual intercourse) :: bumsen, knallen, ficken
bang {v} (to hammer) :: einschlagen
bang {v} (to cut hair squarely across) :: einen Pony schneiden
bang {interj} (verbal percussive sound) :: peng
Bangalore {prop} (state capital of Karnataka, India) :: Bangalore {n}, Bengaluru {n}
banger {n} (woman's breast) SEE: breast ::
banging {adj} (excellent) :: toll, stark, großartig
Bangkok {prop} (the capital of Thailand) :: Bangkok {n}
Bangla {prop} (Bengali) SEE: Bengali ::
Bangladesh {prop} (country) :: Bangladesch {n}, Bangladesh {n}
Bangladeshi {n} (person from Bangladesh or of Bangladeshi descent) :: Bangladescher {m}, Bangladescherin {f}
Bangladeshi {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Bangladesh) :: bangladeschisch
bangle {n} (a rigid bracelet or anklet, especially one with no clasp) :: Armreif {m}, Armring {m}, Armspange {f}, Armreifen {m}
bang out {v} (to do something quickly) :: zusammenschustern [physical product], herauswürgen [something immaterial yet concrete, e.g., song, speech], zusammenstöpseln
bangs {n} (hair that hangs down over the forehead) :: Pony {m}
bang up {adj} (superior, excellent) :: spitzenmäßig, erstklassig
bang up {v} (to damage) :: zerdeppern, demolieren
banish {v} (to send someone away and forbid that person from returning) :: verbannen, herauswerfen
banish {v} (to expel, especially from the mind) :: vertreiben
banister {n} (the handrail on the side of a staircase) :: Geländer {n}
banister {n} (one of the vertical supports of a handrail) :: Geländerpfosten {m}
banjax {v} (To ruin or destroy) :: ruinieren, zerstören
banjo {n} (a musical instrument) :: Banjo {n}
banjoist {n} (person who plays the banjo) :: Banjospieler {m}, Banjospielerin {f}, Banjoist {m}, Banjoistin {f}
bank {n} (institution) :: Bank {f}
bank {n} (branch office) :: Bank {f}
bank {n} (storage for important goods) :: Bank {f}
bank {n} (edge of river or lake) :: Ufer {n}
bank {n} (an underwater area of higher elevation, a sandbank) :: Bank {f}
bank {n} (embankment, an earth slope) :: Bank {f}
bankable {adj} (reliable) SEE: reliable ::
bank account {n} (fund deposited by a customer for safekeeping in a bank) :: Bankkonto {n}
banked slalom {n} :: Banked-Slalom
banker {n} (one who conducts the business of banking) :: Bankier {m}, Bankierin {f}
banker {n} (money changer) :: Geldwechsler {m}, Geldwechslerin {f}
banker {n} (dealer) :: Bank {f}, Bankhalter {m}, Bankhalterin {f}
bank holiday {n} (a weekday granted to workers as a national holiday) :: Feiertag {m}
bank machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
banknote {n} (paper currency) :: Geldschein {m}, Banknote {f}, Schein {m}
bank robber {n} (one who robs or steals from a bank) :: Bankräuber {m}
bankroll {n} (.A roll of banknotes.) :: Bündel Geldscheine {n}, Geldscheinbündel {n}
bankroll {v} (to fund a project) :: finanzieren, die Kosten übernehmen, für die Kosten aufkommen
bankrupt {adj} (having been legally declared insolvent) :: bankrott
bankrupt {v} (force into bankruptcy) :: in den Konkurs treiben
bankruptcy {n} (legally declared or recognised condition of insolvency) :: Bankrott {m}, Pleite {f}, Konkurs {m}
bank statement {n} (statement of transactions and balances) :: Kontoauszug {m}
bankster {n} :: Bankster {m}
bank swallow {n} (sand martin) SEE: sand martin ::
banner {n} (flag) :: Banner {n}
banner {n} (large sign) :: Spruchband {n}, Transparent {n}
banner {n} (large piece of cloth with a slogan or emblem carried in a demonstration or other procession) :: Spruchband {n}, Transparent {n}, Banderole {f}
banner {n} (cause or purpose; a campaign or movement) :: Banner {n}, Fahne {f}
banner {n} (advertisement on a web page) :: Banner {n}, Werbebanner {n}
banner {n} (principal standard of a knight) :: Standarte {f}
banner {adj} (exceptional; very good) :: herausragend, außerordentlich, hervorragend
banns {n} (the announcement of a forthcoming marriage) :: Aufgebot {n}
banquet {n} (a large celebratory meal; a feast) :: Festmahl {n}, Bankett {n}, Gastmahl {n}
banshee {n} (in Irish folklore, a female spirit) :: Banshee {f}
bantam {n} (chicken) :: Zwerghuhn {n}
bantamweight {n} (weight in sports) :: Bantamgewicht {n}
bantamweight {n} (competitor) :: Bantamgewichtler {m}, Bantamgewicht {n}
banteng {n} (Bos javanicus) :: Banteng
banter {n} (good humoured conversation) :: Gelabere {n} [colloquial], Wortgeplänkel {n}, Geplänkel {n}, Scherz {m}, Neckerei {f}, Ulk {m}, Geplauder {n}, Gelaber {n}
banter {v} (to engage in banter) :: albern, scherzen, plaudern, necken, sich necken, schäkern
banter {v} (to play or do something amusing) :: Spaß haben, sich amüsieren, spielen, sich vergnügen
banter {v} (to tease mildly) :: necken, verulken, auf den Arm nehmen, sich necken, sticheln
Bantu {n} (language family) :: Bantu
bantustan {n} (territory defined as a homeland for black South Africans) :: Bantustan {m} {n}
banya {n} (a Russian steam bath) :: Banja {f}
banzai {interj} (hurrah) SEE: hurrah ::
baobab {n} (Adansonia digitata) :: [monkey bread tree] Affenbrotbaum {m}
Baoulé {prop} (language) :: Baule
Baphomet {prop} (pagan deity) :: Baphomet {m}
baptise {v} (baptise) SEE: baptize ::
baptism {n} (Christian sacrament) :: Taufe {f}
baptismal font {n} (a basin used for baptism) :: Taufbecken {n}
baptismal name {n} (name given at christening) :: Taufname {m}
baptism by fire {n} (baptism of fire) SEE: baptism of fire ::
baptism of desire {n} (the grace given to a believer who ardently desires baptism, but dies before being able to receive it) :: Begierdetaufe {f}
baptism of fire {n} (the first experience of a severe ordeal) :: Feuertaufe {f}
baptist {n} (person who baptizes) :: Täufer {m}, Täuferin {f}
Baptist {n} (adherent of a Protestant denomination (or various subdenominations) of Christianity) :: Baptist {m}, Baptistin {f}
Baptist {adj} (of the Baptist religious denomination) :: baptistisch, Baptisten- [in compound words]
baptistry {n} (space where a baptismal font is located) :: Baptisterium {n}, Taufkapelle {f}, Taufkirche {f}
baptize {v} (To perform the Christian sacrament of baptism) :: taufen
baptize {v} (To dedicate or christen) :: taufen
bar {n} (vertical bar mark) SEE: pipe ::
bar {n} (music: section of a staff) SEE: measure ::
bar {prep} (with the exception of) SEE: except ::
bar {n} (heraldry: one of the ordinaries) SEE: fess ::
bar {n} (soccer: crossbar) SEE: crossbar ::
bar {n} (strikethrough) SEE: strikethrough ::
bar {n} (music: vertical line across a staff) SEE: bar line ::
bar {n} (solid object with uniform cross-section) :: Block {m}, Barren {m}, Stange {f}
bar {n} (metallurgy: solid object of round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular section) :: Barren {m}
bar {n} (rail bar at level crossing) :: Schranke {f}, Schlagbaum {m}
bar {n} (cuboid piece of any commodity) :: Block {m}, Stück {n} [of soap], Tafel {f} [of chocolate]
bar {n} (long, narrow drawn or printed rectangle, cuboid or cylinder) :: Balken {m}, Strich {m}, Streifen {m}
bar {n} (business licensed to sell intoxicating beverages) :: Bar {f}, Kneipe {f}, Austrian: Beisl {n}, Lokal {n}, Gasthaus {n}
bar {n} (counter of such a premises) :: Bar {f}, Theke {f}, Tresen {m}
bar {n} (closet containing alcoholic beverages in a private house or a hotel room) :: Bar {f}
bar {n} (official order prohibiting some activity) :: Verbot {n}
bar {n} (nautical: sand formation) :: Sandbank {f}
bar {v} (to obstruct the passage of) :: blockieren, versperren
bar {v} (to prohibit) :: verbieten
bar {v} (to lock or bolt with a bar) :: versperren
bar {n} (unit of pressure) :: Bar {n}
Barack {prop} (male given name) :: Barack {m}
bar association {n} (an organization of lawyers) :: Rechtsanwaltskammer
barb {n} (bit for a horse) SEE: bit ::
barb {n} (beard or something that resembles a beard) SEE: beard ::
barb {n} (point that stands backward in an arrow, fishhook, etc) :: Widerhaken {m}
Barbadian {n} (person from Barbados) :: Barbadier {m}, Barbadierin {f}
Barbadian {adj} (of or relating to Barbados) :: barbadisch
Barbados {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Barbados {n}
Barbara {prop} (cognates and transliterations of female given name) :: Barbara {f}
barbarian {adj} (uncivilized) :: barbarisch
barbarian {n} (uncivilized person) :: Barbar {m}
barbarian {n} (derogatory term for someone from a developing country) :: Barbar {m}
barbarian {n} (warrior associated with Sword and Sorcery stories) :: Barbar {m}
barbaric {adj} (uncivilised) :: barbarisch
barbarism {n} (barbaric act) :: Barbarei {f}
barbarism {n} (condition of existing barbarically) :: Barbarei {f}
barbarism {n} (error in language use) :: Barbarismus {m}
barbarity {n} (state of being barbarous) :: Barbarei {f}
barbarous {adj} (barbarian) SEE: barbarian ::
barbarous {adj} (barbaric) SEE: barbaric ::
Barbary {prop} (Mediterranean North Africa) :: Berberei {f}, Barbareskenstaaten {m} {p}
Barbary ape {n} (tailless monkey) SEE: Barbary macaque ::
Barbary dove {n} (Streptopelia risoria) SEE: ringneck dove ::
Barbary lion {n} (Panthera leo leo) :: Berberlöwe {m}, Atlaslöwe {m}, Nubischer Löwe {m}
Barbary macaque {n} (Macaca sylvanus) :: Magot {m}, Berberaffe {m}
Barbary sheep {n} (Ammotragus lervia) :: Berberschaf {n}, Mähnenschaf {n}, Mähnenspringer {m}
barbecue {n} (cooking instrument) :: Grill {m}, Barbecue, Grillen {n}, Grillplatte {f}, Grillteller {m}
barbecue {v} (to cook food on a barbecue, see also: ) :: grillen
barbecue {v} (grill) SEE: grill ::
barbecue sauce {n} (type of sauce) :: Barbecuesauce
barbed wire {n} (twisted strands of steel wire) :: Stacheldraht {m}
barbel {n} (fish) :: Barbe
barbell {n} (wide steel bar with premeasured weights) :: Langhantel {f}
barber {n} (person whose profession is cutting (usually male) customers' hair and beards) :: Barbier {m}, Bartschneider {m}, Bartscherer {m}
barber {v} (to cut the hair) :: frisieren, Haare schneiden
barberry {n} (Berberis) :: Berberitze {f}, Sauerdorn {m}, Essigbeere {f}
barber shop {n} (business which offers haircuts to men) SEE: barbershop ::
barbershop {n} (barber's shop) :: Friseurgeschäft {n}, Friseurladen {m}, Herrenfriseurladen {m}, Friseursalon {m}, Herrenfriseursalon {m}
barber surgeon {n} (medical practitioner) :: Feldscher {m}, Feldscherin {f}, Feldscherer {m}, Feldschererin {f}, Bader {m}
barbet {n} (dog) :: Französischer Wasserhund
Barbie {n} (doll) :: Barbie {f}, Barbiepuppe {f}
barbiturate {n} (derivative of barbituric acid that acts as a depressant of the central nervous system) :: Barbiturat {n}, Barbitursäurepräparat {n}
barcarole {n} (Venetian folk song) :: Barkarole {f}, Gondellied {n}
barcarole {n} (piece of music composed in imitation of such a song) :: Barkarole {f}, Gondellied {n}
bar chair {n} (tall chair-like seat) :: Barstuhl {m}
bar chart {n} (graph in the form of boxes of different heights) :: Säulendiagramm {n}, Balkendiagramm {n}
barcode {n} (set of machine-readable parallel bars) :: Strichcode {m}, Balkencode {m}, Barcode {m}
bar-crested antshrike {n} (a passerine bird of the antbird family) :: Streifenameisenwürger {m}
bard {n} (professional poet and singer) :: Barde {m}
bard {n} (fat bacon) :: Barde {f}
bardiche {n} (weapon) :: Berdysch {f}
bardo {n} (state of existence between death and subsequent reincarnation) :: Bardo
bare {adj} (naked, uncovered) :: bar, nackt
bare {adv} (barely) SEE: barely ::
bare-bones {adj} (minimalist) :: minimalistisch, auf ein Minimum reduziert
bare-breasted {adj} (having the breasts and nipples exposed) :: barbusig
barechested {adj} (shirtless) :: mit nacktem Oberkörper
barefoot {adj} (wearing nothing on the feet) :: barfuß, barfüßig
barefoot {adv} (wearing nothing on the feet) :: barfuß, barfüßig
barefoot doctor {n} (farmer with basic medical training) :: Barfußarzt {m}, Barfußärztin {f}
barefooted {adj} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot ::
barefooted {adv} (barefoot) SEE: barefoot ::
bareheaded {adj} (having no covering on the head) :: barhäuptig, barhaupt
barelegged {adj} (having uncovered legs) :: mit nackten Beinen
barely {adv} (by a small margin) :: kaum
barely {adv} (merely) SEE: merely ::
Barents Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean) :: Barentssee {f}
barf {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barf {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
barfly {n} (person who spends much time in a bar) :: Kneipenhocker {m}
bargain {n} (item bought at a low price) :: Schnäppchen {n}
bargain {v} (to make a bargain) :: feilschen, markten [archaic]
bargain bin {n} (container holding miscellaneous discounted merchandise) :: Grabbeltisch {m} [table], Wühltisch {m} [table]
bargaining chip {n} (leverage at negotiations) :: Druckmittel {n}
barge {n} (flat-bottomed bulk carrier mainly for inland waters) :: Lastkahn {m}, Schleppkahn {m}
barge in {v} (to intrude) :: dazwischenplatzen
bar graph {n} (bar chart) SEE: bar chart ::
barista {n} (person who prepares coffee in a coffee shop for customers) :: Barista {m}
barite {n} (mineral) :: Baryt {m}, Barit {m}, Schwerspat {m}
baritone {n} (male voice) :: Bariton {m}
baritone {n} (musical range) :: Bariton {m}
baritone horn {n} (baritone horn) SEE: baritone ::
barium {n} (chemical element) :: Barium {n}
bark {v} (to make a loud noise (dogs)) :: bellen
bark {v} (to speak sharply) :: blaffen, brüllen
bark {n} (short, loud, explosive utterance) :: Bellen {n}, Gebell {n}
bark {n} (figurative: abrupt utterance) :: Bellen {n}, Gebell {n}
bark {n} (exterior covering of a tree) :: Borke {f} [if thicker], Rinde {f} [if thinner]
bark {v} (to strip the bark from, to peel) :: abrinden
bark {n} (three-masted vessel, foremast and mainmast square-rigged, mizzenmast schooner-rigged) :: Bark {f}
bark {v} (to girdle) SEE: girdle ::
bark beetle {n} (beetle of Scolytinae) :: Borkenkäfer {m}
barkeeper {n} (bartender, see also: bartender) :: Barmixer {m}, Barmixerin {f}, Schankwirt {m}, Schankwirtin {f}
barking {n} :: Bellen {n}, Gebell {n}
barking deer {n} (muntjac) SEE: muntjac ::
barking dogs seldom bite {proverb} (people who make threats rarely carry them out) :: Hunde, die bellen, beißen nicht
bark up the wrong tree {v} (bark up the wrong tree) :: auf dem Holzweg sein (to be on the woodway)
barley {n} (Hordeum vulgare or its grains) :: Gerste {f}
barleycorn {n} (grain of barley) :: Gerstenkorn {n}
bar line {n} (vertical line across a staff) :: Taktstrich {m}
barman {n} (bartender) SEE: bartender ::
bar mitzvah {n} (Jewish coming of age ceremony for boys) :: Bar-Mizwa {f}, Bar Mizwa {f}, Bar Mitzwa {f}
barn {n} (child) SEE: child ::
barn {n} (building) :: Scheune {f}, [regional] Scheuer {f}, Stadel {m}, Stall {m}, Schuppen {m}
barn {n} (unit) :: barn {n}
Béarn {prop} (former viscounty) :: Béarn
barnacle {n} (instrument to fix on the nose of a vicious horse) SEE: twitch ::
barnacle {n} (barnacle goose) SEE: barnacle goose ::
barnacle {n} (marine crustacean) :: Rankenfüßer {m}, Rankenfußkrebs {m}, Seepocke {f}
barnacle goose {n} (Branta leucopsis) :: Weißwangengans {f}, Nonnengans {f}
Barnaul {prop} (city in Russia) :: Barnaul {n}
barn owl {n} (Tyto alba) :: Schleiereule {f}
barn swallow {n} (species of swallow) :: Rauchschwalbe {f}
bar of chocolate {n} (chocolate bar) SEE: chocolate bar ::
bar of chocolate {n} (slab of chocolate) :: Schokoriegel {m}
Barolo {n} (wine made from Nebbiolo grapes) :: Barolo {m}
barometer {n} (an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure) :: Barometer {n}
barometric {adj} (of or pertaining to atmospheric pressure) :: barometrisch
barometz {n} (half-animal and half-plant said to grow in the form of a sheep, see also: vegetable lamb) :: Baumlamm {n}, Pflanzliches Lamm {n}, Skythisches Lamm {n}
barometz {n} (Cibotium barometz) :: chinesischer Schatullenfarn {m}
baron {n} (male ruler of a barony) :: Baron {m}, Freiherr {m}
baroness {n} (female ruler of a barony) :: Baronin {f}, Baronesse {f}
barony {n} (a dominion ruled by a baron or baroness) :: Baronie {f}, Baronat {n}
Baroque {adj} (relating or belonging to the Baroque period) :: barock, Barock-
Baroque {prop} (period in architecture) :: Barock {m} {n}
Baroque {prop} (period in art) :: Barock {m} {n}
Baroque {prop} (period in music) :: Barock {m} {n}
Baroque guitar {n} (archaic form of guitar from the Baroque era) :: Barockgitarre {f}
baroque organ {n} (type of pipe organ) :: Barockorgel {f}, barocke Pfeifenorgel {f}, Barockpfeifenorgel {f}
Baroque period {prop} (Baroque period) :: Barockzeit {f}, Barockepoche {f}, Barockzeitalter {n}
baroscope {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
barotrauma {n} (tissue damage caused by air pressure difference) :: Barotrauma {n}
barquentine {n} (sailing vessel) :: Schonerbark {?}
barrack {n} (a building for soldiers) :: Kaserne {f}, Baracke {f}
barrack {n} (simple, low structure) :: Baracke {f}
barracks {n} (buildings used by military personnel) SEE: barrack ::
barracks emperor {n} (emperor who seized power by virtue of his command of the army) :: Soldatenkaiser {m}
barracuda {n} (predatory competitor) SEE: shark ::
barrage {n} (artificial obstruction, such as a dam, in a river) :: Stauwehr {n}
barrage {n} (heavy curtain of artillery fire) :: Sperrfeuer {n}
barramundi {n} (species of diadromous fish) :: Barramundi {m}
barrator {n} (who vexes others with frequent and needless lawsuits) :: Querulant
barre chord {n} (a guitar chord) :: Barrégriff, Barreegriff, Quergriff
barred antshrike {n} (a passerine bird) :: Bindenameisenwürger {m}
barred spiral galaxy {n} (spiral galaxy) :: Balkenspiralgalaxie {f}
barred warbler {n} (Sylvia nisoria) :: Wüstengrasmücke {f}
barrel {n} (tube) SEE: tube ::
barrel {n} (jar) SEE: jar ::
barrel {n} (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop) :: Fass {n}, Tonne {f}, Gebinde {n}
barrel {n} (quantity) :: Barrel {n}
barrel {n} (solid drum, hollow cylinder or case) :: Trommel {f}, Hohlzylinder {m}, Gehäuse {n}, Hülse {f}, Gewindehülse {f}, Zylinder {m}, Walze {f}, Rohr {n}, Rolle {f}, Schaft {m}, Pinole {f}
barrel {n} (metallic tube of a gun) :: Lauf {m}, Gewehrrohr {n}
barrel {n} (zoology: hollow basal part of a feather) :: Federspule {f}, Spindel {f}
barrel {n} (part of a clarinet) :: Birne {f}, Fass {n}, Fässchen {n}
barrel {n} (surfing: wave that breaks with a hollow compartment) :: Walze {f}
barrel {n} (waste receptacle) :: Abfallbehälter {m}, Abfalltonne {f}, Abfalleimer {m}, Mülltonne {f}, Mülleimer {m}, Mistkübel {m}
barrel {n} (ribs and belly of a horse or pony) :: Rumpf {m}
barrel {v} (to move quickly or in an uncontrolled manner) :: rasen, sausen, zischen, schießen, rumpeln, brausen, donnern
barrel bomb {n} :: Fassbombe {f}
barrel organ {n} (pipe instrument with air controlled pins in a revolving barrel) :: Drehorgel {f}, Leierkasten {m}
barrel roll {n} (aerobatic maneuver) :: Fassrolle {f}
barrel vault {n} (architecture) :: Tonnengewölbe {n}
barren {adj} (unable to bear children; sterile) :: steril, unfruchtbar
barren {adj} (infertile) :: unfruchtbar, dürr, karg
barren {adj} (bleak) :: ausgetrocknet, vertrocknet, trocken, dürr, kahl, ausgedörrt, karg
barren {n} (area of low fertility and habitation, a desolate place) :: Ödland {n}, Öde {f}, Kargland {n}
barrette {n} (A clasp or clip for gathering and holding the hair) :: Haarspange {f}, Haarklammer {f}
barricade {n} (a barrier constructed across a road, especially as a military defence) :: Barrikade {f}
barricade {n} (an obstacle, barrier or bulwark) :: Barrikade {f}
barricade {v} (to close or block a road etc., using a barricade) :: verbarrikadieren
barrier {n} (structure that bars passage) :: Sperre {f}, Schranke {f}, [on level crossings] Schlagbaum {m}, Barriere {f}
barrier {n} (obstacle or impediment) :: Barriere {f}, Hindernis {n}, Hürde {f}
barrier {n} (boundary or limit) :: Grenze {f}
barrister {n} (lawyer with the right to speak as an advocate in higher lawcourts) :: Barrister {m}, Anwalt {m}, Anwältin {f}, Rechtsanwalt {m}, Rechtsanwältin {f}
barroom {n} (room serving alcoholic drinks) :: Schankstube {f}, Bar {f}, Schankraum {m}
barrow {n} (mound of earth and stones raised over a grave) :: Grabhügel {m}
barrow {n} (small vehicle used to carry a load and pulled or pushed by hand) :: Karren {m}, Karre {f}
barrow {n} (castrated boar) :: Borg {m}
bars {n} (grating, grill, grid) :: Gitter {n}
barse {n} (fish) :: Barsch {m}
bar shot {n} (double-headed shot connected by a bar) :: Stangenkugel {f}
bar stool {n} (stool used for sitting) :: Barhocker {m}, Barstuhl {m}
barstool {n} (bar stool) SEE: bar stool ::
bar-tailed godwit {n} (bar-tailed godwit) :: Pfuhlschnepfe {f}
bartender {n} (person who works in a bar) :: Barkeeper {m}, Barmann {m}, Barmixer {m}
barter {n} (exchange of goods or services) :: Tauschhandel {m}, Tauschgeschäft {n}
barter {n} (goods or services) :: Tauschware {f}
barter {v} (exchange goods or services without involving money) :: tauschen
Bartholomew {prop} (the Apostle) :: Bartholomäus {m} [Catholic], Bartolomäus {m} [Protestant]
Bartholomew {prop} (male given name) :: Bartholomäus
Bartonian {prop} :: Bartonium
bar-winged rail {n} (bird) :: Fidjiralle {f}
barytes {n} (barite) SEE: barite ::
basal {adj} (associated with the base of an organism or structure) :: basal
basalt {n} (hard rock) :: Basalt {m}
basaltic {adj} (relating to basalt) :: basaltisch
bascule bridge {n} (type of movable bridge) :: Klappbrücke {f}
base {n} (something from which other things extend) :: Basis {f}, Grundlage {f}
base {n} (starting point of thought) :: Basis {f}, Grundlage {f}
base {n} (permanent structure for housing military) :: Kaserne {f}, Basis {f}, Stützpunkt {m}
base {n} (headquarters) :: Basis {f}
base {n} (chemical compound that will neutralize an acid) :: Base {f}
base {n} (geometry: lowest side or face) :: Basis {f}
base {n} (heraldic charge: lowest third of a shield or escutcheon) :: Schildfuß {m}
base {n} (heraldry: lower part of the field) :: Schildfuß {m}
base {v} (have as its foundation or starting point) :: basieren
base {n} (bass) SEE: bass ::
base {n} (apron) SEE: apron ::
base {n} (radix) SEE: radix ::
baseball {n} (ball game) :: Baseball {m}
baseball bat {n} (device which is swung to try to make contact with baseballs) :: Baseballschläger {m}
baseball cap {n} (cap) :: Baseballkappe {f} {n}, Basecap {f} {n}
baseband {n} (frequency range) :: Basisband {n}
baseband {n} (transmission method) :: Basisbandübertragung {f}
baseboard {n} (panel or molding between floor and interior wall) SEE: skirting board ::
base class {n} :: Basisklasse {f}
based {adj} (founded on) :: basiert, fundiert
BASE jumping {n} (extreme sport) :: Base-Jumping {n}, Objektspringen {m}, Objektsprung {m}
Basel {prop} (city in Switzerland) :: Basel {n}
Basel-Country {prop} (canton) :: Basel-Landschaft
baseless {adj} (based on something that is not true) SEE: unfounded ::
baseline {n} (datum used as the basis for calculation or for comparison) :: Ausgangswert {m}, Bezugswert {m}
baseline {n} (line used as the basis for the alignment of glyphs) :: Schriftlinie {f}, Grundlinie {f}
baseline {n} (tennis: chalk line at the farthest ends of the court indicating the boundary of the area of play) :: Grundlinie {f}
baseline {n} ((engineering) something established and documented as a point of reference) :: Grundwerte {m-p}, Vergleichsbasis {f}, Basiswert {m}, Basislinie {f}, Ausgangsbasis {f}, Basisszenario {n}, Grundlage {f}
Basel-Stadt {prop} (canton) :: Basel-Stadt
basement {n} (floor below ground level) :: Keller {m}, Untergeschoss {n}, Kellergeschoss {n}
basement {n} (mass of rock) :: Grundgebirge {n}
base note {n} (The heavily volatile and thus most-lasting parts of a perfume, often of ligneous, resinous or animalic nature) :: Grundnote {f}, Basisnote {f}, Nachgeruch {m}
base on {v} (to ground (an opinion etc.)) :: auf etwas stützen
base rent {n} (Rent paid before inclusion of other factors) :: Kaltmiete
bash {v} (collide) SEE: collide ::
bashful {adj} (inclined to avoid notice) :: schüchtern, verlegen, scheu
bashfulness {n} (the quality or property of being bashful) :: Scham {f}
Bashkir {prop} (language) :: Baschkirisch {n}
Bashkiria {prop} (Bashkortostan) SEE: Bashkortostan ::
Bashkortostan {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Baschkortostan {n}
Bashkortostani {adj} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
Bashkortostani {n} (Bashkir) SEE: Bashkir ::
bashlyk {n} (protective cone-shaped hood) :: Baschlik {m}
bash up {v} (assault someone with the intention of causing physical injury) :: verprügeln, verhauen, verdreschen
basic {adj} (necessary, essential for life or some process) :: grundlegend, elementar, wesentlich
basic {adj} (elementary, simple, merely functional) :: einfach, simpel, anspruchslos, funktional, elementar
basic {adj} (chemistry: of a base) :: basisch
basically {adv} (in a fundamental or basic manner) :: im Prinzip
basic income {n} (basic income) :: Grundeinkommen {n}
basic rate interface {n} :: ISDN-Basisaschluss {m}
basic research {n} (type of research) :: Grundlagenforschung {f}
basidiomycete {n} (fungus of phylum Basidiomycota) :: Ständerpilz {m}
basil {n} (plant) :: Basilikum
basil {n} (herb) :: Basilikum {m}
basilean {n} (partisan of a king) SEE: royalist ::
basilect {n} (variety of a language that has diverged greatly from the standard form) :: Basilekt {m}
basilica {n} (Christian church building having a nave) :: Basilika {f}
basilisk {n} (snake-like dragon type) :: Basilisk {m}
basin {n} (wide bowl for washing) :: Becken {n}, Waschbecken {n}
basin {n} (shallow bowl for a single serving) :: Schüssel {f}
basin {n} (area of land that drains into a common outlet) :: Einzugsgebiet {n}, Einzugsbecken {n}
basis {n} (starting point for an argument) :: Basis {f}, Grundlage {f}
basis {n} (underlying condition) :: Basis {f}, Grundlage {f}
basis {n} (linearly independent, spanning set of vectors) :: Basis {f}
bask {v} (to take great pleasure or satisfaction; to feel warm or happiness) :: genießen
basket {n} (container) :: Korb {m}
basket {n} (wire or plastic container for carrying articles for purchase) SEE: shopping basket ::
basketball {n} (the sport) :: Basketball {m}
basketball player {n} (person who plays basketball) :: Basketballspieler {m}, Basketballer {m}
basket case {n} (one made powerless or ineffective, as by nerves, panic or stress) :: Nervenbündel {n}
basket case {n} (in a bad condition) :: hoffnungsloser Fall {m}
basketmaker {n} (person who weaves baskets) :: Korbmacher {m}, Korbmacherin {f}, Korbflechter {m}, Korbflechterin {f}
basketweaver {n} (one who takes part in the craft of basketweaving) :: Korbflechter {m}, Korbflechterin {f}
basking shark {n} (Cetorhinus maximus) :: Riesenhai {m}
Basler {n} (someone from Basel) :: Basler {m}, Baslerin {f}
Basmachi {prop} (a rebel against the Russian or Soviet rule in Central Asia) :: Basmatschi {m}
Basque {n} (language) :: Baskisch {n}
Basque {n} (member of a people) :: Baske {m}, Baskin {f}
Basque {adj} (relative to the Basque people or their language) :: baskisch
Basque Country {prop} (geographical region in Spain and France) :: Baskenland {n}
Basque Country {prop} (the region where the Basque language is spoken) :: Baskenland {n}
Basque Country {prop} (autonomous community within Spain) :: Baskenland {n}
Basque Shepherd Dog {n} (Basque Shepherd Dog) :: Baskischer Schäferhund {m}
bass {adj} (low in pitch) :: bass
bass {n} (low spectrum of sound) :: Bass {m}, Baß {m} [older spelling]
bass {n} (section of musical group) :: Bass {m}, Baß {m} [older spelling]
bass {n} (singer) :: Bass {m}, Baß {m} [older spelling]
bass {n} (musical instrument) :: Bass {m}, Baß {m} [older spelling]
bass {n} (clef sign) :: Baßschlüssel {m}, Bassschlüssel {m}
bass {n} (perch) :: Barsch {m}
bass clarinet {n} (bass instrument in the clarinet family) :: Bassklarinette {f}
bass clef {n} (music symbol) :: Bassschlüssel {m}
bass drum {n} (large drum with a low pitch) :: große Trommel {f}
Basse-Terre {prop} (capital city of Guadeloupe) :: Basse-Terre
basset horn {n} (alto instrument of the clarinet family) :: Bassetthorn {n}
bass fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bass guitar {n} (stringed musical instrument) :: Bassgitarre {f}, Bass {m}
bassist {n} (musician) :: Bassist {m}
basso continuo {n} (continuous realization of harmony) :: Generalbass {m}, Basso continuo {m}
bassoon {n} (musical instrument in the woodwind family) :: Fagott {n}
bassoonist {n} (person who plays the bassoon) :: Fagottist {m}, Fagottistin {f}, Fagottspieler {m}, Fagottspielerin {f}
bass viol {n} (musical instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bass violin {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
basswood {n} (linden) :: Linde {f}
bast {n} (fibre made from the phloem of certain plants) :: Bast {m}
bastard {n} (longsword) SEE: longsword ::
bastard {n} (person born to unmarried parents) :: Bastard {m}, Bastardin {f}, Bankert {m} [colloquial], Kegel {m} [archaic]
bastard {n} (contemptible etc. person) :: Bastard {m}, Mistkerl {m}, Arsch {m}, Hurensohn {m}
bastard {n} (humorously: man, fellow) :: Bastard {m}
bastard {interj} (exclamation of dismay) :: (Du) Bastard!
bastard sugar {n} (type of sugar) :: Bastern
baste {v} (sew with long or loose stitches) :: heften
Bastet {prop} (ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility) :: Bastet {f}
Bastian {prop} (Cognates to Bastian) :: Bastian
bastille {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
bastille {n} (fortress) SEE: fortress ::
bastille {n} (citadel) SEE: citadel ::
bastion {n} (projecting part of a rampart) :: Bastion {f}
bastion {n} (well-fortified position) :: Bastion {f}
bastion {n} (person who strongly defends some principle) :: Bastion {f}
bastnaesite {n} (mineral) :: Bastnäsit {n}
bat {n} (small flying mammal) :: Fledermaus {f}
bat {n} (club used for striking the ball in sports) :: Schläger {m}, [colloquial] Keule {f}
bat {v} (hit) :: schlagen
bat an eyelid {v} (to react in any slight way) :: mit der Wimper zucken
batch {n} (quantity of baked goods made at one time) :: Liefermenge {f}, Stapel {m}
batch {n} (quantity of anything produced in one operation) :: Partie {f}
batch file {n} (file containing instructions for OS) :: Batchdatei {f}
batch processing {n} (the execution of a series of programs) :: Stapelverarbeitung {f}
bate {v} (simple past of beat) SEE: beat ::
bate {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate ::
bateleur {n} (Terathopius ecaudatus) :: Gaukler {m}
batfish {n} (fish of the genus Platax) :: Fledermausfisch {m}
bath {n} (tub) :: Badewanne {f}
bath {n} (room) :: Bad {n}
bath {n} (act of bathing) :: Bad {n}, Baden {n}
bath {v} (To wash a person or animal in a bath) :: baden
bathe {v} (to clean oneself with water) :: sich baden, sich waschen
bathe {v} (to immerse oneself in water) :: baden
bathe {v} (to clean a person by immersion in water) :: baden
bathe {v} (to apply water to) :: waschen
bathe {v} (to cover or surround) :: baden
bathe {n} (act of bathing) :: Bad {n}
bathe {v} (to sunbathe) SEE: sunbathe ::
bather {n} (One who bathes or swims) :: Badender {m}, Badende {f}, Schwimmer {m}, Schwimmerin {f}, [nude] Nacktbader {m}, [nude] Nacktbaderin {f}
bathhouse {n} (a building with baths for communal use) :: Badehaus {n}, Bad {n}, Badeanstalt {f}
bathing {n} (act of bathing) :: Baden {n}
bathing beauty {n} (attractive woman in bathing suit) :: Badenixe {f}, Badeschönheit {f}
bathing cap {n} (cap worn by swimmers) SEE: swim cap ::
bathing machine {n} (portable changing room) :: Badekarre {f}, Badekarren {m}
bathing suit {n} (tight fitting garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit ::
bathing trunks {n} (pair of shorts or briefs) SEE: swimming trunks ::
Bathonian {prop} :: Bathonium
bathos {n} (depth) SEE: depth ::
bathos {n} (nadir) SEE: nadir ::
bathos {n} (unintentional failure at artistic effect) :: Bathos
bathrobe {n} (terrycloth robe) :: Bademantel {m}
bathroom {n} (a room with a bathtub) :: Badezimmer {n}, Bad {n}
bathroom {n} (room with a toilet) SEE: toilet ::
bathroom scales {n} (flat floor-mounted scales) :: Personenwaage {f}, Badezimmerwaage {f}
bath salt {n} (inorganic salt) :: Badesalz {n}
Bathsheba {prop} (biblical character) :: Bathseba, Batseba
bath towel {n} (towel for drying the body) :: Badetuch {n}
bathtub {n} (large container in which a person may bathe) :: Badewanne {f}
bathymetry {n} (the measurement of the depths of the seas) :: Bathymetrie {f}
bathyscaphe {n} (self-propelled deep-sea submersible) :: Bathyscaph {m}, Bathyskaph {m}
bathysphere {n} (diving chamber) :: Bathysphäre {f}
batik {n} (A method of dyeing fabric) :: Batik {f} {m}
batik {v} (to dye fabric using the wax-resist method) :: batiken
batman {n} (servant to an army officer) :: Ordonnanz {f}, Ordonanz {f}
batman {n} (former unit of weight) :: Batman {m}
Batman {prop} (the bat-themed hero) :: Batman
bat mitzvah {n} (Jewish coming of age ceremony for a girl) :: Bat-Mizwa
baton {n} (music: conductor's stick) :: Taktstock {m}
baton {n} (sports: object transferred by relay runners) :: Stab {m}
baton {n} (club of the police) :: Schlagstock {m}, Knüppel {m}
Bats {prop} (language) :: Batsische {n}
batshit {adj} (insane) :: durchgeknallt
battalion {n} (army unit) :: Bataillon {n}, Sanitätsbataillon {n} [medical]
battalion {n} (any large body of troops) :: Bataillon {n}
batten {v} (to become better) :: gedeihen
batten {v} (to thrive by feeding; grow fat) :: fett werden, sich mästen
batten {v} (to prosper, especially at the expense of others) :: schmarotzen, gedeihen
batten {v} (to gratify a morbid appetite or craving) :: sich an etwas weiden, sich ergötzen
batten {v} (to improve by feeding; fatten) :: mästen
batten {n} (thin strip of wood used in construction) :: Latte {f}, Leiste {f}, Dachlatte {f}, Diele {f}
batten {n} (nautical: long strip that keeps a sail flat) :: Latte {f}, Segellatte {f}
batten {n} (weaving: the movable bar of a loom) :: Lade {f}, Weberlade {f}
batten {v} (to fasten or secure a hatch using battens) :: Schotten dicht machen
Battenberger {n} (someone from Battenberg) :: Battenberger {m}, Battenbergerin {f}
batter {v} (to hit or strike violently and repeatedly) :: prügeln
batter {v} (to coat with batter) :: panieren, einbacken
batter {n} (beaten mixture of flour and liquid) :: Backteig {m}, Panade {f}
batter {n} (binge) :: Gelage {n}, Trinkgelage {n}, Saufgelage {n}, Besäufnis {n}
batter {n} (player attempting to hit the ball) :: Batter {m}
battered {adj} (beaten up through a lot of use) :: abgewetzt, abgenutzt, zerschlissen, zerbeult
battered {adj} (beaten repeatedly or consistently) :: ramponiert, zusammengehauen, zusammengeschlagen, übel zugerichtet, angeschlagen, zerbeult
battering ram {n} (type of siege engine used to smash gates and walls) :: Rammbock {m}, Sturmbock {m}
battery {n} (device storing electricity) :: Batterie {f}
battery {n} (legal: act of unlawful violence) :: Körperverletzung {f}, tätlicher Angriff {m}
battery {n} (coordinated group of artillery) :: (Artillerie) Batterie {f}
battery {n} (set of cages for hens) :: Legebatterie {f}
battery-powered {adj} (powered by battery) :: batteriebetrieben
battle {n} (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat) :: Schlacht {f}, Kampf {m}, Gefecht {n}
battle {n} (struggle; a contest; as, the battle of life) :: Kampf {m}
battle {v} ((intransitive) to join in battle; to contend in fight) :: kämpfen
battle {v} ((transitive) to assail in battle; to fight) :: bekämpfen, bekriegen
battle-ax {n} (battle axe) SEE: battle axe ::
battle axe {n} (electric guitar) SEE: electric guitar ::
battle axe {n} (ancient military weapon) :: Streitaxt {f}
battle-cruiser {n} (type of warship) :: Schlachtkreuzer {m}
battle cry {n} (something the troops yell out when going to war or battle) :: Schlachtruf {m}, Kampfruf {m}, Schlachtgeschrei {n}, Feldgeschrei {n}
battledore {n} (The racket used in this game) :: Federballschläger {m}
battle fatigue {n} (psychiatric condition) :: Kriegstrauma {n}
battlefield {n} (field of a land battle) :: Schlachtfeld {n}
battlefront {n} (line along which opposing armies engage in combat) :: Front {f}
battleground {n} (location) SEE: battlefield ::
battlement {n} (indented parapet formed by a series of rising members) :: Befestigung {f}, Festungsmauer {f}, Mauerzinne {f}, Zinne {f}
Battle of Britain {prop} (series of air engagements between the British Royal Air Force and the German Luftwaffe during World War II) :: Luftschlacht um England {f}
battle of the sexes {n} (any competition between males and females) :: Geschlechterkampf {m}
battle of the sexes {n} (game theory) :: Kampf der Geschlechter
battleplan {n} (strategy and tactics to be used in a battle) :: Schlachtplan {m}
battleship {n} (warship) :: Schlachtschiff {n}. Schlachtschiff is used for dreadnought battleships, Linienschiff is used for pre-dreadnought battleships.
battleship {n} (guessing game) :: Schiffe versenken
bauble {n} (small shiny spherical decoration, commonly put on Christmas trees) :: Christbaumkugel {f}
baud {n} (A rate defined as the number of signalling events per second) :: Baud {m}
Baudelairean {adj} (of or pertaining to Baudelaire or his works) :: baudelairisch
Bauhaus {prop} (modernist style) :: Bauhaus {n}
Baumgartner {prop} (surname) :: Baumgartner
Baumkuchen {n} (a kind of layered cake) :: Baumkuchen {m}
Baumler {prop} :: Bäumler
Bautzen {prop} (city in Germany) :: Bautzen {n}
bauxite {n} (ore) :: Bauxit {m}
Bavaria {prop} (state) :: Bayern {n}
Bavarian {adj} (of or pertaining to Bavaria) :: bayrisch, bayerisch
Bavarian {n} (person from Bavaria or of Bavarian descent) :: Bayer {m}, Bayerin {f}
Bavarian {prop} (German dialect) :: Bairisch {n} [philological], bairische Mundart {f}, baierische Mundart {f}
Bavarian Forest {prop} (region of Bavaria) :: Bayerischer Wald {m}
Bavarian mountain hound {n} (breed of dog) :: Bayerischer Gebirgsschweißhund {m}
bavarois {n} (pudding) :: Creme {f}
bawdily {adv} (in a bawdy manner) :: obszön, schlüpfrig
bawdy {adj} (obscene) :: unanständig
bawl {v} ((intransitive) To shout or utter in a loud and intense manner) :: schreien, brüllen
bawl {v} ((intransitive) To wail; to give out a blaring cry) :: heulen, brüllen
bay {n} (shrub) :: Lorbeer {m}
bay {n} (herb) :: Lorbeerblatt {n}, Lorbeer {m}
bay {n} (body of water) :: Golf {m}, Bucht {f}, Meerbusen {m}
bayan {n} (a Russian accordion) :: Bajan {n}
bay cat {n} (Catopuma badia) :: Borneo-Goldkatze {f}
Bayer designation {n} (stellar designation) :: Bayer-Bezeichnung {f}
bay leaf {n} (herb) :: Lorbeerblatt {n}
Bay of Bengal {prop} (Large bay in the northeastern Indian Ocean) :: Golf von Bengalen {m}
Bay of Biscay {prop} (gulf) :: Golf von Biskaya {m}, Biskaya {f}
Bay of Mecklenburg {prop} (bay in the Baltic Sea) :: Mecklenburger Bucht {f}
bayonet {n} (weapon) :: Bajonett {n}
bay window {n} (type of window) :: Erker, Erkerfenster {n}
bazaar {n} (marketplace) :: Basar {m}, Markt {m}
bazooka {n} (American shoulder fired rocket grenade launcher) :: Bazooka {f}
bazooka {n} (any shoulder fired rocket grenade launcher) :: Panzerfaust {f}, Raketenpanzerbüchse {f}, Bazooka {f}
B battery {n} (battery to provide plate voltage) :: Anodenbatterie {f}
BBC {prop} (British Broadcasting Corporation) :: BBC {f}
BB cream {n} (facial cosmetic product) :: BB Cream {f}
BBS {n} (bulletin board system) :: Mailbox {f}
BC {adv} (before Christ) :: v. Chr. (vor Christus, vor Christo)
BCE {adv} (before the common era) :: v. u. Z. (vor unserer Zeitrechnung)
béchamel sauce {n} (white sauce made with butter, flour and milk) :: Béchamelsoße {f}, Bechamelsoße {f}, Milchsoße {f}
BDSM {n} (sexual practice) :: BDSM
Będzin {prop} (the town Będzin) :: Bendzin
Będzin {prop} (the village Będzin) :: Louisenhöhe
be {v} (occupy a place) :: sein; sich befinden
be {v} (occur, take place) :: sein; stattfinden
be {v} (exist) :: sein, existieren
be {v} (have a certain age) :: sein
be {v} (elliptical form of "be here", or similar) :: sein
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject and object are the same) :: sein
be {v} (used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same) :: sein
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal) :: sein
be {v} (used to connect a noun to an adjective that describes it) :: sein
be {v} (used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase) :: sein
be {v} (used to form the passive voice) :: werden
be {v} (used to form the continuous forms of various tenses) :: sein
be {v} ((archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs) :: sein
be {v} (used to form future tenses, especially the future subjunctive) :: sein, werden
be {v} (used to link a subject to a count or measurement) :: sein
be {v} (used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like) :: sein
be able to {v} (have ability to) :: können, in der Lage sein
beach {n} (sandy shore) :: Strand {m}
beach {v} (to run something aground on a beach) :: stranden
beach ball {n} (a large light inflatable ball used in beach games) :: Wasserball {m}
beachcomber {n} (seaman who hangs around port areas living off the charity of others) :: Strandräuber {m}
beachcomber {n} (loafer around a waterfront) :: Strandfaulenzer {m}
beach party {n} (party on the beach) :: Beachparty {f}
beach soccer {n} (variant of soccer) :: Beachsoccer {n}
beach volleyball {n} (sport) :: Beachvolleyball
beacon {n} (signal fire) :: Leuchtfeuer
beacon {n} (high hill or similar) :: Bake {f}
bead {n} (pierced small round object) :: Perle {f}
bead {n} (small drop of liquid) :: Tropfen {m}
bead tree {n} (Melia azedarach) :: Zedrachbaum
beak {n} (structure projecting from a bird's face) :: Schnabel {m}
beak {n} (similar structure in an octopus) :: Schnabel {m}
beak {n} (slang: human nose) SEE: schnozzle ::
beaked whale {n} (whales in the family Ziphiidae) :: Schnabelwal {m}
beaker {n} (flat-bottomed vessel) :: Becherglas {n}
beaker {n} (drinking vessel without a handle) :: Becher {m}
beaker {n} (mug) :: Becher {m}
beakhead {n} (protruding part at the bow of a sailing ship) :: galion
be all about {v} (deal with) :: gehen um, sich drehen um
be all about {v} (be interested in) :: abfahren auf [colloquial]
be-all and end-all {n} (Something considered to be of the utmost importance) :: Wichtigste {n}, Größte {n}, Höchste {n}, Daseinsgrund {m}, Maß aller Dinge {n}
be all ears {v} (to listen carefully or eagerly; to anticipate) :: ganz Ohr sein
beam {n} (large piece of timber or iron) :: Balken {m}
beam {n} (ray) :: Strahl {m}
beam {n} (connector of notes) :: Balken {m}
beam {v} (to emit light) :: strahlen
beam {v} (to smile broadly) :: strahlen
beam {v} (scifi: to transmit over high-tech wireless mechanism) :: beamen
beam {v} (weaving: to put on a beam) :: beamen
bean {n} (plant of Fabaceae that produces edible seeds or pods) :: Bohnenpflanze {f}
bean {n} (seed) :: Bohne {f}
bean {n} (software: short for JavaBean) :: Bean {f}
bean {n} (guinea coin) SEE: guinea ::
beanbag {n} (piece of furniture) :: Beanbag {m}
bean curd {n} (tofu) SEE: tofu ::
bean goose {n} (Anser fabalis) :: Saatgans {f}
beanie {n} (cap that fits the head closely) :: Beanie {f}
beanpole {n} (pole) :: Bohnenstange {f}
beanpole {n} (tall, thin person) :: Bohnenstange {f}
bean sprout {n} (a sprout grown out of a bean) :: Sprosse {f}
bean sprout {n} (the vegetarian food) :: Sojasprossen {f-p}
bear {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth ::
bear {v} (to carry) :: tragen
bear {v} (to be equipped with) :: tragen
bear {v} (to declare as testimony) :: aussagen, [bear witness] bezeugen
bear {v} (to support or sustain) :: ertragen
bear {v} (to endure with patience; to be patient) :: ertragen
bear {v} (to tolerate, to put up with) :: ertragen, [only negative] ausstehen, [only negative] leiden
bear {v} (to produce or yield) :: tragen, erbringen
bear {v} (to be in a specific direction) :: liegen
bear {n} (large mammal of family Ursidae) :: Bär {m}, Bärin {f}
bear {n} (investor who sells in anticipation of falling prices) :: Baissier {m}, Baissespekulant {m}
bear {n} (large hairy man) :: Bär {m}
bearable {adj} (able to be borne) :: erträglich
bearberry {n} (the genus Arctostaphylos) :: Bärentraube {f}
bearberry {n} (the species Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) :: echte Bärentraube {f}
bearcat {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda ::
bearcat {n} (giant panda) SEE: giant panda ::
bear cub {n} (young bear) :: junger Bär {m}, Bärchen {n}, Bärenjunges {n}
beard {n} (facial hair) :: Bart {m}
beard {n} (woman accompanying a gay male) :: Alibifreundin {f}
bearded {adj} (having a beard) :: bärtig
beardedness {n} (quality of being bearded) :: Bärtigkeit {f}, Bärtigsein {n}
bearded tit {n} (Panurus biarmicus) :: Bartmeise {f}
bearded vulture {n} (vulture) SEE: lammergeier ::
beardfish {n} (fish of the Polymixiidae family) :: Bartfisch {m}
beardless {adj} (without a beard) :: bartlos, ohne Bart
beardlessness {n} (state or quality of being beardless) :: Bartlosigkeit {f}
bearer bond {n} (negotiable instrument) :: Inhaberschuldverschreibung {f}
bear garlic {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons ::
bearing {adj} (carrying weight or load) :: tragend
bearing {n} (mechanical device) :: Lager {n}
bearing {n} (nautical sense) :: Peilung {f}
bear in mind {v} (remember, consider) :: berücksichtigen, beachten, in Betracht ziehen
bear meat {n} (meat from a bear) :: Bärenfleisch {n}
bear out {v} (corroborate, prove, or confirm) :: bestätigen
bearskin {n} (pelt of a bear) :: Bärenfell {n}
bear with {v} (be patient with) :: Geduld haben mit, Nachsicht üben [ ≈ please bear with me]]]
bear witness {v} (deliver testimony) :: bezeugen
bearwort {n} (meum athamanticum) SEE: baldmoney ::
be ashamed {v} (feel ashamed) :: sich schämen
beast {n} (non-human animal) :: Tier {n}, Bestie {f}
beast {n} (domestic animal) :: Tier {n}
beast {n} (violent/antisocial person) :: Unmensch, Bestie {f}, Biest {n}
Beast {prop} (figure in the Book of Revelation) :: Tier {n}
beastly {adj} (characterizing the nature of a beast; brutal; filthy) :: garstig
beastly {adj} (abominable) :: garstig
beastmaster {n} :: Gladiator {m}
beast of burden {n} (animal that carries or pulls a load) :: Saumtier {n}, Lasttier {n}, Lastkamel {n}, Saumkamel {n}, Packesel {m}, Tragtier {n}, Zugtier {n}
beast of burden {n} (domesticated animal trained to perform tasks for humans) :: Arbeitstier {n}
beast of prey {n} (animal) :: Raubtier {n}
beat {n} (pulse on the beat level) :: Schlag {m}, Grundschlag {m}
beat {n} (rhythm) :: Beat {m}
beat {n} (interference between two tones of almost equal frequency) :: Schwebung {f}
beat {v} (to hit, to knock, to pound, to strike) :: schlagen, hauen
beat {v} (to strike or pound repeatedly) :: schlagen
beat {v} (to win against) :: schlagen, gewinnen
beat {v} (to mix food) :: schlagen
beat {n} (act of reporting before a rival) SEE: scoop ::
beatable {adj} (able to be beaten) :: schlagbar
beat a dead horse {v} (continue far beyond reason) SEE: flog a dead horse ::
beat around the bush {v} (to treat a topic but omit its main points) :: um den heißen Brei herumreden (talk around the hot porridge)
beat around the bush {v} (to delay or avoid talking about something difficult or unpleasant) :: um den heißen Brei herumreden (talk around the pot)
beatbox {v} (to use one’s mouth, lips, tongue, voice, etc. as a percussive instrument) :: beatboxen
beaten {adj} (defeated) SEE: defeated ::
beater {n} (a kitchen implement for mixing) :: Schneebesen {m}, Quirl {m}
beater {n} (person who drives game towards the shooters) :: Treiber {m}
beatification {n} (the act of beatifying) :: Seligsprechung {f}
beatify {v} (to take step in declaring a person a saint) :: seligsprechen
beat it {v} (to go away) :: sich packen, verschwinden
beatitude {n} (supreme, utmost bliss and happiness) :: Glückseligkeit {f}
beatnik {n} (beatnik) :: Beatnik {m}
beat one's brains out {v} (rack one's brain) SEE: rack one's brain ::
Beatrice {prop} (female given name) :: Beatrix
beat up {v} (to give a beating to) :: verprügeln, schlagen
beau {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
beau {n} (dandy) :: Beau {m}
Beaufort scale {prop} (measure for the intensity of the wind) :: Beaufortskala {f}
beautician {n} (one who does hair styling, manicures, and other beauty treatments) :: Kosmetiker {m}, Kosmetikerin {f}
beautification {n} (beautifying, making beautiful) :: Verschönerung {f}, Ausschmückung {f}
beautifier {n} (someone or something which makes beautiful) :: Verschönerer {m}, Verschönererin {f}
beautiful {adj} (possessing charm and attractive) :: schön
beautiful {adj} (of weather: pleasant, clear) :: heiter, schön
beautiful {adj} (as a pro-sentence) :: toll
beautiful {adj} (ironic: how unfortunate) :: toll, schön
beautiful fruit dove {n} (the fruit dove species Ptilinopus pulchellus) :: Rotkappen-Fruchttaube {f}, Rotkappenfruchttaube {f}, Schöne Flaumfußtaube {f}
beautifully {adv} (In a beautiful manner) :: schön
beautifulness {n} (the quality of being beautiful) :: Schönheit {f}
beautify {v} (to make beautiful or more beautiful) :: verschönern, ausschmücken
beautifying {n} (the action of the verb to beautify) :: Verschönerung {f}
beauty {n} (quality of pleasing appearance) :: Schönheit {f}
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: male) :: [nominalized adjective] Schöner {m}
beauty {n} (someone beautiful: female) :: Schönheit {f}, Schöne {f} [nominalized adjective]
beauty {n} (something particularly good or pleasing) :: Prachtstück {n}
beauty contest {n} (beauty pageant) SEE: beauty pageant ::
beauty is in the eye of the beholder {proverb} (people have different ideas of what is beautiful) :: Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters, die Schönheit liegt im Auge des Betrachters
beauty pageant {n} (competition on attractiveness) :: Schönheitswettbewerb {m}
beauty parlor {n} (salon with hairdressers and beauticians) :: Schönheitssalon {m} [usually with hairdresser included]; Kosmetikstudio {n}, Kosmetiksalon {m} [usually not included]
beauty queen {n} (winner of a beauty contest) :: Schönheitskönigin {f}
beauty salon {n} (beauty salon) SEE: beauty parlor ::
beauty sleep {n} (Extra sleep or a special nap) :: Schönheitsschlaf {m}
beauty spot {n} (birthmark) SEE: mole ::
beaver {n} (semiaquatic rodent) :: Biber {m}
beaver {n} (coarse slang: pubic hair/vulva of a woman) :: Bär
be awake {v} (awake) SEE: awake ::
be awake {v} (wake up) SEE: wake up ::
be awake {v} (to not sleep) :: wachen
beazle {n} (bezel) SEE: bezel ::
Bebel {prop} (A German surname​) :: Bebel
be bored {v} (suffer from boredom) :: langweilen, sich langweilen
be born {v} (to come into existence through birth) :: geboren werden; zur Welt kommen; auf die Welt kommen (to come to the world); [literary] das Licht der Welt erblicken (to see the light of the world)
be born yesterday {v} (to be inexperienced) :: von gestern sein
becak {n} (cycle rickshaw) SEE: cycle rickshaw ::
be called {v} (to have a specific name) :: heißen, sich nennen
be careful {interj} (proceed with caution) :: seien Sie vorsichtig [formal], seid vorsichtig [informal, to a group], sei vorsichtig [informal, to one person], vorsichtig!
because {adv} (on account) :: wegen
because {conj} (by or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that) :: weil, denn, da
because {conj} (as known because; as inferred because; as determined because) :: denn
because of {prep} (on account of, by reason of, for the purpose of) :: wegen, vor
Bechuanaland {prop} (former name for Botswana) :: Betschuanaland
beck {n} (A significant nod, or motion of the head or hand, especially as a call or command) :: Wink {m}
beckon {v} (to wave or nod to somebody with the intention to make the person come closer) :: heranwinken, herbeiwinken, winken, zuwinken
beckon {v} (seem attractive and inviting) :: einladen
become {v} (to begin to be) :: werden; stehen
becoming {n} (The act or process by which something becomes) :: Werden {n}
becoming {adj} (pleasingly suitable) :: passend, gut stehend
becoming {adj} (decent, respectable) :: anständig, geziemend
becquerel {n} (unit of radioactive activity) :: Becquerel {n}
bed {n} (shaped piece of timber to hold a cask clear) SEE: pallet ::
bed {n} (piece of furniture) :: Bett {n}
bed {n} (prepared spot to spend the night in) :: Lager {n} (outdoor) (indoor if not a standard bed), Bett {m} (bed)
bed {n} (flat surface or layer on which something else is to be placed) :: Fläche {f}, Bett {m}, Boden {m}, Grund {m}, Ladefläche {f}, Auflagefläche {f}, Lager {n}, Auflager {n}
bed {n} (the bottom of a lake or other body of water) :: Boden {m} (lake, sea), Grund {m} (sea), Bett {n} (river)
bed {n} (area where a large number of shellfish is found) :: Bank {f}
bed {n} (garden plot) :: Beet {n}
bed {n} (platform of a vehicle that supports the load) :: Ladefläche {f}
bed {n} (deposit of ore, coal etc.) :: Lager {n}
bed {v} (to go to a sleeping bed) :: schlafen gehen
bed {v} (to put oneself to sleep) :: sich betten
bed and breakfast {n} (guesthouse providing breakfast) :: Fremdenzimmer {n}, Hotel garni {n}, Bed and Breakfast {n}
bedbound {adj} (unable to leave one's bed) SEE: bedridden ::
bedbug {n} (small nocturnal insect) :: Wanze {f}, Bettwanze {f}, Hauswanze {f}, Wandlaus {f} [older term]
bedclothes {n} (sheets, blankets, quilts or other coverings used on a bed) :: Bettwäsche {f}, Bettzeug {n}
bedcover {n} (decorative cover for a bed) SEE: bedspread ::
bedding {n} (bedlinen) :: Bettwäsche {f}, Bettzeug {n}
beddy-bye {n} (bedtime for a toddler) :: Heia
bedeck {v} (deck, ornament, adorn) :: schmücken, verzieren
bedevil {v} (to harass) :: plagen, heimsuchen
bedfast {adj} (unable to leave one's bed) SEE: bedridden ::
bedframe {n} (frame of a bed) SEE: bedstead ::
bedlam {n} (place or situation of chaos) :: Tollhaus {n}, Irrenhaus {n}, Chaos {n}
bedlinen {n} (cloth items used to make up a bed) :: Bettwäsche {f}, Bettzeug {n}
bedouin {n} (desert-dweller) :: Beduine {m}, Beduinin {f}
bedpan {n} (chamber pot used while still in bed) :: Steckbecken {n}, Stechbecken {n}, Schieber {m}, Bettschüssel {f}, Bettpfanne {f}
bedraggle {v} (make something wet and limp) :: durchnässen
bedrest {n} (confinement to bed in order to recover) :: Bettruhe {f}
bedridden {adj} (confined to bed) :: bettlägerig
bedriddenness {n} (state or quality of being bedridden) :: Bettlägerigkeit {f}
bedrock {n} (underground solid rock) :: anstehendes Gestein {n}, Grundgestein {n}, Muttergestein {n}
bedrock {n} (basis or foundation) :: Grundlage {f}, Basis {f}, Fundament {n}
bedroll {n} (roll of bedding) :: Bettrolle {f}
bedroom {n} (room in a house where a bed is kept for sleeping) :: Schlafzimmer {n}, Schlaf­stu­be {f}
bedroom community {n} (residential urban community of a nearby metropolis) :: Trabantenstadt {f}, Trabantensiedlung, Schlafstadt {f}
bedsheet {n} (a sheet, a piece of cloth cut and finished as bedlinen) :: Bettlaken {n}, Laken {n}
bedside table {n} (nightstand) SEE: nightstand ::
bedsit {n} (rented room) :: Einzimmerwohnung, Einzimmerapartement
bedsore {n} (Lesion caused by pressure) :: Dekubitus {m}, Druckgeschwür {n}
bedspread {n} (coverlet) SEE: coverlet ::
bedspread {n} (topmost covering of a bed) :: Bettdecke {f}
bedstead {n} (bed framework) :: Bettgestell {n}, Bettrahmen {m}
bedtime {n} (time when one goes to bed to sleep) :: Schlafenszeit {f}, Zeit zum Schlafengehen {f}, Zeit ins Bett zu gehen {f}, Zeit zu Bett zu gehen {f}
bedtime story {n} (story read to children before they sleep) :: Gutenachtgeschichte {f}
bedwetter {n} (person who (habitually) urinates in his bed (during sleep)) :: Bettnässer {m}, Bettnässerin {f}, Enuretiker {m} [technical], Enuretikerin [technical], Bettpisser {m} [vulgar], Bettpisserin {f} [vulgar]
bedwetting {n} (involuntary urination while asleep) :: Bettnässen {n}
bee {n} (insect) :: Biene {f}; Imme {f} [poetic]; Beivogl [Styrian]
bee {n} (contest) :: Wettbewerb {m}
beebread {n} (bee pollen with added honey and bee secretions) :: Bienenbrot {n}
beech {n} (tree of genus Fagus) :: Buche {f}
beechen {adj} (consisting, or made, of wood or bark of the beech) :: buchen
beech marten {n} (Martes foina) :: Steinmarder {m}
beechnut {n} (nut of the beech tree) :: Buchecker {f}
beechwood {n} (the wood of the beech tree) :: Buchenholz {n}
beechwood {n} (a wood largely populated with beech trees) :: Buchenwald {m}
bee-eater {n} (bird in the family Meropidae) :: Bienenfresser {m}
beef {n} (meat) :: Rindfleisch {n}, Ochsenfleisch
beef {n} (grudge; dislike) :: Groll {m}, heftige Verärgerung {f}, Rochus {m}, Widerwillen {m}, Beschwerde {f}
beef {n} (cow, bull) SEE: cow ::
beefcake {n} (imagery of muscular men) :: Muskelprotz {m} [pejorative] (muscle-man)
bee fly {n} (bee fly) :: Wollschweber {m}
beefsteak {n} (steak) :: Beefsteak {n}
beef up {v} (to strengthen or reinforce) SEE: strengthen ::
beefy {adj} (robust) SEE: robust ::
beefy {adj} (similar to beef) :: fleischig
beefy {adj} (containing beef) :: fleischig
beefy {adj} (muscular) SEE: muscular ::
beehive {n} (home of bees) :: Bienenstaat {m}, Bienenstock {m}
beehive {n} (man-made structure in which bees are kept for their honey) :: Bienenstock {m}, Bienenkorb {m}
beehive {n} (hairstyle) :: Beehive-Frisur {f}, B-52-Frisur {f}
bee hummingbird {n} (hummingbird) :: Bienenelfe {f}
beekeeper {n} (someone who keeps bees) :: Imker {m}, Imkerin {f}, Bienenzüchter {m}, Bienenzüchterin {f}, Beutner {m}, Beutnerin {f}, Bienenvater {m}, Bienenmutter {m}, Zeidler {m}, Zeidlerin {f}, Zeidelmeister {m}, Zeidelmeisterin {f}, Bienenhalter {m}, Bienenhalterin {f}
beekeeping {n} (raising bees) :: Bienenzucht {f}, Imkerei {f}, Zeidlerei {f}, Bienenhaltung {f}
beeline {n} (straight course, ignoring established paths of travel) :: Luftlinie {f}
Beelzebub {prop} (a Semitic deity, another name for the Devil) :: Beelzebub {m}
beemer {n} (slang term for a BMW car or motorcycle) :: [colloquial] BüMW, Brenner, BähmWähh
been there, done that {phrase} (assertion that the speaker has personal experience or knowledge of a particular place or topic) :: (hab ich) alles schon gemacht, ist für mich nichts neues
beer {n} (alcoholic drink made of malt) :: Bier {n}
beer {n} (glass of beer) :: Bier {n}
beer bar {n} (beer parlour) SEE: beer parlour ::
beer belly {n} (protruding abdomen) :: Bierbauch {m}
beer bottle {n} (a bottle designed to contain beer) :: Bierflasche {f}
beer can {n} (can containing beer) :: Bierdose {f}
beer garden {n} (outdoor section of a public house) :: Biergarten {m}, Gastgarten {m} [Austrian]
beer goggles {n} (the illusion that people are more sexually attractive, brought on by alcohol consumption) :: Bierbrille {f}
beer gut {n} (beer belly) SEE: beer belly ::
beer hall {n} (large public house) :: Bierhalle {f}, Bierpalast {m}
beer mat {n} (mat, often with an advertisement for a brewery on it, to rest one's glass) :: Bierdeckel {m}, Bierfilz {m}, Bierteller {m} [Switzerland]
beer parlor {n} (beer parlour) SEE: beer parlour ::
beer parlour {n} (a bar, selling beers, that has tables) :: Bierstube {f}, Bierlokal {n}, Bierkneipe {f}, Bierwirtschaft {f}
beerstone {n} (precipitate) :: Bierstein {m}
beer tent {n} (tent for selling and consuming beer) :: Bierzelt {n}
bee smoker {n} (smoke generator) :: Smoker {m}
bee sting {n} (puncture from a bee) :: Bienenstich {m}
beestings {n} (first milk drawn from an animal) SEE: colostrum ::
beeswarm {n} (swarm of bees) :: Imme {f}
beeswax {n} (wax secreted by bees) :: Bienenwachs {n}
beet {n} (Beta vulgaris) :: Bete {f}, Rübe {f}
Beethoven {prop} (German surname) :: Beethoven {m} {f}
Beethovenian {adj} (of or pertaining to Ludwig van Beethoven) :: beethovenisch
beetle {n} (insect) :: Käfer {m}
beetle {n} (mallet) :: Holzhammer {m}
Beetle {n} (Volkswagen car) :: Käfer {m}
beetroot {n} (normally deep red coloured root vegetable) :: Rote Bete {f}, Rote Beete {f}, Rande {f} [Switzerland]
beet sugar {n} (sugar made from sugar beet) :: Rübenzucker {m}
befit {v} (be fit for) :: anstehen, entsprechen, zukommen
before {prep} (earlier than) :: vor
before {prep} (in front of in space) :: vor
before {prep} (in front of according to an ordering system) :: vor
before {adv} (at an earlier time) :: zuvor, vorher
before {adv} (in advance) :: eher, im Voraus
before {adv} (at the front end) :: vorn, vorne
before {conj} (in advance of the time when) :: bevor
before {conj} (rather or sooner than) :: bevor
before dark {prep} (before night begins to fall) :: tagsüber, untertags
beforehand {adv} (at an earlier time) :: vorher, zuvor, davor, im Voraus
before long {prep} (soon) SEE: soon ::
beforesaid {adj} (previously said) SEE: aforesaid ::
before you can say knife {phrase} :: ehe man sichs versieht
befriend {v} (make friends) SEE: make friends ::
befuddle {v} (perplex or confuse) :: verwirren
befuddle {v} (stupefy) :: berauschen
befuddled {adj} (confused or perplexed) :: verwirrt, desorientiert
befuddled {adj} (drunk) :: angetrunken, betrunken
beg {v} (to request the help of someone, often in the form of money) :: betteln
beg {v} (to plead with someone for help) :: anflehen, bitten
beget {v} (to beget) SEE: procreate ::
beget {v} (to cause, to produce) :: erzeugen
beget {v} (to procreate) :: zeugen, sich fortpflanzen
beggar {n} (person who begs) :: Bettler {m}, Bettlerin {f} [female], Bettelmann {m}, Bettelfrau {f} [female], Bettelweib {n} [female], Bettelbruder {m}, Bettelschwester {f} [female], Pracher {m}, Pracherin {f} [female]
beggars can't be choosers {proverb} (when resources are limited, one must accept even substandard gifts) :: in der Not schmeckt jedes Brot, in der Not frisst der Teufel Fliegen
beggar-ticks {n} (Bidens) :: Zweizahn {m}
Beghard {n} (one of an association of religious laymen) :: Begard {m}, Begarde {m}
begin {v} (to start, to initiate or take the first step into something.) :: anfangen, beginnen, starten, anheben
beginner {n} (someone who just recently started) :: Anfänger {m}, Anfängerin {f}
beginner's luck {n} (beginner's luck) :: Anfängerglück {n}
beginning {n} (act of doing that which begins anything) :: Anfang {m}, Beginn {m}
beginning {n} (that which is begun) :: Angefangene {n}, Begonnene {n}
beginning {n} (that which begins or originates something) :: Beginn {m}
beginning {n} (initial portion of some extended thing) :: Anfang {m}
begonia {n} (plants of the genus Begonia) :: Begonie {f}
be good for {v} (be fit) :: taugen zu, gut sein zu
begrudging {adj} (grudgeful) :: missgönnend, grollend, grummelnd
begrudging {adj} (reluctant) :: widerstrebend, widerwillig, zähneknirschend
beguile {v} (to deceive or delude (using guile)) :: irreleiten, irreführen, in die Irre führen
beguile {v} (charm, delight) :: betören, verführen
beguiling {adj} (that beguiles) :: betörend, verführerisch
beguine {n} (ballroom dance) :: Beguine
Beguine {n} :: Begine {f}, Beguine {f}
begum {n} (a high ranking woman) :: Begum {f}
behalf {n} (stead) SEE: stead ::
behave {v} (to act in a specific manner) :: sich benehmen, sich verhalten
behave {v} (to act in a polite or proper way) :: sich benehmen
behave oneself {v} (to act in a polite or proper way) SEE: behave ::
behavior {n} (way an animal or human behaves or acts) :: Verhalten {n}, Benehmen {n}, Betragen {n}, Verhaltensweise {f}, Gebaren {n}
behavior {n} (way matter or systems behave) :: Verhalten {n}, Betragen {n}, Benehmen {n}, Verhaltensweise {f}, Führung {f}
behavior {n} :: Verhalten {n}, Betragen {n}, Benehmen {n}, Verhaltensweise {f}, Führung {f}
behaviorism {n} (approach to psychology focusing on behavior) :: Behaviorismus {m}
behaviour {n} (behavior) SEE: behavior ::
behavioural {adj} (of or pertaining to behaviour) :: Verhaltens-
behavioural pattern {n} :: Verhaltensmuster {n}
behavioural science {n} (analysis and investigation of human and animal behaviour) :: Verhaltenswissenschaft {f}
behead {v} (to remove the head) :: enthaupten, köpfen
beheadal {n} (beheading) SEE: beheading ::
beheading {n} (an instance of beheading) :: Enthauptung {f}
behemoth {n} (mighty beast in the Book of Job) :: Behemoth, Moloch {m}
behemoth {n} (mighty monster) :: Riesentier {n}
behemoth {n} (something of great size and power) :: Gigant {m}, Koloss {m}
behest {n} (vow) SEE: vow ::
behest {n} (promise) SEE: promise ::
behest {n} (command, bidding) :: Geheiß {n}, Befehl {f}
behind {prep} (at the back of) :: hinter
behind {prep} (to the back of) :: hinter
behind {prep} (after, time- or motion-wise) :: hinter
behind {adv} (at the back part; in the rear) :: hinten
behind {n} (buttocks) :: Hintern {m}
behind bars {prep} (in jail or prison) :: hinter Gittern
behind closed doors {prep} (in private) :: hinter verschlossenen Türen
behind every successful man there stands a woman {proverb} (men's success often depends on the support and work and support of their wives for female partners) :: hinter jedem erfolgreichen Mann steht eine Frau
behind someone's back {prep} (secretly) :: hinter jemandes Rücken; [adverbially also] hinterrücks
behind the scenes {prep} (in secret; out of public view) :: hinter den Kulissen
behind the times {prep} (out of date, old-fashioned) :: ewiggestrig
behind the wheel {prep} (in control of a vehicle) :: hinterm Steuerrad, hinterm Steuer, hinterm Lenkrad, am Steuerrad, am Steuer, am Lenkrad
behold {v} (to see, to look at) :: betrachten, sehen, schauen, anschauen, ansehen
beholden {adj} (obligated, bound by moral obligation) :: verpflichtet, gebunden
beholder {n} (someone who observes or beholds; an observer or spectator) :: Betrachter {m}, Beobachter {m}
behove {v} (to befit, to suit) :: obliegen [obsolete], sich geziemen [obsolete], schicken, sich schicken, sich ziemen
beige {n} (colour) :: Beige {n}
beige {adj} (having a slightly yellowish gray colour) :: beige
Beijing {prop} (capital of China) :: Peking {n}; [only specialist, sinologist also] Beijing {n}
Beijinger {n} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
Beijingese {n} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
Beijingese {adj} (Pekingese) SEE: Pekingese ::
Beijing opera {n} (Peking opera) SEE: Peking opera ::
being {n} (a living creature) :: Wesen {n}, Geschöpf {n}
being {n} (the state or fact of existence) :: Sein {n}, Dasein {n}
Beirut {prop} (capital of Lebanon) :: Beirut {n}
Beiruti {adj} (of or pertaining to Beirut) :: Beiruter
Beiruti {n} (a person from, or an inhabitant of, Beirut) :: Beiruter {m}, Beiruterin {f}
bejel {n} (Endemic syphilis) :: Grobnigger-Krankheit {f}, Salzfluss {m}, Marschkrankheit {f}, nordische Küstenseuche {f}, Holsteinische Marschkrankheit {f}, Dithmarsische Krankheit {f}, Radeseuche {f}, Franzosen {m-p}
bejewel {v} (decorate with jewels) :: mit Schmuck behängen, verzieren
bekilted {adj} (wearing a kilt) :: kiltbekleidet
Belarus {prop} (country) :: Weißrussland {n}, Belarus {n} [official], Belorussland {n} [East Germany], Weißruthenien {n} [obsolete]
Belarusian {adj} (pertaining to Belarus) :: belarusisch, belarussisch, weißrussisch, weißruthenisch, belorussisch [East Germany]
Belarusian {n} (language) :: Belarusisch {n}, Weißrussisch {n}, Weißruthenisch {n}, Belarussisch {n}, Belorussisch {n} [East Germany]
Belarusian {n} (person from Belarus or of Belarusian descent) :: Belarusse {m}, Belarussin {f}, Weißrusse {m}, Weißrussin {f}
be late {v} (arrive late) :: sich verspäten
belated {adj} (later in relation to the proper time) :: verspätet, säumig
belay {v} (general command to stop) :: beenden
belay {v} (to secure (a climber or rope) to) :: sichern
bel canto {n} (elegant style of singing) :: Belcanto {m}
belch {v} (expel gas from the stomach through the mouth) :: rülpsen
belch {n} (sound one makes when belching) :: Rülpser {m}
beleaguer {v} (to besiege; to surround with troops) :: belagern, umzingeln
beleaguer {v} (to vex, harass, or beset) :: bedrängen, belästigen, stören
beleaguered {adj} (besieged, surrounded by enemy troops) :: vom Gegner umschlossen, vom Gegner eingeschlossen, belagert
beleaguered {adj} (beset by trouble or difficulty) :: angeschlagen, unter massivem Druck stehend, überlastet
Belfast {prop} (capital of Northern Ireland) :: Belfast {n}
belfry {n} (moveable tower used in sieges) :: Belagerungsturm {m}
belfry {n} (watchtower containing an alarm-bell) :: Bergfried {m}
belfry {n} (tower or steeple specifically for containing bells, especially as part of a church) :: Glockenturm {m}
belfry {n} (part of a large tower or steeple, specifically for containing bells) :: Glockenstube {f}
Belgian {n} (Belgian, person from Belgium) :: Belgier {m}, Belgierin {f}
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgium) :: belgisch
Belgian {adj} (of or pertaining to Belgians or Belgian people) :: belgisch
Belgian Congo {prop} (Belgian colony) :: Belgisch-Kongo {m}
Belgian Groenendael {n} (Belgian Groenendael) :: Belgischer Schäferhund Groenendael
Belgian Laekenois {n} (Belgian Laekenois) :: Belgischer Schäferhund Laekenois
Belgian Limburg {prop} (the roughly southwestern part of the Benelux region of Limburg) :: Belgisch-Limburg {n} or Belgischer-Limburg {m}
Belgian Malinois {n} (Belgian Malinois) :: Belgischer Schäferhund Malinois
Belgian Sheepdog {n} (Umbrella term for the four Belgian sheepdog variants) :: Belgischer Schäferhund {m}
Belgian Sheepdog {n} (Belgian Groenendael) SEE: Belgian Groenendael ::
Belgian Tervuren {n} (Belgian Tervuren) :: Belgischer Schäferhund Tervueren
Belgium {prop} (country in Europe) :: Belgien {n}
Belgorod {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Belgorod {n}
Belgrade {prop} (capital of Serbia) :: Belgrad {n}, Weißenburg {n} [archaic]
belie {v} (to contradict or show to be false) :: hinwegtäuschen über
belief {n} (mental acceptance of a claim as truth) :: Glauben {m}
belief {n} (something believed) :: Glaube {m}
belief {n} (the quality or state of believing) :: Glaube {m}
belief {n} (religious faith) :: Glauben {m}
belief {n} (religious or moral convictions) :: Glauben {m}
belief system {n} (system of beliefs) :: Glaubenssystem {n}, Glaubenssatz {m}, Weltanschauung {f} [philosophical]
believability {n} (state or quality of being believable) :: Glaubwürdigkeit {f}
believable {adj} (capable of being believed; credible) :: glaubhaft
believe {v} (to accept that someone is telling the truth (object: person)) :: glauben
believe {v} (to accept as true) :: glauben
believe {v} (to consider likely) :: glauben
believe {v} (to have religious faith; to believe in a greater truth) :: glauben
believe it or not {adv} (you may not believe the following, but it is true) :: sage und schreibe
believer {n} (person who believes) :: Gläubiger {m}, Gläubige {f}
Belisarius {prop} (a general of the Byzantine Empire) :: Belisar
belittle {v} (to knowingly say that something is smaller or less important than it actually is) :: schmälern, herunterspielen, herabsetzen, klein reden, verniedlichen
Belize {prop} (country) :: Belize {n}
Belizean {n} (person from Belize) :: Belizer {m}, Belizerin {f}
Belizean {adj} (Pertaining to Belize) :: belizisch
Belizian {n} (Belizean) SEE: Belizean ::
Belizian {adj} (Belizean) SEE: Belizean ::
bell {n} (percussive instrument) :: Glocke {f}
bell {n} (sounding of a bell as a signal) :: Klingeln {f}
bell {n} (informal: telephone call) :: Klingel {f}
bell {n} (signal at a school) :: Klingel {f}, Schelle {f}
belladonna {n} (a plant, Atropa belladonna) SEE: deadly nightshade ::
Bellatrix {prop} (a blue eruptive variable star) :: Bellatrix
bell-bottoms {n} (pants that are flared from the knee downwards) :: Schlaghose {f}, Hose mit Schlag {f}
bellboy {n} (A male worker, usually at a hotel, who carries luggage and runs errands) :: Hotelpage
bell buoy {n} (buoy) :: Glockentonne {f}
belle {n} (beautiful woman) :: Schönheit {f}, Schöne {f}
Belle Époque {prop} (period of European history) :: Belle Époque {f}
belles-lettres {n} (humanities) SEE: humanities ::
belles-lettres {n} (light literary compositions valued for their aesthetic properties) :: Belles Lettres {f-p}, schöne Literatur {f}, Belletristik {f}
belletrist {n} (person who writes or is concerned with belles-lettres) :: Belletrist {m}, Schöngeist {m}
belletristic {adj} (pertaining to belles-lettres) :: belletristisch, schöngeistig
bellflower {n} (plant of genus Campanula) :: Glockenblume {f}
bell-gable {n} (an architectural element) :: Glockengiebel {m}
bellgirl {n} (a female bellhop) :: Hotelpage {m} {f}
bell housing {n} (cover) :: Kupplungsglocke {f}, Getriebeglocke {f}
bellicism {n} (an inclination to war) :: Bellizismus
bellicist {n} (warmonger) SEE: warmonger ::
bellicist {adj} (of or relating to bellicism, bellicists) :: bellizistisch, kriegstreiberisch
bellicose {adj} (warlike in nature) :: kriegerisch
bellicose {adj} (having the impulse to be combative) :: kriegerisch
belligerence {n} (state of being belligerent) :: Streitlust {f}
belligerent {adj} (engaged in warfare) :: kriegführend, Krieg führend
belligerent {adj} (hostile, eager to fight) :: streitlustig
belligerent {n} (state or other armed participant in warfare) :: Konfliktpartei {f}
bellmaker {n} (bellmaker) :: Glockengießer {m}
bellow {v} (to make a noise like the deep roar of a large animal) :: brüllen
bellow {v} (to shout in a deep voice) :: brüllen, grölen
bellows {n} (air blower) :: Blasebalg {m}
bell pepper {n} (spicy-sweet vegetable) :: Paprika {f} {m}, Gemüsepaprika {f} {m}, Paprikaschote {f}
bell ringer {n} (bell ringer) :: Glöckner {m}
bell the cat {v} (to undertake a dangerous action in the service of a group) :: der Katze die Schelle umhängen, der Katze die Schelle anhängen
bell tower {n} (tower in which a bell (or set of bells) is hung; a belfry) :: Glockenturm {m}
bellwether {n} (the leading sheep of a flock, having a bell hung round its neck) :: Leithammel {m}
bellwether {n} (a stock or bond that is widely believed to be an indicator of the overall market's condition) :: führender Wert {m}
belly {n} (abdomen) :: Bauch {m}, Magen {m}
bellyache {n} (pain in the belly, stomach, or abdomen) :: Bauchschmerzen {m-p}, Bauchweh {n}
bellybutton {n} (the navel or umbilicus) SEE: navel ::
belly dance {n} (form of dance) :: Bauchtanz {m}, orientalischer Tanz {m}
belly dancer {n} (person who performs belly dances) :: Bauchtänzer {m}, Bauchtänzerin {f}
belly flop {n} (style of diving) :: Bauchklatscher {m}; Bauchplatscher {m}
Belmopan {prop} (Belmopan) :: Belmopan {n}
belong {v} (have its proper place) :: hingehören, dazugehören
belong {v} (be accepted in a group) :: dazugehören, hingehören
belong {v} (be part of a group) :: dazugehören
belong {v} (be the property of) :: gehören zu, gehören
belong {v} (set theory: be an element of) :: ist Element von, sind Element von {p}
belonging {n} (something physical that is owned) :: Sache {f}, Eigentum {n}
belongings {n} (plural form of belonging) :: Sachen {f-p}, Habseligkeiten {f-p}, Hab und Gut {n}
beloved {adj} (loved) :: beliebt, geliebt
beloved {n} (someone who is loved) :: Liebe {f}, Liebchen, Liebling, Geliebter {m}, Geliebte {f}
below {prep} (lower in spatial position than) :: unter
below {adv} (in a lower place) :: unten, darunter, unterhalb
below average {adj} :: unterdurchschnittlich
belowstairs {adv} (downstairs) SEE: downstairs ::
below the belt {prep} ((boxing) of a punch that lands below the opponent's waist) :: unter der Gürtellinie
below the belt {prep} (unfair; not according to the rules) :: unter der Gürtellinie
Bel Paese {n} (mild creamy Italian cheese) :: Bel Paese {m}
belt {n} (band worn around the waist) :: Gürtel {m}
belt {n} (band used for safety purposes) :: Gurt {m}
belt {n} (band used in a machine to help transfer motion or power) :: Riemen {m}
belt {n} (geographical region) :: Gürtel {m}, Zone {f}
belt {v} (scream) :: schmettern
belt loop {n} (loop of pants holding belt) :: Gürtelschlaufe {f}
beltway {n} (a freeway that encircles a city) SEE: ring road ::
beluga {n} (cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas) :: Weißwal {m}, Beluga {f}
beluga {n} (fish, Huso huso) :: Belugastör {m}, Europäischer Hausen {m}
belvedere {n} (raised structure offering a pleasant view of the surrounding area) :: Belvedere {n}, Aussichtturm {m}
bemoan {v} (to complain about) :: beklagen, bedauern
bemock {v} (mock) SEE: mock ::
bemuse {v} (to confuse or bewilder) :: verwirren, verblüffen, irritieren, nachdenklich stimmen, verwundern
bemused {adj} (thoughtful; preoccupied) :: nachdenklich gestimmt, verwundert
bemused {adj} (perplexed and bewildered) :: verwirrt, verblüfft, irritiert
bemusement {n} (state of being bemused) :: Verblüffung {f}, Verwirrung {f}, Irritierung {f}, Nachdenklichkeit {f}, Verwunderung {f}
be my guest {v} (do as you wish) :: [formal] bedienen Sie sich, greifen Sie zu; [informal] bedien dich, greif zu
bench {n} (long seat) :: Bank {f}, Sitzbank {f}
bench {n} (sports: where players sit when not playing) :: Bank {f}
bench {n} (workbench) SEE: workbench ::
benchlet {n} (stool) SEE: stool ::
benchmark {n} (standard) :: Maßstab {m}, Höhenfestpunkt {m}, Kriterium {n}
bench press {n} (exercise) :: Bankdrücken {n}
bend {v} (to cause to shape into a curve) :: beugen
bend {v} (to become curved) :: biegen, biegen, durchbiegen
bend {v} (to swing the body when rowing) :: beugen
bend {n} (curve) :: Kurve {f}, Biegung {f}
bend {n} (heraldry: one of the ordinaries) :: Schrägbalken {m}
bend down {v} (to bend one's legs while upright to get to a lower position) :: sich bücken
bender {n} (device to help bending) :: Biegevorrichtung {f}, Biegegerät {n}
bender {n} (slang: bout of heavy drinking) :: Saufgelage {n}
bender {n} (slang: homosexual man) :: Schwuler {m}, Schwuchtel {f}
bend over {v} (to bend one's upper body forward) :: sich bücken
bend over backwards {v} (make a great effort) :: sich ein Bein ausreißen (rip one's leg out)
bend sinister {n} (diagonal band on coat of arms going from top right to bottom left) :: Schräglinksbalken {m}
bend someone's ear {v} (talk too long) :: jemandem ein Ohr abkauen
bend the truth {v} (change or leave out certain facts of a story) :: sich die Wahrheit zurechtbiegen
Benedict {prop} (male given name) :: Benedikt
Benedictine {n} (monk or nun) :: Benediktiner {m}, Benediktinerin {f}
Benedictine {n} (liqueur) :: Benediktiner {m}
benedictional {n} (book of benedictions) :: Benediktionale
benefactive case {n} (case used to indicate beneficiary) :: Benefaktiv {m}
benefactor {n} (on who gives gifts or help) :: Wohltäter {m}, Wohltäterin {f}
beneficent {adj} (beneficent) :: gnädig, wohltätig
beneficial {adj} (helpful or good to something or someone) :: nützlich, vorteilhaft
beneficiary {n} (one who receives an advantage) :: Begünstigter {m}, Nutznießer {m}, Nutzenzieher {m}, Vorteilsnehmer {m}
beneficiary {n} (one who benefits from the distribution, especially of an estate) :: Nutznießer {m}, Nutznießerin {f}
benefit {n} (advantage, help or aid) :: Vorteil {m}
benefit {n} (profit, use) :: Nutzen {m}
benefit {n} (payment, subsidy) :: Leistung {f}
benefit {n} (performance given to raise funds) :: Benefizkonzert {n}, Benefizveranstaltung {f}
benefit {v} (to be or provide a benefit to) :: von Vorteil sein
benefit {v} (to receive a benefit) :: profitieren
benefit of the doubt {n} (a favorable judgement given in the absence of full evidence) :: Im Zweifel für den Angeklagten; nicht das Schlimmste annehmen
benefit tourism {n} :: Sozialtourismus {m}
Benelux {prop} (an economic and customs union made up of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) :: Benelux {n}
benevolence {n} (disposition to do good) :: Gutmütigkeit {f}
benevolent {adj} (having a disposition to do good) :: wohlwollend
benevolent {adj} (possessing or manifesting love for mankind) :: altruistisch
benevolent {adj} (altruistic or charitable) :: altruistisch
Bengal {prop} (region in South Asia) :: Bengalen {n}
Bengal fox {n} (Vulpes bengalensis) :: Bengalfuchs {m}
Bengali {adj} (of or pertaining to Bengal) :: bengalisch
Bengali {n} (person from Bengal) :: Bengale {m}, Bengalin {f}
Bengali {n} (language) :: Bengali {n}, Bengalisch {n}, Bengalische Sprache {f}
Bengal light {n} (bright blue flare) :: bengalisches Feuer {n}
Bengal tiger {n} (Panthera tigris tigris) :: Königstiger {m}, Königstigerin {f}
Benghazi {prop} (Benghazi, Libya) :: Bengasi
benight {v} (to darken, see also: darken) :: umnachten
benign {adj} (kind, gentle, mild) :: freundlich, gütig, liebevoll
benign {adj} ((medicine) not posing any serious threat to health) :: gutartig
benign tumor {n} (tumor which can usually be removed without serious complications) :: gutartiger Tumor {m}
Benin {prop} (country) :: Benin
Beninese {n} (person) :: Beniner {m}, Beninerin {f}
Beninese {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Benin) :: beninisch
benison {n} (blessing) :: Segen {m}
Benjamin {prop} (the youngest son of Jacob) :: Benjamin {m}
Benjamin {prop} (male given name) :: Benjamin {m}
bent {adj} (folded) :: gebeugt
bent {n} (grass) SEE: bentgrass ::
bent grass {n} (grass of the genus Agrostis) SEE: bentgrass ::
bentgrass {n} (grass of the genus Agrostis) :: Straußgras {n}
benthic {adj} (of the benthos on the seafloor) :: benthonisch, benthisch
bentwood {n} (wood that has been made pliable and bent) :: Bugholz {n}
benumb {v} (make numb) SEE: numb ::
benzaldehyde {n} (C6H5CHO) :: Benzaldehyd
benzene {n} (aromatic compound C6H6) :: Benzol {n}
benzene ring {n} (benzene ring) :: Benzolring {m}
benzine {n} (benzene) SEE: benzene ::
benzodiazepine {n} (any of a class of psychoactive drugs) :: Benzodiazepin {n}
benzoic acid {n} (white crystalline organic acid, C6H5COOH) :: Benzoesäure {f}
benzol {n} (an impure benzene) :: Benzol {n}
benzylpenicillin {n} (a narrow spectrum penicillin antibiotic) :: Benzylpenicillin {n}, Penicillin G {n}
Beograd {prop} (Belgrade) SEE: Belgrade ::
beplaster {v} (to cover) :: bepflastern, bedecken
be prepared {phrase} (motto) :: sei bereit, seid bereit {p}
bequeath {v} (to give or leave by will) :: [something] hinterlassen, vererben
bequeath {v} (to hand down; to transmit) :: [jemandem etwas] hinterlassen, vermachen, testamentarisch hinterlassen
bequeath {v} (to give; to offer; to commit) :: überlassen, abgeben, anbieten
be quiet {interj} (remain silent) SEE: silence ::
berate {v} (chide vehemently) :: ausschelten, ausschimpfen, beschimpfen, schelten
Berber {n} (Member of northwest African ethnic group) :: Berber {m}, Berberin {f}
Berber {prop} (a group of closely related languages) :: Berber {n}
berceuse {n} (specific type of lullaby) :: Bercöse {f}, Wiegenlied {n}
Berdichev {prop} (city in Ukraine) :: Berditschew, Berdytschiw
bere {n} (six-rowed barley) :: Frühgerste, Futtergerste
bereave {v} (To take away someone or something important or close) :: berauben
bereavement {n} (The state of being bereaved; deprivation; especially the loss of a relative by death) :: Trauerfall {m}
BEREC {prop} :: GEREK
Berengar {prop} (a male given name of historical usage) :: Berengar
beret {n} (type of brimless cap) :: Baskenmütze {f}, Tellermütze {f}, Barett {n}
Bergamasco {n} (Bergamasco Shepherd Dog) :: Bergamasker Hirtenhund
bergamot {n} (Mentha × piperita) SEE: peppermint ::
Bergen {prop} (city in Norway) :: Bergen
Berger {prop} (a surname) :: Berger
beriberi {n} (pathology: ailment caused by deficiency of vitamin B) :: Beriberi {f}
be right {v} (be correct in one's judgement or statement about something) :: recht haben, im Recht sein
Bering Sea {prop} (sea) :: Beringmeer {n}, Beringsee {f}
Bering Strait {prop} (strait between Russia and Alaska) :: Beringstraße {f}
berkelium {n} (transuranic chemical element) :: Berkelium {n}
Berlin {prop} (capital city of Germany) :: Berlin {n}
Berliner {n} (native or inhabitant of Berlin) :: Berliner {m}, Berlinerin {f}
Berliner {n} (doughnut) :: Berliner {m}, Pfannkuchen {m}, Berliner Pfannkuchen {m}
Berlinese {n} (an inhabitant or a resident of the city of Berlin, Germany) :: Berliner
Berlin Wall {prop} (wall that parted Berlin) :: Berliner Mauer {f}, antifaschistischer Schutzwall
Berlusconism {n} (Silvio Berlusconi's policies) :: Berlusconismus {m}
Bermuda {prop} (island group) :: Bermuda {n}
Bermuda Triangle {prop} (area in Atlantic Ocean) :: Bermuda-Dreieck {n}, Bermudadreieck {n}
Bermudian {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Bermuda) :: bermudisch
Bermudian {n} (person from Bermuda or of Bermudian descent) :: Bermuder {m}, Bermuderin {f}
Bern {prop} (city) :: Bern {n}
Bern {prop} (canton) :: Bern {n}
Bernadette {prop} (female given name) :: Bernadette
Bernard {prop} (male given name) :: Bernhard
Bernese {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Bern) :: aus Bern
Bernese Alps {prop} (group of mountain ranges) :: Berner Alpen {p}
Bernese Oberland {prop} (area of Switzerland) :: Berner Oberland {m}
Bernoulli's principle {prop} (principle) :: Bernoulli-Prinzip {n}
Bernstein {prop} (German surname) :: Bernstein
berry {n} (small fruit) :: Beere {f}
berry {n} (soft fruit developing from a superior ovary and containing seeds not encased in pits) :: Beere {f}
berserk {n} (a crazed Norse warrior who fought in a frenzy) :: Berserker {m}
berserk {adj} (injuriously, maniacally, or furiously violent or out of control) :: durchgedreht, ausgeflippt, wütend, rasend
berserker {n} (Norse warrior) SEE: berserk ::
Bert {prop} (male given name) :: Bert
berth {n} (bunk) :: Koje {f}, Schlafplatz {m}
berth {n} (space to moor) :: Landungsplatz {m}, Ladeplatz {m}, Liegeplatz {m}
berth {v} (to bring a ship into berth) :: anlegen
Bertha {prop} (female given name) :: Bertha
Bertram {prop} (male given name) :: Bertram
beryl {n} (gem) :: Beryll {n}
beryllium {n} (chemical element) :: Beryllium {n}
beryllium carbide {n} :: Berylliumcarbid {n}
beryllium oxide {n} (white, crystalline compound) :: Berylliumoxid {n}
Berytian {adj} (of or pertaining to Berytus) :: Beryter, berytisch
Berytian {n} (native or inhabitant of Berytus) :: Beryter {m}, Beryterin {f}
Berytus {prop} (the ancient city of Beirut) :: Berytus
Bes {prop} (ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility) :: Bes {m}
beseech {v} (to beg) :: anflehen, ersuchen, bitten
beseem {v} (to appear, seem, look) :: sich ziemen
beseem {v} (to be appropriate or credible) :: sich ziemen
be sick {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
beside {prep} (next to) :: neben
beside {prep} (not relevant to) :: neben
beside oneself {prep} (consumed by an emotion) :: außer sich
besides {prep} (in addition to) :: außer
besides {prep} (other than; except for) :: außer
besides {adv} (also; in addition) :: außerdem, weiterhin, darüber hinaus
besides {adv} (moreover; furthermore) :: außerdem
besiege {v} (to surround with armed forces) :: belagern
besiege {v} (to vex, to attack continually) :: belagern
besiege {v} (to assail or ply) :: belagern
be silent {v} (refrain from speaking) :: schweigen, still sein
Beskids {prop} (mountain range) :: Beskiden {p}
besmear {v} (to smear over, sully) :: beschmieren, verschmieren, beschmutzen
besmirch {v} (make dirty) :: beschmutzen
besmirch {v} (tarnish; debase) :: beschmutzen
besom {n} (broom) :: Besen {m}, Reisigbesen {m}
besom {n} (troublesome woman) :: Besen {m}
besotted {adj} (infatuated) :: vernarrt, betört, schwärmerisch, berauscht, wonnetrunken, entzückt, liebestrunken
besotted {adj} (intellectually or morally blinded) :: benebelt, vernebelt, geblendet, verdummt
besotted {adj} (intoxicated) :: betrunken, besoffen, beschwipst, angeheitert, bezwitschert
bespeak {v} ((transitive) To speak about; tell of; relate; discuss) :: besprechen, diskutieren, mitteilen
bespeak {v} ((transitive) To speak for beforehand; engage in advance; make arrangements for; order or reserve in advance) :: vorbestellen, arrangieren, reservieren, buchen
bespeak {v} ((transitive) To stipulate, solicit, ask for, or request, as in a favour) :: bitten um, erbitten, anfragen
bespeak {v} ((transitive, archaic) To forbode; foretell) :: vorhersagen, voraussagen
bespeak {v} ((transitive, archaic, poetic) To speak to; address) :: ansprechen, sich richten an
bespeak {v} ((transitive) To betoken; show; indicate; foretell; suggest) :: hinweisen auf, zeigen, anzeigen
bespeak {v} ((intransitive) To speak up or out; exclaim; speak) :: mitteilen, bekanntgeben, aussprechen
bespectacled {adj} (wearing spectacles (glasses)) :: eine Brille tragend, [rare] bebrillt
bespoke {adj} (individually or custom made) :: maßgeschneidert
Bessarabia {prop} (region) :: Bessarabien {n}
Bessel function {n} :: Besselfunktion {f}
best {adj} (superlative of the adjective good) :: [+ der, die, das] beste, bester
best {adv} (superlative of the adverb well) :: am besten
best {n} (effort) :: Bestes {n}
best {n} (person) :: Bester {m}, Beste {f}
best {v} (to beat) :: übertreffen
best friend {n} (an especially close and trusted friend) :: bester Freund {m}, beste Freundin {f}
bestial {adj} (beast-like) :: tierisch
bestiality {n} (sexual activity) :: Bestialität {f}
bestiary {n} (A medieval treatise of animals) :: Bestiarium {n}
bestir {v} (to become active) :: aufraffen [reflexive]
best man {n} (primary attendant to the groom) :: Trauzeuge {m}
bestow {v} (to lay up in store) :: verstauen, einlagern
bestow {v} (to provide with accommodation) :: unterbringen
bestow {v} (to present a thing as a gift or honour) :: schenken, verleihen, beehren mit, verehren mit, beschenken mit
bestow {v} (to give in marriage) :: in die Ehe geben
bestow {v} (to make use of) :: verwenden
best practice {n} (procedure for best results) :: Best Practice {f}, beste Vorgehensweise {f}, beste Praxis {f}, bewährte Praxis {f}
best regards {n} (polite closing of a letter) :: mit freundlichen Grüßen, mit herzlichen Grüßen
bestride {v} (dominate) SEE: dominate ::
bestride {v} (to sit with legs on both sides of something) :: rittlings sitzen
bestseller {n} (book or thing sold in large numbers) :: Bestseller {m}
best-selling {adj} (superlative of well-selling) :: meistverkauft
bet {n} (a wager) :: Wette {f}
bet {n} (A degree of certainty) :: Bestimmtheit {f}
bet {v} (to stake or pledge upon the outcome of an event) :: wetten
beta blocker {n} (blocking agent) :: Betabloker {m}
Beta Canis Majoris {prop} (star) :: Murzim, Mirza, Mirzam
beta function {n} (function which generalizes the notion of a factorial) :: Betafunktion {f}
betake {v} (to go or move) :: sich begeben
betake {v} (to commit to a specified action.) :: sich begeben
betalain {n} (class of red and yellow pigments) :: Betalain
Beta Lyrae {prop} (binary star system in the constellation Lyra) :: Sheliak, β Lyrae, Beta Lyrae
beta particle {n} (energetic electron or positron) :: Beta-Teilchen {n}
betatron {n} (a form of cyclotron used to accelerate electrons to high speed) :: Betatron {n}
beta version {n} (software in an early status) :: Beta-Version {f}
Betelgeuse {prop} (supergiant) :: Beteigeuze {m}
betel leaf {n} (leaf of the betel) :: Betelblatt {n}
betel nut {n} (An egg-shaped seed of the betel palm) :: Betelnuss {f}
betel palm {n} (Areca catechu, an Asiatic palm) :: Betelpalme {f}, Betelnusspalme {f}
betel pepper {n} (Piper betle) :: Betelpfeffer {m}
be that as it may {adv} (nevertheless) :: wie dem auch sei
Bethe {prop} (German surname) :: Bethe
be there {v} :: da sein
Bethesda {prop} (pool in Jerusalem) :: Bethesda
Bethe-Slater curve {n} :: Bethe-Slater-Kurve
Bethlehem {prop} (City) :: Betlehem {n}
Bethsaida {prop} (either of two towns) :: Bethsaida
betimes {adv} (in good season or time) :: beizeiten
betony {n} (Stachys officinalis) :: Betonie {f}, Heilziest {m}, Gliedkraut {n}, Ziest {m}, Ziestkraut {n}
betony {n} (plant of the genus Stachys) SEE: woundwort ::
betony {n} (plant of the genus Pedicularis) SEE: lousewort ::
betray {v} (to deliver into the hands of an enemy) :: verraten
betrayal {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
betrayer {n} (someone who betrays) :: Verräter {m}
betroth {v} (to promise to give in marriage) :: verloben
betroth {v} (to promise to take as a future spouse) :: sich verloben
betrothal {n} (mutual promise) :: Verlobung {f}, Verlöbnis {n}
betrothed {n} (fiancé or fiancée) :: verlobt
betrothment {n} (betrothal) SEE: betrothal ::
better {adj} (comparative of the adjectives good or well) :: besser
better {adv} (comparative form of the adverb well) :: besser
better {v} (to improve) :: verbessern
better an egg today than a hen tomorrow {proverb} (a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush) SEE: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush ::
betterer {n} (one who makes something better) :: Verbesserer {m}, Verbesserin {f}, Verbessererin {f}
better half {n} (spouse or lover) :: bessere Hälfte {f}
better late than never {adv} (it’s better to do something late, than to never do it at all) :: besser spät als nie
better safe than sorry {proverb} (it is preferable to be cautious) :: Vorsicht ist besser als Nachsicht
better the devil you know than the devil you don't know {proverb} (Something bad and familiar is better than something bad and unknown) :: man weiß, was man hat, aber weiß nicht, was man kriegt, schlimmer geht immer
betting {n} (act of placing a bet) :: Wetten {n}
Betti number {n} (number that characterises a topological space with respect to a given dimension) :: Bettizahl {f}
between {prep} (in the position or interval that separates two things) :: zwischen
between {prep} (in transit from one to the other) :: zwischen
between {prep} (one of, representing a choice) :: zwischen
between a rock and a hard place {prep} (in a difficult and inescapable position) :: in der Zwickmühle; zwischen Hammer und Amboss [between the hammer and the anvil]; zwischen den Stühlen [between the stools]; zwischen Baum und Borke [between the tree and the bark]; weder ein noch aus wissen [not to know in nor out]
between a rock and a hard place {prep} (having the choice between two unpleasant options) :: zwischen Pest und Cholera
between Scylla and Charybdis {prep} (idiomatic) :: vom Regen in die Traufe, vom Regen in die Traufe kommen, vom Regen in die Traufe geraten, zwischen Skylla und Charybdis sein
between the hammer and the anvil {prep} (with the choice between two unpleasant or distasteful options) :: zwischen Hammer und Amboss
betwixt {prep} (between, specifically between two things) :: zwischen
be up to {v} (to do or be involved in doing) :: vorhaben
be up to {v} (to depend on) :: hängen von
Beuren {prop} (surname) :: Beuren
Beuren {prop} (Esslingen) :: Beuren
Beuren {prop} (Cochem-Zell) :: Beuren
Beuren {prop} (Trier-Saarburg) :: Beuren
bevel {n} (An edge that is canted, one that is not a 90 degree angle) :: Schräge {f}, Fase {f}, Abschrägung {f}, Abfasung {f}, Schrägung {f}, Schrägfläche {f}, Gehrung {f}
bevel {v} (give a canted edge to a surface) :: anschrägen, abschrägen, anfasen, fasen, schrägen
bevelled {adj} (having a bevel) :: abgeschrägt, abgekantet, stumpfwinklig
beverage {n} (drink) :: Getränk {n}
Beverly Hills {prop} (city in California) :: Beverly Hills
bevor {n} (plate armour protecting the lower face and neck) :: Bart {m}
bevy {n} (large group of birds) :: Schwarm {m}, Schar {f}
bevy {n} (large group or collection) :: Schar {f}
bewail {v} (to wail over) :: beklagen
beware {v} (use caution, pay attention (to)) :: Vorsicht
beware of the dog {phrase} (beware of the dog) :: Vorsicht vor Hund
bewhiskered {adj} (having whiskers) :: bärtig
Bewick's swan {n} (Bewick's swan) :: Zwergschwan {m}
bewilder {v} (to confuse, disorientate, or puzzle someone) :: verwirren, durcheinanderbringen
bewildering {adj} (very confusing, perplexing, or baffling) :: verwirrend, irritierend, befremdlich, verblüffend, irreführend, irremachend, konfus machend
bewitch {v} (to cast a spell) :: verhexen
bewitched {adj} (Under a spell; entranced) :: verhext, verzaubert
bewitching {adj} (enchanting) :: bezaubernd
be wrong {v} (have an incorrect belief, be mistaken) :: sich täuschen, sich irren, sich verschätzen
bey {n} (governor of a Turkish dominion) :: Bey {m}, Bei {m}, Beg {m}
beyond {prep} (beyond) SEE: above ::
beyond {n} (unknown) SEE: unknown ::
beyond {prep} (on the far side of) :: jenseits
beyond {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife ::
beyond the pale {prep} (behaviour) :: eindeutig die Grenzen überschritten, völlig indiskutabel, indiskutabel, vollkommen inakzeptabel
bezel {n} (the rim and flange which encompasses and fastens a jewel or other object) :: Fassung {f}
bezel {n} (the panel that covers the front of a computer case or the panel covering each drive bay) :: Frontblende {f}, Blende {f}
bezoar {n} (mass of undigested matter) :: Bezoar {m}
B-flat {n} (musical note) :: B
B-flat major {n} (major key with B-flat as its tonic) :: B-dur
B-flat minor {n} (minor key) :: b-Moll
Bharat {prop} (India) SEE: India ::
Bhutan {prop} (Himalayan country) :: Bhutan
Bhutanese {n} (person from Bhutan) :: Bhutaner {m}, Bhutanerin {f}
Bhutanese {adj} (pertaining to Bhutan) :: bhutanisch
bi {adj} (bisexual) :: bi
bi- {prefix} (two-) :: bi-, zwei-
biangbiang noodles {n} (type of noodle) :: Biángbiang-Nudeln
biannual {adj} (occurring every two years) SEE: biennial ::
biannual {adj} (occurring twice a year; semi-annual) :: halbjährlich
biarchy {n} (rule by 2 people) SEE: diarchy ::
bias {n} (inclination towards something; predisposition, partiality) :: Voreingenommenheit {f}, Neigung {f}, Ausrichtung {f}, Vorliebe {f}, Verzerrung {f}
bias {n} (electronics: voltage or current applied to electronic device) :: Bias {m}, Vorspannung {f}
bias {n} (statistics: difference between expectation and true value) :: Verzerrung {f}
biased {adj} (exhibiting bias; prejudiced) :: parteiisch, voreingenommen, tendenziös
biased {adj} (angled at a slant) :: geneigt, gekippt
biathlete {n} (athlete in biathlon) :: Biathlet {m}, Biathletin {f}
biathlon {n} (winter sport) :: Biathlon {n}
bib {n} (item of clothing for protecting other clothes while eating) :: Lätzchen {n}, Latz {m}
bib {v} (to drink heavily) SEE: tipple ::
bib {n} (Trisopterus luscus) SEE: pouting ::
Bibb lettuce {n} (variety of lettuce) :: Buttersalat {m}
bibimbap {n} (Korean dish of white rice topped with vegetables, beef, a whole egg, and gochujang) :: Bibimbap
bible {n} (comprehensive manual) :: Bibel {f}
bible {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
Bible {prop} (Jewish holy book) SEE: Tanakh ::
Bible {prop} (Christian holy book) :: Bibel {f}
biblical {adj} (of or relating to the Bible) :: biblisch
biblical {adj} (very great, exceeding previous records) :: biblisch
Biblical Hebrew {prop} (the archaic form of the Hebrew language, see also: Hebrew) :: biblisches Hebräisch {n}, Bibelhebräisch {n}
biblicist {adj} (of, relating, or characteristic of biblicism (or a biblicist)) :: biblizistisch, bibeltreu
biblicist {n} (Biblical scholar or expert) :: Bibelkundiger {m}, Bibelkundige {f}
biblicist {n} (one who interprets the Bible literally) :: Biblizist {m}, Biblizistin {f}, Bibeltreuer {m}, Bibeltreue {f}
bibliography {n} (section of a written work) :: Bibliographie {f}
bibliomancy {n} (divination by interpreting a passage from a book) :: Bibliomantie {f}, Stichomantie {f}
bibliophage {n} (person who loves books) SEE: bookworm ::
bibliophile {n} (person who loves books) :: Bücherfreund {m}, Bücherfreundin {f}, Bücherliebhaber {m}, Bücherliebhaberin {f}, Buchliebhaber {m}, Buchliebhaberin {f}, Bibliophiler {m}, Bibliophile {f}
bibliophobia {n} (fear or dislike of books) :: Bbibliophobie {f}
bicameral {adj} (having two separate legislative chambers) :: Zweikammer
bicameralism {n} (principle of dividing legislative body into two groups) :: Bikameralismus {m}
bicarbonate {n} (chemistry) :: Bicarbonat {n}
bicarbonate of soda {n} (sodium bicarbonate) SEE: sodium bicarbonate ::
bicephalous {adj} (Having two heads) :: zweiköpfig, doppelköpfig
biceps {n} (any muscle having two heads) :: Bizeps {m}
biceps {n} (biceps brachii) SEE: biceps brachii ::
biceps brachii {n} (biceps brachii) :: Musculus biceps brachii {m}
bichon {n} (bichon) :: Bichon {m}, Schoßhund {m}
bicker {v} (quarrel in a tiresome manner) :: streiten [reflexive], zanken [reflexive], fetzen [reflexive], miteinander rangeln, in den Haaren liegen [reflexive], in Streit geraten
Bicol {prop} (language) :: Bikolano
Bicolano {prop} (Bicol) SEE: Bicol ::
bicuspid {n} (tooth) :: Prämolar {m}, Vormahlzahn {m}
bicycle {n} (vehicle) :: Fahrrad {n}, Velo {n} [Switzerland], Drahtesel {m} [colloquial], Veloziped {n} [dated]
bicycle {v} (to ride a bicycle) :: Rad fahren, [colloquial] radeln
bicycle kick {n} (kick) :: Fallrückzieher {m}
bicycle lane {n} (lane of a roadway designated for use by cyclists) :: Radweg {m}
bicycle path {n} (segregated path for the use of bicycles) :: Fahrradweg {m}, Radweg {m}
bicycle rack {n} (rack in which bicycles may be parked) SEE: bicycle stand ::
bicycle stand {n} (device to which bicycles may be securely attached) :: Fahrradständer {m}, Fahrradabstellanlage {f}
bicycle touring {n} (touring on a bicycle) :: Fahrradtourismus {m}, Radtourismus {m}
bicyclist {n} (rider of bicycle) SEE: cyclist ::
bid {v} (intransitive: to make an offer) :: bieten
bid {v} (transitive: to offer as a price) :: bieten
bid {v} (transitive: to announce goal) :: melden, reizen
bid {n} (offer at an auction) :: Gebot {n}
bid {n} (attempt, effort, or pursuit (of a goal)) :: Bestrebung {f}, Streben {n}, Bewerbung {f}
bidder {n} (someone who bids) :: Bieter
biddy {n} (a woman, especially an old woman; especially one regarded as fussy or mean or a gossipy busybody) :: alte Schachtel {f}, alte Klatschtante {f}
bidet {n} (low-mounted plumbing fixture for cleaning the genitalia and anus) :: Bidet {n}
bidimensional {adj} (two-dimensional) SEE: two-dimensional ::
bidirectional {adj} (moving in two directions) :: bidirektional
bidirectional {adj} (operating in two directions) :: bidirektional
Bielefeld {prop} (a city in Germany) :: Bielefeld {n}
biennale {n} (a biennial celebration or exhibition) :: Biennale {f}
biennial {adj} (happening every two years) :: bisannuel, zweijährig
bier {n} (litter to transport the corpse of a dead person) :: Bahre {f}
biflagellate {adj} (having two flagella) :: biflagellat, zweigeißelig, zweigeißelig
bifocals {n} (spectacles with two different powers) :: Bifokalbrille {f}, Zweistärkenbrille {f}
bifurcate {adj} (Divided or forked into two; bifurcated) :: zweizackig
bifurcate {adj} (Having bifurcations.) :: gegabelt
bifurcation {n} (biology: division into two branches) :: Gabelung, Bifurkation {f}
bifurcation {n} (any place where one divides into two) :: Gabelung {f}
bifurcation {n} (act of bifurcating) :: Gabelung {f}, Verzweigung {f}
bifurcation {n} (a place where two roads, tributaries etc. part or meet) :: Weggabelung {f}
bifurcation {n} (mathematics) :: Bifurkation {f}, Verzweigung {f}
big {adj} (of a great size, see also: large) :: groß
big {adj} (adult) :: groß
bigamist {n} (someone who practices bigamy) :: Bigamist {m}
bigamy {n} (state of having two spouses simultaneously) :: Bigamie {f}, Doppelehe {f}
Big Apple {prop} (nickname for New York City) :: Big Apple {m}
Big Bad Wolf {n} (fictional evil wolf) :: der Böse Wolf {m}
Big Bang {prop} (cosmic event) :: Urknall {m}
Big Ben {prop} (the hour bell in London) :: Big Ben {m}
Big Ben {prop} (clock tower itself) :: Big Ben {m}
big-breasted {adj} (having large breasts) :: busig, vollbusig
big brother {n} (a sibling's older brother) SEE: older brother ::
Big Brother {prop} :: Großer Bruder {m}
big business {n} (large corporations) :: Big Business {n}
big cat {n} (any large feline animal) :: Großkatze {f}
big cheese {n} (very important figure) :: hohes Tier {n}, Bonze {m}, dicker Fisch {m}
Big Crunch {prop} (hypothetic eventual collapse of the universe) :: Big Crunch
big data {n} (collection of data sets) :: Big Data
big deal {n} (something very important) :: große Sache {f}
big deal {interj} (so what) :: auch schon was
Big Dipper {prop} (bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky) :: Großer Wagen {m}
big eater {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton ::
Bigfoot {n} (unidentified yeti-like animal) :: Bigfoot {m}
bigger {adj} (comparative of big) :: größer
bighead carp {n} (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) :: Marmorkarpfen {m}
big-headed {adj} (arrogant) :: eingebildet, [colloquial] großkopfig
bighearted {adj} (noble, kind and generous) :: großherzig
bighorn sheep {n} (a North American wild sheep) :: Dickhornschaf
bight {n} (large bay) :: Bucht {f}
Big Mac {n} (burger) :: Big Mäc {m}, Big Mac {m}
big mouth {n} (mouth of someone who talks too much) :: lockeres Mundwerk {n}
big mouth {n} (person who has such a "big mouth") :: Großmaul {n} (making exaggerated claims), Plappermaul {n} (talking too much)
bigmouth {n} (one who talks too much) :: Plaudertasche {f}, Plappermaul {n}, Großmaul {n}
bigot {n} (one who is narrow-mindedly devoted to their own ideas and groups and intolerant of others) :: intoleranter Fanatiker {m}, intolerante Fanatikerin {f}, often with a strongly pejorative noun such as Hornochse or Idiot instead of "Mensch": engstirniger, intoleranter Mensch {m}, bornierter Mensch {m}, Kleingeist {m}, Rassist {m}, Piesepampel {m}, Kantönligeist {m}
bigoted {adj} (being a bigot) :: bigott, engstirnig, eifernd, stur, voreingenommen
bigotedness {n} (bigotry) SEE: bigotry ::
bigotry {n} (intolerant prejudice, opinionatedness, or fanaticism; fanatic intolerance) :: Bigotterie {f}
big picture {n} (totality of a situation) :: Gesamtbild {n}, Gesamteindruck {m}
big screen {n} (surface) :: Ki­no­lein­wand {f}, Filmleinwand {f}
big shot {n} (person with reputation or importance) SEE: big cheese ::
big sister {n} (a sibling's older sister) SEE: older sister ::
big toe {n} (largest of the toes of the foot of a human) :: große Zehe {f}, großer Zeh {m}
big wheel {n} (big cheese) SEE: big cheese ::
big wheel {n} (Ferris wheel) SEE: Ferris wheel ::
bigwig {n} (A person of importance) :: hohes Tier {n}, Persönlichkeit {f}, Bonze {m}
bijection {n} (function that is both a surjection and an injection) :: Bijektion {f}
bijective {adj} (both injective and surjective) :: bijektiv
bike {n} (bicycle) :: Fahrrad {n}, Rad {n}, Velo {n} [Switzerland], Drahtesel [colloquial]
bike {n} (motorcycle) :: Motorrad {n}, Moped {n}
bike {v} (to ride a bike) :: Rad fahren, radeln [colloquial]
bike cab {n} (cycle rickshaw used as taxi) SEE: pedicab ::
bike lane {n} (bicycle lane) SEE: bicycle lane ::
bike path {n} (bicycle path) SEE: bicycle path ::
biker {n} (person whose lifestyle is centered on motorcycles) :: Biker {m} (Bikerin {f}), Rocker {m} (Rockerin {f})
biker {n} (person who rides a bicycle) SEE: cyclist ::
bike rack {n} (bicycle stand) SEE: bicycle stand ::
bikini {n} (bathing suit) :: Bikini {m}
bilabial {adj} (articulated with both lips) :: bilabial
bilateral {adj} (having two sides) :: zweiseitig
bilateral {adj} (involving both sides equally) :: bilateral
bilberry {n} (type of blueberry from the cowberry family, see also: blueberry) :: Heidelbeere
bilberry {n} (the shrub of this plant) :: Blaubeere
bildungsroman {n} (a type of novel) :: Bildungsroman {m}
bile {n} (secretion produced by the liver) :: Galle {f}
bile acid {n} (bile acid) :: Gallensäure {f}
bile duct {n} (structure carrying bile) :: Gallengang {m}
bilge {n} (lowest inner part of a ship's hull) :: Bilge {f}
bilge {n} (bilge water) :: Bilgewasser {n}
bilgewater {n} (nautical: water which collects in the bilges of a ship) :: Bilgewasser {n}, Bilgenwasser {n}
bilinear {adj} ((mathematics) linear in each of two variables) :: bilinear
bilingual {adj} (speaking two languages) :: zweisprachig, bilingual
bilingual {adj} (written in two languages) :: zweisprachig
bilingualism {n} (condition of being bilingual) :: Zweisprachigkeit {f}; Bilingualität {f}, Bilingualismus {m}, Bilinguität {f}, Bilinguismus {m}
bilirubin {n} (bile pigment) :: Bilirubin {n}
biliverdin {n} (a green tetrapyrrolic bile pigment) :: Biliverdin {n}
bill {n} (bird's beak) :: Schnabel {m}
bill {n} (beaklike projection) :: [land] Landzunge {f}
bill {v} (to stroke bill against bill) :: schnäbeln
bill {n} (draft of a law) :: Gesetzesentwurf {m}
bill {n} (invoice) :: Rechnung {f}
bill {n} (advertisement) :: Plakat {n}
bill {v} (to advertise by a bill) :: ankündigen
bill {v} (to charge or enter in a bill) :: verrechnen
bill {n} (piece of paper money) SEE: banknote ::
billboard {n} (large advertisement along side of highway) :: Billboard {n}, Plakat {n}
billet {v} (to lodge soldiers, or guests, in a private house) :: einquartieren
billet-doux {n} (love letter) SEE: love letter ::
billfold {n} (wallet) SEE: wallet ::
billhook {n} (agricultural implement) :: Hippe {f}
billiard {num} (a million milliards, see also: quadrillion) :: Billiarde {f}
billiards {n} (a cue sport) :: Karambolagen {f-p}, Billard {n}
billion {n} (a thousand million; 1,000,000,000; a milliard) :: Milliarde {f}
billion {n} (a million million; 1,000,000,000,000, see also: trillion) :: Billion
billionaire {n} (wealth exceeding one billion (109)) :: Milliardär {m}, Milliardärin {f}
bill of exchange {n} (document demanding payment from another party) :: Wechsel {m}
bill of lading {n} (waybill for transport by boat) :: Konnossement {n}
bill of materials {n} (a list of materials and components) :: Stückliste {f}
bill of rights {n} (a formal statement of the rights of a specified group of people) :: Rechtecharta {f}
billow {n} (large wave) :: Woge {f}
billow {v} (to surge in billows) :: wabern, wogen
billow {v} (to swell or bulge) :: bauschen
billowy {adj} (full of billows or surges) :: wellig, wogend
Billy {prop} (William) SEE: William ::
billy goat {n} (male goat) :: Ziegenbock {m}, Geißbock {m}, Bock {m}, Ziegenmännchen {n}
Billy Wix {prop} (Tyto alba) SEE: western barn owl ::
bilocation {n} (paranormal ability) :: Bilokation {f}
bimbo {n} (physically attractive woman who lacks intelligence) :: Tussi {f}, Betthäschen {n}
bimonthly {adv} (once every two months) :: alle zwei Monate
bin {n} (container used for storage) :: Tonne
bin {n} (container for rubbish) :: Mülltonne
binary {adj} (being in a state of one of two mutually exclusive conditions such as on or off) :: binär
binary {adj} (logic states) :: binär
binary {adj} (using binary number system) :: binär
binary {adj} (having two parts) :: binär
binary {adj} (not ASCII) :: binär
binary {n} (number system) :: Binärsystem {n}
binary {n} (executable computer file) :: Binärcode {m}
binary code {n} (code that uses binary digits) :: Binärcode {m}, Binärkode {m}
binary-coded decimal {n} :: BCD-Code {m}
binary-compatible {adj} :: binärkompatibel
binary number {n} :: Binärzahl {f}
binary operator {n} (operator taking two operands) :: Binäroperator {m}
binary star {n} (stellar system in which two stars orbit their center of mass) :: Doppelstern {m}
binary star system {n} (binary star) SEE: binary star ::
binary system {n} (astronomy: system of two celestial objects) SEE: binary star ::
binary tree {n} (a data structure) :: Binärbaum {m}
binaural {adj} (of or designed for use with two ears) :: binaural
bind {v} (transitive to tie or fasten tightly together, with a cord, band, ligature, chain, etc.) :: binden
bind {v} (transitive connect) :: verbinden, konnektieren
bind {v} (transitive couple) :: verbinden
bind {v} (transitive put together in a cover, as of books) :: [z.B. ein Buch] binden
binder {n} (someone who binds) :: Binder {m}
binder {n} (a bookbinder) :: Buchbinder {m}
binder {n} (cover or holder for unbound papers, pages etc.) :: Ordner {m}, Hefter {m}, Mappe {f}
binder {n} (something that is used to bind things together) :: Bindung {f}, Buchrücken {m}
binder {n} (dossier) :: Dossier {n}
binder {n} (machine used in harvesting that ties cut stalks of grain into a bundle) :: Ballenpresse {f}
binder {n} (chemical etc. that causes other substances to form into one) :: Bindemittel {n}, Verdickungsmittel {m}, Filmbildner {m}, Geliermittel {n}, Gelbildner {m}, Matrixbildner {m}
binder {n} (down payment on a piece of real property) :: Anzahlung {f}
binding {adj} (imposing stipulations or requirements that must be honoured) :: verbindlich
binding {n} (spine of a book) :: Bindung {f}
binding agent {n} (binder) :: Bindemittel {n}
bindweed {n} (Convolvulaceae) :: Winde {f}
binge {n} (short period of excessive consumption, especially of alcohol) :: Gelage {n}, Trinkgelage {n}, Saufgelage {n}, Besäufnis {n} (alcohol)
binge {n} :: Fressattacke {f}
binge drinking {n} (consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol) :: Komasaufen {n}
binge eating disorder {n} (medical disorder) :: Gelage-Essstörung
binge-watch {v} (watch multiple episodes of a television programme) :: bingewatchen
bingo {n} (game of chance) :: Bingo {n}
bingo {interj} (when finding something) :: Volltreffer {m}
binitarianism {n} (belief) :: Binitarismus {m}, Binitarianismus {m}, Zweieinigkeitslehre {f}
binky {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
bin man {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector ::
binnacle {n} ((nautical) the wooden housing for a ship's compass) :: Kompasshaus {n}, Kompasshäuschen {n}
binoculars {n} (hand-held device for looking at a distance) :: Fernglas {n}, Feldstecher {m}
binomial {n} (algebra: polynomial with two terms) :: Binom {n}
binomial coefficient {n} (binomial coefficient) :: Binomialkoeffizient {m}
binomial distribution {n} (probability distribution) :: Binomialverteilung {f}
bio- {prefix} (life) :: bio-
bioaccumulate {v} (to accumulate in a biological system) :: bioakkumulieren
bioaccumulation {n} (the process by which substances accumulate in the tissues of living organisms) :: Bioakkumulation {f}
bioaccumulative {adj} (tending to accumulate in organisms) :: bioakkumulativ
bioavailability {n} (amount of drug which reaches the site of physiological activity after administration) :: Bioverfügbarkeit {f}
biocenosis {n} (biocoenosis) SEE: biocoenosis ::
biochemical {adj} (of or relating to biochemistry) :: biochemisch
biochemical {adj} (involving chemical processes in living organisms) :: biochemisch
biochemist {n} (A chemist whose speciality is biochemistry) :: Biochemiker {m}
biochemistry {n} (the chemistry of those compounds that occur in living organisms, and the processes that occur in their metabolism and catabolism) :: Biochemie {f}
biocide {n} (any substance that can destroy living organisms) :: Biozid {n}
biocoenosis {n} (community of organisms) :: Biozönose
biodegradable {adj} (capable of being decomposed by biological activity) :: biologisch abbaubar
biodiesel {n} (fuel) :: Biodiesel {m}
biodiversity {n} (diversity of flora and fauna) :: Biodiversität {f}, Artenvielfalt {f}, Sortenvielfalt {f}, Artenreichtum {m}, biologische Diversität {f}, biologische Vielfalt {f}
bioenergy {n} (energy produced from a biological resource) :: Bioenergie {f}
bioethics {n} (branch of ethics) :: Bioethik {f}, Bio-Ethik {f}
biofact {n} :: biofakt
biofuel {n} (biofuel) :: Biosprit {m}, Biokraftstoff {m}
biogas {n} (gas produced by organic waste matter, used as a fuel) :: Biogas {n}
biogenesis {n} (principle) :: Biogenese {f}
biogenesis {n} (biosynthesis) SEE: biosynthesis ::
biogeochemistry {n} (the scientific study of biological, geological and chemical processes in the natural environment) :: Biogeochemie {f}
biogeography {n} (study of geographical distribution of living things) :: Biogeographie {f}
biographer {n} (the writer of a biography) :: Biograf {m}
biographic {adj} (biographical) SEE: biographical ::
biographical {adj} (relating to an account of a person's life) :: biographisch, biografisch
biography {n} (personal life story) :: Biografie {f}, [old spelling] Biographie {f}
biohazard {n} (biological risk) :: biologisches Risko
bioinformatician {n} (practitioner of bioinformatics) :: Bioinformatiker {m}
bioinformatics {n} (field of science) :: Bioinformatik {f}
biologic {adj} (biological) SEE: biological ::
biological {n} (of biology) :: biologisch
biological {n} (consanguine) :: leiblich, biologisch
biological parent {n} (biological parent) :: biologischer Elterteil {m} (biologische Elterteile {p}), biologische Eltern {p}
biological warfare {n} (use of an organism as a weapon of war) :: biologische Kriegsführung {f}
biologist {n} (student of biology; one versed in the science of biology) :: Biologe {m}, Biologin {f}
biologistic {adj} :: biologistisch
biology {n} (study of living matter) :: Biologie {f}
bioluminescence {n} (emission of light by a living organism) :: Biolumineszenz {f}
biomass {n} (total mass of living things) :: Biomasse {f}
biomass {n} (vegetation used as fuel) :: Biomasse {f}
biome {n} (biological community) :: Biom {n}
biomedical {adj} (pertaining to biomedicine) :: biomedizinisch
biomedicine {n} (a branch of medical science) :: Biomedizin {f}
biometric {adj} (of, pertaining to or using biometrics) :: biometrisch
biometrics {n} (measurement of biological data) :: Biometrie {f}
biometrics {n} (measurement of physical characteristics for use in personal identification) :: Biometrie {f}
biomolecule {n} (molecules) :: Biomolekül {n}
bionic {adj} (related to bionics) :: bionisch
bionics {n} (engineering based on biological systems) :: Bionik {f}
biophilia {n} (love of nature and all living things) :: Biophilie {f}
biophysicist {n} (a biologist or physicist whose speciality is biophysics) :: Biophysiker {m}, Biophysikerin {f}
biophysics {n} (science) :: Biophysik {f}
bioplastic {n} (polymer) :: bio-basierter Kunststoff {m}, Bioplastik {m}
biopsy {n} (removal and examination of a sample of tissue for diagnostic purposes) :: Biopsie {f}
biopsy {v} (to take a sample for pathological examination) :: biopsieren
bioremediation {n} (use of biological organisms to remove contaminants) :: Bioremediation {f}
bioresource {n} (resource of biological origin) :: Bioressource {f}
biosphere {n} (part of Earth capable of supporting life) :: Biosphäre {f}
biosynthesis {n} (synthesis of organic compounds) :: Biosynthese {f}
biotechnology {n} (use of living organisms in industrial, agricultural, medical applications) :: Biotechnologie {f}
biotechnology {n} (application of the principles and practices of engineering and technology to the life sciences) :: Biotechnologie {f}, Biotechnik {f}
bioterrorism {n} (terrorism that involves biological weapons) :: Bioterrorismus {m}
biotic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or produced by life or living organisms) :: biotisch
biotin {n} (sulfur-containing member of the vitamin B complex) :: Biotin {n}
biotite {n} (dark brown mica) :: Biotit {m}
biotope {n} (geographical area) :: Biotop {n}
bipartisan {adj} (relating to, or supported by two groups, especially by two political parties) :: parteiübergreifend, überparteilich, von beiden Seiten getragen, von beiden Parteien unterstützt
bipartite {adj} (having two parts) :: zweiteilig, aus zwei Teilen bestehend
bipartite {adj} (having two participants; joint) :: beidseitig, bilateral, beiderseitig
bipartite {adj} (graph theory) :: bipartit
biped {n} (a two-footed (or two-legged) animal) :: Zweifüßer {m}, Zweifüßerin {f}, Zweifüßler {m}, Zweifüßlerin, Zweibeiner {m}, Zweibeinerin {f}, Bipede {m}
bipedal {adj} (having two feet or two legs) :: zweifüßig, bipedisch, zweibeinig, zweibeinig
bipedally {adv} (in the manner of an animal that walks on two feet) :: zweifüßig, bipedisch, zweibeinig
biphenyl {n} (organic compound) :: Biphenyl {n}
biplane {n} (airplane that has two pairs of wings) :: Doppeldecker {m}
bipolar {adj} (involving both poles) :: bipolar,
bipolar {adj} (relating to or having bipolar disorder) :: bipolar
bipolar {adj} :: zweipolig, doppelpolig
bipolar disorder {n} (psychiatric diagnostic category) :: bipolare Störung {f}
birch {n} (tree) :: Birke {f}
birchbark {n} (bark of the birch tree) :: Birkenrinde {f}
birch bolete {n} (Leccinum scabrum) :: Birkenröhrling {m}, Birkenpilz {m}, Graukappe {f}
Bircher muesli {n} (breakfast dish) :: Bircher Müesli
birch sap {n} (the sap extracted from a birch tree) :: Birkensaft {m}
bird {n} (animal) :: Vogel {m}, Vögelchen {n} [diminutive], Vögelein {n} [diminutive, chiefly poetic], Vöglein {n} [diminutive]
bird {n} (person) :: Vogel {m}, Typ {m} [colloquial]
bird {n} (woman) :: Schnitte {f}, Braut {f}, Perle {f}, Mieze {f}
bird {v} (to bring into prison, to roof) :: absitzen im Cafe Viereck
birdbath {n} (basin for wild birds) :: Vogelbad {n}
birdbrain {n} (someone who is not intelligent) :: Vogel
birdcage {n} (cage to keep birds in) :: Vogelbauer {m}, Vogelkäfig {m}
birdcall {n} (device used to imitate the cry of a bird) :: Vogelruf {m}
birdcatcher {n} (a person who catches or snares birds, wildfowl) :: Vogelfänger {m}, Vogelfängerin {f}, Vogeljäger {m}, Vogeljägerin {f}, Vogelsteller {m}, Vogelstellerin {f}
birdcatching {n} (the catching of birds, wildfowl) :: Vogelfang {m}
bird cherry {n} (Prunus padus) :: Traubenkirsche {f}, Ahlkirsche {f}, Elsenkirsche {f}, Sumpfkirsche {f}, Faulkirsche {f}, Vogelkirsche
bird dog {n} (tout) SEE: tout ::
bird dog {n} (gun dog) SEE: gun dog ::
bird flu {n} (avian influenza) SEE: avian influenza ::
birdhouse {n} (aviary) SEE: aviary ::
birdhouse {n} (small house for birds) :: Nistkasten {m}, Vogelhäuschen {n}
birdie {n} (badminton: shuttlecock) SEE: shuttlecock ::
birdie {n} (bird, birdling) :: Vögelchen {n}, Vöglein {n}, Vögelein {n}, Vogerl {n} [South German, Austrian, colloquial]
birdlife {n} (birds collectively) :: Vogelwelt {f}
birdlime {n} (serving of a prison sentence) SEE: time ::
birdlime {n} (sticky substance to catch birds) :: Vogelleim {m}
birdling {n} (small bird; birdie; nestling (young bird, baby bird)) :: Piepmatz {m} [colloquial], Vögelchen {n}, Vögelein {n}, Vöglein {n}, Vogerl {n} [South German, Austrian, colloquial]; Jungvogel {m}, Vogeljunges {n}
bird of ill omen {n} :: unheilverkündender Vogel {m}
bird of paradise {n} (bird) :: Paradiesvogel {m}
bird of passage {n} (bird) SEE: migrant ::
bird of prey {n} (carnivorous bird) :: Raubvogel
birds and bees {n} (euphemistic: sexual activity) :: die Bienchen und Blümchen {n-p} (the little bees and flowers)
bird's-eye view {n} (view from directly or high above) :: Vogelperspektive {f}
birdshit {n} (vulgar: avian excreta) :: Vogelscheiße {f}
birds of a feather {n} (people having similar characters) :: Leute vom gleichen Schlag {p}, Gleichgesinnte {p}, aus demselben Holz geschnitzt
birds of a feather flock together {proverb} (people of similar character, etc. tend to associate) :: Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern (same and same like to consort); zeig mir deine Freunde und ich sage dir, wer du bist (show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are)
birds of the feather flock together {proverb} (birds of a feather flock together) SEE: birds of a feather flock together ::
birdsong {n} (musical sound made by a bird) :: Vogelsang {m}, Vogelgesang {m}
bird strike {n} (collision between a bird and an aircraft) :: Vogelschlag {m}
Birds' Wedding {prop} (Sorbian custom) :: Vogelhochzeit {f}
birdwatcher {n} (a person who observes or identifies wild birds in their natural environment) :: Vogelbeobachter {m}, Vogelbeobachterin {f}
birdwatching {n} (observing wild birds) :: Vogelbeobachtung {f}
bireme {n} (galley) :: Bireme {f}
biretta {n} (square cap) :: Birett {n}
Birmingham {prop} (city and borough in England) :: Birmingham
Birmingham {prop} (city in Alabama) :: Birmingham
Birmingham {prop} (city in Michigan) :: Birmingham
biro {n} (ballpoint pen) SEE: ballpoint pen ::
Birobidzhan {prop} (city in Russia) :: Birobidschan {n}
birth {n} (process of childbearing; beginning of life) :: Geburt {f}
birth {n} (beginning or start; a point of origin) :: Geburt {f}
birth certificate {n} (official document certifying the details of a person's birth) :: Geburtsurkunde {f}, Geburtsschein {m}
birth control {n} (voluntary control of the number of children conceived) :: Geburtenkontrolle {f}
birthdate {n} (date of birth) SEE: date of birth ::
birthday {n} (anniversary) :: Geburtstag {m}
birthday {n} (date of birth) :: Geburtsdatum {n}
birthday boy {n} (a male whose birthday it is) :: Geburtstagskind {n}
birthday cake {n} (a cake made to celebrate a birthday) :: Geburtstagskuchen {m}
birthday card {n} (greeting card) :: Geburtstagskarte {f}
birthday girl {n} (a female whose birthday it is) :: Geburtstagskind {n} [gender-neutral]
birthday paradox {n} (mathematical observation) :: Geburtstagsparadoxon {n}
birthday party {n} (a party held to celebrate a birthday) :: Geburtstagsfeier {f}, Geburtstagsparty {f}, Geburtstagsfest {n}
birthday problem {n} (mathematical observation) :: Geburtstagsparadoxon {n}
birthday suit {n} (nakedness) :: Adamskostüm {n} (Adam's costume) [chiefly of males], Evakostüm {n} [only of females], wie Gott ihn/sie schuf (as God created them)
birth defect {n} (any of several medical disorders that are present at birth) :: Geburtsfehler {m}
birther {n} (one who gives birth) :: Gebärer {m} [figuratively], Gebärerin {f}
birthmark {n} (a mark on the skin formed before birth) :: Muttermal {n}, Mal {n}
birthplace {n} (location where a person is born) :: Geburtsort {m}
birthrate {n} (rate of live births to population) :: Geburtenrate {f}
birthright {n} (something that is owed since birth, due to inheritance) :: Geburtsrecht {n}
birthright citizenship {n} (birthright citizenship) :: Bodenprinzip {n}, Geburtsrechtsprinzip {n}, Geburtsortsprinzip {n}, Territorialprinzip {n}
birthwort {n} (Aristolochia) :: Osterluzei {f}, Pfeifenblume {f}, Pfeifenwinde {f}
Birx {prop} (Birx, Schmalkalden-Meiningen, Thuringia, Germany) :: Birx
biryani {n} (dish of spiced rice) :: Biryani {n}
Biscay {prop} (Bay of Biscay) SEE: Bay of Biscay ::
biscuit {n} (cracker) SEE: cracker ::
biscuit {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: cookie; cracker) :: Keks {m} {n}
bisect {v} (to cut or divide into two parts) :: halbieren
bisector {n} (A line or curve that bisects or divides a line segment, angle, or other figure into two equal parts) :: Halbierende {f}, Winkelhalbierende {f}, Winkelsymmetrale {f}
bisexual {adj} (sexually attracted to both men and women) :: bisexuell, bi
bisexual {adj} (botany: having both male and female organs) :: bisexuell, zweigeschlechtig, zweigeschlechtlich
bisexual {n} (bisexual person) :: Bisexuelle {f}, Bisexueller {m}
bisexual {adj} (hermaphrodite) SEE: hermaphrodite ::
bisexuality {n} (psychology) :: Bisexualität {f}
Bishkek {prop} (capital of Kyrgyzstan) :: Bischkek {n}
Bishnupriya Manipuri {prop} (language) :: Bishnupriya Manipuri
bishop {n} (church official, supervisor of priests and congregations) :: Bischof {m}, Bischöfin {f}
bishop {n} (chess piece) :: Läufer {m}
Bishop of Rome {prop} (a title of the Pope) :: Bischof von Rom {m}
bishopric {n} (diocese) :: Bistum {n}, Diözese {f}
bishop's pawn {n} (in chess) :: Läuferbauer {m}
Bislama {prop} (a creole spoken on the South Pacific island-nation of Vanuatu) :: Bislama {n}
bismuth {n} (chemical element) :: Wismut {n}, Bismut {n}
bison {n} (wild ox, Bison bonasus) :: Wisent {m}
bison {n} (North American animal, Bison bison) :: Bison {m}, Amerikanischer Bison {m}
bisque {n} (thick creamy soup) :: Bisque {f}
bissextile {n} (leap year) SEE: leap year ::
bissextile year {n} (year with an extra day) SEE: leap year ::
Bistrița {prop} (City in Romania) :: Bistritz, Nösen [archaic]
bistro {n} (small restaurant) :: Bistro {n}
bistro {n} (small bar) :: Bistro {n}, Kneipe {f}
bisyllabic {adj} (comprising two syllables) SEE: disyllabic ::
bit {n} (metal in horse's mouth) :: Gebiss {n}, Mundstück {n}
bit {n} (rotary cutting tool) :: Bohrer {m}
bit {n} (eighth of a dollar) :: Bit {n}
bit {n} (small amount of something, see also: a little) :: Bisschen {n}, Wenig {n}, Stück {n}, Stückchen {n}, Happen {m} [of food]
bit {n} (small amount of time) :: Moment {m}
bit {n} (math: binary digit) :: Bit {n}
bit {n} (computing smallest unit of storage) :: Bit {n}
bit {n} (datum that may take on one of exactly two values) :: Bit {n}
bit {n} (coin of a specified value) SEE: coin ::
bit {n} (ten-cent piece) SEE: dime ::
bit by bit {adv} (small amount at a time) :: Stück für Stück, nach und nach, peu à peu
bitch {n} (female canine) :: Fähe {f} [dog, fox, badger, ferret, etc.], Hündin {f} [dog], Wölfin {f} [wolf], Füchsin {f} [fox], Kojotin {f} [coyote], Schakalin {f} [jackal]
bitch {n} (disagreeable, aggressive person, usually female) :: Zicke {f}, Schlampe {f}, Miststück {n}
bitch {n} (complaint) SEE: complaint ::
bitch {n} (playful variation on dog (sense "man")) SEE: dog ::
bitch fight {n} ((vulgar) a fight between women) :: Zickenkrieg {m}
bitch out {v} (to complain) SEE: bitch ::
bitch out {v} (to fear from something) SEE: chicken out ::
bitch slap {n} :: Ohrfeige
bitchy {adj} (spiteful; catty) :: zickig, stutenbissig
bitchy {adj} (irritable) :: zickig
bitcoin {n} (cryptocurrency) :: Bitcoin {m} {f}
bite {v} (to cut into by clamping the teeth) :: beißen
bite {v} (to attack with the teeth) :: beißen
bite {v} (to bite a baited hook or other lure) :: beißen
bite {v} (to sting) :: beißen
bite {n} (act of biting) :: Biss {m}
bite {n} (wound left behind after having been bitten) :: Biss {m}
bite {n} (swelling of one's skin caused by an insect's mouthparts or sting) :: Stich {m}
bite {n} (mouthful) :: Bissen {m}
bite cell {n} :: Degmazyt
bite off more than one can chew {v} (To try to do too much) :: sich übernehmen
bite the bullet {v} (endure punishment with dignity or accept a negative aspect of a situation) :: in den sauren Apfel beißen [bite into the sour apple]
bite the dust {v} (to die) :: ins Gras beißen
bite the dust {v} (to quit or fail) :: ins Gras beißen
bite the hand that feeds one {v} (cause harm to a benefactor) :: in die Hand beißen, die einen füttert; [commoner, but broader in meaning] den Ast absägen, auf dem man sitzt (saw off the branch on which one is sitting)
bitfield {n} :: Bitfeld {n}
Bithynia {prop} (ancient region) :: Bithynien {n}
biting {adj} (causing a stinging sensation) :: beißend
biting {adj} (cutting or incisive) :: bissig, beißend
biting {adj} (tending to bite) :: bissig, beißend; stechend [piercing insects]
biting midge {n} (any Ceratopogonidae) :: Gnitze {f}
biting point {n} :: Schleifpunkt {m}
bitmap {n} (a series of bits) :: Rastergrafik {f}, Pixelgrafik {f}, Binärbild {n}, Bitmap {f}
Bitola {prop} (city) :: Bitola
bitstock {n} (drill bit-carrying crank for boring holes) :: Bohrkurbel {f}, Bohrwinde {f}, Kurbelbohrer {m}, Kurbelbohrmaschine {f}, Brustleier {f}, Handbohrer {m}
bitter {adj} (having an acrid taste) :: bitter; [in a pleasant way, as in beer] herb
bitter {adj} (harsh, piercing or stinging) :: bitter, arg, harsch, hart
bitter {adj} (hateful or hostile) :: erbittert, verhasst, hässlich, [hostile] feindlich
bitter {adj} (cynical and resentful) :: verbittert
bitter almond {n} (Seed) :: Bittermandel {f}
bittercress {n} (Barbarea vulgaris) :: Barbarakraut {n}
bitter cucumber {n} (colocynth) SEE: colocynth ::
bitterling {n} (fish of the genus Rhodeus) :: Bitterling {m}
bitterling {n} (Rhodeus amarus) SEE: European bitterling ::
bitterly {adv} (in a bitter manner) :: bitterlich
bitter melon {n} (plant Momordica charantia) :: Bittermelone {f}, Bittergurke {f}, Balsambirne {f}, Karela {f}
bitter melon {n} (fruit of Momordica charantia) :: Bittermelone {f}, Bittergurke {f}, Balsambirne {f}, Karela {f}
bittern {n} (bird of the subfamily Botaurinae) :: Dommel {f}, Rohrdommel
bitterness {n} (quality of being bitter in taste) :: Bitterkeit {f}, Bitternis {f}
bitterness {n} (quality of feeling bitter) :: Bitterkeit {f}, Bitternis
bitter orange {n} (fruit) :: Bitterorange {f}, Pomeranze {f}
bitter orange {n} :: Bitterorange {f}, Pomeranze {f}, Sevilla-Orange {f}, Saure Orange {f}
bitterroot {n} (Lewisia rediviva) :: Bitterwurz {f}, Bitterwurzel {f}
bitters {n} (beverage) :: Bitter {m}
bittersweet {adj} (both bitter and sweet) :: bittersüß
bittersweet {adj} (expressing contrasting emotions of pain and pleasure) :: bittersüß
bittersweet {n} (the bittersweet nightshade, Solanum dulcamara) :: Bittersüß {m}, Bittersüßer Nachtschatten {m}
bitter vetch {n} (Vicia ervilia) :: Linsenwicke {f}
bitumen {n} (Mineral pitch) :: Bitumen {n}
bitwise {adj} (treating values like series of bits) :: bitweise
bivalence {n} (state or quality of being bivalent) :: Bivalenz {f}, Zweitwertigkeit {f}
bivector {n} (an antisymmetric tensor) :: Bivektor {m}
bivouac {n} (encampment for the night, usually without tents or covering) :: Biwak {n}
bivouac {v} (to set up camp) :: biwakieren
bivouac sack {n} (waterproof fabric shell designed to slip over a sleeping bag) :: Biwaksack {m}
biweekly {adj} (occurring every two weeks) :: alle zwei Wochen, vierzehntägig
biweekly {adj} (occurring twice a week) :: zweimal pro Woche
biweekly {adv} (every two weeks) :: alle zwei Wochen, zweiwöchentlich
biweekly {adv} (twice a week) :: zweimal pro Woche
bizarre {adj} (strangely unconventional) :: bizarr, komisch, seltsam
blab {n} (gossip) SEE: gossip ::
blabbermouth {n} (chatterbox) SEE: chatterbox ::
black {v} (to blacken) SEE: blacken ::
black {adj} (absorbing all light) :: schwarz
black {adj} (relating to people with dark skin) :: Schwarzer {m}, Schwarze {f}
black {adj} (illegitimate, illegal or disgraced) :: schwarz
black {adj} (of coffee or tea, without milk or other whitener) :: schwarz
black {adj} (chess, checkers etc.: color opposing "white") :: schwarz
black {n} (colour/color) :: Schwarz {n}
black {n} (dye, pigment) :: Schwarz {n}, Schwärze {f}
black {n} (dark-skinned person) :: Schwarzer {f}, Schwarze {f}
black {n} (billiards, snooker, pool: black ball) :: Schwarze {f}
black alder {n} (Alnus glutinosa tree) :: Schwarzerle {f}, Schwarz-Erle {f} [technical]
blackamoor {n} (person with dark skin (degrading)) :: Mohr
black and blue {adj} (covered in bruises) :: grün und blau
black and white {adj} (black-and-white) SEE: black-and-white ::
black and white {n} (cookie) :: Amerikaner
black-and-white {adj} (using shades of grey/gray) :: schwarzweiß, monochrome
black-and-white {adj} (displaying images in shades of grey/gray) :: schwarzweiß, monochrome
black-and-white television {n} (system) :: Schwarz-Weiß-Fernsehen {n}
black-and-white television {n} (set) :: Schwarz-Weiß-Fernseher {m}
black antshrike {n} (bird) :: Nördlicher Schwarzameisenwürger {m}
black-arched moth {n} (species of moth) :: Nonne {f}, Fichtenspinner {m}
black bag {n} (plastic bag for the disposal of household waste) SEE: garbage bag ::
black bear {n} (American black bear) :: Schwarzbär {m}, Amerikanischer Schwarzbär {m}, Baribal {m}
black bear {n} (Asiatic black bear) :: Kragenbär {m}, Schwarzbär {m}, Asiatischer Schwarzbär {m}, Mondbär {m}, Tibetbär {m}
Blackbeard {prop} (pirate's name) :: Blackbeard {m}
black beer {n} (German beer) :: Schwarzbier
black beetle {n} (the oriental cockroach) :: Küchenschabe {f}
black-bellied plover {n} (An arctic bird) :: Kiebitzregenpfeifer {m}
blackberry {n} (shrub) :: Brombeere {f}
blackberry {n} (fruit) :: Brombeere {f}
blackberry winter {n} (period of cold weather around March, April or May) :: Eisheiligen [in May], see also Schafskälte [in June]
black-bibbed tit {n} (Poecile hypermelaenus) :: Schwarzkragenmeise {f}, Kragenmeise {f}
black bile {n} (one of the four humours) :: schwarze Galle {f}
black-billed capercaillie {n} (Tetrao parvirostris) :: Stein-Auerhuhn {n}
blackbird {n} (Turdus merula: blackbird) :: Amsel {f}, Schwarzdrossel {f}
black bloc {n} (group of individuals during a demonstration) :: Schwarzer Block {m}
blackboard {n} (a surface that can be written upon with chalk) :: Tafel {f}
blackbody {n} (an idealized object that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that falls on it) :: schwarzer Körper {m}
black box {n} (recorders in an aircraft) :: Flugschreiber {m}, Blackbox {f}
black box {n} (theoretical construct or device) :: Blackbox {f}
black-browed albatross {n} (Thalassarche melanophris) :: Schwarzbrauenalbatros {m}
blackcap {n} (Sylvia atricapilla) :: Mönchsgrasmücke {f}
black-capped chickadee {n} (Poecile atricapillus) :: Schwarzkopfmeise {f}
black caraway {n} (Nigella sativa, see also: nigella) :: Echter Schwarzkümmel {m}, Ägyptischer Schwarzkümmel {m}
black caraway {n} (spice) :: Schwarzkümmel {m}
black cardamom {n} (plant and spice) :: schwarzer Kardamom {m}
black cat {n} (Martes pennanti) SEE: fisher ::
black cat {n} (black-furred cat) :: schwarze Katze {f}
black chanterelle {n} (mushroom) :: Totentrompete {f}, Herbsttrompete {f}
black child {n} (black child, see also: pickaninny) :: schwarzes Kind {n}, Negerlein {n} [can be offensive]
black coal {n} (high quality coal) :: Steinkohle {m}
black coffee {n} (coffee served without cream or milk) :: schwarzer Kaffee {m}
black copper {n} :: Schwarzkupfer {n}
black-crested antshrike {n} (bird) :: Schwarzgesicht-Ameisenwürger {m}
black-crowned night heron {n} (Nycticorax nycticorax) :: Nachtreiher {m}
black cumin {n} (Nigella sativa) SEE: nigella ::
black currant {n} (berry) :: Aalbeere {f}, schwarze Johannisbeere {f}
Black Death {prop} (14th century pandemic outbreak) :: Beulenpest {f}, schwarzer Tod {m}
black dwarf {n} (cooled white dwarf) :: Schwarzer Zwerg {m}
black earth {n} (chernozem) SEE: chernozem ::
black elder {n} (Sambucus nigra) SEE: elder ::
blacken {v} (make black) :: schwärzen
black eye {n} (bruised eye) :: blaues Auge {n}, Veilchen {n} [colloquial]
black-eyed pea {n} (cowpea plant Vigna unguiculata or Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata) :: Kuhbohne {f}, Augenbohne {f}, Schwarzaugenbohne {f}, Schlangenbohne {f}
black-eyed pea {n} (cowpea bean, the produce of the aforementioned plant) :: Kuhbohne {f}, Augenbohne {f}, Schwarzaugenbohne {f}, Schlangenbohne {f}
black flag {n} (flag used as a symbol of anarchism) :: schwarze Fahne {f}
black flag {n} (racing flag) :: schwarze Flagge {f}
black-footed cat {n} (Felis nigripes) :: Schwarzfußkatze {f}
Black Forest {prop} (German forest and mountain range) :: Schwarzwald {m}
Black Forest gâteau {n} (type of gâteau originating in the Black Forest region of Germany) :: Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte {f}
Black Forest ham {n} (ham produced in the Black Forest region) :: Schwarzwälder Schinken {m}
Black Forest horse {n} (draft horse) :: Schwarzwälder Kaltblut {n}
black francolin {n} (Francolinus francolinus) :: Halsbandfrankolin {m}
Black Friday {prop} (sales period involving heavy price reductions) :: Schlussverkauf {m}
black gold {n} (petroleum) :: schwarze Gold
black gram {n} (Bean from the seed of Vigna mungo) SEE: urad ::
black grouse {n} (Lyrurus tetrix) :: Birkhuhn {n}
blackguard {n} (scoundrel) SEE: scoundrel ::
black guillemot {n} (black guillemot) :: Gryllteiste {f}
black-haired {adj} (having black hair) :: schwarzhaarig, schwatt [colloquial, regional, Westphalia, Ruhrgebiet]
black-handed gibbon {n} (Hylobates agilis) :: Schwarzhandgibbon {m}
blackhead {n} (skin blemish) :: Mitesser {m}, Komedo {m}
black-headed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) :: Lachmöwe {f}
black hole {n} (celestial body) :: schwarzes Loch {n}
black-hooded antshrike {n} (passerine bird) :: Kapuzenameisenwürger {m}
black horse {n} :: Rappe {m}
black humor {n} (subgenre of comedy) :: schwarzer Humor {m}
black ice {n} (invisible film of ice) :: Glatteis {n}, Blitzeis {n}
blacking {n} (shoe polish) SEE: shoe polish ::
blackish {adj} (somewhat black) :: schwärzlich
blackish-gray antshrike {n} (passerine bird) :: Schwarzgrauer Ameisenwürger {m}
blackishness {n} (the quality of being blackish, somewhat black) :: Schwärzlichkeit {f}
blackjack {n} (card game) :: Blackjack {n}
blackjack {n} (weapon) :: Totschläger {f}
black kite {n} (species of kite) :: Schwarzmilan
black lead {n} (graphite) SEE: graphite ::
blackleg {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker ::
black-legged kittiwake {n} (Rissa tridactyla) :: Dreizehenmöwe {f}
black letter {n} (a Northern-European style of type) :: Bruchschrift {f}, gebrochene Schrift {f}, Fraktur {f}, gotische Schrift {f}
black letter {n} (text set in black-letter type) :: Frakturtext {m}
black light {n} (light bulb that emits ultraviolet light) :: Schwarzlicht {n}
black liquor {n} (a waste product in pulp and paper industry) :: Schwarzlauge {f}
blacklist {n} (list or set of people or entities to be shunned or banned) :: schwarze Liste {f}, Negativliste {f}, Index {m}
blacklist {v} (to place on a blacklist) :: auf die schwarze Liste setzen
black lives matter {phrase} (statement of protest) :: schwarze Leben zählen
black locust {n} (Robinia pseudoacacia) :: Robinie {f}, Scheinakazie {f}
black magic {n} (magic derived from evil forces) :: schwarze Magie {f}, schwarze Kunst {f}
blackmail {n} (extortion of money by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure) :: Erpressung {f}
blackmail {v} (to extort money) :: erpressen
blackmailer {n} (someone who blackmails) :: Erpresser {m}, Erpresserin {f}
Black Maria {n} (a police van for transporting prisoners) :: grüne Minna
black market {n} (trade that is in violation of restrictions, rationing or price controls) :: Schwarzmarkt {m}
black market {n} (people who engage in such trade or that sector of the economy) :: Schwarzmarkt {m}
black mulberry {n} (fruit) :: Schwarze Maulbeere {f}
black-necked grebe {n} (black-necked grebe) :: Schwarzhalstaucher {m}
blackness {n} (state or quality of being black) :: Schwärze {f}
black nightshade {n} (Solanum nigrum) :: Schwarze Nachtschatten {m}
black oak {n} (Eastern N.Am. Oak) :: Schwarzeiche
blackout {n} (a temporary loss of memory) :: Blackout {m}, Erinnerungsverlust {m}, Filmriss {m}
blackout {n} (a large-scale power failure) :: Stromausfall {m}, Blackout {m}
black pepper {n} (spice) :: schwarzer Pfeffer {m}
black powder {n} (simple form of gunpowder) :: Schwarzpulver {n}
black pudding {n} :: Blutpudding {f} mit Hafer oder Gerste
black radish {n} (Raphanus sativus var. niger) :: Schwarzer Winter-Rettich {m}, Schwarzer Rettich {m}
black redstart {n} (a small passerine bird) :: Hausrotschwanz {m}
black rhinoceros {n} (Diceros bicornis) :: Spitzmaulnashorn
black salsify {n} (Scorzonera hispanica) :: Schwarzwurzel {f}
black scabbardfish {n} (Aphanopus carbo) :: Schwartzer Degenfisch {m}
Black Sea {prop} (an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor) :: Schwarzes Meer {n}
blackseed {n} (Nigella sativa) SEE: nigella ::
black sheep {n} (disliked person) :: schwarzes Schaf {n}
blackshirt {n} (member of a fascist party) SEE: fascist ::
blackshirt {n} (uniformed Italian fascist, member of a paramilitary wing of the party) :: Schwarzhemd {n}, Squadrist {m}, Squadristin {f}
black skimmer {n} (bird) :: Schwarzmantel-Scherenschnabel {m}
blacksmith {n} (iron forger, see also: smith) :: Eisenschmied {m}, Eisenschmiedin {f}, Grobschmied {m}, Grobschmiedin {f}; Hufschmied {m}, Hufschmiedin {f}, Hufner {m}, Hufnerin {f}, Hufbeschlagschmied {m}, Hufbeschlagschmiedin {f}, Beschlagschmied {m}, Beschlagschmiedin {f}
black soup {n} (ancient Spartan broth) :: schwarze Suppe {f}, spartanische Suppe {f} (Spartanische Suppe {f})
black stork {n} (Ciconia nigra) :: Schwarzstorch {m}
black swan {n} (Cygnus atratus) :: Trauerschwan {m}
black-tailed godwit {n} (Limosa limosa) :: Uferschnepfe {f}
black-tailed jackrabbit {n} (Lepus californicus) :: Eselhase {m}
black tea {n} (tea leaves which have been "fermented") :: schwarzer Tee {m}
black tern {n} (black tern) :: Trauerseeschwalbe {f}
blackthorn {n} (Prunus spinosa) :: Schlehdorn {m}, Schlehe {f}
blackthorn winter {n} (blackberry winter) SEE: blackberry winter ::
black-throated antshrike {n} (passerine bird) :: Schwarzkehl-Ameisenwürger {m}
black-throated diver {n} (Gavia arctica) :: Prachttaucher {m}
black-throated loon {n} (black-throated diver) SEE: black-throated diver ::
black vulture {n} (Coragyps atratus) :: Rabengeier {m}
black vulture {n} (Aegypius monachus) SEE: Eurasian black vulture ::
black walnut {n} (Juglans nigra tree) :: Schwarznussbaum {m}
black walnut {n} (Juglans nigra nut) :: Schwarznuss {f}
blackwater {n} (contaminated waste water) :: Schwarzwasser
black widow {n} (species of venomous spider) :: schwarze Witwe {f}
black widow {n} (a murderous woman) :: schwarze Witwe {f}
black-winged kite {n} (Elanus caeruleus) :: Gleitaar {m}
black-winged pratincole {n} (Glareola nordmanni) :: Schwarzflügel-Brachschwalbe {f}
black woodpecker {n} (Dryocopus martius) :: Schwarzspecht
bladder {n} (flexible sac in zoology) :: Blase {f}
bladder {n} (hollow inflatable organ in botany) :: Blase {f}
bladder {n} (inflatable bag inside a ball) :: Blase {f}
bladder {n} (urinary bladder) SEE: urinary bladder ::
bladder cancer {n} (disease in which abnormal cells multiply without control in the bladder) :: Blasenkrebs {m}
bladder cherry {n} (Physalis alkekengi) :: Lampionblume
bladdernut {n} (Staphylea) :: Pimpernuss {f}
bladderpod {n} (Lobelia inflata, indian tobacco, Puke weed) :: Indianertabak, Aufgeblasene Lobelie
bladderwort {n} (Utricularia) :: Wasserschlauch {m}
blade {n} (sharp-edged or pointed working end of a tool or utensil) :: Klinge {f}
blade {n} (thin plate, foil) :: Blatt {n}
blade {n} (the flat part of a leaf or petal) :: Klinge {f}
blade of grass {n} (a single instance of a plant described by the mass noun grass) :: Grashalm {m}
Blagoevgrad {prop} (town in Bulgaria) :: Blagoewgrad {n}
Blagoveshchensk {prop} (city in Siberia) :: Blagoweschtschensk {n}
blah {n} (nonsense talk) :: Blabla {n}, Gelaber {n}
blah blah blah {interj} (a put-down to silence someone) :: blablabla
blah blah blah {interj} (a stand-in for trivial, obvious, or boring content) :: Blabla {n}, Blablabla {n}
Blaise {prop} (male given name) :: Blasius {m}
blame {n} (state of having caused a bad event) :: Schuld {f}
blame {v} (place blame upon) :: beschuldigen, verantwortlich machen
blame {n} (responsibility) SEE: responsibility ::
blame {n} (culpability) SEE: culpability ::
blameworthiness {n} (culpability) SEE: culpability ::
blanch {v} (to grow or become white) :: erbleichen
Blanche {prop} (female given name) :: Bianka, Blanka
bland {adj} (Mild; dull; soft; gentle; smooth in manner; suave) :: mild, sanft
bland {adj} (Having a soothing effect; not irritating or stimulating) :: mild, sanft
bland {adj} (Lacking in taste or vigor) :: fad, geschmacklos
blandish {v} (to persuade someone by using flattery; to cajole) :: zureden
blank {adj} (without color) :: ausdruckslos
blank {adj} (free from writing, printing or marks) :: unbeschrieben, unausgefüllt
blank {n} (space to be filled in on a form or template) :: Lücke {f}
blank {n} (space character) :: Leerzeichen {n}
blank {n} (simulation cartridge) :: Platzpatrone {f}
blank check {n} (grant of complete authority) :: Blankoscheck {m}
blanket {n} (fabric) :: Decke {f}, Wolldecke {f}, Bettdecke {f}
blanket {n} (layer of anything) :: Schicht {f}, Lage {f}
blanket {adj} (covering or encompassing everything) :: allgemein, umfassend, allumfassend, General-, pauschal
blanket {v} (to cover) :: decken, verdecken, zudecken, abdecken, überdecken
blanket {v} (to traverse or complete) :: abdecken, abgrasen, durchstreifen
blanket term {n} (word or phrase used to describe multiple groups of related things) SEE: umbrella term ::
blank verse {n} (a poetic form with regular meter) :: Blankvers {m}
Blarney Stone {prop} (Stone at Blarney Castle) :: Blarney-Stein {m}
blasé {adj} (unimpressed with something because of over-familiarity) :: gleichgültig, gelangweilt
blaspheme {v} (to speak against God or religious doctrine) :: blasphemieren, Gott lästern, lästern [archaic]
blasphemer {n} (One who commits blasphemy) :: Gotteslästerer {m}, Blasphemist {m}; Gotteslästerin {f}, Blasphemistin {f}
blasphemous {adj} (lacking piety or respect for the sacred) :: blasphemisch, gotteslästerlich
blasphemy {n} (Irreverence toward something sacred) :: Blasphemie {f}, Gotteslästerung {f}
blast {n} (violent gust of wind) :: Windstoß {m}
blasted {adj} (cursed) :: verdammt, verflucht, vermaledeit
blast furnace {n} (furnace where iron ore is smelted) :: Hochofen {m}
blasto- {prefix} (bud, budding, germination) :: blasto-
blastoderm {n} (point from which the embryo develops) :: Blastoderm {m}
blastoma {n} (type of tumour) :: Blastom {n}
blatant {adj} (obvious, on show) :: offensichtlich, himmelschreiend, eklatant, krass
blatherer {n} (one who blathers) :: dummer Schwätzer, Dummschwätzer
blaxploitation {n} (genre of exploitation films of the 1970s that starred black actors.) :: Blaxploitation {f}
blay {n} (bleak) SEE: bleak ::
blaze {n} (fast-burning fire) :: Flamme {f}, Lohe {f}
blaze {n} (mark resembling fire) :: Blesse {f}
blazer {n} (a jacket) :: Blazer {m}
blazon {n} (a description of a coat of arms) :: Blasonierung, Wappenbeschreibung {f}
blazon {v} (to describe of a coat of arms) :: beschreiben
bleach {v} (to treat with bleach) :: bleichen
bleach {n} (chemical) :: Bleiche {f}
bleacher {n} (seating for spectators) :: Zuschauerbänke {f-p}, Sitztribüne {f}, Sitzreihen {f-p}
bleak {adj} (without color) :: farblos, bleich, ausgeblichen
bleak {adj} (desolate and exposed) :: öde, ungeschützt, trostlos, kahl, karg, desolat
bleak {adj} (cheerless) :: freudlos, trostlos, trübe, düster, desolat
bleak {n} (small European river fish) :: Laube {m}, Ukelei {m}
bleat {n} (cry of a sheep or a goat) :: Blöken {n}
bleat {v} (to make the cry of a sheep or goat) :: blöken
bleat {v} (informal: to complain) :: blöken
blech {interj} (gagging sound of disgust) :: kotz, würg
bleed {v} (lose blood) :: bluten
bleed {v} (take money from) :: ausbluten
bleed {n} (incident of bleeding) :: Blutung
bleed {n} (edge around layout) :: Beschnitt
bleed dry {v} (to wait until all an animal's blood has drained off) :: ausbluten lassen
bleed dry {v} (to bleed white) SEE: bleed white ::
bleeder {n} (person who is easily made to bleed) :: Bluter {m}
bleeding {n} (the flow or loss of blood from a damaged blood vessel) :: Blutung {f}
bleed out {v} (die due to excess bloodloss) :: verbluten
bleed white {v} (cause hardship by cutting supplies off) :: ausbluten
bleep {n} (high-pitched sound) :: Pieps {m}
bleep {v} (to emit high-pitched sound) :: piepen, piepsen
bleep censor {n} (software module) :: Pieptonzensor
Blekinge {prop} (a province of southeastern Sweden) :: Blekinge
blemish {n} (small flaw which spoils the appearance of something) :: Makel {m}, Schönheitsfehler {m}
blemish {n} (moral defect) :: Makel {m}
blend {n} (in linguistics) SEE: portmanteau word ::
blend {n} (mixture) :: Mischung {f}
blend {v} (to mix) :: mischen, mixen, vermischen
blende {n} (sphalerite) SEE: sphalerite ::
blended family {n} (a stepfamily in which both new mates have one or more living children from prior partners) :: Patchworkfamilie {f}
blender {n} (machine) :: Mixer {m}, Pü­rie­rer {m}, Vermuser {m}
blepharitis {n} (inflammation of the eyelid) :: Blepharitis {f}
blepharoplasty {n} (plastic surgery on the eyelid) :: Augenlidplastik {f}, Lidplastik {f}, Blepharoplastik {f}
bless {v} (confer blessing on) :: segnen, [obsolete] benedeien
blessed {adj} (having divine aid, or protection, or other blessing) :: gesegnet
blessed {adj} (In Catholicism, a title indicating the beatification of a person) :: selig
blessing {n} (divine or supernatural aid or reward) :: Segen {m}, Segnung {f}
blessing {n} (pronouncement invoking divine aid) :: Segnen
blessing {n} (good fortune) :: Segen {m}, Segnung {f}
blessing {n} (act of declaring, seeking or bestowing favor) :: Segnen {n}, Segnung {f}, Segenserteilung {f}, Segen {m}
blessing {n} (thing one is glad of) :: Segen {m}
blessing {n} (prayer before a meal) SEE: grace ::
blessing in disguise {n} (A seeming misfortune that turns out to be for the best) :: Glück im Unglück {n}, im Nachhinein ein Segen {m}, im Nachhinein betrachtet ein Segen
bless oneself {v} (to make the sign of the cross) SEE: cross oneself ::
bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed) :: Gesundheit [normal]; hatschi [informal]; prost [very informal]
bless you {interj} (short for "God bless you") SEE: God bless you ::
bleuatre {adj} (bluish) SEE: bluish ::
blight {n} (anything that impedes growth or spoils something) :: Geißel {f}, Seuche {f}, Plage {f}, Heimsuchung {f}, Übel {n}
blight {v} (to spoil or ruin (something)) :: beschädigen, ruinieren, verderben, vernichten, zerstören
blighter {n} (person) :: Nichtsnutz {m}, Tunichtgut {m}, Taugenichts
blimey {interj} (used to express anger, excitement, surprise, etc.) :: na sowas
blimp {n} (airship) :: Zeppelin [normal]; Prallluftschiff {n} [technical, officialese], Blimp {m} [colloquial]
blimp {n} (obese person) :: Fettsack {m}
blind {adj} (unable to see) :: blind
blind {adj} (unable to be used to see) :: blind
blind {adj} (failing to see) :: blind, unkritisch, ignorant
blind {adj} (unconditional; without regard to evidence) :: blind
blind {n} (covering for a window) :: [1] Jalousie {f} (slats), [1] Rouleau {n}, [1] Rollo, [1] Rolladen {f} (outside)
blind {n} (forced bet in poker) :: Blind {n}
blind {v} (make temporarily or permanently blind) :: blenden
blind alley {n} (course of inquiry) SEE: impasse ::
blind alley {n} (street that leads nowhere) SEE: dead end ::
blind as a bat {adj} (nearly totally blind) :: blind wie ein Maulwurf
blind date {n} (romantic meeting between two people who have never met before, see also: miai) :: Blind Date {n}
blindfold {n} (a covering, usually a bandage, for the eyes) :: Augenbinde {f}
blindfold {v} (To cover the eyes, in order to make someone unable to see) :: die Augen verbinden
blindfold {v} (To obscure understanding or comprehension) :: blind machen
blind gut {n} (caecum) SEE: caecum ::
blindingly {adv} (extremely) SEE: extremely ::
blind man's buff {n} (game where someone is blindfolded and tries to catch the others) :: Blindekuh {f}, Blindekuhspiel {n}, Blinde Kuh {f}
blind map {n} (map with political boundaries and major geographical features shown, but without names) :: Stumme Karte {f}, Blindkarte {f}
blindness {n} (condition of being blind) :: Blindheit {f}
blindside {v} (To attack (a person) on his or her blind side) :: überraschend angreifen, unerwartet herfallen über, aus heiterem Himmel überfallen
blindside {v} (catch off guard) :: überrumpeln, überraschen
blind spot {n} (place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina) :: blinder Fleck {m}
blind spot {n} (part of the road that cannot be seen) :: toter Winkel, blinder Fleck {m}
blind spot {n} (inability to recognize a fact or think clearly) :: Blindheit {f}
blind spot {n} (location with poor radio service) :: Funkloch {n}
blindworm {n} (slowworm) SEE: slowworm ::
bling bling {n} (shiny jewelry that displays wealth) :: Bling-Bling {n}
blini {n} (buckwheat pancakes) :: Blini {m}
blink {v} (to close and reopen both eyes quickly) :: blinzeln
blink {v} (to flash headlights) :: lichthupen
blink {v} (to flash on and off at regular intervals) :: blinken
blink {n} (The act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again) :: Augenzwinkern {n}, Zwinkern {n}
blinkenlight {n} (a flashing light or beacon light) :: Blinklicht {n}
blinker {n} (eye shield) :: Scheuklappe {f}
blink of an eye {n} (very short period of time) :: Augenblick {m}
bliss {n} (perfect happiness) :: Glückseligkeit {f}, Glück {n}
blissful {adj} (full of joy) :: glückselig, beglückt
blister {n} (bubble on the skin) :: Blase {f}
blister {n} (bubble on a painted surface) :: Blase {f}
blister {v} (criticise severely) :: kritisieren
blister {v} (break out in blisters) :: Blasen werfen
blistering {adj} (causing blisters) :: blasenbildend, blasenverursachend
blistering {adj} (very hot) :: sengend, glühend, glühendheiß
blistering {adj} (harsh or corrosive) :: ätzend
blistering {adj} (very aggressive) :: scharf, ätzend
blistering {adj} (very fast) :: rasendschnell
blithely {adv} (without care, concern, or consideration) :: ungerührt, unbekümmert
blithely {adv} (in a joyful, carefree manner) :: unbekümmert
blitz {n} (swift and overwhelming attack) :: Blitzkrieg
blitz chess {n} (form of chess) :: Blitzschach {n}
blitzkrieg {n} (fast military offensive) :: Blitzkrieg {m}
blizzard {n} (severe snowstorm) :: Schneesturm {m}, Blizzard {m}
BL Lac object {n} (type of galaxy with AGN) :: BL-Lacertae-Objekt {n}
bloat {v} (to cause to become distended) :: schwellen, aufblasen, aufblähen
bloat {v} (to get an overdistended rumen) :: aufblähen
bloat {v} (to fill soft substance with gas, water, etc) :: aufblasen
bloat {n} (overdistension of rumen) :: Aufblähen, Tympanie
bloating {n} (bloated condition; distention) :: Aufgedunsenheit {f}
blobfish {n} (Psychrolutes marcidus) :: Blobfisch {m}
bloc {n} (group of voters or politicians) :: Block {m}
bloc {n} (group of countries) :: Block {m}
block {n} (substantial often approximately cuboid piece) :: Block {m}, Klotz {m}
block {n} (chopping block; cuboid base for cutting or beheading) :: Block {m}, Klotz {m}
block {n} (group of buildings demarcated by streets) :: Häuserblock {m}, Block {m}
block {n} (set of paper sheets) :: Block {m}
block {n} (computing: logical data storage unit) :: Block {m}
block {n} (something that prevents passing) :: Verstopfung {f}
block {v} (to fill, making it impossible to pass) :: blockieren, verstopfen
block {v} (to prevent passing) :: blockieren
block {v} (to prevent an action) :: abblocken, blockieren
block {v} (to impede opponent) :: abblocken
block {n} (stupid fellow) SEE: blockhead ::
block {n} (solitary confinement) SEE: solitary confinement ::
blockade {n} (the isolation of something) :: Blockade {f}
block and tackle {n} (system of several pulleys) :: Flaschenzug {m}, Zugwerk {n}
blockbuster {n} (high-explosive bomb) :: Luftmine {f}, Minenbombe {f}, Wohnblockknacker {m}
blockbuster {n} (film or book, that sustains exceptional and widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales) :: Blockbuster {m}, Verkaufsschlager {m}, Kassenknüller {m}, Knüller {m}, Hit {m}, Kassenschlager {m}, Renner {m}, Bestseller {m} [book], Straßenfeger {m} [TV movie, dated]
blockchain {n} (shared record) :: Blockchain {f}, Blockkette {f}
blocked {adj} (obstructed, of movement) :: gesperrt
blockhead {n} (stupid person) :: Dummkopf {m}
blockhouse {n} (a sturdy military fortification, often of concrete, with gunports) :: Blockhaus {n}, Hochbunker {m}
blockhouse {n} (a reinforced building from which to control hazardous operations) :: Blockhaus {n}
block letter {n} (hand-written capital) :: Blockbuchstabe {m}, handgeschriebener Großdruckbuchstabe {m}
block of flats {n} (apartment building) SEE: apartment building ::
Bloemfontein {prop} (city) :: Bloemfontein {n}
blog {n} (a personal or corporate website) :: Blog {n}, Internetblog {m}
blog {v} (to contribute to a blog) :: bloggen
blogger {n} (contributor to a blog) :: Blogger {m}, Bloggerin {f}
blogosphere {n} (the totality of blogs) :: Blogosphäre {f}
bloke {n} (man) :: Kerl {m}
blond {adj} (of a pale golden colour) :: blond, hell
blond {adj} (having blond hair) :: blond, blondhaarig, flachshaarig, hellhäutig [skin]
blond {n} (a pale yellowish color) :: Blond {n}
blond {n} (fair-haired person) :: Blonder {m}, Blondin {m} [obsolete], Blonde {f}, Blondine {f}, Blondhaariger {m}, Blondhaarige {f}, Flachshaariger {m}, Flachshaarige {f}, [♂♀] Blondkopf {m}, [♂♀] Blondschopf {m}
blonde {n} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blonde {adj} (blond) SEE: blond ::
blood {v} (to cause to be covered with blood) :: anbluten
blood {n} (vital liquid flowing in animal bodies) :: Blut {n}
blood {n} (family relationship due to birth, e.g. between siblings) :: Blut {n}, Blutsbande {p}
blood and soil {n} (nationalist mantra) :: Blut und Boden {n}
blood avenger {n} :: Bluträcher {m}
blood bank {n} (place where human blood or blood plasma is typed and stored) :: Blutbank {f}
bloodbath {n} (indiscriminate killing or slaughter) :: Blutbad {n}
blood brother {n} (unrelated male friend confirmed by a ceremonial mingling of blood) :: Blutsbruder {m}
blood cell {n} (any of the cells normally found in the blood) :: Blutkörperchen {n}
blood clot {n} :: Thrombus {m}, Blutgerinnsel
blood corpuscle {n} (blood cell) SEE: blood cell ::
bloodcurdling {adj} (Causing great horror or terror) :: markerschütternd, haarsträubend, schaurig, entsetzlich, Grauen erregend, traumatisch
blood diamond {n} (1. a diamond that has been mined in a war zone and sold in order to finance the conflict) :: Blutdiamant {m}
blood donor {n} (person who donates blood) :: Blutspender {m}, Blutspenderin {f}
blood feud {n} (feud between clans or families) SEE: vendetta ::
blood group {n} (blood type) SEE: blood type ::
bloodguilt {n} (guilt of wrongfully shedding blood) :: Blutschuld {f}
bloodhound {n} (dog) :: Bluthund {m}, Bluthündin {f}, Schweißhund {m}, Schweißhündin {f}, [Swiss German] Schweisshund {m}, Schweisshündin {f}, Bloodhound {m}
bloodhound {n} (informal: detective) :: Detektiv {m}, Detektivin {f}, Schnüffler {m}, Schnüfflerin {f}
blood is thicker than water {proverb} (relationships are stronger within the family) :: Blut ist dicker als Wasser
bloodless {adj} (lacking blood) :: blutarm, bleich
bloodless {adj} (taking place without loss of blood) :: unblutig
bloodless {adj} (lacking emotion or vivacity) :: blutleer
bloodletting {n} (ancient medical practice) :: Aderlass {m}
bloodletting {n} (large amount of blood likely to be spilled through violence) :: Blutvergießen {n}
blood loss {n} (loss of blood) :: Blutverlust {m}
bloodmobile {n} (vehicle outfitted to collect blood from donors) :: Blutspendewagen {m}
blood money {n} (money paid to the family of someone killed) SEE: wergeld ::
blood moon {n} (moon as it appears during a total lunar eclipse) :: Blutmond {m}
blood orange {n} (type of orange) :: Blutorange {f}, Blutapfelsine {f}
blood plasma {n} (clear fluid portion of blood) :: Blutplasma {n}
blood poisoning {n} (presence of micro-organisms in bloodstream) :: Blutvergiftung {f}
blood pressure {n} (pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries and veins) :: Blutdruck {m}
blood pudding {n} (blood sausage) SEE: blood sausage ::
blood red {n} (dark red colour) :: blutrot
blood red {adj} (of a deep vivid red colour) :: blutrot; Ancient: φοινός, δαφοινός
blood relation {n} (person) :: Blutsverwandter {m}, Blutsverwandte {f}, Blutsfreund {m} [older term], Blutsfreundin {f} [older term]
blood relationship {n} (state of being related by “blood”, i.e., through birth) :: Blutsverwandtschaft {f}
blood relative {n} (blood relation) SEE: blood relation ::
bloodroot {n} (plant) :: Blutwurz {f}
blood sample {n} (a sample of blood) :: Blutprobe {f}
blood sausage {n} (type of sausage) :: Blutwurst {f}, Rotwurst {f}, Schwarzwurst {f}, Rosenwurst {f}, Blunze {f}, Blunzen {f}, Plunze {f}, Plunzen {f}
bloodshed {n} (shedding or spilling of blood) :: Blutvergießen {n}
bloodshed {n} :: Blutvergießen {n}, Blutbad
bloodshot {adj} (reddened and inflamed) :: blutunterlaufen
blood sister {n} (sister by birth) :: leibliche Schwester {f}
blood sister {n} (a female bound to another one in commitment and friendship by a ceremonial mingling of blood) :: Blutsschwester {f}
bloodstained {adj} (stained, spotted or otherwise discolored with blood) :: blutbefleckt
bloodstream {n} (flow of blood through the circulatory system of an animal) :: Blutstrom {m}, Blutbahn {f}
bloodsucker {n} (vampire) SEE: vampire ::
bloodsucker {n} (parasite) SEE: parasite ::
bloodsucker {n} (animal that drinks the blood of others) :: Blutsauger {m}, Blutsaugerin {f}
bloodsucker {n} (one who attempts to take as much from others as possible) :: Blutsauger {m}
blood supply {n} (volume of blood flowing to part of the body over a particular time period) :: Blutversorgung {f}
blood, sweat and tears {n} (person's determination and hard work) :: Blut, Schweiß und Tränen
blood test {n} (a serologic analysis of a sample of blood) :: Blutprobe {f}, Bluttest {m}, Blutuntersuchung {f}
bloodthirsty {adj} (thirsty for blood) :: blutrünstig, blutdürstig
blood transfusion {n} (taking blood from one and giving it to another individual) :: Transfusion {f}, Bluttransfusion {f}, Blutübertragnung {f}
blood type {n} (blood classification) :: Blutgruppe {f}
blood vessel {n} (component of the circulatory system that carries blood) :: Ader {f}, Blutgefäß {n}
blood work {n} (blood test) SEE: blood test ::
bloody {adj} (covered in blood) :: blutig
bloody {adj} (characterised by great bloodshed) :: blutig
bloody {adj} (intensifier) :: verdammt, verflucht
bloody {adv} (intensifier) :: verdammt
bloody {v} (to draw blood) :: bluten lassen, bluten machen, blutig machen
bloody hell {interj} (expression of dismay) :: verdammte Scheiße
bloody mary {n} (cocktail made from vodka and tomato juice) :: Bloody Mary {f}
bloom {n} (flower) SEE: flower ::
bloom {n} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
bloom {v} (open its blooms) SEE: blossom ::
bloom {n} (delicate, powdery coating upon certain growing or newly-gathered fruits or leaves) :: Reifbelag {m}
bloom {v} (flourish) :: blühen
bloomers {n} (Women’s underpants with short legs.) :: Bloomers
blooming {adj} (euphemism for "bloody") :: verflixt, verdammt, verflucht
blooper {n} (blunder, error, see also: error) :: Schnitzer {m}
blooper {n} (filmed or videotaped outtake) :: Panne {f}, Pannen {p} {f}
blossom {n} (flowers on trees) :: Blüte {f}
blossom {n} (state or season for such flowers) :: Blüte {f}
blossom {n} (blooming period or stage of development) :: Blütezeit {f}
blossom {v} (have or open into blossoms) :: blühen, erblühen
blossom {v} (begin to thrive or flourish) :: blühen, aufblühen
blot {n} (blemish, spot or stain) :: Fleck {m}, Klecks {m}
blot {n} (stain on someone's reputation or character) :: Schandfleck
blot {v} (to cause a blot) :: beflecken, kleckern
blot {v} (to hide, obscure or obliterate) :: ablöschen
blotter {n} (piece of blotting paper) SEE: blotting paper ::
blotter {n} (police station register) :: Protokollbuch {n}, Polizeiregister {n}
blotting paper {n} (absorbent paper used to dry ink) :: Löschpapier {n}, Fließpapier {n}, Löschblatt {n}, Schreibunterlage {f}
blotto {adj} ((very) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
blouse {n} (an outer garment, usually loose, that is similar to a shirt) :: Bluse {f}
blow {v} (to produce an air current) :: blasen, pusten, wehen
blow {v} (to propel by an air current) :: blasen, wegblasen, fortblasen, hinfortblasen, pusten, wegpusten
blow {v} (to be propelled by an air current) :: wehen
blow {v} (to explode) :: hochgehen, in die Luft gehen, explodieren
blow {v} (to fellate) :: blasen
blow {n} (strong wind) :: Böe {f}
blow {n} (act of striking or hitting) :: Schlag {m}
blow {n} (damaging occurrence) :: Rückschlag {m}
blow {n} (cocaine) SEE: snow ::
blow {v} (blossom) SEE: blossom ::
blow a kiss {v} (to kiss one's hand and blow towards the recipient) :: einen Luftkuss geben
blow-by-blow {adj} (detailing completely) :: detailliert
blow-dry {v} (dry with a hair dryer) :: föhnen
blow-dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer ::
blower {n} (person) :: Bläser {m}
blower {n} (device) :: Gebläse {n}, Bläser {m}, Lüfter {m} (fan), Ventilator {m} (fan), Föhn {m} (hairdryer)
blower {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone ::
blowfish {n} (any species of fish of the family Tetraodontidae that have the ability to inflate themselves to a globe) :: Kugelfisch {m}
blowfly {n} (flies of the family Calliphoridae) :: Schmeißfliege {f}, Aasfliege {f}
blowgun {n} (weapon) :: Blasrohr {n}
blowhard {n} (person who talks too much or too loudly) :: Grossmaul {m}, Angeber {m}
blowhole {n} (spiracle through which cetaceans breath) :: Blasloch {n}
blowhole {n} (unintended cavity filled with air in a casting product) :: Lunker {m}
blowjob {n} (the act of fellatio) :: [common terms, but uncountable] Blasen {n}, Französisch {n}; [countable] Blowjob {m}; Runde Blasen, Runde Französisch
blow mould {n} :: Blasform {f}
blown {adj} (distended, swollen or inflated) :: aufgebläht
blow off {v} (pass gas) :: (Gas) ablassen
blow off steam {v} (to vent to relieve stress) :: Dampf ablassen
blow one's nose {v} (to expel mucus from nose) :: sich schnäuzen, sich schnauben, rotzen
blow one's top {v} (lose one's temper) SEE: lose one's temper ::
blowpipe {n} (chemistry: narrow tube to blow air onto flame) :: Lötrohr {n}
blowpipe {n} (weapon) SEE: blowgun ::
blowtorch {n} (tool) :: Lötlampe
blow up {v} (to explode (transitive)) :: sprengen
blow up {v} (to explode (intransitive)) :: explodieren
blow up {v} (to inflate) :: aufblasen
blow up {v} (to enlarge) :: vergrößern
blow up in one's face {v} (fail disastrously) :: jemandem auf die Füße fallen (to fall on one’s feet); ins Auge gehen (to hit one's eye)
blucher {n} (sturdy laced leather half-boot) :: Blücher
bludge {v} (to take some benefit) :: schnorren
bludgeon {n} (short heavy club) :: Knüppel {m}
bludgeon {v} (to club, hit with a bludgeon) :: niederknüppeln, knüppeln
bludgeon {v} (to force upon) :: aufzwingen
blue {adj} (blue-colored, see also: dark blue; light blue) :: blau
blue {adj} (depressed) :: depressiv, niedergeschlagen, schwermütig, traurig
blue {n} (colour) :: Blau {n}
blue {v} (to make blue) :: bläuen
blue {v} (to turn blue) :: blau werden
blue {n} (argument) SEE: argument ::
blue {n} (blue uniform) SEE: blues ::
blue {n} (bluefish) SEE: bluefish ::
blue {n} (sky, literally or figuratively) SEE: sky ::
Blue Banana {prop} (corridor) :: Blaue Banane {f}
Bluebeard {prop} (the famous fairy tale) :: Blaubart {f}
Bluebeard {prop} (the title character) :: Blaubart {f}
blue beret {n} (UN peacekeeper) :: Blauhelm {m}
blueberry {n} (fruit) :: Blaubeere {f}, Heidelbeere {f}
blueberry {n} (plant) :: Blaubeere {f}
bluebird {n} (bird of Sialia) :: Hüttensänger {m}
blue blood {n} (aristocrat) :: Blaublüter {m}, Blaublüterin {f}
blue bonnet {n} (parrot Northiella haematogaster) :: Blutbauchsittich {m}
blue bonnet {n} (flower of the genus Lupinus) :: blau blühende Lupine {f}
bluebottle {n} (man-of-war) SEE: man-of-war ::
bluebottle {n} (cornflower) SEE: cornflower ::
bluebottle {n} (blowfly of the genus Calliphora) :: Schmeißfliege {f}
blue card {n} (European work permit) :: blaue Karte {f}
blue cheese {n} (kind of cheese with bluish mold) :: Blauschimmelkäse {m}
blue-collar {adj} (working class) :: Arbeiterklasse {f}
blue-eyed {adj} (having blue eyes) :: blauäugig
bluefish {n} (Pomatomus saltatrix) :: Blaufisch {m}
blue giant {n} (very luminous star) :: Blauer Riese {m}
blue-gray {adj} (color — see also the hyponyms listed above) :: blaugrau, graublau, taubenblau
blue-green {adj} (color between blue and green) :: blaugrün
blue hour {n} (period of twilight) :: blaue Stunde {f}
blue jay {n} (species of North American jay) :: Blauhäher {m}, Blauhähermännchen {n} [male], Blauhäherweibchen {n} [female]
blue jeans {n} (denim trousers, see also: jeans) :: Blue Jeans {f}
blue mussel {n} (Mytilus edulis) :: Miesmuschel {f}
blueness {n} (quality or characteristic of being blue) :: Bläue {f}
blueprint {n} (cyanotype reproduction process) :: Diazotypie {f}, Blaupause {f}
blueprint {n} (print produced by this process) :: Blaupause {f}, Lichtpause {f}
blueprint {n} (any detailed technical drawing) :: Entwurf {m}
blueprint {n} (any detailed plan of action) :: Plan {m}
blueprint {n} :: Blaupause {f}
blue rock thrush {n} (Monticola solitarius) :: Blaumerle {f}
blues {n} (musical form) :: Blues {m}
blues {n} (musical composition) :: Blues {m}
blue screen of death {n} (screen indicating a system error) :: Bluescreen {m}
blueshift {n} (change in wavelength) :: Blauverschiebung {f}
bluestocking {n} (member of the Blue Stocking Society) :: Blaustrumpf {m}
bluestockinged {adj} :: blaustrümpfig
bluestone {n} (slate) SEE: slate ::
bluestone {n} (limestone) SEE: limestone ::
bluestone {n} (basalt) SEE: basalt ::
blue straggler {n} (unusually hot and blue star) :: Blaue Nachzügler {m}
blue supergiant {n} (a large blue giant) :: Blauer Überriese {m}
bluethroat {n} (bird) :: Blaukehlchen {n}
blue tit {n} (Cyanistes caeruleus) :: Blaumeise {f}
bluetongue {n} (disease of ruminants) :: Blauzungenkrankheit {f}
blue-tongued skink {n} (blue-tongue lizard) SEE: blue-tongue lizard ::
blue-tongue lizard {n} (any of several species of skink) :: Blauzungenskink, Blauzunge
Bluetooth {prop} (nickname of a Danish king) :: Blauzahn {m}
Bluetooth {prop} (personal area wireless network) :: Bluetooth {m} {n}
blue whale {n} (a whale, Balaenoptera musculus) :: Blauwal {m}
blue wildebeest {n} (Connochaetes taurinus) :: Streifengnu
blue-winged grasshopper {n} (Oedipoda caerulescens) :: Blauflügelige Ödlandschrecke {f}
blue-winged kookaburra {n} (Dacelo leachii) :: Haubenliest {m}, Blauflügelkookaburra {m}
bluff {n} (poker: attempt to represent yourself as holding a stronger hand than you do) :: Bluff {m}
bluff {n} (high, steep bank) :: Steilufer {n}, Felsufer {n}, Klippe {f}, Steilhang {m}, Steilküste {f}
bluish {adj} (somewhat blue in color) :: bläulich
bluishly {adv} (in a bluish way) :: bläulich
bluishness {n} (the quality of somewhat blue) :: Bläulichkeit
blunder {n} (mistake) :: Patzer {m}, Schnitzer {m}, Fehler {m}, Fehlgriff {m}, Mißgriff {m}, Fauxpas {m}, Fehlleistung {f}, Ungeschicklichkeit {f}, Fehltritt {m}, Versehen {n}
blunder {v} (To make a stupid mistake) :: patzen, einen Bock schießen, danebengreifen, vermasseln, murksen, vermurksen, pfuschen, Mist bauen, sich blamieren
blunder {v} (To move blindly or clumsily) :: stolpern, herumtappen
blunderbuss {n} (old style of firearm with a distinctive large opening at the muzzle) :: Espingole {f}
blunt {adj} (having a thick edge or point, not sharp) :: stumpf, abgestumpft
blunt {adj} (abrupt in address; plain; unceremonious) :: ungehobelt, unverblümt
blunt {adj} (hard to impress or penetrate) :: abgestumpft
blunt {n} (cigar filled with marijuana) :: Blunt {m}
blunt {v} (to dull the edge or point of, by making it thicker) :: abstumpfen
blur {v} (make indistinct or hazy, to obscure or dim) :: verschwimmen, verwischen
blur {v} (smear, stain or smudge) :: verschmieren
blur {v} (become indistinct) :: verschwimmen
blur {n} (A smear, smudge or blot) :: Verschleierung {f}, Unklarheit {f}, Unschärfe {f}
blur {n} (Something that appears hazy or indistinct) :: Ahnung {f}, verschwommenes Bild {n}
Blu-ray {n} (format) :: Blu-ray {f}, Blu-ray Disc {f}
blurb {n} (a short description of a book, film, or other work) :: Klappentext {m}, Einbandtext {m}, Umschlagtext {m}
blurred {adj} (Out of focus) :: unscharf
blurry {adj} (not clear, crisp, or focused) :: verschwommen
blurt {v} (to speak suddenly and unadvisedly) :: herausplatzen, ausquatschen, ausplappern
blurt out {v} (blurt) SEE: blurt ::
blush {n} (an act of blushing) :: Schamröte {f}, Erröten {n}, Röte {f}, Gesichtsröte {f}, Schamesröte {f}
blush {n} (makeup) :: Rouge {n}
blush {n} (color) :: Pastellrosa {n}, Lachs {n}, Lachsfarbe {f}, Lachsrosa {n}
blush {v} (to redden in the face from shame, excitement or embarrassment) :: erröten, rot werden, sich schämen
bluster {n} (pompous, officious talk) :: Getöse {n}, Aufblasen {n}, Aufplustern {n}, Kraftmeierei {f}, Prahlerei {f}
bluster {n} (gust of wind) :: Böe {f}, Windstoß {m}
blustery {adj} (blowing in loud and abrupt bursts) :: böig
B major {n} (the major key with B as its tonic) :: H-Dur {n}
BMI {n} (body mass index) :: KMI {m}, KMZ {f}
B minor {n} (the minor key with B as its tonic) :: h-Moll {n}
B minor {n} (the minor chord with a root of B) :: h-Moll {n}
BMW {prop} (colloquial names and pronunciations, apart from the romanised "BMW") :: BMW {f} [read: beh em veh]
BMX bike {n} (sport bicycle) :: BMX-Fahrrad {n}, BMX-Rad {n}
boa {n} (snake) :: Boa {f}
boa constrictor {n} (snake) :: Abgottschlange {f}
boar {n} (wild boar) SEE: wild boar ::
boar {n} (male pig) :: Eber {m}
board {n} (long, wide and thin piece of wood or other material) :: Brett {n}
board {n} (device containing electrical switches) :: Pult {n}
board {n} (short for blackboard, whiteboard, etc.) :: Tafel {f}
board {n} (managing committee) :: Gremium {n}
board {n} (nautical: distance between tacks) :: Schlag {m}
board {v} (to step or climb onto) :: an Bord gehen, einsteigen
board {v} (to provide someone with meals and lodging) :: beherbergen
board {v} (nautical: to capture an enemy ship) :: entern
board {n} (stiff paper for book covers) SEE: pasteboard ::
board and lodging {n} (lodging with daily meals) :: Kost und Logis
boarder {n} (pupil who lives at school during term) :: kostgänger
boarder {n} (someone who pays for meals and lodging) :: Kostgänger
board game {n} (game played on a board) :: Brettspiel {n}
boarding {n} (embarkation) :: Einschiffung {f} [ship]
boarding house {n} (private house for paying guests) :: Pension {f}, Gasthaus {n}, Gästehaus {n}
boarding party {n} (group of sailors to invade a ship) :: Enterkommando {n}
boarding pass {n} (a document to board a plane, ship, etc.) :: Bordkarte {f}
boarding school {n} (school which provides board and lodging) :: Internat {n}
board meeting {n} (meeting of the board of a company etc.) :: Vorstandssitzung {f}
board member {n} (person on the board of directors of an association or company) :: Vorstandsmitglied, Vorstand
board of directors {n} (group of people elected by stockholders) :: Vorstand {m}, Direktorium {n}, Verwaltungsrat {n}, Board of Directors {n}
boarhound {n} (large dog bred to hunt boars) :: Dogge {f}
boast {n} (brag) :: Angeben {n}, Prahlen {n}
boast {v} (to brag; to talk loudly in praise of oneself) :: angeben, prahlen
boastful {adj} (tending to boast or brag) :: prahlerisch, stolz [proud]
boat {n} (water craft) :: Boot {n}, Schiff {n}
boat conformation {n} (chemical conformation) :: Wannenkonformation {f}
boater {n} (someone who travels by boat) :: Bootsfahrer {m}
boater {n} (straw hat) :: steifer Strohhut {m}
boathook {n} (hook attached to a pole to push out or pull in things, see also: setting pole) :: Bootshaken {m}, Boothaken {m}
boathouse {n} (building for boats) :: Bootshalle {f}, Bootshaus {n}, Bootsschuppen {m}
boat lift {n} (mechanism) :: Schiffshebewerk {n}
boatload {n} (A large quantity.) :: Bootsladung {f}, [idiomatic] Batzen {m}
boatman {n} (a man in charge of a small boat) :: Ruderer {m}
boat people {n} (refugees fleeing by sea) :: Bootsflüchtlinge {m-p}, Boatpeople {m-p}
boat person {n} (person who enjoys boats) :: Bootsliebhaber {m}
boat person {n} (member of boat people) :: Bootsflüchtling {m}
boat shed {n} (boathouse) SEE: boathouse ::
boat shoe {n} (type of shoe) :: Bootsschuh {m}
boatswain {n} (the officer (or warrant officer) in charge of sails, rigging, anchors, cables etc. and all work on deck of a sailing ship) :: Bootsmann {m}
boatyard {n} (shipyard) SEE: shipyard ::
bob {n} (bobber) SEE: float ::
bob {n} (a bob haircut) :: Bubikopf {m}
bob {n} (curtsey) SEE: curtsey ::
bobber {n} (buoyant fishing device) SEE: float ::
bobbin {n} (spool around which wire or thread is coiled) :: Spule {f}, Rolle {f}
bobbin {n} (small spool in a sewing machine) :: Spule {f}
bobble {n} (furry ball attached on top of a hat) :: Bommel {f} {m}, Pompon {f}
bobblehead {n} (doll with a bobbing head) :: Wackelkopffigur {f}, Wackeldackel {m}
bobby {n} (police officer) :: Bobby {m}
bobcat {n} (North American wild cat) :: Rotluchs {m}
bobolink {n} (songbird) :: Reisstärling {m}
bobsled {n} (the sled) SEE: bobsleigh ::
bobsled {n} (the sport) SEE: bobsleigh ::
bobsleigh {n} (sport) :: Bobsport {m}
bobsleigh {n} (sled) :: Bob {m}, Rennbob {m}, Rennschlitten {m}
Bob's your uncle {phrase} (desirable conclusion is reached) :: und schon haben wir's
Boccaccian {adj} (of or pertaining to Boccaccio or his works) :: boccaccisch
bocce {n} (A game similar to bowls or pétanque) :: Boccia
Boche {n} (German) SEE: German ::
Boche {n} (derogatory: German) SEE: Fritz ::
Bochum {prop} (a city in Germany) :: Bochum {n}
bock beer {n} (strong, dark lager of German origin) :: Bockbier {n}
bode {v} (to be the omen of; to portend to presage) :: verheißen, ahnen lassen, sich ankündigen
bode {v} (to foreshow something; to augur) :: verheißen, ahnen lassen
bodge {v} (do a clumsy or inelegant job) SEE: botch ::
bodhisattva {n} (bodhisattva) :: Bodhisattva {m}
bodice {n} (blouse-like garment in European folk dress) :: Mieder {n}
bodily {adj} (relating to the body) :: körperlich
bodily fluid {n} (biofluid) :: Körperflüssigkeit {f}
bodkin {n} (dagger) SEE: dagger ::
bodkin {n} (hairpin) SEE: hairpin ::
body {n} (physical structure of a human or animal) :: Körper {m}, Leib {m} [elevated]
body {n} (fleshly or corporeal nature of a human) :: Körper {m}
body {n} (corpse) :: Leiche {f}, Leichnam {m}, Kadaver {m}
body {n} (torso) :: Rumpf {m}, Leib {m}, Torso {m}
body {n} (largest or most important part of anything (e.g. car bodywork)) :: Karosse {f}, Karosserie {f} [of vehicles], Rumpf {m}
body {n} (organisation, company or other authoritative group) :: Körper {m}, Körperschaft {f}
body {n} (group having a common purpose or opinion) :: Körperschaft {f}
body {n} (collection of knowledge) :: Korpus {m}
body {n} (any physical object or material thing) :: Körper {m}
body {n} (substance, material presence) :: Körper {m}
body {n} (comparative viscosity, solidity or substance) :: Körper {m}
body bag {n} (bag designed to contain a human body) :: Leichensack {m}
bodybuilder {n} (a person who uses diet and exercise to build an aesthetically muscular physique) :: Bodybuilder {m}, Bodybuilderin {f}
bodybuilding {n} (sport of muscle development) :: Bodybuilding {n}
body camera {n} (video recording system worn on the body) :: Body-Cam {f}
body-centered {adj} :: raumzentriert
body corporate {n} (corporation) SEE: corporation ::
bodyguard {n} (person responsible for protecting an individual) :: Leibwächter {m}, Bodyguard {m}, Personenschützer {m}
body hair {n} (androgenic hair) :: Körperhaare {n-p}, Körperbehaarung {f}
body language {n} (non-verbal communication) :: Körpersprache {f}
body mass index {n} (the measure of the weight in comparison with the height of a person) :: Körpermasseindex {m}, Körpermassezahl {f}
body odour {n} (unpleasant smell on a perons's body) :: Körpergeruch {m}
Body of Christ {prop} (the body of Jesus) :: Leib Christi {m}
Body of Christ {prop} (the bread of the eucharist) :: Leib Christi {m}
Body of Christ {prop} (a title describing all believers in Jesus) :: Leib Christi {m}
body of water {n} (significant accumulation of water) :: Gewässer {n}
body part {n} (anatomy: part of organism) :: Körperteil {m}, Glied {n}
body pillow {n} (body-length pillow) :: Seitenschläferkissen {n}
body politic {n} (collective body as politically organized) :: Gemeinwesen {n}
body politic {n} (collective body as exercising political functions) :: Staatswesen {n}
body shop {n} (body shop) :: Karosseriebauer {m}
bodysuit {n} (a one-piece, skin-tight garment rather like a leotard) :: Bodysuit {n}, Body {n}
body temperature {n} (the current temperature of the body of a person or animal) :: Körpertemperatur {f}
body text {n} (main portion of text) :: Mengentext {m}, Textkörper {m}, Brottext {m}, Haupttext {m}
bodywork {n} (exterior body of a motor vehicle) :: Karosserie {f}
Boeotia {prop} (a district in Greece) :: Böotien {n}
Boeotian {adj} (pertaining to Boeotia) :: böotisch
Boeotian {n} (inhabitant of Boeotia) :: Böotier {m}, Böotierin {f}
Boeotian {prop} (a dialect of Ancient Greek spoken in Boeotia) :: Böotisch {n}
Boer {n} (South African of Dutch descent) :: Bure {m}, Burin {f}
bog {n} (expanse of marshland) :: Hochmoor {m}
bog {v} (to become mired or stuck) :: [intransitive] stecken bleiben, versinken, versumpfen; [transitive] blockieren, versenken
bog {v} (to make a mess of something) :: abhauen
bogan {n} (unsophisticated or lower class person) :: Proll {m}
bogart {n} (attention hog) :: Platzhirsch {m}
bogatyr {n} (medieval Russian heroic warrior, see also: bahadur) :: Bogatyr {m}
Bogdania {prop} (the territory between Transylvania and the Dniester, see also: Moldavia) :: Bogdania {f}, Bogdanien {n}
bogey {n} (structure with axles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, or semi) SEE: bogie ::
bogey {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
bogey {n} (standard of performance set up as a mark to be aimed at) SEE: benchmark ::
bogeyman {n} (menacing, ghost-like monster in children's stories) :: Butzemann {m}
bogeyman {n} (any make-believe threat) :: Schreckgespenst {n}
bogie {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
bogie {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
bogie {n} (structure with axles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, or semi) :: Drehgestell {f}
bogie {n} (booger) SEE: booger ::
bog iron {n} (bog iron ore) SEE: bog iron ore ::
bog iron ore {n} (deposit) :: Raseneisenstein {m}, Raseneisenerz {n}
bogland {n} :: Regenmoor {n}
Bogomil {n} (member of a dualist Christian sect) :: Bogomile {m}, Bogomilin {f}
Bogotá {prop} (Bogota) SEE: Bogota ::
Bogota {prop} (capital of Colombia) :: Bogota {n}, Bogotá {n}
bog roll {n} (toilet paper) :: Klopapier {n}
bog rosemary {n} (Andromeda) :: Rosmarinheide {f}
bogue {n} (Boops boops) :: Gelbstriemenbrasse {f}
bogus {adj} (counterfeit or fake; not genuine) :: falsch, gefälscht
bogus {adj} (incorrect; useless; broken) :: falsch, unbrauchbar
Bohemia {prop} (The region of the Czech Republic) :: Böhmen {n}, Böhmerland {n}
Bohemian {n} (native or resident of Bohemia) :: Böhme {m}, Böhmin {f}
Bohemian earspoon {n} (weapon) :: Böhmischer Ohrlöffel
Bohemian waxwing {n} (Bombycilla garrulus) :: Seidenschwanz {m}
bohemium {n} (rhenium) SEE: rhenium ::
Bohmian mechanics {n} (interpretation of quantum mechanics) :: bohmsche Mechanik {f}
bohrium {n} (chemical element) :: Bohrium {n}
boil {n} (accumulation of pus) :: Furunkel {n}, Eiterbeule {f}
boil {v} (heat (a liquid) until it begins to turn into a gas) :: sieden
boil {v} (cook in boiling water) :: kochen
boil {v} (begin to turn into a gas) :: kochen
boiled {adj} (angry) SEE: angry ::
boiled {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
boiled {adj} (cooked in hot water) :: gekocht
boiled egg {n} (boiled egg (generic)) :: gekochtes Ei {n}, gesottenes Ei {n}
boiled egg {n} (hard-boiled egg) :: hart gekochtes Ei {n}
boiled egg {n} (soft-boiled egg) :: weich gekochtes Ei {n}
boiled sweet {n} (hard sweet) SEE: hard candy ::
boiler {n} (device for heating circulating water) :: Kessel {m}, Boiler {m}
boiler {n} (hot water heater with storage) :: Kessel {m}, Boiler {m}
boiler {n} (steam boiler) SEE: steam boiler ::
boilerplate {n} (sheet of steel used in the construction of a boiler) :: Kesselplatte {f}
boilerplate {n} (standard text used routinely) :: Textbaustein {m}
boiler room {n} (a room that houses the boiler) :: Kesselraum
boilersmith {n} (craftsperson who builds or repairs boilers, see also: ) :: Kesselschmied {m}, Kesselschmied {f}
boiling {adj} (that boil(s)) :: kochend
boiling point {n} (temperature at which a liquid boils) :: Siedepunkt {m}
boil over {v} (boil so as to overflow) :: überkochen
boisterous {adj} (full of energy; noisy) :: ungestüm, ausgelassen, lebendig, lebhaft, agitiert, laut, polternd
boisterous {adj} (characterized by violence and agitation; wild; stormy) :: stürmisch, tosend, wild, ungestüm, aufrührerisch
bok choy {n} (Chinese cabbage, Brassica rapa chinensis) :: Chinakohl {m}, Pekingkohl {m}, Japankohl {m}, Selleriekohl {m}, Pok Choi, Senfkohl
bokeh {n} (subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of an image) :: Bokeh {n}
Bokmål {n} (language) :: Bokmål {n}
bold {adj} (courageous, daring) :: mutig, wagemutig, tapfer, kühn
bold {adj} (having thicker strokes than the ordinary form of the typeface) :: fett
bold {adj} (presumptuous) SEE: presumptuous ::
boldface {n} (a font with thicker strokes) :: Fettschrift {f}
boldly {adv} (in a bold manner) :: kühn, tapfer
bolete {n} (type of mushroom) :: Röhrling {m}
boletus {n} (a type of edible mushroom, see also: porcini) :: Dickröhrling {m}
bolide {n} (extremely bright meteor) :: Bolide {m}
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela {prop} (official name of Venezuela) :: Bolivarische Republik Venezuela {f}
Bolivia {prop} (country in South America) :: Bolivien {n}
Bolivian {n} (Bolivian person) :: Bolivianer {m}, Bolivianerin {f}
Bolivian {adj} (pertaining to Bolivia) :: bolivianisch
Bolivian slaty antshrike {n} (passerine bird of the antbird family) :: Bolivien-Tropfenameisenwürger {m}
bollard {n} (post to secure mooring lines) :: Poller {m}
bollard {n} (post preventing vehicles from entering pedestrian area) :: Poller {m}
Bollinger {prop} :: Bollinger
bollock {n} ((vulgar, slang) testicle) :: Hoden, Ei {n}
bollocks {n} (testicles) :: Nüsse {p}, Eier {p}
bollocks {n} (nonsense or information deliberately intended to mislead) :: Quatsch mit Soße
Bollywood {prop} (Indian film industry) :: Bollywood {n}
Bologna {prop} (province) :: Bologna {n}
Bologna {prop} (city) :: Bologna {n}
Bolognese {adj} (of or relating to Bologna) :: bolognesisch
Bolognian {adj} (of or relating to Bologna) SEE: Bolognese ::
Bolshevik {n} (a member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917) :: Bolschewik {m}, Bolschewikin {f}, Bolschewist {m}, Bolschewistin {f}
Bolshevism {n} (Communist political ideology) :: Bolschewismus {m}
bolster {n} (a large cushion or pillow) :: Polster, {n}, in Austria {m}, Nackenrolle {f}
bolster {v} (to brace, reinforce, secure, or support) :: polstern
bolt {n} (metal fastener) :: Schraube {f}, Bolzen {m}, Schraubbolzen {m}, Bohrhaken {m}
bolt {n} (sliding pin or bar in a lock) :: Riegel {m}, Bolzen {m}, Falle {f}, Dorn {m}, Schuber {m}
bolt {n} (bar to prevent a door from being forced open) :: Riegel {m}
bolt {n} (sliding mechanism to chamber and unchamber a cartridge in a firearm) :: Schloß {n}
bolt {n} (short, stout, blunt-headed arrow) :: Bolzen {m}, kurzer Pfeil {m}
bolt {n} (lightning spark) :: Blitz {m}, Blitzschlag {m}, Donnerkeil {m}, Strahl {m}
bolt {n} (large roll of material) :: Ballen {m}, Rolle {f}
bolt {n} (sudden flight, as to escape creditors) :: Sprung {m}
bolt {n} (iron to fasten the legs of a prisoner; a shackle; a fetter) :: Fußeisen {n}
bolt {v} (to connect pieces using a bolt) :: anschrauben, zusammenschrauben, verschrauben, verbolzen
bolt {v} (to secure a door) :: verriegeln, zuriegeln, abriegeln
bolt {v} (to accelerate suddenly) :: wegspringen, davonspringen, springen, zurückspringen, durchgehen, stürzen, eilen, sausen
bolt {v} (to escape) :: entkommen, davonspringen, davonjagen, fliehen, davonstürzen, wegrennen, ausreißen, davonlaufen, abhauen, davoneilen, verschwinden, durchbrennen, sich davonmachen, Reißaus nehmen, fortlaufen
bolt {v} (to swallow food without chewing) :: schlingen, verschlingen
bolt {v} (of a plant, to grow quickly) :: schießen, in die Höhe schießen
bolt cutter {n} (large pair of pliers to cut bolts) :: Bolzenschneider {m}
bolt from the blue {n} (something totally unexpected) :: Blitz aus heiterem Himmel
bolthole {n} (hole used for escape) :: Schlupfloch {n}
bolthole {n} (second home) :: Unterschlupf {m}
bolt-hole {n} (means of escape) :: Schlupfloch {n}
bolt-hole {n} (place of escape, secret refuge) :: Unterschlupf {m}
bolt upright {adj} :: kerzengerade
Bolzano {prop} (town and capital of South Tyrol) :: Bozen
bomb {n} (device filled with explosives) :: Bombe {f}, Sprengstoff {m}
bomb {n} (chemistry: container) :: Bombe {f}
bomb {n} (a jump into water for maximum splashing) :: Arschbombe {f}
bomb {v} (attack with bombs) :: bombardieren
bomb {v} (to jump into water in a squatting position) :: eine Arschbombe machen
bomb {n} (success) SEE: success ::
bombard {n} (medieval primitive cannon) :: Bombarde {f}, Donnerbüchse {f}
bombard {v} (to attack something with bombs, artillery shells, or other missiles) :: bombardieren
bombard {v} (to attack something or someone by directing objects at them) :: bombardieren
bombard {v} (to direct at a substance an intense stream of high-energy particles, usually sub-atomic or made of at most a few atoms) :: bombardieren
bombardier beetle {n} (beetle) :: Bombardierkäfer
bombardment {n} (act of bombing, esp towns or cities) :: Bombardierung {f}, Bombardement {n} [dated]
bombardment {n} (heavy artillery fire) :: Beschuss {m}
bombastic {adj} (pompous or overly wordy) :: bombastisch
bombastic {adj} (high-sounding but with little meaning) :: bombastisch
bombastic {adj} (inflated, overfilled) :: bombastisch
Bombay {n} (Mumbai) SEE: Mumbai ::
bombe {n} (dessert made from ice cream) :: Eisbombe {f}
bombe {n} (device used in cryptanalysis) :: Turing-Bombe {f}
bomber {n} (aircraft) :: Bomber {m}
bomber {n} (bomb setter) :: Bombenleger {m}, Bombenlegerin {f}
bomber jacket {n} (short leather jacket) :: Bomberjacke {f}
bombing {n} (action of dropping bombs from the air) :: Bombardierung {f}
bombing {n} (action of placing and detonating bombs) :: Bombenanschlag {m}, Bombenanschläge {m-p}
bombproof {n} (air-raid shelter) SEE: air-raid shelter ::
bombshell {n} (a bomb or artillery shell designed to explode on impact) :: Bombe {f}
bombshell {n} (something that is very surprising, shocking, amazing or sensational) :: Bombe
bombshell {n} (someone who is very attractive) :: Sexbombe {f}
bomb shelter {n} (air-raid shelter) SEE: air-raid shelter ::
bona fide {adj} (done in good faith) :: auf Treu und Glauben
bona fides {n} (good faith) SEE: good faith ::
Bonaire {prop} (island) :: Bonaire
bonanza {n} (something that is a mine of wealth or yields a large income or return) :: Goldgrube {f}
Bonaparte's gull {n} (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) :: Bonapartemöwe {f}
Bonapartism {n} (pratices and ideology of Napoleon Bonaparte) :: Bonapartismus {m}, Napoleonismus {m}
Bonapartist {n} (one attached to Napoleon's policy) :: Bonapartist {m}, Bonapartistin {f}
Bonapartist {adj} (relating to Bonapartism) :: bonapartistisch
bon appétit {phrase} (used to wish someone enjoyment of the meal they are about to eat) :: guten Appetit, [informal] lass es dir schmecken, lasst es euch schmecken, [formal] lassen Sie es sich schmecken, [colloquial] Mahlzeit
Bonaventure {prop} (male given name) :: Bonaventura
bond {n} (that which binds, a band) :: Band {n}
bond {n} (documentary obligation to pay a sum or to perform a contract) :: Obligation {f}
bondage {n} (The state of being enslaved or the practice of slavery) :: Sklaverei {f}
bondage {n} (The state of lacking freedom; constraint) :: Pflicht {f}
bondage {n} (The practice of tying people up for sexual pleasure) :: Bondage {f}
bond angle {n} (angle between two bonds) :: Bindungswinkel {m}
bond dissociation energy {n} :: Bindungsdissoziationsenergie {f}
bonding {n} (method of aggregating computer network interfaces) :: Bündelung {f}
bonding orbital {n} :: Bindungsorbital {n}
bond length {n} :: Bindungsabstand {m}
bond order {n} :: Bindungsordnung {f}
bone {v} (to remove bones) :: entbeinen, ausbeinen
bone {v} (slang: have sexual intercourse with) :: ficken, bumsen, vögeln, poppen, nageln
bone {n} (material) :: Knochen {m}, Gebeine {f-p}, [dated] Bein {n}
bone {n} (component of a skeleton) :: Knochen {m}, Bein {n}
bone {n} (fishbone) :: Gräte {f}, Fischgräte {f}
bone density {n} (bone mineral density) :: Knochenmineraldichte {f}, Knochendichte {f}
bone dry {adj} (bone-dry) SEE: bone-dry ::
bone-dry {adj} (totally dry) :: knochentrocken
bonefolder {n} (A dull-edged hand tool used to fold and crease) :: Falzbein {n}, Streichbein {n}, Papierstreicher {m}, Briefstreicher {m}
boneless {adj} (without bones) :: schier
bone marrow {n} (bone marrow) :: Knochenmark {n}, Mark {n}
bone meal {n} (ground bones used as a slow-release fertilizer) :: Knochenmehl {n}
bone of contention {n} (Something that continues to be disputed) :: Zankapfel {m}
boner {n} (erect penis) :: Ständer {m}, Latte {f}
boner {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) SEE: erection ::
bonfire {n} (fire to burn unwanted items or people) :: Scheiterhaufen {m}
bonfire {n} (large, outdoor controlled fire) :: Freudenfeuer {n}
bongo {n} (mammal) :: Bongo
bongo drum {n} (bongo) SEE: bongo ::
bonhomous {adj} :: gutmütig
bonjour {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
bonkers {adj} (mad, crazy) :: beknackt, bescheuert, verrückt
bon mot {n} (clever saying, phrase or witticism) :: Bonmot {n}
Bonn {prop} (a city in Germany) :: Bonn {n}
bonnet {n} (type of women's and children's hat) :: Haube {f} [rather a catch-all term], Schute {f}, Schutenhut {f}
bonnet {n} (cover over the engine of a motor car) :: Motorhaube {f}, Haube {f}
bonnet {n} (second stomach of a ruminant) SEE: reticulum ::
bonnyclabber {n} (sour or curdled milk) :: Sauermilch {f}
bonobo {n} (pygmy chimpanzee) :: Bonobo {m}, Zwergschimpanse {m}, Bonobomännchen {n}, Bonobo-Männchen {n}, Bonoboweibchen {n}, Bonobo-Weibchen {n}
bonsai {v} (a miniaturized tree or plant) :: Bonsai {m}
bonus {n} (something extra that is good) :: Bonus {m}, Dreingabe {f}
bonus {n} (extra amount of money given as a premium) :: Bonus {m}, Prämie {f}
bon vivant {n} (person who enjoys the good things in life, especially good food and drink) :: Bonvivant {m}, Lebemann {m}, Genussmensch {m}
bon voyage {interj} (wish of good journey) :: gute Reise, gute Fahrt
bony {adj} (resembling, having the appearance or consistence of, or relating to bone) :: knöchern
bony {adj} (full of bones) :: grätig
bony {adj} (with little flesh; skinny, thin) :: knochig
bony {adj} (having prominent bones) :: knochig
bony fish {n} (bony fish) :: Knochenfisch {m}
bonze {n} (Buddhist monk or priest in East Asia) :: Bonze {m}
boo {interj} (loud exclamation intended to scare someone) :: buh
boo {interj} (word used ironically in a situation where one might have scared someone, but said someone was not scared) :: buh
boo {interj} (exclamation used by a member of an audience) :: buh
boo {n} (derisive shout) :: Buhruf {m}
boo {v} (to shout boos derisively (intransitive)) :: buhen
boo {v} (to shout boos at (transitive)) :: ausbuhen
boob {n} (breast (colloquial)) :: Titte {f}, Möpse {p} [usually plural]
boob tube {n} (slightly derogatory term for television) :: Glotze {f}
boob tube {n} (women's garment) SEE: tube top ::
booby {n} (stupid person) :: Tölpel {m}, Narr {m}, Depp {m}, Idiot {m}
booby {n} (bird) :: Tölpel {m}
booby {n} (woman’s breast) :: Titte {f}
booby trap {n} (an unforeseen source of danger; a pitfall) SEE: pitfall ::
booby trap {n} (antipersonnel device deliberately hidden or disguised as a harmless object) :: Sprengfalle {f}
booger {n} (a piece of solid or semi-solid mucus) :: Popel {m}, Rotz {m}, Schleim {m}
book {n} (ebook) SEE: e-book ::
book {n} (collection of sheets of paper bound together containing printed or written material) :: Buch {n}
book {n} (record of betting) :: Wettliste {f}, Buch {n}
book {n} (convenient collection of small paper items, such as stamps) :: Album {n}
book {n} (usually in plural: records of the accounts of a business) :: Bücher {n-p}
book {v} (to reserve) :: buchen, reservieren
book {v} (to write down, register, record) :: notieren, schreiben
book {v} (to record the details of an offender) :: bestrafen
book {v} (slang: to travel very fast) :: rasen
bookbag {n} (bag for holding books for school) :: Schultasche {f}
bookbinder {n} (person whose profession is binding books) :: Buchbinder {m}, Buchbinderin {f}
book burning {n} (book burning) :: Bücherverbrennung {f}
bookcase {n} (furniture displaying books) :: Bücherregal {n}
bookend {n} (object designed to keep books upright) :: Buchstütze {f}
book fair {n} (public event at which books are sold) :: Buchmesse {f}
bookie {n} (bookmaker) SEE: bookmaker ::
booking {n} (reservation for a service) :: Buchung {f}, Reservierung {f}
bookjacket {n} (jacket of a book) SEE: dust jacket ::
bookkeeper {n} (person responsible for keeping records) :: Buchhalter
bookkeeping {n} (skill of keeping records of financial transactions) :: Buchhaltung {f}
booklet {n} (small book) :: Heft {n}, Broschüre {f}
book lover {n} (person who loves books) :: Bücherfreund {m}, Bücherfreundin {f}, Bücherliebhaber {m}, Bücherliebhaberin {f}
booklover {n} (booklover) SEE: book lover ::
book lung {n} (A lamellate respiratory organ found in arachnids) :: Buchlunge {f}
bookmaker {n} (a person who prints or binds books) :: Druckereiarbeiter {m}
bookmaker {n} (a person who calculates odds and accepts bets; a bookie) :: Buchmacher {m}, Buchmacherin {f}, Bookmaker {m}, Bookie {m} {f}
bookmark {n} (strip used to mark a place in a book) :: Lesezeichen {n}
bookmark {n} (record of the address of a file or page) :: Lesezeichen {n}, bookmark {m} {f} {n}
bookmarklet {n} (JavaScript code) :: Bookmarklet {m}
book of hours {n} (illuminated devotional book from the Middle Ages) :: Stundenbuch {n}
Book of Mormon {prop} (one of the sacred works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) :: Buch Mormon {n}
Book of the Dead {prop} (ancient Egyptian funerary text) :: Totenbuch {n}
bookplate {n} (piece of paper pasted on a book to show ownership) :: Exlibris {n}
bookrack {n} (rack for books) SEE: bookshelf ::
book-scorpion {n} (pseudoscorpion) SEE: pseudoscorpion ::
bookseller {n} (person) :: Buchhändler {m}, Buchhändlerin {f}, Buchverkäufer {m}, Buchverkäuferin {f}
bookshelf {n} (shelf for storing books) :: Regal {n}, Bücherregal {n}
bookshop {n} (shop that sells books) :: Buchhandlung {f}, Buchladen {m}
Books of Moses {prop} (five books) :: Bücher Mose {n-p}
bookstand {n} (stall where books are sold) :: Bücherstand {m}
bookstand {n} (stand made for holding books open) :: Buchstütze {f}
bookstore {n} (bookshop) SEE: bookshop ::
bookworm {n} (avid reader) :: Bücherwurm {m}, Leseratte {f}
Boolean {adj} (logic: pertaining to data items that have values “true” and “false”) :: boolesch
Boolean {n} (type of variable) :: Boolean {m}, boolsche Variable {f}
Boolean algebra {n} (algebraic structure) :: boolesche Algebra {f}
boom {v} (to speak with low pitch) :: dröhnen
boom {n} (abrupt, low-pitched sound) :: Dröhnen {m}
boom {interj} (sound of explosion) :: Bumm
boom {n} (spar extending the foot of a sail) :: Baum {m}
boom {n} (horizontal member of a crane) :: Ausleger {m}
boom {n} (period of prosperity) :: Aufschwung {m}, Boom {m}
boom {v} (to be prosperous) :: blühen, florieren, boomen
boom barrier {n} (gate at level crossing) :: Schranke {f}, Schlagbaum {m}
boom box {n} (portable audio system) :: Gettoblaster {m}, Getto-Blaster {m}, Ghettoblaster {m}, Ghetto-Blaster {m}
boomerang {n} (flat curved airfoil) :: Bumerang {m}
boom gate {n} (boom barrier) SEE: boom barrier ::
boon {n} (A blessing or benefit) :: Segen {m}, Wohltat {f}, Gnade {f}, Gunst {f}
boon {n} (a gift; a benefaction; a grant; a present) :: Gabe {f}, Gunst {f}, Gefälligkeit {f}, Wohltat {f}
boon {n} (a prayer or petition) :: Gebet {n}, Gesuch {n}, Bittschrift {f}, Bitte {f}, Eingabe {f}, Bittgesuch {n}
boondock {n} (rural area) :: Einöde {f}, Pampa {f}, Walachei {f}, Kartoffelsteppe {f}, Hundetürkei {f}, vulg. Arsch der Welt {m}
boondoggle {n} (woggle) SEE: woggle ::
boondoggle {n} (pointless activity) :: Zeitverschwendung {f}
boorish {adj} (behaving as a boor) :: ungehobelt, rüpelhaft
boost {n} (push from behind) :: Boost {m}
boost {v} (to steal) :: klauen
booster {n} (The first stage of a multistage rocket) :: Booster {m}
boot {n} (heavy shoe that covers part of the leg) :: Stiefel {m}
boot {n} (the act or process of bootstrapping) :: Booten {n}
boot {v} (to start a system) :: starten, laden, booten, hochfahren
boot {n} (kick) SEE: kick ::
boot {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) SEE: trunk ::
bootblack {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner ::
boot camp {n} (initial, basic indoctrination, physical fitness training and basic instruction in armed forces) :: Trainingslager {n}, Bootcamp {n}
booted eagle {n} (Hieraaetus pennatus) :: Zwergadler {m}
booted warbler {n} (Iduna caligata) :: Buschspötter {m}
booth {n} (A small stall for the display and sale of goods) :: Stand {m}, Messestand {m}, Bude {f}
booth {n} (An enclosure just big enough to accommodate one standing person) :: Bude {f}, Zelle {f}
booth {n} (An enclosed table with seats, as in a diner or café) :: Nische {f}, Sitznische {f}, Ecke {f}, Sitzecke {f}
bootjack {n} (a V-shaped, or forked, device for pulling off boots) :: Stiefelknecht {m}
bootleg {v} (to make, transport and/or sell illegal alcoholic liquor) :: schwarz brennen
bootleg {v} (to make, transport and/or sell an illegal version or copy of a copyright product) :: raubkopieren , schwarz herstellen
bootlicker {n} (person who behaves in a servile or obsequious manner) :: Speichellecker {m}, Speichelleckerin {f}
boot loader {n} (A program that initiates the bootstrap process) :: Bootloader {m}, Bootmanager {m}
boot sector {n} (segment of a storage medium that holds data used to boot) :: Bootsektor {m}
bootstrap {v} (to load the operating system) SEE: boot ::
bootstrap {n} (a loop at the top of a boot to help in pulling it on) :: Stiefelriemen {m}, Schuhriemen {m}, Stiefelschlaufe {f}, Stiefelstrippe {f}
bootstrap {n} (a means of advancing oneself or accomplishing something) :: Hilfsmittel {n}, Selbsthilfe {f}, eigene Kraft {f}, Eigendynamik {f}
bootstrap {n} (the process by which the operating system of a computer is loaded into its memory) :: Startprogramm {n}, Hochfahren {n}, Startroutine {f}, Urlader {m}, Ladeprogramm {n}, Lader {m}
bootstrap {v} (to help (oneself) without the aid of others) :: sich selbst helfen, auf sich selbst gestellt sein, selbstständig sein, alleine zurechtkommen
boot up {v} (to start computer by bootstrap procedure) SEE: boot ::
booty {n} (plunder) :: Beute {f}
booze {n} (any alcoholic beverage) :: Schnaps {m}, Fusel {m}, Alkohol {m}, Alkoholisches {n}, Alk {m}
booze {v} (slang:to drink alcohol) :: saufen, bechern, picheln
boozehound {n} (alcoholic) :: Schnapsdrossel {f}
boozer {n} (drunkard) :: Säufer {m}, Säuferin {f}, Trinker {m}, Trinkerin {f}, Schnapsbruder {m}, Schnapsschwester {f}, Zecher {m}, Zecherin {f}, Weinsäufer {m}, Weinsäuferin {f}, Biersäufer {m}, Biersäuferin {f}, Schnapsdrossel {f}, Schluckspecht {m}, Trunkenbold {m}, Saufbold {m}, Saufaus {m}, Besoffener {m}, Besoffene {f}, Besoffski {m}, Alkoholiker {m}, Alkoholikerin {f}, Alki {m}, Alkoholsüchtiger {m}, Alkoholsüchtige {f}, Trunksüchtiger {m}, Trunksüchtige {f}, Saufkumpan {m}, Saufkumpanin {f}, Zechbruder {m}, Zechschwester {m}, Zechgenosse {m}, Zechgenossin, Suffkopp {m}, Pietsch {m}, Söffel {m}, Söffer {m}, Söfferin {f}, Süffel {m}, Gewohnheitstrinker {m}, Gewohnheitstrinkerin {f}
bopomofo {prop} (Zhuyin fuhao) SEE: Zhuyin fuhao ::
boracite {n} (Mg3B7O13Cl) :: Boracit {m}
borage {n} (Borago officinalis) :: Boretsch {m}
borate {n} (salt of boric acid) :: Borat {n}
borax {n} (crystalline salt) :: Borax {n}
borax bead test {n} (a test for the presence of certain metallic elements) :: Boraxperle {f}
bordello {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
border {n} (the outer edge of something) :: Rand {m}
border {n} (a decorative strip around the edge of something) :: Rand {m}
border {n} (a strip of ground in which ornamental plants are grown) :: Beet {n}, Streifen {n}
border {n} (the line or frontier area separating regions) :: Grenze {f}
border {v} ((transitive) to put a border on something) :: begrenzen
border {v} ((transitive) to lie on, or adjacent to a border) :: angrenzen, säumen, umranden, einfassen
border guard {n} (person) :: Grenzwache {f}
bordering {adj} (having a common boundary or border) :: angrenzend
borderline personality disorder {n} :: Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung {f}
borderliner {n} (individual with disorder) :: Borderliner {m}
border on {v} (To be almost like some other thing) :: an (etwas) grenzen
bordure {n} (contrasting border round a shield) :: Schildrand {m}
bore {v} (to make a hole) :: bohren
bore {v} (to inspire boredom) :: langweilen
bore {n} (A hole drilled or milled through something) :: Bohrung {f}
bore {n} (sudden and rapid flow of tide) :: Gezeitenwelle {f}
boreal {adj} (relating to the north) :: boreal
Boreal {n} :: Boreal
boreal owl {n} (Tengmalm's owl) SEE: Tengmalm's owl ::
boreas {n} :: Nordwind {m}
bored {adj} (suffering from boredom) :: gelangweilt
boredom {n} (state of being bored) :: Langeweile {f}
borer {n} (tool) :: Bohrmaschine
bore water {n} (water accumulated in aquifers below the earth's surface) SEE: groundwater ::
Borgesian {adj} (characteristic of Jorge Luis Borges) :: borgesianisch
boric {adj} (pertaining to the element boron) :: Bor-
boric acid {n} (White crystalline solid soluble as a weak acid) :: Borsäure {f}
boring {adj} (causing boredom) :: langweilig
Borjomi {prop} (resort town) :: Bordschomi
born {adj} (given birth to) :: geboren
born {v} (be born) SEE: be born ::
born-again {adj} (renewed commitment to Jesus Christ) :: wiedergeboren
Borneo {prop} (island) :: Borneo
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth {adj} (born rich or in a wealthy family) :: mit einem goldenen Löffel im Munde geboren
boro {v} (borrow) SEE: borrow ::
boron {n} (chemical element) :: Bor {n}
boron nitride {n} (binary compound of boron and nitrogen) :: Bornitrid {n}
boron oxide {n} (compound) :: Boroxid {n}
borough {n} (administrative district) :: Bezirk {m}, Gemeinde {f}, Burg {f}
borough {n} (municipal borough) :: Stadtbezirk {m}, Quartier {n}, Burg {f}, Viertel {n}
borreliosis {n} (infection) :: Borreliose {f}
borrow {v} (receive temporarily) :: borgen, ausleihen
borrow {v} (to copy a word from another language) :: entlehnen
borrow {v} (in a subtraction) :: übertragen
borrower {n} (one who borrows) :: Kreditnehmer {m}, Entleiher {m}
borrowing {n} (loanword) SEE: loanword ::
borscht {n} (beetroot soup) :: Borschtsch {m}
Borscht Belt {prop} (area in upstate New York, in the Catskills, in which there were once many Jewish camps and resorts) :: Borschtsch-Gürtel {m}
Borussia {prop} :: Borussia {f}
borzoi {n} (breed of dog) :: Barsoi {m}, Russischer Jagdwindhund
Bose-Einstein condensate {n} (gaseous superfluid) :: Bose-Einstein-Kondensat {n}
bosk {n} (thicket; small wood) SEE: thicket ::
Bosnia {prop} (northern part of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a geographic and historical entity) :: Bosnien {n}
Bosnia {prop} (short for 'Bosnia and Herzegovina') :: Bosnien
Bosnia and Herzegovina {prop} (country on the Balkan peninsula) :: Bosnien und Herzegowina {n}
Bosniak {n} (person belonging to autochthonous South Slavic people) :: Bosniak
Bosniak {n} (a person with ties to Bosnia, traditional adherence to Islam, and common culture and language) :: Bosniak
Bosnian {adj} (of or pertaining to Bosnia) :: bosnisch
Bosnian {n} (the people) :: Bosnier {m}, Bosnierin {f}
Bosnian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: Bosnisch {n}
bosom {n} (chest, breast) :: Busen {m}
bosom {adj} (in a very close relationship) :: Busen {m}, Brust {f}
bosom {adj} :: bosom buddy: der Busenfreund {n}
bosom buddy {n} (bosom friend) SEE: bosom friend ::
bosom friend {n} (very close friend) :: Busenfreund {m}
bosomy {adj} (having a large bosom) SEE: big-breasted ::
boson {n} (particle) :: Boson {n}
Bosphorus {prop} (a strait that passes through Istanbul) :: Bosporus {m}
boss {n} (supervisor) :: Chef {m}
boss {n} (person in charge) :: Chef {m}
boss {n} (projection in centre of shield) :: Knopf {m}, Buckel {m}, Knubbel {m}, Ausbeulung {f}, Beule {f}, Ausbuchtung {f}, Höcker {m}, Dom {m}, Auswölbung {f}, Aufwölbung {f}, Knopf {m}, Anschwellung {f}
boss {n} (mechanics: a protrusion) :: Bund {m}, Kragen {m}, Überstand {m}, Vorsprung {m}, Stulp {m}, Sockel {m}
boss {n} (architecture: knob or protrusion) :: Abhängling {m}, Schlußstein {m}, Schlussstein {m}, Knoten {m}, Knauf {m}, Hängezapfen {m}
boss {n} (a hassock or footrest) :: Sitzkissen {n}, Polsterhocker {m}, Fußstütze {f}
bossage {n} (rough, unfinished stone block) :: Bosse {f}
bossiness {n} (the characteristic of being bossy) :: Bevormundung {f}, Rechthaberei {f}, Herrschsucht {f}
bossy {adj} (tending to give orders to others) :: herrisch, rechthaberisch, autoritär, diktatorisch, herrschsüchtig
Boston {prop} (city in Massachusetts) :: Boston {n}
Boston lettuce {n} (variety of soft lettuce) SEE: Bibb lettuce ::
bosun {n} (warrant or petty officer in navy) :: Bootsmann {m}
bot {n} (robot) SEE: robot ::
bot {n} (a piece of software for doing repetitive tasks) :: Bot {m}
bota bag {n} (wineskin bag) :: Bota
botanic {adj} (pertaining to botany) SEE: botanical ::
botanical {adj} (Of or pertaining to botany) :: botanisch
botanical garden {n} (a place where a variety of plants are grown for scientific reasons) :: botanischer Garten {m}
botanically {adv} (in a botanical manner) :: botanisch
botanic garden {n} (botanical garden) SEE: botanical garden ::
botanist {n} (a person engaged in botany) :: Botaniker {m}, Botanikerin {f}, Pflanzenkundler {m}, Pflanzenkundlerin {f}
botanize {v} (do the work of a botanist) :: botanisieren
botany {n} (scientific study of plants) :: Botanik {f}, Pflanzenkunde
botch {v} (to perform (a task) in an unacceptable or incompetent manner) :: verpfuschen, pfuschen, [colloquial] vermurksen, vergeigen [colloquial], verbocken
botch {v} (to do something without skill, without care, or clumsily) :: pfuschen, stümpern
botch {n} (An action, job, or task that has been performed very badly) :: Pfusch {m}, [colloquial] Murks {m}
botch {n} (a ruined, defective, or clumsy piece of work; mess; bungle) :: Pfusch {m}
botched {adj} (clumsily made or repaired) :: stümperhaft, zusammengeschustert, zurechtgefrickelt, verpfuscht, vermurkst
botch up {v} (ruin, mess up) :: verpfuschen, verderben
Boötes {prop} (a constellation) :: Bärenhüter {m}
botfly {n} (insect) :: Dasselfliege {f}, Biesfliege {f}
both {determiner} (each of two; one and the other) :: beide
both {conj} (both...and...) :: sowohl ... als auch
bother {v} (to annoy, disturb) :: belästigen
bother {interj} (mild expression of annoyance/irritation) :: verdammt, Mist {m}
botheration {interj} (expression of annoyance) SEE: bother ::
bothered {adj} (Caused to show discomposure) :: geärgert
bothersome {adj} (causing bother or perplexity) :: verwirrend
Botoșani {prop} (city in Romania) :: Botoschan
Botswana {prop} (Republic of Botswana) :: Botsuana
Botswanan {n} (person from Botswana) :: Botsuaner {m}, Botswaner {m}, Botsuanerin {f}, Botswanerin {f},
Botswanan {adj} (pertaining to Botswana) :: botsuanisch, botswanisch
Botswanian {n} (Botswanan) SEE: Botswanan ::
Botswanian {adj} (Botswanan) SEE: Botswanan ::
bottle {n} (container) :: Flasche {f}, Bouteille {f} [obsolete]
bottle {n} (contents of such a container) :: Flasche {f}, Buddel {f} (Northern German)
bottle {n} (nerve, courage) :: Mumm {m}, Traute {f}, Schneid {m} {f}
bottle {n} (figuratively: alcohol) :: Buddel {f} (Northern German)
bottle {v} (seal (a liquid) into a bottle for later consumption) :: in Flaschen abfüllen
bottle {v} (feed (an infant) baby formula) :: die Flasche geben
bottle {n} (container with a rubber nipple) SEE: baby bottle ::
bottle bank {n} (container) :: Altglascontainer {m}, Glascontainer {m}
bottle cap {n} (closure used to seal bottles) :: Kronkorken {m}, Kronenkorken, Kronenkork {m}, Flaschenverschluss {m}, Flaschendeckel {m}
bottle crate {n} (a container used for transport of beverage containers) :: Getränkekiste
bottled water {n} (drinking water sold in a bottle) :: Flaschenwasser {n}
bottle gourd {n} (calabash) SEE: calabash ::
bottle green {adj} (of a dark green color) :: flaschengrün
bottleneck {n} (neck of a bottle) :: Flaschenhals {m}
bottleneck {n} (narrowing of the road, especially resulting in a delay) :: Engstelle {f}, Flaschenhals {m}, Engpass {m}
bottleneck {n} (part of a process that is too slow or cumbersome) :: Engpass {m}, Flaschenhals {m}
bottlenose dolphin {n} (species of dolphin) :: Tümmler {m}, großer Tümmler {m}, Tursiops {m}
bottle opener {n} (device to open bottles) :: Flaschenöffner {m}, Kapselheber {m} [formally, colloquial]
bottle shop {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store ::
bottle up {v} (to put into bottles) :: Flaschen befüllen, in Flaschen füllen
bottle up {v} (to prevent enemy vessels of leaving an anchorage) :: einkesseln, festhalten, zurückhalten,
bottle up {v} (to keep suppressed and hidden) :: unterdrücken, anstauen, zurückhalten, verdrängen
bottom {n} (abyss) SEE: abyss ::
bottom {n} (lowest part) :: Boden {m}, Grund {m}, Unterseite {f}
bottom {n} (gay sexual slang: penetrated partner in sex) :: passiv
bottom bracket {n} :: Tretlager {n}, Innenlager {n}
bottomless pit {n} (person with boundless appetite; entity or problem which consumes endless resources) :: Fass ohne Boden {n}
bottom line {n} (final balance) :: Endergebnis {n}, Ergebnis unterm Strich {n}
bottom line {n} (summary or result) :: Fazit {n}, Ergebnis unterm Strich {n}
botulinum toxin {n} (neurotoxic protein produced by Clostridium botulinum) :: Botulinumtoxin {n}
botulism {n} (medical condition) :: Botulismus {m}
boudoir {n} (woman's private room) SEE: bower ::
bougainvillea {n} (flower) :: Bougainvillea {f}
bough {n} (tree branch) :: Ast {m}
bouillabaisse {n} (mixture) SEE: mixture ::
bouillabaisse {n} (type of fish stew or soup from Provence) :: Bouillabaisse {f}
bouillon {n} (a clear seasoned broth) :: Bouillon {f}
bouillon cube {n} (cube) :: Brühwürfel {m}
boulder {n} (large mass of stone) :: Felsbrocken {m}, Felsblock {m}, Fels {m}
boulevard {n} (broad, landscaped thoroughfare) :: Boulevard {m}, Prachtstraße {f}
bounce {v} (to change direction of motion after hitting an obstacle) :: abprallen
bounce {v} (to move quickly up and down) :: hüpfen, auf und ab hüpfen
bounce {v} (of a cheque/check: to be refused) :: platzen
bounce {n} (email) :: Bounce {m} {f}
bounce off the walls {v} (to be overly active) :: aufgekratzt sein
bouncer {n} (member of security personnel) :: Türsteher {m}, Türsteherin {f}, Rausschmeißer {m} [slang], Rausschmeißerin {f}
bouncing castle {n} (inflatable structure on which children jump and play) :: Hüpfburg {f}, Luftburg {f}, Springburg {f}
bouncy ball {n} (small rubber ball) :: Gummiball {m}, Flummi {m}
bound {adj} (ready, prepared) :: bereit
bound {n} (boundary, border of territory) :: Abgrenzung {f}, Grenze {f}
bound {n} (mathematics: value greater (or smaller) than a given set) :: Schranke {f}
bound {v} (to surround a territory) :: begrenzen, umgrenzen
bound {n} (sizeable jump) :: Sprung {m}
boundary {n} (dividing line or location between two areas) :: Grenze {f}
boundary {n} ((topology) the set of points in the closure, not belonging to the interior) :: Rand {m}
bounded function {n} (function) :: beschränkte Funktion {f}
boundless {adj} (without bounds, unbounded) :: grenzenlos, unbegrenzt
bound morpheme {n} (type of morpheme) :: gebundenes Morphem {n}
bound variable {n} (variable that has an allocated storage location) :: gebundene Variable {f}
bounty {n} (abundance or wealth) SEE: abundance ::
bounty {n} (something given liberally, see also: gift) :: Geschenk {n}
bounty {n} (reward for some specific act) :: Belohnung {f}, Kopfgeld {n}, Prämie {f}
bounty {n} (money paid to a person when becoming a member of the armed forces, or as a reward for some service therein) :: Heuer
bounty {n} (generosity) SEE: generosity ::
bounty hunter {n} (person who catches criminals in return for a reward) :: Kopfgeldjäger {m}
bouquet {n} (bunch of flowers) :: Blumenstrauß {m}, Bouquet {n}
bouquet {n} (scent of wine) :: Bouquet {n}
bouquet garni {n} (bouquet garni) :: Bouquet garni {n}
bourbon {n} (whiskey) :: Bourbon {m}
bourdon {n} (bumblebee) SEE: bumblebee ::
bourgeois {adj} (of or relating to the middle class) :: bourgeois, bürgerlich
bourgeois {adj} (conventional, conservative and materialistic) :: spießig, spießbürgerlich
bourgeois {n} (9-point type) :: Borgis, Bourgeois
bourgeoisie {n} (class) :: Bürgertum {n}, Bourgeoisie {f}
bourgeoisification {n} (embourgeoisement) SEE: embourgeoisement ::
bourrée {n} (a baroque dance of French origin) :: Bourrée {f}
bourse {n} (stock exchange) SEE: stock exchange ::
boutique {n} (a small shop, especially one that sells fashionable clothes, jewelry and the like) :: Boutique {f}
Bouvet Island {prop} (uninhabited volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean) :: Bouvetinsel {f}, Bouvet-Insel {f}
bovarysm {n} (anxiety to escape from an unsatisfactory social or sentimental condition) :: Bovarysme {m}
bovine spongiform encephalopathy {n} (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) :: Bovine Spongiforme Enzephalopathie {f}, Rinderwahnsinn {m}
bow {n} (weapon used for shooting arrows) :: Bogen {m}
bow {n} (bend in a rod or planar surface) :: Bogen {m}
bow {n} (rod used for playing stringed instruments) :: Bogen {m}
bow {n} (type of knot with two loops) :: Schleife {f}
bow {v} (to play music on an instrument using a bow) :: streichen
bow {v} (to become bent) :: sich biegen, sich verbiegen
bow {v} (to bend a thing) :: biegen, verbiegen, beugen
bow {v} (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference) :: [[verbeugen|sich verbeugen]], eine Verbeugung machen, sich verneigen
bow {n} (gesture made by bending forward at the waist) :: Verbeugung {f}
bow {n} (front of a boat or ship) :: Bug {m}
bow {n} (musical bow) SEE: musical bow ::
bow and arrow {n} (weapon) :: Pfeil und Bogen
bow and scrape {n} (deep formal bow) :: Kratzfuß
Bowden cable {n} (cable used to transmit force by the movement of an inner cable) :: Bowdenzug {m}
bowdlerize {v} (to remove or alter parts of a text considered offensive) :: zensieren
bow down {v} (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference) :: sich niederwerfen
bow drill {n} (a simple hand-operated tool) SEE: fire drill ::
bowel {n} (large intestine) :: Dickdarm {m}
bowel {n} (intestines, entrails) :: Darm {m}
bowel {n} (interior of something) :: Inneres {n}, Eingeweide {f}, Bauch {m}
bowels {n} (deepest or innermost part) :: Tiefen {f}, Eingeweide {n-p}, Innerstes {n}, Verborgenes {n}
bowels {n} (concept or quality that defines something at its very core) :: Wesenskern {m}, innerstes Wesen {n}, innerster Kern {m}
bowels {n} (intestines) :: Gedärme {f}, Eingeweide {n-p}
bower {n} (a woman's bedroom or private apartments, especially in a medieval castle) :: Boudoir {n}
bower {n} (a leafy shelter or recess in a garden or woods) :: Gartenlaube {f} [in a garden], Laube {f}
bower {n} ((ornithology) A large structure made of grass and bright objects) :: Laube {f}
bower anchor {n} (bow-attached anchor ready to be lowered) :: Buganker {m}
bower bird {n} (Australasian bird) :: Laubenvogel {m}
bowfin {n} (Amia calva) :: Kahlhecht {m}, Schlammfisch
bowhead {n} (Balaena mysticetus) :: Grönlandwal
bowhead whale {n} (a whale, Balaena mysticetus) SEE: bowhead ::
bowl {n} (container for food) :: Schale {f}, Schüssel {f}
bowl {n} (lawn bowls) SEE: bowls ::
bowl {n} (haircut) SEE: bowl cut ::
bowl cut {n} (haircut) :: Topfhaarschnitt {m}
bowleg {n} (leg that curves outward from the knee) :: Säbelbein {n}, O-Bein {n}
bow-legged {adj} (having a bowleg) :: krummbeinig, o-beinig
bowler {n} (pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
bowler {n} (bowler hat) SEE: bowler hat ::
bowler hat {n} (hard round black felt hat) :: Melone {f}, Melonenhut {m}
bowline {n} (knot) :: Palstek, Bulin {m}
bowling {n} (a game played by rolling a ball down an alley) :: Bowling {n}, Kegelbahn {f} [bowling alley]
bowling alley {n} (a building which contains bowling lanes) :: Kegelbahn {f}, Bowlingbahn {f}
bowls {n} (precision sport) :: Bowlsspiel {n}
bow maker {n} (one who manufactures bows for musical instruments) :: Bogenmacher {m}, Bogenmacherin {f}
bowman {n} (archer) SEE: archer ::
bow saw {n} (for tree trunks, Swede saw) :: Bügelsäge {f}
bowser {n} (fuel pump) :: Zapfsäule, Tanksäule
bowsprit {n} (spar projecting over the prow of a sailing vessel) :: Bugspriet {m} {n}
bowstring {n} (string of an archer's bow) :: Bogensehne {f}
bowtie {n} (necktie shaped like a bow) :: Fliege {f}
bow wave {n} (a wave coming off the bow of a ship as it moves through the water) :: Bugwelle {f}
bow wow {n} (sound of a dog barking) :: wau wau
bow-wow {interj} (bow wow) SEE: bow wow ::
box {n} (cuboid space; container) :: Kasten {m}, Kiste {f}, Box {f}, Karton {f} (cardboard box)
box {n} (compartment to sit inside) :: Loge {f}
box {n} ((slang, vulgar) the vagina) :: Dose {f}
box {v} (to place inside a box) :: verpacken, einpacken
box {n} (shrub or tree of the genus Buxus) :: Buchsbaum {m}, Buchs {m}
box {n} (blow with the fist) :: Boxhieb {m}, Boxschlag {m}
box {v} (to strike with the fists) :: boxen
box {v} (to fight against (a person) in a boxing match) :: boxen
box {n} (rectangle) SEE: oblong ::
box {n} (input field on an electronic display) SEE: text box ::
box {n} (wood from a box tree) SEE: boxwood ::
box {n} (fish of the genus Boops) SEE: bogue ::
box and whiskers plot {n} (box plot) SEE: box plot ::
boxcar {n} (enclosed railroad freight car) :: Güterwagen {m}, Frachtwagen {m}, Güterwaggon {m} [colloquial]
boxcutter {n} (utility knife) SEE: utility knife ::
boxer {n} (participant in a boxing match) :: Boxer {m}, Boxerin {f}
boxer {n} (breed of dog) :: Boxer {m}
boxer {n} (type of internal combustion engine) SEE: boxer engine ::
boxer engine {n} (horizontally opposed engine) :: Boxermotor {m}
boxers {n} (boxer shorts) SEE: boxer shorts ::
boxer shorts {n} (underwear) :: Boxershorts {f}
boxing {n} (the sport of boxing) :: Boxen {n}
Boxing Day {n} (the day after Christmas: 26 December) :: Zweiter Weihnachtstag {m}
boxing glove {n} (padded mitten worn in boxing) :: Boxhandschuh {m}
box jellyfish {n} (box jellyfish) :: Würfelqualle {f}
box office {n} (ticket office) :: Schalter {m}, Kasse {f}
box plot {n} (graphical summary of data) :: Boxplot {m}
boxthorn {n} (plant of the genus Lycium) SEE: wolfberry ::
box tree {n} (tree of the genus Buxus) :: Buchsbaum {m}
boxwood {n} (Buxus sempervirens) :: Buchsbaum {m}, Buchs {m}
boxwood {n} (the hard, close-grained wood of this tree) :: Buchsbaumholz {n}
boy {n} (young male) :: Junge {m}, Knabe {m}, Bube {m}
boy {n} (male servant) :: Knappe {m}, Boy {m}
boy {n} (male of any age, used as a friendly diminutive) :: Junge {m}, Bursche {m}, Kerl {m}
boy {n} (adult male found attractive) :: Kerl {m}
boy {n} (male friend) :: Jungs {p}
boy {interj} (surprise or pleasure) :: Junge, Junge!
boyar {n} (rank of aristocracy) :: Bojare {m}
boy band {n} (pop group whose members are all young men) :: Boygroup {f}
boycott {v} (to abstain from dealing with a person or organisation as a protest) :: boykottieren
boycott {n} (the act of boycotting) :: Boykott {m}
boyfriend {n} (male partner in a romantic relationship) :: mein/dein/ihr/sein Freund {m}, Boyfriend {m}
boyfriend {n} (male friend) :: ein Freund {m}
boyish {adj} (like a boy) :: jungenhaft, knabenhaft
boyishness {n} (quality of being boyish) :: Jugendhaftigkeit {f}, Jungenhaftigkeit {f}, Knabenhaftigkeit {f}, knabenhaftes Aussehen {n}, knabenhaftes Wesen {n}
boy next door {n} (regular boy) :: Junge von nebenan {m}
Boy Scout {n} (male member of the Scout Movement) :: Boy Scout {m}
boysenberry {n} (berry) :: Boysenbeere {f}
boy's name {n} (name given to a male) :: Jungenname {m}
boys will be boys {proverb} (boys are mischievous by nature) :: Jungen sind nun einmal so
BPaaS {n} (Platform as a Service) :: BPaaS {f}
bra {n} (brassiere) :: Büstenhalter {m}, [abbreviation] BH {m}, [colloquial] Busenhalter {m}
Brabant {prop} (former province of central Belgium) :: Brabant {n}
Brabant {prop} (historical region) :: Brabant {n}
brace {n} (that which holds tightly) :: Klammer {f}, Spange {f}, Klemme {f}, Zwinge {f}, Halter {m}, Befestigung {f}, Spanner {m}, Band {n}
brace {n} (arrangement for producing tension) :: Spanner {m}, Spannband {n}, Zwinge {f}, Federzug {m}, Spanngummi {n}, Spannzwinge {f}, Zugstab {m}
brace {n} (a pair) :: Paar {n}
brace {n} (structural piece used for support, often diagonal) :: Zange {f}, Strebe {f}, Versteifung {f}, Stütze {f}, Stützbalken {m}, Knagge {f}, Verstrebung {f}, Kopfband {n}, Tragband {n}, Anker {m}, Band {n}
brace {n} (rope for moving a yard) :: Brasse {f}
brace {n} (straps or bands to sustain trousers) :: Hosenträger {m}
brace {n} (two goals in one game) :: Doppelpack {m}, Doppelschlag {m}
brace {v} (to prepare oneself for an impact) :: gefasst machen, wappnen, einstellen
brace {v} (to place in a position for resisting pressure) :: stemmen
brace {v} (to swing round the yards) :: brassen
brace {v} (to furnish with braces; to support; to prop) :: verstreben
brace {v} (to draw tight; to tighten) :: anspannen
brace {n} (harness) SEE: harness ::
brace {n} (system to correct crooked teeth) SEE: braces ::
brace {n} (curly bracket) SEE: curly bracket ::
brace {n} (bitstock) SEE: bitstock ::
bracelet {n} (a band or chain worn around the wrist as jewelry or an ornament) :: Armband {n}
braces {n} (handcuffs) SEE: handcuffs ::
braces {n} (device for straightening teeth) :: Zahnspange {f}
braces {n} (pair of straps holding trousers) :: Hosenträger {m}
brachial {adj} (pertaining or belonging to the arm) :: brachial
brachiosaurus {n} (herbivorous dinosaur) :: Brachiosaurus {m}
brachium {n} (upper arm) SEE: upper arm ::
brachygrapher {n} (stenographer) SEE: stenographer ::
brachylogy {n} (concise speech) :: Brachylogie {f}
brachysyllabic {adj} (having few syllables) :: wenigsilbig, geringsilbig
bracing {adj} (stimulating) :: erfrischend, anregend
bracken {n} (any of several coarse ferns) :: Adlerfarne {f}
bracket {n} (item attached to a wall to hold up a shelf) :: Winkel {m}, Träger {m}, Konsole {f}, Böckchen {n}, Winkelstück {n}, Halter {m}, Halterung {f}, Ständer {m}, Bügel {m}, Haltewinkel {m}, Winkelkonsole {f}, Befestigungswinkel {m}, Arm {m}, Ausleger {m}
bracket {n} (engineering: intermediate object that connects a smaller part to a larger part) :: Halter {m}, Konsole {f}, Klammer {f}, Träger {m}, Lasche {f}, Rastwinkel {m}, Bracket {n}, Winkelstück {n}, Leiste {f}, Kloben {m}, Anschlagwinkel {m}, Überwurfklammer {f}, Bügel {m}, Arm {m}, Hülse {f}, Anschlusswinkel {m}, Verbindungswinkel {m}, Lager {n}, Winkel {m}, Öse {n}
bracket {n} (nautical: short crooked timber) :: Ständer {m}
bracket {n} (generically any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">") :: Klammer {f}
bracket {n} (one of several ranges of numbers) :: Gruppe {f}, Stufe {f}, Klasse {f}, Intervall {n}
bracket {v} (to photograph at multiple exposure levels) :: Belichtungsreihe {f}
bracket {n} (square bracket) SEE: square bracket ::
bracket {n} (round bracket) SEE: round bracket ::
brackish {adj} (slightly salty) :: brackig, salzig
brackish {adj} (distasteful; unpleasant; not appealing to the taste) :: brackig
brackish {adj} (repulsive) SEE: repulsive ::
braconid {n} (any species of the family Braconidae) :: Brackwespen
bract {n} (leaf or leaf-like structure) :: Tragblatt {n}
bradoon {n} (type of snaffle bit) SEE: bridoon ::
bradycardia {n} (condition of having a slow heartbeat) :: Bradykardie {f}
brae {n} (hillside or slope) SEE: hillside ::
brag {v} (to boast) :: angeben, prahlen
brag {n} (boast) SEE: boast ::
braggadocio {n} (braggart) SEE: braggart ::
braggardly {adj} (boastful) SEE: boastful ::
braggart {n} (one who constantly brags or boasts) :: Angeber {m}, Angeberin {f}
braggart {adj} (characterized by boasting) SEE: boastful ::
bragger {n} (person who brags) :: Popanz {m}, Angeber {m}, Prahler {m}
braggy {adj} (prone to brag) :: angeberisch, prahlerisch
brahmin {n} (caste) :: Brahmane {m}
braid {v} (to intertwine) :: flechten, verflechten
braid {v} (to mix by beating, rubbing etc.) :: zerreiben
braid {n} (sudden movement) :: Ruck {m}
braid {n} (weave of three or more strands) :: Zopf {m}, Litze {f} [military ornament], geflochtenes Band {n}
braid {n} (hairstyle) :: Zopf {m}
braid {n} (stranded wire composed of a number of smaller wires) :: Litze {f}
braid {n} (tubular sheath made of braided strands of metal) :: Geflecht {n}, Abschirmgeflecht {n}, Schutzgeflecht {n}
braille {n} (system of writing using raised dots) :: Brailleschrift {f}, Blindenschrift {f}
brain {n} (organ) :: Gehirn {n}, Hirn {n}
brain {n} (intelligent person) :: Superhirn {n}, Intelligenzbestie {f}
brain {n} (person providing intelligence) :: Kopf {m}
brain {n} (brains: intellect) :: Verstand {m}, Köpfchen {n}, Grips {m}, Hirn {n}
brain cancer {n} (cancer of the brain) :: Hirnkrebs {m}, Gehirntumor {m}
braincase {n} (the part of the skull containing the brain) :: Hirnschale {f}
brain cell {n} (cell in brain) :: Gehirnzelle {f}
brainchild {n} (creation) :: Geistesprodukt {n}
brain coral {n} (any of several species of coral in the shape of a brain) :: Hirnkoralle {f}
brain damage {n} (injury to the brain) :: Hirnschaden {m}
brain-dead {adj} (in medicine: having cessation of brain activity) :: hirntot
brain drain {n} (emigration of educated people) :: Braindrain {m}, Gehirn-Abfluss {m}, Talentschwund {m}
brainiac {n} (a very intelligent and usually studious, erudite person) :: Intelligenzbestie {f}
brainless {adj} (having no brain) :: hirnlos
brainless {adj} (unintelligent; having little or no common sense) :: gedankenlos, einfältig, hirnlos
brain mushroom {n} (fungus) :: Frühjahrslorchel {f}, Frühlorchel {f}, Giftlorchel {f}
brainpower {n} (mental ability) SEE: intelligence ::
brain stem {n} (part of the brain that connects the spinal cord to the forebrain and cerebrum) :: Hirnstamm {m}
brainstorm {n} (brainstorming) SEE: brainstorming ::
brainstorming {n} (method of problem solving) :: Geistesblitz {m}, Brainstorming {n}
brain surgeon {n} (someone who does brain surgery) :: Gehirnchirurg {m}, Gehirnchirurgin {f}
brain surgery {n} (surgery) :: Gehirnchirurgie {f}
brainteaser {n} (brainteaser) :: Kopfnuss {f}, Kopfnuß {f} [obsolete spelling], Denkaufgabe {f}, Denksportaufgabe {f}, harte Nuss {f}, harte Nuß {f} [obsolete spelling], Knobelei {f}
brain-teaser {n} (a complex riddle or puzzle) :: Denksportaufgabe {f}, Kopfnuss {f}
brain tumor {n} (an intracranial growth of abnormal and uncontrolled cell division) :: Hirntumor {m}
brainwash {n} (effect upon one's memory, belief or ideas) :: Gehirnwäsche {f}, Hirnwäsche {f}
brainwash {v} (to affect one's mind) :: einer Gehirnwäsche unterziehen
brain-washing {n} (form of indoctrination) :: Gehirnwäsche {f}, Mentizid {m} {n}
brainwave {n} (any of many rhythmic fluctuations of electric potential between parts of the brain) :: Gehirnwelle {f}
brainwave {n} (sudden idea, understanding, or inspiration) :: Gedankenblitz {m}
braise {v} (To cook in a small amount of liquid) :: schmoren, anschmoren
brake {n} (tool for crushing and beating flax or hemp) :: Flachsbreche {f}
brake {n} (nautical: handle of pump) :: Geckstock {m}, Geck {m}, Pumpengeck {m}, Pumpenschwengel {m}
brake {n} (device used to slow or stop a vehicle) :: Bremse {f}
brake {n} (something that slows or stops an action) :: Bremse {f}
brake {v} (to operate brakes) :: bremsen
brake {v} (to be stopped or slowed (as if) by braking) :: bremsen
brake drum {n} (brake part) :: Bremstrommel {f}
brakeforce {n} :: Bremskraft {f}
brake lining {n} (consumable surfaces in brake systems) :: Bremsbelag {m}, Bremsklotz {m} [colloquial]
brake pad {n} (friction element in a disc brake) :: Bremsbelag {m}, Bremsklotz {m}
brake shoe {n} (element of a drum brake) :: Hemmschuh {m}, Bremsschuh {m}, Bremsbacke {f}
braking {n} (applying of brakes) :: Bremsen {n}
braking distance {n} (braking distance) :: Bremsweg {m}
bramble {n} (diverse Rubus shrubs) SEE: blackberry ::
bramble {n} (any thorny shrub) SEE: thornbush ::
brambling {n} (bird) :: Bergfink {m}
bran {n} (outside layer of a grain) :: Kleie {f}
branch {n} (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk) :: Ast {m}, Zweig {m}
branch {n} (part that divides like the branch of a tree) :: (branching roads or rivers) Abzweigung {m}, (rare) Ästelung {m}, (rare) Zweigung {m}
branch {n} (location of an organization with several locations) :: Zweigstelle {f}, Filiale {f}
branch {n} (area in business or of knowledge, research) :: Branche {f} (of business), Zweig {m}, Gebiet {n}, Wirtschaftszweig {m}
branch {v} (to arise from the trunk or a larger branch of a tree) :: abzweigen
branch {v} (to produce branches) :: verzweigen
branch {v} (to jump to a different location in a program, especially as the result of a conditional statement) :: springen
branched-chain {adj} :: verzweigtkettig
brand {n} (mark made by burning) :: Brandzeichen {n}, Brandmal {n}, Zuchtbrand {n}
brand {n} (name, symbol, logo) :: Marke {f}, Label {n}
brand {n} (a specific product, service, or provider so distinguished) :: Marke {f}
brand {n} (marker for cattle) SEE: branding iron ::
Brandenburg {prop} (state) :: Brandenburg, Land Brandenburg {n}
Brandenburg {prop} (province) :: Brandenburg, Provinz Brandenburg {f}
Brandenburg {prop} (city) :: Brandenburg, Brandenburg an der Havel {f}, Stadt Brandenburg {f}
Brandenburg Gate {prop} (18th-century neoclassical monument in Berlin) :: Brandenburger Tor {n}
branding iron {n} (bent piece of metal) :: Brandeisen {n}
brandish {v} (to move a weapon) :: schwingen, schwenken, hantieren, führen
brandish {v} (to bear something with ostentatious show) :: vorzeigen, ausstellen, vorführen, herzeigen
brand name {n} (trade name) SEE: trade name ::
brand new {adj} (utterly new) :: funkelnagelneu, nagelneu, brandneu, ganz neu, fabrikneu, nigelnagelneu
brand spanking new {adj} (brand new) SEE: brand new ::
brandy {n} (liquor) :: Kognak {m}, Brandy {m}, Weinbrand {m}, Branntwein {m}
brandy {n} (glass of brandy) :: [coll.] Kurzer {m}
Brașov {prop} (city in Romania) :: Brașov {n}, Kronstadt {n}
brash {adj} (overly bold or self-assertive) :: dreist, forsch , frech, schnodderig, keck
brash {adj} (impetuous or rash) :: nassforsch, übermütig
brash {adj} (bold, bright or showy) :: schrill , grell, knallig
brash {adj} :: ungestüm, taktlos, ungezogen, dreist
brashness {n} (characteristic of being brash) :: Dreistigkeit {f}, Unverfrorenheit {f}
Brasília {prop} (The capital of Brazil) :: Brasília {n}
brass {n} (alloy of copper and zinc) :: Messing {n}
brass {n} (made of brass (attributive use)) :: messingen, aus Messing
brass {n} (class of wind instruments) :: Blechblasinstrumente {p}, Blech {n}
brass {n} (colour of brass) :: Messingfarbe {f}
brass {adj} (of colour of brass) :: messingfarben, messinggelb
brass band {n} (group of musicians who play brass instruments) :: Blaskapelle {f}
brassiere {n} (bra) SEE: bra ::
brass instrument {n} (musical instrument) :: Blechblasinstrument {n}
brass knuckles {n} (weapon which reinforces the fist) :: Schlagring {m}
brat {n} (a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child) :: Balg {m}, Göre {f}, Gör {n}
brat {n} (bratwurst) SEE: bratwurst ::
Bratislava {prop} (The capital of Slovakia) :: Bratislava {n}, Pressburg {n}, Preßburg {n}
bratwurst {n} (A small pork sausage) :: Bratwurst {f}
Braunschweig {prop} (Brunswick) SEE: Brunswick ::
bravado {n} (a show of defiance or courage) :: Angeberei {f}, Draufgängertum {n}
bravado {n} (a false show of courage) :: Gehabe {n}, theatralisches Getue {n}
brave {adj} (strong in the face of fear) :: tapfer, mutig
brave {n} (native American warrior) :: Krieger {m}
bravery {n} (being brave) :: Tapferkeit {f}
bravo {n} (the letter "B") :: Berta
brawl {n} (disorderly argument or fight) :: Rauferei {f}, Schlägerei {f}, Getümmel {n}, Prügelei {f}
brawl {v} (to engage in a brawl, see also: fight; quarrel) :: raufen
brawler {n} (one who brawls) :: Schläger {m}, Rabauke {m}, Krakeeler {m}, Raufbold {m}, Randalierer {m}, Rowdy {m}, Hooligan {m}, Halbstarker {m}
brawn {n} (strong muscles) :: Muskelkraft {f}
brawn {n} (terrine) :: Sülze
brawny {adj} (characterized by brawn) :: muskulös
bray {v} (to make the cry of a donkey) :: iahen, kreischen, schreien
bray {v} (to make a harsh, discordant sound like a donkey's bray) :: kreischen wie ein Esel, schreien wie ein Esel
bray {v} (to make or utter (a shout, etc.) discordantly, loudly, or in a harsh and grating manner) :: kreischen
bray {n} (cry of an ass or donkey) :: Eselsschrei {m}
bray {n} (cry of a camel) :: röhren
bray {v} (to crush or pound, see also: crush; pound) :: verreiben, zermalmen, zerreiben
brazen {adj} (pertaining to, made of, or resembling brass) :: messingen
brazen {adj} (impudent, immodest, or shameless) :: dreist, schamlos
brazen bull {n} (ancient torture device consisting of a hollow brass bull where victims were imprisoned and burned to death) :: sizilianischer Bulle {m}
brazenly {adv} (In a brazen manner ) :: unverschämterweise
brazenness {n} (characteristic of being brazen) :: Dreistigkeit {f}, Schamlosigkeit {f}
brazier {n} (An upright standing or hanging metal bowl used for holding burning coal) :: Feuerschale {f}
Brazil {prop} (Portuguese-speaking country in South America) :: Brasilien {n}
Brazilian {n} (person from Brazil) :: Brasilianer {m}, Brasilianerin {f}
Brazilian {adj} (pertaining to Brazil) :: brasilianisch
brazil nut {n} (tree) :: Paranussbaum {m}
brazil nut {n} (nut) :: Paranuss {f}
brazilwood {n} (timber tree) :: Brasilholz {n}
breach {n} (figuratively: the act of breaking) :: Bruch {m}
breach {n} (break of a law or obligation) :: Verstoß {m}
breach {n} (gap) :: Bruch {m}, Bresche {f}
breach {n} (breaking up of amicable relations) :: Bruch {m}
breach {n} (breaking of waves) :: Brechen {n}
breach of contract {n} (failure to perform) :: Vertragsverletzung {f}, Vertragsbruch {m}
breach of promise {n} (tort of withdrawing a promise to marry) :: Bruch des Eheversprechens {m}
bread {n} (baked dough made from cereals) :: Brot {n}
bread {n} (countable: any variety of bread) :: Brot {n}
bread {n} (slang: money) :: Kohle {f}
bread {n} (food, sustenance, support of life, in general) :: Brot {n}
bread {v} (to bread) :: panieren
bread and circuses {n} (food and entertainment provided by the state) :: Brot und Zirkusspiele, Brot und Spiele
breadbasket {n} (stomach) SEE: stomach ::
breadbasket {n} (basket for storing or carrying bread) :: Brotkorb {m}
breadbasket {n} (food bowl) SEE: food bowl ::
breadboard {n} (cutting board) :: Schneidebrett {n}
breadboard {n} (reusable solderless device) :: Steckplatine {f}, Steckbrett {n}, Steckboard {n}, Protoboard {n}
breadbox {n} (a container for storing bread) :: Brotkasten {m}
breadcrumb {n} (tiny piece of bread) :: Brotkrümel {m}, Brotkrume {f}, Brosame {f}, Brösel {m} {n}
breadfruit {n} (tree) :: Brotfruchtbaum {m}
breadfruit {n} (fruit) :: Brotfrucht {f}
bread knife {n} (knife designed to cut bread) :: Brotmesser {n}
bread machine {n} (household appliance which makes dough) SEE: bread maker ::
bread maker {n} (household appliance which makes bread) :: Brotbackautomat {m}, Brotbackmaschine {f}
breadmaker {n} (baker) SEE: baker ::
breadmaker {n} (bread maker) SEE: bread maker ::
bread roll {n} (miniature round loaf of bread) :: Brötchen {n}, Semmel {f}
breadstick {n} (slender loaf of crisp bread) :: Grissini {?}
breadth {n} (width) SEE: width ::
breadth-first search {n} (a search algorithm) :: Breitensuche
breadwinner {n} (primary income-earner in a household) :: Broterwerber {m}, Broterwerberin {f}, Geldverdiener {m}, Geldverdienerin {f}
break {v} (intransitive: to separate into (to end up in) two or more pieces) :: zerbrechen, kaputtgehen, brechen
break {v} (transitive: to separate into (to cause to end up in) two or more pieces) :: brechen, zerbrechen
break {v} (intransitive, of a bone: to crack) :: brechen
break {v} (transitive: to cause (a bone) to crack) :: brechen
break {v} (transitive: to do that which is forbidden by (something)) :: brechen
break {v} (intransitive: to stop functioning properly or altogether) :: kaputtgehen
break {v} (transitive: to cause to stop functioning) :: kaputtmachen
break {v} (to cause to no longer bar) :: knacken, aufbrechen
break {v} (to interrupt or cease one's work or occupation temporarily) :: pausieren
break {v} (of morning: to arrive) :: anbrechen, dämmern
break {n} (instance of breaking something into pieces) :: Bruch {m}
break {n} (physical space that opens up in something or between two things) :: Öffnung {f}, Spalt {m}
break {n} (rest or pause, usually from work) :: Pause {f}
break {n} (tennis: game won by receiving party) :: Break {n}
break {n} (billiards, snooker: first shot) :: Break {n}
breakable {adj} (fragile) SEE: fragile ::
break a leg {interj} (expression of best wishes to a performer) :: Hals- und Beinbruch!, Mast- und Schotbruch!
break a sweat {v} (to start sweating) :: ins Schwitzen kommen
break a sweat {v} (to put effort into something) :: sich ins Zeug legen, ins Schwitzen kommen
break away {v} (to leave suddenly) :: ausbrechen, losmachen [reflexive]
break away {v} (to become separated) :: lösen [reflexive], ablösen [reflexive]
breakaway {adj} (having broken away from a larger unit) :: abtrünnig, separatistisch
breakaway {n} (act of breaking away from something) :: Lossagung {f}, Absplitterung {f}, Loslösung {f}, Ausbrechen {n}, Losmachung {f}
breakaway {n} (in cycling) :: Ausbruch {m}, Ausbruchsgruppe {f}
break bad {v} (to go wrong, to turn toward immorality or crime) :: auf die schiefe Bahn geraten
break bread {v} (eat a meal, especially shared) :: das Brot miteinander teilen
break bread {v} (take part in Holy Communion) :: Brot brechen
breakdown {n} (failure, particularly mechanical) :: Betriebsstörung {f}, Panne {f}
breakdown {n} (lapse of mental stability) :: Nervenzusammenbruch {f}
breakdown {n} (listing or categorization in great detail) :: Aufschlüsselung {f}
breaker {n} (machine for breaking rocks or coal) :: Brecher {m}
breaker {n} (wave) :: Brecher {m}
break even {v} (to neither gain nor lose money) :: mit plus/minus null rauskommen
break even {v} (to stay the same) :: den Ist-Zustand bewahren
break-even point {n} (The point where total costs equal total sales revenue) :: Gewinnschwelle {f}
breakfast {n} (first meal of the day) :: Frühstück {n}, Zmorgen {f} [Swiss German], [Swiss German] Morgenessen {n}
breakfast {v} (to eat the morning meal) :: frühstücken
breakfast cereal {n} (food made from processed grains) :: Frühstücksflocken {f-p}
breakfaster {n} (one eating breakfast) :: Frühstückender {m}, Frühstückende {f}
break in {v} (to enter by force or illicitly) :: einbrechen
break in {v} (to make something new function well through use) :: einlaufen [shoes]
break in {v} (to tame (a horse)) :: zureiten
break-in {n} (act of entering to commit an offense) :: Einbruch {m}
breaking {n} (in linguistics: vowel breaking) :: Brechung {f}
breaking news {n} (news that just happened or is happening) :: soeben hereingekommene Nachricht {f}, gerade eingetroffene Neuigkeit {f}, letzte Neuigkeit {f}, Sondermeldung {f}, Eilmeldung {f}
breakneck {adj} (dangerously fast; hell-for-leather) :: halsbrecherisch
break of dawn {n} (daybreak) SEE: daybreak ::
break one's fast {v} (archaic: to eat breakfast) :: frühstücken
break on the wheel {v} (to execute by beating) :: rädern
break out {v} (to escape, especially forcefully or defiantly) :: ausbrechen
break point {n} (situation in which if the receiver wins the next point, (s)he will win the game) :: Breakball {m}
breakpoint {n} ((computing) point in a program where operation may be interrupted) :: Haltepunkt {m}
break ranks {v} (military) :: aus der Reihe treten
break ranks {v} (idiomatic) :: aus der Reihe tanzen
break room {n} (room for breaks) :: Pausenraum {m}
break someone's heart {v} (to cause a person to feel grief or sadness) :: Herz brechen [add pronouns mein, dein, etc., e.g. mein Herz brechen - "to break my heart"]
break the bank {v} (win all the money that is available to be paid) :: die Bank sprengen
break the ice {v} (to start to get to know people, by avoiding awkwardness) :: das Eis brechen
break the Sabbath {v} (to break the Sabbath) :: den Sabbat brechen, den Sabbat entheiligen, den Sabbat schänden, den Sabbat entweihen
break through {v} (to gain popularity) :: Durchbruch {m}
breakthrough {adj} (characterized by major progress) :: bahnbrechend, durchschlagend
breakthrough {n} (military advance) :: Durchbruch {m}
breakthrough {n} (major progress) :: Durchbruch {m}
breakthrough {n} ((engineering) penetration of a physical barrier) :: Durchbruch {m}, Durchstich {m}
break up {v} (to end a relationship) :: auseinander gehen, Schluss machen
breakup {n} (breakdown) SEE: breakdown ::
breakup {n} (the act of breaking up, disintegration, or division) :: Trennung
breakup {n} (termination of a friendship or a romantic relationship) :: Auflösung {f}, Beendigung {f}, Ende {n}
breakwater {n} (construction in or around a harbour) :: Mole {f}, Wellenbrecher {m}
breakwater {n} (beach barrier) :: Buhne {f}, Wellenbrecher {m} {m-p}
break wind {v} (to fart) :: furzen
bream {n} (fish of the genus Abramis) :: Brasse {f}; [chiefly southern] Brachse {f}
bream {n} (Abramis brama) :: Brasse {f}; [chiefly southern] Brachse {f}, Brachsen {m}; [dialectal also] Blei {m}, Brachsme {f}, Brachsmen {m}, Bresen {m}
breast {n} (milk-producing organ) :: Brust {f}
breast {n} (chest) :: Brust {f}
breast {n} (seat of emotions) :: Brust {f}
breast {n} (choice cut of meat from poultry or other animals) :: -brust {f}, Entenbrust {f} [duck], Fasanenbrust {f} [pheasant], Gänsebrust {f} [goose], Geflügelbrust {f} [chicken], Hühnchenbrust {f} [chicken], Hähnchenbrust {f} [chicken], Hammelbrust {f} [sheep], Schweinsbrust {f} [pork]
breast augmentation {n} (cosmetic procedure) :: Brustvergrößerung {f}
breastbone {n} (the central narrow bone in the front of the chest) :: Brustbein {n}, Sternum {n}
breast cancer {n} (cancer of the breast) :: Brustkrebs {m}, Mammakarzinom
breastfeed {v} (feed a baby milk via the breasts) :: stillen, die Brust geben
breastfeeding {n} (activity) :: Stillen {n}
breast implant {n} (medical prosthesis) :: Brustimplantat {n}
breast ironing {n} (pounding and massaging of a pubescent girl's breasts to make them stop developing) :: Brustbügeln {n}
breast milk {n} (milk produced by humans) :: Muttermilch {f}
breastpin {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
breastplate {n} (armor) :: Brustschild {m}, Brustpanzer {m}
breastplate {n} (horse tack) :: Brustriemen {m}, Vorderzeug {n}
breast pump {n} (device used to extract breast milk) :: Muttermilchpumpe {f}, Brustpumpe {f}
breaststrap {n} (breastplate) SEE: breastplate ::
breaststroke {n} (swimming stroke) :: Brust {f}, Brustschwimmen {n}
breaststroke {v} (to swim using this stroke) :: Brust schwimmen
breastwork {n} (fortification consisting of a breast-high bulwark) :: Brustwehr {f}
breath {n} (act or process of breathing) :: Atmen {n}, Atmung {f}
breath {n} (single act of breathing in and out) :: Atemzug {m}
breath {n} (air expelled from the lungs) :: Atem {m}
breath {n} (rest or pause) :: Atempause {f}
breathalyzer {n} (a device that measures alcohol in expired air) :: Blasrohr {n} [colloquial], Alkoholtester {m}
breathe {v} (to draw air in and out) :: atmen
breathe {v} (to draw into lungs) :: einatmen
breathe {v} (to whisper quietly) :: hauchen
breathe down someone's neck {v} (to follow or supervise too closely) :: jemandem im Nacken sitzen
breather {n} (something that breathes) :: Atmende {m} {f}
breather {n} (short break) :: Verschnaufpause {f}, [colloquial] Atempause {f}
breathing {n} (act of respiration) :: Atmen {n}, Atmung {f}
breathing gas {n} :: Atemgas {n}
breathless {adj} (having difficulty breathing; gasping) :: atemlos
breathless {adj} (that makes one hold one's breath) :: atemlos
breathlessness {n} (state of being breathless or out of breath) :: Atemlosigkeit {f}
breathlessness {n} (difficult respiration) SEE: shortness of breath ::
breathtaking {adj} (stunningly beautiful) :: atemberaubend
breathtaking {adj} (very surprising or shocking) :: atemberaubend
breech {n} (part of a cannon or other firearm) :: Schwanzschraube {f}
breeches {n} (a garment worn by men, covering the hips and thighs) :: Breeches {p}
breeches role {n} (role in a theatrical production in which an actress appears in male clothing) :: Hosenrolle {f}
breechloader {n} :: Hinterlader {m}
breed {v} (to sexually produce offspring) :: aufziehen, erzeugen, züchten
breed {v} (of animals, to mate) :: sich paaren, brüten (birds)
breed {v} (to keep animals and have them reproduce) :: züchten
breed {v} (to propagate or grow plants) :: züchten
breed {v} (to take care of in infancy and through childhood) :: aufziehen
breed {v} (to yield or result in) :: erzeugen, hervorrufen, verursachen
breed {n} (all animals or plants of the same species or subspecies) :: Rasse {f}, Zuchtrasse {f}
breed {n} (race or lineage) :: Rasse {f}, Sorte {f} (of plants), Schlag {m}
breed {n} (group of people with shared characteristics) :: Gattung {f}, Art {f}
breeder {n} ((professional) plant or animal breeder) :: Züchter {m}, Züchterin {f}, Pflanzenzüchter {m} [plant], Pflanzenzüchterin {f} [plant], Tierzüchter {m} [animal], Tierzüchterin {f} [animal]
breeder {n} (heterosexual) :: Hete {m} {f}
breeder {n} (type of nuclear reactor) :: Brüter {m}, Brutreaktor {m}
breeding {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse ::
breeding-ground {n} (place where animals breed) :: Laichplatz {m}
breeze {n} (a light, gentle wind) :: Brise {f}, Windchen {n}
breeze {n} (activity that is easy) :: Kinderspiel {n}
breeze {v} (to move casually, in a carefree manner, but not slowly) :: flitzen
breeze {v} (blow gently) :: wehen
breeze-block {n} (building block) :: Schalstein {m}
breezefly {n} (horsefly) SEE: horsefly ::
breezy {adj} (exposed to the breezes) :: zugig, luftig, frisch, windig
breezy {adj} ((figuratively) cheerful and lively) :: fröhlich, lebhaft, kess
Bremen {prop} (state) :: Bremen {n}
Bremen {prop} (city) :: Bremen {n}
brent goose {n} (Small member of the goose family) :: Ringelgans {f}
Breslau {prop} (Wroclaw) SEE: Wroclaw ::
brethren {n} (the body of members) :: Brüder {m}, Brüdergemeinschaft {f}
Breton {n} (person from Brittany) :: Bretone {m}, Bretonin {f}
Breton {n} (the language) :: Bretonisch {n}
Breton {adj} (pertaining to Brittany) :: bretonisch
breve {n} (semicircular diacritical mark) :: Breve {n}, Verkürzungszeichen {n}
breve {n} (double whole note) :: Brevis {f}, Doppelganze {f}, Doppelganzenote {f}
breviary {n} (a book containing prayers and hymns) :: Brevier {n}
brevier {n} :: Petit, Jungfer, Jungfrawschrift
brevity {n} (the quality of being brief in duration) :: Kürze {f}
brevity {n} (succinctness; conciseness) :: Bündigkeit {f}, Knappheit {f}
brevity is the soul of wit {proverb} (conciseness is essential to witty remarks) :: Kürze dann des Witzes Seele ist, in der Kürze liegt die Würze
brew {n} (beer) SEE: beer ::
brew {v} (to make beer) :: brauen
brew {v} (to be in a state of preparation) :: sich zusammenbrauen
brew {v} :: brauen
brew {n} (something brewed) :: Bräu {m}
brew {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
brew {n} (cup of tea) SEE: cup of tea ::
brewable {adj} (capable of being brewed) :: braubar
brewer {n} (someone who brews) :: Brauer {m}, Brauerin {f}
brewer's yeast {n} (yeast used in brewing or yeast obtained as a by-product of brewing, used as nutritional yeast) :: Brauhefe {f}
brewery {n} (building where beer is produced) :: Brauerei {f}, Brauhaus {n}, Bierbrauerei
brewery {n} (company that brews beer) :: Brauerei {f}, Bierbrauerei {f}
brewmaster {n} (person in charge of beer production at a brewery) :: Braumeister {m}
brewpub {n} (brewpub) :: Kleinbrauerei mit Schenke {f}
Brexit {prop} (withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU) :: Brexit {m}
Brezhnev {prop} (surname) :: Breschnew
briar {n} (any thorny plant) SEE: thornbush ::
bribe {n} (inducement to dishonesty) :: Bestechungsgeld {n}, Schmiergeld {n}
bribe {v} (to give a bribe) :: bestechen, schmieren, kaufen [colloquially]
bribery {n} (making of illegal payment to persons in official positions as a means of influencing their decisions) :: Bestechung {f}
BRIC {prop} (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) :: BRIC
bric-a-brac {n} (small ornaments and other miscellaneous items of little value) :: Schnickschnack {m}
brick {n} (hardened block used for building) :: Backstein {m}, Ziegel {m}
brick {n} (a building material) :: Ziegel {m}
brick {n} :: externes Netzteil {n}
brick {v} (electronics: to render non-functional) :: bricken
brick and mortar {adj} (buildings and property for the conduct of a business) :: konventionell
bricklayer {n} (craftsman) :: Maurer {m}, Maurerin {f}
brick up {v} (to block by masonry) :: zumauern
brickwork {n} (structure made of brick) :: Mauerwerk {n}
brickyard {n} (factory where bricks are produced or distributed) :: Ziegelei {f}
bricolage {n} (construction) :: Bastelei {f}
bricolage {n} (something constructed) :: Bastelei {f}
bridal {n} (wedding) :: Hochzeit {f}
bridal {adj} (nuptial) :: bräutlich, hochzeitlich, Braut-, Hochzeit-
bride {n} (woman in the context of her own wedding) :: Braut {f}
bridegroom {n} (bridegroom, groom) :: Bräutigam {m}
bride price {n} (sum paid to the family of the bride) :: Brautpreis {m}
bridesmaid {n} (woman who attends the bride at a wedding ceremony) :: Brautjungfer {f}
bridge {n} (construction or natural feature that spans a divide) :: Brücke {f}
bridge {n} (bony ridge of the nose) :: Nasenrücken {m}
bridge {n} (replacement for teeth) :: Brücke {f}, Zahnbrücke {f}
bridge {n} (nautical) :: Brücke {f}
bridge {n} (piece on string instruments) :: Steg {m}
bridge {v} (to make a bridge) :: überbrücken
bridge {v} (to span as if with a bridge) :: überbrücken
bridge {v} (music: to transition from one piece or section to another) :: überwechseln
bridge {n} (card game) :: Bridge {n}
bridgehead {n} (area of ground on the enemy's side of an obstacle) :: Brückenkopf {m}
bridge loan {n} (money loaned for a short period) :: Überbrückungskredit {m}, Überbrückungsdarlehen {n}
bridge pattern {n} :: Brücke {f}
Bridget {prop} (female given name) :: Brigitte
Bridgetown {prop} (capital of Barbados) :: Bridgetown
bridle {n} (headgear for horse) :: Zaumzeug {n}, Zaum {m}
bridle {v} (to put a bridle on.) :: aufzäumen, Zaumzeug anlegen
bridle {v} (to check, restrain) :: zügeln, in Zaum halten
bridle {v} (to show hostility) :: feindselig reagieren, abweisend reagieren, sich abweisend verhalten
bridled tern {n} (Onychoprion anaethetus) :: Zügelseeschwalbe {f}
bridled titmouse {n} (Baeolophus wollweberi) :: Zügelmeise {f}
bridoon {n} (type of snaffle bit) :: Unterlegtrense {f}
brie {n} (mild French cheese) :: Brie {m}
brief {adj} (of short duration) :: kurz
brief {adj} (concise) :: prägnant
brief {n} (a short news story or report) :: kurze Zusammenfassung {f}
brief {v} (to summarize) :: briefen, instruieren, einweisen, informieren, (zusammenfassend) unterrichten
briefcase {n} (case used for carrying documents) :: [general] Aktentasche {f}; [attaché case also] Aktenkoffer {f}
briefly {adv} (in a brief manner) :: kurz
briefs {n} (male underwear) :: Unterhose {f}
brig {n} (two-masted vessel) :: Brigg {f}
brigade {n} (organized group of people) :: Brigade {f}
brigade {n} (military unit) :: Brigade {f}
brigadier general {n} (an officer commanding a brigade) :: Brigadegeneral
brigand {n} (bandit) :: Brigant {m}
brigantine {n} (square-rigged foremast with main mast rigged fore-and-aft, sailing vessel) :: Brigantine {f}
bright {adj} (visually dazzling, luminous, radiant) :: hell, glänzend, strahlend
bright {adj} (intelligent) :: intelligent, brilliant
bright {adj} (vivid) :: lebhaft
bright {adj} (happy) :: heiter
brighten {v} (make brighter in color) :: aufhellen
brighten {v} (add luster or splendor) :: schönen
brighten {v} (make more cheerful) :: aufhellen
brighten {v} (become brighter in color) :: sich aufhellen
brighten {v} (become brighter in mood) :: sich aufhellen
brightness {n} (the quality of being bright) :: Helligkeit {f}
brightness {n} (the perception elicited by the luminance of an object) :: Helligkeit {f}
brightness {n} (intelligence, cleverness) :: Aufgewecktheit {f}
brilliant {adj} (shining brightly) :: strahlend
brilliant {adj} (of a colour: both light and saturated) :: strahlend, brillant
brilliant {adj} (of a voice or sound: having a sharp, clear tone) :: brillant
brilliant {adj} (of surpassing excellence) :: brillant
brilliant {adj} (magnificent or wonderful (primarily UK usage)) :: brillant
brilliant {adj} (highly intelligent) :: genial, brillant
brilliant {n} (cut gemstone) :: Brillant {m}
brilliant {n} (4-point type) :: Diamant
brillig {n} (nonce word) :: brillig
brim {n} (a projecting rim, especially of a hat) :: Krempe {f}
brimstone {n} (sulfur) SEE: sulfur ::
brimstone {n} (butterfly species) :: Zitronenfalter {m}
brindled gnu {n} (blue wildebeest) SEE: blue wildebeest ::
brine {n} (salt water) :: Sole {f}, Salzbrühe {f}, Lake {f}
brine {n} (the sea or ocean) :: Meerwasser {n}, Salzwasser {n}
bring {v} (to transport toward somebody/somewhere) :: bringen, holen
bring about {v} (To cause to take place) :: bewirken, bedingen
bring about {v} (To accomplish) :: zustande bringen, bewerkstelligen
bring forth {v} :: vortbringen
bring home the bacon {v} (to make a living) :: sich seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen [sich in dative case]
bring owls to Athens {v} (to undertake a pointless venture) SEE: carry coals to Newcastle ::
bring to bear {v} (aim a weapon) :: richten
bring to bear {v} (employ to achieve an effect) :: aufbringen, ausüben
bring together {v} (to cause people to do something together) :: zusammenführen
bring to light {v} (expose) :: an den Tag bringen
bring up {v} (to raise children) :: erziehen
brinjal {n} (an aubergine) SEE: eggplant ::
brink {n} (edge) :: Rand {m}
briny {n} (sea) SEE: sea ::
briny {adj} (salty) :: salzig
brio {n} (vigour or vivacity) :: Elan {m}, Feuer {n} Schwung {m}
brioche {n} (type of bun) :: Brioche {f}, Apostelkuchen {m}
briquet {n} (small brick) :: Brikett {n}
brisance {n} (shattering effect of the energy released in an explosion) :: Brisanz {f}
Brisbane {prop} (Capital of Queensland, Australia) :: Brisbane {n}
brisk {adj} (full of liveliness and activity) :: lebhaft, rege, vital
brisk {adj} (full of spirit of life) :: lebhaft, vital
brisk {adj} (stimulating or invigorating) :: anregend
brisket {n} (the chest of an animal) :: Brust {f}
brisket {n} (a cut of meat from an animal chest) :: Bruststück {n}
briskly {adv} (fast, quickly, swiftly) :: forsch
bristle {n} (stiff or coarse hair) :: Borste {f}
bristle {n} (hair or straw of a brush, broom etc.) :: Borste {f}
bristletail {n} (insect of the order Zygentoma) :: Silberfischchen {n}
Bristolian {adj} (of, from, or relating to Bristol) :: Bristolisch, bristolisch
Brit {n} (British person) SEE: Briton ::
Britain {prop} (United Kingdom) SEE: United Kingdom ::
Britain {prop} (island, see also: Great Britain; British Isles) :: Britannien {n}
Britain {prop} (Brittany) SEE: Brittany ::
britches {n} (pants) SEE: pants ::
britches {n} (breeches) SEE: breeches ::
British {prop} (citizens or inhabitants of Britain) :: Briten {p}, Brite {m}, Britin {f}
British {prop} (the citizens or inhabitants of the UK) :: Briten {p}, Brite {m}, Britin {f}
British {prop} (the British English language) :: Britisches Englisch {n}
British {adj} (of Britain) :: britisch, großbritannisch
British {adj} (colloquial: of the UK) :: britisch
British Columbia {prop} (province of Canada) :: Britisch-Kolumbien {n}, British Columbia {n}
British Empire {prop} (empire) :: Britisches Weltreich {n}
British English {n} (English language as in Britain, especially in England) :: britisches Englisch {n}, Britisches Englisch {n} [proscribed or nonstandard]
British Indian Ocean Territory {prop} (UK overseas territory) :: Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean {n}
British Isles {prop} (group of islands) :: Britische Inseln {f-p}
British overseas territory {n} (Any of about 14 territories which are not part of the United Kingdom but come under its sovereignty) :: britisches Überseegebiet
British Shorthair {n} (breed of cat) :: Britisch Kurzhaar {f}
British Virgin Islands {prop} (British overseas territory) :: Britische Jungferninseln {f-p}
Briton {n} (inhabitant of Great Britain) :: Brite {m}, Britin {f}
Briton {n} (a Celtic inhabitant of southern Britain at the time of the Roman conquest) :: Britannier {m}
Brittany {prop} (region of North West France) :: Bretagne {f}, Kleinbritannien {n}
Brittany {prop} (dog breed) :: Bretonischer Spaniel
brittle {adj} (able to break or snap easily under stress or pressure) :: spröde, brüchig, bröckelig, mürbe, morsch
brittle {adj} (apt to break or crumble when bending) :: spröde
brittle {adj} (emotionally fragile, easily offended) :: reizbar, kühl
brittle {n} (confection of caramelized sugar and nuts) :: Krokant {m}
brittleness {n} (property) :: Brüchigkeit {f}, Sprödekeit {f}, Sprödigkeit {f}, Versprödung {f}, Zerbrechlichkeit {f}
Brittonic {adj} (Brythonic) SEE: Brythonic ::
Brno {prop} (city in Czech Republic) :: Brünn {n}, Brno {n}
bro {n} (a male sibling) SEE: brother ::
broach {n} (spit) SEE: spit ::
broach {v} (make a hole in) :: anzapfen
broach {v} (begin discussion about) :: ansprechen, aufbringen
broach {n} (brooch) SEE: brooch ::
broach {n} (architecture: spire) SEE: spire ::
broad {adj} (wide) SEE: wide ::
broad {adj} (having a specified width) :: breit
broad {n} (colloquial term for a woman or girl) :: Weib {n}, Braut {f}
broad {n} (whore) SEE: whore ::
broadband {n} (high-capacity internet connection) :: Breitband
broad bean {n} (Vicia faba) :: [especially biology] Ackerbohne {f}; [especially cuisine] dicke Bohne {f}, große Bohne {f}, Puffbohne {f}, Favabohne {f}; [regional; southern] Saubohne {f}
broad-billed sandpiper {n} (Calidris falcinellus) :: Sumpfläufer {m}
broadcast {adj} (cast or scattered widely) :: weit verstreut
broadcast {adj} (communicated, signalled, or transmitted through radio waves or electronic means) :: ausgestrahlt, gesendet
broadcast {n} (transmission of a radio or television programme) :: Sendung {f}, Übertragung {f}, Ausstrahlung {f}, Rundfunk {m}
broadcast {n} (programme transmitted) :: Sendung {f}
broadcast {n} (act of scattering seed) :: Ausstreuen {n} [act], Verstreuen {n} [act], aufgegangene Saat {f} [crop]
broadcast {v} (to transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means) :: senden, verbreiten, ausstrahlen, übertragen
broadcast {v} (to transmit a message over a wide area) :: übertragen
broadcasting {n} (business or profession of radio and television) :: Rundfunk {m}
broadcloth {n} (fine smooth-faced woolen cloth) :: Breitgewebe {n}
broaden {v} (to become broad) :: sich weiten
broadleaf {adj} (pertaining to trees with leaves) :: laub-
broadleaf {adj} (having especially broad leaves) :: breitblättrig
broad-leaved {adj} (having broad leaves) :: breitblättriger
broadly {adv} (in a wide manner) :: allgemein
broad-minded {adj} (having an open mind, tolerant of diversity) :: großzügig, weltoffen, tolerant
broadsheet {adj} (in the format of a broadsheet) :: großformatig {n}, Broadsheet-
broad-shouldered {adj} (having broad shoulders) :: breitschultrig
broadside {n} (the simultaneous firing of all the guns on one side of a warship) :: Breitseite {f}
brocade {n} (fabric) :: Brokat {m}, Brokatstoff {m}, Seidenbrokat {m}
brocard {n} (A legal principle usually expressed in Latin) :: Rechtssprichwort {n}
broccoli {n} (plant Brassica oleracea var. italica) :: Broccoli {m}, Brokkoli {m}
brochure {n} (booklet of printed informational matter) :: Broschüre {f}
broiler {n} (device used to broil food) :: Bratrost {m}
broiler {n} (chicken suitable for broiling) :: Brathähnchen {n}
broiler {n} (one who excites broil) :: Krachmacher {m}, Krachmacherin {f}
broke {adj} (lacking money; bankrupt) :: pleite, abgebrannt
brokeback {adj} (derelict) SEE: derelict ::
broken {adj} (fragmented) :: gebrochen
broken {adj} (of a line: dashed) :: gestrichelt
broken {adj} (not working properly) :: kaputt
broken {adj} (completely defeated and dispirited) :: gebrochen, zerstört
broken {adj} (poorly spoken) :: gebrochen
broken {adj} (sports and gaming: very powerful) :: unfair
broken down {adj} (No longer in working order; broken) :: zusammengebrochen
broken-down {adj} (no longer in working order) :: kaputt
broken heart {n} (feeling of grief or loss) :: gebrochenes Herz {n}, zerissenes Herz {n}, von enttäuschter Liebe gequältes Herz {n}
brokenhearted {adj} (grieved and disappointed) :: untröstlich, voller Kummer
brokenness {n} (characteristic) :: Zerrissenheit {f}, Gebrochenheit {f}
broker {n} (mediator between a buyer and seller) :: Vermittler {m}, Makler {m}
broker {n} (stockbroker) :: Broker {m}, Börsenmakler {m}, Börsenmaklerin {f}
brolga {n} (an Australian crane) :: Brolgakranich {m}
bromance {n} (close but non-sexual relationship between men) :: Bromance {f}
bromatology {n} (study of food) :: Bromatologie {f}
brome {n} (grass of Bromus) :: Trespe {f}
bromhexine {n} (mucolytic agent) :: Bromhexin {m}
bromide {n} (chemistry: binary compound of bromine and another element) :: Bromid {n}
bromide {n} (platitude) SEE: platitude ::
bromine {n} (nonmetallic chemical element) :: Brom {n}
bromine chloride {n} :: Bromchlorid {n}
bromoacetone {n} (CH3-CO-CH2Br) :: Bromaceton {n}
bromoform {n} (CHBr3) :: Bromoform {n}
bromothymol blue {n} (4,4'-(3H-2,1 benzoxathiol-3-ylidene) bis [2 bromo-3-methyl-6-(1-methylethyl)phenol] S,S-dioxide) :: Bromthymolblau
bronchitis {n} (inflammation of the lungs) :: Bronchitis {f}
bronchoscopy {n} (technique) :: Bronchoskopie {f}
bronchus {n} (Either or two branches of the trachea) :: Bronchie {f}
bronco {n} (horse that is wild or not fully broken) :: ungezähmtes Pferd {n}, halbwildes Pferd {n}
broncobuster {n} (person who breaks horses so that they can be ridden with a saddle) :: Zureiter ungezähmter Pferde {m}, Zureiter wilder Pferde {m}
brontosaur {n} (brontosaur) :: Brontosaurier, Brontosaurus
Bronx cheer {n} (synonym of raspberry) SEE: raspberry ::
bronze {v} (to tan) SEE: tan ::
bronze {n} (alloy) :: Bronze {f}
bronze {n} (colour) :: Bronze {f}
bronze {adj} (made of bronze) :: bronzen
bronze {adj} (having a bronze colour) :: bronzen
bronze {n} (bronze medal) SEE: bronze medal ::
Bronze Age {prop} (archaeology) :: Bronzezeit {f}
bronze medal {n} (medal made of, or having the colour of, bronze) :: Bronzemedaille {f}
brooch {n} (jewellery with pin) :: Brosche {f}
brood {n} :: Brut {f}
brood {v} (to keep an egg warm) :: brüten
brood {v} (to dwell upon moodily and at length) :: brüten, grübeln
brooding {adj} (deeply or seriously thoughtful) :: grüblerisch
brood mare {n} (mare used for breeding) :: Zuchtstute {f}, Gestütstute {f}
brood parasite {n} (type of animal) :: Brutparasit {m}
brook {n} (a small stream) :: Bach {m}
brook {v} (tolerate) SEE: tolerate ::
brook lamprey {n} (a small European lamprey) :: Bachneunauge {n}
brooklet {n} (a little brook) :: Bächlein {n}
brook trout {n} (Salvelinus fontinalis) :: Bachsaibling {m}
broom {n} (domestic utensil) :: Besen {m}
broom {n} (sweeper in curling) :: Besen {m}
broom {n} (Fabaceae shrub) :: Ginster {m}
broomcorn millet {n} (proso millet) SEE: proso millet ::
broomrape {n} (plant of the genus Orobanche) :: Sommerwurz {f}
broomstick {n} (the handle of a broom) :: Besenstiel {m}
broomstick {n} (a broom imbued with magic) :: fliegender Besenstiel {m}
bros before hoes {proverb} (a man should prioritize his male friends over his girlfriend or wife) :: Bruder geht vor Luder
broth {n} (water in which food (meat or vegetable etc) has been boiled) :: Brühe {f}
broth {n} (soup made from broth) :: Brühe {f}, Suppe {f}
broth cube {n} (bouillon cube) SEE: bouillon cube ::
brothel {n} (house of prostitution) :: Bordell {n}, Puff {m} {n}, Freudenhaus {n}, Hurenhaus {n}
brothel-keeper {n} (person who keeps a brothel) :: Bordellwirt {m}, Bordellwirtin {f}, Bordellbetreiber {m}, Bordellbetreiberin {f}, Bordellvater {m}, Bordellmutter {f}, Puffvater {m}, Puffmutter {f}
brother {n} (male sibling) :: Bruder {m}
brother {n} (male having parents in common) :: Bruder {m}
brother {n} (male fellow member of a religious community) :: Bruder {m}
brother {v} (to treat as a brother) :: verbrüdern
brother-german {n} (brother by birth) :: leiblicher Bruder {m}
brotherhood {n} (state of being brothers or a brother) :: Bruderschaft {f}
brotherhood {n} (an association of any purpose, a fraternity) :: Bruderschaft {f}
brotherhood {n} (body of persons engaged in same business) :: Kammer {f}
brotherhood-in-arms {n} (quality) :: Waffenbrüderschaft {f}
brother-in-arms {n} (fellow combatant or soldier) :: Waffenbruder {m}
brother-in-law {n} (one's husband's brother) :: Schwager {m}, Schwäher {m} [obsolete]
brother-in-law {n} (one's wife's brother) :: Schwager {m}, Schwäher {m} [obsolete]
brother-in-law {n} (one's sister's husband) :: Schwager {m}, Schwäher {m} [obsolete]
brother-in-law {n} (one's husband's sister's husband) :: Schwippschwager {m}
brother-in-law {n} (one's wife's sister's husband) :: Schwippschwager {m}
brotherliness {n} (the characteristic of being brotherly) :: Brüderlichkeit {f}
brotherly {adj} (of or characteristic of brothers) :: brüderlich, geschwisterlich
brouhaha {n} (fuss, uproar) :: Aufruhr {m}, Aufregung {f}, Theater {n}, Tumult {m}
brow {n} (forehead) SEE: forehead ::
brow {n} (eyebrow) SEE: eyebrow ::
browbeat {v} (to bully in an intimidating way) :: einschüchtern
brown {n} (colour) :: Braun {n}
brown {adj} (having a brown colour) :: braun
brown {v} (to become brown) :: bräunen, anbräunen
brown {v} (to cook until brown) :: bräunen, anbräunen
brown {v} (to tan) SEE: tan ::
Brown {prop} (surname meaning "brown", or indicating a dark complexion) :: Braun, Braune, Brun, Brune, Bruhn
brown bear {n} (Ursus arctos) :: Braunbär {m}
brown coal {n} (lignite) SEE: lignite ::
brown dwarf {n} (starlike object) :: Brauner Zwerg {m}
brown-eyed {adj} (having brown eyes) :: braunäugig
brown falcon {n} :: Habichtfalke
Brownian motion {n} (random motion of particles suspended in a fluid) :: brownsche Bewegung {f}
brownie {n} (small rich cake) :: Brownie {m}
brownie {n} (mythical creature) :: Heinzelmännchen {n}
brownish {adj} (of a colour which resembles brown; somewhat brown) :: bräunlich
brownnose {v} (fawn) SEE: fawn ::
brownnose {v} (to flatter in obsequious manner) :: schleimen
brown noser {n} (one who brownnoses) :: Arschkriecher {m}, Speichellecker {m}, Schleimer {m}
brown rat {n} (Rattus norvegicus) :: Wanderratte {f}
brown rice {n} (unpolished rice) :: Naturreis {m}, Vollkornreis {m}
Brownshirt {n} (a uniformed member of the Nazi party) :: Braunhemd {n}
brown sugar {n} (partially refined sugar) :: brauner Zucker {m}
brown trout {n} (species of freshwater trout) :: Europäische Forelle
browse {v} (scan, casually look through) :: blättern, durchsuchen, stöbern
browse {v} (navigate through hyperlinked documents) :: browsen, surfen
browse {v} (move about while eating parts of plants) :: grasen, äsen
browser {n} (web browser) SEE: web browser ::
brr {interj} (expression to show shivering) :: brr
brubru {n} (Nilaus afer) :: Brubruwürger {m}
Bruges {prop} (city in Belgium) :: Brügge {n}
bruise {n} (medical: mark on the skin) :: Prellung {f}, Bluterguss {m}, blauer Fleck {m}
bruise {n} (mark on fruit or vegetable) :: Druckstelle {f}
bruiser {n} (an athlete who likely will cause physical punishment) :: Bulle {m}, bulliger Typ {m}, Kraftmeier {m}, Tier {n}
bruiser {n} (a heavily built man, prone to physical violence) :: Schlägertyp {m}, Brutalo {m}
Brumaire {prop} (the second month of the French Republican Calendar) :: Brumaire {m}, Nebelmonat {m}
brumous {adj} (wintry) SEE: wintry ::
brumous {adj} (foggy or misty, see also: foggy; misty) :: neblig
brunch {n} (a meal) :: Brunch {m}
Brunei {prop} (a country in Southeast Asia) :: Brunei Darussalam {n}
Bruneian {n} (person from Brunei) :: Bruneier {m}, Bruneierin {f}
Bruneian {adj} (pertaining to Brunei) :: bruneiisch
brunette {adj} (having brown or black hair) :: brünett
brunette {n} (a person, especially female, with brown or black hair) :: Brünette {f}
brunion {n} (nectarine) SEE: nectarine ::
Bruno {prop} (male given name) :: Bruno {m}
Bruno {prop} (surname) :: Bruno {m} {f}
brunost {n} (cheese) :: Braunkäse {m}
Brunstatt {prop} (commune in Alsace) :: Brunstatt {n}
Brunswick {prop} (Braunschweig, Germany) :: Braunschweig {n}
bruschetta {n} (Italian toasted bread topped with garlic and tomatoes) :: Bruschetta {f}
brush {n} (implement) :: Bürste {f}; (paint-) Pinsel {m}
brush {n} (electrical contact) :: Bürste {f}
brush {n} (wild vegetation) :: Busch {n}, Gebüsch {n}, Gestrüpp {n}
brush {n} (furry tail) :: Lunte, Standarte
brush {v} (to clean (with a brush)) :: putzen, bürsten
brush {v} (to untangle/arrange) :: bürsten
brush {v} (to apply) :: pinseln; auftragen
brush {v} (to remove) :: wischen
brush {v} (to touch) :: streifen
brush off {v} (to disregard) :: abbügeln
brush one's teeth {v} (to clean one's teeth with a toothbrush) :: Zähne putzen
brushstroke {n} (stroke of a brush) :: Pinselstrich {m}
brush-tailed penguin {n} (penguin of the Pygoscelis genus) :: Langschwanzpinguin {m}
brushwood {n} (fallen branches and twigs) :: Reisig {n}
brushwood {n} (small trees and shrubs) :: Gestrüpp {n}
brushy {adj} (Having a similar texture to a fox's tail) :: buschig
brusque {adj} (rudely abrupt, unfriendly) :: brüskierend, brüsk
Brusselian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to, Brussels) :: Brüsseler
Brusselian {n} (someone from Brussels) :: Brüsseler {m}, Brüsselerin {f}, Brüssler {m}, Brüsslerin {f}
Brussels {prop} (capital of Belgium) :: Brüssel {n}
Brussels Capital Region {prop} (region of Belgium) :: Die Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt {f}
Brussels griffon {n} (dog breed) :: Brüsseler Griffon
Brussels sprout {n} (vegetable) :: Rosenkohl {m}, Sprossen {p} {f} [in Austria]
brutal {adj} (savagely violent) :: brutal
brutal {adj} (in heavy metal, to describe the speed of the music and the density of riffs) :: brutal
brutalise {v} (to make brutal) :: brutalisieren
Brutalism {n} (style of modernist architecture) :: Brutalismus {m}
brutality {n} (a state of being brutal) :: Brutalität {f}
brutalize {v} (brutalise) SEE: brutalise ::
brutally {adv} (in a brutal manner) :: brutal
brute {adj} (of animals: without reason or intelligence) :: animalisch, tierisch
brute {adj} (of humans: senseless, unreasoning) :: dumm, blöd, brachial
brute {adj} (crude, unpolished) :: grob, roh, rau
brute {n} (animal destitute of human reason) :: Vieh {n}
brute {n} (brutal person) :: Tier {n}, Rüpel {m}, Unmensch {m}, Barbar {m}
brutish {adj} (Of, or in the manner of a brute) :: brutal
brutish {adj} (Bestial; lacking human sensibility) :: bestial, bestialisch
Brutus {prop} (Roman cognomen) :: Brutus
bruxism {n} (habit or practice of grinding the teeth) :: Bruxismus {m}
bruxomania {n} (compulsive grinding of the teeth) :: Bruxomanie {f}
Bryansk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Brjansk {n}
Bryce {prop} (given name) :: Brictius {m}, Briktius {m}, Brixius {m}
Bryce {prop} (surname) :: Bryce
bryndza {n} (cheese) :: Brimsen {m}
bryological {adj} (of or pertaining to bryology) :: bryologisch
bryologist {n} (scientist) :: Bryologe {m}, Bryologin {f}
bryology {n} (The study of bryophytes) :: Bryologie {f}
bryophyte {n} (member of the Bryophyta; moss, liverwort, or hornwort) :: Moos {n}
bryozoan {n} (invertebrate in the phylum Bryozoa) :: Moostierchen {n}
Brythonic {adj} (of or relating to the Brythonic language subgroup) :: britannisch
B-side {n} (reverse side of a phonograph record) :: B-Seite {f}
bubble {n} (Greek) SEE: Greek ::
bubble {n} (spherically contained volume of air or other gas) :: Blase {f}
bubble {n} (small spherical cavity in a solid) :: Blase {f}
bubble {n} (anything resembling a hollow sphere) :: Blase {f}
bubble {n} (period of intense speculation in a market) :: Blase {m}
bubble {v} (to rise up in bubbles) :: blubbern
bubble {n} (someone who has been fooled) SEE: dupe ::
bubble {v} (to cry, weep) SEE: weep ::
bubble {v} (to cheat, delude) SEE: cheat ::
bubble bath {n} (bath in which an additive is poured into the water to create bubbles) :: Schaumbad {n}
bubble bath {n} (soap-based product) :: Schaumbad {n}
bubble level {n} (tool) SEE: spirit level ::
bubble memory {n} :: Magnetblasenspeicher {m}
bubble tea {n} (milk tea with tapioca balls) :: Perlentee {m}
bubble wrap {n} (cushioning material) :: Luftpolsterfolie {f}
bubonic plague {n} (disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis) :: Beulenpest {f}
buccaneering {n} (piracy) :: Piraterie
Bucharest {prop} (The capital of Romania) :: Bukarest {n}
buck {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
buck {n} (male deer, goat, etc.) :: Bock {m}, Rammler {m}, Rüde {m}
buck {n} (adventurous or high-spirited young man) :: Bock {m}
buck {n} (fop or dandy) :: Bock {m}
buck {v} (to resist obstinately; oppose or object strongly) :: sich widersetzen
bucket {n} (container) :: Eimer {m}
bucket {n} (amount held in this container) :: ein Eimer voll {m}
bucket {n} (part of piece of machinery) :: Schaufel {f}
bucket brigade {n} (line of people who pass buckets of water) :: Eimerkette {f}, Löschkette {f}
bucket brigade {n} (electronics: discrete-time analogue delay line) :: Eimerkettenspeicher {m}
bucket list {n} (a list of things to accomplish before one's death) :: Löffelliste {f}, langfristige Wunschliste {f}
buckeye {n} (tree of the genus Aesculus) :: Rosskastanie {f}
Buckingham Palace {prop} (the official London residence of the British monarch) :: Buckingham Palace {m}
buckle {v} (to distort under longitudinal compression) :: sich biegen
buckle {v} (to make bend; to cause to become distorted) :: biegen
buckle {v} (to give in) :: zusammenbrechen
buckle {v} (to yield; to cease opposing) :: nachgeben
buckle {n} (belt clasp) :: Schnalle {f}
buckler {n} (small shield) :: Faustschild {m}, Tartsche {f}
buckle up {v} (to fasten one's seat belt or safety belt) :: [sich] anschnallen
bucksaw {n} (saw in a metal frame) SEE: bow saw ::
buckskin {n} (the skin of a male deer, a buck) :: Hirschleder {n}
buck's party {n} (bachelor party) SEE: bachelor party ::
buckthorn {n} (plant of the genus Rhamnus) :: Kreuzdorn {m}
buckthorn {n} (Rhamnus cathartica) :: Purgier-Kreuzdorn {m}
bucktooth {n} :: Hasenzahn {m}
buckwheat {n} (Fagopyrum esculentum plant) :: Buchweizen {m}
buckwheat {n} (fruit of this plant as cereal) :: Buchweizen {m}
bud {n} (newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded) :: Knospe {f}
bud {n} (small rounded body in the process of splitting from an organism, which may grow into a genetically identical new organism) :: Spross {m}
bud {v} (to form buds) :: knospen
bud {n} (slang: buddy) :: Kumpel {m}
Budapest {prop} (the capital city of Hungary) :: Budapest {n}
Budapester {n} (Budapestian) SEE: Budapestian ::
Budapestian {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Budapest) :: Budapester
Budapestian {n} (native or inhabitant of Budapest) :: Budapester {m}, Budapesterin {f}
buddha {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
buddha {n} (enlightened human) :: Buddha {m}
Buddha {prop} (spiritual and philosophical teacher) :: Buddha {m}
Buddhism {n} (religion and philosophy) :: Buddhismus {m}
Buddhist {adj} (of, relating to, or practicing Buddhism) :: buddhistisch
Buddhist {n} (practitioner of Buddhism) :: Buddhist {m}, Buddhistin {f}, [collective] Buddhistentum {n}
Buddhistic {adj} (of, relating to Buddhism) :: buddhistisch
budding {adj} :: angehend, aufkeimend, im Erblühen, in Entwicklung, knospend, kommend
buddy {n} (friend or casual acquaintance) :: Kumpel {m}
buddy {n} (partner for a particular activity) :: Kollege {m}
buddy {n} (informal address to a stranger) :: Kumpel {m}
budge {v} (intransitive: to move) :: sich regen
budgerigar {n} (species of parakeet) :: Wellensittich {m}
budget {n} (the amount of money or resources earmarked for a particular institution, activity or time-frame) :: Budget {n}, Etat {n}, Haushalt {m}
budget {n} (itemized summary of intended expenditure) :: Budget {n}, Etat {n}, Haushalt {m}
budgetary {adj} (of or pertaining to a budget) :: haushaltlich, Haushalts-
budyonovka {n} (Red Army hat) :: Budjonowka {f}
Buenos Aires {prop} (capital of Argentina) :: Buenos Aires {n}
buff {v} (To polish and make shiny) :: polieren
buffalo {n} (Old World mammals) :: Büffel {m}, Wisent {n}
buffalo {n} (North American bison) :: Bison {m}, Büffel {n}
Buffalo {prop} (a city in New York State) :: Buffalo
buff-breasted sandpiper {n} (Calidris subruficollis) :: Grasläufer {m}
buffer {n} (portion of memory in computing) :: Puffer {m}
buffer solution {n} (buffer solution) :: Pufferlösung
buffer zone {n} (neutral area) :: Pufferzone {f}
buffet {n} (counter or sideboard) :: Anrichte {f}, Büfett {n}
buffet {n} (food, see also: smorgasbord) :: Buffet {n}
buffeting {n} (random oscillations of the airplane) :: Flatterschwingung {f}
bufflehead {n} (a duck in the goldeneye genus, Bucephala albeola) :: Büffelkopfente {f}
buffoon {n} (one who acts in a silly or ridiculous fashion) :: Hanswurst {m}
buffoonery {n} (behaviour expected of a buffoon, see also: foolishness; silliness) :: Hanswursterei {f}, Hanswurstiade {f}, Clownerie {f}, Possenreißerei {f}
bug {n} (an insect of the order Hemiptera) :: Wanze {f}, Schnabelkerf {m} [zoology]
bug {n} (a colloquial name for insect) :: Wanze {f}, Krabbeltier {n}, Ungeziefer {n} (pest)
bug {n} (problem that needs fixing (especially in computing)) :: Fehler {m}, Fehlfunktion {f}, Bug {m}
bug {n} (contagious illness, bacteria, virus) :: Bazillus {m}, Mikrobe {f}
bug {n} (an enthusiasm for something) :: Fieber {n}
bug {n} (an electronic listening device) :: Wanze {f}
bug {n} (a small image placed in a corner of a television program) :: Logo {n}
bug {v} (to annoy) :: nerven, auf die Nerven gehen, auf die Nerven fallen, die Nerven rauben
bug {v} (to install an electronic listening device in) :: verwanzen
bugfix {n} (patch or change that fixes a bug) :: Fehlerbehebung {f}, Bugfix {m} {n}
bugger {n} (heretic) SEE: heretic ::
bugger {v} (to ruin) :: versauen, verpfuschen, ruinieren, vermurksen
bugger {n} (whippersnapper) SEE: whippersnapper ::
bugger factor {n} (Murphy's law) SEE: Murphy's law ::
bugger off {interj} (go away) SEE: get lost ::
bugger off {v} (to leave, go away, disappear) :: verziehen [reflexive], verpissen [reflexive], vom Acker machen [reflexive]
buggery {n} (anal sex) SEE: anal sex ::
buggy {n} (shopping cart) SEE: shopping cart ::
bughouse chess {n} (variant of chess) :: Tandemschach
bugle {n} (music: simple brass instrument) :: Bügelhorn {n}
bugle {n} (plant of the genus Ajuga) :: Günsel {m}
bugler {n} (someone who plays the bugle) :: Hornist {m}
bug screen {n} (window screen) SEE: window screen ::
bug spray {n} (insecticide for household pests) :: Insektenspray {n} {m}
build {v} ((transitive) to form by combining materials or parts) :: bauen
build {n} (physique) :: Bau {m}, Körperbau {m}
build castles in the air {v} (to have any desire, idea, or plan unlikely to be realized) :: Luftschlösser bauen {n-p}, auf Sand bauen
builder {n} (a person who builds or constructs things) :: Baumeister {m}, Baumeisterin {f}, Erbauer {m}! Erbauerin {f}
builder {n} (a bodybuilder) SEE: bodybuilder ::
builder pattern {n} :: Erbauer {m}
building {n} (act or process of building) :: Bau {m}, Bauen {n}
building {n} (closed structure with walls and a roof) :: Gebäude {n}, Bau {m}
building block {n} (component that is part of a larger construction) :: Baustein {m}
building block {n} (block made of wood or plastic that is used as a children's toy) :: Bauklotz {m}, Spielbaustein {m}
building blocks {n} (toy) :: Baukasten {m}
building code {n} (set of regulations for construction) :: Baurecht {n}
building site {n} (place where a building is located, under construction, or will be erected) :: Baustelle {f}
building society {n} (financial institution) :: Bausparkasse {f}
building worker {n} (construction worker) SEE: construction worker ::
buildup {n} (accumulation) :: Ansammlung {f}, Aufbau {m}, Anstieg {m}, Zunahme {f}
buildup {n} (widely favorable publicity) :: (positives mediales) Echo {n}, gute Presse {f}, (gewogene) Publizität {f}, Medienreklame
built-in {adj} (included) :: eingebaut
Bukhara {prop} (city in Uzbekistan) :: Buchara {n}
bukkake {n} (act of multiple people ejaculating on someone) :: Bukkake {n}
Bukovina {prop} (Bukovina or Bucovina) :: Bukowina {f}, Buchenland {n} [rare, dated]
Bukvitsa {n} (an adaptation of Slavonic alphabet) :: Bukwitza {f}
bulb {n} (bulb-shaped root) :: Zwiebel {f}
bulb {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb ::
bulbous {adj} (growing from a bulb or producing bulbs) :: knollenförmig
bulbul {n} (bird of the family Pycnonotidae) :: Bülbül {m}
Bulgaria {prop} (country) :: Bulgarien {n}
Bulgarian {adj} (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language) :: bulgarisch
Bulgarian {n} (native of Bulgaria) :: Bulgare {m}, Bulgarin {f}
Bulgarian {n} (language) :: Bulgarisch {n}
bulge {n} (Something sticking out) :: Ausbuchtung {f}, Beule {f}, Delle {f}, Wölbung {f}
bulge {v} (to stick out from) :: hervorstechen, hervortreten
bulimia {n} (eating disorder) :: Bulimie {f}
bulimia nervosa {n} (eating disorder) SEE: bulimia ::
bulk {n} (major part of something) :: Großteil {m}
bulk {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre ::
bulk carrier {n} (watercraft) :: Massengutfrachter {m}
bulkhead {n} (partition on ship) :: Schott {n}
bulky {adj} (large in size, mass, or volume) :: massig, wuchtig
bulky {adj} (unwieldy) :: sperrig
bulky refuse {n} (bulky waste) SEE: bulky waste ::
bulky waste {n} (a waste type that is too large to be accepted by the regular waste collection) :: Sperrmüll {m}
bull {n} (uncastrated adult male bovine) :: Bulle {m}, Stier {m}, Bummal [Bavarian]
bull {n} (adult male animal) :: Bulle {m}, Stier {m}, Bummal {?} [Bavarian]
bull {n} (large, strong man) :: Bulle {m}
bull {n} (finance: investor who buys in anticipation of a rise in prices) :: Bulle {m}
bull {n} (slang: policeman) :: Bulle {m}, Bullette {f} [rare]
bull {adj} (large and strong) :: Bullen-, bullen-
bull {adj} (male) :: -bulle
bull {n} (document) :: Bulle {f}
bull {n} (seal) :: Bulle {f}
bullace {n} (European plum) SEE: damson ::
bull bar {n} (a device fitted to the front of a vehicle) :: Frontschutzbügel {m}, Bullenfänger {m}, Kuhfänger {m}, Hirschfänger {m}
bullcrap {n} (bullshit) SEE: bullshit ::
bulldog {n} (breed of dog) :: Bulldogge {f}
bulldog clip {n} (rigid handled binder clip) :: Briefklemmer {m}
bulldozer {n} (tractor) :: Planierraupe {f}, Bulldozer {m}
bull elephant {n} (bull elephant, male elephant) :: Elefantenbulle {m}, Elefantenmännchen {n}, männlicher Elefant {m}
bullet {n} (projectile) :: Kugel {f}, Ball {m}, Projektil {n}, Flugkörper {m}
bullet {n} (typography: printed symbol in the form of a solid circle) :: Aufzählungszeichen {n}
bulletin {n} (A short report) :: Bulletin {n}
bulletin {n} (A short news report) :: Mitteilungsblatt {n}, Bulletin {n}
bulletin {n} (A short printed publication) :: Bulletin {n}
bulletin board {n} (a board) :: Schwarzes Brett {n}, schwarzes Brett {n}
bulletin board system {n} (computer system to exchange messages and data) :: Bulletin Board System {n}
bullet point {n} (symbol that marks each item in a bullet list) :: Blickfangpunkt {m}
bullet point {n} (item of a bullet list) :: Gliederungspunkt {m}, Aufzählungspunkt {m}, Stichpunkt {m}
bulletproof {adj} (capable of withstanding a bullet) :: kugelsicher, schusssicher
bulletproof {adj} (reliable, infallible) :: wasserdicht
bulletproof vest {n} (garment) :: beschusshemmende Weste {f}, durchschusshemmende Weste {f}, Schutzweste {f}
bullet train {n} (Japanese high-speed train) :: Shinkansen {m}, Hochgeschwindigkeitszug {m}
bullet train {n} (high-speed train) :: Hochgeschwindigkeitszug {m}, Superexpress {m}
bull fiddle {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
bullfight {n} (public spectacle) :: Stierkampf {m}, Corrida {f}
bullfighter {n} (a toreador or matador) :: Stierkämpfer {m}, Torero {m}, Matador {m}
bullfighting {n} (spectacle of manipulating and killing a bull) :: Stierkampf
bullfinch {n} (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) :: Gimpel {m}, Dompfaff {m}
bullfrog {n} (bullfrog) :: Ochsenfrosch {m}
bullhead {n} (Europe, Asia: the European bullhead) SEE: European bullhead ::
bullhorn {n} (portable device which electronically amplifies a person’s natural voice) :: Megafon {n}, Megaphon {n}
bullion {n} (bulk quantity of precious metal) :: Barren {m}
bullionism {n} (an economic theory that defines wealth by the amount of precious metals owned) :: Bullionismus {m}
bull market {n} (state of stock market) :: Bullenmarkt {m}
Bullmastiff {n} (breed of dog) :: Bullmastiff {m}
bullock {n} (a castrated bull; an ox) :: Ochse {m}
bullroarer {n} (musical instrument) :: Schwirrholz {n}, Schwirrgerät {n}
bull run {n} (event in which people run with bulls in the streets) :: Stierlauf {m}, Stierzwingen {n}, Stiertreiben {n}, Stierhatz {f}, Stierrennen {n}
bullseye {n} (centre of a target) :: Mitte {f}
bullseye {n} (thick glass set into the side of a ship to let in light) :: Bullauge {n}
bullseye {n} (shot which hits the centre of a target) :: Volltreffer {m}
bullseye {interj} (response when someone makes an accurate statement) :: Volltreffer {m}
bull shark {n} (Carcharhinus leucas) :: Bullenhai {m}
bullshit {n} (deceitful statements, etc) :: Quatsch {m}
bullshot {n} (cocktail) :: Bullshot {m}, Bull Shot {m}
bully {n} (pimp) SEE: pimp ::
bully {n} (person who is cruel to others) :: Rabauke {m}, Bully {m}, Tyrann {m}, Schikaneur {m}
bully {v} (to intimidate) :: einschüchtern, schikanieren, kujonieren
bully {v} (act aggressively towards) :: tyrannisieren, drangsalieren, kujonieren
bullying {n} (act of intimidating a person) :: Schikanieren {n}, Schikane {f}, Drangsalieren {n}
bullying {n} (persistent acts intended to make life unpleasant) :: Mobbing {n}, Mobben {n}, Piesacken {n}, Piesackerei {f}, Drangsalieren {n}, Tyrannisieren {n}
bulrush {n} (Any of several wetland plants) :: Simse {f}
bulwark {n} (defensive wall or rampart) :: Bollwerk {n}
bulwark {n} (defense or safeguard) :: Bollwerk {n}
bulwark {n} (nautical: planking or plating along the sides of a nautical vessel above her gunwale) :: Schanzkleid {n}
bulwark {n} (breakwater) SEE: breakwater ::
bum {n} (hobo) :: Penner {m}, Wohnsitzlose
bum {v} (to beg for something) :: schnorren
bum {adj} (of poor quality or highly undesirable) :: mies, schlecht, miserabel, erbärmlich, armselig
bum {adj} (unfair) :: unsauber, unfair, unlauter, unredlich, unehrlich
bum {adj} (defective) :: nachhaltig beschädigt
bum around {v} (loiter) :: rumgammeln
bum bag {n} (small pouch attached to a belt) SEE: fanny pack ::
bumblebee {n} (genus of bee) :: Hummel {f}
bumfodder {n} (toilet paper) SEE: toilet paper ::
bumfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
bumfuck {n} (an isolated place far removed from normal cities and towns (with contempt)) :: Kaff {n}
bumfuck nowhere {prop} (the middle of nowhere) :: Kleinkleckersdorf, Hintertupfingen, Hintertupfing, Pusemuckel
bummer {interj} (a disappointment, a pity, a shame) :: Reinfall {m}, Frusterlebnis {n}, Enttäuschung {f}
bump {n} (a light blow or jolting collision) :: Schlag {m}, Stoß {m}
bump {n} (the sound of such a collision) :: Bums {m}, [colloquial] Plumps {m}
bump {n} (a protuberance on a level surface) :: Bodenwelle {f}, Delle {f}, Unebenheit {f}
bump {n} (a swelling on the skin caused by illness or injury) :: Beule {f}
bumper {n} (impact absorber on a vehicle) :: Stoßstange {f}
bumper car {n} (vehicle) :: Autoscooter {m}, Autoskooter {m}
bumper crop {n} (a large yield) :: Rekordernte {f}
bumpkin {n} (yokel) :: Hinterwäldler {m}, Bauerntölpel {m}, Tölpel {m}
bumpy {adj} (jumpy; causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements) :: holprig
bumpy {adj} (covered with bumps) :: holprig, uneben
bun {n} (newbie) SEE: newbie ::
bun {n} (A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced) :: Brötchen {n}, Hefestück {n}, Teilchen {n} [Western Germany]
bun {n} (A tight roll of hair worn at the back of the head) :: Knoten {m}, Haarknoten {m}
bunch {n} (a group of similar things) :: [keys, fruit etc.] Bund {m}, [flowers] Strauß {m}
bunch {n} (a cluster of grapes) :: Traube {f}
bunch {v} (to gather into a bunch) :: bündeln, anordnen
bunchberry {n} (Cornus canadensis) :: Kanadischer Hartriegel, Teppich-Hartriegel {m}, Teppichhartriegel {m}
bunchberry {n} (Cornus suecica) :: Schwedischer Hartriegel
Bundesrat {prop} (federal council of Germany) :: Bundesrat {m}
Bundestag {prop} (federal parliament of Germany) :: Bundestag {m}
bundle {n} (group of objects held together by wrapping or tying) :: Bündel {n}
bundle {n} (package wrapped or tied up for carrying) :: Bündel {n}
bundle {n} (biology: cluster of closely bound muscle or nerve fibres) :: Bündel {n}
bundle {n} (colloquial: large amount, especially of money) :: Bündel {n}
bundle branch {n} (offshoot of the bundle of His) :: Tawara-Schenkel {m}
bundle branch block {n} (heart condition) :: Schenkelblock {m}
bundt cake {n} (ring-shaped cake) :: Napfkuchen {n}, Gugelhupf {m}, Rodonkuchen {n}
bung {n} (bribe) SEE: bribe ::
bung {n} (stopper) :: Stöpsel {m}, Korken {m}
bungalow {n} (single-storey house) :: Bungalow {m}, eingeschossiges Haus {n}
bungalow {n} (one-story house in India surrounded by a verandah) :: Bungalow {m}
bungee jumping {n} (jumping from a great height with a cord) :: Bungeespringen {n}, Bungeejumping {n}, Bungee-Jumping {n}
bungle {v} (to botch up, bumble or incompetently perform a task) :: vermurksen, verkorksen, verpatzen, vergeigen [colloquial], versemmeln [colloquial]
bungler {n} (one who makes mistakes) :: Pfuscher {m}, Pfuscherin {f}, Stümper {m}
bunion {n} (bump on the big toe) :: Ballenzehe {f}, Schiefzehe {f}
bunk {n} (one of a series of berth in tiers) :: Koje {f}
bunk {n} (built-in bed on board a ship) :: Koje {f}
bunk bed {n} (two or more beds fixed on top of one another) :: Stockbett {n}; [formal or regional] Etagenbett {n}; [commonest but includes “loft bed”] Hochbett {n}
bunkbed {n} (bunk bed) SEE: bunk bed ::
bunker {n} (hardened shelter) :: Bunker {m}, Schutzkeller {m}
bunker {n} (sand-filled hollow) :: Bunker {m}
bunker {n} (truant) SEE: truant ::
bunker-busting {adj} :: bunkerbrechend
bunny {n} (young rabbit) :: Kaninchen {n}, Hase {m}, Häschen {n} [diminutive], Häslein {n} [diminutive], Hoppelhäslein {n} [diminutive], Karnickel {n} [colloquial], Schlappohr {n} [humorous]
bunny girl {n} (club hostess in provocative costume suggestive of a rabbit) :: Häschen {n}; Playboyhäschen; Bunny {n} (rare)
bunny hug {n} (hoodie) SEE: hoodie ::
Bunsen burner {n} (small laboratory gas burner) :: Bunsenbrenner {m}
bunting {n} (strips of material hung as decoration) :: Verzierung aus Flaggen- und Wimpelketten {f}, Fahnen- und Bannerdekoration {f}
bunting {n} (material from which flags are made) :: Flaggentuch {n}
bunting {n} (bird) :: Ammer {f}
buoy {n} (moored float) :: Boje {f}, Tonne {f}
buoy {v} (keep afloat or aloft) :: [afloat] aufbojen, flott erhalten, auf der Wasseroberfläche halten, über Wasser halten; [aloft] tragen,
buoy {v} (support or maintain at a high level) :: oben halten, hoch halten, aufrechterhalten
buoy {v} (mark with a buoy) :: mit einer Boje markieren, mit Bojen markieren, ausbojen, abbaken
buoy {v} (maintain or enhance enthusiasm or confidence) :: beflügeln
buoy {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver ::
buoyance {n} (buoyancy) SEE: buoyancy ::
buoyancy {n} (physics: upward force on an immersed body) :: Auftrieb {m}
buoyancy {n} (ability to stay afloat) :: Schwimmfähigkeit {f}
buoyancy {n} (resilience or cheerfulness) :: Belastbarkeit {f}, Fröhlichkeit {f}, Heiterkeit {f}
buoyant {adj} (able to float) :: schwimmend, schwimmfähig
buoyant {adj} (lighthearted and lively) :: beschwingt, heiter, lebhaft
buoy up {v} (uplift) :: flott halten; Auftrieb geben; aufrechterhalten; beleben
bupleurum {n} (plant of the genus Bupleurum) :: Hasenohr {n}
bur {n} (prickly husk) SEE: burr ::
burbot {n} (a freshwater fish: Lota lota) :: Quappe {f}
burd {n} (maiden) :: [poetic] Maid {f}
burden {n} (heavy load) :: Belastung {f}, Last {f}, Bürde {f}
burden {n} (responsibility, onus) :: Belastung {f}, Last {f}, Bürde {f}, Verantwortung {f}
burden {n} (cause of worry) :: Sorge {f}, Bürde {f}, Kummer {m}, Last {f}
burden {v} (encumber) :: belasten, beladen, beschweren, aufbürden
burden of proof {n} (duty of a party in a legal proceeding) :: Beweislast {f}
Burdigalian {prop} :: Burdigalium
burdock {n} (any of the species of biennial thistles in the genus Arctium) :: Klette {f}
bureau {n} (unit of governance, office) :: Büro {n}
bureau {n} (office (room)) :: Büro {n}
bureau {n} (desk) :: Sekretär {m}, Schreibtisch {m}, Büro {n}
bureau {n} (chest of drawers for clothes) :: Kommode {f}
bureaucracy {n} (system of administration) :: Bürokratie {f}
bureaucracy {n} (excessive red tape) :: Bürokratie {f}
bureaucrat {n} (An official in a bureaucracy) :: Bürokrat {m}
bureaucratese {n} (pejorative term for language typically used by bureaucrats) :: Bürokratensprache {f}, Verwaltungsjargon {m}, Behördensprache {f}, normally not used to stress this is German: Beamtendeutsch {n}, Amtsdeutsch {n}, Papierdeutsch {n}, Behördendeutsch {n}
bureaucratese {n} (pejorative term for language resembling that used by bureaucrats) :: Kanzleistil, normally not used to stress this is German: Beamtendeutsch {n}, Amtsdeutsch {n}, Papierdeutsch {n}
bureaucratic {adj} (of or pertaining to bureaucracy) :: bürokratisch
bureaucratize {v} (to make bureaucratic) :: bürokratisieren
bureau de change {n} (a place where foreign currency can be exchanged) :: Wechselstelle {f}, Wechselstube {f}
burette {n} (glass tube with fine gradations and a stopcock used for titration, etc.) :: Bürette {f}
Burgas {prop} (city in Bulgaria) :: Burgas
burgee {n} (a broad tapering pennant) :: Stander {m}
Burgenland {prop} (the easternmost federal state of Austria) :: Burgenland
burgeon {v} (to grow or expand) :: sprießen
burgeon {v} (of plants, to bloom, bud) :: sprießen
burgeoning {n} (act of budding or sprouting) :: Knospen {n}, Sprießen {n}
burgeoning {adj} (that buds, grows or expands) :: aufkeimend, wachsend, sprießend
burger {n} (informal: hamburger) :: Hamburger {m}, Burger {m}
burger bar {n} (fast-food restaurant primarily selling hamburgers) :: Burgerladen {m}
burger sauce {n} :: Amerikaner Sauce / Amerikaner Soße / American Sauce / American Soße / Amerika Sauce / Amerika Soße
burgess {n} (inhabitant of a borough with full rights) :: [historical] Bürger {m}, [historical]Bürgerin {f}
burgher {n} (citizen of a borough or town) :: Bürger {m}
Burgher {n} (member of Sri Lankan ethnic group) :: Burgher {m}
burglar {n} :: Einbrecher {m}, Einbrecherin {f}, Dieb {m}, Diebin, Räuber {m}, Räuberin {f}
burglar alarm {n} (warning device) :: Alarmanlage {f}
burglary {n} (the crime of breaking into) :: Einbruch {m}, Einbruchdiebstahl {m}
burgomaster {n} (the mayor of a town in certain countries) :: Bürgermeister {m}
burgrave {n} (governor) :: Burggraf {m}
burgrave {n} (one who holds a hereditary title) :: Burggraf {m}
Burgundian {n} (а member of the Burgundians, an East Germanic tribe) :: Burgunder {m}, Burgunderin {f}
Burgundian {prop} (the old Burgundian language) :: Burgundisch {n}
Burgundian {adj} (pertaining to Burgundy, its people or its language) :: burgundisch
burgundy {n} (color) :: Bordeauxrot {n}, Weinrot {n}
burgundy {adj} (color) :: bordeaux, weinrot, bordeauxfarben
Burgundy {prop} (region) :: Burgund {n}
Burgundy {n} (wine) :: Burgunder {m}
burial {n} (interment) :: Begräbnis {n}
buried {adj} (Placed in a grave at a burial) :: beerdigt
buried {adj} (Concealed, hidden) :: vergraben
burka {n} (female garment that covers the whole body) :: Burka {f}
Burkinabe {n} (person from Burkina Faso) :: Burkiner {m}, Burkinerin {f}, Burkinabé {m} {f}
Burkinabe {adj} (from Burkina Faso) :: burkinisch, burkinabè
Burkina Faso {prop} (country) :: Burkina Faso {n}
burlak {n} (a man employed in dragging ships upstream) :: Treidler {m}, Burlak {m}
burlap {n} (strong cloth) :: Sackleinen {n}
burlesque {adj} (burlesque) :: burlesk
burlesque {n} (ludicrous imitation) :: Burleske
burly {adj} (well-built) :: kräftig
Burma {prop} (Southeast Asian country (former name), see also: Myanmar) :: Birma
Burmese {adj} (Of or relating to Burma) :: myanmarisch, birmanisch, burmesisch
Burmese {n} (a person from Myanmar or of Burmese descent) :: Myanmare {m}, Birmane {m}, Myanmarin {f}, Birmanin {f}
Burmese {prop} (language) :: Birmanisch {n}, Burmesisch {n}
burn {n} (physical injury) :: Brandwunde {f}, Verbrennung {f}
burn {n} (act of burning something) :: Verbrennung {f}
burn {v} (to cause to be consumed by fire) :: verbrennen
burn {v} (to be consumed by fire) :: brennen
burn {v} (to injure with heat or chemicals) :: verbrennen
burn {v} (computing: to write data) :: brennen
burn {n} (stream, see also: stream) :: Bach {m}
burn {n} (vegetable disease) SEE: brand ::
burn {v} (to cauterize) SEE: cauterize ::
burn {v} (to sunburn) SEE: sunburn ::
burn down {v} (cause a structure to burn to nothing) :: abbrennen, niederbrennen
burner {n} (someone or something that burns) :: Brenner {m}
burner {n} (element on a kitchen stove) :: electric: Kochplatte {f}, Herdplatte {f}, Heizplatte {f}, Heizspirale {f}; gas: Flamme {f}
burner {n} (computing: device that allows data or music to be stored on a CD) :: Brenner {m}, CD-Brenner {m}
burning {adj} (so hot as to seem to burn (something)) :: brennend
burning {n} (fire) :: Verbrennung {f}
burning bush {n} (Euonymus in general) SEE: spindle ::
burning bush {n} (biblical object) :: brennender Dornbusch {m}
burning bush {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant ::
burnish {v} (to make smooth or shiny by rubbing) :: glätten
burnisher {n} (implement) :: Bohnermaschine {f}
burn one's bridges {v} (burn one's bridges) :: alle Brücken (hinter sich) abbrechen
burnout {n} (using the throttle to spin the wheels of a vehicle being held stationary) :: Burn-out {n}
burn the midnight oil {v} (work through the night) :: bis spät in die Nacht arbeiten, die Nacht zum Tage machen
buro {n} (office) :: Büro {n}
buro {n} (desk) :: Sekretär {m}, Schreibtisch {m}, Büro {n}
buro {n} (chest of drawers for clothes) :: Kommode {f}
burocratic {adj} (of or pertaining to bureaucracy) :: bürokratisch
burp {n} (a softer belch) :: Rülpser {m}, Bäuerchen {n}
burp {v} (to emit a burp) :: rülpsen
burqa {n} (burka) SEE: burka ::
burqini {n} (head-to-toe swimsuit) :: Burkini
burr {n} (seed pod with sharp features) :: Klette {f}
burr {n} (material left on an edge after cutting) :: Grat {m}
burr {v} (to pronounce "r") :: ratschen
burr cell {n} :: Stechapfelzell
bur-reed {n} (a marsh plant) :: Igelkolben {m}
burrito {n} (Mexican dish) :: Burrito {n}
burrow {n} (a tunnel or hole) :: Bau {m}
burrow {v} (to dig a hole) :: graben
burrowing parrot {n} (a South-American conure) :: Felsensittich
bursa {n} (A sac where muscle slides across bone) :: Schleimbeutel {m}
bursitis {n} (inflammation of a bursa) :: Schleimbeutelentzündung {f}, Bursitis {f}
burst {v} (to break from internal pressure) :: platzen, zerplatzen, bersten
burst {v} (to cause to burst) :: sprengen
burst {n} (instance or act of bursting) :: Bersten {n}, Zerbrechen {n}, Platzen {n}
burst someone's bubble {v} (to disillusion; to disabuse someone of a false notion or rationalization that has grown comfortable) :: jemandem seine Illusionen rauben, jemandem seine Illusionen zerstören
bursty {adj} (occurring in abrupt bursts) :: stoßartig
Burundi {prop} (a country in Eastern Africa) :: Burundi {n}
Burundian {n} (person from Burundi) :: Burundier {m}, Burundierin {f}
Burundian {adj} (pertaining to Burundi) :: burundisch
bury {v} (inter a corpse in a grave or tomb) :: beerdigen, begraben
bury {v} (place in the ground) :: vergraben, eingraben
bury {v} (hide or conceal as if by covering with earth) :: vergraben
bury {v} (to put an end to; to abandon) :: begraben
Buryatia {prop} (Buryatia, Russia) :: Burjatien {n}
bury one's head in the sand {v} (to deliberately ignore the reality of a situation) :: den Kopf in den Sand stecken
bury the hatchet {v} (to stop fighting or arguing) :: das Kriegsbeil begraben
bus {n} (medical slang: ambulance) SEE: ambulance ::
bus {n} (vehicle) :: Bus {m}
bus {n} (electrical conductor) :: Bus {m}
Busan {prop} (Busan, South Korea) :: Busan {n}
busbar {n} (electrical conductor) :: Sammelschiene
busboy {n} (assistant waiter; one who clears plates from and cleans tables) :: Hilfskellner {m}
bus bulb {n} (an arrangement by which a sidewalk is extended outwards for a bus stop) :: Buskap {n}
busby {n} (fur hat, usually with a plume) :: Kalpak
bus driver {n} (driver of a bus) :: Busfahrer, Busfahrerin {f}
bush {n} (category of woody plant) :: Strauch {m}, Busch {m}
bush {n} (remote undeveloped and uncultivated rural area) :: Busch
bushbaby {n} (galago) SEE: galago ::
bush dog {n} (a wild canine animal) :: Waldhund {m}
bushed {adj} (very tired; exhausted) :: fertig, erledigt, kaputt
bushel {n} (dry measure) :: Scheffel {m}
bushel {n} (vessel of capacity of a bushel) :: Scheffel {m}
bushing {n} (mechanical engineering: type of bearing to reduce friction) :: Lagerschale {f}, Buchse {f}, Lagerbuchse {f}
bushing {n} (mechanical engineering: elastic bearing) :: Gummilager {n}
bushing {n} (mechanical engineering: threaded bushing) :: Gewindeeinsatz {m}
bushing {n} (electrical engineering: lining to insulate and protect) :: Muffe {f}, Tülle {f}, Isolator {m}
bushing {n} (adapter for joining pipes) :: Reduzierung {f}
Bushism {prop} (political philosophy) :: Bushism
bushy {adj} (like a bush) :: buschig
bushy {adj} (growing thickly) :: buschig
business {n} (commercial enterprise or establishment) :: Geschäft {n}, Unternehmen {n}
business {n} (commercial, industrial or professional activity) :: Geschäft {n}
business {n} (something involving one personally) :: Angelegenheit {f}
business {n} (slang: excrement) :: Geschäft {n}
business administration {n} (course of study) :: Betriebswirtschaftslehre
business analyst {n} (person who analyzes the operations) :: Business Analyst {m}
business as usual {n} (The normal course of an activity, in circumstances that are out of the ordinary) :: Tagesgeschäft
business before pleasure {proverb} (discharging one's obligations should come before one's own gratification) :: erst die Arbeit, dann das Vergnügen
business card {n} (small card) :: Visitenkarte {f}
businesslike {adj} (methodical and efficient in a way advantageous to business) :: geschäftsmäßig
businesslike {adj} (earnest, practical and undistracted) :: sachbezogen
businessman {n} (a man in business, one who works at a commercial institution) :: Geschäftsmann {m}, Unternehmer {m}
business partner {n} (an associate in commerce) :: Geschäftspartner {m}
businessperson {n} (a person in business) :: Unternehmer {m}, Unternehmerin {f}, Geschäftsmann {m}, Geschäftsfrau {f}
business plan {n} (summary) :: Geschäftsplan {m}
business trip {n} (business trip) :: Geschäftsreise {f}, Dienstreise {f}
businesswoman {n} (woman of business) :: Geschäftsfrau {f}, Unternehmerin {f}
busk {v} (nautical: to tack) SEE: tack ::
busk {v} (to solicit money by entertaining the public) :: Straßenmusik machen
busker {n} (street performer) :: Straßenkünstler {m}
bus lane {n} (lane for bus) :: Busspur {f}
busload {n} (amount that can fit on a bus) :: Busladung {f}
bus mastering {n} :: Busmastering {n}
bus route {n} (set route of bus service) :: Buslinie {f}
bus shelter {n} (A building or other structure constructed at a bus stop) :: Wartehäuschen {n}, Autobusobdach {n}
bus station {n} (major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes) :: Busbahnhof {m}
bus stop {n} (a stop for public transport buses) :: Bushaltestelle {f}
bust {n} (sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders) :: Büste {f}
bust {n} (breasts and upper thorax of a woman) :: Busen {m}
bust {v} (alteration of burst) :: bersten
bust {v} (to break something) :: zerbrechen, zerstören
bust {v} ((slang) to arrest for a crime) :: einlochen
bust {v} ((slang) to catch someone in the act of doing something wrong, socially and morally inappropriate, or illegal) :: ertappen, erwischen
bust {v} ((US) to reduce in rank) :: degradieren
bust {n} (failed enterprise) :: Scheitern {n}, Flopp {m}, Fiasko {n}
bustard {n} (any of several birds of the family Otididae) :: Trappe {f}
buster {n} (person or thing that breaks or overwhelms) :: Brecher, Aufbrecher {m}, Knacker {m}, Zersprenger {m}
buster {n} (guy, friend) :: Freundchen {n}, Kerlchen {n}, Junge {m}, Alter {m}, Kerl {m}
bustle {n} (excited activity) :: Hektik
bustle {v} (to move busily and energetically) :: hasten
bust one's ass {v} (to work very hard) :: sich den Arsch aufreißen
bust one's butt {v} (to work exceptionally hard) :: sich den Arsch aufreißen
busty {adj} (having large breasts) :: vollbusig
busy {adj} (crowded with business or activities) :: beschäftigt
busy {adj} (doing a great deal) :: beschäftigt
busy {adj} (engaged) :: besetzt, beschäftigt
busy {v} (to keep busy with) :: beschäftigen
busybody {n} (someone who interferes with others) :: [who wants to influence or be in charge] Wichtigtuer {m}, Wichtigtuerin {f}; [who gives unwanted advice] Kiebitz {m}; [who is nosy about his neighbours, etc.] Schnüffler {m}
busy work {n} (activity performed for occupying time) :: Beschäftigungstherapie {f}
but {conj} (rather) :: sondern, aber
but {conj} (although) :: aber, aber trotzdem
but {conj} (except) :: außer, aber nicht, als (only after negative sentences)
but {conj} (solely, only, merely (obsolete)) :: nur
butane {n} (the organic compound) :: Butan {n}
butanol {n} (alcohol of butane) :: Butanol {n}
butcher {n} (a person who prepares and sells meat) :: Fleischer {m}, Metzger {m}, Schlachter {m}
butcher {n} (a brutal or indiscriminate killer) :: Schlächter {m}
butcher {v} (To slaughter animals and prepare meat for market) :: schlachten
butcher {v} (to kill brutally) :: niedermetzeln
butcher's {n} (butcher’s shop) :: Fleischerei {f}, Metzgerei {f}
butchershop {n} (a butcher's shop) :: Fleischerei {f}, Metzgerei {f}
butchery {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir ::
butene {n} (any of several forms of butylene) :: Buten {n}
butler {n} (chief male servant) :: Butler {m}
butt {n} (larger or thicker end of anything; blunt end) :: Kolben {m}
butt {n} (buttocks) :: Arsch {m}, Gesäß {n}, Po {m}
butt {n} (slang: body; self) :: Po {m}
butt {n} (remnant of a smoked cigarette or cigar) :: Stummel {m}, Zigarettenstummel {m}, Kippe {f}, Zigarettenkippe {f}
butt {n} (the end of a firearm opposite to that from which a bullet is fired) :: Gewehrkolben {m}
butt {n} (flatfish) :: Butt {m}
butt {n} ((obsolete or dialectal in English) hassock) SEE: hassock ::
butt chin {n} (cleft chin) SEE: cleft chin ::
butte {n} (hill) :: Härtling {m}
Butten {prop} (A commune in the Bas-Rhin department) :: Bütten {n}
butter {n} (soft foodstuff made from milk) :: Butter {f}
butter {v} (to spread butter on, see also: spread; butter) :: mit Butter bestreichen
butterbrot {n} (German open sandwich) :: Butterbrot {n}, [colloquial, Westphalia] Bütterken {n}
butterbur {n} (herb) :: Pestwurz {f}
buttercup {n} (flower of the genus Narcissus) SEE: daffodil ::
buttercup {n} (herb of the genus Ranunculus) :: Hahnenfuß {m}, Butterblume
butter dish {n} (specialised dish in which butter is served) :: Butterdose {f}
butterfingers {n} (someone who tends to drop things) :: Tollpatsch {m}, Tölpel {m}
butterfingers {n} (someone who is clumsy or uncoordinated) :: ungeschickte Person {f}, unbeholfener Mensch {m}, Mensch mit zwei linken Händen {m}
butterfly {n} (insect) :: Schmetterling {m}, [poetic] Falter {m}, Tagfalter {m}
butterfly {n} (swimming stroke) SEE: butterfly stroke ::
butterfly agave {n} :: Verschaffelt agave
butterfly door {n} (type of car door) :: Schmetterlingstür {f}
butterfly effect {n} (technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory) :: Schmetterlingseffekt {m}
butterfly fish {n} (any fish of the family Chaetodontidae) :: Korallenfisch
butterfly fish {n} (Pantodon buchholzi) :: Schmetterlingsfisch
butterflyfish {n} (tropical marine fish) :: Falterfisch {m}
butterfly knife {n} (folding pocket knife) :: Butterflymesser {n}
butterfly net {n} (net used to collect butterflies) :: Schmetterlingsnetz {n}
butterfly nut {n} (butterfly nut) SEE: wing nut ::
butterfly stroke {n} (swimming stroke) :: Schmetterling {m}, Delfin {m}
butter knife {n} (dull-edged knife for spreading butter) :: Buttermesser {n}
buttermilk {n} (traditional buttermilk) :: Buttermilch {f}
butternut {n} (butternut squash) SEE: butternut squash ::
butternut {n} (tree) :: Butternussbaum {m}, grauer Walnussbaum {m}, Graunuss {f}, Butternuss {f}
butternut {n} (nut) :: Butternuss {f}, graue Walnuss {f}
butternut squash {n} (Cucurbita moschata cultivar) :: Butternutkürbis {m}, Butternusskürbis {m}
butter up {v} (to flatter) :: Honig um den Bart schmieren, schmeicheln
butterwort {n} (plant of the genus Pinguicula) :: Fettkraut {n}
buttfuck {n} (sodomy) SEE: sodomy ::
buttfucker {n} (buttfucker) :: Arschficker {m}
butthole {n} (anus) SEE: anus ::
butthurt {n} ((slang) upset caused by a perceived insult or injustice) :: Arschleid {n}
butt in {v} (to join conversation when not welcome) :: unterbrechen, sich einmischen
butt-naked {adj} (naked) SEE: naked ::
buttock {n} (each of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body) :: Hinterbacke {f}, [colloquial] Pobacke {f}, Backe {f}
button {n} (knob or small disc serving as a fastener) :: Knopf {m}
button {n} (a mechanical device meant to be pressed with a finger) :: Taste {f}, Knopf {m}
button {n} (in computer software, an on-screen control that can be selected) :: Schaltfläche {f}, Button {m}
button {n} (botany: a bud) :: Knospe {f}
buttonhole {n} (hole for a button) :: Knopfloch {n}
button mushroom {n} (Agaricus bisporus) :: Champignon
buttonquail {n} (bird of the genus Turnix) :: Laufhühnchen {n}
buttonwood {n} (mangrove) SEE: mangrove ::
butt plug {n} (A sex toy for the anus and rectum) :: Analstöpsel, Butt-Plug, Buttplug, Analplug
buttress {n} (brick or stone structure built against another structure to support it) :: Stützpfeiler {m}, Strebepfeiler {m}, Gewölbepfeiler {m}, Pfeiler {m}, Gegenlager {n}
buttress {n} (anything that serves to support something) :: Stütze {m}, Strebe {f}, Aussteifung {f}, Abstützung {f}, Stempel {m}
buttress {n} (feature jutting out from mountain; crag, bluff) :: Vorsprung {m}, Vorbau {m}, Klippe {f}, Felsspitze {f}, Felsenspitze {f}, Felsvorsprung {m}
buttress {v} (support something physically with, or as if with, a buttress) :: stützen, verstärken
buttress {v} (support something or someone by supplying evidence) :: unterstützen
butt-ugly {adj} (extremely ugly) :: potthässlich
butyl {n} (Any of four isomeric univalent hydrocarbon radicals, C4H9) :: Butyl {n}
butylene {n} (isomeric aliphatic alkene) :: Butylen {n}
butyric acid {n} (normal butyric acid) :: Buttersäure
buxom {adj} (having a full, voluptuous figure) :: drall, vollbusig
buy {v} (to obtain something with money) :: kaufen
buy {v} (to accept as true) :: abkaufen, abnehmen
buy {n} (purchase) SEE: purchase ::
buyable {adj} (that can be bought) :: käuflich
buyer {n} (person who makes purchases) :: Käufer {m}, Käuferin {f}, Einkäufer {m}, Einkäuferin {f}
buy-in {n} (support) :: Unterstützung {f}
buying {n} (act of making a purchase) :: kaufen
buying power {n} (purchasing power) SEE: purchasing power ::
buy into {v} (believe) :: abkaufen, abnehmen
buy into {v} (buy stocks or shares of (a business)) :: Anteile kaufen
buy the farm {v} (to die) :: den Löffel abgeben
buy time {v} (purposefully cause a delay, in order to achieve something else) :: Zeit gewinnen
buzz {n} (continuous humming noise) :: Summen {n}, Brummen {n}
buzz {n} (audible friction of voice consonants) :: Stimmengewirr {n}
buzz {n} (rush of feeling of energy or excitement) :: Begeisterung {f}, Aufregung {f}
buzz {n} (informal: telephone call) :: Anruf {m}, Telefonat {n}
buzz {n} (information spread behind the scenes) :: Gerücht {n}
buzz {v} (to make a low, continuous, humming or sibilant sound) :: brummen, summen, surren
buzz {v} (to communicate, as tales, in an undertone) :: murmeln
buzz {v} (to talk to incessantly or confidentially in a low humming voice) :: murmeln
buzz {n} (whisper) SEE: whisper ::
buzzard {n} (bird of the genus Buteo) :: Bussard {m}
buzzard {n} (slang or derogatory term for a person) :: alter Gauner {m}, alte Gaunerin {f}
buzzard {n} (scavenging bird) SEE: vulture ::
buzzer {n} (device) :: Summer {m}, Buzzer {m}
buzz-phrase {n} (A phrase drawn from or imitative of technical jargon, and often rendered meaningless and fashionable through abuse by non-technical persons in a seeming show of familiarity with the subject) :: abgedroschene Phrase {f}, Schlagwort. {n}
buzzword {n} (word drawn from or imitative of technical jargon) :: Modewort {n}, sinnentleertes Modewort {n}, Schlagwort {n}, leeres Schlagwort {n}, abgedroschene Phrase {f}, Buzzword {n}
by {prep} (near, or next to) :: bei, neben
by {prep} (not later than) :: bis
by {prep} (indicates the agent of a passive verb) :: von
by {prep} (indicates creator of a work) :: von
by {prep} (indicates a means) :: mit, mittels, durch, indem
by {prep} (with the authority of) :: bei
by {prep} (indicating amount of change, difference or discrepancy) :: um
by {prep} (indicates steady progression) :: um
by {prep} :: nach
by {adv} (along a path) :: längs
by accident {adv} (accidentally) SEE: accidentally ::
by a hair's breadth {prep} :: um ein Haar, um Haaresbreite
by all means {prep} (emphatically yes, definitely) :: unbedingt
by a long shot {prep} (by a wide margin) :: bei weitem, bei Weitem, [in the context of a negative] lange, [in the context of a negative, temporally] noch lange
by and by {adv} (soon) SEE: soon ::
by and large {adv} (mostly, generally; with few exceptions) :: im Großen und Ganzen
Byblos {prop} (port city in Lebanon) :: Byblos
bycatch {n} (unintended catch) :: Beifang {m}
by chance {prep} (unexpected(ly); accidental(ly)) :: zufällig, von ungefähr
by default {prep} (in absence of any opposing action) :: standardmäßig, vorgabemäßig
by definition {prep} :: per definitionem
Bydgoszcz {prop} (a city in Poland) :: Bromberg {n}, Bydgoszcz {n}
by dint of {prep} (because of; by reason of) SEE: because of ::
bye {interj} (short for goodbye, see also: goodbye) :: tschüss
by ear {prep} (to learn or perform using only hearing) :: nach Gehör, nach dem Gehör
bye-bye {n} (bedtime for a toddler) :: Heia
by-election {n} (special election) :: Nachwahl {f}
byelection {n} (election to fill a vacant political office) :: Nachwahl {f}
Byelorussian SSR {prop} (Soviet republic) :: Weißrussische SSR
by far {prep} (to a large extent) :: mit Abstand, bei weitem, bei Weitem, weitaus
by foot {adv} (on foot) SEE: on foot ::
byform {n} (tangential or subordinate form) :: Nebenform {f}, Variante {f}
by God {interj} (surprise) :: mein Gott
bygone {adj} (in the far past) :: vergangen
by hand {prep} (manually) SEE: manually ::
by heart {prep} (knowing completely) :: auswendig
by hook or by crook {prep} (by any means possible) :: auf Biegen und Brechen, auf Teufel komm raus, um jeden Preis, mit Haken und Ösen
by Jove {interj} (exclamation indicating surprise or emphasis) :: bei Jupiter!, potztausend, potzblitz, potz Blitz
bylaw {n} (local custom or law) :: Gemeindesatzung {f}
bylaw {n} (rule made by a local authority) :: Gemeindeverordnung {f}
bylaw {n} (law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization) :: Satzung {f}, Statut {n}
bylina {n} (traditional East Slavic oral epic narrative poem) :: Bylina {f}
by means of {prep} (By using) :: mittels, vermittels
by mistake {prep} (mistakenly) SEE: mistakenly ::
by no means {prep} (certainly not) :: keineswegs, auf keinen Fall
by oneself {prep} (without help) :: selbst, selbstständig
by oneself {prep} (without company) :: alleine
bypass {n} (road) :: Umgehungsstraße {f}
bypass {n} (circumvention) :: Umgehung {?}
bypass {n} (alternative passage for a bodily fluid) :: Bypass {m}
bypass {v} (to avoid an obstacle etc, by constructing or using a bypass) :: umgehen, ausweichen
byproduct {n} (secondary or additional product) :: Nebenprodukt {n}, Beiprodukt {n}, Nachprodukt {n}, Teilprodukt {n}
by-product {n} (secondary product) :: Nebenprodukt {n}, Beiprodukt {n}, Nachprodukt {n}, Teilprodukt {n}
by-product {n} (side effect) :: Nebenwirkung {f}
byre {n} (a barn, especially one used for keeping cattle) :: Kuhstall {m}
bystander {n} (a person who, although present at some event, does not take part in it; an observer or spectator) :: Zuschauer {m}, Schaulustiger {m}
byte {n} (8-bit unit) :: Byte {n}
by the by {prep} (by the way) SEE: by the way ::
by the Grace of God {prep} (By divine right) :: von Gottes Gnaden
by the skin of one's teeth {prep} (barely, closely) :: mit knapper Not; mit Mühe und Not; um Haaresbreite; mit Ach und Krach [informal]; mit Hängen und Würgen [informal]
by the time {prep} (when) SEE: when ::
by the way {prep} (incidentally) :: apropos, nebenbei, übrigens
by turns {adv} (one after the other) SEE: in turn ::
by virtue of {prep} (because of) :: aufgrund, wegen, vermöge
by way of {phrase} (for the purpose of, as a means or instance of) :: zu
byword {n} (a proverb) :: Sprichwort {n}
Byzantine {adj} (of or pertaining to Byzantium) :: byzantinisch
Byzantine {adj} (overly complex or intricate) :: byzantinisch
Byzantine {adj} (of a devious usually stealthy manner) :: byzantinisch
Byzantine {n} (native of Byzantine Empire) :: Byzantiner {m}, Byzantinerin {f}
Byzantine Empire {prop} (Greek-speaking empire in the Eastern Mediterranean region) :: Byzanz {n}; Byzantinisches Reich {n}; Oströmisches Reich
Byzantine fault tolerance {n} :: byzantinische Fehlertoleranz {f}
Byzantine Greek {n} (the continuum of forms of the Greek language as written and spoken during the time of the Byzantine Empire) :: Mittelgriechisch {n}, byzantinisches Griechisch {n}
Byzantium {prop} (Byzantine Empire) SEE: Byzantine Empire ::
Byzantium {prop} (ancient Greek city) :: Byzantion {n}
Bézier curve {n} (kind of parametric curve) :: Bézierkurve {f}