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User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-h

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
ha {noun} :: The name of the letter H
ha {interj} :: expressing joy or laughter: hurrah!, ha ha!
Hababa {prop} :: alternative spelling of Ababa
habena {noun} :: thong, rein, lash, bridle
habena {noun} [naval, of a ship's rigging] :: sheet
habendus {v} :: which is to be had, held
habendus {v} :: which is to be owned
habendus {v} :: which is to be possessed
habendus {v} :: which is to be retained, maintained
habendus {v} :: which is to be accepted, borne, endured
habens {v} :: having, holding
habens {v} :: owning
habens {v} :: possessing
habens {v} :: retaining, maintaining
habens {v} :: accepting, bearing, enduring
habenula {noun} :: a small strip of diseased flesh which is cut out from the body
habenularus {adj} :: habenular
habeo {v} :: to have, hold
habeo {v} :: to own, have (possessions)
habeo {v} :: to possess, have (qualities)
habeo {v} :: to retain, maintain
habeo {v} :: to conduct, preside over
habeo {v} :: to regard, consider or account a person or thing as something
habeo {v} :: to accept, bear, endure
habeo {v} [of feelings, problems] :: to affect, trouble (someone)
habeo {v} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin, auxiliary verb for perfect tense] :: to have
habeo {v} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin] :: want, will, shall, should
habeo {v} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin, past imperfect with infinitive] :: would
habeo {v} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin] :: to have to; to be compelled
habeo {v} [Medieval Latin, impersonal] :: there be
habilior {adj} :: more suitable, effective, capable
habilior {adj} :: more skillful
habilior {adj} :: (figurative) better
habilis {adj} :: able to have/possess/maintain
habilis {adj} :: having sufficient ability or power to do or to conduct; skillful
habilis {adj} :: suitable, apt, fit, proper
habilis {adj} :: nimble, swift
habilis {adj} :: manageable
habilitas {noun} :: ability, aptitude
habilito {v} :: I habilitate
habilito {v} :: I enable, I make able
habilito {v} :: I empower
habilito {v} :: I make suitable
habitabilis {adj} :: habitable
habitabilis {adj} :: inhabited
habitaculum {noun} [Late Latin] :: dwelling, habitation
habitaculum {noun} [Late Latin] :: residence, home
habitandus {v} :: which is to be inhabited
habitans {v} :: residing, inhabiting
habitans {v} :: remaining, dwelling
habitans {v} [figuratively] :: lingering
habitatio {noun} :: An inhabiting, dwelling
habitatio {noun} :: A habitation, residence, dwelling; lodging
habitatio {noun} :: The rent (for a dwelling)
habitatiuncula {noun} :: a small dwelling
habitator {noun} :: dweller
habitator {noun} :: tenant, occupier
habitator {noun} :: inhabitant (of a country)
habitatrix {noun} :: inhabitant (female)
habitaturus {v} :: about to inhabit or dwell
habitatus {v} :: resided, inhabited, having been inhabited
habitio {noun} :: having
habito {v} :: I reside, inhabit
habito {v} :: I remain, dwell, live
habito {v} [figuratively] :: I linger
habitualis {adj} :: habitual
habitualis {adj} :: customary
habitualiter {adv} :: habitually
habitudo {noun} :: condition, plight, habit, appearance
habitudo {noun} :: in medieval logic, the semantic content that links two terms
habiturus {v} :: about to have
habitus {v} :: retained, maintained, having been maintained
habitus {v} [by extension] :: well-kept; stout, fleshy, burly
habitus {noun} :: habit; disposition; character
habitus {noun} :: physical or emotional condition
habitus {noun} :: dress, attire
habrotonum {noun} :: alternative form of abrotonum
hac {adv} :: this way
hac {adv} :: in this way or manner, by this means
hac {adv} :: so, thus, thusly
hactenus {adv} :: thus far, so far, as far as this
hactenus {adv} :: to this point (but no further)
hactenus {adv} [figuratively] :: thus far, hitherto, to this moment, until now
hactenus {adv} [figuratively] :: to this extent, so far
hactenus {adv} :: so much for
Hadingus {prop} [Medieval Latin] :: Hadding, a legendary Danish king
hadra {noun} :: stone
Hadria {prop} :: The name of two cities:
Hadria {prop} :: [in the regio of Pīcēnum] the birthplace of the emperor Hadrian, now Atri
Hadria {prop} :: [in the regio of Venetia and Histria] now Adria
Hadria {prop} [chiefly poetic] :: the Adriatic Sea
Hadrianopolis {prop} :: A town of Thrace situated at the point where the Tonsus joins the Hebrus, now Edirne
Hadrianopolitanus {adj} :: Adrianopolitan
Hadrianus {prop} :: name of the Roman Emperor Hadrian
Hadrianus {prop} :: given name
hadrumetinus {adj} :: Andrumetine
Hadrumetum {prop} :: Hadrumetum (ancient city)
Hadrumetus {prop} :: alternative form of Hadrūmētum
haecceitas {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: The essence of a particular thing; those qualities that define it and make it unique
haedillus {noun} :: kidling (especially as a term of endearment)
haedinus {adj} :: of or pertaining to a young goat, kidlike
haedulus {noun} :: kidling (young goat) (especially as a term of endearment)
haedus {noun} :: young goat, kid
haematinus {adj} :: blood-red
haematites {noun} :: A kind of red iron-ore, haematite
haematites {noun} :: A red-colored gem
haematobius {adj} [New Latin] :: that lives on blood; bloodsucking
haematologia {noun} [medicine] :: haematology, hematology
haematophobia {noun} [New Latin, uncountable] :: fear of blood, haematophobia, haemophobia
haemesis {noun} :: An inflammation of the eye
haemolyticus {adj} [New Latin] :: haemolytic; used exclusively as a taxonomic epithet
haemorrhoidalis {adj} [New Latin] :: blood-red (as if discharging blood)
Haemus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: a king of Thrace, the son of Boreas, who was vain and haughty and compared himself and his wife to Zeus and Hera
Haemus {prop} :: A large range of mountains in the north of Thrace
haereditas {noun} :: alternative form of hērēditās
haerens {v} :: clinging, adhering
haerens {v} :: persisting
haereo {v} :: I stick, cling, cleave, adhere
haereo {v} :: I keep close (to), attach myself (to), follow; pursue
haereo {v} :: I remain fixed, abide, keep at, continue, persist
haereo {v} :: I am brought to a standstill, I am suspended
haereo {v} :: I am stuck in a situation; I am at a loss; I am embarrassed; hesitate
haeres {f} :: alternative form of hērēs
haereseus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a heretic
haeresiacus {adj} [post-Classical] :: heretical
haeresiacus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a heretic
haeresis {noun} :: sect
haeresis {noun} :: heresy
haereticalis {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: heretical
haeretice {adv} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: with heretical opinions, heretically
haeretico {v} [Medieval Latin] :: I make (someone) heretical, I win (someone) over to heresy
haeretico {v} [New Latin] :: I brand (someone) as a heretic
haeretico {v} [New Latin, in passive, haereticor] :: I am a heretic
haereticus {adj} [Medieval Latin, Ecclesiastical Latin] :: heretical
haereticus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: heretic
haeretizo {v} [Medieval Latin] :: I cherish or espouse heretical doctrines
haesitabundus {adj} :: hesitating, faltering, stammering
haesitans {v} :: hesitating, uncertain
haesitans {v} :: remaining fixed in place
haesitantia {noun} :: stammering
haesitatio {noun} :: hesitation, hesitating
haesitatio {noun} :: stammering
haesitatio {noun} :: irresolution, perplexity, embarrassment
haesitatus {v} :: hesitated, having been uncertain
haesitatus {v} :: having been fixed in place
haesito {v} :: I remain fixed in place
haesito {v} :: I hesitate; I am uncertain
haesurus {v} :: about to stick
Hafnia {prop} :: Copenhagen
hafnium {noun} :: hafnium
Hagano {prop} :: [Medieval Latin] Hagen, a hero of Germanic legend
Haganon {prop} [Medieval Latin] :: alternative form of Haganō
hagiographicus {adj} :: hagiographic
hagiographus {noun} :: hagiographer
hahae {interj} :: ha ha! (expressing joy or laughter)
hahahae {interj} :: ha ha! (expressing joy or laughter)
haima {noun} :: medieval spelling of hama
hainanensis {adj} [relational] :: Hainan [mostly as a taxonomic epithet]
hairo {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: heron
Haitia {prop} :: Haiti
Haius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Haius {prop} :: Gnaeus Haius Diadumenianus, a Roman procurator of Mauretania
Halae {prop} :: A town of Locris situated on the Gulf of Opus
Halaesus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: A companion of Agamemnon during the Trojan War
halans {v} :: fragrant, sweet-smelling
halcyon {noun} :: The halcyon; kingfisher
halebarda {noun} :: alternative form of hallebarda
Hales {prop} :: Hales (river), now the Alento
Haleti {prop} :: A tribe of Thrace mentioned by Pliny
Haliacmon {prop} :: A river of Greece forming the boundary between Thessaly and Macedonia
Haliartus {prop} :: An ancient city of Boeotia
Halicarnassus {prop} :: Halicarnassus (an <<ancient>> Greek <<city>> on the southwest coast of <<r/Caria>>, <<r/Anatolia>>, in modern-day <<c/Turkey>>)
Halicarnasus {prop} :: alternative form of Halicarnassus
Halicyae {prop} :: Halicyae (city), situated between Entella and Lilybaeum
halifaxensis {adj} :: Of or from Halifax
halimon {noun} :: orach
halipleumon {noun} :: a jelly-fish
Halisarna {prop} :: a town on the island of Cos
Halisarna {prop} :: a town of Mysia on the river Caicus
Halisca {prop} :: given name, character in the play Cistellaria of Plautus
Haliserne {prop} :: alternative form of Halisarna
halitus {noun} :: breath, exhalation
halitus {noun} :: steam, vapour
haliurunna {noun} [Late Latin, hapax legomenon] :: Gothic witch or sorceress
halla {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: house, dwelling
halla {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: court, forecourt
halla {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: palace, large residence
halla {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: market hall
hallandensis {adj} [relational] :: Halland, province of Sweden
Hallandia {prop} :: Halland, province of Sweden
hallebarda {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: halberd
hallus {noun} :: big toe
Halmydessus {prop} :: a town of Thrace situated on the Black Sea
Halmyris {prop} :: A salt lake formed by the Danube
halo {v} :: breathe
halo {v} :: emit, exhale, release [gas or fragrance]
halo {v} :: be fragrant
Halone {prop} :: Halone (island) situated in front of Ephesus
Halonnesus {prop} :: Halonnesus (island) near the coast of Thessaly
halophilus {adj} :: halophilic; thriving in high salinity
halucinor {v} :: alternative form of ālūcinor
Halycus {prop} :: Halycus (river) that flows into the Mediterranean Sea, now the river Platani
Halys {prop} :: The principal river of Asia Minor, now the Kızılırmak River
hama {noun} :: a water-bucket or pail (especially one for extinguishing fires), a firebucket
hama {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a vessel for holding wine
hama {noun} :: a wine-cup, a goblet
hama {noun} :: a measure of wine
hama {noun} [by extension] :: a general measure of other liquids
Hamadryas {noun} [Greek mythology] :: Hamadryad, mother of the hamadryads (woodnymphs)
hamatus {adj} :: hooked, crooked
Hamaxitus {prop} :: A town on the southwestern coast of Troad
Hamaxitus {prop} :: Hamaxitus (town)
Hamaxobii {prop} :: A tribe of Scythia mentioned by Pliny
hamaxostichus {noun} [New Latin] :: a train
hamiformis {adj} [New Latin] :: hook-shaped, hamiform
Hamilcar {prop} :: Hamilcar (father of Hannibal)
hamiota {noun} :: An angler
hammitis {noun} :: An unknown precious stone similar to fish eggs
Hammon {prop} :: alternative form of Ammōn
Hampsicora {prop} :: A prince of Sardinia
hamus {noun} :: A hook
hamus {noun} :: A fishhook
hamus {noun} :: The barb of an arrow
hanappus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: cup, goblet
Hannibal {prop} :: A Carthaginian given name
Hannibal {prop} :: The Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca
Hannibal ad portas {phrase} :: "Hannibal is at the gates!" Used to express fear or anxiety, or to instill it in others (particularly children)
Hanno {prop} :: given name, character in the play Poenulus of Plautus
Hanno {prop} :: The name of various Carthaginian commanders
hantoniensis {adj} [New Latin] :: Of or from Hampshire (Hantonia)
hapsis {noun} :: curve, arch, bow, hoop
hapsus {noun} [medicine] :: A lock of wool used in bandaging
hara {noun} :: An animal pen
hara {noun} :: A chicken coop
hara {noun} :: A pigsty
harena {noun} :: sand
harena {noun} [poetically] :: slime, mud, līmus
harena {noun} [metonymy] :: sand, sands, a sandy place, especially—
harena {noun} :: a sandy desert, waste
harena {noun} :: the shore of the sea, the beach, coast, strand
harena {noun} :: the place of combat (strewn with sand) in the amphitheatre, the arena
harena {noun} [transferred] :: a combat in the amphitheatre; the combatants in the arena
harena {noun} :: volcanic fire, lava
harena {noun} [figuratively] :: the place of combat, scene or theatre of any contest (war, a single battle, a dispute, etc.)
harenaceus {adj} [rare] :: sandy
harenaria {noun} :: a sand pit
harenarium {noun} :: a sand pit
harenarius {adj} :: of or pertaining to sand
harenarius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the arena
harenarius {noun} :: gladiator
harenarius {noun} :: math teacher
harengus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: herring
Hareni {prop} [geography] :: A group of mountains in Hispania Baetica
harenifodina {noun} :: a sandpit
harenivagus {adj} :: wandering over sand
harenosus {adj} :: containing or full of sand, sandy
Harii {prop} :: A tribe of Germany mentioned by Tacitus
hariola {noun} :: A fortuneteller (female)
hariolans {v} :: foretelling
hariolaturus {v} :: about to foretell
hariolatus {v} :: foretold, prophesied
hariolor {v} :: I foretell, prophesy, divine
hariolor {v} :: I talk nonsense
hariolus {noun} :: A fortuneteller
Harma {prop} :: an ancient town of Boeotia, situated in the territory of Tanagra
Harmedon {prop} :: an island situated near Crete
harmonia {noun} :: harmony, concordance of sounds
harmonia {noun} :: music, singing, song
harmonia {noun} :: peace, concord
harpago {noun} :: grappling hook, grappling iron
Harpalus {prop} :: A Macedonian aristocrat and friend of Alexander the Great
harpastum {noun} :: a heavy hand ball, rugby
Harpasus {prop} :: A river of Caria flowing into the Maeander
Harpax {prop} :: given name, character in the play Pseudolus of Plautus
harpe {noun} :: a curved sickle-shaped sword, scimitar
harpe {noun} :: bird of prey, hawk, falcon, tiercel or goshawk (falco gentilis)
Harpina {prop} :: A town of Pisatis situated on the right bank of the river Alpheus
Harpleia {prop} :: a town of Laconia situated upon the slopes of Mount Taygetus
Harrius {prop} [New Latin] :: Harry
Harudes {prop} :: A Germanic tribe mentioned by Caesar
harundinetum {noun} :: reed bed
harundineus {adj} :: Of reeds, reedy
harundineus {adj} :: Made from a reed or reeds
harundineus {adj} :: Like a reed
harundinosus {adj} :: reedy (abounding in reeds)
harundo {noun} :: reed
harundo {noun} :: fishing rod
harundo {noun} :: shaft of an arrow
haruspex {noun} :: diviner who reads from the intestines of sacrificial animals; one who practices haruspicy
haruspicium {noun} :: haruspicy
harzianus {adj} [relational, New Latin] :: Harzia
Hasdingi {prop} :: A collection of southern tribes of the Vandals
Hasdrubal {prop} :: given name
hassium {noun} :: hassium
hasta {noun} :: a spear, lance, pike, carried by soldiers and used for thrusting
hastati {noun} [military, plurale tantum] :: first line of the pre-Marian Roman army
hastatus {adj} :: armed with a spear
hastile {noun} :: shaft of a spear or javelin
hastile {noun} :: cane
Haterius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Haterius {prop} :: Quintus Haterius Antoninus, a Roman consul
hatticus {adj} :: Hattic
hau {adv} :: not, by no means
hau {interj} :: Expressing pain or grief; oh! ah!
haud {adv} :: Scarcely, hardly, by no means
hauddum {adv} :: not yet
haudquaquam {adv} :: by no means whatsoever
haudquaquam {adv} :: not at all
haud scio an {phrase} [idiomatic, intransitive, , of statement] :: I do not know whether…(such and such is true), perhaps…(such and such is true)
hauriendus {v} :: which is to be drained
hauriens {v} :: drawing (water)
hauriens {v} :: draining
haurio {v} :: I draw (especially water), drain
haurio {v} :: I drain, drink up, swallow; absorb
haurio {v} [of blood] :: I spill, shed
haurio {v} :: I devour, consume, exhaust, deplete, use up; engulf
haurio {v} :: I tear up, pluck out, draw out; dig up, hollow out
haurio {v} :: I draw, derive, borrow, take
haustor {noun} :: Someone who draws or drains; drawer
haustrum {noun} :: A tool for drawing water; scoop, bucket
haustus {v} :: drawn, drained, having been drawn
haustus {v} :: swallowed, absorbed, having been swallowed
haustus {v} [of blood] :: spilled, shed, having been spilled
haustus {v} :: devoured, consumed, exhausted, depleted, used up; engulfed; having been exhausted
haustus {v} :: torn up, plucked out, drawn out; dug up, hollowed out; having been plucked out
haustus {v} :: drawn, derived, borrowed, taken, having been borrowed
haustus {noun} :: The act of drawing or draining
haustus {noun} :: The act of drinking or swallowing
haustus {noun} :: Something which is drunk; a drink, draught
haut {adv} :: alternative spelling of haud
havanensis {adj} :: Havanan
have {interj} :: alternative spelling of avē
haveo {v} :: alternative form of aveō
hawaiensis {adj} [relational] :: Hawaii
hawaiiensis {adj} [New Latin] :: Hawaiian
hebdomada {noun} :: the number seven
hebdomada {noun} :: a group of seven things
hebdomada {noun} :: a week (from one Sabbath to the next)
hebdomadalis {adj} :: weekly; of or pertaining to a week
hebdomadarius {noun} [Late Latin] :: hebdomadary (holder of a week-long duty in a convent)
hebdomas {noun} :: the number seven
hebdomas {noun} :: seven days; a week
hebdomas {noun} :: the seventh day
Hebdomecontacometae {prop} :: an Ethiopian tribe mentioned in Pliny the Elder Natural_History_(Pliny)
hebe- {prefix} :: relating to youth
hebeiensis {adj} [New Latin] :: Of or from Hebei
hebeninus {adj} [relational] :: ebony
hebenus {noun} :: ebony
hebeo {v} :: I am blunt, dull
hebes {adj} :: blunt, dull, not sharp or pointed
hebes {adj} [of senses] :: dim, faint, dull; tasteless, without smell, without sensation
hebes {adj} [figuratively] :: dull, obtuse, sluggish, heavy, stupid; slow, tardy
hebesco {v} :: I become blunt, dull, dim or faint
hebetans {v} :: blunting, dulling
hebetans {v} :: weakening, deadening
hebetans {v} :: making stupid
hebetatio {noun} :: The process of making something dull, dim or faint
hebetatio {noun} :: The quality of being dull, dim or faint; dullness, dimness, faintness
hebetatus {v} :: blunted, dulled, having been blunted
hebetatus {v} :: weakened, deadened, having been weakened
hebetatus {v} :: having been made stupid
hebetior {adj} :: blunter
hebetior {adj} :: dimmer, duller
hebeto {v} :: I make something blunt, dull
hebeto {v} :: I weaken, deaden
hebetudo {noun} :: Bluntness, dullness
hebetudo {noun} :: Dimness, faintness
hebetudo {noun} :: Sluggishness, obtuseness
hebraeus {adj} :: Hebrew, Jewish
hebraicus {adj} :: Hebrew
hebria {noun} :: A wine vessel
Hebron {prop} :: Hebron (city)
Hebron {prop} :: Hebron (Biblical figure)
Hebrus {prop} :: A river of Thrace, now the Evros
Hebudes {prop} :: the Hebrides
hecatombe {noun} :: a hecatomb
Hecuba {prop} [Greek mythology] :: The wife of Priamus who changed through rage into a dog
Hecuba {prop} :: An ugly old woman
hedera {noun} :: ivy
hederaceus {adj} :: made of ivy
hederaceus {adj} :: ivy-colored
hederiger {adj} [rare] :: wearing ivy
hederosus {adj} [rare] :: overgrown with ivy
Hedius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Hedius {prop} :: Quintus Hedius Lollianus Plautius Avitus, a Roman senator
hedus {noun} :: kid (young goat)
Hedyle {prop} :: A celebrated Greek poetess
Hedyphon {prop} :: A river of Susiana which flowed into the Eulaeus
Hegesias {prop} :: A philosopher of Cyrene
Hegio {prop} :: given name, character in the play Bacchides of Plautus
heia {interj} :: aha! come now! come on! (expressing delight, playful remonstrance, encouragement)
heia {interj} :: you don't say?
heidelbergensis {adj} [relational, New Latin] :: Heidelberg
heiulans {v} :: wailing, lamenting
heiulaturus {v} :: about to lament
heiulatus {v} :: wailed, lamented
heiulor {v} :: alternative form of ēiulō
Heius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Heius {prop} :: Gnaeus Heius, a Roman judge
hejulor {v} :: alternative form of heiulor
Helbo {prop} :: A small island off the coast of Lycia
helcium {noun} :: collar harness
helcogenes {adj} [New Latin] :: ulcer-producing
Helena {prop} :: Helen
Helene {prop} :: Helen
helenium {noun} :: elecampane
Helernus {prop} :: A forest on the banks of the river Tiber
Helgas {prop} :: A town of Bithynia also called Germanicopolis
Heli {prop} :: Eli
Helice {prop} :: a town of Achaia situated on the coast between the rivers Selinus and Cerynites
Helicon {prop} :: A mountain of Boeotia sacred to Apollo and the Muses
helicopterum {noun} [New Latin] :: helicopter
Heliopolis {prop} :: Heliopolis (ancient city)
heliotropium {noun} :: heliotrope (plant, stone)
Helisson {prop} :: A river in Arcadia
Helisson {prop} :: A town of Arcadia situated on Mount Maenalus
helium {noun} [New Latin, chemistry] :: helium
helix {noun} :: a kind of ivy
helix {noun} :: a kind of willow
helix {noun} :: a whorl, a small ornament on the capital of Corynthian columns
hellebarda {noun} :: alternative form of hallebarda
helleborus {noun} :: A flowering evergreen plant, probably Helleborus foetidus or another hellebore
Hellen {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Hellen (mythological patriarch of the Greeks)
Hellespontus {prop} :: Hellespont
helluans {v} :: squandering
helluatio {noun} :: gormandizing, gluttony
helluaturus {v} :: about to squander
helluatus {v} :: squandered
helluo {noun} :: glutton, squanderer
helluo librorum {noun} :: A helluo librorum
helluor {v} :: I gormandize
helluor {v} :: I squander
helmus {noun} :: helmet
helops {noun} :: sterlet
Helorum {prop} :: Helorum (city), situated near Syracusae and the banks of the river Helorus
Helorus {prop} :: Helorus (river), which flows into the sea between Syracusae and Pachynus, now the river Tellaro
Helveconae {prop} :: A Germanic tribe settled on the west of the Vistula and mentioned by Tacitus
Helvetia {prop} :: Helvetia, Switzerland
helveticus {adj} :: Swiss
helveticus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Helvetians
Helvetius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Helvetii; Helvetian
Helvetius {noun} :: member of the Helvetii
Helvidius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Helvidius {prop} :: Helvidius Priscus, a Roman philosopher
Helvii {prop} :: A tribe of Gallia Narbonensis, which bordered on the Arverni
Helvillum {prop} :: Helvillum (town) situated near Forum Flaminii and Nuceria
Helvius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Helvius {prop} :: Publius Helvius Pertinax, a Roman emperor
helvus {adj} :: honey-yellow
helxine {noun} :: A kind of pellitory
hem {interj} :: eh?, well well! (expressing surprise)
Hemasini {prop} :: An Illyrian tribe of Dalmatia
hemicrania {noun} [Late Latin] :: migraine, headache
hemina {noun} :: A measure of half a sextary
hemina {noun} :: A measure equal to about ten fluid ounces
Hemina {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Hemina {prop} :: Lucius Cassius Hemina, a Roman historian
hemionus {noun} [New Latin] :: half-mule
hemipterus {adj} [New Latin] :: half-winged
hemisphaerium {noun} :: hemisphere
hemisphaerium {noun} :: cupola, dome
hemistichium {noun} :: hemistich
Hemmatae {prop} :: A tribe of Arabia mentioned by Pliny
hemo {noun} [Old Latin] :: synonym of homō
henanensis {adj} [relational] :: Henan
hendecasyllabi {noun} :: verses of eleven syllables
hendecasyllabus {noun} [chiefly in the plural] :: hendecasyllable
Heniochi {prop} :: A tribe of Colchis on the coast of the Black Sea
Henna {prop} :: One of the most important cities of Sicily, situated near the center of the island, now Enna
Henricus {prop} :: given name
hepar {noun} :: liver (organ)
hepar {noun} :: a kind of fish
hepatarius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the liver
hepaticus {adj} :: of or pertaining to the liver
hepaticus {adj} :: liver-colored
hepatites {noun} :: A kind of precious stone
hepatizon {noun} :: liver-coloured Corinthian bronze
hephaestitis {noun} :: An unknown precious stone
heptaphyllus {adj} [New Latin] :: seven-leaved
Heptaporus {prop} :: A river of Troas mentioned by Pliny
Her. {prop} :: abbreviation of Hērennius
hera {noun} :: alternative form of era
Heraclea {prop} :: Heraclea (the name of numerous Hellenistic <<cities>> named after Heracles):
Heraclea {prop} :: Heraclea Lucania, in modern Policoro, Italy
Heraclea {prop} :: Heraclea Sintica, in modern Bulgaria
Heraclea {prop} :: Heraclea Cybistra, the modern Ereğli, Turkey
Heraclea {prop} :: Heraclea Minoa, in Sicily
Heraclitus {prop} :: An ancient Greek given name
Heraclitus {prop} :: The philosopher Heraclitus
Heraea {prop} :: A city of Arcadia situated on the river Alpheus near the borders with Elis
herb. {noun} :: abbreviation of herbārium
herba {noun} :: grass, herbage
herba {noun} :: herb
herba {noun} :: weeds
herbaceus {adj} :: grassy
herbaceus {adj} :: grass-colored
Herbanum {prop} :: Herbanum (town)
herbaria {noun} :: botany; the knowledge of plants
herbarium {noun} :: a herbarium; a collection of dried plants
herbarium {noun} :: a herbarium (a written work on botany)
herbarius {noun} :: botanist; one skilled in the knowledge of plants
herbescens {v} :: greening
herbesco {v} :: I grow into green stalks, blades, shoots
herbeus {adj} [relational] :: grass
herbidus {adj} :: grassy
Herbita {prop} :: Herbita (city), situated on the southern slope of the Heraean mountains
herbitum {noun} :: a lawn, meadow
herbosus {adj} :: grassy, full of grass or herbs
herbosus {adj} :: grass-colored
herbula {noun} :: a small herb
Hercates {prop} :: A tribe of Gallia Transpadana mentioned by Livy
hercule {interj} :: By Hercules!
hercule {interj} :: assuredly!, indeed!
Hercules {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Hercules, Heracles, heroic son of Zeus
herculeus {adj} :: alternative case form of Herculeus
Herculeus {adj} :: of or pertaining to Hercules
Hercuniates {prop} :: A tribe of Pannonia, mentioned by Pliny
Herdonea {prop} :: Herdonea (inland city), on the way from Canusium to Beneventum, now the town of Ordona
Herdonius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Herdonius {prop} :: Turnus Herdonius, a statesman of Aricia
here {adv} :: yesterday
heredipeta {noun} :: one that strives after an inheritance, a legacy hunter
hereditans {v} :: inheriting
hereditarius {adj} :: hereditary, inherited
hereditas {noun} :: inheritance
hereditas {noun} :: hereditary succession
hereditas {noun} :: hereditary legacy
hereditatus {v} :: inherited
heredito {v} :: I inherit
heredium {noun} :: a hereditary estate
heredium {noun} [historical units of measure] :: A former Roman unit of area
heremus {adj} [relational, Late Latin] :: waste, desert
Herennius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Herennius {prop} :: Herennius Senecio, a Roman writer
herens {v} :: alternative form of haerēns
hereo {v} :: alternative form of haereō
heres {f} :: heir, heiress
heresis {noun} :: alternative form of haeresis
hereticus {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: alternative form of haereticus
heri {adv} :: yesterday
Herilus {prop} [Roman mythology] :: The mythological king of Praeneste, son of the goddess Feronia
Herius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Herius {prop} :: Herius Asinius, a soldier of the Marrucini
Herius {prop} :: A river of Gallia Lugdunensis mentioned by Ptolemy, maybe the Vilaine
Hermaphroditus {prop} :: Hermaphroditus
Hermarchus {prop} :: A Greek philosopher born in Mytilene
Hermentidius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Hermentidius {prop} :: Sextus Hermentidius Campanus, a Roman senator
Hermes {prop} :: Hermes
Hermes {prop} :: given name
Hermes {noun} :: a rectangular pillar or pedestal bearing a bust; a herm
Hermes {prop} :: Hermes Trismegistus
Hermesta {prop} :: Hermesta (town)
Herminius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Herminius {prop} :: Titus Herminius Aquilinus, a Roman consul
Herminius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Hermīnius
Hermione {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Hermione
Hermione {prop} :: A city of Argolis
Hermippus {prop} :: A celebrated Greek comic poet
Hermisium {prop} :: a town on the west coast of Crimea
Hermolaus {prop} :: A page of Alexander the Great who planned to commit regicide
Hermonassa {prop} :: A town on the Black Sea situated near Phanagoria, now Tmutarakan
Hermonthis {prop} :: A town of Thebaid situated on the west bank of the mile Nile between Latopolis and Thebae
Hermopolis {prop} :: A city of Upper Egypt on the left bank of the Nile
Hermunduri {prop} :: A powerful tribe of Germany
hermupoa {noun} :: The plant mercury
Hermus {prop} :: A river of Lydia flowing into the Aegean Sea, now the Gediz River
herna {noun} :: stone, rock
hernia {noun} :: protruded viscus, hernia
Hernici {prop} :: An Italic tribe who inhabited a region in Latium
Herodes {prop} :: A freedman of Atticus
Herodes {prop} :: Any one of several potentates of the Herodian dynasty, who held power to varying degrees in the Herodian Kingdom of Israel and its successor states from 37 BC until circa AD 93
Herodes {prop} :: Herodes Atticus (AD 101–177)
Herodiani {prop} :: the followers of Herod, Herodians
Herodianus {adj} :: of Herod
Herodis dies {noun} :: the Sabbath
herodius {noun} :: stork (or similar bird)
Herodotus {prop} :: Herodotus
heroicus {adj} :: heroic, epic (especially relating to mythical heroes)
herois {noun} :: a demigoddess, a heroine
herois {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a baroness
Heroopolis {prop} :: A city east of the delta of the Nile
Herophilus {prop} :: A celebrated physician, native of Calcedon in Bithynia
heros {noun} [literally] :: demigod, hero
heros {noun} [transferred sense, Ciceronian] :: an illustrious man
Herostratus {prop} :: Herostratus
heroum {noun} :: a monument to the memory of a hero
heroum {noun} :: the asphodel
herous {adj} :: of or relating to a hero, heroic
herous {adj} [of poetry] :: heroic, epic
herous {noun} :: an epic verse
Herous {adj} :: of Hero of Sestos (priestess of Aphrodite in the myth Hero and Leander)
Herpeditani {prop} :: A tribe of Mauritania who lived near the course of the Mulucha
herpes {noun} :: herpes
herpes {noun} :: an unknown sort of animal, perhaps a kind of mongoose
Hersilia {prop} [Roman mythology] :: The wife of Romulus
Herticchei {prop} :: A tribe of Asian Sarmatia mentioned by Pliny
Hertorius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Hertorius {prop} :: Publius Hertorius, a Roman famous potter
herus {noun} :: master of the house or family
herus {noun} :: owner, proprietor
hesperus {adj} :: western
hesperus {adj} [relational] :: evening
hesperus {adj} :: Italian
Hessus {prop} :: a town of Locris, situated on the road to Naupactus
Hester {prop} :: alternative form of Esther
hesternus {adj} :: yesterday's
Hesychius {prop} :: Hesychius: given name, famously held by:
Hesychius {prop} :: Hesychius of Alexandria (fl. late AD 4th C.), Greek grammarian and lexicographer
heteroclitus {adj} :: heteroclitic
heterogeneus {adj} :: heterogeneous
heterogenia {noun} :: heterogeneity
heterophyllus {adj} :: having different leaves, particularly multiple varieties on a single plant
hethanim {noun} :: Ethanim (Jewish month)
Hetriculum {prop} :: A town of Bruttium mentioned by Livy
hetthaeus {adj} :: Hittite
hettheicus {adj} :: Hittite
heu {interj} :: oh! alas! ah! [expressing dismay or pain]
heus {interj} :: hey!, ho!, ho there!, listen!
Heva {prop} :: alternative form of Ē̆va
hexa- {prefix} :: hexa-
hexagonum {noun} :: hexagon
hexagonus {adj} [New Latin] :: hexagonal
hexameter {noun} :: hexameter
hexas {noun} :: the number six
hexastichus {adj} :: Having six lines or rows
hexastichus {adj} [relational] :: hexastich
hians {v} :: yawning, gaping
hiatus {noun} :: A hiatus, opening, gap, aperture, cleft
Hiber {noun} :: an Iberian
Hibera {prop} :: a city in Hispania Citerior (later Hispania Tarraconensis) on the banks of the River Hibērus (for which it was named), not far from the Mediterranean coast
Hiberia {prop} :: Iberia (the country of the Hibērēs)
Hiberia {prop} :: Iberian Peninsula (in southwestern Europe)
Hiberia {prop} :: Caucasian Iberia
Hiberia {prop} [Late Latin, fully Rēgnum Hibēriae] :: Kingdom of Iberia (circa 302 BC–AD 580)
Hiberia {prop} [Medieval Latin, generally] :: Hiberia (country)
Hiberice {adv} [New Latin, rare] :: in the Georgian language
Hibericus {adj} :: Iberian, Iberic (of or pertaining to Hibērēs)
Hibericus {adj} :: Iberic, Spanish (of or pertaining to the inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula of southwestern Europe)
Hibericus {adj} :: Iberic, Georgian (of or pertaining to the inhabitants of Caucasian Iberia)
Hibericus {adj} [New Latin] :: uttered or written in the Kartvelian language Georgian
hibernaculum {noun} :: winter quarters; a winter residence
hibernaculum {noun} [in the plural] :: winter encampment
hibernalis {adj} :: wintry
hibernans {v} :: going into winter quarters, sheltering for the winter, over-wintering
hibernatus {v} :: to pass the winter
Hibernia {prop} [historical geography] :: Ireland
hibernicus {adj} :: Irish, of or pertaining to the Irish people
hibernicus {noun} :: Irish (person)
hiberno {v} :: I winter; I pass the winter
hiberno {v} [military] :: I keep to a winter encampment
hibernum {noun} :: winter
hibernum {noun} :: (in plural) winter quarters
hibernus {adj} :: wintry
hibernus {adj} :: of or pertaining to winter
hibernus {adj} :: (of places, esp. military camps) suitable for getting through the winter
Hiberus {prop} :: the River Iberus, now the Ebro (a river in Hispania Tarraconensis that flows into the Mediterranean)
Hiberus {adj} :: Iberian (of or pertaining to Hibērēs)
Hiberus {noun} :: an Iberian
Hibiethes {prop} :: A river of Samos mentioned by Pliny
hibiscum {noun} :: marsh mallow
hibix {noun} :: ibex
hibrida {noun} :: hybrid, mongrel, half-breed
hibridus {adj} [relational] :: hybrid
hic {adj} :: this; these [in the plural]
hic {pron} :: this one; this (thing); these ones [in the plural]; these (things); he, she, it
hic {adv} :: here
Hicesia {prop} :: Basiluzzo, one of the Lipari Islands
Hicetas {prop} :: An astronomer of Syracusae
hic manebimus optime {phrase} :: here we will remain most excellently
hiemalis {adj} [relational] :: winter; wintry
hiemandus {v} :: which is to be wintered
hiemandus {v} :: which is to be frozen
hiemans {v} :: wintering, passing the winter
hiemans {v} :: being wintry or stormy
hiemans {v} :: freezing
hiematus {v} :: wintered, having been wintered
hiematus {v} :: having been wintry or stormy
hiematus {v} :: frozen, having been turned to ice
hiemo {v} :: I winter, pass the winter
hiemo {v} :: I am wintry, stormy, frozen
hiemo {v} :: I freeze, turn to ice
hiemps {noun} :: alternative form of hiems
Hiempsal {prop} :: A king of Numidia and son of Micipsa
Hiempsal {prop} :: A king of Mauritania
hiems {noun} :: winter
Hiera {prop} :: One of the Aegates islands, now Marettimo
hieracitis {noun} :: An unknown precious stone
Hierapolis {prop} :: A town of Phrygia situated between the rivers Lycus and Maeander
Hierapolis {prop} :: Hierapolis (city) situated on the road from Antiochia to Mesopotamia
Hierapytna {prop} :: A town of Crete situated in the narrowest part of the island
hierarcha {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: member of a hierarchy; hierarch
hierarcha {noun} :: bishop
hierarchia {noun} :: hierarchy
Hierasus {prop} :: Hierasus (river), now the river Siret in Romania
Hieremias {prop} :: alternative form of Jērē̆mī̆ās
hiericuntinus {adj} [relational] :: Jericho
Hiericus {prop} :: Jericho
Hiero {prop} :: Name of various rulers of Syracuse
hieroglyphicus {adj} :: hieroglyphic
hierographicus {adj} :: hierographic, of sacred writing
Hieromix {prop} :: Hieromix (tributary), now the Yarmuk
hierophylax {noun} :: the keeper of a temple
Hierosolyma {prop} :: Jerusalem
Hierosolyma {prop} :: Jerusalem
hierosolymitanus {adj} :: of Jerusalem
Hierusalem {prop} :: Jerusalem
hilarans {v} :: gladdening, cheering
hilaratus {v} :: gladdened, cheered, having been gladdened
hilare {adv} :: cheerfully, joyfully
Hilario {prop} :: A Roman cognomen
hilarior {adj} :: more cheerful or lively
hilaris {adj} :: cheerful, lively, light-hearted
hilarissime {adv} :: superlative of hilarē
hilaritas {noun} :: cheerfulness, merriment, good humor
hilariter {adv} :: cheerfully, joyfully
hilaritudo {noun} :: cheerfulness, merriment
hilarius {adv} :: comparative of hilarē
Hilarius {prop} :: name of a fourth-century saint, meaning cheerful, happy
hilaro {v} :: I gladden, cheer, make cheerful
hilarus {adj} :: cheerful, lively, light-hearted
Hildericus {prop} :: A historical king of the Vandals
Hildericus {prop} :: A historical bishop of the Suebi of Galicia (Spain)
hillae {noun} [anatomy] :: The smaller and anterior intestines of animals
hillae {noun} :: intestines, entrails
hillae {noun} :: A kind of sausage
Hilleviones {prop} :: The general name for all the inhabitants of Scandinavia
hilum {noun} :: trifle
hilum {noun} :: (in the negative) not a whit, not in the least
hilus {noun} [anatomy] :: A depression or fissure through which ducts, nerves, or blood vessels enter and leave a gland or organ. Also called porta
Himalaja {prop} :: Himalaja (mountain range)
himalayanus {adj} :: Himalayan
himalayensis {adj} :: Himalayan
Himani {prop} :: A tribe of Liburnia mentioned by Pliny
himantopus {noun} :: A kind of bird with long legs
Himella {prop} :: a small river situated in the territory of the Sabines, of uncertain identification
Himera {prop} :: Himera (city), situated between Panormus and Cephaloedium
Himera {prop} :: a river that flows across this town, now called Imera
Himerte {prop} :: The ancient name of Lesbos
Himilco {prop} :: A general of Carthago
hinc {adv} :: hence, from this place
hinc {adv} :: henceforth
hinc {adv} :: because of this, from this cause
hinc {adv} :: next, afterwards
hindicus {adj} :: Hindi, Indian
Hinieldus {prop} :: [Medieval Latin] Ingeld, a hero of Germanic legend
hinnibundus {adj} :: neighing
hinnibundus {adj} :: constantly neighing
hinniens {v} :: neighing
hinnio {v} :: I neigh or whinny
hinnulus {noun} :: hinny (animal)
hinnus {noun} :: hinny (offspring of a male horse and a female donkey)
hinsidia {noun} :: alternative form of īnsidia
hinulus {noun} :: hinny (animal)
hio {v} :: I yawn, gape
hio {v} :: I stand open
hio {v} [of speech] :: I pause, connect badly
hio {v} [figuratively] :: I am amazed, gape in wonder
hio {v} :: I bawl out, utter, sing
Hiostus {prop} :: A Sardinian, son of Hampsicora
Hippana {prop} :: A town of Sicily mentioned by Polybius
Hipparchus {prop} :: Hipparchus
Hipparis {prop} :: Hipparis (small river), which flows near the city of Camarina
hippeus {noun} [astronomy] :: A type of comet
Hippo {prop} :: The name of several cities in the Hellenistic world, especially:
Hippo {prop} :: Hippo Regius (an ancient city, famed home of St Augustine, near modern Annaba, Algeria)
Hippo {prop} :: Hippo Diarrhytus, now known as Bizerte (a city in modern Tunisia)
hippocampus {noun} :: a seahorse
hippocentaurus {noun} :: A centaur
Hippocoronium {prop} :: A city in Crete
Hippodamia {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Hippodamia
Hippodamus {prop} :: A celebrated Greek architect
hippodromos {noun} :: a hippodrome
Hipponax {noun} :: A Greek poet born in Ephesus
Hipponesos {prop} :: Hipponesos (island)
Hipponium {prop} :: An important Greek city of Bruttium, called by the Romans Vibo
hippopera {noun} :: saddlebag, horse-holdall
hippophobas {noun} :: A plant (of unknown kind)
hippopotamus {noun} :: a hippopotamus
hippotoxotae {noun} :: cavalry archers
Hippuris {prop} :: A small island situated between Thera and Amorgos
hippurus {noun} :: A fish, perhaps the goldfish
Hippus {prop} :: A town of the Decapolis in Galilee
Hippus {prop} :: Hippus (town) situated at the mouth of the Maeander
Hippus {prop} :: A river of Colchis which flows into the Black Sea
hir {noun} [rare, anatomy] :: hand
hira {noun} [anatomy] :: Empty gut
hircinus {adj} :: of a goat
hircipes {adj} :: goat-footed
hircus {noun} :: a buck, male goat
hircus {noun} [by extension] :: the rank smell of the armpits
hircus {noun} [figuratively] :: a filthy person
hirnea {noun} :: A jug for holding liquids
hirniosus {adj} :: ruptured (having a hernia)
hirpex {noun} :: harrow
Hirpini {prop} :: A Samnite tribe who inhabited a region in southern Italy
Hirpini {prop} :: [extensively] The region populated by that tribe
Hirpinia {prop} [New Latin, geography] :: The southern portion of Samnium that borders Lucania to the south, Apulia to the east and Campania to the west
hirpus {noun} :: wolf
Hirri {prop} :: A tribe of Scandinavia mentioned by Pliny
hirrio {vi} [of dogs] :: I snarl
hirritus {noun} :: The snarling of dogs
Hirrius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Hirrius {prop} :: Marcus Hirrius Fronto Neratius Pansa, a Roman senator
hirsutior {adj} :: More hairy, rather hairy
hirsutissimus {adj} :: most hairy; hairiest
hirsutus {adj} :: rough, shaggy, bristly, prickly
hirsutus {adj} :: hairy, hirsute
hirtellus {adj} [New Latin] :: having minuscule hairs
hirtipes {adj} [New Latin] :: hairy-footed
Hirtius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Hirtius {prop} :: Aulus Hirtius, a Roman consul
hirtus {adj} :: hairy, shaggy
hirtus {adj} :: rough, rude, unpolished
hirudo {noun} :: A leech
hirundo {noun} :: swallow (bird)
hirundo {noun} :: flying fish
hiscens {v} :: yawning
hiscens {v} :: uttering
hisco {vi} :: I yawn, gape, open
hisco {vi} :: I open the mouth, mutter, murmur
hisco {vt} :: I speak, utter
hisdem {determiner} :: alternative form of idem
Hispalis {prop} :: Hispalis (capital city)
Hispalis {prop} :: Hispalis (province)
Hispania {prop} :: Iberia; modern day Spain and Portugal
Hispania {prop} [New Latin] :: Spain (modern country)
Hispania Baetica {prop} :: A province, lying on the Baetis, in Southern Spain, distinguished for its excellent wool, now Andalusia and a part of Granada
Hispania Tarraconensis {prop} :: A province that till the 3rd century comprised the North and East of the Hispania; later
Hispania Tarraconensis {prop} :: A province, surrounding Tarracō (modern Tarragona), in Northeastern Spain
hispanicus {adj} :: Spanish
hispanus {noun} :: Spaniard
hispanus {adj} :: Spanish, of Spain
Hispellum {prop} :: Hispellum (city)
hispidulus {adj} :: somewhat hairy or bristly
hispidulus {adj} :: hispidulous
hispidus {adj} :: rough, shaggy, hairy, bristly, prickly
Hispo {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Hispo {prop} :: Cornelius Hispo, a Roman rhetorician
Histi {prop} :: A tribe of Scythia mentioned by Pliny
Histiaeus {prop} :: A tyrant of Miletus and ally of Darius
histolyticus {adj} [New Latin] :: histolytic
histon {noun} :: A weaving room, the place where the loom stands
Histonium {prop} :: A town of the Frentani situated on the Adriatic coast, now the town of Vasto
historia {noun} :: history
historia {noun} :: account
historia {noun} :: story
historia {noun} [Medieval Latin, England] :: storey
historicitas {noun} :: historicity
historicus {adj} :: historical
histriatus {adj} :: chamfered, fluted, grooved
histrio {noun} :: An actor, player
histrionalis {adj} :: histrionic (pertaining to actors or acting)
histrionicus {adj} :: histrionic (pertaining to actors or acting)
histrix {noun} :: alternative form of hystrix
hittio {vi} [of dogs] :: I murmur (especially during hunting)
hittus {noun} :: the sound of the dog when it hunts
hiulce {adv} :: stammeringly, with mouth gaping and long pauses
hiulcissime {adv} :: superlative of hiulcē
hiulcius {adv} :: comparative of hiulcē
hiulcus {adj} :: gaping, split, cleft, opened, open; cracked
hiulcus {adj} [poetic] :: destroying, cleaving
hiulcus {adj} [figuratively] :: not well connected, forming a hiatus, disconnected
hiulcus {adj} [figuratively] :: eager, longing, desirous
hmoi {adv} :: abbreviation of hūiusmodī
Hoannes {prop} :: An apkallu also known as Adapa
hoc {adv} [with dative] :: hither, to this place
hoc {adv} [with accusative] :: for this reason, because of this
hodie {adv} :: today
hodiernus {adj} :: today's (of today)
hodiernus {adj} :: present, present-day
hodiernus {adj} :: actual
hoedus {noun} :: alternative form of haedus
hoereticus {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: alternative form of haereticus
hoitzitzillin {noun} [New Latin] :: Hummingbird
holarcticus {adj} [New Latin] :: holarctic
Holconius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Holconius {prop} :: Marcus Holconius Rufus, an eques of Pompeii
holcus {noun} :: a sort of grain
holeraceus {adj} :: vegetable (resembling herbs etc)
Holmi {prop} :: Holmi (coastal town)
Holmia {prop} :: Stockholm, capital of Sweden
holmium {noun} :: holmium
holocaustoma {noun} :: alternative form of holocautōma
holocaustos {adj} :: alternative form of holocaustus
holocaustosis {noun} :: alternative form of holocaustum
holocaustum {noun} :: a burnt offering wholly consumed by fire
holocaustum {noun} :: holocaust
holocaustus {adj} :: burnt
holocautoma {noun} :: whole burnt offering (wholly consumed by fire)
holocautoma {noun} :: holocaust
Holomucium {prop} :: obsolete form of Olomucium (City in Moravia, now in the Czech Republic.)
holophyllus {adj} :: Having whole / entire leaves
holosericus {adj} :: entirely silken, made of pure silk
holus {noun} :: vegetable; greens
homeltium {noun} :: a kind of cap
homeriacus {adj} :: Homeric, of or pertaining to the Greek poet Homer
homericus {adj} :: Homeric, of or pertaining to the Greek poet Homer
homerius {adj} :: Homeric, of or pertaining to the Greek poet Homer
Homerus {prop} :: Homer, the Greek poet
homicida {f} :: a murderer, a slayer of men
homicidalis {adj} [Late Latin] :: homicidal, murderous
homicidialis {adj} :: alternative form of homicīdālis
homicidium {noun} :: homicide, manslaughter, murder
homilia {noun} :: homily
hominivorax {adj} [New Latin] :: maneating
homo {noun} :: a human being, a man (in the sense of human being), a person
homo {noun} :: sir, fellow
homo {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a husband
homo {pron} [indefinite] :: he, him, one, you, people
homo {pron} :: myself
Homodoti {prop} :: A tribe of Scythia mentioned by Pliny
homo ego sum, homo tu es {proverb} :: I'm a man, you're a man
homoeoteleuton {noun} :: rhyme (same ending of words)
homogeneus {adj} :: homogeneous
homogenia {noun} :: homogeneity
homo homini lupus {phrase} :: man is like a wolf to man
Homole {prop} :: A mountain of Thessaly near Tempe
Homolium {prop} :: A town of Thessaly situated at the foot of Mount Homole
homo nullius coloris {proverb} :: neither fish nor fowl
homophylophilia {noun} :: homosexuality
homosexualis {adj} [New Latin] :: homosexual
homosexualitas {noun} [New Latin] :: homosexuality
homost {phrase} [poetic] :: it is a man, the man is
homullus {noun} :: little man; manikin
homullus {noun} :: homunculus
homuncio {noun} :: little man; manikin, titman
homuncio {noun} :: homunculus
homunculus {noun} :: diminutive of homō
homunculus {noun} :: a little or weak man, homunculus
homunculus {noun} [rare] :: a dwarf
hondurensis {adj} :: Honduran
Honduria {prop} :: Honduras
honestandus {v} :: which is to be dignified
honestans {v} :: honoring, dignifying
honestas {noun} :: honour, integrity, honesty
honestas {noun} :: wealth
honestaturus {v} :: about to dignify
honestatus {v} :: honored, dignified, having been honored
honestior {adj} :: nobler, more honourable etc
honestissimus {adj} :: most or very honourable or noble etc
honestissimus {adj} :: most or very creditable etc
honesto {v} :: I honor, dignify, clothe with honor
honestum {noun} :: honesty
honestus {adj} :: Full of or regarded with honor or honour; honorable or honourable, of high birth, noble, distinguished, respectable, eminent
honestus {adj} :: Bringing or deserving honor or honour; worthy, creditable, respectable; decent, virtuous
honestus {adj} [of one's appearance] :: Fine, handsome, beautiful, becoming, noble
hongkongensis {adj} :: Of or from Hong Kong
honor {noun} :: honor, esteem, dignity, reputation, office
honorabilior {adj} :: more honourable
honorabilis {adj} :: honourable
honorandus {v} :: which is to be honoured
honorans {v} :: honoring, respecting
honorans {v} :: clothing with honor, decorating
honorarius {adj} :: honorary
honorarius {adj} :: complimentary
honoratior {adj} :: more honoured, respected etc
honoraturus {v} :: about to honour
honoratus {v} :: honored, respectable, having been honored
honoratus {v} :: clothed with honor, decorated, having been decorated
honorificabilitudinitas {noun} [Medieval Latin, rare] :: The state of being able to achieve honors
honorificandus {v} :: which is to be honoured
honorificans {v} :: honouring
honorificaturus {v} :: about to honour
honorificatus {v} :: honoured
honorifice {adv} :: honourably
honorifice {adv} :: respectfully
honorificentia {noun} :: honouring
honorificentissime {adv} :: superlative of honōrificē
honorificentissimus {adj} :: most or very honorific
honorificentius {adv} :: comparative of honōrificē
honorifico {v} :: I honour
honorificus {adj} :: honorific (that shows or confers honor)
honoriger {adj} [Late Latin] :: bringing honor, honorable
honoro {v} :: I honor, respect
honoro {v} :: I clothe with honor, decorate
honos {noun} [archaic] :: alternative form of honor
hoplomachos {noun} :: alternative form of hoplomachus
hoplomachus {noun} :: a heavily armed gladiator
hora {noun} :: hour
hora {noun} :: time
hora {noun} :: o'clock
hora {noun} :: season; time of year
horae pars sexagesima {noun} :: minute [unit of time]
horarium {noun} [Late Latin] :: dial, clock
Horatius {prop} :: The name of a Roman gēns
Horatius {prop} :: The Roman poet Horace
hordeaceus {adj} [relational] :: barley
hordeius {adj} :: of or pertaining to barley
hordeius {adj} [relational] :: barley
hordeolus {noun} :: a stye in the eye
Hordeonius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Hordeonius {prop} :: Marcus Hordeonius Flaccus, a Roman senator
hordeum {noun} :: barley
hordiacius {adj} :: alternative form of hordeāceus
hordiarius {adj} [relational] :: barley
horia {noun} :: A fishing smack
horior {v} [archaic] :: I encourage, urge
Horisius {prop} :: Horisius (river)
horizon {noun} :: horizon
horizontalis {adj} [Medieval Latin, New Latin] :: horizontal
hormenos {noun} :: wild asparagus
horminum {noun} :: The clary sage
hormiscion {noun} :: unknown kind of gem
Hormisda {prop} :: The name of several Parthian kings
hornotinus {adj} :: of this year
hornus {adj} :: this year's, grown this year
horologium {noun} :: A sundial
horologium {noun} :: A water clock
horologium {noun} :: (later Latin): A clock
horrendus {adj} :: horrible, horrendous
horrens {v} :: trembling
horreo {v} :: I stand erect, stand on end
horreo {v} :: I tremble, shiver
horreo {v} :: I dread, am afraid of
horreo {v} :: I am frightful
horresco {v} :: I begin to bristle up; my hair rises on end
horresco {v} :: I become terrified
horresco {v} :: I begin to shake
horresco {vt} :: I start to dread
horreum {noun} :: storehouse
horreum {noun} :: barn, granary
Horreum {prop} :: a town of the Molossi in Epirus
horribilior {adj} :: more horrible, dreadful, or fearful
horribilis {adj} :: horrible, dreadful, fearful
horribilissime {adv} :: superlative of horribiliter
horribiliter {adv} [in a positive sense] :: fearfully, amazingly
horribilius {adv} :: comparative of horribiliter
horridior {adj} :: rougher
horridior {adj} :: ruder
horridior {adj} :: more horrid
horridus {adj} :: rough, bristly, shaggy
horridus {adj} :: rude, rough, uncouth
horridus {adj} :: dreadful, horrid, frightful
horrifer {adj} :: awful, frightening, dreadful
horrificus {adj} :: awful, horrible, dreadful
horrificus {adj} :: frightening, frightful, horrific
horripilatio {noun} [Late Latin] :: bristling (of the hair)
horripilo {vi} [Late Latin] :: I bristle with hairs, I am shaggy
horrisonus {adj} :: That makes a horrid sound
horror {noun} :: bristling (standing on end)
horror {noun} :: shaking, shivering, chill
horror {noun} :: dread, terror, horror
horsum {adv} :: hither, this way
Horta {prop} :: Horta (town), situated on the right bank of the Tiber; now Orte
Hortalus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Hortalus {prop} :: Quintus Hortensius Hortalus, a Roman orator
hortandus {v} :: which is to be encouraged or exhorted
hortans {v} :: encouraging, exhorting
hortatio {noun} :: encouragement, exhortation
hortator {noun} :: inciter, encourager, exhorter
hortatorius {adj} [Late Latin] :: encouraging, cheering
hortaturus {v} :: about to exhort
hortatus {v} :: encouraged, exhorted
hortatus {noun} :: encouragement, exhortation
hortensis {adj} [relational] :: garden
Hortensius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Hortensius {prop} :: Quintus Hortensius Hortalus, a Roman orator
Hortensius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Hortensia
hortor {v} :: I encourage, exhort, urge
hortulanus {noun} :: of or belonging to a garden, garden-
hortulanus {noun} [substantive] :: gardener
hortulus {noun} :: a small garden
hortus {noun} :: garden
hosae {noun} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin, pluralonly] :: pants, trousers
hosae {noun} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin, pluralonly, military] :: armour that protects the leg, gaiters, greaves
hosce {m} :: A more emphatic form of hos
Hoseas {prop} :: Hosea (prophet)
Hoseas {prop} :: Book of Hosea
Hosidius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Hosidius {prop} :: Gnaeus Hosidius Geta, a Roman senator
hospes {f} :: host
hospes {f} :: guest, visitor
hospes {f} :: stranger; foreigner
hospicium {noun} :: alternative form of hospitium ("entertainment", "hospitality")
hospitaculum {noun} :: A lodging-house, inn, lodging
hospitale {noun} [Late Latin] :: hospital
hospitale {noun} [Late Latin] :: guesthouse, guestroom
hospitalia {noun} :: Apartments for guests, guest-chambers, guest accommodation
hospitalia {noun} :: The dues of hospitality
hospitalia {noun} [of a stage] :: The two entrances on the right and left for strangers
hospitalis {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a host or guest
hospitalis {adj} :: Of or pertaining to hospitality; providing hospitality or generous towards guests, hospitable
hospitalissimus {adj} :: most or very hospitable
hospitalitas {noun} :: The entertainment and hospitable reception of guests; hospitality
hospitalitas {noun} :: The state of being a guest or foreigner, sojourning
hospitaliter {adv} :: hospitably
hospitandus {v} :: which is to be entertained
hospitans {v} :: entertaining
hospitator {noun} :: a lodger, guest
hospitaturus {v} :: about to entertain
hospitatus {v} :: entertained
hospiticida {noun} :: hospiticide [one who kills his guest or host]
hospitiolum {noun} [Late Latin] :: A small inn or lodging-house
hospitium {noun} :: A hospitable reception, entertainment, hospitality
hospitium {noun} :: The tie of hospitality, relation of host and guest
hospitium {noun} :: friendship, bond
hospitium {noun} :: A place of entertainment for strangers; lodgings, inn, guest-chamber, poorhouse
hospitivus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a host
hospito {v} :: I act as host, entertain, play
hospito {v} :: I offer hospitality
hospitor {vi} :: I am a guest or lodger; I put up or sojourn as a guest or lodger
hostia {noun} :: sacrifice, offering
hostia {noun} :: victim
hosticus {adj} :: of or belonging to an enemy, hostile
hosticus {adj} :: of a foreigner, strange, foreign
hostificus {adj} :: hostile
Hostilia {prop} :: Hostilia (town) situated on the northern bank of the Padus, now Ostiglia
hostilis {adj} :: hostile
hostilissime {adv} :: superlative of hostīliter
hostilitas {noun} :: hostility, enmity
hostiliter {adv} :: inimically, like an enemy
hostilius {adv} :: comparative of hostīliter
Hostilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Hostilius {prop} :: Hostus Hostilius, a Roman nobleman
Hostilius {prop} :: Tullus Hostilius, king of Rome
Hostilius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Hostīlius
hostis {noun} :: an enemy of the state, a stranger
hostis {noun} [plural only] :: the enemy
hostorium {noun} :: a strickle (tool used to level grein)
hostus {noun} :: The yield of an olive tree
Hostus {prop} :: famously held by:
HS {symbol} :: The symbol used to precede a number to indicate that the number is a value in sesterces
Hsch. {prop} :: abbreviation of Hēsychius
HSE {phrase} :: abbreviation of hic sepultus est (here is buried)
huangshanensis {adj} [relational] :: Huangshan (in China)
huc {adv} :: (generally) to this, to this (alone), to (only) this subject/matter; for this (alone), for this (one) thing
huc {adv} :: (locatively) to/at (precisely) this place, hither, here
huc {adv} :: (temporally) to (merely) this point in time, thus far, so far
huc {adv} :: (indicatively of purpose) to (solely) this end, for (just) this purpose, for (none other than) this reason, that, so that, in order that
huc {adv} :: (together with illuc as huc et illuc, indicatively of either disordered or reciprocating action) in a disorderly manner: to this and to that, hither and thither, from pillar to post, from post to pillar, helter-skelter, willy-nilly, chaotically, haphazardly; in a reciprocating manner: to here and to there, hither and thither, back and forth, to and fro, by turns, alternately, alternatingly
huc {adv} :: besides, additionally
hucusque {adv} :: up to this point, until now
hucusque {adv} :: until then
hui {interj} :: ho!, my word! (expressing surprise)
hui {interj} :: ooh!, aah! (expressing admiration)
huiuscemodi {adj} :: of such a kind or sort
huiuscemodi {noun} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin] :: this sort of thing, the like
huiuscemodi {adv} :: in this manner, thus
huiuscemodi {adv} :: in the same way
huiusmodi {adv} :: Of this kind, such
huiusmodi {adv} :: likewise, the like
hujus {pron} :: alternative form of huius
hujuscemodi {adj} :: alternative spelling of huiuscemodī
hujuscemodi {noun} :: alternative spelling of huiuscemodī
hujuscemodi {adv} :: alternative spelling of huiuscemodī
hujusmodi {adv} :: alternative form of huiusmodi
humandus {v} :: which is to be buried
humane {adv} :: humanly, in a human manner
humane {adv} :: humanely, kindly, politely; in a humane manner
humanior {adj} :: more humane
humanior {adj} :: more cultured or refined
humanissime {adv} :: superlative of hūmānē
humanissimus {adj} :: most or very humane
humanissimus {adj} :: most or very cultured or refined
humanitas {noun} :: humanity, human nature
humanitas {noun} :: kindness, courtesy
humanitas {noun} :: culture, civilization
humaniter {adv} :: humanly, in a human manner
humaniter {adv} :: humanely, kindly, politely; in a humane manner
humanitus {adv} :: humanly, in a human manner
humanitus {adv} :: humanely, kindly, politely; in a humane manner
humanius {adv} :: comparative of hūmānē
humans {v} :: burying
humanum est errare {proverb} :: to err is human
humanus {adj} :: human (of man, people)
humanus {adj} :: humane
humanus {adj} :: cultured, refined
humanus {noun} [usually plural] :: a human, mortal
humaturus {v} :: about to bury
humatus {v} :: buried, having been buried
Humbertus {prop} :: given name
humecto {v} :: alternative form of ūmectō
humectus {adj} :: alternative form of ūmectus
humens {v} :: alternative form of ūmēns
humeo {v} :: alternative form of ūmeō
humerale {noun} :: alternative form of umerāle
humeralis {adj} :: having a cape
humerus {noun} :: alternative form of umerus
humi {adv} :: on the ground
humi {adv} :: to the ground
humicolus {adj} :: humicolous
humidior {adj} :: more humid
humiditas {noun} :: humidity
humidus {adj} :: humid
humiliandus {v} :: which is to be humbled
humilians {v} :: humbling, abasing, humiliating
humiliatio {noun} [Late Latin] :: humiliation, humbling
humiliaturus {v} :: about to humble
humiliatus {v} :: humbled; abased; humiliated
humilio {v} :: I humble, I abase
humilio {v} :: I humiliate
humilior {adj} :: lower, lowlier, shallower
humilior {adj} :: humbler etc
humilis {adj} :: low, lowly, small, slight; shallow
humilis {adj} :: [in respect to birth, fortune or worth] base, mean, humble, obscure, poor, needy, insignificant, low
humilis {adj} :: [of physical stature] short, not tall
humilis {adj} :: [of mind or character] submissive, abject
humilis {adj} :: [of language] mean, without elevation
humilissime {adv} :: superlative of humiliter
humilitas {noun} :: insignificance, lowliness, unimportance
humilitas {noun} :: degradation, debasement, humiliation
humilitas {noun} :: submissiveness
humiliter {adv} :: basely, meanly
humiliter {adv} :: humbly, with humility
humilius {adv} :: comparative of humiliter
humillimus {adj} :: lowest, lowliest, humblest; most or very low, lowly or humble
humillimus {adj} :: shallowest, most or very shallow
humo {v} :: I bury
humo {v} [figuratively] :: I perform funeral rites
humor {noun} :: liquid, fluid, humour
humus {noun} :: ground, floor
humus {noun} :: earth, soil
hunanensis {adj} [relational] :: Hunan
Hungaria {prop} :: Hungary
hungaricus {adj} :: Hungarian
Hunni {prop} :: The Huns
hurricus {adj} :: Hurrian
huso {noun} :: sturgeon
hutesium {noun} :: a pursuit, a hue and cry
hyacinthinus {adj} [relational] :: iris
hyacinthinus {adj} [relational] :: sapphire
hyacinthinus {adj} :: hyacinthine
hyacinthus {noun} :: iris (plant)
hyacinthus {noun} :: sapphire
hyaena {noun} :: a hyena
hyalinipennis {adj} [New Latin] :: glassy-winged, glassy-feathered
hyalinus {adj} :: glassy
hyalinus {adj} :: hyaline
hyalinus {adj} :: glassy-green
hyalus {noun} :: glass (especially greenish glass)
Hyampolis {prop} :: A town of Phocis situated on the road from Orchomenus to Opus
Hybadae {prop} :: a deme of Attica
Hybla {prop} :: The name of three cities of Sicily of which the biggest was situated near the river Symaethus and the city of Catana
hybrida {noun} :: a hybrid, mongrel
hybrida {noun} :: person born of a Roman father and foreign mother, or of a freeman and a slave
hybridus {adj} :: alternative form of hibridus
Hyccara {prop} :: Hyccara (town) situated between Panormus and Segesta, now Carini
Hyctanis {prop} :: Hyctanis (river)
Hyda {prop} :: Hyda (town)
Hydarnes {prop} :: A Persian nobleman and general
Hydaspes {prop} :: Hydaspes (important river) where Alexander the Great fought the battle against Porus, now the Jhelum river
Hydissa {prop} :: Hydissa (small town) situated near Mylasa
hydra {noun} :: A water-snake
Hydra {prop} [Greek mythology] :: The Hydra (mythical serpent)
Hydraotes {prop} :: A tributary river of the Acesines, now the Ravi River
hydrargyrum {noun} [New Latin] :: mercury
hydrargyrus {noun} :: quicksilver (artificially prepared), mercury
hydraulus {noun} [musical instruments] :: water organ
Hydrela {prop} :: Hydrela (town) situated near Cibyra
hydria {noun} :: jug, ewer, urn
hydrochaeris {adj} [relational, New Latin] :: water pig
hydrodendro {noun} [rare, physics] :: cathode
hydrogeniferus {adj} [rare, chemistry] :: hydrogeniferous
hydrogenium {noun} [New Latin, chemistry] :: hydrogen
hydrogenum {noun} [New Latin, chemistry] :: alternative form of hydrogenium
hydromantia {noun} :: hydromancy
hydromantis {noun} [Late Latin] :: hydromancer
hydromel {noun} :: mead (or honey and water)
hydromeli {noun} :: mead (or honey and water)
hydrophobia {noun} :: hydrophobia
hydrophobicus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to hydrophobia
hydrophobus {adj} :: hydrophobic, having hydrophobia
hydrophobus {noun} :: a hydrophobe, hydrophobic person
hydropicus {adj} :: dropsical
hydropismus {noun} :: dropsy
hydruntinus {adj} :: Of or from Otranto
Hydruntum {prop} :: Otranto, a city in Apulia
hydrus {noun} :: A water-snake
hydrus {noun} :: A serpent in the hair of Medusa
hyemalis {adj} :: alternative form of hiemālis
hyems {noun} :: alternative form of hiems
Hyettus {prop} :: a small town of Boeotia famous for its temple of Asclepius
Hyetussa {prop} :: Hyetussa (island)
Hyginus {prop} :: A Roman surname
hygra {noun} [medicine] :: A sort of eyesalve
hygrometricus {adj} :: hygrometric
hygroscopicus {adj} [New Latin] :: hygroscopic (readily absorbing moisture from the air)
hygrostathmicus {adj} :: hygrostatic, relating to the balance of liquids
Hylaethus {prop} :: A river of Locris, now the river Mornos
Hylas {prop} [Greek mythology] :: A young companion of Heracles, abducted by the nymphs
Hylas {prop} :: A river of Bithynia
Hylas {prop} :: Hylas (river)
hyle {noun} :: matter, the fundamental matter of all things, as opposing the form of all things (Aristotle’s doctrine of matter and form or hylomorphism); in Mediaeval Latin respectively materia prima and forma substantialis
hyle {noun} :: the matter of the body, as opposing the soul or mind (Aristotle’s doctrine of the soul)
hyle {noun} :: the first matter of the cosmos, an inaccurate interpretation of Aristotle's ἡ πρώτη ὕλη or materia prima
Hyle {prop} :: A town of Boeotia whose location is uncertain
Hyle {prop} :: A town of Locris
Hylias {prop} :: A river of Bruttium flowing into the sea between Thurii and Croton, now probably the Nicà
Hyllis {prop} [geography] :: Hyllis (peninsula)
Hyllus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: The son of Heracles and Deianira
Hyllus {prop} :: A river of Ionia flowing into the Hermus
Hyllus {prop} [Illyrian King] :: The king of Illyria
hymenaeus {noun} :: a nuptial song
hymenaeus {noun} :: marriage, wedding, nuptials
Hymettus {prop} :: A mountain of Attica, famous for its marble and honey
hymnicus {adj} :: hymnic
hymnio {v} [Late Latin] :: I sing hymns
hymnus {noun} :: hymn; a song of praise
Hymos {prop} :: an island situated near Rhodes, mentioned by Pliny
hyoideus {adj} :: shaped like the letter υ (upsilon)
hyomandibularis {adj} :: hyomandibular
hyoscyamus {noun} :: henbane
hyoseris {noun} :: a plant resembling endive
Hypacaris {prop} :: Hypacaris (river) which flows into the Black Sea
Hypaea {prop} :: One of the Stoechades
Hypaepa {noun} :: a town of Lydia situated on the southern slope of Mount Tmolus
hypaethrus {adj} :: uncovered
Hypana {prop} :: A town of Triphylia whose location is unknown
Hypanis {prop} :: Hypanis (river), now the Southern Bug
Hypasis {prop} :: A tributary river of the Indus, now the Beas river
Hypata {prop} :: A town of Thessaly situated in the valley of the Spercheus
Hyperanthes {prop} :: A Persian general, son of Darius and brother of Xerxes and Abrocomes
hyperbolaeus {adj} :: extreme
hyperbole {noun} :: exaggeration; hyperbole
Hyperbolus {prop} :: An Athenian politician
hyperboreus {adj} :: hyperborean
hypergeometricus {adj} [mathematics] :: hypergeometric
hypericon {noun} :: ground pine
Hyperides {prop} :: A celebrated Attic orator born in Collytus
Hyperis {prop} :: Hyperis (river) that flows into the Persian Gulf
Hypius {prop} :: A river of Bithynia situated not far westward from the Sangarius
Hypius {prop} :: Hypius (mountain)
hypnoticus {adj} [Late Latin] :: of or pertaining to sleep
hypocauston {noun} :: A hypocaust
hypocaustum {noun} :: a hypocaust, a heating-vault
hypocaustum {noun} :: a steam room or bathing room heated from below
hypocaustus {adj} :: for sweating, especially rooms and baths
hypocrisis {noun} :: mimicry
hypocrisis {noun} :: hypocrisy
hypocrita {noun} :: mimic (mime artist)
hypocrita {noun} :: hypocrite
hypogaeum {noun} :: crypt, vault
hypogaeus {adj} :: subterranean, underground
hypogaeus {adj} [figuratively] :: underworldly, chthonian
hypoleucus {adj} [New Latin] :: white underneath
hypotaurium {noun} :: The part of the perineum between the genitals and the anus
hypotheca {noun} [legal] :: A pledge given as surety for a loan
hypothesis {noun} :: hypothesis
Hypsaeus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Hypsaeus {prop} :: Publius Plautius Hypsaeus, a Roman politician
Hypsaltae {prop} :: A Thracian tribe mentioned by Pliny
Hypsas {prop} :: A river of Sicily flowing into the sea near Selinus, now the river Belice
Hypsipyle {prop} [mythology] :: Hypsipyle (Lemnian queen)
Hypsipyle {prop} :: synonym of Lēmnos (Lemnos: an island in the northeastern Aegaean Sea)
Hyrcani {prop} :: The chief tribe of Hyrcania
Hyria {prop} :: Hyria (city), situated between Tarentum and Brundisium, now Oria
Hyria {prop} :: Hyria (coastal city) situated on the Adriatic
Hyrie {prop} :: a lake, and town situated by it, in Bœotia
Hyrmine {prop} :: Hyrmine (town) situated on the coast and founded by the Epeii
Hyrminum {prop} :: a certain river of south-eastern Sicily, now the river Irminio
hysginum {noun} :: A dark red tincture
Hysiae {prop} :: a town of Boeotia situated on the road from Thebae to Athens
Hysiae {prop} :: a town of Argolis situated on the road from Argos to Tegea
hysopum {noun} :: hyssop
Hyssus {prop} :: A small river of Pontus, now the Kara Dere
Hyssus {prop} :: A town at the mouth of this river, now Sürmene
Hystaspes {prop} :: The satrap of Persia and father of Darius
hystericus {adj} :: hysterical
hystrix {noun} :: porcupine
hystrix {adj} [New Latin] :: spiny (as a taxonomic epithet)