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User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-r

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
r {letter} :: letter
R {letter} :: The 19th letter of the Spanish alphabet
RAAN {prop} :: North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region
RAAS {prop} :: South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region
rabadán {m} :: chief shepherd; head shepherd
rabadilla {f} :: coccyx
Rábago {prop} :: surname of Cantabrian origin
rabanito {m} :: radish
rábano {m} :: radish
rábano picante {m} :: horseradish
Rabat {prop} {m} :: Rabat (capital city)
rabatí {adj} :: Rabati (of or pertaining to Rabat, Morocco)
rabatí {mf} :: Rabati (native or resident of Rabat, Morocco)
rabdomiolisis {f} :: rhabdomyolysis
rabdomiólisis {f} :: rhabdomyolysis
rabdomiosarcoma {m} [pathology] :: rhabdomyosarcoma
rabear {vi} [of a tail] :: to wag
rabel {m} :: rebec
rabia {f} [emotion] :: rage, anger
rabia {f} [pathology] :: rabies
rabiar {v} :: to rage, to be angry
rabiar {v} :: to have rabies
rabiblanco {m} [Panama] :: A rich person, normally of European descent
rábida {f} :: ribat (an Islamic monastery)
rabieta {f} :: tantrum
rabihorcado {f} :: frigatebird
rabilargo {adj} :: long tailed
rabilargo {m} [ornithology] :: blue magpie
rabillo {m} :: small tail
rabillo {m} [music] :: tail (on a note)
rabillo {m} :: corner (of the eye)
rabina {f} :: (female) rabbi
rabinato {m} :: rabbinate
rabínico {adj} [Judaism] :: rabbinic; rabbinical (relating to rabbis)
rabino {m} [Judaism] :: rabbi (Jewish spiritual teacher)
rabiosamente {adv} :: tetchily
rabioso {adj} :: rabid (affected with rabies)
rabioso {adj} :: enraged, furious
rabioso {adj} :: rabid, fervent, mad
rabipelado {m} :: opossum
rabiza {f} [fishing] :: connector
rabiza {f} :: harlot; wench (prostitute)
rabo {m} :: tail
rabo {m} [slang] :: penis
rabo {m} [slang, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela] :: buttocks
rabón {adj} :: short-tailed, bobtailed
rabón {adj} :: lacking a tail
rabona {f} [soccer] :: rabona
rabo pelado {m} [Louisiana] :: opossum
rabotazo {m} :: wag of the tail
rabudo {adj} :: having a long tail
rábula {m} [law] :: pettifogger (unscrupulous or unethical lawyer)
racanear {v} [colloquial] :: to skimp
rácano {adj} :: tight, stingy, tight-fisted
rácano {adj} :: (sports) defensive and cautious to the point of laziness
racémico {adj} :: racemic
racemización {f} [organic chemistry] :: racemization
racemoso {adj} :: racemose
racha {f} :: gust of wind, squall
racha {f} :: streak (of luck, bad luck)
racheado {adj} :: gusty
Rachêl {prop} {f} [archaic] :: Rachel (Biblical character)
racial {adj} :: racial
racialización {f} :: racialization
racializar {v} :: to racialize
racialmente {adv} :: racially
racimado {adj} :: clustered
racimo {m} :: bunch, cluster (usually of grapes, berries or other small fruit)
racimoso {adj} :: racemose
Racing {prop} {m} [football] :: Racing de Santander, a football club from Santander, Spain
racinguista {mf} :: Someone connected to Racing de Santander, a soccer team from Santander, Spain
raciocinar {vi} :: to reason
raciocinio {m} :: reasoning
ración {f} :: portion
ración {f} :: ration
racional {adj} :: reasonable
racional {adj} :: rational
racionalidad {f} :: rationality
racionalismo {m} [philosophy] :: rationalism (theory that the basis of knowledge is reason)
racionalista {adj} :: rationalist
racionalista {mf} :: rationalist
racionalización {f} :: rationalization
racionalizador {adj} :: rationalizing
racionalizar {vt} :: to rationalize
racionalizar {v} :: to streamline
racionalmente {adv} :: rationally
racionamiento {m} :: rationing (controlled distribution of scarce resources)
racionar {v} :: to ration
racionarse {v} :: reflexive of racionar
racionero {m} :: prebendary
racismo {m} :: racism (discrimination based on race)
racista {adj} :: racist
racista {mf} :: racist
rack {m} :: rack
raclette {f} :: raclette
raco {m} [Honduras] :: toucan
raçon {m} :: obsolete spelling of razón
rada {f} :: bay, creek, cove
radal {m} :: Lomatia hirsuta, a species of tree
radar {m} :: radar
radárico {adj} :: radarlike
radárico {adj} [attributive] :: radar
radiación {f} :: radiation
radiación alfa {f} :: alpha radiation
radiación beta {f} :: beta radiation
radiación electromagnética {f} :: electromagnetic radiation
radiación gamma {f} :: gamma radiation
radiación térmica {f} :: thermal radiation
radiactivamente {adv} :: radioactively
radiactividad {f} :: radioactivity
radiactivo {adj} :: radioactive
radiador {m} :: radiator
radial {adj} :: radial
radial {adj} :: of or pertaining to radio
radial {m} [geometry] :: radian
radialista {mf} :: radio presenter
radialmente {adv} :: radially
radián {m} [Geometry] :: radian
radiancia {f} :: radiance
radiante {adj} :: radiant, radiating
radiante {adj} :: bright (light, day, weather)
radiante {adj} :: beaming, glowing, bright, shining (appearance)
radiar {v} :: to radiate
radiar {v} :: to transmit by radio waves
radiativo {adj} :: radiative
radicación {f} :: radication
radicado {adj} :: located
radicado {adj} :: based
radical {adj} :: radical
radical {m} :: radical
radicalario {adj} [organic chemistry] :: radical
radicalidad {f} :: radicalness
radicalísimo {adj} :: superlative of radical
radicalismo {m} [politics] :: radicalism
radicalización {f} :: radicalization
radicalizador {m} :: radicalizer
radicalizadora {f} :: feminine noun of radicalizador
radicalizar {vtr} :: to radicalize
radicalizarse {v} :: to self radicalize; to adopt radical positions for oneself
radical libre {m} [chemistry] :: free radical
radicalmente {adv} :: radically
radicar {vir} :: to root (to take root and begin to grow)
radicar {vi} :: to be based in, to be rooted in
radicar {vi} :: to be rooted in (to have a basic or fundamental connection)
radícula {f} :: yellowcress
radicular {adj} :: radicular
radio- {prefix} :: radio-
radio {mf} [electronics, home appliance] :: radio (device)
radio {f} [communications] :: radio (industry, signal)
radio {m} [anatomy] :: radius
radio {m} [geometry] :: radius
radio {m} [chemical element] :: radium
radioactividad {f} :: radioactivity
radioactivo {adj} :: radioactive
radioafición {f} :: amateur radio
radioaficionada {f} :: feminine noun of radioaficionado
radioaficionado {m} :: amateur radio enthusiast
radioantena {f} :: radio antenna
radioastrónoma {f} :: feminine noun of radioastrónomo
radioastronomía {f} :: radioastronomy
radioastronómico {adj} :: radio-astronomic
radioastrónomo {m} :: radio astronomer
radioayuda {f} :: radionavigation
radiobaliza {f} :: radiobeacon
radiobase {f} :: radio tower; radio mast
radiocarbónico {adj} :: radiocarbon (attributive)
radiocarbono {m} :: radiocarbon
radiocasete {m} :: radio cassette
radiocirugía {f} :: radiosurgery
radiocomunicación {f} :: radiocommunication
radiocontrol {m} :: radio control
radiocontrolado {adj} :: radio-controlled
radiodifundir {v} :: to broadcast (by radio)
radiodifusión {f} :: radio broadcast
radiodifusor {m} :: radio presenter
radiodifusora {f} :: radio presenter
radioeléctrico {adj} :: radioelectric
radioemisora {f} :: radio station
radioescucha {mf} :: listener to the radio
radiofármaco {adj} :: radiopharmaceutical
radiofármaco {m} :: radiopharmaceutical
radiofonía {f} :: radiophony
radiofónico {adj} :: radiophonic
radiofórmula {f} :: radio format
radiofoto {m} :: radiophoto
radiofrecuencia {f} :: radio frequency
radiogénico {adj} :: radiogenic
radiograbador {m} :: boombox
radiografía {f} :: radiograph, x-ray
radiografiar {v} :: to X-ray
radiográfico {adj} :: radiographic
radiograma {m} :: radiogram
radioisotópico {adj} :: radioisotopic
radioisótopo {m} :: radioisotope
radiolario {m} [biology] :: radiolarian
radiolarita {f} :: radiolarite
radiolisis {f} :: radiolysis
radióloga {f} :: feminine noun of radiólogo
radiología {f} :: radiology
radiológicamente {adv} :: radiologically
radiológico {adj} :: radiological
radiólogo {m} :: radiologist
radiomaratón {m} :: radiothon
radiométrico {adj} :: radiometric
radiómetro {m} :: radiometer
radionavegación {f} :: radionavigation
radiónica {f} :: radionics
radionucleido {m} :: radionuclide
radionúclido {m} :: radionuclide
radioonda {f} :: radio wave
radiopatrulla {m} :: police car
radioperiódico {m} :: news radio station
radioquímico {adj} :: radiochemical
radiorreceptor {m} :: radio (device)
radiosensibilidad {f} :: radiosensitivity
radiosensible {adj} :: radiosensitive
radioso {adj} :: radiant
radiotaxi {m} :: radio taxi
radioteatral {adj} [attributive] :: radio drama
radioteatro {m} :: radio drama
radiotelefonía {f} :: radiotelephony
radiotelegrafía {f} :: radiotelegraphy
radiotelegráfico {adj} :: radiotelegraphic
radiotelegrafista {mf} :: radio operator
radiotelescopio {m} :: radio telescope
radiotelevisado {adj} :: radio and television; broadcast
radiotelevisión {f} :: television
radiotelevisión {f} :: radio and television company
radiotelevisivo {adj} :: radio and television (attributive), broadcast (attributive), broadcasting
radioterapeuta {mf} :: radiotherapist
radioterapéutico {adj} [medicine] :: radiotherapeutic
radioterapia {f} [medicine] :: radiotherapy
radiotransmisión {f} :: radio transmission
radiotransmisor {m} :: transmitter (for radio)
radioyente {mf} :: radio listener
radioyodo {m} :: radioiodine
radomo {m} :: radome
radón {m} :: radon
rádula {f} :: radula
Radulescu {prop} {mf} :: surname
RAE {prop} {f} :: Royal Spanish Academy, based in Madrid, Spain, and the principal institute responsible for regulating the Spanish language
raedera {f} :: spokeshave
raeliana {f} :: feminine noun of raeliano
raeliano {adj} :: Raëlian
raeliano {m} :: Raëlian
raer {v} :: to scrape
Rafa {prop} {m} :: given name
Rafael {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Raphael
Rafael {prop} {m} :: given name
Rafaela {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Rafael
Rafaela {prop} {f} :: Rafaela (city)
rafaelina {f} :: feminine noun of rafaelino
rafaelino {adj} :: of or from Rafaela, Argentina
rafaelino {m} :: Someone from Rafaela, Argentina
ráfaga {f} :: sudden gust (of wind)
ráfaga {f} :: burst or volley of gunfire
ráfaga {f} :: cloud
ráfaga {f} :: sudden flash (of light)
rafagazo {m} :: gust of wind
rafagazo {m} :: repeated gunfire
rafagoso {adj} [El Salvador] :: gusty
rafaguear {vt} [Mexico] :: to mow down; to riddle with bullets [from a machine gun]
Rafi {prop} {f} :: given name
rafia {f} :: raffia
rafidióptero {m} :: raphidiopteran
rafting {m} :: rafting
ragú {m} :: ragout
ragusiana {f} :: feminine noun of ragusiano
ragusiano {adj} :: Dubrovnikan (of or pertaining to Dubrovnik, Croatia)
ragusiano {adj} :: Ragusan (of or pertaining to the city or province of Ragusa in Sicily, Italy)
ragusiano {m} :: Dubrovnikan (native or resident of Dubrovnik, Croatia)
ragusiano {m} :: Ragusan (native or resident of the city or province of Ragusa in Sicily, Italy)
rai {m} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: ride
raicilla {f} :: rootlet
raid {m} :: raid (military)
raid {m} :: attempt
raid {m} :: long-distance race
raidolito {m} :: mosquito coil
raigal {adj} :: deep-rooted
raigambre {f} [botany] :: roots, root system
raigambre {f} [figuratively] :: roots (beginnings)
raigón {m} :: root of a tooth
raigón del Canadá {m} :: Kentucky coffeetree
raigrás {m} :: ryegrass
rail {m} [rare] :: alternative form of raíl
raíl {m} :: rail
Raimunda {prop} {f} :: given name
Raimundo {prop} {m} :: given name
raión {m} :: raion
raiting {m} [television] :: rating
raíz {f} :: root
raizal {adj} :: Raizal
raíz cuadrada {f} [arithmetic] :: square root
raja {f} :: A slit, crack, gash
raja {f} :: A slice (of melon, watermelon, lemon, sausage)
raja {f} :: splinter (of wood)
raja {f} [vulgar, slang] :: A cunt
raja {f} [vulgar] :: ass (buttocks), anus
rajá {m} :: rajah
rajadura {f} :: crack
rajar {v} :: to split, to rip, to tear, to slit
rajar {v} :: to stab
rajar {v} [colloquial] :: to sound off, mouth off
rajar {v} [colloquial] :: to snitch, denounce
rajar {vr} [colloquial] :: to back down, chicken out
rajar {vr} [colloquial] :: to evade, elude (from a fight, discussion, confrontation, etc.)
Rajastán {prop} {m} :: Rajasthan
rajatabla {n} :: only used in a rajatabla
rajita {f} :: diminutive of raja
rajón {m} :: mole, informer
rajón {m} :: someone who fails to complete (a promise, commitment)
rajón {m} :: coward, someone who avoids (a fight, discussion, confrontation, etc.)
rajona {f} :: feminine noun of rajón
rajput {m} :: Rajput
rajuñar {v} [Latin America] :: alternative form of rasguñar
rajuño {m} [Latin America] :: alternative form of rasguño
Raków {prop} :: Raków (Polish town 1569–1869 and village 1869–present, important centre of Socinianism in the 16th–17th CC.)
ralbar {v} [agriculture, Galicia, León] :: To till earth in preparation for spring planting
ralea {f} [pejorative] :: type, sort, kind
ralear {v} :: to become sparse, to whittle away
ralentí {m} :: slow motion
ralentización {f} :: A slowing, a slowing down: the action or effect of slowing something down
ralentizar {vt} :: to slow down
rali {m} [sports] :: rally
rallador {m} :: grater
ralladora {f} :: shredder
ralladora {f} :: grater
ralladura {f} :: zest, grated rind
rallar {v} :: to grate
rallo {m} :: grater
rally {m} :: rally
ralo {adj} :: scarce, uncommon
rama {f} :: branch (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing)
rama {f} [figuratively] :: offshoot (that which develops from something else)
ramada {f} :: a cluster of branches, foliage
ramada {f} [Latin America] :: a shed or hut made of branches
ramadán {m} :: Ramadan
rama de olivo {f} :: olive branch
rama de olivo {f} [idiom] :: olive branch
ramaje {m} :: foliage, branches
ramal {m} :: exit (of a highway or road)
ramal {m} :: branch (of an organization)
ramal {m} [rail transport] :: branch line
ramal {m} :: halter (of horse)
ramalazo {m} :: A pull on the halter
ramalazo {m} :: gust (of wind)
ramalazo {m} [colloquial] :: A stab (of pain, guilt etc.)
ramalazo {m} [colloquial] :: campness; effeminate looks
ramalazo {m} :: Act of madness
ramalazo {m} :: Hit with a branch
ramazón {f} :: boughs, branches
ramazón {f} [Latin America] :: antler
rambla {f} :: ravine
rambla {f} :: tree-lined avenue
ramblear {v} [Spain, Barcelona] :: to walk on Las Ramblas
ramblera {f} :: feminine noun of ramblero
ramblero {adj} :: Of or from es:Rambla de Santa Cruz
ramblero {adj} :: Of or from Las Ramblas
ramblero {m} :: Someone from es:Rambla de Santa Cruz
ramblero {m} :: Someone from Las Ramblas
rambután {m} :: rambutan (tree, fruit)
rameado {adj} :: branched
ramera {f} [pejorative] :: harlot; prostitute
ramésida {adj} :: Ramesside
ramificación {f} :: ramification
ramificar {v} :: to ramify
ramificar {v} :: to have ramifications or consequences
ramificar {v} :: to have branches
ramilla {f} :: subbranch; twig
ramillete {m} :: Small bunch (of flowers, plants etc.)
ramillete {m} :: bunch, selection
ramilletera {f} :: feminine noun of ramilletero
ramilletero {m} :: vase (for flowers)
ramilletero {m} :: flower seller
Ramira {prop} {f} :: given name, female variant of Ramiro
ramirense {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or during the reign of King Ramiro I of Asturias
Ramírez {prop} :: surname
Ramiro {prop} {m} :: given name, male variant of Ramira
ramita {f} :: twig or small stick
ramita {f} :: small bunch of flowers. bouquet
ramito {m} :: diminutive of ramo
ramnosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: rhamnose
ramo {m} :: bouquet (a bunch of cut flowers)
ramo {m} :: bough
ramo {m} :: branch (woody part of a tree)
ramo {m} :: branch, subject (an area in business or knowledge)
ramón {m} :: breadnut (tree or shrub)
ramón {m} :: hackberry (tree or shrub)
Ramón {prop} {m} :: given name
Ramón {prop} {m} :: The letter R in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
Ramona {prop} {f} :: given name
ramoneador {adj} :: leaf-cutting
ramonear {vi} :: to cut off the branches [of a tree]
ramonear {vi} :: to browse [of an animal, to eat parts of plants other than the pasture]
ramonense {adj} :: Of or from the canton of San Ramón (canton), Costa Rica
ramonense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the canton of San Ramón (canton), Costa Rica
ramoneo {m} :: cutting off of branches
Ramos {prop} {m} :: surname
ramoso {adj} :: ramous; branchy
rampa {f} :: ramp
rampante {adj} [heraldry] :: rampant
ramplón {adj} :: generic, average
ramplonería {f} :: coarseness; poor taste
Ramsés {prop} {m} :: Ramesses
rana {f} :: frog
raña {f} :: a sediment of clayey quartzite
ranacuajo {m} :: tadpole (toad or frog larva)
ranario {m} :: frog pond
ranario {m} :: frog farm
rana toro {f} :: bullfrog
Rancagua {prop} {m} :: Rancagua (city)
rancagüino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Rancagua
rancar {v} :: obsolete form of arrancar
ranchar {v} [Argentina, Chile] :: To hang out in someone's house
ranchear {v} :: to set up a ranch
ranchera {f} :: feminine noun of ranchero
ranchera {f} :: ranchera (song)
ranchería {f} [Latin America] :: cottage (small rural settlement)
rancherío {m} [Latin America, especially, Chile] :: settlement
ranchero {m} :: rancher
ranchero {adj} :: relating to or associated with a rancher or ranchers
ranchito {m} :: diminutive of rancho
rancho {m} :: ranch
rancho {m} :: shed, barn
rancho {m} :: grotty grub
rancho {m} [nautical] :: crew's quarters
ranchón {m} [Cuba] :: bar or snack bar, often temporary, usually found on the beach or in a park
ranciedad {f} :: rancidity
rancio {adj} :: rancid
rancio {adj} :: stale (butter or cheese)
randa {f} :: lace trim
Randazzo {prop} {mf} :: surname
randomizar {v} :: to randomise (make random)
ranfla {f} [Chicano] :: a lowrider
ranflero {m} :: capo (head of an illegal organisation)
rango {m} :: rank
rango {m} :: status, prestige
Rangún {prop} :: Rangún (city)
ranita {f} :: diminutive of rana
rankear {vt} :: to rank
ránkin {m} :: ranking
ranking {m} :: ranking
ránking {m} :: ranking, table
ranquear {v} :: to rank
ranquel {adj} :: Ranquel
ranquel {mf} :: Ranquel
ranquin {m} :: ranking
ransomware {m} :: ransomware
ranura {f} :: slot, groove
ranurar {vt} :: to make a groove; put a slit
ranversado {adj} [heraldry] :: inverted; reversed
rap {m} :: rap (music genre)
RAP {prop} :: initialism of Régimen de Aportaciones Privadas
rapacería {f} :: rapacity
rapacería {f} :: (childish) prank
rapacidad {f} :: inclination towards robbery
rapadura {f} :: Dried sugarcane juice, sold in the form of a brick, common in Latin American countries
rapai {adj} [Paraguay] :: Brazilian
rapai {mf} [Paraguay] :: Brazilian
rapanui {mf} :: Rapa Nui
rapapolvo {m} [colloquial] :: bollocking, telling-off, talking-to
rapar {v} :: to shave
rapar {v} :: to crop
rapar {v} [colloquial] :: to rob, steal
rapaz {adj} :: rapacious
rapaz {adj} :: of prey (birds)
rapaz {f} :: bird of prey
rapaz {m} [dated or humorous] :: lad; kiddo
rapaza {f} [dated or humorous] :: lass; chick (girl)
rapazuelo {m} :: pejorative of rapaz
rape {m} :: monkfish
rape {m} :: shaving, hair crop
rapé {m} :: snuff
rapear {v} [music] :: to rap
rapel {m} :: rappel; abseiling (descending by means of a rope)
rápel {m} [Spain] :: alternative form of rapel
rapeo {m} :: rap; rapping
rapera {f} :: feminine noun of rapero
rapero {m} :: rapper (performer of rap music)
rápidamente {adv} :: rapidly, quickly
rapidez {f} :: speed
rapidísimamente {adv} :: superlative of rápidamente
rapidísimo {adj} :: superlative of rápido; very fast or rapid
rapidito {adj} :: diminutive of rápido
rapidito {m} [colloquial] :: quickie (quick sex)
rapidito {adv} :: diminutive of rápido
rápido {adj} :: rapid, quick, fast
rápido {adv} :: rapidly, quickly, fast
rápido {m} :: rapid (part of a river) [usually in the plural]
rapiña {f} :: rapine, pillage
rapiñar {v} :: to steal
rapiñera {f} :: feminine noun of rapiñero
rapiñero {m} :: thief, shoplifter
rapista {mf} :: barber
raposa {f} :: feminine noun of raposo; vixen
raposo {m} :: fox
rappel {m} :: rappel
ráppel {m} :: rappelling
rappelling {m} :: rappelling
rappero {m} :: alternative spelling of rapero
rapsoda {mf} [historical] :: rhapsode
rapsoda {mf} [poetic] :: poet, reciter
rapsodia {f} :: rhapsody
rapsódico {adj} :: rhapsodic
rapsodista {mf} :: rhapsodist
rapsodo {m} :: rhapsody
raptar {v} :: to kidnap; to abduct
rapto {m} :: abduction; kidnapping
raptor {m} :: kidnapper; abductor
raquear {v} :: to comb beaches
Raquel {prop} {f} :: Rachel [biblical character]
Raquel {prop} {f} :: given name of biblical origin
raqueo {m} :: beachcombing
raquera {f} :: feminine noun of raquero
raquero {m} :: beachcomber
raqueta {f} :: racket
raqueta {f} :: snowshoe
raquetero {m} :: kidnapping
raquídeo {adj} :: rachidian
raquila {f} :: rachilla
raquilla {f} :: rachilla
raquis {m} [botany, zoology, anatomy, ornithology] :: rachis
raquítico {adj} [medicine] :: rachitic
raquítico {adj} :: small, measly
raquítico {adj} :: squalid, stunted
raquitismo {m} [pathology] :: rickets
raramente {adv} :: rarely, seldom
rarámuri {adj} :: Rarámuri
rarámuri {mf} :: Rarámuri
rara vez {adv} [idiom] :: rarely; seldom
rarefacción {f} :: rarefaction
rareza {f} :: rareness, rarity
rareza {f} :: quirkiness, strangeness
raridad {f} :: rarity
rarificar {v} :: to rarefy
rarísimo {adj} :: superlative of raro
rarito {adj} :: diminutive of raro
rarito {adj} [pejorative, also used as noun] :: geek, nerd, pervy (strange person)
raro {adj} :: strange or odd
raro {adj} :: rare
ras {m} :: evenness, levelness
rasante {adj} :: low-flying
rasar {v} :: to skim; graze
rasca {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: common, vulgar
rasca {f} [colloquial] :: cold wind
rasca {f} [Venezuela, colloquial] :: drunkenness
rascacielo {m} :: alternative spelling of rascacielos
rascacielos {m} :: skyscraper
rascador {m} :: scratcher (any implement used for scratching)
rascador {m} :: scratching post (object designed to be scratched by a cat)
rascador {m} :: scraper (tool used in the kitchen for scraping dough)
rascañar {v} [obsolete] :: to scratch
rascar {v} :: to scratch
rascar {vr} [colloquial] :: to get drunk
rascarse {v} :: reflexive of rascar
rascón {m} :: rail (bird)
ras con ras {adv} [idiom] :: at the same time
ras con ras {adv} [idiom] :: on the same level
rascuache {adj} [colloquial, Mexican American] :: of poor quality, of little value
rascuache {adj} :: tacky-kitsch
rascuñar {vt} :: obsolete form of rasguñar
rasero {m} :: strickle
rasero {m} :: standard
rasgadura {f} :: a rip
rasgar {v} :: to rend, tear, rip, scratch
rasgar {v} [music] :: to strum
rasgo {m} :: act, flourish, stroke
rasgo {m} :: characteristic, feature, trait
rasgón {m} :: rip
rasguear {v} [music] :: to strum
rasgueo {m} [music] :: strum, strumming
rasguido {m} [music] :: strum; strumming
rasguñar {vt} :: to scratch
rasguño {m} :: scratch
rasmilladura {f} :: scratch
rasmillar {v} [Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador] :: to scratch slightly
raso {m} [fabrics] :: satin (cloth woven from silk, nylon or polyester with a glossy surface and a dull back)
raso {m} :: the open; the wild (an exposed location)
raso {adj} :: flat, level (having no variations in height)
raso {adj} :: level (parallel to a flat ground)
raso {adj} :: having no echelon, rank, etc
raspacupos {m} :: An illegal seller of foreign currency
raspado {m} :: scraping (act)
raspado {m} [dessert, Mexico] :: snow cone
raspador {m} :: scraper
raspadura {f} :: abrasion; scrape
raspar {v} :: to file down or sand down
raspar {v} :: to scrape
raspar {vi} :: (of clothes, etc) to scratch, be scratchy
raspón {m} :: graze; scratch
rasposo {adj} :: rough, raspy
rasposo {adj} :: rough, hoarse, gravelly (voice)
rasposo {adj} :: rough, grimy (place)
rasputín {m} [politics, Spain, derogatory] :: A person who helps a political leader, as a guru or lackey
Rasputín {prop} {m} :: Rasputin
rasquetear {vt} :: to scrape
rasquetear {vt} :: to brush
rasquido {m} :: raspy voice
rasquiña {f} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: skin rash
rasta {adj} :: rasta
rasta {mf} :: rasta
rastacuero {m} :: rastaquouère
rastafari {adj} :: Rastafarian
rastafari {mf} :: Rastafarian
rastafarismo {m} :: Rastafarianism
rastas {fp} :: dreadlocks
ráster {m} :: raster
rasterización {f} :: rasterization
rasterizar {vt} [computing] :: to rasterize
rastillo {m} :: archaic spelling of rastrillo
rastra {f} :: rake
rastra {f} :: drag (act of dragging)
rastra {f} :: harrow
rastrar {v} [rare] :: to drag
rastreable {adj} :: traceable, trackable
rastreador {m} :: tracker
rastreador {m} :: trawler
rastreadora {f} :: feminine noun of rastreador
rastrear {v} :: to track, pursue
rastrear {v} :: to trace, to retrace, to trail, to backtrack, to scour
rastrear {v} [nautical] :: to trawl
rastrearse {v} :: reflexive of rastrear
rastreo {m} :: tracking, tracing
rastreo {m} :: trawling
rastreo de contactos {m} [epidemiology] :: contact tracing
rastrero {adj} :: low, cowardly, ignominious
rastrero {adj} :: despicable
rastrillaje {m} [Argentina] :: fingertip search
rastrillar {v} :: to harrow
rastrillar {v} :: to scour (search an area thoroughly)
rastrillo {m} :: rake
rastrillo {m} :: market; see rastro
rastrillo {m} :: yard sale, rummage sale
rastrillo {m} :: portcullis
rastrillo {m} [Mexico] :: safety razor
rastro {m} :: sign, trace, vestige, scent
rastro {m} :: trail, spoor [i.e., marked indication to track and follow]
rastro {m} :: flea market, public market (especially El Rastro in Madrid)
rastro {m} :: offshoot, layer
rastro {m} :: rake
rastrojo {m} :: weeds
rastrojo {m} :: chaff, cuttings
rastrojo {m} :: stubble in a field after harvest
rasuradito {adj} :: diminutive of rasurado
rasuradora {f} :: electric razor, shaver
rasurar {v} :: to shave
rasurar {v} :: to rake (to use a rake to collect things together)
rasurarse {v} :: reflexive of rasurar
rata {adj} [colloquial, derogatory] :: stingy, miser, tight-fisted
rata {adj} [colloquial, derogatory] :: rat, jerk (a despicable person, especially who has been deceitful or disloyal)
rata {adj} [colloquial, derogatory] :: rat, snitch, informant
rata {f} :: rat (a medium-sized rodent belonging to the genus Rattus)
rata almizclera {f} :: muskrat
rata de cloaca {f} :: sewer rat
ratán {m} :: rattan
ratania {f} :: rhatany
ratear {v} :: to apportion
ratear {v} :: to steal
ratear {vr} [Argentina] :: to play hookey
ratel {m} :: honey badger
ratería {f} :: petty theft
ratero {m} :: A petty thief
raticida {m} :: rat poison
ratico {m} [Colombia] :: jiffy, bit, moment
ratificación {f} :: ratification
ratificar {v} :: to ratify
ratillo {m} :: diminutive of rato
rating {m} [nautical] :: class (of boat)
rating {m} [television] :: popularity rating
ráting {m} :: rating
ratio {f} [mathematics] :: ratio
Ratisbona {prop} {f} :: Ratisbona (city)
ratita {f} :: diminutive of rata
ratite {f} :: ratite
ratito {m} :: diminutive of rato, a short while
rato {m} :: a while, bit (a short period of time)
rato {m} [archaic] :: male rat
ratón {m} :: mouse (small rodent)
ratón {m} [computing] :: mouse (input device)
ratón {m} [Venezuela] :: hangover
ratona {f} :: a female mouse (small rodent)
ratona {f} [Argentina] :: wren (bird)
ratonar {vt} :: to gnaw, to nibble
ratón casero {m} :: house mouse
ratoncillo {m} :: diminutive of ratón
ratoncita {f} :: diminutive of ratona
ratoncito {m} :: diminutive of ratón; a little mouse
ratoncito Pérez {m} :: tooth fairy
Ratoncito Pérez {m} :: alternative case form of ratoncito Pérez
ratón de biblioteca {m} [idiom] :: bookworm
ratonera {f} :: mousehole
ratonera {f} :: mousetrap
ratonera {f} :: mousery (place where mice are bred)
ratonero {adj} [attributive] :: mouse
ratonero {adj} [attributive] :: rat
ratonero {adj} :: that catches mice or rats
ratonero {m} [colloquial] :: din
ratonero {m} :: buzzard
ratonero bodeguero andaluz {m} :: Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz
ratonero común {m} :: buzzard (bird of prey)
ratonil {adj} [attributive] :: mouse
ratonil {adj} :: mousey, mouselike
ratón lavandero {m} [rare, Mexico] :: raccoon
ratón Pérez {m} :: alternative form of ratoncito Pérez
rato perdido {m} :: spare moment
Rauco {prop} {m} :: Rauco (city)
raudal {m} :: rapid (water)
raudal {m} [figuratively] :: flood, tide
raudamente {adv} :: swiftly, quickly
raudo {adj} :: nimble, fleet-footed, swift
Raúl {prop} {m} :: given name
rauquino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Rauco
rave {f} :: rave (party)
Rávena {prop} {f} :: Rávena (city)
Rávena {prop} {f} :: Rávena (province)
raviole {m} :: ravioli
ravioli {f} :: ravioli
raya {f} :: line
raya {f} :: limit
raya {f} :: parting
raya {f} :: dash (punctuation mark)
raya {f} :: scratch
raya {f} :: ray (fish)
rayado {adj} :: scratched
rayado {adj} :: striped
rayado {adj} [Argentina, Chile, colloquial] :: crazy, mad
rayado {m} :: skipjack
rayador {m} :: skimmer
rayadura {f} :: scratch
rayano {adj} :: bordering, verging, on the verge
rayar {v} :: to scratch
rayar {v} :: to line, mark
rayar {v} :: to verge (on)
rayar {vr} [colloquial] :: to drive crazy, to go crazy (to annoy or irritate, cause someone to become insane)
Rayastán {prop} {m} :: Rajasthan
rayista {adj} :: of or pertaining to Rayo Vallecano, a football club from Madrid
rayista {mf} :: Someone associated with Rayo Vallecano
rayita {f} :: diminutive of raya, little line
rayito {m} :: diminutive of rayo
rayo {m} :: beam, ray
rayo {m} :: a bolt of lightning
rayo alfa {m} :: alpha ray
rayo beta {m} :: beta ray
rayo gamma {m} :: gamma ray
rayón {m} :: rayon
rayos {interj} [colloquial] :: dang it, goddammit, heck
rayo X {m} :: X-ray
rayuela {f} :: hopscotch (a children's game)
raza {f} :: race, ethnicity
raza {f} :: breed, strain, lineage
raza {f} :: cleft, fissure
raza {f} :: beam of light, ray of light
raza {f} :: crack (in a horse’s hoof)
raza {f} :: stripe
raza superior {f} :: master race
razia {f} :: raid
razon {m} :: obsolete spelling of razón
Razon {prop} {m} :: surname
razón {f} :: reason
razón {f} :: reasoning
razón {f} :: [with tener] correctness, rectitude, a point
razón {f} :: ratio
razonabilidad {f} :: reasonableness
razonable {adj} :: reasonable
razonablemente {adv} :: reasonably
razonadamente {adv} :: in a reasoned manner
razonado {adj} :: reasoned
razonador {adj} :: giving reason, explanatory
razonamiento {m} :: reasoning
razonar {vti} :: to reason (exercise rational faculty)
razuradora {f} :: razor, razorblade
razzia {f} :: alternative form of razia
RCN {prop} [Colombia, radio, television, initialism] :: Radio Cadena Nacional, a Colombian radio chain
RCP {n} :: CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
Rdguez. {prop} :: abbreviation of Rodríguez (a Spanish surname)
RDSI {f} [telecommunications, initialism] :: ISDN
re- {prefix} :: again
re- {prefix} :: backwards
re- {prefix} :: Intensification, very
re {adv} :: very
rea {f} :: feminine noun of reo
reabastecer {v} :: to resupply (with)
reabastecerse {v} :: reflexive of reabastecer
reabastecimiento {m} :: refueling
reabrir {v} :: to reopen
reabsorber {v} :: to reabsorb
reabsorbible {adj} :: reabsorbable, resorbable
reabsorción {f} :: reabsorption
reacción {f} :: reaction
reacción {f} :: recoil
reacción {f} :: reactionary political faction or movement
reaccionar {v} :: to react
reaccionario {adj} :: reactionary
reaccionarismo {m} :: reactionary ideas
reacción en cadena {f} :: chain reaction
reacción química {f} :: chemical reaction
reacción redox {f} [chemistry] :: redox reaction
reacio {adj} :: reluctant
reacomodación {f} :: repositioning; rearrangement
reacomodar {v} :: to reaccommodate
reacomodar {v} :: to relocate
reacomodar {v} :: to rejiggle, rearrange
reacomodo {m} :: refitting
reacondicionamiento {m} :: reconditioning
reacondicionar {v} :: to recondition, to refurbish
reacondicionar {v} :: to reorganize
reacreditación {f} :: reaccreditation
reactancia {f} :: reactance
reactante {m} :: reagent
reactante de fase aguda {m} [medicine] :: acute-phase protein
reactivación {f} :: revival, recovery, reactivation
reactivador {adj} :: reactivating
reactivamente {adv} :: reactively
reactivar {v} :: to reactivate
reactividad {f} [chemistry] :: reactivity
reactivo {adj} :: reactive
reactivo {m} [chemistry] :: reagent
reactor {m} :: jet engine
reactor {m} :: rocket engine
reactor {m} :: atomic reactor
reactor {m} :: chemical reactor
reactor nuclear {m} :: nuclear reactor
reactualización {f} :: reenactment
reactualizar {vt} :: to reupdate
readaptación {f} :: readaptation
readaptar {vt} :: to retrain; reeducate
readaptar {vt} :: to readapt
readaptarse {v} :: reflexive of readaptar
readecuación {f} :: readaptation
readecuar {v} :: to readapt
readiestrar {vt} :: to retrain
readmisión {f} :: readmission
readmitir {v} :: to reallow, allow back
readquirir {v} :: to reacquire; buy back; purchase back
readquisición {f} :: reacquisition
reafianzamiento {m} :: restrengthening
reafirmación {f} :: reaffirmation, reassertion, reiteration
reafirmar {v} :: to reaffirm
reagrupación {f} :: reunification
reagrupamiento {m} :: regrouping
reagrupar {v} :: to regroup (to get organised again)
reagrupar {vr} :: to regroup
reagruparse {v} :: reflexive of reagrupar
reajustar {v} :: to adjust, readjust
reajuste {m} :: readjustment
real {adj} :: real
real {adj} :: royal
real {m} :: real (unit of currency)
real {m} [Spain, historical, colloquial] :: a quarter of a peseta
Real Academia Española {prop} {f} :: Royal Spanish Academy, based in Madrid, Spain, and the principal institute responsible for regulating the Spanish language. Often abbreviated RAE
realejera {f} :: feminine noun of realejero
realejero {adj} :: Of or from Los Realejos
realejero {m} :: Someone from Los Realejos
realengo {adj} :: crown (belonging to the Crown)
realengo {m} :: crown territory
realero {m} [Venezuela, colloquial] :: fortune; large amount of money
realeza {f} :: royalty (the rank, status, power or authority of a monarch)
realidad {f} :: reality
realidad {f} :: commodity
realidad virtual {f} :: virtual reality
realimentación {f} :: electrical feedback
realimentar {v} :: to feed again, to give back food
realineación {f} :: realignment
realineamiento {m} :: realignment
realinear {v} :: to realign
realísimo {adj} :: superlative of real
realismo {m} :: realism (concern for fact or reality)
realismo {m} [philosophy] :: realism
realismo mágico {m} :: magic realism
realista {adj} :: realistic
realista {mf} :: realist
realista {adj} :: royalist
realista {mf} :: royalist
realistar {v} :: to reenrol; reenlist
reality {m} [television] :: reality show
reality show {m} :: reality show (a reality television program)
realizable {adj} :: realizable
realización {f} :: realization, actualization (process of making something real, act of becoming real or concrete)
realización {f} :: implementation, conducting, carrying out, execution (e.g. of a project or of measures)
realización {f} :: completion, fulfillment, achievement
realización {f} :: making (e.g. making of a purchase, a flight, a trip, a visit)
realización {f} [linguistics] :: performance
realizador {adj} :: directing
realizador {m} :: filmmaker, director
realizar {v} :: to carry out, to perform, to conduct, to implement (e.g. a change, a task, project, plan, inspection, experiment, procedures)
realizar {v} :: to make real, to realize (bring about)
realizar {v} :: to fulfil, to achieve, to accomplish
realizar {v} :: to make (e.g. a profit, a purchase, a visit, a trip)
realizar {v} :: to produce, to make (e.g. a film)
realizar {v} :: to engage in (e.g. an activity, work, exercise)
realizarse {v} :: reflexive of realizar
realmente {adv} :: really, actually, genuinely
realojamiento {m} :: rehousing
realojar {v} :: to rehouse
realquilar {v} :: to sublet
realquiler {m} :: subletting
realzar {v} :: to raise; to heighten
realzar {v} :: to highlight
reanálisis {m} :: reanalysis
reanimación {f} :: reanimation
reanimar {v} :: to revive
reanimar {v} :: to reanimate
Reaño {prop} :: surname
reanudación {f} :: resumption
reanudar {v} :: to renew; to resume
reaparecer {vi} :: to reappear, show up again
reaparición {f} :: reappearance, recurrence, reoccurrence, resurgence, reemergence
reaparición {f} :: comeback
reapertura {f} :: reopening
reaplicar {v} :: To reapply
reaprehensión {f} :: reapprehension
reaprender {v} :: to relearn
reaprendizaje {m} :: relearning
reapropiación {f} :: reappropriation
reaprovechamiento {m} :: reuse
reaprovechar {v} :: to make the most of again, to profit again
reaprovisionamiento {m} :: reprovisionment
reaprovisionar {vt} :: to resupply
reaproximación {f} :: reapproximation
rearborización {f} :: reforestation
reargüir {vt} :: to reinfer
reargüir {vt} :: alternative form of redargüir
rearmar {v} :: to rearm
rearmarse {v} :: reflexive of rearmar
rearreglo {m} :: rearrangement
rearticulación {f} :: rearticulation
rearticular {v} :: to rearticulate
reasegurador {adj} :: reassuring
reasegurar {v} :: to reinsure
reaseguro {m} :: reassurance
reaseguro {m} :: reinsurance
reasentamiento {m} :: resettlement
reasentar {v} :: to resettle
reasfaltar {v} :: to resurface with asphalt
reasignación {f} :: reassignment
reasignar {v} :: to reassign
reasumir {vt} :: to reassume
reasunción {f} :: resumption
reata {f} :: rope, lasso
reata {f} :: single file
reata {f} [Guatemala, Mexico, vulgar] :: penis
reata {f} [Honduras, colloquial] :: drunkenness
reatar {v} :: to retie
reatar {v} :: to tie tightly
reatazo {m} :: A hit or strike withe a reata or similar object
reautorización {f} :: reauthorization
reautorizar {vt} :: to reauthorise
reavituallamiento {m} :: reprovisioning
reavivamiento {m} :: revival
reavivar {v} :: to revive
rebaba {f} :: burr
rebacheo {m} :: The reparation of potholes
rebaja {f} :: sale (a selling of goods at reduced prices)
rebajamiento {m} :: abasement
rebajar {v} :: to reduce
rebajar {v} :: to water down, to dilute
rebajarse {v} :: (reflexive of rebajar)
rebajo {m} :: rabbet
rebalancear {v} :: To rebalance
rebalsar {v} :: To dam up
rebalsar {v} [Latin America] :: To overflow
rebalsar {vr} :: To pool up; form a pool
rebambaramba {f} :: ruckus
rebanada {f} :: slice
rebanador {m} :: slicer (tool)
rebanar {v} :: to slice
rebañar {v} :: to mop up (food or sauce, e.g. with bread)
rebañar {v} :: to scrape together (money)
rebanarse {v} :: reflexive of rebanar
rebaño {m} [religion] :: flock
rebaño {m} [cattle] :: flock, herd (animals)
rebaño {m} :: flock, herd (conformist)
rebasamiento {m} :: overtaking; surpassing
rebasar {v} :: to surpass, go beyond
rebasar {v} :: to overtake, to pass
rebase {m} :: passing, overtaking [e.g. of a vehicle]
rebatar {vt} [obsolete] :: to snatch, to take violently
rebatible {adj} :: refutable
rebatiña {f} :: scramble
rebatinga {f} :: alternative spelling of rebatiña
rebatir {v} :: to refute or contest
rebautismo {m} :: rebaptism
rebautizar {vt} :: to rechristen
rebautizar {vt} :: to rename
rebe {m} :: rebbe
rebeca {f} [Spain] :: cardigan (a type of sweater or jumper that fastens up the front with buttons, usually machine- or hand-knitted from wool)
Rebeca {prop} {f} :: Rebekah [biblical character]
Rebeca {prop} {f} :: given name
rebeco {adj} :: chamois
rebeco {m} :: chamois (goat)
rebelar {vp} :: to rebel
rebelarse {v} :: reflexive of rebelar
rebelde {adj} :: rebellious
rebelde {adj} :: rebel
rebelde {mf} :: rebel
rebeldía {f} :: rebelliousness
rebelión {f} :: rebellion
rebencazo {m} :: crack from a whip
rebenque {m} :: whip
rebezo {m} :: obsolete spelling of rebeco
rebien {adv} :: really well
rebisabuelo {m} :: great-great-grandfather
reblandecer {vt} :: to soften, tenderize
reblandecimiento {m} :: softening
rebobinar {v} :: to rewind (to go back on a video or audio tape)
rebolana {f} :: feminine noun of rebolano
rebolano {adj} :: Of or from Rebola
rebolano {m} :: Someone from Rebola
rebollar {m} :: Portuguese oak grove
rebollo {m} :: Portuguese oak (Quercus cerris)
rebollo {m} :: Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica)
rebombeo {m} :: repumping
reboot {m} :: reboot (instance of rebooting)
rebordar {v} :: alternative spelling of rebordear
reborde {m} :: edge
rebordear {v} :: to edge
rebosante {adj} :: overflowing, brimming
rebosar {v} :: to overflow
rebotar {v} :: to bounce, ricochet
rebote {m} :: bounce
rebote {m} :: ricochet
rebote {m} [sports] :: rebound
reboteador {adj} [basketball, attributive] :: rebound
reboteador {m} [basketball] :: rebounder
reboteadora {f} :: feminine noun of reboteador
rebotica {f} :: back room
rebotiga {f} :: back room
rebozante {adj} :: overflowing
rebozar {v} :: to cover, muffle
rebozar {v} :: to bread
rebozar {v} :: to batter
rebozo {m} [garment] :: rebozo
rebramar {v} :: to roar again; to trumpet again
rebramar {v} :: to roar loudly (said of the wind)
rebrillar {v} :: To shine brightly
rebrincado {adj} :: jumpy
rebrincar {v} :: to jump about; leap around
rebrotar {vi} [botany] :: to resprout; reappear
rebrotar {vi} :: to reappear; come up again
rebrote {m} [botany] :: offshoot
rebrote {m} :: new outbreak
rebufo {m} :: recoil (of a gun)
rebufo {m} :: slipstream
rebujito {m} :: rebujito
rebujo {m} :: ball
rebujo {m} :: mass, tangle, clump
rebullicio {m} :: hubbub; hullabaloo
rebullir {vir} :: to stir, begin to move
rebuscar {v} :: to root (rummage, root out)
rebuscar {v} :: to glean
rebuscar {v} :: to seek after
rebuznar {v} :: to bray
rebuzno {m} :: heehaw
recabador {m} :: lobbyist
recabadora {f} :: feminine noun of recabador
recabar {v} :: to gather, safeguard, collect
recabar {v} :: to collect, gather (data/information)
recabar {v} :: to lobby, petition
recabdo {m} :: obsolete spelling of recaudo
recadera {f} :: feminine noun of recadero
recadero {m} :: messenger
recadero {m} :: errand boy
recadito {m} :: diminutive of recado
recado {m} :: a message
recado {m} :: errand
recado {m} [Guatemala] :: A tomato-based sauce
recado rojo {m} [cooking] :: achiote paste (a blend of spices commonly used in Maya cuisine)
recaer {v} :: to fall to; to fall on (as in, blame or responsibility)
recaer {v} :: to relapse
recaída {f} :: relapse
recaíto {m} :: a mix of onions, roasted garlic, peppers, cilantro, and culantro, used in cooking
recalar {v} [nautical] :: to reach land
recalar {v} :: to appear
recalar {v} :: to arrive
recalar {v} :: to end up; wind up
recalcar {v} [colloquial] :: to drum (review to establish memorization)
recalcar {v} :: to fill completely
recalcar {v} :: to stress; to emphasize
recalcitrante {adj} :: recalcitrant
recalcular {v} :: to recalculate
recalendarizar {vt} :: to reschedule
recalentamiento {m} :: reheating
recalentar {v} :: to reheat
recalibrar {v} :: to recalibrate
recalificación {f} :: reassessment
recalificar {v} :: to requalify
recalificar {v} :: to reassess (a building or zone)
recalo {m} :: heist
recamar {v} :: to emboss, embroider
recámara {f} :: chamber of a gun
recámara {f} [Colombia, México, Panamá] :: bedroom
recambio {m} :: spare, replacement
recapacitación {f} :: reconsideration, reflection (the act of thinking something over)
recapacitar {v} :: to reflect
recapacitar {v} :: to think over
recapadora {f} :: tire factory
recapazitación {f} :: The concept of becoming capable again, retraining, rehabilitation, reeducation
recape {m} :: remake
recapeo {m} :: repaving
recapitalización {f} :: recapitalisation
recapitalizar {vt} [finance] :: to recapitalize
recapitulación {f} :: recapitulation; summary, summarisation/summarization
recapitular {v} :: to recapitulate
recaptación {f} :: reuptake
recapturar {v} :: to recapture, recatch
recarga {f} :: charge
recarga {f} :: filling
recarga {f} :: reloading
recargable {adj} :: rechargeable (able to be recharged)
recargamiento {m} :: foofaraw; overdecoration
recargar {v} :: reload
recargar {v} :: recharge
recargarse {v} :: reflexive of recargar
recargo {m} :: surcharge; extra charge
recarpeteo {m} :: repaving
recatadamente {adv} :: coyly; demurely
recatado {adj} :: demure, coy, bashful
recatar {v} :: to hide
recatar {v} :: to retaste
recatear {v} :: alternative spelling of regatear
recategorización {f} :: recategorization
recategorizar {vt} :: to recategorize
recato {m} :: modesty, reservation
recauchutar {v} :: to remould, retread
recaudación {f} :: revenue (income generated for some treasury by taxation and other means)
recaudación {f} :: collection (activity of collecting funds)
recaudación de fondos {f} :: fundraiser
recaudación de fondos {f} :: fundraising
recaudador {m} :: tax collector, levier
recaudadora {f} :: tax collector
recaudador de impuestos {m} :: tax collector
recaudar {v} :: to collect, raise (especially funds)
recaudatorio {adj} [attributive] :: collection, tax collection
recaudo {m} :: safe place
recayente {adj} :: overlooking
rección {f} :: rection
recebir {v} :: obsolete spelling of recibir
recelar {v} :: to suspect
recelar {v} :: to be wary of
recelo {m} :: mistrust
recelo {m} :: aversion
recelosamente {adv} :: reluctantly
receloso {adj} :: leery, wary, distrustful, suspicious
recelularización {f} :: recellularization
recensión {f} :: recension
recentar {v} :: To leaven
recentísimo {adj} [rare, superlative] :: very recent
recentralización {f} :: recentralization
recentralizador {adj} :: recentralising
recentralizar {v} :: to recentralize
recepción {f} :: reception
recepcional {adj} [education] :: end-of-course; final (used to describe a piece of work done to receive a higher-education certificate)
recepcionar {v} [Latin America] :: to receive
recepcionista {mf} :: receptionist
receptación {f} [law] :: The receiving of stolen goods
receptáculo {m} :: receptacle
receptar {vt} :: to receive
receptividad {f} :: receptivity
receptivo {adj} :: receptive
receptor {adj} :: receiving
receptor {m} :: receiver, receptor, recipient
receptor {m} [baseball] :: catcher
receptoría {f} :: treasury
recercar {v} :: to surround
recerco {m} :: surround (of window)
recertificación {f} :: recertification
recertificar {v} :: to recertify
recesar {vi} [Latin America] :: to recess (to take a break)
recesión {f} :: recession
recesivo {adj} :: recessionary
recesivo {adj} [genetics] :: recessive
receso {m} :: recess
receta {f} :: prescription
receta {f} :: recipe
recetar {v} :: to prescribe
recetario {m} :: cookbook, recipe book
recetario {m} :: prescription pad
rechazable {adj} :: rejectable
rechazamiento {m} :: rejection, refusal (e.g. of an idea, of temptation)
rechazamiento {m} :: repelling, repulsion (e.g. of an attack or an enemy)
rechazar {v} :: to reject, to turn down, to turn away, to refuse, to dismiss, to shun, to decline
rechazar {v} :: to decline, to deny (e.g. a credit card declining, an appeal being denied)
rechazar {v} :: to repel, to ward off
rechazarse {v} :: reflexive of rechazar
rechazo {m} :: refusal
rechazo {m} [medical] :: rejection
rechazo {m} :: recoil (of a gun)
rechifla {f} :: catcall, boo, jeer, hiss
rechinado {m} :: chirp, squeak, wheek, creak, chirrup, screak
rechinadora {f} :: a butterfly of the genus Hamadryas
rechinante {adj} :: squeaky
rechinar {v} :: to squeak, squeal
rechinido {m} :: rasp (scraping sound)
rechistar {v} :: to complain, grumble
rechoncho {adj} [of a person] :: squat; short and wide
reciamente {adv} :: reluctantly
reciario {m} :: retiarius
recibidor {m} :: receiver (someone who receives)
recibidor {m} :: entrance hall
recibidor {m} :: (piece of) furniture in the entrance hall
recibidora {f} :: feminine noun of recibidor
recibimiento {m} :: reception (how something is received)
recibir {v} :: to receive, get
recibir {vr} :: to graduate
recibo {m} :: receipt (written acknowledgement)
recibo {m} :: bill
recibo {m} [Venezuela] :: living room
reciclable {adj} :: recyclable
reciclador {adj} :: recycling
reciclador {m} :: recycler
reciclaje {m} :: recycling
reciclar {vt} :: to recycle
recidiva {f} :: relapse
reciedumbre {f} :: strength
recién {adv} :: just
recién {adv} :: recently
recién {adv} :: freshly
recién nacido {adj} :: newborn
reciente {adj} :: recent
recientemente {adv} :: recently
recientísimo {adj} :: superlative of reciente
recifeño {adj} :: From Recife
recinto {m} :: area, site, compound
recinto {m} :: enclosure (area)
recinto {m} :: pen
recio {adj} :: tough, robust, strong, vigorous, solidly-built
recio {adj} :: loud
recio {adj} :: Rhaetian, Raetic
recio {adv} :: vigorously
recio {adv} :: aloud
Recio {prop} {m} :: surname
recipiente {m} :: vessel, container
recíprocamente {adv} :: reciprocally
reciprocar {v} :: to reciprocate
reciprocidad {f} :: reciprocity
recíproco {adj} :: reciprocal (done by each of two people towards the other)
recirculación {f} :: recirculation
recircular {v} :: to recirculate
recisión {f} :: alternative spelling of rescisión
recitación {f} :: recitation
recitador {adj} :: reciting
recital {m} :: recital
recital {m} :: gig, concert
recitalista {mf} :: recitalist
recitar {v} :: to recite
recitativo {adj} :: recitative
reclamación {f} :: reclamation
reclamante {adj} :: protesting; claiming
reclamante {mf} :: protestor; claimant
reclamar {v} :: to reclaim, to recover possession of
reclamar {v} :: to claim, to ask for, to demand
reclamar {v} :: to lure (with a decoy or whistle while hunting)
reclamar {v} :: to look for (a criminal), to summon (a witness)
reclamar {v} :: to protest, to complain, to object, to clamor, to reclaim
reclamar {v} [poetic] :: to resound
reclamar {v} [nautical] :: to hoist taut
reclame {m} [Latin America] :: publicity
reclame {m} [Latin America] :: advertisement
reclamo {m} :: complaint
reclamo {m} :: advertisement
reclamo {m} :: come-on
reclamo {m} :: call (of birds)
reclamón {adj} :: fond of complaining; whiny
reclasificación {f} :: reclassification
reclasificar {v} :: to reclassify
reclasificatorio {m} [sports] :: second-chance qualifying match
reclinable {adj} :: reclinable
reclinar {v} :: to recline
reclinar {v} :: to lean on
reclinatorio {m} :: prie-dieu
recluir {v} :: to imprison
recluir {v} :: to shut away, lock away
recluir {v} :: to isolate
reclusa {f} :: feminine noun of recluso
reclusión {f} :: reclusion
reclusión {f} :: imprisonment
reclusión perpetua {f} :: a particular kind of sentence of imprisonment in the Philippines, Argentina, and several other countries
recluso {adj} :: imprisoned
recluso {m} :: prisoner
reclusorio {m} [especially, Mexico] :: prison
recluta {f} :: recruitment
recluta {mf} :: recruit
reclutador {m} :: headhunter, recruiter (for the army)
reclutadora {f} :: feminine noun of reclutador
reclutamiento {f} :: draft, conscription (system of forcing people to serve in the military)
reclutar {vt} :: to recruit (enroll or enlist new members or potential employees)
reclutarse {v} :: reflexive of reclutar
recobrar {v} :: to recover, regain
recocer {v} :: to anneal
recocer {v} :: to cook or boil again
recocer {v} :: to overcook
recochinearse {vr} [followed by de, colloquial] :: to poke fun (at)
recocinar {v} :: to recook
recodar {v} :: to support on one's elbows
recodar {v} :: to curve; bend
recodificación {f} :: recodification
recodificar {v} :: to recode
recodo {m} :: twist, turn, bend, elbow (notable curve of a street river etc.)
recogebolas {mf} :: synonym of recogepelotas
recogedor {m} :: dustpan, picker
recogepelotas {mf} :: ball boy, ball girl
recoger {v} :: to collect, to gather, to pick up, to fetch, to retrieve (something previously left behind)
recoger {v} :: to pick up (a person or people by vehicle)
recoger {v} :: to clean up (e.g., a room)
recoger {v} :: to pack up
recoger {v} :: to harvest, reap (fruit)
recoger {v} :: to pick up on, glean, capture (e.g., a point, a link, distinction, subtlety, ambiguity, etc.)
recoger {v} [figurative] :: to reflect
recoger {vr} :: to go to bed
recoger el guante {v} [idiom] :: to take up the gauntlet
recogida {f} :: pickup
recogida {f} :: harvest
recogida {f} :: collection (activity of collecting)
recogimiento {m} :: withdrawal, retreat
recogimiento {m} :: remission
recolar {v} :: to sift again
recolar {v} :: to strain again
recolección {f} :: collecting
recolección {f} :: harvesting
recolección {f} :: gathering
recolectar {v} :: to collect
recolector {m} :: collector
recolector {m} :: harvester, picker
recolectora {f} :: feminine noun of recolector
recolector furtivo {m} [gathering] :: poacher
recolegir {v} [obsolete] :: to gather up
recoleto {adj} :: quiet, silent
recolocación {f} :: recollocation
recolocar {v} :: to put back
recolocar {v} :: to move, relocate
recolonización {f} :: recolonization
recolonizar {vt} :: to recolonize
recombinación {f} :: recombination
recombinante {adj} :: recombinant
recombinar {v} :: to recombine
recomendable {adj} :: recommendable
recomendación {f} :: recommendation
recomendar {v} :: to recommend
recomenzar {v} :: to recommence
recompensa {f} :: reward, recompense
recompensa {f} :: bounty
recompensa {f} :: recompense, indemnification (act of compensation)
recompensar {v} :: to indemnify
recompensar {v} :: to recompense
recompensar {v} :: to pay
recompensar {v} :: to reward
recompilación {f} :: recompilation
recompilar {v} :: to recompile
recomponer {v} :: to mend, put back together, fix back
recomponer {v} :: to recompose
recomponer {vr} :: to pull oneself together, get oneself together
recomposición {f} :: recomposition
recompra {f} :: repurchase, buyback
recomprar {v} :: to rebuy, buy back
reconcentración {f} :: reconcentration
reconcentrar {v} :: to make more concentrated (a liquid)
reconcentrar {v} :: to bring together; to join together; to unite
reconcentrar {v} :: to focus (attention)
reconcentrar {v} :: to incite; to rouse (a feeling)
reconcentrar {vr} :: to go into
reconceptualización {f} :: reconceptualization
reconceptualizar {v} :: to reconceptualize
reconciliación {f} :: reconciliation
reconciliar {v} :: to reconcile
reconciliarse {v} :: reflexive of reconciliar
reconcomer {vt} :: to eat away (at), pester
reconcomer {vr} :: to hold a grudge
reconcomio {m} :: grudge
recóndito {adj} :: recondite, hidden
reconducción {f} :: renewal (of a lease, loan, etc.)
reconducible {adj} :: reconcilable
reconducir {vt} :: to return
reconducir {vt} :: to renew (a lease, loan, etc.)
reconducir {vr} :: to send back
reconectar {v} :: to reconnect
reconectarse {v} :: reflexive of reconectar
reconexión {f} :: reconnexion, reconnection
reconfigurable {adj} :: reconfigurable
reconfiguración {f} :: reconfiguration
reconfigurar {vt} :: to reconfigure
reconfirmación {f} :: reconfirmation
reconfirmar {v} :: to reconfirm
reconformación {f} :: restructuring, reforming
reconfortante {adj} :: comforting
reconfortar {v} :: to comfort
reconfortar {v} :: to cheer up
reconocedor {adj} :: recognizing
reconocedor {m} :: recogniser
reconocedora {f} :: feminine noun of reconocedor
reconocer {v} :: to recognize
reconocer {v} :: to acknowledge, to own
reconocer {v} :: to distinguish
reconocerse {v} :: reflexive of reconocer
reconocible {adj} :: recognizable
reconociblemente {adv} :: recognizably
reconocidamente {adv} :: demonstrably
reconocidamente {adv} :: admittedly
reconocido {adj} :: recognized, acknowledged
reconocido {adj} :: renowned, well-known
reconocido {adj} :: accredited
reconocimiento {m} :: recognition
reconocimiento {m} :: reconnaissance
reconquistador {adj} :: reconquering
reconquistador {m} :: Someone who fought in the Reconquista of Spain from the Moors
reconquistadora {f} :: feminine noun of reconquistador
reconquistar {v} :: to reconquer
reconsagrar {v} :: to reconsecrate
reconsagrar {v} :: to redevote; to rededicate
reconsagrar {v} :: to reconfirm, to reestablish
reconsagrar {vp} :: to reestablish oneself
reconsideración {f} :: reconsideration
reconsiderar {vt} :: to reconsider (to consider a decided matter again)
reconstitución {f} :: reconstitution
reconstituir {v} :: to reconstitute
reconstituyente {adj} :: restorative, invigorating
reconstituyente {m} :: tonic, restorative
reconstrucción {f} :: reconstruction
reconstruccionista {mf} :: reconstructionist
reconstructivo {adj} :: reconstructive
reconstruible {adj} :: rebuildable
reconstruir {v} :: to rebuild, to reconstruct
reconstruirse {v} :: reflexive of reconstruir
recontar {v} :: to recount
recontar {v} :: to narrate
reconteo {m} :: recounting
recontextualizar {v} :: to recontextualize
recontra- {prefix} [Chile, Peru, slang] :: very, extra, super
recontratación {f} :: rehiring
recontratar {v} :: to rehire
reconvención {f} [law] :: counterclaim
reconvención {f} :: admonishment, reprimand
reconvenir {v} :: to scold, to chastise
reconversión {f} :: reconversion
reconvertir {v} :: to reconvert
recopa {f} [sports] :: supercup; cup winner's cup
recopilación {f} :: summary, compendium
recopilación {f} :: accumulation
recopilador {m} :: compiler, collator
recopiladora {f} :: feminine noun of recopilador
recopilar {v} :: to compile
recopilatorio {adj} :: that compiles
recopilatorio {m} :: compilation
record {m} :: misspelling of récord
record {m} :: record
récord {m} :: record (the most extreme known value of some achievement)
recordable {adj} :: memorable
recordación {f} :: recollection
recordar {vt} :: to remember, to recollect
recordar {vt} :: to recall, remind of
recordar {vi} [New Mexico] :: to wake up
recordar {vt} [New Mexico] :: to wake up
recordarse {v} :: reflexive of recordar
recordatorio {adj} :: reminding
recordatorio {m} :: reminder
recordatorio {m} :: souvenir
recordista {mf} :: record-holder
recordman {m} :: record holder
récordman {m} :: alternative spelling of recordman
recorrer {v} :: to tour
recorrer {v} :: to travel, to go
recorrida {f} :: tour
recorrido {m} :: route
recorrido {m} :: journey
recortable {adj} :: cut-out
recortable {m} :: cut-out
recortada {m} [colloquial] :: sawn-off shotgun
recortador {m} :: limiter
recortar {v} :: to crop, to trim (remove outer parts of)
recortar {v} :: to reduce, to cut, to cut back on
recorte {m} :: snippet, scrap (cut from a newspaper or magazine)
recorte {m} :: cut
recorte {m} :: clipping
recorte {m} :: cut-out
recorte {m} :: take-on
recorte {m} :: cutback
recoser {v} :: to resew; to sew up
recostar {v} :: to lay (put in a horizontal position)
recostar {vr} :: to lie down
recostarse {v} :: reflexive of recostar
recova {f} :: A market primarily for selling fowl and eggs
recovar {v} :: to buy to sell at a higher price
recoveco {m} :: nook, cranny
recreación {f} :: recreation
recreacional {adj} :: recreational
recreacionismo {m} :: recreationism
recreacionista {mf} :: recreationist
recreador {m} :: recreator
recreadora {f} :: feminine noun of recreador
recrear {vt} :: to recreate (to create anew)
recrear {vr} :: to enjoy oneself; to rejoice; have fun
recreativo {adj} :: recreational
recrecer {v} :: to grow
recrecer {v} :: to happen again; to reoccur
recrecer {vr} :: to cheer up; to keep one's pecker up
recrecimiento {m} :: regrowth
recreo {m} :: recreation
recreo {m} [school] :: recess, break
recría {f} :: rearing (of livestock)
recriar {v} :: to rear (livestock)
recriminación {f} :: recrimination
recriminar {v} :: to recriminate
recristalización {f} :: recrystallization
recristalizar {v} :: to recrystallize
recrudecer {vi} :: to deteriorate anew; to recrudesce
recrudecimiento {m} :: hardening; act of making stricter (of rules, laws, etc.)
recrudecimiento {m} :: resurgence (new outbreak)
recrudescencia {f} :: synonym of recrudecimiento
recta {f} :: straight line
recta {f} :: straight
recta final {f} :: home straight
rectal {adj} :: rectal
rectamente {adv} :: properly, correctly
rectangular {adj} :: rectangular
rectángulo {m} [geometry] :: rectangle
rectificación {f} :: rectification
rectificador {m} :: rectifier
rectificadora {f} :: feminine noun of rectificador
rectificar {v} :: to rectify
rectilíneo {adj} :: straight-lined, rectilinear
rectilíneo {adj} :: hardline
rectísimo {adj} :: superlative of recto
rectitud {f} :: rectitude
recto- {prefix} [anatomy] :: recto-
recto {adj} :: straight (of a line, pipe, street, etc, never about sexuality.)
recto {adj} :: honest, honorable, upright, righteous, just, fair
recto {adj} :: literal (of a meaning)
recto {adj} [geometry] :: right (of an angle, etc)
recto {m} [anatomy] :: rectum
recto {m} [anatomy] :: rectus
rectocele {m} [pathology] :: rectocele
rectopexia {f} [pathology] :: rectopexy
rector {adj} :: governing, directing
rector {m} :: rector
rectora {f} :: feminine noun of rector
rectorado {m} :: vice-chancellorship
rectorado {m} :: vice-chancellor's office
rectoral {adj} :: rectoral (pertaining to a rector)
rectorar {vt} [Central America] :: to rule, to govern
rectoría {f} :: rectorship
rectorragia {f} [pathology] :: rectorrhagia
rectosigmoideo {adj} [anatomy] :: rectosigmoid
rectovesical {adj} [anatomy] :: rectovesical
recua {f} :: pack [of mules, horses]
recua {f} [colloquial] :: gang; bunch (any group of things or people)
recuadrar {v} :: to draw a square around, to box in
recuadro {m} :: square
recualificación {f} :: requalification
recubridor {adj} :: covering; coating
recubridor {m} :: coater
recubrimiento {m} :: coating, lining
recubrir {vt} :: to cover; to coat
recudir {v} :: to come back
recudir {v} :: to pay
recuento {m} :: count, recount, head count, headcount, tally
recuento {m} :: looking back, or taking stock
recuento {m} :: recounting, retelling
recuerdito {m} :: diminutive of recuerdo
recuerdo {m} :: memory
recuerdo {m} :: souvenir
recular {v} :: to go back, move backwards, reverse
recular {v} :: to back out, back down
recuperabilidad {f} :: recuperability
recuperable {adj} :: recoverable
recuperación {f} :: recovery
recuperación {f} :: retrieval
recuperacional {adj} :: recuperatory
recuperador {m} :: recuperator
recuperadora {f} :: feminine noun of recuperador
recuperante {adj} :: recuperating
recuperar {v} :: to recover
recuperativo {adj} :: recuperative
recurrencia {f} :: recurrence
recurrente {adj} :: recurrent
recurrentemente {adv} :: recurrently
recurrible {adj} :: appealable
recurrir {v} :: to resort to
recurrir {v} :: to appeal to
recurrir {v} :: to turn to
recurrir {v} :: to call on (to request or ask something of a person)
recurrir {v} [legal] :: to appeal
recursión {f} :: recursion
recursivamente {adv} :: recursively
recursividad {f} :: recursivity
recursivo {adj} :: recursive
recurso {m} :: resource, means
recurso {m} [legal] :: appeal, writ
recurso {m} :: option, choice
recurso {m} :: resort, refuge (something or someone turned to for safety)
recurso {m} :: writ
recurva {f} :: recurve (especially, of a hurricane)
recurvar {v} :: to recurve
recusación {f} :: recusation
recusante {adj} :: recusant
recusante {mf} :: recusant
recusar {v} :: to recuse
red {f} [hunting, tools] :: web, mesh
red {f} [fishing] :: net
red {f} [arachnid] :: spiderweb
red {f} :: trap, snare
red {f} [communication, transportation] :: net, network
red {f} [sport] :: net, goal
red {f} [electricity] :: grid
red {f} [computing] :: Web, Internet
red {f} [used in plural] :: social networks
redacción {f} :: drafting (a written work)
redacción {f} :: editing room
redaccional {adj} :: redactional
redactar {v} :: to draft
redactor {m} :: editor (especially of a publication)
redactora {f} :: feminine noun of redactor
redactor jefe {m} :: chief editor
redada {f} :: catch (of fish)
redada {f} :: haul (of fish)
redada {f} :: raid (by police, military)
redaño {m} :: mesentery
redaño {m} [usually plural] :: pluck; spunk
redargüir {vt} :: to turn an argument against its proposer
redbanc {m} [Chile] :: automated teller machine
red de pesca {f} :: A net used for fishing
redecilla {f} :: hairnet
redecilla {f} :: netting; small net
redecilla {f} [zoology] :: reticulum
redecir {v} :: to retell
redecoración {f} :: redecoration
redecorar {v} :: to redecorate
rededicar {v} :: To rededicate
rededor {m} :: contour, surrounding (surrounding area)
redefinible {adj} :: redefinable
redefinición {f} :: redefinition
redefinir {vt} :: to redefine
redemocratización {f} :: redemocratization
redemocratizar {vt} :: to redemocratize
redención {f} :: redemption
redenominación {f} :: redenomination
redenominar {v} :: to rename
redensificante {m} :: redensifier
redensificar {v} :: to redensify
redentor {m} :: redeemer
redentora {f} :: feminine noun of redentor
redentorista {mf} :: Redemptorist
redera {f} :: ropemaker
redera {f} :: roper
redescribir {v} :: to rename; rebrand
redescripción {f} :: redescription
redescubrimiento {m} :: rediscovery
redescubrir {v} :: to rediscover
redescuento {m} :: rediscount
redesignación {f} :: redesignation
redesignar {v} [computing] :: to rename
redespliegue {m} :: redeployment
redibujar {v} :: to redraw
redición {f} :: repeating
rediez {interj} :: euphemistic form of rediós
redifusión {f} :: rebroadcasting, rediffusion
redifusión {f} :: broadcast syndication
redil {m} :: fold, pen, sheepfold (fenced off space to keep animals)
redila {m} :: fence on the back of a pick-up truck
redimensionamiento {m} :: restructuring
redimensionar {v} :: to resize
redimible {adj} :: redeemable
redimir {v} :: to redeem
redimir {v} :: to ransom, liberate
redimir {v} :: to win back, reconquer
redimir {v} :: to buy back, redeem from pawn
redimir {v} :: to free, exempt
redimir {v} :: to save from, free from, deliver from
redimirse {v} :: reflexive of redimir
rediós {interj} [blasphemous] :: good God! my God!
redirección {f} :: redirect
redireccionamiento {m} :: redirection
redireccionar {v} :: to reroute, redirect
redirigir {v} :: to redirect
rediscutir {v} :: to rediscuss
rediseñar {v} :: to redesign
rediseño {m} :: redesign
redistribución {f} :: redistribution
redistribuidor {adj} :: redistributing
redistribuidor {m} :: redistributor
redistribuir {vt} :: to redistribute
redistributivo {adj} :: redistributive
redistritación {f} :: redistribution into districts
rédito {m} [finance] :: revenue, return, yield (turnover, total sales)
rédito {m} [finance] :: income
rédito {m} [finance] :: interest
redituable {adj} [Cono Sur] :: profitable
redituar {v} :: to yield
redivivo {adj} :: reborn, revived, born-again
redobladura {f} :: drum roll
redoblaje {m} :: redubbing
redoblamiento {m} :: drum roll
redoblante {m} :: side drum, snare drum
redoblar {v} :: to redouble, to hike up, step up
redoma {f} :: bell jar
redomado {adj} :: cautious; careful
redonda {f} :: neighbourhood, region
redonda {f} :: pasture
redondamente {adv} :: resolutely, resoundingly
redondeamiento {m} :: rounding up
redondeamiento {m} :: rounding down
redondear {v} :: to round; to make round
redondear {v} :: to round off
redondear {v} :: to complement; top up
redondel {m} :: circle
redondez {f} :: roundness
redondilla {f} :: quatrain
redondito {adj} :: diminutive of redondo
redondo {adj} :: round (circular, cylindrical, or spherical)
redondo {adj} :: round (of a number, without fractions)
redondo {adj} :: complete, successful, profitable
Redondo {prop} :: surname
redor {m} :: surroundings
redor {m} :: hem of a garment reaching the heels
redor {m} :: round mat
red social {f} :: social network
red social {f} :: social media [plural]
red social {f} :: social networking site
red trófica {f} :: food web
reducción {f} :: reduction
reduccionismo {m} :: reductionism
reduccionista {adj} :: reductionist
reducible {adj} :: reducible
reducidísimo {adj} :: very reduced, very small
reducido {adj} :: reduced
reducidor {m} :: reducer
reducidor {m} [Latin America] :: fence, middleman (for transactions of stolen goods)
reducidora {f} :: feminine noun of reducidor
reducidor silvestre {m} :: poacher
reducir {v} :: to reduce, to lower, to cut, to scale back
reducir {v} :: to narrow, to narrow down (e.g. suspects, a search, a gap, choices)
reducir {v} :: to whittle
reducir {v} :: to curtail (restrict)
reducirse {v} :: reflexive of reducir
reductasa {f} [enzyme] :: reductase
reductible {adj} :: reducible
reductivo {adj} :: reductive
reducto {m} :: redoubt
reductor {adj} :: reductive, reducing
reductor {m} [chemistry] :: reducing agent, reducer, reductant
reductor {m} :: reducer
reductora {f} :: feminine noun of reductor
redundancia {f} :: redundancy
redundancia {f} :: tautology (expression that features tautology)
redundante {adj} :: redundant
redundar {v} :: to redound
redundar {v} :: to result (in)
reduplicación {f} :: reduplication
reedición {f} :: reprint
reedificación {f} :: reconstruction, rebuilding
reedificar {v} :: to rebuild
reeditar {v} :: to reissue, reprint
reeducación {f} :: reeducation
reeducar {v} :: to re-educate
reelaboración {f} [arts] :: reproduction
reelaborar {v} :: to re-elaborate
reelección {f} :: reelection
reeleccionista {adj} :: Of or relating to a reelection
reelegible {adj} :: elegible for reelection
reelegir {v} :: to reelect
reeligible {adj} :: reeligible
reelina {f} [protein] :: reelin
reembarcar {vt} [nautical] :: to reembark
reembarcar {vr} :: to reembark (on)
reembolsable {adj} :: refundable
reembolsar {v} :: to reimburse
reembolso {m} :: reimbursement, refund
reemergente {adj} :: re-emerging
reemisión {f} :: rebroadcasting, rediffusion
reemitir {v} :: to rebroadcast
reempadronamiento {m} :: reregistration
reemplacamiento {m} :: replacement of license plates
reemplazable {adj} :: replaceable
reemplazado {adj} :: replaced
reemplazamiento {m} :: replacing; relocation
reemplazante {adj} :: replacement, substitute
reemplazante {mf} :: replacement
reemplazar {v} :: to replace
reemplazar {v} :: to substitute
reemplazarse {v} :: reflexive of reemplazar
reemplazo {m} :: replacement
reemprender {v} :: to undertake again
reenamorar {v} :: to fall in love again
reencaminar {v} :: to put back on the right track
reencantamiento {m} :: reenchantment
reencantar {v} :: To reenchant, to re-charm, to cause to fall in love again
reencarnación {f} :: reincarnation
reencarnado {adj} :: reincarnated
reencarnar {v} :: to reincarnate
reencauzar {v} :: to rechannel [a flow of water]
reencauzar {v} [figurative] :: to steer back in the right direction
reencontrar {v} :: to rediscover, to refind
reencontrarse {v} :: reflexive of reencontrar
reencuadernar {v} :: to rebind (a book)
reencuentro {m} :: reunion, reencounter
reenergizar {vt} :: to reenergize
reenfocar {v} :: to refocus
reenganchar {v} :: to rehook; reattach
reenganchar {v} [military] :: to recall to service
reenganchar {vr} :: to get hooked again
reensamblar {v} :: To reassemble
reenterrar {v} :: to rebury
reentrante {adj} :: reentrant
reentrar {v} :: to re-enter, to go back in
reentrenamiento {m} :: retraining
reentrenar {v} :: to retrain
reenvasar {v} :: to repack; repackage
reenviar {v} [computing] :: To forward, send on (a message)
reenviar {v} :: to retransmit
reenvío {m} :: sending back; return
reequilibrar {v} :: to restabilise, to rebalance
reequilibrio {m} :: rebalance
reequipamiento {m} :: refurbishment
reequipar {vt} :: to refurbish; convert
reescalado {m} :: rescaling
reescribir {v} :: to rewrite
reescritura {f} :: rewrite, rewriting
reestabilizar {v} :: to restabilize
reestabilizarse {v} :: reflexive of reestabilizar
reestablecer {v} :: alternative form of restablecer
reestatalización {f} :: renationalization
reestatización {f} :: renationalization
reestatizar {v} :: to renationalize
reestilización {f} :: restyling; revamp
reestilizar {v} :: to restyle; revamp
reestrenar {v} :: to revive
reestrenar {vr} :: to come back, to be revived
reestreno {m} :: rerelease (of a media property)
reestreno {m} :: revival
reestructuración {f} :: restructuring
reestructuración {f} :: reorganizing
reestructurar {vt} :: to restructure
reeuskaldunización {f} :: the process of making something Basque again
reevaluación {f} :: reevaluation
reevaluar {v} :: to reevaluate
reexamen {m} :: resit (repeat exam)
reexaminación {f} :: reexamination
reexaminar {v} :: to reexamine
reexpedir {v} :: to reissue
reexperimentación {f} :: reexperimentation
reexportación {f} :: reexportation
reexposición {f} [music] :: recapitulation
refacción {f} :: refaction
refacción {f} [Latin America] :: repair
refacción {f} [Latin America] :: spare part
refaccionar {v} :: to repair
refaccionaria {f} [Mexico] :: repair shop
refactorización {f} :: refactorization
refacturar {v} :: to rebill
refajo {m} :: slip (women's undergarment)
refamoso {adj} [Latin America] :: very famous
refanfinflar {vr} [slang, pejorative, refanfinflársela] :: to not give a shit
refanflinfársela {v} [idiom] :: To not give a shit
refectorio {m} :: refectory
referato {m} :: refereeing (the act of refereeing)
referee {mf} :: referee
referencia {f} :: reference
referencial {adj} :: referential
referencialidad {f} :: referentiality
referenciar {vt} :: to reference
referendario {adj} :: referendum (attributive)
referendo {m} :: referendum
referéndum {m} :: referendum (vote)
referéndum {m} :: referendum (diplomacy)
referente {adj} :: referring (as in referente a = referring to, regarding)
referente {m} :: referent
referente {m} :: idol, someone to look up to
referente a {prep} :: referring to, regarding, concerning
réferi {mf} [sports] :: referee
referible {adj} :: referable
referir {v} :: to report
referir {v} :: to relate
referir {vr} :: to refer to
referirse {vr} :: to refer to
refichaje {m} :: re-signing
refigurar {v} :: to reappear
refilar {v} :: to trim
refilón {n} :: only used in de refilón
refinación {f} :: refining
refinadísimo {adj} :: superlative of refinado
refinador {adj} :: refining
refinamiento {m} :: refinement
refinamiento {m} :: cruelty
refinanciación {f} :: refinancing
refinanciamiento {m} :: refinancing
refinanciar {v} :: to refinance
refinar {v} :: to refine
refinería {f} :: refinery
reflación {f} [economics] :: reflation
reflacionista {adj} :: reflationist
reflacionista {mf} :: reflationist
reflectancia {f} :: reflectance
reflectante {adj} :: reflective
reflectar {v} :: to reflect [sound, light]
reflectividad {f} :: reflectivity
reflectivo {adj} :: reflective
reflector {adj} :: reflecting
reflector {m} :: reflector
reflector {m} :: spotlight
reflejante {adj} :: reflective; reflecting
reflejar {vt} :: to reflect
reflejo {m} :: reflection
reflejo {m} :: reflex
réflex {adj} [photography] :: reflex (of a camera, using a mirror to reflect the image onto a viewfinder)
réflex {f} :: reflex camera
reflexar {v} :: archaic spelling of reflejar
reflexión {f} :: reflection
reflexionar {v} :: to reflect
reflexionar {v} [used with sobre] :: to consider, think about, ponder
reflexivamente {adv} :: reflexively
reflexividad {f} :: reflexivity
reflexivo {adj} [grammar] :: reflexive
reflexología {f} :: reflexology
reflotación {f} :: reflotation
reflotamiento {m} :: refloating
reflotar {v} :: to refloat
refluir {vi} :: to flow back
refluir {vi} :: synonym of redundar
reflujo {m} :: ebb
reflujo {m} :: reflux
reflujo {m} [pathology] :: reflux
refocalización {f} :: refocus; refocusing
refocilar {v} :: to delight
refocilar {v} :: to gloat
reforestación {f} :: reforestation
reforestar {v} :: to reforest
reforjar {v} :: to reforge
reforma {f} :: reform (the change of something that is defective, broken, inefficient or otherwise negative)
reformable {adj} :: reformable
reformación {f} :: reformation
reformador {adj} :: reforming
reformador {m} :: reformer
reformadora {f} :: feminine noun of reformador
reformalización {f} :: reformalization
reformalizar {v} :: to send to a reformatory
reformar {v} :: to reform
reformatear {v} :: to reformat
reformatorio {adj} :: reformatory; reforming
reformatorio {m} :: reformatory
reformismo {m} :: reformism
reformista {adj} :: reformist
reformista {mf} :: reformist
reformulación {f} :: A reformulation
reformular {v} :: to reformulate, to rethink, to reshape, to redesign
reformular {v} :: to rephrase, to reword, to reframe
reformular {v} :: to redraft
refortificación {f} :: refortification
reforzador {m} :: booster
reforzamiento {m} :: reinforcement
reforzamiento {m} :: strengthening
reforzar {v} :: to reinforce, to bolster, to buttress
reforzar {v} :: to strengthen, to increase, to beef up (the level, strength, amount of)
reforzar {v} :: to tighten, to tighten up (e.g. security, regulations)
refotografiar {v} :: to rephotograph, to take a photograph again
refracción {f} [optics] :: refraction
refractar {v} :: to refract
refractario {adj} :: fireproof
refractario {adj} :: unyielding, stubborn
refractario {adj} :: refractory
refractivo {adj} :: refractive
refractómetro {m} :: refractometer
refractor {adj} :: refracting
refractor {m} :: refractor
refrán {m} :: proverb
refrán {m} :: saying
refranero {m} :: collection of proverbs
refregar {v} :: to rub, scrub
refregar {v} :: to harp on, insist on recalling [something unpleasant]
refreír {v} :: to refry
refreír {v} :: to over fry
refreír {v} :: to rehash
refrenar {vt} :: to rein in, contain
refrendación {f} :: endorsement
refrendar {v} :: to endorse
refrendaria {f} :: endorser; countersigner
refrendario {m} :: endorser; countersigner
refrescamiento {m} :: refreshment (act of refreshing)
refrescante {adj} :: refreshing
refrescantemente {adv} :: refreshingly
refrescar {v} :: to refresh
refrescar {v} :: to jog (stimulate a person's memory)
refrescarse {v} :: reflexive of refrescar
refresco {m} :: cold drink
refresco {m} [Mexico, Venezuela] :: soda, soft drink
refresco {m} :: refreshment
refresco normal {m} [Mexico] :: a non-diet, 600 milliliters soft drink or soda beverage
refresquera {f} :: soft drinks company
refresquería {f} [Latin America] :: refreshment stand
refresquito {m} :: diminutive of refresco
refriega {f} :: fray, scuffle, skirmish, affray
refrigeración {f} :: refrigeration
refrigerador {adj} :: cooling, refrigerating, refrigerated
refrigerador {m} :: refrigerator
refrigeradora {f} [Latin America] :: refrigerator, fridge
refrigerante {adj} :: cooling, refrigerating
refrigerante {m} :: coolant
refrigerar {vt} :: to refrigerate
refrigerativo {adj} :: cooling, refrigerative
refrigerio {m} :: pleasant sensation of coolness when one is hot
refrigerio {m} [figurative] :: solace (comfort or consolation in a time of distress)
refrigerio {m} :: snack (light meal)
refuerzo {m} :: strengthening
refuerzo {m} :: reinforcement
refuerzo {m} :: support
refuerzo {m} :: aid
refugiada {f} :: feminine noun of refugiado
refugiado {adj} :: related to refugees
refugiado {m} :: refugee
refugiar {v} :: to shelter
refugiarse {v} :: reflexive of refugiar
refugio {m} :: a refuge
refugio {m} :: safety
refulgencia {f} :: refulgence
refulgente {adj} :: refulgent, radiant
refulgir {v} [formal] :: to shine, glean
refuncionalización {f} :: refunctionalization
refundación {f} :: reorganizing, reforming, reworking
refundacional {adj} [attributive] :: reorganising, reshuffling
refundador {m} :: refounder
refundar {v} :: to relaunch
refundición {f} :: reworking, reforming
refundir {v} :: to revise, to rewrite
refunfuñar {v} :: to grumble
refunfuñar {v} :: to blather, mumble (speak gibberish)
refunfuñón {m} :: a person who grumbles or growls often
refunfuñón {adj} [of a person] :: who grumbles or growls often
refunfuñona {f} :: feminine noun of refunfuñón
refutable {adj} :: Something that can be refuted
refutación {f} :: refutation
refutar {v} :: to refute
regable {adj} :: irrigable
regadera {f} :: watering can
regadera {f} [Latin America] :: shower (device)
regadera {f} [Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela] :: shower head, showerhead
regadío {m} [agriculture] :: fertile land; irrigated land
regador {adj} :: watering
regador {m} :: watering can
regaifa {f} :: a certain part of an oil mill, being a circular stone slab where olives are accumulated for following pressing
regaladamente {adv} :: smoothly; delicately; tenderly
regaladamente {adv} :: extremely cheaply
regaladísimo {adj} :: superlative of regalado
regalador {adj} :: fond of giving presents; generous with gifts
regalar {v} :: to give as a present, to gift
regalar {v} :: to regale, entertain
regalar {vtr} :: to melt (change from a solid to a liquid state)
regalía {f} :: royalty (payment)
regalismo {m} :: regalism
regalista {adj} :: regalist
regalista {mf} :: regalist
regalito {m} :: diminutive of regalo
regalito {m} :: party favor
regaliz {m} :: liquorice
regalo {m} :: present, gift
regalón {adj} :: indulged, pampered
regalón {adj} :: preferred, favorite person or animal
regalón {m} :: favorite, darling (indulged person)
regalonear {v} [Chile] :: to pamper, indulge
regalonear {v} [Chile] :: to caress
regañadientes {adv} :: only used in a regañadientes
regañar {vt} :: to scold, to tell off
regañar {vi} :: to gripe, complain, whine
regañar {vi} :: to bare one's teeth
regañina {f} :: scolding
regaño {m} :: scolding
regañón {adj} :: grumbling, nagging
regante {mf} :: irrigator; water company
regar {v} :: to irrigate
regar {v} :: to water
regar {v} :: to scatter
regar {v} :: to hose, to wash down
regasificación {f} :: regasification
regasificador {adj} :: regasification (attributive)
regata {f} :: regatta (boat racing)
regate {m} :: dodge, swerve
regatear {v} :: to bargain
regatear {v} :: to barter
regatear {v} :: to haggle over
regatear {v} :: to begrudge
regatear {v} [nautical] :: to race
regateo {m} :: act of bartering or haggling
regatista {mf} :: one who participates in a regatta
regato {m} :: brook; stream
regato {m} :: (small) pool (of water)
regato {m} :: irrigation ditch
regatón {adj} :: keen on bartering
regatón {m} :: haggler; barterer
regatona {f} :: feminine noun of regatón
regazar {v} :: synonym of arregazar
regazo {m} :: lap (the upper legs of a seated person)
regencia {f} :: regency
regeneración {f} :: regeneration
regeneracionismo {m} :: regenerationism
regeneracionista {mf} :: regenerationist
regenerador {adj} :: regenerating
regenerar {vt} :: to regenerate
regenerarse {v} :: reflexive of regenerar
regenerativo {adj} :: regenerative
regentar {v} :: to manage; run; be in charge (of)
regente {mf} :: regent (one who rules in place of the monarch)
regenteador {m} :: manager
regentear {v} :: to manage
reggae {m} :: reggae
reggaeton {m} :: reggaeton
reggaetón {m} :: alternative spelling of reguetón
reggaetonera {f} :: reggaeton singer
reggaetonero {m} :: reggaetonero
regiamente {adv} :: regally
regicidio {m} :: regicide
regidor {m} :: regidor
regidora {f} :: feminine noun of regidor
regiduría {f} :: governing
regilla {f} :: obsolete spelling of rejilla
régimen {m} :: regime [form of government]
régimen {m} :: regimen [remedy intended to produce beneficial effects]
régimen {m} :: scheme [systematic plan of future action] (e.g. a pension scheme, an aid scheme, a loan scheme)
regimental {adj} :: regimental
regimentar {v} [military] :: To regiment
regimiento {m} :: regiment
regio {adj} :: royal
regio {adj} [Argentina, Chile, Ecuador] :: stupendous
regio {adj} [Mexico] :: Monterreyan, born in Monterrey, short form of regiomontano
regiomontana {f} :: feminine noun of regiomontano
regiomontano {adj} :: Of or from the city of Monterrey, Mexico
regiomontano {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Monterrey, Mexico
región {f} :: region
regional {adj} :: regional
regionalismo {m} :: regionalism (affection to one’s own region)
regionalismo {m} [linguistics] :: regionalism (word or feature peculiar to a dialect)
regionalista {adj} :: regionalist
regionalista {mf} :: regionalist
regionalización {f} :: regionalization
regionalizar {v} :: to regionalize
regionalmente {adv} :: regionally
Región Autónoma del Atlántico Norte {prop} {f} :: Región Autónoma del Atlántico Norte (department)
Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur {prop} {f} :: Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur (department)
regioselectividad {f} [chemistry] :: regioselectivity
regir {v} :: to rule, govern, be in charge of, reign
regir {v} [grammar] :: to take
regista {mf} [film] :: director
registración {f} [US Spanish] :: registration (the process of registering for something)
registrador {m} :: One that registers, especially for a court, ministry, king, or documents
registrador {m} :: A registrar, recorder
registrador {m} :: A dial, pressure gauge, thermostat, weight, speedometer, or similar control panel
registrador {m} :: Someone that is well versed in deciphering the various merchandise of a business
registradora {f} :: feminine noun of registrador
registral {adj} [attributive] :: register, registration
registrar {v} :: to register, record
registrar {v} :: to examine, inspect, search
registrar {vr} :: to check in
registrarse {v} :: reflexive of registrar
registro {m} :: registration, record
registro {m} :: roll, register, logbook, log
registro {m} :: entry (in a register or log)
registro {m} :: search (of a building, by police etc.)
registro {m} :: recording (of audio or video)
registro {m} [linguistics] :: register
registro {m} [music] :: register (of voice)
registro {m} [sports] :: record; personal best
registro audible {m} :: voice stamp
registro civil {m} :: registry office
registro de conductor {m} [Argentina] :: driver's license
registro fósil {m} [paleontology] :: fossil record
regla {f} :: rule [regulation, norm]
regla {f} :: ruler [measuring stick]
regla {f} [colloquial] :: menstruation, period
regla de oro {f} :: golden rule
regla de tres {f} :: rule of three
reglaje {m} :: adjustment
reglamentación {f} :: ruling
reglamentar {v} :: to establish rules for
reglamentariamente {adv} :: statutorily
reglamentario {adj} :: statutory
reglamentario {adj} :: of a uniform, etc. regulation
reglamentario {adj} :: fixed or prearranged time
reglamentista {adj} :: law-abiding
reglamento {m} :: policy, rules
reglana {f} :: feminine noun of reglano
reglano {adj} :: Of or from Regla, Cuba
reglano {m} :: Someone from Regla, Cuba
reglar {v} :: to rule (put lines using e.g. a ruler)
reglar {v} :: to regulate
reglar {v} :: to check, to correct
reglar {v} [nautical] :: to trim
reglar {vr} :: to abide by, to conform to
reglazo {m} :: Hit with a ruler
regleta {f} [electronics] :: circuit board
regleta {f} :: power strip
reglilla {f} :: diminutive of regla
reglón {m} :: augmentative of regla
regobernar {v} :: to regovern, to govern again
regocijadamente {adv} :: delightedly
regocijado {adj} :: delighted; overjoyed
regocijante {adj} :: delightful
regocijar {v} :: to delight
regocijo {m} :: widespread joy, jubilation
regocijo {m} :: or by extension an action that leads to this state of mind
regodear {vp} [colloquial] :: to be fussy
regodear {vp} [colloquial] :: to gloat, enjoy, delight, wallow
regodearse {v} :: reflexive of regodear
regodeo {m} :: gloat, gloating
regodeo {m} :: schadenfreude
regodeón {adj} :: querulous, naggy
regodeón {m} :: nagger
regoldar {v} :: to belch (expel gas loudly or rudely from the stomach through the mouth)
regolito {m} [geology] :: regolith
regordete {adj} [colloquial] :: chubby, plump
regrabable {adj} :: rerecordable
regrabación {f} :: rerecording
regrabar {v} :: to rerecord
regresar {vi} :: to return, go back, come back
regresión {f} :: setback, regression
regresividad {f} :: regressivity
regresivo {adj} :: backwards
regreso {m} :: return
regresor {m} :: regressor
reguardo {m} [obsolete] :: regard; look
regüeldo {m} :: belch, burp
reguera {f} :: irrigation ditch
reguero {m} :: trickle
reguero {m} :: irrigation ditch
reguero {m} :: string, series
reguetón {m} :: alternative form of reggaeton
reguetonear {v} :: to reggaeton (play, or enjoy, reggaeton music)
reguetonera {f} :: feminine noun of reguetonero
reguetonero {adj} :: reggaeton (related to reggaeton music)
reguetonero {m} :: A reggaeton artist
regulable {adj} :: adjustable
regulación {f} :: adjustment
regulador {adj} :: regulatory, regulating
regulador {m} :: regulator (device that controls or limits something)
reguladora {f} :: feminine noun of regulador
regular {adj} :: regular, steady, even
regular {adj} :: fair, fairly good, average
regular {adj} :: common, ordinary, middling, so-so
regular {adj} [grammar] :: regular
regular {v} :: to regulate
regular {v} :: to control
regular {v} :: to adjust
regular {v} :: to put in order
regularidad {f} :: regularity
regularización {f} :: regularisation
regularizador {adj} :: regulating
regularizar {v} :: to regularize, to standardize
regularizar {v} :: to legalize
regularmente {adv} :: regularly
regularse {v} :: reflexive of regular
regulativo {adj} :: regulative, regulatory
regulatorio {adj} :: regulatory, rule
regulín regulán {adv} [idiom, childish] :: so-so; not bad; okayish
régulo {m} :: small-time king; kinglet
Régulo {prop} {m} :: Regulus
regurgitación {f} :: regurgitation
regurgitar {v} :: to regurgitate
regusto {m} :: aftertaste
rehabilitación {f} :: rehabilitation
rehabilitación {f} :: reinstatement
rehabilitación {f} :: physical therapy
rehabilitador {m} :: rehabilitator
rehabilitador {adj} :: rehabilitating
rehabilitar {vt} :: to rehabilitate
rehabilitarse {v} :: reflexive of rehabilitar
rehacer {v} :: to redo
rehén {mf} :: hostage
rehidratación {f} :: rehydration
rehidratar {v} :: to rehydrate
rehidroxilación {f} [organic chemistry] :: rehydroxylation
rehilar {vt} :: to twist hard; to spin too much
rehilar {vi} :: to quiver, to tremble
rehilar {vt} [phonetics] :: to pronounce some consonants as a postalveolar fricative (as either voiced /ʒ/ or voiceless /ʃ/)
rehogar {v} :: to fry lightly, to sauté
rehuir {v} :: to avoid
rehuir {v} :: to shun, shrink, retreat (withdraw or retire, as from danger)
rehundir {vt} :: to sink to the bottom
rehundir {vt} :: to deepen
rehundir {vt} :: to waste
rehusar {v} :: to refuse
rehusarse {v} :: reflexive of rehusar
reidor {adj} :: laughing
reidor {m} :: laugher
reidora {f} :: feminine noun of reidor
reificación {f} :: reification
reiki {f} :: reiki
Reikiavik {prop} {f} :: Reikiavik (capital city)
reikiavikense {adj} :: Reykjavikian (of or pertaining to Reykjavík, Iceland)
reikiavikense {mf} :: Reykjavikian (native or resident of Reykjavík, Iceland)
reimaginación {f} :: rethink, reboot
reimaginar {v} :: to reimagine
reimplantación {f} :: reimplantation
reimplantar {v} :: to reimplant
reimplementación {f} :: reimplementation
reimponer {vt} :: to reimpose
reimpresión {f} :: reprint; reprinting
reimprimir {v} :: to reprint
reimpulsar {v} :: to relaunch, reboot, restart
reina {f} :: queen
reina {f} [chess] :: queen
reina {f} [card games] :: queen
Reina {prop} {f} :: surname
Reina {prop} {f} [chiefly Latin America] :: given name
reina de la noche {f} :: queen of the night (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)
reina de la noche {f} :: queen of the night (Nyctocereus serpentinus)
reina de la noche {f} :: queen of the night (Selenicereus grandiflorus)
reinado {m} :: reign
Reinaldo {prop} {m} :: given name
reinante {adj} :: reigning
reinante {adj} :: prevailing
reinar {v} :: to reign; to rule over
reinauguración {f} :: reinauguration
reinaugurar {v} :: to reinaugurate
reincidencia {f} :: recidivism
reincidente {adj} :: recidivistic
reincidente {mf} :: recidivist, repeat offender
reincidir {v} :: to backslide, to relapse
reincorporación {f} :: reincorporation
reincorporar {v} :: to reincorporate
reincorporarse {v} :: reflexive of reincorporar
reindustrialización {f} :: reindustrialization
reindustrializar {vt} :: to reindustrialize
reineta {f} :: reinette (apple)
reinfección {f} :: reinfection
reingeniería {f} :: reengineering
reingresar {v} :: to go back in (especially, into a medical institution)
reingresar {v} :: to join up again, to rejoin
reingreso {m} :: putting back in place
reinicialización {f} :: restarting
reiniciar {v} :: to reset
reiniciar {v} :: to reboot
reiniciar {v} :: to recommence
reinicio {m} :: reboot; restart
reinita {f} :: ovenbird
reino {m} :: kingdom
reino {m} [taxonomy] :: kingdom
Reino de Suecia {prop} {m} :: Kingdom of Sweden
reinona {f} [slang] :: drag queen
Reino Unido {prop} {m} :: Reino Unido (country)
reinscribir {vt} :: to reinscribe
reinscripción {f} :: reinscription
reinserción {f} :: reinsertion
reinsertar {v} :: to reinsert, to put back
reinsertar {v} :: to rejoin, to reintegrate
reinstalación {f} :: reinstallation
reinstalar {v} :: to reinstall
reinstauración {f} :: reestablishment
reinstaurar {v} :: to reinstate
reinstitucionalización {f} :: reinstitutionalization
reinstitucionalizar {v} :: To reinstitutionalize
reintegración {f} :: reintegration (act of reintegrating)
reintegrar {vt} :: to refund, reimburse
reintegrar {vp} :: to reintegrate, rejoin
reintegro {m} :: repayment
reintegro {m} :: In a lottery, a prize equal to the price of the ticket
reintensificar {vt} :: to reintensify
reintentar {vt} :: to retry
reinterpretación {f} :: reinterpretation
reinterpretar {v} :: to reinterpret
reintroducción {f} :: reintroduction
reintroducir {v} :: to reinsert
reintroducir {v} :: to bring back in
reinvención {f} :: reinvention
reinventar {vt} :: to reinvent
reinventar {vr} :: to reinvent (oneself)
reinversión {f} :: reinvestment
reinvertir {vt} [economics] :: to reinvest
reionización {f} :: reionization
reír {v} :: to laugh
reír a boca llena {v} [idiomatic] :: to laugh one's head off
reirse {v} :: reflexive of reír
reírse {v} :: (reflexive of reír) to laugh
reírse a carcajadas {v} [colloquial] :: to laugh out loud, to be in stitches
reiteración {f} :: reiteration
reiteradamente {adv} :: repeatedly
reiterar {v} :: to reiterate, to stress
reiterar {v} :: to restate, to repeat
reiterar {v} :: to reaffirm, to renew (a statement or decision)
reiterativo {adj} :: reiterative
reivindicable {adj} :: recoverable
reivindicación {f} [legal] :: replevin
reivindicación {f} :: claim, demand
reivindicar {v} :: to reestablish or promote again the value of something
reivindicar {v} :: to claim something (often with a negative connotation)
reivindicar {v} :: to demand
reivindicar {v} [law] :: to replevy, demand the return of something illegally taken away
reivindicativo {adj} :: vindicative
reja {f} :: grate, grating, grille
reja {f} [plural] :: bars (e.g., of a jail cell)
rejalgar {m} :: realgar
rejalgar {m} [Oaxaca] :: tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassavica)
rejalgar {m} [State of Mexico] :: Colocasia antiquorum
rejalgar {m} [Oaxaca] :: Tabernaemontana amygdalifolia
rejalgar {m} [Sinaloa] :: Cascabela ovata
rejera {f} :: feminine noun of rejero
rejería {f} :: The skill of making grilles or rails
rejero {m} :: grille maker
rejilla {f} :: grill, grating
rejilla {f} :: lattice
rejón {m} [bullfighting] :: lance
rejonazo {m} [bullfighting] :: stab or thrust with a lance
rejoneador {m} [bullfighting] :: rejoneador
rejoneadora {f} :: feminine noun of rejoneador
rejoneo {m} [bullfighting] :: stab with the lance
rejugabilidad {f} :: replayability
rejuvenecedor {adj} :: rejuvenating
rejuvenecedor {m} :: rejuvenator
rejuvenecer {v} :: to rejuvenate
rejuvenecimiento {m} :: rejuvenation
rekutu {m} [Paraguay] :: A politician who wants to get reelected
relación {f} :: relation
relación {f} :: relationship
relacionable {adj} :: related
relacionado {adj} :: related
relacionador {m} :: public relations worker
relacionadora {f} :: feminine noun of relacionador
relacional {adj} :: relational
relacionamiento {m} :: relationship
relacionar {v} :: to relate
relacionarse {v} :: reflexive of relacionar
relaciones públicas {fp} :: public relations
relacionista {mf} :: public relations worker
relación sexual {f} :: sexual intercourse
relajación {f} :: relaxation
relajación {f} :: laxity
relajación {f} :: rupture
relajación {f} :: hernia
relajadamente {adv} :: relaxedly
relajadísimo {adj} :: superlative of relajado
relajado {adj} :: relaxed
relajado {adj} :: lax, laid-back, loose
relajado {adj} :: loose (dissolute)
relajado {adj} [colloquial] :: chill
relajamiento {m} :: relaxation
relajante {adj} :: relaxing, soothing, calming
relajante {adj} [Chile, colloquial] :: sickly sweet, oversweetened
relajar {vt} :: to relax, to loosen
relajar {vt} :: to soothe (e.g., the body, one's skin)
relajar {vt} [figuratively] :: to loosen up, to ease up, to ease, to lighten, (e.g., a restriction, the mood)
relajar {vp} :: to relax, to unwind, to chill, to chill out, to wind down, to kick back, to sit back, to loosen up, to decompress
relajo {m} :: A ruckus or commotion
relamer {v} :: to lick, lick up, lick out
relamer {vr} [literally] :: to lick one's lips
relamer {vr} :: to lick one's lips (idiomatic)
relamido {adj} :: nice to an excessive degree; overnice
relamido {adj} :: affected
relamido {adj} :: overdressed
relámpago {m} :: lightning, bolt
relámpago {m} :: flash, glance, sparkle
relampagueante {adj} :: flashing; gleaming; twinkling
relampaguear {vi} [impersonal] :: to flash (from lightning, etc)
relanzamiento {m} :: relaunch
relanzar {v} :: to relaunch
relatar {v} :: to tell
relatar {v} :: to report
relatar {v} :: to relate
relativamente {adv} :: relatively
relatividad {f} :: relativity (state of being relative)
relatividad {f} :: relativity (principle of physics)
relatividad general {f} :: general relativity
relativismo {m} :: relativism
relativista {adj} :: relativist
relativista {mf} :: relativist
relativización {f} :: relativization
relativizar {v} :: to play down, put into perspective
relativo {adj} :: relative, comparative
relato {m} :: story
relato {m} :: report
relator {m} :: relator
relator {m} :: storyteller
relatora {f} :: feminine noun of relator
relatoría {f} [legal] :: Office of the court reporter
relave {m} :: tailings
relax {m} :: relaxation
relé {m} [electronics] :: relay
relectura {f} :: rereading
releer {v} :: to re-read
relegación {f} [Ancient Rome] :: relegation
relegar {v} :: to relegate (banish)
relegitimar {vt} :: to relegitimize
relente {m} :: night dew
relevación {f} :: taking over; relief
relevamiento {m} [Latin America] :: land study
relevancia {f} :: relevance
relevante {adj} :: significant, important
relevar {v} :: to take over for
relevista {mf} [baseball] :: reliever, relief pitcher
relevo {m} :: relief (from duty, watch)
relevo {m} [athletics] :: relay
relevo {m} :: changeover (in a relay race)
relicario {m} :: reliquary
relicitación {f} :: rebidding
relicto {adj} :: relict
relicto {m} :: relict
relictual {adj} :: relictual
relieve {m} :: relief (protrusion)
religar {v} :: to bind, solder
religión {f} :: religion
religiosamente {adv} :: religiously
religiosidad {f} :: religiousness
religiosísimo {adj} :: superlative of religioso
religioso {adj} :: religious
relimitación {f} :: re-limitation
relinchar {v} :: to whinny, to neigh
relinchido {m} :: neigh (sound of a horse)
relinchito {m} :: diminutive of relincho
relincho {m} :: neigh
relindo {adj} :: Extremely pretty
reliquia {f} :: relic
reliquia {f} :: vestige
reliquidación {f} :: reliquidation
rellamar {v} :: to recall; to call again; to phone back
rellano {m} :: landing (of a staircase)
rellenable {adj} :: fillable
rellenadito {adj} :: diminutive of rellenado
rellenar {v} :: to refill
rellenar {v} :: to fill out/fill in (as a form or data field)
rellenar {v} :: to fill (e.g., fill a hole, fill food)
rellenar {v} :: to pad, to stuff
rellenito {adj} :: diminutive of relleno
relleno {adj} :: stuffed
relleno {adj} :: chubby
relleno {m} :: filling
relleno {m} :: stuffing
relleno {m} :: padding
reló {m} :: obsolete spelling of reloj
relocalización {f} :: relocation
relocalizar {v} :: to relocate
reloj {m} :: clock
reloj {m} :: watch, wristwatch
reloj analógico {m} [retronym] :: analog clock, analogue clock
reloj atómico {m} :: atomic clock
reloj biológico {m} [idiom] :: biological clock
reloj de agua {m} :: water clock
reloj de arena {m} :: hourglass
reloj de bolsillo {m} :: pocket watch
reloj de cuco {m} :: cuckoo clock
reloj de pared {m} :: grandfather clock
reloj de péndulo {m} :: pendulum clock
reloj de pie {m} :: grandfather clock
reloj de pulsera {m} :: wristwatch
reloj de sol {m} :: sundial
reloj despertador {m} :: alarm clock
reloj digital {m} [retronym] :: digital clock
relojear {vt} [colloquial, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Uruguay] :: to check, check out, keep an eye on
relojera {f} :: feminine noun of relojero
relojería {f} :: clock shop
relojería {f} :: clockmaking
relojero {m} :: clockmaker
relojillo {m} :: diminutive of reloj
relojito {m} :: diminutive of reloj
reloj molecular {m} :: molecular clock
relojote {m} :: augmentative of reloj
reloj solar {m} :: sundial
relox {m} :: obsolete spelling of reloj
reluchar {vi} [uncommon] :: to fight tooth and nail
reluciente {adj} :: shiny, incandescent, glossy
relucir {v} :: to glisten
relucir {v} :: (sacar a relucir) to bring up (a topic)
reluctancia {f} :: reluctance, unwillingness
reluctancia {f} [physics] :: reluctance
relumbrante {adj} :: flashy, shiny
relumbrar {v} :: to shine
relumbrón {m} :: sudden flash of light
relumbrón {m} :: flashy jewel
rema {m} [linguistics] :: rheme (part of a sentence that provides new information)
remachar {v} :: to rivet
remachar {v} [tennis] :: to smash
remachar {v} :: to stress, to emphasize
remache {m} :: rivet
remache {m} :: final touch, finishing touch
remador {m} :: rower, oarsman
remadora {f} :: feminine noun of remador
remaduro {adj} :: over-ripe
remake {m} :: remake
remanencia {f} [physics] :: remanence
remanente {adj} :: remaining
remanente {m} :: remainder
remangar {v} :: to roll up (sleeves)
remangar {v} [pronomial] :: to roll up one's sleeves (figurative meaning)
remansarse {vr} :: to slow down, detain, become calm
remansarse {vr} [of a liquid] :: to slow down, form a pool
remanso {m} :: backwater, still water (area of stagnant water)
remanso {m} :: quiet place
remanso {m} :: haven
remanso {adj} :: very tame
remar {v} :: to paddle
remar {v} :: to row
remarcable {adj} :: remarkable
remarcablemente {adv} :: remarkably
remarcador {m} [Chile] :: meter (device that measures things, e.g. electricity meter, water meter or gas meter)
remarcar {v} :: to re-mark
remarcar {v} :: to reiterate, stress, emphasise
remarcar {v} :: to remark
remasterización {f} :: remaster, remastering
remasterizar {v} :: to remaster
rematable {adj} :: auctionable, able to yield profit
rematadamente {adv} :: utterly, incredibly, ridiculously (extremely)
rematador {m} :: auctioneer
rematar {v} :: to finish off
rematar {v} :: to complete
rematar {v} :: to end, bring to an end, terminate
rematar {v} :: buy at an auction
rematar {v} :: to sell at an auction
rematar {v} :: to shoot at goal, as in football
rematar {vr} :: to perish
remate {m} :: A finishing off or killing
remate {m} :: A culmination
remate {m} :: An end. A tip. A crown
remate {m} :: A punch line
remate {m} :: An ornamental finish
remate {m} [sport] :: A shot, or a smash
remate {m} :: The highest bid in an auction
rematrícula {f} :: reinscription
rembolsar {v} :: alternative spelling of reembolsar
rembolso {m} :: alternative spelling of reembolso
remecer {vt} :: to shake
remecer {vt} :: to rock, to shake up (to greatly impact) (for instance, in the case of an earthquake)
remedar {v} :: to mimic
remediable {adj} :: remediable
remediación {f} :: remediation
remedial {adj} :: remedial
remediar {v} :: to remedy
remedio {m} :: remedy, solution
remedio {m} :: medicine
remedio {m} :: amendment (alteration or change for the better)
Remedios {prop} {f} :: given name
remedo {m} :: rehash, imitation
remembranza {f} :: memory, recollection
rememoración {f} :: remembrance
rememorar {v} :: to reminisce
remendar {v} :: to improve, patch, mend, repair, patch up
remendón {m} :: cobbler (repairer of shoes)
remendona {f} :: feminine noun of remendón
remera {m} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay] :: T-shirt
remera {m} [zoology] :: remex
remera {m} [archery] :: fletching
remera {m} :: flight feather
remera {f} :: feminine noun of remero
remero {m} :: rower, oarsman
remesa {f} :: remittance of money
remesa {f} :: a shipment, or consignment of goods
remesador {adj} :: remitting
remesador {m} :: remitter
remesero {m} [Uruguay] :: deliverer
remezcla {f} [music] :: remix
remezclador {m} :: remixer
remezclar {v} :: to remix
remezón {m} [Latin America] :: a small earthquake
remiendo {m} :: patch (for clothing)
remiendo {m} :: patch (on the skin of animals)
remiendo {m} :: fix, quick fix
Remigio {prop} {m} :: given name
Remigio {prop} {m} :: surname
remilgadamente {adv} :: primly, delicately
remilgado {adj} [pejorative] :: prim, prim and proper, maudlin, prissy
remilgo {m} :: primness
remilitarización {f} :: remilitarization
reminiscencia {f} :: reminiscence
reminiscencia {f} :: vague memory
reminiscente {adj} :: reminiscent
remirar {v} :: to look at again
remís {m} [Latin America] :: hire car
remise {m} [Argentina] :: taxi, taxicab
remisero {m} :: A driver of a hire car
remisión {f} :: remission
remiso {adj} :: reluctant, unwilling
remitente {mf} :: sender (someone who sends)
remitir {v} :: to remit
remitir {v} :: to send, transfer
remitir {v} :: to refer
remitir {v} :: to die down; die out (lose intensity)
remix {m} :: remix
rémix {m} :: remix
remixar {v} :: to remix
remo {m} :: oar, paddle
remo {m} :: rowing
remo {m} [colloquial] :: limb (arm or leg)
Remo {prop} :: Remo
remoción {f} :: removal, elimination
remodelación {f} :: remodeling, renovation
remodelamiento {m} :: remodeling
remodelar {v} :: to remodel
remojar {v} :: to steep, soak
remojo {m} :: soak, soaking, steeping
remojón {m} [At the beach or swimming pool] :: A dip in the water
remojón {m} [Cookery] :: Piece of bread soaked in milk
rémol {m} :: brill
remolacha {f} :: beet (Beta vulgaris)
remolacha {f} :: sugar beet
remolacha {f} :: red beet
remolacha {f} :: mangelwurzel
remolcador {m} [nautical] :: tugboat, towboat
remolcar {v} :: to tow, take in tow
remoldear {v} :: to remold
remolinear {v} :: alternative spelling of arremolinar
remolinera {f} :: cinclodes
remolino {m} [weather] :: vortex, whirlpool, whirlwind
remolino {m} :: swirl
remolino {m} [hair] :: cowlick
remolino {m} [Chile] :: windmill
remolón {adj} [colloquial] :: lazy, idle
remolón {adj} [colloquial] :: foolish
remolón {m} :: slacker, idle person
remolonear {v} :: to laze about
remolque {m} :: trailer (unpowered wheeled vehicle towed behind another)
remolque {m} :: towing
remonta {f} :: a re-mount, a fresh horse to ride on
remonta {f} :: supply of saddle horses (from Southwestern U.S.)
remontada {f} [sports] :: comeback (act of overcoming a substantial disadvantage)
remontado {m} :: Re-mounted, gone back to the hills or mountains (said of someone who has returned to the wild and left civilization.)
remontado {m} :: A Northern Philippine's tribesman
remontaje {m} :: reediting
remontar {v} :: to frighten away
remontar {v} :: to overcome
remontar {v} :: to elevate
remontar {v} :: to repair
remontar {v} :: to go up (a river)
remontar {vr} :: to date back (to), to go back (to), to be traced back (to) (a point in the past)
remontarse {v} :: to date back (to), to go back to, to be traced back (to a point in the past)
remoquete {m} :: nickname
remoquete {m} :: bash; whack
remoquete {m} :: dig; jibe; sarcastic or jocular comment
rémora {f} [fish] :: remora
rémora {f} :: burden, difficulty, hindrance
remorder {v} :: to feel guilty, remorse
remordimiento {m} :: remorse, prick
remotamente {adv} :: remotely
remotamente {adv} :: distantly
remotísimo {adj} :: superlative of remoto
remoto {adj} :: remote, far-flung, (at a distance)
remotorización {f} :: changing of an engine
remotorizar {v} :: to reengine
removedor {m} :: remover
removedora {f} :: feminine noun of removedor
remover {v} :: to stir [a liquid]
remover {v} :: to remove, to take away, to move
remover {v} :: to dismiss
remover {v} :: to disturb, to upset
removible {adj} :: removable
removimiento {m} :: removal
remozamiento {m} :: rejuvenation
remozamiento {m} :: renovation
remozar {v} :: to rejuvenate, make young
remozar {v} :: to make seem or feel younger
remozar {v} :: to renovate
remplazante {adj} :: replacing; substituting; back-up
remplazante {mf} :: back-up; replacement; substitute
remplazar {v} :: to replace
rempujar {v} :: To push off; push out
rempujar {v} :: To push hard; to budge
remuda {f} :: an exchange; replacement, alteration
remudar {v} :: To replace; to take over (from)
remudar {vr} :: to change one's underpants
remuneración {f} :: remuneration
remunerador {adj} :: remunerating, compensating
remunerador {m} :: remunerator
remunerar {v} :: to remunerate
remunerativo {adj} :: rewarding (job)
remunicipalización {f} :: remunicipalization
remusgar {v} :: to suspect
renacentista {adj} :: Renaissance; of or relating to the Renaissance
renacer {v} :: to be reborn
renaciente {adj} :: resurgent
renacimiento {m} :: revival
Renacimiento {prop} {m} :: the Renaissance
renacionalización {f} :: renationalization
renacionalizar {v} :: to renationalize
renacuajo {m} :: tadpole (toad or frog larva)
renal {adj} :: renal
renalasa {f} [protein] :: renalase
renalmente {adv} :: renally
renana {f} :: feminine noun of renano
Renania {prop} {f} :: Rhineland
Renania del Norte-Westfalia {prop} {f} :: North Rhine-Westphalia (most populous state of Germany)
renano {adj} :: Rhenish (pertaining to the river Rhine)
renano {adj} :: pertaining to the Rhineland
renano {m} :: Rhinelander (someone from the Rhineland)
renano {m} :: Rhenish (Germanic dialects spoken in the Rhineland)
Renato {prop} {m} :: given name; René
Renaud {prop} {mf} :: surname
Renault {prop} {mf} :: surname
rencilla {f} :: quarrel, row
rencilla {f} :: tit for tat
rencilloso {adj} :: quarrelsome
rencor {m} :: grudge, rancor, rancour, spite
rencorcillo {m} :: diminutive of rencor
rencorosamente {adv} :: resentfully
rencoroso {adj} :: spiteful, resentful, rancorous (full of rancor)
rencoroso {adj} :: vindictive (holding a grudge)
rencuentro {m} :: alternative spelling of reencuentro
renderización {f} :: rendering
renderizador {m} :: renderer
renderizar {v} [computer graphics] :: to render (to generate a display on a computer screen)
rendición {f} :: surrender
rendidor {adj} :: productive; efficient
rendija {f} :: crack
rendija {f} :: slit
rendimiento {m} :: performance
rendimiento {m} :: yield, return
rendir {vt} :: to conquer
rendir {vt} :: to tire, exhaust
rendir {v} [ditransitive] :: to yield, pay, submit, pass down
rendir {vi} :: to vomit
rendir {vi} :: to make headway
rendir {vr} :: to surrender, give in, give up
rendir {vr} :: to be paid (homage or tribute)
rendirse {v} :: reflexive of rendir, to give up, to surrender, to give out
rene {m} [obsolete] :: kidney
renegado {m} :: renegade
renegar {v} :: to complain
renegar {v} :: to deny vigorously
renegar {v} :: to detest, abhor
renegar {v} :: to apostatize
renegar {v} :: to swear, blaspheme
renegociación {f} :: renegotiation
renegociar {vt} :: to renegotiate
renegón {adj} :: grumbling, grouchy
renegrido {adj} :: extremely black, extremely dark
Renfe {prop} {m} :: alternative form of RENFE
Renfe {m} [Spain] :: train station
RENFE {prop} :: A state owned company that runs the Spanish railway network
renglón {m} :: line (written or printed row of words)
renglón {m} :: line, merchandise (products or services sold by a business)
rengo {adj} :: lame
Rengo {prop} {m} :: Rengo (city)
renguear {v} :: to limp
renguino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Rengo
reñidamente {adv} :: bickeringly
reñidero {m} :: cockpit (pit where cockfights take place)
reñidísimo {adj} :: superlative of reñido
reñido {adj} :: at odds, quarreled
reñido {adj} :: fought over
reniego {m} :: blasphemy; blasphemous word
reniego {m} :: insult
renina {f} [enzyme] :: renin
renio {m} :: rhenium
reñir {v} :: to scold
reñir {v} :: to fight
reñir {v} :: to quarrel
reno {m} :: reindeer, caribou
renombramiento {m} :: renaming, making a new name
renombrar {v} :: to rename
renombre {m} :: renown
renormalización {f} :: renormalization
renovable {adj} :: renewable
renovación {f} :: renovation, renewal
renovación {f} :: makeover
renovación urbana {f} :: urban renewal
renovador {adj} :: renewing, describing renewal
renoval {m} :: secondary forest
renovar {v} :: to renovate
renovarse {v} :: reflexive of renovar
renqueante {adj} :: limp, limping
renquear {v} :: to limp
renta {f} :: income
renta {f} :: rent
renta {f} [colloquial] :: protection money
rentabilidad {f} :: profitability, cost-effectiveness
rentabilización {f} :: making profitable
rentabilizar {v} :: to make profitable
rentable {adj} :: profitable, yielding income
rentar {v} :: to rent
rentera {f} :: feminine noun of rentero
rentero {m} :: landowner
renting {m} :: rental, hiring, charter, lease
rentismo {m} :: rentier politics
rentista {mf} :: rentier
rentístico {adj} :: financial
renuencia {f} :: reluctance
renuente {adj} :: resistant or unwilling
renuentemente {adv} :: reluctantly; against one's will
renuevo {m} :: offspring
renuevo {m} :: renewal
renumeración {f} :: renumbering
renumerar {v} :: to renumber
renuncia {f} :: resignation
renunciable {adj} :: renounceable
renunciación {f} :: renunciation
renunciamiento {m} :: resignation, abdication
renunciante {adj} :: renouncing
renunciar {v} :: to renounce
renunciar {v} :: to quit, to resign
renunciar {v} :: to give up, to surrender (quit attempting at something or stop maintaining an idea or claim)
renunciar {v} :: to waive, to relinquish, to forego, to forgo, to forfeit, to forswear (+ a)
renunciar {v} :: to give up on (+ a)
renunciar {v} :: to abandon, to forsake (e.g. an idea or belief, a goal, a command or order, a system or method, weapons)
renunciar {v} :: to step down, to abdicate
renuncio {m} :: revoke
renuncio {m} [colloquial] :: contradiction, lie
renutrición {f} :: renutrition
Renzo {prop} {m} :: given name
reo {m} :: defendant (as in a trial)
reo {m} :: delinquent
reo {adj} :: Accused of a crime
reo {adj} :: Found guilty of a crime
reo {m} :: sea trout
reo {m} :: A turn in a game
reocupación {f} :: reoccupation
reocupar {v} :: to reoccupy
reojo {m} :: only used in de reojo
reología {f} :: rheology
reológico {adj} :: rheological
reordenación {f} :: redesign, restructuring
reordenamiento {m} :: reorganization
reordenar {v} :: to reorganize; to restructure
reorganización {f} :: reorganization
reorganizador {adj} :: reorganizing
reorganizador {m} :: reorganizer
reorganizadora {f} :: feminine noun of reorganizador
reorganizar {v} :: to reorganize
reorientación {f} :: reorientation
reorientar {v} :: to reorientate, redirect
reostático {adj} :: rheostatic
reostato {m} :: rheostat
reóstato {m} :: alternative form of reostato
rep. {f} :: abbreviation of república
repagar {v} :: to repay
repago {m} :: repayment
repanchigarse {vr} [colloquial] :: to lounge; to sprawl; to lay back
repanocha {f} [Spain] :: only used in ser la repanocha
repantigarse {vr} :: to slouch, sprawl
repantingarse {vr} :: to slouch, sprawl
reparable {adj} :: reparable, repairable
reparación {f} :: repair, reparation
reparación {f} :: comeback
reparador {adj} :: refreshing
reparador {adj} :: restorative
reparador {adj} :: repairing
reparador {m} :: repair man
reparador {m} :: serviceman
reparadora {f} :: feminine noun of reparador
reparapinchazos {adj} [attributive] :: puncture repair
reparar {vt} :: to repair
reparar {vi} :: to notice, to realize, to become aware
reparar {vi} :: to stop (make a halt)
repararse {v} :: reflexive of reparar
reparatorio {adj} :: reparatory
reparcelación {f} :: redistribution (of land)
reparo {m} :: repair
reparo {m} :: qualm, objection, cavil, demur, compunction
reparón {adj} :: critical
reparón {m} :: critical person; faultfinder
reparona {f} :: feminine noun of reparón
repartición {f} :: distribution
repartidor {m} :: distributor, dealer
repartidor {m} :: deliveryman
repartidor {m} :: paperboy
repartidor {m} :: errand boy
repartidora {f} :: feminine noun of repartidor
repartija {f} :: dishing out
repartir {v} :: to share, give out
repartir {v} :: to deliver
repartir {v} :: to distribute
repartirse {v} :: reflexive of repartir
reparto {m} :: allocation
reparto {m} :: delivery (of something)
reparto {m} :: cast (group of actors performing together)
repasador {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru] :: dishcloth
repasar {v} :: to review
repasito {m} :: diminutive of repaso
repaso {m} :: review, revision
repatear {v} [colloquial] :: to get someone's goat; piss off
repatriación {f} :: repatriation
repatriar {v} :: to repatriate, return to one's country
repautar {v} [Puerto Rico] :: to reschedule
repavimentación {f} :: repaving
repavimentar {v} :: to repave
repe {adj} [colloquial] :: clipping of repetido, repeated, e.g. trading cards
repechaje {m} [soccer, Latin America] :: repechage
repechar {v} :: To climb; go up (a slope)
repecho {m} :: short steep slope
repelar {v} :: to shave; to shave off
repelar {v} :: to cut off; sever
repelar {v} :: to clip; shear; chop
repelar {v} :: to pull (someone's) hair
repelar {v} [Mexico] :: to moan; grumble
repelente {adj} :: repulsive, repelling
repelente {m} :: repellent
repelente {m} :: know-it-all
repelentemente {adv} :: disgustingly
repeler {v} :: to repel
repeler {v} :: to disgust
repello {m} :: plastering (of a building)
repelo {m} [colloquial] :: disgust, aversion
repelo {m} :: hangnail
repelo {m} :: knot of wood
repelo {m} [Latin America] :: junk
repelo {m} [Latin America] :: rag (used cloths)
repelo {m} :: ugly hair
repelo {m} :: something sticking out
repelús {m} :: shiver, heeby-jeebies
repensar {vt} :: to rethink
repente {m} :: attack, upsurge
repente {m} :: fit, sudden movement
repentinamente {adv} :: suddenly; unexpectedly; out of nowhere; out of the blue
repentino {adj} :: sudden
repentismo {m} [Caribbean] :: A type of improvised song
repentista {mf} :: repentista
repentizar {v} :: to sightread
repercusión {f} :: repercussion
repercutir {v} :: to echo, ricochet
repercutir {v} :: to affect, to have an effect on, to have an impact on
repercutir {v} :: to pass on
reperfilar {vt} :: to re-outline
reperfusión {f} :: reperfusion
repertorio {m} :: repertoire, repertory
repescar {v} :: to give a second chance to
repetibilidad {f} :: repeatability
repetible {adj} :: repeatable
repetición {f} :: repetition
repetición {f} [exercise, weightlifting] :: repetition, rep [colloquial]
repetidamente {adv} :: repeatedly
repetidísimo {adj} :: superlative of repetido
repetido {adj} :: repetitive
repetidor {m} [telecommunications] :: repeater
repetidor {m} [education] :: repeater, student who gets held back a year in school
repetidora {f} [telecommunications] :: repeater
repetidora {f} :: feminine noun of repetidor
repetir {v} :: to repeat [to do or say again (and again)]
repetir {vt} :: to repeat; to take seconds [meal]
repetir {vr} :: to repeat oneself [to echo the words of (a person)]
repetir {v} :: to repeat, to run, to rebroadcast [to broadcast again a television or radio program shown after]
repetir {v} :: to leave an aftertaste
repetirse {v} :: reflexive of repetir
repetitivamente {adv} :: repetitively
repetitividad {f} :: repetitiveness
repetitivo {adj} :: repetitive
repicar {v} :: to chop up
repicar {v} :: to peal, ring
repintar {v} :: to repaint
repipi {adj} [Spain] :: snobby, stuck-up
repiquetear {v} :: to peal, chime (of bells)
repiquetear {v} :: to tap (a surface)
repiquetear {vr} :: to squabble, row, tiff
repiqueteo {m} :: chiming, ringing, pealing (of bells)
repiqueteo {m} :: tapping (on e.g. the table)
repisa {f} :: shelf, ledge, mantelpiece
repitencia {f} :: repetition of a year in school
repitiente {adj} :: repeating
repituno {m} :: repunit
replantación {f} :: replanting
replantar {vt} :: to replant
replanteamiento {m} :: reassessment
replantear {v} :: to redefine
replanteo {m} :: redefinition
replegar {v} :: to fold repeatedly
replegar {v} :: to fall back, retreat
replegarse {v} :: reflexive of replegar
repletar {vtr} :: to fill up
repleto {adj} :: replete; full
réplica {f} :: replica
réplica {f} :: reply
réplica {f} :: retort, comeback, rejoinder, repartee (sharp or witty response)
réplica {f} :: aftershock
replicabilidad {f} :: reproducibility
replicable {adj} :: replicable
replicación {f} :: replication
replicador {m} :: replicator
replicadora {f} :: feminine noun of replicador
replicante {adj} :: replicating
replicante {m} [science fiction] :: replicant
replicar {v} :: to replicate
replicar {v} :: to answer, reply, retort, rejoin
replicativo {adj} :: replicative
replicón {m} [genetics] :: replicon
repliegue {m} :: fold, crease
repliegue {m} :: withdrawal, retreat
repoblación {f} :: repopulation
repoblador {adj} :: repopulating
repoblador {adj} :: restocking
repoblador {m} :: repopulator
repoblador {m} :: restocker
repobladora {f} :: feminine noun of repoblador
repoblamiento {m} :: repopulation
repoblar {v} :: to repopulate, restock, reforest
repocheta {f} :: [Nicaragua] A tortilla fried with beans and cheese, usually served with cabbage salad, tomato and onion
repóker {m} [card games] :: five of a kind
repolarización {f} :: repolarization
repolarizar {v} :: to repolarize
repolitizar {v} :: to repoliticize
repollar {vi} :: to grow cabbages
repollo {m} :: cabbage
repollo chino {m} :: Chinese cabbage
reponedor {adj} :: relaxing, revitalising
reponedor {m} :: shelf stacker, stocker
reponer {vt} :: to replace
reponer {vr} :: to revive
reponer {v} :: to reinstate, restore
reponer {vr} :: to recover, recuperate
reponerse {v} :: reflexive of reponer
reponso {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: alternative form of responso
reponso {m} [Chile, colloquial] :: prayer for the dead
repóquer {m} [card games] :: five of a kind
reportaje {m} :: report, article
reportante {adj} :: reporting
reportar {v} :: to report
reportear {v} :: to report on
reportera {f} :: feminine noun of reportero
reporteril {adj} [attributive, journalism] :: reporter
reporterismo {m} [journalism] :: reporterism
reportero {m} :: reporter
reposabrazos {m} :: armrest
reposacabezas {m} :: headrest, head restraint
reposadamente {adv} :: relaxedly; placidly
reposado {adj} :: relaxed, placid, calm
reposapiés {m} :: footstool
reposapinceles {m} :: paintbrush holder
reposar {v} :: to repose, to rest
reposición {f} :: replenishment, replacement
reposición {f} :: recovery of health
reposición {f} [education] :: repeat; resit
reposición {f} [television] :: repeat (repeated broadcast)
reposicionamiento {m} :: repositioning
reposicionar {vt} :: to reposition
repositorio {m} :: repository
reposo {m} :: rest
repostaje {m} :: refuelling
repostar {v} :: to refuel
repostar {v} :: to replenish
reposte {m} :: pantry
repostear {v} :: to repost
repostera {f} :: feminine noun of repostero
repostería {f} :: pastry shop
repostería {f} :: pastry
repostero {m} :: pastry chef
repostulación {f} :: renomination
repostular {v} :: to reapply
repotenciación {f} :: repowering
repotenciar {v} :: to revamp, renew, boost
repreciación {f} :: repricing, revaluing
repregunta {f} [legal] :: cross-examination
repreguntar {v} :: to cross-examine
reprehender {v} :: to reprehend, to reprimand
reprehensible {adj} :: reprehensible
reprehensión {f} :: reprehension
reprender {vt} :: to reprimand, to berate
reprendiente {adj} :: reprimanding
reprensible {adj} :: reprehensible
reprensión {f} :: reprehension
reprensor {m} :: reprehender; one who reprehends
reprensora {f} :: feminine noun of reprensor
represa {f} :: dam
represa {f} :: damming
represa {f} :: repression
represalia {f} :: reprisal, retaliation
represaliada {f} :: feminine noun of represaliado
represaliado {m} :: one who has been retaliated against
represaliar {v} :: to retaliate
represamiento {m} :: back-up
represamiento {m} :: damming
represamiento {m} :: impounding
represar {v} :: to dam
representable {adj} :: representable
representación {f} :: representation
representacional {adj} :: representational (having the function of representing)
representador {adj} :: representing
representante {mf} :: representative
representar {v} :: to represent
representarse {v} :: reflexive of representar
representatividad {f} :: representativity
representativo {adj} :: representative
represión {f} :: repression
represivo {adj} :: repressive
represor {adj} :: repressive
reprimenda {f} :: reprimand
reprimir {vt} :: to repress
reprimir {vr} :: to control oneself
reprivatización {f} :: reprivatization
reprobable {adj} :: reprovable, reproachable
reprobación {f} :: reprobation, reproval
reprobación {f} :: failure
reprobador {adj} :: reproachful
reprobar {v} :: to condemn, disapprove, reprove
reprobar {v} [Latin America] :: to flunk, to fail (to pass an exam, course etc.)
reprobatorio {adj} :: synonym of reprobador
réprobo {adj} :: reprobate
reprocesamiento {m} :: reprocessing
reprocesar {vt} :: to reprocess
reprochable {adj} :: reproachable
reprochar {v} :: to reproach
reproche {m} :: reproach
reproche {m} :: rebuking
reproche {m} :: criticism
reproche {m} :: complaint
reproducción {f} :: reproduction, procreation (the act of reproducing new individuals biologically)
reproducción {f} :: reproduction (the act of making copies)
reproducción {f} :: reproduction, copy, duplicate (a copy of something, as in a piece of art; a duplicate)
reproducción {f} :: playback (the replaying of something previously recorded, especially sound or moving images)
reproducción {f} :: play (an instance of watching or listening to digital media)
reproducibilidad {f} :: reproducibility
reproducible {adj} :: reproducible
reproducible {adj} :: playable [capable of being to play a song]
reproducir {v} :: to reproduce
reproducir {v} :: to play
reproducirse {vr} :: to reproduce
reproductibilidad {f} :: reproducibility
reproductivamente {adv} :: reproductively
reproductividad {f} :: reproductiveness
reproductivista {adj} :: reproductivist
reproductivo {adj} :: reproductive
reproductor {adj} :: reproductive
reproductor {m} :: reproducer
reproductor {m} :: player (electronic device)
reproductor de DVD {m} :: DVD player
reproductor de MP3 {m} :: MP3 player
reprografía {f} :: reprography
reprogramación {f} :: reprogramming
reprogramar {v} :: to reschedule
reprogramar {v} :: to reprogram
reptación {f} :: downhill creep; creep
reptante {adj} :: reptant
reptar {v} :: to slither
reptar {v} :: to crawl
reptar {v} :: to creep
reptar {v} [obsolete] :: to challenge someone
reptil {adj} :: reptilian
reptil {m} :: reptile (a cold-blooded vertebrate)
réptil {adj} :: reptilian
réptil {m} :: reptile (a cold-blooded vertebrate)
reptilario {m} :: reptile house; place where reptiles are kept
reptilianidad {f} :: reptilianness
reptiliano {adj} :: reptilian
república {f} :: republic
República Árabe de Egipto {prop} {f} :: Arab Republic of Egypt
República Árabe Saharaui Democrática {prop} {f} :: Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
República Árabe Unida {prop} {f} [historical] :: United Arab Republic
República Centroafricana {prop} {f} :: República Centroafricana (country)
República Checa {prop} {f} :: the Czech Republic
republicación {f} :: republication
República de Carelia {prop} {f} :: Republic of Karelia
República de China {prop} {f} :: Republic of China
República de Chipre {prop} {f} :: República de Chipre (country)
República de Crimea {prop} {f} :: Republic of Crimea
República de Irlanda {prop} {f} :: Republic of Ireland
República del Congo {prop} {f} :: Republic of the Congo
República de Macedonia {prop} {f} :: Republic of Macedonia, former partially recognised name of the Republic of North Macedonia
República de Malta {prop} {f} :: República de Malta (country)
República Democrática Alemana {prop} {f} :: República Democrática Alemana (former country)
República Democrática del Congo {prop} {f} :: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo (country)
República de Nagorno-Karabaj {prop} {m} :: Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
República de Nicaragua {prop} {f} :: Republic of Nicaragua
República de Weimar {prop} {f} :: Weimar Republic
República Dominicana {prop} {f} :: República Dominicana (country)
República Federal de Alemania {prop} {f} :: República Federal de Alemania (country)
República Francesa {prop} {f} :: República Francesa (country)
República Gabonesa {prop} {f} :: Gabonese Republic
República Islámica de Irán {prop} {f} :: Islamic Republic of Iran
República Italiana {prop} {f} :: República Italiana (country)
republicanismo {m} :: republicanism
republicano {adj} :: republican
republicano {adj} [US politics] :: Republican
republicano {m} [US politics] :: Republican
República Oriental del Uruguay {prop} {f} :: Oriental Republic of Uruguay; the official name of Uruguay in Spanish
República Popular China {prop} {f} :: People's Republic of China
República Popular de Bulgaria {prop} {f} [history] :: People’s Republic of Bulgaria
República Popular de Hungría {prop} {f} [history] :: Hungarian People’s Republic
República Popular de Polonia {prop} {f} [history] :: Polish People’s Republic
República Portuguesa {prop} {f} :: República Portuguesa (country)
republicar {v} :: to republish
República Socialista de Checoslovaquia {prop} {f} [history] :: Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
República Srpska {prop} {f} :: República Srpska (administrative subdivision)
republiqueta {f} :: An independence-seeking guerrilla group
repudiable {adj} :: offensive, repugnant
repudiar {v} :: to repudiate
repudio {m} :: repudiation
repuesto {m} :: spare, spare part
repugnancia {f} :: repugnancy, disgust
repugnante {adj} :: repugnant, repulsive, rebarbative, abhorrent, ugly, hideous, obnoxious
repugnante {adj} :: disgusting, revolting, loathsome, sickening, gross, nasty, foul, vile, nauseating, repellent
repugnantemente {adv} :: repugnantly
repugnar {v} :: to disgust
repujar {v} :: to emboss
repulgo {m} :: fold on the edge of clothing
repullo {m} :: jerk, tug, flail
repulsar {v} :: to reject, refuse
repulsar {v} :: to repel, repulse
repulsión {f} :: repulsion
repulsivo {adj} [physics] :: repulsive
repulsivo {adj} :: repulsive, gross
repuntar {v} :: to recover, rebound
repunte {m} [economics] :: recovery, hike, upturn
reputación {f} :: reputation
reputacional {adj} :: reputational
reputar {v} :: to deem
requebrar {v} :: to flatter, compliment
requemar {v} :: to reburn
requemar {v} :: to toast; scorch
requemar {v} :: to burn out; burn up
requemar {v} :: to burn (have a burning feeling)
requemar {vr} :: to to get worked up
requerido {adj} :: required, needed
requerimiento {m} :: requirement, request
requerimiento {m} [legal] :: injunction
requerir {v} :: to require, need
requerir {v} :: to ask for, send for, call for
requesón {m} :: ricotta
requete- {prefix} [colloquial] :: to a great extent, very
requeté {m} [historical] :: A Carlist soldier during the First Carlist War
requeté {m} [historical] :: A Franquist soldier from Navarre during the Spanish Civil War
requetebién {adv} [colloquial] :: very well, wonderfully, masterfully
requetemalo {adj} :: Extremely bad; absolutely shoddy
requiebro {m} :: a flattering comment
réquiem {m} :: requiem (mass to honour and remember a dead person)
réquiem {m} :: requiem (musical composition)
requilorio {m} :: digression; wandering
Requínoa {prop} {m} :: Requínoa (city)
requinoano {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Requínoa
requintar {v} :: to outdo; to better
requintar {v} [music] :: to put the tuning up or down by five tones
requintar {v} [Peru, Bolivia] :: to insult; hurl abuse (at)
requinto {m} [musical instruments] :: requinto; a smaller, higher-pitched version of another instrument
requinto {m} :: Music played with these instruments
requinto {m} [music] :: riff, solo, run
requirente {adj} [legal] :: requesting
requisa {f} :: requisition
requisa {f} :: search, inspection
requisar {v} :: to requisition, to commandeer, to seize
requisar {v} :: to search
requisición {f} :: requisition, commandeering
requisito {adj} :: required, requisite
requisito {m} :: requirement, prerequisite, condition, precondition
requisito {m} :: requisite
requisitoria {f} [law] :: summons
requisitoria {f} [law] :: interrogation
requisitoriada {f} :: feminine noun of requisitoriado
requisitoriado {m} :: Someone with an arrest warrant
res {f} :: head of quadrupedal cattle or game
res {f} [Latin America] :: bovine animal
resaber {v} :: to know completely or thoroughly
resabiado {adj} :: deft, crafty
resabio {m} :: vice, bad habit
resabio {m} :: bad aftertaste
resaca {f} :: undertow, surf, backwash (outgoing wave)
resaca {f} [commerce] :: redraft, redrawing
resaca {f} :: hangover (illness caused by a previous bout of heavy drinking)
resaca {f} :: silt deposit
resaca {f} [Mexico, US Spanish] :: dry stream bed; resaca
resacar {v} [nautical] :: To distil
resacón {m} :: augmentative of resaca
resacoso {adj} :: hungover
resaltable {adj} :: notable, noteworthy
resaltador {m} :: highlighter
resaltante {adj} :: outstanding, amazing
resaltar {v} :: to bounce
resaltar {v} :: to stick out
resaltar {v} :: to chip off, break off
resaltar {v} :: to emphasize
resalte {m} :: synonym of resalto
resalto {m} :: protrusion
resalto {m} :: ledge
resalto {m} :: bounce
resanar {v} :: to repair; restore
resarcimiento {m} :: compensation
resarcir {vt} :: to repay
resarcir {vt} :: to compensate, indemnize
resarcitorio {adj} :: compensatory; repaying
resbaladero {adj} :: slippery; slidy
resbaladero {m} :: slide (toy for children)
resbaladilla {f} :: slide (play equipment)
resbaladizo {adj} :: slippery
resbalamiento {m} :: slipping; sliding; slide
resbalar {v} :: to slip
resbalar {v} :: to slide
resbalar {v} :: to run, roll, trickle (e.g. tears, rain, water)
resbalar {v} [figurative] :: to roll (e.g. off one's back)
resbalar {vr} :: to slip (to make oneself slip)
resbalón {m} :: slip, skid, slide (accidental)
resbalón {m} :: slip-up
resbalón {m} :: latch (of a door)
resbaloso {adj} :: slippery
resbaloso {adj} [Mexico] :: flirtatious
rescaldar {v} :: to rescald
rescaldar {vp} :: to get sore, to chafe, to excoriate
rescatable {adj} :: rescuable
rescatador {m} :: rescuer
rescatar {v} :: to rescue
rescate {m} :: rescue
rescate {m} :: ransom
rescate {m} :: bail-out, bail out
rescatista {mf} :: rescuer
rescindir {vt} :: to rescind
rescisión {f} :: termination
rescisión {f} [law] :: rescission (undoing of a contract)
rescoldera {f} [pathology] :: heartburn
rescoldo {m} :: embers
rescribir {v} [archaic] :: synonym of reescribir
resecabilidad {f} [surgery] :: resectability
resecable {adj} [surgery] :: resectable
resecar {vt} [surgery] :: to resect
resecar {v} :: to desiccate, to dry a lot
resección {f} :: resection
reseco {adj} :: extremely dry, parched
reseco {adj} :: emaciated
resellar {v} :: to reseal
resello {m} :: resealing
resemblar {v} [obsolete] :: to be similar, resemble
resembrar {v} :: to replant
resembrar {v} :: to reseed
reseña {f} :: sketch, outline
reseña {f} :: review
reseñable {adj} :: noteworthy, notable
reseñador {m} :: reviewer
reseñadora {f} :: feminine noun of reseñador
reseñar {v} :: to make a sketch, outline
reseñar {v} :: to review
reseñista {mf} :: reviewer
resentido {adj} :: resentful, bitter (person)
resentimiento {m} :: resentment
resentimiento social {m} :: class envy, social envy
resentirse {v} :: to fall apart
resentirse {v} :: to regret, bemoan
resentirse {v} :: to resent
resequedad {f} :: dryness
resera {f} :: feminine noun of resero
resero {m} :: cattle farmer
reserpina {f} :: reserpine
reserva {f} :: reservation, booking (arrangement by which accommodation or transport arrangements are secured in advance)
reserva {f} :: a reserve, reservation, preserve, sanctuary (area protected for a specific reason)
reserva {f} :: reserve (for game or hunting)
reserva {f} [military] :: reserve (armed forces in non-active duty)
reserva {f} [sports] :: reserve (part of the team that doesn't start)
reserva {f} :: reserve, supply, stock, stockpile, store, standby (something saved for future use)
reserva {f} :: pool (e.g. talent pool, gene pool, pool of experts, pool of available workers)
reserva {f} :: secrecy (i.e. discretion, confidence)
reserva {f} [formal] :: caveat
reservación {f} [Latin America] :: reservation, booking
reservadamente {adv} :: discreetly; confidentially
reservado {adj} :: reserved
reservado {adj} :: private
reservado {adj} :: discrete
reservante {adj} :: storing; (for) storage
reservar {v} :: to reserve, keep, save
reservar {v} :: to put aside, set aside
reservar {v} :: to put off, postpone
reservar {v} :: to exempt, exonerate
reservar {v} :: to conceal, keep secret
reservar {v} :: to book
reservar {vr} :: to reserve, to retain (one's right to something or one's judgment/opinion)
reservar {vr} :: to be reserved, to be set aside
reservarse {v} :: reflexive of reservar
reservista {mf} :: reservist
reservón {adj} :: reserved, shy
reservorio {m} :: reservoir
resetear {v} :: to reset
resfriado {adj} :: afflicted with the common cold
resfriado {m} :: a cold
resfriado {m} :: the flu
resfriar {v} :: to cool, chill, grow cold
resfriar {vr} :: to catch a cold
resfrío {m} :: cold (illness)
resguardar {v} :: to safeguard, to protect
resguardar {vr} :: to hunker down, to take shelter
resguardarse {v} :: to safeguard oneself
resguardo {m} :: receipt (paper of proof of purchase)
resguardo {m} :: counterfoil (of a cheque)
resguardo {m} :: protection
resguardo {m} :: reservation (land set aside for the indigenous)
residencia {f} :: residence
residencial {adj} :: residentiary, residential
residencialidad {f} :: residability
residenciar {v} [legal] :: to investigate, look into
residenciar {vr} :: to move into (a residence)
resideño {m} :: redesign
residente {adj} :: residing, domiciled, living, resident
residente {m} :: resident
residir {v} :: to live in; to reside
residual {adj} :: residual
residualidad {f} :: residuality
residualmente {adv} :: residually
residuo {m} :: residue; waste
residuo {m} :: remainder
residuo radiactivo {m} :: radioactive waste
resignación {f} :: resignation
resignadamente {adv} :: resignedly
resignar {v} :: to resign
resignarse {v} :: reflexive of resignar
resignificación {f} :: new meaning, meaning shift
resignificar {vt} :: to resignify
resilencia {f} :: resilience
resiliencia {f} :: resilience
resiliente {adj} :: resilient
resina {f} :: resin
resincronizar {v} :: to resynchronize
resinera {f} :: feminine noun of resinero
resinero {adj} [attributive] :: resin
resinero {m} :: resin extractor
resinoso {adj} :: resinous
resíntesis {f} :: resynthesis
resintonizar {v} :: to retune
resistencia {f} :: resistance
resistencia {f} [physics] :: resistance
resistencia {f} :: resistor (component that implements electrical resistance)
resistencia {f} [exercise] :: endurance, stamina
resistencia {f} [figuratively] :: endurance, resilience
resistencia {f} :: strength (of a material)
resistencia a la autoridad {f} [legal] :: resisting arrest
resistencialista {mf} :: resistentialist
resistente {adj} :: strong, tough, resistant
resistente {adj} :: heavy-duty
resistible {adj} :: resistible
resistina {f} :: resistin
resistir {v} :: to resist
resistividad {f} [physics] :: resistivity
resistivo {adj} :: resistive
resistor {m} :: resistor (component that implements electrical resistance)
resituar {v} :: to reset, reposition, relocate
resma {f} :: ream (quantity of paper)
resmadora {f} :: sheeter (machine)
resobar {v} :: to pet; fondle
resobrina {f} :: grandniece
resobrino {m} :: grandnephew
resocialización {f} :: resocialization
resocializador {adj} :: resocialising
resocializar {v} :: to resocialize
resol {m} :: sun's glare
resolana {f} :: suntrap, sunny spot, sunny side, sunny place
resolano {adj} :: sunny, sun- (of a suntrap, sunny spot)
resollar {v} :: to snort, gasp, puff
resollar {v} :: to give signs of life; to reply (after long silence)
resoluble {adj} :: solvable
resolución {f} :: resolution
resolutividad {f} :: resoluteness
resolutivo {adj} :: resolute, decisive
resoluto {adj} :: resolute
resolutorio {adj} :: resolutory
resolvedor {m} :: solver (someone who solves)
resolver {v} :: to resolve, to sort out, to settle, to address, to tackle, to overcome, to iron out
resolver {v} :: to solve, to figure out, to work out, to crack
resolver {v} :: to decide
resolver {v} :: to meet (e.g. demands, needs, requirements)
resolverse {v} :: reflexive of resolver
resonador {adj} :: resonating
resonador {m} :: resonator
resonancia {f} :: resonance
resonancia {f} :: impact
resonancia {f} [chemistry] :: resonance
resonancia magnética {f} :: an MRI scan, a magnetic resonance imaging scan
resonante {adj} :: resonant
resonar {v} :: to resonate
resonar {v} :: to echo
resonar {v} :: to ring (usually one's ears)
resonar {v} [figuratively] :: to resound, to ring
resondrar {v} [Peru, colloquial] :: to tell off
resoplar {vi} :: to snort
resoplar {vi} :: to puff and pant
resoplido {m} :: puff
resopón {m} [Spain] :: snack eaten late at night, during the pre-dawn hours
resorber {vt} :: to resorb
resorcino {m} [organic compound] :: resorcinol, resorcin
resorción {f} :: resorption
resort {m} :: resort (place for vacation)
resorte {m} :: spring (device made of flexible material)
resortera {m} :: slingshot
respaldar {v} :: to support
respaldar {v} :: to underpin
respaldatorio {adj} :: backing, supporting
respaldo {m} :: support
respaldo {m} [computing] :: backup
respaldo {m} :: backrest of a chair
respectabilidad {f} :: respectability
respectar {v} :: to relate to; to be concerned or involved with
respectar {v} [dated] :: to respect (to have respect or consideration toward)
respectivamente {adv} :: respectively
respectivo {adj} :: respective
respecto {m} :: respect, regard, connection, relation, relationship
respetabilidad {f} :: respectability
respetabilísimo {adj} :: superlative of respetable
respetable {adj} :: respectable
respetable {adj} :: considerable
respetar {v} :: to respect
respetarse {v} :: reflexive of respetar
respetillo {m} :: diminutive of respeto
respetivo {adj} :: synonym of respetuoso
respeto {m} :: respect
respetuosamente {adv} :: respectfully
respetuosidad {f} :: respectfulness
respetuoso {adj} :: respectful
respingar {v} :: to buck, balk (of an animal)
respingar {v} [colloquial] :: to ride up, hike up (clothes)
respingar {v} [colloquial] :: to dig in one's heels
respingo {m} :: start (i.e. sudden, involuntary jump)
respingón {adj} [colloquial] :: sticking up; pointing up (said especially of a nose or a bottom)
respirable {adj} :: breathable, respirable
respiración {f} :: respiration
respiración {f} :: breath
respiradero {m} :: vent
respirador {m} :: respirator (a device designed to allow breathing when it would otherwise be hindered)
respirador {m} :: snorkel
respirar {v} :: to breathe
respiratorio {adj} :: respiratory, breathing
respiro {m} :: breath
respiro {m} :: break, respite, breather, relief, reprieve, rest
respiro {m} :: breathing room, breathing space, slack
resplandecer {v} :: to shine brightly, glitter, glow, be resplendant
resplandeciente {adj} :: resplendent, bright, radiant, dazzling, shining
resplandesciente {adj} :: incandescent, shimmering
resplandor {m} :: radiance, glare, sheen, splendor, glow
respondedor {m} :: answerer; responder
responder {v} :: to answer, to reply
respondiente {mf} :: alternative spelling of respondente
respondón {adj} [colloquial] :: lippy, gobby
responsabilidad {f} :: responsibility, responsibleness
responsabilidad {f} :: accountability
responsabilización {f} :: responsibilization
responsabilizar {v} :: to responsibilize, to hold responsible, to take responsibility for
responsabilizarse {v} :: reflexive of responsabilizar
responsable {adj} :: responsible, answerable
responsable {mf} :: person responsible, someone obliged, obligor
responsablemente {adv} :: responsibly
responsablemente {adv} :: accountably
responso {m} :: prayer for the dead
responso {m} [colloquial] :: telling-off; bollocking
responsorio {m} :: response (liturgical)
respuesta {f} :: reply, response, answer
resquebrajamiento {m} :: breakdown
resquebrajar {v} :: to crack
resquebrajarse {v} :: reflexive of resquebrajar
resquebrar {v} :: to be on the verge of bankruptcy
resquemor {m} :: resentment
resquemor {m} :: sting
resquicio {m} :: the opening between the door and doorjamb
resquicio {m} :: cleft, crack, slit, crevice (thin long opening)
resquicio {m} :: hint; glimmer; dash; modicum (small amount)
resquicio {m} [colloquial] :: opportunity, chance
resquicio {m} [Venezuela] :: rest, remainder
resquicio {m} [Venezuela] :: trace
resta {f} :: subtraction
restable {adj} [Basque pelota] :: returnable
restablecer {vt} :: to restore
restablecer {vr} :: to recover
restablecerse {v} :: reflexive of restablecer
restablecimiento {m} :: reset, reestablishment
restallar {vi} :: to crack [said of a whip]
restallar {v} :: to crackle
restallido {m} :: crack (of a whip)
restallido {m} :: crackle, crackling (sound)
restañar {vt} :: to staunch (to stop the flow of)
restañar {vt} :: to heal
restante {adj} :: remaining (residual)
restante {m} :: remnant (small portion remaining of a larger thing or group)
restar {vt} :: to subtract, to reduce, to deduct
restar {vi} :: to remain
restar {vit} [sports] :: to return (hit the ball back after a serve)
restauración {f} :: restoration, reconstruction
restauración {f} :: restoration (political)
restauracionista {mf} :: restorationist
restaurado {adj} :: restored
restaurador {m} :: restorer
restaurador {m} :: restauranter
restauradora {f} :: restorer
restauradora {f} :: restauranter
restaurante {m} :: restaurant
restaurantera {f} :: restorer
restaurantera {f} :: restauranter
restaurantero {m} [Mexico] :: restauranter
restaurar {vt} :: to restore
restaurativo {adj} :: restorative
restear {v} [Venezuela] :: to go all in
restinga {f} :: sandbar
restitución {f} :: restitution
restituir {v} :: to restore, bring back, return
resto {m} :: rest, remainder
resto {m} [mathematics] :: remainder
restojo {m} :: stubble
restorán {m} :: restaurant
restregar {v} :: to scour, rub hard, scrub
restregar {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to rub in (irritatingly make a point)
restregar la cebolleta {v} [Spain, slang, idiom] :: to bang, do the deed (copulate)
restregón {m} :: feel-up; grope
restricción {f} :: restriction
restricción {f} :: constraint
restrictivamente {adv} :: restrictively
restrictivo {adj} :: restrictive
restrictor {m} :: restrictor
restringido {adj} :: restricted
restringir {v} :: to restrict, to curtail
restringir {v} :: to constrain
resucitación {f} :: resuscitation
resucitación {f} :: revival
resucitar {v} :: to resuscitate
resuello {m} [literary] :: breath
resueltamente {adv} :: decidedly
resuelto {adj} :: determined
resuelto {adj} :: solved
resultadista {mf} :: Someone only interested in the results (especially said of sportspeople)
resultado {m} :: result, outcome, finding, upshot
resultado {m} :: product, consequence, output
resultado {m} [sports] :: score
resultante {adj} :: resultant
resultar {v} :: to result, to turn out, to end up, to prove
resultar {v} :: to work out
resultar {v} :: to seem, to look
resultar {v} [Spain, colloquial] :: to be pretty
resultón {adj} [colloquial] :: pretty, attractive
resumen {m} :: summary, abstract
resumen {m} :: résumé, curriculum vitae
resumible {adj} :: summarisable
resumidamente {adv} :: briefly, shortly
resumido {adj} :: summarized
resumir {v} :: to summarize
resurgencia {f} [geology] :: karst spring
resurgente {adj} :: resurgent
resurgimiento {m} :: resurgence, reemergence
resurgir {v} :: to reappear, to crop up again, to reemerge
resurrección {f} :: resurrection
resveratrol {m} [organic compound] :: resveratrol
retablillo {m} :: diminutive of retablo
retablista {mf} :: tableau maker
retablístico {adj} :: reredos (attributive)
retablito {m} :: diminutive of retablo
retablo {m} :: tableau
retablo {m} :: retable, reredos
retaca {f} :: feminine noun of retaco
retacito {m} :: diminutive of retazo
retaco {adj} :: short; squat; midgety
retaco {m} :: midget; shortie
retaco {m} [cue sports] :: short cue
retacón {adj} :: short, stocky
retador {adj} :: challenging
retador {adj} :: defiant [rare]
retador {m} :: challenger
retaguardia {f} :: rearguard
retahíla {f} :: string, series
retail {m} :: retail
retailer {m} :: retailer
retal {m} :: remnant, relic
Retalhuleu {prop} :: Retalhuleu (department)
retaliación {f} :: retaliation
retalteco {adj} :: Of or from Retalhuleu, Guatemala
retalteco {m} :: Someone from Retalhuleu, Guatemala
retama {f} [plant] :: Spanish broom, Spartium junceum
retamo {m} :: Any of a number of plants. See Spanish Wikipedia for more details
retar {v} :: to defy, challenge
retar {v} :: to dare
retar {v} :: to call out (i.e. to criticize or expose)
retar {v} [Argentina, Chile] :: to scold, reprimand
retardación {f} :: delaying, retardation
retardador {m} :: retarder
retardante {m} :: retardant
retardar {v} :: to retard, to slow
retardar {v} :: to defer, to delay
retardatario {adj} :: hindering, holding back
retardo {m} :: delay
retazo {m} :: snippet
rete- {prefix} [colloquial] :: to a great extent, very
retemblar {v} :: to shake; shudder
retemplar {v} :: to cheer up
retén {m} :: checkpoint
retén {m} :: seal
retención {f} :: retention
retención {f} :: hold-up, jam, traffic jam
retenedor {m} [dentistry] :: retainer
retener {v} :: to retain, to remember
retener {v} :: to withhold, hold, to keep
retener {v} :: to hold back
retener {v} :: to catch, to detain
retener {v} [chemistry] :: to sequester
retenida {f} :: restrainer
reteñir {v} :: to redye; to dye again
retentivo {adj} :: retentive
reticencia {f} :: reticence, reluctance
reticente {adj} :: reticent, reluctant
reticentemente {adv} :: reluctantly
rético {adj} :: Rhaetian
retícula {f} [graphic design] :: grid
reticulación {f} :: reticulation
reticulado {adj} :: reticulate
reticular {adj} :: reticular
retículo {m} :: reticle, reticule
retículo {m} [cytology] :: reticulum
retículo {m} [anatomy] :: reticulum
retículo {m} [mathematics] :: lattice
reticulocito {m} :: reticulocyte
retículo endoplasmático {m} [cytology] :: endoplasmic reticulum
retículo endoplásmico {m} :: endoplasmic reticulum
retimbrar {v} :: to restamp
retina {f} :: retina
retináculo {m} [anatomy] :: retinaculum
retinal {adj} :: retinal
retiniano {adj} :: retinal
retinitis {f} [pathology] :: retinitis
retinoblastoma {f} [oncology] :: retinoblastoma
retinoico {adj} :: retinoic
retinoide {m} :: retinoid
retinol {m} [organic compound] :: retinol
retinopatía {f} :: retinopathy
retinopexia {f} [surgery] :: retinopexy
retinosis {f} :: retinitis
retintín {m} :: chiming (of bells)
retipificar {v} :: To reclassify
retirada {f} :: withdrawal
retirado {adj} :: withdrawn
retirar {v} :: to remove
retirar {v} :: to withdraw
retirarse {v} :: to retreat, to withdraw
retirarse {v} :: to retire [for a reason other than age]
retiro {m} :: retirement
retiro {m} :: retirement pension
retiro {m} :: retreat, refuge
retitular {v} :: to retitle, rename
reto {m} :: challenge
reto {m} :: dare
retocador {m} :: retoucher (peron who retouches photo)
retocadora {f} :: feminine noun of retocador
retocar {v} :: to touch up (fix damages to improve the look)
retocarse {v} :: reflexive of retocar
retomar {vt} :: to retake
retomar {vt} :: to resume, to restart
retoñar {v} :: to sprout, bud
retoñar {v} :: to reappear
retoño {m} :: sprout, shoot (of plant)
retoño {m} [colloquial] :: kid, offspring (child)
retoque {m} :: retouching; touch up
rétor {m} :: teacher of rhetoric, rhetorician
retorcer {v} :: to wring
retorcer {v} :: to squirm, wriggle, writhe
retorcer {v} :: to twist
retorcido {adj} :: twisted
retorcido {adj} :: kinky
retorcijón {m} :: alternative spelling of retortijón
retorcimiento {m} :: entwining, entangling
retórica {f} :: rhetoric
retóricamente {adv} :: rhetorically
retórico {adj} :: rhetorical
retornable {adj} :: returnable
retornar {v} :: to return
retorno {m} :: return
retorsión {f} :: twisting, wringing
retorta {f} [chemistry] :: retort (flask used in distillation)
retortero {m} :: walk, drive, ride etc. around somewhere
retortijar {v} :: to wriggle; writhe
retortijón {m} :: quick twist
retortijón {m} :: cramp
retozar {v} :: to frolic, to cavort
retozar {v} :: to become aroused
retozar {v} :: to toss and turn (in bed)
retozo {m} :: jump
retozo {m} :: arousal
retozo {m} :: toss
retozón {m} :: playful person
retozón {m} :: ball of fun
retozón {adj} :: frisky, playful, kittenish
retozona {f} :: feminine noun of retozón
retracción {f} :: retraction
retractación {f} :: retraction
retractar {v} :: to retract, to take back (one's words)
retractar {vr} :: to retract, to recant, to take back (one's words)
retractarse {v} :: reflexive of retractar
retráctil {adj} :: retractile, retractable
retracto {m} [legal] :: option
retracto {m} :: first refusal
retractor {adj} :: retracting
retractor {m} :: retractor
retraducción {f} :: retranslation
retraducir {vt} :: to re-translate
retraer {v} :: to withdraw, to retract (something)
retraer {v} :: to bring back (to cause one to remember)
retraerse {v} :: to withdraw (oneself), to shrink back
retraimiento {m} :: shyness, bashfulness
retranca {f} :: brake
retranca {f} :: hidden agenda
retranca {f} :: double meaning; double entendre
retranquear {v} [construction] :: To move stones or other building material into position
retranquear {v} [construction] :: To set back a structure from the road
retranqueo {m} [architecture] :: setback (distance between a structure and a road)
retransmisión {f} :: broadcasting [of radio, television, etc]
retransmisión {f} :: broadcast
retransmisor {m} :: retransmitter
retransmisora {f} :: retransmitter
retransmitir {vt} [Spain] :: to broadcast [broadcast a radio or television programme (especially sports games) intended to be received by anyone with a receiver]
retransmitir {vt} :: to retransmit, to rebroadcast
retrasado {adj} :: delayed, retarded
retrasado {adj} :: retarded, moronic, dumb
retrasado {m} :: moron; retard
retrasado mental {m} :: fuckwit, dimwit
retrasar {v} :: to delay
retrasarse {v} :: reflexive of retrasar
retrasmitir {v} :: alternative spelling of retransmitir
retraso {m} :: delay
retratar {v} :: to portray
retratar {v} :: to photograph
retratar {v} :: to paint a portrait
retratarse {v} :: reflexive of retratar
retratista {mf} :: portrait painter
retratístico {adj} :: portrait (attributive)
retrato {m} :: portrait
retrato {m} :: portraiture
retrato {m} :: portrayal
retrato hablado {m} [Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela] :: identikit, police sketch, composite sketch, facial composite
retrato robot {m} [Spain] :: identikit, police sketch, composite sketch, facial composite
retreparse {v} :: to lean back
retreta {f} [military] :: retreat
retreta {f} [military] :: tattoo, display
retrete {m} :: toilet
retribución {f} :: retribution
retribución {f} :: payment
retribuir {v} :: to reward
retribuir {v} :: to repay
retributivo {adj} :: retributive
retriever {m} :: retriever (dog)
retro- {prefix} :: retro-
retro {adj} :: retro
retroacción {f} [technical] :: feedback (signal that is looped back to control a system within itself)
retroactivamente {adv} :: retroactively
retroactividad {f} :: retroactivity
retroactivo {adj} :: retroactive
retroalimentación {f} :: feedback
retroalimentar {v} :: to feed back
retroalimentar {v} :: to feed into (one another)
retrocar {v} [archaic] :: To sell back
retrocarga {f} :: breech loading
retrocausalidad {f} :: retrocausality
retroceder {vi} :: to back up, to go back, to step back, to move backward, to shrink back
retroceder {vi} :: to retreat, to fall back, to recede, to draw back
retroceder {vi} :: to regress
retroceder {vi} :: to backtrack
retroceder {vi} :: to recoil
retrocesión {f} :: retreat
retroceso {m} :: backtrack
retroceso {m} :: throwback
retroceso {m} :: retreat, regression
retroceso {m} :: recoil
retrocohete {m} :: retrorocket
retrocompatibilidad {f} :: backward compatibility
retrocompatible {adj} :: backward compatible
retrodispersión {f} :: backscatter; backscattering
retroduodenal {adj} [anatomy] :: retroduodenal
retroexcavadora {f} :: backhoe
retroflejo {adj} :: retroflex
retrofuturista {adj} :: retrofuturistic
retrógrada {f} :: feminine noun of retrógrado
retrogradación {f} :: retrograde motion
retrogradar {v} :: to retrograde
retrógrado {adj} :: retrograde (moving backwards)
retrógrado {adj} :: opposing progress
retrógrado {m} :: someone who opposes progress
retrogusto {m} :: aftertaste
retroiluminación {f} :: backlight
retroiluminar {v} :: to backlight
retromandibular {adj} [anatomy] :: retromandibular
retromanía {f} :: retromania
retronasal {adj} :: retronasal
retrónimo {m} [grammar] :: retronym
retroperitoneal {adj} [anatomy] :: retroperitoneal
retropropulsión {f} :: retropropulsion
retropropulsivo {adj} :: retropropulsive
retropropulsor {m} :: retrorocket
retroproyector {m} :: overhead projector
retroproyectora {f} :: feminine noun of retroproyector
retrosíntesis {f} [chemistry] :: retrosynthesis
retrospección {f} :: retrospection
retrospectiva {f} :: retrospective
retrospectivamente {adv} :: in retrospect
retrospectivo {adj} :: retrospective
retrotracción {f} :: backdating
retrotraer {v} :: to take back [to a bygone era]
retrotransposón {m} :: retrotransposon
retrovender {v} :: to sell back; return; take back
retroversión {f} :: retroversion
retroviral {adj} :: retroviral
retrovirus {m} [virology] :: retrovirus
retrovisor {m} :: rear-view mirror (mirror in a vehicle giving view of the traffic behind)
retrucar {v} :: to retort
retuit {m} [internet] :: retweet
retuitear {v} [computing] :: to retweet
retumbante {adj} :: roaring; thunderous
retumbar {v} :: to rumble
retumbar {v} :: to thunder
retumbar {v} :: to resound
retumbo {m} :: crash (of thunder)
retumbo {m} :: boom, crash (loud sound)
retundir {v} :: to even up a piece of masonry or brickwork
retweet {m} [internet] :: retweet
retwitear {v} :: to retweet
retwittear {v} [internet] :: to retweet
reubicación {f} :: rehousing
reubicar {v} :: to rehouse, relocate
reuma {m} [pathology] :: rheumatism
reúma {m} [pathology] :: rheumatism
reumático {adj} [pathology] :: rheumatic (relating to, suffering from or characterised by rheumatism)
reumatismo {m} :: rheumatism
reumatoide {adj} [pathology] :: rheumatoid (presenting analogies with rheumatism)
reumatoideo {adj} :: rheumatoid
reumatóloga {f} :: feminine noun of reumatólogo
reumatología {f} :: rheumatology
reumatológico {adj} :: rheumatological
reumatólogo {m} :: rheumatologist
reunido {adj} :: gathered
reunificación {f} :: reunification (act of process of reunifying)
reunificar {v} :: to reunify
reunión {f} :: meeting, session, appointment
reunión {f} :: powwow
reunión {f} :: collection, gathering, collecting (e.g. of data, evidence, statistics, funds)
reunión {f} :: reunion, get-together
reunión {f} :: assembly, rally
Reunión {prop} {f} :: Réunion
reunionés {adj} :: Reunionese
reunionés {m} :: Reunionese
reunionesa {f} :: feminine noun of reunionés
reunión familiar {f} :: family reunion
reunir {v} :: to gather, to collect, to bring together, to assemble, to get together, to round up, to marshal, to compile, to put together, to pull together, to draw together, to pool
reunir {v} :: to satisfy, to meet, to possess (e.g. conditions, requirements, criteria, qualifications, characteristics)
reunir {v} :: to join, unite
reunir {v} :: to reunite, reconvene
reunir {v} :: to muster, to summon (e.g. the courage, determination, will, strength, energy)
reunir {v} :: to raise, to muster (e.g. money, an army)
reunir {v} :: to huddle
reunir {vr} :: to meet, to meet up, to get together, to assemble, to convene, to rendezvous
reunir {vr} :: to join
reunir {vr} :: to reconvene, to reunite, to rejoin
reunirse {v} :: reflexive of reunir To meet
reurbanización {f} :: reurbanization
reurbanizar {v} :: to reurbanise
reusable {adj} :: reusable
reusar {v} :: to reuse
reusar {v} :: to recycle
reusense {adj} :: Of or from Reus
reusense {mf} :: Someone from Reus
Reutemann {prop} :: surname
reutilizable {adj} :: reusable
reutilización {f} :: reuse
reutilizar {v} :: to reutilize
revacunación {f} :: revaccination; booster
revacunar {v} :: to revaccinate
reválida {f} :: final exam
revalidación {f} :: revalidation
revalidar {v} :: to confirm
revaloración {f} :: revaluation
revalorar {v} :: to revalue
revalorización {f} :: revaluing
revalorizar {v} :: to revalue
revaluación {f} :: revaluation
revaluar {v} :: to revalue
revancha {f} :: revenge
revancha {f} :: rematch, return game
revanchismo {m} :: revanchism
revanchismo {m} [chiefly politics] :: vindictiveness (a policy or tendency of seeking revenge)
revanchista {adj} :: revanchist
revascularización {f} :: revascularization
revascularizador {adj} :: revascularizing
revegetación {f} :: revegetation
revelación {f} :: revelation
revelación {f} :: insight
revelación {f} :: unveiling
revelado {m} :: photographic processing, development
revelador {adj} :: revealing
revelador {m} :: developer (liquid used in chemical film processing)
reveladoramente {adv} :: revealingly
revelamiento {m} :: revelation
revelar {v} :: to reveal
revelar {v} :: to develop photographic film
revelarse {v} :: reflexive of revelar
revellín {m} :: ravelin
revencer {v} [obsolete] :: to thrash; win easily
revendedor {m} :: reseller
revendedora {f} :: feminine noun of revendedor
revender {vt} :: to resell
revenido {adj} :: stale
revenir {vi} :: to return, revert
revenir {vp} :: to shrink, reduce
revenir {vp} :: to go bad, spoil, turn sour (of food)
revenirse {v} :: For baking products, to make bland and rubbery from humidity or heat
reventa {f} :: resale
reventador {m} :: firecracker
reventar {v} :: to burst, explode, blow up, break
reventar {v} [colloquial] :: to annoy; hack off
reventar {v} [colloquial] :: to die (to do something)
reventar {v} [colloquial] :: to burst (into)
reventar {v} [colloquial] :: to wear out; knacker
reventar {v} [vulgar, Spain] :: to have anal sex
reventarse {v} :: reflexive of reventar
reventazón {f} :: explosion, blowout, blast, detonation
reventón {m} :: burst
reventón {m} :: party (social gathering)
reventón {m} :: a cultivar of maize, whose seeds are used for popcorn
reventonazo {m} :: massive explosion
rever {vt} :: to see again
reverberación {f} :: reverberation
reverberante {adj} :: reverberant
reverberar {v} :: to reverberate
reverbero {m} :: reverberation
reverbero {m} :: reverberator
reverbero {m} :: lamp
reverbero {m} [Latin America] :: camping stove
reverdecer {v} :: to become green again, go green again
reverdecer {v} :: to revive, reanimate
reverencia {f} :: reverence
reverencial {adj} :: reverential
reverenciar {v} :: to revere
reverendísimo {adj} :: superlative of reverendo
reverendo {adj} :: reverend
reverente {adj} :: reverential
reverentemente {adv} :: reverently
reversal {adj} :: used to describe a type of diplomatic note
reversar {v} :: to reverse
reversibilidad {f} :: reversibility
reversible {adj} :: reversible
reversiblemente {adv} :: reversibly
reversión {f} :: reversion
reversionar {v} :: to reboot
reversionario {adj} :: reversionary
reverso {m} :: back, back side, reverse
revertible {adj} :: revertible
revertir {v} :: to revert
revés {m} :: back, reverse side
revés {m} :: setback
revés {m} :: wrong side
revés {m} [tennis] :: backhand
revesar {v} :: to vomit
revestimiento {m} :: coating, cladding
revestimiento {m} :: panelling
revestimiento {m} :: covering, facing, siding, liner, lining, sheathing
revestimiento {m} :: wainscotting, wainscoting
revestimiento {m} :: revetment
revestir {v} :: to decorate
revestir {v} [formal] :: to have; to show [a certain quality, especially an abstract on]
revestir {vr} [formal] :: to summon up
revestir {vr} :: to put on; to don [clothing, especially religious garments]
revictimización {f} :: revictimization
revictimizar {v} :: to revictimize
revinculación {f} :: reconnection
revincular {v} :: to relink
revirado {adj} :: twisted; sinuous
revirado {adj} :: nuts; loopy; madcap (crazy)
revisable {adj} :: revisable
revisación {f} :: physical (an examination of the body by a medical professional)
revisar {v} :: to revise, to check
revisarse {v} :: reflexive of revisar
revisión {f} :: revision
revisión {f} :: review
revisionar {v} :: to review, revise
revisionismo {m} :: revisionism
revisionista {adj} :: revisionist
revisionista {mf} :: revisionist
revisión por pares {f} :: peer review
revisitación {f} :: revisitation
revisitar {v} :: to revisit
revisor {adj} :: revising
revisor {m} :: reviser
revisor {m} :: ticket inspector
revista {f} :: magazine
revistar {v} :: to review, look over
revisteril {adj} :: pertaining to a review (the literary subgenre)
revistero {m} :: magazine rack
revitalización {f} :: revitalization
revitalizador {adj} :: revitalising
revitalizante {adj} :: revitalizing
revitalizar {v} :: to revitalize
revival {m} :: revival
revivalismo {m} :: revivalism
revivalista {mf} :: revivalist
revivificar {v} :: to revivify; to bring back to life
revivificar {v} :: to respark; to rekindle
revivir {v} :: to revive
revivir {v} :: to relive
revocabilidad {f} :: revokability
revocable {adj} :: revocable
revocación {f} :: revocation
revocador {adj} :: revoking
revocar {v} :: to revoke
revocatorio {adj} :: revocatory, revocative
revolar {v} :: to fly again, to refly
revolar {v} :: to twirl, to spin (in the air)
revolar {v} :: to flee
revolcar {v} :: to revolt
revolcar {v} :: to knock down, floor
revolcar {vr} :: to wallow; to roll around, roll over
revolcarse {v} :: reflexive of revolcar
revolcón {m} :: tumble
revolcón {m} [colloquial] :: roll in the hay
revolear {v} :: to twirl, spin
revolera {f} :: twirl
revolotear {v} :: to fly around
revoloteo {m} :: flap, flapping (e.g. of wings)
revoltijo {m} :: jumble, mess, mishmash
revoltillo {m} :: mishmash
revoltillo {m} :: scrambled eggs
revoltoso {adj} :: rebellious
revolución {f} :: revolution (political/social)
revolución {f} :: revolution (act of revolving)
revolucionar {v} :: to revolutionize
revolucionaria {f} :: feminine noun of revolucionario
revolucionariamente {adv} :: revolutionarily
revolucionario {adj} :: revolutionary
revolucionario {m} :: revolutionary
revoluz {m} [Puerto Rico] :: mess
revolver {v} :: to stir, to mix
revolver {v} :: to jumble up, to disarrange
revolver {v} :: to turn over, to poke about, to rummage around in
revolver {v} :: to consider, to turn over, to ponder
revolver {v} :: to disturb, to stir up, to upset
revolver {v} :: to swing around
revolver {v} :: to wrap, to wrap up
revolver {v} :: to turn 360 degrees, to revolve
revólver {m} :: revolver
revuelo {m} :: commotion; fuss
revuelo {m} :: fluttering
revuelo {m} :: jumble, mismatch
revuelta {f} :: revolt
revuelto {adj} :: disordered, mixed, in a mess
revuelto {adj} :: scrambled (eggs)
revuelto {adj} :: agitated
revulsivo {adj} :: revulsive
rey {m} :: king
rey {m} [chess] :: king
Rey {prop} {m} :: surname
Rey {prop} {m} [chiefly Philippines, Latin America] :: given name
rey de codornices {m} :: corncrake
rey de las ratas {m} :: A rat king, a group of rats which have their tails entangled
Reye {prop} :: surname
reyecito {m} :: diminutive of rey
reyerta {f} :: scuffle, brawl
Reyes {prop} {m} :: surname
Reyes {prop} {m} [Bible] :: Kings
Reyes Católicos {prop} {mp} [Spain, historical] :: [literally "Catholic Monarchs"] Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon, the two Spanish monarchs who completed the Reconquista
Reyes Magos {prop} {mp} :: wise men, Magi
reyezuelo {m} :: goldcrest
Reyna {prop} {f} :: surname
Reyna {prop} {f} [chiefly Latin America] :: given name
Reynaldo {prop} {m} :: given name
reyno {m} :: obsolete spelling of reino
rezador {m} :: prayer (someone who prays)
rezadora {f} :: feminine noun of rezador
rezagado {adj} :: backward (lagging behind in customs and technonolgy)
rezagado {m} :: straggler
rezagar {v} :: to leave behind
rezagar {vr} :: to lag behind; fall behind
rezago {m} :: backwardness
rezandero {adj} :: Given to praying
rezandero {m} :: One who prays frequently
rezandero {m} :: A person who prays for the dead at a funeral
rezandero {m} :: praying mantis
rezar {vi} :: to pray
rezno {m} :: tick (arachnid)
rezo {m} :: prayer
rezón {m} [nautical] :: grapnel
rezongar {v} :: To grumble, to complain
rezongar {v} :: To scold
rezongo {m} :: whine; whinge; grumble
rezumante {adj} :: wet, humid
rezumar {v} :: to ooze, seep
rezurcir {vt} [sewing] :: to darn again (repair again by stitching with thread or yarn)
RFA {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of República Federal de Alemania (Federal Republic of Germany)
RFA {m} :: abbreviation of reactante de fase aguda (acute-phase protein)
rho {f} :: rho; the Greek letter Ρ, ρ
Rhode Island {prop} {m} :: Rhode Island (state)
Rhodesia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Rodesia
rhodesiana {f} :: feminine noun of rhodesiano
rhodesiano {adj} :: alternative form of rodesiano
rhodesiano {m} :: alternative form of rodesiano
ría {f} :: mouth of a river, estuary
riachero {m} [Spain] :: fisherman, especially an eeler or shrimper, at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River
riacho {m} :: stream
riachuelo {m} :: small stream, rivulet
Riad {prop} {m} :: Riad (capital city)
riada {f} :: flood, flooding ((sudden) overflow of a river watercourse)
rial {m} :: rial (currency of Iran, Oman, Yemen and Saudi Arabia)
riata {f} [El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, colloquial] :: a beating
riata {f} [El Salvador, Honduras, colloquial] :: drunkenness
riba {f} [obsolete, often found in compound for names of towns] :: shore; shoreline
Ribadesella {prop} {f} :: Ribadesella
ribadoquín {m} :: ribauldequin
Ribagorza {prop} {f} :: Ribagorza
ribagorzana {f} :: feminine noun of ribagorzano
ribagorzano {adj} :: Of or from Ribagorza
ribagorzano {m} :: Someone from Ribagorza
ribavirina {f} :: ribavirin
ribazo {m} :: slope; bank
ribeiro {m} :: A wine from Galicia
ribera {f} :: bank (riverbank)
ribereña {f} :: feminine noun of ribereño
ribereño {adj} :: riverside
ribereño {m} :: riverside dweller, someone who lives by a river
ribete {m} :: edging, rim, trim
ribete {m} :: border, edge
ribete {m} :: piping (to edge hems)
ribetear {v} :: to border, edge
ribetear {v} :: to bind, trim
riboflavina {f} [organic compound] :: riboflavin
ribonucleasa {f} [enzyme] :: ribonuclease
ribonucleico {adj} :: ribonucleic
ribonucleótido {m} :: ribonucleotide
ribosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: ribose
ribosoma {m} [cytology] :: ribosome
ribosomal {adj} :: ribosomal
ribosómico {adj} :: ribosomic
ribotoxina {f} :: ribotoxin
ribozima {f} :: ribozyme
ribozimas {f} :: ribozyme
ribulosa {f} [organic compound, carbohydrate] :: ribulose
ricacho {adj} :: filthy rich
ricachón {m} [pejorative] :: moneybags (rich person)
ricachona {f} :: feminine noun of ricachón
ricamente {adv} :: richly
Ricarda {prop} {f} :: given name, the feminine form of Ricardo ( Richard )
Ricardo {prop} {m} :: given name
Ricarte {prop} :: surname or Basque origin
richardsoniano {adj} :: Richardsonian
ricina {f} :: ricin
ricino {m} :: castor (plant)
ricito {m} :: diminutive of rizo
rickettsia {f} :: rickettsia
rickettsiosis {f} [medicine] :: rickettsiosis
rico {adj} :: rich (having a lot of money and possessions)
rico {adj} :: luxurious
rico {adj} :: tasty, yummy
Rico {prop} {m} :: A masculine nickname for Ricardo
Rico {prop} {m} :: surname
ricohombre {m} :: nobleman
ricota {f} :: ricotta
rictus {m} :: sneer; wince
ricura {f} [colloquial] :: deliciousness
ricura {f} [colloquial] :: delight, pleasure
rider {m} :: rider, biker (motorcyclist)
ridículamente {adv} :: ridiculously
ridiculez {f} :: ridiculousness
ridiculísimo {adj} :: superlative of ridículo
ridiculización {f} :: ridiculizing
ridiculizar {v} :: to ridicule, laugh at, mock
ridículo {adj} :: ridiculous
ridículo {m} :: ridicule, ridiculousness, laughableness (ridiculous situation)
riego {m} :: irrigation
riel {m} [rail] :: rail, track
riel {m} :: ingot, bar
rielante {adj} :: glimmery
rielar {v} [poetic] :: to shimmer, glimmer, glisten
riemanniano {adj} :: Riemannian
rienda {f} :: rein (strap or rope attached to a bridle or bit and used to control an animal, especially a horse)
riente {adj} :: laughing
riente {adj} :: merry
riesgo {m} :: chance; risk; the possibility of harm or an unfavorable outcome from random chance
riesgo laboral {m} :: occupational hazard
riesgoso {adj} :: risky, dangerous
rifa {f} :: lottery, raffle
rifa {f} :: contention, strife
rifampicina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: rifampin
rifar {v} :: to raffle off, draw lots
rifarse {v} :: reflexive of rifar
rifeña {f} :: feminine noun of rifeño
rifeño {adj} :: Riffian
rifeño {m} :: Riffian
riff {m} [music] :: riff
rifirrafe {m} :: altercation; row
rifle {m} :: rifle
rifle de aire {m} :: air rifle
riflera {f} :: feminine noun of riflero
riflero {m} :: rifleman
Riga {prop} :: Riga (capital city)
right {m} [baseball] :: right fielder
rígidamente {adv} :: rigidly
rigidez {f} :: rigidity
rigidización {f} :: rigidization
rígido {adj} :: rigid, stiff
rígido {adj} :: rigorous, strict
rigodón {m} :: rigadoon
rigor {m} :: rigour
rigorismo {m} :: strictness, rigorism
rigorista {mf} :: strict person
rígor mortis {m} :: rigor mortis
rigorosamente {adv} :: alternative form of rigurosamente
rigoroso {adj} :: alternative form of riguroso
rigua {f} [El Salvador] :: food similar to a tortilla often made out of corn
rigués {adj} :: Rigan (of or pertaining to Riga, Latvia)
rigués {m} :: Rigan (native or resident of Riga, Latvia)
riguesa {f} :: feminine noun of rigués
rigurosamente {adv} :: rigorously
rigurosidad {f} :: preciseness, exactness
rigurosísimo {adj} :: superlative of riguroso
riguroso {adj} :: rigorous
rija {f} :: quarrel
rijo {m} :: lust
rijoso {adj} :: quarrelsome
rijoso {adj} :: sensual; intimate
rijoso {adj} :: in rut
rilarse {vr} [colloquial] :: to get knackered; to get shattered
rilarse {vr} [colloquial] :: to back out; chicken out
rilarse {vr} [colloquial] :: to shit oneself; to lose one's guts
rilarse {vr} [colloquial] :: to shiver
rilarse {vr} [colloquial] :: to blow off; to cut the cheese (fart)
rima {f} :: rhyme
rima {f} :: consonance
rima {f} :: [plural] poems, poetry
rima {f} :: heap, pile
Rímac {prop} :: Rimac; Rímac (river)
Rímac {prop} :: Rimac; Rímac (district)
rimador {m} :: rhymer
rimadora {f} :: feminine noun of rimador
rimar {v} :: to rhyme
rimbombante {adj} :: bombastic, overblown, grandiose, high-sounding, high-flown
rimbombante {adj} :: meretricious, flamboyant, highfalutin, flashy, showy, ostentatious
rimbombante {adj} :: resounding, loud, thundering, echoing
rimbombar {v} [archaic] :: to reverberate, resound, boom
rímel {m} :: mascara
rimense {adj} [football] :: Of or connected to Club Sporting Cristal, a soccer team from Lima, Peru
rimense {mf} [football] :: Someone connected to Club Sporting Cristal, as a player, coach, fan etc
rimero {m} :: pile; heap
rin {m} :: rim (of wheel)
Rin {prop} {m} :: Rhine
riña {f} :: fight, struggle
riña de gallos {f} :: cockfight
rinal {adj} [anatomy] :: rhinal; nasal
rincón {m} :: corner (inside), angle
rincón {m} :: nook, cosy corner
rincón {m} :: haven, retreat
rincón {m} :: patch, small piece (of land)
rincón {m} :: bit, end
rinconada {f} :: corner
Rinconada {prop} :: Rinconada
rinconcillo {m} :: diminutive of rincón
rinconcito {m} :: diminutive of rincón
ring {m} [boxing] :: ring
ringar {vtr} :: to injure the hips or loin
ringgit {m} :: ringgit (currency unit of Malaysia)
ringorrango {m} [colloquial] :: pomp, bells and whistles, fancy decorations, frill
ringtone {m} :: ringtone
rinitis {f} :: rhinitis, hayfever
rino- {prefix} :: rhino
rinoceronte {m} :: rhinoceros
rinoceronte blanco {m} :: white rhinoceros
rinoceronte de Java {m} :: Javan rhinoceros
rinoceronte de Sumatra {m} :: Sumatran rhinoceros
rinoceronte indio {m} :: Indian rhinoceros
rinoceronte lanudo {m} :: woolly rhinoceros
rinoceronte negro {m} :: black rhinoceros
rinoconjuntivitis {f} [medicina] :: rhinoconjunctivitis
rinofaringe {f} [anatomy] :: nasopharynx
rinóforo {m} :: rhinophore
rinolito {m} [pathology] :: rhinolith
riñón {m} :: kidney
riñón {m} :: kidney ore, hematite
riñonera {f} :: bum bag, fanny pack
riñonera {f} :: kidney guard
rinoplastia {f} [surgery] :: rhinoplasty
rinorrea {f} :: rhinorrhoea, runny nose
rinovirus {m} [virology] :: rhinovirus
río {m} :: river
Río {prop} {m} :: Rio (Rio de Janeiro)
rioba {m} [vesre] :: neighborhood; barrio
riobambeña {f} :: feminine noun of riobambeño
riobambeño {adj} :: Of or from Riobamba
riobambeño {m} :: Someone from Riobamba
riocuartense {adj} :: of or from Río Cuarto, Córdoba
riocuartense {mf} :: Someone from Río Cuarto, Córdoba
Río de Janeiro {prop} {m} :: Río de Janeiro (municipality/state capital)
Río de Janeiro {prop} {m} :: Río de Janeiro (state)
riograndense {adj} :: Of or from Rio Grande
riograndense {mf} :: Someone from Rio Grande
rioja {m} :: A wine made with Rioja grapes
Rioja {prop} :: Rioja (province)
riojana {f} :: feminine noun of riojano
riojano {adj} :: Of or relating to La Rioja
riojano {m} :: Someone from La Rioja
riolita {f} :: rhyolite
riolítico {adj} :: rhyolitic
Río Maipo {prop} {m} :: Maipo River
Río Mapocho {prop} {m} :: Mapocho River
rionegrino {adj} :: of or from Río Negro
rionegrino {m} :: Someone from Río Negro
Río Negro {prop} {m} :: Río Negro (province)
riopedrense {adj} :: Of or from Rio das Pedras, Brazil
riopedrense {adj} :: Of or from Río Piedras, Puerto Rico
riopedrense {mf} :: Someone from Rio das Pedras, Brazil
riopedrense {mf} :: Someone from Río Piedras, Puerto Rico
rioplatense {adj} :: Platine (of or pertaining to River Plate / Río de la Plata)
Ríos {prop} :: surname
Río San Juan {prop} {m} :: Río San Juan (department)
riosellano {adj} :: Of or from Ribadesella
riosellano {m} :: Someone from Ribadesella
riosense {adj} [football] :: Of or relating to Club Deportivo y Social Santa Rita, a football club from Vinces, Ecuador
riosense {mf} [football] :: Someone associated with Club Deportivo y Social Santa Rita, as a player, fan, manager etc
riostra {f} :: strut (support rod)
ripario {adj} :: riparian
ripeado {adj} :: ripped (data storage)
ripear {v} [computing] :: to rip
ripiar {v} :: to fill with rubble
ripio {m} :: gravel
ripio {m} [poetry] :: padding, empty word
ripostar {v} [Latin America] :: to refute
ripostar {v} :: to answer back
riproximina {f} :: riproximin
ripuario {adj} :: Ripuarian
ripuario {m} :: Ripuarian
ripuario {m} :: Ripuarian (language)
riqueza {f} :: wealth, affluence, richness
riqueza {f} :: riches [in singular or plural]
riqueza {f} :: mammon [plural]
riqueza {f} :: richness (i.e. quality of being extremely abundant or having high intrinsic value)
riqueza {f} :: resource (raw material used to achieve an objective) (almost always in the plural)
riqueza cultural {f} :: cultural wealth (the collection of arts, architecture, etc. that help to define the culture of a region)
riquísimamente {adv} :: superlative of ricamente
riquísimo {adj} :: superlative of rico
risa {f} :: laugh, laughter (sound of laughing)
risa {f} :: laughter (movement of the face)
risco {m} [Latin America] :: crack
risco {m} :: cliff
riscoso {adj} :: craggy
risible {adj} :: risible, laughable
risilla {f} :: diminutive of risa
risita {f} :: diminutive of risa, giggle, snicker, titter
risorio {adj} :: risorial, laughable
risotada {f} :: guffaw
risoterapia {f} :: laughter therapy
risotto {m} :: risotto
risperidona {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: risperidone
rispidez {f} :: coarseness
rispidez {f} :: rockiness, roughness
ríspido {adj} :: coarse, rough
ristra {f} :: string
ristra {f} :: ristra
ristre {m} :: lance rest
risueñamente {adv} :: smilingly
risueño {adj} :: smiling, beaming
risueño {adj} :: fun, fun-loving
risueño {adj} :: bright, sunny (future)
Rita {prop} {f} :: given name
rítmicamente {adv} :: rhythmically
ritmicidad {f} :: rhythmicity
rítmico {adj} :: rhythmic
ritmo {m} :: rhythm
ritmo {m} :: pace
rito {m} :: rite, ritual
ritornello {m} :: ritornello
ritornelo {m} :: refrain
ritual {adj} :: ritual
ritual {m} :: rite
ritualidad {f} :: rituality
ritualista {adj} :: ritualistic
ritualista {mf} :: ritualist
ritualización {f} :: ritualization
ritualizar {vr} :: to ritualize
ritualmente {adv} :: ritually (in a ritual manner)
rituximab {f} [organic compound] :: rituximab
rival {adj} :: adverse, rival
rival {mf} :: rival
rivalidad {f} :: rivalry
rivalizar {v} :: to compete
Rivas {prop} :: Rivas (department)
Rivas {prop} :: surname
rivense {adj} :: Of or from Rivas Department
rivense {mf} :: Someone from Rivas Department
rivera {m} :: stream
Rivera {prop} {f} :: surname
riverense {adj} :: Of or from the Rivera Department in Uruguay
riverense {mf} :: someone from The Rivera Department, Uruguay
riverista {adj} :: Of, relating to, or supporting, Fructuoso Rivera, first president of Uruguay
riverista {mf} :: A supporter of, or soldier in the army of, Fructuoso Rivera, first president of Uruguay
Rivero {prop} :: surname
riverplatense {adj} :: Of or related to River Plate, any of various sports teams
riverplatense {mf} :: Someone associated with River Plate
riyal {m} :: riyal
rizado {adj} :: curly
rizado {adj} :: ripply
rizado {adj} :: corrugated, wrinkled
rizado {m} :: curliness, curls
rizado {m} [sewing] :: shirring
rizador {m} :: curler (for hair, eyelashes)
rizal {adj} :: alternative spelling of ricial
rizar {v} :: to curl, crinkle, crisp
rizar el rizo {v} [idiomatic] :: to gild the lily, to overcomplicate matters
rizartrosis {f} [pathology] :: rhizarthrosis
rizo {m} [cosmetology] :: A highlight
rizo {m} :: curl, lock (of hair)
rizobio {m} :: rhizobium
rizoide {m} [botany] :: rhizoid
rizoma {m} :: rhizome
rizomatoso {adj} [botany] :: rhizomatous
rizomorfo {adj} :: rhizomorphic, rootlike
Rizos {prop} :: surname from Greek
rizosfera {f} [soil science] :: rhizosphere
rizoso {adj} :: curly
ro {f} :: rho; the Greek letter Ρ, ρ
Roa {prop} {m} :: surname
roaming {m} :: roaming (telephony)
roano {adj} :: roan
roano {m} :: roan
rob {m} :: fruit syrup
robaautos {m} :: car thief
robabancos {m} :: bank robber
robable {adj} :: robbable, stealable
robacarros {m} :: car thief
robacoches {m} :: carjacker
robadera {f} :: a streak or spree of robbery
robado {adj} :: stolen
robador {m} :: robber; stealer
robador {adj} :: thieving; stealing
robadora {f} :: feminine noun of robador
robalo {m} :: European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
robalo {m} :: snook (fish of genus Centropomus)
róbalo {m} :: alternative form of robalo
robamotos {mf} :: motorcycle thief
robaniños {m} :: someone who kidnaps children
robar {v} :: to rob
robar {v} :: to steal
robar {v} :: to draw (e.g., a card from an opponent in a game)
robar {v} [obsolete] :: to kidnap, abduct
robarse {v} :: reflexive of robar
robautos {m} :: car thief
Rober {prop} {m} :: given name
Roberto {prop} {m} :: given name. Female equivalent: Roberta
robezo {m} :: obsolete spelling of rebeco
robín {m} :: rust
roble {m} :: oak
roble {m} :: strong object or person
roble {m} :: strength
roble blanco {m} :: lenga beech
robledal {m} :: oak wood
roble de Tierra del Fuego {f} :: lenga beech
Robles {prop} :: surname
roblizo {adj} :: strong
roblizo {adj} :: robust
roblón {m} :: rivet
robo {m} :: robbery, theft
robocop {m} :: robocop
robolución {f} :: robolution
robolucionario {adj} :: robolutionary
robot {m} :: robot
robótica {f} :: robotics (the science and technology of robots)
robótico {adj} :: robotic
robotizable {adj} :: robotizable
robotización {f} :: robotization/robotisation, roboticization/roboticisation
robotizar {v} :: to robotize/robotise, roboticize/roboticise
robre {m} :: obsolete form of roble
robustecer {vt} :: to strengthen
robustecimiento {m} :: strengthening
robustez {f} :: robustness
robusteza {f} :: robustness
robustísimo {adj} :: superlative of robusto
robusto {adj} :: robust, sturdy, rugged (evincing strength; firmly built)
robusto {adj} :: stout, stocky, hardy
robusto {adj} [colloquial] :: strapping
roca {f} :: rock
rocalla {f} :: rocks, pebbles; rockery
rocalla {f} :: rocaille, rococo
rocalloso {adj} :: stony; pebbly
roca madre {f} :: bedrock
rocambolesco {adj} :: fantastic, unbelievable, far-fetched
rocambolesco {adj} :: odd, bizarre
rocanrol {m} :: rock and roll
rocanrolera {f} :: feminine noun of rocanrolero
rocanrolero {adj} :: rock, rock and roll [as a modifier]
rocanrolero {m} :: rocker, rock and roller
roce {m} :: rubbing
roce {m} :: contact
rocha {f} [agriculture] :: debushing
rochar {v} [agriculture] :: to clear of brush/shrubs
rochelera {f} :: feminine noun of rochelero
rochelero {adj} [Venezuela] :: raucous; unruly
rochelero {adj} [Venezuela] :: jokey; pranky
rochelero {adj} [Venezuela] :: party-loving
rochelero {m} [Venezuela] :: raucous; unruly person
rochelero {m} [Venezuela] :: jokey; pranky person
rochelero {m} [Venezuela] :: party animal
rochense {adj} :: Of or from Rocha, a department of Uruguay
rochense {mf} :: Someone from Rocha
rocho {m} :: roc
rociador {m} :: sprinkler
rociar {vt} :: to sprinkle, spatter
rociar {vt} :: to spray, to dowse
rociar {vi} :: to drizzle or rain as dew
rociera {f} :: A pilgrim on the Romería de El Rocío
rociero {m} :: A pilgrim on the Romería de El Rocío
rocín {m} :: (horse) nag
rocío {m} :: dew (moisture on cool surfaces that condenses from the surrounding moist air)
rocío {m} :: sprinkle, shower (brief, light rain)
rocío {m} :: quaff, chug
rocío {m} :: spray
Rocío {prop} {f} :: given name
rock {m} :: rock (music style)
rockabilly {m} :: rockabilly
rockanrolear {v} :: to rock and roll
rockear {v} :: to rock (play, or enjoy, rock music)
rocker {m} :: rocker (rock musician)
rockera {f} :: rocker
rockero {adj} :: rock (related to rock music)
rockero {m} :: rocker (musician who plays rock music)
rockero {m} :: rocker (someone passionate about rock music)
rockismo {m} :: rockism
rockódromo {m} :: A place where a festival, especially rock, is held
rockola {f} :: jukebox
rock pesado {m} [music] :: heavy metal
roco {adj} [Costa Rica, colloquial, pejorative, of a person] :: old
rococó {adj} :: rococo
rococó {m} :: rococo
rocódromo {m} :: climbing wall
rocola {f} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela] :: jukebox, nickelodeon
rocoso {adj} :: rocky (full of, or abounding in rocks)
rocoto {m} :: rocoto (chili pepper)
roda {f} [nautical] :: cutwater, stem [the most forward part of a boat's or ship's bow]
rodaballo {m} :: turbot
rodador {m} [cycling] :: rouleur
rodadora {f} :: feminine noun of rodador
rodaja {f} :: a circular slice
rodaje {m} :: shooting (of a film)
rodal {m} :: small plot of land
rodal {m} :: small mat or placemat
rodal {m} :: small stain
rodamiento {m} :: bearing (mechanical device)
rodamina {f} :: rhodamine
Ródano {prop} {m} :: Ródano (river)
Ródano {prop} {m} :: Ródano (department)
rodante {adj} :: rolling
rodapié {m} :: skirting board, baseboard
rodar {vit} :: to roll, rotate
rodar {vt} :: to film
Rodas {prop} {m} :: Rhodes (island)
Rodas {prop} {m} :: Rhodes (city)
rodear {v} :: to round up
rodear {v} :: to surround
rodear {v} :: to go around
rodearse {v} :: reflexive of rodear
rodela {f} :: round shield
rodelero {m} [history, military] :: rodelero
rodeo {m} :: rodeo
rodeo {m} :: detour
rodeo {m} :: roundabout
Rodesia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Rhodesia
Rodesia del Norte {prop} {f} :: Northern Rhodesia
Rodesia del Sur {prop} {m} :: Southern Rhodesia
rodesiana {f} :: feminine noun of rodesiano
rodesiano {adj} :: Rhodesian
rodesiano {m} :: Rhodesian
rodete {m} :: a roll from the hair of the head, bun
rodete {m} :: a little border on a coat
rodete {m} :: ward (of a lock)
rodete {m} :: the piece of wood which draws the upper millstone about when it grinds
rodia {f} :: feminine noun of rodio
rodilla {f} :: knee (joint or region of the joint in the middle part of the leg between the thigh and the shank)
rodillazo {m} :: a hit or push with a knee
rodillera {f} :: knee patch
rodillera {f} :: kneepad
rodillero {adj} [attributive] :: knee
rodillo {m} :: roller
rodillo {m} :: rolling pin
rodillo {m} :: inking roller, platen
rodillo {m} :: bicycle trainer
rodio {m} :: rhodium
rodio {adj} :: Rhodian (of or pertaining to Rhodes in Greece)
rodio {m} :: Rhodian (native or resident of Rhodes in Greece)
rodislandés {adj} :: Rhode Islander, Rhode Island
rodislandés {m} :: Rhode Islander
rodislandesa {f} :: feminine noun of rodislandés
rodoceno {m} [organic chemistry] :: rhodocene
rodocrosita {f} [mineral] :: rhodochrosite
rododendro {m} :: rhododendron
Rodolfa {prop} {f} :: given name
Rodolfo {prop} {m} :: given name
rodopsina {f} [protein] :: rhodopsin
Rodri {prop} {m} :: given name
Rodrigo {prop} {m} :: given name
rodrigón {m} :: trellis or similar support for plants
Rodríguez {prop} :: surname
roedor {adj} :: gnawing
roedor {m} :: rodent
roel {m} [heraldry] :: roundel
roentgenio {m} :: roentgenium
roer {v} :: to gnaw
roer {v} :: to pick at
roer {v} :: to wear down
rogación {f} :: prayer, begging
rogar {v} :: to beg, entreat, implore, pray
rogar {v} :: to ask, request
rogativo {adj} :: synonym of rogatorio
rogatorio {adj} [legal] :: rogatory
Rogelio {prop} {m} :: given name
roheo {m} :: boatlily; Tradescantia spathacea
rohingya {adj} :: Rohingya
rohingya {mf} :: Rohingya
rohinyá {mf} :: Rohingya
rohinyá {adj} :: Of the Rohingya people
roja {f} :: Red (Communist)
Roja {prop} {f} [football] :: the Chile national football team
Roja {prop} {f} [football] :: the Spain national football team
Rojas {prop} :: surname
rojear {v} :: to make red
rojez {f} :: redness
rojiamarillo {adj} :: red and yellow
rojiamarillo {adj} :: of, supporting, or pertaining to, C. S. Herediano, a soccer club from Heredia, Costa Rica
rojiblanca {f} :: feminine noun of rojiblanco
rojiblanco {adj} :: Red and white
rojiblanco {adj} [football] :: Of or pertaining to Atlético Madrid, a football team from Madrid, Spain
rojiblanco {adj} [football] :: Of or pertaining to Athletic Bilbao, a football team from Bilbao, Spain
rojiblanco {adj} [football] :: Of or pertaining to Sporting de Gijón, a football team from Gijón, Spain
rojiblanco {adj} [football] :: Of or pertaining to Sevilla FC, a football team from Sevilla, Spain
rojiblanco {adj} [football] :: Of or pertaining to other football teams with a red and white strip
rojiblanco {m} [football] :: Someone associated with Atlético Madrid, as a fan, player, manager etc
rojiblanco {m} [football] :: Someone associated with Athletic Bilbao, as a fan, player, manager etc
rojiblanco {m} [football] :: Someone associated with Sporting de Gijón, as a fan, player, manager etc
rojiblanco {m} [football] :: Someone associated with Sevilla FC, as a fan, player, manager etc
rojiblanco {m} [football] :: Someone associated with various other teams who play in a red and white strip
rojigualda {prop} {f} :: alternative case form of Rojigualda
Rojigualda {prop} {f} :: the flag of Spain
rojillo {adj} :: diminutive of rojo
rojinegro {adj} :: red and black
rojinegro {adj} [football] :: of or pertaining to Newell's Old Boys, an Argentine football team
rojinegro {m} :: Someone connected to Newell's Old Boys, as a player, coach, fan etc
Rojita {prop} {f} [football] :: the Chile national under-20 football team
Rojita {prop} {f} [football] :: the Spain national under-21 football team
rojito {adj} :: diminutive of rojo
rojito {m} :: diminutive of rojo
rojiverde {adj} :: red and green
rojizo {adj} :: reddish
rojo {adj} :: red (colour)
rojo {m} :: red (colour)
rojo {m} [Costa Rica] :: a 1000 colón bill
rojo {m} [Spain, pejorative] :: a left-wing, especially communist
Rojo {prop} {m} :: surname
rol {m} :: role
rol {m} :: roll, list
Rolando {prop} :: given name
rolar {v} :: to veer round
Roldán {prop} {m} :: Roland (character from medieval legend)
Roldán {prop} {m} :: surname
roldana {f} :: pulley (simple machine used to lift heavy objects)
roldosista {mf} :: A supporter of Jaime Roldós Aguilera, former president of Ecuador
roleo {m} :: rinceau
roleta {f} [baseball] :: ground ball, roller
roletazo {m} [baseball] :: ground ball
rolin {m} [Mexico, baseball] :: baseball glove
rolinga {mf} :: Rolling Stones fan, especially as part of the Argentine subculture
rollazo {m} :: augmentative of rollo; terrible bore
rollazo {adj} :: dead boring
rollete {m} [Spain] :: fling; lover; fuckbuddy
Rollings {prop} {mp} :: Stones, Rolling Stones (British rock band)
rollito {m} :: diminutive of rollo
rollito de primavera {m} :: spring roll
rollizo {adj} :: plump, overweight
rollo {m} :: roll
rollo {m} :: coil
rollo {m} :: reel
rollo {m} :: affair
rollo {m} [colloquial] :: boring talk
rollo {m} [colloquial] :: nonsense, tosh
rollo {m} [colloquial] :: vibes, feeling
rollo {m} [colloquial] :: fuck, shag
rollo {m} [colloquial] :: fuckbuddy
rollo de primavera {m} :: spring roll
rollotráfico {m} :: illegal timber trafficking
rolo {m} :: blind (covering for a window)
rolo {m} [Colombia, derogatory] :: A person from Bogotá whose parents were born elsewhere (as distinguished from a cachaco)
Roma {prop} {f} :: Roma (capital city)
Román {prop} {m} :: given name
romana {f} :: feminine noun of romano
romana {f} [Louisiana] :: dress
romana {f} [uncountable, printing, dated] :: a large size of type standardized as 16 point
romance {adj} :: Romance
romance {m} :: romance, love affair
romance {m} :: romance [genre]
romance {m} :: novel
romance {m} :: Spanish [language]
romancear {vt} :: to translate into a Romance language
romancero {m} :: A novelist, a writer of romances
romancero {m} :: A collection of romances or ballads
romanche {m} :: Romansch
romanense {adj} :: Of or from La Romana
romanense {adj} :: Of or from Romang
romanense {mf} :: Someone from La Romana
romanense {mf} :: Someone from Romang
romaní {adj} :: Romani
romaní {mf} :: Romani
romaní {m} :: Romani (language)
románico {adj} :: Romance
románico {adj} :: Romanesque
romanidad {f} :: Roman character or quality
romanidad {f} :: Roman spirit or essence
romanilla {f} :: A type of lattice door
romaniote {adj} :: Romaniote
romaniote {mf} :: Romaniote
romanista {mf} :: Romanist
romanización {f} :: romanization
romanizar {vt} :: to romanize
romano {adj} :: Roman (from or native to the city or empire of Rome)
romano {adj} :: Roman (pertaining to Rome or the Romans)
romano {m} :: a Roman
Romanos {prop} {m} [bible] :: Romans (the book of the Bible)
Roma no se hizo en un día {proverb} :: Rome wasn't built in a day
románticamente {adv} :: romantically
romanticismo {m} :: romanticism
romántico {adj} :: romantic
romanticón {adj} :: sentimental, romantic
romantizar {v} :: to romanticize
romanza {f} :: romance (piece of music)
romanzar {vt} :: to translate into a Romance language
romaza {f} :: sorrel
rombencéfalo {m} :: hindbrain
rombencéfalo {m} :: rhombencephalon
rómbico {adj} :: orthorhombic
rombo {m} [geometry] :: rhombus
rombo {m} :: brill
rombododecaédrico {adj} :: in the shape of a rhombic dodecahedron
rombododecaedro {m} [geometry] :: rhombic dodecahedron
romboédrico {adj} :: rhombohedral
romboedro {m} :: rhombohedron
romboidal {adj} [geometry] :: rhomboidal
romboide {m} [geometry] :: rhomboid
rombozoo {m} [zoology] :: rhombozoan
romera {f} :: feminine noun of romero
Romeral {prop} {m} :: Romeral (city)
romeralino {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Romeral
romería {f} :: a religious pilgrimage
romerillo {m} :: Any of a number of plant species. See Spanish Wikipedia for individual species
romero {adj} :: said of a type of pilgrim heading to Rome, or having a certain type of cloak or stick
romero {m} :: pilgrim travelling to Rome
romero {m} :: rosemary
romero {m} :: poor cod (Trisopterus minutus)
romero {m} :: Cistus clusii
Romero {prop} {m} :: surname
romesco {m} :: romesco
romescu {m} :: alternative form of romesco
romo {adj} :: blunt, dull
rompecabezas {m} :: A jigsaw puzzle
rompecorazones {m} :: heartbreaker
rompedor {adj} :: ground-breaking
rompedor {m} :: breaker
rompedora {f} :: breaker
rompedoramente {adv} :: ground-breakingly
rompehielos {m} :: icebreaker
rompehuelgas {mf} :: strikebreaker
rompemuelles {m} :: speed bump
rompeolas {m} :: breakwater (construction in or around a harbour)
romper {v} :: to break
romper {v} :: to break up, terminate (a relationship, friendship etc.)
romper {v} [with a] :: to begin to do something
romper a llorar {v} [idiomatic] :: to burst into tears
romper el hielo {v} [idiomatic] :: to break the ice
romper el orto {v} [idiom, Argentina] :: To bust one's butt
romper filas {v} [idiomatic] :: to break rank
romperredes {mf} [soccer] :: marksman; goalscorer; attacker; front man
romperse el orto {v} [idiom, Argentina] :: To bust one's butt`
romperse la cabeza {v} [idiomatic] :: to rack one's brain
romperse los cuernos {v} [idiomatic] :: to bust one's balls; to break one's back
romper una lanza {v} [idiom] :: to stand up (for)
rompible {adj} :: breakable (able to be broken)
rompido {adj} [nonstandard] :: broken
rompiente {m} :: reef, shoal
rompimiento {m} :: breakage, fracture
rompimiento {m} :: break, break-up
rompimiento {m} :: downpour
rompimiento {m} :: outbreak
rompope {m} [Mexico] :: rompope
rompopo {m} :: rompopo
Romualdo {prop} {m} :: given name
Romualdo {prop} {m} :: surname
romulana {f} :: feminine noun of romulano
romulano {m} :: Romulan
Rómulo {prop} :: Romulus (cofounder of Rome)
ron {m} :: rum
roña {f} :: dirt; grime
roña {f} :: rust
roña {f} :: meanness
roña {f} :: mange (disease)
roña {f} :: grudge (against someone)
roña {f} :: trick
roña {mf} :: mean person; grouch
Ronaldo {prop} {m} :: given name
roncador {m} :: snorer
roncador {m} :: roncador
roncalés {adj} :: Roncalese
roncalés {m} :: Roncalese
roncalesa {f} :: feminine noun of roncalés
roncamente {adv} :: hoarsely
roncar {v} :: to snore
Roncesvalles {prop} :: Roncesvalles (a village and historical site)
Roncesvalles {prop} :: surname
roncha {f} [medical] :: wheal, weal
ronco {m} :: oink, growl, bark, snarl
ronco {adj} :: hoarse, croaky
roncón {m} :: drone (of bagpipes)
roncopatía {f} [pathology] :: chronic snoring
ronda {f} :: an iteration, a round (of drinks, golf, elections, cards, etc.)
ronda {f} :: a group of musicians
ronda {f} :: a ring road
rondador {m} :: rondador
rondador {m} :: prowler
rondalla {f} [music] :: rondalla
rondar {v} :: to patrol
rondar {v} :: to go around, round, go round
rondar {v} :: to frequent, hang out
rondar {v} :: to get together [to make music]
rondar {v} :: to hang around
rondar {v} :: to be around, be roughly, be close to
rondeña {f} :: feminine noun of rondeño
rondeño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Ronda in Spain
rondeño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Ronda in Spain
rondera {f} :: feminine noun of rondero
rondero {m} [Peru] :: freedom fighter
rondín {m} :: An instrument resembling the flute
rondo {m} [football] :: keep-away; piggy in the middle
rondó {m} [music] :: rondo
rondón {m} :: A type of roundelay from Spain
rondón {m} :: A soup from the Caribbean consisting of seafood and coconut milk, among other ingredients
ronear {v} [Spain, Gypsy community] :: to flirt; hit on
ronear {v} [Spain, Gypsy community] :: to show off
roneo {m} [Spain, gypsy community] :: flirt; flirting
roneo {m} [Spain, gypsy community] :: showing off
ronera {f} :: rum distillery
ronera {f} :: rum distiller
ronero {adj} [attributive] :: rum
ronero {m} :: rum distiller
ronis {m} [Spain, gypsy community] :: flirt; player
ronis {m} [Spain, gypsy community] :: show-off
roñoso {adj} :: mean
roñoso {adj} :: avaricious
roñoso {adj} :: scabby
roñoso {adj} :: filthy
ronpope {m} [rare] :: alternative form of rompope
ronquera {f} :: hoarseness
ronqueta {f} :: drone (of bagpipes)
ronquido {m} :: snore
ronquillo {adj} :: diminutive of ronco
Ronquillo {prop} {m} :: surname
ronronear {v} :: to purr
ronroneo {m} :: purr
ronsoco {m} [Peru] :: capybara
ronzal {m} :: halter (for horses)
ronzar {v} :: to crunch, munch
rookie {mf} :: rookie
rootear {v} [computing] :: to root
ropa {f} :: garment, clothing, clothes
ropa interior {f} :: underwear
ropa íntima {f} :: undergarments
ropaje {m} :: garment, item of clothing
ropalócero {m} :: papilionoid
ropavejera {f} :: feminine noun of ropavejero
ropavejero {m} :: ragman
ropa vieja {f} :: See: es ropa vieja old clothes
ropa vieja {f} :: ropa vieja
ropera {f} :: feminine noun of ropero
ropería {f} :: clothes shop
ropería {f} :: clothing industry
ropero {adj} [attributive] :: clothes; clothing
ropero {m} :: closet (for cloth)
ropero {m} :: wardrobe
ropero {m} :: wardrobe (all clothes owned by someone)
ropero {m} :: clothesmaker
ropero {m} :: clothes seller
ropero {m} :: kit man
ropilla {f} :: diminutive of ropa
ropita {f} :: diminutive of ropa
ropón {m} :: overgarment
ropón {m} :: overfrock
roque {m} [chess] :: rook
roquear {v} :: to rock (play, or enjoy, rock music)
roquedal {m} :: rocky area
roquedo {m} :: rock
roquedo {m} :: crag
roquefort {m} :: Roquefort (cheese)
roquera {mf} :: rocker (musician playing rock music)
roquera {adj} :: rock (music)
roquerío {m} :: rocks, rocky area (especially by a beach)
roquero {adj} :: rock (related to rock music)
roquero {m} :: rocker (musician who plays rock music)
roquero {m} :: rocker (someone passionate about rock music)
roquero {adj} :: Of, relating to or characteristic of rocks
roquero {adj} :: Made of or containing rocks
roquero {m} :: rock thrush
roqueta {f} :: A kind of watchtower
roquete {m} :: rochet
rorcual {m} :: rorqual (whale)
rorcual aliblanco {m} :: common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
rorro {m} :: little kid; whippersnapper
ros {m} :: A type of military hat, similar to a shako
rosa {f} :: rose (flower)
rosa {f} :: pink (colour)
rosa {f} [heraldiccharge] :: rose
rosa {adj} :: pink
Rosa {prop} {f} :: given name
rosácea {f} [pathology] :: rosacea
rosáceo {adj} :: rose; rose-colored
rosa china {f} :: Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
rosacruz {adj} :: Rosicrucian
rosacruz {m} :: Rosicrucian
rosa de los vientos {f} :: compass rose
rosadito {adj} :: diminutive of rosado
rosado {adj} :: pink
rosado {adj} :: rosé
rosal {m} :: rose (shrub)
rosaleda {f} :: rose garden
Rosales {prop} :: surname
Rosalía {prop} {f} :: given name
Rosalina {prop} :: given name
rosalista {mf} :: rose breeder
rosarino {adj} :: Of or from Rosario
rosarino {adj} :: Or of from the Chilean city of Litueche, formerly named Rosario Lo Solís
rosarino {m} :: Someone from Rosario
rosarino {m} :: Someone from the Chilean city of Litueche, formerly named Rosario Lo Solís
rosario {m} :: rosary
Rosario {prop} {f} :: given name
rosaritense {adj} :: Of or from the city of Rosarito Beach, Mexico
rosaritense {mf} :: An inhabitant of the city of Rosarito Beach, Mexico
rosbif {m} :: roast beef
rosca {f} :: doughnut, bagel
rosca {f} :: doughnut-shaped object
rosca {f} :: screw thread
rosca {f} [football] :: curl (arc-shaped trajectory of the ball through the air)
rosca {f} [Eastern Canary Islands] :: popcorn
roscar {v} :: to thread (a screw)
rosco {m} :: doughnut or other ring-shaped pastry
rosco {m} :: zero, big fat zero (score in a test)
rosco {m} :: ring (something ring-shaped)
roscón {m} :: roscón
rosear {v} :: to turn pink
rosellonés {adj} :: of or from Roussillon
rosellonés {m} :: Northern Catalan
rosellonés {m} :: Someone from Roussillon
rosellonesa {f} :: feminine noun of rosellonés
Rosendo {prop} :: given name
roseta {f} :: rosette
roseta {f} :: red spot on the skin
roseta {f} :: popcorn
Rosete {prop} :: surname
rosetón {m} :: rose window (circular window)
Rosh Hashaná {prop} :: Rosh Hashanah
Rosi {prop} {f} :: given name
rosicler {adj} [poetic] :: light pink
rosicler {m} [poetic] :: a light pink color
rosillo {adj} :: light red
rosillo {adj} :: roan (colour of a horse)
rosillo {m} :: roan, a horse having a coat that is typically bay, chestnut, or black mixed with white.
rosismo {m} :: The leadership, belief, or politics of Juan Manuel de Rosas
rosista {adj} :: Of, relating to, or supporting, Juan Manuel de Rosas, Governor of Buenos Aires 1829-1832 and 1835-1852
rosista {mf} :: A supporter of Juan Manuel de Rosas
rosita {f} :: diminutive of rosa
Rosita {prop} :: given name
roso {adj} :: hairless
rosquete {m} :: A large doughnut
rosquilla {f} :: doughnut
rosquilleta {f} :: A sort of Spanish crunchy breadstick
rostelo {m} :: rostellum
roster {m} [baseball] :: roster
róster {m} :: alternative spelling of roster
rostizar {v} [El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico] :: to barbecue; to spitroast
rostral {adj} [anatomy] :: rostral
rostrillo {m} :: diminutive of rostro
rostro {m} [anatomy] :: face (the front part of the head)
rosul {m} :: Guatemalan rosewood (Dalbergia tucurensis )
rosuvastatina {f} :: rosuvastatin
rotación {f} :: rotation
rotacional {m} [mathematics] :: curl
rotacismo {m} :: rhotacism
rotador {adj} :: rotating
rotámero {m} :: rotamer
rotante {adj} :: rotating
rotar {v} :: to spin
rotaria {f} :: feminine noun of rotario
rotario {adj} :: Rotarian
rotario {m} :: Rotarian
rotativamente {adv} :: rotationally
rotativo {adj} :: rotating, revolving
rotativo {adj} :: rotary
rotativo {m} :: rotary printing press
rotativo {m} :: newspaper; paper
rotatorio {adj} :: rotating, revolving
rotavirus {m} [virology] :: rotavirus
Róterdam {prop} :: Róterdam (city)
Roth {prop} {mf} :: surname
Rothkopf {prop} {mf} :: surname
Rothschild {prop} :: surname
roti {m} :: roti
rótico {adj} :: rhotic
rotífero {m} :: rotifer
roto {adj} :: broken
roto {adj} :: corrupt, rotten
roto {adj} [Chile] :: vulgar, low-class, classless
roto {m} :: a broken thing or person
roto {m} [sometimes, derogatory] :: a Chilean
rotomoldear {v} :: to mould using rotational moulding
rotonda {f} :: rotunda
rotonda {f} :: roundabout
rotor {m} :: rotor
rotoso {adj} [Latin America] :: ragged
rottweiler {m} :: Rottweiler
rotu {m} :: marker, felt-tip pen
rótula {f} [anatomy] :: kneecap, patella
rotulación {f} :: labelling
rotulador {m} :: marker, felt-tip (pen)
rotular {v} :: to entitle
rotular {v} :: to label, tag (especially with a rótulo)
rotuliano {adj} [anatomy] :: patellar
rotulito {m} :: diminutive of rótulo
rótulo {m} :: heading, title
rótulo {m} :: label
rótulo {m} :: price tag, tag
rótulo {m} :: poster
rótulo {m} :: placard
rótulo {m} :: sign
rótulo {m} :: nameplate
rótulo {m} :: inscription
rótulo {m} :: caption
rótulo {m} [religion] :: rotulus
rotundamente {adv} :: emphatically
rotundidad {f} :: rotundity
rotundidad {f} :: conclusiveness
rotundidad {f} :: clearness
rotundidad {f} :: flatness
rotundo {adj} :: rotund
rotundo {adj} :: complete, precise
rotundo {adj} :: emphatic, ringing, resounding
rotundo {adj} :: rotunda
rotundo {adj} :: resounding (success)
rotura {f} :: rupture
rotura {f} :: breakage
rotura {f} :: leak
roturación {f} :: plowing, ploughing
roturador {adj} :: plowing; rototilling
roturadora {f} :: road plow, rototiller, rotavator
roturar {v} :: to plough (plow), rototill, rotovate
roturita {m} :: diminutive of rotura; slight break, slight breakage
round {m} [martial arts] :: round
Rousseau {prop} :: surname
Rousseau {prop} :: Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Swiss philosopher
rousseauniano {adj} [philosophy] :: Rousseauian
router {m} :: router
Roxana {prop} {f} :: Roxana, the wife of Alexander
Roxana {prop} {f} :: given name
roxolanos {mp} :: Roxolani
roya {f} :: Plant rust or blight
royal {mf} :: royal (member of the British royal family)
royal {mf} :: Baking powder (dry leavening agent used in baking)
royalties {mp} :: royalties
roza {f} :: brushing, scrubbing
rozadora {f} :: wall chaser
rozadura {f} :: scratch
rozadura {f} :: scratchmark
rozagante {adj} :: healthy-looking
rozagante {adj} :: showy, flamboyant
rozamiento {m} :: rubbing
rozamiento {m} :: friction
rozar {v} :: to clear or scrape land
rozar {v} :: to graze, to brush (touch lightly and briefly)
rozar {v} [figurative] :: to border (on) (be close to)
roza y quema {f} [idiomatic] :: slash and burn
rozón {m} :: A type of large scythe
RPC {prop} {f} :: initialism of República Popular China
rreal {adj} :: obsolete spelling of real
rreal {m} :: obsolete spelling of real
rrey {m} :: obsolete spelling of rey
rreyna {f} :: obsolete spelling of reina
rreyno {m} :: obsolete spelling of reino
RR. HH. {mp} :: acronym of recursos humanos
RRHH {mp} :: alternative form of RR. HH.
RR. PP. {fp} :: acronym of relaciones públicas
RSS de Armenia {prop} {f} :: Armenian SSR
RSS de Azerbaiyán {prop} {f} :: Azerbaijan SSR
RU {prop} {m} :: initialism of Reino Unido
Ruán {prop} {f} :: Ruán (city)
Ruanda {prop} {f} :: Ruanda (country)
ruandés {adj} :: Rwandan
ruandés {m} :: Rwandan
ruano {adj} :: alternative form of roano
ruano {m} :: alternative form of roano
Rubén {prop} {m} :: Reuben (Biblical character and tribe)
Rubén {prop} {m} :: given name
Rubenia {prop} :: given name
rúbeo {adj} :: reddish
rubeola {f} :: alternative form of rubéola
rubéola {f} :: rubella
rubí {m} :: ruby (gem)
rubí {m} [horology] :: jewel (of analog watch)
rubia {f} :: feminine noun of rubio, blonde
rubicundez {f} :: redness
rubicundo {adj} :: ruddy, reddish
rubicundo {adj} :: [of people] appearing healthy with a "good color"
rubidio {m} :: rubidium
rubiecita {f} :: diminutive of rubia
rubín {m} :: rust
rubín {m} :: ruby
rubio {adj} :: blond
rubio {m} :: a blond (or blonde) person
rubio {m} :: gurnard (fish)
rubita {f} :: diminutive of rubia
rublo {m} :: ruble
rubo {m} [obsolete] :: blackberry bush
rubo {m} [obsolete] :: bramble (thorny shrub)
rubor {m} :: blushing, blush
rubor {m} [by extension] :: embarrassment, shame
ruborizar {v} :: to blush
ruboroso {adj} :: blushing; easily embarrassed
ruboroso {adj} :: bashful
rúbrica {f} :: signature, initialing
rúbrica {f} :: title, heading; section
rúbrica {f} :: rubric
rubricar {v} :: to sign, to initial
rubro {m} :: rubric
ruca {f} :: feminine noun of ruco
ruca {f} [Chile] :: traditional Indian hut
ruca {f} [Chile, pejorative] :: hut, hovel (housing made of poor construction)
rucio {adj} :: grey, grey-haired
ruco {adj} [pejorative, Latin America] :: old
ruco {adj} [Latin America] :: worn out, useless
ruco {m} [pejorative, Latin America] :: old fogey, dodo, fuddy-duddy (very old person)
ruco {m} [pejorative, Latin America] :: dobbin (old horse)
rúcula {f} :: arugula, rocket [in British English]
ruda {f} :: rue (plant)
rudamente {adv} :: tactlessly
ruderal {adj} :: ruderal
rudeza {f} :: rudeness
rudeza {f} :: toughness
rudimentariamente {adv} :: rudimentarily
rudimentario {adj} :: rudimentary
rudimento {m} :: rudiment
rudista {m} :: rudist
rudo {adj} :: rude, rough, crude, rugged
rudo {m} [slang, professional wrestling] :: heel (a wrestler whose in-ring persona embodies villainous or reprehensible traits)
rueca {f} :: distaff
rueda {f} :: wheel
rueda de Chicago {f} :: Ferris wheel
rueda de la fortuna {f} :: Ferris wheel
rueda del ratón {f} [computing] :: mouse wheel
rueda dentada {f} :: gear wheel
rueda de prensa {f} :: press conference, news conference
rueda de recambio {m} :: spare tyre [UK], spare tire [North America], spare wheel
rueda de reconocimiento {f} [crime] :: identity parade
rueda de repuesto {m} :: spare tyre [UK], spare tire [North America], spare wheel
rueda Ferris {f} :: Ferris wheel
ruedamierda {m} :: dung beetle
rueda moscovita {f} :: Ferris wheel
Ruedas {prop} :: surname
ruedita {f} :: diminutive of rueda
ruedo {m} :: hem of a garment
ruedo {m} :: circle, ring (of people)
ruedo {m} [bullfighting] :: arena, bullring
ruego {m} :: plea, appeal
rufera {f} :: feminine noun of rufero
rufero {m} :: roofer
rufián {m} :: villain, ruffian
rufián {m} :: pimp, panderer
rufo {adj} :: rufous
rugar {v} :: to wrinkle
rugbier {m} :: rugby player
rugbista {mf} :: rugby player
rugby {m} :: rugby
rugidor {adj} :: roaring
rugidor {m} :: roarer
rugidora {f} :: feminine noun of rugidor
rugiente {adj} :: growling; roaring
rugir {v} :: to roar
rugir {v} :: to bellow
rugir {v} :: to rumble
rugosidad {f} :: roughness
rugosísimo {adj} :: superlative of rugoso
rugoso {adj} :: rough
ruibarbo {m} :: rhubarb (any plant of the genus Rheum)
ruidazo {m} :: loud noise; hubbub
ruidero {m} :: noise, din, hullabaloo
ruidillo {m} :: diminutive of ruido
ruidismo {m} :: noise (music genre)
ruidito {m} :: diminutive of ruido
ruido {m} :: noise, racket, rattle, clatter, sound (various sounds, usually unwanted)
ruido {m} :: noise (unwanted part of a signal)
ruido {m} :: uproar, talk, fuss
ruidosamente {adv} :: loudly, noisily
ruidosísimo {adj} :: superlative of ruidoso; extremely loud
ruidoso {adj} :: loud, noisy
ruin {adj} :: contemptible, mean, heartless
ruin {adj} :: mean, stingy
ruin {adj} :: wild; unruly
ruin {adj} :: rachitic
ruina {f} :: ruin, decay, wreck (also figurative)
ruina {f} :: decline, downfall
ruina {f} [in the plural] :: ruins
ruinar {v} :: to destroy, ruin
ruindad {f} :: vileness, despicableness
ruindad {f} :: smallness, lowliness
ruinoso {adj} :: ruinous, disastrous (of a business)
ruinoso {adj} :: dilapidated
ruiseñor {m} :: nightingale
ruiseñor bastardo {m} :: Cetti's warbler, a small bird
Ruiz {prop} :: surname
rular {v} :: to go round
rular {v} [colloquial] :: to chuck, pass, lob
rulero {m} :: hair roller
ruleta {f} :: roulette
ruleta rusa {f} :: Russian roulette
ruletera {f} :: feminine noun of ruletero
ruletero {m} [Central America] :: taxi driver
rulfiano {adj} :: Of or relating to Juan Rulfo, Mexican author
rulo {m} :: ball (of cheese, for example)
rulo {m} :: ball (for gymnastics)
rulo {m} :: hair curler
rulo {m} :: curl (of hair)
rumana {f} :: feminine noun of rumano
Rumania {prop} {f} :: Romania
Rumanía {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Rumania
rumano {adj} :: Romanian (from or native to Romania)
rumano {adj} :: Romanian (pertaining to Romania)
rumano {m} :: a Romanian person
rumano {m} :: the Romanian language
rumba {f} [Caribbean, Venezuela, Colombia] :: party
rumba {f} :: rumba (Cuban dance)
rumbear {v} [Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala, Hunduras, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela] :: to party
rumbear {v} [Cuba] :: to dance rumba
rumbera {f} :: feminine noun of rumbero
rumbero {adj} :: Of or relating to rumba
rumbero {m} :: rumba afficcionado
rumbero {m} [Venezuela] :: fun-loving, lively (enjoying parties)
rumbiar {v} [Latin America] :: to party
rumbo {m} :: course
rumbo {m} :: heading, bearing
rumbón {adj} :: synonym of rumboso
rumbosamente {adv} :: pompously; lavishly
rumboso {adj} :: pompous
rumboso {adj} :: lavish, generous
rumen {m} :: rumen
rumiación {f} :: rumination
rumiante {adj} :: ruminant
rumiante {m} :: ruminant
rumiar {v} :: to ponder, to ruminate
rumor {m} :: rumor
rumor {m} :: murmur
rumorar {v} [Latin America] :: to rumor
rumorcillo {m} :: diminutive of rumor
rumorear {vi} :: to rumble
rumorear {vp} :: to rumor
rumorología {f} :: rumours
rumorosidad {f} :: noisiness
rumoroso {adj} :: noisy
runa {f} :: rune
runa {m} [colloquial, in Quechua communities] :: man
runfla {f} :: flurry; series
rúnico {adj} :: runic
runner {mf} :: runner (person who runs)
running {m} :: running, jogging
runo {adj} [obsolete] :: runic
runología {f} :: runology
runrún {m} :: humming, hum
runrunear {v} :: to whirr
rupestre {adj} :: of or pertaining to a cave
rupestrología {f} [Cuba] :: The study of cave art
rupia {f} :: Any of several current and historical currencies, including the rupee, rupiah, and rupia
rupícola {adj} :: rupicole
ruptura {f} :: breaking-off
ruptura {f} :: rupture
rupturismo {m} :: breakaway
rupturista {adj} :: groundbreaking
rural {adj} :: rural
ruralidad {f} :: rurality
ruralismo {m} :: ruralism
ruralista {adj} :: ruralist
ruralista {mf} :: ruralist
ruralización {f} :: ruralization
ruralizar {v} :: to ruralize
rus {m} [historical] :: Rus (Scandinavian settlers and merchants in Eastern Europe, particulary in Kievan Rus')
rusa {f} :: feminine noun of ruso
Rus de Kiev {prop} {f} [history] :: Rus de Kiev (mediaeval principality) ruled by the Varangian vikings
Rusia {prop} {f} :: Russia
rusificación {f} :: Russification
rusificar {v} :: to Russify
rusina {f} :: feminine noun of rusino
rusino {adj} :: Rusyn
rusino {m} :: Rusyn
rusino {m} :: Rusyn
rusita {f} :: feminine noun of rusito
rusito {m} :: diminutive of ruso
ruso- {prefix} :: Russo-
ruso {adj} :: Russian
ruso {m} :: Russian (person) (male or of unspecified sex)
ruso {m} [dated, Latin America] :: An Ashkenazic Jew
ruso {m} :: Russian (language)
ruso blanco {m} :: White Russian
rusoestadounidense {adj} :: Russo-American
rusoeuropeo {adj} :: Russian-European
rusofilia {f} :: Russophilia
rusófilo {adj} :: Russophilic
rusófilo {m} :: Russophile
rusofobia {f} :: Russophobia
rusófobo {adj} :: Russophobic
rusófobo {m} :: Russophobe
rusoparlante {adj} :: Russian-speaking
rusoparlante {mf} :: Russophone
rústicamente {adv} :: rustically
rusticano {adj} :: wild; rustic
rusticar {vi} :: to get away to the countryside
rusticidad {f} :: crudeness
rusticidad {f} :: rusticity
rusticidad {f} :: coarseness
rústico {adj} :: rustic
rústico {adj} :: crude, clumsy
rústico {m} :: rustic
Rut {prop} {f} [bible] :: Ruth (the book of the Bible)
Rut {prop} {f} [biblical character] :: Ruth
Rut {prop} {f} :: given name
ruta {f} :: highway
ruta {f} :: route
ruta {f} [computing] :: path
Ruta de la Seda {prop} {f} [historical] :: Silk Road (routes used by silk traders across Europe, Asia and northern Africa)
ruta fija {f} :: fixed route
ruteador {m} :: router
rutear {v} :: to route
rutena {f} :: feminine noun of ruteno
rutenio {m} :: ruthenium
ruteno {m} :: Ruthenian
ruteo {m} :: routing
rutera {f} :: trucker, truck driver
rutero {m} :: trucker, truck driver
Ruth {prop} {f} :: given name
Ruth {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Rut
rutherfordio {m} :: rutherfordium
rutilancia {f} [literary] :: sparkle
rutilante {adj} [literary] :: sparkling, shiny
rutilar {v} [literary] :: to sparkle, shine
rutilo {m} :: rutile (mineral)
rutilo {m} :: roach (fish)
rutina {f} :: routine
rutina {f} :: grind [colloquial]
rutinariamente {adv} :: routinely
rutinario {adj} :: routine
rutinera {f} :: feminine noun of rutinero
rutinero {adj} :: doing things just for routine
rutinero {m} :: Someone who does things just for routine
Ruy {prop} {m} :: given name