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rimbombante (plural rimbombanti)

  1. present participle of rimbombare



rimbombante (plural rimbombanti)

  1. roaring, rumbling, thundering





From rimbombar +‎ -ante (archaic present participle).



rimbombante m or f (masculine and feminine plural rimbombantes)

  1. bombastic, overblown, grandiose, high-sounding, high-flown
  2. meretricious, flamboyant, highfalutin, flashy, showy, ostentatious
    • 2005, [1]:
      Hay muchas micronaciones y tienen propósitos muy diferentes. Algunas son ejercicios de teoría política o económica, con los que se busca explorar la noción de estado nacional y evaluar sus alternativas; otras, pasatiempos personales, y allí el autor se deleita en crear la simbología de esta patria artificial y en repartir títulos nobiliarios rimbombantes entre sus amigos o familiares; otras son formas de experimentación artística.
      There are many micronations and they have very different purposes. Some are exercises in political or economic theory, with which to explore the notion of national statehood and evaluate its alternatives; others, personal pastimes, and there the [creator] delights in creating the symbology of that artificial country and in granting bombastic titles of nobility to his friends and acquaintances; others are forms of artistic experimentation.
  3. resounding, loud, thundering, echoing

Further reading
