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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-f

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
f {letter} :: letter: äf, ef
f {n} [music] :: F (note)
F {letter} :: letter: äf, ef
faabeli {n} :: fable
faagi {n} [microbiology, virology] :: phage
faagiterapia {n} [medicine] :: phage therapy
faanjunkkari {n} [military ranks] :: fanjunkare
faarao {n} :: pharaoh
faaraokoira {n} :: pharaoh hound
faaraomuurahainen {n} :: pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis)
faaraorotta {n} :: Egyptian mongoose, ichneumon, Herpestes ichneumon
fääri {n} :: The Faroese language
fäärinkielinen {adj} :: Faroese, of or pertaining to the Faroese language
fäärintää {v} :: to translate into Faroese
faasi {n} [physics, chemistry] :: A phase
faasiavaruus {n} [math, physics] :: phase space
faasimuutos {n} :: phase transition
faasiraja {n} :: phase boundary
faasitaso {n} :: phase plane
faattinen {adj} :: phatic
Fabergén muna {n} [jewelry] :: Fabergé egg (decorated egg made by the Russian jewelers House of Fabergé)
fabrikaatti {n} [obsolete] :: valmiste, tuote
fabrikoida {v} :: to fabricate
fabuloida {v} [rare] :: to fable (to fabricate a story)
fabulointi {n} [rare] :: action noun of the verb fabuloida (to fable); fabling
Facebook {prop} :: Facebook
factoringyhtiö {n} [finance] :: factoring firm
fade {n} [slang] :: father
fado {n} :: fado (Portuguese fado singing as art)
fado {n} :: fado, fado song (song in this style)
fadolaulaja {n} :: fado singer
fadolaulu {n} :: fado (Portuguese fado singing as art)
fadolaulu {n} :: fado, fado song (song in this style)
-fagi {suffix} :: -phage
fagi {n} [microbiology, virology] :: phage
-fagia {suffix} :: -phagy
fagosytoida {v} [immunology, cytology] :: to phagocytize [US], phagocytise [UK] (to ingest by phagocytosis)
fagosytoosi {n} [cytology] :: phagocytosis
fagosyytti {n} [cytology] :: phagocyte
fagosyyttinen {adj} [biology] :: phagocytic
fagotinsoittaja {n} :: Alternative term for fagotisti
fagotisti {n} :: bassoonist
fagotti {n} [musical instruments] :: bassoon
fagottikonsertto {n} [music] :: bassoon concerto
fahrenheitaste {n} :: degree Fahrenheit (one degree on the Fahrenheit temperature scale)
fahrenheitasteikko {n} :: Fahrenheit scale (scale for measuring temperature, using Fahrenheit as unit)
faija {n} [colloquial] :: father
faili {n} [computing, slang] :: A computer file
fajaliitti {n} [mineral] :: fayalite
fajanssi {n} :: faience
fajanssiastia {n} :: faience dish (vessel such as a plate for holding or serving food, made of faience)
fajanssinen {adj} :: faience (made of faience)
fajanssiteollisuus {n} :: faience industry
fakiiri {n} :: fakir, faqir (ascetic or religious mendicant)
fakiiri {n} :: wizard (person skilled or unusually talented in a particular field)
fakki {n} :: box, compartment
fakki-idiootti {n} [pejorative] :: a fachidiot; someone with profound knowledge of their field, but relatively ignorant and unappreciative of other fields of knowledge and art; an overly specialized person
fakkiintua {vi} :: To overspecialize
fakkiintuminen {n} :: overspecializing
fakkikieli {n} :: synonym of ammattikieli
fakkiutua {vi} :: To overspecialize
fakkiutuminen {n} :: overspecializing
faksaaminen {n} :: faxing
faksata {vt} :: to fax (send a document via a fax machine)
faksaus {n} :: faxing (act of sending a telefax)
faksi {n} :: fax, fax machine (machine)
faksi {n} :: fax (document)
faksimile {n} :: facsimile, fax
faksimilejäljennös {n} :: facsimile, facsimile copy
faksinumero {n} :: fax number
faksitse {adv} :: By fax
fakta {n} :: fact
faktatietokanta {n} [computing] :: fact database (database of facts)
faktinen {adj} :: factual
faktisesti {adv} :: factually, in fact
faktitiivinen {adj} :: factitive
faktoidi {n} :: factoid
faktori {n} :: factor
faktorianalyysi {n} [math] :: factor analysis
faktorointi {n} :: factoring
faktuaalinen {adj} :: factual
faktuaalisuus {n} :: factuality (state or quality of being factual)
faktumi {n} [rare] :: fact
fakturoida {v} [archaic] :: to invoice, bill (to issue an invoice, usually for delivery of goods or services)
faktuura {n} :: invoice
fakultatiivinen {adj} :: facultative (optional)
fakultatiivisesti {adv} :: facultatively
fakultatiivisuus {n} :: The quality of being facultative; faculty
fakulteetti {n} [dated] :: faculty (a division of a university)
fakulteetti {n} [mathematics] :: factorial
falafel {n} :: falafel
falangi {n} :: phalanx (military unit)
falangi {n} :: phalanx (large group of people)
falangisti {n} :: A phalangist
falanukka {n} :: alternative form of falanukki
falanukki {n} :: falanouc, Euplerer goudotii (civet-like mammal native to Madagascar)
falklandilainen {adj} :: Falkland [attributive use of proper noun]; Falklandic
falklandilainen {n} :: Falklander, Falkland Islander
Falklandinsaaret {prop} :: The Falkland Islands
fallata {v} [nautical] :: to bear down, bear away (to steer away from the wind)
falli {n} [nautical, slang] :: halyard
fallibilismi {n} [philosophy] :: fallibilism
fallibilisti {n} :: A fallibilist
fallibilistinen {adj} :: fallibilistic
fallinen {adj} :: phallic
fallos {n} :: phallus
fallosmainen {adj} :: phallic (resembling phallos)
fallossymboli {n} :: phallic symbol (object that by resembling phallos or otherwise is regarded as symbolizing masculinism)
falsetti {n} :: falsetto
falsettiääni {n} :: synonym of falsetti
falsifikaatio {n} :: synonym of väärennös
falsifikaatio {n} :: synonym of väärennys
falsifikationismi {n} [epistemology] :: falsificationism
falsifikationistinen {adj} :: falsificationist
falsifioida {vt} :: To falsify
falsifiointi {n} :: falsification
falsifioitavuus {n} [science] :: falsifiability
falsifioituva {adj} [sciences] :: falsifiable
falsifoida {v} :: alternative form of falsifioida
falskata {vi} [colloquial] :: To leak
falski {adj} :: fake, insincere, phony
falski {adj} :: false, spurious
falski {adj} :: out of tune
falskisti {adv} :: falsely (in an ingenuine or contrived manner)
falskisti {adv} :: out of tune
falskius {n} :: Quality of being falski; falseness
familiaalinen {adj} :: familial
familiaarinen {adj} :: familial
familismi {n} :: familism (form of social structure in which the needs of the family as a group are more important than the needs of any individual family member)
familistinen {adj} :: familistic
fammu {n} [dialectal, colloquial] :: grandma
fan {n} :: fan, admirer, aficionado
fanaatikko {n} :: fanatic
fanaattinen {adj} :: fanatic
fanaattisemmin {adv} :: comparative of fanaattisesti
fanaattisesti {adv} :: fanatically
fanaattisimmin {adv} :: superlative of fanaattisesti
fanaattisuus {n} :: bigotry, fanaticism
fanaloka {n} :: Malagasy civet, striped civet, Fossa fossana (civet-like mammal endemic to Madagascar)
fanalokki {n} :: alternative form of fanaloka
fanatismi {n} :: fanaticism
fan club {n} :: fan club
faneeri {n} [dialectal] :: plywood
fanerogaami {n} [botany] :: phanerogam
fanerotsooinen {adj} [geology] :: Phanerozoic
fanfaari {n} [music] :: fanfare
fani {n} [colloquial] :: fan (e.g. a soccer fan)
fanifiktio {n} [uncountable] :: fan fiction, fanfiction (amateur fiction created by fans, incorporating the characters and concepts of commercial media property)
fanifiktio {n} [countable] :: fan fiction (work of fan fiction)
fanikanta {n} :: fandom, fan base (fans collectively)
faniklubi {n} :: fan club
fanikunta {n} :: fandom, fan base (fans collectively)
fanittaa {v} [colloquial] :: to admire, to be somebody's fan
fanittaja {n} :: fan (admirer, aficionado)
fanius {n} :: fandom, fanship (state of being fan)
fanklubi {n} :: alternative form of faniklubi
Fanni {prop} :: given name
fantasia {n} :: fantasy
fantasiaelokuva {n} :: fantasy film
fantasiakirjallisuus {n} :: fantasy literature
fantasiamaailma {n} :: fantasy world
fantasiaroolipeli {n} :: fantasy role-playing game, fantasy role game
fantasiataiteilija {n} :: fantasist, fantasy artist (artist who creates fantasies)
fantasiataru {n} :: fantasy epic
fantasioida {v} :: To fantasize
fantasmagoria {n} :: phantasmagoria
fantasti {n} :: fantast
fantastinen {adj} :: fantastic
fantastisesti {adv} :: fantastically
fantastisuus {n} :: fantasticity
fantisoida {v} :: To fantasize
fantisointi {n} :: fantasizing
fantomi {n} :: phantom (illusion)
fantomi {n} [medicine] :: phantom pain
fantomikipu {n} :: Alternative term for fantomisärky
fantomisärky {n} [medicine] :: phantom pain
fäpätä {vi} [slang, vulgar] :: to masturbate, wank, fap
fapiaani {n} [dialectal, Lapua] :: A lively and original person
Faraday-kiertymä {n} [physics] :: Faraday rotation
Faradayn häkki {n} [physics] :: Faraday cage
faradi {n} :: farad
farao {n} :: alternative spelling of faarao
farao {n} :: The letter "F" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
faraokoira {n} :: alternative spelling of faaraokoira
faraomuurahainen {n} :: pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis
fariinisokeri {n} :: brown sugar (refined sugar to which molasses has been added)
farisealainen {n} :: Pharisee (person who values form over content)
farisealainen {adj} :: pharisaic
farisealaisuus {n} :: pharisaism (doctrines and practices of the Pharisees)
farisealaisuus {n} :: pharisaism (rigid observance of external forms of religion)
fariseus {n} [biblical] :: Pharisee (member of an ancient Jewish movement)
fariseus {n} [by extension] :: Pharisee (person who values form over content)
farkku {n} [colloquial] :: station wagon
farkkuhaalari {n} :: jeans overall
farkkuhame {n} :: denim skirt
farkkukangas {n} :: denim
farkkukangas {n} :: [British] dungaree
farkkukansa {n} :: youth, collectively, especially as participants in music festivals etc
farkkupusakka {n} :: jeans jacket
farkkupusero {n} :: jeans jacket
farkkutakki {n} :: jeans jacket, denim jacket
farkkuvaate {n} :: jeans garment
farkut {n} :: jeans, especially blue jeans
farkut {n} :: pair of jeans
farmakodynamiikka {n} :: pharmacodynamics
farmakognosia {n} :: pharmacognosy
farmakokinetiikka {n} :: pharmacokinetics
farmakologi {n} :: pharmacologist
farmakologia {n} :: pharmacology
farmakologinen {adj} :: pharmacological
farmakologisesti {adv} :: pharmacologically
farmakopea {n} :: pharmacopoeia (official book describing medicines or other pharmacological substances)
farmanomi {n} :: pharmacy assistant degree
farmari {n} :: A farmer
farmari {n} :: A station wagon
farmari {n} :: In plural (farmarit) the jeans, as a short form of farmarihousut
farmariauto {n} :: station wagon
farmarihame {n} :: denim skirt
farmarihousut {n} [pluralonly] :: jeans
farmarikangas {n} :: denim
farmarikankainen {adj} :: Made of denim
farmaripusero {n} :: synonym of farkkupusero
farmaritakki {n} :: synonym of farkkutakki
farmarivaate {n} :: synonym of farkkuvaate
farmaseutti {n} :: pharmacist
farmaseuttinen {adj} :: pharmaceutical
farmaseuttisesti {adv} :: pharmaceutically
farmasia {n} :: pharmacology, pharmacy (science of medicinal substances)
farmasia {n} :: pharmacy (occupation of a pharmacist)
farmaus {n} [rare] :: farming
farmi {n} :: farm
farmijoukkue {n} [sports] :: farm team (minor league team concerned with player development)
farmiseura {n} [sports] :: farm team (minor league team concerned with player development)
färsaarelainen {adj} :: Faroese, of or pertaining to the Faroe Islands or the Faroese people
färsaarelainen {n} :: A person or people from the Faroe Islands, Faroe Islander
Färsaaret {prop} [pluralonly] :: The Faroe Islands
farsi {n} :: Persian (language)
farsi {n} :: A person speaking Persian as his mother tongue
farsi {n} :: In plural (farsit), the Persians collecively
farssi {n} :: farce
faryngaali {n} [phonetics] :: pharyngeal
faryngaalinen {adj} :: pharyngeal
faryngiitti {n} :: pharyngitis
faryngismi {n} [pathology] :: pharyngismus
faryngospasmi {n} [pathology] :: pharyngismus
fasaani {n} :: pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)
fasaanikukko {n} :: pheasant cock (male pheasant)
fasaanilintu {n} :: pheasant (any bird species within the subfamily Phasianinae of the family Phasianidae)
fasadi {n} :: facade
fasetti {n} :: facet (surface cut into a gem)
fasiaalinen {adj} :: facial
fasilitaattori {n} :: facilitator
fasiliteetti {n} :: facility (physical means or contrivances to make something possible)
fasilitoida {v} :: to facilitate (to lead a working group, meeting or seminar so that the creative input of each participant is taken into maximal use)
fasilitointi {n} :: facilitation
fasinoida {v} [rare] :: to fascinate
fasioskapulohumeraalinen {adj} :: facioscapulohumeral
fasismi {n} :: fascism
fasisti {n} :: fascist
fasistinen {adj} :: fascist
fasistipuolue {n} :: fascist party
faskia {n} [anatomy] :: fascia
faskiitti {n} [pathology] :: fascitis (inflammation of fascia)
faskikulaatio {n} [anatomy] :: fasciculation
fasteri {n} [dialectal] :: paternal aunt (father's sister)
fataali {adj} :: fatal
fataalinen {adj} :: fatal
fataalisesti {adv} :: alternative form of fataalisti
fataalisti {adv} :: fatally
fataalisuus {n} :: alternative form of fataalius
fataalius {n} :: fatalness (quality of being fatal)
fatalismi {n} :: fatalism
fatalisti {n} :: fatalist
fatalistinen {adj} :: fatalistic
fatalistisesti {adv} :: fatalistically
fatalistisuus {n} :: fatalism
fatiikki {n} :: fatigue
fatsi {n} [slang] :: dad, father
fauna {n} :: fauna
fauni {n} [mythology] :: faun
faunistiikka {n} :: faunistics
faustilainen {adj} :: Faustian
faustinen {adj} :: Faustian
fauvismi {n} :: fauvism
favismi {n} [disease] :: favism
favoriitti {n} :: favorite
F-duuri {n} [music] :: F major
febu {n} [slang] :: synonym of Facebook
federaalinen {adj} :: federal
federaatio {n} :: federation
federalismi {n} :: federalism
federalisti {n} :: federalist
federalistinen {adj} :: federalist
federatiivinen {adj} :: Federal (pertaining to a league or treaty; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations)
federatiivinen {adj} :: Federal (pertaining to the national government level in a federal state)
federatiivinen {adj} :: Federative (in the name of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic)
feedback {n} [jargon] :: feedback
feeniks {n} :: phoenix
Feeniks {prop} :: The constellation Phoenix
feeniks-lintu {n} :: phoenix
Fehlingin liuos {n} [chemistry] :: Fehling's solution
feidata {v} [slang] :: to skip (not to attend)
feidata {v} :: (slang) to fade (to cause to disappear gradually, used especially of sound and light)
feijoa {n} :: feijoa, pineapple guava (plant and fruit)
feikata {v} :: to fake, affect, feign, simulate (to make a false display of)
feikki {adj} [slang] :: fake, false, fraudulent (not real)
feikki {n} [slang] :: falsification
feimi {n} [slang] :: fame
feimi {adj} [slang] :: famous
feissari {n} :: face-to-face fundraiser
feissata {v} :: to raise funds face-to-face
feissaus {n} :: face-to-face fundraising (practice of raising funds for a charity by meeting people face-to-face on the street, malls etc.)
fekaalinen {adj} :: fecal
fellaatio {n} :: fellatio (sexual act)
fellata {v} [nautical] :: to bear down, bear away (to steer away from the wind)
felonia {n} :: felony
felsiitti {n} [rock] :: felsite
felsinen {n} :: felsic
femakko {n} [pejorative] :: feminist
femiini {adj} :: alternative form of feminiininen
feminatsi {n} [neologism, derogatory] :: a feminazi
feminiini {n} [grammar] :: feminine
feminiinimuoto {n} [grammar] :: feminine form
feminiininen {adj} :: feminine (of, pertaining or belonging to the female grammatical gender)
feminiininen {adj} :: feminine (of a woman, displaying characteristics regarded as positive in a woman; attractive)
feminiininen {adj} :: feminine (of a male, resembling a woman)
feminiinisesti {adv} :: femininely
feminiinisuku {n} [grammar] :: feminine gender
feminiinisukuinen {adj} [grammar] :: feminine (of feminine gender)
feminiinisyys {n} :: femininity (sum of all attributes that convey, or are perceived to convey, womanhood)
feminismi {n} :: feminism
feministi {n} :: feminist
feministinen {adj} :: feminist
feministisesti {adv} :: feministically
feministiteologi {n} :: feminist theologist
feministiteologia {n} [religion] :: feminist theology (movement found in several religions to reconsider those religions from a feminist perspective)
femma {n} [slang] :: five-euro bill
femoraalinen {adj} [chiefly medical, anatomy] :: femoral
femto- {prefix} :: femto-
femtosekunti {n} :: femtosecond
fenakiitti {n} [mineral] :: phenakite
fenantroliini {n} [chemistry] :: phenanthroline
fenatsoni {n} [chemistry] :: phenazone
fendari {n} [nautical, slang] :: fender
fenderi {n} [nautical, slang] :: Same as lepuuttaja
fenestroida {v} [surgery] :: to fenestrate (to cut an opening into)
fenkoli {n} :: fennel (plant Foeniculum vulgare)
fenkoli {n} :: fennel (bulb, leaves, stalks, or seeds of the plant used as ingredients in cooking)
fennekki {n} :: fennec (Fennecus zerda)
fenni {n} :: Fenni (member of an ancient people of northeastern Europe)
fenni {n} [in plural] :: Fenni (these people collectively)
fennismi {n} :: Fennicism
fennisti {n} :: Finnicist
fennistiikka {n} :: Study of the Finnish language
fennistinen {adj} :: Fennistic (of or pertaining to the study of Finnic languages)
fennistinen {adj} :: pedantic about correct usage of Finnish
fennistisesti {adv} :: In a Fennistic manner
fennistisyys {n} :: The state or property of being pedantic about correct usage of Finnish
fenno- {prefix} :: Fenno-
fennofiili {n} :: Fennophile
fennomaani {n} :: Fennoman
fennomania {n} [historical] :: Fennomania
Fennoskandia {prop} [geology, geography] :: Fennoscandia
fennougristi {n} :: Finno-Ugricist
fennougristiikka {n} :: Study of Finno-Ugric languages and people
fennovegaani {n} :: A Finnish vegan, who out of philosophical and/or environmental reasons strives to follow a vegan diet which includes as many Finnish products as possible
fenobarbitaali {n} [pharmaceutical drug] :: phenobarbital
fenoli {n} [organic compound] :: phenol
fenoliftaleiini {n} [chemistry] :: phenolphthalein
fenolihappo {n} :: phenolic acid
fenolihartsi {n} [organic chemistry] :: phenolic resin
fenolimuovi {n} [organic chemistry] :: phenolic plastic
fenolipunainen {n} [chemistry] :: phenol red
fenologia {n} :: phenology
fenologinen {adj} :: phenological
fenomeeni {n} :: phenomenon
fenomenaalinen {adj} :: phenomenal
fenomenaalisesti {adv} :: phenomenally
fenomenaalisuus {n} :: phenomenality
fenomenalismi {n} :: phenomenalism
fenomenografia {n} :: phenomenography
fenomenologi {n} :: phenomenologist
fenomenologia {n} [philosophy] :: phenomenology
fenomenologinen {adj} :: phenomenological
fenomenologisesti {adv} [philosophy] :: phenomenologically
fenotyyppi {n} :: phenotype
fensyklidiini {n} [chemistry] :: phencyclidine
fentanyyli {n} [chemistry] :: fentanyl
fentermiini {n} [chemistry] :: phentermine
fenyletylamiini {n} :: alternative form of fenyylietyyliamiini
fenyyli {n} [organic chemistry] :: phenyl (univalent hydrocarbon radical C6H5, basis of an immense number of aromatic derivatives)
fenyylialaniini {n} [amino acid] ::  phenylalanine
fenyyliasetaatti {n} [chemistry] :: phenylacetate
fenyylietikkahappo {n} [chemistry] :: phenylacetic acid
fenyylietyyliamiini {n} [chemistry] :: phenethylamine
fenyylihydratsiini {n} [chemistry] :: phenylhydrazine
fenyyliketonuria {n} [genetics, pathology] :: phenylketonuria (genetic disorder affecting metabolism)
feodaali- {prefix} :: feudal
feodaaliaatelisto {n} :: feudal nobility
feodaaliaika {n} :: feudal times, feudal period
feodaaliherra {n} [historical] :: feudal lord
feodaalijärjestelmä {n} :: feudal system
feodaalilaitos {n} :: feudal system
feodaalinen {adj} :: feudal
feodaalisesti {adv} :: feudally
feodaalisuus {n} :: feudality (state or quality of being feudal)
feodaalivaltio {n} [historical] :: feudal state
feodalismi {n} :: feudalism
feodalisointi {n} :: feudalization (introduction of a feudal system)
feodalisti {n} :: feudalist
feodalistinen {adj} [dated] :: feudalistic
feodalistisesti {adv} [dated] :: feudally
feodalistisuus {n} :: alternative form of feodaalisuus
feokromosytooma {n} [medicine] :: pheochromocytoma
feresi {n} :: sarafan (long, sleeveless, trapeze-shaped traditional jumper dress worn as Karelian folk costume by women and girls)
fermaatti {n} [music] :: fermata
fermentaatio {n} :: fermentation
fermentoida {vt} :: to ferment
fermentointi {n} :: fermentation
fermentoitua {vi} :: to ferment
fermentori {n} :: fermentor
fermentti {n} :: ferment (substance causing fermentation)
fermioni {n} [physics] :: fermion
fermium {n} :: fermium
feromoni {n} :: pheromone
ferriitti {n} :: ferrite
ferriittiantenni {n} :: ferrite antenna
ferrikloridi {n} [chemistry] :: iron(III) chloride, ferric chloride
ferrimagnetismi {n} [physics] :: ferrimagnetism
ferrioksidi {n} :: ferric oxide
ferritiini {n} [biochemistry] :: ferritin
ferriyhdiste {n} :: ferric compound (chemical compound of iron in which iron is in +3 oxidation state)
ferro- {prefix} :: ferro-
ferroboori {n} :: ferroboron
ferrokelataasi {n} [biochemistry] :: ferrochelatase
ferrokloridi {n} :: ferrochloride
ferrokromi {n} [metallurgy] :: ferrochrome
ferromagnetismi {n} [physics] :: ferromagnetism
ferroseeni {n} [chemistry] :: ferrocene
ferroyhdiste {n} :: ferrous compound (chemical compound of iron in which iron is in +2 oxidation state)
fertiili {adj} :: fertile
fertiiliys {n} :: fertility
fertiliteetti {n} :: fertility, fecundity
ferulahappo {n} [chemistry] :: ferulic acid
fes {n} [music] :: F-flat
fese {n} [slang] :: synonym of Facebook
festari {n} [colloquial, usually plural] :: festival
festivaali {n} :: festival
feta {n} :: feta, Feta cheese, feta cheese
fetaalialkoholioireyhtymä {n} [pathology] :: synonym of sikiön alkoholioireyhtymä
fetajuusto {n} :: Feta cheese, feta cheese, feta
fetisismi {n} :: fetishism
fetisisti {n} :: fetishist
fetisistinen {adj} :: fetishistic
fetissi {n} :: A fetish (something nonsexual that arises sexual desire)
fetissi {n} :: A fetish (something believed to possess magical powers)
fetišši {n} :: alternative spelling of fetissi
fetofetaalinen {adj} :: fetofetal
fetsi {n} :: fez (headgear)
Feynmanin graafi {n} [physics] :: Feynman diagram
fiasko {n} :: fiasco
fiba {n} [slang] :: blunder, glitch, boner, goof (error, mistake)
fibata {vi} [slang] :: to blunder, blow, stumble, flub, goof (to make a mistake)
fibaus {n} [slang] :: blunder, glitch, boner, goof (error, mistake)
Fibonaccin luku {n} [mathematics] :: Fibonacci number
Fibonaccin lukujono {n} [mathematics] :: Fibonacci sequence
fibriini {n} :: fibrin
fibrillaatio {n} [pathology] :: fibrillation
fibrilli {n} [biology] :: fibril
fibroblasti {n} :: fibroblast
fibromyalgia {n} :: fibromyalgia
fibroosi {n} [medicine] :: fibrosis
fibrosyytti {n} [biology] :: fibrocyte
fideikomissi {n} [legal, obsolete] :: fee tail, fideicommissum (estate in land which may not be sold or pledged and must be passed undivided to the next generation in the family, usually to the eldest son)
fideismi {n} :: fideism
fidži {n} :: Fijian (language)
Fidži {prop} :: Fiji
fidžiläinen {adj} :: Fijian (of or pertaining to Fiji, its culture or people)
fidžiläinen {n} :: Fijian (person)
fidžinkielinen {adj} :: Fijian, Fijian language, Fijian speaking (written or expressed in Fijian)
fidžinnös {n} :: Fijian translation (translation from another language into Fijian)
fidžintää {v} :: to translate into Fijian
fieldspanieli {n} :: field spaniel (medium-sized breed dog of the spaniel type)
fiesta {n} :: fiesta
fife {n} [musical instruments] :: fife
fiftari {n} :: fifties-fan (person who dresses in the 1950's style, and likes music and other things from that era)
figuratiivinen {adj} :: figurative
figuratiivisesti {adv} :: figuratively
figuratiivisuus {n} :: figurativeness (property of being figurative)
figuriini {n} :: figurine
figuuri {n} :: figure
fii {n} :: phi (Greek letter)
fiiberi {n} [dialectal] :: fiber
fiiberilaikka {n} :: fibre disc
fiideli {n} :: vielle, fidel (musical instrument)
fiikus {n} :: rubber fig, rubber bush, rubber plant, Indian rubber bush, Ficus elastica (species of plant in the fig genus, native to SE Asia, a common houseplant)
fiilari {n} [slang] :: mood (prevalent atmosphere or feeling)
-fiili {suffix} :: -phile
fiilinki {n} [colloquial] :: feeling
fiilis {n} [colloquial] :: vibe, feeling
fiilistellä {v} [slang] :: to feel, to embrace the emotion or feeling (of); to emotionally savor or indulge (in)
fiilistely {n} [slang] :: feeling, savoring or indulging (in) emotionally
fiini {adj} [colloquial] :: fine
fikka {n} [slang] :: A pocket
fikkari {n} [colloquial] :: A flashlight/torch
fiksaatio {n} :: fixation
fiksatiivi {n} :: fixative
fikseerata {v} [dated] :: To fixate (to make something fixed)
fikseeraus {n} :: fixation (act of uniting chemically with a solid substance or in a solid form; reduction to a non-volatile condition)
fiksoida {v} [rare] :: To fixate (to make something fixed)
fiksointi {n} :: fixation
fiksoitua {vi} :: To fixate (to attend to something to the exclusion of all others)
fiksoitua {v} [psychology] :: To fixate (to attach oneself to a person or thing in a pathological or neurotic manner)
fiksu {adj} [colloquial] :: clever, smart, sharp, bright
fiksuimmin {adv} :: superlative of fiksusti
fiksummin {adv} :: comparative of fiksusti
fiksumpi {adj} :: comparative of fiksu
fiksusti {adv} :: wisely, cleverly, smartly
fiksuus {n} :: cleverness, smartness, sharpness
fiktiivinen {adj} :: fictional, fictive
fiktiivisesti {adv} :: fictively (in a fictive manner)
fiktiivisyys {n} :: fictiveness (quality of being fictive)
fiktio {n} :: fiction
filamentti {n} :: filament
filamenttilanka {n} :: filament thread (sewing thread spun of continuous filaments of man-made fiber, usually polyester)
filantrooppi {n} :: philanthropist
filantrooppinen {adj} :: philanthropic
filantrooppisesti {adv} :: philanthropically
filantrooppisuus {n} :: The state of being philanthropic
filantropia {n} :: philanthropy
filantropinismi {n} [historical, education] :: philanthropinism (19th century education system originating in Germany)
filantropismi {n} :: philanthropy (benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of mankind)
filariaasi {n} [pathology] :: filariasis
filateelinen {adj} :: philatelic
filatelia {n} :: philately
filatelisti {n} :: philatelist
file {n} :: alternative form of filee
filee {n} :: fillet (lengthwise, boneless, full-length cut of fish)
filee {n} :: fillet (boneless breast cut of a bird)
filee {n} :: tenderloin or sirloin (sisäfilee or ulkofilee, the most tender cuts of beef, mutton, pork or venison)
fileerata {v} :: to fillet (to slice into fillets, especially fish)
fileeraus {n} :: synonym of fileointi
fileerausveitsi {n} :: synonym of fileointiveitsi
fileoida {v} :: to fillet (slice into fillets)
fileointi {n} :: filleting
fileointiveitsi {n} :: filleting knife
filharmonia {n} :: philharmonic, philharmonic orchestra (full-size symphonic orchestra)
filharmonikko {n} :: philharmonic musician
filharmoninen {adj} :: philharmonic
filhellenismi {n} :: philhellenism (intellectual movement)
-filia {suffix} :: -philia
filiaali {n} :: affiliate, branch
filibusteri {n} :: filibuster (delaying tactic, especially the use of long speeches to delay decision making)
filibusteri {n} :: filibuster (member of a legislative body causing such obstruction)
filigraani {n} :: filigree
filigraanilanka {n} :: filigree thread (thread suitable for filigree work)
filigraanilasi {n} :: filigree glass
filigraanityö {n} :: filigree work (act of producing a filigree object, or the finished object)
filipino {n} :: alternative spelling of filippiino
filippiikki {n} [archaic] :: philippic (literary or oral attack)
filippiinienharpyijahekko {n} :: harpy fruit bat, Harpyionycteris whiteheadi (species of megabat endemic to the Philippines)
filippiinienhevosenkenkäyökkö {n} :: large-eared horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus philippinensis
filippiinienkaguaani {n} :: Philippine flying lemur, Cynocephalus volans
filippiinienkorvaherkko {n} :: large-eared horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus philippinensis
filippiinienkummittelija {n} :: Philippine tarsier, Carlito syrichta or Tarsius syrichta
filippiinienkummituseläin {n} :: Philippine tarsier, Carlito syrichta or Tarsius syrichta
filippiinienpiikikäs {n} :: Indonesian porcupine, Philippine porcupine, Palawan porcupine, Hystrix pumila (species of rodent endemic to the island of Palawan in the Philippines)
filippiinienpiikkisika {n} :: Indonesian porcupine, Philippine porcupine, Palawan porcupine, Hystrix pumila (species of rodent endemic to the island of Palawan in the Philippines)
filippiinienputkikuono {n} :: Philippine tube-nosed fruitbat, Nyctimene rabori
filippiinienpuupäästäinen {n} :: Alternative term for filippiinientupaija, Urogale everetti
filippiinientulkku {n} :: white-cheeked bullfinch, Pyrrhula leucogenis
filippiinientupaija {n} :: Mindanao tree shrew, Urogale everetti
filippiiniläinen {n} :: Filipino (person)
filippiiniläinen {adj} :: Filipino (of or pertaining to the Philippines, its culture or people)
Filippiinit {prop} [pluralonly] :: The Philippines
filippiino {n} :: Filipino (one of the two official languages of the Philippines)
filippiläinen {n} :: Philippian (person from the ancient Philippi)
filippiläiskirje {n} :: Philippian (any of St. Paul's letters to the Philippians)
filippiläiskirje {n} [rare] :: Philippians (book in the New Testament)
Filippiläiskirje {prop} :: Philippians (book in the New Testament)
Filippoi {prop} :: Philippi (ancient town in Macedonia, Greece)
Filippos {prop} :: Philip [biblical character]
Filippus {prop} :: Philip [biblical apostle]
filistealainen {n} [biblical] :: A Philistine (person from Philistia)
filistealainen {adj} :: Philistine (of or pertaining to the ancient Philistines)
filisteri {n} [pejorative, rare] :: a philistine (person lacking appreciation of culture)
filisteri {n} [archaic] :: a term used by academics of someone who has not studied at a university
filkka {n} [slang] :: film
fillari {n} [slang] :: bike (bicycle)
fillaripoliisi {n} [colloquial] :: Alternative term for polkupyöräpoliisi
fillaritaksi {n} :: Alternative term for polkupyörätaksi
fillaroida {vi} [colloquial] :: to ride a cycle/bicycle
fillaroiminen {n} [colloquial] :: riding a bicycle
fillarointi {n} [colloquial] :: biking
filleri {n} [money] :: fillér (one 100th of a forint)
fillotaikina {n} :: Alternative form of filotaikina [preferred]
fillumenia {n} [rare] :: phillumeny (hobby of collecting match-related items, like matchbox labels)
fillumenisti {n} [rare] :: phillumenist (person who collects match-related items, like matchbox labels)
filmaaja {n} :: filmer
filmaaminen {n} :: filming
filmaaminen {n} [sports] :: flopping, diving
filmaattinen {adj} [somewhat, pejorative] :: presentable, good-looking
filmaattinen {adj} [now, rare] :: cinematic
filmaattisesti {adv} [somewhat, pejorative] :: presentably
filmaattisesti {adv} [now, rare] :: cinematically
filmaattisuus {n} [somewhat, pejorative] :: presentability, acceptable appearance (quality of being presentable)
filmata {v} :: to film (to record a motion picture)
filmata {v} :: to put on airs, to be affected
filmata {v} :: to fake (to make a false display)
filmata {v} [sports] :: to flop; dive [football] (to pretend to be fouled)
filmatisoida {v} :: to make a movie of; to adapt into a movie
filmatisoiminen {n} :: making a movie of, adapting into a movie
filmatisointi {n} :: filming
filmaus {n} :: filming (act of producing film material for a movie)
filmaus {n} :: diving, flopping, simulation (act of faking or feigning a foul or an injury, e.g. in a soccer field in order to convince the referee to punish the opposing team, e.g. "award them a penalty (kick)")
filmi {n} :: film
filmi {n} [colloquial] :: movie
filmiarkisto {n} :: film archive
filmifestivaali {n} [often in plural] :: film festival
filmihullu {n} :: movie enthusiast, movie addict, movie freak
filmijuhlat {n} :: film festival
filmikamera {n} :: film camera, movie camera
filmikasetti {n} :: film magazine (in old cameras, an in-camera device that stores and feeds the film)
filmikasetti {n} [rare] :: videocassette, especially one containing a movie
filmikaupunki {n} :: film city (city with a noteworthy film industry)
filmikela {n} :: film reel
filmikertomus {n} :: A half-narrative, half-documentary filmed production, which aims at conveying an emotional experience of its topic to the viewer instead of merely documenting the facts
filmikomedia {n} :: film comedy
filmikortti {n} :: microfiche (sheet of microfilm installed in a frame to facilitate reading with a microfilm reading device)
filmikortti {n} :: A postcard with a picture of a filmstar or a movie scene on the face side
filminauha {n} :: film (photographic film as physical object)
filminauha {n} :: filmstrip (display of one's life which one allegedly sees a moment before dying, especially when dying accidentally)
filminäyttelijä {n} :: film actor, movie actor
filminnös {n} :: synonym of filmatisointi
filmintää {v} [rare] :: alternative form of filmatisoida
filmiprojektori {n} :: movie projector, film projector
filmirulla {n} :: roll of film
filmitähti {n} :: movie star, film star
filmiteollisuus {n} :: film industry
filmiyhtiö {n} :: movie company, film production company (company whose business is production and distribution of movies)
filmografia {n} :: filmography
filologi {n} :: philologist
filologia {n} :: philology
filologinen {adj} :: philological
filologisesti {adv} :: philologically (in a philological manner)
filosofi {n} [philosophy] :: philosopher
filosofia {n} :: philosophy (academic discipline)
filosofian maisteri {n} :: Master of Science (academic degree)
filosofinen {adj} :: philosophical
filosofisesti {adv} :: philosophically
filosofoida {v} :: To philosophize
filosofointi {n} :: philosophizing
filotaikina {n} :: phyllo, filo, filo dough (type of dough, originating in Mediterranean cuisine, that is used in thin layers to make pastries and pies and becomes very flaky when cooked)
filovirus {n} :: filovirus
filtraatti {n} :: filtrate (liquid or solution that has passed through a filter)
filtrata {v} [rare] :: to filter
filtraus {n} :: synonym of suodatus
filtrum {n} [anatomy] :: philtrum
filtteri {n} :: filter
filtterisavuke {n} :: filter cigarette (cigarette with a filter)
filtti {n} :: alternative form of viltti
filu {n} [computing, slang] :: file
filunki {n} [colloquial] :: cheating
filuri {n} :: trickster, sleiveen
filuri {n} :: conman, charlatan, fraudster, phoney
filuri {n} :: rogue, rascal, villain
fimoosi {n} [medicine, jargon] :: phimosis
finaali {n} :: finale
finaalijoukkue {n} :: final team (each of the two teams that have made it to the finals)
finaalilause {n} [linguistics] :: final clause (dependent adverbial clause expressing purpose)
finaalinen {adj} [grammar] :: final (expressing purpose)
finaaliottelu {n} [sports] :: final match (the last match of a cup or series, in which the overall winner is determined)
finaalipaikka {n} [sports] :: place in the finals
finaalirakenne {n} [grammar] :: in Finnish, a participial phrase used for expressing the purpose of an action, using the long form of the first infinitive
finaalisesti {adv} [grammar] :: finally (in a manner expressing purpose)
finaalisuus {n} [grammar] :: finality (state of being final)
finalisti {n} :: finalist
finansioida {v} [rare] :: to finance
finansiointi {n} :: financing
finanssihallinto {n} :: fiscal administration (administration of the public funds)
finanssikriisi {n} :: financial crisis
finanssilaitos {n} :: financial institution
finanssimeklari {n} :: financial broker
finanssimies {n} :: finance expert
finanssiministeri {n} :: synonym of valtiovarainministeri; used especially of foreign (other than Finnish) ministers of finance
finanssiministeriö {n} :: synonym of valtiovarainministeriö; used especially of foreign (other than Finnish) ministries of finance
finanssioikeus {n} [law] :: fiscal law (area of law pertaining to public finances)
finanssioppi {n} :: finance (science)
finanssipääoma {n} :: financial capital
finanssipoliittinen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to financial policy
finanssipolitiikka {n} :: fiscal policy
finanssit {n} :: finances (funds, financial resources, especially those of a public entity)
finanssit {n} :: (informal) financial affairs, money matters (person's financial standing as a whole)
finanssitalous {n} :: financial economy, paper economy (as opposed to real economy, which consists of trade with tangible products and services)
finanssitavaratalo {n} :: financial conglomerate
finanssitiede {n} :: finance (science)
finanssiyhtiö {n} :: finance services firm
finessi {n} :: finesse
fingelska {n} :: synonym of fingliska
fingerpori {n} [colloquial] :: thimble
fingerporillinen {n} :: thimbleful (of alcoholic spirits)
fingliska {n} [linguistics] :: Finglish
finiittimuoto {n} [grammar] :: finite form
finiittinen {adj} [grammar] :: finite (limited by person or number)
finiittisyys {n} :: finiteness
finiittiverbi {n} [grammar] :: finite verb (verb inflected for person and tense)
finkkeliöljy {n} :: fusel oil (byproduct of alcoholic fermentation)
finlandisaatio {n} :: synonym of suomettuminen
Finnair {prop} :: Finnair
finni {n} :: pimple
finninaama {n} :: pimple face
finninaamainen {adj} :: pimple-faced
finninen {adj} :: pimpled, pimply
finnitauti {n} :: synonym of akne
finnjeeveli {n} [sarcastic] :: Finn, especially one who resides in Sweden
finrotsoli {n} [pharmacy] :: finrozole
Finski {n} [colloquial] :: A nickname for Finnair (airline)
Finström {prop} :: Finström (municipality)
Finto {prop} :: A terminology database jointly developed by the National Library of Finland, the Finnish Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Education and Culture
Fiona {prop} :: given name
firaabeli {n} :: Short for firaabelityö
firaabelityö {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of sivutyö
Firenze {prop} :: Firenze (capital city)
Firenze {prop} :: Firenze (metropolitan city)
firenzeläinen {adj} :: Florentine (relating to Florence)
firenzeläinen {n} :: Florentine (someone from Florence)
firma {n} [colloquial] :: firm, company
firma {n} [military slang, colloquial] :: the Finnish Defense Forces
firmware {n} [computing] :: firmware
fis {n} [music] :: F-sharp
Fis-duuri {n} [music] :: F-sharp major
fisis {n} [music] :: F double sharp
fiskaalinen {adj} :: fiscal (related to the treasury, particularly to government spending and revenue)
fis-molli {n} [music] :: F-sharp minor
fissio {n} [physics] :: fission
fissioida {v} :: to fission (cause to undergo fission)
fissioitua {vi} :: to fission (to undergo fission)
fissioni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of fissio
fissiopommi {n} :: fission bomb
fissioreaktio {n} [physics] :: fission reaction
fissioreaktori {n} :: fission reactor
fissiovoimala {n} :: fission power plant (power plant which gets it primary energy through fission of radioactive materials)
fistata {v} [vulgar, slang] :: to fist-fuck, to fist
fisteli {n} [pathology] :: fistula (abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels)
fistula {n} [pathology] :: fistula (abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels)
fistula {n} [rare] :: fistula (thin tube or pipe, especially a metallic straw used to sip sacramental wine)
fisu {n} [slang] :: fish
fisustaa {v} [slang] :: synonym of kalastaa (to fish)
fitness {n} :: fitness (a type of fitness sport)
fiude {n} [Helsinki slang] :: A car
fixipyörä {n} :: fixed-gear bicycle (bicycle that does not have a freewheel, and only has a single gear ratio)
flaami {n} :: Flemish (language)
flaami {n} :: Fleming (person)
flaamilainen {adj} :: Flemish
flaamilainen {n} :: Fleming (Flemish person)
flaaminkielinen {adj} :: Flemish, Flemish-language (expressed in Flemish language)
flaaminkielinen {adj} :: Flemish-speaking
flada {n} [geography] :: A brackish-water lagoon typical for some coastal regions of the Baltic Sea; formed from a sea bay in the process of post-glacial rebound
flagellaatti {n} :: synonym of siimaeliö
flagellantti {n} [religion] :: flagellant (person who whips them self as part of a religious penance)
flageoletti {n} :: synonym of huiluääni
flagrantti {adj} :: flagrant
flaijeri {n} [slang] :: flyer (leaflet, often for advertising)
fläkki {n} [dialectal] :: spot, stain (disfiguring mark)
flaksi {n} [colloquial] :: success among the opposing sex
flambeeraaminen {n} :: flambéing
flambeerata {v} [cooking] :: to flambé
flambeeraus {n} :: flambé (act of flambéing)
flamenco {n} :: flamenco
flamencontanssija {n} :: flamenco dancer
flamingo {n} :: flamingo
flamingokukka {n} :: anthurium, tailflower, flamingo flower (any of several tropical American evergreen plants, of the genus Anthurium)
flammukangas {n} :: ikat fabric
Flanderi {prop} :: Flanders (region and province)
Flanderin Brabant {prop} :: Flemish Brabant (province)
flaneerata {v} [rare] :: to idle, loaf
flanelli {n} :: flannel
flanellinen {adj} :: Made of flannel fabric
flanellipaita {n} :: flanel shirt
flanööri {n} [rare] :: flaneur
fläppi {n} :: A large sheet of thick paper used in flip chart
fläppitaulu {n} :: flip chart, flipchart
flare {n} [astronomy] :: solar flare
flash-muisti {n} [computers] :: flash memory
flatulenssi {n} :: flatulence
flavaspidiinihappo {n} [pharmacology] :: flavaspidic acid
flavivirus {n} :: flavivirus
flavodoksiini {n} [biochemistry] :: flavodoxin
flavoni {n} [chemistry] :: flavone
flavonoidi {n} [chemistry] :: flavonoid
flavonoli {n} [chemistry] :: flavonol
flavori {n} [cheesemaking] :: flavour
fleda {n} :: (Helsinki slang) hair (collection of human head hair)
fleece {n} :: alternative spelling of fliisi
fleeta {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of letti
fleeta {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of pitko
flegmaatikko {n} :: phlegmatic
flegmaattinen {adj} :: phlegmatic
flegmaattisesti {adv} :: phlegmatically
flegmaattisuus {n} :: phlegmaticalness, phlegmaticness (state of being phlegmatic)
flekainidi {n} [pharmaceutical drug] :: flecainide (antiarrhythmic agent)
fleksio {n} :: flexion, flection
flerovium {n} :: flerovium
fliisi {n} :: fleece (type of fabric)
fliisi {n} :: fleece (jacket or other garment made of this fabric)
flikka {n} [dialectal] :: A girl
flikki {n} [gymnastics] :: flick flack
flikki {n} [fencing] :: flick
flimmeri {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of eteisvärinä
flinda {n} [slang, Helsinki slang] :: bottle
flip flop {n} :: alternative spelling of flip-flop
flip-flop {n} [Anglicism] :: flip-flop (footwear)
flipflop {n} :: alternative spelling of flip-flop
flipperi {n} [games] :: pinball
flipperi {n} :: pinball machine
flipperipallo {n} [pinball] :: pinball (the ball used in the game of pinball)
flipperipallo {n} [figuratively] :: pinball (situation where a ball is frantically kicked or thrown between many players)
flirtata {vi} :: To flirt
flirttailla {vi} :: to flirt, come on to somebody
flirttailu {n} :: flirtation
flirttaus {n} :: flirt
flirtti {n} :: flirtation
flogiston {n} [science] :: phlogiston
flogopiitti {n} [mineral] :: phlogopite
flöitti {n} [nautical] :: fluyt, fluit, flute
flokki {n} :: flock (coarse tufts used in bedding)
floksi {n} :: phlox
floora {n} :: flora
floor show {n} :: floorshow
flopata {vi} [colloquial] :: To flop (fail)
floppi {n} :: flop (failure)
floppityyli {n} [athletics] :: Fosbury flop, fosbury, flop style (high jump technique in which the jumper arches the back over the bar)
floretti {n} :: rapier, foil (sword)
florettimiekkailija {n} :: foil fencer
florettimiekkailu {n} :: foil fencing, foil (sport)
Florida {prop} :: Florida (state)
Florida {prop} :: Florida (peninsula)
floridanhylje {n} :: Caribbean monk seal, Monachus tropicalis
floridankalkkarokäärme {n} :: eastern diamondback rattlesnake, eastern diamondback, Crotalus adamanteus
floridanvesi {n} :: Florida water (type of eau de cologne)
floridanvesimyyrä {n} :: round-tailed muskrat, Neofiber alleni
floridanvesirotta {n} :: synonym of floridanvesimyyrä
floriini {n} :: florin
floristi {n} :: florist
floristiikka {n} :: floristry (production, commerce and trade in flowers)
fludroksikortidi {n} [pharmacology] :: fludroxycortide
flufenaamihappo {n} [pharmaceutical drug] :: flufenamic acid
flufenatsiini {n} [chemistry] :: fluphenazine
fluidi {n} [physics] :: fluid
fluktuaatio {n} :: fluctuation
flumatseniili {n} [pharmacology] :: flumazenil
flumedroksoni {n} [pharmacology] :: flumedroxone
flumetasoni {n} [pharmacology] :: flumethasone
flumetriini {n} [pharmacology] :: flumethrin
flunaritsiini {n} [pharmacology] :: flunarizine
flunssa {n} [pathology] :: common cold, cold
flunssaepidemia {n} :: flu epidemic
flunssainen {adj} [colloquial] :: Affected by common cold, flu
flunssakausi {n} :: flu season
flunssalääke {n} :: common cold medicine
flunssavirus {n} :: common cold virus (any of the about 200 viruses that cause common cold)
fluorata {vt} :: to fluoridate
fluoraus {n} :: fluoridation
fluoresenssi {n} :: fluorescence
fluoresoida {v} :: To make fluorescent
fluoresoiva {adj} :: fluorescent (emitting visible light)
fluori {n} :: fluorine
fluoriantimonihappo {n} [chemistry] :: fluoroantimonic acid
fluoriapatiitti {n} [mineral] :: fluorapatite, fluoroapatite
fluoridi {n} :: fluoride
fluorihappo {n} :: Short for fluorivetyhappo
fluorihiilivety {n} :: hydrofluorocarbon (organic compound of carbon, hydrogen and fluorine)
fluorihoito {n} :: fluoride therapy (delivery of fluoride to the teeth in order to prevent tooth decay)
fluoriitti {n} [mineral] :: fluorite
fluorikaasu {n} :: fluorine gas
fluoriloiste {n} :: fluorescence
fluoripitoinen {adj} :: containing fluorine
fluorisälpä {n} [mineral] :: fluorite, fluorspar
fluorisoida {v} :: alternative form of fluoresoida
fluoritabletti {n} :: fluoride tablet (fluoride containing pill used in prevention of tooth decay)
fluorittaa {v} :: alternative form of fluorata
fluorittaminen {n} :: synonym of fluoraaminen
fluoritus {n} :: synonym of fluoraus
fluorivety {n} [chemistry] :: hydrogen fluoride
fluorivetyhappo {n} :: hydrofluoric acid
fluoriyhdiste {n} :: fluorine compound
fluoroida {v} :: alternative form of fluorata
fluoroimmunometria {n} :: fluoroimmunometry (method for testing allergies)
fluorointi {n} :: fluoridation
fluorometria {n} :: fluorometry
flutteri {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of eteislepatus
fluviaalinen {adj} :: fluvial
flyygeli {n} :: grand piano
flyygelisti {n} [rare] :: player of grand piano, pianist
flyygelitorvi {n} [musical instruments] :: flugelhorn
f-molli {n} [music] :: F minor
fobba {n} [internet slang] :: police
fobba {n} [internet slang] :: policeman
-fobia {suffix} :: -phobia
fobia {n} :: phobia (irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety)
fobofobia {n} :: phobophobia (fear of phobias)
fogeli {n} [Helsinki slang] :: A bird
Föglö {prop} :: Föglö (municipality)
föhn {n} :: foehn (wind)
föhn-tuuli {n} :: alternative spelling of föhntuuli
föhntuuli {n} [meteorology, weather] :: foehn
foidi {n} [mineral] :: feldspathoid
foili {n} [nautical] :: foil (in a roller-furling headsail, a profile which has a groove for the luff of the sail and around which the sail is rolled when it is not in use)
Foinikia {prop} [historical] :: Phoenicia
foinikialainen {n} :: a Phoenician person
foinikialainen {adj} :: Phoenician
fokaalinen {adj} :: focal
fokka {n} [nautical] :: jib (triangular sail attached to the forestay of a sailboat, the clew of which reaches back about to the level of the mast)
fokkamasto {n} [nautical] :: foremast (foremost mast of a sailship)
foksi {n} :: foxtrot
foksterrieri {n} [obsolete] :: fox terrier
fokstrotti {n} :: foxtrot
fokus {n} :: focus
fokusoida {vt} :: To focus
fokusointi {n} :: focusing
fokusoitua {v} :: to focus (to concentrate one’s attention)
folaatti {n} [biochemistry] :: folate (salt or ester of folic acid)
foliaatio {n} [geology] :: foliation
folio {n} :: foil (very thin sheet of metal)
folioida {vt} :: to cover or line with metal foil
foliointi {n} :: The act of covering or lining with foil
foliokoko {n} [printing] :: folio size
foliopaperi {n} :: foil paper (paper covered with thin metal foil on one side, such as papers used as wrap for a variety of products from candy to cigarettes)
folivori {n} [zoology] :: folivore
folk {n} [music] :: folk, folk music
folkkari {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of volkkari (car made by Volkswagen)
folkkari {n} [colloquial, nautical] :: synonym of kansanvene
folklaulaja {n} :: folksinger (person who sings folk songs)
folkloriikka {n} :: alternative form of folkloristiikka
folklorismi {n} :: folklorism (any use of folklore outside the cultural context in which it was created)
folkloristi {n} :: A folklorist
folkloristiikka {n} :: folkloristics (study of folklore)
folkmusiikki {n} :: folk music (contemporary music in the style of traditional folk music)
folkrock {n} :: folk rock (subgenre of rock music combining elements of folk music)
follikkeli {n} [anatomy] :: A follicle
follikulaarinen {n} :: follicular
follikuliitti {n} [pathology, jargon] :: folliculitis
fomiitti {n} [epidemiology, medicine] :: fomite
fonaatio {n} :: phonation
fönari {n} [slang] :: window
fönäri {n} [slang] :: window
fondant {n} :: Alternative term for fondantti
fondantti {n} :: A type of hot pastry which has a sweet filling, often dark chocolate
fondue {n} :: alternative form of fondyy
fondyy {n} [gastronomy] :: fondue
fondyyhaarukka {n} :: fondue fork
fondyypata {n} :: fondue pot
foneemi {n} [linguistics] :: A phoneme
foneeminen {adj} :: phonemic
foneetikko {n} :: phonetist
foneettinen {adj} :: phonetic
foneettinen aakkosto {n} :: phonetic alphabet
foneettisesti {adv} :: phonetically (in the way it sounds)
fonemaattinen {adj} :: phonematic, phonemic
fonetiikka {n} :: phonetics (study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols)
fonetikum {n} :: phonetic component (of Chinese characters)
fongliina {n} [nautical, sailing] :: synonym of turvaköysi
foni {n} :: alternative form of fooni
foni {n} [colloquial] :: saxophone
foniatri {n} :: phoniatrician, specialist in phoniatrics, (rare) phoniatrist
foniatria {n} :: phoniatrics (medical research and treatment of organs involved with speech production)
foniatrinen {adj} :: phoniatric
foniatrisesti {adv} :: phoniatrically (in a phoniatric manner)
fonio {n} :: fonio (white and black)
fonisti {n} [colloquial] :: saxophonist
fonografi {n} :: phonograph (device that records or plays sound from cylinder records)
fonoliitti {n} [mineral] :: phonolite
fonologi {n} :: phonologist
fonologia {n} :: phonology
fonologinen {adj} :: phonological
fonologisesti {adv} [linguistics] :: phonologically (in accordance with phonology)
fonometri {n} :: phonometer
fononi {n} [physics] :: phonon
fonotaksi {n} :: phonotactics
fonotaktinen {adj} :: phonotactic
fontanelli {n} [anatomy] :: fontanelle
fontti {n} :: font
foobinen {adj} :: phobic (relating to a phobia)
foolihappo {n} [biochemistry] :: folic acid
föönaaminen {n} [colloquial] :: blow-drying
föönata {v} [colloquial] :: To dry hairs using a hairdryer, blow-dry
föönaus {n} [colloquial] :: blow-dry
fooni {n} :: phon
fööni {n} :: A blowdryer
foorumi {n} :: forum
foorumikeskustelu {n} :: forum discussion
fordismi {n} :: Fordism
forelli {n} :: trout, especially the morph Salmo trutta morpha fario of the brown trout
forensinen {adj} :: forensic
föri {n} [regional, Southwestern Finland] :: ferry
forintti {n} :: forint (currency of Hungary)
formaali {adj} :: formal
formaali kieli {n} [comptheory] :: formal language
formaali kielioppi {n} [comptheory] :: formal grammar
formaalinen {adj} :: alternative form of formaali
formaalisesti {adv} :: alternative form of formaalisti
formaalistaa {vt} :: to formalize
formaalistaminen {n} :: synonym of formalisoiminen
formaalisti {adv} :: formally
formaalistus {n} :: formalization
formaalisuus {n} :: alternative form of formaalius
formaalius {n} :: formality (state or condition of being formal)
formaatio {n} :: formation
formaatti {n} :: format
formaldehydi {n} [organic compound] :: formaldehyde
formaliini {n} :: formalin
formalismi {n} :: formalism
formalisoida {vt} :: To formalize
formalisointi {n} :: formalization
formalisti {n} :: formalist
formalistinen {adj} :: formalist, formalistic
formalistisesti {adv} :: formalistically
formalistisuus {n} :: State of being formalistic
formantti {n} [phonetics] :: formant
formatiivi {n} :: formative
formatiivinen {adj} :: formative
formatoida {vt} [computing] :: to format
formatoiminen {n} :: formatting
formatointi {n} [computing] :: formatting (preparation of a mass storage medium)
formeli {n} [rare] :: formula (mathematical rule)
formeli {n} :: (rare) formula (chemistry: symbolic expression of the structure of a compound)
formeli {n} :: (rare) formula (plan or method for dealing with a problem or for achieving a result)
formiaatti {n} [chemistry] :: formate
formikaatio {n} :: formication
formonitriili {n} :: hydrogen cyanide
Formosa {prop} [dated] :: Formosa (old name of Taiwan)
formosanmakaki {n} :: Taiwan macaque, Macaca cyclopis
formu {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of vormu
formula {n} [motor racing] :: a Formula One racing car
Formula 1 {prop} [motor racing] :: Formula One
formula-ajo {n} [motor sports, usually in plural] :: formula race
formula-auto {n} :: formula car
formulakilpailu {n} [motor sports] :: formula race
formulakuljettaja {n} :: formula driver
formulakuski {n} [colloquial] :: Alternative term for formulakuljettaja
formularata {n} :: formula track, formula circuit
formuloida {v} :: To formulate
formulointi {n} :: formulation
fornikaatio {n} [obsolete] :: fornication (sexual intercourse with a person other than one's married partner)
förskotti {n} :: prepayment
Forssa {prop} :: Forssa (town)
forssalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Forssa
forssalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Forssa
förstaagi {n} [nautical, slang] :: forestay (stay that extends from the top of the foremast to the bow or bowsprit of a sailing ship)
forsteriitti {n} [mineral] :: forsterite
forsterinmerikarhu {n} :: New Zealand fur seal, southern fur seal, Arctocephalus forsteri
försti {n} :: first officer, chief officer
fortepiano {n} [musical instrument] :: fortepiano
fortuna {n} :: bagatelle, pin bagatelle (table game)
fortunapeli {n} :: bagatelle, pin bagatelle (table game)
fosfaatti {n} :: phosphate
fosfaattianalyysi {n} [archaeology] :: phosphate analysis (method for analyzing ancient human activity by mapping phosphate levels in the soil across an excavation site)
fosfaattilannoite {n} :: phosphate fertilizer
-fosfaattinen {adj} :: -phosphatic
fosfataasi {n} [biochemistry] :: phosphatase
fosfiini {n} [chemistry] :: phosphine
fosfiitti {n} :: phosphite
fosfoenolipalorypälehappo {n} [organic compound] :: phosphoenolpyruvic acid
fosfofruktokinaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: phosphofructokinase
fosfoglyseraattikinaasi {n} [chemistry] :: phosphoglycerate kinase
fosfokreatiini {n} [chemistry] :: phosphocreatine
fosfolipaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: phospholipase
fosfolipidi {n} [organic compound] :: phospholipid
fosfonaatti {n} [chemistry] :: phosphonate
fosforenssi {n} :: alternative form of fosforesenssi
fosforesenssi {n} :: phosphorescence
fosforesoida {v} :: To make phosphorescent
fosfori {n} :: phosphorus
fosforihappo {n} [chemistry] :: phosphoric acid
fosforiitti {n} [mineral] :: phosphorite (sedimentary rock rich in phosphate minerals)
fosforilannoite {n} :: phosphorus fertilizer
fosforiloiste {n} :: synonym of fosforesenssi
fosforimyrkytys {n} [pathology] :: phosphorus poisoning (intoxication caused by ingestion of phosphorus)
fosforinsiirto {n} [microbiology] :: phosphorelay
fosforipentoksidi {n} [chemistry] :: phosphorus pentoxide
fosforoida {vt} :: to phosphorize
fosforointi {n} :: phosphorizing
fosforylaasikinaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: phosphorylase kinase
fosforyloida {v} [microbiology] :: to phosphorylate (to cause phosphorylation)
fosforyloitua {v} [microbiology] :: to phosphorylate (to undergo phosphorylation)
fosgeeni {n} [chemistry] :: phosgene
fossiili {n} :: A fossil (both scientific and metaphorical)
fossiilinen {adj} :: fossil
fossiilistua {vi} :: alternative form of fossilisoitua
fossilisoitua {vi} :: to fossilize (to become a fossil)
fossiloitua {vi} :: Alternative term for fossilisoitua
fotari {n} [slang] :: Adobe Photoshop
fotiino {n} [physics] :: A photino
foto- {prefix} :: photo-
foto {n} [colloquial] :: photo
fotobiologia {n} [biology] :: photobiology
fotodynaaminen {adj} :: photodynamic
fotogeeninen {adj} [sciences] :: photogenic (generated or caused by light)
fotogrammetria {n} :: photogrammetry
fotogrammi {n} :: photogram
fotokemia {n} [chemistry] :: photochemistry (study of chemical reactions induced by light)
fotokemiallinen {adj} :: photochemical
fotoluminesenssi {n} [sciences] :: photoluminescence
fotometri {n} :: photometer
fotomontaasi {n} [art] :: photomontage
fotoni {n} [physics] :: photon
fotoniikka {n} :: photonics
fotoninen {adj} :: photonic
fotoperiodismi {n} [biology] :: synonym of valojaksoisuus
fotorealismi {n} :: photo-realism
fotorealistinen {adj} [art] :: photorealistic
fotosfääri {n} [astronomy] :: photosphere
fotosuurennos {n} :: synonym of valokuvasuurennos
fotosynteesi {n} :: photosynthesis
fototransistori {n} :: phototransistor
fototrofi {n} :: phototroph
fototropismi {n} [biology] :: phototropism
fototypia {n} :: phototype
Foucaultin heiluri {n} [physics] :: Foucault's pendulum
Fourier-muunnos {n} [math] :: Fourier transform
fovea {n} [anatomy] :: fovea
fraasi {n} [grammar] :: phrase, set phrase (short written or spoken expression, especially a set one)
fraasi {n} [music] :: phrase
fraasikirja {n} :: phrasebook
fraasimainen {adj} :: cliché-like
fraasisanakirja {n} :: phrase book
fragiliteetti {n} :: fragility
fragmentaarinen {adj} :: fragmentary
fragmentaarisesti {adv} :: fragmentarily
fragmentaarisuus {n} :: The quality of being fragmentary
fragmentoida {v} :: to fragment (to cause to break into pieces)
fragmentoitua {vi} :: to fragment, to become fragmented
fragmentti {n} :: fragment
fragmenttivarjostin {n} [computer graphics] :: synonym of pikselivarjostin
frakki {n} [narrowly] :: a black evening tailcoat or dress coat and a pair of matching black trousers with strips of braid down the side seams
frakki {n} :: white tie (man's full formal evening dress consisting of the above, white stiff-fronted wing-collar shirt, white bow tie, wiast coat and black court shoes)
frakki {n} :: white tie, evening dress, full evening dress (dress code indicating formal evening dress, full military dress or national costume)
frakkihousut {n} :: A pair of trousers of men's formal evening dress, with strips of braid down the side seams
frakkiliivi {n} :: A normally white (on some occasions black) waistcoat designed to be used as part of men's formal evening dress
frakkipaita {n} :: A stiff-fronted wing collar shirt worn with men's white tie evening dress
frakkipuku {n} :: white tie (men's most formal evening dress)
frakkipukuinen {adj} :: wearing white tie
frakkitakki {n} :: A dress coat
fraktaali {n} [mathematics] :: A fractal
fraktaaligeometria {n} [geometry] :: fractal geometry
fraktaalikuvio {n} :: fractal pattern
fraktaalimatematiikka {n} :: fractal mathematics
fraktaalinen {adj} [mathematics] :: fractal
fraktiili {n} [statistics] :: fractile
fraktio {n} :: A fraction or part
fraktioida {vt} :: to fraction (divide into fractions)
fraktiointi {n} :: fractioning (act of dividing into fractions)
fraktuura {n} :: Fraktur script
framilla {adv} [colloquial] :: synonym of esillä
framille {adv} [colloquial] :: synonym of esille
franchise {n} :: franchise (authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area)
franchising {n} :: franchising
franchising-antaja {n} [commercial] :: franchisor (one who grants franchises)
franchising-ottaja {n} [commercial] :: A franchisee (holder of a franchise)
franchisingsopimus {n} :: franchising contract
franchisingyritys {n} :: franchising business, franchising firm, franchising company
Franciscus {prop} [religion] :: Francis
frangi {n} :: franc
frankeeraaminen {n} :: franking (placing a frank on an envelope)
frankeerata {v} :: to frank (to place a frank on an envelope using a postage meter)
frankeerata {v} [rare] :: to stamp, frank (to place a stamp on an envelope)
frankeerattu kirje {n} :: franked letter
frankeeraus {n} :: franking
frankeerauskone {n} :: postage meter, franking machine
frankeerausleima {n} :: meter stamp (proof of paid postage produced by a franking machine)
frankium {n} :: francium
frankki {n} :: Frank (a member of the Frankish people)
frankofiili {n} :: Francophile
frankofiilinen {adj} :: Francophile (loving France, the French people, or French culture)
frankofilia {n} :: Francophilia
Frans {prop} :: given name
franseesi {n} [dance] :: contra dance, contradanse française
fransiskaani {n} :: Franciscan
fransiskaaniluostari {n} :: Franciscan monastery
fransiskaanimunkki {n} :: Franciscan monk
fransiskaaniveljeskunta {n} :: Franciscan brotherhood
Frans Joosefin maa {prop} :: Frans Joosefin maa (archipelago)
fransmanni {n} [dated] :: Frenchman
Franssi {prop} :: surname
Franssila {prop} :: surname
fransu {n} [textiles] :: A lace-like decorative rim at the edge of a tablecloth or similar; often knit from the warp yarns of the cloth, but can also me made separately and attached to the cloth by sewing
Frantsi {prop} :: surname
fraseerata {v} [music] :: to phrase
fraseeraus {n} [music] :: phrasing (way the musical phrases are put together in a composition or in its interpretation)
fraseologia {n} :: phraseology
fraseologinen {adj} :: phraseological
frax-oireyhtymä {n} [pathology] :: fragile X syndrome
freaattinen {adj} :: phreatic
freegani {n} :: A freegan
freelance {n} [rare] :: synonym of freelancer
freelance {n} [as modifier] :: freelance
freelancenäyttelijä {n} :: freelance actor
freelancer {n} :: freelancer
freelancetoimittaja {n} :: freelance reporter, freelance writer, freelance editor
freelancetyö {n} :: freelance work
freelancetyöntekijä {n} :: freelance worker
freesata {v} [cooking] :: to sauté
freesata {v} :: to refresh, freshen up, revitalize; especially the looks of something
freesaus {n} [cooking] :: sautéing
freesaus {n} :: refreshment, freshening up, renewal, revitalization
freesi {adj} [colloquial] :: fresh (of plant material, still green and not dried)
freesi {adj} :: (colloquial) fresh (refreshing or cool)
freesi {adj} :: (colloquial) fresh (rested; not tired or fatigued)
freesia {n} :: freesia
freessi {adj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of freesi
freestyle {n} :: freestyle (sports event in which the participants can choose their own style, especially freestyle skiing)
freestyle {n} :: freestyle (style of rapping)
freestylehiihto {n} :: freestyle skiing (alpine skiing discipline)
fregatti {n} :: frigate
fregattilintu {n} :: frigatebird (sny of five species of bird in the family Fregatidae)
frekvenssi {n} :: frequency
frekvenssimodulaatio {n} :: frequency modulation
-frekvenssinen {adj} :: -frequency
frekventatiivi {n} [grammar] :: frequentative
frekventatiivinen {adj} [grammar] :: frequentative (serving to express repetition of an action)
frekventatiiviverbi {n} [grammar] :: frequentative verb
frekventti {adj} :: frequent
freneettinen {adj} :: frenetic
frenologi {n} :: phrenologist
frenologia {n} :: phrenology
frenologinen {adj} :: phrenological
freoni {n} [organic chemistry] :: freon (any of several non-flammable refrigerants based on halogenated hydrocarbons)
freonikaasu {n} :: freon gas (any freon compound which is light enough to be gaseous in room temperature)
fresko {n} :: fresco
fressi {adj} :: Alternative form of freesi
fretsi {n} [slang] :: teacher
fretti {n} :: ferret (Mustela putorius furo)
freudilainen {adj} :: Freudian
freudilainen lipsahdus {n} :: Freudian slip
freudilaisuus {n} [psychology] :: Freudianism
frigidi {adj} :: frigid
frigiditeetti {n} :: Sexual frigidity of women
frigidiys {n} :: frigidity
friidu {n} [slang] :: girl
friikata {vi} [slang] :: to freak out
friikki {n} :: freak
friikki {n} :: geek
Friiseinsaaret {prop} :: Frisian Islands
friisi {n} :: frieze (classical architecture: space between architrave and cornice)
friisi {n} :: frieze (architecture: ornamented band in a building)
friisi {n} :: frieze (type of cloth)
friisi {n} :: Frisian (member of the Germanic ethnic group native to the region of Frisia)
friisi {n} :: Frisian (any of the closely related Germanic languages)
friisi {n} [dated] :: West Frisian (language)
friisi {n} :: West Frisian (person)
friisikangas {n} :: frieze (type of cloth)
friisikankainen {adj} :: frieze (noun "frieze" used attributively; made of frieze)
friisiläinen {adj} :: Frisian
friisiläinen {n} :: Frisian (person)
friisinkielinen {adj} :: Frisian, Frisian-language (expressed in one of the Frisian languages)
friisinkielinen {adj} :: Frisian-speaking
Friisinmaa {prop} :: Friisinmaa (province)
frikadelli {n} :: frikadelle
frikatiivi {n} [phonetics] :: fricative
frisbee {n} :: Frisbee, frisbee (toy and sport)
frisbeegolf {n} [sports] :: disc golf
friseesalaatti {n} :: curly endive, frisée, Cichorium endivia var. crispum
friskata {v} [colloquial] :: to refresh
frisyyri {n} [dated] :: coiffure or hairstyle, especially an elaborate one
friteerata {v} [cooking] :: to deep-fry
friteeraus {n} :: deep-frying in batter (method of cooking)
friteerauskeitin {n} :: deep fryer, deep-fat fryer
fritsu {n} [colloquial] :: hickey, love-bite; A bruise-like mark on the skin caused by sucking
frityyritaikina {n} :: deep-frying batter
frontaali- {prefix} :: frontal
frontaalikolari {n} :: synonym of nokkakolari
frontaalilohko {n} [anatomy] :: frontal lobe
frontaalinen {adj} :: frontal
frontaalisesti {adv} :: frontally
frontaalitaso {n} [anatomy] :: frontal plane, coronal plane (plane that divides the body to anterior and posterior sections)
frontespiisi {n} :: frontispiece
frontotemporaalinen {adj} :: frontotemporal
frotata {v} [slang] :: to frot [rub for sexual gratification]
frotee {n} :: terry, terry cloth
froteekangas {n} :: terry
froteepyyhe {n} :: terry towel
froteinen {adj} :: Made of terry fabric
frottaasi {n} [arts] :: frottage (technique)
frottaasi {n} :: (arts) frottage (image)
frotterismi {n} :: frotteurism
fruitariaani {n} :: A fruitarian
fruitie {n} :: A smoothie made only with fruit, berries, juices and ice, sometimes bran, but always without added sugar, yoghurt or any milky ingredient
fruktokinaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: fructokinase
fruktoosi {n} :: fructose
frustraatio {n} :: frustration
frustroida {vt} [psychology] :: To frustrate
frustroitua {vi} [psychology] :: To get frustrated
fryyginen {adj} [music] :: Phrygian (mode)
ftaalianhydridi {n} [chemistry] :: phthalic anhydride
ftaalihappo {n} :: phthalic acid
ftalaatti {n} [chemistry] :: phthalate
fudata {v} [slang] :: To play football, soccer
fudia {v} [slang] :: To play football, soccer (sometimes tennis)
fudis {n} :: alternative form of futis
fudismatsi {n} [slang] :: Alternative form of futismatsi
fudut {n} [slang] :: dismissal, axing, sack
fugasiteetti {n} :: fugacity
fuksi {n} [student slang] :: freshman (in a university)
fuksia {n} :: fuchsia (popular garden plant, of the genus Fuchsia, with red, pink or purple flowers)
fuksiaiset {n} [college slang] :: University hazing/initiation event; an event organized for university freshmen by non-freshmen, where the freshmen of an organization are ordered to do certain playful tasks, with their performance often graded
fuksianpunainen {adj} :: fuchsia (color)
fuksiitti {n} [mineral] :: fuchsite
fulani {n} :: Fula (language spoken in West Africa)
fulaninkielinen {adj} :: Fula, Fula-language (expressed in Fula language)
fulaninkielinen {adj} :: Fula-speaking
fulbe {n} [in plural] :: Fula (West-African people)
fulbe {n} :: Fula (member of that people)
fulbenkielinen {adj} :: synonym of fulaninkielinen
fulguriitti {n} :: fulgurite
fullereeni {n} :: fullerene
fumaarihappo {n} [chemistry] :: fumaric acid
fumaraasi {n} [biochemistry] :: fumarase
fumaraatti {n} [organic chemistry] :: fumarate
fumaroli {n} [geology] :: fumarole
fumigaatio {n} :: fumigation
funboksi {n} [skateboarding, slang] :: funbox
fundamentaalinen {adj} :: fundamental
fundamentaalisesti {adv} :: fundamentally
fundamentaalisuus {n} :: fundamentality (state or quality of being fundamental)
fundamentaalitekijä {n} :: fundamental factor
fundamentalismi {n} [religion, finance] :: fundamentalism
fundamentalismi {n} [epistemology] :: foundationalism
fundamentalisti {n} :: A fundamentalist
fundamentalistinen {adj} [religion] :: fundamentalistic
fundamentalistisesti {adv} [religion] :: fundamentalistically
fundamentalistisuus {n} [religion] :: The state or property of being fundamentalistic
fundamentti {n} :: fundament
fundeerata {v} [colloquial] :: To think
fungisidi {n} :: fungicide
funikulaari {n} :: funicular
funkis {n} [architecture] :: functionalism (doctrine in architecture stating that an architectural design should be based on the function or purpose of the designed object)
funkki {n} [architecture, rare] :: synonym of funkis (functionalism)
funkkis {n} :: alternative spelling of funkis
funktio {n} [mathematics, programming] :: function
funktioanalyysi {n} [mathematics] :: functional analysis (branch of mathematics)
funktioavaruus {n} [mathematics] :: function space
funktiogeneraattori {n} :: function generator
funktiokutsu {n} [programming] :: function call
funktiolaskin {n} [mathematics, computing] :: scientific calculator
funktionaali {n} [mathematics] :: functional
funktionaalianalyysi {n} [mathematics] :: functional analysis
funktionaalideterminantti {n} [analysis] :: functional determinant
funktionaalinen {adj} :: functional
funktionaalinen ryhmä {n} [chemistry] :: functional group
funktionaalisesti {adv} :: functionally
funktionaalisuus {n} :: functionality
funktionalismi {n} :: functionalism
funktionalistinen {adj} [architecture] :: functionalist (of or pertaining to functionalism)
funktionalistisesti {adv} [architecture] :: functionalistically
funktionalistisuus {n} :: The state or property of being functionalistic
funktionäppäin {n} :: function key
funktiosarja {n} [calculus] :: function series
funktioteoria {n} [mathematics] :: function theory (branch of mathematics)
funktori {n} [mathematics] :: functor
funtsata {v} [slang] :: to think, ponder
funtsaus {n} [slang] :: thinking, pondering
funtsaus {n} :: (slang) thought
funtsia {vt} [slang + partitive] :: To think about
funtsiminen {n} [slang] :: thinking, pondering
furaani {n} :: furan
furfuraali {n} [chemistry] :: furfural
furfuryylialkoholi {n} [chemistry] :: furfuryl alcohol
furunkuloosi {n} :: furunculosis
fusidiinihappo {n} [pharmacology] :: fusidic acid
fusionaalinen {adj} [linguistics] :: fusional
fuskata {vi} [colloquial] :: to cheat
fuskaus {n} :: cheating
fusku {n} :: jive (deceptive talk)
fusku {n} [dance] :: single swing, single-time swing (type of dance derived from jive)
fusku {n} :: A card game for four or more players in which cheating plays a central role. A player hands five cards face down to the player on his/her left and claims a poker hand. If next player believes in the claim he picks up the cards, changes any number of new cards from the deck and claims a better hand to the next player. The round ends when a player does not believe in the claim presented to him and flips the cards over. If the hand is equal or better than the claim, the claimant gets a point, otherwise the doubter gets a point
futaaja {n} [slang] :: footballer
futari {n} [slang] :: footballer
futata {v} [slang] :: To play football, soccer
futata {vi} [slang] :: To work (usually in the negative)
futia {v} [slang] :: To play football, soccer
futis {n} [slang] :: football, soccer
futisjengi {n} [slang] :: soccer team
futismatsi {n} [slang] :: soccer match
futon {n} :: futon
futonpatja {n} :: futon cover, futon mattress
futuna {n} :: The Futuna language
futurismi {n} :: futurism
futuristi {n} :: futurist (adherent to the principles of the artistic movement of futurism)
futuristinen {adj} :: futuristic
futuristisuus {n} :: The state or property of being futuristic: futuristic nature, looks, character etc.
futurologi {n} :: futurologist (person who practices futurology)
futurologia {n} [sciences] :: futurology
futurologinen {adj} :: futurological (pertaining to futurology)
futurologisesti {adv} :: futurologically (in a futurological manner)
futuuri {n} [grammar] :: future tense
futuuri {n} [economics] :: future
futuurihinta {n} [finance] :: futures price, forward price
futuurikauppa {n} :: futures contract, future (standardized, tradable agreement between two parties that one will sell and the other will buy a specific commodity at a specific later date and a specific price)
futuurikauppa {n} :: futures trading (act or business of trading with these contracts)
futuurimuoto {n} [grammar] :: future form (verb form in future tense)
futuuripörssi {n} :: futures exchange, futures market (financial exchange where people can trade standardized futures contracts)
futuurisopimus {n} :: futures contract, future (standardized, tradable agreement between two parties that one will sell and the other will buy a specific commodity at a specific later date and a specific price)
fuuga {n} :: fugue
fuugasävelmä {n} [music] :: fugue piece
fuusio {n} [economics] :: merger, fusion
fuusio {n} [physics] :: fusion
fuusioida {vt} :: to merge, fuse
fuusioiminen {n} :: fusing, merging (causing to fuse or merge)
fuusiointi {n} :: fusion
fuusioitua {vi} [economics, of two or more companies] :: To fuse, merge
fuusioitua {v} [physics] :: To form more massive nuclei with fusion reaction
fuusioituminen {n} :: fusing, merging (becoming one)
fuusioituminen {n} :: undergoing a fusion reaction
fuusiojazz {n} [music] :: fusion jazz
fuusiokeittiö {n} :: fusion cuisine (cuisine that combines elements of different culinary traditions)
fuusiomusiikki {n} :: fusion music
fuusiopolttoaine {n} [nuclear power] :: fusion fuel (any substance used as fuel in a fusion reactor)
fuusiopommi {n} :: fusion bomb
fuusioreaktio {n} [physics] :: fusion reaction
fuusioreaktori {n} :: fusion reactor
fuusiotutkimus {n} :: fusion research
fuusiovoima {n} :: fusion power
fuusiovoimala {n} :: fusion power plant (electric power plant in which the primary energy is produced by nuclear fusion reaction)
fuusioydinpommi {n} :: synonym of fuusiopommi
fyffe {n} [slang] :: money
fykologia {n} [botany] :: phycology
fykologinen {adj} :: phycological
fyllata {v} [dialectal] :: to fill
fylli {n} :: filling
fylliitti {n} [rock] :: phyllite
fyllinki {n} [dialectal] :: filling
fyllokinoni {n} [organic chemistry] :: phylloquinone, vitamin K1 (a polycyclic aromatic ketone)
fyllosilikaatti {n} [mineral] :: phyllosilicate (mineral)
fylogeneesi {n} :: phylogenesis
fylogeneettinen {adj} :: phylogenetic
fylogeneettisesti {adv} :: phylogenetically
fymi {n} [slang] :: hashish (cannabis extract)
fyrkanttinen {adj} [dialectal] :: Having four corners; especially square
fyrkanttinen {adj} [dialectal, figuratively] :: Of a charecter, very straightforward, approaching rudeness, square
fyrkka {n} [slang] :: money, dough
fysiatri {n} :: physiatrist
fysiatria {n} :: physiatrics, physical therapy
fysiatrinen {adj} :: physiatric
fysiatrisesti {adv} :: physiatrically
fysiikanluokka {n} :: physics class (classroom specifically equipped for teaching physics)
fysiikanopettaja {n} :: physics teacher
fysiikantunti {n} :: physics lesson, physics class
fysiikka {n} :: physics
fysiikka {n} :: physique
fysiikkamoottori {n} [computing] :: physics engine
fysikaalinen {adj} :: physical (of or pertaining to physics)
fysikaalinen {adj} :: physical (of or pertaining to physiotherapy)
fysikaalisesti {adv} :: physically
fysikalismi {n} [philosophy] :: physicalism
fysiognomia {n} [superstition] :: physiognomy
fysiokraatti {n} :: physiocrat
fysiokratia {n} :: physiocracy
fysiologi {n} :: physiologist
fysiologia {n} :: physiology
fysiologinen {adj} :: physiological
fysiologisesti {adv} :: physiologically
fysiologisuus {n} :: state of being physiological
fysionomia {n} :: physiognomy
fysioterapeutti {n} :: physiotherapist
fysioterapeuttinen {adj} :: physiotherapeutic
fysioterapia {n} :: physiotherapy
fyssa {n} [slang] :: physics as a school subject
fyssari {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of fysioterapeutti
fytaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: phytase
fytaatti {n} [organic chemistry] :: phytate
fytiinihappo {n} [organic chemistry] :: phytic acid
fytoestrogeeni {n} [biochemistry] :: phytoestrogen
fytokemia {n} :: phytochemistry
fytologia {n} :: phytology
fytonomi {n} :: natural product vendor degree
fytonsidi {n} [biochemistry] :: phytoncide
fytopatologia {n} :: phytopathology
fytoterapia {n} [medicine] :: phytotherapy
fytska {n} [slang] :: hashish (cannabis extract)
fyysikko {n} :: physicist
fyysillinen {adj} :: dated form of fyysinen
fyysillisesti {adv} :: physically
fyysinen {adj} :: physical (having to do with the body)
fyysinen {adj} :: physical (having to do with the material world)
fyysinen {adj} :: physical (involving bodily force)
fyysisemmin {adv} :: comparative of fyysisesti
fyysisesti {adv} :: physically
fyysisimmin {adv} :: superlative of fyysisesti
fyysisyys {n} :: physicality (physical attributes)
-fyytti {suffix} :: -phyte