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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-k

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K2 {prop} (the world’s second highest mountain) :: 喬戈里峰, 乔戈里峰 /Qiáogēlǐ Fēng/
Kaaba {prop} (cubical stone building in Mecca) :: 克爾白, 克尔白 /Kè'ěrbái/, 天房 /Tiānfáng/
Kabballah {prop} (body of teachings) :: 卡巴拉 /kǎbālā/
kaboom {interj} (sound of an explosion) :: /pēng/, 劈裡啪啦, 劈里啪啦 /pīlǐpālā/, 轟隆, 轰隆 /hōnglóng/
kabuki {n} (form of Japanese theatre) :: 歌舞伎 /gēwǔjì/
Kabul {prop} (capital of Afghanistan) :: 喀布爾, 喀布尔 /Kābù'ěr/; 哈布爾, 哈布尔 /Hābù’ěr/ [historically]
kaffir lime {n} (fruit) :: 箭叶橙
kafir {n} (infidel, non-Muslim) :: 卡菲勒 /kǎfēilè/, 卡菲爾, 卡菲尔 /kǎfēi'r/
Kagawa {prop} (Kagawa, Japan) :: 香川 /Xiāngchuān/
Kagoshima {prop} (city) :: 鹿兒島, 鹿儿岛 /Lù'erdǎo/
Kagoshima {prop} (prefecture) :: 鹿兒島, 鹿儿岛 /Lù'erdǎo/
Kagutsuchi {prop} (Japanese fire god) :: 迦具土 /Jiājùtǔ/
Kaguya {prop} (Japanese folklore: mysterious girl from the moon) :: 輝夜姬
Kahlúa {prop} (liqueur) :: 墨西哥甘露咖啡力嬌酒, 墨西哥甘露咖啡力娇酒 /Mòxīgē gānlù kāfēi lìjiāojiǔ/
K'ai-feng {prop} (Kaifeng) SEE: Kaifeng ::
Kaifeng {prop} (city in east-central Henan) :: 開封, 开封 /Kāifēng/
kai-lan {n} (kailan) SEE: kailan ::
kailan {n} (vegetable) :: 芥藍, 芥蓝 /jièlán/, 芥蘭, 芥兰 /gàilán, jièlán/, 芥蘭菜, 芥兰菜 /gàiláncài, jièláncài/
Kailash {prop} (mountain in China) :: 岡仁波齊峰, 冈仁波齐峰 /Gāngrénbōqí fēng/
Kaixiangong {prop} (village in eastern China) :: 開弦弓, 开弦弓 /Kāixiángōng/
Kaizhou {prop} (district in western China) :: 開州, 开州 /Kāizhōu/
kakapo {n} (Strigops habroptilus) :: 鴞鸚鵡, 鸮鹦鹉
kaki {n} (persimmon) :: 柿子
kakke {n} (beriberi) SEE: beriberi ::
kalach {n} (traditional East Slavic bread (or its equivalent)) :: 卡拉奇 /kǎlāqí/
kalbi {n} (dish) :: 排骨 /páigǔ/, 排骨 /kǎo páigǔ/
kale {n} (edible plant: Brassica oleracea acephala) :: 羽衣甘藍, 羽衣甘蓝 /yǔyī gānlán/
kaleidoscope {n} (tube of mirrors rotated to produce symmetrical designs) :: 萬花筒, 万花筒 /wànhuātǒng/
Kaliningrad {prop} (Kaliningrad, see also: Königsberg) :: 加里寧格勒, 加里宁格勒 /Jiālǐnìnggélè/
Kalmyk {n} (person) :: 卡爾梅克人, 卡尔梅克人 /Kǎ’ěrméikèrén/
Kalpin {prop} (county) :: 柯坪 /Kēpíng/
Kaluga {prop} (city in Russia) :: 卡盧加, 卡卢加 /Kǎlújiā/
Kalyan-Dombivali {prop} (city in India) :: 卡延和東比夫里, 卡延和东比夫里 /Kǎyán-hé-Dōngbǐfūlǐ/
Kama Sutra {prop} (Sanskrit treatise) :: 欲經, 欲经 /Yùjīng/
Kamchatka {prop} (peninsula in the Russian Far East) :: 堪察加 /Kānchájiā/
kamikaze {n} (suicidal attack) :: 神風, 神风 /shénfēng/, 神風攻擊, 神风攻击 /shénfēng gōngjí/
kamikaze {n} (suicidal attacker) :: 神風特攻隊, 神风特攻队 /shénfēng tègōngduì/, 神風特別攻擊隊, 神风特别攻击队 /shénfēng tèbié gōngjí duì/
Kampala {prop} (capital of Uganda) :: 坎帕拉 /Kǎnpàlā/
Kampuchea {prop} (former name for Cambodia, see also: Cambodia) :: 柬埔寨 /Jiǎnpǔzhài/
Kan {prop} (a Japanese surname) :: /Jiān/
kana {n} (Japanese syllabaries) :: 假名 /jiǎmíng/
Kanagawa {prop} (Kanagawa, Japan) :: 神奈川 /Shénnàichuān/
Kanazawa {prop} (a city of Japan) :: 金澤, 金泽 /Jīnzé/
kancho {n} (game or prank involving thrusting one's hand into another's anal region) :: 千年殺 /qiānnián shā/
Kandahar {prop} (city and province in southern Afghanistan) :: 坎大哈 /Kǎndàhā/; 岡大害, 冈大害 /Gāngdàhài/ [historically]; 愷達哈爾, 恺达哈尔 /Kǎidáhā’ěr/ [historically]
Kandy {prop} (city in Sri Lanka) :: 康提 /Kāngtí/
kangaroo {n} (marsupial) :: 袋鼠 /dàishǔ/
kangaroo {n} (hooded jacket with front pocket) SEE: kangaroo jacket ::
kangaroo court {n} (an unjust (quasi-)judicial proceeding or group) :: 私设公堂 /dàishǔ fǎtíng/
kangaroo jacket {n} (jacket with a large pocket) :: 袋鼠夾克, 袋鼠夹克 /dàishǔ jiākè/
Kangju {prop} (ancient kingdom) :: 康居 /Kāngjū/, 康國, 康国 /Kāngguó/
kango {n} (a Sino-Japanese word) :: 漢日詞, 汉日词 /hànrìcí/, 漢日語, 汉日语 /hànrìyǔ/
Kang-wei {prop} (Gangwei) SEE: Gangwei ::
Kangxi {prop} (emperor) :: 康熙 /Kāng​xī/
Kangxi {prop} (Kangxi Dictionary) :: 康熙字典 /Kāngxī Zìdiǎn/
kanji {n} (Chinese characters in Japanese context) :: [when used in Japanese] 日本漢字, 日本汉字 /Rìběn hànzì/, [any Chinese character] 漢字, 汉字 /hànzì/
Kanji {prop} (kanji) SEE: kanji ::
Kannada {n} (language) :: 卡納達語, 卡纳达语 /Kǎnàdá-yǔ/, 坎那達語, 坎那达语 /Kǎnnàdá-yǔ/
Kanpur {prop} (city in India) :: 坎普爾, 坎普尔 /Kǎnpǔ'ěr/
Kansas {prop} (US state) :: 堪薩斯州, 堪萨斯州 /Kānsàsī-zhōu/
Kansas City {prop} (a large city straddling the border between Kansas and Missouri, USA) :: 堪薩斯城, 堪萨斯城 /Kānsàsī chéng/
Kant {prop} (surname) :: 康德 /Kāngdé/
Kao-hsiung {prop} (Kaohsiung) SEE: Kaohsiung ::
Kaohsiung {prop} (a large city in Taiwan) :: 高雄 /Gāoxióng/
kaoliang {n} (liquor) :: 高粱 /gāoliáng/, 高粱酒 /gāoliángjǐu/
kaoliang {n} (Chinese sorghum) :: 高粱 /gāoliáng/
kaolin {n} (clay) :: 高嶺土, 高岭土 /gāolǐngtǔ/, 瓷土 /cítǔ/, 陶土 /táotǔ/
kaolinite {n} (Al2Si2O5(OH)4) :: 高嶺石, 高岭石 /gāolǐngshí/
Kapampangan {prop} (language) :: 邦板牙语
Kapilavastu {prop} (city in Nepal) :: 迦毗羅衛, 迦毗罗卫 /Jiāpíluówèi/
kapok {n} (silky fiber from the silk-cotton tree) :: 木棉 /mùmián/
kappa {n} (Greek letter) :: 卡帕 /kǎpà/
Karachi {prop} (the capital of the province of Sindh, Pakistan) :: 卡拉奇 /Kǎlāqí/
Karafuto {prop} (Sakhalin) SEE: Sakhalin ::
Karaj {prop} (city) :: 卡拉季 /Kǎlājì/
Karakax {prop} (county in Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 墨玉 /Mòyù/, 喀拉喀什 /Kālākāshí/
Karamay {prop} (Karamay, Xinjiang, China) :: 克拉瑪依, 克拉玛依 /Kèlāmǎyī/
karambit {n} :: 爪刀 /zhǎo dāo/
karaoke {n} (a form of entertainment) :: 卡拉OK /kǎlā'ōukèi/
karaoke bar {n} (bar) :: 卡拉OK廳, 卡拉OK厅 /kǎlā'ōukèi tīng/
karaoke machine {n} (machine) :: 卡拉OK機, 卡拉OK机 /kǎlā'ōukèijī/
Kara Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean) :: 喀拉海 /Kālā Hǎi/
karat {n} (unit of fineness of gold) :: 克拉 /kèlā/
karate {n} (martial art) :: 空手 /kōngshǒu/, 空手道 /kōngshǒudào/
Karelia {prop} (region in Russia and Finland) :: 卡累利阿 /Kǎlèilì'ā/
Karelia {prop} :: 卡累利阿 /Kǎlèilì'ā/
Karelian {prop} (the language) :: 卡累里亞語, 卡累里亚语 /Kǎléilǐyà yǔ/
Kargilik {prop} (county) :: 葉城, 叶城 /Yèchéng/
Karl {prop} (cognates) SEE: Charles ::
Karl {prop} (transliterations) SEE: Carl ::
Karluk {n} (member of nomadic tribe) :: 葛邏祿, 葛逻禄 /Géluólù/
karma {n} (the total effect of a person’s actions and conduct during the successive phases of his existence) :: 因果報應, 因果报应 /yīnguǒbàoyìng/, , /yè/, 羯磨 /jiémó/
karma {n} (destiny, fate) :: 緣分, 缘分 /yuánfèn/
karmic {adj} (of or pertaining to karma) :: 與業相關的; 業力的; 業障的; 業報的; 因果的
Karnataka {prop} (state in southern India) :: 卡納塔克邦, 卡纳塔克邦 /Kǎnàtǎkè-bāng/
karoshi {n} (death from overwork) :: 過勞死, 过劳死 /guòláosǐ/
karst {n} (type of land formation) :: 岩溶 /yánróng/, 喀斯特 /kāsite/
Karst {prop} (mountainous region in Italy and Slovenia) :: 喀斯特 /Kāsītè/
Kartvelian {n} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
Kartvelian {prop} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
Kartvelian {adj} (Georgian) SEE: Georgian ::
karyotype {n} (characteristics of chromosomes) :: 核型 /héxíng/
kasha {n} (porridge) :: 卡沙 /kǎshā/
Kashgar {prop} (prefecture, city) :: 喀什 /Kāshí/, [rare] 喀什噶爾, 喀什噶尔 /Kāshígá'ěr/
Kashi {prop} (Kashgar) SEE: Kashgar ::
Kashmir {prop} (region) :: 克什米爾, 克什米尔 /Kèshímǐ'ěr/
Kashmiri {prop} (language) :: 克什米爾語, 克什米尔语 /Kèshímǐ’ěr-yǔ/
Kashmir Valley {prop} (valley) :: 克什米爾山谷, 克什米尔山谷 /Kèshímǐ'ěr shāngǔ/
Kashub {prop} (language) SEE: Kashubian ::
Kashubian {adj} (of the Kashubian people and their language) :: [of the people] 卡舒布的, 卡舒布的 /Kǎshūbǐ de/, [of the language] 卡舒布語的, 卡舒布语的 /Kǎshūbǐyǔ de/
Kashubian {prop} (Slavic language spoken in the Pomeranian region of Poland) :: 卡舒布語, 卡舒布语 /Kǎshūbǐyǔ/, [alternative form] 卡舒布語, 卡舒布语 /Kǎshūbùyǔ/
kasra {n} (kasra) :: 齊齒符, 齐齿符 /qíchǐfú/
katabatic wind {n} (wind blowing down an incline) :: 下降風, 下降风 /xiàjiàngfēng/, 下坡風, 下坡风 /xiàpōfēng/
katakana {n} (Japanese syllabary) :: 片假名 /piànjiǎmíng/
katana {n} (type of Japanese longsword) :: 日本刀 /Rìběndāo/, 武士刀 /wǔshìdāo/, 卡塔納, 卡塔纳 /kǎtǎnà/
Kathina {prop} (Buddhist festival) :: 供僧衣節, 供僧衣节 /Gōng sēngyī jié/
Kathleen {prop} (Catherine) SEE: Catherine ::
Kathmandu {prop} (Kathmandu) :: 加德滿都, 加德满都 /Jiādémǎndū/
Katyusha {n} (rocket launcher) :: 喀秋莎 /kāqiūshā/
Kaunas {prop} (city) :: 考那斯
kava {n} (intoxicating beverage made from the kava plant) :: 卡瓦 /kǎwǎ/
Kavala {prop} (city) :: 卡瓦拉
Kavalan {prop} :: 噶瑪蘭語, 噶玛兰语
Kavaratti {prop} (capital of Lakshadweep, India) :: 卡瓦拉蒂 /Kǎwǎlādì/
kawaii {adj} (cute, in the context of Japanese culture) :: 卡哇伊 /kǎwāyī/, 可愛, 可爱 /kě'ài/
kawaii {n} (cuteness, in the context of Japanese culture) SEE: kawaiiness ::
kawaiiness {n} (cuteness, in the context of Japanese culture) :: 可愛文化 /kě'ài wénhuà/
Kawak {prop} (township in Karakax, Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 喀瓦克 /Kāwǎkè/
Kawasaki {prop} (a city in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan) :: 川崎 /Chuānqí/
Kawasaki {prop} (a Japanese surname) :: 川崎 /Chuānqí/
Kawasaki {prop} (a Japanese motorcycle manufacturer) :: 川崎 /Chuānqí/
Kawasaki disease {n} (illness) :: 川崎病 /chuānqíbìng/
Kaxgar {prop} (Kashgar) SEE: Kashgar ::
kay {n} (name of the letter K, k) :: [English letter names are called as in English, no other standard Mandarin name exists]
kayak {n} (a type of small boat) :: 皮艇 /pítǐng/, 獨木舟 /dúmùzhōu/
kayaking {n} (water sport) :: 皮划艇 /píhuátǐng/
Kayseri {prop} (city in Turkey) :: 開塞利, 开塞利 /Kāisàilì/
Kazakh {n} (a person of Kazakh descent) :: 哈薩克人, 哈萨克人 /hāsàkèrén/
Kazakh {n} (language) :: 哈薩克語, 哈萨克语 /hāsàkèyǔ/
Kazakh {adj} (pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kazakh language) :: 哈薩克的, 哈萨克的 /hāsàkè de/
Kazakhstan {prop} (country in Central Asia) :: 哈薩克斯坦, 哈萨克斯坦 /Hāsàkèsītǎn/
Kazakhstani {n} (person of Kazakh origin) SEE: Kazakh ::
Kazakhstani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kazakh language) SEE: Kazakh ::
Kazan {prop} (city in Russia) :: 喀山 /Kāshān/
Kazbek {prop} (mountain) :: 卡茲別克山, 卡兹别克山 /Kǎzībiékè shān/
kazoo {n} (a simple musical instrument consisting of a pipe with a hole in it) :: 卡祖笛 /kǎzǔdí/
Kōbe {prop} (Kobe) SEE: Kobe ::
Kōchi {prop} (Kochi) SEE: Kochi ::
K-drama {n} (Korean TV drama) :: 韓劇, 韩剧 /Hánjù/, 韓國電視劇, 韩国电视剧 /Hánguó diànshìjù/
Keats {prop} (transliterations of the name Keats) :: 濟慈, 济慈 /Jìcí/
kebab {n} (kebab) :: 烤肉串 /kǎoròu chuàn/, 串燒, 串烧 /chuànshāo/
keel {n} (beam along the underside of a ship’s hull) :: 龍骨, 龙骨 /lónggǔ/
keel over {v} (to die) SEE: die ::
Keelung {prop} (a city in Taiwan) :: 基隆 /Jīlóng/
keen on {adj} (fond of; appreciative of) :: 热衷于
keep {v} (to maintain possession of) :: 保持 /bǎochí/, 保存 /bǎocún/
keep {v} (to maintain the condition of; to preserve) :: 維持, 维持 /wéi chí/
keep {v} (to continue) :: 繼續, 继续 /jì xù/
keep {v} (of livestock: to raise; to care for) :: , /sì/, , /yǎng/
keep an eye on {v} (to watch and pay attention to) :: 關照, 关照 /guānzhào/
keep company {v} (court) SEE: court ::
keep fit {v} (exercise for physical fitness) :: 健身 /jiànshēn/
keep in mind {v} (to remember; to be mindful of or pay attention) SEE: bear in mind ::
keep one's lips sealed {v} (keep quiet) :: 守口如瓶 /shǒukǒurúpíng/
keep quiet {v} (remain silent) :: 緘默, 缄默 /jiānmò/, 沉默 /chénmò/
keepsake {n} (object retained in memory of something or someone) :: 紀念品, 纪念品 /jìniànpǐn/
keep someone company {v} (remain with someone) :: [formal] 陪同 /péitóng/, 陪伴 /péibàn/, [informal] /péi/
keep someone in the dark {v} (to keep someone uninformed) :: 蒙在鼓裡, 蒙在鼓里 /méng zài gǔ lǐ/ (lit. "be kept in a drum", used as a passive construction)
keep someone posted {v} (inform of latest developments) :: 随时通知 (suíshí tōngzhī)
keep the change {phrase} (instruction to keep the change) :: (bù yòng zhǎo le)
keep the peace {v} (maintain order) :: 維護治安, 维护治安 /wéihù zhì'ān/
keep track {v} (monitor) :: 監測, 监测 /jiāncè/
keep up with the Joneses {v} (act or make purchases for status or image) :: 爭相攀比, 争相攀比 /zhēngxiāng pānbǐ/,, 互相攀比 /hùxiāng pānbǐ/
kefir {n} (fermented milk) :: 克非爾, 克非尔 /kèfēi'ěr/
keg {n} (round wooden container that has a flat top and bottom) :: 啤酒桶 /píjiǔ tǒng/
Keijō {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
Keijō {prop} ((historical) the name of Seoul during the Japanese occupation period in the early 20th century) :: 京城 /Jīngchéng/
Kelamayi {prop} (Karamay) SEE: Karamay ::
kelp {n} (large seaweed of order Laminariales) :: 海帶, 海带 /hǎidài/, 昆布 /kūnbù/
kelpie {n} (spirit) :: 水鬼, 凱爾派 /kǎiěrpài/
Kelpin {prop} (Kalpin) SEE: Kalpin ::
kelvin {n} (SI temperature unit) :: 開爾文, 开尔文 /kāi'ěrwén/, 克耳文 /kè'ěrwén/ [Taiwan]
Kemerovo {prop} (city in Siberia) :: 克麥羅沃, 克麦罗沃 /Kèmàiluówò/
Kemi {prop} (town) :: 凯米
kendama {n} (Japanese toy with an attached ball) :: 劍玉, 剑玉 /jiànyù/, 劍球, 剑球 /jiànqiú/, 托球 /tuōqiú/
kendo {n} (Japanese martial art) :: 劍道, 剑道 /jiàndào/
Kengtung {prop} (Kyaingtong) SEE: Kyaingtong ::
Kennedy {prop} (surname) :: 肯尼迪 /Kěnnídí/, [Taiwan] 甘迺迪 /Gānnǎidí/
kennel {n} (shelter) :: 狗屋 /gǒuwū/
Kent {prop} (the English maritime county) :: 肯特郡 /kěntèjùn/
Kentucky {prop} (US state) :: 肯塔基州 /Kěntǎjī-zhōu/
Kenya {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: 肯尼亞, 肯尼亚 /Kěnníyà/, 肯亞, 肯亚 /Kěnyà/ [Taiwan]
Kepler's equation {prop} (mathematics) :: 開普勒方程, 开普勒方程 /Kāipǔlè fāngchéng/
Kerala {prop} (state in southern India) :: 喀拉拉邦 /Kālālā-bāng/
kerambit {n} :: 爪刀 /zhǎo dāo/
keratin {n} (protein that hair and nails are made of) :: 角質, 角质 /jiǎo​zhì/, 角蛋白 /jiǎodànbái/, 角朊 /jiǎo​ruǎn​/
keratitis {n} (inflammation of the cornea) :: 角膜炎 /jiǎomóyán/
keratosis {n} (condition) :: 角化症 /jiǎohuàzhèng/
kerb {n} (edge between pavement and roadway) :: 路緣, 路缘 /lùyuán/
Kerberos {prop} (one of Pluto's moons) :: 冥衛四
Kerch {prop} (city) :: 刻赤 /Kèchì/
kerchief {n} (piece of cloth) :: 頭巾, 头巾 /tóujīn/
Kerch Strait {prop} (Strait of Kerch) SEE: Strait of Kerch ::
kerfuffle {n} (disorderly outburst) :: 混亂, 混乱 /hùnluàn/, 動亂, 动乱 /dòngluàn/, 鬧騰, 闹腾 /nàoteng/, 吵鬧, 吵闹 /chǎonào/
Kerguelen cabbage {n} (Pringlea antiscorbutica) :: 凱爾蓋朗甘藍, 凯尔盖朗甘蓝 /Kǎiěrgàilǎng gānlán/
Keriya {prop} (county in Xinjiang, China) :: 克里雅 //
Kermode bear {n} (subspecies of the American black bear) :: 柯莫德熊, 柯莫德熊 /kēmòdéxióng/, 白靈熊, 白灵熊 /báilíngxióng/
kernel {n} (core or essence of an object or system) :: 核心 /héxīn/
kerosene {n} (thin, colorless fuel) :: 煤油 /méiyóu/, 火油 /huǒyóu/, 燈油, 灯油 /dēngyóu/
Kerr black hole {n} (a type of black hole) :: 克爾黑洞, 克尔黑洞 /Kè'ěr hēidòng/
Kerry {prop} (surname) :: 克里 /Kèlǐ/
kestrel {n} (Falco tinnunculus) :: 紅隼, 红隼 /hóngzhǔn/, 茶隼 /cházhǔn/, 紅鷹, 红鹰 /hóngyīng/
Ket {prop} (language) :: 愒語, 愒语 /Kài yǔ/
ketamine {n} (pain-killing drug) :: 氯胺酮 /lǜ’āntóng/, 克他命 /kètāmìng/, [colloquial] K粉 /kēifěn/
ketchup {n} (tomato-vinegar based sauce) :: 番茄醬, 番茄酱 /fānqiéjiàng/, 茄汁 /qiézhī/ [regional]
ketoacidosis {n} (severe form of ketosis) :: 酮酸中毒 /tóngsuān zhòngdú/
ketoconazole {n} (antifungal drug) :: 酮康唑 /tóngkāngzuò/
ketone {n} (organic chemicals with the >CO functional group) :: /tóng/
ketosis {n} (metabolic state involving production of ketones) :: 酮病 /tóngbìng/
kettle {n} (vessel for boiling a liquid or cooking food) :: 水壺, 水壶 /shuǐhú/, , /hú/
kettle {n} (teakettle) SEE: teakettle ::
kettle {n} (kettledrum) SEE: kettledrum ::
kettle {n} (pothole) SEE: pothole ::
kettle {n} (steam locomotive) SEE: steam locomotive ::
kettlebell {n} (a kind of weight) :: 壺鈴, 壶铃 /húlíng/
kettledrum {n} (percussion instrument) :: 定音鼓 /dìngyīngǔ/
kettle of fish {n} (predicament) SEE: predicament ::
Kevin {prop} (male given name) :: 凱文, 凯文 /Kǎiwén/, 克文 /Kèwén/
key {n} (device designed to open and close a lock) :: 鑰匙, 钥匙 /yàoshi/, /chí/, , /yào/, 鎖匙, 锁匙 /suǒshí/ [dialectal]
key {n} (crucial step) :: 關鍵, 关键 /guānjiàn/
key {n} (button on a typewriter or computer keyboard) :: , /jiàn/
key {n} (part of a piano or musical keyboard) :: , /jiàn/
key {n} (scale of musical notes) :: 調, /diào/
key {n} (computing: field of a database constrained to be unique) ::
keyboard {n} (set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc.) :: 鍵盤, 键盘 /jiànpán/
keyboard {n} (component of many instruments) :: 鍵盤, 键盘 /jiànpán/
keyboard {n} (electronic device with keys of a musical keyboard) :: 電子琴, 电子琴 /diànzǐqín/, 鍵盤, 键盘 /jiànpán/
keyboard {v} (to type in) :: 打字 /dǎzì/
keyboard warrior {n} :: 鍵盤俠, 键盘侠 /jiànpánxiá/
keycard {n} (plastic card) :: 門卡, 门卡 /ménkǎ/, 房卡
keychain {n} (chain or ring) :: 鑰匙扣, 钥匙扣 /yàoshikòu/, 鑰匙鏈, 钥匙链 /yàoshiliàn/
keyhole {n} (a hole to lock/unlock with a key) :: 鎖孔, 锁孔 /suǒkǒng/, 鑰匙孔, 钥匙孔 /yàoshi kǒng/
keyhole surgery {n} (laparoscopy) SEE: laparoscopy ::
Key lime {n} (Citrus × aurantifolia) :: 墨西哥萊檬, 墨西哥莱檬 /Mòxīgē láiméng/
Keynes {prop} (transliterations of the surname) :: 凱恩斯, 凯恩斯 /Kǎi'ēnsī/
Keynesian {adj} (pertaining to an economic theory based on the ideas of Keynes) :: 凱恩斯主義的, 凯恩斯主义的 /Kǎiēnsīzhǔyì de/
Keynesian {n} (proponent of Keynesian doctrine) :: 凱恩斯主義者, 凯恩斯主义者 /Kǎiēnsīzhǔyìzhě/
Keynesianism {n} (economic stance) :: 凱恩斯主義, 凯恩斯主义 /Kǎiēnsīzhǔyì/
keynote {n} (tonic) SEE: tonic ::
key performance indicator {n} (metric used to measure progress towards organizational goals) :: 關鍵績效指標, 关键绩效指标 /guānjiàn jìxiào zhǐbiāo (mainland China) or guānjiàn jīxiào zhǐbiāo (Taiwan)/
keyring {n} (ring for holding keys) :: 鑰匙圈, 钥匙圈 /yàoshi quān/
keystroke {n} (act of pressing a key) :: 按鍵, 按键 /ànjiàn/
keyword {n} (word used as a key to a code) :: 關鍵詞, 关键词 /guānjiàncí/
keyword {n} (word used in a reference work to link to other words or other information) :: 關鍵詞, 关键词 /guānjiàncí/
Kezilesu {prop} (Kizilsu) SEE: Kizilsu ::
KFC {prop} (Kentucky Fried Chicken) :: 肯德基 /Kěndéjī/
Kōfu {prop} (Kofu) SEE: Kofu ::
KGB {prop} ((historical) The former Soviet State Security Committee) :: 克格勃 /kègébó/
Khabarovsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: 哈巴羅夫斯克, 哈巴罗夫斯克 /Hābāluófūsīkè/, 伯力 /Bólì/
khachapuri {n} (cheese pastry from Georgia) :: 起司麵包, 起司面包 /qǐsī miànbāo/
khagan {n} (title of imperial rank) :: 可汗 /kèhán/
khaki {n} (yellowish-brown colour) :: 卡其色 /kǎqísè/, 黃褐色, 黄褐色 /huánghèsè/
khaki {n} (strong cloth of wool or cotton) :: 卡其布 /kǎqíbù/
khaki {adj} (dust-coloured) :: 黃褐色, 黄褐色 /huánghèsè/
Kham {prop} (former region of Tibet) :: 康區, 康区 /Kāngqū/
khan {n} (a ruler over various Turkic, Tatar and Mongol peoples in the Middle Ages) :: 可汗 /kèhán/, /hán/ [as a suffix only]
khanate {n} (place ruled by a khan) :: 汗國, 汗国 /hánguó/
Khanbalik {prop} (capital of the Mongolian Yuan dynasty) :: 汗八里 /Hànbālǐ/, 元大都 /Yuán Dàdū/, 大都 /Dàdū/
Khaneriq {prop} (Hanerik) SEE: Hanerik ::
Khan Tengri {prop} (mountain) :: 汗騰格里, 汗腾格里 /Hánténggélǐ/
Khanty-Mansiysk {prop} (city in Russia) :: 漢特-曼西斯克, 汉特-曼西斯克 /Hàntè-Mànxīsīkè/
Kharkiv {prop} (city) :: 哈爾科夫, 哈尔科夫 /Hā'ěrkēfū/
Kharkov {prop} (Kharkiv) SEE: Kharkiv ::
Khartoum {prop} (capital of Sudan) :: 喀土穆 /Kātǔmù/
khat {n} (shrub (Catha edulis)) :: 巧茶
Khitan {prop} (language) :: 契丹語, 契丹语 /Qìdānyǔ/
Khitan {prop} (people) :: 契丹 /Qìdān/
Khiva {prop} (a town) :: 希瓦 /Xīwǎ/
Khmer {n} (language) :: 高棉語, 高棉语 /gāomiányǔ/, 高棉文 /gāomiánwén/
Khmer {adj} (of or pertaining to Khmer people or their language) :: 高棉 /gāomián/
Khmer Rouge {prop} (Cambodian communist guerrilla force) :: 紅色高棉, 红色高棉 /Hóngsè gāomián/, 赤柬 /Chì Jiǎn/
Khmu {n} (people) :: 克木族
Khorasan {prop} (A region in Persia) :: 呼羅珊, 呼罗珊 /Hūluóshān/
Khorgas {prop} (a dual town in Xinjiang, China and Kazakhstan) :: 霍爾果斯, 霍尔果斯 /Huò'ěrguǒsī/, 霍城 /Huòchéng/
Khorgos {prop} (Khorgas) SEE: Khorgas ::
Khrushchev {prop} (surname) :: 赫魯曉夫, 赫鲁晓夫 /Hèlǔxiǎofū/
Khujand {prop} (city in Tajikistan) :: 苦盞, 苦盏 /Kǔzhǎn/
khural {n} (parliament or national congress in Mongolia) :: 呼拉爾, 呼拉尔 /hūlā'ěr/
Khövsgöl Nuur {prop} (a lake in Mongolia) :: 庫蘇古爾湖, 库苏古尔湖 /Kùsūgǔ'ěr hú/
kiasu {adj} (afraid of losing out) :: 怕輸, 怕输 /pàshū/
kibbutz {n} (a community) :: 基布茲, 基布兹 /jībùcí/
kick {v} (strike with or raise the foot or leg) :: Literary Chinese: /bō/, /cūn/, /dì/, /dì/; /tī/, /cù/
kick {v} (direct to a particular place by a blow with the foot or leg) :: /tī/, /cù/
kick {v} (to remove a participant from an online activity) :: /tī/, 踢出 /tīchū/, 移出 /yíchū/
kick ass {v} (to be very impressive) :: 厲害, 厉害 /lìhài, lìhai/, 牛屄 /niúbī/ [vulgar]
kick-ass {adj} (excellent) SEE: badass ::
kickboxer {n} (one who practices kickboxing) :: 自由搏擊選手, 自由搏击选手 /zìyóu bójī xuǎnshǒu/
kickboxing {n} (sport) :: 踢拳 /tīquán/
kick butt {v} (kick ass) SEE: kick ass ::
kick in the pants {n} (reminder to start) :: 督促, 激励
kick-off {n} (opening kick in football) :: 開球, 开球 /kāiqiú/
kick out {v} (eject, throw out, or forcefully remove) :: 趕走, 赶走 /gǎnzǒu/
kick scooter {n} (foot-propelled vehicle) SEE: scooter ::
kick someone when they are down {v} (make things worse for someone) :: 落井下石 /luòjǐngxiàshí/
kickstand {n} (levered bar) :: 停車支架, 停车支架 /tíngchē zhījià/, 車支架, 车支架 /chēzhījià/
kick the bucket {v} (to die) :: 翹辮子, 翘辫子 /qiào biànzi/ [raise the plait]
kid {n} (young goat) :: 小山羊 /xiǎoshānyáng/
kid {n} (child (colloq.)) :: 孩子 /háizi/, 小孩 /xiǎohái/
kiddo {n} (child) :: 孩子
kidnap {v} (to seize and detain a person unlawfully) :: 綁架, 绑架 /bǎngjià/, 拐帶, 拐带 /guǎidài/, 綁票, 绑票 /bǎngpiào/
kidnap {n} (an instance of kidnapping) :: 綁架, 绑架 /bǎngjià/, 誘拐, 诱拐 /yòuguǎi/, 拐騙, 拐骗 /guǎipiàn/, 綁票, 绑票 /bǎngpiào/
kidnapping {n} (the crime of taking a person against their will, sometimes for ransom) :: 綁架, 绑架 /bǎngjià/, 誘拐, 诱拐 /yòuguǎi/, 拐騙, 拐骗 /guǎipiàn/, 綁票, 绑票 /bǎngpiào/
kidney {n} (an organ in the body) :: 腎臟, 肾脏 /shènzàng/, , /shèn/, 腰子 /yāozi/
kidney {n} (food) :: , /shèn/ [poultry], /yāo/ [four-legged animals]
kidney bean {n} (variety of common bean) :: 菜豆 /càidòu/, 四季豆 /sìjìdòu/, 雲豆, 云豆 /yúndòu/, 紅腰豆, 红腰豆 /hóngyāodòu/
kidney stone {n} (calculus in the kidney) :: 腎結石, 肾结石 /shènjiéshí/
Kiev {prop} (Ukrainian city) :: 基輔, 基辅 /Jīfǔ/
Kiev {prop} (Medieval principality) SEE: Kievan Rus ::
Kievan Rus {prop} (medieval principality) :: 基輔羅斯, 基辅罗斯 /Jīfǔ Luósī/
Kigali {prop} (capital of Rwanda) :: 基加利 /Jījiālì/
kike {n} (offensive: Jew) :: 犹太佬 /Yóutàilǎo/
kikimora {n} (a female house spirit) :: 基基莫拉 /jījīmòlā/
Kilimanjaro {prop} (volcano) :: 乞力馬扎羅山, 乞力马扎罗山 /Qǐlìmǎzháluóshān/
Kiliyang {prop} (township in Pishan, Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 克里陽, 克里阳 /Kèlǐyáng/
kill {v} (to put to death) :: , /shā/; 殺死, 杀死 /shāsǐ/; 戕殺, 戕杀 /qiángshā/; /zǎi/ [colloquially]; 弄死 /nòngsǐ, nèngsǐ/; 搞死 /gǎosǐ/ [dialectically]; 整死 /zhěngsǐ/ [dialectically]; 打死 /dǎsǐ/ [by beating or shooting]
kill {v} (to waste) :: 浪费 /làngfèi/
kill {n} (act of killing) :: 殺害, 杀害 /shāhài/
kill {n} (result of killing) :: 死屍, 死尸 /sǐshī/, 屍體, 尸体 /shītǐ/
killer {n} (person who kills) :: 殺手, 杀手 /shāshǒu/
killer {n} (murderer) :: 兇手, 凶手 /xiōngshǒu/, 殺手, 杀手 /shāshǒu/
killer whale {n} (A sea mammal, Orcinus orca) :: 逆戟鯨, 逆戟鲸 /nìjǐjīng/, 虎鯨, 虎鲸 /hǔjīng/, 殺人鯨, 杀人鲸 /shārénjīng/
killing {n} (instance of someone being killed) :: , /shā/
Killing Fields {prop} (sites in Cambodia where mass slaughter was carried out) :: 殺戮戰場, 杀戮战场 /shālù zhànchǎng/
killjoy {n} (someone who takes the fun out of a situation or activity) SEE: spoilsport ::
kill the goose that lays the golden eggs {v} (to seek short term gain at the sacrifice of long term profit) :: 殺雞取卵, 杀鸡取卵 /shājīqǔluǎn/
kill time {v} (make time seem to pass more quickly by doing nothing important) :: 打發時間, 打发时间 /dǎfā shíjiān/, 殺時間, 杀时间 /shā shíjiān/
kill two birds with one stone {v} (solve two problems at once) :: 一石二鳥 (one stone, two birds), 一石二鸟 /yī shí èr niǎo/, 一箭雙雕, 一箭双雕 /yī jiàn shuāng diāo/, 一舉兩得, 一举两得 /yī jǔ liǎng dé/
kiln {n} (oven, furnace or heated chamber) :: , /yáo/
kilo {n} (short form of kilogram) :: 公斤 /gōngjīn/, 千克 /qiānkè/
kilo- {prefix} (prefix) :: 千- /qiān-/
kilobyte {n} (1024 bytes) :: [formal] 千字節, 千字节 /qiānzìjié/, [common abbreviation, pronounced like English] KB
kilocalorie {n} (unit of measure) :: 大卡
kilogram {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 grams) :: 公斤 /gōngjīn/, 千克 /qiān kè/
kilojoule {n} (an SI unit of energy) :: 千焦耳 /qiānjiāo'ěr/
kilometre {n} (unit of measure) :: 公里 /gōnglǐ/, 千米 /qiān-mǐ/
kilo-watt {n} (kilowatt) SEE: kilowatt ::
kilowatt {n} (one thousand watts) :: 千瓦 /qiānwǎ/
kilowatt-hour {n} (unit of energy) :: 千瓦時, 千瓦时 /qiānwǎshí/, 千瓦小時, 千瓦小时 /qiānwǎ xiǎoshí/
kilt {n} (traditional Scottish garment) :: 蘇格蘭, 苏格兰 /Sūgélán duǎnqún/
Kim {prop} (Korean surname) :: /Jīn/
Kimbanguism {prop} :: 金邦谷教 /Jīnbānggǔjiào/
kimbap {n} (a Korean dish) :: 紫菜包飯, 紫菜包饭 /zǐcaìbāofàn/
Kimberly {prop} (female given name) :: 金伯利 /Jīnbólì/
kimchi {n} (Korean dish) :: 泡菜, 泡菜 /Hán shì pàocài/, 辛奇 /xīnqí/, 泡菜 /pàocài/
kimchi {n} (ethnic slur for Koreans) :: 高麗棒子, 高丽棒子 /Gāolí bàngzi/, 韓棒子, 韩棒子 /Hánbàngzi/
kimono {n} (traditional Japanese clothing) :: 和服 /héfú/
kimzeyite {n} (dark brown mineral) :: 鋯榴石, 锆榴石
kin {n} (relatives collectively) :: 親屬, 亲属 /qīnshǔ/, 親族, 亲族 /qīnzú/
kin {n} (relative) SEE: relative ::
kinase {n} (enzyme that transfers phosphate groups) :: 激酶 /jīméi/
kind {n} (type, race, category) :: /lèi/
kind {adj} (affectionate, nice) :: 親切, 亲切 /qīnqiè/, 和藹, 和蔼 /hé'ǎi/, 善良 /shànliáng/
kindergarten {n} (educational institution for young children, usually between ages 4 and 6) :: 幼兒園, 幼儿园 /yòu'éryuán/, [Taiwan] 幼稚園, 幼稚园 /yòuzhìyuán/
kindhearted {adj} (having an innately kind disposition or character) :: 善良 /shànliáng/, 親切, 亲切 /qīnqiè/, 好心腸, 好心肠 /hǎo xīncháng/, 仁慈 /réncí/
kindle {v} (to start (a fire)) :: 點燃, 点燃 /diǎnrán/, 點火, 点火 /diǎnhuǒ/
kindle {v} (to arouse) :: 喚起, 唤起 /huànqǐ/, 激起 /jīqǐ/
kindle {n} (group of kittens) :: , /wō/
kindle {v} (bring forth young) :: 分娩 /fēnmiǎn/
kindness {n} (being kind) :: 恩惠 /ēnhuì/
kind of {adv} (somewhat) :: 相當, 相当 /xiāngdāng/
kindred {n} (kin) SEE: kin ::
kindred {n} (people of same ethnic descent) :: 亲属
kindred soul {n} (kindred spirit) SEE: kindred spirit ::
kindred spirit {n} (someone with the same feelings or attitudes as oneself) :: 心心相印 /xīnxīnxiāngyìn/
kinematics {n} (the branch of mechanics concerned with objects in motion) :: 運動學, 运动学 /yùndòngxué/
kinesia {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
kinesthesia {n} (sensation or perception of motion) :: 肌肉運動知覺, 肌肉运动知觉 /jīròu yùndòng zhījué/, 運動覺, 运动觉 /yùndòngjué/, 動覺, 动觉 /dòngjué/
kinesthetics {n} (proprioception) SEE: proprioception ::
kinetic {adj} (relating to motion) :: 運動的, 运动的 /yùndòng de/, 動的, 动的 /dòng de/
kinetic energy {n} (energy from motion) :: 動能, 动能 /dòngnéng/
kinetics {n} (physics) :: 動力學, 动力学 /dònglìxué/
kinetosis {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
king {n} (a male of a royal family who is the supreme ruler of his nation) :: 國王, 国王 /guówáng/, /wáng/
king {n} (a playing piece in chess) :: /wáng/, 國王 /guówáng/
king {n} (a playing card with the image of a king in it) :: K /kei, kǎi/, 老K /lǎokei, lǎokǎi/, , /kǎi/
king {n} ((draughts, checkers) a piece that reached the farthest row forward) :: /wáng/
King Arthur {prop} (legendary king of Britain) :: 亞瑟王, 亚瑟王 /Yāsè wáng, Yàsè wáng/
king cake {n} (cake eaten on Epiphany) :: 帝王蛋糕 /dìwáng dàngāo/
king cobra {n} (Ophiophagus hannah) :: 眼鏡王蛇, 眼镜王蛇 /yǎnjìng wángshé/
king crab {n} (crustacean) :: 皇帝蟹 /huángdìxiè/
kingdom {n} (realm having as supreme ruler a king and/or queen) :: 王國, 王国 /wángguó/, 君主國, 君主国 /jūnzhǔguó/
kingdom {n} (taxonomic division, below Domain and above Phylum) :: /jiè/
Kingdom Hall {n} (place where Jehovah's Witnesses meet) :: 王國聚會所, 王国聚会所 /Wángguó Jùhuìsuǒ/
Kingdom of Belgium {prop} (official name of Belgium) :: 比利時王國, 比利时王国 /Bǐlìshí wángguó/
Kingdom of Bhutan {prop} (official name of Bhutan) :: 不丹王國, 不丹王国 /Bùdān Wángguó/
Kingdom of Cambodia {prop} (official name of Cambodia) :: 柬埔寨王國, 柬埔寨王国 /Jiǎnpǔzhài Wángguó/
Kingdom of Denmark {prop} (official name of Denmark) :: 丹麥王國, 丹麦王国 /Dānmài wángguó/
Kingdom of England {prop} (Kingdom of England) :: 英格蘭王國, 英格兰王国 /Yīnggélán wángguó/
Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} :: 大不列顛王國, 大不列颠王国 /Dàbùlièdiān Wángguó/
Kingdom of Heaven {prop} (Christian concept) :: 天國, 天国 /tiānguó/
Kingdom of Laos {prop} (country in Southeast Asia (official name)) :: 寮王國, 寮王国 /Liáowángguó/
Kingdom of Morocco {prop} (official name of Morocco) :: 摩洛哥王國, 摩洛哥王国 /Móluògē wángguó/
Kingdom of Norway {prop} (official name of Norway) :: 挪威王國, 挪威王国 /Nuówēi wángguó/
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia {prop} (official name of Saudi Arabia) :: 沙特阿拉伯王國, 沙特阿拉伯王国 /Shātè Ālābó wángguó/
Kingdom of Scotland {prop} (Kingdom of Scotland) :: 蘇格蘭王國, 苏格兰王国 /Sūgélán wángguó/
Kingdom of Spain {prop} (official name of Spain) :: 西班牙王國, 西班牙王国 /Xībānyá wángguó/
Kingdom of Sweden {prop} (official name of Sweden) :: 瑞典王國, 瑞典王国 /Ruìdiǎn wángguó/
Kingdom of Thailand {prop} (official name of Thailand) :: 泰王國, 泰王国 /Tàiwángguó/
Kingdom of the Netherlands {prop} (monarchy consisting of the Netherlands and the Caribbean independent constituent countries) :: 荷蘭王國, 荷兰王国 /Hélán wángguó/
kingfisher {n} (any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines) :: 翠鳥, 翠鸟 /cuìniǎo/, 魚狗, 鱼狗 /yúgǒu/, 翡翠 /fěicuì/, /fěi/
King James Bible {prop} (King James Version) SEE: King James Version ::
King James Version {prop} (1611 translation of the Bible) :: 欽定版聖經, 钦定版圣经 /Qīndìngbǎn Shèngjīng/ [Authorized Version], 英王欽定本, 英王钦定本 /Yīngwáng Qīndìngběn/, 詹姆士王聖經, 詹姆士王圣经 /Zhānmǔshì Wáng Shèngjīng/, 詹姆士王譯本, 詹姆士王译本 /Zhānmǔshì Wáng Yìběn/, 英王詹姆士譯本, 英王詹姆士译本 /Yīngwáng Zhānmǔshì Yìběn/
King Kong {prop} (a fictional giant ape) :: 金剛, 金刚 /Jīngāng/
king of beasts {n} (the lion) :: 國王野獸, 国王野兽 /guówáng yěshòu/
king oyster mushroom {n} (edible mushroom Pleurotus eryngii) :: 杏鮑菇, 杏鲍菇 /xìngbàogū/, 刺芹菇 /cìqíngū/, 刺芹側耳, 刺芹侧耳 /cìqín cè'ěr/
Kings {prop} (book of the Bible) :: 列王紀, 列王纪 /lièwángjì/, 列王記, 列王记 /lièwángjì/
kingslayer {n} (one who kills a king) SEE: regicide ::
king's man {n} (customs officer) SEE: customs officer ::
Kingston {prop} (capital of Jamaica) :: 京斯敦 /Jīngsīdūn/, 金斯敦 /Jīnsīdūn/
Kingstown {prop} (capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) :: 金斯敦 /Jīnsīdūn/
king tide {n} (spring tide) SEE: spring tide ::
-kini {suffix} (a type of swimwear) :: -基尼 /-jīní/
kinkajou {n} (Potos flavus) :: 蜜熊 /mìxióng/
Kinmen {prop} (county of the Republic of China) :: 金門, 金门 /Jīnmén/
Kinshasa {prop} (the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo) :: 金沙薩, 金沙萨 /Jīnshāsà/
kinship {n} (relation or connection by blood, marriage or adoption) :: 親屬關係, 亲属关系 /qīnshǔ guānxì/
kiosk {n} (enclosed structure where cigarettes, magazines, etc are sold) :: 商亭 /shāngtíng/, /tíng/, 亭子 /tíngzi/, 便亭, 便亭 /biàntíng/, 售貨亭, 售货亭 /shòuhuòtíng/, 攤亭, 摊亭 /tāntíng/, 小賣店, 小卖店 /xiǎomàidiàn/
kiosk {n} (Turkish garden pavillion) :: 涼亭, 凉亭 /liángtíng/
kip {n} (unit of currency in Laos) :: 基普 /jīpǔ/, 老撾基普, 老挝基普 /Lǎowō jīpǔ/
kipfel {n} (croissant) SEE: croissant ::
kippah {n} (skullcap) :: 卡巴 /kǎbā/
kipper {n} (a prepared herring) :: 醃魚, 醃鱼 /yānyú/, 鹹魚, 咸鱼 /xiányú/
kirby grip {n} (a hairgrip) SEE: hairgrip ::
Kiribati {prop} (Republic of Kiribati) :: 基里巴斯 /Jīlǐbāsī/
kirigami {n} (origami with cutting permitted) :: 剪紙, 剪纸 /jiǎnzhǐ/ [also Chinese tradition]
Kirill {prop} (Cyril) SEE: Cyril ::
Kirill {prop} (Kirill, Russian male given name) :: 基里爾, 基里尔
kirin {n} (qilin) SEE: qilin ::
Kirov {prop} (Russian surname) :: 基洛夫 /Jīluòfū/
Kirov {prop} (city in Russia) :: 基洛夫 /Jīluòfū/
kisaeng {n} (a Korean entertainer) :: 妓生 /jìshēng/
kisel {n} (dessert) :: 果子凍, 果子冻 /guǒzidòng/, 基塞爾, 基塞尔 /jīsài'ěr/
kismet {n} (fate; a predetermined or unavoidable destiny) :: 命運, 命运 /mìngyùn/
kiss {v} (to touch with the lips) :: /wěn/, , /qīn/, 親吻, 亲吻 /qīnwěn/, 接吻 /jiēwěn/, 親嘴, 亲嘴 /qīnzuǐ/ [colloquial]
kiss {v} (to touch each other’s lips) :: /wěn/, , /qīn/, 親吻, 亲吻 /qīnwěn/, 接吻 /jiēwěn/, [colloquial] 親嘴, 亲嘴 /qīnzuǐ/
kiss {n} (touch with the lips) :: /wěn/, , /qīn/, 親吻, 亲吻 /qīnwěn/, 接吻 /jiēwěn/, 親嘴, 亲嘴 /qīnzuǐ/
kissable {adj} (capable of being kissed) :: 誘人親吻, 诱人亲吻 /yòu rén qīnwěn/
kissable {adj} (attractive, so as to invite kissing) :: 誘人親吻, 诱人亲吻 /yòu rén qīnwěn/
kiss me {phrase} (kiss me) :: 吻我 /wěn wǒ/ [informal], 親我, 亲我 /qīn wǒ/
kiss someone's ass {v} (to flatter someone) SEE: brownnose ::
Kiswahili {prop} (Swahili) SEE: Swahili ::
kit {n} (clothing) SEE: clothing ::
kit {n} :: /tào/ [set], 工具包 /gōngjùbāo/ [set of tools], 整套 /zhěngtào/ [entire set], 設備, 设备 /shèbèi/ [equipment]
kit {n} (drum kit) SEE: drum kit ::
kitchen {n} (room) :: 厨房 /chúfáng/
kitchenette {n} (small kitchen) :: 小厨房 /xiǎochúfáng/
kitchen garden {n} (a garden used for growing fruits, vegetables for use in the kitchen) SEE: vegetable garden ::
kitchenhand {n} (person who is employed to assist a cook in a kitchen) :: 廚房幫工, 厨房帮工 /chúfáng bānggōng/
kitchen hood {n} (kitchen device) SEE: extractor hood ::
kitchen knife {n} (knife for preparing food) :: 菜刀 /càidāo/
kitchen roll {n} (paper towel) SEE: paper towel ::
kitchen towel {n} (sheet of kitchen paper) SEE: paper towel ::
kite {n} (bird of prey of the family Accipitridae) :: , /yuān/
kite {n} (lightweight toy) :: 風箏, 风筝 /fēngzhēng/, 風槎, 风槎 /fēngchá/, 風鳶, 风鸢 /fēngyuān/, 鷂子, 鹞子 /yàozi/, 紙鳶, 纸鸢 /zhǐyuān/
kite {n} (quadrilateral) :: 箏形, 筝形 /zhēng xíng/, 鳶形, 鸢形 /yuānxíng/
kite {v} (to fly a toy kite) :: 放風箏, 放风筝 /fàng fēngzhēng/, 放紙鳶, 放纸鸢 /fàng zhǐyuān/
kite {v} (to move rapidly) SEE: rush ::
kith and kin {n} (both friends and family) :: 親友, 亲友 /qīnyǒu/, 親朋好友, 亲朋好友 /qīnpénghǎoyǒu/
kitsch {n} (kitsch) :: 媚俗 /mèisú/
kitschy {adj} (having the nature of kitsch) :: 俗氣, 俗气 /súqì/, 粗俗 /cūsú/
kitten {n} (a young cat) :: 小貓, 小猫 /xiǎomāo/
kitty {n} (kitten, small cat) :: 貓咪, 猫咪 /māomī/
kitty-cat {n} (cat) :: 貓咪 /māomī/
kitty litter {n} (mixture to provide a soiling area for cats) :: 猫沙 /māo shā/
kiwi {n} (bird) :: 無翼鳥, 无翼鸟 /wúyìniǎo/, 鷸鴕, 鹬鸵 /yùtuó/, 幾維鳥, 几维鸟 /jīwéiniǎo/, 奇異鳥, 奇异鸟 /qíyìniǎo/, 奇威鳥, 奇威鸟 /qíwēiniǎo/
kiwi {n} (kiwi fruit) SEE: kiwi fruit ::
kiwi fruit {n} (fruit) :: 獼猴桃, 猕猴桃 /míhóutáo/, 奇異果, 奇异果 /qíyìguǒ/, 楊桃, 杨桃 /yángtáo/, 羊桃 /yángtáo/, 陽桃, 阳桃 /yángtáo/
Kizilsu {prop} (prefecture) :: 克孜勒蘇, 克孜勒苏 /Kèzīlèsū/
klaxon {n} (loud electric horn or alarm) :: 喇叭 /lǎba/
kleptarchy {n} (kleptocracy) SEE: kleptocracy ::
kleptocracy {n} (corrupt and dishonest government) :: 竊盜統治, 窃盗统治 /qièdàotǒngzhì/
kleptomania {n} (disorder that causes an uncontrollable obsessions with stealing) :: 盜竊狂症, 盗窃狂症 /dàoqièkuángzhèng/, 盜竊癖, 盗窃癖 /dàoqièpǐ/
klesha {n} (mental state) :: 煩惱, 烦恼 /fánnǎo/
Klingon {n} (member of an alien warrior race in the Star Trek universe) :: 克林貢, 克林贡 /Kèlíngòng/
Klingon {prop} (the language) :: 克林貢語, 克林贡语 /Kèlíngòngyǔ/
klipspringer {n} (Oreotragus oreotragus) :: 山羚 /shānlíng/
Klondike {prop} (a region and river in Canada) :: 克朗代克 /Kèlǎngdàikè/
Kümüx {prop} (town; residential community) :: 庫米什, 库米什 /Kùmǐshí/
KN95 {n} (standard) :: KN95
knave {n} (deceitful fellow) :: 惡棍, 恶棍 /ègùn/
knead {v} (to work and press into a mass) :: /niē/, /róu/, 搓揉 /cuōróu/
knee {n} (joint in the middle of the leg and area around it) :: /xī/, 膝蓋, 膝盖 /xīgài/
kneecap {n} (bone) :: 膝蓋骨, 膝盖骨 /xīgàigǔ/
knee high {n} (knee sock) SEE: knee sock ::
kneel {v} (to stoop down and rest on the knee) :: 下跪 /xiàguì/
kneepan {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap ::
knee pit {n} (shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint) SEE: poplit ::
knee sock {n} (a sock that reaches almost up to the knee) :: 膝上襪 /xīshàngwà/
Knesset {prop} (the Israeli parliament) :: 以色列國會, 以色列国会 /Yǐsèliè guóhuì/
knickerbockers {n} (knickerbockers) :: 燈籠褲, 灯笼裤 /dēnglongkù/
knickers {n} (panties) SEE: panties ::
knife {n} (utensil or tool designed for cutting) :: /dāo/, 刀子 /dāozi/
knife {n} (weapon) :: /dāo/
knife {n} :: /dāo/, 刀子 /dāozi/
knife pleat {n} (a type of sharply pressed pleating) :: 刀褶 /dāozhě/
knight {n} (warrior, especially of the Middle Ages) :: 騎士, 骑士 /qíshì/, 大俠, 大侠 /dàxiá/, 爵士 /juéshì/
knight {n} (person on whom a knighthood has been conferred) :: 騎士, 骑士 /qíshì/
knight {n} (chess piece) :: , /mǎ/, 騎士, 骑士 /qíshì/
knight-errant {n} (knight) :: 俠客, 侠客 /xiákè/, 劍俠, 剑侠 /jiànxiá/, 俠士, 侠士 /xiáshì/, 豪俠, 豪侠 /háoxiá/, 武俠, 武侠 /wǔxiá/, 游俠, 游侠 /yóuxiá/
Königsberg {prop} (the former capital of East Prussia, see also: Kaliningrad) :: 柯尼斯堡 /Kēnísībǎo/, 哥尼斯堡 /Gēnísībǎo/
Königsberger Klopse {n} (East Prussian dish of meatballs) :: 哥尼斯堡肉丸 /Gēnísībǎo ròuwán/
knit {v} (to make fabric from thread or yarn) :: 編織, 编织 /biānzhī/, , /zhī/
knit cap {n} (soft cap) SEE: beanie ::
knit one's brows {v} (to scowl, indicating anger, worry, or puzzlement) :: 皺眉, 皱眉 /zhòuméi/, 皺眉頭, 皱眉头 /zhòuméitóu/
knitting {n} (activity and process of knitting) :: 針織, 针织 /zhēnzhī/
knitting {n} (knitted fabric) :: 針織, 针织 /zhēnzhī/
knitting needle {n} (thin rod used to knit yarn) :: 棒針, 棒针 /bàngzhēn/
knitwear {n} (knitted garments) :: 針織品, 针织品 /zhēnzhīpǐn/
knock {v} (to rap one's knuckles against something) :: /qiāo/
knock back {v} (reject) SEE: reject ::
knock down {v} (reduce the price of) :: 砍价
knock down {v} (demolish) SEE: demolish ::
knocker {n} (device for knocking on a door) SEE: doorknocker ::
knock knock {interj} (phrase used in lieu of knocking on a door) SEE: knock-knock ::
knock-knock {interj} (verbal knocking sound) :: 磕磕 /kēke, kàikài/
knockoff {n} (imitation of something) :: 山寨 /shānzhài/, 冒牌貨, 冒牌货 /màopáihuò/, 仿製品, 仿制品 /fǎngzhìpǐn/
knock oneself out {v} (go nuts) SEE: go nuts ::
knock together {v} (assemble quickly) :: 拼湊, 拼凑 /pīncòu/
knoll {n} (small mound) :: 小山丘 /xiǎo shānqiū/, 小山丘 /xiǎo qiū/
Knossos {prop} (an archaeological site) :: 克諾索斯, 克诺索斯 /Kènuòsuǒsī/
knot {n} (looping) :: , /jiē/
knot {n} :: , /jiē/
knotweed {n} (Polygonum) :: /liǎo/
know {v} (be certain or sure about (something)) :: 知道 /zhīdao/, 曉得, 晓得 /xiǎode/
know {v} (be acquainted or familiar with) :: 認識, 认识 /rènshi/
know {v} (have knowledge of) :: /dǒng/, 明白 /míngbai/
know {v} :: 知道 [to know something], 認識, 认识 [to know a person]
know-all {n} (someone who obnoxiously claims to be knowledgeable on a subject) SEE: know-it-all ::
know beans about {v} (to know nothing, or almost nothing, about) :: 懂个屁
know-how {n} (the knowledge and skill to be able to do something correctly) :: 技巧 /jìqiǎo/, 技能 /jìnéng/, 知識, 知识 /zhīshi/
know-it-all {n} (someone who obnoxiously claims to be knowledgeable on a subject) :: 萬事通, 万事通 /wànshìtōng/
knowledge {n} (fact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information) :: 知識, 知识 /zhīshi/, 見識, 见识 /jiànshí, jiànshì/
knowledge {n} (awareness, state of having been informed) :: 知識, 知识 /zhīshi/, 學識, 学识 /xuéshí/
knowledge is power {proverb} (knowledge is power) :: 知識就是力量, 知识就是力量 /zhīshi jiùshì lìliàng/
knowledge worker {n} (someone who works with information or data) :: 知識工人, 知识工人 /zhīshi gōngrén/
know like the back of one's hand {v} (be intimately knowledgable about) :: 瞭如指掌, 了如指掌 /liǎorúzhǐzhǎng/
know someone {v} (have connections) :: 有關係, 有关系 /yǒuguānxi/
know thyself {proverb} (be aware of both your strengths and limitations) :: 自知 /zìzhī/
knuckle {n} (joint of the finger) :: 指關節, 指关节 /zhǐguānjié/
knuckle duster {n} (weapon worn around the knuckles) SEE: brass knuckles ::
knucks {n} (brass knuckles) SEE: brass knuckles ::
ko {n} :: /jié/
koala {n} (a tree-dwelling marsupial that resembles a small bear) :: 樹袋熊, 树袋熊 /shùdàixióng/, 無尾熊, 无尾熊 /wúwěixióng/, 考拉 /kǎolā/
koan {n} (zen story) :: 公案 /gōng'àn/
Kobarid {prop} (town in Slovenia) :: 科巴里德 /Kēbālǐdé/
Kobe {prop} (a city in Honshū, Japan) :: 神戶, 神户 /Shénhù/
Kochi {prop} (Kōchi, Japan) :: 高知 /Gāozhī/
Kodiak {prop} (town in Alaska) :: 科迪亚克 /Kēdíyàkè/
Kodiak bear {n} (large species of brown bear) :: 科迪亞克熊, 科迪亚克熊 /Kēdíyàkè xióng/, 科迪亞克棕熊, 科迪亚克棕熊 /Kēdíyàkè zōngxióng/
kodkod {n} (Leopardus guigna) :: 南美林貓, 南美林猫 /Nánměi línmāo/
Kofu {prop} (a city of Japan) :: 甲府 /Jiǎfǔ/
Kohima {prop} (capital of Nagaland, India) :: 科希馬, 科希马 /Kēxīmǎ/
kohlrabi {n} (cabbage variety) :: 苤藍, 苤蓝 /piělán/, 撇藍, 撇蓝 /piēlán/, 擘藍, 擘蓝 /bāilán/, 大頭菜, 大头菜 /dàtóucài/
koi {n} (variety of carp) :: 錦鯉, 锦鲤 /jǐnlǐ/
Kokang {prop} (region of Myanmar) :: 果敢 /Guǒgǎn/
Kokterak {prop} (township in Pishan, Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 科克鐵熱克, 科克铁热克 /Kēkètiěrèkè/
Kokterek {prop} (Kokterak) SEE: Kokterak ::
kokuji {n} (kanji characters invented in Japan) :: [no exact term exists] 日本漢字, 日本汉字 /Rìběn hànzì/, 日文漢字, 日文汉字 /Rìwén hànzì/
Kokyar {prop} (township in Hotan Prefecture) :: 科克亞, 科克亚 /Kēkèyà/
Kokyar {prop} (township in Kashgar Prefecture) :: 柯克亞, 柯克亚 /Kēkèyà/
kolach {n} (kalach) SEE: kalach ::
Kola Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Russia) :: 科拉半島, 科拉半岛 /Kēlā bàndǎo/
Kolkata {prop} (city) :: 加爾各答, 加尔各答 /Jiā'ěrgèdá/
kolkhoz {n} (farming collective) :: 集體農莊, 集体农庄 /jítǐ nóngzhuāng/
Kolyma {prop} (area) :: 科雷馬, 科雷马 /Kēléimǎ/
Kolyma {prop} (river) :: 科雷馬河, 科雷马河 /Kēléimǎ hé/
komatsuna {n} (leaf vegetable) :: 小松菜
kombucha {n} (fermentation of sweetened tea) :: 紅茶菌, 红茶菌 /hóngchájūn/ (tea fungus)
Komi {prop} (republic) :: 科米 /Kēmǐ/
Komodo {prop} (island in Indonesia) :: 科莫多岛
Komodo dragon {n} (large monitor lizard) :: 科莫多巨蜥 /Kēmòduō jùxī /
Komotini {prop} (city) :: 科莫蒂尼
Komsomol {prop} (Young Communist League in the USSR) :: 共青團, 共青团 /gòngqīngtuán/ [also in China]
Komsomolsk {prop} (Komsomolsk-na-Amure, Russia) :: 阿穆爾河畔共青城, 阿穆尔河畔共青城 /Āmù'ěr-hé-pàn-Gòngqīng-chéng/
Komsomolsk {prop} (Komsomolsk, towns and rural localities in Russia and Ukraine) :: 共青城 /Gòngqīng-chéng/
kongsi {n} (benevolent organization) :: 公司 /gōngsī/, 會館, 会馆 /huìguǎn/
konjac {n} (Amorphophallus konjac) :: 魔芋 /móyù/, 蒟蒻 /jǔruò/, 蒻頭, 蒻头 /ruòtóu/
Konkani {prop} (language) :: 孔卡尼語, 孔卡尼语 /Kǒngkǎní-yǔ/
Konya {prop} (city) :: 科尼亞, 科尼亚 /Kēníyà/
kookaburra {n} (kingfishers) :: 笑翠鳥, 笑翠鸟 /xiàocuìniǎo/, 柯卡布拉 /kēkǎbùlā/
kooky {adj} (surfing: behaving like a kook) :: 古怪的
kopek {n} (one-hundredth of a ruble) :: 戈比 /gēbǐ/
kopi luwak {n} (coffee made from eaten berries) :: 貓屎咖啡, 猫屎咖啡 /māoshǐ kāfēi/, 麝香貓咖啡, 麝香猫咖啡 /shèxiāngmāo kāfēi/
Koramlik {prop} (township in Qiemo, Bayingolin, Xinjiang, China) :: 庫拉木勒克, 库拉木勒克 /Kùlā Mùlèkè/
Koran {prop} (the Islamic holy book) SEE: Qur'an ::
Korea {prop} (South Korea) SEE: South Korea ::
Korea {prop} (North Korea) SEE: North Korea ::
Korea {prop} (ancient country or both Koreas as a whole) :: 高麗, 高丽 /Gāolí/, 朝鮮, 朝鲜 /Cháoxiǎn, Cháoxiān, Zhāoxiān/, 韓國, 韩国 /Hánguó/
Korean {adj} (relating to the Korean Peninsula) :: 朝鮮, 朝鲜 /Cháoxiǎn de/, 韓國, 韩国 /Hánguó de/
Korean {n} (language) :: 韓語, 韩语 /hányǔ/, 韓文, 韩文 /hánwén/, 朝鮮語, 朝鲜语 /cháoxiǎnyǔ/
Korean {n} (person) :: 韓國人, 韩国人 /hánguórén/, 朝鮮人, 朝鲜人 /cháoxiānrén/
Korean melon {n} (fruit) :: 韩国香瓜, 韓國香瓜 /hánguó xiāngguā/
Koreanology {n} (the study of Korea) :: 韓國學, 韩国学 /hánguóxué/
Korean Peninsula {prop} (peninsula) :: 朝鮮半島, 朝鲜半岛 /Cháoxiǎn Bàndǎo/, 韓半島, 韩半岛 /Hánbàndǎo/
Korean War {prop} (war lasting from 1950 to 1953) :: 朝鮮戰爭, 朝鲜战争 /Cháoxiǎn zhànzhēng/
Korean Wave {prop} (popularity of South Korean culture elsewhere) :: 韓流, 韩流 /hánliú/
Korea Strait {prop} (a strait between Korea and Japan) :: 朝鮮海峽, 朝鲜海峡 /Cháoxiǎn hǎixiá/, [Korean] 大韓海峽, 大韩海峡 /Dàhán hǎixiá/, [Japanese] 對馬海峽, 对马海峡 /Duìmǎ hǎixiá/, 釜山海峽, 釜山海峡 /Fǔshān hǎixiá/
Korla {prop} (city in Xinjiang) :: 庫爾勒, 库尔勒 /Kù'ěrlè/
korokke {n} :: 可樂餅, 可乐饼 /kělèbǐng/
K'o-shih {prop} (Kashgar) SEE: Kashgar ::
Kosovo {prop} (disputed region in the Balkans) :: 科索沃 /Kēsuǒwò/
Kosovo and Metohia {prop} (province) :: 科索沃和梅托希亞, 科索沃和梅托希亚 /Kēsuǒwò hé Méituōxīyà/
Kostroma {prop} (city in Russia) :: 科斯特羅馬, 科斯特罗马 /Kēsītèluómǎ/
Kota Bharu {prop} (capital of Kelantan) :: 哥打巴魯, 哥打巴鲁 /Gēdǎbālǔ/
Kota Kinabalu {prop} (capital of Sabah) :: 亞庇, 亚庇 /Yàbì/
kotatsu {n} (a knee-high table with an electric foot-warmer) :: 暖桌 /nuǎnzhuō/, 被爐, 被炉 /bèilú/
koto {n} (a Japanese stringed instrument) :: 日本箏, 日本筝 /rìběnzhēng/
koumiss {n} (fermented drink) :: 馬奶酒, 马奶酒 /mǎnǎijiǔ/
Kowloon {prop} (area of Hong Kong) :: 九龍, 九龙 /Jiǔlǒng/
kowtow {v} (kneel such that forehead touches ground) :: 叩頭, 叩头 /kòutóu/, 磕頭, 磕头 /kētóu/
kowtow {n} (kowtowing) :: 叩頭, 叩头 /kòutóu/, 磕頭, 磕头 /kētóu/
Koxinga {prop} (Chinese-Japanese Ming loyalist) :: 國姓爺, 国姓爷 /Guóxìngyé/
Koxtag {prop} (town in Pishan, Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 闊什塔格, 阔什塔格 /Kuòshítǎgé/
kozachok {n} (Ukrainian and Russian couple-dance) :: 哥薩克, 哥萨克 /gēsàkè wǔ/
kozogami {n} (Japanese tissue) SEE: Japanese tissue ::
K-pop {n} (Korean pop music) :: 韓國流行音樂, 韩国流行音乐 /Hánguó liúxíng yīnyuè/
Kraken {prop} (Sea monster) :: 挪威海怪 /Nuówēi hǎiguài/
Krasnodar {prop} (a city in Russia) :: 克拉斯諾達爾, 克拉斯诺达尔 /Kèlāsīnuòdá'ěr/
Krasnoyarsk {prop} (city) :: 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克, 克拉斯诺亚尔斯克 /Kèlāsīnuòyà'ěrsīkè/
krater {n} (Greek vessel) :: 雙耳噴口杯, 双耳喷口杯 /shuāng'ěrpēnkǒubēi/
Kratos {prop} (Greek god of strength) :: 奎托斯
Kraut {n} (German) SEE: German ::
Krebs cycle {n} (series of enzymatic reactions, see also: citric acid cycle; tricarboxylic acid cycle) :: 克雷伯氏循環, 克雷伯氏循环 /Kèléibóshì xúnhuán/
Kremlin {prop} (the Moscow Kremlin) :: 克里姆林 /Kèlǐmǔlín/
krill {n} (small marine crustacean) :: 磷蝦, 磷虾 /línxiā/
Krishna {prop} (avatar) :: 黑天 /Hēitiān/
Krishna {prop} (name) :: 克里希納, 克里希纳 /Kèlǐxīnà/
Kris Kringle {prop} (synonym of Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus ::
Kırklareli {prop} (city of Turkey) :: 克尔克拉雷利
Kronstadt {prop} (a city in Russia) :: 喀琅施塔得 /Kālángshītǎdé/
kroon {n} (currency of Estonia) :: 愛沙尼亞克朗, 爱沙尼亚克朗 /Àishāníyà kèlǎng/
Krung Thep {prop} (Bangkok) SEE: Bangkok ::
krupuk {n} (prawn cracker) SEE: prawn cracker ::
Krym {prop} (Crimea) SEE: Crimea ::
krypton {n} (a chemical element) :: /kè/
kryptonite {n} (weakness) :: 克星
kshatriya {n} (a member of warrior caste) :: 剎帝利, 刹帝利 /chàdìlì/
KTV {n} (karaoke television) :: KTV
kuai {n} (a Chinese dish consisting of finely cut strips of raw fish or meat) :: 生魚片, 生鱼片 /shēngyúpiàn/, 魚生, 鱼生 /yúshēng/, 魚膾, 鱼脍 /yúkuài/, , /kuài/, , /kuài/
Kuala Lumpur {prop} (capital of Malaysia) :: 吉隆坡 /Jílóngpō/
Kuang-chou {prop} (Guangzhou) SEE: Guangzhou ::
Kuang-shui {prop} (Guangshui) SEE: Guangshui ::
Kuang-tung {prop} (Guangdong) SEE: Guangdong ::
Kuban {prop} (the Kuban river) :: 庫班河, 库班河 /Kùbān hé/, 庫班, 库班 /Kùbān/
Kuban {prop} (historic region) :: 庫班, 库班 /Kùbān/
Kucha {prop} (ancient Buddhist kingdom of Central Asia) :: 库车 /Kùchē/, 龟兹 /Qiūcí/
Ku-ch'eng {prop} (Gucheng) SEE: Gucheng ::
kudos {n} (praise, accolades) :: 榮譽, 荣誉 /róngyù/, 聲望, 声望 /shēngwàng/, 名譽, 名誉 /míngyù/
kudzu {n} (an Asian vine) :: /gé/
Kuei-lin {prop} (Guilin) SEE: Guilin ::
Kuei-yang {prop} (Guiyang) SEE: Guiyang ::
Kufic {adj} (Relating to original Arabic script) :: 庫法體, 库法体 /Kùfǎtǐ/, 棱角體, 棱角体 /léngjiǎotǐ/
Kufic {prop} (Original Arabic script) :: 庫法體, 库法体 /Kùfǎtǐ/, 棱角體, 棱角体 /léngjiǎotǐ/
Kuiper belt {prop} (region of space in the Solar System) :: 柯伊伯帶, 柯伊伯带 /Kēyībó dài/, 柯伊柏帶, 柯伊柏带 /Kēyībǎi dài/
Kuitun {prop} (Kuytun) SEE: Kuytun ::
kukicha {n} (Japanese tea) :: 莖茶, 茎茶 /jīngchá/
Ku Klux Klan {prop} (Ku Klux Klan) :: 三K黨, 三K党 /sān-kèi-dǎng/
kulak {n} (prosperous peasant) :: 富農, 富农 /fùnóng/
Kumamoto {prop} (a city in Japan) :: 熊本 /Xióngběn/
Kumamoto {prop} (a prefecture in Japan) :: 熊本 /Xióngběn/
kumari {n} (living goddess) :: 庫瑪麗, 库玛丽 /kùmǎlì/
kumbhanda {n} (spirit) :: 鳩槃荼, 鳩盤拏
kumquat {n} (small orange fruit) :: 金桔 /jīnjú/, 金橘 /jīnjú/
Kumārajīva {prop} (Buddhist monk) :: 鳩摩羅什, 鸠摩罗什 /Jiūmóluóshí/
-kun {suffix} (nominal affix indicating familiarity) :: /-jūn/, /-jùn/
kuna {n} (currency of Croatia) :: 庫納, 库纳 /kùnà/
Kunduz {prop} (a city in Afghanistan) :: 昆都士 /Kūndūshì/
kung fu {n} (martial art) :: 功夫 /gōngfu/
K'un-ming {prop} (Kunming) SEE: Kunming ::
Kunming {prop} (a prefecture-level city in southwestern China) :: 昆明 /Kūnmíng/
Kuomintang {prop} (a nationalist political party in pre-Communist China and Taiwan) :: 國民黨, 国民党 /Guómíndǎng/
Kuopio {prop} (city) :: 庫奧皮奧, 库奥皮奥 /Kù'àopí'ào/
Kuqa {prop} (county) :: 庫車, 库车 /Kùchē/
kurchatovium {n} (a rejected name for rutherfordium) ::
Kurdish {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Kurdistan, the Kurdish people or the Kurdish language) :: 庫爾德, 库尔德 /Kù'ěrdé de/ [of Kurdistan or the Kurdish people], 庫爾德語, 库尔德语 /Kù'ěrdéyǔ de/ [of the Kurdish language]
Kurdish {n} (language of Kurdistan) :: 庫爾德語, 库尔德语 /Kù'ěrdé yǔ/
Kurdistan {prop} (a region in the Middle East inhabited mostly by the Kurds) :: 庫爾德斯坦, 库尔德斯坦 /Kù'ěrdésītǎn/
Kurgan {prop} (city) :: 庫爾干, 库尔干 /Kù'ěrgān/
Kuril Islands {prop} (group of islands) :: 千島群島, 千岛群岛 /Qiāndǎo qúndǎo/, 庫里爾列島, 库里尔列岛 /Kùlǐ'ěr lièdǎo/
Kurosawa {prop} (surname) :: 黑澤, 黑泽 /Hēizé/
Kursk {prop} (city in Russia) :: 庫爾斯克, 库尔斯克 /Kù'ěrsīkè/
kurtosis {n} (measure of "tail heaviness") :: 峰度 /fēngdù/
kuru {n} (central nervous system disease) :: 庫魯病, 库鲁病 /kùlǔbìng/
Kuwait {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: 科威特 /Kēwēitè/
Kuwait City {prop} (capital of Kuwait) :: 科威特城 /Kēwēitèchéng/
Kuytun {prop} (city in Xinjiang, China) :: 奎屯 /Kuítún/
kvass {n} (traditional Slavic drink) :: 克瓦斯 /kèwǎsī/, 格瓦斯 /géwǎsī/
kwashiorkor {n} (form of malnutrition) :: 誇休可爾症, 夸休可尔症 /kuāxiūkě'ěrzhèng/, 蛋白質缺乏症, 蛋白质缺乏症 /dànbáizhì quēfázhèng/
Kyaingtong {prop} (Town in Shan State, Burma) :: 孟艮府, 孟艮
kyat {n} (unit of currency) :: 緬元, 缅元 /Miǎn yuán/
kyūjitai {n} (traditional form of Japanese kanji) :: 舊字體, 旧字体 /jiùzìtǐ/, 日本舊字體, 日本旧字体 /Rìběn jiùzìtǐ/
Kyoto {prop} (Kyōto, Japan) :: 京都 /Jīngdū/
Kyrgyz {n} (member of a Turkic people) :: 吉爾吉斯人, 吉尔吉斯人 /Jí'ěrjísī rén/
Kyrgyz {prop} (language) :: 吉爾吉斯語, 吉尔吉斯语 /Jí'ěrjísī yǔ/
Kyrgyz {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Kyrgyzstan, the Kyrgyz people or the Kyrgyz language) :: 吉爾吉斯, 吉尔吉斯 /Jí'ěrjísī/
Kyrgyzstan {prop} (country in Central Asia) :: 吉爾吉斯斯坦, 吉尔吉斯斯坦 /Jí'ěrjísīsītǎn/
Kyrgyzstani {n} (person of Kyrgyz origin) SEE: Kyrgyz ::
Kyrgyzstani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Kyrgyz language) SEE: Kyrgyz ::
Kyōto {prop} (Kyoto) SEE: Kyoto ::
Kyushu {prop} (the third largest of Japan's islands) :: 九州 /Jiǔzhōu/
Kyzyl {prop} (city in Russia) :: 克孜勒 /Kèzīlè/