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User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-o

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-o- {interfix} :: -o-
o- {prefix} :: around, all around
o- {prefix} :: A complete action, a perfective verb
o- {prefix} :: Something else
o {prep} [+ locative] :: about
o {prep} [+ accusative] :: for
ó {letter} :: The 24th letter of the Czech alphabet, after o and before p
ó {interj} :: oh
oáza {f} :: oasis
ob- {prefix} :: A prefix with various functions, e.g. expressing:
-oba {suffix} :: Appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning “the state of (the adjective)”, similar to English -ness; usually applied only on negatively assessed adjectives
oba {pron} :: both
obal {m} :: cover
obálka {f} :: envelope (wrapper for mailing)
obava {f} :: apprehension, misgiving
obávaný {adj} :: dreaded, feared, formidable
obávat {v} :: to be afraid of, to fear, to worry
obcovat {v impf} :: to have sex
obcovat {v impf} [dated] :: to communicate, have intercourse [with each other]
občan {m anim} :: citizen
občánek {m} :: diminutive of občan
občanka {f} :: female citizen
občanka {f} [colloquial] :: alternative form of občanský průkaz
občanská společnost {f} :: civil society
občanská válka {f} :: civil war
občanské právo {n} :: civil law
občanskoprávní {adj} [relational] :: civil law
občanský {adj} :: civic, civil
občanský průkaz {m} :: identity card, ID card
občanský zákoník {m} :: civil code
občanství {n} :: citizenship
občanstvo {n} :: citizenry
občas {adv} :: sometimes, occasionally, from time to time
občasný {adj} :: occasional
občerstvit {v pf} :: to refresh (To renew or revitalize)
obdélníček {m} :: diminutive of obdélník
obdélník {m} :: rectangle
obdélníkový {adj} :: rectangular
obdiv {m} :: admiration
obdivovat {v impf} :: to admire
obdivovatel {m} :: admirer
obdivuhodný {adj} :: admirable
obdivuhodný {adj} :: tremendous
obdoba {f} :: analogy
obdoba {f} :: analog, equivalent
období {n} :: period (length of time)
období {n} :: period (epoch)
období dešťů {n} :: rainy season
obdobně {adj} :: analogously
obdobný {adj} :: analogous
obdržet {v pf} :: to receive
obe- {prefix} :: A prefix, sometimes used instead of ob- in front of a consonant
obec {f} :: municipality
obecenstvo {n} :: audience (of a performance)
obecně {adv} :: generally
obecné jméno {n} [grammar] :: common noun, common name
obecní {adj} :: municipal (related to a municipality)
obecní {adj} :: municipal, communal (belonging to a municipality)
obecnost {f} :: generality (quality of being general)
obecný {adj} :: general
obecný {adj} [uncomparable, in biological classification] :: common
oběd {m inan} :: lunch, meal eaten in the middle of the day (whether it is the main meal or not)
obědvat {v impf} :: To have some lunch
oběh {m inan} :: circulation
obehnat {v pf} :: to surround
oběhová soustava {f} :: circulatory system
oběhový {adj} :: circulatory
obejít {v pf} :: to bypass
obejít {v pf} :: to do without, to dispense
obejmout {v pf} :: to hug, to embrace (to put arms around)
obelhávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of obelhat
obelstít {v} :: to trick
obeplout {v pf} :: to circumnavigate
oběsit {vt pf} :: to hang (to execute)
oběsit {v pf} :: to hang (oneself)
oběšení {n} :: hanging (death)
oběť {f} :: sacrifice
oběť {f} :: victim
oběť {f} :: casualty (of war or accident)
obětovat {v both} :: to sacrifice
obezita {f} :: obesity
obézní {adj} :: obese, fat, overweight
obezřetnost {f} :: circumspection
obezřetný {adj} :: circumspect
oběžná dráha {f} :: orbit (elliptical path around an object)
oběžnice {f} [astronomy] :: planet
oběžný výtah {m} :: paternoster (lift)
obhájce {m anim} :: advocate (who argues the case of another)
obhájit {v pf} :: to defend (to support by words or writing; to vindicate, talk in favour of)
obhájkyně {f} :: female defender
obhájkyně {f} :: female advocate
obhajoba {f} :: defense (argument in support or justification of something)
obhajovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of obhájit
obchod {m inan} :: trade (commercial exchange of goods and services)
obchod {m inan} :: deal (instance of buying or selling)
obchod {m inan} :: shop
obchoďák {m} [colloquial] :: department store (store containing many departments)
obchodní {adj} :: commercial
obchodní bilance {f} [economics] :: balance of trade
obchodní centrum {n} :: shopping center
obchodní cestující {m} :: travelling salesman
obchodníček {m} :: diminutive of obchodník
obchodní dům {m} :: department store (store containing many departments)
obchodník {m anim} :: trader, merchant
obchodovat {v impf} :: to trade (to engage in the trade of)
obchodovatelnost {f} :: merchantability
obchodovatelný {adj} :: merchantable
obchůdek {m} :: diminutive of obchod
obchůzka {f} :: round (doctor's, policeman's etc)
obchvat {m} :: bypass (road)
obídek {m} :: diminutive of oběd
obíhat {v impf} :: to circulate (to move in circles or through a circuit)
obilí {n} :: grain, cereals (grass-like crops from which grain is harvested)
obilnina {f} :: cereal (type of grass)
obilovina {f} :: grain, cereals (grass-like crops from which grain is harvested)
objasnit {v pf} :: to get across (to make an idea evident; to successfully explain a thought or feeling), to clarify (to make clear; to free from obscurities; to brighten or illuminate)
objasnit {v pf} :: to explain
objednat {v pf} :: to order (to request some product or service)
objednávka {f} :: order (request for some product or service)
objekt {m} :: object
objektiv {m} :: camera lens
objektiv {m} :: oblique case
objektivismus {m} :: objectivism
objektivita {f} :: objectivity
objektivní {adj} :: objective
objektivnost {f} :: objectivity
objektově orientované programování {n} [programming] :: object-oriented programming
objektový kód {m} :: object code
objektový soubor {m} :: object file
objem {m inan} :: volume (unit of three dimensional measure)
objemný {adj} :: bulky, voluminous
objetí {n} :: verbal noun of obejmout
objetí {n} :: hug, embrace
objev {m} :: discovery (something discovered)
objevit {vt pf} :: to discover
objevit {v pf} :: to appear, to emerge
objevitel {m} :: discoverer
objevovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of objevit
objímat {v impf} :: imperfective form of obejmout
obkladač {m} :: tiler
obkladačka {f} :: wall tile
obklíčit {v pf} :: to surround (to prevent escape)
obklopený {adj} :: surrounded
obklopit {v pf} :: to surround (to encircle or simultaneously extend on all sides of something)
obláček {m} :: diminutive of oblak
oblačno {adj} :: cloudy
oblačný {adj} :: cloudy (covered with or characterised by clouds)
oblak {m} :: cloud (visible mass of water droplets in the air)
oblak {m} :: cloud (mass of dust or smoke)
oblast {f} :: area (particular geographic region)
oblastní {adj} :: regional (pertaining to a specific region)
oblast přitažlivosti {f} :: basin of attraction
oblázek {m} :: A pebble
obléci {v} :: alternative form of obléct
obléct {v pf} :: to put on (of clothing)
obleček {m} :: diminutive of oblek
oblečení {n} :: verbal noun of obléct
oblečení {n} :: clothing
obléhat {v} :: to besiege
oblek {m inan} :: suit (set of clothes to be worn together)
oblékat {v impf} :: imperfective form of obléct
oblepit {v pf} :: to stick or attach all over; to cover with
oblepovat {v impf} :: to stick to attach all over; to cover with
obleva {f} :: thaw
obležení {n} :: siege
obliba {f} :: popularity
oblíbenost {f} :: popularity
oblíbený {adj} :: popular
oblíbený {adj} :: favorite
obličej {m inan} :: face
obličejíček {m} :: diminutive of obličej
obličejík {m} :: diminutive of obličej
obličejový {adj} :: facial
obličejový krém {m} :: facial cream
obligace {f} :: bond (obligation)
obloha {f} :: sky
oblouk {m} [geometry] :: arc
oblouk {m} [architecture] :: arch
obluda {f} :: monster
obměna {f} [logic] :: contraposition
obnos {m} :: sum, amount (financial)
obnova {f} :: renewal
obnovení {n} :: verbal noun of obnovit
obnovení {n} :: renewal
obnovit {v pf} :: to renew, to refresh
obnovitelnost {f} :: renewability
obnovitelný {adj} :: renewable
obnovitelný zdroj {m} :: renewable resource
obočí {n} :: eyebrow
obohacení {n} :: enrichment (the act of enriching)
obohacování {n} :: enrichment
obohatit {v pf} :: to enrich
obojek {m} :: collar (band or chain around an animal's neck)
obojživelník {m} :: amphibian
obojživelný {adj} :: amphibious
obor {m inan} :: discipline (specific branch of knowledge or learning)
obor hodnot {m} [mathematics] :: range (the set of values which a function can obtain)
obousměrný {adj} :: two-way
oboustranný {adj} :: bilateral
oboustranný tisk {m} :: perfecting
obout {v pf} :: to put on (a shoe)
obr {m} :: giant
obrábět {v impf} :: to work, machine, tool (some material)
obrácená čárka {f} :: grave accent (diacritic mark `)
obrácené lomítko {n} :: backslash
obrácení řízení {n} [computing] :: inversion of control
obrácený {adj} :: reverse
obrácený apostrof {m} :: backtick, backquote
obrana {f} :: defense
obránce {m} :: defender
obranný {adj} :: defensive (intended for defence; protective)
obrat {m inan} :: turn (change of direction or orientation)
obrat {m inan} :: backflip, U-turn (change in policy or opinion)
obrat {m inan} :: turning point
obrat {m inan} :: phrase (short written or spoken expression)
obrat {m inan} [finance] :: turnover
obratel {m} :: vertebra
obrátit {v pf} :: to turn
obratlovčí {adj} [relational] :: vertebrate, vertebrate's
obratlovec {m} :: vertebrate
obratník {m} [geography] :: tropic
obratnost {f} :: dexterity
obratný {adj} :: dexterous
obrat o 180 stupňů {m} :: volte-face, U-turn, about-turn
obraz {m inan} :: picture, painting, image
obraz {m inan} [mathematics] :: image (something mapped to by a function)
obrázek {m} :: figure (drawing)
obrázek {m} :: illustration
obrázkový {adj} :: picture
obrazně {adv} :: figuratively
obraznost {f} :: imagination
obrazný {adj} :: figurative
obrazoborectví {n} :: iconoclasm
obrazotvornost {f} :: imagination
obrazovka {f} :: screen (viewing area of electronic output devices)
obr lidožrout {m} :: ogre
obrna {f} :: palsy
obrovský {adj} :: enormous, gigantic
obrození {n} :: revival
obrubník {m} :: curb (row of concrete)
obruč {f} :: hoop (of a barrel)
obruč {f} :: ring
obruč {f} :: hula hoop
obrův {adj} :: giant's
obryně {f} :: giantess, female giant
obrys {m} :: outline (line marking the boundary of an object figure.)
obřad {m} :: ceremony
obřadný {adj} :: ceremonial
obřezat {v pf} :: to circumcise (to remove the foreskin from the penis)
obřezat {v pf} :: to circumcise (to remove the clitoris or labia)
obřezat {v pf} :: to trim (a tree)
obří {adj} :: giant (very large)
obří {adj} [relational] :: giant (of or relating to a giant)
obřízka {f} :: circumcision
obsadit {vt pf} :: to occupy (to fill either time or space)
obsadit {vt pf} :: to occupy (to conquer somewhere)
obsadit {vt pf} :: to cast sb (to assign a role in a performance)
obsah {m} :: content (of a physical container)
obsah {m} :: table of contents, contents
obsah {m} [geometry] :: area
obsáhlý {adj} :: comprehensive
obsahovat {v impf} :: to contain, to comprise
obsazený {adj} :: occupied
obsedantní {adj} :: obsessive
observatoř {f} :: observatory
obsese {f} :: An obsession
obsesivní {adj} :: obsessive
obsidián {m} :: obsidian
obskurantismus {m} :: obscurantism
obsluha {f} :: service
obsluha {f} :: operation, operating (of a machine)
obsluha {f} :: staff, crew
obsluhovat {v impf} :: to serve, wait on, attend to
obsluhovat {v impf} :: to operate, tend, work (a machine)
obstarat {v pf} :: to procure, obtain
obstipace {f} [medicine] :: constipation
obstrukční {adj} :: obstructive
obšírný {adj} :: detailed
obšlehnout {v} [colloquial] :: to copy
obtahovací řemen {m} :: razor strop, razor strap, strop, strap
obtěžování {n} :: verbal noun of obtěžovat
obtěžování {n} :: harassment
obtěžovat {v impf} :: to annoy
obtěžovat {v impf} :: to harass
obtíž {f} :: difficulty, problem
obtížně {adv} :: with difficulty
obtížnost {f} :: difficulty (state or degree of being difficult)
obtížný {adj} :: difficult (hard)
obtížný {adj} :: pesky
obušek {m} :: bludgeon (short heavy club)
obuv {f} :: footwear
obvaz {m} :: bandage
obvinění {n} :: verbal noun of obvinit
obvinění {n} :: accusation, charge
obviněný {m} :: defendant, accused
obvinit {v pf} :: to charge, to accuse
obviňovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of obvinit
obviňující {adj} :: accusatory
obvod {m} :: circumference (length)
obvod {m} :: perimeter
obvod {m} :: circuit (electrical circuit)
obvod {m} :: district, borough (administrative part of a city)
obvod {m} :: district (division of a country for the purpose of democratic elections)
obvykle {adv} :: usually
obvyklý {adj} :: usual
obyč {adj} [colloquial] :: ordinary
obyčej {m} :: custom, tradition
obyčejně {adv} :: usually
obyčejný {adj} :: ordinary, common, regular, usual
obydlený {adj} :: inhabited
obydlí {n} :: dwelling
obytný {adj} :: residential, living, dwelling
obývací pokoj {m} :: living room
obývák {m inan} [colloquial] :: living room
obývat {v impf} :: to inhabit, to live in
obyvatel {m anim} :: inhabitant
obyvatelka {f} :: female inhabitant
obyvatelný {adj} :: inhabitable
obyvatelský {adj} :: inhabitant
obyvatelstvo {n} :: population (all people living within a political or geographical boundary)
obzor {m} :: horizon
obzvlášť {adv} :: especially
obzvláště {adv} :: especially
obzvláště {adv} :: exceptionally
obžalovaný {m} :: defendant
obžalovat {v pf} :: to accuse, charge
obžera {m} :: glutton
obžerství {n} :: gluttony
obživa {f} :: livelihood (person's means of supporting himself)
ocas {m} :: tail
ocas {m} [colloquial] :: penis
ocásek {m} :: diminutive of ocas
ocásek {m} :: ogonek (diacritical mark)
Ocásek {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
ocasní {adj} :: tail (when used attributively)
Occamova břitva {f} :: Occam's razor
oceán {m} :: ocean
Oceánie {prop} {f} :: Oceania
oceánograf {m} :: oceanographer
oceánografie {f} :: oceanography
oceánský {adj} :: ocean
ocejchovat {v pf} :: to brand
ocejchovat {v pf} :: to calibrate
ocel {f} :: steel
ocelárna {f} :: steelworks, steel mill
ocelář {m anim} :: steelworker (a person employed to manufacture or shape steel)
ocelový {adj} :: steel
ocenění {n} :: verbal noun of ocenit
ocenění {n} :: award (trophy or medal)
ocenění {n} :: appreciation (of a great deed or a personal trait)
ocenit {v pf} :: to value (to estimate the value of)
ocenit {v pf} :: to price
oceňovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of ocenit
ocet {m} :: vinegar
ocílka {f} :: steel (tool used to sharpen or hone knives or scythe blades)
ocílka {f} :: steel (a piece of metal to strike sparks from a flint)
octan {m} [organic chemistry] :: acetate
ocún {m} :: colchicum (any of several flowers of the genus Colchicum)
ocún {m} :: autumn crocus, meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale)
{contraction} :: contraction of o + co
očař {m} [colloquial] :: ophthalmologist
očekávaná hodnota {f} :: expected value
očekávání {n} :: expectation
očekávaný {adj} :: expected
očekávat {v impf} :: to expect
očernit {v pf} :: to denigrate, to defame
očičko {n} :: diminutive of oko
očista {f} :: purification
očistec {m} :: purgatory
očistit {v pf} :: To clean, clear
očitý svědek {m} :: eyewitness
očividně {adv} :: obviously, evidently
očividný {adj} :: obvious, evident, apparent
očko {n} :: diminutive of oko
očkovací látka {f} :: vaccine
očkovanec {m} :: vaccinee
očkování {n} :: vaccination
očkovat {v impf} :: to vaccinate
oční {adj} [relational] :: eye
oční bulva {f} :: eyeball
očnice {f} :: orbit (the bony cavity containing the eyeball)
oční důlek {m} :: eye socket
oční jamka {f} :: eye socket
oční kapky {f} {p} :: eyedrops
oční lékař {m} :: ophthalmologist
oční lékařství {n} :: ophthalmology
oční řasa {f} :: eyelash
oční skvrna {f} :: (anatomy) eyespot
oční stín {m} :: eye shadow
oční víčko {n} :: eyelid
oční zákal {m} [pathology] :: cataract
oční zákal {m} [pathology] :: glaucoma
očumovat {v impf} :: to ogle
od- {prefix} :: A prefix, usually indicating movement away, detachment or separation
od {prep} :: from
od {prep} :: since
od {prep} :: of
óda {f} :: ode
odběratel {m} :: customer, subscriber
odbíhat {v impf} :: to digress (from the main subject of attention)
odbíjená {f} :: volleyball (sport or game)
odbít {v pf} :: to strike, to chime
odbočit {v pf} :: to digress
odbočka {f} :: digression
odboj {m} :: resistance (armed opposition to regime or rulers)
odbor {m} :: section, department
odbor {m} [obsolete] :: discipline (specific branch of knowledge or learning)
odborář {m} :: unionist, trade unionist
odbornice {f} :: female expert
odborník {m anim} :: expert, specialist
odborný {adj} :: expert, specialized, professional
odbory {m} {p} :: union, trade union, labor union (US)
odbory {m} {p} :: plural of odbor
odbyt {m inan} :: sales, marketing
odbýt {v pf} [, used with si] :: to do, to get over
odbýt {v pf} :: to reject
odbýt {v pf} :: to do a sloppy job, to skimp
odbytiště {n} :: sales area, (selling) outlet (economics)
odcizení {n} :: verbal noun of odcizit
odcizení {n} :: alienation, estrangement
odcizit {v pf} :: to estrange, to alienate
odcizit {v pf} :: to steal
odčinění {n} :: redemption, redress
odčinit {v pf} :: to atone, make up for
odčítání {n} :: subtraction
odčítat {v impf} :: to subtract
oddálit {vt pf} :: to put off, defer, delay
oddálit {vt pf} :: to remove, distance (move to a greater distance)
oddalovat {vt impf} :: to put off, defer, delay
oddalovat {vt impf} :: to remove, distance (move to a greater distance)
oddanost {f} :: devotion, loyalty
oddaný {adj} :: devoted
oddaný {adj} :: loyal, stalwart
oddaný {adj} :: obedient (servant)
oddaný {adj} :: dutiful (spouse)
oddat {vt pf} :: to marry
oddělat {v} :: to remove, to take down
oddělat {v} [mildly, vulgar] :: to kill
oddělení {n} :: verbal noun of oddělit
oddělení {n} :: department
oddělení {n} :: ward (hospital room)
oddělený {adj} :: separate
oddělit {vt pf} :: to separate
oddělitelný {adj} :: separable
oddělit zrno od plev {v pf} [idiomatic] :: to separate the wheat from the chaff
oddělovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of oddělit
oddenek {m} :: rhizome
oddíl {m} :: troop (of scout girls and boys)
oddíl {m} :: partition (of a hard drive)
oddíl {m} :: section (of a document)
ode- {prefix} :: A prefix, sometimes used instead of od- in front of a consonant
odebrat {v pf} :: to remove
odečíst {v pf} :: to subtract
odehrávat {v impf} :: to take place
odejít {v pf} :: to go, to go away
odemčít {v} :: to unlock
odemknout {v pf} :: to unlock
odemykat {v impf} :: to unlock
odepřít {v pf} :: to deny
odepsat {v pf} :: to reply, to answer (in letter)
odepsat {v pf} :: to write off
Oděsa {prop} {f} :: Odessa
Oděsan {m} :: person from Odessa
odesílatel {m} :: sender
odesílatel {m} :: consignor
odeslat {v pf} :: to send
oděv {m} :: clothing
oděv {m} :: garment
odezva {f} :: response
odhad {m} :: estimate, estimation
odhadnout {v} :: to estimate
odhadovaný {adj} :: estimated
odhadovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of odhadnout
odhalení {n} :: revelation
odhalení {n} :: unveiling
odhalit {v pf} :: to reveal
odhalit {v pf} :: to detect
odhalovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of odhalit
odhlásit {v pf} :: unregister
odhlásit {v pf} :: to log out
odhodit {v pf} :: to discard
odhodlaný {adj} :: resolute, determined
odcházet {v impf} :: imperfective form of odejít
odchod {m} :: departure (by foot)
odchozí {adj} :: outgoing
odchylka {f} :: deviation
odinstalace {f} :: uninstallation
odinstalování {f} :: uninstallation
odinstalovat {v pf} :: to uninstall
odjet {v pf} :: to depart (by vehicle)
odjezd {m inan} :: departure (of a vehicle)
odjinud {adv} :: from another place
odjíždět {v impf} :: to depart
odkapávač {m} :: draining board
odkaz {m} :: reference, cross-reference
odkaz {m} [computing] :: link, hyperlink
odkázat {v} :: to bequeath (by testament)
odkázat {v} :: to refer, direct (somebody to something or somebody else)
odkazovat {v impf} :: to link to (computing)
odkdy {adv} :: since when
odklad {m} :: postponement
odkládání {n} :: procrastination
odkládat {v impf} :: to put away, put aside
odkládat {v impf} :: to take off (clothes)
odkládat {v impf} :: to postpone. to defer
odkládat {v impf} :: to discard
odkládat {v impf} :: to shelve (a project etc)
odkomentovat {v pf} [programming] :: to uncomment
odkráglovat {v pf} [vulgar] :: to kill
odkrouhnout {v} [mildly, vulgar] :: to kill
odkrýt {v} :: to uncover, to unearth
odkud {adv} :: whence (where from)
odkud jste {phrase} :: Where are you from?
odlet {m} :: departure (departure of a plane)
odletět {v pf} :: to depart (by plane)
odlišit {v pf} :: to distinguish
odlišit {v pf} :: to differentiate
odlišně {adv} :: differently
odlišnost {f} :: difference (the quality of being different)
odlišnost {f} :: difference (a characteristic of something that makes one things different another one)
odlišný {adj} :: different
odlít {v pf} :: to cast (to make by pouring into a mould)
odlitek {m} :: cast (object made in a mould)
odliv {m} :: low tide
odliv {m} :: ebb, ebb tide
odměna {f} :: reward
odměnit {v pf} :: to reward
odměrný válec {m} :: graduated cylinder
odměřený {adj} :: reserved (slow to reveal emotion or opinions)
odmítat {v impf} :: imperfective form of odmítnout
odmítnout {v pf} :: to reject
odmítnutí {n} :: rejection
odmlčet {v pf} :: to pause, break off, temporarily stop speaking
odmlouvat {v impf} :: to talk back, to answer back
odmocnina {f} [arithmetic] :: root
odmrazit {v pf} :: to defrost (to remove frost from)
odněkud {adv} :: from somewhere
odnést {v pf} :: to take away, to carry away, to carry, to take
odnést {v pf} :: to take the rap, to get the worst of it, to pay for, to carry the can, to smart for sth
odnož {f} :: spin-off
odnož {f} :: fork (computing)
odolat {v pf} :: to resist
odolatelný {adj} :: resistible (able to be resisted)
odolnost {f} :: resistance
odolnost {f} :: immunity
odolný {adj} :: resistant
odontogenní {adj} [medicine] :: odontogenic (originating in the tissues of the teeth)
odpad {m inan} :: waste (useless products, garbage), refuse
odpadek {m} :: a piece of trash
odpadkáč {m} [colloquial] :: wastebasket
odpadky {mp} :: plural of odpadek: rubbish, garbage, trash
odpadlictví {n} :: apostasy
odpadlík {m} :: apostate
odpadlík {m} :: renegade
odpadnout {v pf} :: To fall off, drop off
odpadnout {v pf} :: To be cancelled, not take place
odpadnout {v pf} :: To apostatize
odpanit {v pf} :: to deflower
odpar {m} :: vaporization
odpírat {v impf} :: imperfective form of odepřít
odpis {m} :: depreciation
odpočatý {adj} :: rested
odpočinek {m} :: rest (relief from exertion)
odpočinout {v pf} :: to rest
odpočinutý {adj} :: rested
odpočítat {v} :: to count down
odpočítávání {n} :: countdown (count backward in fixed units to the time of some event)
odpočívat {v impf} :: to rest (to stop working)
odpojit {v pf} :: to disconnect
odpojit {v pf} :: to detach
odpoledne {n} :: afternoon
odpoledne {adv} :: During the afternoon
odpor {m} :: aversion
odpor {m} :: resistance
odpor {m} :: resistor (electronic component)
odporný {adj} :: repulsive
odporovat {v} :: to resist
odporovat {v} :: to protest, counter, oppose, rebut, contradict
odporovat {v} :: to be contrary to, be at odds, disagree, contradict
odporující {adj} :: contradictory, inconsistent with something
odpouštět {v impf} :: imperfective form of odpustit
odpověď {f} :: answer
odpovědět {v pf} :: to reply, to answer
odpovědnost {f} :: responsibility
odpovědnost {f} :: accountability
odpovědný {adj} :: responsible, answerable, accountable
odpovídající {adj} :: corresponding
odpovídat {v impf} :: imperfective form of odpovědět
odpovídat {v impf} :: to correspond
odpovídat {v impf} :: to match
odprásknout {v} [mildly, vulgar] :: to shoot (to kill with a missile)
odprejsknout {v} [colloquial] :: to piss off, to fuck off, to leave, to go away, to get out of here
odpudit {v pf} :: to repel, to drive away
odpudivý {adj} :: repulsive
odpůrce {m} :: detractor, opponent
odpůrce {m} :: defendant
odpůrkyně {f} :: female detractor, opponent
odpůrkyně {f} :: female defendant
odpustek {m} :: indulgence (pardon or release from the expectation of punishment in purgatory)
odpustit {v pf} :: to forgive
odpuštění {n} :: forgiveness (the act)
odpuzovat {v impf} :: to repel
Odra {prop} {f} :: the Oder, a river of central Europe that flows from the Czech Republic through Poland and Germany to the Baltic Sea
odradit {v pf} :: to discourage
odraz {m} :: reflection (act of reflecting)
odraz {m} :: reflection (image resulting from reflection)
odrazit {v pf} :: to bounce (to change direction)
odrazit {v pf} :: to ward off
odrazový můstek {m} :: springboard (platform on springs used in gymnastics)
odrazový můstek {m} :: springboard (figuratively: anything that launches or provides impulse)
odrážet {v impf} :: to reflect
odrážka {f} [typography] :: bullet
odrážkový {adj} :: Relating to bullet
odrážkový seznam {m} :: bulleted list
odrůda {f} :: breed (of plants)
odrůda {f} :: variety (of plants)
odřenina {f} [medicine] :: abrasion
odřít {v pf} :: to chafe, abrade
ODS {prop} :: acronym of Občanská demokratická strana Czech political party
odsadit {v pf} :: to indent (to begin a line or lines at a greater or less distance from the margin)
odsazení {n} :: indentation (the act of indenting or state of being indented)
odsazení {n} :: indentation (the measure of the distance; as, an indentation of one em, or of two ems)
odsejpat {v impf} :: informal form of odsýpat
odshora {adv} :: from the top
odsluní {n} :: aphelion
odsoudit {v pf} :: to convict
odsoudit {v pf} :: to doom
odsoudit {v pf} :: to condemn
odsouzení {n} :: conviction (judgement of guilt in a court of law)
odsouzený {adj} :: convicted
odsouzený {m} :: convict (convicted of a crime)
odstavec {m} :: paragraph
odstěhovat {v pf} :: to move, to move out, to relocate
odstín {m} :: shade (variety of color)
odstín {m} :: shade (subtle variation in a concept)
odstoupení {n} :: resignation
odstoupit {v pf} :: to surrender, to step aside, to step down, to resign
odstranění {n} :: removal (the process of moving, or the fact of being removed)
odstranění {n} :: elimination (the act of eliminating)
odstranit {v pf} :: to remove
odstranit {v pf} :: to eliminate (to completely destroy something so that it no longer exists)
odstraňovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of odstranit
odstředivá síla {f} [physics] :: centrifugal force
odstředivka {f} :: centrifuge
odstředivý {adj} :: centrifugal
odstřelovač {m} :: sniper (a person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position)
odstupné {n} :: severance pay
odsud {adv} :: from here
odsýpat {v impf} :: to process items at a high rate
odškrtnutí {n} :: check (a mark like a v or sometimes x used as an indicator)
odštěpit {v pf} :: to splinter (from a larger group)
odtahující nerv {m} [neuroanatomy] :: abducens nerve
odtamtud {adv} :: from there
odtok {m} :: drain, outlet (for liquids)
odtud {adv} :: hence (from this source or origin)
odůvodnění {n} :: verbal noun of odůvodnit
odůvodnění {n} :: justification
odůvodnit {v pf} :: to justify
odvaha {f} :: courage
odval {m} :: slag heap
odvápnit {v pf} :: to decalcify
odvázat {v pf} :: to untie (to free from fastening or from restraint)
odvážet {v impf} :: imperfective form of odvézt
odvážit {v pf} :: to dare (to have courage)
odvážnému štěstí přeje {proverb} :: fortune favors the bold
odvážnost {f} :: courageousness
odvážný {adj} :: brave, courageous
odvažovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of odvážit
odvažovat se {v impf} :: reflexive of odvažovat
odvěsna {f} :: cathetus (side of a triangle)
odvetný {adj} :: retaliatory
odvlhčovač {m} :: dehumidifier
odvod {m} :: conscription
odvodit {v pf} :: to derive
odvodnění {n} :: drainage
odvolací {adj} :: appellate
odvolací soud {m} :: appellate court, court of appeal
odvolání {n} :: verbal noun of odvolat
odvolání {n} [legal] :: appeal
odvolat {v pf} :: to recant
odvolat {v pf} :: to appeal [legal]
odvolávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of odvolat
odvození {n} :: derivation (the act of receiving anything from a source)
odvozenina {f} [linguistics] :: derivative (word)
odvozený {adj} :: derived (being product of derivation)
odvrátit {v pf} :: to turn away (to rotate the body or head so as not to face someone or something)
odvrátit {vt pf} :: to avert (to ward off)
odvzdušnit {v pf} :: To bleed (a radiator etc)
odzbrojit {v pf} :: to disarm
odzdola {adv} :: from the bottom
odznak {m} :: badge (worn on clothing)
ofensiva {f} :: dated form of ofenziva
ofenziva {f} [military] :: offensive, a large attacking action
ofenziva {f} [figuratively] :: any attack, including verbal
ofenziva {f} :: fast advancement
ofenziva {f} [sport] :: forward line
oferta {f} :: offer
oficiálně {adv} :: officially
oficiální {adj} :: official
ofikleida {f} [musical instruments] :: ophicleide
ofiko {adv} [colloquial] :: officially
ofotit {v pf} :: to copy, to reproduce (only papers, documents, books)
ofsajd {m} [sports] :: offside (play with an illegal position ahead of the ball)
ofset {m} :: (printing) Offset
oftalmolog {m} :: ophthalmologist
oftalmologický {adj} :: ophthalmological
oftalmologie {f} :: ophthalmology
oftalmoskop {m} :: ophthalmoscope
ogar {m} [dialectal] :: boy
oháknout {v} [colloquial] :: to dress
ohanbí {n} :: external genitalia
oharek {m inan} :: cinder
oharek {m inan} :: cigarette butt
ohař {m anim} :: pointer, setter, certain breeds of gun dog
ohavný {adj} :: ugly, hideous
ohavný {adj} :: detestable, disgusting
ohebnost {f} :: flexibility
ohebný {adj} :: flexible
ohebný {adj} [grammar] :: inflected
oheň {m} :: fire
oheň na střeše {m} [idiom] :: conflict
ohijský {adj} :: Ohio
ohlas {m} :: response
ohled {m} :: regard (aspect)
ohledně {prep} :: regarding, concerning
ohleduplnější {adj} :: comparative of ohleduplný
ohleduplný {adj} :: considerate (thoughtful of others)
ohlušující {adj} :: deafening
ohm {m} :: ohm (unit of electrical resistance)
ohníček {m} :: diminutive of oheň
ohnisko {n} [optics] :: focus
ohnisková vzdálenost {f} :: focal length
ohniště {n} :: fire, grate, hearth
ohnivý {adj} :: fiery
ohnivzdorný {adj} :: fireproof
ohňostroj {m} :: firework
ohnout {v pf} :: to bend
ohnout {v pf} :: to bend down, to stoop
Ohňová země {prop} {f} :: Tierra del Fuego (archipelago between Chile and Argentina)
ohňovec {m} :: any mushroom of genus Phellinus
ohodnotit {v pf} :: to evaluate
oholit {v pf} :: to shave (to remove hair)
ohrada {f} :: fence or other type of barrier used to make an enclosure
ohromený {adj} :: astonished, stunned, shocked
ohromit {v pf} :: to astonish, to flabbergast, to astound
ohromný {adj} :: huge, enormous, immense, vast
ohrozit {v} :: to endanger
ohrožení {n} :: threat, danger, risk
ohrožený {adj} :: endangered
ohrožovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of ohrozit
ohryzek {m} :: Adam's apple
ohryzek {m} :: Core (of an apple)
ohyb {m} :: bend, bow, curve, twist, winding, fold
ohyb {m} :: diffraction
ohýbání {n} [grammar] :: inflection
ohýbat {v impf} :: imperfective form of ohnout
ohýbat {v impf} [grammar] :: to inflect
ohýnek {m} :: diminutive of oheň
ohyzdnost {f} :: ugliness
ohyzdný {adj} :: ugly, hideous
-och {suffix} :: from adjectives forms nouns referring to property bearers
ochabovat {v impf} :: to slacken, flag, waver
ochechule {f} :: sea cow, sirenian (order Sirenia)
ochlasta {m} [colloquial] :: drinker, drunkard
ochlokracie {f} :: ochlocracy
ochlupení {n} :: hair (the mass of filaments growing from the skin of humans, not animals)
ochmelka {m} :: drinker, drunkard
ochota {f} :: willingness
ochotně {adv} :: willingly, gladly
ochotník {m} :: amateur, dilettante
ochotný {adj} :: willing
Ochotské moře {prop} {n} :: Sea of Okhotsk
ochrana {f} :: protection
ochránce {m} :: protector (someone who protects or guards)
ochránit {v pf} :: to protect
ochránkyně {f} :: female protector
ochranná známka {f} :: trademark
ochranný {adj} :: protective
ochrnout {v pf} :: to be(come) paralysed, to be left paralysed
ochrnutí {n} :: verbal noun of ochrnout
ochrnutí {n} :: paralysis
ochromit {v pf} :: to paralyze
ochutnat {v pf} :: to taste (to sample the flavor of something orally)
ochutnávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of ochutnat
oidipovský {adj} :: Oedipus, Oedipean
oidipovský komplex {m} :: Oedipus complex
Oidipus {prop} {m} :: Oedipus
oikonymum {n} :: oikonym (name of a settlement or its part)
oj {m inan} :: pole (the one which connects a vehicle with a cargo)
ojedinělý {adj} :: isolated, sporadic (rare and scattered in occurrence)
ojet {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fuck
ojetina {f} [colloquial] :: used car
ojetý {adj} :: bald (of tyre, having surface worn away)
ojetý {adj} :: used
ojnice {f} :: connecting rod
okamžik {m} :: moment, second
okamžitě {adv} :: immediately, right away
okamžitý {adj} :: instant, immediate
okap {m} :: gutter, rain gutter, eavestrough (trough under the eaves of a building for draining water from the roof)
okapi {f} :: okapi (large ruminant mammal)
okarína {f} :: ocarina (a musical instrument)
okázalost {f} :: ostentation
okázalý {adj} :: ostentatious
okcipitální {adj} :: occipital (of or pertaining to the occiput--back of the head--or the occipital bone)
okcitánština {f} :: Occitan
okenice {f} :: shutter (protective panels over windows)
okénko {n} :: diminutive of okno
okenní {adj} [relational] :: window
oklamat {v pf} :: to deceive, to dupe
okluziva {f} [phonetics] :: A plosive
okluzor {m} :: An eye patch worn on a lens of spectacles for treating amblyopia in children
okno {n} :: window
okno {n} [colloquial] :: blackout
oko {n} [anatomy] :: eye
oko {n} [card games] :: twenty-one, pontoon
oko {n} :: tarn
oko {n} :: eye (center of a storm)
okohybný nerv {m} [neuroanatomy] :: oculomotor nerve
okolí {n} :: surroundings, surrounding area
okolí {n} [mathematics] :: neighborhood
okolní {adj} :: surrounding
okolnost {f} :: circumstance
okolo {prep} :: round
okoštovat {v pf} [colloquial] :: to taste, to try (to sample the flavor of something orally)
okotěška {f} [obsolete, rare] :: forget-me-not
okotěška {f} [obsolete, rare] :: eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis)
okoun {m} :: perch
okouní {adj} [relational] :: perch, perch's
okout {v pf} [dated] :: alternative form of okovat
okouzlující {adj} :: charming, fascinating
okovat {v pf} :: to shoe (horse etc)
okovat {v pf} :: to stud, hobnail (sole of a boot or shoe)
okovat {v pf} :: to tip (walking stick)
okovat {v pf} :: to bind (with metal, eg a barrel)
oko za oko {n} :: Tit for tat
oko za oko, zub za zub {proverb} :: eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
okr {m} :: ocher, ochre
okraj {m} :: periphery
okraj {m} [typography] :: margin
okrajový {adj} [relational] :: border
okrajový {adj} :: fringe (outside the mainstream)
okres {m} :: district (administrative division)
okrový {adj} :: ocher, ochre (having a yellow-orange color)
okruh {m} [algebra] :: ring
oktaedr {m} :: octahedron
oktalový {adj} :: octal
oktan {m} [organic compound] :: octane (C8H18)
oktáva {f} :: octave (an interval of twelve semitones, representing a doubling or halving in pitch frequency)
okuj {f} :: scale (flaky material sloughed off heated metal)
okultismus {m} :: occultism
okupace {f} :: occupation (control of a country or region by a hostile army)
okupační {adj} :: occupation
okupant {m} :: occupier
okupovaný {adj} :: occupied (under the control of a foreign military presence)
okupovat {v p-i} :: to occupy (to take control of a country or region by a hostile army)
okurčička {f} :: diminutive of okurka
okurka {f} :: cucumber
okvětní lístek {m} :: petal
Olda {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Oldřich
Olda {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the female given name Oldřiška
Oldík {prop} {m} :: given name, a pet form of Oldřich
Oldřich {prop} {m} :: given name
Oldřiška {prop} {f} :: given name
oleandr {m} :: oleander (A poisonous shrub)
Oleg {prop} {m} :: given name
olej {m} :: oil
olejnatý {adj} :: oily (containing oil)
olejomalba {f} :: oil painting
olejovat {v impf} :: to oil
olejový {adj} [relational] :: oil, oily (relating to oil)
olfaktorní {adj} [medicine] :: olfactory
Olga {prop} {f} :: given name
oligarcha {m} :: oligarch
oligarchický {adj} :: oligarchic
oligarchie {f} [politics, philosophy] :: oligarchy
oligoklonální {adj} :: oligoclonal
oligonukleotid {m} :: oligonucleotide
oligopol {m} :: oligopoly
Olinka {prop} {f} :: given name
oliva {f} :: olive (fruit)
oliváček {m anim} :: oliveback
Oliver {prop} {m} :: given name
Olivie {prop} {f} :: given name
Olívie {prop} {f} :: given name
olivovník {m} :: olive tree
olivový {adj} [relational] :: olive (of, pertaining, or made from olives)
olivový {adj} [color] :: olive
olivový olej {m} :: olive oil (oil pressed from olives)
Olomouc {prop} {f} :: Olomouc (city)
Olomouc {prop} {f} :: district Olomouc, Olomouc District
olomoucin {m inan} :: olomoucine (an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase, derived from purine, used in oncology)
olomoucké syrečky {m inan} :: Olomouc cheese (a kind of ripened soft cheese, characteristic with its strong scent, distinctive pungent taste and yellowish colour, nowadays made in the town of Loštice, the Czech Republic)
olomoucké tvarůžky {m inan} :: Olomouc cheese (a kind of ripened soft cheese, characteristic with its strong scent, distinctive pungent taste and yellowish colour, nowadays made in the town of Loštice, the Czech Republic)
Olomoucko {prop} {n} :: region surrounding the city of Olomouc, including other smaller municipalities
Olomoucko {prop} {n} :: a historical region in Moravia in 11 and 12 centuries, with Olomouc as its capital, ruled by princes belonging to the Přemyslid dynasty
olomoucký {adj} [relational] :: Olomouc
Olomoucký kraj {prop} {m inan} :: Olomoucký kraj (region)
Olomoučačka {f} [colloquial] :: woman from Olomouc
Olomoučák {m} [colloquial] :: person from Olomouc
Olomoučan {m} :: person from Olomouc
Olomoučanka {f} :: woman from Olomouc
Olomoučtí {m anim} :: people living in Olomouc
Olomúc {prop} :: obsolete form of Olomouc
olomucký {adj} :: obsolete form of olomoucký (From; of; or pertaining to Olomouc.)
olověný {adj} :: lead (when used attributively)
olovnice {f} :: plumb line
olovo {n} :: lead (chemical element)
olše {f} :: alder
Olše {prop} {f} :: Olše (river)
olšový {adj} [relational] :: alder
oltář {m} :: altar
oltářík {m} :: diminutive of oltář
Olymp {prop} {m} :: Olympus
olympiáda {f} :: the Olympics
Olympie {prop} {f} :: The Ancient Greek city Olympia, home of the original Olympics
olympijské hry {fp} :: Olympic Games
olympijský {adj} :: Olympic
omáčka {f} :: sauce (liquid condiment)
omáčka {f} :: padding (superfuous sentences added to a speech or text to make it longer)
oman {m} :: inula, elecampane (Inula spp., especially Inula helenium)
Omán {prop} {m inan} :: Oman
Ománec {m anim} :: Omani (person)
ománský {adj} :: Omani, of Oman, Oman's
omastek {m} :: grease, fat, dripping
ombudsman {m} :: ombudsman
omdlení {n} :: fainting
omdlít {v pf} :: to faint
omega {f} :: omega (Greek letter)
ómega {n} :: alternative form of omega
oměj {m} :: aconite, wolfsbane
omeleta {f} :: omelette
omeprazol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: omeprazole
omezení {n} :: constraint
omezení {n} :: limit
omezení rychlosti {n} :: speed limit
omezený {adj} :: limited
omezit {v pf} :: to restrict
omezovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of omezit
omikron {n} :: omicron (Greek letter)
omítka {f} :: A mixture of lime or gypsum, sand, and water, sometimes with the addition of fibres, that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for coating walls and ceilings; plaster
omladit {v pf} :: to rejuvenate
omlouvat {v impf} :: imperfective form of omluvit
omluva {f} :: apology
omluvit {vt pf} :: to excuse
omluvit {v pf} :: to apologize
omluvitelný {adj} :: excusable
omnipotentní {adj} :: omnipotent
omotat {v pf} :: To bind or wrap something around something
omrdat {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck
omyl {m} :: error (in opinion)
omylný {adj} :: fallible
omyvatelný {adj} :: washable
on {pron} :: he (third person personal singular)
{contraction} :: contraction of o + něj
ona {pron} :: she (third person personal singular)
onanie {f} :: onanism
onanovat {v impf} :: To masturbate
ondatra {f} :: muskrat
ondatří {adj} [relational] :: muskrat, muskrat's
onde {pron} [dated] :: elsewhere
Ondra {prop} {m} :: given name
Ondřej {prop} {m} :: given name
Ondřejka {prop} {f} :: given name
ondy {pron} [archaic] :: At some other time
oněmět {v pf} :: to be(come) left mute, to be struck dumb
onemocnění {n} :: verbal noun of onemocnět
onemocnění {n} :: disorder, disease (physical or psychical malfunction)
onemocnět {v pf} :: to get ill
onen {pron} :: referring to something distant
onen {pron} :: referring to something well known
Onhuret {prop} {m} :: Anhur
oni {pron} :: they (third person personal masculine plural)
onikání {n} :: Adressing somebody by using the third person plural, rather than the second person singular
onikat {v impf} :: To address somebody by using the third person plural, rather than the second person singular
onkogen {m} :: oncogene
onkolog {m} :: oncologist
onkologický {adj} :: oncologic
onkologie {f} :: oncology
onkoložka {f} :: female oncologist
ono {pron} :: it (third person personal singular)
ono {n} [psychoanalysis] :: id
onomastika {f} :: onomastics
onomatopoický {adj} :: onomatopoeic, onomatopoetic
onomatopoie {f} :: onomatopoeia (the property of a word of sounding like what it represents)
onomatopoion {n} :: onomatopoeia (a word that sounds like what it represents)
ontogeneze {f} :: ontogeny, ontogenesis
ontologický {adj} :: ontological
ontologie {f} [philosophy] :: ontology (study of being and things that exist)
ontologie {f} [computer science, information science] :: ontology (structure of concepts or entities within a domain)
onuce {f} :: footwrap
ony {pron} :: they (third person personal nonvirile plural)
OOP {prop} :: initialism of Organizace pro osvobození Palestiny
opačný {adj} :: opposite
opadavý {adj} :: deciduous
opak {m} :: opposite
opakovač {m} [computing, networking] :: hub
opakovaně {adv} :: repeatedly
opakování {n} :: repetition
opakování matka moudrosti {proverb} :: practice makes perfect
opakovaný {adj} :: repeated
opakovat {v impf} :: to repeat
opakovatelný {adj} :: repeatable, reproducible, replicable
opál {m} [mineral] :: opal (a mineral consisting, like quartz, of silica, but inferior to quartz in hardness and specific gravity)
opálený {adj} :: tanned (who or that has or have a suntan)
opalovací {adj} :: for use when tanning
opalovací krém {m} :: sunscreen, sunblock
opalování {n} :: sunbathing
opalovat {v impf} :: to sunbathe
opar {m inan} :: mist, haze
opar {m inan} :: herpes
opasek {m} :: belt (band worn around the waist)
opat {m} :: abbot
opatka {f} [archaic] :: abbess
opatrně {adv} :: carefully
opatrnost {f} :: carefulness
opatrný {adj} :: careful, cautious
opatruj se {interj} :: take care (good-bye)
opatření {n} :: verbal noun of opatřit
opatření {n} :: measure (tactic, strategy or piece of legislation)
opatřit {v pf} [, used with si] :: to acquire, to obtain
opatřit {v pf} :: to supply, to furnish, to provide
opatství {n} :: abbey
Opava {prop} {f} :: Opava (city) on the river Opava, located to the north-west of Ostrava
Opava {prop} {f} :: Opava (river), a left tributary of the Oder river
Opavan {m anim} :: person from Opava
opce {f} [finance] :: option
opera {f} :: opera
opěra {noun} :: alternative form of opěradlo
operace {f} [medicine] :: surgery, operation
operace {f} [military] :: operation
operace {f} [mathematics] :: operation
operační {adj} [relational] :: operating, operation
operační sál {m} :: operating room, operating theatre
operační systém {m} :: operating system
opěradlo {n} :: backrest
operátor {m} [programming] :: operator
opereta {f} :: operetta
opěrná soustava {f} :: skeletal system
operní {adj} :: opera
opěrný {adj} :: Supporting
opěrný bod {m} :: fulcrum
opěrný pilíř {m} :: A buttress
opeřenec {m} [literary] :: bird
opět {adv} :: again
opiát {m} :: opiate
opice {f} :: monkey
opice {f} :: ape
opice {f} [colloquial] :: hangover
opičák {m} :: male monkey
opičí {adj} [relational] :: monkey
opičit {v impf} :: to ape, mimic
opička {f} :: diminutive of opice
opilec {m} :: drunkard, alcoholic, drunk
opilost {f} :: drunkenness
opilý {adj} :: drunk
opírat {v} :: imperfective form of oprat
opírat {v} :: imperfective form of opřít
opít {vt pf} :: to get drunk (someone else)
opít {v pf} :: to get drunk (oneself)
opium {n} :: opium
opláchnout {v pf} :: to rinse
opláchnutí {n} :: rinse (the action of rinsing)
opláštění {n} :: sheathing, jacketing, shell
oplatka {f} :: wafer
oplodí {n} [botany] :: pericarp
oplodnění {n} :: verbal noun of oplodnit
oplodnění {n} :: fertilization
oplodnit {v pf} :: to fertilize (a female person, animal or plant)
oplotit {v pf} :: to fence (to enclose, contain or separate by building fence)
oplývat {v impf} :: to abound
opona {f} [theater] :: curtain
oponent {m} :: opponent
oponovat {v} :: to oppose
opora {f} :: support
oportunismus {m} :: opportunism
oportunizmus {m} :: opportunism
opotřebení {n} :: wear (damage to the appearance and/or strength of an item caused by use over time)
opotřebit {v} :: to wear
opotřebit {v} :: to wear out, to deteriorate or become unusable or ineffective due to continued use, exposure, or strain
opotřebování {n} :: wear (damage to the appearance and/or strength of an item caused by use over time)
opotřebovaný {adj} :: worn-out, worn, timeworn, outworn (showing the effects of wear due to long use)
opotřebovat {v pf} :: to wear out (to cause to become damaged, useless, or ineffective through continued use)
opovrhovat {v impf} :: to scorn, despise
opovržení {n} :: verbal noun of opovrhnout
opovržení {n} :: contempt
opovrženíhodný {adj} :: contemptible, despicable
opozice {f} [politics] :: opposition
opoziční {adj} :: opposition
opozitum {n} :: antonym
opožděný {adj} :: belated
opracovat {vt pf} :: to work, shape, form (material)
oprášit {v pf} :: to dust off
oprat {v pf} :: to rinse (to wash something quickly using water), to wash
oprátka {f} :: noose (adjustable loop of rope)
oprava {f} :: repair
oprava {f} :: correction
opravář {m} :: repairman
opravdový {adj} :: real
opravdu {adv} :: really
opravit {v pf} :: to repair
opravit {v pf} :: to correct
opravna {f} :: repair shop
opravná jízda {f} :: repechage (in rowing)
oprávnění {n} :: authorization
opravný {adj} :: corrective
opravovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of opravit
oproštěný {adj} :: exempt
oproti {prep} :: compared to, compared with
oprsklý {adj} [colloquial] :: Cheeky, disrespectful, pert or saucy
opřít {v pf} :: to lean
opsaný {adj} :: escribed (of a circle or a sphere)
opsat {v pf} [geometry] :: to circumscribe
optická izomerie {f} :: optical isomerism
optická neuritida {f} :: optic neuritis
optické vlákno {n} :: optical fibre (fibre used for transmitting light)
optický {adj} :: optical
optický klam {m} :: optical illusion
optik {m anim} :: optician
optika {f} :: optics
optimalita {f} :: optimality
optimalizace {f} :: optimization
optimalizovat {v p-i} :: to optimize
optimální {adj} :: optimal
optimálnost {f} :: optimality
optimismus {m} :: optimism
optimista {m} :: optimist
optimistický {adj} :: optimistic
optimističtější {adj} :: comparative of optimistický
optimistka {f} :: female optimist
optimum {n} :: optimum
optometrie {f} :: optometry
optometrista {m} :: optometrist
opuchnout {v pf} :: to swell
opulentní {adj} :: opulent, lavish
opuncie {f} :: prickly pear
opus {m inan} :: opus
opustit {v pf} :: to leave, to abandon
opuštěný {adj} :: abandoned
opylit {v pf} :: to pollinate
opýlit {v pf} :: alternative form of opylit
opylovač {m} [biology] :: pollinator
opylovat {v impf} :: to pollinate
oráč {m} :: ploughman, plowman
orákulum {n} :: oracle (shrine dedicated to some prophetic deity)
orál {m} [colloquial] :: oral, oral sex
orální {adj} :: oral
orální sex {m} :: oral sex
orangutan {m anim} :: orangutan
orangutaní {adj} :: orangutan
oranžový {adj} :: orange (having an orange color)
orat {v impf} :: to plough
orba {f} :: ploughing
orbita {f} :: orbit (the bony cavity containing the eyeball)
ordinace {f} :: office, doctor's office
ordinální {adj} :: ordinal
ordinální číslo {n} :: ordinal number (order theory)
ordinální proměnná {f} :: ordinal variable (statistics)
ordovik {m} :: Ordovician
orebice {f} :: a type of partridge from the genus Alectoris
orel {m anim} :: eagle (bird)
orel {m anim} :: tail (side of a coin)
orel much nelapá {proverb} :: Tentative: Don't waste time, attention, calm or money on fighting insignificant enemies
orgán {m} :: organ (part of an organism)
orgán {m} :: authority, body (functional part of a government or an organization; organized group of people)
organela {f} :: organelle
organelový {adj} :: organelle
organická chemie {f} :: organic chemistry
organický {adj} [chemistry] :: organic
organismus {m} :: organism
organizace {f} :: organization (group of people)
organizační {adj} :: organizational
organizátor {m} :: organizer (person arranging public events)
organizátorka {f} :: female organizer
organizér {m} :: organizer (hand-held micro-computer)
organizmus {m} :: organism
organizovaný {adj} :: organized
organizovaný zločin {m} :: organized crime
organizovat {v impf} :: to organize
orgasmus {m} :: orgasm
orgie {f} :: orgy
orchestr {m} :: orchestra
orchidea {f} :: orchid (plant)
orchidej {f} :: orchid (plant)
Orient {prop} {m} :: Orient
orientace {f} :: orientation
orientační běh {m} :: orienteering
orientalista {m} :: orientalist
orientalistika {f} :: Oriental studies
orientovaný {adj} :: oriented
orientovaný graf {m} :: directed graph
orientovaný na aspekty {adj} [computing] :: aspect-oriented
orientovat {v impf} :: to orient (US), to orientate (UK) (to find one's way)
originál {m} :: original (a thing from which all later copies and variations are derived)
originální {adj} :: genuine, authentic, original
originální {adj} :: novel
origoš {adj} [colloquial] :: original
orinocký {adj} [relational] :: Orinoco
Orinoko {prop} {n} :: Orinoko (river)
orkán {m} :: hurricane
Orkneje {prop} {fp} :: Orkney
ORL {noun} :: abbreviation of otorinolaryngologie: ENT (otolaryngology)
orle {n} :: eaglet
orlí {adj} [relational] :: eagle, of or belonging to an eagle
orlí {adj} :: aquiline
orlí {adj} :: having the characteristics attributed to eagles, e. g. courageous, perceptive, intelligent
orlice {f} :: female eagle
orlice {f} [heraldry] :: eagle
orličí {adj} :: eagle, eagle's
orlík {m anim} :: diminutive of orel
orlík {m anim} :: snake eagle
orloj {m} :: astronomical clock
orlosup {m anim} :: lammergeier
orlovec {m anim} :: osprey
orlův {adj} [rare] :: eagle's
ornitolog {m anim} :: ornithologist
ornitologický {adj} :: ornithological
ornitologie {f} :: ornithology
ornitoložka {f} :: female ornithologist
orný {adj} :: arable
orobinec {m} :: cattail
orofaciální {adj} :: orofacial
orogeneze {f} :: orogeny
orontský {adj} :: Orontian
ortel {m} [literary] :: judgement, sentence, verdict
ortodoncie {f} [dentistry] :: orthodontics
ortodoxie {f} :: orthodoxy
ortodoxní {adj} :: orthodox
ortodroma {f} :: orthodrome (part of great circle)
ortogonální {adj} :: orthogonal
ortonormální {adj} :: orthonormal
ortoped {m} :: orthopedist
ortopedický {adj} :: orthopedic
ortopedie {f} :: orthopedics (the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of disorders of the bones and associated muscles and joints)
ortopnoe {f} :: orthopnea
ortopnoický {adj} :: orthopneic (of or relating to orthopnea)
orwellismus {m} :: Orwellianism
orwellovský {adj} :: Orwellian
{m anim} [literary] :: horse
ořech {m} :: nut
ořechový {adj} :: nutty (made from or related to nuts)
ořešák {m} :: walnut (tree)
ořešník {m anim} :: nutcracker (bird)
ořez {m} :: crop, cropping
ořezat {v pf} :: to crop (to remove the outer parts of a photography or image in order to frame the subject better)
ořezat {v pf} :: to sharpen (a pencil)
ořezávátko {n} :: pencil sharpener
oříšek {m} :: diminutive of ořech: little nut
oříšek {m} :: tough nut to crack
oříznout {v pf} :: to crop (object: photograph or image)
o.s. {noun} :: initialism of občanské sdružení: civic association
osa {f} :: axis (of symmetry or rotation)
osa {f} :: axis (of a coordinate system)
osada {f} :: settlement (place or region newly settled)
osadník {m} :: settler (person who settles in a new location)
osahávat {v impf} :: to grope, fondle
osamělost {f} :: loneliness
osamělý {adj} :: lonely, lonesome
osamělý {adj} :: lonely (of place)
osamocený {adj} :: isolated
osamocený {adj} :: alone
osamocený {adj} :: lonely
Osamu {prop} {m} :: given name
oscilace {f} :: oscillation
oscilátor {m} :: oscillator
osciloskop {m inan} :: oscilloscope
oscilovat {v impf} :: to oscillate
osedlat {v pf} :: to saddle
osekávat {v impf} :: to chop off, to lop
osel {m anim} :: donkey, ass
osel {m anim} :: ass (stupid person)
oset {m} :: creeping thistle
Osetie {prop} {f} :: Ossetia (ethnolinguistic region located on both sides of the Greater Caucasus Mountains, largely inhabited by the Ossetians)
osika {f} :: aspen
osikový {adj} [relational] :: aspen
osina {f} [botany] :: awn, arista
osina v zadku {f} [colloquial] :: pain in the ass
Oskar {prop} {m} :: given name
Oskárek {prop} {m} :: given name
oslabení {n} :: verbal noun of oslabit
oslabení {n} :: weakening, debilitation, emasculation
oslabený {adj} :: weakened
oslabit {v pf} :: to weaken
Oslan {m} :: person from Oslo
oslátko {n} :: diminutive of osle
oslava {f} :: celebration
oslavit {v pf} :: to celebrate
oslavovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of oslavit
osle {n} :: donkey foal
oslí {adj} :: donkey, donkey's
oslice {f} :: she-ass (female donkey)
oslíček {m} :: diminutive of osel
oslík {m} :: diminutive of osel
Oslo {prop} {n} :: Oslo (county/and/municipality/capital city)
osm {num} :: eight
osmák {m} [colloquial] :: An eighthgrader
osmanský {adj} :: Ottoman
osmdesát {num} :: eighty (80)
osmdesátá čtvrtá {adj} :: eighty-fourth (84)
osmdesátá osmá {adj} :: ninety-eighth (88)
osmdesátá pátá {adj} :: eighty-fifth (85)
osmdesátá sedmá {adj} :: eighty-seventh (87)
osmdesátá šestá {adj} :: eighty-sixth
osmdesát čtyři {num} :: eighty-four (84)
osmdesát devátý {adj} :: eighty-ninth (89)
osmdesát devět {num} :: eighty-nine (89)
osmdesát dva {num} :: eighty-two (82)
osmdesátiletý {adj} :: eighty-year-old
osmdesátina {f} :: eightieth (one of eighty equal parts of a whole)
osmdesátiprocentní {adj} :: eighty-percent, 80%
osmdesát jedna {num} :: eighty-one
osmdesátka {f} :: eighty
osmdesátník {m} :: octogenarian
osmdesát osm {num} :: eighty-eight (88)
osmdesát pět {num} :: eighty-five (85)
osmdesát první {adj} :: eighty-first (81)
osmdesát sedm {num} :: eighty-seven
osmdesát sekund {adj} :: eighty-second (82)
osmdesát šest {num} :: eighty-six (86)
osmdesát tři {num} :: eighty-three
osmdesátý {adj} :: eightieth
osmdesátý třetí {adj} :: eighty-third (83)
osmibitový {adj} :: 8-bit
osmičelý {adj} :: osmium
osmička {f} :: eight (digit or figure)
osmičkový {adj} :: octal
osmiletý {adj} :: eight-year
osmiletý {adj} :: eight-year-old
osmimocný {adj} [chemistry] :: octavalent
osmina {f} :: eighth (one of eight equal parts of a whole)
osminka {f} :: eighth
osminka {f} :: quaver, eighth
osmiprocentní {adj} :: eight-percent, 8%
osmistěn {m} :: octahedron
osmistý {adj} :: eight-hundredth
osmitisícovka {f} :: eight-thousander
osmiúhelník {m} [geometry] :: octagon
osmkrát {adv} :: eight times
osm kusů brokátu {m} :: Eight Section Brocade
osmnáct {num} :: eighteen
osmnáctiletý {adj} :: eighteen-year-old
osmnáctiprocentní {adj} :: eighteen-percent, 18%
osmnáctkrát {adv} :: eighteen times
osmnáctý {adj} :: eighteenth
osmotický {adj} :: osmotic
osmotický tlak {m} :: osmotic pressure
osmóza {f} :: osmosis
osm set {num} :: eight hundred
osmý {adj} :: eighth
OSN {prop} :: initialism of Organizace spojených národů: UN
osnova {f} :: warp (threads)
osnova {f} [music] :: staff
osnova {f} :: outline
osoba {f} :: person
osoba {f} [grammar] :: person
osobitý {adj} :: distinctive (of a person)
osobně {adv} :: in person
osobně {adv} :: personally
osobní {adj} :: personal
osobní krize {f} :: personal crisis
osobní počítač {m} :: personal computer
osobní strážce {m} :: bodyguard (person responsible for protecting an individual)
osobní vlak {m} :: passenger train
osobnost {f} :: personality
osobnostní {adj} :: personality (when used attributively)
osočit {v pf} :: to accuse
osouložit {v pf} [colloquial] :: to have sex with
osový {adj} :: axial (of or pertaining to an axis)
ospalý {adj} :: sleepy
ospravedlnění {n} :: verbal noun of ospravedlnit
ospravedlnění {n} :: justification
ospravedlnit {v pf} :: to justify
ospravedlnitelný {adj} :: justifiable
osprchování {n} :: shower (instance of using a device for bathing)
osrdečnice {f} :: pericardium
osrdečník {m} [anatomy, cardiology] :: pericardium
-ost {suffix} :: -ness: from adjectives, forms nouns indicating a property
ostatky {m} {p} :: remains (what is left after a person dies)
ostatky {m} {p} :: plural of ostatek
ostatní {adj} :: other (than the one previously referred to)
ostatní {adj} :: else
osten {m inan} :: spine, quill (of a hedgehog, etc.)
ostenzivní definice {f} [semantics] :: ostensive definition
osteo- {prefix} :: osteo-
osteoartróza {f} [pathology] :: osteoarthritis
osteocyt {m} :: osteocyte
osteochondróza {f} [pathology] :: osteochondrosis
osteoklast {m} :: osteoclast (cell)
osteomyelitida {f} :: osteomyelitis
osteonekróza {f} :: osteonecrosis
osteoporóza {f} [pathology] :: osteoporosis
ostnatý drát {m} :: barbed wire
ostnokožec {m anim} :: echinoderm
ostraha {f} :: watch, surveillance (military)
ostraha {f} :: security (organization or department)
ostralka {f} :: pintail
Ostrava {prop} {f} :: Ostrava (city in the far east of the Czech Republic)
Ostravan {m} :: person from Ostrava
Ostravanka {f} :: female from Ostrava
Ostravsko {prop} {n} :: Ostrava region
ostravský {adj} [relational] :: Ostrava
ostražitý {adj} :: vigilant, alert, wary
ostroh {m} :: headland, promontory
ostrochvostka {f} :: graveteiro
ostroretka {f} :: nase Chondrostoma nasus
ostroretka {f} :: nase Chondrostoma
ostrov {m} :: island (land surrounded by water)
ostrovan {m} :: islander
ostrovní {adj} [relational] :: island
ostruha {f} :: spur (for prodding a horse)
ostruha {f} :: spur (of a rooster)
ostrucha křivočará {f} :: sichel, ziege, sabre carp, sabrefish (Pelecus cultratus)
ostrůvek {m} :: diminutive of ostrov
ostružina {f} :: blackberry (fruit)
ostružina {f} :: blackberry (a fruit-bearing shrub of the genus Rubus)
ostružiník {m} :: blackberry (a fruit-bearing shrub of the genus Rubus)
ostrý {adj} :: sharp (able to cut easily)
ostrý {adj} :: hot (of food and spice)
ostrý {adj} [mathematics] :: strict (of an inequality, such that it rules out the possibility of equality)
ostrý jako břitva {adj} [simile] :: very sharp
ostrý úhel {m} :: acute angle
ostře {adv} :: sharply
ostří {n} :: cutting edge (sharp edge of the blade)
Ostřihom {prop} {m} :: Ostřihom (city)
ostřit {v impf} :: to sharpen
ostříž {m} :: hobby (small falcon)
ostříží {adj} [relational] :: hobby, hobby's (small falcon)
ostuda {f} :: disgrace (cause of shame or reproach)
ostudný {adj} :: disgraceful
ostýchat {v impf} :: to be coy
ostýchavost {f} :: shyness
ostýchavý {adj} :: bashful, coy, demure
osud {m inan} :: fate
osud {m inan} :: doom
osudný {adj} :: fatal
osudový {adj} :: fatal
osuška {f} :: bath towel
OSVČ {noun} :: abbreviation of osoba samostatně výdělečně činná
osvědčení {n} :: verbal noun of osvědčit
osvědčení {n} :: certificate (a document containing a certified statement)
osvědčený {adj} :: time-tested, proven
osvědčit {v} :: to certify
osvědčit {v} :: to prove good or useful
osvěta {f} :: public education (the process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment)
osvětařit {v impf} [rare] :: to dabble, be engaged in adult education (as a teacher)
osvětařit {v impf} [rare] :: to pontificate; to edify
Osvětim {prop} {f} :: Osvětim (city)
osvětlený {adj} :: lit, lighted, illuminated
osvětlit {v pf} :: to illuminate (to shine light on something)
osvětlit {v pf} :: to elucidate
osvětlovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of osvětlit
osvěžit {v pf} :: to refresh (To renew or revitalize)
osvěžit {v pf} :: to invigorate (to impart vigor, strength, or vitality to)
osvěžit {v pf} :: to stimulate
osvěžující {adj} :: fresh (refreshing or cool)
osvícení {n} :: enlightenment (act of enlightening, or the state of being enlightened or instructed)
osvícenství {n} :: the Enlightenment
osvítit {v pf} :: to enlighten
osvobodit {v pf} :: to free, to liberate
osvoboditel {m anim} :: liberator
osvobození {n} :: verbal noun of osvobodit
osvobození {n} :: liberation
osvobození {n} :: exemption
osvobození {n} :: emancipation (the act of setting free from the power of another, from slavery, subjection, dependence, or controlling influence)
osvobozený {adj} :: freed, liberated
osvobozený {adj} :: exempt
osvojení {n} :: verbal noun of osvojit
osvojení {n} :: adoption (of a child, a pet)
osvojení {n} :: integration, adoption (of a thing)
osvojit {v pf} :: to adopt (to a child by choice into relationship)
osvojit {v pf} [, used with si] :: to master
osyp {m} :: scree (loose stony debris on a slope)
osyp {m} :: talus (a sloping heap of fragments of rock lying at the foot of a precipice)
ošatka {f} :: A basket
ošetřit {v pf} :: to treat (to care for medicinally or surgically; to apply medical care to)
ošklivé káčátko {n} :: ugly duckling
ošklivit {vr impf} [si] :: [formal] to loathe, detest
ošklivost {f} :: ugliness
ošklivý {adj} :: ugly, nasty, hideous
ošklivý jako noc {adj} [simile] :: ugly as sin, very ugly
oškrt {m} :: alternative form of oškrd
ošoust {m} [colloquial] :: tatterdemalion
oštěp {m} :: javelin
oštěp {m} :: spear
oštěpař {m} :: javelin thrower
oštěpařka {f} :: female javelin thrower
-ot {suffix} :: Forms masculine nouns
-ota {suffix} :: noun suffix
Ota {prop} {m} :: given name
otáčet {v impf} :: to rotate
Otakar {prop} {m} :: given name
Otakárek {prop} {m} :: given name
Oťas {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given names Oto and Ota
otaškařit {v pf} [obsolete] :: to swindle, to bamboozle, to do
otázka {f} :: question
otazník {m} :: question mark
otcovrah {m} :: patricide (murderer of own father)
otcovražda {f} :: patricide (murder of one's father)
otcovský {adj} :: paternal
otcovství {n} :: fatherhood
otčenáš {m} :: Lord's Prayer
otčím {m} :: stepfather
otčina {f} [literary] :: fatherland
otec {m anim} :: father
otéct {v pf} :: to swell
oteklý {adj} :: swollen
oteplování {n} :: warming
otesávat {v impf} :: to rough-hew
otevírat {v impf} :: imperfective form of otevřít
otevřen {v m} :: Passive voice of otevřít
otevřená množina {f} :: open set
otevřená otázka {f} :: open-ended question
otevření {n} :: verbal noun of otevřít
otevření {n} :: opening
otevřenost {f} :: openness
otevřený {adj} :: open
otevřený fond {m} :: open-end fund
otevřený interval {m} [mathematics] :: open interval
otevřít {v pf} :: to open
otěž {f} :: rein
Otík {prop} {m} :: given name
otisk prstu {m} :: fingerprint
Otmar {prop} {m} :: given name
Oto {prop} {m} :: given name
otočit {v pf} :: to rotate
otočit {v pf} :: to turn
otok {m} :: swelling
Otokar {prop} {m} :: given name
otolog {m} :: otologist
otologický {adj} :: otologic, otological
otologie {f} :: otology
otorinolaryngolog {m} :: otorhinolaryngologist
otorinolaryngologie {f} :: otolaryngology, otorhinolaryngology
otoskop {m} [medicine] :: otoscope
otoskopie {f} [medicine] :: otoscopy
otrava {f} :: poisoning, intoxication
otrava {f} :: boredom
otrava alkoholem {f} :: (acute alcohol poisoning) alcoholism
otrávit {v pf} :: to poison
otrávit {v pf} :: to disgust
otravný {adj} :: annoying
otravování {n} :: vexation, pestering
otravovat {v impf} :: to poison
otravovat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to annoy
otrhanec {m} :: ragamuffin
otrhaný {adj} :: ragged (wearing rags, tatters)
otrlý {adj} :: callous (emotionally hardened)
otrocky {adv} :: slavishly
otrocký {adj} :: slavish
otroctví {n} :: slavery
otrok {m anim} :: slave
otrokář {m} :: slaver, slave trader
otrokář {m} :: slave owner
otrokářství {n} :: slavery (institution or social practice)
otrokyně {f} :: female slave
otruby {fp} :: bran
otřepaný {adj} :: threadbare, hackneyed (repeated too often)
otřesný {adj} :: appalling
otvírák na konzervy {m} :: can opener
otvor {m} :: opening (hole)
otvůrek {m} :: diminutive of otvor
Otýlie {prop} {f} :: given name
otylost {f} :: obesity
otylý {adj} :: obese
oud {m} [archaic] :: alternative form of úd
ouhorlík {m anim} :: pratincole
oukej {interj} [colloquial] :: okay (used to indicate acknowledgement or acceptance)
oukrop {m inan} :: garlic soup
-oun {suffix} :: A noun-forming suffix
-ouš {suffix} [colloquial] :: a suffix which indicates that someone is living next to something or doing something, often colloquial or offensive, sometimes in names
ouško {n} :: diminutive of ucho
ouško {n} [anatomy] :: auricle (an ear-shaped appendage of the left or right atrium of the heart)
outsider {m anim} :: Outsider, one who is not part of a community or organization
outsider {m anim} :: Outsider, a competitor or contestant who has little chance of winning
-ová {suffix} :: feminine equivalent of -ový; added to nouns to form adjectives meaning “having the quality of” (similar to -y), or “pertaining to”
-ová {suffix} :: Feminization suffix used to form a female surname from the corresponding male surname (used for wives and daughters)
ovace {noun} :: ovation
ovál {m} :: oval
oválek {m} :: diminutive of ovál
oválný {adj} :: oval, oval-shaped
ovarektomie {f} [medicine] :: ovariectomy
-ovat {suffix} :: verb forming suffix
ovce {f} :: sheep
ovčák {m anim} :: shepherd (person who tends sheep)
ovčí {adj} [relational] :: sheep, ovine
ovčička {f} [archaic] :: diminutive of ovce
ovdovět {v pf} :: to become a widow or widower, to be widowed
-ovec {suffix} :: follower or adherent
ovečka {f} :: diminutive of ovce
ověření {n} :: verification (the act of verifying)
ověřit {v pf} :: to verify (to confirm or test the truth or accuracy of something)
ověřitelnost {f} :: verifiability
ověřitelný {adj} :: verifiable (able to be verified)
oves {m} [collective] :: oat, oats, any member of the genus Avena
ovesné vločky {fp} :: rolled oats
ovesný {adj} [relational] :: oat, oats
-oví {suffix} :: forms nouns denoting masses of things
-ovitý {suffix} :: like, resembling
-ovka {suffix} :: forms nouns from nouns
ovladač {m} :: controls, control panel
ovladač {m} :: joystick
ovladač {m} [computing] :: driver
ovládání {n} :: verbal noun of ovládat
ovládání {n} :: control (method and means)
ovládat {vt impf} :: to control
ovládat {v impf} :: to control oneself
ovládat {v impf} :: to dominate (to govern, rule or control by superior authority or power)
ovládat {v impf} :: to know, to master (to learn to a high degree of proficiency)
ovládnutí {n} :: mastery
ovlivnit {v pf} :: to influence
ovlivnitelný {adj} :: suggestible
ovlivnitelný {adj} :: influenceable
ovlivňovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of ovlivnit
-ovna {suffix} :: from nouns forms nouns referring to persons and places
-ovní {suffix} :: from nouns forms adjectives meaning of or relating to
ovoce {n} :: fruit
ovocnář {m} :: fruiterer
ovocný {adj} [relational] :: fruit
-ovský {suffix} :: -ian, -ean (of or relating to a particular notable person and their works)
ovšem {conj} :: but
ovšem {interj} :: sure thing; of course; yes
-ový {suffix} :: of or pertaining to; -al
-ový {suffix} [chemistry] :: Added at the end of the name of an electropositive component with an oxidation number of VI in a compound
ovzduší {n} :: atmosphere (gases surrounding the Earth)
oxalát {m} [organic compound] :: oxalate
oxid {m} :: oxide
oxidace {f} :: oxidation
oxidační číslo {n} [chemistry] :: oxidation number
oxid dusičitý {m} :: nitrogen dioxide (NO₂)
oxid dusičný {m} :: dinitrogen pentoxide, nitrogen pentoxide (N2O5)
oxid dusitý {m} :: dinitrogen trioxide
oxid fosforečný {m} :: phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5)
oxid chloričitý {m} :: chlorine dioxide (ClO2)
oxid křemičitý {m} :: silicon dioxide (SiO₂)
oxid manganistý {m} [inorganic compound] :: manganese heptoxide (Mn2O7)
oxid osmičelý {m} [inorganic compound] :: osmium tetroxide (OsO4)
oxidovat {v impf} :: to oxidize
oxid sírový {m} [inorganic compound] :: sulfur trioxide (SO3)
oxid siřičitý {m} [inorganic compound] :: sulfur dioxide (SO2)
oxid uhelnatý {m} :: carbon monoxide (chemical of the formula CO)
oxid uhličitý {m} [inorganic compound] :: carbon dioxide
oxygenace {f} :: oxygenation
oxymóron {m} :: oxymoron (figure of speech)
-óza {suffix} :: A suffix akin to -osis
ozbrojený {adj} :: armed
ozdoba {f} :: decoration
ozdobit {v pf} :: to decorate, to adorn, to embellish
Ozeáš {prop} {m} [religion] :: Hosea
ozkoušet {v pf} :: to test (to place a product or piece of equipment under everyday and/or extreme conditions and examine it for its durability)
ozkoušet {v pf} :: to examine (to test skills or qualifications of someone)
označení {n} :: verbal noun of označit
označení {n} :: designation
označit {v pf} :: To mark, label, tag
označit {v pf} :: To mark, highlight
označit {v pf} :: To brand, classify
oznámení {n} :: announcement
oznámit {v pf} :: to announce
oznamovací způsob {m} :: indicative mood
oznamovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of oznámit
ozobí {noun} :: cere
ozon {m} :: ozone (O3)
ozón {m} :: ozone (O3)
ozonosféra {f} :: ozonosphere
ozřejmit {v impf} :: to elucidate
ozubená dráha {f} :: rack railway, cog railway
ozubené kolo {n} :: gear (wheel with grooves)
ozubnicová dráha {f} :: rack railway, cog railway
ozvat {v pf} :: to be heard
ozvat {v pf} :: to get back to, to call back or talk back, to get in touch
ozvěna {f} :: echo (reflected sound)
ožehavý {adj} :: touchy, delicate (requiring caution or tactfulness)
oželet {vt pf} :: to reconcile, resign oneself (to the loss or not obtaining of something)
ožíračka {f} [colloquial] :: carousal, drinking party
oživení {n} :: verbal noun of oživit
oživení {n} :: reinvigoration
oživit {v pf} :: to enliven (to make more lively), to reinvigorate
ožrala {m} [colloquial] :: drinker, drunkard
ožralec {m} [colloquial] :: drinker, drunkard