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From bohatý.





obohatit pf (imperfective obohacovat)

  1. to enrich
    Antonym: ochudit


Conjugation of obohatit
infinitive obohatit, obohatiti active adjective obohativší
verbal noun obohacení passive adjective obohacený
present forms indicative imperative
singular plural singular plural
1st person obohatím obohatíme obohaťme
2nd person obohatíš obohatíte obohať obohaťte
3rd person obohatí obohatí

The verb obohatit does not have present tense and the present forms are used to express future only.

participles past participles passive participles
singular plural singular plural
masculine animate obohatil obohatili obohacen obohaceni
masculine inanimate obohatily obohaceny
feminine obohatila obohacena
neuter obohatilo obohatila obohaceno obohacena
transgressives present past
masculine singular obohativ
feminine + neuter singular obohativši
plural obohativše

Derived terms
