User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-e
д. {m inan} | :: abbreviation of дом |
д {prefix} | :: d, deci- (0.1) |
да {adv} | :: yes |
да {conj} | :: and (сочинительный, соединительный союз) |
да {conj} | :: but |
да {interj} | :: really |
да {interj} | :: yes (used to confirm that the person being addressed is listening) |
да {particle} | :: let + verb |
да {particle} | :: may + verb |
да {prefix} | :: da, deca- (x 10) |
да-а {interj} | :: hey [expressing pleasant surprise] |
дабл-ю {n inan} | :: The English letter W, w |
дабы {conj} [archaic, non-standard colloquial] | :: in order to, in order that, so that |
давай {interj} | :: let's |
давай {interj} | :: come on, c'mon |
давай {interj} [very colloquial] | :: good bye, see you |
давайте {interj} | :: let us, let's |
давать {v impf} | :: to give |
давать {v impf} | :: to let, to allow |
давать {v impf} | :: to hit, to strike, to clip |
давать {v impf} [slang] | :: to put out, to consent to sex |
давать взаймы {v impf} | :: to lend, to loan |
даваться {v impf} | :: to let oneself, to allow oneself (to be caught, to be cheated, etc.) |
даваться {v impf} | :: to come easily |
давеча {adv} [colloquial] | :: lately, recently |
давешний {adj} [colloquial] | :: recent |
Давид {prop} | :: given name |
давильня {noun} | :: winepress |
давить {v impf} | :: to weigh, to lie heavy |
давить {v impf} | :: to crush |
давить {v impf} | :: to press, to squeeze |
давить {v impf} | :: to suppress, to stifle |
давить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to kill, to destroy |
давить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to put pressure on, to pressurize, to pressure |
давиться {v impf} | :: to choke (be unable to breathe because of obstruction of the windpipe) |
давка {noun} | :: throng, jam, crush |
давление {noun} | :: pressure (physics: amount of force divided by area) |
давненько {adv} [colloquial] | :: for quite a while |
давненько {adv} [colloquial] | :: long ago |
давний {adj} | :: old, ancient, age-old, distant, bygone |
давнишний {adj} [colloquial] | :: longstanding, old |
давно {adv} | :: long ago |
давно не виделись {phrase} | :: long time no see (we haven't seen each other for a long time) |
давность {noun} | :: remoteness (in time), antiquity; long standing; time limitation |
давным-давно {adv} [colloquial] | :: long ago |
давным-давно {adv} [colloquial] | :: once upon a time |
Дагестан {prop} | :: Дагестан (republic) |
дагестанский {adj} [relational] | :: Dagestan; Dagestani |
да-да {adv} [colloquial] | :: (oh) yes |
дадаист {noun} | :: Dadaist |
даёшь {particle} | :: let there be ...!, we want ...! |
даже {adv} | :: even |
да здравствует {v} | :: long live!, viva! (for a singular person or thing) |
дайвинг {noun} | :: diving (practice of swimming underwater) |
дайджест {noun} | :: digest (magazine of abridged articles) |
даймё {m anim} [historical] | :: daimyo (Japanese feudal lord) |
дай мне свой телефон {phrase} | :: what's your phone number? |
дайте мне свой телефон {phrase} | :: what's your phone number? [formal] |
дак {particle} [nonstandard] | :: alternative form of так |
дак {noun} | :: Dacian (member of the ancient Dacian people) |
Дакар {prop} | :: Дакар (capital city) |
Дакка {prop} | :: Дакка (capital city) |
дактиль {noun} | :: dactyl |
дал {noun} | :: abbreviation of декалитр |
далай-лама {noun} | :: Dalai Lama |
далее {adv} | :: farther |
далее {adv} | :: further, furthermore |
далее {adv} | :: hereinafter |
далеко {adv} | :: far, far off, far away |
далеко {adv} | :: a long way |
далеко-далеко {adv} | :: far far away, very far |
далёкий {adj} | :: far, distant, remote |
далёкий {adj} | :: long way off, wide (of) |
далёкий {adj} | :: strange (to) |
далёкий {adj} [colloquial] | :: smart, clever |
-далить {affix} | :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to move away, to send away, to postpone" |
Даллас {prop} | :: Даллас (major city) |
далматская собака {noun} | :: Dalmatian |
далматский {adj} | :: Dalmatian |
далматский дог {noun} | :: Dalmatian |
Далмация {prop} | :: Dalmatia |
даль {noun} | :: distance |
дальневосточный {adj} [relational] | :: Far East; Far Eastern |
дальневосточный {adj} [relational] | :: Russian Far East |
дальнейшее {noun} | :: future, what has happened or will happen subsequently, later on |
дальнейший {adj} | :: further, subsequent (following in time) |
дальний {adj} | :: far, distant |
дальний {adj} | :: remote |
дальний {adj} | :: long |
Дальний Восток {prop} | :: Far East |
Дальний Восток {prop} | :: the Russian Far East |
дальнобойный {adj} [military] | :: long-range [of weapons, munitions, weapon fire] |
дальнобойный {adj} [colloquial, transport] | :: long-range, long-haul |
дальнобойщик {noun} [colloquial] | :: long-haul truck driver |
дальновидный {adj} | :: far-sighted, forward-looking, prudent |
дальномер {noun} | :: rangefinder |
дальность {noun} | :: distance, remoteness, range |
дальше {adv} | :: comparative of далёкий: further |
дальше {adv} | :: comparative of далеко: further |
дальше {adv} | :: furthermore |
дальше {adv} | :: then, next |
Далянь {prop} | :: Далянь (city) |
дама {noun} | :: lady |
дама {noun} | :: dance partner |
дама {noun} [card games] | :: queen |
Дамаск {prop} | :: Дамаск (capital city) |
дамасский {adj} | :: Damascene |
дамба {noun} | :: dam, levee, dike |
Дамиан {prop} | :: given name |
дамка {noun} [draughts, checkers] | :: king |
дамоклов {adj} | :: Damocles', of Damocles |
дамоклов меч {noun} | :: sword of Damocles |
дамочка {noun} | :: diminutive of дама: dame, damsel, young lady, young woman |
дамский {adj} | :: lady's, ladies' |
дамы и господа {anp} | :: ladies and gentlemen |
дан {noun} [historical] | :: Dane (member of a Germanic tribe) |
дан {noun} [sports] | :: dan |
данакильский {adj} [relational] | :: Afar (a region in Ethiopia, a people residing in this region and their language) |
данакильский {noun} | :: Afar (language of the Afar people) |
Данелаг {prop} | :: the Danelaw |
Даниил {prop} | :: given name |
Данил {prop} | :: alternative form of Даниил |
Данила {prop} {m anim} | :: alternative form of Даниил |
Дания {prop} | :: Дания (country) |
данник {noun} | :: tributary (nation, state, etc.) |
данность {noun} | :: a given |
данные {noun} | :: data, facts, information |
данный {adj} | :: given, present, this |
дантист {noun} | :: dentist |
да ну {interj} [sarcastic] | :: yeah right, get off with you! (disbelief) |
дань {noun} | :: contribution, tribute |
дань {noun} | :: tributary |
дань {noun} | :: homage, tribute |
дань {noun} | :: toll |
даосизм {noun} | :: Taoism (Chinese philosophy) |
дар {noun} | :: gift, present |
дар {noun} | :: talent, aptitude |
Дарвин {prop} | :: Дарвин (capital city) |
дарвинизм {noun} | :: Darwinism |
дарвинист {noun} | :: Darwinist, Darwinian |
дарвиновский {adj} | :: Darwinian |
Дарданеллы {prop} | :: Dardanelles (strait) |
дарение {noun} | :: donation |
дарёному коню в зубы не смотрят {proverb} | :: don't look a gift horse in the mouth |
дари {m inan} | :: Dari |
дарить {v impf} | :: to give, to make a present, to present, to donate |
дарить {v impf} | :: to favour, to bestow, to award |
дармовой {adj} | :: free (of charge), gratuitous |
дармштадтий {noun} | :: darmstadtium |
дарование {noun} | :: gift, talent |
дарование {noun} | :: bestowal |
даровать {v both} [lofty] | :: to grant |
даром {adv} | :: gratis, for free, for nothing |
даром {adv} | :: in vain |
д'Артаньян {prop} | :: d'Artagnan |
Дарья {prop} | :: given name |
Дар-эс-Салам {prop} | :: Дар-эс-Салам (the largest <<city>> and <<former capital>> of <<c/Tanzania>>) |
да-с {interj} [obsolete] | :: yes, milord |
да-с {interj} [obsolete] | :: yes, milady |
Дастакерт {prop} | :: Дастакерт (village) |
дата {noun} | :: date (point in time) |
дата рождения {noun} | :: date of birth |
Дате {prop} {m inan} | :: Дате (city) |
дательный {adj} [linguistics] | :: dative (denoting the case of noun which expresses indirect object) |
дательный падеж {noun} | :: dative case |
датирование {noun} | :: dating |
датировать {v both} | :: to date (to note the time of writing or executing) |
датский {noun} | :: Danish language |
датский {adj} | :: Danish |
датский дог {noun} | :: Great Dane |
датчанин {noun} | :: Dane (person from Denmark or of Danish descent) |
датчанка {noun} | :: female Dane (person from Denmark or of Danish descent) |
датчик {noun} | :: transducer, sensing unit, sending unit, gage, sensor |
дать {v pf} | :: to give |
дать {v pf} | :: to let, to allow |
дать {v pf} | :: to organize, to create |
дать {v pf} | :: to hit, to strike, to clip, to give it to someone |
дать {v pf} [idiomatic] | :: to estimate someone's age from their appearance |
дать {v pf} [slang, figurative] | :: to consent to sex |
дать дуба {v pf} [idiomatic] | :: to kick the bucket, to die |
даться {v pf} | :: to let oneself, to allow oneself (to be caught, to be cheated, etc.) |
даться {v pf} | :: to come easily |
дацзыбао {f inan} [history] | :: dazibao, a wall-mounted newspaper etc., as a popular form of communication in China |
дача {noun} | :: dacha, villa, country house |
дача {noun} | :: a (small) plot of land in the outskirts of Russian cities usually used by city dwellers for growing fruit and vegetables |
дача {noun} | :: giving |
дачник {noun} | :: summer resident; owner of a dacha |
дачный {adj} [relational] | :: dacha |
дачный {adj} | :: suburban [of means of transport; i.e. taking passengers to dachas] |
дачный {adj} | :: summer (time when people go to dachas) |
дбать {v impf} [regional, dated, Ukraine, Belgorod, Kursk, Smolensk, Voronezh, Southern Russia] | :: to care; to look after |
два {num} | :: two (2) |
двадцатилетие {noun} | :: twenty-year period |
двадцатилетие {noun} | :: twentieth anniversary, twentieth birthday |
двадцатилетний {adj} [relational] | :: twenty-year |
двадцатилетний {adj} | :: twenty-year-old |
двадцатиодноугольник {noun} | :: icosihenagon |
двадцатиугольник {noun} | :: icosagon |
двадцатичетырёхугольник {noun} | :: icositetragon |
двадцатка {noun} [colloquial] | :: twenty |
двадцатка {noun} [colloquial] | :: twenty roubles, dollars, etc |
двадцатка {noun} [colloquial] | :: (tram, bus, etc.) number twenty |
двадцатый {adj} | :: twentieth |
двадцать {num} | :: twenty (20) |
двадцать восемь {num} | :: twenty-eight (28) |
двадцать два {num} | :: twenty-two (22) |
двадцать девять {num} | :: twenty-nine (29) |
двадцать один {num} | :: twenty-one (21) |
двадцать первый {adj} | :: twenty-first |
двадцать пять {num} | :: twenty-five (25) |
двадцать семь {num} | :: twenty-seven (27) |
двадцать три {num} | :: twenty-three (23) |
двадцать четыре {num} | :: twenty-four (24) |
двадцать шесть {num} | :: twenty-six (26) |
двадцатью {adv} | :: 20x, 20 times as much |
дважды {adv} | :: twice, on two occasions |
дважды {adv} | :: 2x, twice as much |
дванадесятые праздники {noun} [Eastern Orthodoxy] | :: Great Feasts |
дванадесятый {adj} | :: one of twelve |
дванадесять {num} [archaic] | :: twelve |
двенадцатилетие {noun} | :: twelve-year period |
двенадцатилетие {noun} | :: twelfth anniversary, twelfth birthday |
двенадцатилетний {adj} [relational] | :: twelve-year |
двенадцатилетний {adj} | :: twelve-year-old |
двенадцатиугольник {noun} | :: dodecagon |
двенадцатый {adj} | :: twelfth |
двенадцать {num} | :: twelve (12) |
двенадцатью {adv} | :: 12x, twelve times as much |
две пары {noun} [poker] | :: two pair |
дверка {noun} | :: diminutive of дверь: (a small) door |
дверной {adj} [relational] | :: door |
дверца {noun} | :: diminutive of дверь: door |
дверь {noun} | :: door |
двести {num} | :: two hundred (200) |
двигатель {noun} | :: engine, motor |
двигатель внутреннего сгорания {noun} | :: internal combustion engine |
двигательный {adj} | :: impellent, motive (causing motion) |
двигать {v impf} | :: to move, to set going |
двигать {v impf} | :: to move, to incite |
двигаться {v impf} | :: to move (intransitive) |
движение {noun} | :: movement, motion, stirring |
движение {noun} | :: traffic |
движение {noun} | :: (plural) light gymnastics |
движимый {adj} | :: being moved, pushed (by); being motivated (by) |
движитель {noun} | :: mover, driver (something which propels) |
движок {noun} [colloquial] | :: (small) engine, motor |
движок {noun} | :: slider, cursor, arm, movable indicator, runner |
движущий {adj} | :: moving, driving, motive |
двинуть {v pf} | :: to move, to set going |
двинуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to hit, to cosh |
двинуться {vi pf} | :: to move |
двинуться {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to go crazy, to lose one's wits |
двинянин {noun} | :: native of Northern Dvina region |
д.-в.-н. {adj} | :: initialism of древневерхненемецкий |
д.-в.-нем. {adj} | :: initialism of древневерхненемецкий |
двое {num} | :: two (in a group together), two of them |
двоевластие {noun} | :: diarchy |
двоедушный {adj} | :: two-faced |
двоежёнство {noun} | :: bigamy |
двоемыслие {noun} | :: doublethink |
двоеперстие {noun} [religion] | :: a sign of the cross made with two fingers |
двоеточие {noun} | :: colon (punctuation) |
двоечник {noun} | :: pupil with only the lowest mark "two" in his record |
двоечник {noun} | :: (by extension) anyone who is a bad performer |
двоечница {noun} | :: a female pupil with only the lowest mark "two" in her record |
двоечница {noun} | :: (by extension) anyone who is a bad performer (female) |
двоить {vt impf} | :: to divide in two, to bifurcate |
двоить {v impf} [regional] | :: to plow a second time, to replow |
двоично-пятеричный {adj} | :: biquinary |
двоичный {adj} [mathematics, programming, computer engineering] | :: binary, binomial |
двойка {noun} | :: two |
двойка {noun} | :: (mark) two (out of five), poor; D mark, D grade |
двойка {noun} [cards] | :: two, deuce |
двойка {noun} | :: No 2 (bus, tram, etc.) |
двойка {noun} | :: pair-oar boat, pair, double sculls |
двойка {noun} | :: two-piece suit |
двойник {noun} | :: look-alike, double (a person resembling or standing for another) |
двойной {adj} | :: double |
двойной {adj} | :: binary |
двойной {adj} | :: dual |
двойня {noun} | :: twins |
двойственность {noun} | :: duality; duplicity; ambivalence |
двойственный {adj} | :: dual |
двойственный {adj} | :: two-faced, double-faced |
двойственный {adj} | :: bipartite |
двойственный {adj} | :: ambivalent |
двор {noun} | :: yard |
двор {noun} | :: courtyard |
двор {noun} | :: homestead |
двор {noun} | :: court |
дворец {noun} | :: palace |
дворецкий {noun} | :: butler |
дворик {noun} | :: diminutive of двор: (a small) courtyard |
дворник {noun} | :: janitor |
дворник {noun} | :: street cleaner |
дворник {noun} | :: wiper, windshield wiper, windscreen wiper |
дворня {noun} [collective] | :: domestic servants |
дворняга {noun} [colloquial] | :: cur, mutt, mongrel |
дворняжка {noun} [colloquial] | :: diminutive of дворняга: cur, mutt, mongrel |
дворовый {adj} [relational] | :: court, yard |
дворовый {adj} [relational, historical] | :: house serf; menial |
дворцовый {adj} [relational] | :: palace |
дворянин {noun} | :: noble, nobleman (a man of noble rank) |
дворянин {noun} | :: armiger (person entitled to bear a coat of arms) |
дворянка {noun} | :: noblewoman (a woman of noble rank) |
дворянский {adj} [relational] | :: gentry, nobleman |
дворянский {adj} | :: nobleman's |
дворянство {noun} | :: nobility; the nobles; gentry |
двоюрный {adj} [proscribed, low colloquial, non-standard] | :: alternative form of двоюродный |
двоюродная бабушка {noun} | :: great-aunt |
двоюродная внучка {noun} | :: grandniece, great-niece (nephew's or niece's daughter) |
двоюродная племянница {noun} | :: first cousin once removed (uncle's granddaughter; different from двоюродная тётя) |
двоюродная сестра {noun} | :: first cousin (uncle's or aunt's daughter) |
двоюродная тётка {noun} | :: first cousin once removed (great uncle's daughter; different from двоюродная племянница) |
двоюродная тётя {noun} | :: first cousin once removed (great uncle's daughter; different from двоюродная племянница) |
двоюродный {adj} | :: denotes a relative in the same generation as the head noun but one degree greater in separation |
двоюродный брат {noun} | :: first cousin (uncle's or aunt's son) |
двоюродный внук {noun} | :: grandnephew, great-nephew (nephew's son) |
двоюродный дед {noun} | :: great uncle |
двоюродный дядя {m anim} | :: first cousin once removed (great uncle's son; different from двоюродный племянник) |
двоюродный племянник {noun} | :: first cousin once removed (uncle's grandson; different from двоюродный дядя) |
двоюродный правнук {noun} | :: great-grandnephew (nephew's grandson) |
двоякий {adj} | :: double, twofold |
двоякость {noun} | :: doubleness |
дву- {prefix} | :: bi-, di-, duo- (two, twice, double) |
двувидовой {adj} [grammar] | :: biaspectual (of verbs having two grammatical aspects) |
двуглавый {adj} | :: two-headed, double-headed |
двугорбый {adj} | :: two-humped |
двугорбый верблюд {noun} | :: Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) |
двудольный {adj} [anatomy] | :: having two parts |
двудольный {adj} [botany] | :: dicotyledonous |
двукратный {adj} | :: twofold, double repeated, reiterated |
двукрылое {noun} [entomology] | :: a dipteran |
двукрылое {noun} [entomology, plural only] | :: the order Diptera |
двукрылый {adj} | :: dipteral, dipterous, two-winged |
двуликий {adj} | :: with two faces |
двуликий {adj} | :: double-faced, duplicitous, two-faced, (given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech) |
двуличие {noun} | :: duplicity (intentional deceptiveness) |
двуличный {adj} | :: double-faced, two-faced, duplicitous (given to or marked by deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech) |
двумерный {adj} | :: two-dimensional |
двумерный {adj} [mathematics] | :: bivariate |
двунадесятые праздники {noun} [Eastern Orthodoxy] | :: Great Feasts |
двуногий {adj} | :: two-legged; bipedal |
двуокись {noun} [chemistry, dated] | :: dioxide |
двуокись углерода {noun} | :: carbon dioxide |
двуперстие {noun} [religion] | :: A sign of the cross made with two fingers |
двуполый {adj} | :: bisexual, androgynous |
двурукий {adj} | :: two-handed, bimanous |
двуручка {noun} [colloquial] | :: two-handled joiner's or carving tool |
двуручный {adj} | :: two-handled |
двурушник {noun} [pejorative] | :: double-dealer, turncoat |
двусложный {adj} [linguistics] | :: disyllabic |
двусмысленно {adv} | :: ambiguously (in an ambiguous manner) |
двусмысленно {adv} | :: obliquely |
двусмысленность {noun} | :: ambiguity |
двусмысленность {noun} | :: ambiguous expression, double entendre |
двусмысленный {adj} | :: ambiguous, equivocal |
двусмысленный {adj} | :: indecent, suggestive, risque |
двустволка {noun} | :: double-barrelled shotgun |
двустволка {noun} [slang, animate] | :: prostitute |
двустволка {noun} [slang, animate] | :: chick, girl |
двустволка {noun} [slang] | :: female breasts, tits, boobs |
двуствольный {adj} | :: double-barrelled |
двустворчатый {adj} | :: bivalve (of mollusc) |
двустворчатый {adj} [relational] | :: French door, double doors |
двустворчатый {adj} [anatomy] | :: bicuspid (of heart valve) |
двусторонний {adj} | :: double-sided, two-sided |
двусторонний {adj} | :: bilateral, bipartite, two-way |
двусторонний {adj} [clothing] | :: reversible |
двух- {prefix} | :: bi-, di-, duo- (two, twice, double) |
двухкомнатный {adj} | :: two-room |
двухлетие {noun} | :: two-year period |
двухлетие {noun} | :: second anniversary, second birthday |
двухлетний {adj} [relational] | :: two-year |
двухлетний {adj} | :: two-year-old |
двухлетний {adj} [botany] | :: biennial |
двухлитровый {adj} [relational] | :: two-liter |
двухмерный {adj} | :: alternative form of двумерный |
двухместный {adj} | :: double, for two |
двухмесячный {adj} [relational] | :: two-month (lasting two months) |
двухмесячный {adj} | :: two-month-old |
двухметровый {adj} [relational] | :: two-meter |
двухметровый {adj} | :: two-meter long |
двухнедельный {adj} [relational] | :: two-week (lasting two weeks) |
двухнедельный {adj} | :: two-week-old |
двухпалатный {adj} | :: two-chamber, bicameral |
двухсотый {adj} | :: two-hundredth, 200th |
двухсотый {noun} [military slang] | :: corpse, dead body |
двухтактный {adj} [music] | :: in double measure |
двухтактный {adj} [relational, engineering] | :: two-stroke |
двухтактный двигатель {noun} | :: two-stroke engine |
двухтомник {noun} [colloquial] | :: two-volume work |
двухфигурный {adj} [art] | :: two-figured |
двухэтажный {adj} [relational] | :: two-story |
двухэтажный {adj} [relational] | :: double-decker |
двуязычность {noun} | :: bilingualism |
двуязычный {adj} | :: bilingual |
дг {m inan} | :: abbreviation of дециграмм |
де {particle} [colloquial] | :: says [used informally to mark reported speech] |
деактивировать {v both} | :: to deactivate, to disable (to put something out of action) |
дебаты {noun} | :: debate |
дебелый {adj} | :: plump |
дебет {noun} [accounting] | :: debit (an entry in the left hand column of an account or a sum of money taken out of a bank account) |
дебил {noun} | :: moron, imbecile, idiot |
дебилизм {noun} [colloquial] | :: moronism, imbecility |
дебилизм {noun} [colloquial] | :: idiotism [about something very idiotic] |
дебильный {adj} | :: asinine, moronic |
дебитор {noun} [finance] | :: debtor |
дебиторская задолженность {noun} | :: accounts receivable (total monetary amount) |
дебиторский {adj} [relational, finance] | :: debit; debtor's; receivable |
дебош {noun} | :: debauch (act of debauchery) |
дебошир {noun} | :: rowdy, debauchee |
дебри {noun} | :: thickets, jungle, wilderness, wilds, bush |
дебри {noun} [figuratively] | :: maze, labyrinth |
дебют {noun} | :: debut |
дебют {noun} [chess] | :: opening |
дебютант {noun} | :: debutant |
дебютировать {v both} | :: to make one's début |
дебютный {adj} [relational] | :: debut |
дева {noun} [poetic] | :: maiden, maid, virgin |
Дева {prop} [constellation] | :: Virgo (a constellation of the zodiac containing the bright binary star Spica, in the shape of a set of a virgin) |
Дева {prop} [astrology] | :: Virgo (the zodiac sign for the virgin, covering August 23–September 22) |
девайс {noun} | :: device (equipment) |
девальвация {noun} [finance] | :: devaluation (depreciation) |
деванагари {n inan} | :: Devanagari |
девать {v impf} | :: to put, to place |
девать {v impf} | :: to do with |
девать {v impf} | :: to leave, to mislay |
деваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to disappear, to get (to another place) |
деваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to put oneself, to go away |
деверь {noun} | :: brother-in-law (husband’s brother). His wife is one’s невестка |
девиация {noun} | :: deviation |
девиация {noun} [aviation] | :: drift |
девиз {noun} | :: motto |
девица {noun} | :: damsel, maid, maiden, girl |
девичество {noun} | :: girlhood, maidenhood (period of life of a girl before marriage) |
девичий {adj} | :: girlish |
девичий {adj} [relational] | :: maiden; maidenly |
девичий {adj} [figurative] | :: virgin, unblemished |
девичник {noun} [historical] | :: a marriage rite on a night before the wedding |
девичник {noun} | :: bachelorette party, hen party, hen night |
девичья фамилия {noun} | :: maiden name (married woman's original last name) |
девка {noun} | :: wench, girl, bird, broad |
девка {noun} | :: maid |
девка {noun} [vulgar] | :: whore, tart, strumpet |
девочка {noun} | :: girl, little girl (before the age of puberty) |
девочка-подросток {noun} | :: girl, teenage girl (at the age of puberty) |
девственная плева {noun} [anatomy] | :: virginal membrane, hymen |
девственник {noun} | :: virgin [male] |
девственница {noun} | :: virgin |
девственность {noun} | :: virginity, chastity |
девственный {adj} | :: virginal (being or resembling virgin) |
девство {noun} [obsolete] | :: maidenhood |
девушка {noun} | :: girl, lass (from the age of puberty to womanhood) |
девушка {noun} | :: miss (informal but common form of address to a young woman; may also apply to middle-aged women working in the service industry, e.g., sales.) |
девушка {noun} | :: girlfriend |
девчата {noun} [colloquial] | :: girls |
девчонка {noun} | :: girl |
девчонка {noun} | :: gal |
девчушка {noun} [colloquial] | :: girlie, lassie |
девяносто {num} | :: ninety (90) |
девяносто восемь {num} | :: ninety-eight (98) |
девяносто два {num} | :: ninety-two (92) |
девяносто девять {num} | :: ninety-nine (99) |
девяностолетие {noun} | :: ninety-year period |
девяностолетие {noun} | :: ninetieth anniversary, ninetieth birthday |
девяностолетний {adj} [relational] | :: ninety-year |
девяностолетний {adj} | :: ninety-year-old |
девяносто один {num} | :: ninety-one (91) |
девяносто пять {num} | :: ninety-five (95) |
девяносто семь {num} | :: ninety-seven (97) |
девяносто три {num} | :: ninety-three (93) |
девяносто четыре {num} | :: ninety-four (94) |
девяносто шесть {num} | :: ninety-six (96) |
девяностый {adj} | :: ninetieth |
девясил {noun} | :: inula, elecampane (Inula spp., especially Inula helenium) |
девятая {noun} | :: ninth part, one ninth |
девятеро {num} | :: nine (in a group together), nine of them |
девятилетие {noun} | :: nine-year period |
девятилетие {noun} | :: ninth anniversary, ninth birthday |
девятилетний {adj} [relational] | :: nine-year |
девятилетний {adj} | :: nine-year-old |
девятиугольник {noun} | :: enneagon |
девятка {noun} [colloquial] | :: (digit) nine |
девятка {noun} | :: group of nine |
девятка {noun} [cards] | :: nine |
девятка {noun} [colloquial] | :: No 9 bus (tram, etc) |
девятка {noun} [sport] | :: top corner of the goal |
девятнадцатилетие {noun} | :: nineteen-year period |
девятнадцатилетие {noun} | :: nineteenth anniversary, nineteenth birthday |
девятнадцатилетний {adj} [relational] | :: nineteen-year |
девятнадцатилетний {adj} | :: nineteen-year-old |
девятнадцатиугольник {noun} | :: enneadecagon |
девятнадцатый {adj} | :: nineteenth |
девятнадцать {num} | :: nineteen (19) |
девятнадцатью {adv} | :: 19x, nineteen times as much |
девятый {adj} | :: ninth |
девять {num} | :: nine (9) |
девятьсот {num} | :: nine hundred (900) |
девятью {adv} | :: 9x, nine times as much |
деградация {noun} | :: degradation |
деградировать {vi both} | :: to degrade, to degenerate |
дегтярня {noun} | :: tar works |
дегустатор {noun} | :: expert taster [e.g. of wine], degustator |
дегустация {noun} | :: tasting [e.g. of wine], degustation |
дегустировать {v both} | :: to taste [e.g. wine] |
дед {noun} | :: grandfather |
дед {noun} | :: old man |
дед {noun} [in the plural] | :: forefathers |
дед {noun} [military slang] | :: soldier who is approaching demobilization |
Дед Мороз {prop} | :: Father Christmas, Father Frost (equivalent to Santa Claus) |
дедов {adj} [relational] | :: grandfather; grandfather's |
дедовщина {noun} | :: dedovshchina, mobbing, hazing, bullying (in the army) |
дедский {adj} [relational, rare] | :: elderly; grandfather's, grandparents' |
дедуля {noun} [colloquial, endearingly] | :: grandfather, granddad, pops |
дедуля {noun} [colloquial, endearingly] | :: old man |
дедушка {m anim} | :: grandfather |
дедушка {m anim} | :: old man |
Дедушка Мороз {m anim} | :: Grandfather Frost (equivalent to our Saint Nicholas) |
дедушкин {adj} | :: grandfather's |
деепричастие {noun} [grammar] | :: adverbial participle, gerund, verbal adverb |
деепричастие настоящего времени {noun} [grammar] | :: present adverbial participle, present gerund |
деепричастие прошедшего времени {noun} [grammar] | :: past adverbial participle, past gerund |
дееспособность {noun} | :: capacity |
дееспособность {noun} | :: efficiency, vitality |
дееспособность {noun} [legal] | :: competence, legal capacity |
дееспособный {adj} | :: effective |
дееспособный {adj} | :: able |
дееспособный {adj} [law] | :: competent |
дежа {noun} | :: kneading trough |
дежавю {n inan} | :: deja vu |
дежурить {v impf} | :: to be on duty, to keep vigil, to keep watch |
дежурная {noun} | :: woman on duty |
дежурный {adj} | :: on duty |
дежурный {adj} | :: standing |
дежурный {adj} | :: open extra hours [of a shop] |
дежурный {noun} | :: person on duty |
дежурство {noun} | :: duty, watch |
деза {noun} [colloquial] | :: disinformation |
дезадаптация {noun} | :: maladaptation [esp. of social behaviors] |
дезадаптивный {adj} | :: maladaptive [esp. of social behaviors] |
дезадаптировать {v both} [sociology] | :: to make (someone) maladapted; to isolate, to disturb |
дезактивировать {v both} | :: to decontaminate (to neutralize or remove dangerous substances) |
дезертир {noun} | :: deserter |
дезертировать {v both} [military] | :: to desert, to defect |
дезертирство {noun} [military] | :: desertion |
дезертирство {noun} [figurative] | :: debt evasion |
дезертирство {noun} [figurative] | :: dereliction of duty |
дезинтеграция {noun} | :: decomposition, disintegration, disintegration, disruption |
дезинфекция {noun} | :: disinfection |
дезинфицировать {v both} | :: to disinfect |
дезинформация {noun} | :: disinformation |
дезодорант {noun} | :: deodorant |
дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота {noun} [biochemistry] | :: deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA |
дезоксирибонуклеиновый {adj} | :: deoxyribonucleic |
деизм {noun} [religion] | :: deism |
деист {noun} [philosophy] | :: deist |
действенность {noun} | :: efficacy, efficiency |
действенный {adj} | :: effective |
действие {noun} | :: action, activity |
действие {noun} | :: effect, efficacy |
действие {noun} | :: influence, impact |
действие {noun} [military, engineering, mathematics] | :: operation |
действие {noun} [theater] | :: act |
действительно {adv} | :: really, actually, truly, indeed |
действительное причастие настоящего времени {noun} [grammar] | :: present participle active |
действительное причастие прошедшего времени {noun} [grammar] | :: past participle active |
действительное число {noun} | :: real number |
действительность {noun} | :: reality, actuality |
действительность {noun} | :: validity (of a document) |
действительный {adj} | :: real, actual, valid |
действительный {adj} [law] | :: current |
действительный {adj} [grammar] | :: active |
действительный {adj} [mathematics] | :: real |
действительный залог {noun} | :: active voice |
действо {noun} [archaic] | :: action |
действовать {v impf} | :: to do an action or activity |
действовать {v impf} | :: to affect, to have an effect on |
действующая сила {noun} | :: agent (active power or cause) |
действующие лица {noun} | :: dramatis personae |
действующий {adj} | :: active, functioning, in force |
действующий вулкан {noun} | :: active volcano |
дейтерий {noun} [physics] | :: deuterium (isotope of hydrogen) |
дека- {prefix} | :: deca- (x10) |
дека {noun} | :: sounding board |
декабрист {noun} | :: Decembrist (sympathizer of the Decembrist revolt) |
декабрь {noun} | :: December |
декабрьский {adj} [relational] | :: December |
декада {noun} | :: ten days |
декада {noun} | :: ten years; decade |
декалитр {noun} | :: decaliter |
декан {noun} | :: dean |
декан {noun} | :: decane |
деканат {noun} | :: dean's office |
декантер {noun} | :: decanter (vessel or receptacle) |
декантировать {v both} | :: to decant (to slowly pour so as not to disturb the sediment) |
декель {noun} [printing] | :: deckle, tympan (a device in a papermaking machine) |
декламация {noun} | :: recitation, declamation |
декламация {noun} [figurative] | :: false pathos, phrasemongering |
декламировать {v impf} | :: to declaim, to recite |
декларация {noun} | :: declaration |
декларировать {v both} | :: to proclaim, to declare, to lay down |
декольте {n inan} | :: décolletage, décolleté |
декор {noun} | :: décor |
декоративность {noun} | :: decorativeness, decorativity, ornamentality |
декоративность {noun} | :: picturesqueness |
декоративный {adj} | :: decorative |
декоратор {noun} | :: decorator |
декорация {noun} | :: decoration |
декорировать {v both} | :: to decorate |
декорум {noun} [literary] | :: decorum |
декрет {noun} | :: decree, edict |
декрет {noun} | :: colloq. maternity leave (short for декретный отпуск) |
дексель {noun} | :: adz, adze (cutting tool, used in railway business) |
Делавэр {prop} | :: Делавэр (state) |
делание {noun} | :: doing, making |
делать {v impf} | :: to make, to do |
делать большие глаза {v impf} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to look (as if) surprised or puzzled. (Lit., "to make large eyes".) |
делать вид {v impf} | :: to pretend, to affect (to make a false display of) |
делать из мухи слона {idiom} | :: to make a mountain out of a molehill |
делать мат {v impf} | :: to checkmate |
делать погоду {v impf} [idiomatic] | :: to set the tone |
делать покупки {v impf} | :: to shop (to visit shops) |
делать предложение {v impf} | :: to propose (to ask for one's hand in marriage) (+ dative case) |
делаться {v impf} | :: to become, to get, to grow, to turn |
делаться {v impf} | :: to happen (with, to), to be going on |
делать хорошую мину при плохой игре {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to put a brave face on it, to grin and bear it |
делать честь {v impf} [idiomatic] | :: to honour, to give credit |
делегат {noun} | :: delegate, deputy, representative |
делегация {noun} | :: delegation (a group of delegates) |
делегирование {noun} | :: delegation |
делегировать {v both} [literary] | :: to send as a delegate |
делегировать {v both} [also software] | :: to delegate |
деление {noun} | :: division, partition |
деление {noun} | :: point (on a scale) |
делец {noun} [usually, pejorative] | :: businessman, moneymaker, operator |
делёж {noun} | :: sharing (out), distribution |
делёжка {noun} [colloquial] | :: division, distribution |
Дели {prop} {m inan} | :: Дели (megacity/and/union territory) |
деликатес {noun} | :: delicacy; dainty; delicatessen; tidbit; gourmet food |
деликатно {adv} | :: politely, tactfully, nicefully |
деликатно {adv} [colloquial] | :: delicately |
деликатность {noun} | :: tact, tactfulness, delicacy |
деликатный {adj} | :: delicate, considerate, tactful |
деликатный {adj} [colloquial] | :: subtle, fragile, delicate |
деликатный {adj} [colloquial] | :: delicate, sensitive, ticklish |
делимое {noun} [arithmetic] | :: dividend (а number that is to be divided by another) |
делимый {adj} | :: divisible |
делирий {noun} | :: delirium |
делитель {noun} [arithmetic] | :: divisor (a number that another is to be divided by) |
делить {v impf} | :: to divide |
делить {v impf} | :: to share, to exchange |
делить {v impf} | :: to confide, to tell |
делиться {v impf} | :: to be divided |
делиться {v impf} | :: to be divisible (only imperfective) |
делиться {v impf} | :: to share (perfective: поделиться) |
делишки {noun} [colloquial] | :: diminutive of дела: affairs, matters, things |
дело {noun} | :: affair, matter, concern |
дело {noun} | :: work, business |
дело {noun} | :: art, science |
дело {noun} | :: deed, act, action |
дело {noun} [law] | :: case, investigation |
дело {noun} [law enforcement] | :: file, dossier |
дело {noun} | :: cause |
дело {noun} | :: in expressions |
деловито {adv} | :: busily |
деловитость {noun} | :: business-like character, business-like manners |
деловитый {adj} | :: businesslike |
деловой {adj} [relational] | :: business, work, working |
деловой {adj} | :: businesslike |
дело в том, что {phrase} | :: the thing is (that); the problem is (that); the point is (that) |
делопроизводитель {noun} | :: filing clerk; secretary |
делопроизводство {noun} | :: clerical work, office work, records management (management of official documents) |
дельный {adj} | :: efficient, businesslike |
дельный {adj} | :: sensible |
дельта {noun} | :: delta (various senses) |
дельта {noun} | :: [colloquial] deltoid muscle |
дельтаплан {noun} | :: hang glider |
дельфин {noun} | :: dolphin |
дельце {noun} [usually, jocular or ironic] | :: endearing diminutive of дело |
делянка {noun} | :: plot of land for cultivation or cutting down |
делянка {noun} [regional] | :: share, portion |
делянка {noun} [figurative] | :: share of total work allocated to someone |
демагог {noun} | :: demagogue |
демагогия {noun} | :: demagogy, demagogism, demagoguery |
демаркация {noun} | :: demarcation |
демарш {noun} | :: démarche |
дематериализация {noun} | :: dematerialization |
дембель {noun} [inanimate, colloquial] | :: demob |
дембель {noun} [animate, colloquial] | :: demobee |
деминутив {noun} | :: alternative form of диминутив |
демиург {noun} | :: demiurge |
Демиург {prop} | :: Demiurge |
демобилизация {noun} | :: demobilization |
демобилизовать {v both} | :: to demobilize [e.g. troops] |
демобилизовать {v both} [military] | :: to discharge |
демобилизоваться {v both} | :: to be demobilized, to stop military service as a result of demobilization |
демогеронт {noun} | :: demogeron |
демографический {adj} | :: demographic |
демография {noun} | :: demography |
демократ {noun} | :: democrat |
демократизация {noun} | :: democratization |
демократизм {noun} | :: democracy |
демократизм {noun} | :: democratism |
Демократическая Республика Конго {prop} | :: Демократическая Республика Конго (country) |
демократически {adv} | :: democratically (in a democratic way) |
демократический {adj} | :: democratic |
демократический социализм {noun} | :: democratic socialism |
демократический централизм {noun} | :: democratic centralism |
демократичный {adj} | :: simple, unpretentious, humble; like or in the manner of the common man |
демократичный {adj} | :: affordable or accessible for the ordinary person |
демократичный {adj} | :: egalitarian |
демократия {noun} | :: democracy |
Демокрит {prop} | :: Democritus |
демон {noun} [mythology] | :: demon (evil spirit) |
демон {noun} [computing] | :: daemon |
демонизация {noun} | :: demonization (the act of demonizing or something demonized) |
демонический {adj} | :: demonic |
демонстрант {noun} | :: demonstrator (a person involved in a demonstration) |
демонстрантка {noun} | :: female demonstrator (a person involved in a demonstration) |
демонстративно {adv} | :: in an emphatic manner |
демонстративный {adj} | :: demonstrative |
демонстрационный {adj} [relational] | :: demonstration (public display, political protest, or show of military force) |
демонстрационный {adj} | :: demonstrative |
демонстрационный {adj} [relational, military] | :: diversionary action |
демонстрация {noun} | :: demonstration (show, display) |
демонстрация {noun} | :: demonstration (march, protest) |
демонстрация {noun} | :: demonstration (show of military force) |
демонстрация {noun} [politics] | :: mass procession |
демонстрация {noun} [military] | :: diversionary action |
демонстрировать {v impf} | :: to demonstrate, to exhibit, to show |
демонтаж {noun} | :: dismantling, disassembling, dismantlement |
демонтировать {v both} | :: to dismantle |
демонтировать {v both} [figurative] | :: to disband, to abolish |
деморализация {noun} [literary] | :: demoralization, corruption of morals |
деморализация {noun} [military] | :: demoralization |
деморализовать {v both} | :: to demoralize |
демпинг {noun} [economics] | :: dumping (selling goods at less than their normal price, especially in the export market) |
демшиза {noun} [derogatory] | :: the state of mind of a rabid radical democrat |
демшиза {noun} [collective] | :: rabid radical democrats |
Демьян {prop} | :: given name |
денди {m anim} | :: dandy, a man very concerned about his clothes and his appearance |
дендрарий {noun} | :: arboretum (place of many varieties of trees) |
дендрохронология {noun} | :: dendrochronology |
денежка {noun} [historical] | :: half-copeck coin |
денежки {noun} | :: diminutive of деньги |
денежный {adj} | :: monetary, pecuniary (relating to money) |
денёк {noun} | :: diminutive of день: day |
Денис {prop} | :: given name |
Денисов {adj} | :: Denis's, Dennis's |
денник {noun} | :: box stall |
денница {noun} [archaic, poetic] | :: dawn |
денница {noun} [archaic, poetic] | :: morning star |
денно {adv} | :: only used in денно и нощно |
денно и нощно {adv} [colloquial] | :: day and night (all the time) |
денуклеаризация {noun} | :: denuclearization |
денщик {noun} [historical] | :: valet, batman, aide-de-camp (a man's personal male attendant) |
день {noun} | :: day, daytime |
день {noun} | :: afternoon, early evening |
День благодарения {prop} | :: Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day (a holiday) |
день варенья {noun} [colloquial, humorous] | :: birthday (literally, jam day) |
день всех святых {noun} | :: All Hallows' Day (Christian feast day) |
День всех святых {prop} | :: All Saints' Day (feast day) |
деньга {noun} [numismatics, historical] | :: denga (an old Russian coin) |
деньга {noun} [low colloquial] | :: money, dough |
деньга {noun} [low colloquial] | :: coin, note |
деньги {noun} | :: money |
День дурака {prop} | :: April Fools' Day (First day of April) |
деньжата {noun} [colloquial] | :: money |
День Победы {noun} | :: Victory Day |
день рождения {noun} | :: birthday |
День смеха {prop} | :: April Fools' Day |
департамент {noun} | :: department; board |
депеша {noun} [diplomacy] | :: dispatch |
депеша {noun} [obsolete] | :: telegram |
депеша {noun} | :: (patry of post sendings) dispatch |
депо {n inan} [transport] | :: depot, station, warehouse (company or facility that provides maintenance, repair and parking for rolling stock, usually rail) |
депо {n inan} | :: station, firehouse, fire station (facility that accommodates fire trucks and special equipment) |
депозит {noun} | :: deposit (money placed in an account) |
депортация {noun} | :: deportation |
депрессивный {adj} | :: depressive |
депрессия {noun} [economics] | :: depression, slump, decline |
депрессия {noun} [psychology] | :: depression, dejection |
депутат {noun} | :: deputy, delegate |
депутатский {adj} [relational] | :: deputy, delegate |
Дербент {prop} | :: Дербент (city) |
дерби {n inan} | :: Derby |
дервиш {noun} | :: Dervish |
дергач {noun} | :: corncrake, crake |
дергач {noun} | :: nail puller |
деревенение {noun} | :: lignification (turning to wood) |
деревенеть {v impf} | :: to stiffen |
деревенеть {v impf} | :: to grow numb |
деревенеть {v impf} | :: to lignify, to become wood |
деревенский {adj} [relational] | :: country, rural, rustic; village |
деревенщина {m anim} {f anim} | :: yokel, bumpkin, hick, redneck (unsophisticated or rural person) |
деревенька {noun} | :: diminutive of деревня: (a small) village |
деревня {noun} | :: village, hamlet |
деревня {noun} [collective] | :: the countryside, the rural population |
деревня {noun} [colloquial, both feminine and masculine with animacy] | :: yokel, bumpkin |
дерево {noun} | :: tree |
дерево {noun} | :: wood (only singular) |
деревообделочная {noun} | :: woodworking shop |
деревообделочник {noun} | :: joiner, woodworker |
деревообделочный {adj} | :: woodworking |
деревообрабатывающий {adj} | :: woodworking |
дереворубка {noun} | :: felling machine, tree-felling machine |
деревушка {noun} | :: diminutive of деревня: (a small) village |
деревце {noun} | :: diminutive of дерево: sapling, small tree |
деревцо {noun} | :: diminutive of дерево: sapling, small tree |
деревянеть {v impf} | :: to lignify, to become wood |
деревянистый {adj} | :: ligneous, woody |
деревянка {noun} | :: common tormentil (a low, rosaceous herb of Europe, Potentilla erecta) |
деревянность {noun} | :: woodiness |
деревянный {adj} [relational] | :: wood; wooden |
деревянный {adj} | :: woody, ligneous |
деревяшка {noun} | :: piece of wood |
деревяшка {noun} | :: stump, wooden leg |
дереза {noun} [botany] | :: boxthorn, wolfberry (genus Lycium) |
держава {noun} | :: state, power |
держава {noun} | :: orb, globe, mound |
державный {adj} | :: sovereign, holding supreme power |
державный {adj} | :: majestic |
держатель {noun} [animate] | :: holder |
держатель {noun} [inanimate] | :: holder |
держать {v impf} | :: to hold, to keep, to support |
держать за яйца {v impf} | :: to get by the balls |
держать на коротком поводке {v impf} | :: to keep someone on a short leash |
держаться {v impf} | :: to hold on |
держаться {v impf} | :: to hold (by, to), to stick (to) |
держаться {v impf} | :: to conduct / comport oneself, to behave |
держаться {v impf} | :: to keep, to stick (to) |
держаться {v impf} | :: to hold out, to stand firm; to hold one's ground |
держаться {v impf} | :: to restrain oneself, to bear up |
держаться {v impf} | :: to last |
держидерево {noun} [botany] | :: Jerusalem thorn |
дерзать {v impf} | :: to dare, to venture |
дерзить {v impf} | :: to be insolent, to sass (to talk back) |
дерзкий {adj} | :: brazen, impudent, impertinent, insolent, cheeky, pert |
дерзкий {adj} | :: bold, daring, audacious |
дерзко {adv} | :: insolently, brazenly, impudently |
дерзко {adv} | :: boldly, audaciously |
дерзнуть {v pf} | :: to dare, to venture |
дерзость {noun} | :: impudence, impertinence, insolence, rudeness, cheek |
дерзость {noun} | :: daring, boldness, audacity |
дериватив {noun} | :: derivative (financial instrument whose value depends on the valuation of an underlying instrument) |
дерматин {noun} | :: leatherette (type of artificial leather) |
дерьмо {noun} [vulgar] | :: shit, crap (excrement) |
дерьмо {noun} [vulgar, slang] | :: shit, crap (stuff, things) |
дерьмо {noun} [vulgar, slang] | :: scumbag, shithead (a bad person) |
дерьмовый {adj} [pejorative, rude] | :: crappy, shitty, lousy |
дерьмократия {noun} [pejorative] | :: democracy |
деряба {noun} | :: mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus) |
десант {noun} | :: landing (of troops) |
десант {noun} | :: troops landed, landing party |
десантирование {noun} | :: landing, dropping |
десантник {noun} | :: paratrooper, commando |
десантный {adj} [relational, military] | :: landing |
десерт {noun} | :: dessert |
десертное вино {noun} | :: dessert wine, sweet wine |
десертный {adj} [relational] | :: dessert |
дескать {particle} | :: (a particle to introduce direct speech, somebody else's words or thoughts - real or imaginary), allegedly |
десна {noun} | :: gum (soft tissue around the teeth) |
десница {noun} [poetic] | :: right hand |
деспот {noun} | :: despot |
деспотизм {noun} | :: despotism, tyranny |
деспотия {noun} | :: despotism |
дестабилизация {noun} | :: destabilization |
деструктивный {adj} | :: destructive |
десятая {noun} | :: tenth (one of ten equal parts of a whole) |
десятеричный {adj} | :: tenfold |
десятеричный {adj} | :: consisting of ten of anything |
десятеричный {adj} | :: denary |
десятеро {num} | :: ten (in a group together), ten of them |
десятилетие {noun} | :: ten-year period, decade |
десятилетие {noun} | :: tenth anniversary, tenth birthday |
десятилетка {noun} [colloquial] | :: ten-year secondary school |
десятилетний {adj} [relational] | :: ten-year; decennial |
десятилетний {adj} | :: ten-year-old |
десятина {noun} | :: dessiatina (old Russian unit of land measurement, approximately 2.7 acres) |
десятина {noun} [historical] | :: tithe |
десятиугольник {noun} | :: decagon |
десятка {noun} | :: ten (about numeral, card, bank note, bus number etc.) |
десятка {noun} | :: top ten |
десятка {noun} [cards] | :: ten |
десяток {noun} | :: ten, set of ten |
десяток {noun} | :: tens, ten's place |
десяток {noun} | :: decade |
десяток {noun} [in the plural] | :: dozens of, many |
десятый {adj} | :: tenth |
десять {num} | :: ten (10) |
десять заповедей {f inanp} | :: Ten Commandments |
десять тысяч {num} | :: ten thousand (10,000) |
десятью {adv} | :: 10x, ten times as much |
детализация {noun} | :: specification in detail |
детализировать {v both} | :: to specify in detail |
деталь {noun} | :: detail, nicety |
деталь {noun} [in the plural] | :: minutiae |
деталь {noun} [engineering] | :: part, component |
детально {adv} | :: in detail, minutely |
детальный {adj} | :: detailed, minute |
детвора {noun} [colloquial, collective] | :: children, kids |
детдом {noun} | :: acronym of детский дом: children's home, orphanage |
детектив {noun} | :: detective |
детектив {noun} | :: detective story (book or film), whodunit |
детективный {adj} [relational] | :: detective |
детектор {noun} | :: detector |
детерминант {noun} [mathematics] | :: determinant |
детерминант {noun} [literary] | :: determinant, determining factor |
детерминатив {noun} [linguistics] | :: determiner (class of words) |
детёнок {noun} | :: young one, youngster |
детёнок {noun} | :: baby, young child |
детёныш {noun} | :: young of an animal |
детёныш {noun} | :: baby animal |
детина {m anim} [colloquial] | :: husky / hefty / stalwart lad / chap, big fellow |
детишки {noun} [colloquial] | :: endearing form of дети: (cute little) children, kids |
детище {noun} [archaic] | :: child, offspring |
детище {noun} [figurative, inanimate] | :: work, creation, brainchild |
детка {noun} | :: baby, honey (term of endearment) |
детка {noun} | :: baby, child (endearingly or ironically) |
детонатор {noun} | :: detonator (device used to detonate an explosive device) |
деторождение {noun} [literary] | :: childbearing, procreation |
деточка {noun} | :: diminutive of детка: child, kid |
детсад {noun} | :: acronym of детский сад: kindergarten |
детская {noun} | :: child's room, children's room |
детская площадка {noun} | :: playground |
детский {adj} [relational] | :: child; child's, children's |
детский {adj} | :: childish |
детский {adj} [relational] | :: baby |
детский дом {noun} | :: children's home, orphanage (a public institution for the care and protection of children whose parents have died or can no longer care for them) |
детский сад {noun} | :: kindergarten |
детство {noun} | :: childhood |
деть {v pf} | :: to put, to place |
деть {v pf} | :: to do with |
деть {v pf} | :: to leave, to mislay |
деться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to disappear, to get (to another place) |
деться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to put oneself, to go away |
де-факто {adv} | :: de facto (in fact or in practice) |
дефект {noun} | :: defect, blemish |
дефектный {adj} | :: defective |
дефиле {n inan} | :: defile (thin canyon) |
дефиле {n inan} [military] | :: defiling, marching, parade |
дефиле {n inan} | :: fashion parade |
дефиниция {noun} | :: definition |
дефис {noun} | :: hyphen |
дефицит {noun} | :: deficit |
дефицит {noun} | :: deficiency, shortage |
дефицитный {adj} | :: unprofitable, showing a loss |
дефицитный {adj} | :: scarce, hard-to-get, in short supply |
дефолт {noun} [finance] | :: default |
деформация {noun} | :: deformation |
деформирование {noun} | :: deforming |
деформировать {v both} | :: to deform |
дехканин {noun} | :: Central Asian or Iranian peasant |
децентрализация {noun} | :: decentralization |
децентрализовать {v both} | :: to decentralize |
деци- {prefix} | :: deci- (10-1) |
децибел {noun} | :: decibel (a common measure of sound intensity) |
дециграмм {noun} | :: decigram |
децилитр {noun} | :: decilitre (a unit of volume, decilitre) |
дециметр {noun} | :: decimetre |
дешеветь {v impf} | :: to get cheaper |
дешевизна {noun} | :: cheapness |
дешевле {adv} | :: comparative of дешёвый |
дешевле {adv} | :: comparative of дёшево |
дешёвка {noun} [colloquial] | :: low price |
дешёвка {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: a cheap, worthless thing; cheapie |
дешёвый {adj} | :: cheap, empty, worthless |
дешёвый {adj} | :: cheap, inexpensive, low (of a price) |
дешифрировать {v both} | :: to decipher, to decode, to decrypt |
дешифровать {v both} | :: to decipher, to decode, to decrypt |
де-юре {adv} | :: de jure (by right) |
деяние {noun} | :: deed, act, action, exploit (heroic or extraordinary deed) |
деятель {noun} | :: doer, actor, agent (one who acts; a doer) |
деятель {noun} | :: (famous) personality |
деятельница {noun} | :: female doer, actor, agent (one who acts; a doer) |
деятельница {noun} | :: (famous) female personality |
деятельность {noun} | :: activity |
деятельность {noun} | :: work |
деятельный {adj} | :: active, energetic |
деять {v impf} [archaic, poetic] | :: to do; to accomplish |
дёготь {noun} | :: tar, pitch |
дёргать {v impf} | :: to pull, to tug |
дёргать {v impf} | :: to pull out |
дёргать {v impf} [impersonal, colloquial] | :: to twitch, to throb, to twinge |
дёргать {v impf} | :: to move sharply, to jerk |
дёргать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to disturb |
дёргаться {v impf} | :: to twitch |
дёргаться {v impf} | :: (image) to jitter |
дёргаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to fret, to fidget |
дёргаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to rush, to scurry, to scamper |
дёрен {noun} | :: cornel, dogwood (Cornus gen. et spp.) |
дёрн {noun} | :: turf, sod, divot |
дёрнуть {v pf} | :: to pull, to tug |
дёрнуть {v pf} | :: to pull out |
дёрнуть {v pf} [impersonal, colloquial] | :: to twitch, to throb, to twinge |
дёрнуть {v pf} | :: to move sharply, to jerk |
дёрнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to disturb |
дёрнуть {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to drink, to knock back |
дёрнуться {v pf} | :: to twitch |
дёрнуться {v pf} | :: (image) to jitter |
дёрнуться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to fret, to fidget |
дёрнуться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to rush, to scurry, to scamper |
Дё-Севр {prop} | :: Дё-Севр (department) |
дёшево {adv} | :: cheaply (in a cheap manner) |
джаз {noun} [music] | :: jazz |
джаз-банд {noun} [music] | :: jazz band (group of musicians who play jazz music) |
джазовый {adj} [relational] | :: jazz |
Джакарта {prop} | :: Джакарта (capital city) |
джакузи {n inan} | :: jacuzzi |
джан {noun} [Armenia, familiar] | :: an affectionate term of address, dear, darling |
джанк-фуд {noun} | :: junk food (food with little or no nutritional value) |
джей {n inan} | :: (English letter) J, j |
Джеймс {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Джек {prop} | :: Jack |
Джек-Потрошитель {prop} | :: Jack the Ripper |
джекфрут {noun} | :: jackfruit (fruit) |
джем {noun} | :: jam (food) |
джемпер {noun} | :: jumper (woolen sweater or pullover) |
джентльмен {noun} | :: gentleman |
джентльменский {adj} [relational] | :: gentleman |
джерки {m inan} {n inan} [neologism] | :: jerky (lean meat cured and preserved by cutting into thin strips and air-drying in the sun) |
Джермук {prop} | :: Джермук (town/spa town) |
джерси {n inan} | :: jersey (garment knitted from wool, worn over the upper body) |
джи {n inan} | :: (English letter) G, g |
Джибути {prop} {f inan} | :: Джибути (country) |
Джибути {prop} {m inan} | :: Джибути (capital city) |
джибутийский {adj} | :: Djiboutian |
джигал {noun} [Azerbaijan] | :: cheater, cheat, one who cheats in card or board games (especially one who insists that s/he didn't cheat) |
джигит {noun} [Caucasus, Central Asia] | :: dzhigit (djigit, jigit) (a skilled horseman in the Caucasus and Central Asia) |
джим {noun} | :: gym (sporting facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise) |
джин {noun} | :: gin |
джинн {noun} | :: jinn, jinni, genie (any of a class of spirits from Islamic mythology) |
джинса {noun} [colloquial] | :: denim |
джинса {noun} [colloquial] | :: jeanswear, denimwear |
джинса {noun} [copywriting, ironic] | :: advertisement content of low quality, containing a lot of cliches |
джинсовый {adj} [relational] | :: jeans |
джинсовый {adj} [relational] | :: denim |
джинсы {noun} | :: jeans |
джип {noun} | :: jeep |
джиу-джитсу {n inan} | :: jujitsu (method of self-defence established in Japan) |
джихад {noun} [usually, uncountable, Islam] | :: jihad (holy war undertaken by Muslims) |
джоггинг {noun} | :: jogging (form of exercise) |
джогинг {noun} | :: jogging (form of exercise) |
джойстик {noun} [computing, video games] | :: joystick |
джокер {noun} [cards] | :: joker |
джокер {noun} [cards] | :: A trick-taking card game popular in Russia and other countries of the former USSR |
Джомолунгма {noun} | :: Mount Everest |
Джон {prop} | :: given name |
Джордж {prop} | :: given name |
Джорджия {noun} | :: Джорджия (state) |
Джорджтаун {prop} | :: Джорджтаун (capital city) |
Джорджтаун {prop} | :: Georgetown, a district in Washington, D.C. |
Джорджтаун {prop} | :: Georgetown, a city in Kentucky, USA, with a population of about 21,000 |
джоуль {noun} | :: joule (derived unit of energy, work and heat) |
Джуба {prop} | :: Джуба (capital city) |
Джугашвили {prop} {m anim} {f anim} | :: Dzhugashvili (a Georgian surname) |
Джульетта {prop} {f anim} [literature] | :: Juliet |
джунгли {noun} | :: jungle |
джут {noun} | :: jute |
дзайбацу {m inan} [economics] | :: zaibatsu (a Japanese conglomerate) |
Дзауджикау {prop} {m inan} [historical] | :: former name of Владикавказ Dzaudzhikau |
дзельква {noun} | :: zelkova tree |
дзельква {noun} | :: zelkova wood |
дзельква граболистная {noun} [botany] | :: Caucasian zelkova (tree or wood), Zelkova carpinifolia |
дзельква пильчатая {noun} [botany] | :: keyaki, Japanese zelkova (tree or wood), Zelkova serrata |
дзонг-кэ {m inan} | :: Dzongkha (language) |
дзюдо {n inan} | :: judo |
ди- {prefix} | :: di- (two, twice, double) |
ди {n inan} | :: (English letter) D, d |
диабет {noun} [disease] | :: diabetes |
диагноз {noun} | :: diagnosis (identification of the nature and cause of an illness) |
диагност {noun} | :: diagnostician |
диагностик {noun} | :: diagnostician |
диагностика {noun} | :: diagnostics, diagnosis |
диагностировать {v both} [medical] | :: to diagnose |
диагностический {adj} | :: diagnostic |
диагональ {noun} | :: diagonal |
диаграмма {noun} | :: diagram, graph, chart |
диакон {noun} | :: deacon |
диалект {noun} [linguistics] | :: dialect |
диалектика {noun} | :: dialectic |
диалектический {adj} | :: dialectical |
диалектный {adj} [relational] | :: dialect; dialectal |
диалог {noun} | :: dialogue |
диамант {noun} [obsolete] | :: diamond |
диамант {noun} [printing] | :: name of one of small fonts |
диаметр {noun} | :: diameter (line) |
диаметрально {adv} | :: diametrically |
диаметрально противоположный {adj} | :: antipodal, antipodean, diametrically opposed |
Диана {prop} [Roman god] | :: Diana |
Диана {prop} | :: given name |
диапазон {noun} | :: range; (radio) band; gamut |
диархия {noun} | :: diarchy |
диаспора {noun} | :: diaspora (dispersion of a group of people) |
диаспора {noun} [botany] | :: diaspore |
диафрагма {noun} [anatomy] | :: diaphragm |
диафрагма {noun} [photography] | :: diaphragm shutter |
диафрагма {noun} [photography] | :: stop [of the shutter] |
диафрагма {noun} [medicine] | :: diaphragm [female condom] |
див {noun} [mythology, folk lore] | :: deva, demon |
дива {noun} | :: diva |
диван {noun} [furniture] | :: sofa, couch, divan |
диван {noun} [historical] | :: divan, diwan (the council of state in a Muslim country) |
диван {noun} [poetry] | :: divan, diwan (a collection of poems) |
диванные войска {noun} [ironic] | :: armchair generals |
диванный {adj} [relational] | :: sofa, couch, divan |
диванный эксперт {noun} [ironic] | :: armchair expert |
диванчик {noun} | :: diminutive of диван: (a small) sofa, couch, settee, divan |
диверсант {noun} | :: saboteur (especially foreign), wrecker |
диверсионный {adj} [relational] | :: sabotage, subversion |
диверсионный {adj} | :: subversive |
диверсификация {noun} | :: diversification (act of diversifying) |
диверсия {noun} | :: sabotage, subversion (act with intent to injure) |
дивиденд {noun} | :: dividend |
дивизион {noun} [military] | :: cavalry battalion |
дивизион {noun} [military] | :: artillery battalion |
дивизион {noun} [aviation] | :: squadron |
дивизионный {adj} [relational, military] | :: division; divisional |
дивизионный {adj} [relational, military] | :: cavalry battalion |
дивизионный {adj} [relational, military] | :: artillery battalion |
дивизионный {adj} [relational, aviation] | :: squadron |
дивизия {noun} [military] | :: division |
дивить {v impf} [dated] | :: to surprise |
дивиться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to marvel (at) |
дивный {adj} | :: marvelous, wonderful, delightful, lovely |
диво {noun} | :: wonder, miracle, marvel |
дивчина {noun} [Ukraine, Cossack] | :: girl [usually in the Ukrainian or dialectal (Kuban or Don river) contexts] |
дигамма {noun} | :: digamma |
диграф {noun} [computing] | :: digraph (two-character sequence) |
диграф {noun} [linguistics] | :: digraph (a pair of letters, especially a pair representing a single phoneme) |
дидактический {adj} | :: didactic |
Дидона {prop} | :: Dido |
диез {noun} [music] | :: sharp |
диета {noun} | :: diet |
диетический {adj} [relational] | :: diet; dietary |
Дижон {prop} | :: Дижон (city) |
дизайн {noun} | :: design, style |
дизайнер {noun} | :: designer (person who designs; male or female) |
дизайнерский {adj} [relational] | :: designer, designer's |
дизель {noun} | :: diesel fuel |
дизель {noun} | :: diesel engine |
дизель {noun} | :: diesel motor |
дизельный {adj} [relational] | :: diesel |
дизентерия {noun} [medicine] | :: dysentery |
диканя {noun} | :: threshing sledge |
дикарка {noun} | :: female savage (and other senses, see дикарь for more) |
дикарь {noun} | :: savage |
дикарь {noun} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: shy person, unsociable person |
дикарь {noun} [colloquial] | :: non-official holiday-maker (without a tour group or a prepaid hotel) |
дикий {adj} | :: wild, savage |
дикий {adj} | :: uncivilized |
дикий {adj} | :: odd, bizarre |
дикий {adj} | :: outrageous |
Диккенс {prop} | :: Dickens: an English surname |
дико {adv} | :: wildly |
дико {adv} | :: with a wild look |
дико {adv} [colloquial] | :: terribly, awfully, badly |
дико {pred} | :: it is desolate |
дико {pred} | :: it is absurd |
дикобраз {noun} | :: porcupine |
диковина {noun} [colloquial] | :: something surprising, unprecedented or unheard of; rarity, curiosity, an unusual or outlandish object |
диковинка {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of диковина: (small) wonder, a strange or unusual thing or phenomenon, gimmick |
диковинный {adj} [colloquial] | :: bizarre, strange, peculiar, unusual, out of the way |
дикость {noun} | :: wildness, savagery |
дикость {noun} [figuratively] | :: shyness, unsociableness, lack of sociability |
диктант {noun} | :: dictation (an activity in school where the teacher reads a passage aloud and the students write it down) |
диктат {noun} | :: dictate |
диктатор {noun} | :: dictator |
диктатура {noun} | :: dictatorship |
диктовать {v impf} [literal and figurative] | :: to dictate |
диктовка {noun} | :: dictation, dictating (action) |
диктор {noun} | :: anchor, announcer, speaker anchorman |
дикторша {noun} [colloquial] | :: female anchor, announcer, speaker, anchorwoman |
диктофон {noun} | :: dictation machine, dictaphone |
дикуша {noun} | :: Siberian spruce grouse, Falcipennis falcipennis |
дикция {noun} | :: diction |
дилемма {noun} [logic, rhetoric] | :: dilemma |
дилер {noun} | :: dealer [of automobiles, drugs, cards, etc.] |
дилер {noun} [finance] | :: dealer, broker |
дилерский {adj} [relational] | :: dealer [of automobiles, drugs, cards, securities, etc.] |
дилетант {noun} | :: smatterer, dilettante |
дилетант {noun} | :: amateur, dabbler |
дилетантка {noun} | :: female smatterer, dilettante |
дилетантка {noun} | :: female amateur, dabbler (someone who is inept) |
дилетантский {adj} | :: amateur, amateurish, dilettante (showing a lack of professionalism, experience or talent) |
Дили {prop} {m inan} | :: Дили (capital city) |
Дилижан {prop} | :: Дилижан (town) |
дилижанс {noun} | :: stage-coach, diligence (horse-drawn coach to transport passengers and mail) |
Дима {prop} {m anim} | :: given name |
димер {noun} [chemistry] | :: dimer |
диминутив {noun} [linguistics] | :: diminutive |
Димон {prop} {m anim} | :: given name: pejorative of Дмитрий |
дина {noun} | :: dyne |
динамизм {noun} [philosophy, general] | :: dynamism |
динамик {noun} | :: loudspeaker |
динамика {noun} | :: dynamics |
динамика {noun} | :: movement, action |
динамит {noun} | :: dynamite |
динамический {adj} | :: dynamic |
динамично {adv} | :: dynamically |
динамичность {noun} | :: dynamism, energy |
динамичный {adj} | :: dynamic |
динамо {n inan} | :: dynamo |
динамо {f anim} [slang] | :: a girl or a woman who flirts without offering (promised) sex; cocktease |
динар {noun} [numismatics] | :: dinar |
династия {noun} | :: dynasty |
динго {m anim} {f anim} | :: dingo |
динозавр {noun} | :: dinosaur |
динь-динь-динь {interj} | :: ding dong (onomatopoeia for the sound of a doorbell) |
диод {noun} [technology] | :: diode |
диплом {noun} | :: diploma (certificate) |
диплом {noun} | :: certificate of degree (Russia, USSR) |
дипломант {noun} | :: person who is awarded with academic diploma; prizewinner, laureate |
дипломат {noun} | :: diplomat (person who is accredited to represent a government) |
дипломат {noun} | :: briefcase |
дипломатический {adj} | :: diplomatic |
дипломатия {noun} | :: diplomacy |
дипломник {noun} | :: student working on graduation thesis |
дипломный {adj} [relational] | :: diploma, certificate of degree |
дипсотрудник {noun} | :: diplomatic officer, diplomatic worker |
-дирать {affix} | :: Combining form used to form imperfective counterparts of prefixed derivatives of драть (to tear) |
директива {noun} | :: directive (instruction or guideline that indicates how to perform an action or reach a goal) |
директор {noun} | :: manager, director, principal, headmaster |
директория {noun} | :: directory, folder (structured listing of files) |
директорский {adj} | :: directorial, managerial; director's, manager's |
директриса {noun} | :: female director |
директриса {noun} [dated] | :: headmistress |
директриса {noun} [mathematics] | :: directrix |
директриса {noun} [military] | :: line of fire |
дирекция {noun} | :: directorate, board of directors |
дирекция {noun} | :: directorate, management |
дирекция {noun} | :: director's office, manager's office |
дирижабль {noun} | :: airship, dirigible, blimp |
дирижёр {noun} [music] | :: conductor of a musical ensemble, bandmaster |
дирижировать {v impf} | :: (orchestra, choir) to conduct |
дирижировать {v impf} [deprecative] | :: to tp orchestrate |
дирхам {noun} | :: dirham |
дисбаланс {noun} | :: disbalance, imbalance |
дисгармония {noun} | :: disharmony |
дисгармония {noun} [figurative] | :: inconsistency |
диск {noun} | :: disk, disc |
диск {noun} [sports] | :: discus, platter |
диск {noun} | :: cartridge-drum |
диск {noun} [colloquial] | :: CD, compact disc |
дисквалификация {noun} | :: disqualification |
дисквалифицировать {v both} | :: to disqualify |
дискета {noun} [computing] | :: floppy disk |
диско {m inan} | :: disco (type of music) |
дисковод {noun} | :: disk drive |
дискомфорт {noun} | :: discomfort |
дискотека {noun} | :: discotheque, disco |
дискредитация {noun} | :: discredit, discrediting; defamation |
дискредитировать {v both} | :: to discredit, to compromise, to disgrace |
дискретно {adv} | :: discretely |
дискретный {adj} | :: discrete |
дискриминация {noun} | :: discrimination (distinct treatment on the basis of prejudice) |
дискурс {noun} | :: discourse |
дискуссионный {adj} [relational] | :: discussion |
дискуссионный {adj} | :: controversial, debatable |
дискуссия {noun} | :: discussion |
дискутант {noun} | :: discussant |
дискутант {noun} | :: panellist |
дискутировать {v impf} | :: to discuss, to debate (participate in a discussion or debate) |
дислокация {noun} | :: location, disposition |
дислокация {noun} | :: displacement, dislocation |
дислоцировать {v both} [military] | :: to deploy, to station |
дислоцироваться {v both} [military] | :: to be deployed, to be stationed |
диспансер {noun} | :: dispensary (an institution that dispenses medical supplies and advice) |
диспашер {noun} | :: average adjuster, claims adjuster |
дисперсионный {adj} [relational, physics] | :: dispersion; dispersive |
дисперсионный {adj} [relational, mathematics] | :: variance |
дисперсия {noun} [physics, chemistry, materials science] | :: dispersion |
дисперсия {noun} [mathematics, statistics] | :: variance |
диспетчер {noun} | :: dispatcher, controller, traffic superintendent |
диспетчерский {adj} [relational] | :: dispatch |
диспетчерский {adj} [relational] | :: traffic control |
дисплей {noun} | :: display (electronic screen) |
диспозиция {noun} [military] | :: disposition [of troops, etc.] |
диспозиция {noun} [historical, military] | :: written marching orders [in the Russian army during the 18th century and 19th century centuries] |
диспозиция {noun} [psychology] | :: disposition |
диспрозий {noun} | :: dysprosium |
диспропорция {noun} | :: disproportion |
диспут {noun} | :: dispute, debate |
диспутировать {v both} | :: to debate (mostly used in scholarly settings) |
диссертация {noun} | :: dissertation; thesis |
диссидент {noun} | :: dissident; maverick |
диссидентский {adj} [relational] | :: dissident |
диссонанс {noun} [music, linguistics, figurative] | :: dissonance |
дистальный {adj} | :: distal |
дистанционное обучение {noun} | :: distance learning (education obtained remotely) |
дистанционное управление {noun} | :: remote control |
дистанционный {adj} | :: remote-controlled |
дистанционный {adj} [relational, literary] | :: distance |
дистанцировать {v both} [literary] | :: to distance [от + (genitive), from someone/something] |
дистанцироваться {v both} [literary] | :: to distance oneself, to move away [от + (genitive), from someone/something] |
дистанция {noun} | :: distance (amount of space between two points) |
дистрибуция {noun} | :: distribution |
дистрибьютер {noun} | :: alternative form of дистрибьютор |
дистрибьютор {noun} [economics] | :: distributor (intermediary between manufacturer and reseller) |
дистрофия {noun} | :: dystrophy |
дисфория {noun} | :: dysphoria |
дисфункция {noun} | :: dysfunction (failure to function) |
дисциплина {noun} | :: discipline |
дисциплина {noun} | :: branch of science |
дисциплинарный {adj} | :: disciplinary |
дисциплинированность {noun} | :: discipline, self-discipline |
дисциплинированный {adj} | :: disciplined |
дисциплинировать {v both} | :: to discipline |
дитё {noun} [low colloquial, non-standard] | :: alternative form of дитя |
дитёнок {noun} | :: little baby, young child |
дитя {noun} [dated or poetic] | :: child, baby, kid (also used ironically or in similes) |
дитя индиго {noun} | :: Indigo child |
дифирамб {noun} | :: dithyramb, eulogy (a solemn choral song in honor of the god Dionysus) |
дифирамб {noun} | :: exaggerated accolade |
дифракция {noun} | :: diffraction |
дифтерия {noun} | :: diphtheria |
дифтонг {noun} [linguistics] | :: diphthong |
диффамация {noun} | :: defamation, libel |
дифференциал {noun} [mathematics, automobiles] | :: differential |
дифференциальный {adj} | :: differential |
дифференциация {noun} | :: differentiation, differentiating |
дифференцировать {v both} [literary] | :: to differentiate, to distinguish |
дифференцировать {v both} [mathematics] | :: to differentiate |
диффузия {noun} [physics] | :: diffusion (intermingling of the molecules) |
дичать {v impf} | :: to run wild |
дичать {v impf} | :: to become wild, to grow wild |
дичать {v impf} | :: to become shy or unsociable |
дичина {noun} | :: venison, game |
дичь {noun} | :: game (wild animals or birds hunted for food) |
дичь {noun} [colloquial] | :: wilderness |
дичь {noun} [colloquial] | :: nonsense, bosh, rubbish, rot |
диэлектрический {adj} | :: dielectric (electrically insulating) |
диэтил {noun} [chemistry] | :: diethyl |
длань {noun} [archaic or poetic] | :: palm [of the hand] |
длина {noun} | :: length |
длиннее {adj} | :: comparative of длинный |
длиннее {adj} | :: comparative of длинно |
длинней {adj} | :: comparative of длинный |
длинней {adj} | :: comparative of длинно |
длинно {adv} | :: for a long time |
длинно {adv} | :: at length, too verbosely |
длинноволосый {adj} | :: long-haired |
длинноногий {adj} | :: long-legged (having long legs) |
длиннорукий {adj} | :: long-armed |
длинный {adj} | :: long, lengthy |
длинный {adj} [colloquial, ironic] | :: tall, lanky [of a person] |
длинный {adj} [short form only] | :: too long, longer than necessary [of clothing and shoes] |
длиннющий {adj} [colloquial] | :: very long |
длительность {noun} | :: duration, time length |
длительный {adj} | :: long, protracted, lengthy |
длить {v impf} [dated] | :: to delay |
длиться {v impf} | :: to last (of time duration) |
для {prep} | :: for |
Дмитрий {prop} | :: given name |
Дмитров {prop} | :: Dmitrov (city in Russia, near Moscow) |
дмитровский {adj} [relational] | :: Dmitrov (city in Russia, near Moscow) |
дневальный {noun} | :: orderly; person on duty |
дневник {noun} | :: diary |
дневник {noun} | :: journal, datebook, daybook |
дневник {noun} | :: school record book |
дневниковый {adj} [relational] | :: diary |
дневниковый {adj} [relational] | :: journal, datebook |
дневниковый {adj} [relational] | :: notebook, school record book |
дневной {adj} [relational] | :: day, daytime |
Днепр {prop} | :: Днепр (river) |
Днепропетровск {prop} | :: Днепропетровск (city) |
Днестр {prop} | :: Днестр (river) |
днесь {adv} [obsolete] | :: now, nowadays, today |
днём {adv} | :: by day, during the day |
днём и ночью {adv} | :: day and night (all the time) |
днище {noun} | :: bottom, bilge (of a vessel) |
ДНК {prop} {f inan} | :: DNA |
дно {noun} | :: floor, bed (hard surface at the bottom of a body of water) |
дно {noun} | :: bottom surface of a container |
дно {noun} [figuratively] | :: bottom of society |
ДНР {prop} {f inan} | :: initialism of Донецкая Народная Республика |
днюха {noun} [slang] | :: birthday |
днюха {noun} | :: birthday party |
до- {prefix} [used with verbs] | :: up to |
до- {prefix} [used with verbs] | :: completely (describing a completion of an action to its end) |
до {prep} | :: before |
до {prep} | :: up to, till, until |
до {prep} | :: with respect to, concerning, regarding |
до {n inan} | :: (musical note) C |
добавить {v pf} | :: to add |
добавиться {v pf} | :: to accrue |
добавка {noun} | :: additive (substance altering another substance) |
добавка {noun} | :: amendment |
добавка {noun} | :: second helping |
добавка {noun} | :: refill |
добавление {noun} | :: addition, addendum, add-on, supplement |
добавлять {v impf} | :: to add |
добавляться {v impf} | :: to accrue |
добавочно {adv} | :: additionally, addedly (in addition) |
добавочный {adj} | :: additional, extra |
добавочный {adj} | :: supplementary |
добавочный {adj} | :: accessory |
добегать {v impf} | :: to run (to; as far as), to reach |
добегать {v pf} | :: to finish running |
добегаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to run into trouble |
добежать {v pf} | :: to run (to; as far as), to reach |
добела {adv} | :: till something is spotlessly clean or white |
до бемоль {noun} [musical note] | :: C flat |
доберман-пинчер {noun} | :: Dobermann, Dobermann pinscher |
добивать {v impf} | :: to kill off, to finish off |
добивать {v impf} | :: to crush completely, to destroy completely |
добивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to finish |
добивать {v impf} | :: to beat (до to a particular state) |
добивать {v impf} | :: to finish chiming (of a clock) |
добиваться {v impf} | :: to (try to) achieve, to attain, to get, to reach (+ genitive) |
добиваться {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to strive for (+ genitive) |
добиваться {v impf} | :: to find out (about) (+ genitive) |
добираться {v impf} | :: to get (to), to reach |
добить {v pf} | :: to kill off, to finish off |
добить {v pf} | :: to crush completely, to destroy completely |
добить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to finish |
добить {v pf} | :: to beat (до to a particular state) |
добить {v pf} | :: to finish chiming (of a clock) |
добиться {v pf} | :: to (try to) achieve, to attain, to get, to reach (+ genitive) |
добиться {v pf} | :: to find out (about) (+ genitive) |
доблестный {adj} | :: valiant, gallant, valorous, heroic, brave |
доблесть {noun} | :: valour, prowess |
добраться {v pf} | :: to get (to), to reach |
добредать {v impf} | :: to plod, to trudge (somewhere) |
добренький {adj} | :: endearing diminutive of добрый |
добрести {v pf} | :: to plod, to trudge (somewhere) |
добреть {v impf} | :: to become kind |
добреть {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to gain weight, to get fat |
добро {noun} | :: the good |
добро {noun} | :: goods, property |
добро {noun} | :: stuff |
добро {noun} [colloquial] | :: green light, consent, permission |
добро {particle} | :: okay |
добро {adv} | :: kindly |
доброволец {noun} | :: volunteer (one who voluntarily offers himself for service; voluntary soldier; one who acts without legal obligation) |
добровольно {adv} | :: voluntarily (in a voluntary manner) |
добровольный {adj} | :: voluntary, of one's free will |
добровольческий {adj} [relational] | :: volunteer |
добровольческий {adj} [dated] | :: voluntary |
доброго времени суток {interj} [sometimes, humorous, Internet slang] | :: good morning Used as a greeting when meeting somebody for the first time in the morning |
доброго времени суток {interj} [sometimes, humorous, Internet slang] | :: good evening Used as a greeting in the evening |
доброго времени суток {interj} [sometimes, humorous, Internet slang] | :: good afternoon; a greeting said when meeting somebody in the afternoon |
доброго времени суток {interj} [sometimes, humorous, Internet slang] | :: good day [dated, formal] A somewhat formal greeting generally used between sunrise and sunset |
доброго времени суток {interj} [internet, hypercorrect] | :: good whatever time of day |
доброго пути {interj} | :: bon voyage! |
добродетель {noun} | :: virtue (excellence in morals) |
добродетельный {adj} | :: virtuous, righteous |
добродушие {noun} | :: mansuetude, amiability, geniality, good nature |
добродушно {adv} | :: genially |
добродушный {adj} | :: good-natured |
доброе утро {interj} | :: good morning |
доброжелатель {noun} | :: well-wisher |
доброжелательно {adv} | :: benevolently |
доброжелательность {noun} | :: benevolence, kindness, goodwill |
доброжелательный {adj} | :: benevolent, well-wishing |
доброкачественный {adj} [medicine] | :: benign |
добро пожаловать {interj} | :: welcome! |
добропорядочный {adj} | :: respectable, honest |
добросовестно {adv} | :: honestly |
добросовестно {adv} [law] | :: in good faith |
добросовестность {noun} | :: conscientiousness, bona fides |
добросовестность {noun} | :: scrupulosity |
добросовестный {adj} | :: conscientious, fair |
добрососедский {adj} | :: neighbourly (showing the qualities of a friendly and helpful neighbour) |
добрососедство {noun} | :: (good-)neighbourliness; (good)-neighbourly relations |
доброта {noun} | :: kindness, goodness |
добротный {adj} | :: durable, high-quality |
добро тому врать, кто за морем бывал {proverb} | :: long ways, long lies |
добрый {adj} | :: kind, good, genial |
добрый {adj} | :: kindly, good-hearted |
добрый {adj} | :: gracious, nice |
добрый {adj} | :: gentle, soft |
добрый {adj} | :: decent |
добрый {adj} | :: benign |
добрый {adj} | :: beneficent |
добрый {adj} | :: tenderhearted |
добрый {adj} | :: good-natured |
добрый {adj} | :: kindhearted, warm-hearted |
добрый {adj} [colloquial] | :: good, solid |
добрый вечер {interj} | :: good evening |
добрый день {interj} | :: good day, good afternoon |
добряк {noun} [colloquial] | :: kind, good-hearted man, good-natured person, good soul |
добудиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to succeed in waking up, (manage to) to wake up |
добывание {noun} | :: getting, procuring |
добывание {noun} | :: extraction, mining |
добывать {v impf} | :: to obtain, to get, to procure |
добывать {v impf} | :: to extract, to mine, to quarry |
добывать {v impf} | :: to bag hunt |
добывающий {adj} | :: extractive |
добытчик {noun} [colloquial] | :: someone who extracts resources (miner, hunter, fisherman, etc.) |
добытчик {noun} [colloquial] | :: breadwinner, (good) earner (someone who is able to make good money) |
добыть {v pf} | :: to obtain, to get, to procure |
добыть {v pf} | :: to extract, to mine, to quarry |
добыть {v pf} | :: to bag hunt |
добыча {noun} | :: extraction, mining, quarrying |
добыча {noun} | :: booty, spoil, plunder (plunder taken from an enemy in time of war, or seized by piracy) |
добыча {noun} | :: prey, catch (something which is captured or caught) |
доведение {noun} | :: finishing, bringing to (something) |
доведение {noun} | :: reduction |
доведь {noun} [checkers] | :: king, kinged piece |
довезти {v pf} | :: to take (to), to carry (as far as, to), to bring (to, as far as) |
доверенность {noun} [legal] | :: letter of attorney, power of attorney |
доверенность {noun} | :: proxy |
доверенный {adj} | :: trusted, authorized |
доверенный {noun} | :: proxy |
доверенный {noun} | :: agent |
доверие {noun} | :: trust (confidence in or reliance on some person or quality) |
доверительно {adv} | :: confidentially, in confidence |
доверительность {noun} | :: secrecy, privacy, confidentiality |
доверительный {adj} | :: confidential, secret |
доверительный {adj} | :: trusting, confiding |
доверительный {adj} [relational] | :: warrant, power of attorney; trust, confidence |
доверить {v pf} | :: to entrust (to) |
довериться {v pf} | :: to trust (in), to confide (in) |
доверху {adv} | :: to the top, to the brim |
доверчиво {adv} | :: trustingly (in a trusting manner) |
доверчивость {noun} | :: trustfulness |
доверчивость {noun} | :: credulity |
доверчивость {noun} | :: gullibility (quality of being easily deceived) |
доверчивый {adj} | :: credulous, gullible (excessively ready to believe things) |
довершение {noun} | :: completion, consummation |
доверяй, но проверяй {proverb} | :: trust, but verify |
доверять {v impf} | :: to trust |
доверять {v impf} | :: to entrust, to trust, to charge |
доверять {v impf} | :: to trust, to believe, to give credence |
доверяться {v impf} | :: to trust (in), to confide (in) |
довесок {noun} [colloquial] | :: makeweight |
довесок {noun} [colloquial] | :: any piece added to something to achieve a desired weight |
довести {v pf} | :: to lead, to take, to accompany [to], to bring [into] |
довести {v pf} [cooking] | :: to scald |
довести {v pf} | :: to drive, to reduce, to bring, to carry |
довести {v pf} | :: to inform |
довестись {v pf} [impersonal] | :: to have occasion, to have a chance |
довле {adv} [obsolete, rare] | :: sufficiently, enough |
довлетворить {v impf} [obsolete] | :: satisfy, fulfill |
довлеть {v impf} [obsolete, Church Slavonic] | :: to satisfy |
довлеть {v impf} [nonstandard] | :: to weigh upon someone, to burden, to hang over |
довод {noun} | :: argument, reason |
доводить {v impf} | :: to see, to lead, to take, to accompany [to], to bring [into] |
доводить {v impf} [cooking] | :: to scald |
доводить {v impf} | :: to drive, to reduce, to bring, to carry |
доводить {v impf} | :: to inform |
доводиться {v impf} | :: to have an occasion [to], to happen [to] |
доводиться {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to be related to |
доводка {noun} | :: finishing |
доводка {noun} | :: tuning, refinement, tweaking |
довоенный {adj} | :: antebellum, prewar |
довозить {v impf} | :: to take (to), to carry (as far as, to), to bring (to, as far as) |
довозить {v pf} | :: to finish conveying |
довольно {adv} | :: enough, sufficient |
довольно {adv} | :: quite, rather, pretty, fairly |
довольно {adv} | :: contentedly |
довольно {pred} | :: it is enough |
довольно-таки {adv} | :: rather, somewhat |
довольный {adj} | :: content, satisfied, pleased |
довольствие {noun} | :: ration, allowance |
довольствие {noun} | :: contentment |
довольство {noun} | :: contentment, satisfaction |
довольство {noun} [colloquial] | :: prosperity, comfortable circumstances |
довольствоваться {v impf} | :: to be content/satisfied (with), to content oneself (with) |
довольствоваться {v impf} [military] | :: to draw allowances/supplies |
доврачебный {adj} | :: first-aid |
до встречи {interj} | :: see you (later), goodbye (farewell) |
дог {noun} | :: Great Dane |
догадаться {v pf} | :: to guess (to reach an unqualified conclusion) |
догадаться {v pf} | :: to surmise, to suspect, to conjecture |
догадаться {v pf} | :: to cotton on, to glom on |
догадка {noun} | :: guess, conjecture, surmise; (plural) guesswork |
догадливый {adj} | :: quick-witted, clever |
догадываться {v impf} | :: to guess (to reach an unqualified conclusion) |
догадываться {v impf} | :: to surmise, to suspect, to conjecture |
догма {noun} | :: dogma (authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion) |
догмат {noun} | :: doctrine; tenet; dogma |
догматический {adj} [philosophy, religion or general] | :: dogmatic |
догнать {v pf} | :: to catch up, to overtake |
догнать {v pf} | :: to drive to, to bring to |
договаривать {v impf} | :: to finish speaking/saying/telling |
договариваться {v impf} | :: to agree (mutually), to arrange (about, for), to come to an agreement / understanding (about) |
договариваться {v impf} | :: to come (to), to talk (to the point of) |
договариваться {v impf} [no perfective] | :: to negotiate (about) |
договор {noun} | :: agreement, contract |
договор {noun} | :: pact, treaty |
договорённость {noun} | :: agreement (an understanding to follow a course of conduct) |
договорить {v pf} | :: to finish speaking/saying/telling |
договориться {v pf} | :: to agree (mutually), to arrange (about, for), to come to an agreement / understanding (about) |
договориться {v pf} | :: to come (to), to talk (to the point of) |
договорной {adj} [relational] | :: treaty, contract; contractual |
догонялки {noun} [colloquial] | :: tag (children's game) |
догонять {v impf} | :: to catch up, to overtake |
догонять {v impf} | :: to drive to, to bring to |
догорать {v impf} | :: to burn down, to burn out, to burn low |
догореть {v pf} | :: to burn down, to burn out, to burn low |
догхантер {noun} | :: dog hunter (a person who is engaged in the extermination of stray dogs) |
доделать {v pf} | :: to finish doing, to complete, to bring a task to the end |
доделывать {v impf} | :: to finish doing, to complete, to bring a task to the end |
до диез {noun} [musical note] | :: C sharp (C#) |
Додома {prop} | :: Додома (capital city) |
Додоново {noun} | :: Dodonovo, a village near Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai |
додредноут {noun} [historical, nautical] | :: pre-dreadnought battleship |
додумать {v pf} | :: to think over/out/through (to the end), to do some more thinking (about) |
додумать {v pf} | :: to think up what is missing, to complete |
додуматься {v pf} | :: to think up, to come to the idea, to hit |
додуматься {v pf} | :: to go as far as |
додумывать {v impf} | :: to think over/out/through (to the end), to do some more thinking (about) |
додумывать {v impf} | :: to think up what is missing, to complete |
додумываться {v impf} | :: to think up, to come to the idea, to hit |
доедать {v impf} | :: to eat, to finish eating, to eat up |
доезжать {v impf} | :: to reach, to arrive (by horse or vehicle) |
доесть {v pf} | :: to eat, to finish eating, to eat up |
доехать {v pf} | :: to reach, to arrive (by horse or vehicle) |
дож {noun} [historical] | :: doge |
дождаться {v pf} | :: to wait until, to (manage to) wait for a long time |
дождаться {v pf} | :: to end (by) |
дождевик {noun} | :: puffball (mushroom) |
дождевик {noun} | :: raincoat |
дождевой {adj} [relational] | :: rain |
дождевой червь {noun} | :: earthworm (animal) |
дождик {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of дождь |
дождичек {noun} | :: endearing form of дождь |
дождливый {adj} | :: rainy |
дождь {noun} [meteorology] | :: rain |
доживать {v impf} | :: to live so long |
дожидаться {v impf} | :: to await, to wait (un)till, to (manage to) wait for a long time |
дожить {v pf} | :: to live, to remain alive, to survive (until), to live to see |
дожить {v pf} | :: to find oneself in a disgraceful condition |
дожить {v pf} | :: to stay, to spend (the rest of) |
дожить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to use up the last of one's money |
доза {noun} | :: dose, draught |
до завтра {phrase} | :: until tomorrow; see you tomorrow |
дозаправить {v pf} | :: to refuel (a plane) |
дозаправиться {vi pf} | :: to refuel [of a plane] |
дозаправка {noun} | :: refueling |
дозаправлять {v impf} | :: to refuel (a plane) |
дозаправляться {vi impf} | :: to refuel [of a plane] |
дозваниваться {v impf} | :: to (try to) get on the phone, to get through (to) |
дозволение {noun} [obsolete] | :: permission |
дозволенность {noun} | :: permissibility |
дозволенный {adj} | :: allowed; permitted; legal |
дозволительный {adj} | :: allowable, permissible |
дозволить {v pf} | :: to permit, to allow, to authorize |
дозволять {v impf} | :: to permit, to allow, to authorize |
дозвониться {v pf} | :: to (try to) get on the phone, to get through (to) |
дозировать {v both} | :: to dose, to dispense medication to |
дозировать {v both} | :: to establish the dose of |
дозировать {v both} | :: to divide into doses |
дозировать {v both} | :: to meter, to ration |
дозировка {noun} | :: dosing |
дозировка {noun} | :: dosage |
дознаватель {noun} [law, military] | :: investigator, interrogator |
дознаваться {v pf} | :: to find out, to inquire (about) |
дознание {noun} | :: inquiry, inquest, investigation |
дознаться {v impf} | :: to find out, to inquire (about) |
дозор {noun} | :: patrol, round |
дозревать {v impf} | :: to ripen completely [of fruit] |
дозревать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to mature [of a design, manufacturing process, performance, etc.] |
дозреть {v pf} | :: to ripen completely [of fruit] |
дозреть {v pf} [figurative] | :: to mature [of a design, manufacturing process, performance, etc.] |
доиграть {v pf} | :: to finish playing |
доигрывать {v impf} | :: to finish playing |
доисторический {adj} | :: prehistoric (relating to the epoch before written records) |
доить {v impf} | :: to milk (to express milk from mammal) |
доить {v impf} [slang] | :: to give a handjob |
дойти {v pf} | :: to go to, to come to, to arrive at, to reach |
дойти {v pf} | :: to come down to |
дойти {v pf} | :: (prices) to rise, to run up to, to amount to |
дойти {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to ejaculate, to cum |
док {noun} | :: dock |
дока {m anim} [colloquial] | :: expert, authority, pundit |
доказательный {adj} | :: demonstrative, conclusive |
доказательство {noun} | :: proof, evidence |
доказательство {noun} | :: proving |
доказать {v pf} | :: to prove, to demonstrate |
доказывание {noun} | :: substantiation, proof, proving, showing |
доказывать {v impf} | :: to prove, to demonstrate |
до каких пор {adv} | :: until when |
докапываться {v impf} | :: to dig down (to) |
докапываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to (try to) find out, to discover, to hunt out, to arrive, to get to the bottom (of) |
докатиться {v pf} | :: to roll (to), to go rolling (to) |
докатиться {v pf} | :: to reach |
докатиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: (sounds) to roll, to thunder, to boom |
докатиться {v pf} [colloquial, deprecative] | :: to come down (to), to sink (into), to end up |
докатываться {v impf} | :: to roll (to), to go rolling (to) |
докатываться {v impf} | :: to reach |
докатываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: (sounds) to roll, to thunder, to boom |
доклад {noun} | :: report, paper |
доклад {noun} | :: lecture |
доклад {noun} | :: announcement |
докладная {noun} [colloquial] | :: memorandum, report; ellipsis of докладная записка |
докладной {adj} [relational] | :: report |
докладчик {noun} | :: lecturer; speaker, reporter; rapporteur |
докладывать {v impf} | :: to report, to announce (to notify formally) |
докладывать {v impf} | :: to add more, to put more (e.g. into a portion) |
доколе {adv} [archaic] | :: how long? |
доколе {adv} [archaic] | :: as long as, until |
доконать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to ruin, to finish off, to end, to destroy |
докопаться {v pf} | :: to dig down (to) |
докопаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to (try to) find out, to discover, to hunt out, to arrive, to get to the bottom (of) |
доктор {noun} | :: doctor (PhD or MD) |
докторишка {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: doctor |
доктор наук {noun} | :: The highest degree in higher education in Russia, based on the quality of the researcher's (professor's) work as a whole |
докторский {adj} | :: doctor's |
докторский {adj} | :: doctoral |
доктрина {noun} | :: doctrine |
докуда {adv} | :: how far; up to where, until where |
документ {noun} | :: document, paper |
документально {adv} | :: documentarily |
документальный {adj} | :: documentary |
документальный фильм {noun} | :: documentary film |
документация {noun} | :: documentation (something transposed from a thought to a document) |
документация {noun} [computing] | :: documentation (documents that explain the operation of a particular software program) |
документооборот {noun} | :: document workflow, document circulation (workflow of documents in an organization, from inception to disposal) |
докуривать {vt impf} | :: to finish smoking |
докурить {vt pf} | :: to finish smoking |
докучать {v impf} | :: to annoy, to bother, to pester, to importune (to disturb or irritate) |
докучливый {adj} | :: tiresome, annoying, bothersome, importunate, pesky |
дол {noun} [poetic] | :: dale, vale |
долбануть {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to peck once, to hammer once |
долбануть {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to drink |
долбать {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: alternative form of долбить |
долбить {v impf} | :: to peck (e.g. of birds), to gouge a hole in (to make a dent or a hole by constantly hitting the surface) |
долбить {v impf} [, colloquial] | :: to knock, to hit |
долбить {v impf} [, colloquial] | :: to constantly repeat, to remind about something |
долбить {v impf} [, colloquial] | :: to memorize by constantly repeating |
долбить {v impf} [, colloquial, figurative] | :: to scold, to criticize |
долбить {v impf} [, colloquial] | :: to destroy by using sloppily |
долбить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to use drugs |
долбить {v impf} [vulgar] | :: to fuck |
долбоёб {noun} [vulgar, taboo slang] | :: dickhead, fuckwit, dumbass, dipshit, motherfucker (stupid person) |
долг {noun} | :: duty, obligation |
долг {noun} | :: debt |
долгий {adj} | :: long |
долго {adv} | :: a long time; for a long time |
долговато {adv} | :: rather a long time |
долговечность {noun} | :: longevity, durability |
долговечный {adj} | :: durable, long-lasting |
долговечный {adj} | :: long-lived |
долговой {adj} [relational] | :: debt |
долговременный {adj} | :: long-term, of long duration, lasting |
долговременный {adj} [military] | :: permanent |
долговязый {adj} [colloquial] | :: lanky, gangling |
долгожданный {adj} | :: long-awaited |
долгожитель {noun} | :: very-long-lived person, centenarian [approximately; normally refers to someone 90 years and older] |
долголетие {noun} | :: longevity (the quality of being long-lasting, especially of life) |
долго ли {adv} | :: how long |
долго ль {adv} | :: how long |
долгоносик {noun} [zoology] | :: weevil (herbivorous beetle) |
долгопят {noun} | :: tarsier |
долгорукий {adj} | :: long-armed |
долгосрочный {adj} | :: long-dated, long-range, long-term |
долгострой {noun} [colloquial, disapprovingly] | :: lingering construction, unfinished construction, long-term construction |
долгота {noun} [geology, geography] | :: longitude (angular distance) |
долгота {noun} | :: length (of the day) |
долготерпение {noun} | :: long-suffering |
долевой {adj} [relational] | :: share, portion |
долевой {adj} | :: lengthwise, longitudinal |
долее {adv} [dated] | :: comparative of долгий |
долее {adv} [dated] | :: comparative of долго |
долетать {v impf} | :: to fly (to, as far as), (thrown object, projectile etc) to reach |
долетать {v impf} | :: to reach |
долететь {v pf} | :: to fly (to, as far as), (thrown object, projectile etc) to reach |
долететь {v pf} | :: to reach |
должать {vi impf} [rare, dated] | :: to lend, to borrow |
должен {pred} | :: obligated |
долженство {noun} [archaic, literary] | :: a must, something that must be done, duty |
долженствовать {v impf} [literary, dated] | :: to have to, to be obliged |
должник {noun} | :: debtor, debitor |
должно {adv} [colloquial] | :: it must be, probably |
должно {pred} [literary] | :: it is necessary, one must |
должно быть {adv} | :: it must be, probably |
должное {noun} | :: what is due |
должностной {adj} [relational] | :: office, duty, position (job) |
должность {noun} | :: office, post, appointment, position |
должный {adj} | :: due; required |
должок {noun} | :: diminutive of долг |
долина {noun} | :: valley |
долина {noun} | :: vale, dale |
доллар {noun} | :: dollar (currency) |
долларовый {adj} [relational] | :: dollar |
доложить {v pf} | :: to report, to announce (to notify formally) |
доложить {v pf} | :: to add more, to put more (e.g. into a portion) |
долой {adv} | :: down |
долой {adv} | :: away (with), down (with) |
долонь {noun} [dialectal] | :: palm [of the hand] |
долонь {noun} [agriculture, dialectal] | :: threshing-floor |
долото {noun} | :: chisel |
долото {noun} | :: boring bit, drill bit, gouge, rock-drill |
долотцо {noun} | :: diminutive of долото |
долька {noun} | :: diminutive of доля: lobule; clove; segment |
дольмен {noun} | :: dolmen (tomb consisting of a capstone supported by two or more upright stones), cromlech |
дольник {noun} [poetry, inanimate] | :: dolnik; a form of verse intermediate between purely accentual and accentual-syllabic, where stressed syllables are separated by one or two unstressed syllables in free variation |
дольник {noun} [historical, animate] | :: a metayer, a sharecropper [in medieval Russia] |
дольше {adv} | :: comparative of долгий |
дольше {adv} | :: comparative of долго |
дольщик {noun} | :: shareholder, investor [most commonly of an investor in shared-equity construction] |
дольщик {noun} [film] | :: dolly grip |
доля {noun} | :: part, portion, share |
доля {noun} | :: fate, lot |
дом {noun} | :: house (building) |
дом {noun} | :: building |
дом {noun} | :: home |
дом {noun} | :: family |
дом {noun} | :: household |
дома {adv} | :: at home |
домашка {noun} [colloquial, school] | :: homework |
домашка {noun} [colloquial, school] | :: home reading |
домашка {noun} [slang] | :: house arrest |
домашнее животное {noun} | :: (any type of) domesticated animal; companion animal; pet |
домашнее задание {noun} | :: homework |
домашние {noun} | :: close relatives |
домашние {noun} | :: domesticated animals |
домашний {adj} | :: home, household, house |
домашний {adj} | :: private |
домашний {adj} [relational] | :: domestic; family |
домашний {adj} | :: home-made, homespun |
домашний {noun} [plural] | :: (own) folks, family |
домашний очаг {noun} | :: hearth (as a symbol for home or family life) |
домбра {noun} [music] | :: dombra |
домбрист {noun} | :: dombra player |
домбристка {noun} | :: feminine noun of домбрист |
домбровый {adj} [relational] | :: dombra (type of long-necked lute) |
домен {noun} | :: domain [in various senses] |
доменный {adj} [relational] | :: blast furnace |
доменный {adj} [relational] | :: domain |
домик {noun} | :: cottage |
доминанта {noun} [music] | :: dominant (tone of a musical scale) |
Доминика {prop} | :: Доминика (island/and/country) |
Доминиканская Республика {prop} | :: Доминиканская Республика (country) |
доминиканский {adj} | :: Dominican (referring to the Dominican Republic or its inhabitants) |
доминирование {noun} | :: domination, dominance; prevalence |
доминировать {v impf} | :: to prevail, to predominate |
доминировать {v impf} | :: to command, to dominate |
доминировать {v pf} | :: to finish mining (to sow or plant mines) |
доминирующий {adj} | :: dominant |
доминирующий {adj} | :: prevailing, predominant |
домино {n inan} | :: dominoes |
домино {n inan} | :: domino (masquerade costume or the mask) |
домишко {noun} [pejorative] | :: a (small) house |
домище {noun} | :: augmentative of дом |
домкрат {noun} | :: jack (device for raising and supporting a heavy object) |
Дом культуры {prop} | :: Palace of Culture |
домна {noun} | :: blast furnace |
домовина {noun} [dialectal] | :: coffin |
домовладелец {noun} | :: homeowner, landlord |
домовой {adj} | :: alternative form of домовый |
домовой {noun} [mythology] | :: domovoy, a house spirit or sprite |
домовый {adj} [relational] | :: house |
домогательство {noun} | :: harassment |
домогательство {noun} | :: solicitation |
домогаться {v impf} | :: to doggedly pursue, to persistently seek or strive for [+ genitive] |
Домодедово {prop} | :: Domodedovo (an airport in Moscow, Russia) |
домой {adv} | :: home, homewards, to the house |
доморощенный {adj} | :: homebred, home-grown, homebrewed |
доморощенный {adj} | :: crude, primitive |
домосед {noun} | :: stay-at-home, homebody |
домостроение {noun} | :: house building, house construction |
домоуправление {noun} | :: building management, house management |
домоуправление {noun} [colloquial] | :: office of a building manager |
домофон {noun} | :: door phone, interphone |
домохозяин {noun} | :: homeowner, householder |
домохозяйка {noun} | :: housewife |
домохозяйство {noun} | :: household |
домочадец {noun} | :: member of household |
домработница {noun} | :: (female) housekeeper |
дом терпимости {noun} | :: brothel |
домысел {noun} | :: unsubstantiated supposition, guesswork, speculation |
дон {noun} | :: don (Spanish or Italian title of respect) |
дон {noun} | :: dong, bong (sound of a bell) |
Дон {prop} | :: Дон (major river) |
Дональд Дак {prop} | :: Donald Duck (Disney character) |
до нашей эры {adv} | :: Before the Common Era (BCE), before Christ (BC) |
донашивать {v impf} | :: to finish carrying |
донашивать {v impf} | :: to wear out |
донашивать {v impf} | :: to carry (a child) to full term [in a pregnancy] |
Донбасс {prop} | :: Donbas or Donbass (Donets Basin) |
донбури {n inan} | :: donburi |
донг {noun} [numismatics] | :: dong (the currency of Vietnam) |
донельзя {adv} [colloquial] | :: totally, utterly, completely |
донесение {noun} | :: report, message; dispatch |
донести {v pf} | :: to carry (to, as far as), to bring (to), to deliver |
донести {v pf} | :: to report, to announce, to inform |
донести {v pf} | :: to denounce (to), to inform (on, against), to squeal on |
донестись {v pf} | :: to get / be worn out (of clothes, shoes) |
донестись {v pf} | :: to reach one's ears, to be heard; to be carried by the wind |
Донец {prop} | :: one of several rivers in Eastern Europe, including but not limited to: |
Донец {prop} | :: Донец (a <<river>>, the Seversky Donets, which flows through <<c/Russia>> and <<c/Ukraine>> into the <<riv:Suf/Don>>) |
Донецк {prop} | :: Донецк (city) |
Донецкая Народная Республика {prop} | :: Donetsk People's Republic |
донецкий {adj} [relational] | :: Donets (name of several rivers in Eastern Europe) |
донецкий {adj} [relational] | :: донецкий (city) |
донжон {noun} | :: dungeon, keep, donjon (the main tower of a motte or castle) |
донимать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to harass, to bother |
донкихотский {adj} | :: quixotic (possessing or acting with the desire to do noble and romantic deeds, without thought of realism and practicality) |
донна {noun} | :: donna, madame (respectful term of address to a woman in Italy, Portugal, and certain other countries) |
донный {adj} [relational] | :: bottom |
донор {noun} | :: donor (one who donates) |
донорский {adj} [relational] | :: donor |
донос {noun} | :: denunciation (of), information (against) |
доноситель {noun} [pejorative] | :: informer, snitch |
доносительство {noun} | :: reporting, snitching, betrayal |
доносить {v impf} | :: to carry [to, as far as], to bring [to], to deliver |
доносить {v impf} | :: to report, to announce, to inform |
доносить {v impf} | :: to denounce [to], to inform [on, against], to squeal on |
доносить {v pf} | :: to finish carrying |
доносить {v pf} | :: to wear out |
доносить {v pf} | :: to carry (a child) to full term [in a pregnancy] |
доноситься {v impf} | :: to get / be worn out (of clothes, shoes) |
доноситься {v impf} | :: to reach one's ears, to be heard; to be carried by the wind |
доносчик {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: informer, snitch, ear |
донской {adj} [relational] | :: Don |
донышко {noun} | :: diminutive of дно: bottom |
до н. э. {adv} | :: abbreviation of до нашей эры: B.C., BCE |
до н.э. {adv} | :: abbreviation of до нашей эры: B.C., BCE |
донять {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to harass, to bother |
доопытный {adj} | :: a priori |
допевать {v impf} | :: to finish singing |
допетый {adj} | :: finished singing |
допеть {v pf} | :: to finish singing |
допечатка {noun} | :: overprinting (printing in addition) |
допечатка {noun} | :: reprint (of printed arts); run-on |
допивать {v impf} | :: to drink up, to finish by drinking |
до пизды {adv} [obscene] | :: it's all the same, no matter (literally, "to the pussy") |
до пизды {adv} [obscene] | :: too much |
допинг {noun} | :: stimulant, performance-enhancing drug, dope (any illicit drug) |
дописать {v pf} | :: to finish (writing) |
дописать {v pf} | :: to write (to) |
дописать {v pf} | :: to write in addition, to add |
дописать {v pf} | :: to finish (painting), to paint in addition |
дописывать {v impf} | :: to finish (writing) |
дописывать {v impf} | :: to write (to) |
дописывать {v impf} | :: to write in addition, to add |
дописывать {v impf} | :: to finish (painting), to paint in addition |
допить {v pf} | :: to drink up, to finish by drinking |
доплата {noun} | :: additional payment, extra charge, surcharge |
доплывать {v impf} | :: to swim as far as |
доплыть {v pf} | :: to swim as far as |
доподлинно {adv} [colloquial] | :: for sure |
доподлинный {adj} [colloquial] | :: authentic |
доподлинный {adj} [colloquial] | :: true |
допоздна {adv} | :: until late, until all hours |
доползать {v impf} | :: to crawl, to creep (to, as far as) |
доползти {v pf} | :: to crawl, to creep (to, as far as) |
дополнение {noun} | :: addition |
дополнение {noun} | :: complement, supplement, addendum |
дополнение {noun} [grammar] | :: object, complement |
дополнительно {adv} | :: additionally, in addition, extra (by way of addition) |
дополнительный {adj} | :: additional, supplementary |
дополнительный {adj} | :: extra |
дополнить {v pf} | :: to supplement, to add, to amplify, to supply, to enlarge, to expand, to complete, to fill up |
дополниться {v pf} | :: to become fuller, to be replenished |
дополнять {v impf} | :: to supplement, to add, to amplify, to supply, to enlarge, to expand, to complete, to fill up |
дополняться {v impf} | :: to become fuller, to be replenished |
до полудня {adv} | :: a.m. (before noon) |
до полудня {adv} | :: ante meridiem |
до полусмерти {phrase} [figuratively] | :: to a pulp (lit.: "to/till half-death") |
до посинения {adv} [idiomatic] | :: to do something until one is blue in the face, for a long time |
допотопный {adj} | :: antediluvian (supremely dated) |
допотопный {adj} | :: antiquated, old-fashioned |
допрашивать {v impf} | :: to interrogate |
допрос {noun} | :: interrogation (act of interrogating or questioning) |
допросить {v pf} | :: to interrogate |
допуск {noun} | :: access, admission, admittance |
допуск {noun} [technical] | :: tolerance |
допускать {v impf} | :: to admit |
допускать {v impf} | :: to accept, to permit, to allow, to tolerate |
допускать {v impf} | :: to assume |
допускаться {v impf} | :: to be accepted, to be allowed, to be permitted |
допустим {particle} | :: let's assume, let's say, suppose (for example) |
допустимо {adv} | :: acceptably |
допустимость {noun} | :: admissibility, permissibility |
допустимый {adj} | :: permissible, acceptable |
допустимый {adj} | :: justifiable |
допустить {v pf} | :: to admit |
допустить {v pf} | :: to permit, to allow, to tolerate |
допустить {v pf} | :: to assume |
допущение {noun} | :: admission; assumption |
допущение {noun} | :: permission, allowance |
допытаться {v pf} | :: to find out, to elicit |
допытываться {v impf} | :: to try to find out, to keep asking (about), to try to elicit |
дорабатывать {v impf} | :: to work (till; until) |
дорабатывать {v impf} | :: to finish off, to complete |
дорабатывать {v impf} | :: to improve, to work further (on) |
доработать {v pf} | :: to work (till; until) |
доработать {v pf} | :: to finish off, to complete |
доработать {v pf} | :: to improve, to work further (on) |
доработка {noun} | :: modification, rework, additional work, reworking |
дорама {noun} [colloquial] | :: dorama, Japanese television drama serials |
дорастать {v impf} | :: to grow (to; as high as), to reach |
дорастать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be old enough (for; + to) |
дорастать {v impf} | :: to rise (to), to attain the level (of) |
дорасти {v pf} | :: to grow (to; as high as), to reach |
дорасти {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be old enough (for; + to) |
дорасти {v pf} | :: to rise (to), to attain the level (of) |
дорвать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to wear out completely (shoes, clothes, etc.) |
дорвать {v pf} | :: to finish plucking, to pick the last of (flowers) |
дорваться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to pounce on, to fall greedily on, to throw oneself at [food, etc.] [до] |
дорваться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to cause oneself trouble through frivolous behavior |
дорваться {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to walk up to in rags [до] |
дореволюционный {adj} | :: prerevolutionary |
дореволюционный {adj} | :: specifically, before the October Revolution |
дорический орден {noun} | :: Doric order |
дорический ордер {noun} | :: Doric order |
дорога {noun} | :: road, way |
дорога {noun} | :: passage |
дорога {noun} | :: trip, journey |
дорого {adv} | :: expensively, dearly (in an expensive manner, also figuratively) |
дороговизна {noun} | :: dearness (being expensive) |
дорогой {adj} | :: dear |
дорогой {adj} | :: expensive |
дорогостоящий {adj} | :: high-priced, expensive |
дородный {adj} | :: plump, chubby, corpulent |
дорожать {v impf} | :: to rise in price, to go up |
дороже {adv} | :: comparative of дорогой |
дороже {adv} | :: comparative of дорого |
дорожить {v impf} | :: to value, to prize |
дорожить {v impf} | :: to take care of, to value |
дорожить {v impf} | :: to not to waste, to use wisely |
дорожка {noun} | :: strip (metaphor for road) |
дорожка {noun} | :: diminutive of дорога: small road, path |
дорожка {noun} | :: alley, path, walk |
дорожка {noun} | :: path, pathway |
дорожка {noun} | :: track, lane |
дорожка {noun} [aviation] | :: runway |
дорожка {noun} | :: runner, rug |
дорожка {noun} | :: track |
дорожка {noun} | :: channel |
дорожка {noun} | :: fluting |
дорожка {noun} | :: strip, stripe, trace |
дорожка {noun} [slang] | :: line [of a powdery drug] |
дорожно-транспортный {adj} [relational] | :: road transport |
дорожный {adj} [relational] | :: road, travelling |
дорожный знак {noun} | :: traffic sign (traffic sign) |
дорожный фугас {noun} | :: roadside bomb (explosive device) |
дорожный чек {noun} | :: traveller's cheque (reprinted cheque for a fixed amount) |
Дорофей {prop} | :: given name |
до Р. Хр. {adv} | :: BC (before Christ); BCE (before the Common Era) |
дорывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to wear out completely (shoes, clothes, etc.) |
дорывать {v impf} | :: to finish plucking, to pick the last of (flowers) |
дорывать {vt impf} | :: to finish digging |
дорываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to pounce on, to fall greedily on, to throw oneself at [food, etc.] [до] |
дорываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to cause oneself trouble through frivolous behavior |
дорываться {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: to walk up to in rags [до] |
дорываться {v impf} | :: to dig to the point of finding something [до] |
дорыть {v impf} | :: to finish digging |
дорыться {v impf} | :: to dig to the point of finding something [до] |
ДОСААФ {prop} {m inan} | :: Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Air Force, and Navy |
досада {noun} | :: annoyance, nuisance, vexation |
досада {noun} | :: disappointment |
досадить {v pf} | :: to vex, to annoy, to bother |
досадить {v pf} | :: to finish planting |
досадливо {adv} | :: peevishly, with annoyance |
досадливый {adj} | :: peevish, expressing annoyance |
досадно {adv} | :: annoyingly, distressingly |
досадно {pred} | :: it is unfortunate, it is regrettable, unfortunately, regrettably |
досадный {adj} | :: annoying, vexatious, disappointing, deplorable, regrettable, troublesome |
досадный {adj} | :: distressed, vexed (expressing distress or vexation) [of tears, a look, etc.] |
досадовать {v impf} | :: to be annoyed with [на + accusative] |
досаждать {v impf} | :: to vex, to annoy, to bother |
до свидания {interj} | :: goodbye, see you later |
до свиданья {interj} | :: alternative spelling of до свидания |
доселе {adv} | :: hitherto |
до сих пор {adv} | :: still, so far, yet, as yet, hitherto, up to now, thus far |
до сих пор {adv} | :: till now |
до сих пор {adv} | :: before now |
до сих пор {conj} | :: as yet |
доска {noun} | :: board, plank |
доска {noun} | :: blackboard |
доска {noun} | :: plate |
досказать {v pf} | :: to finish telling (a story), to finish saying (a thought, etc.) |
досказывать {v impf} | :: to finish telling (a story), to finish saying (a thought, etc.) |
доскональный {adj} | :: thorough |
до скорого {interj} | :: see you soon |
до скорой встречи {interj} | :: see you soon (goodbye) |
дослать {v pf} | :: to send the remainder (of), to send on, to send in addition |
дослать {v pf} [military] | :: to seat, to chamber |
дословно {adv} | :: verbatim, literally, word for word |
дословность {noun} | :: literalness, verbatimness (the quality of being close to the original; usually of repeated or translated text) |
дословный {adj} | :: literal; verbatim |
дослуживать {v impf} | :: to stay in service, to stay employed [до + genitive, until some time period] |
дослуживать {v impf} [military] | :: to serve out (some time period) |
дослуживаться {v impf} | :: to achieve (something) through service, to be promoted to (some rank) |
дослужить {v pf} | :: to stay in service, to stay employed [до + genitive, until some time period] |
дослужить {v pf} [military] | :: to serve out (some time period) |
дослужиться {v pf} | :: to achieve (something) through service, to be promoted to (some rank) |
дослушать {v pf} | :: to listen to the whole/rest (of), to hear through/out, to sit out |
досматривать {v impf} | :: to watch (something until some event happens) |
досматривать {v impf} | :: to finish watching |
до смерти {adv} | :: deadly |
до смерти {adv} | :: utterly |
досмотр {noun} | :: supervision; examination, inspection; screening |
досмотреть {v pf} | :: to watch (something until some event happens) |
досмотреть {v pf} | :: to finish watching |
доспех {noun} [usually plural] | :: armor (protective layer over a body) |
доспехи {noun} | :: armour |
досрочно {adv} | :: ahead of schedule or time; before the appointed time |
досрочный {adj} | :: early, ahead of schedule, preterm, premature |
доставать {v impf} | :: to reach, to touch |
доставать {v impf} | :: to take, to go fetch, to take out |
доставать {v impf} | :: to get, to procure, to obtain |
доставать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to annoy someone badly |
доставать {v impf} [dated] | :: to suffice |
доставаться {v impf} | :: to fall to one's share; to fall to one's lot |
доставить {v pf} | :: to deliver, to convey, to supply, to furnish |
доставить {v pf} | :: to procure, to cause, to give |
доставить {v pf} | :: to give, to provide, to afford |
доставка {noun} | :: delivery |
доставлять {v impf} | :: to deliver, to convey, to supply, to furnish |
доставлять {v impf} | :: to procure, to cause, to give |
доставлять {v impf} | :: to give, to provide, to afford |
достаток {noun} | :: prosperity, (good) fortune; sufficiency |
достаток {noun} | :: welfare |
достаточно {adv} | :: enough, sufficiently |
достаточность {noun} | :: adequacy, sufficiency |
достаточный {adj} | :: sufficient |
достать {v pf} | :: to reach, to touch |
достать {v pf} | :: to take, to go fetch, to take out |
достать {v pf} | :: to get, to procure, to obtain |
достать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to annoy someone badly |
достать {v pf} [dated] | :: to suffice |
достаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to fall to someone's share; to fall to someone's lot |
достигать {v impf} | :: to reach, to arrive at |
достигать {v impf} | :: to attain, to achieve |
достигать {v impf} | :: to amount to, to come to |
достигнутый {adj} | :: achieved, reached |
достигнуть {v pf} | :: to reach, to arrive at |
достигнуть {v pf} | :: to attain, to achieve |
достигнуть {v pf} | :: to amount to, to come to |
достижение {noun} | :: attainment, achievement |
достижимый {adj} | :: reachable, accessible |
достижимый {adj} | :: attainable, achievable |
достичь {v pf} | :: to reach, to arrive at |
достичь {v pf} | :: to attain, to achieve |
достичь {v pf} | :: to amount to, to come to |
достоверно {adv} | :: reliably |
достоверно {adv} | :: for certain, for sure |
достоверность {noun} | :: authenticity (the quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original) |
достоверный {adj} | :: authentic [of a document] |
достоверный {adj} | :: reliable, trustworthy |
достоинство {noun} | :: quality, merit, virtue |
достоинство {noun} | :: dignity |
достоинство {noun} | :: value |
достоинство {noun} | :: rank, title |
достойно {adv} | :: suitably, adequately, in an appropriate/adequate/proper manner |
достойно {adv} [dated] | :: with dignity |
достойный {adj} | :: worthy |
достойный {adj} | :: well-deserved; stately |
достопримечательность {noun} | :: notable building or place with historical, cultural, or geographical significance |
достопримечательность {noun} | :: landmark |
достопримечательность {noun} [tourism] | :: sight, place of interest |
достояние {noun} | :: property, possessions |
достраивать {v impf} | :: to finish building |
достроить {v pf} | :: to finish building |
доступ {noun} | :: access, admittance, admission |
доступность {noun} | :: accessibility; availability; moderateness (of prices) |
доступный {adj} | :: accessible, available |
доступный {adj} | :: simple, comprehensible |
доступный {adj} | :: approachable, popular |
досуг {noun} | :: free time, leisure, spare time |
досужий {adj} | :: leisurely; idle |
досужий {adj} [colloquial] | :: caused by idleness, empty; idle |
досчитать {v pf} | :: to finish counting |
досчитать {v pf} | :: to count to, to count up to |
досчитаться {v pf} | :: to be found when counting [usually used in the negative, with the meaning "to be missing when counting"] |
досчитывать {v impf} | :: to finish counting |
досчитывать {v impf} | :: to count up (to) |
досчитываться {v impf} | :: to be found when counting [usually used in the negative, with the meaning "to be missing when counting"] |
досылать {v impf} | :: to send the remainder (of), to send on, to send in addition |
досылать {v impf} [military] | :: to seat, to chamber |
досыта {adv} [colloquial] | :: to the full |
досье {n inan} | :: dossier |
досягаемость {noun} | :: reach |
досягаемый {adj} | :: reachable, attainable, accessible, approachable |
досягать {v impf} [dated] | :: to reach, to get |
досягать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to attain (a post or position) |
досягнуть {v pf} [dated] | :: to reach, to get |
досягнуть {v pf} [figurative] | :: to attain (a post or position) |
дотаскать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to finish carrying, to finish dragging, to transfer [everything] |
дотаскать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to wear out (clothes, shoes) |
дотаскивать {vt impf} | :: to drag [до + genitive, somewhere] |
дотаскивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to finish carrying, to finish dragging, to transfer [everything] |
дотаскивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to wear out (clothes, shoes) |
дотация {noun} | :: (state) subsidy, grant |
дотащить {vt pf} | :: to drag [до + genitive, somewhere] |
до тех пор пока {conj} | :: until, till |
до тех пор пока {conj} | :: so long as, as long as, as (while) |
до тех пор пока {adv} | :: so long as, as long as (while) |
до тех пор пока {adv} | :: unless and until |
до тех пор пока {prep} | :: while |
дотла {adv} | :: to the ground |
до того как {conj} | :: before, till |
дотоле {adv} [archaic] | :: earlier, already (prior to some time) |
дотоле {adv} [archaic] | :: until that temporal point, thereunto |
дотошный {adj} [colloquial] | :: meticulous |
дотрагиваться {v impf} | :: to touch (make physical contact with) |
дотронуться {v pf} | :: to touch (make physical contact with) |
дотягивать {v impf} | :: to draw (up to, as far as), to drag (to; as far as), to haul (up to; as far as) |
дотягивать {v impf} | :: to stretch out (to; as far as), to extend (to; as far as), to bring (to) |
дотягивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to hold out (till), to last out (till) |
дотягивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to while away one's time (till, until) |
дотягивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to live (till), to live to see, to last out |
дотягивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to reach |
дотягивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to improve, to put right, to brush up, to edit, to touch up |
дотягивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to delay, to protract, to drag one's feet |
дотягиваться {v impf} | :: to reach (to), to touch |
дотягиваться {v impf} | :: (time) to drag by (until) |
дотянуть {v pf} | :: to draw (up to, as far as), to drag (to; as far as), to haul (up to; as far as) |
дотянуть {v pf} | :: to stretch out (to; as far as), to extend (to; as far as), to bring (to) |
дотянуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to hold out (till), to last out (till) |
дотянуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to while away one's time (till, until) |
дотянуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to live (till), to live to see, to last out |
дотянуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to reach |
дотянуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to improve, to put right, to brush up, to edit, to touch up |
дотянуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to delay, to protract, to drag one's feet |
дотянуться {v pf} | :: to reach (to), to touch |
дотянуться {v pf} | :: (time) to drag by (until) |
доула {noun} | :: doula |
до упаду {adv} | :: till one drop; till one is quite exhausted |
дофамин {noun} | :: dopamine |
доха {noun} | :: Siberian fur coat, wolfskin |
Доха {prop} | :: Доха (capital city) |
дохлый {adj} | :: dead [of animals] |
дохлый {adj} [colloquial] | :: skinny, gaunt |
дохлый {adj} [colloquial] | :: sickly, weakly |
дохлятина {noun} [colloquial] | :: carrion (dead flesh; carcasses) |
дохнуть {v impf} [pejorative, slang] | :: to croak (to die) |
дохнуть {v pf} | :: to take a breath, to breathe |
дохнуть {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to blow (of a wind), to have a (single) blow |
доход {noun} | :: income, revenue (net gain before subtracting the loss) |
доходить {v impf} | :: to go to, to come to, to arrive at, to reach |
доходить {v impf} | :: to come down to |
доходить {v impf} | :: (prices) to rise, to run up to, to amount to |
доходить {v impf} [vulgar] | :: to ejaculate, to cum |
доходность {noun} | :: profitability |
доходный {adj} | :: profitable, paying, lucrative, remunerative |
до хуя {adv} [offensive] | :: many, a lot of, much (literally, "to the dick") |
дохуя {adv} | :: alternative form of до хуя |
доцент {noun} | :: docent, reader, associate professor |
доченька {noun} | :: diminutive of дочь |
доченька {noun} | :: diminutive of дочка |
дочерин {adj} | :: daughter's |
дочерний {adj} [relational] | :: daughter; filial |
дочерний {adj} [relational] | :: daughter, branch; affiliated, subsidiary |
дочитать {v pf} | :: to finish reading, to read further (must be used with the preposition до) |
дочитывать {v impf} | :: to finish reading, to read further (must be used with the preposition до) |
дочка {noun} | :: diminutive of дочь daughter; little daughter |
дочурка {noun} | :: diminutive of дочь |
дочурка {noun} | :: diminutive of дочка |
дочь {noun} | :: daughter |
дошколёнок {noun} | :: preschooler, little boy under school age |
дошкольник {noun} | :: preschool child (boy) |
дошкольный {adj} [relational] | :: pre-school |
дошлый {adj} [colloquial] | :: cunning (sly) |
дощатый {adj} | :: made of boards, planks |
дощечка {noun} | :: diminutive of доска: small plank / board, tablet |
доярка {noun} | :: milkmaid |
д-р {m anim} | :: Dr., doctor (PhD or MD) |
Драва {prop} | :: Драва (tributary) |
драга {noun} | :: drag, dredge, seagoing dredge |
драгой {adj} [poetic] | :: dear |
драгой {adj} [poetic] | :: expensive |
драгоценность {noun} | :: gem, jewel; (plural) jewelry |
драгоценность {noun} | :: precious thing / possession; (plural) valuables |
драгоценный {adj} | :: precious |
драгоценный камень {noun} | :: gem, jewel |
драже {n inan} | :: dragée (a sweet or confection, originally as used to administer drugs, medicine, etc.) |
дразнилка {noun} | :: teasing rhyme, taunting ditty |
дразнилка {noun} [colloquial] | :: teaser (a short film or quote meant to draw an audience to a film or show) |
дразнить {v impf} | :: to tease, to pester |
дразнить {v impf} | :: to whet (appetite), to stimulate (curiosity) |
драить {v impf} [colloquial, nautical] | :: to burnish |
драить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to scrub clean |
драить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to scold, to chew out |
драйв {noun} [neologism] | :: drive (self-motivation) |
драйв {noun} | :: drive (in golf, baseball, etc.) |
драйв {noun} [computing] | :: (disk) drive |
драйвер {noun} [computing] | :: driver, an interface between hardware and software |
драка {noun} | :: scuffle, fight, tussle |
дракон {noun} | :: dragon (mythical creature) |
дракулин {noun} | :: draculin (glycoprotein) |
драм {noun} [numismatics] | :: dram (currency of Armenia) |
драма {noun} | :: drama |
драматизм {noun} | :: dramatic effect |
драматизм {noun} | :: tension |
драматический {adj} [relational] | :: drama; dramatic, theatrical |
драматично {adv} | :: dramatically |
драматичный {adj} | :: dramatic |
драматург {noun} | :: playwright, dramatist |
драматургический {adj} | :: dramaturgic (relating to the art of dramatic composition for the stage) |
драматургия {noun} | :: dramaturgy (the art of dramatic composition for the stage) |
драник {noun} | :: thick potato pancake |
драный {adj} [colloquial] | :: ragged, tattered |
драп {noun} | :: thick woolen cloth |
драп {noun} [colloquial] | :: fleeing, skedaddling, runner (as in “to do a runner”) |
драп {noun} [slang] | :: marijuana |
драп {noun} [military] | :: initialism of дальний разведывательный авиационный полк |
драпать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to skedaddle, to hightail, to flee |
драть {v impf} | :: to tear, to tear up, to tear to pieces |
драть {v impf} | :: to strip off, to tear off |
драть {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to pull out |
драть {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to charge, to fleece, to rip off |
драть {v impf} [colloquial] | :: (of wild animals) to kill |
драть {v impf} | :: to cause a stinging/burning pain |
драть {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to run away, to escape, to take flight |
драть {v impf} | :: to flog, to thrash, to give a flogging |
драть как сидорову козу {v impf} [simile, colloquial] | :: to beat the hell out of (someone) (lit.: to fleece like Sidor's (Isidore's) (she-)goat), to punish severely |
драться {v impf} | :: to fight, to scuffle |
драться {v impf} | :: to struggle |
драться {v impf} | :: to tear (intransitive) |
драхма {noun} | :: drachma |
драхма {noun} | :: drachm, dram |
драчливый {adj} | :: pugnacious |
драчун {noun} | :: fighter, brawler |
дребедень {noun} [colloquial] | :: junk, trash, rubbish |
дребедень {noun} [colloquial, figurative] | :: nonsense, rubbish |
дребезг {noun} [colloquial] | :: tinkling, sound of broken glass |
дребезг {noun} [colloquial] | :: shard, fragment, smithereen |
дребезжать {v impf} | :: to jingle, to tinkle |
дребезжащий {adj} | :: raspy, rattletrap |
древесина {noun} | :: wood, wood material, wood substance |
древесина {noun} | :: lignin |
древесина {noun} | :: wood pulp, wood cellulose |
древесница {noun} | :: tree frog |
древесница {noun} | :: leopard moth (Zeuzera pyrina) |
древеснослоистый {adj} [relational] | :: laminated-wood |
древесность {noun} | :: woodiness |
древесноугольный {adj} [relational] | :: charcoal |
древесноуксуснокислый {adj} [relational] | :: pyroligneous-acid |
древесноуксуснокислый {adj} [relational] | :: pyrolignite |
древесноуксусный {adj} | :: pyroligneous |
древесный {adj} [relational] | :: wood; woody, ligneous |
древесный {adj} | :: fibrous |
древесный {adj} [relational] | :: tree; arboreal |
древесный {adj} [relational] | :: wood pulp |
древесный уголь {noun} | :: charcoal |
древко {noun} | :: shaft, pole, staff |
древлянин {noun} [historical] | :: Drevlian |
древнеанглийский {adj} | :: Anglo-Saxon |
древнеанглийский {noun} | :: Anglo-Saxon (Old English language) |
древневерхненемецкий {adj} | :: Old High German |
древневерхненемецкий {noun} | :: Old High German |
древнегреческий {adj} | :: Ancient Greek |
древнегреческий {noun} | :: Ancient Greek (language), (short for древнегреческий язык) |
древнеегипетский {adj} [relational] | :: Ancient Egypt |
древнеисландский {adj} [relational] | :: Old Icelandic (a historical language under the West Scandinavian language subfamily) |
древнейшая профессия {noun} [euphemistic] | :: world's oldest profession |
древнерусский {noun} | :: Old East Slavic, Old Russian (language), (short for древнерусский язык) |
древнерусский {adj} | :: Old East Slavic |
древние {noun} | :: the ancients |
древний {adj} | :: ancient |
древний {adj} | :: antique, very old |
древность {noun} | :: antiquity (time) |
древность {noun} | :: (plural) antiquities, virtu |
древо {noun} [archaic or bookish] | :: tree |
древо {noun} | :: tree [in the expressions родословное древо (family tree), генеалогическое древо (family tree), древо жизни (tree of life)] |
древовал {noun} | :: feller, felling machine |
древовал {noun} | :: tree uprooter |
древовидность {noun} | :: woodiness |
древовидный {adj} | :: treelike |
древовидный {adj} | :: arborescent |
древовидный {adj} | :: dendritic |
древовидный {adj} | :: xyloid |
древовидный {adj} | :: ligneous |
древодел {noun} | :: woodworker, cabinetmaker |
древоеды {noun} | :: Xylophaga (genus of marine, wood-boring bivalves) |
древоизмерение {noun} | :: dendrometry (the measuring of the diameter of standing trees) |
древонасаждение {noun} | :: planting of trees |
древонасаждение {noun} | :: tree plantation |
древоподобный {adj} | :: treelike |
древоподобный {adj} | :: arborescent |
древоподобный {adj} | :: dendritic |
древоподобный {adj} | :: xyloid |
древоподобный {adj} | :: ligneous |
древостой {noun} | :: standing timber, stand of trees |
древотёрка {noun} | :: pulp grinder (paper) |
древоточец {noun} | :: borer (carpenter moth, Cossidae) |
древоточец {noun} | :: borer (mollusk) |
древоточец {noun} [zoology] | :: borer |
древпластики {noun} | :: wood plastics |
дредноут {noun} [historical, nautical] | :: dreadnought |
дредноут {noun} [music] | :: Dreadnought guitar |
дрейф {noun} [nautical] | :: drift (act or motion of drifting) |
дрейфить {v impf} | :: to quail, to funk, to show the white feather, to show cowardice |
дрейфовать {v impf} | :: to drift (to move slowly, pushed by currents of water, air, etc) |
дрек {noun} [Jewish, uncountable] | :: dreck, shit, crap |
дреколье {noun} [collective, dated, also plural] | :: clubs, poles, stakes, usually employed as a weapon |
дрель {noun} | :: drill (tool) |
дремать {v impf} | :: to doze, to slumber, to drowse |
дремота {noun} | :: drowsiness |
дремучий {adj} | :: dense, thick [of a forest] |
дремучий {adj} | :: uncivilized, uncouth |
дремучий {adj} | :: extreme, absolute |
дрена {noun} | :: drain |
дренаж {noun} [construction, medicine] | :: drainage |
дренаж {noun} | :: drainage system |
дренаж {noun} [medicine] | :: drainage tube |
дрессировать {v pf} | :: to train (animals) |
дрессировать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to drill (a person) |
дрессировка {noun} | :: training [of animals] |
дрессировка {noun} [metallurgy] | :: skin-pass rolling, temper rolling |
дрессировщик {noun} | :: (animal) trainer, tamer |
дрёма {noun} | :: slumber |
дрёма {noun} | :: dormancy |
Дрина {prop} | :: Дрина (river) |
дристать {v impf} [vulgar] | :: to have diarrhea, to shart |
дрищ {noun} [slang] | :: diarrhea |
дрищ {noun} [slang, derogatory] | :: wimp, pussy, a weak or a sick person |
дробилка {noun} | :: crusher, grinder, breaker, mincer |
дробить {v impf} | :: to crush |
дробить {v impf} | :: to smash, to shatter |
дробить {v impf} | :: to fragment, to split up |
дробиться {v impf} | :: to break up into small parts, to be crushed |
дробиться {v impf} | :: to break [of waves] |
дробиться {v impf} | :: to be refracted [of rays of light] |
дробиться {vi impf} [figurative] | :: to disintegrate |
дробление {noun} | :: crushing, breaking up, splitting |
дробление {noun} | :: fragmentation, subdivision |
дробный {adj} | :: fractional (relating to a fraction) |
дробный {adj} | :: staccato (with each sound or note sharply detached or separated from the others) |
дробовик {noun} [weapons] | :: shotgun |
дробь {noun} [mathematics] | :: fraction, broken number |
дробь {noun} [weapons] | :: small-shot, pellets, shot |
дробь {noun} [music] | :: drum roll |
дробь {noun} [symbol] | :: slash |
дрова {noun} | :: firewood |
дрова {noun} [pejorative] | :: wood (low-quality wooden object) |
дрова {noun} [computer slang] | :: drivers |
дровишки {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of дрова |
дровни {noun} | :: (peasant's) wood sledge |
дровозаготовка {noun} | :: firewood cutting, wood cutting |
дровокол {noun} | :: woodchopper |
дровокол {noun} | :: cleaver |
дровокольный {adj} | :: wood-splitting, wood-chopping |
дровосек {noun} | :: wood-cutter (UK), lumberjack (US) |
дровосек {noun} | :: woodsman, lumberman, tree feller |
дровяной {adj} [relational] | :: wood, firewood |
дрога {noun} | :: rail or perch in a cart, connecting the front axle to the rear |
дрогнуть {v impf} | :: to be cold, to become frozen, to feel chilly; to freeze, to numb (by coldness), to shiver |
дрогнуть {v pf} | :: to shiver, to shake, to tremble |
дрожание {noun} | :: shaking, trembling |
дрожание {noun} | :: shake, tremor |
дрожать {v impf} | :: to shiver, to shake, to tremble |
дрожащий {adj} | :: trembling (with), shivering (with), shivery |
дрожащий {adj} | :: (sound) tremulous |
дрожжи {noun} | :: yeast, barm |
дрожки {noun} | :: diminutive of дроги: droshky (open horse-drawn carriage, especially in Russia) |
дрожь {noun} | :: trembling, shiver, shivering |
дрожь {noun} | :: vibration |
дрожь {noun} | :: ripples |
дрозд {noun} | :: thrush (bird) |
дроздовский {adj} [relational] | :: Drozdovsky (especially Mikhail Drozdovsky) |
дромадер {noun} | :: dromedary |
дроп {noun} [slang] | :: money mule, package mule |
дроссель {noun} [engineering] | :: throttle |
дрот {noun} [dated] | :: wire |
дрот {noun} | :: dart |
дротик {noun} | :: dart (sharp-pointed missile weapon) |
дротик {noun} | :: javelin, spear |
дрофа {noun} | :: great bustard, a species of bird |
дрочер {noun} [vulgar, slang] | :: wanker, masturbator |
дрочила {m anim} [colloquial] | :: wanker, masturbator |
дрочить {v impf} [vulgar, slang] | :: to jerk off, to wank, to beat off (to masturbate) |
дрочить {v impf} [vulgar, slang] | :: to tease, to humiliate, to punish; to train to exhaustion |
дрочить {v impf} [slang, video games] | :: to perfect a skill |
дрочить {v impf} [dialectal, rare] | :: to pat, to cherish, to pamper |
дрочить {v impf} [dialectal, rare] | :: to raise, to swell, to irritate |
ДРСМД {m inan} | :: acronym of Договор о ликвидации ракет средней и меньшей дальности: Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty |
друг {noun} | :: close friend |
друг {noun} | :: [in pairs] other, another |
друг в друга {adv} | :: one another, each other |
друг друга {pron} | :: one another, each other |
друг другу {adv} | :: to one another, to each other |
друг за другом {adv} | :: one after another |
друг за другом {adv} | :: in single file |
друг к другу {adv} | :: to one another, to each other |
друг на друга {adv} | :: against one another, against each other |
другой {determiner} | :: other, another, different |
другой {determiner} | :: else, next, second |
друг от друга {adv} | :: one from another |
друг под друга {adv} | :: toward each other |
друг познаётся в беде {proverb} | :: a friend in need is a friend indeed |
друг против друга {adv} | :: face to face; vis-à-vis |
друг с другом {adv} | :: with one another, with each other |
друг у друга {adv} | :: at one another |
друг у друга {adv} | :: from one another |
дружба {noun} | :: friendship (condition of being friends) |
дружелюбие {noun} | :: friendliness (the quality of being friendly) |
дружелюбно {adv} | :: friendly (in a friendly manner) |
дружелюбный {adj} | :: friendly, amiable, amiable (warm, approachable) |
дружески {adv} | :: amiably, in a friendly manner |
дружеский {adj} | :: friendly |
дружественно {adv} | :: friendly (in a friendly manner) |
дружественный {adj} | :: amiable, friendly |
дружина {noun} | :: bodyguard, retinue |
дружина {noun} | :: militia |
дружина {noun} | :: troop, brigade |
дружинник {noun} [USSR, Russia] | :: police helper; vigilante |
дружинник {noun} [historical, Russian Empire] | :: militiaman (a civilian called upon to fight in time of need) |
дружинник {noun} [historical, medieval Russia] | :: retainer, fighting man, guard (a member of a medieval prince’s armed retinue, a professional soldier) |
дружить {v impf} | :: to be friends (with), to be on friendly terms (with) |
дружище {noun} [colloquial] | :: old chap, old boy, old fellow |
дружка {noun} | :: best man |
дружнее {adv} | :: comparative of дружный |
дружнее {adv} | :: comparative of дружно |
дружно {adv} | :: amicably, in a friendly manner |
дружно {adv} | :: simultaneously, hand in hand, (everybody) together, in a concerted effort |
дружный {adj} | :: friendly, amicable, personable |
дружный {adj} | :: harmonious, concurrent, unanimous |
дружок {noun} | :: buddy, pal (friend or casual acquaintance) |
дрыхнуть {v impf} [colloquial, disparaging] | :: to sleep |
дряблый {adj} [colloquial] | :: flabby, flaccid |
дряблый {adj} [figurative] | :: weak-willed, spineless |
дрязги {noun} | :: squabbles, small quarrels |
дрязги {noun} | :: petty troubles, worries |
дрянной {adj} [colloquial] | :: lousy, crappy |
дрянь {noun} [colloquial] | :: rubbish, trash |
дрянь {noun} [figuratively, colloquial, animate] | :: rotter, skunk, dirty dog |
дряхлый {adj} | :: decrepit, senile |
ДТП {prop} {n inan} | :: traffic accident |
дуатлон {noun} [sports] | :: duathlon |
дуб {noun} | :: oak (Quercus) (tree and wood) |
дуб {noun} | :: tan, bark of an oak or other tree used to obtain tannic acid |
дуб {noun} [rаre] | :: boat made from oak boards or a single oak-tree trunk |
дуб {noun} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: stupid man, blockhead, numskull |
Дубай {prop} | :: Дубай (emirate) |
Дубай {prop} | :: Дубай (capital city) |
дубак {noun} [slang] | :: extreme cold; very cold weather |
дубильня {noun} | :: tannery |
дубина {noun} | :: club (weapon) |
дубина {noun} | :: fool |
дубинка {noun} | :: diminutive of дубина: bludgeon, cudgel; truncheon, club, baton |
дубить {v impf} | :: to tan (leather, hides) |
дубка {noun} | :: tanning [of leather or hides] |
дубление {noun} | :: tanning [of leather or hides] |
дублёнка {noun} | :: sheepskin coat (with the skin outside) |
дублёр {noun} | :: understudy |
дублёр {noun} | :: backup (person) |
дублёр {noun} [film] | :: dubber |
дублёр {noun} | :: stunt double |
дублёр {noun} [inanimate] | :: substitution (substitute item, workalike) |
дубликат {noun} | :: duplicate (an identical copy) |
Дублин {prop} | :: Дублин (capital city) |
дублирование {noun} | :: doubling, duplication |
дублирование {noun} | :: dubbing (movies) |
дублировать {v both} | :: to duplicate |
дублировать {v both} | :: to dub (a movie) |
дублон {noun} | :: doubloon (former gold coin of Spain and Latin America, Switzerland, and Italy) |
дубль {noun} [film] | :: take |
дубль {noun} [sports] | :: reserve |
дубль {noun} | :: double |
дубль-вэ {n inan} | :: The Roman letter W, w |
дубляж {noun} [cinema] | :: dubbing |
Дубна {prop} | :: Дубна (city) |
дубненец {noun} | :: inhabitant of Dubna |
дубненский {adj} [relational] | :: Dubna (name of various cities and rivers in Russia) |
дубний {noun} | :: dubnium |
дубовый {adj} [relational] | :: oak; oaken, oaky |
дубок {noun} | :: oaklet, oakling, young oak |
дубрава {noun} | :: oakwood, oak forest, oak grove |
Дубровник {prop} | :: Дубровник (city) |
дуга {noun} | :: arc, arch |
дуга {noun} [electricity] | :: arc |
дуга {noun} | :: bow, curve, rib |
дуга {noun} | :: shaft bow (of a harness) |
дуговой {adj} [relational, technology] | :: arc [lamps, lighting, or welding] |
дугообразный {adj} | :: arched, bow-shaped |
дудеть {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to play (a fife) [в + accusative] |
дудеть {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to drone on, to harp on one string |
дудка {noun} | :: fife, pipe (small shrill pipe) |
дудочка {noun} | :: diminutive of дудка |
дудук {noun} [musical instruments] | :: duduk |
дужка {noun} | :: diminutive of дуга |
дужка {noun} | :: side (of spectacles) |
дужка {noun} | :: (of a bucket, vessel) bail |
дужка {noun} | :: (croquet) hoop |
дукат {noun} | :: ducat |
дуло {noun} | :: muzzle (of a firearm) |
дуло {noun} [colloquial] | :: barrel (of a firearm) |
дуля {noun} [dialectal] | :: small pear |
дуля {noun} | :: fig sign (a rude gesture in which the hand makes a fist and the thumb is stuck between the index and middle fingers); indicates "nothing for you", "nuts to you" |
дума {noun} | :: thought, meditation |
дума {noun} | :: duma [Russian legislature] |
думать {v impf} | :: to think |
думать {v impf} | :: to believe, to suppose |
думаться {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to seem, to appear |
думец {noun} | :: member of the duma (the lower house of the Federal Assembly, or the Russian national parliament) |
думный {adj} [historical] | :: of the Boyars' Council |
думский {adj} [relational] | :: duma |
Дунай {noun} | :: Дунай (a <<river>> that flows through <<c/Germany,Austria,Slovakia,Hungary,Croatia,Serbia,Bulgaria,Romania,Moldova,Ukraine>>; the second-longest river in <<cont/Europe>>) |
дунганин {noun} | :: Dungan (person) |
дунганский {adj} | :: Dungan |
дуновение {noun} | :: waft, whiff, puff, breath |
дунуть {v pf} | :: to blow |
дунуть {v pf} [colloquial, jocular] | :: to rush, to hasten, to dash |
Дунька Кулакова {noun} | :: Rosy Palm and her five daughters |
Дунька Кулакова {noun} | :: Rosey Redpalm and her five sisters |
Дунька Кулакова {noun} | :: Patsy Palmer and her five sisters |
Дунька Кулакова {noun} | :: the five-finger shuffle |
дупа {noun} [vulgar, rare, regional, Ukraine, Belarus, Southern Russia] | :: ass, arse (the buttocks of a person or animal) |
дупель {noun} [ornithology] | :: great snipe |
дуплистый {adj} | :: hollowed [of wood] |
дуплистый {adj} [dentistry] | :: decayed, rotten [of teeth] |
дупло {noun} | :: tree hollow |
дупло {noun} [colloquial] | :: dental cavity |
дупло {noun} [vulgar] | :: cunt, pudendum muliebre |
дура {noun} | :: imbecile, fool, simpleton, idiot (stupid woman with poor judgment) |
дурак {noun} | :: fool, simpleton, idiot (stupid person with poor judgment) |
дурак {noun} | :: a simple card game in which the last player holding cards in their hand is the loser |
дурак дурака видит издалека {proverb} | :: birds of a feather flock together |
дурак родился {phrase} | :: an angel passes (used to denote an awkward pause, literally, a fool has been born) |
дуралей {noun} | :: fool |
дурацкий {adj} | :: stupid; blasted [used as an intensifier] |
дурачина {noun} [low colloquial, pejorative] | :: imbecile, fool, simpleton, idiot |
дурачить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to fool (someone) |
дурачиться {v impf} | :: to fool about, to play the fool |
дурачок {noun} | :: diminutive of дурак: fool, idiot, imbecile |
Дурбан {prop} | :: Дурбан (city) |
дурдом {noun} [colloquial] | :: madhouse, bedlam, funny farm |
дурдом {noun} [colloquial, colloquial] | :: chaos, bedlam |
дурень {noun} | :: fool, idiot, imbecile (person with poor judgement or little intelligence) |
дуреть {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to go crazy |
дуриан {noun} | :: durian |
дурить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to frolic, to play pranks, to be naughty |
дурить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to behave like a fool |
дурить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be obstinate |
дурить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to fool |
дурман {noun} | :: datura |
дурман {noun} [figuratively] | :: narcotic, drug |
дурная слава {noun} | :: notoriety |
дурная слава {noun} | :: ill repute, disrepute |
дурнее {adv} | :: comparative of дурной |
дурнее {adv} | :: comparative of дурно |
дурно {adv} | :: badly (in a bad manner) |
дурно {pred} | :: one feels bad, ill, unwell |
Дурново {prop} | :: Durnovo, a placename in Russia |
дурной {adj} | :: foolish, stupid |
дурной {adj} | :: bad |
дурной {adj} | :: ugly |
дурной {adj} | :: reprehensible |
дурость {noun} | :: stupidity, folly |
дурочка {noun} | :: diminutive of дура: female fool, idiot, imbecile |
дуршлаг {noun} | :: colander (a bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with holes in it used for draining food such as pasta) |
дурь {noun} [colloquial] | :: folly, foolishness, nonsense |
дурь {noun} [slang] | :: marijuana; grass, pot |
дуть {v impf} | :: to blow |
дуть {v impf} | :: to be drafty |
дуть {v impf} | :: to go quickly, to scamper |
дуться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to get angry [на + accusative, with someone] |
дуться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to pout, to sulk |
дуться {v impf} [low colloquial, imperfective only] | :: to play passionately [в + accusative, a game] |
дух {noun} | :: spirit |
дух {noun} | :: mind |
дух {noun} | :: courage |
дух {noun} | :: ghost |
дух {noun} | :: breath |
дух {noun} | :: scent |
дух {noun} | :: rebel (especially in Afghanistan; from душман) |
дух {noun} [military, slang] | :: new recruit, rookie who is sometimes abused by the longer serving soldiers |
духан {noun} | :: dukhan (a small restaurant in the Caucasus) |
дух бодр, плоть же немощна {proverb} | :: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak |
духи {noun} | :: perfume |
духовенство {noun} | :: clergy, priesthood |
духовка {noun} | :: oven (chamber used for baking or heating) |
духовник {noun} [religion] | :: father confessor, chaplain, spiritual father |
духовно {adv} | :: spiritually |
духовность {noun} | :: spirituality |
духовный {adj} | :: spiritual |
духовный {adj} | :: ecclesiastical |
духовое ружьё {noun} | :: air rifle |
духовой {adj} [relational, music] | :: wind; brass |
духовой {adj} | :: heat-operated |
духовой {adj} | :: pneumatic |
духовой инструмент {noun} | :: wind instrument |
духовой оркестр {noun} | :: brass band (a group of musicians who play brass instruments) |
духовой шкаф {noun} | :: oven |
духота {noun} | :: sultriness, closeness, stuffiness, sultry / stuffy air |
дуче {m anim} [historical] | :: duce (nickname for Mussolini) |
дуче {m anim} [by extension] | :: an authoritarian leader |
душ {noun} | :: shower (device for bathing) |
душ {noun} | :: shower (instance of using the shower) |
душа {noun} | :: soul |
душа {noun} | :: spirit |
душа {noun} | :: darling |
Душанбе {prop} {m inan} | :: Душанбе (capital city) |
душевая {noun} | :: shower room |
душевная боль {noun} | :: psychic pain, mental anguish |
душевно {adv} | :: mentally |
душевно {adv} | :: sincerely |
душевнобольной {adj} | :: mentally sick, insane, mad, crazy, lunatic |
душевнобольной {noun} | :: insane person, mentally sick person |
душевность {noun} | :: sincerity, heartfulness |
душевный {adj} | :: mental, psychic |
душевный {adj} | :: sincere, heartful |
душевный {adj} | :: soulful |
душевой {adj} [relational] | :: shower |
душегуб {noun} [low colloquial] | :: murderer |
душегуб {noun} [low colloquial] | :: villain; an evil person |
душеприказчик {noun} | :: legal representative, executor (of someone's will) |
душераздирающий {adj} | :: heartbreaking, heartrending |
душераздирающий {adj} [colloquial] | :: deliberately tragic |
душистый {adj} | :: fragrant, sweet-scented |
душить {v impf} | :: to smother, to stifle, to strangle, to throttle |
душить {v impf} | :: to oppress, to stifle, to repress, to suppress |
душить {v impf} | :: to choke, to suffocate |
душить {v impf} | :: to perfume, to scent |
душка {m anim} {f anim} | :: pleasant person, dear, love, nice fellow, nice woman |
душман {noun} [Turkestan, Afghanistan] | :: mujahid, enemy |
душно {adv} | :: stuffily (in a poorly-ventilated and close manner) |
душный {adj} | :: stuffy (poorly-ventilated; close) |
душок {noun} | :: whiff of decay |
душок {noun} [figurative] | :: taint |
дуэль {noun} | :: duel (combat between two persons, often over a matter of honor) |
дуэт {noun} | :: duet |
дхарма {noun} | :: dharma |
дщерь {noun} [Church Slavonic, obsolete or ironic] | :: daughter |
дыба {noun} | :: rack (torturing device) |
дыбать {v impf} [chiefly Ukraine] | :: to totter, to walk slowly and clumsily forward especially on back feet |
дыбать {vit impf} [slang] | :: to pinch, to obtain in a nefarious fashion |
дыбом {adv} | :: (standing) on end |
дыбы {m inanp} | :: only used in на дыбы |
дык {interj} [colloquial or dialectal] | :: well, so, then [used as a generic lead-in or expresses emphasis] |
дык {interj} [colloquial or dialectal] | :: or what?, right? [asks for affirmation] |
дык {interj} [slang] | :: of course, you bet [expresses certainty] |
дым {noun} | :: smoke |
дымить {v impf} | :: to smoke, to emit smoke |
дымиться {v impf} | :: to smoke, to emit smoke, to fume |
дымка {noun} | :: haze, mist |
дымка {noun} [dated] | :: dimity |
дымный {adj} | :: smoky |
дымовой {adj} [relational] | :: smoke |
дымок {noun} | :: small stream of smoke |
дымоход {noun} | :: flue |
дымчатый {adj} | :: smoky |
дымчатый {adj} | :: tinted, smoke-colored |
дыня {noun} | :: melon |
дыра {noun} | :: hole |
дыра {noun} | :: out-of-the-way hole, god-forsaken hole |
дырка {noun} | :: diminutive of дыра: small, often inaccurately made hole |
дырокол {noun} | :: puncher |
дырочка {noun} | :: diminutive of дырка: small, often inaccurately made hole |
дырочный {adj} [relational, science] | :: hole; p-type |
дырявый {adj} | :: containing many holes, holey |
дых {noun} [colloquial] | :: breath, exhalation |
дых {noun} [colloquial] | :: upper part of the abdomen, epigastrium |
дыхало {noun} | :: blowhole [in a marine animal] |
дыхало {noun} | :: blowhole [in the ground] |
дыхальце {noun} [entomology] | :: spiracle |
дыхальце {noun} [entomology] | :: stigma |
дыхание {noun} | :: breath |
дыхание {noun} | :: breathing, respiration |
дыханье {noun} | :: alternative form of дыхание |
дыхательный {adj} | :: respiratory |
дыхать {v impf} [archaic or dialectal] | :: to breathe |
дышать {v impf} | :: to breathe, to respire |
дышаться {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to breathe |
дышаться {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to get on well, to live |
дышащий {adj} | :: breathing, respiring |
дьявол {noun} | :: devil |
дьявол {noun} [figurative] | :: devil, insidious person |
дьявол {interj} | :: dammit |
Дьявол {prop} [religion] | :: Devil |
дьяволёнок {noun} | :: little devil, imp |
дьяволёнок {noun} | :: hyperactive child, mischievous child |
дьяволопоклонник {noun} | :: Satanist, devil worshipper |
дьяволопоклонничество {noun} | :: devil-worship |
дьявольски {adv} | :: devilishly (in a devilish manner) |
дьявольский {adj} | :: devil's |
дьявольский {adj} | :: diabolical, fiendish, devilish |
дьяк {noun} [historical] | :: dyak, clerk, official in Russia in 14-17 centuries |
дьяк {noun} [historical] | :: dyak, a low-ranked clergyman |
дьякон {noun} | :: deacon |
дьячество {noun} [historical] | :: office of a dyak, clerk, official in Russia in 14-17 centuries |
дьячок {noun} [historical] | :: dyak, clerk, official in Russia in 14-17 centuries |
дьячок {noun} [historical] | :: dyak, a low-ranked clergyman |
дэ {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter Д, д |
дэ {n inan} | :: The Roman letter D, d |
Дэвид {prop} {m} | :: given name |
дюбель {noun} [engineering] | :: dowel, pin, key |
дюже {adv} [colloquial, dialectal] | :: very |
дюжий {adj} [low colloquial] | :: hefty, stout |
дюжий {adj} [low colloquial] | :: very strong |
дюжина {noun} | :: dozen |
дюжинный {adj} | :: ordinary, nothing special |
дюйм {noun} | :: inch |
Дюймовочка {prop} | :: Thumbelina |
дюймовый {adj} [relational] | :: inch |
дюймовый {adj} | :: one-inch-long, one-inch-wide, one-inch-thick, one-inch-high |
дюна {noun} | :: dune (a ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind) |
дягиль {noun} | :: angelica (Angelica archangelica) |
дяденька {m anim} | :: diminutive of дядя: uncle |
дяденька {m anim} [colloquial] | :: gaffer, guv |
дядин {adj} | :: uncle's |
дядин {adj} | :: avuncular |
дядька {m anim} | :: uncle |
дядька {m anim} [colloquial] | :: man, guy; gaffer, guv |
дядюшка {m anim} | :: diminutive of дядя: uncle |
дядя {m anim} | :: uncle |
дядя {m anim} [colloquial] | :: man |
дядя {m anim} | :: fellow, strong fellow, guy |
дятел {noun} | :: woodpecker (e.g., Dendrocopos major) |
дятел {noun} [slang] | :: informer, whistle-blower |
дятел {noun} [slang] | :: dimwit, blockhead |