distance learning (uncountable)
- Education obtained remotely, often involving written material together with audio-visual material transmitted via the internet and, sometimes, summer schools and local tutorials.
education obtained remotely
- Afrikaans: afstandsonderwys
- Catalan: educació a distància (ca) f (literally “distance education”), ensenyament a distància (ca) m (literally “distance teaching”)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 函授 (zh) (hánshòu), 遙距教育/遥距教育 (yáojù jiāoyù), 遠程教育/远程教育 (yuǎnchéng jiàoyù)
- Czech: distanční vzdělávání n (literally “distance education”)
- Danish: fjernundervisning (da) c
- Dutch: afstandsonderwijs (nl) n
- Finnish: etäopiskelu (fi), etäoppiminen
- French: formation à distance f
- German: Fernstudium (de) n, Fernunterricht (de) m Distanzunterricht (de) m
- Hungarian: távoktatás (hu) (literally “distance education”), távtanulás (literally “distance learning”)
- Italian: formazione a distanza f
- Japanese: 遠隔教育 (えんかくきょういく, enkaku kyōiku)
- Latvian: tālmācība f
- Polish: nauczanie na odległość n (literally “teaching at distance”), edukacja na odległość f (literally “education at distance”)
- Russian: зао́чное обуче́ние (ru) n (zaóčnoje obučénije), дистанцио́нное обуче́ние (ru) n (distanciónnoje obučénije)
- Spanish: educación a distancia f (literally “distance education”), enseñanza a distancia f (literally “distance teaching”)
- Swedish: distansundervisning (sv) c
- Turkish: uzaktan eğitim (tr)
- Ukrainian: дистанці́йне навча́ння n (dystancíjne navčánnja)