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democratic centralism

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democratic centralism (uncountable)

  1. A set of principles of internal organization, mainly associated with Leninism, in which political decisions reached by voting are binding upon all members of the party.
    Antonym: bureaucratic centralism
    • 1972 [1906 May 20], Владимир Ленин [Vladimir Lenin], “Свобода критики и единство действий”, in В. И. Ленин – Полное собрание сочинений, volume 13, page 129; English translation from “Freedom to Criticise and Unity of Action”, in V. I. Lenin – Collected Works, volume 10, translation of original in Russian, 1978, page 443:
      The principle of democratic centralism and autonomy for local Party organisations implies universal and full freedom to criticise, so long as this does not disturb the unity of a definite action; it rules out all criticism which disrupts or makes difficult the unity of an action decided on by the Party.
      [original: Принцип демократического централизма и автономии местных учреждений означает именно свободу критики, полную и повсюду, раз не нарушается этим единство определённого действия, — и недопустимость никакой критики, подрывающей или затрудняющей единство решённого партией действия.]
      Princip demokratičeskovo centralizma i avtonomii mestnyx učreždenij označajet imenno svobodu kritiki, polnuju i povsjudu, raz ne narušajetsja etim jedinstvo opredeljónnovo dejstvija, — i nedopustimostʹ nikakoj kritiki, podryvajuščej ili zatrudnjajuščej jedinstvo rešónnovo partijej dejstvija.
    • 1967 [1940 January], 毛泽东 [Mao Zedong], “新民主主义论”, in 毛泽东选集, volume 第二卷, 人民出版社 [People's Publishing House], page 354; English translation from “On New Democracy”, in Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung, volume II, 外文出版社 [Foreign Languages Press], translation of original in Chinese, 1965, page 352:
      Only a government based on democratic centralism can fully express the will of all the revolutionary people and fight the enemies of the revolution most effectively.
      [original: 只有民主集中制的政府,才能充分地发挥一切革命人民的意志,也才能最有力量地去反对革命的敌人。]
    • [2013 March 12, Andrew Jacobs, Patrick Zuo, Shi Da, “Non-Communist Parties Lend China an Air of Pluralism, Without the Mess”, in The New York Times[1], →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on 2013-03-15, Asia Pacific‎[2]:
      Largely invisible much of the year, China’s non-Communist parties are thrust to the fore each March for a display of what the official news media calls China’s system of “multiparty cooperation and political consultation.”
      The news conference, held in a gilded meeting room in the Great Hall of the People, is an Orwellian affair, with party leaders referring to the wonders of “democratic centralization,” heaping praise on the Communist Party and then answering fawning questions from the state media.

