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User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-m

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-a {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words (usually verbal stems) to create a feminine noun, usually denoting a relation or to form a proper noun
-a {suffix} :: Forms the genitive singular of masculine and neuter nouns and indefinite adjectives
a- {prefix} :: Prefix prepended to words to denote a negation, deprivation or absence of a property denoted by base word
a {letter} :: The 1st letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica), followed by b
a {conj} :: but, and (compare ȁli)
a {conj} :: while (on the contrary), whereas
a {conj} [with da ne] :: without (usually after negative verbs)
a {conj} :: (a ȉpāk) and yet
a {conj} :: (a kȁmoli) not to mention, let alone
a {conj} :: (a + i + da) even if
a {conj} :: (a + i) and so, and also, and too
a {interj} :: oh, ah
A {letter} :: letter: a
aba {f} [regional] :: aba
abadžija {m} :: tailor or weaver of frieze
abadžija {m} :: dealer in frieze
abaiti {vr pf} [Torlakian] :: To be late
abaja {f} [regional] :: a horse rug made of aba
abak {m} :: abacus
abakus {m} :: abacus
Abaz {prop} {m} :: given name
abažur {m} :: lampshade
abdal {m} :: fool, idiot
abdal {m} :: naïf
abdal {m} :: simpleton
abdes {m} :: alternative form of abdest
abdest {m} [Islam] :: abdest
abdicirati {v impf pf} :: to abdicate
abdikacija {f} :: abdication
abdikant {m} :: abdicator
abdomen {m} :: abdomen
abdomenski {adj} :: abdominal
abdominalan {adj} :: abdominal
abdovina {f} :: danewort (Sambucus ebulus)
abeceda {f} :: alphabet
abeceda {f} [figuratively] :: rudiments
abecedar {m} :: index (alphabetical listing)
abecedar {m} [archaic] :: primer (textbook)
abecedarij {m} :: index (alphabetical listing)
abecedirati {v impf} :: to alphabetize
abecedni {adj} :: alphabetical
Abel {prop} {m} :: Abel [son of Adam and Eve]
Abel {prop} {m} :: given name
Abelova grupa {f} :: abelian group
aber {m} [regional, Bosnian] :: news
aber {m} [regional, Bosnian] :: message, information
aber {m} [regional, Bosnian] :: sensation, feeling
Abesinac {prop} {m} :: Abyssinian
Abesinija {prop} {f} [uncountable] :: Abyssinia
abesinski {adj} :: Abyssinian
abhaski {adj} :: Abkhazian
Abhaz {prop} {m} :: Abkhazian, Abkhaz
Abhazija {prop} {f} :: Abkhazia
Abhažanka {prop} {f} :: Abkhazian (female)
Abidjan {prop} {m} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: Abidjan (the de facto <<capital>> and largest <<city>> of <<c/Ivory Coast>>)
abidjanski {adj} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: Abidjanian
Abidžan {prop} {m} [Serbia, Montenegro] :: Abidžan (the de-facto <<capital city>> of <<c/Ivory Coast>>)
abiturijent {m} :: candidate for a secondary-school leaving examination
ablacija {f} :: ablation (removal)
ablacija {f} [physics] :: ablation
ablacija {f} [medicine, archaic] :: ablation
ablacija {f} [geology] :: ablation
ablativ {m} :: ablative case
ablaut {m} [linguistics] :: ablaut (substitution of one root vowel for another)
ablendati {v impf} :: dip the lights
ablender {m} :: dipswitch
abnormalan {adj} :: abnormal
abnormalno {adv} :: abnormally
abnormalnost {f} :: abnormality
abolicija {f} :: abolition
abolicijski {adj} [relational] :: abolition
abonent {m} :: subscriber
abonentica {f} :: subscriber (female)
abonentkinja {f} :: subscriber (female)
abonirac {m} :: subscriber
abonirati {v impf pf} :: to get a season ticket for; subscribe (for a theater or a concert hall for a season)
abonman {m} :: subscription, prepayment
abonos {m} :: ebony
Aboridžin {prop} {m} :: Aborigine
Aboridžinica {prop} {m} :: Aborigine (female)
Aborigin {prop} {m} :: Aborigine
abortirati {vt impf pf} :: to abort
abortus {m} :: miscarriage
abrazija {f} :: abrasion
abraziv {m} :: abrasive
abrazivan {adj} :: abrasive
abrevijacija {f} [rare] :: abbreviation
abrogirati {v impf pf} :: abrogate
abundati {v} [regional, Croatia] :: to abound, be plentiful
-ac {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a profession, follower, age, proper name, feature, plant or animal
acetat {m} :: acetate
acetilen {m} :: acetylene
aceton {m} :: acetone (the organic compound (CH3)2CO)
aceton {m} :: nail polish remover
-ač {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a profession, performer, tool or object
-ača {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually denoting a possession, performer, tool, place where action occurs or a plant
-aći {suffix} :: Suffix appended to the present stem of verbs and sometimes nouns to create an adjective, usually pertaining to the action or object verb or noun were referring to
-ad {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually a collective noun
ada {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: island (usually one in a river)
Adam {prop} {m} :: Adam (biblical figure)
Adam {prop} {m} :: given name
Adamova jabučica {f} :: Adam's apple
adaptacija {f} :: adaptation
adaptirati {vtr impf pf} :: to adapt
adekvatan {adj} :: adequate
adekvatno {adv} :: adequately
adekvatnost {f} :: adequacy
Adelaide {prop} {mf} :: Adelaide (state capital)
adelaidski {adj} :: Adelaidean
Adem {prop} {m} [Islam] :: Adam
Adem {prop} {m} :: given name
Aden {prop} {m} :: Aden (city)
adenski {adj} [relational] :: Aden
adet {m} [regional] :: custom
adet {m} [regional] :: habit
adet {m} [regional] :: tradition
adherent {m} :: adherent
adicija {f} :: addition
adicija {f} :: adding
adijabatski {adj} [physics] :: adiabatic
adio {interj} [regional] :: goodbye, farewell
Adis Abeba {prop} {f} :: Adis Abeba (caplc)
adisabebski {adj} [relational] :: Addis Ababa
adjektiv {m} [rare] :: adjective
adjunkt {m} :: assistant
adjunkt {m} [grammar] :: adjunct
adjustirati {vtr impf pf} :: to adjust
adjustirati {vtr impf pf} :: to equip
adjustirati {vr impf pf} :: to titivate
administracija {f} :: administration
administracija {f} :: administrative apparatus, paper work
administrativac {m} :: clerk
administrativan {adj} :: administrative
administrativka {f} :: clerk (female)
administrator {m} :: administrator
administratorka {f} :: A female adminìstrātor
Admir {prop} [Bosnian] :: given name
admiral {m} :: admiral
admiralitet {m} :: admiralty
admiralski brod {m} :: flagship
admitancija {f} [physics] :: admittance
adneks {m} :: annex
adolescencija {f} :: adolescence
adolescentica {f} :: adolescent (female)
Adonis {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Adonis
adopcija {f} [rare] :: adoption
adoptacija {f} [rare] :: adoption
adoptiran {adj} :: adopted
adoptirati {vt impf pf} :: to adopt (person, opinion)
adoracija {f} [rare] :: adoration
adorati {vt pf} [regional] :: to adore
adorator {m} [rare] :: adorer
adoratorica {f} [rare, Croatia] :: adorer (female)
adorirati {vt impf pf} :: to adore
adrenalin {m} :: adrenaline
adrenalinski {adj} [relational] :: adrenaline
adresa {f} :: address
adresant {m} :: addresser
adresant {m} :: forwarding agent
adresant {m} :: remitter
adresar {m} :: directory
adresar {m} :: address book
adresat {m} :: addressee
adresirati {vt impf pf} :: to address (package, consignment)
adresirati {vt impf pf} [figuratively] :: to direct (something spoken to somebody)
Adrislav {prop} {m} :: given name
adsorbirati {v impf pf} :: adsorb
adsorpcija {f} [physics] :: adsorption
adsorpcijski {adj} [chiefly Croatian] :: adsorptional
A-dur {m} :: A major
adut {m} :: trump, trump card (also figuratively)
advent {m} [Christianity] :: Advent (period or season of the Christian church year between Advent Sunday and Christmas)
Advent {m} [Christianity] :: Advent (the first or the expected second coming of Christ)
adventist {m} :: Adventist
adventistica {f} :: (Croatian) Adventist (female)
adventistički {adj} :: Adventist
adventistički {adv} :: as an Adventist, in Adventist manner
adventistkinja {f} :: Adventist (female)
adverb {m} :: adverb
adverban {adj} :: adverbial
adverbijal {m} :: adverbial
adverbijalan {adj} :: adverbial
advokat {m} :: advocate, attorney, lawyer
advokat {m} [expressively] :: lawyer
advokat {m} [colloquial] :: a defender in a quarrel
advokatski {adj} [relational] :: lawyer
advokatstvo {f} :: legal profession
advokatstvo {f} :: practice of law
advokatura {f} :: legal profession
advokatura {f} :: practice of law
adzuki {m} :: azuki bean
adžuvan {m} [regional] :: young man
adžuvan {m} [regional] :: lover
ađutant {m} [military] :: adjutant
aeroban {adj} :: aerobic
aerobički {adj} :: aerobic
aerobik {m} :: aerobics
aerobika {m} :: aerobics
aerobiologija {f} :: aerobiology
aerodinamičan {adj} :: aerodynamic, streamlined
aerodinamički {adj} :: aerodynamic
aerodinamika {f} :: aerodynamics
aerodrom {m} :: airport, aerodrome
aerodromski {adj} [relational] :: aerodrome
aerogliser {m} :: hovercraft
aerografija {f} :: aerography
aerolit {m} :: aerolite
aerologija {f} :: aerology
aeromehaničar {m} :: aircraft mechanic, aeromechanic
aeromehanika {f} :: aeromechanics
aeronautički {adj} :: aeronautical
aeronautika {f} :: aeronautics
aeronautika {f} :: aviation
aeroplan {m} [dated] :: aircraft
aeroplan {m} [dated] :: airplane
aeroplanski {adj} [relational] :: aeroplanes
aeroplanski {adv} :: in the manner of an aeroplane
aerosol {m} :: aerosol
aerostat {m} :: aerostat
aerostatika {f} [physics] :: aerostatics
Afanoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
afarist {m} :: hustler
afarist {m} :: moneygrubber
afaristički {adj} :: wheeler-dealer
afaristički {adj} :: money-grubbing
afarski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Afar language
afekt {m} :: affect
afektacija {f} :: affectation
afektirati {vi impf pf} :: to affect, mince, put on airs
afel {m} :: aphelion
afera {f} :: scandal
afera {f} :: affair (adulterous relationship)
afereza {f} [linguistics] :: apheresis
aferim {interj} [regional, Bosnia] :: bravo!
Afgan {prop} {m} :: Afghan
Afganac {prop} {m} :: Afghan
Afganistan {prop} {m} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: Afganistan (country)
Afganistanac {prop} {m} :: Afghan
Afganistanka {f} :: (female) Afghan
afganistanski {adj} :: Afghan
Afganka {f} :: Afghan [female]
afiks {m} :: affix
afinitet {m} :: affinity
afirmacija {f} :: affirmation
afirmacija {f} :: recognition
afirmativan {adj} :: affirmative
afirmativno {adv} :: affirmatively
afirmirati {vtr impf pf} :: to establish or affirm (a name or reputation), to win, secure or achieve recognition for
aforist {m} :: aphorist
aforističar {m} :: aphorist
aforističarka {f} :: aphorist (female)
aforistički {adj} :: aphoristic
aforizam {m} :: aphorism
Afričanin {prop} {m} [rare] :: African
Afričanka {prop} {f} [rare] :: African [female]
afrički {adj} :: African
Afrika {prop} {f} [uncountable] :: Africa
Afrikanac {prop} {m} :: African
afrikanist {m} :: Africanist
afrikanistica {f} :: Africanist [female]
afrikanistika {f} :: African studies
afrikanistkinja {f} :: Africanist (female)
afrikanizacija {f} :: Africanization
afrikanizam {m} :: Africanism
afrikanizirati {v impf pf} :: Africanize
afrikanizovati {v} :: Africanize
Afrikanka {f} :: African [female]
afrikans {m} :: Afrikaans (language)
afrikanski {adj} :: African
afrikanski {adj} :: Afrikaans
afrikanski {adj} [masculine singular, substantive] :: the Afrikaans language
afrikata {f} [phonology] :: affricate
Afroamerikanac {prop} {m} :: Afro-American
Afroamerikanka {prop} {f} :: (female) Afro-American
afroazijski {adj} :: Afroasiatic
Afrodita {prop} {f} :: Aphrodite
afrodizijački {adj} :: aphrodisiac
afrodizijački {adv} :: aphrodisiacal
afrodizijak {m} :: aphrodisiac
aga {m} :: agha
aga {m} [dated] :: master
aga {m} [dated] :: patron
agami {m} :: grey-winged trumpeter
agava {f} :: agave
agda {f} :: sugar syrup
agencija {f} :: agency
agent {m} :: agent
agentura {f} :: agency
agentura {f} :: cover-up organization
agilan {adj} :: agile
agilno {adv} :: agilely
agilnost {f} :: agility
agitacija {f} :: agitation
agitator {m} :: agitator
agitirati {vi impf pf} :: to agitate, campaign, conduct a campaign, drum up (support)
agitprop {m} :: agitprop
agitpropovac {m} :: person practicing agitprop
aglomeracija {f} :: agglomeration
aglomerat {m} :: agglomeration (cluster)
aglutinacija {f} :: agglutination
aglutinativan {adj} :: agglutinative
agnosticizam {m} :: agnosticism
agnostičar {m} :: agnostic
agnostičarka {f} :: agnostic (female)
agnostički {adj} :: agnostic
agnostik {m} :: agnostic
agoge {f} :: agogics
agogičan {adj} :: agogic
agogika {f} :: agogics
agonija {f} :: agony
Agoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
agrar {m} :: agrarian issues
agrarni {adj} :: agrarian
agregat {m} :: motor generator (power unit)
agregatni {adj} :: Pertaining to a motor generator (power unit)
agregatno stanje {n} :: state of matter [liquid, solid or gaseous]
agresija {f} :: aggression
agresivan {adj} :: aggressive, offensive
agresivno {adv} :: aggressively
agresivnost {f} :: aggressiveness
agresor {m} :: aggressor
agresorski {adj} [relational] :: aggressor
agrikultura {f} :: agriculture
agrobiologija {f} :: agrobiology
agrologija {f} :: agrology
agronom {m} :: agronomist
agronomija {f} :: agronomy
agronomski {adj} :: agronomic
agronomski {adv} :: agronomically
agrostologija {f} :: agrostology
agrotehničar {m} :: agrotechnician
agrotehničarka {f} :: agrotechnician (female)
agrotehnički {adj} :: Pertaining to agricultural engineering
agrotehnički {adv} :: With reference to agricultural engineering
agrotehnika {f} :: agricultural engineering
agroturizam {m} :: agrotourism
agrumi {mp} :: citrus fruits
ahat {m} :: agate
ahbab {m} [regional, Bosnia] :: friend
ahbab {m} [regional, Bosnia] :: beloved one
Ahil {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: Achilles
Ahilej {prop} :: Achilles
Ahilova peta {f} :: Achilles heel
Ahilova tetiva {f} :: Achilles' tendon
ahiret {m} [Islam, uncountable] :: akhirah
ais {m} [music] :: A-sharp
-aj {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a result of an action or an object
ajam {m} [dated, regional] :: horse's collar
ajatolah {m} :: ayatollah
ajde {interj} :: alternative form of hajde
Ajers rok {prop} {m} :: Ayers Rock
ajkula {f} :: shark
-ajlija {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a feature, person doing something or to form a proper name
ajme {interj} [expressing pain, fear, horror, amazement, rebuke] :: ouch, oh
ajmeh {interj} :: alternative form of ajme
ajmo {interj} :: alternative form of hajdemo
ajnc {m} :: vingt-et-un
ajnc {m} :: blackjack
ajner {m} :: gusset (cloth)
ajnštajnij {m} :: einsteinium
ajran {noun} :: airan, a traditional drink made of yoghurt, water and salt
ajvar {m} :: caviar
ajvar {m} :: ajvar
-ak {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a performer, feature, human relation, result of an action, object, diminutive or a proper name
-ak {suffix} :: Suffix appended to the present stem of verbs to form an adjective denoting a feature or a dimension
akacija {f} :: acacia
akademac {m} :: student of a (usually military) academy
akademičar {m} [archaic] :: a student, person attending college or an academia
akademičarski {adj} [relational] :: students, members of academia
akademičarski {adj} :: academic
akademičarski {adv} :: as a student
akademija {f} :: academy
akademijski {adj} [relational] :: academia; academic
akademik {m} :: academician, academic
akademski {adj} :: academic
akademski {adv} :: academically
akademski građanin {m} :: university graduate
akadski {adj} :: Akkadian
akadski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Akkadian language
akamoli {conj} [archaic, now, proscribed] :: let alone, to say nothing of, much less
akceleracija {f} [physics] :: acceleration
akcelerator {m} :: accelerator
akcenat {m} :: alternative form of akcent
akcent {m} [phonetics] :: stress
akcent {m} :: emphasis
akcentiranje {n} :: accentuation
akcentiranje {n} :: emphasis
akcentirati {vt impf pf} :: to accentuate (place an accent mark, or in speech)
akcentirati {vt impf pf} :: to emphasize
akceptor {m} [physics, chemistry] :: acceptor
akcija {f} :: action
akcija {f} :: share (of stock)
akcijski {adj} [Croatian] :: actional
akcionar {m} :: shareholder
akče {n} [historical] :: akçe
aker {m} :: acre
aklamacija {f} :: acclamation
aklamacija {f} :: acclaim
aklamirati {v} :: acclaim
aklimatizacija {f} :: acclimatization
aklimatizacijski {adj} :: acclimatizational
aklimatizacioni {adj} :: acclimatizational
aklimatiziranje {n} :: acclimation
aklimatiziranje {n} :: acclimatization
aklimatizirati {vtr impf pf} [chiefly Croatian] :: to acclimatize/acclimate
ako {conj} :: if
ako Bog da {phrase} :: God willing, inshallah
akomodacija {f} :: accommodation
akomodirati {vr impf pf} :: to accommodate
akontacija {f} :: advance [of pay]
akontirati {vt impf pf} :: to advance (money)
akonto {adv} :: on account of
akonto {adv} :: in advance
akoprem {conj} [regional, archaic] :: albeit, although
akord {m} :: chord (music)
akov {m} [obsolete] :: quantity of liquid (56,589 liters)
akov {m} [obsolete] :: quantity of rye (51 liters)
akov {m} [historical] :: wine tax paid in the 13th and 14th centuries
akra {f} :: an outlying part of the body; extremity
Akra {prop} {f} :: Akra (caplc)
akreditirati {v impf pf} :: accredit
akreditiv {m} :: letter of credit
akribija {f} :: meticulousness
akrobacija {f} :: acrobatics (a stunt)
akrobat {m} :: acrobat
akrobata {m} :: acrobat
akrobatika {f} [uncountable] :: acrobatics
akrobatski {adj} :: acrobatic
akrobatski {adv} :: acrobatically
akromegalija {f} :: acromegalia
akronim {m} :: acronym
akropola {f} :: acropolis
akrostih {m} :: acrostic
aksiologija {f} :: axiology
aksiom {m} :: axiom
aksioma {f} :: axiom
aksiom izbora {m} [set theory] :: axiom of choice
akšam {m} :: evening
akšam {m} :: dusk
akt {m} :: act
akt {m} :: painting of a naked person
akter {m} :: participant
akter {m} :: actor
aktinid {m} [chemistry] :: actinide
aktinij {m} :: actinium
aktinoid {m} [chemistry] :: actinide
aktinologija {f} :: actinology
aktiv {m} :: active voice
aktiv {m} :: a group of activists
aktiva {f} :: assets
aktivacija {f} :: activation
aktivacijska energija {f} [physics, chemistry] :: activation energy
aktivan {adj} :: active
aktivan {adj} :: energetic, busy (of persons)
aktivan {adj} [military] :: on active service
aktivan {adj} :: having assets exceeding liabilities
aktivan {adj} :: top, active (of a man preferring penetrative role in gay sex)
aktivirati {vtr impf pf} [chiefly Croatian] :: to activate, to enable (to put something in action)
aktivirati {vt impf pf} [chiefly Croatian] :: to stir up
aktivirati {vt impf pf} [military, chiefly Croatian] :: to put back into active service
aktivirati {vtr impf pf} [chiefly Croatian] :: to detonate, set off (a bomb)
aktivirati {vr impf pf} [chiefly Croatian] :: to become (more) active
aktivirati {vr impf pf} [chiefly Croatian] :: to get involved
aktivist {m} :: activist
aktivist {m} :: civic-minded person
aktivistički {adj} :: activist
aktivistkinja {f} :: activist
aktivizam {m} :: activism
aktivizirati {vtr impf pf} :: to activate
aktivno {adv} :: actively
aktivnost {f} :: activity
aktovka {f} :: briefcase
aktovka {f} [theater] :: one-act play
aktualan {adj} :: topical, current, up-to-date
aktualan {adj} :: actual, real
aktualitet {m} :: topicality
aktualitet {m} :: actuality
aktualizacija {f} :: update
aktualizacija {f} :: actualization
aktualizam {m} :: actualism
aktualizirati {vt impf pf} :: to update (to bring something up to date)
aktualizirati {vt impf pf} :: to actualize (to convert into reality)
aktualnost {f} :: topicality
aktualnost {f} :: actuality
aktuelan {adj} :: topical, current, up-to-date
aktuelan {adj} :: actual, real
akulturacija {f} :: acculturation
akumulacija {f} :: accumulation
akumulator {m} :: accumulator
akumulatorski {adj} :: Pertaining to an accumulator or a battery
akumulirati {vtr impf pf} :: to accumulate
akupresura {f} :: acupressure
akupunktura {f} :: acupuncture
akupunkturist {m} :: acupuncturist
akupunkturistica {f} :: acupuncturist (female)
akupunkturistkinja {f} :: acupuncturist (female)
akustičan {adj} :: acoustic
akustički {adj} :: acoustic
akustičnost {f} :: acoustic quality
akustičnost {f} :: acoustics
akustičnost {f} :: resonance
akustika {f} :: acoustics
akutan {adj} :: acute
akutan {adj} :: critical
akutan {adj} :: crucial
akutan {adj} :: sharp
akutnost {f} :: state of being acute
akutnost {f} :: critical state
akuzativ {m} :: the accusative case
akvadukt {m} :: aqueduct
akvamarin {m} :: aquamarine
akvanaut {m} :: aquanaut
akvarel {m} :: watercolour
akvarelist {m} :: watercolourist
akvarelistica {f} :: watercolourist (female)
akvarelistički {adj} [relational] :: watercolourists
akvarelistički {adv} :: as a watercolourist
akvarelistkinja {f} :: watercolourist (female)
akvarij {m} :: aquarium
akvarist {m} :: aquarist
akvaristica {f} :: aquarist (female)
akvaristkinja {f} :: aquarist (female)
akvatinta {f} :: aquatint
akvedukt {m} :: aqueduct
akvila {f} [archaic] :: eagle
akvizicija {f} :: acquisition
akviziter {m} :: solicitor, canvasser
akviziter {m} :: advertising agent
akviziter {m} :: sales agent
ala {adv} [used for emphasis or as an intensifier] :: expression of awe, surprise, dismay, etc
ala {f} :: dragon
ala {f} :: type of mythical creature similar to dragon
Alabama {prop} {f} :: Alabama (river)
Alabama {prop} {f} :: Alabama (state)
alabastar {m} :: alabaster
alabaster {m} :: alabaster
Alah {prop} {m} [Islam] :: Allah
Alahu ekber {phrase} [Islam] :: Allahu akbar
alakača {f} :: loud chatterbox
alakati {vi impf} :: to clamour or voice astonishment loudly, especially by referring to Allah
alapača {f} :: alternative form of alàkača
alarm {m} :: alarm
alarmantan {adj} :: alarming
alarmantno {adv} :: alarmingly
alarmirati {v impf pf} :: alarm
alarmirati {v impf pf} :: alert
alarmni {adj} [relational] :: alarm
alas {m} :: alternative form of hàlās
alaša {m} [regional] :: a river fisherman
alat {m} :: tool
alat {m} :: instrument
alatka {f} :: tool
alatka {f} :: instrument
alatni {adj} [relational] :: tool
alatničar {m} :: toolmaker
alaun {m} :: alum
Albanac {prop} {m} :: Albanian (citizen of Albania, or a person of Albanian ethnicity)
Albanija {prop} {f} :: Albanija (country)
albanizacija {f} :: Albanisation
albanizirati {v impf pf} :: to Albanise
Albanka {prop} {f} :: Albanian (female)
albanolog {m} :: Albanologist
albanologija {f} :: Albanology
albanologijski {adj} [relational] :: Albanology
albanološki {adj} [relational] :: Albanology and Albanologists
albanološki {adv} :: as an Albanologist
albanološkinja {f} :: Albanologist (female)
albanski {adj} :: Albanian
albanski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Albanian language
albanski {adv} :: as an Albanian
albatros {m} :: albatross
albin {m} :: albino
albinizam {m} :: albinism
albino {m} :: albino
albit {m} [mineralogy] :: albite
album {m} :: album
aldov {m} [regional] :: sacrifice
ale {conj} [Kajkavian] :: but
ale {conj} [Kajkavian] :: however
alegoričan {adj} :: allegorical
alegorija {f} :: allegory
alegorik {m} :: allegorist
aleja {f} :: alley
Aleksandar {prop} {m} :: given name, Alexander
Aleksandra {prop} {f} :: given name
Aleksandrija {prop} {f} :: Aleksandrija (city)
aleksandrinac {m} :: alexandrine
alem {m} :: jewel, gem
alem {m} :: world
alem-kamen {m} :: jewel, gem
Alen {prop} {m} :: given name related to Alexander
alergičan {adj} :: allergic
alergično {adv} :: allergically
alergičnost {f} :: The state of being allergic
alergija {f} :: allergy
alergolog {m} :: allergist
alergologija {f} :: allergology
alergologijski {adj} [uncommon, Croatia] :: Pertaining to allergology; allergological
alergološki {adj} :: Pertaining to an allergology and allergologists; allergological
alergološki {adv} :: As an allergologist; allergologically
Aleslav {prop} {m} :: given name
aleutski {adj} :: Aleutian
alfa {f} :: alpha; the Greek letter Α, α
alfabet {m} :: alphabet
alfabetizam {m} :: alphabetic writing
alfabetizam {m} :: alphabetism
alfabetski {adj} :: alphabetical
alfa mužjak {m} :: alpha male
alfa uzvojnica {f} :: alpha helix
alfa-zrake {fp} [physics] :: alpha ray
alfa ženka {f} :: alpha female
alga {f} :: alga
algebarska funkcija {f} :: algebraic function
algebarska jednadžba {f} :: algebraic equation
algebarski {adj} :: algebraic
algebarski {adv} :: algebraically
algebarski broj {m} :: algebraic number
algebra {f} :: algebra
algologija {f} :: algology
algonkij {prop} {n} [geology] :: Proterozoic
algonkijski {adj} :: Algonquian
algoritam {m} :: algorithm
alhamiado {m} :: aljamiado
ali {conj} :: but
ali {conj} :: however
ali {conj} [Croatia] :: or, if
alibi {m} :: alibi
aligator {m} :: alligator
alijansa {f} :: alliance
alijenacija {f} :: alienation
alimentacija {f} :: alimony
alineja {f} :: indented line
alineja {f} :: paragraph
aliteracija {f} :: alliteration
alka {f} :: metal ring
alka {f} :: door knocker
alka {f} :: tilting at the ring [game]
alkaličan {adj} :: alkaline
alkalij {m} :: alkali
alkaloid {m} :: alkaloid
alkar {m} :: tilter at the ring
alkemičar {m} :: alchemist
alkemičarka {f} :: alchemist (female)
alkemički {adj} :: alchemical
alkemija {f} :: alchemy
Alkinoj {prop} {m} :: Alcinous
alkohol {m} :: alcohol
alkoholičar {m} :: alcoholic
alkoholičarka {f} :: alcoholic (female)
alkoholija {f} :: alcoholism
alkoholizam {m} :: alcoholism
alkoholiziran {adj} :: alcoholized
alkoholizirati {vtr impf pf} :: to alcoholize
alkoholni {adj} :: alcoholic
alkoholno {adj} :: alcoholic
alkoholno piće {n} :: alcoholic beverage
alkotest {m} :: An examination carried out to establish if the quantity of alcohol in a person's body is beyond an acceptable limit by means of a breathalyzer
Allah {prop} {m} [Islam] :: Allah
Allahu ekber {phrase} [Islam] :: Allahu akbar
Alma {prop} :: given name
Alma Ata {prop} {f} :: Almaty
almaatski {adj} :: Pertaining to Almaty
almanah {m} :: almanac
almoštvo {n} :: alms
almuštvo {n} :: alms
-alo {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a neuter noun, usually denoting senses or objects, used as a pejorative or as an abstract noun
alodij {m} :: allodium
alofon {m} :: allophone
alogičan {adj} :: alogical
aloja {f} :: aloe
alomorf {m} :: allomorph
alotrop {m} [chemistry] :: allotrope
alpaka {f} :: alpaca
Alpe {prop} {fp} [Croatia] :: Alpe (mountain range)
Alpinac {m} :: inhabitant of the Alps
alpinist {m} :: alpinist
alpinistički {adj} [relational] :: alpinism or alpinists
alpinistika {f} :: alpinism
alpinizam {m} :: alpinism
alpinski {adj} :: Alpine
alpski {adj} :: Alpine
alrauna {f} :: mandrake
Alsace {prop} {m} :: Alsace
alt {m} [music] :: an alto
alteracija {f} :: alteration
alternacija {f} :: alternation
alternativa {f} :: alternative
alternativa {f} :: alternative lifestyle
alternativac {m} :: a person pursuing an alternative lifestyle
alternativan {adj} :: alternative
alternativna medicina {f} :: alternative medicine
alternirati {vi impf pf} :: to alternate
altimetar {m} :: altimeter
altist {m} :: altoist
altistica {f} :: A female alto singer
altituda {f} :: altitude
altokumulus {m} [physics] :: altocumulus
altostratus {m} [physics] :: altostratus
altruist {m} :: altruist
altruističan {adj} :: altruistic
altruistički {adj} :: altruistic
altruistički {adv} :: altruistically
altruizam {m} :: altruism
alt-saksofon {m} :: alto saxophone
aludirati {vi impf pf} :: to allude
aluminij {m} [Croatia] :: aluminium
aluminijski {adj} [relational] :: aluminium
alunirati {v} :: To land on the surface of the Moon
aluvij {m} :: alluvium
aluvija {f} :: alluvium
aluvijalan {adj} :: alluvial
aluzija {f} :: allusion
alva {f} :: halva
alveola {f} :: alveolus
alveolar {m} :: an alveolar
alveolaran {adj} :: alveolar
Alzašanin {m} :: Alsatian
Alzašanka {f} :: Alsatian [female]
alzaški {adj} :: Alsatian
alzaški {adv} :: As an Alsatian, in an Alsatian manner
Alžir {prop} {m} :: Alžir (country)
Alžir {prop} {m} :: Alžir (capital city)
Alžirac {prop} {m} :: Algerian (male citizen of Algeria, or a male person of Algerian ethnicity)
Alžirka {prop} {m} :: Algerian (female)
alžirski {adj} :: Algerian
aljamiado {prop} {m} :: aljamiado
Aljaska {prop} {f} :: Aljaska (state)
aljaski {adj} [relational] :: Alaska; Alaskan
-aljka {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually denoting a tool or enigmas
aljkav {adj} :: negligent, indolent
aljkav {adj} :: slack, remiss
aljkav {adj} :: slovenly
aljkav {adj} :: inattentive
aljkavac {m} :: A negligent person
aljkavica {f} :: A negligent female person
aljkavo {adv} :: carelessly
aljkavo {adv} :: slovenly
aljkavo {adv} :: inattentively
aljkavost {f} :: negligence
aljkavost {f} :: carelessness
aljkavost {f} :: slackness
aljkavost {f} :: unconcern
ama {conj} :: but
ama {interj} :: used to express impatience
amajlija {f} :: amulet
amalgam {m} :: amalgam
aman {m} :: pity
aman {m} :: mercy
aman {m} :: compassion
aman {m} :: forgiveness
aman {interj} :: for goodness' sake! (in amazement)
aman {interj} :: (when asking for mercy, help or forgiveness):
aman {interj} :: Be merciful!
aman {interj} :: Help me!
aman {interj} :: I'm sorry!
aman {interj} :: by God, I swear to god! (used to add emphasis, as if swearing an oath)
amandman {m} :: amendment
amanet {m} :: pledge
amanski {adj} :: Pertaining to Amman
amater {m} :: amateur
amaterizam {m} :: amateurism
amaterski {adj} :: amateurish
amaterski {adv} :: amateurishly
amaterstvo {n} :: amateurism
Amazona {prop} {f} :: Amazon (river)
Amazonka {prop} {f} :: Amazon (female warrior)
amazonski {adj} [relational] :: Amazon [mythical race of women]; Amazonian
amazonski {adj} [relational] :: Amazon region, Amazon river; Amazonian
amazonski {adv} :: in the manner of an Amazon
ambalaža {f} :: packing
ambalaža {f} :: packing materials
ambar {m} :: barn
ambar {m} :: granary
ambar {m} :: silo
ambasada {f} :: embassy (official residence; organization)
ambasador {m} :: ambassador
ambasadorski {adj} [relational] :: embassy or ambassadors
ambasadorski {adv} :: as an ambassador
amber {m} :: amber (fossil resin)
ambicija {f} :: ambition
ambiciozan {adj} :: ambitious
ambiciozno {adv} :: ambitiously
ambicioznost {f} :: ambitiousness
ambicioznost {f} :: ambition
ambigvitet {m} :: ambiguity
ambigvitetan {adj} :: ambiguous
ambijenat {m} :: ambiance
ambijent {m} :: ambiance
ambijentalan {adj} :: environmental
ambijentirati {v} :: To fit something into certain ambience
ambis {m} :: abyss (also figuratively)
ambivalencija {f} :: ambivalence
ambivalentan {adj} :: ambivalent
ambivalentnost {f} :: ambivalence
amblem {m} :: emblem
amblematika {f} :: emblematics
ambra {f} :: ambergris
ambra {f} :: amber (fossil resin)
ambrela {f} [regional] :: umbrella
ambrozija {f} :: ambrosia
ambulanta {f} :: surgery
ambulanta {f} :: outpatient's department
ambulanta {f} :: sickbay
ambulantni {adj} :: ambulatory
ambulantni čvor {m} :: reef knot, square knot
ambulantni pacijent {m} :: outpatient
ambulantski {adj} :: ambulatory
ameba {f} :: amoeba
amebni {adj} :: amoebic
amelioracija {f} :: amelioration
Amer {prop} {m} [colloquial] :: American
americij {m} :: americium
Američanin {prop} {m} [archaic] :: American
Američanka {prop} {f} [archaic] :: (female) American
američki {adj} [relational] :: America; American
američki {adv} :: in the American manner
Amerika {prop} {f} :: Amerika (the <<continents>> of North America and South America)
Amerika {prop} {f} :: Amerika (country)
Amerikanac {prop} {m} :: American
amerikanada {f} :: stereotypical low-quality movie or TV-series with happy ending and other elements of mass Hollywood production
amerikanada {f} :: soud and intrusive propaganda or a commercial for a certain product or in a elections campaign
amerikanijada {f} :: stereotypical low-quality movie or TV-series with happy ending and other elements of mass Hollywood production
amerikanijada {f} :: loud and intrusive propaganda or a commercial for a certain product or in a elections campaign
amerikanist {m} :: Americanist
amerikanistika {f} :: American studies
amerikanizam {m} :: Americanism
amerikanizirati {vtr impf pf} :: to Americanize
Amerikanka {prop} {f} :: (female) American
amerikanski {adj} [relational] :: America
amerikanski {adv} :: In the American manner
ametice {adv} [regional] :: completely, utterly, thoroughly
ametist {m} :: amethyst
amfibija {f} :: amphibian
amfibija {f} :: amphibious vehicle
amfibijski {adj} :: amphibious
amfibrah {m} :: amphibrach
amfiteatar {m} :: amphitheatre
amfiteatralan {adj} :: amphitheatrical
amfora {f} :: amphora
amharski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Amharic language
amidža {m} [regional, rare, Bosnia] :: uncle (father's brother)
amidžinca {f} [regional, rare, Muslim] :: aunt (father's sister-in-law)
aminokiselina {f} :: amino acid
Amman {prop} {m} :: Amman (capital city)
amnestija {f} :: amnesty
amnestirati {vt impf pf} :: to grant amnesty to, to pardon
amnezija {f} :: amnesia
amo {adv} :: hither, here
amo {adv} :: this way
amoder {adv} :: (expressively) hither, here
amoder {adv} :: (expressively) this way
amok {m} :: Condition of amok behaving
amonij {m} :: ammonium
amonijak {m} :: ammonia
amonijev {adj} [relational] :: ammonium
amoralan {adj} :: amoral
amoralnost {f} :: amorality
amorfan {adj} :: amorphous
amorfno {adv} :: amorphously, formlessly
amorfnost {f} :: amorphousness
amortizacija {f} :: amortization
amortizacija {f} :: shock absorption
amortizacijski {adj} [relational] :: amortization
amortizacijski {adj} [relational] :: shock absorption
amortizer {m} :: shock absorber
amortizirati {v} :: amortize
amortizirati {v} :: to absorb shock
amortizirati {vr} :: pay off
amo-tamo {adv} :: back and forth
ampak {conj} [Kajkavian] :: but (instead)
amper {m} :: ampere (unit of electrical current)
ampermetar {m} :: ammeter
ampersat {m} [physics] :: ampere-hour
ampir {m} :: empire style
amplifikacija {f} :: amplification (result of amplifying)
amplifikacija {f} [physics, electronics] :: amplification
amplituda {f} :: amplitude
ampula {f} :: ampoule
amputacija {f} :: amputation
amputirati {vt impf pf} :: to amputate
Amsterdam {prop} {m} :: Amsterdam (city/and/municipality)
amsterdamski {adj} [relational] :: Amsterdam
amulet {m} :: amulet
-an {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a (often negative) feature or endearment
-an {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create an adjective
-ana {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually denoting a place where an action occurs, relatives or to form a proper name
Ana {prop} {f} :: given name
anabaza {f} :: anabasis
anabolik {m} :: anabolic
anabolizam {m} :: anabolism
-anac {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting an inhabitant, feature or a human relation
anacionalan {adj} :: Lacking national or ethnic feeling or consciousness
anacionalnost {f} :: Absence or lacking of national feeling
anadiploza {f} :: anadiplosis
Anadolija {prop} {f} :: Anatolia
anaeroban {adj} :: anaerobic
anafora {f} :: anaphora
anagram {m} :: anagram
anahronizam {m} [chiefly Serbian] :: anachronism
anakonda {f} :: anaconda
anakroničan {adj} [Croatia] :: anachronistic
anakronističan {adj} [Croatia] :: anachronistic
anakronizam {m} [chiefly Bosnian, Croatian] :: anachronism
analeptik {m} :: analeptic
analfabet {m} :: analphabet
analfabetizam {m} :: analphabetism
analfabetski {adj} :: analphabetic
analfabetski {adv} :: analphabetically
analgetički {adj} :: analgesic
analgetički {adv} :: analgesically
analgezija {f} :: analgesia
anali {m} [plurale tantum] :: annals, chronicle
analitičan {adj} :: analytic
analitičar {m} :: analyst
analitička funkcija {f} :: analytic function
analitički {adj} :: analytical
analitički {adv} :: analytically
analitičnost {f} :: analyticity
analitik {m} [archaic] :: analyst
analitika {f} :: analytics
analiza {f} :: analysis
analizator {m} :: analyst
analizator {m} :: analyzer
analizirati {vt impf pf} :: to analyze
analni {adj} :: anal
analni seks {m} :: anal sex
analogan {adj} :: analogous
analogija {f} :: analogy
analogijski {adj} :: analogic
analogno {adv} :: analogously
analognost {f} :: analogousness
analoški {adj} :: analogic, analogical
analoški {adv} :: analogically, by analogy
anamneza {f} :: anamnesis
ananas {m} :: pineapple
anapest {m} :: anapest
anarhičan {adj} :: anarchic, anarchical
anarhičnost {f} :: anarchic quality
anarhija {f} :: anarchy
anarhist {m} :: anarchist
anarhistički {adj} :: anarchistic
anarhistički {adv} :: anarchistically
anarhistkinja {f} :: anarchist [female]
anarhizam {m} :: anarchism
anason {m} :: anise (Pimpinella anisum plant, spice and liquor)
anasonka {f} :: anisette
anastrofa {f} :: anastrophe
anatema {f} :: anathema
anatemizirati {vt impf pf} :: to anathematize
Anatolija {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Anadólija
anatom {m} :: anatomist
anatomija {f} :: anatomy
anatomski {adj} :: anatomic
anatomski {adv} :: anatomically
anbar {m} :: alternative spelling of ȁmbār
-ance {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a neuter noun, usually to form a diminutive or as an expression of endearment, or to denote an object
-ancija {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually abstract noun or noun denoting lighthearted action
ancipres {m} [Chakavian] :: cypress
ancug {m} [Kajkavian] :: suit
anda {conj} :: thus, therefore
andaluski {adj} [relational] :: Andalusia; Andalusian
Andaluzija {prop} {f} :: Andaluzija (autonomous community)
andaluzijski {adj} :: Andalusian
Ande {prop} {fp} :: Andes
andivija {f} :: endive
Andora {prop} {f} :: Andora (country)
Andorac {prop} {m} :: Andorran (person from Andorra)
andorski {adj} :: Andorran
andragogija {f} :: andragogy
Andrej {prop} {m} :: given name
Andrija {prop} {m} :: given name
Androklo {prop} {m} :: Androcles
andrologija {f} :: andrology
Andromaha {prop} {f} :: Andromache
Andromeda {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Andromeda
Andromeda {prop} {f} [constellation] :: The constellation Andromeda
Andromeda {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: The Andromeda
anduz {m} :: elecampane (Inula helenium), a medicinal plant
andžar {m} :: alternative form of handžar
anđel {m} :: angel
anđel {m} :: cherub
anđelak {m} :: a small angel
anđelčić {m} :: little angel
anđelić {m} :: little angel
anđelski {adj} :: angelic
anđeo {m} :: angel
anđeo {m} :: angel (as a term of endearment)
anđeo čuvar {m} :: guardian angel
anđeoski {adj} :: angelic
anđeoski {adv} :: angelically
anegdota {f} :: anecdote
anegdotalan {adj} :: anecdotal
anegdotalnost {f} :: anecdotal quality
anegdotičan {adj} :: anecdotal
anegdotičnost {f} :: anecdotal quality
anegdotski {adj} :: anecdotal
anegdotski {adv} :: anecdotally
aneks {m} :: annex
aneksija {f} :: annexation
aneksijski {adj} :: annexational
aneksijski {adv} :: annexational
aneksioni {adj} :: annexational
aneksionist {m} :: annexationist
aneksionistički {adj} :: annexationist
aneksionistički {adv} :: as an annexationist
anektirati {vt impf pf} :: to annex
anemičan {adj} :: anemic
anemičar {m} :: Anemic person
anemičarka {f} :: Anemic female person
anemičnost {f} :: Condition of being anemic
anemija {f} :: anemia
aneroid {m} :: aneroid
anestetičar {m} :: anesthetist
anestetičarka {f} :: anesthetist (female)
anestetik {m} :: anesthetic
anestezija {f} :: anesthesia
anesteziolog {m} :: anesthesiologist
anesteziologija {f} :: anesthesiology
anestezirati {v} :: anesthetize
angažiran {adj} :: engaged
angažiran {adj} :: involved
angažiran {adj} :: busy, occupied
angažirati {vr impf pf} :: to engage get involved, take an active part
angažirati {vt impf pf} :: to sign on, hire
angažirati {vr impf pf} :: commit, involve
angažirati {vr impf pf} :: plead for
angažman {m} :: engagement
angel {m} [Kajkavian] :: angel
angel {m} :: obsolete form of anđel
angelologija {f} :: angelology
angina {f} :: angina
angina {f} [pathology] :: tonsillitis
angina pektoris {f} :: angina pectoris
angiologija {f} :: angiology
angiom {m} :: angioma (benign tumor)
anglicizam {m} :: anglicism
anglikan {m} :: Anglican
anglikanac {m} :: Anglican
anglikanka {f} :: Anglican (female)
anglikanski {adj} :: Anglican
anglist {m} :: Anglicist
anglistica {f} :: female Anglicist
anglistički {adj} :: Anglicist
anglistički {adv} :: as an Anglicist
anglistika {f} [humanities, uncountable] :: English studies
anglistkinja {f} :: Anglicist (female)
anglizam {m} :: anglicism
angloamerički {adj} :: Anglo-American
Angloamerika {prop} {f} :: Anglo-America
anglofil {m} :: anglophile
anglofob {m} :: Anglophobe
Anglosaksonac {prop} {m} :: Anglo-Saxon
Anglosaksonka {prop} {f} :: (female) Anglo-Saxon
anglosaksonski {adj} :: Anglo-Saxon
Anglosas {prop} {m} :: Anglo-Saxon
anglosaski {adj} :: Anglo-Saxon
Angola {prop} {f} :: Angola (country)
Angolac {prop} {m} :: Angolan
Angolka {prop} {f} :: Angolan (female)
angolski {adj} [relational] :: Angola; Angolan
angosa {f} [Chakavian, obsolete] :: trouble, hardship
anihilacija {f} [physics] :: annihilation
-anija {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually with negative meaning implied
anilin {m} [organic compound] :: aniline
anilinski {adj} [relational] :: aniline
animacija {f} :: animation
animalan {adj} :: animal
animalan {adj} :: animalistic
animator {m} :: animator
animatorica {f} :: animator (female)
animirati {v impf pf} :: to animate
animir-dama {f} :: A nightclub hostess
animizam {m} :: animism
animozitet {m} :: animosity
-anin {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting an inhabitant
anion {m} :: anion
anis {m} :: anise
Anka {prop} {f} :: given name
Ankara {prop} {f} :: Ankara (capital city)
anke {adv} [Chakavian] :: also, too
anketa {f} :: poll
anketar {m} :: pollster
anketiranje {n} :: polling
anketirati {vt impf pf} :: to poll
anketni {adj} [relational] :: poll; polling
anketni listić {m} :: questionnaire
anlaser {m} :: A device that starts an engine or a machine
anoda {f} :: anode
anodni {adj} :: Pertaining to an anode
anomalija {f} :: anomaly
anomija {noun} :: anomie (alienation or social instability)
anonimac {m} :: anonym
anoniman {adj} :: anonymous
anonimka {f} :: anonym (female)
Anonimni Alkoholičari {prop} {mp} :: Alcoholics Anonymous
anonimno {adv} :: anonymously
anonimnost {f} :: anonymity
anonimus {m} :: anonym
anorganska kemija {f} :: inorganic chemistry
anorganski {adj} :: inorganic
anortit {m} [mineralogy] :: anorthite
anotirati {v impf pf} :: to annotate
ansambl {m} :: ensemble
-anstvo {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a neuter noun, usually an abstract noun denoting a relation, social status, scientific discipline, quality or a state
antabus {m} :: Antabuse
antagonizam {m} :: antagonism
antanta {f} :: entente
Antarktik {prop} {m} [chiefly Bosnian and Serbian or colloquial] :: Antarctica
Antarktika {prop} {m} [Croatian] :: Antarctica
Ante {prop} {m} :: given name
antedatirati {v} :: antedate
antena {f} :: antenna
antialkoholičar {m} :: antialcoholist
antialkoholičarka {f} :: antialcoholist (female)
antialkoholizam {m} :: antialcoholism
antibiotik {m} :: antibiotic
anticiklona {f} :: anticyclone
anticipacija {f} :: anticipation
anticipirati {vt impf pf} :: to anticipate
antičestica {f} [physics] :: antiparticle
antički {adj} :: antique
antidatirati {v} :: antedate
antiderivacija {f} :: antiderivative
antidržavni {adj} :: antistate
antifašist {m} [Croatia] :: antifascist
antifašistički {adj} :: antifascist
antifašistički {adv} :: in an antifascist manner
antifašistkinja {f} :: antifascist (female)
antifašizam {m} :: anti-fascism
antifeminist {m} [Croatia] :: antifeminist
antifeministkinja {f} :: antifeminist (female)
antifeminizam {f} :: antifeminism
antifona {f} :: antiphony
antifriz {m} :: antifreeze
Antigva i Barbuda {prop} {f} :: Antigva i Barbuda (country)
antiheroj {m} :: antihero
antiimperijalizam {m} :: anti-imperialism
antik {adj} [regional] :: alternative form of antikni
antika {f} :: the classical (Greek and Roman) period
antika {f} :: antiquity
antiklinala {f} [geology] :: anticline
antikni {adj} :: antique
antikomunist {m} :: anticommunist
antikomunistički {adj} :: anticommunist
antikomunistički {adv} :: as an anticommunist
antikomunizam {m} :: anticommunism
antikrist {m} :: antichrist (evil person)
Antikrist {prop} {m} :: Antichrist (one who works against the Christ's teaching)
antikvar {m} :: antiquarian
antikvaran {adj} :: antiquarian
antikvarijat {m} :: second-hand bookshop
antikvitet {m} :: antique
antilogaritam {m} :: antilogarithm
antilopa {f} :: antelope
antimaterija {f} [uncountable, physics] :: antimatter
antimetabola {f} :: antimetabole
antimon {m} :: antimony
antipatičan {adj} :: antipathic, odious, repulsive
antipatično {adv} :: in an antipathic manner; repulsively, odiously
antipatičnost {f} :: State of being antipathic
antipatija {f} :: antipathy
antipod {m} :: antipode
antiraketni {adj} :: antimissile
antireligiozan {adj} :: antireligious
antisemit {m} :: anti-Semite
antisemitizam {m} :: anti-Semitism
antisemitski {adj} :: anti-Semitic
antisemitski {adv} :: anti-Semitically
antiseptičan {adj} :: antiseptic
antiseptički {adj} :: antiseptic
antiseptički {adv} :: antiseptically
antiseptik {m} :: antiseptic
antisocijalan {adj} :: antisocial
antisocijalistički {adj} :: antisocialist
antisocijalistički {adv} :: as an antisocialist
antisocijalizam {m} :: antisocialism
antitelo {n} :: antibody
antiteza {f} :: antithesis
antitijelo {n} :: antibody
antituberkulozan {adj} :: antitubercular
antologičar {m} :: anthologist
antologija {f} :: anthology
antonim {m} :: antonym
antonimija {f} [semantics] :: antonymy
antonomazija {f} :: antonomasia
antracit {m} :: anthracite
antraks {m} :: anthrax
antre {m} :: entrée
antropoidan {adj} :: anthropoid (having characteristics of a human being, usually in terms of shape or appearance)
antropolog {m} :: anthropologist
antropologija {f} :: anthropology
antropološki {adj} :: anthropological
antropološki {adv} :: anthropologically
antropomorfan {adj} :: anthropomorphic
antropomorfizam {m} :: anthropomorphism
Antun {prop} {m} :: given name
Antverpen {prop} {m} :: Antverpen (capital city)
Antverpen {prop} {m} :: Antverpen (province)
anuitet {m} :: annuity
anulirati {v pf} :: to annul
-anje {suffix} :: Suffix appended to verb roots to create a neuter verbal noun denoting an action or the result of an action. Analogous to English gerund suffix -ing
aorist {m} [grammar, uncontable] :: aorist aspect
aorist {m} [countable] :: a word in aorist aspect
aoristni {adj} [relational] :: aorist
aorta {f} [anatomy] :: aorta
apanaža {f} :: appanage
Apanoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
aparat {m} :: apparatus
aparatčik {m} :: apparatchik (member of a Communist apparat)
aparatura {f} :: set of instruments
aparatura {f} [collectively] :: apparatus
apartan {adj} :: exquisite
apartan {adj} :: different
apartan {adj} :: stylish
aparthejd {m} :: apartheid
apartman {m} :: apartment [usually for vacation]
apatetičan {adj} [rare] :: apathetic
apatičan {adj} :: apathetic
apatično {adv} :: apathetically
apatičnost {f} :: apathy (state of being apathetic)
apatija {f} :: apathy
apatrid {m} :: A stateless person
apel {m} :: appeal, call
apelacija {f} [legal] :: appeal
apelacijski {adj} :: appellate
apelacijski sud {m} [legal] :: appellate court
apelant {m} [legal] :: appellant
apeliranje {n} :: Act of appealing
apelirati {v impf pf} :: to appeal, plead
apelovati {v} :: appeal, plead
aperitiv {m} :: apéritif
aperkat {m} :: uppercut
apetit {m} :: appetite
aplaudirati {vi impf pf} :: to applaud
aplauz {m} :: applause
aplicirati {vt impf pf} :: to apply
aplikacija {f} :: application
apodiktičan {adj} :: apodictic
apodiktički {adv} :: apodictically
apoen {m} :: denomination (size of a unit)
apokalipsa {f} :: apocalypse (end of life)
Apokalipsa {prop} {f} :: Apocalypse, Revelation (written account)
apokaliptičan {adj} :: apocalyptic
apokrif {m} :: apocrypha (writing of a doubtful authorship)
apokrifan {adj} :: apocryphal
apolit {m} :: A stateless person
apolitičan {adj} :: apolitical
apolitički {adj} :: apolitical
apolitički {adv} :: apolitically
apologet {m} :: apologist
apologetika {f} :: apologetics
apologija {f} :: apologia
Apolon {prop} {m} :: Apollo
apostol {m} :: apostle
apostrof {m} :: apostrophe (the character )
apostrofa {f} [rhetoric] :: apostrophe
apostrofirati {vt impf pf} :: to apostrophize (punctuate with an apostrophe)
apostrofirati {vt impf pf} :: to emphasize, stress
apostrofirati {vt impf pf} :: to address (somebody in speech)
apoteka {f} :: apothecary (place)
apoteka {f} :: pharmacy
apotekar {m} :: pharmacist
apoteoza {f} :: apotheosis
apozicija {f} [grammar] :: apposition
aprecijacija {f} :: appreciation (rise in value)
april {m} :: April
aprilski {adj} [relational] :: April
aprioran {adj} :: a priori
aproksimativan {adj} :: approximate, approximative
aproksimativno {adv} :: approximately
aproksimirati {vt impf pf} :: to approximate
aps {m} :: alternative form of hȁps
apscisa {f} :: abscissa
apsida {f} :: apse
apsolut {m} :: the absolute
apsolutan {adj} :: absolute
apsolutizam {m} :: absolutism
apsolutizirati {vt impf pf} :: to apply an attitude or judgment without limits and conditions
apsolutna nula {f} [thermodynamics] :: absolute zero
apsolutno {adv} :: absolutely
apsolvirati {vt impf pf} :: to complete all requirements for a full course of studies
apsorbirati {vt impf pf} :: to absorb, take in
apsorpcija {f} [chemistry, physics] :: absorption
apstinencija {f} :: abstinence
apstinirati {vi impf pf} :: to abstain
apstrahirati {vt impf pf} :: to abstract (separate concepts or notions)
apstrakcija {f} :: abstraction
apstrakt {m} :: abstract (abridgement or summary of a longer publication)
apstraktan {adj} :: abstract
apstraktna algebra {f} :: abstract algebra
apstraktna imenica {f} :: abstract noun
apstraktno {adv} :: abstractly
apsurdan {adj} :: absurd
apsurdno {adv} :: absurdly
apsurdnost {f} [uncountable] :: absurdity
-ar {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a profession, a person who does something, or an animal who does something
ar {m} :: are (square decametre, 100 m²)
-ara {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually denoting a performer, a woman with large body parts, or a shop or workshop
arabeska {f} :: arabesque
arabica {f} :: A form of the Perso-Arabic script once used to write Serbo-Croatian
Arabija {prop} {f} [uncountable] :: Arabia
Arabijac {m} [rare] :: Arabian (person from Arabia)
arabijski {adj} :: Arabian
Arabljanin {prop} {m} :: Arabian (person from Arabia)
Arabljanka {f} :: Arabian [person from Arabia]
aragonit {m} [mineralology] :: aragonite
arahnologija {f} :: arachnology
arak {m} :: double sheet
araluk {m} [regional] :: corridor, passageway
aramejski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Aramaic language
aranžirati {vt impf pf} :: to arrange, decorate
aranžirati {vt impf pf} :: to organize, plan
aranžman {m} :: arrangement
aranžman {m} :: agreement
Arap {prop} {m} [colloquial] :: Arab (person of Arab origin.)
Arapin {m} :: an Arab
Arapin {m} :: a man of Arab origin or descent
Arapkinja {f} :: Arab female
arapski {adj} :: Arab
arapski {adj} :: Arabic
arapski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Arabic language
Arbanas {prop} {m} [archaic] :: Albanian
arbitar {m} :: arbiter (person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them)
arbitraran {adj} :: arbitrary
arbitraža {f} :: arbitration
arbitražni {adj} :: arbitrational
arbun {m} :: the common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus)
arebica {f} :: A form of the Perso-Arabic script once used to write Serbo-Croatian
Arej {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Ares
arena {f} :: arena
areologija {f} :: areology
Ares {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Ares
argat {m} [historical, Ottoman empire] :: laborer
argat {m} [historical, Ottoman empire] :: peasant
argat {m} [figuratively, expressively] :: hard worker
Argentina {prop} {f} :: Argentina (country)
Argentinac {prop} {m} :: Argentinian (male citizen of Argentine, or a male person of Argentinian ethnicity)
argentinski {adj} :: Argentinian
argentit {m} [mineral] :: argentite
argo {m} :: slang
argon {m} :: argon
argument {m} :: argument (fact or statement used to support a proposition)
argument {m} [philosophy, logic, mathematics, programming] :: argument
argumentacija {f} :: argumentation
argumentirano {adv} :: with valid arguments, in a well-argumented manner, making a good case
arhaičan {adj} :: archaic
arhaično {adv} :: archaically
arhaik {m} [geology] :: the Archaean
arhaizam {m} :: archaism
arhaizirati {vt impf pf} :: to archaize
arhanđel {m} :: archangel
Arhanđel {prop} {m} :: Arhanđel (city)
arhanđeo {m} :: archangel
arheolog {m} :: archeologist
arheologija {f} [uncountable] :: archeology
arheološki {adj} :: archeological
arheozoologija {f} :: archaeozoology
arhiđakon {m} :: archdeacon
arhiepiskop {m} :: archbishop
arhipelag {m} :: archipelago
arhitekt {m} [Croatia] :: architect
arhitektica {f} :: architect (female)
arhitektonski {adj} :: architectural
arhitektura {f} :: architecture
arhitekturni {adj} :: architectural
arhiv {m} :: archive
arhivar {m} :: archivist
arhivist {m} :: archivist
-arica {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually denoting a profession
-arija {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually denoting actions or things without importance, or to form a pejorative
arija {f} :: aria
arijac {m} [Croatia] :: Aryan
arijevac {m} :: Aryan
arijka {f} [Croatia] :: Aryan
arijski {adj} :: Aryan
-arina {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually denoting salaries, taxes or fees
Arislav {prop} {m} :: given name
aristokracija {f} [Croatia] :: aristocracy
aristokrat {m} :: aristocrat (one of the aristocracy)
aristokratija {f} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: aristocracy
aristokratkinja {f} :: aristocrat (female)
aristokratski {adj} :: aristocratic
aristokratski {adv} :: aristocratically
Aristotel {prop} {m} :: Aristotle
aritmetička progresija {f} [analysis] :: arithmetic progression
aritmetička sredina {f} [mathematics] :: arithmetic mean
aritmetički {adj} :: arithmetical
aritmetički {adv} :: arithmetically
aritmetički niz {m} [analysis] :: arithmetic progression
aritmetički red {m} [analysis] :: arithmetic series
aritmetika {f} :: arithmetic
aritmija {f} :: arrhythmia
ARj {prop} {m} [rare, linguistics] :: abbreviation of Akademijin rječnik — the Rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika, a dictionary of Serbo-Croatian published by the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts in 23 volumes between 1880 and 1976
armatura {f} :: armature, reinforcement
Armenac {m} :: Armenian
Armenija {prop} {f} [uncountable] :: Armenija (country)
Armenka {f} :: Armenian
Armenska SSR {prop} {f} :: Armenian SSR
armenski {adj} :: Armenian
armenski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Armenian language
armija {f} [military] :: army, military
armija {f} [figuratively] :: multitude, a large number of people
-arna {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually denoting a shop
arogancija {f} [uncountable] :: arrogance
arogantan {adj} :: arrogant
arogantno {adv} :: arrogantly
aroma {f} :: aroma
aromatičan {adj} :: aromatic
arpadžik {m} :: Small onion bulb used to start a seedling
arsen {m} :: arsenic (element)
arsenal {m} :: arsenal
arsuz {adj} :: shameless
arsuz {m} :: shameless person
arsuzluk {m} :: shamelessness
aršin {m} :: arshin
aršin {m} :: yardstick (standard to which other measurements or comparisons are judged)
artefakt {m} :: artifact
arterija {f} :: artery (efferent blood vessel from the heart)
arterijski {adj} :: arterial
artičoka {f} :: artichoke
artikulacija {f} :: articulation
artikulacijski {adj} :: articulatory
artikulirati {vt impf pf} [Croatian] :: to articulate
artiljerac {m} :: artilleryman
artiljerija {f} :: artillery
artiljerijski {adj} [relational] :: artillery
artiljerski {adj} [relational] :: artillery
artiljerski {adv} :: as an artilleryman
artist {m} :: artist
artistički {adj} :: artistic
artistički {adv} :: artistically
artritis {m} [pathology] :: arthritis
Aruba {prop} {f} :: Aruba
arzuhal {m} :: petition
as {m} [card games, sports] :: ace
asamski {adj} :: Assamese
aseksualnost {f} :: asexuality
aseptičan {adj} :: aseptic
aseptički {adj} :: aseptic
asfalt {m} :: asphalt, asphalt concrete
asfaltirati {vt impf pf} :: to asphalt (over), pave (with asphalt), lay down with asphalt
asimetričan {adj} :: asymmetric
asimetrija {f} :: asymmetry
asimilacija {f} :: assimilation
asimilirati {vitr impf pf} [Croatian] :: to assimilate
Asirac {m} :: Assyrian
Asirija {prop} {f} [uncountable] :: Assyria
Asirka {f} :: Assyrian
asirologija {f} :: Assyriology
asirski {adj} :: Assyrian
asistencija {f} [sports] :: assist
asistent {m} :: assistant (person who assists or helps someone else)
asistent {m} [computing] :: wizard (program or script used to simplify complex operations)
asistirati {vi impf} [with dative] :: to assist
asketizam {m} :: asceticism
askurđel {m} :: great-great-great-great-grandfather 6th male ancestor
asocijacija {f} :: association
asocijacionizam {m} :: associationism
asocijacizam {m} :: associationism
asocijalan {adj} :: asocial
asocirati {vi impf pf} :: to associate, evoke
asonanca {f} :: assonance
asortiman {m} :: assortment, selection
aspekt {m} :: aspect
aspirin {m} :: aspirin
aspra {f} :: akçe (Ottoman silver coin)
astal {m} [dated, regional] :: table
astat {m} :: astatine
astenija {f} :: asthenia
astenosfera {f} [geology] :: asthenosphere
asteroid {m} :: asteroid
astma {f} :: asthma
astmatičan {adj} :: asthmatic
astmatičar {m} :: asthmatic
astralan {adj} :: astral
astrobiologija {f} :: astrobiology
astrofizičar {m} :: astrophysicist
astrofizika {f} [uncountable] :: astrophysics
astrogeologija {f} :: astrogeology
astrolog {m} :: astrologist, astrologer
astrologija {f} :: astrology
astrološki {adj} :: astrological
astrološki {adv} :: astrologically
astronaut {m} :: astronaut
astronautika {f} [uncountable] :: astronautics
astronom {m} :: astronomer
astronomija {f} [uncountable] :: astronomy (study of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere)
astronomijski {adj} [relational] :: astronomy; astronomical
astronomski {adj} :: astronomical
Asturija {prop} {f} :: Asturia
Asturijac {prop} {m} :: Asturian (a native of Asturias)
Asturijka {f} :: Asturian (a native of Asturias)
asturijski {adj} :: Asturian
asturijski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Asturian language
Asuan {prop} {m} :: Aswan
-aš {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a person who does something, performer, age, athlete, or a follower
{conj} [Chakavian] :: because
-ašce {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a neuter noun, usually to form a diminutive or as an expression of endearment
ašenbeher {m} [regional] :: ashtray
ašigdžija {m} [regional] :: suitor, gallant, lover
ašik {m} :: suitor, gallant
ašik {m} :: lover
ašik {m} :: flirting, suiting
ašik {m} :: passion, desire, yearning
ašiklija {m} [regional] :: suitor, gallant, lover
ašikluk {m} :: flirting, flirtation
ašikluk {m} :: coquetry
ašikluk {m} :: courtship
ašikovati {vi impf} :: to flirt
ašikovati {vi impf} :: to romance
ašikovati {vi impf} :: to woo
ašikovati {vi impf} :: to court
ašnbeher {m} [Kajkavian] :: ashtray
-at {suffix} :: Used on nominal and verbal stems of loanwords, rarely of native words, to build nouns of various meanings
-at {suffix} :: Denoting a person
-at {suffix} :: Denoting a room, building or field
-at {suffix} :: Denoting an honor or service
-at {suffix} :: Denoting collectivity
-at {suffix} :: Denoting things
-at {suffix} :: Denoting abstract notions
at {m} :: steed
at {m} :: Arabian [horse]
ataman {m} :: ataman
Atanasije {prop} {m} :: given name
atar {m} :: region, district, area, land
atar {m} [transitive] :: area within one's jurisdiction
ataše {m} :: attaché
ateist {m} :: atheist
ateizam {m} [uncountable] :: atheism
atelje {m} :: atelier
Atena {prop} {f} [Bosnian, Croatian, Greek god] :: Athena (Greek goddess)
Atena {prop} {f} [Bosnian, Croatian] :: Atena (capital city)
atentat {m} :: assassination
atentator {m} :: assassin
aterirati {vit impf pf} :: to land (airplane)
-ati {suffix} :: A suffix appended to words to form a verb
atički {adj} :: Attic
atički {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Attic dialect
Atina {prop} {f} [Bosnian, Serbian, Greek god] :: Athena (Greek goddess)
Atina {prop} {f} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: Atina (capital city)
Atislav {prop} {m} :: given name
Atlanta {prop} {f} :: Atlanta (capital city)
Atlantida {prop} {f} :: Atlantis (mythical lost island or continent)
Atlantik {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: the Atlantic Ocean
atlantski {adj} :: Atlantic
Atlantski okean {prop} {m} [chiefly Bosnian, Serbian] :: the Atlantic Ocean
atlas {m} :: atlas
atlet {m} [Croatia, historical] :: fighter (in ancient Greek Olympics)
atlet {m} [Croatia] :: a bodybuilding competition winner
atlet {m} [Croatia] :: a strongman, athletic person
atleta {m} [Bosnia, Serbia, historical] :: fighter (in ancient Greek Olympics)
atleta {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: a bodybuilding competition winner
atleta {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: a strongman, athletic person
atletičar {m} :: athlete
atletičarka {f} :: athlete (female)
atletika {f} [uncountable] :: track and field (US), athletics (UK)
atletski {adj} :: athletic
atmosfera {f} :: atmosphere (also figuratively)
atmosfera {f} :: normal atmospheric pressure
atom {m} :: atom
atomizacija {f} :: atomization (the act of separating into atoms)
atomizacija {f} :: atomization ((metaphorically) the act of fragmenting)
atomizirati {vt impf pf} :: to atomize (break into pieces or concepts)
atomska bomba {f} :: atomic bomb
atomski {adj} :: atomic
atonalan {adj} [music] :: atonal
-ator {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a profession or a performer, used chiefly for words of Latin origin
atrakcija {f} :: attraction
atraktivan {adj} :: attractive (pleasing or appealing to the senses; drawing attention)
atribut {m} :: attribute
atrofija {f} :: atrophy
audicija {f} :: audition
audiolog {m} :: audiologist
audiologija {f} :: audiology
aufinger {m} [Kajkavian] :: hanger
augmentativ {m} :: augmentative
august {m} [Bosnia] :: August
aukcija {f} :: auction
aureola {f} :: aureola, halo
auspuh {m} :: muffler
auspuh {m} :: car exhaust pipe
Australac {prop} {m} :: Australian
Australazija {prop} {f} :: Australasia
Australija {prop} {f} :: Australija (continent)
Australijanac {m} :: Australian (male)
Australijanka {f} :: Australian woman
australijanski {adj} :: Australian
australijski {adj} :: Australian
Australka {f} :: A woman from Australia
australski {adj} :: Australian
australski {adv} :: in an Australian manner, as an Australian
Austrija {prop} {f} :: Austrija (country)
Austrijanac {prop} {m} :: (male) Austrian
Austrijanka {f} :: (female) Austrian
austrijanski {adj} [archaic] :: Austrian
austrijski {adj} :: Austrian
austrijski {adv} :: as an Austrian
Austro-Ugarska {prop} {f} :: Austria-Hungary
austrougarski {adj} :: Austro-Hungarian
austrougarski {adv} :: in an Austro-Hungarian manner, as an Austro-Hungarian
aut {m} [sports] :: area outside the playground borders
autarhija {f} :: autarchy
autarkija {f} :: autarky
autekologija {f} :: autecology
autentičan {adj} :: authentic
autentičnost {f} :: authenticity
autfit {m} :: outfit
autizam {m} :: autism
auto {m} :: car, automobile
autobiografija {f} :: autobiography
autobiografski {adj} :: autobiographical
autobiografski {adv} :: autobiographically
autobus {m} :: bus
autocesta {f} :: (Croatian) highway
autodidakt {m} :: autodidact
autohton {adj} :: autochthonous, native
autokefalan {adj} :: autocephalous
autokracija {f} [Croatia] :: autocracy
autokrat {m} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: autocrat
autokratija {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: autocracy
autokratizam {m} :: autocracy
automat {m} :: automaton
automat {m} :: vending machine, automat
automatski {adj} :: automatic
automatski {adv} :: automatically
automehaničar {m} :: auto mechanic
automobil {m} :: automobile
automobil {m} :: car
automobilist {m} :: driver
automobilist {m} :: sports car driver
automobilistički {adj} [relational] :: motoring, driving
automobilistički {adv} :: as a (sports car) driver
automobilistkinja {f} :: driver (female)
automobilistkinja {f} :: sports car driver (female)
automobilizam {m} :: automobilism
automobilski {adj} [relational] :: car
automorfizam {m} :: automorphism
autonoman {adj} :: autonomous
autonomaš {m} [historical] :: autonomist (with respect to the relationship of Dalmatia to the then-Croatia within Austria-Hungary)
autonomaški {adj} [historical] :: autonomist (with respect to the relationship of Dalmatia to the then-Croatia within Austria-Hungary)
autonomaški {adv} [historical] :: like/as an autonomist (with respect to the relationship of Dalmatia to the then-Croatia within Austria-Hungary)
autonomaštvo {n} [historical] :: autonomist views or politics (with respect to the relationship of Dalmatia to the then-Croatia within Austria-Hungary)
autonomija {f} :: autonomy
autonomist {m} :: autonomist
autonomistički {adj} :: autonomist
autonomistički {adv} :: as an autonomist
autoportret {m} :: self-portrait
autopsija {f} :: autopsy (dissection)
autopsija {f} :: autopsy (personal inspection)
autoput {m} :: highway
autor {m} :: author
autorica {f} :: (Croatian) author (female)
autoritaran {adj} :: authoritarian
autoritarnost {f} :: authoritarianism
autoritativan {adj} :: authoritative
autoritativno {adv} :: authoritatively
autoritativnost {f} :: authoritativeness
autoritet {m} :: authority (the power to enforce rules or give orders)
autorizacija {f} :: authorization
autorizirati {vit impf pf} [Croatian] :: to authorize
autorski {adj} :: authorial
autorski {adv} :: authorially
autorstvo {n} :: authorship
autosemantička reč {m} :: lexical word
auto-stop {m} :: alternative spelling of autostop
autostop {m} :: hitchhiking
autostoper {m} :: hitchhiker
autostoperica {f} :: hitchhiker (female)
autostopirati {v} :: hitchhike
autostopist {m} :: hitchhiker
autostopistica {f} :: hitchhiker (female)
autostrada {f} :: highway
autosugestija {f} :: autosuggestion
autsajder {m} :: outsider
autsajderski {adj} [relational] :: outsider or outsiders
autsajderski {adv} :: like an outsider
-ava {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually denoting the result of a verbal stem it's appended onto
-avac {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a profession, follower, age, proper name, feature, plant or animal
avangarda {f} :: avantgarde
avangardni {adj} :: avant-garde
avans {m} :: advance, advance payment
avantura {f} :: adventure
avantura {f} :: (love) affair
avanturist {m} :: details
avanturistički {adj} :: adventurous
avanturistički {adv} :: adventurously
avanzirati {vi impf pf} :: to advance, progress (in a position or hierarchy)
avarski {adj} :: Avar
avarski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Avar language
avatar {m} :: avatar
avaz {m} [regional] :: voice
avaz {m} [regional] :: news
avdest {m} :: alternative form of abdest
avenija {f} :: avenue
averzija {f} :: aversion
avestički {adj} :: Avestan
avestički {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Avestan language
avet {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: ghost, apparition
Avganistan {prop} {m} [Serbian] :: Avganistan (country)
avganistanski {adj} :: Afghan
avgust {m} [Serbia] :: the month of August
avijacija {f} :: aviation
avijatičar {m} :: aviator
aviokompanija {f} :: airline
avion {m} :: airplane, aeroplane
avion {m} :: aircraft
avionski {adj} [relational] :: airplane
avionski {adv} :: like an airplane
avioprevoznik {m} :: air carrier
avioprijevoznik {m} :: air carrier
avitaminoza {f} :: avitaminosis
avlija {f} :: yard, front yard
Avogadrov broj {m} :: Avogadro's number
avokado {m} :: avocado
Avram {prop} {m} :: the biblical prophet Abraham
Avram {prop} {m} :: given name
azbest {m} [uncountable] :: asbestos
azbestni {adj} [relational] :: asbestos
azbučni {adj} :: alphabetical
azbuka {f} [uncountable] :: alphabet (based on the Cyrillic script)
Azer {m} :: (male) Azerbaijani
Azerbajdžan {prop} {m} :: Azerbajdžan (country)
Azerbajdžanac {m} :: (male) Azerbaijani
Azerbajdžanka {f} :: (female) Azerbaijani
azerbajdžanski {adj} :: Azerbaijani
Azerbejdžan {prop} {m} :: Azerbejdžan (country)
Azerbejdžanac {m} :: (male) Azerbaijani
Azerbejdžanka {f} :: (female) Azerbaijani
azerbejdžanski {adj} :: Azerbaijani
azerbejdžanski {m} :: Azerbaijani (language)
azerski {adj} :: Azerbaijani
azerski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: Azeri
Azija {prop} {f} [uncountable] :: Asia
Azijac {prop} {m} :: (male) Asian
azijat {m} :: mongoloid
Azijat {m} [pejorative] :: (male) Asian
azijatkinja {f} :: mongoloid (female)
Azijatkinja {f} [pejorative] :: (female) Asian
azijatski {adj} [pejorative] :: Asiatic, Asian
azijatski {adv} :: as an Asian
Azijka {f} :: (female) Asian
azijski {adj} :: Asian
azil {m} :: asylum
azilant {m} :: asylum seeker
azilantski {adj} [relational] :: asylum seekers
azilantski {adv} :: as an asylum seeker
azimut {m} :: azimuth
Azislav {prop} {m} :: given name
azorski {adj} :: Azorean
azot {m} [Montenegro, Serbia] :: nitrogen, azote
Azra {prop} {f} :: given name
aztečki {adj} :: Aztec
Aztek {prop} {m} :: Aztec
azuki {m} :: azuki bean
azurna {adj} :: azure
azurna {adj} :: blue
aždaha {f} :: dragon
aždaha {f} :: type of mythical creature similar to dragon
aždaja {f} :: dragon
aždaja {f} :: type of mythical creature similar to dragon
ažur {m} :: openwork, a-jour-work
ažur {m} :: cutwork
ažur {m} :: drawn-thread work, hemstitch
ažuran {adj} :: up-to-date, current
ažuran {adj} :: prompt
ažuriranje {n} :: update
ažurirati {vt impf pf} :: to make decorative holes that let in the light (in stone, cloth, wood, etc.)
ažurirati {vt impf pf} :: to update (to bring something up to date)
b {letter} :: letter
-ba {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a feminine noun, usually denoting an action
baba {f} [regional] :: grandmother
baba {f} :: granny, grandma
baba {f} [usually, pejorative] :: old woman, hag
baba {f} [pejorative] :: female person
babe i žabe {f} [idiomatic] :: apples and oranges
babica {f} :: midwife
babica {f} [obsolete] :: wet nurse
babica {f} :: nanny
babica {f} [term of endearment] :: grandmother
Babilon {prop} {m} [Croatia] :: Babilon (ancient capital)
Babilonija {prop} {f} [Croatia] :: Babylonia
babilonski {adj} :: Babylonian
babo {m} [regional] :: father
babun {m} :: baboon
babun {m} [historical] :: heretic
babun {m} [historical] :: Bogomil
babuna {m} :: a woman with an evil look in her eyes
bacač {m} :: thrower
bacačica {f} :: thrower (female)
bacakati {vr impf} [diminutive] :: to throw oneself about
bacanje {n} :: throwing, casting (act or process of)
bacanje kugle {n} :: shot put
bacati {v impf} :: imperfective form of baciti
bacil {m} :: bacillus
baciti {vtr pf} :: to throw, cast
baciti {vt pf} :: to throw out, discard, dispose
baciti {vt pf} [sports] :: to throw (spear, discus etc.)
baciti {v pf} :: idiomatic and figurative senses that refer to throwing, literally or figuratively
baciti kosku {v pf} :: to throw a bone to
baciti kosku {v pf} [colloquial] :: to high five or to low five
bačiti {vt pf} [archaic, regional] :: to throw, cast (also figuratively)
bačiti {vt pf} [archaic, regional] :: to throw out, discard
bačiti {vr pf} [archaic, regional] :: to throw oneself
bačiti {v pf} [archaic, regional, sports] :: to put the shot, throw (spear, discus etc.)
Bačka {prop} {f} :: A historical region presently divided between Vojvodina (autonomous province of Serbia) and Hungary
Bačka Topola {prop} {f} :: Bačka Topola (town/and/municipality)
bački {adj} [relational] :: Bačka
bačva {f} :: barrel
bačvar {m} :: cooper
baća {m} [regional] :: (hypocoristic) brother
baća {m} [regional] :: father, ancestor
badanj {m} :: vat (tub)
badava {adv} [regional] :: free, for free, gratis
badava {adv} [regional] :: very cheap, inexpensive
badava {adv} [regional] :: in vain, futile
badava {adv} [as an intensifier] :: indeed, really
badem {m} :: almond
badem {m} :: almond tree
badnjak {m} :: Yule log
Badnjak {m} :: Christmas Eve
badža {f} [regional] :: opening on roof or wall (for smoke or light)
badža {f} [regional] :: chimney
badža {f} [regional] :: an elderly, poor woman
badža {f} [regional] :: an old housemaid or a cook
badža {f} [historical, regional] :: tribute, toll, duty
badžo {m} [regional] :: brother-in-law (husband of one's wife's sibling)
Bagdad {prop} {m} :: Bagdad (capital city)
bagdadski {adj} :: Baghdadi
bager {m} :: dredger, digger, excavator (vehicle)
bagrem {m} :: black locust
Bahami {prop} {mp} :: Bahami (archipelago/and/country)
bahat {adj} :: haughty, arrogant, presumptuous
bahatiti {vr impf} :: to be haughty or arrogant
bahato {adv} :: haughtily, arrogantly
bahatost {f} :: haughtiness, arrogance (behavior, property or act of)
bahoriti {vi impf} :: to cast a spell, conjure, practice magic, sorcery or witchcraft
Bahrein {prop} {m} :: Bahrein (country)
bahreinski {adj} :: Bahraini
baht {m} [regional, expressively] :: luck
bajagi {adv} :: ostensibly, allegedly, seemingly
bajam {m} :: almond (regional, non-standard)
bajam {m} :: almond tree (regional, non-standard)
bajan {adj} :: beautiful, delightful, wonderful (in appearance, figuratively)
bajan {adj} :: legendary
bajan {adj} :: magical, fantastic, enchanting
bajat {adj} :: stale, not fresh
bajati {vi impf} :: to tell fortunes
bajati {vi impf} :: to practice sorcery
bajbok {m} :: prison
bajbuk {m} :: prison
baj d vej {adv} [slang] :: by the way
bajer {m} [regional] :: lake, pond
bajka {f} :: fairy tale
bajonet {m} :: bayonet
bajoneta {m} :: alternative form of bajonet
bajoslovan {adj} :: fantastic, magical
bajoslovan {adj} :: fabulous
Bajram {prop} {m} [uncountable, Islam] :: Eid
bajramovati {vi impf} :: to celebrate Bajram
bajt {m} :: byte
bajta {f} [Dalmatia] :: shack, hut, cottage
bajta {f} [Dalmatia] :: small and humble house
bajunet {m} :: bayonet
bajuneta {m} :: alternative form of bajunet
baka {f} [hypocoristic] :: grandmother, grandma
baka {f} [hypocoristic, regional] :: old woman
bakalar {m} :: cod
bakar {m} [uncountable] :: copper
baklava {f} :: baklava
baklja {f} :: torch
bakren {adj} :: copper
bakrorez {m} :: copperplate
baksuz {m} :: jinx, bad luck
baksuz {m} :: jinx (person that brings bad luck)
baksuz {m} :: person having bad luck
bakšiš {m} :: baksheesh
baktati {vi impf} :: to tramp, tap, clatter with one's feet
baktati {vr impf} [regional] :: to interfere with, handle, deal with something (with inadequacy)
bakterija {f} :: bacterium
bakteriolog {m} :: bacteriologist
bakteriologija {f} :: bacteriology
bakteriološki {adj} :: bacteriological
Baku {prop} {m} :: Baku (capital)
bal {m} :: ball (dance)
bala {f} :: bale, bundle, pack (bundle of goods)
bala {f} [regional] :: ball, sphere
bala {f} [usually, in plural] :: mucus, snivel
bala {f} [usually, in plural, colloquial] :: snot
bala {f} [usually, in plural] :: slobber
balada {f} :: ballad
balans {m} :: balance (equilibrium)
balansirati {vi impf} :: to balance
balast {m} :: ballast
balav {adj} :: sniveling, slobbering, slobbery
balav {adj} [figuratively] :: immature, too young
balavac {m} :: sniveler, slobberer
balavac {m} :: immature, young person
balavica {f} :: sniveler, slobberer
balavica {f} :: immature, young person
balaviti {vi impf} :: to snivel
balaviti {vi impf} :: to drool; to slobber
balčak {m} :: hilt (of a sword)
balega {f} :: manure
balega {f} :: dung
balegati {vi impf} :: to leave droppings (of animals)
balerina {f} :: ballerina
balet {m} :: ballet
balija {m} [pejorative] :: A common insult for Bosniaks, refers to the etymology above due to their adherence to Islam
balistički {adj} :: ballistic
balistički {adv} :: ballistically
balistika {f} [physics] :: ballistics
baliti {vi impf} :: to snivel, drivel
Balkan {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: the Balkan Peninsula
Balkan {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: the Balkans
Balkanac {prop} {m} :: inhabitant of the Balkans
balkanizirati {vt impf pf} :: to balkanize
balkanski {adj} [relational] :: Balkans or its inhabitants
balkanski {adv} :: in a Balkan manner, as an inhabitant of the Balkans
balkon {m} [architecture] :: balcony
balneologija {f} :: balneology
balon {m} :: balloon
balta {f} :: ax, axe
baltički {adj} :: Baltic
Baltičko more {prop} {n} :: the Baltic Sea
Baltik {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: Baltic Sea
Baltik {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: Baltic (region around Baltic Sea)
balvan {m} :: beam, log (piece of timber)
balzam {m} :: balsam
balzamirati {vt impf pf} :: to embalm
baljezgati {vi impf} :: to piffle, talk nonsense
bambus {m} :: bamboo (plant)
bambusov {adj} [relational] :: bamboo
bamija {f} :: okra, Abelmoschus esculentus
bamija {f} :: gumbo
bamija {f} :: plantain
ban {m} :: ban (title)
Banachov prostor {m} [analysis] :: Banach space
banalan {adj} :: banal
banalizirati {vt impf pf} :: to trivialize, banalize
banalno {adv} :: banally
banalnost {f} :: banality
banana {f} :: banana
bančiti {vi impf} :: to carouse, go on a drinking/drunken bout, be/go on a bender, have a binge
banda {f} :: gang
bandera {f} :: pole (as in telephone pole or electric pole)
bandera {f} [Chakavian] :: flag
bandera {f} [Chakavian] :: flag pole
bandit {m} :: bandit
banditski {adj} [relational] :: bandit
banditski {adj} :: bandit-like
banditski {adv} :: as a bandit
bandoglav {adj} :: stubborn
bandoglavost {f} [uncountable] :: stubbornness
Bangkok {prop} {m} :: Bangkok (capital city)
Bangladeš {prop} {m} :: Bangladeš (country)
banka {f} :: bank
bankar {m} :: banker
bankarski {adj} [relational] :: bank, banking
banket {m} :: banquet
bankina {f} :: shoulder (road)
bankina {f} :: curb
banknota {f} :: banknote
bankovni račun {m} :: bank account
bankrot {m} :: bankruptcy
bankroter {m} :: bankrupt, defaulter
bankroter {m} [figuratively] :: washout
bankrotirati {vi impf pf} :: to go bankrupt
banuti {vi pf} :: to burst in, enter/appear unexpectedly
banj {m} [regional] :: bathroom
banj {m} [regional] :: bathing spot
banja {f} :: spa, resort (with mineral springs)
banja {f} [regional] :: bathroom
banja {f} :: Turkish bath, steam bath
banjati {vr impf} :: to bathe
banjica {f} [regional] :: pail
bar {m} :: public house, bar
bar {m} :: bar (unit of pressure)
bar {adv} :: at least
bar {m} [regional] :: foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
bar {m} [regional] :: pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
Bar {prop} {m} :: Bar (coastal town/non-city capital)
Bar {prop} {m} :: Bar (municipality)
bara {f} :: puddle
baraba {m} :: ruffian, scoundrel
baraba {m} :: villain, bandit, thug
baraka {f} :: shack, hut
barakuda {f} :: barracuda
baran {m} [regional] :: ram
baratati {vi impf} [with instrumental, colloquial] :: to handle, manage
Barbados {prop} {m} :: Barbados (island/and/country)
barbadoski {adj} :: Barbadian
barbar {m} :: barbarian
barbarizam {m} :: barbarism
barbarski {adj} [Croatia] :: barbarian
barbarski {adv} :: in a barbarian manner, as a barbarian
barbarstvo {n} :: barbarism
barbika {f} :: Barbie
barčica {f} :: a small boat
barel {m} :: barrel (quantity)
barem {adv} :: at least
barem {adv} [usually preceded by conjunctive da] :: only
barij {m} :: barium
barijera {f} :: barrier
barikada {f} :: barricade
barit {m} [mineralogy] :: barite
bariton {m} :: baritone
baritona {f} [linguistics] :: barytone
barjak {m} :: flag, banner
barjaktar {m} :: flag-bearer
barjaktariti {vi impf} [pejorative] :: to wave the flag
barjaktariti {vi impf} [pejorative, figuratively] :: to pretend to be a big patriot
barka {f} :: boat (especially at the Adriatic)
barok {m} :: Baroque
barokni {adj} :: Baroque
barometar {m} :: barometer
baron {m} :: baron (title of nobility)
Barselona {prop} {f} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: Barselona (capital city)
Barselona {prop} {f} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: Barselona (province)
baršun {m} [uncountable] :: velvet
baršunast {adj} :: velvety
barun {m} :: (Croatian) baron
barut {m} [uncountable] :: gunpowder
barutnica {f} :: powder magazine
barutnica {f} [figurative] ::  powder keg
barutnica {f} :: powder box, powder flask
barzilo {m} :: cattle of grayish color
bas {m} :: bass
Bask {prop} {m} :: Basque (inhabitant)
Baskijka {f} :: Basque (inhabitant)
baskijski {adj} :: Basque
baskijski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Basque language
baskijski {adv} :: as a Basque
basna {f} :: fable
basnoslovan {adj} :: fabulous (Characteristic of fables; marvelous, extraordinary, incredible etv.)
baš {adv} [used for emphasis or as an intensifier] :: at all, truly, really, exactly
baš {adv} [used for emphatic confirmation] :: right, indeed, truly, for real
baš {adv} [intensifier, colloquial, sarcastic] :: just, exactly, really, truly
baš {adv} :: just, just about, exactly
baš {m} [regional, Bosnia] :: head, chief, elder, leader
baš {m} [regional, adjectivally, Bosnia] :: first, main, oldest
bašča {f} [regional, Bosnia] :: garden
baš-čaršija {f} :: alternative form of baščaršija
baščaršija {f} [regional] :: main square, usually covered
Baška {prop} {f} :: Baška (municipality)
Baška Voda {prop} :: Baška Voda (municipality)
bašta {f} [Bosnian, regional Croatia, Serbian] :: garden
bašta {f} :: bastion
baština {f} :: heritage
baštinica {f} :: heiress
baštinik {m} :: heir
baštiniti {vt impf} [expressively] :: to inherit
bašton {m} :: clubs in Spanish playing cards
baštun {m} :: alternative form of bàštōn
bat {m} :: mallet
bat {m} :: helve hammer
bat {m} :: The tramp of heavy footsteps, as in a military march
bat {m} [rare] :: The tramp of horses’ hooves
bat {m} :: alternative form of bȁht
batak {m} :: leg (of a bird, frog etc.)
bataljun {m} [historical, military] :: a battalion (some 600 soldiers)
baterija {f} :: battery
baterija {f} :: flashlight
batina {f} :: club (stick)
batinati {vt impf} :: to bludgeon
batinati {vt impf} :: to beat
bauljati {vi impf} :: to totter, stagger
Bavarska {prop} {f} :: Bavaria
bavarski {adj} :: Bavarian
bavarski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Bavarian dialect
bavarski {adv} :: as a Bavarian
baviti {vr impf} [with instrumental] :: to do,attend, engage in, go in for, occupy oneself with
baviti {vr impf} [with s + instrumental] :: to deal with
baza {f} :: base
baza {f} :: basis
bazalt {m} :: basalt
baza podataka {f} :: database
bazati {vi impf} :: to loiter about
bazdeti {vi impf} :: to stink (smell bad)
bazdjeti {vi impf} :: to stink (smell bad)
bazen {m} [geograhy] :: basin (an area of water that drains into a river)
bazen {m} :: swimming pool
bazen {m} :: pond
bazga {f} :: elder (tree)
bazirati {vt impf pf} :: to base
baždar {m} :: measurer, surveyor
baždar {m} :: revenue/tax collector, customs official ("he who collects something that can be measured")
baždar {m} :: measuring device
baždar {m} :: measuring, surveying
baždariti {vit impf pf} :: to gauge
bčela {f} :: obsolete spelling of pčela
bdeti {vi impf} :: to watch over, keep vigil (+ nad (over) + instrumental)
bdijenje {n} :: vigil
bdjenje {n} :: vigil
bdjeti {vi impf} :: to watch over, keep vigil (+ nad (over) + instrumental)
BDP {noun} [economics] :: initialism of bruto domaći proizvod
bdv {phrase} :: alternative form of BDV
BDV {phrase} [Internet slang] :: by the way
beatifikacija {f} :: beatification
beba {f} :: baby
Beč {prop} {m} :: Beč (capital)
Bečanin {prop} {m} :: Viennese
bečiti {vt impf} :: to stare, open (one's eyes wide), pop (one's eyes), make saucer eyes at (of eyes)
bečki {adj} :: Viennese
bećar {m} :: bachelor
bećar {m} :: an unmarried man
bećaruša {f} :: bachelorette
bećaruša {f} :: spinster
beda {m} :: misery
bedačiti {vr impf} [Croatia] :: to act silly
bedačiti {vt impf} [Serbia, slang] :: to bum out
bedačiti {vr impf} [Serbia, slang] :: to be depressed
bedak {m} [Croatia] :: fool
bedak {m} [Serbia, slang] :: bummer
bedan {adj} :: poor, destitute
bedan {adj} :: miserable, pathetic
bedan {adj} :: haggard (looking exhausted and unwell)
bedan {adj} :: contemptible
bedan {adj} :: paltry, execrable
bedast {adj} :: foolish
bedastoća {f} [Croatia, regional] :: foolishness
bedem {m} :: rampart
bedinati {v impf pf} [Kajkavian] :: to serve
bedinerica {f} [regional] :: cleaner (female, that cleans premises periodically)
bednik {m} :: wretch (unfortunate, miserable person)
bednik {m} :: scoundrel
bedno {adv} :: poorly, destitutely
bedno {adv} :: miserably, pathetically
bedno {adv} :: haggardly
bedno {adv} :: contemptibly
bedno {adv} :: paltrily, execrably
bedrenica {f} :: anthrax
bedro {n} :: thigh
beduin {m} :: bedouin
befel {m} [regional] :: order, command
beg {m} :: [regional] master, lord
begati {vi impf} :: to flee
beglajter {m} [regional, obsolete] :: escort (accompanying person)
begunac {m} :: fugitive
behandlati {vt impf} [regional] :: to handle, treat
behar {m} :: blossom
Bejdžing {prop} {m} :: Bejdžing (direct-administered municipality/capital city)
bejzbol {m} :: baseball
bekati {vi impf} :: to give a bleat (to sound like a sheep)
beketati {vi impf} :: to bleat (to sound like a goat)
bekhend {m} [tennis] :: backhand
beknuti {vt pf} [pejorative] :: to begin to speak, utter a sound (word), break silence
beknuti {vi pf} :: perfective form of békati
bekstvo {n} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: escape
bel {adj} :: alternative form of bȅo
bela {f} :: belote
belac {m} :: A white male (person with light-coloured skin)
beladona {f} :: belladonna, deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
belaj {m} :: misfortune, calamity, trouble
belaj {m} :: [in phrases] devil
belance {n} :: albumen
belančevina {f} :: protein
belanjak {m} :: albumen
belasati {vr impf} :: to shine white
belasnuti {vr pf} :: to shine white briefly
bela vrana {f} [idiomatic] :: black sheep
beleg {m} :: mark, marker
beleg {m} :: feature, trait, characteristic
beleg {m} :: birthmark
beleg {m} [Croatia] :: tax stamp, stamp (for applications and administrative expenses, not for postal services)
beleg {m} :: sign, signal, symptom
beleška {f} :: written note
beleti {vi impf} :: to become white
beleti {vr impf} :: to show contrast or prominence by being white
beletristika {f} [uncountable] :: belles-lettres
beležiti {vt impf} :: to note, make a note, record (in writing)
beležnica {f} :: notebook, writing pad
beležnica {f} :: a female clerk (see beležnik)
Belgija {prop} {f} :: Belgija (country)
Belgijanac {prop} {m} :: Belgian (male)
belgijski {adj} :: Belgian
belgijski {adv} :: in a Belgian manner, as a Belgian
belič {m} [Kajkavian] :: painter
belilo {n} :: bleach
belilo {n} :: whiteness
beli luk {m} :: garlic
beli medved {noun} :: polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
belina {f} :: whiteness
belina {f} :: whitespace
beliti {vt impf} :: to whiten, bleach
Beliz {prop} {m} :: Beliz (country)
Belize {prop} {m} :: Belize (country)
belkinja {f} :: A white female (person with light-coloured skin)
Belorusija {prop} {f} :: Belorusija (country)
beloruski {adj} :: Belarusian
beloruski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Belarusian language
beloruski {adv} :: as a Belarusian
ben {m} [regional] :: birthmark
ben {m} [regional] :: mole
ben {m} [regional] :: naevus
bend {m} [music] :: band (group of musicians)
benediktinski {adj} :: Benedictine
beneficija {m} :: benefit
benevolentan {adj} :: benevolent
bengalski {adj} :: Bangladeshi
bengalski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Bengali language
bengalski {adv} :: as a Bangladeshi
benigan {adj} :: benign
benigno {adv} :: benignly
Benin {prop} {m} :: Benin (country)
benzen {m} :: benzene (aromatic compound C6H6)
benzin {m} :: gasoline
beo {adj} :: white
beo {adj} :: blank
beo {adj} :: blanched
Beocija {prop} {f} :: Boeotia
Beograd {prop} {m} :: Beograd (capital city)
beogradski {adj} :: Belgradian
Beograđanin {prop} {m} :: Belgradian
Beograđanka {prop} {m} :: Belgradian (female)
beograđanski {adj} :: Belgradian
Beotija {prop} {f} :: Boeotia
berač {m} :: picker
beračica {f} :: picker (female)
berba {f} :: picking, gathering (of fruit, crops etc.)
berba {f} :: harvest
Berber {m} :: Berber (member of the Berber ethnic group)
berberski {adj} :: Berber
berberski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Berber language
beril {m} [mineralogy] :: beryl
berilij {m} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: beryllium
berilijum {m} [Serbian] :: beryllium
Beringovo more {prop} {n} :: the Bering Sea
Berislav {prop} {m} :: given name
Berivoj {prop} {m} :: given name
berkelij {m} :: berkelium
Berlin {prop} {m} :: Berlin (caplc)
Berlin {prop} {m} :: Berlin (state)
Berlinac {prop} {m} :: Berliner (inhabitant of Berlin)
berlinski {adj} [relational] :: Berlin
Bern {prop} {m} :: Bern (capital city)
Bern {prop} {m} :: Bern (canton)
berza {f} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) stock exchange, exchange, financial market
bes- {prefix} :: un-, dis-
bes- {prefix} :: -less, prefix prepended to adjectives to create an adjective denoting a deprivation of a feature
bes- {prefix} :: -free
bes {m} :: rage
bes {m} :: fury
bes {m} :: madness
bes {m} :: mania
bes {m} :: tantrum
bes {m} :: wildness
bes {m} :: ferocity
bes {m} :: rampage
besadržajan {adj} :: vapid, insipid (lacking content or character)
besadržajno {adv} :: vapidly, insipidly
besan {adj} :: furious
besan {adj} :: sleepless
besavesno {adv} :: unscrupulously, consciencelessly
besavestan {adj} :: unscrupulous, conscienceless
besavjesno {adv} :: unscrupulously, consciencelessly
besavjestan {adj} :: unscrupulous, conscienceless
besciljan {adj} :: aimless
besciljno {adv} :: aimlessly
beseda {f} [archaic] :: word
beseda {f} :: a speech [especially for a ceremonial occasion]
besediti {vi impf pf} [obsolete] :: to speak
besediti {vi impf pf} [obsolete] :: to deliver a talk or sermon
besieda {f} :: obsolete spelling of besjeda
besiti {vt impf} [Croatia] :: to frighten, scare
besiti {vr impf} [Croatia] :: to be afraid,to be scared
besjeda {f} [archaic] :: word
besjeda {f} :: a speech, especially for a ceremonial occasion
besjediti {vi impf pf} [obsolete] :: to speak
besjediti {vi impf pf} [obsolete] :: to deliver a talk or sermon
beskamatni {adj} :: interest-free, without interest
beskarakteran {adj} :: characterless (lacking character)
beskarakterno {adv} :: characterlessly
beskičmen {adj} :: spineless
besklasan {adj} :: classless
beskompromisan {adj} :: uncompromising
beskompromisno {adv} :: uncompromisingly
beskonačan {adj} :: endless, infinite
beskonačni red {m} [analysis] :: infinite series
beskonačno {adv} :: endlessly, infinitely
beskonačnost {f} :: infinity
beskorisno {adv} :: uselessly
beskorisnost {f} [uncountable] :: uselessness
beskoristan {adj} :: useless
beskraj {m} [uncountable] :: infinity
beskrajan {adj} :: endless
beskrajno {adv} :: endlessly
beskrajnost {f} [uncountable] :: infinity, endlessness
beskrupulozan {adj} :: unscrupulous
beskrupulozno {adv} :: unscrupulously
beskućnica {f} :: homeless person (female)
beskućnički {adj} :: homeless
beskućnik {m} :: homeless person
besmisao {m} [uncountable] :: senselessness, absurdness
besmislen {adj} :: purposeless, senseless, pointless
besmisleno {adv} :: senselessly, absurdly
besmislenost {f} :: absurdity, absurdness, nonsensicalness
besmislica {f} :: nonsense (something nonsensical)
besmrtan {adj} :: immortal
besmrtnica {f} :: immortal (female)
besmrtnički {adj} [relational] :: immortality, immortal person; immortal
besmrtnički {adv} :: immortally
besmrtnik {m} :: immortal (male)
besmrtnost {f} [uncountable] :: immortality
besneti {vi impf} :: to rage, be furious or infuriated
besneti {vi impf} :: to rage, be rampant or rife, to run wild (of a war, crisis, epidemic etc.)
besnilo {n} :: rage, fury
besnilo {n} :: rabies
besno {adv} :: angrily, furiously
besnjeti {vi impf} :: to rage, be furious or infuriated
besnjeti {vi impf} :: to rage, be rampant or rife, to run wild (of a war, crisis, epidemic etc.)
besolica {f} [uncountable] :: shortage or lack of salt
besparica {f} [uncountable] :: money crunch, money shortage
besperspektivan {adj} :: not perspective, unpromising
besperspektivno {adv} :: hopelessly
besplatan {adj} :: free [obtainable without payment]
besplatno {adv} :: free of charge
besplodan {adj} :: fruitless (barren)
besplodan {adj} :: fruitless (useless, unproductive)
besplodno {adv} :: fruitlessly (unproductively)
bespogovoran {adj} :: unquestioning, unreserved
bespogovorno {adv} :: unquestioningly
bespolan {adj} :: sexless, asexual (not having sex)
bespolno {adv} :: sexlessly, asexually
bespomoćan {adj} :: helpless
bespomoćno {adv} :: helplessly
bespomoćnost {f} [uncountable] :: helplessness
besposlen {adj} :: idle
besposleno {adv} :: idly
besposlenost {f} :: idleness
besposlica {f} :: idleness, laziness
besposličar {m} :: idler
besposličariti {vi impf} :: to idle, loiter
besposličarka {f} :: idler (female)
besposličarski {adj} :: idly
besposličarski {adv} :: as an idler, as a loafer
besposličiti {vi impf} :: to idle, loiter
bespoštedan {adj} :: unsparing, merciless
bespoštedno {adv} :: mercilessly, unsparingly
bespoštednost {f} [uncountable] :: mercilessness, unsparingness
bespovratan {adj} :: nonrefundable
bespovratno {adv} :: irrevocably, irretrievably
bespravan {adj} :: illegal
bespravlje {n} :: lawlessness, injustice
bespravno {adv} :: illegally, unlawfully
bespredmetan {adj} :: unnecessary, superfluous
bespredmetno {adv} :: unnecessarily, superfluously
besprekoran {adj} :: impeccable, faultless, unblemished, immaculate
besprekoran {adj} :: irreproachable
besprekorno {adv} :: flawlessly, faultlessly, impeccably
besprijekoran {adj} :: impeccable, flawless, unblemished, immaculate
besprijekoran {adj} :: irreproachable
besprijekorno {adv} :: flawlessly, faultlessly, impeccably
besprimeran {adj} :: unmatched, unparalleled, matchless
besprimerno {adv} :: unprecedentedly
besprimjeran {adj} :: unmatched, unparalleled, matchless
besprimjerno {adv} :: unprecedentedly
besprincipijelan {adj} :: unprincipled, having no principles
besprincipijelno {adv} :: unprincipledly
besprizoran {adj} :: homeless
bespuće {n} :: wasteland
bespuće {n} :: roadless area
besputan {adj} :: pathless, roadless
besraman {adj} :: shameless
besramnički {adj} [relational] :: shameless person
besramnički {adv} :: shamelessly
besramnik {m} :: shameless person
besramno {adv} :: shamelessly
besramnost {f} [uncountable] :: shamelessness
bestelesan {adj} :: bodiless, incorporeal
bestidan {adj} :: shameless
bestidnički {adj} :: shameless
bestidnički {adv} :: shamelessly
bestidno {adv} :: shamelessly
bestidnost {f} [uncountable] :: shamelessness
bestija {f} :: alternative form of beštija
bestijalan {adj} :: bestial
bestijalno {adv} :: bestially
bestijalnost {f} [uncountable] :: bestiality
bestjelesan {adj} :: bodiless, incorporeal
bestseler {m} :: bestseller
besvesno {adv} :: unconsciously
besvesnost {f} [uncountable] :: unconsciousness
besvest {f} [uncountable] :: unconsciousness
besvestan {adj} :: unconscious
besvijest {f} [uncountable] :: unconsciousness
besvjesno {adv} :: unconsciously
besvjesnost {f} [uncountable] :: unconsciousness
besvjestan {adj} :: unconscious
bešamel {m} :: béchamel sauce (white sauce made with butter, flour and milk)
bešamel sos {m} :: béchamel sauce (white sauce made with butter, flour and milk)
bešavan {adj} :: seamless (having no seams)
bešavno {adv} :: seamlessly (so that it contains no seams)
beščasno {adv} :: disgracefully
beščastan {adj} :: disgraceful
beščašće {n} [uncountable] :: dishonor
bešćutan {adj} :: (Croatian) insensitive, cruel
bešćutno {adv} :: (Croatian) insensitively, cruelly
bešćutnost {f} :: (Croatian) insensitivity, cruelness
bešika {f} [anatomy, regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: the urinary bladder
bešika {f} [zoology] :: a flexible sac in fish that can expand and contract and that holds air; swimming bladder
bešika {f} :: cradle
beštek {m} [Croatia] :: silverware, cutlery, set of instruments used to take in food
beštija {f} [regional] :: beast
beštija {f} [of a person] :: brute
beštima {f} [regional, Croatia, Chakavian] :: curse, cuss
beštimati {v impf} [regional, Croatia, Chakavian] :: to curse, to swear
bešuman {adj} :: noiseless
bešumno {adv} :: noiselessly
beta {f} :: beta, the Greek letter, Β, β
beteg {m} [Kajkavian] :: sickness, illness
Betlehem {prop} {m} [Croatia] :: Betlehem (city)
beton {m} :: concrete
betonirati {vt impf pf} :: to concrete (cover with or encase in concrete)
betonski {adj} [relational] :: concrete
betula {f} [regional, pejorative] :: pub
bevanda {f} [uncountable, Croatia] :: wine diluted with water
bez- {prefix} :: dis-, un-
bez- {prefix} :: -less, prefix appended to adjectives to create an adjective denoting a deprivation of a feature
bez- {prefix} :: -free
bez {prep} :: without, excluding, not counting
bez {m} :: linen, canvas
bez {m} [specifically] :: a type of cotton-made linen or canvas used in Oriental costumes, of several possible forms: ćereće, sedeluk, kafez or kafez-bez, melez, harir, šejtanbez and harirbez
bezakonit {adj} :: illegal, unlawful
bezakonito {adv} :: lawlessly, illegally, unlawfully
bezakonje {n} [uncountable] :: lawlessness
bezakonje {n} :: iniquity
bezalkoholan {adj} :: nonalcoholic, alcohol-free
bezazlen {adj} :: naive, innocent
bezazlen {adj} :: innocuous, harmless, inoffensive
bezazleno {adv} :: naively, innocently
bezazlenost {f} [uncountable] :: naivete, innocence
bezbedan {adj} :: safe
bezbedan {adj} :: secure
bezbednost {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: security
bezbjednost {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: security
bezbojan {adj} :: colorless
bezbojno {adv} :: colorlessly
bezbojnost {f} [uncountable] :: achromatism, colorlessness
bezbolan {adj} :: painless
bezbolno {adv} :: painlessly
bezbolnost {f} [uncountable] :: painlessness
bezboštvo {n} [uncountable] :: atheism
bezboštvo {n} [uncountable] :: paganism, heathendom, heathenism
bezbožac {m} [pejorative] :: atheist
bezbožan {adj} :: godless
bezbožje {n} [uncountable] :: atheism
bezbožnica {f} :: atheist (female)
bezbožnički {adj} :: godless, atheistic
bezbožnički {adj} :: paganic, heathen
bezbožnički {adv} :: godlessly (as an atheist or pagan)
bezbožnik {m} :: atheist
bezbožništvo {n} [uncountable] :: atheism
bezbožništvo {n} [uncountable] :: godlessness
bezbožno {adv} :: godlessly
bezbožnost {f} [uncountable] :: atheism
bezbrižan {adj} :: carefree
bezbrižno {adv} :: carefreely
bezbrižnost {f} :: carefreeness
bezbroj {m} [in singular, with genitive] :: myriad of, multitude of
bezbroj {m} [adverbially] :: innumerable, very many
bezbrojan {adj} :: countless, innumerable
bezdan {m} :: abyss
bezdan {m} :: gulf
bezdan {m} :: precipice
bezdimni {adj} :: smokeless
bezdušan {adj} :: heartless, merciless
bezdušno {adv} :: heartlessly, mercilessly
bezdušnost {f} [uncountable] :: callousness, heartlessness
bezemljaš {m} :: landless peasant
bezglasan {adj} :: soundless
bezglasno {adv} :: soundlessly
bezglav {adj} :: headless
bezglavo {adv} :: heedlessly
bezglavost {f} [uncountable] :: heedlessness
bezgotovinski {adj} :: cashless
bezgraničan {adj} :: limitless, boundless, endless
bezgranično {adv} :: boundlessly, infinitely, limitlessly
bezgraničnost {f} [uncountable] :: boundlessness, limitlessness, infinity
bezgrešan {adj} :: sinless
bezgrešno {adv} :: immaculately, sinlessly
bezidejan {adj} :: unimaginative
bezidejno {adv} :: cluelessly
bezidejno {adv} :: unimaginatively
bezidejnost {f} [uncountable] :: cluelessness
bezidejnost {f} [uncountable] :: unimaginativeness
bezimen {adj} :: nameless
bezimen {adj} :: anonymous, unknown
bezimeno {adv} :: namelessly
bezimeno {adv} :: anonymously
bezimenost {f} [uncountable] :: anonymity
bezimenost {f} [uncountable] :: namelessness
bezizgledan {adj} :: hopeless
bezizgledno {adv} :: hopelessly
bezizglednost {f} [uncountable] :: hopelessness
bezizlazan {adj} :: hopeless (situation, problem etc.)
bezizlazno {adv} :: hopelessly (without solution or answer)
bezizlaznost {f} [uncountable] :: hopelessness (of a problematic situation)
bezizniman {adj} :: that is without exception
beziznimno {adv} :: invariably, without exception
bezizrazno {adv} :: expressionlessly
bezizražajan {adj} :: featureless, dull, without expression
bezizražajno {adv} :: expressionlessly, without expression, dully
bezjak {m} :: Muggle (non-magical person in the works of J.K. Rowling)
bezjak {m} [obsolete] :: a stupid person
bezjak {m} [archaic] :: a nickname that Čakavians and Štokavians give to Kajkavians
bezličan {adj} :: impersonal, dispassionate
bezličan {adj} :: monotonous, amorphous
bezličan {adj} [grammar] :: impersonal
bezlično {adv} :: impersonally, dispassionately
bezlično {adv} :: monotonously, amorphously
bezličnost {f} [uncountable] :: impersonality, facelessness (absence of personality or individuality)
bezmalo {adv} :: almost, nearly
beznačajan {adj} :: insignificant, meaningless
beznačajno {adv} :: insignificantly
beznačajnost {f} [uncountable] :: insignificance
beznadan {adj} :: hopeless
beznadno {adv} :: hopelessly
beznadnost {f} [uncountable] :: hopelessness, despair
beznađe {n} :: hopelessness, despair
bezobraština {f} :: effrontery
bezobrazan {adj} :: impudent, insolent
bezobrazluk {m} [colloquial] :: effrontery, rudeness, impoliteness, disrespectfulness, incivility
bezobraznica {f} :: saucebox (female)
bezobraznik {m} :: saucebox
bezobraznost {f} [uncountable] :: impudence, insolence
bezobziran {adj} :: inconsiderate
bezobziran {adj} :: reckless, heedless
bezobzirno {adv} :: recklessly, inconsiderately
bezobzirnost {f} [uncountable] :: recklessness, inconsiderateness
bezočan {adj} :: insolent, impudent
bezopasan {adj} :: harmless
bezopasnost {f} [uncountable] :: harmlessness
bezosećajan {adj} :: insensitive
bezosećajno {adv} :: insensitively
bezosećajnost {f} [uncountable] :: insensitivity
bezosjećajan {adj} :: insensitive
bezosjećajno {adv} :: insensitively
bezosjećajnost {f} [uncountable] :: insensitivity
bez premca {adj} :: matchless
bezrazložan {adj} :: groundless, baseless
bezrazložno {adv} :: groundlessly (without reason or cause)
bezrazložnost {f} [uncountable] :: groundlessness (absence of reason or cause)
bezrezervan {adj} :: unreserved, absolute, unquestioning
bezsmrtnost {f} :: obsolete spelling of besmrtnost
bezub {adj} :: edentate (lacking teeth)
bezuman {adj} :: insane, mindless
bezumlje {n} [uncountable] :: madness, insanity (state of a person)
bezumnik {m} :: insane or deranged person
bezumno {adv} :: mindlessly
bezumnost {f} [uncountable] :: mindlessness
bezuspeh {m} :: failure, flop (not success)
bezuspešan {adj} :: ineffective, unsuccessful
bezuspešno {adv} :: unsuccessfully, ineffectively
bezuspešnost {f} [uncountable] :: ineffectiveness, unsuccessfulness
bezuspjeh {m} :: failure, flop (not success)
bezuspješan {adj} :: ineffective, unsuccessful
bezuspješno {adv} :: unsuccessfully, ineffectively
bezuspješnost {f} [uncountable] :: ineffectiveness, unsuccessfulness
bezuvjetan {adj} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: unconditional
bezuvjetno {adv} [Croatia] :: unconditionally
bezverac {m} [pejorative] :: unbeliever
bezveran {adj} :: irreligious
bezvernica {f} [pejorative] :: unbeliever (female)
bezvezan {adj} [colloquial] :: stupid, incoherent, nonsensical
bezvezno {adv} :: pointlessly, incoherently
bezvjerac {m} [pejorative] :: unbeliever
bezvjeran {adj} :: irreligious
bezvjernica {f} [pejorative] :: unbeliever (female)
bezvlađe {n} [uncountable] :: anarchy
bezvlašće {n} [uncountable] :: anarchy
bezvodan {adj} :: arid
bezvolja {f} [uncountable, colloquial] :: apathy, indifference
bezvoljan {adj} :: apathetic, indifferent
bezvoljno {adv} :: apathetically, indifferently
bezvredan {adj} :: worthless
bezvredno {adv} :: worthlessly
bezvremen {adj} :: timeless
bezvremenost {f} [uncountable] :: timelessness
bezvremenski {adj} :: timeless
bezvrijedan {adj} :: worthless
bezvrijedno {adv} :: worthlessly
bežati {vi impf} :: to flee, run away
beženstvo {n} [uncountable] :: celibacy
beživotan {adj} :: lifeless
biber {m} [uncountable] :: pepper (spice)
Bibinje {prop} :: Bibinje (municipality)
Biblija {prop} {f} :: the Bible
bibliobus {m} :: mobile library
bibliofil {m} :: bibliophile
bibliotečni {adj} [relational] :: library
biblioteka {f} :: library
bibliotekar {m} :: librarian
bibliotekarski {adj} [relational] :: librarian, library
bibliotekarski {adv} :: as a librarian
bibliotekarstvo {n} [uncountable] :: librarianship
biceps {m} :: biceps
bicikal {m} :: bicycle
bicikl {m} :: bicycle
biciklin {m} [Kajkavian] :: bicycle
biciklist {m} :: cyclist
biciklistički {adj} [relational] :: cycling [the sport]
biciklistički {adv} :: as a cyclist
biciklistika {f} [uncountable] :: bicycling, cycling (activity, sport)
biciklizam {m} [uncountable] :: bicycling, cycling (activity, sport)
biciklo {n} [colloquial] :: bicycle
bič {m} :: whip
bičak {m} :: knife
bičevalac {m} :: whipper
bičevati {vi impf} :: to whip
bičji {adj} [relational] :: bull; taurine
bičva {f} :: alternative form of bjȅčva
biće {n} :: creature
biće {n} :: being
bide {m} :: bidet
biel {adj} :: obsolete spelling of bijel
bieljeti {v impf} :: obsolete spelling of bijeljeti
bies {n} :: obsolete spelling of bijes
bife {m} :: buffet
bifora {f} :: mullioned window
biftek {m} :: beefsteak
bifurkacija {f} :: bifurcation
bigamija {f} :: bigamy
bigamist {m} :: bigamist
biglisati {vi impf} :: to sing (of birds)
bigot {m} :: bigot
bigotan {adj} :: bigoted
bihevioristički {adj} :: behavioristic
bihevioristički {adv} :: as a behaviorist
biheviorizam {m} [uncountable] :: behaviorism
bijeda {m} :: poverty, squalor
bijeda {m} :: misery
bijedan {adj} :: poor, destitute
bijedan {adj} :: miserable, pathetic
bijedan {adj} :: haggard (looking exhausted and unwell)
bijedan {adj} :: contemptible, deplorable
bijedan {adj} :: paltry, execrable
bijednik {m} :: wretch (unfortunate, miserable person)
bijednik {m} :: scoundrel
bijedno {adv} :: poorly, destitutely
bijedno {adv} :: miserably, pathetically
bijedno {adv} :: haggardly
bijedno {adv} :: contemptibly
bijedno {adv} :: paltrily, execrably
bijeg {m} :: escape
bijekcija {f} [mathematics] :: bijection
bijel {adj} :: white
bijel {adj} :: blank
bijel {adj} :: blanched
bijelac {m} :: A white male (person with light-coloured skin)
bijela vrana {f} [idiomatic] :: black sheep
bijeli amur {m} :: grass carp
bijeli luk {m} :: garlic
bijeli medvjed {noun} :: polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
bijeli svijet {m} [idiomatic] :: the wide world, the whole wide world
bijeli svijet {m} [idiomatic] :: foreign or faraway places collectively
bijeliti {vt impf} :: to whiten, bleach
bijeljeti {vi impf} :: to become white
bijeljeti {vr impf} :: to show contrast or prominence by being white
bijes {m} :: rage
bijes {m} :: fury
bijes {m} :: madness
bijes {m} :: mania
bijes {m} :: tantrum
bijes {m} :: wildness
bijes {m} :: ferocity
bijes {m} :: rampage
bijesan {adj} :: furious
bijesno {adv} :: angrily, furiously
bik {m} :: ox, bull
bikini {m} :: bikini
bikovski {adj} :: taurine
bikovski {adv} :: as a bull
bilabijal {m} :: a bilabial
bilabijalan {adj} :: bilabial
bilanca {f} :: balance sheet
bilateralan {adj} [diplomacy] :: bilateral
bildati {vtr impf} [colloquial] :: to practice body-building
bildati {vtr impf} [colloquial] :: to become buff by body-building
bilder {m} :: bodybuilder
bilderski {adj} [relational] :: bodybuilders
bilderski {adv} :: as a bodybuilder
bile {adv} [regional] :: moreover, even
bilesi {adv} :: alternative form of бѝле
Bilice {prop} :: Bilice (municipality)
bilijun {m} :: trillion
bilingvalan {adj} :: bilingual
bilingvizam {m} :: bilingualism
bilo {n} :: pulse, heartbeat
bilo {n} :: a shallow-sloped crest (of a mountain)
bilo {particle} :: generalization particle used before another word to express indifference in regard to choice or to form a disjunctive adverbial; ever, any, whether, no matter (lit. be it this or that)
bilo di {adv} :: anywhere
bilo đe {adv} [regional] :: anywhere
bilo gde {adv} :: anywhere
bilo gdje {adv} :: anywhere
bilokakav {adj} :: any, any kind of, any sort of
bilten {m} :: newsletter
bilur {m} :: alternative form of biljur
biljar {m} [uncountable] :: billiards (sport)
bilje {n} :: (collectively) plants, herbs
bilje {n} :: (collectively) vegetation
biljeg {m} :: mark, marker
biljeg {m} :: feature, trait, characteristic
biljeg {m} :: birthmark
biljeg {m} [Croatia] :: tax stamp, stamp (for applications and administrative expenses, not for postal services)
biljeg {m} :: sign, signal, symptom
bilješka {f} :: written note
bilježiti {vt impf} :: to note, make a note, record (in writing)
bilježnica {f} [Bosnian, Croatian] :: notebook
bilježnički {adj} :: notarial
bilježnički {adv} :: as a notary
bilježnik {m} :: notary
biljka {f} :: plant (living organism)
biljni {adj} [relational] :: vegetable
biljojed {m} :: herbivore
biljojedski {adj} :: herbivorous
biljojedski {adv} :: herbivorously
biljožder {m} :: herbivore
biljožderski {adj} :: herbivorous
biljožderski {adv} :: herbivorously
biljur {m} :: mountain crystal
bimbaša {m} [regional] :: centurion
bina {f} :: stage
binarna operacija {f} :: binary operation
binarni {adj} :: binary
binarni operator {m} :: binary operator
binom {m} [algebra] :: binomial
binomni koeficijent {m} [combinatorics] :: binomial coefficient
bio {adj} :: alternative form of bijȇl
biodizel {m} :: biodiesel
bioelektronika {f} [biology, electronics] :: bioelectronics
biofizika {f} :: biophysics
biograf {m} :: biographer
biografija {f} :: biography
biografski {adj} :: biographical
biokemija {f} [Croatia] :: biochemistry
biokemijski {adj} [Croatia] :: biochemical
biolog {m} :: biologist
biologija {f} :: biology
biološki {adj} :: biological
biološki {adv} :: biologically
biometeorologija {f} :: biometeorology
birač {m} :: voter, elector
biračica {f} :: voter, elector (female)
birački {adj} [relational] :: voters; electoral
biralište {n} :: voting or polling place
biran {adj} :: selected
biran {adj} :: elected
birati {vt impf} :: to pick, choose, select
bircuz {m} [regional, pejorative] :: pub, bar
biro {n} :: office
birokracija {f} :: (Croatian) bureaucracy
birokratski {adj} :: bureaucratic
birokratski {adv} :: bureaucratically
birtija {f} :: pub, bar
biseksualnost {f} :: bisexuality
biser {m} :: pearl
biseran {adj} [relational] :: pearl
biseran {adj} :: pearl-like
biskup {m} :: bishop (church official)
Biskupija {prop} :: Biskupija (municipality)
biskvit {m} :: cookie [US], biscuit [UK]
biskvit {m} :: trifle
bista {f} :: bust (sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders)
bistar {adj} :: clear, clean
bistar {adj} :: bright, clever
bistrina {f} :: clarity
bistrina {f} :: cleverness
bistriti {vt impf} :: to clarify (make clear)
bistriti {vt impf} :: to clear up
bistro {m} :: bistro
bistro {adv} :: clearly
bistrouman {adj} :: clever, quick-witted
bistroumlje {n} [uncountable] :: cleverness
bit {f} :: essence
bit {f} :: point, meaning
bit {m} [computing] :: bit
bitan {adj} :: essential, inherent, vital
bitan {adj} :: important, significant, crucial
bitan {adj} :: relevant, pertinent, apposite
bitanga {m} :: rogue, rascal
biter {m} :: bitter (a bitter drink)
biter {adj} :: bitter, sour (of taste)
biti {vi impf pf} :: to be, to exist
biti {vt impf pf} [copulative] :: Used to connect a noun to an adjective or passive past participle that describes it (equivalent to all English senses and functions as a copula; subject having the state, quality, identity, nature, role, etc., specified.)
biti {vt impf pf} [auxiliary, regional] :: Used as an auxiliary verb in the present to form near future tense; similar to English going to
biti {vt impf pf} [auxiliary] :: Used as an auxiliary verb to form compound verb tenses (perfect, pluperfect, future perfect, conditional) together with the active past participle
biti {vt impf pf} [auxiliary] :: Used to form the passive voice together with the passive past participle of the main verb
biti {vi impf pf} [interrogatively] :: Used to form a question, usually a polar one
biti {vi impf pf} [copulative, impersonal] :: Used to indicate a general condition, such as weather, worth or value
biti {vt impf pf} [copulative, mathematics] :: to equal, to total, to add up to (indicates the equivalence of values)
biti {vi impf pf} [impersonal, in the future tense] :: Used to express a premonition; there will be, there is going to be, to be coming
biti {vt impf} :: to beat, hit, strike
bitje {n} [Kajkavian, Chakavian] :: being (living being)
bitje {n} :: obsolete spelling of biće
bitka {f} :: battle
bitno {adv} :: essentially, in essence
bitnost {f} :: essence, essentiality
bitva {f} [nautical] :: cleat
bitva {f} [nautical] :: bollard
bitva {f} :: alternative form of blȉtva
bivati {vi impf} :: to be occasionally, happen, occur sometimes
bivati {vi impf} [literary] :: to become, grow
bivati {v impf} [by extension, auxiliary, Croatia] :: Used instead of biti to form the continuous passive voice together with the passive past participle of the main verb
bivo {m} :: buffalo
bivol {m} :: buffalo
bivovati {vi impf} :: to be, exist
bivstvovati {vi impf} :: to be, exist
bivša jugoslovenska Republika Makedonija {prop} {f} :: former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (provisional designation of the Republic of Macedonia — See also translations at : Macedonia)
bivši {adj} :: former
bivši {adj} [colloquial] :: ex; former spouse or partner
bivši {m} [colloquial] :: ex-boyfriend; former boyfriend
Bizant {prop} {m} [Croatian] :: Byzantium
bizantijski {adj} [relational] :: Byzantium; Byzantine
Bizantinac {m} :: Byzantine
Bizantinka {f} :: Byzantine
bizantinski {adj} :: Byzantine
bizantski {adj} [relational] :: Byzantium; Byzantine
bizaran {adj} :: bizarre
bizmut {m} :: bismuth
biznismen {m} :: businessman
bizon {m} :: bison
bječva {f} [regional, Montenegrin, Dalmatia] :: sock (covering of the foot)
bjegati {vi impf} :: to flee
bjegunac {m} :: fugitive
bjegunica {f} :: (female) fugitive
bjegunka {f} :: (female) fugitive
bjekstvo {n} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: escape
bjelance {n} :: albumen
bjelančevina {f} :: protein
bjelanjak {m} :: albumen
bjelasati {vr impf} :: to shine white
bjelasnuti {vr pf} :: to shine white briefly
bjeleg {m} [regional] :: alternative form of biljeg
bjelilo {n} :: bleach
bjelilo {n} :: whiteness
bjelina {f} :: whiteness
bjelina {f} :: whitespace
bjelkinja {f} :: A white female (person with light-coloured skin)
bjelokost {f} :: ivory [material]
bjeloočnica {f} [Croatia] :: white (of the eye), eyewhite
Bjelorusija {prop} {f} :: Bjelorusija (country)
Bjeloruska SSR {prop} {f} :: Byelorussian SSR
bjeloruski {adj} :: Belarusian
bjeloruski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Belarusian language
bjeloruski {adv} :: as a Belarusian
bjelov {m} :: white dog
bjeljeg {m} [regional] :: alternative form of biljeg
bjesnilo {n} :: rage, fury
bjesnilo {n} :: rabies
bjesnjeti {vi impf} :: to rage, be furious or infuriated
bjesnjeti {vi impf} :: to rage, be rampant or rife, to run wild (of a war, crisis, epidemic etc.)
bježati {vi impf} :: to flee, run away
blag {adj} :: mild, gentle, soft
blag {adj} [intensifier, colloquial] :: any, damn, faintest
blagajna {f} :: cash register
blagajna {f} :: (državna blagajna) State treasury
blagdan {m} :: feast day (a religious observance or a saint's day)
blagdan {m} [colloquial] :: holiday (any holiday, not strictly of religious significance)
blago {adv} :: mildly, gently
blago {interj} [exclamation, dative] :: expressing satisfaction, encouragement or congratulation about something that has just occurred or was heard from the interlocutor; good for you, good on you
blago {n} :: treasure
blago {n} :: cattle
blago {n} :: wealth
Blago {prop} {m} :: given name
Blagoje {prop} {m} :: given name
Blagoljub {prop} {m} :: given name
Blagomir {prop} {m} :: given name
blagonaklon {adj} [with dative] :: sympathetic, benevolent
blagonaklonost {f} :: benevolence, sympathy
blagosiljati {v impf} :: imperfective form of blagosloviti
blagosivati {v impf} :: imperfective form of blagosloviti
blagosivljati {v impf} :: imperfective form of blagosloviti
blagoslivljati {v impf} :: imperfective form of blagosloviti
blagoslov {m} :: blessing
blagosloviti {vt pf} :: to bless
blagoslovljen {adj} :: blessed
blagostanje {n} :: well-being, prosperity
Blagotvor {prop} {m} :: given name
blagovati {vi impf} [literary language] :: to dine, feast; partake of food
blajštift {m} [regional] :: pencil
blam {m} [Serbia, colloquial] :: (feeling of) embarrassment
blamaža {f} [colloquial] :: (an instance of) embarrassment
blamirati {vtr impf pf} [colloquial] :: to embarrass
blanak {m} [regional] :: box
blanja {f} [regional] :: smoothing plane
blasfemija {f} :: blasphemy
blatan {adj} :: muddy
blatiti {vt impf pf} :: to defame, defile, asperse, cast aspersions on
blatiti {vr impf pf} :: to dirty oneself
blatiti {vr impf pf} :: to embarrass oneself
blatnjav {adj} :: muddy
blato {n} :: mud
blatobran {n} :: fender (US), wing (UK) (panel of a car which encloses the wheel area)
blazan {m} [archaic] :: that which leads one to evil
blazina {f} [regional, rare, Croatian] :: pillow
blazina {f} [regional, rare, Croatian] :: cushion
blazinja {f} [regional, Croatia] :: pillow
blazinja {f} [regional, Croatia] :: cushion
blažiti {vt impf} :: to mitigate, lessen, alleviate (severity, intensity, taste etc.)
blebetati {vi impf} :: to prattle, piffle, babble
blebetuša {f} :: blabbermouth, chatterbox
blebnuti {vt pf} :: to blurt out, blunder out, say something inconsiderately
bled {adj} :: pale, pallid
bledeti {vi impf} :: to turn pale, pale
bledeti {vi impf} :: to fade, fade out, bleach, bleach out, become dim
bledilo {n} [uncountable] :: pallor, paleness
bledoća {f} [uncountable] :: paleness, pallor
blef {m} :: bluff
blefer {m} :: bluffer
blefirati {vi impf pf} [colloquial] :: to bluff
blejati {vi impf} :: to bleat, baa (to sound like a sheep or lambs)
blejati {vi impf} [pejorative] :: to gape at, stand agape
blenuti {vi pf} :: to gape, stand agape
blesak {m} :: flash (of light)
blesak {m} :: glare, shine
blesan {m} :: imbecile, idiot
blesirati {vtr impf pf} [sports] :: to injure (oneself)
blesirati {vr impf pf} [sports] :: to act like a moron
bleskati {vir impf} :: to flash, glitter
blesnuti {vi pf} :: to flash (appear suddenly)
blesnuti {vi pf} :: to flash, blaze, sparkle
blesti {vi impf} [archaic] :: to blather, to talk foolishly
blesti {vi impf} [archaic] :: to blaspheme
blesti {vi impf} [archaic] :: to bleat, to baa
blesura {f} [sports] :: injury
bleštati {vir impf} :: to blaze, flash, glare, flare
bleštati {vir impf} :: to glimmer, glisten
bleštav {adj} :: dazzling, glaring
bleštiti {vir impf} :: to blaze, flash, glare, flare
bleštiti {vir impf} :: to glimmer, glisten
blic {m} [regional] :: lightning, thunder
blic {m} [regional] :: flash
blickrig {m} :: blitzkrieg
blied {adj} :: obsolete spelling of blijed
blijed {adj} :: pale, pallid
blijedjeti {vi impf} :: to turn pale, pale
blijedjeti {vi impf} :: to fade, fade out, bleach, bleach out, become dim
blijesak {m} :: flash (of light)
blijesak {m} :: glare, shine
bliještati {vir impf} :: to blaze, flash, glare, flare
bliještati {vir impf} :: to glimmer, glisten
bliještiti {vir impf} :: to blaze, flash, glare, flare
bliještiti {vir impf} :: to glimmer, glisten
bliskati {v impf} :: alternative form of bljȅskati
bliskati {v impf} :: alternative form of blȅskati
Bliski istok {prop} {m} :: the Middle East
blisko {adv} :: closely, well, privately, intimately
blisko {adv} [dated or regional] :: closely, nearly
blisko {adj} :: neuter singular of blizak
blisko {adj} :: familiar, well known (often encountered or experience)
bliskost {f} :: proximity, closeness
bliskost {f} :: closeness, intimacy
blistati {vir impf} :: to glitter, glisten, shine, glare
blistav {adj} :: radiant (bright, glowing or filled with light)
blistav {adj} :: dazzling, brilliant
blizak {adj} :: near, close to
blizak {adj} :: imminent, at hand, on the way (likely to happen soon)
blizak {adj} :: close, intimate (of people; on very affectionate or intimate terms)
blizak {adj} :: idiomatic and figurative senses that refer to nearness, recentness and closeness
blizanac {m} :: twin
blizina {f} :: proximity, vicinity, nearness
blizu {prep} :: near, close
blizu {adv} :: near, close
bližiti {vr impf} :: to approach, come closer, near
blog {m} :: blog
blogosfera {f} [Internet] :: blogosphere
blok {m} :: block (a cuboid piece)
blok {m} [sports] :: block
blok {m} [politics] :: bloc, coalition
blok {m} :: block of flats
blokada {f} :: blockade
blokirati {vt impf pf} :: to block, obstruct
blud {m} :: bawdry, carnality, fornication
bludan {adj} :: carnal, lascivious, lewd
bludnica {m} :: drag, harlot, minx (one indulging in bawdry)
bludničenje {n} :: harlotry, prostitution
bludničiti {vi impf} :: to be promiscuous
bludnik {m} :: rake, wanton (man habituated to immoral conduct)
blutdruk {m} [regional] :: blood pressure
bluz {m} :: blues (music)
bluza {f} :: blouse
bljak {interj} :: ew, yech, yuck
bljedilo {n} [uncountable] :: pallor, paleness
bljedoća {f} [uncountable] :: paleness, pallor
bljesak {m} :: flash (of light)
bljesak {m} :: glare, shine
bljeskalica {f} :: camera flash
bljeskati {vir impf} :: to flash, glitter
bljesnuti {vi pf} :: to flash (appear suddenly)
bljesnuti {vi pf} :: to flash, blaze, sparkle
blještav {adj} :: dazzling, glaring
bljušt {m} :: black bryony
bljutav {adj} :: insipid, tasteless
bljuvati {vit impf} :: to vomit
bljuvati {vit impf} :: to spew
bljuzgati {vi impf} :: to slush, squelch, squish, spurt, splash, splatter
bljuzgati {vi impf} [pejorative, figuratively] :: to babble, piffle
bljuzgavica {f} :: slush (half-melted snow or ice)
bmk {phrase} [Internet slang] :: initialism of boli me kurac
bob {m} :: broad bean
bob {m} :: horse bean
bob {m} :: bobsled
boca {f} :: bottle
boca {f} :: tank (diving cylinder, gas cylinder)
bockati {vt impf} :: to prick, sting
bockati {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to tease, banter
bocnuti {vt pf} :: to prick (once), give a prick
bocnuti {vt pf} :: to tease (once)
bocun {m} [regional] :: demijohn, carboy
Bocvana {prop} {f} :: Bocvana (country)
bočica {f} :: a small bottle; a vial
bočni {adj} :: lateral
boćanje {n} :: bocce (a ball sport)
bod {m} :: sting [with a needle or a sharp object]
bod {m} [embroidery, knitting] :: stitch
bod {m} [sports] :: point
bod {m} :: baud
bodar {adj} :: alert, brisk, keen
bodar {adj} :: strong
bodež {m} :: dagger
bodlja {f} :: barb, spike
bodljika {f} :: prick, prickle, thorn, thistle
bodljikav {adj} :: prickly, spiny
bodovati {vt impf} :: to score, evaluate (on points)
bodriti {vt impf} :: to encourage
bodro {adv} :: briskly, alertly, keenly
bodrost {f} [uncountable] :: alacrity, alertness, vivacity
bodul {m} [regional, pejorative] :: islander on the Croatian coast of the Adriatic sea
boem {m} :: bohemian
boemka {f} :: bohemian (female)
boemski {adj} :: bohemian
boemski {adv} :: as a bohemian, in a bohemian manner
bofl {m} [colloquial] :: cheap and shoddy goods, bazaar goods
bofl {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: tripe, shlock
bog {m} :: god, deity
bog {m} [colloquial] :: idol, god
Bog {prop} {m} :: God
bogac {m} [regional] :: a poor, penniless man
bogalj {m} :: cripple
bogat {adj} :: rich, wealthy
bogat {adj} :: abundant, affluent, ample
bogataš {m} :: rich man
bogatašev {adj} [relational] :: rich man; rich man's
bogatiti {vtr impf} :: to enrich, make rich/wealthy
bogato {adv} :: richly, lavishly, profusely
bogatstvo {n} :: wealth
bogaz {m} :: gorge
bogaz {m} :: pass
Bogdan {prop} {m} :: given name
bogec {m} [Kajkavian] :: alternative form of bogac
boginja {f} :: goddess
boginje {fp} [disease, plurale tantum] :: smallpox (variola)
bogohulan {adj} :: blasphemous
bogohuliti {vi impf} :: to blaspheme (against God)
bogohulnik {m} :: blasphemer
bogojavljenje {n} :: epiphany (manifestation or appearance of a divine or superhuman being)
Bogoljub {prop} {m} :: given name
bogomoljka {f} :: praying mantis
bogoraditi {vi impf} :: pray by calling upon God's name
bogoraditi {vi impf} [figuratively] :: to bother someone with demands
Bogorodica {prop} {f} :: Blessed Virgin, Our Lady
Bogosav {prop} {m} :: given name
Bogoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
bogoslov {m} :: theologian
bogoslovac {m} :: theologian
bogoslovlje {n} :: theology
Bogota {prop} {f} :: Bogota (capital city)
bogumil {m} [historical] :: Bogomil
Bogumil {prop} {m} :: given name
Bohemija {prop} {f} [uncommon] :: Bohemia
bohrij {m} [Croatian] :: bohrium
boj {m} :: battle
boja {f} :: color, tint
boja {f} :: dye, colourant
boja {f} :: suit in card games
bojadisati {vt impf} :: to paint, color, dye
Bojan {prop} {m} :: given name
bojati {vr impf} :: to fear, be afraid of (+genitive case)
bojati {vt impf} :: to color
bojati {vt impf} :: to dye [hair, cloth..]
bojati {vt impf} :: to paint [by brush]
bojati {vt impf} :: to distemper
bojati {vt impf} :: to stain [glass etc.]
bojazan {f} [formal] :: fear
bojazan {f} [formal] :: anxiety, concern, worry
bojažljiv {adj} :: timid, fearful
bojažljivo {adv} :: fearfully, timidly
bojdžija {m} :: troublemaker
bojevati {vi impf} [language of literature] :: to fight
bojiti {vt impf} :: to colour
bojiti {vt impf} :: to dye [hair, cloth..]
bojiti {vt impf} :: to paint [by brush]
bojiti {vt impf} :: to distemper
bojiti {vt impf} :: to stain [glass etc.]
bojkot {m} :: boycott
bojna {f} [military, Croatian] :: battalion
bojnik {m} [military, Croatian] :: major
bojnik {m} [archaic] :: warrior, soldier, duelist
bojovnik {m} [obsolete] :: a warrior
Bojslav {prop} {m} :: given name
bok {m} :: side
bok {m} :: flank
bok {interj} [Croatian] :: hi
bok {interj} [Croatian] :: bye
boka {f} [regional] :: river mouth
boka {f} [regional] :: bay, gulf
bokal {m} :: jug
boks {m} :: boxing (sport)
bokserice {fp} [plurale tantum] :: boxers, boxer briefs
boksit {m} :: bauxite
bokun {m} [Chakavian] :: piece, part
bokvica {f} :: plantain (Plantago gen. et spp.)
bol {f} :: pain, aching
Bol {prop} :: A town on the south of the island of Brač in the Split-Dalmatia County of Croatia, population 1,661 (2005)
bolan {adj} :: painful
bolan {interj} [Bosnian, colloquial] :: a way of addressing a familiar male
bolesnica {f} :: patient (female)
bolesnički {adj} [relational] :: patient; patient's
bolesnički {adv} :: like a sick man, like a patient
bolesnik {m} :: a patient, a sick man
bolesnik {m} [colloquial] ::   a sicko, a deviant
bolest {f} :: sickness, disease
bolestan {adj} :: sick, ill (in poor health)
bolestan {adj} :: sick, excellent (of desirable qualities)
bolešljiv {adj} :: ailing, frail, sickly
bolešljivost {f} :: frailty, sickishness, sickliness
boleti {vt impf} :: to hurt, ache
boli me kurac {phrase} [vulgar] :: I don't give a fuck
Bolivija {prop} {f} [uncountable] :: Bolivija (country)
Bolivijac {prop} {m} :: Bolivian
bolivijski {adj} :: Bolivian
bolnica {f} :: hospital
bolničar {m} :: nurse (male)
bolničarka {f} :: nurse (female)
bolnički {adj} [relational] :: hospital
bolnički {adv} :: as if in a hospital
bolno {adv} :: painfully
bolovanje {n} :: sick leave
bolovati {vi impf} :: to be ill
bolje {adv} :: in a better or superior manner
Boljenjeg {prop} {m} :: given name
boljeti {vt impf} :: to hurt, ache
bolje vrabac u ruci nego golub na grani {proverb} :: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
boljitak {m} :: betterment, progress, improvement
boljitak {m} [archaic] :: abundance, well-being
bomba {f} :: bomb
Bombaj {prop} {m} :: Bombaj (megacity/capital)
bombarder {m} :: bomber (bombing plane)
bombardirati {vt impf pf} :: to bomb, bombard (to attack with bombs)
bombastičan {adj} :: bombastic
bombastično {adv} :: bombastically
bombonjera {f} :: box of chocolates
bona {interj} [Bosnian, colloquial] :: a way of addressing a familiar female
Bonjeg {prop} {m} :: given name
Booleova algebra {f} [algebra, logic, computing] :: Boolean algebra
Booleova funkcija {f} [algebra, logic, computing] :: Boolean function
Booleova logika {f} [mathematics, logic, computing, Croatia] :: Boolean logic
Booleova varijabla {f} [mathematics, logic, computing, Croatia] :: Boolean variable
bor {m} :: pine
bor {m} :: boron
bora {f} :: wrinkle
bora {f} [geology] :: fold
borac {m} :: fighter
boranija {f} [Bosnia, regional Croatia, Serbia] :: string bean, green bean
boravak {m} :: sojourn, stay
boravišni {adj} [relational] :: residence; residential
boravište {n} :: abode, dwelling-place
boravište {n} :: residence, domicile
boraviti {vi impf} :: to reside, stay
borba {f} :: fight
borba {f} :: combat
borba {f} :: struggle
borben {adj} :: aggressive, militant
borben {adj} :: military, combat, combative
borbeno {adv} :: aggressively, militantly
borbeno {adv} :: militarily, combatively
borbenost {f} [uncountable] :: militancy
bordel {m} :: brothel
borer {m} :: drill bit
borer {m} :: drill
Boris {prop} {m} :: given name
Borislav {prop} {m} :: given name
boriti {vr impf} :: to fight, struggle
boriti {vr impf} :: to compete
Borivoj {prop} {m} :: given name
Borivoje {prop} {m} :: given name
borje {n} :: pine forest
borkinja {f} [rare, Croatia] :: a female fighter
Borko {prop} {m} :: given name
bormeš {adv} [Kajkavian] :: really
Borna {prop} {m} :: given name
bornit {m} [mineral] :: bornite
borovina {f} :: pinewood (wood of a pine)
borovnica {f} :: blueberry
bos {adj} :: barefoot
Bosanac {m} :: Bosnian (male)
Bosanka {f} :: Bosnian (female)
bosanski {adj} :: Bosnian
bosanski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Bosnian language
bosanski {adv} :: in a Bosnian manner, as a Bosnian
bosiljak {m} :: basil (plant and seasoning)
Bosna {prop} {f} [uncountable] :: Bosna (country)
Bosna {prop} {f} [uncountable] :: Bosna River
Bosna {prop} {f} :: short form of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosna i Hercegovina {prop} {f} :: Bosna i Hercegovina (country)
bosonog {adj} :: barefoot
bostan {m} [regional] :: watermelon
bostan {m} [regional] :: melon
bostan {m} [regional] :: melon patch or melon garden
bosti {vt impf} :: to stab
bosti {vt impf} :: to sting, prick
Boston {prop} {m} :: Boston (caplc)
bošča {f} :: veil, kerchief
bošča {f} :: tablecloth
bošča {f} :: quadrangle-shaped piece of canvas used for wrapping
bošča {f} :: bundle, package
bošča {f} :: a type of tobacco
bošnjački {adj} :: Bosniak
bošnjački {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Bosniak / Bosnian language
bošnjački {adv} :: in a Bosniak manner, as a Bosniak
Bošnjak {prop} {m} :: Bosniak
botaničar {m} :: botanist
botanički {adj} :: botanic
botanika {f} :: botany (scientific study of plants, a branch of biology)
botilja {f} [regional] :: bottle
botiljun {m} [regional] :: bottle
botun {m} [Chakavian] :: button
bova {f} :: buoy
boza {f} :: bosa (a fermented malt drink)
bozon {m} [particle] :: boson
božanski {adj} :: divine
božanstven {adj} :: divine
božanstvo {n} :: deity, god
božanstvo {n} :: divine nature, character
božanstvo {n} :: a creature of divine origin
boži {adj} [regional] :: alternative form of božji
božica {f} :: goddess
Božić {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: Christmas
božićni {adj} [relational] :: Christmas
božiji {adj} [in a formal religious context, usually, Orthodox Christian, relational] :: God; divine
božikovina {f} :: holly
božja ovčica {f} [Croatia] :: ladybug; ladybird
božji {adj} [relational] :: God; divine
božur {m} :: peony
brabonjak {m} :: sheep feces
brabonjak {m} :: worthless person
brač {m} :: a type of instrument, similar to tamburica
Brač {prop} {m} :: Brač (island)
bračni {adj} [relational] :: marriage; marital
braća {f} [collective] :: brethren, brothers
braća {f} [dated, collective] :: siblings
brada {f} :: beard
brada {f} :: chin
bradat {adj} :: bearded
bradavica {f} :: nipple
bradavica {f} :: wart
bradetina {f} :: (augmentative) beard
bradetina {f} :: (augmentative) chin
bradva {f} :: adze
braić {m} :: cousin
brajda {f} :: trellis (frame which can be used to grow vines)
brak {m} :: marriage
brakolomstvo {n} :: adultery
brana {f} :: dam
brana {f} :: harrow
Brane {prop} {m} :: given name
branič {m} :: defender, guard
branič {m} :: back (sports)
branik {m} :: bumper
branilac {m} :: defender
Branimir {prop} {m} :: given name
Branislav {prop} {m} :: given name
branitelj {m} :: defender
braniti {vtr impf} :: to defend
braniti {vi impf} :: to forbid
Branka {prop} {f} :: given name
Branko {prop} {m} :: given name
Braslav {prop} {m} :: given name
brašno {n} [uncountable] :: flour
brašno {n} [uncountable] :: meal (coarse-ground unsifted grain)
brat {m} :: brother
brat {m} :: mate, pal, buddy, when used in informal speech to address somebody in vocative (brate)
bratac {m} :: (hypocoristic) brother
brati {vt impf} :: to pick (grasp and pull with the fingers or fingernails)
brati {vt impf} :: to pick (to remove a fruit or plant for consumption)
bratić {m} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: first cousin (son of one's uncle or aunt)
bratić {m} :: cousin (distant male relative in general)
bratić {m} [regional] :: fraternal nephew
bratić {m} [diminutive] :: brother
Bratislava {prop} {f} :: Bratislava (capital city)
bratja {n} :: obsolete spelling of braća
Bratoljub {prop} {m} :: given name
bratoubilački {adj} :: fratricidal
bratoubilački {adv} :: fratricidally
bratoubojica {m} [Croatia] :: fratricide [the person]
bratoubojstvo {n} [Croatia] :: fratricide (the event)
bratski {adj} :: fraternal
bratstvo {n} :: brotherhood
bratstvo {n} :: fraternity
brauzer {m} :: web browser
brav {m} :: male sheep or goat
brav {m} :: wether
brava {f} :: lock (of door)
bravar {m} :: locksmith
bravarski {adj} [relational] :: locksmith or locksmithing
brazda {f} :: furrow
brazda {f} :: rut
brazda {f} :: crease
brazgotina {f} :: scar
Brazil {prop} {m} :: Brazil (country)
brazilski {adj} :: Brazilian
brbljarija {f} :: idle talk
brbljati {vi impf} :: to chatter, babble
brbljav {adj} :: chatty, talkative
brbljavac {m} :: chatterer
brbljavost {f} [uncountable] :: talkativeness
brbljivost {f} :: talkativeness
brčkati {vtr impf} :: to dabble, paddle, splash
brdo {n} :: hill
brdoka {f} :: (regional) white sheep
brdovit {adj} :: hilly
brdski {adj} [relational] :: hill, mountain
brđanin {m} :: highlander, mountaineer
brđanka {f} :: highlander, mountaineer (female)
bre {interj} [intensifier, Serbia] :: used to express passion about a topic
bre {interj} [intensifier, Serbia] :: non-vulgar general intensifier
bre {interj} [Serbia, regional] :: hey
bre {interj} [Serbia, slang] :: yo
brecati {vi impf} :: twang
brecati {vr impf} :: to be insolent
brecati {vr impf} :: to become frightened
breča {f} :: breccia
breg {m} :: hill, hillock (smaller hill)
Brela {prop} :: Brela (municipality)
breme {n} :: burden, load
bremza {f} [colloquial] :: brake
bremzati {v} [colloquial] :: to brake
brendi {m} :: brandy
breskva {f} :: peach
brest {m} :: elm
bretonski {adj} :: Breton
bretonski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Breton language
brevijar {m} :: breviary
brez {prep} [Croatia, Kajkavian] :: without
breza {f} :: birch (tree)
Breznica {prop} {f} :: Breznica (settlement)
Brezničanin {prop} {m} :: an inhabitant of Breznica
brezov {adj} :: birchen
brezovac {m} :: birchen stick
brezovica {f} :: Lactarius torminosus, woolly milkcap, bearded milkcap
brežje {n} [collective] :: hills
brežuljak {m} :: hillock
brid {m} [graph theory] :: edge
bridak {adj} :: cutting, sharp
bridak {adj} :: prickly, stinging
bridž {m} :: bridge (card game)
brieg {noun} :: obsolete spelling of brijeg
brig {m} :: A brig [two-masted vessel]
briga {f} :: worry, concern
briga {f} :: trouble, bother
briga {f} :: care; nurture
brigada {f} :: brigade
brigadirka {f} :: captain (military rank, female)
brigadni general {m} :: brigadier general
brijač {m} :: hairdresser; barber; friseur
brijati {vtr impf} :: to shave
brijati {v impf} [slang, regional, Croatia] :: to think
brijati {v impf} [slang] :: to make out with, to hook up with
brijati {v impf} [slang] :: to go on about something, be on about
brijeg {m} :: hill, hillock (smaller hill)
brijeme {n} [obsolete] :: alternative form of breme
brijest {m} :: elm
brik {m} :: brig (two-masted vessel)
brile {fp} :: ski sunglasses
brime {n} [Ikavian] :: alternative form of breme
brineta {f} :: brunette
brinuti {vtr impf} :: to worry
brinuti {vr impf} [locative] :: to care (with o)
brinuti {vr impf} [locative] :: to take care (with o)
briologija {f} :: bryology
bris {m} [medicine] :: swab, smear
brisač {m} :: wiper
brisati {vt impf} :: to wipe
brisati {vt impf} :: to mop
brisati {vt impf} :: to erase, rub out
brisati {vt impf} :: to delete, strike out [text, from a list etc.]
Brisel {prop} {m} :: Brisel (capital city)
briselski {adj} [relational] :: Brussels
britak {adj} :: alternative form of bridak
Britanac {prop} {m} :: a Briton
Britanac {prop} {m} :: a man of British origin or descent
Britanija {prop} {f} [uncountable] :: Britain
Britanka {prop} {f} :: a Briton
Britanka {prop} {f} :: a woman of British origin or descent
britanski {adj} :: British
briti {vtr impf} :: alternative form of brȉjati
Britonac {prop} {m} :: a Briton
Britonac {prop} {m} :: a man of British origin or descent
Britonka {prop} {f} :: a Briton
Britonka {prop} {f} :: a woman of British origin or descent
britva {f} :: razor
britvica {f} :: (diminutive) razor
britvica {f} :: razor blade
brižan {adj} :: attentive, careful
brižan {adj} :: devoted
brižan {adj} :: worried, concerned
brižljiv {adj} :: attentive, careful
brižljiv {adj} :: devoted, diligent, painstaking
brižljivo {adv} :: carefully
brižljivost {f} [uncountable] :: carefulness
brižno {adv} :: carefully
brižnost {f} [uncountable] :: carefulness
brižnost {f} [uncountable] :: being worried
brjeme {n} [Croatia] :: alternative form of breme
brk {m} :: moustache
brk {m} :: whisker
brkajlija {m} :: a person with a big mustache
brkat {adj} :: having/growing a mustache; mustached
brkat {adj} :: having a large mustache
brkati {vt impf} :: to confuse, mix up
brkati {vr impf} :: to interfere
brko {m} [as a term of endearment] :: a person with a moustache
brkonja {m} :: a person with a big moustache
brlog {m} :: den, burrow, lair (wild animal's hideout)
brlog {m} :: lair, hideout, hideaway (a secret or private place in which one hides or lives alone)
brnjica {f} :: muzzle (for an animal)
broć {m} :: madder
brod {m} :: ship
brod {m} [architecture] :: aisle
brod {m} [archaic] :: ford
brodar {m} :: ferryman
brodar {m} :: boatman, sailor; one who works with ships or whose profession is shipping or navigation
brodarnica {f} :: shipyard
brodet {m} :: stew of cooked fish
brodica {f} :: any kind of smaller ship used for short-term sailing along the coast
brodić {m} :: a small ship
Brod Moravice {prop} {m} :: Brod Moravice (municipality)
brodocikl {m} :: waterbike
brodogradilište {n} :: shipyard
brodograditelj {m} :: shipbuilder
brodogradnja {f} :: shipbuilding
brodolom {m} :: shipwreck (event)
brodski {adj} [relational] :: ship; nautical
broj {m} :: number
broj {m} :: [grammar] numeral
brojač {m} :: counter (object used in counting)
brojan {adj} :: numerous
brojanje {n} :: counting, count
brojati {vt impf} :: to count, number, enumerate
brojčani {adj} :: numeric, numerical
brojčanik {m} :: clock face
brojčano {adv} :: numerically
brojilo {n} :: meter (for electricity, gas etc.)
brojiti {vt impf} :: to count, enumerate
brojiva imenica {f} :: count noun, countable noun
brojka {f} :: figure, cipher, number
brojnik {m} :: (Croatian) numerator
brojno {adv} :: numerically
brokat {m} :: brocade
brokula {f} :: broccoli
brokva {f} [regional, Chakavian, Montenegrin] :: nail (metal fastener)
brom {m} :: bromine
bronh {m} :: bronchus (Either or two branches of the trachea)
bronhija {f} :: bronchus (Either or two branches of the trachea)
broš {m} :: brooch
brstiti {v impf} :: to browse, crop, graze (of ruminant animals)
brstiti {v impf} [colloquial] :: to misuse, exploit
brščas {adv} [Kajkavian] :: probably
bršljan {m} :: ivy (plant)
brudet {m} :: alternative form of bròdet
bruh {m} [regional, Croatia] :: hernia
bruh {m} [regional, Croatia] :: belly
brujati {vi impf} :: to drone, hum, sizzle, hiss
bruka {f} [colloquial, slang] :: shame, disgrace
bruka {f} [colloquial, slang] :: person in disgrace
brukati {vt impf} :: to shame, humiliate, bring disgrace
brunda {f} :: Jew's harp (musical instrument)
Brunej {prop} {m} :: Brunei
Brunomir {prop} {m} :: given name
Brunoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
brus {m} :: whetstone, grindstone
brusiti {vt impf} :: to whet, sharpen (blade of something)
brusiti {vt impf} :: to glaze, polish (surface of something, such as parquet)
brusnica {f} :: cranberry
brusthalter {m} [regional] :: bra
brutalan {adj} :: brutal
brutalan {adj} [colloquial] :: awesome
brutalnost {f} [uncountable] :: brutality
Bruxelles {prop} [chiefly Croatian] :: alternative spelling of Brisel
brvno {n} :: beam
brz {adj} :: fast
brzaj {m} :: wren (member of the family Troglodytidae)
brzak {m} :: rapids (river section)
brzak {m} [rare] :: wren (member of the family Troglodytidae)
brzati {vi impf} :: to hurry, to rush
brzina {f} :: speed
brzina {f} :: velocity
brzina {f} :: gear (a particular combination or choice of interlocking gears)
brzinomjer {m} :: speedometer
brznuti {vi pf} :: to hurry, to rush
brzo {adv} :: quickly, rapidly
brzoglas {m} [archaic, Croatian] :: telephone
brzoglasni {adj} [neologism, Croatian, rare, relational] :: telephone
brzojav {m} [Croatia] :: telegram
brzopis {m} [usually, Croatian] :: stenography
brzopis {m} :: cursive writing
brzopis {m} :: telegraph
brzoplet {adj} :: hasty, rash
bržčas {adv} [Kajkavian] :: probably
BTW {adv} [Internet, text] :: initialism of by the way
buba {f} :: bug
buba {f} :: beetle
bubalo {n} :: bug
bubalo {n} :: beetle
bubalo {n} :: insect
bubamara {f} :: ladybug, ladybird
bubanj {m} :: drum
bubanj {m} [musical instruments, slang] :: drum kit
bubašvaba {f} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) cockroach
bubati {vit impf} :: to cram, grind
bubati {vit impf} :: to bang, thump
bubati {vi impf} [ironically] :: to chatter, babble
bubati {vit impf} :: to announce, proclaim
bubnuti {vt pf} :: to punch, hit
bubnuti {vi pf} :: to smash, crash, knock
bubnuti {vit pf} [colloquial] :: to blurt out
bubnjar {m} :: drummer
bubnjarski {adj} [relational] :: drumming or drummers
bubnjast {adj} :: drum-like
bubnjati {vi impf} :: to play drum
bubnjati {vi impf} :: to sound like drumming
bubnjava {f} :: drum beat, drumming
bubnjić {m} :: eardrum
bubnjište {n} :: tympanic cavity
bubreg {m} :: kidney
bubrežast {adj} :: kidney-like
bubrežast {adj} :: kidney-shaped
bubrežni {adj} :: renal
bubrežnjak {m} :: loin (part of the body (of humans and quadrupeds) at each side of the backbone, between the ribs and hips)
bubrežnjak {m} :: porterhouse steak
bubriti {vi impf} :: to become swollen, to swell, puff up
bubuljica {f} :: pimple, acne, spot
bubuljičast {adj} :: pimply
bubuljičav {adj} :: pimply
bubuljičavost {f} [uncountable] :: pimpliness
bucanj {m} :: sunfish, headfish
bucmast {adj} :: chubby, plump
buco {m} [colloquial] :: a plump boy
buča {f} :: alternative form of buća
bučan {adj} :: loud, noisy
bučica {f} :: dumbbell
bučiti {vi impf} :: to make loud noise, boom, roar
bučno {adv} :: noisily
bučnost {f} [uncountable] :: noisiness, loudness
buć {interj} :: Representing the noise when something falls into the water; plop
buća {f} [regional] :: pumpkin
buća {f} [regional] :: head
bućkati {vit impf} :: to churn, splash (liquid or liquid-like mass)
bućkati {vr impf} :: to dabble, splash, thrash (in water)
bućnuti {vi pf} :: to plop, splash (to fall or jump into the water, with a plop sound)
Buda {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: Buddha
Buda {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: a male nickname, short form of Budimir, Budislav or similar
budak {m} :: pickax, mattock
budala {f} :: fool
budala {f} :: idiot
budala {f} :: simpleton
budalast {adj} :: foolish, goofy
budalaština {f} :: tomfoolery, foolishness, foolish thing or act
budalčina {f} [augmentative] :: dumbbell, oaf (stupid person)
budaletina {f} [augmentative] :: dumbbell, oaf (stupid person)
budalica {f} [diminutive, hypocoristic] :: a little fool
budalina {f} [augmentative] :: dumbbell, oaf (stupid person)
budaliti {vi impf} :: to play, act or talk like a fool; to fool
budan {adj} :: awake
budan {adj} :: attentive, cautious
budilac {m} :: waker
budilac {m} [figuratively] :: awaker, rouser
budilica {f} :: alarm clock
budilnik {m} :: alarm clock
Budimir {prop} {m} :: given name
Budimpešta {prop} {f} :: Budimpešta (capital city)
budimpeštanski {adj} [relational] :: Budapest
budist {m} :: Buddhist
budistički {adj} :: Buddhist, Buddhistic
budistički {adv} :: Buddhistically
budistkinja {f} :: Buddhist (female)
buditelj {m} :: waker
buditelj {m} [figuratively] :: awaker, arouser
buditi {vtr impf} :: to awaken, rouse from sleep
buditi {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to arouse (feelings, emotions, attention etc.)
buditi {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to come to life, be born (of an age, era etc.)
budizam {m} :: Buddhism
budnica {f} :: a patriotic song
budnica {f} :: reveille
budno {adv} :: vigilantly, watchfully
budnost {f} :: alertness, vigilance
budoar {m} :: boudoir
budšto {adv} :: anything
budući {adj} :: future, coming (having to do with or occurring in the future)
budući {adj} :: prospective, forthcoming
budući {adv} :: having been
budući da {conj} :: since, because (indicating causality)
budućnost {f} :: future
budzašto {adv} :: cheaply (at low price)
budža {f} [regional, obsolete] :: cudgel, club
budža {f} [regional, obsolete] :: pit
budža {f} [regional, obsolete] :: prison
budža {f} :: a powerful person; figurehead, kingpin, bigwig
budžak {m} :: a hidden or secluded corner of a house
budžet {m} :: budget
budžetirati {vt impf pf} :: to budget
budžetski {adv} :: budgetary
budžovan {m} :: a powerful person; figurehead, kingpin, bigwig
buđ {m} [Serbia] :: mold, mildew
buđav {adj} :: moldy
buđaviti {vr impf} :: to mold, become moldy
buđelar {m} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) wallet
buđenje {n} :: waking up, awakening
bufalo {m} :: buffalo
bufer {m} [colloquial] :: bumper (of a vehicle, rail wagon or tram)
Bugarin {prop} {m} :: Bulgarian
bugariti {vi impf} [language of literature] :: to lament, wail
Bugarka {prop} {f} :: Bulgarian (female)
Bugarska {prop} {f} :: Bugarska (country)
bugarski {adj} :: Bulgarian
bugarski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Bulgarian language
bugarski {adv} :: in a Bulgarian manner, as a Bulgarian
bugarštica {f} [historical] :: a type of long-verse Serbo-Croatian folk song
buha {f} [Croatia, Bosnia] :: flea
buhara {f} [Croatian, slang] :: prison
buhara {f} :: Bukhara rug, Bokhara rug, Turkmen rug
buhica {f} [Croatia] :: a tiny flea
buhica {f} [Croatia, in plural] :: very small letters
bujan {adj} :: exuberant, luxuriant, lush
bujati {vi impf} :: to suddenly grow, expand or develop
bujati {vi impf} :: to rise, heave, swell (of river, sea, brook, bosom, vegetation)
bujica {f} :: torrent
bujica {f} :: flood, deluge
bujični {adj} [relational] :: torrent
bujični {adj} [relational] :: flood, deluge
bujno {adv} :: exuberantly, luxuriantly
bujnost {f} [uncountable] :: exuberance, luxuriance
bujon {m} :: bouillon
buk {m} :: cascade, rapids, cataract
buk {m} :: waterfall
buk {m} :: the sound of a strong water stream
buka {f} :: noise (various sounds, usually unwanted)
bukač {m} :: noisemaker
bukački {adj} :: rabblerousing
bukagije {f} [plurale tantum, regional] :: gyves (shackles for leg)
bukara {f} :: wooden or ceramic wine jug
bukavac {m} :: bittern
buket {m} :: bouquet (bunch of flowers)
buki {m} :: buky
buking {m} :: booking [reservation for a service]
bukirati {vit impf pf} [slang] :: to book [to reserve]
buknuti {vi pf} :: to burst into flames
buknuti {vi pf} [figuratively] :: to break out, burst, erupt (war, revolt, wound etc.)
bukov {adj} [relational] :: beech
bukov {adj} :: beechen
bukovača {f} :: beech stick
bukovina {f} :: beechwood
buktati {vi impf} :: to flame, blaze, flare
bukteti {vi impf} :: to flame, blaze, flare
buktinja {f} :: torch
buktjeti {vi impf} :: to flame, blaze, flare
Bukurešt {prop} {m} :: Bukurešt (capital city)
bukureštanski {adj} :: Bucharest
bukva {f} :: European beech (Fagus sylvatica)
bukva {f} :: (plural only) Fagaceae (fanily)
bukvalan {adj} :: literal (exactly as stated; following the letter or exact words)
bukvalno {adv} :: literally
bukvan {m} :: blockhead, duffer, stupid person
bukvar {m} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: primer (ABC book)
bukvica {f} [historical] :: letters of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets according to their traditional order
bukvica {f} [historical] :: soldier's identity card
bukvica {f} [diminutive] :: a small beech-tree
bukvica {f} :: beech-nut
bukvica {f} :: betony (Stachys officinalis))
bukvik {m} :: beech forest or grove
bula {f} [colloquil] :: a Muslim women in harem pants or covered with a headscarf
bula {f} [colloquil] :: a married woman
bula {f} [medicine] :: bull (blister, vesicle, or other thin-walled cavity or lesion)
bula {f} [anatomy] :: an empty space
bula {f} [Islam] :: Islamic religion teacher
bula {f} [Islam] :: Islamic clerk or official
bula {f} :: bull (seal affixed to a document)
bula {f} [by metonymy] :: charter with such bull
bula {f} :: a box in which a seal is stored
bulazniti {vi impf} :: to maunder, babble (talk nonsense)
bulevar {m} :: boulevard
buljina {f} :: a species of owl (Bubo bubo)
buljiti {vi impf} :: to stare, gape (to look at something or somebody in a dumb fashion)
buljiti {vi impf} :: to stare, gape (to look at something or somebody for a long time improperly or rudely)
buljiti {vi impf} :: to waste time watching something detrimental or stupid
buljuk {m} :: abundance, myriad, heap, pile
bumbar {m} :: bumblebee
buna {f} :: rebellion, uprising, mutiny
bunar {m} :: well (hole sunk into the ground)
buncati {vi impf} :: to rave, talk nonsense, be delirious
bunda {f} :: coat (usually a fur coat)
bundeva {f} :: pumpkin
bundeva {f} [card games] ::  bells
bunilo {n} :: delirium
buniti {vr impf} :: to rebel
buniti {vr impf} :: to protest
bunker {m} :: bunker (hardened shelter)
bunker {m} :: bunker (container for storing coal or fuel oil for a ship's engine)
bunkerirati {vr impf pf} :: to shut oneself in a bunker
bunkerirati {vr impf pf} :: to ban, prevent from release (book, movie etc.)
bunovina {f} :: mandrake
bunt {m} [colloquial] :: revolt, rebellion
bunt {m} [regional] :: bundle
buntovan {adj} :: rebellious
buntovnica {f} :: rebel (female)
buntovnik {m} :: rebel
bura {f} :: bora [wind]
bura {f} [figuratively] :: an event that causes much stir, passion and changes
burag {m} :: rumen, paunch, the first compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
buran {adj} :: stormy, tumultuous, tempestuous
buranija {f} [rare, regional] :: string bean, green bean
buraz {m} :: bro, brother, broski
burazer {m} :: bro, broski, brother
burazer {m} [figuratively] :: friend
bure {n} :: barrel
burek {m} :: a type of baked or fried filled pastry
burence {n} :: diminutive of bȕre
burgija {f} :: wimble
burgija {f} :: drill, borer (tool)
burgija {f} :: auger
burgija {f} :: gimlet
burgija {f} [in the plural] :: nonsense
burgija {f} :: deceit
burka {f} :: burka, burqa (female garment that covers the whole body)
burka {f} :: burka (male garment from the Caucasus)
Burkina Faso {prop} {f} :: Burkina Faso (country)
burleska {f} :: burlesque
burma {f} :: wedding ring
burma {f} [obsolete] :: screw (fastener)
Burma {prop} {f} :: Burma
Burmanac {prop} {m} :: Burmese (male person from Myanmar or of Burmese descent)
Burmanka {prop} {f} :: Burmese (female person from Myanmar or of Burmese descent)
burmanski {adj} :: Burmese
burmanski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Burmese language
burnica {f} :: albatross
Burundi {prop} {m} :: Burundi
burza {f} [Croatian] :: stock exchange, exchange, financial market
busola {f} :: compass
bušač {m} :: driller, borer (one who drills)
bušel {m} :: bushel
bušilica {f} :: drilling/boring machine
bušiti {vt impf} :: to bore, drill
bušotina {f} :: well (oil, gas)
bušotina {f} :: boring
but {m} :: thigh
but {m} :: ham
butan {m} [uncountable] :: butane
Butan {prop} {m} :: Butan (country)
butelja {f} :: bottle
butiga {f} [Croatia, regional] :: shop, store
butik {m} :: boutique
buva {f} [Serbia] :: flea
buvljak {m} :: flea market
buzdovan {m} :: morning star (weapon)
buzdovan {m} :: cudgel, mace, club
buzenhalter {m} [regional] :: bra
buzerant {m} [Kajkavian] :: faggot
Buzeština {f} :: the Buzet region
Buzeština {f} :: the Buzet speech
Buzet {m} :: Buzet (town)
bwe {interj} [Serbia, Internet slang, colloquial, intensifier] :: used to express passion about a topic
byti {v} :: obsolete spelling of biti
bytje {n} :: obsolete spelling of biće