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User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-a

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# Dutch :: English dictionary generated from http://en.wiktionary.org/
# License :: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; GNU Free Documentation License
# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 56972 Dutch glosses; 82611 English translations
# URL :: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/User:Matthias_Buchmeier
-a {suffix} :: feminine equivalent of -us
a- {prefix} :: a-: Not, without, opposite of
a {letter} :: letter
a {f} [archaic] :: a stream or water
a {pron} [Brabantian] :: you
A {letter} :: letter
à {prep} :: indicates an approximate number
à {prep} :: indicates the price etc. per piece
aa {f} [especially in names] :: alternative spelling of a
Aa {prop} {f} :: the name of many small rivers and streams
aad {f} [rare] :: shallow oval tub or tray used for acquiring cream from milk
Aad {prop} {m} :: given name. Short form of Adriaan, the Dutch equivalent of Adrian
Aad {prop} {f} [now less common] :: given name. Short form of Adriana, the Dutch equivalent of Adrienne
Aadje {prop} {m} :: given name. A diminutive form of Aad
Aa en Hunze {prop} {n} :: Aa en Hunze (municipality)
Aafje {prop} {f} :: given name. Short form of Agatha, the Dutch equivalent of Agatha
aagje {n} :: a very curious person, "Paulina Pry"
Aagje {prop} :: given name. Short form of Agatha, the Dutch equivalent of Agatha
aagt {m} :: light sour breed of apple
aagtappel {m} :: light sour breed of apple
Aagtje {prop} {f} :: given name. Short form of Agatha, the Dutch equivalent of Agatha
aai {m} :: A stroke or caress
aai {m} [dated, ironic] :: A pinch; a shove
aaibaar {adj} :: pettable
aaibaarheid {f} :: cuddliness, cuteness; the extent or level of which someone or something allows to be pet, is pettable
aaibaarheidsfactor {m} :: the level of cuddliness or likability
aaien {vt} :: to stroke, to caress, to pet
aaiing {f} :: petting
aak {mf} :: barge (type of ship that sails on rivers)
aaks {f} :: dated form of aks
aal {m} :: eel [fish], (Anguilla anguilla)
aal {m} :: elver [young eel]
aal {m} [rare] :: padre
aal {n} :: ale
aal {f} :: alternative form of aalt
Aalbert {prop} {m} :: given name
aalbes {f} :: Ribes rubrum, both redcurrant and whitecurrant
aalbessengelei {f} :: jelly made with currant (redcurrant or whitecurrant)
aalbessenjam {m} :: jam made with currant (redcurrant or whitecurrant)
aalbessenjenever {m} :: jenever made with currant
aalbessensap {n} :: currant juice (of Ribes nigrum or Ribes rubrum)
aalbessenstruik {m} :: currant bush
aalbessesap {n} :: superseded spelling of aalbessensap
aalbessestruik {m} :: superseded spelling of aalbessenstruik
Aalbrecht {prop} {m} :: given name
Aalbrecht {prop} {m} :: surname
Aalderik {prop} {m} :: given name
Aaldert {prop} {m} :: given name
Aaldrik {prop} {m} :: given name
aalfuik {f} :: fyke for catching eel; eelbuck
aalgeer {m} :: spear for fishing eel
aalglad {adj} :: as slippery as an eel
aalglad {adj} [figuratively] :: elusive, hard to catch
aalkorf {m} :: eelpot, eelbuck (device for catching eels)
aalkuip {f} :: basin to keep eel in
aalmoes {f} :: alms (gift to a beggar)
aalmoes {f} :: charity, small gift, pittance
aalmoezenier {m} [historical] :: almoner
aalmoezenier {m} [Roman Catholicism, historical] :: Roman Catholic chaplain, padre
aalmoezenierskamer {f} :: eleemosynary institution
aaloud {adj} :: obsolete form of aloud
aalpomp {f} :: pump to pump liquid manure or other wastewater
aalput {m} :: basin for storing manure
Aalrik {prop} {m} :: given name
aalschaar {m} :: multipronged spear for fishing eel
aalscholver {m} :: cormorant (a kind of seabird)
Aalsmeer {prop} {n} :: Aalsmeer (village/and/municipality)
aalspeer {f} :: spear for fishing eel
Aalst {prop} {n} :: Aalst (city)
Aalst {prop} {n} :: Aalst (village)
Aalst {prop} {n} :: Aalst (village)
Aalst {prop} {n} :: Aalst (village)
Aalst {prop} {n} :: Aalst (hamlet)
aalstal {m} :: An enclosed part of a river or a stream to trap eels in. Commonly used in the Middle Ages in the East of the Netherlands
aalsteker {m} :: spear for fishing eel
aalstreep {f} :: A dark line along the length of the back of an animal, in particular an ungulate
aalsvel {n} :: skin of an eel
aalt {f} :: Liquid excrements of animals, manure
Aalten {prop} {n} :: Aalten (village/and/municipality)
aalvlug {adj} :: quick as an eel
aalvlug {adj} [figuratively] :: elusive, hard to catch
aalvork {f} :: eelspear, spear for fishing eel
aalvormig {adj} :: eel shaped
aam {n} :: aam
aâm {m} :: obsolete form of adem
aambeeld {n} :: anvil (block used in blacksmithing)
aambeeld {n} :: incus (bone)
aambeeldsblok {n} :: supporting block for an anvil
aambei {f} :: piles, haemorrhoids, hemorrhoids
aambeien {p} :: haemorrhoids (a pathological condition)
aambeij {f} :: obsolete spelling of aambei
aamborstig {adj} :: dyspneic
aamborstigheid {f} :: dyspnea
aamt {f} :: udder edema, a condition of bovines, goats and sheep before delivery of their young
-aan {suffix} [hydrocarbon chain suffix] :: -ane
-aan {suffix} [demonyms] :: -an
aan- {prefix} :: A prefix appended to a small group of verbs; for which it has an intensive meaning
aan {prep} :: on
aan {prep} :: to
aan {adv} :: on, [of a device] being operative
aan {adv} :: on, [of clothing] being worn
aan {adv} :: In compounds with verbs:
aan {adv} :: Denoting growth or restoration
aan {adv} :: Denoting connecting, affixing or spatial continuity
aan {adv} :: Denoting the beginning of an action or process
aan {adj} :: on (functional, operational)
aan {adj} [slang, said of parties] :: amazing, lit
aanaarden {vt} :: to cover the roots or tubers of plants with soil, as to protect from light or cold; to earth up
aanaarding {f} :: earthing-up (soil)
aanaardploeg {f} :: plough apt to earth up soil
aanademen {vt} :: to breathe onto
aanbaffen {v} :: obsolete form of aanblaffen [both senses]
aanbakken {vi} :: to burn to the pan
aanbaksel {n} :: Something that has been burnt while cooking or baking
aanbedene {noun} [chiefly figurative, of love interests] :: One who is worshipped
aanbeeld {n} :: alternative form of aambeeld
aanbeeldsblok {n} :: supporting block for an anvil
aanbegin {n} [uncommon] :: beginning
aanbehoren {v} [obsolete] :: synonym of toebehoren
aanbelanden {vi} :: to end up, wind up (in)
aanbelang {n} :: importance, interest
aanbellen {vi} :: to ring the doorbell
aanberming {f} :: The reinforcing of (the base of) a dyke/levee
aanbesteden {v} :: to put out to tender; to call for bids; to tender
aanbesteder {m} :: tendering party, contract awarder
aanbesteding {f} :: tender, a formal offer
aanbestedingsbeleid {n} :: tendering policy
aanbestedingsprocedure {f} :: tender procedure
aanbestedingsregel {m} :: tendering rule
aanbestedingsregeling {f} :: tendering system, procurement regime
aanbestedingsvoorwaarde {f} :: contract award requirement
aanbesterven {vi} [with the recipient as the indirect object, formal] :: to be inherited, to be transferred due to death
aanbetalen {vt} :: to make a down payment for
aanbetaling {m} :: down payment
aanbetreffen {v} [impersonal] :: to concern
aanbetrouwen {vt} [archaic, with indirect object] :: to entrust [+ aan (object) = to]
aanbevelen {vt} :: to recommend
aanbevelen {vt} :: to advocate
aanbevelenswaard {adj} :: recommendable, advisable
aanbevelenswaardig {adj} :: recommendable, advisable
aanbeveler {m} :: A recommender, one who recommends
aanbeveler {m} [colloquial] :: Something that is recommended
aanbeveling {f} :: recommendation
aanbevelingsbrief {m} :: letter of recommendation
aanbevelingscomité {n} :: committee of recommendation
aanbevolene {noun} :: one who is recommended
aanbiddelijk {adj} :: worthy of worship, adorable (befitting of being adored)
aanbidden {vt} :: to worship
aanbidden {vt} [figurative] :: to adore
aanbidder {m} [religion] :: worshipper
aanbidder {m} :: admirer
aanbidding {f} :: worship, adulation
aanbidster {f} :: female worshipper
aanbidster {f} :: female admirer
aanbieden {vt} :: to offer
aanbieden {vr} :: to offer oneself, to volunteer, [in sexual context] to solicit
aanbieder {m} :: provider
aanbieding {f} :: offer
aanbieding {f} :: special, discount offer
aanbiedingsbrief {m} :: quotation (naming of a price)
aanbiedingsfolder {m} :: leaflet with advertising, especially for wares at discount prices
aanbiedingsprijs {m} :: special offer, discount price
aanbiedplaats {f} :: A place where rubbish bags or containers are placed and collected on collection dates
aanblaffen {vt} :: to bark at
aanblaffen {vt} :: to shout at [in an unsympathetic manner]
aanblazen {vt} :: to kindle by means of breath or wind
aanblazen {vt} [figurative] :: to incite, to kindle
aanblazen {vt} :: to inspire
aanblazing {f} :: inspiration
aanblijven {vi} :: to remain in office
aanblik {m} :: appearance, aspect
aanbod {n} :: offer
aanbod {n} [economics] :: supply
aanbodbeleid {n} [economics] :: supply policy
aanbodcurve {f} :: supply curve
aanbodeconomie {f} :: supply-side economics
aanbodelasticiteit {f} [economics] :: supply elasticity
aanbodkant {m} [economics] :: supply side
aan bod komen {vi} :: to be featured, to figure (to be represented in something, to be a part of something)
aan bod komen {vi} :: to come up for auction
aanbodoverschot {n} [economics] :: oversupply
aanbodzijde {f} [economics] :: supply side
aanbouw {m} :: cultivation
aanbouw {m} :: annex, extension to a building
aanbouw {m} :: construction (act of construction, state of being constructed)
aanbouwen {vt} :: to build next to an existing building
aanbouwen {vt} :: to expand an existing building
aanbouwing {m} :: annex, extension to a building
aanbouwsel {m} :: annex, extension to a building
aanbranden {vi} :: to burn to the pan
aanbreken {vi} :: to begin, to onset
aanbreken {vt} :: to break into, to open for the first time
aanbreken {vi} [obsolete] :: to violently approach by storm
aanbreng {m} :: input; what is brought along, what is added to the table/game/mix
aanbrengen {vt} :: to mount, attach
aanbrengen {vt} :: to apply (e.g. paint onto a surface)
aanbrengen {vt} :: to fix, adjust
aanbrengen {vt} :: to recruit, to enlist
aanbrengen {vt} :: to bring near
aanbrengen {vt} [dated] :: to report, to message
aanbrenger {m} :: denouncer, one who reports a legal matter to the authorities
aanbrenger {m} [derogatory] :: telltale, one who tattles
aanbrenger {m} [dated] :: provider, deliverer
aanbrengertje {noun} :: synonym of weidemolen, a small windmill to drain a meadow
aanbrenging {f} :: application
aanbrengpremie {f} :: bounty, prize for someone brought in to justice
aanbrengst {f} :: that what is brought in (in legal matters)
aanbrug {f} :: connection between the main span of a bridge and a bridge pillar or the bank of the stream
aanbruisen {vi} [usually of bodies of water or ships] :: to approach, arrive or collide while foaming
aanbrullen {vt} :: to shout at
aanbrullen {vi} :: to arrive while shouting or otherwise making loud noises
aandacht {f} [uncountable] :: attention
aandacht {f} [uncountable] :: respect
aandacht {f} [uncountable] :: affection
aandacht {f} [obsolete, countable] :: meditation (contemplative discourse)
aandachtig {adj} :: (of a person) attentive, paying care/attention
aandachtig {adj} :: (of an object) careful, enjoying care/attention
aandachtigheid {f} :: attentiveness, attention
aandachtsaspect {n} :: aspect of attention
aandachtsgebied {n} :: focus, center of attention
aandachtsgroep {mf} :: group (of people) that needs special attention
aandachtshoer {f} [pejorative, slang] :: attention whore
aandachtspunt {n} :: focus (of attention)
aandachtspuntenlijst {f} :: list of points that require special attention
aandachtsstoornis {f} :: attention deficit disorder
aandachtsstreep {f} :: em dash of en dash, used to denote a break in a sentence or to set off parenthetical statements
aandachtsteken {n} :: attention sign (in traffic or in a text)
aandachtsterrein {n} :: focus, center of attention
aandachtstreep {f} :: alternative spelling of aandachtsstreep
aandachtstrekker {m} :: someone who draws attention [in an irritating manner]
aandachtsveld {n} :: focus, center of attention
aandachtsverlies {n} :: loss of attention
aandachttrekker {m} :: alternative form of aandachtstrekker
aandachttrekkerij {f} :: the drawing of attention (in an irritating manner)
aandagt {f} :: obsolete spelling of aandacht
aandeel {n} :: contribution, part
aandeel {n} [finance] :: a share, stock
aandeelbewijs {n} [finance] :: proof of possession of shares
aandeelhebber {m} [archaic] :: shareholder
aandeelhebster {f} [archaic] :: female shareholder
aandeelhouder {m} :: shareholder
aandeelhoudersvergadering {f} :: shareholder meeting
aandeelhoudster {f} :: female shareholder
aan de gang {adj} :: ongoing
aan de haal gaan met {v} :: to run off with, to steal
aan de hand van {prep} :: by means of
aan de hand van {prep} :: based on
aan de hand van {prep} :: See: nl aan de hand van
aandelenbelegger {m} :: investor in shares
aandelenbeurs {f} :: stock exchange
aandelenbezit {n} :: shareholding, the possession of shares
aandelenbezitter {m} :: shareholder
aandelenemissie {f} :: emission of stocks
aandelenhandelaar {m} :: stockbroker
aandelenmarkt {f} :: stock market
aandelenuitgifte {f} :: emission of stocks
aan de lopende band {adv} :: continuously (as if on an assembly line)
aandenken {n} [obsolete, literally] :: An instance of calling to mind or remembering
aandenken {n} :: A keepsake, object recalling a memory
aandenken {n} [obsolete] :: Attention
aandenken {vt} [obsolete] :: to remember, to think about/of, to call to mind, to commemorate
aan den lijve {adv} :: firsthand
aan de slag {adj} :: (hard) at work
aan de slag gaan {v} :: to get to it, to hit the ground running
aan de touwtjes trekken {vi} [idiom] :: to pull the strings (to control behind the scenes, to manipulate secretly)
aandienen {vt} :: to announce, present (an arrival)
aandienen {vr} :: to appear, to show up, to present oneself [+ als (object) = as], to arrive
aandikken {vt} :: to thicken, fatten
aandikken {vt} [figurative] :: to exaggerate, to embellish
aandoen {vt} :: to turn on (e.g. a light)
aandoen {vt} :: to put on (clothes), don
aandoen {v} [copular] :: to rouse an impression, strike oneself as
aandoen {vt} :: to engender, cause
aandoen {vt} :: to affect, harm (such as a disease to a body part)
aandoen {vt} :: to visit (a place)
aandoening {f} :: ailment
aandoening {f} :: emotion
aandoenlijk {adj} :: moving, touching (stirring one's emotion, especially pity, sadness and empathy)
aandoenlijk {adj} [obsolete] :: sensitive, sentimental
aandragen {vt} :: to bring forth
aandragen {vt} [figuratively] :: to put forth, to suggest, to supply (e.g. an idea)
aandrang {f} :: urge, inclination
aandrang {f} :: insistance, urging
aandrentelen {vi} :: to stroll near
aandribbelen {vi} :: to jog near
aandrift {f} :: the force with which something is being driven; an impulse
aandrift {f} :: the drive to act, especially by an inner feeling; an urge
aandrijfas {f} {m} :: drive shaft
aandrijfketting {f} {m} :: drive chain
aandrijfkracht {f} {m} :: driving force
aandrijflijn {f} :: powertrain, drivetrain
aandrijven {vt} :: to drive, to power, to supply a driving force to
aandrijven {vi} :: to float near, to approach or arrive floating
aandringen {vi} :: to insist, to press on
aandringen {vi} [obsolete] :: to advance, to press on
aandrukken {vt} :: to press in order to flatten or make something settle
aanduiden {vt} :: to indicate, to mark, to point out
aanduiden {vt} :: to express, to put into words
aanduiding {f} :: mark
aanduiding {f} :: indication, designation
aandurven {v} :: to dare; to venture
aandurven {v} [idiom] :: to toe the line
aanduwen {vt} :: to push against (an object), usually to make it fit
aanduwen {vti} :: to push (a motorised vehicle) to get the engine started
aanduwen {vti} :: to push (a vehicle) forward
aaneen {adv} :: (close) together
aaneen {adv} :: continuously, without interruption
aaneendraaien {vt} :: to wind together in a spiral
aaneenschakelen {vt} :: to link together, to chain together
aaneenschakelen {vt} [programming] :: to concatenate
aaneenschakeling {f} :: A concatenation
aaneensluiten {v} [absolute] :: to join together, to connect, to unite
aanerven {vt} [archaic] :: to inherit (to gain in inheritance)
aanfluiten {vt} :: to mock, to insult, to jeer
aanfluiting {f} :: disgrace, travesty, joke
aangaan {vt} :: to be a concern to, to concern
aangaan {vt} :: to enter (into something), to begin (something)
aangaan {vi} :: to start, to turn on [of a machine or device, or lights]
aangaan {vt} [in early Dutch impersonal, obsolete] :: to befall, to happen to
aangaan {vt} [obsolete] :: to go to (someone), to approach (someone)
aangaande {prep} :: about, concerning
aangeboren {adj} :: native, innate
aangeboren {adj} :: congenital
aangeboren {adj} [dated] :: acquired at birth
aangedaan {adj} :: touched, moved
aangeefster {f} :: female informant, a [[woman[[ who reports something [e.g. to the authorities]
aangeefster {f} :: female declarant
aangeefster {f} [comedy] :: female stooge, 'straight man'
aangeefster {f} :: female betrayer
aangelegen {adj} :: bordering, adjacent, coterminous
aangelegen {adj} [dated] :: important
aangelegenheid {f} :: matter, affair
aangenaam {adj} :: nice, pleasant, friendly
aangepast {adj} :: adapted
aangepast {adj} :: modified, edited
aangeschoten {adj} :: tipsy, squiffy
aangeslagen {adj} :: shaken, affected
aangeslagen {adj} [physics] :: excited, in a higher state of energy
aangeslagen toestand {m} [physics] :: excited state
aangetekend {adj} [of mail] :: registered
aangeven {vt} :: to hand, to pass
aangeven {vt} :: to indicate, to point out
aangeven {vt} :: to report, to notify, to declare
aangever {m} :: One who hands something to someone, one who passes something on
aangever {m} :: informant
aangever {m} :: declarant
aangever {m} [comedy] :: stooge, straight man
aangever {m} :: betrayer
aangezicht {n} [formal] :: face (part of head), countenance
aangezichtskunde {f} [rare] :: physiognomy
aangezien {conj} :: since, because
aangifte {f} :: declaration (e.g. for taxes or customs)
aangifte {f} :: official account of a crime, police statement
aanglijden {v} [often with komen] :: to slide near, to approach or arrive while sliding or slipping
aangluren {vt} :: to (furtively) leer at, to peek at, to peep at
aangooien {vt} [with optional indirect object] :: to throw (to)
aangorden {vr} :: to bestir oneself
aangrenzen {v} [obsolete] :: to border on
aangrenzend {v} :: adjacent, bordering
aangrijpen {vt} :: to suddenly grasp, to seize (to quickly take hold of)
aangrijpen {vt} :: to seize [an opportunity], to take advantage
aangrijpen {vt} :: to move, to stir [arouse strong feelings in]
aangrijpend {adj} :: touching, moving
aangrinniken {vt} [rare] :: to giggle at (someone) [often implying mockery]
aangroei {m} :: increase
aangroeien {v} [ergative] :: to increase
aangroeien {vi} :: to grow back
aanhalen {vt} :: To bring closer physically, notably:
aanhalen {v} :: to fetch, carry
aanhalen {v} :: to tighten
aanhalen {v} :: to pull or haul in
aanhalen {v} :: to magnify
aanhalen {vt} [figuratively] :: To bring closer emotionally, notably:
aanhalen {v} :: to tighten bonds
aanhalen {v} :: to bring onto oneself
aanhalen {vt} :: to quote
aanhalen {vt} :: to invoke (an argument)
aanhalen {vt} :: to seize, not necessarily followed by confiscation
aanhalen {vt} :: to mark as with a dot
aanhalen {vt} :: to underline
aanhalen {vt} [law, now, chiefly Belgium] :: to (temporarily) confiscate, to hold
aanhaling {f} :: quote, citation
aanhaling {f} :: act of petting (an animal)
aanhaling {f} [law, Belgium] :: (temporary) confiscation, seizure
aanhalingsteken {n} :: A quotation mark
aanhang {m} [collective] :: support, the totality of supporters
aanhang {m} :: the collection of romantic partners of a group of friends / family
aanhang {m} :: appendix (that which is appended)
aanhangen {vt} :: to adhere to (an idea or philosophy)
aanhanger {m} :: partisan, adherent
aanhanger {m} :: trailer (open-roof vehicle towed behind another vehicle)
aanhangsel {n} :: attachment
aanhangsel {n} :: appendix
aanhangwagen {m} :: trailer (on a vehicle) [not used for mobile homes]
aanhankelijk {adj} :: affectionate
aanhankelijkheid {f} :: affection
aanhebben {vt} :: to have on, to wear (clothing)
aanhechten {vt} :: to (physically) attach, to join
aanhechten {vt} [by extension] :: to attach, to append, to include
aanhef {m} :: opening words
aanhef {m} :: salutation title
aanhef {m} :: the strike up of a piece of music
aanhelpen {vt} [archaic] :: to help put on, to aid with dressing
aanhelpen {vt} [obsolete] :: to provide with
aan het {particle} :: Forms the continuous aspect, together with the gerund and with zijn as auxiliary verb
aan het kortste eind trekken {v} :: to draw the shortest straw in drawing straws
aan het kortste eind trekken {v} [idiom] :: to lose (out)
aanhijgen {vi} [often with komen] :: to arrive or approach while gasping
aanhijgen {vit} :: to shout while panting
aanhijsen {vt} :: to raise, to lift
aanhijsen {vt} :: to put on (clothing or armour), usually requiring some effort
aanhitsen {vt} :: to incite
aanhopen {vt} [dated] :: to form a heap or mound from
aanhoren {vt} :: to listen to
aanhoren {vt} :: to listen carefully to
aanhoren {vt} :: to listen to
aanhoren {vt} :: to hearken
aanhoudelijk {adj} :: continuously, persistently
aanhouden {vt} :: to arrest
aanhouden {vt} :: to hail (a cab); to stop (someone in order to ask a question)
aanhouden {vt} :: to keep up, to keep on
aanhouden {vi} :: to be ongoing, to persist
aanhouden {vt} :: to keep on, to continue wearing (clothing)
aanhouden {vt} :: to maintain in employment, to keep hired
aanhouder {m} :: persister, one who perseveres
aanhouder {m} [Southern Dutch] :: (extramarital) lover
aanhouding {m} :: arrest, detention
aanhoudingsbevel {n} [law] :: arrest warrant
aanhuilen {vi} :: to approach while crying or weeping [chiefly of people or the wind]
aanhuilen {vti} [or with indirect object, archaic] :: to address while crying or [[weeping
aanhuwelijking {f} :: the process of becoming related (becoming someone's in-law) through marriage
aanjagen {vt} [of animals] :: to drive, to cause to move
aanjagen {vt} :: to incite, to impel
aanjagen {vt} [of fire] :: to kindle
aanjuichen {v} [obsolete] :: synonym of toejuichen
aankaarten {vt} :: to broach, to raise (a subject), to bring up for discussion
aankakken {vi} [Netherlands, colloquial, often left unconjugated in combination with komen] :: to drawl (near), to arrive or approach slowly and leisurely
aankijken {vt} :: to look at, to look in the eye
aanklacht {f} [legal] :: indictment, charge against a crime
aanklage {f} [obsolete] :: legal indictment, charge
aanklagen {vt} :: to denounce, accuse, indict, sue
aanklager {m} :: accuser
aanklager {m} :: prosecutor
aanklager {m} [obsolete, grammar] :: a word in the accusative case
aanklaging {f} :: Action of accusing, indiction
aanklaging {f} [dated] :: Accusation
aanklampen {vt} :: to accost; to approach and address, usually in an unpleasant fashion
aanklampen {vt} [archaic] :: to cling to, to hold fast
aankleden {vt} :: to dress, put clothing on someone or something
aankleden {vr} :: to get dressed, put clothes on oneself
aankleden {vt} :: to furnish with textile, furniture, decorations etc
aankleden {vt} [figuratively] :: to dress up, present with embellishments, excuses etc
aankleding {f} :: decoration, furnishing
aankleding {f} :: stage setting
aankloppen {vi} :: to knock on the door
aankloten {vi} :: to screw around, to faff about, to fuck around (to waste time with idle actions)
aanknopen {vt} :: to tie on to
aanknopen {vt} :: to enter into, to begin
aanknopingspunt {n} :: starting point, lead
aanknopingspunt {n} :: point of reference
aankomeling {m} [dated, Belgium] :: adolescent
aankomeling {m} [archaic] :: newcomer, fledgling
aankomen {vi} :: to arrive
aankomen {vi} :: to gain weight
aankomen {vi} [impersonal] :: to depend [+ op (object) = on]
aankomen {vi} [obsolete] :: to grow
aankomen {v} [unaccusative, with indirect object, archaic] :: to be acquired
aankomst {f} :: arrival
aankondigen {vt} :: to announce
aankondiger {m} :: An announcer, someone who announces
aankondiging {f} :: announcement, notice
aankooien {v} [printing, archaic] :: to lock (a forme) by means of quoins
aankoop {m} :: purchase
aankopen {vt} :: to purchase
aankopen {vt} :: to buy
aankunnen {vt} :: to be able to handle, to be able to take
aankwispelen {vi} [rare, chiefly used as an infinitive or participle] :: to approach while wagging one's tail
aanlachen {vt} :: to smile at
aanlachen {vt} :: to smile on, to be beneficial or favourable
aanlappen {vt} [colloquial] :: to conjoin, to put together
aanlappen {vt} [dated] :: to sew together, to patch together [with thread and patches]
aanlassen {vt} :: to weld on, to attach by welding
aanlassen {vt} [obsolete] :: to attach, to append
aanleg {m} :: bent, disposition, nature
aanleg {m} :: facility, talent
aanleg {m} :: construction
aanleg {m} :: the act of mooring
aanleggen {vt} :: to set up, lay out
aanleggen {vt} :: to construct, to build
aanleggen {v} [ergative] :: to moor (a boat)
aanleggen {vt} :: to aim (e.g. a rifle, at a target)
aanlegpaal {m} :: a maritime bollard
aanlegsteiger {m} :: jetty (to moor boats to)
aanleiding {f} :: reason, cause, inducement
aanlengen {vt} :: to dilute, water down
aanleren {vti} :: to learn (to acquire knowledge, skills or habits)
aanleren {vt} :: to teach (to impart knowledge, skills or habits)
aanleveren {vt} :: to supply
aanlichten {vi} [literal and figurative] :: to begin to shine, to break [of dawn], to dawn
aanliggen {vi} :: to lie or stand against something else
aanliggen {vi} [navigation] :: to be on course
aanlijmen {v} :: to affix by means of gluing, to glue on
aanlijnen {vt} :: to leash, to secure with a leash, to put a leash on
aanlokkelijkheid {f} :: alluringness, charm
aanlonken {v} :: synonym of toelonken
aanloop {m} :: run-up (approach run)
aanloop {m} :: run-up (period of time before an event)
aanloop {m} [grammar] :: an element, usually an interjection or subordinate clause, preceding the main clause
aanloop {m} [obsolete] :: attack, charge (attack in which opponents charge at one another)
aanloopgeld {n} [historical] :: The money paid to new recruits upon joining the infantry
aanmaak {m} :: creation, production
aanmaakblokje {noun} :: firelighter
aanmaakhout {n} :: wood to light a fire with
aanmaakhoutje {noun} :: small piece of wood to light a fire with
aanmaken {vt} :: to produce on a large scale, to manufacture [often to have things in stock]
aanmaken {vt} [usually of mixtures] :: to prepare, to ready
aanmaken {vt} :: to burn, to light (a fire)
aanmaken {vt} :: to create
aanmaken {v} [obsolete] :: to affix, to connect, to merge together
aanmanen {v} :: to admonish, to urge
aanmaning {f} :: reprimand, reproof
aanmatiging {f} :: arrogance
aanmelden {vt} :: to apply, to announce
aanmelden {vr} :: to apply
aanmelden {vt} :: to log in
aanmelden {vr} :: to log in
aanmeren {vi} :: to moor, to berth
aanmerkelijk {adj} :: considerable
aanmerken {vt} :: to comment, to remark [usually suggesting criticism]
aanmerken {vt} :: to label, to denote [+ als (object) = as] (to categorise by naming)
aanmerken {vt} [dated] :: to note, to take notice
aanmerken {vt} [dated] :: to note, to take notice, to consider
aanmerking {f} :: comment
aanmerking {f} :: commentary
aanmerking {f} :: criticism
aanmerking {f} [obsolete] :: attention
aanmoedigen {vt} :: to encourage
aanmoediging {f} :: encouragement (act of encouraging)
aanmoediging {f} :: encouragement (something that encourages)
aannaaien {vt} :: to sew on
aannaderen {vi} [obsolete] :: to approach, to come near
aanname {f} {m} :: assumption
aanname {f} {m} :: premise, hypothesis
aanname {f} {m} :: acceptance
aanneembaar {adj} :: plausible, acceptable
aannemelijck {adj} :: archaic spelling of aannemelijk
aannemelijk {adj} :: plausible
aannemelijkheid {f} :: plausibility, the quality of being plausible
aannemelijkheid {f} [chiefly plural] :: something that is plausible
aannemen {vt} :: to take
aannemen {vt} :: to accept
aannemen {vt} :: to adopt
aannemen {vt} :: to assume
aannemen {vt} :: to engage (for a job)
aannemer {m} :: contractor (contruction contractor)
aannemertje {noun} :: diminutive of aannemer
aannopen {vt} [obsolete] :: to motivate, to spur, to incite
aannopen {vt} [obsolete] :: to touch
aanpak {m} :: An approach, the manner in which a problem is analyzed and solved or policy is made
aanpakken {vt} :: to take, to hold, to take over (when something is handed over)
aanpakken {vt} :: to deal with, to tackle (a problem)
aanpappen {vi} [colloquial] :: to make conversation, to start a conversation, to get in touch
aanpasbaar {adj} :: adjustable
aanpassen {vt} :: to adjust, adapt
aanpassen {vt} :: to fit, try on
aanpassing {f} :: adaptation, adjustment
aanpassingsvermogen {n} :: adaptive power, capability to adapt, capacity for adaptation
aanplakbiljet {n} :: A placard, a poster containing an announcement or promotional information hung in a public space
aanplakken {vt} [of objects and texts] :: to stick, to affix [on a surface]
aanplakken {vt} [with indirect object for the recipient, obsolete] :: to palm off (on/to)
aanplanten {vt} :: to plant [with connotation of considerable size, considerable quantity, replenishment or expansion]
aanplanting {f} :: the act or process of planting
aanplanting {f} :: A plantation with young trees, a tree nursery
aanprijzen {vt} :: to recommend
aanprijzen {vt} [dated] :: to praise, to extol
aanraakscherm {n} :: touch screen
aanraden {vt} :: to suggest, advise
aanrader {m} :: recommendation [that which is recommended]
aanraken {v} :: to touch
aanraking {f} :: touching
aanraking {f} :: contact
aanranden {vt} :: to assault sexually, to commit severe physical sexual violence against
aanranden {vt} [dated] :: to assault (to inflict (severe) physical injuries on)
aanrander {m} :: assailant
aanranding {f} :: (A) sexual assault, (an instance of) physical sexual abuse
aanranding {f} :: An assault, a violent attack
aanrandster {f} :: Female assailant
aanrecht {n} :: worktop, countertop, counter (surface in the kitchen to prepare food on)
aanrechtbank {f} [historical, dated] :: A low countertop, usually narrow and having cupboards underneath
aanrechtsubsidie {f} [pejorative, politics, neologism] :: A subsidy, usually a rebate, for a couple of whom one partner doesn't participate in the labour market
aanreiken {vt} :: to pass, to hand over
aanrekenen {vt} :: to charge, to hold accountable or responsible for
aanrekenen {vt} [archaic] :: to account as (having) credit, to acknowledge as a creditor
aanrennen {vi} :: to run near, to run close(r)
aanrennen {vi} [obsolete] :: to attack [+ op (object)], to charge [+ op (object) = against]
aanrichten {vt} [with negative connotations] :: to cause, to inflict, to wreak
aanrichten {vt} :: to prepare, to cause
aanrijden {vt} :: to collide with a vehicle
aanrijden {vi} :: to arrive driving or riding
aanrijden {vi} [dialectal, colloquial] :: to depart driving
aanrijding {f} :: (vehicle) collision
aanrit {m} :: approach (by vehicle or mount), the action of approaching by driving or riding
aanrit {m} :: stretch of road or path for gaining access, especially ramp for accessing bridges
aanritsgeld {n} [historical] :: The money paid to new recruits upon joining the army, originally especially in reference to the cavalry
aanroep {m} :: invocation, calling
aanroepen {vt} :: to invoke (call upon someone for help etc.)
aanroepen {vt} [computing] :: to call, to invoke (a subroutine, etc.)
aanroepen {vt} [dated] :: to invoke, to call upon
aanroeren {vt} :: to touch, to stir
aanroeren {vt} [figurative] :: to touch on, to be relevant to, to concern
aanschaf {m} :: purchase
aanschaffen {vt} :: to purchase, to buy
aanschellen {vi} [uncommon] :: to ring the doorbell
aanscherpen {vt} :: to sharpen
aanscherpen {vt} [figurative] :: to make more effective
aanschieten {vt} :: to shoot at (something) while landing a hit but not killing the target
aanschieten {vt} :: to quickly put on (clothes)
aanschieten {vi} :: to approach or arrive quickly
aanschieten {vi} :: to switch on quickly
aanschouw {mf} :: sight, appearance (that which is seen)
aanschouw {mf} [archaic] :: stature, status
aanschouwelijk {adj} :: graphical, pictorial
aanschouwelijk {adj} :: visible
aanschouwelijk {adj} :: empirical
aanschouwelijk {adj} [historical] :: using images and pictures
aanschouwen {vt} :: to behold, see, watch
aanschouwend {adj} [philosophy, archaic] :: Capable of being directly observed by the mind without dependence on the senses, in philosophical systems that suppose something like a Platonist world of ideal forms
aanschrappen {vt} :: to mark with a short horizontal line (e.g. a hyphen or dash)
aanschreeuwen {vi} :: to shout on, to persist with shouting
aanschreeuwen {vt} :: to shout at, to address by shouting
aanschrijven {vti} [with recipient as indirect object, formal] :: to write to [often of formal requests]
aanschrijven {vt} [archaic] :: to write (down), to commit to writing
aanschrijven {vt} [figurative] :: to write down, to consider
aanschroeven {vt} :: to tighten with screws, to tighten (a screw); to screw more tightly
aanschudden {vt} [rare] :: to shake (gently) in order to provoke a reaction [e.g. to wake someone]
aanschudden {vt} [rare] :: to shake to make it or its contents fit better or more compact
aanschuiven {v} [ergative] :: to shove closer (a chair to a table in order to eat for example); to shove into the proper position, to shove into into alignment
aanschuiven {vi} [by extension] :: to sit down at a table, to join in at a table
aanschuiven {vi} :: to shuffle or move a member back to the group they belong to
aanslaan {vt} :: to strike physically so as to activate or produce an effect
aanslaan {vt} :: to tax (a taxable person) with a tax assessment
aanslaan {vi} :: to start, to kick in, to switch on
aanslaan {vi} [of a dog] :: to start barking (as a sign of alarm)
aanslaan {vi} :: to succeed, to have an effect
aanslaan {vi} :: to catch on, to become popular
aanslag {m} :: deposit (substance layered on a surface)
aanslag {m} :: stroke, keystroke
aanslag {m} :: attack, assault
aanslag {m} [of taxes] :: assessment
aanslepen {v} :: to drag on
aanslijken {vi} [dated] :: to be expanded or replenished by mud deposits; to form from mud deposits
aanslijken {vi} [dated] :: to be clogged by mud deposits
aanslingeren {vt} :: to crank up, to wind up
aanslingeren {vt} [figurative] :: to begin, to raise
aanslingeren {vi} :: to zigzag near, to approach while following a meandering trajectory
aanslingeren {vt} [uncommon] :: to sling to, to fling to
aansluiten {vt} :: to connect
aansluiten {vt} :: to install
aansluiten {vi} :: to fit, to join up, to connect, to interface
aansluiten {vri} :: to join (a group)
aansluiten {vit} :: to fit or join seamlessly
aansluitend {adj} :: connected, contiguous
aansluiting {f} :: junction, connection (such as a power junction - stroomaansluiting)
aansluiting {f} :: liaison, relation, connection
aansluiting {f} :: connection, the act of connecting
aansluiting {f} [public transport] :: link or linkage with other public transport lines
aansluiting {f} [public transport] :: ride on another public transport line, being compatible with the trip on the preceding line
aansmeden {vt} :: to forge together, to forge into one
aansmeden {vt} [with the recipient as an optional indirect object, of bonds and collars, obsolete] :: to put (restraints) into place, either forged shut or fastened in another way
aansmelten {v} [ergative] :: to melt together, to fuse together
aansmeren {vt} [with indirect object for the recipient] :: to palm off (on/to)
aansnellen {vi} :: to rush near
aanspannen {vt} :: to stretch, to apply tension to
aanspannen {vt} :: to put (animals) before a cart or carriage
aanspannen {vt} [law] :: to launch, to start (a trial or lawsuit)
aanspelden {vt} :: to pin to, to affix by pinning
aanspelen {vi} [dated] :: to allude [+ op (object) = to]
aanspelen {vit} [football, with indirect object] :: to pass (the ball) to
aanspelen {vt} [billiards] :: to target, to hit (a ball)
aanspelen {vt} [obsolete, card games] :: to play (a card) as the first card
aanspeling {f} [dated] :: synonym of toespeling
aanspijkeren {v} :: to nail fast, to fasten with nails
aanspinnen {vt} :: to add, affix or join by weaving or spinning
aanspinnen {vt} [archaic] :: to begin or add to a story, act or history; to start a conversation
aanspoelen {v} [ergative] :: to drift/wash ashore
aansporen {vt} :: to exhort, to urge, to encourage
aansporing {f} :: encouragement; the act, process or instance of encouraging
aansporing {f} :: incentive
aanspraak {f} :: claim (of ownership), legal grounds for a claim
aanspraak {f} :: occasion for conversation, conversation
aanspraak {f} [obsolete] :: speech
aanspraak {f} [obsolete, law] :: charge, accusation, legal claim
aansprakelijk {adj} :: responsible
aansprakelijkheid {f} :: liability, accountability, bearing of responsibility/risk(s) (as for a debt or venture)
aansprakelijkheidsverzekering {f} :: liability insurance
aanspreekvorm {m} :: style of address, title of address
aanspreken {vt} :: to address
aanspreken {vt} :: to accost
aanspreken {vt} :: to appeal to, to be appealing to
aanstaand {adj} :: coming, next, future
aanstaande {noun} :: fiancé, fiancée
aanstampen {vt} :: to tamp; especially, to stamp/stomp (on soil or a granular fluid) to make it compact
aanstaren {vt} :: to stare at, to stare in the eyes/face
aanstekelijk {adj} :: contagious, infectious (easily infecting others)
aanstekelijk {adj} :: catchy (highly memorable)
aanstekelijkheid {f} :: contagiousness
aansteken {vt} :: to light, kindle
aansteken {vt} :: to infect, taint
aansteker {m} :: A lighter
aansteker {m} [rare] :: One who lights or kindles a fire or light source
aansteker {m} [dated, metallurgy] :: A lever used to cast molten metal into a furnace
aansteking {f} [dated] :: infecting, infection, the action of infecting someone with a contagious disease
aanstellen {vt} :: to appoint, to commission, to name for a role
aanstellen {vr} :: to behave in an exaggerating manner; to attitudinize
aanstellen {vt} [obsolete] :: to put in place, to set up, to instal
aanstelling {f} :: appointment (placing into a position of power)
aanstippen {vt} :: to mark with a dot
aanstippen {vt} :: to indicate, to point out
aanstippen {vt} :: to touch with a cotton bud or a sharp tool (in order to apply a substance or to puncture something)
aanstoffen {vt} [archaic] :: to dust, to remove dust from
aanstoken {vt} [of fires] :: to stoke, to stir up
aanstoken {vt} [figurative] :: to incite
aanstonds {adv} :: soon
aanstonds {adv} :: directly, immediately
aanstoot {m} :: offense, affront
aanstoot {m} :: cause, impulse (that which leads up to an effect)
aanstoot {m} [obsolete] :: attack
aanstormen {vi} :: to approach quickly, to go straight towards (someone) with great speed
aanstormen {vi} :: to storm, to assault
aanstoten {vt} :: to bump into (something), to collide with
aanstoten {vt} :: to nudge someone to get their attention
aanstrepen {vt} :: to mark with a line
aanstrikken {vt} :: to secure by knotting, to put on by knotting
aanstrikken {vt} :: to knot together
aanstrompelen {vi} :: to arrive hobbling or stumbling
aansullen {vi} :: to approach in a lackluster, dopey or goofy fashion
aansullen {vi} :: to slide or glide near
aan't {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of aan het
aantaal {f} [law, historical] :: legal claim
aantal {n} :: countable amount
aantal {n} :: a number, a plurality
aantal {n} :: a few
aantalen {vt} [law, obsolete] :: to claim, to lay a claim to/against
aantasten {vt} :: to affect badly, to damage (by contact), to attack (chemically)
aantasten {vt} [obsolete] :: to grab or hold with the fingers
aantekenaar {m} :: One who signs up for something
aantekenaar {m} [archaic, rare] :: One who writes down a note
aantekenboek {n} :: notebook (book for writing down notes)
aantekenen {vt} :: to jot down, to write down, to note
aantekenen {vt} [legal] :: to appeal
aantekening {f} :: note
aantekeningenboek {n} :: notebook (pocket-sized book for writing down notes)
aantijgen {vt} [with the accused as indirect object, formal] :: to accuse (someone or something) of
aantijgen {vt} [archaic] :: to accuse
aantijgen {vi} [obsolete] :: to move up to, to approach
aantijging {f} :: accusation, imputation
aantillen {vt} [rare] :: to lift and bring closer
Aantjes {prop} :: surname
aantocht {m} :: approach
aantocht {m} [obsolete] :: attack
aantokkelen {vt} [music] :: to hit (a snare), to pluck, to strum
aantokkelen {vt} [obsolete] :: to lure closer, to draw closer
aantonen {vt} :: to show
aantonen {vt} :: to prove, demonstrate
aantonend {adj} :: indicative
aantonende wijs {f} [grammar] :: indicative mood
aantreden {vi} [military] :: to fall in (get into position)
aantreden {vi} :: to accept, to join (a position of office)
aantreffen {vt} :: to find, encounter, come across
aantrekkelijk {adj} :: attractive, beautiful
aantrekkelijkheid {f} :: attractiveness
aantrekken {vt} :: to attract, exert a pulling force (on an object) such as gravity
aantrekken {vt} :: to attract, draw, allure, appeal (to someone)
aantrekken {vt} :: to tighten by pulling
aantrekken {vt} :: to put on (e.g. clothing)
aantrekken {vrt} :: to take heed, to take an interest in something, to let oneself be bothered by
aantrekking {f} :: attraction
aantrekkingskracht {f} :: force of attraction, attractive force
aanvaardbaar {adj} :: acceptable
aanvaarden {vt} :: to accept
aanvaarding {f} :: acceptance
aanval {m} :: An act of aggression; assault, attack
aanval {m} :: A sudden convulsion; attack, seizure
aanvallen {vt} :: to attack
aanvallend {adj} :: offensive, aggressive
aanvaller {m} :: attacker
aanvaller {m} [sports] :: attacker, striker
aanvallig {adj} :: charming, sweet
aanvalling {f} [obsolete] :: attack
aanvalskracht {f} [chiefly uncountable] :: attack power, attack strength
aanvalsplan {n} :: An attack plan
aanvalsvlag {f} [historical] :: attack flag (red flag signifying that one is attacking)
aanvang {m} [formal] :: commencement, inception, beginning
aanvangen {vit} :: to begin, to start, to commence
aanvankelijk {adv} :: initially, at first
aanvankelijk {adj} :: initial
aanvaren {vt} :: to collide while sailing
aanvaren {vt} :: to collide with
aanvaren {vi} :: to sail near/closer
aanvaring {f} :: Collision involving at least one vessel
aanvaring {f} [figuratively] :: Fight or dispute, confrontation [mostly but not always verbal]
aanvatten {vt} :: to hold, to grasp, to take hold of
aanvatten {vt} :: to accept, to get, to receive [of objects]
aanvatten {vti} :: to begin (doing), to commence
aanvechten {vt} :: to contest, to dispute
aanvechten {vt} [dated] :: to oppose, to take on
aanvechten {vt} [archaic] :: to tempt
aanversterven {vi} [with the recipient as indirect object, dated] :: to be transferred in inheritance, to be inherited
aanvertrouwen {vt} [with indirect object, dated, formal] :: to entrust [+ aan (object) = to]
aanverwant {adj} :: (closely) related
aanverwant {m} :: in-law
aanvinken {v} :: to check (f.e. choices on a form) [not implying elimination of options or objectives]
aanvliegen {vi} :: to fly near, to arrive or approach by flying
aanvliegen {vt} :: to start a conversation in person with, to accost
aanvoeden {vt} [dated] :: to raise, to cultivate, to bring up [figuratively] to incite, to encourage
aanvoegen {vt} :: to join up
aanvoegend {adj} :: subjunctive
aanvoegende wijs {f} [grammar] :: subjunctive mood
aanvoelen {vt} :: to have feeling for, to sense
aanvoelen {vi} [with adverbs] :: to feel, to be to the touch
aanvoelen {vt} :: to feel [+ als (object) = like]
aanvoer {m} :: supply
aanvoerder {m} :: leader
aanvoerder {m} [sports] :: captain
aanvoeren {vt} :: to supply
aanvoeren {vt} :: to command
aanvoerlijn {f} :: supply line
aanvraag {f} :: application, request (act of applying or petitioning, that which has been requested)
aanvragen {vt} :: to request, to apply for, to order
aanvreten {vt} :: to eat at, to damage by eating
aanvreten {vt} :: to corrode
aanvullen {vt} :: to supplement
aanvullen {vt} :: to complement, to complete
aanvulling {f} :: supplement, addition, replenishment
aanvuren {vt} [dated, exclusively figurative] :: to kindle, to light (a metaphorical fire)
aanvuren {vt} :: to incite, to spur, to encourage
aanvuren {vt} :: to cheer for
aanwaaien {vi} :: to arrive by being blown by the wind
aanwaaien {vi} [with optional indirect object for the recipient] :: to be achieved or gained with little effort
aanwakkeren {vt} :: to fan (a fire), to kindle
aanwakkeren {vt} :: to stimulate, incite, stir up, rouse
aanwakkeren {vi} :: to regain strength, energy, vim, etc
aanwas {m} :: growth, increase, expansion
aanwassen {vi} :: to wax, to grow, to increase (to undergo growth)
aanwassen {vi} :: to grow back, to regrow
aanwassen {vi} [with indirect object, obsolete] :: to befall, to happen to, to be acquired
aan weerskanten {adv} :: on both sides
aan weerszij {adv} :: on either side
aan weerszij {adv} :: on both sides
aan weerszijden {adv} :: on both sides
aanwenden {vt} :: to apply, employ
aanwerken {vi} [dated] :: to obstruct, to make an effort [+ tegen (object) = against]
aanwerken {vt} [dated, mostly apiculture] :: to rebuild, to replenish, to restore
aanwerpen {vt} [with optional indirect object] :: to throw (to)
aanwerven {vt} [originally nautical] :: to recruit, to hire
aanweven {vt} :: to extend by weaving
aanweven {vt} :: to connect by weaving
aanwezen {n} :: presence
aanwezen {n} [archaic] :: existence
aanwezig {adj} :: present (as in not absent)
aanwezige {noun} :: someone who is present (e.g. a member of the audience)
aanwezigheid {f} :: presence
aanwezigheid {f} :: attendance
aanwijsapparaat {n} :: pointing device
aanwijzen {vt} :: to point at
aanwijzen {vt} :: to point out, indicate
aanwijzen {vt} :: to appoint, designate
aanwijzen {v} [archaic] :: to attest, to demonstrate
aanwijzend voornaamwoord {n} [grammar] :: demonstrative pronoun
aanwijzing {f} :: indication, sign (something that indicates)
aanwijzing {f} :: hint, clue
aanwijzingsbord {n} :: notice sign
aanwinnen {vt} :: to acquire
aanwinnen {vt} :: to reclaim land (from sea)
aanwoekeren {vi} [often, derogatory] :: to increase abundantly to the point of overgrowth, to mushroom, to overgrow
aanwortelen {vi} :: to take root, to develop roots and thereby become anchored in the soil
aanwrijven {vt} :: to impute
aanw.vnw. {n} :: abbreviation of aanwijzend voornaamwoord
aanzaaien {vt} :: to sow on (a patch of soil)
aanzanden {vi} :: to acquire sand [especially through washed-up deposits]
aanzanden {vt} :: to supply with sand
aanzeggen {vt} :: to declare, to formally inform
aanzegger {m} :: A messenger who informs others of births and deaths in a (semi-)professional capacity
aanzegger {m} :: A spokesperson or advocate of a certain school of thought
aanzegger {m} :: One who officially reports or declares something, usually to the government and involved parties
aanzeilen {vi} :: to sail near, to arrive, approach or collide by sailing
aanzeilen {vt} :: to collide against (something) while sailing
aanzetten {vt} :: to start, switch on
aanzetten {vt} :: to urge, incite [+ tot (object)]
aanzetten {vt} :: to set
aanzetten {vt} :: to stress
aanzetten {vt} :: to put on to
aanzetten {vt} :: to stick, catch
aanzetten {v} [ergative] :: to intensify, to increase
aanzien {vt} :: to watch, to view
aanzien {vt} :: to view as, to take for, to mistake for
aanzien {n} :: prestige
aanzien {vt} [dated] :: to watch, to behold
aanzien des persoons {n} [idiom] :: personal status, attributes that discriminate people from others
aanzienlijk {adj} :: considerable
aanzienlijk {adv} :: considerably
aanzijn {n} :: presence
aanzijn {v} [obsolete, of locations] :: to visit, to go to
aanzijn {v} [obsolete] :: to insist
aanzitten {vi} :: to get ready to dine; to sit down at a table (to eat)
aanzoek {n} :: offer, proposal; especially a marriage proposal
aanzoeten {v} [ergative] :: to sweeten (to make or to become sweeter)
aanzoeten {v} [ergative, figurative] :: to become or make more appealing/ pleasant
aanzouten {vt} :: to make salter, to salinate
aanzuren {v} [ergative] :: to acidify (to make or to become more acidic or sour)
aanzwellen {vi} :: to swell
aanzwellen {vi} :: to swell up, surge
aanzwemmen {vi} :: to approach by swimming
aap {m} :: monkey, ape, simian; any member of the infraorder Simiiformes
aapachtig {adj} :: simian, apish, monkeylike
aapje {noun} [historical, slang] :: A roofed carriage that could be hired for rides
aapmens {m} :: apeman
aap van de Oude Wereld {m} :: Old World monkey, any member of the family Cercopithecidae
-aar {suffix} :: someone who practices the action signified by the verb, the stem of which the suffix has been appended onto
-aar {suffix} :: something with which one can implement the action signified by the verb, the stem of which the suffix has been appended onto
-aar {suffix} :: tree of a particular type, appended to nouns denoting trees or the products or parts of trees
aar {f} :: ear (of corn, grain etc.)
aar {m} [archaic] :: eagle
aar {f} [dialectal] :: alternative form of ader
-aard {suffix} :: Suffix used with adjectives to indicate a person with a certain quality
aard {m} :: nature, character, disposition
aard {f} :: alternative form of aarde
Aard {prop} {m} :: given name
aardaker {m} :: Lathyrus tuberosus
aardakers {noun} :: plural of aardaker
aardappel {m} :: potato
aardappelpuree {m} [cooking] :: mashed potatoes (potatoes that have been boiled and mashed)
aardappelsalade {f} :: potato salad (salad made from chopped boiled potatoes)
aardappelveld {n} :: potato field
aardas {f} :: Earth axis
aardbei {mf} :: strawberry
aardbeiboom {m} :: Arbutus unedo; strawberry tree
aardbeienmelk {f} :: A sweet dairy drink with strawberry flavour
aardbeienplant {mf} :: strawberry plant
aardbeispinazie {noun} :: goosefoot; species of Blitum
aardbeving {f} :: earthquake
aardbevingshaard {m} [geology] :: A hypocentre
aardbevingsschade {f} :: damage caused by earthquakes
aardbodem {m} :: earth surface
aarde {f} :: earth, soil, ground
aarde {f} [electricity] :: earth, ground
Aarde {prop} {f} :: Earth (the planet)
Aarde {prop} {f} :: personification (e.g. as a deity) of humanity's homeworld
aardedonker {adj} :: dark as night, pitch-black
Aardema {prop} {-} :: surname
aarden {adj} :: earthen, made of soil
aarden {adj} :: clay - etc., made of pottery made from soil
aarden {vt} :: to ground, connect an electrical conductor as a safety outlet
aarden {vt} [obsolete] :: to commit to the earth, bury
aarden {vi} :: (used with naar ...) to take after, share (notably inherited) traits with (notably an ancestor)
aardewerk {n} [chiefly uncountable, collective] :: earthenware
aardewerk {adj} [uncommon] :: earthenware
aardewerken {adj} :: earthenware
aardgas {n} :: natural gas (mixture of gaseous carbon compounds associated with petroleum deposits)
aardgewas {n} [archaic] :: crop
aardgewas {n} [obsolete] :: any crop that provides root vegetables
aardhoop {m} :: (small) mound, pile of dirt or soil
aardig {adj} :: friendly, nice
aardig {adj} :: nice
aardig {adj} :: considerable, substantial
aardig {adv} :: nicely
aardig {adv} :: fairly
aardigheid {f} :: friendliness, niceness
aardigheid {f} [commonly as a diminutive] :: a small gift
aarding {f} :: ground (electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential)
aardkloot {m} [dated, poetic] :: Planet Earth
aardkloot {m} [dated] :: any (rocky) planet
aardkorst {f} {m} [geology] :: Earth's crust
aardkunde {f} [now, uncommon] :: geology
aardluis {f} [archaic] :: Old popular name for several beetle species that live on leaves, generally from the Chrysomeloidea
aardmagnetisch {adj} :: geomagnetic
aardmagnetisme {n} :: geomagnetism
aardmantel {m} [geology] :: mantle, Earth's mantle
aardmuis {f} :: field vole, Microtus agrestis
aardnoot {f} :: A peanut, a crusted legume resembling a nut and growing in the ground
aardolie {f} [uncountable] :: petroleum, fossil crude oil
aardolie {f} [countable] :: A particular variety or composition of petroleum
aardoppervlak {n} :: Earth's surface
aardpeer {m} :: Jerusalem artichoke (plant and tuber)
aardpek {n} {m} :: mineral pitch, bitumen
aardrijk {n} :: earth
aardrijksbeschrijving {f} [obsolete] :: geography
aardrijksbeschrijving {f} [obsolete] :: geographical description
aardrijkskunde {f} :: geography
aardrijkskundig {adj} :: geographical
aards {adj} :: earthly, of Earth, Terran
aards {adj} [religion] :: of the current life or age on Earth, worldly
aardsatelliet {m} :: A satellite (natural or artificial) orbiting around the Earth
aardschok {m} :: earthquake, quake, temblor, seism
aardschok {m} :: tremor, earth tremor, microseism
Aardse {prop} {m} :: given name
aardsgezind {adj} :: this-worldly, worldly
aardslak {f} :: keelback slug, any slug of the Limacidae
aardslang {f} :: A terrestrial snake, as opposed to aquatic, and sometimes arboreal snakes
aardslang {f} [historical, mythology] :: A snake that represents earth, as opposed to other parts or elements of the cosmos
aard van het beestje {m} [idiom] :: nature of the beast
aardvarken {n} :: aardvark, Orycteropus afer
aardveil {n} :: tunhoof, ground-ivy
aardverschuiving {f} :: landslide
aardverschuiving {f} [figuratively] :: (political) upheaval
aardvlo {f} :: flea beetle of the genus Psylliodes, or more generally any beetle from the Chrysomeloidea
aardvrucht {f} :: root vegetable
aardwarmte {f} :: geothermal heat, geothermal warmth
aardwolf {m} :: aardwolf
aardworm {m} :: An earthworm, the most common terrestrian worm species
aardworm {m} :: An insignificant, or even despicable, creature
Aarlen {prop} {n} :: Arlon
Aarnout {prop} {m} :: given name
Aäron {prop} {m} :: Aaron (Biblical figure)
Aäron {prop} {m} :: given name
aars {m} :: anus, arse(hole), rectum
aars {m} [rare] :: butt
aars {m} [vulgar] :: shit
aarsdarm {m} [dated, uncommon] :: rectum
aarsmade {f} :: the parasitic worm threadworm or pinworm, Enterobius vermicularis, which lives in human intestines
aarsvoet {m} [obsolete] :: grebe, bird of the genus Podiceps
aarswis {f} [obsolete, colloquial] :: (scrap of) toilet paper
aarswolf {m} [obsolete] :: A graze, boil or other wound on the buttocks (aars meaning arse)
Aart {prop} {m} :: given name. A pet name of the Dutch male given name Arnoud, an equivalent of Arnold
aarts- {prefix} :: arch-, of high rank
aarts- {prefix} :: arch-, to a high degree
aarts- {prefix} :: old, ancient, of high age
Aarts {prop} :: surname
aartsabt {m} :: An archabbot, the general superior ranking above all other abbots in certain Catholic congregations
aartsbisdom {n} :: archdiocese
aartsbisschop {m} [Christianity, Roman Catholicism] :: archbishop, bishop presiding over a province
aartsbisschop {m} [Western Christianity] :: archbishop, leader of a national church
aartsengel {m} :: archangel, member of a high one of the nine choirs (orders) of angels
aartshertog {m} :: archduke
aartshertogdom {n} :: archduchy, the title and/or territory of an archduke
aartshertogin {f} :: archduchess, wife of an archduke or daughter or granddaughter of the Emperor of Austria(-Hungary)
aartsketter {m} :: heresiarch (founder of a heresy)
aartslui {adj} :: extremely lazy, very lazy
aartsmoeder {f} [biblical] :: matriarch
aartspriester {m} [Christianity] :: archpriest
aartsvader {m} :: A Biblical patriarch; primary ancestor, notably of a tribe or people
aartsvader {m} :: A family's patriarch, most senior male ancestor
aartsvader {m} [poetic] :: An ecclesiastic patriarch
aartsvaderlijk {adj} :: patriarchal, pertaining to the Biblical patriarchs
aartsvijand {m} :: archenemy, a principal enemy
aarzelen {vi} :: to hesitate
aarzeling {f} :: hesitation
aas {n} :: bait
aas {n} :: carrion
aas {m} {n} :: ace (playing cards)
aas {m} {n} :: ace (skilled pilot, esp. in the air force; skilled person)
aas {m} {n} [obsolete] :: unit of mass corresponding to approximately 0.05 grams
aas {m} {n} [obsolete] :: ace, any very small amount
aasetend {adj} :: scavenging (eating carrion)
aaseter {m} :: scavenger
aasgewicht {n} [historical] :: weight for weighing the degree to which coins deviated from a standardised mass
aasgier {m} :: Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus
aasgier {m} [colloquial, by extension] :: Any vulture, especially one whose diet consists of carrion
aasgier {m} [figuratively] :: A vulture, a person who profits from the suffering of others
aasvlieg {f} :: blowfly, fly of the Calliphoridae
aasvogel {m} :: bird feeding on carrion, vulture
aasvogel {m} [figuratively] :: vulture, a person who profits from the suffering of others
aasvretend {adj} [uncommon] :: scavenging (eating carrion)
-aat {suffix} :: -ate
Aat {prop} {m} :: given name. Short form of Adriaan, equivalent of Adrian
abacterieel {adj} [uncommon, chiefly inflected] :: abacterial
abacus {m} [arithmetic] :: An abacus (arithmetic calculation device, usually with beads on rods)
abacus {m} [architecture] :: An abacus (upper portion of a column's capital)
abattoir {n} :: abattoir, slaughterhouse
abbatiaal {adj} :: abbatial (pertaining to an abbey, abbot or abbess)
Abby {prop} [rare] :: given name
abc {n} :: alphabet
abces {n} [pathology] :: abscess
Abchazisch {prop} {n} :: Abkhaz; language spoken in Abkhazia
Abcoude {prop} {n} :: Abcoude (village)
abd. {noun} :: abbreviation of abdij
Abdel {prop} :: given name
abdicatie {f} :: abdication
abdiceren {vi} :: to abdicate
abdij {f} :: abbey
abdijkerk {f} :: An abbey church
abdijkerkje {noun} :: diminutive of abdijkerk
abdis {f} :: An abbess (female superior of certain nunneries)
Abdoel {prop} {m} :: given name
Abdoella {prop} :: given name
Abdoulla {prop} :: alternative form of Abdoella
abductie {f} [logic] :: abduction (syllogism)
abductie {f} [anatomy] :: abduction, act of abducing
Abe {prop} {m} :: given name, West Frisian variant of Albert and Abel
abeel {m} :: abele; term used of certain poplars, mainly the white poplar (Populus alba), grey poplar (Populus × canescens) or black poplar (Populus nigra)
abel {adj} [dated] :: capable, able
Abel {prop} {m} :: Abel (Biblical character)
Abel {prop} {m} :: given name of biblical origin
Abelone {prop} {f} :: given name
Abeltje {prop} :: given name, a diminutive or hypocoristic form of Abel
abiogenese {f} :: abiogenesis
abject {adj} :: reprehensible, despicable, abject
ablatief {m} [grammar] :: ablative case
ablativus {m} [grammar] :: the ablative case or a word therein
ablutie {f} :: ablution
abm. {n} :: abbreviation of aartsbisdom
ABN {prop} {n} [superseded] :: abbreviation of algemeen beschaafd Nederlands
abnormaal {adj} :: abnormal (not conforming to rule or system)
abnormaliteit {f} :: abnormality
abo {n} [Netherlands, colloquial] :: subscription
abolitie {f} [law] :: The prevention or abrogation of a prosecution procedure by means of a law
abolitie {f} [obsolete] :: abolition, annulment, abolishing
abominabel {adj} :: abominable, hateful, terrible; detestable; loathsome
abonnee {m} :: subscriber
abonnement {n} :: subscription
abonnement {n} :: season ticket, especially for public transport (train, bus, etc...)
abonneren {vt} :: to subscribe, to sign up (to receive a publication)
aborderen {v} [obsolete, nautical] :: to board
aborteren {vt} :: to abort, to cause a premature termination of (a fetus)
abortie {f} [dated, rare] :: A miscarriage, a spontaneous abortion
abortie {f} [dated, rare] :: An induced abortion
abortorium {n} [rare] :: abortorium
abortus {m} :: abortion, induced abortion
abortus {m} :: miscarriage, spontaneous abortion
abortuskliniek {f} :: abortion clinic
abortus provocatus {m} :: abortion, induced abortion
Abraham {prop} {m} :: Abraham (Biblical character, presented as ancestral to many western Semitic peoples)
Abraham {prop} {m} :: given name
abrahamitisch {adj} :: Abrahamic
abrahamitisch {adj} :: Relating to Abraham
abri {m} :: shelter for public transport
abri {m} [cycling] :: protection from wind by a cyclist's or biker's wake
abri {m} [Belgium] :: bomb shelter, bunker
abri {m} :: rock shelter, rock overhang
abrikoos {mf} :: apricot
abs. {noun} :: abbreviation of aartsbisschop
absces {n} :: archaic spelling of abces
abscis {f} :: abscissa, absciss (the first of two coordinates in a rectilinear coordinate system)
absint {m} {n} :: absinthe (liquor)
absolute genitief {m} :: genitive absolute
absolutie {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: absolution, absolvement of sins by a clerical authority
absolutie {f} [obsolete, law] :: absolution, pardoning
absolutisme {n} [politics, historical, political science] :: absolutism (state or ideology in which the ruler is absolutely sovereign)
absolutisme {n} [philosophy] :: absolutism (doctrine or philosophy involving metaphysical absolutes)
absolutist {m} [politics, historical, political science] :: absolutist (adherent of the absolute sovereignty of rulers)
absolutist {m} [philosophy] :: absolutist (one believing in metaphysical absolutes)
absolutistisch {adj} [politics, historical, political science] :: absolutist, absolutistic, absolute (pertaining to the absolute sovereignty of rulers)
absolutistisch {adj} [philosophy] :: absolutist, absolute (pertaining to metaphysical absolutes)
absoluut {adj} :: absolute, complete, perfect
absoluut {adj} [politics, historical, political science] :: absolute, absolutist, absolutistic (pertaining to the absolute sovereignty of rulers)
absoluut {adv} :: absolutely
absorberen {vt} :: to absorb
absorptie {f} :: absorption, act or process of absorbing or sucking in something
abstract {adj} :: abstract
abstract {adj} [arts] :: abstract
abstractie {f} :: abstraction
abstraheren {vt} :: to abstract, to think abstractly, to create abstractions
absurd {adj} :: absurd
absurditeit {f} :: absurdity
abt {m} :: An abbot, monastic superior of an abbey
abuis {n} :: An error, a mistake
abuis {n} [archaic] :: A wrong, abuse, a wrongful action or activity
abuis {n} [obsolete] :: A strange or miraculous phenomenon
abuis {adj} :: mistaken, wrong
abundant {adj} :: abundant
abusievelijk {adv} :: inadvertently, accidentally
ABW {prop} :: initialism of Algemene bijstandswet
acacia {m} [botany] :: A shrub or tree of a species that belongs to the genus Acacia, is believed to belong to this genus, or once belonged to the genus. In practice it will refer to Robinia pseudoacacia
academicus {m} :: an academic
academicus {m} :: an academician
academie {f} :: academy
academisch {adj} :: academic
a capella {adv} :: a cappella, singing without instrumental accompaniment
a-capellakoor {n} [music] :: a cappella choir
acarologie {f} :: acarology
acarologisch {adj} :: acarological
acaroloog {m} :: acarologist
accapareren {vt} [now, Belgium] :: To appropriate, to seize
accederen {vit} [obsolete, with tot or aan if intransitive] :: to accede (to become party to an agreement)
acceleratie {f} :: acceleration (amount)
accelereren {v} [ergative] :: to accelerate
accent {n} [linguistics] :: accent (distinctive pronunciation of a language; phonetic and phonological aspects of a lect)
accent {n} :: A notably deviant or disprivileged pronunciation of a language
accent {n} [linguistics] :: accent (contrasting articulation to express emphasis)
accent {n} [orthography] :: accent (symbol to indicate spoken accent or the nature of a vowel)
accent {n} [music] :: accent (stress or emphasis)
accent {n} [music] :: A mark that indicates musical accent
accentueren {vt} :: to accentuate
acceptabel {adj} :: acceptable
accepteren {vt} :: to accept
accessie {f} :: accession, the act of joining or acceding
accessie {f} [law] :: accession, the automatic acquisition of property through ownership of related property
accessoire {n} :: accessory (attachment)
accident {n} [philosophy, theology] :: accidental property
accident {n} [now, Belgium] :: accident
accijns {m} :: excise tax; a tax on certain goods including alcohol, tobacco, and flammable materials
Acco {prop} {m} :: given name
accolade {f} [punctuations] :: brace, curly bracket ({ })
accolade {f} :: anything that resembles the above
accommodatie {f} [countable] :: accommodation (lodging, facility)
accommodatie {f} [uncountable] :: accommodation (adaptation to circumstances)
accoord {n} :: alternative spelling of akkoord
accordeon {m} {n} :: accordion (a portable wind instrument with a keyboard)
accordeonfile {f} :: heavy stop-and-start traffic
account {n} :: a subscription to an electronic service
accountant {m} :: An accountant; an account-keeper or auditor
accretie {f} :: accretion
accu {m} :: battery; accumulator
acculturalisatie {f} [sociology] :: acculturalisation
accumulatie {f} :: accumulation (act of accumulating, the state of being accumulated)
accumulator {m} [dated, now, chiefly historical] :: battery, accumulator
accuraat {adj} :: accurate
accuraat {adj} :: punctual
accuratesse {f} :: accuracy
accusatief {m} [grammar] :: accusative case
accusativus {m} [grammar] :: the accusative case or a word therein
acetaat {n} :: acetate
acetyleen {n} :: acetylene
ach {interj} :: oh, expresses compassion, surprise and dismay
achenebbisj {adj} [colloquial] :: shabby
Achiel {prop} {m} :: given name
Achilles {prop} {m} :: Achilles
achilleshiel {m} :: Achilles heel
Achmad {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Achmed
Achmed {prop} {m} :: given name
acht {num} :: eight
acht {f} :: attention, heed
achtbaan {f} :: rollercoaster
achtbaar {adj} :: honourable, notable
achtbaar {adj} :: notable, remarkable
achtbenig {adj} :: eight-legged [chiefly in relation to horses, people and objects]
achtduizend {num} :: eight thousand
achteloos {adj} :: careless
achteloosheid {f} :: carelessness, negligence
achten {vt} :: to esteem, to respect, to value
achten {vt} :: to estimate, to consider, to reckon
achtendertig {num} :: thirty-eight
achtennegentig {num} :: ninety-eight
achtentachtig {num} :: eighty-eight
achtentwintig {num} :: twenty-eight
achtenveertig {num} :: forty-eight
achtenvijftig {num} :: fifty-eight
achtenzestig {num} :: sixty-eight
achtenzeventig {num} :: seventy-eight
achter- {prefix} :: A prefix appended to a small group of verbs; where it means after-, behind
achter {prep} :: behind
achter {prep} :: beyond
achteraan {adv} :: in the back
achteraan {prep} :: behind (at the back of)
achteraan {circump} :: after, behind, following
achteraf {adv} :: Afterwards, in hindsight
achterafstraat {f} :: A back street
achterafstraat {f} :: A shady (shifty) street
achterbak {m} :: A boot, a trunk; a luggage compartment at the back of a car
achterbaks {adj} :: shrewd, sneaky, underhand, furtive
achterban {m} :: base, e.g. a party's electorate or any organisation's supporters
achterban {m} [historical] :: the part of a feudal army raised by the vassals of a liege's vassals
Achterberg {prop} {n} :: Achterberg (village)
achterblijven {vi} :: to remain, stay behind, hang back (to stay somewhere, while others leave)
achterbout {m} :: back haunch, hind haunch (hindmost leg of an animal as food)
achterbuurt {f} [colloquial] :: An impoverished neighbourhood, a shady or shabby neighbourhood
achterdeel {n} :: back part, hindmost part
achterdeel {n} :: butt, buttocks
achterdeel {n} [obsolete] :: damage, harm
achterdeel {n} [obsolete] :: disadvantage
achter de hand {adv} :: in reserve, kept aside for when the need arises
achterdek {n} [nautical] :: afterdeck, quarterdeck
achterdenken {v} [obsolete] :: to suspect
achterdenken {n} [obsolete] :: suspicion, mistrust
achterdenken {n} [obsolete] :: worry, concern
achter de rug {adj} [idiomatic] :: having ended in the recent past, especially for unpleasant things
achterdeur {f} :: back door
achterdocht {f} :: suspicion, mistrust (being suspicious)
achterdochtig {adj} :: suspicious
achtereen {adv} :: in succession
achtereenvolgend {adj} :: Consecutive
achtereenvolgens {adv} :: successively
achtereind {n} :: rear end
achtergevel {m} [architecture] :: back façade
achtergrond {m} :: background
achtergrondkleur {m} :: background colour
achtergrondmuziek {f} :: background music
achterhaald {adj} :: outmoded
achterhalen {vt} :: to overtake, to hunt down
achterhalen {vt} :: to find out, discover
achterhande {adj} [obsolete] :: Of eight different kinds
achter het net vissen {v} [idiomatic] :: to miss an opportunity, to be too late (literally: to fish behind the net)
achterhoede {f} [military] :: rearguard, rear
achterhoede {f} [by extension, figurative, collective] :: rear, trailers, people who are slow to adapt
achterhoedegevecht {n} [military] :: rearguard battle, rearguard fight (battle involving the rearguard of a military force, usually on retreat)
achterhoedegevecht {n} [by extension, figurative] :: rearguard battle, rearguard struggle (controversy involving people resistant to change, often considered futile)
Achterhoek {prop} {m} :: A region in the easternmost part of Gelderland, in the eastern Netherlands
Achterhoeks {adj} :: of or relating to the Achterhoek, a region in the East of the Netherlands
Achterhoeks {prop} {n} :: a lect of Netherlands, a dialect of Dutch Low Saxon
achterhoofd {n} :: back of the head, occiput
achterhuis {n} :: back part of a house
achterhuis {n} :: backhouse, outbuilding
achterhuis {n} :: annex
achterin {adv} :: in the back/rear
achterin {prep} :: in the back/rear of
achterjaar {n} [dated] :: autumn
achterkamer {f} :: backroom [with similar connotations of secrecy, especially in the diminutive]
achterkamertjespolitiek {f} [politics, derogatory] :: backroom politics
achterkant {m} :: The backside, rear-end of an object etc
achterkant {m} :: The reverse of a roughly symmetrical object which has a distinct front
achterkasteel {n} [nautical] :: aftcastle; raised structure on the stern of a ship, covered by the poop deck
achterklap {m} :: (mean-spirited) gossip
achterkleinkind {n} :: great-grandchild
achterkousig {adj} [dialectal] :: suspicious, mistrusting
achterkousig {adj} [archaic, dialectal] :: secretive, furtive
achterlaadgeweer {n} :: breech-loading rifle
achterlader {m} :: breechloader
achterland {n} :: hinterland (area around or serviced by a port)
achterland {n} :: hinterland (rural region surrounding a city)
achterland {n} :: hinterland (inland region next to a coast)
achterlaten {vt} :: to leave behind, to abandon
achterlating {f} :: abandonment
achterleen {n} :: fief granted by a vassal feudal lord
achterliggend {adj} :: underlying
achterlijf {n} :: rear, backside of an animal
achterlijf {n} [of an arthropod] :: abdomen, propodeum, opisthosoma
achterlijk {adj} :: backwards, idiotic, stupid, moronic
achterlijk {adj} [archaic] :: distant, far off
achterlijke {noun} [pejorative] :: retard, idiot, a backwards person
achterlijke {noun} [dated, offensive] :: a mentally retarded person, someone with a mental disability
achtermiddag {m} [dialectal, literary] :: late afternoon
achtermiddag {m} [archaic] :: afternoon (period between noon and 6 PM)
achterna {adv} :: after, behind, following (in movement)
achternaam {m} :: surname
achterneef {m} :: A grandnephew
achterneef {m} :: A male second cousin
achternicht {f} :: daughter of one's cousin or grandaunt/granduncle; female first cousin once removed
achternichtje {noun} :: diminutive of achternicht
achternoen {m} [now, Belgium] :: afternoon
achternoen {m} [Belgium, by extension] :: lunch
achterom {adv} :: around
achterom {adv} :: behind, backwards (over the shoulder)
achteromkijken {v} :: to look back over the shoulder
achteromkijken {v} :: to contemplate the past, especially in a nostalgic, guilty or worried way
achterop {adv} :: on the back/rear, behind
achterop {prep} :: on the back/rear of
achteropkomen {vi} :: to overtake, catch up with
achterover {adv} :: backwards, on one's back
achterplan {n} :: backstage
achterplan {n} [figurative] :: background
achterpoort {f} :: A postern, a back gate
achterpoot {m} :: hind leg [of an animal or of furniture]
achterruit {m} :: rear window (of a car)
achterruitenwisser {m} :: windscreen wiper for the rear window of a car
achterschip {n} :: The aft, the back portion of a ship
achterstallig {adj} :: overdue
achterstand {m} [sports, games] :: the condition of being behind one's opponent(s); the score or quantity that forms the deficit
achterstand {m} :: backlog
achterstand {m} :: delay, retardation
achterste {adj} :: rearmost, hindmost
achterste {n} :: rear-end, bottom of a person or animal
achtersteven {m} [nautical] :: stern
Achtersteven {prop} {n} [constellation] :: Puppis
achterstevoren {adv} :: backwards, backwards-facing
achtertocht {m} [obsolete] :: rearguard
achtertuin {m} :: backyard
achteruit {adv} :: backwards
achteruitgaan {vi} :: to decline, recede
achteruitkijkspiegel {m} :: rear-view mirror
achteruitvaart {f} [obsolete] :: deterioration
achteruitvaart {f} [obsolete] :: bankruptcy
achteruitvaart {f} :: the act or capability of sailing backward
achterv. {f} :: abbreviation of achtervolging
achtervloed {m} :: The final portion or period of a flood
achtervoegsel {n} [grammar] :: suffix
achtervolgen {vt} :: to pursue
achtervolger {mf} :: pursuer
achtervolging {f} :: pursuit
achtervork {c} :: The part of a bicycle that supports the rear wheel. It consists of the chainstays and seatstays
achterwaarts {adj} :: backward
achterwaarts {adv} :: backwards
achterwerk {n} :: behind, buttocks
achterwerk {n} [nautical, dated] :: stern
achterwerk {n} [fashion, obsolete, often, diminutive] :: decorative lacework
achterzak {m} :: back pocket
achterzeil {n} :: back sail
achterzetsel {n} [part of speech] :: postposition
achthalf {num} [obsolete] :: seven and a half
achthoek {m} [geometry] :: octagon
achthoekig {adj} [literally] :: octagonal, having eight corners
achthoekig {adj} [geometry] :: shaped like an octagon
achthonderd {num} :: eight hundred
-achtig {suffix} :: -like, -ish
achting {f} :: esteem, respect
achtjarig {adj} :: eight-year old
achtkantmolen {m} :: octagonal smock mill
Achtkarspelen {prop} :: Achtkarspelen (municipality)
achtmotorig {adj} :: [of motorised means of transport] having eight engines
achtpotig {adj} :: eight-legged [chiefly in relation to animals]
achtste {adj} :: eighth
achtste naamval {m} [grammar] :: instrumental case
achttal {n} :: octet, eightsome (group of eight)
achttien {num} :: eighteen
achttiende {adj} :: eighteenth
achttienjarig {adj} :: eighteen-year-old
achturig {adj} :: eight-hour
achtvoudig {adj} :: eightfold
achtzaam {adj} :: attentive, careful
acidose {f} :: acidosis
acne {f} {m} :: acne
acoliet {m} :: acolyte
acquis {n} :: acquis (totality of EU legislation and court decisions)
acquis communautaire {n} :: acquis communautaire
acro- {prefix} :: acro-
acrobaat {m} :: acrobat
acrobatiek {f} :: acrobatics
acrobatisch {adj} :: acrobatic
acrocyanose {f} :: acrocyanosis
acrofobie {f} :: acrophobia
acroniem {n} :: acronym (word formed by initial letters)
acrostichon {n} :: acrostic
acryl {n} :: The acidic compound acryl
acryl {n} :: A wool-like artificial fiber
acrylverf {f} :: acrylic paint
acrylzuur {n} :: The substance acrylic acid
acte {f} :: superseded spelling of akte
acteur {m} :: actor (person who performs in a theatrical play or film)
actie {f} :: action, activity, movement; especially [without article] a fast-paced activity
actie {f} [physics] :: action; motion
actie {f} [legal, obsolete] :: legal charge; formal claim
actie {f} [finance, archaic, historical] :: share in an enterprise
actief {adj} :: active
actief {n} [grammar] :: active voice
actiehandel {m} [historical] :: stock brokerage; trade in shares
actiehandelaar {m} [historical] :: stockbroker
actiënhandel {m} [historical, uncommon] :: alternative form of actiehandel
actieradius {m} :: radius of action (radius or range in which something operate, or where a vehicle, vessel or aircraft can reach)
actieve kool {f} :: activated carbon
actinisch {adj} [chemistry] :: actinic
actinium {n} :: actinium
actinometer {m} :: actinometer
actionist {m} [historical] :: stockbroker
activa {p} :: assets
activatie {f} :: activation, act or process of activating
activeren {vt} :: to activate, put into action; render (more) active
activeren {vt} :: to enable (to activate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
activisme {n} :: activism
activisme {n} [historical] :: A Flemish nationalist tendency that cooperated with the occupying German Empire during the First World War
activist {m} :: An activist
activist {m} [historical] :: A Flemish nationalist who cooperated with the occupying German Empire during the First World War
activiste {f} :: female equivalent of activist
activistisch {adj} :: activist
activistisch {adj} [historical] :: pertaining to the strain of Flemish nationalism that cooperated with the occupying German Empire during the First World War
activiteit {f} :: activity (state of being active)
activiteit {f} :: activity (something with with one is occupied)
activiteit {f} :: activity (movement)
activum {n} [grammar, uncountable] :: active voice
activum {n} [grammar] :: active-voice form
actrice {f} :: actress
actualiseren {vt} :: to update (to make something up to date)
actualiseren {vt} :: to modernise (to adapt something to modern times)
actualiseren {v} [ergative, philosophy] :: to actualise (to make or become actual, real or realised)
actualiteit {f} :: actuality, activity
actualiteit {f} :: topicality
actualiteit {f} :: [also in the plural] current affairs
actualiteitenprogramma {n} :: current-affairs programme
actueel {adj} :: current, present
acupunctuur {f} :: acupuncture (insertion of needles for remedial purposes)
acuut {adj} :: acute, sharp
acuut {adj} :: acute, sudden, immediate
acuut {adv} :: acutely, very quickly, immediately
acuut {adv} :: urgent
a.d. {initialism} :: initialism of aan de
Ad {prop} {m} :: given name or a nickname, usually as a shortened form of Adriaan or formerly of Adolf
Ada {prop} {f} :: given name
Adaemkin {prop} :: given name and diminutive of Adaem, Adam
adagio {n} :: adage
adagio {n} [music, dance] :: adagio
adagio {adv} [music] :: adagio
adagio {adj} [music] :: describing a passage having this mark
Adalmar {prop} {m} :: given name
A'dam {prop} {n} :: abbreviation of Amsterdam
Adam {prop} {m} :: Adam (Biblical character, mythological first man)
Adam {prop} {m} :: given name
adamsappel {m} :: Adam's apple, laryngeal prominence
adamskostuum {n} :: A man's birthday suit, more generally any person's birthday suit; the nude state
adat {f} {m} [countable] :: A Malay or Indonesian legal tradition
adat {f} {m} [uncountable] :: Adat, traditional Malay law
adblocker {m} :: adblocker
adder {mf} :: viper, adder; snake of the family Viperidae
adder {mf} :: common viper, Vipera berus
adderbeet {m} :: viper bite
adderengebroed {n} :: alternative form of addergebroed
addergebroed {n} [collective] :: scum (brood of vipers)
addergif {n} :: viper venom
adderspog {n} [literary, often, figurative] :: viper venom
addictie {f} :: addiction
addictief {adj} [rare] :: addictive
adel {m} :: nobility
adelaar {m} :: eagle (Any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae)
adelaar {m} :: effigy of an eagle; insignia comprising one
adelaar {m} [heraldiccharge] :: eagle (on or supporting a coat of arms)
adelborst {m} :: midshipman
adelborst {m} [historical, obsolete] :: low-ranking officer in an army
adelbrief {m} :: patent of nobility
adeldom {m} :: nobility
adelen {vt} :: to ennoble
adelen {vt} :: to edify, to improve morally
Adelheid {prop} :: given name
adellijk {adj} :: noble
Adelmar {prop} {m} :: given name
adelstand {m} :: The aristocracy as a socially privileged estate, the nobility
adelstand {m} :: The status of being considered nobility
Adelwijn {prop} {m} :: given name
Adelwijn {prop} {m} :: given name
Adelwin {prop} :: given name
adem {m} :: breath
adembenemend {adj} :: breathtaking
ademborstig {adj} [obsolete] :: dyspneic
ademen {vi} :: to breathe
ademhalen {vi} :: to breathe
ademhaling {f} :: breathing, respiration
ademloos {adj} :: breathless, out of breath
ademnood {f} {m} :: shortness of breath, dyspnea
adempauze {f} :: A breathing space, a breather
ademtocht {f} :: breath, act of inhalation
ademtocht {f} [figurative] :: airflow, breath of air
adenoom {n} :: adenoma (benign tumour)
adequaat {adj} :: adequate
ader {f} {m} :: vein
ader {f} {m} [geology] :: vein
ader {f} {m} [by extension] :: any narrow and long passageway essential to a larger networked system such as roads
aderlaten {v} :: to leech, to bloodlet
aderlaten {v} :: to drain resources without giving back
aderlaten {v} :: to apply a leech medicinally, to bloodlet
aderlating {f} :: bloodletting
aderlijk {adj} :: venous, pertaining to the veins
aderrijk {adj} :: veiny
aderslag {m} [biology, rare] :: pulse, especially when observed at an artery
aderverwijding {f} :: aneurysm
adieu {interj} :: farewell, adieu
adje {n} [student slang] :: an act of downing a vessel of alcohol, typically beer, in one draught
adjectief {n} :: adjective
adjudant {m} [military] :: adjutant
adjudant {m} :: assistant
adjunct {m} :: An adjunct, a subordinate person, esp. an attendant of a government official
ad lib. {adv} :: abbreviation of ad libitum
ad libitum {adv} :: ad libitum, at one's pleasure, impromptu
admin {m} [Internet] :: admin, administrator (user with special privileges)
administrateur {m} :: administrator, manager, in particular a bookkeeper or accountant (person in an administrative capacity)
administrateur {m} [historical] :: colonial administrator, esp. a steward at a plantation
administratie {f} :: administration, registration, in particular with respect to record keeping
administratie {f} [chiefly religion] :: act of administering, e.g. of a ritual or sacrament
administratie {f} [Belgium] :: civil service
administratief {adj} :: administrative
administrator {m} :: administrator, manager (person in an administrative capacity)
administrator {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: ecclesiastical administrator, a steward of a bishop
administreren {vt} :: to manage
admiraal {f} :: Admiral (naval officer)
admiraalschap {n} :: admiralship, admiralty
admiraalschap {n} [historical] :: agreement to sail in convoy
admiraalschap {n} [historical, by extension] :: such a maritime convoy
admiraliteit {f} :: admiralty
admiraliteitscollege {n} [historical] :: A body governing a division of the navy; the naval force of the Dutch Republic comprised five such distinct organisations
adobe {m} :: adobe
adolescent {mf} :: adolescent
adolescentie {f} :: adolescence
Adolf {prop} {m} :: given name
adopteren {v} :: to adopt (to take by choice into relationship, as, child, heir, friend, citizen)
adoptie {f} :: adoption
adoptief {adj} :: adoptive, by or relating to adoption
adoptiefzoon {m} :: An adoptive son
adoptieouder {m} :: An adoptive parent
adoreren {vt} :: to adore
Adorp-Geten {prop} {n} :: Orp-Jauche, a village in Belgium
adrenaline {f} :: adrenaline
adrenocorticaal {adj} :: adrenocortical (relating to the adrenal cortex)
adres {n} :: address (direction for letters)
adresbus {m} [electronics] :: address bus
Adri {prop} {m} :: given name, derived from Adriaan
Adriaan {prop} {m} :: given name
Adriatisch {adj} :: Adriatic
Adriatische Zee {prop} {f} :: The Adriatic Sea, part of the Mediterranean stretching from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice
Adrie {prop} {mf} :: given name, derived from Adriaan
Adrie {prop} {mf} :: given name, derived from Adriënne
adstrueren {vt} :: to substantiate, to elucidate
advent {m} [Christianity] :: Advent (period from the fourth Sunday before Christmas until Christmas Eve)
adventskalender {m} :: Advent calendar
adverbiaal {adj} :: adverbial
adverteerder {m} :: advertiser
advertentie {f} :: advertisement
adverteren {vi} :: to advertise, to place an advertisement
advies {n} :: advice
adviesjacht {n} [historical, nautical] :: dispatch boat
adviesprijs {m} :: list price, recommended retail price
advijs {n} :: obsolete spelling of advies
adviseren {vt} :: to recommend
adviseur {m} :: An adviser; someone who gives advice, counsels
adviseur {m} [Belgium] :: A hierarchical rank and title (usually for college graduates) in certain administrations, such as the Belgian federal and various lower-level public offices
advocaat {m} [countable] :: attorney, lawyer
advocaat {f} [also, uncountable] :: an alcoholic beverage made of liquor or pure alcohol, egg yolks and sugar or honey, similar to eggnog; advocaat
advocatuur {f} :: the lawyer profession, bar
Adyghe {prop} {n} :: Adyghe (language)
aendacht {f} :: obsolete spelling of aandacht
aendagt {f} :: obsolete spelling of aandacht
Aeneis {prop} {f} :: The Aeneid
aensnellen {v} :: obsolete spelling of aansnellen
aenvalling {f} :: obsolete spelling of aanvalling
aerobics {p} :: aerobics (type of exercise to music)
aerodynamisch {adj} :: aerodynamic, aerodynamical
aerofoon {m} [music] :: aerophone
aerofoon {m} [obsolete] :: aerophone (device invented by Edison that transports spoken sounds through compress air)
aerogram {n} :: An aerogramme (thin piece of paper for transit via airmail)
aeronautica {f} [uncommon] :: aviation, aeronautics
aeronautiek {f} [uncommon] :: aviation, aeronautics
aeroob {adj} :: aerobic
aerostaat {m} :: aerostat
aerostatica {f} :: aerostatics
Aerts {prop} :: surname
af- {prefix} :: [prefix] de-, en-
af- {prefix} :: down
af- {prefix} :: off
af {adv} :: off
af {adv} [postpositional] :: off, from (implying motion)
af {adj} :: finished, done [when working on something]
af {adj} [games] :: out, dismissed from play under the rules of the game, e.g. by having been tagged
AFA {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Antifa
Afar {prop} {n} :: Afar (language)
afasie {f} :: The neuropathological language disorder aphasia
afbakbrood {n} [countable, uncountable] :: pre-baked bread (bread that has been partially baked and can be baked in a domestic oven)
afbakenen {vt} :: to demarcate with beacons, stakes, or other signs, e.g. to stake out
afbakening {f} :: demarcation
afbedelen {vti} :: to beg [implying that something is acquired]
afbeelden {vt} :: to portray, to depict, to represent
afbeelding {f} :: picture, image
afbeelding {f} [mathematics] :: mapping
afbeitelen {vt} :: to chisel off
afbellen {vt} :: to cancel / call off by telephone
afbellen {vt} :: to call (a set of phone numbers)
afbetalen {vt} :: to pay back, to pay off, to redeem
afbetalen {vti} :: to pay off in instalments
afbetaling {f} :: installment (portion of debt)
afbetten {vt} :: to clean or refresh by dabbing with a cloth or sponge
afbetten {vt} :: to remove (a fluid) by dabbing with a cloth or sponge
afbeuken {vt} [dated] :: to beat up
afbeulen {vrt} :: to exhaust, to tire out
afbeulen {vt} [dated] :: to torment, to torture
afbijten {vt} :: to bite off
afblazen {vt} :: to blow off (to move off by blowing air)
afblazen {vt} :: to blow off (to remove with violent force) [generally not used for small firearms, unlike English to blow off]
afblazen {vt} :: to call off, cancel
afblijven {vi} :: to keep one's hands off [+ van (object)]
afblijven {interj} :: hands off!, leave be! (telling someone not to touch something)
afborgen {vt} [lender can be indicated as an indirect object, obsolete] :: to borrow
afborstelen {vt} :: to brush off, to brush (to remove or clean by means of a brush)
afbottelen {vt} :: to bottle
afbouwen {v} :: to finish building
afbouwen {v} :: to reduce, to phase out
afbraak {f} :: decomposition
afbraak {f} :: demolition
afbranden {v} [ergative] :: to burn down
afbreekteken {n} :: hyphen
afbreken {v} [ergative] :: to break off
afbreken {vt} :: to demolish, to break down
afbreken {v} [ergative] :: to decompose
afbreken {v} [ergative] :: to cut short, to abort, to end
afbrokkelen {v} [ergative] :: to crumble apart
afbuigen {v} [ergative] :: to bend/curve away
afbuigen {vi} :: to branch off
afdak {n} :: lean-to, shelter roof; a roof over an area not fully enclosed by walls
afdalen {vi} :: to descend
afdalen {vi} [obsolete] :: to descend genetically
afdaling {f} :: descent
afdaling {f} [sports] :: downhill (alpine skiing discipline)
afdammen {vt} :: to dam (off)
afdanken {v} :: to discard, to reject, to throw away
afdanken {v} :: to fire (to terminate the employment of)
afdeeling {f} :: obsolete spelling of afdeling
afdekken {vt} :: to cover
afdekken {vt} [of tables, obsolete] :: to clear
afdeling {f} :: department, branch
afdeling {f} :: section, part
afdeling {f} [military, chiefly artillery] :: regiment, army unit consisting of more than one battalions
afdijken {vt} :: to dyke off (to enclose or divert a stream by building a dyke)
afdingen {vt} :: to haggle
afdoen {vt} [especially of clothes or decoration] :: to remove, to take off
afdoen {vt} :: to complete, to fulfill, to finish
afdoen {vt} :: to determine, to decide
afdoen {vt} :: to dismiss, to reject [often out of hand, lightly]
afdoen {vi} :: to detract [+ aan/tot (object) = from], to diminish the value
afdoen {vt} [in particular of debts] :: to satisfy, to pay back
afdoen {vi} :: to suffice, to contribute, to be sufficient
afdoend {adj} :: sufficient for a given purpose
afdonderen {vi} [colloquial] :: to fall off, to fall down
afdonderen {vt} [colloquial] :: to throw off, to throw down
afdonderen {v} [obsolete] :: to proclaim loudly
afdorren {v} [archaic] :: to wither and fall off
afdracht {f} :: contribution, payment
afdragen {vt} :: to carry off, to take away
afdragen {vt} :: to contribute, to pay
afdrijven {vi} :: to float away, to float off
afdrijven {vi} :: to get lost in thought
afdrijven {vt} [chemistry, metallurgy] :: to refine, to purify
afdrijven {vit} [medicine] :: to remove from or leave the womb or birth canal; e.g. to void, to abort, to miscarry
afdrijven {vi} :: to float downstream or down
afdrijving {f} :: [in general] to drive something or someone away
afdrijving {f} :: [specific] abortion
afdringen {v} [archaic] :: to extort, to exact, to commit extortion
afdringen {v} [archaic] :: to press away, to force away
afdringen {v} [archaic] :: to force down, to press off
afdringen {v} :: See: nl vanaf dringen
afdringen {v} :: rare form of afdwingen
afdrogen {vt} :: to dry off, in particular of dishes by means of a tea towel
afdrogen {vt} :: to defeat overwhelmingly
afdrogen {vt} [colloquial] :: to beat up
afdruipen {vi} :: to drip off, to drain
afdruipen {vi} :: to slink away shamefully
afdruk {m} :: print (something printed with a printer or printing press)
afdruk {m} :: impression, print (relief or other result from applying pressure)
afdrukken {vt} :: to print from a computer printer
afdrukken {vt} :: to print
afdrukken {vt} [obsolete] :: to extort, to rob under threat
afdrukvoorbeeld {n} :: print preview
afdwalen {vi} :: to wander off, to go astray
afdwalen {vi} [figurative] :: to meander, to lose attention
afdweilen {vt} :: to clean with a floorcloth
afdweilen {vt} :: to saunter through
afdwingen {vt} :: to coerce, obtain by force
afdwingen {vt} :: to enforce
af en toe {adv} [idiomatic] :: now and then; occasionally
affaire {f} :: matter, issue
affaire {f} :: political scandal or controversy
affaire {f} :: sexual affair
affaire {f} [dated] :: business
affectenleer {f} [music] :: doctrine of the affections
affektenleer {f} :: superseded spelling of affectenleer
affiche {f} {n} :: A placard, a poster containing an announcement or promotional information hung in a public space
affiniteit {f} :: affinity
affix {n} :: Affix (linguistics and mathematics)
affricaat {f} [phonetics] :: affricate
affuit {f} {n} :: gun carriage [for a piece of artillery]
afgaaf {f} :: dated form of afgave
afgaan {vi} :: to go off
afgaan {vi} :: to go down
afgaan {vi} :: to lose face
afgaan {vi} :: (of a telephone) to ring
afgaan {vi} :: to base oneself [+ op (object) = on], to depend [+ op (object) = on]
afgang {m} :: the act of descending
afgang {m} :: the act of leaving the stage
afgang {m} :: the loss of face
afgave {f} [now, rare] :: contribution, the act of handing over
afgave {f} [rare] :: secretion, the act of secreting
afgekeurd {adj} :: rejected, deprecated
afgelasten {vt} :: to cancel, nullify
afgelasting {f} :: cancellation
afgeleefd {adj} :: decrepit, worn with age
afgeleefd {adj} :: burned out, worn-out
afgelegen {adj} :: remote
afgeleide {f} [calculus] :: derivative
afgeleide {f} [computer science] :: fork (of a FOSS project)
afgelopen {adj} :: last, past
afgelopen {adj} :: finished, ended
afgeplat {adj} :: flattened
afgestudeerde {noun} :: graduate
afgestudeerde {noun} :: alumnus
afgevaardigde {mf} :: representative, delegate
afgeven {vt} :: to hand off, hand over, deliver
afgeven {vti} :: to give off when touched
afgeven {vi} :: to rant, to voice criticism [+ op (object) = about]
afgeven {vi} [Belgium] :: to give up, to forfeit
afgeven {vt} :: to secrete, to emit
afgezaagd {adj} :: mundane, commonplace, trite
afgezant {m} :: envoy, emissary, delegate: a representative appointed by the state
afgezonderd {adj} :: isolated
afgezonderd {adv} :: in isolation
Afghaan {m} :: Afghan (person from Afghanistan, person of Afghan ethnicity)
Afghaans {adj} :: Afghan
Afghaanse {f} :: female Afghan (woman from Afghanisation or of Afghan ethnicity or descent)
Afghaanse vos {m} :: Blanford's fox (Vulpes cana)
Afghanistan {prop} {n} :: Afghanistan (country)
afgieten {vt} :: to strain, to pour off, to pour out
afgieten {vt} :: to cast, to form by pouring
afgietsel {n} :: cast, an object made by pouring liqui(fie)d matter in a mould
afglijden {vi} [literal and figurative] :: to slide down
afglijden {vi} :: to slip off
afgod {m} [religion, pejorative] :: idol; false deity
afgodendienst {f} [derogatory] :: idolatry
afgoderij {m} [religion, pejorative] :: idolatry
afgodes {f} [religion, pejorative, archaic] :: female idol (goddess considered to be false by the speaker)
afgodig {adj} [religion, pejorative, uncommon] :: idolatrous
afgodin {f} [religion, pejorative, dated] :: female idol (goddess considered to be false by the speaker)
afgodisch {adj} [pejorative] :: idolatrous
afgodsbeeld {n} [pejorative, religion] :: statue or figurine of an idol; idol
afgodslang {f} :: boa, any of the Boidae
afgodslang {f} :: boa constrictor
afgodsslang {f} :: alternative spelling of afgodslang
afgooien {vt} :: to throw off (to throw something of oneself, to remove from one's body by throwing)
afgooien {vt} [games] :: to throw out (to make someone go out of a game by throwing and hitting)
afgooien {vt} :: to throw off (to make something fall down by throwing)
afgrazen {vti} :: to graze down (to remove vegetation or to reduce its height by grazing)
afgrijselijk {adj} :: heinous, horrible
afgrijselijk {adv} :: heinously, horribly
afgrijzen {n} :: revulsion, aversion
afgrijzen {n} :: horror
afgrijzen {v} [obsolete] :: to have an aversion for
afgrond {m} :: abyss
afgunst {f} :: jealousy
afgunstig {adj} :: covetous, envious
afhaalchinees {m} [chiefly Netherlands] :: Chinese takeaway (restaurant) [in practice usually a Chinese-Indonesian restaurant]
afhaalrestaurant {n} [chiefly Netherlands] :: takeaway (restaurant)
afhaken {vt} :: to unhook
afhaken {vi} :: to give up, to pull out (of an arrangement)
afhakken {vt} :: to hack/chop off, to sever
afhakken {vt} :: to truncate
afhalen {vt} :: to pick up, take away (of e.g. a placed order)
afhandelen {vt} :: to argue out, settle
afhangen {vi} :: to depend [+ van (object) = on]
afhankelijk {adj} :: dependent (on other for help or support)
afhankelijk {adj} :: depending (on circumstances in order to become determined)
afhaspelen {vt} :: to unwind (from a reel), to reel
afhaspelen {vt} :: to sort out, to untangle
afhaspelen {vt} [obsolete] :: to fight it out verbally, to solve a dispute by arguing
afheinen {vt} [dated] :: to fence off (to make something out of bounds by means of barriers)
afheinen {vt} [obsolete] :: to separate
afheining {f} [archaic] :: the activity of closing off
afheining {f} [archaic] :: fence, barrier
afhouden {vt} :: to bar, to keep away
afhouden {vr} :: to avoid [+ van (object)], to avoid being involved [+ van (object) = in]
afhouden {vri} :: to keep one's distance, to stay at a distance
afhouden {vt} [field hockey] :: to obstruct, to use a hockey stick to block an opponent's access to the hockey ball
afhouwen {vt} :: to hew off, to chop off
afhuren {vt} :: to rent (a property)
afhuren {vt} :: to rent out, to charter
afjagen {vt} :: to drive away, to kick out
afkaatsen {v} [ergative] :: to rebound, to deflect, to ricochet
afkalven {vi} :: to cave in or calve off, to crumble off, to erode
afkanselen {vt} [rare] :: to lecture, to berate, to sermonise
afkappen {vt} :: to cut off, to truncate
afkappen {vt} [figurative] :: to cut short, to truncate
afkeer {m} :: aversion, antipathy
afkeer {m} [obsolete] :: the act of turning away
afkerig {adj} :: loath, having an aversion
afkerven {vt} [archaic] :: to cut off
afkerven {vt} [of debts and guilt, obsolete] :: to void, to forgive
afketsen {v} [ergative] :: to rebound, to deflect, to ricochet
afkeuren {vt} :: to disapprove of
afkeuren {vt} :: to condemn
afkeuren {vt} :: to fail (at an inspection)
afkeuren {vt} :: to refuse, reject, declare unfit (for military service)
afkeurenswaardig {adj} :: blameworthy
afkijken {vi} :: to plagiarize, to cheat by copying another's work
afkijken {vi} :: to learn by watching
afklemmen {vt} :: to catch, fasten
afkluiven {vt} :: to gnaw [e.g. meat off a bone]
afknauwen {vt} :: to gnaw off
afknijpen {vt} :: to squeeze shut
afknijpen {vt} [gardening] :: to pinch off dried-out flowers
afknijpen {vti} [colloquial] :: to shake or squeeze the penis after urination
afknippen {vt} :: to cut off
afko {c} [colloquial] :: A clipping, contraction or abbreviation, usually one belong to a slang-like register
afkoelen {v} [ergative] :: to cool off, cool down
afkoeling {f} :: cooling down, cooling off (act or process of making/becoming cooler)
afkoker {m} :: A floury potato suitable for mashed potato dishes
afkomen {vi} :: to descend, to come off
afkomen {vi} :: to become officially recognized
afkomen {vi} :: to go straight in the direction of
afkomst {f} :: origin, birth, descent
afkomstig {adj} :: originating
afkondigen {vt} :: to declare, proclaim
afkoop {m} :: redemption, commutation, surrender
afkopen {vt} :: to buy off
afkorten {vt} :: to shorten
afkorten {vt} :: to abbreviate
afkorten {vt} :: to abridge
afkorting {f} :: abbreviation
afkorting {f} :: abridgement
afkraken {vt} :: to criticise in a petty and destructive manner
afkraken {v} [dated, ergative] :: to crack off, to break off with a crack
afkussen {vt} :: to take away by kissing, to kiss away (e.g. pain, sorrow)
afkussen {vi} :: to reconcile by kissing
afl. {f} :: abbreviation of aflevering
afl. {f} :: abbreviation of afleiding
aflaat {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: indulgence
aflachen {vt} [mainly with pronouns of degree as object] :: to spend time laughing (to a specified degree), often to the point of exhaustion
afladen {vt} [of loads] :: to unload
afladen {vt} [of containers and vehicles] :: to unload
afleggen {vt} :: to cover (e.g. a distance)
afleggen {vi} [with het as the object] :: to perish, to die
afleggen {vi} [with het as the object] :: to be defeated
afleggen {vt} :: to prepare a deceased person for the funeral
afleiden {vt} :: to infer, deduce
afleiden {vt} :: to derive
afleiden {vt} :: to distract
afleiding {f} :: distraction
afleiding {f} :: derivation (process by which a word has been derived)
afleiding {f} :: derivative (a word which has been derived from another one)
afleren {vt} :: to unlearn
afleren {vt} :: to correct (often a bad habit)
afleunen {v} [archaic] :: to decline (an invite, offer or proposal), to refuse
afleveren {vt} :: to deliver, to drop off
aflevering {f} :: delivery
aflevering {f} :: episode, instalment [e.g. of a series]
aflezen {vt} :: to read off, to read from a measurement device
afliegen {vt} :: to disavow, to deny association
afliegen {vt} :: to lessen by means of lying
afliegen {vi} :: to lie excessively
aflijven {vi} :: to depart from life, die
aflijvig {adj} :: [only in reference to people] dead, deceased, departed (from life)
aflikken {vt} :: to lick off (to remove by licking)
aflikken {vt} :: to lick off (to clean by licking)
afloop {m} :: ending, result, termination
aflopen {vt} :: to walk down
aflopen {vi} :: to incline
aflopen {vi} :: to expire
aflopen {vi} :: to end, to come to an end
aflossen {vt} :: to relieve, to free from a position or post [e.g. by taking someone's place]
aflossen {vt} [of debts] :: to redeem, to pay off
aflossen {vt} [obsolete, of guns] :: to fire, to shoot
afluisteren {vt} :: to eavesdrop
afmaken {vt} :: to finish
afmaken {v} :: to kill, to finish off
afmartelen {vt} :: to torture to an intense degree
afmartelen {vt} [figurative] :: to pester or torment a lot
afmartelen {vtr} [often, figurative] :: to exhaust, to tire out
afmelden {vt} :: to check out
afmelden {vt} :: to cancel, to call off
afmelden {vt} :: to log out
afmelden {vr} :: to log out
afmeren {v} :: to moor
afmergelen {vt} [dated] :: to exhaust, to emaciate
afmeten {vt} :: to measure off
afmeting {f} :: dimension (size)
afmeting {f} :: the act or process of measuring
afmikken {v} [dated] :: to bounce off with a projectile
afmikken {v} [dated] :: to measure, especially by mere eyesight
afmolmen {vi} [archaic] :: to weather, to crumble, to decay
afmotten {vt} [Southern Dutch] :: to clobber a person fiercely (with one's fists)
afnaaien {vt} :: to complete sewing
afname {f} :: decrease, decline, diminution, shrinkage
afname {f} :: purchase, acquisition
afname {f} :: sale, take-up
afnemen {vi} :: to decrease
afnemen {vt} :: to take off, to remove
afnemen {vt} :: to take, to draw
afnemen {vt} :: to have (someone) undergo
afnemer {m} [organisation] :: customer, client, buyer (of goods or services)
afnemer {m} [profession] :: buyer, purchaser, one who is busy with procurement professionally
afneuzen {vt} [dated] :: to peek (at) in order to copy, to plagiarise
afneuzen {vt} [archaic] :: to snoop on, to stealthily investigate
aforisme {n} :: aphorism
afpakken {vt} :: to snatch, grab, take away
afpalen {vt} :: to enclose
afpalen {vt} :: to mark with posts
afpeigeren {vt} :: to tire out, to exhaust, to wear out
afpersen {vt} :: to extort
afpersing {f} :: extortion
afplakband {n} {m} :: masking tape
afplakken {vt} :: to mask, to cover, particularly with masking tape when preparing for painting
afplatten {vt} :: to flatten
afplatting {f} :: flattening, ellipticity
afpluizen {vt} :: to pick off, to remove
afpreken {vt} [uncommon] :: to sermonise, to reproach at length
afpreken {vt} [obsolete] :: to dissuade by lengthy speech
afpunten {vt} [uncommon] :: to check off
afpunten {vt} [dated] :: to point, to sharpen [of ends, butts, extremities]
afpunten {vt} [obsolete, rare] :: to blunt
afraden {vt} :: to dissuade, to discourage
aframmelen {vt} :: to beat up
aframmelen {vt} :: to say something fast and mechanically
afranselen {vt} [colloquial] :: to beat up
afraspen {vt} :: to grate off
afrekenen {vt} :: to pay (a purchase, an owed amount)
afrekenen {vt} :: to settle
afrekenen {vt} :: to kill
afremmen {v} [ergative] :: to slow down
africhten {vt} :: to train (animals), to tame
afrij {f} {m} [obsolete] :: downward-sloping road
afrijten {vt} :: to tear a small(er) part away from a whole
Afrika {prop} {n} :: Africa
Afrikaan {m} :: African (a native of Africa)
Afrikaander {m} [dated, historical] :: alternative form of Afrikaner
Afrikaans {adj} :: African; of, from or pertaining to Africa
Afrikaans {adj} :: Afrikaans; of, from or pertaining to the Afrikaans language
Afrikaans {prop} {n} :: Afrikaans [language]
Afrikaanse Unie {prop} {f} :: African Union
Afrikaanse wilde hond {m} :: African wild dog, Lycaon pictus
afrikaantje {n} :: marigold, plant or flower of the genus Tagetes
Afrikaner {m} :: Afrikaner
Afrikaner {m} [archaic] :: African
Afrikaner {m} [archaic] :: Africanus
afrikanist {m} :: A linguist specialised in African linguistics
afrikanistiek {f} :: African linguistics
afrit {m} :: highway exit, slip road
afritsbroek {f} :: zip-off trousers
afro {m} :: afro, fro
Afro-Amerikaan {m} :: Afro-American
Afro-Amerikaans {adj} :: Afro-American, pertaining to Afro-Americans
Afro-Aziatisch {adj} [linguistics] :: Afroasiatic
Afro-Aziatisch {adj} [uncommon] :: Afro-Asian, pertaining to Asia and Africa
afrollen {vi} :: to roll off
afromen {v} :: to skim
afromen {v} :: to remove cream
afromen {v} :: to scrape off; remove (something) from a surface
afromen {v} [euphemistic] :: to economise, to cut budget
afronden {vt} :: to round up
afronden {vt} :: to round off, wrap up
afronden {vt} :: to finish
afrossen {vt} [colloquial] :: to beat up, to give a beatdown
Afro-Surinamer {m} :: A Surinamese person of African descent, a Suriname creole
afrotten {vi} :: to rot off (to become separated because of decomposition)
afruimen {vt} :: to clear, to undeck (a surface of objects, such as a table of dishes)
afsabelen {vt} :: to chop off with a sabre
afschaffen {vt} :: to abolish, abrogate
afschaffing {f} :: abolition, abolishment
afscheid {n} :: farewell
afscheiden {vt} :: to separate
afscheiden {vt} [physiology] :: to secrete
afscheiding {f} :: separation
afscheiding {f} [medicine] :: discharge
afscheidingsbeweging {f} :: separatist movement
afscheidsdiner {n} :: farewell dinner
afscheidsmaal {n} :: farewell meal
afscheidsmaaltijd {n} :: farewell meal
afscheren {vt} :: to shave off
afschermen {vt} :: to protectively separate or cover
afscherming {f} :: protective separation, cover or screen
afschetsen {vt} :: to depict, to portray, esp. in a sketch (to produce an image or depiction)
afschetsen {vt} [figurative] :: to depict, to portray, to paint (as) (to create an impression or reputation)
afschetsing {f} :: depiction, portrayal, in particular as a rough sketch
afschieten {vt} :: to shoot dead, to kill by firing at someone or something
afschieten {vt} :: to cull
afschieten {vi} :: to descend quickly
afschieten {vt} :: to separate or to divide with an object such as a screen or a wall
afschieten {vt} :: to shoot, to fire (to launch a projectile, to use a range weapon)
afschieten {vt} [obsolete] :: to separate with a barrier
afschieten {vti} [Southern] :: to pay, to pay up
afschilderen {vt} :: to portray, to paint, to depict
afschilderen {vt} :: to finish painting
afschilferen {v} [ergative] :: to flake off
afschot {n} [collective] :: the game that has been shot or that is allowed to be shot
afschot {n} :: a slope
afschot {n} [obsolete] :: the place or direction to where water can run off or is discharged
afschouwelijk {adj} :: obsolete form of afschuwelijk
afschrift {n} :: copy, print (printed extract or replication)
afschrijven {vt} :: to deduct (money)
afschrijven {vt} :: to write off, to amortise
afschrijven {vt} :: to write off, to consider worthless, beyond repair, total loss
afschrik {m} :: deterrent
afschrik {m} :: horror
afschrikken {vt} :: to scare off
afschrikken {vt} :: to deter by fear
afschrikking {f} :: deterrence
afschrikwekkend {adj} :: heinous, horrible
afschroeven {vt} :: to screw off
afschudden {vt} :: to shake off (literal sense)
afschudden {vt} :: to shake (off), to rid oneself of a pursuer
afschuimen {vit} :: to remove foam
afschuimen {vit} [figuratively] :: to remove impurities (from)
afschuimen {vit} :: to plunder, to rob
afschuimen {vt} :: to rummage, to scour
afschuren {vt} :: to rub down, to abrade
afschuw {m} :: revulsion, abhorrence, repugnance, horror, abomination (strong aversion)
afschuwelijk {adj} :: heinous, horrible
afschuwelijk {adv} :: heinously, horribly
afschuwen {vt} :: to scare off, to cause fear or revulsion in
afschuwen {n} :: fear, horror, revulsion
afsijpelen {v} [dated] :: to drip off, to drip down
afslaan {vt} :: to decline, to reject
afslaan {vi} :: to halt, to stop, to switch off
afslaan {vi} :: to turn, to take off in a direction perpendicular to the one one was travelling in before
afslaan {vt} :: to strike off
afslaan {vt} [dialectal] :: to beat up
afslachten {vt} :: to butcher, to slaughter
afslachten {vt} :: to massacre
afslachting {f} :: massacre
afslag {m} :: exit turn (on a freeway)
afslag {m} :: Dutch auction (usually of fish)
afslag {m} :: land erosion caused by a body of water
afslag {m} [archaic] :: reduction of price or value
afslanken {vi} :: to slim, to become slimmer
Afsluitdijk {prop} {m} :: The dike separating the IJsselmeer (which was the Zuiderzee before its construction) from the Waddenzee, connecting Wieringen, North Holland, and Frisia
afsluiten {vt} :: to close off, seal
afsluiten {vt} :: to conclude, to end, to terminate
afsluiter {m} :: closer, shutter, tap, valve
afsmelten {v} [ergative] :: to melt off
afsnauwen {vt} :: to curtly tell someone off, to rebuke harshly
afsnijden {vt} :: to cut off
afsnijden {vt} :: to swerve a vehicle in front of (someone, another vehicle), causing hindrance; to cut off
afsnijden {vti} :: to take a shortcut
afspeellijst {f} :: playlist
afspelen {vt} :: to play (a recording)
afspelen {vr} :: to happen, to play out, to take place
afspitten {vt} :: to excavate, to remove (material) from (by digging)
afsplitsing {f} :: The act of branching off or seceding
afsplitsing {f} :: offsplit, split (that which has been branched of)
afsplitsing {f} [computer science] :: fork (splitting of a process)
afspoelen {vt} :: to rinse off
afspraak {mf} :: arrangement, agreement, understanding
afspraak {mf} :: appointment, date
afspraakje {noun} :: A romantic date
afspreken {vt} :: to agree, to make an agreement
afspreken {vi} :: to make an appointment
afstaan {vt} :: to relinquish, to give up
afstaan {vt} :: to cede
afstammeling {m} :: descendant
afstammen {vi} :: to descend, originate (from)
afstamming {f} :: lineage, descent
afstand {m} :: distance
afstand {m} :: offset
afstand {m} :: offstand
afstandelijk {adj} :: standoffish, aloof, distant (cold, unfriendly)
afstandelijkheid {f} :: aloofness, standoffishness
afstandelijkheid {f} :: detachment
afstandsbediening {f} :: remote control
afstappen {vi} :: to get off (a vehicle or mount), to unmount, to disembark [+ van (object) = from]
afsteken {vt} :: to remove by inserting a tool
afsteken {vi} :: to depart, take off (from the coast)
afsteken {vt} :: to light (e.g. a match, fireworks)
afsteken {vi} :: to contrast, to stick out
afsteken {vt} :: to pronounce, to announce (out loud)
afsteken {vt} :: to jab off, to knock off with a jabbing or thrusting movement
afstellen {vt} :: to adjust, to tune
afstellen {vt} [obsolete] :: to fire, to dismiss, to disband, to remove from employ
afstellen {vt} [obsolete] :: to revoke, to rescind, to cancel, to overturn
afstembereik {n} :: tuning range, frequency range (of a radio)
afstemmen {vt} :: to coordinate
afstemmen {vt} :: to tune (an instrument)
afstemmen {vt} :: to tune (a radio etc.)
afstempelen {vt} :: to stamp, to mark or check off by stamping [e.g. on a strippenkaart]
afsterven {vi} :: to die off
afsterven {vi} :: to die out, to die away
afsterven {vi} :: to decompose
afstoffen {vt} :: to dust off, to clean by removing dust
afstoffen {vt} [figuratively] :: to brush up, refresh, rekindle (knowledge)
afstompen {vt} [literal] :: to blunt, to make blunt [of sharp objects]
afstompen {vt} :: to dull, to numb [of other objects or faculties]
afstompen {vt} :: to numb, to make apathetic [of minds and people]
afstoot {m} :: break-off (the opening shot in a cue game)
afstoot {m} :: lag (method of deciding who plays first in a cue game)
afstoten {vt} :: to push away, to repel
afstoten {vi} [cue sports] :: to start a game
afstoting {f} :: repulsion
afstraffen {vt} :: to punish
afstraffing {f} [literally] :: A severe punishment, usually as retribution
afstraffing {f} :: A memorable lesson
afstraffing {f} :: A painful, embarrassing failure or defeat, a beating
afstrijken {vt} :: to strike (a match, to attempt to ignite it)
afstrijken {vt} :: to rub out
afstuderen {vi} :: to graduate: successfully complete one's studies
aft {f} :: aphtha (a sore in the mucous membrane of the mouth)
aftaaien {vi} [rare] :: to stop
aftaaien {vi} [colloquial] :: to go away
aftakelen {vi} :: to decay [in physical or mental condition]
aftakelen {vt} [dated, figurative] :: to uncover, to expose
aftakeling {f} :: decrepitude, decay, decline [in physical or mental condition]
aftakking {f} :: bifurcation, crotch
aftakking {f} :: ramification, branching
aftands {adj} :: run-down, dilapidated
aftands {adj} :: old, (almost) losing one's teeth
aftands {adj} [obsolete, of horses] :: having fully grown teeth
aftappen {vt} :: to tap off, to siphon off, to drain
aftappen {vt} :: to wiretap (intercept or listen in on a communication)
aftasten {vt} :: to investigate/explore/inspect with the hands
afte {f} :: alternative form of aft
aftelbaar {adj} [mathematics] :: countable
aftellen {vi} :: to count down
aftelling {f} :: countdown
aftelling {f} [mathematics] :: enumeration
aftobben {vr} :: to wear oneself out by worrying
aftobben {vr} :: to exhaust oneself with work
aftocht {m} :: retreat, withdrawal
aftotteren {v} [Southern Dutch] :: to fall off
aftrap {m} [football] :: kickoff
aftrap {m} [by extension] :: kickoff, start, beginning
aftreden {vi} :: to resign, abdicate
aftreden {vi} [archaic] :: to step down, to walk downward
aftreden {vi} [archaic] :: to walk away
aftreden {vt} [archaic] :: to complete traversing (a given distance)
aftreding {f} :: resignation
aftrek {m} :: deduction
aftrekken {vt} :: to pull off
aftrekken {vt} [arithmetic] :: to subtract
aftrekken {vt} :: to clean/level etc. with a squeegee
aftrekken {vt} [slang] :: to wank, to jack off; to stimulate with one's hand of one's own or another one's penis
aftrekking {f} :: the act of subtracting
aftrekking {f} :: subtraction, a mathematical function to calculate the arithmetical difference between two numeric values
aftroeven {vt} :: to score off, to achieve success over
aftroggelen {vt} [with optional indirect object] :: to unfairly obtain through smooth talking, insisting, pleading etc.; to cadge
aftronen {vt} [dated] :: to cadge, to blag, to wheedle
aftronen {vt} [obsolete] :: to lure away
aftuigen {vt} [nautical] :: to unrig, to unequip
aftuigen {vt} [livestock, particularly, horses] :: to remove tack from, to unequip
aftuigen {vt} :: to beat up, to attack, to abuse
aftuigen {vt} :: to dedecorate
afvaardigen {vt} :: to delegate
afvaart {f} [nautical] :: departure, sailing
afval {m} {n} :: rubbish, garbage, trash
afval {m} :: The act of dropping out (of a race etc.)
afval {m} :: apostasy, the act of rejecting a previous affiliation or belief
afvalbak {m} :: rubbish bin, trashcan, dustbin
afvallen {vi} :: to fall off
afvallen {vi} :: to lose weight, slim down
afvallen {vi} :: to drop out, to no longer be able to partake
afvallen {vt} :: to renounce, to renege, to lose loyalty
afvallen {vt} :: to dispute, to go against (a person)
afvallig {adj} :: renegade, apostate, disloyal
afvallige {noun} [derogatory] :: An apostate, a renegade
afvalligheid {f} :: A disloyalty, desertion
afvalligheid {f} :: An ideological renunciation or secession, notably apostasy, schismatic renunciation of (part of) a confessional creed, whether by joining another or not
afvalrace {m} :: A knockout race
afvalstof {f} :: waste product
afvegen {vt} :: to wipe off, to brush off
afvegen {vt} [obsolete] :: to slice, to cut (someone's throat)
afverven {vt} :: to finish painting
afverven {vi} [obsolete] :: to give off paint or pigment
afvinken {vt} :: to check off [f.e. choices on form, often implying elimination of options, unlike aanvinken]
afvissen {vt} :: to cover an entire stretch of water in one's fishing [takes bodies of water as the direct object]
afvissen {vt} [by extension] :: to search thoroughly, especially in water [takes bodies of water as the direct object]
afvlakken {vti} :: to smoothen (to make or become smooth)
afvoer {m} :: drain
afvoer {m} :: drainpipe
afvoeren {vt} :: to bring away, to lead away
afvoeren {vt} :: to can (to discard an idea, a play)
afvragen {vr} :: to wonder
afvriezen {vi} :: to freeze off
afvuren {vt} :: to fire, to fire off (a weapon, projectile)
afwaaien {vi} :: to be blown off
afwaaien {vi} :: to be blown away
afwaaien {vt} :: to blow away
afwaaien {vt} :: to blow off
afwaarts {adv} :: downwards, towards what is below
afwaarts {adv} :: downwards, towards a lower figure or amount
afwachten {vt} :: to wait (for), to await
afwachten {vt} [Limburg] :: to expect
afwachting {f} :: expectation
afwas {m} :: dishes (unwashed dishware)
afwasbak {m} :: sink [for dishes]
afwasborstel {m} :: A washing-up brush, a dishwashing brush
afwasborsteltje {noun} :: diminutive of afwasborstel
afwasmachine {f} :: dishwasher (appliance for washing dishes)
afwasmiddel {n} :: dishwashing liquid, dish detergent
afwassen {vt} :: to wash off
afwassen {vi} :: to wash up, to do the dishes
afwasser {m} :: dishwasher, person
afwateren {vti} :: to drain, to remove water (from)
afwatering {f} :: drainage (removal of water)
afwateringskanaal {n} :: drainage channel, drainage canal
afweergeschut {n} :: anti-air defence, anti-aircraft gun(s)
afwegen {vt} :: to weigh, to determine the weight of
afwegen {vt} :: to consider, to weigh the importance of
afweging {f} :: assessment: the consideration/weighing of alternative possibilities
afwendbaar {adj} :: preventable, avoidable (that can be prevented or avoided)
afwenden {vt} :: to stave off, to avert, to obviate, to prevent
afwenden {vr} :: to turn away
afwennen {vt} :: to unlearn, to lose or kick a habit
afwennen {vt} [of young animals] :: to wean
afweren {vt} :: to ward off
afweren {vt} :: to parry, to deflect
afwerken {vt} :: to finish, to complete work on
afwerken {vi} :: to finish work for the day
afwerking {f} :: completion, finishing
afwerking {f} :: The way in which something is finished
afwerpen {vt} :: to throw off, to cast off
afwerpen {vt} [figuratively] :: to produce, yield
afweten {v} :: to be knowledgeable [+ van (object) = about]
afwezig {adj} :: absent
afwezig {adj} :: absent-minded
afwezige {mf} :: absent one
afwezigheid {f} :: absence
afwijken {vi} [dated] :: to go away, to leave [+ van (object) = from]
afwijken {vi} :: to deviate
afwijken {vi} :: to differ
afwijkend {adj} :: deviating, differing
afwijking {f} :: deviation
afwijking {f} :: anomaly, abnormality
afwijzen {vt} :: to turn away, to decline, to reject
afwikkelen {vt} :: to unwind
afwikkelen {vt} :: to conclude, to bring to the final stages
afwikkeling {f} :: unwinding
afwikkeling {f} :: ending, conclusion
afwinden {vt} :: to unwind, to wind off (to remove coils)
afwinden {vt} :: to crank down (to move something downward by means of a windlass)
afwisselen {vt} :: to alternate
afwisselen {vt} :: to vary
afwisselend {adj} :: alternating
afwisselend {adj} :: varied
afwisseling {f} :: change, variation
afwisseling {f} :: alternation
afwitten {vt} :: to paint or chalk white
afwitten {vt} :: to complete painting white
afwitten {vt} :: to remove chalk or white paint from
afwoekeren {vt} [dated, of time and resources] :: to set apart and dedicate to a specific purpose [often implying considerable difficulty or sacrifice]
afwoekeren {vt} [dated] :: to defraud, to scam
afzagen {vt} :: to saw off
afzakken {vi} :: to drop down, to come down
afzakken {vi} :: to sag
afzakken {vi} :: to decrease, to lessen
afzakken {vi} [of rain] :: to slowly disperse, to float away
afzakken {vi} [of crowd] :: to disperse
afzakken {vi} [figuratively] :: to sink to a lower level, to fall from grace
afzeggen {vt} :: to cancel (an arrangement, appointment etc.)
afzegging {f} :: cancellation
afzeiken {vt} [colloquial] :: to criticise harshly, to ridicule
afzenden {vt} :: to ship, dispatch, send off
afzender {m} :: sender, consigner, dispatcher (e.g., of a letter)
afzet {m} [economics] :: sales (the totality of products or services sold in a given timeframe)
afzetgebied {n} :: market (geographical area where a certain commercial demand exist)
afzetmarkt {f} :: sales market
afzetten {vt} :: to take off (an item of clothing)
afzetten {vt} :: to switch off (an electronic device)
afzetten {vt} :: to amputate
afzetten {vt} :: to demarcate, mark out with boundaries
afzetten {vt} :: to sell (products or commodities, typically at a specific sales market)
afzetten {vt} :: to close off, to barricade (a street)
afzetten {vt} :: to dethrone, to remove from office
afzetten {vt} :: to scam, to rip off
afzetten {vt} :: to sediment, to deposit
afzetten {vt} :: to drop off (a passenger at a destination)
afzetterij {f} :: rip-off
afzetterij {f} :: extortion
afzetting {f} :: cordon, fencing
afzetting {f} [geology] :: deposit
afzetting {f} [chemistry] :: precipitate
afzetting {f} [medicine] :: amputation
afzetting {f} :: deposition, removal from office
afzettingsgesteente {n} :: sedimentary rock
afzettingsprocedure {f} :: deposition procedure, impeachment procedure
afzichtelijk {adj} :: hideous, repulsive
afzichtelijk {adv} :: heinously, repulsively
afzichtig {adj} :: hideous, very ugly
afzien {vi} :: to give up, to relinquish [+ van (object)]
afzien {vi} :: to suffer, to endure something to the end despite a lack of enthusiasm
afzien {vi} :: to cheat, to crib
afzingen {vt} [dated] :: to sing to completion
afzinkbaar {adj} :: submersible
afzinken {v} [ergative] :: to submerge, submerse
afzinnig {adj} [obsolete, rare] :: senseless, mindless
afzoeken {vt} :: to search (an area) thoroughly
afzonderen {vt} :: to isolate
afzondering {f} :: seclusion, isolation
afzonderlijk {adj} :: separate
afzuigen {vt} :: to suck off
afzuigen {v} :: to exhaust, to drain by means of suction, to extract by suction (of fluids)
afzuigen {v} :: to suck clean, to suck in order to remove something
afzuigen {v} [sex] :: to perform oral sex
afzuigkap {m} :: extractor hood, range hood
afzwakken {v} [ergative] :: to weaken
afzwakken {v} [ergative] :: to subside, to quiet down, to slow down
afzwakken {vt} :: to relax (requirement or rule)
afzwepen {vt} :: to flog, to whip intensely
afzweren {vt} :: to abjure, swear off
agaat {m} [countable] :: agate (quartz gemstone)
agaat {n} :: agate (quartz substance)
agaten {adj} :: agate, consisting of or made from agate
Agatha {f} :: given name
-age {suffix} :: Creates nouns from verbs and from other nouns. It denotes:
-age {suffix} :: action
-age {suffix} :: collectivity
-age {suffix} :: result of an action
agenda {m} :: A calendar (book), a diary, a booklet or other device where one notes down one’s schedule, appointments etc
agenda {m} :: An agenda [list of matters at a meeting]
agendapunt {n} :: An item on an agenda
agendaseks {m} [wrily humorous] :: A sexual encounter planned in advance to fit in a busy schedule
agens {m} [grammar] :: agent, grammatical agent
agens {n} :: agent, effective cause
agent {m} :: a police officer
agent {m} :: an undercover agent
agent {m} :: an agent, a surrogate (one who acts on behalf of another)
agente {f} :: female police officer
agente {f} :: female spy
agentschap {n} :: agency
agentuur {f} :: agency, institute
ageren {vi} :: to act (especially in legal proceedings)
ageren {vi} :: to campaign, to fight [+ tegen (object) = against]
Agga {prop} {n} [slang, Netherlands] :: the Hague
agglomeratie {f} :: agglomeration
agglutinatie {f} [medicine] :: agglutination, uniting (e.g. sealing a wound) by means of glue
agglutinatie {f} [linguistics] :: agglutination
agglutineren {vi} :: to agglutinate, to accrete
agio {n} :: agio
agitatie {f} :: agitation
agitator {m} :: An agitator, one who stirs up unrest, a demagogue
agiteren {vt} :: to agitate, to stir up
agnost {m} :: agnostic
agnoste {f} :: Female agnostic
agnostica {m} :: female equivalent of agnosticus
agnosticus {m} :: agnostic
agnostisch {adj} :: agnostic
agnostisch {adj} :: nescient
agoeti {m} {n} :: agouti
agoeti {m} {n} :: color of wild small mammals
agogiek {f} [education, chiefly uncountable] :: A theoretic system of education, bildung or social work
agogiek {f} [music, uncountable] :: agogic
agorafobie {f} :: agoraphobia
agorafobisch {adj} :: agoraphobic
agorafoob {m} :: An agoraphobe
agorafoob {adj} [uncommon] :: agoraphobic
agrariër {m} :: One who works in agriculture; farmer, farmhand, agricultural labourer, etc
agrarisch {adj} :: agrarian, agricultural
agrarisch {adj} [historical, archaic] :: pertaining to the Agrarian laws
agreatie {f} [historical] :: A document expressing agreement to the appointment or ordination of a candidate
agreatie {f} [obsolete] :: agreement, assent, consent
agressie {f} :: hostile, aggressive behaviour, aggression
agressie {f} :: aggression, the act of initiating hostile activities, e.g. a military invasion
agressie {f} [obsolete] :: attack
agressief {adj} :: aggressive
agressiviteit {f} :: aggressiveness, aggression
agrimonie {f} :: agrimony, plant of the genus Agrimonia
aha-erlebnis {f} :: A eureka experience (experience of suddenly gaining insight)
ahoi {interj} :: general greeting between ships
ahorn {m} :: maple, tree of the genus Acer
ahornsiroop {f} :: maple syrup
a.h.w. {adv} :: as it were; abbreviation of als het ware
ai {m} :: pale-throated sloth, Bradypus tridactylus
aids {m} :: AIDS
aileron {m} :: aileron (aeroplane part)
aimabel {adj} [formal] :: amiable
-air {suffix} :: -ary; of or pertaining to
air {m} :: air, pretension or pretentious attitude
air {m} :: tune, melody
airbag {m} :: An airbag
airco {f} [colloquial] :: air conditioning
airconditioning {m} :: air conditioning
airplay {m} :: airplay
aïs {f} [music] :: A-sharp
AIVD {prop} :: abbreviation of Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst the General Intelligence and Security Service, the secret service of the Netherlands
aja {f} :: ayah, verse of the Qur'an
a.j.b. {adv} :: abbreviation of alsjeblieft
aju {interj} [colloquial] :: bye, see you
ajuin {m} [Southern Dutch] :: onion
ajuinachtig {adj} [Southern Dutch] :: onionlike
aju paraplu {interj} [slang] :: tatty bye
ajuus {interj} :: alternative form of aju
akademie {f} :: superseded spelling of academie
akelig {adj} :: unpleasant, eerie
akelig {adj} :: nasty, unfriendly
Aken {prop} {n} :: Aachen, a city in Germany
Akens {adj} :: Of, from or pertaining to Aachen
aker {m} [Southern Dutch] :: bucket
aker {m} [historical] :: metal well bucket
aker {m} [dated, Eastern Netherlands] :: kettle
aker {m} [archaic] :: acorn
aker {m} [obsolete] :: acre
Akkadisch {prop} {n} :: Akkadian
Akkadisch {adj} :: Akkadian
akkefietje {n} :: A chore, small job
akkefietje {n} :: Something insignificant
akkefietje {n} :: A minor problem, something that went wrong
akkefietje {n} [archaic] :: A nasty job
akker {m} [agriculture] :: agricultural field (field on which crops are grown)
akkerbouw {m} [agriculture] :: tillage, branch of agriculture dedicated to the cultivation of crops and other plants on fields
akkerbouwbedrijf {n} :: arable farm
akkerbouwer {m} [agriculture] :: A tiller, a farmer who cultivates crops on fields
akkerland {n} :: farmland used for crops
akkerman {m} [archaic] :: farmer specialised in the cultivation of crops
Akkerman {prop} :: surname
akkoord {n} [music] :: chord
akkoord {n} :: agreement, accord
akoestiek {f} :: The acoustics, quality of a space (such as absorption and echo-effects) for hearing music and other sounds
akoestiek {f} :: The physics branch acoustics, which studies the above
akoestisch {adj} :: acoustic, acoustical
akoestische gitaar {f} [musical instruments] :: acoustic guitar
aks {f} :: An axe, usually denoting a heavy axe
akte {f} :: act (of a theatrical play)
akte {f} :: legal instrument, deed
akte {f} :: certificate, a licence, a diploma or in generally any official document that gives legal evidence to something
akte {f} [religion] :: an act of charity, one of the three theological virtues of a Catholic priest
aktentas {f} :: superseded spelling of aktetas
aktetas {f} :: briefcase
aktie {f} :: superseded spelling of actie
aktief {adj} :: superseded spelling of actief
aktief {n} :: superseded spelling of actief
aktivisties {adj} [obsolete] :: nonstandard spelling of activistisch
-al {suffix} [functional group suffix] :: -al
al- {prefix} :: all-; pan-
al {determiner} :: all, all of
al {adv} :: already
al {adv} :: yet
al {conj} :: even
alaaf {interj} [Brabant, Limburg] :: A greeting used during carnaval
Alaan {m} [historical] :: Alan (member of a Sarmatian tribe)
à la carte {adv} [Food and drink] :: allowing selection only from a fixed list of options, typically shown on a menu
à la carte {adv} [Food and drink] :: with each dish priced
à la carte {adv} [by extension] :: from any longlist of options, or even free choice, as opposed to a shortlist
à la minute {adj} :: not prepared in advance
à la minute {adv} :: immediately, directly
à la minute {adv} :: not prepared in advance
alant {m} :: elecampane (Inula helenium)
alant {m} :: any plant of the genus Inula
alantswortel {m} :: The root of a plant of the genus Inula, especially that of the elecampane (Inula helenium)
alantwortel {m} :: alternative form of alantswortel
alarm {n} :: alarm
alarmbel {f} :: alarm bell
alarmcentrale {f} :: emergency exchange
alarmeren {vt} :: to alarm, bring in a state of alert, warn, notably by means of an alarm signal
alarmeren {vt} [figuratively] :: to alarm, disquiet, disturb
alarmnummer {n} :: emergency number
alarmsignaal {n} :: an alarm (a vocal or mechanical signal, a notice, especially of approaching danger)
Albanees {m} :: Albanian (person from Albania)
Albanees {prop} {n} :: the Albanian language
Albanees {adj} :: Albanian (Of or pertaining to Albania or the Albanian language)
Albanië {prop} {n} :: Albanië (country)
albatros {m} :: albatross, seabird of the family Diomedeidae
albe {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: alb
albedil {m} :: someone who condescends excessively and pettily
Albert {prop} {m} :: given name
Alberts {prop} :: surname
albiet {n} :: albite
albino {mf} :: albino: person or animal congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); one afflicted with albinism
albino {adj} :: albino, albinistic: congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); afflicted with albinism
Alblasserdam {prop} {n} :: Alblasserdam (village/and/municipality)
Albrandswaard {prop} {n} :: Albrandswaard (municipality)
Albrecht {prop} {m} :: given name
album {n} :: album (book of photographs, stamps, or autographs)
album {n} :: album (vinyl record or group of audio recordings in any media)
alchemie {f} :: alchemy
alchemist {m} :: alchemist
alcohol {m} [countable, organic chemistry] :: alcohol (class of compounds)
alcohol {m} [uncountable] :: alcohol (ethanol specifically)
alcoholicus {m} :: alcoholic
alcoholisch {adj} :: alcoholic
alcoholisme {n} :: alcoholism (addictive alcohol abuse)
alcoholist {m} :: alcoholic
alcoholiste {f} :: female equivalent of alcoholist
alcoholmisbruik {n} :: alcohol abuse
alcoholslot {n} :: A breath alcohol ignition interlock device
alcoholtest {m} :: An alcohol test (e.g. a breath test or blood test for alcohol levels)
alcoholvrij {adj} :: alcohol-free (not containing alcohol)
aldaar {adv} :: there, in the aforementioned place
al dan niet {adv} :: does or does not - in some cases does, in other cases does not
al dan niet {adv} :: did or did not - in some cases did, in other cases did not
aldehyde {m} [organic chemistry] :: aldehyde
Aldemar {prop} :: given name
al dente {phrase} :: al dente
Alders {prop} :: surname
Aldert {prop} {m} :: given name
aldra {adv} :: very soon
aldus {adv} :: thus, so
aldus {adv} :: thus said (someone), according to (someone)
ale {m} {n} :: ale
alert {adj} :: alert
alertheid {f} :: alertness
Alex {prop} {m} :: given name
Alexander de Grote {prop} {m} :: Alexander the Great
alf {m} :: a type of folkloristic humanoid or spirit; an elf
alfa {f} :: The letter alpha (first letter of the Greek alphabet)
alfa {f} :: Historically used in educational contexts to denote a humanistic orientation
alfa {f} :: Someone who is educated in the humanities or otherwise prefers such subjects
alfa {f} [ethology] :: A dominant animal
alfabeet {mf} :: a literate
alfabet {n} :: alphabet
alfabetisch {adj} :: alphabetical (in the order of the letters of the alphabet)
alfabetiseren {vt} :: to arrange alphabetically
alfabetiseren {vt} :: to educate in reading and writing, to make literate
alfabetisme {n} :: literacy
alfanumeriek {adj} :: alphanumeric
Alfons {prop} {m} :: given name
Alfred {prop} {m} :: given name
alfsegat {adv} [Brabantian] :: careless; sloppy
alfsegat {adv} [Brabantian] :: so-so
alg {f} :: alga
algebra {f} [mathematics] :: algebra
algebraïsch {adj} :: algebraic
algeheel {adj} :: complete
algemeen {adj} :: general
algemeen {adj} :: common
algemeenheid {f} :: generality, commonness
Algerije {prop} {n} :: Algerije (country)
Algerijn {m} :: Algerian (person from Algeria or of Algerian heritage)
Algerijns {adj} :: Algerian; of Algeria or its people
Algiers {prop} {n} :: Algiers (capital city)
Algisch {adj} :: Algic
Algonkisch {adj} :: Algonquian
algoritme {n} :: An algorithm, precise logical computational procedure
alhoewel {conj} :: although, albeit
Ali {prop} {m} :: given name
Ali {prop} {f} :: given name, most common in the mid-twentieth century
alibi {n} {m} :: alibi
Ali Chemicali {prop} {m} :: Nickname of Ali Hassan al-Majid; Chemical Ali
Alida {prop} {f} :: given name
alien {m} :: An alien, an extraterrestrial
aliëneren {vt} [obsolete, of rights and property] :: to transfer, to sell or donate
Ali en Fatima {prop} {p} :: The stereotypical allochthonous Dutch commoners
alikruik {f} :: common periwinkle, Littorina littorea (sea snail)
alikruik {f} :: periwinkle, any mollusk of the genus Littorina
alimentatie {f} :: alimony (court-imposed allowance to meet costs of living)
alinea {f} :: paragraph
alirocumab {n} :: alirocumab
alk {f} :: An auk in general'; a member of the Alcidae
alk {f} :: The razorbill, Alca torda, in particular
alkaan {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkane
alkali {n} [chemistry] :: alkali
alkalimetaal {n} :: alkali metal
alkeen {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkene
Alkmaar {prop} {n} :: Alkmaar (city/and/municipality)
alkyl {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkyl
alkyn {m} [organic chemistry] :: alkyne
alla {interj} :: so be it, go ahead
alla {interj} :: granted, I'll admit
Allah {prop} {m} :: Allah
allang {adv} :: for a long time already
alle {adv} :: all (every individual of the given class)
allé {interj} :: alternative spelling of allee
alle beetjes helpen {proverb} :: every little helps
allebei {determiner} :: both
alledaags {adj} :: everyday, commonplace, ordinary
alledaagsheid {f} :: commonplace, ordinariness, doldrums
allee {interj} [Belgium] :: come on
allee {f} :: avenue, broad lane flanked by trees
allee {f} [Belgium, architecture] :: landing [at upper floor of a house]
alleen {adj} :: alone, by oneself
alleen {adj} :: lonely
alleen {adv} :: only, exclusively
alleen {adv} :: just, only, merely
alleen de rozijnen uitpikken {v} [idiomatic, Belgium] :: to cherrypick
alleenheerschappij {f} :: autocracy, dictatorial rule by a single person
alleenheerschappij {f} [figurative] :: hegemony, exclusive supremacy in the political sphere or in a specific field; not necessarily by one person
alleenheerser {m} :: An autocrat
alleen maar {adv} :: only, just
alleenrecht {n} [economics] :: A monopoly
alleenrecht {n} [figurative] :: An exclusive right to something; a monopoly
alleenstaand {adj} :: single, unmarried
allemaal {pron} :: all, everyone
allemachtig {interj} :: An expression of surprise or excitement: oh my God!, holy macaroni, God Almighty!
allemachtig {adj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of almachtig
allemansvriend {m} :: everyone's friend (person who is friendly to everyone or seeks to please people indiscriminately)
allemansvriendin {f} :: [female] everyone's friend (woman who is friendly to everyone or seeks to please people indiscriminately)
allen {pron} :: all [plural, of persons]
allengs {adv} :: gradually, slowly
aller- {prefix} :: very; of them all
aller {determiner} :: of all; genitive of al
alleraardigst {adj} :: most charming
allerchristelijkst {adj} :: most Christian [typically as an epithet for monarchs and more rarely their dominions]
allereerst {adv} :: in the first place, firstly
allereerst {adj} :: the very first, the first of all
allergeen {n} :: allergen (substance provoking allergic reactions)
allergie {f} :: allergy (disorder of the immune system)
allergisch {adj} :: allergic
allergologie {f} :: allergology
allergologisch {adj} :: allergological
allergoloog {m} :: allergologist, allergist
allerhande {determiner} :: all kinds of
Allerheiligen {prop} {n} :: All Saints Day, All Hallows, Hallowmas (November, 1st)
allerlei {determiner} :: all kinds of
allerminst {adv} :: not in the least, not at all
aller- -st {circumfix} :: Forms superlative adjectives with the meaning of “most of all”, “very”
Allerzielen {prop} {n} :: All Souls' Day (November 2nd)
alles {pron} [indefinite] :: Everything
allesbehalve {adv} :: not at all, anything but
alleseter {m} :: omnivore, creature eating both plants and other animals
alles goed {phrase} [colloquial] :: how are you? (literally: everything good?)
alles kits {phrase} [colloquial, without a finite verb] :: is everything all right?
alles kits {phrase} [colloquial, without a finite verb] :: everything is all right
alles kits {phrase} [colloquial, with a finite verb] :: everything all right
alleszins {adv} :: in every way, completely
alle wegen leiden naar Rome {proverb} :: all roads lead to Rome
allez {interj} :: alternative spelling of allee
alliancie {f} :: obsolete spelling of alliantie
alliantie {f} :: alliance
allicht {adv} :: probably
allicht {adv} :: surely, presumably
alligator {m} :: alligator, crocodilian of the genus Alligator
allochtoon {adj} :: allochthonous
allochtoon {m} :: A person (or thing) originating abroad
allochtoon {m} [law, demography] :: A person of non-native descent, having been born abroad or having foreign parents or grandparents [legal and demographic definitions vary]
allochtoon {m} [colloquial, potentially offensive] :: A person of non-Western descent
allodiaal {adj} [historical, law] :: allodial, inalienable (free, without feudal constraints)
allofoon {m} :: An allophone
allooi {n} :: quality, level, type, kind
allooi {n} [dated] :: the proportion of noble metal in an alloy compare to non-noble metals
allooi {n} [dated] :: an alloy
allotroop {m} :: allotrope
allotroop {adj} :: allotropic
allure {f} :: air, pretension
alm {f} :: alpine pasture
almaar {adv} :: all the time
almacht {m} :: omnipotence
almachtig {adj} :: almighty, omnipotent
almachtig {adj} [figuratively] :: (the most) mighty, in (almost total) control
alma mater {f} :: alma mater (university one attended, especially one from which one has graduated)
almanak {m} :: almanac, book or table containing dates
almanak {m} :: almanac, yearbook
almanak {m} [obsolete] :: calendar, method of time keeping
Almar {prop} :: given name
Almelo {prop} {n} :: Almelo (city/and/municipality)
almemor {m} :: bima, pulpit in an Ashkenazi synagogue
Almere {prop} {n} :: Almere (city/and/municipality)
Almere {prop} {n} [historical] :: A lake, in Roman times and the Middle Ages more or less located at the location of the current IJsselmeer
al met al {adv} :: all in all
aloë {f} :: aloe, succulent of the genus Aloe
alom {adv} :: everywhere, all around
alomtegenwoordig {adj} :: omnipresent, ubiquitous
alomtegenwoordigheid {f} :: omnipresence, ubiquity
Alonso {prop} {m} :: given name
Alonzo {prop} {m} :: given name
aloud {adj} :: ancient, time-honoured, from time immemorial
alp {m} :: alp, (very) high mountain
alpaca {m} :: alpaca
Alpen {prop} {p} :: Alpen (mountain range)
alpengloed {m} :: alpenglow
alpengloeien {n} :: alpenglow
alpenhoorn {m} :: alphorn
alpenjager {m} :: A soldier belonging to a division of alpine troops
alpenwei {f} [uncommon] :: alternative form of alpenweide
alpenweide {f} :: alpine pasture
Alphen {prop} {n} :: Any of multiple towns in the Netherlands:
Alphen {prop} {n} :: Alphen aan den Rijn (or simply Alphen), a city in Zuid-Holland
Alphen {prop} {n} :: Alphen, a village in Noord-Brabant
Alphen {prop} {n} :: Alphen aan de Maas (or simply Alphen), a village in Gelderland
Alphen {prop} {n} :: Any of multiple municipalities in the Netherlands:
Alphen {prop} {n} :: Alphen aan den Rijn, a municipality in Zuid-Holland
Alphen {prop} {n} :: Alphen-Chaam, a municipality in Noord-Brabant
Alphen aan den Rijn {prop} {n} :: Alphen aan den Rijn (city/and/municipality)
Alphen-Chaam {prop} {n} :: Alphen-Chaam (municipality)
Alphons {prop} {m} :: given name
alpien {adj} :: alpine
alpine {adj} :: alternative form of alpien
alpineskiën {vi} :: to do alpine skiing
alpineskiën {n} :: alpine skiing
alras {adv} :: quickly, soon
alreeds {adv} [archaic] :: already
alruin {f} :: mandrake, plant of the genus Mandragora
alruin {f} [rare, literary] :: a mandragora sprite, supposed to be the root of the mandrake plant
als {conj} :: (subordinating) if, when
als {conj} :: when, as soon as
als {prep} :: like, as [+ nominative]
als {prep} :: even ... als: as ... as [+ nominative]
als {prep} [nonstandard] :: than [+ nominative]
als blikken konden doden {adv} :: if looks could kill
als de bonte hond bekend staan {vi} [idiom] :: to have a bad name
als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel {proverb} :: when the cat's away the mice will play
als een gek {prep} [simile] :: like crazy, like mad; generic intensifier, indicating that something occurs to a great or excessive degree
als een kip zonder kop {adv} [simile] :: like a chicken with its head cut off
als een lul op een drumstel slaan {vi} [simile, vulgar] :: To make no sense, be illogical
als een tang op een varken slaan {vi} [simile] :: to be complete nonsense, to make no sense whatsoever (literally: to hit like pliers on a pig)
alsem {m} [chiefly uncountable] :: artemisia, any herb of the genus Artemisia
alsem {m} [uncountable] :: the buds and flowers of the artemisia plants, used as a herb
als en slechts als {conj} [Belgium, logic] :: if and only if
als het ware {adv} :: as it were
al sinds {prep} :: ever since
alsjeblieft {adv} :: please
alsjeblieft {adv} :: here you are
alsmaar {adv} :: all the time
alsmede {conj} :: as well as
als muziek in de oren klinken {v} [idiomatic, simile] :: to sound like music to someone's ears
alsnog {adv} :: as yet, still
alsnu {adv} :: now, right now
alsnu {adv} :: yet, thus far
alsof {conj} :: as if
alsof er een engeltje op je tong piest {phrase} :: Said of something that is absolutely delicious
als ook {conj} :: as well as
alsook {conj} :: as well as, also
als Pasen en Pinksteren op één dag vallen {phrase} :: when hell freezes over; when pigs can fly (never)
alstu {interj} [colloquial] :: abbreviation of alstublieft
alstublieft {interj} [formal] :: please
alstublieft {interj} [formal] :: here you are (when handing something to someone else)
als volgt {phrase} :: as follows
alt {m} :: alto (musical part)
alt {m} :: alto (person or instrument)
alt {f} :: a woman singing or playing the alto part
altaar {n} :: altar
Altaar {prop} {n} [constellation] :: Ara
altaardoek {n} :: altar cloth (piece of cloth covering an altar)
altaarkleed {n} :: altar cloth (piece of cloth covering an altar)
altaarstuk {n} :: altarpiece
Altaïsch {adj} :: Altaic (pertaining to the Altai Mountains)
Altaïsch {adj} :: Altaic (pertaining to the formerly accepted Altaic language family)
Altaïsch {prop} {n} :: the Altaic language family, a classification now generally rejected but widely accepted in the early 20th century
altemet {adv} [now, rare] :: sometimes, now and then
altemet {adv} [obsolete] :: maybe, perhaps
Altena {prop} {n} :: Altena (municipality)
Altena {prop} {n} :: surname
alternatief {adj} :: alternative
alternatief {adj} :: alternative, deviant
alternatief {adj} [obsolete] :: alternating
alternatief {n} :: alternative
alternatieveling {m} [pejorative] :: Someone who participates in an alternative subculture (e.g. a hipster, emo or punk)
alternativo {m} [chiefly Belgium, pejorative] :: Someone who participates in an alternative subculture (e.g. a hipster, emo or punk) and typically has leftist opinions
altezamen {adv} [formal] :: together, combined
althans {adv} :: at least
althans {adv} [obsolete] :: right now, now
altijd {adv} :: always
altijddurend {adj} :: everlasting
altist {m} :: altoist
altje {noun} :: diminutive of alt
alto {m} [Netherlands, pejorative] :: Someone who participates in an alternative subculture (e.g. a hipster, emo or punk)
altoos {adv} [formal] :: always
alt-right {n} :: alt-right
alt-right {adj} :: alt-right
altsleutel {m} :: alto clef
altviolist {m} :: violist
altvioliste {f} :: female violist
altviool {f} {m} [musical instruments] :: A viola, string instrument of the violin family in the alto range
aluhoedje {noun} [slang] :: tin-foil hat
aluhoedje {noun} [slang, derogatory] :: conspiracy theorist, tinfoiler, crank, conspiracist
aluin {f} :: alum
aluinaarde {f} :: alundum, alumina (aluminium oxide)
aluinwater {n} :: aluminous solution in water
aluminium {n} :: aluminium
aluminiumfolie {f} {n} :: aluminium foil (foil made of aluminium)
alvast {adv} :: already
alvast {adv} :: in advance (to do something before an ensuing event)
alvermogen {n} :: omnipotence
Alvíssmál {prop} {n} {m} :: the Alvíssmál
alvlees {n} [obsolete] :: pancreas
alvleesklier {f} {m} :: pancreas
alvleesklierkanker {m} :: pancreatic cancer
alvorens {conj} [formal] :: before
al weer {adv} :: alternative spelling of alweer
alweer {adv} [Netherlands] :: once again, once more
alweer {adv} :: already, already again
alwetend {adj} :: omniscient, all-knowing
alwetendheid {f} :: omniscience
alwijs {adj} :: perfectly wise
alzo {conj} :: so, consequently, thus
a.m. {adv} :: abbreviation of amica manu: (delivered) by the hand of a friend (put on an address)
a.m. {adv} :: abbreviation of ante meridiem: a.m., in the forenoon
amachtig {adj} :: obsolete form of amechtig
amai {interj} [Belgium] :: Exclamation of surprise or disappointment; boy!
amai {interj} [Belgium] :: oh my, amazing
Amalekiet {m} :: An Amalekite (member of a hostile Biblical tribe)
amandel {f} :: almond (nut)
amandel {f} :: tonsil
amandelboom {m} :: almond tree, Prunus dulcis
amandelmelk {f} :: almond milk
amandelspijs {f} {m} :: almond paste
amaretto {m} :: amaretto
amaretto {m} :: a glass or other serving of amaretto
amateur {m} :: amateur
amateurisme {n} :: amateurism
amateurisme {n} :: amateurishness, incompetence, dilettantism
amateurschilder {m} :: amateur painter
amateursport {f} :: amateur sports
amazone {f} :: female horse rider, female equestrian
Amazone {prop} {f} :: Amazon (South American river)
Amazone {f} :: Amazon (mythological female warrior)
amazonezadel {n} :: saddle allowing the rider to sit with both legs to one side
ambacht {n} :: handcraft, artisanry
ambacht {n} [historical] :: legal district
ambachtelijk {adj} :: artisanal; produced or producing according to the rules of traditional craft
ambachtsheer {m} :: office or a feudal lord with legal power over a district called ambacht
ambachtsman {m} :: craftsman, artisan, artificer
ambachtsvrouw {f} :: tradeswoman, craftswoman (woman who is engaged in a (manual) trade)
ambachtsvrouw {f} [dated] :: alternative form of ambachtsvrouwe
ambachtsvrouwe {f} :: lady who had feudal legal authority over a district called an ambacht
ambassade {f} :: An embassy, diplomatic legation to permanently represent a foreign state at (the highest) embassador's level
ambassade {f} :: An ambassadorial mission
ambassade {f} :: An embassy building
ambassade {m} [obsolete] :: an envoy, spokesman
ambassadeur {m} :: ambassador
ambassadrice {f} :: An ambassadress, female ambassador
amber {n} :: amber (colour of fossil resin)
amber {n} [non-standard] :: amber (fossil resin)
Amber {prop} {f} :: given name, Amber
ambergris {n} :: ambergris
ambidexter {adj} :: ambidexter
ambiëren {vt} :: to aspire to
ambigu {adj} :: ambiguous
ambiguïteit {f} :: ambiguity
ambitie {f} :: ambition
ambitieus {adj} :: ambitious
ambivalent {adj} :: ambivalent (simultaneously experiencing conflicting drives)
ambivalentie {f} :: ambivalence, coexistence of opposing attitudes
Ambon {prop} {n} :: Ambon (island in the Moluccas, Indonesia)
Ambon {prop} {n} :: Ambon (city, capital of Maluku)
Ambonees {adj} :: Ambonese; of, from or pertaining to Ambon City, Ambon Island of the Ambonese people
Ambonees {prop} {n} :: Ambonese Malay, Ambonese (Malay-based creole language spoken on and around Ambon)
Ambonees {m} :: An Ambonese person
Ambonees Maleis {prop} {n} [rare] :: Ambonese Malay, Ambonese (Malay-based creole language spoken on and around Ambon)
ambras {m} [Belgium] :: quarrel, fight
ambroos {mf} :: obsolete form of ambrozijn
ambrozijn {n} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] :: ambrosia (divine sustenance)
ambrozijn {n} [figurative] :: outstanding food, delicacy
ambt {n} :: office, function, post (an official position)
ambtelijk {adj} :: official
ambteloos {adj} :: out of office
ambtenaar {m} :: civil servant
ambtgenoot {m} :: Someone who exercises the same or an equivalent office; colleague or counterpart of the same rank; opposite number
ambtseed {m} :: oath of office
ambtsketen {f} :: chain of office, livery collar
ambtsroede {f} [rare] :: rod of office, a rod-shaped attribute symbolizing an official dignity
ambulance {f} :: ambulance
amechtig {adj} :: strongly panting
amechtig {adj} :: short of breath
amechtig {adj} [transitive] :: forced, frantic
amechtig {adv} :: in a forced, frantic way
Ameide {prop} {n} :: Ameide (town)
Ameland {prop} {n} :: Ameland (island/and/municipality)
amen {interj} :: amen; at the end of Judeo-Christian prayers: so be it
amen {interj} :: amen; an expression of strong agreement
amen {n} :: An instance of saying ‘amen’
amendement {n} [law, politics] :: amendment, change or addition to a proposed law, ordinance or rule
amenderen {vt} [law, politics] :: to amend, to change or add to a proposed law or rule
amenen {vi} :: to say, reply 'amen' after an uttering, notably in prayer or liturgy (especially in a responsory)
americium {n} :: americium
Amerika {prop} {n} :: Amerika (the <<continents>> of North America and South America)
Amerika {prop} {n} :: Amerika (country)
Amerikaan {m} :: American (person born in or citizen of the USA or the Americas)
Amerikaans {adj} :: American
Amerikaans {adj} :: Pertaining to the Americas
Amerikaans {adj} :: Pertaining to the United States
Amerikaanse zeearend {m} :: bald eagle; the species Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Amerikaans Samoa {prop} {n} :: American Samoa
amerikaniseren {v} [ergative] :: To Americanize (Americanise)
Amerikanski {m} [derogatory] :: Americansky, Yank, Yankee (stereotypical Slavic term of abuse for a U.S. American, e.g. attributed to Soviets)
Amerindiaan {m} :: Amerindian
Amerongen {prop} {n} :: Amerongen (village)
Amersfoort {prop} {n} :: Amersfoort (city/and/municipality)
amfetamine {f} :: Amphetamine
amfibie {m} :: amphibian, any member of the class Amphibia
amfibievliegtuig {n} :: amphibious aircraft, amphibian
amfibievoertuig {n} :: amphibious vehicle
amfibisch {adj} :: amphibian, pertaining to amphibians
amfibisch {adj} :: amphibian, capable of function on both land and in water
amfibrachisch {adj} :: amphibrachic
amfibrachys {m} :: amphibrach
amfioen {mf} [dated, chiefly Dutch East Indies] :: opium
amfioenschuiver {m} [dated, historical, chiefly Dutch East Indies] :: An opium smoker
amfoor {f} {m} :: amphora (the container)
amfoor {f} {m} :: amphora (the measurement for liquids)
amfoteer {adj} [chemistry] :: amphoteric
Amhaars {prop} {n} :: Amharic (language)
Amhaars {adj} :: Amharic
Amharisch {prop} {n} :: Amharic
Amharisch {adj} :: Amharic
amida {prop} {f} :: alternative case form of Amida
Amida {prop} {f} [Judaism] :: the Amidah, the Shmoneh Esreh (Jewish silent prayer said while standing)
-amide {suffix} [functional group suffix] :: -amide
-amine {suffix} [functional group suffix] :: -amine
amino- {prefix} [functional group prefix] :: amino-
aminozuur {n} [biochemistry] :: amino acid
ammehoela {interj} [colloquial, sarcastic, indicates disbelief] :: no way!, yeah right!, I don't think so!
ammehoela {interj} [colloquial, sarcastic, indicates refusal] :: not on your life!, I don't think so!, whatever!
Ammerlaan {prop} :: surname
ammonia {f} :: ammonia solution
ammoniak {m} [chemistry] :: ammonia (compound in gaseous form)
ammunitie {f} :: ammunition, ammo
amnesie {f} :: amnesia
amnestie {f} :: amnesty (act in which pardon is granted)
amnion {m} :: amnion
amoebe {f} :: amoeba (a genus of unicellular protozoa)
amoebedysenterie {f} :: amoebic dysentery
amok {n} {m} [historical, chiefly uncountable] :: A murderous frenzy, a killing spree in Malay culture
amok {n} {m} [historical, countable] :: One who runs amok, someone who is on such a killing spree
amok {n} {m} [uncountable] :: uproar, riot, noise
amorf {adj} :: amorphous, shapeless (lacking a definite form or clear shape)
amper {adv} :: scarcely, barely
amper {adj} [archaic] :: sour
ampère {m} :: ampere
ampèremeter {m} :: ammeter
amphibrachys {m} :: dated spelling of amfibrachys
ampliatie {f} [historical, dated] :: expansion, addition, especially of a law or provision
amplitude {f} [mathematics, physics] :: amplitude
amplitudemodulatie {f} :: amplitude modulation
ampul {f} :: An ampoule, small, closed (glass or artificial) vial, as used to dose medicine
ampul {f} :: A small jug, notably for liturgical use
amputatie {f} :: amputation (surgical removal of a body part)
amputeren {vt} [medicine] :: to amputate, surgically remove a body part
amputeren {vt} [figuratively] :: to remove something essential, to maim, weaken greatly
Amstel {prop} {m} :: A river in The Netherlands
Amstel {prop} {m} :: A poetic metonym for Amsterdam, which lies on the river and is named after it
Amstels {adj} [literally] :: on or otherwise relating to the river Amstel
Amstels {adj} [poetic] :: relating to Amsterdam, the major Dutch port city on it, named after it and poetically referred to as Amstel
Amstelveen {prop} {n} :: Amstelveen (city/and/municipality)
Amsterdam {prop} {n} :: Amsterdam (city/and/municipality)
Amsterdammer {m} :: Amsterdammer
amsterdammertje {noun} :: a traffic bollard
amsterdammertje {noun} [colloquial] :: rondo; a round pastry filled with almond paste
Amsterdams {adj} :: from Amsterdam, relating to that Dutch city
Amsterdams pond {n} [obsolete] :: Amsterdam pound: one of many locally defined weight measures called pound before the introduction of the metric system, important because of its use in the thriving Dutch maritime commerce; equivalent to 0.4941 kilograms
amulet {f} {m} :: amulet, talisman
amuse {m} :: appetiser, hors d'oeuvre
amuseren {vt} :: to amuse
amuseren {vr} :: to amuse oneself, to have fun
amyotrofisch {adj} :: amyotrophic
amyotrofische laterale sclerose {f} [pathology] :: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
an- {prefix} :: an-: Not, without, opposite of
anaal {adj} :: anal, of or relating to the anus
anaalridder {m} [Netherlands, pejorative, slang] :: Pejorative term for a male homosexual
anabaptisme {n} :: Anabaptism
anabaptist {m} :: Anabaptist
anabaptistisch {adj} :: Anabaptist
anabolisme {n} [biochemistry] :: anabolism
anachoreet {m} [Christianity] :: anchorite, hermit monk
anachoreet {m} :: any other hermit
anaconda {f} {m} :: anaconda, constrictor of the genus Eunectes
anagram {n} :: anagram
analemma {n} :: analemma
analemma {n} :: a kind of astrolabe
analfabeet {m} :: illiterate (person who can read nor write)
analfabetisme {n} :: illiteracy
analist {m} :: analyst
analogie {f} :: analogy
analoog {adj} :: analogue
analoog {adj} :: analogous (having analogy; corresponding to something else)
analyse {f} :: analysis (action of taking something apart to study it)
analyse {f} [mathematics] :: analysis (mathematical study of functions, sequences, series, limits, derivatives and integrals)
analyseren {vt} :: to analyse, subject to analysis
analytisch {adj} :: analytical
ananas {f} {m} :: pineapple
ananas {f} {m} :: pineapple plant, plant of the genus Ananassa
anapest {m} :: anapest
anapestisch {adj} :: anapestic
anarchie {f} [politics] :: Anarchy, a political regime (or movement to establish it) lacking any form of political authority or government
anarchie {f} [figuratively] :: A state of utter disorder, advanced disorganization and confusion
anarchisme {m} :: anarchism
anarchisme {m} [rare] :: anarchy
anarchist {m} :: anarchist
anarchisties {adj} [obsolete] :: nonstandard spelling of anarchistisch
anarchistisch {adj} :: anarchistic, relating or belonging to anarchism
Anatolië {prop} {n} :: Anatolia
Anatolisch {adj} :: Anatolian, pertaining to Anatolia
Anatolisch {adj} :: Anatolian, pertaining to the Anatolian branch of Indo-European
anatomie {f} :: anatomy
anatomisch {adj} :: anatomical, anatomic
anatomiseren {v} [obsolete] :: to dissect
anciënniteit {f} :: length of service, seniority
ander {adj} :: other
ander {adj} :: different
ander {adj} [archaic] :: second
ander {pron} :: another, another person, someone else
anderhalf {num} :: one and a half
anderhalfdekker {m} :: sesquiplane
anderhalve man en een paardenkop {phrase} [idiom] :: one man and his dog (virtually no one)
anderhalvemetereconomie {f} :: An economy wherein the participants are able to keep a distance of one and a half meters from each other
Anderiesen {prop} :: surname
andermaal {adv} :: once again, for the second time
anderman {pron} :: someone else
andermans {pron} :: someone else's
anders {adv} :: otherwise
anders {adv} :: differently
andersgezind {adj} :: dissident, dissenting, having a different mindset
anders nog iets {phrase} :: anything else?
andersom {adv} :: the other way around
anderstalig {adj} :: relating to another language
anderstalig {adj} :: speaking another language
andersvalide {adj} [Belgium] :: disabled, handicapped, differently able
anderszins {adv} :: otherwise
anderzijds {adv} :: on the other hand
Andes {prop} {p} :: the Andes
andesvos {m} :: culpeo, Andean fox, Lycalopex culpaeus
andijvie {f} {m} :: endive, Cichorium endivia (salad vegetable)
andoorn {m} :: woundwort, betony, plant of the genus Stachys
Andorra {prop} {n} :: Andorra (country)
Andorrees {m} :: Andorran (person from Andorra)
André {prop} {m} :: given name borrowed from French
Andreas {prop} {m} :: Andrew (apostle, brother of the apostle Peter)
Andreas {prop} {m} :: given name
andreaskruis {n} :: A Saint Andrew's cross (diagonal cross)
Andries {prop} {m} :: given name; an alternative form of Andreas
androgyn {adj} :: androgynous
Andromeda {prop} {f} [constellation] :: Andromeda
Andromeda {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Andromeda
anechoïsch {adj} :: anechoic
anekdote {f} :: anecdote
anekdotiek {f} :: anecdotics
anemie {f} [pathology] :: anemia, a medical condition with a decreased amount of hemoglobin, hindering oxygen transport
anemometer {m} [meteorology] :: anemometer, windmeter
anemoon {f} :: anemone, plant or flower of the genus Anemone
anemoonvis {m} :: anemonefish, clownfish
anesthesie {f} :: anesthesia
angel {m} :: sting, dart (insect's organ)
angel {m} :: hook, fish-hook, angle
angel {m} :: tang (extension of a tool or weapon's head that is inserted in a handle)
angel {m} [rare, obsolete] :: a snake's tongue
Angel {m} [historic, chiefly plural] :: Angle
angellijn {f} [archaic, rare] :: A fishing line
Angelsaksisch {adj} :: Anglo-Saxon (pertaining to the West-Germanic peoples in early mediaeval Britain or their language)
Angelsaksisch {adj} :: Anglo-Saxon (pertaining to English speaking countries or cultures, especially those with large European populations)
Angelsaksisch {prop} {n} :: The Anglo-Saxon language, Old English
Angelsassisch {adj} :: dated form of Angelsaksisch
Angelsassisch {prop} {n} :: dated form of Angelsaksisch
angina {f} :: angina
angio-oedeem {n} :: angioedema (swelling of the lower layers of the skin or of other tissues)
anglicaan {m} :: Anglican, Episcopalian
anglicaans {adj} :: Anglican
Angola {prop} {n} :: Angola (country)
angst {m} :: fear, fright, anxiety
angstaanjagend {adj} :: frightening, terrifying
angstcultuur {f} :: A culture of fear
angstgegner {m} [sports] :: opponent to whom one has lost before and who therefore inspires fear and anxiety
angsthaas {m} :: a person who is easily scared, scaredy-cat
angstig {adj} :: fearful, anxious
angstpsychose {f} :: A psychosis that has fear as the most important symptom
ångström {m} :: angstrom (unit)
angstschreeuw {m} :: A scream of fear
angststoornis {f} :: anxiety disorder
angstwekkend {adj} :: frightening, rousing fear
anijs {m} :: anise (plant and spice)
animo {m} {n} :: desire, interest in doing something
anisakiasis {f} :: anisakiasis
anjelier {f} {m} :: carnation
anjer {f} :: carnation (flower or plant)
anjer {f} :: carnation (pink color)
anker {n} :: anchor
ankerboei {f} :: anchor buoy (buoy affixed to an anchor to indicate the anchor's location)
ankeren {vt} :: to anchor
ankermast {m} :: mooring mast (docking station for an airship)
ankeroog {n} :: ring by means of which an anchor is attached to a rode
ankerplaats {f} :: anchorage
ankerplaatsje {noun} :: diminutive of ankerplaats
Anna {prop} {f} :: given name
annaal {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: annals, chronicle
annalen {p} [plurale tantum] :: annals
Anne {prop} {f} :: given name
Anneke {prop} {f} :: given name, diminutive of Anne
Annelies {prop} {f} :: given name: compound of Anne and Lies
Anne-Marie {prop} {f} :: given name, combination of Anne and Marie
Annemieke {prop} {f} :: given name
annexatie {f} :: annexation
annexeren {vt} :: to annex, to incorporate by force
annexeren {vt} [obsolete] :: to legally incorporate, join or link [+ aan (object) = to]
annexeren {vt} [obsolete] :: to append, to annex (a document)
annexering {f} :: annexation
anno {adv} :: in the year
annoteren {vt} :: to annotate
annuleren {vt} :: to cancel
annuleren {vt} :: to annul
annulering {f} :: cancellation
anoa {m} :: anoa, Bubalus depressicornis
anode {f} [electricity] :: anode
anomalie {f} :: anomaly
anomie {f} :: lawlessness
anomie {f} [sociology] :: anomie
anoniem {adj} :: anonymous, without an (acknowledged) name
anonimiteit {f} :: anonymity (the quality or state of being anonymous)
Anouk {prop} {f} :: given name
anoxie {f} :: anoxia (condition in which a tissue or environment is totally deprived of oxygen)
Ans {prop} {f} :: given name
ansichtkaart {f} :: A picture postcard
ansichtkaartje {noun} :: diminutive of ansichtkaart
ansjovis {f} [also, collective] :: An anchovy (small, edible saltwater fish species, especially Engraulis encrasicolus)
-ant {suffix} :: appended to the stem of a verb, it yields a noun which signifies the subject who performs the action of that verb (see agent noun)
Antarctica {prop} {n} :: Antarctica
antarctisch {adj} :: Antarctic
Antarctische Oceaan {prop} {m} [uncommon] :: The Antarctic Ocean
-ante {suffix} :: appended to the stem of a verb, it yields a noun which signifies a female subject who performs the action of that verb (see agent noun)
ante {f} [architecture] :: anta, corner pilaster
antecedent {n} :: antecedent (thing that precedes; prior fact, background fact)
antecedent {n} [linguistics] :: antecedent (referent of a word, esp. of a pronoun)
antecedent {n} [logic] :: antecedent (condition part of a proposition)
antedateren {vt} :: to antedate
antenne {f} :: antenna (feeler organ on the head of an insect)
antenne {f} :: antenna (device to receive or transmit radio signals)
antependium {n} [Christianity] :: antependium, frontal; the drapery hangings before an altar or lectern in a church
anti- {prefix} :: anti-
antiaanbaklaag {f} :: nonstick layers in frying pans
antibioticum {n} :: antibiotic, medicinal substance to destroy or inhibit bacteria
antichrist {prop} {m} [chiefly Christianity] :: Antichrist (false messiah appearing in the book of Revelations)
antichrist {m} [chiefly Christianity] :: antichrist
Antichrist {prop} {m} :: superseded spelling of antichrist
anticonceptie {f} :: contraception
anticonceptiemiddel {n} :: A contraceptive
anticonceptiepil {f} :: contraceptive pill
anticonceptioneel {adj} :: contraceptive
antideeltje {n} [physics] :: antiparticle
antidotum {n} :: antidote
-antie {suffix} :: -ance
antiek {adj} :: antique
antiek {n} :: antiques (antique wares)
Antifa {prop} {f} :: Antifa (decentralized militant left-wing anti-fascist movement)
Antifa {mf} :: An Antifa member
antifascisme {n} :: anti-fascism
antiferromagnetisch {adj} [physics] :: antiferromagnetic
antiferromagnetisme {n} [physics] :: antiferromagnetism
antifibrinolyticum {n} :: antifibrinolytic, a drug to inhibit fibrinolysis
Antigua en Barbuda {prop} {p} :: Antigua en Barbuda (country)
antiheld {m} :: antihero [male or of unspecified gender]
antiheldin {f} :: female antihero
antikraak {m} :: A form of temporary occupation in otherwise unoccupied premises to prevent squatting
antikraak {adv} :: Involving temporary occupation in otherwise unoccupied premises to prevent squatting
antilichaam {n} [biochemistry] :: antibody, protein that binds to a specific antigen to counter it
Antilliaans {adj} :: from the Antilles
antilope {f} :: antelope
anti-maçonniek {adj} :: antimasonic
antimaterie {f} [physics] :: antimatter
antimonium {n} :: antimony
antimoon {n} :: The metallic chemical element antimony
antireclame {f} [chiefly uncountable] :: Anything that diminishes someone's reputation
antirookmagiër {prop} {m} :: Nickname or persona of Robert Jasper Grootveld, who would lead anti-smoking happenings at the statue Het Lieverdje while bizarrely dressed
antirookmagiër {m} [rare] :: An opponent of smoking, usually a provo
antisemiet {m} :: anti-Semite
antisemitisme {n} :: antisemitism
antisepsis {f} :: antisepsis
antisepticum {n} :: disinfectant, antiseptic (antiseptic agent)
antiseptisch {adj} :: antiseptic
antistof {m} [immunology, countable] :: antibody
antithese {f} :: An opposition
antithese {f} :: An antithesis, in logic a proposition that is opposite to another proposition
antiwijnsteenzuur {n} [dated] :: dextrotartaric acid
antoniem {n} :: antonym (word which has the opposite meaning)
antoniempje {noun} :: diminutive of antoniem
Antoon {prop} {m} :: given name
antrax {m} :: anthrax
antraxbrief {m} :: anthrax letter
antropologie {f} :: anthropology, the study of mankind
antropologisch {adj} :: anthropological
antropologisch {adv} :: anthropologically
antropoloog {m} :: anthropologist
antropomorf {adj} :: anthropomorphic
antropomorfisch {adj} [uncommon] :: anthropomorphic
Antwerpen {prop} {n} :: Antwerpen (capital city)
Antwerpen {prop} {n} :: Antwerpen (province)
Antwerpenaar {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Antwerp, Belgium; an Antwerpian
Antwerps {prop} {n} :: local variant of Brabantian spoken in and near the city of Antwerp
antwoord {n} :: answer, reply
antwoordapparaat {n} :: answering machine
antwoorden {vi} :: to answer, reply
antwoordnota {f} :: reply notice (formal letter containing an official response)
antwoordnummer {n} :: A number (telephone, fax etc.) which is intended for receiving replies
anus {m} :: anus
anusridder {m} [vulgar, offensive, pejorative] :: fag
ANVR {prop} :: initialism of Algemene Nederlandse Vereniging van Reisondernemingen (Dutch Association of Travel Agents)
ANWB {prop} :: Koninklijke Nederlandse Toeristenbond ANWB (originally Algemene Nederlandse Wielrijders-Bond), the Dutch road users and tourist organisation. Similar to the AA in the UK and the AAA in the US
aoristus {m} [grammar] :: aorist
aorta {f} :: aorta
AOW {f} [Netherlands] :: initialism of algemene ouderdomswet
AOW {f} [Belgium] :: initialism of arbeidsongevallenwet
apache {m} :: member of the (Parisian) underworld
apart {adj} :: separate
apart {adj} :: unusual
apartheid {f} :: the state of being separate; separateness
apartheid {f} :: a characteristic that sets something or someone apart
apartheid {f} :: the policy of racial separation used in South Africa from 1948 to 1990; apartheid
apartheid {f} [by extension] :: any similar policy of racial separation
apathie {f} :: apathy
Apeldoorn {prop} {n} :: Apeldoorn (city/and/municipality)
apenarend {m} :: Philippine eagle, Pithecophaga jefferyi
apenbakhuis {n} :: obsolete spelling of apenbakkes
apenbakkes {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: ugly face
apenboom {m} :: monkey puzzle tree, Araucaria araucana
apenboom {m} :: baobab, tree of the genus Adansonia
apenkooi {f} :: A place where apes and/or monkeys are kept, an apery
apenkooi {f} [sports, games, uncountable] :: A variation of tag, usually played in school gyms, where players are not allowed to touch the floor and can only move about via mats, vaulting horses, bars, ropes, etc. Anyone who is caught or touches the floor has to leave the field of play
apenkooien {v} :: to play a game of "apenkooi"
apenkop {m} [colloquial] :: mischievous child, brat
apenkop {m} [literal] :: head of a monkey
apenliefde {f} :: ill-conceived blind love that is detrimental to the recipient
Apennijnen {prop} :: Apennines
apennoot {f} [archaic] :: peanut
apenpak {n} :: A silly uniform or custome
apenpak {n} :: A monkey costume
apenrots {f} :: a rock on which monkeys live
apenrots {f} [figurative, pejorative] :: a hierarchical world in which similar individuals live or work and which can appear silly from the perspective of an outsider, like the corporate world or the political world
apenstaart {m} [literal] :: the tail of a monkey
apenstaart {m} :: at sign, the symbol @
apenstaart {m} :: e-mail address
apenstaartje {noun} :: at sign (the symbol @)
apenstreek {f} {m} :: monkey business, prank
aperij {f} [archaic] :: buffoonery, zany or silly antics
aperij {f} [archaic] :: copycat behaviour, imitation
aperitief {n} :: apéritif
apertuur {f} :: aperture
apetrots {adj} :: very proud [generally with positive connotations]
aphelium {n} [astronomy] :: aphelion
apin {f} :: a female monkey, primate or ape
a-pion {m} :: a pawn in chess starting on the a-line
APK {f} :: Algemene Periodieke Keuring, a periodic check on the roadworthiness of a motor vehicle. The Dutch equivalent of the British MOT
apneu {f} :: An apnoea
apo- {prefix} :: apo-
apocalyps {f} [Judaism, Christianity] :: apocalypse (religious genre)
apocalyps {f} :: apocalypse, future cataclysm
Apocalyps {prop} {f} :: Apocalypse, the Book of Revelations
apocalyptisch {adj} [Judaism, Christianity] :: apocalyptic (pertaining to the Book of Revelations or the religious genre in general)
apocalyptisch {adj} :: apocalyptic (pertaining to a future cataclysm)
apocrief {adj} :: apocryphal
apodictisch {adj} :: apodictic
apofatisch {adj} [theology, philosophy] :: describing something from what it is not; apophatic
apokoinou {f} :: A rhetorical device similar to a zeugma or elliptical construction. An apokoinou is the blending of two sentences through a common word which has two syntactic functions, one for each of the sentence. The word common to both sentences is often a predicate object in the first and a subject in the second
apologeet {m} :: apologist (public defender of a viewpoint, in particular a religious viewpoint)
apologetiek {f} [religion] :: apologetics
apologetisch {adj} :: apologetic (pertaining to formal defence, pertaining to apologetics)
apologie {f} :: An apology (formal justification, defence)
apoplexie {f} [symptom] :: apoplexy
apostel {m} [Christianity] :: apostle (disciple of Christ; missionary or leader of a mission)
apostel {f} [chiefly plural] :: knighthead (timber supporting the bowsprit)
apostelbrood {n} [historical, dated, Roman Catholicism] :: A piece of white bread distributed to the poor on Holy Thursday
apostelbrood {n} :: A large lump of cervelat or salami coated in pepper and other spices
apostilleren {vti} :: to gloss, to write margin notes
apostolaat {n} [Christianity] :: apostolate, apostleship (office or state of being an apostle)
apostolaat {n} [chiefly Christianity] :: evangelisation, proselytisation, mission
apostolisch {adj} :: apostolic, pertaining to the early Christian apostles
apostrof {f} {m} :: apostrophe
apotheek {f} :: pharmacy, apothecary, a place where prescription drugs may be dispensed by an authorized pharmacologist
apotheker {m} :: chemist, pharmacist
apothekerspond {n} [historical] :: Dutch medical pound, equivalent to about 375 grams
apotheose {f} :: apotheosis
app {f} {m} :: an app
app {f} {m} [typically in the diminutive] :: a text message sent using an app
apparaat {n} :: apparatus, device
apparaat {n} :: apparatus, staff who work directly on maintaining operations; in particular those of a bureaucracy
apparatuur {f} :: equipment, esp. a set of devices
apparatuur {f} [archaic] :: paraphernalia, appareil, usually in reference to leather
appartement {n} :: an apartment
appartementencomplex {n} :: apartment complex
appel {m} :: apple
appel {n} :: appeal
appèl {n} :: superseded spelling of appel
appelaar {m} [chiefly Belgium] :: apple tree
appelbeignet {c} :: apple beignet: a deep-fried slice of apple covered in batter traditionally eaten in December, especially around New Year's
appelblauwzeegroen {adj} [Belgium] :: blue green
appelbloesem {m} {n} :: apple blossom
appelboom {m} :: apple tree (any cultivar of the Malus domestica tree species)
appelboomgaard {m} :: apple orchard
appelboor {f} :: apple-corer
appelcider {m} :: cider
appelflap {m} :: apple turnover
appelgroen {adj} :: apple-green
appelgroen {n} :: apple-green (colour)
appelhof {m} {n} [Northern Dutch, Groningen, Drenthe, Overijssel] :: orchard containing various fruit trees, including apple trees
appelig {adv} :: [mostly used with verbs of feeling or perception] unwell, lackless, unfirm
appelig {adj} :: unwell, lackless, unfirm
appelkoos {c} [archaic, dialectal] :: alternative form of abrikoos
Appelman {prop} :: surname
Appelmans {prop} :: surname
appelmoes {f} {n} :: apple sauce, a food prepared by pureeing cooked apples
appelpunt {f} :: A piece/slice of apple pie
appelsap {n} :: apple juice
appelschel {f} :: obsolete form of appelschil
appelschil {f} :: apple peel, apple skin
appelsien {f} [Belgium, Limburg, archaic elsewhere] :: orange (fruit)
appelsienenboom {m} :: orange tree
appelsiensap {n} [Belgium, uncountable] :: orange juice
appelsiensap {n} [Belgium, countable] :: a serving of orange juice
appelspijs {mf} [now, chiefly Belgium] :: apple sauce
appelstroop {f} :: A syrup made from apples, similar to apple butter
appeltaart {m} :: apple pie, apple tart
appelteef {f} [obsolete, pejorative, apparently having connotations similar to viswijf] :: Insult for an apple saleswoman
appeltuin {m} [dated] :: apple orchard
appelwijf {n} [historical, originally pejorative] :: an apple saleswoman, notorious for shouting
appelwijn {m} :: cider, apple wine
appelzalf {f} [obsolete] :: A red cosmetic ointment based on mercury oxide
appen {vt} :: to send a message using a mobile app
appendix {f} :: An appendix, a section appended to the main body of a text or publication with peripheral information
appendix {f} :: A vermiform appendix
appendix {f} :: The appendix of a balloon
appetijt {m} :: appetite, desire to eat
appetijt {m} :: any desire or longing
appetijtelijk {adj} :: tasty, appetising
appgroep {f} {m} :: a group chat on a text messaging app
Appingedam {prop} {n} :: Appingedam (village/and/municipality)
applauderen {vi} [obsolete] :: to applaud
applaudissement {n} [archaic] :: applause
applaudisseren {vi} :: to applaud
applaus {n} :: applause
applicatie {f} :: application, act or process of applying something
applicatie {f} :: application, program, app, piece of software
applicatie {f} [obsolete, music] :: the particular way of using one's fingers in playing an instrument
appositie {f} [grammar] :: An apposition
appreciëren {vt} [formal] :: to appreciate
approximatie {f} :: approximation
april {m} :: the month of April
aprilvis {m} [Belgian] :: April fool, a joke played on April Fools' Day
a prima vista {adv} :: at first sight
a prima vista {adv} [music] :: Sight-read
apsjaar {m} [Antwerp] :: peculiar, incompetent, annoying person
aquarist {m} :: An aquarist, an aquarium owner or maintainer
aquaristiek {f} :: The practice of or the knowledge needed for maintaining an aquarium
aquaristisch {adj} :: aquaristic, pertaining to aquarium keeping
aquarium {n} :: aquarium
aquarium {n} [obsolete] :: water basin, water tank
aquatisch {adj} :: aquatic
ar {adj} [archaic] :: sorry, sad, regrettable
ar {mf} [obsolete] :: sledge
ara {m} :: macaw, parrot of the genus Ara
ara {m} :: Also used of certain not closely related but visually similar parrots
Arabië {prop} {n} :: Arabia
Arabier {m} :: inhabitant of Arabia
Arabier {m} :: Arab (member of a Semitic people)
Arabisch {prop} {n} :: Arabic (language or script)
Arabisch {adj} :: Arabian; Arab; Arabic
Arabisch Schiereiland {prop} {n} :: Arabian Peninsula
arachnofauna {f} :: the spider life inhabiting a region, arachnofauna
Aragonees {adj} :: Aragonese (from Aragon)
Aramees {prop} {n} :: Aramaic (North-West Semitic language)
Aramees {adj} :: Aramaic, Aramaean
Aranees {adj} :: Aranese
Aranees {prop} {n} :: Aranese (Gascon dialect spoken in Spain)
arbeid {m} :: labour, work
arbeid {m} :: labour (act of childbirth)
arbeiden {vi} [dated] :: to work, to do manual labour
arbeider {m} :: worker, labourer
arbeidersklasse {f} :: working class (socio-economic class of physical workers)
arbeidsdag {m} :: working day, workday
arbeidsemigrant {m} [rare] :: labour emigrant
arbeidsethos {n} :: work ethic
arbeidsimmigrant {m} :: labour immigrant
arbeidskracht {f} {m} :: worker, labourer
arbeidsloos {adj} :: unemployed
arbeidsman {m} :: workman, male worker
arbeidsmarkt {f} :: labour market
arbeidsmigrant {m} :: labour migrant
arbeidsparticipatie {f} :: labour participation
arbeidspool {m} :: employment pool, flex pool; usually a private business
arbeidster {f} :: a female worker
arbitrage {f} [sports] :: refereeing
arbitrage {f} [dispute resolution] :: arbitration
arbitrair {adj} :: arbitrary; not confined by procedure or law, but depending on irregularities such as impulse, personal preference or whim
arbitrair {adj} [mathematics] :: arbitrary; pertaining to any possible option
arcade {f} [architecture] :: arcade (array of arches)
arcadehal {f} [video games] :: arcade (place where coin-operated games can be played)
arceren {vt} :: to hatch, shadow with parallel lines
arceren {vt} :: to highlight, mark with a colorful pen
arcering {f} :: hatching (method of shading)
archaïsch {adj} :: archaic
archaïsme {n} :: archaism
archeologe {f} :: female equivalent of archeoloog
archeologie {f} :: archaeology
archeologisch {adj} :: archaeological
archeoloog {m} :: archaeologist
-archie {suffix} :: -archy
archief {n} :: archive (place for storing earlier material)
archiefmateriaal {n} :: archive material
archipel {m} :: archipelago
architect {m} :: architect
architectuur {f} :: architecture
archivaris {m} :: archivist
archivarius {m} [archaic, historical] :: archivist
archiveren {vt} :: to archive
archivist {m} [uncommon] :: archivist
archont {m} [gnosticism] :: archon
Archont {m} [rare] :: alternative case form of archont
arctisch {adj} :: Arctic
Arctische Oceaan {prop} {m} [uncommon] :: The Arctic Ocean
Ardenne {prop} :: Ardennes; alternative form of Ardennen
Ardennen {prop} :: Ardennes
arduin {m} {n} :: A bluish grey limestone; bluestone
arduinsteen {n} :: A type of bluish grey limestone; bluestone (substance)
arduinsteen {m} :: A piece of this bluish grey limestone; bluestone piece (countable amount)
are {f} :: are, a unit of surface area
arecanoot {f} :: areca nut, betel nut
arekanoot {f} :: alternative spelling of arecanoot
arend {m} :: eagle, large bird of prey of the family Accipitridae
Arend {prop} {m} :: given name, sometimes spelled as Arent
Arend {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Aquila
Arends {prop} :: surname
arent {f} [obsolete] :: harvest
Arents {prop} :: surname
areola {f} [anatomy] :: areola (circle around a nipple)
-ares {suffix} :: someone of feminine gender who practices the action signified by the verb, the stem of which the suffix has been appended onto
argeloos {adj} :: unsuspecting
Argentijn {m} :: a person from Argentina
Argentijns {adj} :: Argentinian
Argentinië {prop} {n} :: Argentinië (country)
arglistig {adj} :: ill-intentioned, malicious
argon {n} :: argon
argumenteren {vi} :: to argue
argumentum ad passiones {n} [rare] :: argumentum ad passiones
Argus {prop} {m} :: Argus
argusoog {n} :: critical or vigilant eye [meaning sight, view or review]
argwaan {m} :: suspicion, misgiving
Arie {prop} {m} :: given name
aristocraat {m} :: aristocrat, member of the aristocracy
aristocraat {m} [figuratively] :: person of high standing, reputation etc
aristocratie {f} :: an aristocracy, as form of government, ruling nobilty or first estate
aristocratie {f} [figuratively] :: An esteemed elite
aristocratisch {adj} :: aristocratic
Aristoteles {prop} {m} :: Aristotle
ariteit {f} :: arity (number of arguments)
aritmetica {f} :: arithmetic
-arium {suffix} :: -arium
ark {f} :: ark (ark of the covenant)
ark {f} :: ark (ship)
ark {f} :: houseboat
Ark van het Verbond {prop} {f} :: the Ark of the Covenant
arm {m} :: arm
arm {m} :: branch [especially of streams and organisations]
arm {adj} :: poor (not rich)
arm {adj} :: poor (unfortunate)
Armando {prop} {m} :: given name, borrowed from Italian
armband {m} :: bracelet
armbuigspier {f} :: biceps brachii
Armeens {adj} :: Armenian
Armeens {prop} {n} :: Armenian (language)
armenhuis {n} :: poorhouse
Armenië {prop} {n} :: Armenië (country)
armhuis {n} :: alternative form of armenhuis
armillarium {n} :: armillary sphere
armleuning {f} :: armrest
armoe {f} :: alternative form of armoede
armoede {f} {m} :: poverty
armoede {f} {m} [dated] :: misery
armoedegrens {f} :: poverty line
armoedig {adj} :: poor (suffering from poverty)
armoedig {adj} :: shabby
armoediglijk {adv} [archaic] :: in conditions of poverty; in a poor, destitute state
armoedzaaier {m} :: One who is extremely poor, a down-and-outer, a beggar
armoedzaaier {m} [archaic] :: An aggressive or cruel person, a hothead, one given to fights and bickering
armring {m} :: An armring
armsnoer {n} [dated, rare] :: bracelet
armstoel {m} :: armchair (chair with armrests)
armzalig {adj} :: pitiful, miserable, paltry
Arnhem {prop} {n} :: Arnhem (city/and/municipality/and/capital)
Arnoud {prop} {m} :: given name. An equivalent of Arnold
Arnout {prop} {m} :: given name. An equivalent of Arnold
Aroemeens {adj} :: Aromanian
Aroemeens {prop} {n} :: Aromanian (Eastern Romance language)
aroma {n} :: aroma
aroma {n} :: food flavouring
Aromaans {prop} {n} :: Aromanian (language)
aromatisch {adj} :: aromatic, fragrant or spicy
aron {m} [obsolete] :: arum, plant or flower of the genus Arum
aron {m} [Judaism] :: ark (consecrated receptable for storing Torah scrolls)
aronskelk {m} :: arum, plant of the genus Arum
aronskelk {m} :: arum lily, plant of the family Araceae
ARP {prop} {f} [historical, politics] :: abbreviation of Antirevolutionaire Partij
arrangement {n} [music] :: A musical arrangement
arrangement {n} :: A package deal, especially in relation to recreative services
arrè {interj} [Belgium] :: exclamation used for emphasis, when giving something to someone, commenting etc
arrenslede {f} :: alternative form of arrenslee
arrenslee {f} :: horse-sleigh
arreslee {f} :: superseded spelling of arrenslee
arrest {n} [legal] :: sentence passed by a higher court
arrest {n} [law] :: confiscation ordered by a legal ruling
arrest {n} [law, historical] :: detention, confinement, especially after being arrested
arrestant {m} :: An arrestee
arrestatie {f} :: arrest (the act of arresting a criminal, suspect etc.)
arrestatie {f} [archaic] :: (temporary) confiscation of possessions
arrestatiebevel {n} [law] :: arrest warrant
arresteren {vt} :: to arrest
arriveren {vi} :: to arrive
arrogant {adj} :: arrogant
arrogantie {f} :: arrogance
arroseren {vt} :: to baste (meat), sprinkle (e.g. a cake with icing sugar)
arroseren {vt} :: to water, irrigate, sprinkle
arseen {n} :: arsenic
arsenaal {n} :: armoury, arsenal
arsenaal {n} :: arsenal (stock of weapons)
arsenaal {n} [figurative] :: totality of available instruments, options or means
arsenicum {n} :: arsenic
artefact {n} :: artifact
Arthur {prop} {m} :: given name
Arthurroman {m} :: Arthurian romance
artiest {m} :: artist
artieste {f} :: female equivalent of artiest
artiestennaam {m} :: stage name
artificieel {adj} :: artificial, man-made
artikel {n} :: article (report)
artikel {n} :: article (item, wares)
artikel {n} :: article (section of a legal document)
artikel {n} [grammar] :: article
artikelsgewijs {adj} :: article by article (numbered section)
artikelsgewijs {adj} :: divided into articles (numbered section)
artikelsgewijs {adv} :: article by article (numbered section)
artikelsgewijs {adv} :: divided into articles (numbered section)
artillerie {f} :: artillery
artillerie {f} [collective] :: artillery weapons
artillerie {f} :: the division of an army specialised in artillery weapons
artilleriebeschieting {f} [countable, uncountable] :: artillery bombardment, artillery fire
artilleriesteun {m} :: artillery support
artillerievuur {n} :: artillery fire (shooting and shelling by artillery)
artillerist {m} :: artillerist
artisjok {m} :: artichoke, Cynara scolymus, an edible plant related to the thistle
artistiek {adj} :: artistic, relating to art
artistiek {adj} :: of artistic value or merit
artistiek {adj} :: having creative skill
artistiekeling {m} [derogatory] :: artist, someone who is considered artsy-fartsy
artistiekeling {m} [historical] :: a type of nozem inspired by modern art, French culture and jazz, similar to a mod
art nouveau {m} :: art nouveau, jugendstil
arts {m} :: physician, doctor
artse {f} [rare, nonstandard] :: female equivalent of arts
artsenij {f} :: medicine, medical practice or study
artsenij {f} :: medicine, medical drug
artsenijdrank {m} [archaic] :: A medical draught, a medical potion
artsenijkunde {f} :: medicine (scientific discipline)
artsenijkundig {adj} [dated] :: medical (pertaining to medicine)
artsenijplant {f} :: medical plant (plant used in medicine)
Aruba {prop} :: Aruba
Arubaan {m} :: inhabitant of Aruba
Arubaan {m} :: person of Aruban descent
a.s. {n} :: abbreviation of aanstaande
as {f} :: ash
as {f} :: ashes
as {f} :: axis
as {f} :: axle
as {conj} [Hague dialect] :: alternative spelling of als
as {prep} [Hague dialect] :: alternative spelling of als
as {prep} [Hague dialect] :: eive ... as: as ... as
asa {conj} :: abbreviation of als en slechts als
asbak {m} :: ashtray
asbeer {m} [obsolete] :: Person who was employed to empty latrines and remove refuse at night
asbest {n} :: asbestos
asbezem {n} :: a brush for removing ash from fireplaces, having a handle and rough bristles; used in combination with a dustpan
asceet {m} [religion] :: ascetic, one who lives a life of self-denial
ascese {f} :: asceticism
ascetisch {adj} :: ascetic, relating to asceticism or ascetics
ascetisme {n} :: asceticism
asch {f} :: obsolete spelling of as
aseksualiteit {f} :: asexuality (state of not experiencing sexual attraction)
aseksualiteit {f} :: asexuality (state of not having sex, sexes or sexual organs)
aseksueel {adj} :: asexual, not experiencing sexual attraction
aseksueel {adj} :: asexual, not procreating sexually, not pertaining to sexual procreation
aseksueel {adj} :: asexual, not displaying sex or sexual dimorphism
asem {m} :: alternative form of adem
asemen {vi} :: to breathe
asemhalen {vi} :: to breathe
Asen {prop} {p} [Norse mythology] :: Æsir
asfalt {n} :: asphalt
asfalteren {vt} :: to asphalt, to pave with asphalt
asfaltweg {m} :: An asphalt road, a tarmac road
asfaltweggetje {noun} :: diminutive of asfaltweg
asferisch {adj} :: aspherical
asgrauw {adj} :: ash-grey
asiel {n} :: asylum (state of legal protection)
asiel {n} :: animal shelter
asiel {n} [dated] :: closed institution into which people are admitted, asylum
asielzoeker {m} :: asylum seeker
asielzoekerscentrum {n} :: residential centre for asylum seekers
asjeblieft {interj} [colloquial, chiefly Northern Dutch] :: alternative form of alsjeblieft
asjemenou {interj} :: what the heck (expression of surprise)
asla {f} :: ash pan
aso {mf} [slang, Netherlands] :: an antisocial, brutish or inconsiderate person
asociaal {adj} :: antisocial, selfish, showing disregard for others
aspect {n} :: aspect, element
aspect {n} :: aspect, appearance
aspect {n} [linguistics] :: aspect (grammatical category)
asperge {f} :: asparagus (plant, vegetable)
aspersie {f} :: archaic spelling of asperge
aspirine {f} [pharmacology] :: aspirin
aspirine {f} [by extension] :: any tranquilizer
aspis {m} :: asp
aspisadder {f} {m} :: asp viper (Vipera aspis)
aspisslang {m} :: asp
asrest {f} :: residual ash
Assam {prop} {n} :: Assam (state)
Assamees {adj} :: Assamese, in, from or relating to the NE-Indian state Assam or the feudal realm it's named after
Assamees {n} :: An Assamese, inhabitant of the NE-Indian state Assam or the feudal realm it's named after
Assamees {n} :: A member of the etno-cultural Assamese people
Assamees {prop} {n} :: The Indo-Iranian language Assamese
Assamitisch {prop} {n} :: Assamese (language)
assassijn {m} [historical] :: assassin (member of a Shi'a sect operating from the 11th until the 13th century)
Assassijn {m} :: alternative case form of assassijn
Asschepoester {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Assepoester
assegaai {m} :: assegai (javelin, throwing spear)
assemblee {f} :: assembly, council (legislative or executive body)
Assen {prop} :: Assen (city/and/municipality/and/capital)
Assepoester {prop} {f} :: Cinderella (fairy tale and fairy tale character)
assertief {adj} :: assertive
assimilatie {f} :: assimilation, incorporation
assimilatie {f} [biology, chemistry] :: assimilation (chemical reaction)
assimilatie {f} [biology, chemistry] :: assimilation of carbon dioxide, photosynthesis
assimilatie {f} [phonology] :: assimilation (phonemic change toward greater similarity to a nearby phoneme)
assimilatie {f} [society, sociology] :: assimilation (adoption of customs and values by a group)
Assisi {prop} :: Assisi (city)
assistent {m} :: assistant, person who assists, aid
assistente {f} :: female equivalent of assistent
assisteren {vt} :: to assist, act as assistant to
assisteren {vi} :: to lend assistance
associatie {f} :: association
associatie {f} :: connotation (suggested or implied meaning)
associëren {vt} :: to associate
assortiment {n} :: assortment
assortiment {n} :: everything a supplier has to offer, range of products
assteun {m} :: jack (a mechanical device used to lift heavy loads)
assuradeur {m} :: An insurer, an insurance agent; generally related to insurances against damage or loss
assurantie {f} :: An insurance against damage or loss
astaat {n} :: astatine
astatium {n} :: astatine
Asten {prop} {n} :: Asten (village/and/municipality)
aster {f} :: aster, flowering plant of the genus Aster
aster {f} :: A flower from this plant
Aster {prop} :: given name
asteroïde {f} :: asteroid
astma {n} [pathology] :: The chronic respiratory disease asthma
astrant {adj} [dialectal] :: brazen, cheeky
Astrid {prop} {f} :: given name
astro- {prefix} :: astro-
astrofysica {f} :: astrophysics
astrofysicus {m} :: astrophysicist
astrologie {f} :: astrology
astrologisch {adj} :: astrological, pertaining to astrology
astroloog {m} :: astrologer
astronaut {m} :: astronaut
astronautiek {f} [now, uncommon] :: astronautics
astronomie {f} :: Astronomy, the natural science branch studying the physical universe beyond Earth's atmosphere
astronomisch {adj} :: astronomical (of or relating to astronomy)
astronomisch {adj} :: very large
astronomische schemering {f} :: astronomical twilight
astronoom {m} :: astronomer, one who studies astronomy
asvaalt {m} :: dump, refuse heap
asvarken {n} [dialectal, Holland] :: a brush with rough bristles and a handle, often used along with a dustpan (historically used for removing ash from fireplaces)
Aswoensdag {m} :: Ash Wednesday, the day of penitence which starts Lent
asymmetrisch {adj} :: asymmetric
asymptomatisch {adj} :: asymptomatic (not exhibiting any symptoms of disease)
asymptoot {m} :: asymptote (a straight line which a curve approaches arbitrarily closely)
asymptotisch {adj} :: asymptotic
atavistisch {adj} :: atavistic
ataxie {f} :: ataxia, pathological lack of coordination in bodily movements
atelier {n} :: workshop, studio; in particular in relation to artistic activities, the production of clothing or engineering
-ateur {suffix} :: -ator
Athabaskisch {adj} :: Athabascan (pertaining to a groups of native peoples in western North America and their languages)
Atheens {adj} :: Athenian
atheïsme {n} :: atheism
atheïst {mf} :: atheist
atheïstisch {adj} :: atheistic
Athene {prop} {n} :: Athene (capital city)
Athene {prop} {n} [Greek mythology] :: Athena (ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, craft and war)
atheneum {n} [Netherlands] :: A type of secondary education which is in curriculum identical to a gymnasium except that it does not offer classes in Latin and/or Greek
atheneum {n} [Belgium] :: A type of public secondary school
-atie {suffix} :: Forms action nouns. Many such nouns derive from or are otherwise paired with verbs of Latinate origin that are suffixed with -eren. This suffix is then replaced by -atie
-atie {suffix} :: An action or process
-atie {suffix} :: The result of an action or process
-atie {suffix} :: A state or quality
atje {n} [slang] :: alternative spelling of adje
Atjeh {prop} {n} :: Aceh (province of Indonesia; former sultanate)
Atlantisch {adj} :: of or relating to the Atlantic Ocean
Atlantische Oceaan {prop} {f} :: Atlantic Ocean (the ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east)
atlas {m} :: atlas (bound or digital collection of maps)
atlas {m} [anatomy] :: atlas (top vertebra)
Atlas {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Atlas (mythological giant)
Atlas {prop} {m} [uncommon] :: Atlas Mountains
Atlas {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Atlas (moon of Saturn)
atleet {m} :: athlete (a person who actively participates in physical sports, esp. one highly skilled in sports)
atlete {f} :: female equivalent of atleet
atletiek {f} :: athletics: only in the sense of track and field, not sports in general
atmo- {prefix} :: Pertaining to air
atmosfeer {m} [planets, meteorology, astronomy] :: atmosphere (gases surrounding an astronomical body)
atmosfeer {m} [units, colloquial] :: one Earth atmosphere (atm)
atmosfeer {m} [uncommon] :: atmosphere, ambiance
atmosferisch {adj} :: atmospheric
atol {n} {m} :: atoll
atomair {adj} :: atomic (of or relating to atoms)
atomair {adj} :: atomic (of or relating to nuclear weapons)
atomisme {n} :: atomism
atomist {m} [chiefly historical] :: An atomist
atoom {n} [physics] :: An atom (building bloc of molecules)
atoom {n} [figuratively] :: A tiny bit
atoombom {f} :: atomic bomb
atoombunker {m} :: A nuclear bunker, an atomic bunker (bunker intended to withstand nuclear weaponry)
atoomdeeltje {n} :: A sub-atomic particle of matter
atoomgetal {n} :: An atomic number, an element's number of protons and hence position in the periodic table
atoomkern {m} :: The nucleus (massive, positively charged core) of an atom
atoomklok {f} :: atomic clock
atoommassa {f} :: atomic mass
atoommodel {n} :: atomic model
atoomnummer {n} :: An atomic number, an element's number of protons and hence position in the periodic table
atoomproef {f} :: nuclear test (nuclear weapons' test)
atoomtheorie {f} :: atomic theory
atoomtijdperk {prop} {n} :: Atomic Age
atoomwapen {n} :: atomic weapon
-ator {suffix} :: used to form agent nouns, usually from verbs that have the ending -eren
Atrecht {prop} {n} :: Arras, a city in France
atrofie {f} :: atrophy (reduced functionality)
attachment {m} {n} :: attachment (to an email)
attachment {m} {n} [psychology] :: attachment, personal bonding
attaqueren {vt} [formal] :: to attack, to assault
Atte {prop} {m} :: given name
atten {vt} [slang] :: to empty a glass by drinking it in one draught; to down, to chug
attent {adj} :: observant, perceptive
attent {adj} :: courteous
attentie {f} :: attention, attentiveness
attentie {f} :: courteousness, urbanity
attest {n} :: certificate, document supporting an assertion
attestatie {f} :: document supporting an assertion, certificate
attestatie {f} :: attestation, the act or instance of attesting
attestatie {f} :: certificate demonstrating good standing, competence or orthodoxy
attesteren {vt} :: to attest
attestering {f} :: certification
Attisch {prop} {n} :: Attic Greek
Attisch {adj} :: Attic
Attisch zout {n} [idiom, dated] :: ingenious, subtle humour; Attic salt
atto- {prefix} :: atto-
attocandela {mf} :: attocandela: 10-18 candela
attometer {m} :: attometer: 10-18 meter
attoseconde {f} :: attosecond: 10-18 of a second
attractie {f} :: attraction
attractief {adj} [formal] :: attractive
attractiepark {n} :: amusement park
attributief {adj} :: attributive (of, or being (used as) a (grammatical) attribute)
attribuut {n} :: attribute
au {interj} :: ouch!
a.u.b. {adv} :: abbreviation of alstublieft
aubade {f} :: A song or musical performance to honour someone, performed in the morning
aubade {f} [uncommon, chiefly historical] :: An aubade, a morning love song
aubergine {f} :: An aubergine, an eggplant (plant), Solanum melongena
aubergine {f} :: The fruit of the eggplant, an aubergine (fruit)
aubergine {f} :: Aubergine, eggplant (color)
auctie {f} [uncommon] :: auction, especially of books
audiëntie {f} :: audience (formal meeting)
audio {c} :: audio
audiocassette {f} :: An audio cassette
auditeren {vi} :: to audition
auditeren {vi} :: to listen, to be an audience
auditie {f} :: audition
auditief {adj} :: auditory
auditorium {n} :: auditorium (large room for speeches, meetings, performances, etc.)
auerhaan {m} :: male western capercaillie, male wood grouse
auerhen {f} :: female western capercaillie, female wood grouse
auerhoen {n} :: western capercaillie, wood grouse, Tetrao urogallus
augmenteren {vt} :: to augment, to increase
augurk {f} {m} :: gherkin (small cucumber that is usually pickled)
augustus {m} :: August (month)
aula {f} :: the auditorium or main hall of a school or university
aura {f} :: aura
aureool {n} :: halo
auspiciën {p} :: watch, supervision
auspiciën {p} :: auspices, protection
auspiciën {p} [historical] :: augury; [also] the omens from divination based on the behaviour of birds, practiced in Roman culture
ausputzer {m} [football] :: A sweeper, a libero
ausradieren {vt} :: to eradicate, to exterminate
ausradieren {vt} :: to clear, to efface, to erase
Austerlitz {prop} {n} :: Austerlitz (village)
Australië {prop} {n} :: Australië (continent)
Australiër {m} :: Australian (a person from Australia or of Australian descent)
Australisch {adj} :: Australian (of, from, or pertaining to Australia, the Australian people or languages)
Australisch Hoofdstedelijk Territorium {prop} {n} :: The Australian Capital Territory, the federal Territory of Australia, i.e. greater Canberra
Austroaziatisch {adj} :: Austroasiatic
Austroaziatisch {prop} {n} :: The Austroasiatic family of languages
Austronesisch {adj} :: Austronesian
Austronesisch {prop} {n} :: Austronesian
autaar {n} [dialectal] :: alternative form of altaar
auteur {m} :: author
auteur {m} :: composer, artist, creator of a work
auteursrecht {n} :: copyright
authenticeren {vt} :: to authenticate
authentiek {adj} :: authentic
authentiseren {v} :: alternative form of authenticeren
autisme {n} :: autism (syndrome on the autism spectrum)
autisme {n} [pathology, archaic] :: autism (type of schizophrenia)
autismespectrum {n} :: autism spectrum
autismespectrumstoornis {f} :: autism spectrum disorder
autist {m} :: autist, person with autism
auto {m} :: car, automobile
autobaan {f} :: motorway
autobaan {f} :: lane (of a road) for motorised vehicles
autoband {m} :: tire/tyre (e.g. a car tyre)
autobiografie {f} :: autobiography (biography of oneself)
autobioscoop {m} [rare] :: drive-through cinema, drive-in cinema
autobom {f} :: car bomb
autobus {m} :: bus, coach (vehicle)
autochtoon {adj} :: autochthonous
autochtoon {m} :: autochthon
autocoureur {m} :: car racer
autocraat {m} :: autocrat
autocratie {f} :: autocracy
autodidact {m} :: autodidact, self-taught person
autodidactisch {adj} :: autodidactic
autogas {n} :: autogas (liquefied petroleum gas)
autogiro {m} [superseded] :: autogiro
autogordel {m} :: seat belt in a car
autohandelaar {m} :: A car salesperson
autokerkhof {n} :: car graveyard, car cemetery, car scrapyard
autolader {m} :: car charger (charger that can be inserted into a dashboard socket)
autolamp {f} :: lamp of a car
autoloos {adj} :: carless
automaat {m} :: a machine that performs automated tasks
automaat {m} :: an automatic, a car with an automatic transmission
automaat {m} :: an automaton
automatenhal {f} {m} [gaming] :: arcade, amusement arcade
automatiek {f} :: an automat (a vending machine for warm food, usually deep-fried)
automatisch {adj} :: automatic
automatische piloot {m} :: autopilot
automatiseren {v} [ergative] :: to automate
automatisering {f} :: automation
automedicatie {f} :: self-medication
automobiel {n} :: automobile, car
automobilist {m} :: A motorist, an automobilist
automobilistje {noun} :: diminutive of automobilist
automonteur {m} :: A car mechanic
autonomie {f} :: autonomy
autonoom {adj} :: autonomous
autopech {m} :: breakdown (mechanical failure) of a car
autoped {m} :: motorised kick scooter, autoped
autoped {m} [Netherlands] :: kick scooter
autopsie {f} :: dissection, autopsy
autoradio {m} :: car radio
autorijschool {f} :: A driving school for car-driving instruction
autoritair {adj} :: authoritarian, dictatorial
autoritarisme {n} :: authoritarianism
autoriteit {f} :: authority
autosegment {adj} [phonology] :: autosegment
autosegmenteel {adj} [phonology] :: autosegmental
autosnelweg {m} :: motorway, freeway
autospiegel {m} :: car mirror
autospiegeltje {noun} :: diminutive of autospiegel
autostoel {m} :: A car seat
autostoeltje {noun} :: diminutive of autostoel
autostrade {f} [Belgium] :: highway, motorway
autostuur {n} :: The steering wheel of an automobile
autoverkeer {n} :: Car traffic
autoverzekering {f} :: A car insurance
autowasstraat {f} :: car wash
autoweg {m} :: freeway, highway, motorway
avance {mf} [chiefly plural] :: overture, approach, advance (act of accosting)
avance {mf} [dated] :: progress
avance {mf} [dated] :: stock appreciation
avance {mf} [obsolete] :: profit
avance {mf} [dated] :: advantage, benefit
avanceren {vi} :: to advance
avegaar {m} :: auger
averechts {adj} :: opposite, backwards, contrary
Averink {prop} :: surname
aversie {f} :: aversion
aversief {adj} :: aversive, displaying or inciting aversion
Avestisch {prop} :: Avestan (Old Iranian language)
Avestisch {adj} :: Avestan
AVG {prop} {f} :: Abbreviation of Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming, GDPR
avi- {prefix} :: avi-: pertaining to birds or flight
aviateur {m} [chiefly historical] :: aviator
avicultuur {f} :: aviculture, bird husbandry
avifauna {f} :: avifauna, bird fauna; the birdlife of an area
avifauna {f} :: A book about bird fauna
aviofobie {f} [extremely, rare] :: fear of flying, aviophobia
avitaminose {f} :: avitaminosis, a condition caused by vitamin deficit
avocado {m} :: avocado, alligator pear
avocadoboom {m} :: avocado (tree)
avond {m} :: evening, night
avondbrood {n} :: A supper where bread is the main food
avondeten {n} :: supper, dinner, evening meal
avondjurk {f} :: evening gown, evening dress
avondklok {f} :: curfew
avondklok {f} :: curfew bell, evening bell
Avondland {prop} {n} [formal] :: Europe, or, more broadly, the West
avondlijk {adj} :: Pertaining to the evening
avondmaal {n} :: dinner, supper, the evening meal
avondmaaltijd {m} :: dinner, supper, the evening meal
avondmens {m} :: night owl
avondrood {n} :: afterglow (red sky after sunset)
avondschemer {m} :: dusk, evening twilight
avondschemering {f} :: dusk, evening twilight
avondschool {f} :: night school, evening school
avondspits {f} :: evening rush hour
avondspitsuur {n} :: evening rush hour
avondster {f} [astronomy] :: Evening star; the planet Venus as seen in the western sky in the evening
avondster {f} [astronomy] :: Evening star; any star seen in the evening, especially the planets Mercury and Jupiter
avondstond {f} [archaic or poetic] :: eventide
avonduur {n} :: evening hour, eventide
avondval {m} :: nightfall, sundown
avonturier {m} :: adventurer
avonturierster {f} :: female adventurer
avontuur {n} :: adventure (remarkable, exciting or challenging experience)
avontuur {n} [obsolete] :: random occurrence, chance occurrence
avontuurlijk {adj} :: Like an adventure, dangerous, eventful, exciting
avontuurlijk {adj} :: Daring, adventurous, accepting risks
à-vuespel {n} [music] :: Sight-reading
awel {interj} :: [BE-nl] well
axiaal {adj} :: axial (pertaining to an axis, moving around an axis)
axiologie {f} :: axiology
axiologie {f} :: an instance of axiology
axiologisch {adj} :: axiological
axioma {n} [logic, mathematics] :: axiom
axiomatisch {adj} :: axiomatic
ayatollah {m} :: A religious leader in Twelver Shi'ism
ayatollah {m} :: Highest grade of theological scholarship in Shi'ism
ayatollah {m} [by extension] :: A (thought) leader or key figure in general
azalea {f} {m} :: azalea, plant of the obsolete genus Azalea
Azaravos {m} :: pampas fox, Azara's fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus)
azc {n} :: acronym of asielzoekerscentrum
azen {vi} :: to predate [+ op (object)]
azen {vi} :: to long [+ op (object) = after], to desire [+ op (object)]
Azerbeidzjan {prop} {n} :: Azerbeidzjan (country)
Azerbeidzjan {prop} {n} :: Azerbaijan, an independent former Soviet republic in Transcaucasia
Aziaat {mf} :: Asian
Aziatisch {adj} :: Asian (of, relating to or from Asia)
Aziatisch {adj} :: Asian, East Asian or Southeast Asian, Asiatic, relating to people(s) of East or Southeast Asian descent
Azië {prop} {n} :: Asia
azijn {m} :: vinegar (condiment)
azijnaal {m} [now chiefly diminutive] :: vinegar eel, Turbatrix aceti
azijnpisser {m} :: curmudgeon
azijnwater {n} :: A dilute vinegar solution; a dilute solution of acetic acid in water
azijnzuur {n} [organic compound] :: acetic acid
azimut {n} [astronomy] :: azimuth
AZN {prop} {n} :: abbreviation of Algemeen Zuid-Nederlands
Azteek {m} :: Aztec, an Aztec person
Azteeks {adj} :: Aztec, Aztecan, pertaining to the Aztecs
Azteeks {prop} {n} :: Nahuatl
azuren {adj} :: azure (having an azure colour)
azuur {n} :: lapis lazuli, azure
azuur {n} :: azure, the blue colour of the sky
azuur {n} [heraldry] :: blue, azure
azuurblauw {adj} :: azure [color]
azuursteen {m} :: lapis lazuli
azuursteen {m} [dated] :: azurite (mineral used as a pigment for the colour azure)