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User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-i

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-i {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person singular present of regular -are, -ere verbs and those -ire verbs that do not take "isc"
-i {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person imperative of -ere verbs
-i {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-, second- and third-person singular present subjunctive of -are verbs
-i {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person singular imperative of -are verbs
i {art} :: the
i {f} :: letter: i; i
I {letter} /i/ :: letter: i
{suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person singular past historic of regular -ire verbs
-ia {suffix} /ˈi.a/ :: Derives abstract nouns denoting a state or condition from adjectives or nouns
-ia {suffix} :: Derives abstract nouns denoting a collective group or a social condition
-ia {suffix} :: Added to ethnonyms to derive place names
-ia {suffix} :: Used to derive technical and scientific terms, especially from Ancient Greek terms
IA {f} :: AI (intelligenza artificiale)
iaborandi {m} /ja.boˈran.di/ :: The plant Pilocarpus pennatifolius
Iacobucci {prop} :: surname
Iacopo {prop} :: alternative form of Jacopo
Iacovelli {prop} :: surname
Iadanza {prop} :: surname
Iafet {prop} :: alternative form of Jafet
iafetico {adj} :: Japhetic
iafetide {mf} :: Japhetite
Iago {prop} :: given name
-iale {suffix} /ˈja.le/ :: -ial
ialea {f} :: hyalea
ialino {adj} :: hyaline, glassy
ialino {adj} :: semitransparent
ialite {f} [mineralogy] :: hyalite
ialomero {m} [cytology] :: hyalomere
ialurgia {f} :: glass manufacture / industry
ialurgia {f} :: the art of glass moulding
ialuronico {adj} :: hyaluronic
iamatologia {f} :: Japanology
Iambe {prop} [Greek mythology] /ˈjam.be/ :: Iambe
-iamo {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person plural present, present subjunctive and imperative of regular -are, -ere and -ire verbs
Iannelli {prop} :: surname
Iannotti {prop} :: surname
Iannucci {prop} :: surname
Iannuzzi {prop} :: surname
-iano {suffix} [productive] /ˈja.no/ :: Enlarged form of -ano, usually indicating a relationship of position, possession, or origin
iarda {f} /ˈjar.d̪a/ :: yard (unit of length)
-iasi {suffix} [medicine] :: -iasis
Iason {prop} :: Jason
Iasón {prop} :: medieval spelling of Iason
iaspe {mf} /ˈjas.pe/ :: obsolete form of iaspide
iaspide {mf} /ˈjas.pi.de/ :: Ancient name of a mineral, probably chalcedony
-iate {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person plural present subjunctive of regular -are, -ere and -ire verbs
iato {m} [linguistics, anatomy] /iˈa.to/ :: hiatus
iato {m} :: interruption, gap, rift
-iatra {suffix} :: A doctor: -iatrician, -iatrist
-iatria {suffix} :: -iatry
iatrico {adj} :: iatric
iatro- {prefix} :: Forms terms relating to physicians
iatrochimica {f} [chemistry, medicine] :: iatrochemistry
iatrochimico {adj} :: iatrochemical
iatrofobia {f} :: iatrophobia
iatrogenesi {f} [medicine] :: iatrogenesis
iatrogenico {adj} :: iatrogenic
iatrogeno {adj} :: iatrogenic
iattanza {f} :: arrogance, haughtiness
iattura {f} :: calamity, disaster, misfortune
ibadita {mf} [Islam] /i.baˈdi.ta/ :: Ibadi
Iberia {prop} /iˈbɛrja/ :: Iberia (European peninsula, consisting of Portugal and Spain)
Iberia {prop} :: Iberia (Caucasian Iberia)
ibericità {f} :: The property of being Iberian; Iberian nature or spirit
iberico {adj} :: Iberian
iberico {adj} :: Spanish
iberista {mf} :: scholar of Spanish and Portuguese language and literature
iberistica {f} :: Iberian studies
ibernante {v} :: present participle of ibernare
ibernare {vi} :: To hibernate
ibernare {vt} :: To induce hypothermia in a patient
ibernazione {f} :: hibernation
ibero {adj} :: Iberian
iberomaurusiano {adj} :: Iberomaurusian
iberoromanzo {adj} :: Ibero-Romance (relating to the Romance languages of the Iberian peninsula)
-ibile {suffix} :: -ible, -able
ibis {m} /ˈibis/ :: ibis
ibisco {m} :: hibiscus (flower)
ibis eremita {m} :: northern bald ibis, hermit ibis or waldrapp (Geronticus eremita)
Ibiza {prop} :: Ibiza
ibotenico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: ibotenic
ibridamente {adv} :: in a hybrid manner
ibridante {v} :: present participle of ibridare
ibridare {vt} :: To hybridize
ibridatore {m} :: hybridizer
ibridazione {f} :: hybridization
ibridismo {m} :: hybridization, hybridity
ibridismo {m} :: hybridism
ibridizzazione {f} [chemistry, physics] :: hybridization
ibrido {adj} :: hybrid
ibrido {m} :: hybrid
ibridologia {f} :: The study of hybridization
icaco {m} /iˈka.ko/ :: ellipsis of prugno icaco
icaco {f} :: ellipsis of prugna icaco
-icare {suffix} /iˈkare/ :: Used to derive verbs related to a root noun or adjective
icario {adj} :: Icarian (that soars too high for safety)
Icaro {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Icarus
Icaro {prop} :: given name
icasticità {f} :: incisiveness, vividness
icastico {adj} /iˈkas.ti.ko/ :: vivid
icastico {adj} :: figurative
icastico {adj} :: representational
-icchiare {suffix} :: Used to derive verbs with a frequentative connotation
-icchiare {suffix} :: Used to derive verbs with a diminutive connotation
-iccio {suffix} :: A slightly diminutive-pejorative suffix used to form adjectives and nouns, denoting approximation
iceberg {m} :: iceberg
-icella {suffix} :: Used with female nouns to form diminutives; feminine noun of -icello
-icello {suffix} :: alternative form of -cello
icneumone {m} :: ichneumon (Herpestes ichneumon)
icneumonide {m} :: ichneumon wasp (of family Ichneumonidae)
icnografia {f} [architecture] :: ichnography, ground plan
icnografico {adj} :: ichnographic
icnologia {f} :: ichnology
-ico {suffix} :: -ic
icona {f} :: icon, ikon
iconicità {f} :: iconicity
iconico {adj} :: iconic
icono- {prefix} :: Forms terms relating to images or to icons
iconoclasta {adj} :: iconoclastic
iconoclasta {mf} :: iconoclast
iconoclastia {f} :: iconoclasm
iconoclastico {adj} :: iconoclastic
iconodulia {m} :: iconodule
iconografia {f} :: iconography
iconograficamente {adv} :: iconographically
iconografico {adj} :: iconographic
iconografo {m} :: iconographer
iconolatra {f} :: iconolater
iconolatria {f} :: iconolatry
iconologia {f} :: iconology
iconologico {adj} :: iconological
iconologista {mf} :: iconologist
iconoscopio {m} :: iconoscope
iconostasi {f} :: iconostasis
iconoteca {f} :: iconotheca
icore {m} /i.ˈko.re/ :: ichor
icosaedrale {adj} :: icosahedral
icosaedrico {adj} :: icosahedral
icosaedro {m} [geometry] :: icosahedron
icosagono {m} :: icosagon
icosidodecaedro {m} [mathematics] :: icosidodecahedron
icositetraedro {m} [mathematics] :: icositetrahedron
ics {mf} /iks/ :: letter: x
ictus {m} [pathology] :: ictus, stroke
Ida {prop} :: given name
Idaho {prop} /ˈa.i.da.o/ :: Idaho (state)
idalgo {m} :: hidalgo
idatodo {m} [botany] :: hydathode
iddeità {f} [obsolete] :: Variant of deità
iddeo {m} [obsolete] :: god (Variant of dio)
iddio {m} :: god (Variant of dio)
Iddio {prop} :: synonym of Dio; God
-ide {suffix} [chemistry] :: -ide
-ide {suffix} [sciences] :: -ide (forms or families of organisms etc)
idea {f} :: idea
ideabile {adj} :: That can be invented, conceivable
ideale {adj} :: ideal
ideale {m} :: ideal
idealismo {m} [philosophy] :: idealism
idealista {mf} :: idealist
idealisticamente {adv} :: idealistically
idealistico {adj} :: idealistic
idealità {f} :: ideality
idealizzabile {adj} :: idealizable
idealizzante {v} :: present participle of idealizzare
idealizzare {vt} :: to idealize
idealizzazione {f} :: idealization
idealmente {adv} :: ideally
idealtipico {adj} :: ideal type (attributive)
idealtipo {m} [social science] :: ideal type
ideante {v} :: present participle of ideare
ideare {vt} :: to invent, conceive, think up, ideate
ideativo {adj} :: ideational
ideatore {m} :: creator, inventor, author
ideatrice {f} :: female equivalent of ideatore
ideazione {f} :: conception, conceiving, planning, ideation
idem {adv} /ˈidem/ :: ditto, and so, likewise, also
idem {pron} :: ditto, the same
IDEM {prop} [finance] :: acronym of Italian derivatives market
identicamente {adv} :: identically
identicità {f} :: sameness, identicalness
identico {adj} /iˈdɛn.ti.ko/ :: identical
identificabile {adj} :: identifiable
identificabilità {f} :: identifiability
identificante {v} :: present participle of identificare
identificantesi {v} :: present participle of identificarsi
identificare {vt} :: to identify
identificarsi {v} :: reflexive of identificare
identificarsi {v} :: to identify oneself with somebody
identificativo {adj} :: identifying; identification (attributive)
identificativo {m} :: identifier, identification number
identificatore {adj} :: identifying
identificatore {m} :: identifier
identificatosi {v} :: past participle of identificarsi
identificazione {f} :: identification
identificazione {f} :: detection (the act of detecting or sensing something; discovering something that was hidden or disguised)
identikit {m} /identiˈkit/ :: identikit
identità {f} :: identity
identità di Eulero {n} [mathematics] :: Euler's identity
identitario {adj} :: identity (attributive)
ideo- {prefix} :: ideo-
ideocrazia {f} :: ideocracy
ideografia {f} :: ideography
ideografico {adj} :: ideographic
ideogramma {m} :: ideogram, ideograph
ideogrammatico {adj} :: ideogrammatic
ideologa {f} :: female equivalent of ideologo
ideologia {f} :: ideology
ideologicamente {adv} :: ideologically
ideologicità {f} :: ideological character
ideologico {adj} :: ideological
ideologismo {m} :: ideology
ideologismo {m} :: Tendency to solve problems ideologically
ideologizzante {v} :: present participle of ideologizzare
ideologizzare {vt} :: to ideologize
ideologizzazione {f} :: ideologization
ideologo {m} :: ideologist
ideoma {f} :: the collective of human ideas or thought
ideomotorio {adj} :: ideomotor
ideona {f} [colloquial] :: great idea
idi {mp} :: Ides
Idice {prop} :: Idice (river)
idilliaco {adj} :: idyllic
idillicamente {adv} :: idyllically
idillico {adj} :: idyllic
idillio {m} :: idyll
idio- {prefix} :: idio-
idiocromatico {adj} [mineralogy] :: idiochromatic
idioelettrico {adj} :: idioelectric
idiofono {adj} [music] :: idiophonic
idiofono {m} [music] :: idiophone
idioglossia {f} :: idioglossia
idioletto {m} :: idiolect
idiologo {m} :: idiologus
idioma {m} :: vernacular (the language of a people or a national language)
idioma {m} :: idiom (a distinct language variety or dialect)
idioma {m} :: languoid (a language or dialect without distinction)
idiomatico {adj} :: idiomatic
idiomorfo {adj} :: idiomorphous, idiomorphic
idiopatia {f} [pathology] :: idiopathy
idiopatico {adj} [pathology] :: idiopathic
idiosincrasia {f} /i.djo.sin.kraˈzi.a/ :: aversion, strong dislike
idiosincrasia {f} :: idiosyncrasy
idiosincrasico {adj} :: alternative form of idiosincratico
idiosincratico {adj} :: idiosyncratic
idiota {mf} [pejorative] :: idiot, moron, maroon, clot
idiota {adj} :: idiotic
idiotamente {adv} :: idiotically, stupidly
idiotipo {m} :: idiotype
idiotismo {m} [linguistics] :: idiom
idiotismo {m} [medicine] :: idiocy
idiotopo {m} [immunology] :: idiotope
idiozia {f} :: foolish thing, stupid thing, nonsense, rubbish
idiozia {f} :: idiocy, stupidity, foolishness
idolatra {adj} /i.doˈla.tra/ :: idolatrous
idolatra {mf} :: idolater
idolatrante {v} :: present participle of idolatrare
idolatrare {vit} :: to worship
idolatrare {vit} :: to idolize
idolatria {f} :: idolatry
idolatrico {adj} :: idolatrous
idoleggiante {v} :: present participle of idoleggiare
idoleggiare {vt} :: to idolize, to lionize
idoletto {m} :: A small idol
idoletto {m} :: A prehistoric statuette often of an exaggerated female form
idolo {m} :: idol
Idomeneo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Idomeneus
idoneamente {adv} :: suitably
idoneamente {adv} :: fittingly
idoneità {f} [law] :: fitness, suitability, qualification
idoneo {adj} :: suitable
idoneo {adj} :: fitting
idra {f} [mythology] :: hydra
idra {f} [figurative] :: pest, plague, nuisance
Idra {prop} :: Hydra (all senses)
idracido {m} [chemistry] :: hydracid
idradenite {f} [pathology] :: hidradenitis
Idra di Lerna {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Hydra (Lernaean Hydra mythical serpent)
idragogo {adj} :: hydragogue
idragogo {m} [pharmacology] :: hydragogue drug, hydragogue agent
idralcolico {adj} :: Variant of idroalcolico
idramnio {m} [pathology] :: hydramnios
idrangea {f} :: hydrangea
idrante {m} :: hydrant
idrante {m} :: firehose
idrargirio {m} [obsolete] :: hydrargyrum (mercury)
idrargirismo {m} [pathology] :: hydrargyrism (mercury poisoning)
idrargirite {f} [obsolete, mineral] :: calomel
idrarto {m} [pathology] :: hydrarthrosis
idrartrosi {f} [pathology] :: hydrarthrosis
idraste {f} :: goldenseal
idratabile {adj} :: hydratable
idratante {adj} :: moisturizing
idratante {adj} :: hydrating
idratante {m} :: moisturizer
idratantesi {v} :: present participle of idratarsi
idratare {vt} :: to moisturize
idratare {vt} :: to hydrate
idratarsi {v} :: reflexive of idratare
idratarsi {v} :: to hydrate, moisturize
idratarsi {v} :: to hydrate oneself, moisturize oneself
idratasi {f} [enzyme] :: hydratase
idratatosi {v} :: past participle of idratarsi
idratazione {f} :: moisturizing
idratazione {f} :: hydration
idrato {adj} [chemistry] :: hydrated
idrato {m} [chemistry] :: hydrate
idrato {m} [chemistry] :: hydroxide (normally idrossido)
idraulica {f} :: hydraulics
idraulicamente {adv} :: hydraulically
idraulicità {f} :: hydraulicity
idraulico {adj} /idˈra.u.li.ko/ :: hydraulic
idraulico {m} :: plumber, pipefitter, plumbing contractor
idrazina {f} [inorganic compound] :: hydrazine
idrazoico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrazoic
idrazone {m} [organic chemistry] :: hydrazone
idremia {f} [pathology] :: hydraemia
idria {f} [archaeology] :: hydria
Idria {prop} :: Idrija
idricità {f} :: hydricity
idrico {adj} :: water (attribute)
idro- {prefix} :: hydro-
idroaerogiro {m} :: sea-rotorcraft
idroaeroporto {m} :: seaplane airport
idroalcolico {adj} :: hydroalcoholic
idroalcoolico {adj} :: Variant of idroalcolico
idroambulanza {f} :: A motorboat that functions as an ambulance (in Venice and some Italian islands)
idrobiologia {f} [biology] :: hydrobiology
idrobiologico {adj} [biology] :: hydrobiological
idrobiologo {m} [biology] :: hydrobiologist
idroborazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: hydroboration
idrobromico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrobromic
idrocarbonioso {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hydrocarbon (attributive)
idrocarburico {adj} :: hydrocarbon (attributive)
idrocarburo {m} [organic chemistry] :: hydrocarbon
idrocefalia {f} :: Variant of idrocefalo
idrocefalico {adj} :: hydrocephalic
idrocefalo {m} [pathology] :: hydrocephalus
idrocele {m} [medicine] :: hydrocele
idrochinone {m} [organic compound] :: hydroquinone
idrocinnamico {adj} :: hydrocinnamic
idroclorotiazide {f} [medicine] :: hydrochlorothiazide
idrocolloide {m} :: hydrocolloid
idrocoltore {m} :: hydroponics farmer
idrocoltura {f} :: hydroculture, hydroponics
idrocoria {f} [botany] :: hydrochory
idrocoro {adj} [botany] :: hydrochoric
idrocorsa {f} :: A high-speed seaplane designed to compete in races
idrocortisone {m} [medicine] :: hydrocortisone
idrocraking {m} :: hydrocracking
idrodealchilazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: hydrodealkylation
idrodegradazione {f} [chemistry] :: hydrodegradation
idrodesolforazione {f} [chemistry] :: hydrodesulfurization
idrodinamica {f} [physics] :: hydrodynamics
idrodinamico {adj} :: hydrodynamic
idroelettrico {adj} :: hydroelectric
idroestrattore {m} :: hydroextractor
idrofila {f} [chemistry] :: hydrophile
idrofilia {f} [chemistry] :: hydrophilicity
idrofilico {adj} [chemistry] :: hydrophilic
idrofilo {adj} :: hydrophilic
idrofilo {adj} :: hydrophilous
idrofilo {m} :: scavenger beetle
idrofita {f} :: hydrophyte
idrofluoroclorocarburo {m} [organic chemistry] :: hydrochlorofluorocarbon
idrofluoroetere {m} [organic chemistry] :: hydrofluoroether
idrofluoruro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: fluorohydride
idrofobia {f} :: hydrophobia (all senses)
idrofobia {f} :: rabies
idrofobico {adj} [chemistry] :: hydrophobic
idrofobo {adj} [chemistry, veterinary medicine] :: hydrophobic
idrofobo {m} [chemistry] :: hydrophobe
idrofognario {adj} :: water supply and sewerage (attributive)
idrofonico {adj} :: hydrophonic
idrofonista {mf} :: hydrophone operator
idrofono {m} :: hydrophone
idroformatura {f} :: hydroforming
idroformilazione {f} [chemistry] :: hydroformylation
idroforo {adj} :: water supply (attributive)
idroftalmo {m} [pathology] :: hydrophthalmos
idrofugo {adj} :: water-repellent
idrofugo {m} :: water-repellant material
idrogamia {f} [botany] :: hydrogamy
idrogamo {adj} [botany] :: hydrogamous
idrogenante {v} :: present participle of idrogenare
idrogenare {vt} :: to hydrogenate
idrogenasi {f} [enzyme] :: hydrogenase
idrogenato {adj} :: hydrogenated
idrogenazione {f} :: hydrogenation
idrogenico {adj} :: hydrogenous
idrogenione {m} [chemistry, physics] :: hydrogen ion, proton
idrogeno {m} [chemistry] /iˈdrɔ.d͡ʒe.no/ :: hydrogen
idrogenocarbonato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bicarbonate, hydrogen carbonate
idrogenodotto {m} :: hydrogen pipeline
idrogenofosfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrogen phosphate
idrogenoide {adj} [physics] :: hydrogen-like
idrogenolisi {f} [chemistry] :: hydrogenolysis
idrogenosolfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrogen sulfate (ion or salt)
idrogeochimica {f} :: hydrogeochemistry
idrogeochimico {adj} :: hydrogeochemical
idrogeografico {adj} :: hydrogeographic
idrogeologia {f} [geology] :: hydrogeology
idrogeologico {adj} :: hydrogeological
idrogeotermico {adj} :: hydro-geothermal
idrogetto {m} [nautical] :: pump-jet, water jet
idrografia {f} :: hydrography
idrograficamente {adv} :: hydrographically
idrografico {adj} :: hydrographic
idrografo {m} :: hydrographer
idroguida {f} :: hydraulic power steering
idrokinesiterapia {f} [medicine] :: hydrokinetic therapy
idrolabile {adj} [pathology] :: inclined to suffer from dehydration
idrolabilità {f} [pathology] :: tendency to dehydration
idrolasi {f} [enzyme] :: hydrolase
idrolato {m} :: hydrolat
idrolipidico {adj} :: hydrolipidic
idrolisi {f} [chemistry, biochemistry] :: hydrolysis
idroliticamente {adv} :: hydrolytically
idrolitico {adj} [chemistry] :: hydrolytic
idrolito {m} :: aqueous solution
idrolizzante {v} :: present participle of idrolizzare
idrolizzantesi {v} :: present participle of idrolizzarsi
idrolizzare {vt} [chemistry] :: to hydrolyze
idrolizzarsi {vr} :: To undergo hydrolysis
idrolizzato {adj} :: hydrolysis (attributive)
idrolizzato {m} [chemistry] :: hydrolysate
idrolizzatosi {v} :: past participle of idrolizzarsi
idrolizzazione {f} [chemistry] :: hydrolyzation
idrologa {f} :: female equivalent of idrologo
idrologia {f} :: hydrology
idrologico {adj} [hydrology] :: hydrologic, hydrological
idrologo {m} [hydrology] :: hydrologist
idroma {m} [medicine] :: hydroma
idromante {mf} /i.droˈman.te/ :: hydromancer
idromante {mf} [zoology] :: Any member of the Hydromantes taxonomic genus of salamanders
idromanzia {f} /i.dro.manˈt͡si.a/ :: hydromancy
idromassaggio {m} :: hydromassage, jacuzzi
idromeccanica {f} [physics] :: hydromechanics, fluid mechanics
idromeccanico {adj} :: hydromechanical
idromedusa {f} :: hydromedusa
idromele {m} :: mead
idrometallurgia {f} :: hydrometallurgy
idrometeora {f} :: hydrometeor
idrometra {f} [medicine] :: hydrometra
idrometria {f} :: hydrometry
idrometrico {adj} :: hydrometric
idrometro {m} :: water gauge
idronautica {f} [nautical] :: hydronautics
idronefrosi {f} [medicine] :: hydronephrosis
idronimo {m} :: hydronym
idronio {m} [chemistry] :: hydronium
idronomia {f} [geology] :: hydronomics
idronomo {m} :: hydronym
idrope {m} [medicine] :: hydrops
idropericardio {m} [medicine] :: hydropericardium
idroperitoneo {m} [medicine] :: hydroperitoneum
idroperossido {m} [chemistry] :: hydroperoxide
idropico {adj} :: edematous
idropinico {adj} [medicine] :: mineral waters (attributive)
idropinoterapia {f} [medicine] :: mineral water therapy
idropisia {f} :: edema
idropittura {f} :: water-based (emulsion) paint (for walls)
idroplano {m} [nautical] :: hydroplane
idropneumatico {adj} :: hydropneumatic
idropneumotorace {m} [medicine] :: hydropneumothorax
idroponica {f} [agriculture] :: hydroponics
idroponico {adj} [agriculture] :: hydroponic
idroporto {m} :: seaplane base
idropulitrice {f} :: water cleaning machine; water cleaner
idroreattore {m} :: pump-jet, water jet
idrorepellente {adj} :: water-repellent
idrorepellenza {f} :: water repellency
idroricognitore {m} :: A type of seaplane once used for military reconnaissance
idrosadenite {f} [medicine] :: hidradenitis
idrosalino {adj} :: hydrosaline
idrosanitario {adj} :: hydrosanitary
idroscafo {m} :: Any high-speed vessel
idroscala {f} :: cherry picker (hydraulic ladder etc)
idroscalo {m} :: seaplane base
idrosci {m} :: water ski
idrosci {m} :: water skiing
idroscì {m} :: water skiing
idrosciatore {m} :: water skier
idrosciistico {adj} :: water skiing (attributive)
idroscivolante {m} [nautical] :: A high-speed hydroplane
idroscopio {m} :: hydroscope
idroservosterzo {m} :: hydraulic power steering
idrosfera {f} :: hydrosphere
idrosi {f} [physiology] :: hidrosis
idrosilurante {m} :: A torpedo-carrying seaplane
idrosoadenite {f} [medicine] :: hidradenitis
idrosoccorso {m} :: A search and rescue seaplane
idrosol {m} :: hydrosol
idrosolfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrosulfate
idrosolfito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrosulfite
idrosolforico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrosulfuric
idrosolforoso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrosulfurous
idrosolubile {adj} [chemistry] :: soluble in water, water-soluble
idrosolubilità {f} :: solubility in water
idrossi- {prefix} [chemistry] :: hydroxy-
idrossi {m} [especially in combination] :: hydroxy
idrossiacido {m} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxy acid
idrossiapatite {f} [mineralogy] :: hydroxyapatite
idrossibastnaesite {f} [mineral] :: hydroxylbastnäsite
idrossibenzaldeide {f} [organic compound] :: hydroxybenzaldehyde
idrossibenzilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxybenzylic
idrossibenzoato {m} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxybenzoate
idrossibenzoico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxybenzoic
idrossicinnamico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxycinnamic
idrossido {m} :: hydroxide
idrossido di alluminio {m} [inorganic compound] :: aluminium hydroxide
idrossido di calcio {m} [inorganic compound] :: calcium hydroxide
idrossido di magnesio {m} [inorganic compound] :: magnesium hydroxide
idrossido di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium hydroxide
idrossietilmetacrilato {m} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxyethyl methacrylate
idrossilammina {f} [organic compound] :: hydroxylamine
idrossilammonio {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydroxylammonium
idrossilasi {f} [enzyme] :: hydroxylase
idrossilazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxylation
idrossile {m} [chemistry] :: hydroxyl
idrossilico {adj} [chemistry] :: hydroxylic
idrossilisina {f} [organic compound] :: hydroxylysine
idrossimetilfurfurale {m} [organic compound] :: hydroxymethylfurfural
idrossiprolina {f} [organic compound] :: hydroxyproline
idrossiquinolo {m} [organic compound] :: hydroxyquinol
idrossitriptofano {m} [biochemistry] :: hydroxytryptophan
idrossiurea {f} [organic compound] :: hydroxyurea
idrossocobalamina {f} [organic compound] :: hydroxocobalamin
idrossonio {m} [chemistry] :: hydroxonium
idrostatico {adj} :: hydrostatic
idrosterzo {m} :: hydraulic power steering
idrotassi {f} [biology] :: hydrotaxis
idrotattismo {m} [biology] :: hydrotaxis
idroterapeutico {adj} :: hydrotherapeutic
idroterapia {f} :: hydrotherapy
idroterapico {adj} :: hydrotherapeutic; hydrotherapy (attributive)
idrotermale {adj} :: hydrothermal
idrotermico {adj} :: hydrothermal
idrotermosanitario {adj} :: plumbing (attributive)
idrotimetria {f} :: hydrotimetry
idrotimetrico {adj} :: hydrotimetric
idrotimetro {m} :: hydrotimeter
idrotorace {m} [medicine] :: hydrothorax
idrotropismo {m} [biology] :: hydrotropism
idrovia {f} :: waterway
idroviario {adj} :: (inland) waterway (attributive)
idrovolante {m} :: seaplane, hydroplane
idrovora {f} :: A large water pump
idrovoro {adj} :: Describing a pump capable of moving large quantities of water
idrovoro {adj} :: Describing soil that is capable of absorbing lots of water
idrozincite {m} [mineralogy] :: hydrozincite
idrozoo {m} :: hydrozoan
idruntino {adj} :: Of or from Otranto
idruro {m} [chemistry] :: hydride
idruro di litio {m} [inorganic compound] :: lithium hydride
idruro di litio-alluminio {m} [inorganic compound] :: lithium aluminium hydride
idruro di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium hydride
Iefte {prop} [Biblical character] :: Jephthah
Iefte {prop} :: given name
iella {f} [uncountable] /ˈjɛl.la/ :: bad luck
iella {f} :: An instance of bad luck
iellato {adj} :: unlucky, cursed
iemale {adj} :: synonym of invernale
iemale {adj} [botany] :: synonym of sempreverde
iena {f} /ˈjɛ.na/ :: hyena
Ientile {prop} :: surname
-iera {suffix} :: Added to nouns to form other concrete nouns; -er; -or
ieraticamente {adv} :: hieratically
ieraticamente {adv} :: solemnly
ieraticità {f} :: solemnity
ieratico {adj} :: hieratic
ieratico {adj} :: solemn
-iere {suffix} :: Used to form masculine nouns (often of French origin) that represent a person who makes or sells a specified article; -er, -or
-iere {suffix} :: Suffix of a few -ere verbs
ieri {adv} /ˈjɛ.ri/ :: yesterday
ieri {m} :: yesterday
ieri l'altro {adv} :: day before yesterday
ierlaltro {adv} :: alternative form of ieri l'altro
iermattina {adv} :: yesterday morning
iernotte {adv} /jerˈnɔt.te/ :: rare spelling of ieri notte
iernotte {adv} :: last night
-iero {suffix} :: -ery [attributive]
iero- {prefix} :: hiero-
ierocratico {adj} :: hierocratic
ierocrazia {f} :: hierocracy
ierodula {f} :: hierodule
ierodulo {m} :: hierodule
ierofania {f} :: hierophany
ierofante {m} :: hierophant
ierogamia {f} :: hierogamy
ierologia {f} :: hierology
iersera {adv} :: yesterday evening, last night
i-esimo {adj} [mathematics] :: ith (position in a sequence)
Iesù {prop} :: medieval spelling of Gesù
-ietà {suffix} :: alternative form of -ità
ietografo {m} :: hyetograph
ietogramma {f} :: hyetograph
Ietro {prop} [Biblical character] :: Jethro
Ietro {prop} :: given name
iettante {v} :: present participle of iettare
iettare {vt} :: To jinx
iettato {adj} :: jinxed, unlucky, unfortunate
iettatore {m} :: jinx
iettatorio {adj} :: jinx (attributive)
iettatorio {adj} :: unlucky
iettatrice {f} :: female equivalent of iettatore
iettatura {f} :: bad luck
iettatura {f} :: evil eye
ifa {f} [botany] :: hypha
ifale {adj} [botany] :: hyphal
ifema {f} [pathology] :: hyphema
-ifero {suffix} :: -iferous
-ificare {suffix} /i.fiˈka.re/ :: -ify
-ificio {suffix} /iˈfi.t͡ʃo/ :: Suffix indicating a production site
Ificlo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Iphicles
Ifigenia {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Iphigenia
Igea {prop} [Greek god] :: Hygeia
-igia {suffix} :: -ise (suffix used in loanwords from French to form abstract nouns of quality or function)
igiene {f} /iˈd͡ʒɛ.ne/ :: hygiene, cleanliness, hygienics
igienicamente {adv} :: hygienically
igienicisanitario {adj} :: alternative form of igienico-sanitario
igienico {adj} /iˈd͡ʒɛ.ni.ko/ :: hygienic, sanitary, health (attribute)
igienico {adj} :: safe, clean, healthy
igienico-sanitario {adj} :: relating to hygiene and sanitation
igienista {mf} :: hygienist
igienizzante {v} :: present participle of igienizzare
igienizzante {adj} :: sanitizing
igienizzare {vt} :: to sanitize
igienizzare {vt} :: to clean deeply, often with steam
igienizzazione {f} :: sanitization
Igino {prop} :: given name
-iglia {suffix} :: Used to form collective and pejorative nouns
-iglio {suffix} :: alternative form of -iglia
iglò {m} :: igloo
iglù {m} /iˈɡlu/ :: igloo
igname {m} :: yam
ignaro {adj} :: unaware, ignorant, unacquainted
ignava {f} :: female equivalent of ignavo
ignavia {f} :: sloth, indolence
ignavo {adj} :: slothful, indolent
ignavo {m} :: sluggard
Ignazio {prop} /iˈɲa.t͡sjo/ :: given name
igne {m} [obsolete, literary] /ˈiɲɲe/ :: fire
Igne migne magna mo {phrase} :: eeny, meeny, miny, moe
igneo {adj} [literary, archaic] /ˈi.ɲeo̯/ :: of fire; fiery
igneo {adj} [archaic, by extension] :: very hot; scorching
igneo {adj} [archaic, figuratively] :: fervid, passionate, impetuous
igneo {adj} [geology, of rocks] :: igneous
ignifero {adj} :: igniferous
ignifugante {v} :: present participle of ignifugare
ignifugare {vt} :: To fireproof
ignifugazione {f} :: fireproofing
ignifugo {adj} :: fireproof, flameproof, flame-retardant, fire-retardant
ignito {adj} :: heated, lit
ignito {adj} :: flaming, bright
ignito {adj} :: impetuous, ardent
ignivomo {adj} :: vomiting fire (used especially of volcanoes)
ignizione {f} :: ignition
ignizione {f} :: cremation
-igno {suffix} /ˈiɲɲo/ :: -ish
ignobile {adj} /iɲˈɲɔ.bi.le/ :: ignoble, vile, base, poor, scurvy
ignobilmente {adv} :: ignobly, basely
ignobiltà {f} :: baseness, lowness, ignobility
ignominia {f} :: ignominy
ignominiosamente {adv} :: ignominiously
ignominioso {adj} :: ignominious
ignorabile {adj} :: ignorable
ignorantaggine {f} :: ignorance
ignorante {adj} :: ignorant, uneducated, uncultured, illiterate, incompetent
ignorante {adj} :: rude, boorish
ignorante {adj} :: ignorant, unaware, unknowing
ignorante {mf} :: ignorant or rude person
ignorante {v} :: present participle of ignorare
ignorantemente {adv} :: ignorantly
ignorantemente {adv} :: rudely
ignorantemente {adv} :: unknowingly
ignorantesi {v} :: present participle of ignorarsi
ignoranza {f} /i.ɲːoˈran.t͡sa/ :: ignorance
ignoranza {f} :: rudeness, boorishness
ignorare {vt} :: not to know, to ignore, to be unaware of
ignorare {vt} :: to ignore, not to pay attention, to shrug off, to disregard
ignorarsi {vr} :: To pretend to misunderstand
ignorato {adj} :: ignored
ignorato {adj} :: neglected
ignoratosi {v} :: past participle of ignorarsi
ignoto {adj} :: unknown
ignoto {m} :: the unknown
ignoto {m} :: unknown person
ignudare {v} [literary] /iɲ.ɲuˈda.re/ :: To strip, denude, bare
ignudo {adj} [literary] /iɲˈɲu.do/ :: naked, nude
Igor {prop} :: given name
i greca {f} /iˈɡrɛ.ka/ :: synonym of ipsilon
igro- {prefix} :: hygro-
igrocasia {f} [botany] /i.ɡro.kaˈzi.a/ :: hygrochasy
igrocastico {adj} /i.ɡroˈkas.ti.ko/ :: hygrochasic
igrofilo {adj} [botany] :: hygrophilous
igrografico {adj} :: hygrographic
igrografo {m} :: hygrograph
igrometria {f} :: hygrometry
igrometrico {adj} :: hygrometric
igrometro {m} [meteorology] :: hygrometer
igrometro con bulbo umido e secco {m} [meteorology] :: wet-and-dry-bulb hygrometer
igroscopia {f} :: hygroscopy
igroscopicità {f} :: hygroscopicity
igroscopico {adj} [chemistry] :: hygroscopic
igroscopio {m} :: hygroscope
igrostato {m} :: hygrostat, humidistat
IGT {f} :: initialism of indicazione geografica tipica
iguana {f} :: iguana
iguanodonte {m} :: iguanodont
-ii {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person singular past historic of regular -ire verbs
il- {prefix} /il/ :: alternative form of in-
il {art} /il/ :: the
ilare {adj} :: cheerful
Ilaria {prop} :: given name, currently popular in Italy
Ilario {prop} :: given name
ilarità {f} :: hilarity, merriment, mirth, glee
ilatro {m} :: mock privet (plant of the genus Phillyrea)
il bisogno aguzza l'ingegno {proverb} :: necessity is the mother of invention
il bue che dice cornuto all'asino {phrase} [idiomatic] :: pot calling the kettle black (somebody who accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser)
il bue che dice cornuto all'asino {phrase} [idiomatic] :: it takes one to know one
il bue che dice cornuto all'asino {phrase} [idiomatic] :: I know you are but what am I
Il Cairo {prop} :: Il Cairo (caplc)
Ilda {prop} /ˈil.da/ :: given name
il dado è tratto {phrase} [idiomatic] :: the die is cast (the future is determined)
Ildebrando {prop} :: given name
Ildefonso {prop} :: given name
il desiderio rende lunga l'attesa {proverb} :: a watched pot never boils
il diavolo fa le pentole ma non i coperchi {proverb} :: synonym of la verità viene sempre a galla
il diavolo fa le pentole ma non i coperchi {proverb} :: The devil teaches us his tricks but not how to hide them
il diavolo si nasconde nei dettagli {proverb} :: devil is in the details
-ile {suffix} /ˈi.le/ :: Used to form nouns indicating locations that host animals or objects
-ile {suffix} [non-productive] :: -ile (tending to or capable of)
ileale {adj} [anatomy] :: ileal
ileite {f} [pathology] :: ileitis
ileo {m} [anatomy] :: ileum
ileo {m} [skeleton] :: ilium, ileum
ileo {m} [medicine] :: obstruction of the bowel
ileocecale {adj} [anatomy] :: ileocaecal
ileococcigeo {adj} [anatomy] :: iliococcygeal, iliococcygeus
ileocostale {adj} [anatomy] :: iliocostalis, iliocostal
ileocostale {m} [muscle] :: iliocostalis
il gatto ti ha mangiato la lingua {idiom} :: cat got your tongue?
il giorno del giudizio universale {n} :: doomsday
iliaco {adj} [anatomy] :: iliac
Iliade {prop} :: Iliad
ilio {m} [skeleton] :: ilium
Ilio {prop} :: Ilium, Troy
Ilïón {prop} :: medieval spelling of Ilion
illacrimabile {adj} :: not deserving of tears
illacrimabile {adj} :: unemotional
illanguidente {v} :: present participle of illanguidire
illanguidimento {m} :: weakening, enfeeblement
illanguidimento {m} :: languishing
illanguidire {vt} :: To make languid
illanguidire {vi} :: To languish
illaudabile {adj} :: not laudable, illaudable
illazione {f} :: insinuation, conjecture, illation, inference
illeceità {f} :: Variant of illiceità
illecitamente {adv} :: illicitly
illecito {adj} /ilˈle.t͡ʃi.to/ :: illicit, illegitimate, unlawful, illegal
illecito {m} :: crime, wrong, offence, tort
illegale {adj} :: illegal, unlawful, lawless, false
illegalismo {m} :: illegality
illegalità {f} :: illegality, lawlessness, unlawfulness
illegalità {f} :: illegal act, unlawful act, offence
illegalmente {adv} :: illegally, unlawfully
illeggiadrente {v} :: present participle of illeggiadrire
illeggiadrentesi {v} :: present participle of illeggiadrirsi
illeggiadrire {vt} :: To beautify
illeggiadrire {vi} :: To become (more) beautiful
illeggiadrirsi {vr} :: To become (more) beautiful
illeggiadritosi {v} :: past participle of illeggiadrirsi
illeggibile {adj} :: illegible, unreadable
illeggibilità {f} :: illegibility, unreadability
illeggibilmente {adv} :: illegibly, unreadably
illegittimamente {adv} :: illegitimately
illegittimità {f} :: illegitimacy, unlawfulness, illegality
illegittimo {adj} /il.leˈd͡ʒit.ti.mo/ :: illegitimate, unlawful, illegal, unjustified, arbitrary
illegittimo {m} :: illegitimate child
illesibile {adj} :: invulnerable
illeso {adj} :: unharmed, unhurt, undamaged
illetterato {adj} :: illiterate
illetterato {m} :: illiterate person
illibatamente {adv} :: virginally, chastely
illibatezza {f} :: virginity, chastity, purity
illibato {adj} :: virgin, chaste, pure
illiberale {adj} :: illiberal
illiberalità {f} :: illiberality
illiberalmente {adv} :: illiberally
illibertà {f} :: Lack of liberty or freedom
illiceità {f} [legal] :: illicitness, unlawfulness
illicenziabile {adj} :: not dismissible
illicenziabilità {f} :: The property of being not dismissible
illicio {m} [zoology] :: illicium
illimitatamente {adv} :: indefinitely
illimitatamente {adv} :: limitlessly
illimitatezza {f} :: unlimitedness
illimitato {adj} :: unlimited, boundless, limitless, indefinite
Illinois {prop} /il.liˈnɔ.is/ :: Illinois (state)
illiquidità {f} [finance] :: illiquidity
illiquido {adj} [finance] :: illiquid
Illiri {prop} :: Illyrians
Illiria {prop} :: Illyria
illirico {adj} :: Illyrian
illite {f} [mineral] :: illite
illividente {v} :: present participle of illividire
illividire {vt} :: To bruise
illividire {vi} :: To become livid
illocutivo {adj} [linguistics] :: illocutionary
illocuzione {f} :: illocution
illodabile {adj} :: not laudable, illaudable (Variant of illaudabile)
illogicamente {adv} :: illogically
illogicità {f} :: illogicality
illogico {adj} :: illogical, irrational, unreasoning, inconsistent, handwavy
illudente {v} :: present participle of illudere
illudentesi {v} :: present participle of illudersi
illudere {vt} /ilˈludere/ :: to deceive, delude or fool
illudersi {vr} :: To deceive or delude oneself
illuminabile {adj} :: That can be lit
illuminamento {m} :: illumination
illuminamento {m} [physics] :: illuminance
illuminante {adj} :: enlightening, illuminating
illuminantesi {v} :: present participle of illuminarsi
illuminare {v} :: to light
illuminare {v} :: to enlighten
illuminare {v} [figuratively] :: to dawn on
illuminarsi {vr} :: To light up
illuminatamente {adv} :: with illumination
illuminatamente {adv} :: in an enlightened manner; wisely
illuminato {adj} :: enlightened, lighted, lit
illuminatore {m} :: illuminator
illuminatosi {v} :: past participle of illuminarsi
illuminazione {f} :: lighting, illumination, light
illuminazione {f} :: enlightenment, inspiration, nirvana
illuminismo {m} :: The Enlightenment (17th and 18th-century philosophical movement)
illuminista {adj} :: Enlightenment (attributive)
illuminista {mf} :: a follower of the Enlightenment
illuministico {adj} :: Enlightenment (attributive)
illuminometro {m} :: illuminometer
illuminotecnica {f} :: lighting engineering
illuminotecnico {m} :: lighting engineer
illune {adj} [poetic, of a night] /ilˈlu.ne/ :: moonless
il lupo perde il pelo ma non il vizio {proverb} :: the wolf may lose his teeth but never his nature; a leopard cannot change its spots; the fox may grow grey but never good
illusa {f} :: A deluded person (female)
illusione {f} :: illusion, delusion
illusione ottica {f} :: optical illusion
illusionismo {m} :: conjuring
illusionista {mf} :: conjurer
illusionistico {adj} :: conjuring (attributive)
illusionistico {adj} :: illusionistic
illuso {adj} :: deluded
illuso {m} :: A deluded person (male)
illusoriamente {adv} :: illusively
illusoriamente {adv} :: deceptively
illusorietà {f} [uncommon] :: illusiveness, deceptiveness
illusorio {adj} :: illusory, deceptive, false, unreal
illusosi {v} :: past participle of illudersi
illustrabile {adj} :: That can be illustrated; explainable
illustrante {v} :: present participle of illustrare
illustrare {vt} :: to illustrate [a book or other publication]
illustrare {vt} :: to illustrate, explain, expound, set out, spell out
illustrativo {adj} :: illustrative
illustrato {adj} :: illustrated
illustratore {m} :: illustrator
illustratrice {f} :: female equivalent of illustratore
illustrazione {f} :: illustration, picture
illustrazione {f} :: illustration, explanation
illustre {adj} :: illustrious, renowned, famous, distinguished
illustre {adj} :: notorious
illustremente {adv} :: illustriously, famously
illustremente {adv} :: notoriously
illustrissimo {adj} :: superlative of illustre
il mattino ha l'oro in bocca {proverb} :: the early bird gets the worm
ilmenite {f} :: ilmenite
il nostro {pron} :: ours
ilo {m} [botany] :: hilum
ilo {m} [anatomy] :: hilus
ilota {mf} [historical] :: helot
ilozoismo {m} :: hylozoism
ilozoista {mf} :: hylozoist
il più presto possibile {adv} :: as fast as possible
il prima possibile {adv} :: as soon as possible
il quale {pron} :: whom; which; after a preposition
il quale {pron} [rare] :: who; whom; which; that; subject or object
il resto del carlino {phrase} :: All that is implied but not spoken about
il risparmio comincia dal poco {proverb} :: look after the pence and the pounds will look after themselves
il risparmio è il miglior guadagno {proverb} :: waste not, want not
il sangue non è acqua {phrase} :: blood is thicker than water
il suo {pron} :: his (that which belongs to him)
il tempo è denaro {proverb} :: synonym of Il tempo è moneta
Il tempo è moneta {proverb} :: time is money
i lunga {f} /iˈlun.ɡa/ :: letter: j; jay
i lungo {m} :: alternative form of i lunga
ilvaite {f} [mineralogy] /il.vaˈi.te/ :: ilvaite
il volere di Dio {phrase} :: synonym of se Dio vuole
im- {prefix} /im/ :: alternative form of in-
imagismo {m} :: imagism
imagista {mf} :: imagist
Imagna {prop} :: Imagna (small river)
imago {f} /iˈma.ɡo/ :: synonym of immagine
imago {f} [entomology] :: imago (development stage of an insect)
imago {f} [psychology] :: imago (idealised concept of a loved one)
imam {m} [Islam] :: imam
imamato {m} :: imamate
iman {m} :: imam
imano {m} [archaic] :: imam
imbabala {n} :: imbabala, Cape bushbuck (Tragelaphus sylvaticus)
imbacare {v} /im.baˈka.re/ :: synonym of bacare
imbacuccante {v} :: present participle of imbacuccare
imbacuccantesi {v} :: present participle of imbacuccarsi
imbacuccare {vt} :: to wrap up
imbacuccare {vt} :: to muffle
imbacuccarsi {v} :: reflexive of imbacuccare
imbacuccarsi {v} :: to wrap up
imbacuccato {adj} :: wrapped up
imbacuccato {adj} :: muffled
imbacuccatosi {v} :: past participle of imbacuccarsi
imbaldanzente {v} :: present participle of imbaldanzire
imbaldanzire {vt} :: to give confidence to [someone]; to embolden
imbaldanzirsi {v} :: reflexive of imbaldanzire
imbaldanzirsi {vi} :: to gain confidence or boldness
imballaggio {m} :: packaging, packing, package
imballante {v} :: present participle of imballare
imballantesi {v} :: present participle of imballarsi
imballare {vt} :: To pack, package, wrap up or crate
imballare {vt} :: To bale
imballare {vt} :: To race (of a motor)
imballarsi {vr} :: To race (of a motor)
imballatore {m} :: packer (worker who packs things)
imballatosi {v} :: past participle of imballarsi
imballatrice {f} :: packer (packing machine)
imballatrice {f} :: baler (baling machine)
imballatrice {f} :: raker
imballatura {f} :: packing, baling etc
imballatura {f} :: racing (of an engine)
imballo {m} :: packaging, packing, package
imbalsamante {v} :: present participle of imbalsamare
imbalsamare {vt} :: to embalm
imbalsamatore {m} :: embalmer
imbalsamatrice {f} :: female equivalent of imbalsamatore
imbalsamatura {f} :: embalming
imbalsamatura {f} :: stuffing (action)
imbalsamazione {f} :: embalming
imbambolante {v} :: present participle of imbambolarsi
imbambolantesi {v} :: present participle of imbambolarsi
imbambolare {vi} :: to become bewildered or stunned
imbambolarsi {v} :: reflexive of imbambolare
imbambolarsi {v} :: to be astounded or bewildered
imbambolarsi {v} :: to lose one's train of thought
imbambolato {adj} :: vacant, blank (expression)
imbambolato {adj} :: astounded, bewildered, stunned
imbambolatosi {v} :: past participle of imbambolarsi
imbandente {v} :: present participle of imbandire
imbandieramento {m} :: decking with flags
imbandierante {v} :: present participle of imbandierare
imbandierare {vt} :: To deck with flags
imbandigione {f} :: spread (array of food on a table)
imbandire {vt} :: To prepare something magnificent
imbandito {adj} :: sumptuously or lavishly prepared (of a table of food)
imbando {m} [nautical] :: slack
imbarazzante {adj} :: embarrassing, awkward
imbarazzantesi {v} :: present participle of imbarazzarsi
imbarazzare {vt} [obsolete] :: to obstruct a location; to impede; to hinder activities with obstacles
imbarazzare {vt} :: to embarrass
imbarazzarsi {v} :: reflexive of imbarazzare
imbarazzarsi {v} :: to be embarrassed, to embarrass
imbarazzatamente {adv} :: embarrassedly, uncomfortably
imbarazzatissimo {adj} :: superlative of imbarazzato
imbarazzato {adj} :: embarrassed, uncomfortable
imbarazzatosi {v} :: past participle of imbarazzarsi
imbarazzo {m} /im.baˈrat.t͡so/ :: obstacle, trouble, difficulty
imbarazzo {m} :: embarrassment, awkwardness
imbarbarente {v} :: present participle of imbarbarire
imbarbarentesi {v} :: present participle of imbarbarirsi
imbarbarimento {m} :: barbarization
imbarbarire {vt} :: To make something less civilized; to barbarize
imbarbarirsi {vr} :: To become barbarous
imbarbarirsi {vr} :: To decay
imbarbaritosi {v} :: past participle of imbarbarirsi
imbarcadero {m} :: landing stage, jetty
imbarcadero {m} :: landing
imbarcamento {m} :: warping (under a load)
imbarcante {v} :: present participle of imbarcare
imbarcantesi {v} :: present participle of imbarcarsi
imbarcare {vt} :: to take on board, to take aboard, to embark, to ship, to load
imbarcarsi {vr} :: to board
imbarcarsi {vr} :: to embark (on)
imbarcarsi {vr} [with per] :: to sail (for)
imbarcarsi {vr} [with come] :: to sign on (as)
imbarcarsi {vr} :: to warp
imbarcatoio {m} :: landing stage, jetty
imbarcatosi {v} :: past participle of imbarcarsi
imbarcatura {f} :: warping
imbarcazione {f} :: boat, watercraft, craft, vessel
imbarco {m} :: boarding, embarkation, loading, shipping, shipment
imbardante {v} :: present participle of imbardare
imbardare {vi} :: To yaw
imbardata {f} :: yaw
imbarilante {v} :: present participle of imbarilare
imbarilare {vt} :: to barrel
imbarilato {adj} :: packed in barrels
imbasamento {m} :: synonym of basamento
imbastardente {v} :: present participle of imbastardire
imbastardentesi {v} :: present participle of imbastardirsi
imbastardimento {m} :: bastardization, mongrelization
imbastardimento {m} [by extension] :: corruption, degeneration
imbastardire {vt} :: To bastardize or debase
imbastardirsi {vr} :: To degenerate or become debased
imbastarditosi {v} :: past participle of imbastardirsi
imbastente {v} :: present participle of imbastire
imbastire {vt} :: to baste or tack (sew with long stitches)
imbastire {vt} :: to outline [a speech, etc.]
imbastire {vt} :: to plot; to scheme; to conspire
imbastire {vi} :: to lose rhythm during a race or competition due to a sudden tiredness
imbastitura {f} :: basting, tacking
imbattente {v} :: present participle of imbattersi
imbattentesi {v} :: present participle of imbattersi
imbattersi {vr} :: to run into, bump into, meet with, come across, encounter
imbattibile {adj} :: unbeatable, invincible, insuperable
imbattibilità {f} :: invincibility
imbattuto {adj} :: unbeaten
imbattutosi {v} :: past participle of imbattersi
imbavagliante {v} :: present participle of imbavagliare
imbavagliare {vt} :: To gag
imbavagliare {vt} [figuratively] :: To restrain from speaking, expressing opinion or acting; to silence, to censor
imbeccante {v} :: present participle of imbeccare
imbeccare {vt} :: to feed a bird [by hand]
imbeccare {vt} :: to prompt; to put words in someone's mouth
imbeccata {f} :: beakful (of food)
imbeccata {f} :: prompt (theatrical)
imbeccatoio {m} :: feeding dish (especially in a birdcage)
imbecillaggine {f} :: stupidity, imbecility
imbecille {adj} [psychology, obsolete] :: imbecile
imbecille {adj} [pejorative] :: fool, idiot, stupid, moron
imbecille {mf} :: fool, idiot, clot
imbecillità {f} :: imbecility, idiocy, stupidity
imbelle {adj} :: faint-hearted
imbellente {v} :: present participle of imbellire
imbellettante {v} :: present participle of imbellettare
imbellettantesi {v} :: present participle of imbellettarsi
imbellettare {vt} :: to make up; to put on makeup
imbellettare {vt} :: to embellish
imbellettarsi {v} :: reflexive of imbellettare
imbellettarsi {v} :: to make up; to put on one's makeup
imbellettatosi {v} :: past participle of imbellettarsi
imbellettatura {f} :: embellishment
imbellettatura {f} :: makeup
imbellire {vt} :: To adorn or embellish
imbellito {adj} :: adorned, embellished
imberbe {adj} /imˈbɛr.be/ :: beardless, cleanshaven
imberbe {adj} :: callow, inexperienced
imberrettato {adj} :: wearing a hat or cap
imbestialente {v} :: present participle of imbestialire
imbestialentesi {v} :: present participle of imbestialirsi
imbestialire {vt} :: to infuriate
imbestialirsi {vr} :: To be infuriated; to fly into a rage
imbestialitosi {v} :: past participle of imbestialirsi
imbestiante {v} :: present participle of imbestiare
imbestiare {v} :: To bestialize
imbestiare {v} :: To brutalize
imbevente {v} :: present participle of imbevere
imbeventesi {v} :: present participle of imbeversi
imbevere {v} :: to soak (in)
imbeversi {vr} :: to soak (up); to absorb
imbevibile {adj} :: undrinkable
imbevuto {adj} :: soaked (in)
imbevuto {adj} :: imbued (with)
imbevutosi {v} :: past participle of imbeversi
imbiaccante {v} :: present participle of imbiaccare
imbiaccare {vt} :: To paint with white lead or ceruse
imbiaccatura {f} :: white leading, cerusing
imbiancamento {m} :: whitening
imbiancamento {m} :: bleaching of textiles)
imbiancamento {m} :: whitewashing (of walls)
imbiancante {v} :: present participle of imbiancare
imbiancantesi {v} :: present participle of imbiancarsi
imbiancare {vt} :: to whitewash, paint (white), decorate
imbiancare {vt} :: to whiten, bleach
imbiancare {vt} :: to be white with snow
imbiancarsi {v} :: reflexive of imbiancare
imbiancarsi {v} :: to turn white
imbiancatore {m} :: bleacher (person)
imbiancatosi {v} :: past participle of imbiancarsi
imbiancatura {f} :: whitewashing (or similar in other colours)
imbianchente {v} :: present participle of imbianchire
imbianchimento {m} :: bleaching
imbianchimento {m} :: blanching
imbianchina {f} :: female equivalent of imbianchino
imbianchino {m} :: painter (of walls), house painter, painting contractor, decorator
imbianchino {m} [derogatory, arts] :: dauber (unskilled painter)
imbianchire {vit} :: to make or to become white or pale
imbianchire {vit} :: to bleach, blanch
imbibente {v} :: present participle of imbibire
imbibire {vt} :: to soak something
imbibire {vt} [chemistry] :: to measure the absorption of a liquid by a solid
imbibizione {f} :: soaking
imbibizione {f} :: absorption
imbiettante {v} :: present participle of imbiettare
imbiettare {vt} :: To key or chock (secure with a wedge)
imbiondente {v} :: present participle of imbiondire
imbiondire {vt} [hair] :: to lighten
imbiondire {vt} [cooking] :: to brown [lightly]
imbizzarrente {v} :: present participle of imbizzarrire
imbizzarrentesi {v} :: present participle of imbizzarrirsi
imbizzarrire {vi} :: To sparkle or foam
imbizzarrire {vt} :: To irritate or agitate
imbizzarrirsi {vr} :: To become frisky or restless
imbizzarrito {adj} :: runaway (horse)
imbizzarritosi {v} :: past participle of imbizzarrirsi
imbizzente {v} :: present participle of imbizzire
imbizzire {vi} [Tuscany] :: to lose one's temper
imbizzire {vi} [Tuscany] :: [of horses] to become restive
imboccante {v} :: present participle of imboccare
imboccare {vt} :: to feed
imboccare {vt} [transferred sense] :: to put in one's mouth
imboccare {vt} :: to suggest [an answer]
imboccare {vit} :: to enter, turn into [a road, entrance, etc.]
imboccare {vt} [military] :: to shoot [an enemy cannon, gunboat, etc.]
imboccare {vt} [poetic] :: to welcome into the mind; to learn
imboccare {vi} :: to fit (into)
imboccatore {m} :: hopper (funnel-shaped device)
imboccatura {f} :: entrance, way in, mouth
imboccatura {f} [music] :: mouthpiece, embouchure
imbocco {m} :: entrance, way in
imbolsente {v} :: present participle of imbolsire
imbolsire {vi} :: to have difficulty breathing [of a horse]
imbolsire {vi} :: to become weak
imbolsire {vi} :: to become fat
imbonente {v} :: present participle of imbonire
imbonimento {m} :: sales pitch
imbonimento {m} :: hype, puff
imbonire {vt} :: to persuade (someone) to buy (something)
imbonire {vt} :: to puff
imbonitore {m} :: barker (at a circus etc)
imbonitore {m} :: tout
imbonitore {m} :: evangelist
imborghesente {v} :: present participle of imborghesire
imborghesentesi {v} :: present participle of imborghesirsi
imborghesimento {m} :: A trend to become more middle class
imborghesire {vt} :: To make more middle class
imborghesirsi {vr} :: To become more middle class
imborghesitosi {v} :: past participle of imborghesirsi
imboscamento {m} :: hiding in a wood
imboscamento {m} :: (hence) evasion of military service
imboscamento {m} :: cornering (a market)
imboscante {v} :: present participle of imboscare
imboscantesi {v} :: present participle of imboscarsi
imboscare {vt} :: to hide [something] from others in order to keep possession of it
imboscare {vt} :: to dodge [work, an assignment, obligation, etc.]
imboscare {vt} :: to hoard; to buy up; to forestall
imboscare {vt} [rare] :: to hide in the forest
imboscare {vt} [archaic] :: to cover the ground with wood
imboscarsi {v} :: reflexive of imboscare
imboscarsi {v} :: to hide oneself in the woods
imboscarsi {v} [figurative, transferred sense, jocular] :: to isolate oneself; to be apart
imboscarsi {v} [by extension] :: [of a silkworm] to go into the forest
imboscarsi {v} :: to lie in wait
imboscarsi {v} :: to evade military service; to draft dodge
imboscarsi {v} [figurative, transferred sense] :: to evade an obligation, assignment, etc
imboscarsi {v} [jocular] :: [in] to find an easy job or one with little importance
imboscarsi {vi} :: [of a plant] to grow many leaves and branches
imboscata {f} :: ambush
imboscato {m} :: draft dodger
imboscato {adj} :: draft dodger (attributive)
imboscato {adj} [figurative, by extension] :: of or relating to someone who avoids his work, assignments, etc
imboscatosi {v} :: past participle of imboscarsi
imboschente {v} :: present participle of imboschire
imboschimento {m} :: afforestation
imboschire {vt} :: to afforest
imbottante {v} :: present participle of imbottare
imbottare {vt} :: To put into casks or barrels
imbottatura {f} :: barrelling, casking
imbottavino {m} :: tundish
imbotte {f} [architecture] :: intrados
imbottente {v} :: present participle of imbottire
imbottentesi {v} :: present participle of imbottirsi
imbottigliamento {m} :: bottling, jarring
imbottigliamento {m} :: traffic jam, gridlock, snarl-up
imbottigliante {v} :: present participle of imbottigliare
imbottigliare {vt} :: to bottle [used especially of wine]
imbottigliare {vt} :: to hem in, bottle up [an enemy]
imbottigliare {vt} :: to blockade [a port]
imbottigliatore {m} :: bottler (person)
imbottigliatrice {f} :: bottler (machine)
imbottire {vt} :: To fill, to stuff, to pad, to pack
imbottirsi {vr} :: To stuff oneself
imbottita {f} :: quilt, eiderdown
imbottito {adj} :: stuffed, filled, padded
imbottito {adj} :: upholstered
imbottito {m} :: upholstered piece of furniture; (in plural) upholstered furniture
imbottitosi {v} :: past participle of imbottirsi
imbottitura {f} :: stuffing, filling, padding, wadding, batting, upholstery
imbozzimante {v} :: present participle of imbozzimare
imbozzimare {vt} :: To size (coat with size)
imbozzimatura {f} :: sizing (treating with size)
imbracante {v} :: present participle of imbracare
imbracare {vt} :: To harness or sling
imbracatura {f} :: harness, sling
imbracciante {v} :: present participle of imbracciare
imbracciare {vt} :: to take up
imbracciare {vt} :: to shoulder
imbracciare {vt} :: to grasp
imbracciatura {f} :: shouldering
imbracciatura {f} :: strap, sling (of a gun etc.)
imbragante {v} :: present participle of imbragare
imbragare {v} :: alternative spelling of imbracare
imbragatura {f} :: Variant of imbracatura
imbranata {f} :: female equivalent of imbranato
imbranato {adj} :: clumsy, awkward, useless, hopeless
imbranato {m} :: clumsy or useless person (male)
imbrancante {v} :: present participle of imbrancare
imbrancantesi {v} :: present participle of imbrancarsi
imbrancare {vt} :: To herd, roundup
imbrancarsi {vr} :: To gang up
imbrancatosi {v} :: past participle of imbrancarsi
imbrattacarte {mf} [derogatory] :: scribbler, hack
imbrattamuri {mf} :: dauber (bad painter)
imbrattamuri {mf} :: graffiti artist
imbrattante {v} :: present participle of imbrattare
imbrattantesi {v} :: present participle of imbrattarsi
imbrattare {v} :: to dirty, smear or daub (with)
imbrattarsi {vr} :: To dirty, smear or daub oneself (with)
imbrattatele {mf} [derogatory] :: dauber (unskillful painter)
imbrattatosi {v} :: past participle of imbrattarsi
imbrattatura {f} :: soiling etc
imbrattatura {f} :: stains or other dirty marks
imbrecciante {v} :: present participle of imbrecciare
imbrecciare {vt} :: To gravel (cover with gravel)
imbrecciatura {f} :: gravelling (covering with gravel)
imbriaco {adj} :: alternative form of ubriaco
imbrifero {adj} :: catchment (attributive)
imbrigliamento {m} :: bridling (a horse)
imbrigliamento {m} :: checking
imbrigliante {v} :: present participle of imbrigliare
imbrigliantesi {v} :: present participle of imbrigliarsi
imbrigliare {v} :: to bridle (a horse)
imbrigliare {v} :: to dam (water)
imbrigliare {v} :: to curb (emotions)
imbrigliare {v} :: to harness
imbrigliarsi {vr} :: To be bridled (of a horse)
imbrigliatosi {v} :: past participle of imbrigliarsi
imbrigliatura {f} :: harnessing, bridling; harness, bridle
imbrigliatura {f} :: checking
imbrillantinante {v} :: present participle of imbrillantinare
imbrillantinantesi {v} :: present participle of imbrillantinarsi
imbrillantinare {vt} :: To apply brilliantine
imbrillantinarsi {vr} :: To apply brilliantine
imbrillantinatosi {v} :: past participle of imbrillantinarsi
Imbro {prop} :: Imbro (island)
imbroccante {v} :: present participle of imbroccare
imbroccare {vt} :: to hit a target
imbroccare {vt} :: to guess correctly
imbrodante {v} :: present participle of imbrodare
imbrodare {vt} :: To stain (literally, to spill soup on)
imbrogliante {v} :: present participle of imbrogliare
imbrogliantesi {v} :: present participle of imbrogliarsi
imbrogliare {vt} :: to tangle, entangle, muddle, confuse
imbrogliare {vt} :: to cheat, trick, dupe, diddle, overreach, rip off
imbrogliare {vt} :: to sell someone a pup
imbrogliarsi {v} :: reflexive of imbrogliare
imbrogliarsi {v} :: to get tangled
imbrogliarsi {v} :: to get confused, get mixed up
imbrogliarsi {v} :: to get complicated
imbrogliatamente {adv} :: intricately, complicatedly
imbrogliato {adj} :: tangled, entangled
imbrogliato {adj} :: intricate, complicated
imbrogliatosi {v} :: past participle of imbrogliarsi
imbroglio {m} /imˈbrɔʎʎo/ :: tangle, entanglement, muddle, scrape
imbroglio {m} :: cheat, swindle, trick, diddle, fraud
imbrogliona {f} :: female equivalent of imbroglione
imbroglione {m} :: cheat, swindler, confidence trickster
imbroncare {vt} [nautical] /im.bronˈka.re/ :: To tilt (the yards) obliquely
imbroncente {v} :: present participle of imbroncire
imbronciante {v} :: present participle of imbronciarsi
imbronciantesi {v} :: present participle of imbronciarsi
imbronciarsi {vr} :: to be sulky; to pout
imbronciarsi {vr} :: to cloud over [of the sky]
imbronciarsi {v} :: to frown upon
imbronciarsi {v} :: to frown at
imbronciato {adj} :: sulky
imbronciato {adj} :: dark and cloudy [sky]
imbronciatosi {v} :: past participle of imbronciarsi
imbroncire {v} :: alternative form of imbronciare
imbrunare {v} :: To darken
imbrunente {v} :: present participle of imbrunire
imbrunimento {m} :: scorch (brown discoloration on the leaves of plants caused by heat, lack of water or by fungi)
imbrunire {vi} :: to get dark, grow dark, darken
imbrunire {m} :: dusk, nightfall
imbruttente {v} :: present participle of imbruttire
imbruttimento {m} :: uglification
imbruttire {vt} :: to make ugly
imbruttire {vi} :: to become ugly
imbucante {v} :: present participle of imbucare
imbucantesi {v} :: present participle of imbucarsi
imbucare {vt} :: to post [British], mail [US]
imbucare {vt} [golf] :: to hole
imbucare {vt} [billiards, snooker] :: to pocket
imbucare {vt} :: to crash something
imbucarsi {v} :: reflexive of imbucare
imbucarsi {v} :: to hide
imbucarsi {v} :: to gatecrash
imbucato {adj} :: posted, mailed
imbucato {m} :: gatecrasher
imbucatosi {v} :: past participle of imbucarsi
imbudellante {v} :: present participle of imbudellare
imbudellare {vt} :: to make sausages of
imbufalente {v} :: present participle of imbufalire
imbufalentesi {v} :: present participle of imbufalirsi
imbufalire {vi} :: to become angry; to fly into a rage
imbufalirsi {v} :: reflexive of imbufalire
imbufalirsi {v} :: to become angry; to fly into a rage
imbufalito {adj} :: mad, furious
imbufalitosi {v} :: past participle of imbufalirsi
imbullettante {v} :: present participle of imbullettare
imbullettare {vt} :: To tack or hobnail
imbullonante {v} :: present participle of imbullonare
imbullonare {vt} :: To bolt
imburrante {v} :: present participle of imburrare
imburrare {vt} :: to butter, grease with butter
imburrato {adj} :: buttered
imbussolante {v} :: present participle of imbussolare
imbussolare {vt} :: To put (something) into a ballot box (especially to vote by putting a slip into a ballot box)
imbustamento {m} :: enveloping (putting in an envelope)
imbustamento {m} :: packetization (in networks)
imbustante {v} :: present participle of imbustare
imbustare {v} :: to envelop
imbustare {v} :: to put something into an envelope
imbustatrice {f} :: An automatic bagging machine for packaging articles or letters in envelopes
imbusto {m} [obsolete] /imˈbus.to/ :: torso, trunk
imbusto {m} [obsolete, by extension] :: The part of clothing that covers the torso
imbutente {v} :: present participle of imbutire
imbutiforme {adj} :: funnel-shaped, infundibuliform
imbutino {m} :: a (small) funnel
imbutino {m} :: common funnel cap (Clitocybe gibba) (edible mushroom)
imbutire {vt} :: to deep-draw
imbutitrice {f} :: deep-drawing press
imbutitura {f} :: drawing, deep drawing (metal shaping process)
imbuto {m} :: a funnel
imbuto {m} [figuratively] :: bottleneck
imbuto separatore {m} :: separating funnel
-ime {suffix} :: Used to create concrete collective nouns
Imele {prop} :: Imele (small river)
imene {m} :: hymen
imene {m} [literary] :: marriage, wedding, nuptials
imeneo {adj} /i.me.ˈnɛ.o/ :: hymeneal (pertaining to marriage)
imeneo {m} :: hymeneal (wedding hymn)
imenio {m} [botany] :: hymenium
imenoplastica {f} [surgery] :: hymenoplasty
imenottero {m} :: hymenopteran
-imento {suffix} :: alternative form of -mento
Imera {prop} :: Imera (river)
imidazolo {m} [organic compound] :: imidazole
i miei rispetti {n} :: my best to
iminoacido {m} [organic chemistry] :: imino acid
imitabile {adj} :: imitable
imitabilità {f} :: imitability
imitante {v} :: present participle of imitare
imitare {vt} :: to imitate, copy, copycat, mimic, ape
imitare {vt} :: to forge, fake, counterfeit
imitativo {adj} :: imitative
imitatore {m} :: imitator
imitatore {m} :: follower
imitatore {m} :: impersonator, impressionist (theatrical)
imitatrice {f} :: female equivalent of imitatore
imitazione {f} :: imitation, copy, fake
imitazione {f} :: impression
Imma {prop} :: given name
Immacolata {prop} :: given name
immacolatamente {adv} :: immaculately
immacolato {adj} :: immaculate
immagazzinabile {adj} :: storable
immagazzinaggio {m} :: storage, storing
immagazzinamento {m} :: storage, storing
immagazzinante {v} :: present participle of immagazzinare
immagazzinare {vt} :: to store up, accumulate
immagazzinare {vt} :: to store or bestow
immaginabile {adj} :: imaginable, conceivable, thinkable
immaginabilmente {adv} :: imaginably
immaginante {v} :: present participle of immaginare
immaginantesi {v} :: present participle of immaginarsi
immaginare {v} :: to imagine, picture, fancy, conceive
immaginare {v} :: to suppose, presume, guess, think
immaginariamente {adv} :: imaginarily, fictitiously
immaginario {adj} :: imaginary, fictitious
immaginario {m} :: imaginary
immaginarsi {v} :: reflexive of immaginare
immaginarsi {v} :: to imagine
immaginarsi {v} :: to suppose
immaginarsi {v} :: to make up
immaginativa {f} :: imagination
immaginativo {adj} :: imaginative
immaginatosi {v} :: past participle of immaginarsi
immaginazione {f} :: imagination, fancy
immagine {f} /imˈma.dʒi.ne/ :: image
immagine {f} :: imago (insect)
immagine di sé {f} /imˈma.dʒi.ne di seː/ :: self-image
immaginetta {f} :: holy card
immaginifico {adj} :: imaginative
immaginifico {adj} :: rich in imagery
immaginismo {m} :: A tendency to use rich imagery (in literature)
immaginosamente {adv} :: imaginatively
immaginosità {f} :: imaginativeness
immaginoso {adj} :: imaginative
immago {f} /imˈma.ɡo/ :: alternative form of imago
immalinconente {v} :: present participle of immalinconire
immalinconentesi {v} :: present participle of immalinconirsi
immalinconire {vt} :: to sadden, to depress
immalinconirsi {vr} :: To become sad, depressed or melancholy
immalinconitosi {v} :: past participle of immalinconirsi
immancabile {adj} :: that cannot be missed out on; unmissable
immancabile {adj} :: that always imposes its presence; that is difficult to miss or not notice; ever-present; unmissable
immancabile {adj} :: inevitable
immancabilità {f} :: inevitableness
immancabilmente {adv} :: without fail, without doubt, undoubtedly, definitely
immancabilmente {adv} :: invariably, always
immane {adj} :: huge, immense, untold
immane {adj} :: dreadful, terrible
immaneggiabile {adj} :: unmanageable
immanente {adj} :: immanent
immanentismo {m} :: immanentism
immanentista {mf} :: immanentist
immanentistico {adj} :: immanentist, immanentistic
immanenza {f} :: immanence
immangiabile {adj} :: unpalatable, uneatable
immangiabilità {f} :: unpalatability
immanicato {adj} :: well-connected
immanità {f} :: hugeness, immensity
immanovrabile {adj} :: unmaneuverable
immanovrabile {adj} :: immalleable
immantanente {adv} :: obsolete form of immantinente
immantenente {adv} :: obsolete form of immantinente
immantinente {adv} [literary] /im.man.tiˈnɛn.te/ :: immediately, right away
immarcabile {adj} [sports] :: unmarkable
immarcescibile {adj} :: Not liable to rot or decay; lasting, durable
immarcescibilità {f} :: Property of not being liable to rot or decay
immarcescibilmente {adv} :: lastingly, durably
immaschito {adj} [heraldry] :: pizzled
immateriale {adj} :: immaterial, incorporeal, ethereal
immaterialismo {m} :: immaterialism
immaterialità {f} :: immateriality
immatricolante {v} :: present participle of immatricolare
immatricolantesi {v} :: present participle of immatricolarsi
immatricolare {vt} :: to register [a vehicle, etc.]
immatricolarsi {v} :: reflexive of immatricolare
immatricolarsi {vr} :: to enrol
immatricolarsi {vr} :: to matriculate
immatricolato {adj} :: registered
immatricolato {adj} :: enrolled
immatricolato {adj} :: matriculated
immatricolatosi {v} :: past participle of immatricolarsi
immatricolazione {f} :: registration (of a car)
immatricolazione {f} :: admission, enrollment, matriculation (in a university or college)
immaturamente {adv} :: immaturely, childishly
immaturamente {adv} :: prematurely
immaturità {f} :: immaturity
immaturo {adj} :: immature, childish
immaturo {adj} :: unripe
immaturo {adj} :: premature
immedesimante {v} :: present participle of immedesimare
immedesimantesi {v} :: present participle of immedesimarsi
immedesimare {vt} :: to identify or equate [one thing with another]
immedesimarsi {v} :: reflexive of immedesimare
immedesimarsi {v} [in] :: to identify (with)
immedesimatosi {v} :: past participle of immedesimarsi
immedesimazione {f} :: identification (with)
immediatamente {adv} :: immediately, at once, promptly, right away, forthwith, straight away
immediatamente {adv} :: directly
immediatamente {adv} :: as soon as possible
immediatamente {adv} :: instantly
immediatamente {adv} :: now
immediatezza {f} :: immediacy
immediatismo {m} :: immediatism
immediato {adj} :: immediate, prompt, direct
immediato {m} [singular only] :: The present or the immediate future
immedicabile {adj} :: immedicable, incurable
immedicabilmente {adv} :: immedicable, incurably
immemorabile {adj} :: immemorial, ancient
immemorabilmente {adv} :: immemorially
immemore {adj} /imˈmɛ.mo.re/ :: forgetful
immemore {adj} [by extension] :: ungrateful
immensamente {adv} :: immensely
immensità {f} :: immensity
immenso {adj} /imˈmɛn.so/ :: immense, huge, vast, enormous, boundless
immensurabile {adj} :: immensurable
immensurabilità {f} :: the condition of being immensurable; immeasurableness
immensurabilmente {adv} :: immensurably, immeasurably
immergente {v} :: present participle of immergere
immergentesi {v} :: present participle of immergersi
immergere {vt} :: to immerse, dip, plunge
immergersi {v} :: reflexive of immergere
immergersi {vr} :: to dive, lower oneself, plunge into
immergersi {vr} [figuratively] :: to immerse oneself, plunge, disappear into
immergibile {adj} :: immersible
immeritatamente {adv} :: undeservingly, undeservedly
immeritatamente {adv} :: unjustly, wrongly
immeritato {adj} :: underserved, unjust
immeritevole {adj} :: undeserving
immeritevolmente {adv} :: undeservingly
immersione {f} :: diving, dive, submersion
immersione {f} :: immersion, dip, dipping
immersione {f} :: plunge
immersione {f} :: soak
immersione con autorespiratore {f} :: scuba diving
immersivo {adj} :: immersive
immerso {adj} :: immersed, absorbed, dipped, submerged, soaked
immersosi {v} :: past participle of immergersi
immessosi {v} :: past participle of immettersi
immettente {v} :: present participle of immettere
immettentesi {v} :: present participle of immettersi
immettere {vt} :: to let, admit
immettere {vt} :: to blow
immettere {vt} :: to introduce
immettere {vt} :: to put in, put on, launch
immettere {vt} [computing] :: to enter, input
immettere {vi} :: to lead to, lead into
immettersi {v} :: reflexive of immettere
immettersi {vr} :: to enter
immettersi {vr} :: to get, lead or flow into
immide {f} [organic chemistry] :: imide
immidico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: imidic
immigrante {adj} :: immigrant
immigrante {mf} :: immigrant
immigrare {vi} :: to immigrate
immigrata {f} :: female equivalent of immigrato
immigrato {m} :: immigrant
immigratorio {adj} :: immigration (attribute)
immigrazione {f} :: immigration
immigrazione {f} :: immigrants
immillante {v} :: present participle of immillare
immillare {vt} [literary] /im.milˈla.re/ :: to increase thousandfold, to multiply indefinitely
immillarsi {v} /im.milˈlar.si/ :: reflexive of immillare
immillarsi {vi} [literary] :: to increase thousandfold, to multiply indefinitely
immina {f} [organic chemistry] :: imine
imminente {adj} :: imminent, forthcoming, impending, near
imminentissimo {adj} :: superlative of imminente
imminenza {f} :: nearness, approach, imminence
imminenziale {adj} :: imminent
imminio {m} [organic chemistry] :: iminium
immischiante {v} :: present participle of immischiare
immischiantesi {v} :: present participle of immischiarsi
immischiare {vt} :: to involve
immischiarsi {vr} :: to interfere or meddle
immischiatosi {v} :: past participle of immischiarsi
immiscibile {adj} :: immiscible
immiscibilità {f} :: immiscibility
immiserente {v} :: present participle of immiserire
immiserentesi {v} :: present participle of immiserirsi
immiserimento {m} :: impoverishment
immiserire {vt} :: to impoverish
immiserirsi {vr} :: To impoverish (become poor)
immiseritosi {v} :: past participle of immiserirsi
immisione {f} :: inflow (e.g. of water into a lake)
immissario {m} :: tributary, inlet
immissione {f} :: launch, introduction, intake, immission
immissione {f} [computing] :: enter, input
immisurabile {adj} :: immeasurable, incalculable
immisurabilità {f} :: immeasurableness
immisurabilmente {adv} :: immeasurably, incalculably
immitigabile {adj} :: That can not be mitigated, immitigable
-immo {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person plural past historic of regular -ire verbs
immobile {adj} /imˈmɔ.bi.le/ :: still, motionless, stationary
immobile {adj} :: immovable, immobile
immobile {m} :: real estate, immovable property, building, immovables
immobiliare {adj} :: real estate (attributive), property (attributive), house (attributive)
immobiliarista {mf} :: estate agent (or person in the real estate, property or housing business)
immobilismo {m} :: inactivity (political or economic), ultraconservative policy
immobilista {mf} :: ultraconservative person
immobilisticamente {adv} :: ultraconservatively
immobilistico {adj} :: ultraconservative
immobilità {f} :: immobility, stillness
immobilizzante {v} :: present participle of immobilizzare
immobilizzare {vt} :: to immobilize
immobilizzare {vt} :: to lock up [capital]
immobilizzatore {m} :: immobilizer (of a car)
immobilizzazione {f} :: immobilization
immobilizzazione {f} :: locking up (funds)
immobilmente {adv} :: motionlessly
immobilmente {adv} :: immovably
immoderatamente {adv} :: immoderately, excessively
immoderatezza {f} :: immoderateness, immoderation
immodestamente {adv} :: immodestly
immodestia {f} :: immodesty
immodesto {adj} :: immodest
immodesto {adj} :: conceited
immodificabile {adj} :: unmodifiable
immodificabilità {f} :: The state of being unmodifiable
immodificabilmente {adv} :: In an unmodifiable manner
immodificato {adj} :: unmodified
immolante {v} :: present participle of immolare
immolantesi {v} :: present participle of immolarsi
immolare {v} :: to sacrifice (to)
immolarsi {vr} :: To sacrifice oneself (for)
immolato {adj} :: sacrificed
immolatosi {v} :: past participle of immolarsi
immolazione {f} :: sacrifice
immondamente {adv} :: dirtily, filthily, foully, uncleanly
immondezza {f} :: rubbish, refuse, trash, garbage
immondezzaio {m} :: rubbish dump or tip
immondizia {f} :: rubbish, garbage, trash, litter, waste
immondo {adj} :: dirty, filthy, foul, unclean
immorale {adj} :: immoral
immoralismo {m} :: immoralism
immoralista {mf} :: immoralist
immoralità {f} :: immorality
immoralmente {adv} :: immorally
immortalante {v} :: present participle of immortalare
immortalare {vt} :: to immortalize
immortalare {vt} [jocular] :: to photograph
immortalarsi {v} :: reflexive of immortalare
immortalarsi {v} :: to gain imperishable fame
immortale {adj} :: immortal, eternal, everlasting, undying, deathless
immortale {mf} :: immortal
immortalità {f} :: immortality
immortalmente {adv} :: immortally, eternally, everlastingly
immotivatamente {adv} :: groundlessly; without justification
immotivato {adj} :: groundless, unjustified, unmotivated
immoto {adj} :: still, motionless
immucidente {v} :: present participle of immucidire
immucidire {vi} :: To go mouldy or musty
immune {adj} :: immune, exempt, free, unscathed
immunità {f} :: immunity
immunitario {adj} :: immune
immunizzante {v} :: present participle of immunizzare
immunizzante {adj} [immunology] :: immunizing, immunogenic
immunizzantesi {v} :: present participle of immunizzarsi
immunizzare {vt} :: to immunize
immunizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of immunizzare
immunizzarsi {vr} :: to become immune, get immunized
immunizzatosi {v} :: past participle of immunizzarsi
immunizzazione {f} [immunology] :: immunization
immuno- {prefix} :: immuno-
immunochimica {f} /imːunoˈkimika/ :: immunochemistry
immunochimico {adj} /imːunoˈkimiko/ :: immunochemical
immunocompetente {adj} /imːunokompeˈtɛnte/ :: immunocompetent
immunocompetenza {f} [immunology] /imːunokompeˈtɛnt͡sa/ :: immunocompetence
immunocomplesso {m} [immunology] /imːunokomˈplɛsːo/ :: immunocomplex
immunocompromesso {adj} [immunology] :: immunocompromised
immunodeficiente {adj} [immunology] /imːunodefiˈt͡ʃɛnte/ :: immunodeficient
immunodeficienza {f} [immunology] /im.mu.no.de.fiˈt͡ʃɛn.t͡sa/ :: immunodeficiency
immunodepressione {f} [immunology] :: immunodepression
immunodepresso {adj} [immunology] :: immunodepressed
immunoematologia {f} :: immunohematology
immunoenzimatico {adj} :: immunoenzymatic
immunofluorescente {adj} [immunology] :: immunofluorescent
immunofluorescenza {f} [immunology] :: immunofluorescence
immunogenetica {f} [immunology, genetics] :: immunogenetics
immunogenico {adj} [immunology] :: immunogenic
immunogeno {m} :: immunogen
immunoglobulina {f} [immunology, proteins] :: immunoglobulin
immunoglobulinico {adj} :: immunoglobulin (attributive)
immunoistochimica {f} :: immunohistochemistry
immunoistochimico {adj} :: immunohistochemical
immunoliposoma {m} [immunology] :: immunoliposome
immunologa {f} :: female equivalent of immunologo
immunologia {f} :: immunology
immunologicamente {adv} :: immunologically
immunologico {adj} :: immunological
immunologo {m} :: immunologist
immunomodulatore {m} [immunology] :: immunomodulator
immunopatologia {f} :: immunopathology
immunopoietico {adj} [immunology] :: immunopoietic
immunoprecipitazione {f} [immunology] :: immunoprecipitation
immunoprofilassi {f} [immunology] :: immunoprophylaxis
immunoreazione {f} [immunology] :: immune reaction
immunosoppressione {f} [immunology] :: immunosuppression
immunosoppressivo {adj} [pharmacology] :: immunosuppressive
immunosoppressivo {m} [pharmacology] :: immunosuppressive
immunosoppressore {adj} [pharmacology] :: immunosuppressant
immunosoppressore {m} [pharmacology] :: immunosuppressant, immunosuppressor
immunostimolante {adj} [immunology] :: immunostimulant
immunoterapia {f} [immunology, medicine] :: immunotherapy
immunsiero {m} :: immune serum
immusonente {v} :: present participle of immusonirsi
immusonentesi {v} :: present participle of immusonirsi
immusonirsi {vr} :: To sulk
immusonito {adj} :: sulky
immusonitosi {v} :: past participle of immusonirsi
immutabile {adj} :: unchangeable, changeless, unchanging, immutable
immutabile {adj} :: hardwired
immutabile {adj} :: Not changeable
immutabile {adj} :: In humans and animals, genetically determined, instinctive behavior, as opposed to learned behavior
immutabilità {f} :: immutability
immutabilmente {adv} :: immutably
immutato {adj} :: unchanged, unvaried, unaltered
immutevole {adj} :: unchangeable, immutable
imo {adj} [obsolete, poetic, literal] /ˈi.mo/ :: located in the lowest or innermost part
imo {adj} [obsolete, poetic, by extension] :: low, deep
imo {adj} [obsolete, poetic, figuratively, of people] :: of a low social status
imo {adj} [obsolete, poetic, rare, figuratively, of things] :: inappropriate, vulgar, uncouth
imo {m} :: bottom; base
Imola {prop} :: Imola (city)
Imola {prop} :: The letter I in the Italian phonetic alphabet
imolese {adj} :: Of or relating to Imola or the Imola people
imolese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Imola
imoscapo {m} [architecture] :: lower scape or shaft
impaccamento {m} :: packing
impaccamento {m} :: compression
impaccante {v} :: present participle of impaccare
impaccare {vt} /im.pakˈka.re/ :: To pack
impacchettamento {m} :: packing (act or fact of being packed)
impacchettante {v} :: present participle of impacchettare
impacchettare {vt} :: to wrap up, parcel
impacchettatore {m} :: packer (person (male))
impacchettatrice {f} :: female equivalent of impacchettatore
impacchettatrice {f} :: packer (machine)
impacciante {v} :: present participle of impacciare
impacciare {vt} /imˈpat.t͡ʃa.re/ :: To hamper or hinder
impacciarsi {v} :: reflexive of impacciare
impacciarsi {v} :: alternative spelling of impicciarsi
impacciatamente {adv} :: awkwardly, clumsily
impacciato {adj} :: awkward, clumsy
impacciato {adj} :: embarrassed
impaccio {m} /imˈpat.t͡ʃo/ :: hindrance, obstacle, encumbrance
impaccio {m} :: trouble, bother, difficulty
impaccio {m} :: embarrassment
impacco {m} :: compress
impadronente {v} :: present participle of impadronirsi
impadronentesi {v} :: present participle of impadronirsi
impadronirsi {vr} :: to seize or take possession of
impadronirsi {vr} :: to master (a language)
impadronitosi {v} :: past participle of impadronirsi
impagabile {adj} /im.paˈɡa.bi.le/ :: priceless
impagabilmente {adv} :: pricelessly
impagato {adj} :: unpaid
impaginante {v} :: present participle of impaginare
impaginare {vt} :: To lay out (a book, a document, etc)
impaginatore {m} :: paginator
impaginatura {f} :: synonym of impaginazione
impaginazione {f} :: layout (of a newspaper &c)
impagliante {v} :: present participle of impagliare
impagliare {vt} /im.paʎˈʎa.re/ :: To stuff [furniture, animals, etc.]
impagliatore {m} :: taxidermist
impagliatore {m} :: chair-mender
impagliatura {f} :: covering with/of straw (action/result)
impagliatura {f} :: rush or cane seating
impala {m} :: impala, pallah, roodebok (Aepyceros melampus)
impalamento {m} :: impalement (form of torture)
impalante {v} :: present participle of impalare
impalare {vt} :: to impale
impalare {vt} :: to stake, prop up
impalato {adj} :: impaled
impalato {adj} :: staked or propped up
impalatura {f} :: staking (of plants)
impalcante {v} :: present participle of impalcare
impalcare {vt} :: To floor (construct a floor, especially of wooden joists)
impalcato {adj} :: floored (having a specified type of floor)
impalcatura {f} :: scaffolding
impalcatura {f} :: framework, structure
impalcatura {f} :: armature
impallante {v} :: present participle of impallare
impallantesi {v} :: present participle of impallarsi
impallare {vt} [colloquial] :: to catch someone out
impallare {vt} [colloquial] :: to make a balls-up or cock-up of
impallarsi {v} :: reflexive of impallare
impallarsi {v} [colloquial, computing, of a PC] :: to freeze, hang [or otherwise suddenly stop working]
impallatosi {v} :: past participle of impallarsi
impallidente {v} :: present participle of impallidire
impallidire {vi} :: to turn pale; to fade
impallinamento {m} :: riddling with shot (action of shooting with a shotgun)
impallinante {v} :: present participle of impallinare
impallinare {vt} :: To riddle with shot or bullets
impallinato {adj} :: riddled (with shot or bullets)
impallinatura {f} :: riddling with shot (action of shooting with a shotgun)
impalmante {v} :: present participle of impalmare
impalmare {vt} :: To splice (all senses)
impalmato {adj} :: spliced
impalmatura {f} :: splice
impalpabile {adj} :: impalpable, intangible, insubstantial
impalpabilità {f} :: intangibility, impalpability
impalpabilmente {adv} :: impalpably, intangibly
impaludamento {m} :: waterlogging, swamping
impaludante {v} :: present participle of impaludare
impaludantesi {v} :: present participle of impaludarsi
impaludare {vt} :: To swamp; to waterlog
impaludarsi {vr} :: To be swamped; to be bogged down
impaludato {adj} :: swamped
impaludatosi {v} :: past participle of impaludarsi
impanante {v} :: present participle of impanare
impanare {vt} :: to bread, to coat with breadcrumbs
impanare {v} :: to crumb
impanato {adj} :: breaded, covered with breadcrumbs
impanatura {f} :: breadcrumbs
impanatura {f} :: breading (coating with flour, eggs and breadcrumbs)
impanazione {f} :: impanation
impancare {vt} [archaic] :: to set or place on a bench
impancarsi {v} :: reflexive of impancare
impancarsi {v} [a] :: to take on presumptuous attitudes as of a judge, critic; etc.; to pedantically or fastidiously judge or nitpick
impancarsi {vi} [archaic] :: to sit on a bench or table
impaniante {v} :: present participle of impaniare
impaniantesi {v} :: present participle of impaniarsi
impaniare {vt} :: to snare [with birdlime, etc.]
impaniare {vt} :: to entangle or get involved with
impaniarsi {v} :: reflexive of impaniare
impaniarsi {v} :: to get involved or entangled in
impaniato {adj} :: limed (with birdlime)
impaniato {adj} :: involved (in or with)
impaniatosi {v} :: past participle of impaniarsi
impaniatura {f} :: bird-lime
impaniatura {f} :: the act of smearing or daubing with bird-lime
impaniatura {f} :: the state or effect of being so smeared
impannante {v} :: present participle of impannare
impannare {vt} :: To cover with cloth or paper
impannata {f} :: cloth covering
impannata {f} :: window frame
impantanante {v} :: present participle of impantanare
impantanare {vt} :: to bog down
impantanarsi {v} :: reflexive of impantanare
impantanarsi {v} :: to get bogged down
impantanato {adj} :: bogged down
impaperante {v} :: present participle of impaperarsi
impaperantesi {v} :: present participle of impaperarsi
impaperarsi {vr} :: To falter or stumble (in speech); to stammer
impaperatosi {v} :: past participle of impaperarsi
impapocchiante {v} :: present participle of impapocchiare
impapocchiare {vt} :: to cheat
impapocchiare {vt} :: to botch, bungle
impappinante {v} :: present participle of impappinare
impappinantesi {v} :: present participle of impappinarsi
impappinare {vt} :: to awe or confuse
impappinarsi {v} :: reflexive of impappinare
impappinarsi {v} :: to slip up, falter, flounder
impappinarsi {v} :: to stammer or stutter
impappinatosi {v} :: past participle of impappinarsi
imparabile {adj} [sports] :: unstoppable (shot)
imparabile {adj} :: learnable
imparagonabile {adj} :: incomparable
imparante {v} :: present participle of imparare
imparar {v} :: apocopic form of imparare
imparare {v} :: to learn
imparare il mestiere {v} :: synonym of prendere dimestichezza
imparare il mestiere {v} :: synonym of avere dimestichezza
imparaticcio {adj} :: half-baked (plans etc)
imparaticcio {m} :: half-baked idea or plan
impareggiabile {adj} :: incomparable, peerless, unparalleled, matchless
impareggiabilità {f} :: Property of being incomparable or matchless
impareggiabilmente {adv} :: incomparably
imparentante {v} :: present participle of imparentare
imparentantesi {v} :: present participle of imparentarsi
imparentare {vt} :: To ally by marriage
imparentarsi {vr} :: to marry (into)
imparentarsi {vr} :: to become related (to)
imparentato {adj} :: related (to)
imparentatosi {v} :: past participle of imparentarsi
impari {adj} :: uneven, unequal
impari {adj} :: odd
impari {adj} :: unfit
impari {adj} [anatomy] :: azygous
imparidigitato {adj} [zoology] :: odd-toed, imparidigitate
imparipennato {adj} [botany] :: imparipinnate
imparisillabo {adj} :: imparisyllabic
imparità {f} :: imparity
imparruccante {v} :: present participle of imparruccare
imparruccantesi {v} :: present participle of imparruccarsi
imparruccare {vt} :: To put a wig on someone
imparruccarsi {vr} :: To put on a wig
imparruccato {adj} :: wigged, bewigged
imparruccato {adj} :: pompous
imparruccatosi {v} :: past participle of imparruccarsi
impartente {v} :: present participle of impartire
impartibile {adj} :: teachable
impartire {vt} :: to give, impart
imparziale {adj} :: impartial, fair, unbiased
imparzialità {f} :: impartiality, fairness
imparzialmente {adv} :: impartially
impasse {f} :: impasse, dead-end, deadlock, stalemate
impassibile {adj} /im.pasˈsi.bi.le/ :: impassive, emotionless, imperturbable
impassibile {adj} :: deadpan, poker-faced
impassibilità {f} :: impassibility, impassiveness, impassivity
impassibilmente {adv} :: impassively
impastabile {adj} :: That can be kneaded
impastante {v} :: present participle of impastare
impastare {vt} :: to knead
impastare {vt} :: to mix [cement, etc.]
impastare {v} :: to dough
impastato {adj} :: pasted (covered in dough, mud, etc.)
impastato {adj} [by extension, of a, sound or voice] :: muffled; unclear
impastato {adj} [by extension, of, printing] :: unclearly printed; smudged; fuzzy
Impastato {prop} :: surname
Impastato {prop} :: Peppino Impastato, Italian journalist and activist who opposed the Mafia
impastatore {m} :: dougher, kneader, baker
impastatore {m} :: mixer
impastatrice {f} :: kneading machine, kneader
impastatrice {f} :: cement mixer
impastatrice {f} :: A machine that kneads dough, cement, etc.
impastatrice {f} :: A person that kneads dough, cement etc.
impastatura {f} :: kneading
impastatura {f} :: mixing
impasticcante {v} :: present participle of impasticcarsi
impasticcantesi {v} :: present participle of impasticcarsi
impasticcarsi {vr} :: to take drugs
impasticcarsi {vr} :: to pop pills
impasticcato {adj} :: high, drugged
impasticcatosi {v} :: past participle of impasticcarsi
impasticciante {v} :: present participle of impasticciare
impasticciare {vt} :: to mix
impasticciare {vt} :: to bungle, botch
impasticciare {vt} :: to muddle
impasto {m} :: mixture, dough, kneading, crumb
impasto {m} :: impasto
impastocchiante {v} :: present participle of impastocchiare
impastocchiare {vt} :: to make up
impastocchiare {vt} :: to cheat
impastoiante {v} :: present participle of impastoiare
impastoiare {vt} :: to fetter, hobble
impastoiare {vt} :: to hamper, hinder
impataccante {v} :: present participle of impataccare
impataccantesi {v} :: present participle of impataccarsi
impataccare {vt} :: To spatter or stain
impataccarsi {vr} :: To spatter oneself
impataccatosi {v} :: past participle of impataccarsi
impattante {v} :: present participle of impattare
impattante {adj} :: equalizing
impattare {vt} [sports] :: to equalize; to draw [a match]
impattare {vt} :: to impact
impattivo {adj} :: impactive
impatto {m} :: impact [in all senses]
impaurente {v} :: present participle of impaurire
impaurentesi {v} :: present participle of impaurirsi
impaurire {vt} :: To frighten, to scare, to terrify
impaurirsi {v} :: reflexive of impaurire
impaurirsi {v} :: to get frightened, take fright, get scared, get terrified
impauritosi {v} :: past participle of impaurirsi
impavesante {v} :: present participle of impavesare
impavesare {vt} :: To bulwark
impavesata {f} [nautical] :: bulwark
impavidamente {adv} :: bravely
impavidità {f} :: intrepidity, bravery, fearlessness
impavido {adj} :: intrepid, fearless
impaziente {adj} :: impatient, anxious
impazientemente {adv} :: impatiently
impazientemente {adv} :: anxiously
impazienza {f} /im.patˈt͡sjɛn.t͡sa/ :: impatience, eagerness, anxiety
impazzante {v} :: present participle of impazzare
impazzare {vi} :: to be manifested in a tumultuous or rowdy way; to go wild; to revel
impazzare {vi} [cooking] :: [of creams and sauces] to curdle or split
impazzare {vi} [Tuscan, figurative, hyperbolic] :: to madden; to drive [someone] up the wall
impazzata {f} :: only in all'impazzata
impazzente {v} :: present participle of impazzire
impazzimento {m} :: trouble, bother
impazzimento {m} :: becoming mad
impazzire {vi} :: to go mad
impazzire {vi} [culinary] :: to curdle
impeccabile {adj} /im.pekˈka.bi.le/ :: faultless, impeccable, flawless, perfect
impeccabilità {n} :: package; parcel; bundle (Classifier: m:個)
impeccabilità {v} :: to wrap; to bind up
impeccabilmente {adv} :: impeccably, perfectly
impeccabilmente {adv} :: # impeccability#: {{syn|it|
impecettare {v} :: To patch
impeciante {v} :: present participle of impeciare
impeciare {vt} :: To tar (coat with tar or pitch)
impeciato {adj} :: tarry
impeciatura {f} :: tarring
impeciatura {f} :: a coating of tar
impedantire {vi} [literary] /im.pe.danˈti.re/ :: To become pedantic
impedantire {vt} [literary] :: To cause to become pedantic
impedente {v} :: present participle of impedire
impedentesi {v} :: present participle of impedirsi
impedenza {f} [physics] :: impedance
impedibile {adj} :: preventable
impedicante {v} :: present participle of impedicare
impedicare {v} [obsolete] :: To hobble (animals)
impedicare {v} [obsolete] :: To hinder, prevent
impedicare {v} [obsolete] :: To distract, divert, intercept
impedicare {v} [obsolete] :: To fail; to err
impedimento {m} :: obstacle
impedimento {m} :: impediment
impedimento {m} :: setback
impedire {vt} :: to prohibit, obstruct, hamper or hinder
impedirsi {vr} :: To impede, block or stop
impeditamente {adv} :: clumsily, awkwardly
impedito {adj} :: clumsy, awkward, hampered, encumbered
impeditosi {v} :: past participle of impedirsi
impegnante {v} :: present participle of impegnare
impegnantesi {v} :: present participle of impegnarsi
impegnare {vt} :: to bind, tie
impegnare {vt} :: to take up
impegnare {vt} :: to begin, start, engage
impegnare {vt} :: to pawn
impegnarsi {v} :: reflexive of impegnare
impegnarsi {v} :: to undertake, agree, engage, commit oneself, bind oneself
impegnarsi {v} :: to devote oneself, apply oneself
impegnarsi {v} :: to covenant
impegnatissimo {adj} :: superlative of impegnato
impegnativamente {adv} :: bindingly
impegnativamente {adv} :: demandingly, exactingly, challengingly
impegnativo {adj} :: binding, promissory
impegnativo {adj} :: demanding, exacting, challenging
impegnato {adj} :: pawned
impegnato {adj} :: busy, occupied
impegnato {adj} :: committed
impegnatosi {v} :: past participle of impegnarsi
impegno {m} :: promise, pledge
impegno {m} :: engagement, commitment, endeavour
impegno {m} :: diligence, enthusiasm
impegolante {v} :: present participle of impegolare
impegolantesi {v} :: present participle of impegolarsi
impegolare {vt} :: To tar or pitch
impegolarsi {v} :: reflexive of impegolare
impegolarsi {v} :: (with in or con) to get caught or enmeshed (in) [a difficult situation]
impegolatosi {v} :: past participle of impegolarsi
impelagante {v} :: present participle of impelagarsi
impelagantesi {v} :: present participle of impelagarsi
impelagarsi {vr} /im.pe.laˈɡar.si/ :: to get involved (in) [a difficult situation]
impelagatosi {v} :: past participle of impelagarsi
impellente {adj} /im.pelˈlɛn.te/ :: urgent, pressing
impellente {adj} [rare] :: impelling, impellent
impellentemente {adv} :: urgently, impellingly
impellenza {f} :: urgency
impellere {vt} :: to push forcefully
impellere {vt} [literary only] :: to impel (to urge a person)
impellicciante {v} :: present participle of impellicciare
impellicciare {vt} :: To dress in furs
impellicciato {adj} :: fur-clad
impenetrabile {adj} :: impenetrable
impenetrabilità {f} :: impenetrability
impenetrabilmente {adv} :: impenetrably
impenetrato {adj} :: inviolate
impenitente {adj} :: impenitent
impenitente {adj} :: confirmed, inveterate, dyed-in-the-wool
impenitenza {f} :: impenitence
impennacchiante {v} :: present participle of impennacchiare
impennacchiare {vt} :: To deck out with plumes
impennaggio {m} :: tail (tailplane and rudder of an aircraft or missile)
impennaggio {m} :: feathers (of an arrow or dart)
impennante {v} :: present participle of impennare
impennantesi {v} :: present participle of impennarsi
impennare {vt} [fossil word] :: to provide wings or feathers
impennare {vt} [archaic] :: to take up a pen
impennare {vt} [archaic, by extension] :: to write
impennare {vt} [aeronautics] :: to climb [in an aircraft]
impennarsi {vi} :: reflexive of impennare
impennarsi {vi} :: to climb [in an aircraft]
impennarsi {vi} :: [especially of a horse] to rear up
impennarsi {vi} :: to bridle, flare up [in anger]
impennarsi {vi} :: to be thrown up rapidly
impennarsi {vi} [figurative, by extension] :: to increase sharply; to rise suddenly; to surge
impennarsi {vi} [figurative, by extension] :: to take up an elevated tone
impennata {f} [rare] :: amount of ink that a pen can hold
impennata {f} [rare, transferred sense] :: short written text
impennata {f} :: rearing, especially of a horse
impennata {f} [aeronautics] :: climb, nose-up
impennata {f} :: strong reaction
impennata {f} [by extension] :: burst of anger or resentment
impennata {f} :: sharp increase, sudden rise, surge
impennatosi {v} :: past participle of impennarsi
impensabile {adj} /im.penˈsa.bi.le/ :: unthinkable, unimaginable
impensabilità {f} :: unthinkability, unthinkableness
impensabilmente {adv} :: unthinkably
impensatamente {adv} :: unexpectedly
impensato {adj} :: unforeseen, unexpected
impensierente {v} :: present participle of impensierire
impensierire {vt} :: to worry
impensierirsi {vr} :: To worry (about)
impepante {v} :: present participle of impepare
impepare {vt} :: To pepper (all senses)
impepata {f} :: A food item in which the main ingredient is heavily peppered
impepato {adj} :: peppered
imperadore {m} [obsolete] :: Variant of imperatore
imperante {adj} :: ruling, current, prevailing, reigning
imperare {vi} :: to reign, rule
imperativale {adj} :: imperatival
imperativamente {adv} :: imperatively
imperatività {f} :: imperativeness
imperativo {adj} :: imperative
imperativo {m} [grammar] :: imperative
imperativo presente {m} [grammar] :: imperative present tense
imperatore {m} :: emperor
imperatoria {f} :: masterwort (Peucedanum ostruthium)
imperatorio {adj} [literary] :: imperial
imperatorio {adj} [literary, figurative, by extension] :: royal, regal
imperatrice {f} :: empress
impercepibile {adj} :: Variant of impercettibile
impercepibilmente {adv} :: Variant of impercettibilmente
impercettibile {adj} :: imperceptible
impercettibilità {f} :: imperceptibility
impercettibilmente {adv} :: imperceptibly
imperciò {conj} /im.perˈt͡ʃɔ/ :: therefore
imperciocché {conj} [obsolete, literary] /im.per.t͡ʃokˈke/ :: because
impercorribile {adj} :: impassable, undrivable
impercorribilità {f} :: Quality of being impassable or undrivable
imperdibile {adj} :: not to be missed
imperdibile {adj} :: unmissable
imperdonabile {adj} :: unforgivable, unpardonable, inexcusable
imperdonabilità {f} :: Condition of being unpardonable or unforgivable
imperdonabilmente {adv} :: unforgivably, unpardonably
imperfettamente {adv} :: imperfectly
imperfettamente {adv} :: faultily
imperfettibile {adj} :: Not perfectible; imperfectible
imperfettibilità {f} :: non-perfectibility
imperfettivo {adj} :: imperfective
imperfetto {adj} /im.perˈfɛt.to/ :: imperfect, faulty
imperfetto {m} [grammar] :: imperfect tense, preterimperfect, past tense
imperfezione {f} :: imperfection, flaw
imperfezione {f} :: faultiness
imperforabile {adj} :: unpierceable
imperforabilità {f} :: Property of being unpierceable
Imperia {prop} :: Imperia (town/and/associated province)
Imperia {prop} :: The letter I in the Italian phonetic alphabet
imperiale {adj} :: imperial
imperialismo {m} :: imperialism
imperialista {adj} :: imperialist
imperialista {mf} :: imperialist
imperialisticamente {adv} :: imperialistically
imperialistico {adj} :: imperialistic, imperialist
imperialmente {adv} :: imperially
imperiese {adj} :: of or from Imperia
imperiese {mf} :: native or inhabitant of Imperia
imperiosamente {adv} :: imperiously
imperiosamente {adv} :: urgently
imperiosità {f} :: imperiousness
imperiosità {f} :: urgency
imperioso {adj} :: imperious, peremptory
imperioso {adj} :: urgent, impelling
imperitamente {adv} [rare] /im.pe.ri.taˈmen.te/ :: unskillfully
imperito {adj} [literary] /im.peˈri.to/ :: inexperienced, unskilled
imperituramente {adv} :: immortally
imperituramente {adv} :: abidingly, imperishably
imperituro {adj} /im.pe.riˈtu.ro/ :: immortal
imperituro {adj} :: abiding, imperishable
imperizia {f} /im.peˈrit.t͡sja/ :: unskillfulness
imperizia {f} [literary, rare] :: inexperience
imperlante {v} :: present participle of imperlare
imperlantesi {v} :: present participle of imperlarsi
imperlare {vt} :: To bead (especially with sweat)
imperlarsi {vr} :: To become beaded (especially with sweat)
imperlato {adj} :: beaded (especially with sweat)
imperlatosi {v} :: past participle of imperlarsi
impermalente {v} :: present participle of impermalire
impermalentesi {v} :: present participle of impermalirsi
impermalire {vt} :: To offend
impermalirsi {v} :: reflexive of impermalire
impermalirsi {v} :: to take offence (at)
impermalitosi {v} :: past participle of impermalirsi
impermanenza {f} :: impermanence
impermeabile {adj} /im.per.me.ˈa.bi.le/ :: impermeable, -proof
impermeabile {adj} :: waterproof, watertight, rainproof
impermeabile {m} :: raincoat, trench coat, mackintosh, mac
impermeabilità {f} :: impermeability, water resistance, waterproofness, watertightness
impermeabilizzante {v} :: present participle of impermeabilizzare
impermeabilizzante {adj} :: waterproofing
impermeabilizzante {m} :: waterproofing (agent)
impermeabilizzantesi {v} :: present participle of impermeabilizzarsi
impermeabilizzare {vt} :: to waterproof
impermeabilizzarsi {vr} :: To become waterproof
impermeabilizzato {adj} :: waterproof
impermeabilizzatosi {v} :: past participle of impermeabilizzarsi
impermeabilizzazione {f} :: waterproofing
impermeabilmente {adv} :: imperviously
impermutabile {adj} :: not permutable
impermutabilità {f} :: The condition of being not permutable
imperniante {v} :: present participle of imperniare
imperniare {v} :: to hinge or pivot
imperniatura {f} :: pivoting, hinging
impero {m} /imˈpɛro/ :: empire
Impero {prop} :: Impero (river)
imperò {conj} [obsolete] :: but, for that reason
Impero bizantino {prop} :: Byzantine Empire
imperocché {conj} [obsolete] :: since, as
Impero Germanico {prop} :: German Empire
Impero tedesco {prop} :: German Empire
imperscrutabile {adj} :: inscrutable
imperscrutabilità {f} :: inscrutableness
imperscrutabilmente {adv} :: inscrutably
impersonale {adj} :: impersonal
impersonalità {f} :: impersonality
impersonalmente {adv} :: impersonally
impersonante {v} :: present participle of impersonare
impersonare {vt} :: to personify, impersonate, embody
impersonare {vt} [theater, cinema, etc.] :: to play, act the part of
impersonificato {adj} :: personified
impersuadibile {adj} :: unpersuadable
impersuasibile {adj} :: Variant of impersuadibile
imperterritamente {adv} :: regardlessly, unperturbedly, undismayedly
imperterrito {adj} :: regardless, unperturbed, undismayed
impertinente {adj} /im.per.tiˈnɛn.te/ :: bold, pert, impertinent, saucy, cheeky
impertinente {mf} :: impertinent person, cheeky person
impertinentemente {adv} :: boldly, pertly, impertinently, saucily, cheekily
impertinenza {f} :: impertinence
imperturbabile {adj} :: cool, unflappable, imperturbable
imperturbabile {adj} :: deadpan, poker-faced
imperturbabilità {f} :: imperturbability
imperturbabilmente {adv} :: imperturbably
imperturbato {adj} :: unmoved
imperversante {v} :: present participle of imperversare
imperversare {vi} :: to rage
imperversare {vi} [su, contro] :: to speak in heightened anger (against)
imperversare {vi} [figurative, by extension] :: to move with great violence
imperversare {vi} [figurative, familiar] :: to be all the rage
impervietà {f} :: impracticability
impervio {adj} :: inaccessible, rough, unattainable, impassable
impervio {adj} [medicine] :: obstructed
impestante {v} :: present participle of impestare
impestantesi {v} :: present participle of impestarsi
impestare {vt} :: To infect
impestarsi {vr} :: To be infected
impestatosi {v} :: past participle of impestarsi
impetigine {f} [disease] :: impetigo
impetiginoso {adj} [pathology] :: impetiginous
impeto {m} :: force, impetus, violence
impeto {m} :: impulse, surge, heat, transport
impetrabile {adj} [rare] :: That can be obtained begging for it; that can be impetrated
impetrante {v} :: present participle of impetrare
impetrare {vt} :: to obtain something by begging for it; to impetrate
impettito {adj} :: stiff
impetuosamente {adv} :: impetuously
impetuosità {f} :: impetuosity
impetuoso {adj} :: violent, impetuous, impulsive, rash
impetüoso {adj} :: medieval spelling of impetuoso
impiagare {vt} /im.pjaˈɡa.re/ :: To cover with sores or scabs
impiallacciante {v} :: present participle of impiallacciare
impiallacciare {vt} :: To veneer
impiallacciato {adj} :: veneer (attributive), veneered
impiallacciatore {m} :: veneerer (person)
impiallacciatura {f} :: veneering
impiallacciatura {f} :: veneer
impiantabile {adj} :: implantable
impiantante {v} :: present participle of impiantare
impiantantesi {v} :: present participle of impiantarsi
impiantare {vt} :: to install, set up
impiantare {vt} :: to establish
impiantare {vt} :: to plant
impiantarsi {v} :: reflexive of impiantare
impiantarsi {v} :: to become established, settled in a place
impiantarsi {v} :: to take one's place
impiantato {adj} :: installed
impiantatosi {v} :: past participle of impiantarsi
impiantazione {f} :: installation
impiantazione {f} :: establishment
impiantazione {f} :: planting, implantation
impiantista {m} :: plant engineer (mechanical, chemical etc.)
impiantista {m} :: installer
impiantistica {f} :: The design and installation of industrial plant
impiantistico {adj} :: plant engineering (attributive)
impiantito {m} :: flooring, floor
impianto {m} :: plant, factory, system, installation, works, facility, equipment, fixture
impianto {m} :: establishment, installation, setting up
impianto {m} [surgery] :: implant
impianto {m} [embryology] :: implantation
impianto {m} :: framework, structure
impianto di illuminazione {n} :: lighting, illumination, light source, light
impianto elettrico {n} :: wiring, electric installation, wire
impiantologia {f} :: Variant of implantologia
impiastrante {v} :: present participle of impiastrare
impiastrare {v} [di] :: to plaster, dirty or smear (with)
impiastricciante {v} :: present participle of impiastricciare
impiastricciare {vt} :: to smear
impiastricciare {vt} :: to plaster
impiastro {m} :: poultice
impiastro {m} [idiomatic] :: nuisance, bore
impiattare {v} :: To serve (food, on a plate); to dish up
impiccabile {adj} :: hangable
impiccagione {f} /im.pik.kaˈd͡ʒo.ne/ :: hanging (the act of hanging a person (or oneself) by the neck)
impiccagione {f} :: hanging (a public event at which a person is hanged)
impiccamento {m} :: hanging
impiccamento {m} :: choking, strangling
impiccante {v} :: present participle of impiccare
impiccantesi {v} :: present participle of impiccarsi
impiccare {vt} /im.pikˈka.re/ :: to hang (kill by the neck)
impiccare {vt} [transferred sense, rare] :: to hang [something up on something else]
impiccare {vt} [hyperbolic] :: to choke or suffocate
impiccare {vt} :: to saddle [someone] with difficulties
impiccarsi {v} :: reflexive of impiccare
impiccarsi {v} :: to hang oneself
impiccarsi {v} :: to tie oneself to an excessively burdensome or limiting constraint
impiccarsi {v} [regional] :: (with con, in, or a + inf.) to do or complete with difficulty
impiccata {f} :: (executed by suspension) hanged woman
impiccati {interj} :: an exclamation of impatience or intolerance
impiccato {adj} /im.pikˈka.to/ :: hanged (executed by suspension)
impiccato {m} :: hanged person (executed by suspension)
impiccato {m} :: hangman (word game)
impiccatore {m} [rare] /im.pik.kaˈto.re/ :: hanger, hangman
impiccatosi {v} :: past participle of impiccarsi
impiccatura {f} [rare] /im.pik.kaˈtu.ra/ :: hanging (the act of hanging a person (or oneself) by the neck)
impiccatura {f} [rare, rare] :: hanging (a public event at which a person is hanged)
impicciante {v} :: present participle of impicciare
impicciantesi {v} :: present participle of impicciarsi
impicciare {vit} :: to hinder
impicciarsi {v} :: reflexive of impicciare
impicciarsi {v} [di, in] :: to meddle (with)
impicciatosi {v} :: past participle of impicciarsi
impiccio {m} :: hindrance
impiccio {m} :: trouble
impicciolente {v} :: present participle of impicciolire
impicciolire {vt} :: alternative form of impiccolire
impicciona {f} :: female equivalent of impiccione
impiccione {m} :: meddler
impiccione {m} :: bore
impiccione {m} :: rubbernecker
impiccioso {adj} :: troublesome, tiresome, annoying
impiccolente {v} :: present participle of impiccolire
impiccolire {vt} :: to make smaller; to reduce
impiccolire {vi} :: To become smaller
impidocchiante {v} :: present participle of impidocchiare
impidocchiantesi {v} :: present participle of impidocchiarsi
impidocchiare {vt} :: To infest with lice
impidocchiarsi {vr} :: To be infested with lice; to be lousy
impidocchiatosi {v} :: past participle of impidocchiarsi
impiegabile {adj} :: usable
impiegante {v} :: present participle of impiegare
impiegantesi {v} :: present participle of impiegarsi
impiegare {vt} :: to use, employ
impiegare {vt} :: to take [an amount of time]
impiegare {vt} :: to spend
impiegare {vt} :: to hire, take, engage, employ
impiegarsi {v} :: reflexive of impiegare
impiegarsi {v} :: to get a job, get employment, find a job
impiegata {f} :: female equivalent of impiegato
impiegatizio {adj} /im.pje.ɡaˈtit.tsjo/ :: clerical, white-collar
impiegato {m} /impjeˈɡato/ :: clerk, office worker
impiegato {m} :: employee, (plural) staff, personnel
impiegatosi {v} :: past participle of impiegarsi
impiego {m} :: job, position, post, situation
impiego {m} :: employment
impiego {m} :: use
impietosamente {adv} :: pitilessly
impietosente {v} :: present participle of impietosire
impietosire {vt} :: to move to pity
impietosirsi {v} :: reflexive of impietosire
impietosirsi {v} :: to feel pity; to take pity
impietoso {adj} :: pitiless, merciless, unmerciful, cruel
impietrente {v} :: present participle of impietrire
impietrire {vt} :: To petrify (all senses)
impigliamento {m} :: entanglement
impigliante {v} :: present participle of impigliare
impigliantesi {v} :: present participle of impigliarsi
impigliare {vt} :: To catch or entangle
impigliarsi {vr} :: To become caught or entangled in something
impigliatosi {v} :: past participle of impigliarsi
impignere {v} /imˈpiɲ.ɲe.re/ :: alternative form of impingere
impignorabile {adj} [legal] :: That can not be distrained; undistrainable
impignorabilità {f} [legal] :: exemption from distraint
impigrente {v} :: present participle of impigrire
impigrentesi {v} :: present participle of impigrirsi
impigrire {vt} :: To make someone lazy
impigrire {vi} :: To become lazy
impigrirsi {vr} :: To become lazy
impigritosi {v} :: past participle of impigrirsi
impilabile {adj} :: stackable, stacking
impilamento {m} :: stacking
impilante {v} :: present participle of impilare
impilare {vt} :: To stack or pile (up)
impillaccherante {v} :: present participle of impillaccherare
impillaccherare {vt} /im.pil.lak.keˈra.re/ :: To splash with mud
impingente {v} :: present participle of impingere
impingere {vt} [obsolete] /imˈpin.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to push
impingere {vt} [obsolete, figurative] :: to impel, to drive
impinguamento {m} :: fattening
impinguante {v} :: present participle of impinguare
impinguantesi {v} :: present participle of impinguarsi
impinguare {vt} :: to fatten [livestock]
impinguare {vt} :: to fill, stuff full
impinguarsi {v} :: reflexive of impinguare
impinguarsi {v} :: to fatten [livestock]
impinguarsi {v} :: to become full, full up
impinguato {adj} :: fattened
impinguato {adj} :: filled
impinguato {adj} :: stuffed full
impinguatosi {v} :: past participle of impinguarsi
impinto {adj} :: pushed
impinto {adj} [figurative] :: led, driven, impelled
impinzante {v} :: present participle of impinzare
impinzantesi {v} :: present participle of impinzarsi
impinzare {v} :: to stuff or cram (with)
impinzarsi {vr} :: To stuff oneself (with)
impinzatosi {v} :: past participle of impinzarsi
impiombante {v} :: present participle of impiombare
impiombare {vt} :: to cover or fill with lead
impiombare {vt} [dentistry] :: to fill [teeth]
impiombare {vt} [nautical] :: to splice
impiombatura {f} :: leading (works in lead)
impiombatura {f} :: filling (in teeth)
impiombatura {f} [nautical] :: splice
impipante {v} :: present participle of impiparsi
impipantesi {v} :: present participle of impiparsi
impiparsene {v} :: to not give a damn about
impiparsi {vr} [colloquial] :: to not give a damn
impipatosi {v} :: past participle of impiparsi
impiumante {v} :: present participle of impiumare
impiumantesi {v} :: present participle of impiumarsi
impiumare {vt} :: To fledge
impiumarsi {vr} :: To fledge (grow feathers)
impiumatosi {v} :: past participle of impiumarsi
implacabile {adj} :: implacable, unrelenting, relentless
implacabilità {f} :: implacability
implacabilmente {adv} :: implacably
implacando {adj} [literary, rare] /im.plaˈkan.do/ :: relentless, implacable
implantare {adj} :: implant (attributive)
implantologia {f} :: implantology (science of dental or follicular implants)
implantologo {m} :: implantologist (dental)
implementante {v} :: present participle of implementare
implementare {vt} :: to implement, put in practice, enforce
implementazione {f} :: implementation
implicante {v} :: present participle of implicare
implicare {vt} :: to imply, entail
implicare {vt} :: to involve, implicate
implicazione {f} :: implication, involvement
implicitamente {adv} :: implicitly
implicito {adj} :: implicit, underlying, tacit, implied
implodente {v} :: present participle of implodere
implodere {vi} :: to implode
implorabile {adj} :: That can be implored or begged
implorante {v} :: present participle of implorare
implorante {adj} :: beseeching, imploring
implorare {vt} :: to implore, beg, plead
imploratore {adj} :: imploring, pleading
imploratore {m} :: implorer, pleader
imploratrice {f} :: female equivalent of imploratore
implorazione {f} :: entreaty, pleading, cry, plea
implosione {f} :: implosion
implosivo {adj} [phonetics] :: implosive
implume {adj} :: unfledged, featherless
impluvio {m} :: impluvium (in Ancient Rome)
impluvio {m} :: watershed
impoetico {adj} :: unpoetic, unpoetical
impolitamente {adv} :: roughly, crudely
impolitamente {adv} :: defectively
impoliticamente {adv} :: in an impolitic manner
impoliticamente {adv} :: imprudently, ill-advisedly
impoliticità {f} :: impolicy
impolitico {adj} :: impolitic
impolitico {adj} :: imprudent, ill-advised
impollinante {v} :: present participle of impollinare
impollinare {vt} :: to pollinate, to pollen
impollinatore {adj} :: pollinating
impollinatore {m} :: pollinator
impollinazione {f} [botany] :: pollination
impolpante {v} :: present participle of impolpare
impolpantesi {v} :: present participle of impolparsi
impolpare {vt} :: to fatten
impolpare {vt} :: to pad out
impolparsi {v} :: reflexive of impolpare
impolparsi {v} :: to put on weight
impolpatosi {v} :: past participle of impolparsi
impoltronente {v} :: present participle of impoltronire
impoltronire {vti} :: to make, or to become lazy
impolverante {v} :: present participle of impolverare
impolverantesi {v} :: present participle of impolverarsi
impolverare {vt} :: to dust, cover with dust (or powder)
impolverarsi {vr} :: To get dusty
impolverato {adj} :: dusty
impolveratosi {v} :: past participle of impolverarsi
impolveratrice {f} :: crop duster
impomatante {v} :: present participle of impomatare
impomatantesi {v} :: present participle of impomatarsi
impomatare {vt} :: to put ointment on something
impomatare {vt} :: to apply pomade to the hair
impomatare {vt} :: to wax a moustache
impomatare {v} :: to balsam
impomatarsi {v} :: reflexive of impomatare
impomatarsi {v} :: to get spruced up
impomatatosi {v} :: past participle of impomatarsi
imponderabile {adj} :: imponderable
imponderabile {adj} :: unpredictable
imponderabile {m} :: imponderable
imponderabilità {f} :: unpredictability
imponderabilità {f} :: The quality or state of being imponderable; imponderability
imponderabilmente {adv} :: imponderably
imponente {adj} :: imposing, large, impressive, magnificent
imponentemente {adv} :: imposingly, impressively, magnificently
imponentesi {v} :: present participle of imporsi
imponenza {f} :: impressiveness, magnificence, grandeur, stateliness
imponibile {adj} :: taxable, assessable
imponibile {m} :: taxable income; assessable income, tax base
imponibilità {f} :: taxability
impopolare {adj} :: unpopular
impopolarità {f} :: unpopularity
impoppante {v} :: present participle of impoppare
impoppare {vi} [nautical] :: to go down in the stern
imporcante {v} :: present participle of imporcare
imporcare {vt} :: To ridge (soil)
imporporante {v} :: present participle of imporporare
imporporantesi {v} :: present participle of imporporarsi
imporporare {vt} :: To redden or flush
imporporarsi {v} :: reflexive of imporporare
imporporarsi {v} :: to redden
imporporarsi {v} :: to blush
imporporatosi {v} :: past participle of imporporarsi
imporre {vt} :: to impose, set, lay
imporre {vt} :: to order, command, dictate
imporre {vt} :: to call for
imporsi {v} :: reflexive of imporre
imporsi {v} :: to be successful, establish oneself, stand out, become popular
imporsi {v} :: to beat, win
imporsi {v} :: to impose oneself, force oneself
imporsi {v} :: to assert oneself, make oneself respected
imporsi {v} :: to become necessary, be called for
importabile {adj} :: importable
importabilità {f} :: importability
importante {adj} :: important
importantissimo {adj} :: superlative of importante
importanza {f} :: importance, consequence, significance
importare {vt} :: to import, heed
importare {vi} :: to be important, to matter
importatore {adj} :: importing
importatore {m} :: importer
importatrice {f} :: feminine noun of importatore
importazione {f} :: importation, import
importina {f} [protein] :: importin
importo {m} :: amount, sum
importunamente {adv} :: annoyingly
importunamente {adv} :: inopportunely
importunante {v} :: present participle of importunare
importunare {vt} :: to disturb, bother, trouble, inconvenience
importunità {f} :: tiresomeness
importuno {adj} :: annoying, troublesome, tiresome
importuno {adj} :: inopportune
importuoso {adj} :: harbourless
impositivo {adj} :: taxation (attributive), tax (attributive)
impositore {adj} :: tax-raising (attributive)
imposizione {f} :: imposition
imposizione {f} :: order, command
imposizione {f} :: taxation, tax, duty
impossessamento {m} :: appropriation
impossessante {v} :: present participle of impossessarsi
impossessantesi {v} :: present participle of impossessarsi
impossessarsi {vr} :: to seize, take possession (of)
impossessatosi {v} :: past participle of impossessarsi
impossibile {adj} :: impossible
impossibile {adj} :: inconceivable, absurd
impossibile {adj} :: unbearable, impossible (in the same meaning)
impossibile {m} :: impossible
impossibilità {f} :: impossibility, inability
impossibilitante {v} :: present participle of impossibilitare
impossibilitare {vt} :: To make impossible, to prevent
impossibilitato {adj} :: unable
impossibilmente {adv} :: impossibly
imposta {f} :: tax, duty, customs
imposta {f} :: shutter (protective panels over windows)
impostale {adj} :: imposed (on)
impostante {v} :: present participle of impostare
impostare {vt} :: to set up, set out, lay out, lay down, set, plan
impostare {vt} :: to post a letter, post, mail
imposta sul valore aggiunto {f} :: value added tax
impostazione {f} :: setting out, setting, lay out, definition, formulation
imposto {adj} :: imposed, fixed
impostora {f} :: female equivalent of impostore
impostore {m} :: impostor, fake, pretender
impostosi {v} :: past participle of imporsi
impostura {f} :: imposture
impotente {adj} [medicine] :: impotent
impotente {adj} :: impotent, powerless, unable
impotente {m} [medicine] :: impotent man
impotenza {f} :: helplessness, powerlessness, impotence, impotency
impotenza {f} [medicine] :: impotence
impoverente {v} :: present participle of impoverire
impoverentesi {v} :: present participle of impoverirsi
impoverimento {m} :: impoverishment
impoverimento {m} :: depletion
impoverire {vt} :: to impoverish
impoverire {vt} :: to deplete
impoverirsi {v} :: To impoverish oneself
impoverito {adj} :: depleted
impoverito {adj} :: impoverished
impoveritosi {v} :: past participle of impoverirsi
impraticabile {adj} :: unfeasible, impractical
impraticabile {adj} :: impassable, (sports; of a field) unplayable
impraticabilità {f} :: The bad state of the road
impratichente {v} :: present participle of impratichire
impratichentesi {v} :: present participle of impratichirsi
impratichire {vt} :: To train (a person)
impratichirsi {v} :: reflexive of impratichire
impratichirsi {v} :: to train
impratichirsi {v} :: to practice
impratichitosi {v} :: past participle of impratichirsi
imprecante {v} :: present participle of imprecare
imprecare {vi} :: to curse, swear
imprecativo {adj} :: cursing, imprecatory
imprecazione {f} :: imprecation, curse
imprecisabile {adj} :: indeterminable
imprecisabilmente {adv} :: indeterminably
imprecisato {adj} :: undefined, indeterminate, indefinite
imprecisione {f} :: inaccuracy, imprecision
impreciso {adj} :: inaccurate, imprecise, inexact, vague
impredicibile {adj} :: (inherently) unpredictable
impredicibilità {f} :: (inherent) unpredictability
impregiudicabile {adj} :: That can not be compromised or prejudiced
impregiudicato {adj} [legal] :: unjudged (not having a judgement made)
impregiudicato {adj} :: undecided
impregnante {v} :: present participle of impregnare
impregnantesi {v} :: present participle of impregnarsi
impregnare {vt} :: to soak, impregnate, saturate
impregnare {vt} :: to impregnate, fertilize, imbue
impregnarsi {v} :: reflexive of impregnare
impregnarsi {v} :: to become soaked, impregnated, permeated (with)
impregnatosi {v} :: past participle of impregnarsi
impregnazione {f} :: impregnation
imprendente {v} :: present participle of imprendere
imprendere {vt} :: To undertake, or embark upon something
imprendibile {adj} :: that cannot be caught, elusive, unstoppable, uncatchable
imprendibile {adj} :: impregnable, invincible
imprendibilità {f} :: The property of being unstoppable or uncatchable
imprendibilità {f} :: impregnability, invincibility
imprenditore {m} :: businessman, entrepreneur, contractor
imprenditoria {f} :: the entrepreneurs
imprenditoria {f} :: entrepreneurship
imprenditoriale {adj} :: entrepreneurial
imprenditorialismo {m} :: entrepreneurialism
imprenditorialità {f} :: entrepreneurship
imprenditorialità {f} :: the entrepreneurs
imprenditorialmente {adv} :: entrepreneurially
imprenditrice {f} :: female equivalent of imprenditore
impreparato {adj} :: unprepared, unready
impreparato {adj} :: not prepared, untrained
impreparazione {f} :: lack of preparedness, lack of readiness
impreparazione {f} :: lack of preparation, lack of training
impresa {f} :: enterprise, undertaking, exploit, feat, endeavour
impresa {f} :: company, firm, business, concern
impresaria {f} :: female equivalent of impresario
impresario {m} :: entrepreneur, contractor
impresario {m} :: manager, producer, impresario
impresario {m} :: wheeler-dealer; unscrupulous person
imprescindibile {adj} :: essential, unavoidable, inescapable
imprescindibilità {f} :: unavoidability, unavoidableness
imprescindibilmente {adv} :: unavoidably, inescapably
impresciuttente {v} :: present participle of impresciuttire
impresciuttire {vi} :: To become thin and gaunt
impresciuttito {adj} [of a body] :: lean, thin, gaunt
imprescrittibile {adj} [legal] :: indefeasible, imprescriptible
imprescrittibilità {f} [legal] :: indefeasibility, imprescriptibility
imprescrittibilmente {adv} [legal] :: indefeasibly, imprescriptibly
impresentabile {adj} :: unpresentable (not presentable)
impresentabilità {f} :: property of being unpresentable
impresentabilmente {adv} :: unpresentably
impressionabile {adj} :: impressionable
impressionabilità {f} :: impressionability
impressionante {adj} :: striking, impressive, grand, stunning, shocking
impressionantesi {v} :: present participle of impressionarsi
impressionare {vt} :: to impress, strike, upset, frighten, astonish, flabbergast
impressionare {vt} [photography] :: to expose
impressionarsi {v} :: reflexive of impressionare
impressionarsi {v} :: to be upset, be frightened
impressionarsi {v} [photography] :: to be exposed
impressionato {adj} :: impressed, shocked, upset
impressionato {adj} [photography] :: exposed
impressionatosi {v} :: past participle of impressionarsi
impressione {f} :: feeling
impressione {f} :: impression
impressione {f} :: [figuratively] intuitive impression, hunch
impressionismo {m} :: impressionism
impressionista {adj} :: impressionistic
impressionista {mf} :: impressionist
impressionistico {adj} :: impressionistic
impresso {adj} :: impressed, stamped, imprinted
impressore {m} :: printer
imprestante {v} :: present participle of imprestare
imprestare {v} :: Variant of prestare
impreteribile {adj} :: unavoidable
impreteribilmente {adv} :: unavoidably
imprevedibile {adj} :: unpredictable, unforeseeable
imprevedibilità {f} :: unpredictability, unforeseeability
imprevedibilmente {adv} :: unexpectedly
impreveduto {adj} :: unpredictable
impreveduto {adj} :: unexpected
imprevidente {adj} :: improvident
imprevidente {mf} :: improvident person
imprevidentemente {adv} :: improvidently
imprevidenza {f} :: improvidence (lack of foresight)
imprevisibile {adj} :: Variant of imprevedibile
imprevisto {adj} :: unforeseen, unexpected, unplanned, unlooked-for
imprevisto {m} :: unforeseen event, unexpected event, contingency
impreziosente {v} :: present participle of impreziosire
impreziosire {v} :: to embellish (with)
imprigionamento {m} :: imprisonment
imprigionante {v} :: present participle of imprigionare
imprigionare {vt} :: to put in prison, imprison, jail
imprigionare {vt} :: to catch, trap
imprigionato {adj} :: imprisoned, captive
imprigionato {adj} :: trapped, bound, caught
imprimente {v} :: present participle of imprimere
imprimere {vt} :: to imprint, print, stamp, impress
imprimere {vt} :: to give
imprimibile {adj} :: impressible
imprimitura {f} [arts] :: priming (a painting)
improbabile {adj} :: improbable, unlikely
improbabilità {f} :: improbability, unlikelihood
improbabilmente {adv} :: improbably
improbità {f} [literary] :: dishonesty
improbo {adj} :: hard, laborious (work)
improbo {adj} [literary] :: dishonest
improcedibile {adj} [legal] :: Describing an action that can not be advanced or undertaken
improcedibilità {f} [legal] :: The inability of an action to be undertaken; unprosecutability
improcrastinabile {adj} :: urgent, undelayable
improcrastinabilità {f} :: urgence
improcrastinabilmente {adv} :: urgently
improducibile {adj} :: Not producible
improducibile {adj} [legal] :: Not presentable (in court)
improduttivamente {adv} :: unproductively
improduttivamente {adv} :: unfruitfully
improduttività {f} :: unproductiveness
improduttivo {adj} :: unproductive
improduttivo {adj} :: unfruitful
improferibile {adj} :: unrepeatable, unutterable
impromettente {v} :: present participle of impromettere
impromettere {vt} :: Variant of promettere (literary use)
impromptu {m} [music] :: impromptu
impronta {f} :: imprint, impression, print, mark, trace
impronta {f} :: footprint
impronta {f} :: sign
impronta digitale {f} :: fingerprint
impronta ecologica {f} [ecology] :: ecological footprint
improntamente {adv} :: impudently, cheekily
improntamente {adv} :: inappropriately, indiscreetly
improntante {v} :: present participle of improntare
improntare {vt} :: to imprint, impress
improntare {vt} [archaic] :: to prepare, get ready
improntare {vt} [archaic] :: to lend
improntarsi {v} :: reflexive of improntare
improntarsi {vi} :: to take on a tone or attitude (of)
improntarsi {vi} :: to be marked or inspired (by)
improntato {adj} :: based on, full of, marked by
improntitudine {f} /im.pron.tiˈtu.di.ne/ :: impertinence, impudence
impronto {adj} :: impudent, cheeky
impronto {adj} :: inappropriate, indiscreet
impronto {m} :: imprint
impronunciabile {adj} :: unpronounceable
impronunciabile {adj} :: unutterable
impronunciabilità {f} :: Property of being unpronounceable
impronunziabile {adj} :: Variant of impronunciabile
improperio {m} :: insult
improponibile {adj} [law] :: inadmissible [evidence, etc.]
improponibile {adj} :: that cannot or should not be proposed
improponibilità {f} :: inadmissibility
impropriamente {adv} :: improperly
impropriamente {adv} :: inappropriately
improprietà {f} :: impropriety
improprietà {f} :: incorrectness, inaccuracy
improprio {adj} :: wrong, incorrect, unfit, inappropriate, improper
improprio {adj} [mathematics] :: improper
improrogabile {adj} :: Not to be extended; that cannot be postponed; that cannot be delayed
improrogabilità {f} :: inalterableness
improrogabilmente {adv} [of a deadline] :: No later than; without any possible delay
improsciuttente {v} :: present participle of improsciuttire
improsciuttire {v} :: to slim (become as thin as a slice of prosciutto)
improtetto {adj} :: unprotected
improvido {adj} [literary] :: Variant of improvvido
improvvidamente {adv} :: improvidently
improvvidenza {f} :: improvidence
improvvidissimo {adj} :: superlative of improvvido
improvvido {adj} [literary] :: improvident
improvvisamente {adv} :: suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, short, out of the blue, cold turkey
improvvisante {v} :: present participle of improvvisare
improvvisare {vt} :: to improvise, to extemporize, to make up, to play it by ear
improvvisare {v} :: to make shift
improvvisata {f} :: surprise
improvvisato {adj} :: improvised, impromptu, extempore, off-the-cuff, ad-libbed
improvvisato {adj} :: makeshift
improvvisatore {m} :: improviser
improvvisazione {f} :: improvisation, extemporization
improvvisazione {f} :: makeshift
improvviso {adj} :: unexpected, sudden, unforeseen, untimely
improvviso {adv} [archaic] :: suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly
improvvistamente {adv} :: unwittingly
imprudente {adj} :: imprudent, incautious, rash, careless
imprudentemente {adv} :: imprudently
imprudentissimo {adj} :: superlative of imprudente
imprudenza {f} :: imprudence, carelessness
imprudenza {f} :: imprudent act, careless act
impubblicabile {adj} :: unpublishable
impube {adj} :: juvenile
impube {mf} :: juvenile
impubere {adj} :: prepubescent
impudente {adj} /im.puˈdɛn.te/ :: impudent, cheeky, sassy
impudente {mf} :: An impudent person
impudentemente {adv} :: impudently
impudenza {f} :: impudence, cheek
impudicamente {adv} :: immodestly, indecently, improperly
impudicizia {f} :: immodesty
impudico {adj} :: immodest
impugnabile {adj} [legal] :: that can be appealed, that can be impugned; impugnable
impugnabilità {f} [legal] :: appealability
impugnante {v} :: present participle of impugnare
impugnare {vt} :: to seize, hold, clasp, grasp, grip
impugnare {vt} :: to contest, challenge, impugn
impugnare {v} [law] :: to dispute, challenge, or appeal
impugnativa {f} [legal] :: appeal
impugnatura {f} :: the way in which an object is held; grip
impugnatura {f} :: the act of gripping or wielding
impugnatura {f} :: handle, grip, hilt, haft
impugnazione {f} :: impugnation
impulsatore {m} :: impulsor
impulsivamente {adv} :: impulsively
impulsività {f} :: impulsiveness, impulsivity
impulsivo {adj} :: impulsive, rash
impulso {m} :: impulse, drive, urge, boost
impulso {m} [sciences] :: impulse, pulse, also archaic for momentum
impune {adj} [obsolete, literary] :: unpunished, impune
impunemente {adv} :: with impunity, scot-free
impunibile {adj} :: unpunishable, untouchable
impunibilità {f} :: Quality of being unpunishable
impunità {f} :: impunity
impunito {adj} :: unpunished
impuntante {v} :: present participle of impuntare
impuntantesi {v} :: present participle of impuntarsi
impuntare {vi} [rare] :: (with in) to stumble or trip (on)
impuntare {vi} [rare, figurative, by extension] :: to stammer or stutter; to trip on one's words
impuntarsi {v} :: reflexive of impuntare
impuntarsi {v} :: (with in or contro) to stumble or trip (on)
impuntarsi {v} [figurative, by extension] :: to stammer or stutter; to trip on one's words
impuntarsi {v} :: [of a horse, etc.] to jib
impuntarsi {v} [figurative, by extension] :: (with in, su, or a + inf.) to dig one's heels in; to insist
impuntatosi {v} :: past participle of impuntarsi
impuntatura {f} :: obstinacy, stubbornness
impuntatura {f} :: fancy, whim
impuntente {v} :: present participle of impuntire
impuntire {vt} :: to stitch
impuntire {vt} :: to quilt
impuntura {f} :: stitching
impunturante {v} :: present participle of impunturare
impunturare {vt} :: To stitch
impunturato {adj} :: stitched
impupante {v} :: present participle of impuparsi
impupantesi {v} :: present participle of impuparsi
impuparsi {vr} :: To pupate
impupatosi {v} :: past participle of impuparsi
impuramente {adv} :: impurely
impurezza {f} :: impurity, especially in a mineral or gemstone
impurità {f} :: impurity
impurità {f} :: scum
impurità {f} :: (plural; medicine) impurities
impuro {adj} :: impure
imputabile {adj} :: imputable, attributable, ascribable, chargeable
imputabilità {f} :: imputability, chargeability
imputante {v} :: present participle of imputare
imputare {vt} :: to impute, attribute, ascribe
imputare {vt} :: to accuse, arraign, charge, put down to, chalk up to
imputata {f} :: female equivalent of imputato
imputato {m} :: defendant, accused [person], suspect
imputato {adj} :: charged, accused
imputazione {f} :: charge, accusation, imputation, indictment
imputrescibile {adj} :: Not subject to putrefaction; imputrescible
imputribile {adj} :: incorruptible
imputridente {v} :: present participle of imputridire
imputridimento {m} :: putrefaction
imputridire {vt} :: To putrefy
imputridire {vi} :: To go bad or rot
impuzzire {vi} [rare] /im.putˈt͡si.re/ :: To become smelly or stinky
impuzzire {vt} [rare] :: To cause to become smelly or stinky; to stink out
impuzzolentente {v} :: present participle of impuzzolentire
impuzzolentire {vt} :: To stink (the place out)
in- {prefix} [forms verbs] /in/ :: Used to denote derivation
in- {prefix} [obsolete, rare] :: Used as an intensifier
in- {prefix} :: Used to denote negation or opposition or privation; un-; in-; a-
in {prep} /ˈin/ :: in
in {prep} :: to
in {prep} :: into
in {prep} :: by
in {prep} :: on
-ina {suffix} /ˈi.na/ :: Alterative suffix used to form diminutives of feminine nouns
-ina {suffix} :: Derivational suffix used to form adjectives or nouns, specifically:
-ina {suffix} :: Used to form the feminine of masculine nouns and given names
-ina {suffix} :: Used to form collective numerals
-ina {suffix} :: Used to derive nouns denoting a profession
-ina {suffix} :: Used to derive adjectives and nouns denoting an ethnic or geographical origin
-ina {suffix} :: Used to derive adjectives denoting composition, color or other qualities
-ina {suffix} [chemistry] :: Used to form names of chemical substances; -ine
inabbordabile {adj} :: unapproachable
inabile {adj} :: unable, unfit, incapable, disabled
inabilità {f} :: inability, incapacity, unfitness, disability
inabilitanda {f} /i.na.bi.liˈtan.da/ :: feminine noun of inabilitando
inabilitando {adj} [legal] /i.na.bi.liˈtan.do/ :: That is being declared mentally or physically unable to look after his own financial affairs
inabilitando {m} [legal] :: One who is being declared mentally or physically unable to look after his own financial affairs
inabilitante {v} :: present participle of inabilitare
inabilitare {vt} :: to disable
inabilitare {vt} :: to make unfit
inabilitazione {f} :: disablement
inabilitazione {f} [legal] :: The condition of a person who is declared mentally or physically unable to look after his own financial affairs
inabissamento {m} :: sinking
inabissante {v} :: present participle of inabissare
inabissantesi {v} :: present participle of inabissarsi
inabissare {vt} :: To sink something
inabissarsi {vr} :: To sink
inabissatosi {v} :: past participle of inabissarsi
inabitabile {adj} :: uninhabitable
inabitabilità {f} :: Property of being uninhabitable
inabitato {adj} :: uninhabited
inabrogabile {adj} :: not repealable
inaccertabile {adj} :: unascertainable, unverifiable
inaccessibile {adj} :: inaccessible, unapproachable, impervious
inaccessibile {adj} :: impenetrable, incomprehensible
inaccessibile {adj} :: unaffordable
inaccessibilità {f} :: inaccessibility, imperviousness
inaccessibilità {f} :: incomprehensibleness
inaccessibilità {f} :: unaffordability
inaccessibilmente {adv} :: inaccessibly
inaccettabile {adj} :: unacceptable
inaccettabile {adj} :: inadmissible, intolerable
inaccettabile {adj} :: incredible
inaccettabilità {f} :: unacceptability
inaccettabilmente {adv} :: unacceptably
inaccordabile {adj} :: unallowable
inaccostabile {adj} :: unapproachable (person)
inaccuratamente {adv} :: inaccurately
inaccuratamente {adv} :: carelessly
inaccuratezza {f} :: inaccuracy
inaccurato {adj} :: inaccurate
inaccurato {adj} :: careless
inaccusabile {adj} :: not chargeable, not indictable
inacerbente {v} :: present participle of inacerbire
inacerbire {vt} :: To exacerbate
inacetente {v} :: present participle of inacetire
inacetire {vti} :: to turn to vinegar; to sour
inacidente {v} :: present participle of inacidire
inacidentesi {v} :: present participle of inacidirsi
inacidimento {m} [chemistry] :: acidification
inacidimento {m} :: souring
inacidimento {m} :: embitterment
inacidire {vt} :: to embitter
inacidirsi {vr} :: To become sour or embittered
inacidito {adj} :: embittered
inaciditosi {v} :: past participle of inacidirsi
inacutente {v} :: present participle of inacutire
inacutentesi {v} :: present participle of inacutirsi
inacutire {vt} :: to sharpen
inacutire {vt} :: to heighten
inacutirsi {v} :: reflexive of inacutire
inacutirsi {v} :: to sharpen (become sharper)
inacutirsi {v} :: to heighten
inacutitosi {v} :: past participle of inacutirsi
inadattabile {adj} :: inadaptable
inadattabilità {f} :: inadaptability
inadatto {adj} :: unsuitable, inappropriate, wrong, inopportune
inadatto {adj} :: unfit, misfit
inadatto {adj} :: unable, incapable
inadeguatamente {adv} :: inadequately
inadeguatezza {f} :: inadequacy, deficiency, insufficiency
inadeguato {adj} :: unfit, unsuitable
inadeguato {adj} :: inadequate, insufficient
inadeguato {adj} :: scarce, scanty
inadempibile {adj} :: impossible
inadempiente {adj} :: defaulting, in default
inadempiente {mf} :: defaulting person, defaulting party
inadempienza {f} :: breach, default
inadempimento {m} :: non-fulfilment (of an obligation)
inadempiuto {adj} :: unfulfilled
inadoperabile {adj} :: unusable
inadoprabile {adj} :: Variant of inadoperabile
inafferrabile {adj} :: elusive (criminal etc)
inafferrabile {adj} :: incomprehensible, ungraspable (meaning etc)
inafferrabilità {f} :: elusiveness
inafferrabilità {f} :: incomprehensibility
inaffiante {v} :: present participle of inaffiare
inaffiare {v} :: alternative form of innaffiare
inaffidabile {adj} :: unreliable, untrustworthy
inaffidabilità {f} :: unreliability
inaffidabilmente {adv} :: unreliably
in affitto {adj} :: to let, for rent
inaffondabile {adj} :: unsinkable
inaggregabile {adj} :: not aggregable
inagguagliabile {adj} :: matchless, unparalleled, unequalled
in agguato {prep} :: lying in wait
in agguato {prep} [figurative, by extension] :: lurking
inagibile {adj} :: unfit for use
inagibilità {f} :: unfitness for use
inalabile {adj} :: inhalable
inalante {v} :: present participle of inalare
inalare {vt} :: to inhale
inalatore {m} :: inhaler
inalatorio {adj} :: inhalant; inhaling [attributive]
inalazione {f} :: inhalation
inalbare {vt} [literary] /i.nalˈba.re/ :: to make white, to whiten
inalbare {vi} [literary, auxiliary essere] :: to become white, to whiten
inalbare {vi} [literary, archaic, auxiliary essere, of a liquid] :: to become turbid and whitish
inalbarsi {vi} [literary] /i.nalˈbar.si/ :: to become white, to whiten
inalberante {v} :: present participle of inalberare
inalberare {vt} :: To hoist or run up (a flag)
inalberarsi {vr} :: To flare up or fly off the handle
inalienabile {adj} :: inalienable
inalienabilità {f} :: inalienability
inalienabilità {f} :: irrevocability
inalienabilmente {adv} :: inalienably
inalterabile {adj} :: permanent, fast (colour)
inalterabile {adj} :: unchanging, unalterable
inalterabile {adj} :: stable
inalterabile {adj} :: steadfast
inalterabilità {f} :: permanence, fastness
inalterabilità {f} :: unchangeability
inalterabilmente {adv} :: unalterably
inalterato {adj} :: unchanged, unaltered
in alto {adv} :: up (in the opposite direction of gravity)
in alto {adv} :: high (in an elevated position)
in alto {adv} [figurative, by extension] :: at/to a high point; in great shape or condition
in altre parole {adv} :: in other words
inalveante {v} :: present participle of inalveare
inalveare {vt} :: To canalize or channel
inalveazione {f} :: canalization, channelling
inalzante {v} :: present participle of inalzare
inalzare {vt} :: To raise or erect (Variant of: innalzare)
inamabile {adj} [literary] :: unlovable
inamabilità {f} :: The property of being unlovable; unlovableness
in ambo i casi {adv} :: either way
inambu {m} :: red-winged tinamou (Rhynchotus rufescens)
inameno {adj} :: not pleasant
inameno {adj} [of landscape] :: inhospitable
inamidante {v} :: present participle of inamidare
inamidare {vt} :: to starch
inamidato {adj} :: starched
inamidato {adj} :: stiff
inamidatura {f} :: starching
inammaccabile {adj} :: dent-resistant; dent-proof
inammissibile {adj} :: unacceptable, intolerable
inammissibile {adj} [legal] :: inadmissible
inammissibilità {f} :: inadmissibility
inammissibilmente {adv} :: unacceptably
inammissibilmente {adv} :: inadmissibly
in amore e in guerra tutto è lecito {proverb} :: all's fair in love and war (unpleasant conduct is acceptable during love and conflict)
inamovibile {adj} :: describing a person who cannot be dismissed from a post; unremovable
inamovibilità {f} :: The condition of a person who cannot be dismissed from a post
inane {adj} [literary, rare] /iˈna.ne/ :: empty, void, hollow
inane {adj} [literary] :: useless, vain, inane
inanellante {v} :: present participle of inanellare
inanellare {vt} :: to ring (birds) (attach a ring for identification)
inanellare {vt} :: to curl (hair, etc.)
inanellare {vt} :: to adorn with rings
inanellare {vt} [archaic] :: to propose to someone by giving a ring
inanellare {vt} :: to chalk up
inanimato {adj} :: inanimate
inanimato {adj} :: unconscious
inanimato {adj} :: lifeless, dead
inanità {f} :: uselessness, vainness, inanity
inanizione {f} :: starvation
in antecedenza {adv} :: previously, before
in anticipo {adv} :: early, in advance, beforehand
inappagabile {adj} :: insatiable
inappagato {adj} :: unfulfilled
inappannabile {adj} :: non-mist
inapparente {adj} :: inapparent (all senses)
in apparenza {adv} :: seemingly
inappellabile {adj} :: final, not open to appeal, irrevocable
inappellabilità {f} :: finality
inappellabilità {f} [legal] :: state of not being open to appeal
inappellabilmente {adv} :: irrevocably
inappetente {adj} :: lacking an appetite
inappetente {adj} [of an animal] :: off one's feed
inappetenza {f} :: lack of appetite
inapplicabile {adj} :: inapplicable
inapplicabilità {f} :: inapplicability
inapplicato {adj} :: not applied; unapplied
inapprendibile {adj} :: impossible or difficult to learn
inapprensibile {adj} :: inapprehensible
inapprensibilità {f} :: inapprehensibility
inapprensibilmente {adv} :: In an inapprehensible manner
inapprezzabile {adj} :: invaluable, priceless
inapprezzabile {adj} :: inappreciable
inapprodabile {adj} :: impossible to land (of a coast)
inappropriato {adj} :: inappropriate, unfitting
inappropriato {adj} :: inapt
inappuntabile {adj} :: impeccable, irreproachable, faultless
inappuntabilità {f} :: impeccability
inappuntabilmente {adv} :: impeccably, irreproachably
inappurabile {adj} :: unverifiable
inarabile {adj} :: Not arable; inarable
inarcamento {m} :: bending, curving, arching
inarcante {v} :: present participle of inarcare
inarcantesi {v} :: present participle of inarcarsi
inarcare {vt} :: to arch
inarcare {vt} :: to raise (the eyebrows)
inarcarsi {vr} :: to arch
inarcatosi {v} :: past participle of inarcarsi
inarcatura {f} :: bending, curving, arching
inargentante {v} :: present participle of inargentare
inargentare {vt} :: to silver
inargentare {vt} [chiefly of the moon] :: to illuminate with a silvery light
inaridente {v} :: present participle of inaridire
inaridentesi {v} :: present participle of inaridirsi
inaridimento {m} :: drying up
inaridire {vt} /i.na.riˈdi.re/ :: to parch
inaridire {vt} :: to dry up
inaridire {vt} :: to sour
inaridirsi {v} /i.na.riˈdir.si/ :: reflexive of inaridire
inaridirsi {v} :: to be parched
inaridirsi {v} :: to dry up
inaridirsi {v} :: to sour
inariditosi {v} :: past participle of inaridirsi
inarrestabile {adj} :: unstoppable, inexorable, relentless
inarrestabilità {f} :: Property of being unstoppable; unstoppability
inarrestabilmente {adv} :: unstoppably
inarrivabile {adj} :: unparalleled, incomparable, matchless
inarrivabile {adj} :: unreachable, unattainable
inarrivabilità {f} :: inaccessibleness
inarrivabilità {f} :: incomparability
inarrivabilmente {adv} :: incomparably
inarrivabilmente {adv} :: unreachably, unattainably
inarticolato {adj} :: inarticulate
inascoltabile {adj} :: unlistenable
inascoltato {adj} :: unheard, unheeded
inasinente {v} :: present participle of inasinire
inasinire {vi} :: To become dull or stupid
inaspare {v} /i.nasˈpa.re/ :: alternative form of innaspare
inaspettatamente {adv} :: unexpectedly
inaspettatamente {adv} :: short
inaspettato {adj} :: unexpected, sudden, unforeseen, untimely
inasportabile {adj} :: unremovable
inasprente {v} :: present participle of inasprire
inasprentesi {v} :: present participle of inasprirsi
inasprimento {m} :: worsening, exacerbation
inasprire {vt} :: to tighten up, make more harsh [discipline, etc.]
inasprire {vt} :: to embitter, sour [relationship, etc.]
inasprirsi {v} :: reflexive of inasprire
inasprirsi {v} :: to become embittered
inasprirsi {v} :: to worsen
inaspritosi {v} :: past participle of inasprirsi
inassimilabile {adj} :: unassimilable
inastante {v} :: present participle of inastare
inastare {vt} :: to fix
inastare {vt} :: to hoist
inastato {adj} :: fixed
inastato {adj} :: hoisted
inattaccabile {adj} :: unassailable, impregnable, untouchable
inattaccabile {adj} :: -proof
inattaccabilità {f} :: Property of being unassailable; unassailability
inattendibile {adj} :: unreliable
inattendibilità {f} /i.nat.ten.di.bi.liˈta/ :: unreliability (of a source of information)
inattendibilmente {adv} :: unreliably
in attesa {adv} :: waiting
in attesa {adv} :: (with di) awaiting
in attesa {adv} :: (with di) pending
inatteso {adj} :: unexpected, sudden, unforeseen, untimely
inattingibile {adj} [literary] :: unattainable
inattinico {adj} :: inactinic
inattivante {v} :: present participle of inattivare
inattivare {vt} :: To inactivate
inattivazione {f} :: inactivation
inattività {f} :: inactivity, inaction
inattivo {adj} :: inactive, idle, standing
inattuabile {adj} :: unfeasible
inattuabilità {f} :: infeasibility, unfeasibility
inattuale {adj} :: Not present, current or topical; outdated
inattualità {f} :: The property of being outdated
inattuato {adj} :: unimplemented, unrealized
inaudibile {adj} :: inaudible
inauditamente {adv} :: unprecedentedly (in an unheard-of manner)
inaudito {adj} :: unheard-of, unprecedented
inaugurale {adj} :: inaugural, opening
inaugurante {v} :: present participle of inaugurare
inaugurare {vt} :: to inaugurate, christen, open, unveil, start, launch
inaugurare {vt} :: to use for the first time
inauguratore {m} :: inaugurator
inaugurazione {f} :: inauguration, opening, unveiling
inautenticità {f} :: inauthenticity
inautentico {adj} :: inauthentic
in automatico {adv} :: automatically
inavvedutamente {adv} :: inadvertently, unintentionally
inavvedutamente {adv} :: carelessly
inavvedutezza {f} :: carelessness, inadvertence
inavveduto {adj} :: inadvertent, unintentional
inavvertenza {f} :: carelessness
inavvertibile {adj} :: undetectable, unnoticeable
inavvertitamente {adv} :: inadvertently, unintentionally
inavvertito {adj} :: unnoticed
inavvicinabile {adj} :: unapproachable
inazione {f} :: inactivity, inaction
inazzurrare {v} /i.nat.t͡surˈra.re/ :: To paint or color with light blue
inazzurrarsi {v} /i.nat.t͡surˈrar.si/ :: To take a light blue color
inazzurro {v} :: first-person singular present indicative form of inazzurrare
inazzurro {v} :: first-person singular present indicative form of inazzurrarsi
in ballo {prep} [idiomatic] :: at stake, at issue, at risk
in barba a {prep} [idiom] :: in spite of
in base {prep} :: according to
in base a {prep} :: according to, depending on, on the basis of
in basso {adj} :: down, low
in basso {adv} :: down, low, beneath
in basso {adv} :: at the bottom; on the bottom
in basso {adv} :: at or near ground level
in bianco {adj} :: (free from writing, printing, etc.) blank, undated
in bianco {adj} [of a meat or fish dish] :: in a white sauce, boiled, plain
in bianco {adj} [of pasta] :: served without condiments or seasoned with cheese and/or either olive oil or melted butter, plain
in bianco {adj} [of a diet] :: fat-free
in bianco {adj} [of a night] :: sleepless
in bianco {adj} [of a marriage] :: unconsummated
in bilico {prep} [idiomatic] :: at stake, at issue, at risk
in bocca al lupo {interj} :: good luck, fingers crossed, break a leg
in breve {adv} :: In brief, in a few words, shortly, briefly, concisely
in brodo {adj} [of pasta or rice] :: cooked and served in a light broth as a soup
inca {adj} :: Inca
inca {mf} :: Inca
incacchiante {v} :: present participle of incacchiarsi
incacchiantesi {v} :: present participle of incacchiarsi
incacchiarsi {vr} [colloquial] :: to become uptight or narked; to get one's knickers in a twist
incacchiatosi {v} :: past participle of incacchiarsi
incadaverente {v} :: present participle of incadaverire
incadaverire {vi} :: to become cadaverous
incadaverire {vi} :: to putrefy, rot
incagliamento {m} [nautical] :: running aground, stranding
incagliante {v} :: present participle of incagliare
incagliantesi {v} :: present participle of incagliarsi
incagliare {vi} [nautical] :: to ground
incagliare {v} :: to hinder
incagliarsi {v} :: reflexive of incagliare
incagliarsi {v} [nautical] :: to run aground, strand
incagliarsi {v} :: to get stuck, bogged down; to grind to a halt
incagliatosi {v} :: past participle of incagliarsi
in cagnesco {adv} :: askance
incaico {adj} :: Incan
incalcinante {v} :: present participle of incalcinare
incalcinare {vt} :: to limewash
incalcinare {vt} :: to lime (treat the soil with lime)
incalcinatura {f} :: limewashing
incalcinatura {f} :: liming
incalcolabile {adj} :: incalculable
incalcolabilità {f} :: incalculability
incalcolabilmente {adv} :: incalculably
incallente {v} :: present participle of incallire
incallimento {m} :: hardening
incallimento {m} :: callosity
incallire {vti} :: to callus
incallito {adj} :: calloused, horny
incallito {adj} [figuratively] :: inveterate, hardened, ingrained
incalorente {v} :: present participle of incalorire
incalorentesi {v} :: present participle of incalorirsi
incalorimento {m} :: irritation
incalorire {vt} :: to inflame
incalorire {vt} :: to heat
incalorirsi {v} :: reflexive of incalorire
incalorirsi {v} :: to get excited
incalorirsi {v} :: to get heated
incaloritosi {v} :: past participle of incalorirsi
incalzante {adj} :: pressing, urgent, impeding, imminent
incalzante {v} :: present participle of incalzare
incalzare {vt} :: to chase, to follow closely, to be hot on somebody's heels, to ply, to press
incalzare {vt} :: (with con or su) to pressure [someone]
incalzare {vit} [somewhat rare] :: to arrive or run by impetuously
incalzare {vit} [figurative, by extension] :: [of time, etc.] to advance quickly; to approach
incalzare {vt} [music] :: [of a tempo] to quicken
incalzarsi {v} :: [of events, news, etc.] to follow one after another in a disorientingly rapid way
incamerabile {adj} :: confiscable
incameramento {m} :: confiscation
incamerante {v} :: present participle of incamerare
incamerare {vt} :: To appropriate or confiscate
incamiciante {v} :: present participle of incamiciare
incamiciare {vt} :: to cover, coat, plaster
incamiciare {vt} :: to line [with a lining]
incamiciatura {f} :: covering, coating, lining, plastering (action)
incamiciatura {f} :: coat, cover, lining (result)
incamminante {v} :: present participle of incamminarsi
incamminantesi {v} :: present participle of incamminarsi
incamminare {vt} :: to send or start off
incamminare {vt} :: to get going
incamminarsi {v} :: reflexive of incamminare
incamminarsi {v} :: to set off, make one's way, head, start
incamminatosi {v} :: past participle of incamminarsi
incanaglente {v} :: present participle of incanaglirsi
incanaglentesi {v} :: present participle of incanaglirsi
incanagliarsi {v} :: To become bogged down
incanaglirsi {vr} :: To become disreputable (to mix with bad company)
incanaglitosi {v} :: past participle of incanaglirsi
incanalamento {m} :: canalization
incanalante {v} :: present participle of incanalare
incanalantesi {v} :: present participle of incanalarsi
incanalare {vt} :: to canalize, feedback
incanalare {vt} :: to direct, channel [traffic, etc.]
incanalarsi {v} :: reflexive of incanalare
incanalarsi {v} :: to converge (on)
incanalatosi {v} :: past participle of incanalarsi
incanalatura {f} :: canalization, channelling
incanalatura {f} :: canal, channel
incanalazione {f} :: canalization
incancellabile {adj} :: indelible
incancellabilmente {adv} :: indelibly
incancherente {v} :: present participle of incancherire
incancherire {vi} :: To become cancerous
incancrenente {v} :: present participle of incancrenire
incancrenentesi {v} :: present participle of incancrenirsi
incancrenire {vi} :: To become gangrenous
incancrenirsi {vr} :: To become gangrenous
incancrenitosi {v} :: past participle of incancrenirsi
incandescente {adj} /in.kan.deʃˈʃɛn.te/ :: white-hot, incandescent (emitting light as a result of being heated)
incandescente {adj} [by extension, hyperbole] :: scorching hot, scalding hot, boiling hot
incandescente {adj} [figurative] :: fiery, hot, spirited
incandescenza {f} /in.kan.deʃˈʃɛn.t͡sa/ :: incandescence, glow
incandidabile {adj} [neologism] :: that cannot be nominated
incandidabilità {f} :: ineligibility (as a candidate)
incannaggio {m} :: winding, spooling
incannante {v} :: present participle of incannare
incannare {vt} :: To wind or spool (thread)
incannatoio {m} :: winder, spooler (device)
incannatore {m} :: winder, spooler (person)
incannatura {f} :: winding, spooling
incannicciatura {f} :: lathwork, lathing
incannucciante {v} :: present participle of incannucciare
incannucciare {vt} :: To fence of stake with canes
incannucciata {f} :: trellis, trellising
incannucciata {f} :: lathwork, lathing
incannucciato {m} :: wattle and daub
incannucciatura {f} :: caning (of furniture)
incannucciatura {f} :: lathing
incantagione {f} [literary] /in.kan.taˈd͡ʒo.ne/ :: incantation
incantamento {m} :: spell, magic
incantante {v} :: present participle of incantare
incantare {vt} :: to enchant, bewitch, beguile, spellbind
incantare {vt} :: to charm; to romantically attract
incantare {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: seduce by flattery, promises, obsequiousness, etc
incantare {vt} :: to auction
incantarsi {v} :: reflexive of incantare
incantarsi {v} :: to stop one's course of action for no apparent reason
incantarsi {v} :: to be fascinated
incantarsi {v} :: [of a mechanism] to jam or block
incantato {adj} :: enchanted, spellbound
incantatore {m} :: enchanter
incantatrice {f} :: enchantress
incantazione {f} /in.kan.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: alternative form of incantagione
incantesimo {m} :: spell, charm, enchantment, beguilement
incantesimo {m} :: spellwork
incantevole {adj} :: enchanting, charming, beautiful, delightful
incantevolmente {adv} :: enchantingly, entrancingly
incanto {m} :: spell, charm, enchantment, fascination, magic
incanto {m} :: auction
incanutente {v} :: present participle of incanutire
incanutimento {m} :: blanching (turning white)
incanutire {vi} /in.ka.nuˈti.re/ :: to become grey or white-haired
incanutire {vt} :: to make grey or white-haired
incanutito {adj} :: grey or white-haired
incapace {adj} :: incapable, unfit, incompetent, inadequate
incapace {mf} :: incompetent, bungler
incapacità {f} :: incapacity, incompetence
incapacitante {adj} :: incapacitating, debilitating
incaparbente {v} :: present participle of incaparbire
incaparbire {vi} /in.ka.parˈbi.re/ :: To become obstinate, pigheaded or stubborn
incaparbirsi {v} /in.ka.parˈbir.si/ :: reflexive of incaparbire
incaparbirsi {v} :: to become obstinate or stubborn
incaparbirsi {v} :: to persist or insist
incapare {vi} [archaic, auxiliary: essere] /in.kaˈpa.re/ :: To fit the head
incapare {vt} [archaic] :: To put on the head
incapare {vt} [archaic, by extension] :: To deliberate
incaparsi {v} /in.kaˈpar.si/ :: reflexive of incapare
incaparsi {v} :: To be stubborn or obstinate
incapatura {f} /in.ka.paˈtu.ra/ :: A hat's circumference
incapiente {adj} :: insufficient
in capo a {prep} :: within (time)
in capo a {prep} :: on the part of
incaponente {v} :: present participle of incaponirsi
incaponentesi {v} :: present participle of incaponirsi
incaponimento {m} :: stubbornness, pigheadedness
incaponirsi {vr} :: To be stubborn, obstinate or pigheaded
incaponitosi {v} :: past participle of incaponirsi
incappante {v} :: present participle of incappare
incappare {vi} :: to get into (trouble)
incappare {vi} :: to run into (a person)
incappottante {v} :: present participle of incappottare
incappottantesi {v} :: present participle of incappottarsi
incappottare {vt} :: To wrap up (in an overcoat)
incappottare {v} :: to coat
incappottarsi {vr} :: To wrap up (by putting on an overcoat)
incappottato {adj} :: wrapped up
incappottatosi {v} :: past participle of incappottarsi
incappucciante {v} :: present participle of incappucciare
incappucciantesi {v} :: present participle of incappucciarsi
incappucciare {vt} :: to hood (cover with a hood)
incappucciarsi {v} :: reflexive of incappucciare
incappucciarsi {v} :: to wear a hood
incappucciarsi {v} :: to wrap up (well)
incappucciato {adj} :: hooded
incappucciatosi {v} :: past participle of incappucciarsi
incaprettamento {m} :: [of a sheep or goat] tying up by the legs
incaprettamento {m} [slang] :: [as a Mafia murder technique] The tying of a persons legs behind him to his neck so that he eventually strangles himself; a hogtie
incaprettante {v} :: present participle of incaprettare
incaprettare {vt} [of a sheep or goat] :: to tie up by the legs
incaprettare {vt} [as a Mafia murder method] :: to tie up the legs by connecting them, behind the back, to the neck - struggling causing strangulation
incapricciante {v} :: present participle of incapricciarsi
incapricciantesi {v} :: present participle of incapricciarsi
incapricciarsi {vr} :: To take a fancy (to)
incapricciatosi {v} :: past participle of incapricciarsi
incapsulamento {m} :: encapsulation
incapsulamento {m} :: crowning (of teeth)
incapsulante {v} :: present participle of incapsulare
incapsulare {v} :: to encapsulate (all senses)
incapsulato {adj} :: encapsulated
incarceramento {m} :: incarceration
incarcerante {v} :: present participle of incarcerare
incarcerare {vt} :: To put in prison, to imprison, to jail, to incarcerate
incarcerazione {f} :: incarceration
incardinante {v} :: present participle of incardinare
incardinantesi {v} :: present participle of incardinarsi
incardinare {vt} :: To hinge
incardinare {vt} :: To found or base
incardinarsi {vr} :: To hinge or revolve
incardinatosi {v} :: past participle of incardinarsi
in carica {n} :: incumbent
incaricante {v} :: present participle of incaricare
incaricantesi {v} :: present participle of incaricarsi
incaricare {vt} :: to charge, to entrust, to ask, to give the task of
incaricarsi {vr} :: to take upon oneself, to see to, to take care of
incaricata {f} :: female equivalent of incaricato
incaricato {adj} :: in charge (of)
incaricato {adj} :: responsible (for)
incaricato {m} :: (male or unspecified) appointee, representative
incaricatosi {v} :: past participle of incaricarsi
incarico {m} :: task, job, mandate
incarico {m} :: appointment, nomination, post
incarico {m} :: errand, thing to do
incarnante {v} :: present participle of incarnare
incarnare {vt} :: to embody
incarnato {adj} :: incarnated, embodied
incarnato {adj} :: ingrown (toenail)
incarnato {m} :: complexion (appearance of the skin)
incarnazione {f} :: incarnation
incarnazione {f} :: embodiment
incarnazione {f} :: epitome
in carne ed ossa {adv} :: personally
in carne ed ossa {adv} :: in the flesh
in carne ed ossa {adv} :: Present in a physical body; in person
incarnente {v} :: present participle of incarnire
incarnentesi {v} :: present participle of incarnirsi
incarnire {vi} :: To become ingrown (toenails)
incarnirsi {vr} :: To become ingrown (toenails)
incarnito {adj} :: ingrown
incarnitosi {v} :: past participle of incarnirsi
incarognente {v} :: present participle of incarognire
incarognire {vi} :: To become wicked or evil
incarrozzamento {m} :: steps (or similar) between a platform and a railway carriage
incarrozzante {v} :: present participle of incarrozzare
incarrozzare {v} :: To board a railway carriage (or tram)
incartamento {m} :: dossier
incartamento {m} :: file (of papers)
incartante {v} :: present participle of incartare
incartapecorente {v} :: present participle of incartapecorire
incartapecorentesi {v} :: present participle of incartapecorirsi
incartapecorire {vi} [of skin] :: to wizen or shrivel (literally "to become like parchment")
incartapecorirsi {vr} [of skin] :: to wizen or shrivel (up) (literally "to become like parchment")
incartapecorito {adj} :: wizened
incartapecorito {adj} :: shrivelled (up)
incartapecoritosi {v} :: past participle of incartapecorirsi
incartare {vt} :: to wrap
incartato {adj} :: wrapped (up)
incarto {m} :: wrapping
incartocciante {v} :: present participle of incartocciare
incartocciare {vt} :: To put into a paper bag or cornet
incartonante {v} :: present participle of incartonare
incartonare {v} :: to pack in a carton
in cascata {prep} :: synonym of a cascata
incasellante {v} :: present participle of incasellare
incasellare {vt} :: to sort post/mail
incasellare {vt} :: to pigeonhole
incasellato {adj} :: sorted (mail)
incasellato {adj} :: pigeonholed
incasinante {v} :: present participle of incasinare
incasinantesi {v} :: present participle of incasinarsi
incasinare {vt} :: To throw into disorder; to muddle
incasinarsi {vr} :: To foul up
incasinarsi {vr} :: To become a mess
incasinatissimo {adj} :: superlative of incasinato
incasinatissimo {adj} :: very busy
incasinatissimo {adj} :: very messy
incasinato {adj} :: confused, disordered, muddled
incasinatosi {v} :: past participle of incasinarsi
in caso {conj} :: in case
incassabile {adj} :: cashable
incassabile {adj} :: That can be built in
incassante {v} :: present participle of incassare
incassare {vt} :: to take or receive cash; to cash
incassare {vt} :: to take or stand up to punishment, etc
incassare {vt} :: to set or mount a jewel
incassare {vt} :: to build in furniture
incassatore {m} :: A boxer who can take lots of punishment
incassatura {f} :: packing
incassatura {f} :: cavity, recess
incassatura {f} :: setting, mounting
incassatura {f} :: embedding
incasso {m} :: takings, take
incasso {m} :: till (cash register money)
incastellamento {m} :: battlements
incastellante {v} :: present participle of incastellare
incastellare {vt} :: To fortify with battlements; to crenellate
incastellato {adj} :: fortified with battlements
incastellato {adj} :: crenellated
incastellatura {f} :: scaffolding to support construction or machinery
incastellatura {f} :: gantry
incastonante {v} :: present participle of incastonare
incastonare {vt} /in.kas.toˈna.re/ :: to set [a gemstone]
incastonare {vt} :: to embed
incastonatore {m} :: mounter, setter (of jewels)
incastonatura {f} :: setting (of a gemstone)
incastrante {v} :: present participle of incastrare
incastrantesi {v} :: present participle of incastrarsi
incastrare {vt} :: to insert
incastrare {vt} :: to drive [a nail]
incastrare {vt} :: to embed
incastrare {vt} :: to fix [to something]
incastrare {vt} :: to engrain
incastrare {vt} :: to frame [a person to appear guilty]
incastrarsi {v} :: reflexive of incastrare
incastrarsi {v} :: to fit together
incastrarsi {v} :: to become stuck
incastratosi {v} :: past participle of incastrarsi
incastratura {f} :: fitting, embedding
incastratura {f} :: cavity, hollow, groove
incastro {m} [carpentry] :: joint, grafting
incastro {m} :: slot, groove
incatenamento {m} :: chaining
incatenante {v} :: present participle of incatenare
incatenantesi {v} :: present participle of incatenarsi
incatenare {v} :: to chain (to)
incatenare {v} :: to fetter or shackle
incatenarsi {vr} :: to chain oneself (to)
incatenarsi {vr} :: to be linked to one another
incatenato {adj} :: chained (to)
incatenatosi {v} :: past participle of incatenarsi
incatenatura {f} :: reinforcement using tie rods (or the tie rods themselves)
incatramante {v} :: present participle of incatramare
incatramare {vt} :: To tar
incatramatura {f} :: tarring
incattivente {v} :: present participle of incattivire
incattivire {vt} :: To make someone wicked or naughty
incausto {m} [arts] :: encaustic (painting)
incautamente {adv} :: incautiously
incauto {adj} :: rash, imprudent
incavalcato {adj} :: carried on a carriage (especially on a gun carriage)
incavallatura {f} :: truss (supporting a wall etc.)
incavante {v} :: present participle of incavare
incavare {vt} :: To hollow out
incavato {adj} :: hollow
incavato {adj} :: sunken, deep-set (of eyes)
incavatura {f} :: hollow, cavity
incavigliante {v} :: present participle of incavigliare
incavigliare {vt} :: To peg (fasten with pegs or dowels)
incavigliatura {f} :: dowelling
incavo {m} :: hollow
incavo {m} :: cleavage [the hollow or separation between a woman's breasts]
incavolante {v} :: present participle of incavolarsi
incavolantesi {v} :: present participle of incavolarsi
incavolarsi {vr} :: to get annoyed, shirty; to lose one's temper
incavolato {adj} :: annoyed; shirty; pissed off
incavolatosi {v} :: past participle of incavolarsi
incavolatura {f} :: fit of temper or rage
incazzante {v} :: present participle of incazzare
incazzantesi {v} :: present participle of incazzarsi
incazzare {vt} [colloquial] :: to get someone steamed up
incazzarsi {v} [vulgar slang] :: to get angry or steamed up; to be pissed off
incazzatosi {v} :: past participle of incazzarsi
incazzatura {f} :: rage, temper
incazzosamente {adv} [vulgar] :: bitchily, touchily, grouchily, grumpily
incazzoso {adj} [vulgar] :: touchy, grouchy, bitchy
incedente {v} :: present participle of incedere
incedere {vi} :: to advance solemnly
incedere {m} :: a solemn gait
incedibile {adj} :: That may not be surrendered or given up
incedibile {adj} [sports] :: Describing a player who may not be transferred to another team
incedibilità {f} :: Not transferability
incellofanante {v} :: present participle of incellofanare
incellofanare {vt} :: to wrap in cellophane
incellofanare {vt} :: to shrinkwrap
incellofanato {adj} :: wrapped in cellophane
incendere {v} [literary] /inˈt͡ʃɛn.de.re/ :: To kindle, burn
incendere {v} [figuratively] :: To arouse (a passion)
incendiabile {adj} :: inflammable (able to catch fire)
incendiante {v} :: present participle of incendiare
incendiantesi {v} :: present participle of incendiarsi
incendiare {vt} :: to set fire to, ignite, inflame
incendiaria {f} :: feminine noun of incendiario
incendiario {adj} :: incendiary, inflammatory
incendiario {m} :: incendiary, arsonist
incendiarsi {v} :: reflexive of incendiare
incendiarsi {v} :: to catch fire, burst into flames
incendiatosi {v} :: past participle of incendiarsi
incendio {m} :: fire, blaze
incenerente {v} :: present participle of incenerire
incenerimento {m} :: incineration
incenerimento {m} :: cremation
incenerire {vt} :: to incinerate
incenerire {vt} :: to burn down [a building]
incenerire {vt} :: to cremate
incenerito {adj} :: incinerated
incenerito {adj} :: burned down
incenerito {adj} :: cremated
inceneritore {m} :: incinerator
incensamento {m} :: censing
incensamento {m} :: adulation, flattery
incensante {v} :: present participle of incensare
incensare {vt} :: to cense, perfume with incense
incensare {vt} :: to flatter
incensatore {m} :: flatterer, adulator, fawner
incensiere {m} :: censer, thurible
incenso {m} /inˈt͡ʃɛn.so/ :: incense
incensurabile {adj} :: irreproachable
incensurabilità {f} :: integrity, irreproachableness
incensurabilmente {adv} :: irreproachably
incensurato {adj} :: blameless
incensurato {adj} :: clean (having no police record)
incentivabile {adj} :: incentivizable
incentivante {v} :: present participle of incentivare
incentivante {adj} :: incentive-based
incentivare {vt} :: to boost, stimulate, provide incentives, incentivize, encourage
incentivazione {f} :: incentivization, motivation
incentivazione {f} :: boosting
incentivo {m} :: incentive
incentivo {m} :: benefit
incentivo {m} :: subsidy
incentrante {v} :: present participle of incentrare
incentrare {vt} :: to center (place something in the centre)
incentrare {vt} :: to base something (on)
incentrarsi {v} :: reflexive of incentrare
incentrarsi {v} :: to center something (on)
incentrarsi {v} :: to base something (on)
inceppamento {m} :: blocking
inceppamento {m} :: jamming, sticking
inceppante {v} :: present participle of inceppare
inceppantesi {v} :: present participle of incepparsi
inceppare {vt} :: to block, clog, jam
inceppare {vt} [rare] :: to obstruct, hamper
inceppare {vt} [archaic] :: to chain or shackle
incepparsi {v} :: reflexive of inceppare
incepparsi {v} :: [of a mechanism] to jam
incepparsi {v} :: (with su) to be stuck or confused (on) [a problem, discussion, etc.]
inceppato {adj} :: jammed, stuck
inceppato {adj} :: obstructed, clogged
inceppatosi {v} :: past participle of incepparsi
incerante {v} :: present participle of incerare
incerare {vt} /in.t͡ʃeˈra.re/ :: To wax
incerata {f} :: oilskins
incerata {f} :: oilcloth
incerata {f} :: waterproof sheet (for a bed)
inceratura {f} :: waxing (application of wax)
incernierante {v} :: present participle of incernierare
incernierare {vt} :: To hinge
incernierato {adj} :: hinged
incerottante {v} :: present participle of incerottare
incerottare {vt} :: To put on a plaster / bandaid
incerottato {adj} :: plastered (having a plaster/bandaid)
incertezza {f} :: uncertainty, doubt
incertezza {f} :: indecision, hesitation
incerto {adj} :: uncertain, doubtful, dubious, undecided
incerto {adj} :: hesitant, insecure, unsteady, shaky
incerto {adj} :: indefinite, uncertain
incerto {m} :: uncertainty, risk
incerto {m} :: the uncertain
inceso {adj} [literary, literally and figuratively] /inˈt͡ʃe.zo/ :: blazing, burning
incespicante {v} :: present participle of incespicare
incespicare {vi} :: To trip or stumble (over)
incessabile {adj} :: incessant, unceasing, ceaseless
incessabilmente {adv} :: incessantly
incessante {adj} :: incessant, unceasing, ceaseless
incessantemente {adv} :: incessantly, nonstop, ceaselessly, unendingly
incesto {m} :: incest
incestuale {adj} :: incestual, incestuous
incestuosamente {adv} :: incestuously
incestuoso {adj} [attributive] :: incestuous, incest
incetta {f} :: hoarding, stockpiling
incettante {v} :: present participle of incettare
incettare {vt} :: To buy up, forestall (corner the market)
incettatore {m} :: hoarder, stockpiler
in che luogo {adv} :: whereabouts
inchiappettante {v} :: present participle of inchiappettare
inchiappettare {vt} [vulgar] :: to bugger
inchiappettare {vt} [colloquial] :: to screw, shaft
inchiavabile {adj} [vulgar] :: unfuckable (not worthy of being fucked)
inchiavardante {v} :: present participle of inchiavardare
inchiavardare {vt} :: To bolt
inchiedente {v} :: present participle of inchiedere
inchiedere {vt} [obsolete] :: to inquire or investigate
inchiesta {f} :: investigation, inquiry
inchiesta {f} :: survey, poll
inchiesta {f} :: report
inchinante {v} :: present participle of inchinare
inchinantesi {v} :: present participle of inchinarsi
inchinare {vt} :: to bend
inchinare {vt} :: to bow [the head]
inchinarsi {v} :: reflexive of inchinare
inchinarsi {v} :: to bow
inchinarsi {v} :: to curtsey
inchinato {adj} :: bent
inchinato {adj} :: bowed
inchinatosi {v} :: past participle of inchinarsi
inchinevolmente {adv} :: willingly
inchinevolmente {adv} :: condescendingly
inchino {m} :: bow (bending the body)
inchino {m} :: curtsey
inchiodante {v} :: present participle of inchiodare
inchiodantesi {v} :: present participle of inchiodarsi
inchiodare {vt} :: to nail or nail down (to/on)
inchiodare {vt} :: to block or immobilize
inchiodare {vt} :: to brake [a vehicle] brusquely
inchiodare {vt} :: to find guilty; to frame [someone]
inchiodare {vt} :: to force [someone] to face [a task, punishment, etc,]
inchiodare {vt} [chess] :: to pin
inchiodarsi {v} :: reflexive of inchiodare
inchiodarsi {v} :: to pin
inchiodarsi {v} :: [of a computer, device, etc.] to freeze; to stop working
inchiodarsi {v} [also, figurative] :: to be fixed (on); to be stuck
inchiodarsi {v} [familiar] :: to be in debt
inchiodata {f} :: the act of abruptly braking
inchiodato alla sedia {adj} :: on the edge of one's seat
inchiodatosi {v} :: past participle of inchiodarsi
inchiodatrice {f} :: nailing machine
inchiodatura {f} :: nailing (down, up)
inchiodatura {f} :: nails (collectively)
inchiodatura {f} [chess] :: pin
inchiostrante {v} :: present participle of inchiostrare
inchiostrare {vt} :: to ink (apply ink to)
inchiostratore {m} :: ink roller
inchiostratura {f} :: inking
inchiostrazione {f} :: inking (application of ink)
inchiostro {m} /iŋˈkjɔstro/ :: ink (all senses)
inchiudere {v} [obsolete] /inˈkju.de.re/ :: to lock in (to secure in a locked enclosure)
inchiudere {v} [obsolete, figuratively] :: to enclose, contain
inciampante {v} :: present participle of inciampare
inciampare {vi} :: to trip (over)
inciampare {vi} :: to run into
inciampo {m} :: obstacle
inciampo {m} :: stumbling block
incidentale {adj} :: accidental
incidentale {adj} :: incidental
incidentalità {f} :: road traffic accidents, accidents
incidentalmente {adv} :: accidentally
incidentalmente {adv} :: incidentally
incidentato {adj} :: damaged (especially in a road accident)
incidente {adj} :: incident
incidente {m} :: incident
incidente {m} :: accident, crash
incidente aereo {m} :: plane crash, aviation incident, aviation accident
incidente di percorso {m} :: teething troubles
incidente probatorio {n} :: evidentiary hearing
incidente probatorio {n} :: pretrial investigation
incidente probatorio {n} [legal] :: A preliminary trial held in advance of a court trial
incidente stradale {m} :: car crash, road crash, road accident, traffic accident
incidenza {f} :: The striking (of light etc) upon a surface; incidence
incidenza {f} :: The effect of some phenomenon
incidere {vt} /inˈt͡ʃi.de.re/ :: to carve, engrave, incise, monogram or cut
incidere {vt} :: to affect, to influence
incidere {vt} :: to record
incidere all'acquaforte {v} :: to etch
incile {m} :: inlet (for water)
incineratore {m} :: incinerator
incineratorio {m} :: incinerator
incineratorio {adj} :: incineration (attributive)
incinerazione {f} :: cremation
incinerazione {f} :: incineration
incingente {v} :: present participle of incingere
incingere {vt} [obsolete] :: To surround or encircle
incingere {vi} [rare] :: To become pregnant
in cinque minuti {adv} [idiom] :: In a short time; after a brief delay
incinta {adj} :: pregnant, expectant, with child
inciondolare {vt} [derogatory] /in.t͡ʃon.doˈla.re/ :: To ornate with pendants
incipiente {adj} :: incipient
incipriante {v} :: present participle of incipriare
incipriantesi {v} :: present participle of incipriarsi
incipriare {vt} :: To powder
incipriarsi {vr} :: To powder (one's face)
incipriatosi {v} :: past participle of incipriarsi
inciprignire {v} :: To irritate, exacerbate
incirca {adv} :: about, approximately
incirconcisione {f} :: uncircumcision
incirconciso {adj} :: uncircumcised
incircoscrittibile {adj} :: not circumscribable
incisione {f} :: cut
incisione {f} :: incision
incisione {f} :: engraving
incisione {f} :: recording
incisivamente {adv} :: incisively
incisività {f} :: incisiveness
incisivo {adj} :: incisor (attributive)
incisivo {adj} :: incisive
incisivo {m} [anatomy] :: incisor (tooth)
incisivo {m} [muscle] :: incisivus (muscle)
inciso {m} :: parenthesis
inciso {m} :: aside
incisore {m} :: engraver
incisorio {adj} :: engraving, etching (attributive)
incisorio {adj} :: incisory
incistamento {m} :: encystment
incistante {v} :: present participle of incistarsi
incistantesi {v} :: present participle of incistarsi
incistarsi {vr} :: To encyst
incistatosi {v} :: past participle of incistarsi
incisura {f} [anatomy] :: incisure
incitabile {adj} :: That can be incited or spurred
incitamento {m} :: incitement
incitante {v} :: present participle of incitare
incitare {vt} :: to incite, urge, spur, egg on
incitatore {m} :: inciter, rabble rouser, agitator
incitazione {f} [rare] :: incitement
inciuccante {v} :: present participle of inciuccarsi
inciuccantesi {v} :: present participle of inciuccarsi
inciuccarsi {vr} [colloquial] :: to get plastered (drunk)
inciuccatosi {v} :: past participle of inciuccarsi
inciuchente {v} :: present participle of inciuchire
inciuchire {vi} :: To become stupid
inciuciante {v} :: present participle of inciuciare
inciuciare {vi} :: To plot or intrigue
inciucietto {m} :: A little ploy or scheme
inciucio {m} :: scam, gimmick, ploy, scheme
incivile {adj} :: uncivilized
incivile {adj} :: impolite, rude
incivile {mf} :: A rude or impolite person
incivilente {v} :: present participle of incivilire
incivilimento {m} :: civilization (process)
incivilire {vt} :: To civilize
incivilmente {adv} :: rudely, impolitely
inciviltà {f} :: barbarism
inciviltà {f} :: barbarity
inciviltà {f} :: incivility, rudeness
inclassificabile {adj} :: unclassifiable
inclemente {adj} /in.kleˈmɛn.te/ :: harsh, severe (justice etc)
inclemente {adj} :: inclement
inclemenza {f} :: severity
inclemenza {f} :: harshness
inclemenza {f} :: inclemency
inclinabile {adj} :: reclinable
inclinabilità {f} :: Property of being reclinable
inclinamento {m} :: inclining
inclinante {v} :: present participle of inclinare
inclinante {adj} :: inclined (all senses)
inclinante {adj} :: tilted
inclinare {vt} :: To tilt, tip or recline
inclinare {vi} :: To be inclined to
inclinato {adj} :: tilted, sloping, inclined
inclinazione {f} :: gradient
inclinazione {f} :: slope, slant
inclinazione {f} :: pitch (of a roof)
inclinazione {f} :: inclination (all senses)
incline {adj} :: inclined, prone
inclinometro {m} :: inclinometer
inclito {adj} /ˈiŋ.kli.t̪o/ :: illustrious, glorious
includente {v} :: present participle of includere
includere {v} :: to include (in)
includere {v} :: to enclose (by)
inclusione {f} :: inclusion
inclusivamente {adv} :: inclusively
inclusività {f} :: inclusivity, inclusiveness
inclusivo {adj} :: inclusive
incluso {adj} :: inclusive, included
incluso {adj} :: enclosed, attached
incoagulabile {adj} :: not coagulable; incoagulable
incoagulabilità {f} :: incoagulability
incoare {v} /in.ko.ˈa.re/ :: to begin, to commence
incoativo {adj} [grammar] :: inchoative
incoato {adj} :: inchoate
incoccante {v} :: present participle of incoccare
incoccare {vt} :: To notch or nock (a bow)
incocciante {v} :: present participle of incocciare
incocciantesi {v} :: present participle of incocciarsi
incocciare {vt} :: To bump or run into
incocciare {vt} :: To hook
incocciarsi {vr} :: To persist or insist
incocciatosi {v} :: past participle of incocciarsi
incocciatura {f} :: stubbornness, doggedness
incocciatura {f} :: rage, temper
incocente {v} :: present participle of incuocere
incoercibile {adj} :: irrepressible
incoercibile {adj} [physics] :: incompressible
incoercibilità {f} :: irrepressibility
incoercibilità {f} [physics] :: incompressibility
incoercibilmente {adv} :: irrepressibly
incoercibilmente {adv} [physics] :: incompressibly
incoerente {adj} :: loose (ground)
incoerente {adj} :: incoherent
incoerente {adj} :: inconsistent
incoerente {adj} :: handwavy
incoerentemente {adv} :: incoherently
incoerentemente {adv} :: inconsistently
incoerenza {f} :: looseness
incoerenza {f} :: incoherence
incoerenza {f} :: inconsistency
incogliere {vi} :: To befall; to happen
incognita {f} [mathematics] :: unknown (quantity)
incognita {f} :: uncertainty
incognito {adj} :: unknown
incognito {adj} [archaic] :: unaware; ignorant
incognito {m} :: incognito
incoiante {v} :: present participle of incoiare
incoiare {v} :: To become leathery
incollaggio {m} :: pasting, sticking, gluing
incollante {v} :: present participle of incollare
incollantesi {v} :: present participle of incollarsi
incollare {vt} :: to stick, glue
incollare {vt} [computing] :: to paste
incollarsi {v} :: reflexive of incollare
incollarsi {v} :: to stick or stick together
incollato {adj} :: stuck or glued
incollato alla sedia {m} :: Variant of inchiodato alla sedia
incollatore {m} :: sizer (person)
incollatosi {v} :: past participle of incollarsi
incollatrice {f} :: glueing machine
incollatura {f} :: neck or head (winning distance in horseracing)
incollerente {v} :: present participle of incollerire
incollerire {vi} /in.kol.leˈri.re/ :: to lose one's temper
incollerirsi {vi} /in.kol.leˈrir.si/ :: to lose one's temper
incolmabile {adj} :: unfillable
incolmabile {adj} :: unbridgeable
incolmabile {adj} :: irretrievable [disadvantage]
incolmabilità {f} :: Quality of being unbridgeable or irretrievable
incolmabilmente {adv} :: irretrievably
incolonnamento {m} :: tailback
incolonnamento {m} :: tabulation, alignment
incolonnante {v} :: present participle of incolonnare
incolonnantesi {v} :: present participle of incolonnarsi
incolonnare {vt} :: to arrange in columns
incolonnare {vt} :: to tabulate
incolonnarsi {v} :: reflexive of incolonnare
incolonnarsi {v} :: to draw up in columns [troops, etc.]
incolonnatosi {v} :: past participle of incolonnarsi
incolore {adj} :: colourless
incolore {adj} :: dull
incolore {adj} :: bleak
incolpabile {adj} [legal] :: indictable
incolpabile {adj} [literary] :: irreproachable, blameless
incolpabilità {f} [legal] :: The property of being indictable
incolpabilità {f} [literary] :: blamelessness
incolpante {v} :: present participle of incolpare
incolpantesi {v} :: present participle of incolparsi
incolpare {vt} :: To inculpate, blame (for), to accuse or charge or put down to or chalk up to
incolparsi {vr} :: To blame or accuse each other
incolparsi {vr} :: To take the blame, to blame oneself
incolpatosi {v} :: past participle of incolparsi
incolpazione {f} :: blame
incolpazione {f} [legal] :: incrimination
incolpevole {adj} [legal] :: not guilty
incolpevolezza {f} :: innocence, guiltlessness
incolpevolmente {adv} :: innocently
incoltamente {adv} :: uneducatedly
incoltivabile {adj} :: uncultivable
incolto {adj} :: uncultivated (land), fallow
incolto {adj} :: neglected
incolto {adj} :: uneducated
incolume {adj} :: unhurt, safe
incolume {adj} :: undamaged, unscathed
incolumità {f} :: safety
incombente {v} :: present participle of incombere
incombente {adj} :: incumbent, imminent, impending
incombenza {f} :: task, duty
incombenza {f} :: errand
incombere {v} :: to hang (over)
incombere {v} :: to threaten
incombustibile {adj} :: incombustible
incombustibilità {f} :: incombustibility
incombusto {adj} :: unburnt
incominciante {v} :: present participle of incominciare
incominciare {vit} [auxiliary avere or essere] :: to begin, start, commence
incommensurabile {adj} :: incalculable, immeasurable, inestimable, incommensurable
incommensurabilità {f} :: immeasurability, incommensurability
incommensurabilmente {adv} :: incalculably, incommensurably
incommerciabile {adj} :: unmarketable
incommerciabilità {f} :: The property of being unmarketable; unmarketability
incommestibile {adj} :: inedible
incommutabile {adj} [literary] :: unchangeable
incommutabilità {f} :: unchangeability
incomodante {v} :: present participle of incomodare
incomodantesi {v} :: present participle of incomodarsi
incomodare {vt} :: to trouble; to bother; to inconvenience
incomodarsi {v} :: reflexive of incomodare
incomodarsi {vi} :: (often with a + inf.) to take the trouble (of); to bother (with)
incomodatosi {v} :: past participle of incomodarsi
incomodità {f} :: discomfort
incomodo {m} :: trouble, inconvenience
incomodo {m} :: a fee (for a service)
incomodo {m} :: a medical indisposition that is annoying, but not serious or life-threatening
incomparabile {adj} :: incomparable, unique, unequalled
incomparabilità {f} :: incomparability
incomparabilmente {adv} :: incomparably
incompatibile {adj} :: incompatible, inconsistent
incompatibilità {f} :: incompatibility
incompatibilmente {adv} :: incompatibly
incompenetrabile {adj} [mathematics, physics] :: Not interpenetrative
incompenetrabilità {f} [mathematics, physics] :: The property of being not interpenetrative
incompensabile {adj} :: not compensatable
incompetente {adj} /in.kom.peˈtɛn.te/ :: incompetent
incompetente {adj} [law] :: lacking jurisdiction
incompetente {mf} :: incompetent
incompetentemente {adv} :: incompetently
incompetenza {f} :: incompetence (all senses)
incompiutamente {adv} :: incompletely
incompiutezza {f} :: incompleteness
incompiuto {adj} :: unfinished, incomplete
incompletezza {f} :: incompleteness, incompletion
incompleto {adj} :: incomplete, imperfect, unfinished
incomponibile {adj} :: irreconcilable
incomponibile {adj} :: irremediable
incomportabile {adj} :: intolerable, unbearable
incomportabilità {f} :: intolerableness
incompostamente {adv} :: in a disordered manner
incomposto {adj} :: split (up), disordered
incomposto {adj} :: lacking composure or decorum
incomposto {adj} :: simple (not compound or complex)
incomprendibile {adj} :: That can not be included or comprised
incomprendibile {adj} :: Variant of incomprensibile
incomprensibile {adj} :: incomprehensible, unintelligible
incomprensibilità {f} :: incomprehensibility, incomprehensibleness
incomprensibilmente {adv} :: incomprehensibly
incomprensione {f} :: incomprehension; lack of understanding
incomprensione {f} :: misunderstanding
incompreso {adj} :: misunderstood
incompreso {m} :: A misunderstood person
incompressibile {adj} :: incompressible
incompressibilità {f} :: incompressibility
incomprimibile {adj} :: incompressible
incomprimibile {adj} :: irrepressible, uncontrollable
incomprimibilità {f} :: incompressibility
incomprimibilità {f} :: irrepressibility, uncontrollableness
incomprimibilmente {adv} :: irrepressibly
incomputabile {adj} :: incalculable, incomputable
incomunicabile {adj} :: incommunicable
incomunicabilità {f} :: Lack of communication, incommunicability
incomunicabilmente {adv} :: incommunicably
inconcare {vt} [Tuscan] /in.konˈka.re/ :: To put in a basin
inconcepibile {adj} :: inconceivable, unthinkable, unimaginable
inconcepibile {adj} :: not bear thinking about
inconcepibilità {f} :: inconceivability
inconcepibilmente {adv} :: inconceivably
inconciliabile {adj} :: irreconcilable
inconciliabilità {f} :: irreconcilability, irreconcilableness
inconciliabilmente {adv} :: irreconcilably
inconcludente {adj} :: inconclusive, unsuccessful
inconcludente {adj} :: ineffectual, vague, vain
inconcludentemente {adv} :: inconclusively, unsuccessfully
inconcludentemente {adv} :: ineffectually, vaguely, vainly
inconcludenza {f} :: ineffectiveness, vagueness
in conclusione {prep} :: when all is said and done
inconcusso {adj} :: unshakeable, unwavering, steadfast
incondizionatamente {adv} :: unconditionally
incondizionato {adj} :: unreserved, unqualified, unconditional
inconferenza {f} :: irrelevance
inconferenza {f} :: inappropriateness
inconfessabile {adj} :: unmentionable
inconfessabilità {f} :: Property of being unmentionable
inconfessabilmente {adv} :: unmentionably
inconfessato {adj} :: unconfessed
inconfessato {adj} :: secret
inconfesso {adj} :: Who has pleaded not guilty
in confidenza {adv} :: in confidence, privately, secretly, inter nos, between ourselves
inconfondibile {adj} :: unmistakable, unique
inconfondibilmente {adv} :: unmistakably
inconfrontabile {adj} :: incomparable
inconfrontabilità {f} :: incomparability
inconfutabile {adj} :: irrefutable, indisputable, incontrovertible
inconfutabilità {f} :: indisputability
inconfutabilmente {adv} :: irrefutably, indisputably, incontrovertibly
inconfutato {adj} :: undisputed
incongelabile {adj} :: nonfreezable
incongruamente {adv} :: insufficiently, inadequately
incongruamente {adv} :: incongruously
incongruente {adj} :: inconsistent
incongruente {adj} :: incongruous
incongruente {adj} :: handwavy
incongruentemente {adv} :: inconsistently
incongruentemente {adv} :: incongruously
incongruenza {f} :: inconsistency
incongruenza {f} :: incongruity
incongruità {f} :: discrepancy
incongruità {f} :: incongruity
incongruo {adj} :: insufficient, inadequate
incongruo {adj} :: incongruous
inconoscibile {adj} :: unknowable
inconoscibile {m} :: The unknowable
inconoscibilità {f} :: unknowability
inconoscibilmente {adv} :: unknowably
inconquistabile {adj} :: unconquerable
inconquistato {adj} :: unconquered
inconsapevole {adj} /ˌin.kon.saˈpe.vo.le/ :: unaware, ignorant
inconsapevole {adj} :: unconscious, unwitting
inconsapevolezza {f} :: ignorance; lack of awareness
inconsapevolmente {adv} :: unconsciously, unwittingly, unknowingly
inconsciamente {adv} :: subconsciously, unconsciously
inconscio {adj} :: unconscious
inconscio {m} :: unconscious
inconseguente {adj} /in.kon.seˈɡwɛn.te/ :: inconsistent, inconsequent
inconseguentemente {adv} :: inconsistently, inconsequently
inconseguenza {f} :: inconsequence, inconsistency
inconsiderabile {adj} :: Not worthy of consideration
inconsideratamente {adv} :: inconsiderately
inconsideratezza {f} :: thoughtlessness, heedlessness
inconsideratezza {f} :: rashness
inconsiderato {adj} :: inconsiderate
inconsistente {adj} :: insubstantial, flimsy
inconsistente {adj} :: unfounded, unsound, groundless, insubstantial
inconsistentemente {adv} :: insubstantially, flimsily
inconsistentemente {adv} :: groundlessly, insubstantially
inconsistenza {f} :: Lack of substance, insubstantiality
inconsolabile {adj} :: inconsolable
inconsolabilità {f} :: inconsolability, inconsolableness
inconsolabilmente {adv} :: inconsolably
inconsuetamente {adv} :: unusually, unaccustomedly
inconsueto {adj} :: unusual, unaccustomed
inconsultamente {adv} :: rashly, heedlessly
inconsulto {adj} :: rash, impetuous
inconsumabile {adj} :: not consumable
inconsutile {adj} /in.konˈsu.ti.le/ :: Not sewn together; seamless
incontaminabile {adj} :: incontaminable
incontaminato {adj} :: uncontaminated, unpolluted, pure, clean
incontemplabile {adj} :: uncontemplatable
incontenibile {adj} :: uncontainable, uncontrollable, irrepressible
incontenibilmente {adv} :: uncontainably
incontentabile {adj} :: insatiable
incontentabile {adj} :: hard to please; fastidious, fussy
incontentabilità {f} :: fussiness, fastidiousness
incontentabilmente {adv} :: fussily, fastidiously
incontestabile {adj} :: incontestable, indisputable
incontestabilità {f} :: incontestability, indisputableness
incontestabilmente {adv} :: incontestably, indisputably
incontestatamente {adv} :: In an undisputed or uncontested manner
incontestato {adj} :: undisputed, uncontested
incontinente {adj} :: incontinent
incontinenza {f} :: incontinence
in continuazione {adv} :: continuously, continually, nonstop
incontr {adv} :: apocopic form of incontro
incontraffattibile {adj} :: unfalsifiable
incontrante {v} :: present participle of incontrare
incontrantesi {v} :: present participle of incontrarsi
incontrare {vt} :: to meet, come across, bump into, run into, find, encounter
incontrare {vt} [sports] :: to play, fight
incontrario {adv} :: only used in all'incontrario
incontrarsi {v} :: reflexive of incontrare
incontrarsi {v} :: to meet
incontrarsi {v} :: to tryst
incontrastabile {adj} :: irresistible
incontrastabile {adj} :: inevitable, unavoidable
incontrastabile {adj} :: uncontestable, unquestionable
incontrastabilmente {adv} :: irresistably
incontrastabilmente {adv} :: inevitably, unavoidably
incontrastabilmente {adv} :: uncontestably, unquestionably
incontrastato {adj} :: uncontested, undisputed
incontratosi {v} :: past participle of incontrarsi
incontrista {mf} [boxing] :: a boxer who is able to fend off attacks
incontrista {mf} [football] :: a player who is able to keep possession of the ball when challenged
incontro {adv} [followed by a or used with a dative pronoun] /inˈkon.tro/ :: towards
incontro {m} :: encounter, meeting
incontro {m} [sports] :: match
incontro {m} :: junction (of roads)
incontro {m} [maths] :: intersection (point of)
incontro {m} :: arrangement
incontrollabile {adj} :: uncontrollable
incontrollabile {adj} :: unverifiable
incontrollabilità {f} :: uncontrollableness, uncontrollability
incontrollabilmente {adv} :: uncontrollably
incontrollato {adj} :: uncontrolled, unchecked, unrestrained
incontrollato {adj} :: unverified, unconfirmed
in controtendenza {adj} :: offbeat
in controtendenza {adj} :: against a trend; trending in opposite direction
incontroverso {adj} :: uncontroversial
incontrovertibile {adj} :: incontrovertible
incontrovertibilità {f} :: incontrovertibility
incontrovertibilmente {adv} :: incontrovertibly
inconveniente {m} :: problem, trouble, hassle, hitch
inconveniente {m} :: drawback, disadvantage
inconvertibile {adj} :: nonconvertible
inconvertibilità {f} :: Property of being nonconvertible
incoordinazione {f} :: uncoordination (lack of coordination)
incoraggiamento {m} :: encouragement, cheering
incoraggiante {adj} :: encouraging, cheering
incoraggiantesi {v} :: present participle of incoraggiarsi
incoraggiare {vt} :: to encourage
incoraggiare {vt} :: to cheer up
incoraggiarsi {v} :: reflexive of incoraggiare
incoraggiarsi {vr} :: to become encouraged
incoraggiarsi {vr} :: to become courageous
incoraggiatosi {v} :: past participle of incoraggiarsi
incordamento {m} :: stringing
incordamento {m} :: strings
incordamento {m} :: stiffening (of a muscle)
incordante {v} :: present participle of incordare
incordantesi {v} :: present participle of incordarsi
incordare {vt} :: To string
incordarsi {vr} :: To become stiff; to stiffen
incordatore {m} :: stringer (person who strings racquets, etc)
incordatosi {v} :: past participle of incordarsi
incordatrice {f} :: stringer (woman who strings racquets, etc)
incordatura {f} :: stringing
incordatura {f} :: strings
incordatura {f} :: stiffening (of a muscle)
incornante {v} :: present participle of incornare
incornare {vt} :: To gore (stab with horns)
incorniciabile {adj} :: That can be framed
incorniciante {v} :: present participle of incorniciare
incorniciare {vt} :: to frame (to add a decorative border to a painting or picture)
incorniciatura {f} :: framing (of pictures)
incorniciatura {f} :: frame (of a picture)
incoronante {v} :: present participle of incoronare
incoronare {vt} :: To crown (also figuratively)
Incoronata {prop} :: Incoronata (island)
incoronazione {f} :: coronation, crowning
incorporabile {adj} :: incorporable
incorporale {adj} :: incorporeal
incorporante {v} :: present participle of incorporare
incorporante {adj} :: incorporating
incorporare {vt} :: to incorporate
incorporare {v} :: to embed
incorporazione {f} :: incorporation
incorporeità {f} :: The property of being incorporeal; immateriality
incorporeo {adj} :: incorporeal
incorreggibile {adj} :: incorrigible, incurable, inveterate
incorreggibile {adj} :: uncorrectable
incorreggibilità {f} :: incorrigibility
incorreggibilmente {adv} :: incorrigibly
incorrente {v} :: present participle of incorrere
incorrere {vi} :: To run into or come up against (danger etc)
incorretto {adj} :: incorrect
incorretto {adj} :: uncorrected
incorrotto {adj} :: uncorrupted
incorrotto {adj} :: unspoiled
incorrotto {adj} :: undefiled
incorruttibile {adj} :: incorruptible
incorruttibile {adj} :: unshakeable (belief)
incorruttibile {adj} :: unfading (beauty etc)
incorruttibilità {f} :: incorruptibility
incorruttibilmente {adv} :: incorruptibly
in corso {adj} :: ongoing, in progress, underway, on the go
in corso {adj} :: current [year, month, etc.]
incosciente {adj} :: unconscious
incosciente {adj} :: irresponsible reckless, foolhardy, mad
incosciente {mf} :: irresponsible person, mad person
incoscientemente {adv} :: unconsciously
incoscientemente {adv} :: recklessly, heedlessly
incoscienza {f} :: unconsciousness
incoscienza {f} :: irresponsibility, recklessness
incostante {adj} :: inconstant, changeable, uneven, unsteady
incostantemente {adv} :: inconstantly, changeably, unevenly, unsteadily
incostanza {f} :: inconstancy, fickleness
incostituzionale {adj} :: unconstitutional
incostituzionalità {f} [law] :: unconstitutionality
incostituzionalmente {adv} :: unconstitutionally
in costume adamitico {adj} :: (literally: in Adam's suit) in the altogether; in one's birthday suit
incravattante {v} :: present participle of incravattare
incravattare {vt} :: To put on a tie
incravattato {adj} :: wearing a tie
increato {adj} :: uncreated
incredibile {adj} :: incredible, unbelievable
incredibile {interj} :: wow (An indication of excitement or surprise)
incredibilità {f} :: incredibility
incredibilmente {adv} :: incredibly, unbelievably, fantastically, amazingly
incredula {f} :: female equivalent of incredulo
incredulità {f} :: incredulity
incredulo {adj} :: incredulous, disbelieving
incredulo {adj} [religion] :: unbelieving
incredulo {m} [religion] :: unbeliever
incrementabile {adj} :: increasable
incrementale {adj} :: incremental
incrementalmente {adv} :: incrementally
incrementante {v} :: present participle of incrementare
incrementare {vt} :: to increase in size, power, or potential
incrementare {vt} :: to promote; to incentivize; to spur
incremento {m} :: increase, growth, increment
increscente {v} :: present participle of increscere
increscere {vi} [literary] :: [a] to regret; to be sorry
increscere {vi} [impersonal, literary, fossil word] :: (with a and di) to regret; to be sorry
increscevolmente {adv} :: unpleasantly, painfully
incresciosamente {adv} :: unpleasantly
incresciosamente {adv} :: regretfully, unfortunately, sadly
increscioso {adj} :: regrettable
increspamento {m} :: rippling, ruffling
increspamento {m} :: frizzing, frizziness (of the hair)
increspamento {m} :: gathering, puckering
increspante {v} :: present participle of increspare
increspantesi {v} :: present participle of incresparsi
increspare {vt} [hair] :: to curl
increspare {vt} :: to gather [material]
increspare {vt} :: to ripple [water]
incresparsi {v} :: reflexive of increspare
incresparsi {v} :: to ripple [water]
increspatosi {v} :: past participle of incresparsi
increspatura {f} :: small wave
increspatura {f} :: pleat, gather (in material)
increspatura {f} :: dimple
incretina {f} :: incretin
incretinente {v} :: present participle of incretinire
incretinentesi {v} :: present participle of incretinirsi
incretinimento {m} :: stultification (mental decay)
incretinire {vt} :: To stultify
incretinire {vi} :: To go barmy
incretinirsi {vr} :: To go barmy
incretinitosi {v} :: past participle of incretinirsi
increto {m} :: incretion
incriminabile {adj} :: chargeable (for a crime)
incriminabilità {f} :: chargeability (for a crime)
incriminante {v} :: present participle of incriminare
incriminante {adj} :: incriminating, incriminatory
incriminantesi {v} :: present participle of incriminarsi
incriminare {v} :: to charge (with), chalk up to, put down to
incriminare {v} :: to incriminate
incriminarsi {vr} :: To blame oneself
incriminatore {adj} :: incriminatory
incriminatosi {v} :: past participle of incriminarsi
incriminazione {f} :: incrimination, accusation
incrinamento {m} :: cracking
incrinante {v} :: present participle of incrinare
incrinare {vt} :: to crack
incrinare {vt} :: to spoil, deteriorate
incrinarsi {v} :: reflexive of incrinare
incrinarsi {v} :: to crack
incrinarsi {v} :: to deteriorate
incrinatura {f} :: crack
incrinatura {f} :: rift
incriticabile {adj} :: unobjectionable, unquestionable
incrociante {v} :: present participle of incrociare
incrociantesi {v} :: present participle of incrociarsi
incrociare {v} :: to cross
incrociare {v} :: to fold [one's arms]
incrociare {v} :: to meet, come across
incrociare {v} :: to cruise
incrociare le dita {v} :: to keep one's fingers crossed
incrociarsi {v} :: reflexive of incrociare
incrociarsi {v} :: to meet
incrociarsi {v} :: to cross each other, intersect
incrociarsi {v} :: to crossbreed, interbreed
incrociato {adj} :: crossed, cross (attributive)
incrociato {adj} :: crossover
incrociato {adj} [biology] :: crossbred
incrociatore {m} :: cruiser (warship)
incrociatore pesante {m} [nautical] :: heavy cruiser
incrociatosi {v} :: past participle of incrociarsi
incrocio {m} :: crossroads
incrocio {m} :: junction
incrocio {m} :: crossing
incrocio {m} :: cross (of animals or plants)
incrollabile {adj} :: firm, unshakeable, indestructible
incrollabilità {f} :: firmness, indestructibility
incrollabilmente {adv} :: firmly, unshakeably
incrostamento {m} :: encrustation, incrustation
incrostamento {m} :: concretion
incrostante {v} :: present participle of incrostare
incrostante {adj} :: encrusting
incrostare {vt} :: To encrust
incrostato {adj} :: incrusted
incrostazione {f} :: incrustation
incrostazione {f} :: scale, fur (in a kettle etc)
incrudelente {v} :: present participle of incrudelire
incrudelire {v} :: to be cruel or pitiless
incrudente {v} :: present participle of incrudire
incrudimento {m} :: work hardening, cold working (of metal)
incrudire {vi} :: To become harsh or severe
incrudire {vt} :: To embitter or aggravate
incruentemente {adv} :: bloodlessly
incruento {adj} :: bloodless
incruscante {v} :: present participle of incruscare
incruscare {vt} :: To cover with bran
incubante {v} :: present participle of incubare
incubare {vt} :: to incubate
incubatoio {m} :: incubator (for chicks etc)
incubatore {m} :: incubator
incubatrice {f} :: incubator (for newborn babies)
incubazione {f} :: incubation
incubo {m} :: nightmare, incubus
incude {f} /inˈku.de/ :: synonym of incudine
incudine {f} /inˈku.di.ne/ :: anvil
incudine {f} [skeleton] :: anvil, incus
inculante {v} :: present participle of inculare
inculare {vt} :: To bugger or sodomize
inculata {f} :: An act of sodomy
inculata {f} :: A rip-off
inculcante {v} :: present participle of inculcare
inculcare {vt} :: To inculcate, instill or drum or beat into
in culo alla balena {interj} [vulgar] :: good luck!, break a leg!
incultura {f} :: a lack of culture
inculturazione {f} :: enculturation
incunabolo {m} :: incunabulum
incuneante {v} :: present participle of incuneare
incuneantesi {v} :: present participle of incunearsi
incuneare {vt} :: To wedge (in)
incunearsi {vr} :: To wedge oneself in
incuneatosi {v} :: past participle of incunearsi
incuocente {v} :: present participle of incuocere
incuocere {vt} :: To cook slowly or superficially
incuoiante {v} :: present participle of incuoiare
incuoiare {v} :: alternative form of incoiare
incuorante {v} :: present participle of incuorare
incuorare {v} :: To hearten, encourage
incupente {v} :: present participle of incupire
incupimento {m} :: darkening
incupire {vti} :: to darken
incurabile {adj} :: incurable
incurabilità {f} :: incurability, incurableness
incurabilmente {adv} :: incurably
incurante {adj} :: (with di) ignoring, regardless, careless, indifferent
incurantemente {adv} :: regardlessly, carelessly, indifferently
incuranza {f} :: heedlessness, recklessness
incuranza {f} :: oblivion
incuria {f} :: negligence
incuriosente {v} :: present participle of incuriosire
incuriosentesi {v} :: present participle of incuriosirsi
incuriosire {vt} :: to arouse curiosity, to make curious, to intrigue
incuriosirsi {vr} :: To become curious, to be intrigued
incuriositosi {v} :: past participle of incuriosirsi
incurioso {adj} :: incurious
incurioso {adj} :: negligent, careless
incursione {f} :: incursion, foray, raid
incursione aerea {f} :: air raid
incursore {adj} :: incursive
incursore {m} :: raider, commando
incurvabile {adj} :: bendable, flexible
incurvabile {adj} :: unbendable
incurvamento {m} :: bending, curving, bulging
incurvamento {m} :: bend, curvature, bulge
incurvante {v} :: present participle of incurvare
incurvantesi {v} :: present participle of incurvarsi
incurvare {vt} :: to curve, bend
incurvarsi {v} :: reflexive of incurvare
incurvarsi {v} :: to curve, bend
incurvarsi {v} :: to warp [of wood]
incurvarsi {v} :: to develop a stoop
incurvato {adj} :: curved, bowed, bent, bulged
incurvatosi {v} :: past participle of incurvarsi
incurvatura {f} :: bending, curving, bulging
incurvatura {f} :: bend, curvature, bulge
incustodito {adj} :: unattended
incustodito {adj} :: unmanned
incutente {v} :: present participle of incutere
incutere {vt} :: to arouse [a negative emotion]
indaco {m} :: indigo
indaco {adj} :: indigo
indaffarato {adj} :: busy, rushed
indagabile {adj} :: investigable
indagante {v} :: present participle of indagare
indagare {vt} :: to investigate, scrutinize something
indagare {vi} :: to investigate, to inquire, to carry out an investigation
indagata {f} :: Woman under investigation
indagato {adj} :: under investigation
indagato {m} :: someone under investigation
indagatore {adj} :: searching
indagatore {adj} :: inquiring
indagine {f} /inˈda.dʒi.ne/ :: investigation, inquiry, probe, enquiry
indagine {f} :: research, search
indagine {f} :: survey, poll
indagine {f} :: hearing
indagine conoscitiva {n} :: hearing
indagine conoscitiva {n} [countable, legal] :: A legal procedure done before a judge, without a jury, as with an evidentiary hearing
indagine probatoria {n} :: evidentiary hearing / investigation
indagine probatoria {n} [legal] :: Of or pertaining to evidence
indaginoso {adj} :: difficult
indantrene {m} [organic compound] :: indanthrene
indarno {adv} :: in vain
indarno {adv} :: fruitlessly
indarno {adv} :: unnecessarily
indarno {adv} :: needlessly
indebitamente {adv} :: undeservedly
indebitamente {adv} :: wrongfully, erroneously
indebitamento {m} :: debt, borrowing, indebtedness
indebitante {v} :: present participle of indebitare
indebitante {v} :: present participle of indebitarsi
indebitantesi {v} :: present participle of indebitarsi
indebitare {adj} :: undeserved
indebitare {vt} :: to burden with debts
indebitarsi {v} :: reflexive of indebitare
indebitarsi {v} :: to get into debt
indebitatosi {v} :: past participle of indebitarsi
indebito {adj} :: undeserved
indebolente {v} :: present participle of indebolire
indebolentesi {v} :: present participle of indebolirsi
indebolimento {m} :: weakening
indebolire {vt} :: to weaken
indebolirsi {vr} :: To weaken (grow weak)
indebolitosi {v} :: past participle of indebolirsi
indecente {adj} /in.deˈt͡ʃɛn.te/ :: indecent, obscene
indecente {adj} :: shocking, disgraceful, outrageous
indecente {adj} :: indecent, untidy, shabby, dirty
indecentemente {adv} :: indecently
indecenza {f} :: indecency
indecenza {f} :: scandal, disgrace
indecidibile {adj} :: undecidable
indecidibilità {f} :: undecidability
indecifrabile {adj} :: indecipherable, illegible
indecifrabile {adj} :: unintelligible, incomprehensible
indecifrabilità {f} :: indecipherability
indecifrabilmente {adv} :: indecipherably
indecifrato {adj} :: undeciphered
indecisione {f} :: indecision, hesitation
indeciso {adj} :: indecisive, irresolute, wavering, uncertain, hesitant
indeciso {adj} :: undecided, unsettled, unresolved
indeclinabile {adj} [grammar] /in.de.kliˈna.bi.le/ :: indeclinable
indeclinabile {adj} [literary, rare] :: unavoidable, inescapable
indeclinabilità {f} [grammar] :: Property of being indeclinable
indeclinabilità {f} :: unavoidability
indeclinabilmente {adv} [grammar] :: In an indeclinable manner
indeclinabilmente {adv} :: unavoidably, inescapably
indecomponibile {adj} :: undecomposable
indecorosamente {adv} :: indecorously
indecoroso {adj} :: indecorous, unseemly
indecoroso {adj} :: undignified
indeducibile {adj} :: nondeductible
indeducibilità {f} :: The quality of being nondeductible
indefessamente {adv} :: indefatigably, tirelessly
indefesso {adj} :: indefatigable, tireless
indefettibile {adj} :: indefectible, unfailing, unswerving
indefettibile {adj} :: immutable
indefettibilità {f} :: indefectibility, perfection
indefettibilmente {adv} :: indefectibly, without failing
indefinibile {adj} :: indefinable, vague, indescribable
indefinibilità {f} :: indefinability, undefinability
indefinibilmente {adv} :: indefinably
indefinitamente {adv} :: indefinitely
indefinitamente {adv} :: unresolvedly
indefinitezza {f} :: indefiniteness
indefinitezza {f} :: elusiveness
in definitiva {adv} :: to sum up, to summarize, ultimately, all things considered, when all is said and done
indefinitivamente {adv} :: indefinitely
indefinito {adj} /in.de.fiˈni.to/ :: indefinite, vague, indeterminate
indefinito {adj} :: undefined, unresolved
indeformabile {adj} :: crushproof
indeformabile {adj} :: not-deformable
indeformabilità {f} :: non-deformability
indegnamente {adv} :: undeservingly
indegnamente {adv} :: disgustingly, despicably
indegnità {f} :: shamefulness
indegnità {f} :: unworthiness
indegno {adj} :: unworthy, undeserving
indegno {adj} :: disgusting, despicable
indeiscente {adj} [botany] :: indehiscent
indeiscenza {f} [botany] :: indehiscence
indelebile {adj} /in.deˈlɛ.bi.le/ :: indelible
indelebilmente {adv} :: indelibly
indelicatamente {adv} :: indiscreetly, tactlessly
indelicatezza {f} :: tactlessness
indelicatezza {f} :: indiscretion, indelicacy
indelicato {adj} :: indiscreet, indelicate
indelicato {adj} :: tactless
indelimitabile {adj} :: That can not be delimited
indelimitabile {adj} :: indefinable
indemagliabile {adj} :: ladder-proof
indemaniante {v} :: present participle of indemaniare
indemaniare {vt} [legal] :: to escheat (incorporate into State property)
indemoniato {adj} :: possessed (by the devil)
indenne {adj} /inˈdɛn.ne/ :: unharmed, unhurt, uninjured, undamaged, intact, whole
indenne {adj} :: immune, certified
indenne {adj} :: unscathed, safe and sound
indennità {f} :: allowance (financial)
indennità {f} :: indemnity
indennitario {adj} [legal] :: indemnifying; compensatory
indennizzabile {adj} :: That can be indemnified; indemnifiable
indennizzante {v} :: present participle of indennizzare
indennizzare {vt} :: to indemnify or compensate
indennizzazione {f} :: indemnification, compensation
indennizzo {m} :: indemnity, compensation
indenominabile {adj} [rare] :: That can not be named
indentatore {m} :: indenter
indentatura {f} :: indentation
indentazione {f} :: indentation
indentro {adv} :: inwards, in
indeperibile {adj} :: imperishable
indeprecabile {adj} :: not blameworthy
indeprecabile {adj} :: not deplorable
inderogabile {adj} :: that cannot be violated or derogated; that must be observed and respected; unbreakable, inviolable
inderogabilità {f} :: unavoidability, mandatoriness
inderogabilmente {adv} :: unavoidably, mandatorily
indescrivibile {adj} :: indescribable
indescrivibilità {f} :: indescribability
indescrivibilmente {adv} :: indescribably
indesiderabile {adj} :: undesirable, unwelcome
indesiderabilità {f} :: undesirability
indesideratamente {adv} :: unwelcomely, undesiredly
indesiderato {adj} :: unwelcome, undesired
indeterminabile {adj} :: indeterminable
indeterminabilità {f} :: The property of being indeterminable; indeterminableness
indeterminatamente {adv} :: indeterminately, indefinitely
indeterminatezza {f} :: vagueness
indeterminatezza {f} :: indeterminacy
indeterminativo {adj} [grammar] :: indefinite
indeterminato {adj} :: indeterminate, indefinite, vague
indeterminazione {f} :: indeterminacy
indeterminazione {f} [physics] :: uncertainty (especially in quantum physics)
indeterminismo {m} :: indeterminism
indeterministico {adj} :: indeterministic
indetraibile {adj} :: nondeductible
indeuropeo {adj} :: Indo-European
indeuropeo {m} :: Indo-European (language group)
indi {adv} [literary] :: from there
indi {adv} [literary] :: then
india {f} :: feminine noun of indio
India {prop} :: India
India {prop} [in the plural] :: the Indies
Indïa {prop} :: medieval spelling of India
indiamento {m} [Neoplatonism] :: the state of being in union with God
indiana {f} :: feminine noun of indiano
indiana {f} :: Indian woman
Indiana {prop} :: Indiana (state)
indianista {mf} :: Indianist, Indologist
indianistica {f} :: Indian studies, Indology
indianistico {adj} :: Indological
indiano {adj} :: Indian (relating to India)
indiano {adj} :: Indian (relating to Native Americans)
indiano {m} :: Indian (inhabitant of India)
indiano {m} :: Indian, Native American
indiavolatamente {adv} :: furiously
indiavolatamente {adv} :: frenziedly
indiavolato {adj} :: furious
indiavolato {adj} :: high-spirited, wild
indiavolato {adj} :: frenzied
indiavolato {adj} :: possessed
indicabile {adj} :: advisable
indicante {v} :: present participle of indicare
indicantesi {v} :: present participle of indicarsi
indicare {vt} :: to point out, point to
indicare {vt} :: to show, mean, signpost, mark
indicare {vt} :: to recommend, advice, need
indicare {vt} :: to indicate
indicarsi {v} :: reflexive of indicare
indicarsi {v} :: to show, indicate
indicativamente {adv} :: approximately, roughly, around, about
indicatività {f} :: indicativeness
indicativo {adj} :: indicative
indicativo {adj} :: approximate
indicativo {m} [grammar] :: indicative
indicativo imperfetto {m} [grammar] :: indicative imperfect tense, indicative preterimperfect, indicative past tense
indicativo presente {m} [grammar] :: indicative present tense
indicato {adj} :: indicated, suitable, right, advisable, fitting
indicato {adj} :: pointed out, shown
indicatore {adj} :: indicating
indicatore {m} :: indicator (all senses)
indicatore {m} :: indicative (grammar)
indicatore ordinale {m} :: ordinal indicator
indicatosi {v} :: past participle of indicarsi
indicazione {f} :: indication
indicazione {f} :: instruction, direction
indicazione geografica tipica {f} :: typic geographical indication - indicates a superior quality of wine from a specific region, below that of DOC, broadly equivalent to the French vin de pays
indice {m} :: (finger) index, index finger, forefinger
indice {m} :: (economics, mathematics, etc.) index, rate, rating
indice {m} [books] :: index
indice {m} :: indication, sign
indice {m} :: indicator, pointer
Indice {prop} :: Index, Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Catholic list of prohibited books)
indice dei prezzi {m} :: price index
indice dei prezzi al consumo {m} :: consumer price index
indicente {v} :: present participle of indire
indice prezzi al consumo {n} :: consumer price index
indicibile {adj} :: inexpressible, indescribable, unutterable, unspeakable
indicibilità {f} :: indescribability
indicibilmente {adv} :: unspeakably, inexpressibly, incredibly
indicizzabile {adj} :: indexable
indicizzante {v} :: present participle of indicizzare
indicizzare {vt} :: to index [create an index to something]
indicizzare {vt} [economics] :: to apply indexation to
indicizzato {adj} :: indexed
indicizzatore {m} :: indexer (program or device)
indicizzazione {f} :: indexing, indexation
indietreggiante {v} :: present participle of indietreggiare
indietreggiare {vi} :: to draw back, to retreat
indietro {adv} :: back, behind, backwards
indifendibile {adj} :: indefensible
indifendibilmente {adv} :: indefensibly
indifeso {adj} :: unprotected, undefended
in difetto {adv} :: (with di) lacking
in difetto {adv} :: too low; too short; off by (numerically)
indifferente {adj} :: indifferent, uninterested, cold
indifferente {adj} :: (the) same, unimportant
indifferentemente {adv} :: indifferently, without distinction, equally
indifferentismo {m} :: indifferentism
indifferenza {f} :: indifference
indifferenziabile {adj} :: nondifferentiable
indifferenziamente {adv} :: undifferentiatedly
indifferenziatamente {adv} :: undifferentiatedly
indifferenziato {adj} :: undifferentiated
indifferibile {adj} :: That cannot be deferred, that cannot be put off, that cannot be postponed
indifferibilità {f} :: Property of being not postponable
indifferibilmente {adv} :: without any postponement, without any delay
indigena {f} :: female equivalent of indigeno
indigeno {adj} :: native, indigenous, local
indigeno {m} :: native
indigente {adj} /in.diˈd͡ʒɛn.te/ :: (very) poor, indigent, needy
indigente {mf} :: needy person
indigenza {f} /in.diˈd͡ʒɛn.t͡sa/ :: indigence (extreme poverty)
indigenza {f} :: destitution
indigere {vi} [obsolete] :: to have need
indigeribile {adj} :: indigestible (also figuratively)
indigeribilità {f} :: indigestibility
indigestione {f} :: indigestion
indigesto {adj} [of food] :: indigestible, heavy
indigesto {adj} [of person] :: unbearable
indigesto {adj} [of thing] :: boring
indigitamenti {m} {p} [Ancient Rome] /in.di.d͡ʒi.taˈmen.ti/ :: Religious books containing the names of the gods and prescribing the mode of worshipping them
indignante {v} :: present participle of indignare
indignantesi {v} :: present participle of indignarsi
indignare {vt} :: to make indignant
indignarsi {v} :: reflexive of indignare
indignarsi {v} :: to become indignant
indignatamente {adv} :: indignantly, angrily
indignato {adj} :: indignant, offended, angry, outraged
indignatosi {v} :: past participle of indignarsi
indignazione {f} :: indignation, outrage
indigofera {f} :: indigo plant (Indigofera tinctoria)
indilatabile {adj} :: not expandable, not expansible
indilazionabile {adj} :: not postponable
indilazionabilmente {adv} :: without any postponement, without any delay
indimenticabile {adj} :: unforgettable
indimenticabilmente {adv} :: unforgettably
indimenticato {adj} :: unforgotten
indimostrabile {adj} :: indemonstrable, that can not be proved
indimostrabilità {f} :: impossibility to prove; indemonstrability
indimostrabilmente {adv} :: In an indemonstrable manner
indimostrato {adj} :: unproven
indio {m} /ˈindjo/ :: Indian, Native American
indio {m} [chemistry] :: indium
in Dio confido {phrase} :: synonym of che Dio mi aiuti
indipendente {adj} :: independent, free, autonomous
indipendente {adj} :: unrelated, unconnected
indipendente {adj} :: off-line, stand-alone
indipendente {mf} :: independent
indipendentemente {adv} :: regardless (of), irrespective (of), apart, aside
indipendentemente {adv} :: independently (in an independent manner)
indipendentismo {m} :: independentism; Any political movement that supports the independence of a country or region
indipendentista {adj} :: independentist (seeking independence for a nation)
indipendentista {mf} :: independentist (person seeking independence for a nation)
indipendentistico {adj} :: pro-independence
indipendenza {f} :: independence
indire {vt} :: to announce
indire {vt} :: to call [an election]
in diretta {adj} :: live
indirettamente {adv} :: indirectly
indiretto {adj} :: indirect
indirigente {v} :: present participle of indirigere
indirigere {vt} :: To address (a letter, etc.)
in diritto {prep} :: entitled
indirizzabile {adj} :: addressable
indirizzamento {m} :: addressing (general and computing)
indirizzante {v} :: present participle of indirizzare
indirizzantesi {v} :: present participle of indirizzarsi
indirizzare {vt} :: to address
indirizzario {m} :: mailing list
indirizzario {m} :: address book
indirizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of indirizzare
indirizzarsi {v} :: to direct one's steps
indirizzarsi {v} :: to go and see
indirizzato {adj} :: addressed
indirizzato {adj} :: conveyed
indirizzato {adj} :: bound (to)
indirizzatosi {v} :: past participle of indirizzarsi
indirizzo {m} /indiˈrittso/ :: address
indirizzo {m} :: drift
in disaccordo {prep} :: at sixes and sevens
indiscernibile {adj} :: indiscernible, imperceptible
indiscernibilità {f} :: indiscernibility
indiscernibilmente {adv} :: indiscernibly
indisciplina {f} :: lack of discipline, indiscipline
indisciplinabile {adj} :: not disciplinable, indisciplinable
indisciplinatamente {adv} :: without discipline
indisciplinatezza {f} :: indiscipline, unruliness
indisciplinato {adj} :: undisciplined, unruly
indiscretamente {adv} :: indiscreetly
indiscreto {adj} :: indiscreet, intrusive, prying, inquisitive
indiscrezione {f} :: gossip, indiscretion, leak
indiscrezione {f} :: indiscretion, impertinence, inquisitiveness
indiscriminabile {adj} :: indiscriminable
indiscriminatamente {adv} :: indiscriminately
indiscriminato {adj} :: indiscriminate
indiscussamente {adv} :: undisputedly
indiscusso {adj} :: undisputed, unquestioned, unchallenged
indiscutibile {adj} :: indisputable, unquestionable, decided
indiscutibilità {f} :: indisputableness, indisputability, unquestionableness
indiscutibilmente {adv} :: unquestionably, decidedly
in disgrazia {prep} :: in the doghouse
in disordine {prep} :: at sixes and sevens
indispensabile {adj} :: essential, necessary, indispensable, crucial, vital
indispensabile {m} :: what is necessary
indispensabile {m} :: the essentials
indispensabilità {f} :: indispensability
indispensabilmente {adv} :: indispensably
indispettente {v} :: present participle of indispettire
indispettentesi {v} :: present participle of indispettirsi
indispettire {vt} :: To irritate or annoy
indispettire {v} :: to put someone's nose out of joint
indispettire {v} :: to get one's knickers in a twist
indispettirsi {v} :: reflexive of indispettire
indispettirsi {v} :: to be irritated, annoyed
indispettito {adj} :: irritated, annoyed
indispettitosi {v} :: past participle of indispettirsi
indisponente {v} :: present participle of indisporre
indisponente {adj} :: irritating, annoying
indisponibile {adj} :: unavailable, not available, unwilling
indisponibilità {f} :: unavailability
indisporre {vt} :: to antagonize
indisporre {vt} :: to make a bad impression
indisposizione {f} :: indisposition
indisposizione {f} :: ailment (mild)
indisposto {adj} :: unwell, indisposed
indisposto {adj} :: under the weather
indisputabile {adj} :: indisputable, undeniable, irrefutable
indissimulabile {adj} :: That can not be hidden; not concealable
indissipabile {adj} :: That can not be dissipated; not dispersible, not dispellable
indissociabile {adj} :: indissociable, inseparable
indissolubile {adj} :: indissoluble
indissolubilità {f} :: indissoluble nature
indissolubilmente {adv} :: indissolubly
indistinguibile {adj} :: indistinguishable
indistinguibilità {f} :: indistinguishability
indistinguibilmente {adv} :: indistinguishably
indistintamente {adv} :: indistinctly
indistintamente {adv} :: without distinction
indistinto {adj} :: indistinct, vague, blurred
indistricabile {adj} :: inextricable
indistricabilmente {adv} :: inextricably
indistruttibile {adj} :: indestructible
indistruttibilità {f} :: indestructibility
indistruttibilmente {adv} :: indestructibly
indisturbatamente {adv} :: undisturbedly
indisturbato {adj} :: undisturbed
indivia {f} /inˈdiv.ja/ :: endive
individuabile {adj} :: identifiable
individuabilità {f} :: identifiability
individuale {adj} :: individual, personal
individuale {adj} :: individual, single, separate, several
individuale {adj} :: individual, original
individualismo {m} :: individualism
individualista {adj} :: individualist
individualista {adj} :: maverick
individualista {mf} :: individualist
individualista {mf} :: maverick
individualisticamente {adv} :: individualistically
individualistico {adj} :: individualistic
individualità {f} :: individuality
individualizzante {v} :: present participle of individualizzare
individualizzare {vt} :: to individualize
individualizzato {adj} :: individualized
individualizzazione {f} :: individualization
individualmente {adv} :: individually
individuante {v} :: present participle of individuare
individuantesi {v} :: present participle of individuarsi
individuare {vt} :: to identify
individuare {vt} :: to locate
individuare {vt} :: to pick out
individuare {v} :: to detect (to discover or find by careful search, examination, or probing)
individuarsi {v} :: reflexive of individuare
individuarsi {v} :: to be distinctive
individuato {adj} :: identified
individuato {adj} :: located
individuato {adj} :: picked out
individuatosi {v} :: past participle of individuarsi
individuazione {f} :: detection, spotting
individuazione {f} :: individualization
individuo {m} :: individual
individuo {m} :: man, person, fellow, guy, bloke, chap
indivisibile {adj} :: indivisible, inseparable
indivisibilità {f} :: indivisibly
indivisibilmente {adv} :: indivisibly
indiviso {adj} :: undivided
indiziante {v} :: present participle of indiziare
indiziare {vt} :: To cast or throw suspicion on someone
indiziariamente {adv} :: circumstantially
indiziario {adj} [legal] :: circumstantial
indiziata {f} :: female equivalent of indiziato
indiziato {adj} :: suspected
indiziato {m} :: suspect
indizio {m} [legal] :: evidence
indizio {m} :: clue, inkling
indizio {m} :: symptom, sign, indication
indizione {f} :: announcement
indizione {f} :: calling (of an election)
indizione {f} :: indiction
indo- {prefix} :: indo-
Indo {prop} :: Indus (river)
indoariano {adj} :: Indo-Aryan
indoario {adj} :: Indo-Aryan
indoario {m} :: Indo-Aryan
indocile {adj} :: unruly, refractory, intractable
indocilità {f} :: unruliness
indocilmente {adv} :: in an unruly manner
indocilmente {adv} :: intractably
Indocina {prop} :: Indochina
indocinese {adj} :: Indo-Chinese
indoeuropeista {mf} :: Indo-Europeanist
indoeuropeistica {f} :: Indo-European studies (especially linguistics)
indoeuropeo {adj} /in.do.eu.ro.ˈpɛ.o/ :: Indoeuropean
indogangetico {adj} :: Indo-Gangetic
indoiranico {adj} :: Indo-Iranian
indoiranico {m} :: Indo-Iranian
in dolce attesa {adj} :: pregnant, expectant
indolcire {v} :: To sweeten
indolcire {v} :: To soothe
indole {f} /ˈin.do.le/ :: nature, disposition, character
indolente {adj} :: indolent, lazy, sluggish
indolentemente {adv} :: indolently, lazily
indolenza {f} /in.doˈlɛn.t͡sa/ :: indolence, laziness
indolenza {f} [medicine, rare] :: analgia
indolenzente {v} :: present participle of indolenzire
indolenzentesi {v} :: present participle of indolenzirsi
indolenzimento {m} :: soreness, ache, painfulness
indolenzire {v} :: to stiffen (up)
indolenzire {v} :: to make numb
indolenzirsi {vr} :: To become stiff or numb
indolenzito {adj} :: numb
indolenzito {adj} :: stiffened (up)
indolenzitosi {v} :: past participle of indolenzirsi
indolo {m} [organic compound] :: indole
indologa {f} :: female equivalent of indologo
indologia {f} :: Indology (academic study of the Indian subcontinent)
indologo {m} :: Indologist
indolore {adj} :: painless
indomabile {adj} :: indomitable
indomabilità {f} :: indomitability
indomabilmente {adv} :: indomitably
indomani {m} :: the next day, the day after
indomani {m} :: the future
indomato {adj} :: untamed, unbroken
indomenicato {adj} :: dressed up in their Sunday best, endimanched
indomitamente {adv} :: indomitably
indomito {adj} :: untamed, wild (animal)
indomito {adj} :: indomitable
indomo {adj} [poetic] /inˈdo.mo/ :: untamed
Indonesia {prop} /indoˈnɛzja/ :: Indonesia
indonesiana {f} :: female equivalent of indonesiano
indonesiano {adj} :: Indonesian
indonesiano {m} :: Indonesian
indonesiano {m} [singular only] :: The Indonesian language
indoor {adj} :: indoor (sport)
indoramento {m} :: gilding
indorante {v} :: present participle of indorare
indorare {vt} :: to gild
indorare {vt} [cooking] :: to dip food in egg yolk, or brush it with egg yolk and then fry
indoratore {m} :: gilder (one who gilds)
indoratrice {f} :: female equivalent of indoratore
indoratura {f} :: gilding
indossabile {adj} :: wearable
indossante {v} :: present participle of indossare
indossare {vt} :: to put on, don or wear
indossatore {m} :: model, fashion model
indossatrice {f} :: female equivalent of indossatore
indosso {adv} :: on (especially with reference to clothes or jewelry etc)
Indostan {prop} :: Hindustan
indostano {adj} :: Hindustani
indostano {m} :: Hindustani
indostano {m} :: Hindu
indotto {adj} /inˈdɔt.to/ :: ignorant
indotto {adj} [archaic] :: unaware
indottomi {v} :: past participle of indursi
indottrinabile {adj} :: That can be indoctrinated
indottrinamento {m} :: indoctrination
indottrinante {v} :: present participle of indottrinare
indottrinare {vt} :: To indoctrinate
indottrinato {adj} :: indoctrinated
indottrinazione {f} :: indoctrination
indovina {f} :: female equivalent of indovino
indovinabile {adj} :: guessable
indovinante {v} :: present participle of indovinare
indovinare {vt} :: to guess
indovinare {vt} :: to predict, foretell
indovinello {m} :: riddle
indovinello {m} :: enigma
indovinello {m} :: conundrum
indovinello {m} :: brain-teaser
indovino {m} :: fortuneteller
indovino {m} :: soothsayer
indù {adj} :: Hindu
indù {mf} :: Hindu
indubbiamente {adv} :: undoubtedly, without any doubt, certainly, doubtless
indubbio {adj} :: undoubted, certain, sure
indubitabile {adj} :: indubitable
indubitabilità {f} :: indubitability
indubitabilmente {adv} :: indubitably, undoubtedly
inducente {v} :: present participle of indurre
inducentesi {v} :: present participle of indursi
inducibile {adj} :: inducible
indugia {f} /inˈdu.d͡ʒa/ :: synonym of indugio
indugiante {v} :: present participle of indugiare
indugiar {v} :: apocopic form of indugiare
indugiare {vt} /in.duˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: to delay; to postpone
indugiare {v} [in] :: to linger (in/at)
indugiare {vt} [literary] :: to hold back
indugiare {vi} :: to hesitate
indugiarsi {v} :: reflexive of indugiare
indugiarsi {v} :: to loiter or linger
indugiarsi {v} :: (with a + inf.) to continue (to); to keep (doing)
indugiarsi {v} [literary] :: to persist
indugio {m} /inˈdu.d͡ʒo/ :: delay
indugio {m} :: hesitation
induismo {m} [religion] :: Hinduism
induista {adj} :: Hindu
induista {mf} :: Hindu
induistico {adj} :: Hindu
indulgente {adj} :: indulgent, tolerant, lenient
indulgentemente {adv} :: indulgently, tolerantly, leniently
indulgenza {f} :: indulgence (all senses)
indulgenza {f} :: permissiveness
indulgenza {f} :: leniency
indulgere {v} /inˈdul.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to indulge (in)
indulgere {v} :: to pander (to)
indulto {m} :: pardon
indulto {m} :: indult
indumento {m} :: garment
indurabile {adj} :: That can become or grow hard
indurante {v} :: present participle of indurare
indurantesi {v} :: present participle of indurarsi
indurare {vt} :: Variant of indurire
indurarsi {vr} :: Variant of indurirsi
induratosi {v} :: past participle of indurarsi
indurente {v} :: present participle of indurire
indurente {adj} :: hardening (especially of a chemical agent that hardens plastics, resins etc)
indurentesi {v} :: present participle of indurirsi
indurimento {m} :: hardening
indurimento {m} [medicine] :: induration
indurire {vt} :: to harden
indurirsi {v} :: reflexive of indurire
indurirsi {v} :: to harden, become hard
induritosi {v} :: past participle of indurirsi
indurre {vt} /inˈdurre/ :: To induce or persuade (someone to do something)
indursi {vr} :: To decide or resolve to do something
indusio {m} :: indusium
industana {adj} :: Hindustani
industre {adj} :: hard-working, industrious
industria {f} /inˈdustrja/ :: industry
industriale {adj} :: industrial
industriale {m} :: industrialist, manufacturer
industrialismo {m} :: industrialism
industrializzante {v} :: present participle of industrializzare
industrializzare {vt} :: to industrialize
industrializzato {adj} :: industrialized, industrial
industrializzazione {f} :: industrialization
industrialmente {adv} :: industrially
industriante {m} :: tenant farmer (farmer who worked land he rented from someone else)
industriante {v} :: present participle of industriarsi
industriantesi {v} :: present participle of industriarsi
industriarsi {vr} :: to try hard
industriarsi {vr} :: to do one's best
industriatosi {v} :: past participle of industriarsi
industriosamente {adv} :: industriously, diligently
industriosità {f} :: industriousness
industrioso {adj} :: industrious, hard-working, diligent
induttanza {f} [physics] :: inductance
induttivamente {adv} :: inductively
induttivismo {m} :: inductivism
induttivista {adj} :: inductivist
induttività {f} :: inductivity
induttivo {adj} :: inductive (all senses)
induttometro {m} [physics] :: inductometer
induttore {adj} :: inductive
induttore {m} :: inductor
induzione {f} :: induction (all senses)
inebetente {v} :: present participle of inebetire
inebetentesi {v} :: present participle of inebetirsi
inebetire {vt} :: To stupefy, daze or stun
inebetirsi {vr} :: To become stupefied, dazed or stunned
inebetito {adj} :: dazed, stunned, stupefied
inebetitosi {v} :: past participle of inebetirsi
inebriamento {m} :: intoxication, inebriation
inebriante {v} :: present participle of inebriare
inebriante {adj} :: heady, stirring, intoxicating
inebriare {vt} :: to intoxicate, inebriate, ravish
ineccepibile {adj} :: exemplary, unexceptionable, irreproachable
ineccepibilità {f} :: unexceptionableness, exemplariness
ineccepibilmente {adv} :: exemplarily
ineccitabile {adj} :: unexcitable
inedia {f} /iˈnɛd.ja/ :: starvation
inedificabile {adj} :: not suitable for building
inedificabile {adj} :: Said of a plot of land where there is a ban on building
inedificabilità {f} :: ban on building
inedificato {adj} :: undeveloped (not build on)
inedito {adj} /iˈnɛ.di.to/ :: unpublished, not published
inedito {adj} [figurative] :: new, fresh, novel
inedito {m} :: unpublished work
ineducabile {adj} :: ineducable
ineducatamente {adv} :: impolitely
ineducato {adj} :: rude, impolite, ill-mannered
ineducazione {f} :: unlearnedness
ineducazione {f} :: rudeness, impoliteness
ineffabile {adj} :: ineffable
ineffabilità {f} :: ineffability
ineffabilmente {adv} :: ineffably
in effetti {adv} :: actually, really, quite, indeed
ineffettivo {adj} [rare] :: ineffective
ineffettuabile {adj} :: infeasible, impracticable
ineffettuabilità {f} :: infeasibility
inefficace {adj} :: ineffectual, ineffective, inefficacious
inefficacemente {adv} :: ineffectually, ineffectively, inefficaciously
inefficacia {f} :: inefficacy, ineffectiveness
inefficiente {adj} :: inefficient, ineffective, ineffectual
inefficientemente {adv} :: inefficiently, ineffectively, ineffectually
inefficienza {f} :: inefficiency
ineguagliabile {adj} :: without equal, matchless, peerless, unparalleled
ineguagliabilmente {adv} :: peerlessly
ineguaglianza {f} :: inequality (especially social)
ineguaglianza {f} :: unevenness
ineguagliato {adj} :: unequalled, unmatched
ineguale {adj} :: unequal
ineguale {adj} :: uneven, irregular
inegualità {f} :: inequality
inegualitario {adj} :: inegalitarian
inegualmente {adv} :: unequally
inegualmente {adv} :: unevenly, irregularly
inelasticamente {adv} :: inelastically
inelasticità {f} :: inelasticity
inelastico {adj} :: inelastic
inelegante {adj} :: inelegant, clumsy
ineleganza {f} :: inelegance
ineleggibile {adj} :: Not eligible, ineligible
ineleggibilità {f} :: ineligibility
ineliminabile {adj} :: ineliminable
ineliminabilità {f} :: Property of being ineliminable
ineludibile {adj} :: unavoidable, inescapable
ineludibilità {f} :: unavoidability
ineluttabile {adj} :: inevitable, ineluctable, inescapable
ineluttabilità {f} :: inevitability, inescapability
ineluttabilmente {adv} :: ineluctably
inemendabile {adj} :: incorrigible
inenarrabile {adj} :: unspeakable, indescribable
inenarrabilmente {adv} :: unspeakably
inequivocabile {adj} :: unequivocal, unambiguous
inequivocabilità {f} :: unequivocalness, unequivocality
inequivocabilmente {adv} :: unequivocally, unambiguously
inequivocità {f} :: unambiguousness
inequivoco {adj} :: unequivocal, unambiguous
inerbimento {m} :: grassing
inerente {adj} :: concerning, regarding, connected, pertaining, related, inherent
inerente {v} :: present participle of inerire
inerentemente {adv} :: inherently
inerenza {f} :: inherence, inherency
inerire {v} :: To be inherent
inerire {v} :: To accede or acquiesce
inerire {v} :: To follow (a rule etc)
inerme {adj} :: unarmed, defenceless, helpless
inerpicante {v} :: present participle of inerpicarsi
inerpicantesi {v} :: present participle of inerpicarsi
inerpicarsi {vr} /i.ner.piˈkar.si/ :: to clamber (up)
inerpicatosi {v} :: past participle of inerpicarsi
inerte {adj} :: inert
inerte {adj} :: inactive, apathetic
inerzia {f} :: inertia (all senses)
inerzia {f} :: apathy, inactivity
inerziale {adj} :: inertial
Ines {prop} :: given name
inesattamente {adv} :: incorrectly, inaccurately
inesattezza {f} :: inexactitude, inexactness, imprecision
inesattezza {f} :: inaccuracy, mistake
inesatto {adj} :: incorrect, inaccurate
inesatto {adj} [administrative, uncommon] :: uncollected, not received
inesaudibile {adj} :: That can not be granted
inesaudito {adj} :: ungranted, unfulfilled
inesauribile {adj} :: inexhaustible
inesauribilità {f} :: inexhaustibility
inesauribilmente {adv} :: inexhaustibly
inesausto {adj} :: unexhausted
inescogitabile {adj} :: unthinkable
inescusabile {adj} :: inexcusable, unpardonable
inescusabilità {f} :: Property of being inexcusable, inexcusableness
inescusabilmente {adv} :: inexcusably
inesecuzione {f} [legal] :: non-performance (failure to carry out a task)
ineseguibile {adj} :: That can not be executed, impracticable, impossible
ineseguito {adj} :: not executed or carried out
inesercitabile {adj} :: That can not be practised
inesigibile {adj} :: uncollectable
inesigibile {adj} :: irrecoverable, bad (of a debt)
inesigibilità {f} :: Property of being irrecoverable or bad (of a debt)
inesistente {adj} :: nonexistent, non-existent, not existing
inesistenza {f} :: nonexistence
inesitato {adj} :: undelivered (mail)
inesorabile {adj} :: inexorable, inflexible
inesorabile {adj} :: inexorable, inevitable, inescapable
inesorabilità {f} :: inexorability, relentlessness
inesorabilità {f} :: inflexibility
inesorabilmente {adv} :: inexorably
inesorando {adj} [literary] /i.ne.zoˈran.do/ :: inexorable, inflexible
inesperienza {f} :: inexperience, lack of experience
inesperto {adj} :: inexperienced, unskilled
inespiabile {adj} :: inexpiable
inespiato {adj} :: unexpiated, unatoned
inesplicabile {adj} :: inexplicable, unexplainable
inesplicabilità {f} :: inexplicableness, inexplicability
inesplicabilmente {adv} :: inexplicably
inesplicato {adj} :: unexplained
inesplorabile {adj} :: inexplorable
inesplorato {adj} :: unexplored
inesploso {adj} :: unexploded, live
inespressivamente {adv} :: inexpressively
inespressivamente {adv} :: blankly
inespressività {f} :: inexpressiveness
inespressivo {adj} :: expressionless, inexpressive
inespressivo {adj} :: blank (expression)
inespresso {adj} :: unexpressed
inesprimibile {adj} :: inexpressible
inesprimibilmente {adv} :: inexpressibly
inespugnabile {adj} :: impregnable, unassailable
inespugnabilità {f} :: impregnability
inespugnabilmente {adv} :: impregnably
inespugnato {adj} :: unconquered
inessenziale {adj} :: unessential
inessenzialità {f} :: unessentiality
inessiccabile {adj} [literary] :: inextinguishable, inexhaustible
inessiccabile {adj} :: That can not be dried up; that does not dry up
inessivo {m} [grammar] :: inessive
inestensibile {adj} :: unstretchable, inextensible
inestensibile {adj} :: inextendable
inestensibilità {f} :: inextensibility
inestetico {adj} :: inaesthetic / inesthetic / unaesthetic / unesthetic
inestetismo {m} :: blemish
inestetismo {m} :: shortcoming (small fault)
inestimabile {adj} :: inestimable, invaluable, priceless
inestimabilmente {adv} :: inestimably
inestinguibile {adj} :: inextinguishable, unquenchable
inestinguibilità {f} :: Property of being inextinguishable or unquenchable
inestinguibilmente {adv} :: In an inextinguishable or unquenchable way
inestirpabile {adj} :: ineradicable
inestirpabilità {f} :: Property of being ineradicable
inestricabile {adj} :: inextricable
inestricabilità {f} :: inextricability
inestricabilmente {adv} :: inextricably
in età precoce {prep} :: at an early age
inetta {f} :: incompetent woman, bungler
inettamente {adv} :: incapably, incompetently, ineptly
inettitudine {f} /i.net.tiˈtu.di.ne/ :: ineptitude, incompetency
inettitudine {f} :: clumsiness
inetto {adj} :: incapable, incompetent, inept
inetto {adj} :: unfit, unsuited
inetto {m} :: incompetent person, bungler
inevaso {adj} :: unfilled, unfulfilled (order)
inevaso {adj} :: unanswered (letter)
inevaso {adj} :: outstanding (document, file)
inevitabile {adj} :: unavoidable, inevitable
inevitabile {m} :: the inevitable
inevitabilità {f} :: inevitability
inevitabilmente {adv} :: inevitably
in extremis {adv} :: in extremis
in extremis {adv} :: at the last moment
inezia {f} :: trifle, nothing
in faccia {adj} :: synonym of di fronte
in faccia {adv} :: synonym of di fronte
infacondo {adj} /in.faˈkon.do/ :: ineloquent
infagottante {v} :: present participle of infagottare
infagottantesi {v} :: present participle of infagottarsi
infagottare {vt} :: To wrap or bundle (up)
infagottarsi {vr} :: To wrap oneself (up)
infagottatosi {v} :: past participle of infagottarsi
infallantemente {adv} :: synonym of infallibilmente
infallibile {adj} :: infallible
infallibilità {f} :: infallibility
infallibilmente {adv} :: infallibly
infalsificabile {adj} :: unfalsifiable
infamante {v} :: present participle of infamare
infamante {adj} :: defamatory, slanderous
infamare {vt} :: to dishonour, reproach, discredit
infamatorio {adj} :: defamatory, slanderous
infame {adj} :: infamous
infame {adj} :: vile
infame {adj} [colloquial, figurative] :: awful, dreadful
infamia {f} :: infamy
infamità {f} :: An act of infamy
infanatichente {v} :: present participle of infanatichire
infanatichire {vi} :: To become obsessive (become a fanatic)
infando {adj} [literary] /inˈfan.do/ :: unspeakable, unutterable
infangante {v} :: present participle of infangare
infangantesi {v} :: present participle of infangarsi
infangare {vt} :: to cover with mud
infangare {vt} :: to sully
infangarsi {v} :: reflexive of infangare
infangarsi {v} :: to get muddy
infangarsi {v} :: to be sullied
infangato {adj} :: covered in mud; muddied
infangato {adj} :: morally impure or dishonored; sullied, besmirched
infangatore {m} :: mudslinger
infangatosi {v} :: past participle of infangarsi
infante {adj} [dated, rare] :: infant [attr.]
infante {mf} [dated, rare] :: baby, infant
infante {f} :: infanta (in Spain & Portugal)
infanticida {mf} :: infanticide (person)
infanticidio {m} :: infanticide (act)
infantile {adj} :: infantile (relating to children or babies)
infantile {adj} :: infantile puerile, childish, babyish
infantilismo {m} :: infantilism
infantilità {f} :: puerility, childishness
infantilmente {adv} :: childishly
Infantino {prop} :: surname
infanzia {f} :: childhood, babyhood
infanzia {f} [figurative, by extension] :: infancy
infanzia {f} :: children
infarcente {v} :: present participle of infarcire
infarcimento {m} :: filling, stuffing (process)
infarcimento {m} [pathology] :: infarction
infarcire {v} :: to plug up or cram, to fill or stuff (with) [something superfluous or detrimental]
infarinante {v} :: present participle of infarinare
infarinare {vt} :: to flour
infarinatura {f} :: flouring
infarinatura {f} :: smattering
infarto {m} :: infarction, infarct, heart attack
infartuato {m} :: heart attack patient
infastidente {v} :: present participle of infastidire
infastidentesi {v} :: present participle of infastidirsi
infastidire {vt} :: To irk, annoy or irritate
infastidirsi {vr} :: To get annoyed or irritated
infastiditosi {v} :: past participle of infastidirsi
infaticabile {adj} :: tireless, indefatigable
infaticabilità {f} :: tirelessness, indefatigability, indefatigableness
infaticabilmente {adv} :: indefatigably, tirelessly
infatti {adv} :: indeed
infatti {interj} :: indeed, precisely, exactly, of course
infattibile {adj} :: infeasible, unfeasible
infatuante {v} :: present participle of infatuare
infatuantesi {v} :: present participle of infatuarsi
infatuare {vt} :: to infatuate
infatuarsi {v} :: reflexive of infatuare
infatuarsi {v} :: to be infatuated; to be smitten
infatuato {adj} :: infatuated, smitten
infatuatosi {v} :: past participle of infatuarsi
infatuazione {f} :: infatuation
infaustamente {adv} :: unhappily
infaustamente {adv} :: inauspiciously
infausto {adj} :: unhappy
infausto {adj} :: inauspicious
infausto {adj} :: not favorable, infaust
infecondità {f} :: infertility
infecondo {adj} :: infertile
infedele {adj} /in.feˈde.le/ :: unfaithful, faithless, false
infedele {adj} :: unfaithful, adulterous
infedele {adj} :: unfaithful, inaccurate, inexact
infedele {adj} [religion] :: non-believing
infedele {adj} [religion, archaic] :: unbaptized
infedele {mf} :: infidel, nonbeliever
infedele {mf} [historical, derogatory] :: A non-Christian, especially a Muslim
infedele {mf} [derogatory] :: A non-Muslim, especially a Christian; giaour
infedelmente {adv} /in.fe.delˈmen.te/ :: unfaithfully
infedeltà {f} /in.fe.delˈta/ :: unfaithfulness, faithlessness
infedeltà {f} [figuratively] :: unfaithfulness, inaccuracy
infelice {adj} :: unhappy, miserable, bleak
infelice {adj} :: unfortunate
infelicemente {adv} :: unhappily, unfortunately
infelicissimo {adj} :: superlative of infelice
infelicissimo {adj} :: very unhappy
infelicissimo {adj} :: very unfortunate
infelicità {f} :: unhappiness, misery
infeltrente {v} :: present participle of infeltrire
infeltrentesi {v} :: present participle of infeltrirsi
infeltrimento {m} :: felting
infeltrire {vt} :: To mat
infeltrire {vi} :: To become matted
infeltrirsi {vr} :: To become matted
infeltrito {adj} :: matted
infeltritosi {v} :: past participle of infeltrirsi
inferente {v} :: present participle of inferire
inferenza {f} :: inference
inferenziale {adj} :: inferential
inferi {mp} :: underworld
inferibile {adj} :: inferable
inferiore {adj} /infeˈrjore/ :: inferior
inferiore {mf} :: inferior
inferiore {mf} :: a cut below
inferiorità {f} /in.fe.rjo.riˈta/ :: inferiority
inferiormente {adv} :: inferiorly
inferire {v} :: to infer or deduce
inferire {v} :: to strike a blow
inferma {f} :: female equivalent of infermo
infermamente {adv} :: infirmly
infermeria {f} :: infirmary
infermeria {f} :: sick bay
infermiera {f} :: nurse
infermiere {m} /in.ferˈmjɛ.re/ :: male nurse
infermieristica {f} :: nursing
infermieristico {adj} :: nursing (attributive)
infermità {f} :: infirmity
infermità {f} :: illness
infermo {adj} :: invalid, ill, infirm
infermo {m} :: invalid, patient
infermo {m} [in plural] :: the sick, the infirm
infernale {adj} :: infernal, hellish, diabolical, wicked
infernalità {f} :: The property of being infernal
inferno {m} :: hell
inferno {m} :: inferno
infero {adj} [literary] /ˈin.fe.ro/ :: low, deep
infero {adj} [figuratively, rare] :: underworldly, infernal, chthonian
infero {adj} [botany] :: inferior [of an ovary]
inferocente {v} :: present participle of inferocire
inferocentesi {v} :: present participle of inferocirsi
inferocire {vt} :: to enrage
inferocirsi {vr} :: To become enraged
inferocito {adj} :: enraged
inferocitosi {v} :: past participle of inferocirsi
inferriata {f} :: grating, grille
inferriata {f} :: portcullis
inferriata {f} :: grid
inferriata {f} :: gridiron
infertile {adj} :: infertile
infertile {adj} :: barren
infertilità {f} :: infertility
infervoramento {m} :: fervour / fervor, enthusiasm
infervorante {v} :: present participle of infervorare
infervorantesi {v} :: present participle of infervorarsi
infervorare {vt} :: to enthuse
infervorare {vt} :: to incite
infervorarsi {v} :: reflexive of infervorare
infervorarsi {v} :: to become excited or carried away
infervoratamente {adv} :: overexcitedly
infervorato {adj} :: overexcited, carried away
infervoratosi {v} :: past participle of infervorarsi
infestamento {m} :: infestation
infestante {adj} :: infesting
infestante {f} :: weed
infestare {vt} :: to infest
infestazione {f} :: infestation
infestazione {f} :: haunting
infettante {v} :: present participle of infettare
infettante {adj} :: infectibg
infettantesi {v} :: present participle of infettarsi
infettare {vt} :: to infect
infettare {vt} :: to pollute, contaminate, spoil, corrupt
infettare {vt} :: to taint, poison
infettare {vt} :: to sicken
infettarsi {v} :: reflexive of infettare
infettarsi {v} :: to become infected
infettato {adj} :: infected
infettatosi {v} :: past participle of infettarsi
infettivo {adj} :: infectious, infective, catching, contagious
infettivologa {f} :: female equivalent of infettivologo
infettivologia {f} :: The science of infection and infectious disease
infettivologo {m} :: infectious disease specialist
infetto {adj} :: infected, septic
infetto {adj} :: polluted, contaminated, tainted
infeudamento {m} :: enfeoffment, infeudation
infeudante {v} :: present participle of infeudare
infeudare {vt} :: To enfeoff
infeudazione {f} :: synonym of infeudamento
infezione {f} :: infection
infiacchente {v} :: present participle of infiacchire
infiacchentesi {v} :: present participle of infiacchirsi
infiacchimento {m} :: enfeeblement, weakening
infiacchire {vt} :: To weaken or exhaust
infiacchirsi {vr} :: To become weakened or exhausted
infiacchito {adj} :: weakened, exhausted
infiacchitosi {v} :: past participle of infiacchirsi
infialante {v} :: present participle of infialare
infialare {vt} :: To put into a phial / vial
infialettante {v} :: present participle of infialettare
infialettare {vt} :: To put into a phial / vial
infiammabile {adj} :: inflammable (UK), flammable (US)
infiammabile {adj} :: fiery, combustible
infiammabilità {f} :: inflammability
infiammabilità {f} :: fieriness
infiammante {v} :: present participle of infiammare
infiammantesi {v} :: present participle of infiammarsi
infiammare {vt} :: to set fire to something
infiammare {vt} :: to inflame or stir up or flush something
infiammarsi {v} :: reflexive of infiammare
infiammarsi {v} :: to catch fire
infiammarsi {v} :: to blush
infiammarsi {v} :: to become inflamed
infiammato {adj} :: burning, inflamed
infiammato {adj} :: flaming
infiammatorio {n} :: inflammatory
infiammatosi {v} :: past participle of infiammarsi
infiammazione {f} :: inflammation
in fiamme {adj} :: ablaze, afire, on fire
in fiamme {adv} :: aflame
infiascante {v} :: present participle of infiascare
infiascare {vt} :: To bottle (wine, oil etc)
infiascato {adj} :: bottled
infiascatura {f} :: putting into a flask etc. ; bottling
infibulamento {m} [surgery] :: pinning
infibulante {v} :: present participle of infibulare
infibulare {vt} [surgery] :: to pin (together)
infibulare {vt} :: to infibulate
infibulazione {f} :: infibulation
infibulo {m} [surgery] :: pin
inficiante {v} :: present participle of inficiare
inficiare {vt} [legal] :: to invalidate, reduce in validity or value
infidamente {adv} /in.fi.daˈmen.te/ :: treacherously, faithlessly
infido {adj} /inˈfi.do/ :: treacherous, unreliable, untrustworthy
infido {adj} [figuratively, of things] :: unsafe, unreliable, treacherous
infido {adj} [by extension, poetic] :: ominous
infido {adj} [literary] :: unfaithful
infido {adj} [literary, poetic, obsolete, rare] :: infidel, specfically non-Christian
infierente {v} :: present participle of infierire
in fieri {adj} /inˈfi.e.ri/ :: in progress, underway
infierire {vi} :: to attack furiously, thrash
infierire {vi} :: to rage (at) or (over)
infiggente {v} :: present participle of infiggere
infiggere {vt} :: To drive or thrust something into something; to insert
infilaaghi {m} /inˌfilaˈaɡi/ :: needle threader
infilaggio {m} :: threading (of a needle etc)
infilanastri {m} :: bodkin (needle used for threading)
infilante {v} :: present participle of infilare
infilantesi {v} :: present participle of infilarsi
infilaperle {m} :: strong thread used for stringing pearls
infilare {vt} :: to insert, to tuck in
infilare {vt} :: to puncture
infilare {vt} :: to thread [a needle, etc.]
infilare {vt} :: to do one after another in rapid succession
infilare {vt} :: to put on [an item of clothing]
infilare {vt} :: to take [a route, etc.]
infilare {vt} :: to guess
infilarsi {v} :: reflexive of infilare
infilarsi {v} :: to slip (into)
infilarsi {v} :: to slip into or put on [an item of clothing]
infilata {f} :: series of things that follow one after another; string
infilatosi {v} :: past participle of infilarsi
infilatura {f} :: threading
infiltrante {v} :: present participle of infiltrare
infiltrante {adj} :: infiltrating
infiltrantesi {v} :: present participle of infiltrarsi
infiltrare {vt} :: to infiltrate something or someone into an organization, etc
infiltrarsi {v} :: reflexive of infiltrare
infiltrarsi {v} :: to infiltrate oneself (into) an organization, etc
infiltrarsi {v} :: to penetrate
infiltrarsi {v} :: to seep (into)
infiltrato {m} :: infiltrator
infiltrato {m} :: mole, spy
infiltratore {m} :: infiltrator
infiltratosi {v} :: past participle of infiltrarsi
infiltratrice {f} :: female equivalent of infiltratore
infiltrazione {f} :: infiltration
infiltrazione {f} :: penetration (by fluid)
infiltrazione {f} :: seepage
infiltrazione {f} :: leak
infilzante {v} :: present participle of infilzare
infilzare {vt} :: to run through
infilzare {vt} :: to skewer, impale
infilzare {vt} :: to string
infilzare {vt} :: to spear
infilzato {adj} :: pierced
infimamente {adv} :: inferiorly
infimità {f} :: The property of being lowest; inferiority, worstness, worthlessness
infimo {adj} /ˈinfimo/ :: lowest, very bad, inferior, worst
in fin dei conti {adv} :: after all, all things considered, ultimately
in fin dei conti {adv} :: after all is said and done, when all is said and done
in fin di vita {prep} :: in agony, approaching death; dying
infine {adv} :: finally, in the end, at last, lastly, ultimately
infine {adv} :: after all
infine {adv} :: in short
infingardaggine {f} :: laziness, idleness, sluggishness, sloth
infingardamente {adv} :: lazily, slothfully
infingardente {v} :: present participle of infingardire
infingardentesi {v} :: present participle of infingardirsi
infingardire {v} :: to make, or to become lazy, idle or sluggish
infingardirsi {vr} :: To become lazy, idle or sluggish
infingarditosi {v} :: past participle of infingardirsi
infingardo {adj} :: lazy, slothful
infingardo {m} :: slacker (lazy person)
infingente {v} :: present participle of infingere
infingere {vt} [obsolete] :: to feign or fake
infingimento {m} :: duplicity, hypocrisy, deceitfulness
infinità {f} :: infinity, infinitude, infiniteness, infinite number of
infinitamente {adv} :: infinitely, endlessly
infinitamente {adv} :: awfully, terribly
infinitesimale {adj} :: infinitesimal
infinitesimamente {adv} :: infinitesimally
infinitesimo {adj} :: infinitesimal
infinitesimo {m} :: infinitesimal
infinitezza {f} :: infinitude, infinity
infinitivo {adj} [linguistics] :: infinitive (attributive)
infinito {adj} /in.fiˈniː.t̪o/ :: infinite
infinito {adj} :: boundless, unlimited, unbounded, immeasurable
infinito {adj} :: endless, countless
infinito {adj} [grammar] :: infinite
infinito {m} :: infinity, endlessness
infinito {m} [grammar] :: infinitive mood
infino {conj} :: until, till
infinocchiante {v} :: present participle of infinocchiare
infinocchiare {vt} :: To hoodwink or bamboozle
infioccante {v} :: present participle of infioccare
infioccare {vt} :: To decorate with bows or tassels
infiocchettante {v} :: present participle of infiocchettare
infiocchettare {vt} :: To decorate with tassels or ribbons
infiochente {v} :: present participle of infiochire
infiochire {vt} :: to muffle
infiochire {vi} :: to fade or weaken
infiorante {v} :: present participle of infiorare
infiorare {vt} :: To deck with flowers
infiorata {f} :: A festival in which a street is carpeted with flowers
infiorescenza {f} :: inflorescence
infiorescenza a spiga {f} [botany] :: spike (A kind of inflorescence in which sessile flowers are arranged on an unbranched elongated axis)
infirmante {v} :: present participle of infirmare
infirmare {vt} :: to invalidate
infirmità {f} [obsolete] :: Variant of infermità
infirmo {adj} [literary, obsolete] :: alternative form of infermo
infischiante {v} :: present participle of infischiarsi
infischiantesi {v} :: present participle of infischiarsi
infischiare {v} :: alternative form of infischiarsi
infischiarsi {vr} [rare] :: to not care or worry (about)
infischiatosi {v} :: past participle of infischiarsi
infissione {f} :: insertion
infisso {m} :: frame (of a door or window)
infistolente {v} :: present participle of infistolire
infistolire {vi} :: To become fistulous
infittente {v} :: present participle of infittire
infittentesi {v} :: present participle of infittirsi
infittire {vt} :: To thicken
infittirsi {vr} :: To thicken
infittirsi {vr} :: To grow
infittirsi {vr} :: To become more frequent
infittitosi {v} :: past participle of infittirsi
inflaccidente {v} :: present participle of inflaccidire
inflaccidire {vi} :: to become flaccid or flabby
inflaccidito {adj} :: flabby
in flagrante {adv} :: in the act
in flagranza {adv} :: in flagrante
in flagranza di reato {adv} :: in flagrante delicto
inflativo {adj} :: Variant of inflattivo
inflatone {m} [physics] :: inflaton
inflattivo {adj} :: inflationary
inflazionante {v} :: present participle of inflazionare
inflazionare {vt} [economics] :: to inflate
inflazionario {adj} [cosmology] :: inflationary
inflazione {f} :: inflation
inflazionismo {m} :: inflationism
inflazionista {mf} :: inflationist
inflazionistico {adj} [economics] :: inflationary
inflessibile {adj} :: inflexible, unbending
inflessibilità {f} :: inflexibility
inflessibilmente {adv} :: inflexibly
inflessione {f} :: inflection
inflettente {v} :: present participle of inflettere
inflettere {vt} :: to turn, bend
inflettere {vt} :: to modulate the voice
infliggente {v} :: present participle of infliggere
infliggere {vt} :: to inflict
infliggere {vt} :: to impose
inflorescenza {f} :: Variant of infiorescenza
influente {adj} :: influential
influente {v} :: present participle of influenzare
influente {v} :: present participle of influire
influenza {f} /iɱ.fluˈɛn.t̪s̪͡a/ :: influence
influenza {f} :: influenza, flu
influenzabile {adj} :: Easily influenced, pliant, influenceable
influenzabilità {f} :: pliancy, weakness
influenzale {adj} :: flu (attributive), influenza (attributive)
influenzante {v} :: present participle of influenzare
influenzare {vt} :: to influence, have an influence on
influenzato {adj} :: influenza, flu (attributive)
influire {vi} :: To influence, to affect
influsso {m} :: influence
influsso {m} :: ascendancy
info {m} [colloquial] :: Short form of informazione
infocante {v} :: present participle of infocare
infocantesi {v} :: present participle of infocarsi
infocare {vt} :: to make red hot
infocarsi {v} :: reflexive of infocare
infocarsi {v} :: to become red hot; to catch fire
infocarsi {v} :: to get excited
infocarsi {v} :: to get heated [of discussion]
infocato {adj} :: red hot
infocato {adj} :: burning
infocato {adj} :: heated, passionate (debate)
infocatosi {v} :: past participle of infocarsi
infoderante {v} :: present participle of infoderare
infoderare {vt} :: To sheathe
infognante {v} :: present participle of infognarsi
infognantesi {v} :: present participle of infognarsi
infognarsi {vr} :: to get into a mess
infognatosi {v} :: past participle of infognarsi
infografica {f} :: infographics
infoiato {adj} [colloquial] :: horny (sexually aroused)
infoibante {v} :: present participle of infoibare
infoibare {vt} :: To throw into a ditch
in folle {adj} [of the engine of a motor car etc] :: in neutral
infoltente {v} :: present participle of infoltire
infoltire {v} [ergative] :: to (make) thicken
infoltirsi {v} :: reflexive of infoltire
infoltirsi {v} :: to become thick or bushy
infondatamente {adv} :: groundlessly
infondatezza {f} :: groundlessness
infondato {adj} :: groundless, baseless, unfounded
infondente {v} :: present participle of infondere
infondere {vt} /inˈfɔn.de.re/ :: To infuse, instil or inspire
in fondo {adv} :: at the bottom; at the end; at the back; in the back
in fondo {adv} :: after all, all things considered
inforcante {v} :: present participle of inforcare
inforcare {vt} :: to fork; to pitchfork
inforcare {vt} :: to mount, get on [a bicycle, horse, etc.]
inforcare {vt} :: to put on [spectacles]
inforcatura {f} :: forking
inforcatura {f} :: fork, bifurcation
inforcatura {f} [anatomy] :: crotch
in forma {adj} :: in shape, fit
in forma {adv} :: in shape
informabile {adj} :: That can be informed
informabile {adj} :: not mouldable, not formable, not shapable
informale {adj} :: informal, unofficial
informalità {f} :: informality
informalmente {adv} :: informally
informante {v} :: present participle of informare
informantesi {v} :: present participle of informarsi
informare {vt} :: to inform, tell, report, notify
informarsi {v} :: reflexive of informare
informarsi {v} :: to inquire, ask, check up, find out
informatica {f} :: The discipline computer science, information science, informatics
informatica {f} :: female equivalent of informatico
informatico {adj} /inforˈmatiko/ :: computing [attributive]; informatic
informatico {m} :: a computing specialist; computer scientist; information scientist
informatissimo {adj} :: superlative of informato
informativo {adj} :: informative
informatizzante {v} :: present participle of informatizzare
informatizzantesi {v} :: present participle of informatizzarsi
informatizzare {vt} [computing] :: to computerize
informatizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of informatizzare
informatizzarsi {vr} [computing] :: to be computerized
informatizzatosi {v} :: past participle of informatizzarsi
informatizzazione {f} [computing] :: computerization
informatore {adj} :: informative
informatore {m} :: informer
informatore {m} :: ear (slang)
informatore {m} [colloquial] :: squealer
informatosi {v} :: past participle of informarsi
informatrice {f} :: female equivalent of informatore
informazionale {adj} :: informational
informazione {f} /informaˈt͡sjone/ :: information
informe {adj} :: formless, shapeless
informemente {adv} :: formlessly, shapelessly
informicolamento {m} :: tingling, pins and needles
informicolante {v} :: present participle of informicolarsi
informicolantesi {v} :: present participle of informicolarsi
informicolarsi {vr} :: To have pins and needles
informicolatosi {v} :: past participle of informicolarsi
informicolente {v} :: present participle of informicolirsi
informicolentesi {v} :: present participle of informicolirsi
informicolirsi {vr} :: alternative form of informicolarsi
informicolitosi {v} :: past participle of informicolirsi
in formissima {adj} :: in great shape
in formissima {adv} :: in great shape
informità {f} :: shapelessness
infornaciante {v} :: present participle of infornaciare
infornaciare {vt} :: To put into a furnace or kiln
infornante {v} :: present participle of infornare
infornare {vt} :: To put something in the oven
infornata {f} :: batch (especially of things baked at the same time)
infortunante {v} :: present participle of infortunare
infortunantesi {v} :: present participle of infortunarsi
infortunarsi {vr} :: To have an accident
infortunata {f} :: injured woman
infortunato {adj} :: injured
infortunato {m} :: injured person
infortunatosi {v} :: past participle of infortunarsi
infortunio {m} [literary] /in.forˈtu.njo/ :: misfortune, mishap
infortunio {m} :: accident, injury
infortunistica {f} :: The study of accidents (especially in the workplace) and their prevention; health and safety
infortunistico {adj} :: industrial accident (attributive)
infoscante {v} :: present participle of infoscare
infoscantesi {v} :: present participle of infoscarsi
infoscare {vti} :: to darken
infoscarsi {vr} :: To darken
infoscatosi {v} :: past participle of infoscarsi
infossamento {m} :: hollow, depression (in the ground)
infossante {v} :: present participle of infossare
infossantesi {v} :: present participle of infossarsi
infossare {vt} :: to place in a hole or pit
infossare {vt} :: to hollow out
infossarsi {v} :: reflexive of infossare
infossarsi {v} :: to sink [of ground]
infossarsi {v} :: to become hollow
infossato {adj} :: hollowed (out)
infossato {adj} :: sunken
infossatosi {v} :: past participle of infossarsi
infra- {prefix} :: infra-
infra {adv} :: only in vedi infra
infracigliare {adj} :: infraciliary
infraciliatura {f} :: infraciliature
infradiano {adj} :: infradian
infradiciamento {m} :: drenching, soaking
infradiciamento {m} :: rot, decay
infradiciante {v} :: present participle of infradiciare
infradiciantesi {v} :: present participle of infradiciarsi
infradiciare {vt} :: to soak, drench
infradiciare {vt} :: to rot
infradiciarsi {v} :: reflexive of infradiciare
infradiciarsi {v} :: to get soaked, drenched
infradiciarsi {v} :: to rot
infradiciatosi {v} :: past participle of infradiciarsi
infradito {f} {m} :: flip-flop, thong (footwear)
infragilimento {m} :: the condition of becoming brittle
inframettente {v} :: present participle of inframettere
inframettere {vt} :: Variant of inframmettere
inframezzante {v} :: present participle of inframezzare
inframezzare {vt} :: To interpose or intersperse
inframmessosi {v} :: past participle of inframmettersi
inframmettente {v} :: present participle of inframmettere
inframmettente {adj} :: meddling, interfering
inframmettentesi {v} :: present participle of inframmettersi
inframmettenza {f} :: interference, meddling
inframmettere {vt} :: To interpose
inframmettersi {vr} :: To interfere or meddle
inframmezzante {v} :: present participle of inframmezzare
inframmezzare {v} :: Variant of inframezzare
infrancesante {v} :: present participle of infrancesare
infrancesantesi {v} :: present participle of infrancesarsi
infrancesare {vt} /in.fran.t͡ʃeˈza.re/ :: To Frenchify
infrancesarsi {vr} :: To become Frenchified
infrancesato {adj} :: Frenchified
infrancesatosi {v} :: past participle of infrancesarsi
infranciosare {vt} /in.fran.t͡ʃoˈza.re/ :: alternative form of infrancesare
infrangente {v} :: present participle of infrangere
infrangentesi {v} :: present participle of infrangersi
infrangere {vt} :: to break, shatter, smash
infrangere {vt} :: to violate
infrangere {vt} :: to infringe
infrangersi {v} :: reflexive of infrangere
infrangersi {v} :: to break, shatter, smash
infrangibile {adj} :: unbreakable, infrangible
infrangibilità {f} :: The state of being unbreakable or infrangible; infrangibility
infrangibilmente {adv} :: unbreakably
infrangimento {m} :: infringement, breach, breaking
infranto {adj} :: broken
infrantosi {v} :: past participle of infrangersi
infraorbitario {adj} [anatomy] :: infraorbital
infraordine {m} [taxonomy] :: infraorder
infrapponente {v} :: present participle of infrapporre
infrapporre {vt} :: Variant of frapporre
infraprocedimentale {adj} [legal] :: subserviant to the normal legal proceedings
infrarosso {adj} :: infrared
infrascante {v} :: present participle of infrascare
infrascantesi {v} :: present participle of infrascarsi
infrascare {vt} :: to prop up or cover with leafy branches
infrascare {vt} [figurative, by extension, rare] :: to add superfluous elements
infrascare {vt} :: [of a climbing plant] to support with a branch, cane, etc.; to stake
infrascarsi {v} :: reflexive of infrascare
infrascarsi {v} :: to hide amongst undergrowth, etc
infrascarsi {v} :: to become entangled
infrascarsi {v} [slang] :: to search for a hidden place to have sex
infrascatosi {v} :: past participle of infrascarsi
infrascritto {adj} :: undermentioned
infrasettimanale {adj} :: midweek (attributive)
infrasettimanalmente {adv} :: in the midweek
infrasonoro {adj} :: infrasonic
infrastruttura {f} :: infrastructure
infrastrutturale {adj} :: infrastructural
infrastrutturato {adj} :: infrastructured
infrastrutturazione {f} :: The establishment of an infrastructure
infrasuono {m} :: infrasound
infratemporale {adj} [anatomy] :: infratemporal
infratrentenne {adj} :: Less than thirty years old
infrattante {v} :: present participle of infrattare
infrattantesi {v} :: present participle of infrattarsi
infrattare {vt} :: To hide
infrattarsi {vr} :: To hide oneself away (especially with another for a sexual liaison)
infrattatosi {v} :: past participle of infrattarsi
infravisibile {adj} :: ultramicroscopic
infrazionabile {adj} :: indivisible
infrazionabilità {f} :: indivisibility
infrazione {f} :: infringement, infraction, offence, breach, violation
infreddante {v} :: present participle of infreddarsi
infreddantesi {v} :: present participle of infreddarsi
infreddarsi {vr} :: To catch a cold
infreddato {adj} :: having a cold
infreddatosi {v} :: past participle of infreddarsi
infreddatura {f} :: a cold
infreddolente {v} :: present participle of infreddolire
infreddolentesi {v} :: present participle of infreddolirsi
infreddolire {vi} :: To get or feel cold
infreddolirsi {vr} :: To get or feel cold
infreddolito {adj} :: cold, chilled
infreddolitosi {v} :: past participle of infreddolirsi
infrenabile {adj} :: uncontrollable, unstoppable, irresistible
infrenabilmente {adv} :: uncontrollably, unstoppably, irresistibly
infrequentabile {adj} :: That can not be frequented; not respectable, no-go
infrequente {adj} :: infrequent, rare, uncommon
infrequentemente {adv} :: infrequently, rarely, uncommonly
infrequenza {f} :: infrequency
in fretta {adv} :: in a hurry, quickly
in fretta e furia {adv} :: hurriedly, in a rush, very quickly
infrollente {v} :: present participle of infrollire
infrollentesi {v} :: present participle of infrollirsi
infrollimento {m} :: weakening, slackening
infrollire {vi} :: To get tired or lazy or soft
infrollirsi {vr} :: To get tired or lazy or soft
infrollitosi {v} :: past participle of infrollirsi
infronzolante {v} :: present participle of infronzolare
infronzolare {v} :: to spiff up
infronzolare {v} :: to gild the lily
infruttescenza {f} [botany] :: infructescence
infruttifero {adj} :: unfruitful (all senses)
infruttifero {adj} :: barren
infruttifero {adj} :: unproductive
infruttifero {adj} :: noninterest
infruttifero {adj} :: Not of or pertaining to interest (additional amount repaid as a fraction of money or goods borrowed)
infruttuosamente {adv} :: fruitlessly
infruttuosità {f} :: fruitlessness
infruttuoso {adj} :: unfruitful, fruitless
infula {f} :: infula
infumabile {adj} :: not smokable
infundibolo {m} :: infundibulum
infundibuliforme {adj} :: infundibular
infundibulo {m} [anatomy] :: infundibulum
infungibile {adj} :: nonfungible
infungibilità {f} :: Condition of being nonfungible
infuocante {v} :: present participle of infuocare
infuocantesi {v} :: present participle of infuocarsi
infuocare {vt} :: to heat until red hot
infuocare {vt} :: to excite, agitate, enrage
infuocarsi {v} :: reflexive of infuocare
infuocarsi {v} :: to become red hot
infuocarsi {v} :: to be excited, agitated or enraged
infuocatamente {adv} :: scorchingly
infuocato {adj} :: red hot
infuocato {adj} :: burning, scorching
infuocato {adj} :: flushed (with red cheeks)
infuocato {adj} :: heated, fiery
infuocatosi {v} :: past participle of infuocarsi
infuori {adj} /inˈfwɔri/ :: protruding, bulging
infuori {adv} :: out, outwards
infurbente {v} :: present participle of infurbirsi
infurbentesi {v} :: present participle of infurbirsi
infurbirsi {vr} :: To become shrewd, cunning or wily
infurbitosi {v} :: past participle of infurbirsi
infuriante {v} :: present participle of infuriare
infuriare {v} /in.fuˈrja.re/ :: Meanings taking essere as the auxiliary:
infuriare {vi} [rare] :: To become enraged or furious
infuriare {vt} [rare] :: To enrage, to infuriate
infuriare {v} :: Meanings taking avere as the auxiliary:
infuriare {vi} :: To rage
infuriare {vi} [of people] :: To fight or struggle violently; to rage
infuriarsi {vi} /in.fuˈrjar.si/ :: To become enraged or furious
infusibile {adj} :: infusible
infusibilità {f} :: infusibleness, infusibility
infusione {f} :: infusion
infusione {f} :: steeping
infuso {m} :: infusion, tisane, tea, brew
infusore {m} :: infuser
Ing. {n} :: engineer (as a form of address)
ingabbiamento {m} :: caging
ingabbiante {v} :: present participle of ingabbiare
ingabbiare {vt} :: to cage
ingabbiare {vt} :: to crate
ingabbiare {vt} :: to lock up, to imprison
ingabbiatura {f} :: framework (of a building)
ingaggiante {v} :: present participle of ingaggiare
ingaggiare {vt} /in.ɡadˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: to take on, engage or recruit someone
ingaggiare {vt} :: to sign [a sportsman for a team]
ingaggiatore {m} :: recruiter
ingaggio {m} /inˈɡad.d͡ʒo/ :: The taking on or engaging of someone for a role
ingaggio {m} :: The signing of a sportsman for a team; the fee paid
ingaggio {m} [nautical, historical] :: bounty
ingagliardente {v} :: present participle of ingagliardire
ingagliardire {vt} :: to strengthen
ingagliardire {vt} :: to invigorate
ingagliardito {adj} :: strengthened
ingagliardito {adj} :: invigorated
in gamba {adj} :: healthy
in gamba {adj} :: spry, nimble
in gamba {adj} [by extension] :: on the ball, smart
in gamba {prep} :: keep well!
ingannabile {adj} :: deceivable, cheatable
ingannante {v} :: present participle of ingannare
ingannantesi {v} :: present participle of ingannarsi
ingannare {vt} :: to deceive, take in, mislead, hoodwink
ingannare {vt} :: to cheat, swindle
ingannare {vt} :: to betray
ingannare {vt} :: to guile, beguile
ingannarsi {v} :: reflexive of ingannare
ingannarsi {v} :: to be mistaken, be wrong
ingannatore {adj} :: deceptive
ingannatore {adj} :: deceitful
ingannatore {m} :: imposter
ingannatore {m} :: deceiver
ingannatosi {v} :: past participle of ingannarsi
ingannatrice {f} :: female equivalent of ingannatore
ingannevole {adj} /in.ɡanˈne.vo.le/ :: deceptive, misleading
ingannevolmente {adv} :: deceptively
inganno {m} :: deception, trick, trickery
inganno {m} :: cheat, fraud, swindle
ingarbugliamento {m} :: entanglement
ingarbugliamento {m} :: muddle, confusion
ingarbugliante {v} :: present participle of ingarbugliare
ingarbugliantesi {v} :: present participle of ingarbugliarsi
ingarbugliare {vt} :: to tangle
ingarbugliare {vt} :: to muddle, confuse, jumble
ingarbugliarsi {v} :: reflexive of ingarbugliare
ingarbugliarsi {v} :: to become tangled
ingarbugliarsi {v} :: to become muddled or confused
ingarbugliatamente {adv} :: confusedly
ingarbugliatamente {adv} :: in a tangle
ingarbugliatissimo {adj} :: superlative of ingarbugliato
ingarbugliato {adj} :: tangled
ingarbugliato {adj} :: muddled, confused
ingarbugliatosi {v} :: past participle of ingarbugliarsi
ingarellarsi {vr} [Rome] :: to involve oneself in a challenge, competition, etc
ingauno {adj} :: Of, or from, Albenga
ingauno {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Albenga
ingavonante {v} :: present participle of ingavonarsi
ingavonantesi {v} :: present participle of ingavonarsi
ingavonarsi {vr} [nautical] :: to heel over
ingavonatosi {v} :: past participle of ingavonarsi
ingegnante {v} :: present participle of ingegnarsi
ingegnantesi {v} :: present participle of ingegnarsi
ingegnarsi {vr} :: to do one's best
ingegnarsi {vr} :: to use one's ingenuity
ingegnarsi {v} :: to make shift
ingegnatosi {v} :: past participle of ingegnarsi
ingegner {m} :: apocopic form of ingegnere
ingegnera {f} :: female equivalent of ingegnere
ingegnere {m} /indʒeɲˈɲɛre/ :: engineer
ingegnere genetico {m} :: genetic engineer
ingegneria {f} :: engineering
ingegneria aerospaziale {f} [engineering] :: aerospace engineering
ingegneria chimica {f} [engineering] :: chemical engineering
ingegneria civile {f} [engineering] :: civil engineering
ingegneria dei materiali {f} :: materials science
ingegneria del software {n} [computing] :: software engineering
ingegneria energetica {f} [engineering, chemistry, physics, materials science] :: energy engineering, energy systems engineering
ingegneria genetica {f} [genetics] :: genetic engineering
ingegneria inversa {f} :: reverse engineering
ingegneria meccanica {f} :: mechanical engineering
ingegneria memetica {f} :: memetic engineering
ingegneria navale {f} :: naval engineering / marine engineering
ingegneria navale {f} :: shipbuilding
ingegneristico {adj} :: engineering (attributive)
ingegnerizzante {v} :: present participle of ingegnerizzare
ingegnerizzare {vt} :: to engineer [to plan and establish the methods and processes to convert raw materials into finished products]
ingegnerizzazione {f} :: engineerization
ingegniere navale {m} :: naval engineer
ingegniere navale {m} :: shipbuilder
ingegno {m} :: intelligence, mind, brains
ingegno {m} :: ingenuity, wits
ingegno {m} :: gift, talent
ingegnosamente {adv} :: ingeniously, cleverly, imaginatively
ingegnosità {f} :: ingenuity
ingegnoso {adj} :: clever, ingenious
ingegnoso {adj} :: crafty
ingelivo {adj} :: frostproof, frost-resistant
ingelosente {v} :: present participle of ingelosire
ingelosentesi {v} :: present participle of ingelosirsi
ingelosire {vt} :: to make jealous
ingelosirsi {vr} :: To become jealous
ingelositosi {v} :: past participle of ingelosirsi
ingemmante {v} :: present participle of ingemmare
ingemmare {vt} :: To stud or adorn with jewels
ingemmare {v} [botany] :: To bud
ingenerabile {adj} /in.d͡ʒe.neˈra.bi.le/ :: That can be produced or caused; causable, producible
ingenerabile {adj} :: That can not be generated; ingenerable
ingenerabilità {f} :: The property of what can be produced or caused
ingenerabilità {f} :: The property of what can not be generated
in generale {adv} :: in general
ingenerante {v} :: present participle of ingenerare
ingenerantesi {v} :: present participle of ingenerarsi
ingenerare {vt} [archaic or literary] /in.d͡ʒe.neˈra.re/ :: to beget, to create
ingenerare {vt} [figurative] :: to cause, to create, to produce
ingenerarsi {vr} :: To originate
ingenerato {adj} /in.d͡ʒe.neˈra.to/ :: innate, inborn
ingeneratosi {v} :: past participle of ingenerarsi
in genere {adv} :: generally, in general
ingenerosamente {adv} :: ungenerously
ingenerosità {f} :: ungenerosity
ingeneroso {adj} :: ungenerous
ingenioso {adj} [archaic] :: ingenious
ingenito {adj} :: innate, inborn
ingente {adj} :: great, considerable, enormous
ingentemente {adv} :: greatly, considerably, enormously
ingentilente {v} :: present participle of ingentilire
ingentilimento {m} :: refinement, polishing
ingentilire {vt} :: to refine or civilize
ingentilire {vt} [agriculture] :: to artificially select
ingentilire {vt} [literary] :: (typically with di) to adorn (with)
ingentilire {vi} [rare] :: to become gentler
ingentilirsi {v} :: reflexive of ingentilire
ingentilirsi {v} :: to become kinder, gentler, or dignified
ingentissimo {adj} :: superlative of ingente
ingenua {f} :: female equivalent of ingenuo
ingenuamente {adv} :: naively, ingenuously, candidly
ingenuità {f} :: naivety
ingenuo {adj} :: naive, ingenuous, candid
ingenuo {m} :: naif
ingerente {v} :: present participle of ingerire
ingerenza {f} :: interference, meddling
ingeribile {adj} :: ingestible
ingerire {vt} :: To ingest
ingerirsi {v} :: reflexive of ingerire
ingerirsi {v} [in] :: to meddle (with)
ingessante {v} :: present participle of ingessare
ingessare {vt} :: To put a limb etc in plaster
ingessato {adj} :: rigid, stiff, stilted
ingessatura {f} :: plaster cast (on a limb)
ingestibile {adj} :: unmanageable
ingestione {f} :: ingestion
inghalla {m} :: reedbuck, reed antelope
inghiaiante {v} :: present participle of inghiaiare
inghiaiare {vt} :: To cover with gravel; to gravel
inghiaiato {adj} :: Covered with gravel, gravelled
inghiaiatura {f} :: covering with gravel, gravelling
inghiaiatura {f} :: gravel layer, gravel
inghilese {adj} :: obsolete form of inglese
Inghilterra {prop} /inɡilˈtɛr.ra/ :: England
Inghilterra {prop} [extensively, mistakenly] :: the United Kingdom
in ghingheri {adj} :: dressed up, spruced up
inghiottente {v} :: present participle of inghiottire
inghiottimento {m} :: swallowing
inghiottire {v} :: to swallow
inghiottitoio {m} :: sinkhole
inghippo {m} :: trick, catch, kink
inghirlandante {v} :: present participle of inghirlandare
inghirlandare {vt} :: To wreath or garland
ingiallente {v} :: present participle of ingiallire
ingiallimento {m} :: yellowing
ingiallire {vti} :: to (turn) yellow
ingiallito {adj} :: yellowed
ingigantente {v} :: present participle of ingigantire
ingigantentesi {v} :: present participle of ingigantirsi
ingigantimento {m} :: magnifying
ingigantimento {m} :: exaggeration, overstatement
ingigantire {vt} :: To magnify, to exaggerate, to overstate, to blow up
ingigantire {v} :: to blow out of proportion
ingigantirsi {vr} :: To become gigantic, to become huge
ingigantitosi {v} :: past participle of ingigantirsi
inginocchiamento {m} :: kneeling (down)
inginocchiantesi {v} :: present participle of inginocchiarsi
inginocchiare {v} :: alternative form of inginocchiarsi
inginocchiarsi {vr} :: To kneel, or kneel down
inginocchiatoio {m} :: hassock, prie-dieu
inginocchiatosi {v} :: past participle of inginocchiarsi
ingiocabile {adj} :: unplayable
in gioco {prep} [idiomatic] :: at stake, at issue, at risk
ingioiellante {v} :: present participle of ingioiellare
ingioiellare {vt} :: To decorate with jewels; to bejewel
in giro {adv} :: on the go, out and about
in giro {adv} :: here and there, about, around
in giù {adv} :: down, downwards
ingiù {adv} :: alternative spelling of in giù
ingiudicabile {adj} :: unjudged
ingiudicabile {adj} :: unrated
ingiudicato {adj} [literary] /in.d͡ʒu.diˈka.to/ :: not judged
ingiudicato {adj} [legal] :: sub judice
ingiungente {v} :: present participle of ingiungere
ingiungere {vt} :: to enjoin or order someone to do something
ingiuntivo {adj} :: injunction [attributive]
ingiuntivo {adj} :: injunctive
ingiunzione {f} :: injunction
ingiuria {f} [archaic] /inˈd͡ʒu.rja/ :: injury, injustice, wrong
ingiuria {f} [legal] :: offence
ingiuria {f} [literary] :: insult, abuse, affront
ingiuriante {v} /in.d͡ʒuˈrjan.te/ :: present participle of ingiuriare
ingiuriante {mf} :: One who injuries or wrongs
ingiuriantesi {v} :: present participle of ingiuriarsi
ingiuriare {vt} /in.d͡ʒuˈrja.re/ :: To insult, abuse or offend
ingiuriarsi {vr} :: To insult, abuse or offend each other
ingiuriato {m} /in.d͡ʒuˈrja.to/ :: One who has been injuried or wronged [male]
ingiuriatore {m} [rare] /in.d͡ʒu.rjaˈto.re/ :: One who injuries or wrongs [male]
ingiuriatosi {v} :: past participle of ingiuriarsi
ingiuriatrice {f} [rare] /in.d͡ʒu.rjaˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: female equivalent of ingiuriatore
ingiuriosamente {adv} /in.d͡ʒu.rjo.zaˈmen.te/ :: abusively, offensively
ingiurioso {adj} /in.d͡ʒuˈrjo.zo/ :: insulting, offensive, abusive, injurious
ingiusta {f} :: female equivalent of ingiusto
ingiustamente {adv} /in.d͡ʒus.taˈmen.te/ :: unjustly, unfairly, wrongfully
ingiustificabile {adj} /in.d͡ʒus.ti.fiˈka.bi.le/ :: inexcusable, unjustifiable
ingiustificabilità {f} /in.d͡ʒus.ti.fi.ka.bi.liˈta/ :: Property of being unjustifiable or inexcusable; unjustifiability
ingiustificabilmente {adv} /in.d͡ʒus.ti.fi.ka.bilˈmen.te/ :: unjustifiably, inexcusably
ingiustificatamente {adv} /in.d͡ʒus.ti.fi.ka.taˈmen.te/ :: unjustifiably
ingiustificatamente {adv} :: groundlessly
ingiustificato {adj} /in.d͡ʒus.ti.fiˈka.to/ :: unjustified, unwarranted
ingiustissimo {adj} :: superlative of ingiusto
ingiustizia {f} /in.d͡ʒusˈtit.t͡sja/ :: injustice, inequity, unfairness
ingiustizia {f} :: injustice, wrong
ingiustizia palese {f} :: gross injustice
ingiusto {adj} /inˈd͡ʒus.to/ :: unjust, unfair, wrong
ingiusto {adj} :: unjustified, underserved
ingiusto {m} :: unjust person
inglese {adj} :: English
inglese {mf} :: Englishman, Englishwoman
inglese {mf} [in the plural] :: English people, British people, the English, the British
inglese {m} :: English (language)
inglese americano {m} :: American (American English)
inglese britannico {m} :: British English
inglesismo {m} :: anglicism
inglesizzante {v} :: present participle of inglesizzare
inglesizzare {v} :: To Englishize
inglobamento {m} :: incorporation, inclusion, englobement
inglobante {v} :: present participle of inglobare
inglobare {vt} :: to include or incorporate external elements into a unified whole
inglobare {vt} :: to embed
ingloriosamente {adv} :: ingloriously
inglorioso {adj} :: inglorious
ingluvie {f} :: crop, craw, ingluvies (of a bird)
-ingo {suffix} :: Used to derive adjectives and nouns indicating a state or condition
ingobbente {v} :: present participle of ingobbire
ingobbentesi {v} :: present participle of ingobbirsi
ingobbio {m} :: slip (ceramics)
ingobbire {vi} :: To become stooped
ingobbirsi {vr} :: To become stooped
ingobbitosi {v} :: past participle of ingobbirsi
ingoffente {v} :: present participle of ingoffire
ingoffire {vt} :: To make someone look awkward or clumsy
ingoffire {vi} :: To become awkward or clumsy
ingoiante {v} :: present participle of ingoiare
ingoiare {vt} :: to swallow
ingoiare {vt} :: to gulp down [food or beverage]
ingoiare il rospo {v} :: to swallow a bitter pill
ingoiare il rospo {v} :: to bite the bullet
ingolato {adj} [music, of a voice] :: Produced in the throat
ingolfamento {m} :: flooding
ingolfante {v} :: present participle of ingolfare
ingolfantesi {v} :: present participle of ingolfarsi
ingolfare {vt} :: To flood (an engine with fuel)
ingolfarsi {vr} :: To flood (an engine with fuel)
ingolfato {adj} :: flooded (of an engine)
ingolfatosi {v} :: past participle of ingolfarsi
ingollante {v} :: present participle of ingollare
ingollare {vt} :: To gulp down, gulp or swallow or chug
ingolosente {v} :: present participle of ingolosire
ingolosentesi {v} :: present participle of ingolosirsi
ingolosire {vt} :: to make someone's mouth water
ingolosire {vt} :: to attract someone
ingolosirsi {v} :: reflexive of ingolosire
ingolosirsi {v} :: to become greedy (for)
ingolositosi {v} :: past participle of ingolosirsi
ingombrante {adj} :: cumbersome, awkward, unwieldy
ingombrare {vt} :: to block, obstruct
ingombrare {vt} :: to clutter
ingombro {m} :: encumbrance, obstruction, obstacle
ingombro {m} :: bulk, mass
ingombro {adj} :: blocked
ingombro {adj} :: cluttered
ingommante {v} :: present participle of ingommare
ingommare {vt} :: To gum or stick
ingommatura {f} :: gumming, sticking
ingorda {f} :: feminine noun of ingordo
ingordamente {adv} :: greedily
ingordigia {f} :: greed (for)
ingordigia {f} :: avidity (for)
ingordo {adj} :: greedy or avid (for)
ingordo {m} :: glutton
ingorgante {v} :: present participle of ingorgare
ingorgantesi {v} :: present participle of ingorgarsi
ingorgare {vt} :: to block
ingorgarsi {vr} :: To become blocked
ingorgatosi {v} :: past participle of ingorgarsi
ingorgo {m} :: blockage, obstruction, pile
ingorgo stradale {m} :: traffic jam
ingovernabile {adj} :: ungovernable
ingovernabilità {f} :: ungovernability
ingovernabilmente {adv} :: ungovernably
ingozzante {v} :: present participle of ingozzare
ingozzantesi {v} :: present participle of ingozzarsi
ingozzare {vt} :: to fatten
ingozzare {vt} :: to stuff (to eat in a hearty or greedy manner)
ingozzarsi {v} :: reflexive of ingozzare
ingozzarsi {v} :: to stuff oneself
ingozzarsi {v} :: to scoff oneself
ingozzarsi {v} :: to gobble
ingozzarsi {v} :: to gulp down
ingozzatosi {v} :: past participle of ingozzarsi
ingracilente {v} :: present participle of ingracilire
ingracilire {vi} :: To weaken
in grado {adj} [intransitive] :: (often with di) able (to); capable (of); up to
ingraduabile {adj} :: ungradable
ingranaggio {m} :: gear, gear train
ingranaggio {m} :: mechanism (clockwork)
ingranamento {m} :: engagement (of gears)
ingranante {v} :: present participle of ingranare
ingranare {vit} [engineering, automotive] :: to engage (come into gear with); to mesh
ingranare {vi} [familiar] :: to head in the right direction, especially when prospects originally seemed unpromising
ingranare {vi} [familiar, chiefly in the negative] :: [of a person] to feel oneself
ingranare {vi} :: to fit in, get along (with)
ingrandente {v} :: present participle of ingrandire
ingrandentesi {v} :: present participle of ingrandirsi
ingrandibile {adj} :: enlargeable
ingrandimento {m} :: enlargement, extension, (of a picture) blow-up
ingrandimento {m} :: magnification
ingrandire {vt} :: to develop, expand, extend
ingrandire {vt} :: to widen [a road]
ingrandire {vt} :: to magnify
ingrandire {vt} :: to enlarge [a photo]
ingrandire {vt} :: to exaggerate
ingrandirsi {v} :: reflexive of ingrandire
ingrandirsi {v} :: to expand, get bigger, increase, grow
ingrandito {adj} :: developed, expanded or extended
ingrandito {adj} :: widened
ingrandito {adj} :: magnified
ingrandito {adj} :: enlarged
ingrandito {adj} :: exaggerated
ingranditore {m} [photography] :: enlarger
ingranditosi {v} :: past participle of ingrandirsi
ingrassaggio {m} :: greasing (lubrication with grease)
ingrassamento {m} :: fattening (up); putting on weight
ingrassante {v} :: present participle of ingrassare
ingrassare {vt} :: to fatten, lard
ingrassare {vi} :: to get fat; to put on weight
ingrassare {vi} :: to oil or lubricate
ingrassare {vt} :: to fertilize [soil]
ingrassarsi {v} :: reflexive of ingrassare
ingrassarsi {v} :: to put on weight
ingrassarsi {v} :: to get rich, especially through parasitic or illicit means
ingrassatore {m} :: greaser, oiler (person)
ingrassatore {m} :: lubricator (device or person)
ingrassatura {f} :: fattening
ingrassatura {f} :: greasing, lubrication
ingrata {f} :: feminine noun of ingrato
ingratamente {adv} :: ungratefully, ingrately
ingratamente {adv} :: thanklessly, unrewardingly, unpleasantly, difficultly
ingraticciante {v} :: present participle of ingraticciare
ingraticciare {vt} :: To fence with trellis
ingraticciata {f} :: trellis; trellis-work
ingraticolante {v} :: present participle of ingraticolare
ingraticolare {vt} :: To close off with a grating
ingratitudine {f} /in.ɡra.tiˈtu.di.ne/ :: ingratitude
ingrato {adj} :: ungrateful, ingrate
ingrato {adj} :: thankless, unrewarding, unpleasant, difficult
ingrato {m} :: ungrateful person
ingravescente {adj} :: worsening (of a disease)
ingravidante {v} :: present participle of ingravidare
ingravidare {vt} :: To make someone pregnant
ingravidare {vi} :: To become pregnant
ingraziante {v} :: present participle of ingraziarsi
ingraziantesi {v} :: present participle of ingraziarsi
ingraziare {vt} :: To ingratiate oneself with; to get on someone's good side
ingraziarsi {vr} :: To ingratiate oneself
ingraziatosi {v} :: past participle of ingraziarsi
ingraziosente {v} :: present participle of ingraziosire
ingraziosire {vt} :: To prettify
ingrediente {m} :: ingredient (one of the substances present in a mixture, especially food)
ingrediente {m} :: base (cooking, painting, etc.)
ingressivo {adj} [linguistics] :: ingressive
ingresso {m} :: entrance, hall
ingresso {m} :: entry, entrance
ingresso {m} :: admission, ticket, cover charge
ingrigente {v} :: present participle of ingrigire
ingrigire {vit} :: to grey / gray
ingrommante {v} :: present participle of ingrommare
ingrommare {vt} :: To form a crust on
ingroppare {vt} [regional, otherwise uncommon] /in.ɡropˈpa.re/ :: to entangle
ingroppare {vt} [obsolete] :: to mount (to put on horseback)
ingropparsi {v} /in.ɡropˈpar.si/ :: reflexive of ingroppare
ingropparsi {vt} [regional] :: to jump someone's bones
ingropparsi {vi} :: to curve, bend, warp
ingrossamento {m} :: swelling
ingrossante {v} :: present participle of ingrossare
ingrossantesi {v} :: present participle of ingrossarsi
ingrossare {vt} :: to increase
ingrossare {vt} :: to swell
ingrossare {vt} :: to develop [one's muscles, etc.]
ingrossarsi {v} :: reflexive of ingrossare
ingrossarsi {v} :: to increase
ingrossarsi {v} :: to swell
ingrossarsi {v} :: to develop
ingrossarsi {v} :: to put on weight
ingrossarsi {v} :: to grow
ingrossato {adj} :: swollen
ingrossatosi {v} :: past participle of ingrossarsi
ingrugnare {v} /in.ɡruɲˈɲa.re/ :: to sulk
ingrugnato {adj} :: grumpy
ingrullente {v} :: present participle of ingrullire
ingrullire {vti} :: to make, or to become silly
inguadabile {adj} :: unfordable
inguaiante {v} :: present participle of inguaiare
inguaiantesi {v} :: present participle of inguaiarsi
inguaiare {vt} :: to get someone into trouble
inguaiare {vt} :: to get someone pregnant
inguaiarsi {v} :: reflexive of inguaiare
inguaiarsi {v} :: to get into trouble
inguaiatosi {v} :: past participle of inguaiarsi
inguainante {v} :: present participle of inguainare
inguainare {vt} :: To sheathe
ingualcibile {adj} :: crease-resistant
ingualcibilità {f} :: crease resistance
ingualdrappante {v} :: present participle of ingualdrappare
ingualdrappare {vt} :: To harness
inguantante {v} :: present participle of inguantare
inguantantesi {v} :: present participle of inguantarsi
inguantare {vt} :: To put gloves on, to glove
inguantarsi {vr} :: To put gloves on, to glove
inguantato {adj} :: gloved
inguantatosi {v} :: past participle of inguantarsi
inguardabile {adj} :: unsightly, ugly, repelling, unpleasant, appalling
inguardabilità {f} :: unsightliness, ugliness
inguaribile {adj} :: incurable
inguaribile {adj} :: incorrigible
inguaribilmente {adv} :: incorrigibly
ingubbiatura {f} :: glaze (on pottery)
inguinale {adj} :: inguinal
inguine {m} :: groin
ingurgitante {v} :: present participle of ingurgitare
ingurgitare {vt} /in.ɡur.d͡ʒiˈta.re/ :: To gulp down, devour, guzzle, tuck in, pound, chug
Inguscezia {prop} /in.ɡuʃˈʃɛt.t͡sja/ :: Ingushetia
inguscia {f} /inˈɡuʃ.ʃa/ :: feminine noun of inguscio; Ingush (person from Ingushetia) [female]
inguscio {adj} /inˈɡuʃ.ʃo/ :: Ingush (pertaining to Ingushetia)
inguscio {m} :: Ingush (person from Ingushetia) [male]
inguscio {m} :: Ingush (language)
inhabile {adj} :: obsolete spelling of inabile
inhabitabile {adj} :: obsolete spelling of inabitabile
inhabitato {adj} :: obsolete spelling of inabitato
inia {f} /ˈi.nja/ :: Amazon river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis)
inibente {v} :: present participle of inibire
inibire {vt} :: To inhibit
inibita {f} :: inhibited woman
inibito {adj} :: inhibited
inibito {m} :: inhibited person
inibitore {m} :: inhibitor
inibitore {adj} :: inhibitory
inibitorio {adj} :: inhibitory
inibizione {f} :: inhibition
inidoneità {f} :: unsuitability, unfitness
inidoneo {adj} :: unfit, unsuitable
iniettabile {adj} :: injectable
iniettante {v} :: present participle of iniettare
iniettantesi {v} :: present participle of iniettarsi
iniettare {vt} :: to inject
iniettarsi {vr} :: to inject oneself with
iniettatosi {v} :: past participle of iniettarsi
iniettivo {adj} :: injective
iniettivo {adj} :: injection (attributive)
iniettore {m} :: injector
iniettore {m} :: primer (fuel injector)
iniezione {f} :: injection
inimicante {v} :: present participle of inimicare
inimicantesi {v} :: present participle of inimicarsi
inimicare {vt} :: to alienate, antagonize, make hostile
inimicarsi {v} :: reflexive of inimicare
inimicarsi {v} :: to fall out (with)
inimicatosi {v} :: past participle of inimicarsi
inimicizia {f} :: enmity
inimitabile {adj} :: inimitable
inimitabilità {f} :: inimitability
inimitabilmente {adv} :: inimitably
inimmaginabile {adj} :: unimaginable, inconceivable
inimmaginabilità {f} :: unimaginability
inimmaginabilmente {adv} :: unimaginably
ininfiammabile {adj} :: non-flammable / nonflammable
ininfiammabilità {f} :: nonflammability
ininfluente {adj} :: irrelevant
ininfluenza {f} :: irrelevance, unimportance
inintelligibile {adj} :: unintelligible, obscure
inintelligibile {adj} :: illegible
inintelligibilità {f} :: unintelligibility, incomprehensibility
inintelligibilità {f} :: illegibility
inintelligibilmente {adv} :: unintelligibly
inintermediari {adv} :: Using no agents or middlemen
ininterrottamente {adv} :: uninterruptedly, continuously, incessantly
ininterrotto {adj} :: uninterrupted, continuous, incessant, seamless
ininvestigabile {adj} :: not investigable
iniquamente {adv} :: iniquitously, unequally, inequitably
iniquissimo {adj} :: superlative of iniquo
iniquità {f} :: iniquity
iniquo {adj} /inˈi.kwo/ :: iniquitous, unjust
iniquo {adj} :: evil, wicked
initerabile {adj} :: unrepeatable
iniziabile {adj} :: startable
iniziale {adj} :: initial, opening, first, starting, beginning
iniziale {f} :: initial letter
iniziale {f} [in the plural] :: initials
inizializzante {v} :: present participle of inizializzare
inizializzare {vt} :: to initialize
inizializzazione {f} :: initialization
inizialmente {adv} :: initially, at first, at the beginning
inizianda {f} /i.nitˈt͡sjan.da/ :: feminine noun of iniziando
iniziando {m} /i.nitˈt͡sjan.do/ :: One that is to be initiated (e.g., to a cult)
iniziante {v} :: present participle of iniziare
iniziante {adj} :: initial
iniziare {v} :: to begin, to set about
iniziare {v} :: to join, to incorporate
iniziarsi {v} :: To start, commence, initiate
iniziata {f} :: female equivalent of iniziato
iniziatico {adj} /i.nitˈt͡sja.ti.ko/ :: initiatory, initiation (attributive)
iniziatico {adj} :: obscure
iniziativa {f} :: initiative, enterprise
iniziativa {f} :: activity
iniziato {adj} :: initiated
iniziato {m} :: initiate
iniziatore {m} :: initiator
iniziatrice {f} :: female equivalent of iniziatore
iniziazione {f} :: initiation, introduction
inizio {m} /iˈnit.t͡sjo/ :: beginning, start, inception
inizio {m} :: opening (of hostilities)
inleiarsi {v} /in.leˈjar.si/ :: To penetrate deeply into her conscience or spirit
in libertà {n} :: dismiss (military)
in linea con {prep} :: according to
in linea di massima {adv} :: generally, broadly, broadly speaking
in linea di principio {adv} :: in principle
in linea generale {adv} :: generally speaking, generally, as a general rule
in linea teorica {adv} :: theoretically, theoretically speaking, in theory
inluiarsi {v} /in.luˈjar.si/ :: To penetrate deeply into his conscience or spirit
in maniche di camicia {adv} :: In an informal, shirt-sleeve manner (with no jacket, and especially with the sleeves rolled up)
in mano {prep} :: See: it in mano
in mano {prep} [idiom] :: in hand, under control
in media {adv} :: on average
in men che niente {adv} :: in less than no time
in men che non si dica {adv} :: in the twinkling of an eye, in a flash
in men che non si dica {adv} :: at the drop of a hat
in merito a {prep} :: with regard to, concerning, regarding
in mezzo a {prep} :: in the midst of, among, amid, in the middle of
inmiarsi {v} /in.miˈar.si/ :: To penetrate deeply into my conscience or spirit
inmillante {v} :: present participle of inmillare
inmillare {v} :: obsolete form of immillare
in modo da {conj} :: so as to
innacquante {v} :: present participle of innacquare
innacquare {vt} :: alternative form of annacquare
innaffiamento {m} :: watering
innaffiante {v} :: present participle of innaffiare
innaffiare {vt} :: alternative form of annaffiare
innaffiatoio {m} :: watering can
innaffiatore {m} :: sprinkler (for gardens)
innaffiatrice {f} :: waterer, sprinkler (road watering vehicle)
innaffiatura {f} :: watering, sprinkling (in gardening or horticulture)
innalzamento {m} :: raising, elevation
innalzamento {m} :: rise, increase
innalzante {v} :: present participle of innalzare
innalzantesi {v} :: present participle of innalzarsi
innalzare {vt} :: to raise
innalzare {vt} :: to erect
innalzarsi {v} :: reflexive of innalzare
innalzarsi {v} :: to rise
innalzatosi {v} :: past participle of innalzarsi
innamoramento {m} :: falling in love
innamoramento {m} :: love
innamorante {v} :: present participle of innamorare
innamorantesi {v} :: present participle of innamorarsi
innamorare {vt} :: to make somebody fall in love, make somebody love
innamorare {vt} :: to enchant, charm, fascinate
innamorarsi {v} :: reflexive of innamorare
innamorarsi {v} [di] :: to fall in love (with)
innamorata {f} :: lover, girlfriend, sweetheart
innamoratamente {adv} :: lovingly
innamoratissimo {adj} :: superlative of innamorato
innamorato {adj} :: in love, loving, smitten
innamorato {adj} :: fond of, crazy about, in love with
innamorato {m} :: lover, boyfriend, sweetheart
innamoratosi {v} :: past participle of innamorarsi
innanzi {adj} :: previous
innanzi {adv} :: (place) forward, onward, on
innanzi {adv} :: (time) on, onward
innanzi {prep} :: before
innanzitutto {adv} :: first of all
innario {m} :: hymnal
innaspare {v} /in.nasˈpa.re/ :: alternative form of annaspare
innastante {v} :: present participle of innastare
innastare {vt} :: To hoist (fix at the top)
innatamente {adv} :: innately
innatismo {m} :: innatism
innato {adj} :: innate, native, inborn
innaturale {adj} :: unnatural
innaturalezza {f} :: unnaturalness
innaturalità {f} :: unnaturalness
innaturalmente {adv} :: unnaturally
innavigabile {adj} :: unnavigable
innavigabilità {f} :: unnavigability
innecessario {adj} :: unnecessary
innegabile {adj} /in.neˈɡa.bi.le/ :: undeniable
innegabilità {f} :: Property of being undeniable; undeniability
innegabilmente {adv} :: undeniably, undoubtedly
inneggiamento {m} :: extolling, praising
inneggiamento {m} :: praise
inneggiante {v} :: present participle of inneggiare
inneggiante {adj} :: praising
inneggiare {vi} :: to sing hymns (to)
inneggiare {vi} :: to sing the praises (of)
inneità {f} :: innateness
innervante {v} :: present participle of innervare
innervare {vt} :: To innervate (all senses)
innervazione {f} [anatomy] :: innervation
innervosente {v} :: present participle of innervosire
innervosentesi {v} :: present participle of innervosirsi
innervosire {vt} :: to make someone nervous or annoyed
innervosire {vt} :: to get on one's nerves, trigger
innervosire {vt} :: to push someone's buttons
innervosirsi {v} :: reflexive of innervosire
innervosirsi {v} :: to get nervous
innervosito {adj} :: nervous, irritated, flustered
innervositosi {v} :: past participle of innervosirsi
innescamento {m} :: baiting (for fish)
innescamento {m} :: priming (explosives)
innescante {v} :: present participle of innescare
innescante {adj} :: priming
innescante {adj} :: triggering
innescantesi {v} :: present participle of innescarsi
innescare {vt} [fishing] :: to bait [a hook]
innescare {vt} :: to prime or set off [an explosive]
innescare {vt} :: to trigger [an event]
innescarsi {v} :: reflexive of innescare
innescarsi {v} :: to be triggered
innescarsi {v} :: to initiate, begin
innescatosi {v} :: past participle of innescarsi
innescatura {f} :: priming, triggering
innesco {m} :: primer, fuse
innestabile {adj} :: That can be grafted
innestante {v} :: present participle of innestare
innestantesi {v} :: present participle of innestarsi
innestare {vt} :: to graft
innestare {vt} :: to engage [a clutch, etc.]
innestare {vt} :: to insert
innestarsi {v} :: reflexive of innestare
innestarsi {v} :: to fit or stick together
innestatoio {m} :: grafting knife
innestatosi {v} :: past participle of innestarsi
innestatura {f} :: grafting
innestatura {f} :: graft
innesto {m} [horticulture, surgery] :: graft, grafting
innesto {m} [mechanics] :: clutch (mechanical)
innesto {m} :: connection (electrical)
innevamento {m} :: snowfall
innevante {v} :: present participle of innevare
innevantesi {v} :: present participle of innevarsi
innevare {vt} /in.neˈva.re/ :: To cover with snow, to besnow
innevarsi {vr} /in.neˈvar.si/ :: To become covered with snow
innevato {adj} /in.neˈva.to/ :: covered in snow, snowy, besnowed
innevatosi {v} :: past participle of innevarsi
inno {m} :: hymn, song, anthem
innocentante {v} :: present participle of innocentare
innocentare {v} /in.no.t͡ʃenˈta.re/ :: To declare innocent, absolve
innocente {adj} /in.noˈt͡ʃɛn.te/ :: innocent
innocente {adj} [in a trial] :: not guilty
innocente {mf} :: An innocent person
innocentemente {adv} /in.no.t͡ʃen.teˈmen.te/ :: innocently
Innocenti {prop} :: surname
innocentismo {m} /in.no.t͡ʃenˈtis.mo/ :: protestation of innocence despite evidence of guilt
innocentissimo {adj} :: superlative of innocente
innocentista {adj} [legal] /in.no.t͡ʃenˈtis.ta/ :: Supporting the innocence of a defendant
innocentizzazione {f} /in.no.t͡ʃen.tid.d͡zatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: The act of making something or someone appear innocent or innocuous
innocenza {f} /in.noˈt͡ʃɛn.t͡sa/ :: innocence, specifically:
innocenza {f} :: Absence of responsibility for a crime
innocenza {f} [by extension] :: Lack of understanding about sensitive subjects such as sexuality and crime
Innocenzo {prop} :: Innocent
Innocenzo {prop} :: given name
innocuamente {adv} /in.no.kwaˈmen.te/ :: innocuously, harmlessly, inoffensively
innocuità {f} /in.no.kwiˈta/ :: innocence, harmlessness
innocuizzante {v} :: present participle of innocuizzare
innocuizzare {vt} /in.no.kwidˈd͡za.re/ :: To render or make harmless
innocuo {adj} /inˈnɔ.kwo/ :: innocuous, harmless, inoffensive
innodia {f} :: hymnody
innodico {adj} /inˈnɔ.di.ko/ :: hymnodic
innografia {f} :: hymnography
innografia {f} :: hymnody
innologia {f} :: hymnology
in nome di Dio {phrase} :: in God's name
innominabile {adj} :: unmentionable
innominabilità {f} :: Property of being unmentionable; unmentionableness
innominato {adj} :: unnamed, nameless
innominato {m} :: An unnamed person
inno nazionale {m} :: national anthem
in notturna {adj} :: by night
in notturna {adj} [sports] :: under floodlights
innovante {v} :: present participle of innovare
innovantesi {v} :: present participle of innovarsi
innovare {vt} /in.noˈva.re/ :: To innovate, to reform, to change
innovarsi {vr} :: To innovate, update or be renewed
innovatività {f} :: innovativeness
innovativo {adj} :: innovative
innovatore {adj} :: innovating, innovative
innovatore {m} :: innovator
innovatosi {v} :: past participle of innovarsi
innovatrice {f} :: female equivalent of innovatore
innovazione {f} :: innovation
innuba {adj} /ˈin.nu.ba/ :: unwed, unmarried
innumerabile {adj} :: innumerable
innumerabile {adj} :: uncountable
innumerabilità {f} :: The quality of being innumerable
innumerabilità {f} :: uncountability
innumerabilmente {adv} :: innumerably
innumere {adj} :: innumerable, countless
innumerevole {adj} :: unnumbered, countless, innumerable, numberless
innumerevolmente {adv} :: innumerably, numberlessly
-ino {suffix} /ˈi.no/ :: Alterative suffix used to form diminutives
-ino {suffix} :: Derivational suffix used to form adjectives or nouns, specifically:
-ino {suffix} :: Used to indicate a profession
-ino {suffix} :: Used to indicate an ethnic or geographical origin
-ino {suffix} :: Used to indicate tools or instruments
-ino {suffix} :: Used to derive adjectives denoting composition, color or other qualities
-ino {suffix} /i.no/ :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural present subjunctive and imperative of regular -are verbs
ino {adj} [familiar] /ˈi.no/ :: Used to emphasize the smallness of an already mentioned person or thing
Ino {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Ino
inobliabile {adj} [literary] /o.bliˈa.bi.le/ :: unforgettable
inoccultabile {adj} :: not concealable, unconcealable
inoccupato {adj} :: That is seeking first employment
inoccupato {m} :: jobseeker (for the first time)
inoculabile {adj} :: That can be inoculated; inoculable
inoculante {v} :: present participle of inoculare
inoculare {vt} :: to inoculate
inoculato {adj} :: inoculated
inoculazione {f} :: inoculation
inodiare {v} /i.noˈdja.re/ :: to hate, detest, loathe
inodore {adj} /i.noˈdo.re/ :: odourless, scentless
inodoro {adj} /i.noˈdo.ro/ :: alternative form of inodore
inoffensibile {adj} :: invulnerable
inoffensivo {adj} :: harmless, inoffensive
inofficiosità {f} [legal] :: inofficiousness
inofficioso {adj} [legal] :: inofficious
in ogni caso {adv} :: in any case, at any rate, anyway
in ogni modo {adv} :: anyway, in any case, either way
inoltrante {v} :: present participle of inoltrare
inoltrantesi {v} :: present participle of inoltrarsi
inoltrare {vt} :: to pass on or forward
inoltrarsi {vr} :: To penetrate, enter or advance
inoltrato {adj} :: late
inoltratosi {v} :: past participle of inoltrarsi
inoltre {adv} /iˈnol.tre/ :: moreover, also, besides, in addition, furthermore
inoltro {m} :: forwarding
in omaggio {prep} [idiom] :: complimentary, free
inomogeneità {f} :: inhomogeneity
inomogeneo {adj} :: inhomogeneous
inondante {v} :: present participle of inondare
inondante {adj} :: flooding
inondare {v} :: to flood (with)
inondare {v} :: to inundate (with)
inondare {v} :: to flush
inondare {v} :: to sluice
inondato {adj} :: flooded, inundated
inondazione {f} :: flood, inundation
inoperabile {adj} [surgery] :: inoperable
inoperabilità {f} :: Property of being inoperable
inoperante {adj} :: inoperative
inoperosamente {adv} :: idly
inoperosità {f} :: idleness, inactivity
inoperoso {adj} :: idle, inactive
inopia {f} :: poverty
inopinabile {adj} :: unimaginable
inopinabilmente {adv} :: unimaginably
inopinatamente {adv} :: unexpectedly
inopinato {adj} :: unexpected, unforeseen
inopportunamente {adv} :: inopportunely, inconveniently
inopportunità {f} :: inappropriateness, untimeliness
inopportuno {adj} :: inopportune, untimely
inopportuno {adj} :: inappropriate, inconvenient
inoppugnabile {adj} :: incontrovertible
inoppugnabilità {f} :: incontrovertibility
inoppugnabilmente {adv} :: incontrovertibly
in orario {adv} :: on time
in ordine sparso {adv} :: in open order
in ordine sparso {adv} :: dribs and drabs
in ordine sparso {adv} :: in small groups
in ordine sparso {adv} :: at random
inorecchito {adj} :: all ears, with ears pricked
inorganicamente {adv} :: inorganically
inorganicità {f} :: Property of being inorganic
inorganico {adj} :: inorganic
inorganico {adj} :: disjointed, disorganized
inorgoglente {v} :: present participle of inorgoglire
inorgoglentesi {v} :: present participle of inorgoglirsi
inorgoglire {vt} :: to make proud
inorgoglirsi {v} :: reflexive of inorgoglire
inorgoglirsi {v} :: to become proud; to pride oneself
inorgoglitosi {v} :: past participle of inorgoglirsi
inorpellamento {m} :: Cheap, flashy decoration
inorpellante {v} :: present participle of inorpellare
inorpellare {v} :: to decorate with pinchbeck (cheap gold substitute), or with other cheap ornamentation
inorpellare {v} :: to hide under a false, pleasant appearance; to be a wolf in sheep's clothing
inorpellare {v} :: to disguise
inorpellatore {m} :: wolf in sheep's clothing
inorpellatura {f} :: Cheap, flashy decoration
inorridente {v} :: present participle of inorridire
inorridire {vt} :: To horrify, to appall, to appal
inorridire {vi} :: To be horrified, to be appalled
inorridito {adj} :: horrified, appalled, shocked
inosabile {adj} :: not attemptable, impossible
inosabile {m} :: (the) impossible
inosilicato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: inosilicate
inosina {f} [organic compound] :: inosine
inosinato {m} :: inosinate
inosinico {adj} :: inosinic
inositolo {m} [organic compound] :: inositol
inospitale {adj} :: inhospitable
inospitalità {f} :: inhospitality
inospite {adj} :: inhospitable
inospito {adj} :: Variant of inospite
inosservabile {adj} :: unobservable
inosservabilmente {adv} :: unobservably
inosservante {adj} :: non-complying
inosservanza {f} :: nonobservance
inosservatamente {adv} :: unobservedly
inosservato {adj} :: unnoticed, unobserved
inosservato {adj} :: not respected, not observed
inossidabile {adj} /i.nos.siˈda.bi.le/ :: stainless, inoxidizable
inossidabile {adj} [figuratively] :: hardy, indestructible
inossidabilità {f} :: Property of being inoxidizable or stainless; stainlessness
inotropo {adj} :: inotropic
inottemperanza {f} [legal] :: nonobservance (of a law)
inox {m} :: stainless steel
inox {adj} :: stainless steel, made of stainless steel
in palio {prep} [idiomatic] :: at stake, at issue, at risk
in panciolle {adv} :: lounging around
in panciolle {adv} :: slothfully
in panne {adj} :: broken down (of a car etc)
in panne {adj} :: breakdown
in parole povere {adv} :: In plain words; frankly, simply
in parole povere {adv} :: in brief; concisely
in parole povere {adv} [manner] :: Plainly; without art or subtlety; clearly; obviously; unquestionably
in parte {adv} :: in part, partly, part
in particolare {adv} :: in particular, particularly, especially, specifically
in particolar modo {adv} :: in particular, particularly
in passato {adv} :: in the past, formerly
in pectore {adj} [Christianity] :: in petto (cardinal)
in pectore {adj} :: not officially appointed; unofficial
in pectore {adj} [by extension] :: potential, budding
in perfette condizioni {adj} :: A1
in perfette condizioni {adj} [colloquial] :: in good health, in excellent or top condition
in persona {adv} :: in person
in persona {adv} [intensifying] :: personalmente: himself, herself, themselves
in pianta stabile {adj} :: permanent, regular
in pianta stabile {adv} :: stably, permanently, regularly
in piedi {adv} :: afoot, upright
in pieno {adv} :: fully, completely, totally, quite, entirely
in pieno {adv} :: exactly
in pieno {adv} :: in the middle, in the centre, straight, squarely
in più {adv} :: more
in più {adv} :: longer
in poche parole {adv} :: in few words, in brief, in short, in a nutshell
in pompa magna {adv} [idiom] :: with great style, in full regalia
in posizione verticale {adv} :: upright
in pratica {adv} :: basically
in precedenza {adv} :: previously, before
in preda a {prep} :: in the grip of
in presa diretta {adv} :: live
in prima persona {adv} :: personally, directly, oneself
in primis {adv} :: first and foremost; first of all; primarily
in primo luogo {adv} :: in the first place, first of all
in primordine {adj} :: first class, first rate
in privato {prep} :: in private, in confidence, privately
in procinto di {phrase} :: (with inf.) about to, on the point of
in proposito {adv} :: about it, on the subject
in proposito {adv} :: in this regard
in provetta {adj} :: alternative form of in vitro
INPS {prop} :: Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale (The Italian national social security organization)
in punto {adv} :: sharp, prompt
in punto {adv} :: o'clock
inquadrabile {adj} :: classifiable
inquadramento {m} :: organization (military)
inquadramento {m} :: placement
inquadramento {m} :: focusing
inquadrante {v} :: present participle of inquadrare
inquadrantesi {v} :: present participle of inquadrarsi
inquadrare {vt} :: to frame [a picture]
inquadrare {vt} :: to regiment, organize
inquadrarsi {v} :: reflexive of inquadrare
inquadrarsi {v} :: to fit (into)
inquadrato {adj} :: framed
inquadratosi {v} :: past participle of inquadrarsi
inquadratura {f} :: framing (of a photographic shot)
inquadratura {f} :: sequence of images
in quadrupedia {adv} :: on all fours
inqualificabile {adj} :: disgraceful, despicable
inqualificabilmente {adv} :: disgracefully, despicably
in quanto {conj} :: because, since, inasmuch as
in quanto {adv} :: as
in quanto a {prep} :: as for, as to, about, concerning
in quanto tale {adv} :: as such
inquartata {f} [fencing] :: quarte
inquartato {adj} [heraldry] :: quartered; quarterly
inquartazione {f} :: inquartation, quartation
in quattro e quattr'otto {adv} :: very quickly, in a flash, in less than no time
inqueto {adj} [uncommon] /inˈkwɛ.to/ :: alternative form of inquieto
inquietamente {adv} /in.kwje.taˈmen.te/ :: anxiously, restlessly
inquietante {v} /in.kwjeˈtan.te/ :: present participle of inquietare
inquietante {adj} :: disturbing, disquieting, alarming
inquietante {adj} [figurative] :: perturbing, exciting
inquietantesi {v} :: present participle of inquietarsi
inquietare {vt} /in.kwjeˈta.re/ :: to disturb, worry
inquietare {vt} :: to upset
inquietarsi {v} /in.kwjeˈtar.si/ :: reflexive of inquietare
inquietarsi {v} :: to worry, get worried
inquietatosi {v} :: past participle of inquietarsi
inquietezza {f} /in.kwjeˈtet.t͡sa/ :: agitation, restlessness
inquieto {adj} /inˈkwjɛ.to/ :: restless, agitated, unquiet, cross
inquieto {adj} :: anxious, worried
inquietudine {f} /in.kwjeˈtu.di.ne/ :: restlessness, unrest
inquietudine {f} :: hardship, worry
inquilina {f} /in.kwiˈli.na/ :: feminine noun of inquilino
inquilinato {m} [uncommon] /in.kwi.liˈna.to/ :: The condition of being a tenant
inquilinato {m} [rare] :: tenants, lodgers
inquilinismo {m} [biology] /in.kwi.liˈnis.mo/ :: inquilinism
inquilino {m} /in.kwiˈli.no/ :: tenant, occupant
inquinabile {adj} :: pollutable (That can be polluted or contaminated)
inquinamento {m} :: pollution
inquinamento luminoso {m} :: light pollution
inquinante {adj} :: polluting
inquinante {m} :: pollutant
inquinante {v} :: present participle of inquinare
inquinare {vt} /in.kwiˈna.re/ :: to pollute
inquinare {vt} :: to corrupt, spoil
inquinato {adj} :: polluted, foul
inquinatore {m} :: polluter
inquirente {adj} :: examining, investigating, of enquiry
inquirente {mf} :: enquirer, inquirer
inquisente {v} :: present participle of inquisire
inquisibile {adj} :: investigable
inquisire {vt} :: to investigate
inquisire {vt} :: to inquire
inquisita {f} :: female equivalent of inquisito
inquisitivo {adj} :: enquiring
inquisito {adj} :: Under investigation
inquisito {m} :: Person under investigation
inquisitore {adj} :: inquiring
inquisitore {m} :: inquisitor
inquisitoriamente {adv} :: inquisitorially
inquisitorio {adj} :: inquisitorial
inquisizione {f} :: inquisition
in realtà {adv} :: actually, really, in reality
in ritardo {adv} [of time] :: late, behind, after, overdue, belated, slow
insabbiamento {m} :: cover-up, shelving
insabbiamento {m} :: silting up
insabbiante {v} :: present participle of insabbiare
insabbiantesi {v} :: present participle of insabbiarsi
insabbiare {vt} :: to cover up, to shelve
insabbiare {vt} :: to cover with sand
insabbiarsi {vr} :: To sand, to silt
insabbiarsi {vr} :: To run aground
insabbiatosi {v} :: past participle of insabbiarsi
insaccante {v} :: present participle of insaccare
insaccare {vt} :: to bag (put into bags or sacks)
insaccare {vt} :: to fill sausage skins when making sausages
insaccato {m} :: sausage
insaccatore {m} :: packer (person)
insaccatore {m} :: sausage maker
insaccatrice {f} :: bagger, packer (machine)
insaccatura {f} :: packing (into sacks etc)
insaccatura {f} :: sausage / salami making
insacchettamento {m} :: bagging (putting into bags)
insacchettante {v} :: present participle of insacchettare
insacchettare {vt} :: To bag (put into bags)
insalante {v} :: present participle of insalare
insalare {vt} [rare] /in.saˈla.re/ :: to season with salt; to salt
insalare {vt} [poetic] :: to cause to become salt or saline
insalare {vt} [figurative, archaic] :: to regulate wisely
insalarsi {v} /in.saˈlar.si/ :: reflexive of insalare
insalarsi {vi} [poetic, of a river] :: to become salt or saline
insalata {f} /in.saˈla.ta/ :: lettuce
insalata {f} :: salad
insalata {f} [figurative] :: hotchpotch, mishmash
insalata caprese {f} :: a simple salad of mozzarella, sliced tomato and basil
insalata di mare {f} :: A salad containing cold, cooked seafood (varies by region, season etc)
insalataio {m} :: A grower or seller of salad plants and/or herbs
insalata mista {f} :: mixed salad
insalata russa {f} [usually uncountable] :: Olivier salad, Russian salad (traditional Russian salad of boiled vegetables with mayonnaise)
insalata tricolore {f} :: (used especially outside of Italy) Any of several salads containing green, white and red ingredients; especially an insalata caprese
insalata verde {f} :: green salad
insalatiera {f} :: salad bowl
insalatina {f} :: diminutive of insalata; small salad
insalatona {f} :: salad (as a main course)
insalatura {f} :: (the act of) seasoning with salt
insalatura {f} :: salinification
insaldabile {adj} :: not weldable
insaldante {v} :: present participle of insaldare
insaldare {vt} :: To starch
insaldatura {f} :: starching
insalivante {v} :: present participle of insalivare
insalivare {vt} :: To insalivate
insalivazione {f} :: insalivation
insalubre {adj} :: unhealthy, insalubrious
insalubrità {f} :: unhealthiness, unwholesomeness, insalubrity
insalutato {adj} :: ungreeted
insalvabile {adj} :: That can not be saved
in salvo {prep} :: in a safe place or condition; protected from possible loss or damage; to safety
insanabile {adj} :: undying, relentless
insanabile {adj} :: irremediable
insanabile {adj} :: incurable
insanabilità {f} :: incurability, incurableness
insanabilità {f} :: irremediableness
insanabilmente {adv} :: irremediably
insanamente {adv} :: insanely, madly
insanguinamento {m} :: bloodbath
insanguinante {v} :: present participle of insanguinare
insanguinantesi {v} :: present participle of insanguinarsi
insanguinare {vt} :: to cover with blood, stain with blood
insanguinarsi {v} :: reflexive of insanguinare
insanguinarsi {v} :: to get bloodstained, cover oneself with blood
insanguinato {adj} :: bloodstained, covered in blood
insanguinatosi {v} :: past participle of insanguinarsi
insania {f} :: insanity, madness
insano {adj} :: insane, mad
insapienza {f} :: alternative form of insipienza
insaponamento {m} [rare] /in.sa.po.naˈmen.to/ :: soaping
insaponante {v} :: present participle of insaponare
insaponantesi {v} :: present participle of insaponarsi
insaponare {vt} /in.sa.poˈna.re/ :: To soap, to lather
insaponarsi {vr} :: To soap oneself, to soap, to lather
insaponata {f} :: soaping
insaponata {f} :: lathering
insaponatosi {v} :: past participle of insaponarsi
insaponatrice {f} :: soaping machine (for textiles)
insaponatura {f} /in.sa.po.naˈtu.ra/ :: soaping
insapore {adj} :: tasteless, insipid, flavorless
insaporente {v} :: present participle of insaporire
insaporentesi {v} :: present participle of insaporirsi
insaporire {vt} :: to season, to flavour, to make tasty
insaporirsi {vr} :: To become tasty
insaporitosi {v} :: past participle of insaporirsi
insaporo {adj} :: Variant of insapore
insaputa {f} :: only in all'insaputa di
insatanassato {adj} :: possessed
insatanassato {adj} :: furious
insatollabile {adj} :: insatiable
insaturabile {adj} :: not saturable; insaturable
insaturazione {f} [chemistry] :: unsaturation
insaturo {adj} [chemistry] :: unsaturated (all senses)
insaziabile {adj} :: insatiable, insatiate, unappeasable, unquenchable
insaziabilità {f} :: insatiability
insaziabilmente {adv} :: insatiably
in scatola {adj} :: canned, tinned
in scatola {adv} :: (to conserve etc) by canning
inscatolamento {m} :: tinning, canning, jarring
inscatolante {v} :: present participle of inscatolare
inscatolare {vt} :: to box, pack
inscatolare {vt} :: to can [fruit, etc.]
inscatolatrice {f} :: tinning / canning machine
inscenante {v} :: present participle of inscenare
inscenare {vt} :: to stage
inscenare {v} :: to produce on a stage
inscenare {v} [figurative] :: to demonstrate in a deceptive manner
inscenare {v} :: to orchestrate; to carry out
insciente {adj} :: unknowing
inscientemente {adv} :: unknowingly
inscienza {f} :: ignorance (lack of knowledge)
inscindibile {adj} :: inseparable
inscindibilità {f} :: inseparability
inscindibilmente {adv} :: inseparably
inscrittibile {adj} [geometry] :: inscribable
inscritto {adj} :: inscribed
inscrivente {v} :: present participle of inscrivere
inscrivere {v} [geometry] :: To inscribe a shape; to draw a figure inside another
inscrivere {vt} [uncommon] :: To inscribe a text; to engrave
inscrivibile {adj} :: Variant of iscrivibile
inscrivibile {adj} :: Variant of inscrittibile
inscrizione {f} :: alternative form of iscrizione
inscrutabile {adj} :: inscrutable
inscrutabilità {f} :: inscrutability
inscrutabilmente {adv} :: inscrutably
inscusabile {adj} :: inexcusable, unpardonable
in sé {prep} :: synonym of di per sé
insecabile {adj} :: indivisible, insecable
insecchente {v} :: present participle of insecchire
insecchire {vt} :: To dry up or wither something
insecchire {vi} :: To dry up or wither
insecutore {adj} :: chasing, pursuing
insediamento {m} :: installation, inauguration, swearing in
insediamento {m} :: settlement, settling
insediante {v} :: present participle of insediare
insediantesi {v} :: present participle of insediarsi
insediare {vt} :: to install [someone in office]; to induct; to seat
insediarsi {v} :: reflexive of insediare
insediarsi {v} [in, a, su] :: to take up or assume [a position, job, office, etc.]
insediarsi {v} [in, a, su] :: to settle [new land]
insediarsi {v} [military] :: to take up positions
insediativo {adj} :: settlement (attributive)
insediatosi {v} :: past participle of insediarsi
inseducibile {adj} :: inseducible
in sé e per sé {prep} :: synonym of di per sé
insegare {v} /in.seˈɡa.re/ :: to tallow (to grease or smear with tallow)
insegna {f} [of a shop etc.] :: sign
insegna {f} :: (plural) insignia
insegna {f} :: ensign, flag, (plural) colours
insegna {f} :: signboard
insegnabile {adj} :: teachable
insegnamento {m} :: teaching
insegnamento {m} :: act of teaching
insegnamento {m} :: teaching of a particular subject, field, etc
insegnamento {m} :: teaching profession
insegnamento {m} :: lesson, typically moral
insegnante {adj} :: teaching
insegnante {mf} :: teacher, master
insegnantesi {v} :: present participle of insegnarsi
insegnar {v} :: apocopic form of insegnare
insegnare {vt} [to pass on knowledge] :: to teach
insegnare {vi} [to act as a teacher] :: to teach, to lecture
insegnarsi {vr} :: To teach
insegnativo {adj} [obsolete or rare] :: teaching (attributive)
insegnatore {adj} :: teaching
insegnatore {m} :: teacher
insegnatore {m} :: lecturer
insegnatosi {v} :: past participle of insegnarsi
in segreto {adv} :: secretly, in private, in confidence
inseguente {v} :: present participle of inseguire
inseguentesi {v} :: present participle of inseguirsi
inseguimento {m} :: pursuit, chase, tracking
inseguimento {m} [cycling, cycle racing] :: pursuit inseguimento
inseguir {v} :: apocopic form of inseguire
inseguire {vt} /in.seˈɡwi.re/ :: to pursue
inseguirsi {vr} :: To follow one another rapidly
in seguito {adv} :: synonym of successivamente
in seguito a {prep} :: following, as a consequence of, as a result of, because of, in the wake of
inseguitore {m} :: pursuer, chaser
inseguitosi {v} :: past participle of inseguirsi
inseguitrice {f} :: female equivalent of inseguitore
insellante {v} :: present participle of insellare
insellare {vt} :: To sag
insellatura {f} :: hollow of the back (of an animal)
insellatura {f} [nautical] :: sheer
inselvatichente {v} :: present participle of inselvatichire
inselvatichire {vt} :: To make unsociable
inselvatichire {vi} :: To become unsociable
inseminazione {f} :: insemination
in sempiterno {adv} :: forever, eternally
in sempiterno {adv} [by extension] :: longly (for a long time)
insemprarsi {v} /in.semˈprar.si/ :: to be or become eternal or everlasting
insenatura {f} :: inlet, cove, creek
insensatamente {adv} :: senselessly, crazily
insensatezza {f} :: senselessness, foolishness
insensatezza {f} :: stupid thing
insensato {adj} :: senseless, crazy, foolish, insensate, handwavy
insensato {m} :: senseless person, fool
insensibile {adj} :: insensible, insensitive, callous, indifferent, cold
insensibilità {f} :: insensibility, indifference, callousness
insensibilmente {adv} :: insensitively
in senso lato {adv} :: in a broad or loose sense
inseparabile {adj} :: inseparable
inseparabilità {f} :: inseparability
inseparabilmente {adv} :: inseparably
insepolto {adj} :: unburied
insequestrabile {adj} :: not confiscatable
insequestrabile {adj} [legal] :: not sequestratable
insequestrabilità {f} :: Immunity from confiscation, attachment or seizure
insequestrabilità {f} :: Immunity from sequestration
in serbo {adv} :: aside, in reserve
inserente {v} :: present participle of inserire
inserentesi {v} :: present participle of inserirsi
inseribile {adj} :: insertable
in serie {adv} :: in series
inserimento {m} :: insertion
inserimento {m} :: integration, placement
inserimento {m} :: onboarding
inserire {vt} :: to insert
inserire {vt} :: to enclose
inserire {vt} :: to embed
inserirsi {v} :: reflexive of inserire
inserirsi {v} :: to fit in
inserito {adj} :: inserted
inseritosi {v} :: past participle of inserirsi
inseritrice {f} :: inserting machine
inserpentire {vi} [rare] /in.ser.penˈti.re/ :: to become furious, to fly into a rage
inserpentirsi {v} [rare] /in.ser.penˈtir.si/ :: to become furious, to fly into a rage
inserto {adj} [literary, rare] :: inserted
inserto {m} :: An insert
inservibile {adj} :: unserviceable, useless, unusable
inservibilità {f} :: uselessness
inserviente {mf} :: attendant
inserzione {f} :: advertisement, ad
inserzione {f} :: insertion
inserzionista {mf} :: advertiser
inserzionistico {adj} :: newspaper (advertising) (attributive)
insettario {m} :: insectarium, insectary
insetticida {adj} :: insecticidal
insetticida {m} :: insecticide
insettifugo {m} :: insect-repellent
insettino {m} :: small insect, small bug
insettivora {f} :: female equivalent of insettivoro
insettivoro {adj} :: insectivorous
insettivoro {m} :: insectivore
insetto {m} :: insect, bug
insettoide {m} :: insectoid
insettologia {f} :: insectology, entomology
insicura {f} :: unsure woman, insecure woman
insicurezza {f} :: insecurity
insicurezza {f} :: uncertainty
insicurissimo {adj} :: superlative of insicuro
insicurissimo {adj} :: very unsure
insicurissimo {adj} :: very uncertain
insicuro {adj} /in.siˈku.ro/ :: uncertain, unsure
insicuro {adj} :: unsafe, insecure
insicuro {m} :: unsure person, insecure person
insidia {f} :: trick, trap
insidia {f} :: (hidden) danger, peril
insidiante {v} :: present participle of insidiare
insidiare {vt} :: to harass
insidiare {vt} :: to lay a trap for
insidiatore {m} :: tempter
insidiosamente {adv} :: insidiously
insidiosità {f} :: insidiousness
insidioso {adj} :: dangerous, insidious, tricky, underhand
insiem {adv} :: apocopic form of insieme
insieme {adv} /inˈsjɛme/ :: together
insieme {adv} :: at the same time
insieme {m} [mathematics] :: set
insieme {m} :: whole, ensemble, group
insieme {prep} :: with, together with, along with
insieme complemento {m} [mathematics, set theory] :: complement
insieme differenza {m} [mathematics, set theory] :: difference
insieme infinito {m} [mathematics] :: infinite set
insieme non numerabile {m} [mathematics] :: uncountable set
insiemistica {f} [mathematics] :: set theory (mathematical theory of sets)
insiemistico {adj} [mathematics] :: union (attributive)
insiemistico {adj} [mathematics] :: set theory (attributive)
insigne {adj} :: great, distinguished, renowned
insignente {v} :: present participle of insignire
insignificabile {adj} :: That can not be expressed
insignificante {adj} :: insignificant
insignificante {adj} :: trifling
insignificante {adj} :: trivial
insignificantemente {adv} :: insignificantly
insignificanza {f} :: insignificance
insignire {vt} :: To confer or grant [a title, honor, etc.]
insilaggio {m} :: ensilage
insilante {v} :: present participle of insilare
insilare {vt} :: To ensile
insilatrice {f} :: ensilage blower
insincerità {f} :: insincerity
insincero {adj} :: insincere
insindacabile {adj} :: unquestionable, unchallengeable
insindacabile {adj} :: final (decision)
insindacabilità {f} :: unquestionableness
insindacabilmente {adv} :: unquestionably
insino {prep} :: until
insino {adv} :: until
in sintesi {adv} :: in short; in brief; in a few words
insinuabile {adj} :: insertable
insinuante {v} :: present participle of insinuare
insinuante {adj} :: insinuating
insinuante {adj} :: ingratiating
insinuare {v} :: to slip or slide (into)
insinuare {v} :: to insinuate
insinuarsi {v} :: to infiltrate
insinuarsi {v} :: to pervade
insinuazione {f} :: insinuation, hint
insipidamente {adv} :: tastelessly, insipidly
insipidezza {f} :: insipidity, insipidness
insipidità {f} :: insipidity, insipidness
insipido {adj} :: tasteless, insipid
insipido {adj} :: namby-pamby
insipiente {adj} :: ignorant
insipiente {adj} :: silly, foolish
insipiente {m} :: ignorant
insipiente {m} :: fool
insipientemente {adv} :: ignorantly
insipientemente {adv} :: foolishly
insipienza {f} :: ignorance
insistente {adj} :: insistent
insistente {adj} :: persistent
insistentemente {adv} :: insistently, pressingly
insistenza {f} :: insistence
insistenza {f} :: persistence
insistere {vi} [used with 'su'] :: to insist on something; to harp on
insistere {vi} [used with 'in'] :: to persist in doing something; to persevere in
insito {adj} :: inherent (in)
insobrio {adj} [literary] /inˈsɔ.brjo/ :: insober
insobrio {adj} [figurative, literary] :: excessive, overabundant
insociabile {adj} :: unsociable
insociabilità {f} :: unsociableness
insociale {adj} :: dissocial, unsocial
insocialità {f} :: The property of being unsocial or dissocial
insocievolmente {adv} :: unsociably
insoddisfacente {adj} :: unsatisfactory
insoddisfatto {adj} :: disappointed, dissatisfied
insoddisfatto {adj} :: unsatisfied, unfulfilled
insoddisfazione {f} :: dissatisfaction, discontent
insofferente {adj} :: impatient, restless, irritable
insofferente {adj} :: impatient, intolerant
insofferentemente {adv} :: impatiently, restlessly, irritably
insofferentemente {adv} :: intolerantly
in sofferenza {adv} [banking] :: [of a debt] That goes unpaid, causing a bank to take legal action
insofferenza {f} :: impatience, intolerance
insofferenza {f} :: impatience, restlessness
insoffribile {adj} :: insufferable, intolerable, unbearable
insoffribilità {f} :: insufferableness, intolerableness
insolazione {f} :: sunstroke
insolazione {f} :: insolation
insolcabile {adj} :: unplowable
in soldoni {adv} :: In plain words; frankly
in soldoni {adv} :: in brief; concisely
insolente {adj} :: insolent, arrogant, impudent, impertinent
insolentemente {adv} :: insolently
insolentente {v} :: present participle of insolentire
insolentire {vi} :: to become insolent
insolentire {vt} :: to insult, to verbally abuse, to be rude to
insolenza {f} /in.soˈlɛn.t͡sa/ :: insolence
insolitamente {adv} :: unusually, strangely
insolito {adj} :: unusual, uncommon, strange
insolito {adj} :: uncharacteristic, unwonted
insolubile {adj} :: insoluble (all meanings)
insolubile {adj} :: unsolvable
insolubilità {f} :: insolubility
insolubilmente {adv} :: insolubly
insolubilmente {adv} :: unsolvably
insoluto {adj} :: unsolved (problem)
insoluto {adj} :: unpaid, outstanding (debt)
insolvente {adj} /in.solˈvɛn.te/ :: insolvent
insolvenza {f} :: insolvency
insolvibile {adj} [legal] :: insolvent
insolvibile {adj} :: unpayable (debt)
insolvibile {adj} :: insoluble (unsolvable)
insolvibilità {f} [legal] :: insolvency
insolvibilità {f} [legal] :: imprisonment because of the inability to pay a fine
insomma {adv} :: in short, in sum, in a word, in conclusion
insomma {adv} :: then, well, after all
insomma {interj} :: well, well then
insomma {interj} :: so-so
insommergibile {adj} :: unsinkable, nonsinkable
insommergibilità {f} :: Property of being unsinkable
insondabile {adj} :: unfathomable
insondabilità {f} :: Property of being unfathomable; unfathomableness
insondabilmente {adv} :: unfathomably
insondato {adj} :: unfathomed
insonne {adj} /inˈsɔn.ne/ :: insomniac, sleepless
insonnemente {adv} :: sleeplessly
insonnia {f} [pathology] /inˈsɔn.nja/ :: insomnia
insonnia {f} :: sleeplessness
insonnolire {v} /in.son.noˈli.re/ :: to make sleepy; to cause sleepiness (to)
insonnolito {adj} /in.son.noˈli.to/ :: sleepy, drowsy
insonorizzante {v} :: present participle of insonorizzare
insonorizzante {adj} :: soundproofing
insonorizzare {vt} :: to soundproof
insonorizzato {adj} :: sound insulated, soundproofed, soundproof
insonorizzazione {f} :: sound insulation
insopportabile {adj} :: unbearable, intolerable, insufferable, unendurable
insopportabile {adj} :: unaffordable
insopportabilità {f} :: The quality of being unbearable
insopportabilmente {adv} :: unbearably
insopprimibile {adj} :: irrepressible, unsuppressible
insopprimibilità {f} :: irrepressibility, uncontrollableness
insopprimibilmente {adv} :: irrepressibly
in soprannumero {adj} :: surplus, extra, redundant, too many
in soprannumero {adv} :: too many, extra
insordente {v} :: present participle of insordire
in sordina {adv} :: without making much noise
in sordina {adv} :: in a hidden or quiet way; underneath, background
insordire {vt} :: To deafen
insordire {vi} :: To become deaf
insorgente {v} :: present participle of insorgere
insorgente {adj} :: arising
insorgente {adj} :: insurgent
insorgenza {f} :: beginning, onset
insorgere {vi} :: to rise up, rebel
insorgere {vi} :: to arise
insormontabile {adj} :: insurmountable
insormontabilità {f} :: insurmountability
insormontabilmente {adv} :: insurmountably
insorpassabile {adj} :: unsurpassable
insorta {f} :: female equivalent of insorto
insorto {adj} :: insurgent, rebel (attribute), rebellious
insorto {m} :: insurgent, rebel
insospettabile {adj} :: that may not be suspected, above suspicion
insospettabile {adj} :: unsuspected, unexpected
insospettabile {mf} :: person that may not be suspected
insospettabilità {f} :: condition of being above suspicion
insospettabilmente {adv} :: unsuspiciously
insospettatamente {adv} :: unsuspectedly
insospettatamente {adv} :: unexpectedly
insospettato {adj} :: unsuspected
insospettato {adj} :: unexpected
insospettente {v} :: present participle of insospettire
insospettentesi {v} :: present participle of insospettirsi
insospettire {vt} /in.sos.petˈti.re/ :: To arouse suspicion, to make suspicious
insospettire {vi} [rare] :: To become suspicious
insospettirsi {vr} :: To become suspicious
insospettitosi {v} :: past participle of insospettirsi
in sostanza {adv} :: in short, to sum up, to summarize
insostenibile {adj} :: unsustainable
insostenibile {adj} :: intolerable, unbearable, unendurable
insostenibile {adj} :: untenable, indefensible
insostenibilità {f} :: unsustainability
insostenibilmente {adv} :: unsustainably
insostenibilmente {adv} :: unbearably
insostituibile {adj} :: irreplaceable
insostituibilità {f} :: irreplaceability
insostituibilmente {adv} :: irreplaceably
in sottofondo {adv} :: underneath
in sottofondo {adv} :: background
insozzante {v} :: present participle of insozzare
insozzantesi {v} :: present participle of insozzarsi
insozzare {vt} :: to dirty
insozzare {vt} :: to sully, tarnish
insozzare {vt} :: to besmirch
insozzarsi {v} :: reflexive of insozzare
insozzarsi {v} :: to get dirty
insozzarsi {v} :: to tarnish
insozzatosi {v} :: past participle of insozzarsi
insperabile {adj} :: hopeless
insperabile {adj} :: unhoped-for
insperabilmente {adv} :: unexpectedly
insperatamente {adv} :: unexpectedly
insperato {adj} :: not hoped, unexpected
inspessente {v} :: present participle of inspessire
inspessentesi {v} :: present participle of inspessirsi
inspessimento {m} :: thickening
inspessire {vt} :: To thicken
inspessirsi {vr} :: To thicken
inspessitosi {v} :: past participle of inspessirsi
inspiegabile {adj} :: inexplicable, unaccountable, unexplainable
inspiegabilità {f} :: Property of being inexplicable; inexplicableness
inspiegabilmente {adv} :: inexplicably, unaccountably
inspiegato {adj} :: unexplained
inspirabile {adj} :: inspirable
inspirante {v} :: present participle of inspirare
inspirare {vt} :: to inhale; to breathe in
inspiratore {adj} :: inspiratory
inspiratorio {adj} :: inspiratory
inspirazione {f} [physiology] :: inspiration, inhalation
instabile {adj} :: unstable, unsteady, precarious, unreliable
instabile {adj} :: changeable, unsettled
instabile {adj} :: rocky, shaky
instabilità {f} :: instability, unsteadiness, inconstancy
instabilità {f} :: changeableness, fickleness
instabilmente {adv} :: unstably
installabile {adj} [computing] :: installable
installante {v} :: present participle of installare
installantesi {v} :: present participle of installarsi
installare {vt} /instalˈlare/ :: to install, to put in, to set up
installare {vt} :: to install, to place, to establish
installarsi {v} :: reflexive of installare
installarsi {v} :: to settle in [to new surroudings]
installativo {adj} :: installation (attributive) (especially in the world of modern art)
installatore {adj} :: installation (attribute), installing
installatore {m} :: installer (also in computing), fitter, contractor
installatosi {v} :: past participle of installarsi
installatrice {f} [computing] :: installer
installatrice {f} :: female equivalent of installatore
installazione {f} :: installation (in all senses)
instancabile {adj} :: indefatigable, tireless, unflagging
instancabilità {f} :: indefatigability, tirelessness
instancabilmente {adv} :: indefatigably, tirelessly
in stato interessante {adj} :: pregnant, expectant
instaurante {v} :: present participle of instaurare
instaurantesi {v} :: present participle of instaurarsi
instaurare {vt} :: to establish; to set up; to found
instaurare {vt} [archaic] :: to restore
instaurarsi {v} :: reflexive of instaurare
instaurarsi {vi} :: to be established or founded
instaurato {adj} :: established, founded
instaurato {adj} :: renewed
instauratore {m} :: establisher, founder
instauratosi {v} :: past participle of instaurarsi
instaurazione {f} :: establishment, foundation
insterilente {v} :: present participle of insterilire
insterilentesi {v} :: present participle of insterilirsi
insterilire {vt} :: to sterilize
insterilirsi {vr} :: to become sterile or barren
insterilitosi {v} :: past participle of insterilirsi
instillante {v} :: present participle of instillare
instillare {vt} :: to instil
instillazione {f} [medicine] :: instillation
instillazione {f} :: instilling
instituente {v} :: present participle of instituire
instituire {vt} :: alternative form of istituire
instradamento {m} :: routing (networking and general computing)
instradante {v} :: present participle of instradare
instradare {v} [su, in, a, per, verso, .also, .figurative] :: to make move in a particular direction or along a particular path; to direct
instradarsi {v} :: reflexive of instradare
instradarsi {v} [verso, in] :: to direct oneself towards a particular profession, academic discipline, etc
instradatore {m} [computing] :: router
instrumento {m} /instruˈmento/ :: obsolete form of strumento
instupidente {v} :: present participle of instupidire
instupidire {v} :: alternative form of istupidire
instupidito {adj} :: alternative form of istupidito
insù {adv} :: up, upwards, upward
insubordinatamente {adv} :: insubordinately
insubordinatezza {f} :: unruliness
insubordinatezza {f} :: insubordination
insubordinato {adj} :: insubordinate
insubordinato {adj} :: unruly, undisciplined
insubordinazione {f} :: insubordination
in subordine {adj} :: subordinate
in subordine {adv} :: secondarily, subordinately
insubre {adj} :: Insubrian
insubre {adj} :: Lombard
Insubri {prop} :: Insubres
insuccesso {m} :: failure, flop
insudiciante {v} :: present participle of insudiciare
insudiciante {adj} :: dirtying
insudiciantesi {v} :: present participle of insudiciarsi
insudiciare {vt} :: To dirty or soil
insudiciare {v} :: to besmirch
insudiciarsi {vr} :: To dirty oneself or to get dirty
insudiciatosi {v} :: past participle of insudiciarsi
insufficiente {adj} :: insufficient, inadequate, not enough, unfit
insufficiente {adj} [education] :: fail, below the pass mark, low mark, poor
insufficientemente {adv} :: insufficiently
insufficienza {f} :: inadequacy, insufficiency, lack, scantiness
insufficienza {f} :: sketchiness, skimpiness
insufflaggio {m} :: inflation, aeration (the blowing of a gas through or into something)
insufflante {v} :: present participle of insufflare
insufflare {vt} :: to insufflate (blow on or into)
insufflare {vt} :: to inspire
insufflatore {m} :: insufflator
insufflazione {f} :: insufflation (all senses)
insugnare {v} /in.suɲˈɲa.re/ :: to grease (to put grease on)
insulare {adj} :: insular, island (attribute)
insularità {f} :: insularity
insulina {f} :: insulin
insulinico {adj} :: insulin (attributive), insulinic
insulinismo {m} :: insulin intolerance
insulinoma {m} [medicine] :: insulinoma
insulinoterapia {f} [medicine] :: insulin therapy
insulsaggine {f} :: dullness, insipidity, inanity
insulsamente {adv} :: insipidly, inanely
insulsissimo {adj} :: superlative of insulso
insulsità {f} :: dullness, insipidity, inanity
insulso {adj} :: dull, silly, foolish, insipid, namby-pamby
insultabile {adj} :: That can be insulted, insultable
insultante {adj} :: insulting
insultantesi {v} :: present participle of insultarsi
insultare {vt} :: to insult
insultarsi {v} :: reflexive of insultare
insultarsi {v} :: to insult one another
insultatore {m} :: insulter
insultatosi {v} :: past participle of insultarsi
insulto {m} :: insult, abuse, slur
insulto {m} [pathology] :: insult
insuperabile {adj} :: insuperable, insurmountable, unconquerable
insuperabile {adj} :: insuperable, incomparable
insuperabilità {f} :: insuperability
insuperabilmente {adv} :: insuperably
insuperato {adj} :: unsurpassed, unmatched, unequalled
insuperbente {v} :: present participle of insuperbire
insuperbire {vt} :: To make proud or arrogant
insuperbirsi {v} :: to pride oneself
insurrezionale {adj} :: insurrectionary
insurrezionalismo {m} :: insurrectionism
insurrezionalista {mf} :: insurrectionist
insurrezione {f} :: insurrection, insurgency, revolt, putsch
insuscettibile {adj} :: insusceptible
insussistente {adj} :: unfounded, groundless
insussistente {adj} :: non-existant (danger)
insussistenza {f} :: inexistence, non-existence
insussistenza {f} :: groundlessness, baselessness
insussurrare {vt} [literary, rare] /in.sus.surˈra.re/ :: To whisper in someone's ear
insussurrare {vt} [literary, rare, by extension] :: To covertly suggest or propose
in svariati modi {adv} :: every which way
intabaccante {v} :: present participle of intabaccare
intabaccare {vt} :: To stain with tobacco
intabarrante {v} :: present participle of intabarrare
intabarrantesi {v} :: present participle of intabarrarsi
intabarrare {vt} :: To cloak (wrap in, or as if in, a cloak)
intabarrarsi {vr} :: To wrap oneself in one's cloak
intabarrato {adj} :: wrapped up, muffled up
intabarratosi {v} :: past participle of intabarrarsi
intaccabile {adj} :: corrodible, damageable
intaccabile {adj} :: open to criticism and fault-finding
intaccabilità {f} :: Property of being corrodible or damageable
intaccante {v} :: present participle of intaccare
intaccare {vt} :: to corrode
intaccare {vt} :: to eat into
intaccare {vt} :: to cut into; to nick, notch
intaccare {vt} :: to affect, stain [one's reputation, etc.]
intaccatura {f} :: notch, nick, indentation, dent
intacco {m} :: notch, nick
intagliabile {adj} :: engravable, carvable
intagliante {v} :: present participle of intagliare
intagliare {vit} :: to engrave; to monogram; to carve
intagliatore {m} :: engraver, carver
intagliatore {m} :: lapidary
intagliatrice {f} :: feminine engraver, carver
intaglio {m} :: carving, fretwork, meander, engraving, intaglio
intangibile {adj} :: intangible, untouchable
intangibilità {f} :: intangibility
intangibilmente {adv} :: intangibly
intanto {adv} :: in the meantime, (in the) meanwhile, while
intanto {adv} :: anyhow
intanto {adv} :: but
intanto {adv} :: to begin with, for one thing
intanto {conj} [with che] :: while, as
intarlante {v} :: present participle of intarlare
intarlantesi {v} :: present participle of intarlarsi
intarlare {vi} :: To be, or to become worm-eaten
intarlarsi {vr} :: To be, or to become worm-eaten
intarlato {adj} :: worm-eaten
intarlatosi {v} :: past participle of intarlarsi
intarlatura {f} :: wormhole
intarsiante {v} :: present participle of intarsiare
intarsiare {vt} /in.tarˈsja.re/ :: to inlay
intarsiare {vt} [figurative] :: to embellish
intarsiatore {m} :: inlayer
intarsio {m} /inˈtar.sjo/ :: marquetry
intasamento {m} :: obstruction, stoppage, block, traffic jam
intasamento {m} :: clog
intasante {v} :: present participle of intasare
intasantesi {v} :: present participle of intasarsi
intasare {vt} :: to block, to clog
intasarsi {vr} :: To become blocked or clogged
intasato {adj} :: blocked, clogged
intasatosi {v} :: past participle of intasarsi
intasatura {f} :: stopping, stoppage, clogging, block, blockage, obstruction
intascante {v} :: present participle of intascare
intascare {vt} :: to pocket
intattamente {adv} :: intactly
intatto {adj} :: intact, unbroken, whole
intavolante {v} :: present participle of intavolare
intavolare {vtt} :: to start, open, or engage in [a conversation, game, etc.]
intavolare {vt} [somewhat rare] :: to tabulate
intavolare {vt} [archaic] :: to cover or scaffold with boards
intavolare {vt} [archaic] :: to place on a table or board
intavolare {vt} [music] :: to use or put into tablature
intavolato {m} :: boardwalk
intavolatura {f} :: opening [of a debate, conversation, etc.]
intavolatura {f} [music] :: An early form of tablature for lute or keyboard
intavolatura {f} [archaic] :: a placement of tables or boards
intavolatura {f} [archaic] :: an accounting or administrative record
integerrimamente {adv} :: honestly, with integrity
integerrimo {adj} :: superlative of integro
integrabile {adj} :: integrable
integrabilità {f} :: integrability
integrafo {m} [mathematics] :: integraph
integrale {adj} :: entire, complete, full, generale
integrale {adj} :: wholemeal, whole wheat (attribute), whole, brown
integrale {adj} [mathematics] :: integral
integralismo {m} :: fundamentalism
integralista {mf} :: fundamentalist
integralisticamente {adv} :: In the manner of a fundamentalist
integralistico {adj} :: fundamentalist
integralità {f} :: integrality
integralmente {adv} :: full, integrally, entirely, completely
integramente {adv} :: entirely, wholly, integrally, fully
integramente {adv} :: honestly, uprightly
integrante {adj} :: integral
integrantesi {v} :: present participle of integrarsi
integrare {vt} :: to supplement, eke out
integrare {vt} :: to integrate
integrarsi {v} :: reflexive of integrare
integrarsi {v} :: to integrate, become integrated
integrasi {f} [enzyme] :: intergrase
integrativamente {adv} :: supplementarily, additionally
integrativo {adj} :: supplementary, additional
integrato {adj} :: integrated, not segregated
integratore {adj} :: integrating
integratore {m} :: supplement (addition to a diet, such as vitamins)
integratore {m} :: integrator
integratosi {v} :: past participle of integrarsi
integrazione {f} :: integration
integrazione {f} :: onboarding
integrazionismo {m} :: integrationism
integrazionista {mf} :: (racial) integrationist
integrazionistico {adj} :: (racial) integrationist
integrina {f} [protein] :: integrin
integrinico {adj} :: integrin (attributive)
integrista {mf} :: alternative form of integralista
integrità {f} :: integrity
integrità {f} :: honesty
integro {adj} :: entire, whole, integral, full, undamaged
integro {adj} :: honest, upright
intelaiante {v} :: present participle of intelaiare
intelaiare {vt} :: to mount or stretch on a frame or loom
intelaiare {vt} :: to assemble, set up
intelaiatura {f} :: frame, framework, structure, (of a window) sash
intelaiatura {f} :: case (window case, door case)
intelante {v} :: present participle of intelare
intelare {vt} :: To canvas
intelare {vt} :: To back (tailoring)
intellegibile {adj} :: Variant of intelligibile
intellegibilità {f} :: Variant of intelligibilità
intellettibile {adj} :: Having the intelligence or intellect
intellettibile {adj} :: Variant of intelligibile
intellettivamente {adv} :: intellectually
intellettivo {adj} :: intellectual
intellettivo {adj} :: intelligence (attribute)
intelletto {m} /in.tel.ˈlɛt.to/ :: mind, intellect, brain
intellettuale {adj} :: intellectual
intellettuale {adj} :: cerebral, highbrow
intellettuale {mf} :: intellectual, highbrow
intellettualismo {m} :: intellectualism
intellettualista {mf} :: intellectualist
intellettualisticamente {adv} :: intellectualistically
intellettualistico {adj} :: intellectualistic
intellettualità {f} :: intellectuality
intellettualizzante {v} :: present participle of intellettualizzare
intellettualizzare {vt} :: to intellectualize
intellettualizzazione {f} :: intellectualization
intellettualmente {adv} :: intellectually
intellettualoide {adj} :: highbrow (used pejoratively)
intellettualoide {mf} :: pseud (pseudo-intellectual)
intellezione {f} :: intellection
intelligence {f} :: A political or military department, agency or unit designed to gather information
intelligente {adj} :: intelligent, clever, bright, smart
intelligentemente {adv} :: cleverly, intelligently
intelligentissimo {adj} :: superlative of intelligente
intelligenza {f} :: intelligence, intellect
intelligenza {f} :: understanding, interpretation
intelligenza artificiale {f} :: artificial intelligence
intellighenzia {f} /in.tel.liˈɡɛn.t͡sja/ :: intelligentsia
intelligibile {adj} :: intelligible
intelligibile {m} :: the intelligible
intelligibilità {f} :: intelligibility
intelligibilità {f} :: clarity (of sound etc)
intelligibilmente {adv} :: intelligibly
intemelio {m} :: A dialect of Ligurian spoken in the area between Monaco and Imperia
intemerato {adj} :: blameless, irreproachable
intemerato {adj} :: unblemished
intemerato {adj} :: clear (conscience)
intemperante {adj} :: intemperate, immoderate
intemperantemente {adv} :: intemperately, immoderately
intemperanza {f} :: intemperance
intemperanza {f} :: excess (especially in plural)
intemperie {fp} :: bad weather, weather, all weathers
intempestivamente {adv} :: inopportunely, unseasonably, untimely
intempestivamente {adv} :: inappropriately, unsuitably
intempestività {f} :: untimeliness
intempestivo {adj} :: untimely, ill-timed
in tempo {adv} :: in time, on time
in tempo reale {adv} :: in real time, direct
in tempo reale {adv} :: live
intendente {v} :: present participle of intendere
intendente {mf} :: A financial administrator
intendente {mf} :: A colonel in certain military forces
intendentesi {v} :: present participle of intendersi
intendenza {f} :: An administrative organization controlled by an intendente
intendere {vt} :: to mean
intendere {vt} :: to understand, grasp, see
intendere {vt} :: to believe
intendere {vt} :: to interpret
intendere {vt} :: to hear
intendere {vt} :: to listen, heed
intendere {vt} :: (with inf.) to intend to
intendere {vi} [literary] :: (with a) to dedicate oneself (to)
intendersi {v} :: reflexive of intendere
intendersi {v} :: (with su) to reach an agreement (on)
intendersi {v} :: (with con) to get along (with); to get on well (with)
intendersi {v} :: to understand each other
intendersi {v} :: (with con) to have a secret relationship (with)
intendimento {m} :: intention
intendimento {m} :: knowledge, understanding
intenditore {m} :: expert, connoisseur
intenditrice {f} :: female equivalent of intenditore
intenebramento {m} :: darkening
intenebramento {m} :: obfuscation
intenebrante {v} :: present participle of intenebrare
intenebrare {v} :: To darken
intenebrarsi {vr} :: To darken
intenerente {v} :: present participle of intenerire
intenerentesi {v} :: present participle of intenerirsi
intenerimento {m} :: softening
intenerire {vt} :: to soften
intenerire {vt} :: to touch, move
intenerirsi {v} :: reflexive of intenerire
intenerirsi {v} :: to soften, become soft
intenerirsi {v} :: to be moved or touched
inteneritosi {v} :: past participle of intenerirsi
intensamente {adv} :: intensely
intensificante {v} :: present participle of intensificare
intensificantesi {v} :: present participle of intensificarsi
intensificare {vt} :: to intensify, enhance, augment
intensificare {vt} :: to increase, step up
intensificarsi {v} :: reflexive of intensificare
intensificarsi {v} :: to intensify, increase, escalate, thicken, heighten
intensificatosi {v} :: past participle of intensificarsi
intensificazione {f} :: intensification
intensimetrico {adj} :: intensimetric
intensissimo {adj} :: superlative of intenso
intensissimo {adj} :: very intense, very strong
intensissimo {adj} :: very intensive, very busy
intensità {f} :: intensity, force, power, strength
intensivamente {adv} :: intensively
intensivo {adj} :: intensive
intenso {adj} :: intense, strong
intenso {adj} :: intensive, busy, concentrated
intentabile {adj} [legal] :: startable (of a proceeding against someone)
intentabile {adj} :: That can not be tried; not triable
intentamente {adv} :: with intention or concentration
intentamente {adv} :: busily
intentante {v} :: present participle of intentare
intentare {vt} [legal] :: to start or institute proceedings against someone
intentato {adj} :: untried
intento {adj} /inˈtɛn.to/ :: intent on, concentrating on, busy at(or with)
intento {m} :: purpose, purport, aim, object, goal
intento {m} :: intention, intent, design
in tenuta adamitica {adj} :: (literally: in Adam’s suit) in the altogether; in one’s birthday suit
intenzionale {adj} :: intentional, deliberate, wilful, intention (attributive)
intenzionalità {f} :: intentionality, deliberation
intenzionalmente {adv} :: purposely, on purpose, intentionally, wilfully
intenzionatamente {adv} :: determinedly
intenzionato {adj} :: disposed, determined, inclined
intenzione {f} :: intention, intent, purpose, mind, wish
intepidente {v} :: present participle of intepidire
intepidire {v} :: alternative spelling of intiepidire
inter- {prefix} :: inter-
Inter {prop} :: The Inter Milan football team
interagente {v} :: present participle of interagire
interagente {adj} :: interacting
interagire {vi} :: To interact
interalare {adj} :: interplane
interalleato {adj} :: inter-allied
interamente {adv} :: entirely, wholly, completely
interarabo {adj} :: inter-Arab
interarme {adj} :: interservice (military)
interasse {m} :: wheelbase
interatomico {adj} [physics] :: interatomic
interatriale {adj} [anatomy] :: interatrial
interattivamente {adv} :: interactively
interattività {f} :: interactivity
interattivo {adj} :: interactive
interaziendale {adj} :: inter-company
interazionale {adj} :: interactional
interazione {f} :: interaction
interazione debole {f} [physics] :: weak interaction
interazione elettromagnetica {f} [physics] :: electromagnetic interaction
interazione fondamentale {f} [physics] :: fundamental interaction
interazione forte {f} [physics] :: strong interaction
interazione gravitazionale {f} [physics] :: gravitational interaction
interazione nucleare debole {f} [physics] :: weak nuclear interaction
interazione nucleare forte {f} [physics] :: strong nuclear interaction
interbancario {adj} :: interbank
interbase {mf} [baseball] :: shortstop
interbellico {adj} :: interwar
interblocco {adj} :: interblock
intercalante {v} :: present participle of intercalare
intercalante {adj} :: inserted, interposed
intercalare {adj} :: interposing
intercalare {m} :: cliché, stock phrase
intercalare {v} :: to insert (into); to interpose
intercalare {v} :: to tween
intercalare {v} :: to intercalate
intercalato {adj} :: intercalated
intercalatore {m} [cinematography] :: tweener
intercalazione {f} :: intercalation (all senses)
intercambiabile {adj} :: interchangeable
intercambiabilità {f} :: interchangeability
intercambiabilmente {adv} :: interchangeably
intercambiante {v} :: present participle of intercambiare
intercambiare {v} :: To interchange
intercapedine {f} :: gap, cavity
intercardinale {adj} :: intercardinal
intercedente {v} :: present participle of intercedere
intercedere {vi} :: to intercede
intercellulare {adj} :: intercellular
intercessione {f} :: intercession
intercessore {m} :: intercessor
intercettabile {adj} :: interceptable
intercettamento {m} :: interception
intercettante {v} :: present participle of intercettare
intercettare {vt} :: to intercept
intercettare {vt} :: to eavesdrop
intercettare {vt} :: to predict or mindread [a feeling, phenomenon, etc.]
intercettare {vt} [geometry] :: to determine the result of an intersection
intercettatore {m} :: Variant of intercettore
intercettazione {f} :: wiretap, wiretapping
intercettazione {f} :: interception
intercettazione telefonica {f} :: wiretap, wiretapping
intercettazione telefonica {f} :: eavesdropping
intercetto {m} [American football] :: interception
intercettore {m} :: interceptor (aircraft)
intercidente {v} :: present participle of intercidere
intercidere {vt} [obsolete] :: to cut in half; to divide
intercinesi {f} :: interkinesis
interclassismo {m} :: The promotion of collaboration between social classes
interclassista {mf} :: an advocate of interclassismo
interclassistico {adj} :: interclass
interclassistico {adj} :: Of or pertaining to interclassismo
interclavicolare {adj} [anatomy] :: interclavicular
intercludente {v} :: present participle of intercludere
intercludere {vt} :: to enclose [especially land or property]
intercollegante {v} :: present participle of intercollegare
intercollegare {vt} :: To interconnect
intercolunnio {m} [architecture] :: intercolumnation, intercolumniation
intercompartimentale {adj} :: interdepartmental
intercompartimentale {adj} :: interdistrict
intercompatibilità {f} [computing] :: intercompatibility, interoperability
intercomunale {adj} :: intercity
intercomunicante {adj} :: communicating, intercommunicating
intercomunicazione {f} :: intercommunication
interconfederale {adj} :: interconfederal (between confederations)
interconfederale {adj} :: inter-union (between trades unions)
interconfessionale {adj} [religion] :: between confessions; interconfessional
interconfessionalismo {m} :: interdenominationalism
interconfessionalità {f} [religion] :: The property of being between confessions or interconfessional
interconnessione {f} :: interconnection
interconnessosi {v} :: past participle of interconnettersi
interconnettente {v} :: present participle of interconnettere
interconnettentesi {v} :: present participle of interconnettersi
interconnettere {vt} :: to interconnect
interconnettersi {vr} :: To interconnect or become interconnected
interconnettività {f} :: interconnectivity
interconsonantico {adj} [linguistics] :: interconsonantal
intercontinentale {adj} :: intercontinental
interconversione {f} :: interconversion
interconvertente {v} :: present participle of interconvertire
interconvertentesi {v} :: present participle of interconvertirsi
interconvertire {vt} :: To interconvert
interconvertirsi {vr} :: To interconvert
interconvertitosi {v} :: past participle of interconvertirsi
intercorrente {v} :: present participle of intercorrere
intercorrente {adj} :: elapsed (time)
intercorrente {adj} [medicine] :: Describing a disease that manifests itself during the course of another, on which it does not depend
intercorrentizio {adj} :: interfaction
intercorrere {vi} /in.terˈkor.re.re/ :: (with [ tra or fra ] or [ da and a ]) [of time] to pass
intercorrere {vi} :: (with tra or fra) to be between two points in space; to mark a distance
intercorrere {vi} :: (with [ tra or fra ] or con) [of an interpersonal relationship] to exist
intercostale {adj} [anatomy] :: intercostal
intercotidale {adj} :: intercotidal
intercotidale {adj} :: intertidal
intercristallino {adj} :: intercrystalline
intercultura {f} :: cross-culture
interculturale {adj} :: intercultural
interculturalismo {m} :: interculturalism
interculturalità {f} :: interculturality
interdentale {adj} :: interdental
interdetta {f} :: female equivalent of interdetto
interdetto {adj} :: prohibited
interdetto {adj} :: interdicted
interdetto {adj} :: disorientated, disconcerted
interdetto {m} :: interdict (legal prohibition)
interdetto {m} :: interdictee (person interdicted or debarred)
interdicente {v} :: present participle of interdire
interdigitale {adj} [anatomy] :: interdigital
interdiocesano {adj} :: interdiocesan / inter-diocesan
interdipendente {adj} :: interdependent
interdipendenza {f} :: interdependence
interdire {vt} :: to forbid, ban, prohibit
interdire {vt} :: to interdict
interdirigenziale {adj} :: interministerial
interdisciplinare {adj} :: interdisciplinary
interdisciplinarità {f} :: interdisciplinarity
interdisciplinarmente {adv} :: interdisciplinarily
interdistrettuale {adj} :: inter-district (especially between telephone areas)
interditore {m} [soccer] :: holding midfielder; defensive midfielder
interdittiva {f} [legal] :: interdiction, prohibition; disqualification
interdittivo {adj} :: banning
interdittivo {adj} :: interdiction (attributive)
interdivisionale {adj} :: interdivisional
interdizione {f} :: ban
interdizione {f} :: interdict
interdizione {f} [legal] :: debarment
interduna {f} /in.terˈdu.na/ :: interdune
interdunale {adj} /in.ter.duˈna.le/ :: interdunal
interelazionale {adj} :: interrelational
interelettronico {adj} :: interelectronic
interessamento {m} :: interest, intervention, good offices, concern
interessante {adj} :: interesting
interessantesi {v} :: present participle of interessarsi
interessantissimo {adj} :: superlative of interessante
interessare {vt} :: to be interesting, to be of interest, to interest, to hold somebody's interest
interessare {vt} :: to arouse somebody's interest, to get somebody interested, to involve
interessare {vt} :: to concern, to involve, to affect
interessare {vt} :: to be in the interest of, to be the concern of
interessare {vi} :: to be of interest to, to be interested in
interessare {vi} :: to be in the interest to, to be the concern of, to matter to
interessarsi {v} :: reflexive of interessare
interessarsi {v} :: to be interested in, take an interest in
interessarsi {v} :: to take care of, see to, go into, take up
interessarsi {v} :: to care about, mind, look after
interessatamente {adv} :: concernedly
interessatamente {adv} :: interestedly, selfishly
interessatissimo {adj} :: superlative of interessato
interessato {adj} :: concerned, involved
interessato {adj} :: interested, selfish
interessato {m} :: interested person, concerned person
interessatosi {v} :: past participle of interessarsi
interesse {m} :: interest, concern
interesse {m} [economy] :: interest
interesse {m} :: money, money-making
interesse {m} [in the plural] :: affairs, business
interessenza {f} :: profit sharing
interetnico {adj} :: interethnic
intereuropeo {adj} :: Intereuropean
interezza {f} :: entirety, wholeness, oneness
interfaccia {f} :: interface
interfacciabile {adj} :: That can be interfaced
interfacciale {adj} :: interfacial
interfacciamento {m} :: interface
interfacciante {v} :: present participle of interfacciare
interfacciantesi {v} :: present participle of interfacciarsi
interfacciare {vt} :: To interface
interfacciarsi {vr} :: To interface (with each other)
interfacciatosi {v} :: past participle of interfacciarsi
interfacoltà {adj} :: inter-faculty
interfacoltà {f} :: student council
interfase {f} [genetics] :: interphase
interfecondo {adj} :: interfecund, interfertile
interfederale {adj} :: interfederal (between federations)
interfederale {adj} :: inter-union (between trades unions)
interferente {v} :: present participle of interferire
interferente {adj} :: interfering
interferenza {f} :: interference
interferenziale {adj} [physics] :: interference (attributive)
interferire {vi} :: To interfere
interferometria {f} :: interferometry
interferometrico {adj} :: interferometric
interferometro {m} :: interferometer
interferone {m} [protein] :: interferon
interfertile {adj} :: interfertile
interfertilità {f} :: interfertility
interfogliante {v} :: present participle of interfogliare
interfogliare {vt} :: To slipsheet or interleave
interfogliatura {f} :: interleaving
interfoliante {v} :: present participle of interfoliare
interfoliare {vt} :: alternative form of interfogliare
interfono {m} :: intercom (or any internal telephone)
interforze {adj} :: interforce
interfrangia {f} [optics] /in.terˈfran.d͡ʒa/ :: The distance between two fringes during an interference
intergalattico {adj} :: intergalactic
intergenerazionale {adj} :: intergenerational
intergenerico {adj} [biology] :: intergeneric
intergenico {adj} [genetics] :: intergenic
interglaciale {adj} :: interglacial
intergovernativo {adj} :: intergovernmental
intergranulare {adj} :: intergranular
Interiano {prop} :: surname
interiettivo {adj} [grammar] /in.te.rjetˈti.vo/ :: interjectional
interiezione {f} [grammar] /in.te.rjeˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: interjection
interinale {adj} :: temporary, caretaker (attribute)
interinalmente {adv} :: temporarily
interinato {m} :: interim
interindividuale {adj} :: interindividual
interino {m} :: locum, locum tenens
interiora {fp} :: entrails, bowels, guts
interiore {adj} :: internal, interior (attribute),
interiore {adj} :: inner (attribute), inward (attribute)
interiorità {f} :: inner being
interiorizzante {v} :: present participle of interiorizzare
interiorizzare {vt} :: to internalize
interiorizzazione {f} :: interiorization
interiormente {adv} :: internally
interiormente {adv} :: inwardly
interiormente {adv} :: profoundly
interista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to FC Internazionale Milano, the Italian football club based in Milan
interista {m} :: A Football Club Internazionale Milano player or supporter
interistituzionale {adj} :: interinstitutional
interjezione {f} :: obsolete form of interiezione
interlacciante {v} :: present participle of interlacciare
interlacciare {v} :: To interleave
interlacciare {v} :: To interlace
Interlaken {prop} :: Interlaken
interleuchina {f} [protein] :: interleukin
interlinea {f} :: (in a text) line spacing, leading, lead
interlineante {v} :: present participle of interlineare
interlineare {adj} :: interlinear
interlineare {vt} :: to space, space out [lines]
interlineare {vt} [typography] :: to lead, lead out
interlineatura {f} :: spacing
interlineatura {f} :: interlineation
interlingua {f} :: Interlingua
interlinguistica {f} :: interlinguistics
interlinguistico {adj} :: interlinguistic
interlobo {m} [anatomy] /in.terˈlɔ.bo/ :: An interlobar fissure of a lung
interlocutore {m} :: speaker
interlocutore {m} :: interlocutor, collocutor
interlocutore {m} :: representative, spokesman
interlocutoriamente {adv} :: interlocutorily, conversationally
interlocutorio {adj} :: interlocutory
interlocutrice {f} :: female equivalent of interlocutore
interlocuzione {f} :: dialogue, interlocution
interlocuzione {f} [legal] :: narrative verdict
interloquente {v} :: present participle of interloquire
interloquire {vi} :: to have one's say, partecipate, join, take part, debate, argue
interloquire {vi} :: to interrupt, butt in
interludio {m} :: interlude
interlunio {m} /in.terˈlu.njo/ :: interlunation, interlunar period
intermascellare {adj} [anatomy] :: intermaxillary
intermediaria {f} :: female equivalent of intermediario
intermediario {m} :: intermediary, go-between, middleman, broker
intermediatore {m} :: intermediary
intermediatore {m} :: broker
intermediazione {f} :: intermediation
intermediazione {f} :: brokerage
intermedio {adj} :: intermediate, intermediary, middle
intermembrana {adj} :: intermembrane
intermembranoso {adj} :: intermembranous
intermetallico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: intermetallic
intermettente {v} :: present participle of intermettere
intermettere {vt} :: To stop something temporarily; to interrupt
intermezzante {v} :: present participle of intermezzare
intermezzare {v} :: to intermix
intermezzo {m} /in.terˈmɛt.t͡so/ :: intermezzo
intermezzo {m} :: interval, break
interminabile {adj} [hyperbolic] /in.ter.miˈna.bi.le/ :: of a long duration; interminable, endless, unending
interminabilmente {adv} :: interminably, endlessly
interminatamente {adv} :: boundlessly; infinitely; unendingly
interminato {adj} :: Interminate; without limit; boundless; infinite; unending
Interminei {prop} [rare] :: surname variant of Interminelli
Interminelli {prop} [rare] :: surname
interministeriale {adj} :: interministerial, interdepartmental
intermittente {adj} :: intermittent, irregular
intermittentemente {adv} :: intermittently, irregularly
intermittenza {f} :: intermittency
intermodale {adj} :: intermodal
intermodulazione {f} :: intermodulation
intermolecolare {adj} :: intermolecular
intermontano {adj} :: intermountain
intermorenico {adj} :: intermorainal, intermorainic
internalizzante {v} :: present participle of internalizzare
internalizzare {vt} :: to internalize
internalizzazione {f} :: internalization
internamente {adv} :: inside, within, internally
internamento {m} :: internment
internante {v} :: present participle of internare
internare {v} :: to intern
internare {v} :: to cause to enter further in
internare {v} :: to relegate
internare {v} :: to institutionalize
internasale {adj} [anatomy] :: internasal
internata {f} :: female equivalent of internato
internato {adj} :: interned
internato {adj} :: confined (in an institution)
internato {m} :: internee
internato {m} :: inmate, insider (in an institution)
internato {m} :: internship
internato {m} :: boarding school
internauta {mf} [computing] :: netizen (Internet user)
internazionale {adj} :: international
internazionalismo {m} :: internationalism
internazionalista {mf} :: internationalist
internazionalistico {adj} :: internationalist
internazionalità {f} :: internationality
internazionalizzante {v} :: present participle of internazionalizzare
internazionalizzare {vt} :: to internationalize
internazionalizzato {adj} :: internationalized
internazionalizzazione {f} :: internationalization
internazionalmente {adv} :: internationally
internazionalprivatista {mf} [legal] :: A lawyer who specializes in private international law
internazione {adj} :: inter-nation
internet {f} /ˈin.ter.nɛt/ :: internet
internet {adj} :: web, internet [attributive]
Internet {f} :: alternative form of internet
internettiano {adj} [Internet] :: Internet (attributive)
interneurone {m} :: interneuron
internista {mf} :: internist
interno {adj} [attributive] /inˈtɛr.no/ :: inside, internal, interior, inner, indoor
interno {adj} :: domestic, home, inland (opposite of foreign)
interno {m} :: interior, inside
interno {m} [of a physician] :: intern
interno {m} [of clothes] :: lining
interno {m} [politics] :: home, interior
interno {m} :: apartment, flat
interno {m} :: extension (of a phone number)
interno {m} :: inmate
interno {m} [baseball] :: infielder (infield player)
internodale {adj} :: internodal
internodio {m} [botany] :: internode
internodo {m} :: alternative spelling of internodio
inter nos {adv} :: in confidence, in private, between ourselves, inter nos
internucleare {adj} :: internuclear
internucleosomico {adj} :: internucleosomal
internunziatura {f} :: internuncioship
internunzio {m} :: internuncio
intero {adj} :: whole, entire
intero {adj} :: intact
intero {adj} :: complete, full, total
intero {m} :: whole
intero {m} [arithmetic] :: integer
interoceanico {adj} :: interoceanic
interoperabile {adj} [computing] :: interoperable
interoperabilità {f} [computing] :: interoperability
interoperante {v} :: present participle of interoperare
interoperare {vi} :: To interoperate
interorbitale {adj} :: interorbital
interorganico {adj} [anatomy, physiology] :: interorganic
interosseo {adj} [anatomy] :: interosseous, interosseal
interpalestinese {adj} :: inter-Palestine
interparietale {adj} [anatomy] :: interparietal
interparlamentare {adj} :: interparliamentary
interparticellare {adj} [physics] :: interparticle
interpartiticamente {adv} :: in an inter-party manner
interpartitico {adj} :: inter-party
interpellante {v} :: present participle of interpellare
interpellanza {f} :: interpellation, question
interpellare {vt} :: to consult
interpellare {vt} :: to ask or question in a peremptory way
interpellare {vt} [politics] :: to interpellate
interpenetrante {v} :: present participle of interpenetrare
interpenetrante {adj} :: interpenetrating, interpenetrant
interpenetrare {v} :: To interpenetrate
interpersonale {adj} :: interpersonal, interindividual
interpiano {m} :: half-landing
interpiano {m} :: the distance between adjacent storeys of a building
interpiano {m} :: the distance between adjacent wings of a biplane, triplane etc
interplanetario {adj} :: interplanetary
interpolabile {adj} :: That can be interpolated; interpolable
interpolamento {m} :: interpolation (all senses)
interpolante {v} :: present participle of interpolare
interpolare {v} :: to interpolate
interpolare {adj} [physics] :: interpolar (between two poles)
interpolato {adj} :: interpolated
interpolatore {m} :: interpolater
interpolazione {f} :: interpolation (all senses)
interponente {v} :: present participle of interporre
interponentesi {v} :: present participle of interporsi
interponte {m} [nautical] :: between decks, tween decks
interponte {m} [nautical] :: lazaretto (storage area)
interporre {vt} :: To place something in the way of something; to interpose
interporsi {v} :: reflexive of interporre
interporsi {v} :: to interpose oneself
interporsi {v} :: to intervene
interporsi {v} :: to mediate
interporto {m} :: freight logistics centre
interposizione {f} :: interposition, intervention
interposto {adj} :: interposing, intervening
interpostosi {v} :: past participle of interporsi
interpretabile {adj} :: interpretable
interpretabilità {f} :: interpretability
interpretare {vt} :: to interpret [all senses]
interpretare {vt} :: to perform
interpretariato {m} :: interpreting
interpretativamente {adv} :: interpretively
interpretativo {adj} :: interpretive
interpretazione {f} :: interpretation
interpretazione {f} [music, cinema etc] :: interpretation, performance, rendition
interprete {mf} /inˈtɛr.pre.te/ :: interpreter
interprete {mf} :: actor or actress
interprete {mf} :: performer
interprofessionale {adj} :: interprofessional (between professionals or professional bodies)
interprogetto {adj} :: interproject
interprovinciale {adj} :: Between provinces; interprovincial
interpsicologia {f} :: interpsychology (psychological study of interpersonal interactions)
interpungente {v} :: present participle of interpungere
interpungere {vt} /interˈpund͡ʒere/ :: to punctuate (to add punctuation to)
interpuntivo {adj} [linguistics] :: punctuation (attributive)
interpunzione {f} [linguistics] :: punctuation
interpupillare {adj} :: interpupillary
interradiale {adj} :: interradial
interramento {m} :: planting
interramento {m} :: interring, interment, burial
interrante {v} :: present participle of interrare
interrare {vt} :: to plant [seeds, plants, etc.]
interrare {vt} :: to dig in [guns, etc.]
interrare {vt} :: to fill in [a hole, etc.]
interrare {vt} :: to inter [bury in a grave]
interrato {adj} :: underground
interrato {m} :: basement
interraziale {adj} :: interracial
interrazziale {adj} :: interracial
interregionale {adj} :: interregional
interregionalità {f} :: The property of being interregional
interregionalmente {adv} :: interregionally
interregno {m} :: interregnum
interrelazione {f} :: interrelation, interrelationship
interreligioso {adj} :: interreligous
interrete {f} :: synonym of internet
interrimento {m} :: alluviation
interrimento {m} :: silting (up)
interrogabile {adj} :: interrogable
interrogante {mf} :: questioner, interrogator
interrogantesi {v} :: present participle of interrogarsi
interrogare {v} :: to test
interrogare {v} :: to question
interrogarsi {v} :: reflexive of interrogare
interrogarsi {v} :: to question oneself
interrogarsi {v} :: to examine one's conscience
interrogata {f} :: Person examined or questioned
interrogativamente {adv} :: interrogatively, questioningly
interrogativo {adj} :: interrogative, questioning
interrogativo {m} :: interrogative, question, dubbio
interrogato {m} :: Person examined or questioned
interrogatorio {m} :: interrogation, questioning, examination
interrogatosi {v} :: past participle of interrogarsi
interrogazione {f} :: question, point of order
interrogazione {f} :: oral test
interrogazione {f} :: interrogation, questioning
interrompente {v} :: present participle of interrompere
interrompentesi {v} :: present participle of interrompersi
interrompere {vt} :: to break off, cut off, break up, interrupt, stop, break
interrompere {vt} :: to block, hold up
interrompere {vt} :: to disconnect, cut off, switch off
interrompersi {v} :: reflexive of interrompere
interrompersi {v} :: to break off, stop
interrompersi {v} :: to be cut off, be disconnected
interrompibile {adj} :: interruptable, interruptible
interrottamente {adv} :: interruptedly
interrotto {adj} :: interrupted, cut off, blocked, closed
interrottosi {v} :: past participle of interrompersi
interruttivo {adj} :: interruptive
interruttore {m} :: switch, interrupter, circuit breaker
interruttore {m} :: toggle switch
interruttore suoneria sveglia {m} :: snooze button
interruzione {f} :: interruption, breakdown, stoppage, cut
interruzione {f} :: suspension, discontinuation
interruzione {f} :: break, pause, gap
interruzione {f} :: block
interscambiabile {adj} :: interchangeable
interscambiabilità {f} :: interchangeability
interscambiabilmente {adv} :: In an interchangeable manner
interscambiare {vt} /in.ter.skamˈbja.re/ :: to exchange, to swap
interscambio {m} :: interexchange
interscambio {m} :: interchange (on motorways etc)
interscapolare {adj} [anatomy] :: interscapular
intersecante {v} :: present participle of intersecare
intersecantesi {v} :: present participle of intersecarsi
intersecantisi {adj} :: intersecting
intersecare {vt} :: to intersect
intersecarsi {v} :: reflexive of intersecare
intersecarsi {v} :: to intersect
intersecatosi {v} :: past participle of intersecarsi
intersecazione {f} :: intersection
intersessuale {adj} :: intersexual
intersessualità {f} :: intersexuality
intersettoriale {adj} :: interdisciplinary
intersettorialmente {adv} :: interdisciplinarily
intersezione {f} :: intersection
intersiderale {adj} :: intersidereal
intersindacale {adj} :: inter-union (between trades unions)
intersistema {adj} :: intersystem
intersoggettività {f} :: intersubjectivity
intersoggettivo {adj} :: intersubjective
interspaziale {adj} :: interplanetary, interstellar
interspazio {m} :: interspace
interspecifico {adj} [biology] :: interspecific
interspinale {adj} [anatomy] :: interspinal
interspinoso {adj} [anatomy] :: interspinous
interspinoso {adj} [muscle] :: interspinalis
interspinoso {m} [muscle] :: interspinalis, interspinalis muscle
interstatale {adj} :: interstate
interstellare {adj} :: interstellar
interstiziale {adj} :: interstitial
interstizio {m} :: interstice
interstiziopatia {f} [disease] :: interstitial lung disease
interstrutturale {adj} :: interstructural
intersuola {f} :: midsole
intertempo {m} :: half time (sports)
intertesto {m} :: intertext
intertestuale {adj} :: intertextual
intertestualità {f} :: intertextuality
intertidale {adj} :: intertidal
intertrabecolare {adj} [skeleton] :: intertrabecular
intertrasversario {adj} [anatomy] :: intertransverse
intertrasversario {adj} [muscle] :: intertrasversarius
intertribale {adj} :: intertribal
intertrigine {f} [pathology] :: intertrigo
intertropicale {adj} :: intertropical
interuniversitario {adj} :: interuniversity, intervarsity
interurbano {adj} :: intercity
interurbano {adj} :: trunk, long-distance (phone call)
intervallante {v} :: present participle of intervallare
intervallantesi {v} :: present participle of intervallarsi
intervallare {v} :: to space out
intervallare {adj} :: interval (attributive)
intervallarsi {vr} :: To space out (especially of a group)
intervallatosi {v} :: past participle of intervallarsi
intervallo {m} :: interval
intervallo {m} [sports] :: half time
interveniente {v} :: present participle of intervenire
intervenire {vi} :: to intervene, interfere
intervenire {vi} [in a conversation] :: to intervene, say, speak
intervenire {vi} :: to be present, attend, come, go, take part
intervenire {vi} [surgery] :: to operate
interventismo {m} :: interventionism
interventista {adj} :: interventionist
interventista {mf} :: interventionist
interventistico {adj} :: interventionist
intervento {m} :: intervention
intervento {m} :: presence, attendance
intervento {m} [surgery] :: operation, surgery
intervento {m} :: speech, paper, remark
interventricolare {adj} :: interventricular
intervertebrale {adj} [anatomy] :: intervertebral
intervista {f} :: interview
intervistante {v} :: present participle of intervistare
intervistare {vt} :: to interview
intervistata {f} :: female equivalent of intervistato
intervistato {m} :: interviewee
intervistatore {m} :: interviewer
intervistatrice {f} :: female equivalent of intervistatore
intervocalico {adj} [linguistics] /in.ter.voˈka.li.ko/ :: intervocalic
interzato {adj} [heraldry] :: tierced
interzonale {adj} :: interzonal
intesa {f} :: agreement, understanding, meeting of minds
intesa {f} :: entente
intesa {f} :: arrangement
inteso {adj} :: understood
inteso {adj} :: intended, meant
intesosi {v} :: past participle of intendersi
intessente {v} :: present participle of intessere
intessere {vt} :: to interweave, weave
intessersi {vr} :: To take shape, become interwoven
in testa {prep} :: See: it in testa
in testa {prep} [idiom] :: (also with di) leading (by)
intestabile {adj} :: That can be made out
intestante {v} :: present participle of intestare
intestantesi {v} :: present participle of intestarsi
intestardente {v} :: present participle of intestardirsi
intestardentesi {v} :: present participle of intestardirsi
intestardirsi {vr} :: (with in or a + inf.) to insist
intestarditosi {v} :: past participle of intestardirsi
intestare {vt} :: to address [a letter, etc.]
intestare {vt} :: to register (in) the name of
intestare {vt} :: to butt (join end to end)
intestarsi {v} :: reflexive of intestare
intestarsi {v} :: alternative form of intestardirsi
intestata {f} :: An intestate person
intestatario {m} :: holder
intestato {adj} :: addressed
intestato {adj} :: registered
intestato {adj} :: intestate
intestato {m} :: An intestate person
intestatosi {v} :: past participle of intestarsi
intestatura {f} :: butt (joint)
intestazione {f} :: heading, headline
intestazione {f} :: letterhead
intestazione {f} [printing] :: header (in a printed document)
intestazione {f} [computing] :: header (the first part of a file or record that describes its contents)
intestinale {adj} [anatomy] :: intestinal, bowel (attribute)
intestino {m} /intesˈtino/ :: intestine
intestino {adj} :: internal
intestino {adj} :: internecine
intestino crasso {m} [anatomy] :: the large intestine
intestino tenue {m} [anatomy] :: the small intestine
intiepidente {v} :: present participle of intiepidire
intiepidire {vt} :: to warm up [something cold]
intiepidire {vt} :: to cool down [something hot]
intiepidire {vt} :: to cool [a friendship, etc.]
intiero {adj} :: alternative form of intero
intiero {m} :: alternative form of intero
intifada {f} :: intifada
intimamente {adv} :: intimately
intimamente {adv} :: closely
intimante {v} :: present participle of intimare
intimare {vt} :: to order in a peremptory or imperious way
intimare {vt} [literary] :: to notify in the name of authority
intimazione {f} :: order, intimation, summons, writ
intimidatorio {adj} :: threatening, intimidating
intimidazione {f} :: threat, intimidation
intimidente {v} :: present participle of intimidire
intimidentesi {v} :: present participle of intimidirsi
intimidire {vt} :: to frighten
intimidire {vt} :: to threaten, intimidate
intimidire {vt} :: to make shy
intimidirsi {vr} :: To become shy or timid
intimiditosi {v} :: past participle of intimidirsi
intimismo {m} [arts] :: intimism
intimista {mf} :: intimist
intimisticamente {adv} :: intimistically
intimistico {adj} :: intimistic
intimità {f} :: intimacy
intimità {f} :: privacy
intimo {adj} /ˈin.ti.mo/ :: intimate, close
intimo {adj} :: intimate, private, innermost
intimo {adj} :: intimate, cosy, cozy
intimo {m} :: underwear
intimo {m} :: innermost part, heart
intimo {m} :: intimate, close friend, close relation
intimorente {v} :: present participle of intimorire
intimorentesi {v} :: present participle of intimorirsi
intimorimento {m} :: frightening (act of)
intimorire {vt} :: to frighten, to intimidate, to cow
intimorirsi {vr} :: To get afraid
intimoritosi {v} :: past participle of intimorirsi
intingente {v} :: present participle of intingere
intingere {vt} :: to dip, immerse
intingolo {m} :: sauce, gravy
intingolo {m} :: rich dish
intirizzente {v} :: present participle of intirizzire
intirizzentesi {v} :: present participle of intirizzirsi
intirizzimento {m} :: numbing
intirizzimento {m} :: numbness
intirizzire {vt} /in.ti.ritˈt͡si.re/ :: to numb (to cause to become numb)
intirizzire {vt} [archaic, rare] :: to stiffen, to paralyze
intirizzire {vi} :: to numb (to become numb)
intirizzire {vi} [by extension] :: to freeze (to be affected by cold)
intirizzirsi {vr} :: To grow numb (with cold)
intirizzito {adj} :: numb (with cold)
intirizzitosi {v} :: past participle of intirizzirsi
intisichente {v} :: present participle of intisichire
intisichire {vi} :: To become consumptive
intitolante {v} :: present participle of intitolare
intitolantesi {v} :: present participle of intitolarsi
intitolare {vt} :: to entitle, title, head, call, dub
intitolare {vt} :: to name after, dedicate
intitolarsi {v} :: reflexive of intitolare
intitolarsi {v} :: to be called, be entitled
intitolato {adj} :: dedicated (to)
intitolatosi {v} :: past participle of intitolarsi
intitolazione {f} :: entitling, dedication, naming
intoccabile {adj} :: untouchable
intoccabile {mf} :: untouchable
intoccabilità {f} :: untouchability
intollerabile {adj} :: intolerable, inadmissible
intollerabile {adj} :: unbearable, unendurable, insufferable
intollerabilità {f} :: intolerability
intollerabilmente {adv} :: intolerably
intollerante {adj} :: intolerant
intollerantemente {adv} :: intolerantly
intolleranza {f} :: intolerance
intombare {v} [literary, rare] /in.tomˈba.re/ :: to entomb, bury
intombare {v} [literary, rare, by extension] :: to murder, kill
intonabile {adj} :: tunable
intonacante {v} :: present participle of intonacare
intonacare {vt} :: To plaster
intonacatore {m} :: plasterer
intonacatrice {f} :: plastering machine
intonacatura {f} :: plastering; plasterwork
intonaco {m} /inˈtɔ.na.ko/ :: plaster, parget (building material)
intonante {v} :: present participle of intonare
intonantesi {v} :: present participle of intonarsi
intonare {vt} :: to start to sing
intonare {vt} :: to tune in
intonare {vt} :: to match (colours)
intonarsi {v} :: reflexive of intonare
intonarsi {v} :: to match, go, fit
intonatamente {adv} :: in tune
intonativo {adj} :: intonational
intonato {adj} [music] :: in tune
intonatosi {v} :: past participle of intonarsi
intonazione {f} :: tone (of singing)
intonazione {f} :: intonation (of speaking)
intonso {adj} :: pristine, virgin, shaved, new, firsthand, never used
intontente {v} :: present participle of intontire
intontimento {m} :: daze
intontire {vt} :: to stun, daze
intontire {vt} :: to make someone dizzy
intontito {adj} :: stunned, dazed
intontito {adj} :: dizzy, woozy, ga-ga
intontito {adj} :: glazed (expression)
in topless {adj} :: topless
intoppante {v} :: present participle of intoppare
intoppare {vi} :: To run into
intopparsi {vr} :: To stumble (over)
intoppo {m} :: hitch, snag, obstacle, difficulty
intorbamento {m} :: alternative form of intorbidamento
intorbare {v} /in.torˈba.re/ :: synonym of intorbidire
intorbidamento {m} :: clouding
intorbidante {v} :: present participle of intorbidare
intorbidare {vt} :: To make turbid, cloudy or muddy
intorbidare le acque {v} [idiom] :: To muddy the waters
intorbidente {v} :: present participle of intorbidire
intorbidentesi {v} :: present participle of intorbidirsi
intorbidire {vti} :: to make, or to become turbid or muddy
intorbidirsi {vr} :: To become turbid or muddy
intorbiditosi {v} :: past participle of intorbidirsi
intormentire {v} :: To make numb
intorno {adj} /inˈtorno/ :: surrounding (attribute), around, nearby
intorno {adv} :: round
intorno {m} [mathematics] :: neighbourhood
intorno {prep} [with a] :: round, around
intorno {prep} [with a] :: about, around
intorpidente {v} :: present participle of intorpidire
intorpidimento {m} :: numbness
intorpidimento {m} :: torpor, sluggishness
intorpidire {vt} :: to numb
intorpidire {vt} :: to slow down, make sluggish
intortante {v} :: present participle of intortare
intortare {vt} :: To soft-soap
intossicamento {m} :: poisoning, intoxication
intossicante {v} :: present participle of intossicare
intossicantesi {v} :: present participle of intossicarsi
intossicare {vt} /in.tos.siˈka.re/ :: to poison
intossicare {vt} :: to intoxicate
intossicarsi {v} :: reflexive of intossicare
intossicarsi {v} :: to poison oneself
intossicato {adj} :: poisoned
intossicato {adj} :: intoxicated
intossicatosi {v} :: past participle of intossicarsi
intossicazione {f} :: poisoning, intoxication
in toto {adv} :: in toto; completely; on the whole
intra- {prefix} :: intra-
intracardiaco {adj} :: intracardiac
intracavernoso {adj} :: intracavernosal, intracavernous
intracellulare {adj} :: intracellular
intracitoplasmatico {adj} :: intracytoplasmic
intracomunitario {adj} :: intra-Community (within the EEC)
intracranico {adj} :: intracranial
intracutaneo {adj} :: intracutaneous
intradermico {adj} :: intradermal, intradermic
intradermoreazione {f} :: intradermal reaction
intradosso {m} [architecture] :: intrados
intraducibile {adj} :: untranslatable
intraducibilità {f} :: Property of being untranslatable; untranslatability
intraducibilmente {adv} :: untranslatably
intraepatico {adj} [anatomy] :: intrahepatic
intrafamiliare {adj} :: intrafamily (used chiefly in affidamento intrafamiliare)
intraferro {m} :: gap (electrical)
intrafusale {adj} :: intrafusal
intragenico {adj} :: intragenic
intragenomico {adj} :: intragenomic
intralasciare {v} [archaic or rare] /in.tra.laʃˈʃa.re/ :: synonym of tralasciare
intralciante {v} :: present participle of intralciare
intralciare {vt} :: to hinder, to hamper
intralcio {m} :: hindrance, impediment, obstacle
intralicciatura {f} :: bracing, lattice, latticework
in tralice {adv} :: sideways
in tralice {adv} :: askance
intrallazzante {v} :: present participle of intrallazzare
intrallazzare {vi} :: to intrigue, to scheme
intrallazzatore {m} :: wheeler-dealer
intrallazzatrice {f} :: female equivalent of intrallazzatore
intrallazzo {m} :: intrigue, scam
intrallazzo {m} :: racket
intrallazzona {f} :: female equivalent of intrallazzone
intrallazzone {m} :: busybody, meddler, fixer
intramembrana {adj} :: intramembrane
intramembranoso {adj} :: intramembranous
intramettente {v} :: present participle of intramettere
intramettere {vt} :: To interrupt or suspend something
intramezzante {v} :: present participle of intramezzare
intramezzare {vt} :: to alternate
intramezzare {vt} :: to interpose
intramolecolare {adj} :: intramolecular
intramontabile {adj} :: everlasting, eternal, evergreen, timeless
intramontabilmente {adv} :: eternally, endlessly
intramontano {adj} :: within a group of mountains
intramurario {adj} :: intramural
intramuscolare {adj} [anatomy] :: intramuscular
Intranet {f} [computing] :: intranet
intransigente {adj} :: intransigent, strict
intransigentemente {adv} :: intransigently, strictly
intransigenza {f} :: intransigence, strictness
intransitabile {adj} :: unnegotiable, impassable
intransitabilità {f} :: impassability
intransitivamente {adv} :: intransitively
intransitività {f} [grammar] :: intransitivity
intransitivo {adj} [grammar, of a verb] :: intransitive (not taking a direct object)
intransitivo {m} [grammar] :: intransitive
intraoculare {adj} [anatomy] :: intraocular
intraosseo {adj} [anatomy] :: intraosseous, intraosteal
intraparenchimale {adj} :: intraparenchymal
intrapersonale {adj} :: intrapersonal
intrappolamento {m} :: entrapment
intrappolante {v} :: present participle of intrappolare
intrappolare {vt} :: to trap, to entrap, to ensnare
intraprendente {adj} :: enterprising, bold, open-minded
intraprendentemente {adv} :: enterprisingly, open-mindedly
intraprendenza {f} :: initiative, enterprise
intraprendere {vt} :: to undertake, set about, or embark upon
intraprendere {vt} [figurative] :: to take [a step, path, etc.]
intraprendere {vt} [archaic, also, figurative] :: to grasp
intraprendere {vt} [archaic] :: to surprise
intraprendere {vt} [archaic] :: to comprise; to encompass
intrapsichico {adj} :: intrapsychic
intrarenale {adj} [anatomy] :: intrarenal
intrasentire {v} [literary] :: to perceive vaguely; to intuit
intrasferibile {adj} :: non-transferable
intrasferibile {adj} :: non-negotiable
intrasferibilità {f} :: non-transferability
intrasgredibile {adj} :: That cannot be transgressed; intransgressible
intrasmutabile {adj} :: not transmutable
intraspecifico {adj} [biology] :: intraspecific
intrasportabile {adj} :: untransportable; not transportable
intratecale {adj} [anatomy] :: intrathecal
intratellurico {adj} [geology] :: intratelluric
intratestuale {adj} :: intertextual
intratestualità {f} :: intertextuality
intratoracico {adj} [anatomy] :: intrathoracic
intrattabile {adj} :: intractable
intrattabilità {f} :: intractableness, intractability
intrattenente {v} :: present participle of intrattenere
intrattenentesi {v} :: present participle of intrattenersi
intrattenere {vt} :: to entertain
intrattenere {vt} :: to establish or maintain [a rapport, etc.]
intrattenere {vt} :: to converse
intrattenersi {v} :: reflexive of intrattenere
intrattenersi {v} :: (with con) to pass the time (with) [someone]
intrattenersi {v} :: (with in or su) to dwell (on) [an argument, speech, etc.]
intrattenimento {m} :: entertainment
intrattenitore {m} :: entertainer
intrattenitrice {f} :: female equivalent of intrattenitore
intrattenutosi {v} :: past participle of intrattenersi
intratumorale {adj} :: intratumoral
intrauterino {adj} :: intrauterine
intravascolare {adj} [anatomy] :: intravascular
intravedente {v} :: present participle of intravedere
intravedentesi {v} :: present participle of intravedersi
intravedere {vt} :: to make out; to catch a glimpse
intravedere {vt} :: to foresee; to have an inkling
intravedersi {vr} :: To make out, or catch a glimpse
intravedutosi {v} :: past participle of intravedersi
intraveggente {v} :: present participle of intravedere
intraveniente {v} :: present participle of intravenire
intravenire {vi} :: to happen
intravenire {vi} :: to arrive
intravenoso {adj} :: intravenous
intraventricolare {adj} [anatomy] :: intraventricular
intravistosi {v} :: past participle of intravedersi
intravvedente {v} :: present participle of intravvedere
intravvedere {v} :: alternative form of intravedere
intravveggente {v} :: present participle of intravvedere
intravveniente {v} :: present participle of intravvenire
intravvenire {vi} :: Variant of intravenire
intrecciabile {adj} :: That can be plaited or braided
intrecciamento {m} :: interlacement, interlacing
intrecciante {v} :: present participle of intrecciare
intrecciantesi {v} :: present participle of intrecciarsi
intrecciare {vt} :: to plait, braid
intrecciare {vt} :: to weave, interweave, wattle
intrecciare {vt} [figuratively] :: to begin [a love affair]
intrecciarsi {v} :: reflexive of intrecciare
intrecciarsi {v} :: to intertwine
intrecciarsi {v} :: to become interwoven
intrecciatosi {v} :: past participle of intrecciarsi
intrecciatura {f} :: weaving
intrecciatura {f} :: plaiting, braiding
intreccio {m} :: plot, intrigue
intreccio {m} :: weave, weaving
intreccio {m} :: entanglement
intrepidamente {adv} :: intrepidly, fearlessly
intrepidezza {f} :: intrepidity, bravery
intrepidità {f} :: intrepidity
intrepido {adj} /inˈtrɛ.pi.do/ :: brave, intrepid, fearless, doughty
intricante {v} :: present participle of intricare
intricantesi {v} :: present participle of intricarsi
intricare {vt} :: to tangle
intricare {vt} :: to complicate
intricarsi {v} :: reflexive of intricare
intricarsi {v} :: to become tangled
intricarsi {v} :: to become complicated
intricatamente {adv} :: intricately
intricatissimo {adj} :: superlative of intricato
intricato {adj} :: intricate, entangled, tangled, complicated
intricato {adj} :: dense, thick (crowded together)
intricatosi {v} :: past participle of intricarsi
intrico {m} :: tangle
intridente {v} :: present participle of intridere
intridere {vt} :: To impregnate or permeate
intrigante {adj} :: intriguing
intrigante {mf} :: busybody
intrigantemente {adv} :: intriguingly
intrigantesi {v} :: present participle of intrigarsi
intrigare {vt} :: to scheme, plot, intrigue
intrigare {vt} :: to entangle
intrigarsi {v} :: reflexive of intrigare
intrigarsi {v} :: to get entangled
intrigarsi {v} :: to meddle
intrigatosi {v} :: past participle of intrigarsi
intrigo {m} :: intrigue
intrigo {m} :: scheme, plot
intrinsecamente {adv} :: intrinsically
intrinsecante {v} :: present participle of intrinsecare
intrinsecare {v} :: To intricate
intrinsechezza {f} :: alternative form of intrinsichezza
intrinsecità {f} :: intimacy
intrinseco {adj} :: intrinsic, inherent
intrinsichezza {f} :: intimacy
intrippante {v} :: present participle of intrippare
intrippantesi {v} :: present participle of intripparsi
intrippare {vt} :: To fascinate (or grab ones attention)
intripparsi {vr} [colloquial] :: To be crazy or mad (about)
intrippato {adj} :: crazy or mad (about)
intrippatosi {v} :: past participle of intripparsi
intriso {adj} :: soaked, sodden, drenched
intristente {v} :: present participle of intristire
intristimento {m} :: sorrow
intristimento {m} :: etiolation
intristire {vi} :: to grow sad
intristire {vi} :: to wilt
intro- {prefix} :: Forms words relating to in, into or inward
introducente {v} :: present participle of introdurre
introducibile {adj} :: introducible
introducibilità {f} :: Property of being introducible
introdurre {v} :: to put, to insert
introdurre {v} :: to introduce
introdursi {vr} :: to enter (into)
introdursi {vr} :: to sneak or slip in
introduttivamente {adv} :: introductorily, in an introductory manner
introduttivo {adj} :: introductory, opening
introduttore {m} :: introducer
introduzione {f} :: insertion
introduzione {f} :: introduction
introflessione {f} [anatomy] :: introflection
introflesso {adj} [anatomy] :: introflexed
introflessosi {v} :: past participle of introflettersi
introflettente {v} :: present participle of introflettersi
introflettentesi {v} :: present participle of introflettersi
introflettersi {vr} [anatomy] :: to introflex (bend inwards)
introgressione {f} :: introgression
introiato {adj} :: dirtied
introiato {adj} :: sullied
introiettante {v} :: present participle of introiettare
introiettare {vt} :: To introject
introiezione {f} [psychology] :: introjection, internalization
introitante {v} :: present participle of introitare
introitare {vt} :: To collect or cash
introito {m} :: income, revenue
introito {m} [religion] :: introit
intromessosi {v} :: past participle of intromettersi
intromettente {v} :: present participle of intromettere
intromettentesi {v} :: present participle of intromettersi
intromettere {vt} :: to put something inside or in the middle of something; to introduce
intromettere {vt} :: to admit someone to the presence of someone
intromettersi {v} :: reflexive of intromettere
intromettersi {v} [in] :: to interfere; to meddle; to intervene
intromettersi {v} [tra, fra] :: to butt in (among)
intromissione {f} :: interference, intrusion
intronante {v} :: present participle of intronare
intronare {vt} :: # to deafen
intronare {vt} :: # to stun or daze
intronato {adj} :: stunned, dazed, stupefied
in tronco {adv} [idiom] :: on the spot, without notice
introne {m} [genetics] :: intron
intronico {adj} :: intronic
intronizzante {v} :: present participle of intronizzare
intronizzare {vt} :: to enthrone
intronizzazione {f} :: enthronement, enthronization
intropizzare {v} :: alternative form of ipnotizzare
introrso {adj} [botany] :: introrse
introspettivamente {adv} :: introspectively
introspettivo {adj} :: introspective
introspezione {f} :: introspection
introvabile {adj} :: that cannot be found, not to be found, unobtainable
introvabilità {f} :: unavailability
introversa {f} :: female equivalent of introverso
introversamente {adv} :: introvertly
introversione {f} [psychology] :: introversion
introverso {adj} :: introvert
introverso {m} :: introvert
introvertente {v} :: present participle of introvertire
introvertire {vi} :: To become introvert
introvertito {adj} :: introverted, introvert
intrudente {v} :: present participle of intrudere
intrudere {v} [literary] /inˈtru.de.re/ :: to insert
intrudere {v} [of a person] :: to introduce (in a system)
intrufolante {v} :: present participle of intrufolare
intrufolantesi {v} :: present participle of intrufolarsi
intrufolare {v} :: to sneak or slip something (in) or (into)
intrufolarsi {vr} :: to sneak or slip (in) or (into)
intrufolarsi {vr} :: to butt in
intrufolatosi {v} :: past participle of intrufolarsi
intrugliante {v} :: present participle of intrugliare
intrugliantesi {v} :: present participle of intrugliarsi
intrugliare {vt} :: To mix or concoct
intrugliarsi {vr} :: To get involved or mixed up
intrugliatosi {v} :: past participle of intrugliarsi
intruglio {m} :: concoction
intruglio {m} :: swill
intruglio {m} :: muddle
intruppamento {m} :: joining up, gathering together
intruppamento {m} :: band, crowd, troop
intruppante {v} :: present participle of intrupparsi
intruppantesi {v} :: present participle of intrupparsi
intrupparsi {vr} :: to join a troop
intrupparsi {vr} :: to associate, fall in (with)
intruppato {adj} [colloquial] :: institutionalized
intruppatosi {v} :: past participle of intrupparsi
intrusa {f} :: female equivalent of intruso
intrusione {f} :: intrusion, interference
intrusività {f} :: intrusiveness
intrusivo {adj} :: intrusive
intruso {m} /inˈtru.zo/ :: intruder, outsider
intuarsi {v} /in.tuˈar.si/ :: To penetrate deeply into your conscience or spirit
intubante {v} :: present participle of intubare
intubare {vt} :: To intubate
intubare {vt} :: To duct
intubazione {f} [medicine] :: intubation
intubettante {v} :: present participle of intubettare
intubettare {vt} :: To put into tubes
intubettatrice {f} :: tube-filling machine
intuente {v} :: present participle of intuire
intuibile {adj} :: That can be guessed; that can be realized
intuibilità {f} :: Capability of being guessed or realized
intuibilmente {adv} :: by guess, as a guess
intuire {v} :: to realize
intuire {v} :: to intuit or deduce
intuire {v} :: to guess
intuitivamente {adv} :: intuitively, by intuition
intuitivismo {m} :: intuitionism
intuitività {f} :: intuitiveness
intuitivo {adj} :: intuitive
intuito {m} :: intuition
intuito {m} :: instinct, insight, sixth sense
intuizione {f} :: intuition
intuizionismo {m} :: intuitionism
intuizionista {mf} :: intuitionist
intumescente {adj} :: intumescent
intumescenza {f} :: intumescence
intumidente {v} :: present participle of intumidire
intumidire {vi} :: To become tumid
inturbantato {adj} :: turbanned, beturbanned (wearing a turban)
inturgidente {v} :: present participle of inturgidire
inturgidentesi {v} :: present participle of inturgidirsi
inturgidimento {m} :: swelling (up), turgescence
inturgidire {vi} :: To swell
inturgidirsi {vr} :: To swell
inturgiditosi {v} :: past participle of inturgidirsi
intussuscezione {f} :: intussusception
in tutti i modi possibili {adv} :: In as many ways as are possible
in tutti i modi possibili {adv} :: six ways to Sunday
in tutto {adv} :: in all, altogether, all told
in tutto e per tutto {adv} :: entirely, completely, through and through
inudibile {adj} :: Variant of inaudibile
inuguagliabile {adj} :: Variant of ineguagliabile
inuguale {adj} :: alternative spelling of ineguale
inugualità {f} :: Variant of inegualità
inula {f} :: inula
inulto {adj} [literary] /iˈnul.to/ :: unavenged
inulto {adj} [literary] :: unpunished
inumanamente {adv} :: inhumanely
inumanità {f} :: inhumanity
inumano {adj} :: inhuman, cruel
inumante {v} :: present participle of inumare
inumare {vt} :: To bury or inhume
inumazione {f} :: burial, interment, inhumation
inumidente {v} :: present participle of inumidire
inumidentesi {v} :: present participle of inumidirsi
inumidimento {m} :: dampening, moistening
inumidire {vt} :: to moisten [the lips, etc.]
inumidire {vt} :: to dampen [laundry, etc.]
inumidirsi {v} :: reflexive of inumidire
inumidirsi {v} :: to become damp, become moist
inumidirsi {v} :: to moisten
inumiditosi {v} :: past participle of inumidirsi
in umido {adj} [cooking] :: cooked and served in a sauce, especially one derived from the food's own juices
in un altro momento {adv} :: elsewhen
in una sola volta {adv} :: Variant of tutto in una sola volta
in un baleno {adv} :: in a flash
in un batter d'ali {adv} :: synonym of in un batter d'occhio
in un batter d'ali {adv} :: synonym of in men che non si dica
in un batter d'ali {adv} :: synonym of in un battito d'ali
in un batter d'occhio {adv} :: in the twinkling of an eye; at the drop of a hat
in un battibaleno {adv} :: in a flash; in the blink of an eye
in un battito d'ali {prep} :: at the drop of a hat, in a heartbeat, instantly
in un lampo {adv} :: in a flash
in un modo o nell'altro {prep} :: anyway, in any case
in un sol colpo {adv} :: all at once
in un sol colpo {adv} :: Variant of in una sola volta
in un sol colpo {adv} :: Variant of nelle stesso momento
inurbamento {m} :: urbanization
inurbanamente {adv} :: uncivilly, rudely, impolitely
inurbanità {f} :: impoliteness, discourtesy, unkindness
inurbano {adj} :: rude, impolite, unkind
inurbante {v} :: present participle of inurbarsi
inurbantesi {v} :: present participle of inurbarsi
inurbarsi {vr} :: to move to an urban area
inurbarsi {vr} :: to become more refined
inurbatosi {v} :: past participle of inurbarsi
inurbazione {f} :: synonym of urbanizzazione
inusabile {adj} :: unusable
inusitatamente {adv} :: unusually, uncommonly
inusitato {adj} :: unusual, uncommon
inusto {adj} /iˈnus.to/ :: burned
inusto {adj} :: branded (marked with fire)
inusuale {adj} /i.nu.zuˈa.le/ :: unusual
inutil {adj} :: apocopic form of inutile
inutile {adj} /iˈnutile/ :: useless, unnecessary, needless
inutile {adj} :: ineffective
inutilità {f} :: uselessness
inutilità {f} :: needlessness
inutilizzabile {adj} :: unusable, unserviceable
inutilizzabilità {f} :: unusability
inutilizzante {v} :: present participle of inutilizzare
inutilizzare {vt} :: to disuse, not utilize, not use
inutilizzare {vt} :: to make unserviceable
inutilizzato {adj} :: unused, disused
inutilizzazione {f} :: disuse
inutilizzazione {f} :: (period of) inactivity
inutilmente {adv} :: in vain, uselessly, unnecessarily, needlessly
invadente {adj} :: intrusive, obtrusive, invasive
invadenza {f} :: intrusiveness
invadere {vt} :: to invade
invadere {vt} :: to hit, strike
invaghente {v} :: present participle of invaghirsi
invaghentesi {v} :: present participle of invaghirsi
invaghirsi {vr} :: To take a fancy (to); to be smitten (with)
invaghito {adj} :: in love, smitten
invaghitosi {v} :: past participle of invaghirsi
invaginante {v} :: present participle of invaginarsi
invaginantesi {v} :: present participle of invaginarsi
invaginarsi {vr} :: To invaginate
invaginatosi {v} :: past participle of invaginarsi
invaginazione {f} :: invagination
invaiatura {f} :: veraison
invalente {v} :: present participle of invalere
invalere {vi} :: To become known
invalicabile {adj} /in.va.liˈka.bi.le/ :: impassable, insurmountable
invalicabilità {f} :: impracticability
invalida {f} :: disabled woman, invalid
invalidabile {adj} :: That can be invalidated
invalidabilità {f} :: The property of what can be invalidated
invalidamento {m} :: invalidation
invalidamento {m} :: nullification
invalidante {adj} :: disabling
invalidante {adj} :: invalidating
invalidare {vt} :: to invalidate
invalidazione {f} :: invalidation, nullification
invalidità {f} :: disability, inability, disablement
invalidità {f} :: invalidity
invalido {adj} :: disabled, infirm
invalido {adj} :: invalid, void
invalido {m} :: disabled person, invalid, (plural) the disabled
invalso {adj} :: established, widespread
invalutabile {adj} :: That can not be valued or estimated
invano {adv} :: in vain, uselessly
invarcabile {adj} :: unpassable
invariabile {adj} :: invariable, constant
invariabile {adj} [linguistics] :: uncountable (linguistics: about a noun which cannot be counted)
invariabilità {f} :: invariability, constancy
invariabilmente {adv} :: invariably
invariante {adj} /in.vaˈrjan.t̪e/ :: invariant (all senses)
invariante {m} :: invariant
invarianza {f} :: invariance
invarianza {f} :: constancy
invariato {adj} :: unchanged
invasamento {m} :: obsession, excitement
invasante {v} :: present participle of invasare
invasare {vt} :: to pot (a plant)
invasato {adj} :: possessed (by the Devil)
invasato {m} :: A person possessed by the Devil
invasatura {f} :: potting (of plants)
invasatura {f} [nautical] :: slipway
invasione {f} :: invasion, rush
invasioni barbariche {prop} :: The Migration Period of Europe, literally "barbarian invasions" because Italy (Rome) was the subject of the 'invasion'
invasività {f} [medicine] :: invasivity
invasivo {adj} :: invasive
invaso {m} :: potting (gardening activity)
invaso {m} :: storage
invaso {m} :: reservoir
invaso {m} :: catchment
invaso {m} [nautical] :: cradle
invasore {adj} :: invading
invasore {m} :: invader
invecchiamento {m} :: aging, ageing
invecchiante {v} :: present participle of invecchiare
invecchiare {vi} :: to grow old
invecchiato {adj} :: aged, old
invece {adv} :: instead, but, whereas, on the contrary
invece {prep} [with che] :: rather than
invece {prep} [with di] :: instead of
invedibile {adj} :: unsightly, ugly
inveente {v} :: present participle of inveire
inveggia {f} /inˈved.d͡ʒa/ :: envy
inveggiare {v} /in.vedˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: to celebrate, to praise
invegliare {v} [literary, rare] /in.veʎˈʎa.re/ :: synonym of invigilare
inveire {vi} :: To rail against
invelenente {v} :: present participle of invelenire
invelenire {vt} /in.ve.leˈni.re/ :: To embitter
invelenirsi {v} /in.ve.leˈnir.si/ :: reflexive of invelenire; to embitter oneself
invendibile {adj} :: That can't be sold, unsaleable, unsalable
invendibilità {f} :: unsaleability
invendicabile {adj} /in.ven.diˈka.bi.le/ :: that can not be avenged; not avengeable
invendicato {adj} :: unavenged
in vendita {adj} :: for sale
invenduto {adj} :: unsold
invenduto {m} :: unsold goods
inveniente {v} :: present participle of invenire
invenire {vt} [obsolete] :: to find, discover
inventabile {adj} :: inventable
inventantesi {v} :: present participle of inventarsi
inventare {vt} :: to invent
inventare {vt} :: to fabricate, make up
inventariale {adj} :: inventorial
inventariante {v} :: present participle of inventariare
inventariare {vt} :: to make an inventory (of)
inventariazione {f} :: The compilation of an inventory
inventario {m} :: inventory, list, stock list
inventario {m} :: review
inventarsi {v} :: reflexive of inventare
inventarsi {v} :: to invent (imagine things that are not real)
inventato {adj} :: invented, made up, fictitious
inventatosi {v} :: past participle of inventarsi
inventione {f} [obsolete, outside, music] /invent͡siˈone/ :: alternative spelling of invenzione
inventiva {f} :: inventiveness, creativity, cleverness
inventività {f} :: inventiveness
inventivo {adj} :: inventive, creative
inventore {m} :: (male) inventor
inventrice {f} :: female equivalent of inventore
invenzione {f} /in.venˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: invention (all senses)
inverdente {v} :: present participle of inverdire
inverdentesi {v} :: present participle of inverdirsi
inverdire {vt} :: To turn green, to green
inverdirsi {vr} :: To turn green, to green
inverditosi {v} :: past participle of inverdirsi
inverecondia {f} :: shamelessness, immodesty
inverecondo {adj} :: shameless, immodest
invergante {v} :: present participle of invergare
invergare {vt} :: [nautical, sailing] To bend, lace
invergare {vt} :: [textiles, tapestry] To lease (to insert the lease rods across a warp sheet)
invergatura {f} [textiles] :: lease (crossing of warp-threads) (to insert the lease rods across a warp sheet)
inverificabile {adj} :: unverifiable
in verità {adv} :: actually, really, truly
inverminente {v} :: present participle of inverminire
inverminentesi {v} :: present participle of inverminirsi
inverminire {vi} :: To become infested with worms
inverminirsi {vi} :: To become infested with worms
inverminitosi {v} :: past participle of inverminirsi
invernale {adj} :: of winter, winter (attribute), wintry
invernamento {m} :: wintering
invernata {f} :: winter (entire); wintertime
invernengo {adj} :: winter (attributive)
inverniciante {v} :: present participle of inverniciare
inverniciare {vt} :: alternative form of verniciare
inverno {m} /inˈvɛr.no/ :: winter
invero {adv} :: really
inverosimiglianza {f} :: improbability, unlikelihood
inverosimile {adj} :: unlikely, improbable, far-fetched, fat chance, a fat lot
inverosimile {adj} :: unbelievable, incredible
inverosimilmente {adv} :: improbably, unlikely
inversamente {adv} :: inversely
inversione {f} :: reversal, inversion
inversione {f} :: exchange
inversivo {adj} [linguistics] :: inversive
inverso {adj} :: reverse, inverted, opposite, contrary, inverse, upside down
inverso {m} :: the opposite, the contrary
inverso {m} [arithmetic] :: reciprocal
inversore {m} :: reverser (mechanism)
invertasi {f} [enzyme] :: invertase
invertebrato {adj} :: invertebrate
invertebrato {m} :: invertebrate
invertente {v} :: present participle of invertire
inverter {m} :: inverter (device)
invertibile {adj} :: invertible
invertibile {adj} :: reversible
invertibilità {f} :: invertibility
invertibilità {f} :: reversibility
in verticale {adv} :: upright
invertire {vt} :: to reverse, invert
invertire {vt} :: to exchange, change
invertito {adj} :: reverse, inverted
invertito {m} [derogatory] :: gay, homosexual, invert
invertitore {m} :: reverse (gear in a car)
invertitore {m} :: reverser (switch)
invertitore {m} [computing] :: inverter
inverzione {f} :: alternative form of inversione
in veste adamitica {adj} :: (literally: in Adam’s suit) in the altogether; in one’s birthday suit
investente {v} :: present participle of investire
investentesi {v} :: present participle of investirsi
investibile {adj} [finance] :: investable
investibilità {f} :: Property of being investable; investability
investigabile {adj} :: investigable
investigante {v} :: present participle of investigare
investigare {vti} :: to investigate, to examine
investigativo {adj} :: detective (attribute), investigative, investigating
investigatore {m} :: detective, investigator
investigatore {m} [slang] :: peeper
investigatrice {f} :: female equivalent of investigatore
investigazione {f} :: investigation, research, question
investigazione {f} :: detection
investimento {m} :: investment
investimento {m} :: crash, running over, knocking down
investire {vt} [finance] :: to invest
investire {vt} :: to crash (into), run over (in a car, etc.)
investire {vt} :: to assail
investirsi {v} :: reflexive of investire
investirsi {v} :: to invest one's time or efforts
investitore {m} :: investor
investitore {m} :: driver who ran somebody over; driver who knocked somebody down
investitosi {v} :: past participle of investirsi
investitrice {f} :: female equivalent of investitore
investitura {f} :: investing (of a power or authority), investiture
inveterato {adj} :: ingrained
inveterato {adj} :: inveterate
inveterato {adj} :: dyed-in-the-wool, bred-in-the-bone, deep-rooted, deep-seated,
invetriante {v} :: present participle of invetriare
invetriare {vt} :: To glaze (ceramics)
invetriata {f} :: glass window or door
invetriato {adj} :: glazed
invetriatura {f} :: glaze, glazing (on ceramics)
invettiva {f} :: invective, insult
invettiva {f} :: tirade
inviabile {adj} :: sendable
in via di {prep} :: in the phase of; approaching [a condition]; on the way of/to; in the process of
in via di sviluppo {adj} [economics] :: developing [country, economy, etc.]
inviante {v} :: present participle of inviare
inviantesi {v} :: present participle of inviarsi
in via provvisoria {adv} :: provisionally, temporarily
inviare {vt} :: to send out, to dispatch, to forward, to ship
inviarsi {v} :: reflexive of inviare
inviarsi {v} :: to set forth
inviata {f} :: female equivalent of inviato
inviato {m} :: envoy, messenger, representative, agent
inviato {m} :: correspondent, reporter
inviato di guerra {m} :: embed (An embedded reporter/journalist: a war reporter assigned to and travelling with a military unit)
inviatosi {v} :: past participle of inviarsi
invidia {f} /inˈvidja/ :: envy
invidiabile {adj} :: enviable
invidiabilità {f} :: enviability
invidiabilmente {adv} :: enviably
invidiante {v} :: present participle of invidiare
invidiare {vt} :: to envy
invidiatissimo {adj} :: superlative of invidiato
invidiato {adj} :: envied
invidiosa {f} :: envious woman
invidiosamente {adv} :: enviously
invidioso {adj} /in.vi.ˈdjo.zo/ :: envious (feeling envy)
invidioso {m} :: envious person
invigilare {v} [rare, a, su] /in.vi.d͡ʒiˈla.re/ :: to watch over; to invigilate
invigilare {vi} [rare] :: to be vigilant
invigilatore {m} :: invigilator
invigilatrice {f} :: invigilatrix
invigliacchente {v} :: present participle of invigliacchire
invigliacchentesi {v} :: present participle of invigliacchirsi
invigliacchire {vi} :: To become a coward
invigliacchirsi {vr} :: To become a coward
invigliacchitosi {v} :: past participle of invigliacchirsi
in vigore {prep} :: in force; in effect
invigorente {v} :: present participle of invigorire
invigorentesi {v} :: present participle of invigorirsi
invigorimento {m} :: strengthening, invigoration
invigorire {vti} :: to invigorate or to be invigorated
invigorirsi {vr} :: To be invigorated
invigoritosi {v} :: past participle of invigorirsi
inviluppamento {m} :: wrapping (up)
inviluppamento {m} :: tangle
inviluppante {v} :: present participle of inviluppare
inviluppare {vt} :: To wrap up or cover
invincibile {adj} :: invincible, unbeatable, unconquerable
invincibilità {f} :: invincibility, unconquerableness
invincibilmente {adv} :: invincibly
invio {m} :: sending, dispatch, delivery
invio {m} :: (computer keyboard key) enter
inviolabile {adj} /in.vi.oˈla.bi.le/ :: inviolable, secure
inviolabilità {f} :: inviolability
inviolabilmente {adv} :: inviolably
inviolato {adj} :: inviolate
inviolato {adj} :: virgin (forest etc)
inviolato {adj} :: unscaled (mountain etc)
inviperente {v} :: present participle of inviperire
inviperire {vi} :: to become furious
inviperire {vi} :: to fly into a rage
in virtù di {prep} :: by virtue of
invischiante {v} :: present participle of invischiare
invischiantesi {v} :: present participle of invischiarsi
invischiare {vt} :: to involve [someone] in a difficult situation
invischiare {vt} :: to smear with birdlime
invischiare {vt} :: to capture with birdlime
invischiarsi {v} :: reflexive of invischiare
invischiarsi {v} :: (with in) to get involved (in) [a difficult situation]
invischiarsi {v} :: to be trapped in birdlime
invischiatosi {v} :: past participle of invischiarsi
inviscidente {v} :: present participle of inviscidire
inviscidire {vi} :: To become slimy or viscous
inviscido {adj} [physics] :: inviscid
invisibile {adj} :: invisible
invisibilità {f} :: invisibility
invisibilmente {adv} :: invisibly
inviso {adj} :: disliked, unpopular
in vista {prep} :: in view, in sight
in vista {prep} [figurative, by extension] :: imminent, on the horizon, in sight
in vista {prep} :: expected to be achieved or undertaken; in mind, on the docket, planned
in vista {prep} [also, figurative] :: (with di) in view (of)
in vista {adj} :: very famous or notorious; much talked about; visible, in the spotlight
in vita {adj} :: alive
invitante {adj} :: inviting, tempting, appealing
invitantesi {v} :: present participle of invitarsi
invitare {v} :: to invite
invitarsi {vr} :: To invite oneself
invitata {f} :: female equivalent of invitato
invitato {m} :: guest
invitatosi {v} :: past participle of invitarsi
invito {m} :: invitation
invito {m} :: request, call
invito {m} [engineering] :: bevelled or chamfered hole
in vitro {adj} :: in vitro
invitto {adj} :: undefeated
invitto {adj} :: indomitable
invivibile {adj} :: unbearable
invivibile {adj} :: unlivable
invivibilità {f} :: Property of being unlivable
invocabile {adj} :: invocable
invocante {v} :: present participle of invocare
invocare {vt} /in.voˈka.re/ :: to invoke
invocare {vt} :: to beg for
invocare {vt} :: to cite [a law, etc.]
invocativo {adj} :: invocatory
invocatore {m} :: invoker
invocatore {adj} :: invoking, entreating, calling
invocazione {f} /in.vo.kaˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: invocation, plea, call
invogliante {v} :: present participle of invogliare
invogliare {vt} :: to encourage
invogliare {vt} :: to tempt, entice
involante {v} :: present participle of involare
involantesi {v} :: present participle of involarsi
involare {vt} :: To steal
involare {vi} :: To take off
involarsi {vr} :: To vanish, take flight or get away
involatosi {v} :: past participle of involarsi
involgarente {v} :: present participle of involgarire
involgarentesi {v} :: present participle of involgarirsi
involgarimento {m} :: vulgarization
involgarire {vt} :: To vulgarize
involgarirsi {vr} :: To be vulgarized
involgarito {adj} :: vulgarized
involgaritosi {v} :: past participle of involgarirsi
involgente {v} :: present participle of involgere
involgere {vt} :: To cover up or wrap up
involontariamente {adv} :: unintentionally, involuntarily, accidentally
involontarietà {f} :: The quality of being unintentional
involontario {adj} :: unintentional, involuntary, unwilling
involtante {v} :: present participle of involtare
involtantesi {v} :: present participle of involtarsi
involtare {vt} :: to wrap (up)
involtare {vt} :: to envelop
involtarsi {v} :: reflexive of involtare
involtarsi {v} :: to wrap (oneself up)
involtatosi {v} :: past participle of involtarsi
involtino {m} :: diminutive of involto
involtino {m} :: a thin slice of meat rolled around a stuffing and cooked; a roulade
involto {m} :: bundle
involto {m} :: faggot (bundle of sticks)
involucro {m} :: covering, wrapping, wrapper, packaging, sheath, shell, envelope, case
involucro {m} [botany] :: involucre
involutivo {adj} :: involutional, involution (attributive)
involuto {adj} :: convoluted
involuzione {f} :: involution, regression, decline
invulnerabile {adj} :: invulnerable
invulnerabilità {f} :: invulnerability
invulnerato {adj} :: unharmed
inzaccherante {v} :: present participle of inzaccherare
inzaccherantesi {v} :: present participle of inzaccherarsi
inzaccherare {vt} /in.d͡zak.keˈra.re/ :: To spatter or splash with mud
inzaccherarsi {vr} /in.d͡zak.keˈrar.si/ :: To get muddy
inzaccheratosi {v} :: past participle of inzaccherarsi
Inzaghi {prop} :: surname
Inzaghi {prop} :: Filippo Inzaghi, Italian football player
inzeppante {v} :: present participle of inzeppare
inzeppantesi {v} :: present participle of inzepparsi
inzeppare {vt} :: to stuff with food
inzepparsi {vr} :: To stuff oneself with food
inzeppato {adj} :: stuffed with food
inzeppatosi {v} :: past participle of inzepparsi
inzigante {v} :: present participle of inzigare
inzigare {vt} [colloquial] :: to tease, annoy
inzigare {vt} [colloquial] :: to incite
inzolfante {v} :: present participle of inzolfare
inzolfare {vt} :: To sulfurate
inzolfatoio {m} :: sulfurator
inzolfatura {f} :: sulphuration / sulfuration
inzotichente {v} :: present participle of inzotichire
inzotichentesi {v} :: present participle of inzotichirsi
inzotichire {vi} :: To become uncouth or boorish
inzotichirsi {vr} :: To become uncouth or boorish
inzotichitosi {v} :: past participle of inzotichirsi
inzuccante {v} :: present participle of inzuccare
inzuccare {vt} [colloquial] :: to strike with the head
inzuccare {vt} [colloquial] :: to drink too much wine
inzuccherante {v} :: present participle of inzuccherare
inzuccherare {vt} :: To sugar
inzuppabile {adj} :: That can be dipped
inzuppamento {m} :: drench
inzuppante {v} :: present participle of inzuppare
inzuppantesi {v} :: present participle of inzupparsi
inzuppare {v} :: to soak (in)
inzupparsi {vr} :: To get soaked or drenched
inzuppatosi {v} :: past participle of inzupparsi
-io {suffix} /ˈio̯/ :: Used with verb roots to derive nouns with durative, intensive or frequentative connotation; -le
-io {suffix} /ˈio̯/ :: alternative form of -ivo
-io {suffix} /jo/ :: Added to nouns and adjectives to form adjectives meaning “having the quality of”; -y
-io {suffix} /jo/ :: Forms the name of chemical elements; -ium
-io {suffix} /io/ :: [archaic, Dantesque] Used with a stem to form the third-person singular past historic of regular -ire verbs
io {pron} /ˈi.o/ :: I, the first person
Io {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Io
Io {prop} [astronomy, natural satellite] :: Io
Io {prop} [astronomy, asteroid] :: 85 Io
iod {m} /jɔd/ :: The name of the Hebrew-script letter י; yodh
iod {m} [archaic] :: synonym of i lunga
iod {m} [linguistics] :: Any semiconsonantal i
iodare {v} /joˈda.re/ :: To iodize or iodinate
iodato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: iodate
iodato {adj} :: iodous (containing iodine)
iodico {adj} :: iodic
iodidrato {m} [obsolete, inorganic chemistry] :: hydriodate
iodidrico {adj} :: hydroiodic
iodio {m} [chemistry] /ˈjɔdjo/ :: iodine, iodin
iodismo {m} [pathology] :: iodism (iodine poisoning)
iodocaptante {adj} [physiology, of an organ such as the thyroid] :: iodine-concentrating
iodoformio {m} [organic compound] :: iodoform
iodometano {m} [organic compound] :: iodomethane
iodometria {f} [chemistry] :: iodometry
iodometrico {adj} :: iodometric
iodoso {adj} [chemistry] :: iodous
iodoterapia {f} [medicine] :: iodotherapy (therapeutic use of iodine)
iodotironina {f} [organic compound] :: iodothyronine
iodurante {v} :: present participle of iodurare
iodurare {vt} :: To iodinate
iodurazione {f} [chemistry] :: iodination
ioduro {m} :: iodide
ioduro di magnesio {m} [inorganic compound] :: magnesium iodide
ioduro di potassio {m} [inorganic compound] :: potassium iodide
ioduro di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium iodide
ioglosso {m} [muscle] :: hyoglossus
iogurt {m} :: Variant of yogurt
ioide {adj} :: hyoid
ioide {m} [skeleton] :: hyoid
ioideo {adj} [anatomy] :: hyoid
Iolanda {prop} /joˈlan.da/ :: given name
Iolao {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Iolaus
iole {f} [nautical] :: jolly boat, yawl; gig
Iole {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Iole
Iole {prop} :: given name
ione {m} :: ion
ionico {adj} :: ionic (chemistry)
ionico {adj} :: Ionic (architecture)
ionio {m} [physics] :: ionium
Ionio {prop} :: Ionian Sea
ionizzabile {adj} :: ionizable
ionizzabilità {f} :: ionizability
ionizzante {v} :: present participle of ionizzare
ionizzante {adj} :: ionizing
ionizzare {vit} :: to ionize
ionizzato {adj} :: ionized
ionizzatore {m} :: ionizer
ionizzazione {f} :: ionization
ionoforesi {f} [medicine] :: iontophoresis
ionoforo {m} [biochemistry] :: ionophore
ionogramma {m} :: ionogram
ionometro {m} :: ionometer (early form of Geiger counter)
io non parlo inglese {phrase} :: I don't speak English
io non parlo italiano {phrase} :: I don't speak Italian
ionosfera {f} :: ionosphere
ionosferico {adj} :: ionospheric
ionoterapia {f} [medicine] :: iontophoresis
Ioppi {prop} :: surname from Trentino
iora {f} :: iora
Iorio {prop} :: given name
iosa {adv} :: in abundance
Iosafàt {prop} :: medieval spelling of Giosafat
Iosè {prop} :: given name
iota {mf} /ˈjɔ.ta/ :: The name of the Greek-script letter Ι/ι; iota
iota {mf} [obsolete] :: synonym of i lunga
iotacismo {m} :: iotacism
Iowa {prop} /ˈa.jo.wa/ :: Iowa (state)
IPA {prop} :: the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet)
ipallage {f} :: hypallage
Ipazia {prop} :: Hypatia
ipecacuana {f} :: ipecacuanha, ipecac
iper- {prefix} :: hyper-
iper- {prefix} :: over-
iperacidità {f} [medicine] :: hyperacidity
iperacusia {f} [medicine] :: hyperacusia, hyperacusis
iperacusico {adj} :: hyperacusic
iperacuto {adj} :: hyperacute, peracute
iperaldosteronismo {m} [medicine] :: hyperaldosteronism
iperalgesia {f} [medicine] :: hyperalgesia
iperalimentazione {f} :: hyperalimentation
iperattività {f} :: hyperactivity
iperattivo {adj} :: hyperactive
iperazotemia {f} [pathology] :: hyperazotemia
iperbarico {adj} :: hyperbaric
iperbasso {adj} :: hyperbass
iperbato {m} :: hyperbaton
iperbilirubinemia {f} [medicine] :: hyperbilirubinemia
iperbole {f} [mathematics] :: hyperbola
iperbole {f} [grammar] :: hyperbole
iperbolicità {f} :: hyperbolicity
iperbolico {adj} :: hyperbolic (all senses)
iperbolico {adj} :: exaggerated
iperboloide {m} [mathematics] :: hyperboloid
iperboreo {adj} :: hyperborean (all senses)
ipercalcemia {f} [medicine] :: hypercalcemia
ipercalcemico {adj} :: hypercalcemic
ipercalciuria {f} [medicine] :: hypercalciuria
ipercalorico {adj} :: high-calorie
ipercapnia {f} [medicine] :: hypercapnia
ipercaptazione {f} [medicine] :: hypercaptation
ipercarica {f} [physics] :: hypercharge
ipercatalettico {adj} :: hypercatalectic
ipercellularità {f} :: hypercellularity
ipercheratosi {f} [medicine] :: hyperkeratosis
ipercinabro {m} [mineralogy] :: hypercinnabar
ipercinesi {f} [medicine] :: hyperkinesia
ipercinesia {f} [medicine] :: hyperkinesis
iperclorazione {f} :: hyperchloration, hyperchlorination
ipercloridria {f} [pathology] :: hyperchlorhydria
ipercloruria {f} [pathology] :: hyperchloruria
ipercolesterolemia {f} :: hypercholesterolemia
ipercomplesso {adj} :: hypercomplex
iperconiugato {adj} :: hyperconjugated
iperconiugazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: hyperconjugation
iperconnesso {m} [technology, neologism] :: one who uses electronics often or excessively
ipercorrettismo {m} :: hypercorrection (error made by overcorrecting)
ipercorrettivo {adj} :: hypercorrective
ipercorretto {adj} :: hypercorrect, overcorrect
ipercorrezione {f} :: hypercorrection (act of overcorrecting)
ipercorticalismo {m} [medicine] :: hypercorticalism
ipercortisonemia {f} [medicine] :: hypercortisonemia
ipercritica {f} :: hypercriticism
ipercriticismo {m} :: The use of hypercriticism
ipercritico {adj} :: hypercritical
ipercromia {f} [pathology] :: hyperchromia
ipercubo {m} [mathematics] :: hypercube
iperdattilia {f} :: hyperdactyly
iperdensità {f} [medicine] :: hyperdensity
iperdodecaedro {m} [mathematics] :: hyperdodecahedron, 120-cell, hecatonicosachoron
iperdosaggio {m} [medicine] :: overdosage
iperdulia {f} :: hyperdulia
ipereccitabile {adj} :: overexcitable
ipereccitabilità {f} :: overexcitability
iperelasticità {f} [physics] :: hyperelasticity
iperelastico {adj} [physics] :: hyperelastic
iperemesi {f} [pathology] :: hyperemesis
iperemia {f} [medicine] :: hyperemia
iperemotività {f} :: The property of being overemotional; overemotionality
iperemotivo {adj} :: overemotional
ipereosinofilia {f} [pathology] :: hypereosinophilia
iperespressione {f} :: overexpression
iperestensione {f} :: hyperextension
iperestesia {f} [medicine] :: hyperesthesia
iperestrogenismo {m} [medicine] :: hyperestrogenism
iperfagia {f} [medicine] :: hyperphagia, polyphagia
iperfiltrazione {f} [pathology] :: hyperfiltration
iperfocale {adj} :: hyperfocal
iperfosfatemia {f} [pathology] :: hyperphosphatemia
iperfosfaturia {f} [medicine] :: hyperphosphaturia
iperfosforilato {adj} :: hyperphosphorylated
iperfosforilazione {f} :: hyperphosphorylation
iperfullerene {m} [chemistry] :: hyperfullerene
iperfunzionante {adj} [pathology] :: hyperfunctioning
iperfunzione {f} [pathology] :: hyperfunction
ipergamia {f} [neologism, anthropology] :: marriage between a member of a lower class with a member of a higher class
ipergeometrico {adj} [mathematics] :: hypergeometric
ipergigante {adj} :: hypergiant
ipergigante {m} [astronomy] :: hypergiant
iperglicemia {f} :: hyperglycemia, hyperglycæmia
iperglicemico {adj} :: hyperglycemic, hyperglycæmic
iperglobulia {f} [pathology] :: hyperglobulinemia
iperglucidico {adj} :: hyperglucidic
ipergolico {adj} :: hypergolic
iperico {m} :: St John's wort
iperidratazione {f} [medicine] :: hyperhydration
iperidrosi {f} [pathology] :: hyperhidrosis
iperinflazione {f} :: hyperinflation
Iperione {prop} :: Hyperion (titan of the Greek mythology)
Iperione {prop} :: Hyperion (moon of Saturn)
iperkaliemia {f} [pathology] :: hyperkalemia
iperkaliemico {adj} [pathology] :: hyperkalemic
iperlessia {f} [medicine] :: hyperlexia
iperlipemia {f} [pathology] :: hyperlipidemia
iperlipidemia {f} [medicine] :: hyperlipidemia
iperlipoproteinemia {f} [medicine] :: hyperlipoproteinemia
ipermedia {m} [computing] :: hypermedia
ipermercato {m} :: hypermarket, mall
ipermetria {f} :: hypermetry
ipermetro {adj} :: hypermetric, hypermetrical
ipermetrope {adj} :: hypermetropic, long-sighted, far-sighted
ipermetropia {f} [medicine] :: hypermetropia, hyperopia, longsightedness, farsightedness
ipermnesia {f} [medicine] :: hypermnesia
ipermoderno {adj} :: hypermodern
ipernatriemia {f} [medicine] :: hypernatremia
ipernefroma {m} [medicine] :: hypernephroma
ipernova {f} [astronomy] :: hypernova
ipernucleare {adj} [physics] :: hypernuclear
ipernucleo {m} [physics] :: hypernucleus
ipernutrizione {f} :: hypernutrition, overfeeding
iperodonte {m} :: bottlenose whale
iperomocisteinemia {f} [medicine] :: hyperhomocysteinemia
iperone {m} [physics] :: hyperon
iperonimia {f} :: hyperonymy
iperonimo {m} :: hypernym
iperopia {f} [pathology] :: hyperopia
iperopico {adj} [pathology] :: hyperopic
iperosmolare {adj} :: hyperosmolar
iperostosi {f} [medicine] :: hyperostosis
iperovulazione {f} [biology] :: hyperovulation
iperparatiroidismo {m} [medicine] :: hyperparathyroidism
iperpatia {f} [medicine] :: hyperpathia
iperpiano {m} [mathematics] :: hyperplane
iperpiressia {f} [medicine] :: hyperpyrexia
iperpituitarismo {m} [medicine] :: hyperpituitarism
iperplasia {f} [medicine] :: hyperplasia
iperplasico {adj} :: hyperplastic
iperpnea {f} [medicine] :: hyperpnea
iperpolarizzante {adj} :: hyperpolarizing
iperpolarizzato {adj} :: hyperpolarized
iperpolarizzazione {f} :: hyperpolarization
iperpotassiemia {f} [pathology] :: hyperpotassemia, hyperkalemia
iperpotenza {f} :: hyperpower
iperproduttivo {adj} :: hyperproductive
iperproteico {adj} :: high-protein (attributive)
iperprotettività {f} :: overprotectiveness
iperprotettivo {adj} :: overprotective
iperprotetto {adj} :: overprotected
iperpuro {adj} :: hyperpure
iperreale {adj} :: hyperreal
iperrealismo {m} :: hyperrealism
iperreattività {f} :: hyperreactivity
iperrecettività {f} :: hyper-receptivity
iperreflessia {f} [pathology] :: hyperreflexia
iperresponsività {f} :: hyperresponsiveness
iperromanzo {m} :: hypertext fiction
ipersalivazione {f} :: hypersalivation
ipersecrezione {f} [endocrinology, pathology] :: hypersecretion
iperselettivo {adj} :: overselective
ipersensibile {adj} :: hypersensitive
ipersensibile {adj} :: hypersensitized
ipersensibilità {f} :: hypersensitivity
ipersessualità {f} :: hypersexuality
ipersfera {f} [mathematics] :: hypersphere
ipersferico {adj} [mathematics] :: hyperspherical
ipersodiemia {f} [medicine] :: hypernatremia
ipersofisticato {adj} :: very sophisticated, extremely sophisticated
ipersonico {adj} :: hypersonic
ipersonnia {f} [medicine] :: hypersomnia
ipersostentatore {m} :: slot, flap, slat (in an aircraft wing)
ipersostentazione {f} :: high lift (of a wing etc)
iperspaziale {adj} :: hyperspace (attributive)
iperspazio {m} :: hyperspace (all meanings)
ipersplenismo {m} [medicine] :: hypersplenism
iperstaticità {f} [physics] :: hyperstaticity
iperstatico {adj} :: hyperstatic
iperstene {f} [mineralogy] :: hypersthene
iperstenia {f} [pathology] :: hypersthenia
iperstimolazione {f} :: hyperstimulation
iperstore {m} :: hypermarket
ipersuperficie {f} [mathematics] :: hypersurface
ipersurrenalismo {m} [medicine] :: hyperadrenocorticism, Cushing's syndrome
ipertecnologia {f} :: hypertechnology
ipertecnologico {adj} :: hypertechnological, hypertechnical
ipertecosi {f} [pathology] :: hyperthecosis
ipertelorismo {m} [medicine] :: hypertelorism
ipertensione {f} [diseases, pathology] :: hypertension
ipertensivo {adj} [medicine] :: hypertensive
ipertermale {adj} :: hyperthermal, hyperthermic
ipertermia {f} [pathology] :: hyperthermia
ipertermico {adj} [pathology] :: hyperthermic
ipertesa {f} :: hypertensive woman
iperteso {adj} :: hypertensive
iperteso {m} :: A hypertensive person
ipertesto {m} :: hypertext
ipertestuale {adj} :: hypertextual
ipertetraedro {m} [mathematics] :: pentachoron
ipertiroideo {adj} [medicine] :: hyperthyroid
ipertiroidismo {m} [medicine] :: hyperthyroidism
ipertonia {f} [medicine] :: hypertonia
ipertonicità {f} :: hypertonicity
ipertonico {adj} :: hypertonic
ipertono {m} [physics, music] :: harmonic, overtone
ipertricosi {f} [pathology] :: hypertrichosis
ipertricotico {adj} :: hyperthichotic
ipertrigliceridemia {f} [medicine] :: hypertriglyceridemia
ipertrofia {f} :: hypertrophy
ipertrofico {adj} :: hypertrophic, overgrown
ipertrofizzante {v} :: present participle of ipertrofizzare
ipertrofizzantesi {v} :: present participle of ipertrofizzarsi
ipertrofizzare {vt} :: to hypertrophy
ipertrofizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of ipertrofizzare
ipertrofizzarsi {vr} :: to hypertrophy
ipertrofizzatosi {v} :: past participle of ipertrofizzarsi
ipertrofizzazione {f} :: hypertrophy
iperuranio {m} [philosophy] :: hyperuranion
iperuranio {adj} [philosophy] :: hyperuranion (attributive)
iperurbanismo {m} :: hyperurbanism
iperuricemia {f} [pathology] :: hyperuricaemia
iperveloce {adj} :: Very fast
iperveloce {adj} :: high-speed
iperveloce {adj} :: hypervelocity (attributive)
ipervelocità {f} :: hypervelocity
iperventilazione {f} [physiology] :: hyperventilation
iperverboso {adj} :: long-winded, verbose, prolix
ipervitaminico {adj} :: vitamin-rich
ipervitaminosi {f} [pathology] :: hypervitaminosis
ipervolemia {f} [pathology] :: hypervolemia
ipervolemico {adj} [medicine] :: hypervolemic
ipetro {adj} [archaeology] /iˈpɛ.tro/ :: hypaethral
ipnagogico {adj} /ip.naˈɡɔ.d͡ʒi.ko/ :: hypnagogic
ipno- {prefix} :: hypno-
Ipno {prop} [Greek god] :: Hypnos
ipnoanalisi {f} :: hypnoanalysis
ipnogeno {adj} :: hypnotic (producing sleep)
ipnologia {f} :: hypnology (study of sleep)
ipnologo {m} :: hypnologist
ipnopedia {f} :: hypnopaedia (sleep learning)
ipnosi {f} /ipˈnɔ.zi/ :: hypnosis
ipnositerapia {f} :: hypnotherapy
ipnoterapia {f} :: hypnotherapy
ipnoticamente {adv} /ip.no.ti.kaˈmen.te/ :: hypnotically
ipnotico {adj} /ipˈnɔ.ti.ko/ :: hypnotic
ipnotismo {m} :: hypnotism
ipnotizzante {v} :: present participle of ipnotizzare
ipnotizzare {vt} /ipnotidˈd͡zare/ :: to hypnotize
ipnotizzatore {m} /ip.no.tid.d͡zaˈto.re/ :: hypnotist
ipnotizzatrice {f} :: female equivalent of ipnotizzatore
ipo- {prefix} :: hypo-
ipoabissale {adj} [geology] :: hypabyssal
ipoacidità {f} [medicine] :: hypoacidity
ipoacusia {f} [pathology] :: hypoacusis
ipoalimentazione {f} :: hypoalimentation
ipoallergenico {adj} :: hypoallergenic
ipoazotide {f} [inorganic compound] :: dinitrogen tetroxide
ipoblastico {adj} :: hypoblastic
ipoblasto {m} :: hypoblast
ipobromito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypobromite
ipobromoso {adj} :: hypobromous
ipocalcemia {f} [medicine] :: hypocalcemia
ipocalorico {adj} :: hypocaloric (low in calories)
ipocapnia {f} [medicine] :: hypocapnia
ipocausto {m} :: hypocaust
ipocentro {m} :: hypocentre / hypocenter
ipochilia {f} [medicine] :: hypochylia
ipocicloide {f} [mathematics] :: hypocycloid
ipocinesi {f} :: Variant of ipocinesia
ipocinesia {f} :: hypokinesia
ipocinetico {adj} :: hypokinetic
ipocloridria {f} [medicine] :: hypochloridria
ipoclorito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypochlorite
ipoclorito di sodio {m} [chemistry] :: sodium hypochlorite
ipocloroso {adj} :: hypochlorous
ipocolesterolemia {f} [medicine] :: hypocholesterolemia
ipocolesterolemizzante {adj} :: hypocholesteric
ipocondria {f} :: hypochondria
ipocondria {f} :: worried well
ipocondriaco {adj} :: hypochondriac
ipocondriaco {m} :: hypochondriac
ipocondrio {m} [anatomy] :: hypochondrium
ipocoristico {adj} :: hypocoristic
ipocoristico {m} :: hypocorism
ipocotile {m} [botany] :: hypocotyl
Ipocràte {prop} :: medieval spelling of Ippocrate
ipocrisia {f} :: hypocrisy, cant
ipocrita {adj} :: hypocritical
ipocrita {mf} :: hypocrite
ipocritamente {adv} :: hypocritically
ipoderma {m} [anatomy] :: hypodermis
ipodermico {adj} :: hypodermic
ipodermoclisi {m} [medicine] :: hypodermoclysis
ipodorico {adj} [music] :: hypodorian
ipoestesia {f} [medicine] :: hypoesthesia
ipofaringe {mf} [anatomy] :: hypopharynx, laryngopharynx
ipofisario {adj} [anatomy] :: hypophyseal, pituitary
ipofisectomia {f} [surgery] :: hypophysectomy
ipofisi {f} [anatomy] :: hypophysis
ipofluoroso {adj} :: hypofluorous
ipofosfatemia {f} [medicine] :: hypophosphatemia
ipofosfato {m} [chemistry] :: hypophosphate
ipofosfito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypophosphite
ipofosforico {adj} [chemistry] :: hypophosphoric
ipofosforilato {adj} :: hypophosphorylated
ipofosforoso {adj} :: hypophosphorous
ipofrigio {adj} [music] /i.poˈfri.d͡ʒo/ :: hypophrygian
ipofunzione {f} [medicine] :: hypofunction
ipogamia {f} [neologism, anthropology] :: marriage between a member of a higher class with a member of a lower class
ipogammaglobulinemia {f} [medicine] :: hypogammaglobulinemia
ipogastrico {adj} :: hypogastric
ipogastrio {m} [anatomy] :: hypogastrium
ipogeo {adj} /i.poˈdʒɛo̯/ :: underground, subterranean
ipogeo {adj} [biology] :: hypogeous, hypogeal
ipogeo {m} [also used figuratively] :: underground room; hypogeum
ipogino {adj} [botany] :: hypogynous
ipoglicemia {f} :: hypoglycemia, hypoglycæmia
ipoglicemico {adj} :: hypoglycemic, hypoglycæmic
ipoglicemizzante {adj} [pathology] :: hypoglycaemic
ipoglobulia {f} :: hypoglobulia
ipoglosso {m} [anatomy] :: hypoglossal nerve
ipoglottide {f} [anatomy] :: hypoglottis
ipogonadismo {m} [pathology] :: hypogonadism
ipogonadotropo {adj} :: hypogonadotropic
ipoidrosi {f} [medicine] :: hypohidrosis, anhidrosis
ipointenso {adj} :: hypointense
ipokaliemia {f} [pathology] :: hypokalemia
ipolemmale {adj} :: hypolemmal
ipolidio {adj} [music] :: hypolydian
ipolimnico {adj} :: hypolimnetic
ipolimnio {m} :: hypolimnion
ipolipidemia {f} [medicine] :: hypolipidemia
ipolipidemizzante {adj} [medicine] :: hypolipidemic
ipomagnesiemia {f} [medicine] :: hypomagnesemia
ipomania {f} [psychiatry] :: hypomania
ipomea {f} :: morning glory (genus Ipomoea)
ipomero {m} [embryology] :: hypomere
ipometrope {adj} :: short-sighted, myopic (all senses)
ipometropia {f} :: myopia
ipomisolidio {adj} [music] :: hypomixolydian
iponatriemia {f} [medicine] :: hyponatremia
iponimo {adj} /iˈpɔ.ni.mo/ :: hyponymous
iponimo {m} [linguistics] :: hyponym
iponitrito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyponitrite
iponitroso {adj} :: hyponitrous
iponutrizione {f} [medicine] :: hyponutrition, undernutrition
ipoosmolalità {f} [medicine] :: hyposmolality
ipoosmolare {adj} :: hypoosmolar
ipoparatiroidismo {m} [medicine] :: hypoparathyroidism
ipopigmentazione {f} :: hypopigmentation
ipopituitarismo {m} [medicine] :: hypopituitarism
ipoplasia {f} [pathology] :: hypoplasia
ipoplasico {adj} [pathology] /i.poˈpla.zi.ko/ :: synonym of ipoplastico
ipoplastico {adj} [pathology, botany] /i.poˈplas.ti.ko/ :: hypoplastic
ipopnea {f} [medicine] :: hypopnea
ipopotassiemia {f} [pathology] :: hypopotassemia, hypokalemia
ipoproteinemia {f} [medicine] :: hypoproteinemia
iporchema {m} :: hyporchema
iporiflessia {f} [medicine] :: hyporeflexia
iposcenio {m} :: hyposcenium
iposcenio {m} :: The understage area of a theatre
iposecrezione {f} [medicine] :: hyposecretion
iposensibile {adj} :: hyposensitive
iposodico {adj} :: low-salt (attributive)
iposodiemia {f} [medicine] :: hyponatremia
iposolfito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyposulfite / hyposulphite
iposolforoso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyposulfurous / hyposulphurous
ipospadia {f} [medicine] :: hypospadias
iposplenismo {m} :: asplenia
ipossia {f} [pathology] :: hypoxia
ipossico {adj} [medicine] :: hypoxic
ipossiemia {f} [pathology] :: hypoxemia
ipostasi {f} :: hypostasis
ipostatico {adj} :: hypostatic
ipostatizzante {v} :: present participle of ipostatizzare
ipostatizzare {vt} :: to hypostatize
ipostatizzazione {f} :: hypostatization
ipostenia {f} [pathology] :: hyposthenia
ipostenico {adj} [pathology] :: hyposthenic
ipostilo {adj} [architecture] :: hypostyle
ipostomatico {adj} [botany] :: hypostomatic
ipotalamico {adj} [anatomy] :: hypothalamic
ipotalamo {m} :: hypothalamus
ipotassi {f} :: hypotaxis
ipotaurina {f} [organic compound] :: hypotaurine
ipoteca {f} :: mortgage
ipoteca {f} [figuratively] :: claim
ipotecabile {adj} :: mortgageable
ipotecabilità {f} :: Property of being mortgageable
ipotecante {v} :: present participle of ipotecare
ipotecare {vt} [also, figurative] :: to mortgage; to hypothecate
ipotecare {vt} :: to guarantee; to ensure
ipotecariamente {adv} :: relating to mortgages
ipotecario {adj} :: mortgage (attribute)
ipotenare {adj} [anatomy] :: hypothenar
ipotensione {f} [medicine] :: hypotension (low blood pressure)
ipotensivo {adj} [pathology] :: hypotensive
ipotenusa {f} :: hypotenuse
ipotermia {f} :: hypothermia
ipotesi {f} :: hypothesis
ipoteso {adj} :: hypotensive
ipoteticamente {adv} :: hypothetically
ipotetico {adj} :: hypothetical
ipotiposi {f} :: hypotyposis
ipotiroideo {adj} :: hypothyroid
ipotiroidismo {m} [medicine] :: hypothyroidism
ipotizzabile {adj} :: that can be surmised, that can be hypothesized, that can be conjectured
ipotizzabilità {f} :: imaginability
ipotizzante {v} :: present participle of ipotizzare
ipotizzare {vt} :: to hypothesize
ipotonia {f} [pathology] :: hypotonia
ipotonico {adj} :: hypotonic
ipotricosi {f} :: hypotrichosis
ipotrocoide {f} [mathematics] :: hypotrochoid
ipotrofia {f} [pathology] :: hypotrophy
ipotrofico {adj} :: hypotrophic
ipouricemia {f} [pathology] :: hypouricemia
ipovedente {adj} [medicine] :: Very poor eyesight (attributive)
ipoventilazione {f} [pathology] :: hypoventilation
ipovisione {adj} [medicine] :: Very poor eyesight
ipovitaminosi {f} [pathology] :: hypovitaminosis
ipovolemia {f} [pathology] :: hypovolemia
ipovolemico {adj} [medicine] :: hypovolemic
ipoxantina {f} [organic compound] :: hypoxanthine
Ippari {prop} :: Ippari (river)
ippica {f} :: horse racing
ippico {adj} :: horseracing (attribute)
ippo- {prefix} :: hippo- (forming terms relating to horse)
ippocampo {m} :: sea horse
ippocampo {m} :: hippocampus
ippocastano {m} :: horse chestnut (tree)
Ippocrate {prop} :: Hippocrates
ippocratico {adj} :: Hippocratic
ippodameo {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of Hippodamus of Miletus
ippodromo {m} :: (course on which horse racing is held) racecourse, racetrack, hippodrome
ippofagia {f} [rare] /ip.po.faˈd͡ʒi.a/ :: hippophagy
ippofago {m} [rare] /ipˈpɔ.fa.ɡo/ :: hippophagist
ippofago {adj} :: hippophagist [attributive]
ippoglosso {m} :: halibut (of genus Hippoglossus)
ippogrifo {m} :: hippogriff, hippogryph
Ippolito {prop} :: Hippolytus
Ippolito {prop} :: given name
ippologia {f} :: hypology (study of horses)
ippopotamo {m} :: hippopotamus, hippo
ippoterapia {f} :: horse therapy
ippotragine {n} :: hippotragine
ippotragine {n} :: grazing antelopes
ippotrainato {adj} :: horse-drawn
ippoturismo {m} :: equestrian (horse-related) tourism
ippoturistico {adj} :: related to equestrian (horse-related) tourism
ippovia {f} :: bridleway, bridlepath
ippurico {adj} :: hippuric
iprite {f} [organic chemistry] :: sulfur mustard, mustard gas
Ipro {prop} :: medieval spelling of Ypres
ipsi- {prefix} :: hypsi-
ipsiconchia {f} [anthropometry] /ip.si.konˈki.a/ :: The presence of relatively high and narrow eye sockets
ipsiconco {adj} [anthropometry] /ip.siˈkon.ko/ :: Having relatively high and narrow eye sockets
ipsilofo {m} /ip.siˈlɔ.fo/ :: green iguana (Iguana iguana)
ipsilon {f} /ˈi.psi.lon/ :: letter: y; wye
ipsilon {f} :: The name of the Greek-script letter Υ/υ; upsilon
ipso- {prefix} :: self-
ipso- {prefix} :: hypso-
ipso facto {adv} /ip.soˈfak.to/ :: immediately
ipso facto {adv} [chiefly legal] :: By that very fact itself; automatically, ipso facto
ipsografia {f} :: hypsography
ipsografico {adj} :: hypsographic
ipsolofo {m} [entomology] /ip.soˈlɔ.fo/ :: Any member of the Ypsolopha taxonomic genus
ipsometria {f} :: hypsometry
ipsometrico {adj} :: hypsometric
ipsometro {m} :: hypsometer
ir- {prefix} /ir/ :: alternative form of in-
ira {f} :: anger, ire, wrath
-irà {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person singular future of regular -ire verbs
irace {m} :: hyrax
irachena {f} :: female equivalent of iracheno
iracheno {adj} :: Iraqi
iracheno {m} :: Iraqi
iracoideo {m} :: hyracoid
iracondia {f} :: irascibility
iracondo {adj} /i.raˈkon.do/ :: irascible, choleric, irritable
iradè {m} :: irade
iradiddio {f} :: Variant of ira di Dio
ira di Dio {f} :: God's wrath
ira di Dio {f} :: fury, rage
ira di Dio {f} :: devil, pest
-irai {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person singular future of regular -ire verbs
irakeno {adj} :: Iraqi, Iraki
irakeno {m} :: Iraqi, Iraki
Iran {prop} :: Iran
iraniana {f} :: feminine noun of iraniano
iraniano {adj} :: Iranian, Irani
iraniano {m} :: Iranian, Irani
iranico {adj} :: Iranian
iranico {m} :: Iranian
iranista {mf} :: scholar in Iranian studies
iranistica {f} :: Iranian studies
-iranno {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural future of regular -ire verbs
IRAP {f} :: abbreviation of imposta regionale sulle attività produttive
Iraq {prop} :: Iraq
irarsi {vr} [archaic] :: to get angry
irascibile {adj} :: irascible, choleric, irritable
irascibilità {f} :: irascibility; irritability of temper
irascibilmente {adv} :: irascibly
iratamente {adv} :: angrily
irato {adj} :: irate, furious
irco {m} :: billy goat (male goat)
ircocervo {m} [mythology] :: A mythological beast, half-goat half-deer
-ire {suffix} :: Used, with a stem, to form the infinitive of some Italian verbs
ire {v} [obsolete, regional, literary] :: to go
-irebbe {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person singular conditional of regular -ire verbs
-irebbero {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural conditional of regular -ire verbs
-iremmo {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person plural conditional of regular -ire verbs
-iremo {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person plural future of regular -ire verbs
Irene {prop} :: given name
irenico {adj} /iˈrɛ.ni.ko/ :: irenic, irenical
irenismo {m} :: irenics
-ireo {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person singular conditional of regular -ire verbs
ireos {m} :: iris (plant)
IRES {f} :: (imposta sul reddito delle società) corporate tax
-ireste {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person plural conditional of regular -ire verbs
-iresti {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person singular conditional of regular -ire verbs
-irete {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person plural future of regular -ire verbs
iridante {v} :: present participle of iridare
iridare {vt} :: to paint (something) all the colours of the rainbow
iridare {vt} :: to make iridescent
iridato {adj} /i.riˈda.to/ :: iridescent, iridized
iridato {adj} [sports, champion of the world, literally rainbow-coloured] :: world champion (attribute), world championship (attribute), world (attribute)
iridato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: iridate
iride {f} [anatomy] /ˈi.ri.de/ :: iris
iride {f} [uncommon] :: iris [plant]
iride {f} [uncommon] :: rainbow
iride {f} [mineralogy] :: An iridescent variety of chalcedony
iride {f} [entomology, uncountable] :: Name of the Iris taxonomic genus of preying mantises
Iride {prop} [Greek god] :: Iris (a messenger of the gods, and goddess of rainbows)
irideo {adj} [anatomy] /iˈri.de.o/ :: iris [attributive]
irideo {adj} [rare] :: iridescent, rainbow-coloured
iridescente {adj} /i.ri.deʃˈʃɛn.te/ :: iridescent
iridescenza {f} /i.ri.deˈʃɛn.t͡sa/ :: iridescence
iridico {adj} [chemistry] /iˈri.di.ko/ :: iridic
iridio {m} [chemistry] /iˈridjo/ :: iridium
iridociclite {f} [disease] :: iridocyclitis
iridodonesi {m} :: iridodonesis
iridologia {f} [medicine] :: iridology (study of the iris of the eye)
iridologo {m} [medicine] :: iridologist
iridosmio {m} :: iridiosmium
iris {mf} :: iris (flower)
irite {f} [pathology] :: iritis
Irlanda {prop} /irˈlan.da/ :: Irlanda (country)
Irlanda del Nord {prop} :: Northern Ireland
irlandese {adj} /ir.lanˈde.ze/ :: Irish
irlandese {mf} :: Irish; Irishman, Irishwoman
irlandese {m} :: Irish (language)
Irminio {prop} :: Irminio (river)
Irnerio {prop} :: given name
Irno {prop} :: Irno (river)
-irò {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person singular future of regular -ire verbs
irochese {adj} :: Iroquois
irochese {m} :: Iroquois (language)
irochese {mf} :: Iroquoian (person)
ironia {f} :: irony
ironia della sorte {f} :: twist of fate (unexpected turn of events)
ironicamente {adv} :: ironically
ironico {adj} :: ironic, ironical
ironizzante {v} :: present participle of ironizzare
ironizzare {vi} :: to be ironic
ironizzare {v} :: to see the funny side; to laugh off one's situation
-irono {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural past historic of regular -ire verbs
irosamente {adv} :: angrily
iroso {adj} :: angry, wrathful
iroso {adj} :: irascible
IRPEF {n} :: acronym of imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche (income tax)
IRPEG {n} [obsolete] :: initialism of imposta sul reddito delle persone giuridiche
Irpinia {prop} :: Irpinia (historic district)
irpino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Irpinia
irpino {adj} :: [figuratively] Of or pertaining to Avellino province
irpino {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Irpinia
irpino {m} :: [figuratively] Native or inhabitant of Avellino province
irraccontabile {adj} :: That can not be told
irradiabile {adj} :: transmissible (able to transmit radiation)
irradiamento {m} :: irradiation
irradiante {v} :: present participle of irradiare
irradianza {f} :: irradiance
irradiare {vt} :: to irradiate, illuminate, light up
irradiare {vi} :: to radiate, shine
irradiarsi {v} :: To branch out (depart from a central point)
irradiarsi {v} :: To propagate (especially of an illness)
irradiarsi {v} :: To emanate
irradiazione {f} :: irradiation, radiation
irraggiamento {m} /ir.rad.d͡ʒaˈmen.to/ :: radiation
irraggiante {v} :: present participle of irraggiare
irraggiare {vt} /ir.radˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: To irradiate
irraggiato {adj} :: irradiated
irraggiungibile {adj} :: inaccessible, unreachable, unapproachable, beyond reach
irraggiungibile {adj} :: unattainable, unrealizable, unreachable
irraggiungibile {adj} :: matchless, unparalleled
irraggiungibilità {f} :: inaccessibility
irraggiungibilmente {adv} :: inaccessibly
irragionevole {adj} :: unreasonable, irrational
irragionevolezza {f} :: irrationality, unreasonableness
irragionevolmente {adv} :: irrationally
irragionevolmente {adv} :: unreasonably
irrancidente {v} :: present participle of irrancidire
irrancidimento {m} :: act of going rancid
irrancidire {vi} :: To turn rancid
irrappresentabile {adj} :: unrepresentable
irrappresentabilità {f} :: Quality of being unrepresentable
Irrawaddy {prop} :: Irrawaddy
irrazionale {adj} :: irrational, preposterous
irrazionalismo {m} [philosophy] :: irrationalism
irrazionalismo {m} :: illogicality, incoherence
irrazionalista {mf} :: irrationalist
irrazionalistico {adj} :: irrationalistic
irrazionalità {f} :: irrationality
irrazionalmente {adv} :: irrationally
irreale {adj} :: unreal, imaginary
irrealisticamente {adv} :: unrealistically
irrealistico {adj} :: unrealistic
irrealizzabile {adj} :: unattainable, impracticable, infeasible, unrealizable
irrealizzabilità {f} :: impracticability, infeasibility
irrealizzabilmente {adv} :: unattainably, unreachably
irrealizzato {adj} :: unrealized, unfulfilled
irrealtà {f} :: unreality
irreclamabile {adj} :: non-claimable
irreconciliabile {adj} :: irreconcilable
irreconciliabilità {f} :: irreconcilableness, irreconcilability
irreconciliabilmente {adv} :: irreconcilably
irrecuperabile {adj} :: irrecoverable, irremediable
irrecuperabilità {f} :: The condition of being irrecoverable or irremediable
irrecuperabilmente {adv} :: irrecoverably, irremediably
irrecusabile {adj} :: indisputable, irrefutable
irrecusabile {adj} :: unrefusable (that cannot be refused)
irrecusabile {adj} [legal] :: unimpeachable
irrecusabilità {f} :: indisputability
irrecusabilmente {adv} :: indisputably
irredentismo {m} :: irredentism
irredentista {mf} :: irredentist
irredentistico {adj} :: irredentist
irredento {adj} :: irredenta [attributive]
irredimibile {adj} :: irredeemable
irredimibilità {f} :: Quality of being irredeemable; irredeemability
irrefragabile {adj} :: irrefragable
irrefragabilità {f} :: irrefragability
irrefragabilmente {adv} :: irrefragably
irrefrenabile {adj} :: uncontrollable, unstoppable, overwhelming, irresistible
irrefrenabilità {f} :: uncontrollableness
irrefrenabilmente {adv} :: uncontrollably
irrefutabile {adj} :: irrefutable
irrefutabilità {f} :: irrefutability
irrefutabilmente {adv} :: irrefutably
irreggimentante {v} :: present participle of irreggimentare
irreggimentare {vt} :: To regiment
irreggimentazione {f} :: regimentation
irregolare {adj} :: irregular
irregolare {adj} :: fitful
irregolare {adj} [grammar] :: (of a verb etc.) irregular
irregolarità {f} :: irregularity
irregolarmente {adv} :: irregularly
irregolarmente {adv} :: unevenly
irregolarmente {adv} :: fitfully
irregolarmente {adv} :: erratically
irregressibile {adj} :: That can not regress
irreligione {f} :: irreligion
irreligiosamente {adv} :: irreligiously
irreligiosità {f} :: irreligiousness
irreligioso {adj} :: irreligious
irremeabile {adj} [literary] :: From which one can not return; irremeable
irremissibile {adj} :: irremissible
irremissibilità {f} :: irremissibility
irremissibilmente {adv} :: irremissibly
irremovibile {adj} :: unshakeable, unmovable
irremovibile {adj} :: inflexible
irremovibilità {f} :: inflexibility
irremovibilmente {adv} :: unshakably, inflexibly
irremunerabile {adj} :: not remunerable
irreparabile {adj} :: irreparable, irrecoverable
irreparabilità {f} :: Impossibility to repair; irreparableness
irreparabilmente {adv} :: irreparably
irreparato {adj} :: irreparable
irreperibile {adj} :: that cannot be found, untraceable, unavailable
irreperibilità {f} :: The condition of something which, or someone who cannot be found
irreperibilmente {adv} :: untraceably
irrepetibile {adj} :: alternative form of irripetibile
irrepetibilità {f} :: Variant of irripetibilità
irreprensibile {adj} /ir.re.prenˈsi.bi.le/ :: faultless, irreproachable, unimpeachable
irreprensibilità {f} :: irreproachableness, irreproachability
irreprensibilmente {adv} :: faultlessly, irreproachably, unimpeachably
irreprimibile {adj} :: irrepressible
irreprobabile {adj} :: alternative form of irriprovevole
irrepugnabile {adj} :: irrefutable
irrepugnabilmente {adv} :: irrefutably
irrequietamente {adv} :: restlessly, uneasily
irrequietezza {f} /ir.re.kwjeˈtet.t͡sa/ :: restlessness, unrest, uneasiness
irrequieto {adj} /ir.reˈkwjɛ.to/ :: restless, uneasy
irrequietudine {f} /ir.re.kwjeˈtu.di.ne/ :: restlessness
irresistibile {adj} :: irresistible
irresistibilità {f} :: irresistibility
irresistibilmente {adv} :: irresistibly
irresolubile {adj} :: unsolvable
irresolubile {adj} :: irresolvable
irresolubilità {f} :: unsolvability
irresolubilmente {adv} :: unsolvably
irresolubilmente {adv} :: irresolvably
irresolutamente {adv} :: irresolutely
irresolutezza {f} :: irresoluteness, indecisiveness
irresoluto {adj} :: irresolute, indecisive
irresoluzione {f} :: irresolution, indecision
irrespirabile {adj} :: unbreathable
irrespirabile {adj} :: unhealthy
irrespirabile {adj} :: stifling, oppressive
irrespirabilità {f} :: Property of being unbreathable
irresponsabile {adj} :: irresponsible, not responsible
irresponsabile {mf} :: irresponsible
irresponsabile {mf} :: cop-out
irresponsabilità {f} :: irresponsibility
irresponsabilmente {adv} :: irresponsibly
irrestringibile {adj} :: unshrinkable
irrestringibilità {f} :: Quality of being unshrinkable
irretente {v} :: present participle of irretire
irretimento {m} :: ensnaring
irretire {vt} :: to ensnare, enmesh, catch
irretire {vt} :: to seduce
irretrattabile {adj} :: alternative form of irritrattabile
irretrattabilità {f} :: The property of being irretractable (Variant of irritrattabilità)
irretroattività {f} :: Property of being nonretroactive
irretroattivo {adj} :: nonretroactive
irreversibile {adj} :: irreversible
irreversibilità {f} :: irreversibility
irreversibilmente {adv} :: irreversibly
irrevocabile {adj} :: irrevocable
irrevocabilità {f} :: irrevocability
irrevocabilmente {adv} :: irrevocably
irrevocato {adj} :: unrevoked
irricevibile {adj} :: not receivable
irricevibile {adj} [legal] :: inadmissible
irricevibilità {f} :: Property of being not receivable
irricevibilità {f} [legal] :: inadmissibility
irriconciliabile {adj} :: irreconcilable (Variant of irreconciliabile)
irriconciliabilità {f} :: irreconcilableness, irreconcilability (Variant of irreconciliabilità)
irriconoscente {adj} :: ungrateful
irriconoscibile {adj} :: unrecognizable, unrecognisable, beyond recognition
irriconoscibilità {f} :: Property of being unrecognizable
irriconoscibilmente {adv} :: unrecognizably
irridente {v} :: present participle of irridere
irridere {vt} :: to mock, deride, frolic
irriducibile {adj} :: irreducible
irriducibile {adj} :: indomitable, unyielding
irriducibilità {f} :: irreducibility
irriducibilmente {adv} :: irreducibly
irriferibile {adj} :: unmentionable
irriferibile {adj} :: unrepeatable
irriferibilmente {adv} :: unrepeatably
irriflessione {f} :: thoughtlessness
irriflessività {f} :: thoughtlessness
irriflessivo {adj} :: thoughtless, unthinking
irriformabile {adj} :: irreformable
irriformabilità {f} :: The property of being irreformable; incorrigibility
irrigabile {adj} :: irrigable
irrigabilità {f} :: Property of being irrigable
irrigante {v} :: present participle of irrigare
irrigare {vt} :: to irrigate
irrigatore {m} :: irrigator
irrigatorio {adj} :: irrigational, irrigation (attributive)
irrigazione {f} :: irrigation
irrigidente {v} :: present participle of irrigidire
irrigidimento {m} :: stiffening, rigor mortis
irrigidimento {m} :: tightening, hardening
irrigidire {vt} :: to stiffen
irrigidire {vt} :: to tighten
irriguardosamente {adv} :: disrespectfully
irriguardoso {adj} :: disrespectful
irriguo {adj} :: irrigated
irriguo {adj} :: irrigation (attributive)
irrilevante {adj} :: unimportant, insignificant, trifling, irrelevant
irrilevantemente {adv} :: unimportantly, insignificantly, irrelevantly
irrilevanza {f} :: irrelevance
irrimandabile {adj} :: unpostponable
irrimediabile {adj} :: irremediable, irreparable, with no remedy
irrimediabilità {f} :: irremediableness
irrimediabilmente {adv} :: irremediably, irreparably
irrintracciabile {adj} :: untraceable
irrintracciabilità {f} /ir.rin.trat.t͡ʃa.bi.liˈta/ :: The state or condition of being untraceable
irrinunciabile {adj} :: That cannot be renounced, that cannot be given up, essential, fundamental
irrinunciabile {adj} :: inalienable
irrinunciabilità {f} :: fundamentalness
irrinunciabilità {f} :: inalienability
irrinunciabilmente {adv} :: essentially, fundamentally
irrinunciabilmente {adv} :: inalienably
irrinunziabile {adj} :: Variant of irrinunciabile
irrinunziabilità {f} :: Variant of irrinunciabilità
irripetibile {adj} :: not repeatable, unrepeatable
irripetibile {adj} :: unique, one-shot, one-off
irripetibilità {f} :: not repeatability, unrepeatability
irripetibilità {f} :: uniqueness
irripetibilmente {adv} :: unrepeatably
irripetibilmente {adv} :: uniquely
irriproducibile {adj} :: unreproducible, irreproducible
irriproducibilità {f} :: irreproducibility
irriproducibilmente {adv} :: irreproducibly
irriprovevole {adj} :: irreprehensible
irrisolto {adj} :: unsolved, unresolved, unsettled
irrisolutezza {f} :: irresolution, indecision, uncertainty
irrisoluto {adj} :: irresolute, undecided, uncertain
irrisolvibile {adj} :: unsolvable
irrisolvibile {adj} :: irresolvable
irrisoriamente {adv} :: ridiculously
irrisorio {adj} :: ridiculous, paltry, trifling
irrispettosamente {adv} :: disrespectfully
irrispettosità {f} :: disrespect
irrispettoso {adj} :: disrespectful
irritabile {adj} :: irritable, testy, peckish, crabby, prickly
irritabilità {f} :: irritability
irritante {adj} :: irritating, annoying, vexatious, pesky, teasing
irritantesi {v} :: present participle of irritarsi
irritare {vt} :: to irritate, vex, provoke, peeve
irritare {vt} [medicine] :: to irritate, inflame
irritarsi {v} :: reflexive of irritare
irritarsi {v} :: to get annoyed, become irritated, get angry
irritarsi {v} [medicine] :: to be irritated, be inflamed, get sore
irritatamente {adv} :: irritatedly, vexedly
irritatissimo {adj} :: superlative of irritato
irritativo {adj} :: irritating
irritativo {adj} :: irritant, irritative
irritato {adj} :: irritated, annoyed, distressed, vexed
irritatosi {v} :: past participle of irritarsi
irritazione {f} :: irritation, vexation, annoyance, chafing, chafe
irrito {adj} :: nullified
irrito {adj} :: valueless
írrito {adj} :: invalid
irritrattabile {adj} :: irretractable
irritrattabilità {f} :: The property of being irretractable
irrituale {adj} :: irregular
irritualità {f} :: irregularity
irriuscibile {adj} :: unfeasible
irrivelabile {adj} :: That can not be revealed
irrivelabilità {f} :: The property of what can not be revealed
irriverente {adj} :: irreverent, disrespectful, pert, flippant
irriverentemente {adv} :: irreverently
irriverenza {f} :: irreverence
irrobustente {v} :: present participle of irrobustire
irrobustentesi {v} :: present participle of irrobustirsi
irrobustimento {m} :: strengthening
irrobustire {vt} :: to make strong or robust; to strengthen
irrobustirsi {vr} :: To become stronger or more robust
irrobustitosi {v} :: past participle of irrobustirsi
irrogabile {adj} [legal] :: Capable of being inflicted
irrogabilità {f} [legal] :: Capability of being inflicted
irrogante {v} :: present participle of irrogare
irrogare {vt} [legal] :: to inflict
irrogare {vt} [legal] :: to impose a law
irrogazione {f} :: infliction, imposition
irrompente {v} :: present participle of irrompere
irrompere {vi} :: To burst (into), intrude, barge
irrorante {v} :: present participle of irrorare
irrorare {vt} :: to bathe
irrorare {vt} :: to irrigate, to flush
irroratore {m} :: sprinkler (apparatus)
irroratrice {f} :: sprayer (spraying machine)
irrorazione {f} :: bathing
irrorazione {f} :: irrigation
irrotazionale {adj} [physics] :: irrotational
irrotazionalità {f} [physics] :: irrotationality
irruente {adj} :: impetuous
irruente {adj} :: boisterous
irruentemente {adv} :: impetuously
irruentemente {adv} :: boisterously
irruenza {f} :: vehemence, impetuousness
irrugginente {v} :: present participle of irrugginire
irrugginire {v} :: alternative form of arrugginire
irruvidente {v} :: present participle of irruvidire
irruvidentesi {v} :: present participle of irruvidirsi
irruvidimento {m} :: roughening
irruvidire {vt} :: To roughen
irruvidirsi {vr} :: To become roughened
irruviditosi {v} :: past participle of irruvidirsi
irruzione {f} :: irruption, raid, bust
-irsi {suffix} :: Forms a reflexive verb from a verb ending in -ire
irsutismo {m} [pathology] :: hirsutism
irsuto {adj} :: shaggy, hirsute
irsuto {adj} :: bristly (beard)
irto {adj} [of hair] /ˈir.to/ :: bristly, shaggy, prickly, spiked, bristling
irto {adj} [by extension] :: steep, rough, bold, difficult
Isabella {prop} :: given name
Isacco {prop} :: Isaac [biblical character]
Isacco {prop} :: given name
isagoge {f} :: isagoge
isagogico {adj} :: isagogic
Isai {prop} :: Jesse [biblical character]
Isaia {prop} :: Isaiah [biblical figure]
Isaia {prop} :: the Book of Isaiah
Isaia {prop} :: given name
Isarco {prop} :: Isarco (river)
isatina {f} [organic compound] :: isatin
Isaura {prop} :: given name
isbaglio {m} /ˈis.baʎ.ʎo/ :: Euphonic alternative form of sbaglio
-isc- {suffix} :: Used with some -ire verbs to make the present stem
-isca {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-, second- and third-person singular present subjunctive of most regular -ire verbs
-isca {suffix} :: used with a stem to form third-person singular imperative of most regular -ire verbs
-iscano {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural present subjunctive and imperative of most regular -ire verbs
Iscariota {prop} :: Iscariot
-isce {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person singular present of most regular -ire verbs
ischeletrente {v} :: present participle of ischeletrire
ischeletrentesi {v} :: present participle of ischeletrirsi
ischeletrire {vt} :: To reduce to a skeleton, to skeletonize
ischeletrire {vi} :: To be reduced to a skeleton
ischeletrirsi {vr} :: To be reduced to a skeleton, to skeletonize
ischeletritosi {v} :: past participle of ischeletrirsi
ischemia {f} [pathology] :: ischaemia, ischemia
ischemico {adj} :: ischaemic
ischia {f} /ˈis.kja/ :: alternative form of eschia: type of oak
Ischia {prop} :: Ischia (island)
Ischia {prop} :: Ischia (town)
ischiadico {adj} /isˈkja.di.ko/ :: obsolete form of ischiatico
ischialgia {f} [pathology] :: ischialgia
ischiatico {adj} [pathology] /isˈkja.ti.ko/ :: ischiatic
ischio {m} [skeleton] /ˈis.kjo/ :: ischium
ischio {m} :: alternative form of eschio: a type of oak
ischio {m} [regional] :: privet (plant)
ischiopubico {adj} [anatomy] :: ischiopubic
-isci {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person singular present of most regular -ire verbs
Isclero {prop} :: Isclero (river)
-isco {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person singular present of most regular -ire verbs
isco- {prefix} [medicine] /is.ko/ :: retention
-iscono {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural of most regular -ire verbs
iscritta {f} :: female equivalent of iscritto
iscritto {adj} :: enrolled
iscritto {adj} :: registered, entered
iscritto {adj} :: inscribed
iscritto {m} :: member
iscritto {m} :: student
iscritto {m} :: competitor, entrant
iscrittosi {v} :: past participle of iscriversi
iscrivente {v} :: present participle of iscrivere
iscriventesi {v} :: present participle of iscriversi
iscrivere {vt} /isˈkri.ve.re/ :: to register, enter, record
iscrivere {vt} :: to enter, enroll
iscrivere {vt} :: to inscribe
iscriversi {v} :: reflexive of iscrivere
iscriversi {v} :: to enroll, enrol, enter, join
iscrivibile {adj} :: registerable, recordable
iscrivibile {adj} [geometry] :: inscribable
iscrizione {f} :: enrolment, enrollment, registration, entry, admission
iscrizione {f} :: inscription
iscuria {f} [medicine] /isˈku.rja/ :: ischury
Isernia {prop} :: Isernia (town/and/province)
isernino {adj} :: Of or from Isernia
isernino {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Isernia
isiaco {adj} :: Isiac
Iside {prop} [Egyptian mythology] /ˈi.zi.de/ :: Isis (wife of Osiris and mother of Horus)
Iside {prop} [rare] :: given name
Isidora {prop} :: given name
Isidoro {prop} :: given name
Isifile {prop} :: Hypsipyle
islamica {f} :: female equivalent of islamico
islamicamente {adv} :: Islamically
islamico {adj} :: Islamic, Muslim
islamico {m} :: Muslim
islamismo {m} :: Islamism
islamista {mf} :: student of the religion, civilization and culture of Islam
islamistica {f} :: The study of the religion, civilization and culture of Islam; Islamistics
islamita {mf} :: Islamite
islamizzante {v} :: present participle of islamizzare
islamizzantesi {v} :: present participle of islamizzarsi
islamizzare {vt} :: to Islamize/Islamise, Islamicize
islamizzarsi {vr} :: To convert to Islam
islamizzatosi {v} :: past participle of islamizzarsi
islamizzazione {f} :: Islamization
islamofobia {f} :: Islamophobia
Islanda {prop} /isˈlan.da/ :: Islanda (country)
islandese {adj} /is.lanˈde.ze/ :: Icelandic
islandese {mf} :: Icelander
islandese {m} :: Icelandic [language]
islandico {adj} /isˈlan.di.ko/ :: synonym of islandese: Icelandic
Ismaele {prop} :: Ishmael [biblical character]
Ismaele {prop} :: given name
ismaelita {adj} :: Ismaeli
ismaelita {mf} :: Ismaeli
ismailita {adj} :: Ismaili
-ismo {suffix} :: -ism (all senses)
iso- {prefix} :: iso-
isoalino {adj} :: isohaline
isobara {f} [meteorology] :: isobar
isobarico {adj} :: isobaric
isobaro {m} [nuclear physics] :: isobar
isobaro {adj} :: isobaric (all senses)
isobata {f} :: isobath
isobutano {m} [organic compound] :: isobutane
isobutirrato {m} [organic chemistry] :: isobutyrate
isocampo {m} [physics] :: A line of equal field strength
isoceraunico {adj} :: isoceraunic
isochimena {adj} /i.zo.kiˈmɛ.na/ :: isocheimal, only used in linea isochimena
isochimena {f} [geology] :: short for linea isochimena
isocianato {m} [chemistry] :: isocyanate
isocianico {adj} [chemistry] :: isocyanic
isoclina {f} :: isoclinal, isoclinic (line)
isoclinale {adj} :: isoclinal
isocora {f} [physics] :: isochore
isocoro {adj} :: isochoric
isocosto {m} :: isocost
isocratico {adj} [chemistry] :: isocratic
isocromatico {adj} :: isochromatic
isocronia {f} :: isochrony
isocronismo {m} :: isochronism
isocrono {adj} :: isochronous
isodesmosina {f} [biochemistry] :: isodesmosine
isodinamico {adj} :: isodynamic
isodinamismo {m} :: isodynamism (state of being isodynamic)
isodomico {adj} :: isodomic
isoelettrico {adj} [chemistry] :: isoelectric
isoelettronico {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: isoelectronic
isoenergetico {adj} :: isoenergetic
isoentropico {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: isoentropic
isoenzima {m} [enzyme] :: isoenzyme
isoflavone {m} [organic chemistry] :: isoflavone
isoforma {f} [biochemistry] :: isoform
isofrequenziale {adj} :: isofrequential
isogamete {m} :: isogamete
isogamia {f} :: isogamy
isogenesi {f} :: isogenesis
isoglossa {f} :: isogloss
isogona {f} :: isogon
isogonale {adj} :: isogonic, isogonal
isoieta {f} :: isohyet
isoipsa {f} :: contour line
isola {f} /ˈiː.zo.la/ :: island, isle
isolabile {adj} :: isolatable, isolable
isola deserta {f} :: desert island
isolamento {m} :: isolation
isolamento {m} :: insulation
isolamento {m} [law enforcement] :: solitary confinement
isolana {f} :: female equivalent of isolano
isolano {adj} [attributive] /i.zoˈla.no/ :: island
isolano {adj} :: insular
isolano {m} :: islander
isolante {adj} :: insulation [attribute], insulating
isolantesi {v} :: present participle of isolarsi
isolare {vt} /i.zoˈlaː.re/ :: to isolate, cut off, confine
isolare {vt} :: to insulate, soundproof
isolarsi {v} :: reflexive of isolare
isolarsi {v} :: to isolate oneself, seclude oneself, shut oneself off
isolatamente {adv} :: apart (isolated from others)
isolaterale {adj} :: isolateral
isola tidale {f} [geography] :: tidal island
isolatissimo {adj} :: superlative of isolato
isolato {adj} :: isolated, secluded, cut off
isolato {adj} :: remote, lonely
isolato {adj} :: insulated
isolato {m} :: block (distance from one street to another)
isolatore {m} :: insulator
isolatosi {v} :: past participle of isolarsi
isolazione {f} [Switzerland] :: insulation
isolazionismo {m} :: isolationism
isolazionista {mf} :: isolationist
isolazionistico {adj} :: isolationist
i soldi non crescono sugli alberi {proverb} :: money doesn't grow on trees
Isole Borromee {prop} :: Borromean Islands
Isole Frisone {prop} :: Frisian Islands
Isole Juan Fernández {prop} :: Juan Fernández Islands
Isole Marshall {prop} :: Marshall Islands
Isole Salomone {prop} :: Solomon Islands
isoletta {f} :: islet
isoleucina {f} [amino acid] :: isoleucine
isolobale {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: isolobal
isolotto {m} :: islet
isomalto {m} [organic compound] :: isomalt
isomerasi {f} [enzyme] :: isomerase
isomeria {f} [chemistry, physics] :: isomerism
isomerico {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: isomeric
isomerizzante {v} :: present participle of isomerizzare
isomerizzare {vt} :: to isomerize
isomerizzato {adj} :: isomerized
isomerizzazione {f} [chemistry, physics] :: isomerization
isomero {m} [chemistry, physics] :: isomer
isometria {f} :: isometry
isometrico {adj} :: isometric
isomorfico {adj} :: isomorphic
isomorfismo {m} [biology, algebra, chemistry, sociology, computer science] :: isomorphism
isomorfo {adj} :: isomorphic
isomorfo {adj} :: isomorphous
isoniazide {f} :: isoniazid
Isonzo {prop} :: the river Soča
isoosmotico {adj} :: isoosmotic
Isopo {prop} :: medieval spelling of Esopo
isopode {m} :: isopod
isopolianione {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: isopolyanion
isoprene {m} [organic compound] :: isoprene
isoprenilazione {f} [biochemistry] :: isoprenylation
isoprenoide {adj} [organic chemistry] :: isoprenoid (attributive)
isoprenoide {m} [organic chemistry] :: isoprenoid
isopropilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: isopropyl (attributive)
isoquanto {m} :: isoquant
isoscele {adj} [mathematics] :: isosceles (attributive)
isosmotico {adj} :: isosmotic
isostasi {f} :: isostasis, isostacy
isostatico {adj} [physics] :: isostatic
isostenuria {f} [pathology] :: isosthenuria
isosuperficie {f} [maths] :: isosurface
isotattico {adj} [chemistry] :: isotactic
isotera {f} [geology, physics] :: isothere
isoterma {f} :: isotherm
isotermia {f} [physics] :: isothermia
isotermico {adj} [physics] :: isothermic
isotermo {adj} :: isothermic
isotonia {f} :: isotonicity
isotonico {adj} :: isotonic
isotono {m} [physics] :: isotone
isotono {adj} [physics] :: isotonic
isotopia {f} [physics] :: isotopy
isotopico {adj} :: isotopic
isotopo {m} :: isotope
isotopologo {m} [chemistry] :: isotopologue
isotopomero {m} [chemistry] :: isotopomer
isotropia {f} [physics] :: isotropy
isotropo {adj} :: isotropic
Isotta {prop} :: given name
isovalerico {adj} :: isovaleric
isovolemia {f} :: isovolume
isovolemico {adj} [medicine] :: isovolemic
isovolumetrico {adj} :: isochoric, isovolumic, isovolumetric
ispaghul {m} :: ispaghula
ispanicità {f} :: Hispanic culture or spirit
ispanicità {f} :: Spanish-speaking countries
ispanico {adj} :: Hispanic
ispanismo {m} :: Hispanism, Hispanicism
ispanista {mf} :: Hispanist
ispanistica {f} :: Spanish or Hispanic studies
ispanità {f} :: Hispanic culture or spirit
ispanità {f} :: Spanish-speaking countries
ispanizzante {v} :: present participle of ispanizzare
ispanizzare {vt} :: To Hispanicize
ispanizzazione {f} :: Hispanicization
ispano- {prefix} :: Hispano- / hispano-
ispano {adj} :: Hispanic
ispano-americano {adj} :: Hispano-American, Latin American
ispano-americano {m} :: Latin American
ispanoamericano {adj} :: (alternative spelling of ispano-americano) Hispano-American, Latin American
ispanoamericano {m} :: (alternative spelling of ispano-americano) Latin American
ispanofono {adj} :: Spanish-speaking
ispanofono {m} :: Spanish-speaking person
ispanoparlante {adj} :: Hispanophone
ispecie {adv} :: alternative form of specie
ispessente {v} :: present participle of ispessire
ispessentesi {v} :: present participle of ispessirsi
ispessimento {m} :: thickening
ispessire {vt} :: to thicken
ispessirsi {vr} :: to thicken (become thick)
ispessitosi {v} :: past participle of ispessirsi
ispettivo {adj} :: inspection (attribute),
ispettorato {m} :: inspectorate
ispettore {m} :: inspector, supervisor, surveyor, assessor
ispettore del fisco {m} :: tax inspector, taxman
ispettrice {f} :: female equivalent of ispettore
ispezionante {v} :: present participle of ispezionare
ispezionare {vt} :: to inspect, to check, to survey, to patrol, to scope out
ispezione {f} :: inspection, examination, check
ispidamente {adv} :: touchily
ispidezza {f} :: shagginess
ispidezza {f} :: intractability, roughness
ispido {adj} :: bristly, shaggy
ispido {adj} :: touchy
ispirabile {adj} :: inspirable
ispirabilità {f} :: The property of being inspirable
ispirante {v} :: present participle of ispirare
ispirantesi {v} :: present participle of ispirarsi
ispirare {vt} :: to inspire
ispirare {vt} :: to give inspiration, to prompt, to suggest
ispirarsi {vr} :: to be inspired (by)
ispirarsi {vr} :: to be based (on)
ispiratamente {adv} :: in an inspired manner
ispiratissimo {adj} :: superlative of ispirato
ispirato {adj} :: inspired
ispirato {adj} :: prompted
ispiratore {adj} :: inspiring, inspirational
ispiratore {m} :: instigator, inspirer
ispiratosi {v} :: past participle of ispirarsi
ispiratrice {f} :: (female) instigator, inspirer
ispirazione {f} :: inspiration
Israèl {prop} :: medieval spelling of Israele
Israele {prop} /izraˈɛːle/ :: Israel
israeliana {f} :: feminine noun of israeliano
israeliano {adj} :: Israeli
israeliano {m} :: Israeli
israelita {adj} :: Israelite, Jewish, Hebrew
israelita {mf} :: Israelite, Jew, Hebrew
israelitico {adj} :: Israelite
issante {v} :: present participle of issare
issantesi {v} :: present participle of issarsi
issar {v} :: apocopic form of issare
issare {vt} :: to hoist
issare {vt} :: to haul up
issare {vt} :: to weigh [an anchor]
issarsi {v} :: reflexive of issare
issarsi {v} :: to haul oneself up
issatosi {v} :: past participle of issarsi
-isse {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of regular -ire verbs
-issero {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural imperfect subjunctive of regular -ire verbs
-issi {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first- and second-person singular imperfect subjunctive of regular -ire verbs
Issime {prop} :: A mountain village in Valle d'Aosta
issimese {adj} :: Of or from Issime
-issimo {suffix} /ˈisːi.mo/ :: Added to adjectives to form superlatives
-issimo {suffix} :: Added to adverbs to form superlatives
-issimo {suffix} [often, jocular] :: Added to some nouns to form extremes
-issimo {suffix} :: Added to the stem of verbs ending in -ire to form the first-person plural imperfect subjunctive tense
Issione {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Ixion
isso {pron} :: obsolete form of esso
issofatto {adv} [vernacular] /is.soˈfat.to/ :: immediately
issopo {m} :: hyssop
-ista {suffix} :: -ist
istabile {adj} :: obsolete form of instabile
istallante {v} :: present participle of istallare
istallare {vt} :: alternative form of installare
istallazione {f} :: Variant of installazione
istamina {f} [neurotransmitter] :: histamine
istaminico {adj} :: histaminic
istanbuliota {adj} :: Of or from Istanbul
istantanea {f} :: snapshot, snap
istantaneamente {adv} :: instantly, immediately, at once
istantaneità {f} :: instantaneousness, immediacy
istantaneo {adj} :: instant, instantaneous
istante {m} :: moment, instant, jiffy
istante {m} [law] :: petitioner, claimant
istantone {m} [physics] :: instanton
istanza {f} :: request, instance, application, petition
istanza {f} :: expectation, need, demand
istanziato {adj} :: instantiated
ISTAT {prop} :: initialism of Istituto Nazionale di Statistica
istaurante {v} :: present participle of istaurare
istaurare {vt} :: alternative form of instaurare
-iste {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person plural past historic and imperfect subjunctive of regular -ire verbs
isterectomia {f} [surgery] :: hysterectomy
isteresi {f} [physics] :: hysteresis
isteria {f} :: hysteria
isterica {f} :: feminine noun of isterico
istericamente {adv} :: hysterically
isterico {adj} :: hysterical, hysteric
isterico {adj} :: [derogatory] shrill
isterico {m} :: hysteric
isterilente {v} :: present participle of isterilire
isterilentesi {v} :: present participle of isterilirsi
isterilimento {m} :: impoverishment
isterilire {vt} :: To sterilize (make sterile or infertile)
isterilirsi {vr} :: To become sterile or infertile
isterilitosi {v} :: past participle of isterilirsi
isterismo {m} :: hysteria
istero- {prefix} :: hystero-
isterografia {f} :: hysterography, uterography
isteroide {adj} :: hysteroid
isterologia {f} :: hysterology (both senses)
isterosalpingografia {f} :: hysterosalpingography
isteroscopia {f} :: hysteroscopy
isteroscopio {m} [medicine] :: hysteroscope
isterotomia {f} [surgery] :: hysterotomy
istesso {adj} [dated] :: See stesso
-isti {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person past historic of regular -ire verbs
-istica {suffix} /ˈis.ti.ka/ :: -istics (and similar)
-istico {suffix} [productive] /ˈistiko/ :: -istic, -istical
istidina {f} [amino acid] :: histidine
istigante {v} :: present participle of istigare
istigare {vt} :: to incite, stir up
istigare {vt} :: to instigate
istigatore {m} :: instigator, abettor
istigatrice {f} :: instigator, abettor
istigazione {f} :: instigation, incitement
istillante {v} :: present participle of istillare
istillare {vt} :: To instil
istillazione {f} :: instillation
istillazione {f} :: instilling
istintiva {f} :: female equivalent of istintivo
istintivamente {adv} :: instinctively, on instinct, by instinct
istintività {f} :: instinctive nature
istintivo {adj} :: instinctive, impulsive, irrational
istintivo {m} :: impulsive person
istinto {m} :: instinct
istintuale {adj} :: instinctive
istintualità {f} :: instinctive nature
istiocita {m} [biology] :: histiocyte
istituendo {adj} :: founding
istituente {v} :: present participle of istituire
istituentesi {v} :: present participle of istituirsi
istituire {vt} :: to institute, to found
istituirsi {vr} :: To be instituted or founded
istituito {adj} :: instituted
istituito {adj} :: founded
istituito {m} [legal] :: A person who is the beneficiary of a trust; which trust passes to another specified person at death
istituitosi {v} :: past participle of istituirsi
istitutivo {adj} :: establishing, institutive
istituto {m} :: college
istituto {m} :: institute
istituto {m} :: department (of a university)
istituto {m} :: institution
istituto di bellezza {m} :: beauty salon, beauty parlor
istituto di credito {m} :: bank
istituto di pena {m} :: prison
istituto penitenziario {m} :: prison
istitutore {m} :: founder
istitutore {m} :: tutor
istitutore {m} :: teacher
istitutrice {f} :: female equivalent of istitutore
istitutrice {f} :: governess
istituzionale {adj} :: institution (attribute), institutional
istituzionalismo {m} :: institutionalism (institutional economics)
istituzionalista {mf} :: institutionalist
istituzionalizzante {v} :: present participle of istituzionalizzare
istituzionalizzare {vt} :: to institutionalize
istituzionalizzato {adj} :: institutionalized
istituzionalizzazione {f} :: institutionalization
istituzionalmente {adv} :: institutionally
istituzione {f} :: institution, institute
istituzione {f} :: establishing, foundation, setting up
istituzione {f} [in the plural] :: institutes, elements
istmico {adj} :: Isthmian
istmo {m} :: isthmus (narrow strip of land)
isto- {prefix} :: histo-
Isto {prop} :: Isto (island)
istochimica {f} :: histochemistry
istochimico {adj} :: histochemical
istocompatibilità {f} [biology] :: histocompatibility
istogenesi {f} :: histogenesis
istogramma {m} :: histogram
istologa {f} :: female equivalent of istologo
istologia {f} [biology, medicine] :: histology
istologicamente {adv} :: histologically
istologico {adj} :: histological, histologic
istologo {m} :: histologist
istone {m} [genetics] :: histone
istonico {adj} [genetics] :: histone (attributive), histonic
istopatologa {f} :: female equivalent of istopatologo
istopatologia {f} [medicine] :: histopathology
istopatologico {adj} [medicine] :: histopathologic, histopathological
istopatologo {m} :: histopathologist
istoplasmosi {f} [pathology] :: histoplasmosis
istoradiografia {f} [medicine] /is.to.ra.djo.ɡra.fi.a/ :: historadiography
istoria {f} [literary] /isˈtɔ.rja/ :: obsolete form of storia
istoriante {v} :: present participle of istoriare
istoriare {vt} :: to historiate
istoriare {vt} :: to illustrate
istoriativo {adj} :: historiated
istoriato {adj} :: historiated
istorico {adj} :: alternative form of storico
istradamento {m} :: routing
istradante {v} :: present participle of istradare
istradare {v} [literary] :: alternative form of instradare
Istria {prop} :: Istria
istriano {adj} :: Istrian
istriano {m} :: Istrian
istrice {m} :: crested porcupine, European porcupine, Old World porcupine, hystricognath, porpentine
istrice crestato {m} :: synonym of istrice
istriona {f} /isˈtrjo.na/ :: feminine noun of istrione
istriona {f} :: A histrionic actress; ham [female]
istrione {m} [theater, Ancient Rome] /isˈtrjo.ne/ :: A professional actor
istrione {m} [by extension] :: An emphatic actor
istrione {m} [pejorative] :: ham (histrionic actor)
istrione {m} [meliorative] :: An expert or seasoned actor
istrione {m} [figuratively] :: A person with an overly theatrical attitude
istrionescamente {adv} :: histrionically, theatrically
istrionesco {adj} :: histrionic, theatrical
istrionessa {f} /is.trjoˈnes.sa/ :: synonym of istriona
istrionicamente {adv} :: histrionically
istrionico {adj} :: histrionic
istrionismo {m} :: histrionics
istrionismo {m} :: dramatics
istrioto {adj} :: Istriot [attributive]
istrioto {m} :: Istriot (language)
istroromeno {adj} :: alternative form of istrorumeno
istrorumeno {adj} :: Istro-Romanian
istroveneto {adj} :: Relating to Istria and Veneto
istruente {v} :: present participle of istruire
istruentesi {v} :: present participle of istruirsi
istruire {vt} :: to educate; to instruct; to drill
istruire {vt} :: to train
istruire {vt} :: to inform or counsel
istruire {vt} [law] :: to collect evidence, documents, dispositions, etc. in [a lawsuit, hearing, etc.]
istruirsi {v} :: (with su) to find out or get informed (about)
istruirsi {v} :: to teach oneself
istruito {adj} :: educated
istruitosi {v} :: past participle of istruirsi
istrumentazione {f} :: instrumentation (all senses)
istrumento {m} /istruˈmento/ :: A public act drawn up by a notary
istruttivamente {adv} :: instructively
istruttivo {adj} :: instructive
istrutto {adj} :: Variant of istruito
istruttore {adj} [legal] :: investigating, examining
istruttore {m} :: instructor, teacher, coach
istruttoria {f} :: investigation, evaluation, check
istruttorio {adj} :: preliminary
istruttrice {f} :: female equivalent of istruttore
istruzione {f} :: education, schooling
istruzione {f} :: teaching
istruzione {f} :: instruction (in education, and in a CPU)
istupidente {v} :: present participle of istupidire
istupidentesi {v} :: present participle of istupidirsi
istupidimento {m} :: daze, stupor
istupidire {vt} :: to stun, daze
istupidire {vt} :: to stupefy, befuddle
istupidirsi {v} :: reflexive of istupidire
istupidirsi {vr} :: to be stunned, dazed
istupidirsi {vr} :: to be stupefied
istupidirsi {vr} :: to lose one's senses
istupidito {adj} :: stupefied
istupiditosi {v} :: past participle of istupidirsi
i suoi {pron} :: his (that which belongs to him)
-ita {suffix} /i.ta/ :: Used with verb stem to derive nouns expressing that verb's action; -th, -ness, -hood
-ita {suffix} /ˈi.ta/ :: Used with a stem to form the feminine singular past participle of regular -ire verbs
-ita {suffix} :: Used with a stem of an -ire verb to form a noun indicating that verb's action
-ita {suffix} :: Used to create adjectives and nouns that indicate "belonging to"; -ite
-ità {suffix} :: Used to form abstract nouns that correspond to English words ending in -ity or -ness
Itaca {prop} :: Ithaca
itagliano {prop} [humorous, colloquial, pejorative] /i.taʎˈʎa.no/ :: ungrammatical or misspelled Italian language
itagnolo {m} :: A blend of the Italian and (Latin-American) Spanish languages
Itala {prop} /ˈi.ta.la/ :: Itala (early Latin Bible translation)
italchiano {adj} [linguistics] :: ebreo-italiano, giudeo-italiano
Italia {prop} /iˈta.lja/ :: Italy
italiana {f} /itaˈljana/ :: feminine noun of italiano
italianeggiante {v} :: present participle of italianeggiare
italianeggiante {adj} :: Italianate
italianeggiare {v} :: synonym of italianizzare
italianese {m} [ironic] /i.ta.ljaˈne.ze/ :: A hybrid language formed by elements of both the Italian and English languages
italianismo {m} :: Italianism
italianissimo {adj} :: superlative of italiano
italianista {mf} :: Italianist
italianistica {f} :: Italian studies
italianità {f} :: conformity to the peculiarities of Italians or their ethnicity, language, or culture
italianità {f} :: the Italian spirit, character, or essence; Italianness or Italianism
italianizzabile {adj} :: That can be Italianized
italianizzante {v} :: present participle of italianizzare
italianizzantesi {v} :: present participle of italianizzarsi
italianizzare {vt} /italjaniˈd͡ːzare/ :: to Italianize
italianizzarsi {vr} :: To Italianize
italianizzato {adj} /italjaniˈd͡ːzato/ :: Italianized
italianizzatosi {v} :: past participle of italianizzarsi
italianizzazione {f} /i.ta.lja.ni.d͡ːzaˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: Italianization, specifically:
italianizzazione {f} :: The conversion of a non-Italian culture to an Italian one
italianizzazione {f} [linguistics] :: The process of adapting lexical elements from a foreign language to the Italian linguistic system
italianizzazione {f} [historical] :: A process of forced assimilation into the Italian culture
italiano {adj} /i.taˈlja.no/ :: Italian
italiano {m} :: Italian (a native, a national or inhabitant of Italy) (male)
italiano {m} :: The Italian language
italicamente {adv} :: in an Italianate manner
italicità {f} :: Italic character or quality
italicità {f} :: Italic spirit or essence
italico {adj} :: Italic (of ancient Italy)
italiesco {adj} [ironic] /i.taˈljes.ko/ :: Having elements of both the Italian and German languages
italiesco {adj} [by extension] :: Having both Italian and German features
italiota {m} :: Italiote
italiota {adj} :: Italiote (attributive)
italo- {prefix} :: Italo-
italo {adj} [literary, poetic] /ˈi.ta.lo/ :: Italian, Italic
italo {m} [rare] :: An Italian man
Italo {prop} :: A male given name
italo-americano {adj} :: alternative spelling of italoamericano
italo-americano {m} :: alternative spelling of italoamericano
italoamericano {adj} :: Italo-American
italoamericano {m} :: Italo-American
italofilia {f} :: italophilia
italofilo {m} :: Italophile
italofobia {f} :: italophobia
italofobo {m} :: italophobe
italofonia {f} :: Italian speech
italofono {adj} :: Italophone
italofono {m} :: Italophone
italosomalo {m} :: A person with mixed Italian / Somali parentage
italotedesco {adj} :: Italo-German
itanglese {m} [humorous] :: Italian mixed with words borrowed from English
-ite {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the feminine plural past participle of regular -ire verbs
-ite {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person plural present and imperative of regular -ire verbs
-ite {suffix} [mineralogy] :: -ite
-ite {suffix} [chemistry] :: -ite
-ite {suffix} [pathology] :: -itis
item {adv} [legal] :: in the same way
item {m} [computer science] :: A single programmed unit
item {m} [linguistics] :: An element of a grammatical or lexical set
iter {m} :: procedure, course
iterabile {adj} :: repeatable
iterante {v} :: present participle of iterare
iterare {vt} :: to repeat
iterare {vt} [mathematics] :: to iterate
iteratamente {adv} :: repeatedly
iterativamente {adv} :: iteratively
iterativo {adj} :: iterative
iterato {adj} :: repeated
iterato {adj} :: iterated
iterazione {f} :: iteration
-iti {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the masculine plural past participle of regular -ire verbs
itifallico {adj} :: ithyphallic
itinerante {adj} :: itinerant, travelling, road (attribute)
itinerario {m} :: itinerary, route, path
-ito {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the past participle of regular -ire verbs
itterbia {f} [inorganic compound] :: ytterbia
itterbio {m} [chemistry] /itˈtɛrbjo/ :: ytterbium
itterico {adj} :: icteric, jaundiced
itterizia {f} :: jaundice
ittero {m} [pathology] :: icterus, jaundice
ittico {adj} :: fish (attribute), fishing, ichthyic
ittio- {prefix} :: ichthyo-
ittiocolla {f} :: isinglass
ittiofagia {f} :: ichthyophagy
ittiofago {m} :: ichthyophage
ittiofago {adj} :: ichthyophagous
ittiofobia {f} :: ichthyophobia
ittiogenico {adj} :: ichthyogenic
ittiolo {m} :: ichthyol
ittiologa {f} :: female equivalent of ittiologo
ittiologia {f} [zoology] :: ichthyology
ittiologico {adj} [zoology] :: ichthyological
ittiologo {m} :: ichthyologist
ittiosauro {m} :: ichthyosaur
ittiosi {f} [disease] :: ichthyosis
ittita {adj} :: Hittite
ittria {f} [chemistry] :: yttria
ittrio {m} [chemistry] /ˈittrjo/ :: yttrium
ittrite {f} :: yttria
-itudine {suffix} /iˈtu.di.ne/ :: -itude
iubere {v} /ˈju.be.re/ :: to command, order
iucca {f} :: yucca
IUD {m} :: IUD
iudicare {v} [literary] /ju.diˈka.re/ :: obsolete form of giudicare: to judge
iudicato {m} [literary] /ju.diˈka.to/ :: obsolete form of giudicato
iudicato {m} [literary] :: obsolete form of giudicato
iudice {mf} [literary] /ˈju.di.t͡ʃe/ :: obsolete form of giudice
iudicio {m} /juˈdi.t͡ʃo/ :: obsolete form of giudizio
iugero {m} [historical units of measure, Ancient Rome] /ˈju.d͡ʒe.ro/ :: jugerum
iugoslava {f} :: feminine noun of iugoslavo
Iugoslavia {prop} :: alternative spelling of Jugoslavia
iugoslavo {adj} :: alternative spelling of jugoslavo
iugoslavo {m} :: alternative spelling of jugoslavo
iugulatoriamente {adv} :: oppressively
iugulatorio {adj} :: oppressive
Iulia {prop} :: medieval spelling of Giulia
Iulio {prop} :: medieval spelling of Giulio
iuniore {adj} :: junior
Iunone {prop} :: medieval spelling of Giunone
iure {m} [literary, legal] /ˈju.re/ :: alternative form of giure: law, jurisprudence
iussivo {adj} /jusˈsi.vo/ :: jussive
iussivo {m} [grammar] :: jussive
iuta {f} :: jute
iutiero {adj} :: jute (attributive)
iutificio {m} :: jute factory
-iva {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person singular imperfect of regular -ire verbs
Iva {n} :: alternative form of IVA
IVA {f} [taxation] :: initialism of imposta sul valore aggiunto
-ivamo {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person plural imperfect of regular -ire verbs
-ivano {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural imperfect of regular -ire verbs
Ivano {prop} :: Ivan
-ivate {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person plural imperfect of regular -ire verbs
ivato {adj} :: On which IVA has been paid
IVG {n} :: initialism of interruzione volontaria di gravidanza
-ivi {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person singular imperfect of regular -ire verbs
ivi {adv} [formal] /ˈivi/ :: there, therein
ivi {adv} [dated] :: there, therein
ivi {adv} :: op. cit. (used in bibliographies to indicate that the source was previously referenced)
-ivo {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person singular imperfect of regular -ire verbs
-ivo {suffix} :: -ive
Ivo {prop} :: given name
ivoriana {f} :: female equivalent of ivoriano
ivoriano {adj} :: Ivorian
ivoriano {m} :: Ivorian
Ivrea {prop} :: Ivrea (town)
ixodide {m} :: ixodid
-izia {suffix} /ˈit.tsja/ :: Added to adjectives to form abstract nouns; -ship; -ness
-izio {suffix} [forms adjectives] /ˈit.tsjo/ :: Used to denote derivation
izza {f} :: ire, anger, fury, wrath
-izzare {suffix} /idˈd͡za.re/ :: Added to adjectives and nouns to form verbs; -ize
-izzarsi {suffix} /iˈd͡ːzarsi/ :: reflexive of -izzare
-izzazione {suffix} /id.d͡zatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: -ization