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From Middle English unfruytful; equivalent to un- + fruitful.
unfruitful (comparative more unfruitful, superlative most unfruitful)
- (chiefly figurative) Not bearing fruit.
Despite going on for two hours, her search was unfruitful.
Not bearing fruit
- Bulgarian: неплодороден (bg) (neplodoroden)
- Esperanto: malfruktodona
- Estonian: viljatu, tulutu
- French: infructueux (fr)
- German: unfruchtbar (de), fruchtlos (de)
- Gothic: 𐌰𐌺𐍂𐌰𐌽𐌰𐌻𐌰𐌿𐍃 (akranalaus)
- Greek: άκαρπος (el) (ákarpos)
- Ido: nefruktifanta
- Italian: infruttifero (it), inutile (it), esito negativo
- Latin: infructuōsus
- Manx: neuvessoil
- Maori: tūpā, tīpā, huakore, huhuakore, kikokore (used figuratively)
- Polish: bezowocny (pl)
- Portuguese: infrutífero (pt)
- Romanian: infructuos (ro), neroditor (ro), nerodnic, sterp (ro), steril (ro)
- Russian: беспло́дный (ru) (besplódnyj)
- Spanish: infructuoso (es)