[edit]Borrowed from Latin intra (“within”).
- Within a single entity indicated by the root word:
- Within a group or concept.
- intraclade is within a monophyletic taxon, intracoalition is within a coalition, intracorporate is within a corporation
- Inside or with, in terms of location or position.
- intrabone is within a bone, intracardiac is inside the heart, intracolic is within the colon
- During, within a time period.
- intraoperational is during an operation, intradiurnal is during the hours of daylight, intradecadal is within a decade
- Behaviour of a single individual.
- intrajudge is within the evaluations of a single judge, intradoctor is relating to a single doctor, intraparticipant is of a single participant
- Within a group or concept.
- A direction that is inward or into the location indicated by the root word.
- intracavitary is into a cavity of the body, intracloacal is into or within the cloaca, intracistern is into the cisterna
- Indicating that the root is internal in nature.
- intramarry is to marry a member of the same group, social stratum, or religion: the marriage is intra a social group rather than this being within a single marriage; intranet is a private computer network: i.e. a network that is intra; intrapreneur is a person employed to work independently within a company in order to introduce innovation and to revitalize and diversify its business: i.e. an entrepreneur that is intra; intraconnect is to connect with other cells that are connected together in a cluster,
- In between two entities:
- Between two or more similar entities that are within a larger entity. The root indicates the commonality between the entities.
- intrachiral is between individuals of the same chirality, intraploidy is between organisms that have the same ploidy, intra-allelic is such that one allele affects the expression of another allele in the same gene locus
- Spatially located in between two points within the region indicated by the root entity.
- intramedian is located between the anterior and posterior media longitudinal veins on the wing, intragalactic is occurring between two or more points within a galaxy, intramolecular is between different parts of the same molecule
- Spatially located in between the root entity and a reference point.
- intramercurial is between the planet Mercury and the sun, intrapetiolar is situated between the petiole and the stem, intraaxillary Situated below the point where a leaf joins the stem.
- Between two or more similar entities that are within a larger entity. The root indicates the commonality between the entities.
- The interior of the region indicated by the root.
- intracalvarium is the interior of the calvarium, intracranium is the interior of the cranium
- A part of the root entity.
- intramountain is a part of a mountain, intradiegetic is part of the narrative
- In alignment or synchronous with the root entity.
- intrametric is pulses that are aligned with the musical metre, intradirective is being an intransitive verb in which the subject both actively performs and undergoes the action
[edit]Derived terms
[edit](terms derived from within):
- intraacinar
- intraadipocyte
- intraaggregate
- intraamniotically
- intraanalytical
- intraanimal
- intraannual
- intraaortally
- intraarray
- intraassay
- intraatomic
- intraatrial
- intraaxonal
- intraaxonally
- intrabacterially
- intraband
- intrabank
- intrabasin
- intrabasinal
- intrabatch
- intrabath
- intrabivalent
- intrabloc
- intrablock
- intrabony
- intrabrand
- intrabreed
- intrabronchially
- intrabrood
- intrabuilding
- intrabursally
- intracaecally
- intracameral
- intracampus
- intracapsid
- intracapsomeric
- intracapsular
- intracase
- intracaste
- intracategorical
- intracategory
- intracatheter
- intracensal
- intracephalic
- intrachain
- intrachromatid
- intrachromosomal
- intrachromosomally
- intrachromosome
- intracircuit
- intracisternal
- intracistronic
- intracity
- intracladal
- intraclade
- intraclan
- intraclass
- intraclast
- intraclonal
- intraclonally
- intraclub
- intracluster
- intraclutch
- intracoalition
- intracoalitional
- intracoastal
- intracoder
- intracodon
- intracognition
- intracohesin
- intracohort
- intracollegiate
- intracollicular
- intracolonial
- intracolonically
- intracolony
- intracolumn
- intracolumnar
- intracommunal
- intracommunity
- intracompany
- intracompartmental
- intracomplex
- intracomponent
- intracondylar
- intracontinental
- intracorporate
- intracorporeal
- intracorrelation
- intracortical
- intracountry
- intracounty
- intracranial
- intracranioventricular
- intracratonic
- intracrinal
- intracuff
- intracultivar
- intracultural
- intracurricular
- intracutaneous
- intracytokine
- intracytoplasmically
- intracytosolic
- intradenominational
- intradepartmental
- intradermolingually
- intradevice
- intradiagnostic
- intradialect
- intradialectal
- intradialectally
- intradimer
- intradimeric
- intradiploic
- intradisciplinary
- intradistributional
- intradistrict
- intradisulfide
- intradiverticular
- intradivision
- intradivisional
- intradocument
- intradomain
- intradomestic
- intradomiciliary
- intradot
- intraduplex
- intradurally
- intradyadic
- intraelectrode
- intraembryonic
- intraembryonically
- intraendosomal
- intraenterocytic
- intraenterprise
- intraependymal
- intraepithelially
- intraepitopic
- intraerythrocyte
- intraesophageally
- intraesterification
- intraethnic
- intraexciton
- intraexon
- intraexonic
- intraexperimental
- intrafactional
- intrafactory
- intrafaith
- intrafamilial
- intrafamily
- intrafandom
- intrafascicularly
- intrafemoral
- intrafetal
- intrafibrillar
- intrafibrillary
- intrafield
- intrafilamentary
- intrafilter
- intrafloccular
- intrafloral
- intrafocal
- intrafollicular
- intraforaminal
- intraforest
- intraformational
- intrafraction
- intrafractional
- intrafractionation
- intraframe
- intraframework
- intrafruit
- intragametophytic
- intraganglionic
- intragap
- intragender
- intragene
- intrageneration
- intragenerational
- intragenerationally
- intrageneric
- intragenetic
- intragenic
- intragenitally
- intragenome
- intragenomic
- intragenotype
- intragenotypic
- intragenus
- intragestural
- intragesture
- intragingivally
- intraglacial
- intraglioma
- intraglomerular
- intraglomerularly
- intraglycosomal
- intragovernmental
- intragradational
- intragraft
- intragrain
- intragranular
- intragranulomatous
- intragroup
- intragrouping
- intraguild
- intrahabitat
- intrahalo
- intrahaplogroup
- intrahelical
- intrahemispheric
- intrahemocoelic
- intrahemocoelically
- intrahepatocellular
- intrahepatocyte
- intrahepatocytic
- intraherd
- intrahernial
- intrahexamer
- intrahexameric
- intrahilar
- intraholoenzyme
- intrahomologous
- intrahomologue
- intrahospital
- intrahost
- intrahousehold
- intrahuman
- intrahumeral
- intrahyphal
- intraimperial
- intraindividual
- intraindustry
- intrainstitutional
- intrainterventional
- intraionic
- intraisland
- intrajudicial
- intrakinetochore
- intralaboratory
- intralamellar
- intralaminar
- intralarval
- intralaryngeally
- intralayer
- intraleague
- intralegal
- intraleukocytically
- intralevel
- intralexemic
- intralexical
- intraligand
- intralimb
- intralimbic
- intralineage
- intralingual
- intralinguistic
- intraliposomally
- intralobar
- intralobe
- intralocular
- intralocus
- intraloop
- intralumenal
- intraluminar
- intralymphatic
- intralymphatically
- intralymphocytic
- intralysosomal
- intramacromolecular
- intramacrophage
- intramacrophagic
- intramanchette
- intramandibular
- intramarginal
- intramarital
- intramarsupial
- intramatrical
- intramazal
- intrameal
- intrameiotic
- intramelanosomal
- intramembrane
- intramembraneous
- intramembranous
- intrameniscal
- intramental
- intramethodical
- intramicellar
- intramilitary
- intraministry
- intramitochondrial
- intramodal
- intramode
- intramodel
- intramodular
- intramodule
- intramolluscan
- intramonomer
- intramonomeric
- intramontane
- intramorainic
- intramouse
- intramucosal
- intramulticellular
- intramundane
- intramunicipal
- intra-Muslim
- intramutational
- intramycelial
- intramyelinic
- intramyocellular
- intramyocyte
- intramyofibrillar
- intranarial
- intranational
- intra-NATO
- intranetwork
- intraneurally
- intraneuritic
- intraneuronal
- intranidal
- intranodal
- intranode
- intranodular
- intranuclear
- intranucleoid
- intranucleolar
- intranucleosomal
- intranucleotide
- intra-octaval
- intraoctave
- intraoffice
- intraoligochaete
- intraoocyte
- intraoperon
- intraorbital
- intraordinal
- intraordinary
- intraorganellar
- intraorganismic
- intraorganization
- intraorganizational
- intraoutbreak
- intraoviductally
- intraoxygenator
- intrapacket
- intrapair
- intrapancreatically
- intraparticle
- intraparty
- intrapatch
- intrapathway
- intrapedal
- intrapedicular
- intrapeduncular
- intrapeptide
- intraperoxisomal
- intrapersonal
- intrapetalous
- intraphagocyte
- intraphagocytic
- intraphagolysosomal
- intraphagosomal
- intraphase
- intraphenotypic
- intraphilosophical
- intraphyletic
- intraphylum
- intrapillar
- intraplant
- intraplasmid
- intraplastid
- intraplastidic
- intraplatelet
- intraplatform
- intraplexus
- intrapolaron
- intrapolymer
- intrapolysomal
- intrapopulation
- intrapopulational
- intraporal
- intrapore
- intraprezygapophyseal
- intraprocedurally
- intraprofessional
- intraprotein
- intraprotocol
- intraprovince
- intraprovincial
- intrapsychic
- intrapsychological
- intrapulse
- intrapuparial
- intraputamenal
- intraquartile
- intraquery
- intraracial
- intraradicular
- intraramal
- intraregional
- intraregnal
- intrarelationship
- intrareligious
- intrarenally
- intrareplichore
- intrarepublic
- intrarepublican
- intraresidual
- intrarespiratory
- intraribosomal
- intraripple
- intraroot
- intraruminally
- intrarun
- intrasample
- intrasatellite
- intrascalar
- intrascanner
- intraschool
- intrasectional
- intrasectoral
- intrasectorial
- intrasegment
- intrasegmental
- intrasegmentally
- intrasensor
- intrasentential
- intraserotype
- intraserotypic
- intraserous
- intraserovar
- intraservice
- intratomic
(terms derived from inside):
- intraabdominal
- intraadrenal
- intraalveolar
- intraamniotic
- intraamygdala
- intraaortic
- intraarticular
- intra-aural
- intraaxial
- intrabacillary
- intrabacterial
- intrabaleen
- intraballoon
- intrabiliary
- intrabinary
- intrabiventer
- intrablastocoelar
- intrablastocoelic
- intrabolus
- intrabone
- intrabrachial
- intrabrain
- intrabronchial
- intrabronchiolar
- intrabuccal
- intrabulbar
- intrabursal
- intraburst
- intracaecal
- intracalcarine
- intracaldera
- intracalvarial
- intracanal
- intracanalicular
- intracanopy
- intracanthal
- intracapillary
- intracardiac
- intracarotid
- intracarpal
- intracartilaginous
- intracaval
- intracavernosal
- intracavernous
- intracavital
- intracavity
- intracellular
- intracelomic
- intracerebellar
- intracerebral
- intracerebrovascular
- intracerebroventricular
- intracervical
- intrachamber
- intrachannel
- intrachip
- intrachloroplastic
- intrachoanal
- intrachondral
- intrachoroidal
- intrachromophoric
- intraciliary
- intraclavicular
- intracloud
- intracochlear
- intracoelomic
- intracolic
- intracolonic
- intracompartmentally
- intraconal
- intraconjunctival
- intraconoidal
- intracontinentally
- intracordal
- intracorneal
- intracoronal
- intracorporal
- intracorporally
- intracorporeal
- intracorpuscular
- intracostal
- intracrater
- intracrevicular
- intracrustal
- intracryptal
- intracrystal
- intracrystalline
- intracuticular
- intracystic
- intracytoplasmic
- intradendritic
- intradental
- intradermal
- intradimensional
- intradiscal
- intradomestically
- intradomicile
- intraduct
- intraductal
- intraduodenal
- intradural
- intraendodermal
- intraendoplasmic
- intraendothelial
- intraepidermal
- intraepithelial
- intraerythrocytic
- intraesophageal
- intraestuarine
- intrafacial
- intrafallopian
- intrafascial
- intrafascicular
- intrafenestral
- intraflagellar
- intrafoveal
- intrafrontal
- intrafunicular
- intrafurcular
- intrafusal
- intragastric
- intragemmal
- intragenetically
- intrageniculate
- intragenital
- intragenomically
- intragenotypically
- intragingival
- intraglandular
- intraglial
- intraglottal
- intraglottic
- intragonadal
- intragyral
- intrahepatic
- intrahippocampal
- intrahisian
- intrahypothalamic
- intraintestinal
- intraischemic
- intraislet
- intrajejunal
- intrajugular
- intralabyrinthine
- intralacustrine
- intralake
- intralaryngeal
- intralesional
- intraligamentary
- intraligamentous
- intralobular
- intralocation
- intraluminal
- intraluteal
- intramammary
- intramatrix
- intramaxillary
- intramaze
- intrameatal
- intramedullary
- intrameningeal
- intrametatarsal
- intramethodically
- intramniotic
- intramygdaloid
- intramyometrial
- intramyonuclear
- intranasal
- intranasopharyngeal
- intranationally
- intraneocortical
- intraneural
- intranigral
- intraophthalmic
- intraoral
- intraorbitally
- intraorgan
- intraorganic
- intraorganismal
- intraosseous
- intraovarian
- intraoviductal
- intrapallidal
- intrapalpebral
- intrapancreatic
- intrapapillary
- intraparabronchial
- intraparasitic
- intraparenchymal
- intraparenchymatous
- intraparietal
- intraparotid
- intrapatellar
- intrapelvic
- intrapericardial
- intraperiplasmic
- intraperitoneal
- intraperitoneum
- intrapetrous
- intrapharyngeal
- intraphloemic
- intrapipette
- intrapiscine
- intrapituitary
- intraplacental
- intraplanar
- intraplane
- intraplantar
- intraplaque
- intraplate
- intraplatform
- intrapleural
- intrapontine
- intrapopliteal
- intraprismatic
- intraprostatic
- intraprotoplasmic
- intrapulmonary
- intrapulpal
- intrapupillary
- intraputaminal
- intrapyramidal
- intraradical
- intrarectal
- intraregionally
- intrarenal
- intraresidue
- intraretinal
- intraruminal
- intrasaccadically
- intrasaccular
- intrasarcomeric
- intrasarcoplasmic
- intrascaffold
- intrascalene
- intrascapular
- intrasciatic
- intrascleral
- intrascrotal
- intrasellar
- intraseptal
(terms derived from during):
- intracycle
- intracyclic
- intracyclical
- intradaily
- intraday
- intradecadal
- intradialytic
- intradiurnal
- intrafebrile
- intraglacial
- intraictal
- intrametastatic
- intramonth
- intramonthly
- intranatal
- intranight
- intraoperation
- intraoperational
- intraoperationally
- intraoperative
- intrapartum
- intrapause
- intraperiod
- intrapluvial
- intraprocedural
- intraregnal
- intrasaccadic
- intraseasonal
- intraseasonally
- intrasecular
(terms derived from inward):
(terms derived from solo):
(terms derived from internal):
(terms derived from betwixt):
(terms derived from central):
(terms derived from between):
(terms derived from interior):
(terms derived from part):
(terms derived from same):
[edit]prefix signifying inside, within, interior, during
See also
[edit]- hyper- (“beyond, over”)
- infra- (“below, inferior”)
- inter- (“between”)
- intro- (“into”)
- extra- (“beyond”)
- supra-
- trans-
[edit]Borrowed from Latin intra (“within”).
Derived terms
[edit]Further reading
[edit]- intra- in Slovník afixů užívaných v češtině, 2017
[edit]Derived from Latin intra (“within”).
Derived terms
[edit]Borrowed from Latin intra (“within”).
[edit]Audio: (file)
Derived terms
[edit]- (Standard Indonesian) IPA(key): /intra/ [in.t̪ra]
- Syllabification: in‧tra-
Derived terms
[edit]Category Indonesian terms prefixed with intra- not found
Further reading
[edit]- “intra-” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Agency for Language Development and Cultivation – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016.
Derived terms
Derived terms
[edit]Further reading
[edit]- “intra-”, in Diccionario de la lengua española [Dictionary of the Spanish Language] (in Spanish), online version 23.8, Royal Spanish Academy [Spanish: Real Academia Española], 2024 December 10
Derived terms
- English terms borrowed from Latin
- English terms derived from Latin
- English 2-syllable words
- English terms with IPA pronunciation
- English lemmas
- English prefixes
- English terms with usage examples
- Czech terms borrowed from Latin
- Czech terms derived from Latin
- Czech terms with IPA pronunciation
- Czech lemmas
- Czech prefixes
- French terms derived from Latin
- French 2-syllable words
- French terms with IPA pronunciation
- Rhymes:French/a
- Rhymes:French/a/2 syllables
- French lemmas
- French prefixes
- German terms borrowed from Latin
- German terms derived from Latin
- German terms with audio pronunciation
- German lemmas
- German prefixes
- Indonesian terms derived from Latin
- Indonesian 2-syllable words
- Indonesian terms with IPA pronunciation
- Indonesian lemmas
- Indonesian prefixes
- Italian terms derived from Latin
- Italian lemmas
- Italian prefixes
- Spanish terms derived from Latin
- Spanish lemmas
- Spanish prefixes
- Swedish lemmas
- Swedish prefixes