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  • IPA(key): /im.pe.raˈdo.re/
  • Rhymes: -ore
  • Hyphenation: im‧pe‧ra‧dó‧re



imperadore m (plural imperadori)

  1. (obsolete) Alternative form of imperatore
    • 13th century, Bono Giamboni, Dell'arte della guerra [On the Art of War]‎[1], translation of Epitoma Rei Militaris by Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus, published 1815, page 5:
      che ad Ottaviano Imperadore, ed a molti veraci Segnori ne fossero molti mandati, per molti esempli si può mostrare
      There are many examples of how Emperor Octavianus, and many other true lords, were sent many of these [pedagogical books]
      (literally, “that to Octavianus Emperor, and to many true lords, many of these were sent, through many examples [it] can be shown”)