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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-e

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each {determiner} (every) :: elk, ieder
each other {pron} (to one another; one to the other) :: elkaar, elkander
each to his own {proverb} (to each his own) SEE: to each his own ::
eager {adj} (excited by desire in the pursuit of any object) :: begerig
eagerly {adv} (in an eager manner) :: gretig
eagle {n} (any of several large carnivorous birds in the family Accipitridae) :: arend {m}, adelaar {m}
eagle owl {n} (large owl of genus Bubo) :: oehoe {m}
ear {n} (fruiting body of a grain plant) :: aar {m}
ear {v} (archaic: to plough) :: ploegen
ear {v} (plough) SEE: plough ::
ear {n} (external part of the organ of hearing) SEE: pinna ::
ear {n} (organ of hearing) :: oor {n}
ear canal {n} (tube or meatus running from the outer ear to the eardrum) :: gehoorgang
eardrum {n} (membrane separating outer and middle ears) :: trommelvlies {n}
earl {n} (a British or Irish nobleman) :: graaf {m}
earless seal {n} (seal of family Phocidae) :: rob {m}, zeehond {m}
ear lobe {n} (a part of the ear) :: oorlel {f}
early {adj} (at a time in advance of the usual) :: vroeg
early {adj} (arriving at a time before expected) :: vroeg
early bird {n} (one who wakes early) :: vroege vogel {m} {f}
Early Middle Ages {prop} (Translations) :: vroege middeleeuwen
early riser {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird ::
earmuff {n} (garment to keep the ears warm) :: oorwarmers {p}
earn {v} (gain through applied effort or work) :: verdienen
earn {v} (transitive: receive (money) for working) :: verdienen
earphone {n} (sound device held near the ear) :: oortelefoon
earphones {n} (small speakers worn over the ears) :: oortelefoon {m}
earpiece {n} (speaker placed inside or held near the ear) :: oortje
earplug {n} (protective clothing for the ear canal) :: oordopje {n}
earring {n} (piece of jewelry) :: oorbel {m} {f}, oorring {m}
ear shell {n} (abalone) SEE: abalone ::
earshot {n} (distance) :: gehoorsafstand {m}
earth {n} (soil) :: aarde {f}, grond
earth {n} (any general rock-based material) :: aarde {f}
earth {n} (the ground, land) :: aarde, droge land {n}, land {n}
earth {n} (electrical connection) :: aarde {f}
earth {n} (one of the four basic elements) :: aarde {f}
earth {n} (one of the five basic elements) :: aarde {f}
earth {v} (connect electrically to the earth) :: aarden
earth {v} (to bury) :: begraven
earth {prop} (our planet, third out from the Sun) SEE: Earth ::
Earth {prop} (third planet of the Solar System) :: Aarde {c}, aarde {f}
Earth {prop} (personification of Earth) SEE: Mother Earth ::
earthen {adj} (made of earth or mud) :: aarden
earthen {adj} (made of clay) :: kleien
earthenware {n} (ceramic) :: aardewerk {n}
Earthling {n} (inhabitant of the planet Earth) :: Aardbewoner {m}
earth pig {n} (aardvark) SEE: aardvark ::
earthquake {n} (shaking of the surface of a planet) :: aardbeving {f}, aardschok {m}
earth up {v} (cover with soil) :: aanaarden
earthworm {n} (worm (animal)) :: aardworm, regenworm
earthy {adj} (resembling dirt or soil) :: aardeachtig, aardig
earthy {adj} (down to earth) :: met de voeten op de grond, natuurlijk
earthy {adj} (resembling or of the earth) :: aardeachtig
earwax {n} (waxy substance secreted by the ear) :: oorsmeer {n}, cerumen {n}
earwig {n} (the insect) :: oorworm {m}
earworm {n} (earwig) SEE: earwig ::
earworm {n} (tune that keeps replaying in one's head) :: oorwurm {m}
easel {n} (upright frame for displaying or supporting something) :: schildersezel {m}, ezel {m}
easement {n} (legal right to use another person's property) :: erfdienstbaarheid {f}, servituut {n}
easier said than done {adj} (easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish) :: makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan
easily {adv} (without difficulty) :: makkelijk
easiness {n} (the quality of being easy) :: gemakkelijkheid {f}
east {n} (compass point) :: oosten {n}
east {adj} (in or towards the east) :: oostelijk
east {adj} (of or pertaining to the east) :: oostelijk
east {adj} (from the East) :: oosters
east {adv} (towards the east) :: oostwaarts
East {prop} (wind from the east) :: oostenwind {m}
East {prop} (Eastern world) :: (het) Oosten {n}
East {prop} (Eastern bloc) :: (het) Oostblok {n}
East Asia {prop} (eastern subregion of Asia) :: Oost-Azië
East Coast {prop} (the eastern seaboard of the United States) :: oostkust {f} {m}
East Elbia {prop} :: Oost-Elbië
Easter {n} (Christian holiday) :: Pasen {n}, Paasfeest {n}
Easter Bunny {prop} (Symbolic rabbit sometimes depicted delivering Easter eggs to children) :: paashaas {m}
Easter egg {n} (a dyed or decorated egg) :: paasei {n}
Easter Island {prop} (Island in the Pacific) :: Paaseiland {n}
Easter Monday {prop} (Monday after Easter Sunday) :: tweede paasdag
eastern {adj} (related to the east) :: oostelijk
eastern buzzard {n} (Buteo japonicus) :: Japanse buizerd
easterner {n} (a native or inhabitant of the east) :: oosterling {m}
Eastern Europe {prop} (Eastern Europe) :: Oost-Europa {n}
easternmost {adj} (farthest east) :: oostelijkst
Eastern Orthodox {adj} (pertaining to the Eastern Orthodox Church) :: oosters-orthodox
Easter Sunday {prop} (Easter Sunday) :: eerste paasdag paaszondag
Eastertide {n} (Eastertime) :: paastijd {m}
Eastertime {n} (Eastertime) :: paastijd {m}
East Flanders {prop} (East Flanders) :: Oost-Vlaanderen {n}
East Flemish {adj} (from or relating to East Flanders) :: Oost-Vlaams
East Flemish {prop} (group of Flemish dialects) :: Oost-Vlaams {n}
East Frisian {prop} (Frisian language) :: Oostfries {n}, Oosterlauwers Fries {n}
East Frisian {prop} (Low German dialect) :: Oostfries {n}, Oostfries Nedersaksisch {n}
East Germanic {adj} (of or relating to East Germanic languages) :: Oost-Germaans
East Germany {prop} (former European country) :: Oost-Duitsland {n}
East Indies {n} (Southeast Asia) :: Oost-Indië
easting {n} :: Oostwaarde
East Sea {prop} (Baltic sea) SEE: Baltic Sea ::
East Sea {prop} (Sea of Japan) SEE: Sea of Japan ::
East Sea {prop} (Dead Sea) SEE: Dead Sea ::
East Slavic {adj} (of or relating to the East Slavs) :: Oost-Slavisch
East Timor {prop} (Country in Oceania) :: Oost-Timor
East Timorese {n} (person from East Timor or of East Timorese descent) :: Oost-Timorees {m}, Oost-Timorese {f}
East Timorese {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to East Timor or the East Timorese people) :: Oost-Timorees
eastward {adv} (towards the east) :: oostwaarts
easy {adj} (comfortable) SEE: comfortable ::
easy {adj} (requiring little skill or effort) :: makkelijk, gemakkelijk
easy {adj} (consenting readily to sex) :: makkelijk, gemakkelijk
easy as pie {adj} (very easy) :: een fluitje van een cent
eat {v} (to ingest, see also: consume; ingest) :: eten, vreten (used for animals; vulgar when applied to people), consumeren
eat {v} (colloquial: cause to worry) :: vreten, opvreten
eatable {adj} (able to be eaten) SEE: edible ::
eater {n} (one who eats) :: eter {m}
eatery {n} (a restaurant or café) :: eetcafé {n}
eating disorder {n} (psychological disorder) :: eetstoornis {f}
eating habit {n} (regular consumption of certain foods) :: eetgewoonte {f}
eat one's hat {v} (to express disbelief about a proposition) :: zijn hoed opeten
eat one's heart out {v} (feel overwhelming negative emotion) :: lekker puh, nou jij weer
eat one's words {v} (regret something said) :: zijn woorden terugnemen, zijn woorden innemen
eat out {v} (dine at a restaurant) :: uit eten
eat pussy {v} (to perform cunnilingus) :: beffen
eau de toilette {n} (lightly scented perfume) :: eau de toilette {m} {f}
eaves {n} (underside of a roof) :: dakrand
eavesdrop {v} (to hear a conversation one is not intended to hear) :: afluisteren, luistervinken
eavesdropper {n} (one who eavesdrops) :: luistervink {m}, afluisteraar {m}
eavestrough {n} (roof gutter) :: dakgoot {m} {f}
ebb {n} (low tide) :: eb {n}
ebb {v} (to fall away or decline) :: wegebben
ebb and flow {n} (flowing out and in of the tide) :: eb en vloed
e-bike {n} (bicycle powered by an electric motor) :: elektrische fiets {f}, e-bike {m}
ebony {n} (wood) :: ebben, ebbenhout
ebony {adj} (made of ebony wood) :: ebbenhouten
e-book {n} (electronic book) :: boek {n}, e-book
e-book reader {n} (e-reader) SEE: e-reader ::
ebullient {adj} (enthusiastic) :: uitgelaten
ebullient {adj} (agitated) :: uitbundig
ECB {prop} (European Central Bank) :: ECB
eccentric {adj} (not at or in the centre) :: excentrisch
eccentric {adj} (not perfectly circular) :: excentrisch
eccentric {adj} (deviating from the norm) :: excentriek, buitenissig, afwijkend
eccentric {n} (person who does not behave like others) :: excentriekeling {m}
eccentric {n} (off-centre wheel) :: excentriek {n}, kolderschijf {f}
eccentricity {n} (a ratio between distances in a conic section) :: excentriciteit {f}
ecchymosis {n} (skin discoloration) SEE: bruise ::
Ecclesiastes {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Prediker
ecclesiastic {adj} (pertaining to the church) :: ecclesiastisch, kerkelijk
ecclesiastical {adj} (pertaining to the church) :: ecclesiastisch, kerkelijk
Ecclesiastical Latin {prop} (Latin language) :: christelijk Latijn {n}
ecclesiology {n} (branch of theology) :: ecclesiologie
echidna {n} (any of the four species of small spined monotremes) :: mierenegel {m}
echo {n} (reflected sound) :: echo {m}, naklank {m}
echo {v} (to repeat back what another has just said) :: echoën, terugzeggen, herhalen, napraten, nadoen
echokinesis {n} (the compulsion or the act of imitating movements of others) :: echokinesie {f}
echolalia {n} (echoing of words or phrases) :: echolalie {f}
echt {adj} (genuine) :: echt
eclaircise {v} (to make clear) SEE: clarify ::
eclectic {adj} (selecting a mixture of what appear to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles) :: eclectisch
eclectic {adj} (unrelated and unspecialized; heterogeneous) :: uiteenlopend
eclectic {n} (one who selects by the eclectic method) :: eclecticus {m}
eclecticism {n} (the quality of being eclectic) :: eclectisch
eclipse {n} (passage of a planetary object between others) :: verduistering {f}, eclips {m}
eclipse {v} (To overshadow) :: overtreffen
ecliptic {n} (Earth's orbital plane) :: ecliptica {f}, schijnbare zonneweg {m}
eco- {prefix} (concerning ecology or the environment) :: eco-
ecofascism {n} (ecofascism) :: ecofascisme {n}
ecofeminism {n} (a sociopolitical movement combining feminism and environmentalism) :: ecofeminisme {n}
eco-friendly {adj} (ecologically friendly) SEE: environmentally friendly ::
ecologic {adj} (related to ecology) SEE: ecological ::
ecological {adj} (relating to ecology) :: ecologisch
ecologist {n} (A scientist who studies ecology) :: ecoloog {m}
ecology {n} (branch of biology) :: ecologie {f}
e-commerce {n} (commercial activity conducted via the Internet) :: electronic commerce, e-commerce
econometrics {n} (branch of economics) :: econometrie {f}
economic {adj} (pertaining to an economy) :: economisch
economical {adj} (relating to economy) SEE: economic ::
economical {adj} (careful with money) :: spaarzaam, zuinig
economics {n} (study) :: economie {f}
economist {n} (expert in economics) :: econoom {c}
economize {v} (to use sparingly) :: bezuinigen, economiseren
economy {n} (effective management of the resources of a community or system) :: economie {f}
economy {n} (frugal use of resources) :: economie {f}
economy {n} (production and distribution and consumption) :: economie {f}
ecosystem {n} (system of an ecological community and its environment) :: ecosysteem {n}
ecoterrorism {n} (terrorism with an ecological motive) :: ecoterrorisme {n}
ecotourism {n} (responsible travel) :: duurzaam toerisme
ecru {adj} (beige) SEE: beige ::
ectoparasite {n} (parasite living on the surface of host organism) :: ectoparasiet
ectoplasm {n} (parapsychology: visible substance believed to emanate from spiritualistic mediums) :: ectoplasma
ectoproct {n} (bryozoan) SEE: bryozoan ::
Ecuador {prop} (country in South America) :: Ecuador
Ecuadorian {n} (person from Ecuador) :: Ecuadoriaan {m}, Ecuadoriaanse {f}
Ecuadorian {adj} (pertaining to Ecuador) :: Ecuadoriaans, Ecuadoriaanse
ecumenic {adj} (ecumenical) SEE: ecumenical ::
ecumenical {adj} (ecclesiastical: pertaining to the Christian Church in a worldwide sense) :: oecumenisch
ecumenical {adj} (general, universal, worldwide) :: oecumenisch
eczema {n} (acute or chronic inflammation of the skin) :: eczeem
ed {n} (edition) :: [editie] ed.
ed {n} (editor) :: [redactie] red.
-ed {suffix} (having an object) :: -ig, ge- -d
-ed {suffix} (having an object of a particular quality) :: -ig, also as a past participle: ge- + -d
Edam {prop} (Edam cheese) SEE: Edam cheese ::
Edam cheese {n} (type of cheese) :: edammer {m}
eddy {n} (air or water running in an opposite direction to the main current) :: draaikolk, werveling
eddy current {n} (an induced electric current) :: wervelstroom {m}
edema {n} (excessive accumulation of serum in tissue) :: oedeem {n}
Eden {prop} (garden) :: Eden {n}
Edenic {n} (of or suggesting Eden) :: paradijselijk,
Edgar {prop} (male given name) :: Edgar {m}
edge {n} (boundary line of a surface) :: rand, kant
edge {n} (joining line between two vertices of a polygon) :: ribbe
edge {n} (place where two faces of a polyhedron meet) :: ribbe
edge {n} (an advantage) :: voorsprong
edge {n} (thin cutting side of the blade of an instrument) :: kling
edge {n} (any sharp terminating border; a margin; a brink; extreme verge) :: grens
edge {n} (in graph theory: any of the pairs of vertices in a graph) :: lijn, zijde, kant, tak
edibility {n} (suitability for use as food) :: eetbaarheid {f}
edible {adj} (that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption) :: eetbaar
edible dormouse {n} (dormouse which is food) :: zevenslaper {m}, relmuis {f}
edict {n} (proclamation of law) :: edict {n}
edification {n} (building) :: gebouw
edifice {n} (building) :: bouwwerk {n}, gebouw {n}
edifice {n} (school of thought) :: constructie, denkkader
Edinburgh {prop} (capital of Scotland) :: Edinburgh
edit {n} (a change to the text of a document) :: wijziging {f}, aanpassing {f}, bewerking {f}
edit {v} (to change a text, or a document) :: bewerken, wijzigen
edition {n} (literary work) :: editie {f}
edition {n} (whole set of copies, print run) :: druk {c}
editor {n} (person who edits) :: redacteur {m}
editor {n} (newspaper editor) :: redacteur {m}, krantenredacteur {m}
editor {n} (program for modifying text files) :: editor {m}, tekstverwerker {m}
editor in chief {n} (highest ranking editor) :: hoofdredacteur {m}
edit war {n} (a dispute over the content of a page on a wiki or other editable work) :: bewerkingsoorlog
Edmonton {prop} (city in Alberta, Canada) :: Edmonton
e-dress {n} (e-mail address) SEE: e-mail address ::
educate {v} (to instruct or train) :: opleiden, onderwijzen, opvoeden
education {n} (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment) :: onderwijs {n}
education {n} (facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, either formally or informally) :: opvoeding
educational {adj} (Of or pertaining to education) :: opvoedkundig, onderwijskundig
educative {adj} (educational) :: educatief
educator {n} (teacher) SEE: teacher ::
educe {v} (to infer, deduce) :: deduceren, afleiden, opmaken
educe {v} (draw out, bring forth; elicit) :: oproepen
Edward {prop} (male given name) :: Eduard, Edward
eel {n} (any fish of the order Anguilliformes) :: paling {m}, aal {m} [before it can spawn], palingachtigen {p}
eelbuck {n} (device) :: aalfuik, aalkorf {m}
eelgrass {n} :: groot zeegras
eelpout {n} (fish of the family Zoarcidae) :: puitaal
eelspear {n} (A spear for spearing eels) :: aalspeer {m}
eeny, meeny, miny, moe {n} (similar children's counting-out games in other languages) :: iene miene mutte
eerie {adj} (weird) :: vreemd
eerie {adj} (frightened) :: vreesachtig, angstaanjagend
Eeyore {n} (negative or pessimistic person) :: iejoor {m}
efface {v} (make oneself inobtrusive) :: zich wegcijferen
effect {n} (result of an action) :: effect {n}, werking {f}
effect {v} (to make or bring about; to implement) :: bewerkstelligen
effective {adj} (having the power to produce a required effect or effects) :: efficiënt, werkzaam, effectief
effective {adj} (producing a decided or decisive effect) :: effectief
effective {adj} (actually in effect) :: effectief
effectiveness {n} (degree) :: effectiviteit {f}
effeminate {adj} (of a man, behaving like a woman) :: verwijfd
efferent {adj} (carrying away from) :: afvoerend, efferent
efferent duct {n} (efferent duct) :: afvoerend kanaaltje
effervescent {adj} (fizzy) :: bruisend, bruisende
efficacious {adj} (effective, see also: effective) :: effectief, efficiënt
efficacity {n} (efficacy) SEE: efficacy ::
efficacy {n} (ability to produce effect) :: doeltreffendheid
efficiency {n} (extent to which time is well used) :: efficiëntie {f}
efficiency {n} (extent to which a resource is used for the intended purpose) :: rendement {n}
efficient {adj} (making good use of resources) :: efficiënt
efficient {adj} (using a particular proportion of available energy) :: efficiënt
efficiently {adv} (in an efficient manner) :: op een efficiënte manier
effloresce {v} (to seep through material and then crystallize on a surface in a powdery form) :: verbloemen
efflower {v} (leatherworking: remove an outer surface with a knife) SEE: graze ::
effort {n} (endeavor) SEE: endeavor ::
effort {n} (the amount of work involved in achieving something) :: inspanning
effortless {adj} (without effort) :: moeiteloos
effortlessly {adv} (without effort; without difficulty or struggle) :: moeiteloos
effrontery {n} (insolent and shameless audacity) :: onbeschaamdheid
effusion {n} (outpouring of liquid) :: uitstorting
effusive {adj} (extravagant or excessive) :: buitenissig, excessief
E flat major {n} (Major scale of E-flat) :: es-groot, es-majeur, es grote terts
E flat major {n} (Major chord of E-flat) :: es-groot, es-majeur, es grote terts
e.g. {adv} (abbreviation for “for example”) :: bv., bijv. [bijvoorbeeld]
egg {n} (body housing an embryo) :: ei {n}
egg {n} (egg of domestic fowl as food item) :: ei {n}
egg cell {n} (ovum) SEE: ovum ::
egg cosy {n} (insulating cover placed over a boiled egg) :: eiermutsje {n}, eiermuts {f}
eggnog {n} (alcoholic beverage) :: advocaat {m}
egg on {v} (provoke) :: provoceren, aanzetten tot
egg on one's face {n} (suffer embarrassment or humiliation) :: een figuur slaan
eggplant {n} (plant) :: aubergine {m}, eierplant {m}, eiervrucht {f}
eggplant {n} (edible fruit) :: aubergine {f}, eiervrucht
egg roll {n} (a food made made by wrapping a combination of ingredients) :: loempia {n}
egg-shaped {adj} (having the shape of an egg) :: eivormig
eggshell {n} (object) :: eierschaal {f}
egg timer {n} (timer with an alarm) :: eierwekker
egg white {n} (clear part of an egg) SEE: albumen ::
egg yolk {n} (central part of an egg) SEE: yolk ::
egocentric {adj} (egotistical) :: egocentrisch
egocentrism {n} (following ones egotistical desires) :: egocentrisme {n}
egoism {n} (tendency to think of self) :: egoïsme {n}, zelfzucht {f} {m}
egotism {n} (preoccupation with oneself) :: egoïsme
egotism {n} (belief that one is superior) :: hooghartigheid
egregious {adj} (conspicuous, exceptional, outstanding) :: flagrant, ongehoord
egress {n} (exit) SEE: exit ::
egret {n} (Any of various wading birds of the genera Egretta or Ardea) :: reiger {m}
Egypt {prop} (country in North Africa) :: Egypte
Egyptian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Egypt) :: Egyptisch
Egyptian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Egyptians) :: Egyptisch
Egyptian {n} (person from Egypt) :: Egyptenaar {m}
Egyptian {prop} (language) :: Egyptisch {n}
Egyptian goose {n} (Alopochen aegyptiacus) :: nijlgans
Egyptian plover {n} (Pluvianus aegyptius) :: krokodilwachter {m}
Egyptologist {n} (A person; one who is skilled professes or practices Egyptology) :: Egyptoloog {m}, Egyptologe {f}
egyptology {n} (Egyptology) SEE: Egyptology ::
Egyptology {n} (the study of ancient Egypt) :: egyptologie {f}
eh {interj} (used as a tag question) ::
eh {interj} (used to mean “What?”) ::
eh {interj} ((Canadian) an interjection used to ascertain the continued attention) ::
Eid al-Adha {prop} (Islamic festival) :: Offerfeest {n}
Eid al-Fitr {prop} (religious celebration) :: Suikerfeest, Kleine Feest
eider {n} (duck of genus Somateria) :: eidereend
eidetic {adj} (pertaining to a memory of perfect clarity) :: eidetisch
eidolopeia {n} :: idolopeia
eidolopoeia {n} (rhetorical figure) :: idolopeia
Eifelian {prop} :: Eifelien
Eiffel Tower {prop} (tower in Paris) :: Eiffeltoren {m}
eigenvalue {n} (scalar multiplier of an eigenvector) :: eigenwaarde {f}
eigenvector {n} (vector not rotated by linear transformation) :: eigenvector {m}
eight {num} (cardinal number 8) :: acht
eight {n} (The digit/figure 8) :: acht {f}
eight {n} (Playing card with value 8) :: acht {f}
eighteen {num} (cardinal number) :: achttien {f}
eighteenth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number eighteen, see also: 18th) :: achttiende
eighteenth {n} (the person or thing in the eighteenth position) :: achttiende {m} {f}
eighteenth {n} (one of eighteen equal parts of a whole) :: achttiende {n}
eightfold {adv} (by a factor of eight) :: achtvoudig
eighth {adj} (ordinal form of the number eight, see also: 8th) :: achtste
eighth {n} (person or thing in the eighth position) :: achtste
eighth {n} (one of eight equal parts of a whole) :: achtste {n}
eighth note {n} (eighth note) SEE: quaver ::
eight hundred {num} (cardinal number 800) :: achthonderd
eighties {n} (the decade of the 1980s) :: jaren tachtig {n-p}, jaren 80 {n-p}; jaren 1980 {n-p}
eightieth {adj} (ordinal form of the number eighty) :: tachtigst, tachtigste
eightieth {n} (The person or thing in the eightieth position) :: tachtigste {m} {f}
eightieth {n} (One of eighty equal parts of a whole) :: tachtigste {n}
eightsome {n} (group of eight) :: achttal {n}
eighty {num} (80) :: tachtig {f}
eighty-eight {num} (88) :: achtentachtig
eighty-first {adj} (ordinal number 81st) :: eenentachtigst, eenentachtigste
eighty-first {n} (one of eighty-one equal parts of a whole) :: eenentachtigste {n}
eighty-five {num} (the cardinal number 85) :: vijfentachtig
eighty-four {num} (84) :: vierentachtig
eighty-nine {num} (89) :: negenentachtig
eighty-one {num} (81) :: eenentachtig
eighty-seven {num} (87) :: zevenentachtig
eighty-six {num} (cardinal number 86) :: zesentachtig
eightysomething {n} (octogenarian) SEE: octogenarian ::
eighty-three {num} (83) :: drieëntachtig
eighty-two {num} (82) :: tweeëntachtig
Eighty Years' War {prop} (Dutch war of independence) :: Tachtigjarige Oorlog
Eindhoven {prop} (city in the Netherlands) :: Eindhoven {n}
einkorn {n} (einkorn wheat) SEE: einkorn wheat ::
einkorn wheat {n} (domesticated form of wheat type) :: eenkoorn {n}
Einstein {prop} (Albert Einstein) :: Einstein
einsteinium {n} (element with atomic number 99) :: einsteinium {n}
either {determiner} (each of two) :: beide
either {adv} ((after a negative) as well) :: ook (niet)
either {conj} (introduces the first of two options) :: of, ofwel, hetzij; of ... of
ejaculate {v} (to eject semen or vaginal fluid) :: ejaculeren
ejaculation {n} (ejection of semen through the urethra) :: ejaculatie
eject {v} (to compel to leave) :: buitengooien
ejection seat {n} (seat in an aircraft which can be ejected from the cockpit) :: schietstoel {c}
eke {adv} (also) SEE: also ::
eke {n} (addition) SEE: addition ::
eke out {v} (to supplement) :: aanvullen, rekken
eke out {v} (to obtain with difficulty) :: bijeenscharrelen, [dialectal] bijeenscharten
ektara {n} (a one string instrument) :: ektar
elaborate {adj} (detailed) :: gedetailleerd, diepgaand
elaborate {adj} (flashy or fancy) :: intrigerend
elaborate {v} (to give further detail or explanation) :: uitweiden
elaboration {n} (act or process of producing or refining with labor) :: uitwerking
elaiosome {n} (fleshy structure) :: mierenbroodje {n}, elaiosoom {n}
elastic {adj} (made of elastic) :: elastieken
elastic {n} (elastic band) SEE: elastic band ::
elastic band {n} (loop of rubber or similar material) :: elastiek {m}
elasticity {n} (physics: property by which a material can regain its original dimensions) :: elasticiteit {f}
elate {v} (to make joyful or proud) :: verrukken, aanvuren
elate {v} (to lift up, raise, elevate) :: oplaten
elated {adj} (extremely happy and excited) :: uitgelaten
elation {n} (An exhilarating psychological state of pride and optimism) :: euforie
elation {n} (A feeling of joy and pride) :: opgetogenheid
elative case {n} (case used to indicate movement out of something) :: elatief {m}, elatieve naamval {m}
Elbe {prop} (European river) :: Elbe {f}
elbow {n} (joint between upper arm and forearm) :: elleboog {m}
elbow bone {n} (ulna) SEE: ulna ::
elder {adj} (greater than another in age or seniority) :: ouder
elder {n} (officer of the church) :: ouderling {m}
elder {n} (Sambucus) :: vlier
elderberry {n} (elder tree) SEE: elder ::
elderberry {n} (fruit) :: vlierbes {f}
eldercare {n} (care for the elderly) :: ouderenzorg {f}
elderly {adj} (old) :: bejaard
elderly care {n} (eldercare) SEE: eldercare ::
eldest {adj} (greatest in age or seniority) :: oudst
elecampane {n} (Inula helenium) :: alant {m}
elect {v} (to elect) SEE: choose ::
election {n} (process of choosing a new leader or representatives) :: verkiezing {f}
election threshold {n} (minimum percentage of votes that a party needs to receive in order to obtain a parliamentary seat) :: kiesdrempel {m}
elector {n} (person eligible to vote) :: kiezer {m}
elector {n} (official) :: kiesman {m}
elector {n} (in the Holy Roman Empire, a participant in the election of the emperor) SEE: Elector ::
Elector {n} (elector or prince-elector) :: keurvorst {m}
electoral fraud {n} (illegal interference with an election) :: verkiezingsfraude
electoral system {n} (voting system) SEE: voting system ::
electorate {n} (those entitled to vote collectively) :: electoraat
electorate {n} (dominion of an elector in the Holy Roman Empire) :: keurvorstendom {n}
electric {adj} (electrical) :: elektrisch
electrical {adj} (electric) SEE: electric ::
electrical engineering {n} (branch of engineering) :: elektrotechniek {f}
electric chair {n} (device used for performing execution by electrocution) :: elektrische stoel {m}
electric charge {n} :: lading
electric current {n} (measurement of the rate of flow of electric charge) :: stroomsterkte {f}
electric eel {n} (species of fish) :: sidderaal {m}
electric fence {n} (electric fence) :: schrikdraad {m}, elektrische afrastering {f}
electric guitar {n} (guitar which requires electronic amplification) :: elektrische gitaar {m} {f}
electrician {n} (tradesman who works with electrical equipment) :: elektricien
electricity {n} (form of energy) :: elektriciteit {f}, stroom {m}
electro- {prefix} (of electricity or electrical) :: electro-
electrocardiogram {n} (trace of an electrocardiograph) :: elektrocardiogram {n}, hartfilm {m} [Netherlands, informal]
electrocardiography {n} (the science of preparation and diagnostic interpretation of electrocardiograms) :: elektrocardiograaf {m}
electrocute {v} (to cause death from immediate complications resulting from electric shock) :: elektrocuteren
electrocution {n} (accidental death or suicide by electric shock) :: elektrocutie {f}
electroencephalogram {n} (a recording of electrical brain activity made by an electroencephalograph) :: elektro-encefalogram {n}
electrolytic capacitor {n} (capacitor that uses an electrolyte) :: elektrolytische condensator {m}, elco {m}
electromagnet {n} (magnet) :: elektromagneet {f}
electromagnetic {adj} (pertaining to electromagnetism) :: elektromagnetisch
electromagnetic interaction {n} (electromagnetic interaction) :: elektromagnetische interactie {f}
electromagnetic spectrum {n} (electromagnetic spectrum) :: elektromagnetisch spectrum {n}
electromagnetism {n} (a fundamental force) :: elektromagnetisme
electron {n} (the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms) :: elektron {n}
electron hole {n} (lack of an electron) SEE: hole ::
electronic {adj} (pertaining to electrons) :: elektronen-
electronic {adj} (operating on behavior of electrons) :: elektronisch
electronic {adj} (generated by electronic device) :: elektronisch
electronic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Internet) :: virtueel, web-
electronic book {n} (e-book) SEE: e-book ::
electronic mail {n} (email) SEE: email ::
electronics {n} ((physics)) :: elektronica {m}
electron microscope {n} (any of several forms of microscope that use a beam of electrons) :: elektronenmicroscoop {m}
electron neutrino {n} (elementary particle) :: elektronneutrino {n}
electron volt {n} (a unit for measuring the energy of subatomic particles) :: elektronvolt {m}
electroplate {v} (to coat an object with a thin layer of metal using electrolysis) :: galvanisch verzilveren
electrovalency {n} (charge) :: elektronenvalenties
electrovalency {n} (number of electrons gained or lost) :: elektronenvalenties
electrum {n} (fossil resin) SEE: amber ::
elegance {n} (grace, refinement, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manners) :: elegantie {f}
elegance {n} :: elegantie {f}
elegant {adj} (exhibiting elegance) :: elegant, sierlijk, gracieus
elegy {n} (mournful or plaintive poem or song) :: klaaglied {n}
element {n} (simplest or essential part or principle of anything) :: element {n}
element {n} (chemistry: simplest chemical substance) :: element {n}
element {n} (alchemy: one of the four basic building blocks) :: element {n}
element {n} (something small) :: element {n}, fractie
element {n} (place or state of being that an individual or object is better suited towards) :: element {n}
element {n} (law: component of a cause of action) :: element {n}, gegeven {n}
element {n} (set theory: object in a set) :: element {n}
element {n} (heating element) :: element {n}
elemental {adj} (basic, fundamental, elementary) SEE: elementary ::
elementary {adj} (relating to the basic, essential or fundamental part of something) :: elementair
elementary school {n} (school for children) SEE: primary school ::
Eleonora's falcon {n} (Falco eleonorae) :: Eleonora's valk {f}
elephant {n} (mammal) :: olifant {m}, elpendier {n}, elp {m}
elephant seal {n} (mammal of the genus Mirounga) :: zeeolifant {m}
elephant shrew {n} (Any member of the order Macroscelidea) :: springspitsmuis {f}
elevate {v} (promote) SEE: promote ::
elevating work platform {n} (aerial work platform) SEE: aerial work platform ::
elevator {n} (permanent construction) SEE: lift ::
elevator {n} (control surface of an aircraft) :: hoogteroer {n}
eleven {num} (the cardinal number occurring after ten and before twelve) :: elf
eleven hundred {num} (one thousand one hundred) :: elfhonderd {f}, duizend honderd
eleventh {adj} (ordinal form of eleven, see also: 11th) :: elfde
eleventh {n} (something in the eleventh position) :: elfde
eleventh hour {n} (The last minute) :: elfde uur
elf {n} (mythical, supernatural being) :: elf, alf
elf {n} (very diminutive person) SEE: dwarf ::
Elgar {prop} (male given name) :: Adelger
Elias {prop} (male given name) SEE: Elijah ::
elicit {v} (to evoke, educe) :: ontlokken, oproepen
elicit {v} (to draw out, bring out) :: onthullen, teweegbrengen, veroorzaken
elicit {v} (to use logic to arrive at truth) :: redeneren, afleiden
elide {v} (to leave out or omit) :: weglaten
elide {v} (to cut off, as a vowel or a syllable) :: elideren, verbinden
elide {v} (to conflate) :: samenvoegen, verbinden
Elijah {prop} (biblical prophet) :: Elia {m}
eliminate {v} (to exclude (from investigation or from further competition)) SEE: exclude ::
Elisabeth {prop} (female given name) SEE: Elizabeth ::
Elisha {prop} (biblical prophet) :: Elisa {m}
elision {n} (deliberate omission) :: weglating {f}
elision {n} (the omission of a letter or syllable) :: elisie {f}
elite {adj} (of high birth or social position) :: elitair, elitaire
elite {n} (group with higher status) :: elite {f}
elite {n} (person who is among the best at certain task) :: top-
elitist {adj} (of or relating to elitism) :: elitair
elixir {n} (liquid which is believed to cure all ills) :: elixer
elixir {n} (pharmacy: sweet taste-masking liquid) :: elixer
Elizabeth {prop} (female given name) :: Elisabeth {f}, Elizabeth {f}
Elizabeth {prop} (mother of John the Baptist) :: Elisabet {f}
Elizabethan {n} (pertaining to the reign of Elizabeth I of England) :: elizabethaans
elk {n} (Alces alces) SEE: moose ::
elk {n} (wapiti - Cervus canadensis) SEE: wapiti ::
ellipse {n} (curve) :: ellips
ellipsis {n} (typographic mark) :: beletselteken {n}, doorlooppuntjes {p}, ellips {f}
ellipsis {n} (omission of word or phrase) :: ellips {f}, weglating {f}
ellipsoid {adj} (shaped like an ellipse) SEE: elliptical ::
elliptical {adj} (oval) :: elliptisch
elliptical {adj} (showing ellipsis) :: elliptisch
elliptic curve {n} :: elliptische kromme {m} {f}
elm {n} (tree of genus Ulmus) :: olm {m}, iep {m}
Elmer {prop} (male given name) :: Aalmar
Elmer Fudd {prop} (fictional cartoon hunter) :: Elmer Fudd
elongated {adj} (extensive in length) :: langgerekt
elongated {adj} (stretched) :: langwerpig
elope {v} (run away with a paramour) :: weglopen
elope {v} (run away to get married) :: weglopen
eloquence {n} (the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing) :: welbespraaktheid {f}, eloquentie
eloquent {adj} (fluently persuasive and articulate) :: welsprekend, eloquent, welbespraakt
El Salvador {prop} (country in Central America) :: El Salvador
else {adv} (word that implies any result with the exception of the one being referred to) :: zoniet, anders, in het andere geval
elucidate {v} (make clear) :: verduidelijken, verklaren, uitleggen, verhelderen, clarificeren
elucidation {n} (A making clear; the act of elucidating or that which elucidates, as an explanation, an exposition, an illustration) :: verduidelijking, verklaring,
elusive {adj} (evading capture, comprehension or remembrance) :: ongrijpbaar
elusive {adj} (difficult to describe) :: moeilijk beschrijfbaar
elver {n} (a young eel) :: glasaal {m}, aaltje {n}, palinkje {n}
em {n} (name of the letter M, m) :: em
emaciate {v} ((transitive) make extremely thin or wasted) :: uitmergelen, uithongeren
emaciate {v} ((intransitive) become extremely thin or wasted) :: verschrompelen, vermageren
emaciated {adj} (thin or haggard) :: uitgemergeld
e-mail {n} (email) SEE: email ::
e-mail {v} (email) SEE: email ::
email {n} (system for transferring messages from one computer to another) :: mail {m}, e-mail {m}, email {m}
email {n} (message sent through email an email system) :: mail {m}, e-mail {m}, e-mailbericht {n}
email {v} ((transitive) to send an email or emails to) :: e-mailen, mailen
email {v} ((intransitive) to send, or compose and send, an email or emails) :: e-mailen, mailen
email address {n} (e-mail address) SEE: e-mail address ::
e-mail address {n} (unique identifier) :: e-mailadres {n}
Emajõgi {prop} (river in Estonia) :: Emajõgi
E major {n} (the major key with E as its tonic) :: E-majeur, E-groot
E major {n} (the major chord with a root of E) :: E-majeur, E-groot
emanate {v} (To come from a source) :: uitstralen, ontstaan uit, voortkomen uit
emancipation {n} (act of setting free from the power of another) :: ontvoogding {f}, emancipatie {f}
emasculate {adj} (deprived of virility or vigor) :: ontmand
embalm {v} (to treat a corpse in order to prevent decomposition) :: balsemen
embankment {n} (artificial mound of earth and stone) :: waterkering {f}
embarge {v} (to put in a barge) :: inladen, aan boord brengen
embarge {v} (to board a barge) :: inschepen
embark {v} (to start) :: beginnen, starten
embarrass {v} (to humiliate; to disrupt somebody's composure or comfort with acting publicly or freely) :: verlegen maken, in verlegenheid brengen
embarrassed {adj} (Having a feeling of shameful discomfort) :: in verlegenheid gebracht
embarrassing {adj} (causing embarrassment) :: gênant
embarrassment {n} (state of discomfort) :: verlegenheid {f}
embassy {n} (organization representing a foreign state) :: ambassade {f}
embattled {adj} (subject to or troubled by battles, controversy or debates) :: omstreden, omsingeld
embattled {adj} (prepared or armed for battle) :: bewapend, gevechtsklaar
embattled {adj} (having battlements or crenellations) :: voortdurend in moeilijkheden
embed {v} (lay as in a bed; lay in surrounding matter) :: vastleggen, inbedden
embed {v} (mathematics; embed in) :: inbedden in
embedded {adj} (part of; firmly, or securely surrounded; lodged solidly into) :: ingebed
embedded {adj} (partially buried in concrete or planted in earth) :: verankerd, vastgebetonneerd
embellish {v} (to make more beautiful and attractive) :: verfraaien
ember {n} (glowing piece of coal or wood) :: sintel, hete kolen
embetterment {n} (improvement) SEE: improvement ::
embezzle {v} (to steal money that one has been trusted with) :: verduisteren
embezzlement {n} (The fraudulent conversion of property from a property owner) :: verduistering {f}, zwendel
embiggen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge ::
emblem {n} (representative symbol) :: embleem {n}
embodiment {n} (entity typifying an abstraction) :: belichaming {f}
embody {v} (represent in a physical form; to incarnate or personify) :: belichamen
embody {v} (include or represent, especially as part of a cohesive whole) :: belichamen
embolden {v} (To encourage, inspire, or motivate) :: moed geven,verstouten
embolism {n} (obstruction or occlusion of an artery by an embolus) :: embolie {f}
embower {v} (enclose something or someone as if in a bower; shelter with foliage) :: omhullen
embrace {v} (to clasp (someone or each other) in the arms with affection, see also: hug) :: omarmen, omhelzen, knuffelen
embrace {v} (to enfold, to include (ideas, principles, etc.)) :: omarmen
embrace {n} (act of putting arms around someone and bringing the person close to the chest, see also: hug) :: omarming {f}, omhelzing {f}, knuffel {c}
embrace {v} (to submit to) SEE: undergo ::
embrace {v} (to encircle; to enclose, to encompass) SEE: encircle ::
embrittlement {n} (Process of being embrittled.) :: verbrossing {f}
embroider {v} (to stitch a decorative design on fabric with needle and thread) :: borduren
embroider {v} (to add imaginary detail to a narrative) :: aandikken
embroiderer {n} (person who embroiders) :: borduurder {m}
embroidery {n} (ornamentation) :: borduurwerk {n}
embroilment {n} (an entangled situation) SEE: imbroglio ::
embryo {n} (fertilized egg before developing into a fetus) :: embryo {n}
embryo {n} (botany: rudimentary plant contained in the seed) :: kiemplant
embryo {n} :: embryo {n}
embryology {n} (the scientific study of embryos) :: embryologie {f}
embryonic {adj} (embryology: of or relating to an embryo) :: embryonaal
em dash {n} (typographical symbol '—') :: heel kastlijntje {n}
emend {v} (to correct and revise) :: emenderen
emerald {n} (gemstone) :: smaragd {m}
emerald {adj} (of a rich green colour) :: smaragdgroen, smaragdgroene
emergence {n} (The act of rising out of a fluid, or coming forth from envelopment or concealment, or of rising into view) :: opkomst
emergence {n} (the arising of emergent structure in complex systems) :: emergentie {f}
emergency {n} (situation requiring urgent assistance) :: nood {m}, noodgeval {n}, spoedgeval {n}
emergency brake {n} (type of brake) :: noodrem {m} {f}
emergency escape {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape ::
emergency exit {n} (exit for evacuation) :: nooduitgang {m}
emergency room {n} (hospital department) :: spoedeisende hulp
emergency service {n} (public service that deals with emergencies) :: nooddienst {m}
emergency stairs {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape ::
emerging {adj} (becoming prominent; newly formed; emergent; rising) :: (naar) boven komen, naar buiten komen, zich vertonen, zich voordoen, blijken
emic {adj} (analyzing a culture from inside) :: emisch
emigrant {n} (someone who leaves a country to settle in a new country) :: uitwijkeling {m}, uitwijkelinge {f}, landverhuizer {m}, landverhuizerin {f}, emigrant {m}, emigrante {f}
emigrate {v} (to leave one's country in order to reside elsewhere) :: emigreren
emigration {n} (act of emigrating) :: uitwijking {f}, emigratie {f}
emigration {n} (body of emigrants; emigrants collectively) :: uitwijking {f}, emigratie {f}
eminent {adj} (remarkable, great) :: voortreffelijk, eminent
eminent domain {n} (government's right to expropriate private land) :: onteigening {f}
eminent domain {n} (lord's property interest in a fief or fee) :: oppereigendom
E minor {n} (the minor key with E as its tonic) :: e-mineur, e-klein
E minor {n} (the minor chord with a root of E) :: e-mineur, e-klein
emir {n} (Islamic prince or leader) :: emir {m}
emirate {n} (country ruled by an emir) :: emiraat {n}
emissary {n} (an agent sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else) :: afgezant
emission {n} (something that is emitted) :: uitstoot, emissie
emit {v} (to send out or give off) :: uitzenden, afgeven
emitter {n} (that which emits) :: zender {m}
emitter {n} (terminal of a transistor) :: emitter {m}
emmer {n} (Triticum dicoccon) :: emmertarwe {m}, tweekoren {n}
emoji {n} (digital graphic icon) :: emoji {m}
emollient {adj} (Soothing; mollifying) :: verzachtend
emolument {n} (payment for an office or employment) :: bijverdienste {f}
emotion {n} (person's internal state of being) :: emotie {f}
emotional {adj} (of or relating to the emotions) :: gevoelsmatig
emotional {adj} (characterised by emotion) :: emotioneel
emotional blackmail {n} (psychological misuse of a person's emotions) :: emotionele chantage {f}
emotionless {adj} (lacking emotion) :: emotieloos {n}
emotivism {n} (Translations) :: emotivisme {n}
empathic {adj} (showing or expressing empathy) :: empathisch
empathic embarrassment {n} (embarrassment felt for someone else: vicarious embarrassment) SEE: vicarious embarrassment ::
emperor {n} (ruler of an empire) :: keizer {m}
emperor penguin {n} (largest penguin) :: keizerspinguïn
emperorship {n} (rank or office of an emperor) :: keizerschap
emphasis {n} (special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important) :: nadruk {m}
emphasis {n} (special attention or prominence given to something) :: benadrukking
emphasis {n} (prominence given to a syllable or words) :: klemtoon {m}, beklemtoning
emphasize {v} (stress) :: benadrukken, beklemtonen
emphatic {adj} (characterized by emphasis) :: nadrukkelijk, emfatisch
emphatic {adj} (stated with conviction) :: nadrukkelijk, emfatisch
emphatically {adv} (in an emphatic manner) :: nadrukkelijk
emphyteusis {n} (right) :: erfpacht {f}
empire {n} (political unit, having numerous or extensive territories) :: rijk {n}, keizerrijk {n}
empire {n} (political unit ruled by an emperor) :: keizerrijk {n}
empire {n} (group of states) :: imperium
empire {n} (enterprise under the control of one person) :: imperium
empiric {n} (unqualified or dishonest practitioner) SEE: charlatan ::
employ {v} (employ, apply) SEE: use ::
employ {v} (to give someone work) :: tewerkstellen
employee {n} (individual who provides labor to a company or another person) :: bediende {m} {f}, werknemer {m}, medewerker {m}
employer {n} (person or entity which employs others) :: werkgever {m}
employment {n} (use, purpose) :: benutting, gebruik {n}, nut {n}, emplooi {n}
employment {n} (the act of employing) :: aanwerving, tewerkstelling
employment {n} (the state of being employed) :: tewerkstelling
employment {n} (the work or occupation for which one is paid) :: emplooi {n}, werk {n}, benutting {n}
employment {n} (an activity to which one devotes time) :: emplooi {n}
employment {n} (the number or percentage of people at work) :: tewerkstellingsgraad [proportion], tewerkstellingscijfer [number]
employment contract {n} (category of contract) :: arbeidsovereenkomst
emporium {n} (place within a city for commerce and trading, see also: marketplace) :: marktplaats {m}
emporium {n} (shop that offers a wide variety of goods for sale) :: warenhuis {n}
empower {v} (to give permission to) :: volmacht geven, machtigen
empower {v} (to give confidence and/or strength to) :: opmachtigen, bemoedigen
empress {n} (female monarch of an empire) :: keizerin {f}
empress {n} (wife or widow of an emperor) :: keizerin {f}
emptiness {n} (the state or feeling of being empty) :: leegte {f}
empty {adj} (devoid of content) :: leeg
empty {v} (to make empty) :: leegmaken, legen
empty set {n} (unique set that contains no elements) :: lege verzameling
empty space {n} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum ::
empty vessels make the most sound {proverb} (proverb) :: holle vaten klinken het hardst
empyema {n} (collection of pus) :: empyeem
Emsian {prop} :: Emsien
emu {n} (Dromaius novaehollandiae) :: emoe {m}
emulate {v} (to copy or imitate, especially a person) :: imiteren, nadoen
emulsifier {n} (substance that helps an emulsion form) :: emulgator {m}
emulsify {v} (To make into an emulsion) :: emulgeren
emulsion {n} (suspension of one liquid in another) :: emulsie {f}
enable {v} (to give power, sanction or authorization to; to provide with abilities, means, opportunities) :: inschakelen, in staat stellen
enable {v} (to make something possible) :: mogelijk maken
enable {v} (to allow a way out or excuse for an action) :: in staat stellen
enable {v} (to activate a function of an electronic or mechanical device) :: activeren, inschakelen
enantiomer {n} (one of a pair of mirror-image stereoisomers) :: enantiomeer
encapsulate {v} (to enclose as if in a capsule) :: inkapselen
encapsulate {v} (object-oriented programming: To enclose objects in a common interface) :: inkapselen
encase {v} (to enclose in a case) :: omhullen
encephalopathy {n} (condition affecting the brain) :: encefalopathie
enchant {v} (to cast a spell upon) :: betoveren
enchanted {adj} (under the influence of enchantment) :: betoverd
enchanting {adj} (having the ability to enchant) :: betoverend
enchantress {n} (attractive woman skilled at using magic) :: tovenares,heks
enchantress {n} (beautiful, charming and irresistible woman) :: verleidster, charmeuse
encircle {v} (surround) :: omsingelen
enclave {n} (entity completely surrounded by another) :: enclave {m} {f}
enclitic {n} (clitic which joins with the preceding word) :: encliticum {n}
enclitic {adj} (affixed phonetically) :: enclitisch
enclose {v} (surround, fence in) :: omheinen
enclose {v} (insert) :: bijvoegen, insluiten
encode {v} (to convert source information into another form) :: coderen
encoding {n} (character encoding (computing)) :: codering {f}
encompass {v} (surround) :: omvatten
encompass {v} (include) :: bevatten
encore {n} (brief extra performance after the main performance is complete) :: toegift {f}, bisnummer {n}
encounter {v} (meet (someone) or find (something), especially unexpectedly) :: ontmoeten, stuiten op, botsen op, treffen
encounter {v} (confront (someone or something)) :: ontmoeten, oog in oog staan met
encounter {v} (engage in conflict) :: confronteren, het hoofd bieden
encounter {n} (unplanned meeting) :: (ongeplande) ontmoeting, treffen {n}
encounter {n} (hostile meeting) :: botsing, confrontatie, treffen {n}
encourage {v} (mentally support or motivate) :: bemoedigen, aanmoedigen
encourage {v} (spur on, recommend) :: aanmoedigen
encourage {v} (foster, give help or patronage) :: bevorderen, patroneren, steunen
encouragement {n} (the act of encouraging) :: aanmoediging {f}
encouragement {n} (that which serves to incite, support, promote or advance, as favor, countenance, reward etc.) :: aanmoediging {f}, bemoediging {f}
encroach {n} (encroachment) SEE: encroachment ::
encroach {v} (to intrude unrightfully on someone else’s rights or territory) :: binnendringen
encroach {v} (to advance gradually beyond due limits) :: uitdijen
encroachment {n} (entry into a place or area that was previously uncommon) :: aantasting {f}, afslijting {f}, overschrijding {f}
encroachment {n} (intrusion upon another's possessions or rights) :: aantasting {f}, inbreuk {f}
encrypt {v} (to conceal information by means of a code or cipher) :: versleutelen, coderen, vercijferen, encrypteren
encyclopaedia {n} (encyclopedia) SEE: encyclopedia ::
encyclopedia {n} (comprehensive reference with articles on a range of topics) :: encyclopedie {m}
encyclopedist {n} (person helping to write an encyclopedia) :: encyclopedist {m}, encyclopediste {f}
encyst {v} (To enclose within a cyst.) :: inkapselen
end {n} (extreme part) :: einde {n}, uiteinde {n}
end {n} (death) :: einde {n}
end {v} (ergative, intransitive: be finished, be terminated) :: eindigen, ophouden, einden
end {v} (transitive: finish, terminate (something)) :: beëindigen
endangered {adj} (in danger, at risk) :: bedreigd
endarken {v} (to render dark or darker) :: verduisteren
en dash {n} (typographical symbol –) :: half kastlijntje {n}
endearing {adj} (inspiring affection or love) :: vertederend
endeavor {n} (a sincere attempt) :: inspanning, ijveren {n}, poging
endeavor {n} (enterprise; assiduous or persistent activity) :: [en] inspanning, moeite, streven {n}
endeavor {v} (attempt through application of effort) :: zich beijveren, proberen, nastreven
endemic {adj} (native to a particular area) :: inheems, endemisch
endemic {adj} (peculiar to a particular area) :: endemisch
endemic {adj} (prevalent in a particular area) :: endemisch
endemic {n} (individual or species that is endemic) :: inheemse soort {f}, inboorling {m}
ending {n} (termination or conclusion) :: beëindiging {f}
ending {n} (grammar: last morpheme of a word) SEE: termination ::
endive {n} (leafy salad vegetable, Cichorium endivia) :: andijvie {m} {f}
endless {adj} (having no end) :: eindeloos
endless {adj} (indefinite) :: oneindig, grenzeloos
endocarp {n} (inner layer of the pericarp) :: endocarp {n}
endocrine disruptor {n} (substance that hinders the normal functioning of the endocrine system) :: hormoonverstoorder {m}
endocrinologist {n} (practitioner of endocrinology) :: endocrinoloog {m} {f}
endodontist {n} (one who specializes in endodontics) :: tandarts gespecialiseerd in wortelkanaalbehandeling
endogamy {n} (the practice of marrying within one's own social group) :: endogamie {f}
endorse {v} (support) :: ondersteunen, aanbevelen, goedkeuren, bevestigen
endoscope {n} (instrument) :: endoscoop {m}
endosymbiotic theory {n} (the theory that concerns the origins of mitochondria and chloroplasts) :: endosymbiontenhypothese
endovascular {adj} (within a blood vessel) :: endovasculair
endow {v} (to give property to (someone) as a gift; to provide with support in the form of a permanent fund of money or other benefits) :: begiftigen, doteren
endow {v} (to enrich or furnish with some faculty or quality) :: doteren, schenken
endow {v} (to naturally furnish) :: begiftigen
endowment {n} (something with which a person or thing is endowed) :: gift {m}
endowment {n} (property or funds invested for the support and benefit of a person or not-for-profit institution) :: dotatie {f}
end up {v} (arrive at a destination) :: belanden, terechtkomen
endurable {adj} (able to be endured; tolerable; bearable) :: draaglijk
endurable {adj} (likely to endure; durable) :: duurzaam
endurance {n} (the measure of a person's stamina or persistence) :: uithoudingsvermogen {n}
endure {v} (to endure) SEE: take ::
endure {v} (endure, undergo) SEE: suffer ::
endure {v} (to continue despite obstacles) :: voortduren
endure {v} (to tolerate something) :: verdragen
end user {n} (the final consumer of a product; the intended recipient or user) :: eindgebruiker {m}
end user license agreement {n} (a contract between the manufacturer or copyright holder) :: gebruikersovereenkomst {f}
enema {n} (injection of fluid into the rectum) :: klysma {n}, lavement {n}
enemy {n} (someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or intends injury to someone else) :: vijand {m}, tegenstander {m}
enemy {adj} (of, relating to, or belonging to an enemy) :: vijandelijk
enemy of the state {n} (person accused of crimes against the state.) :: staatsvijand {m}
energy {n} (impetus behind activity) :: energie {f}
energy {n} (physics) :: energie {f}
enfant terrible {n} (unconventional badly-behaved person) :: enfant terrible {n}
enfeoff {v} (to give up completely) SEE: surrender ::
enfeoff {v} (to put (a person) in legal possession of a freehold interest) :: belenen
enforce {v} (to strengthen) :: versterken
enforce {v} (to keep up) :: handhaven
enforcement {n} (act of enforcing; compulsion) :: handhaving {f}
enfranchise {v} (to grant the privilege of voting) :: stemrecht verlenen
enfranchise {v} (to grant municipal or parliamentary rights) :: stadsrecht verlenen
enfranchise {v} (to grant freedom from servitude) :: bevrijden van slavernij
engage {v} (to bind through legal or moral obligation) :: verloven
engaged {adj} (busy or employed) SEE: busy ::
engaged {adj} (agreed to be married) :: verloofd
engaged {adj} (already involved in a telephone call) :: bezet, in gesprek
engagement ring {n} (a ring signifying a promise to wed) :: verlovingsring {m}
engender {v} (to bring into existence, cause) :: voortbrengen
engender {v} :: voortbrengen
engine {n} (mechanical device) :: motor {m}, aandrijving {f}
engine {n} (locomotive) SEE: locomotive ::
engine block {n} (casting containing piston cylinders) :: motorblok {n}
engine displacement {n} (volume of air/fuel mixture) :: cilinderinhoud {m}
engine driver {n} (person) :: machinist {m}
engineer {n} (person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering) :: ingenieur {m} {f}
engineer {n} (person who finds a technical solution to a problem) :: ingenieur {m} {f}, probleemoplosser {m}
engineer {n} (locomotive operator) :: machinist {m}
engineering {n} (application of science to the needs of humanity) :: ingenieurswetenschap {f}
engine trouble {n} (problems occurring with an engine or motor) :: motorpech {f}, motorpanne {f}
England {prop} (region of Great Britain) :: Engeland {n}
Englander {n} (person from England) :: Engelsman {m}
English {adj} (of or pertaining to England) :: Engels
English {adj} (of or pertaining to the English language) :: Engels
English {n} (people from England) :: Engelsman {m}, Engelse {f}, Engelsen {p}
English {n} (14-point type) :: grote Augustijn, dubbel kolonel
English {prop} (the English language) :: Engels {n}
English Channel {prop} (The part of the Atlantic Ocean between Great Britain and France) :: Kanaal {n}
English holly {n} (Ilex aquifolium) SEE: European holly ::
English horn {n} (cor anglais) SEE: cor anglais ::
Englishman {n} (male native or inhabitant of England) :: Engelsman {m}
English sparrow {n} (house sparrow) SEE: house sparrow ::
Englishwoman {n} (a female native or inhabitant of England) :: Engelse {f}
engobe {n} (A clay slip coating applied to a ceramic body) :: engobe
engrave {v} (carve text or symbols into (something)) :: graveren
engraver {n} (person who engraves) :: graveerder {m}, graveur {m}
engraver {n} (tool used in this process) :: graveerpen {m} {f}
engraving {n} (an engraved image) :: gravure {f} {m}
engrossing {adj} (absorbing) :: volledig inbeslagnemend, geheel doen opgaand, volledig bezighoudend
engulf {v} (overwhelm) :: overweldigen
engulf {v} (surround; cover) :: bedekken, omringen
enhance {v} (augment or make something greater) :: vergroten, uitbreiden
enhance {v} (improve something by adding features) :: uitbreiden, verbeteren
enhanced {adj} (improved) :: versterkt vermeerderd, benadrukt
enhancement {n} (an improvement) :: verbetering {f}
enigma {n} (riddle, or a difficult problem) :: raadsel, enigma
enjoy {v} (to receive pleasure or satisfaction from something) :: genieten van
enjoy {v} (to have the use or benefit of something) :: genieten
enjoy {v} :: genieten
enjoyability {n} :: genietbaarheid {n}
enjoy your meal {phrase} (bon appétit) SEE: bon appétit ::
enlarge {v} (make larger) :: uitvergroten, vergroten
enlargement {n} (Act of making larger) :: vergroting {f}
enlargen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge ::
enlightenment {n} (act of enlightening, state of being enlightened) :: verlichting
Enlightenment {prop} (the Enlightenment) :: verlichting {f}
en masse {adv} (in a single body or group) :: massaal
enmesh {v} (To mesh; to tangle or interweave) :: vangen, verweven
enmesh {v} (To involve in such complications.) :: verstrikken
enmesh {v} (To involve in difficulties.) :: betrokken zijn, verwikkeld zijn
enmity {n} (hostile or unfriendly disposition) :: vijandschap, animositeit {m}
ennead {n} (the number nine) SEE: nine ::
ennui {n} (listlessness, boredom) :: lusteloosheid, verveling
Enoch {prop} (biblical character) :: Henoch {m}
enoki {n} (Flammulina velutipes) SEE: enoki mushroom ::
enoki mushroom {n} (Flammulina velutipes) :: fluweelpootje {n}
enormous {adj} (extremely large) :: enorm, gigantisch
enough {determiner} (sufficient) :: genoeg, voldoende
enough {adv} (sufficiently) :: genoeg
enough {pron} (a sufficient or adequate number, amount, etc) :: genoeg
enough {interj} (stop!) :: genoeg!
en passant {n} (chess move) :: en passant slaan
enrapture {v} (to fill with great delight or joy; to fascinate) :: in vervoering brengen
enravish {v} (to enrapture) SEE: enrapture ::
enrich {v} (to make rich(er)) :: verrijken
enrich {v} (to add nutrients or fertilizer to the soil; to fertilize) :: verrijken
enrich {v} (to increase the amount of one isotope in a mixture of isotopes) :: verrijken
en route {prep} (on the way) :: onderweg
ensconce {v} (to place in a secure environment) :: veilig wegbergen,
ensconce {v} (to settle comfortably) :: nestelen,
ensemble {n} (a group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole) :: ensemble {n}
ensemble {n} (a coordinated costume or outfit; a suit) :: ensemble {n}
ensemble {n} (a group of musicians, dancers etc who perform together; the chorus of a ballet company) :: ensemble {n}
ensign {n} (military officer) :: vaandrig {m}
ensign {n} (banner) :: vaandel {n}
enslave {v} (to make subservient; to strip one of freedom; enthrall) :: knechten
ensorcell {v} (to captivate, entrance, fascinate) SEE: captivate ::
ensue {v} (to occur as consequence) :: erop volgen, daarop volgen
ensure {v} (assure) SEE: assure ::
ensure {v} (make sure or certain) :: verzekeren
entail {v} (to imply or require) :: verlangen
entangle {v} (twist or interweave) :: verwarren, verknopen, verstrengelen
entangle {v} (involve in complications) :: verstrikken, verwikkelen
entanglement {n} (the state of being entangled) :: verstrikking, verwarring, verwikkeling,verstrengeling
entelechy {n} (complete realisation and final form of some potential concept or function) :: entelechie {f}
entelechy {n} (particular type of motivation) :: entelechie {f}
enter {v} (to go into (a room, etc.)) :: binnengaan
enter {v} (to type into a computer) :: invoeren
enter into {v} (enter into) SEE: penetrate ::
enteritis {n} (intestinal disease) :: enteritis
enterprise {n} (company, business, organization, or endeavor) :: onderneming {f}
entertain {v} (to amuse) :: vermaken, amuseren
entertain {v} (to have over at one's home) :: ontvangen
entertaining {adj} (amusing) :: vermakelijk
entertainment {n} (activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation) :: vermaak {n}, amusement {n}
enthral {v} (hold spellbound) SEE: enthrall ::
enthral {v} (make subservient) SEE: enthrall ::
enthrall {v} (hold spellbound) :: betoveren
enthronement {n} (the act of enthroning or the state of being enthroned) :: troonsbestijging {f} (act of enthroning), intronisatie {f} [formal]
enthuse {v} (to cause (someone) to feel enthusiasm) :: enthousiasmeren
enthusiasm {n} (feeling of excited, lively interest) :: enthousiasme {n}, geestdrift
enthusiastic {adj} (with zealous fervor; excited, motivated) :: enthousiast
enthusiastically {adv} (in an enthusiastic manner) :: enthousiast
enthymeme {n} (syllogism with required but unstated assumption) :: enthymeem {c}
entice {v} (to lure; to attract by arousing desire or hope) :: aantrekken
enticing {adj} (alluring) :: verlokkelijk
entire {adj} (internal; interior) SEE: internal ::
entire {n} (stallion) SEE: stallion ::
entirely {adv} (to the full extent) :: helemaal, geheel, volledig
entitle {v} (to bestow the right to do something) :: berechtigen
entitle {v} (to give a title to a book etc.) :: benoemen, betitelen
entitled {adj} (having a title - book etc) :: getiteld
entitled {adj} (having a right to something) :: gerechtigd, rechthebbend
entitlement {n} (the right to have something) :: recht op
entitlement {n} (something that one is entitled to) :: aanspraak
entitlement {n} (a legal obligation on a government to make payments to a person, business, or unit of government) :: uitkering
Entlebucher {n} (dog breed) :: Entlebucher sennenhond
entomologist {n} (scientist who studies insects) :: entomoloog {m}
entomology {n} (study of insects) :: entomologie, insectenkunde
entourage {n} (retinue of attendants, associates or followers) :: gevolg {n}
entrails {n} (internal organs) :: ingewanden {n-p}
entrance {n} (place of entering) :: ingang {m}
entrance {n} :: [1] binnenkomst {f}, [2] intrede {f}, [3] toegangsrecht {n}
entrance {v} (to delight) :: verwonderen
entrance {v} (to put into a trance) :: in trance brengen
entrée {n} (main dish) SEE: main course ::
entreaty {n} (petition, solicitation, prayer) :: smeekbede {f}, smeekgebed {n}
entrecôte {n} (a premium cut of beef) :: entrecôte {f}
entrench {v} (dig) :: graven
entrench {v} (surround with a trench) :: ingraven
entrench {v} (establish financial position) :: zich vestigen
entrepreneur {n} (person who organizes and operates a business and assumes the associated risk) :: ondernemer
entresol {n} (an intermediate floor in a building) :: tussenverdieping {f}
entropy {n} (term in thermodynamics) :: entropie
entrust {v} (To trust to the care of) :: toevertrouwen
entry {n} (act of entering) :: invoer {m}
entry {n} (permission to enter) :: toegang {m}
entry {n} (doorway that provides a means of entering a building) :: ingang
entry {n} (room immediately inside the front door) :: entree
entry {n} (article in a dictionary or encyclopedia) :: trefwoord {n}, artikel
entry {n} (record in a log or in a database) :: post, notitie
entry {n} (term in a matrix) :: element {n}
enumerate {v} (to specify each member of a sequence individually in incrementing order) :: uittellen
enumerate {v} (to determine the amount of) :: opsommen, enumereren, uittellen
envelop {v} (to surround or enclose) :: omvatten, omhullen
envelope {n} (wrapper for mailing) :: envelop {f}, briefomslag {m}
envelope {n} (something that envelops) :: omslag {m}
envious {adj} (feeling or exhibiting envy) :: jaloers, nijdig
environment {n} (area around something) :: omgeving {c}
environment {n} (natural world or ecosystem) :: milieu {n}
environment {n} (political or social setting, arena or condition) :: milieu
environmentally friendly {adj} (causing little harm to the environment) :: milieuvriendelijk
envoy {n} (representative) :: gezant {m}
envy {n} (resentful desire of something possessed by another) :: afgunst {f}, nijd {m}
envy {v} (to feel displeasure towards (someone) because of their good fortune, possessions) :: benijden, afgunstig zijn
enzyme {n} (catalytic protein) :: enzym {n}
enzymology {n} (branch of science) :: enzymologie {f}
eon {n} (eternity) :: eeuwigheid {f}, [rare] eterniteit {f}, [rare] sempiterniteit {f}
eon {n} (period of 1,000,000,000 years) :: eon {n}
eon {n} (geological time period) :: eon {n}
eosin {n} (red, acidic dye) :: eosine {f}, roodsel {n}
eosinophil {n} (type of white blood cell) :: eosinofiel {m}
epee {n} (A fencing sword) :: degen {m}
epenthesis {n} (insertion of a phoneme or letter into a word) :: epenthesis {f}
ephemeral {adj} (lasting for a short period of time) :: vergankelijk, kortstondig, vluchtig
ephemeral {adj} (existing for only one day) :: eendaags, eendags
Ephesians {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Efeziërs, Brief van Paulus aan de Efeziërs
Ephesus {prop} (ancient city) :: Efeze {m}
Ephraim {prop} (given name) :: Efraïm
epi- {prefix} (above, over, on, in addition to) :: epi-
epic {n} (extended narrative poem) :: epos, heldendicht {n}
epic {n} (events appropriate to an epic) :: episch gebeuren/verhaal {n}, heldendaden {p}
epic {adj} (of, or relating to, an epic) :: episch
epic {adj} (Momentously heroic) :: episch, heldhaftig
epic {adj} (extraordinary) :: episch
epicanthus {n} (a skin fold of the upper eyelid, typical of East Asians) :: amandelogen {p} {n}
epicaricacy {n} (rejoicing at or deriving pleasure from the misfortunes of others) SEE: schadenfreude ::
epicarp {n} (exocarp) SEE: exocarp ::
epicene {n} (transvestite) SEE: transvestite ::
epicene {n} (transsexual) SEE: transsexual ::
epicene {adj} (effeminate) SEE: effeminate ::
epicene {adj} (asexual) SEE: asexual ::
epicene {adj} (of or relating to nouns or pronouns in any language that have a single form for male and female referents) :: gemeenslachtig, geslachtloos
epicene {adj} (androgynous, hermaphrodite) SEE: androgynous ::
epicene {adj} (suitable for use regardless of sex) SEE: unisex ::
epicentre {n} (point above earthquake) :: epicentrum
epiclesis {n} (part of the Divine Liturgy or the Mass) :: Epiklese {f}
epicycle {n} (a small circle whose centre is on the circumference of a larger circle) :: epicykels
epicyclic gear {n} (system of gears) SEE: planetary gear ::
epidemic {n} (widespread disease) :: epidemie
epidemic {n} (occurrence of such disease) :: epidemie
epidemic {adj} (like an epidemic) :: epidemisch
epidemiologic {adj} (of or pertaining to epidemiology) :: epidemiologisch
epidemiological {adj} (of or pertaining to epidemiology) SEE: epidemiologic ::
epidemiologist {n} (scientist who specializes in epidemiology) :: epidemioloog
epidermis {n} (skin's outer layer in animals) :: opperhuid {f} {m}
epididymal {adj} (epididymal) :: epididymaal, van de bijbal, paratesticulair
epididymis {n} (tube) :: bijbal, paratestikel {m}, epididymis {m}
epigenetic {adj} (related to epigenesis) :: epigenetisch
epigenetic {adj} (related to epigenetics) :: epigenetisch
epigenetics {n} (study of processes) :: epigenetica
epigenetics {n} (study of heritable changes) :: epigenetica
epiglottis {n} (cartilaginous organ in the throat) :: epiglottis, strotklep {f}
epigone {n} (follower, disciple) :: epigoon {m}
epigram {n} (short, witty or pithy poem) :: hekelrijm
epigraph {n} (literary quotation placed at the beginning of a text) :: motto {n}
epigraphy {n} (study of inscriptions) :: epigrafie {f}
epilate {v} (to remove hair) SEE: depilate ::
epilogue {n} (brief oration or script at the end of a literary piece) :: epiloog {n}, nawoord {n}
epimer {n} (diastereoisomer) :: epimeer
epiphany {n} (manifestation or appearance of a divine or superhuman being) :: verschijning, openbaring
epiphany {n} (illuminating realization or discovery) :: epifanie, ingeving {n}
epiphany {n} (Epiphany) SEE: Epiphany ::
Epiphany {n} (Christian feast) :: Driekoningen {m}, Epifanie
epiphenomenon {n} (medicine: a symptom that develops during the course of a disease not connected to the disease) :: epiphenomena
epiphenomenon {n} (philosophy, psychology: mental state or process that is an incidental byproduct of physiological events) :: bijverschijnsel, epifenomeen {n}
epiphenomenon {n} (any state, process or other activity that is the result of another) :: afgeleid gegeven, epifenomeen {n}
epiphysis {n} (pineal gland) SEE: pineal gland ::
Epirote {n} (an inhabitant of Epirus) :: Epiroot {m}
Epirus {prop} (region; historical kingdom) :: Epirus, Epiros
Epirus {prop} (one of the 13 peripheries) :: Epirus, Epiros
episcopal {adj} (related to a bishop) :: bisschoppelijk, episcopaal
episiotomy {n} (surgical incision) :: episiotomie {f}, epi {f}
episode {n} (incident or action connected with a series of events) :: gebeuren {n}, episode
episode {n} (instalment of a drama told in parts) :: episode {f}, aflevering {f}
epistaxis {n} (nosebleed) :: epistaxis {f}
epistemic {adj} (relating to knowledge or cognition) :: epistemisch
epistemic {adj} (relating to theory of knowledge) :: epistemisch, epistemologisch
epistemology {n} (branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge) :: kennistheorie {f}, epistemologie {f}, kennisleer {f}
epitaph {n} (inscription on a gravestone) :: grafschrift
epithelium {n} (membranous tissue) :: epitheel
epithet {n} (term used to characterize a person or thing) :: toenaam {m}, epitheton {n}
epithet {n} (term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person) :: epitheton {n}
epithet {n} (abusive or contemptuous word or phrase) :: scheldnaam {m}, schimpnaam {m}
epithet {n} (word in the scientific name of a taxon following the name of the genus or species) :: epitheton {n}
epitome {n} (embodiment or encapsulation of) :: verwezenlijking {f}, belichaming {f}, personificatie {f}
epitome {n} (the height; the best) :: toppunt {n}
epitome {n} (summary) :: samenvatting {f}, synopsis {f}, uittreksel {n}, excerpt {n}
epitomize {v} (make an epitome) :: excerperen, samenvatten
epitomize {v} (be an epitome) :: belichamen, in zich verenigen
epitrochoid {n} (geometric curve) :: epitrochoïde {f}
epoch {n} (particular period of history) :: tijdperk {n}
eponym {n} (person's name that has given rise to the name of something) :: eponiem {n}, naamgever {m}
eponym {n} (word formed from a person’s name) :: eponiem {n}
eponymous {adj} (relating to the person after which something is named) :: naamgevend, gelijknamig
epsilon {n} (name for the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet) :: epsilon {m} {f}
epsilon {n} (symbol for front half open unrounded vowel) :: epsilon {m} {f}
epsilon {n} (arbitrarily small quantity) :: epsilon {m} {f}
epsilon {n} (negligible effect) :: kleinigheid {f}
equability {n} (condition of being equable) :: gelijkmatigheid, uniformiteit
equable {adj} (calm and steady) :: gelijkmatig
equal {adj} (the same in all respects) :: gelijk, gelijke, identiek, identieke
equal {adj} (mathematics: exactly identical) :: gelijk, gelijke, identiek, identieke
equal {v} (be equal to) :: gelijk zijn aan
equal {v} (informal: have as its consequence) :: betekenen
equal {n} (person or thing of equal status to others) :: gelijke {m} {f}
equality {n} (fact of being equal) :: gelijkheid {f}
equality {n} (mathematics: fact of having the same value) :: gelijkheid {f}
equality {n} (equal treatment of people irrespective of social or cultural differences) :: gelijkberechtiging {f}
equally {adv} (in an equal manner) :: even, gelijk, gelijkelijk, gelijkmatig
equanimity {n} (state of being calm) :: gelatenheid, berusting, kalmte, gelijkmoedigheid {f}
equation {n} (mathematics: assertion) :: vergelijking
equator {n} (circle around the earth) :: evenaar {m}, equator {m}
equatorial {adj} (of, near, or relating to the equator) :: equatoriaal
equatorial {n} (kind of telescope) :: equatoriaal {m} {n}
Equatorial Guinea {prop} (country in Western Africa) :: Equatoriaal-Guinea
equerry {n} (responsible for the care of horses) :: stalmeester
equerry {n} (personal attendant to a dignitary) :: hofdienaar
equestrian {adj} (of horseback riding or horseback riders) :: ruiter
equilateral {adj} (referring to a polygon all of whose sides are of equal length) :: gelijkzijdig
equilateral triangle {n} (type of triangle) :: gelijkzijdige driehoek {m}
equilibrium {n} (condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced) :: evenwicht {n}
equilibrium {n} (physics: state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero) :: evenwicht
equilibrium {n} (mental balance) :: evenwicht {n}
equinox {n} (intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator) :: nachtevening, dag-en-nachtevening, equinox
equip {v} (to furnish for service) :: uitrusten
equipment {n} (the act of equipping) :: uitrusting {f}
equipment {n} (whatever is used in equipping) :: uitrusting {f}
equipoise {n} (state of balance) :: evenwicht {n}
equipoise {n} (counterbalance) :: tegenwicht {n}
equitable {adj} (fair, just, or impartial) :: rechtvaardig
equity {n} (ownership, especially in terms of net monetary value of some business) :: aandeel
equivalence {n} (condition of being equivalent) :: gelijkwaardigheid
equivalent {adj} (similar or identical in value) :: gelijkwaardig
equivocation {n} (Logical fallacy) :: ambiguïteitsdrogreden {f}, equivocatie, gelijknamigheid {f}
equivocation {n} (Expression susceptible of a double signification, possibly misleading) :: dubbelzinnigheid {f}
-er {suffix} ((used form a demonym) resident or inhabitant of...) :: -er {m}, -se {f}
-er {suffix} (used to form the comparative of adjectives) :: -er
-er {suffix} (used to form the comparative of adverbs) :: -er
era {n} (time period) :: tijdperk {n}, periode {f}, era {m}, tijdrekening {f}
eradicate {v} (to pull up by the roots) :: ontwortelen
eradicate {v} (to completely destroy; to reduce to nothing radically) :: met wortel en al uitroeien
erase {v} (to remove markings or information) :: uitwissen, uitgummen
eraser {n} (thing used to erase something written or drawn) :: gom, gum
Erasmus {prop} (Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus, known as Erasmus or Erasmus of Rotterdam) :: Desiderius Erasmus {m}, Desiderius Erasmus van Rotterdam {m}
erbium {n} (chemical element) :: erbium {n}
ere {conj} (before, sooner than) :: eer
e-reader {n} (device) :: e-reader {m}
erectile dysfunction {n} (erectile dysfunction) :: erectiestoornis
erection {n} (rigid state of penis or clitoris) :: erectie
eremite {n} (hermit) SEE: hermit ::
ereyesterday {adv} (on the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday ::
ereyesterday {n} (the day before yesterday) SEE: day before yesterday ::
ergative {n} (ergative case) SEE: ergative case ::
ergative case {n} (case used to indicate the agent of a verb) :: ergatief {m}
ergativity {n} (linguistics: structuring property of grammar) :: ergativiteit {f}
ergo {conj} :: daarom
ergonomics {n} (science of the design of equipment) :: ergonomie {f}
Eric {prop} (male given name) :: Erik
Eris {prop} (dwarf planet) :: Eris {f}
Eritrea {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: Eritrea
erm {interj} (expression of uncertainty) :: euh
erm {interj} (indication of secondary message) :: euh
ermine {n} (Mustela erminea) :: hermelijn {m}
ermine {n} ((heraldry) a white field with black spots) :: hermelijn {m}
erne {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) SEE: white-tailed eagle ::
Ernest {prop} (given name) :: Ernst
E-road {n} (European road with an E-number) :: E-weg {m}
erode {v} (To wear away by abrasion, corrosion or chemical reaction) :: afslijten, uitslijten, verweren, eroderen, corroderen, aantasten, aanvreten, uitbijten, inbijten
Eros {prop} (God of love) :: Eros {m}
erotic {adj} (tending to arouse sexual desire) :: erotisch
err {v} :: een fout maken, een vergissing maken, zich vergissen, dwalen
err {v} (sin) SEE: sin ::
errand boy {n} (male employed to run errands) :: loopjongen {m}
errant {adj} (straying from the proper course or standard) :: dolend
errata {n} (added page listing the errors which were discovered after printing) :: errata {n-p}
erratic {adj} (unsteady, random; prone to unexpected changes; not consistent) :: onregelmatig
erratum {n} (corrigendum) SEE: corrigendum ::
err on the side of caution {v} (to act in the least risky manner) :: het zekere voor het onzekere nemen
error {n} (mistake) :: fout, vergissing {f}, onjuistheid {f}
error {n} (difference between a measured or calculated value and a true one) :: fout, afwijking
error {n} (one or more mistakes in a trial that could be grounds for review of the judgement) :: procedurefout
error {v} ((nonstandard) To make a mistake; to result in an error) SEE: err ::
ersatz {n} (something made in imitation) :: ersatz, surrogaat
erstwhile {adj} (former, previous) :: voormalig, vroeger, toenmalig
erudite {adj} (scholarly, learned) :: geleerd, belezen, erudiet
erudition {n} (profound knowledge, especially that based on learning and scholarship) :: eruditie {f}
eruption {n} (violent ejection, such as that of lava from a volcano) :: uitbarsting {f}
eruption {n} (sudden release of pressure or tension) :: uitbarsting {f}
eruption {n} (infection of the skin resulting in a rash or blemishing) :: huiduitslag {m}
eryngo {n} (Eryngium) SEE: sea holly ::
Erythraean Sea {prop} (Red Sea) SEE: Red Sea ::
erythrocyte {n} (red blood cell) SEE: red blood cell ::
erythromycin {n} (any of a class of macrolide antibiotics) :: erytromycine {f}
erythronium {n} (vanadium) SEE: vanadium ::
erythropoiesis {n} (production of red blood cells) :: erytropoëse {f}
Erzya {prop} (language) :: Erzja
Erzya {n} (person) :: Erzja
Esau {prop} (son of Isaac and Rebekah) :: Esau
escalate {v} (to intensify) :: escaleren
escalation {n} (a deliberate or premeditated increase in the violence or geographic scope of a conflict) :: escalatie {f}
escalator {n} (mechanical device) :: roltrap {m}
escallop {n} (scallop) SEE: scallop ::
escapade {n} (daring or adventurous act; undertaking which goes against convention) :: escapade {f}
escape {v} (to get free) :: ontsnappen
escape {v} (to elude) :: ontsnappen aan, ontgaan
escape {v} (to avoid capture) :: er vanaf komen
escape {v} (to halt a program by pressing a combination of keys) :: stoppen, afbreken, onderbreken
escape {n} (act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation) :: ontsnappen
escape {n} (computing: escape key) :: escapetoets {m}
escape {n} (sally) SEE: sally ::
escarole {n} (subspecies or variety of endive) :: andijvie
Escaut {prop} (the river Scheldt) SEE: Scheldt ::
eschatology {n} (system of doctrines concerning final matters, such as death) :: eschatologie {f}
eschatology {n} (the study of the end times) :: eschatologie {f}
Escherian {adj} (of or relating to M C Escher) :: Escheriaans {n}
eschew {v} (avoid, shun) :: vermijden, schuwen, ontwijken
escort {v} (To attend to in order to guard and protect) :: begeleiden
escrow {n} :: borg
escutcheon {n} (coat of arms) :: wapenschild {n}
escutcheon {n} (plate or bezel to fill the gap around a protuberance) :: sleutelschild {n}
Esdras {prop} (any of four books) :: Ezra {m}
-ese {suffix} (forming adjectives and nouns describing things characteristic of a particular place) :: -ees
Eskimo {prop} (group of native peoples) :: Eskimo's {m-p}
Eskimo {prop} (language) :: Eskimo {n}
Eskimo {n} (member of the Eskimo people(s)) :: Eskimo {m}
Eskimo {adj} (of, or relating to an Eskimo, Eskimos or their language, languages) :: Eskimo-
Eskimo-Aleut {prop} :: Eskimo-Aleoetisch
Eskimo kiss {n} (rubbing of one's nose against another's) :: neuzeneuzen {n}
esoteric {adj} (understood only by a chosen few) :: esoterisch
esoteric {adj} (having to do with concepts that are highly theoretical) :: cerebraal, esoterisch
esoteric {adj} (confidential; private) :: exclusief
esoterism {n} (inward forms of faith and religion) :: esoterie
espagnolette {n} (locking device) :: espagnoletsluiting
especially {adv} (particularly) :: vooral
Esperantist {n} (specialist or speaker of Esperanto) :: esperantist
Esperanto {prop} (auxiliary language) :: Esperanto {n}
Esperantologist {n} (academic of Esperanto) :: esperantoloog {m}, esperantologe {f}
Esperantujo {prop} (notional land) :: Esperantoland, Esperantië
espionage {n} (act of learning secret information through clandestine means) :: spionage
espousal {n} (betrothal) SEE: betrothal ::
espouse {v} (become married to) :: trouwen met, in het huwelijk treden met, tot man nemen, tot vrouw nemen
espouse {v} (accept, support, take as one’s own) :: verdedigen, aannemen, ondersteunen
espy {v} (to catch sight of) :: bespeuren, waarnemen
espy {v} (to inspect narrowly) :: onderzoeken, bespioneren
-esque {suffix} (in the style of) :: -esk
-esque {suffix} (resembling) :: -esk
esquire {n} (male member of the gentry ranking below a knight) :: jonkheer {m}, jonker {m}
-ess {suffix} (female suffix) :: -in {f}, -esse {f}
essay {n} (written composition) :: essay {n}, opstel {n}, essai
essay {n} (an attempt) :: poging {f}
essayist {n} (one who composes essays; a writer of short compositions) :: essayist {m}
essence {n} (inherent nature) :: essentie
essence {n} (concentrate) :: essence, aftreksel
essence {n} (fragrance) :: parfum {m} {n}
essence {n} (true nature of something) :: wezen {n}
essential {adj} (necessary) :: essentieel, onontbeerlijk, wezenlijk, noodzakelijk, nodig
essential {adj} (of high importance) :: essentieel, onontbeerlijk, wezenlijk, belangrijk
essential {adj} (in basic form) :: essentieel, wezenlijk, echt
essential {n} (fundamental ingredient) :: essentiële {n}
essentially {adv} (essentially) :: essentieel
essential oil {n} (volatile oil used to make perfumes and flavourings) :: etherische olie
essential tremor {n} (Neurological condition) :: essentiële tremor {c}
-est {suffix} (superlative of adjectives and adverbs) :: -ste
-est {suffix} (second-person singular present tense of verbs) :: -t
establish {v} (To form; to set up in business) :: oprichten, stichten
establish {v} (To found; to institute) :: oprichten
establish {v} (To prove and cause to be accepted as true; to establish a fact; to demonstrate) :: bevestigen, vaststellen
establishment {n} (the act of establishing) :: oprichting {f}
establishment {n} (the state of being established) :: oprichting {f}
establishment {n} (that which is established) :: vestiging, bestel {n}
establishment {n} (slang: the ruling class or authority group) :: establishment {n}
estate {n} (property and liabilities, especially of a deceased person) :: bezit {n}
estate {n} (historical: major social class or order of persons) :: standadel,
estate {n} (law: nature and extent of a person's interest in, or ownership of, land) :: bezit, eigendom,
estate {n} ((extensive) area of land under single ownership) :: landgoed {n}
estate {n} (housing estate) SEE: housing estate ::
esteem {n} (favourable regard) :: achting {f}
esteem {v} (to regard with respect) :: achten, waarderen, prijzen
ester {n} (compound with carbon-oxygen double bond joined via carbon to another oxygen atom) :: ester {m}
Esther {prop} (female given name) :: Esther {f}
Esther {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Ester
Esther {prop} (the heroine of the Book of Esther) :: Esther {f}
estimate {n} (rough calculation or guess) :: schatting {f}
estimate {v} (to calculate roughly) :: schatten
Estonia {prop} (country) :: Estland {n}
Estonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the country of Estonia, its people or their language) :: Ests, Estisch
Estonian {n} (person) :: Est {m}, Estlander {m}, Estlandse {f}
Estonian {n} (language) :: Ests {n}, Estisch {n}
estragon {n} (tarragon) SEE: tarragon ::
estrange {v} (cause to feel less close or friendly; alienate) :: vervreemden
estrange {v} (remove from an accustomed place or set of associations) :: ontwortelen
estrangement {n} (the act of alienating) :: vervreemding {m}
estrogen {n} (estrogen) :: oestrogeen {n}, estrogeen {n}
estuary {n} (place where ocean tides and river water merge) :: estuarium
esurient {adj} (avid, eager) SEE: avid ::
esurient {adj} (very greedy or hungry) SEE: voracious ::
eta {n} (Greek letter) :: èta {m} {f}
et al. {phrase} (and others) :: en anderen
etc. {phrase} (and so on, see also: and so forth) :: enz., en zo voorts, etc.
et cetera {phrase} (noting the omission of the remainder of a list) SEE: etc. ::
etching {n} (art of producing an image) :: ets {m} {f}
Eteocypriot {prop} (the pre-Indo-European language) :: Eteocypriotisch {n}
eternal {adj} (lasting forever) :: eeuwig, eindeloos
eternal life {n} (immortality) SEE: immortality ::
eternal life {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife ::
eternity {n} (infinite time) :: eeuwigheid {f} (definite article only)
eternity {n} (time extending infinitely far into the future) :: eeuwigheid {f}
eternity {n} (period of time that elapses after death) :: de eeuwigheid {f} (definite article required; often capitalized)
eternity {n} (informal: a comparatively long time) :: eeuwigheid {f} (indefinite article only)
ethane {n} (aliphatic hydrocarbon, C2H6) :: ethaan
ethene {n} (ethylene) SEE: ethylene ::
ether {n} (substance supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere) :: ether {m}
ether {n} (substance once thought to fill all unoccupied space) :: ether {m}
ether {n} ((organic chemistry) diethyl ether) :: ether {m}
ether {n} ((organic chemistry) compound containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups) :: ether {m}
ether {n} (sky, heavens) SEE: heavens ::
ethical {adj} (of or relating to the study of ethics) :: ethisch
ethics {n} (study of principles governing right and wrong conduct) :: zedenkunde {f}, ethiek {f}
ethics {n} (standards of conduct) :: zedenkunde {f}, ethiek {f}
Ethiopia {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) :: Ethiopië {n}
Ethiopian {n} (person) :: Ethiopiër {m}
ethnic {adj} (of or relating to a group of people) :: etnisch
ethnic {adj} (belonging to a foreign culture) :: etnisch, exotisch, vreemd
ethnic {n} (ethnic person, notably when foreigner or immigrant) :: vreemdeling {m}
ethnic {n} (ethnic minority) :: (etnische) minderheid(sgroep)
ethnic cleansing {n} (ethnic cleansing) :: etnische zuivering {f}
ethnographic {adj} (of, or relating to ethnography) :: etnografisch
ethnologist {n} (one who practices ethnology) :: ethnoloog {m}, ethnologe {f}
ethnology {n} (branch of anthropology) :: volkskunde {f}, volkenkunde
ethnopolitics {n} (politics as it relates to different ethnic groups) :: etnopolitiek {f}
ethnoreligious {adj} (Of or pertaining to ethnicity and religion) :: etnoreligieus
ethylene {n} (compound) :: etheen
ethylene oxide {n} (simplest epoxide) :: etheenoxide {n}
ethyne {n} (the compound C2H2) :: ethyn
etic {adj} (analyzing a culture from outside) :: etisch
etiquette {n} (forms to be observed in social or official life) :: etiquette {m} {f}
Etruscan {adj} (pertaining to the region and culture of Etruria) :: Etruskisch
Etruscan {n} (inhabitant of Etruria) :: Etrusk
Etruscan {prop} (extinct language of Etruria) :: Etruskisch {n}
etude {n} (piece of music) :: etude {f}
etymological {adj} (of or relating to etymology) :: etymologisch
etymologically {adv} (Based on or belonging to etymology) :: etymologisch
etymology {n} (study of the historical development of languages, particularly of individual words) :: etymologie {f}, woordherkomst {f}
etymology {n} (account of the origin and historical development of a word) :: etymologie {f}
etymon {n} (source word) :: etymon {n}
EU {prop} (European Union, see also: European Union; EUSSR) :: EU {f}
eucalyptus {n} (any of many trees of genus Eucalyptus) :: eucalyptus {m}
Eucharist {n} (sacrament) :: eucharistie {f}
Eucharist {n} (ceremony) :: eucharistieviering {f}
eucharistic {adj} (pertaining to the Eucharist) :: eucharistisch
Euclidean {adj} (of traditional geometry) :: euclidisch
Euclidean geometry {n} (mathematical system) :: euclidische meetkunde {f}
euergetism {n} (the practice of élite in Greek and Roman cities to distribute a part of their wealth to the community) :: evergetisme
eugenics {n} (social philosophy) :: eugenetica
eukaryote {n} (any of the single-celled or multicellular organisms whose cells contain at least one distinct nucleus) :: eukaryoten {p}
Euler's formula {prop} (Euler's formula) :: formule van Euler
eulogize {v} :: loven
eulogy {n} (an oration to honor a deceased person) :: grafrede {f}
eulogy {n} (high praise or recommendation) :: lofrede {f}
eunuch {n} (castrated human male) :: eunuch {m}, castraat {m}
eunuch {n} (such a man who was harem guard or in Middle Eastern courts under Roman Emperors, important officials of the state) :: eunuch {m}
euonymus {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle ::
euphemism {n} (use of a word or phrase to replace another word with one considered less offensive) :: verbloeming, eufemisme {n}
euphemism {n} (word or phrase that is used to replace another in this way) :: eufemisme {n}
euphonium {n} (brass instrument) :: euphonium
euphony {n} :: eufonie {f}, welluidendheid {f}
Euphrates {prop} (river in the Middle East) :: Eufraat
Eurasia {prop} (the largest landmass on Earth, consisting of Europe and Asia) :: Eurazië {n}
Eurasian black vulture {n} (Aegypius monachus) :: monniksgier
Eurasian collared dove {n} (Streptopelia decaocto) SEE: collared dove ::
Eurasian crag martin {n} (Ptyonoprogne rupestris) :: rotszwaluw {f}
Eurasian hobby {n} (Falco subbuteo) :: boomvalk {m} {f}
Eurasian jay {n} (Garrulus glandarius) :: gaai {m}
Eurasian lynx {n} (Lynx lynx) :: lynx {m}, los {m}, Europese lynx {m}
Eurasian nuthatch {n} (Sitta europaea) :: boomklever {m}
Eurasian pygmy owl {n} (Glaucidium passerinum) :: dwerguil {m}
Eurasian siskin {n} (Spinus spinus) :: sijs
Eurasian sparrowhawk {n} (Accipiter nisus) :: sperwer {m}
Eurasian spoonbill {n} (Platalea leucorodia) :: lepelaar {m}
Eurasian tree sparrow {n} (tree sparrow) SEE: tree sparrow ::
Eurasian woodcock {n} (Scolopax rusticola) :: houtsnip {f}
Euripides {prop} (a Greek tragedian) :: Euripides {m}
euro {n} (currency unit of the European Monetary Union) :: euro
euro area {n} (Eurozone) SEE: Eurozone ::
Eurocent {n} (one hundredth of a euro) :: eurocent {f}
euro coin {n} (coin in the eurozone) :: euromunt {f}
Euroland {prop} (group of countries having Euro as currency) SEE: Eurozone ::
Euromaidan {prop} (series of anti-government protests in Ukraine) :: Euromaidan {n} {m}, Euromajdan {n} {m}
Europe {prop} (European Union) SEE: European Union ::
Europe {prop} (continent) :: Europa {n}
European {adj} (relating to Europe or the European Union) :: Europees
European {n} (person) :: Europeaanse {f}, Europeaan {m}
European alder {n} (black alder) SEE: black alder ::
European ash {n} (Fraxinus excelsior) SEE: common ash ::
European bee-eater {n} (Merops apiaster) :: bijeneter {m}
European bison {n} (the wisent species Bison bonasus) :: wisent {m}
European Central Bank {prop} (central bank for the European Union) :: Europese Centrale Bank
European hedgehog {n} (Erinaceus europaeus) :: egel
European herring gull {n} (Larus argentatus) :: zilvermeeuw
European holly {n} (Ilex aquifolium) :: hulst {f}, steekpalm {m}
European honey buzzard {n} (Pernis apivorus) :: wespendief {m}
European mink {n} (mink species) :: nerts {m}
European otter {n} (Lutra lutra) :: visotter {m}
European plaice {n} (Pleuronectes platessa) :: schol {m}
European polecat {n} (Mustela putorius) :: bunzing {m}
European robin {n} (Erithacus rubecula) :: roodborstje {n}
European roller {n} (Coracias garrulus) :: scharrelaar
European rowan {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan ::
European shag {n} (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) :: kuifaalscholver
European smelt {n} (Osmerus eperlanus) :: spiering
European squid {n} (Loligo vulgaris) :: gewone pijlinktvis {m}
European Union {prop} (European supranational organisation) :: Europese Unie {f}
europium {n} (chemical element) :: europium {n}
Eurotunnel {prop} (Channel Tunnel) SEE: Channel Tunnel ::
Eurovision {prop} (television network) :: Eurovisie
Eurozone {prop} (those European Union members whose official currency is the euro) :: eurozone {f}
Eustachian tube {n} (tube that links the pharynx to the cavity of the middle ear) :: buis van Eustachius
eustasy {n} (worldwide change in sea level) :: eustasie
euthanasia {n} (practice of killing a human being or animal) :: euthanasie {f}
eutrophication {n} (becoming eutrophic) :: eutrofiëring {f}
Euxine Sea {prop} SEE: Black Sea ::
evacuate {v} (to move out of an unsafe location into safety) :: evacueren
evacuation {n} (act of emptying) :: evacuatie {f}
evaluation {n} (assessment) :: beoordeling {f}, evaluatie {f}
evanescent {adj} (ephemeral) SEE: ephemeral ::
evanescent {adj} ((mathematics) diminishing to the point of reaching zero as a limit) SEE: infinitesimal ::
evangelical {adj} (pertaining to the doctrines or teachings of the Christian gospel or Christianity in general) :: evangelisch
evangelist {n} (itinerant or special preacher, especially a revivalist) :: evangelist {m}
evangelization {n} (act of evangelizing) :: evangelisatie {f}
evangelize {v} (tell people about Christianity) :: evangeliseren, uitdragen van de blijde boodschap
evaporate {v} (to transition from a liquid state into a gaseous state) :: verdampen
evaporation {n} (process of liquid converting to the gaseous state) :: verdamping
eve {n} (day or night before) :: vooravond {m}, vigilie {f}
Eve {prop} (the first woman) :: Eva {f}
Eve {prop} (given name) :: Eva
even {adj} (flat and level) :: vlak, vlakke, gelijk, gelijke
even {adj} (without great variation) :: gelijke, gelijkmatig, gelijkmatige
even {adj} (equal) :: gelijk, gelijkmatig
even {adj} (arithmetic: divisible by two) :: even, paar
even {v} (to make even) :: evenen, gelijkmaken, platmaken
even {adv} (implying extreme example) :: zelfs, (niet) eens
even {adv} (emphasising comparative) :: nog
even {n} (Evening of the day) :: avondstond {m}
Even {prop} (language) :: eveens
evening {n} (time of day between the approximate time of midwinter dusk and midnight) :: avond
evening dress {n} (elegant dress worn by women) :: avondjapon, avondjurk
evening meal {n} (meal taken in the evening) :: avondeten {n}, avondmaal {n}, diner {n}
evening star {n} (planet Venus seen in the evening) :: avondster {f}
evening star {n} (Oenothera biennis) :: middelste teunisbloem {f}, nachtkeers {f}, nachtpitjes {p}, nachtkaars {f}, leliën-van-een-nacht {p}, vierentwintiguursbloem {f}
even so {adv} (in spite of the preceding remark or facts) :: desondanks, zelfs dan, toch
event {n} (occurrence) :: gebeurtenis
event horizon {n} (gravitational sphere within which light cannot escape) :: waarnemingshorizon
even though {conj} (although) :: ook al, ondanks dat, hoewel
eventual {adj} :: uiteindelijk
eventually {adv} (in the end) :: uiteindelijk
ever {adv} (always) :: ooit, altijd, steeds
ever {adv} (at any time) :: ooit
ever and anon {adv} (now and then) :: af en toe, nu en dan
Everest {prop} (Mount Everest) SEE: Mount Everest ::
Everett {prop} (male given name) :: Evert
evergreen {adj} (of plants, that do not shed their leaves) :: groenblijvend
everlasting {adj} (Lasting or enduring forever) :: altijddurend
everlasting {adj} (Continuing indefinitely) :: eindeloos
every {determiner} (all of a countable group) :: elk, ieder
everybody {pron} (all people) :: iedereen, allen
every cloud has a silver lining {proverb} (in every bad situation there is an element of good) :: achter de wolken schijnt de zon
every day {adv} (daily) SEE: daily ::
everyday {adj} (appropriate for ordinary use, rather than for special occasions) :: alledaags
everyday {adj} (commonplace, ordinary) :: alledaags
every Jack has his Jill {proverb} :: op elk potje past een deksel
every man for himself {phrase} (forget about comradeship; save yourselves!) :: ieder voor zich
everyone {pron} (every person) :: iedereen, elkeen, allen, allemaal, iegelijk
everyone else {pron} (all other persons) :: alle anderen, ieder ander
every so often {adv} (occasionally) :: van tijd tot tijd, af en toe
everything {pron} (all the things) :: alles
every time {adv} (at each occasion that) :: telkens wanneer
everywhere {adv} (at all places) :: overal
evict {v} (to expel) :: verjagen, uitzetten
evidence {n} (facts or observations presented in support of an assertion) :: bewijs {n}, bewijsmateriaal {n}
evidence {n} (anything admitted by a court as proof) :: bewijs {n}, bewijsmateriaal {n}
evidential {adj} (of or providing evidence) :: bewijskrachtig
evidently {adv} (obviously) :: duidelijk, klaarblijkelijk
evil {adj} (intending to harm) :: kwaadaardig, boosaardig, kwaad, slecht, euvel
evil {adj} (morally corrupt) :: slecht
evil {n} (moral badness, wickedness) :: kwade {n}, kwaad {n}, slechte {n}, euvel {n}
evildoer {n} (person who performs evil acts) :: overtreder {m},slechterik {m}
evil eye {n} (wicked look) :: boze oog {n}
evil laugh {n} (stereotypical villain's laugh) :: demonische lach {m}
evil laughter {n} (stereotypical villain's laughter) SEE: evil laugh ::
evilness {n} (of or relating to evil) :: slechtheid {f}, kwaadaardigheid {f}
evince {v} (to show or demonstrate clearly) :: aantonen, bewijzen, vertonen
eviscerate {v} (to disembowel) :: ontdarmen, ontweiden, van ingewanden ontdoen
eviscerate {v} (to make ineffectual or meaningless) :: ontkrachten,verzwakken
eviscerate {v} (to elicit the essence of) :: uithollen
evisceration {n} (A disemboweling) :: van ingewanden ontdoenontweien
evisceration {n} (A vigorous verbal assault) :: iets afbreken, neerhalen
evoke {v} (to cause the manifestation of) :: oproepen
evolution {n} (general: a gradual process of development) :: evolutie {f}
evolution {n} (biology: change in the genetic composition of a population over time) :: evolutie {f}
evolutionary {adj} (of or relating to evolution) :: evolutionair
evolutionary biology {n} (sub-field of biology) :: evolutiebiologie {f}
evolutionary theory {n} (theory of evolution) :: evolutietheorie {f}
evolutionistic {adj} (of or pertaining to evolutionism) :: evolutionistisch
evolve {v} (come into being; develop) :: ontwikkelen
ew {interj} (expression of disgust or nausea) :: bah
ewe {n} (female sheep) :: ooi {f}
Ewe {n} (ethnic group) :: Ewe {p}
Ewe {prop} (language) :: Ewe {n}
Ewe {adj} (pertaining to the Ewe people or language) :: Ewe-
ex {n} (colloquial: former partner or spouse) :: ex {m} {f}
ex- {prefix} (former) :: ex-
exa- {prefix} (SI prefix) :: exa-
exacerbate {v} (make worse) :: verslechteren, verergeren, exacerberen
exact {adj} (precisely agreeing) :: exact, precies
exact {adj} (habitually careful) :: exact, precies
exact {adj} (precisely conceived or stated) :: exact, precies
exacting {adj} (Making excessive demands; difficult to satisfy) :: veeleisend
exactly {adv} (in an exact manner) :: precies, exact
exactly {interj} (signifying agreement or recognition) :: precies
exaggerate {v} (to overstate, to describe more than is fact) :: overdrijven
exaggerated {adj} (that has been described as greater than it actually is) :: overdreven, overtrokken
examination {n} (inspection by a doctor) :: onderzoek {n}
examination {n} (formal test) :: toets {m}, proefwerk {n}, examen {n}
examination {n} (interrogation) SEE: interrogation ::
examine {v} (to observe or inspect carefully or critically) :: onderzoeken
examine {v} (to determine the aptitude, skills or qualifications of someone by subjecting them to an examination) :: examineren
example {n} (something representative of a group) :: voorbeeld {n}
example {n} (something serving to explain or illustrate a rule) :: voorbeeld {n}
example {n} (something serving as a pattern of behaviour) :: voorbeeld
exanimate {adj} (lifeless; dead) :: levenloos, levensloos, dood, doods, ontzield
exanimate {adj} (spiritless, dispirited, disheartened, not lively) :: lusteloos, mat
exasperate {v} (frustrate, vex, annoy) :: tot wanhoop drijven
exasperated {adj} (greatly annoyed; made furious) :: geërgerd
excavate {v} (to make a hole in (something); to hollow) :: uithollen
excavate {v} (to remove part of (something) by scooping or digging it out) :: uithollen
excavate {v} (to uncover (something) by digging) :: opdelven, uitgraven
excavation {n} (act of excavating, or of making hollow) :: afgraving {f}
excavation {n} (cavity formed by cutting, digging, or scooping) :: bouwput {m}
excavation {n} (archaeological excavation) :: opgraving {f}
excavator {n} (curette used to scrape out pathological material) SEE: curette ::
excavator {n} (vehicle) :: graafmachine {f}
exceed {v} (to be larger, greater than something else or than expected or desirable) :: overschrijden, overstijgen, overtreffen
exceed {v} (to be better than something else or than expected or desirable) :: overstijgen, overtreffen
exceed {v} (to go beyond the limits of something) :: overschrijden, te buiten gaan, overstijgen
excel {v} (intransitive: to be much better than others) :: uitblinken
excellent {adj} (of the highest quality) :: uitstekend, uitmuntend, excellent, voortreffelijk
excelsior {n} (3-point type) :: kwart cicero
except {v} (to exclude) :: uitsluiten, uitzonderen
except {v} (to take exception, to object to) :: bezwaar hebben, protesteren, bezwaar maken
except {prep} (with the exception of) :: behalve, uitgezonderd {n}
exception {n} (act of excepting or excluding; exclusion) :: uitzondering {f}
exception {n} (that which is excepted or taken out from others) :: uitzondering {f}
exceptional {adj} (forming an exception) :: buitengewoon, exceptioneel, uitzonderlijk
exceptionality {n} (quality of being exceptional) :: uitzonderlijkheid {f}
exceptionally {adv} (unusual, remarkable or exceptional degree) :: buitengewoon
exception that proves the rule {n} (occurrence of counterexample) :: uitzondering die de regel bevestigt
excerpt {n} (a clip, snippet, passage or extract from a larger work) :: fragment, passage
excess {n} (degree by which one thing exceeds another) :: overtreffen
excess {n} (insurance condition) :: eigen risico
excessive {adj} (exceeding the bounds of something) :: overmatig
excessively {adv} (to an excessive degree) :: buitensporig, extreem
excessively {adv} (in excess) :: excessief
exchange {n} (act of exchanging or trading) :: uitwisseling
exchange {n} (place for conducting trading) :: beurs {f}
exchange {v} (To trade or barter) :: handelen
exchange {v} (To replace with a similar item) :: ruilen, omruilen, wisselen
exchange rate {n} (currency rate (finance)) :: wisselkoers
exchange student {n} (student in an exchange scheme) :: uitwisselingsstudent {m}
exchequer {n} (treasury) SEE: treasury ::
excise {n} (excise tax) SEE: excise tax ::
excise tax {n} (any of various taxes levied on the production or sale of certain goods) :: accijns {m}
excision {n} (removal of a tumor etc. but cutting) :: excisie {f}
excite {v} (to stir the emotions of) :: prikkelen, opwinden
excite {v} (to arouse or bring out (eg feelings); to stimulate) :: stimuleren, prikkelen
excite {v} (to cause an electron to move to a higher than normal state) :: exciteren
excited {adj} (having great enthusiasm) :: opgewonden, opgetogen
excited {adj} (being in a state of higher energy) :: aangeslagen
excitement {n} (state of being excited) :: opgewondenheid {f}
exciting {adj} (causing excitement) :: spannend
exclamation {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark ::
exclamation {n} (loud calling or crying out; outcry) :: uitroep {m}
exclamation {n} (word expressing outcry) :: uitroep {m}
exclamation mark {n} (punctuation “!”) :: uitroepteken {n}
exclamation point {n} (exclamation mark) SEE: exclamation mark ::
exclave {n} (a country's territory not connected to the main part) :: exklave
exclude {v} (to bar from entering; keep out) :: uitsluiten, buitensluiten
exclude {v} (to refuse to accept as valid) :: uitsluiten
exclude {v} (to eliminate from diagnostic consideration) :: uitsluiten
excluding {prep} (to the exclusion of) :: met uitzondering van
exclusionary {adj} (acting to exclude something) :: met uitzondering van
exclusive {adj} (of high quality and/or renown) :: exclusief
exclusive {n} (information granted exclusively) :: exclusief(je) {n}
exclusive {adj} (exclusionary) SEE: exclusionary ::
exclusively {adv} (to the exclusion of anything or anyone else) :: uitsluitend, exclusief
exclusive right {n} (The power to allow or disallow others from taking certain actions) :: exclusief recht
excommunication {n} (act of excommunicating, disfellowshipping or ejecting) :: excommunicatie {f}
excoriate {v} (to wear off the skin of) :: schrammen
excoriation {n} (flaying) :: geseling {f}
excoriation {n} (skin abrasion) :: afschurving {f}
excoriation {n} (verbal dressing down) :: uitkaffering {f}
excrement {n} (human and animal solid waste) :: uitwerpselen {n-p}
excrescence {n} (something, usually abnormal, which grows out of something else) :: uitwas, exces
excrete {v} (to discharge material) :: afscheiden
excruciate {v} (to inflict intense pain or mental distress on (someone); to torture) :: folteren
excruciating {adj} (Causing great pain or anguish, agonizing) :: martelend,ondraaglijk
excruciating {adj} (Very intense; extreme) :: extreem, intens
excursion {n} (brief recreational trip) :: uitstapje {n}, excursie {f}
excuse {v} (forgive, pardon) :: vergeven, excuseren
excuse {v} (allow to leave) :: verontschuldigen, excuseren
excuse {v} (explain with the aim of alleviating guilt or negative judgement) :: goedpraten
excuse {n} (explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement) :: uitvlucht {m} {f}, excuus {n} smoes {m}
excuse me {phrase} (request to repeat, see also: come again) :: pardon, wablief, excuseer
excuse me {phrase} (request for attention) :: pardon, excuseer
excuse me {phrase} (request to pass) :: pardon, excuseer, excuseert u mij
excuse me {phrase} (sorry, as apology) :: pardon, excuseer, excuseert u mij
execrable {adj} (hateful) :: verfoeilijk
executable {adj} (capable of being executed) :: uitvoerbaar
executable {n} (file that can be run) :: uitvoerbaar bestand {n}
execute {v} (to kill as punishment) :: executeren
execute {v} (to start a defined process and run it to completion) :: bewerkstelligen, uitvoeren
execute {v} (to start a defined process, without regard to whether it runs to completion or not) :: bewerkstelligen, uitvoeren
execute {v} (to start, launch or run software) :: uitvoeren
execution {n} (act of executing or the state of being executed) :: uitvoering {f}
execution {n} (act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty) :: executie, terechtstelling {f}, doodstraf
execution {n} (manner or style of a performance etc) :: uitvoering {f}
execution {n} (carrying into effect of a court judgment, or of a will) :: tenuitvoerlegging, uitvoering {f}
execution {n} (carrying out of an instruction by a computer) :: uitvoering {f}
executioner {n} (the person who carries out the execution) :: beul
executive {n} (branch of government responsible for enforcing laws and judicial decisions) :: uitvoerende macht {f} {m}
exegesis {n} (formal written exposition or explanatory essay) :: exegese {f}, uitlegging {f}
exegete {n} (person skilled in exegesis) :: tekstuitlegger {m}, tekstuitlegster {f}, exegeet {m}, exegete {f}
exemplary {adj} (deserving honour, respect and admiration) :: voorbeeldig
exemplary {adj} (of such high quality as to serve as an example, see also: ideal; perfect) :: voorbeeldig
exempt {adj} (free from duty or obligation) :: vrijgesteld
exempt {n} (one who has been released from something) :: vrijgestelde {m}
exempt {v} (to grant freedom or immunity from) :: vrijstellen
exemption {n} (act of exempting) :: vrijstelling, ontheffing
exercise {n} (any activity designed to develop or hone a skill or ability) :: oefening {f}
exercise {n} (physical activity intended to improve strength and fitness) :: lichaamsbeweging {f}
exercise bicycle {n} (exercise machine) :: kamerfiets {m}, hometrainer {m}
exercise book {n} (booklet for students) :: schrift {n}
exert {v} (to put in vigorous action) :: inspannen
exert {v} (to make use of) :: uitoefenen
exertion {n} (the action of exerting) :: inspanning {f}
exfoliate {v} (to remove the leaves of a plant) :: ontbladeren
exfoliate {v} (to remove a layer of skin, as in cosmetic preparation) :: exfoliëren
exhalation {n} (meteor) SEE: meteor ::
exhalation {n} (act or process of exhaling) :: uitademing {f}
exhale {v} (to breathe out) :: uitademen
exhaust {v} (to empty by drawing or letting out the contents) :: uitputten, verminderen
exhaust {v} (to drain, metaphorically; to wear out) :: uitputten
exhaust {n} (system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged) :: uitlaatpijp {f}, uitlaat {m}
exhaust {n} (the steam let out of a cylinder after it has done its work there) :: uitlaat {m}
exhaust {n} (the foul air let out of a room through a register or pipe provided for the purpose) :: uitlaat {m}
exhaust {n} (exhaust pipe) SEE: exhaust pipe ::
exhausted {adj} :: uitgeput
exhaustion {n} (point of complete depletion) :: uitputting {f}
exhaustion {n} (supreme tiredness; having exhausted energy) :: uitputting {f}
exhaustive {adj} (including every possible element) :: volledig
exhaustiveness {n} (state of being exhaustive) :: volledigheid {f}
exhaust pipe {n} (pipe that vents waste gases from the engine) :: uitlaat {m}
exhibit {v} (display or show (something) for others to see) :: tonen, tentoonstellen
exhibit {v} (demonstrate) :: vertonen, tonen
exhibit {v} (display publicly) :: tentoonstellen
exhibit {n} (instance of exhibiting) :: vertoning
exhibit {n} (something exhibited) :: tentoonstellingsstuk
exhibit {n} (public showing) :: tentoonstelling, expositie
exhibition {n} (large scale public showing of objects or products) :: tentoonstelling {f}
exhibition game {n} (practice game) :: oefenwedstrijd, vriendschappelijke wedstrijd
exhibitionism {n} (practice of drawing attention to oneself) :: exhibitionisme
exhibitionist {n} (someone who exposes their genitalia in public) :: exhibitionist {m}
exhibition match {n} (exhibition game) SEE: exhibition game ::
exhilarate {v} (to cheer) :: opvrolijken
exhilarate {v} (to excite, to thrill) :: opwekken, stimuleren
exhort {v} (urge) :: aansporen, aanporren, manen
exhortation {n} (Act or practice of exhorting) :: aanmoediging {f}
exhortation {n} (Incite and encourage) :: aanmoediging {f}
exhume {v} (To dig out of the ground; to take out of a place of burial; to disinter) :: opgraven
exile {n} (the state of being banished from one's home or country) :: ballingschap {f}
exile {n} (someone who is banished from one's home or country) :: banneling {m}
exile {v} (to send into exile) :: verbannen
exist {v} (to be) :: bestaan
existence {n} (state of being, existing, or occurring) :: bestaan {n}, voorkomen {n}
existent {adj} (existing; having life or being, current; occurring now) :: bestaand, bestaande
existential {adj} :: existentiële
existentialism {n} (philosophical movement) :: existentialisme {n}
existing {adj} (that exists) :: bestaande
exit {n} (way out) :: uitgang {m}
exit {n} (passage or opening through which one can go from inside a place to the outside) :: uitgang {m}
exit {v} (to go out or go away from a place or situation, see also: depart; leave) :: uitgaan, vertrekken
exit {n} (act of departing from life) SEE: death ::
exit {v} (to depart from life) SEE: die ::
ex libris {n} (bookplate) :: ex libris {n}
exobiology {n} (biology dealing with extraterrestrial lifeforms) :: exobiologie {f}
exocarp {n} (outermost layer of the pericarp) :: exocarp {n}
exodus {n} (sudden departure) :: exodus {m}, uittocht {m}
Exodus {prop} (departure of Hebrew slaves) :: Exodus {m}, Uittocht {m}
Exodus {prop} (book of Torah and Old Testament) :: Exodus {m}
exogamy {n} (marriage) :: exogamie {f}
exonerate {v} (to relieve (someone or something) of a load; to unburden (a load)) :: verlichten, ontlasten
exonerate {v} (to free from an obligation, responsibility or task) :: ontheffen
exonerate {v} (to free from accusation or blame) :: vrijspreken
exoneration {n} (the act of freeing a person of blame) :: zuivering
exophthalmos {n} (abnormal protrusion of the eyeball) :: exoftalmus
exoplanet {n} (planet outside Earth's solar system) :: exoplaneet
exorbitant {adj} (exceeding proper limits) :: exorbitant, buitensporig
exorcise {v} (To drive out an evil spirit from a person, place or thing, especially by an incantation or prayer) :: verdrijven, uitbannen
exorcism {n} (ritual driving out of evil spirits) :: exorcisme, uitdrijving {f}
exorcize {v} (exorcise) SEE: exorcise ::
exosphere {n} (the uppermost layer of a planet's atmosphere) :: exosfeer {m}
exoteric {adj} (suitable to be imparted to the public) :: exoterisch, openbaar
exoteric {adj} (accessible, capable of being readily or fully comprehended) :: bevattelijk, toegankelijk
exoteric {adj} (of or pertaining to concepts having obvious practical application) :: praktijkgericht, praktisch
exotic {adj} (foreign, with the connotation of excitingly foreign) :: exotisch
exotic {adj} (non-native to the ecosystem) :: uitheems, exotisch
exotic {n} (organism exotic to an environment) :: exoot {m}
exotic dancer {n} (exotic dancer) :: exotisch danser {m}, exotisch danseres {f}
expand {v} ((transitive) to change from a smaller form/size to a larger one) :: vergroten, uitbreiden, openzetten, opentrekken
expand {v} ((transitive) to increase the extent, number, volume or scope of) :: uitbreiden, vergroten, vermeerderen
expand {v} ((transitive) to express at length or in detail) :: elaboreren, uitwerken
expand {v} ((transitive, algebra) to rewrite as an equivalent sum of terms) :: uitwerken, ontbinden in factoren, factoriseren
expand {v} ((intransitive) to change from a smaller form/size to a larger one) :: uitdijen, uitzetten, uitplooien
expand {v} ((intransitive) to increase in extent, number, volume or scope) :: uitdijen, zich uitbreiden, toenemen
expand {v} ((intransitive) to speak or write at length or in detail) :: [over] uitweiden
expansion {n} (act of expanding) :: expansie {f}
expansive {adj} (Comprehensive in scope or extent) :: omvattend
expatiate {v} :: uitweiden, breedvoerig spreken
expatriate {adj} (living outside of one's own country) :: expat
expatriate {n} (person living outside own country) :: buitenlander {m}
expatriate {n} (person banished from their own country) :: banneling
expatriate {v} (banish) :: verbannen
expect {v} (to look for, look forward to, anticipate) :: verwachten
expect {v} (To consider obligatory) :: verwachten
expect {v} (To consider reasonably due) :: verwachten
expectant {adj} (pregnant) :: in verwachting
expectation {n} (act or state of expecting) :: verwachting {f}, afwachting {f}
expectation {n} (that which is expected or looked for) :: verwachting {f}
expected {adj} (anticipated; thought to be about to arrive or occur) :: verwacht
expecting {adj} (pregnant) :: in verwachting
expectorate {v} (spit) SEE: spit ::
expedience {n} (quality of being fit or suitable to effect some desired end) :: toepasselijkheid {f}, passendheid {f}, gepastheid {f}
expedience {n} (speed, haste or urgency) :: haast {c}, spoed {m}
expediency {n} (quality of being fit or suitable to effect some desired end) :: doelmatigheid, opportunisme,
expedient {adj} (suitable to effect some desired end or the purpose intended) :: doelmatig
expedient {adj} (simple, easy, or quick; convenient) :: eenvoudig, snel, uitgekookt
expedient {n} (a means for achieving an end) :: redmiddel, uitweg, slimmigheid
expedite {v} (accelerate progress) :: versnellen, in vaart brengen
expedition {n} (An important enterprise, implying a change of place) :: expeditie {f}
expel {v} (to eject) :: verdrijven, verjagen
expel {v} (to remove from membership) :: royeren
expel {v} (to deport) :: deporteren
expenditure {n} (act of expending) :: uitgave
expense {n} (a spending or consuming; disbursement; expenditure) :: uitgave {f}
expensive {adj} (having a high price or cost) :: duur
experience {n} (event(s) of which one is cognizant) :: ervaring {f}, belevenis {f}, beleving {f}, ondervinding {f}
experience {n} (activity which one has performed) :: ervaring {f}
experience {n} (collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge) :: ervaring {f}
experience {n} (the knowledge thus gathered) :: kennis
experience {v} (to observe or undergo) :: ervaren, meemaken, ondergaan, ondervinden, beleven
experienced {adj} (having experience) :: ervaren
experiment {n} (test under controlled conditions) :: experiment {n}, proef {f}
experiment {v} (to conduct an experiment) :: experimenteren
experimentally {adv} (in the manner of an experiment) :: experimenteel
expert {n} (person with extensive knowledge or ability) :: deskundige, expert
expiate {v} (to atone) :: boeten
expiate {v} (to make amends) :: goedmaken
expiation {n} (an act of atonement) :: boetedoening {f}, verzoening {f}, voldoening {f}
expire {v} (become invalid) :: aflopen, vervallen, verstrijken, verlopen
expire {v} (to exhale (something)) :: uitademen, uitblazen
expire {v} (exhale) SEE: exhale ::
expire {v} (die) SEE: die ::
expired {adj} (dead) SEE: dead ::
expiry {n} (death) SEE: death ::
explain {v} (report) :: uitleggen, verklaren, toelichten
explain {v} (excuse) :: verklaren
explanation {n} (the act or process of explaining) :: verklaring {f}, toelichting {f}, uitleg {m}
explanation {n} (something that explains) :: verklaring {f}, uitleg {m}
explanation {n} (reconciliation) :: uitvlucht, uitleg {m}
expletive {adj} (serving to fill up) :: opvullend
expletive {adj} (marked by phrase-fillers) :: expletief, vol krachttermen
expletive {n} (word added to fill a syntactic position) :: vulsel, opvulling
expletive {n} (word that adds strength to a phrase) :: expletief (woord)
expletive {n} (profane, vulgar term) SEE: swear word ::
explication {n} (explanation) SEE: explanation ::
explicit {adj} (very specific) :: expliciet, uitdrukkelijk
explicit {adj} (containing material that might be deemed offensive) :: expliciet
explode {v} (to destroy with an explosion) :: opblazen
explode {v} (to explode (intransitive)) :: exploderen, ontploffen
exploit {n} (heroic or extraordinary deed) :: heldendaad {c}
exploit {n} (achievement) :: wapenfeit {f}
exploit {n} (computing security) :: exploit {m}
exploit {v} (use for one’s advantage) :: exploiteren, uitbuiten
exploit {v} (exploit) SEE: take advantage of ::
exploitation {n} (act of exploiting) :: uitbuiting {f}, exploitatie {f}, uitbaten {n}
exploration {n} (act of exploring) :: verkenning {f}, exploratie
exploration {n} (penetrating, or ranging over for purposes of (especially geographical) discovery) :: exploratie, ontdekkingsreis, ontdekkingstocht
explore {v} (to examine or investigate something systematically) :: onderzoeken, bestuderen, navorsen, exploreren, napluizen, uitpluizen, uitzoeken, aftasten
explore {v} (to travel somewhere in search of discovery) :: verkennen, exploreren, op/een ontdekkingsreis gaan naar/maken in
explore {v} (to (seek) experience first hand) :: verkennen, exploreren
explore {v} (to examine diagnostically) :: diagnosticeren
explore {v} (to be enagaged exploring in any of the above senses) :: op verkenning zijn, exploreren, (aan) exploratie doen
explorer {n} (person who explores) :: verkenner {m}
explorer {n} (person who by expedition seeks new information) :: ontdekker, ontdekkingsreiziger {m}
explosion {n} (violent release of energy) :: explosie {f}, ontploffing {f}
explosive {n} (explosive substance) :: explosief {n}, springstof {f}, plofstof
exponential {adj} (relating to an exponent) :: exponentieel
exponential growth {n} (growth proportional to value) :: exponentiële groei {m}
exponentially {adv} (in an exponential manner) :: exponentiëel
export {v} (to sell (goods) to a foreign country) :: exporteren
exporter {n} (person who or organization that exports) :: exporteur {m}
exposé {n} (publication of investigative journalism) :: exposé {n}
expose {v} (to reveal, uncover, make visible, bring to light, introduce to) :: zichtbaar maken, blootleggen
expose {v} (to subject photographic film to light) :: blootstellen
exposer {n} (one who exposes) :: tentoonsteller {m}
exposition {n} (action of putting something out to public view) :: tentoonstelling {f}
expository {adj} (serving to explain) :: uitleggend, verklarend
exposure {n} (condition) :: blootstelling {f}, contact {n}
exposure {n} (part exposed) :: ligging {f}
exposure {n} (lack of protection) :: blootstelling aan de elementen
exposure {n} (taking a photograph) :: belichting {f}
exposure {n} (time & f-number) :: belichting {f}
exposure {n} (gardening) :: ligging {f}
express {adj} (moving or operating quickly) :: snel
express {adj} (specific or precise) :: gedetailleerd
express {v} (to convey meaning) :: uitdrukken
expression {n} (particular way of phrasing an idea) :: uitdrukking {f}
expression {n} (colloquialism or idiom) :: uitdrukking {f}, spreekwijze {f}, wijze van spreken {f}
expression {n} (facial appearance) :: uitdrukking {f}, gelaatsuitdrukking {f}
expression {n} (mathematics: arrangement of symbols) :: uitdrukking {f}
expressionism {n} (movement in the arts) :: expressionisme {n}
expressionism {n} (genre in music) :: expressionisme {n}
expressionist {adj} (of, pertaining to, or in the style of expressionism) :: expressionistisch
expressive {adj} (effectively conveying feeling) :: uitdrukkend, zeggingskrachtig, expressief
expressiveness {n} (the quality of being expressive) :: zeggingskracht {c}
expressly {adv} (in an expressive or explicit manner) :: uitdrukkelijk
express train {n} (a train making limited stops) :: exprestrein {m}, sneltrein {m}
expressway {n} (US: divided highway) :: expressweg, snelweg
expressway {n} (freeway) SEE: freeway ::
expulsion {n} (the act of expelling or the state of being expelled) :: uitwijzing
expunge {v} (to erase or strike out) :: uitwissen
expunge {v} (to eliminate) :: verwijderen
exquisite {adj} (especially fine) :: uitstekend, exquise
extant {adj} (still in existence) :: existent
extemporaneous {adj} (without preparation) :: onvoorbereid
extempore {adj} (carried out with no preparation; impromptu) :: onvoorbereid, geïmproviseerd
extempore {adv} (without preparation; extemporaneously) :: à l'improviste, voor de vuist weg, onvoorbereid
extempore {n} (Something improvised) :: improvisatie {f}
extend {v} (to increase in extent) :: uitbreiden
extend {v} (to possess a certain extent) :: uitstrekken
extend {v} (to cause to increase in extent) :: uitbreiden
extension {n} (act of extending or the state of being extended) :: uitbreiding {f}
extension {n} (medicine: operation of stretching a broken bone) :: verlenging {f}
extension {n} (telecommunication: phone extension number) :: toestelnummer {n}, toestel {n}
extension {n} (computing: file extension) :: achtervoegsel {n}, extensie {f}
extension block {n} (power strip) SEE: power strip ::
extension cord {n} (an electrical cord) :: verlengsnoer {n}
extensive {adj} (wide) :: uitgebreid
extensively {adv} (in an extensive manner; having great range; having wide breadth and depth) :: uitvoerig, uitgebreid, omvangrijk
extensively {adv} (to a great extent) :: intensief
extent {n} (range of values or locations) :: bereik {n}, mate {m} {f}
extenuate {v} (make thin or slender) :: verdunnen, verslappen
extenuate {v} (lessen; palliate) :: verzachten, afzwakken, vergoeilijken
extenuating {adj} :: verzachtend
exterior {adj} :: uitwendig , buitenlands
exterior {n} :: buitenland {n}
exterior {adj} (being from outside a country) SEE: foreign ::
exterior {adj} (external) SEE: external ::
exterminate {v} (to kill all of a population) :: uitroeien, verdelgen
exterminate {v} (to bring a definite end to, finish completely) :: afmaken, beëindigen, uitroeien
extermination camp {n} (death camp) SEE: death camp ::
external {adj} (outside of something) :: uiterlijk, uitwendig
extinct {adj} (extinguished, no longer alight (of fire, candles etc.)) :: uit, uitgedoofd
extinct {adj} (no longer used; obsolete, discontinued) :: in onbruik
extinct {adj} (having died out) :: uitgestorven
extinct {adj} (no longer erupting) :: uitgedoofd, slapend, dood
extinction {n} (the action of making or becoming extinct) :: uitsterven
extinguish {v} (to put out, as in fire; to end burning; to quench) :: uitdoven, doven, blussen
extinguish {v} (to destroy or abolish something) :: vernietigen
extinguish {v} (to obscure or eclipse something) :: verduisteren
extinguish {v} ((literally) to hunt down (a species) to extinction) :: uitmoorden
extirpate {v} (to pull up by the roots) :: ontworteld
extirpate {v} (to destroy completely) :: uitgeroeid
extirpation {n} (the act of extirpating) :: uitroeiing {f}
extol {v} (to praise; to make high) :: prijzen, ophemelen
extortion {n} (the practice of extorting money or other property) :: afpersing {f}
extra {adj} (beyond what is due, usual) :: extra
extra {adv} (to an extraordinary degree) :: extra
extra {n} (person in a play or movie with a minimal part) SEE: walk-on ::
extradite {v} (to remove a person from one state to another by legal process) :: uitleveren, uitzetten
extradition {n} (a formal process by which a criminal suspect is handed over to another government) :: uitlevering {f}, uitzetting
extramarital {adj} (taking place outside marriage) :: buitenechtelijk, buitenechtelijk
extramarital {adj} (adulterous) :: buitenechtelijk
extra-natural {adj} (supernatural) SEE: supernatural ::
extraneous {adj} (not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing) :: bijkomende, vreemde, extra
extraordinary {adj} (not ordinary) :: buitengewoon
extrapolation {n} (calculation of an estimate) :: extrapolatie {f}
extrapolation {n} (inference) :: extrapolatie {f}
extrasensory perception {n} (supposed ability to obtain information without the use of normal sensory channels) :: buitenzintuiglijke waarneming {f}
extraterrestrial {adj} (originating from outside of the Earth) :: buitenaards
extra time {n} :: verlenging {f}
extravagance {n} (prodigality) :: buitensporigheid {f}
extravagant {adj} (exceeding the bounds of something) :: extravagant
extra virgin {adj} (of olive oil: fine grade) :: extra vergine
Extremaduran {prop} (the language of Extremadura) :: Extremeens {n}
extreme {adj} (of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost) :: afgelegen
extreme {adj} (in the greatest or highest degree; intense) :: extreem, extreme, intens, intense
extreme {adj} (excessive, or far beyond the norm) :: extreem, extreme, overmatig, overmatige
extreme {adj} (drastic, or of great severity) :: extreem, extreme, drastisch, drastische
extreme {adj} (of sports, difficult or dangerous; performed in a hazardous environment) :: extreem, extreme
extreme {adj} (archaic: ultimate, final or last) :: ultiem, ultieme
extreme {n} (greatest or utmost point, degree or condition) :: extreem {n}
extreme {n} (each of the things at opposite ends of a range or scale) :: uiterste {n}
extremely {adv} (to an extreme degree) :: uitermate, extreem
extremist {adj} (holding extreme views) :: extremistisch
extremist {adj} (of, or relating to extremism) :: extremistisch
extremity {n} (furthest point) :: uiterste {n}, extremiteit {f}, uiteinde {n}
extremity {n} (limb) SEE: limb ::
extremophile {n} (organism that lives under extreme conditions) :: extremofiel {m}
extricate {v} (to free, disengage, loosen or untangle) :: bevrijden, ontwarren, verlossen
extrusive {adj} (jutting out or extruding) :: extrusief
exuberance {n} (The quality of being exuberant; cheerful or vigorous enthusiasm; liveliness) :: excuberantie
exuberance {n} (An instance of exuberant behaviour) :: uitbundigheid
exuberant {adj} (of people: very high-spirited) :: uitbundig
exuberant {adj} (abundant, luxuriant, profuse, superabundant) :: overvloedig, overdadig, uitbundig, exuberant
exudation {n} (something exuded) :: exsudaat {n}
exude {v} (to discharge through pores) :: afscheiden, uitstralen, uitzweten
eyas {n} (hawk) :: nesteling {m}
eye {v} (to observe carefully or appraisingly) :: bekijken, observeren
eye {v} (to view narrowly) :: nakijken
eye {v} (to look as if intending to do sthg) :: gadeslaan, in het oog houden
eye {n} (organ) :: oog {n}, kijker {m}, gezichtsorgaan {n}, oculus {m} [medicine]
eye {n} (hole in needle) :: oog {n}, naaldoog {n}
eye {n} (of a hurricane) :: oog {n}
eye {n} (of a potato) :: oog {n}
eye {n} (ability to notice what others might miss) :: oog
eyebags {n} (dark circles under the eyes, caused by lack of sleep etc.) :: wallen {p}
eyeball {n} (ball of the eye) :: oogappel {m}
eyeblink {n} (moment) :: ogenblik {n}
eyebright {n} (any of the flowering plants of the genus Euphrasia) :: ogentroost
eyebrow {n} (hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket) :: wenkbrauw {m} {f}
eyebrow pencil {n} (makeup used to define or draw on the eyebrows) :: wenkbrauwpotlood {n}
eye-catcher {n} (eye-catching thing / person) :: blikvanger {m}
eye contact {n} (action of looking at another human or animal in the eye) :: oogcontact
eye doctor {n} :: oogarts {m}
eye for an eye {n} (compensation for an injury) :: oog om oog, tand om tand
eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth {proverb} (compensation for an injury) :: oog om oog, tand om tand
eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
eyehole {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket ::
eyelash {n} (hair growing on the edge of an eyelid) :: wimper {m}, ooghaar
eyelid {n} ((anatomy) a thin skin membrane that covers and moves over an eye) :: ooglid {n}
eye MD {n} (ophtalmologist) SEE: eye doctor ::
eye of the storm {n} (region of calm weather) :: oog van de storm {n}
eye patch {n} (patch worn to cover one eye) :: ooglap {m}, ooglapje {n}
eye shadow {n} (makeup around the eyes) :: oogschaduw
eyesight {n} (faculty of sight) :: zicht {n}, gezichtsvermogen {n}
eye socket {n} (socket of eye) :: oogkas {f}
Eyetie {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
eye tooth {n} (canine tooth) SEE: canine tooth ::
eyewall {n} (ring of towering thunderstorms of a cyclone) :: oogmuur
eyewitness {n} (person who has seen and can testify about an event) :: ooggetuige {m}
eyot {n} (islet) SEE: islet ::
eyrie {n} (bird of prey's nest) :: horst {f}, roofvogelnest {n}
eyrie {n} :: adelaarsnest {n}
Ezekiel {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Ezechiël {m}
Ezekiel {prop} (prophet) :: Ezechiël {m}
Ezekiel {prop} (male given name) :: Ezechiël {m}
Ezra {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Ezra
Ezra {prop} (Jewish high priest) :: Ezra {m}
Ezra {prop} (male given name) :: Ezra {m}
éminence grise {n} (a secret or unofficial decision-maker; the power behind the throne, see also: power broker) :: grijze eminentie