User:Matthias Buchmeier/de-en-f
f. {noun} [grammar] | :: abbreviation of Femininum |
f. {adj} [grammar] | :: abbreviation of feminin |
f. {adj} [of a page] | :: abbreviation of folgend (singular) (“following”, “subsequent”); akin to the English f., et seq.. Compare ff. |
f. {prep} | :: abbreviation of für |
F {letter} | :: The sixth letter of the German alphabet |
Fabel {f} | :: fable |
Fabeldichter {m} | :: fabulist (writer of fables) |
fabelhaft {adj} | :: fabulous |
Fabelwesen {n} | :: mythical creature |
Fabian {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Fabienne {prop} | :: given name |
Fabio {prop} | :: given name |
fabisch {adj} | :: Fabian |
Fabrik {f} | :: plant (factory or industrial facility) |
Fabrikant {m} | :: The profession of a factory's owner: manufacturer |
Fabrikarbeit {f} | :: the concept of working in a factory |
Fabrikat {n} | :: make (brand) |
Fabrikat {n} | :: manufactured product |
Fabrikation {f} | :: the act or process of manufacturing something |
Fabrikationsfehler {m} | :: [production] defect |
Fabrikmethode {f} [software, object-oriented] | :: The abstract method of the factory method pattern |
Fabrikmethode {f} [software, object-oriented] | :: The factory method pattern itself |
fabrikneu {adj} | :: brand new |
fabrizieren {v} | :: to fabricate |
fabulieren {v} | :: To fabulate, tell stories |
fabuliert {v} | :: past participle of fabulieren |
fabuliert {adj} | :: invented |
Facebook {prop} {n} | |
facebooken {vi} [colloquial] | :: to Facebook |
Facelift {n} {m} | :: facelift (of cars or in medicine) |
Facette {f} | :: facet |
facettenartig {adj} | :: facet-like |
facettenreich {adj} | :: multifaceted |
facettenreicher {adj} | :: comparative of facettenreich |
-fach {suffix} | :: -fold |
Fach {n} | :: compartment |
Fach {n} | :: drawer |
Fach {n} | :: subject |
Facharbeiter {m} | :: craftsman |
Facharzt {m} | :: medical specialist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Fachausdruck {m} | :: technical term |
Fachbegriff {m} | :: technical term |
Fachbereich {m} | :: faculty (of a university etc.) |
Fachbereich {m} | :: department (subdivision of a faculty) |
Fachbereich {m} | :: field of expertise |
fachchinesisch {adj} [pejorative] | :: not understandable (for technical terminology or words) |
Fachchinesisch {n} [pejorative] | :: technical terminology |
fächeln {v} | :: to fan |
fachen {v} [rare] | :: to kindle, ignite |
Fächer {m} | :: fan |
fächerartig {adj} | :: fanlike, flabellate, flabelliform |
fachgerecht {adj} | :: professional, skilled, workmanlike |
fachgerecht {adj} | :: expert, specialist |
Fachhochschule {f} | :: Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sciences) |
Fachidiot {m} [pejorative] | :: fachidiot (a specialist expert who is ignorant outside of their specialty) |
Fachinformatiker {m} | :: IT specialist, computer scientist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Fachinformatikerin {f} | :: information technology specialist (female) |
Fachjargon {m} | :: technical terminology |
Fachkenntnis {f} | :: expertise |
Fachkraft {f} | :: expert; trained professional |
Fachkrankenschwester {f} | :: advanced practice nurse, specialised nurse |
fachkundig {adj} | :: expert |
fachlich {adj} | :: technical (having certain skills) |
fachlich {adj} | :: specialised |
fachlich {adv} | :: technically |
Fachliteratur {f} | :: nonfiction (factual literature) |
Fachmann {m} | :: expert, specialist, professional |
fachmännisch {adj} | :: expert; specialised |
Fachmarkt {m} | :: specialty retailer, a kind of supermarket but for non-food goods like furniture, electronics or toys |
Fachschule {f} | :: specialised school |
Fachsprache {f} | :: jargon, technical language, terminology |
fachsprachlich {adj} | :: technical |
fachunkundig {adj} | :: inexpert |
Fachwelt {f} | :: profession (totality of professionals and experts of a particular subject area) |
Fachwerkhaus {n} | :: half-timbered house; timber-framed house (traditional style of house common in German-speaking countries) |
Fachwissen {n} | :: know-how |
Fachwort {n} | :: technical term |
Fachwortlexikon {n} | :: technical encyclopaedia |
Fackel {f} | :: torch |
fackeln {v} | :: to hesitate |
fad {adj} [predominant in southern Germany and Austria] | :: vapid, flavourless |
Fädchen {n} | :: diminutive of Faden; a tiny string or thread |
fade {adj} | :: bland |
fädeln {v} | :: to thread |
Faden {m} | :: yarn, thread |
Faden {m} | :: fathom |
Faden {m} | :: suture |
Fadenkreuz {n} [weapon] | :: crosshairs |
Fadenlauf {m} | :: grainline |
fadennackend {adj} | :: Completely naked (without a stitch of clothing) |
fadennackt {adj} [archaic] | :: completely naked, stark naked |
fadenscheinig {adj} | :: threadbare |
fadenscheinig {adj} | :: specious; flimsy; dubious |
Fadenwurm {m} | :: roundworm |
fader {adj} | :: comparative of fade |
fadesten {adj} | :: superlative of fade |
fadsten {adj} | :: superlative degree form of fad |
Faggen {prop} {n} | :: Faggen (municipality) |
Fagott {n} | :: bassoon |
Fagottist {m} | :: bassoonist |
fahen {v} [dated] | :: catch |
-fähig {suffix} | :: able to do, capable, ready for something |
fähig {adj} [with zu] | :: capable (having the general capability to) |
fähig {adj} [with zu] | :: able (currently in the position to; most often mentally) |
fähig {adj} | :: qualified; skilled; skilful |
Fähigkeit {f} | :: ability, capability |
fahl {adj} [of light] | :: pale; faint |
fahl {adj} [of skin] | :: sallow; pale (discoloured due to sickness, shock, etc.) |
fahl {adj} [of animal hair, chiefly horses] | :: pale; dun-coloured |
fahl {adj} [obsolete, of human hair] | :: fair; blond |
fahlblau {adj} | :: pale blue |
Fahlflanken-Ameisenwürger {m} | :: Chapman’s antshrike |
Fähnchen {n} | :: diminutive of Fahne |
Fähnchen {n} [music] | :: flag |
fahnden {v} [law enforcement] | :: to search |
Fahnder {m} | :: agent noun of fahnden |
Fahnder {m} [law enforcement] | :: investigator |
Fahndung {f} [law enforcement] | :: search |
Fahndungsliste {f} | :: wanted list |
Fahne {f} | :: a flag; a banner (any cloth or fabric used as a symbol) |
Fahne {f} | :: an idea, an ideal |
Fahne {f} | :: the noticeable smell of alcohol on one's breath |
Fahnenflucht {f} [military, law] | :: desertion (absence with the intention of leaving permanently) |
fahnenflüchtig {adj} | :: in the state of being a deserter |
Fahnenflüchtige {m} | :: deserter |
Fahnenflüchtiger {m} [military] | :: deserter |
Fahnenmast {m} | :: flagpole, flagstaff (a tall pole up which one or more flags may be raised and flown) |
Fahnenstange {f} | :: flagpole, flagstaff |
Fahnenträger {m} | :: flag-bearer |
Fähnlein {n} | :: diminutive of Fahne |
Fähnlein {n} | :: a small flag or banner |
Fähnlein {n} | :: a military unit of company or batallion size |
Fähnrich {m} [historical] | :: the soldier wearing the flag |
Fähnrich {m} | :: ensign (military rank) |
Fahrausweis {m} | :: public transit pass |
Fahrausweis {m} [Swiss] | :: driver's license |
Fahrbahn {f} | :: lane (of traffic in a road) |
Fahrbahn {f} | :: roadway, carriageway |
Fahrbahn {f} | :: runway |
fahrbar {adj} | :: mobile |
fahrbarer Untersatz {m} [colloquial] | :: wheels [i.e. automobile] |
fahrbereit {adj} | :: ready to drive or take off |
Fahrdamm {m} | :: causeway; roadway |
Fährdienst {m} | :: ferry service |
fahrdynamisch {adj} | :: (of a vehicle) dynamic |
Fähre {f} | :: ferry |
fahren {vi} [of a person] | :: to go (by vehicle); to sail; to travel |
fahren {vi} [of a person] | :: to leave (by vehicle) |
fahren {vi} [of a vehicle] | :: to go; to run; to drive; to sail |
fahren {vi} [of a vehicle] | :: to leave; to depart |
fahren {vti} | :: to drive; to ride; to sail (a vehicle) |
fahren {vt} | :: to take (someone somewhere by vehicle); to drive; to transport |
fahrend {adj} | :: nomadic; roaming |
Fahrenheit {n} | :: Fahrenheit |
Fahrer {m} | :: agent noun of fahren; driver (person) |
Fahrerin {f} | :: female driver (woman who drives some vehicle) |
Fahrgast {m} | :: passenger |
Fahrgeld {n} | :: fare |
Fahrgestell {n} [automotive] | :: chassis |
fahrig {adj} | :: inattentive and erratic |
Fahrkarte {f} | :: fare ticket |
Fahrkartenentwerter {m} [travel] | :: synonym of Fahrscheinentwerter |
Fahrkartenschalter {m} | :: ticket office, ticket counter |
fahrlässig {adj} | :: negligent, careless |
Fahrlässigkeit {f} | :: negligence |
Fährlichkeit {f} [dated] | :: dangerousness |
Fährmann {m} | :: ferryman |
Fahrplan {m} | :: timetable (for transport) |
Fahrpreis {m} | :: fare (price of a journey) |
Fahrrad {n} | :: bicycle |
Fahrradfahren {n} | :: cycling |
Fahrradfahrer {m} [cycling] | :: cyclist, bicyclist |
Fahrradfahrerin {f} [cycling] | :: female cyclist |
fahrradfreundlich {adj} | :: bike-friendly |
fahrradfreundlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of fahrradfreundlich |
Fahrradindustrie {f} | :: bicycle industry |
Fahrradparkplatz {m} | :: bicycle parking lot |
Fahrradsattel {m} | :: bicycle saddle, bike saddle, bicycle seat |
Fahrradständer {m} | :: bicycle stand, bike rack |
Fahrradtasche {f} | :: pannier |
Fahrradweg {m} | :: cycleway |
Fahrradweg {m} | :: cycle track, cycle path |
Fahrradweg {m} | :: bicycle lane |
Fahrschein {m} | :: ticket (pass for transportation) |
Fahrscheinautomat {m} [travel] | :: ticket printer, ticket vending machine |
Fahrscheinentwerter {m} [travel] | :: validator, ticket stamping machine |
Fahrschule {f} | :: driving school |
fährste {v} | :: contraction of fährst du |
Fahrsteig {m} | :: moving walkway |
Fahrstreifen {m} | :: traffic lane |
Fahrstuhl {m} | :: elevator, lift |
Fahrstuhl {m} | :: (short for Krankenfahrstuhl) wheelchair |
Fahrstuhlmusik {f} | :: elevator music |
Fahrt {f} | :: ride |
Fahrt {f} | :: journey |
Fahrt aufnehmen {v} | :: to accelerate, pick up speed (get faster) |
Fahrt aufnehmen {v} [figuative] | :: to pick up, gain traction, gain momentum (improve, increase faster) |
fahrtauglich {adj} | :: (of a person) able or fit to drive |
Fährte {f} | :: trail; track |
fahrtüchtig {adj} [of a person] | :: fit to drive |
fahrtüchtig {adj} [of a vehicle] | :: roadworthy |
Fahrtüchtigkeit {f} [of a person] | :: fitness to drive |
Fahrtüchtigkeit {f} [of a vehicle] | :: roadworthiness |
Fährturm {m} [architecture] | :: ferry tower |
Fahrtwind {m} | :: The airstream created by a fast-moving vehicle, experienced by those on that vehicle as a headwind |
fahruntauglich {adj} | :: unable or unfit to drive |
fahruntüchtig {adj} [of a person] | :: unfit to drive |
fahruntüchtig {adj} [of a vehicle] | :: unroadworthy |
Fahruntüchtigkeit {f} [of a person] | :: unfitness to drive |
Fahruntüchtigkeit {f} [of a vehicle] | :: unroadworthiness |
Fahrvergnügen {n} | :: Driving pleasure |
Fahrwasser {n} | :: waterway |
Fahrwasser {n} | :: wake |
Fahrwerk {n} [automotive] | :: running gear |
Fahrwerk {n} [aviation] | :: landing gear |
Fahrwind {m} | :: The wind used to propel a sailing ship |
Fahrwind {m} [rare] | :: alternative form of Fahrtwind |
Fahrzeug {n} [general] | :: vehicle |
Fahrzeug {n} [narrower] | :: motor vehicle, car |
Fahrzeugbau {m} | :: vehicle construction / manufacture |
Fahrzeughersteller {m} | :: vehicle manufacturer |
Fahrzeugkatalysator {m} | :: catalytic converter (in a vehicle's exhaust system) |
Fahrzeugpapiere {np} | :: car documents |
Fahrzeugtechnik {f} | :: vehicle technology |
Faible {n} | :: soft spot; weakness; craze [for something or someone] |
fair {adj} [especially, sports] | :: fair (just, honest, equitable, adequate) |
Fairness {f} | :: fairness |
Fake {n} | :: fake, rip-off (inferior copy) |
Fake {n} | :: fake (fraudulous presentation, such as a staged video) |
Fakenews {noun} | :: synonym of Fake News |
Fake News {noun} | :: fake news |
Fake-News {noun} | :: synonym of Fake News |
Fakir {m} | :: fakir, faqir |
Fakt {m} {n} | :: fact |
Faktencheck {m} | :: fact check |
faktisch {adj} | :: factual |
Faktor {m} | :: factor (integral part) |
Faktor {m} | :: (mathematics) factor |
Faktum {n} | :: fact (something concrete used as a basis for further interpretation) |
Fakultät {f} [mathematics] | :: factorial |
Fakultät {f} [university] | :: faculty, school (department within a college) |
fakultativ {adj} | :: optional, facultative |
falb {adj} | :: alternative form of fahl |
falb {adj} [archaic] | :: alternative form of fahl |
Falbe {m} | :: claybank (pale or dun-coloured horse; male or of unspecified sex) |
Falbe {f} | :: claybank (of female sex) |
Falbel {f} | :: furbelow |
Falbkatze {f} | :: African wildcat, desert cat (Felis silvestris lybica), a subspecies of the wildcat (Felis silvestris) |
Falchion {noun} | :: falchion |
Falk {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Falk {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Falke {m} [birds] | :: falcon |
Falke {m} [politics] | :: hawk, hard-liner |
Falkenstein {prop} {n} | :: Falkenstein (municipality) |
Falkenstein {prop} {n} | :: Falkenstein (town) |
Falkenstein {prop} {n} | :: A in Saxony, Germany |
Falkenstein {prop} {n} | :: A in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany |
Falklandinseln {prop} {p} | :: Falkland Islands |
Falklandkrieg {prop} | :: Falklands War |
Fall {m} | :: case (actual event, situation, or fact; piece of work; instance or event as a topic of study; legal proceeding; grammar: specific inflection of a word; medicine: instance of a specific condition or set of symptoms) |
Fall {m} | :: fall, drop |
Fall {m} | :: fall, decline |
Fallbach {prop} {n} | :: Fallbach (municipality) |
Fallbeil {n} | :: guillotine [machine used for execution] |
Falle {f} | :: trap |
Falle {f} [colloquial, regional] | :: bed |
fallen {vi} | :: to fall; to drop |
fallen {vi} [military] | :: to die; to fall in battle; to die in battle; to be killed in action |
fallen {vi} | :: to fall, to collapse, to be overthrown |
fallen {vi} | :: to become lower, to decrease, to decline |
fällen {v} [a tree] | :: to cut down, to fell |
fällen {v} [chemistry] | :: to precipitate |
fällen {v} [a decision] | :: to make |
fällen {v} [a judgement or sentence] | :: to pass |
fallen lassen {v} | :: to drop (to allow to fall from one's grasp) |
Fallenstellen {n} | :: trapping |
Fallensteller {m} | :: trapper |
Fallgatter {n} | :: portcullis |
Fallgrube {f} | :: pitfall, trapping pit |
fallibel {adj} | :: fallible |
fällig {adj} | :: due (payable or supposed to occur at the current time) |
Fälligkeit {f} | :: due date; deadline |
Fall Line {f} [geomorphology] | :: fall line |
Fallobst {n} [fruit] | :: windfall |
Fallout {m} | :: radioactive fallout (radioactive particles that fall to the ground) |
Fallreep {n} [nautical] | :: a ladder, originally a rope ladder, used to climb on board of a ship |
Fallrohr {n} | :: downspout, downpipe |
Fallrückzieher {m} [soccer] | :: bicycle kick |
falls {conj} [conditional, somewhat, formal] | :: if, in the event that |
falls {conj} [chiefly colloquial] | :: in case, in order to be prepared if |
Fallschirm {m} | :: parachute |
Fallschirmjäger {m} | :: paratrooper |
Fallschirmspringer {m} | :: parachutist |
Fallschirmspringer {m} | :: skydiver |
Fallschirmspringerin {f} | :: female parachutist |
Fallschirmspringerin {f} | :: female skydiver |
Fallstrick {m} [figuratively] | :: pitfall |
Fallstudie {f} | :: case study |
Fallsucht {f} [archaic] | :: epilepsy |
fallsüchtig {adj} [archaic] | :: epileptic |
Falltür {f} | :: trapdoor |
Fallturm {m} | :: drop tower |
Falltürspinne {f} | :: trapdoor spider |
Fällung {f} [chemistry] | :: precipitation |
Fällung {f} | :: felling (of trees) |
Fällungsreaktion {f} [chemistry] | :: precipitation reaction |
fallweise {adv} | :: on a case-by-case basis, from case to case |
fallweise {adv} | :: occasionally |
fallweise {adj} | :: case-by-case |
falsch {adj} | :: false, unfactual, untrue |
falsch {adj} | :: wrong (incorrect) |
falsch {adj} | :: wrong (disadvantageous) |
falsch {adj} [chiefly predicative] | :: wrong (immoral) |
falsch {adj} | :: fake, forged |
falsch {adj} | :: untruthful, perfidious |
Falschaussage {f} [law] | :: false testimony, perjury |
Falschbehauptung {f} | :: false claim |
Falschdarstellung {f} | :: misrepresentation |
fälschen {v} | :: to counterfeit, to forge |
Fälscher {m} | :: faker; falsifier |
Falschfahrer {m} | :: wrong-way driver |
Falschheit {f} | :: falsehood |
Falschheit {f} | :: deceit |
Falschinformation {f} | :: incorrect information |
fälschlich {adj} | :: wrong, untrue, erroneous |
fälschlicherweise {adv} | :: wrongly, erroneously |
falschliegen {v} | :: To be wrong |
falsch positiv {adj} | :: (being or including a) false positive |
Falschschreibung {f} | :: misspelling |
Falschspieler {m} | :: cheat (male or of unspecified sex) |
fälscht {v} | :: past participle of fälschen |
Fälschung {f} | :: counterfeit, forgery |
fälschungssicher {adj} | :: unforgeable |
Falsett {n} | :: falsetto ("false" (singing) voice in any human) |
falsifiziert {adj} | :: falsified |
-falt {suffix} | :: -ness |
faltbar {adj} | :: foldable |
Faltblatt {n} | :: leaflet (small piece of paper with information) |
Falte {f} | :: fold |
Falte {f} | :: wrinkle |
falten {v} | :: to fold |
faltenfrei {adj} | :: unwrinkled |
Faltenmagen {m} | :: omasum, the third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant |
Falter {m} | :: an insect of the order Lepidoptera, i.e. a butterfly or moth |
Falter {m} [Austria] | :: leaflet, folder |
Falterfisch {m} | :: butterflyfish |
faltig {adj} | :: wrinkly (having wrinkles) |
faltsch {adj} | :: alternative form of falsch |
Falz {m} | :: fold |
Falz {m} | :: rabbet, rebate |
Falz {m} | :: seam |
Falz {m} | :: hinge |
Falzbein {n} | :: folding-bone, folding-stick, bonefolder |
falzen {v} | :: to fold |
familiär {adj} | :: familial |
Familie {f} | :: family |
Familienangehörige {f} | :: family member (female) |
Familienangehöriger {m} | :: family member |
Familienbande {p} | :: family ties |
familienfreundlich {adj} | :: family-friendly |
Familienhaus {n} | :: family house, family home |
Familienmensch {m} | :: family person, family man |
Familienmitglied {n} | :: a family member |
Familienname {m} | :: surname, family name, last name |
Familienplanung {f} | :: family planning |
Familienstand {m} | :: marital status |
Familienstatus {m} [sociology] | :: family status (one’s position within the family, e.g. adult child living outside of the parental home, etc.) |
Familienstatus {m} [sociology] | :: marital status (the fact of one’s being unmarried, married, divorced, or widowed); outside of official use sometimes including information about children, unmarried life partners, etc |
Familienvater {m} | :: family man |
Familienwohnhaus {n} | :: family house |
famos {adj} | :: excellent |
Famulus {m} [dated, formal] | :: famulus |
Fan {m} | :: fan, devotee |
Fanal {n} | :: fire signal, beacon light |
Fanal {n} [figuratively] | :: signal, beacon |
Fanatiker {m} | :: fanatic (male or of unspecified sex) |
fanatisch {adj} | :: fanatic, fanatical |
fanatischer {adj} | :: comparative of fanatisch |
fanatisieren {v} | :: to fanaticize |
Fanatismus {m} | :: fanaticism |
fancy {adj} [colloquial, fashion] | :: fancy |
Fanfare {f} [flourish of trumpets or horns] | :: fanfare |
Fanfaronade {f} [archaic] | :: fanfaronade, boasting |
Fang {m} | :: catch, capture |
Fang {m} | :: booty, prey |
Fang {m} | :: haul, draught |
Fang {m} | :: fang, talon, claw, tusk |
Fang {m} [hunting] | :: coup de grâce |
Fang {m} | :: hunting, fishing (fish, whales) |
fangen {vt} | :: to catch (grab something flying in the air) |
fangen {vt} | :: to catch; to capture (to take hold of a person or an animal) |
fangen {vr} | :: to improve in health; do well again; to do better |
fangen {vr} | :: to calm down; to compose oneself |
fangen {vt} [colloquial, with reflexive dative] | :: to catch (a disease; something unpleasant) |
fangen {v} [colloquial, with eine and reflexive dative] | :: to be slapped |
Fänger {m} | :: agent noun of fangen |
Fänger {m} | :: catcher, fielder |
Fänger {m} | :: captor |
Fangfrage {f} | :: trick question |
fangfrisch {adj} | :: freshly-caught (typically of fish) |
fängig {adj} | :: catchy (able to catch (fish)) |
Fangzahn {m} | :: fang (long animal tooth used for tearing flesh) |
Fanmeile {f} | :: a area specially designated for football (soccer) fans, especially of a specified team |
Fanny {prop} | :: given name borrowed from English |
Fant {m} | :: an inexperienced person acting as experienced |
Fant {m} | :: a dandy, an irrelevant person of pompous and vain apparence |
Fantasie {f} | :: imagination |
Fantasie {f} | :: fantasy |
Fantasie {f} [music] | :: fantasia |
Fantast {m} | :: fantasist, dreamer |
Fantastik {f} | :: speculative fiction |
fantastisch {adj} | :: fantastic |
FAO {noun} | :: Fachanwaltsordnung |
Farad {n} | :: farad |
Faraday-Konstante {f} | :: Faraday constant |
Farbänderung {f} | :: colour change |
Farbband {n} | :: ink ribbon |
Farbbeutel {m} | :: paint bomb |
Farbbild {n} | :: color photo, colour photograph |
Farb-Bild-Austast-Synchronsignal {n} [electronics, consumer] | :: CVBS |
Farbe {f} | :: colour; color |
Farbe {f} | :: paint |
Farbe {f} | :: dye, colourant for hair |
Farbe {f} | :: suit (playing cards) |
Farbe {f} [heraldry] | :: tincture |
Farbe bekennen {v} [card games] | :: to follow suit |
Farbe bekennen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to show one's true colors, declare oneself |
Farbe bekennen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to nail one's colours to the mast, declare oneself |
Farbe bekennen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to come clean |
farbecht {adj} | :: colourfast |
Färbemittel {n} | :: dye (a colourant, especially one that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is applied) |
-farben {suffix} | :: -coloured |
färben {v} | :: to color |
färben {v} | :: to dye |
Färben {n} | :: dyeing |
farbenblind {adj} | :: colorblind |
Farbenblindheit {f} | :: color blindness |
farbenfroh {adj} | :: colourful |
Farbenindustrie {f} | :: paint industry |
Farbenindustrie {f} | :: dyeworks |
Farbenlehre {f} | :: color theory, theory of colors |
Farbenpracht {f} | :: colorfulness |
farbenreich {adj} | :: colourful (richly coloured) |
Farbenspiel {n} | :: play of colors |
Färberdistel {f} | :: safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) |
Farbfernsehen {n} | :: color television (television in color) |
Farbfernseher {m} | :: color TV (television set that displays images in color) |
Farbgebung {f} | :: colouring |
Farbgebung {f} | :: colouration |
Farbgebung {f} | :: colour scheme, colourway |
farbig {adj} | :: colored |
farbig {adj} [dated] | :: colored (of skin color other than white) |
farbig {adj} | :: chromatic |
Farbige {m} [derogatory, offensive] | :: A female colored person |
farbiger {adj} | :: comparative of farbig |
Farbiger {m} [dated] | :: person of color |
Farbigkeit {f} | :: colorfulness |
Farbintensität {f} | :: colour intensity |
Farblack {m} | :: colour varnish |
farblich {adj} | :: colour (attributive); tonal |
farblos {adj} | :: colorless / colourless, pallid |
farblos {adj} | :: lacklustre |
Farbmetrik {f} | :: colorimetry |
Färbmittel {n} | :: dye (a colourant, especially one that has an affinity to the substrate to which it is applied) |
Farbpalette {f} [painting] | :: palette |
Farbpigment {n} | :: pigment |
Farbratte {f} | :: a fancy rat |
Farbraum {m} | :: color space |
Farbreaktion {f} [chemistry] | :: colour reaction |
Farbsättigung {f} | :: color intensity |
Farbspektrum {n} | :: colour spectrum (range of colours) |
Farbstabilisator {m} [chemistry] | :: colour retention agent (compound added to a food product) |
Farbstärke {f} | :: colour strength, tinctorial strength (property of an ink or a dye that describes the ability of its colorant to impart a particular color) |
Farbstärke {f} | :: colour intensity |
Farbstift {m} | :: colored pencil |
Farbstiftkasten {m} | :: color pencil box (made of wood or metal) |
Farbstoff {m} | :: dye, pigment |
Farbton {m} | :: shade (variety of color) |
Farbtube {f} [art] | :: tube of paint |
Färbung {f} | :: tinge, hue |
Färbung {f} | :: colouration, colouring |
Farbwechsel {m} | :: colour change |
Farce {f} | :: farce |
färingisch {adj} | :: Faroese |
Farm {m} | :: a small boat; barque |
Farm {f} | :: farm (usually with reference to farms abroad) |
Farmer {m} | :: farmer (male or of unspecified sex) [especially in reference to English-speaking countries] |
Farmersalat {m} | :: A dish of sliced vegetables with mayonnaise, yogurt, or similar |
Farn {m} | :: fern |
Farnkraut {n} | :: fern |
Faro {prop} | :: Faro (city) |
Färöer {prop} {p} | :: Faroe Islands |
Färöer {m} | :: Faroish, Faroese, Faroe Islander |
färöisch {adj} | :: Faroese (pertaing to the Faroese language, people or Faroe Islands) |
Färöisch {prop} {n} | :: Faroese (language) |
Farre {m} | :: A young bull |
Färse {f} | :: heifer |
Fasan {m} | :: pheasant [Phasianus colchicus] |
faschieren {v} [Austria] | :: to mince meat |
Faschiertes {n} [Austria] | :: minced meat |
Fasching {m} | :: The week before Mardi Gras, carnival |
Faschismus {m} | :: fascism |
Faschist {m} | :: fascist, Fascist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Faschistin {f} | :: a female fascist |
faschistisch {adj} | :: fascist |
faschistoid {adj} | :: fascistoid |
Fascho {m} [slang] | :: a fascist |
Fase {f} | :: chamfer (an angled relief or cut at an edge) |
Fasel {m} | :: a young and sexually mature bull or cow |
faselnackend {adj} [archaic] | :: completely naked, stark naked |
faselnackt {adj} [archaic] | :: completely naked, stark naked |
fasen {v} | :: to chamfer |
fasennackend {adj} [archaic] | :: alternative form of fasernackt |
fasennackt {adj} [archaic] | :: completely naked, stark naked |
Faser {f} | :: fibre |
faserig {adj} | :: fibrous |
faserig {adj} | :: filamentous |
faserig {adj} | :: fuzzy |
Fasermatte {f} | :: batting |
fasernackt {adj} | :: completely naked, stark naked |
Fass {n} | :: barrel, keg |
Faß {n} | :: alternative spelling of Fass |
Fassade {f} | :: facade |
fassbar {adj} | :: tangible |
fassbar {adj} | :: comprehensible, understandable |
Fassbier {n} | :: draft beer, draught (beer) |
Faßbier {n} | :: alternative spelling of Fassbier |
Fassbombe {f} | :: barrel bomb |
Fässchen {n} | :: diminutive of Fass: small barrel, keg |
Fäßchen {n} | :: alternative spelling of Fässchen |
fassen {v} | :: to gird, to surround, to confine into a form |
fassen {v} | :: to grasp, to catch |
fassen {v} | :: to seize, to capture |
fassen {vr} | :: to compose oneself (to calm, to free from agitation) |
Fassette {f} | :: alternative spelling of Facette |
fassettenreich {adj} | :: alternative spelling of facettenreich |
fasslich {adj} | :: comprehensible, understandable |
Fasson {f} [dated] | :: way of living, manner, shape |
Fasson {n} [dated] | :: revers, lapel |
Fassung {f} | :: a device which holds something else, e.g. a socket for a lightbulb, the setting of a jewel etc |
Fassung {f} | :: version |
Fassung {f} | :: composure, self-control |
fassungslos {adj} | :: stunned |
fassungslos {adv} | :: in bewilderment |
Fassungsvermögen {n} | :: capacity |
fast {adv} | :: almost; nearly |
fast {adv} [in a negative clause] | :: hardly |
fasten {v} | :: to fast |
Fasten {n} | :: fasting |
Fastenbrechen {n} | :: fast breaking |
Fastenzeit {f} [religion] | :: fasting period |
Fastenzeit {f} [Christianity] | :: Lent |
Fastfood {n} | :: fast food |
fastidiös {adj} | :: fastidious |
Fastnacht {f} | :: carnival |
faszial {adj} [anatomy] | :: facial (relating to a facia) |
Faszikel {m} [archival studies] | :: bundle of papers, fascicle |
Faszikel {m} | :: manuscript papers |
Faszikel {m} | :: galley proofs |
Faszikel {m} | :: supplementary file |
Faszikel {m} | :: unbound book fragments |
Faszikel {m} | :: a part of series, an installment, fascicle |
Faszikel {m} [medicine] | :: small bundles of muscle or nerve fiber, fascicle |
Faszikel {m} [botany] | :: a bound collection of dried plants or leaves |
Faszination {f} | :: fascination |
faszinieren {v} | :: to fascinate |
faszinierend {adj} | :: fascinating |
faszinierender {adj} | :: comparative of faszinierend |
faszinierendsten {adj} | :: superlative of faszinierend |
fatal {adj} | :: fatal |
Fatalismus {m} | :: fatalism |
fatalistisch {adj} | :: fatalistic |
Fatum {n} | :: Fate |
Fatwa {f} {n} [Islam] | :: fatwa (scholar's written response to a religious question) |
fauchen {v} [animal sound] | :: to hiss, to spit |
faul {adj} | :: rotten |
faul {adj} | :: lazy |
Fäule {f} | :: rot |
faulen {v} | :: to rot (become decomposed by microorganisms) |
faulenzen {v} | :: to laze |
Faulenzer {m} | :: idler; loafer; layabout |
fauler {adj} | :: comparative of faul |
Faulfliege {f} | :: A fly belonging to family Lauxaniidae, many species of which are saprophagous |
Faulheit {f} | :: laziness |
faulig {adj} | :: foul (as in 'foul smell'), rotten, covered with mould |
Fäulnis {f} | :: rot |
Fäulnis {f} [dentistry] | :: decay |
Fäulnis {f} [figurative] | :: decadence |
Faulpelz {m} | :: lazybones |
Faultier {n} | :: sloth |
Faun {m} | :: faun (mythological creature) |
Fauna {f} | :: fauna |
Faust {f} | :: fist |
faustdick {adj} | :: (As) big as (the [approximate] size of) a fist, (approximately) fist-sized |
faustdick {adj} [colloquial] | :: blatant, blunt, downright, outright, plain |
faustdick {adj} [colloquial] | :: full-blown, huge, massive, significant |
faustdicker {adj} | :: comparative of faustdick |
faustdicksten {adj} | :: superlative degree form of faustdick |
Faustfeuerwaffe {f} | :: A handgun; a gun that is fit to be wielded in a single hand |
Fausthandschuh {m} | :: mitten |
faustisch {adj} | :: Faustian |
Faustkampf {m} | :: fistfight |
Fäustling {m} | :: mitten |
Faustregel {f} | :: rule of thumb |
Faustschlag {m} | :: punch |
Fauteuil {m} | :: armchair |
Fauxpas {m} | :: faux pas |
favorisieren {v} | :: to favor |
Favorit {m} | :: favourite (person who enjoys special regard or favor; person who is preferred or trusted above all others) |
Favorit {m} [sports] | :: favourite |
Fax {n} | :: fax (machine) |
Faxnummer {f} | :: fax number |
Fayalit {m} [mineral] | :: fayalite |
Fäzes {p} [medicine] | :: faeces |
fazial {adj} | :: facial |
Fazit {n} | :: upshot, conclusion, bottom line |
Fazit {n} | :: result |
FBH {noun} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of Fußbodenheizung |
FC {noun} | :: initialism of Fußballclub |
FCKW {noun} | :: initialism of Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoff |
FDP {prop} | :: Freie Demokratische Partei |
Feber {m} [Austria, dated] | :: synonym of Februar |
febril {adj} | :: febrile |
Februar {m} | :: February |
fechten {vi} | :: To fence |
fechten {vi} [poetic] | :: To fight |
fechten {vi} [cant] | :: To beg |
Fechten {n} | :: fencing |
Fechter {m} | :: fencer |
Fechterin {f} | :: female fencer |
Feder {f} | :: feather |
Feder {f} | :: a spring of a machine or gadget |
Feder {f} | :: a pen, used as a writing tool in ancient times |
Federball {m} | :: the game of badminton |
Federball {m} | :: badminton ball; shuttlecock |
Federballspiel {n} | :: badminton |
Federballspiel {n} | :: badminton game |
Federballspieler {m} | :: badminton player (male or of unspecified sex) |
Federballspielerin {f} [sports] | :: badminton player (female) |
Federbett {n} | :: eiderdown |
Federbett {n} | :: duvet |
Federchen {n} | :: diminutive of Feder |
federführend {adj} | :: leading, in charge |
Federhalter {m} | :: penholder, pen |
Federkiel {m} | :: quill (shaft of a feather) |
Federkleid {noun} | :: plumage |
Federkrieg {m} | :: written war of words |
federleicht {adj} | :: feather-light |
Federspitz {m} | :: nib |
Federstrich {m} | :: stroke of a feather |
Federstrich {m} | :: penstroke |
Federweiss {n} | :: alternative spelling of Federweiß |
Federweiß {n} [mineralogy] | :: French chalk (type of steatite, used to mark cloth and as a lubricant in shoes, gloves etc.) |
Federweiß {n} [mineralogy] | :: halotrichite (feather alum) |
Federweisser {noun} | :: alternative spelling of Federweißer |
Federweißer {m} [oenology] | :: Federweisser, must made from white grapes that has begun to ferment but that has not yet turned into wine |
Federwerk {n} | :: clockwork |
Federzeichnung {f} | :: pen and ink drawing |
Fee {f} | :: fairy |
Feedback {n} | :: feedback |
feengleich {adj} | :: like a fairy |
Fegefeuer {n} | :: Purgatory |
fegen {v} | :: to sweep, to polish |
Feh {n} [clothing] | :: squirrel fur; vair |
Feh {n} [clothing, zoology] | :: a squirrel from which such fur can be produced, especially the Siberian subspecies of the red squirrel |
Feh {n} [zoology, obsolete] | :: ermine |
Feh {n} [heraldry] | :: vair |
Fehde {f} | :: feud |
Fehdehandschuh {m} | :: a glove (literal of figurative) used for challenging someone, cf. English throw down the gauntlet |
fehl- {prefix} | :: A verb prefix; mis-: erroneous |
fehl- {prefix} | :: A noun prefix |
Fehl {m} [obsolete except in idioms] | :: fault; flaw; failure |
Fehl {m} [card games] | :: a card that is not trump |
Fehlalarm {m} | :: false alarm (trigger of an unfounded response) |
fehlbar {adj} | :: fallible |
fehlbar {adj} [Switzerland] | :: guilty (of a crime, transgression, etc.) |
fehlbar {adj} [Switzerland] | :: sickly |
fehlbesetzen {v} [acting] | :: to miscast |
fehlbesetzen {v} [position or job] | :: to misassign |
Fehlbesetzung {f} [acting] | :: miscast |
Fehlbesetzung {f} [position or job] | :: misassignment |
Fehlbetrag {m} | :: shortfall, deficit, minus amount, missing sum |
Fehldarstellung {f} | :: misrepresentation |
Fehldeutung {f} | :: misinterpretation |
Fehldiagnose {f} | :: misdiagnosis |
Fehleinschätzung {f} | :: misjudgement |
fehlen {v} | :: to lack |
fehlen {v} | :: to be absent |
fehlen {v} [dated] | :: to fail |
Fehlen {n} | :: absence, dearth; absenteeism |
Fehlen {n} | :: default |
fehlend {adj} | :: missing |
Fehlentscheidung {f} | :: wrong decision, misdecision |
Fehler {m} | :: fault, error, mistake |
Fehlerbehebung {f} | :: bugfix, troubleshooting |
Fehlercode {m} | :: (computing) error code |
fehlerfrei {adj} | :: flawless |
Fehlerfreiheit {f} | :: accuracy, correctness |
fehlerhaft {adj} | :: faulty |
Fehlerhaftigkeit {f} | :: defectiveness |
fehlerlos {adj} | :: flawless |
Fehlerlosigkeit {f} | :: flawlessness |
Fehlermeldung {f} | :: error message |
Fehlernährung {f} | :: malnutrition, malnourishment |
Fehlerquelle {f} | :: source of error, error source |
Fehlertoleranz {f} [system engineering] | :: fault tolerance |
Fehlfunktion {f} | :: malfunction, dysfunction |
Fehlgeburt {f} | :: miscarriage (of a baby) |
fehlgehen {v} | :: to be mistaken |
fehlgehen {v} [sports] | :: to miss |
fehlgeschlagen {v} | :: past participle of fehlschlagen |
fehlgeschlagen {adj} | :: failed, aborted |
Fehlgriff {m} | :: mistake; something done badly; decision that proved wrong |
Fehlinterpretation {f} | :: misinterpretation |
fehlinterpretieren {v} | :: to misinterpret |
Fehlleistung {f} | :: blunder |
Fehlleistung {f} [psychoanalysis] | :: Freudian slip |
fehlleiten {v} | :: to misdirect, to misguide |
Fehlplanung {f} | :: misplanning |
fehlsam {adj} | :: erroneous, wrong |
Fehlschlag {m} | :: failure, miss |
fehlschlagen {vi} | :: to fail |
fehlschlagen {vi} [computing] | :: to abort |
Fehlschluss {m} | :: fallacy (false argument) |
Fehlschuß {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fehlschuss |
fehlsichtig {adj} | :: Having poor eyesight |
Fehlstart {m} [sports] | :: false start (starting before the signal) |
Fehlstart {m} | :: by extension: a failure at the beginning of something |
Fehlstelle {f} | :: vacancy, gap |
Fehlstelle {f} | :: imperfection, defect, blemish |
Fehltritt {m} | :: misstep |
Fehlurteil {n} | :: misjudgment |
Fehlurteil {n} [law] | :: miscarriage of justice |
Fehlverhalten {n} | :: misconduct, wrongdoing |
Fehring {prop} {n} | :: Fehring (municipality) |
feien {vt} [elevated] | :: to protect, to shield |
Feier {f} | :: celebration |
Feier {f} | :: party |
Feier {f} | :: ceremony |
Feier {f} | :: service |
Feier {f} | :: observance |
Feierabend {m} [obsolete] | :: The evening before a holiday, eve |
Feierabend {m} | :: Quitting time, hometime; the workday's end and the evening following it, used for relaxation or leisure |
Feierbiest {n} [colloquial] | :: party animal |
feierlich {adj} | :: solemn, ceremonious |
feierlicher {adj} | :: comparative of feierlich |
Feierlichkeit {f} | :: solemnity |
feierlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of feierlich |
feiern {vti} | :: to celebrate; to party; applicable from the most solemn to the most revelrous forms |
feiern {vt} [colloquial, youth slang] | :: to love; to adore |
Feiertag {m} | :: holiday (day on which a festival, etc, is traditionally observed) |
feig {adj} [colloquial, poetic] | :: alternative form of feige |
feige {adj} | :: cowardly, yellow |
feige {adv} | :: cowardly |
Feige {f} | :: fig |
Feige {f} [vulgar, rare] | :: vulva |
Feige {f} [rare] | :: cowardly woman |
Feigenbaum {m} | :: fig (tree or shrub) |
Feigenblatt {n} [also, figuratively] | :: fig leaf |
Feigenblättchen {n} | :: diminutive of Feigenblatt |
Feigenkaktus {m} | :: Opuntia ficus-indica (Indian fig opuntia), a species of cactus |
Feigheit {f} | :: cowardice |
Feigling {m} | :: coward, chicken |
feil {adj} | :: vendible, for sale (often used in constructions such as feil halten, feil stehen) |
feilbieten {vt} | :: to offer for sale |
Feilbietung {f} | :: an offer for sale |
Feilbietung {f} [Austria] | :: auction |
Feile {f} | :: file (tool) |
feilen {v} [to smooth with a file] | :: to file |
feilgeboten {v} | :: past participle of feilbieten |
feilhaben {vt} [dated] | :: to have for sale |
feilhalten {vt} [dated] | :: to offer for sale |
feilschen {v} | :: to haggle |
Feim {m} | :: heap of layered grain |
fein {adj} | :: fine (not rough, coarse, or thick) |
fein {adj} [dated, except in certain expressions] | :: fine; very good; as it should be |
fein {adj} | :: refined; posh; fancy |
fein {adj} [with zu and often reflexive dative] | :: too good; not willing to do something or associate with it because one thinks it beneath one |
Feinchemikalie {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: fine chemical(s) |
feind {adj} | :: enemy (attributive); hostile |
Feind {m} | :: enemy |
Feindbild {n} | :: foe image |
Feindin {f} | :: female enemy |
feindlich {adj} | :: enemy [attributive], foelike, inimical, hostile, adverse, adversarial |
feindlicher {adj} | :: comparative of feindlich |
feindlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of feindlich |
Feindschaft {f} | :: enmity, hostility |
feindselig {adj} | :: hostile, unfriendly |
feiner {adj} | :: comparative of fein |
feinfühlend {adj} | :: sensitive, delicate |
feinfühlend {adj} | :: empathetic, tactful |
feinfühlig {adj} | :: sensitive |
Feinfühligkeit {f} | :: sensitivity, sensibility |
Feingebäck {m} | :: viennoiserie |
Feingefühl {n} | :: tact |
Feingehalt {m} | :: fineness (of a precious metal) |
Feingehaltstempel {m} | :: hallmark |
Feingehaltzahl {f} | :: fineness (number) |
feingemahlen {adj} | :: finely-ground |
fein geschliffen {adj} | :: honed |
feingeschliffen {adj} | :: alternative form of fein geschliffen |
fein geschliffener {adj} | :: comparative of fein geschliffen |
feingeschliffener {adj} | :: comparative of feingeschliffen |
fein geschliffensten {adj} | :: superlative of fein geschliffen |
feingeschliffensten {adj} | :: superlative of feingeschliffen |
feingliedrig {adj} | :: delicate |
Feinguss {m} | :: investment casting |
Feinheit {f} | :: finesse |
Feinheit {f} | :: delicacy |
feinherb {adj} | :: (of wine) Slightly dry, off-dry |
Feinkornbaustahl {m} | :: fine-grained structural steel |
feinkörnig {adj} | :: finely ground |
feinkörnig {adj} | :: close-grained, fine-grained |
Feinkost {f} | :: delicatessen [top-quality food] |
feinmaschig {adj} | :: narrow-meshed, tightly-woven |
feinporig {adj} | :: finely-pored |
Feinpulver {n} | :: fine powder |
feinpulvrig {adj} | :: finely-powdered |
Feinschmecker {m} | :: gourmet |
Feinschmeckerlokal {n} | :: gourmet restaurant |
Feinsilber {n} | :: fine silver (>= 99.9% pure) |
Feinstaub {m} | :: particulate matter, particulates |
Feinste {f} | :: (the) finest |
feinsten {adj} | :: superlative of fein |
feinstgemahlen {adj} | :: finely-ground |
Feinstruktur {f} | :: fine structure |
Feinstrukturkonstante {f} | :: fine-structure constant |
feinstverteilt {adj} | :: finely-divided |
Feinunze {f} | :: troy ounce |
Feinunze {f} | :: fine ounce (of gold) |
feinverteilt {adj} | :: finely / thinly dispersed / distributed |
feist {adj} [pejorative, now, chiefly literary] | :: fat (of a person) |
Feistritztal {prop} {n} | :: Feistritztal (municipality) |
Feitel {m} [Austria] | :: pocket knife |
feixen {v} [colloquial] | :: to smirk |
fekund {adj} | :: fecund, fertile |
Feld {n} | :: field |
Feld {n} [heraldry] | :: field, background |
Feld {n} [informatics] | :: array |
Feld {n} [chess] | :: square |
feldaus {adv} | :: out of the or a field, out of the fields |
Feldbach {prop} {n} | :: Feldbach (municipality) |
Feldbach {prop} {n} | :: A municipality in Upper Alsace |
Feldberg {prop} | :: Any of several mountains in Germany |
Feldberg {prop} | :: surname |
Feldbett {n} | :: camp bed |
feldein {adv} | :: into the or a field, into the fields |
Feldflasche {f} | :: water flask |
Feldforschung {f} [in scientific reserach] | :: field work |
feldgrau {adj} | :: feldgrau |
Feldgrau {n} | :: feldgrau |
Feldgrille {f} | :: field cricket |
Feldhauptmann {m} [historical, military rank] | :: "field captain"; commander of a Fähnlein |
Feldherr {m} | :: commander-in-chief, the highest ranking general/commander of an army in war |
Feldjäger {m} [in the plural] | :: military police |
Feldjäger {m} | :: member of the military police |
Feldkirch {prop} {n} | :: Feldkirch (municipality) |
Feldkirch {prop} {n} | :: Feldkirch (municipality) |
Feldlinie {f} [physics] | :: line of force (field line) |
Feldmarschall {m} | :: field marshal (military officer of the highest rank) |
Feldmaus {f} | :: field mouse |
Feldmesser {m} | :: land surveyor |
Feldsalat {m} | :: corn salad, Valerianella locusta or any member of the Valerianella genus |
Feldscher {m} | :: alternative form of Feldscherer |
Feldscherer {m} | :: barber surgeon, field surgeon, army surgeon |
Feldspat {m} [mineral] | :: feldspar |
Feldspaten {m} | :: entrenching tool |
Feldspath {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Feldspat |
Feldspinne {f} | :: liocranid sac spider |
Feldstein {m} | :: fieldstone |
Feldthurns {prop} | :: Feldthurns (municipality) |
Feldversuch {m} | :: field trial, test run |
Feld-, Wald- und Wiesen- {prefix} | :: alternative spelling of Feld-Wald-und-Wiesen- |
Feld-Wald-und-Wiesen- {prefix} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: common-or-garden; everyday, ordinary |
Feldwebel {m} | :: sergeant (noncommissioned officer) |
Feldweg {m} | :: dirt road |
Feldweibel {m} [Switzerland] | :: synonym of Feldwebel |
Feldzeichen {n} [military] | :: standard |
Feldzug {m} [military] | :: campaign |
Felgaufschwung {m} | :: back hip circle |
Felge {f} | :: felly, rim |
Felgenband {n} | :: rim tape |
Felgenbremse {f} | :: rim brake |
Felicia {prop} | :: given name, alternative spelling of Felizia |
Felicitas {prop} | :: given name |
Felix {prop} | :: given name |
Felixdorf {prop} {n} | :: Felixdorf (municipality) |
Felizia {prop} | :: given name |
Felizitas {prop} | :: given name |
Fell {n} | :: fur, pelt (hairy skin of an animal) |
Fell {n} | :: hide (the detached, tanned skin of an animal) |
Fellache {m} | :: fellah |
Fellachin {f} | :: A female fellah |
Fellaffe {m} | :: a kind of furry knapsack, standard in the Switzerland military and with some Wehrmacht and SS units in 1930–1950 |
Fellatio {f} | :: fellatio |
Fellchen {n} | :: diminutive of Fell |
Fellhandschuh {m} | :: fur glove |
Fels {m} | :: rock |
Felsboden {m} | :: rocky ground |
Felsbrocken {m} | :: boulder |
Felsen {m} | :: rock |
Felsenbirne {f} | :: serviceberry (plant) |
Felsenbirne {f} | :: serviceberry (fruit) |
felsenfest {adj} | :: adamant |
Felsenpfeifer {m} | :: rock pipit |
Felsenpinguin {m} | :: rockhopper penguin |
Felsentaube {f} [preferred term] | :: rock pigeon, rock dove |
Felsnadel {f} | :: [tall, sharp and craggy rock or mountain] pinnacle |
Felsvorsprung {m} | :: ledge on a rock wall |
Felswand {f} | :: cliff |
fem. {adj} | :: abbreviation of feminin |
Feme {f} [history] | :: a Vehmic/Vehm court (for details, see Wikipedia) (a medieval "proto-vigilante" juridical institution) |
Feme {f} [literary, by comparison] | :: secret gremium that orders the assassination of (usually political) enemies |
feminin {adj} | :: feminine, womanly |
feminin {adj} [grammar] | :: feminine, of or pertaining to the feminine gender |
Femininum {n} [grammar, no plural] | :: feminine, feminine gender |
Femininum {n} [grammar] | :: feminine, a word (like a substantive, pronoun) with feminine gender |
Feminismus {m} | :: feminism |
Feminist {m} | :: feminist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Feministin {f} | :: feminist (female) |
feministisch {adj} | :: feminist |
Femtochemie {f} [chemistry] | :: femtochemistry |
Femtosekunde {m} | :: femtosecond |
Femur {m} {n} | :: femur (thighbone) |
Femur {m} {n} [entomology] | :: femur (segment of insect's leg) |
Fenchel {m} | :: fennel |
Fendels {prop} {n} | :: Fendels (municipality) |
Fenn {n} [regional, North and Central German] | :: mire, bog, fen |
Fennek {m} | :: fennec, fennec fox, (Vulpes zerda, was Fennecus zerda) |
Fennich {m} [botany] | :: a particular sort of panic or millet |
fennoskandisch {adj} | :: Fennoscandian |
Fenrir {prop} {m} | :: Fenrir |
Fenriswolf {m} [Norse mythology] | :: Fenrir |
Fenster {n} | :: window |
Fenster {n} [figuratively] | :: time frame |
Fensterbank {f} [architecture] | :: windowsill |
Fensterbrett {n} | :: windowsill |
Fensterchen {n} | :: diminutive of Fenster |
Fensterglas {n} | :: window glass |
Fensterhaken {m} | :: cabin hook |
Fensterkitt {m} | :: (window) putty |
Fensterladen {m} | :: window shutter |
Fensterladenhalter {m} | :: shutter dog (window hardware) |
Fensterlein {n} | :: diminutive of Fenster |
fensterln {v} [southern Germany, Austrian, Switzerland] | :: to visit a girl who is the object of one's affections at night, either by coming to her window or by climbing through it into her room |
fensterlos {adj} | :: windowless |
Fenstermücke {f} | :: A fly in family Anisopodidae, the wood gnats |
Fensterrahmen {m} | :: window frame |
Fensterraute {f} | :: a mascle |
Fensterscheibe {f} | :: window pane |
Fenstersturz {m} | :: defenestration |
Ferchromid {m} | :: ferchromide |
Ferdinand {prop} | :: given name |
ferial {adj} [Austria, dated] | :: ferial (pertaining to a holiday) |
Ferien {p} | :: vacation, holiday |
Ferien {p} | :: school break |
Ferienhaus {n} | :: holiday home |
Ferienhäuschen {n} | :: diminutive of Ferienhaus; holiday cottage |
Ferienort {m} | :: resort, holiday resort |
Feriensiedlung {f} [tourism] | :: holiday complex, holiday resort |
Ferkel {n} | :: piglet; a young/immature pig |
Ferkelkraut {n} | :: cat's ear (Hypochaeris, especially the common cat's-ear (Hypochaeris radicata)) |
Ferlach {prop} {n} | :: Ferlach (municipality) |
Fermate {f} [music] | :: fermata |
fermentativ {adj} | :: fermentative, enzymatic |
Fermion {n} [physics] | :: fermion |
Fermionen-Kondensat {n} | :: fermionic condensate |
fermionisch {adj} [physics] | :: fermionic |
Fermium {n} | :: fermium |
fern {adj} | :: remote |
fern {adj} | :: far away |
fernab {adv} | :: far away |
fernab {prep} | :: far away from |
Fernbedienung {f} | :: remote control (device used to operate an appliance, such as a TV) |
Fernbeziehung {f} | :: long-distance relationship |
fernbleiben {v} | :: to stay away |
Ferne {f} | :: distance |
Ferne {f} [in the plural] | :: distant lands |
Ferne {f} | :: future, past |
ferner {adv} | :: furthermore, in addition |
Ferner {m} [Austria] | :: glacier |
ferngehalten {v} | :: past participle of fernhalten |
Ferngespräch {n} | :: long-distance call |
Fernglas {n} | :: small, hand-held telescope (including binoculars and monoculars) |
ferngucken {v} [regional] | :: to watch television |
fernhalten {v} | :: to keep away, to keep off |
fernliegen {v} | :: to be remote |
fernliegen {v} | :: to not be one's intention |
fernmündlich {adj} [dated] | :: telephonic, by telephone |
Fernrohr {n} | :: telescope |
Fernsehapparat {m} | :: synonym of Fernseher (television set) |
Fernsehbild {n} | :: TV picture / image |
Fernsehbildröhre {f} | :: TV picture tube (cathode ray tube in a TV) |
fernsehen {v} | :: to watch television |
Fernsehen {n} | :: television |
Fernseher {m} | :: a television set, a TV |
Fernseher {m} | :: a television viewer (person) |
Fernsehgerät {n} | :: television receiver, television set, TV set |
Fernsehprediger {m} | :: televangelist |
Fernsehredakteur {m} [Germany, Austria] | :: television editor (male or of unspecified sex) |
Fernsehredaktor {m} [Switzerland, Liechtenstein] | :: television editor (male or of unspecified sex) |
Fernsehröhre {f} | :: television tube |
Fernsehschirm {m} | :: television screen, TV screen |
Fernsehsender {m} | :: TV station, television station |
Fernsehsendung {f} | :: television program, television show |
Fernsehserie {f} [media, TV] | :: TV series |
Fernsehstube {f} | :: A television viewing room |
Fernsehtaube {f} [colloquial] | :: collared dove |
Fernsprecher {m} [chiefly officialese] | :: telephone |
fernsteuern {vt} | :: to telecontrol, to control remotely |
Fernsteuerung {f} | :: remote control |
Fernstudium {n} | :: distance learning |
Fernuniversität {f} | :: a distance learning institute |
Fernuniversität {f} | :: the Open University |
Fernunterricht {m} | :: distance learning, distance education |
Fernverkehr {m} | :: long-distance traffic |
Fernwärme {f} | :: district heating, teleheating |
Fernweh {n} | :: wanderlust (desire to travel, a longing for far-off places) |
Fernwirkung {f} | :: a remote effect |
Fernwirkung {f} [physics] | :: action at a distance |
Fernzug {m} | :: long-distance train |
Ferredoxin {n} [protein] | :: ferredoxin |
Ferrit {n} | :: ferrite |
Ferritin {n} [protein] | :: ferritin |
Ferrobor {n} | :: ferroboron |
Ferrocen {n} [organic chemistry] | :: ferrocene |
Ferrochrom {n} | :: ferrochrome |
ferromagnetisch {adj} | :: ferromagnetic |
Ferromagnetismus {m} | :: ferromagnetism |
Ferromangan {n} | :: ferromanganese |
Ferroniob {n} | :: ferroniobium |
Ferrosilicium {n} | :: ferrosilicon |
Ferrotitan {n} | :: ferrotitanium |
Ferrovanadium {n} | :: ferrovanadium |
Ferschnitz {prop} {n} | :: Ferschnitz (municipality) |
Ferse {f} | :: heel |
Fersengänger {m} | :: plantigrade |
Fersengeld {n} | :: only used in Fersengeld geben |
Fersengeld geben {v} | :: to flee, to leave, to skedaddle |
fert {adv} [archaic] | :: last year |
-fertig {suffix} | :: Used to form adjectives from nouns or verbs to indicate a preparedness or readiness for something |
fertig {adj} [of something made] | :: ready for use; done; fully prepared |
fertig {adj} [of a task to be completed] | :: done; finished; complete |
fertig {adj} [colloquial, of something limited by time] | :: finished; over |
fertig {adj} [of a living being, with zu or für] | :: ready to start; fully prepared |
fertig {adj} [of a living being, with mit] | :: done; having finished |
fertig {adj} [colloquial, of a living being] | :: exhausted; beat; bushed |
Fertigarzneimittel {n} [medicine] | :: proprietary medicine |
fertigbringen {v} | :: to manage, achieve |
fertigen {v} | :: to produce, to manufacture |
fertiggemacht {v} | :: past participle of fertigmachen |
Fertiggericht {n} | :: ready meal, TV dinner |
fertiggestellt {v} | :: past participle of fertigstellen |
Fertighaus {n} | :: prefabricated building |
Fertigkeit {f} | :: skill, proficiency, facility, dexterity |
fertigkriegen {vt} | :: to get done |
fertigmachen {v} [colloquial] | :: to complete (to finish) |
fertigmachen {v} [colloquial] | :: to beat up |
fertigmachen {vr} [colloquial] | :: to beat oneself up |
fertigmachen {vr} [colloquial] | :: to get ready, dress up |
fertigstellen {v} | :: to finish, to complete, to accomplish |
Fertigstellung {f} | :: completion, conclusion |
Fertigstellung {f} | :: finalization |
Fertigung {f} | :: assembly, manufacture, production |
Fertigungstechnik {f} | :: manufacturing technology / engineering |
Fertigungsverfahren {n} | :: manufacturing process / technique |
Fertigware {f} | :: finished product, end product |
fertigwerden {v} | :: to cope [+ mit (object) = etwas = with] |
Fertigzustand {m} | :: finished state |
fertil {adj} | :: fertile |
Fes {m} | :: fez |
Fes {n} [music] | :: F-flat |
fesch {adj} [colloquial] | :: nice-looking, stylish, athletic-looking |
fesch {adj} [Austria, dated] | :: nice, friendly |
Fessel {f} | :: fetter, shackle |
Fessel {f} | :: pastern |
fesseln {v} | :: to chain, to bind |
fesseln {v} | :: to rivet (someone's attention), to captivate |
fesselnd {adj} | :: compelling |
Fesselspiel {n} [often plural] | :: bondage (sex practice) |
fest {adj} | :: firm; compact; hard |
fest {adj} | :: firm; fixed; rigid |
fest {adj} | :: firm; steadfast |
Fest {n} | :: celebration, festival, party |
Feste {f} [historical] | :: stronghold, fortress, fortified castle |
Feste {f} [figurative, chiefly in the plural] | :: foundation, stronghold |
fest einprogrammieren {v} [computing] | :: to hard code |
Festelektrolyt {m} | :: solid electrolyte |
festen {vt} | :: to celebrate, to party |
Festessen {n} | :: feast, banquet |
festfahren {v} | :: to get stuck |
festfahren {v} | :: to bog down |
festfragen {vt} [South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal: Izotsha] | :: to drive somebody in a tight corner by posing questions; to put somebody in an embarrassing situation, to embarrass |
festgefahren {adj} | :: entrenched, stuck, bogged down |
festgehalten {v} | :: past participle of festhalten |
festgelegt {adj} | :: determined, fixed |
festgenommen {v} | :: past participle of festnehmen |
festgeschrieben {v} | :: past participle of festschreiben |
festgesetzt {v} | :: past participle of festsetzen |
festhalten {v} | :: to hold; to adhere |
festhalten {v} | :: to retain |
festhalten {v} | :: to record; to capture |
festhalten {v} | :: to detain |
festigen {v} | :: to consolidate; to strengthen |
Festigkeit {f} | :: strength |
Festigkeit {f} | :: firmness, steadiness |
Festigkeit {f} | :: hardness, solidity |
Festigung {f} | :: strengthening |
Festival {n} | :: festival |
festkleben {v} | :: to glue firmly |
Festkommazahl {f} | :: fixed-point number |
Festkörper {m} | :: solid (solid body) |
Festkörperchemie {f} [chemistry] | :: solid-state chemistry |
Festkörperphysik {f} [physics] | :: solid-state physics |
Festland {n} | :: mainland (the main landmass of a country or continent) |
festlegen {v} | :: to set, to determine |
festlegen {v} | :: to commit oneself to… (sich auf … festlegen) |
Festlegung {f} | :: fixing, determination |
festlich {adj} | :: festive |
festlicher {adj} | :: comparative of festlich |
festlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of festlich |
festmachen {v} | :: to fix (something) on |
festmachen {v} | :: to fasten |
festmachen {v} [nautical] | :: to moor |
festmachen {v} | :: to arrange |
festmachen {v} | :: to demonstrate, exemplify |
Festmahl {n} | :: feast (meal), banquet |
festnageln {vt} | :: to nail, to nail down (employ a nail as a fastener) |
festnageln {vt} [figuratively] | :: to pin down (corner somebody in order to get a firm answer) |
Festnahme {f} | :: arrest |
festnehmen {v} | :: to arrest (take into legal custody) |
Festnetz {n} | :: landline |
Feston {n} [architecture] | :: festoon |
Feston {n} | :: festoon (ornament) |
Festplatte {f} | :: hard disk, harddisk |
festquatschen {vr} [colloquial] | :: To become so absorbed in a conversation that you cannot let go of it (for a fairly long time), to get stuck nattering away, to get stuck in a chat |
Festschmaus {m} | :: feast |
festschrauben {vt} | :: to screw [tight] |
festschreiben {v} | :: To establish, codify, stipulate |
Festschrift {f} | :: festschrift |
festsetzen {v} | :: to set (to determine) |
festsetzen {v} | :: to arrest, to put in prison |
festsetzen {v} | :: to schedule |
Festspiel {n} | :: festival |
feststecken {v} | :: to be stuck |
feststecken {v} | :: to pin |
feststehen {v} | :: to stand firm |
feststellbar {adj} | :: detectable, ascertainable, identifiable |
feststellbar {adj} | :: certifiable |
feststellen {v} | :: to notice, to realize |
feststellen {v} | :: to determine, to ascertain |
feststellen {v} | :: to declare, to state |
feststellen {v} | :: (mechanics) to lock or fix into place |
Feststellung {f} | :: determination |
Feststellungsklage {f} [law] | :: declaratory action |
Feststellungsurteil {n} [law] | :: declaratory judgment |
Feststoff {m} | :: solid (material) |
Feststoff {m} | :: sediment |
Feststoffrakete {f} | :: solid-fuelled rocket |
Festung {f} | :: fortress, fortification |
festwachsen {v} | :: to grow on; to take root |
festwachsen {v} | :: to increase |
Festzug {m} | :: parade [procession] |
fetal {adj} | :: fetal |
Fete {f} [somewhat, dated] | :: party (social event) |
Fetisch {m} | :: fetish |
fetischisieren {vt} | :: to fetishize (to make a fetish of) |
Fetischismus {m} | :: fetishism |
fett {adj} | :: fat |
fett {adj} [of food] | :: rich, containing a lot of fat |
fett {adj} [typography] | :: bold |
fett {adj} [colloquial] | :: awesome, phat |
Fett {n} | :: fat, grease |
Fett {n} | :: lipid |
Fettalkohol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: fatty alcohol |
fettarm {adj} | :: low-fat |
Fettarsch {m} [derogatory, pejorative] | :: fat-ass, lard-ass |
fetten {vt} | :: to grease, smear with fat |
fetten {vi} | :: to be greasy (e.g., of hair) |
fetter {adj} | :: comparative of fett |
fettesten {adj} | :: superlative of fett |
Fettgewebe {n} | :: adipose tissue |
fetthaltig {adj} | :: fatty |
fetthältig {adj} | :: alternative form of fetthaltig |
Fetthärtung {f} | :: hydrogenation (of unsaturated fats) |
fettig {adj} | :: fatty, greasy |
Fettigkeit {f} | :: greasiness, fattiness |
Fettleber {f} | :: fatty liver |
fettleibig {adj} | :: obese |
fettleibiger {adj} | :: comparative of fettleibig |
Fettleibigkeit {f} | :: obesity |
fettleibigsten {adj} | :: superlative of fettleibig |
fettlöslich {adj} | :: fat-soluble, lipophilic |
Fettmolekül {n} | :: fat molecule |
Fettnäpfchen {n} [literal] | :: diminutive of Fettnapf: a small dubbin-containing bowl |
Fettnäpfchen {n} [figurative] | :: faux pas |
Fettpflanze {f} [botany, rare] | :: succulent |
Fettsack {m} [pejorative] | :: fatso |
Fettsäure {f} [organic chemistry] | :: fatty acid |
Fettstoffwechsel {m} [biochemistry] | :: lipometabolism |
Fettsucht {f} | :: obesity, adiposity |
fettsüchtig {adj} | :: obese |
Fettwanst {m} [derogatory, pejorative] | :: fatso, lard-ass |
fetzen {vi} [colloquial, auxiliary sein] | :: to speed, to rush |
fetzen {vr} [colloquial, auxiliary haben] | :: to fight, to wrangle, to squabble |
Fetzen {m} | :: scrap, rag (torn piece of fabric or paper) |
Fetzen {m} | :: rags (tattered clothing) |
Fetzen {m} [colloquial] | :: low-quality, ill-fitting clothing |
Fetzen {m} [Austria, dated] | :: work apron |
Fetzen {m} [Austria, colloquial] | :: cleaning cloth, dustcloth |
Fetzen {m} [Austria, chiefly Tyrol, slang] | :: a bad grade in school |
fetzig {adj} | :: great, cool (very good) |
feucht {adj} | :: wet, humid, moist, soggy, dank |
Feucht {prop} | :: Feucht (market town/and/municipality) |
Feuchte {f} | :: humidity |
Feuchte {f} | :: moistness |
Feuchte {f} | :: moisture |
feuchter {adj} | :: comparative of feucht |
feuchtfröhlich {adj} | :: merry, sloshed (because of drinking alcohol) |
Feuchtgebiet {n} | :: wetland |
feuchtheiß {adj} | :: hot and humid |
Feuchtigkeit {f} | :: moisture, humidity, wetness |
Feuchtigkeitsverlust {m} | :: humidity loss, moisture loss |
feuchtkalt {adj} | :: clammy (damp and cold) |
Feuchtphase {f} [geology] | :: wet period |
feudal {adj} | :: feudal |
Feudalismus {m} | :: feudalism |
feudalistisch {adj} | :: feudalistic |
Feudel {m} [Northern Germany] | :: floorcloth |
Feuer {n} | :: fire |
Feueralarm {n} | :: fire alarm |
Feuerameise {f} | :: fire ant |
Feuerarm {m} | :: firearm |
Feuerball {m} | :: a fireball |
Feuerbestattung {f} | :: cremation |
Feuerbohne {f} | :: runner bean, scarlet runner bean, Phaseolus coccineus |
Feuerchen {n} | :: diminutive of Feuer |
Feuer fangen {v} | :: to catch fire |
feuerfarben {adj} | :: fire-coloured; having the colour of fire; red, orange |
feuerfest {adj} | :: fireproof |
feuerfest {adj} | :: flameproof |
Feuerfisch {m} | :: lionfish |
Feuer frei {phrase} [military] | :: fire at will! |
Feuergefahr {f} | :: fire hazard |
feuergefährlich {adj} | :: flammable / inflammable |
Feuerglut {f} | :: alternative spelling of Feuersglut |
Feuergluth {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Feuersglut |
Feuerholz {n} | :: firewood |
Feuerkäfer {m} | :: fire-colored beetle |
Feuerland {prop} {n} | :: Tierra del Fuego; Fireland (archipelago between Chile and Argentina) |
Feuerlein {n} | :: diminutive of Feuer |
Feuerleiter {f} | :: fire ladder |
Feuerleiter {f} | :: fire escape |
Feuerlöscher {m} | :: fire extinguisher |
Feuerlöschmittel {n} | :: fire-extinguishing agent / substance |
Feuermauer {f} | :: firewall |
feuern {v} [weapons] | :: to fire |
feuern {v} | :: [terminate employment] to fire |
feuern {v} | :: [feed a fire] to fire |
feuern {v} [neurons] | :: to fire |
Feuerofen {m} | :: furnace |
Feuerprobe {f} [literally or idiomatic] | :: trial by fire |
feuerrot {adj} | :: fire-red; as red as fire |
Feuerschiff {n} [nautical] | :: lightship, lightvessel |
Feuerschutz {m} | :: fire prevention |
Feuerschutz {m} [military] | :: covering fire |
Feuersglut {f} | :: the glowing and blazing of a fire |
Feuersgluth {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Feuersglut |
Feuerstein {m} | :: flint, chert |
Feuerstein {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Feuerstuhl {m} [humorous] | :: motorcycle |
Feuertaufe {f} | :: baptism of fire |
Feuerteufel {m} | :: firebug (pyromaniac) (male or of unspecified sex) |
Feuerturm {m} [rare] | :: lighthouse (building containing a light to warn or guide ships) |
Feuer und Flamme sein {phrase} [idiom] | :: to be full of enthusiasm; to be keen as mustard |
Feuerwaffe {f} | :: firearm |
Feuerwanze {f} | :: firebug |
Feuerwehr {f} | :: fire brigade |
Feuerwehr {f} | :: fire department |
Feuerwehrfrau {f} | :: firewoman, firefighter (female) |
Feuerwehrmann {m} | :: fireman, firefighter (male or of unspecified sex) |
Feuerwehrschlauch {m} | :: fire hose |
Feuerwerk {n} | :: fireworks |
Feuerwerkerei {f} | :: pyrotechnics |
Feuerwerksartikel {m} | :: firework (individual product) |
Feuerwerkskörper {m} | :: firework (single item), firecracker |
Feuerzeug {n} [historical] | :: tinderbox |
Feuerzeug {n} | :: lighter |
Feuilleton {n} | :: feuilleton |
feuilletonistisch {adj} | :: feuilletonist |
feurig {adj} | :: fiery |
feuriger {adj} | :: comparative of feurig |
feyn {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of fein |
ff. {adj} [of pages] | :: abbreviation of folgend {p} (“following”, “subsequent”) |
ff. {adj} | :: akin to the English ff., et seqq.. (The word fortfolgend has been coined as a folk etymological explanation of this abbreviation and is not encountered in other use than this fanciful explanation, which is in fact a backronym.) |
FFM {prop} {n} | :: abbreviation of Frankfurt am Main |
Fg. {noun} [music] | :: abbreviation of Fagott |
FH {noun} | :: initialism of Fachhochschule |
fi. {adj} | :: abbreviation of finnisch |
Fiaker {m} | :: horse-drawn taxicab |
Fiaker {m} | :: cabby, cabdriver of such a cab |
Fiasko {n} | :: fiasco |
Fibel {f} | :: fibula (ancient brooch) |
Fibel {f} | :: primer (an elementary book for teaching children to read and write) |
Fibel {f} | :: a textbook or manual on a specific topic |
Fibonaccifolge {f} [mathematics] | :: Fibonacci sequence |
Fibonacci-Folge {f} [mathematics] | :: alternative form of Fibonaccifolge |
Fibonaccizahl {f} [mathematics] | :: Fibonacci number |
fibrös {adj} | :: fibrous |
Fichte {f} [countable] | :: A spruce; the common tree [Picea] |
Fichte {f} [countable] | :: spruce; the wood and timber of the tree |
Fichte {prop} | :: surname |
Fichtelgebirge {prop} {n} | :: Fichtel (mountains) |
Fichtelit {m} [mineral] | :: fichtelite |
fichten {adj} | :: spruce, made of spruce wood |
Fichtenast {m} | :: spruce limb, spruce bough |
Fichtenholz {n} | :: spruce (The wood and timber of the spruce.) |
Fichtenrüsselkäfer {m} | :: pine weevil |
Fichtenspargel {m} | :: pinesap |
Fichtenspinner {m} | :: black arched moth, nun moth |
Fichtenzapfen {m} | :: spruce cone |
Fichtenzweig {m} | :: spruce branch |
Fick {m} [vulgar] | :: The sexual act, a fuck |
Fick {m} [vulgar] | :: A sexual partner, a fuck |
fickbar {adj} [vulgar slang] | :: fuckable |
ficken {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck |
ficken {v} [obsolete] | :: to rub; to slide |
ficken {interj} [vulgar] | :: fuck! |
Ficker {m} [vulgar] | :: fucker |
Ficker {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
fickerig {adj} | :: nervous, restless, fidgety |
fickfacken {v} | :: to search for excuses |
Fickfreund {m} [vulgar] | :: fuck buddy |
fickrig {adj} | :: alternative form of fickerig |
Ficksahne {noun} [vulgar, slang] | :: cum |
fidel {adj} | :: cheerful |
Fidel {f} [music] | :: vielle |
fideler {adj} | :: comparative of fidel |
fidelsten {adj} | :: superlative of fidel |
Fidji {prop} {n} | :: Fiji |
Fidjiralle {f} | :: bar-winged rail |
Fidschi {prop} {n} | :: Fiji |
fidschianisch {adj} | :: Fijian |
fiduziarisch {adj} | :: fiduciary |
Fieber {n} | :: fever |
Fieberanfall {m} | :: fever |
Fieberbrunn {prop} {n} | :: Fieberbrunn (municipality) |
fieberfrei {adj} | :: feverless, afebrile |
fieberhaft {adj} | :: feverish |
fieberig {adj} | :: alternative form of fiebrig |
Fieberkurve {f} | :: temperature curve |
Fiebermittel {n} [medicine] | :: antipyretic |
fiebern {v} | :: to have a high temperature |
fiebern {v} | :: to enthuse, to be excited about something |
fiebersenkend {adj} [medicine] | :: antipyretic |
Fieberthermometer {n} | :: medical thermometer |
fiebrig {adj} | :: feverish |
Fiedel {f} | :: fiddle |
fiedeln {v} [music] | :: to fiddle |
Fieder {f} [botany] | :: pinna (leaflet of a pinnate compound leaf) |
Fieder {f} [zoology, dated] | :: small feather |
Fiederblatt {n} | :: pinnate compound leaf |
Fiederblättchen {n} | :: diminutive of Fiederblatt |
Fiedler {m} | :: fiddler |
Fienen {prop} | :: Foieni |
fiepen {v} [of a bird] | :: to cheep |
fiepen {v} [of a dog] | :: to whimper |
fies {adj} | :: disgusting, disagreeable |
fies {adj} | :: mean, uncomfortable |
fies {adj} | :: mean, unlikable [person] |
fies {adj} [colloquial, regional, western Germany, + vor or von] | :: disgusted by, finding something disgusting |
fieser Möpp {m} [colloquial, regional, western Germany] | :: mean person [sometimes jocular, but sometimes very serious] |
Fiesling {m} | :: meanie |
Fiete {m} | :: given name |
Fietse {f} [colloquial, regional, Lower Rhine, Münsterland, Emsland] | :: bike; bicycle |
Fietsken {n} [colloquial, regional] | :: diminutive of Fietse |
figelinsch {adj} | :: intricate |
Figur {f} | :: figure, figurine |
Figur {f} | :: character (being in a story) |
Figur {f} | :: piece (one of the small objects played in board games) |
Figur {f} | :: figure (a drawing or representation conveying information) |
Figur {f} | :: figure (the shape of human body) |
figurativ {adj} | :: figurative |
figurbetont {adj} | :: figure-hugging (that emphasizes the body shape) |
figurbewusst {adj} | :: figure-conscious |
Figürchen {n} | :: diminutive of Figur |
figürlich {adj} | :: figurative |
figürlich {adj} [arts] | :: figured |
figürlich {adv} | :: figuratively |
figürlich {adv} | :: concerning someone's figure/physique |
Fiktion {f} | :: fiction |
fiktional {adj} | :: fictional |
fiktiv {adj} | :: fictional |
filamentartig {adj} | :: filamentary |
File {n} {m} [computing] | :: file |
Filet {n} [cooking] | :: fillet |
Filet {n} [fabric] | :: fillet |
Filiale {f} | :: branch (office of an organization with several locations) |
filigran {adj} | :: filigree |
Film {m} | :: film (a thin layer of some substance) |
Film {m} [photography] | :: photographic film |
Film {m} | :: motion picture |
Filmchen {n} | :: diminutive of Film |
Filmemacher {m} | :: filmmaker (male or of unspecified sex) |
Filmemacherin {f} | :: filmmaker (female) |
filmgeschichtlich {adj} | :: film history (attributive) |
filmhistorisch {adj} | :: synonym of filmgeschichtlich |
Filmmaterial {n} | :: footage |
Filmmusik {f} | :: film music |
Filmriss {m} [colloquial] | :: blackout (temporary loss of consciousness or memory, typically drug-related) |
Filmstar {m} | :: movie star, film star |
Filmtechnik {f} | :: film / cinematography technology |
Filoteig {m} | :: phyllo |
Filou {m} | :: smart aleck, wise guy |
Filou {m} | :: crook, rascal |
Filter {m} {n} | :: filter |
Filterblase {f} [internet] | :: filter bubble |
filterlos {adj} | :: filterless |
filtern {v} | :: to filter |
Filterpapier {n} | :: filter paper |
Filtertüte {f} | :: coffee filter [of paper, funnel-shaped] |
Filtrat {n} | :: filtrate |
filtrieren {v} | :: to filtrate |
Filz {m} | :: felt |
Filz {m} | :: sleaze (corruption) |
Filz {m} | :: miser |
filzen {vt} [colloquial] | :: to frisk (search somebody by feeling their clothes) |
filzen {vi} [colloquial] | :: to sleep, rest |
filzen {vt} | :: to felt (make into felt) |
filzen {vi} | :: to become like felt |
Filzhut {m} | :: felt hat; fedora |
filzig {adj} | :: felty, feltlike |
filzig {adj} | :: miserly, stingy |
Filzlaus {f} | :: crab louse, pubic louse |
Fimmel {m} [somewhat, colloquial] | :: craze; unusual passion, preoccupation |
fimschig {adj} [regional, Western German] | :: sensitive, thin-skinned (person) |
fimschig {adj} [regional, Western German] | :: flimsy; damageable; badly made and/or easily broken |
final {adj} [grammar] | :: final; expressing purpose |
final {adj} [elevated] | :: final; conclusive; irrevocable (that which will not or cannot be changed anymore, sometimes implying death) |
final {adj} [rare, pompous, chiefly anglicism] | :: final; last |
Final {m} [Switzerland] | :: alternative form of Finale |
Finale {n} [sports] | :: final |
Finale {n} | :: finale |
finale Klasse {f} [software, object-oriented] | :: final class |
Financier {m} | :: alternative spelling of Finanzier |
Finanz {f} | :: finance |
Finanzamt {n} | :: tax office, tax authority, revenue office, finance authority |
Finanzanleger {m} | :: financial investor |
finanziell {adj} | :: financial |
Finanzier {m} | :: financier |
finanzieren {v} | :: to pay, to finance, to fund |
Finanzierung {f} | :: financing, funding |
finanzkräftig {adj} [economics] | :: financially-strong |
Finanzkrise {f} | :: financial crisis |
Finanzmarkt {m} | :: financial market |
Finanzminister {m} | :: finance minister |
Finanzministerium {n} | :: ministry of finance |
Finanzpolitik {f} | :: financial / fiscal policy |
finanzpolitisch {adj} [economics] | :: fiscal |
finanzschwach {adj} | :: financially weak |
finanzschwächer {adj} | :: comparative of finanzschwach |
Finanzspritze {f} [economics] | :: liquidity injection |
Finanztransaktionssteuer {f} | :: financial transaction tax (tax levied on financial transactions) |
Finanzwissenschaft {f} | :: public finance |
finassieren {vi} | :: to deceive, to intrigue (to form a plot or scheme) |
Findelkind {n} | :: foundling |
finden {vt} | :: to find; to discover |
finden {vt} [with a noun phrase and a predicate adjective] | :: to think that (something) is (a certain way); to consider (something) to be (a certain way); to find |
finden {vi} | :: to find one’s way |
Finder {m} | :: finder |
Finderlohn {m} | :: finder's reward |
findig {adj} | :: resourceful |
Findling {m} [dated] | :: foundling |
Findling {m} [geology] | :: glacial erratic since 19th c |
Findung {f} | :: finding |
Finesse {f} | :: finesse |
Finesse {f} | :: [plural] tricks |
Finesse {f} | :: [plural] extras, refinements |
Finger {m} | :: finger |
Fingerabdruck {m} | :: fingerprint |
fingerbreit {adj} | :: By or of a fingerbreadth/fingersbreadth; finger-wide, (as) wide as a finger |
Fingerbreit {m} [by extension, figurative] | :: A (usually approximate and informal) unit of measurement based upon the radial width of the human finger; fingerbreadth/fingersbreadth/finger’s-breadth, inch |
Fingerchen {n} | :: diminutive of Finger |
fingerfertig {adj} | :: dexterous, skillful with one's fingers, nimble-fingered |
Fingerfertigkeit {f} | :: dexterity, skill with one's fingers, nimble fingers |
Fingerfertigkeit {f} | :: sleight of hand |
Fingerfertigkeit {f} [music] | :: virtuosity |
Fingerfood {n} | :: finger food (food that can be eaten with one's hands) |
Fingerhakeln {n} | :: finger wrestling |
Fingerhandschuh {m} | :: full-fingered glove |
Fingerhut {m} | :: thimble |
Fingerhut {m} | :: digitalis, foxglove |
Fingerknöchel {m} | :: knuckle (joint between the bones of a finger) |
Fingerkraut {n} | :: cinquefoil (Potentilla) |
Fingerlein {n} | :: diminutive of Finger |
Fingerlein {n} | :: finger ring |
fingern {v} | :: to finger |
Fingernagel {m} | :: fingernail |
Fingersatz {m} [music] | :: fingering |
Fingerspitze {f} | :: fingertip |
Fingerspitzengefühl {n} [plural rare] | :: great sensitivity, sure instinct, fingertip feel |
Fingerzeig {m} | :: pointer |
fingieren {v} | :: to feign (to represent by a false appearance of) |
fini {adj} [colloquial, only used as a predicative adjective] | :: done, finished |
finit {adj} | :: finite |
Finja {prop} | :: given name |
Fink {m} | :: finch |
Finken {m} [Switzerland] | :: slipper |
Finkenberg {prop} {n} | :: Finkenberg (municipality) |
Finkenvogel {m} [ornithology] | :: finch (any bird of the family Fringillidae within the order Passeriformes) |
Finn {prop} | :: given name borrowed from Danish or Norwegian Finn |
Finne {f} | :: big dorsal fin as found in large fish and marine mammals |
Finne {f} | :: the wedge-shaped end of a hammer's head |
Finne {f} | :: pimple, pustule |
Finne {f} | :: larva (of a parasitic worm) |
Finne {m} | :: Finn (person from Finland) |
finnig {adj} | :: pimply |
finnig {adj} | :: maggoty; filled with larvae |
Finnin {f} | :: Finn (female person from Finland) |
finnisch {adj} | :: Finnish (of or pertaining to Finland, its people or language) |
Finnisch {n} | :: Finnish (language) |
Finnja {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling of Finja |
Finnland {prop} {n} | :: Finland |
Finnländerin {f} [archaic, nowadays nonstandard] | :: female Finn (female person from Finland) |
finnländisch {adj} | :: synonym of finnisch |
finster {adj} | :: dark |
finster {adj} | :: gloomy, lowering |
finsterer {adj} | :: comparative of finster |
Finsternis {f} | :: darkness |
Finsterspinne {f} | :: tangled nest spider |
finstersten {adj} | :: superlative of finster |
Finte {f} | :: feint |
Finte {f} | :: twait shad, Alosa fallax |
Fiona {prop} | :: given name of Goidelic origin, popular in the 1990s and the 2000s |
fipsig {adj} | :: insignificant, small, titchy |
Firewall {f} {m} [computing] | :: firewall |
firm {adj} [somewhat, dated] | :: experienced, well versed |
Firma {f} | :: A company, a business |
Firma {f} [specialist, legal, economics] | :: A firm, the name under which a company operates, as opposed to the actual legal entity |
Firmament {n} [poetic] | :: firmament (sky) |
Firmenname {m} | :: company name |
Firmensitz {m} | :: headquarters |
Firmenstempel {m} | :: (official) company stamp |
Firmung {f} [Roman Catholicism] | :: confirmation (sacrament) |
Firmware {f} [computing] | :: firmware |
firn {adj} [wine] | :: aged |
Firn {m} | :: névé, firn |
Firne {f} | :: the state of wine to be old and thus dark and bitter |
Firne {f} | :: alternative form of Firn |
Firnis {m} | :: varnish (anything resembling such a paint) |
First {m} | :: ridge (of a roof) |
First Class {adj} [anglicism] | :: first class |
First-Class {noun} | :: attributive form of First Class |
First-Class-Objekt {n} [programming, languages] | :: first-class object |
Fis {n} [music] | :: F♯, F-sharp (the musical note one semitone above F) |
Fisch {m} [countable] | :: fish (cold-blooded vertebrate animal living in water) |
Fisch {m} [countable, archaic or loosely] | :: fish (any animal or any vertebrate living exclusively in water) |
Fisch {m} [uncountable] | :: fish (food) |
Fischadler {m} | :: osprey |
fischähnlich {adj} | :: fishy, fishlike |
Fischamend {prop} {n} | :: Fischamend (municipality) |
fischartig {adj} | :: fishlike |
Fischbach {prop} {n} | :: Fischbach (municipality) |
Fischbach {prop} {n} | :: A municipality in Luxemburg |
Fischbach {prop} {n} | :: Fischbach (municipality) |
Fischbach {prop} {n} | :: Karpniki, Poland |
Fischbecken {n} | :: fish basin |
Fischbestand {m} | :: fish population |
Fischchen {n} | :: diminutive of Fisch |
Fischchen {n} [dated] | :: synonym of Silberfischchen |
Fische {prop} {p} [zodiac constellations, astrology] | :: Pisces |
fischen {v} | :: to fish |
Fischer {m} | :: fisher, fisherman (male or of unspecified sex) |
Fischer {m} | :: [component part in various German compound nouns, e.g., Amazonasfischer, “Amazon kingfisher”; Austernfischer, “oystercatcher”] |
Fischer {m} | :: [component part in various compounds for different kinds of fishing boats, e.g., Grundschleppnetzfischer, “trawler”] |
Fischer {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Fischerei {f} | :: A fishery |
Fischerei {f} | :: A commercial fishing operation or company |
Fischereiministerium {n} | :: fisheries ministry |
Fischerin {f} | :: fisherwoman, fisher (female) |
Fischermarder {m} | :: fisher (marten) |
Fischfang {n} | :: fishing |
fischfressend {adj} | :: fish-eating, piscivorous |
Fischfrikadelle {f} | :: fishball; fishburger (meatball made of fish; a common foodstuff, especially in northern Germany) |
Fischfrikadellenbrötchen {n} | :: fishburger (a roll filled with a meatball made of fish; a common snack, particularly in northern Germany) |
Fischgabel {f} | :: fish fork |
Fischhaken {m} | :: fishhook |
Fischhändler {m} | :: fishmonger |
Fischhändlerin {f} | :: female fishmonger |
fischig {adj} | :: fishy (odor) |
Fischkatze {f} | :: fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus), a medium-sized cat whose habitat range extends through Indochina, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sumatra and Java |
Fischkorb {m} | :: creel |
Fischkorb {m} | :: coop |
Fischkutter {m} | :: fishing boat |
Fischlein {n} | :: diminutive of Fisch |
Fischmesser {n} | :: fish knife |
Fischmilch {f} | :: milt [white semen of a male fish] |
Fisch muss schwimmen {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: A jocular expression used to encourage or justify the consumption of alcohol, especially wine, with fish dishes |
Fischnetz {n} | :: fishnet, fishing net |
Fischotter {m} | :: European otter, Lutra lutra |
fischreich {adj} | :: rich in fish |
Fischschwarm {m} | :: shoal (group of fish) |
Fischstäbchen {n} | :: fish finger, fish stick |
Fischteich {m} | :: fishpond |
Fischtreppe {f} | :: fish ladder |
Fischzucht {f} | :: fish farming |
Fisimatenten {noun} [colloquial] | :: fuss; ado; useless or fretful behaviour, talk |
fiskalisch {adj} | :: fiscal |
Fiskus {m} | :: treasury, exchequer |
Fiss {prop} | :: Fiss (municipality) |
fisseln {v} [chiefly impersonal] | :: to drizzle or flurry: to rain or snow lightly |
Fistel {f} [medicine] | :: fistula |
fistelig {adj} | :: fistulous |
Fistelstimme {f} | :: A voice above one's normal pitch, used for speaking rather than singing |
Fistelstimme {f} | :: Someone speaking in such a voice |
fisten {v} | :: to fist-fuck |
fit {adj} | :: fit (in good physical shape) |
Fitis {m} | :: willow warbler (bird of the species Phylloscopus trochilus) |
Fitness {f} | :: fitness |
Fitnesscenter {n} | :: fitness center |
Fitnessstudio {n} | :: fitness centre; health club; gym (large, usually commercial, sporting facility for lifting weights and exercise) |
Fitnesstraining {n} | :: fitness training |
Fittich {m} | :: alternative form of Fittig |
Fittig {m} | :: wing, pinion |
Fittig {m} [by extension] | :: coattail |
fit wie ein Turnschuh {adj} [simile, colloquial] | :: fit as a fiddle (perfectly fit, in perfect health) |
Fitz {prop} | :: surname from the Palatinate region of Germany |
fix {adj} | :: fixed [costs, salary] |
fix {adj} | :: quick |
fix {adj} | :: smart |
fixer {adj} | :: comparative of fix |
Fixer {m} | :: junkie (heroin user) |
Fixer {m} | :: one who is engaged in short selling (finance) |
fixesten {adj} | :: superlative of fix |
Fixierbad {n} [photography] | :: fixer |
Fixierbad {n} [photography] | :: fixing tray / bath |
fixieren {v} | :: to fixate |
Fixiermittel {n} [photography] | :: fixer |
Fixiermittel {n} | :: fixative |
Fixiersalz {n} [photography] | :: fixer (sodium thiosulfate) |
Fixierung {f} | :: fixing, fixation |
fixirend {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of fixierend |
Fixpunkt {m} [mathematics] | :: fixed point |
Fixpunkt {m} | :: benchmark |
Fixpunkt {m} [computing] | :: checkpoint |
Fixstern {m} | :: fixed star |
fix und fertig {idiom} | :: bushed, burnt out |
Fjord {m} | :: fjord (usually one in Scandinavia) |
FKK {f} | :: initialism of Freikörperkultur |
Fl. {noun} [music] | :: abbreviation of Flöte |
flach {adj} | :: shallow (wide and not deep) |
flach {adj} | :: flat (wide and not high) |
flach {adj} | :: not steep; having little slope; comparatively plane and level |
flach {adj} [figuratively, of jokes, films etc.] | :: vapid; shallow (lacking intellectual depth or refinement) |
Flachbildfernseher {m} | :: flatscreen TV |
Flachbildschirm {m} | :: flat panel monitor |
flachbrüstig {adj} | :: flat-chested |
Fläche {f} | :: surface |
Fläche {f} | :: (mathematics) surface, a two-dimensional manifold |
Fläche {f} | :: flat, plain |
flächendeckend {adj} | :: comprehensive (fully covered) |
Flächenfraß {m} [ecology] | :: excessive consumption of land; urban sprawl |
flächengleich {adj} | :: coextensive (having equal areas) |
flächengroß {adj} | :: Particularly large |
Flächenmaß {n} | :: unit of area |
flächenmässig {adj} | :: alternative spelling of flächenmäßig |
flächenmäßig {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to surface area, in size, in terms of surface area |
flächenzentriert {adj} | :: face-centered |
flacher {adj} | :: comparative of flach |
flächig {adj} | :: flat, planar |
flächig {adj} | :: extensive |
Flächigkeit {f} | :: flatness |
Flachkopfkatze {f} | :: flat-headed cat [Prionailurus planiceps] |
Flachlandtapir {m} | :: Brazilian tapir, lowland tapir, South American tapir |
flachlegen {vr} [colloquial] | :: to nap, to lay down |
flachlegen {vt} [colloquial] | :: to put in |
flachlegen {vt} [vulgar] | :: to bang |
Flachpfeife {f} [derogatory, colloquial] | :: vapid windbag |
Flachs {m} | :: flax |
flachsen {adj} | :: flaxen |
flächsen {adj} | :: alternative form of flachsen |
flächsern {adj} | :: flaxen |
flachsfarben {adj} | :: flaxen (in colour) |
Flachsfaser {f} | :: linen |
flackern {v} | :: to flicker |
Fladen {m} | :: a flat cake |
Fladen {m} [colloquial] | :: cowpat |
Fladenbrot {n} | :: flatbread |
fladern {v} [Austria] | :: to steal |
Flageolett {n} | :: flageolet (type of small flute) |
Flagge {f} | :: flag |
Flagge zeigen {v} [idiom] | :: to show the flag |
Flaggschiff {n} [nautical or figuratively] | :: flagship |
flagrant {adj} | :: flagrant |
Flair {n} {m} | :: flair [distinctive style or elegance] |
Flak {f} | :: abbreviation of Flugabwehrkanone and/or Fliegerabwehrkanone |
FlaK {f} | :: alternative spelling of Flak, itself an abbreviation of Fliegerabwehrkanone |
Flakon {m} {n} | :: vial |
flambieren {v} | :: to flambé |
flamboyant {adj} | :: flamboyant |
Flame {m} | :: Fleming (male or of unspecified sex) (native or inhabitant of Flanders) |
Flamenco {m} | :: flamenco (Spanish dance) |
Flamencotänzer {m} | :: flamenco dancer |
Flamencotänzerin {f} | :: female flamenco dancer |
Flamingo {m} | :: flamingo |
flämisch {adj} | :: Flemish |
Flämisch {n} | :: Flemish (language) |
Flämisch {n} | :: Flemish (a group of Flemish dialects) |
flämischsprachig {adj} | :: Flemish-speaking |
Flämmchen {n} | :: diminutive of Flamme |
Flamme {f} | :: flame (visible part of fire) |
Flamme {f} | :: flame (romantic partner or lover) |
flammen {v} [dated] | :: to flame [burn with a flame] |
Flammenfarbe {f} | :: flame-colour |
Flammenfärbung {f} | :: flame-colour |
Flammenphotometrie {f} | :: flame photometry |
flammenphotometrisch {adj} | :: flame-photometric |
Flammenwerfer {m} [military] | :: flamethrower (weapon) |
Flammenwerfer {m} [loosely] | :: blowlamp; flame gun (similar device used for heating, burning out weeds, etc.) |
Flammeri {m} | :: flummery (dessert) |
Flammkuchen {m} | :: tarte flambée |
Flammlachs {m} [cuisine] | :: Flammlachs [half of a split salmon pegged to a wooden plank, which is positioned vertically in front of a wood fire and drizzled during roasting with a saltwater solution] |
Flammschutzmittel {n} | :: flame retardant |
Flandern {prop} {n} | :: Flanders |
Flanell {m} | :: flannel (soft cloth material) |
flanellen {adj} | :: (made of) flannel |
Flaneur {m} | :: flâneur, stroller |
flanieren {v} | :: to stroll |
Flanke {f} | :: flank |
flankieren {v} | :: to flank |
Flansch {m} | :: flange |
flapsig {adj} | :: nonchalant, unheeding, impolite |
Fläsch {prop} {?} | :: A municipality in Graubünden, Switzerland |
Fläschchen {n} | :: diminutive of Flasche |
Flasche {f} | :: bottle; flask; flagon |
Flasche {f} [colloquial] | :: loser; wimp; someone lacking skill or vigour |
Flaschendrehen {noun} | :: spin the bottle (game) |
Flaschengeist {m} [mythology] | :: genie in the bottle |
flaschengrün {adj} | :: bottle green |
Flaschenhals {m} [neck of a bottle] | :: bottleneck |
Flaschenöffner {m} | :: bottle opener |
Flaschenpost {f} | :: message in a bottle |
Flaschenschiff {n} | :: ship in a bottle |
Flaschenzug {m} | :: block and tackle; polyspast |
Flash-back {m} | :: alternative spelling of Flashback |
Flashback {m} [psychology, drugs, film] | :: flashback |
Flattach {prop} {n} | :: Flattach (municipality) |
flatterhaft {adj} | :: flighty, scatterbrained |
flatterhaft {adj} | :: fickle |
Flattermann {m} | :: nervous person, nervous wreck |
flattern {v} | :: to flutter |
flattieren {v} | :: to flatter |
flatulent {adj} | :: flatulent |
Flatulenz {f} | :: flatulence (state of having gas in digestive system) |
flau {adj} [wind] | :: calm, weak, (almost) windless |
flau {adj} | :: flat, weak (of commerce, interest, atmosphere) |
flau {adj} [in certain constructions] | :: dizzy, nauseous, queasy |
Flaum {m} | :: fluff; down (thin hair, such as on an adolescent boy’s upper lip) |
Flaumfeder {f} | :: down feather |
Flaurling {prop} {n} | :: Flaurling (municipality) |
Flausch {m} | :: soft woolen fabric |
flauschig {adj} | :: fluffy, pillowy |
flauschiger {adj} | :: comparative of flauschig |
Flause {f} [usually plural] | :: illusion, vain idea |
Flause {f} [usually plural] | :: nonsense, blather |
Flaute {f} | :: calm (period free from wind) |
Flaute {f} | :: slack, slack period |
Flechse {f} | :: sinew |
Flechte {f} | :: lichen |
Flechte {f} | :: plait |
flechten {vt} | :: to plait; to braid; to weave |
flechtenbewohnend {adj} | :: lichenicolous |
Fleck {m} | :: stain, spot, blot, fleck, smear |
Fleck {m} | :: corner, spot (part or region) |
Fleck {m} [now, archaic, regional] | :: shred, flap, flake, fleck |
Fleck {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Fleckchen {n} | :: diminutive of Fleck |
Flecken {prop} {n} | :: Flecken (municipality) |
Fleckenflügel-Ameisenwürger {m} | :: spot-winged antshrike |
Fleckengesicht-Ameisenwürger {m} | :: collared antshrike |
fleckig {adj} | :: spotty, blotted, stained, flecked, blotchy |
Flederhund {m} | :: megabat |
Fledermaus {f} [sensu stricto] | :: microbat |
Fledermaus {f} | :: bat (flying mammal) |
Fledertier {n} | :: bat [animal of the order Chiroptera] |
Fleece {n} [textile] | :: fleece |
Fleet {n} | :: a watercourse through marshland |
Fleet {n} | :: a kind of city canal similar to the Dutch gracht, found in Hamburg and some other northern German cities |
Flegel {m} | :: flail |
Flegel {m} | :: lout |
flegelhaft {adj} | :: scurrilous |
flegelhaft {adj} | :: uncouth |
flehen {v} | :: to entreat |
Flehen {n} [dated] | :: plea, supplication |
flehentlich {adj} | :: pleading, imploring |
Flein {prop} {n} | :: Flein (town) |
Fleisch {n} | :: flesh |
Fleisch {n} | :: meat |
Fleisch {n} | :: pulp (of fruit) |
Fleisch {n} [grilling] | :: a slab of meat, meat which is not in the form of a sausage |
Fleischbällchen {n} | :: meatball |
Fleischbank {f} [Austria, dated] | :: butchershop |
Fleischbank {f} [Austria, dated] | :: a butcher's worktable |
Fleischbeschau {f} | :: meat inspection |
Fleischer {m} [regional, chiefly northern and eastern Germany] | :: butcher (male or of unspecified sex) |
Fleischer {prop} | :: surname |
Fleischerei {f} | :: butchershop |
Fleischersatz {m} | :: meat substitute |
Fleischeslust {f} | :: bodily lust |
fleischfarben {adj} | :: flesh-coloured |
Fleischfliege {f} | :: flesh-fly |
Fleischfresser {m} | :: carnivore (animal) |
Fleischgabel {f} | :: meat fork |
fleischig {adj} | :: meaty |
Fleischkäse {m} | :: meatloaf |
Fleischlaberl {n} [Austria] | :: meatball |
Fleischmesser {n} | :: knife for cutting meat (carving knife) |
Fleischpflanzl {n} [Austria, Bavarian] | :: meatball |
Fleischsalat {m} | :: meat salad |
Fleischsorte {f} | :: (especially in plural) meat(s) |
Fleischtag {m} | :: a day of the week on which meat is eaten [used particularly if meat cannot be eaten every day of the week for religious or economic reasons] |
Fleischwolf {noun} | :: meatgrinder |
Fleischwolf {noun} | :: mincer |
Fleischwunde {f} | :: flesh wound |
Fleischwurst {f} | :: bologna (sausage) |
Fleiss {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fleiß |
Fleiß {m} | :: diligence, industriousness, assiduity, assiduousness, effort, hard work |
fleißen {v} [dated] | :: to strive |
fleißig {adj} | :: diligent, hard-working, industrious, busy, assiduous, sedulous |
fleißig {adj} [by extension] | :: studious |
fleißig {adv} | :: diligently, industriously, assiduously, sedulously |
fleißig {adv} | :: studiously |
flektierbar {adj} [grammar] | :: inflectable (of a word, capable of being inflected) |
flektieren {v} | :: to inflect |
flektierend {adj} | :: inflected |
flennen {v} | :: to cry [noisily] |
Flensburg {prop} {n} | :: Flensburg |
flensen {v} | :: to flense |
Flenser {m} | :: flenser |
Flerovium {n} | :: flerovium |
fletschen {v} | :: to bare (one's teeth), snarl |
Fletschen {n} | :: snarl |
fleuchen {v} [poetic] | :: to fly |
Flex {f} | :: angle grinder |
flexibel {adj} | :: flexible (easily bent without breaking) |
flexibelsten {adj} | :: superlative of flexibel |
Flexibilität {f} | :: flexibility |
flexibler {adj} | :: comparative of flexibel |
Flexion {f} | :: inflection |
flexionsreich {adj} | :: highly inflected; having many grammatical cases into which words can be inflected |
Flexitarier {m} | :: flexitarian (person) |
flicken {v} | :: to patch up, to mend |
Flicken {m} | :: patch |
Flickenteppich {m} | :: rag rug, patchwork rug |
Flickenteppich {m} [figuratively] | :: patchwork quilt |
Flickwerk {n} | :: patchwork |
Flickzeug {n} | :: patch kit |
Flieder {m} | :: lilac (shrub) |
Flieder {m} [regional also] | :: elder (shrub) |
fliederfarben {adj} | :: lilac-colored; pale purple, mauve |
Fliege {f} | :: fly (insect) |
Fliege {f} | :: bow tie |
fliegen {vi} [auxiliary sein] | :: to fly; to travel by air |
fliegen {vi} [figuratively, auxiliary sein] | :: to rush; to fly; to go quickly |
fliegen {vt} [auxiliary haben] | :: to fly; to pilot |
fliegen {vt} [auxiliary haben] | :: to transport by air |
fliegen {vi} [colloquial, auxiliary sein] | :: to get the axe, to get kicked out |
fliegen {vi} [colloquial, auxiliary sein] | :: to fall; to fall down |
Fliegen {n} | :: (the act of) flying |
fliegend {adj} | :: flying; flight (attributive) |
fliegend {adj} | :: mobile |
fliegender Teppich {m} | :: magic carpet |
fliegende Untertasse {f} | :: flying saucer |
Fliegenfänger {m} | :: someone or something that catches flies, e.g. a strip of flypaper |
Fliegenfänger {m} [sports, especially, football] | :: a bad goalkeeper |
Fliegengitter {n} | :: screen, flyscreen, window screen, bug screen (material woven from fine wires intended to block animals or large particles from passing) |
Fliegenklatsche {f} | :: flyswatter (device for swatting flies) |
Fliegenpilz {m} | :: fly agaric, Amanita muscaria (type of mushroom) |
Fliegenschnäpper {m} | :: flycatcher (any of many kinds of birds of the family Muscicapidae) |
Flieger {m} | :: aviator |
Flieger {m} | :: aeroplane, airplane |
Fliegerabwehrkanone {f} | :: anti-aircraft gun (literally "Flyer Ward Off Cannon"); abbreviated as flak |
Fliegerass {n} [dated] | :: flying ace |
Fliegerei {f} | :: aviation |
fliehen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to flee; to escape |
fliehen {vi} [auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to diverge |
fliehen {vt} [auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to flee from (someone); to avoid |
Fliehkraft {f} | :: centrifugal force |
Fliese {f} | :: tile (on walls or floors, not roof tile) |
Fliesenleger {m} | :: tiler |
Fliesentisch {m} | :: table whose surface is made of tiles |
Fliess {n} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fließ |
Fließ {n} {m} [dated, outside, dialects] | :: stream |
Fließ {prop} | :: Fließ (municipality) |
Fliessband {n} | :: alternative spelling of Fließband |
Fließband {n} | :: assembly line, conveyor belt |
fliessen {v} | :: alternative spelling of fließen |
fließen {vi} | :: to flow |
fließend {adj} | :: Fluent (in language proficiency, etc.) |
fließend Wasser {n} | :: running water |
Fließgleichgewicht {n} | :: dynamic equilibrium |
Fließgleichgewicht {n} | :: steady state |
Fließlaut {m} [linguistics] | :: liquid |
Fließpressen {n} | :: extrusion |
Fließtext {m} | :: running text; the text of an article without headers, tables, etc |
flimmern {v} | :: to flicker |
flink {adj} | :: quick, nimble |
Flint {m} [infrequent] | :: flint, flintstone |
Flinte {f} | :: shotgun |
Flintenkugel {f} [firearms] | :: slug [of a shotgun] |
Flipper {m} [uncountable] | :: pinball (game) |
Flipper {m} [countable] | :: a pinball machine |
Flipper {m} [countable] | :: a flipper (lever in a pinball machine) |
flippig {adj} | :: hip, funky |
flirren {v} | :: to vibrate, to quiver, to whirr, to flacker |
Flirt {m} | :: flirtation |
Flirt {m} | :: flirt (one who flirts) |
flirten {v} | :: to flirt |
flitschen {vt} [regional, including, western Germany] | :: to tighten something and let it shoot off |
flitschen {vt} [regional] | :: to skim; to throw or shoot closely over a surface |
flitschen {vi} [regional] | :: to be shot or thrown in one of these ways |
Flittchen {n} [pejorative, colloquial] | :: hussy; tart; slut (a woman, typically young, who is promiscuous or whose appearance and behaviour make her suspect of promiscuity) |
Flitter {m} | :: spangle, sequin |
Flitter {m} | :: a piece of cheap costume jewelry |
Flitterblättchen {n} | :: sequin |
Flittergold {n} | :: tinsel (similar to gold) |
flittern {v} [archaic] | :: to glisten, sparkle |
flittern {v} [obsolete] | :: to flutter |
flittern {v} [obsolete] | :: to laugh, to giggle |
flittern {v} [obsolete] | :: to fawn, to flatter |
flittern {v} [colloquial, humorous] | :: to honeymoon |
Flitterwochen {fp} [no singular] | :: honeymoon |
Flitz {m} [obsolete] | :: arrow |
flitzen {v} | :: to speed, to whiz, to rush |
Flitzer {m} | :: (male) streaker (person who runs naked through a place) |
Flitzerin {f} | :: (female) streaker (person who runs naked through a place) |
Flitzkacke {f} [vulgar slang] | :: diarrhea |
Floatglas {n} | :: float glass |
Flocke {f} | :: flake |
flockig {adj} | :: flaky |
Flockung {f} | :: flocculation |
Flockung {f} | :: coagulation |
Flockungsmittel {n} | :: flocculant |
Flockungsmittel {n} | :: coagulant |
Floh {m} | :: flea |
Flöhchen {n} | :: diminutive of Floh |
Flohmarkt {m} | :: flea market |
Flohzirkus {m} | :: flea circus |
Floing {prop} {n} | :: Floing (municipality) |
Flokati {m} | :: flokati (handwoven woolen rug) |
Flop {m} | :: flop (failure, especially in the entertainment industry) |
Flor {m} | :: nap, pile (kind of textile) |
Flor {m} | :: veil |
Flor {m} | :: bloom, flowering |
Flor {m} [rare] | :: prosperity, success |
Flora {f} [botany] | :: flora (plants as a group; microorganisms) |
Flora {prop} [Roman god] | :: Flora |
Flora {prop} | :: given name |
floral {adj} | :: floral |
Florentin {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Florentina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Florentine {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Florentiner {m} | :: a Florentine (native or inhabitant of Florence) |
Florentiner {adj} | :: from, of, or pertaining to Florence |
florentinisch {adj} | :: Florentine |
Florenz {prop} {n} | :: Florenz (capital city) |
Florenz {prop} {n} | :: Florenz (metropolitan city) |
Florett {n} | :: foil (light sword used in fencing) |
Florfliege {f} | :: common green lacewing |
Florian {prop} | :: given name |
florid {adj} [of a disease] | :: active, florid |
Florida {prop} {n} | :: Florida (state) |
Florida {prop} {n} | :: Florida (peninsula) |
Floridaente {f} | :: mottled duck (Anas fulvigula) |
florieren {v} | :: to flourish; prosper |
Florist {m} | :: florist (male or of unspecified sex) (person who sells flowers) |
Floristik {f} | :: floristry |
Floristin {f} | :: florist (female) (person who sells flowers) |
floristisch {adj} | :: floristic |
Floskel {f} | :: empty phrase |
Floss {n} | :: alternative spelling of Floß |
Floß {n} {m} | :: raft |
flößbar {adj} | :: navigable by raft |
Flosse {f} | :: fin, flipper |
Flosse {f} [slang] | :: hand |
Flösser {m} | :: alternative spelling of Flößer |
Flößer {m} | :: raftsman, rafter, log driver (male or of unspecified sex) |
Flösserin {f} | :: alternative spelling of Flößerin |
Flößerin {f} | :: raftswoman, rafter, log driver (female) |
Floßfeder {f} | :: fin |
Flöte {f} | :: flute |
Flöte {f} [regional] | :: whistle |
Flöte {f} [card games] | :: a hand or number of fitting cards in a card game |
flöten {v} | :: to play the flute |
flöten {v} | :: to speak in a high voice, usually charmingly |
flöten {v} [regional] | :: to whistle |
flöten {v} [regional, sport] | :: to act as referee |
flöten gehen {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to be lost, to be gone |
Flötenkonzert {n} | :: flute concert (musical event) |
Flötenkonzert {n} | :: flute concerto (musical composition) |
Flötenspiel {n} | :: flute playing |
Flötenspieler {m} | :: flautist, flutist, flute-player [male or of unspecified sex] |
Flötenspielerin {f} [music] | :: flautist, flutist, flute-player (female) |
Flötist {m} | :: flautist, one who plays the flute |
flott {adj} [nautical, predicative] | :: afloat, able to navigate |
flott {adj} | :: quick, swift |
flott {adj} | :: lively, zippy |
flott {adj} | :: fashionable |
Flotte {f} | :: fleet |
Flottille {f} | :: flotilla |
Flottillenadmiral {m} | :: commodore, flotilla admiral (the lowest flag rank in the modern German navy) |
Flöz {n} {m} [geology] | :: seam |
Fluch {m} | :: curse |
Fluch {m} | :: bane |
fluchen {vi} | :: to swear, to curse |
Flucht {f} | :: escape |
Flucht {f} [construction, technical] | :: line, alignment (vertical or horizontal line along which houses, walls, windows or other building elements are arranged) |
Flucht {f} [construction, archaic] | :: suite, line of rooms, number of rooms interconnected by doors |
Flucht {f} [ornithology] | :: flock of birds |
fluchtartig {adj} | :: hasty, hurried |
fluchtbereit {adj} | :: ready to flee |
flüchten {v} | :: to flee (to run away; to escape) |
flüchten {vr} | :: to seek refuge (in in) |
Fluchtgefahr {f} [law] | :: flight risk |
Fluchtgeschwindigkeit {f} [astrophysics] | :: escape velocity |
flüchtig {adj} | :: fleeting |
flüchtig {adj} | :: superficial, hasty |
flüchtig {adj} | :: fugitive (fleeing) |
Flüchtigkeit {f} [chemistry] | :: volatility |
Flüchtigkeitsfehler {m} | :: oversight, slip of the pen, slip of the tongue |
Flüchtling {m} | :: fugitive (male or of unspecified sex) |
Flüchtling {m} | :: refugee (male or of unspecified sex) |
Flüchtling {m} | :: escapee (male or of unspecified sex) |
flüchtlingsfeindlich {adj} | :: hostile to refugees |
flüchtlingsfrei {adj} | :: free of refugees |
Flüchtlingslager {n} | :: refugee camp |
flüchtlingspolitisch {adj} | :: Relating to refugee policy |
Flüchtlingzelt {n} | :: refugee tent |
Flucht nach vorn {f} | :: a tactic where someone takes the initiative because they feel they cannot withstand the pressure they have come under |
Fluchtpunkt {m} | :: [perspective drawing] vanishing point |
fluchtunfähig {adj} | :: unable to escape |
fluchtverdächtig {adj} | :: suspected of planning to escape |
Fluchtweg {m} | :: escape route |
fluchtwillig {adj} | :: wiling to escape |
Fluck {prop} | :: surname |
flück {adj} | :: flying |
fluffig {adj} [especially of baked goods] | :: fluffy; airy; light |
Flug {m} | :: flight (in the air) |
Flug {m} | :: airfare |
Flugabsagen {n} | :: flight cancellation |
Flugabwehrkanone {noun} | :: synonym of Fliegerabwehrkanone |
Flugbegleiter {m} | :: flight attendant, steward, cabin attendant (male or of unspecified sex) (member of the crew of an airplane who is responsible for the comfort and safety of its passengers) |
Flugbegleiterin {f} [formal] | :: flight attendant, stewardess, air hostess, cabin attendant (female) (member of the crew of an airplane who is responsible for the comfort and safety of its passengers) |
Flugbenzin {n} | :: aviation fuel (avgas) |
Flugblatt {n} | :: flyer, leaflet |
Flügel {m} | :: wing |
Flügel {m} [musical instruments] | :: grand piano |
Flügelchen {n} | :: diminutive of Flügel |
Flügelfenster {n} | :: casement window (window with hinges on the side, opening inward or outward) |
Flügelfläche {f} | :: wing area, wing surface |
Flügelhorn {n} | :: A brass instrument resembling a cornet; a bugle with valves |
flügellahm {adj} | :: broken-winged |
flügellahm {adj} | :: lame |
Flügelmutter {f} | :: wing nut |
flügeln {v} | :: to wing |
flügeln {v} | :: to flutter |
Flügelspannweite {f} | :: wingspan, span (distance between the tips of the wings of an insect, bird or craft) |
Flügelspiegel {m} [ornithology] | :: speculum |
flugfähig {adj} | :: airworthy |
flügge {adj} [of birds] | :: fully fledged |
flügge {adj} [of people] | :: grown-up, independent |
Fluggesellschaft {f} | :: airline (company that flies airplanes) |
Flughafen {m} | :: airport |
Flughörnchen {n} | :: flying squirrel |
Flughund {m} | :: megabat |
Flugkapitän {m} | :: (flight) captain, aircraft captain, captain of an airliner (male or of unspecified sex) |
Flugkörper {m} | :: spacecraft, spaceship, satellite |
Flugkörper {m} | :: missile; projectile |
Flugkorridor {m} | :: flight corridor |
Fluglärm {m} | :: aircraft noise |
Fluglinie {f} [aviation] | :: route |
Fluglinie {f} [aviation, colloquial] | :: airline |
Flugplatz {m} | :: airport, airfield (place where airplanes can take off and land) |
Flugrekorder {m} | :: flight data recorder, flight recorder, "black box" |
flugs {adv} | :: quickly |
Flugsaurier {m} | :: pterosaur |
Flugscheibe {f} [ufology] | :: flying saucer |
Flugschreiber {m} | :: flight recorder |
Flugschrift {f} | :: pamphlet |
Flugsimulator {m} | :: flight simulator |
Flugstaub {m} | :: airborne / atmospheric dust |
flugtauglich {adj} [aviation] | :: airworthy |
Flugtauglichkeit {f} [aviation] | :: airworthiness |
flugunfähig {adj} [ornithology] | :: flightless |
flugunfähig {adj} [aviation] | :: unairworthy |
Flugzeug {n} | :: aeroplane |
Flugzeugbau {m} | :: aircraft manufacture |
Flugzeugmutterschiff {n} | :: seaplane carrier |
Flugzeugreifen {m} | :: aircraft tyre(s) |
Flugzeugträger {m} [military, aviation] | :: aircraft carrier |
Flugzeugtriebwerk {n} | :: aircraft engine |
fluid {adj} | :: fluid |
Fluid {n} [physics, state of matter] | :: fluid |
Fluidität {f} | :: fluidity |
Fluke {f} | :: fluke (lobe of a whale's tail) |
Fluktuation {f} | :: fluctuation |
fluktuieren {v} | :: to fluctuate |
Flunder {f} | :: flounder (sea fish) |
flunkern {v} | :: to tell harmless lies |
flunkern {v} | :: to brag in an exaggerating way |
Fluor {n} | :: fluorine |
Fluoracetamid {n} [organic compound] | :: fluoroacetamide |
Fluoracetat {n} [organic chemistry] | :: fluoroacetate |
Fluorapatit {m} [mineral] | :: fluorapatite |
Fluoratom {n} | :: fluorine atom |
Fluorcarbon {n} [organic chemistry] | :: fluorocarbon |
Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoff {m} [organic chemistry] | :: chlorofluorocarbon |
Fluorcitrat {n} [organic chemistry] | :: fluorocitrate |
Fluordesoxyglucose {f} [organic compound] | :: fluorodeoxyglucose |
Fluoressigsäure {f} [organic compound] | :: fluoroacetic acid |
fluoreszent {adj} | :: fluorescent |
Fluoreszenz {f} | :: fluorescence |
Fluoreszenzfarbstoff {m} | :: fluorescent dye |
Fluoreszenzmessung {f} | :: fluorescence measurement |
fluoreszierend {adj} | :: fluorescent |
fluoresziert {v} | :: past participle of fluoreszieren - fluoresced |
Fluorgehalt {m} [chemistry] | :: fluorine content |
fluorhaltig {adj} [chemistry, mineralogy] | :: containing fluorine |
Fluorid {n} [chemistry] | :: fluoride |
fluoridhaltig {adj} [chemistry, mineralogy] | :: containing fluoride |
Fluoridierung {f} | :: fluoridation |
Fluoridion {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fluoride ion |
Fluoridvergiftung {f} [pathology] | :: fluoride poisoning |
fluorieren {v} | :: To fluorinate |
fluorierend {adj} | :: fluorinating |
fluoriert {v} | :: past participle of fluorieren |
fluoriert {adj} | :: fluorinated |
Fluorierung {f} | :: fluorination |
Fluorierungsmittel {n} [chemistry] | :: fluorinating agent |
Fluorierungstechnik {f} | :: fluorination technology |
Fluorit {m} [mineral] | :: fluorite |
Fluoritkristall {m} | :: fluorite crystal |
Fluorkohlenwasserstoff {m} [organic chemistry] | :: hydrofluorocarbon |
Fluorkunststoff {m} | :: fluoroplastic |
Fluorohydrid {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fluorohydride |
fluororganisch {adj} | :: fluoro-organic |
Fluorose {f} | :: fluorosis |
Fluorradikal {n} [chemistry] | :: fluorine radical |
Fluorsalz {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fluorine salt |
Fluorsauerstoffsäure {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fluorine oxyacid |
Fluorverbindung {f} [chemistry] | :: fluorine compound |
Fluorvergiftung {f} [pathology] | :: fluorine poisoning |
Fluorwasserstoff {m} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrogen fluoride |
Fluorwasserstoffsäure {f} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrofluoric acid |
Fluppe {f} [colloquial] | :: cigarette |
fluppen {v} [colloquial, regional, auxiliary haben] | :: to work; to work out; to succeed |
fluppen {v} [colloquial, regional, auxiliary sein] | :: to slip |
Flur {m} | :: hall, hallway, corridor, stairwell |
Flur {f} | :: farmland; field or lea, heath |
Flurbeleuchtung {f} | :: corridor lighting |
Flurfunk {m} | :: gossip network, rumor mill, grapevine (Informal person-to-person means of circulating information, particularly in companies and institutions.) |
Fluse {f} [regional, chiefly northern and central Germany] | :: fluff, lint of fabric, wool, etc |
Fluss {m} | :: river |
Fluss {m} | :: flow |
Fluß {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Fluss |
flussab {adv} | :: downriver |
flussabwärts {adv} | :: downstream |
flussauf {adv} | :: upriver |
flussaufwärts {adv} | :: upstream |
Flussbarsch {m} | :: European perch, Perca fluviatilis |
Flussbett {n} | :: riverbed |
Flussbiegung {f} | :: river bend |
Flüsschen {n} | :: diminutive of Fluss; creek, stream, rivulet |
Flüßchen {n} | :: alternative spelling of Flüsschen |
Flussgrund {m} | :: river floor |
flüssig {adj} | :: fluid |
flüssig {adj} | :: liquid |
flüssig {adj} | :: molten |
flüssig {adj} | :: fluent |
flüssiges Brot {m} [humorous] | :: beer [literally: liquid bread] |
Flüssiggas {n} | :: liquid gas, LPG |
Flüssiggastank {m} | :: LPG tank |
Flüssigkeit {f} | :: liquid |
Flüssigkeitskühlung {f} | :: liquid cooling |
Flüssigkeitsmass {n} | :: alternative spelling of Flüssigkeitsmaß |
Flüssigkeitsmaß {n} | :: liquid measure |
Flüssigkristall {m} | :: liquid crystal |
Flüssigkristallbildschirm {m} | :: liquid crystal display (LCD) |
Flüssigsauerstoff {m} | :: liquid oxygen |
Flüssigstickstoff {m} | :: liquid nitrogen |
Flüssigtreibstoff {m} | :: liquid fuel |
Flüssigtreibstoffrakete {f} | :: liquid-fuel rocket |
Flüssigwasserstoff {m} | :: liquid hydrogen |
Flüssigwasserstoffspeicherung {f} | :: liquid hydrogen storage |
Flusskontrolle {f} [networking] | :: flow control |
Flusslauf {m} | :: course of a river |
Flussmittel {n} | :: flux (substance) |
Flussmündung {f} | :: mouth of a river; river mouth |
Flusspferd {n} | :: hippopotamus |
Flusssäure {f} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrofluoric acid |
Flusssediment {n} | :: river sediment |
Flussspat {m} [mineral] | :: fluorspar, fluorite |
Flussufer {n} | :: riverbank |
Flussufer-Ameisenwürger {m} | :: Castelnau's antshrike |
Flusswasser {n} | :: river water |
flüstern {v} | :: to whisper |
Flut {f} | :: flow; flood; high tide (rising movement of the tide; the time around when it reaches its peak) |
Flut {f} [often, in the plural] | :: flood(s); great masses of water, usually of the sea |
Flut {f} | :: flooding; flood; overflow of a body of water; usually only when very violent and disastrous |
fluten {vt} [nautical] | :: to flood |
Flutkatastrophe {f} [environment] | :: flood disaster |
Flutlicht {n} | :: floodlight |
flutschen {v} [somewhat, colloquial] | :: to slip; to move smoothly (out of a grip or through something) |
Flutwelle {f} | :: tidal wave (tsunami) |
fluvial {adj} | :: fluvial |
fluvioglazial {adj} | :: fluvioglacial |
föderal {adj} | :: federal |
Föderalismus {m} | :: federalism |
Föderalist {m} | :: federalist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Föderation {f} | :: federation (a union or alliance of organizations, both nationally and internationally) |
Föderation {f} | :: federation (a federal state) |
föderativ {adj} | :: federal |
fodern {v} [archaic] | :: alternative spelling of fordern |
Fogosch {m} [Austria] | :: zander (fish) |
Fohlen {n} | :: foal, colt (young horse; young of some other species, such as camels) |
Fohlen {prop} [sport] | :: nickname of Borussia Mönchengladbach football team |
Föhn {m} [meteorology] | :: foehn (warm wind which appears on the leeward side of mountains, for example on the northern side of the alps in south Germany) |
Föhn {m} | :: hair dryer |
föhnen {v} | :: to blow-dry |
Fohnsdorf {prop} {n} | :: Fohnsdorf (municipality) |
Föhre {f} [especially, Austria] | :: pine (tree) |
fokal {adj} | :: focal |
Fokus {m} [optics] | :: focus |
fokussieren {v} [optics, photography] | :: to focus (cause (rays of light, etc) to converge at a single point; adjust (a lens, an optical instrument)) |
fokussieren {v} | :: to focus (concentrate one's attention) |
Folge {f} | :: sequence |
Folge {f} | :: consequence |
Folge {f} [television] | :: episode |
Folgeerkrankung {f} [pathology] | :: deuteropathy (secondary disease) |
Folgemonat {m} | :: following month, subsequent month |
folgen {v} [with dative] | :: to follow |
folgend {adj} | :: following, subsequent |
folgendermaßen {adv} | :: thus, as follows |
folgenlos {adj} | :: ineffectual |
folgenreich {adj} | :: momentous |
folgenreich {adj} | :: serious |
folgenschwer {adj} | :: momentous, weighty, fatal |
folgenschwerer {adj} | :: comparative of folgenschwer |
Folger {m} | :: agent noun of folgen; follower |
folgerichtig {adj} | :: logical, consistent, appropriate |
folgerichtig {adv} | :: logically, consistently, congruously, accordingly |
folgern {v} | :: to conclude, to deduce, to infer |
Folgerung {f} | :: deduction |
Folgerung {f} | :: conclusion |
folgewidrig {adj} | :: fatal, having adverse consequences |
Folgezeit {f} | :: aftermath (period after) |
folglich {adv} | :: thus, therefore, consequently, hence |
folgsam {adj} | :: obedient |
Folie {f} | :: foil, metal film |
Folie {f} | :: plastic wrap, cling film |
Folie {f} | :: something used as a background for a comparison |
Foliensatz {m} | :: presentation slide set, slide deck |
Folklore {f} | :: popular tales, music, festivals, clothing, etc.; old traditions and customs; folklore |
Follower {m} | :: follower |
Folter {f} | :: torture |
Folterkammer {m} | :: torture chamber |
Folterknecht {m} | :: torturer |
foltern {v} | :: to torture |
Fön {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Föhn |
Fön {m} | :: alternative spelling of Föhn |
Fond {m} | :: back (of a vehicle) |
Fond {m} | :: background |
Fonds {m} | :: fund |
Fondue {n} | :: fondue |
Fonduegabel {f} | :: fondue fork |
Fonem {n} | :: rare spelling of Phonem |
fönen {v} | :: obsolete spelling of föhnen |
Foodstylist {m} | :: food stylist |
Football {m} | :: the kind of ball used in American football |
Football {m} | :: the game of American football |
foppen {v} [colloquial] | :: to put on, to tease, to hoax |
Fopper {m} | :: he who performs actions of foppen, who likes to play antics or jokes |
Fopper {m} [Austria] | :: a pacifier |
Foraminifere {f} | :: foraminifer |
Forchach {prop} {n} | :: Forchach (municipality) |
förchten {v} | :: dated form of fürchten |
Forchtenstein {prop} {n} | :: Forchtenstein (municipality) |
forcieren {v} | :: to accelerate, to force, to push |
Förde {f} | :: long, winding bay of the sea; fjord; firth |
Förderband {n} | :: conveyor belt |
förderbar {adj} | :: conveyable |
förderbar {adj} | :: recoverable |
Fördergelder {np} [plurale tantum] | :: subsidies, grant money |
Förderland {n} | :: (specified product)-producing country |
förderlich {adj} | :: beneficial, useful |
Fördermenge {f} [mining] | :: output |
fordern {vt} | :: to demand, ask |
fordern {vt} | :: to claim |
fordern {vt} | :: to require |
fordern {vt} [figuratively] | :: to challenge |
fördern {vt} | :: to further, to foster |
fördern {vt} | :: to support |
fördern {vt} | :: to advance |
fördern {vt} | :: to encourage |
fördern {vt} | :: to mine |
fördernd {adj} | :: promoting, furthering, fostering |
fördernd {adj} | :: promotional |
fördernd {adj} | :: patronizing |
Förderpumpe {f} [automotive] | :: feeder pump |
Forderung {f} | :: a demand, a (financial) claim |
Forderung {f} | :: call (i.e., decision made publicly) |
Förderung {f} | :: promotion |
Förderung {f} | :: conveyance |
forderungsbesichert {adj} | :: asset-backed |
Forelle {f} | :: trout |
Forellenteich {m} | :: trout pond |
forensisch {adj} | :: forensic (relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law) |
Forke {f} [regional, northern Germany] | :: pitchfork |
Form {f} | :: shape |
Form {f} | :: form (order of doing things) |
formal {adj} | :: formal [being in accord with established forms] |
Formaldehyd {noun} | :: formaldehyde (organic compound) |
Formalie {f} | :: formality |
formalisieren {v} | :: to formalize |
Formalismus {m} | :: formalism |
Formalität {f} | :: formality |
Formant {m} | :: formant |
Format {n} | :: format |
Formatgrösse {f} | :: alternative spelling of Formatgröße |
Formatgröße {f} | :: format size |
formatieren {v} [computing] | :: to format |
Formatierung {f} | :: formatting |
Formation {f} | :: formation |
Formation {f} | :: configuration |
formbar {adj} | :: malleable |
formbar {adj} | :: pliable, pliant |
formbar {adj} | :: plastic |
Formbarkeit {f} | :: malleability |
Formbarkeit {f} | :: ductility |
Formbarkeit {f} | :: plasticity |
formbeständig {adj} | :: undeformable |
Formel {f} | :: formula (in mathematics or chemistry) |
Formel 1 {f} | :: highest motorsport class; Formula One |
Formeleinheit {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: formula unit |
formell {adj} | :: formal (official) |
formen {v} | :: to form, to shape (to give something a shape) |
Formenlehre {f} [linguistics] | :: morphology |
Formiat {n} [chemistry] | :: formate |
formidabel {adj} | :: fantastic, outstanding |
formidabel {adj} [dated] | :: fearsome |
formieren {v} | :: to deploy, to form up |
-förmig {suffix} | :: shaped [combining form] |
formiren {v} | :: obsolete spelling of formieren |
förmlich {adj} | :: formal, ceremonial, official |
förmlich {adv} | :: downright |
formlos {adj} | :: formless, shapeless |
formlos {adj} | :: amorphous |
formschön {adj} | :: shapely |
formschön {adj} | :: elegant |
formstabil {adj} | :: stiff |
Formular {n} | :: form (document to be filled) |
formulieren {v} | :: to frame; formulate (establish a context in words) |
formulieren {v} [maths] | :: to formulate |
formulieren {v} [science] | :: to formulate |
Formulierung {f} | :: wording, phrasing |
Formulierung {f} | :: formulation |
Formung {f} | :: moulding, shaping |
Formung {f} | :: forming |
Fornach {prop} {n} | :: Fornach (municipality) |
forsch {adj} | :: brisk, bold |
forschen {v} | :: To research |
Forscher {m} | :: agent noun of forschen; researcher (male or of unspecified sex) |
Forschergeist {m} | :: spirit of research |
Forschergruppe {f} | :: research team |
Forscherin {f} | :: researcher (female) |
Forschung {f} | :: research |
Forschungsanlage {f} | :: research facility |
Forschungseinrichtung {f} | :: research facility |
Forschungsgegenstand {m} | :: research subject / topic |
Forschungsgemeinschaft {f} | :: research foundation |
Forschungslabor {n} | :: research laboratory |
Forschungsreaktor {m} | :: research reactor |
Forschungsstand {m} | :: state of research |
Forschungszentrum {n} | :: research centre |
Forst {m} [chiefly literary or specialist] | :: a forest, at least enclosed, usually also cultivated |
Forst {prop} {n} | :: Forst (town) |
Forstau {prop} {n} | :: Forstau (municipality) |
Förster {m} | :: forester (a person who practices forestry) |
Förster {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Försterin {f} | :: forester (female) (a person who practices forestry) |
Forsterit {m} [mineral] | :: forsterite |
Forsthaus {n} | :: forester's lodge, house |
Forsthäuschen {n} | :: diminutive of Forsthaus |
Forstner {prop} | :: surname |
Forstwesen {n} | :: forestry |
Forstwirtschaft {f} | :: forestry |
forstwirtschaftlich {adj} | :: forestry (attributive), silvicultural |
fort- {prefix} | :: away, onward, forth |
fort {adv} | :: away |
fort {adv} | :: gone |
fort {adv} | :: going on, continuing |
Fort {n} | :: fort (fortified defensive structure stationed with troops) |
fortan {adv} | :: henceforth |
Fortbestand {m} | :: continued existence |
fortbestehen {v} | :: to linger, survive |
fortbewegen {v} | :: to move on |
Fortbewegung {f} | :: locomotion |
Fortbewegungsart {f} | :: mode of transport |
fortbilden {vtr} | :: to continue educating |
Fortbildung {f} | :: further education, continuing education |
fortdauern {vt} | :: to go on, continue |
forteilen {v} | :: to hurry away |
fortfahren {vi} | :: to drive away, drive off |
fortfahren {vt} | :: to drive away, remove by means of a vehicle |
fortfahren {vi} | :: to continue (intransitive: resume) [followed by mit (with)] |
fortführen {v} | :: to continue |
fortführen {v} | :: to lead away |
Fortgang {m} | :: (forward) march (steady forward movement or progression) |
fortgehen {v} | :: to continue, to go on, to keep on, to carry on |
fortgekommen {v} | :: past participle of fortkommen |
fortgelassen {v} | :: past participle of fortlassen - omitted |
fortgelaufen {v} | :: past participle of fortlaufen |
fortgelegt {v} | :: past participle of fortlegen |
fortgepfanzt {v} | :: past participle of fortpflanzen |
fortgerannt {v} | :: past participle of fortrennen |
fortgeschrieben {v} | :: past participle of fortschreiben |
fortgeschrieben {adj} | :: updated |
fortgeschritten {adj} | :: advanced |
fortgeschritten {v} | :: past participle of fortschreiten |
Forthgang {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Fortgang |
forthin {adv} | :: from then on |
fortifikatorisch {adj} | :: fortification (attributive) |
fortjagen {v} | :: to chase away |
fortkommen {v} | :: to get away |
fortkommen {v} | :: to progress |
Fortkommen {n} | :: advancement, progressing |
fortlaufend {adj} | :: ongoing |
fortlaufend {adj} | :: progressive |
fortlaufend {adj} | :: consecutive, successive |
fortleben {v} | :: to live on |
fortlegen {vt} | :: to put away |
fortlocken {vt} | :: to lure away |
fortnehmen {v} | :: to take away |
fortpflanzen {v} | :: to reproduce (to generate offspring) |
Fortpflanzung {f} | :: reproduction (act of reproducing new individuals biologically) |
fortpflanzungsgefährdend {adj} | :: reprotoxic |
fortpflanzungsgefährdend {adj} | :: genotoxic |
fortschaffen {v} | :: to take away |
fortschreiben {v} | :: To update |
fortschreiben {v} | :: To uphold |
fortschreiten {v} | :: to advance, achieve progress |
fortschreiten {v} | :: to advance, proceed |
fortschreitend {adj} | :: onward, progressing |
fortschreitend {adj} | :: progressive, advancing |
Fortschritt {m} | :: progress |
fortschrittlich {adj} | :: progressive |
fortsetzen {v} | :: to continue with something |
Fortsetzung {f} | :: continuation, resumption |
Fortsetzung {f} | :: instalment |
fortspülen {v} | :: to wash away |
Fortune {f} | :: fortune, luck |
fortwährend {adj} | :: continuous, constant, incessant, continued |
fortziehen {v} | :: to pull away |
fortziehen {v} | :: to move away |
Forum {n} | :: forum |
fossil {adj} | :: fossil |
Fossil {n} | :: fossil |
Fossilie {f} | :: fossil |
Fossillagerstätte {f} | :: fossil deposit, fossil site |
fötal {adj} | :: fetal, foetal |
foto- {prefix} | :: foto- |
Foto {n} | :: photograph (picture created by projecting an image onto a photosensitive surface) |
Foto {m} [colloquial, regional] | :: camera (device for making still pictures) |
Fotoalbum {n} | :: photo album |
Fotoapparat {m} [photography] | :: camera (device for making still pictures) |
Fotochemie {f} | :: alternative form of Photochemie |
Fotodiode {f} | :: photodiode |
Fotoempfänger {m} | :: photoreceptor |
fotogen {adj} | :: photogenic (photographing well) |
Fotogenität {f} | :: photogenicity |
Fotograf {m} [photography] | :: photographer |
Fotografie {f} [uncountable] | :: photography (the art of making photographs) |
Fotografie {f} [countable] | :: photograph |
fotografieren {v} | :: to photograph |
Fotografin {f} [photography] | :: female photographer |
Fotographie {f} | :: alternative form of Photographie |
fotographieren {v} | :: nonstandard spelling of fotografieren |
Fotoindustrie {f} | :: photography industry |
Fotokatode {f} | :: photocathode |
Fotokopie {f} | :: photocopy |
Fotokopierer {m} | :: photocopier |
Fotometrie {f} | :: photometry |
fotometrisch {adj} | :: photometric |
Fotomontage {f} | :: photomontage |
Fotopapier {n} | :: alternative form of Photopapier |
Fotosphäre {f} | :: photosphere |
Fotostrecke {f} | :: photo series |
Fotosynthese {f} [biochemistry] | :: photosynthesis |
Fotovervielfacher {m} | :: photomultiplier |
Fötus {m} | :: fetus |
Fotz {m} [colloquial, regional, Bavaria and Austria] | :: mouth |
Fotze {f} [vulgar, slang] | :: cunt (vulva) |
Fotze {f} [vulgar, slang] | :: cunt (swearword, usually towards women) |
Fotze {f} [colloquial, regional, Bavaria, Austria] | :: muzzle |
Fotze {f} [colloquial, regional, Bavaria, Austria] | :: slap in the face |
fotzen {v} [colloquial, regional, Bavaria and Austria, slang] | :: To slap someone in the face |
Fotzenlecker {m} [vulgar] | :: cuntlicker |
Fotzhobel {m} [colloquial, regional, Bavaria, Austria] | :: mouth organ |
foudroyant {adj} [medicine] | :: fulminant |
Foul {n} [sports, chiefly team sports] | :: foul (a breach of the rules, committed by an active player during the match, which creates a possible advantage for his side) |
foulen {v} [sports] | :: to foul (to make contact with an opposing player in order to gain advantage) |
Foulspiel {n} [sports] | :: foul play |
Fourgon {m} [dated] | :: supply truck, baggage car |
Fourgon {m} [Swiss] | :: military truck |
Fourgon {m} [Austria, dated] | :: hearse |
Fourier {m} [Austria, Swiss, military] | :: quartermaster |
Fourier {m} [Swiss] | :: quartermaster sergeant (class of rank) |
foutieren {v} [Switzerland] | :: to insult |
foutieren {vp} [Switzerland] | :: to ignore |
Fowlersch {adj} | :: Fowler (attributive) |
Foyer {n} | :: foyer |
Fr. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Frau |
Fr. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Freitag |
Fr. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Franken |
Fracht {f} | :: freight, cargo |
Frachtschiff {n} | :: freight ship, cargo ship |
Frack {m} | :: tailcoat |
Fracksausen {n} [colloquial] | :: fear |
Frage {f} | :: question (interrogative sentence or phrase) |
Frage {f} | :: question, issue (subject or topic for consideration or investigation) |
Frage {f} | :: question, doubt (challenge about the truth or accuracy of a matter) |
Fragebogen {m} | :: questionnaire |
fragen {v} | :: to ask (nach for/after) |
fragen {vr} | :: to wonder (literally, to ask (oneself)) |
fragend {adj} | :: questioning, inquiring, interrogative |
fragend {adv} | :: inquiringly, questioningly |
Fragenkatalog {m} | :: questionnaire |
Fragerei {f} | :: badgering, lots of annoying questions |
Fragewort {n} [grammar] | :: question word |
Fragezeichen {n} | :: question mark (punctuation) |
fragil {adj} | :: fragile |
Fragilität {f} | :: fragility |
fraglich {adj} | :: questionable, doubtful, iffy |
fraglich {adj} | :: concerned (postpositive) |
fraglos {adj} | :: unquestionable |
Fragment {n} | :: fragment |
fragmentarisch {adj} | :: fragmentary |
fragmentieren {v} | :: to fragment |
fragmentiert {adj} | :: fragmented |
fragmentiert {v} | :: past participle of fragmentieren |
Fragmentierung {f} | :: fragmentation (act of fragmenting or something fragmented; disintegration) |
fragwürdig {adj} | :: questionable (inviting questions) |
fragwürdig {adj} | :: questionable (inviting doubt) |
Fraham {prop} {n} | :: Fraham (municipality) |
fraisefarben {adj} | :: strawberry-coloured |
fraktal {adj} [mathematics] | :: fractal |
Fraktal {n} | :: fractal |
Fraktion {f} | :: fraction |
Fraktion {f} | :: faction |
fraktioniert {v} | :: past participle of fraktionieren |
fraktioniert {adj} | :: fractional |
fraktioniert {adj} | :: fractionated |
Fraktionschef {m} | :: (business) group leader |
fraktionslos {adj} | :: non-attached (not belonging to a faction) |
Fraktur {f} [medicine] | :: fracture (bone, etc.) |
Fraktur {f} [typography, strict sense] | :: Fraktur, a traditional German subgroup of black letter typefaces, used for most German texts printed in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland until World War II |
Frakturschrift {f} [sensu stricto] | :: fraktur; [sensu lato] black letter, Gothic script |
Frame {n} [animation] | :: frame, division of time on a multimedia timeline |
framen {v} | :: to frame (construct in words so as to establish a context for understanding or interpretation) |
Framework {n} [software] | :: software framework |
Franc {m} | :: franc (currency) |
Franchise {n} | :: franchise |
Francium {n} | :: francium |
Franckfurt {prop} {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Frankfurt |
frank {adj} [archaic] | :: frank |
Frank {prop} | :: surname |
Frank {prop} | :: given name used in the Middle Ages and revived in the nineteenth century. Popular in the 1960s and the 1970s |
Franke {m} | :: One of the (ancient) Franks. (male or of unspecified sex) |
Franke {m} | :: Franconian (male or of unspecified sex) |
Franke {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Fränkel {prop} | :: surname |
Franken {prop} {n} | :: Franken (region) |
Franken {prop} {n} [historical] | :: Francia |
Franken {m} | :: franc (Swiss currency) |
Frankenberg {prop} | :: Any of several towns in Germany |
Frankenberg {prop} | :: surname |
Frankenfels {prop} {n} | :: Frankenfels (municipality) |
Frankenmarkt {prop} {n} | :: Frankenmarkt (municipality) |
Frankenreich {prop} {n} [historical] | :: Frankish empire |
Frankfurt {prop} {n} | :: Frankfurt (largest city) |
Frankfurt {prop} {n} | :: Frankfurt (sizable town) |
Frankfurt am Main {prop} {n} | :: Frankfurt am Main (largest city) |
Frankfurt an der Oder {prop} {n} | :: Frankfurt an der Oder (sizable town) |
Frankfurter {m} | :: Frankfurter |
Frankfurter {f} {n} [Austrian dialect] | :: a Vienna sausage |
frankieren {v} | :: to stamp, to put a stamp on, to apply postage stamps to (envelope, letter, parcel) |
Frankierung {f} | :: franking |
Franking {prop} {n} | :: Franking (municipality) |
fränkisch {adj} | :: Franconian |
Fränkisch {prop} {n} | :: Frankish, Old Frankish (an extinct West Germanic language, spoken by the Franks) |
Fränkisch {prop} {n} | :: Franconian (a group of modern German dialects) |
Franklinit {m} [mineral] | :: franklinite |
frankofon {adj} | :: alternative spelling of frankophon |
frankophil {adj} | :: Francophile |
frankophon {adj} | :: Francophone |
frankoprovenzalisch {adj} | :: Franco-Provençal (related to the Franco-Provençal language) |
Frankoprovenzalisch {n} | :: Franco-Provençal (language) |
Frankreich {prop} {n} | :: France |
frankreichweit {adj} | :: France-wide; in all of France |
Franse {f} | :: fringe |
Franz {prop} | :: given name |
Franzensfeste {prop} {n} | :: Franzensfeste (municipality) |
Franziska {prop} | :: given name |
Franziskaner {m} | :: Franciscan |
Franziskanerorden {m} | :: Franciscans (religious group) |
franziskanisch {adj} | :: Franciscan |
Franziskus {prop} {m} | :: Francis (male given name) |
Franzose {m} | :: Frenchman (person of French birth or nationality) |
Franzose {m} [colloquial] | :: monkey wrench |
Franzosenkrankheit {f} [dated] | :: the French disease (syphilis) |
Französin {f} | :: Frenchwoman (a French woman) |
französisch {adj} | :: French |
französisch {adj} [colloquial] | :: Oral sex (attributive) |
Französisch {n} [uncountable] | :: French (language) |
Französisch {n} [uncountable] | :: fellatio, blow job (oral sex performed on a male person) |
Französische Revolution {prop} {f} | :: French Revolution |
Französisch-Guayana {prop} | :: French Guiana (Department of French Guiana) |
französisieren {v} | :: to Frenchify |
Französistik {f} | :: French studies, Francophone studies |
Franzwein {m} [archaic] | :: French wine |
frappant {adj} [formal] | :: striking |
frappieren {v} | :: to astound, to astonish |
frappierend {adj} [formal] | :: astounding, astonishing |
Frasch {prop} | :: surname |
Frasch {prop} | :: Herman Frasch, German inventor |
fräsen {v} | :: to mill |
Fräser {m} | :: mill (cutting tool) |
Fräsmaschine {f} | :: milling machine (machine) |
Frass {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fraß |
Fraß {m} | :: the food of an animal, especially its prey |
Fraß {m} [derogatory] | :: grub (human food) |
Fraß {m} | :: consumption, corrosion (something destroyed by a natural force, such as fire or acid) |
Fraß {m} | :: glutton |
Frastanz {prop} {n} | :: Frastanz (municipality) |
Frater {m} [Roman Catholicsm] | :: brother (monk who is not a priest, as distinct from a Pater) |
fraternisieren {v} | :: to fraternize (to associate as friends with an enemy) |
Fratze {f} | :: sneer; grimace; evil smile |
frau {pron} [indefinite, colloquial, slang, rare] | :: one, they [indefinite third-person singular pronoun] |
Frau {f} | :: woman (adult female human) |
Frau {f} | :: wife (married woman, especially in relation to her spouse) |
Frau {f} | :: a title of courtesy, equivalent to Mrs/Ms, which has nearly replaced Fräulein in the function of Miss |
Frau {f} | :: madam (polite form of address for a woman or lady) |
Frau {f} | :: lady; noblewoman (woman of breeding or higher class) |
Frauchen {n} | :: female owner, mistress (of an animal) |
Frauenarzt {m} | :: gynecologist [UK], OB-GYN [US] |
Frauenärztin {f} | :: gynecologist (female) |
Frauenbeauftragte {f} | :: female commissioner for women's issues; woman charged with ensuring that men and women are treated equally |
Frauenbeauftragter {m} | :: male commissioner for women's issues; man charged with ensuring that men and women are treated equally |
frauenfeindlich {adj} | :: misogynistic, misogynist, misogynic, misogynous |
Frauenfeindlichkeit {f} | :: misogyny |
Frauenförderung {f} | :: advancement of women |
Frauenfuss {m} | :: alternative spelling of Frauenfuß |
Frauenfuß {m} | :: woman's foot |
Frauenhasser {m} | :: misogynist |
Frauenhaus {n} | :: women's shelter |
Frauenheilkunde {f} | :: gynecology |
Frauenkirchen {prop} {n} | :: Frauenkirchen (municipality) |
Frauenmörder {m} | :: murderer of women |
Frauenrechtler {m} | :: feminist (male or of unspecified sex) |
Frauenstimme {f} | :: female voice, woman's voice |
Frauenversammlung {f} | :: women's assembly, assembly of women |
Frauenversteher {m} [colloquial] | :: man who knows how to read women, women whisperer |
Frauenvertreter {m} | :: male women's representative; man charged with ensuring the advancement of women |
Frauenvertreterin {f} | :: female women's representative; woman charged with ensuring the advancement of women |
Frauenzimmer {n} [now, chiefly historical, derogatory or jocular] | :: lady, woman; [archaic] wench |
Frauke {prop} | :: given name |
Fräulein {n} | :: diminutive of Frau [but not freely applicable] |
Fräulein {n} [dated, address for an unmarried woman] | :: miss |
Fräulein {n} | :: miss, young woman (especially a shop assistant) |
Fräulein {n} | :: young lady, missy [said jokingly or rebukingly to a little girl] |
fraulich {adj} | :: womanly, womanlike |
Fraunhofer {prop} | :: surname |
Fraw {f} | :: obsolete form of Frau |
Fraxern {prop} {n} | :: Fraxern (municipality) |
Freak {m} [of a person] | :: freak |
freakig {adj} | :: freakish |
frech {adj} | :: cheeky, barefaced, rude |
frech {adj} [of a child also] | :: naughty |
Frechdachs {m} | :: rascal |
Frechen {prop} {n} | :: Frechen (town) |
frecher {adj} | :: comparative of frech |
Frechheit {f} | :: perkiness, brashness, guts |
frechsten {adj} | :: superlative of frech |
Freeganer {m} | :: freegan |
Freeganismus {m} | :: freeganism |
Fregatte {f} | :: frigate |
Fregesch {adj} | :: Fregean |
-frei {suffix} [forming adjectives] | :: -free (free from, devoid of, without) |
frei {adj} | :: free; unenslaved; unimprisoned |
frei {adj} | :: free; unrestricted; more negative also: unrestrained; licentious |
frei {adj} | :: unblocked; free for passage |
frei {adj} | :: independent; unaffiliated |
frei {adj} [with von] | :: free of (not containing or unaffected by) |
frei {adj} [not freely applicable] | :: liberal |
frei {adj} [not freely applicable; see usage notes] | :: free of charge, gratis |
freiäugig {adj} | :: naked-eye |
Freibad {n} | :: outdoor public swimming pool |
Freibauer {m} | :: farmer who owns their own land |
Freibauer {m} [chess] | :: passed pawn |
Freiberg {prop} {n} | :: Freiberg (town) |
Freibergit {m} [mineral] | :: freibergite |
Freiberufler {m} | :: freelancer |
freiberuflich {adj} | :: self-employed, freelance |
Freibetrag {m} | :: [from taxes etc.] exemption |
Freibeuter {m} | :: pirate |
Freibier {n} | :: free beer |
freibleibend {adj} | :: Without obligation |
Freibrief {m} [historical] | :: charter |
Freibrief {m} [figuratively] | :: carte blanche |
Freiburger {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Freiburg |
Freiburg im Breisgau {prop} {n} | :: Freiburg |
Freiburg im Breisgau {prop} {n} [historical] | :: One of the four districts of the Grand Duchy of Baden |
Freidenker {m} | :: freethinker |
Freie Demokratische Partei {prop} {f} | :: the German liberal party |
freien {v} [archaic or poetic] | :: to marry |
freien {v} [archaic or poetic] | :: to ask for marriage; to propose |
freien {v} [archaic or poetic] | :: to court; to woo |
Freienfeld {prop} {n} | :: Freienfeld (municipality) |
freier {adj} | :: comparative of frei |
Freier {m} [archaic] | :: suitor (one who courts; who proposes marriage) |
Freier {m} | :: john (client of a prostitute) |
freie Software {f} | :: free software |
Freigabe {f} | :: release, clearance, approval |
freigeben {v} | :: to release, to declassify (to put at public disposal) |
freigeben {v} | :: to release, to liberate (to set free from imprisonment) |
freigeben {v} | :: to furlough (to grant a furlough to someone) |
freigeben {v} [computing] | :: to unlock (to enable access to a protected resource) |
freigeben {v} [computing] | :: to activate, to enable (to put a software functionality into operation) |
freigebig {adj} | :: generous |
Freigebigkeit {f} | :: largess, generosity |
freigegeben {v} | :: past participle of freigeben |
Freigeist {m} | :: free spirit |
freigelegt {v} | :: past participle of freilegen |
freigelegt {adj} | :: exposed, uncovered |
freigesetzt {v} | :: past participle of freisetzen |
freigesetzt {adj} | :: released, liberated |
freigesetzt {adj} | :: made redundant |
freigesprochen {v} | :: past participle of freisprechen - acquitted |
freigiebig {adj} | :: alternative form of freigebig |
freihaben {v} | :: to be on vacation |
freihalten {v} | :: to keep free |
freihalten {v} | :: to keep clear |
Freihandel {m} | :: free trade |
freihändig {adj} | :: freehand |
frei Haus {adv} [idiom] | :: with shipping cost |
Freiheit {f} | :: freedom |
Freiheit {f} | :: liberty |
freiheitlich {adj} | :: pertaining to freedom, in a free way, liberal |
Freiheitsberaubung {f} [law] | :: false imprisonment (the crime of confining a person in a place without being legally authorised to do so) |
Freiheitskämpfer {m} | :: freedom fighter |
Freiheitsstatue {prop} {f} | :: (the) Statue of Liberty |
Freiheitsstrafe {f} | :: prison sentence, imprisonment |
Freiherr {m} | :: baron |
Freiin {f} | :: baroness (unmarried daughter of a baron) |
freikaufen {v} | :: to ransom |
Freikirche {f} | :: free church |
Freikörperkultur {f} | :: nudism; naturism (naturist movement related to Lebensreform) |
Freikorps {n} | :: A corps of military or paramilitary and free (autonomous) nature, in some cases a private militia or army |
Freiland {n} | :: open ground |
Freilandhaltung {f} [animal husbandry] | :: free range |
freilassen {v} | :: to release, to free |
Freilassung {f} | :: release, manumission |
Freilassung {f} | :: emancipation |
Freilauf {m} | :: freewheel |
frei laufend {adj} | :: free-range |
freilaufend {adj} | :: alternative form of frei laufend |
freilebend {adj} | :: wild, free-living |
Freileitung {f} | :: overhead line / powerline |
freilich {adv} | :: admittedly |
freilich {adv} [especially, Southern German] | :: certainly, of course, sure |
Freilichtmuseum {n} | :: outdoor / open-air museum |
freiliegend {adj} | :: exposed |
freimachen {v} | :: to put a stamp on (envelope, letter, parcel) |
freimachen {vr} | :: to bare, to strip (to remove clothing) |
Freimachung {f} | :: franking |
Freimaurer {m} | :: Freemason |
Freimaurer {m} | :: freemason |
Freimaurerei {f} | :: Freemasonry |
Freimut {m} | :: candor |
freimütig {adj} | :: candid, frank, upfront |
Freinberg {prop} {n} | :: Freinberg (municipality) |
freipressen {vt} | :: to force somebody's release |
freireligiös {adj} | :: nondenominational |
freischalten {v} | :: to activate, to unlock |
Freischaltung {f} | :: activation, clearing |
Freischärler {m} [military] | :: irregular, guerrilla (male or of unspecified sex) |
freisetzen {v} | :: To release, liberate |
freisetzen {v} | :: To lay off (make redundant) |
Freisetzung {f} | :: release, discharge |
freisinnig {adj} [formal, politics] | :: liberal |
freisinnig {adj} [Swiss, politics] | :: of or pertaining to FDP.The Liberals; (of people) belonging to FDP.The Liberals |
freisprechen {v} | :: To acquit |
freisprechen {v} | :: To exonerate |
freisprechen {v} | :: To exculpate |
Freispruch {m} | :: acquittal |
Freispruch {m} | :: absolution |
freist. {adj} [apartment listing] | :: abbreviation of freistehend |
Freistaat {m} | :: (especially in combination) free state |
Freistaat Puerto Rico {prop} {m} | :: the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico |
Freistadt {f} | :: free city [of the Holy Roman Empire] |
Freistadt {f} [biblical] | :: city of refuge |
Freistadt {prop} {n} | :: Freistadt (municipality) |
frei stehend {adj} | :: alternative form of freistehend |
freistehend {adj} | :: freestanding |
freistellen {v} | :: to exempt; to release [from work or other obligations] |
freistellen {v} [euphemistic] | :: to dismiss, discharge, or suspend; not to extend someone’s contract |
freistellen {v} | :: to leave something up to someone; to make it someone’s free decision; to let someone decide something |
freisten {adj} | :: superlative of frei |
Freistoss {m} | :: alternative spelling of Freistoß |
Freistoß {m} | :: free kick |
Freitag {m} | :: Friday |
Freitagabend {m} | :: Friday evening |
Freitagmittag {m} | :: Friday noon |
Freitagnachmittag {m} | :: Friday afternoon |
freitags {adv} | :: every Friday, on Fridays |
Freitagvormittag {m} | :: Friday morning (time before noon) |
Freitod {m} [euphemistic] | :: suicide |
freiwerdend {adj} | :: released, liberated |
freiwerdend {adj} | :: redundant |
Freiwild {n} [hunting] | :: unprotected game |
Freiwild {n} [figuratively] | :: fair game |
freiwillig {adj} | :: voluntary |
Freiwillige {f} | :: (female) volunteer |
Freiwilliger {m} | :: (male) volunteer |
Freizeit {f} | :: free time, leisure time, spare time. The time during which one is not working |
Freizeitpark {m} [tourism] | :: amusement park |
Freizeitzentrum {n} | :: leisure centre |
Freizeitzentrum {n} | :: recreation center |
freizügig {adj} | :: permissive, liberal |
frembd {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of fremd |
fremd {adj} | :: strange |
fremd {adj} | :: foreign |
fremd {adj} | :: external |
fremdartig {adj} | :: strange, exotic |
Fremdatom {n} [physics] | :: foreign atom (e.g. in a semiconductor) |
Fremdbeimengung {f} [physics] | :: addition of a foreign atom (in semiconductor manufacture) |
Fremdbestandteil {m} | :: impurity |
Fremdbestimmung {f} | :: heteronomy |
Fremde {f} | :: female stranger |
Fremde {f} | :: female alien, female foreigner |
fremdeln {v} | :: to conceive alienation, to have reservations in accomodating the fremd [+ mit (object) = what estranges] |
fremdenfeindlich {adj} | :: hostile to foreigners or strangers, xenophobic |
Fremdenfeindlichkeit {f} | :: hatred of foreigners or strangers, xenophobia |
Fremdenhass {m} | :: xenophobia |
Fremdenverkehr {m} | :: tourism |
fremder {adj} | :: comparative of fremd |
Fremder {m} | :: A stranger: someone whom one does not know |
Fremder {m} | :: A stranger, a foreigner: someone from a different country, or from a different part of a country |
fremdficken {v} [vulgar] | :: to cheat; to be unfaithful (have sexual relations with another than one's stable partner, typically in secret) |
fremdgehen {v} [now only slightly colloquial] | :: to cheat; to be unfaithful (have sexual or romantic relations with another than one's stable partner, typically in secret) |
fremdgehen {v} [figurative, colloquial, chiefly jocular] | :: to be unfaithful; to prefer someone or something else |
Fremdgehen {n} | :: cheating; the practice of having an affair (a relationship with someone other than one's partner) |
Fremdgeher {m} | :: cheater, one who has an affair (a relationship with someone other than one's partner) |
Fremdkapital {n} [finance] | :: outside capital, borrowed capital |
Fremdkörper {m} | :: foreign body |
fremdländisch {adj} | :: exotic, foreign, alien |
Fremdling {m} | :: A stranger |
Fremdscham {f} | :: shame felt for actions done by someone else; vicarious embarrassment, secondhand embarrassment |
fremdschämen {vr} [colloquial] | :: to feel ashamed about something someone else has done; to be embarrassed because someone else has embarrassed themselves (and doesn't notice) |
Fremdsprache {f} | :: foreign language |
fremdsprachig {adj} | :: foreign-language (attributive) |
fremdsprachlich {adj} | :: foreign-language |
Fremdstoff {m} | :: contaminant |
Fremdwährung {f} | :: foreign currency |
Fremdwort {n} [linguistics] | :: foreignism (a loanword that stands out as foreign) |
Fremdwort {n} [figuratively] | :: alien concept |
Fremdwörterbuch {n} | :: dictionary of loanwords |
Fremdwörterei {f} | :: overuse of foreign words |
frenetisch {adj} | :: frenetic |
frequent {adj} [dated or medicine] | :: frequent |
Frequenz {f} | :: frequency (the rate of occurrence of anything) |
Frequenz {f} [physics] | :: frequency (the quotient f of the number of times n a periodic phenomenon occurs over the time t in which it occurs) |
Frequenzbereich {m} | :: (radio) band (frequency range) |
Fresach {prop} {n} | :: Fresach (municipality) |
Freske {f} | :: fresco |
Fresko {n} | :: fresco |
Freskomalerei {f} | :: fresco (technique) |
Fresse {f} [derogatory] | :: mouth |
fressen {vti} [of an animal] | :: to eat; to feed on; to devour |
fressen {vti} [of a person, pejorative] | :: to stuff oneself; to gorge oneself; to eat like a pig |
fressen {vr} [figurative, chiefly with durch] | :: to eat away (e.g. metal) |
fressen {vt} [figurative, ] | :: to consume, to guzzle, to burn (e.g. fuel, money) |
fressen {vt} [colloquial, perfect only] | :: to despise, to have a pet peeve against |
Fresser {m} [chiefly in compounds] | :: agent noun of fressen; an animal that eats |
Fresser {m} | :: A glutton; a person who eats immoderately or like an animal |
Fresser {m} [agriculture] | :: A bull or cow between the ages of four months and a year |
Fressfeind {m} | :: predator (natural enemy) |
fresssüchtig {adj} | :: voracious |
Fresszelle {f} | :: macrophage |
Frettchen {n} | :: ferret (the mammal Mustela putorius furo) |
fretten {vr} [Austria, South German] | :: to struggle with a very tedious task |
Freud {prop} | :: surname |
Freude {f} | :: joy, happiness |
Freudenabteilung {noun} [historical, slang, WWII] | :: joy division (Nazi sex slave brothel) |
Freudenhaus {n} | :: brothel (house of prostitution) |
Freudentaumel {m} | :: ecstasy, rapture |
Freudenträne {f} | :: tear of joy |
freudetrunken {adj} | :: Drunk with joy |
freudianisch {adj} | :: Freudian |
freudig {adj} | :: joyful, cheerful |
freudig {adv} | :: joyfully, cheerfully |
Freudigkeit {f} | :: joyfulness, cheerfulness |
Freudigkeit {f} | :: boldness |
freudlos {adj} | :: joyless, cheerless, bleak |
freuen {vt} | :: to gladden, to make glad, to make pleased |
freuen {vr} | :: to be glad, to be pleased (about something: über + accusative) |
freuen {vr} | :: to look forward (to something: auf + accusative) |
Freund {m} | :: friend |
Freund {m} | :: boyfriend |
Freund {m} [obsolete] | :: blood relative (in the sense of a person that is or should be one’s friend by nature) |
Freund {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Freundchen {n} [rare in a general sense] | :: diminutive of Freund |
Freundchen {n} [colloquial] | :: a term of address used in warning someone, quite aggressive-sounding when used towards a stranger: buddy; mate; sunshine |
Freundeskreis {m} | :: circle of friends |
Freundin {f} | :: female friend |
Freundin {f} | :: girlfriend |
freundlich {adj} | :: friendly, benign |
freundlich {adj} | :: nice, pleasant |
freundlicher {adj} | :: comparative of freundlich |
freundlicherweise {adv} | :: kindly |
Freundlichkeit {f} [no plural] | :: kindness, friendliness (the state of being kind) |
Freundlichkeit {f} [with plural] | :: kindness (an act of kindness) |
freundlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of freundlich |
Freundschaft {f} | :: friendship |
Freundschaft {f} | :: relations, relatives |
freundschaftlich {adj} | :: friendly, amicable |
Freundschaftspreis {m} | :: mates' rates (discounted price offered to friends) |
Freundschaftsspiel {n} | :: friendly match |
Freundschaftsvertrag {m} | :: treaty of friendship |
Frevel {m} | :: outrage, crime, sin |
Frevel {m} | :: iniquity |
frevelhaft {adj} | :: reprehensible, wanton |
frevelhaft {adj} | :: sinful, sacrilegious |
freveln {vi} [dated] | :: to commit an outrage |
freventlich {adj} | :: reprehensible, wicked |
Frevler {m} | :: evildoer, [pl.] wicked |
Freya {prop} [Norse mythology] | :: Freya |
Freya {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
Friaulisch {prop} {n} | :: Friulian (language) |
Friaul-Julisch Venetien {prop} {m} | :: Friaul-Julisch Venetien (region) |
frickeln {v} [colloquial] | :: to rig, fiddle, tinker |
Frida {prop} | :: given name of Germanic origin; a less common spelling of Frieda |
Fridegunde {prop} | :: given name |
friderizianisch {adj} | :: Frederician: pertaining to Frederick the Great or to the time of his rule |
Fried {m} | :: alternative form of Friede |
Frieda {prop} | :: given name popular at the turn of the 20th century |
Friedberg {prop} {n} | :: Friedberg (municipality) |
Friedberg {prop} {n} | :: A city in Aichach-Friedberg, Bavaria, Germany |
Friedberg {prop} {n} | :: A town in Wetteraukreis, Hesse, Germany |
Friede {m} [formal] | :: peace |
Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen {phrase} | :: A-okay [often with an implication that problems are being ignored or glossed over] |
Friedegund {prop} | :: given name |
Friedegunde {prop} | :: given name |
Frieden {m} | :: peace |
Friedensabkommen {noun} | :: peace agreement |
friedensbewegt {adj} [often, ironic] | :: belonging to the peace movement |
Friedensbewegung {m} | :: peace movement |
Friedensbruch {f} | :: breach of the peace |
Friedensforscher {m} | :: peace researcher |
Friedensforscherin {f} | :: (female) peace researcher |
Friedensforschung {f} [social sciences] | :: peace research, peace and conflict studies |
Friedensnobelpreis {m} | :: Nobel Peace Prize |
Friedensnobelpreisverleihung {f} | :: the awarding of a Nobel Peace Prize |
Friedenspfeife {f} | :: peace pipe |
Friedensprozess {m} | :: peace process |
Friedensprozeß {m} | :: alternative spelling of Friedensprozess |
Friedensvertrag {m} | :: peace treaty |
Friedenszeit {f} | :: peacetime |
Friederich {m} | :: alternative form of Friedrich |
Friederike {prop} | :: given name, female form of Friedrich |
friedfertig {adj} | :: peaceful |
friedfertig {adj} | :: pacific, peaceable |
Friedfertigkeit {f} | :: desire for peace |
Friedhof {m} | :: cemetery, graveyard |
friedlich {adj} | :: peaceful, placid, tranquil |
friedlicher {adj} | :: comparative of friedlich |
friedlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of friedlich |
Friedmann {prop} | :: surname |
Friedr. {prop} {m} | :: abbreviation of Friedrich |
Friedrich {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Friedrich {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Friedrichstraße {prop} | :: The main shopping and commercial street in central Berlin |
Friedrich Wilhelm {m} [humorous] | :: John Hancock (signature) |
friedvoll {adj} | :: placid, peaceful |
friemeln {v} | :: to fiddle; to move something in one's hands, especially by rubbing it between thumb and forefinger |
friemeln {v} [by extension] | :: to do delicate manual tasks, such as inserting a thread through the eye of a needle or undoing a tangle, implying either laboriousness of the task or clumsiness of them who do it |
frieren {vi} [of a liquid, auxiliary: “sein”] | :: to freeze |
frieren {vi} [of a person, auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to feel cold |
frieren {vi} [impersonal, auxiliary: “haben”] | :: to be freezing |
frierend {adj} | :: freezing |
Fries {m} | :: frieze (sculptured or richly ornamented band) |
Friese {m} | :: Frisian |
Friese {m} | :: Friesian horse, Frisian horse (refers to both the breed, and an individual member of the breed) |
Friesen {prop} {n} | :: Friesen (commune) |
friesisch {adj} | :: Frisian (of Friesland, Frisian people, or the language) |
Friesisch {prop} {n} | :: the Frisian |
Friesland {prop} {n} | :: Frisia, Friesland |
friesländisch {adj} | :: Frisian |
frigid {adj} | :: alternative form of frigide |
frigide {adj} [medicine] | :: frigid (unable to take part in sexual intercourse) |
frigide {adj} [rare] | :: frigid (very cold) |
Frikadelle {f} [regional] | :: meatball |
Frikassee {n} | :: fricassee |
frikassieren {v} | :: to fricassee |
frikatisiert {adj} | :: fricatized |
frikativ {adj} | :: fricative |
Frikativ {m} [phonetics] | :: fricative (consonant) |
Friktion {f} [physics] | :: friction |
Friktion {f} | :: friction (conflict) |
Friktion {f} | :: friction (in massage) |
Frisbee {n} | :: frisbee |
frisch {adj} | :: fresh |
frisch {adj} | :: recent |
Frische {f} | :: freshness |
frischen {v} [metallurgy] | :: to refine pig iron into steel |
frischen {v} [hunting] | :: to farrow |
frischgebacken {adj} | :: freshly-baked |
frisch gewagt ist halb gewonnen {proverb} | :: well begun is half done |
Frischhaltefolie {f} | :: cling film |
Frischkäse {m} | :: cream cheese, soft cheese, quark |
Frischling {m} | :: A young/immature wild boar. The generic term is Wildschwein |
Frischling {m} [colloquial] | :: freshman |
Frischling {m} [archaic] | :: adolescent girl |
Frischling {m} [archaic] | :: young animal |
Friseur {m} | :: hairdresser; barber; friseur (male or of unspecified sex) |
Friseurin {f} | :: hairdresser, hairstylist, haircutter (female) |
frisieren {v} | :: to dress the hair |
frisieren {v} [books] | :: to fudge, to cook |
Frisör {m} | :: alternative spelling of Friseur |
Frisörin {f} | :: alternative spelling of Friseurin |
friss oder stirb {phrase} | :: take it or leave it |
Frist {f} | :: term, period (time limit) |
fristen {vt} | :: to keep alive |
fristgerecht {adj} | :: timely |
fristlos {adj} | :: immediate (without prior notice) |
Frisur {f} | :: haircut (way hair is cut) |
Frisur {f} | :: hairdo; hairstyle (way hair is arranged) |
Friteuse {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Fritteuse |
fritieren {v} | :: alternative spelling of frittieren |
fritiert {v} | :: past participle of fritieren |
Frittaten {n} [Austria] | :: a garnishing for soup |
Fritte {f} | :: frit, an intermediate product from which glass is made |
Fritte {f} | :: Fritte (Filter) of tube of porous glass in chemistry used for filtration |
Fritte {f} | :: an oblong stick of fried potato, a single fry, a single chip |
Fritten {p} | :: fries, french fries, chips [UK] |
Fritteuse {f} | :: deep fryer |
frittieren {v} | :: to deep-fry |
Frittüre {f} [deep frying] | :: frying oil |
Fritüre {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Frittüre |
Fritz {prop} {m} | :: A shortened form of the German male given name Friedrich |
Fritz {m} [used by non-Germans, derogatory] | :: a Fritz, a German |
Fritzchen {n} | :: diminutive of Fritz |
Fritzchen {n} | :: a name for a young child often used in a certain kind of joke |
Fritzchen {n} [hospital slang] | :: a small cushion (about 40 × 40 cm) |
Fritzens {prop} | :: Fritzens (municipality) |
frivol {adj} | :: saucy; sleazy; ribald (sexual in a frivolous way) |
frivol {adj} [archaic] | :: frivolous; characterised by levity |
Frivolität {f} | :: sauciness; sleaziness; ribaldry |
Frivolität {f} [archaic] | :: frivolity; levity |
Fröbelstern {m} | :: A Froebel star, a 16-pointed star made of folded paper and used as an Advent and Christmas decoration |
Frobenius {prop} {?} | :: surname |
froh {adj} [of living beings, with über + accusative] | :: glad; (momentarily) happy; (momentarily) cheerful |
froh {adj} [of events] | :: merry |
froh {adj} [of activities] | :: merry; hearty; energetic |
frohe Ostern {phrase} | :: Happy Easter |
frohes neues Jahr {phrase} | :: Happy New Year |
frohes Schaffen {phrase} | :: a greeting sometimes used towards someone who is working, most often when leaving them |
frohe Weihnachten {phrase} | :: Merry Christmas |
frohgemut {adj} [literary] | :: glad, of good cheer; debonair |
frohgemut {adv} | :: gladly |
fröhlich {adj} | :: merry; cheerful; both as a character trait and momentarily |
fröhlicher {adj} | :: comparative of fröhlich |
fröhliche Weihnachten {phrase} | :: merry Christmas |
Fröhlichkeit {f} | :: joy, glee |
fröhlichsten {adj} | :: superlative of fröhlich |
frohlocken {vi} [formal] | :: to rejoice, exult |
frohlockt {v} | :: past participle of frohlocken |
Frohnatur {f} | :: person with a cheerful nature |
Frohnleiten {prop} {n} | :: Frohnleiten (municipality) |
Frohsinn {n} | :: cheerfulness |
frohsinnig {adj} | :: cheerful |
fromm {adj} | :: pious |
fromm {adj} [archaic] | :: righteous |
Frömmelei {f} [derogatory] | :: piety |
frömmeln {v} | :: to display much sanctimony |
frommen {v} [impersonal, archaic] | :: to be useful, to serve |
Frömmigkeit {f} | :: piety |
Frömmler {m} | :: somebody who displays much sanctimony |
frömmlerisch {adj} | :: sanctimonious |
frömmlerisch {adj} | :: bigoted |
Fron {f} | :: socage |
Fron {f} [figuratively] | :: hard work, slavery |
Frondienst {m} | :: socage |
fronen {vi} | :: to toil, slave away |
frönen {v} [somewhat, dated, formal, with dative] | :: to indulge |
Fronleichnam {m} [holiday, uncountable] | :: Corpus Christi |
Front {f} | :: the front end or side of something |
frontal {adj} | :: frontal |
Frontallappen {m} | :: frontal lobe |
Frontantrieb {m} | :: front-wheel drive |
Frontläufer {m} | :: forerunner |
Frontlinie {f} | :: front line |
Frontsänger {m} | :: (male) lead singer |
Frontsängerin {f} | :: feminine noun of Frontsänger |
Fronvogt {m} | :: taskmaster |
Frosch {m} | :: frog |
froschen {v} | :: to catch frogs |
Froschfresser {m} [derogatory] | :: frogeater |
Froschgoscherl {n} | :: snapdragon |
Froschgoscherl {n} | :: The ruched neckline border of a dirndl bodice |
Froschmann {m} | :: frogman: combat diver, combat swimmer |
Froschperspektive {f} | :: worm's-eye view |
Froschteich {m} | :: frog pond |
Frost {m} | :: frost; freezing weather (weather conditions below 0 °C) |
Frost {m} | :: frost; ice; all the natural phenomena caused by such weather collectively |
Frost {m} | :: a sensation of cold, especially due to illness |
Frostbeule {f} | :: chilblain |
frösteln {v} | :: to shiver, to feel chilly, to shudder |
frostfrei {adj} | :: frost-free |
frostig {adj} | :: frosty |
Frostschutzmittel {noun} | :: antifreeze (a substance used to lower the freezing point of water) |
Frostwinter {m} | :: A frosty winter (a winter with very low temperatures, usually below 0 °C) |
Frotté {n} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Frottee |
Frottee {n} {m} | :: terrycloth, towelling |
frottieren {v} | :: to rub down |
Frotzelei {f} | :: teasing, jab |
frotzeln {v} | :: to tease, to scoff |
Frucht {f} [countable] | :: fruit (seed-bearing part of a plant) |
Frucht {f} [uncountable] | :: harvest, crop, produce, particularly of cereal |
Frucht {f} [countable, figurative] | :: result, effect, fruit |
fruchtbar {adj} | :: fertile |
fruchtbar {adj} | :: fruitful, prolific |
fruchtbarer {adj} | :: comparative of fruchtbar |
Fruchtbarer Halbmond {prop} {m} | :: Fertile Crescent (crescent-shaped arc of fertile land) |
Fruchtbarkeit {f} | :: fertility |
fruchtbarsten {adj} | :: superlative of fruchtbar |
Früchtchen {n} | :: diminutive of Frucht |
Früchtchen {n} | :: mischievous child, rascal |
Fruchteis {n} | :: sorbet |
Früchte tragen {v} [idiom] | :: to bear fruit |
Fruchtfleisch {n} | :: pulp, flesh (edible part of a fruit; residues of solid matter in juice) |
Fruchtfliege {f} | :: fruit fly (Tephritidae) |
Fruchtfliege {f} | :: fruit fly (Drosophilidae) |
fruchtig {adj} | :: fruity |
Fruchtknoten {m} [botany] | :: ovary |
Fruchtkörper {m} [mycology] | :: fruiting body, sporocarp |
fruchtlos {adj} [useless; unproductive] | :: fruitless |
Fruchtsaft {m} | :: fruit juice |
Fruchtsalat {m} | :: fruit salad |
fruchtschädigend {adj} [pathology] | :: teratogenic |
Fruchtwasser {n} | :: amniotic fluid |
Fructose {f} | :: fructose |
frugal {adj} | :: frugal |
früh {adj} | :: early |
Früh {f} {m} {n} [Southern Germany, Austria] | :: morning |
frühblühend {adj} | :: early-flowering |
Frühchen {n} | :: a premature baby; preemie |
frühdynastisch {adj} | :: protodynastic |
Frühe {f} | :: morning |
früher {adj} | :: former, previous |
früher {adj} | :: earlier |
früher {adv} | :: formerly |
früher oder später {adv} | :: sooner or later |
frühestens {adv} | :: at the earliest |
frühestmöglich {adj} | :: earliest-possible |
Frühgeborene {f} | :: female premature baby (baby girl) |
Frühgeborener {m} | :: premature baby (baby boy) (male or of unspecified sex) |
Frühgeborenes {n} | :: nominalization of frühgeborenes: premature baby (= premature baby boy or baby girl) (unspecified sex) |
Frühgeburt {f} | :: preterm birth |
Frühgeburt {f} | :: preterm baby |
Frühgeschichte {f} | :: protohistory |
Frühjahr {n} | :: spring |
Frühjahrsputz {m} | :: spring cleaning |
Frühjahrs-Tagundnachtgleiche {f} | :: spring equinox, vernal equinox |
Frühjahrs-Tag-und-Nacht-Gleiche {f} | :: alternative spelling of Frühjahrs-Tagundnachtgleiche |
Frühling {m} [season] | :: spring |
Frühlingsende {n} | :: end of spring |
Frühlingsende {n} | :: late spring |
Frühlingsfest {n} | :: spring festival, springtime festival |
frühlingshaft {adj} | :: vernal, springlike |
Frühlingspunkt {m} | :: vernal equinox (a point in the sky used as a reference point by the ecliptic coordinate system) |
Frühlingssonne {f} | :: spring sunshine, spring sun |
Frühlingstag {m} | :: spring day |
Frühlings-Tagundnachtgleiche {f} | :: spring equinox, vernal equinox |
Frühlings-Tag-und-Nacht-Gleiche {f} | :: alternative spelling of Frühlings-Tagundnachtgleiche |
Frühlingsvollmond {m} | :: the first full moon of spring |
Frühlingsvollmond {m} | :: paschal full moon |
Frühlingswetter {n} [weather] | :: spring weather |
Frühlingszwiebel {f} | :: spring onion |
Frühmahl {n} [dated and literary] | :: breakfast |
Frühmittelalter {n} [history] | :: Early Middle Ages |
frühmittelalterlich {adj} | :: early medieval |
frühmittelhochdeutsch {adj} | :: Early Middle High German |
Frühmittelhochdeutsch {n} | :: Early Middle High German |
frühmorgens {adv} | :: early in the morning |
Frühnebel {m} | :: early morning fog |
frühneuhochdeutsch {adj} | :: early New High German (related to the early stage of the New High German language) |
Frühneuhochdeutsch {n} | :: Early New High German |
frühnhd. {adj} | :: abbreviation of frühneuhochdeutsch |
frühreif {adj} | :: precocious, forward |
frühreif {adj} | :: premature |
Frühreife {f} | :: precociousness, precocity |
Frührente {f} | :: early retirement |
Frührentner {m} | :: early retirement pensioner; someone who has taken early retirement |
Frühschicht {f} | :: early shift |
Frühschoppen {m} | :: morning pint, morning draught |
Frühsexualisierung {f} [politics] | :: sexualization at an early age; early sexualization |
Frühsommer {m} | :: early summer |
Frühsport {m} [sports] | :: early morning exercise |
frühsten {adj} | :: superlative of früh |
Frühstück {n} | :: breakfast |
frühstücken {vi} | :: to have breakfast; breakfast (to eat the morning meal) |
frühstücken {vt} | :: to breakfast on; have for breakfast (to eat as one's morning meal) |
Frühstücksflocken {p} | :: cereal, breakfast cereal |
Frühzeit {f} | :: early days |
frühzeitig {adj} | :: early, ahead of time |
Frühzündung {f} | :: preignition |
Fruktose {f} | :: fructose |
Frust {m} | :: frustration |
frustfrei {adj} | :: frustration-free |
Frustration {f} | :: frustration |
frustrieren {v} | :: to frustrate |
frustriert {v} | :: past participle of frustrieren |
frz. {adj} | :: abbreviation of französisch |
Fsm. {noun} | :: abbreviation of Fürstentum |
Fuchs {m} | :: fox (animal) |
Fuchs {m} [colloquial] | :: a clever or cunning person |
Fuchs {m} [colloquial] | :: a red-haired person |
Fuchs {m} [card games] | :: In Doppelkopf, the ace of diamonds, which earns a side of players an extra point if they win it from the other side |
Fuchs {prop} {mf} | :: surname originating as a nickname |
Fuchs {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Fuchs {m} | :: a member of a student fraternity in his first year |
Fuchs {m} [by extension] | :: beginner; fresher |
Fuchsbau {m} | :: den of a fox |
Fuchsbeere {f} | :: dewberry (Rubus caesius or Rubus nessensis) |
Fuchsbeere {f} [uncommon] | :: black currant (Ribes nigrum) |
Füchschen {n} | :: diminutive of Fuchs |
fuchsen {vt} [colloquial] | :: to annoy |
fuchsen {vp} [colloquial] | :: to be annoyed |
fuchsen {v} [archaic, vulgar] | :: to fuck |
Fuchshund {m} | :: hound, hunting dog |
Fuchsie {f} | :: fuchsia, Fuchsia |
fuchsig {adj} | :: ginger [in colour, chiefly hair colour] |
fuchsig {adj} | :: angry; mildly furious |
fuchsig {adj} [rare] | :: clever; cunning |
Füchsin {f} | :: vixen (female fox) |
Fuchsjagd {f} [hunting] | :: foxhunt, foxhunting |
Füchslein {n} | :: diminutive of Fuchs |
Fuchsschwalbe {f} | :: tawny-headed swallow (Alopochelidon fucata) |
Fuchsschwanz {m} | :: fox's tail |
Fuchsschwanz {m} | :: crosscut saw |
fuchsteufelswild {adj} | :: hopping mad |
Fuchswelpe {m} | :: fox cub |
Fuchtel {f} | :: broadsword |
fuchteln {vt} | :: to hit with a broadsword |
fuchteln {vi} | :: to wave about |
fuchtig {adj} | :: angry |
fuchzehn {num} [colloquial, regional, in southern Germany and Austria] | :: alternative form of fünfzehn |
fuchzig {num} [regional, colloquial, in southern Germany and Austria] | :: alternative form of fünfzig |
Fucking {prop} {n} | :: Fucking (village) |
fudeln {v} | :: to cheat, usually at a game |
fudeln {v} [possibly dated] | :: to work negligently |
Fuder {n} | :: A wagonload, cartload |
Fuder {n} | :: A unit of measure for wine equal to roughly 1000 litres |
Fuffi {m} [colloquial] | :: [North and Central Germany] coin or banknote (of a given currency) with the nominal value of fifty |
Fuffi {f} [colloquial] | :: [Central Germany] motor scooter with a cubic capacity of 50 ccm |
fuffzehn {num} [colloquial, regional, in northern and central Germany] | :: alternative form of fünfzehn |
fuffzig {num} [regional, colloquial, in northern and central Germany] | :: alternative form of fünfzig |
Fug {m} | :: only in mit Fug und Recht |
Fuge {f} | :: joint (of bricks/tiles) |
Fuge {f} [music] | :: fugue |
fügen {v} | :: to join |
fügen {v} | :: to add |
fügen {v} | :: (of fate) to ordain |
fügen {vr} | :: to submit, to comply |
Fügen {prop} {n} | :: Fügen (municipality) |
Fügenberg {prop} {n} | :: Fügenberg (municipality) |
Fugenelement {n} [linguistics] | :: interfix |
Fugenlaut {m} [linguistics, proscribed] | :: interfix |
fugenlos {adj} | :: seamless |
Fugen-s {n} [German grammar] | :: An s inserted between the components of some compounds |
Fügewort {n} [grammar] | :: conjunction |
fügsam {adj} | :: amenable |
Fügung {f} | :: providence (manifestation of divine care or direction) |
fühlbar {adj} | :: noticeable, perceptible |
fühlen {vt} | :: to feel |
fühlen {vr} | :: to feel (an emotion or state of mind) |
Fühlen {n} | :: feeling |
Fühler {m} | :: antenna; feeler |
Fühler {m} [electronics] | :: sensor |
Fühlerborste {f} [entomology] | :: The arista, a bristle on the antenna of a fly |
Fühlung {f} | :: more particular feeling |
fühnsch {adj} | :: alternative form of fünsch |
Fuhre {f} | :: cart |
Fuhren {prop} {n} | :: A small town in Tandel, Luxembourg |
führen {vt} | :: to lead |
führen {v} [formal] | :: to carry, to sell |
führen {v} [of a discussion, negotiation, etc.] | :: to hold, to have |
führend {adj} | :: leading, foremost |
Führer {m} | :: agent noun of führen |
Führer {m} | :: guide; a person who assists people by providing information, giving directions, etc |
Führer {m} | :: guidebook; a text which provides information about a topic |
Führer {m} | :: leader; someone who is ahead of others |
Führer {m} | :: leader; someone who determines the actions of a group |
Führer {m} | :: director, manager, commander; a person in charge of something or someone (chiefly in compounds) |
Führer {m} [formal] | :: driver, pilot; someone who operates a vehicle of some sort (chiefly in compounds) |
Führer {m} [music] | :: fugue theme; a melody in the form it appears in first in a fugue |
Führerhauptquartier {n} | :: Führer's headquarters |
Führerin {f} | :: feminine equivalent of Führer |
Führerprinzip {n} [Nazism] | :: the principle that a group is entirely subordinated to a leader who has ultimate control over it |
Führerschein {m} | :: driver's license (US), driver's licence (Aus), driving licence (UK) |
Führerstand {m} | :: driver's cabin |
Führerstand {m} | :: cockpit |
Führerstandsmitfahrt {f} [cinematography] | :: a film created by placing a camera in the locomotive of a train in order to film from the train conductor's perspective, a type of locomotive phantom ride |
Fuhrmann {m} | :: carter, carman, teamster [driver of a team of draught animals], drayman, wagoner (male or of unspecified sex) |
Fuhrmann {m} [constellation] | :: Auriga |
Fuhrpark {m} | :: vehicle fleet |
Führung {f} | :: lead |
Führung {f} | :: leadership |
Führung {f} [military] | :: command |
Führung {f} [business] | :: management |
Führung {f} | :: conducted tour |
Führung {f} | :: conduct |
Führungskraft {f} | :: executive |
Führungskraft {f} | :: manager |
Führungsposition {f} | :: leading position |
Führungsriege {f} | :: leadership circles |
Führungsrolle {f} | :: leading role |
Fuhrwerk {n} | :: cart, wagon (drawn by animals) |
Fuhrwerk {n} [Austria] | :: truck, lorry |
Fulda {prop} {f} | :: Fulda (city) |
Füllchen {n} | :: diminutive of Füllen |
Fülle {f} [uncountable] | :: fullness |
Fülle {f} [uncountable] | :: plentifulness, abundance |
Fülle {f} [countable, cooking, regional, eastern Germany, Austria] | :: filling, stuffing |
füllen {v} | :: to fill |
füllen {v} [cooking] | :: to stuff |
Füllen {n} [dated] | :: alternative form of Fohlen |
Füllen {prop} {n} [constellation] | :: Equuleus |
Füller {m} | :: fountain pen (pen containing a reservoir of ink fed to a writing nib) |
Füller {m} | :: filler |
Fulleren {n} [organic chemistry] | :: fullerene |
fullerenartig {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: fullerene-like |
Füllfeder {f} | :: fountain pen |
Füllfederhalter {m} | :: fountain pen |
Füllgas {n} | :: filling gas |
Füllhalter {m} | :: fountain pen |
Füllhorn {n} | :: cornucopia |
füllig {adj} | :: bouffant |
füllig {adj} | :: chubby, corpulent, portly |
Füllmaterial {n} | :: stuffing, padding, wadding, filler |
Füllsel {n} | :: filler, padding |
Füllsel {n} [cooking] | :: filling |
Füllstand {m} | :: fill level |
Füllstoff {m} | :: filler |
Füllung {f} | :: filling |
Füllung {f} | :: stuffing |
fulminant {adj} | :: splendid, furious |
fulminant {adj} [pathology] | :: fulminant |
Fulminat {n} | :: fulminate |
Fulpmes {prop} {n} | :: Fulpmes (municipality) |
Fumarole {f} | :: fumarole |
Fummel {m} [colloquial] | :: drag (clothing) |
fummelig {adj} | :: tricky, fiddly, difficult |
fummeln {v} | :: to fumble (idly touch or nervously handle) |
fummeln {v} | :: to fiddle (adjust in order to cover a basic flaw) |
fummeln {v} [colloquial, somewhat, dated] | :: to make out (engage in sexual activities) |
Fund {m} | :: discovery, finding, find (something that is found) |
Fundament {n} | :: foundation |
Fundament {n} | :: base |
Fundament {n} | :: footing, grounding |
fundamental {adj} | :: fundamental |
fundamentale Wechselwirkung {f} [physics] | :: fundamental interaction |
Fundamentalismus {m} | :: fundamentalism |
Fundamentalist {m} [religion or politics] | :: fundamentalist |
Fundamentalsatz {m} [mathematics] | :: fundamental theorem |
Fundamentalsatz der Arithmetik {m} [number theory] | :: fundamental theorem of arithmetic |
Fundbüro {n} | :: lost and found |
Fündchen {n} | :: diminutive of Fund |
Fundi {m} [colloquial, especially for a group within the German Green Party] | :: fundamentalist |
fundieren {v} | :: to fund |
fundieren {v} | :: to found |
fundiert {adj} | :: well-founded |
fündig {adj} [geology, mining] | :: abundant, rich with mineral resources |
fündig werden {v} | :: to strike mineral deposits through mining |
fündig werden {v} [idiomatic] | :: to hit paydirt, to strike it rich |
Fündlein {n} | :: diminutive of Fund |
Fundort {m} | :: locality |
Fundort {m} | :: habitat |
Fundort {m} | :: site |
Fundstätte {f} [archaeology] | :: dig, archaeological site |
Fundstück {n} [archaeology] | :: find |
Fundus {m} | :: pool (supply of resources) |
Fundus {m} | :: repository, stock |
Fünen {prop} {n} [islands] | :: Funen |
fünf {num} | :: five (numerical value represented by the Arabic numeral 5; or describing a set with five elements) |
Fünf {f} | :: five |
fünfbeinig {adj} | :: five-legged |
Fünfeck {n} | :: pentagon |
fünfeckig {adj} | :: pentagonal, having five corners |
Fünfeckpyramide {f} | :: pentagonal pyramid |
Fünfeck-Pyramide {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fünfeckpyramide |
Fünfer {m} | :: fiver, banknote with the value of five (e.g. five euro) |
Fünfer {m} | :: someone or something with the number five (a bus line, a football player, etc.) |
Fünfer {m} [regional, chiefly southern Germany and Austria] | :: the school mark 5 (mangelhaft in Germany, nicht genügend in Austria) |
fünffach {adj} | :: fivefold, quintuple |
Fünfflächner {m} [geometry] | :: pentahedron |
fünffüßig {adj} | :: five-footed |
Fünfgang-Getriebe {n} | :: a transmission with five gears |
Fünfheber {m} | :: pentameter |
fünfhundert {num} | :: five hundred |
fünfhundertfünfundfünfzig {num} | :: Five hundred fifty-five |
fünfhundertjährig {adj} | :: five-hundred-year |
fünfhundertjährig {adj} | :: five-hundred-year-old |
fünfhundertmal {adv} | :: five hundred times |
fünfhundertste {adj} | :: five-hundredth |
fünfjährig {adj} | :: five-year-old |
fünfjährig {adj} | :: quinquennial |
Fünfklang {m} | :: pentachord |
fünfköpfig {adj} | :: five-headed |
fünfköpfig {adj} | :: of five (people) |
Fünfliber {m} [Switzerland] | :: five-franc coin/piece |
fünfmal {adv} | :: fivefold |
fünfminütig {adj} | :: five-minute |
fünfmonatig {adj} | :: five-month-old |
fünfprozentig {adj} | :: five-percent |
Fünfring {f} [chemistry] | :: five-membered ring |
Fünfring {f} | :: pentagon |
fünfseitig {adj} | :: five-page |
fünfseitig {adj} | :: having five sides and five angles, pentagonal |
fünfsilbig {adj} | :: pentasyllabic |
Fünfsitzer {m} | :: a car with five seats; fiveseater, five-seater, five seater |
fünfstellig {adj} | :: five-figure, five-digit |
fünfstöckig {adj} | :: five-storey |
Fünfstromland {prop} {n} | :: Punjab (border region between Pakistan and India) |
fünfstündig {adj} | :: five-hour (attributive) |
fünftägig {adj} | :: five-day (attributive) |
fünfte {ordinal num} | :: fifth |
fünfteilig {adj} | :: five-part, five-piece, quinquepartite (consisting of five parts) |
Fünfte Kolonne {f} | :: fifth column |
fünftel {adj} | :: fifth |
Fünftel {n} | :: fifth (fraction) |
fünftürig {adj} | :: five-door (typically of a car) |
fünfundachtzig {num} | :: eighty-five (85) |
fünfundachtzigste {ordinal num} | :: eighty-seventh |
fünfunddreissig {num} | :: alternative spelling of fünfunddreißig |
fünfunddreißig {num} | :: thirty-five (35) |
fünfunddreißigste {ordinal num} | :: thirty-fifth |
fünfunddreißigstündig {adj} | :: thirty-five-hour |
fünfundfünfzig {num} | :: fifty-five (55) |
fünfundfünfzigste {ordinal num} | :: fifty-fifth |
fünfundneunzig {num} | :: ninety-five (95) |
fünfundneunzigste {ordinal num} | :: eighty-seventh |
fünfundsechzig {num} | :: sixty-five (65) |
fünfundsechzigste {ordinal num} | :: sixty-fifth |
fünfundsiebzig {num} | :: seventy-five (75) |
fünfundsiebzigste {ordinal num} | :: seventy-fifth |
fünfundvierzig {num} | :: forty-five |
fünfundvierzigminütig {adj} | :: forty-five-minute |
fünfundvierzigste {ordinal num} | :: forty-fifth |
fünfundvierzigstündig {adj} | :: forty-five-hour |
fünfundvierzigtägig {adj} | :: forty-five-day, lasting forty-five days |
fünfundzwanzig {num} | :: twenty-five |
fünfundzwanzigste {ordinal num} | :: twenty-fifth |
fünfwertig {adj} [chemistry] | :: pentavalent |
fünfwöchig {adj} | :: five-weekly |
fünfzehn {num} | :: fifteen |
Fünfzehneck {n} | :: pentadecagon |
fünfzehneckig {adj} | :: pentadecagonal |
fünfzehnfach {adj} | :: fifteenfold |
fünfzehnhundert {num} | :: fifteen hundred |
fünfzehnjährig {adj} | :: fifteen-year-old |
fünfzehnmal {adv} | :: fifteenfold |
fünfzehnminütig {adj} | :: fifteen-minute |
fünfzehnmonatig {adj} | :: fifteen-month (attributive) |
fünfzehnstündig {adj} | :: fifteen-hour |
fünfzehntägig {adj} | :: fifteen-day, lasting fifteen days |
fünfzehnte {ordinal num} | :: fifteenth |
fünfzehnwöchig {adj} | :: fifteen-week |
fünfzig {num} | :: fifty |
Fünfzigeck {n} | :: pentacontagon |
fünfzigeckig {adj} | :: with 50 vertices (usually of a pentacontagon) |
fünfzigfach {adj} | :: fiftyfold |
fünfzigjährig {adj} | :: fifty-year |
fünfzigjährig {adj} | :: fifty-year-old |
fünfzigköpfig {adj} | :: fifty-headed |
fünfzigköpfig {adj} | :: of fifty (people) |
fünfzigmal {adv} | :: fifty times |
fünfzigminütig {adj} | :: fifty-minute |
fünfzigmonatig {adj} | :: fifty-month; lasting fifty months (attributive) |
fünfzigprozentig {adj} | :: fifty-percent |
fünfzigseitig {adj} | :: fifty-page |
fünfzigseitig {adj} | :: fifty-sided, having fifty faces or edges; pentacontagonal |
fünfzigste {ordinal num} | :: fiftieth |
fünfzigstündig {adj} | :: fifty-hour |
fünfzigtägig {adj} | :: fifty-day, lasting fifty days |
fünfzigwöchig {adj} | :: fifty-week |
Fünfzylinder {m} | :: an engine with five cylinders; five-cylinder engine |
fungibel {adj} | :: available, applicable |
fungibel {adj} | :: fungible |
Fungibilität {f} | :: fungibility |
fungieren {v} | :: act (to behave in a certain way) |
fungiert {v} | :: past participle of fungieren - functioned, officiated |
fungizid {adj} | :: fungicidal |
Fungizid {n} | :: fungicide |
Funk {m} | :: funk (music) |
Funk {m} | :: radio |
Funkantenne {f} | :: radio aerial/antenna |
Fünkchen {n} | :: diminutive of Funke |
Funke {m} | :: spark |
funkeln {v} | :: to sparkle |
Funkemariechen {n} | :: alternative form of Funkenmariechen |
funken {v} [obsolete] | :: to sparkle (to emit sparks) |
funken {v} [impersonal, colloquial] | :: (said of two people falling in love) |
funken {v} | :: to radio (to use two-way radio to transmit) |
Funken {m} | :: alternative form of Funke |
funkenfrei {adj} | :: non-sparking |
Funkenmariechen {n} | :: a particular kind of dancer in Rhenish carnival |
Funker {m} | :: radio operator (male or of unspecified sex) |
Funkfeuer {n} | :: radio beacon |
Funkgerät {n} | :: radio set |
Funkgerät {n} | :: two-way radio |
Funkgerät {n} | :: radio transceiver |
Fünklein {n} | :: diminutive of Funke |
funklig {adj} | :: sparkling, scintillating |
Funkloch {n} | :: dead zone (an area where radio signals or mobile phone signals are blocked or severely reduced) |
Funkspruch {m} | :: radio message, radio call |
Funkstille {f} [literal and figurative] | :: radio silence |
Funktion {f} | :: role |
Funktion {f} [computing] | :: feature (beneficial capability of a piece of software) |
Funktion {f} [computing] | :: subroutine |
Funktion {f} [computing, logic, mathematics] | :: function |
funktional {adj} | :: functional (in good working order) |
funktionalisieren {v} | :: To functionalize |
funktionalisiert {v} | :: past participle of funktionalisieren |
funktionalisiert {adj} | :: functionalized |
Funktionalismus {m} | :: functionalism |
Funktionalität {f} | :: functionality |
Funktionär {m} | :: functionary, official |
funktionell {adj} | :: functional |
funktionell {adj} | :: practical |
funktionelle Gruppe {f} [organic chemistry] | :: functional group |
funktionieren {v} | :: to work, function |
Funktionsabschluss {m} [programming] | :: closure |
Funktionsbaustein {m} [computing] | :: function block / module |
funktionsfähig {adj} | :: functioning, working |
Funktionsstörung {f} | :: malfunction |
Funktionsstörung {f} | :: dysfunction |
funktionstüchtig {adj} | :: functional |
funktionstüchtig {adj} | :: functioning, undamaged |
Funktionswort {n} [linguistics] | :: function word |
Funkuhr {f} | :: radio clock |
Funkverbindung {f} | :: radio communication, radio contact |
fünsch {adj} | :: angry |
Funzel {f} [obsolete, mining] | :: lamp |
Funzel {f} [colloquial] | :: weak lamp |
funzelig {adj} | :: dim, gloomy |
funzen {v} [colloquial, chiefly slang] | :: To function, to work |
funzen {v} [obsolete] | :: To light up an area |
funzlig {adj} | :: alternative form of funzelig |
Fuppes {m} [colloquial, regional, Rhineland] | :: footy; football; soccer (the game as such) |
für {prep} [takes accusative] | :: for |
für {prep} [takes accusative] | :: in favor of, in support of |
für {prep} [takes accusative] | :: by the standards of |
für {prep} [takes accusative] | :: on behalf of |
für {prep} [takes accusative] | :: kind/type of |
für {prep} [takes accusative, colloquial] | :: instead of |
für {prep} [takes accusative, colloquial, nonstandard] | :: in order to (with zu and infinitive) |
für alle Fälle {adv} | :: just in case |
für Arme {prep} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: poor man's |
fürbass {adv} [archaic] | :: onwards, forwards |
fürbaß {adv} | :: alternative spelling of fürbass |
Fürbitte {f} [religion] | :: intercession (prayer on behalf of others) |
Furche {f} | :: furrow |
Furcht {f} | :: fear; fright; anxiety |
furchtbar {adj} | :: terrible |
furchtbar {adv} | :: terribly, awfully |
furchtbarer {adj} | :: comparative of furchtbar |
furchtbarsten {adj} | :: superlative of furchtbar |
furchteinflößend {adj} | :: awesome, awe-inspiring, terrifying |
Furcht einflößend {adj} | :: alternative form of furchteinflößend |
furchteinflößender {adj} | :: comparative of furchteinflößend |
furchteinflößendsten {adj} | :: superlative of furchteinflößend |
fürchten {vt} | :: to fear |
fürchten {vr} | :: to be afraid |
fürchterlich {adj} | :: frightening |
fürchterlich {adv} | :: terribly, awfully |
furchterregend {adj} | :: terrifying |
Furcht erregend {adj} | :: alternative form of furchterregend |
furchtlos {adj} | :: fearless |
Furchtlosigkeit {f} | :: fearlessness, dauntlessness, intrepidity |
furchtsam {adj} [chiefly formal, literary] | :: fearful; timid; frightened |
furchtsam {adj} [obsolete] | :: fearsome; frightening |
für den Fall, dass {conj} | :: in case, in order to be prepared if |
fürder {adv} [archaic] | :: henceforth, in the future |
fürderhin {adv} [dated] | :: furthermore |
für die Katz sein {v} [idiomatic] | :: to be for the birds |
füreinander {adv} | :: for each other |
Furie {prop} {f} [Roman mythology] | :: Fury |
Furie {f} | :: fury (An angry or malignant women.) |
Furier {m} [military] | :: quartermaster |
Furier {m} | :: accountant, bookkeeper |
für immer {adv} | :: forever, indefinitely |
furios {adj} | :: furious |
furios {adj} | :: dynamic |
Furlanisch {n} | :: Friulian |
für lau {phrase} [colloquial] | :: for free |
fürn {contraction} [colloquial] | :: contraction of für den |
fürn {contraction} [colloquial] | :: contraction of für ein |
fürn {contraction} [colloquial] | :: contraction of für einen |
Furnier {n} | :: veneer |
furnieren {v} | :: to veneer |
Furore {f} | :: sensation |
für's {contraction} [proscribed] | :: alternative form of fürs |
fürs {contraction} | :: für + das, for the |
Fürsichtigkeit {f} | :: providence, foresight |
Fürsorge {f} | :: care, solicitude |
Fürsorge {f} | :: welfare |
fürsorglich {adj} | :: caring, solicitous |
Fürsprache {f} [with für] | :: good word; recommendation; advocacy of someone or something |
Fürsprache {f} [religion, especially, Roman Catholicism] | :: intercession of a saint |
Fürsprecher {m} | :: advocate |
Fürsprecher {m} [Swiss] | :: lawyer |
für's Protokoll {prep} [idiom] | :: for the record |
Fürst {m} | :: prince (sovereign prince) |
Fürst der Finsternis {prop} {m} | :: Prince of Darkness |
Fürstenfeld {prop} {n} | :: Fürstenfeld (municipality) |
Fürstenthum {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Fürstentum |
Fürstenthumb {n} | :: obsolete spelling of Fürstentum |
Fürstentum {n} | :: principality (region or sovereign nation headed by a prince) |
Fürstentum Albanien {prop} {n} | :: Principality of Albania (state in Albania 1914–1925) |
Fürstin {f} | :: princess |
fürstlich {adj} | :: princely |
fürstlich {adj} | :: lavish, luxuriant |
Fürstprimas {m} | :: prince primate |
Furt {f} | :: ford |
Fürth {prop} | :: Fürth (independent city) |
für und für {adv} [dated] | :: for ever and ever, forever |
Furunkel {m} | :: boil, furuncle |
fürwahr {adv} [dated] | :: forsooth, for sure, indeed |
Fürwort {n} | :: pronoun |
Furz {m} | :: fart |
furzen {v} | :: to fart |
Furzer {m} | :: farter |
furztrocken {adj} | :: Very dry |
Fusel {m} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: hooch, booze (liquor of low quality) |
füsilieren {v} [dated] | :: to execute by firing squad |
füsiliert {v} | :: past participle of füsilieren |
Fusion {f} [economics] | :: merger (legal union of two or more corporations into a single entity) |
Fusion {f} | :: more generally, fusion in some other technical contexts |
fusionieren {v} | :: to fusion |
Fusionsbrennstoff {m} | :: (nuclear) fusion fuel |
Fusionsenergie {f} | :: (nuclear) fusion energy |
Fusionsenergiegewinnung {f} | :: fusion energy production |
Fusionsreaktion {f} | :: (nuclear) fusion reaction |
Fusionsreaktor {m} | :: (nuclear) fusion reactor |
Fusionswaffe {f} | :: (nuclear) fusion weapon (hydrogen bomb) |
Fuss {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fuß |
Fuß {m} | :: foot |
Fuß {m} | :: footing |
Fuß {m} | :: pedestal |
Fussabdruck {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußabdruck |
Fußabdruck {m} | :: footprint |
Fussabstreifer {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußabstreifer |
Fußabstreifer {m} | :: doormat |
Fußach {prop} {n} | :: Fußach (municipality) |
Fussangel {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußangel |
Fußangel {f} | :: [mil.] caltrop, mantrap |
Fußangel {f} [figuratively] | :: trap, pitfall |
Fussball {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußball |
Fußball {m} | :: the sport of association football; soccer |
Fußball {m} | :: the ball with which association football is played: a football, a soccer ball |
Fussballanhänger {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußballanhänger |
Fußballanhänger {m} | :: football supporter, football fan |
Fussballanhängerin {f} [Switzerland, Liechtenstein] | :: football supporter (female) |
Fußballanhängerin {f} | :: football supporter (female) |
fußballbegeistert {adj} | :: enthusiastic for football |
Fussballen {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußballen |
Fußballen {m} [anatomy] | :: ball of the foot |
Fussballer {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußballer |
Fußballer {m} | :: footballer [British]; football player [Britain], soccer player [US, Canada, Australia] |
Fussballerin {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußballerin |
Fußballerin {f} | :: female footballer, football player, soccer player |
Fußballfan {m} | :: a fan of the sport football (soccer), especially of particular team |
Fussballmannschaft {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußballmannschaft |
Fußballmannschaft {f} | :: football team, soccer team |
Fußballplatz {m} | :: football ground, football field, football pitch, soccer pitch, soccer field |
Fussballspiel {n} | :: alternative spelling of Fußballspiel |
Fußballspiel {n} | :: football, soccer |
Fußballspiel {n} | :: football match, soccer game |
Fussballspieler {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußballspieler |
Fußballspieler {m} | :: footballer, football player, soccer player (male or of unspecified sex) |
Fussballspielerin {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußballspielerin |
Fußballspielerin {f} | :: female footballer, football player, soccer player |
Fußballtennis {n} | :: football tennis |
Fussballtrainer {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußballtrainer |
Fußballtrainer {m} [sports] | :: a coach of association football |
Fussballweltmeisterschaftsqualifikationsspiel {n} | :: (Sport) simplified spelling of Fußballweltmeisterschaftsqualifikationsspiel, used when the ß character is unavailable |
Fußballweltmeisterschaftsqualifikationsspiel {n} | :: a football world championship qualification game |
Fussballwettkampf {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußballwettkampf |
Fußballwettkampf {m} | :: football competition |
Fussballwettkämpfer {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußballwettkämpfer |
Fußballwettkämpfer {m} | :: football competitor |
Fussbank {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußbank |
Fußbank {f} | :: footstool |
Fussboden {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußboden |
Fußboden {m} | :: floor |
Fußboden {m} | :: flooring |
Fußbodenheizung {f} | :: underfloor heating |
Füsschen {n} | :: alternative spelling of Füßchen |
Füßchen {n} | :: diminutive of Fuß |
Fussel {f} | :: fluff, lint of fabric, wool, etc |
Fusselbart {m} | :: fuzzy beard |
fußeln {v} [regional] | :: to scuttle |
fußeln {v} [regional] | :: to run fast, hurry |
fußeln {v} [Austria] | :: to play footsie |
füßeln {v} [auxiliary "haben"] | :: to play footsie |
füßeln {v} [dated, auxiliary "sein"] | :: to scuttle |
füßeln {v} [dated, auxiliary "sein"] | :: to run fast, hurry |
füßeln {v} [Austria, auxiliary "haben"] | :: to trip somebody up |
fussen {v} | :: alternative spelling of fußen |
Füssen {prop} {n} | :: Füssen (town) |
Fußfall {m} | :: prostration |
Fuß fassen {vi} | :: to establish oneself |
Fußfehler {m} [tennis] | :: foot fault |
Fußfessel {f} | :: foot shackle |
Fussgänger {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußgänger |
Fußgänger {m} | :: pedestrian, walker (male or of unspecified sex) |
Fußgängerstreifen {m} [Switzerland] | :: pedestrian crossing; crosswalk [US, Australia] |
Fußgängerüberführung {f} | :: pedestrian overpass |
Fußgängerzone {f} | :: pedestrian zone |
Fußgeher {m} [Austria] | :: pedestrian, walker (male or of unspecified sex) |
Fußgrösse {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußgröße |
Fußgröße {f} | :: foot size |
Fussknöchel {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußknöchel |
Fußknöchel {m} | :: ankle |
fusskrank {adj} | :: alternative spelling of fußkrank |
fußkrank {adj} | :: having foot complaints, footsore, lame |
Fusskrankheit {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußkrankheit |
Fußkrankheit {f} | :: foot disease |
Fusslappen {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußlappen |
Fußlappen {m} | :: footwrap |
fußläufig {adj} | :: nearby (within walking distance) |
Fussmatte {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußmatte |
Fußmatte {f} | :: doormat |
Fussnagel {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußnagel |
Fußnagel {m} | :: toenail |
Fussnähe {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußnähe |
Fußnähe {f} | :: walking distance |
Fussnote {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußnote |
Fußnote {f} | :: footnote |
Fusspilz {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußpilz |
Fußpilz {m} | :: athlete's foot, tinea pedis |
Fußrücken {m} | :: instep (the arched part of the top of the foot between the toes and the ankle) |
Fußschemel {m} | :: footstool |
Fusssohle {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußsohle |
Fußsohle {f} | :: the sole of the foot |
Fußsoldat {m} | :: foot soldier, infantryman |
Fußspur {f} | :: footprint |
Fussstapfen {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußstapfen |
Fußstapfen {n} | :: footsteps |
Fußtritt {m} | :: kick |
Fussverletzung {f} | :: alternative spelling of Fußverletzung |
Fußverletzung {f} | :: foot injury |
Fussvolk {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußvolk |
Fußvolk {n} [military] | :: infantry |
Fußvolk {n} [dated] | :: pedestrian |
Fussweg {m} | :: alternative spelling of Fußweg |
Fußweg {m} | :: footway |
Fußweg {m} | :: footpath |
Futhark {n} | :: futhark |
futieren {v} [Switzerland] | :: alternative spelling of foutieren |
Futon {m} | :: futon |
futsch {adj} [colloquial] | :: down the drain, gone, away |
Futter {n} | :: fodder, food (for animals) |
Futter {n} | :: lining |
Futterluke {f} [literal] | :: food hatch |
Futterluke {f} [colloquial] | :: piehole, mouth |
Futtermittel {n} | :: fodder, feed |
futtern {v} [colloquial] | :: to eat a lot; to guzzle |
futtern {v} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of füttern |
füttern {v} | :: to feed (to give food to) |
füttern {v} | :: to line (to cover the inner surface of a garment or bag) |
Futterpflanze {f} | :: forage / fodder crop / plant |
Futterreißer {m} [rare, dated] | :: chaff cutter (machine for cutting straw, hay or green fodder into small pieces) |
Futtersack {m} | :: nosebag |
Futtertrog {m} | :: manger, feeding trough |
Futterzerreißer {m} [very rare, dated] | :: chaff cutter (machine for cutting straw, hay or green fodder into small pieces) |
Futterzusatzstoff {m} | :: fodder, feed |
Futur {n} [grammar] | :: future tense |
Futurismus {m} | :: futurism |
futuristisch {adj} | :: futuristic |
futuristischer {adj} | :: comparative of futuristisch |
futuristischsten {adj} | :: superlative of futuristisch |
Futurologe {m} | :: futurologist |
Futurologin {f} | :: female futurologist |
Fux {m} | :: alternative form of Fuchs |
FWF {prop} [sciences, Austria] | :: initialism of w:de:Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Name of the Austrian Science Fund) |