[edit]Borrowed from Vulgar Latin folia, plural of folium, since the 16th century.
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[edit]Folie f (genitive Folie, plural Folien)
- a piece of very thinly spread-out material
- (if of metal) foil, metal film
- (if of plastic) plastic wrap, cling film
- slide (transparent plate bearing something to be projected)
- Synonym: Overheadfolie
- (by extension, computing) slide (page of a computer presentation)
- Synonym: Slide
- (figurative) something used as a background for a comparison
- 2010, Harald Schwaetzer, “Geisteswissenschaft der Neuzeit, Rogier van der Weydens «St. Lukas malt die Madonna»”, in Anthroposophie:
- Dass Heilige wie Lukas als einer von denen, die das menschliche Bewusstsein vervollkommnet haben, einen engelgleichen Status haben, ist vor der Folie mittelalterlichen Denkens nichts Ungewöhnliches.
- Saints like Luke, as one of those, that have perfected the human consciousness, having an angelic status, is nothing exceptional in the light of middle-age thinking.
[edit]Declension of Folie [feminine]