bg обърквам baffle befuddle bemuse bewilder buffalo bungle confound confuse derange discomfit disconcert disorient embarrass fall into a trap fluster foozle fox fuddle goof obfuscate греша озадачавам bg груб Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/grǫbъ bluff brusque caddish churlish coarse crass crude earthy gauche gross gruff harsh rough rude варварски грѫбъ bg печка cooker fire/translations stove допека допичам запека запичам изпека изпичам напека напичам пека препека препичам припека припичам соба bg весел Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/veselъ boon bright cheerful coltish convivial gay gleeful hilarious jocose jocund joyful merry vesels bg свързвам articulate bind bond brace chain colligate conjoin connect couple fasten hook interlink interlock joint knot bg странен antic bizarre cranky curious eerie fantastic fey freakish funny grotesque kinky queer strange любопитен страньнъ bg измамвам befool betray cheat deceive defraud diddle doublecross dupe flam fob fox gull hoax illude bg квалифициран изкусен кадърен компетентен ловък неизкусен некадърен некомпетентен неловък неспособен несръчен неумел способен сръчен умел bg течение draft drift flow flowage flux run watercourse дотека дотичам затека затичам изтека изтичам тека bg бодлив hispid spiny thorny бода бодил забода забождам избода избождам набода набождам отбода отбождам bg мил Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/milъ agreeable amiable benign cute darling dear engaging gentle kind mīļš nice bg мрачен bleak dark dismal dour downbeat dreary farouche gaunt gloomy grim joyless stern мрак bg неясен abstruse ambiguous blear cloudy dim faint fuzzy hazy indecisive indefinite indistinct unclear vague bg отклонение aberrance aberration declination deflection departure detour deviant deviation digression divergence diversion error inflection bg пекарница допека допичам запека запичам изпека изпичам напека напичам пека препека препичам припека припичам bg суров Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/surovъ austere crude dour flinty green/translations grim harsh inclement raw severe stern bg удрям Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists bash bat beat clip clout conk hit impact strike бия дера оударити bg хващам apprehend arrest capture catch contract cop get grab grapple grasp grip hold înșfăca bg безпокоя annoy badger bother chevy devil disturb fret harass harry hassle irk worry bg плет hurdle вплета вплитам доплета доплитам заплета заплитам изплета изплитам наплета наплитам плета bg плетач knitter вплета вплитам доплета доплитам заплета заплитам изплета изплитам наплета наплитам плета bg плетиво knitting вплета вплитам доплета доплитам заплета заплитам изплета изплитам наплета наплитам плета bg съединение combination composition compound conjugate conjugation conjunction connection hookup join joint junction juncture bg ужасен aghast awful dire dreadful fearful frightful ghastly grisly gruesome heartstricken horrible terrible bg богат Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bogatъ affluent bounteous fertile flush generous rich беден безпаричен обилен bg бод Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bodъ baud бода забода забождам избода избождам набода набождам отбода отбождам bg водя Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/voditi captain conduct guide lead/translations вървя изведа извеждам отведа отвеждам bg вход admission admittance approach doorway entrance entry gateway ingoing ingress input intromission bg дразня acerbate annoy badger bother chafe gall grate harass hassle irritate jangle bg напълно altogether clean clear completely dead downright entirely every inch finally fully largely bg начало beginning birth exordium first go-off inception incipience initiation initiative origin start bg недостатък blemish defect deficiency demerit downside failing fault flaw foible imperfection кусур bg неподходящ bad disagreeable ill-assorted improper inadequate inapposite inappropriate ineligible inept inexpedient inopportune bg област Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/obolstь area branch compass district domain field oblast province region край bg осъждам castigate censure condemn convict criminate damn denounce deplore disapprove judge sentence bg отвратителен abominable atrocious awful beastly disgusting distasteful foul gross hateful heinous obnoxious bg плетачен вплета вплитам доплета доплитам заплета заплитам изплета изплитам наплета наплитам плета bg плетачество вплета вплитам доплета доплитам заплета заплитам изплета изплитам наплета наплитам плета bg плетачница вплета вплитам доплета доплитам заплета заплитам изплета изплитам наплета наплитам плета bg плетеница вплета вплитам доплета доплитам заплета заплитам изплета изплитам наплета наплитам плета bg плетище вплета вплитам доплета доплитам заплета заплитам изплета изплитам наплета наплитам плета bg плетка вплета вплитам доплета доплитам заплета заплитам изплета изплитам наплета наплитам плета bg прежда Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/pręďa wool yarn запреда запридам изпреда изпридам опреда опридам преда пряжа bg пречка balk block blockage clog difficulty disadvantage drawback hamper handicap hindrance holdback bg проклинам accurse blast condemn confound curse cuss damn drat execrate imprecate анатемосвам bg род Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/People Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/rodъ breed gender gens genus kin kindred people tribe коляно bg способност aptitude capability capacity cleverness competence faculty fitness flair ловкост сръчност умелост bg страшен awful dire dreadful fearful fearsome frightful grisly gruesome horrible scary terrible bg съединявам aggregate articulate compound conjoin connect couple interlock joint knit комбинирам съчетавам bg хвърлям Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/verťi azvârli cast dart dash fling heave hurl launch throw bg буен Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bujьnъ boisterous fierce fiery furious headlong hot-blooded hotheaded impetuous bg вид Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/vidъ aspect brand genre kind look sort species type view bg гол Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/golъ bare bleak blot goal gol naked nude голъ bg грешка bad bug error exception failing falsehood fault gaffe inaccuracy mistake bg дупка Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/dupa bore burrow cave cavity earth gap hole kennel pothole bg жив Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/živъ alive animate bright brisk dashing live живот мъртъв bg задържам apprehend arrest detain grab hold impede inhibit keep keep back държа bg копие Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kopьje carbon copy counterpart ditto duplicate imitation javelin lance spear bg намалявам attenuate bate decrease deduct deflate diminish go down impair lessen turn down bg напускам abandon dash depart desert exit forsake leave quit излизам тръгвам bg неправилен abnormal anomalous awry erroneous faulty heteroclite illegitimate improper incorrect irregular bg облекло apparel array attire clothes clothing dress garb getup habiliment одеяние bg объркан chaotic cloudy complicated confounded confused deranged distracted distraught embarrassed helter-skelter bg основа alkali backbone base basis fond foot foundation ground groundwork създам bg плюя Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/pľьvati gob pljuvati spit spļaut блюя плевать пљувати bg повръщам Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists chuck disgorge erupt give back heave hurl regurgitate vomit връщам bg подходящ adapt appropriate apt becoming congenial corresponding eligible fit fitting suitable bg предавам Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/perdati betray broadcast communicate consign convey devolve doublecross grass leave bg приятен agreeable benign bland boon cheerful congenial dulcet nice pleasant pleasing bg произход birth breed descent extraction genesis lineage origin коляно произтека произтичам bg разногласие difference disaccord disagreement discord disharmony dissension dissent faction friction issue bg скоба Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/skoba bitstock brace braces bracket clamp clinch clip holdfast parenthesis bg случаен accidental aleatory arbitrary casual chance contingent fortuitous haphazard incident incidental bg смущавам abash bewilder confuse discomfit disconcert disturb embarrass incommode irk obfuscate bg спор Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/sъporъ altercation argument contention contest contestation controversy dispute hassle спорен bg стена Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Household Great Wall of China Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/stenati Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/stěna face facet groan howl stan wall bg труп Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/trupъ body cadaver corpse stiff torso trup мъртвец троупъ труп bg украсявам adorn apparel array bedeck decorate embellish enrich garnish gild grace bg читател reader допрочета допрочитам зачета зачитам изчета изчитам прочета прочитам чета bg бодеж бода забода забождам избода избождам набода набождам отбода отбождам bg бодилче бода забода забождам избода избождам набода набождам отбода отбождам bg бодлички бода забода забождам избода избождам набода набождам отбода отбождам bg бодлокож бода забода забождам избода избождам набода набождам отбода отбождам bg буря Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Landscape and seasons Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/buřa bură gale storm tempest thunderstorm боурꙗ буря bg връзка affair bunch communication connection copula hyperlink lacing link shoelace bg духам Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/duxati blow suck дихам дихание дишам дъх bg избягвам circumvent dodge duck elude escape eschew flee help jink bg изхвърлям boot chuck discard ditch ejaculate expel junk kick out launch bg огромен colossal enormous galactic gigantic huge immeasurable immense leviathan vast bg отслабвам attenuate bate debilitate diminish droop flag impair lag languish bg очаровам captivate charm enchant enrapture enthrall entrance fascinate прелъстя прелъстявам bg перо Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Body Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/pero blade feather featherweight nib quill spārns bg податлив accessible amenable docile ductile facile flexible kind open susceptible bg пораждам beget breed engender generate give rise to будя причинявам събуждам създавам bg поток Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/potokъ brook creek flow fluence flux run stream оток bg прекъсвам adjourn break disconnect discontinue disrupt halt interpose interrupt stifle bg преча Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/perčiti balk clog cramp hamper handicap hinder impede intervene bg привлекателен alluring appetizing attractive catching cute engaging enticing eye-catching fetching bg приемам accede accept acquiesce assume disallow entertain go down greet съгласявам се bg равен Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives equal even flat flush level reavăn rrafsh равьнъ bg развалям addle blight break corrupt debauch deprave deteriorate fuck up injure bg разделям Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists apportion decouple delimit disconnect dissociate divide divorce spread bg речев зарека заричам изрека изричам нарека наричам обрека обричам река bg речовит зарека заричам изрека изричам нарека наричам обрека обричам река bg смешен amusing comic comical droll fun funny humorous joky laughable bg страна Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/storna cheek country edge facet flank land side господарство bg течен fluent fluid дотека дотичам затека затичам изтека изтичам тека bg течливост fluency fluidity дотека дотичам затека затичам изтека изтичам тека bg унил blue crestfallen damp dejected depressed despondent dismal gloomy heavy-hearted bg хващане apprehension capture catch glove grab grasp grip gripe hold bg цепнатина breach break chink cleft crack crevice fissure flaw fracture bg читалище допрочета допрочитам зачета зачитам изчета изчитам прочета прочитам чета bg читалня допрочета допрочитам зачета зачитам изчета изчитам прочета прочитам чета bg щедър Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/ščedrъ benevolent bounteous charitable generous handsome large-handed обилен шчодры bg ярък blazing bright brilliant flamboyant flaming florid garish gaudy glaring bg безчувствен callous cold-blooded flinty frigid impassible insensate insensible insensitive bg вещица crone grimalkin hag harridan hellcat hex witch веда bg власт Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/volstь ascendant authority control hand/translations helm power ръка bg връзвам Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists bend bind bundle knot lace lash tie bg възбуждам actuate agitate arouse excite heat work будя събуждам bg главен Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/golvьnъ capital cardinal central chief general main principal bg дух Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Society Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/duxъ esprit ghost spirit дихам дихание дишам bg забавен amusing comical deferred entertaining facetious fun funny joky bg затруднение albatross complication crux difficulty drawback hardship knot главоболие bg извивка bow convolution crinkle crook curl curve gyrus kink bg издавам betray denote disclose give out grass inform issue sound bg изпълнение accomplishment achievement discharge enforcement execution fulfillment fulfilment implementation bg люде Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/People Leute Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/ľudьje human being liaudis man/translations people ļaudis bg мятам Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/smeyt- cast dart hurl launch stick мета метла bg навес awning canopy dripstone hovel shed наведа навеждам стряха bg нахалство brass cheek chutzpah effrontery gall impertinence impudence insolence bg незначителен exiguous footling fractional fribble inappreciable inconsiderable indifferent insignificant bg непостоянен capricious changeable changeful erratic fickle fluid impermanent inconstant bg неприличен bawdy dirty foul gross immodest improper indecent rude bg обикновен average banal buzzard common commonplace conventional everyday inornate bg обширен ample comprehensive expansive extended generic large large-scale vast bg общ Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/obьťь aggregate common conjoint corporate general gross обьщь bg определям appoint appropriate assess assign define designate determine name bg основен basal basic capital cardinal chief essential main principal bg отказвам abjure abnegate balk decline fail forbid refuse turn down bg отнемам abstract bereave consume deprive derogate detract divest strip bg отстъпвам backtrack budge cede concede defer give in listen съгласявам се bg оценявам appraise appreciate assess criticize estimate evaluate grade judge bg печален disconsolate doleful dolorous grievous lamentable sad печал тъжен bg показвам demonstrate denote dial disclose evince exhibit indicate show bg порицавам castigate censure condemn criminate damn decry denounce disapprove bg послушен amenable biddable docile duteous gentle governable kind obedient bg прав Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/pravъ erect right straight ортогонален перпендикулярен bg предназначавам allocate appoint appropriate assign consign dedicate designate destine bg придирчив cantankerous captious choosy dainty exacting fastidious finical fussy bg признавам acknowledge admit allow avouch avow concede confess convict bg противен abominable detestable disagreeable disgusting distasteful foul gross hideous bg противоположен contradictory contrary counter cross diametral inverse opposite друг bg разбойник bandit brigand desperado robber thug арамия хайдук харамия bg разговор call chat colloquy conversation dialog dialogue discourse talk bg раздразнителен choleric crab crabbed excitable fractious fretful irascible irritable bg ръководител administrator boss chief director head/translations manager администратор управител bg ръководя administer conduct direct guide handle head заповядам заповядвам bg рязък Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/rězъkъ abrupt acrid blunt brusque gruff harsh jerky bg сандък Appendix:List of Balkanisms ark box case chest trunk сундук صندوق bg смесвам alloy blend commingle compound incorporate intermingle mix комбинирам bg сплашвам browbeat cow daunt intimidate заплашвам изплашвам плаша уплашвам bg сух Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/suxъ arid donnish dried dry sauss bg събирам amass collect compel compile convoke cumulate gather hoard bg събирам се accumulate assemble compound congregate convene converge forgather get together bg товар ballast burden charge commodity encumbrance goods lading last bg трошлив breakable brittle crumbly fragile frangible friable троха троша bg тъпак dolt dullard dumbbell dummy абдал глупак идиот тъп bg убежище asylum bolt-hole cave harbor haven hideaway refuge shelter bg умение art competence craft cunning faculty know-how skill сръчност bg шега funny gag hoax humbug jest joke lark номер bg безделник bum corner boy deadbeat fribble idler layabout lazybones bg безполезен bootless feckless fruitless futile idle inefficient useless bg близнак Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/blizьnьcь biznat blizanac bliźniak twin близнец близньць bg вежлив affable civil complaisant courteous gentle polite любезен bg веселие fling frolic fun glee hilarity jamboree lark bg вила Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/vidla Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/vila fork pitchfork vila villa вила bg всеки any anyone each either every everybody everyone bg вътрешен Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/vъnǫtrьnъ inland inner interior internal intrinsic inward bg глад Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Society Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/goldъ dearth famine hunger starve гладъ bg гладък Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/gladъkъ flowing glabrous glib smooth гладъкъ bg глупост balderdash fatuity folly foolery foolishness footle stupidity bg глупости baloney bull bunk crap drivel flapdoodle hogwash bg гран Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/granь Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/grěnь grain grana grath грана гранив bg детел Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Animals/Birds detao detel ďateľ детао дятел кълвач bg досаждам annoy bore bother chagrin chevy importune irk bg елегантен chic classy dapper dashing dressy genteel graceful bg жар Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Landscape and seasons Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/žarъ ardor ember fervency горчивка горчица bg зловещ baleful bodeful creepy dire grim grisly ominous bg извивам bend bow buckle crook curl curve hunch bg изпълнявам comply discharge effectuate execute fulfill implement perform bg канал canal channel chase drain duct flute groove bg кипя Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kypěti boil bubble effervesce ferment кисел кисна bg копая Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kopati delve dig excavate kopaç копати bg кръгъл Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/krǫglъ circular even round круглый bg ленив Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/lěnivъ idle indolent lackadaisical lazy бавен bg лов -джия Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/lovъ chase chevy hunt hunting ловъ bg малко Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists a little any few kind of little somewhat bg мамя Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/mamiti cozen deceive dupe guile hustle лъжа bg мия Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/myti do the dishes mýt wash мыть bg множество array concourse crop host армия маса мъножьство bg набор class draft frill furbelow gather intake typesetting bg надменен arrogant bloated bumptious cavalier contemptuous haughty high-hat bg наклон batter cant grade gradient inclination incline slant bg намек allusion cue feeler hint inkling insinuation intimation bg натрупвам accumulate amass bank collect cumulate gather heap bg невероятен doubtful far-fetched implausible impossible improbable incredible incredulous bg нежен Appendix:Bulgarian palindromes affectionate balmy bland dainty delicate fond bg нечестен bum crooked devious dirty dishonest dodgy foul bg нося Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/nositi bear carry convey wear ходя bg обхващам blanket comprehend comprise encompass engulf include involve bg ограничен closed confined cramped determinate finite hidebound illiberal bg означавам betoken connote denote designate imply indicate mean bg опровергавам belie confute contradict deny disprove falsify impugn bg освобождавам absolve acquit deliver discharge extricate free liberate bg отвращение abhorrence abomination aversion detestation disgust distaste horror bg отивам become befit betake go walk вървя ходя bg откривам dedicate detect disclose discover expose inaugurate разбирам bg отпуснат easygoing flabby flaccid floppy lackadaisical languid lax bg парче bit cantle chunk clout fragment piece پارچه bg петно blemish blot blotch dirt fleck stain слънчево петно bg плячка boodle booty capture pleașcă pljashcã pljačka пљачка bg поглъщам absorb consume devour engulf gulp imbibe ingest bg под Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic prepositions Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/podъ abjure below beneath floor under bg постоянен consistent constant even fixed immovable invariable permanent bg потвърждавам acknowledge attest avouch certify confirm corroborate endorse bg появявам се appear arise dawn emerge spring to life turn up излизам bg предач запреда запридам изпреда изпридам опреда опридам преда bg предачен запреда запридам изпреда изпридам опреда опридам преда bg предачество запреда запридам изпреда изпридам опреда опридам преда bg предачница запреда запридам изпреда изпридам опреда опридам преда bg предизвиквам beget cause challenge dare defy evoke instigate bg предположение assumption calculation conjecture guess hypothesis if supposition bg препятствам block cross debar hamper impeach inhibit interrupt bg препятствие barrier clog difficulty hamper hindrance hurdle obstacle bg приложение adjunct annex appendix application apposition attachment enclosure bg променлив alternating changeable dynamic fickle floating fluid mutable bg прост Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/prostъ austere bare crude humble simple bg пукнатина break crack cranny crevice fissure flaw пуцам bg пъкъл Abaddon Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/pьkъlъ hell inferno pakao peklo пакао bg радостен Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives glad gleeful jocund joyful нещастен тъжен bg разбърквам agitate churn derange disarrange disarray jumble mix bg развлечение amusement avocation distraction diversion entertainment fling забава bg резултат conclusion consequence effect in the wake of product result resultatum bg резюме abstract brief compendium curriculum vitae digest epitome summary bg ръководство administration conduct direction governance guidance guide администрация bg сдържан aloof chary composed continent coy discreet скъп bg слисвам amaze astound bemuse buffalo confound dumbfound flabbergast bg споря argue contend contest controvert hassle обсъдя обсъждам bg страстен avid enthusiastic fervent fevered fiery impassioned страст bg страх Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/straxъ acrophobia dismay dread fear funk horror bg стъбло Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/stьblo beam bole stalk tree trunk trunk bg схващам apprehend catch comprehend conceive get grasp виждам bg събиране addition assembly collection compilation convergence convocation gathering bg съвет Comecon advice board council counsel exhortation soviet bg съответен adequate appropriate coincident congruent correspondent corresponding homologous bg сърп Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/sьrpъ hook sickle sirpis серп סערפּ bg състояние condition fortune means state status каса положение bg труден arduous burdensome complex difficult hard laborious laboured bg трън Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/tьrnъ thorn trn tŕň трн трънъ bg тълпа concourse crowd flock heap huddle армия тлъпа bg тъмен Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/tьmьnъ black/translations dark deep gloomy тьмьнъ bg удобен comfortable commodious convenient cosy expedient handy неловък bg управление administration control direction governance guidance helm администрация bg успокоявам allay assuage calm comfort compose conciliate ease bg устройство appliance arrangement charger conformation constitution device апарат bg фалшив bastard bogus counterfeit factitious false fraudulent spurious bg безпристрастен candid detached equitable evenhanded impartial indifferent bg беседа Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Society Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/besěda conversation dialogue talk бесіда bg благоприятен advantageous auspicious conducive congenial favourable kind bg блестя Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/blьščati coruscate gleam glisten glitter sheen bg букаи Appendix:List of Balkanisms bukagije fetter hobble букагије بوقاغی bg бързам dispatch hasten hurry hurry up hustle make haste bg бъркотия clutter confusion disarray farrago imbroglio jumble bg вдлъбнатина cavity concave dent hollow indent indentation bg вея Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/vějati blow fan winnow ветвь вѣꙗти bg внос import внасям внеса износ надвнасям надвнеса bg вроден congenital connate inborn indigenous inherent innate bg врява ballyhoo clamor clutter din fuss hubbub bg втвърдявам се cake calcify congeal firm harden indurate bg възхвала accolade encomium eulogy glorification laud laudation bg гадая Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/gadati bode divine guess предрека предричам bg гледам Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/ględati behold keep look watch поглеждам bg гнездо Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Household Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/gnězdo collet eyrie nest socket bg гния Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/gňiti decay rot затека затичам bg горък Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/gorьkъ беден горчивка горчица нещастен bg гравирам carve chase engrave etch grave incise bg двоен binary double dual duplex geminate twofold bg долен abject downhill execrable ignoble ignominious inferior bg допускам admit allow assume concede grant intromit bg допълнение accessory add-on addendum annex complement object bg достъп access admission admittance approach entrance entry bg драг Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/dorgъ dear drag dārgs драгъ bg дупе Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/dupa ass bum butt cojones гъз bg душа Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/duša Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/dušiti duša soul spirit stifle bg държа се acquit act behave comport conduct demean bg държание bearing behavior demean demeanor guise държа bg дърпане draft drag gasp haulage hitch jerk bg ексцентричен crackpot cranky eccentric freakish kinky kooky bg жиля Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/želti bite sting ухапвам ухапя хапя bg жъна Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/žęti gather harvest reap sickle bg задържане apprehension arrest continence detention inhibition keeping bg заключавам conclude deduce draw educe infer judge bg закрепвам affix attach embed fasten firm fixate bg заобикалям bypass circle circumvent compass detour encompass bg заповед behest command commandment dictate injunction order bg защитавам assert brood champion conserve defend guard bg защитник advocate back champion conservator defender guard bg зора Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Landscape and seasons dawn sunrise zars zori зрак bg зубър American bison Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Animals/Mammals European bison bison wisent zimbru bg игрив coltish frisk frisky frolicsome gamesome jocose bg извод conclusion consequence corollary illation inference issue bg извор font fount origin source spring well bg извършвам accomplish commit effect execute fulfill perform bg издигам boost elevate erect exalt heighten hoist bg измислица canard fable fib fiction figment flam bg измислям coin devise fable feign invent изковавам bg измъчвам afflict anguish devil excruciate harass гриза bg изобилен abounding abundant affluent copious exuberant обилен bg изоставям abandon desert forgo forsake give up leave bg изпускам discharge drop eject emit expire fumble bg изтощен done effete exhausted gaunt hungry jaded bg изящен aesthetic dinky exquisite fine genteel jaunty bg именувам christen denominate designate name озаглавя озаглавявам bg капризен capricious cranky crotchety fastidious fractious freakish bg клас Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kolsъ class ear genus grade bg колебая се blow hot and cold demur fluctuate halt hesitate hover bg корпус body corps corpus housing hull torso bg крадец crook thief крада окрада окрадвам хайдук bg крещя bellow bray clamor cry scream shout bg кръстосвам crisscross cross crossbreed hybridize interbreed intercross bg кука Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kuka fishhook gaff hook koks канджа bg куп Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kupъ congeries crowd cumulus heap коупъ bg купа Appendix:Playing cards bowl cock compote cup heart bg кът Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Household Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kǫtъ corner край къща кѫтъ bg ланец fob lanac lano lanț ланац ланец bg лаская Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/laskati blandish butter up caress fawn flatter bg лента band fascia film lane ribbon tape bg леща eyeglass glass lencse lens lentil леќа bg лой Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Food and drink Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/lojь fat lojë tallow мазнина bg мръсен Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists dingy dirty filthy foul grimy bg мъх Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/mъxъ down fluff fuzz moss bg нагъл Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/naglъ brazen-faced impertinent insolent nagao нагао bg надут bloated bombastic conceited grandiloquent highfalutin jaunty bg нареждам arrange collocate dictate enjoin tell заповядвам bg нахлуване inbreak incursion inpouring inrush intrusion irruption bg неподвижен breathless dead fixed immobile immovable inanimate bg непоправим incorrigible irrecoverable irredeemable irremediable irreparable irretrievable bg несигурен chancy doubtful equivocal indecisive insecure precarious bg неспособност inability incapacity inefficiency ловкост сръчност умелост bg несъгласие clash difference discord discrepancy dissent dissonance bg неточен imprecise improper inaccurate incorrect inexact lax bg обединявам colligate combine consolidate integrate join unite bg обиколка ambit circuit circumference detour girth lap bg облекчавам allay alleviate appease assuage ease facilitate bg ободрявам buoy up cheer up elate freshen inspirit invigorate bg общуване commerce communication companionship conversation interaction intercourse bg объркване bemusement confusion discomfiture embarrassment fuddle involution bg обявявам advertise announce annunciate declare give out съобщавам bg опора backbone bulwark buttress crutch foothold footing bg оправдавам absolve clear exculpate excuse exonerate justify bg определен certain clean-cut clear cut concrete definite determinate bg освен това above besides else further furthermore това bg основавам build constitute establish found institute създавам bg отбягвам avoid dodge elude eschew forbear shun bg отделям abstract detach disjoin excrete insulate isolate bg отменям abolish abrogate annul avoid cancel countermand bg отхвърлям abjure abnegate disallow dismiss exclude turn down bg оценка appraisal assessment estimation evaluation grade mark bg очарователен charming enchanting engaging fascinating fetching glamorous bg очевиден apparent axiomatic blatant conspicuous evident palpable bg пазя Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/paziti guard keep paziti охранявам пазити bg план design device diagram idea layout plan bg платно Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/poltьno calico canvas cloth sail bg побъркан crackbrained cracked crazy daft demented deranged bg поверявам accredit charge commend confide consign entrust bg поддържам bolster buttress espouse keep up support държа bg подкрепям champion confirm corroborate countenance further помагам bg подхождам answer approach become befit fit вървя bg позволявам admit afford allow condone permit давам bg позор blemish blot disgrace dishonour ignominy infamy bg поразявам affect astound dazzle flabbergast hit invade bg порив blast bluster compulsion fit flurry gust bg последен bottom closing extreme final lag last bg посредник agent broker go-between intercessor intermediary intermediate bg почит deference esteem homage honor почета почитам bg пояс Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/pojasъ belt cincture cummerbund girdle bg представител agent commissary commissioner delegate deputy representative bg преходен fleeting fugitive in-between interim interjacent transitive bg прибавка addendum addition affix annex appurtenant inset bg пристъп access attack convulsion fit gust атака bg пробивам bore break broach drill gap hole bg прозрачен clear diaphanous gauzy hyaline transparent зрак bg пропуск blunder delinquency gap lacuna lapse pass bg прося Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/prositi beg beseech cadge prasīt просити bg пън Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/pьňь block panj stump пањ bg раждам be born bear birth deliver give birth давам bg разбивам break bust crash dash defeat hammer bg разбираем apprehensible comprehensible conceivable exoteric intelligible tangible bg различавам appreciate differ difference discern discriminate distinguish bg разпръсквам dispel disperse disseminate dissipate distribute разнасям bg разстройвам baffle blight detune disconcert disrupt untune bg рана Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Body aranã rană sore wound рана bg рискован adventurous chancy dangerous dicey dodgy hazardous bg роб Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/People Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/orbъ bondman rob slave раб bg рус Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/rusъ blond fair румен рус bg само Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/sěmo alone barely entirely just only bg сблъсквам се clash collide conflict encounter hurtle impact bg свивам bow clench constrict crouch double furl bg свиквам accustom assemble condition convene convoke habituate bg свързване coherence conjunction connection contact copulation junction bg слабост foible fragility hole inanition infirmity weakness bg следствие consequence consequent corollary effect inquest product bg слуга Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/People Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/sluga boy servant раб слоуга bg спъвам balk cramp fetter handicap hinder hobble bg срам Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Society Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/sormъ disgrace dishonour ignominy shame bg среден average intermediate mean medium middle neuter bg средство contrivance expedient means resource tool път bg стадо Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/stado drove flock herd sheeple bg стрела Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/strěla arrow boom jib стрелям bg стрижа Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/striťi clip crop fleece shear bg струя Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Landscape and seasons Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/struja Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/strujiti current jet straujš bg схващане apprehension catch comprehension cramp crick opinion bg същност content essence gist hypostasis inwardness kernel bg тих Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/tixъ calm coy quiet silent bg тлъст Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/tъlstъ adipose greasy gross lardy thick bg топ -чия Appendix:Chess pieces Appendix:List of Balkanisms bolt cannon rook bg точно directly evenly exactly faithfully flat точно bg трия Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/terti Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/tryti chafe rub bg тръба Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/trǫba bugle conduit duct pipe tube bg трясък bang blare clap clash crack crash bg увеличавам amplify augment enhance enlarge increase turn up bg улавям bag capture catch grab grasp grip bg умолявам beg beseech conjure entreat implore invoke bg управлявам administer control direct govern guide господарувам bg усилвам amplify deepen fortify heighten increase intensify bg цветен chromatic color colored floral светъл цвят bg цъфтя Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kvisti blossom burgeon flower цвят bg челен foremost front frontal head head-on headmost bg челюст Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Body Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/čeľustь chap jaw jowl брада bg чувствителен alive appreciable brittle delicate irritable susceptible bg чупка Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/čupъ bight crinkle jack-knife kink сиктер bg чуплив breakable brittle flimsy fragile frail frangible bg шегувам се banter fuck around jest joke josh kid bg шут buffoon clown court jester fool hornless shyt bg явен apparent blatant flagrant glaring open palpable bg база base basis ground groundwork installation bg безредие anarchy chaos disruption disturbance imbroglio bg безсмислен absurd confused fatuous inane mindless bg безупречен blameless flawless holy immaculate impeccable bg безцеремонен abrupt bluff blunt brusque informal bg благословия benediction benison blessing благославям благословя bg блокирам barricade block blockade interlock блок bg богатство Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bogatьstvo affluence fortune means wealth bg брачен bridal conjugal hymeneal marital matrimonial bg бръмча Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bręčati bombinate buzz drone hum bg бръмчене bombination boom buzz drone hum bg буца clod clump dollop gob hunch bg бърборя babble clack gab gabble jabber bg бързина celerity haste speed пъргавина пъргавост bg викам Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/vykati call cry scream shout bg височина acrophobia altitude elevation height stature bg вися Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/visěti dangle depend hang swing bg вихър Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/vixъrъ eddy gale gyre whirlwind bg влошавам aggravate confound deprave deteriorate exacerbate bg влошаване aggravation decay decline deterioration exacerbation bg вноска installment внасям внеса надвнасям надвнеса bg внушавам impress inculcate inoculate inspire instill bg возя Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/voziti carry drive возило bg воня Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/voňati Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/voňь hum reek stench bg враждебен adverse bitter hostile inimical invidious bg вратар doorkeeper goalie goalkeeper keeper врата bg вреда Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/verdъ damage detriment harm injury bg възрастен adult big elderly grownup стар bg вълнение agitation commotion excitement flutter heave bg вял dead-alive exanimate feckless inert languid bg вярност allegiance attachment devotion fidelity loyalty bg гайда bagpipes gaita gayda γκάιντα гајда bg готов Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/gotovъ bound gatavs ready bg грешен erroneous false inaccurate iniquitous wrong bg грижа се attend care fend видя виждам bg гуша craw crop goitre jowl throat bg гънка convolution crease crinkle fold wrinkle bg гъст Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/gǫstъ dense thick густо bg дама Appendix:Chess pieces draughts hopscotch lady queen bg данък death duty impost tax данок налог bg двор Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Household Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/dvorъ court courtyard yard bg двуличен Janus-faced double double-dealing duplicitous hypocritical bg девойка adolescent girl lass lassie maiden bg директор director head/translations headmaster manager управител bg доволен content fain glad happy satisfied bg долина Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Landscape and seasons bottom dale valley долъ bg допълнителен accessory additional auxiliary complementary extra bg достижим accessible achievable approachable attainable come-at-able bg достоверен authentic authoritative cogent faithful удостоверение bg древен Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/drevьnъ ancient archaic immemorial античен bg дрезгав cracked gravelly gruff hoarse husky bg дружелюбен amiable amicable friendly genial gentle bg дърва Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/dъrva firewood wood дръва дърво bg дюкян Appendix:List of Balkanisms dukhan fly дућан دكان bg едновременен concurrent contemporaneous contemporary isochronous simultaneous bg ежедневен daily day-to-day diurnal everyday ден bg епоха age epoch era век ера bg есенция attar distillate essence essentia hypostasis bg жадувам covet crave desire hunger жажда bg жлеб chamfer chase flute gouge groove bg забелязвам clock cognize descry discern espy bg заблуждавам befool cheat delude feign illude bg забърквам embroil immerse implicate involve mix bg завършвам accomplish complete consummate end finish bg завършване accomplishment completion conclusion consummation ending bg заглушавам damp deafen drown jam silence bg загрижен anxious apprehensive concerned fraught heedful bg задръстване block blockage congestion jam traffic jam bg заемам assume borrow consume lend rent bg закачам се badinage banter catch chaff fun bg замислям conceive concert consider contrive design bg затварям close incarcerate lock up shut отварям bg затруднявам balk cumber encumber hamper hinder bg звънтя chime chink clang jingle ring bg злобен bitter cattish catty malicious spiteful bg знак Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/znakъ astrological sign character index sign bg значение consequence import importance meaning sense bg известявам acquaint advise apprise inform съобщавам bg извивам се bend bow buckle curl curve bg изгарям burn combust cremate deflagrate incinerate bg издръжлив gritty hard-bitten hardy lasting resilient bg издълбавам chase gouge groove hole incise bg измамник cheat fraud gyp humbug impostor bg изобилие abundance exuberance flood generosity plenty bg изравнявам align equalize even flatten grade bg източник beginning font fount fountain source bg изцяло altogether clean entirely flat fully bg интензивен acute full intense intensive keen bg камбанка bellflower bluebell campanula chime harebell bg канавка ditch dyke gully gutter kennel bg клевета calumny canard defamation libel slander bg колиба cabin colibă cot hovel hut bg колко Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic pronouns Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/koliko how how many how much bg коментар Kommentar annotation comment commentary exposition bg копеле bastard cochil copil motherfucker κοπέλα bg кос Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Animals/Birds Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kosъ blackbird diagonal oblique bg кражба heist larceny theft окрада окрадвам bg кресло Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Household Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/krěslo armchair easy chair krēsls bg критикувам animadvert bash castigate criticize knock bg крия Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kryti conceal hide крꙑти bg кръг Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/krǫgъ circle circuit round bg крякам cackle croak gabble gobble honk bg лаком Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/olkomъ avid covetous edacious greedy bg леден frozen gelid glacial iced icy bg лен Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/lьnъ flax леность льнъ bg лентяй fribble idler layabout lazybones търтей bg леснина easiness facility лекота пъргавина пъргавост bg лико Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/lyko bast cork bg ликувам crow exult glory jubilate rejoice bg лош Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/lošь bad evil poor bg лют Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives biting hot spicy лютъ bg магия conjuration enchantment glamour hex magic bg магьосник charmer conjurer enchanter magician wizard bg майсторство вещина компетентност ловкост сръчност умелост bg мая Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/masōną Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/majati ferment yeast مایه bg минал bygone foregone former last past bg мито Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Society Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/myto custom duty tariff bg мокър Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/mokrъ wet мокръ bg молец Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Animals Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/moľь clothes moth moth пеперуда bg мъка Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/mǫka grief heartache suffering torment bg мълва Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/mъlva bruit buzz hearsay молва bg мътен cloudy dim glassy hazy murky bg набирам dial gather goffer keyboard избирам bg наблюдавам espy eye watch дебна наблюдение bg надсмивам се flout gird gybe jeer taunt bg название denomination name title нарека наричам bg налагам belabour clobber enforce impose inflict bg нападение aggression assault attack charge атака bg напредък advance betterment development improvement progress bg напукан chapped cracked cracky crannied flawed bg наследство bequest death duty estate heritage inheritance bg начален elementary incipient initial initiative initiatory bg нашествие inbreak incursion inroad invasion irruption bg неблагоприятен adverse disadvantageous foul inauspicious inimical bg недоволство complaint disaffection dissatisfaction grievance grudge bg независим absolute autonomous independent irrespective автономен bg неизбежен eventual fateful ineluctable inevitable сигурен bg необикновен extraordinary freak unusual любопитен нов bg непохватен awkward footless gawky heavy-handed неловък bg непреклонен adamant cast iron grim implacable inflexible bg неприветлив cold grim inclement stern студен bg неприятен awkward bad disagreeable distasteful irksome bg неразбираем abstract crabbed fathomless impenetrable incomprehensible bg несъвместим conflicting incompatible incongruous inconsistent irreconcilable bg нетактичен gauche impolitic inconsiderate indelicate indiscreet bg неудобен awkward cumbersome incommodious inconvenient неловък bg неуместен improper inapposite inappropriate inept irrelevant bg низък Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/nizъkъ abject base ignoble bg нисък Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives deep low short висок bg новак Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/novakъ beginner colt greenhorn rookie bg обвинение accusation charge crimination indictment атака bg обезкуражавам chill dash daunt discourage dispirit bg обиждам abuse belabour hurt injure хапя bg обитавам dwell haunt inhabit people reside bg обмислям cogitate consider contemplate deliberate rethink bg обратен adverse contrary counter inverse друг bg обхват breadth compass coverage extent latitude bg овес Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/ovьsъ oat ovăz uvedz bg около about approximately around circa ocoli bg омагьосвам bewitch charm enchant ensorcell hex bg омаловажавам belittle denigrate derogate disparage downplay bg опашка Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists brush line queue tail bg оплакване complaint gravamen grievance gripe lamentation bg опустошавам desolate devastate harry havoc унищожавам bg ора Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/orati art plough орач bg ос Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts axis axle kingpin оска bg осведомен advised cognizant conversant hip informed bg оскърбление abuse affront contumely indignity insult bg оставам abide bide continue remain stay bg осъществявам accomplish achieve attain effect implement bg отдавам attribute devote give away impute rent bg отделен detached discrete distinct individual isolated bg отказвам се cede disavow disown fold forgo bg отклонявам се depart deviate digress divagate diverge bg откриване detection finding inaugural inauguration invention bg отлагам adjourn dally defer delay demur bg отпечатък impress impression imprint incuse indent bg отстъпка allowance backtrack concession deference discount bg пакет bundle pack package packet parcel bg паля Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/paliti ignite light set on fire пелин bg пасбище pasture изпаса изпасвам опаса опасвам bg печалба avail gain good profit печал bg писта gangway landing strip piste runway strip bg плавам Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/plavati float pławiś bg пламнал ablaze afire aflame fevered fiery bg повишавам advance dignify elevate enhance heighten bg подбуда impetus impulse incentive incitement inducement bg подправям counterfeit fake falsify flavor forge bg подстрекател abettor firebrand incendiary inciter instigator bg покорен biddable duteous governable obedient submissive bg полезен available beneficial handy helpful useful bg полза Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/polьdza avail behoof benefit good bg поляна glade greensward lawn meadow поле bg помощник aid assistant auxiliary help helper bg порой cloudburst downpour pârâu përrua përrue bg посвещавам dedicate devote dub induct initiate bg последовател disciple follower henchman последователь ученик bg постигам achieve acquire arrive compass effectuate bg потомък descendant issue offspring scion spawn bg прах Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Landscape and seasons Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/porxъ dust powder bg прашка Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/porťa prak sling slingshot праща bg превод construe interpretation translation преведа превеждам bg предвиждам anticipate forecast foresee intend предсказвам bg предполагам conjecture expect guess hypothesise imagine bg представям си envisage fancy figure ideate imagine bg при Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic prepositions Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/pri at dole bg прибор appliance implement instrument utensil апарат bg приветлив affable amiable cordial friendly gentle bg привързаност adherence affection attachment devotion fondness bg приемане acceptance admission admittance assumption intromission bg примамвам bait decoy draw entice inveigle bg принуда coercion compulsion constraint duress enforcement bg принудителен coercive compulsive compulsory forced forcible bg присъщ immanent inherent innate intrinsic kind bg проба assay attempt essay fitting trial bg провал crash downfall flop turkey банкрут bg програма agenda bill curriculum program schedule bg проклет accursed damn damnable goddamn infernal bg просторен ample capacious commodious expansive простор bg противореча conflict contradict contravene gainsay infirm bg проход col defile gangway gap orifice bg пуст Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/pustъ desert desolate goddamn bg пух Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/puxъ bloom down fluff fuzz bg раждане birth childbirth confinement delivery parturition bg развалям се addle break decay deteriorate turn bg разглобявам decompose disarticulate disassemble disjoint dismantle bg разговарям chat converse dialog dialogue discourse bg раздробявам crumple crush fragment granulate grind bg разкривам betray disclose divulge expose give away bg разлагам се decay decompose degrade diffract disintegrate bg разлагане analysis corrosion decay decomposition dissociation bg разменям barter commute exchange interchange troak bg размер dimension extent gauge measurement size bg разпределям allocate apportion deal dispense distribute bg разпространявам broadcast circulate diffuse disseminate generalize bg разрез cut gash incision купюр купюра bg разрешавам allow authorize decide grant давам bg разсейвам diffuse dispel disperse dissipate distract bg разширявам add broaden dilate distend expand bg решение answer award decision determination solution bg решето Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/rešeto colander sieve решетка bg рискувам chance gamble hazard imperil take a chance bg ругая berate curse cuss inveigh lash bg рядък Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/rědъkъ infrequent rare редкий bg сажда Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Household Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/saďa sadza soot сажа bg самохвалство bluster boast braggadocio gasconade jactitation bg свивам се contract cower cringe crouch dwindle bg свободен at large clear fluent free open bg семеен Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/sěmьjьnъ domestic familial family household bg сещам Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/sětiti setiti sjetiti сетити сјетити bg сит Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/sytъ full satiated сꙑтъ bg сито Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/sito sieve sitã sită bg склонен apt bent fain inclined open bg скривам bottle up conceal cover hide keep back bg скрин chest chest of drawers commode highboy scrinium bg следващ after following incoming next друг bg случай Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/sъlučajь case instance occasion occurrence bg случвам се become betide come fare go down bg смекчавам allay alleviate assuage dull extenuate bg спокойствие calm calmness composure ease peace bg спътник attendant fellow traveller moon/translations satellite sputnik bg среда center crumb middle срѣда сърце bg стискам Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/tiskati clamp clench squeeze bg страхлив cowardly craven fainthearted fearful gutless bg струвам cost methinks вървя излизам изляза bg структура cadre composition fabric structura structure bg стягам buckle clamp constrict impact стага bg считам deem feel judge имам читам bg събрание assembly convention convocation gathering meeting bg събуждам се awake wake wake up будя се събуждам bg съвсем altogether clear completely downright largely bg съгласувам се assort cohere comport concur fit bg съдържам comprise contain encompass hold държа bg съкращавам abbreviate abridge cancel curtail lay off bg съмнителен apocryphal doubtful equivocal fishy suspicious bg съпоставям appose collate confront juxtapose сравнявам bg съставям compile compose constitute construct frame bg същество being creature entity essence сѫщьство bg така Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/tako so так толкова толкоз bg тиква Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/tyky bryony gourd pumpkin bg точка dot full stop item period point bg тренирам coach drill educate equip exercise bg треска Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/trěska ague chip cod fever bg труд Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/trewd- labour work троудъ bg тъст Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/People Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/tьstь father-in-law дядо тьсть bg уволнение bounce chop discharge dismissal firing bg удоволствие delectation delight gratification kick pleasure bg указание clue directive guide indication instruction bg улей Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/ulьjь chute gutter ulei bg умерен abstemious abstinent conservative continent equable bg упадък decadence decline degradation falloff labefaction bg употребявам apply employ use използвам ползвам bg уравновесявам balance counterbalance countervail equilibrate equipoise bg условие condition conditional conditional sentence if term bg установявам appoint ascertain determine establish давам bg устойчивост consistency constancy steadfastness sustainability стабилност bg фигура figura figure man/translations piece стан bg фурна bakery batch furnace furnus oven bg хан -джия Han inn khan خان bg хармония accord concert concordance consonance harmony bg хваля applaud commend compliment laud praise bg целувка celov cjelov kiss целов цјелов bg циничен bitter cynical dirty filthy gross bg цъфтеж bloom blossom florescence inflorescence цвят bg частица bit corpuscle fraction grain particle bg черво Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Body Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/červo intestine червен чрѣво bg чифт brace couple doublet dyad кат bg чудак crank eccentric freak goon чудат bg чужд Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/ťuďь extraneous extrinsic foreign bg юзда bridle curb rein оузда узда bg ядро Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/ędro heart kernel nucleus bg ям лакомо devour engorge gluttonize gorge guttle bg яма Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Landscape and seasons Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/ama crater hole pit bg Америка Americas USA United States United States of America bg акцентирам accent accentuate подчертавам подчертая bg антипатия antipathy aversion dislike distaste bg бандит bandit brigand gangster хайдук bg бариера bar/translations barrier boom barrier gate bg беда Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Society Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/běda adversity scourge bg бездна Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bezdъbna abyss chasm gulf bg безжизнен exanimate inanimate languid мъртъв bg безплатен complimentary free free of charge gratuitous bg безпорядък disarray disorder havoc helter-skelter bg безпристрастност candor detachment impartiality indifference bg безсистемен desultory discursive haphazard indiscriminate bg безсмислица amphigory balderdash footle gibberish bg безцветен achromatic blank bleak colourless bg белтък Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bělъkъ albumen white бял bg бич Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bičь lash scourge whip bg благодарност appreciation gratefulness gratitude thanks bg благоуханен aromatic fragrant ароматен ароматичен bg благочестив devotional devout godly pious bg блед Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic adjectives Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/blědъ bleak pale bg блестящ brilliant fulgent glittering iridescent bg блия Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/blyjati Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bľukati Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bľьvati бълвам bg божествен divine godlike godly heavenly bg борд board broadside cushion flange bg бръчка crinkle furrow wrinkle брчка bg бряст Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/berstъ elm брязък bg бунт insurgence mutiny rebellion revolt bg бъз Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bъzъ elder боз bg бърборене babble clack gab jabber bg бърлога Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bьrlogъ bërllog den lair bg бъчва barrel cask kit кораб bg бюро bureau buro desk office bg бялка Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/bělъka Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kuna marten бял bg в действителност actually in fact really в bg вагон car carriage coach van bg вампир Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/ǫpyrь ghoul vampire гоблин bg вбесявам Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/běsiti enrage incense infuriate bg вдигам boost heave hoist weigh bg вдовица Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/People Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/vьdova widow въдова bg веднага directly forthwith immediately instantly bg ведро Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/vědro bail bucket bg вежливост amenity civility comity courtesy bg вейка twig veja vetva ветвь bg величествен august dignified grand kingly bg вечен Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/věčьnъ eternal everlasting век bg вещая Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/věťati betoken bode forebode bg взискателен choosy exacting exigent fastidious bg виновен convict culpable guilty hangdog bg вироглав Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/golvъ froward headstrong maverick bg високомерие arrogance greatness haughtiness hubris bg вкус Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kusъ flavor taste въкоусъ bg влека Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/velťi heq pull bg вмъквам insert intercalate interpolate interpose bg вмъкване injection insertion interposition intromission bg вносен внасям внеса надвнасям надвнеса bg вносител внасям внеса надвнасям надвнеса bg внук Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/People Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/vъnukъ grandchild grandson bg водач driver guide leader возило bg водопад cascade cataract falls waterfall bg водосток culvert drain effluent gutter bg войска army force host аскер bg волан flounce frill furbelow steering wheel bg вражда Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/voržьda antagonism enmity feud bg враждебност animosity antagonism enmity hostility bg всеобхватен blanket circumambient omnibus pervasive bg всички Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic pronouns all everybody everyone bg втвърдяване calcification congelation fixation induration bg въведение exordium introduction въведа въвеждам bg възбуда agitation excitation excitement flutter bg въздействам act affect impact influence bg възнаграждение emolument fee gratification guerdon bg възражение backtalk comeback deprecation exception bg външен exterior external extraneous extrinsic bg въображаем fictional fictitious ideal imaginary bg върколак Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/vьlkolakъ vârcolac werewolf βρικόλακας bg въстание insurrection rebellion revolt uprising bg вътрешност inland inner inside interior bg вътрешности Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists bowel entrails innards bg гардероб checkroom cloakroom closet wardrobe bg гибел Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/gybělь doom баница гꙑбѣль bg гина Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/gynǫti загивам загина bg главня Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/golvьňa blight brand firebrand bg главорез bully cutthroat goon thug bg глезя coddle cosher dandle featherbed bg глъчка clamor din hubbub голк bg гной Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/gnojь pus затека затичам bg говедо Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Animals/Mammals Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/govędo cattle govs bg гореспоменат above aforementioned aforesaid foregoing bg господство ascendancy dominance domination hegemony bg грамаден enormous giant huge immense bg графика cartoon chart graph graphics bg грубиян boor cad chuff churl bg гърмя Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/grьměti bang blast boom bg гъсталак boscage brush coppice covert bg даровит clever gifted неспособен способен bg декрет commandment decree edict fiat bg диадема circlet coronal coronet diadem bg диалог conversation dialog dialogue interlocution bg дискусия argument controversy debate discussion bg дискутирам debate discourse обсъдя обсъждам bg добродушен avuncular good-tempered goodhearted kind bg доверявам accredit confide trust доверие bg докосвам contact kiss touch коснѫти bg долнокачествен base cheap coarse евтин bg домакиня hostess housekeeper housewife hussy bg доносник beagle canary ear/translations informant bg досега already heretofore hitherto so far bg драга Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/dorga creeper drag dredge bg дрънкулка bauble gaud gewgaw rattle bg еж Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Animals/Mammals Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/ežь ezis hedgehog bg екскаватор backhoe digger excavator grab bg експлозия bang blast detonation explosion bg ела Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/edlь eja fir bg елегантност chic elegance gentility grace bg елха Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Christmas tree Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₂élis- alksnis bg епизод episode incident incidental installment bg етаж level storey étage кат bg етикет ceremony decorum etiquette label bg животински animal beastly bestial brutish bg жила Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Body Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/žila dzīsla vein bg забавям augment decelerate delay impeach bg забележим apparent appreciable conspicuous discernible bg завивам Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists bend blanket convolute bg завистлив envious green-eyed green/translations jealous bg загадка conundrum enigma puzzle riddle bg загатвам allude imply infer purport bg заглавие caption heading headline title bg зад after astern astern of behind bg задоволявам content gratify indulge удовлетворявам bg задух Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/zaduxъ asthma frowst fug bg задушавам braise choke damp stifle bg заедно along at once jointly together bg закачка banter chaff jest lark bg закопчалка clamp clasp gripe hasp bg зала Saal auditorium hall salon bg заливам drown flood inundate наводнявам bg замъглен blear dim foggy hazy bg занаятчия -чия artisan handicraft занаят bg запазвам book/translations conserve hold save bg заради Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic prepositions Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/radi because of for the sake of bg засягам affect concern интересувам хапя bg затвор calaboose gunlock jail prison bg зацепвам concatenate engage hitch interlink bg зачервен ablush bloodshot blowsy florid bg зашеметен dazed giddy knockout stunned bg защото Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists because for като bg заявявам allege asseverate aver declare bg звъня Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/zvьněti call chime clang bg здравословен bracing healthful healthy здрав bg здрач crepuscule dusk twilight зрак bg земен earthbound earthy land Земя bg златист gilded gilt gold златен bg злокобен bodeful ill-boding inauspicious ominous bg знаменит celebrated eminent famous illustrious bg зрител beholder spectator viewer зьрѣти bg идея concept idea thought мисъл bg изваждам abstract deduct extract vazhdë bg извинение apology excuse justification plea bg изгаряне burn combustion cremation incineration bg изгонвам deport eject evict expel bg издръжливост bottom endurance hardness hold bg издувам се balloon billow bulge camber bg издържам bear endure last държа bg изискан classy dainty exquisite jaunty bg изисквам claim demand exact искам bg изкривявам contort curve distort garble bg измамен deceitful deceptive delusive fallacious bg измислен assumed fabled fictional fictitious bg изобретявам contrive devise invent създавам bg изопачавам debauch distort falsify garble bg изпъкналост boss bulge camber convexity bg изравям burrow disinter exhume отравям bg изразходвам consume exhaust expend work bg изразявам define express formulate phrase bg изрязвам carve excise exscind grave bg изтощение exhaustion fatigue inanition lassitude bg изтребвам annihilate destroy exterminate extinguish bg изчислявам calculate compute figure find bg икономичен economic economical frugal husbandly bg импровизирам extemporize improvise jam wing bg инструмент implement instrument tool апарат bg история historia history story ἱστορία bg кадърност ability ловкост сръчност умелост bg кал Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Agriculture and crafts Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kalъ mud калъ bg калина Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kalina guelder rose hobblebush bg калъп cake cast last mold bg камара camara cămară house komora bg капка Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Landscape and seasons dribble drip drop bg капчица bead blob droplet globule bg карам се bicker brawl hassle lash bg карамфил carnation clove pink قرنفل bg катастрофа accident catastrophe crash disaster bg катинар Appendix:List of Balkanisms cãtinar padlock катанец bg качество attribute kind property quality bg квас Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Food and drink Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kvasъ kvass yeast bg кенеф Appendix:List of Balkanisms crapper shitter нужник bg кикотя се cackle chortle giggle guffaw bg килер closet larder pantry كلار bg клане bloodbath bloodshed carnage massacre bg клеветя asperse defame slander наковавам bg клетка Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Household cage cell hutch bg коварен cunning guileful insidious sly bg ковач blacksmith forger kovács smith bg кога Appendix:Slavic Swadesh lists Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kogъda when когда bg кожен cutaneous dermal furry leather bg колеблив halting hesitant inconstant indecisive bg комичен comic comical droll humorous bg компания bunch companionship company crew bg кондак Appendix:List of Balkanisms stock κοντάκιον قونداق bg конзола bracket cantilever console corbel bg консервирам can conserve cure tin bg конструирам fabricate построя построявам строя bg конте beau dandy fashionmonger fop bg копирам copy double emulate xerox bg коригирам amend correct corrigo right bg кормило -чия helm rudder steering wheel bg космос cosmos outer space space вселена bg крадлив -льо крада окрада окрадвам bg кран crane derrick jib tap bg краста Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/korsta scabies короста краставица bg кремък Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Landscape and seasons Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kremy cremene flint bg кренвирш Vienna sausage banger hot dog wiener bg крехък brittle flimsy fragile frail bg кръчма Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/kъrčьma bar/translations inn pub bg кукуруз cucuruz кукуруз кукуруза قوقوروز bg кукуряк hellebore кукурудза кукуруз кукуруза bg кълна Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic verbs damn анатемосам анатемосвам bg кърма -чия Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Food and drink kërmë stern bg лагер bearing camp encampment стан bg лепкав adherent gluey gooey icky bg лечение cure healing therapy treatment bg ливада Appendix:List of Balkanisms lea meadow λιβάδι bg ликуващ cock-a-hoop exultant gleeful jubilant bg лишавам abridge deprive divest лишил bg ловя Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/loviti fish hunt ловити bg лоза Appendix:List of Proto-Slavic nouns/Vegetation Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/loza grape grapevine bg луд Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/ludъ crazy demented insane bg лудория escapade frolic horseplay lark bg лъскам brighten burnish furbish gloss bg любима beloved darling ladylove lassie bg люпило brood clutch hatch hatching