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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-he-m

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m {v} (masculine) :: ז (z)
Maaloula {prop} (town in Syria) :: מעלולה /Ma'lula/
mañana {adv} (tomorrow) SEE: tomorrow ::
Macau {prop} (a city just west of Hong Kong) :: מקאו /makao/
Maccabee {n} (Maccabee) :: מכבי {m} /makabí/
mace {n} (weapon) :: אלה {f}
Macedonia {prop} (ancient kingdom) :: מוקדון {m} /mokedon/, מקדוניה {f} /makedonya/
Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia) :: מקדוניה {f} /makedonya/
Macedonia {prop} (region of northern Greece) :: מקדוניה {f} /makedonya/
Macedonian {adj} (of Macedonia or its people or language) :: מקדוני /makedoni/
machete {n} (a sword-like tool) :: מצ׳טה {f} /machéta/
machicolation {n} (opening between corbels that support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, of a fortified building) :: משיקולי
machine {n} (mechanical or electrical device) :: מכונה {f} /m'khoná/
machine code {n} (machine language) SEE: machine language ::
machine gun {n} (type of firearm) :: מקלע {m} /maklea'/
machine language {n} (set of instructions for a computer) :: שפת מכונה /s'fát m'khoná/
machine translation {n} (act of translating something by means of a machine) :: תרגום מכונה {m} /tirgúm mekóna/
machinist {n} (operator) SEE: operator ::
macho {adj} (manly, tough) :: גברתן {m} /gvartán/
mackerel {n} (edible fish) :: מקרל {m} /makarél/, פלמידה {f} /palamída/
mackerel shark {n} (shark of the family Lamnidae) :: עמלץ {m} /'amlétz/
macramé {n} (textile) :: מקרמה {m} /makrame/
macrocosm {n} (the universe) SEE: universe ::
Macron {prop} (surname) :: מקרון {m} {f} /makron/
mad {adj} (insane (adj.)) :: משגע /meshugá'/, מטרף /metoráf/
Madagascar {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: מדגסקר /madagaskár/
madam {n} (polite term of address to a woman) :: גברת \ גברת {f} /gvéret/
mad cow disease {n} (informal: bovine spongiform encephalopathy) :: מחלת הפרה המשוגעת {f}
maddah {n} (Arabic diacritic) :: מדה /mada/
madder {n} (plant) :: פואה {f} /pūʾā/
made in China {adj} (cheaply manufactured, especially in East Asia; of poor or low quality) :: מייד אין צ'יינה /meid in cháina/
madeleine {n} (small gateau in the shape of a scallop shell) :: עוגית מדלן {f} /ugiyát madlén/, מדלן {f} /madlén/
made-up {adj} (changed by cosmetics) :: מאופר /meupar/
Madhya Pradesh {prop} (Madhya Pradesh, India) :: מאדהיה פראדש
madness {n} (insanity) :: שגעון {m} /shiga'ón/, טרוף {m} /terúf/
Madrid {prop} (capital of Spain) :: מדריד {f} /madríd/
madrone {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree ::
mafia {n} (a crime syndicate) :: מפיה {f} /mafiya/
Magadan {prop} (city in Siberia) :: מגדן /Magadan/
magazine {n} (periodical) :: כתב עת {m} /k'tav et/, מגזין /magazin/
magazine {n} (ammunition clip or chamber enabling multiple rounds to be held before firing) :: מחסנית {f} /maḥsanít/
maggot {n} (dipterous insect's larva that eats decomposing organic matter) :: רימה {f} /rima/
maggot {n} :: רימה
Maghreb {prop} (region in Africa) :: מגרב
magic {n} (use of supernatural rituals, forces etc.) :: כשוף / כישוף /kishúf/, קסם {m} /kesem/
magic {n} :: קסם {m} /qesem/
magic {adj} :: קסום {m} /kassum/, קסומה {f} /qsuma/
magic {v} :: לכשף /lechashef/
magic carpet {n} (a carpet capable of magical flight) :: מרבד קסמים {m} /marvád ksamím/
magician {n} (practitioner of allegedly supernatural magic) :: קוסם {m} /kosem/
magma {n} (molten matter) :: מאגמה {f} /magma/
Magna Carta {prop} (charter granted by King John to the barons at Runnymede in 1215) :: מגנה כרטה {f}
Magna Graecia {prop} (Ancient Greek colonies in Italy and Sicily) :: יוון הגדולה
magnality {n} (great or wonderful thing) SEE: miracle ::
magnesium {n} (chemical element) :: מגנזיום {m} /magnezium/
magnet {n} (piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism) :: מגנט {m} /magnét/
magnetic {adj} (of, relating to, caused by, or operating by magnetism) :: מגנטי {m} /magnetí/
magnetic field {n} (a field of magnetic force) :: שדה מגנטי {m} /sade magneti/
magnetic moment {n} (magnetic moment) :: מומנט מגנטי
magnetic tape {n} (acrylic tape used for recording data) :: סרט מגנטי {m} /séret magnetí/
magnetism {n} (the property of being magnetic) :: מגנטיות {m} /magnitism/
magnetoencephalography {n} (technique) :: מגנטואנצפלוגרפיה {f}
magnifying glass {n} (instrument) :: זכוכית מגדלת {f} /zchuchít magdélet/
Magnitogorsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: מגניטוגורסק {m}
magpie {n} (bird of genus Pica) :: עקעק {m}
Magyar {adj} (Hungarian) SEE: Hungarian ::
Maharashtra {prop} (state in western India) :: מהרשטרה
Maharastra {prop} (Maharashtra) SEE: Maharashtra ::
Mahilyow {prop} (Mogilev) SEE: Mogilev ::
mahleb {n} (aromatic spice made from cherry stones) :: מהלב
Mahmud {prop} (male given name) :: מחמוד /maḥmúd/
mahout {n} (elephant driver and keeper) :: פיל {m} /payal/
maid {n} (young female) :: עלמה {f} (almah)
maid {n} (female servant or cleaner) :: חדרנית {f} /ḥadranít/
maiden {n} (unmarried young female) :: עלמה {f} /almá/
maiden {n} (female virgin) :: בתולה {f} /betulá/
maiden {adj} (virgin) SEE: virgin ::
maiden name {n} (married woman's original last name) :: שם נעורים {m} /shem ne'urím/
maieutics {n} (Socratic method) SEE: Socratic method ::
mail {n} (postal delivery system) :: דואר \ דאר {m} /dóar/
mail {n} :: דואר /do'ar/
mailbox {n} (box into which mail is put) :: תיבת דואר \ תבת דאר {f} /teyvát dóar/
mailman {n} (post office employee) :: דוור {m} /davár/
Maimonides {prop} (medieval Jewish philosopher) :: רמב״ם /ramba"m/, רבי משה בן מימון /rabí moshé ben maimón/
main {adj} (chief, most important, or principal in extent, etc.) :: ראשי /rashí/
main {n} (high seas) SEE: high seas ::
mainly {adv} (chiefly; for the most part) :: בעיקר \ בעקר /b'ikár/
maintain {v} (to maintain, to consider) SEE: hold ::
maintenance {n} (legal: payment made to a spouse after a divorce) SEE: alimony ::
Mainz {prop} (the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate) :: מיינץ {f}, [archaic] מגנצא {f}
maize {n} (corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays) :: תירס {m} /tíras/
Majorca {prop} (island) :: מיורקה {f}
major general {n} (a military officer) :: אלוף {m} /alúf/
Majuro {prop} (city) :: מג'ורו
make {v} (to construct) :: בנה /banáh/
make {v} (to produce) :: יצר
make {v} (to create) :: עשה /`asáh/
make {v} (to constitute) :: היווה
make {v} (to cause to be) :: גרם /garám/
make {v} (to cause to do) :: גרם
make {v} (to force to do) :: הכריח /hikhríakh/
make a mistake {v} (to err) :: טעה /ta'á/
make a mountain out of a molehill {v} (to treat a problem as greater than it is) :: ראה צל הרים כהרים /raá tsel harím keharím/, עשה מזבוב פיל /'asá mizvúv pil/, עשה מעכבר הר /'asá me'akhbár har/
make an effort {v} (to try; to work towards a goal) :: התאמץ /hit'amétz/, השתדל /hishtadél/
make ends meet {v} (get by financially) :: לגמור את החודש
make out {v} (to embrace and kiss passionately) :: התמזמז /hitmazméz/
make out {v} :: התמזמז /hitmazmez/
makeover {n} (a major change in use or appearance) :: מהפך {m} /mahapách/
make up one's mind {v} (to decide, to reach a conclusion) :: החליט /hekhlít/
make yourself at home {phrase} :: תרגיש בבית /targish babayit/ [to one person, male], תרגישי בבית /targishi babayit/ [to one person, female], תרגישו בבית /targishu babayit/ [to many people]
Makhachkala {prop} (capital of Dagestan, Russia) :: מחצ'קלה
Malachi {prop} (book of the Bible) :: מלאכי /Malakhi/
Malachi {prop} (minor prophet) :: מלאכי /Malakhi/
Malachi {prop} (male given name) :: מלאכי /Malakhi/
malaria {n} (disease) :: מלריה {f} /malárya/
Malay {adj} :: [malaya] מלאית
Malay {n} :: [malaya] מלאית; [malaya] מלאית
Malayalam {n} (language) :: מליילם
Malaysia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: מלזיה {f} /malezia/
Malaysian {prop} (Malay) SEE: Malay ::
Maldives {prop} (country in South Asia) :: האיים המלדיביים {p} /ha-iyim ha-maldiviyim/
male {adj} (grammatically masculine) SEE: masculine ::
male {n} (human of masculine sex or gender) :: זכר {m} /zakhár/
male {n} (animal of masculine sex) :: זכר {m} /zachár/
male {n} (plant of masculine sex) :: זכר {m} /zachár/
maledict {v} (curse) SEE: curse ::
malediction {n} (curse) SEE: curse ::
Mali {prop} (a country in Western Africa) :: מאלי {f} /mali/
malkin {n} (cat) SEE: cat ::
mall {n} (enclosed shopping centre) :: קניון {m} /kanyon/
mallard {n} (a common and widespread dabbling duck, Anas platyrhynchos) :: ברכיה {f} /brekhiyá/
mallow {n} (any of a group of plants in several genera of the taxonomic family Malvaceae) :: חלמית {f} /ḥelmít/
malt {n} (sprouted grain used in brewing) :: לתת /létet/
Malta {prop} (republic) :: מלטה {f} /malta/
Malta {prop} (island) :: מלטה {f} /malta/
malware {n} (software developed to cause harm to a computer system) :: תוכנות מזיקות {?}, תוכנה זדונית {?}
mama {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mama {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mamma {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
mamma {n} (mother) SEE: mother ::
mammal {n} (animal of the class Mammalia) :: יונק /yonék/
mammalian {n} (any mammal) SEE: mammal ::
mammoth {n} (elephant-like mammal) :: ממותה {f} /mamúta/
mammy {n} (child's name for mother) :: אמא
man {n} (adult male human) :: אדם {m} /adám/, גבר /géver/, איש {m} /ish/
man {n} (human) :: בן אדם {m} /ben adám/ [literally "son of Adam"], אדם {m} /ádam/
man {v} :: לאייש /le’aiesh/, לספק כוח אדם /le’sipek kokha adam/
Man {prop} (genus Homo) :: אנושות /enoshut/
manager {n} (person whose job is to manage something) :: מנהל {m} /menahél/
Manama {prop} (the capital city of Bahrain) :: מנאמה
Manasseh {prop} (surname) :: מנשה
manatee {n} (any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae) :: תחש נהרות {m} /takhash neharot/
Manchester {prop} (major city in the north-west of England) :: מנצ׳סטר
Manchuria {prop} (historical region in Northeast Asia) :: מנצ׳וריה {f} /manchuriya/
Mandaeism {prop} (a monotheistic religion of the Iraq region) :: מנדעיזם {m} /manda'ízm/
mandarin {n} (fruit) SEE: mandarin orange ::
mandarin {n} (tree) SEE: mandarin orange ::
mandarin {n} (mandarin duck) SEE: mandarin duck ::
Mandarin {n} (Standard Mandarin, see also: Chinese) :: מנדרינית {f} /mandarínit/
mandarin duck {n} (bird) :: מנדרין סיני {m} /mandarin sini/
mandarin fish {n} (colorful saltwater fish) :: מנדרין {m} /mandarin/
mandarin orange {n} (fruit) :: מנדרין {m} /mandarin/
mandatory {adj} (obligatory) :: הכרחי
Mandela {prop} (surname) :: מנדלה /mandela/
mandrake {n} (botany) :: דודא {m} /dúda/
mane {n} (longer hair growth on back of neck of a horse) :: רעמה {f}
mane {n} (longer hair growth around head of male lions) :: רעמה {f} /re'amá/
manga {n} (comic originated in Japan) :: המנגה {f} /manga/
manganese {n} (chemical element) :: מנגן {?} /mangán/
manger {n} (trough for animals to eat from) :: אבוס /avos/
mango {n} (tropical fruit tree Mangifera indica) :: מנגו {m} /mángo/
mango {n} (fruit) :: מנגו {m} /mángo/
manhood {n} (qualities ascribed to manliness) :: גבריות {f} /gavriyút/
manhood {n} (male genitalia) :: זכרות {f} /zachrút/
maniac {n} (insane person) :: משוגע /me'shu'ga/, מניאק /man'iyak/ (Slang, Vulgar)
maniac {n} (fanatic, obsessive) :: מניאק /man'iyak/ (Slang, Vulgar)
manifesto {n} (public declaration) :: מנשר /minshár/, מניפסט
manifold {n} (locally Euclidean space) :: יריעה טופולוגית {f}
Manila {prop} (capital of the Philippines) :: מנילה
maniple {n} (division of the Roman army) :: מאניפולוס
manipulatable {adj} (gullible) SEE: gullible ::
Manipur {prop} (Manipur, India) :: מאניפור
Manitoba {prop} (Province in western Canada) :: מניטובה /Manitoba/
mankind {n} (human race) :: אנושות {f} /enoshút/
manly {adj} (having the characteristics of a man) :: גברי /gavri/
man-made {adj} (created by a human) :: מעשה ידי אדם /ma'asé ydéy adám/
manna {n} (food) :: מן {m} /man/
manners {n} (etiquette) :: הוי /havai/
manny {n} (male nanny) :: אומן {m} /omén/
man of few words {n} (man who doesn't speak much) :: לא איש דברים {m} /lo ish dvarím/
man of God {n} (godly man) :: איש האלהים (’ish ha’elohim)
man-of-war {n} (armed naval vessel) :: אנית מלחמה {f} /oniyat milkhamah/, אנית קרב {f} /oniyat krav/
mansion {n} (large house or building) :: ארמון {m} /ʾarmón/, טירה {f} /tirá/, מעון {m} /ma'ón/
mansplain {v} :: הסגביר /hisgbír/
mansplaining {n} :: הסגברה {f} /hasgbará/
mantle {n} (clothing like an open robe or cloak) :: אדרת {f} /adéret/
Mantua {prop} (city) :: מנטובה {f}
manufacture {v} (to make things) :: ייצור {m} /yitzur/
manufacture {v} (to produce goods) :: ייצור {m} /yitzur/
manufacturing {n} (create goods from materials) :: יצור {m}
manure {n} (excrement) :: זבל {m} /zével/
manus {n} (hand) SEE: hand ::
manuscript {n} (book, composition or any other document, written by hand) :: כתב יד {m} /ktav yad/
manuscript {n} :: כתב יד {m}
Manx cat {n} (mammal) :: מנקס //
many {determiner} (an indefinite large number of) :: רבים /rabim/, הרבה /harbé/
many thanks {interj} (many thanks) :: תודה רבה /todá rabá/
Mao {prop} (Mao: the Chinese surname) :: מאו
Maoism {n} (philosophy espoused by Mao Zedong) :: מאואיזם {m} /maoizm/
map {n} (visual representation of an area) :: מפה {f} /mapá/
maple {n} (tree of the Acer genus) :: אדר {m}
Maracanaço {prop} (final match in the 1950 FIFA World Cup) :: מרקנאסו {m} /Maraqanasō/
Marah {prop} (female given name from Hebrew) :: מרה
marathon {n} (road race) :: מרתון {m} /maraton/
marble {n} (crystalline limestone) :: שיש {m} /sháyish/
march {n} (formal, rhythmic way of walking) :: צעידה {f} /ts'idá/
march {n} (political rally or parade) :: מצעד {m} /mits'ad/, צעדה {f} /tseadá/
march {n} (song in the genre of music written for marching) :: מארש {m} /marsh/
march {v} :: צעד /tsa'ád/
March {prop} (third month of the Gregorian calendar) :: מארס \ מרס {m} /mars/, מרץ {m} /merts/ [unofficial]
mare {n} (female horse) :: סוסה \ סוסה {f} /susá/
Margaret {prop} (female given name) :: מרגלית {f} /margalít/
margarine {n} (spread) :: מרגרינה {f} /margarina/
Marian {prop} (Female given name) :: מריאן /Maryan/
Marie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Mary ::
marijuana {n} (the drug) :: מריחואנה {f} /marikhu'ána/
marina {n} (harbour) :: מעגנה {f} /ma'aganá/
Marina {prop} (female given name) :: מרינה
marinade {n} (liquid mixture) :: תחמיץ {m} /takhmíts/, מרינד {m} /marinád/
marine {adj} (of or pertaining to the sea) :: ימי {m} /yami/
marine {n} (member of a marine corps) :: חיל צי {m} /khayal tsi/, נחת {m} /nakhat/
marine biology {n} (branch of biology) :: ביולוגיה ימית
marine mammal {n} (mammal living in seawater) :: יונק ימי {m} /yonéq yamí/
mariner {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor ::
mariner's compass {n} (compass) SEE: compass ::
Mario {prop} (the given name) :: מריו {m}
maritime archaeology {n} (discipline) :: ארכאולוגיה ימית {f} /arkheologiah yamit/
mark {n} (indication for reference or measurement) :: סימן {m}
mark {n} (academic score) :: ציון {m}
marker {n} (marker pen) SEE: marker pen ::
marker pen {n} (pen) :: טוש {m} /tush/, לורד {m} /lord/ [Jerusalem]
market {n} (spacious site for trading) :: שוק {m} /shuk/
market {n} (group of potential customers) :: שוק {m} /shuk/
market {n} :: שוק {m} /shuq/
market {v} (to sell) SEE: sell ::
mark of Cain {n} (stigma of shame) :: אות קין {m} /ot qáyin/
Markovian {adj} (Exhibiting the Markov property) :: מרקובי /markóvi/
Marks {prop} (surname) :: מרקס {m} {f} /marks/
marksman {n} (a man skilled in shooting at a target) :: צלף /tsalaf/
marlinspike {n} :: דקר חבלים {m} /keker khavalim/, דקר {m} / deker/
maroon {n} (dark red, somewhat brownish colour) :: בורדו /bordo/, ערמוני {m} /'armoní/
Marrakech {prop} (city in Morocco) :: מרקש
Marrano {n} (Iberian Jew who practised Judaism in secret) :: אנוס /anus/
marriage {n} (state of being married) :: נישואין \ נשואין {m-p} /nisu'in/
marriage {n} (wedding) :: חתונה {f} /khatuná/
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a wife or a husband) :: נשוי /nasúy/
marry {v} (to take a husband or wife) :: התחתן /hitkhatén/
marry {v} (to unite in wedlock) :: חיתן /ḥitén/
marry up {v} (join) SEE: join ::
Mars {prop} (planet) :: מאדים {m} /ma’adim/
Mars {prop} (god of war) :: מארס \ מרס {m} /mars/
Mars {prop} (brand of chocolate bar) :: מארס /mars/
marsh {n} (area of low, wet land) :: ביצה {f} /bitza/
Marshall Islands {prop} (Republic of the Marshall Islands) :: איי מרשל /Iyey Marshal/
marsh mallow {n} (Althaea officinalis) :: נטופית רפואית /netofit refuit/
marshmallow {n} (confectionery) :: מרשמלו
marshmallow {n} (plant) SEE: marsh mallow ::
marsupial {n} (mammal of which the female typically has a pouch) :: חיית כיס {f}
martial {n} (soldier, warrior) SEE: soldier ::
martial {adj} (of or relating to the planet Mars) SEE: Martian ::
martial {n} (synonym of Martian) SEE: Martian ::
martial art {n} (fighting style) :: אמנות לחימה
martial law {n} (rule by military authorities) :: מקטר צבאי /mishtar tsva'i/, ממשל צבאי
Martian {adj} (of or relating to the planet Mars) :: מאדימי /ma'adimí/
Martian {n} (inhabitant of the planet Mars) :: מאדימי /ma'adimí/
martyr {n} (one willing to be killed for religion) :: שהיד {m}
martyr {v} (torture) SEE: torture ::
maru {n} (Japanese semi-voiced mark) SEE: handakuten ::
marvel {n} (miracle) SEE: miracle ::
marvel {n} (wonder) SEE: wonder ::
marvellous {adj} (exciting wonder) SEE: marvelous ::
marvelous {adj} (exciting wonder or surprise) :: נהדר /nehedár/, מדהים /madhím/
Marx {prop} (surname) :: מרקס /marks/
Mary {prop} (female given name) :: מרים {f} /miryám/
Mary {prop} (biblical mother of Jesus) :: מרים {f} /miryám/
marzipan {n} (confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white) :: מרציפן {m} /martzipán/
mascot {n} (something thought to bring good luck) :: קמע {m} /qamé'a/
masculine {adj} (grammar: being of the masculine class, being inflected in the masculine manner) :: זכר {m} /zakhar/
masculine {adj} :: זכרי {m} /zikhrí/
masdar {n} (verbal noun) SEE: verbal noun ::
Mashhad {prop} (city in Iran) :: משהד
masjid {n} (mosque) SEE: mosque ::
mask {n} (cover for the face) :: [Modern Israeli] מסכה {f} /masekhá/, [Biblical] צעיף {m} /ṣāʿyf/
mason {n} (Freemason) SEE: Freemason ::
masquerade {n} (party or assembly of people wearing masks and costumes) :: [formally] נשף מסכות {m} /nèshef masekhót/, מסבת תחפשות {f} /mesibàt takhposót/ [common]
masquerade {v} (disguise) SEE: disguise ::
Masr {prop} (Egypt) SEE: Egypt ::
mass {n} (physics: quantity of matter which a body contains) :: מסה {f} /mása/
Massachusetts {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: מסצ׳וסטס
massacre {n} (intentional mass killing) :: טבח {m} /tevach/
massage {n} (rubbing, kneading, or hitting muscled part of a body) :: עסוי / עיסוי {m} /isúy/
massif {n} (principal mountain mass) :: מסיף {m} /massif/
massif {n} :: מקשה הרים {f} /mikshe hɑrim/, גוש הרים {m} /gush hɑrim/, מסיף {m} /massif/
mass media {n} (public communication that reaches a large audience) :: תקשרת המונים / תקשורת המונים
mast {n} (support of a sail) :: תרן {m} /tóren/
mast {v} (supply and fit a mast to a ship) :: התקין תרן {m} /hitkin toren/
masted {adj} (having masts) :: תרני {m} /torni/
master {n} (owner of an animal or slave) :: בעלים {m-p} /be'alím/
master {n} (expert at something) :: אמן {m} /omán/
master-at-arms {n} (a warrant officer or chief petty officer responsible for discipline aboard a naval ship) :: רב נשק {m} /rav nashak/, נגד משמעת {m} /nagad mishma'at/
masterpiece {n} (piece of work that has been given much critical praise) :: יצירת מופת {f} /yetsirát mofét/
master plan {n} (a comprehensive document that sets out an overall strategy) :: תכנית אב {f} /tokhnít-áv/
masterwork {n} (piece of quality indicative of having been made by a master) SEE: masterpiece ::
mastery {n} (philosopher's stone) SEE: philosopher's stone ::
mastic {n} (the shrub or tree Pistacia lentiscus) :: אלת המסטיק /elat hamastik/
mastic {n} (the tree's resin) :: מסטיקה /mastika/
mastic {n} (the flexible, waterproof filler) :: מסטיקא /mastika/
masticate {v} (chew) SEE: chew ::
Mastichochoria {prop} (southern region of the Greek island Chios) :: מסטיקוחוריה
mastiff {n} (mastiff) :: מסטיף {m} /mastiff/
masturbate {v} (to masturbate) :: אונן /onen/
masturbation {n} (manual erotic stimulation of the genitals) :: אוננות {f} /onanút/
match {n} (sporting event) :: תחרות {f} /takharút/
match {n} (device to make fire) :: גפרור {m} /gafrúr/
matcha {n} (powdered green tea for ceremonies) :: מאצ׳ה {m} /máchah/
mate {n} (checkmate) SEE: checkmate ::
material {n} (matter) :: חומר {m} /khomer/
material {n} (text) :: חומר {m} /khomer/
mater lectionis {n} (consonant used to represent a vowel sound) :: אם קריאה {f} /'em k'ri'á/
maternal {adj} (of or pertaining to a mother) :: אמהי
maternal {adj} (related through the mother, or her side of the family) :: אמהי
maternal {adj} :: אימהי /imahi/
maternal aunt {n} (one's mother's sister) :: דודה {f} /dóda/
maternal uncle {n} (brother of one's mother) :: דוד (dod) {m}
mathematician {n} (expert in mathematics) :: מתמטיקאי {m}
mathematics {n} (field of study) :: מתמטיקה /matemátika/
mating {n} (pairing of organisms for copulation) :: הזדווגות {f} /hizdavgut/
matriculation {n} (A pass in some university examinations) :: בגרות
matrix {n} (womb) SEE: womb ::
matrix {n} (math: rectangular arrangement of numbers or terms) :: מטריצה {f} /matritsa/
matrix {n} (two-dimensional array) :: טבלה {f} /tavla/
matryoshka {n} (Russian doll) SEE: Russian doll ::
matter {n} (basic structural component of the universe) :: חומר \ חמר {m} /khómer/
matter {n} (non-antimatter matter) :: חומר /khómer/
matter {n} (kind of substance) :: חומר /khómer/
matter {n} (reason for concern) :: נושא /nosé/
matter {n} (cause) :: עילה /ilá/
matter {n} (neurology: nerve tissue type) :: חומר /khómer/
Matterhorn {prop} (mountain) :: מטרהורן
Matthew {prop} (male given name) :: מתתיהו {m} /Matityáhu/, מתי {m} /Máti/
Matthew {prop} (biblical disciple) :: מתי {m} /Matái/
Matthias {prop} (the Apostle replacing Judas) :: מתיאס
mattress {n} (a pad on which a person can recline and sleep) :: מזרן {m} /mizran/
maturity {n} (when bodily growth has completed and/or reproduction can begin) :: בגרות {f} /bagrút/
matzo {n} (thin, unleavened bread) :: מצה {f} /matsá/
maugre {prep} (in spite of) SEE: in spite of ::
maundy {n} (commandment) SEE: commandment ::
Mauritania {prop} (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) :: מאוריטניה {f} /ma'uritanya/
Mauritius {prop} (country) :: מאוריציוס {m} /ma'uritsius/
mausoleum {n} (large tomb) :: מאוזולאום {m} /mauzoléom/
maven {n} (expert in a given field) :: מבין /mevin/
maximum {n} (highest limit) :: מכסימום {m} /maximum/, מרב {m} /mēráv/
may {v} (possibly, but not certainly) :: עשוי /'asúi/
May {prop} (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: מאי /may/
May {prop} (given name) :: מאי /may/, מאיה /máya/
Maya {prop} (name) :: מאיה /máya/
maybe {adv} (indicating a lack of certainty) :: אולי /ulai/, יתכן /yitakhen/
maybe {adv} (as a pro-sentence) :: אולי /ulai/
May Day {n} (workers' holiday) :: אחד במאי
Maykop {prop} (city in Russia) :: מייקופ
mayonnaise {n} (dressing) :: מיונז /mayonéz/
mayor {n} (leader of a city) :: ראש עירייה {m} /rosh iriyá/, ראש עיר {m} /rosh ir/
may the Force be with you {phrase} (wish someone luck) :: יהיה הכוח עמך, יהיה הכוח עמכם
maze {n} (Puzzle to get through) :: מבוך {m} /mavókh/
mazel tov {interj} ((Hebrew/Yiddish) congratulations or good wishes, especially at weddings) :: מזל טוב /mazál tov/
Möbius band {n} (Möbius strip) SEE: Möbius strip ::
Möbius strip {n} (one-sided surface) :: טבעת מביוס {f}
McDonald's {prop} (fast-food restaurant) :: מקדונלד׳ס {m} /makdonald’s/
me {pron} (myself) SEE: myself ::
me {pron} (direct object of a verb) :: אותי /otí/, ־ני /-ni/ [formal, obsolete]
me {pron} (indirect object of a verb) :: לי /lí/
mea culpa {n} (my fault, due to my error) :: טעות שלי
mead {n} (alcoholic drink) :: תמד {m} /témed/
meadow {n} (field or pasture) :: אחו {m} /'akhu/
meal {n} (food that is prepared and eaten) :: ארוחה {f} /arukhá/
meal {n} (coarse-ground edible part of various grains) :: קמח {m} /kemakh/
mean {v} (to signify) :: התכוון /hitkaven/
mean {n} (method by which something is done) :: אמצעי {m} /emtza'i/
meaning {n} (symbolic value of something) :: משמעות {f} /mashma'út/
means {n} (instrument or condition for attaining a purpose) :: אמצעי {m} /emtzai/
mean value theorem {n} (theorem that for a differentiable function on an interval there is a point in the interval where the derivative equals the overall slope) :: משפט הערך הממוצע {m} /mishpát ha'érech hamemutzá/, משפט לגראנז' {m} /mishpát lagránzh/
meanwhile {adv} (at the same time but elsewhere) :: בינתיים /beintáyim/
measles {n} (acute highly contagious viral disease) :: חצבת {f} /ḥatsevet/
measure {n} (melody) SEE: melody ::
measure {n} (standard against which something can be judged, criterion) :: מדד {m} /madád/
measure {n} (size ascertained by measuring) :: מידה {f} /midá/, מד /mád/
measure {n} (something to take measurements) :: סרגל {m} /sargél/
measure {n} (mathematical function) :: מידה {f} /midá/
measure {n} (dance) SEE: dance ::
measure {n} (moderation, temperance) SEE: moderation ::
measure {n} (geology: bed or stratum) SEE: bed ::
measurement {n} (act of measuring) :: מדידה /medida/
measurement {n} (magnitude determined by measuring) :: מדידה /medida/
measuring cup {n} (utensil to measure the volume) :: משורה {f} /mesurá/
measuring jug {n} (jug for measuring liquids) SEE: measuring cup ::
measuring tape {n} (tape measure) SEE: tape measure ::
meat {n} (animal flesh used as food) :: בשר {f} /basár/
meat {n} (type of meat) :: בשר {f} /basár/
meatball {n} (meatball) :: קציצה {f}
Mecca {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) :: מכה {f} /meka/
mechanically {adv} (In a mechanical manner) :: באופן מכני
mechanics {n} (a branch of physics) :: מכניקה /mekhanika/
medal {n} (stamped metal disc) :: מדליה {f} /medaliya/
meddle {v} (to interfere in affairs) :: התערב
media {n} (means and institutions for publishing and broadcasting information) :: תקשורת /tikshorét/
Media {prop} (historical region in northwestern Iran) :: מדי {m} /madáy/
mediaeval {adj} (medieval) SEE: medieval ::
mediator {n} (one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement) :: מתוך {m} /metavéch/
MediaWiki {prop} :: מדיה-ויקי
medic {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor ::
medical {adj} (of the practice of medicine) :: רפואי /r'fu'í/
medicine {n} (substance which promotes healing) :: תרופה {f} /trufá/
medicine {n} (field of study) :: רפואה {f} /r'fuá/
medieval {adj} (of or relating to the Middle Ages) :: בינימי {m} /beináimi/
Medina {prop} (a city in Saudi Arabia) :: מדינה {f} /madína/
Mediterranean {adj} (Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it) :: ים תיכוני /yám-tikhoní/
Mediterranean {prop} (Mediterranean Sea) SEE: Mediterranean Sea ::
Mediterranean Sea {prop} (sea between Europe and Africa) :: הים התיכון /ha-yam ha-tichon/
medium {n} (nature of the surrounding environment) :: תוך {m} /távech/
medium {n} (material or empty space through which signals, waves or forces pass) :: תוך {m} /távech/
medium {n} (format for communicating or presenting information) :: אמצעי {m} /emtzaí/
medium {n} (means, channel or agency by which an aim is achieved) :: אמצעי {m} /emtzaí/, מתוך {m} /metavéch/
medium {n} (someone who supposedly conveys information from the spirit world) :: מתוך {m} /metavéch/
medium {adj} (of intermediate size) :: בינוני {m} /bēnoní/
medley {n} (collection of related songs) :: מחרזת {f} /maẖrózet/
Meds Yeghern {prop} (the genocide of Armenians) :: רצח העם הארמני {m}, שואת הארמנים {f}
Medvedev {prop} (transliteration of Медве́дев) :: מדבדב /medvedev/
meeting {n} (gathering for a purpose) :: כנסת {f} /k'néset/
meeting {n} (encounter between people) :: פגישה {f} /pgishá/
meeting {n} :: פגישה {f} /pgishá/, ישיבה {f} /yeshivá/; פגישה {f} /pgishá/, ישיבה {f} /yeshivá/
megalomania {n} (psychopathological condition) :: שגעון גדלות {m} /shig'ón gadlút/
Meghalaya {prop} (state) :: מגהלאיה
meiosis {n} (cell division) :: מיוזה {f} /miyóza/
meitnerium {n} (chemical element) :: מיטנריום /meitneryum/
melancholic {adj} (filled with or affected by melancholy) :: מלנכולי /melanḥoli/, דכדוך /dikhdókh/
melancholy {n} (Sadness or depression) :: מלנכוליה
melancholy {adj} (affected with sadness or depression) SEE: melancholic ::
Melanesia {prop} (part of Oceania) :: מלנזיה
Melbourne {prop} (city in Australia) :: מלבורן /melburn/
Melchizedek {prop} (king and priest) :: מלכי־צדק {m}
mellifluous {adj} (sweet and smooth (tone, voice...)) :: ערב {m} /arév/
melodrama {n} (romantic drama) :: מלודרמה
melody {n} (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase) :: מנגינה {f} /manginá/, לחן {m} /láẖan/
melon {n} (fruit) :: מלון {m} /melon/
melongene {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant ::
melt {v} (intransitive: (of a solid) to become a liquid) :: ניתך /nitákh/, [colloquial] נמס /namás/
melt {v} (transitive: to change something from a solid to a liquid) :: התיך /hitíkh/, [colloquial] המס /hemés, hemís/
melt {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
melting {n} (process of changing the state of a substance) :: צרוף /tzeirüf/
melting pot {n} (place where many divergent things come together and are homogenized) :: כור היתוך
mem {n} (Semitic letter) :: מם
member {n} (part of a discourse, period, sentence, or verse) SEE: clause ::
member {n} (in set theory) SEE: element ::
member {n} (one who officially belongs to a group) :: חבר {m} /khavér/, חברה {f} /khaverá/
member {n} (logic: one of the propositions making up a syllogism) SEE: premise ::
membership {n} (fact of being a member) :: חברות {f}
meme {n} (unit of cultural information) :: מם {m} /mem/
meme {n} (something copied and circulated online) :: מימ {m} /mim/, מם /mem/
memorial {n} (structure) :: אנדרטה {f} /andárta/
memorial service {n} (funeral) SEE: funeral ::
memorize {v} (to commit to memory, to learn by heart) :: לשנן /leshanen/
memory {n} (ability to recall) :: זיכרון \ זכרון {m} /zikarón/
memory {n} (stored record) :: זיכרון \ זכרון {m} /zikarón/
memory {n} (RAM or ROM) :: זכרון {m} /zikarón/
memory stick {n} (portable solid-state flash memory storage device) SEE: flash drive ::
mend {v} :: לאחות /l'aḥot/, לתקן /l'taken/, לשפר /l'shaper/
mendacious {adj} (false) SEE: false ::
mendacious {adj} (lying, untruthful or dishonest) :: שקרן, לא ישר
mendelevium {n} (chemical element) :: מנדלביום /mendelevyum/
menorah {n} (seven-branch candelabrum) :: מנורה {f} /m'norá/
menorah {n} (nine-branch candelabrum) SEE: hanukkiah ::
menstruation {n} (periodic discharging of the menses) :: וסת /veset/
mental disorder {n} (behavioral pattern) :: הפרעה נפשית /hafra'á nafshit/
mental hospital {n} (facility designed to treat persons with mental disorders) :: בית חולים פסיכיאטרי {?}
mental institution {n} (psychiatric hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
mention {v} (mention) SEE: cover ::
mentor {n} (A wise and trusted counselor or teacher) :: אב רוחני, מחנ, יועץ
menu {n} (details of the food to be served at a banquet) :: תפריט {m} /tafrít/
meow {interj} (cry of a cat) :: מיאו
Mephibosheth {prop} (biblical character) :: מפיבשת {m} /Məp̄îḇṓšeṯ/
mercenary {n} (person employed to fight) :: שכיר חרב {m} /sáḵir ḥérev/
merchandise {n} (commodities offered for sale) :: סחורה {f}
merchant {n} (person who traffics in commodities) :: סוחר {m} /sokhér/
merchantman {n} (merchant) SEE: merchant ::
mercury {n} (element) :: כספית {f} /kaspit/
Mercury {prop} (planet) :: חמה {f} /khamá/
Mercury {prop} (Roman god) :: מרקוריוס {m} /merkúrius/
mercy killing {n} (euthanasia) SEE: euthanasia ::
merely {adv} (only, just, and nothing more) :: רק /rak/
mergirl {n} (mermaid) SEE: mermaid ::
meridian {n} (imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface) :: מרידיאן {m} /meridian/
Merkel {prop} (surname) :: מרקל
Merlin {prop} (Wizard in Arthurian legend) :: מרלין {m}
Merlot {n} (dark-blue variety of wine grape) :: מרלו {m} /merlo/
Merlot {n} (dry red wine) :: מרלו /merlo/
mermaid {n} (mythological woman with a fish's tail) :: בת ים {f} /bat yam/
merry {adj} (jolly and full of high-spirits) :: שמח {m} /saméah/
merry {adj} (festive and full of fun and laughter) :: שמח {m} /saméah/, עליז {m} /alíz/
merry {adj} (brisk) :: ערני {m} /eraní/, נמרץ {m} /nimráts/
Merry Andrew {n} (person who clowns publicly) SEE: clown ::
merry Christmas {phrase} (good wishes at Christmas time) :: חג מולד שמח /khag molad sameakh/
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year {phrase} (traditional greeting for the Christmas and the new year) :: חג מולד שמח ושנה טובה! /khag molád shadéakh v'shaná tová!/
merry-go-round {n} (carousel) :: קרוסלה {f} /karuséla/
mesa {n} (flat area of land) :: הר שלחן {m} /har shulrán/
mesentery {n} (the membrane that attaches the intestines to the wall of the abdomen) :: מתלה המעי {m} /mitle hm'í/
meshugge {adj} (crazy, mad, senseless, insane) :: משוגע /m'shugá/
Mesolithic {n} (Mesolithic period) :: תקופת האבן התיכונה
Mesopotamia {prop} (region between Euphrates and Tigris) :: ארם נהרים {m} /arám naharáim/, מסופוטמיה {m} /mesopotámya/
message {n} (communication, concept or information conveyed) :: הודעה {f} /hoda'á/
message {n} (underlying theme) :: מסר {m} /méser/
messenger {n} (one who brings messages) :: מלאך {m} /mal'akh/ [biblical] שליח {m} /shalíakh/
messiah {n} (ordained to lead the people of Israel) :: משיח {m} /mashíakh/
Messiah {prop} ((Christianity) Jesus) :: משיח {m} /Mašīaḥ/, המשיח {m} /HaMašīaḥ/
messianic {adj} (of, relating to, or resembling a messiah or the Messiah) :: משיחי /meshikhí/
Messidor {prop} (the tenth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: מסידור {m} /mesidór/
Messina {prop} (city) :: מסינה
metal {n} (atomic element or material made of such atoms) :: מתכת {f} /matékhet/
metal {n} (certain category of rock music) :: מטאל
metalhead {n} (one who listens to (is a fan of) heavy metal music) :: מטאליסט
metallic {adj} (made of metal) :: מתכתי
metamorphic rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: סלע מותמר
metaphor {n} (uncountable: figure of speech) :: מטפורה /metáfora/
metastasis {n} (transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body) :: גרורה
Metatron {prop} (archangel and the chancellor of Heaven and the scribe of the book of life) :: מטטרון {m} /meṭāṭrōn/
meteor {n} (streak of light) :: מטאור {m} /meteór/
meteorite {n} (remains of a meteor) :: מטאוריט {m} /meteorit/, כוכב נופל
meteorologic {adj} (meteorological) SEE: meteorological ::
meteorological {adj} (relating to meteorology) :: מטאורולוגי /mete'orológi/
meteorology {n} (science) :: מטאורולוגיה {f} /meteorológya/
meteor shower {n} (Meteors seen on Earth for short time period) :: מטר מטאורים {m} /matár-mete'órim/
meter {n} (measuring instrument) :: מטר {m} /méter/, מדה {f} /midá/
meter {n} (unit of length) SEE: metre ::
meter {v} (to measure) SEE: measure ::
-meter {suffix} (used to form a measuring device) :: מד־ {m} /mád-/, ־מטר /-méter/
methamphetamine {n} (the drug (S)-N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine) :: מתאמפטמין
methanal {n} (formaldehyde) SEE: formaldehyde ::
methinks {contraction} (it seems to me) :: חושבני {m} /χoʃˈvani/ [flowery], חושבתני {f} /χoʃˈvatni/ [flowery]
methionine {n} (amino acid) :: מתיונין
method {n} (process by which a task is completed) :: מתודה {f} /metoda/
Methuselah {prop} (Biblical character) :: מתושלח {m} /Məṯūšélaḥ/
methylation {n} (addition of a methyl group) :: מתילציה
metre {n} (unit of length) :: מטר {m} /méter/
metric {adj} (relating to metric system) :: מטרי {m} /metri/
metro {n} (underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metro {n} (train of underground railway) SEE: subway ::
metronome {n} (a device used in music) :: מטרונום {m} /metronóm/
metropole {n} (city) SEE: metropolis ::
metropolis {n} (large, busy city) :: מטרופולין {f} /metropolín/
metrosexual {n} (man concerned with personal appearance) :: מטרוסקסואל /metroseksual/
mettle {n} (metal) SEE: metal ::
mew {n} (crying sound of a cat) SEE: meow ::
mew {v} (meow) SEE: meow ::
Mexico {prop} (country) :: מקסיקו {f} /meksiko/
Mexico {prop} (Mexico City) SEE: Mexico City ::
Mexico City {prop} (capital of Mexico) :: מקסיקו סיטי {f} /meksiko siti/
mezuzah {n} (piece of parchment attached to the doorpost of a house) :: מזוזה {f} /m'zuzá/
Miami {prop} (city in Florida, United States) :: מיאמי
Micah {prop} (book of the Bible) :: מיכה /Mikha/
Micah {prop} (male given name) :: מיכה /Mikha/
Michael {prop} (male given name) :: מיכאל /Mîḵāʾēl/
Michael {prop} (archangel) :: מיכאל
Michaela {prop} (feminine form of Michael) :: מיכאלה /michaéla/, מיכל /mikhál/
Michal {prop} (biblical character) :: מיכל {f} /mikhál/
Michelle {prop} (female given name) SEE: Michaela ::
Mickey Mouse {prop} (Disney character) :: מיקי מאוס /miki maus/
micro- {prefix} (very small) :: מיקרו־ /míkro-/, מיקרו /míkro/
micro- {prefix} (one millionth) :: מיקרו־ /míkro-/, מיקרו /míkro/
microbe {n} (microorganism) :: חידק {m} /haydak/
micrometer {n} (instrument) :: מיקרומטר
micrometre {n} (micrometer) SEE: micrometer ::
microorganism {n} (an organism too small to be seen by unaided eye) :: מיקרואורגניזם {m} /mikro'organízm/
microphone {n} (transducer of sound waves to electricity) :: מיקרופון {m} /mikrofón/
microscope {n} (an optical instrument) :: מיקרוסקופ {m} /mikroscop/
microscopize {v} (microscope) SEE: microscope ::
microsecond {n} (unit of time equal to 10−6 seconds) :: מיקרושניה {f} /mikroshneeya/
Microsoft {prop} (Transliterations and translations) :: מיקרוסופט
microwave {n} (microwave oven) SEE: microwave oven ::
microwave {n} (electromagnetic wave) :: מיקרוגל /mikrogál/
microwave oven {n} (oven using microwave energy) :: מיקרוגל {m} /mikrogál/
micturate {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate ::
micturition {n} (physiology: urination) :: השתנה {f} /ha'shta'na/
midday {n} (12 o'clock during the day) SEE: noon ::
middle {n} (centre, midpoint) :: אמצע
middle {n} :: אמצע /emtsa‘/
Middle Ages {prop} (historical period) :: ימי הביניים {m-p}
Middle Earth {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
Middle East {prop} (region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa) :: המזרח התיכון /ha-mizráḥ ha-tikhón/
Middle Eastern {adj} (of or relating to the Middle East) :: מזרח תיכוני /mizrakh tikhoni/
middle finger {n} (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger) :: אמה {f} /'amá/, צרדה {f} /tzredá/ [talmudic]
middleman {n} (intermediate dealer between manufacturer and the retailer or customer) :: מתוך {m} /metavékh/
middleman {n} (intermediary) SEE: intermediary ::
Midgard {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth ::
Midian {prop} (biblical location) :: מדין {m} /midyán/
midnight {n} (12 o'clock) :: חצות הלילה {f}, חצות {f}
Midrash {n} (Rabbinic exegetical commentary) :: מדרש {m} /midrásh/
Midrash {n} (Rabbinic exegetical technique) :: מדרש /midrásh/
midship {n} (adjective) :: באמצע /be'emtsa/
midship {n} (noun) :: אמצעית {f} /emtsayit/
midwife {n} (person who assists women in childbirth) :: מיילדת \ מילדת {f} /meyalédet/
midwife {v} (to act as a midwife) :: יילד \ ילד {m} /yiléd/
mielie {n} (maize) SEE: maize ::
miff {v} (to become slightly offended) :: להיעלב /lehe'alev/
might {v} (indicator of conditional or possible actions) :: עלול {m} /'alúl/, יכל {m} /yachól/
mightily {adv} (in a mighty manner) :: ביד רמה /b'yad ramah/
migraine {n} (headache usually affecting only one side of the head) :: מיגרנה {f}
migrant worker {n} (guest worker) SEE: guest worker ::
mikveh {n} (ritual bath in which various Jewish purifications are performed) :: מקוה {m} /mikvé/
Milan {prop} (city and capital) :: מילנו /Milano/
Milcah {prop} (sister of Sarah) :: מלכה /milká/
Milcah {prop} (daughter of Zelophehad) :: מלכה /milká/
mildew {n} (growth of minute fungi) :: טחב {m} /takhav/
mile {n} (measure of length) :: מיל {m} /mil/
Mileikowsky {prop} (surname) :: מיליקובסקי
milestone {n} (one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road at regular intervals) :: אבן מיל {f} /even mil/, אבן דרך {f} /even derekh/
milestone {n} (important event) :: אבן דרך {f} /even derekh/
milieu {n} (medium) SEE: medium ::
military police {n} (police unit of a military organization) :: משטרה צבאית {f} /mishtará tsváit/
militsia {n} (police) SEE: police ::
militsia {n} ((Soviet Union) the police in the Soviet Union and related states) :: מיליציה {f} /milítsia/
milk {v} (to express milk from mammal) :: חלב /khaláv/
milk {n} (semen) SEE: semen ::
milk {n} (liquid) :: חלב {m} /khaláv/
milk tooth {n} (tooth of the first set of teeth) :: שן חלב \ שן חלב {f} /shen khaláv/
Milky Way {prop} (galaxy) :: שביל החלב {m} /sh'víl ha'khaláv/
Milky Way {prop} (light in night sky) :: שביל החלב {m} /sh'víl ha'khaláv/
mill {n} (grinding apparatus) :: טחנה {f} /takhánah/
mill {n} (manufacturing plant) :: טחנה /takhánah/
mill {n} (building housing a manufacturing plant) :: טחנה /tachánah/
mill {n} (establishment that handles a certain type of situation routinely) :: טחנה /tachánah/
mill {n} (treadmill) SEE: treadmill ::
mille-feuille {n} (a type of pastry with several layers of puff pastry) :: קרם שניט {m} /krem shnit/, מילפי {m} /milféy/, עוגת נפוליון {f} /ugát napoleón/
miller {n} (person) :: טוחן {m} /tokhen/
millet {n} (any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food) :: דחן {m}
milliard {num} (10^9) SEE: billion ::
millimetric {adj} (size) :: מילימטרי {m} /milimetri/
million {n} (cardinal number) :: מיליון /milyón/
millionaire {n} (somebody whose wealth is greater than one million) :: מיליונר
millipede {n} (elongated arthropod) :: מרבה רגלים
milt {n} (the organ spleen) SEE: spleen ::
Miltiades {prop} (given name) :: מילטיאדס /Miltiades/
mimic {n} (imitation) SEE: imitation ::
mina {n} (myna) SEE: myna ::
minaret {n} (mosque tower) :: צריח {m} /tzeryakh/
mind {n} (ability for rational thought) :: רוח {f} /ruaħ/, מוח {m}, שכל {m} /sekhel/
mind {v} (to remember) SEE: remember ::
mind over matter {proverb} (willpower can overcome a physical problem) :: ניצחון הרוח על החומר
mine {pron} (that which belongs to me) :: שלי /shelí/
mine {n} (excavation from which ore is extracted) :: מכרה {m} /mikhré/
mine {n} (military: exploding device) :: מוקש {m} /mokésh/
mine {v} (to pick one's nose) SEE: pick one's nose ::
miner {n} (person who works in a mine) :: כורה {m}
miner {n} :: כורה {m}
mineral {n} (in geology) :: מינרל
mineral {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water ::
mineralogy {n} (the study or science of minerals) :: מינרלוגיה {f} /mineralogya/
mineral water {n} (water containing dissolved minerals) :: מים מינרלים {m-p} /máyim minerálim/
minestrone {n} (thick Italian vegetable soup) :: מינסטרונה {m} /minestróne/
mini- {prefix} (smaller version of an item) :: מיני /míni/
Miniature Pinscher {n} (Miniature Pinscher) :: פינצ'ר ננסי
minibus {n} (a small bus) :: מיניבוס /mínibus/
minimal pair {n} (Pair of words) :: זוג מינימלי {m} /zug minimali/
minimum {n} (lowest limit) :: מינימום {m} /minimum/, מזער {m} /miz'ár/, מצער {m} /mitz'ár/
minimus {n} (the fifth digit) SEE: little finger ::
minion {n} (loyal servant of another more powerful being) :: משרת //
minister {n} (person who is trained to perform religious ceremonies at a Protestant church) :: כמר / כומר {m} /komer/
minister {n} (politician who heads a ministry) :: שר {m} /sar/, שרה {f} /sara/
ministry {n} (government department) :: משרד {m} /misrád/
minor {n} (someone below the legal age) :: קטין {m} /katín/, קטינה {f} /k'tiná/
Minorca {prop} (An island of Spain) :: מנורקה {f}
minority {n} (subgroup that does not form a numerical majority) :: מיעוט {m} /mi'út/
Minsk {prop} (capital of Belarus) :: מינסק {f} /minsk/
mint {n} (plant) :: נענע {f} /na'na'/
minus {prep} (mathematics: less) :: פחות /pakhót/, מינוס /mínus/
minute {n} (unit of time) :: דקה {f} /daka/
minute {n} (short but unspecified period of time) :: רגע {m} /rega/, זמן קצר
minute {n} (unit of angular measure) :: דקת קשת
minute {n} (record of meeting) :: פרוטוקול /protokol/
minute {v} (to write the minutes of) :: סיכם /sikém/, רשם בפרוטוקול /rashám baprótokol/, רשם פרוטוקול /rashám prótokol/
minute {adj} (very small) :: זעיר /za'ir/
minute {adj} (very careful and exact, giving small details) :: מפורט /meforat/
minute of angle {n} (one 60th of a degree) :: דקת קשת {f} /dakát késhet/
minute of arc {n} (minute of angle) SEE: minute of angle ::
minutia {n} :: פרט קטן וזניח, חסר משמעות
minyan {n} (minimum number of ten adult Jews required for a communal religious service) :: מניין \ מנין {m} /minyán/
Mir {prop} (an international space station) :: מיר {m} /mir/
miracle {n} (wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers) :: נס {m} /nes/, מופת {m} /mofét/, פלא {m} /péle/
mirage {n} (an optical phenomenon) :: מיראז׳ {m} /mirázh/, חזיון תעתועים {m} /khezyón ta'tu'ím/
mirage {n} (illusion) SEE: illusion ::
Mirandese {prop} (Romance language) :: מירנדזית
Miriam {prop} (sister of Moses and Aaron) :: מרים {f} /mir'yám/
Miriam {prop} (female given name) :: מרים {f} /mir'yám/
mirror {n} (smooth reflecting surface) :: מראה {f} /mar'á/, ראי {m} /re'í/
misanthropy {n} (hatred or dislike of people or mankind) :: מיזנתרופיה {f}
misappropriate {v} (to embezzle) SEE: embezzle ::
misbaha {n} (set of Islamic prayer beads) :: מסבחה {m} /misbah/
misbegotten {n} (one born out of wedlock) SEE: bastard ::
miscarry {v} (to abort a foetus) :: הפיל /hippíl/
miscellaneous {adj} (consisting of a variety of ingredients or parts) :: שונות {f-p}
miser {n} (skinflint or scrooge) :: קמצן {m} /qamtsan/
miserable {adj} (in a state of misery) :: אמלל {m} /umlál/
misfortunes never come singly {proverb} (bad things come in groups) SEE: it never rains but it pours ::
misguided {adj} (lacking proper guidance) :: תועה {m} {f}
mishmash {n} (a collection of miscellany) :: מישמש {m} /míshmash/
misinformation {n} (disinformation) SEE: disinformation ::
misnomer {n} :: שם לא נכון , שקרי
misogyny {n} (hatred or contempt for women) :: מיזוגיניה {f} /misoginia/
miss {v} (to fail to hit) :: החטיא /hiḥtí/, פספס /fisfés/ [slang]
miss {v} (to feel the absence of someone or something; to feel the want or need of) :: התגעגע /hitga'ege'a/
miss {v} (to fail to attend) :: פספס /fisfés/, החמיץ /heḥmítz/
miss {v} (to be late for something) :: פספס /fisfés/, החמיץ /heḥmítz/
missile {n} (air-based weapon) :: רקטה {f} /raketa/
missile {n} (self-propelled, guidable projectile) :: טיל {m} /til/
missing in action {adj} (designation for a member of an organization with whom contact is lost but whose death is not confirmed) :: נעדר
mission {n} (set of tasks that fulfills a purpose) :: משימה {f} /mesimá/
mission {n} (religious evangelism) :: מיסיון {m} /misión/
Mississippi {n} (state) :: מיסיסיפי /misisipi/
Mississippi {n} (river) :: מיסיסיפי /misisipi/
Missouri {prop} (US state) :: מיזורי /mizúri/
misspelling {n} (misspelt word) :: שגיאת כתיב {f} /shgiat ktiv/
missus {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
mist {n} (Water or other liquid finely suspended in air) :: אפלולית {f} /aflulít/, אפרורית {f} /afrurít/
mist {n} (A layer of fine droplets or particles) :: שיכבה דקה {f} /shikhvá daká/
mistake {n} (an error) :: טעות {f} /ta'út/, שגיאה {f} /shgi'á/, שגגה {f}
mistletoe {n} (any of several hemiparasitic evergreen plants of the order Santalales) :: דבקון {m} /divkón/
mistress {n} (woman of authority) :: גבירה {f} /gvirá/
mistress {n} (woman in extramarital relationship) :: פילגש {f} /pilégesh/
misunderstanding {n} (mistake) :: אי-הבנה {f} (í-havaná)
mite {n} (arachnid) :: קרדית {f} /kardít/
mitochondrion {n} (respiratory organelle) :: מיטוכונדריון {m} /mitokhondrion/
mitosis {n} (division of a cell nucleus) :: מיטוזה {f} /mitóza/
mixed marriage {n} (marriage between people of different races, cultures, religions, etc) :: נישואים מעורבים
mixed-race {adj} (having genetic characteristics of two or more different races) :: בן תערבת {m} /ben ta'aróvet/
Mizoram {prop} (state) :: מיזוראם
mizzen {n} (mizzenmast) SEE: mizzenmast ::
mizzenmast {n} (nautical: aftmost mast) :: תרן אחורי {m} /toren akhori/
Mjollnir {prop} (the hammer of Thor, Thor's hammer Mjollnir) :: מיולניר {m}
Münster {prop} (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) :: מינסטר
moa {n} (extinct bird) :: מואה
Moab {prop} :: מואב
moat {n} (defensive ditch) :: חפיר /khafir/
mob {n} (unruly group of people) :: המון {m} /hamón/
mob {n} :: ערב רב /eirev rav/
mob {n} (mafia) SEE: mafia ::
mobile {adj} (capable of being moved) :: ניד
mobile {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mobile phone {n} (portable telephone) :: טלפון סלולרי {m} /telefon selulari/, טלפון נייד {m} /telefon nayad/
mobile telephone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone ::
mock {n} (act of mocking) :: סניטה {f} /snitá/
mock {v} (to taunt) :: סנט /sanát/
mock {v} (to disappoint someone) :: אכזב /ikhzév/
mock {adj} (imitation, not genuine) :: -דמה /-déme/
mode {n} (means of accomplishing something) :: דרך {f} /derekh/
mode {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
model {n} (person) :: דוגמן {m} /dugmán/, דוגמנית {f} /dugmanít/
model {n} (miniature) :: דגם {m} /dégem/
model {n} (simplified representation) :: דגם {m} /dégem/
model {n} (style) :: דגם {m} /dégem/
model {n} (structural design) :: דגם {m} /dégem/
model {n} (praiseworthy example) :: אב־טיפוס {m} /av-tipús/
modem {n} (device that encodes digital computer signals into analog/analogue telephone signals) :: מודם {m} /módem/
moderation {n} (moderating a discussion: supervision; mediation) :: פיקוח /pikooah'/
moderator {n} (someone who moderates) :: מפקח {m} /méfakéah'/
modern {adj} (pertaining to the current time and style) :: מודרני {m} /moderní/
modern art {n} (modern art) :: אמנות מודרנית {f} /omanút modernít/
module {n} (self-contained component of a system) :: מודול {m} /modul/
Mogadishu {prop} (capital city) :: מוגדישו /mugadishu/
Mogilev {prop} (city) :: מוהילב
Mohammad {prop} (male given name) SEE: Muhammad ::
Mohammad {prop} (prophet) SEE: Muhammad ::
mohel {n} (person who performs circumcision) :: מוהל {m}
moiety {n} (half) SEE: half ::
moisture {n} (a moderate degree of wetness) :: לחות {f} /lakhút/
moisture {n} (that which moistens or makes damp) :: לחות {f} /lakhút/
mojibake {n} (corrupt characters or letters) :: סינית {f} /sinít/
mojito {n} (Cuban cocktail) :: מוחיטו /mokhito/
molar {n} (back tooth) :: טוחנת {f} /toẖénet/
molar {adj} (of or relating to the molar teeth) :: טוחנת {f} /toḥenét/
molasses {n} (thick brownish syrup refined from raw sugar) :: דבשה {f} /divsha/
mold {n} (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi) :: טחב {m} /takhav/, עבש {m} /ovesh/
Moldavia {prop} (Moldova) SEE: Moldova ::
Moldova {prop} (country) :: מולדובה {f} /moldova/
mole {n} (burrowing insectivore) :: חפרפרת {f} /khafarperet/
mole cricket {n} (insect of Gryllotalpidae) :: ערצב {m} /artsáv/
molecule {n} (group of atoms held together by chemical bonds) :: מולקולה {f} /molékula/
moll {adj} (minor) SEE: minor ::
mollie {n} (Molotov cocktail) SEE: Molotov cocktail ::
mollusc {n} (soft-bodied invertebrate of phylum Mollusca, see also: clam; oyster; mussel) :: רכיכה {f} /rakichá/
Molotov cocktail {n} (simple incendiary bomb) :: בקבוק תבערה
molybdenum {n} (chemical element) :: מוליבדן {m} /molibdén/
mom {v} (mother) SEE: mum ::
moment {n} (very brief period of time) :: רגע {m} /réga'/
moment {n} (moment of force) :: תנע {m} /téna'/
moment of truth {n} (deciding instant) :: רגע אמת {m} /réga émet/
momentous {adj} (of outstanding importance or great consequence) :: חשוב {m} /khashuv/, רב חשיבות {m} /rav khashivut/
momentum {n} (product of mass and velocity) :: תנע {m} /téna'/ [physics]
mommy {n} (mum) SEE: mum ::
Momus {prop} (personification of satire and mockery) :: מומוס {m} /Momos/
Monaco {prop} (country in Europe) :: מונאקו /monako/, מונקו /monako/
Mona Lisa {prop} (painting by Leonardo da Vinci) :: מונה ליזה {f} /Móna Líza/, לה ג׳וקונדה {f} /la Jokónda/
monarch {n} (ruler) :: מונרך {m} /monárk/
monarchy {n} (form of government with a hereditary head of state) :: מונרכיה {f}
monastery {n} (building for monks) :: מנזר {m} /minzár/
Monastir {prop} (former name of Bitola in Macedonia) :: ביטולה {f}
Monday {n} (day of the week) :: יום שני {m} /yom shení/, יום ב' {m} /yom bet/
money {n} (means of exchange and measure of value) :: כסף {m} /késef/
money {n} (currency) :: כסף {m} /késef/
money {n} (cash) :: כסף {m} /késef/
money {n} (available liquid assets) :: כסף {m} /késef/
money {n} (wealth) :: כסף {m} /késef/, ממון {m} /mamón/, עושר {m} /ósher/
money doesn't grow on trees {proverb} (you must work in order to have money) :: כסף לא צומח על העצים
Mongol {n} (A person from Mongolia; a Mongolian) SEE: Mongolian ::
Mongolia {prop} (East Asian country) :: מונגוליה {f} /mongoliya/
Mongolian {adj} (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures) :: מונגולי {m} /mongoli/, מונגולית {f} /mongolit/
Mongolian {n} (native or inhabitant of Mongolia) :: מונגולי {m} /mongoli/, מונגולית {f} /mongolít/
Mongolian {n} (language of Mongolia) :: מונגולית {f} /mongolít/
Mongolian People's Republic {prop} (Mongolia) SEE: Mongolia ::
mongoose {n} (a small carnivore of the family Herpestidae) :: נמיה {f} /nemiyá/
mongrel {n} (someone of mixed kind) :: מערב {m} /m'oráv/
moniker {n} (signature) SEE: signature ::
monitor {n} (computer display) :: צג {m} /tsag/
monitor {n} (monitor lizard) SEE: monitor lizard ::
monitor {n} (ironclad) SEE: ironclad ::
monitor lizard {n} (lizard of the genus Varanus) :: כוח {m} /kóaẖ/
monk {n} (slang: judge) SEE: judge ::
monk {n} (male member of monastic order) :: נזיר {m} /nazír/
monkey {n} (primate) :: קוף {m} /kof/
monkey-eating eagle {n} (Philippine eagle) SEE: Philippine eagle ::
monkey-house {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
monocracy {n} (autocracy) SEE: autocracy ::
monoecious {adj} (having the male and female reproductive organs on different parts of the same plant) :: חד־ביתי /had-beiti/
monohull {n} :: כלי שיט חד גופי {m} /kli shayit khad gufi/
monolith {n} (large, single block of stone) :: מונולית {m}
monopoly {n} :: מונופול {m} /monopol/
Monopoly {prop} (a board game) :: מונופול
monopsony {n} (market situation in which there is only buyer for a product) :: מונופסון {m}
monotheism {n} (belief in one God) :: מונותאיזם {m} /monote'izm/
monotonous {adj} (having an unvarying tone or pitch) :: מונוטוני /monotóni/
monster {n} (terrifying dangerous creature) :: מפלצת {f} /miflétzet/
monstrosity {n} (Monstrous thing, person or act) :: מפלצתיות
Mont Blanc {prop} (the highest mountain in Europe) :: מון בלאן {m} /Mon Blan/
Montenegro {prop} (country in Europe) :: מונטנגרו {f} /montenegro/
Montevideo {prop} (capital of Uruguay) :: מונטווידאו {f}, מונטבידאו /montevide'o/
month {n} (period into which a year is divided) :: חודש \ חדש {m} /khódesh/
Montreal {prop} (a city in Quebec) :: מונטריאול
monument {n} (structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons) :: מונומנט, אנדרטה
moo {interj} (sound made by a cow or bull) :: מו {m}
mood {n} (mental state) :: מצב רוח {m} /matsav ruakh/
mood {n} (disposition (see also in the mood)) :: מצב רוח {m} /matsav ruakh/
mood {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood ::
moon {n} (largest natural satellite of planet Earth) :: ירח {m} /yaréakh/, לבנה {f} /l'vaná/
moon {n} (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet) :: ירח {m} /yaréakh/
moon {n} (month) :: ירח {m} /yérakh/, חודש \ חדש {m} /khódesh/
Moon {prop} (sole natural satellite of the Earth) :: ירח {m} /yaréakh/, לבנה {f} /l'vaná/
moon bag {n} (pouch) :: פאוץ' {m} /pauch/, פונדה {f} /punda/
moonlighting {n} (period of working on the side) :: חלטורה {f} /kháltúra/
mooring {n} (place to moor a vessel) :: מרתק {m} /mirtak/
mooring {n} (act of securing a vessel) :: רתיקה {f} /retikah/
moose {n} (largest member of the deer family (Alces alces)) :: צבי אמריקני {m} /tsvi amrikani/
moot {n} (discuss) SEE: discuss ::
moraine {n} (accumulation of rocks and debris) :: מורנה {f} /morena/
moral {adj} (relating to principles of right and wrong) :: מוסר /musar/
morality {n} :: מוסר
moral philosophy {n} (ethics) SEE: ethics ::
morbid {adj} (unhealthy or unwholesome, especially psychologically) :: מורבידי
morbid {adj} (suggesting the horror of death) :: מורבידי
Mordecai {prop} (a Biblical character in the Book of Esther) :: מרדכי {m} /mordocháy/, מרדכי {m} /mord'cháy/
more {determiner} (comparative of many) :: יותר /yotér/
more {determiner} (comparative of much) :: יותר /yotér/
more {adv} :: יותר
more or less {adv} (approximately) :: פחות או יותר
morepork {n} (Ninox novaeseelandiae) :: ינשוף טסמני מנוקד
Morgan le Fay {prop} (half sister of King Arthur) :: מורגן לה פי {f} /Morgán le Féy/
morgue {n} (place for dead people) :: חדר מתים
morgue {n} (haughty attitude) SEE: arrogance ::
Mormon {prop} (ancient prophet) :: מורמון /Mormon/
Mormon {n} (member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) :: מורמוני {m} /Mormoni/
Mormon {adj} (pertaining to the faith established by Joseph Smith, Jr) :: מורמוני /mormoni/
morning {n} (part of the day between dawn and midday) :: בקר / בוקר {m} /bóker/, שחרית {f} /shaharít/ [talmudic]
morning {n} (the part of the day after midnight and before midday) :: בקר, בוקר {m} /bóker/
morning after {n} (hangover) SEE: hangover ::
morning glory {n} (erection present on waking) SEE: morning wood ::
morning star {n} (planet Venus as seen around dawn) :: הילל בן שחר {m} /hillél ben sháẖar/, אילת השחר {f} /ayélet hasháẖar/
morning tent {n} (morning erection) SEE: morning wood ::
morning wood {n} (morning erection) :: זקפת בוקר {f} /zikpat boker/
Moroccan {n} (person from Morocco) :: מרוקאי {m} /maroká'i/
Moroccan {adj} (pertaining to Morocco) :: מרוקאי
Morocco {prop} (country) :: מרוקו /maroko/
moron {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot ::
Morpheus {prop} (Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams) :: מורפאוס {m} /Morfe'us/
Morse code {prop} (character code) :: קוד מורס /kod mors/
mortal {adj} (susceptible to death) :: בן תמותה {m} /ben tmutá/
mortality {n} (condition of being susceptible to death) :: תמותה {f} /tmutá/
mortality {n} (death rate) :: תמותה {f} /tmutá/
mortar {n} (mixture of lime or cement, sand and water) :: מלט {m} /melet/
mortgage {n} (special form of secured loan) :: משכנתא {f} /mashkánta/
mortgage {v} (to borrow against a property) :: משכן /mishkén/
mortise {n} (a hole for a tenon) :: גרז {m} /gerez/, שקע {m} /sheka/
mortise-and-tenon joint {n} (joint) :: סין וגרז /sin vegerez/
mortuary {n} (morgue) SEE: morgue ::
mosaic {n} (artwork) :: פסיפס {m} /psifas/, מוזאיקה {f} /mozaika/
Moscow {prop} (capital city of Russia) :: מוסקבה {f} /moskvá/
Moses {prop} (the biblical patriarch) :: משה {m} /moshé/, משה רבנו {m} /moshé rabénu/
mosque {n} (a place of worship for Muslims) :: מסגד {m} /misgad/
mosquito {n} (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood) :: יתוש {m} /yatúsh/, כולכית {f} /kolchít/
moss {n} (plants of the division Bryophyta) :: טחב {m} /t'kháv/
Mossad {prop} (the national intelligence agency of Israel) :: המוסד {m} /ha-mosád/
moss-grown {adj} (old; old-fashioned, out of date) SEE: old ::
most {determiner} (majority of) :: רוב /róv/
most {adv} (forming the superlative) :: הכי /ha'khi/
most {adv} (almost) SEE: almost ::
Most High {prop} (title of God) :: עליון {m} /'elyón/
motel {n} (type of hotel) :: מוטל {m} /motél/
moth {n} (insect similar to a butterfly) :: עש {m} /ash/
mother {n} (motherfucker) SEE: motherfucker ::
mother {n} (hysterical passion) SEE: hysteria ::
mother {n} (female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant) :: אם {f} /em/
mother {n} (one’s female parent) :: אם {f} /em/, אמא {f} /ímma/
mother {n} (something that is the greatest of its kind) :: אם {f} /em/
motherfucker {n} (generic term of abuse) :: בן זונה /ben zona/
mother-in-law {n} (spouse’s mother) :: חמות {f} /khamót/ [husband's mother], חותנת {f} /khoténet/ [wife's mother]
motherly {adj} (befitting a mother; warm, caring, nurturing, protective, loving) :: אמהי
mother-of-pearl {n} (pearly layer) :: דר {m} /dar/
Mother Russia {prop} (national personification of Russia) :: אמא רוסיה {f} /ímma rúsya/
mother's milk {n} (breast milk) SEE: breast milk ::
mother tongue {n} (one's native tongue) :: שפת אם {f} /sfat 'em/
motif {n} (recurring or dominant element; a theme) :: מוטיב {m} /motiv/
motion {n} (state of progression from one place to another) :: תנועה {f} /t'nu'á/
motion picture {n} (movie) SEE: movie ::
motive {n} (a cause to commit a crime) :: מניע {m} /menía/
motive {n} (music: theme or subject) :: מוטיב {m} /motív/
motor {n} (machine that converts other energy forms into mechanical energy) :: מנוע {m} /manóa/
motorcar {n} (enclosed passenger vehicle powered by engine) SEE: automobile ::
motorcycle {n} (open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel) :: אופנוע {m} /ofanóa/
motto {n} (sentence, phrase or word forming part of an heraldic achievement) :: מוטו {m} /moto/
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold ::
mouldwarp {n} (mole) SEE: mole ::
mound {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
mount {n} (mountain) SEE: mountain ::
mountain {n} (large mass of earth and rock) :: הר {m} /har/
Mount Everest {prop} (world’s highest mountain, located in the Himalayas) :: אוורסט /everest/
Mount Mayon {prop} (the most active volcano in the Philippines) :: מאיון
Mount Megiddo {prop} (hill in modern Israel) :: מגידו, הר מגדו
Mount of Olives {prop} (mountain ridge) :: הר הזיתים {m} /har hazeitím/
mourn {v} (express sadness for, grieve over) :: אבל /avál/
mouse {n} (rodent of the genus Mus) :: עכבר {m} /akhbár/
mouse {n} (computing: input device) :: עכבר {m} /akhbár/
moussaka {n} (baked dish) :: מוסקה {f}
moustache {n} (hair on upper lip) :: שפם {m} /safam/
mouth {n} (the opening of a creature through which food is ingested) :: פה {m} /pe/
mouthfeel {n} (texture perceived by mouth) :: תחושה בפה {f}
mouth organ {n} (mouth organ) SEE: harmonica ::
move {v} (to change place or posture; to go) :: זז /zaz/, נע /na'/
move {v} (to act; to take action) :: פעל /pa`ál/
move {v} (to change residence) :: עבר דירה /`avár dirá/
move {v} (to change the place of a piece) :: הזיז /hezíz/
move {v} (to cause to change place or posture; to set in motion) :: הזיז /hezíz/, הניע /henía`/
move {v} (to transfer from one space or position to another) :: הזיז /hezíz/
move {v} (to excite to action) :: הניע לפעולה /henía` lif'`ulá/, הפעיל /hif`íl/
move {v} (to arouse the feelings or passions of) :: רגש /ragásh/
move {n} (an act for the attainment of an object or purpose) :: פעולה {f} /pe'ula/, מהלך {m} /mahalach/
move {n} (the event of changing one's residence) :: מעבר דירה
move {n} (the act of moving a token on a gameboard) :: מהלך בשחמט
move {n} (the act of moving) SEE: movement ::
movement {n} (physical motion) :: תנועה {f} /t'nu'á/, תזוזה {f} /t'zuzá/, [literary] מנוד {m} /manód/, ניד {m} /niyd/, מהלך {m} /mahalach/
movement {n} (trend in various fields or social categories) :: תנועה {f} /tnu'a/
mover and shaker {n} (someone who has power or who gets things done) :: מחליט ההחלטות, בוחש בקדרה
movie {n} (motion picture) :: סרט {m} /séret'/
movie {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
moviehouse {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
movie theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
Mozambique {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: מוזמביק
Mr {n} (abbreviation of mister) SEE: Mr. ::
Mr. {n} (abbreviation of mister) :: מר {m} /mar/, ׳הא {m}
Mrs {n} (title before woman's name) :: גב׳ {f} /g'véret/, גברת {m} /gvéret/
Muay Thai {n} (the martial art/sport) :: אגרוף תילנדי {m} /igruf tailandi/
much {determiner} (a large amount of) :: הרבה /harbé/
much obliged {interj} (thank you) SEE: thank you ::
mucus {n} (slippery secretion) :: ריר {m} /rir/
mud {n} (mixture of soil and water) :: בץ {m} /bots/
muesli {n} (breakfast dish) :: מוזלי /muzly/
muezzin {n} (person who issues call to prayer) :: מואזין {m} /muazzín/
muffin {n} (individual cake) :: מופין {m} /mufin/, מאפין {m} /mafin/
muffle {n} (A machine with two pulleys to hoist load by spinning wheel) SEE: block and tackle ::
muffler {n} (scarf) SEE: scarf ::
mufti {n} (Muslim scholar) :: מפתי / מופתי {m} /muftí/
mug {n} (large cup) :: ספל {m} /séfel/
Muggle {n} (person who lacks a particular ability or skill) SEE: amateur ::
Muggle {n} (person who has no magical abilities) :: מוגל {m} /muggl/
Muhammad {prop} (the prophet who introduced Islam) :: מחמד {m} /mukhammad/
Muhammad {prop} (male given name) :: מוחמד /Mukhammad/
mujahid {n} (a Muslim engaging in jihad) :: מוג'אהדין {p}
mujahideen {n} (mujahid) SEE: mujahid ::
mulatto {n} (person of mixed black and white descent) :: בן–תערובות /ben-ta'a'rovot/
mulberry {n} (the tree) :: אוכמן {f}
mulberry {n} (the fruit) :: תות /tut/
mulct {n} (pecuniary penalty) SEE: fine ::
mule {n} (offspring of male donkey and female horse) :: פרד {m} /péred/, פרדה {f} /pirdá/
mullah {n} (a Muslim religious scholar and teacher) :: מולא {m} /mula/
mullein {n} (plants of the genus Verbascum) :: בוצין {m} /būṣīn/
mullet {n} (fish of the family Mugilidae (grey mullets)) :: בורי {m} /búri/
mullet {n} (hairstyle) :: מאלט
multiculturalism {n} (societal idea) :: רב-תרבותיות
multihull {n} (type of boat) :: כלי שיט רב גופי {m} /kli shayit rav gufi/
multilingualism {n} (ability to speak several languages) :: רב-לשוניות {f} /rav-leshoniyút/
multiplicity {n} (mathematics: the number of values for which a given condition holds) :: רבוי {m}
multiplier {n} (number) :: כופל {m} /kofél/
multitude {n} :: ערב רב /eirev rav/
multiverse {n} (hypothetical group of all possible universes) :: יקום מקביל {m}
mum {n} (mother (informal, familiar)) :: אמא {f} /ímma/
Mumbai {prop} (state capital of Maharashtra, see also: Bombay) :: מומבאי /mumbai/
mummy {n} (embalmed corpse) :: מומיה
mummy {n} (child's term for mother) :: אמא {f} /imma/
mung bean {n} (seed of Vigna radiata) :: מש
Munich {prop} (capital of Bavaria) :: מינכן /Minkhen/
Muntenia {prop} (region of Romania) :: מונטניה {f}
murder {n} (an act of deliberate killing) :: רצח {m} /rétsakh/
murder {n} (the crime of deliberate killing) :: רצח {m} /retsakh/
murder {n} (terrible to endure) :: סיוט {m} /si'ut/
murder {n} (flock of crows) :: להקת עורבים
murder {v} (deliberately kill) :: רצח /ratzákh/
murder {v} (defeat decisively) :: הביס /hevís/
murder {v} (express one’s anger at) :: הביע כעס /hibía' ká'as/, זעם /za'ám/
murder {v} (devour) :: טרף /taráf/
murderer {n} (person who commits murder) :: רוצח {m} /rotzéach/
murderess {n} (woman who commits murder) :: רוצחת {m} /rotzáchat/
murder will out {proverb} (proverb) :: סוף גנב לתליה, רצח סופו שיתגלה
Muriel {prop} (female given name) :: מוריאל {f} /Muriyél/, מיוריאל {f} /Myuriyél/
murky {adj} :: עכור, מטושטש
murky {adj} (dark, dim, gloomy) SEE: gloomy ::
Murmansk {prop} (city) :: מורמנסק
Murphy bed {n} (bed that folds up into the wall) :: מיטת קיר
murrey {n} (mulberry) SEE: mulberry ::
Muscat {prop} (capital city) :: מוסקט /muskat/
muscle {n} (contractile tissue) :: שריר {m} /sh'rir/
muscleman {n} (bodyguard) SEE: bodyguard ::
museum {n} (building or institution) :: מוזיאון {m} /muze'on/
mushroom {n} (fruiting body of a fungus) :: פטריה {f} /pitriyá/
music {n} (sound, organized in time in a melodious way) :: מוזיקה {f} /múzika/
music {n} :: מוסיקה {f} /musika/, מוזיקה {f} /muzika/
musical {n} (stage performance, show or film) :: מחזמר {m} /makhazémer/
musical box {n} (music box) SEE: music box ::
musical instrument {n} (a device, object, contrivance or machine used to produce musical notes or sounds) :: כלי נגינה {m} /kli negina/
music box {n} (box that generates or plays music) :: תבת נגינה {f} /tēvát neginá/
music chart {n} (ranking of music) :: מצעד להיטים {m} /mitsʿād lehitim/
musician {n} (person who performs or writes music) :: מוזיקאי /muzikai/
musicology {n} (study of music) :: מוזיקולוגיה {f} /muzikológya/
music video {n} (motion picture accompanying a song) :: קליפ {m} /klip/, וידאו קליפ {m} /víde'o klip/
Muslim {n} (believer of Islam) :: מסלמי / מוסלמי {m} /músl'mi/, מוסלמית {f} /musl'mít/
Muslim {adj} (relating to believers of Islam) :: מוסלמי /muslemi/
muslin {n} (very different styles of fabric) SEE: fabric ::
Mussolini {prop} (surname) :: מוסוליני /musolini/
Mustafa {prop} (male given name) :: מוסטפא /Mustafa/
mustard {n} (plant) :: חרדל {m} /khardal/
mustard {n} (condiment) :: חרדל {m} /khardal/
mustard gas {n} (vesicant gas) :: גז חרדל
muster {v} (to show, exhibit) SEE: show ::
muster {v} :: לאסוף, לרכז, לאזור, להתאסף
mute {adj} (not having the power of speech) :: אילם {m} /'ilém/
mute swan {n} (Cygnus olor) :: ברבור מצוי {m}
mutiny {n} (organized rebellion) :: מרד {m} /méred/
mutter {v} (speak under one's breath) :: מלמל /milmél/
mutter {v} (speak incoherently) :: מלמל /milmél/
mutton {n} (the flesh of sheep used as food) :: טלה {m}
muzzle {n} (device to stop an animal from biting) :: זמם
muzzleloader {n} (type of firearm) :: נטען לע {m} /nit'an lo'a/
my {determiner} (belonging to me) :: שלי /shelí/
Myanmar {prop} (Southeast Asian country, see also: Burma) :: מיאנמר /myanmar/
myna {n} (the Asian members of starling family) :: מיינה {f} /máyna/
my name is {phrase} (a way to identify oneself) :: [informally] ...קוראים לי (kor'im li ...) (They call me ...), [polite, uncommon] ...שמי (shmi ...) (My name is ...)
myocardial infarction {n} (heart attack) SEE: heart attack ::
myopia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness ::
myriad {n} (ten thousand, see also: ten thousand) :: רבבה /revava/, [biblical] ריבוא /ribo/
myriad {adj} (great in number) :: רבבה {f} /r"vavah/
myrrh {n} (dried sap of the myrrha tree) :: מור, לט {m}
myrtle {n} (evergreen shrub) :: הדס /hăḏás/
myself {pron} (me, reflexive form of me) :: עצמי /atsmí/, (את) עצמי /(et) atsmí/
mysterious {adj} (of unknown origin) :: מסתורי
mystery {n} (something secret or unexplainable) :: תעלומה {f} /ta'aluma/
myth {n} (divine story) :: מיתוס {m} /mitos/
myth {n} (commonly-held but false belief) :: מיתוס {m}
mythology {n} (collection and study of myths) :: מיתולוגיה {f} /mitologia/