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User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-n

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
n' {adv} :: apocopic form of ne
n' {pron} :: apocopic form of ne
n {n} :: See under N
N {letter} /ˈɛnne/ :: letter: enne
nababbo {m} [historical] /naˈbab.bo/ :: An Indian ruler within the Mogul empire; nabob
nababbo {m} [by extension, jocular] :: A very rich person; moneybags, nabob
Nabide {prop} :: Nabis
Nabide {prop} :: given name
nabisso {m} :: synonym of abisso
nabla {m} [analysis] /ˈna.bla/ :: nabla (the symbol )
nablo {m} /ˈna.blo/ :: alternative form of nebel
Nabucco {prop} :: A diminutive form of Nabucodonosor
Nabucco {prop} :: An opera by Verdi
Nabucodonosor {prop} :: Nebuchadnezzar (Biblical king)
nabuk {m} :: nubuck
naca {f} [regional] :: cradle, especially hung like a hammock
naca {f} [regional] :: a kind of net
Naccari {prop} :: surname
Naccari {prop} :: Andrea Naccari, Italian physician
nacchera {f} [musical instruments] :: castanet
nacchera {f} :: fan shell (Pinna nobilis)
nacchera {f} [obsolete] :: mother-of-pearl, nacre
naccherino {m} :: castanet player
naccherino {m} :: lively child
nachero {adj} :: chubby (short and fat)
nachos {m} :: nachos
Nacor {prop} [Biblical character] :: Nahor
Nadi {prop} :: surname
Nadi {prop} :: Nedo Nadi, Italian fencer
Nadia {prop} :: given name
nadir {m} [astronomy] /naˈdir/ :: nadir
nadirale {adj} :: nadiral; nadir (attributive)
nadololo {m} [medicine] :: nadolol
nafta {f} :: naphtha
nafta {f} :: diesel (fuel)
naftalene {m} [organic compound] :: naphthalene
naftalico {adj} :: naphthalic
naftalina {f} :: alternative spelling of naftalene
naftenato {m} [organic chemistry] :: naphthenate
naftene {m} [organic chemistry] :: naphthene
naftenico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: naphthenic
naftilammina {f} [organic compound] :: naphthylamine
naftile {f} [organic chemistry] :: naphthyl
naftochinone {m} [organic compound] :: naphthoquinone
naftogenesi {f} [geology] :: naphthogenesis
nagaica {f} :: nagyka
nagana {f} [pathology, veterinary medicine] :: nagana or n'gana (cattle desease caused by Trypanosoma brucei via tse-tse fly)
Nagorno-Karabakh {prop} :: Nagorno-Karabakh (region in South Caucasus)
nagra {m} :: A portable tape recorder, typically used by journalists
nagualismo {m} :: nahualism
nahuatl {m} /naˈwatl/ :: Nahuatl (language)
nahuatl {adj} :: Nahuatl
naia {f} :: cobra
naia {f} :: national service, draft
naiade {f} :: naiad
naibi {m} :: A form of playing cards of Arab origin
naïf {adj} /naˈif/ :: naive
naïf {n} :: a naive person
nailon {m} :: nylon
naione {adj} [military] :: conscript
Nairobi {prop} :: Nairobi (capital city)
naja {f} [slang] :: compulsory military service; draft, conscription
Namibia {prop} :: Namibia
namibiana {f} :: female equivalent of namibiano
namibiano {adj} :: Namibian
namibiano {m} :: Namibian
nana {f} /ˈna.na/ :: feminine noun of nano
nanchino {m} :: nankeen (fabric)
Nanchino {prop} :: Nanchino (city)
nandù {m} :: rhea
nandù comune {n} :: American rhea
nandù di Darwin {m} :: Darwin's rhea
nanerottola {f} :: female equivalent of nanerottolo
nanerottolo {m} [derogatory] :: dwarf, midget (small person)
nanfa {f} :: synonym of acquananfa
nanismo {m} :: dwarfism
nanizzante {adj} [botany] :: growth-retarding
nanna {f} :: beddy-byes, bye-byes (time to sleep, childish)
nanni {m} :: only in fare il nanni
Nanni {prop} :: given name
nannodia {f} :: lullaby
nannufaro {m} :: alternative form of nenufaro
nannufero {m} :: alternative form of nenufero
nano- {prefix} :: nano-
nano {adj} /ˈna.no/ :: dwarfish
nano {m} :: dwarf, midget
nano {m} [colloquial, often offensive] :: shorty (etc)
nanoaggregato {m} :: nanoaggregate
nanoanalisi {f} :: nanoanalysis
nanoarte {f} [art] :: nanoart
nanobiotecnologia {f} [biology] :: nanobiotechnology
nanobiotecnologico {adj} :: nanobiotechnological
nanobrillamento {m} :: nanoflare
nanocandela {f} [physics] :: nanocandela
nanocapsula {f} :: nanocapsule
nanocefalia {f} :: microcephaly
nanocefalo {adj} :: microcephalic
nanochimica {f} [chemistry] :: nanochemistry
nanochirurgia {f} [surgery] :: nanosurgery
nanochirurgico {adj} [surgery] :: nanosurgical
nanocircuiteria {f} :: nanocircuitry
nanocomposito {m} :: nanocomposite
nanocoulomb {m} [physics] :: nanocoloumb
nanocristallino {adj} :: nanocrystalline
nanocristallo {m} :: nanocrystal
nanocurie {m} [physics] :: nanocurie
nanodiamante {m} :: nanodiamond
nanoelettrodo {m} :: nanoelectrode
nanoelettronica {f} :: nanoelectronics
nanoelettronico {adj} :: nanoelectronic
nanofabbricazione {f} :: nanofabrication
nanofarad {m} :: nanofarad
nanofibra {f} :: nanofiber
nanofilo {m} :: nanowire
nanofiltrazione {f} :: nanofiltration
nanofluidica {f} :: nanofluidics
nanofosfato {m} :: nanophosphate
nanofotonica {f} :: nanophotonics
nanofotonico {adj} :: nanophotonic
nanogeoscienza {f} :: nanogeoscience
nanogrammo {m} :: nanogram
nanoindentatore {m} :: nanoindenter
nanoindentatura {f} :: nanoindentation
nanoindentazione {f} :: nanoindentation
nanoionica {f} [physics] :: nanoionics
nanolitografia {f} :: nanolithography
nanomacchina {f} :: nanomachine
nanomacchina {f} :: nanocar
nanomagnete {m} [physics] :: nanomagnet
nanomanipolazione {f} :: nanomanipulation
nanomateriale {m} :: nanomaterial
nanomeccanica {f} :: nanomechanics
nanomeccatronica {f} :: nanomechatronics
nanomedicina {f} [medicine] :: nanomedicine
nanomelia {f} [pathology] :: nanomelia
nanometrico {adj} :: nanometric
nanometro {m} :: nanometre / nanometer
nanometrologia {f} :: nanometrology
nanomielia {f} :: nanomyelia
nanomondo {m} :: nanoworld
nanomotore {m} :: nanomotor
nanoparticella {f} :: nanoparticle
nanoparticellare {adj} :: nanoparticulate
nanoparticolato {m} :: nanoparticulate
nanopatologia {f} :: nanopathology
nanopolimero {m} :: nanopolymer
nanopolvere {m} :: nanodust
nanoporo {m} :: nanopore
nanopotenziato {adj} [science fiction] :: nanotechnologically enhanced
nanoprocessore {m} [computing] :: nanoprocessor
nanoscala {f} :: nanoscale
nanoschiuma {f} :: nanofoam
nanoscienza {f} :: nanoscience
nanoscopia {f} [optics, biology] :: nanoscopy
nanoscopico {adj} :: nanoscopic
nanosecondo {m} /na.no.seˈkon.do/ :: nanosecond
nanosfera {f} :: nanosphere
nanosomia {f} :: nanosomia
nanostrumento {m} :: nanoinstrument, nanotool
nanostruttura {f} :: nanostructure
nanostrutturato {adj} :: nanostructured
nanostrutturazione {f} :: nanostructuring
nanotecnologia {f} :: nanotechnology
nanotecnologico {adj} :: nanotechnological
nanotomografia {f} :: nanotomography
nanotossicologia {f} :: nanotoxicology
nanotribologia {f} :: nanotribology
nanotubo {m} :: nanotube
nanufero {m} :: alternative form of nenufero
Naos {prop} :: Naos, the brightest star in the constellation of Puppis
NAP {prop} :: initialism of Nuclei Armati Proletari
napea {f} :: Napaea
napello {m} :: synonym of aconito
napoleone {m} :: Napoleon (old French coin)
napoleone {m} :: snifter (brandy glass)
napoleone {m} :: nap (card game)
Napoleone {prop} /na.po.leˈo.ne/ :: Napoleon (Bonaparte)
Napoleone {prop} :: given name; a saint's name, rare today
napoleonico {adj} :: Napoleonic
napoleonide {mf} :: Follower of Napoleon
napoletana {f} :: female equivalent of napoletano
napoletana {f} :: Neapolitan flip coffee pot
napoletanismo {m} /na.po.le.taˈni.zmo/ :: Any Neapolitan word, idiom or expression that has entered the Italian language
napoletanità {f} [usually uncountable] /na.po.le.ta.niˈta/ :: The property of being Neapolitan; Neapolitanness
napoletano {adj} /na.po.leˈta.no/ :: Neapolitan (relating to Naples)
napoletano {m} :: Neapolitan (male inhabitant)
napoletano {m} [uncountable, masculine only] :: Neapolitan (language)
napoli {mf} [northern Italy, derogatory] /ˈna.po.li/ :: Neapolitan (inhabitant)
napoli {mf} [feminine only] :: Neapolitan-style pizza, topped with tomato, salted anchovies, oregano, olive oil and capers
Napoli {prop} /ˈna.po.li/ :: Napoli (province/and/city)
Napoli {prop} :: The letter N in the Italian phonetic alphabet
Napolitano {prop} :: surname
Napolitano {prop} :: Giorgio Napolitano, Italian politician and eleventh President of Italy
nappa {f} :: tassel
nappa {f} :: soft leather
nappante {v} :: present participle of nappare
nappare {vt} /napˈpa.re/ :: to chrome-tan leather
nappare {vt} :: to spoon a sauce onto food
nappina {f} :: tassel
nappina {f} :: epaulette with tassels
nappista {mf} :: A member of the Nuclei Armati Proletari
nappo {m} /ˈnap.po/ :: cup
nappo {m} :: basin
naprapatia {f} :: naprapathy
Narbona {prop} :: Narbonne
narbonese {adj} :: Of or from Narbonne
narceina {f} [organic compound] :: narceine
narcisismo {m} [psychology] :: narcissism
narcisista {adj} :: narcissistic
narcisista {mf} :: narcissist
narcisisticamente {adv} :: narcissistically
narcisistico {adj} :: narcissistic
narciso {m} :: daffodil, daff, narcissus
narciso {m} :: narcissist
Narciso {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Narcissus
Narciso {prop} :: given name, borne by several saints
narcissico {adj} [psychology] :: synonym of narcisistico
narcisso {m} :: synonym of narciso
Narcisso {prop} :: Narcissus
narco- {prefix} :: narco-
narcoanalisi {f} :: narcoanalysis
narcoanalitico {adj} :: narcoanalytic
narcodollaro {m} :: narcodollar
narcoipnosi {f} :: narcohypnosis
narcoipnotico {adj} :: narcohypnotic
narcolessia {f} [medicine] :: narcolepsy
narcomane {mf} :: narcomaniac
narcomania {f} :: narcomania
narcosi {f} :: narcosis
narcosi {f} :: general anesthesia
narcoterapia {f} :: narcotherapy
narcoterrorismo {m} :: narcoterrorism
narcoterrorista {mf} :: narcoterrorist
narcotest {m} :: drug test
narcoticamente {adv} :: narcotically
narcotico {adj} :: narcotic
narcotico {adj} :: boring (annoyingly so)
narcotico {m} :: narcotic
narcotina {f} [organic compound] :: narcotine
narcotismo {m} :: narcotism
narcotizzante {v} :: present participle of narcotizzare
narcotizzare {vt} :: to narcotize
narcotizzazione {f} :: narcotization
narcotrafficante {mf} :: narcotrafficker
narcotraffico {m} :: drug trafficking
nardo {m} :: spikenard (plant or oil extracted from it)
Nardò {prop} :: Nardò (town)
nardo selvatico {m} :: synonym of asaro europeo
nare {fp} /ˈna.re/ :: obsolete form of nari
Narenta {prop} :: The river Neretva that flows in Croatia
narghilè {m} :: narghile, hookah, waterpipe
nari {fp} /ˈna.ri/ :: nostrils
narice {f} [anatomy] :: nostril
narnese {adj} :: Of, or from, Narni
narnese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Narni
Narni {prop} :: Narni (town)
Naro {prop} :: Naro (river)
Naro {prop} :: A comune of Agrigento, in Sicily
narrabile {adj} :: narratable
narrante {v} :: present participle of narrare
narrare {vt} :: to tell or narrate
narratario {m} :: narratee
narrativa {f} :: fiction
narrativa {f} :: narrative
narrativamente {adv} :: as a narrative, narratively
narratività {f} :: narrativity
narrativizzante {v} :: present participle of narrativizzare
narrativizzare {v} :: To narrativize
narrativizzazione {f} :: narrativization
narrativo {adj} /nar.raˈt̪iː.vo/ :: narrative
narratologia {f} :: narratology
narratologico {adj} :: narratological
narratologo {m} :: narratologist
narratore {m} :: narrator
narratorio {adj} :: synonym of narrativo
narratrice {f} :: female equivalent of narratore
narrazione {f} :: narration, account
narrazione {f} :: story, tale
nartece {m} [architecture] :: narthex
narvalo {m} /narˈvaːlo/ :: narwhal (mammal)
nasale {adj} [anatomy, phonetics] :: nasal
nasale {f} :: nasal consonant
nasale {m} [muscle] :: nasalis, nasalis muscle
nasalità {f} :: nasality
nasalizzante {v} :: present participle of nasalizzare
nasalizzare {vt} :: to nasalize
nasalizzazione {f} :: nasalization
nasalmente {adv} :: nasally
nasardo {m} [music] :: nasard
nasata {f} :: A hit with the nose
nasata {f} :: A blow on the nose
nascente {adj} [of the moon etc] :: rising
nascenza {f} :: birth, nativity
nascenza {f} :: swelling, excrescence
nascere {vi} /ˈnaʃ.ʃe.re/ :: to be born
nascere {vi} :: to bud, sprout
nascere con la camicia {v} :: born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
nascita {f} /ˈnaʃʃita/ :: birth
nascituro {m} :: unborn or soon-to-be-born child
nascondarella {f} :: alternative form of nasconderella
nascondente {v} :: present participle of nascondere
nascondentesi {v} :: present participle of nascondersi
nascondere {vt} :: to hide or conceal something
nascondere {v} :: to disguise
nascondere la testa sotto la sabbia {v} :: synonym of fare come lo struzzo
nascondere la testa sotto la sabbia {v} :: synonym of fare finta di niente
nasconderella {f} :: synonym of nascondino
nascondersi {v} :: reflexive of nascondere
nascondersi {v} :: to hide (oneself); to skulk
nascondiglio {m} :: hiding place, hideaway
nascondiglio {m} :: cache, hoard
nascondimento {m} [literary] /nas.kon.diˈmen.to/ :: the act of hiding or concealing; concealment
nascondimento {m} [literary, archaic] :: hiding place
nascondino {m} [games] :: hide-and-seek [British], hide-and-go-seek [US]
nasconditore {m} :: hider, concealer
nascoso {adj} :: alternative form of nascosto
nascostamente {adv} :: secretly (whilst hidden)
nascosto {adj} :: hidden
nascostosi {v} :: past participle of nascondersi
nasello {m} :: hake (Merluccius merluccius)
nasello {m} :: nib
nasello {m} :: nosepiece
nasetto {m} :: nosepiece
nasetto {m} :: cabin hook
Nashira {prop} :: Nashira, a star in the constellation of Capricornus
nasica {m} :: proboscis monkey
Nasidio {prop} :: Nassidius
nasiera {f} :: nose ring (of an animal)
nasino {m} :: little nose
naso- {prefix} :: naso-
naso {m} [anatomy] :: nose
naso adunco {m} :: aquiline nose, hooked nose
nasobuccale {adj} :: nasobuccal
nasofacciale {adj} [anatomy] :: nasofacial
nasofaringeo {adj} [anatomy] :: nasopharyngeal
nasogastrico {adj} :: nasogastric
nasolabiale {adj} [anatomy] :: nasolabial
nasolacrimale {adj} [anatomy] :: nasolacrimal
nasone {m} [colloquial] :: A person with a large nose
nasone {m} :: A cast iron cylindric water fountain with a hooked faucet, especially one in Rome
nasopalatino {adj} [anatomy] :: nasopalatal
naspo {m} :: reel (for thread)
nassa {f} :: creel, trap for fish
nasseriano {adj} :: Nasserist
Nasso {prop} :: Nasso (island)
nastia {f} [botany] /nasˈti.a/ :: A nastic change
nastia {f} :: Used in compounds: -nasty
nastico {adj} [biology] :: nastic
nastraio {m} :: ribbon / tape maker
nastrame {m} :: An assortment of ribbons
nastrante {v} :: present participle of nastrare
nastrare {vt} :: to tape
nastratrice {f} :: taping machine
nastratura {f} :: taping
nastriera {f} :: An ornament made of ribbons
nastriforme {adj} :: nastriform, ribbon-shaped
nastrino {m} :: ribbon (in place of a medal)
nastro {m} :: ribbon
nastro {m} :: tape
nastro adesivo {m} :: adhesive tape
nastroteca {f} :: tape library
nastro trasportatore {m} :: conveyor belt
nasturzio {m} :: nasturtium
nasturzio {m} :: watercress
nasua {f} :: coati (of genus Nasua)
natabile {adj} :: navigable
natale {adj} /na.ˈta.le/ :: native (of one's birth)
natale {m} :: birthday
natale {m} :: birth
Natale {prop} [religion, Christianity] /na.ˈta.le/ :: Christmas
Natale {prop} :: given name. The masculine form of Natalia
Natalia {prop} :: given name
natalista {mf} :: advocate for an increase in the birth rate; natalist
natalità {f} :: birth rate / birthrate
natalizio {adj} :: Christmas (attributive)
natalizio {adj} :: birthday (attributive)
natalizio {m} :: birthday
Nataniele {prop} :: Nathaniel
natante {v} /naˈtan.te/ :: present participle of natare
natante {adj} :: floating, swimming
natante {m} :: small craft or boat
natare {vi} [obsolete, poetic] /naˈta.re/ :: to swim
natatoia {f} :: flipper (of a marine animal)
natatore {m} /na.taˈto.re/ :: (male) swimmer
natatorio {adj} :: swimming
natatrice {f} [obsolete, literary] /na.taˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: feminine noun of natatore; (female) swimmer
natazione {f} :: natation
Natel {m} [Switzerland] :: mobile phone, cellphone
natica {f} [anatomy] :: buttock, bum
naticuto {adj} :: Having large buttocks
natimortalità {f} [statistics] :: perinatal mortality rate, stillbirth rate
natio {adj} :: native (relating to a place of birth)
Natisone {prop} :: Natisone (river)
nativa {f} :: feminine noun of nativo
nativamente {adv} :: natively
nativamente {adv} :: primordially
nativismo {m} :: nativism
nativista {mf} :: nativist
nativistico {adj} :: nativist, nativistic
natività {f} :: nativity
Natività {prop} :: the Nativity of Christ
nativo {adj} :: native
nativo {m} :: native (of a place)
nativo americano {m} :: Native American
nato {adj} /ˈna.to/ :: born (also used in combination)
nato {adj} ::
natola {f} [nautical] /ˈna.to.la/ :: The part of a rowlock that the oar rests in
natrice {f} [zoology] /naˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: Any snake of the Natrix taxonomic genus
natrice {f} :: grass snake (Natrix natrix)
natriemia {f} [medicine] :: natremia
natriuresi {f} [pathology] :: natriuresis
natrolite {f} [mineral] :: natrolite
natta {f} :: wen (cyst)
Natta {prop} :: surname
Natta {prop} :: Giulio Natta, Italian chemist
nattè {m} :: basketweave
natufiano {adj} :: Natufian
natura {f} :: nature
natura {f} :: essence, character
naturale {adj} :: natural
naturale {adj} [of mineral water] :: still (not sparkling)
naturaleggiante {v} :: present participle of naturaleggiare
naturaleggiare {v} :: to represent as natural
naturalezza {f} :: naturalness
naturalismo {m} [arts, philosophy] :: naturalism
naturalista {adj} :: naturalist (all senses)
naturalista {mf} :: naturalist (all senses)
naturalisticamente {adv} :: naturalistically
naturalistico {adj} :: naturalistic
naturalità {f} :: naturalness
naturalità {f} :: naturalization
naturalizzante {v} :: present participle of naturalizzare
naturalizzantesi {v} :: present participle of naturalizzarsi
naturalizzare {vt} :: to naturalize
naturalizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of naturalizzare
naturalizzarsi {vr} :: to become naturalized
naturalizzato {adj} :: naturalized
naturalizzatosi {v} :: past participle of naturalizzarsi
naturalizzazione {f} :: naturalization
naturalmente {adv} :: naturally, of course, sure
naturalmente {adv} :: naturally, by nature
natura morta {f} [arts] :: still life
naturamortista {mf} [arts] :: still life painter
naturante {adj} :: creative
naturante {v} :: present participle of naturare
naturato {adj} :: ingrained, natural
naturato {adj} :: naturalised
naturato {adj} :: created, generated
nature {adj} :: natural
naturismo {m} :: nudism, naturism
naturista {adj} :: nudist, naturist
naturista {mf} :: nudist, naturist
naturistico {adj} :: naturistic
naturopata {mf} :: naturopath
naturopatia {f} :: naturopathy
naturopatico {adj} :: naturopathic
naufraga {f} :: female equivalent of naufrago
naufragante {v} :: present participle of naufragare
naufragare {vi} :: to be shipwrecked, be wrecked
naufragare {vi} [figuratively] :: to be wrecked, to fall through
naufragio {m} /nau̯ˈfra.d͡ʒo/ :: a shipwreck, a wreck
naufragio {m} [figuratively] :: a wreck, a failure
naufrago {m} :: A castaway, a shipwreck survivor, a shipwrecked sailor
Naum {prop} [biblical] :: Nahum, Book of Nahum
naupatia {f} :: seasickness
nauplio {m} :: nauplius
Nauru {prop} :: Nauru
nauruana {f} :: feminine noun of nauruano
nauruano {adj} :: Nauruan
nauruano {m} :: Nauruan [person]
nauruano {m} :: Nauruan [language]
nausea {f} :: nausea
nauseabondo {adj} :: sickening, disgusting, nauseous
nausea mattutina {f} :: morning sickness
nauseante {v} :: present participle of nauseare
nauseante {adj} :: sickening, disgusting, nauseous
nauseare {vt} :: To nauseate, to make sick
nauseare {vt} :: To disgust
nauseato {adj} :: nauseated, disgusted
nausee mattutine {n} :: morning sickness (recurring)
nauseosamente {adv} :: sickeningly, disgustingly, nauseatingly
nauseoso {adj} :: sickening, disgusting, nauseating, nauseous
Nausicaa {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Nausicaa
Nausicaa {prop} :: given name
-nauta {suffix} :: -naut (forms nouns meaning a voyager)
nautica {f} :: navigation (science)
nautico {adj} /ˈnau̯.ti.ko/ :: nautical
nautilo {m} /ˈnaw.ti.lo/ :: nautilus (cephalopod)
nautofono {m} [nautical] :: bell buoy
navale {adj} /naˈva.le/ :: naval, ship [attributive], boat [attributive]
navale {adj} :: marine, sea [attributive]
navalestro {m} [nautical] /na.vaˈlɛs.tro/ :: boatman, ferryman
navalismo {m} :: navalism
navalistico {adj} :: navalistic
navalmeccanica {f} :: shipbuilding
navalmeccanico {adj} :: shipbuilding (attributive)
navalmeccanico {adj} :: naval engineering (attributive)
navalmeccanico {m} :: shipbuilding worker
navalmeccanico {m} :: naval engineer
navarca {m} [nautical] :: master (of a ship), commodore (of a fleet)
Navarino {prop} :: Pylos
navarrese {adj} :: Navarrese
Navarria {prop} :: surname
navarrino {adj} :: synonym of navarrese
navarro {adj} :: Navarrese
navarro {m} :: Navarrese
navassa {f} :: alternative form of navazza
navata {f} :: nave - properly navata centrale
navata {f} :: aisle - properly navata laterale
navata centrale {f} :: nave
navata laterale {f} :: aisle
navazza {f} :: A type of wooden crate used for the transport of grapes
nave {f} /ˈna.ve/ :: ship
nave ammiraglia {n} :: flagship
nave cisterna {f} :: tanker
nave cisterna {f} :: tankship
nave corsara {n} :: privateer
nave costiera {f} :: coaster (vessel)
nave da guerra {f} :: warship
nave da guerra anfibia {f} :: landing ship, landing ship, tank, LST
nave-faro {f} [nautical] :: lightship, lightvessel
nave posareti {f} :: synonym of posareti
navera {f} :: A wound produced by the point of a weapon
naverante {v} :: present participle of naverare
naverare {v} :: To stab (wound with the point of a weapon)
nave scuola {f} :: schoolship
navetta {f} :: shuttle (all senses)
navetta portaincenso {f} :: incense boat
navicante {v} :: present participle of navicare
navicare {v} /na.viˈka.re/ :: obsolete form of navigare
navicella {f} /naviˈt͡ʃɛlla/ :: diminutive of nave: a small ship
navicella {f} :: gondola (of an airship)
navicella {f} :: incense boat (vessel for incense)
navicella {f} :: spool
navicellaio {m} :: ferryman
navicella spaziale {f} :: spacecraft
navicellata {f} :: shipful, shipload
navicello {m} [nautical] :: ferry (on a river)
navichiere {m} [nautical] :: boatman, ferryman
navicolare {adj} [skeleton] :: navicular
navicolare {m} [skeleton] :: navicular, navicular bone
navigabile {adj} :: navigable
navigabilità {f} :: navigability
navigante {v} :: present participle of navigare
navigante {mf} [nautical] :: navigator, sailor, seaman, mariner
navigante {adj} :: navigation, navigator (attributive)
navigare {vi} /na.viˈɡa.re/ :: to sail, to go to sea
navigare {vt} :: to sail, to navigate
navigare {vi} [by extension] :: to surf (the Internet)
navigare {vt} [obsolete] :: To move by water-borne transport
navigare alla quadra {v} :: to sail on a square-rigged ship
navigato {adj} :: experienced (especially of a seaman)
navigato {adj} :: expert
navigatore {m} :: navigator, seaman, sailor, mariner
navigatore {m} :: websurfer
navigatore GPS {m} :: GPS receiver, satnav, tom tom
navigatore satellitare {m} :: GPS receiver, satnav
navigatorio {adj} :: navigation (attributive)
navigatrice {f} :: female equivalent of navigatore
navigazione {f} :: navigation, shipping (traffic)
navigazione {f} :: surfing (the Internet)
navigero {adj} :: busy with shipping
naviglio {m} [nautical] :: vessel
naviglio {m} [nautical] :: fleet
naviglio {m} [nautical] :: waterway, canal
Naviglio del Brenta {prop} [nautical] :: Brenta Canal
navigrafo {m} :: An instrument once used to measure speed and direction of an aircraft relative to the ground
navile {m} :: synonym of naviglio
navimodellismo {m} [nautical] :: model ship / boat building or collecting
navimodellista {mf} :: Maker or collector of model ships
Navis {prop} [astronomy] :: Argo Navis (constellation)
navisfero {m} :: A form of celestial globe once used for simple navigation
Navona {prop} :: Famous square in Rome. Original square name was "in Agone" (from latin "in agonis" or "agones" (games)) and after centuries of language corruption from "agone" became "in agone", "innagone", "navone" and finally nowadays "Navona"
navoncella {f} :: green-veined white (butterfly of the species Pieris napi)
navone {m} :: oilseed rape (Brassica napus)
Navone {prop} :: surname
Nazaret {prop} :: Nazaret (largest city)
nazianzeno {adj} [historical] /na.d͡zjanˈd͡zɛ.no/ :: of or pertaining to the town of Nazianzus; Nazianzen
nazianzeno {m} [historical] :: an inhabitant of the town of Nazianzus; Nazianzen
Nazianzo {prop} [historical] /nadˈdzjan.dzo/ :: Nazianzo (ancient town)
nazifascismo {m} :: Nazi-Fascism
nazifascista {adj} :: Nazi-Fascist
nazifascista {mf} :: Nazi-Fascist
nazificante {v} :: present participle of nazificare
nazificare {vt} :: to Nazify
nazificazione {f} :: Nazification
naziocentrico {adj} :: That views everything from the standpoint of his own country
nazionalcomunismo {m} :: National Communism, National Bolshevism
nazionalcomunista {mf} :: National Communist, National Bolshevik
nazionalcomunistico {adj} :: National Communist, National Bolshevik
nazionale {adj} :: national, domestic, home (attribute)
nazionale {f} :: national sports team
nazionale {mf} :: athlete etc in such a team
nazionalismo {m} [politics] :: nationalism
nazionalista {adj} :: nationalist
nazionalista {mf} :: nationalist
nazionalisticamente {adv} :: nationalistically
nazionalistico {adj} :: nationalistic, nationalist
nazionalità {f} :: nationality
nazionalizzante {v} :: present participle of nazionalizzare
nazionalizzare {vt} :: to nationalize
nazionalizzazione {f} :: nationalization
nazionalmente {adv} :: nationally
nazionalpopolare {adj} :: national-popular
nazionalsocialismo {m} :: National Socialism, Nazism
nazionalsocialista {adj} :: National Socialist, Nazi
nazionalsocialista {mf} :: a member or supporter of the National Socialist Party; a Nazi
nazionalsocialistico {adj} :: National Socialist
nazione {f} /natˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: nation
Nazioni Unite {prop} :: United Nations
nazireato {m} [Judaism] /na.d͡zi.reˈa.to/ :: The vow of a Nazarite
nazireo {m} [Judaism] /na.d͡ziˈrɛ.o/ :: Nazarite (Jew bound by a particular vow)
naziskin {mf} :: skinhead
nazismo {m} /natˈt͡siz.mo/ :: Nazism
nazista {adj} /natˈt͡si.sta/ :: nazi
nazista {mf} :: Nazi
nazistico {adj} :: Nazi (attributive)
nazistoide {adj} :: That has Nazi or fascist qualities
nazzareno {adj} :: Nazarene; Nazareth (attributive)
N. d. R. {n} [journalism] :: initialism of nota della redazione o del redattore (—Ed., —Editor; editor's note;)
'ndrangheta {f} /ˈndran.ɡe.ta/ :: organized crime organization, centered in Calabria
'Ndrangheta {prop} :: alternative case form of 'ndrangheta
'ndranghetista {m} /ndran.ɡeˈtis.ta/ :: A member of the 'ndrangheta
'ndrina {f} /ˈndri.na/ :: A unit (family) of the 'ndrangheta
'nduja {f} /ˈndu.ja/ :: nduja (spicy spreadable sausage from Calabria)
ne {adv} :: from there
ne {pron} :: about it
ne {pron} :: of it
ne {pron} :: of them [sometimes not translated in English]
ne {contraction} :: apocopic form of nel
{conj} /ˈne/ :: nor
{conj} :: neither...nor
{conj} :: either...or
neanch' {adv} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of neanche
neanch' {conj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of neanche
neanch {adv} :: apocopic form of neanche
neanche {adv} :: neither
neanche {adv} :: not even
neanche {conj} :: neither
neanche {conj} :: not even
Neandertal {m} :: Neanderthal
neandertaliano {adj} :: Neanderthal
Nearco {prop} :: Nearchus
Nearco {prop} :: given name
nebbia {f} /ˈnebbja/ :: fog, mist
nebbiogeno {adj} :: mist-forming (artificially)
nebbiolina {f} :: mist
nebbiolo {m} [usually uncountable] /nebˈbjɔ.lo/ :: Nebbiolo (grape variety)
nebbiolo {m} [usually uncountable] :: Nebbiolo (red wine made from Nebbiolo grapes)
nebbione {m} :: pea-souper (thick fog)
nebbiosamente {adv} :: hazily, vaguely, confusedly
nebbiosità {f} :: fogginess, mistiness
nebbiosità {f} :: haziness, vagueness
nebbioso {adj} [weather] :: misty, foggy
nebbioso {adj} :: hazy, confused, vague
nebel {m} [music] /ˈnɛ.bel/ :: psaltery
nebiolo {m} [usually uncountable] :: alternative form of nebbiolo
Nebraska {prop} :: Nebraska (state)
nebride {f} :: nebris
nebula {f} [archaic] :: fog, mist; cloud
nebula {f} :: nebula
nebulare {adj} :: nebular
nebulina {f} [protein] :: nebulin
nebulizzante {v} :: present participle of nebulizzare
nebulizzare {vt} :: to nebulize, spray, atomize
nebulizzatore {m} :: atomizer [for perfume, etc.]
nebulizzatore {m} :: nebulizer
nebulizzazione {f} :: nebulization, atomization
nebulosa {f} :: nebula
nebulosamente {adv} :: hazily, vaguely
nebulosa planetaria {f} [astronomy] :: planetary nebula
nebulosità {f} :: nebulosity, haziness, vagueness
nebuloso {adj} :: nebulous
nebuloso {adj} :: vague, hazy
nè capo nè coda {adv} :: synonym of senza capo nè coda
nè carne nè pesce {n} :: neither fish nor fowl
nè carne nè pesce {n} [idiomatic] :: Something or someone which is not easily categorized; something or someone that does not rightly belong or fit well in a given group or situation
Necci {prop} :: surname
neccio {m} :: A sort of muffin, made from chestnut flour, baked between two hot iron plates
nécessaire {m} :: overnight bag or case
necessariamente {adv} :: necessarily
necessario {adj} /ne.t͡ʃesˈsa.rjo/ :: necessary
necessario {adj} :: indispensable
necessario {adj} :: required
necessario {adj} :: inevitable
necessario {m} :: necessary, what is necessary
necessario {m} :: the essentials
necessario {m} :: materials
necesse {adj} [archaic, Scholastic philosophy, logic] /neˈt͡ʃɛs.se/ :: necessary, needful; necessarily true
necesse {m} [archaic, Scholastic philosophy, logic] :: a statement which is necessarily truthful; tautology
necessità {f} :: necessity, need
necessitante {v} :: present participle of necessitare
necessitare {vt} :: to need, require or necessitate
necessitare {vi} :: to be necessary, needed or required
necessitazione {f} :: necessitation
necessitismo {m} [philosophy] :: necessity (deterministic)
necessitoso {adj} :: needful
necistà {f} :: alternative form of necessità
né così né cosà {adv} :: Not this way, and not that way either
necro- {prefix} /ˈnɛ.kro/ :: necro-
necrobiosi {f} [biology] /ne.kro.biˈɔ.zi/ :: necrobiosis
necrobiotico {adj} [biology] /ne.kro.biˈɔ.ti.ko/ :: necrobiotic
necrofagia {f} [zoology] /ne.kro.faˈd͡ʒia̯/ :: necrophagia, necrophagy
necrofagico {adj} [biology] /ne.kroˈfa.d͡ʒi.ko/ :: necrophagic
necrofago {adj} /neˈkrɔ.fa.ɡo/ :: necrophagous
necrofago {m} :: necrophage, scavenger
necrofila {f} /neˈkrɔ.fi.la/ :: feminine noun of necrofilo
necrofilia {f} /ne.kro.fiˈlia̯/ :: necrophilia
necrofilo {adj} /neˈkrɔ.fi.lo/ :: Of or pertaining to necrophilia; necrophilic
necrofilo {adj} :: That is affected by necrophilia
necrofilo {m} :: necrophile, necrophilist
necrofito {m} [biology] /neˈkrɔ.fi.to/ :: necrophyte
necrofoba {f} /neˈkrɔ.fo.ba/ :: feminine noun of necrofobo
necrofobia {f} /ne.kro.foˈbia̯/ :: necrophobia
necrofobico {adj} /ne.kroˈfɔ.bi.ko/ :: necrophobic
necrofobo {adj} /neˈkrɔ.fo.bo/ :: Of or pertaining to a person who suffers from necrophobia
necrofobo {m} :: a male person who suffers from necrophobia; necrophobe [male]
necroforo {m} /neˈkrɔ.fo.ro/ :: gravedigger
necroforo {m} :: Any beetle of the genus Nicrophorus; burying beetle, necrophore
necrolisi {f} [pathology] /neˈkrɔ.li.zi/ :: necrolysis
necrologia {f} /ne.kro.loˈd͡ʒia̯/ :: necrology
necrologico {adj} /ne.kroˈlɔ.d͡ʒi.ko/ :: obituary
necrologico {adj} :: necrological
necrologio {m} /ne.kroˈlɔ.d͡ʒo/ :: obituary (notice)
necrologio {m} :: register of deaths
necrologista {mf} /ne.kro.loˈd͡ʒis.ta/ :: necrologist, obituarist
necromante {mf} /ne.kroˈman.te/ :: One who practices divination involving the dead or death; necromancer; alternative form of negromante
necromanzia {f} /ne.kro.manˈt͡sia̯/ :: Divination involving the dead or death; necromancy; alternative form of negromanzia
necronimo {m} :: necronym
necropoli {f} /neˈkrɔ.po.li/ :: necropolis
necropsia {f} /ne.kroˈpsia̯/ :: autopsy, necropsy, post mortem
necroptosi {f} :: necroptosis
necroptotico {adj} :: necroptotic
necrormone {f} [biology] /ne.krorˈmo.ne/ :: necrohormone
necrosante {v} :: present participle of necrosare
necrosare {v} :: synonym of necrotizzare
necroscopia {f} [medicine] /ne.kros.koˈpia̯/ :: necroscopy
necroscopicamente {adv} :: via an autopsy or post mortem
necroscopico {adj} /ne.krosˈkɔ.pi.ko/ :: autopsy, necropsy [attributive]; necroscopic, post mortem
necroscopo {m} /neˈkrɔs.ko.po/ :: pathologist
necrosi {f} [pathology] /neˈkrɔ.zi/ :: necrosis
necrospermia {f} [pathology] /ne.kro.sperˈmia̯/ :: necrospermia
necrotico {adj} [pathology] /neˈkrɔ.ti.ko/ :: necrotic
necrotizzante {v} :: present participle of necrotizzare
necrotizzante {adj} [medicine] :: necrotizing
necrotizzare {vt} /ne.kro.tidˈd͡za.re/ :: to necrotize
necrotizzato {adj} :: necrotized
necrotomia {f} /ne.kro.toˈmia/ :: necrotomy
necrotrofia {f} [biology] /ne.kro.troˈfia̯/ :: necrotrophy
necrotrofismo {m} [biology] /ne.kro.troˈfis.mo/ :: synonym of necrotrofia; necrotrophy
necrotrofo {adj} [biology] /neˈkrɔ.tro.fo/ :: necrotrophic
necrotrofo {m} :: A necrotrophic organism
nectina {f} [protein] :: nectin
nectocalice {m} [zoology] /nek.toˈka.li.t͡ʃe/ :: nectocalyx
necton {m} [biology] :: nekton
nectonico {adj} [biology] :: nektonic
nectozoide {m} [zoology] /nek.toˈd͡zɔi̯.de/ :: synonym of nectocalice
ned {conj} /ˈned/ :: rare form of used before a vowel
nederlandese {adj} :: Variant of neerlandese
nederlandese {mf} :: Variant of neerlandese
nederlandofono {adj} :: netherlandophone, batavophone
Neemia {prop} [Biblical character] :: Nehemiah, Book of Nehemiah
Neemia {prop} :: given name
neente {pron} :: alternative form of niente
neerlandese {adj} :: Dutch
neerlandese {mf} :: Dutch
nefandamente {adv} :: wickedly
nefandezza {f} :: baseness, vileness
nefandezza {f} :: sodomy
nefandità {f} [rare] :: wickedness, baseness, vileness
nefando {adj} :: base, vile, nefandous, wicked
nefariamente {adv} :: nefariously, villainously
nefario {adj} :: nefarious, villainous
nefastamente {adv} :: tragically
nefastamente {adv} :: inauspiciously
nefasto {adj} :: tragic, bad
nefasto {adj} :: inauspicious, ill-omened
nefasto {adj} :: wicked
Nefele {prop} [Greek god] :: Nephele, goddess of clouds
nefelina {f} [mineral] :: nepheline
nefelio {m} :: synonym of litchi
nefelio {m} :: Small, white scar on the cornea
nefelometria {f} [chemistry] :: nephelometry
nefelometro {m} [chemistry] :: nephelometer
nefelopia {f} [pathology] :: nephelopia
nefeloscopio {m} :: alternative form of nefoscopio
nefologia {f} :: nephology
nefoscopia {f} :: nephoscopy
nefoscopio {m} :: nephoscope
nefralgia {f} :: nephralgia
nefrectomia {f} [surgery] :: nephrectomy
nefridio {m} :: nephridium
nefrite {f} [medicine] :: nephritis
nefrite {f} [mineral] :: nephrite
nefritico {adj} :: nephritic
nefro- {prefix} :: nephro-
nefrocarcinoma {m} [pathology] :: nephrocarcinoma
nefrogenico {adj} [medicine] :: nephrogenic
nefrografia {f} :: nephrography
nefrografico {adj} :: nephrographic
nefroide {adj} :: nephroid
nefroide {f} [geometry] :: nephroid
nefrolitiasi {f} [pathology] :: nephrolithiasis
nefrolito {m} [pathology] :: nephrolith
nefrologia {f} [medicine] :: nephrology
nefrologico {adj} :: nephrological
nefrologo {m} :: nephrologist
nefrone {m} [anatomy] :: nephron
nefropatia {f} [pathology] :: nephropathy
nefropatico {adj} :: nephropathic
nefrope {m} :: prawn (Nephrops norvegicus)
nefropessi {f} [surgery] :: nephropexy
nefroplegia {f} [pathology] :: nephroplegia
nefroptosi {f} :: nephroptosis
nefrorrafia {f} [surgery] :: nephrorrhaphy
nefrorragia {f} [medicine] :: nephrorrhagia
nefrosclerosi {f} :: nephrosclerosis
nefrosi {f} [pathology] :: nephrosis
nefrosico {adj} [medicine] :: nephrosic
nefrotico {adj} [pathology] :: nephrotic
nefrotomia {f} [surgery] :: nephrotomy
nefrotossico {adj} :: nephrotoxic
negabile {adj} :: deniable
negabilità {f} :: deniability
negante {v} :: present participle of negare
negantesi {v} :: present participle of negarsi
negare {vt} /neˈɡa.re/ :: to deny
negare {vt} :: to negate
negarsi {v} :: reflexive of negare
negarsi {vr} :: to deny oneself (something)
negarsi {vr} :: to pretend one is not in
negarsi {vr} :: to refuse to have sex (with)
negativa {f} [grammar, photography] :: negative
negativamente {adv} :: negatively
negativismo {m} :: negativism
negativissimo {adj} :: superlative of negativo
negatività {f} :: negativeness, negativity
negativizzante {v} :: present participle of negativizzarsi
negativizzantesi {v} :: present participle of negativizzarsi
negativizzarsi {vr} :: To become negative
negativizzazione {f} [medicine] :: negativization
negativo {adj} :: negative
negativo {adj} [figuratively] :: dismal
negativo {m} [photography] :: negative
negato {adj} :: negated
negato {adj} :: denied, refused
negato {adj} :: useless, hopeless (at)
negatone {m} [dated, physics] :: negatron, electron
negatore {adj} :: denying
negatoscopio {m} :: negatoscope, diaphanoscope
negatosi {v} :: past participle of negarsi
negatrone {m} [obsolete, physics] :: negatron
negazione {f} :: negation
negazionismo {m} :: denialism, denial (of the Holocaust or other such events)
negazionista {adj} :: denialist, denier (attributive); revisionist
negazionista {mf} :: denialist, denier (of the Holocaust or other such events)
negazionistico {adj} :: denier (attributive); revisionist
negghienza {f} :: negligence, laziness
neghienza {f} [rare] :: laziness, indolence
neghittaggine {f} :: negligence, carelessness
neghittaggine {f} :: indolence, laziness
neghittosamente {adv} [literary] :: lazily, indolently
neghittosità {f} [literary] :: laziness, indolence
neghittoso {adj} [literary] /ne.ɡitˈto.zo/ :: lazy, indolent, idle
neglettamente {adv} :: neglectedly
negletto {adj} :: neglected
negletto {adj} :: rundown
negli anni {prep} :: over time
negligé {m} :: alternative form of négligé
négligé {m} :: negligee
negligente {adj} /neɡliˈdʒɛnte/ :: negligent
negligente {adj} :: careless
negligente {v} :: present participle of negligere
negligentemente {adv} :: negligently
negligentemente {adv} :: carelessly
negligenza {f} :: negligence
negligenza {f} :: carelessness
negligenza grave {f} :: gross negligence
negligere {vt} :: to neglect to do something, neglect to take something into consideration
negli ultimi tempi {adv} :: lately, recently, of late
nego {m} /ˈne.ɡo/ :: alternative form of niego
negossa {f} [fishing] /neˈɡɔs.sa/ :: A small fishing net on the end of a long, wooden handle
negoziabile {adj} :: negotiable
negoziabilità {f} :: negotiability
negoziale {adj} [legal] :: contractual
negozialità {f} :: That can be negotiated
negozialità {f} :: The property of being contractual
negozialmente {adv} :: contractually
negoziante {v} :: present participle of negoziare
negoziante {mf} :: shopkeeper
negoziante {mf} :: dealer
negoziante {mf} :: monger
negoziare {vt} :: to negotiate, to transact
negoziare {vi} :: to trade, to deal
negoziato {m} :: negotiation, talks
negoziatore {m} :: negotiator
negoziatrice {f} :: female equivalent of negoziatore
negoziazione {f} :: negotiation
negozietto {m} :: Small shop; boutique
negozio {m} /neˈɡɔt.t͡sjo/ :: shop, a store
negozio {m} :: deal, bargain business
negozio {m} [law] :: legal transaction
negreggiante {v} :: present participle of negreggiare
negreggiare {v} :: uncommon form of nereggiare
negrezza {f} :: alternative form of nerezza
negricante {adj} :: synonym of nereggiante
negride {adj} :: black African
negride {adj} :: negroid
negriere {m} :: alternative form of negriero
negriero {adj} :: slave, proslavery (attributive) [especially of black slaves]
negriero {m} :: slaver, slave driver, slaveholder, slave trader [especially of black slaves]
negriero {m} [by extension] :: slave driver [an employer who demands excessive work from the employee]
negrillo {m} :: An African Pygmy
negrità {f} :: negritude
negrito {m} :: black skin
negritudine {f} :: negritude
negro {adj} [archaic] /ˈne.ɡro/ :: black
negro {adj} [now, offensive] :: negro
negro {m} [now, offensive, ethnic slur, now, vulgar] :: nigger
negroafricano {adj} :: African Negro
negroamericano {adj} :: American Negro, Afro-American
negrofumo {m} :: alternative form of nerofumo
negroide {adj} :: negroid
negromante {mf} /ne.ɡroˈman.te/ :: necromancer, specifically:
negromante {mf} :: One who practices divination involving the dead or death
negromante {mf} [by extension] :: Any sort of sorcerer or soothsayer
negromantesco {adj} :: necromantic
negromantico {adj} :: necromantic
negromanzia {f} /ne.ɡro.manˈt͡sia̯/ :: necromancy, specifically:
negromanzia {f} :: Divination involving the dead or death
negromanzia {f} [by extension] :: Any sort of sorcery or witchcraft
negroni {m} /neˈɡro.ni/ :: negroni (cocktail made from gin, Campari and vermouth)
Negroponte {prop} :: obsolete form of Eubea
negrore {m} :: synonym of nerezza
negus {m} [historical] /ˈnɛ.ɡus/ :: Title of the highest grade in the hierarchy of the Ethiopian Empire; Negus
negussita {adj} [historical] /ne.ɡusˈsi.ta/ :: Of or pertaining to a Negus (historical ruler of the Ethiopian Empire)
neh {interj} [dialectal, chiefly Piedmont, Lombardy and Switzerland] /nɛ/ :: isn't it?; don't you?; wouldn't she?, ...
nei confronti di {prep} :: with regard to, regarding, towards
né in cielo né in terra {adj} :: nowhere
né in cielo né in terra {adj} :: unprecedented
né in cielo né in terra {adj} :: inadmissible (evidence)
nel bel mezzo di {prep} :: in the midst of; right in the middle of
nel bene e nel male {prep} :: for better or worse
nel caso {conj} :: in case
Neleo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Neleus
nel frattempo {adv} :: meanwhile
nel frattempo {adv} :: in the meantime
nel giro di {adv} :: Within, in less than
nel giro di {adv} :: run
nella media {interj} :: synonym of così così
nello stesso momento {adv} :: synonym of in un sol colpo
nello stesso tempo {adv} :: at the same time, together, at once, simultaneously
nel mentre {adv} :: meanwhile, in the meantime
nemaspermio {m} :: synonym of spermatozoo
nematelminto {m} :: nemathelminth, nematode
nematico {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: nematic
nematoblastico {adj} [petrology] /ne.ma.toˈblas.ti.ko/ :: Characterized by metamorphic rocks made up of fibrous minerals distributed in nearly-parallel stripes
nematocida {adj} :: nematicidal
nematocida {m} :: nematicide
nematode {m} :: nematode
nematologia {f} :: nematology
nematomorfo {adj} :: nematomorphic
nematomorfo {adj} :: filiform, threadlike
nematomorfo {m} [zoology] :: nematomorph
nembifero {adj} :: cloud-bearing
nembo {m} :: nimbus
nembo {m} :: rain cloud (especially a dark one)
nemboso {adj} [literary] :: cloudy
nembostrato {m} [meteorology] :: nimbostratus
Nembrod {prop} :: Nimrod
Nembrot {prop} /nemˈbrɔt/ :: alternative form of Nimrod
Nembrotte {prop} :: Nimrod
nembrotto {m} /nemˈbrɔt.to/ :: hunter
Nembrotto {prop} /nemˈbrɔt.to/ :: alternative form of Nimrod
nemeo {adj} :: Nemean
nemesi {f} :: nemesis
Nemesi {prop} [Greek god] :: Nemesis
nemicamente {adv} :: hostilely
nemichevole {adj} :: as an enemy
nemichevolmente {adv} :: as an enemy
nemico {m} :: enemy, foe
nemico {adj} :: enemy
nemico {adj} :: hostile, foe
nemistà {f} :: alternative form of nimistà
nemmanco {adv} /nemˈman.ko/ :: not even
nemmeno {adv} :: not even
nemorale {adj} [botany] :: nemoral
nemorense {adj} :: woodland (attributive)
nencio {adj} :: stupid
nenfro {m} [geology] :: variety of tuffa used in Etruscan building and sculpture
nenia {f} :: dirge
nenia {f} :: wail
nenufaro {m} :: nenuphar, white waterlily (Nymphaea alba)
nenufero {m} :: yellow waterlily (Nuphar lutea)
neo- {prefix} :: neo-
neo {m} :: mole (on skin)
neo {m} :: beauty spot
neo {m} :: flaw, defect
neo {m} [obsolete] :: alternative form of neon
neoaccademico {adj} :: neoacademic (relating to the Neoplatonic Academy)
neoacquisto {m} [sports] :: A player recruited to a team during the current season
neoangiogenesi {f} [medicine] :: neoangiogenesis
neoantigene {m} :: neoantigen
neoantropo {m} :: modern man (Homo sapiens)
neoartico {adj} :: Nearctic
neoassunto {adj} :: newly-recruited
neoassunto {m} :: newly-recruited employee
neoatticismo {m} :: Neo-Atticism (style of late Hellenistic sculpture)
neoattico {adj} :: Neo-Attic
neoavanguardia {f} :: neo-avantgarde
neobarocco {adj} :: neobaroque
neobarocco {m} :: neobaroque
neoborghesia {f} :: neo-bourgeoisie (new middle class)
neocampione {m} [sports] :: new champion
neocapitalismo {m} :: neo-capitalism
neocapitalista {mf} :: neo-capitalist
neocapitalistico {adj} :: neo-capitalist
neocastellano {adj} :: Of or from Neuchâtel
Neocastello {prop} :: Neuchâtel
neocatecumenale {adj} :: neocatechumenal
neocatecumenato {m} :: A member of a Roman Catholic organisation that prepares young people for adulthood
neocattolico {adj} :: neo-Catholic
neocattolico {m} :: neo-Catholic
neocentrismo {m} [politics] :: neocentrism
neocentrista {mf} [politics] :: neocentrist
neocentrista {adj} [politics] :: neocentrist
neoclassicamente {adv} :: neoclassically
neoclassicismo {m} :: neoclassicism
neoclassicista {mf} :: neoclassicist
neoclassico {adj} :: neoclassical
neoclassico {m} :: neoclassicist
neocolonialismo {m} :: neocolonialism
neocolonialista {mf} :: neocolonialist
neocolonialistico {adj} :: neocolonialist
neoconservatore {m} :: neoconservative
neoconservatorismo {m} :: neoconservatism
neoconsigliere {m} :: Newly appointed counselor / adviser
neocoria {f} :: neokorate
neocoro {m} :: neokoros
neocorporativismo {m} :: neo-corporatism
neocorporativo {adj} :: neo-corporative
neocorteccia {f} [anatomy] :: neocortex
neocorticale {adj} :: neocortical
neocostituito {adj} :: newly-formed
neocriticismo {m} [philosophy] :: neocriticism
neocriticista {mf} [philosophy] :: neocriticist
neocriticistico {adj} :: neocritical
neodada {adj} :: Neo-Dada (attributive)
neodadaismo {m} :: Neo-Dada
neodadaista {mf} :: neo-Dadaist
neodamode {m} :: Neodamode
neodamodo {m} :: Neodamode
neodarvinismo {m} :: Neo-Darwinism
neodarwinismo {m} :: Neo-Darwinism
neodarwinista {mf} :: Neo-Darwinist
neodemocristiano {adj} :: Describing any of several reformed versions of the Italian Christian Democrat party, especially the Rinascita della Democrazia Cristiana
neodifensore {m} [football] :: new defender
neodimio {m} [chemistry] /ne.oˈdi.mjo/ :: neodymium
neodiplomato {adj} :: newly-graduated
neodiplomato {m} :: Recent graduate
neodirettore {m} :: Newly appointed director
neoebraico {adj} :: modern-Hebrew
neoebraico {m} :: modern Hebrew (language)
neoegiziano {m} :: new Egyptian (language)
neoegiziano {adj} :: new Egyptian
neoeletto {adj} :: newly-elected
neoeletto {m} :: newly elected person
neoellenico {adj} :: modern Greek
neoellenico {m} :: modern Greek (language)
neofascismo {m} :: neofascism
neofascista {adj} :: neofascist
neofascista {mf} :: neofascist
neofascistico {adj} [derogatory] /ne.o.faʃˈʃis.ti.ko/ :: neofascist
neofilia {f} :: neophilia
neofita {mf} :: neophyte
neoformato {adj} :: newly-formed
neoformazione {f} :: neoformation
neoformazione {f} :: neologism
neogene {m} [geology] :: Neogene
neogenico {adj} :: neogenic
neoghibellinismo {m} :: A political movement during the Italian Risorgimento in favour of a unitary republican state (rather than a monarchy)
neoghibellino {adj} :: Relating to neoghibellinismo
neoglicogenesi {f} :: alternative form of gluconeogenesi
neogotico {adj} :: neogothic
neogotico {m} :: Gothic revival
neogovernatore {m} :: newly-elected governor
neogrammatico {m} :: Neogrammarian
neogrammatico {adj} :: Neogrammarian (attributive)
neogreco {adj} /ˌnɛo̯ˌɡrɛ.ko/ :: modern Greek
neogreco {m} :: modern Greek (language)
neoguelfismo {m} :: neoguelphism
neoguelfo {adj} :: Of or pertaining to neoguelphism
neoguelfo {m} :: An advocate of neoguelphism
neohegeliano {adj} :: neo-Hegelian
neohegelismo {m} :: neo-Hegelianism
neoidealismo {m} [philosophy] :: neo-idealism
neoidealista {mf} [philosophy] :: neoidealist
neoilluminismo {m} [philosophy] :: A school of thought inspired by the values of the Enlightenment
neoimperialismo {m} :: neoimperialism, neocolonialism
neoimperialista {adj} :: neoimperialist, neocolonial
neoimperialista {mf} :: neoimperialist, neocolonialist
neoimperialistico {adj} :: neoimperial, neocolonial
neoimpressionismo {m} [arts] :: neoimpressionism
neoimpressionista {mf} [arts] :: neoimpressionist
neoindiano {adj} :: Describing the complex of modern Aryan languages spoken in India
neoistituito {adj} :: newly-instituted
neoitterbia {f} [mineral] :: neoytterbia
neoitterbio {m} :: neoytterbia
neokantiano {adj} [philosophy] :: Neo-Kantian
neokantismo {m} [philosophy] :: Neo-Kantianism
neolalia {f} :: neolalia
neolamarckismo {m} :: neo-Lamarckism
neolatinista {mf} :: A New Latin scholar
neolatino {adj} :: Romance
neolatino {adj} :: neo-Latin, New Latin (attributive)
neolaureato {adj} :: newly-graduated or -qualified
neolaureato {m} :: A newly-graduated or -qualified person
neoliberale {adj} :: neoliberal
neoliberalismo {m} :: neoliberalism
neoliberismo {m} [economics] :: neoliberalism
neoliberista {mf} [philosophy] :: neoliberal
neoliberty {m} [architecture] :: An Italian architectural movement which evolved in the late 1950s in opposition to international modernism
neolinguista {mf} :: neolinguist
neolinguistica {f} :: neolinguistics
neolitico {adj} :: neolithic
neologia {f} :: neology (formation of neologisms)
neologico {adj} :: neologistic
neologismo {m} [linguistics] :: neologism
neologista {mf} :: neologist
neologizzante {v} :: present participle of neologizzare
neologizzare {v} :: To neologize
neoluddismo {m} :: neo-Luddism
neoluddista {adj} :: neo-Luddite
neoluddista {mf} :: neo-Luddite
neomaltusianismo {m} :: Neo-Malthusianism
neomaltusiano {adj} :: Neo-Malthusian
neomamma {f} :: new mother
neomania {f} :: synonym of neofilia
neomanierismo {m} [art] :: neo-Mannerism
neomarxismo {m} :: Neo-Marxism
neomarxista {mf} :: neo-Marxist
neomecenatismo {m} :: A new form of patronage mainly involving sponsorship of events or teams
neomelodico {adj} [music] :: neomelodic (Describing a style of Neapolitan singing that attempts to fuse traditional songs with tales of modern life and love)
neomercantilismo {m} [economics] :: neomercantilism
neomercantilistico {adj} :: neomercantilist
neomicina {f} :: neomycin
neoministra {f} :: female equivalent of neoministro
neoministro {m} :: newly-appointed minister
neon {m} [chemistry] /ˈnɛ.on/ :: neon
neonatale {adj} :: neonatal
neonato {adj} :: newborn
neonato {m} :: newborn, baby, infant
neonatologa {f} :: female equivalent of neonatologo
neonatologia {f} [medicine] :: neonatology
neonatologico {adj} :: neonatological
neonatologo {m} :: neonatologist
neonazismo {m} :: neo-Nazism
neonazista {adj} :: neo-Nazi
neonazista {mf} :: neo-Nazi
neonista {mf} :: neonist
neopaganesimo {m} :: neopaganism
neopaganismo {m} :: neopaganism
neopagano {adj} :: neopagan
neopagano {m} :: neopagan
neopalladianesimo {m} [architecture] :: neo-Palladianism
neopapà {m} :: A man who has just become a father
neopatentato {adj} :: newly patented
neopentecostale {adj} :: neo-Pentecostal
neopentecostalismo {m} :: neo-Pentecostalism
neopersiano {adj} :: Iranian
neopersiano {m} :: Persian (language of Iran)
neopitagorico {adj} :: neopythagorean
neopitagorismo {m} :: Neopythagoreanism
neoplasia {f} :: neoplasia
neoplasico {adj} :: alternative form of neoplastico
neoplasma {m} :: neoplasm
neoplasticismo {m} [art] :: neoplasticism
neoplastico {adj} :: neoplastic
neoplatonico {adj} :: Neoplatonic
neoplatonismo {m} :: Neoplatonism
neopositivismo {m} :: neopositivism, logical positivism
neopositivista {mf} :: neopositivist, logical positivist
neopositivistico {adj} :: neopositivistic
neoprene {m} :: neoprene
neopresidente {mf} :: A newly appointed president
neoproclamato {adj} :: newly-proclaimed
neoproletariato {m} :: neo-proletariat
neoproletario {adj} :: neo-proletarian
neoproletario {m} :: neo-proletarian
neopromosso {adj} :: newly promoted
neopromosso {m} :: A newly promoted person
neopromosso {m} [sports] :: A team that has been promoted from one league to the next higher
neoprotezionismo {m} :: neo-protectionism
neoprotezionistico {adj} :: Describing any of several Italian political parties or groups who favour protectionism, often under a different name
neopurismo {m} [linguistics] :: neo-purism
neopurista {mf} [linguistics] :: neo-purist
neopuristico {adj} [linguistics] :: neo-purist, neo-puristic
neorealismo {m} :: neorealism
neorealista {adj} :: neorealistic
neorealista {mf} :: neorealist
neorealisticamente {adv} :: neorealistically
neorealistico {adj} :: neorealistic
neoricardiano {adj} [economics] :: neo-Ricardian
neorinascimentale {adj} :: neo-Renaissance, Renaissance revival (attributive)
neoromanico {adj} :: neo-Romanesque
neoromanticismo {m} :: neo-romanticism
neoromantico {adj} :: neo-romantic
neoscolastica {f} :: neo-scholasticism
neoscolastico {adj} :: neo-scholastic
neosegretario {m} :: newly designated leader, newly appointed leader (of a political party, trade union etc)
neosindaco {m} :: A newly-elected mayor
neosintetizzato {adj} :: newly-synthesized
neosposa {f} :: Newly-married woman
neostoma {m} [surgery] :: The aperture formed by neostomy
neostomia {f} [surgery] :: neostomy
neostoricismo {m} :: neo-historicism, neo-historism
neoteri {m} :: The classical neoteric poets, or modern poets who use the same style
neoterico {adj} :: neoteric
neoterismo {m} :: neoteric poetry
neoterismo {m} :: neophilia
neotestamentario {adj} :: New Testament (attributive)
neotetanure {m} :: neotetanuran
neotipo {m} [biology] :: neotype
neotomismo {m} :: neo-Thomism
neotomista {mf} :: neo-Thomist
neotomista {adj} :: neo-Thomist
neotomistico {adj} :: neo-Thomistic
neottolemo {m} :: A large, blue, neotropical butterfly (Morpho neoptolemus)
Neottolemo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Neoptolemus
neoumanesimo {m} :: neo-humanism
neoverismo {m} :: synonym of neorealismo
neoverista {m} {m} :: synonym of neorealista
neoverista {adj} :: synonym of neorealista
neozelandese {adj} :: of or relating to New Zealand
neozelandese {mf} :: New Zealander
neozoico {adj} :: Neozoic (attributive)
neozoico {m} :: Neozoic (period)
nepa {f} :: water scorpion (of family Nepidae)
Nepal {prop} :: Nepal
nepalese {adj} :: Nepalese
nepalese {mf} :: Nepalese, Nepali
nepalese {ms} [singular only] :: All the languages from Nepal including Khas Nepali, Maithili language, Nepal Bhasa, Tamang language, Gurung language
nepente {f} :: pitcher plant (of genus Nepenthes)
nepente {f} :: nepenthe
Nepero {prop} :: Napier
nepetella {f} :: Variant of nepitella
nepitella {f} :: A perennial herb (Clinopodium nepeta, syn. Calamintha nepeta)
nepote {m} [literary] /neˈpo.te/ :: alternative form of nipote
Nepote {prop} :: Nepos
nepotismo {m} :: nepotism
nepotista {mf} :: nepotist
nepotisticamente {adv} :: nepotistically
nepotistico {adj} :: nepotistic
neppur {adv} :: apocopic form of neppure
neppure {conj} :: (synonym of neanche) not even
nequità {f} [obsolete] :: Variant of iniquità
nequitoso {adj} :: wicked
nequitoso {adj} :: iniquitous
nequizia {f} :: nastiness
Nera {prop} :: Nera (river)
neracchiolo {adj} :: blackish (of a complexion)
nerale {m} [organic compound] :: neral
nerastro {adj} /neˈras.tro/ :: blackish
nerazzurro {adj} :: blue-black
nerazzurro {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the FC Internazionale Milano, the famous Italian football club based in Milan
nerazzurro {adj} :: Of or pertaining to any other sporting team wearing a black-blue shirt
nerazzurro {m} :: A FC Internazionale Milano player or supporter
nerazzurro {m} :: A player or supporter of any sporting club wearing a black-blue shirt
nerbante {v} :: present participle of nerbare
nerbare {v} :: To whip (beat with a whip)
nerbata {f} :: blow
nerbata {f} :: whiplash
nerbatore {m} :: whipper
nerbatura {f} :: synonym of nerbata
nerbo {m} /ˈnɛrbo/ :: whip
nerbo {m} [figuratively] :: backbone, sinew
nerboruto {adj} :: brawny, muscular, sinewy
nerbuto {adj} :: wiry and strong
nerchia {f} :: stick
nerchia {f} [vulgar] :: penis
nereggiamento {m} :: blackening, darkening
nereggiante {v} /ne.redˈd͡ʒan.te/ :: present participle of nereggiare
nereggiante {adj} [literary] :: blackish
nereggiante {adj} [literary] :: blackening, darkening
nereggiare {vi} :: to appear to be, or tend to be black
nereggiare {vi} :: to start to darken [especially of fruit]
nereide {f} :: nereid
Nereo {prop} [Greek god] :: Nereus
Nereo {prop} :: given name
neretese {adj} :: Of or from Nereto
neretino {adj} :: Of or from Nardò (Roman "Neretum")
Nereto {prop} :: Nereto (small town)
neretto {m} :: bold (type)
neretto {m} :: article in bold type
nerezza {f} :: blackness
Neri {prop} :: given name
nericante {v} :: present participle of nericare
nericante {adj} :: alternative form of nereggiante
nericare {v} :: alternative form of nereggiare
nericcio {adj} :: blackish (somewhat black)
nerigno {adj} :: blackish (somewhat black)
nerissimo {adj} :: superlative of nero
neritico {adj} :: neritic
nero {adj} :: black
nero {m} :: black colour
nero {m} :: fascist, the extreme right
nero {m} :: ink
nero {m} :: a person of black skin
nero {m} [heraldry] :: sable
neroargento {adj} :: black and silver
neroazzurro {n} :: alternative form of nerazzurro
nero come la pece {adj} :: pitch-black
nero di seppia {m} :: nero di seppia (cuttlefish ink, used as a sauce for pasta or risotto)
nerofumo {m} :: lampblack, carbon black
nerofumo {adj} :: Very black
nerognolo {adj} :: blackish
nerone {m} :: A cruel, ruthless person; a tyrant
Nerone {prop} :: Nero (Roman emperor)
neroniano {adj} :: Neronian (of or pertaining to the emperor Nero)
neroniano {adj} :: ruthless, cruel
neroverde {adj} :: black and green
neroverde {adj} :: Relating to any of several sports clubs whose players wear these colours
nerume {m} :: grime, dirt
nerume {m} :: sooty mould
nervato {adj} :: nerved, ribbed
nervatura {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: nerves
nervatura {f} [botany] :: veining
nervatura {f} [architecture] :: rib
nerveo {adj} [anatomy, physiology] :: nervous (relating to nerves)
nervetto {m} [especially in plural] :: A dish of calf's head with vegetables etc
Nervia {prop} :: Nervia (river)
nervianese {adj} :: Of or from Nerviano
Nerviano {prop} :: Nerviano (town)
nervino {adj} :: nerve (attributive)
nervo {m} [anatomy] :: nerve
nervo {m} [botany] :: vein, nerve
nervo {m} [in the plural] :: nerves (agitation caused by a negative emotion)
nervo ottico {m} [neuroanatomy] :: optic nerve
nervosamente {adv} :: nervously
nervosamente {adv} :: irritably
nervosetto {adj} :: antsy
nervosismo {m} :: nervousness
nervosismo {m} :: irritability
nervosismo {m} :: chafe
nervosissimo {adj} :: superlative of nervoso
nervosità {f} :: nervousness, irritability, nervosity
nervosità {f} :: incisiveness
nervoso {adj} [medicine, anatomy] :: nervous, nerve (attr.)
nervoso {adj} :: irritable, touchy, cross
nervoso {adj} :: tense, unquiet, nervous, jumpy, high-strung, high-spirited
nervoso {m} [familiar] :: irritability, bad mood
nervo vago {m} [anatomy] :: vagus nerve
nervovascolare {adj} :: alternative form of neurovascolare
nesciente {adj} :: nescient, ignorant
nescientemente {adv} :: nesciently, ignorantly
nescienza {f} :: nescience, ignorance
n-esimo {adj} :: alternative form of ennesimo
nesonimo {m} :: nesonym
nesosilicato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: nesosilicate
nespola {f} /ˈnɛs.po.la/ :: medlar (fruit)
nespola {f} :: loquat (fruit)
nespolo {m} /ˈnɛs.po.lo/ :: medlar (tree)
nespolo {m} :: loquat (tree)
nessile {adj} :: braided; knotted together
nesso {m} :: connection
nesso {m} :: link
nesso {m} :: nexus
Nesso {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Nessus
nessun' {adj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of nessuna
nessun' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of nessuna
nessun {adj} :: apocopic form of nessuno
nessun {pron} :: apocopic form of nessuno
nessuno {adj} [in negative sentences] /nesˈsu.no/ :: no, any
nessuno {pron} :: none
nessuno {pron} [masculine only] :: no one, nobody
nestaia {f} :: A nursery for plants being grafted
nestiatria {f} [medicine] :: fasting as a cure
nestore {m} :: kaka (parrot of genus Nestor)
Nestore {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Nestor
Nestore {prop} :: given name
Nestore {prop} :: Nestore (river)
nestorianesimo {m} :: Nestorianism
nestoriano {adj} :: Nestorian
netgamer {n} :: netgamer
netino {adj} :: Of, or from, Noto
netino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Noto
Neto {prop} :: Neto (river)
nettacessi {mf} :: toilet cleaner
nettamente {adv} :: clearly
nettamente {adv} :: definitely, decidedly, absolutely
nettamento {m} :: cleaning, cleaning up
nettamina {f} :: A long-handled tool used for removing debris from mines
nettante {v} :: present participle of nettare
nettapenne {m} :: pen wiper
nettapiedi {m} :: doormat
nettapipe {m} :: pipe cleaner
nettarasoio {m} :: strop (for cleaning razors)
nettare {m} /ˈnɛt.ta.re/ :: nectar
nettare {vt} [rare, literary] /netˈta.re/ :: to clean, clean up
nettareo {adj} [literary] /netˈta.reo̯/ :: nectarine, sweet, delicious
nettarina {f} /net.taˈri.na/ :: synonym of pesca noce
nettarinia {f} :: sunbird (of the family Nectariniidae)
nettarino {adj} /net.taˈri.no/ :: only used in pesca nettarina
nettario {m} [botany] /netˈta.rjo/ :: nectary
nettarivoro {adj} [biology] /net.taˈri.vo.ro/ :: synonym of nettarofago
nettaroconca {f} [botany] /net.ta.roˈkon.ka/ :: synonym of nettaroteca
nettarofago {adj} [biology] /net.taˈrɔ.fa.ɡo/ :: nectarivorous
nettaroteca {f} [botany] /net.ta.roˈtɛ.ka/ :: The part of a flower containing nectar
nettarovia {f} [botany] /net.ta.roˈvia̯/ :: A structure, in flowers, that guides insect pollinators towards the source of the nectar
nettatoia {f} :: hawk, mortarboard (plasterer's tool)
nettatoio {m} :: cleaner (tool)
nettatore {m} :: cleaner (person)
nettatura {f} :: cleaning
nettezza {f} :: cleanness, cleanliness
nettezza {f} :: clarity
nettezza urbana {f} :: cleansing department (of a town etc.); department of sanitation
nettissimo {adj} :: superlative of netto
nettissimo {adj} :: very clear
nettissimo {adj} :: very decided, very marked
netto {adj} /ˈnet.to/ :: clear
netto {adj} :: net
netto {adv} :: clearly
nettorina {f} :: bleach, disinfectant (domestic)
nettozoide {m} /net.toˈd͡zɔi̯.de/ :: alternative form of nectozoide
nettunense {adj} :: Neptunian
nettunense {adj} :: Of or from Nettuno in Lazio
nettunese {adj} :: Of or from Nettuno in Lazio
nettuniano {adj} [geology, astronomy] :: Neptunian
nettunio {m} [chemistry] /netˈtunjo/ :: neptunium
nettunio {adj} [poetic, literary] :: Neptunian
nettunismo {m} [geology] :: Neptunism
nettunista {mf} [geology] :: Neptunist
Nettuno {prop} /netˈtuno/ :: Neptune (planet)
Nettuno {prop} [Roman god] :: Neptune
Nettuno {prop} :: Nettuno (small coastal town), site of an Allied landing during World War II
netturbino {m} :: street cleaner
netturbino {m} :: garbage man
ne uccide più la penna della spada {proverb} :: the pen is mightier than the sword
neuma {f} [music] :: neume
neumatico {adj} :: neumatic
neuno {adj} /neˈuno/ :: obsolete form of niuno
neuno {pron} :: obsolete form of niuno
neurale {adj} :: neural
neurale {adj} :: nervous (relating to the nervous system)
neuralgico {adj} :: alternative form of nevralgico
neuralizzazione {f} :: neuralization
neuraminidasi {f} [biochemistry] :: neuraminidase
neurasse {m} :: alternative form of nevrasse
neurassite {f} [pathology] :: neuraxitis (inflammation of the nervous system)
neurastenico {adj} :: alternative form of nevrastenico
neurectomia {f} [surgery] :: neurectomy
neurina {f} [organic compound] :: neurine
neurite {f} [pathology] :: neuritis
neuritico {adj} :: neuritic
neuro- {prefix} :: neuro-
neuro {m} :: neurological clinic (properly clinica neurologica)
neuro {m} [colloquial] :: madhouse
neuroanastomosi {f} [surgery] :: neuroanastomosis
neuroanatomia {f} :: neuroanatomy
neuroanatomico {adj} :: neuroanatomical
neurobalistico {adj} :: neuroballistic
neurobiologia {f} :: neurobiology
neurobiologico {adj} :: neurobiological
neurobiologismo {m} :: neurobiologism
neurobiologo {m} :: neurobiologist
neuroblasto {m} :: neuroblast
neuroblastoma {m} [oncology] :: neuroblastoma
neurochimica {f} [biochemistry] :: neurochemistry
neurochimica {f} :: female equivalent of neurochimico
neurochimico {adj} :: neurochemical
neurochimico {m} :: neurochemist
neurochirurgia {f} :: neurosurgery
neurochirurgico {adj} :: neurosurgical
neurochirurgo {m} :: neurosurgeon
neurocito {m} :: neurocyte, neuron
neurocranio {m} [skeleton] :: neurocranium
neurodegenerativo {adj} [pathology] :: neurodegenerative
neurodeliri {m} [colloquial] :: loony bin
neurodermite {f} [disease] :: neurodermitis, atopic dermatitis
neurodinia {f} [pathology] :: neurodynia
neuroeconomia {f} :: neuroeconomics
neuroendocrinologia {f} :: neuroendocrinology
neuroepiteliale {adj} :: neuroepithelial
neuroetica {f} :: neuroethics
neurofarmacologia {f} :: neuropharmacology
neurofibrilla {f} :: neurofibril
neurofibrillaro {adj} :: neurofibrillary
neurofilamento {m} :: neurofilament
neurofisiologia {f} [physiology] :: neurophysiology
neurofisiologico {adj} :: neurophysiological
neurofisiologo {m} :: neurophysiologist
neurofisiopatologia {f} [pathology] :: neurophysiopathology
neurofisiopatologo {m} [pathology] :: neurophysiopathologist
neurogeno {adj} [medicine] :: neurogenic
neuroglicopenia {f} [medicine] :: neuroglycopenia
neuroglicopenico {adj} :: neuroglycopenic
neuroimmagine {f} :: neuroimaging
neuroimmunologico {adj} :: neuroimmunological
neuroipofisario {adj} :: neurohypophyseal
neuroipofisi {f} :: neurohypophysis
neurolabile {adj} :: neuropathic
neurolettico {adj} :: antipsychotic, neuroleptic
neurolettico {m} [pharmacology] :: antipsychotic, neuroleptic
neurolinguistica {f} :: neurolinguistics
neurologa {f} :: female equivalent of neurologo
neurologia {f} [medicine] :: neurology
neurologicamente {adv} :: neurologically
neurologico {adj} :: neurologic, neurological
neurologo {m} :: neurologist
neuroma {m} :: neuroma
neuromediatore {m} :: neuromediator, neuromodulator, neurotransmitter
neuromero {m} [embryology] :: neuromere
neuromotorio {adj} :: neuromotor
neuromuscolare {adj} [anatomy] :: neuromuscular
neuronale {adj} :: neuronal
neurone {m} [cytology] :: neuron
neurooncologia {f} :: neurooncology
neuropatia {f} [pathology] :: neuropathy
neuropatico {adj} :: neuropathic
neuropatologia {f} :: neuropathology
neuropatologico {adj} :: neuropathological
neuropatologo {m} :: neuropathologist
neuropeptide {m} :: neuropeptide
neuroplegico {adj} :: neuroplegic
neuroprotesi {f} :: neuroprosthetics
neuropsichiatra {mf} :: cognitive and behavioral neurologist; neuropsychiatrist
neuropsichiatria {f} [medicine] :: neuropsychiatry
neuropsichiatrico {adj} :: neuropsychiatric
neuropsichico {adj} :: neuropsychic, neuropsychiatric
neuropsicologa {f} :: female equivalent of neuropsicologo
neuropsicologia {f} [psychology] :: neuropsychology
neuropsicologico {adj} :: neuropsychological
neuropsicologo {m} :: neuropsychologist
neurormone {m} :: neurohormone
neuroscheletro {m} [anatomy] /nɛu̯.roˈskɛ.le.tro/ :: neuroskeleton
neuroscientifico {adj} :: neuroscientific
neuroscienza {f} :: neuroscience
neuroscienziato {m} :: neuroscientist
neurosecernente {adj} :: neurosecretory
neurosedativo {adj} :: neuro-sedative
neurosi {f} :: alternative form of nevrosi
neurosifilide {f} [pathology] :: neurosyphilis
neurospasmo {m} :: neurospasm, tic, nervous twitch
neurosteroide {m} :: neurosteroid
neuroterapia {f} :: neurotherapy
neurotico {adj} :: alternative form of nevrotico
neurotomia {f} [surgery] :: neurotomy
neurotonico {adj} :: neurotonic
neurotonico {m} :: neurotonic
neurotossico {adj} :: neurotoxic
neurotossina {f} :: neurotoxin
neurotrasmettitore {m} [biochemistry, neuroscience] :: neurotransmitter
neurotrasmissione {f} :: neurotransmission
neurotrofico {adj} :: neurotrophic
neurotropo {adj} :: neurotropic
neurovascolare {adj} [anatomy] :: neurovascular
neurovegetativo {adj} [anatomy] :: neurovegetative
neustria {f} :: lackey moth (Malacosoma neustria)
neutrale {adj} :: neutral
neutrale {m} :: A neutral
neutralino {m} [physics] :: neutralino
neutralismo {m} :: neutralism (all senses)
neutralista {mf} :: neutralist
neutralistico {adj} :: neutralist, neutralistic
neutralità {f} :: neutrality
neutralizzabile {adj} :: neutralizable
neutralizzabilità {f} :: neutralizability
neutralizzante {v} :: present participle of neutralizzare
neutralizzante {adj} :: neutralizing
neutralizzare {vt} :: to neutralize, counteract, nullify
neutralizzatore {m} :: neutralizer
neutralizzazione {f} :: neutralization (all senses)
neutralmente {adv} :: neutrally
neutrinico {adj} [physics] :: neutrinic
neutro {adj} /ˈnɛ.ut.ro/ :: neutral (in all senses)
neutro {adj} :: neuter
neutrofilia {f} :: neutrophilia
neutrofilo {adj} :: neutrophil, neutrophile, neutrophilic
neutrone {m} [physics] :: neutron
neutronico {adj} :: neutron (attributive)
neutronio {m} [physics] :: neutronium
neutropausa {f} :: neutropause
neutropenia {f} [pathology] :: neutropenia
neutrosfera {f} :: neutrosphere
Neva {prop} :: Neva
Nevada {prop} :: Nevada (state)
nevaia {f} :: alternative form of neviera
nevaio {m} /neˈva.jo/ :: snowfield
nevale {adj} :: alternative form of nivale
nevare {v} [obsolete, impersonal] /neˈva.re/ :: to snow
nevato {adj} /neˈva.to/ :: snow-clad
nevato {adj} :: snowcapped
nevato {adj} :: snow-white
neve {f} [weather] /ˈne.ve/ :: snow
neve {f} [slang, uncountable] :: snow (cocaine)
n'è vero {interj} :: rare spelling of nevvero
neve tonda {f} [meteorology] :: graupel, soft hail, snow pellet
nevicante {v} :: present participle of nevicare
nevicare {v} [impersonal] /ne.viˈka.re/ :: to snow
nevicata {f} /ne.viˈka.ta/ :: snowfall
nevicata {f} :: snow (an instance of falling of snow)
nevico {adj} :: Relating to, or associated with a mole (on the skin)
neviera {f} /neˈvjɛ.ra/ :: icehouse
nevigare {v} :: alternative form of nevicare
Nevio {prop} :: given name
nevischiante {v} :: present participle of nevischiare
nevischiare {v} [impersonal] /ne.visˈkja.re/ :: to have snow grains fall from the sky; to snow lightly
nevischiare {v} [impersonal, dialectal] :: to sleet
nevischio {m} /neˈvis.kjo/ :: snow grains
nevischio {m} :: snow flurry
nevischio {m} [dialectal] :: sleet
nevisiano {adj} :: Of or from Nevis or Saint Kitts and Nevis
nevografo {m} :: alternative form of nivografo
nevola {f} :: synonym of cartellata
nevometro {m} :: snow-gauge
nevosità {f} /ne.vo.ziˈta/ :: snowfall (the amount of snow that falls on one occasion)
nevoso {adj} [weather] /neˈvo.zo/ :: snowy
nevoso {adj} :: snowclad, snow-covered
nevoso {m} [historical] :: Nivôse (the fourth month of the French Republican Calendar)
nevralgia {f} :: neuralgia
nevralgico {adj} :: neuralgic
nevrasse {m} [anatomy] :: neuraxis
nevrassite {f} :: alternative form of neurassite
nevrastenia {f} :: neurasthenia
nevrastenico {adj} :: neurasthenic
nevrastenico {adj} :: hot-tempered
nevrectomia {f} :: alternative form of neurectomia
nevrilemma {f} :: neurilemma
nevrite {f} [pathology] :: neuritis
nevritico {adj} :: alternative form of neuritico
nevro- {prefix} :: neuro-
nevroglia {f} :: glia, neuroglia
nevropatia {f} :: alternative form of neuropatia
nevrosi {f} [psychology] :: neurosis
nevroticamente {adv} :: neurotically
nevrotico {adj} :: neurotic (all senses)
nevrotizzante {v} :: present participle of nevrotizzare
nevrotizzantesi {v} :: present participle of nevrotizzarsi
nevrotizzare {vt} :: to make neurotic
nevrotizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of nevrotizzare
nevrotizzarsi {vr} :: to become neurotic
nevrotizzatosi {v} :: past participle of nevrotizzarsi
nevvero {interj} [colloquial, Northern Italy] :: isn't it so?; isn't that true?
New Hampshire {prop} /ɲuˈ-ɛm.ʃir/ :: New Hampshire (state)
New Jersey {prop} /ɲuˈd͡ʒɛr.si/ :: New Jersey (state)
newton {m} :: newton
newtoniano {adj} [physics] :: Newtonian
newyorchese {adj} :: alternative spelling of newyorkese
newyorchese {mf} :: alternative spelling of newyorkese
New York {prop} /ɲu-ˈyɔrk/ :: New York (largest city)
New York {prop} :: New York (state)
newyorkese {adj} /n(j)u.jorˈke.se/ :: New York (attributive)
newyorkese {mf} :: New Yorker
n'gana {f} :: alternative form of nagana
ni {adv} [colloquial] :: Neither yes nor no
ni {mf} :: nu (Greek letter)
{adv} [colloquial] /ni/ :: yes and no
niacina {f} [organic compound] :: niacin
Niassa {prop} :: Nyasa
Nibali {prop} :: surname
Nibali {prop} :: Vincenzo Nibali, Italian cyclist
nibbio {m} :: kite (bird)
nibbio bruno {m} :: black kite
nibbio codadirondine {m} :: swallow-tailed kite
nibbio reale {m} :: red kite
Nibelunghi {prop} :: Nibelungs, Nibelungen
nibelungico {adj} :: Nibelungs, Nibelungen (attributive)
Nicà {prop} :: Nicà (small river)
Nicaragua {prop} :: Nicaragua (country)
nicaraguegno {adj} :: Nicaraguan
nicaraguense {adj} :: Nicaraguan
nicaraguense {mf} :: Nicaraguan
nicaraguese {adj} :: synonym of nicaraguense
nicchia {f} :: niche
nicchia {f} :: cavity, hollow (in a hill etc)
nicchia ecologica {f} [ecology] :: ecological niche
nicchiamento {m} :: shilly-shallying
nicchiante {v} :: present participle of nicchiare
nicchiare {vi} :: To hesitate or shilly-shally
niccianesimo {m} :: alternative form of nietzschianesimo
nicciano {adj} /nitˈtʃa.no/ :: alternative spelling of nietzschiano
niccio {m} :: alternative form of neccio
Niccola {prop} :: given name
niccolite {f} [mineral] :: nickeline
Niccolò {prop} /nik.koˈlɔ/ :: given name
Nicea {prop} :: Nicea (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in northwestern <<r/Anatolia>>, in modern <<c/Turkey>>)
Niceforo {prop} :: given name
niceno {adj} :: Nicene, Nicaean
nichel {m} [chemistry] /ˈnikel/ :: nickel
nichelante {v} :: present participle of nichelare
nichelare {vt} :: To nickel (plate with nickel)
nichelargento {m} :: nickel silver
nichelato {adj} :: nickel-plated
nichelatore {m} :: nickel-plater
nichelatura {f} :: nickel-plating
nichelcromo {m} :: nichrome
nichelifero {adj} :: nickeliferous
nichelino {m} [dated] :: A small nickel coin used in Italy before the Second World War
nichelino {m} [by extension] :: Money of little value
Nichelino {prop} :: Nichelino (town)
nichelio {m} :: alternative form of nichel
nicheloso {adj} :: nickelous
nichilismo {m} :: nihilism
nichilista {adj} :: nihilistic
nichilista {mf} :: nihilist
nichilistico {adj} :: nihilistic
nichilità {f} [obsolete] :: nonentity
Nicia {prop} :: Nicias
Nico {prop} /ˈni.ko/ :: given name
Nicobare {prop} :: Nicobar Islands
nicodemismo {m} :: Nicodemism
nicodemita {mf} :: Nicodemite
Nicodemo {prop} :: Nicodemus
Nicodemo {prop} :: given name
Nicola {prop} :: given name
nicolaismo {m} :: Nicolaism
nicolaita {mf} :: Nicolaitan
Nicolao {prop} :: given name
Nicoletta {prop} :: given name, feminine diminutive form of Nicola ( Nicholas)
Nicoletti {prop} :: surname
Nicolini {prop} :: surname
Nicolò {prop} :: given name
Nicolucci {prop} :: surname
nicomacheo {adj} :: Nicomachean
Nicosia {prop} :: Nicosia (capital city)
nicotina {f} [organic compound] :: nicotine (addictive alkaloid derived from tobacco)
nicotinammide {f} [organic compound] :: nicotinamide
nicotinico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: nicotinic
nicotinismo {m} :: nicotinism (nicotine poisoning)
nicotino {adj} :: nicotine (attributive)
nict- {prefix} :: alternative form of nicto- used before a vowel
nictalope {adj} :: nyctalopic
nictalopia {f} [pathology] :: nyctalopia
nictalopo {adj} :: nyctalopic
nictante {adj} :: synonym of nictifloro
nictemerale {adj} :: alternative form of nittemerale
nicti- {prefix} :: alternative form of nicto-
nicticora {f} /nikˈti.ko.ra/ :: alternative form of nitticora
nictifloro {adj} [botany] :: noctiflorous
nictinastia {f} [botany] /nik.ti.nasˈti.a/ :: nyctinasty
nictinastico {adj} [botany] /nik.tiˈnas.ti.ko/ :: nyctinastic
nictitante {adj} :: alternative form of nittitante
nictitazione {f} :: alternative form of nittitazione
nicto- {prefix} :: nyct-
nictografia {f} :: nyctography
nictografo {m} :: nyctograph
nicturia {f} [medicine] :: nocturia
nidamentale {adj} [zoology] :: nidamental
nidamento {m} [zoology] :: nidamentum
nidata {f} :: alternative form of nidiata
nidiace {adj} [ornithology] :: nestling
nidiaceo {adj} [ornithology] :: nestling
nidiandolo {adj} [ornithology, Tuscan] /niˈdjan.do.lo/ :: nestling
nidiandolo {m} [Tuscan] :: nest egg (egg placed in a bird's nest to encourage it to lay)
nidiata {f} :: brood (of birds etc)
nidiata {f} :: litter (of animals)
nidicolo {adj} :: nidicolous
nidi di rondine {n} :: A type of pasta al forno swallow nest shaped
nidificante {v} :: present participle of nidificare
nidificare {vi} :: to nest
nidificazione {f} :: nidification, nest building
nidiforme {adj} :: nidiform (nest-shaped)
nidifugo {adj} :: nidifugous
nidio {m} :: alternative form of nido
nido {m} :: nest
nido {m} [figuratively] :: home
nidore {m} :: The smell of burning animals, nidor
Nidvaldo {prop} :: Nidvaldo (canton)
niego {m} /ˈnjɛ.ɡo/ :: denial, refusal
niellante {v} :: present participle of niellare
niellare {vt} :: To decorate with niello
niellatore {m} :: A person who makes niello articles
niellatura {f} :: niello-work
niello {m} :: niello
nielsbohrio {m} :: nielsbohrium
nient' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of niente
nient' {adv} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of niente
nient {pron} :: apocopic form of niente
nient'affatto {adv} :: not at all
nient'altro {pron} :: nothing else
niente {pron} /ˈnjɛn.te/ :: nothing
niente {pron} :: anything
niente {adj} [colloquial] :: no, (after a negative) any
niente {adv} :: at all
niente {adv} :: nothing, anything
niente {m} :: nothing
niente di fatto {adv} :: nowhere
nientedimanco {adv} :: alternative form of nientedimeno
niente di meno {adv} [colloquial] :: alternative form of nientedimeno
nientedimeno {adv} /njen.te.diˈme.no/ :: even
nientedimeno {adv} :: no less
nientedimeno {interj} :: I say!, you don't say!, really!
nientemeno {adv} :: actually
nientemeno {adv} :: even
nientemeno {adv} :: no less
nientepopodimeno {adv} [colloquial] /njen.te.po.po.diˈme.no/ :: alternative form of nientedimeno
nientepopodimeno {interj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of nientedimeno
nientologo {m} :: know-it-all
nietzscheano {adj} :: alternative spelling of nietzschiano
nietzschianesimo {m} [philososphy] /nit.tʃaˈne.zi.mo/ :: Nietzscheanism
nietzschiano {adj} [philosophy] /nitˈtʃa.no/ :: Nietzschean (all senses)
nievo {m} /ˈnjɛ.vo/ :: [Northern Italy] synonym of nipote
nievo {m} :: (male) grandchild, grandson
nievo {m} :: nephew
Nievo {prop} :: surname
nife {m} [geology] :: nife
niffo {m} :: snout
niffo {m} :: muzzle (part of an animal's head)
nigella {f} :: nigella
Niger {prop} :: Niger (country)
Niger {prop} :: Niger (major river)
Nigeria {prop} /niˈd͡ʒɛr.ja/ :: Nigeria (country)
nigeriana {f} :: feminine noun of nigeriano
nigeriano {adj} :: Nigerian
nigeriano {m} :: Nigerian
nigerina {f} :: female equivalent of nigerino
nigerino {adj} :: Nigerien
nigerino {m} :: Nigerien
Niggli {prop} :: surname
Niggli {prop} :: Paul Niggli, Swiss geologist
night {m} /nai̯t/ :: nightclub
nigranilina {f} [organic chemistry] :: nigraniline, aniline black
nigricante {adj} :: blackish
nigricante {adj} :: swarthy
nigritella {f} :: Any of various mountain orchids of the genus Nigritella
nigrizia {f} :: synonym of negritudine
nigrizia {f} :: synonym of nerezza
nihonio {m} [chemistry] :: nihonium
nikud {n} :: nikud
Nilde {prop} /ˈnil.de/ :: given name
nilgai {m} :: bluebuck, blaubok, blue antelope
nilgai {m} :: nilgai, nilgau, Boselaphus tragocamelus
nilgai {m} :: blue bull, Boselaphus tragocamelus
nilgau {n} :: nilgai, antilope azzurra (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
niliaco {adj} :: Nilotic (relating to the Nile)
Nilo {prop} /ˈni.lo/ :: Nile
nilota {mf} /niˈlɔ.ta/ :: Nilote
nilotico {adj} /niˈlɔ.ti.ko/ :: Nilotic
nimbato {adj} :: nimbed, haloed
nimbo {m} :: halo
nimbo {m} :: nimbus
Nimega {prop} :: Nijmegen
nimichevole {adj} :: alternative form of nemichevole
nimichevolmente {adv} :: alternative form of nemichevolmente
nimico {adj} :: alternative form of nemico
nimistà {f} :: enmity, hostility
-nimo {suffix} :: -nym
nimo {pron} /ˈni.mo/ :: nobody
Nimrod {prop} [biblical] /nimˈrɔd/ :: Nimrod
ninfa {f} :: nymph
ninfacea {f} :: Any water lily of the family Nymphaeaceae
ninfale {adj} :: nymphean, nymphal
ninfea {f} :: water lily
ninfeggiante {v} :: present participle of ninfeggiare
ninfeggiare {vi} [rare] :: to act mawkishly, coyly or flirtatiously
ninfeo {m} :: nymphaeum
ninferno {m} :: alternative form of inferno
ninfetta {f} :: nymphet
ninfomane {adj} :: nymphomaniac (attributive)
ninfomane {f} :: nymphomaniac
ninfomania {f} :: nymphomania
ninfosi {f} :: pupation
Ninive {prop} /ˈni.ni.ve/ :: Ninive (ancient city)
ninja {m} [historical] /ˈnin.d͡ʒa/ :: ninja
ninna {f} [colloquial] :: sleep, beddy-byes
ninna nanna {f} :: alternative spelling of ninnananna
ninnananna {f} :: lullaby
ninnante {v} :: present participle of ninnare
ninnare {vt} :: to sing a lullaby
ninnare {vt} :: to lull or rock to sleep
ninnolante {v} :: present participle of ninnolare
ninnolare {vt} :: To amuse
ninnolo {m} :: knick-knack, trinket
ninnolo {m} [childish] :: toy, plaything
ninnolo {m} :: frill
ninnolone {m} :: idler, loafer, time-waster
nino {m} :: baby (informal, hypocorism)
Ninotti {prop} :: surname
niobato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: niobate
Niobe {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Niobe
niobico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: niobic
niobio {m} [chemistry] /niˈɔbjo/ :: niobium (a metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 41)
nipio- {prefix} :: paedo-, pedo- (related to children or infants)
nipiologia {f} :: paedology
nipiologico {adj} :: paudeological, pedological
nipiologo {m} :: paedologist, pedologist
nipitella {f} :: alternative form of nepitella
nipote {mf} /niˈpo.te/ :: grandchild, grandson, granddaughter
nipote {mf} :: nephew, niece, nibling
nipote {mf} [by extension, in the plural] :: descendants
nipoteria {f} :: All of one's grandchildren or nephews/nieces
nipotina {f} :: granddaughter
nipotina {f} :: niece
nipotino {m} :: grandson
nipotino {m} :: nephew
nipotismo {m} :: rare form of nepotismo
nipplo {m} :: nipple (on a mechanism)
nippofilia {f} [usually uncountable] /nip.po.fiˈli.a/ :: Japanophilia (strong interest in Japan)
nipponico {adj} :: Japanese, Nipponese
nipponismo {m} [linguistics] :: Nipponism (Japanese word or expression used in the Italian language)
Nipro {prop} :: The river Dnieper
niquità {f} :: alternative form of iniquità
nirvana {m} :: nirvana
nirvanico {adj} :: nirvanic
nisba {adv} :: nix, none
Niscoromni {prop} :: surname
Nisida {prop} :: A very small island in the gulf of Naples
nisina {f} [medicine] :: nisin
Nisiro {prop} :: Nisyros (Greek island)
Niso {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Nisus
Niso {prop} :: given name
nissena {f} :: feminine noun of nisseno
nisseno {adj} /nisˈsɛ.no/ :: Of or pertaining to Caltanissetta
nisseno {m} :: Native of inhabitant of Caltanissetta
nissuno {pron} :: alternative form of nessuno
nistagmico {adj} :: nystagmic
nistagmo {m} [physiology, pathology] :: nystagmus
Nistro {prop} :: The river Dnieper
nitidamente {adv} :: clearly
nitidamente {adv} :: sharply
nitidezza {f} :: clearness
nitidezza {f} :: clarity
nitidezza {f} :: sharpness (of an image)
nitido {adj} /ˈni.ti.do/ :: sharp (of an image)
nitido {adj} :: clear
nitido {adj} :: limpid
nitido {adj} :: clean
nitramidina {f} :: nitramidine
nitrante {v} :: present participle of nitrare
nitrare {vt} :: To nitrate
nitratante {v} :: present participle of nitratare
nitratare {vt} :: To add nitrates to the land as fertilizer
nitratazione {f} :: The addition of nitrates to the land as fertilizer
nitratina {f} [mineral] :: nitratine, nitre, saltpetre
nitrato {adj} :: nitrated
nitrato {m} :: nitrate
nitrato di magnesio {m} [inorganic compound] :: magnesium nitrate
nitrato di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium nitrate
nitratore {m} :: nitrator
nitratura {f} :: synonym of nitratazione
nitrazione {f} :: nitration
nitrenio {m} [inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry] :: nitrenium
nitrente {v} :: present participle of nitrire
nitreria {f} :: nitrary
nitrico {adj} :: nitric
nitriera {f} :: nitrary
nitrificante {v} :: present participle of nitrificare
nitrificante {adj} :: nitrifying
nitrificare {vt} :: to nitrify
nitrificazione {f} :: nitrification
nitrile {m} :: nitrile
nitrire {vi} :: To neigh
nitrito {m} :: the neigh of a horse
nitrito {m} [chemistry] :: nitrite
nitro- {prefix} :: nitro-
nitro {m} :: nitre, saltpetre
nitro {f} :: clipping of nitroglicerina
nitroammina {f} [organic chemistry] :: nitroamine
nitrobarite {f} [mineral] :: nitrobarite
nitrobatterio {m} :: nitrobacterium
nitrobenzene {m} [organic compound] :: nitrobenzene
nitrobenzolo {m} [organic chemistry] :: nitrobenzene
nitrocarbammide {f} [organic chemistry] :: nitrourea
nitrocellulosa {f} :: nitrocellulose
nitrocomposto {m} [chemistry] :: nitro compound
nitroderivato {m} [organic chemistry] :: nitro-derivative
nitrofilo {adj} [botany] :: nitrophilous
nitroformiato {m} [chemistry] :: nitroformate
nitrofosfato {m} :: nitrophosphate
nitrogenasi {f} [enzyme] :: nitrogenase
nitrogeno {m} [obsolete, chemistry] :: nitrogen
nitroglicerina {f} [organic compound] :: nitroglycerine
nitroglicol {m} [organic compound] :: nitroglycol
nitrogruppo {m} [organic chemistry] :: The nitro functional group
nitroguanidina {f} [organic compound] :: nitroguanidine
nitrometano {m} [organic chemistry] :: nitromethane
nitronaftalina {f} [organic compound] :: nitronaphthalene
nitroprussiato {m} [organic chemistry] :: nitroprusside, nitroferricyanide
nitrosammina {f} [organic chemistry] :: nitrosamine
nitrosare {v} /ni.troˈza.re/ :: To subject to nitrosation
nitrosazione {f} :: nitrosation
nitroso {adj} [chemistry] :: nitrous
nitrosonio {m} [inorganic compound] :: nitrosonium
nitrossido {m} [organic chemistry] :: nitroxide
nitrossile {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: nitrosyl
nitrurazione {f} :: nitriding
nitruro {m} :: nitride
nitruro di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium nitride
nittalope {adj} :: alternative form of nictalope
nittalopia {f} :: alternative form of nictalopia
nittemerale {adj} :: nictemeral
Nitti {prop} :: Nitti; surname
nitticora {f} /nitˈti.ko.ra/ :: black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax)
nittitante {adj} :: nictitating, nictitant
nittitazione {f} :: nictitation
Nitto {prop} :: Nitto; surname
niubbo {m} [Internet] :: newbie, noob
niuno {adj} [literary] /niˈu.no/ :: no, any
niuno {pron} [literary] :: no one, nobody
nivale {adj} [literary] /niˈva.le/ :: snowy
nivale {adj} [geography] :: snow (attributive)
nivazione {f} [geology] :: nivation
niveo {adj} [literary] /ˈni.veo̯/ :: snow-white, snowy, niveous
niveo {adj} [literary] :: snowy, covered in snow
niveometrico {adj} :: alternative form of nivometrico
nivografo {m} :: A graphical instrument that measures snowfall
nivologia {f} :: The study of snow
nivometrica {f} :: (measured amount of) snowfall
nivometrico {adj} :: nivometric
nivometro {m} :: alternative form of nevometro
nizatidina {f} [organic compound] :: nizatidine
nizioleto {m} [Venice] :: A type of Venetian street sign painted directly on the plaster of walls
Nizza {prop} /ˈnit.tsa/ :: Nizza (coastal city/capital)
Nizza Monferrato {prop} :: Nizza Monferrato (town)
nizzarda {f} :: feminine noun of nizzardo
nizzardo {adj} [attributive] /nitˈtsar.do/ :: Nice (from or pertaining to the French city of Nice)
nizzardo {m} :: A person from Nice
nizzese {adj} /nitˈtse.se/ :: Of or from Nizza Monferrato
nizzese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Nizza Monferrato
nn {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging, slang] :: abbreviation of non
no {adv} :: no
no {adv} :: not
no {adv} [by ellipsis] :: Used to replace negated nouns or adjectives; non-, not
no {adv} :: Used at the end of a sentence as a sort of tag question or to emphasize a statement; isn't it so, right
NO {prop} :: abbreviation of Novara (Italian town in Piemonte)
noachide {adj} :: Noahide
noachide {mf} :: Noahide
Noale {prop} :: A small town near Mirano in the Veneto
nobel {mf} :: alternative case form of Nobel
Nobel {m} /noˈbɛl/ :: ellipsis of premio Nobel; Nobel Prize
Nobel {mf} [metonymy] :: A Nobel Prize winner
nobelio {m} [chemistry] :: nobelium
nobildonna {f} :: noblewoman
nobile {adj} :: aristocratic, noble, titled
nobile {adj} [figuratively] :: noble, lofty
nobile {adj} [chemistry] :: noble
nobilea {f} :: The nobility (as a group)
nobilesco {adj} :: noble, aristocratic
nobiliare {adj} :: noble
nobilissimo {adj} :: superlative of nobile
nobilitamento {m} :: ennoblement
nobilitante {v} :: present participle of nobilitare
nobilitantesi {v} :: present participle of nobilitarsi
nobilitare {vt} :: to ennoble, to dignify
nobilitarsi {vr} :: To ennoble oneself
nobilitatore {m} :: ennobler
nobilitatosi {v} :: past participle of nobilitarsi
nobilitazione {f} :: ennobling, ennoblement
nobilmente {adv} :: nobly
nobiltà {f} /no.bilˈta/ :: nobility
nobiltà d'animo {f} :: generosity, bounty, magnanimity (elevation or dignity of soul)
nobilume {m} :: The nobility (as a group)
nobiluomo {m} :: nobleman
noblesse oblige {phrase} /noˌblɛs oˈbliʒ/ :: Noble or more generally high-ranked people have honourable obligations towards lower-ranked or less fortunate ones, and should behave nobly towards them
noblesse oblige {m} :: noblesse oblige (the honourable obligation that is the responsibility of those of high rank)
nocca {f} [anatomy] :: knuckle
nocchia {f} :: alternative form of nocciola
nocchier {m} :: apocopic form of nocchiero
nocchiere {m} [nautical] :: Variant of nocchiero
nocchiero {m} [sports, rowing, nautical] :: helmsman
nocchiero {m} [sports, rowing, nautical] :: boatswain, bosun
nocchieruto {adj} :: knotty
nocchino {m} :: A blow to the head using the knuckles
nocchio {m} [botany] :: knot, node
nocchioluto {adj} :: knotty
nocchioso {adj} :: synonym of nocchiuto
nocchiuto {adj} :: knotty
nocciola {f} /notˈt͡ʃɔ.la/ :: hazelnut, filbert
nocciola {m} :: hazel (color)
nocciola {adj} :: hazel (color)
nocciolaia {f} :: spotted nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes)
nocciolaia {f} :: female equivalent of nocciolaio
nocciolaio {m} :: hazelnut seller
nocciolato {m} :: nut chocolate (typically Nutella)
nocciolato {adj} :: made with a hazelnut spread (typically Nutella)
noccioleto {m} :: hazel grove
nocciolina {f} [rare] :: diminutive of nocciola
nocciolina {f} :: peanut
nocciolino {m} :: chopped, toasted hazelnuts
nocciolino {m} :: dormouse
nocciolino {m} :: a boyish game involving peach stones
nocciolo {m} /ˈnɔt.t͡ʃo.lo/ :: stone, kernel (of a fruit)
nocciolo {m} [figuratively] :: core, heart
nocciolo {m} /notˈt͡ʃɔ.lo/ :: hazel (tree)
nocciolo {m} :: hazel (wood)
nocciolo {m} :: synonym of palombo
nocciuola {f} [literary] /notˈt͡ʃwɔ.la/ :: alternative form of nocciola
nocciuolo {m} :: obsolete form of nocciolo
noccola {f} :: synonym of nocca
noccoliere {m} [weapons] :: knuckle duster
noccoluto {adj} :: knuckled
noce {f} :: walnut (fruit)
noce {f} [botany] :: nut
noce {f} [archery] :: nut lock (part of a crossbow)
noce {f} :: nut (tumbler of a gunlock)
noce {f} [spinning] :: A part of a spindle
noce {f} [typography] :: synonym of castelletto
noce {f} [nautical] :: The thicker part at the end of masts and yardarms
noce {f} :: A particular size for solid combustibles
noce {f} [butchery] :: top round inside
noce {m} [plant, uncountable] :: walnut
noce {m} :: A walnut tree
noce {m} [uncountable] :: walnut (wood)
noce {adj} :: walnut (having a dark brown colour)
noce americano {m} :: hickory (any of various trees of the genus Carya)
noce americano {m} [uncountable] :: hickory (wood)
noce da burro {f} :: synonym of noce di sovari
noce del Brasile {f} /ˈno.t͡ʃe del braˈzi.le/ :: brazil nut (fruit)
noce delle Maldive {f} :: coco-de-mer (nut)
noce delle Molucche {m} :: synonym of noce di bankul
noce del Pará {f} :: synonym of noce del Brasile
noce del piede {f} [skeleton, familiar] :: malleolus
noce del Queensland {f} :: small-fruited Queensland nut (Macadamia ternifolia)
noce di acagiù {f} /ˈno.t͡ʃi di a.kaˈd͡ʒu/ :: cashew nut
noce di areca {f} :: betel nut
noce di bankul {m} :: candlenut (tree)
noce di betel {f} :: synonym of noce di areca
noce di burro {m} :: knob of butter
noce di cocco {f} :: coconut
noce di cola {f} :: kola nut
noce di galla {f} [botany] :: gallnut
noce di hickory {f} :: synonym of noce di pecan
noce di pecan {f} :: pecan (nut)
noce di peccan {f} :: alternative form of noce di pecan
noce di sovari {f} :: The seed of the butter-nut of Guiana (Caryocar nuciferum)
noce di terra {f} :: synonym of terranoce
noce di zimbro {f} :: The edible seed of the Swiss pine (Pinus cembra)
nocella {f} [anatomy] :: wrist bone
nocella {f} :: pivot (of a compass)
noce metella {f} :: synonym of metella
noce moscata {f} [spices and herbs] :: nutmeg
noce nero {m} [uncountable] :: black walnut (Juglans nigra)
noce nero {m} :: A black walnut tree
noce nero {m} [uncountable] :: The wood of the black walnut tree
nocente {adj} [obsolete, literary] /noˈt͡ʃɛn.te/ :: harmful, noxious
nocente {adj} [obsolete, literary] :: guilty
nocente {v} :: present participle of nuocere
noce pecan {f} :: synonym of noce di pecan
noce pesca {f} :: synonym of pesca noce
nocepesca {f} :: nectarine (fruit)
nocepesco {m} :: nectarine (tree)
Nocera {prop} :: Any of several places in Italy
nocerino {adj} :: Of or relating to Nocera
nocerino {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Nocera
noceto {m} /noˈt͡ʃe.to/ :: walnut orchard
nocetta {f} :: A system of catching birds using decoys placed under tall plants
nocetta {f} :: A cut of meat (veal) from the lower thigh
nocetta {f} :: hazel (colour)
nocevole {adj} :: synonym of nocivo
nocevolezza {f} :: harmfulness
nocevolmente {adv} :: harmfully, noxiously, injuriously
noce vomica {f} :: strychnine tree, nux vomica (Strychnos nux-vomica)
nocibile {adj} [obsolete] :: harmful, noxious, injurious
nocicettivo {adj} :: nociceptive
nocicettore {m} [biology] :: nociceptor
nocicezione {f} [biology] :: nociception
nocina {f} /noˈt͡ʃi.na/ :: diminutive of noce: a small walnut
nocino {m} /noˈt͡ʃi.no/ :: A childish game in which walnuts are thrown against a pyramid of four other walnuts
nocino {m} :: nocino (walnut liqueur)
nocino {m} :: diminutive of noce: a small walnut tree
nocino {m} [uncountable] :: only used in nocino d'America
nocino d'America {m} :: The wood of the American sweetgum tree
nociona {f} /noˈt͡ʃo.na/ :: augmentative of noce: a large walnut
nocitore {adj} :: harmful, injurious
nocivamente {adv} /no.t͡ʃi.vaˈmen.te/ :: harmfully, noxiously, injuriously
nocività {f} /no.t͡ʃi.viˈta/ :: harmfulness
nocivo {adj} /noˈt͡ʃi.vo/ :: harmful, bad, noxious, injurious
nocosomiale {adj} :: nocosomial
nocturnale {adj} :: vocative and nominative no singular form of nocturnalis
nocturnalem {adj} :: accusative feminine and masculine singular form of nocturnalis
nocturnales {adj} :: vocative and nominative feminine and masculine plural form of nocturnalis
nocturnali {adj} :: ablative and dative no and masculine singular form of nocturnalis
nocturnalia {adj} :: vocative and nominative no plural form of nocturnalis
nocturnalibus {adj} :: ablative and dative no and masculine plural form of nocturnalis
nocturnalis {adj} [Late Latin] :: nocturnal
nocturnalium {adj} :: genitive no and masculine plural form of nocturnalis
nocumento {m} [literary] /no.kuˈmen.to/ :: harm, injury, damage
nocuo {adj} /ˈnɔ.kwo/ :: harmful, injurious, noxious
nodale {adj} :: nodal
nodale {adj} :: of fundamental importance
nodeggiare {v} :: to knot
nodello {m} :: fetlock
nodello {m} :: node in the stem of a reed
noderoso {adj} :: synonym of nodoso
nodino {m} :: A chop (cut of meat), especially of veal or pork
nodo {m} :: knot, gnarl
nodo {m} :: bond, tie
nodo {m} :: node, vertex
nodo {m} :: crux
nodo {m} :: road junction
nodo {m} [unit of measure] :: knot
nodo {m} :: lump
nodo {m} :: bend
nodo gordiano {m} :: Gordian knot
nodo linfatico {m} [anatomy] :: lymph node
nodoroso {adj} :: alternative form of noderoso
nodo scorsoio {m} :: slip knot, running knot
nodosità {f} :: knottiness
nodosità {f} :: nodosity
nodoso {adj} :: knotted
nodoso {adj} :: knotty, gnarly
nodoso {adj} [medicine, biology] :: nodose
nodrente {v} :: present participle of nodrire
nodrice {f} :: alternative form of nutrice
nodrire {v} :: alternative form of nutrire
nodrito {adj} [heraldry] :: couped
nodulare {adj} :: nodular
nodularina {f} :: nodularin
nodulizzante {adj} :: nodulizing
nodulo {m} :: nodule
noduloso {adj} :: nodulose
Noè {prop} :: Noah (a figure in Abrahamic religions, believed to have built an ark)
Noè {prop} :: given name
noematico {adj} :: noematic
Noemi {prop} :: Naomi [biblical character]
Noemi {prop} :: given name
noesi {f} [philosophy] :: noesis
noetheriano {adj} [mathematics] :: noetherian
noetico {adj} [philosophy] :: noetic
noi {pron} /ˈnoi/ :: we; us
noia {f} [obsolete] /ˈnɔ.ja/ :: anguish, sorrow
noia {f} :: boredom, tediousness
noia {f} :: bore, yawn, drag
noia {f} :: nuisance, bother, trouble, hassle
noialtri {pron} :: us
noiante {v} :: present participle of noiare
noiare {v} :: synonym of annoiare
noiosamente {adv} :: boringly, tediously
noiosissimo {adj} :: superlative of noioso
noiosità {f} :: tediousness, boringness
noioso {adj} :: boring, tedious, dull, tiresome
noioso {adj} :: annoying, troublesome, irritating
noioso {m} :: bore
noioso {m} :: annoying person, nuisance
noi stesse {pron} :: ourselves
noi stessi {pron} :: ourselves
noki {m} :: dassie rat, rock rat (Procavia capensis)
nol {pron} [literary, archaic] /nol/ :: contraction of non lo
Nola {prop} :: Nola (town) near Naples
nolano {adj} :: Of or from Nola
Nolcini {prop} :: surname
noleggiabile {adj} :: hireable, charterable
noleggiamento {m} :: hiring, renting, chartering
noleggiamento {m} :: lease, charter
noleggiante {v} :: present participle of noleggiare
noleggiare {vt} :: to hire, rent, charter
noleggiare {vt} :: to hire out, rent out
noleggiatore {m} :: hirer
noleggiatore {m} :: charterer
noleggio {m} :: hire, hiring, renting
noleggio {m} :: hire, rental, freight
nolente {adj} :: unwilling
nolo {m} /ˈnɔ.lo/ :: hire, hiring, renting
nolo {m} :: hire, rental, freight
nomade {adj} /ˈnɔ.ma.de/ :: nomadic
nomade {mf} :: nomad
nomadico {adj} :: nomadic
nomadismo {m} :: nomadism
nomadistico {adj} :: nomadistic
nomante {v} :: present participle of nomare
nomar {v} :: apocopic form of nomare
nomare {vt} [obsolete] :: to name
nomare {vt} [obsolete] :: to call (someone by name)
nome {m} /ˈno.me/ :: name
nome {m} :: first name
nome {m} :: name, reputation
nome {m} [grammar] :: noun
nomea {f} :: infamy, notoriety
nomea {f} [archaic] :: fame (implying a positive reputation)
nome aggettivo {m} [dated] :: adjective
nome binomiale {m} :: binomial name
nome botanico {m} [botany] :: botanical name
nome comune {m} :: common name
nome d'agente {m} [linguistics, grammar] :: agent noun
nome da nubile {m} :: maiden name
nome da ragazza {m} :: maiden name
nome d'arte {m} :: stage name
nome d'arte {m} :: nom de plume, pen name
nome di battaglia {m} :: nom de guerre
nome di battesimo {m} :: Christian name, first name
nome di dominio {m} [computing] :: domain name
nome di host {m} [computing] :: hostname
nome di luogo {m} :: placename
nome generico {m} :: generic name
nome in codice {m} :: code name
nomenclatura {f} :: nomenclature
nomenclaturale {adj} :: nomenclatural
nomenklatura {f} :: nomenklatura
Nomentano {prop} :: Nomentano (district)
nome proprio {m} [grammar] :: proper noun
nome proprio di persona {m} :: given name, first name
nome scientifico {m} :: scientific name
nome sostantivo {m} [dated] :: substantive, noun
nome utente {m} [computing] :: username
-nomia {suffix} :: -nomy
-nomia {suffix} :: -nomics
nomico {adj} [sciences] :: nomic
nomignolo {m} :: nickname, pet name
nomina {f} :: nomination, appointment, election
nomina {f} :: constitution, assignment
nominabile {adj} :: mentionable
nominabilità {f} :: Property of being mentionable
nominale {adj} :: nominal (in all senses)
nominalismo {m} [philosophy] :: nominalism
nominalista {mf} [philosophy] :: nominalist
nominalisticamente {adv} :: nominalistically
nominalistico {adj} :: nominalistic
nominalizzante {v} :: present participle of nominalizzare
nominalizzare {vt} [linguistics] :: to nominalize
nominalizzatore {m} [linguistics] :: nominalizer
nominalizzazione {f} [linguistics] :: nominalization
nominalmente {adv} :: nominally
nominante {v} :: present participle of nominare
nominanza {f} :: name (fame, reputation)
nominare {v} :: to name, call, dub
nominare {v} :: to mention
nominare {v} :: to nominate, designate, elect, appoint
nominare {v} :: to institute
nominare {v} :: to constitute
nominatamente {adv} :: by name
nominatamente {adv} :: namely
nominatamente {adv} :: expressly, explicitly
nominativamente {adv} :: nominally
nominativamente {adv} :: namely
nominatività {f} :: registration
nominativo {adj} :: nominative (in all senses)
nominativo {adj} :: registered
nominativo {m} [grammar] :: nominative case
nominativo {m} :: synonym of nome
nominato {adj} :: named
nominato {adj} :: mentioned
nominato {adj} :: famous (rare)
nominatore {m} :: nominator
nominatrice {f} :: female equivalent of nominatore
nominazione {f} :: appointment
nominazione {f} :: name
-nomio {suffix} [maths] :: nomial, -nomial, term
-nomo {suffix} :: -nomer, -nomist (forms nouns relating to experts in a field)
-nomo {suffix} :: -noumous
nomofilace {m} :: nomophylax
nomofilachia {m} :: The uniform interpretation of national legislation (by the Supreme Court)
nomofilatico {adj} :: nomophylactic
nomofilattico {adj} [legal] :: nomophylactic
nomofobia {f} :: nomophobia
nomografia {f} :: nomography
nomografico {adj} :: nomographic
nomografo {m} :: nomograph
nomogramma {m} [mathematics] :: nomogram, nomograph
nomologia {f} :: nomology
nomoteta {m} :: nomothete
nomotetico {adj} :: nomothetic
non {adv} /non/ :: not
non {adv} :: un-
non {adv} :: don't
Nona {prop} :: Nona (town)
non a caso {adv} :: by no coincidence; with a precise purpose or motivation; intentionally
non affatto {adv} :: not at all
nonagesimo {adj} [literary] /no.naˈd͡ʒe.zi.mo/ :: ninetieth
nonagesimo {m} [astrology] :: The starting point of the fourth of the twelve houses
nonagono {m} :: synonym of ennagono
nonano {m} [organic compound] :: nonane
non avere né arte né parte {v} [idiomatic] :: to be good-for-nothing
non batter ciglio {v} :: without batting an eye
non belligeranza {f} :: nonaggression
nonbelligeranza {f} :: alternative form of non belligeranza
non buttarti alla cieca {proverb} :: look before you leap
non capisco {phrase} :: I don't understand
non c'è che dire {phrase} :: without a doubt
non c'è che dire {phrase} :: no doubt
non c'è di che {phrase} :: Don't mention it, no problem, not at all (conventional reply to an expression of gratitude)
non c'è due senza tre {proverb} /non ˌtʃɛ‿dˈdu.e ˌsɛn.tsa ˈtre/ :: bad things come in threes (unfortunate events usually occur more than twice)
non c'è due senza tre {proverb} :: good things come in threes (fortunate events hopefully occur more than twice)
Noncello {prop} :: Noncello (river)
non c'è trippa per gatti {phrase} [idiom] /non tʃɛ‿tˈtrip.pa per ˈɡat.ti/ :: there isn't a snowball's chance in hell (what someone is suggesting is not going to happen under any circumstances even though it may have happened in the past)
nonché {conj} :: let alone
nonché {conj} :: as well as
non ci piove {adv} :: definitely, certainly (without question and beyond doubt)
nonconformismo {m} :: nonconformism
nonconformista {adj} :: nonconformist
nonconformista {mf} :: nonconformist
nonconformistico {adj} :: nonconformist
noncototiente {adj} [mathematics] :: noncototient (attributive)
noncredente {mf} :: nonbeliever
noncurante {adj} :: indifferent (to)
noncurante {adj} :: careless (of)
noncurante {adj} :: nonchalant
noncurantemente {adv} :: indifferently (to)
noncurantemente {adv} :: carelessly (of)
noncurantemente {adv} :: nonchalantly
noncuranza {f} :: carelessness
noncuranza {f} :: indifference
noncuranza {f} :: nonchalance
nondimanco {conj} :: synonym of nondimeno
nondimen {conj} :: apocopic form of nondimeno
nondimeno {conj} :: nonetheless
non dire gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco {proverb} :: don't count your chickens before they're hatched
non dire né ai né bai {phrase} :: Don't say a word
non di solo pane vive l'uomo {proverb} :: man cannot live by bread alone
non è detto {v} :: (also with che + subj.) it is not certain; don't take for granted that
non è mai troppo tardi {phrase} :: synonym of meglio tardi che mai
nonenzimatico {adj} :: nonenzymatic
noneso {adj} :: Nones (dialect) (attributive)
non essere facile a dirsi {v} :: there isn't any easy way to say this
nonetto {m} [music] :: nonet
non è tutto oro quello che luccica {proverb} :: all that glitters is not gold
non fa per me {v} [idiom] :: it is not my cup of tea
non fumatore {m} :: non-smoker
non fumatrice {f} :: female equivalent of non fumatore
nonile {m} :: nonyl
non importa {interj} :: synonym of fa lo stesso
non innacquato {adj} :: undiluted, unadulterated, straight, without adding water
non-io {m} [philosophy] :: nonego, nonself
nonio {m} :: nonius
Nonis {prop} :: surname
non lasciare mai il certo per l'incerto {proverb} :: synonym of meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani
non lo so {phrase} :: I don't know
non me fotte {phrase} :: I don't give a fuck
non-metallo {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: nonmetal
nonmetallo {m} :: alternative form of non-metallo
nonna {f} /ˈnɔn.na/ :: grandmother, granny
nonnaggine {f} [jocular] :: the state or condition of being a grandmother
nonna materna {f} :: maternal grandmother
nonna paterna {f} :: paternal grandmother
non negativo {adj} [mathematics] :: non-negative
nonnetto {m} :: grandpa
nonnina {f} :: grandma, granny
nonnino {m} :: grandpa, granddad
nonnismo {m} :: hazing
nonno {m} /ˈnɔn.no/ :: grandfather
nonno {m} [in the plural] :: grandparents
nonno materno {m} :: maternal grandfather
nonno paterno {m} :: paternal grandfather
nonnulla {m} :: trifle, mere nothing, nothing
nono {adj} /ˈnɔ.no/ :: ninth
nono {m} :: ninth (fraction)
nono {m} :: ninth (one in 9th position)
nonostante {conj} :: though (+ conjunctive)
nonostante {conj} :: in spite of; notwithstanding
nonostante {conj} :: despite that
nonostante ciò {conj} :: despite that
nonostante tutto {adv} :: after all
non parlo inglese {phrase} :: I don't speak English
non parlo italiano {phrase} :: I don't speak Italian
nonpertanto {conj} :: synonym of nondimeno
non piangere sul latte versato {proverb} :: don't cry over spilt milk
non piangere sul latte versato {proverb} :: don't cry over spilled milk
non piangere sul latte versato {proverb} :: there's no use crying over spilt milk
non plus ultra {m} :: the last word in ~, the very best, the ne plus ultra
non potere che {v} :: (to) can only
non potere che {v} :: (to) cannot but; (to) cannot help but
non poterne più {v} [idiom] :: to be unable to tolerate any longer; to be fed up; (to) can't stand
non resta che {v} [idiom] :: there is nothing left to do but; it's time to
non rimane che {v} [idiom] :: alternative form of non resta che
non saper dove battere il capo {v} :: alternative form of non sapere dove battere il capo
non saper dove battere la testa {v} :: alternative form of non sapere dove battere la testa
non saper dove sbattere il capo {v} :: alternative form of non sapere dove sbattere il capo
non saper dove sbattere la testa {v} :: alternative form of non sapere dove sbattere la testa
non sapere dove battere il capo {v} :: synonym of non sapere dove sbattere il capo
non sapere dove battere la testa {v} :: synonym of non sapere dove sbattere la testa
non sapere dove sbattere il capo {v} :: synonym of non sapere dove sbattere la testa
non sapere dove sbattere la testa {v} [idiom] :: to be unable to solve a difficult problem
non se ne parla {phrase} :: It is not talked about
non se ne parla {phrase} :: no way, not a chance
nonsenso {m} :: absurdity
nonsenso {m} :: foolishness
non si può cavare sangue da una rapa {proverb} :: you can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear
non si sa mai {phrase} :: you never know
non si sa mai {phrase} :: just in case
non stare nella pelle {v} :: to be agog
non stare nella pelle {v} :: to get excited
non stare nella pelle {v} :: to be bursting
non-stop {adv} :: nonstop
non stuzzicare il can che dorme {v} :: synonym of non svegliare il can che dorme
non svegliare il can che dorme {v} :: let sleeping dogs lie
nontiscordardimé {m} :: forget-me-not
nontotiente {adj} [mathematics] :: nontotient
non tutto il male viene per nuocere {proverb} :: blessing in disguise
nonuplo {adj} :: nonuple
nonuplo {m} :: nonuple
non vedenti {mp} :: The visually handicapped
non vedere il giorno {vi} :: synonym of non vedere l'ora
non vedere il momento {vi} :: synonym of non vedere l'ora
non vedere l'ora {vi} :: (with [ che + subj. ] or [ di + inf. ]) to look forward (to)
non vendere la pelle dell'orso prima di averlo ucciso {proverb} :: don't count your chickens before they're hatched
nonviolento {adj} /non.vjoˈlɛn.to/ :: nonviolent
nonviolenza {f} /non.vjoˈlɛn.t͡sa/ :: nonviolence
noologia {f} :: noology
noosfera {f} :: noosphere
nop {interj} [colloquial, neologism] /ˈnɔp/ :: nope
noradrenalina {f} [hormone] :: noradrenaline
norbertino {adj} :: Norbertine
Norberto {prop} :: given name
Norbiato {prop} :: surname Typical of Veneto
norbissina {f} :: norbixin
Norcia {prop} :: Norcia (town)
norcineria {f} :: pork butcher's (shop selling pork, salami etc)
norcino {adj} :: Of or from Norcia
norcino {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Norcia
norcino {m} :: pork butcher
nord- {prefix} :: north (attribute), northern
nord {m} /nɔrd/ :: north
nord {adj} :: northern
Nordafrica {prop} :: North Africa
nordafricano {adj} :: North African
nordafricano {m} :: North African
Nordamerica {prop} :: North America
nordamericana {f} :: feminine noun of nordamericano
nordamericano {adj} :: North American
nordamericano {m} :: North American
nordatlantico {adj} :: North Atlantic (attributive)
nordcoerano {adj} :: North Korean
nordcoerano {m} :: North Korean (person)
nordcoreano {adj} :: North Korean
nordcoreano {m} :: North Korean
nordest {m} :: north-east
nordeuropeo {adj} :: North European
nordeuropeo {m} :: A North European person
nordico {adj} :: Nordic
nordide {mf} [anthropology] /ˈnɔr.di.de/ :: Nordic
Nordio {prop} :: surname Typical of Veneto
nordirlandese {adj} /nor.dir.lanˈde.ze/ :: Northern Irish, of Northern Ireland
nordirlandese {mf} :: A Northern Irish person
nordista {adj} [US Civil War] :: Yankee, northern
nordista {mf} [US Civil War] :: Yankee, northerner
nordoccidentale {adj} :: north-west (attributive), north-western
nordorientale {adj} :: northeastern, northeast, northeastward
nord-ovest {m} :: north-west
nordovest {m} :: north-west
nord-sud {adj} :: North-South (attributive)
nordtirolese {adj} :: North-Tyrolean
nordvietnamita {adj} :: North Vietnamese
nordvietnamita {mf} :: North Vietnamese
norepinefrina {f} [chemistry] :: norepinephrine, noradrenaline
noria {f} :: noria
Norimberga {prop} :: Norimberga (major city)
norma {f} :: rule, norm, regulation
norma {f} :: model, form, pattern
norma {f} :: instruction, direction
norma {f} :: rule, custom
normale {adj} :: normal
normalissimo {adj} :: superlative of normale
normalista {mf} :: student of a scuola normale
normalista {mf} :: student of the it
normalità {f} :: normality
normalizzante {v} :: present participle of normalizzare
normalizzantesi {v} :: present participle of normalizzarsi
normalizzare {vt} :: to normalize
normalizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of normalizzare
normalizzarsi {vr} :: to normalize [return to normality]
normalizzato {adj} :: normalized
normalizzatore {m} [maths] :: normalizer
normalizzatore {adj} :: normalizing
normalizzatosi {v} :: past participle of normalizzarsi
normalizzazione {f} :: normalization [all senses]
normalmente {adv} :: normally
Normandia {prop} :: Normandia (region)
Normanni {prop} :: Normans (Norsemen)
normanno {adj} :: Norman
normanno {m} :: Norman
normante {v} :: present participle of normare
normare {vt} [mathematics] :: to norm
normativa {f} :: (especially in plural) regulations
normativamente {adv} :: normatively
normativamente {adv} :: prescriptively
normativismo {m} :: normativism
normatività {f} :: normativity
normativo {adj} :: normative
normatore {adj} :: normative
normazione {f} :: normation
normo- {prefix} :: normo-
normoblasto {m} [cytology] :: normoblast
normodotato {adj} :: Of normal intelligence
normodotato {m} :: A person of normal intelligence
normoergia {f} [immunology] :: normoergy
normografo {m} :: stencil
normolineo {m} :: synonym of normotipo
normopeso {adj} [medicine] :: Having normal weight; normoweight
normotensione {f} :: normotension
normotermia {f} :: normothermia
normotermico {adj} :: normothermic
normotermico {adj} :: quand à la température du corps il est entre 36 ° C - 37 ° C
normoteso {adj} [medicine] :: normotensive
normoteso {m} :: normotensive person
normotipo {m} :: A person with a normal build
norreno {m} /norˈrɛ.no/ :: Old Norse (language)
norreno {adj} :: Norse
norvegese {adj} /nor.veˈd͡ʒe.ze/ :: Norwegian
norvegese {mf} :: Norwegian (person)
norvegese {m} :: Norwegian (language)
Norvegia {prop} :: Norway
Norzia {prop} :: Nortia
nosco {pron} [poetic, archaic] /ˈnɔs.ko/ :: with us
nosco {pron} [poetic, archaic, by extension] :: among us
nosco {pron} [poetic, archaic, by extension] :: towards or against us
nosco {pron} [poetic, archaic, by extension] :: in our time
Nosiglia {prop} :: surname
noso- {prefix} [pathology] :: noso-
nosocomiale {adj} :: nosocomial
nosocomio {m} :: hospital
nosofobia {f} :: nosophobia
nosogenesi {f} :: nosogenesis, pathogenesis
nosografia {f} :: nosography
nosografico {adj} :: nosographic
nosologia {f} :: nosology
nosologico {adj} :: nosological
nosomania {f} :: nosomania
nosoparassita {m} :: nosoparasite
nosoterapia {f} [medicine] :: nosotherapy
nosotropico {adj} [medicine] :: nosotropic
Nossa {prop} :: Nossa (small river)
nossale {adj} /nosˈsa.le/ :: related to a damage or harm; only used in azione nossale
nossignora {adv} :: no, Madam
nossignore {adv} :: no, Sir
nostalgia {f} /nos.talˈd͡ʒi.a/ :: nostalgia, homesickness, longing
nostalgicamente {adv} :: nostalgically
nostalgico {adj} :: homesick
nostalgico {adj} :: nostalgic
nostalgico {m} :: A person who longs for the way things were; especially someone who hopes for the return of Fascism
nostalgismo {m} :: nostalgia (yearning for the things of the past)
nostra {pron} /(la)ˈnɔ.stra/ :: our
nostrale {adj} :: home-grown, home-made
nostrale {adj} :: local
nostrano {adj} :: local
nostrano {adj} :: home-grown or home-made
Nostra Signora {f} :: "Our Lady", the title for the Virgin Mary
nostratico {adj} :: Nostratic (attributve)
nostre {pron} :: ours
nostri {pron} :: our
nostro {adj} [before the noun, after the noun; also used before a noun denoting a close family member, possessive] /ˈnɔ.stro/ :: our
nostro {adj} [before the noun, after the noun; also used before a noun denoting a close family member, possessive] :: of ours
nostro {adj} [before the noun, after the noun; also used before a noun denoting a close family member, emphatic] :: our own
nostro {adj} [before the noun, after the noun; also used before a noun denoting a close family member] :: ours
nostro {pron} :: See under il nostro etc
nostro {m} :: ours, our own
nostro {m} [in the plural] :: our possessions, friends, relatives etc
nostromo {m} [nautical] :: petty officer
nostromo {m} [nautical] :: boatswain, bosun
nota {f} /ˈnɔː.t̪a/ :: note [in all senses]
nota {f} :: list
nota {f} :: bill
nota a piè di pagina {n} :: footnote
nota bene {phrase} /ˈnɔta ˈbɛne/ :: nota bene (used to add an aside or warning to a text)
notabilato {m} :: notability (notable people as a group)
notabile {adj} :: notable
notabile {adj} :: prominent
notabile {mf} :: notable (person)
notabilità {f} :: notability
notabilmente {adv} :: notably
notaiesco {adj} :: lawyerly
notaio {m} :: notary, notary public
notante {v} :: present participle of notare
Notarbartolo {prop} :: surname
notare {v} :: to notice, to note
notaresco {adj} :: alternative form of notaiesco
notaria {f} :: The profession of a notary
notariato {m} :: The function or profession of a notary
notarile {adj} :: notarial
notatore {m} :: alternative form of nuotatore
notazionale {adj} :: notational
notazione {f} :: notation (all senses)
noteria {f} :: alternative form of notaria
notevole {adj} :: notable, noteworthy, remarkable
notevole {adj} :: considerable, sizeable
notevolissimo {adj} :: superlative of notevole
notevolissimo {adj} :: very notable, noteworthy or remarkable
notevolissimo {adj} :: very considerable or sizeable
notevolmente {adv} :: notably
notevolmente {adv} :: remarkably
notevolmente {adv} :: considerably
notifica {f} :: notification
notificabile {adj} :: notifiable
notificabilità {f} :: notifiability
notificanda {f} /no.ti.fiˈkan.da/ :: feminine noun of notificando
notificando {m} [bureaucratic jargon] /no.ti.fiˈkan.do/ :: One who is to be notified something
notificante {v} :: present participle of notificare
notificantesi {v} :: present participle of notificarsi
notificare {v} :: to notify someone of something
notificare {v} :: to give someone notice of something
notificarsi {vr} :: To reveal oneself
notificato {adj} :: notified
notificato {m} :: A person who has received an official notification
notificatore {m} :: notifier
notificatosi {v} :: past participle of notificarsi
notificazione {f} :: notification
notissimo {adj} :: superlative of noto
notizia {f} :: item of news
notizia {f} :: piece of information
notiziante {v} :: present participle of notiziare
notiziare {v} :: To give notice, communicate, inform
notiziario {m} :: news (radio, TV etc)
notizia sonda {f} :: trial balloon, ballon d'essai
notizie {f} :: news
notizie {f} :: information
noto {adj} /ˈnɔ.to/ :: of common knowledge
noto {adj} :: well-known, known
noto {adj} :: famous, notorious
noto {m} :: the known
Noto {prop} :: Noto (town)
notocorda {f} [anatomy, zoology] :: notochord
notogamia {f} [botany] :: Fertilization of a flower with the pollen of a plant of the same species but different variety
notomia {f} :: synonym of anatomia
notomizzare {v} :: alternative form of anatomizzare
notonetta {f} :: water boatman, backswimmer (of genus Notonecta)
notonette {m} :: notonectid
notoriamente {adv} :: notoriously
notorietà {f} :: fame, renown
notorietà {f} :: notoriety
notorio {adj} /noˈtɔr.jo/ :: well-known
notorio {adj} :: notorious
notoso {adj} :: synonym of macchiato
notricante {v} :: present participle of notricare
notricare {v} :: alternative form of nutricare
notrice {f} :: alternative form of nutrice
nottambula {f} :: night owl, night bird (person active at night)
nottambulismo {m} :: A love of nightlife
nottambulo {m} :: night owl, night bird (person active at night)
nottante {mf} :: night nurse
nottata {f} :: A night in its entirety
nottataccia {f} :: A night of bad weather or when things go wrong
notte {f} /ˈnɔtːe/ :: night
notte bianca {f} :: An all-night arts or music festival in a city
nottetempo {adv} :: at night, during the nighttime
nottilabio {m} /not.tiˈla.bjo/ :: synonym of notturlabio
nottiluca {f} :: noctiluca (of the genus Noctiluca)
nottilucente {adj} :: noctilucent, nightshining
nottivago {adj} :: nightwandering, noctivagous, noctivagant
nottola {f} /ˈnɔt.to.la/ :: noctule
nottola {f} [obsolete, rare] :: little owl
nottola {f} :: latch (shaped like a beak)
nottolino {m} :: Small latch on a door or window
nottolino {m} :: The cylinder in which a key is inserted, tumbler
nottolino {m} :: A ratchet
nottolone {mf} :: nighthawk (all senses)
nottolone {mf} [zoology] :: nightjar
nottua {f} :: noctuid
notturlabio {m} /not.turˈla.bjo/ :: nocturlabe
notturna {f} [sports] :: evening match, evening sporting event
notturnale {adj} [obsolete or literary, Christianity] /not.turˈna.le/ :: Pertaining to the evening mass
notturnale {adj} [obsolete or literary] :: nocturnal
notturnale {m} [obsolete or literary, Christianity] :: nocturn (night office)
notturnale {m} [obsolete or literary] :: nocturne (work of art relating or dedicated to the night)
notturnale {m} [obsolete or literary] :: synonym of notturlabio
notturno {adj} /notˈtur.no/ :: nocturnal
notturno {adj} :: nightly
notturno {m} [music] :: nocturne, notturno
notturno {m} :: nightclub
notula {f} :: bill (in a restaurant etc)
noumenico {adj} [philosophy] /nouˈmɛ.ni.ko/ :: noumenal
noumeno {m} [philosophy] /noˈu.me.no/ :: noumenon
nova {f} /ˈnɔva/ :: nova
novaiorchese {adj} :: Of or from New York
novaiorchese {mf} :: New Yorker
novanta {adj} :: ninety
novanta {num} :: ninety
novantacinque {adj} :: ninety-five
novantacinque {num} :: ninety-five
novantacinquesimo {adj} :: ninety-fifth
novantacinquesimo {m} :: ninety-fifth
novantadue {adj} :: ninety-two
novantadue {num} :: ninety-two
novantaduesimo {adj} :: ninety-second
novantaduesimo {m} :: ninety-second
novantamila {adj} :: ninety thousand
novantamila {num} :: ninety thousand
novantanove {adj} :: ninety-nine
novantanove {num} :: ninety-nine
novantanovesimo {adj} :: ninety-ninth
novantanovesimo {m} :: ninety-ninth
novantaquattresimo {adj} :: ninety-fourth
novantaquattresimo {m} :: ninety-fourth
novantaquattro {adj} :: ninety-four
novantaquattro {num} :: ninety-four
novantasei {adj} :: ninety-six
novantasei {num} :: ninety-six
novantaseiesimo {adj} :: ninety-sixth
novantaseiesimo {m} :: ninety-sixth
novantasette {adj} :: ninety-seven
novantasette {num} :: ninety-seven
novantasettesimo {adj} :: ninety-seventh
novantasettesimo {m} :: ninety-seventh
novantatré {adj} :: ninety-three
novantatré {num} :: ninety-three
novantatreesimo {adj} :: ninety-third
novantatreesimo {m} :: ninety-third
novantenne {mf} :: nonagenarian
novantenne {adj} :: ninety-year-old
novantennio {m} :: A period of ninety years
novantesimo {adj} :: ninetieth
novantesimo {m} :: ninetieth
novantina {f} :: About ninety people or things
novantottesimo {adj} :: ninety-eighth
novantottesimo {m} :: ninety-eighth
novantotto {adj} :: ninety-eight
novantotto {num} :: ninety-eight
novantunesimo {adj} :: ninety-first
novantunesimo {m} :: ninety-first
novantuno {adj} :: ninety-one
novantuno {num} :: ninety-one
novantuno {m} :: a former Italian repeating rifle, the Carcano Mod. 91
Novara {prop} :: Novara (town/and/province)
novarese {adj} :: Of or from Novara
Novarese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Novara
Novaro {prop} :: surname
novatore {m} :: innovator
novatore {adj} :: innovatory
novazione {f} :: novation
nove {num} /ˈnɔve/ :: nine
nove {adj} :: nine
nove {m} :: nine
Nove {prop} :: Nove (small town)
novecentesco {adj} :: twentieth-century
novecentesimo {adj} :: nine hundredth
novecentesimo {m} :: nine hundredth
novecentismo {m} :: Any of the arts and literature of the twentieth century (1900s)
novecentista {mf} :: an artist or writer of the twentieth century (1900s)
novecentista {mf} :: a historian who specializes in the twentieth century
novecentistico {adj} [arts] :: twentieth-century, 1900s (attributive)
novecento {adj} :: nine hundred
novecento {num} :: nine hundred
novecento {num} :: the twentieth century (1900s)
Novecento {m} :: twentieth century (1900s)
novecentocinquanta {adj} :: nine hundred and fifty
novecentocinquanta {num} :: nine hundred and fifty
novecentocinquantacinque {adj} :: nine hundred and fifty-five
novecentocinquantacinque {num} :: nine hundred and fifty-five
novecentocinquantadue {adj} :: nine hundred and fifty-two
novecentocinquantadue {num} :: nine hundred and fifty-two
novecentocinquantanove {adj} :: nine hundred and fifty-nine
novecentocinquantanove {num} :: nine hundred and fifty-nine
novecentocinquantaquattro {adj} :: nine hundred and fifty-four
novecentocinquantaquattro {num} :: nine hundred and fifty-four
novecentocinquantasei {adj} :: nine hundred and fifty-six
novecentocinquantasei {num} :: nine hundred and fifty-six
novecentocinquantasette {adj} :: nine hundred and fifty-seven
novecentocinquantasette {num} :: nine hundred and fifty-seven
novecentocinquantatré {adj} :: nine hundred and fifty-three
novecentocinquantatré {num} :: nine hundred and fifty-three
novecentocinquantotto {adj} :: nine hundred and fifty-eight
novecentocinquantotto {num} :: nine hundred and fifty-eight
novecentocinquantuno {adj} :: nine hundred and fifty-one
novecentocinquantuno {num} :: nine hundred and fifty-one
novecentocinque {adj} :: nine hundred and five
novecentocinque {num} :: nine hundred and five
novecentodicianove {adj} :: nine hundred and nineteen
novecentodicianove {num} :: nine hundred and nineteen
novecentodiciasette {adj} :: nine hundred and seventeen
novecentodiciasette {num} :: nine hundred and seventeen
novecentodiciotto {adj} :: nine hundred and eighteen
novecentodiciotto {num} :: nine hundred and eighteen
novecentodieci {adj} :: one hundred and ten
novecentodieci {num} :: one hundred and ten
novecentododici {adj} :: nine hundred and twelve
novecentododici {num} :: nine hundred and twelve
novecentodue {adj} :: nine hundred and two
novecentodue {num} :: nine hundred and two
novecentonovanta {adj} :: nine hundred and ninety
novecentonovanta {num} :: nine hundred and ninety
novecentonovantacinque {adj} :: nine hundred and ninety-five
novecentonovantacinque {num} :: nine hundred and ninety-five
novecentonovantadue {adj} :: nine hundred and ninety-two
novecentonovantadue {num} :: nine hundred and ninety-two
novecentonovantanove {adj} :: nine hundred and ninety-nine
novecentonovantanove {num} :: nine hundred and ninety-nine
novecentonovantaquattro {adj} :: nine hundred and ninety-four
novecentonovantaquattro {num} :: nine hundred and ninety-four
novecentonovantasei {adj} :: nine hundred and ninety-six
novecentonovantasei {num} :: nine hundred and ninety-six
novecentonovantasette {adj} :: nine hundred and ninety-seven
novecentonovantasette {num} :: nine hundred and ninety-seven
novecentonovantatré {adj} :: nine hundred and ninety-three
novecentonovantatré {num} :: nine hundred and ninety-three
novecentonovantotto {adj} :: nine hundred and ninety-eight
novecentonovantotto {num} :: nine hundred and ninety-eight
novecentonovantuno {adj} :: nine hundred and ninety-one
novecentonovantuno {num} :: nine hundred and ninety-one
novecentonove {adj} :: nine hundred and nine
novecentonove {num} :: nine hundred and nine
novecentootto {adj} :: nine hundred and eight
novecentootto {num} :: nine hundred and eight
novecentoquaranta {adj} :: nine hundred and forty
novecentoquaranta {num} :: nine hundred and forty
novecentoquarantacinque {adj} :: nine hundred and forty-five
novecentoquarantacinque {num} :: nine hundred and forty-five
novecentoquarantadue {adj} :: nine hundred and forty-two
novecentoquarantadue {num} :: nine hundred and forty-two
novecentoquarantanove {adj} :: nine hundred and forty-nine
novecentoquarantanove {num} :: nine hundred and forty-nine
novecentoquarantaquattro {adj} :: nine hundred and forty-four
novecentoquarantaquattro {num} :: nine hundred and forty-four
novecentoquarantasei {adj} :: nine hundred and forty-six
novecentoquarantasei {num} :: nine hundred and forty-six
novecentoquarantasette {adj} :: nine hundred and forty-seven
novecentoquarantasette {num} :: nine hundred and forty-seven
novecentoquarantatré {adj} :: nine hundred and forty-three
novecentoquarantatré {num} :: nine hundred and forty-three
novecentoquarantotto {adj} :: nine hundred and forty-eight
novecentoquarantotto {num} :: nine hundred and forty-eight
novecentoquarantuno {adj} :: nine hundred and forty-one
novecentoquarantuno {num} :: nine hundred and forty-one
novecentoquattordici {adj} :: nine hundred and fourteen
novecentoquattordici {num} :: nine hundred and fourteen
novecentoquattro {adj} :: nine hundred and four
novecentoquattro {num} :: nine hundred and four
novecentoquindici {adj} :: nine hundred and fifteen
novecentoquindici {num} :: nine hundred and fifteen
novecentosedici {adj} :: nine hundred and sixteen
novecentosedici {num} :: nine hundred and sixteen
novecentosei {adj} :: nine hundred and six
novecentosei {num} :: nine hundred and six
novecentosessanta {adj} :: nine hundred and sixty
novecentosessanta {num} :: nine hundred and sixty
novecentosessantacinque {adj} :: nine hundred and sixty-five
novecentosessantacinque {num} :: nine hundred and sixty-five
novecentosessantadue {adj} :: nine hundred and sixty-two
novecentosessantadue {num} :: nine hundred and sixty-two
novecentosessantanove {adj} :: nine hundred and sixty-nine
novecentosessantanove {num} :: nine hundred and sixty-nine
novecentosessantaquattro {adj} :: nine hundred and sixty-four
novecentosessantaquattro {num} :: nine hundred and sixty-four
novecentosessantasei {adj} :: nine hundred and sixty-six
novecentosessantasei {num} :: nine hundred and sixty-six
novecentosessantasette {adj} :: nine hundred and sixty-seven
novecentosessantasette {num} :: nine hundred and sixty-seven
novecentosessantatré {adj} :: nine hundred and sixty-three
novecentosessantatré {num} :: nine hundred and sixty-three
novecentosessantotto {adj} :: nine hundred and sixty-eight
novecentosessantotto {num} :: nine hundred and sixty-eight
novecentosessantuno {adj} :: nine hundred and sixty-one
novecentosessantuno {num} :: nine hundred and sixty-one
novecentosettanta {adj} :: nine hundred and seventy
novecentosettanta {num} :: nine hundred and seventy
novecentosettantacinque {adj} :: nine hundred and seventy-five
novecentosettantacinque {num} :: nine hundred and seventy-five
novecentosettantadue {adj} :: nine hundred and seventy-two
novecentosettantadue {num} :: nine hundred and seventy-two
novecentosettantanove {adj} :: nine hundred and seventy-nine
novecentosettantanove {num} :: nine hundred and seventy-nine
novecentosettantaquattro {adj} :: nine hundred and seventy-four
novecentosettantaquattro {num} :: nine hundred and seventy-four
novecentosettantasei {adj} :: nine hundred and seventy-six
novecentosettantasei {num} :: nine hundred and seventy-six
novecentosettantasette {adj} :: nine hundred and seventy-seven
novecentosettantasette {num} :: nine hundred and seventy-seven
novecentosettantatré {adj} :: nine hundred and seventy-three
novecentosettantatré {num} :: nine hundred and seventy-three
novecentosettantotto {adj} :: nine hundred and seventy-eight
novecentosettantotto {num} :: nine hundred and seventy-eight
novecentosettantuno {adj} :: nine hundred and seventy-one
novecentosettantuno {num} :: nine hundred and seventy-one
novecentosette {adj} :: nine hundred and seven
novecentosette {num} :: nine hundred and seven
novecentotre {adj} :: nine hundred and three
novecentotre {num} :: nine hundred and three
novecentotré {adj} :: nine hundred and three
novecentotré {num} :: nine hundred and three
novecentotredici {adj} :: nine hundred and thirteen
novecentotredici {num} :: nine hundred and thirteen
novecentotrenta {adj} :: nine hundred and thirty
novecentotrenta {num} :: nine hundred and thirty
novecentotrentacinque {adj} :: nine hundred and thirty-five
novecentotrentacinque {num} :: nine hundred and thirty-five
novecentotrentadue {adj} :: nine hundred and thirty-two
novecentotrentadue {num} :: nine hundred and thirty-two
novecentotrentanove {adj} :: nine hundred and thirty-nine
novecentotrentanove {num} :: nine hundred and thirty-nine (number)
novecentotrentaquattro {adj} :: nine hundred and thirty-four
novecentotrentaquattro {num} :: nine hundred and thirty-four
novecentotrentasei {adj} :: nine hundred and thirty-six
novecentotrentasei {num} :: nine hundred and thirty-six
novecentotrentasette {adj} :: nine hundred and thirty-seven
novecentotrentasette {num} :: nine hundred and thirty-seven
novecentotrentatré {adj} :: nine hundred and thirty-three
novecentotrentatré {num} :: nine hundred and thirty-three
novecentotrentotto {adj} :: nine hundred and thirty-eight
novecentotrentotto {num} :: nine hundred and thirty-eight
novecentotrentuno {adj} :: nine hundred and thirty-one
novecentotrentuno {num} :: nine hundred and thirty-one
novecentottanta {adj} :: nine hundred and eighty
novecentottanta {num} :: nine hundred and eighty
novecentottantacinque {adj} :: nine hundred and eighty-five
novecentottantacinque {num} :: nine hundred and eighty-five
novecentottantadue {adj} :: nine hundred and eighty-two
novecentottantadue {num} :: nine hundred and eighty-two
novecentottantanove {adj} :: nine hundred and eighty-nine
novecentottantanove {num} :: nine hundred and eighty-nine
novecentottantaquattro {adj} :: nine hundred and eighty-four
novecentottantaquattro {num} :: nine hundred and eighty-four
novecentottantasei {adj} :: nine hundred and eighty-six
novecentottantasei {num} :: nine hundred and eighty-six
novecentottantasette {adj} :: nine hundred and eighty-seven
novecentottantasette {num} :: nine hundred and eighty-seven
novecentottantatré {adj} :: nine hundred and eighty-three
novecentottantatré {num} :: nine hundred and eighty-three
novecentottantotto {adj} :: nine hundred and eighty-eight
novecentottantotto {num} :: nine hundred and eighty-eight
novecentottantuno {adj} :: nine hundred and eighty-one
novecentottantuno {num} :: nine hundred and eighty-one
novecentotto {adj} :: nine hundred and eight
novecentotto {num} :: nine hundred and eight
novecentouno {adj} :: nine hundred and one
novecentouno {num} :: nine hundred and one
novecentoventi {adj} :: nine hundred and twenty
novecentoventi {num} :: nine hundred and twenty
novecentoventicinque {adj} :: nine hundred and twenty-five
novecentoventicinque {num} :: nine hundred and twenty-five
novecentoventidue {adj} :: nine hundred and twenty-two
novecentoventidue {num} :: nine hundred and twenty-two
novecentoventinove {adj} :: nine hundred and twenty-nine
novecentoventinove {num} :: nine hundred and twenty-nine
novecentoventiquattro {adj} :: nine hundred and twenty-four
novecentoventiquattro {num} :: nine hundred and twenty-four
novecentoventisei {adj} :: nine hundred and twenty-six
novecentoventisei {num} :: nine hundred and twenty-six
novecentoventisette {adj} :: nine hundred and twenty-seven
novecentoventisette {num} :: nine hundred and twenty-seven
novecentoventitré {adj} :: nine hundred and twenty-three
novecentoventitré {num} :: nine hundred and twenty-three
novecentoventotto {adj} :: nine hundred and twenty-eight
novecentoventotto {num} :: nine hundred and twenty-eight
novecentoventuno {adj} :: nine hundred and twenty-one
novecentoventuno {num} :: nine hundred and twenty-one
novecentuno {adj} :: nine hundred and one
novecentuno {num} :: nine hundred and one
novella {f} /noˈvɛlːa/ :: tale, story, short story
novella {f} [archaic, literary] :: information of interest, news
Novella {prop} :: given name
novellaio {m} :: short story writer
novellame {m} :: fry (young fish)
novellamente {adv} :: newly, early
novellante {v} :: present participle of novellare
novellare {vi} [literary, archaic] /noveˈlːare/ :: to tell stories
novellare {vi} [literary, archaic, by extenstion] :: to narrate, relate, recount
novellare {vi} [literary, obsolete] :: to be engaged in conversation, talk, discuss
novellatore {m} :: storyteller
novelleggiare {v} :: to tell stories
novelleggiare {v} :: to chat
novelletta {f} :: short story
novelletta {f} [music] :: novelette
novelliere {m} :: short story writer
novellina {f} :: female equivalent of novellino
novellino {m} :: beginner, greenhorn, newbie, newcomer
novellista {mf} :: short story writer
novellistica {f} :: short stories
novellistica {f} :: short story writing
novellistico {adj} :: short story (attributive)
novellizzazione {f} :: novelization
novello {adj} :: new, early
novello {adj} [used attributively] :: spring
novello {adj} :: newly
novello {adj} :: another, second
novembre {m} /noˈvɛm.bre/ :: November
novembrino {adj} :: November (attributive)
novemila {adj} :: nine thousand
novemila {num} :: nine thousand
novena {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: novena
novenario {m} :: (in classical Italian verse) A line of verse containing nine syllables
novendiale {adj} :: novendial
novendiale {m} :: novendial
novennale {adj} :: nine years (attributive)
novennale {adj} :: nine-yearly
novenne {adj} :: nine-year-old
novenne {mf} :: nine-year-old
novennio {m} :: (period of) nine years
noverante {v} :: present participle of noverare
noverare {v} :: To count, enumerate
noverca {f} [literary] /noˈvɛr.ka/ :: stepmother, stepdame
novero {m} :: group
novero {m} :: category
novese {adj} :: Of or from Nove
Novese {prop} :: An area of southern Piemonte
novgorodiano {adj} :: Novgorodian
novicordio {m} :: A musical instrument that has nine strings
novilunio {m} [astronomy] :: new moon
novità {f} /no.viˈta/ :: novelty
novità {f} :: item of news
novità {interj} :: what's new
novità {interj} :: hello, what's up
novità {interj} :: what else is new
novità {interj} :: what's cooking
novizia {f} :: female equivalent of novizio
noviziale {adj} :: novice (attributive)
noviziato {m} :: novitiate
noviziato {m} :: apprenticeship
novizio {m} /noˈvit.tsjo/ :: novice
novizio {m} :: beginner
novizio {m} :: newcomer
novizza {f} :: alternative form of novizia
novizzo {m} :: alternative form of novizio
novocaina {f} :: novocaine, procaine
nozionale {adj} :: notional
nozione {f} :: notion, idea
nozionismo {m} :: The accumulation of facts for no purpose; superficial knowledge; rote learning
nozionismo {m} :: The teaching of the basics only, with no insight
nozionista {mf} :: A teacher or student who teaches/learns by rote
nozionisticamente {adv} :: superficially
nozionistico {adj} :: superficial; rote learning
nozze {fp} :: wedding
nozze d'argento {fp} :: silver wedding
nozze di diamante {fp} :: diamond wedding
nozze d'oro {fp} :: golden wedding
NSDAP {prop} [history] :: NSDAP
nu {mf} :: The name of the letter N
nuba {m} /ˈnu.ba/ :: Languages of the Nuba mountains (language)
nube {f} :: cloud
nube {f} :: haze
nubecola {f} [astronomy] :: Small nebula
nubecola {f} :: cloudy impurity in a liquid
nubecola {f} [pathology] :: whitish opacity of the cornea
nubecolare {adj} :: cloudy
nubendo {m} /nuˈbɛn.do/ :: One who is about to get married
nubiano {adj} :: Nubian
nubiano {m} :: Nubian
nubifero {adj} :: nubiferous
nubifero {adj} :: cloudy
nubifragio {m} :: cloudburst, downpour
nubilato {m} :: spinsterhood
nubile {adj} :: unmarried
nubile {f} :: unmarried woman
nubile {f} :: spinster
nubiloso {adj} :: cloudy
nubiloso {adj} :: obscure, confusing
nubrifagio {m} [weather] :: downpour, cloudburst, rainstorm
nuca {f} [anatomy] /ˈnu.ka/ :: nape, back of the neck
nucale {adj} [anatomy] :: nuchal
nucifraga {f} :: nutcracker (of genus Nucifraga)
nucleale {adj} :: nuclear
nucleale {adj} :: fundamental, essential
nucleante {adj} :: nucleation (attributive); nucleating
nucleare {adj} [physics, biology, sociology] :: nuclear
nucleare {m} :: nuclear power
nucleare {m} :: nuclear industry
nuclearista {adj} :: advocating nuclear power
nuclearizzante {v} :: present participle of nuclearizzare
nuclearizzare {vt} :: to nuclearize
nuclearizzare {vt} :: to supply with nuclear power
nuclearizzazione {f} :: nuclearization
nuclearmente {adv} :: In a nuclear way; related to a nucleus or to nuclear power; nuclearly
nucleasi {f} [enzyme] :: nuclease
nucleasico {adj} :: nucleasic
nucleato {adj} [biology] :: nucleate, nucleated
nucleazione {f} :: nucleation
nucleico {adj} :: nucleic (all senses)
nucleina {f} [biochemistry] :: nuclein
nucleo {m} :: nucleus
nucleo {m} :: core
nucleo {m} :: unit, group, squad
nucleo atomico {m} [physics] :: atomic nucleus
nucleocapsulare {adj} [anatomy] :: nucleo-capsular
nucleocosmocronologia {f} [astronomy] :: nucleocosmochronology
nucleo esterno {m} [geology] :: outer core
nucleo familiare {m} :: household
nucleofilo {adj} [chemistry] :: nucleophilic
nucleogenico {adj} :: nucleogenic
nucleoide {m} [biology] :: nucleoid
nucleo interno {m} [geology] :: inner core
nucleolare {adj} :: nucleolar
nucleolemma {m} :: nuclear envelope
nucleolitico {adj} :: nucleolytic
nucleolo {m} :: nucleolus
nucleone {m} [physics] :: nucleon
nucleonica {f} [physics] :: nucleonics
nucleoporina {f} [protein] :: nucleoporin
nucleoproteide {m} :: alternative form of nucleoproteina
nucleoproteina {f} :: nucleoprotein
nucleoscheletro {m} :: nucleoskeleton
nucleoside {m} [biochemistry] :: nucleoside
nucleosidemonofosfato {m} [biochemistry] :: nucleoside monophosphate
nucleosintesi {f} :: nucleosynthesis
nucleosintetico {adj} :: nucleosynthetic
nucleosoma {m} [genetics] :: nucleosome
nucleosomico {adj} :: nucleosomal, nucleosomic
nucleotermoelettrico {adj} :: nuclear-thermoelectric
nucleo terrestre {m} [geology] :: Earth's core
nucleotide {m} [biochemistry] :: nucleotide
nucleotidico {adj} :: nucleotidic
nucleotidiltrasferasi {f} [enzyme] :: nucleotidyltransferase
nuclide {m} [nuclear physics] :: nuclide
nuculanio {m} [botany] :: polypyrenous drupe
nudamente {adv} :: nakedly, in the nude
nude-look {adj} :: see-through (clothing)
nudezza {f} :: synonym of nudità
nudicaule {adj} [botany] :: Having a leafless stem
nudismo {m} :: nudism
nudista {mf} :: nudist
nudità {f} :: nudity, nakedness
nudo {adj} /ˈnudo/ :: naked, nude, bare
nudo {m} [arts] :: nude
nudo bruco {adj} [literally] :: naked as a worm; very poor
nudricante {v} :: present participle of nudricare
nudricare {v} :: alternative form of nutricare
nudrice {f} :: alternative form of nutrice
nudrire {v} :: alternative form of nutrire
Nugnes {prop} :: surname
nugola {f} /ˈnu.ɡo.la/ :: alternative form of nuvola
nugolo {m} :: host, crowd, cloud (large number of threatening things, especially insects etc)
null' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of nulla
nulla {adv} :: nothing, anything
nulla {m} :: nothing
nulla {pron} :: nothing, anything
nulla da aggiungere {phrase} :: enough is enough
nulladicente {adj} :: tight-lipped
nulladimanco {conj} :: synonym of nondimeno
nulladimeno {conj} :: synonym of nondimeno
nullafacente {adj} :: work-shy
nullafacente {mf} :: layabout
nullaggine {f} :: nullity, nothingness
nullameno {adv} :: synonym of nientedimeno
nulla osta {m} :: visa
nulla osta {m} :: An official declaration not to be against something or someone
nulla osta {m} :: permission
nullaosta {m} :: authorization, permission, visa
nullaosta {m} :: nihil obstat
nullatenente {adj} :: proletarian (owning no property)
nullatenente {adj} :: destitute, indigent
nullatenente {mf} :: proletarian (person who owns no property)
nullatenente {mf} :: a person who is destitute
nullatenente {mf} :: poor, pauper
nullatenenza {f} [legal] :: propertylessness
nullificante {v} :: present participle of nullificare
nullificantesi {v} :: present participle of nullificarsi
nullificare {vt} :: To nullify
nullificarsi {vr} :: To be nullified
nullificatosi {v} :: past participle of nullificarsi
nullificazione {f} :: nullification
nullipara {adj} :: nulliparous
nulliparità {f} :: The condition of being nulliparous
nulliploide {adj} [genetics] :: nulliploid
nulliploidia {f} [genetics] :: nulliploidy
nullismo {m} :: nihilism
nullisomia {f} [genetics] :: nullisomy
nullista {adj} :: nihilist
nullista {mf} :: nihilist
nullistico {adj} :: nihilistic
nullità {f} :: nullity
nullità {f} :: invalidity (state of not being valid)
nullità {f} :: nonentity, random
nullità {f} :: an unimportant or insignificant person
nullo {adj} [archaic, literary, chiefly in the singular] /ˈnul.lo/ :: no, not any [determiner]
nullo {adj} :: futile, ineffectual, vain
nullo {adj} [mathematics] :: null; equating zero
nullo {adj} [law] :: null, null and void
nullo {pron} [obsolete, literary] :: no one, nobody
nume {m} [literary] :: a god, particularly that of Greco-Roman mythology
numerabile {adj} :: numerable
numerabile {adj} :: countable
numerabilità {f} :: The quality of being numerable
numerabilità {f} :: countability
numerale {adj} :: numeric
numerale {m} :: numeral
numerante {v} :: present participle of numerare
numerare {vt} :: to number
numerare {vt} :: to count
numerario {adj} :: number (attributive), numerary
numerario {m} :: cash (ready money)
numerativo {adj} :: numerative
numerato {adj} :: numbered
numeratore {m} [mathematics] :: numerator
numeratore {m} :: numbering machine
numerazione {f} :: numbering, numeration
numeretto {m} :: A small number (close to zero)
numeretto {m} :: A numeral written in small fonts
numeretto {m} [familiar] :: queue ticket, queue number
Numeri {prop} [biblical] :: Numbers, Book of Numbers
numericamente {adv} :: numerically
numerico {adj} :: numerical
numerino {m} :: A small number (close to zero)
numerino {m} :: A numeral written in small fonts
numerino {m} [familiar] :: queue ticket, queue number
numerizzante {v} :: present participle of numerizzare
numerizzare {v} :: To number (mark the members of a group with numbers)
numerizzato {adj} [Switzerland] :: numbered
numero {m} /ˈnu.me.ro/ :: number
numero {m} :: numeral, figure, digit
numero {m} :: sketch; short and often humorous or satirical scene or play
numero abbondante {m} [mathematics] :: abundant number
numero algebrico {m} [mathematics] :: algebraic number
numero amicabile {m} [mathematics] :: amicable number
numero arabo {m} :: Arabic numeral, arabic numeral [US]
numero armonico {m} [mathematics] :: harmonic number
numero atomico {m} [physics, chemistry] :: atomic number
numero automorfo {m} [mathematics] :: automorphic number
numero barionico {m} [physics] :: baryon number
numero binario {m} [maths] :: binary number
numero cardinale {m} [mathematics] :: cardinal number
numero civico {m} :: house number
numero complesso {m} [mathematics] :: complex number
numero composto {m} [mathematics] :: composite number
numero decimale {m} [mathematics] :: decimal number
numero deficente {m} [mathematics] :: deficient number
numero di Avogadro {ms} [chemistry, physics] :: Avogadro's number
numero di cetano {m} [chemistry] :: cetane number
numero di coordinazione {m} [chemistry] :: coordination number
numero difettivo {m} [mathematics] :: defective number
numero di Fibonacci {m} [mathematics] :: Fibonacci number
numero di Harshad {m} [maths] :: Harshad number
numero di Mach {m} [physics] :: Mach number
numero di massa {m} [physics] :: mass number
numero di ossidazione {m} [chemistry] :: oxidation number
numero di ottano {m} [chemistry] :: octane number
numero di Reynolds {m} [physics] :: Reynolds number
numero di serie {m} :: serial number
numero di telefono {m} :: telephone number, phone number
numero d'onda {m} [physics] :: wavenumber
numero d'ossidazione {m} [chemistry] :: oxidation number
numero esadecimale {m} [maths, computing] :: hexadecimal number
numero immaginario {m} [mathematics] :: imaginary number
numero intero {m} [mathematics] :: whole number; integer
numero intero relativo {m} :: alternative form of numero intero
numero in virgola mobile {m} [mathematics, computing] :: floating-point number
numero ipercomplesso {m} [mathematics] :: hypercomplex number
numero iperreale {m} [mathematics] :: hyperreal number
numero irrazionale {m} [mathematics] :: irrational number
numero leptonico {m} [physics] :: lepton number
numerologia {f} :: numerology
numerologo {m} :: numerologist
numero magico {m} [mathematics] :: magic number
numero naturale {m} [mathematics] :: natural number
numero neutronico {m} [physics] :: neutron number
numero ordinale {m} [mathematics] :: ordinal number
numero perfetto {m} [mathematics] :: perfect number
numero piramidale {m} [mathematics] :: pyramidal number
numero pratico {m} [mathematics] :: practical number
numero primo {m} [mathematics] :: prime number
numero quantico {m} [mathematics, physics] :: quantum number
numero razionale {m} [mathematics] :: rational number
numero reale {m} [mathematics] :: real number
numero relativo {m} :: alternative form of numero intero
numero romano {m} :: Roman numeral
numerosamente {adv} :: in great number, numerously
numero sfenico {m} [mathematics] :: sphenic number
numerosissimo {adj} :: superlative of numeroso
numerosità {f} :: numerousness, numerosity
numerosità {f} [statistics] :: size (of an observed sample)
numeroso {adj} :: numerous; (singular) large, big; (plural) many, several
numero socievole {m} [mathematics] :: sociable number
numero telefonico {m} :: telephone number, phone number
numero tondo {m} :: round number
numero transfinito {m} [mathematics] :: transfinite number
numero trascendente {m} [mathematics] :: transcendental number
numero triangolare {m} [mathematics] :: triangular number
numero uno {m} :: The first in a series, or the most important in a group
numero verde {m} :: toll-free number, freephone number, free call number, 800 number
numida {adj} /ˈnu.mi.da/ :: Numidian
numida {mf} :: Numidian
Numidia {prop} :: Numidia
numidico {adj} :: Numidian
numinosità {f} :: numinousness
numinoso {adj} :: numinous
numismatica {f} :: numismatics
numismatico {adj} :: numismatic
nummario {adj} :: nummary
nummo {m} :: nummus (Roman or Byzantine copper coin)
nummolaria {f} :: creeping Jenny, moneywort (Lysimachia nummularia)
nummulare {adj} [pathology] :: nummular
nummulare {adj} :: nummular (coin-shaped)
nummulite {m} :: nummulite
nummulitico {adj} [geology] :: nummulitic
nun {f} /nun/ :: nun, specifically:
nun {f} :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤍
nun {f} :: The name of the Hebrew-script letter נ/ן
nun {f} :: The name of the Arabic-script letter ن
nuncupazione {f} :: nuncupation
nundinale {adj} :: nundinal
nundine {f} [historical, Ancient Rome] /ˈnun.di.ne/ :: nundine
Nunki {prop} :: Nunki, the second brightest star in the constellation of Sagittarius
nunzia {f} :: female equivalent of nunzio
nunziale {adj} :: nuncial
nunziatura {f} :: nunciature
nunzio {m} :: nuncio
nunzio {m} :: messenger
Nunzio {prop} :: given name from the word meaning messenger of God
nuocente {v} :: present participle of nuocere
nuocere {vi} /ˈnwɔ.t͡ʃe.re/ :: to harm, injure or damage
nuora {f} :: daughter-in-law
nuorese {adj} /nu.-oˈre.ze/ :: of or relating to Nuoro or the Nuoro people
nuorese {mf} :: a native or inhabitant of Nuoro
Nuoro {prop} /ˈnu.o.ro/ :: Nuoro (town/and/province)
nuotante {v} :: present participle of nuotare
nuotare {vit} /nwoˈtare/ :: to swim
nuotata {f} :: swim
nuotatore {m} :: swimmer
nuotatrice {f} :: female equivalent of nuotatore
nuoto {m} [sports] /ˈnwɔ.to/ :: swimming (the activity of being moving oneself through water using one's arms and legs, carried out for amusement, exercise, sport or entertainment.)
nuoto sincronizzato {m} [sports, swimming] :: synchronized swimming/synchronised swimming
nuova {f} :: news
Nuova Caledonia {prop} :: New Caledonia
Nuova Delhi {prop} :: Nuova Delhi (capital city)
Nuova Guinea {prop} :: New Guinea
Nuova Inghilterra {prop} :: New England
nuovaiorchese {adj} [dated] :: alternative form of newyorchese
nuovaiorchese {mf} [dated] :: alternative form of newyorchese
nuovamente {adv} :: again
nuovamente {adv} :: newly, recently
Nuova Orleans {prop} :: New Orleans
Nuova Scozia {prop} :: Nuova Scozia (province)
Nuova York {prop} [dated] :: New York
Nuova Zelanda {prop} :: New Zealand
nuovissimo {adj} :: superlative of nuovo
nuovo {adj} /ˈnwɔ.vo/ :: new
nuovo {m} :: a new one
nuovo di zecca {adj} :: brand new, brand spanking new, utterly new
Nuovo Ebridi {prop} [historical] :: New Hebrides
Nuovo Galles del Sud {prop} :: Nuovo Galles del Sud (state)
Nuovo Jersey {prop} :: obsolete form of New Jersey
Nuovo Messico {prop} :: New Mexico (US state)
Nuovo Testamento {prop} [biblical] :: New Testament
nuraghe {m} :: A form of megalithic tower found in Sardinia
nuragico {adj} :: Nuragic; relating to a nuraghe, a type of megalithic edifice found in Sardinia
Nure {prop} :: Nure (river)
nuristani {mf} :: Nuristani
nuristani {adj} :: Nuristani (attributive)
nuro {f} :: alternative form of nuora
nursery {f} :: nursery (place for the care of children)
nursino {adj} :: Of or from Norcia
nutante {adj} [botany] /nuˈtan.te/ :: experiencing nutation; nutating
nutazionale {adj} :: nutational
nutazione {f} /nu.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: nutation, particularly:
nutazione {f} [physics] :: a bobbing motion that accompanies the precession of a spinning rigid body
nutazione {f} [astronomy] :: any of several irregularities in the precession of the equinoxes caused by varying torque applied to the Earth by the Sun and the Moon
nutazione {f} [botany] :: the circular motion of the tip of a growing shoot
Nutella {prop} :: Nutella (a sweet spread made from hazelnuts, sugar, vegetable oils, cocoa solids and skimmed milk)
nuto {m} [literary, rare] /ˈnu.to/ :: nod
nuto {m} [literary, rare, figurative] :: will, command
nutraceutico {m} :: nutraceutical
nutrente {v} :: present participle of nutrire
nutrentesi {v} :: present participle of nutrirsi
nutria {f} :: coypu, nutria
nutribile {adj} :: That can be nourished; nourishable
nutricazione {f} :: synonym of nutrizione
nutrice {f} :: wet nurse
nutriente {adj} :: nutritious, nourishing, nutritive
nutriente {m} :: nutrient, nutriment
nutrigenetica {f} :: nutrigenetics
nutrigenomica {f} :: nutrigenomics
nutrigenomico {adj} :: nutrigenomic
nutrimento {m} :: nourishment, food
nutrimento {m} :: nutrient
nutrire {vt} /nutˈri.re/ :: to feed or nourish
nutrire {vi} :: to be nourishing
nutrirsi {vr} :: To eat
nutriterapia {f} :: nutritional therapy
nutritivo {adj} :: nutritional, nutritive
nutritizio {adj} :: synonym of nutritivo
nutrito {adj} :: fed
nutritore {m} :: nourisher
nutritore {m} :: feeder, feeding trough (masculine only)
nutritosi {v} :: past participle of nutrirsi
nutrizionale {adj} :: nutritional
nutrizione {f} [medicine] :: nutrition
nutrizione {f} :: nourishment
nutrizionista {mf} :: nutritionist
nutrizionistica {f} :: The study of nutrition
nuvol {f} :: apocopic form of nuvola
nuvola {f} /ˈnu.vo.la/ :: cloud
nuvola elettronica {f} [physics] :: electron cloud
nuvolaglia {f} :: mass of clouds
nuvolato {adj} :: clouded
nuvoletta {f} :: small cloud
nuvoletta {f} :: puff (of smoke etc)
nuvoletta {f} :: speech bubble
nuvolo {adj} [regional] :: cloudy
nuvolo {m} :: alternative form of nuvola; cloud
nuvolone {m} :: big cloud
nuvolosità {f} :: cloudiness
nuvoloso {adj} :: cloudy, overcast
nuziale {adj} :: wedding (attributive), bridal (attributive)
nuziale {adj} :: nuptial
nuzialità {f} [statistics] :: marriage rate
nvitar {v} :: apocopic form of invitare
nyala di montagna {m} :: mountain nyala balbok (Tragelaphus buxtoni)