User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-m
ma {n} (colloquial form of mother) | :: mamma {f} |
mañana {adv} (tomorrow) SEE: tomorrow | :: |
macadamia {n} (macadamia nut) SEE: macadamia nut | :: |
macadamia nut {n} (edible seed of the macadamia tree) | :: noce macadamia {f} |
macarism {n} (all senses) | :: macarismo {m} |
macaroni {n} /ˌmækəˈɹoʊni/ (type of pasta) | :: maccheroni {m-p} |
macaronic {adj} /ˌmækəˈɹɑnɪk/ (jumbled) | :: imbastardito {m} |
macaronic {adj} (written in a mixture of languages) | :: maccheronico {m} |
macaronic {n} (macaronic work) | :: maccheronata {f} |
macaroni penguin {n} (Eudyptes chrysolophus) | :: pinguino macaroni {m} |
macaroon {n} /ˌmæk.əˈɹun/ (soft biscuit or cookie prepared with almond or coconut dough) | :: amaretto |
Macau {prop} /məˈkaʊ/ (a city just west of Hong Kong) | :: Macao |
macaw {n} /məˈkɑː/ (various parrots) | :: ara {f} |
Maccabaic {adj} | :: maccabaico |
Maccabee {n} /ˈmæk.kəˌbi/ (Maccabee) | :: Macabeo {m} |
macchia {n} /mæk.ɪa/ (shrubland biota) | :: macchia {f} |
macchiato {n} (type of coffee) | :: macchiato {m} |
mace {n} /meɪs/ (weapon) | :: mazza {f}, mazza d'armi {f} |
mace {n} (ceremonial form of this weapon) | :: mazza {f} |
mace {n} (a spice) | :: macis {m} {f} |
Macedonia {prop} /ˌmæs.əˈdoʊ.ni.ə/ (ancient kingdom) | :: Macedonia {f} |
Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia) | :: Macedonia {f}, Repubblica di Macedonia {f} |
Macedonia {prop} (region of northern Greece) | :: Macedonia {f} |
Macedonian {adj} /mæsəˈdəʊnɪən/ (of Macedonia or its people or language) | :: macedone |
Macedonian {n} (person from Macedonia) | :: macedoniana {f}, macedoniano {m} |
Macedo-Romanian {prop} (Aromanian) SEE: Aromanian | :: |
Macedo-Romanian {prop} (the Aromanian language) | :: macedorumeno {m} |
Macerata {prop} (province) | :: Macerata |
Macerata {prop} (town) | :: Macerata {f} |
macerate {v} /ˈmæs.ə.ɹɪt/ (to soften or separate by immersion in a liquid) | :: macerare |
maceration {n} /mæsəˈɹeɪʃən/ (act or process of macerating) | :: maceramento {m} |
macerator {n} /ˈmæsəˌɹeɪtɚ/ (a machine that reduces solids to small pieces) | :: maceratore |
machete {n} /məˈʃɛ.ti/ (a sword-like tool) | :: machete {m} |
Machiavelli {prop} (Italian statesman and writer) | :: Machiavelli |
Machiavellian {adj} /ˌmɑk.i.əˈvɛl.i.ən/ (attempting to achieve goals by cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous methods) | :: machiavellico, machiavelliano |
Machiavellian {adj} (related to the philosophical system of Niccolò Machiavelli) | :: machiavelliano |
Machiavellianism {n} (philosophy) | :: machiavellismo {m} |
Machiavellianism {n} (political maneuver) | :: machiavellismo {m} |
Machiavellianism {n} (ruthless, duplicitous behavior) | :: machiavellismo {m} |
machicolation {n} /məˌtʃɪkəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ (opening between corbels that support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, of a fortified building) | :: caditoia {f}, piombatoia {f} |
machination {n} /ˌmækɪˈneɪʃən/ (clever scheme or artful plot, usually crafted for evil purposes) | :: macchinazione {f}, complotto {m}, intrigo {m}, cospirazione {f}, tiro mancino {m} |
machination {n} (act of machinating) | :: macchinazione {f}, complotto {m} |
machine {n} /məˈʃin/ (mechanical or electrical device) | :: macchina {f}, meccanismo {m} |
machine {n} (group that controls an organization) | :: macchina {f} |
machine {n} (a person who is very proficient) | :: macchina {f} |
machine code {n} (machine language) SEE: machine language | :: |
machine gun {n} (type of firearm) | :: mitragliatrice |
machine-gunner {n} (someone who uses a machine gun) | :: mitragliere |
machine language {n} (set of instructions for a computer) | :: linguaggio macchina {m}, codice macchina {f} |
machine learning {n} (field of study) | :: apprendimento automatico {m} |
machinery {n} /məˈʃiːnəɹi/ | :: macchinario {m} |
machine tool {n} /məˈʃiːn ˈtuːl/ (tool used for machining) | :: macchina utensile {f} |
machine translation {n} (act of translating something by means of a machine) | :: traduzione automatica {f} |
machinist {n} (operator) SEE: operator | :: |
machismo {n} /mɑːˈtʃiz.moʊ/ (exaggerated masculinity) | :: machismo, maschilismo, gallismo {m} |
Machmeter {n} (an instrument that measures the speed of an aircraft relative to that of sound and displays it in Mach numbers) | :: machmetro {m} |
Mach number {n} (ratio, see also: Mach) | :: numero di Mach {m} |
macho {adj} /ˈmɑtʃoʊ/ (manly, tough) | :: macho |
macho {n} (macho person) | :: macho {m} |
macho man {n} (masculine man) | :: maschiaccio {m}, duro {m} |
mackerel {n} /ˈmækɹəl/ (edible fish) | :: sgombro {m}, sgombero {m} |
mackerel bird {n} (wryneck) SEE: wryneck | :: |
mackintosh {n} (raincoat in general) SEE: raincoat | :: |
Maclaurin series {n} (Taylor series centred at 0) | :: serie di Maclaurin {f} |
macramé {n} /ˈmækɹəˌmeɪ/ (textile) | :: macramè {m} |
macroanalysis {n} (analysis in which the size of the sample is of the order of grams) | :: macroanalisi {f} |
macrobiotic {adj} (diet) | :: macrobiotico |
macrobiotics {n} /ˌmækɹoʊˌbaɪˈɑtəks/ (art of prolonging life) | :: macrobiotica {f} |
macrocephalic {adj} (having an abnormally large head) | :: macrocefalo |
macrocephaly {n} (a condition in which the head is abnormally large) | :: macrocefalia {f} |
macrocheilia {n} (medical condition) | :: macrochilia {f}, macrocheilia {f} |
macroclimate {n} (climate of a relatively large geographic area) | :: macroclima {m} |
macrocosm {n} (the universe) SEE: universe | :: |
macrocosm {n} /ˈmæk.ɹəˌkɑ.zəm/ (a complex structure containing numerous smaller-scale structures) | :: macrocosmo {m} |
macrocrystalline {adj} (having crystals that are visible without the use of magnification) | :: macrocristallino |
macrocyte {n} (unusually large red blood cell) | :: macrocita {f}, macrocito {m} |
macrocytosis {n} (presence of macrocytes in the blood) | :: macrocitosi |
macrodontia {n} (condition of having very large teeth) | :: macrodontia {f} |
macroeconomic {adj} /ˌmækɹoʊˌɛkəˈnɑːmɪk/ (relating to macroeconomics) | :: macroeconomico |
macroeconomics {n} /ˌmæk.ɹoʊˌiː.kəˈnɒ.mɪks/ (study of the entire economy) | :: macroeconomia {f} |
macroelement {n} (element for which the human body has a daily requirement of greater than 100mg) | :: macroelemento {m} |
macroesthesia {n} (perception that objects are larger than they really are) | :: macroestesia {f} |
macrogamete {n} (larger of a pair of conjugating gametes) | :: macrogamete {m} |
macroglobulin {n} (plasma globulin of high molecular weight) | :: macroglobulina {f} |
macroglossia {n} (enlargement of the tongue) | :: macroglossia {f} |
macrography {n} | :: macrografia {f} |
macroinstruction {n} (macro) | :: macroistruzione {f} |
macrolide {n} | :: macrolide {m} |
macrometeorology {n} (study of the large-scale behaviour of the atmosphere) | :: macrometeorologia {f} |
macromolecular {adj} (of or relating to a macromolecule) | :: macromolecolare |
macromolecule {n} (large molecule) | :: macromolecola {f} |
macron {n} /ˈmækɹɒn/ (short, straight, horizontal diacritical mark) | :: macron {m} |
macrophage {n} (type of white blood cell) | :: macrofago {m} |
macrophagous {adj} (that feeds on large prey) | :: macrofago |
macrophotography {n} (close-up photography) | :: macrofotografia {f} |
macrophyllous {adj} (having long or large leaves) | :: macrofillo |
macrophyte {n} /ˈmækɹəˌfaɪt/ (macroscopic plant) | :: macrofita {f} |
macropod {n} (marsupial) | :: macropodide {m} |
macroprogramming {n} (creation of macros and macroinstructions) | :: macroprogrammazione {f} |
macroregional {adj} (pertaining to a macroregion) | :: macroregionale |
macroscopic {adj} (visible to the unassisted eye) | :: macroscopico |
macroseism {n} (severe earthquake) | :: macrosisma {m} |
macrosmatic {adj} /ˌmæk.ɹɒzˈmæ.tɪk/ (having a good sense of smell) | :: macrosmatico |
macrosociology {n} (subdiscipline of sociology) | :: macrosociologia {f} |
macrospore {n} (specially large spore) | :: macrospora {f} |
macrostructure {n} (gross structure) | :: macrostruttura {f} |
macrostructure {n} (metallurgy) | :: macrostruttura {f} |
macrosystem {n} (programming system) | :: macrosistema {m} |
macrovascular {adj} (of or pertaining to the larger blood vessels) | :: macrovascolare |
macula {n} (anatomy: yellow spot near the center of retina) | :: macula {f} |
macula {n} (large blot or splotch) | :: macula {f} |
mad {adj} /ˈmæd/ (insane (adj.)) | :: pazzo, folle, matto, insano |
Madagascar {prop} /mædəˈɡæskɑɹ/ (country in Southern Africa) | :: Madagascar {m} |
Madagascar buzzard {n} (Buteo brachypterus) | :: poiana del Madagascar {f} |
madam {n} /ˈmæd.əm/ (polite term of address to a woman) | :: signora {f} |
madam {n} (mistress of a household) | :: padrona di casa {f} |
madam {n} (woman who manages a brothel) | :: madama {f} |
mad as a hatter {adj} /ˌmæd æz ə ˈhætɚ/ (demented or crazy) | :: fuori di testa, fuori come un balcone |
madden {v} /ˈmædən/ (make angry) | :: infuriare, urtare |
madden {v} (make insane) | :: stregare |
madder {n} /ˈmædəɹ/ (plant) | :: robbia {f}, garanza {f} |
madder {n} (root) | :: robbia {f} |
madder {n} (dye) | :: alizarina {f} |
madder {n} (colour) | :: rosso di robbia {m} |
made in China {adj} (manufactured in the PRC) | :: fatto in Cina |
madeleine {n} /ˈmædələn/ (small gateau in the shape of a scallop shell) | :: madeleine {f}, maddalena {f} |
made-up {adj} (invented, fabricated) | :: inventato, falso {m} |
made-up {adj} (changed by cosmetics) | :: truccato {m} |
madhouse {n} (insane asylum) | :: manicomio {m} |
madhouse {n} (place resembling an insane asylum) | :: manicomio {m}, gabbia di matti {f} |
madly {adv} /ˈmædli/ (in a mad manner) | :: follemente |
madman {n} (An insane man) | :: matto {m}, pazzo {m} |
madness {n} /ˈmæd.nəs/ (insanity) | :: pazzia {f}, follia {f} |
madness {n} | :: follia, pazzia, insanità |
Madonna {prop} (Virgin Mary) SEE: Virgin Mary | :: |
madrasa {n} (madrasah) SEE: madrasah | :: |
madrasah {n} (school for Islamic theology) | :: madrasa {f} |
Madrid {prop} /məˈd(ʒ)ɹɪd/ (capital of Spain) | :: Madrid {f} |
madrigal {n} /ˈmædɹɪɡəl/ (either musical sense) | :: madrigale {m} |
Madrilenian {adj} (of Madrid) | :: madrileno {m}, madrilena {f} |
Madrilenian {n} (Someone from Madrid) | :: madrileno {m}, madrilena {f} |
Madrileño {adj} (of Madrid) SEE: Madrilenian | :: |
Madrileño {n} (Someone from Madrid) SEE: Madrilenian | :: |
madrone {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree | :: |
madwoman {n} (a woman who is insane) | :: matta {f}, pazza {f} |
maelstrom {n} /ˈmeɪlstɹəm/ (large whirlpool) | :: maelstrom {m}, vortice {m}, voragine {f} |
maestro {n} /ˈmaɪstɹoʊ/ (master in some art) | :: maestro {m}, maestra {f} |
mafia {n} /ˈmɑfi.ə/ (a crime syndicate) | :: mafia {f} |
Mafia {prop} /ˈmɑfi.ə/ (international criminal organisation of Sicilian origin) | :: Mafia {f} |
Mafioso {n} (member of the mafia, see also: mobster) | :: mafioso, mafiosa {f}, uomo d'onore [euphemistic] |
magazine {n} /mæɡəˈzin/ (periodical) | :: rivista {f}, periodico {m}, rivista illustrata {f}, pubblicazione {f} |
magazine {n} (ammunition storehouse) | :: caricatore {m} |
magazine {n} (ammunition clip or chamber enabling multiple rounds to be held before firing) | :: caricatore {m} |
Magdalene {prop} /ˈmæɡdəlin/ (female given name) | :: Maddalena |
Magdalene {prop} (biblical character) SEE: Mary Magdalene | :: |
Magdalenian {adj} | :: magdaleniano |
Magdeburg {prop} (city) | :: Magdeburgo {m} |
mage {n} /meɪdʒ/ (magician, wizard or sorcerer) | :: magio |
Magellanic penguin {n} (Penguin) | :: pinguino di Magellano {m} |
magenta {n} /məˈdʒɛntə/ (colour) | :: magenta |
magenta {adj} (colour) | :: magenta |
Maggie {prop} /ˈmæɡi/ (female given name) | :: Rita {f}, Greta {f} |
maggot {n} /ˈmæɡət/ (dipterous insect's larva that eats decomposing organic matter) | :: larva {f}, verme {m}, baco {m} |
maggot {n} (worthless person) | :: verme {m} |
Maghreb {prop} /ˈmɑːɡɹɛb/ (region in Africa) | :: Magreb |
Maghrebi {adj} (of or relating to the Maghreb) | :: magrebino {m} |
Magi {prop} /ˈmeɪdʒaɪ/ (the wise men who gave gifts to Jesus) | :: Maghi {m-p}, maghi {m-p}, Re Magi {m-p}, Magi |
magic {n} /ˈmædʒɪk/ (use of supernatural rituals, forces etc.) | :: magia {f} |
magic {n} (illusion performed to give the appearance of magic or the supernatural) | :: magia {f} |
magic {n} (something spectacular or wonderful) | :: magia {f} |
magic {n} | :: magia {f} |
magic {adj} | :: magico |
magic bullet {n} (a remedy) | :: panacea {f} |
magician {n} /məˈdʒɪʃən/ (practitioner of allegedly supernatural magic) | :: mago {m}, stregone {m} |
magician {n} | :: mago {m}, [1] maga {f} |
magic lantern {n} (early light projector) | :: lanterna magica {f} |
magic mushroom {n} (mushroom-like fungus that has psychedelic effects) | :: fungo allucinogeno {m} |
magic wand {n} (wand used to perform magic) | :: bacchetta magica {f} |
magic word {n} /ˈmædʒɪkˌwɝd/ (word with magical effect) | :: formula magica {f} |
magic word {n} (the word "please" or "thanks") | :: parola magica {f}, parolina magica {f} |
magistrate {n} /ˈmædʒɪstɹeɪt/ (judicial officer) | :: magistrato {m} |
magma {n} /ˈmæɡ.mə/ (molten matter) | :: magma {m} |
magmatic {adj} /maɡˈmatɪk/ (of, related to, or produced by magma) | :: magmatico |
Magna Carta {prop} /ˌmæɡnə ˈkɑːtə/ (charter granted by King John to the barons at Runnymede in 1215) | :: Magna Carta {f} |
Magna Graecia {prop} (Ancient Greek colonies in Italy and Sicily) | :: Magna Grecia |
magnality {n} (great or wonderful thing) SEE: miracle | :: |
magnanimous {adj} /mæɡˈnæn.ɪ.məs/ (noble and generous in spirit) | :: magnanimo {m} |
magnanimously {adv} (in a magnanimous manner) | :: magnanimamente |
magnate {n} /ˈmæɡneɪt/ (Powerful industrialist; captain of industry.) | :: magnate {m} |
magnesia {n} /ˌmæɡˈniʒə/ (magnesium oxide) | :: magnesia {f} |
magnesian {adj} (containing magnesia) | :: magnesiaco {m} |
magnesite {n} (a form of magnesium carbonate, O3, occurring as dolomite (with calcite) but rarely found in the pure state) | :: magnesite {f} |
magnesium {n} /ˌmæɡˈniʒəm/ (chemical element) | :: magnesio {m} |
magnesium oxide {n} (white powder) | :: ossido di magnesio {m} |
magnet {n} /ˈmæɡnət/ (piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism) | :: magnete {m}, calamita {f} |
magnetar {n} (pulsar with an extremely powerful magnetic field) | :: magnetar {f} |
magnetic {adj} /mæɡˈnɛtɪk/ (of, relating to, caused by, or operating by magnetism) | :: magnetico |
magnetic {adj} (having the properties a magnet) | :: magnetico, magnetica |
magnetic {adj} (determined by earth's magnetic fields) | :: magnetico |
magnetic {adj} (having an extraordinary ability to attract) | :: magnetico |
magnetic compass {n} (instrument) | :: bussola magnetica {f} |
magnetic field {n} (a field of magnetic force) | :: campo magnetico {m} |
magnetic levitation {n} (method of supporting objects) | :: levitazione magnetica {f} |
magnetic moment {n} (magnetic moment) | :: momento magnetico {m} |
magnetic monopole {n} | :: monopolo magnetico {m} |
magnetic tape {n} (acrylic tape used for recording data) | :: nastro magnetico {m} |
magnetism {n} /ˈmæɡ.nəˌtɪz.əm/ (the property of being magnetic) | :: magnetismo {m} |
magnetite {n} /ˈmaɡnətʌɪt/ (a mineral) | :: magnetite |
magnetize {v} (to attract) | :: magnetizzare |
magnetochemistry {n} (branch of chemistry that studies the effect of magnetic field) | :: magnetochimica {f} |
magnetoelasticity {n} (condition of being magnetoelastic) | :: magnetoelasticità {f} |
magnetoencephalography {n} (technique) | :: magnetoencefalografia {f} |
magnetohydrodynamics {n} (the study of the interaction of electrically conducting fluids with magnetic fields; as in the Earth's core) | :: magnetofluidodinamica {f}, magnetoidrodinamica {f} |
magnetometer {n} /ˌmæɡnɪˈtɒmɪtə/ (instrument) | :: magnetometro {m} |
magnetomotive {adj} (capable of producing magnetic flux) | :: magnetomotrice |
magnetooptics {n} (branch of physics) | :: magnetoottica {f} |
magnetosphere {n} /mæɡ.ˈni.tə.ˌsfɪr/ (region around a planet) | :: magnetosfera {f} |
magnetostriction {n} (change of a ferromagnetic material when magnetized) | :: magnetostrizione {f} |
magnification {n} /ˌmæɡnɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of magnifying) | :: magnificazione {f} |
magnification {n} (apparent enlargement) | :: ingrandimento {m} |
magnificent {adj} /mæɡˈnɪfəsənt/ (grand, elegant or splendid in appearance) | :: magnifico |
magnificently {adv} (in a magnificent manner) | :: magnificamente |
magnify {v} /ˈmæɡnɪfaɪ/ (to make larger) | :: ingrandire, amplificare, ingigantire |
magnifying glass {n} (instrument) | :: lente d'ingrandimento |
magnitude {n} /ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd/ (size, etc.) | :: vastità {f}, magnitudine |
magnitude {n} (of a vector) | :: module {m} |
magnitude {n} (apparent brighness of a star) | :: magnitudine {f} |
magnitude {n} (energy of earthquake) | :: magnitudo {f} |
magnocellular {adj} (having large cells) | :: magnocellulare |
magnolia {n} /ˌmæɡˈnoʊ.li.ə/ (tree) | :: magnolia {f} |
magnolia {n} (flower) | :: magnolia {f} |
magpie {n} /ˈmæɡˌpaɪ/ (bird of genus Pica) | :: gazza {f} |
Magrittean {adj} | :: magrittiano |
Magyar {adj} (Hungarian) SEE: Hungarian | :: |
Maharashtrian {adj} (of or pertaining to Maharashtra) | :: maratto |
Maharashtrian {n} (native or resident of Maharashtra) | :: maratto {m} |
mahi-mahi {n} (large food and game fish) | :: lampuga {f} |
mahogany {n} /məˈhɒɡəni/ (tropical tree) | :: mogano {m} |
mahogany {n} (wood) | :: mogano {m} |
maid {n} /meɪd/ (young female) | :: signorina {f} |
maid {n} (female servant or cleaner) | :: cameriera {f} |
maiden {n} /ˈmeɪdən/ (unmarried young female) | :: pulzella {f}, ragazza {f} |
maiden {n} | :: signorina {f}, vergine {f} |
maiden {adj} (virgin) SEE: virgin | :: |
maidenhair {n} /ˈmeɪdənhɛː/ (fern) | :: capelvenere {m} |
maidenhair fern {n} (maidenhair) SEE: maidenhair | :: |
maidenly {adj} (of or pertaining to a maiden) | :: virgineo [dated] |
maiden name {n} (married woman's original last name) | :: nome da ragazza {m}, nome da nubile {m} |
maiden voyage {n} (first trip of a vessel) | :: viaggio inaugurale {m} |
maieutics {n} (Socratic method) SEE: Socratic method | :: |
mail {n} /meɪ̯l/ (postal delivery system) | :: posta {f} |
mail {n} (organisation) | :: poste {f-p} |
mail {n} (parcels and letters) | :: posta {f} |
mail {n} (electronic mail) | :: posta elettronica {f}, e-mail {f}, mail {f} |
mail {v} (to send via the post) | :: inviare, impostare |
mail {n} (armour consisting of metal rings or plates linked together) | :: maglia {f}, cotta {f}, cotta di maglia {f} |
mailbox {n} (box into which mail is put) | :: casella postale {f}, buca delle lettere {f} |
mailing list {n} (collection of names and addresses) | :: mailing list {f} |
mail lady {n} (woman who delivers the post or mail) | :: postina {f} |
Maillard reaction {n} /maɪˈjɑː(ɹ) ɹiˈækʃən/ (condensation reaction of an amino acid) | :: reazione di Maillard {f} |
maillechort {n} (nickel silver) SEE: nickel silver | :: |
mailman {n} /ˈmeɪl.mən/ (post office employee) | :: postino {m} |
mailplane {n} (aircraft that delivers mail) | :: aereo postale {m} |
maim {v} /meɪm/ (to cause permanent loss of a part of the body) | :: menomare, mutilare |
Maimonides {prop} /maɪˈmɑnədiz/ (medieval Jewish philosopher) | :: Maimonide |
main {adj} /meɪn/ (chief, most important, or principal in extent, etc.) | :: principale |
main {n} (mainland) SEE: mainland | :: |
main {n} (high seas) SEE: high seas | :: |
Main {prop} (river in southern Germany) | :: Meno {m} |
main course {n} (main dish of a meal) | :: portata principale {f} |
main diagonal {n} (diagonal line of a matrix) | :: diagonale principale {f} |
Maine {prop} /mɛːn/ (US State) | :: Maine {m} |
mainland {n} /ˈmeɪ̪nlənd/ (the main landmass of a country or continent) | :: continente {m} |
mainland China {prop} (area under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) | :: Cina continentale |
mainly {adv} /ˈmeɪnli/ (chiefly; for the most part) | :: principalmente |
mainmast {n} /ˈmeɪn.mæst/ (mainmast) | :: albero maestro |
mainsail {n} (largest sail on a sailing vessel) | :: vela maestra {f}, randa {f} |
mainstay {n} /ˈmeɪn.steɪ/ (chief support) | :: base, pilastro {m} |
mainstream {adj} (used or accepted broadly; common, usual or conventional) | :: virale {m}, corrente, comune, convenzionale, conformista, prestabilito, tradizionale, flusso mediatico predominante |
maintain {v} (to maintain, to consider) SEE: hold | :: |
maintain {v} /meɪnˈteɪn/ (to keep up) | :: mantenere |
maintainability {n} (ease with which something can be maintained) | :: manutenibilità {f} |
maintainable {adj} | :: mantenibile {m} {f}, sostenibile {m} {f} |
maintainer {n} /meɪnˈteɪnə/ (someone who keeps or upholds something) | :: responsabile {m} |
maintainer {n} (a person who does maintenance work) | :: manutentore {m} |
maintenance {n} /ˈmeɪnt(ə)nəns/ (keeping a machine or system in service) | :: manutenzione {f} |
maintenance {n} (process of keeping an organism alive) | :: mantenimento |
maintenance {n} (legal: payment made to a spouse after a divorce) SEE: alimony | :: |
Mainz {prop} /maɪn(t)s/ (the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate) | :: Magonza {f}, [archaic] Maganza {f} |
maize {n} /meɪz/ (corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays) | :: granturco {m}, granoturco {m}, mais {m} |
majestic {adj} /məˈdʒɛstɪk/ (having splendor or royalty) | :: maestoso {m} |
majestical {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic | :: |
majesty {n} /ˈmædʒ.əs.ti/ (the quality of being impressive and great) | :: maestà {f} |
major {n} /ˈmeɪ.dʒə(ɹ)/ (military rank) | :: maggiore {m} |
major {adj} (music: of a scale that follows the pattern: tone - tone - semitone - tone - tone - tone - semitone) | :: maggiore |
major {adj} (music: being the larger of two intervals denoted by the same ordinal number) | :: maggiore |
major {n} (person of legal age) | :: maggiorenne |
majorant {n} /ˈmeɪ.dʒəɹ.ənt/ (function that dominates others) | :: maggiorante {f} |
major arcana {n} (Tarot cards) | :: arcani maggiori, trionfi |
Majorca {prop} /məˈjɔɹ.kə/ (island) | :: Maiorca {f} |
majordomo {n} /ˌmeɪ.dʒɚˈdoʊ.moʊ/ (head servant) | :: maggiordomo {m} |
majority {n} /məˈd͡ʒɑɹɪti/ (more than half) | :: maggioranza {f} |
majority {n} (legal adulthood) | :: maggiore età |
major third {n} (interval of four semitones) | :: terza maggiore {f} |
majuscule {n} (upper-case letter) SEE: capital letter | :: |
make {v} /meɪk/ (to construct) | :: fare |
make {v} (to cause to be) | :: rendere |
make {v} | :: fare |
make {n} (brand) | :: marca {f} |
make a fool of {v} (To cause (someone) to seem foolish) | :: fare una figuraccia |
make a joke of {v} (make light of) SEE: make light of | :: |
make a killing {v} (to win or earn a large amount of money) | :: sbancare, fare una fortuna |
make a living {v} (earn enough income) | :: guadagnarsi da vivere |
make amends {v} (to repair a relationship; to make up; to resolve an argument or fight; to make reparations or redress) | :: dare soddisfazione |
make a mistake {v} (to err) | :: sbagliare, commettere un errore, fare un errore |
make a mountain out of a molehill {v} (to treat a problem as greater than it is) | :: fare di una mosca un elefante (to make an elephant out of a mosquito) |
make a name for oneself {v} (to gain fame) | :: affermarsi, sfondare |
make an effort {v} (to try; to work towards a goal) | :: fare uno sforzo, sforzarsi |
make an exhibition of oneself {v} (to embarrass oneself in public) | :: rendersi ridicolo, dare spettacolo |
make a show of oneself {v} (To embarrass oneself or others in public) | :: dare spettacolo di sé, farsi ridere dietro |
make a silk purse of a sow's ear {v} (to produce something refined, from something which is unrefined) | :: cavare sangue da una rapa, cavar sangue da una rapa |
make a spectacle of oneself {v} (To embarrass oneself or others in public) | :: dare spettacolo di sé, farsi ridere dietro |
make a virtue of necessity {v} (to make the best of a difficult situation) | :: fare di necessità virtù |
make do {v} (to get by (with)) | :: farcela, arrangiarsi, far funzionare |
make ends meet {v} (get by financially) | :: far quadrare i conti, arrivare a fine mese, arrotondare lo stipendio, sbarcare il lunario |
make fun of {v} (tease, ridicule) | :: burlare, sbeffeggiare |
make haste {v} (to rush) | :: affrettarsi |
make hay while the sun shines {v} (act while an opportunity exists) | :: batti il ferro finché è caldo |
make head or tail of {v} (understand even minimally) | :: venirne a capo |
make it {v} (to succeed in doing something, for example in reaching a place, or getting there on time) | :: farcela, raggiungere, arrivare |
make it {v} (to survive, to live through something) | :: sopravvivere |
make it {v} (to become famous and successful) | :: sfondare, affermarsi, spuntarla, farcela |
make it {v} (to have sexual intercourse) | :: farsela |
make it up to {v} (return someone a previous good deed) | :: ricambiare |
make light of {v} (regard without due seriousness) | :: infischiarsene, minimizzare |
make love {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse, see also: copulate) | :: fare l'amore |
make news {v} (be published in the news media) | :: fare notizia |
make one's bed and lie in it {v} (to create a difficult situation and endure unpleasant consequences) | :: hai voluto la bicicletta? adesso pedala (you wanted a bike, now pedal), hai voluto la bicicletta e adesso pedala |
make out {v} /meɪk aʊt/ | :: pomiciare, limonare |
makeover {n} (a major change in use or appearance) | :: riconversione |
maker {n} /ˈmeɪk.ɚ/ (one who makes) | :: fattore {m}, facitore {m} |
make sense {v} (be coherent) | :: avere senso |
make sense {v} (decipher, understand) | :: dare un senso, capire, decifrare |
make shift {v} (contrive, find a way through difficulty) | :: improvvisare, ingegnarsi |
makeshift {n} /ˈmeɪkˌʃɪft/ (temporary substitution) | :: ripiego {m}, improvvisazione {f} |
makeshift {adj} (made to work or suffice) | :: improvvisato, di fortuna, provvisorio, arraffazzonato |
make sure {v} (to verify; to recheck; to use extra care or caution) | :: assicurarsi, accertarsi, sincerarsi, verificare |
make the bed {v} (arrange sheets, etc smoothly and neatly) | :: rifare il letto |
make the news {v} (make news) SEE: make news | :: |
make up {v} (to constitute) | :: comporsi |
make up {v} (to compensate, fill in or catch up) | :: recuperare |
make up {v} (to invent, imagine, or concoct) | :: improvvisare, rimediare, fabbricare, mettere su, tirare fuori, inventare, immaginarsi |
make up {v} (to apply cosmetics or makeup) | :: truccarsi |
make up {v} (to resolve, forgive or smooth over an argument or fight) | :: conciliarsi, fare pace |
makeup {n} (cosmetics) | :: trucco {m} |
make-up artist {n} (artist who applies makeup for theatrical, television, or film productions) | :: truccatore {m}, truccatrice {f} |
make up one's mind {v} (to decide, to reach a conclusion) | :: decidersi |
make use {v} (make use of something) SEE: take advantage | :: |
make way {v} (to give place or step aside) | :: fare strada, fare passare, pista!, fare largo |
make yourself at home {phrase} | :: fai come se fossi a casa tua [to one person, informal], faccia come se fosse a casa sua [to one person, formal], fate come se foste a casa vostra [to many people] |
Malachi {prop} /ˈmæləkaɪ/ (book of the Bible) | :: Malachi, Malachia |
Malachi {prop} (minor prophet) | :: Malachi, Malachia |
Malachi {prop} (male given name) | :: Malachia |
malachite {n} /ˈmæləkaɪt/ (mineral) | :: malachite {f} |
malacology {n} (study of molluscs) | :: malacologia {f} |
malady {n} /ˈmæl.ə.di/ (a disease, illness, or other health disorder) | :: malattia {f} |
Malagasy {n} /ˌmæləˈɡæsi/ (person) | :: malgascio {m} |
Malagasy {n} (the language of the Malagasy, when considered one language) | :: malgascio {m} |
malaguena {n} (dance) | :: malaguegna {f} |
malaise {n} /mæˈleɪz/ (bodily feeling) | :: malessere {m} |
malanga {n} (Xanthostoma plant) | :: malanga |
malar {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone | :: |
malar bone {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone | :: |
malarkey {n} /məˈlɑːki/ (nonsense; rubbish, see also: nonsense) | :: balla {f}, cazzata {f}, fandonia {f} |
Malatestan {adj} | :: malatestiano |
Malawi {prop} /məˈlɑːwi/ (Republic of Malawi) | :: Malawi {m} |
Malayalam {n} /ˌmɑː.ləˈjɑː.ləm/ (language) | :: malayalam {m} |
Malayo-Polynesian {prop} | :: maleopolinesiaco |
Malaysia {prop} /məˈleɪʒə/ (country in Southeast Asia) | :: Malesia {f} |
Malaysian {adj} /məˈleɪ.zi.ən/ (Pertaining to Malaysia) | :: malese |
Maldives {prop} /ˈmɑl.daɪvz/ (country in South Asia) | :: Maldive {f-p} |
Maldivian {n} (language) SEE: Dhivehi | :: |
male {adj} (grammatically masculine) SEE: masculine | :: |
male {adj} /meɪl/ (belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or the gender typically associated with it) | :: maschile, maschio {m} |
male {adj} (having an external plug) | :: maschio |
male {adj} | :: maschio, maschile |
male {n} (human of masculine sex or gender) | :: maschio {m} |
male {n} (animal of masculine sex) | :: maschio {m} |
male {n} | :: maschio {m} |
male chauvinism {n} (belief in the innate superiority of men over women) | :: maschilismo {m} |
male chauvinistic {adj} (of or pertaining to male chauvinism or male chauvinists) | :: maschilista {m} {f} |
maledict {v} (curse) SEE: curse | :: |
maledict {v} (berate) SEE: berate | :: |
malediction {n} (curse) SEE: curse | :: |
malefactor {n} /ˈmæləˌfæktɚ/ (evildoer) | :: malfattore {m} |
maleficent {adj} /məˈlɛf.ɪ.sənt/ (harmful or evil in intent or effect) | :: malefico, maligno |
malevolence {n} /məˈlɛvələns/ (hostile feeling and attitude) | :: malevolenza {f} |
malevolent {adj} /məˈlɛvələnt/ (having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others) | :: malintenzionato |
malformation {n} (abnormal formation) | :: malformazione {f} |
malfunction {n} /ˌmælˈfʌŋk.ʃən/ (faulty functioning) | :: malfunzionamento |
malfunction {n} (failure to function) | :: malfunzionamento |
Mali {prop} /ˈmɑːli/ (a country in Western Africa) | :: Mali |
malice {n} /ˈmælɪs/ (intention to harm) | :: malizia {f}, malanimo, malignità, cattiveria |
malicious {adj} /məˈlɪʃəs/ (Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite) | :: doloso, cattivo, malizioso, malevole |
maliciousness {n} (maliciousness) SEE: malevolence | :: |
malignant {adj} /məˈlɪɡnənt/ (harmful, malevolent, injurious) | :: maligno, malevolo |
malignant {adj} (tending to produce death) | :: maligno |
malkin {n} (cat) SEE: cat | :: |
mallard {n} /ˈmælɚd/ (a common and widespread dabbling duck, Anas platyrhynchos) | :: anatra selvatica {f} |
Mallarméan {adj} /ˌmalɑːˈmeɪən/ (of or relating to Stéphane Mallarmé) | :: mallarmeiano, mallarmeano, mallarmiano |
malleable {adj} /ˈmæli.əbəl/ (able to be hammered into thin sheets) | :: malleabile |
malleable {adj} (liable to change) | :: malleabile, forgiabile |
malleolar {adj} /maˈliː.əl.ə/ (of or relating to the malleolus) | :: malleolare |
malleolus {n} /maˈliː.əl.əs/ (bony prominence in ankle joint) | :: malleolo {m} |
mallet {n} /ˈmælɪt/ (small maul) | :: maglio {m}, mazzetta {f} |
mallet {n} (instrument for playing croquet) | :: mazza da croquet {f} |
mallow {n} /ˈmæloʊ/ (any of a group of plants in several genera of the taxonomic family Malvaceae) | :: malva {f} |
Malmö {prop} /ˈmɑlmʊ/ (city in Sweden) | :: Malmö {f} |
malmsey {n} /ˈmɑ(l)mzi/ (wine made from malvasia) | :: malvasia {f} {m} |
malnourished {adj} (suffering from malnutrition) | :: malnutrito |
malnutrition {n} (lack of adequate nourishment) | :: denutrizione {f} |
malposition {n} (abnormal position of an organ) | :: distopia {f} |
malt {n} /mɑlt/ (sprouted grain used in brewing) | :: malto {m} |
malt {v} (to convert grain into malt) | :: maltare |
Malta {prop} /ˈmɑl.tə/ (republic) | :: Malta {f} |
Malta {prop} (island) | :: Malta {f} |
Malta Island {prop} (the largest island of Malta) | :: Isola di Malta |
Maltese {n} /mɑlˈtiz/ (language of Malta) | :: maltese {m}, malti {m} [rare] |
Maltese {adj} (pertaining to Malta or its language) | :: maltese |
malthouse {n} (plant) | :: malteria {f} |
malting {n} (process) | :: maltazione {f} |
maltose {n} (the disaccharide C12H22O11) | :: maltosio {m} |
maltotriose {n} (maltooligosaccharide) | :: maltotrioso {m} |
maltreatment {n} /malˈtɹiːtmənt/ (cruel or harmful treatment) | :: maltrattamento {m} |
malt vinegar {n} | :: aceto di malto {m} |
malt whiskey {n} (malt whisky) SEE: malt whisky | :: |
malt whisky {n} (whisky made from malted barley) | :: whisky di malto {m} |
malvasia {n} /ˌmælvəˈsi.ə/ (grapevine used to make malmsey) | :: malvasia {f} {m} |
malware {n} /ˈmæl.weə(ɹ)/ (software developed to cause harm to a computer system) | :: malware {m}, software dannoso {m} |
mama {n} (mum) SEE: mum | :: |
mama {n} (mother) SEE: mother | :: |
mama's boy {n} (momma's boy) SEE: momma's boy | :: |
mambo {n} /ˈmɑmboʊ/ (Latin American music genre) | :: mambo {m} |
mamma {n} (mum) SEE: mum | :: |
mamma {n} (mother) SEE: mother | :: |
mammal {n} /ˈmæməl/ (animal of the class Mammalia) | :: mammifero {m} |
mammalian {n} (any mammal) SEE: mammal | :: |
mammalian {adj} /məˈmeɪl.jən/ (of, or pertaining to, mammals) | :: mammifero |
mammalian {adj} | :: mammifero |
mammary {adj} /ˈmæməɹi/ (of or relating to mamma) | :: mammario |
mammary gland {n} (milk-secreting gland) | :: ghiandola mammaria {f} |
mammography {n} (X-ray examination of the breasts) | :: mammografia {f} |
mammoscintigraphy {n} (scintigraphy of the breast) | :: mammoscintigrafia {f} |
mammoth {n} /ˈmæməθ/ (elephant-like mammal) | :: mammut {m} |
mamushi {n} (Gloydius blomhoffi) | :: mamushi {m} |
mamzer {n} (person of illegitimate birth) | :: mamzer {m} |
man {n} (adult male human) | :: uomo {m} |
man {n} (human) | :: uomo {m}, umano {m}, essere umano {m} |
man {n} (piece in board games) | :: pedina {f} |
man {interj} (an interjection used to place emphasis upon something or someone) | :: m, ragazzi |
Man {prop} (genus Homo) | :: uomo {m} |
manacle {n} (fetter, restriction) SEE: fetter | :: |
manacle {n} /ˈmænək(ə)l/ (shackle for the wrist) | :: manette {f} |
manage {v} /ˈmænɪdʒ/ (to direct or be in charge) | :: dirigere |
manage {v} (to succeed at an attempt) | :: riuscire |
manage {v} | :: maneggiare |
manageable {adj} /ˈmænɪd͡ʒəbl̩/ (capable of being managed) | :: maneggevole, maneggiabile, forgiabile, gestibile, malleabile, manovrabile |
management {n} /ˈmænədʒmənt/ (administration; the process or practice of managing) | :: amministrazione {f}, direzione {f}, gestione |
management {n} (the executives of an organisation) | :: dirigenza {f} |
manager {n} /ˈmæn.ɪ.dʒɚ/ (person whose job is to manage something) | :: direttore {m}, capo {m}, responsabile {m}, gestore {m} |
manager {n} (administrator, for a singer or group) | :: impresario {m} |
manager {n} (in computer software) | :: gestore {m} |
manager {n} | :: [of a business] direttore {m}, direttrice {f}, [of a restaurant, etc.] gerente {m}, [of a sports team, etc.] manager {m} |
managerial {adj} (involving management-like duties) | :: manageriale |
man and wife {n} (opposite-sex married couple) SEE: husband and wife | :: |
man-at-arms {n} (heavily-armed mounted member of cavalry) | :: uomini d'arme, soldati di ventura {m} |
manatee {n} /ˈmæn.əˌtiː/ (any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae) | :: lamantino {m}, manato {m} |
Manchu {n} /ˌmænˈtʃuː/ (member of the people) | :: manciù, mancese |
Manchu {prop} (language) | :: mancese {m} |
Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu(rian) people) | :: mancese, manciuriano |
Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu language) | :: mancese |
Manchuria {prop} /mænˈt͡ʃʊəɹiə/ (historical region in Northeast Asia) | :: Manciuria {f} |
-mancy {suffix} (specified forms of divination) | :: -manzia {f} |
mandarin {n} /ˈmæn.də.ɹɪn/ (Chinese Imperial bureaucrat) | :: mandarino {m} |
mandarin {n} (fruit) SEE: mandarin orange | :: |
mandarin {n} (tree) SEE: mandarin orange | :: |
mandarin {n} (mandarin duck) SEE: mandarin duck | :: |
Mandarin {n} /ˈmæn.də.ɹɪn/ (Standard Mandarin, see also: Chinese) | :: mandarino {m} |
mandarinate {n} (all senses) | :: mandarinato {m} |
mandarin collar {n} (Short unfolded stand-up collar on a shirt or jacket.) | :: colletto alla coreana {m} |
mandarin duck {n} /ˈmændəɹɪn dʌk/ (bird) | :: anatra mandarina {f} |
mandarin orange {n} (tree) | :: mandarino {m} |
mandarin orange {n} (fruit) | :: mandarino {m} |
mandate {n} /ˈmæn.deɪt/ (official command) | :: mandato {m} |
mandatory {adj} /ˈmæn.dəˌtɔ.ɹi/ (obligatory) | :: obbligatorio, richiesto, necessario |
Mandelbrot set {n} (set of complex numbers c) | :: Insieme di Mandelbrot {m} |
mandelic {adj} | :: mandelico |
mandelic acid {n} (2-phenyl-2-hydroxyacetic acid) | :: acido mandelico {m} |
mandible {n} /ˈmændɪb(ə)l/ (lower jaw) | :: mandibola {f} |
mandibular {adj} (of or pertaining to the mandible) | :: mandibolare |
mandibulotomy {n} | :: mandibulotomia {f} |
Mandingo {prop} (macrolanguage) | :: mandingo {m} |
mandocello {n} (string instrument) | :: mandoloncello {m} |
mandola {n} (musical instrument) | :: mandola {f} |
mandolin {n} /ˈmændəlɪn/ (musical instrument) | :: mandolino |
mandolinist {n} (one who plays the mandolin) | :: mandolinista {m} {f} |
Mandopop {n} (Mandarin pop music) | :: mandopop {m} |
mandrake {n} (botany) | :: mandragora |
mandrel {n} /ˈmæn.dɹəl/ (object used as an aid for shaping a material) | :: allargatubi {m} |
mandrill {n} /ˈmæn.dɹɪl/ (Mandrillus sphinx) | :: mandrillo {m} |
Mandurian {adj} | :: manduriano |
mane {n} /meɪn/ (longer hair growth on back of neck of a horse) | :: criniera {f} |
mane {n} (longer hair growth around head of male lions) | :: criniera {f} |
mane {n} | :: chioma {f}, criniera {f} |
man-eater {n} (woman) | :: mangiauomini {f} |
maned wolf {n} (Chrysocyon brachyurus) | :: crisocione {m} |
maneuver {n} /məˈnuːvɚ/ (a movement, often one performed with difficulty) | :: manovra {f} |
maneuver {n} (a large training exercise of military troops) | :: manovra {f} |
maneuver {n} | :: manovra {f} |
maneuver {v} (to move carefully, and often with difficulty, into a certain position) | :: manovrare |
maneuverable {adj} (able to be maneuvered) | :: manovrabile {m} {f} |
manga {n} /ˈmæŋɡə/ (comic originated in Japan) | :: manga {m} |
manga {n} (comic done in Japanese style) | :: manga {m} |
mangaka {n} (a professional manga or anime artist) | :: mangaka {m} |
manganese {n} /ˈmæŋɡəniz/ (chemical element) | :: manganese {m} |
manganin {n} (manganin) | :: manganina {f} |
mange {n} /meɪndʒ/ (skin disease) | :: scabbia {f}, rogna {f} |
manège {n} (school) | :: maneggio {m} |
manger {n} /ˈmeɪn.dʒə(ɹ)/ (trough for animals to eat from) | :: mangiatoia {f} |
mangle {v} /ˈmæŋ.ɡəl/ (to change, mutilate or disfigure) | :: maciullare, dilaniare, storpiare |
mangle {n} (a hand-operated device with rollers for wringing laundry) | :: mangano {m} |
mangler {n} (person who mangles laundry) | :: manganatore {m}, manganatrice {f} |
mango {n} /ˈmæŋɡoʊ/ (fruit) | :: mango {m} |
mangosteen {n} /ˈmæŋɡəstiːn/ (fruit) | :: mangostano {m} |
mangy {adj} /ˈmeɪndʒi/ (afflicted with mange) | :: rognoso {m}, scabbioso {m} |
manhater {n} (misanthrope) SEE: misanthrope | :: |
manhater {n} (misandrist) SEE: misandrist | :: |
manhole {n} /mænhəʊl/ (a hole in the ground used to access the sewers or other underground vaults and installations) | :: tombino {m} |
manhood {n} /ˈmænhʊd/ (state of being a man as distinguished from a child or a woman.) | :: mascolinità {f} |
manhunt {n} (organized search) | :: caccia all'uomo {f} |
mania {n} /ˈmeɪ.ni.ə/ (violent derangement) | :: mania {f} |
mania {n} (excessive desire) | :: mania {f} |
-mania {suffix} (indicating a compulsion or obsession) | :: -mania |
maniac {n} /ˈmeɪniˌæk/ (insane person) | :: maniaco |
maniac {n} (fanatic, obsessive) | :: maniaco |
maniacal {adj} /məˈnaɪək(ə)l/ (like a maniac) | :: maniacale, maniaco |
maniacality {n} (condition of being maniacal) | :: maniacalità {f} |
manic depression {n} (bipolar disorder) | :: sindrome maniaco-depressiva |
Manichaean {n} /ˌmænɪˈkiːən/ (a follower of Manichaeism) | :: manicheo {m} |
Manichaean {adj} (of or relating to Manichaeism) | :: manicheo {m} |
Manide {prop} (the language) | :: manide {f} |
manifestation {n} /ˌmænɪfɛˈsteɪʃən/ (the act or process of becoming manifest) | :: manifestazione {f} |
manifesto {n} /ˌmæn.əˈfɛʊ)/ (public declaration) | :: manifesto {m} |
manifold {adj} /ˈmænɪˌfoʊld/ (various in kind or quality) | :: molteplice, multiforme |
manifold {adj} (exhibited at diverse times or in various ways) | :: manifesto |
manifold {n} (pipe fitting) | :: collettore {m} |
manifold {n} (locally Euclidean space) | :: varietà |
manifold {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum | :: |
Manila {prop} /məˈnɪl.ə/ (capital of the Philippines) | :: Manila {f} |
Manila hemp {n} (the fibre of the abaca) | :: canapa di Manila {f}, abaca {f} |
maniple {n} /ˈmænɪp(ə)l/ (division of the Roman army) | :: manipolo {m} |
maniple {n} (part of a priest's vestments) | :: manipolo {m} |
manipulatable {adj} (gullible) SEE: gullible | :: |
manipulate {v} /məˈnɪpjʊleɪt/ (move with the hands) | :: manipolare |
manipulate {v} (influence or manage) | :: manipolare, plagiare |
manipulate {v} (handle and move a body part) | :: manipolare |
manipulation {n} /məˌnɪp.juˈleɪ.ʃən/ (practice of manipulating) | :: manipolazione {f} |
manism {n} /ˈmɑːnɪzəm/ | :: manismo {m} |
manist {n} | :: manista {m} {f} |
Manitoba {prop} /ˌmæn.ɪˈtəʊ.bə/ (Province in western Canada) | :: Manitoba |
mankind {n} /mænˈkaɪnd/ (human race) | :: umanità {f} |
manliness {n} (similarity to man) | :: mascolinità {f}, virilità {f} |
manna {n} /ˈmænə/ (food) | :: manna {f} |
manna ash {n} (Fraxinus ornis) | :: orniello {m}, frassino da manna {m}, orno {m}, albero della manna {m} |
mannequin {n} /ˈmænəˌkɪn/ (model of the human body used for the displaying of clothes) | :: manichino |
manner {n} /ˈmænɚ/ (way of performing or effecting; method or style) | :: maniera {f}, modo {m} |
mannerism {n} | :: affettazione, leziosaggine, abitudine, vezzo, posa, manierismo. |
manners {n} /ˈmæn.ɚz/ (etiquette) | :: comportamento {m}, maniera {f}, modi {m-p}, educazione {f}, etichetta {f} |
mannitol {n} (alcohol) | :: mannitolo {m} |
mannose {n} (monosaccharide aldohexose) | :: mannosio {m} |
Manoel Island {prop} (island) | :: Isola di Manoel {f} |
manoeuvrability {n} (quality of being manoeuvrable) | :: manovrabilità {f} |
man of few words {n} (man who doesn't speak much) | :: uomo di poche parole |
man of the world {n} (worldly man) | :: uomo di mondo {m} |
man-of-war {n} /mæn.ə(v)ˈwɔɹ/ (armed naval vessel) | :: nave da guerra {f} |
man-of-war {n} (cnidarian) SEE: Portuguese man-of-war | :: |
manometer {n} /məˈnɑmɪtɚ/ (instrument to measure pressure) | :: manometro {m} |
manor {n} /ˈmænəɹ/ (landed estate) | :: tenuta {f} |
manor {n} (feudal district) | :: signoria {f} |
man overboard {interj} (cry indicating someone has fallen over the side) | :: un uomo in mare, uomo in mare |
manpower {n} (power exerted by a single person) | :: manodopera {f}, forza lavoro {f} |
manpower {n} (workforce) SEE: labour force | :: |
mansard {n} (upper storey) | :: mansarda {f} |
manse {n} /mæns/ (house inhabited by the minister of a parish) | :: canonica {f}, presbiterio {m} |
manslaughter {n} (act of killing unlawfully) | :: omicidio colposo {m} |
mansuetude {n} /mænˈsuət(j)ud/ (gentleness, meekness) | :: mansuetudine {f} |
mantis {n} (any of various large insects of the order Mantodea) | :: mantide {f} |
mantissa {n} (part of a logarithm after the decimal point) | :: mantissa {f} |
mantis shrimp {n} (stomatopod) | :: canocchia {f} |
mantle {n} /ˈmæn.təl/ (clothing like an open robe or cloak) | :: mantello {m} |
mantle {n} (zoology: body wall of a mollusc) | :: mantello {m} |
mantle {n} (incandescent gauze in a gas lamp) | :: reticella {f} |
mantle {n} (geology: layer of the Earth) | :: mantello {m} |
mantling {n} (heraldry: drapery behind and around a coat of arms) | :: svolazzi {m-p}, lambrecchini {m-p} |
mantra {n} /ˈmæn.tɹə/ (a slogan or phrase often repeated) | :: mantra {m}, ritornello {m} |
Mantua {prop} (province) | :: Mantova |
Mantua {prop} (city) | :: Mantova {f} |
Mantuan {adj} (of, or from, Mantua) | :: mantovano |
Mantuan {n} (someone from Mantua) | :: mantovano {m} |
manual {n} /ˈmænjə(wə)l/ (handbook or booklet that instructs) | :: manuale {m}, guida, libretto delle istruzioni |
manual {adj} (performed with the hands) | :: manuale |
manually {adv} (by hand) | :: manualmente |
manufacture {v} /ˌmænjuˈfæktʃɚ/ (to make things) | :: fabbricare |
manul {n} (Otocolobus manul) | :: manul {m}, gatto di Pallas {m}, gatto delle steppe {m} |
manumit {v} /mænjʊˈmɪt/ (to free one's slave) | :: emancipare, affrancare, liberare |
manure {n} /məˈn(j)ʊɹ/ (excrement) | :: letame {m}, stallatico {m} |
manus {n} (hand) SEE: hand | :: |
manuscript {adj} /ˈmænjəˌskɹɪpt/ (handwritten, or by extension typewritten) | :: manoscritto |
manuscript {n} (book, composition or any other document, written by hand) | :: manoscritto {m} |
manuscript {n} (book, article etc, submitted for reproductive publication) | :: manoscritto {m} |
Manx cat {n} /mæŋks kæt/ (mammal) | :: gatto dell'Isola di Man {m} |
Manx shearwater {n} | :: berta minore {f} |
many {determiner} /ˈmɛni/ (an indefinite large number of) | :: molti, un gran numero di |
many hands make light work {proverb} (a large number of people cooperating can perform tasks easily) | :: l'unione fa la forza |
manyplies {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum | :: |
many thanks {interj} (many thanks) | :: grazie molte, grazie mille, grazie tante, tante grazie, molte grazie |
Manzonian {adj} (of or in the style of Alessandro Manzoni) | :: manzoniano |
Manzonian {n} (follower or imitator of Alessandro Manzoni) | :: manzoniano {m}, manzoniana {f} |
Maoism {n} /ˈmaʊɪzəm/ (philosophy espoused by Mao Zedong) | :: maoismo {m} |
Maoist {adj} (of Maoism) | :: maoista |
Maoist {n} (Maoist advocate) | :: maoista |
map {n} /mæp/ (visual representation of an area) | :: carta {f}, mappa {f}, carta geografica {f} |
map {v} (to create a visual representation of a territory) | :: mappare |
maple {n} /ˈmeɪpl̩/ (tree of the Acer genus) | :: acero {m} [A. platanoides], loppio {m} [A. campestre] |
maple syrup {n} (syrup made from the sap of the sugar maple) | :: sciroppo d'acero {m} |
marabou {n} (large wading bird native to Africa) | :: cicogna gozzuta {f} |
marabout {n} /ˈmaɹəbuːt/ (holy man) | :: marabutto {m} |
marabout {n} (tomb) | :: marabutto {m} |
Maracanaço {prop} /ˌmæɹəkəˈnɑːsəʊ/ (final match in the 1950 FIFA World Cup) | :: Maracanazo {m}, Maracanaço {m} |
Maranello {prop} | :: Maranello |
marasmus {n} /məˈɹæz.məs/ (wasting disease) | :: marasma {m} |
Marathi {n} /məˈɹɑːti/ (language of Maharashtra) | :: maratto, maharatto |
Marathi {n} (people of Maharashtra) | :: maratto, maharatto |
marathon {n} /ˈmæɹəˌθɑn/ (road race) | :: maratona {f} |
Marathon {prop} /ˈmæɹəˌθɑn/ (town in Greece) | :: Maratona |
marathoner {n} /ˈmæ.ɹæ.θən.ə(ɹ)/ (someone who participates in marathons and other long-distance races) | :: maratoneta {m} {f} |
marauder {n} (one who moves about in roving fashion looking for plunder) | :: predone {m} |
marble {n} /ˈmɑɹbəl/ (crystalline limestone) | :: marmo {m} |
marble {n} (spherical ball) | :: biglia {f}, pallina {f} |
marble cake {n} (cake with two or more colours) | :: torta marmorizzata {f} |
marbled {adj} (resembling marble) | :: marmorizzato |
marbleness {n} | :: marmoreità {f} |
marbles {n} (game) | :: marmi |
marcasite {n} /ˈmɑɹ.kə.sɑɪ̯t/ (mineral) | :: marcasite {f} |
marcassin {n} /mɑːˈkasɪn/ (young wild boar) | :: cinghialetto {m} |
Marcellus {prop} (male given name) | :: Marcello |
march {n} /mɑɹtʃ/ (formal, rhythmic way of walking) | :: marcia {f} |
march {n} (political rally or parade) | :: marcia {f} |
march {n} (song in the genre of music written for marching) | :: marcia {f} |
march {n} (steady forward movement or progression) | :: marcia {f} |
march {v} (walk with long, regular strides) | :: marciare |
march {n} (border region) | :: marca {f} |
march {n} (region at a frontier governed by a marquess) | :: marca {f} |
March {prop} /mɑɹt͡ʃ/ (third month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: marzo {m} |
Marche {prop} (region of central Italy) | :: Marche {f-p} |
marchioness {n} /ˈmɑɹʃənɨs/ (wife of a marquess) | :: marchesa {f} |
Marcius {prop} (a Roman nomen gentile) | :: Marcio, Marzio |
marcophily {n} (branch of philately) | :: marcofilia {f} |
mare {n} /mɛə/ (female horse) | :: cavalla {f} |
mare {n} /ˈmɛ(ə)ɹ/ (evil spirit) | :: incubo {m} |
mare {n} (frustrating or terrible experience) | :: incubo {m} |
mare {n} /ˈmɑːɹeɪ/ (planetology: dark circular plain) | :: mare {m} |
mareogram {n} (marigram) SEE: marigram | :: |
Margaret {prop} /ˈmɑɹɡɹɪt/ (female given name) | :: Margherita {f} |
margarine {n} /ˈmɑɹ.dʒə.ɹɪn/ (spread) | :: margarina {f} |
margay {n} (Leopardus wiedii) | :: margay {m} |
margherita pizza {n} (pizza topped with basil, tomatoes and mozzarella) | :: pizza Margherita {f}, pizza margherita {f} |
margin {n} /ˈmɑːdʒɪn/ (edge of the paper that remains blank) | :: margine |
margrave {n} /ˈmɑɹɡɹeɪv/ (military officer in charge of German border area) | :: margravio {m} |
margrave {n} (hereditary prince) | :: margravio {m} |
marguerite {n} (oxeye daisy) SEE: oxeye daisy | :: |
Marian {prop} (Female given name) | :: Marianna {f} |
Marian {adj} (relating to Virgin Mary) | :: mariano |
Mariana Trench {prop} (trench in the North Pacific Ocean) | :: Fossa delle Marianne |
Marianist {n} | :: marianista {m} {f} |
mariculture {n} (seawater aquaculture of fish or other sea creatures) | :: maricoltura {f} |
Marie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Mary | :: |
marigold {n} /ˈmɛɹ.ɪˌɡoʊld/ (Calendula) | :: calendola {f}, fiorrancio {m} |
marigram {n} (Printed recording of tidal level) | :: mareogramma {f} |
marijuana {n} /ˌmɛɹɪˈwɑ.nə/ (the drug) | :: erba {f}, marijuana {f} |
marimba {n} /mə.ˈɹɪm.bə/ (musical instrument) | :: marimba |
marina {n} /məˈɹinə/ (harbour) | :: porticciolo {m}, marina {f}, porticciolo turistico, darsena {f} |
Marina {prop} (female given name) | :: Marina |
marine {adj} /məˈɹiːn/ (of or pertaining to the sea) | :: marino, marittimo |
marine biologist {n} (someone who studies marine biology) | :: biologo marino {m}, biologa marina {f} |
marine biology {n} (branch of biology) | :: biologia marina |
marine corps {n} /məˈɹinˌkɔɹ/ (military organization of marines who are trained and equipped to fight on or from ships) | :: fanteria di marina {f} |
mariner {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor | :: |
mariner's compass {n} (compass) SEE: compass | :: |
marinize {v} (adapt for marine environments) | :: marinizzare |
Mario {prop} /ˈmɑːɹioʊ/ (the given name) | :: Mario |
Mariolatry {n} /ˌmɛːɹiˈɒlətɹi/ (adoration or veneration of the Virgin Mary to an extent regarded as inappropriate or even idolatrous) | :: mariolatria {f} |
marionette {n} (string puppet) | :: marionetta {f} |
Marist {n} /ˈmaɹɪst/ (member of any of several Roman Catholic organizations named after the Virgin Mary) | :: marista {m} {f} |
Marist {adj} (of or pertaining to these organizations or their members) | :: marista |
marital status {n} (term describing relationship) | :: stato civile {m} |
mariticide {n} (a man who kills his wife) SEE: uxoricide | :: |
maritime {adj} /ˈmæ.ɹɪˌtaɪm/ (bordering on the sea) | :: marittimo {m} |
maritime pine {n} (a pine tree) | :: pino marittimo {m} |
Marius {prop} (male given name) | :: Mario {m} |
marjoram {n} /ˈmɑɹd͡ʒəɹəm/ (plant) | :: maggiorana {f} |
marjoram {n} (culinary herb) | :: maggiorana {f} |
mark {n} /mɑɹk/ (indication for reference or measurement) | :: segno {m}, tacca {f} |
mark {n} (academic score) | :: voto {m} |
mark {n} (sporting score) | :: punteggio {m} |
mark {n} (visible impression, blemish, stain) | :: macchia {f} |
mark {v} (indicate) | :: marcare |
mark {v} (blemish) | :: macchiare |
mark {n} (unit of currency) | :: marco {m} |
mark {n} (coin) | :: moneta {f} di un marco |
Mark {prop} /mɑɹk/ (male given name) | :: Marco {m} |
Mark {prop} (the Evangelist) | :: Marco {m} |
Mark {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Marco {m} |
marker {n} (note of debt) | :: nota {f}, quota {f} [(di debito da pagare)] |
marker {n} (A gene or DNA sequence with a known location) | :: marcatore |
marker {n} (marker pen) SEE: marker pen | :: |
marker pen {n} (pen) | :: marcatore {m} |
market {n} /ˈmɑɹkɪt/ | :: mercato {m} |
market {v} (to sell) SEE: sell | :: |
marketability {n} (marketability) | :: commerciabilità |
marketable {adj} (of or pertaining to marketability) | :: commerciabile |
marketableness {n} (marketableness) SEE: marketability | :: |
market failure {n} (a situation in which the allocation of goods and services by a free market is not efficient) | :: fallimento del mercato {m} |
market gardener {n} (one who operates a market garden) | :: ortolano {m} |
marketing {n} (the promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service) | :: marketing {m} |
marketization {n} (exposure of service industries to market forces) | :: mercatizzazione {f} |
marketplace {n} (open area in a town housing a public market) | :: mercato {m} |
market town {n} (town that has a traditional right to hold a regular market) | :: borgo {m} |
marking gauge {n} | :: truschino, graffietto |
Markov process {n} (stochastic process) | :: processo markoviano {m}, processo di Markov {m} |
marksman {n} /ˈmɑɹksmən/ (a man skilled in shooting at a target) | :: tiratore scelto {m}, tiratrice scelta {f} |
marksmanship {n} /ˈmɑɹksmənʃɪp/ (ability to shoot accurately at a target) | :: mira {f} |
markup language {n} (computer language using markups) | :: linguaggio di markup {m} |
marl {n} /mɑɹl/ (a mixed earthy substance) | :: marna {f} |
marl {v} (to cover with marline) | :: marnare |
marlin {n} (game fish) | :: marlin {m} |
marmalade {n} /ˈmɑː.mə.leɪd/ (jam) | :: marmellata {f} |
marmoset {n} /ˈmɑɹməsət/ (small monkey) | :: uistitì {m}, marmose |
marmot {n} /ˈmɑɹ.mət/ (rodent of the genera Marmota) | :: marmotta |
Marne {prop} (river) | :: Marna |
maroon {n} /məˈɹuːn/ (castaway) | :: naufrago {m}, naufraga {f} |
maroon {v} (to abandon) | :: abbandonare, mollare, piantare |
maroon {n} (dark red, somewhat brownish colour) | :: granata, bordeaux |
maroon {adj} (color) | :: granate, rossastro, fulvo |
marquee {n} /mɑː(ɹ)ˈkiː/ (large tent) | :: padiglione {m}, tendone {m} |
marquee {n} (projecting canopy) | :: pensilina {f} |
marquess {n} /ˈmɑɹ.kwɪs/ (title of nobility) | :: marchese {m} |
marquetry {n} /ˈmɑːkɪtɹi/ (woodworking technique) | :: intarsio {m} |
marquis {n} (nobleman) SEE: marquess | :: |
marquisate {n} /ˈmɑː.kwɪ.sət/ (territory held by a marquis, margrave or marchioness) | :: marchesato {m} |
Marrakech {prop} (city in Morocco) | :: Marrakech {m} |
marriage {n} /ˈmæɹɪdʒ/ (state of being married) | :: matrimonio {m}, nozze {f-p}, sposalizio {m} |
marriage {n} (union of two people) | :: matrimonio {m}, nozze {f-p}, sposalizio {m} |
marriage {n} (wedding) | :: matrimonio {m}, nozze {f-p}, sposalizio {m} |
marriage {n} (close union) | :: connubio, unione |
marriage {n} (joining of two parts) | :: stato coniugale |
marriage {n} | :: matrimonio {m} |
marriage bed {n} (the bed shared by a newly-married couple) | :: talamo {m} |
married {adj} /ˈmæɹ.ɪd/ (in a state of marriage; having a wife or a husband) | :: sposato {m}, coniugato |
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a husband) | :: sposata {f} |
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a wife) | :: sposato {m} |
marron glacé {n} /məˌɹɑn ɡləˈseɪ/ (chestnut preserved in sugar or syrup and flavoured with vanilla) | :: marron glacé {m} |
marrow {n} /ˈmæɹoʊ/ (substance inside bones) | :: midollo {m} |
marrow {n} (kind of vegetable) | :: zucchina {f} |
marrowbone {n} (bone with edible marrow) | :: osso con midollo {m}, ossobuco {m}, osso buco {m} |
marry {v} /ˈmæɹɪ/ (to take a husband or wife) | :: sposare |
marry {v} (to be joined in marriage) | :: sposarsi |
marry {v} (to give away as wife or husband) | :: sposare |
marry {v} (to take for husband or wife) | :: sposare |
marry off {v} (successfully arrange the marriage of someone) | :: dare in matrimonio, dare in sposa, sistemare |
marry up {v} (join) SEE: join | :: |
Mars {prop} /ˈmɑːz/ (planet) | :: Marte {m} |
Mars {prop} (god of war) | :: Marte {m} |
Mars {prop} (brand of chocolate bar) | :: Mars {m} |
Marsaxlokk {prop} (port) | :: Marsascirocco, Porto di Marsacirocco {m} |
Marseillais {n} (native or inhabitant of Marseille) | :: marsigliese {m} {f} |
Marseillaise {prop} /mɑːɹseɪˈjɛz/ (the French national anthem) | :: la Marsigliese {f} |
Marseilles {prop} /mɑː(ɹ)ˈseɪ/ (city in France) | :: Marsiglia {f} |
Marseille soap {n} (kind of hard soap) | :: sapone di Marsiglia {m} |
marsh {n} /mɑɹʃ/ (area of low, wet land) | :: palude {f} |
marshal {n} /ˈmɑɹʃəl/ (military officer of the highest rank) | :: maresciallo {m} |
Marshall Islands {prop} /ˈmɑɹ.ʃəl ˈaɪ.ləndz/ (Republic of the Marshall Islands) | :: Isole Marshall {f-p} |
marshalship {n} (the position or role of a marshal) | :: maresciallato {m} |
marsh buck {n} (Tragelaphus spekii) | :: sitatunga {m} |
marsh buck {n} (Tragelaphus scriptus) | :: tragelafo striato {m} |
marsh harrier {n} (any member of Circus resembling Circus aeruginosus) | :: falco di palude {m} |
marsh mallow {n} (Althaea officinalis) | :: altea {f} |
marshmallow {n} /ˈmɑɹʃˌmɛl.oʊ/ (confectionery) | :: marshmallow |
marshmallow {n} (plant) SEE: marsh mallow | :: |
marshrutka {n} (share taxi) | :: maršrutka {f} |
marsh sandpiper {n} (Tringa stagnatilis) | :: albastrello {m} |
marsupial {n} /mɑɹ.ˈsu.pi.əl/ (mammal of which the female typically has a pouch) | :: marsupiale {m} |
marsupial {adj} (of or pertaining to a marsupial) | :: marsupiale |
marsupialization {n} (surgical technique) | :: marsupializzazione |
marsupium {n} (pouch of a marsupial) | :: marsupio {m} |
marsupium {n} | :: marsupio {m} |
marten {n} /ˈmɑɹ.tən/ (mammal) | :: martora {f} |
martensite {n} (solution of carbon in iron) | :: martensite {f} |
Martha {prop} /ˈmɑɹθə/ (female given name) | :: Marta |
Martha {prop} (biblical sister of Lazarus and Mary) | :: Marta |
martial {n} (soldier, warrior) SEE: soldier | :: |
martial {adj} (of or relating to the planet Mars) SEE: Martian | :: |
martial {n} (synonym of Martian) SEE: Martian | :: |
martial {adj} /ˈmɑːʃəl/ (of, relating to, or suggestive of war, see also: warlike) | :: marziale |
Martial {prop} /ˈmɑːʃəl/ (male given name) | :: Marziale |
martial art {n} (fighting style) | :: arti marziali |
martial law {n} (rule by military authorities) | :: legge marziale {f} |
Martian {adj} /ˈmɑːʃən/ (of or relating to the planet Mars) | :: marziano {m}, marziana {f} |
Martian {n} (inhabitant of the planet Mars) | :: marziano {m}, marziana {f} |
Martian {prop} (hypothetical language spoken on Mars) | :: marziano {m} |
Martin {prop} /ˈmɑɹ.tn̩/ (given name) | :: Martino {m} |
Martina {prop} /mɑɹˈtinə/ (female given name) | :: Martina {f} |
martini {n} /mɑɹˈtini/ (cocktail) | :: martini {m} |
Martinique {prop} (Department of Martinique) | :: Martinica |
martlet {n} (depiction of a mythological bird) | :: merlotto {m} |
martyr {n} /ˈmɐːtə(ɹ)/ (one willing to be killed for religion) | :: martire {m} |
martyr {n} (one who sacrifices their life for an important cause) | :: martire {m} |
martyr {n} (one who suffers greatly, even involuntarily) | :: martire |
martyr {v} (torture) SEE: torture | :: |
martyrizer {n} (one who martyrs, puts others trough martyrdom) | :: martirizzatore {m} |
martyrology {n} (list of martyred Christian saints) | :: martirologio {m} |
Marucellian {adj} | :: marucelliano |
marvel {n} (miracle) SEE: miracle | :: |
marvel {n} (wonder) SEE: wonder | :: |
marvel {v} /ˈmɑɹvl̩/ (become filled with wonderment) | :: stupirsi, meravigliarsi |
marvel {n} (astonishment) SEE: astonishment | :: |
marvellous {adj} (exciting wonder) SEE: marvelous | :: |
marvel of Peru {n} (Mirabilis jalapa) | :: bella di notte {f} |
marvelous {adj} /ˈmɑɹvələs/ (exciting wonder or surprise) | :: meraviglioso |
Marx {prop} (surname) | :: Marx |
Marxism {n} (philosophy) | :: marxismo {m} |
Marxism {n} (ideology) | :: marxismo {m} |
Marxism-Leninism {prop} (communist ideological stream) | :: marxismo-leninismo {m} |
Mary {prop} /ˈmɛəɹɪ/ (female given name) | :: Maria {f} |
Mary {prop} (biblical mother of Jesus) | :: Maria {f}, Madonna {f} |
Mary Jane {n} (slang for marijuana) | :: Maria Giovanna {f} |
Maryland {prop} /ˈmɛəɹɪlənd/ (US state) | :: Maryland {m} |
Mary Magdalene {prop} (female disciple of Jesus) | :: Maria Maddalena {f} |
marzipan {n} /ˌmɑːzɪˈpæn/ (confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white) | :: marzapane {m} |
mascara {n} /ˌmæsˈkæɹə/ (eyelash cosmetic) | :: mascara {m}, rimmel {m} |
mascarpone {n} (cheese) | :: mascarpone {m} |
mascot {n} /ˈmæsˌkɑːt/ (something thought to bring good luck) | :: portafortuna, talismano |
mascot {n} (something used to symbolize a sports team or other group) | :: mascotte {f} |
masculine {adj} /ˈmæskjulɪn/ (of the male sex; biologically male, not female; manly) | :: mascolino {m} |
masculine {adj} (belonging to males; appropriated to, or used by, males) | :: maschile |
masculine {adj} (having male qualities, not feminine or effeminate) | :: masculino {m} |
masculine {adj} (grammar: being of the masculine class, being inflected in the masculine manner) | :: maschile |
masculinism {n} (masculism) SEE: masculism | :: |
masculinist {adj} (masculist) SEE: masculist | :: |
masculinist {n} (masculist) SEE: masculist | :: |
masculinity {n} /ˌmæskjəˈlɪnɪti/ (degree or property of being masculine) | :: mascolinità {f} |
masculinization {n} (act of making masculine) | :: mascolinizzazione {f} |
masculinize {v} (make (more) masculine) | :: mascolinizzare |
masculism {n} (a social theory or political movement) | :: mascolinismo {m} |
masculist {adj} | :: mascolinista {m} {f} |
masculist {n} | :: mascolinista {m} {f} |
maser {n} /ˈmeɪzɚ/ (beam of microwaves) | :: maser {m} |
Maseru {prop} (capital of Lesotho) | :: Maseru |
mash {n} (mashed potatoes) SEE: mashed potatoes | :: |
mashed potatoes {n} (dish) | :: purè di patate {m}, purea {f} |
masjid {n} (mosque) SEE: mosque | :: |
mask {n} /mɑːsk/ (cover for the face) | :: maschera {f}, mascherina {f} |
mask {n} (that which disguises) | :: maschera {f} |
mask {v} (to disguise; to cover; to hide) | :: mascherare |
masked ball {n} (a formal dance with dancers wearing masks) | :: ballo in maschera {m} |
maskne {n} (mask acne) | :: maskne {m} |
masochism {n} /ˈmæs.ə.kɪ.zəm/ (the enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation) | :: masochismo |
masochist {n} /ˈmæ.səˌkʰɪst/ (someone who enjoys pain or humiliation) | :: masochista {m} {f} |
masochistic {adj} /ˈmæ.səˌkʰɪs.tɪk/ (deriving pleasure from abuse, being punished, or dominated) | :: masochistico |
mason {n} /ˈmeɪsən/ (one who builds with stone or brick) | :: muratore {m} |
mason {n} (Freemason) SEE: Freemason | :: |
masquerade {n} /ˌmæskəˈɹeɪd/ (party or assembly of people wearing masks and costumes) | :: mascherata {f}, ballo in maschera {m}, festa in costume {f} |
masquerade {n} (act of living under false pretenses; concealment of something by a false or unreal show, see also: disguise; pretence) | :: farsa {f}, sceneggiata {f}, pagliacciata {f} |
masquerade {v} (to conceal with masks) | :: travestirsi, mascherarsi |
masquerade {v} (to frolic or disport in disguise) | :: spacciarsi, travestirsi |
masquerade {v} (disguise) SEE: disguise | :: |
Masr {prop} (Egypt) SEE: Egypt | :: |
mass {n} /mæs/ (quantity of matter cohering together to make one body) | :: massa {f} |
mass {n} (large quantity; sum) | :: massa {f} |
mass {n} (bulk; magnitude; body; size) | :: massa {f} |
mass {n} (physics: quantity of matter which a body contains) | :: massa {f} |
mass {n} (medicine: palpable or visible abnormal globular structure) | :: massa |
mass {n} /mæs/ (religion: Eucharist) | :: messa {f} |
mass {n} (religion: celebration of the Eucharist) | :: messa {f} |
Mass {n} /ˈmæs/ (Roman Catholic Church: the principal liturgical service) | :: messa {f} |
Massa {prop} (surname) | :: Massa |
Massa {prop} (Massa, Tuscany, Italy) | :: Massa |
Massa Carrara {prop} (province) | :: Massa e Carrara |
Massachusetts {prop} /ˌmæsəˈtʃuːsɪts/ (a state of the United States of America) | :: Massachusetts {m} |
massacre {n} /ˈmæs.ə.kɚ/ (intentional mass killing) | :: strage {f} |
massage {n} /məˈsɑʒ/ (rubbing, kneading, or hitting muscled part of a body) | :: massaggio {m} |
masseter {n} (the large muscle which raises the under jaw, and assists in mastication) | :: massetere {m} |
masseur {n} /məˈsuːɹ/ (a person who performs massage) | :: massaggiatore {m}, massaggiatrice {f} |
masseuse {n} /məˈsuːs/ (a female masseur) | :: massaggiatrice |
mass grave {n} (a grave containing many corpses) | :: fossa comune {f} |
massif {n} /mæˈsiːf/ (principal mountain mass) | :: massiccio {m} |
massive {adj} /ˈmæs.ɪv/ (of great size, significance or import; overwhelming) | :: massiccio |
mass media {n} (public communication that reaches a large audience) | :: mezzi di comunicazione {p} |
mass murder {n} (successive killing of many people) | :: uccisione di massa {f} |
mass murderer {n} (someone who commits a mass murder, see also: serial killer) | :: assassino di massa {m}, assassino seriale {m} |
mass number {n} (number of protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus) | :: numero di massa {m} |
mass production {n} (process of manufacturing products on a large scale) | :: produzione di massa {f} |
mast {n} /mæst/ (support of a sail) | :: albero {m} |
mast {v} (supply and fit a mast to a ship) | :: alberare, inalberare |
mastaba {n} /ˈmæstəbə/ (rectangular structure with a flat top and slightly sloping sides) | :: mastaba {f} |
mastectomy {n} (surgical procedure to remove all or part of the breast) | :: mastectomia {f} |
master {n} /ˈmɑːstə/ (someone who has control over something or someone) | :: padrone {m} |
master {n} (owner of an animal or slave) | :: padrone {m}, padrona {f}, proprietario {m} |
master {n} (captain of a merchant ship) | :: capitano {m}, comandante {m} |
master {n} (someone who employs others) | :: boss {m}, capo {m}, titolare {m} |
master {n} (expert at something) | :: padrone {m}, maestro {m} |
master {n} (tradesman who is qualified to teach apprentices) | :: maestro {m} |
master {n} (courtesy title of a man) | :: mastro {m} |
master {n} (original of a document or of a recording) | :: master {m} |
master {adj} (main, principal or predominant) | :: maestro |
master {adj} (original) | :: mastro {m} |
master {v} (to control) | :: padroneggiare |
master {n} (schoolmaster) SEE: schoolmaster | :: |
master data {n} (information) | :: dati anagrafici {m-p} |
mastermind {v} /ˈmæs.tɚˌmaɪnd/ (to act as mastermind) | :: orchestrare, architettare |
master of ceremonies {n} (host at a formal event) | :: cerimoniere {m}, accompagnatore {m}, maestro di cerimonie {m}, cicerone {m} |
master of ceremonies {n} (someone who conducts a program by introducing performers) | :: presentatore {m}, presentatrice {f} |
master of ceremonies {n} | :: cerimoniere {m} |
masterpiece {n} /ˈmæstɚˌpis/ (piece of work that has been given much critical praise) | :: capolavoro {m} |
master race {n} (race of people) | :: razza superiore {f} |
master's {n} (master's degree) SEE: master's degree | :: |
master's degree {n} (postgraduate degree) | :: magistrale {f} |
master's thesis {n} (thesis) | :: tesi magistrale |
masterwork {n} (piece of quality indicative of having been made by a master) SEE: masterpiece | :: |
masterwork {n} (piece done to be ranked a master) | :: capolavoro {m} |
masterwort {n} /ˈmɑːstəwəːt/ (Peucedanum ostruthium) | :: imperatoria {f} |
masterwort {n} (Astrantia spp.) | :: astranzia |
mastery {n} (philosopher's stone) SEE: philosopher's stone | :: |
mastery {n} /ˈmæstəɹi/ (act or process of mastering, expertise) | :: padronanza {f}, maestria {f} |
mastic {n} /ˈmæstɪk/ (the shrub or tree Pistacia lentiscus) | :: lentisco {m} |
masticate {v} (chew) SEE: chew | :: |
mastiff {n} /ˈmæstɪf/ (mastiff) | :: mastino {m} |
mastodon {n} /ˈmæstədɑn/ (extinct elephant-like mammal of the genus Mammut) | :: mastodonte {m} |
masturbate {v} /ˈmæstəbeɪt/ (to masturbate) | :: masturbare, masturbarsi |
masturbation {n} /ˌmæstɚˈbeɪʃən/ (manual erotic stimulation of the genitals) | :: masturbazione {f} |
masturbator {n} (someone who masturbates) | :: masturbatore {m} |
Masuria {prop} (an area in northeastern Poland) | :: Masuria |
masurium {n} (obsolete name of technetium) | :: masurio {m} |
mat {n} /mæt/ (foot wiping device or floor covering) | :: stuoia {f}, stoino {m}, graticcio {m} |
mat {n} (protector) | :: sottopiatto {m} |
mat {n} (athletics: protective pad) | :: materassino {m} |
maté {n} (the beverage maté) | :: mate {m} |
match {n} /mæt͡ʃ/ (sporting event) | :: incontro {m}, partita {f}, gara {f} |
match {n} (attribute equaling or exceeding) | :: pari, simile, (degno) avversario {m} |
match {v} (to agree; to equal) | :: incontrarsi, corrispondere, uguagliare |
match {n} (device to make fire) | :: fiammifero {m} |
matcha {n} /ˈmɑ.tʃə/ (powdered green tea for ceremonies) | :: matcha {m}, maccha {m} |
matchbook {n} (a small folded sheet of cardboard containing rows of cardboard matches) | :: portafiammiferi {m} |
match day {n} (day with a sporting event) | :: giornata |
matching {n} /ˈmætʃɪŋ/ (graph theory: set of edges) | :: abbinamento {m} |
matchmaker {n} (someone who makes matchsticks) | :: fiammiferaio {m}, fiammiferaia {f} |
mate {n} (checkmate) SEE: checkmate | :: |
mate {n} /meɪt/ (of breeding animal: sexual partner) | :: copulatore {m}, riproduttore {m} |
mate {n} (nautical: ship's officer on commercial vessel) | :: secondo {m}, ufficiale in seconda {m} |
mate {n} (trade assistant) | :: aiutante {m}, assistente {m} |
mate {n} (friend, see also: friend) | :: compagno {m}, amico {m}, camerata {m} |
mate {n} (fellow, associate, colleague (in combination)) | :: socio {m}, membro {m}, affiliato {m} |
mate {v} (copulate) | :: copulare, accoppiarsi, fare l'amore, fornicare, montare |
mate {v} (pair in order to raise offspring) | :: accoppiare |
Matera {prop} (province) | :: Matera |
Matera {prop} (town) | :: Matera {f} |
material {adj} /məˈtɪɹi.əl/ (related to matter) | :: materiale {m} |
material {adj} (worldly) | :: materiale |
material {n} (matter) | :: materiale |
material {n} (sample or specimens for study) | :: materiale |
material {n} (cloth) | :: materiale |
materialism {n} /məˈtɪɹiəlɪzəm/ (concern over material possessions) | :: materialismo |
materialist {n} /məˈtiːɹɪəlɪst/ (someone who is materialistic) | :: materialista |
maternal {adj} /məˈtɜːnəl/ (of or pertaining to a mother) | :: materno |
maternal {adj} (related through the mother, or her side of the family) | :: materno |
maternal aunt {n} (one's mother's sister) | :: zia {f} |
maternal death {n} (death of a woman that occurs directly related to the procreative process) | :: morte osterica {f} |
maternal grandfather {n} (one's mother's father) | :: nonno materno |
maternal grandmother {n} (The mother of one's mother) | :: nonna materna {f} |
maternal uncle {n} (brother of one's mother) | :: zio {m}, zio materno {m} |
math {n} /mæθ/ (short form of mathematics) | :: [rare] mate {f} |
mathematically {adv} (according to or using mathematics) | :: matematicamente |
mathematician {n} /ˈmæθ(.ə)ˌmə.tɪʃ.ən/ (expert in mathematics) | :: matematico {m}, matematica {f} |
mathematicism {n} | :: matematismo |
mathematics {n} /mæθ(ə)ˈmætɪks/ (field of study) | :: matematica {f} |
mathematics {n} (person's ability to use mathematics) | :: matematica {f} |
mathematize {v} (describe in terms of a mathematical equation) | :: matematizzare |
mathetic {adj} | :: matetico |
Mathewson {prop} (surname meaning "son of Matthew") | :: Di Matteo |
Matilda {prop} /məˈtɪldə/ (female given name, cognates and transliterations) | :: Matilde |
Mato Grosso do Sul {prop} (state in south-western Brazil) | :: Mato Grosso do Sul {m}, Mato Grosso del Sud {m} |
matriarchal {adj} (governed by a matriarch) | :: matriarcale |
matriarchy {n} (social system) | :: matriarcato {m} |
matriculate {v} (transitive; enroll as a member of a body) | :: immatricolare |
matrilineage {n} | :: matrilignaggio {m} |
matrilineal {adj} /ˌmeɪtɹɪˈlɪnɪəl/ (Tracing descent only through female ancestors) | :: matrilineare |
matrimony {n} /ˈmatɹɪməni/ (marriage or the state of being married) | :: matrimonio {m} |
matrimony {n} (the marriage ceremony) | :: matrimonio {m}, cerimonia di nozze, nozze {f-p} |
matrix {n} (womb) SEE: womb | :: |
matrix {n} /ˈmeɪtɹɪks/ (extracellular matrix, see also: extracellular matrix) | :: matrice |
matrix {n} (medium in which bacteria are cultured) | :: matrice {f} |
matrix {n} (math: rectangular arrangement of numbers or terms) | :: matrice {f} |
matrix {n} (two-dimensional array) | :: matrice {f} |
matrix {n} (archaeology: sediment surrounding and including materials) | :: matrice {f} |
matroid {n} | :: matroide {m} |
matronhood {n} | :: matronismo {m} |
matryoshka {n} (Russian doll) SEE: Russian doll | :: |
Matsuyama {prop} (a city of Japan) | :: Matsuyama |
Mattathias {prop} /ˌmætəˈθaɪ.əs/ (all senses) | :: Mattatia {m} |
matte {adj} /mæt/ (not reflective of light) | :: opaco {m} |
matted {adj} (forming a thick tangled mess) | :: aggrovigliato, arruffato, ingarbugliato, infeltrito |
matted {adj} (covered with mats or matting) | :: coperto di stuoie, fatto a stuoia |
matter {n} /ˈmætɚ/ (basic structural component of the universe) | :: materia {f} |
matter {n} (non-antimatter matter) | :: materia {f} |
matter {n} (kind of substance) | :: materia {f} |
matter {n} (reason for concern) | :: problema {m} |
matter {n} (situation, condition, subject or affair) | :: argomento {m}, questione {f}, faccenda {f} |
matter {n} (cause) | :: causa {f} |
matter {n} (neurology: nerve tissue type) | :: materia {f} |
matter {n} | :: materia {f} |
matter {v} (to be important) | :: importare, contare |
Matterhorn {prop} (mountain) | :: Cervino {m} |
Matthew {prop} /ˈmæθjuː/ (male given name) | :: Matteo {m}, Mattia {m} |
Matthew {prop} (biblical disciple) | :: Matteo |
Matthew {prop} (gospel of Matthew) | :: Matteo |
Matthias {prop} /məˈθaɪəs/ (the Apostle replacing Judas) | :: Mattia |
Matthias {prop} (male given name) | :: Mattia, Matia |
matting {n} (surface used for surrounding pictures) SEE: matte | :: |
mattock {n} /ˈmætək/ (agricultural tool) | :: piccone {m} |
mattress {n} /ˈmætɹɪs/ (a pad on which a person can recline and sleep) | :: materasso {m} |
mature {adj} /məˈtʃʊ(ə)ɹ/ (fully developed) | :: maturo |
mature {v} (to become mature; to ripen) | :: maturare |
maturity {n} /məˈtʊəɹəti/ (state of being mature, ready or ripe) | :: maturità {f} |
maudlin {adj} /ˈmɔːd.lɪn/ (affectionate or sentimental in an effusive, tearful, or foolish manner) | :: piagnucoloso, sdolcinato |
maugre {prep} (in spite of) SEE: in spite of | :: |
maul {n} /mɔːl/ (heavy, long-handled hammer) | :: maglio {m}, mazza {f} |
maul {v} (savage) | :: sbranare |
maul {v} (to criticise rudely) | :: strapazzare |
maulstick {n} /ˈmɔːl.stɪk/ (short stick) | :: appoggiamano {m} |
maundy {n} (commandment) SEE: commandment | :: |
Maundy Thursday {prop} (Thursday before Easter) | :: Giovedì santo {m} |
Maurice {prop} /məˈɹis/ (male given name) | :: Maurizio |
Mauritania {prop} /ˌmɔːɹɪˈteɪni.ə/ (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) | :: Mauritania {f} |
Mauritian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Mauritius, its people, or their language or culture) | :: mauriziano |
Mauritian {n} (person from Mauritius or of Mauritian descent) | :: mauriziano {m} |
Mauritius {prop} /məˈɹɪʃəs/ (country) | :: Maurizio {m}, l'isola di Maurizio {f}, Mauritius |
mausoleum {n} /ˌmɔ.səˈli.əm/ (large tomb) | :: mausoleo {m} |
mauve {n} /mɔːv/ (colour) | :: malva |
maven {n} /ˈmeɪvən/ (expert in a given field) | :: intenditore {m} |
maverick {adj} /ˈmævəɹɪk/ (of cattle: unbranded) | :: brado |
maverick {adj} (showing independence in thoughts or actions) | :: individualista {m} {f} |
maverick {n} (unbranded range animal) | :: brado {m} |
maverick {n} (one who is unconventional or does not abide by rules) | :: cane sciolto, anticonformista {m}, indipendente {m}, battitore libero {m} |
maverick {n} (one who creates or uses controversial or unconventional ideas or practices) | :: anticonformista {m} |
maw {n} /mɔ/ (upper digestive tract) | :: fauci {f-p} |
maxilla {n} (bone of upper jaw) | :: mascella {f} |
maxillary {adj} (of or pertaining to the jaw) | :: mascellare, massillare |
maxim {n} /ˈmæk.sɪm/ (moral precept) | :: massima {f}, principio {m} |
maxima {n} | :: massima {f} |
maximal {adj} (Largest, greatest, highest, most) | :: massimo |
maximalism {n} (tendency toward excess) | :: massimalismo {m} |
Maximilian {prop} (male given name) | :: Massimiliano |
maximization {n} (act of raising something to its greatest value or extent) | :: massimizzazione {f} |
maximum {n} /ˈmæksɪməm/ (highest limit) | :: massimo {m} |
maximum {n} (math: greatest value) | :: massimo {m} |
maximum {adj} (highest degree) | :: massimo {m} |
may {v} /meɪ/ (have permission to) | :: potere |
may {v} (possibly, but not certainly) | :: forse, può essere che + subjunctive |
may {v} (subjunctive) | :: use subjunctive of potere |
may {n} (the hawthorn bush or its blossom) | :: biancospino {m} |
May {prop} /meɪ/ (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: maggio |
maybe {adv} /ˈmeɪbi/ (indicating a lack of certainty) | :: forse, magari, chissà |
maybe {adv} (as a pro-sentence) | :: forse, può essere |
May bug {n} (cockchafer) SEE: cockchafer | :: |
May Day {n} (spring festival) | :: calendimaggio {m} |
mayfly {n} (insect of order Ephemeroptera) | :: efemera {f}, effimera {f} |
mayhem {n} /ˈmeɪhɛm/ (chaos) | :: caos {m}, confusione {f}, marasma {m} |
mayonnaise {n} /ˈmæn.eɪz/ (dressing) | :: maionese {f} |
mayor {n} /ˈmeɪ.ɚ/ (leader of a city) | :: sindaco {m}, sindaca {f}, primo cittadino {m}, prima cittadina {f} |
mayoralty {n} (the office or term of a mayor) | :: sindacatura {f} |
mayoress {n} (female mayor) | :: sindaca {f} |
Mayotte {prop} /maɪˈɒt/ (Territorial Collectivity of Mayotte) | :: Mayotte, Maiotta {f} |
may the Force be with you {phrase} (wish someone luck) | :: che la Forza sia con te |
maze {n} /ˈmeɪz/ (Puzzle to get through) | :: labirinto {m}, meandro {m} |
mazurka {n} /məˈzʊə(ɹ)kə/ (dance) | :: mazurca {f} |
Mazzetti {prop} | :: Mazzetti |
Mazzinian {adj} | :: mazziniano |
Möbius band {n} (Möbius strip) SEE: Möbius strip | :: |
Möbius strip {n} /ˈməʊ.biː.əs stɹɪp/ (one-sided surface) | :: nastro di Möbius {m} |
Möbius transformation {n} (transformation of the complex plane) | :: trasformazione di Möbius {f} |
McCarthyite {n} (follower of McCarthyism) | :: maccartista |
mâche {n} (Valerianella locusta) | :: gallinella commune, lattughella, valerianella |
McIntosh {n} /ˈmækɪntɒʃ/ (apple tree and fruit variety) | :: McIntosh |
me {pron} (myself) SEE: myself | :: |
me {pron} (direct object of a verb) | :: mi |
me {pron} (object of a preposition) | :: me |
me {pron} (indirect object of a verb) | :: me |
me {pron} | :: [after preposition] me, [indirect object] mi, [indirect object, emphatic] a me, [indirect object with an imperative verb; attached to the end of the verb and becoming me when used along with a direct object; the m is doubled with some verbs] mi, [direct object] mi, [direct object, emphatic] me |
mea culpa {n} /ˌmeɪ.əˈkʊl.pə/ (my fault, due to my error) | :: colpa mia |
mead {n} /miːd/ (alcoholic drink) | :: idromele {m} |
meadow {n} /ˈmɛdoʊ/ (field or pasture) | :: prato {m} |
meadow pipit {n} (bird) | :: pispola {f} |
meadowrue {n} (plant) | :: pigamo |
meadowsweet {n} /ˈmɛdəʊswiːt/ (Filipendula ulmaria) | :: olmaria {f} |
meager {adj} /ˈmiɡɚ/ (lean) | :: magro |
meagre {n} /ˈmiːɡɚ/ (Argyrosomus regius) | :: bocca d'oro {f} |
meagre {adj} (Having little flesh; lean; thin.) | :: magro {m}, magra {f} |
meagre {adj} (Deficient or inferior in amount, quality or extent; paltry; scanty; inadequate; unsatisfying) | :: scarno {m}, esiguo {m} |
meal {n} /miːʟ̩/ (food that is prepared and eaten) | :: pasto {m} |
meal {n} (coarse-ground edible part of various grains) | :: mangìme {m} |
meal ticket {n} (a voucher for food) | :: tagliando |
meal ticket {n} (an exploited source of income or livelihood) | :: gonzo, pollo |
mean {v} /miːn/ (to intend; plan on doing) | :: volere, avere l'intenzione, intendere |
mean {v} (to have intentions of some kind) | :: intendere |
mean {v} (to convey, indicate) | :: significare, volere dire |
mean {v} (to signify) | :: voler dire |
mean {v} (to have conviction in what one says) | :: intendere |
mean {v} (to result in; bring about) | :: voler dire, significare, portare |
mean {adj} (intending to cause harm, successfully or otherwise) | :: cattivo, maligno, malevolo, sgarbato |
mean {adj} (miserly, stingy) | :: taccagno, avaro, spilorcio |
mean {adj} (low-minded; acting without consideration of others) | :: meschino, gretto, ignobile |
mean {adj} (powerful; fierce; harsh; damaging) | :: violento, furioso, potente |
mean {adj} (low in quality; inferior) | :: inferiore {m} {f}, mediocre, insignificante |
mean {adj} (accomplished with great skill; deft; hard to compete with) | :: eccellente, fantastico, favoloso, formidabile |
mean {adj} (having the mean as its value) | :: medio |
mean {n} (method by which something is done) | :: mezzo {m} |
mean {n} (intermediate value) | :: media {f} |
mean {n} (arithmetic mean) | :: media {f} |
mean {n} (the statistical value) | :: media {f} |
mean {n} (mathematics: either of the two numbers in the middle of a conventionally presented proportion) | :: medio {m} |
meander {n} /miˈændɚ/ (winding, crooked or involved course) | :: meandro {m} |
meander {v} (to wind or turn) | :: spiegarsi, stendersi, avvilupparsi, dispiegarsi |
meander {v} | :: girovare, girovagare |
meander {n} (fretwork) SEE: fretwork | :: |
meandrous {adj} (winding) SEE: winding | :: |
meaning {n} /ˈmiːnɪŋ/ (symbolic value of something) | :: significato {m} |
meaning {n} (significance of a thing, as "the meaning of life") | :: significato {m} |
meaning {n} (definition or connotation of a word) | :: significato {m} |
meaning {n} | :: significato {m} |
meaningless {adj} (lacking meaning) | :: senza senso, privo di significato, insignificante, senza capo né coda |
meaning of life {n} (hypothetical answer to life's ultimate questions) | :: il senso della vita |
meanness {n} (the condition or quality of being mean) | :: grettezza {f}, meschinità {f}, taccagneria {f} |
means of production {n} (combination of the means of labor and the subject of labor) | :: mezzi di produzione {m-p} |
meantime {n} /ˈmiːntaɪm/ | :: frattempo {m}, attesa |
mean value theorem {n} (theorem that for a differentiable function on an interval there is a point in the interval where the derivative equals the overall slope) | :: teorema di Lagrange {m}, teorema del valor medio {m}, teorema dell'incremento finito {m} |
meanwhile {adv} /ˈmiːnwaɪl/ (during the time) | :: intanto, nel frattempo |
meanwhile {adv} (at the same time but elsewhere) | :: intanto, nel frattempo |
measles {n} /ˈmiːzəlz/ (acute highly contagious viral disease) | :: morbillo |
measure {n} (melody) SEE: melody | :: |
measure {n} /ˈmɛʒə/ (act or result of measuring) | :: misurazione {f}, misura {f} |
measure {n} (size ascertained by measuring) | :: misura {f} |
measure {n} (something to take measurements) | :: righello {m}, regolo {m} |
measure {n} (mathematical function) | :: misura {f}, funzione di misura {f} |
measure {n} (musical designation) | :: battuta {f} |
measure {n} (action to achieve some purpose) | :: misura {f} |
measure {v} (ascertain the quantity of a unit) | :: misurare |
measure {v} (estimate the unit size) | :: misurare |
measure {n} (dance) SEE: dance | :: |
measure {n} (moderation, temperance) SEE: moderation | :: |
measure {n} (math: number which is contained in a given number without remainder) SEE: divisor | :: |
measure {n} (geology: bed or stratum) SEE: bed | :: |
measurement {n} /ˈmeʒ.ɚ.mənt/ (act of measuring) | :: misurazione, misura |
measure up {v} (To meet expectations; to be as good as) | :: essere all'altezza |
measuring cup {n} (utensil to measure the volume) | :: misurino {m} |
measuring jug {n} (jug for measuring liquids) SEE: measuring cup | :: |
measuring rod {n} | :: canna metrica {f} |
measuring tape {n} (tape measure) SEE: tape measure | :: |
meat {n} /miːt/ (animal flesh used as food) | :: carne {f} |
meat {n} (type of meat) | :: carne {f} |
meat {n} (any sort of flesh) | :: carne {f} |
meat {n} (solid edible part of a plant) | :: polpa |
meat {n} (totem) SEE: totem | :: |
meat and potatoes {adj} (typical, average) | :: carne e patate |
meatball {n} (meatball) | :: polpetta {f} |
meatgrinder {n} (device for cutting meat) | :: tritacarne {m} |
meat jelly {n} (aspic) SEE: aspic | :: |
meatloaf {n} /ˈmitloʊf/ (mixture of ground meat) | :: polpettone {m} |
meat market {n} (market where meat is sold) | :: mercato della carne {m} |
meat pie {n} (pie containing meat) | :: pasticcio di carne |
meat safe {n} (ventilated cupboard) | :: moscaiola {f} |
Mecca {prop} /ˈmɛkə/ (city in Saudi Arabia) | :: La Mecca {f} |
mechanic {n} /məˈkænɪk/ (skilled worker on machinery) | :: meccanico {m} |
mechanical {adj} /mɪˈkanɪk(ə)l/ (physics: related to mechanics) | :: meccanico |
mechanical energy {n} (mechanical energy) | :: energia meccanica {f} |
mechanical engineering {n} (subfield of engineering) | :: ingegneria meccanica {f} |
mechanically {adv} /məˈkænɪkli/ (In a mechanical manner) | :: meccanicamente, macchinalmente |
mechanical pencil {n} (pencil with a retractable lead) | :: portamina {m}, portamine {m} |
mechanics {n} (a branch of physics) | :: meccanica {f} |
mechanism {n} /ˈmɛkənɪzm/ (mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion) | :: meccanismo {m} |
mechanism {n} (mental, chemical, or physical process) | :: meccanismo |
mechanization {n} (the use of machinery to replace human or animal labour) | :: meccanizzazione {f} |
mechanize {v} /ˈmɛkənaɪz/ (to equip with machinery) | :: meccanizzare |
mechano- {prefix} (machines or mechanisms) | :: meccano- |
mechanocaloric {adj} | :: meccanocalorico |
mechatronics {n} (synergistic combination) | :: meccatronica {f} |
Mechelen {prop} /ˈmɛkələn/ (city) | :: Mellina {f} |
Mechitarist {n} /ˌmɛkɪˈtɑɹɪst/ (one of a congregation of Benedictine monks) | :: mechitarista |
Mecklenburg {prop} (region of Germany) | :: Meclemburgo {m} |
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania {prop} (one of the component states of Germany) | :: Meclemburgo-Pomerania Anteriore {m} |
meconium {n} (contents of the fetal intestines) | :: meconio {m} |
medal {n} /ˈmɛɾ.ɫ̩/ (stamped metal disc) | :: medaglia {f} |
medallion {n} /məˈdæljən/ (large decorative medal) | :: medaglione |
medal table {n} | :: medagliere {m} |
meddle {v} /ˈmɛd.əl/ (to interfere in affairs) | :: immischiarsi |
meddle {v} (to have sex) SEE: have sex | :: |
meddler {n} /ˈmɛdlɚ/ (one who meddles or interferes) | :: ficcanaso {m}, impiccione |
mediaeval {adj} (medieval) SEE: medieval | :: |
medial rectus {n} (muscle) | :: retto mediale {m}, muscolo retto mediale {m} |
median {n} /ˈmiːdi.ən/ (statistics: measure of central tendency) | :: mediano {m} |
mediant {n} /ˈmiːdi.ənt/ (third tone) | :: mediante {f} |
media outlet {n} (broadcast program that provides news) | :: organo di stampa {m} |
mediastinal {adj} (relating to the mediastinum) | :: mediastinico |
mediastinum {n} /ˌmiːdi.əˈstaɪnəm/ (the region in mammals) | :: mediastino {m} |
mediate {adj} (intermediate) SEE: intermediate | :: |
mediate {v} /ˈmidieɪt/ (resolve differences) | :: mediare |
mediate {v} (intervene between conflicting parties) | :: mediare |
mediation {n} /midiˈeɪʃən/ | :: mediazione {f} |
mediatization {n} | :: mediatizzazione {f} |
mediator {n} /ˈmidieɪtɚ/ (one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement) | :: mediatore {m} |
medic {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor | :: |
medic {n} (paramedic) SEE: paramedic | :: |
medical {adj} /ˈmɛdɪkl̩/ (of the practice of medicine) | :: medico |
medicaster {n} /ˈmɛdɪkastə/ (quack doctor) | :: medicastro {m} |
medication {n} /mɛdɪˈkeɪʃən/ (one or all the medicines regularly taken by a patient) | :: medicazione {f} |
medication {n} (administration of medicine) | :: medicazione {f} |
medicinal {adj} /məˈdɪsənəl/ (tending to cure disease) | :: medicamentoso {m}, medicinale |
medicine {n} /ˈmɛ.dɪ.sɪn/ (substance which promotes healing) | :: medicina {f}, medicamento {m} |
medicine {n} (field of study) | :: medicina {f}, clinica {f} |
medicine man {n} (shamanistic healer) | :: uomo di medicina {m} |
medieval {adj} /ˌmɛd.i.ˈiː.vəl/ (of or relating to the Middle Ages) | :: medievale {m} {f} |
medieval {adj} (brutal) SEE: brutal | :: |
Medieval Greek {n} (Byzantine Greek) SEE: Byzantine Greek | :: |
medievalism {n} (the study of the Middle Ages) | :: medievalismo {m} |
medieval studies {n} (medieval studies) | :: medievalistica |
medimnus {n} (unit of dry capacity) | :: medimno {m} |
mediocre {adj} /ˌmidiˈoʊkəɹ/ (having no peculiar or outstanding features) | :: mediocre |
mediocrity {n} /miːdɪˈɒkɹɪti/ (condition of being mediocre) | :: mediocrità {f} |
meditate {v} (contemplate) | :: meditare, filosofare |
meditate {v} (rest) | :: meditare, riflettere |
meditation {n} /mɛdɪˈteɪʃən/ | :: meditazione {f} |
Mediterranean {adj} /ˌmɛdɪtəˈɹeɪnɪən/ (Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it) | :: mediterraneo |
Mediterranean {prop} (Mediterranean Sea) SEE: Mediterranean Sea | :: |
Mediterranean diet {n} (diet) | :: dieta mediterranea {f} |
Mediterranean gull {n} (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus) | :: gabbiano corallino {m} |
mediterranean sea {n} /ˌmɛ.dɪ.təˈɹeɪ.nɪ.ən ˈsiː/ (mostly enclosed sea) | :: mare mediterraneo {m} |
Mediterranean Sea {prop} /ˌmɛ.dɪ.təˈɹeɪ.nɪ.ən ˈsiː/ (sea between Europe and Africa) | :: Mar Mediterraneo {m}, Mediterraneo {m} |
medium {n} /ˈmiːdɪəm/ (nature of the surrounding environment) | :: veicolo {m}, mezzo {m}, strumento {m}, tramite {m} |
medium {n} (material or empty space through which signals, waves or forces pass) | :: veicolo {m}, mezzo {m}, strumento {m}, tramite {m} |
medium {n} (nutrient solution for the growth of cells in vitro) | :: mezzo |
medium {n} (painting: tool used for painting or drawing) | :: veicolo {m}, mezzo {m}, strumento {m}, tramite {m} |
medium {n} (someone who supposedly conveys information from the spirit world) | :: medium |
medium {adj} (of intermediate size) | :: medio |
medlar {n} /ˈmɛdlə/ (tree) | :: nespolo {m} |
medlar {n} (fruit) | :: nespola {f} |
medley {n} /ˈmɛdli/ (collection or mixture of things) | :: macedonia {f}, misto {m}, miscuglio {m}, mescolanza {f} |
medley {n} (collection of related songs) | :: varietà {f}, insieme, potpourri |
medley {n} (swimming event) | :: misto {m} |
meek {adj} /mik/ (humble, modest, or self-effacing) | :: modesto {m}, timido, introverso, schivo, pavido |
meek {adj} (submissive, dispirited) | :: rassegnato, remissivo |
meerkat {n} /ˈmɪəɹkæt/ (small carnivorous mammal) | :: suricato {m} |
meet {v} /miːt/ (encounter by accident) | :: incontrare |
meet {v} (see through arrangement) | :: incontrare |
meet {v} (to get acquainted) | :: conoscere |
meet {v} (converge and touch) | :: incontrarsi |
meet {v} (gather for a formal discussion) | :: riunire |
meet {v} (comply with) | :: ottemperare, conformarsi, soddisfare |
meeting {n} /ˈmitɪŋ/ (gathering for a purpose) | :: riunione {f} |
meeting {n} (encounter between people) | :: incontro |
meeting {n} (place or instance of junction or intersection) | :: incrocio |
meeting {n} | :: riunione {f}; riunione {f} |
mega- {prefix} /ˈmɛɡə/ (very large, great) | :: mega- |
mega- {prefix} (multiplication factor one million) | :: mega- |
megachurch {n} (church with an atypically large congregation) | :: megachurch {f} [anglicism], megachiesa {f} |
megacolon {n} (all senses) | :: megacolon {m} |
Megaera {prop} (Greek goddess of vengeance) | :: Megera {f} |
megafarad {n} (a unit of electrical capacitance equal to one million farads) | :: megafarad {m} |
megagram {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms) | :: megagrammo {f} |
megakaryocyte {n} (large cell found in bone marrow) | :: megacariocita {m} |
megaliter {n} (megalitre) SEE: megalitre | :: |
megalithic {adj} (of or pertaining to megaliths) | :: megalitico |
megalitre {n} (1000000 litres) | :: megalitro {m} |
megalo- {prefix} /mɛˈɡæ.ləʊ/ | :: megalo- |
megalodon {n} (a group of extinct sharks) | :: megalodonte {m} |
megalopsychy {n} | :: megalopsichia {f} |
megalosaur {n} (dinosaur of the Megalosauridae family) | :: megalosauro {m} |
megaoesophagus {n} | :: megaesofago {m} |
megaphone {n} /ˈmɛɡ.əˌfəʊn/ (portable device used to amplify a person's voice) | :: megafono {m} |
megaphonic {adj} (all senses) | :: megafonico |
megapixel {n} (one million pixels, used as a unit of resolution of digital cameras) | :: megapixel {m} |
megapode {n} (bird) | :: megapodio {m} |
Megaric {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to, Megara) | :: megarico |
megaron {n} /ˈmeɡəɹɑːn/ (Mycenean rectangular hall) | :: megaron {m} |
megascale {n} | :: megascala {f} |
megastore {n} (superstore) SEE: superstore | :: |
megastructure {n} | :: megastruttura {f} |
megaton {n} /ˈmɛɡəˌtʌn/ (unit of measure) | :: megaton {m}, megatone {m} |
megatsunami {n} /ˌmɛɡətsuːˈnɑːmi/ (a very large tsunami) | :: megatsunami {m} |
megawatt {n} (one million watts) | :: megawatt {m} |
megawatt-hour {n} (unit of energy) | :: megawattora {m} |
Megleno-Romanian {prop} (language) | :: lingua meglenorumena {f} |
Megleno-Romanian {n} (person) | :: meglenoromeno {m} |
meh {interj} /mɛ/ (slang: expressing indifference or lack of enthusiasm) | :: bah |
meibomian gland {n} (gland) | :: ghiandola di Meibomio {f} |
meitnerium {n} /maɪtˈnɜɹi.əm/ (chemical element) | :: meitnerio {m} |
Mekong {prop} (river in Asia) | :: Mekong {m} |
melamine {n} /ˈmɛl.ə.min/ (substance) | :: melamina {f}, melammina {f} |
melancholic {adj} (filled with or affected by melancholy) | :: malinconico, melancolico |
melancholy {n} /ˈmɛl.ənˌkɑl.i/ (Sadness or depression) | :: malinconia {f} |
melancholy {adj} (affected with sadness or depression) SEE: melancholic | :: |
Melanesian {adj} (referring to Melanesia) | :: melanesiano |
Melanesian {n} (person living in or coming from Melanesia) | :: melanesiano {m}, melanesiana {f} |
melanin {n} /ˈmɛlənɪn/ (dark pigment) | :: melanina {f} |
melanism {n} (congenital excess of melanin pigmentation) | :: melanismo {m} |
melanoma {n} /mɛləˈnoʊmə/ (type of skin tumor) | :: melanoma {m} |
melanophoric {adj} | :: melanoforo |
melaphyre {n} | :: melafiro {m} |
melatonergic {adj} (that modulates the melatonin system) | :: melatoninergico |
melatonin {n} /ˌmɛləˈtoʊnɪn/ (hormone) | :: melatonina {f} |
Melbourne {prop} /ˈmɛl.bɚn/ (city in Australia) | :: Melbourne {m} |
melee {n} /ˈmeɪˌleɪ/ (Hand-to-hand combat) | :: combattimento corpo a corpo {m} |
Melissa {prop} /məˈlɪsə/ (female given name) | :: Melissa |
melittophilous {adj} | :: melittofilo |
Melk {prop} (city of Austria) | :: Melk |
Melkite {n} /ˈmɛlkʌɪt/ (an Eastern Christian who adhered to the doctrines agreed by the Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon) | :: melchita |
mellifluous {adj} /mɛˈlɪflu.əs/ (flowing like honey) | :: mellifluo |
mellophone {n} (brass instrument) | :: mellofono {m} |
melodrama {n} /ˈmɛləˌdɹɑːmə/ (romantic drama) | :: melodramma {m} |
melodramatic {adj} /ˌmɛl.ə.dɹəˈmæt.ɪk/ (of or pertaining to melodrama) | :: melodrammatico |
melodramatic {adj} (exaggeratedly emotional) | :: patetico, melodrammatico |
melody {n} /ˈmɛl.ə.di/ (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase) | :: melodia {f} |
meloid {n} (beetle of the family Meloidae) | :: meloide {m} |
melomania {n} /ˌmɛlə(ʊ)ˈmeɪnɪə/ (an abnormal love of music) | :: melomania {f} |
melon {n} /ˈmɛlən/ (fruit) | :: melone {m} |
melon {n} (slang: breasts) | :: meloni {p} |
melon baller {n} (tool) | :: scavino {m} |
melongene {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant | :: |
meloplast {n} | :: meloplasto {m} |
melt {v} /mɛlt/ (intransitive: (of a solid) to become a liquid) | :: sciogliere, fondere |
melt {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot | :: |
meltdown {n} (severe overheating of the core of a nuclear reactor) | :: fusione del nocciolo {f} |
melting pot {n} (crucible or similar pot) | :: crogiolo {m} |
melting pot {n} (place where many divergent things come together and are homogenized) | :: crogiolo {m}, melting pot, calderone {m} |
melt in the mouth {v} (to be deliciously soft and creamy, need little chewing) | :: sciogliersi in bocca |
melt in the mouth {adj} (deliciously soft and creamy, needing little chewing) | :: che si scioglie in bocca {s}, che si sciolgono in bocca {p} |
mem {n} /mɛm/ (Semitic letter) | :: mem {m} {f} |
member {n} (in set theory) SEE: element | :: |
member {n} /ˈmɛmbɚ/ (one who officially belongs to a group) | :: membro {m}, iscritto {m} |
member {n} (organ, limb) | :: membro |
member {n} (logic: one of the propositions making up a syllogism) SEE: premise | :: |
membership {n} (fact of being a member) | :: iscrizione {f}, appartenenza {f} |
member state {n} (state that is a member of a confederation) | :: stato membro {m} |
membrane {n} /ˈmembɹeɪn/ (enclosing or separating tissue) | :: membrana {f}, pergamena {f} |
membrane {n} (mechanical part that can deform or vibrate when excited by an external force) | :: membrana |
membranophone {n} (instrument) | :: membranofono {m} |
membranous {adj} (having the qualities of, or pertaining to, a membrane) | :: membranoso |
meme {n} /miːm/ (unit of cultural information) | :: meme {m} |
memento {n} /məˈmɛntoʊ/ (a keepsake) | :: memento {m}, ricordo {m} |
memetic {adj} (pertaining to memes, replication of concepts) | :: memetico |
memetist {n} | :: memetista |
Memnon {prop} (Ethiopian king and warrior) | :: Memnone {m}, Mennone {m} |
memoir {n} /ˈmɛmˌwɑː/ (book describing the personal experiences of an author) | :: memorie {f-p} |
memoirs {n} (autobiography) SEE: memoir | :: |
memoization {n} | :: memoizzazione {f} |
memoize {v} | :: memoizzare |
memorial service {n} (funeral) SEE: funeral | :: |
memorization {n} (act of committing something to memory) | :: memorizzazione {f} |
memorize {v} /ˈmɛm.əɹˌaɪ̯z/ (to commit to memory, to learn by heart) | :: memorizzare, imparare a memoria |
memory {n} /ˈmɛm(ə)ɹi/ (ability to recall) | :: memoria {f} |
memory {n} (stored record) | :: memoria {f}, ricordo {m} |
memory {n} (RAM or ROM) | :: memoria {f} |
memory stick {n} (portable solid-state flash memory storage device) SEE: flash drive | :: |
Memphis {prop} /ˈmɛmfɪs/ (city of ancient Egypt) | :: Menfi {f} |
men {n} /mɛn/ (human people) | :: genti {m-p} |
menace {n} /ˈmɛnɪs/ (perceived threat or danger) | :: minaccia {f} |
menace {n} (annoying and bothersome person) | :: peste {f} |
menacingly {adv} (In a menacing manner) | :: minacciosamente |
menagerie {n} /mɪˈnædʒəɹɪ/ (collection of live wild animals on exhibition; the enclosure where they are kept) | :: serraglio, recinto {m} |
mend {v} /mɛnd/ (to repair) | :: riparare |
mend {v} (to repair a tear in clothing) | :: rammendare |
mendacious {adj} (false) SEE: false | :: |
mendacious {adj} /mɛnˈdeɪʃəs/ (lying, untruthful or dishonest) | :: mendace, menzognero {m}, bugiardo {m} |
mendaciousness {n} (mendacity) SEE: mendacity | :: |
mendacity {n} /mɛnˈdæsəti/ (fact or condition of being untruthful; dishonesty) | :: mendacità {f} |
mendacity {n} (a deceit, falsehood, or lie) | :: bugia {f}, menzogna {f}, falsità {f}, mendacità {f} |
mendelevium {n} /ˌmɛndəˈliːviəm/ (chemical element) | :: mendelevio {m} |
Mendelian {adj} (of or relating to Gregor Mendel or his theories of genetics) | :: mendeliano |
Mendelism {n} (Mendelism) | :: Mendelismo. |
mendicant {n} /ˈmɛn.dɪ.kənt/ (beggar) | :: mendicante |
mendicant order {n} (religious order) | :: ordine mendicante {m} |
mend one's ways {v} (attempting to remedy one's failings) | :: ravvedersi |
me neither {phrase} (me neither) | :: neanche io |
Menelaus {prop} /ˌmɛnɪˈleɪəs/ (the king of Mycenaean Sparta) | :: Menelao |
menial {adj} /ˈmiːni.əl/ (of or relating to work normally performed by a servant) | :: servile |
meningitic {adj} (of or pertaining to meningitis) | :: meningitico |
meningitis {n} (inflammation of the meninges) | :: meningite {f} |
meningococcal {adj} (of, or pertaining to meningococcus) | :: meningococcico |
meningococcus {n} (Neisseria meningitidis) | :: meningococco {m} |
meninx {n} /ˈmiːnɪŋks/ (membrane) | :: meninge {f} |
Meänkieli {prop} (Finnic language spoken in northern Sweden) | :: meänkieli {m} |
Mennonite {n} (group of Mennonites (churches or denominations)) | :: mennoniti {m-p} |
Mennonite {n} (member of such a church or denomination or a person with a Mennonite heritage) | :: mennonita {m} {f} |
Mennonite {adj} (of or related to a Mennonite, Mennonites, their movement or church(es)) | :: mennonita |
Mennonitism {n} (the beliefs and practices of Mennonites) | :: mennonitismo {m} |
meno- {prefix} (relating to month) | :: meno- |
meno- {prefix} (relating to menstruation) | :: meno- |
menopause {n} (ending of menstruation) | :: menopausa {f} |
menorah {n} /mɪˈnɔːɹə/ (seven-branch candelabrum) | :: menorah |
menorrhagia {n} (excessive menstruation) | :: menorragia {f} |
menorrhoea {n} (menstrual bleeding) | :: menorrea {f} |
menses {n} /ˈmen.siːz/ (menstrual flow) | :: mestruazioni {f} |
mensiochronology {n} | :: mensiocronologia {f} |
mensiversary {n} (day that is an exact month (or specified number of months) since the occurrence of an event) | :: mesiversario {m} |
menstrual {adj} /ˈmɛn.stɹu.əl/ (of or having to do with the menses) | :: mestruale |
menstrual {adj} (occurring once a month) | :: mensile |
menstrual {adj} (lasting for a month) | :: mensile |
menstrual cycle {n} (recurring cycle) | :: ciclo mestruale {m} |
menstrual fluid {n} (menses) | :: mestruo {m} |
menstruate {v} /ˈmɛnstɹʊeɪt/ (to undergo menstruation) | :: menstruare |
menstruation {n} /ˌmɛnstɹʊˈeɪʃn/ (periodic discharging of the menses) | :: mestruazione {f}, ciclo {m} |
mensuralism {n} (system of musical notation) | :: mensuralismo {m} |
mensuralist {adj} (pertaining to mensuralism) | :: mensurale |
mental {adj} /ˈmɛntəl/ (relating to the mind) | :: mentale |
mental {adj} (relating to a crazy person) | :: pazzo |
mental {adj} (relating to the chin) | :: mentale, mentoniero, genieno |
mentalese {n} /ˌmɛnt(ə)lˈiːz/ (hypothetical non-verbal language in which concepts are represented in the mind) | :: mentalese {m} |
mental hospital {n} (facility designed to treat persons with mental disorders) | :: ospedale psichiatrico {m}; manicomio {m} [obsolete] |
mental illness {n} (mental disorder (countable)) | :: disturbo mentale {m} |
mental institution {n} (psychiatric hospital) SEE: mental hospital | :: |
mentality {n} /mɛnˈtæləti/ (mindset) | :: mentalità {f} |
mentally {adv} /ˈmɛntəli/ (in a mental manner) | :: mentalmente |
menthol {n} (cyclic monoterpene alcohol) | :: mentolo {m} |
mention {v} (mention) SEE: cover | :: |
mention {n} /ˈmɛnʃən/ (a speaking or notice of anything, usually in a brief or cursory manner) | :: cenno {m}, accenno {m}, menzione {f} |
mention {v} (make a short reference to something) | :: menzionare |
mentor {n} /ˈmɛn.tɔː/ (A wise and trusted counselor or teacher) | :: mentore {m}, pigmalione {m}, tutore {m} |
menu {n} /ˈmɛnjuː/ (details of the food to be served at a banquet) | :: carta {f} |
menu {n} (printed list of dishes offered in a restaurant) | :: menù {m} |
meow {interj} /miˈaʊ̯/ (cry of a cat) | :: miao |
meow {n} (cry of a cat) | :: miao |
meow {v} (of a cat, to make its cry) | :: miagolare |
MEP {n} (Member of the European Parliament) | :: europarlamentare {m} {f}, eurodeputato {m}, eurodeputata {f} |
Mephistopheles {prop} /ˌmɛ.fɪ.ˈstɒ.fɪ.liːz/ (Devil to whom Faust sold his soul) | :: Mefistofele {m} |
mercantile {adj} /ˈmɝ.kənˌtaɪl/ (related to the exchange of goods for profit) | :: mercantile |
mercaptan {n} /məːˈkapt(ə)n/ (sulphuric compound) | :: mercaptano {m} |
mercenary {n} /ˈmɜː.sə.nə.ɹi/ (person employed to fight) | :: mercenario {m} |
mercenary {adj} (motivated by private gain) | :: mercenario |
mercerize {v} (to treat cotton with NaOH) | :: mercerizzare |
merchandise {n} /ˈmɝtʃənˌdaɪs/ (commodities offered for sale) | :: merce {f}, mercanzia {f} |
merchant {n} /ˈmɝtʃənt/ (person who traffics in commodities) | :: mercante {m}, mercantessa {f}, commerciante {m} {f} |
merchant {n} (the owner or operator of a retail business) | :: commerciante {m} {f}, negoziante {m} {f} |
merchant {n} (trading vessel) SEE: cargo ship | :: |
merchantable {adj} (fit for market) | :: commerciabile |
merchantman {n} (merchant) SEE: merchant | :: |
merchantman {n} (cargo ship) SEE: cargo ship | :: |
merchant navy {n} (civilian naval fleet) | :: marina mercantile {f} |
merchant ship {n} (marine cargo vessel) SEE: cargo ship | :: |
merciful {adj} /ˈmɝsɪfl̩/ (showing mercy) | :: misericordioso |
merciless {adj} /ˈmɝsɪləs/ (showing no mercy; cruel and pitiless) | :: spietato, crudele |
mercurial {adj} /məːˈkjʊə.ɹɪ.əl/ (having a lively or volatile character, see also: animated; changeable; quick-witted) | :: incostante {m} {f}, lunatico {m}, lunatica {f}, mutevole {m} {f}, volubile {m} {f} |
mercuric {adj} (containing mercury with an oxidation number of 2) | :: mercurico |
mercury {n} /ˈmɝkjəɹi/ (element) | :: mercurio {m} |
mercury {n} (Mercurialis gen. et spp.) | :: mercorella {f} |
Mercury {prop} /ˈmɝkjəɹi/ (planet) | :: Mercurio {m} |
Mercury {prop} (Roman god) | :: Mercurio {m} |
mercy {n} /ˈmɜːsi/ (relenting; forbearance to cause or allow harm to another) | :: misericordia, pietà {f} |
mercy {n} (forgiveness or compassion) | :: compassione {f}, pietà {f}, benevolenza {f}, misericordia {f}, mercede {f}, compatimento {m} |
mercy {n} (tendency toward forgiveness) | :: pena {f}, compassione {f}, commiserazione {f} |
mercy {n} | :: misericordia {f} |
mercy killing {n} (euthanasia) SEE: euthanasia | :: |
merely {adv} /ˈmɪɹli/ (only, just, and nothing more) | :: soltanto, solamente, meramente, semplicemente |
mereology {n} /ˌmɪəɹiˈɒlədʒi/ (logic: theory dealing with parts in relation to wholes) | :: mereologia {f} |
merge {v} /mɝdʒ/ ((transitive) to combine into a whole) | :: fondersi |
merge {v} ((intransitive) to combine into a whole) | :: unirsi, mergere |
merger {n} /ˈmɝdʒɚ/ (the act or process of merging) | :: fusione {f}, unione {f} |
mergirl {n} (mermaid) SEE: mermaid | :: |
mericarp {n} (an individual carpel of a schizocarp) | :: mericarpo {m} |
meridian {n} /məˈɹɪdi.ən/ (imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface) | :: meridiano {m} |
meristem {n} (zone of active cell division) | :: meristema {m} |
merit {n} /ˈmɛɹɪt/ (claim to commendation or a reward) | :: merito {m} |
merit {n} (something deserving or worthy of positive recognition or reward) | :: merito {m}, merto {m} [poetic] |
merit {v} (to deserve, earn, see also: deserve; earn) | :: meritare |
merit {v} (to be deserving or worthy) | :: meritare |
Merkel {prop} /ˈmeɹkəl/ (surname) | :: Merkel |
merkin {n} /ˈmɜːkɪn/ (pubic wig) | :: merkin {m} |
Merlin {prop} (Wizard in Arthurian legend) | :: Merlino {m}, mago Merlino {m} |
merlon {n} /ˈmɜːlən/ (any of the upright projections between the embrasures of a battlement) | :: merlo {m} |
mermaid {n} /ˈmɝ.meɪd/ (mythological woman with a fish's tail) | :: sirena {f} |
merman {n} | :: tritone {m} |
Meroitic {adj} (describing the language once used in Meroë) | :: meroitico |
Merovingian {n} /ˌmɛɹəˈvɪndʒɪən/ (Salian Frankish dynasty) | :: Merovingio {m} |
merrily {adv} /ˈmɛɹɪli/ (in a cheerful or merry manner) | :: allegramente |
merriment {n} /ˈmɛɹimɨnt/ (state of enjoyable exuberance) | :: burla {f} |
merry {adj} /ˈmɛɹi/ (jolly and full of high-spirits) | :: allegro |
Merry Andrew {n} (person who clowns publicly) SEE: clown | :: |
merry Christmas {phrase} (good wishes at Christmas time) | :: buon Natale |
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year {phrase} (traditional greeting for the Christmas and the new year) | :: buon Natale e felice anno nuovo!, buone feste! |
merry-go-round {n} /ˈmɛ.ɹi.ɡoʊ.ɹaʊnd/ (carousel) | :: carosello {m}, giostra {f} |
merrymaking {n} (joyful festivities) | :: festività {f}, ricorrenza {f} |
merycism {n} | :: mericismo {m} |
mesa {n} /ˈmeɪ.sə/ (flat area of land) | :: altopiano {m} |
mesangial {adj} (of or pertaining to the mesangium) | :: mesangiale |
mesencephalon {n} (midbrain) SEE: midbrain | :: |
mesenteric {adj} (relating to mesentery) | :: mesenterico |
mesentery {n} /ˈmɛs.ən.təɹ.i/ (the membrane that attaches the intestines to the wall of the abdomen) | :: mesentere {m} |
mesh {n} /mɛʃ/ (structure) | :: maglia {f}, rete {f} |
mesmerize {v} /ˈmɛzməɹaɪz/ (to exercise mesmerism on) | :: incantare |
mesne {adj} (intermediate) SEE: intermediate | :: |
meso- {prefix} (prefix meaning middle) | :: meso- |
mesocolon {n} (the part of the mesentery that attaches the colon to the abdominal wall) | :: mesocolon {m} |
mesoderm {n} (tissue produced by gastrulation) | :: mesoderma {f} |
Mesolithic {n} (Mesolithic period) | :: mesolitico {m} |
mesology {n} (branch of biology and environmental/sociological influence) | :: mesologia {f} |
meson {n} /ˈmiː.zɒn/ (elementary particle) | :: mesone {m} |
mesonic {adj} (pertaining to mesons) | :: mesonico |
mesophase {n} | :: mesofase {f} |
mesophyte {n} /ˈmɛzəˌfaɪt/ (plant that grows with an average supply of water) | :: mesofita {f} |
mesoregion {n} (meso-region) SEE: meso-region | :: |
meso-region {n} (administrative system) | :: mesoregione {f} |
mesosphere {n} (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) | :: mesosfera |
mesothelioma {n} (uncommon malignant tumour of the mesothelium) | :: mesotelioma {m} |
mesothorium {n} (product of radioactive decay of thorium) | :: mesotorio {m} |
mesotron {n} (meson) | :: mesotrone {m} |
mesozone {n} | :: mesozona {f} |
mess {n} /mɛs/ (confusion of things) | :: confusione {f}, macello, casino {m}, sconquasso {m}, percorso ad ostacoli, rovina {f} |
mess {n} (church service) SEE: Mass | :: |
message {n} /ˈmɛsɪd͡ʒ/ (communication, concept or information conveyed) | :: messaggio {m} |
message {n} (underlying theme) | :: messaggio {m}, tema {f} |
Messapian {adj} (Of or pertaining to the Messapians) | :: messapico |
Messapian {n} (member of the people) | :: messapo {m} |
Messapian {prop} (language) | :: messapica {m} |
messenger {n} /ˈmɛs.n̩.d͡ʒɚ/ (one who brings messages) | :: messaggero {m}, corriere {m} |
messenger RNA {n} (information carrying RNA) | :: RNA messaggero {m} |
Messenian {adj} (of or relating to Messenia) | :: messenico |
messiah {n} /məˈsaɪ.ə/ (ordained to lead the people of Israel) | :: messia {m} |
Messiah {prop} ((Christianity) Jesus) | :: Messia {m} |
messianism {n} (the belief in a messiah) | :: messianismo |
Messidor {prop} /ˌmɛsɪˈdɔɹ/ (the tenth month of the French Republican Calendar) | :: messidoro {m} |
Messina {prop} /mɛˈsiːnə/ (province) | :: Messina {f} |
Messina {prop} (city) | :: Messina {f} |
Messinian {prop} | :: Messiniano |
messy {adj} /ˈmɛsi/ (in a disorderly state; causing mess or confusion; chaotic; disorderly) | :: disordinato |
meta- {prefix} /mɛ.tə/ (chemistry: contrasted with ortho- and para-) | :: meta- |
metabasis {n} (A change of subject) | :: metabasi {f} |
metabolic {adj} (of or pertaining to metabolism) | :: metabolico |
metabolism {n} /mɪˈtab.əl.ɪz.əm/ (complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells) | :: metabolismo {m}, ricambio {m} |
metabolization {n} (process of metabolism) | :: metabolizzazione {f} |
metacarpal {n} (bone of the metacarpus) | :: metacarpo {m} |
metacarpal bone {n} (metacarpal) SEE: metacarpal | :: |
metacarpus {n} (five bones of the palm) | :: metacarpo {m} |
metachronism {n} /məˈtækɹənɪzm/ (error) | :: metacronismo {m} |
metagalaxy {n} (any very large-scale organized collection of galaxies) | :: metagalassia {f} |
metagenomics {n} (study of genomes from environmental samples) | :: metagenomica {f} |
metagram {n} | :: metagramma {m} |
metal {n} /ˈmɛ.ɾɫ̩/ (atomic element or material made of such atoms) | :: metallo |
metal {n} (certain category of rock music) | :: metal |
metalanguage {n} (linguistical term) | :: metalinguaggio {m} |
metalanguage {n} (computing term) | :: metalingua {f} |
metaldehyde {n} (tetramer of acetaldehyde) | :: metaldeide {f} |
metal detector {n} (a hand-held device) | :: cercametalli {m} |
metalepsis {n} (strict sense) | :: metalepsi {f} |
metalhead {n} (one who listens to (is a fan of) heavy metal music) | :: metallaro {m}, metallara {f} |
metallic {adj} /məˈtæl.ɪk/ (related to metal) | :: metallico |
metalliferous {adj} (containing a metallic element) | :: metallifero |
metallism {n} (economic system) | :: metallismo {m} |
metalloid {n} /ˈmɛtəlɔɪd/ (element) | :: metalloide {m}, semimetallo {m} |
metalloprotein {n} (a protein that contains a metal atom as a cofactor) | :: metalloproteina {f} |
metalloscope {n} | :: metalloscopio {m} |
metallothermy {n} | :: metallotermia {f} |
metallurgic {adj} (metallurgical) SEE: metallurgical | :: |
metallurgical {adj} (of or relating to metallurgy) | :: metallurgico |
metallurgically {adv} (in a metallurgical manner) | :: metallurgicamente |
metallurgy {n} /meˈtælədʒi/ (science of metals) | :: metallurgia |
metamer {n} (molecule) | :: metamero {m} |
metamictic {adj} | :: metamittico |
metamorphic {adj} /ˌmɛtəˈmɔɹfɪk/ (geology: resulting from intense heat and/or pressure) | :: metamorfico |
metamorphic {adj} (zoology: pertaining to metamorphosis) | :: metamorfico |
metamorphic rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) | :: roccia metamorfica |
metamorphosis {n} /ˌmɛtəˈmɔːfəsɪs/ (transformation) | :: metamorfosi {f} |
metanarrative {n} (narrative about narratives of historical meaning, experience or knowledge) | :: metanarrazione {f} |
metanavigation {n} (means of Internet navigation) | :: metanavigazione {f} |
metaphase {n} | :: metafase {f} |
metaphony {n} /məˈtæfəni/ | :: metafonesi {f} |
metaphor {n} /ˈmɛt.ə.fɔ(ə)ɹ/ (uncountable: figure of speech) | :: metafora {f}, tropo {m}, figura retorica {f} |
metaphor {n} (countable: word or phrase used in metaphor) | :: metafora {f} |
metaphorically {adv} (in a metaphoric manner) | :: metaforicamente |
metaphorize {v} (describe something using metaphors) | :: metaforeggiare, metaforizzare |
metaphosphate {n} (any salt or ester of metaphosphoric acid) | :: metafosfato {m} |
metaphosphoric {adj} (pertaining to metaphosphoric acid) | :: metafosforico |
metaphylaxis {n} | :: metafilassi {f} |
metaphyseal {adj} (of or pertaining to the metaphysis) | :: metafisario |
metaphysical {adj} /ˌmɛtəˈfɪzɪkəl/ (of or pertaining to metaphysics) | :: metafisico |
metaplasia {n} (conversion of one type of tissue into another) | :: metaplasia {f} |
metapopulation {n} (a group of interacting populations of the same species) | :: metapopolazione {f} |
metapsychology {n} (principles of psychology) | :: metapsicologia {f} |
metascientific {adj} | :: metascientifico |
metasearch engine {n} | :: metamotore {m} |
metastable {adj} (long-lived unstable state) | :: metastabile |
Metastasian {adj} | :: metastasiano |
metastasis {n} /mɪˈtæstəsɪs/ (transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body) | :: metastasi {f} |
metastatic {adj} /mɛtəˈstætɪk/ (relating to metastasis) | :: metastatico |
metatartaric {adj} | :: metatartarico |
metatheatre {n} | :: metateatro {m} |
metathesis {n} /mə.ˈtæ.θə.səs/ (the transposition of letters, syllables or sounds within a word) | :: metatesi {f} |
metathesis {n} | :: metatesi {f} |
metempsychosis {n} /mɛtəmsʌɪˈkəʊsɪs/ (Transmigration of the soul) | :: metempsicosi {f} |
meteor {n} /ˈmitiɚ/ (streak of light) | :: meteora {f} |
meteoric {adj} | :: meteorico |
meteorite {n} /ˈmiː.tɪ.ə.ɹaɪt/ (remains of a meteor) | :: meteorite {f} |
meteoroid {n} (small debris in a star system) | :: meteoroide {m} |
meteorologic {adj} (meteorological) SEE: meteorological | :: |
meteorological {adj} /ˌmitiəɹəˈlɑd͡ʒɪkl̩/ (relating to meteorology) | :: meteorologico |
meteorologically {adv} (in meteorological terms) | :: meteorologicamente |
meteorologist {n} (person who studies meteorology) | :: meteorologo {m} |
meteorology {n} /ˌmiti.əˈɹɑːlədʒi/ (science) | :: meteorologia {f} |
meter {n} /ˈmitəɹ/ (measuring instrument) | :: metro {m}, contatore {m} |
meter {n} (unit of length) SEE: metre | :: |
meter {v} (to measure) SEE: measure | :: |
-meter {suffix} (used to form a measuring device) | :: -metro {m} |
metformin {n} (oral drug) | :: metformina {f} |
methamphetamine {n} /ˌmɛθ æmˈfɛt əˌmin/ (the drug (S)-N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine) | :: metanfetamina {f} |
methanal {n} (formaldehyde) SEE: formaldehyde | :: |
methane {n} /ˈmɛθeɪn/ (the compound CH4) | :: metano |
methaniferous {adj} (producing methane) | :: metanifero |
methanol {n} (the simplest aliphatic alcohol, CH3OH) | :: metanolo {m} |
methanolysis {n} (alcoholysis using methanol) | :: metanolisi {f} |
methinks {contraction} /mɪˈθɪŋks/ (it seems to me) | :: mi sembra, mi pare |
methionine {n} /mɛˈθaɪəˌniːn/ (amino acid) | :: metionina {f} |
method {n} /ˈmɛθəd/ (process by which a task is completed) | :: metodo {m} |
method {n} ((programming) subroutine or function in object-oriented languages) | :: metodo {m} |
methodical {adj} (in an organized manner) | :: metodico |
methodically {adv} (in a methodical manner) | :: metodicamente |
Methodism {n} (Methodist Christian movement founded by John Wesley) | :: metodismo {m} |
Methodist {n} /ˈmɛθədɪst/ (a member of the Methodist Church) | :: metodista {m} {f} |
Methodist {adj} (of or relating to Methodism) | :: metodista {m} {f} |
Methodius {prop} | :: Metodio {m} |
methodological {adj} (of, pertaining to, or using methodology) | :: metodologico |
methodologically {adv} (in a methodological manner) | :: metodologicamente |
methodology {n} /meθəˈdɒlədʒi/ (the study of methods used in a field) | :: metodologia |
methoxide {n} | :: metanolato {m}, metilato {m} |
Methuselah {prop} (Biblical character) | :: Matusalemme {m} |
methyl {n} /ˈmɛθəl/ (univalent hydrocarbon radical, CH3) | :: metile, metilico [attributive] |
methyl- {prefix} (prefix used to form terms describing the attachment of a methyl group) | :: metil- |
methylation {n} /ˌmɛθɪˈleɪʃən/ (addition of a methyl group) | :: metilazione {f} |
methyl bromide {n} (methyl bromide) SEE: bromomethane | :: |
methylenic {adj} (containing a methylene group) | :: metilenico |
methylphenidate {n} /ˌmɛθ əlˈfɛn ɪˌdeɪt/ (stimulant) | :: metilfenidato {m} |
metic {n} /ˈmɛtɪk/ (resident alien in ancient Greece) | :: meteco {m} |
meticulosity {n} (meticulousness) SEE: meticulousness | :: |
meticulous {adj} /mɨˈtɪkjɨlɨs/ (characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details) | :: meticoloso |
meticulously {adv} (meticulously) | :: minuziosamente, accuratamente, meticolosamente |
meticulousness {n} (state or characteristic of being meticulous) | :: meticolosità {f} |
metonymic {adj} /ˌmɛt.əˈnɪm.ɪk/ (of, or relating to, a word that names an object from a single characteristic of it or of a closely related object) | :: metonimico |
metonymical {adj} (metonymic) SEE: metonymic | :: |
metonymy {n} (figure of speech) | :: metonimia {f} |
me too {phrase} (I agree) | :: anch’io |
metre {n} /ˈmiːtəɹ/ (unit of length) | :: metro {m} |
metrete {n} (unit of liquid measure) | :: metreta {f} |
metric {adj} /ˈmɛt.ɹɪk/ (relating to metric system) | :: metrico |
metric {adj} (relating to musical meter) | :: metrico |
metric {n} (measure for something) | :: metrica {f} |
metric {n} (notion in mathematics) | :: metrica {f} |
metrical foot {n} (basic unit of verse) | :: piede {m} |
metric space {n} (space (mathematics)) | :: spazio metrico {m} |
metric ton {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms) | :: tonnellata {f} |
metro {n} (underground railway) SEE: subway | :: |
metro {n} (train of underground railway) SEE: subway | :: |
metrological {adj} (of or pertaining to metrology) | :: metrologico |
metrologically {adv} (in a metrological manner) | :: metrologicamente |
metrologist {n} (one who studies of practices metrology) | :: metrologo {m} |
metrology {n} /mɛˈtɹɑ.lə.dʒi/ (science of measurement) | :: metrologia {f} |
metrology {n} (system of weights and measures) | :: metrologia {f} |
metronome {n} /ˈmɛtɹəˌnoʊm/ (a device used in music) | :: metronomo {m} |
metronomic {adj} (regular, periodic and repetitive, like a metronome) | :: metronomico |
metronomically {adv} (in a metronomic fashion) | :: metronomicamente |
metronymy {n} | :: matronimia {f} |
metropolis {n} (metropolitan archbishop) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
metropolitan {n} /mɛtɹɵˈpɑlɨtən/ (bishop empowered to oversee other bishops) | :: metropolita {m} |
metropolitan {adj} (pertaining to a metropolis) | :: metropolitano |
metropolitan city {n} (type of province in Italy) | :: città metropolitana |
metrosexual {n} (man concerned with personal appearance) | :: metrosessuale |
metrosexual {n} | :: vitellone {m} |
metrosexuality {n} (quality of being metrosexual) | :: metrosessualità {f} |
metrostenosis {n} | :: metrostenosi {f} |
-metry {suffix} (forming nouns relating to measures and measurement) | :: -metria {f} |
mettle {n} (metal) SEE: metal | :: |
meum {n} (meum athamanticum) SEE: baldmoney | :: |
Meuse {prop} (river) | :: Mosa {f} |
mevalonate {n} (salt or ester of mevalonic acid) | :: mevalonato {m} |
mevalonic {adj} (pertaining to mevalonic acid) | :: mevalonico |
mevalonic acid {n} (hydroxy acid) | :: acido mevalonico {m} |
mew {n} (crying sound of a cat) SEE: meow | :: |
mew {v} (meow) SEE: meow | :: |
Mexican {n} /ˈmɛk.sɪ.kən/ (person from Mexico or of Mexican descent) | :: messicano |
Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Mexico) | :: messicano |
Mexican {n} (Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl | :: |
Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl | :: |
Mexicanness {n} (quality of being Mexican) | :: messicanità {f} |
Mexican wolf {n} (rare subspecies of grey wolf) | :: lupo messicano |
Mexico {prop} /ˈmɛk.sɪ.koʊ/ (country) | :: Messico {m} |
Mexico {prop} (Mexico City) SEE: Mexico City | :: |
Mexico City {prop} (capital of Mexico) | :: Città del Messico {f} |
mezuzah {n} /məˈzuːzɔː/ (piece of parchment attached to the doorpost of a house) | :: mezuzah {f} |
mezzaluna {n} (crescent-shaped steel blade) | :: mezzaluna {f} |
Mezzaselva {prop} (village in Italy) | :: Mezzaselva |
Miami {prop} /maɪˈæmi/ (city in Florida, United States) | :: Miami |
miasma {n} /maɪˈæzmə/ (noxious atmosphere or influence) | :: miasma {m} |
miasma {n} (noxious emanation originates from swamps and causes disease) | :: miasma {m} |
miasmatic {adj} (having the nature of miasma) | :: miasmatico |
mica {n} /ˈmaɪkə/ (hydrous aluminosilicate minerals) | :: mica {f} |
micaceous {adj} (of, pertaining to, consisting of, containing or resembling mica) | :: micaceo |
Micah {prop} /ˈmaɪkə/ (book of the Bible) | :: Michea |
Micah {prop} (Biblical character: minor prophet and author) | :: Michea |
Micah {prop} (Biblical character: Ephraimite featured in Judges 17–18) | :: Michea |
Micah {prop} (male given name) | :: Michea |
micellar {adj} | :: micellare |
micelle {n} /maɪˈsɛl/ (colloidal aggregate) | :: micella {f} |
Michael {prop} /ˈmaɪkəl/ (male given name) | :: Michele {m} |
Michael {prop} (archangel) | :: Michele {m} |
Michaela {prop} /mɪˈkeɪ.lə/ (feminine form of Michael) | :: Michela |
Michelangelesque {adj} /ˌmaɪkəlændʒəˈlɛsk/ (resembling or relating to Michelangelo) | :: michelangiolesco |
Michelangelo {prop} /ˌmaɪkəlˈændʒɪloʊ/ (Italian artist) | :: Michelangelo {m} |
Michelle {prop} (female given name) SEE: Michaela | :: |
Michigan {prop} /ˈmɪʃɪɡən/ (US state) | :: Michigan {m} |
Mickey D's {prop} | :: Mec |
Mickey Mouse {prop} (Disney character) | :: Topolino |
micro- {prefix} (very small) | :: micro- |
micro- {prefix} (one millionth) | :: micro- |
microactuator {n} (a microscopic actuator) | :: microattuatore {m} |
microalga {n} (microscopic photosynthetic protists) | :: microalga {f} |
microanatomy {n} | :: microanatomia {f} |
microaneurism {n} (microscopic aneurism) | :: microaneurisma {m} |
microangiology {n} (angiology using techniques) | :: microangiologia {f} |
microarray {n} (two-dimensional array of small quantities of biological material) | :: matrice ad alta densità, micromatrice |
microbalance {n} (balance capable of weighing objects having a mass less than a milligram) | :: microbilancia {f} |
microbe {n} /ˈmaɪkɹoʊb/ (microorganism) | :: microbo {m}, microbio {m} |
microbial {adj} /maɪˈkɹoʊb.i.əl/ (relating to microbes) | :: microbico |
microbic {adj} (microbial) | :: microbico |
microbicidal {adj} (of, pertaining to, or functioning as a microbicide) | :: microbicida |
microbicide {n} (substance that is harmful to microorganisms) | :: microbicida {m} |
microbiological {adj} (pertaining to microbiology) | :: microbiologico |
microbiologically {adv} (with regard to microbiology) | :: microbiologicamente |
microbiology {n} (branch of biology dealing with microorganisms) | :: microbiologia {f} |
microbrewery {n} (small commercial brewery) | :: microbirrificio {m} |
microcalcification {n} (cluster of very small flecks of mineral deposits) | :: microcalcificazione {f} |
microcassette {n} (An extremely small tape) | :: microcassetta {f} |
microchip {n} /ˈmaɪkɹoʊˌtʃɪp/ (integrated circuit) | :: microprocessore {m}, circuito integrato {m}, microchip {m} |
microclimatology {n} (branch of climatology) | :: microclimatologia {f} |
micrococcus {n} (bacterium of the genus Micrococcus) | :: micrococco {m} |
microcosm {n} /ˈmaɪ.kɹoʊˌkɑzəm/ (human nature or body as representative of the wider universe) | :: microcosmo {m} |
microcosm {n} (smaller system as representative of a larger one) | :: microcosmo {m} |
microcosm {n} (small natural ecosystem; an artificial ecosystem set up as an experimental model) | :: microcosmo {m} |
microdactyly {n} | :: microdattilia {f} |
microeconomic {adj} (relating to a microeconomy) | :: microeconomico |
microelectrode {n} (small electrode) | :: microelettrodo {m} |
microextrusion {n} (a very small extrusion) | :: microestrusione {f} |
microfiber {n} (particularly fine fiber) | :: microfibra {f} |
microfilm {n} (roll of film) | :: microfilm {m} |
microfinance {n} (finance provided to low-income people) | :: microfinanza {f} |
microfluidity {n} (microscopic behaviour of fluids) | :: microfluidità {f} |
microfossil {n} (microscopic fossil) | :: microfossile {m} |
microfracture {n} | :: microfrattura {f} |
microgram {n} (µg) | :: microgrammo {m} |
microinsularity {n} (condition of being microinsular) | :: microinsularità {f} |
micrometer {n} /ˈmaɪkɹoʊmiːtɚ/ (one millionth of a meter) | :: micron {m} |
micrometer {n} /maɪˈkɹɑmɪtɚ/ (instrument) | :: micrometro {m} |
micrometre {n} (micrometer) SEE: micrometer | :: |
micronation {n} (entity that resembles a nation or a state) | :: micronazione {f} |
Micronesia {prop} /ˌmaɪ.kɹoʊˈniː.ʒə/ (country) | :: Micronesia |
micronutrient {n} (essential mineral or vitamin) | :: micronutriente {m}, oligonutriente {m} |
microorganism {n} /ˌmaɪ.kɹoʊˈɔːɹ.ɡən.ɪ.zəm̩/ (an organism too small to be seen by unaided eye) | :: microrganismo {m} |
micropaleontology {n} (the study of microfossils) | :: micropaleontologia {f} |
micropayment {n} (financial transaction) | :: micropagamento {m} |
microphagous {adj} (feeding on small particles) | :: microfago |
microphone {n} /ˈmaɪ.kɹəˌfoʊn/ (transducer of sound waves to electricity) | :: microfono {m} |
microphotography {n} (field of study) | :: microfotografia {f} |
microphotometer {n} (type of photometer) | :: microfotometro {m} |
microphyll {n} (leaf having a single unbranched vein) | :: microfillo {m} |
microphyllous {adj} (having microphyll leaves) | :: microfillo |
microphysical {adj} (pertaining to microphysics) | :: meteorologico |
microphysics {n} (branch of physics) | :: microfisica {f} |
microprocessor {n} (the entire CPU of a computer on a chip) | :: microprocessore {m} |
microprogram {n} (a set of microinstructions in a CPU) | :: microprogramma {m} |
microprogram {v} (to manually write a microprogram) | :: microprogrammare |
microregion {n} (micro-region) SEE: micro-region | :: |
micro-region {n} (administrative system) | :: microregione {f} |
microscope {n} /ˈmaɪkɹəˌskoʊp/ (an optical instrument) | :: microscopio {m} |
microscopic {adj} /ˌmaɪkɹəˈskɑpɪk/ (relating to microscopes) | :: microscopico |
microscopic {adj} (very small) | :: microscopico |
microscopize {v} (microscope) SEE: microscope | :: |
microscopy {n} /maɪ.ˈkɹɔ.skə.pi/ (use of microscopes) | :: microscopia |
microsecond {n} (unit of time equal to 10−6 seconds) | :: microsecondo {m} |
microskirt {n} (extremely short skirt) | :: microgonna |
microsome {n} /ˈmaɪk.ɹə.soʊm/ | :: microsoma {f} |
microtubule {n} (microscopic tube in cells) | :: microtubulo |
microvascular {adj} (of or pertaining to extremely small blood vessels) | :: microvascolare |
microvoid {n} (a microscopic void in the crystal structure of a metal) | :: microvuoto {m} |
microwave {n} (microwave oven) SEE: microwave oven | :: |
microwave {n} /ˈmaɪkɹəˌweɪv/ (electromagnetic wave) | :: microonda {f} |
microwave oven {n} /ˈmaɪkɹə(ʊ)ˌweɪv ˈʌv(ə)n/ (oven using microwave energy) | :: forno a microonde {m}, microonde {m} |
micturate {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
micturition {n} (physiology: urination) | :: minzione {f} |
mid-air {n} (middle of the air) | :: mezz'aria {m} |
Midas touch {prop} /ˌmaɪdəs ˈtʌt͡ʃ/ (ability to gain financial reward or success from one’s actions easily and consistently) | :: tocco di Mida {m} |
midbrain {n} (part of brain) | :: mesemcefalo {m} |
midday {n} (12 o'clock during the day) SEE: noon | :: |
middle {n} /ˈmɪdəl/ (centre, midpoint) | :: centro {m} |
middle {n} (part between beginning and end) | :: centro {m} |
middle {n} | :: mezzo {m}, metà {f} |
middle {adj} (located in the middle; in between) | :: medio, mezzano |
middle {adj} (central) | :: centrale |
middle age {n} (the period of life between youth and old age) | :: mezza età |
Middle Ages {prop} /ˌmɪdl̩ ˈeɪdʒɪz/ (historical period) | :: Medioevo {m} |
Middle Chinese {prop} (Chinese language) | :: medio cinese |
middle-class {adj} (between the upper class and working class) | :: borghese |
middle-class {adj} (characteristic of the middle class) | :: borghese |
Middle Dutch {prop} (the Middle Dutch language) | :: olandese medio {m} |
middle ear {n} (cavity in the ear) | :: orecchio medio {m} |
Middle-earth {prop} (fictional place on Earth where most of the stories of J. R. R. Tolkien are set) | :: Terra di Mezzo {f} |
Middle Earth {prop} (Middle-earth) SEE: Middle-earth | :: |
Middle Earth {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth | :: |
Middle East {prop} (region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa) | :: Medio Oriente |
Middle Eastern {adj} (of or relating to the Middle East) | :: mediorientale |
Middle English {prop} (Middle English) | :: inglese media {f} |
middle finger {n} (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger) | :: medio {m}, dito medio {m} |
middlegame {n} (the period in a game between the opening and endgame) | :: mediogioco {m} |
Middle Greek {prop} (Byzantine Greek) SEE: Byzantine Greek | :: |
Middle High German {prop} (Middle High German) | :: medio alto tedesco {m}, alto tedesco medio {m} |
Middle Kingdom {prop} (nickname for China) | :: Regno di Mezzo {m} |
Middle Korean {prop} (Korean in the 10th to 16th century) | :: Medio Coreano {m} |
middleman {n} /ˈmɪdɫ̩ˌmæn/ | :: intermediario {m}, mediatorio {m} |
middle school {n} (school contain both primary and secondary students) | :: scuola media {f} |
midfield {n} /ˈmɪd.fiːld/ (middle of the field) | :: centrocampo |
midfielder {n} (player) | :: centrocampista {m} {f} |
Midgard {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth | :: |
midge {n} /mɪdʒ/ (fly of family Chironomidae or Ceratopogonidae) | :: moscerino {m} |
midget {n} (person of small stature of adult height less than 4'10") | :: nano {m}, nana {f} |
midget {n} (derogatory: any short person) | :: nano {m}, nana {f} |
midget {n} (attributively: that is the small version of something) | :: mini- |
midhusband {n} (accoucheur) SEE: accoucheur | :: |
Midian {prop} (biblical location) | :: Madian {m} |
mididress {n} | :: minigonna {f} |
Midi-Pyrénées {prop} (former region of France) | :: Midi-Pirinei |
midnight {n} /ˈmɪdnʌɪt/ (12 o'clock) | :: mezzanotte {f} |
midpoint {n} (point which divides a line segment) | :: punto medio {m} |
midshipman {n} (officer of the lowest rank) | :: cadetto navale {m}, guardiamarina {m} |
midway {adv} (halfway) SEE: halfway | :: |
midweek {adj} (That happens in the middle of the week) | :: infrasettimanale |
midwife {n} /ˈmɪd.waɪf/ (person who assists women in childbirth) | :: ostetrica {f}, levatrice {f} |
mielie {n} (maize) SEE: maize | :: |
mien {n} /miːn/ (demeanor; facial expression or attitude, especially one which is intended by its bearer) | :: cera, atteggiamento {m}, postura {f} |
mien {n} (specific facial expression) | :: mimica {f} |
might {n} /maɪt/ (personal power) | :: potere {m} |
might {n} (physical strength) | :: forza {f} |
might makes right {proverb} (the stronger and more powerful rule others) | :: la ragione sta dalla parte dei forti |
mighty {adj} /ˈmaɪti/ (very strong, possessing might) | :: potente, possente {m} |
migraine {n} /ˈmaɪɡɹeɪn/ (headache usually affecting only one side of the head) | :: emicrania {f} |
mikan {n} (seedless cultivar of tangerine) SEE: satsuma | :: |
Mike {prop} /mɐɪʔk̚/ (the letter "M") | :: Milano |
Milan {prop} /mɪˈlæn/ (province) | :: Milano |
Milan {prop} (city and capital) | :: Milano {f} |
Milanese {adj} (pertaining to Milan) | :: milanese, [informal] meneghino |
Milanese {n} (native or inhabitant of Milan) | :: milanese {m} {f}, [informal] meneghino {m}, meneghina {f} |
Milazzian {n} | :: milazziano {m} |
Milcah {prop} (female given name) | :: Milca {f} |
milch cow {n} (cash cow) SEE: cash cow | :: |
mild {adj} /ˈmaɪld/ (gentle; pleasant; kind; soft) | :: delicato {m}, delicata {f}, mite {m} {f}, lene |
mild {adj} ((illness or pain) not serious or dangerous) | :: lieve |
mildew {n} /ˈmɪl.d(j)u/ (growth of minute fungi) | :: muffa {f} |
mild steel {n} (kind of steel) | :: acciaio dolce {m} |
mile {n} /maɪ̯l/ (measure of length) | :: miglio {m} |
milestone {n} (one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road at regular intervals) | :: pietra miliare |
milestone {n} (important event) | :: pietra miliare |
Miletus {prop} /maɪˈliːtəs/ (ancient Greek city) | :: Mileto {f} |
milieu {n} (medium) SEE: medium | :: |
militancy {n} /ˈmɪlɪtənsi/ (quality of being militant) | :: militanza {f} |
militarism {n} (militarism) | :: militarismo {m} |
militarize {v} (to train or equip for war) | :: militarizzare |
military {adj} /ˈmɪl.ɪ.tɛɹ.i/ | :: militare |
military academy {n} (military-discipline school) | :: accademia militare {f} |
military service {n} (service in an army) | :: servizio militare {m} |
militia {n} /məˈlɪʃə/ (army of trained civilians called upon in time of need) | :: milizia {f} |
militsia {n} (police) SEE: police | :: |
militsia {n} (militia) SEE: militia | :: |
milk {v} /mɪlk/ (to express milk from mammal) | :: mungere |
milk {v} (to take advantage of situation) | :: sfruttare |
milk {v} (to masturbate a male to ejaculation) | :: masturbare |
milk {n} (semen) SEE: semen | :: |
milk {n} (liquid) | :: latte {m} |
milk-cap {n} (mushroom of the genus Lactarius) | :: sanguinello {m} |
milk chocolate {n} (Chocolate that includes milk powder as one of its ingredients) | :: cioccolato al latte {m} |
milker {n} (person who, or machine which, milks) | :: mungitore {m}, mungitrice {f} |
milking {n} (the act by which a cow is milked) | :: mungitura {f} |
milking machine {n} (machine) | :: mungitrice {f} |
milkmaid {n} /ˈmɪlkmeɪd/ (a young woman who milks the cows on a farm) | :: lattaia {f}, mungitrice {f} |
milkman {n} /ˈmɪlkmən/ (man who delivers milk early in the morning) | :: lattaio {m} |
milk powder {n} (pulverized milk solids) | :: latte in polvere {m} |
milk saucepan {n} (small saucepan) | :: bollitore {m} |
milkshake {n} /ˈmɪɫk.ʃeɪk/ (milk and ice cream beverage) | :: frullato {m}, milkshake {m}, frappè {m} |
milkshed {n} (a shed in which animals are milked) | :: mungitoio {m} |
milksop {n} /ˈmɪlkˌsɒp/ (weak, easily frightened or ineffectual person) | :: femminuccia, coniglio {m}, mammoletta, pollo, merlo, smidollato, pappa molle, pappamolle, rammollito, fifone, codardo, cortigiano, mollusco, vigliacco, pusillanime, eunuco, debole {m}, pisciasotto, cacasotto, pauroso, vile, checca, ricchione |
milk tooth {n} (tooth of the first set of teeth) | :: dente da latte {m} |
milkweed {n} (a plant) | :: asclepiade {f} |
milkwort {n} (Polygala) | :: poligala {f} |
milky {adj} /ˈmɪlki/ (resembling milk in color or consistency) | :: latteo, lattiginoso |
Milky Way {prop} (galaxy) | :: Via Lattea {f} |
Milky Way {prop} (light in night sky) | :: la Via Lattea {f} |
mill {n} /mɪl/ (grinding apparatus) | :: mulino {m}, macinatoio {m}, mola {f}, macina {f} |
mill {n} (building housing a grinding apparatus) | :: mulino {m} |
mill {n} (manufacturing plant) | :: mulino {m}, macinatoio {m} |
mill {v} (engrave groove around the edge of) | :: orlettare |
mill {n} (treadmill) SEE: treadmill | :: |
mille-feuille {n} /miːlˈfɜːi/ (a type of pastry with several layers of puff pastry) | :: millefoglie {m} {f} |
millennial {adj} /mɪˈlɛni.əl/ | :: millenniale |
millennial {n} (member of the millennial generation) | :: millennial |
millennium {n} /mɪˈlɛnɪəm/ (thousand-year period) | :: millennio {m} |
miller {n} /ˈmɪlɚ/ (person) | :: mugnaio {m}, mulinaro {m} |
miller {n} (milling machine) SEE: milling machine | :: |
Miller {prop} /ˈmɪlɚ/ (surname meaning "a miller") | :: Molinaro |
millet {n} /ˈmɪlɪt/ (any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food) | :: miglio {m} |
milli- {prefix} /ˈmɪlɪ/ (prefix) | :: milli- |
milliampere {n} (mA) | :: milliampere |
milliard {num} (10^9) SEE: billion | :: |
millibar {n} (non-SI unit of pressure) | :: millibar {m} |
milligram {n} /ˈmɪlɪɡɹæm/ (milligram) | :: milligrammo |
milliliter {n} (milliliter) SEE: millilitre | :: |
millilitre {n} (a unit of volume) | :: millilitro {m} |
millimeter {n} (unit of measure) | :: millimetro {m} |
millimeter of mercury {n} (unit of pressure) | :: millimetro di mercurio {m} |
millimetre {n} (millimeter) SEE: millimeter | :: |
milliner's {n} (shop that sells millinery) | :: modisteria {f} |
milling machine {n} (machine) | :: fresalesatrice {f} |
million {n} /ˈmɪljən/ (cardinal number) | :: milione {m} |
millionaire {n} /ˌmɪl.jəˈnɛɚ/ (somebody whose wealth is greater than one million) | :: milionario {m} |
millionth {adj} /ˈmɪljənθ/ (millionth) | :: milionesimo, 1.000.000º |
millionth {n} (person or thing in the millionth position) | :: milionesimo {m} |
millionth {n} (one of a million equal parts of a whole) | :: milionesimo {m} |
millipede {n} /ˈmɪləpid/ (elongated arthropod) | :: millepiedi {m} |
millisecond {n} /ˈmɪlɪˌsɛkənd/ (one one-thousandth of a second) | :: millisecondo {m} |
mill race {n} /ˈmɪlɹeɪs/ (channel) | :: gora {f} |
millstone {n} /ˈmɪlstəʊn/ (large round stone used for grinding grain) | :: mola {f} |
milquetoast {adj} (meek, timid) SEE: meek | :: |
milquetoast {n} /ˈmɪlktəʊst/ (person of meek or timid disposition; person who lacks character or effectiveness) | :: pavido, remissivo, timido |
milt {n} (the organ spleen) SEE: spleen | :: |
Miltiades {prop} (given name) | :: Milziade |
mimable {adj} (that can be mimed) | :: mimabile |
Mimas {prop} (moon of Saturn) | :: Mimas {m} |
mime {n} /maɪm/ (pantomime actor) | :: mimo {m} |
mime {n} (performer of such a farce) | :: intrattenitore {m} |
mimeograph {n} (machine for making copies) | :: ciclostile {m} |
mimeograph {v} (to make mimeographs) | :: mimeografare, ciclostilare |
mimeography {n} (the creation of mimeographic copies) | :: mimeografia {f} |
mimic {n} (imitation) SEE: imitation | :: |
mimicry {n} /ˈmɪm.ɪk.ɹi/ (the act or ability to simulate the appearance of someone or something else) | :: mimetismo {m}, scimmiottatura {f}, scimmiottamento {m}, mimica {f}, [zoology, botany] mimetizzazione {f} |
mimosa {n} /mɪˈmoʊ.sə/ (plant belonging to the genus Mimosa) | :: mimosa {f} |
minarchism {n} /ˈmɪnɚˌkɪzəm/ (government with the least necessary power over its citizens) | :: minarchismo {m}, miniarchismo {m}, minimal-statismo {m} |
minaret {n} /ˈmɪnəɹɛt/ (mosque tower) | :: minareto {m} |
mince {n} /mɪns/ (finely chopped meat) | :: macinato {m} |
mince {v} (chop fine) | :: tritare, macinare |
mince {v} (To suppress or weaken the force of) | :: moderare |
minced {adj} (finely chopped) | :: macinato |
mincer {n} (a kitchen utensil used for mincing meat) SEE: meatgrinder | :: |
mince words {v} (to use euphemisms) | :: pesare le parole |
mind {n} /maɪnd/ (ability for rational thought) | :: mente {f} |
mind {v} (to remember) SEE: remember | :: |
mind-boggling {adj} /ˈmaɪndˌbɒɡ(ə)lɪŋ/ (that causes the mind to boggle) | :: da capogiro, sbalorditivo {m}, sbalorditiva {f} |
mindful {adj} /ˈmʌɪndfəl/ | :: memore |
mindfulness {n} (awareness) SEE: awareness | :: |
mind one's own business {v} (to concern oneself only with what is of interest to oneself and not interfere in the affairs of others) | :: farsi gli affari propri |
mindset {n} (a way of thinking) | :: mentalità {f}, modo di pensare |
mine {pron} /maɪn/ (that which belongs to me) | :: il mio {m} |
mine {n} (excavation from which ore is extracted) | :: miniera {f} |
mine {n} (military: exploding device) | :: mina {f} |
mine {n} (type of firework) | :: fuoco d'artificio {m} |
mine {n} (entomology: cavity made by caterpillar) | :: cavità {f} |
mine {v} (to remove ore from the ground) | :: scavare, estrarre |
mine {v} (to sow mines in) | :: minare |
mine {v} (to pick one's nose) SEE: pick one's nose | :: |
Minecraft {v} (the game minecraft) | :: Minecraft |
minefield {n} (area in which mines have been hidden) | :: campo minato |
minefield {n} (dangerous situation) | :: campo minato {m} |
minelayer {n} (ship capable of laying mines) | :: posamine {f} |
miner {n} /ˈmaɪnə/ (person who works in a mine) | :: minatore {m} |
mineral {n} /ˈmɪ.nəɹ.əl/ (in geology) | :: minerale {m} |
mineral {n} (as opposed to animal and vegetable) | :: minerale {m} |
mineral {adj} (relating to or containing minerals) | :: minerale |
mineral {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water | :: |
mineralize {v} | :: mineralizzare, mineralizzarsi |
mineralogical {adj} (relating to mineralogy) | :: mineralogico |
mineralogically {adv} (with regard to mineralogy) | :: mineralogicamente |
mineralogist {n} (expert in mineralogy) | :: mineralogista {m} {f} |
mineralogy {n} /ˌmɪnəˈɹɑlədʒi/ (the study or science of minerals) | :: mineralogia {f} |
mineral water {n} (water containing dissolved minerals) | :: acqua minerale {f} |
mineral wool {n} | :: vetroflex |
minerogenesis {n} (formation of minerals) | :: minerogenesi {f} |
mineshaft {n} (mineshaft) | :: pozzo {m}, condotto {m}, tromba ascensore {f} |
minestrone {n} /ˌmɪnəˈstɹoʊni/ (thick Italian vegetable soup) | :: minestrone {m} |
minesweeper {n} (vehicle, device or person for the removal of mines) | :: sminatore {m}, dragamine {m} |
mingle {v} /ˈmɪŋ.ɡəl/ (To mix; to intermix; to combine or join) | :: mescolare, rimestare, rigirare, amalgamare |
mingle {v} (To associate; to cause or allow to intermarry) | :: mescolarsi, combinare |
mingle {v} (To deprive of purity by mixture; to contaminate) | :: contaminare |
mingle {v} (To make or prepare by mixing the ingredients of) | :: miscelare |
mingle {v} (To become mixed or blended) | :: miscelare, amalgamare, combinare |
mingle-mangle {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge | :: |
miniature {n} /ˈmɪn(i)ətʃəɹ/ (a model of reduced scale) | :: miniatura {f} |
minibar {n} (small refrigerator in a hotel room) | :: minibar {f}, frigobar {m} |
minicassette {n} (A small casssette) | :: minicassetta {f} |
minikin {n} (3-point type) SEE: excelsior | :: |
minimal {adj} /mɪnəməl/ (The smallest possible amount, quantity, or degree) | :: minimo, minimale {m} |
minimalism {n} (style of art) | :: minimalismo {m} |
minimalism {n} (style of music) | :: minimalismo {m} |
minimalist {adj} (believing in or seeking a minimal state) | :: minimalista |
minimal pair {n} (Pair of words) | :: coppia minima |
minimal polynomial {n} (monic polynomial of smallest degree for which a given element is a root) | :: polinomio minimo {m} |
minimize {v} /ˈmɪnɨmaɪz/ (To make small as possible) | :: minimizzare |
minimum {n} /ˈmɪnɪməm/ (lowest limit) | :: minimo {m} |
minimum {adj} (lowest degree) | :: minimo |
minimum wage {n} (lowest rate of pay that an employer can legally pay) | :: salario minimo {m} |
minimus {n} (the fifth digit) SEE: little finger | :: |
mining {n} /ˈmaɪnɪŋ/ (activity of removing solid valuables from the earth) | :: estrazione mineraria {f} |
minion {n} /ˈmɪnjən/ (sycophantic follower) | :: tirapiedi {m} |
miniseries {n} (series with a small number of episodes) | :: miniserie {f} |
miniskirt {n} /ˈmɪnɪskəːt/ (skirt) | :: minigonna {f} |
ministerial {adj} /ˌmɪn.əˈstiɹ.i.əl/ | :: ministeriale |
ministry {n} /ˈmɪnɪstɹi/ (government department) | :: ministero |
ministry {n} (practice and education of the minister of a particular religion) | :: ministero {m} |
minivan {n} (small van) | :: monovolume {f} |
mink {n} /mɪŋk/ (mammal) | :: visone {m} |
Minnesotan {n} /ˌmɪnəˈsoʊtən/ (person from Minnesota) | :: abitante {m} dello Minnesota |
minnow {n} /ˈmɪnəʊ/ (a small freshwater fish) | :: sanguinerola {f} |
minor {adj} /ˈmaɪnə/ (of little importance) | :: minore |
minor {adj} (musical scale) | :: minore |
minor {n} (someone below the legal age) | :: minore {m} {f} |
Minorca {prop} /mɪˈnɔː(ɹ)kə/ (An island of Spain) | :: Minorca {f} |
minority language {n} (language spoken by a minority) | :: lingua minoritaria {f} |
minor planet {n} (celestial body) | :: pianetino {m} |
minor thing {n} | :: quisquilia {f}, cosina {f} |
Minos {prop} (mythological king of Crete) | :: Minosse |
minotaur {n} /ˈmɪnɵˌtɑɹ/ (monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man) | :: minotauro {m} [both senses] |
Minsk {prop} /mɪnsk/ (capital of Belarus) | :: Minsk {m} |
minstrel {n} /mɪnstɹəl/ (medieval traveling entertainer) | :: menestrello {m} |
mint {n} /mɪnt/ (money-producing building or institution) | :: zecca {f} |
mint {n} (large amount of money) | :: fortuna {f} |
mint {v} (to reproduce coins) | :: coniare |
mint {n} (plant) | :: menta {f} |
mint {n} (herb flavouring) | :: menta {f} |
minuet {n} (dance) | :: minuetto |
minus {n} (minus sign) SEE: minus sign | :: |
minus {prep} /ˈmaɪnəs/ (mathematics: less) | :: meno |
minus {adj} (negative) | :: negativo {m}, negativa {f} |
minuscule {n} /ˈmɪ.nəˌskjul/ (lower-case letter) | :: minuscolo {m} |
minuscule {adj} (very small, tiny) | :: minuscolo |
minus sign {n} (symbol used to denote the operation of subtraction and to indicate that a number is negative) | :: segno meno {m} |
minute {n} /ˈmɪnɪt/ (unit of time) | :: minuto {m} |
minute {n} (short but unspecified period of time) | :: attimo {m}, momento {m} |
minute {n} (record of meeting) | :: verbale |
minute {adj} /maɪˈn(j)ut/ (very small) | :: minuscolo, piccolissimo |
minutes {n} /ˈmɪnɪts/ (the official notes kept during a meeting) | :: verbale, processo verbale |
minx {n} /mɪŋks/ (a pert, flirtatious or impudent young woman) | :: civetta {f} |
Miocene {prop} (Miocene epoch) | :: Miocene |
miosis {n} /maɪˈoʊsɪs/ (contraction of the pupil of the eye) | :: miosi {f} |
mirabilite {n} (saline evaporite consisting of sodium sulfate) | :: mirabilite {f} |
miracle {n} /ˈmiɹəkəl/ (wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers) | :: miracolo {m} |
miraculous {adj} /məˈɹækjələs/ (by supernatural or uncommon causes) | :: miracoloso |
miraculously {adv} (in a miraculous manner) | :: miracolosamente |
mirage {n} /mɪˈɹɑːdʒ/ (an optical phenomenon) | :: miraggio {m} |
mirage {n} (illusion) SEE: illusion | :: |
Miranda {prop} /mɪˈɹændə/ (moon of Uranus) | :: Miranda {m} |
Mirandese {prop} (Romance language) | :: lingua mirandese |
mire {n} /ˈmaɪɚ/ (deep mud) | :: fango {m}, mota {f}, limo {m} |
mirepoix {n} (combination of vegetables and herbs) | :: soffritto |
Miriam {prop} (female given name) | :: Miriam {f} |
mirror {n} /ˈmɪ.ɹə/ (smooth reflecting surface) | :: specchio {m} |
mirror {n} (computing: exact copy of a data set) | :: copia speculare {f} |
mirth {n} /mɜɹθ/ (merriment) | :: gioia {f}, allegria {f} |
misalignment {n} (state of being misaligned) | :: disallineamento {m}, disassamento {m} |
misandric {n} (misandrist) SEE: misandrist | :: |
misandric {adj} (misandristic) SEE: misandristic | :: |
misandrist {n} (one who professes misandry; a hater of men) | :: misandrico {m}, misandrica {f} |
misandrist {adj} (misandristic) SEE: misandristic | :: |
misandristic {adj} (of, relating to, or exhibiting misandry) | :: misandrico {m}, misandrica {f} |
misandry {n} /mɪˈsændɹi/ (hatred of or prejudice against men) | :: misandria {f} |
misanthrope {n} /ˈmɪs.ənˌθɹoʊp/ (one who hates all mankind) | :: misantropo {m} |
misanthropic {adj} /ˌmɪs.ənˈθɹɑp.ɪk/ (hating or disliking mankind) | :: misantropico |
misanthropist {n} (misanthrope) SEE: misanthrope | :: |
misanthropy {n} (hatred or dislike of people or mankind) | :: misantropia {f} |
misapprehend {v} /mɪsapɹɪˈhɛnd/ (to interpret something incorrectly; to misunderstand) | :: male interpretare |
misbegotten {n} (one born out of wedlock) SEE: bastard | :: |
misbegotten {adj} (of a person: born out of wedlock) SEE: illegitimate | :: |
misbehavior {n} /ˌmɪsbəˈheɪvjɚ/ (conduct that is inappropriate) | :: illecito, scorrettezza, comportamento scorretto, cattiva condotta |
miscarriage {n} /ˈmɪs.kæɹ.ədʒ/ (termination of pregnancy) | :: aborto {m} |
miscarriage of justice {n} (error which led to an unjust outcome) | :: errore giudiziario {m} |
miscarry {v} /ˌmɪsˈkæɹi/ (to abort a foetus) | :: abortire |
miscegenation {n} /mɪˌsɛdʒ.əˈneɪ.ʃən/ (the mixing or blending of race) | :: miscegenazione {f}, mescolanza etnica {f} |
mischief {n} /ˈmɪstʃɪf/ (conduct that playfully causes petty annoyance) | :: vessatorio, indisponente |
mischief {n} (harm or trouble caused by an agent or brought about by a particular cause) | :: danno {m}, malanno {m}, birboneria {f}, bravata {f} |
mischief {n} (one who causes mischief) | :: malandrino, birbone |
mischievous {adj} /ˈmɪs.t͡ʃɪ.vəs/ (causing mischief) | :: piantagrane, attaccabrighe, casinista |
mischievous {adj} (naughty) | :: birichino, furbetto, malizioso |
miscibility {n} (the property of being able to be mixed) | :: miscibilità {f} |
miscomprehend {v} (misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand | :: |
misconduct {n} (bad behavior) SEE: misbehavior | :: |
misdeed {n} /mɪsˈdiːd/ (something wrong done) | :: misfatto {m}, crimine {m} |
mise en scène {n} /ˌmizɑ̃ˈsɛn/ (the arrangement of props and actors on a stage or for film) | :: messinscena {f} |
miser {n} /ˈmaɪzə(ɹ)/ (skinflint or scrooge) | :: avaro {m}, avara {f} |
misericord {n} (medieval dagger) | :: misericordia {f} |
misery {n} /ˈmɪz(ə)ɹɪ/ (great unhappiness) | :: miseria |
misery {n} (cause of misery, misfortune) | :: accidente |
misery loves company {proverb} (misery is easier when one is not the only one) | :: Mal comune mezzo gaudio |
misfire {v} /ˈmɪsˌfaɪɹ/ (To fail to discharge properly) | :: incepparsi |
misfit {n} /ˈmɪsfɪt/ (an ill-fitting garment) | :: inadatto |
misfit {n} (a badly adjusted person) | :: disadattato {m} |
misfortune {n} /mɪsˈfɔɹtʃən/ (bad luck) | :: malasorte |
misfortune {n} (an undesirable event such as an accident) | :: disgrazia {f} |
misfortunes never come singly {proverb} (bad things come in groups) SEE: it never rains but it pours | :: |
mishap {n} /ˈmɪs.hæp/ (accident, mistake, or problem) | :: contrattempo {m}, incidente {m} |
misinform {v} (give or deliver false information) | :: disinformare |
misinformation {n} (disinformation) SEE: disinformation | :: |
misinterpretation {n} (instance of misinterpreting) | :: fraintendimento {m} |
mislead {v} /mɪsˈliːd/ (lead in a false direction) | :: portare sulla cattiva strada, sviare |
mislead {v} (lead in a false direction) | :: ingannare, raggirare, truffare, disinformare |
mislead {v} | :: ingannare, prendere in giro |
misleading {adj} (tending to mislead) | :: fuorviante |
mismatch {n} /ˈmɪs.mætʃ/ (something that does not match) | :: discrepanza {f} |
misnomer {n} /mɪsˈnoʊmɚ/ (misleading term) | :: denominazione impropria {f} |
miso {n} /ˈmisoʊ/ (thick paste for making soup) | :: miso {m} |
misogynist {adj} (misogynistic) SEE: misogynistic | :: |
misogynistic {adj} /ˈmɪs.ɒdʒ.ən.ɪst.ɪk/ (of, relating to, or exhibiting misogyny) | :: misogino {m}, misogina {f} |
misogyny {n} /mɪˈsɑdʒ.ɪ.ni/ (hatred or contempt for women) | :: misoginia {f} |
misology {n} (Hatred or fear of reasoning or argument) | :: misologia {f} |
mispaired {adj} | :: disaccoppiante |
miss {v} /mɪs/ (to fail to hit) | :: mancare |
miss {v} (to feel the absence of someone or something; to feel the want or need of) | :: mancare |
miss {v} (to fail to attend) | :: mancare |
miss {v} (to be late for something) | :: perdere |
miss {n} (unmarried woman) | :: signorina {f} |
miss {n} (Miss) SEE: Miss | :: |
Miss {n} /mɪs/ (title) | :: signorina {f} ( |
misshapen {adj} /mɪsˈʃeɪ.pən/ (deformed) | :: deforme |
missile {n} /ˈmɪsaɪl/ (self-propelled, guidable projectile) | :: missile |
missing {adj} /ˈmɪsɪŋ/ (not able to be located) | :: mancante |
missing person {n} (person whose whereabouts are unknown) | :: persone scomparse {f} |
missiology {n} (the area of practical theology) | :: missiologia {f} |
mission {n} /ˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ (set of tasks that fulfills a purpose) | :: missione {f} |
missionary {n} /ˈmɪʃəˌnɛɹɪ/ (person traveling to spread a religion) | :: missionario {m} |
missionary {n} (missionary position) SEE: missionary position | :: |
missionary position {n} (position for sexual intercourse) | :: posizione del missionario {f} |
Mississippi {n} /ˌmɪsɪˈsɪpi/ (state) | :: Mississippi |
Mississippi {n} (river) | :: Mississippi {m} |
missive {n} /ˈmɪsɪv/ (a written message) | :: missiva {f} |
missorium {n} | :: missorio {m} |
Missouri {prop} /mɪˈzʊɹ.i/ (US state) | :: Missouri |
misspell {v} /mɪsˈspɛl/ (to spell incorrectly) | :: scrivere male |
misspelling {n} (misspelt word) | :: errore di scrittura {m}, errore ortografico {m}, errore d'ortografia {m} |
miss the boat {v} (fail to take advantage of an opportunity) | :: perdere il treno |
missus {n} (wife) SEE: wife | :: |
missy {n} /ˈmɪs.i/ (a young female; miss) | :: signorinella {f}, signorina {f} |
mist {n} /mɪst/ (Water or other liquid finely suspended in air) | :: nebbia {f}, foschia {f}, bruma {f} |
mistake {v} /mɪˈsteɪk/ (to take one thing for another) | :: fraintendere, confondere, prendere un granchio [idiomatic], prendere una cantonata [idiomatic], prendere un abbaglio [idiomatic] |
mistake {v} (To make an error) | :: sbagliare, toppare, errare |
mistake {n} (an error) | :: errore {m}, sbaglio {m} |
mistaken {adj} (erroneous) SEE: erroneous | :: |
mistaken {adj} ((with a copula verb, often with about) having an incorrect belief) SEE: be wrong | :: |
mistakenly {adv} /mɪˈsteɪ.kə (by accident) | :: erroneamente |
mister {n} /ˈmɪstɚ/ (title of adult male) | :: signore {m} |
mistle thrush {n} (Turdus viscivorus) | :: tordela {f} |
mistletoe {n} /ˈmɪs(ə)ltəʊ/ (any of several hemiparasitic evergreen plants of the order Santalales) | :: vischio {m} |
mistral {n} /mɪˈstɹɑːl/ (strong cold north-west wind in southern France and the Mediterranean) | :: maestrale {m} |
Mistralian {adj} (of or relating to the Mistralian norm) | :: mistraliano |
mistress {n} /ˈmɪstɹɪs/ (woman of authority) | :: signora {f}, padrona {f} |
mistress {n} (female teacher) | :: maestra {f} |
mistress {n} (woman in extramarital relationship) | :: amante {f} |
mistress {n} (dominatrix) | :: dominatrice {f}, padrona {f} |
misty {adj} /ˈmɪsti/ (with mist; foggy) | :: con foschia, nebbioso |
misunderstand {v} /mɪs.ʌn.də(ɹ)ˈstænd/ (to understand incorrectly, while believing one has understood correctly) | :: fraintendere, equivocare, prendere una cantonata, prendere un abbaglio, prendere un granchio, male interpretare |
misunderstanding {n} (mistake) | :: fraintendimento {m}, qui pro quo, quiproquò |
misuse {n} /mɪsˈjuːs/ (incorrect, improper or unlawful use) | :: abuso |
misuse {v} /mɪsˈjuːz/ (to abuse or mistreat something or someone) | :: abusare |
misuse {v} (to abuse sexually) | :: abusare |
mite {n} /maɪt/ (arachnid) | :: acaro {m} |
mite {n} (lepton) SEE: lepton | :: |
Mithridates {prop} (ancient male given name) | :: Mitridate {m} |
Mithridatic {adj} (of or pertaining to a dynasty of Pontus or to particular kings named Mithridates) | :: mitridatico |
mithridatism {n} (the practice of ingesting successively greater amounts of a poison) | :: mitridatizzazione {f}, mitridatismo |
mitigate {v} /ˈmɪt.ɪ.ɡeɪt/ (to reduce, lessen, or decrease) | :: mitigare |
mitochondrial {adj} /ˌmaɪ.t̬əˈkɑːn.dɹi.əl/ (of, or relating to mitochondria) | :: mitocondriale |
mitochondrion {n} (respiratory organelle) | :: mitocondrio {m} |
mitotic {adj} (of or pertaining to mitosis) | :: mitotico |
mitral {adj} /ˈmaɪtɹəl/ (pertaining to the mitral valve) | :: mitrale |
mitralic {adj} (pertaining to the mitral valves) | :: mitralico |
mitre {n} /ˈmaɪtəɹ/ (a covering for the head, worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries) | :: mitra {f} |
mitt {n} (mitten) SEE: mitten | :: |
mitten {n} /ˈmɪtn̩/ (type of glove) | :: muffola {f}, mezzoguanto {m} |
mix {v} /ˈmɪks/ (stir two or more substances together) | :: mischiare, mixare, mescolare |
mix {v} (music: combine several tracks) | :: mixare |
mix {n} (result of mixing two or more substances) | :: mistura {f}, mescola {f}, mix {m}, frammisto {m} |
mixed {adj} /mɪkst/ (having two or more separate aspects) | :: misto |
mixed bag {n} (a group of entities with few characteristics in common) | :: fritto misto {m}, assortimento {m}, miscuglio {m}, guazzabuglio {m}, accozzaglia {f} |
mixed martial arts {n} (Style of combat sport) | :: arti marziali miste {f-p} |
mixed reaction {n} (state of diverse reception) | :: reazioni varie |
mixer {n} (blender) | :: frullatore {m} |
Mixolydian {adj} /mɪksəˈlɪdɪən/ (designating a mode in music having (in the C scale) final G and D dominant) | :: misolidio |
mixtilinear {adj} | :: mistilineo |
mixture {n} /ˈmɪkstʃɚ/ (act of mixing) | :: mistura {f}, amalgama {f}, combinazione {f} |
mixture {n} (something produced by mixing) | :: lega {f}, combinazione {f}, composto {m} |
mixture {n} (something that consists of diverse elements) | :: insieme {m}, composto {m}, mescolanza {f}, miscela {f}, commistione {m}, mistura {f}, misto {m} |
mixture {n} (medicinal compound) | :: composto {m} |
mizzen {n} (mizzenmast) SEE: mizzenmast | :: |
mizzenmast {n} /ˈmɪz.ənˌmæst/ (nautical: aftmost mast) | :: mezzanella {f}, albero di mezzana {m} |
mizzle {n} /ˈmɪz.əl/ (misty rain) | :: pioggerellina {f} |
Mkhitar {prop} (transliteration of the Armenian male given name) | :: Mechitar |
Mljet {prop} (island in Croatia) | :: Meleda {f} |
mmm {interj} (hmm) SEE: hmm | :: |
ménage à trois {n} /ˌmeɪnɑːʒ ɑː ˈt(ɹ)wɑː/ | :: sesso a tre {m} |
mnemonics {n} /nəˈmɑn.ɪks/ (study of techniques for improving memory) | :: mnemonica {f}, mnemotecnica {f} |
Mnemosyne {prop} /nɪˈmɒ.sɪ.ni/ (Titaness) | :: Mnemosine {f} |
moan {n} /moʊn/ (a low cry of pain) | :: gemito {m} |
moan {v} (to make a moan or similar sound) | :: gemere |
moan {v} (to complain) | :: lamentarsi |
moat {n} /məʊt/ (defensive ditch) | :: fossato {m}, fosso {m}, canale {m}, canalone {m} |
mob {n} /mɒb/ (unruly group of people) | :: folla {f}, teppaglia {f}, accozzaglia {f}, schiera {f}, stuolo {m}, branco {m}, fiumana {f}, torma {f} |
mob {n} (group of animals) | :: branco {m} |
mob {n} (mafia) SEE: mafia | :: |
mobile {adj} /ˈmoʊbil/ (capable of being moved) | :: mobile |
mobile {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
mobile library {n} (library in a van) | :: autobiblioteca {f}, bibliobus {m} |
mobile phone {n} (portable telephone) | :: cellulare {m}, telefono cellulare {m}, telefono mobile {m}, telefonino {m}, [Switzerland] natel {m} |
mobile telephone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
mobilisation {n} (mobilization) SEE: mobilization | :: |
mobilise {v} (to make something mobile) | :: mobilitare |
mobilise {v} (to assemble troops and their equipment in a coordinated fashion so as to be ready for war) | :: mobilitare |
mobility {n} /mə(ʊ)ˈbɪlɪti/ (ability to move) | :: mobilità {f} |
mobilization {n} (marshalling of troops and national resources in preparation for war) | :: mobilitazione {f} |
mobilize {v} (mobilise) SEE: mobilise | :: |
mobocracy {n} /mɒbˈɒkɹəsi/ (rule of the mob) | :: oclocrazia {f} |
mobster {n} (member of a criminal gang, see also: Mafioso) | :: gangster {m}, mafioso {m} |
moccasin {n} /ˈmɒkəsɪn/ (modern shoe) | :: mocassino {m} |
mock {n} /mɑk/ (imitation) | :: farsa {f}, imitazione {f} |
mock {n} (act of mocking) | :: derisione {f}, finto, simulato |
mock {v} (to mimic) | :: parodiare, imitare, deridere, emulare, simulare |
mock {v} (to taunt) | :: scimmiottare, schernire, sbeffeggiare, deridere |
mock {v} (to disappoint someone) | :: deludere |
mockery {n} /ˈmɑkəɹi/ (action of mocking; ridicule, derision) | :: derisione {f}, scherno {m} |
mocking {adj} /ˈmɑkɪŋ/ (derisive or contemptuous) | :: beffeggiante, dileggiante, deridente, burlesco |
mocking {adj} (teasing or taunting) | :: deridere, schernire, beffeggiare, dileggiare |
mockingbird {n} /ˈmɑkɪŋˌbɝd/ (songbird of the family Mimidae) | :: tordo americano {m} |
mockup {n} /ˈmɒk.ʌp/ (a full-scale working model of something) | :: modello {m}, simulacro {m} |
modacrylic {n} (fibre) | :: modacrilica {f} |
modal {n} (modal verb) SEE: modal verb | :: |
modalism {n} (doctrine) | :: modalismo {m} |
modalist {adj} (of or pertaining to modalism) | :: modaliste |
modal verb {n} (a kind of verb) | :: verbo servile {m}, verbo modale {m} |
mode {n} /moʊd/ (in statistics) | :: moda {f} |
mode {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood | :: |
model {n} /ˈmɑdl̩/ (person) | :: modello {m}, modella {f} |
model {n} (miniature) | :: modello {m}, modellino {m} |
model {n} (simplified representation) | :: modello {m} |
model {n} (style) | :: modello {m} |
model {n} (structural design) | :: modello {m} |
model {n} (praiseworthy example) | :: modello {m} |
model {adj} (worthy of being a model) | :: modello, esemplare |
model {adj} | :: modello; in miniatura |
model {v} (display) | :: indossare, presentare |
model {v} (use as a model) | :: modellare |
model {v} (make a miniature model) | :: modellare |
model {v} (create from a substance) | :: modellare |
model {v} (be a model) | :: fare il modello [for males], fare la modella [for females] |
model aircraft {n} (aircraft made to a smaller scale) | :: aeromodello {m} |
model building {n} (activity of making models) SEE: modelbuilding | :: |
modelbuilding {n} (activity of making models) | :: modellismo {m} |
modem {n} /ˈmoʊdəm/ (device that encodes digital computer signals into analog/analogue telephone signals) | :: modem {m} |
Modena {prop} (province) | :: Modena |
Modena {prop} (city) | :: Modena {f} |
Modenese {n} (pertaining to Modena) | :: modenese |
Modenese {n} (denizen of Modena) | :: modenese |
Modenese {n} (dialect) | :: modenese |
moderantism {n} | :: moderantismo {m} |
moderate {adj} /ˈmɒdəɹət/ (not excessive) | :: moderato |
moderate {adj} (mediocre) | :: modesto |
moderate {adj} (having an intermediate position in politics) | :: moderato |
moderate {n} (one who holds an intermediate position) | :: moderato {m} |
moderate {v} (to reduce the excessiveness) | :: moderare |
moderate {v} (to preside over as a moderator) | :: moderare |
moderate {v} (to act as a moderator) | :: moderare |
moderateness {n} (the quality of being moderate) | :: modicità {f} |
moderation {n} /ˌmɑdəˈɹeɪʃən/ (state or quality of being moderate; avoidance of extremes) | :: moderazione {f} |
moderation {n} (instance of moderating; to bring away from extremes) | :: moderazione {f} |
moderation {n} (moderating a discussion: supervision; mediation) | :: moderazione {f} |
moderator {n} (someone who moderates) | :: moderatore {m} |
moderator {n} ((Internet) A person who enforces the rules of a forum) | :: moderatore {m} |
modern {adj} /ˈmɒd(ə)n/ (pertaining to the current time and style) | :: moderno |
modernism {n} (any of several styles of art, architecture, literature, philosophy, etc., that flourished in the 20th century) | :: modernismo {m} |
modernization {n} /ˌmɒdənɪˈzeɪʃn̩/ (process of modernizing) | :: modernizzazione {f} |
modernize {v} /ˈmɑdɚnaɪz/ (bring something up to date) | :: modernizzare |
modernly {adv} (in a modern manner) | :: modernamente |
Modern Monetary Theory {prop} (Economic model) | :: Teoria della Moneta Moderna |
modern physics {n} (study) | :: fisica moderna {f} |
modest {adj} /ˈmɑdəst/ (not bragging or boasting about oneself or one's achievements) | :: modesto |
modest {adj} (small) | :: modesto {m}, irrisorio {m}, esiguo {m} |
modestly {adv} (in a modest manner) | :: modestamente |
modesty {n} /ˈmɒd.ə.sti/ (the quality of being modest) | :: modestia {f} |
modicum {n} /ˈmɒdɪkəm/ (modest, small, or trifling amount) | :: un po' di |
modification {n} /ˌmɑdɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act or result of modifying or condition of being modified) | :: modificazione {f} |
modification {n} (alteration or adjustment) | :: modificazione {f} |
modification {n} (change to an organism) | :: modificazione {f} |
modified {adj} /ˈmɑdɪfaɪd/ (changed; altered) | :: modificato |
modify {v} /ˈmɒdɪfaɪ/ (to change part of) | :: modificare |
Modiglianiesque {adj} (relating to or characteristic of Amedeo Modigliani) | :: modiglianesco |
modular arithmetic {n} (system of finite arithmetic) | :: aritmetica modulare {f}, aritmetica dell'orologio {f} |
modularity {n} (property of being modular) | :: modularità {f} |
modulate {v} /ˈmɑː.dʒə.ˌleɪt/ (to regulate) | :: modulare |
modulator {n} (device that modulates) | :: modulatore {m} |
module {n} (abelian group) SEE: abelian group | :: |
modulus of elasticity {n} (Young's modulus) | :: modulo di elasticità {m} |
modus operandi {n} /ˈməʊ.dʌs ˌɒp.ə.ɹæn.daɪ/ (person or thing's method of operation) | :: modus operandi |
Moebius syndrome {n} (disorder) | :: sindrome di Möbius {f}, sindrome di Moebius {f} |
Moesia {prop} /miːʃi.ə/ (an ancient region and later Roman province situated in the Balkans) | :: Mesia {f} |
mofetta {n} | :: mofeta {f} |
Mogadishu {prop} (capital city) | :: Mogadiscio {m} |
Mogherini {prop} (surname) | :: Mogherini |
mohair {n} /ˈməʊhɛə/ (fine hair of the Angora goat) | :: mocaiardo {m} [archaic] |
Mohammad {prop} (male given name) SEE: Muhammad | :: |
Mohammad {prop} (prophet) SEE: Muhammad | :: |
Mohammedan {n} (Muslim) | :: maomettano {m}, maomettana {f} |
Mohammedan {adj} (Muslim, Islamic) | :: maomettano |
Mohawk {n} /ˈmoʊhɔːk/ (hairstyle) | :: moicana {f}, mohawk |
mohel {n} /ˈmɔɪ.əl/ (person who performs circumcision) | :: mohel {m} |
Mohican {n} (hairstyle) SEE: Mohawk | :: |
Mohorovičić discontinuity {prop} /məʊhəʊˈɹə(ʊ)vɪtʃɪtʃ ˌdɪskɒntɪˈnjuːɪti/ (the boundary between the Earth’s crust and mantle) | :: discontinuità di Mohorovičić {f} |
moiety {n} (half) SEE: half | :: |
moist {adj} /mɔɪst/ (slightly wet) | :: umido |
moist {adj} (of eyes: tearful) | :: bagnato, umido, lacrimoso, piangente |
moisten {v} /ˈmɔɪsən/ (to make moist) | :: inumidire |
moisture {n} /ˈmɔɪstʃɚ/ (a moderate degree of wetness) | :: umidità {f} |
moisturizing {n} (make to appear wet) | :: idratazione |
moisturizing {adj} (appears to moisturize) | :: idratante |
mojibake {n} /ˌmoʊ.dʒiˈbɑ.ki/ (corrupt characters or letters) | :: mojibake {p} |
Moksha {prop} (language) | :: moksha, moxel |
molal {adj} (of a solution) | :: molale |
molality {n} (concentration of a substance in solution) | :: molalità {f} |
molar {n} /ˈmoʊlɚ/ (back tooth) | :: dente molare {m}, molare {m} |
molar {adj} | :: molare |
molarity {n} (moles per litre of a solution) | :: molarità {f} |
molasses {n} /məˈlæ.sɨz/ (thick brownish syrup refined from raw sugar) | :: melassa {f} |
mold {n} /moʊld/ (hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance) | :: stampo, calco {m} |
mold {n} (something that is made in or shaped on a mold) | :: timballo {m} |
mold {v} (To shape in or on a mold) | :: modellare, dare la forma |
mold {n} (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi) | :: muffa {f} |
Moldavia {prop} (Moldova) SEE: Moldova | :: |
Moldavian {prop} (language) | :: moldavo {m} |
molding {n} /ˈmoʊl.dɪŋ/ (act or process of shaping in a mold) | :: cimasa {f} |
molding {n} (anything cast in a mold) | :: cimasa {f} |
molding {n} (architecture: narrow decorative surface) | :: cimasa {f}, modanatura {f} |
Moldova {prop} /mɔlˈdoʊ.və/ (country) | :: Moldavia {f}, Moldovia {f} |
Moldovan {n} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian | :: |
Moldovan {prop} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian | :: |
Moldovan {adj} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian | :: |
moldy {adj} (mouldy) SEE: mouldy | :: |
mole {n} /mol/ (dark spot on the skin) | :: neo {m} |
mole {n} /mol/ (burrowing insectivore) | :: talpa {f} |
mole {n} (internal spy) | :: talpa {f}, spia {f}, spione {m}, infiltrato {m} |
mole {n} /məʊl/ (massive structure used as a pier or breakwater) | :: molo {m} |
mole {n} /mol/ (unit of amount) | :: mole {f}, grammo-molecola {f} |
mole {n} (mole rat) SEE: mole rat | :: |
molecular {adj} /məˈlɛkjələɹ/ (relating to molecules) | :: molecolare |
molecular genetics {n} (a field of biology) | :: genetica molecolare {f} |
molecular weight {n} (the sum of the atomic weights of every atom in a molecule) | :: massa molecolare {f}, peso molecolare {m} |
molecule {n} /ˈmɒləkjuːl/ (group of atoms held together by chemical bonds) | :: molecola {f} |
mole rat {n} (rodent) | :: spalace {m}, ratto talpa {m} |
molester {n} /məˈlɛstə(ɹ)/ (one who molests) | :: molestatore {m} |
Molise {prop} /mɔˈli.zeɪ/ (region of Italy) | :: Molise {m} |
moll {adj} (minor) SEE: minor | :: |
mollie {n} (Molotov cocktail) SEE: Molotov cocktail | :: |
mollusc {n} /ˈmɒləsk/ (soft-bodied invertebrate of phylum Mollusca, see also: clam; oyster; mussel) | :: mollusco {m} |
mollycoddle {n} /ˈmɑl.iˌkɑd.əl/ (person who is pampered and overprotected) | :: cocco {m}, beniamino {m}, coccolo {m}, prediletto {m}, preferito {m} |
Molotov cocktail {n} /ˈmɒ.lə.ˌtɒf.ˈkɒk.teɪl/ (simple incendiary bomb) | :: bomba Molotov {f} |
molten {adj} /ˈmoʊltən/ (melted) | :: fuso, liquefatto |
molten {adj} (glowing red-hot) | :: incandescente |
molybdate {n} | :: molibdato {m} |
molybdenite {n} (mineral) | :: molibdenite {f} |
molybdenum {n} /məˈlɪbdɪnəm/ (chemical element) | :: molibdeno {m} |
molybdic {adj} /məˈlɪbdɪk/ | :: molibdico |
molybdic acid {n} (H2MoO4) | :: acido molibdico {m} |
mom {v} (mother) SEE: mum | :: |
moment {n} /ˈmoʊmənt/ (very brief period of time) | :: momento {m}, attimo {m} |
momentary {adj} /ˈmoʊmənˌtɛɹi/ (lasting for only a moment) | :: momentaneo |
moment of truth {n} (deciding instant) | :: momento della verità |
momentum {n} /ˌmoʊˈmɛntəm/ (product of mass and velocity) | :: spinta {f}, impulso {m}, momento {m} |
momentum {n} (impetus, either of a body in motion, or of an idea or course of events) | :: slancio {m}, momento {m}, impulso, impeto |
momentum {n} | :: quantità di moto, impulso, momento {f} |
momma's boy {n} (male overly attached to his mother) | :: mammone {m}, mammoletta |
mommy {n} (mum) SEE: mum | :: |
Momus {prop} (personification of satire and mockery) | :: Momo {m} |
Monaco {prop} /ˈmɑ.nə.koʊ/ (country in Europe) | :: Monaco {m}, Principato di Monaco {m} |
Monaco {prop} (capital city) | :: Monaco {m} |
monadic {adj} (of or relating to a monad) | :: monadico |
monadological {adj} | :: monadologico |
Mona Lisa {prop} /ˌmoʊnə ˈlisə/ (painting by Leonardo da Vinci) | :: la Gioconda {f}, la Monna Lisa {f} |
monantherous {adj} | :: monantero |
monarch {n} /ˈmɑnɚk/ (ruler) | :: monarca {m} |
monarchic {adj} /mɒnˈaː(ɹ)kɪk/ (of, or relating to monarchy or to be a monarch) | :: monarchico |
monarchism {n} (advocacy of the monarchistic political system) | :: monarchismo {m} |
monarchist {n} (an advocate of, or believer in, monarchy) | :: monarchico {m} |
monastery {n} /ˈmɑnəstɛɹi/ (building for monks) | :: monastero {m}, certosa {f} |
monastic {adj} /məˈnæstɪk/ (of or relating to monasteries or monks) | :: monastico, monacale, fratesco {m} |
monasticism {n} (religious practice) | :: monachesimo {m} |
monatomic {adj} (consisting os a single atom) | :: monoatomico |
monazitic {adj} (composed of monazite) | :: monazitico |
Monday {n} /ˈmʌn.deɪ/ (day of the week) | :: lunedì {m} |
Monday {adv} (on Monday) | :: lunedì |
monergism {n} (Christian position) | :: monergismo {m} |
monetisation {n} (monetization) SEE: monetization | :: |
monetization {n} /ˌmʌnətaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (the conversion of something into money) | :: monetazione {f} |
money {n} /ˈmʌni/ (means of exchange and measure of value) | :: denaro {m}, soldi, moneta {f}, sverza {f}, palanca {f} |
money {n} (currency) | :: valuta {f} |
money {n} (cash) | :: contante {m}, grano {m}, conquibus |
money {n} (available liquid assets) | :: liquido {m} |
money {n} (wealth) | :: benestante, ricco, ricchezza {f} |
money {n} (item of value used as payment) | :: moneta di scambio |
money {n} (person who funds an operation) | :: finanziatore {m} |
money {n} | :: moneta {f}, denaro {m}, soldi {m} {p} |
moneybags {n} (wealthy person) | :: riccone {m} |
money box {n} (tin with a slot in the top for depositing coins) SEE: piggy bank | :: |
money changer {n} (person who will exchange currency) | :: scambista {m} |
money doesn't grow on trees {proverb} (you must work in order to have money) | :: i soldi non crescono sugli alberi |
money laundering {n} (act of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally) | :: riciclaggio di denaro {m} |
money market {n} (market) | :: mercato monetario {m} |
money order {n} (a type of cheque) | :: vaglia postale {m} |
money plant {n} (Lunaria annua) SEE: honesty | :: |
Monégasque {n} /ˈmɒ.nə.ɡask/ (a native or inhabitant of Monaco) | :: monegasco {m}, monegasca {f} |
Monégasque {adj} (of or relating to Monaco or its inhabitants) | :: monegasco {m} |
monger {n} /ˈmʌŋ.ɡəɹ/ (dealer) | :: venditore {m} |
Mongol {n} (A person from Mongolia; a Mongolian) SEE: Mongolian | :: |
Mongolia {prop} /mɑːŋˈɡoʊli.ə/ (East Asian country) | :: Mongolia {f} |
Mongolian {adj} /mɒŋˈɡoʊliən/ (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures) | :: mongolo {m}, mongola {f} |
Mongolian {n} (native or inhabitant of Mongolia) | :: mongolo {m}, mongola {f} |
Mongolian {n} (language of Mongolia) | :: mongolico {m}, mongolica {f} |
Mongolian {n} (person of Mongoloid physical type) | :: mongolico {m}, mongolica {f} |
Mongolian People's Republic {prop} (Mongolia) SEE: Mongolia | :: |
Mongolian spot {n} (congenital birthmark in lower back) | :: macchia mongolica {f} |
mongoose {n} /ˈmɑŋ.ɡus/ (a small carnivore of the family Herpestidae) | :: mangusta {f} |
mongrel {n} /ˈmɑŋ.ɡɹəl/ (someone of mixed kind) | :: bastardo {m}, bastardino {m} [dog] |
Monica {prop} /ˈmɒ.nɪ.kə/ (female given name) | :: Monica |
Monika {prop} (female given name) SEE: Monica | :: |
moniker {n} (signature) SEE: signature | :: |
monism {n} (doctrine of the oneness and unity of reality) | :: monismo {m} |
monitor {n} /ˈmɒnɨtə/ (computer display) | :: monitor {m} |
monitor {v} (watch over, guard) | :: monitorare, supervisionare, guardare |
monitor {n} (monitor lizard) SEE: monitor lizard | :: |
monitor {n} (ironclad) SEE: ironclad | :: |
monitoring {n} (Surveillance or continuous or regular observation) | :: monitoraggio {m} |
monitor lizard {n} (lizard of the genus Varanus) | :: varano |
monk {n} (slang: judge) SEE: judge | :: |
monk {n} /mʌŋk/ (male member of monastic order) | :: monaco {m}, frate {m} |
monk {n} (slang: man living without sexual relationships) | :: celibe {m} |
monk {n} (slang: loner) SEE: loner | :: |
monkey {n} /ˈmʌŋki/ (primate) | :: scimmia {f} |
monkey business {n} (an activity that is considered silly, or stupid, or time-wasting (idiomatic)) | :: roba da matti {f} |
monkey-eating eagle {n} (Philippine eagle) SEE: Philippine eagle | :: |
monkey-house {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel | :: |
monkey wrench {n} (adjustable wrench) | :: chiave inglese {f}, chiave giratubi {f}, chiave serratubi {f} |
monkfish {n} (fish) | :: coda di rospo {f} |
monkish {adj} (pertaining to, or resembling a monk or monasticism) | :: monacale, fratesco {m} |
monk seal {n} (a seal of the genus Monachus) | :: foca monaca {f} |
monkshood {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite | :: |
monobasic {adj} | :: monobasico |
monobloc {n} (forging or casting) | :: monoblocco |
monocable {adj} | :: monofune |
monocentrism {n} | :: monocentrismo {m} |
monocephalia {n} | :: monocefalo |
monochord {n} | :: monocordo {m} |
monochromatic {adj} (having only one colour) | :: monocromo |
monochrome {adj} /ˈmɑ.nə.kɹoʊm/ (having only one colour) | :: monocromo {m} |
monocolor {adj} | :: monocolore {m} {f} |
monocoque {n} (structure design) | :: monoscocca {f} |
monocratic {adj} (having complete political power) | :: monocratico |
monoculture {n} /ˈmɒnəˌkʌlt͡ʃə(ɹ)/ (the cultivation of a single crop) | :: monocoltura {f} |
monoculture {n} (a culture that lacks diversity) | :: monocultura {f} |
monocyte {n} (type of blood leukocyte) | :: monocito |
monodelphous {adj} (tubelike stamens) | :: monodelfo |
monodimensional {adj} (unidimensional) | :: monodimensionale |
monodromic {adj} | :: monodromico |
monoelastic {adj} | :: monoelastico |
monofin {n} | :: monopinna {f} |
monogamous {adj} (being married to one person at a time) | :: monogamo |
monogermane {n} (germane) SEE: germane | :: |
monoglottism {n} (condition of being able to speak only a single language) SEE: monolingualism | :: |
monogram {n} (a design composed of one or more letters used as an identifying mark) | :: monogramma {m} |
monogram {v} ((transitive) to mark something with a monogram) | :: incidere, contrassegnare, intagliare |
monogrammist {n} | :: monogrammista {m} {f} |
monoideism {n} | :: monoideismo {m} |
monokini {n} /mɒnə(ʊ)ˈkiːni/ (bikini worn without the upper part) | :: monokini {m} |
monolinear {adj} (having strokes of the same weight) | :: monolineare |
monolingualism {n} (condition of being able to speak only a single language) | :: monolinguismo {m} |
monolith {n} /ˈmɒnəlɪθ/ (large, single block of stone) | :: monolito {m} |
monolithism {n} | :: monolitismo {m} |
monologue {n} | :: monologo {m} |
monomania {n} /ˌmɑnoʊˈmeɪni.ə/ (an excessive interest with a singal subject) | :: monomania {f} |
monomer {n} /ˈmɑnəmɚ/ (small molecule, bonded covalently to form polymers) | :: monomero {m} |
monomeric {adj} (Of or pertaining to a monomer) | :: monomerico |
monomial {adj} | :: monomiale {m} |
monomial {n} (term with numbers and variables) | :: monomio {m} |
mononucleosis {n} (infectious mononucleosis, glandular fever) | :: mononucleosi {f} |
monophobia {n} (fear of being alone) | :: monofobia {f} |
monophthong {n} /ˈmɑnəfθɔŋ/ (vowel that has same sound throughout its pronunciation) | :: monottongo {m} |
monophthongal {adj} /ˌmɑ.nəfˈθɑŋ.əl/ (of or pertaining to a monophthong) | :: monottongato |
monophthongal {adj} (pronounced as a single vowel sound) | :: monottongato |
monophylous {adj} | :: monofillo |
monophysite {adj} (Describing the beliefs of a Μonophysite) | :: monofisista |
Monophysite {n} /məˈnɒfɪsaɪt/ (member of an early Christian sect which held that Jesus Christ has one nature) | :: monofisista |
monoplatform {adj} (single-platform) SEE: single-platform | :: |
monopole {n} | :: monopolo |
monopolist {n} (one who has, or attempts to acquire, a monopoly on something) | :: monopolista {m} {f} |
monopolistic {adj} (In the manner of a monopoly) | :: monopolistico |
monopolization {n} (the act of monopolizing or the state of being monopolized) | :: monopolizzazione {f} |
monopolize {v} (have a monopoly) | :: monopolizzare |
monopolize {v} (dominate) | :: monopolizzare |
monopoly {n} /məˈnɑpəˌli/ | :: monopoli, monopolio {m} |
Monopoly {prop} (a board game) | :: Monopoli {m} |
Monopoly money {n} (strange-looking foreign currency) | :: denaro del Monopoli {m} |
monoprogramming {n} | :: monoprogrammazione {f} |
monoprotic {adj} (having a single hydrogen atom) | :: monoprotico |
monopsony {n} /məˈnɒpsəni/ (market situation in which there is only buyer for a product) | :: monopsonio {m} |
monopteral {adj} (having a single row of columns) | :: monoptero |
monorchid {n} (individual with only one testicle within the scrotum) | :: monorchide {m} |
monorhyme {n} | :: monoritmo {m} |
monorhyme {adj} | :: monoritmo |
monosaccharide {n} (a simple sugar, composed of a single ring) | :: monosaccaride {m} |
monosaccharidic {adj} | :: monosaccaridico |
monose {n} (monosaccharide) | :: monoso {m} |
monosodium glutamate {n} (mono sodium salt of the amino acid, glutamic acid) | :: glutammato monosodico |
monostable {adj} (electronics: having more than one state, only one of which is stable) | :: monostabile |
monosyllable {n} (a word of one syllable) | :: monosillabo {m} |
monosyllogism {n} | :: monosillogismo {m} |
monotheistic {adj} /ˌmɑnəθiˈɪstɪk/ (believing in a single god) | :: monoteistico {m} |
monothematic {adj} (composed of a single traditional name element) | :: monotematico {m}, monotematica {f} |
monotherapy {n} | :: monoterapia |
monotone {adj} /ˈmɑː.nə.toʊn/ (having a single pitch) | :: monotonale |
monotonous {adj} /məˈnɑtənəs/ (having an unvarying tone or pitch) | :: monocorde |
monotonous {adj} (tedious, repetitious or lacking in variety) | :: monotono |
monotonously {adv} (in a droning manner) | :: monotonamente |
monotown {n} | :: monocittà {f} |
monotreme {n} (egg-laying mammal) | :: monotremo |
monotrophic {adj} | :: monotrofo |
monotypic {adj} /ˌmɒ.nə.ˈtɪ.pɪk/ (Relating to monotypy) | :: monotipico |
monovular {adj} (derived from the same ovum) | :: monoovulare |
monoxide {n} (oxide containing a single oxygen atom) | :: monossido {m} |
monozygotic {adj} (of an identical twin) SEE: identical | :: |
Monsignor {n} /mɑnˈsiː.njɚ/ (ecclesiastic title bestowed on some Roman Catholic clerics by the Pope) | :: monsignore {m} |
monsignorhood {n} | :: monsignorato {m} |
monster {n} /ˈmɑnstɚ/ (terrifying dangerous creature) | :: mostro {m} |
monster {n} (anti-social person, especially a criminal) | :: mostro {m} |
monstrance {n} /ˈmɑnztɹəns/ (ornamental in which the consecrated host is placed for veneration) | :: ostensorio {m} |
monstrous {adj} /ˈmɑnstɹəs/ (hideous or frightful) | :: mostruoso |
monstrous {adj} (enormously large) | :: enorme, gigantesco |
mons veneris {n} (female mons pubis) | :: monte di venere |
Montagu's harrier {n} (bird of prey) | :: albanella minore {f} |
Montana {prop} /mɒnˈtænə/ (US state) | :: Montana {m} |
Montanism {n} /ˈmɒntənɪz(ə)m/ (the doctrines of a heretical sect of the second to fifth centuries in Asia Minor, who held millenarian beliefs) | :: montanismo {m} |
Montanist {n} (a follower of Montanism) | :: montanista {m} {f} |
Mont Blanc {prop} /ˌmɑn ˈblɑŋk/ (the highest mountain in Europe) | :: Monte Bianco {m} |
Montenegrin {adj} /ˌmɒntɪˈniːɡɹɪn/ (relating to Montenegro) | :: montenegrino |
Montenegro {prop} /ˌmɑn.təˈneɪ.ɡɹoʊ/ (country in Europe) | :: Montenegro |
Monterey cypress {n} (tree native to California) | :: cipresso di Monterey {m}, cipresso di Lambert {m} |
Monterovere {prop} (village in Italy) | :: Monterovere |
Montevideo {prop} /ˌmɒntɪvɪˈdeɪəʊ/ (capital of Uruguay) | :: Montevideo |
Montferrat {prop} /ˌmɒntfəˈɹat/ (territory of Piedmont, Italy) | :: Monferrato {m} |
month {n} /mʌnθ/ (period into which a year is divided) | :: mese {m} |
monthiversary {n} (commemorative event taking place monthly) SEE: mensiversary | :: |
monthly {adv} /ˈmʌnθli/ (Occurring every month) | :: mensilmente |
montian {adj} | :: montiano |
montmorillonite {n} (a type of smectite clay) | :: montmorillonite {f} |
Montreal {prop} /ˌmɑntɹiˈɔl/ (a city in Quebec) | :: Montreale {f} |
Montserrat {prop} /mɒn(t)səˈɹæt/ (island) | :: Monserrat |
monument {n} /ˈmɑnjʊmənt/ (structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons) | :: monumento {m} |
monumentality {n} (the quality or state of being monumental) | :: monumentalità {f} |
moo {n} /mu/ (characteristic sound made by a cow or bull) | :: muggito {m} |
moo {v} (to make a lowing sound) | :: muggire |
moo {interj} (sound made by a cow or bull) | :: mu |
MOOC {n} /muːk/ (Massive Open Online Course) | :: MOOC {m} |
mood {n} /muːd/ (mental state) | :: umore {m} |
mood {n} (bad mood) | :: cattivo umore {m} |
mood {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood | :: |
moody {adj} /ˈmuːdi/ (Given to sudden or frequent changes of mind; temperamental) | :: umorale |
moon {n} (largest natural satellite of planet Earth) | :: luna {f} |
moon {n} (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet) | :: satellite {m}, luna {f} |
moon {n} (month) | :: mese {m}, luna {f} [poetic] |
Moon {prop} (sole natural satellite of the Earth) | :: Luna {f} |
moonbase {n} (a base located on a moon) | :: base lunare {f} |
moonbeam {n} (moonlight generally) SEE: moonlight | :: |
moonbounce {n} (bouncing castle) SEE: bouncing castle | :: |
moonbow {n} (Meteorological phenomenon) | :: arcobaleno lunare {m} |
moon landing {n} (arrival of a spacecraft on the moon) | :: allunaggio {m} |
moonless {adj} (during which the Moon is not visible) | :: illune |
moonlight {n} /ˈmunˌlaɪt/ (light reflected from the moon) | :: chiaro di luna {m} |
moonlight {v} (to work at a secondary job) | :: lavorare in nero |
moonlighting {n} (period of working on the side) | :: lavoro nero {m} |
moonquake {n} (lunar seismic event) | :: lunamoto {m}, terremoto lunare {m} |
moonrise {n} (The time of day or night when the moon begins to rise over the horizon) | :: sorgere della luna {m} |
moonset {n} (the setting of the moon below the horizon) | :: tramonto lunare {m} |
moonshine {n} (shine of the moon) SEE: moonlight | :: |
moonsickle {n} /ˈmuːnˌsɪkl̩/ (thin crescent of the moon) | :: falce di luna {f} |
moonstone {n} (translucent gemstone) | :: pietra di luna {f}, lunaria {f} |
moonstruck {adj} (crazy or insane when affected by the phases of the Moon) | :: lunatico {m} [obsolete] |
moonwalk {n} /ˈmunwɔk/ (exploration) | :: passeggiata lunare {f} |
moonwalk {n} (dance style) | :: moonwalk {m} |
moor {n} /moː/ (region with poor, marshy soil, peat and heath) | :: landa {f}, brughiera {f} |
moor {n} | :: [2] brughiera {f} |
moor {v} (to cast anchor or become fastened) | :: ancorare, attraccare |
moor {v} (to fix or secure, as a vessel, in a particular place by casting anchor, or by fastening with cables or chains) | :: attraccare, ancorarsi |
Moor {n} /mʊ(ə)ɹ/ (a member of a certain mixed race of Arab and Berber people) | :: moro {m} |
Moor {n} (a member of a this race that formerly occupied Spain) | :: mori {m-p} |
moorer {n} (one who moors) | :: ormeggiatore {m}, ormeggiatrice {f} |
moorhen {n} /ˈmuɹ.hɛn/ (water birds of the genus Gallinula) | :: gallinella d'acqua {f} |
mooring {n} (place to moor a vessel) | :: ormeggio {m}, attracco {m} |
mooring {n} (act of securing a vessel) | :: ormeggio {m}, attracco {m} |
Moorish {adj} /ˈmʊɹ.ɪʃ/ (of or pertaining to Moors) | :: moresco |
moorland {n} (land covered with heather or bracken) | :: landa {f}, brughiera {f} |
moose {n} /muːs/ (largest member of the deer family (Alces alces)) | :: alce |
moot {n} (debate) SEE: debate | :: |
moot {n} (discuss) SEE: discuss | :: |
moot point {n} (issue that has been rendered irrelevant) | :: questione di lana caprina {f} |
mop {n} /mɑp/ (implement for washing floors) | :: lavapavimenti {m}, spazzolone {m}, scopino {m} |
mop {n} (head of hair) | :: zazzera {f} |
mop {v} (to rub, scrub, clean or wipe with a mop, or as if with a mop) | :: lavare, ripulire, dare lo spazzolone, ripassare con lo spazzolone |
mopane {n} /məˈpɑːni/ (Colophospermum mopanea, a tree of southern Africa) | :: mopane |
mope {v} /məʊp/ (depressed) | :: piangersi addosso |
moped {n} /ˈmoʊ.pɛd/ (two-wheeled vehicle) | :: motorino {m}, ciclomotore {m} |
morainal {adj} (of or pertaining to a moraine) | :: morenico |
moraine {n} /məˈɹeɪn/ (accumulation of rocks and debris) | :: morena {f} |
moral {adj} /ˈmɒɹəl/ (relating to principles of right and wrong) | :: morale |
morale {n} /məˈɹæl/ (capacity) | :: morale {m} |
moral hazard {n} (prospect that a party insulated from risk may behave differently from the way it would behave if it were fully exposed to the risk) | :: azzardo morale {m} |
moralism {n} /ˈmɒɹəlɪzm/ (Act or practice of moralizing) | :: moralismo {m} |
morality {n} /məˈɹælɪti/ (recognition of / obedience to the rules of right conduct) | :: moralità {f} |
morality {n} | :: moralità |
moral panic {n} (mass movement, public outcry) | :: panico morale |
moral philosophy {n} (ethics) SEE: ethics | :: |
morass {n} /məˈɹæs/ (tract of soft, wet ground) | :: pantano {m} |
morass {n} (anything that entraps or makes progress difficult) | :: pantano {m} |
moratorium {n} /ˌmɔ.ɹəˈtɔ.ɹi.əm/ (authorization permitting temporary suspension of payments) | :: moratoria {f} |
Morava {prop} (river in Central Europe) | :: Morava {f} |
Moravia {prop} /mɔˈɹeɪvi.ə/ (historical region) | :: Moravia {f} |
morbid {adj} /ˈmɔɹ.bɪd/ (of or relating to disease) | :: morboso |
morbid {adj} (unhealthy or unwholesome, especially psychologically) | :: morboso |
morbid {adj} (suggesting the horror of death) | :: raccapricciante |
morbid {adj} (grisly, gruesome) | :: raccapricciante |
mordant {adj} /mɔː(ɹ)dənt/ (biting or caustic) | :: mordente, caustico, sarcastico, mordace |
mordant {n} (a substance used to facilitate dye fixing) | :: mordente {m} |
mordant {v} (to subject to a mordant) | :: mordenzare |
Mordecai {prop} /ˈmɔː(ɹ)dəkaɪ̯/ (a Biblical character in the Book of Esther) | :: Mardocheo {m} |
more {determiner} /ˈmɔɹ/ (comparative of many) | :: più |
more {determiner} (comparative of much) | :: più |
more {adv} (comparative of much) | :: più |
more {adv} (word to form a comparative) | :: più |
Morea {prop} (historical name for the modern Peloponnese) | :: Morea {f} |
more and more {adv} (progressively more) | :: viepiù, sempre più |
more and more {adv} (in a manner that progressively increases) | :: viepiù |
more haste, less speed {proverb} (when one is in a hurry, one often ends up completing a task more slowly) | :: presto e bene raro avviene |
morel {n} /məˈɹɛl/ (genus Morchella) | :: spugnola {f} |
morello {n} (Prunus cerasus austera tree) | :: marasca {f} |
morello {n} (fruit) | :: marasca {f} |
more or less {adv} (approximately) | :: più o meno, su per giù, approssimativamente |
more or less {adv} (almost) | :: quasi |
moreover {adv} /mɔɹˈoʊvɚ/ (in addition to what has been said) | :: inoltre |
morepork {n} /ˈmɔːpɔːk/ (Ninox novaeseelandiae) | :: gufastore di Nuova Zelanda |
more than one can shake a stick at {adj} (occurring in abundance) | :: più di quanto tu possa immaginare |
morganatic {adj} /mɔɹɡəˈnætɪk/ | :: morganatico |
Morgan le Fay {prop} /ˌmɔːɡən lə ˈfeɪ/ (half sister of King Arthur) | :: Morgana {f}, fata Morgana {f} |
morgue {n} /mɔɹɡ/ (place for dead people) | :: obitorio {m}, camera mortuaria {f} |
morgue {n} (haughty attitude) SEE: arrogance | :: |
moribund {adj} /ˈmɔːɹɪbʌnd/ (approaching death) | :: moribondo, morente |
morion {n} /ˈmɒɹɪən/ (type of helmet) | :: morione |
Mormon {prop} /ˈmɔɹmən/ (ancient prophet) | :: Mormon |
Mormonism {prop} (religious aspects of the Latter-day Saint movement) | :: mormonismo {m} |
morna {n} /məʊˈɹnɑ/ (a genre of Cape Verdean music) | :: morna |
morning {n} /ˈmɔɹnɪŋ/ (part of the day between dawn and midday) | :: mattino {m}, mattina {f} |
morning {n} (the part of the day after midnight and before midday) | :: mattina {f}, mattino {m} |
morning after {n} (hangover) SEE: hangover | :: |
morning-after pill {n} (type of contraceptive pill) | :: pillola del giorno dopo {f} |
morning gift {n} (gift given by husband to wife upon first morning of marriage) | :: morgengabio {m} |
morning glory {n} (erection present on waking) SEE: morning wood | :: |
morning person {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird | :: |
morning sickness {n} (early morning nausea from pregnancy) | :: nausee mattutine {f} |
morning star {n} (planet Venus as seen around dawn) | :: stella del mattino {m}, lucifero {m} |
morning star {n} (spiked weapon on staff) | :: mazza ferrata {f}, stella del mattino {f} |
morning star {n} | :: stella del mattino {m}, mazza ferrata {f} |
Morning Star {prop} (planet Venus as seen around dawn) | :: stella del mattino {f} |
Morning Star {prop} | :: stella del mattino {m}, mazza ferrata {f} |
morning tent {n} (morning erection) SEE: morning wood | :: |
morning wood {n} (morning erection) | :: alzabandiera {m} |
Moroccan {n} (person from Morocco) | :: marocchino {m}, marocchina {f} |
Moroccan {adj} (pertaining to Morocco) | :: marocchino |
Morocco {prop} /məˈɹɒkəʊ/ (country) | :: Marocco {m} |
moron {n} /ˈmɔːɹɒn/ (person of borderline intelligence) | :: imbecille {m}, cretino {m}, stupido {m}, deficiente {m}, babbeo {m}, idiota {m}, ritardato {m}, mongoloide {m}, squasimodeo {m} |
moron {n} | :: cretino {m}, deficiente {m}, idiota {m}, imbecille {m}, stupido {m} |
moron {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot | :: |
morpheme {n} /ˈmɔː(ɹ)fiːm/ (smallest linguistic unit) | :: morfema {m} |
Morpheus {prop} /ˈmɔɹfjuːs/ (Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams) | :: Morfeo {m} |
morphine {n} /ˈmɔː.fiːn/ (crystalline alkaloid) | :: morfina {f} |
morphological {adj} /ˌmɔːfəˈlɒd͡ʒɪkəl/ (relating to morphology) | :: morfologico |
morphologically {adv} (with regard to morphology) | :: morfologicamente |
morphology {n} /mɔɹˈfɑlədʒi/ (a scientific study of form and structure) | :: morfologia {f} |
morphology {n} (the form and structure of something) | :: morfologia {f} |
morphology {n} (a description of the form and structure of something) | :: morfologia |
morphology {n} (biological study of the form and structure) | :: morfologia {f} |
morphology {n} (geological study of the form and structure) | :: morfologia |
morphology {n} (linguistic study of the form and structure) | :: morfologia {f} |
morphophonemic {adj} (relating to morphophonemes or morphophonemics) | :: morfofonemico |
morphophonology {n} | :: morfofonologia {f} |
morphopsychology {n} | :: morfopsicologia {f} |
morphosyntax {n} | :: morfosintassi {f} |
-morphous {suffix} (having a specified shape or form) | :: -morfo |
morra {n} /ˈmɔːɹə/ | :: morra |
Morse code {prop} (character code) | :: codice Morse {m}, alfabeto Morse {m} |
morsel {n} /ˈmɔɹsəl/ (small fragment) | :: boccone {m} |
mortal {adj} /ˈmɔːtəl/ (susceptible to death) | :: mortale |
mortal {adj} (causing death; deadly; fatal; killing) | :: mortale |
mortality {n} /mɔɹˈtælɪti/ (condition of being susceptible to death) | :: mortalità {f} |
mortality {n} (death rate) | :: mortalità |
mortal sin {n} (grave sin) | :: peccato mortale {m} |
mortar {n} /ˈmɔːtə(ɹ)/ (mixture of lime or cement, sand and water) | :: malta {f} |
mortar {n} (short large-bore cannon) | :: mortaio {m} |
mortar {n} (vessel used to grind ingredients) | :: mortaio {m} |
mortgage {n} /ˈmɔɹ.ɡɪdʒ/ (special form of secured loan) | :: ipoteca {f} |
mortgage {v} (to borrow against a property) | :: ipotecare |
mortician {n} (undertaker) SEE: undertaker | :: |
mortise {n} /ˈmɔː(ɹ).tɪs/ (a hole for a tenon) | :: mortasa {f} |
mortise-and-tenon joint {n} (joint) | :: tenone e mortasa |
mortmain {n} /ˈmɔɹt.meɪn/ (inalienable possession of lands) | :: manomorta {f} |
mortuary {n} (morgue) SEE: morgue | :: |
mosaic {n} /moʊˈzeɪɪk/ (artwork) | :: mosaico {m} |
mosaic {n} (composite picture) | :: mosaico {m} |
Mosaic {adj} (Of or relating to Moses) | :: mosaico |
mosaicist {n} (person who designs or builds mosaics) | :: mosaicista {m} {f} |
mosasaur {n} (group of extinct marine reptiles) | :: mosasauro |
Moscovian {n} (subdivision of the Carboniferous period) | :: Moscoviano {m} |
moscovium {n} /mɒˈskəʊ.vi.əm/ (115th element) | :: moscovio {m} |
Moscow {prop} /ˈmɑskaʊ/ (capital city of Russia) | :: Mosca {f} |
Moscow {prop} (a name of a town in the USA) | :: Moscow |
Moscow salad {n} (Olivier salad) SEE: Olivier salad | :: |
Moselle {prop} (river) | :: Mosella {f} |
Moses {prop} /ˈmoʊzəz/ (the biblical patriarch) | :: Mosè |
mosh {v} /mɒʃ/ (jump and collide with other dancer) | :: pogare |
mosque {n} /mɑsk/ (a place of worship for Muslims) | :: moschea {f} |
mosquito {n} /məˈski.toʊ/ (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood) | :: zanzara {f} |
mosquito coil {n} (mosquito-repelling incense) | :: zampirone, piroconofobo |
mosquito net {n} (fine net used to protect against mosquitos) | :: zanzariera {f} |
moss {n} (bog) SEE: bog | :: |
moss {n} /mɔs/ (plants of the division Bryophyta) | :: muschio {m} |
moss animal {n} (bryozoan) SEE: bryozoan | :: |
moss-grown {adj} (old; old-fashioned, out of date) SEE: old | :: |
moss-grown {adj} /ˈmɒsɡɹəʊn/ (having a covering of growing moss) | :: muschiato |
mossy {n} /ˈmɑːsi/ (covered in or overgrown with moss) | :: muscoso {m}, muscosa {f} |
most {determiner} /ˈməʊst/ (majority of) | :: la maggioranza di, di più |
most {adv} (forming the superlative) | :: il più |
most {adv} | :: la maggioranza ; la maggioranza della gente |
most {adv} (almost) SEE: almost | :: |
mostly {adv} /ˈmoʊstli/ (for the most part) | :: soprattutto, per lo più |
most of all {adv} (to a greater extent than anything else) | :: più di tutto |
Most Serene Republic of Venice {prop} (a sovereign state and maritime republic in what is now northeastern Italy, which lasted from 697 AD until 1797 AD) | :: Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia {f} |
Mosul {prop} /ˈməʊsəl/ (city) | :: Mossul |
mote {n} /moʊt/ (A small particle; a speck) | :: pagliuzza {f} |
motel {n} /moʊˈtɛl/ (type of hotel) | :: motel |
motet {n} (a composition adapted to sacred words in the elaborate polyphonic church style) | :: mottetto {m} |
moth {n} /mɔθ/ (insect similar to a butterfly) | :: falena {f}, tarma {f}, camola {f}, tignola {f} |
mothball {n} /mɒθbɔːl/ (small ball) | :: pallina tarmicida {f}, naftalina {f} |
mother {n} (motherfucker) SEE: motherfucker | :: |
mother {n} (hysterical passion) SEE: hysteria | :: |
mother {n} (female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant) | :: madre {f} |
mother {n} (one’s female parent) | :: madre {f} |
motherboard {n} /ˈmʌðɚˌbɔɹd/ (primary circuit board of a computer) | :: scheda madre {f} |
Mother Earth {prop} (personification of Earth) | :: Madre Terra {f} |
motherfucker {n} /ˈmʌðəˌfʌkə/ (generic term of abuse) | :: figlio di puttana (son of a bitch), pezzo di merda (piece of shit) |
mother hen {n} (overprotective woman) | :: mamma chioccia {f} |
mother-in-law {n} /ˈmʌ.ðəɹ.ɪnˌlɑː/ (spouse’s mother) | :: suocera {f} |
motherland {n} /ˈmʌðɚˌlænd/ (the country of one's ancestors) | :: madrepatria {f} |
motherland {n} | :: madrepatria {f} |
motherly {adj} /ˈmʌðəli/ (befitting a mother; warm, caring, nurturing, protective, loving) | :: materno |
Mother of God {prop} (mother of Jesus Christ) | :: Madre di Dio {f} |
mother-of-pearl {n} (pearly layer) | :: madreperla {f} |
Mother Russia {prop} (national personification of Russia) | :: Madre Russia {f} |
Mother's Day {n} (a day in honor of one's mother or all mothers, on whichever day) | :: festa della mamma {f} |
mother ship {n} (vessel that serves a smaller vessel) | :: nave madre {f} |
mother's milk {n} (breast milk) SEE: breast milk | :: |
mother tongue {n} /ˈmʌð.ə ˌtʌŋ/ (one's native tongue) | :: madrelingua {f} |
motif {n} /moʊˈtiːf/ (nucleotide or amino-acid sequence pattern) | :: motivo |
motile {adj} /ˈməʊtaɪl/ (Having the power to move spontaneously) | :: mobile |
motion {n} /ˈməʊʃən/ (state of progression from one place to another) | :: movimento {m} |
motion {n} (parliamentary proposal) | :: mozione {f}, mozioni {f-p} |
motion detector {n} (device used in security systems) | :: sensore di movimento {m} |
motionless {adj} /ˈmoʊʃənlɛs/ (at rest, not moving) | :: immobile, immoto, inerte |
motion picture {n} (movie) SEE: movie | :: |
motion sickness {n} (nausea or dizziness in a moving vehicle) | :: chinetosi; mal di mare {m} [seasickness] |
motivate {v} /ˈmoʊtɪveɪt/ (to encourage) | :: motivare |
motivation {n} (willingness of action especially in behavior) | :: motivazione {f} |
motive {n} /ˈməʊtɪv/ (a cause to commit a crime) | :: motivo {m} |
motive {n} | :: motivo {m} |
motive power {n} (power that enables something to move) | :: forza motrice {f} |
motley {adj} /ˈmɒtli/ (comprising greatly varied elements) | :: variegato, eterogeneo |
motley {adj} (having many colours; variegated) | :: multicolore, variegato |
motor {n} /ˈməʊtə/ (machine that converts other energy forms into mechanical energy) | :: motore {m} |
motor {n} (colloquial: motor car, see also: automobile) | :: macchina {f}, auto {m}, autovettura {f} |
motorbiker {n} (motorcyclist) SEE: motorcyclist | :: |
motorcade {n} (procession of cars) | :: sfilata di automobili {f}, corteo di automobili {m} |
motorcar {n} (enclosed passenger vehicle powered by engine) SEE: automobile | :: |
motorcycle {n} /ˈməʊtəˌsaikəl/ (open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel) | :: motocicletta {f}, moto {f}, motociclo {m} |
motorcycle sport {n} (The sport of racing with motorcycles) | :: motociclismo {m} |
motorcyclist {n} (someone who rides a motorcycle) | :: motociclista {m} {f}, centauro {m} |
motor glider {n} (sailplane with motor) | :: motoaliante {m} |
motorist {n} (one who drives a motor vehicle) | :: motorista {m} {f} |
motorization {n} (the act of motorizing something) | :: motorizzazione {f} |
motorize {v} (military: to mechanize) | :: motorizzare |
motorjet {n} (rudimentary type of jet engine) | :: motoreattore {m}, termogetto {m} |
motor scooter {n} (small motorcycle or moped) | :: lambretta {f}, motoscooter {m} |
motor vehicle {n} (any land-based means of transportation) | :: autoveicolo {m} |
motorway {n} /ˈməʊtəweɪ/ (broad highway) | :: autostrada {f} |
mottled duck {n} (Anas fulvigula) | :: germano maculato {m} |
motto {n} /ˈmɑt.oʊ/ (sentence, phrase or word forming part of an heraldic achievement) | :: motto {m} |
mouflon {n} /ˈmuːf.lɑːn/ (sheep) | :: muflone {m} |
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold | :: |
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold | :: |
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold | :: |
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold | :: |
mouldboard {n} (curved blade on a plough that serves to turn over the furrow) | :: versoio {m} |
mouldwarp {n} (mole) SEE: mole | :: |
mouldy {adj} (neglected) SEE: neglected | :: |
mouldy {adj} /ˈmoʊldi/ (covered with mould) | :: ammuffito, mucido |
moult {n} /moʊlt/ (process) | :: muta, muda |
moult {v} (to shed hair, feathers, skin, horns etc., as an animal) | :: mutare, fare la muta |
mound {n} /maʊnd/ (artificial elevation of earth) | :: terrapieno {m}, tumulo {m}, cumulo {m}, monticello {m}, tumulo {m}, motta {f}, montarozzo {m} |
mound {n} (natural elevation) | :: collinetta {f}, poggio {m}, monticello {m}, tumulo {m}, motta {f} |
mound {v} (to pile into mounds) | :: accumulare, ammucchiare |
mound {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva | :: |
mount {n} (mountain) SEE: mountain | :: |
mount {n} /maʊnt/ (horse) | :: destriero {m} |
mount {v} (to have sexual intercourse with someone) | :: montare |
mountain {n} /ˈmaʊntɪn/ (large mass of earth and rock) | :: montagna {f}, monte {m} |
mountain ash {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan | :: |
mountain beaver {n} | :: castoro di montagna {m} |
mountain bike {n} (bicycle especially designed for off-road riding) | :: rampichino {m} |
mountain buzzard {n} (Buteo oreophilus) | :: poiana africana dei monti {f} |
mountain chain {n} (a series of mountain ranges) | :: catena montuosa {f}, giogaia {f} |
mountain climber {n} (mountain climber) | :: scalatore {m}, alpinista {m}, escursionista {m} |
mountaineer {n} /ˌmaʊn.tɪnˈɪɹ/ (one who climbs mountains for sport or pleasure) | :: alpinista {m} {f}, escursionista {m} |
mountaineer {n} (someone who lives in a mountainous area) | :: montanaro {m} |
mountain lion {n} (Puma concolor) SEE: cougar | :: |
mountainous {adj} /ˈmaʊntɪnəs/ (having many mountains) | :: montagnoso |
mountain pass {n} (low point) | :: passo di montagna {m}, valico {m} |
Mount Everest {prop} (world’s highest mountain, located in the Himalayas) | :: l’Everest {m}, il monte Everest {m} |
Mount Fuji {prop} (the highest mountain in Japan) | :: Monte Fuji {m}, [dated] Fujiyama {m} |
Mount Kilimanjaro {prop} (Kilimanjaro) SEE: Kilimanjaro | :: |
Mount Mayon {prop} /mə.ˈjɔn/ (the most active volcano in the Philippines) | :: Monte Mayon |
mourn {v} /mʊɹn/ (express sadness for, grieve over) | :: rimpiangere, essere (in) lutto |
mournful {adj} /ˈmɔɹnfəl/ (filled with grief or sadness) | :: lamentoso |
mourning {n} /ˈmʊɹnɪŋ/ (act of expressing sorrow) | :: dolore, dispiacere |
mourning {n} (expressing sorrow over death) | :: lutto |
mourning {n} | :: lutto {m} |
mouse {n} /maʊs/ (rodent of the genus Mus) | :: topo {m}, sorcio {m}, ratto {m} |
mouse {n} (computing: input device) | :: mouse {m} |
mouse-colored antshrike {n} (bird) | :: averla formichiera grigiotopo |
mousekin {n} /ˈmaʊskɪn/ (baby mouse) | :: topolino {m} |
mouse lemur {n} (lemur of the genus Microcebus) | :: microcebo {m} |
mouse mat {n} (mouse pad) SEE: mouse pad | :: |
mouse pad {n} /ˈmaʊs.pæd/ (mouse pad) | :: tappetino per mouse {m} |
mousepad {n} (mouse pad) SEE: mouse pad | :: |
mousetrap {n} /ˈmaʊsˌtɹæp/ (device for killing mice) | :: trappola per topi |
moustache {n} /ˈmʌstæʃ/ (hair on upper lip) | :: baffi {m-p} |
moustached {adj} (having moustache) | :: baffuto {m} |
mouth {n} /maʊθ/ (the opening of a creature through which food is ingested) | :: bocca {f} |
mouth {n} (an outlet, aperture or orifice) | :: imboccatùra {f}, imbócco {m} |
mouth {n} (the end of a river out of which water flows) | :: foce {f} |
mouthful {n} (amount that will fit in a mouth) | :: boccone {m}, boccata {f}, morso {m} |
mouthly {adj} (oral) SEE: oral | :: |
mouth organ {n} (mouth organ) SEE: harmonica | :: |
mouthpiece {n} /ˈmaʊθˌpiːs/ (part of a wind or brass instrument) | :: imboccatura {f} |
mouthpiece {n} (spokesman who speaks on behalf of someone else) | :: portavoce |
mouthwash {n} (liquid used to clean one's mouth) | :: collutorio {m} |
mouthwatering {adj} (delicious in taste) | :: appetitoso {m}, invitante |
movable property {n} (personal property) SEE: personal property | :: |
move {v} /muːv/ (to change place or posture; to go) | :: muoversi |
move {v} (to act; to take action) | :: smuoversi, darsi una mossa, agire |
move {v} (to change residence) | :: trasferirsi, traslocare |
move {v} (to change the place of a piece) | :: muovere, spostare |
move {v} (to cause to change place or posture; to set in motion) | :: trasportare |
move {v} (to transfer from one space or position to another) | :: trasferire, spostare |
move {v} (to excite to action) | :: persuadere |
move {v} (to arouse the feelings or passions of) | :: emozionare |
move {v} (to propose; to recommend) | :: proporre, raccomandare |
move {v} (to apply to) | :: prodigarsi |
move {n} (an act for the attainment of an object or purpose) | :: passo {m} |
move {n} (the event of changing one's residence) | :: trasloco {m} |
move {n} (change strategy) | :: cambiamento {m}, cambio {m} |
move {n} (the act of moving a token on a gameboard) | :: mossa {f} |
move {n} (the act of moving) SEE: movement | :: |
move about {v} (move from place to place) | :: spostarsi |
move heaven and earth {v} (to go to extreme lengths) | :: muovere cielo e terra |
movement {n} /ˈmuːv.mənt/ (physical motion) | :: movimento {m} |
movement {n} (music: division of a larger musical composition) | :: movimento {m} |
move mountains {v} (move heaven and earth) SEE: move heaven and earth | :: |
movie {n} /ˈmuːvi/ (motion picture) | :: film {m}, pellicola {f} |
movie {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema | :: |
movie camera {n} (camera for filming a movie) | :: macchina da presa |
moviehouse {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema | :: |
movie theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema | :: |
moving {adj} /ˈmuːvɪŋ/ (that causes someone to feel emotion) | :: commovente |
moving walkway {n} (slow conveyor belt that transports people horizontally) | :: nastro trasportatore |
mow {v} /moʊ/ (to cut down) | :: falciare, tagliare l'erba, mietere |
mower {n} (lawnmower) SEE: lawnmower | :: |
mower {n} /ˈməʊ.ə(ɹ)/ (a person who cuts grass) | :: falciatore {m} |
moxibustion {n} /ˌmɒksɪˈbʌst͡ʃən/ (burning of moxa against skin) | :: moxibustione {f} |
Mozabite {n} (member of a Berber ethnic group) | :: mozabita {m} {f} |
Mozambican {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Mozambique, or the Mozambican people) | :: mozambicano {m} |
Mozambican {n} (person from Mozambique or of Mozambican descent) | :: mozambicano {m} |
Mozambique {prop} /ˌmoʊ.zæmˈbiːk/ (country in Southern Africa) | :: Mozambico {m} |
Mozartian {adj} (of or pertaining to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) | :: mozartiano |
mozzarella {n} /mɒt.sə.ˈɹɛl.ə/ (soft Italian cheese) | :: mozzarella {f} |
MP3 player {n} (electronic device for playing digital audio files in the MP3 format) | :: lettore MP3 {m} |
Mr {n} (abbreviation of mister) SEE: Mr. | :: |
Mr. {n} /ˈmɪstɚ/ (abbreviation of mister) | :: Sig. |
mRNA {n} (messenger RNA) | :: mRNA |
Mrs {n} /ˈmɪs/ (title before woman's name) | :: Sig.ra |
Muay Thai {n} /muːeɪ ˈtaɪ/ (the martial art/sport) | :: thai boxe {f}, boxe thailandese {f} |
much {determiner} /mʌt͡ʃ/ (a large amount of) | :: molto |
much {adv} (to a great extent) | :: molto |
much ado about nothing {n} /mʌtʃ əˈduː əˈbaʊt ˈnʌθɪŋ/ (a lot of fuss) | :: tanto rumore per nulla |
much obliged {interj} (thank you) SEE: thank you | :: |
much obliged {adj} (grateful) SEE: grateful | :: |
mucic {adj} | :: mucico |
muck {n} /mʌk/ (slimy mud) | :: sporcizia {f}, porcheria {f} |
muck {n} (soft manure) | :: letame |
muck {v} (shovel muck) | :: spalare letame, spalare, spalare merda |
muckamuck {n} (person in a position of authority) SEE: big cheese | :: |
mucopus {n} /ˈmjuːkəʊpʌs/ (mixture of mucus and pus) | :: mucopus {m} |
mucosa {n} (mucous membrane) SEE: mucous membrane | :: |
mucous membrane {n} (membrane which secretes mucus) | :: mucosa {f} |
mucus {n} /ˈmjuːkəs/ (slippery secretion) | :: muco {m} |
mud {n} /mʌd/ (mixture of soil and water) | :: fango {m} |
mud {n} (wilful remarks or claims) | :: fango {m} |
mud {v} (to make muddy) | :: infangare |
muddiness {n} (the characteristic of being muddy) | :: fangosità {f}, melmosità {f}, limosità {f} |
muddle {v} /ˈmʌdəl/ (mix together, to mix up; to confuse) | :: pastrocchiare, pasticciare, ingarbugliare, imbrogliare, impasticciare, aggrovigliare, arruffare |
muddle {n} (a mixture; a confusion; a garble) | :: pasticcio {m}, guazzabuglio {m}, casino {m}, pastrocchio {m}, pateracchio {m}, intruglio {m} |
muddy {adj} /ˈmʌdi/ (covered with mud) | :: fangoso |
mudflat {n} (flat expanse of mud, esp. tidal flat) | :: barena {f} |
mudguard {n} (a cover over, or a flap behind, the wheels of a vehicle) | :: parafango {m} |
mudskipper {n} (goby) | :: perioftalmo {m} |
mudslinger {n} (one who casts aspersions) | :: infangatore {m} |
mudstone {n} (a fine-grained sedimentary rock) | :: marna |
muff {n} /mʌf/ (a piece of fur or cloth for keeping the hands warm) | :: manicotto {m} |
muff {n} (pubic hair) | :: pelo pubico, fica {f} |
muff {n} (an error) | :: fallo {m} |
muff diving {n} (cunnilingus) SEE: cunnilingus | :: |
muffin {n} /ˈmʌfɪn/ (individual cake) | :: muffin {m} |
muffle {n} (A machine with two pulleys to hoist load by spinning wheel) SEE: block and tackle | :: |
muffle furnace {n} | :: muffola {f} |
muffler {n} /ˈmʌflɚ/ (part of exhaust pipe) | :: smorzatore {m}, silenziatore {m}, marmitta {f} |
muffler {n} (scarf) SEE: scarf | :: |
mufti {n} /ˈmʌfti/ (Muslim scholar) | :: muftì {m} |
mufti {n} (civilian dress) | :: abito civile {m} |
mug {n} /mʌɡ/ (large cup) | :: boccale {m}, gotto {m} |
mug {n} ((slang) the face) | :: muso {m} |
mug {n} ((colloquial) a person who is easily fooled) | :: gonzo {m}, babbeo, credulone, idiota {m} |
mug {v} (to assault for the purpose of robbery) | :: scippare, borseggiare |
mugful {n} (as much as a mug will contain) | :: gotto {m} |
Muggle {n} (person who lacks a particular ability or skill) SEE: amateur | :: |
Muggle {n} /ˈmʌɡl̩/ (person who has no magical abilities) | :: babbano {m}, babbana {f} |
Muhammad {prop} (the prophet who introduced Islam) | :: Maometto {m} |
mujik {n} /ˈmuː(d)ʒɪk/ (Russian peasant) | :: mužik {m} |
mulatto {n} /muˈlɑtoʊ/ (person of mixed black and white descent) | :: mulatto {m}, mulatta {f} |
mulberry {n} /ˈmʌlbɛɹi/ (the tree) | :: moro {m}, gelso {m} [botanical] |
mulberry {n} (the fruit) | :: mora {f} |
mulch {n} /mʌltʃ/ (shredded matter for covering the soil) | :: pacciame {m} |
mulch {v} (to apply mulch) | :: pacciamare |
mulct {n} (pecuniary penalty) SEE: fine | :: |
mule {n} /mjuːl/ (offspring of male donkey and female horse) | :: mulo {m} |
mule {n} (person paid to smuggle drugs) | :: spallone {m} |
mulled wine {n} (wine with spices served hot) | :: vin brulé {m} |
mullein {n} /ˈmʌlɨn/ (plants of the genus Verbascum) | :: verbasco {m} |
mullet {n} /ˈmʌlɪt/ (fish of the family Mugilidae (grey mullets)) | :: triglia {f}, cefalo {m}, muggine {m} |
mullion {n} (vertical bar between the casements of a window) | :: montante {m}, colonnina {f} |
multi- {prefix} /ˈmʌl.ti/ (pertaining to many) | :: multi- |
multiagent {adj} | :: multiagente |
multiarticular {adj} (having multiple joints) | :: multiarticolato |
multi-billion {adj} (having more than 1,000,000,000) | :: multi-billione |
multibillion {adj} /ˌmʌltiˈbɪljən/ (having a value of several billion) | :: multimiliardo |
multicellular {adj} (having many cells) | :: pluricellulare, multicellulare |
multicentric {adj} (occurring in multiple centres at the same time) | :: multicentrico |
multicolor {adj} (multicolored) SEE: multicolored | :: |
multicolored {adj} /ˈmʌltɪˌkʌlɚd/ (having multiple colors) | :: multicolore |
multicombustible {adj} | :: multicombustibile |
multicriteria {adj} (Involving multiple criteria) | :: multicriterio |
multicultural {adj} /ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃəɹəl/ (relating to several different cultures) | :: multiculturale |
multiculturality {n} (multiculturality) | :: multiculturalità {f} |
multielectronic {adj} (involving multiple electrons) | :: multielettronico |
multienzymatic {adj} | :: multienzimatico |
multifaceted {adj} (having multiple facets) | :: poliedrico |
multifaceted {adj} (having many aspects) | :: poliedrico |
multihadronic {adj} (involving multiple hadrons) | :: multiadronico |
multi-hydrocarbon {n} (petroleum jelly) SEE: petroleum jelly | :: |
multilayer {adj} (any system of multiple layers) | :: pluristratificato |
multilingual {adj} /ˌmʌltiˈlɪŋɡwəl/ (pertaining to multiple languages) | :: multilingue |
multilingualism {n} (ability to speak several languages) | :: plurilinguismo {m}, multilinguismo {m} |
multimeter {n} (measuring instrument) | :: multimetro {m}, multitester {m} |
multimillion {adj} (having several millions) | :: multimilionario {m}, multimilionaria {f} |
multimillionaire {n} (person worth many millions) | :: multimilionario {m}, multimilionaria {f} |
multinational {adj} (of, or involving more than two countries) | :: multinazionale {m} {f} |
multinational {adj} (operating, or having subsidiary companies in multiple countries) | :: multinazionale {m} {f} |
multinational {n} (multinational company) | :: multinazionale {f} |
multipartyism {n} | :: multipartitismo {m} |
multiplatform {adj} (cross-platform) SEE: cross-platform | :: |
multi-platform {adj} (cross-platform) SEE: cross-platform | :: |
multiplayer {n} /ˌmʌltiˈpleɪ̯ɚ/ (allowing multiple players to play simultaneously) | :: multigiocatore |
multiplex {n} (large cinema complex) | :: multisala {f} |
multiplexing {n} | :: multiplazione {f} |
multiplicand {n} /ˌmʌltəplɪˈkænd/ (number that is to be multiplied by another) | :: moltiplicando {m} |
multiplication {n} /ˌmʌltɪplɪˈkeɪʃən/ (process) | :: moltiplicazione {f} |
multiplication table {n} (in arithmetic) | :: tavola pitagorica {f}, tabellina {f} |
multiplicity {n} (the state of being made of multiple diverse elements) | :: molteplicità {f} |
multiplicity {n} (mathematics: the number of values for which a given condition holds) | :: molteplicità {f} |
multiplicity {n} (a large indeterminate number) | :: molteplicità {f} |
multiplier {n} /ˈmʌɫ.tɪ.ˌplaɪ.ɚ/ (number) | :: moltiplicatore {m} |
multiply {v} /ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/ (transitive: perform multiplication on (a number)) | :: moltiplicare |
multiracial {adj} (of, or having a mixture of, multiple races) | :: multirazziale |
multiset {n} (generalized type of set that may contain multiple occurrences of elements) | :: multiinsieme {m} |
multisport {adj} | :: polisportivo {m}, polisportiva {f} |
multisyllabic {adj} (polysyllabic) SEE: polysyllabic | :: |
multi-touch {adj} (accepting more than one touch at same time) | :: multitocco {m} {m-p} {f} {f-p} |
multi-touch {n} (capability) | :: multitocco {m} |
multitude {n} /ˈmʌltɪtjuːd/ (mass of ordinary people; the populace or the masses) | :: folla {f} |
multiuser {adj} | :: multiutente |
multivariate {adj} (having or involving multiple variables) | :: multivariato |
multiverse {n} (hypothetical group of all possible universes) | :: multiverso {m} |
multivoltine {adj} (Having several broods or generations in a year) | :: multivoltino |
multiwindow {adj} | :: multifinestra |
mum {n} /mʌm/ (mother (informal, familiar)) | :: mamma {f} |
mumble {v} /ˈmʌmbəl/ (to speak unintelligibly) | :: biascicare, mugugnare, farfugliare, balbettare, borbottare |
mumble {n} (quiet vocalization) | :: biascicamento {m}, mugugno {m}, borbottio {m}, balbettio {m}, farfugliamento {m} |
mummy {n} /ˈmʌmi/ (embalmed corpse) | :: mummia {f} |
mummy {n} (child's term for mother) | :: mamma {f} |
mummy brown {n} /ˌmʌmi ˈbɹaʊn/ (brown pigment originally prepared from ground-up remains of Egyptian mummies, etc.) | :: bruno bitume {m} |
mummy's boy {n} (momma's boy) SEE: momma's boy | :: |
mumps {n} (contagious disease) | :: parotite epidemica {f}, orecchioni |
mum's the word {phrase} (indicates that something is a secret) | :: acqua in bocca |
munchies {n} /ˈmʌntʃiz/ (craving for food as a result of use of cannabis) | :: fame chimica {f} |
mung bean {n} /ˈmʌŋ ˌbiːn/ (seed of Vigna radiata) | :: fagiolo mungo {m}, fagiolo mungo {m}, fagiolo mungo verde |
Munich {prop} /ˈmjuːnɪk/ (capital of Bavaria) | :: Monaco {m}, Monaco di Baviera {m} |
municipal {adj} /mjuˈnɪsɪpəl/ (pertaining to city) | :: civico, comunale |
municipality {n} /mjʊˌnɪsɪˈpælɪti/ (a district with a government that typically encloses no other governed districts) | :: comune {m}, municipalità {f} |
municipality {n} (the governing body of such a district) | :: giunta comunale |
municipalization {n} | :: municipalizzazione {f} |
municipalize {v} (to convert into a municipality) | :: municipalizzare |
munificent {adj} /mjuˈnɪfɨsn̩t/ ((of a person or group) very liberal in giving or bestowing) | :: munifico |
Muntenia {prop} /mʊnˈtɛni.ə/ (region of Romania) | :: Muntenia {f} |
muntin {n} (window pane separator) | :: inglesina {f} |
muon {n} /ˈmjuːɒn/ (an unstable elementary particle in the lepton family) | :: muone {m} |
muonic {adj} (pertaining to, or composed of muons) | :: muonico |
mural {n} /ˈmjʊɹəl/ (painting on wall) | :: murales {m} |
Muratorian {adj} | :: muratoriano |
Murcia {prop} (city) | :: Murcia |
murder {n} /ˈmɜːdə(ɹ)/ (an act of deliberate killing) | :: assassinio {m}, omicidio {m}, uccisione {f} |
murder {n} (the crime of deliberate killing) | :: assassinio {m}, omicidio {m} |
murder {v} (deliberately kill) | :: assassinare |
murder {v} (defeat decisively) | :: massacrare |
murder {v} (devour) | :: distruggere |
murderer {n} /ˈmɝdəɹɚ/ (person who commits murder) | :: assassino {m} |
murderess {n} /mɜːdəˈɹɛs/ (woman who commits murder) | :: assassina {f}, omicida {f} |
murderous {adj} /ˈmɜːdəɹəs/ (likely to commit murder, see also: homicidal) | :: letale, micidiale, mortale, omicida, omicidiario |
murderous {adj} (used to commit murder; capable of causing death, see also: deadly; fatal) | :: micidiale |
muriatic acid {n} (hydrochloric acid) | :: acido muriatico |
murine {adj} /ˈmjʊəɹaɪn/ (characteristic of mice) | :: murino |
murky {adj} (dark, dim, gloomy) SEE: gloomy | :: |
murky {adj} (cloudy, indistinct, obscure) SEE: obscure | :: |
murmur {n} /ˈmɜː.mə(ɹ)/ (low sounds or speech) | :: mormorio {m}, brusio {m}, sussurro {m} |
murmur {v} (to speak or make low, indistinguishable noise; to mumble) | :: mormorare |
murmuring {n} (a complaint against something) | :: brontolamento {m}, lamentele {f-p} |
Murphy bed {n} (bed that folds up into the wall) | :: letto a scomparsa {m} |
Murray {prop} /ˈmʌɹi/ (river in Australia) | :: Murray {m} |
murrey {n} (mulberry) SEE: mulberry | :: |
murrey {adj} /məɹiː/ (having a murrey colour) | :: morato |
muscarine {n} (poisonous alkaloid) | :: muscarina {f} |
muscarinism {n} | :: muscarinismo {m} |
muscle {n} /ˈmʌs.əl/ (contractile tissue) | :: muscolo {m} |
muscleman {n} (bodyguard) SEE: bodyguard | :: |
muscovite {n} (mineral of the mica group) | :: muscovite {f} |
Muscovite {n} /ˈmʌs.kəˌvaɪt/ (resident of Moscow) | :: moscovita {m} {f} |
Muscovy {prop} /ˈmʌskəvi/ (Grand Duchy of Moscow) | :: Moscovia {f} |
Muscovy duck {n} (duck) | :: anatra muschiata {f}, anatra muta {f} |
muscular {adj} /ˈmʌs.kjə.lɚ/ (of or relating to muscles) | :: muscolare |
muscular {adj} (having strength) | :: muscoloso |
muscular {adj} (having large, well-developed muscles) | :: muscoloso |
muscular dystrophy {n} (muscular dystrophy) | :: distrofia muscolare {f} |
muscularity {n} | :: muscolosità {f} |
musculature {n} (collection of muscles) | :: muscolatura {f} |
musculocutaneous {adj} (pertaining to the muscles and skin) | :: muscolocutaneo |
musculoskeletal {adj} (of, or relating to both muscles and the skeleton) | :: muscoloscheletrico |
muse {n} /mjuz/ (a source of inspiration) | :: muse |
muse {v} (to become lost in thought) | :: meditare |
Muse {n} /mjuːz/ (one of the nine Ancient Greek deities of the arts) | :: Musa, musa {f} |
museologist {n} | :: museologo {m} |
museum {n} /mjuˈzi.əm/ (building or institution) | :: museo {m} |
mush {n} /mʊʃ/ (semiliquid substance) | :: poltiglia {f}, pastone {m} |
mush {v} (To squish so as to break into smaller pieces or to combine with something else) | :: sminuzzare, spezzettare |
mushroom {n} /ˈmʌʃˌɹuːm/ (fruiting body of a fungus) | :: fungo {m} |
mushroom {n} (one who rises suddenly from a low condition in life) SEE: upstart | :: |
music {n} /ˈmjuzɪk/ (sound, organized in time in a melodious way) | :: musica {f} |
music {n} (sheet music) | :: spartito {m}, partitura {f} |
musical {adj} /ˈmju.zɪ.kəl/ (of or relating to music) | :: musicale |
musical box {n} (music box) SEE: music box | :: |
musical chairs {n} (game) | :: gioco della sedia {m} |
musical instrument {n} (a device, object, contrivance or machine used to produce musical notes or sounds) | :: strumento musicale {m} |
musicality {n} /ˌmju.zɪ.ˈkæ.lɪ.ti/ (condition of being musical) | :: musicalità {f} |
musically {adv} (in a musical manner) | :: musicalmente |
musical notation {n} (writing system) | :: notazione musicale {f} |
music box {n} (box that generates or plays music) | :: carillon {m} |
musician {n} /mjuˈzɪʃən/ (person who performs or writes music) | :: musicista {m} {f}, musico {m} |
music notation {n} (system which represents aurally perceived music) SEE: musical notation | :: |
music of the spheres {n} (music produced by celestial bodies) | :: musica delle sfere {f}, armonia delle sfere {f}, armonia universale {f}, musica universale {f} |
musicological {adj} (of or pertaining to musicology) | :: musicologico |
musicologically {adv} (with regard to musicology) | :: musicologicamente |
musicologist {n} (one who studies musicology) | :: musicologo {m} |
musicology {n} /mjuːzɪˈkɒlədʒi/ (study of music) | :: musicologia {f} |
music stand {n} (stand for holding sheet music) | :: leggio {m} |
music theory {n} (field of study dealing with how music works) | :: teoria musicale {f} |
music therapy {n} (any of various therapeutic uses of music) | :: musicoterapia {f} |
music to someone's ears {n} (good news; pleasing sound or expression) | :: musica per le proprie orecchie |
music video {n} (motion picture accompanying a song) | :: videoclip {m} |
musing {adj} (absorbed in thought; contemplative) | :: pensieroso |
musk {n} /mʌsk/ (greasy secretion with powerful odour) | :: muschio {m} |
musk deer {n} (small deer inhabiting uplands of central Asia) | :: mosco {m} |
musk duck {n} (Biziura lobata) | :: anatra muschiata australiana |
musket {n} /ˈmʌskət/ (firearm) | :: moschetto {m} |
musketeer {n} (member of French royal bodyguard) | :: moschettiere {m} |
musk mallow {n} (Abelmoschus moschatus) SEE: abelmosk | :: |
musk ox {n} (an arctic mammal) | :: bue muschiato {m} |
muskrat {n} /ˈmʌskɹæt/ (Ondatra zibethicus) | :: topo muschiato {m} |
Muslim {n} /ˈmʌz.lɪm/ (believer of Islam) | :: musulmano {m}, musulmana {f} |
Muslim {adj} (relating to believers of Islam) | :: musulmano {m} |
Muslimize {v} (to convert to Islam) | :: musulmanizare |
muslin {n} (very different styles of fabric) SEE: fabric | :: |
muslin {n} /ˈmʌz.lɪn/ (thin cotton cloth) | :: mussola {f} |
musquash {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) SEE: muskrat | :: |
muss {n} (mess) SEE: mess | :: |
mussel {n} /ˈmʌsəl/ (any small edible bivalve shellfish, see also: clam; oyster; mollusc) | :: cozza {f}, mitilo {m}, muscolo {m}, peocio {m}, dattero nero {m}, poverazza {f} |
Mussolini {prop} /ˌmʊsəˈliːni/ (surname) | :: Mussolini |
Mussolinism {n} | :: mussolinismo {m} |
must {v} /ˈmʌst/ (be required to) | :: dovere |
must {n} (fruit juice that will ferment or has fermented, usually from grapes) | :: mosto |
mustard {n} /ˈmʌs.tɚd/ (plant) | :: senape {f} |
mustard {n} (condiment) | :: senape {f} |
mustard {n} (colour) | :: senape {m} |
mustard gas {n} (vesicant gas) | :: iprite {f} |
mustelid {n} (any species of family Mustelidae) | :: mustelide {m} |
muster {v} (to show, exhibit) SEE: show | :: |
muster {n} /ˈmʌs.tɚ/ (any assemblage or display) | :: adunata {f}, assemblea {f}, raduno {m} |
muster {n} (assembling or review of troops) | :: adunata {f}, adunanza {f}, rivista {f} |
muster {n} (roundup of cattle) | :: raduno {m} |
muster {n} (show; display) | :: mostra {f} |
muster {v} (to call or assemble together) | :: radunare, esibire, adunare |
muster {v} (to enroll in service) | :: arruolare, ingaggiare, assumere |
muster {v} | :: convocare |
muster roll {n} (official list of the officers in a military) | :: ruolino {m}, ruolino di compagnia {m} |
mutability {n} (state or quality of being mutable) | :: mutevolezza {f} |
mutagen {n} /ˈmjuːtədʒn̩/ (agent or substance that can cause genetic mutation) | :: mutageno {m} |
mutarotation {n} (a dynamic change in the rotation of polarized light) | :: mutarotazione {f} |
mutate {v} /mjuːˈteɪt/ (to undergo mutation) | :: mutare |
mutational {adj} (pertaining to mutation) | :: mutazionale |
mutationistic {adj} | :: mutazionistico |
mutatis mutandis {adv} /m(j)uˌtɑdəs m(j)uˈtɑndəs/ (having changed what needs to be changed) | :: mutatis mutandis, fatti i debiti mutamenti, con le opportune differenze |
mute {adj} /mjuːt/ (not having the power of speech) | :: muto |
mute {adj} (silent, not making a sound) | :: muto |
mute {n} (sordine) | :: sordino {m}, sordina {f} |
mute h {n} /mjuːt eɪtʃ/ (usage of the letter h at the start of a word which allows liaison with a preceding consonant) | :: h muto {m} |
mute swan {n} (Cygnus olor) | :: cigno reale {m} |
mutiny {n} /ˈmju.tə.ni/ (organized rebellion) | :: ammutinamento {m} |
mutism {n} (psychological disorder) | :: mutismo {m} |
mutt {n} /mʌt/ (a mongrel dog) | :: bastardino {m} |
mutton {n} /ˈmʌtn̩/ (the flesh of sheep used as food) | :: carne ovina {f} |
mutual {adj} /ˈmjuːt͡ʃuəl/ (having the same relationship, each to each other) | :: mutuo, vicendevole |
mutual {adj} (reciprocal) | :: reciproco, vicendevole |
mutual {adj} (possessed in common) | :: vicendevole |
mutual friend {n} (friend of each of two or more people) | :: amico comune {m} |
mutualism {n} /ˈmjuː.tʃʊ.əˌlɪz.m̩/ (interaction between two species that benefits both) | :: mutualismo {m} |
mutuality {n} (the property of being mutual) | :: mutualità {f} |
mutually {adv} /ˈmjutʃuəli/ (in the same way, each to the other; reciprocally) | :: vicendevolmente |
mutually {adv} (in a shared manner; equally; affecting all parties the same way) | :: vicendevolmente |
muzzle {n} /ˈmʌzəl/ (part of animal's head) | :: muso {m} |
muzzle {n} (open end of a gun) | :: avancarica {f} |
muzzle {n} (device to stop an animal from biting) | :: museruola {f}, mordacchia {f} |
muzzle {v} (to apply a muzzle) | :: mettere la museruola |
muzzle {v} (to restrain from speaking or acting) | :: imbavagliare, mettere a tacere |
muzzleloading {adj} (of a gun, having ammunition loaded from the front of the barrel) | :: ad avancarica |
mwah {interj} /mwɑː/ (sound of a kiss) | :: pciù |
my {determiner} /maɪ/ (belonging to me) | :: mio {m} |
myalgia {n} (muscular pain or tenderness) | :: mialgia {f} |
myalgic {adj} /maɪˈæld͡ʒɪk/ (pertaining to myalgia) | :: mialgico |
Myanmar {prop} /ˌmjɑnˈmɑɹ/ (Southeast Asian country, see also: Burma) | :: Myanmar |
Myanmar {prop} (Burmese) SEE: Burmese | :: |
my ass {interj} (Indicates disapproval, disagreement, or disbelief) | :: stocazzo, un paio di palle, un cazzo |
my car has broken down {phrase} (my car has broken down) | :: la mia macchina si è rotta, la mia macchina si è in panne |
mycelium {n} /mɑɪ.ˈəm/ (vegetative part of a fungus) | :: micelio |
mycocellulose {n} (a form of cellulose) | :: micocellulosa {f} |
mycological {adj} (of or pertaining to mycology) | :: micologico |
mycologist {n} /maɪˌkɑləˈd͡ʒɪst/ (a person who studies, professes or practices mycology) | :: micologista {m} {f} |
mycology {n} /maɪˈkɒlədʒi/ (study of fungi) | :: micologia {f} |
mycorrhiza {n} (symbiotic relationship between the mycelium of a fungus and the roots of a plant) | :: micorriza {f} |
mycorrhization {n} | :: micorrizazione {f} |
mycosis {n} /maɪˈkoʊsɪs/ (an infection caused by a fungus) | :: micosi |
mycotoxin {n} (toxin produced by a fungus) | :: micotossina {f} |
mydriasis {n} /mɪˈdɹaɪ ə sɪs/ | :: midriasi {f} |
mydriatic {adj} (pertaining to or causing mydriasis) | :: midriatico |
mydriatic {n} (drug that causes mydriasis) | :: midriatico {m} |
myeloplegia {n} | :: mieloplegia {f} |
myelosclerosis {n} | :: mielosclerosi {f} |
myelotomy {n} | :: mielotomia {f} |
myelotransfusion {n} | :: mielotrasfusione {f} |
my foot {interj} (Indicates disapproval, disregard or disbelief) | :: un corno! |
my name is {phrase} (a way to identify oneself) | :: mi chiamo ..., il mio nome è ... |
myocardial {adj} /maɪəʊˈkɑːdi.əl/ (relating to the myocardium) | :: miocardico |
myocardial infarction {n} (heart attack) SEE: heart attack | :: |
myocardiocyte {n} (cell) | :: miocardiocito {m} |
myocardium {n} (muscles that surround and power the heart) | :: miocardio {m} |
myocele {n} | :: miocele {m} |
myodystrophic {adj} | :: miodistrofico |
myograph {n} | :: miografo {m} |
myoinositol {n} (most commonly-occurring isomer of inositol) | :: mioinositolo {m} |
myoma {n} /maɪˈoʊmə/ (tumor composed of muscle tissue) | :: mioma {m} |
myopia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness | :: |
myorrhexis {n} (laceration or tearing of a muscle) | :: miorressi {f} |
myosin {n} (motor protein) | :: miosina {f} |
myositis {n} (inflammation of the muscles) | :: miosite {f} |
myospasm {n} | :: miospasia {f} |
myotrophy {n} | :: miatrofia {f} |
myriad {n} /ˈmɪɹi.æd/ (vast diversity or number) | :: miriade {f} |
myrmecological {adj} (pertaining to myrmecology) | :: mirmecologico |
myrmecophily {n} | :: mirmecofilia {f} |
myroblyte {n} /ˈmɪɹəblaɪt/ (saint whose relics or place of burial produce or are said to have produced the Oil of Saints or the odour of sanctity) | :: miroblita {m} {f} |
myroblyte {adj} | :: miroblita |
myrrh {n} /mɝ/ (dried sap of the myrrha tree) | :: mirra {f} |
myrtle {n} /ˈmɝtəl/ (evergreen shrub) | :: mirto {m} |
myself {pron} /maɪˈsɛlf/ (me, reflexive form of me) | :: mi |
mysteriosophic {adj} | :: misteriosofico |
mysterious {adj} /mɪˈstɪəɹi.əs/ (of unknown origin) | :: misterioso, ignoto {m} |
mystery {n} /ˈmɪstəɹi/ (something secret or unexplainable) | :: mistero {m}, arcano {m}, enigma {m} |
mystery {n} (someone or thing with an obscure or puzzling nature) | :: mistero {m}, enigma {m}, rebus {m} |
mystery {n} (an event in the life of Jesus used as a focus for devotions) | :: mistero {m} |
mystery {n} | :: mistero {m}, giallo {m} |
mystic {n} /ˈmɪstɪk/ (someone who practices mysticism) | :: mistico {m} |
myth {n} /mɪθ/ (divine story) | :: mito {m} |
myth {n} (commonly-held but false belief) | :: mito {m} |
mythical {adj} /ˈmɪθɪkəl/ (existing in myth) | :: mitico, leggendario, favoloso |
mythicize {v} /ˈmɪθɪˌsaɪz/ | :: mitizzare |
mythologic {adj} (mythological) SEE: mythological | :: |
mythological {adj} /ˌmɪθəˈlɒd͡ʒɪkəl/ (of, or relating to myths or mythology) | :: mitologico |
mythologically {adv} (in a mythological fashion) | :: mitologicamente |
mythology {n} /mɪˈθɑlədʒi/ (myths of a people) | :: mitologia {f} |
mythology {n} (collection and study of myths) | :: mitologia {f} |
mythomania {n} (compulsion to tell lies) | :: mitomania {f} |
mythomaniac {n} /ˌmɪθəˈmeɪniæk/ (someone who suffers from mythomania) | :: mitomane {m}, mitomane {f} |
Mytilene {prop} (capital of Lesbos) | :: Mitilene |
myxoma {n} (tumor of primitive connective tissue) | :: mixoma {m} |
myxomatosis {n} (rabbit disease) | :: mixomatosi {f} |
myxorrhea {n} | :: mixorrea {f} |