User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-j
jab {n} /dʒæb/ (quick stab) | :: pisto, sohaisu, tökkäys |
jab {n} (medical injection) | :: ruiske, pistos, piikki |
jab {n} (a verbal annoyance) | :: piikki, pisto, sivallus |
jab {v} (to poke or thrust abruptly) | :: tökätä, tökkäistä, survaista |
jab {v} (to deliver a quick punch) | :: pistää, sohaista |
Jabberwock {prop} (fantastical monster) | :: Pekoraali |
Jabberwocky {prop} (poem) | :: Pekoraali, Monkerias |
jabiru {n} /ˈdʒæbɪ.ɹuː/ (Jabiru mycteria) | :: jabiru |
jacana {n} /dʒæˈkɑːnə/ (bird of the family Jacanidae) | :: jassana |
jacaranda {n} (tree) | :: jakaranda |
jacaranda {n} (wood) | :: jakaranda |
jacaranda {n} (trade name) | :: jakaranda |
jack {n} /dʒæk/ (device for raising and supporting a heavy object) | :: tunkki, nosturi |
jack {n} (man or men in general) | :: jätkä |
jack {n} (male animal) | :: koiras |
jack {n} (playing card) | :: sotilas, jätkä, solttu |
jack {n} (male ass (the animal)) | :: aasiori |
jack {n} (surface mounted connector) | :: jakki |
jack {n} (nautical: small flag at bow of ship) | :: rainelippu |
jack {n} (nautical: naval ensign) | :: laivastolippu |
jack {n} (slang: money) | :: fyrkka, hynä, massi, paalu |
jack {n} (fish in the Carangidae family) | :: piikkimakrilli |
jack {n} (part of the harpsichord) | :: luisti |
jack {n} (female ended electrical connector) | :: pistorasia |
jack {v} (use a jack) | :: nostaa tunkilla, tunkata |
jack {v} (steal) | :: varastaa |
jack {v} (to hit a home run) | :: lyödä kunnari |
jack {n} (knave) SEE: knave | :: |
jack {n} (freshwater pike) SEE: pike | :: |
jack {n} (large California rockfish) SEE: rockfish | :: |
Jack {prop} /dʒæk/ (pet name of John) | :: Jussi |
jackal {n} /ˈdʒækəl/ (wild canine) | :: sakaali |
jackal {n} (person who behaves in an opportunistic way) | :: liero |
jackalope {n} /ˈdʒækəloʊp/ (cross between a jackrabbit and antelope) | :: sarvijänis |
jackass {n} (male donkey) | :: aasi, aasiori |
jackass {n} (foolish or stupid person) | :: aasi |
jackbooted {adj} (authoritarian or oppressive) SEE: authoritarian | :: |
jackdaw {n} /ˈdʒækˌdɔː/ (Coloeus monedula) | :: naakka |
jackdaw {n} (Coloeus dauuricus) SEE: Daurian jackdaw | :: |
jacked {adj} /dʒækt/ (high on drugs or stimulants) | :: pilvessä |
jacked {adj} (strong and/or muscled) | :: lihaksikas, vahva |
jacket {n} /ˈd͡ʒæk.ɪt/ (piece of clothing worn on the upper body outside a shirt or blouse) | :: takki, pusakka |
jacket {n} (piece of a person's suit) | :: takki, pikkutakki |
jacket {n} (protective or insulating cover) | :: päällinen [book]; vaippa [hot water tank, bullet etc.] |
jacket {n} (slang: police record) | :: rikosrekisteri |
jacket {n} (tough outer skin of a baked potato) | :: kuori |
jacket potato {n} (a baked potato) SEE: baked potato | :: |
jackfruit {n} (jackfruit tree) | :: intianleipäpuu, jakkipuu |
jackfruit {n} (the fruit) | :: jakkihedelmä |
jackhammer {n} (portable percussive drill device) | :: katupora |
jack-in-the-box {n} (child’s toy) | :: vieteriukko |
Jack-in-the-pulpit {n} (Arum maculatum) | :: aaroninsauva |
jack-knife {n} (a compact folding knife) | :: linkkuveitsi |
jack of all trades {n} (one competent in many endeavors) | :: jokapaikanhöylä, tuhattaituri |
jack of all trades, master of none {n} (person who has a competent grasp of many skills) | :: jokapaikanhöylä, jokapaikan höylä |
jack of clubs {n} (playing card) | :: ristisotilas |
jack of diamonds {n} (playing card) | :: ruutusotilas |
jack off {v} (jerk off) SEE: jerk off | :: |
jack of hearts {n} (playing card) | :: herttasotilas |
jack of spades {n} /dʒæk.əv.speɪdz/ (playing card) | :: patasotilas |
jack-o'-lantern {n} /ˈdʒæk.oʊˌlæn.tɚn/ (carved pumpkin) | :: kurpitsalyhty |
jackpot {n} (accumulating money prize pool) | :: potti |
jackpot {n} (large cash prize) | :: jättipotti |
jackpot {n} (windfall) | :: jättipotti |
Jack Russell terrier {n} (dog breed) | :: jackrussellinterrieri |
jacks {n} /dʒæks/ (pair of jacks) | :: jätkäpari |
jacks {n} (toilet) | :: puusee, veski, vessa |
jack shit {pron} ((vulgar) nothing, anything) | :: paskaakaan |
jackstaff {n} (short spar, at the bows of a ship) | :: rainetanko |
jackstay {n} (nautical: line etc. to which a safety harness can be clipped) | :: elämänlanka |
jackstay {n} (diving: line to guide a load or a diver) | :: turvaköysi |
Jack the Ripper {prop} (19th century murderer) | :: Viiltäjä-Jack |
Jacob {prop} /ˈd͡ʒeɪkəb/ (one of the sons of Isaac and Rebecca) | :: Jaakob |
Jacob {prop} (male given name (the standard form)) | :: Jaakko |
Jacobite {n} /ˈd͡ʒækəbaɪt/ (supporter of the restoration of the Stuart kings) | :: jakobiitti |
jacquerie {n} /ʒaˈkɹi/ (a violent revolt by peasants) | :: talonpoikaiskapina, (in the history of France) jacquerie |
jacuzzi {n} /dʒəˈkuːzi/ (jacuzzi) | :: poreallas, poreamme |
jade {n} /d͡ʒeɪd/ (gem) | :: jade |
jade {n} (colour) | :: jadenvihreä |
jade {n} (old horse) | :: luuska |
jade {n} (woman) | :: luuska |
jade {v} (to tire, weary or fatigue) | :: väsyä, kulua [intr.], väsyttää, kuluttaa [tr.] |
Jade {prop} (female given name) | :: Jade |
jaded {adj} /ˈdʒeɪdɪd/ (Worn out, wearied, or lacking enthusiasm; exhausted) | :: kyllästynyt, väsynyt |
Jade Emperor {prop} (lord of the Celestial Hierarchy) | :: Jadekeisari |
jadeite {n} /ˈdʒeɪdaɪt/ (mineral) | :: jadeiitti |
jaeger {n} (rifle) SEE: rifle | :: |
jaeger {n} /ˈjeɪɡə/ (seabird) | :: kihu |
jaeger {n} (hunter's guide) | :: metsästysopas |
jaeger {n} (soldier) | :: jääkäri |
jaffa {n} (type of sweet orange) | :: jaffa |
jaffa {n} (slang: infertile male) | :: tuhkamuna |
Jaffa {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɑfə/ (a port in western Israel) | :: Jaffa |
Jaffa cake {n} (small, biscuit-like cake) | :: jaffakeksi |
Jaffa orange {n} (variety of orange) | :: jaffa-appelsiini, jaffa |
jagged {adj} /ˈdʒæɡɪd/ (unevenly cut; having the texture of something so cut) | :: rosoinen, särmikäs |
jaggery {n} (traditional unrefined sugar) | :: raakasokeri |
jaguar {n} /ˈdʒæɡwɑɹ/ (Panthera onca) | :: jaguaari |
jaguarundi {n} (wild cat) | :: jaguarundi |
Jah {prop} (God) SEE: God | :: |
jail {n} /dʒeɪl/ (place for short-term confinement) | :: poliisivankila; putka [colloquial]; vankila [long-term] |
jail {n} (confinement) | :: vankeus; pidätys [usually short-term, not based on conviction] |
jail {n} (dodgeball: area for confinement) | :: vankila |
jail {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison | :: |
jailbait {n} /ˈdʒeɪlbeɪt/ (person below the age of consent for sexual activity) | :: sakkoliha |
jailbreak {n} (escape from prison) | :: vankilapako |
jail cell {n} (jail cell) SEE: prison cell | :: |
jailer {n} /ˈd͡ʒeɪlə(ɹ)/ (one who guards inmates) | :: vanginvartija |
jailkeeper {n} (jailer) SEE: jailer | :: |
Jain {adj} /dʒeɪn/ (of or pertaining to Jainism) | :: jainalainen |
Jain {n} (follower of Jainism) | :: jainalainen |
Jainism {prop} /ˈdʒeɪnɪzm̩/ (religion and philosophy) | :: jainalaisuus |
Jakarta {prop} /d͡ʒəˈkɑː(ɹ)tə/ (capital of Indonesia) | :: Jakarta |
Jakobstad {prop} (town and municipality) | :: Pietarsaari |
Jalalabad {prop} (a city in eastern Afghanistan) | :: Jalalabad |
jalapeño {n} /ˌhɑ.ləˈpin.joʊ/ (variety of hot chili pepper) | :: jalapeno, jalapeño |
jalebi {n} | :: jalebi |
jalopy {n} /dʒəˈlɒ.pi/ (old, dilapidated car) | :: kottero |
jam {n} /ˈdʒæm/ (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar) | :: hillo |
jam {n} (blockage, congestion) | :: tukos, ruuhka |
jam {n} (impromptu informal performance) | :: jamit {p} |
jam {n} (forceful dunk in basketball) | :: donkkaus |
jam {n} (difficult situation) | :: pula, pinne |
jam {v} (to get something stuck in a confined space) | :: juuttua |
jam {v} (to force something into a space) | :: tunkea |
jam {v} (to cause congestion or blockage) | :: tukkia |
jam {v} (to block or confuse a broadcast signal) | :: häiritä; tukkia |
jam {v} (music: to improvise as a group) | :: jammata, jammailla |
jam {v} (to injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of its tip) | :: iskeä |
Jamahiriya {n} (state of the masses (Libya)) | :: jamahiriya |
Jamaica {prop} /dʒəˈmeɪ.kə/ (country in the Caribbean) | :: Jamaika |
Jamaican {n} /dʒəˈmeɪkən/ (person of Jamaican descent) | :: jamaikalainen, jamaikatar |
Jamaican {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Jamaica, the Jamaican people or the Jamaican language) | :: jamaikalainen |
jamb {n} /dʒæm/ (vertical component that form the side of an opening in a wall) | :: pieli |
jamboree {n} /ˈdʒæm.bəˌɹiː/ (large party) | :: kalaasi |
jamboree {n} (rally of Scouts or Guides) | :: jamboree |
jambul {n} (tree) | :: jaavanjambolaani |
jambul {n} (fruit) | :: jambolaani |
James {prop} /d͡ʒeɪmz/ (book of the Bible) | :: Jaakobin kirje |
James {prop} (one of two Apostles) | :: Jaakob |
James {prop} (male given name (the standard form)) | :: Jaakko |
jamesonite {n} (mineral) | :: jamesoniitti |
jam jar {n} (car) SEE: car | :: |
jam jar {n} /ˈdʒam ˌdʒɑː/ (container for jam) | :: hillopurkki |
jammed {adj} (pertaining to something which is stuck) | :: jumissa |
Jammu and Kashmir {prop} (portion of the territory which is governed by India) | :: Jammu ja Kashmir |
jammy {adj} /ˈdʒæmi/ (covered in jam) | :: hilloinen |
jammy {adj} (colloquial: lucky) | :: onnekas |
Jane {prop} /d͡ʒeɪn/ (feminine form of John) | :: Johanna |
Jane Doe {n} (female name used in legal documents) | :: N.N. |
jangle {v} /ˈdʒæŋ.ɡəl/ (to make a metallic sound) | :: kalista |
jangle {v} (to cause to make a metallic sound) | :: kalistaa, kalistella |
jangle {v} (to irritate) | :: raastaa |
jangle {n} (metallic sound) | :: kalina |
janissary {n} /ˈdʒanɪzəɹi/ (former Turkish soldier) | :: janitsaari |
janitor {n} /ˈd͡ʒænɪtɚ/ (caretaker) | :: huoltomies, talonmies, siivooja, [colloquial] talkkari |
janitor {n} (doorman) | :: vahtimestari, ovimies, ovenvartija, [dated] portieeri, [colloquial] portsari |
Jan Mayen {prop} (Norwegian territory) | :: Jan Mayen |
Jansenism {n} (doctrine) | :: jansenismi |
January {prop} /ˈd͡ʒænjuˌɛɹi/ (first month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: tammikuu |
Janus {prop} /ˈdʒeɪnəs/ (Roman god of doorways, gates and transitions) | :: Janus |
Janus {prop} (moon of Saturn) | :: Janus |
Jap {n} /dʒæp/ (offensive term for a Japanese person) | :: japsi |
Japan {prop} /dʒəˈpæn/ (a country in East Asia) | :: Japani |
Japanese {adj} /ˌdʒæpəˈniːz/ (of or relating to Japan) | :: japanilainen; japaninkielinen |
Japanese {n} (person of Japan) | :: japanilainen |
Japanese {n} (Japanese language) | :: japani, japanin kieli |
Japanese andromeda {n} (Pieris japonica) | :: japaninkellovaivero |
Japanese aralia {n} (Fatsia japonica) | :: huonearalia |
Japanese beetle {n} (species of beetle) | :: japaninturilas |
Japanese bush warbler {n} (Horornis diphone) | :: idänsilkkikerttunen |
Japanese cedar {n} (Cryptomeria japonica) | :: sugi |
Japanese eel {n} (Anguilla japonica) | :: japaninankerias, unagi |
Japanese encephalitis {n} (viral disease) | :: Japanin aivotulehdus |
Japanese giant hornet {n} (insect) | :: Japanin jättiherhiläinen |
Japanese giant salamander {n} (large species of salamander native to Japan) | :: japaninjättisalamanteri |
Japanese knotweed {n} (Fallopia japonica) | :: japanintatar |
Japanese lantern {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry | :: |
Japanese macaque {n} (Macaca fuscata) | :: japaninmakaki |
Japanese marten {n} (Martes melampus) | :: japaninnäätä |
Japaneseness {n} (quality of being Japanese) | :: japanilaisuus |
Japanese slipper {n} (cocktail made from Midori, Cointreau and lemon juice) | :: Japanese slipper |
Japanese spikenard {n} (Aralia cordata) | :: hertta-aralia |
Japanese spitz {n} (dog breed) | :: japaninpystykorva |
Japanese tissue {n} (thin strong paper made from vegetable fibers) | :: kozogami-paperi |
Japano- {prefix} (Nippo-) SEE: Nippo- | :: |
Japanologist {n} (one who studies Japanology) | :: japanologi |
Japanology {n} (the study of Japan) | :: japanologia, Japanin tutkimus |
Japanophile {n} /dʒəˌpænə(ʊ)ˈfaɪl/ (A person who loves Japan) | :: japanofiili |
Japanophilia {n} /dʒəˌpænəˈfɪli.ə/ (strong interest in Japan) | :: japanofilia |
Japanophobia {n} (the fear of Japan or Japanese) | :: japanofobia |
jape {n} (joke or quip) SEE: joke | :: |
Japheth {prop} /ˈdʒeɪfɛθ/ (third son of Noah) | :: Jaafet |
Japonic {prop} /d͡ʒəˈpɒnɪk/ (language family spoken in Japan) | :: japanilaiset kielet {p} |
Japonic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Japonic language family) | :: japanilainen |
jar {n} /dʒɑː/ (small, approximately cylindrical container) | :: ruukku, tölkki, purkki |
jarbua terapon {n} (Terapon jarbua) | :: tiikeriahven |
jargon {n} /ˈdʒɑɹ.ɡən/ (technical terminology unique to a particular subject) | :: jargon, ammattikieli |
jargon {n} (language characteristic of a particular group) | :: slangi, jargon, ammattikieli |
jargon {n} (incomprehensible speech) | :: mongerrus, siansaksa |
jarl {n} /jɑɹl/ (medieval Scandinavian nobleman, especially in Norway and Denmark) | :: jaarli |
jarovization {n} (certain treatment of seeds or bulbs, see also: vernalization) | :: jarovisaatio |
jasmine {n} /ˈdʒæzmɪn/ (plant of genus Jasminum) | :: jasmiini |
jasmine {n} (perfume) | :: jasmiini |
jasmine {n} (colour) | :: jasmiini |
Jasmine {prop} (female given name) | :: Jasmin |
jasmine rice {n} (fragrant rice) | :: jasmiiniriisi |
jasmine tea {n} (Chinese tea) | :: jasmiinitee |
jasper {n} /ˈdʒæspə/ (precious stone) | :: jaspis |
Jasper {prop} (male given name; one of the Magi) SEE: Caspar | :: |
jaundice {n} /ˈdʒɔndɪs/ (morbid condition) | :: keltaisuus, keltatauti, ikterus |
jaundice {v} (affect with jaundice; prejudice) | :: sairastaa keltatautia [to be affected by jaundice]; mennä vihreäksi kateudesta [to turn green due to envy] |
jaundiced {adj} /ˈd͡ʒɔːndɪst/ (affected with jaundice) | :: keltatautinen |
jaundiced {adj} (prejudiced, envious) | :: epäluuloinen, ennakkoluuloinen |
jauntily {adv} /ˈdʒɑn.tɪ.li/ (in an airy, showy, or affected manner) | :: leuhkasti |
jauntily {adv} (in a dapper or stylish manner) | :: leuhkasti |
jauntily {adv} (in an ostentatiously self-confident manner) | :: leuhkasti |
jaunty {adj} /ˈdʒɔːn.ti/ (airy, showy, or affected) | :: leuhka, kopea |
jaunty {adj} (dapper or stylish) | :: tyylikäs, leuhka |
jaunty {adj} (ostentatiously self-confident) | :: itsevarma, leuhka |
Java {prop} /ˈdʒɑːvə/ (island of Indonesia) | :: Jaava |
Java {prop} (programming language) | :: Java |
Javanese {n} /dʒɑː.vəˈniːz/ (person) | :: jaavalainen |
Javanese {prop} (language) | :: jaava, jaavan kieli |
Javan rhinoceros {n} (Rhinoceros sondaicus) | :: jaavansarvikuono |
Javan tiger {n} (Panthera sondaica) | :: jaavantiikeri |
Java sparrow {n} (Java sparrow) | :: riisipeippo, riisilintu |
javelin {n} /ˈdʒævlɪn/ (spear used as a weapon) | :: keihäs, heittokeihäs |
javelin {n} (spear used in athletic competition) | :: keihäs |
javelin throw {n} (athletic event where a javelin is thrown) | :: keihäänheitto |
jaw {n} /d͡ʒɔ/ (bone of the jaw) | :: leukaluu, leuka |
jaw {n} (bone itself with the teeth and covering) | :: leuka |
jaw {n} (one of a pair of opposing parts for grasping or crushing anything between them) | :: leuka |
jawan {n} /dʒəˈwɑːn/ (infantryman, soldier) | :: sotapoika, sotilas |
jawbone {n} (bone of the lower jaw) | :: alaleuanluu, leukaluu |
jawbone {n} (any of the bones in the jaw) | :: leuan luu |
jawbone {v} (to persuade) | :: puhua ympäri, taivutella |
jawbreaking {adj} | :: hankala lausua |
jaw-dropping {adj} /ˈd͡ʒɔː ˌdɹɒpɪŋ/ (causing great awe or surprise) | :: ällistyttävä, leuat loksauttava |
jaw-droppingly {adv} (in a jaw-dropping manner) | :: ällistyttävästi |
jawline {n} (study of relationships among countries) | :: leukalinja |
jay {n} /dʒeɪ/ (bird) | :: närhi |
jay {n} (name of the letter J, j) | :: jii |
jazz {n} /d͡ʒæz/ (musical art form) | :: jazz, jatsi |
jazz {v} (to play jazz music) | :: soittaa jazzia, jatsata |
jazz {v} (to dance to jazz music) | :: jatsata |
jazz band {n} (group of musicians who play jazz music) | :: jazz-yhtye |
jazz up {v} (to make gaudy and bright) | :: piristää |
jazzy {adj} /ˈdʒæzi/ (in the style of jazz) | :: jatsahtava |
jazzy {adj} (flashy or showy) | :: sähäkkä |
J-drama {n} (dorama) SEE: dorama | :: |
jealous {adj} /ˈdʒɛləs/ (suspecting rivalry in love; fearful of being replaced, in position or in affection) | :: mustasukkainen |
jealous {adj} (protective, guarding; careful in the protection of something one has or appreciates) | :: mustasukkainen |
jealous {adj} (envious; feeling resentful of someone for a perceived advantage, material or otherwise) | :: kateellinen |
jealously {adv} (jealously) | :: mustasukkaisesti, kateellisesti |
jealousy {n} /ˈdʒɛləsi/ (jealous attitude (e.g. fear of infidelity)) | :: mustasukkaisuus |
jealousy {n} (a resentment towards someone for a perceived advantage or superiority they hold) | :: kateus |
jeans {n} /d͡ʒiːnz/ (denim trousers) | :: farmarihousut {p}, farkut {p} |
jeans jacket {n} (type of jacket) | :: farkkutakki |
Jeddah {prop} (city in Saudi Arabia) | :: Jedda |
Jediism {prop} (minor modern religion) | :: jedismi |
Jedi mind trick {n} (mental feat) | :: jeditemppu |
jeep {n} /dʒiːp/ (vehicle) | :: jeeppi |
Jeep {n} (Jeep) SEE: jeep | :: |
jeer {n} /dʒɪə/ (mocking remark) | :: pilkka |
jeer {v} (to scoff or mock) | :: pilkata, ilkkua |
jeer {n} (nautical: assemblage for hoisting yards) | :: taljasto |
jefe {n} (business boss) | :: pomo |
Jehovah {prop} (Yahweh) SEE: Yahweh | :: |
Jehovah {prop} /dʒəˈhoʊvə/ (transliteration of the Masoretic vocalization of the Tetragrammaton) | :: Jehova |
Jehovah {n} (Jehovah's Witness) SEE: Jehovah's Witness | :: |
Jehovah's Witness {n} (member of the Jehovah's Witnesses) | :: Jehovan todistaja |
Jehovah's Witnesses {prop} (denomination) | :: Jehovan todistajat |
jehu {n} (colloquial term for driver) | :: suhari |
jejunum {n} /dʒiːˈdʒuːnəm/ (central of the three divisions of the small intestine) | :: tyhjäsuoli |
jellify {v} (to turn into a jelly) | :: hyytelöityä |
jellify {v} (to make into a jelly) | :: hyytelöidä |
Jello {n} (A dessert made by boiling gelatin in water) | :: hyytelö |
jelly {n} /ˈd͡ʒɛl.i/ (dessert) | :: hyytelö |
jelly {n} (sweet gelatinous substance derived from fruit juices and pectin) | :: hillo |
jelly {n} (jam) | :: hillo |
jelly {n} (sieved jam) | :: marmeladi |
jelly {n} (meat dish) | :: aladobi |
jelly {n} (a jellyfish) | :: meduusa |
jelly {v} (to wiggle like jelly) | :: tytistä |
jelly {v} (to make jelly) | :: hyytelöidä |
jelly bean {n} (small bean-shaped chewy candy) | :: jelly bean |
jellyfish {n} /ˈdʒɛliˌfɪʃ/ (aquatic animal) | :: meduusa |
jelly fungus {n} (fungus) | :: hytykkä [more specifically Tremella] |
jellylike {adj} (resembling a jelly) | :: hyytelömäinen |
jellyroll {n} (cylindrical cake) SEE: Swiss roll | :: |
jelly tooth {n} (Pseudohydnum gelatinosum) SEE: toothed jelly fungus | :: |
Jemima {prop} (female given name) | :: Jemina |
jemmy {v} (cram) SEE: cram | :: |
je ne sais quoi {n} /ˌʒə nə seɪ ˈkwɑ/ (indefinable quality that makes something distinctive) | :: se jokin, en-tiedä-mikä |
jenever {n} (spirit) | :: genever |
Jenga {prop} (game) | :: huojuva torni |
jenny {n} (female of donkey) SEE: she-ass | :: |
jenny {n} (device for spinning) SEE: spinning jenny | :: |
Jenny {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɛni/ (female given name) | :: Jenni |
jenny-ass {n} (female donkey) SEE: she-ass | :: |
Jensenism {prop} (belief) | :: jensenismi |
jeopardise {v} (jeopardize) SEE: jeopardize | :: |
jeopardize {v} (put in jeopardy) | :: vaarantaa, saattaa vaaraan |
jeopardy {n} /ˈd͡ʒɛpɚdi/ (danger of loss, harm, or failure) | :: vaara |
jerboa {n} (small rodent) | :: jerbo |
jeremiad {n} /ˌdʒɛɹ.əˈmaɪ.əd/ (long speech or prose work) | :: valitusvirsi, vuodatus, jeremiadi |
Jeremiah {prop} (biblical prophet) | :: Jeremia |
Jeremiah {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Jeremia |
Jeremiah {prop} (male given name) | :: Jeremias |
Jeremy {prop} (Jeremiah) SEE: Jeremiah | :: |
Jericho {prop} (city) | :: Jeriko |
jerk {n} /d͡ʒɝk/ (sudden, uncontrolled movement) | :: nytkähdys, säpsähdys |
jerk {n} (quick, often unpleasant tug or shake) | :: nykäisy, nykäys, kiskaisu |
jerk {n} (dull or stupid person) | :: tomppeli, toope |
jerk {n} (unlikable person) | :: paskiainen, ääliö, idiootti, mulkku [vulgar] |
jerk {n} (physics: rate of change in acceleration) | :: nykäys, kiihtyvyyden muutos |
jerk {v} (intransitive: to make a sudden uncontrolled movement) | :: nytkähtää, heilahtaa |
jerk {v} (transitive: to give a quick, often unpleasant tug or shake) | :: nytkäyttää, heilauttaa, heilahduttaa, tönäistä |
jerk {v} (to cure by cutting into strips and drying) | :: kuivata, valmistaa kuivalihaa |
jerk off {v} (to masturbate) | :: runkata, vetää käteen |
jerkoff {n} (wanker) SEE: wanker | :: |
jerky {n} /ˈdʒɝki/ (Lean meat cured and preserved by cutting into thin strips and air-drying in the sun) | :: kuivaliha |
Jerry {n} (German) SEE: German | :: |
jerry-built {adj} (built cheaply) | :: juosten kustu |
jerrycan {n} /ˈd͡ʒɛɹiˌkæn/ (pressed-steel fuel container) | :: jerrykannu |
jersey {n} /ˈdʒɜːzi/ (garment knitted from wool, worn over the upper body) | :: villapaita, villapusero, villatakki |
jersey {n} (shirt worn by a member of an athletic team) | :: pelipaita |
jersey {n} (type of fabric knit) | :: jersey, jerseyneulos |
Jersey {prop} /ˈdʒəːzi/ (cattle) | :: jerseyrotu |
Jersey {prop} (earldom) | :: Jersey |
Jerusalem {prop} /d͡ʒəˈɹuːsələm/ (city) | :: Jerusalem |
Jerusalem artichoke {n} (plant and tuber) | :: maa-artisokka, mukula-artisokka |
Jerusalem oak {n} (epazote) SEE: epazote | :: |
Jesse {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɛ.si/ (biblical father of David) | :: Iisai |
Jesse {prop} (male given name) | :: Jesse |
Jessica {prop} /ˈdʒɛsɪkə/ (a female given name) | :: Jessika |
jest {n} /dʒɛst/ (joke) | :: pila, vitsi |
jest {n} (target of a joke) | :: naurunaihe, vitsi |
jest {v} (to tell a joke) | :: vitsailla |
jester {n} /ˈdʒɛs.tɚ/ (one who jests) | :: vitsailija, vitsiniekka |
jester {n} (person who amused a medieval court) SEE: court jester | :: |
Jesuit {n} /ˈdʒɛz(j)uɪt/ (member of the Society of Jesus) | :: jesuiitta |
Jesus {prop} /ˈdʒiːzəs/ (the Christian Messiah) | :: Jeesus |
Jesus {interj} (expletive) | :: jösses, jestas |
Jesus Christ {prop} /ˌd͡ʒiːzəs ˈkɹaɪst/ (Jesus of Nazareth) | :: Jeesus Kristus |
jet {n} /dʒɛt/ (stream of fluid) | :: suihku |
jet {n} (spout or nozzle) | :: suutin |
jet {n} (engine) | :: suihkumoottori |
jet {n} (carburetor part) | :: suutin |
jet {v} (to spray with liquid, to gush, to spurt) | :: purskauttaa [once], purskuttaa [repeatedly] |
jet {n} (coal) | :: gagaatti |
jet {n} (jet plane) SEE: jet plane | :: |
jet-black {adj} (of the blackest black) SEE: pitch-black | :: |
jet-black {n} (the blackest black) | :: pikimusta, sysimusta |
jet engine {n} (an engine that develops thrust by ejecting a jet, especially a jet of gaseous combustion products) | :: suihkumoottori |
jet fighter {n} (fighter aircraft with one or more jet engines) | :: suihkuhävittäjä |
jet fuel {n} (type of fuel) | :: lentopetroli |
jet fuel {n} (type of alcohol) | :: pontikka |
jet lag {n} (physical condition) | :: aikaerorasitus, aikaero |
jet pack {n} (Equipment worn on the back for vertical thrust) | :: rakettireppu |
jet plane {n} (an airplane that is powered by a jet engine) | :: suihkukone, suihkulentokone |
jetsam {n} /ˈd͡ʒɛtsəm/ (jetsam) | :: ajelehtiva hylkytavara |
jet set {n} (wealthy people who travel for pleasure) | :: suihkuseurapiiri |
jetset {adj} (Of or pertaining to the jet set) | :: jetset-, suihkuseurapiiri- |
jet ski {n} (small motorized water craft) | :: vesiskootteri |
jet stream {n} (air current) | :: suihkuvirtaus |
jettison {n} /ˈdʒɛɾɪsn̩/ (collectively, items that have been or are about to be ejected from a boat or balloon) | :: painolasti |
jettison {v} (to eject from a boat) | :: heittää yli laidan |
jetty {n} (wharf) SEE: wharf | :: |
jetty {n} (pier) SEE: pier | :: |
jetty {n} /ˈdʒɛti/ (structure to influence currents or protect a harbor or beach) | :: aallonmurtaja |
jetty {n} (architecture) | :: uloke |
jeunesse dorée {n} (rich and fashionable young people) | :: yläluokan nuoriso, kultainen nuoriso |
Jew {n} /dʒuː/ (person of the Jewish faith) | :: juutalainen |
Jew {n} (member or descendent of the Jewish people) | :: juutalainen |
jewel {n} /ˈdʒuːəl/ (gemstone) | :: jalokivi, korukivi [semiprecious] |
jewel {n} (valuable object for ornamentation) | :: koru |
jewel {n} (anything precious or valuable) | :: helmi |
jewel {n} (bearing for a pivot in watch) | :: kivi |
jewel box {n} (box for storing jewels) | :: korurasia |
jewel box {n} (plastic container for optical disc) | :: CD-levyn kotelo |
jeweler {n} /ˈdʒu(ə)lɚ/ (a person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry) | :: koruseppä, kultaseppä |
jeweler's {n} (jeweler's) SEE: jeweller's | :: |
jeweller {n} (jeweller) SEE: jeweler | :: |
jeweller's {n} (a shop that sells jewellery) | :: koruliike, kultasepänliike |
jewellery {n} /ˈdʒuːəlɹi/ (personal ornamentation) | :: korut {p} |
Jewess {n} (female Jew) | :: juutalaisnainen |
Jewish {adj} (Yiddish) SEE: Yiddish | :: |
Jewish {adj} /ˈdʒuː.ɪʃ/ (of or relating to a Jew or Jews, their ethnicity, religion or culture) | :: juutalainen |
Jewish Autonomous Oblast {prop} (Jewish autonomous oblast in Russia) | :: Juutalaisten autonominen alue |
Jewishness {n} | :: juutalaisuus |
Jewry {n} /ˈdʒuːɹi/ (Jews in general, the Jewish population of a locale) | :: juutalaiset {p} |
Jewry {n} (the land of Jews (obsolete)) SEE: Judea | :: |
Jew's-ear {n} (fungus Auricularia auricula-judae) | :: juudaksenkorva |
Jew's harp {n} (musical instrument) | :: munniharppu |
Jezebel {prop} /ˈdʒɛzəˌbɛl/ (Biblical character Jezebel) | :: Isebel |
Jezebel {n} (an immoral woman) | :: lutka, lunttu |
Jägerbomb {n} /ˈjeɪɡɚˌbɑm/ (cocktail of Jägermeister and Red Bull) | :: jekkupommi |
Jharkhand {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɑː(ɹ)kənd/ (state in eastern India) | :: Jharkhand |
Jiantizi {prop} (Simplified Chinese) SEE: Simplified Chinese | :: |
jianzhi {n} (Chinese paper cutting) | :: jianzhi |
jib {n} /dʒɪb/ (triangular staysail) | :: fokka |
jib {n} (any of a variety of triangular sails) | :: keulapurje |
jib {n} (projecting arm of a crane) | :: puomi, jigi |
jib boom {n} (spar attached to the outboard) | :: liivaripuomi |
Jicarilla {prop} (Jicarilla language) | :: jicarilla |
jiffy {n} /ˈd͡ʒɪ.fi/ (very short, unspecified length of time) | :: tuokio {n} |
jig {n} /d͡ʒɪɡ/ (type of fishing lure) | :: jigi |
jig {n} (mechanical device) | :: pidin, penkki, jigi |
jigaboo {n} (offensive term for black person) | :: laku |
jigaboo {n} (offensive term for dark-skinned person) | :: muku |
jig borer {n} (machine tool) | :: tarkkuusporakone |
jiggery-pokery {n} /ˌdʒɪɡ.ɚ.iˈpoʊ.kɚ.i/ (trickery or misrepresentation) | :: hämäys |
jiggle {v} /ˈdʒɪɡəl/ (To shake something gently) | :: heiluttaa, hytkyttää |
jiggle {v} (To shake, rattle, or wiggle) | :: heilua, hytkyä, hölskyä, hyllyä |
jigsaw {n} (A saw with fine teeth and a narrow blade) | :: lehtisaha, kuviosaha |
jigsaw {n} (jigsaw puzzle) SEE: jigsaw puzzle | :: |
jigsaw puzzle {n} (type of puzzle) | :: palapeli |
jihad {n} /dʒɪˈhɑːd/ (holy war undertaken by Muslims) | :: jihad |
jihad {n} (aggressive campaign) | :: pyhä sota |
jihad {n} (personal spiritual struggle) | :: kilvoittelu |
jihadist {n} (one who participates in a jihad) | :: jihadisti |
Jilin {prop} /d͡ʒiːˈlɪn/ (province of China) | :: Jilin |
jilt {n} /dʒɪlt/ (woman who jilts a lover) | :: petollinen nainen |
jilt {v} (to jilt) | :: pettää |
Jim Crow law {n} (racially segregating law) | :: rotuerottelulaki |
jimsonweed {n} (Datura stramonium) | :: hulluruoho |
Jinan {prop} /ˈd͡ʒiːˌnɑːn/ (sub-provincial city in eastern China) | :: Jinan |
jingle {n} /ˈdʒɪŋɡəl/ (sound) | :: kilinä, helinä |
jingle {n} (short tune or verse) | :: mainossävel, ralli, laulelma, jinkku |
jingle {v} (to make a noise of metal or glass clattering against itself) | :: kilistä, helistä |
jingle {v} (to cause to make a noise of metal or glass clattering against itself) | :: kilistää, helistää |
jingle bell {n} (bell) | :: kulkunen, tiuku |
jingoism {n} (chauvinism) SEE: chauvinism | :: |
jingoism {n} /ˈdʒɪŋɡəʊɪz(ə)m/ (extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy) | :: yltiöisänmaallisuus |
jingoism {n} (jingoistic attitude, comment, etc.) | :: yltiöisänmaallisuus |
jingoist {n} (chauvinist) SEE: chauvinist | :: |
jingoist {adj} (extremely supportive of warlike foreign policy) | :: sotahullu |
jingoistic {adj} /ˌdʒɪŋ.ɡəʊˈɪst.ɪk/ (overly patriotic or nationalistic) | :: kansalliskiihkoinen |
jinn {n} /d͡ʒɪn/ (spirit) | :: džinni, djinni, jinni |
jinx {n} /dʒɪŋks/ (A hex; an evil spell) | :: kirous |
jinx {n} (A person or thing supposed to bring bad luck) | :: pahan onnen tuoja, pahanilmanlintu |
jinx {v} (To cast a spell on) | :: kirota |
jinx {v} (To bring bad luck to) | :: olla pahanilmanlintu |
jird {n} | :: jirdi |
jitter {n} /ˈdʒɪt.ə(ɹ)/ (nervous action; a tic) | :: nykiminen |
jitter {n} (state of nervousness; the jitters) | :: jännitys |
jitter {n} (telecommunications: abrupt and unwanted variation of signal characteristics) | :: huojunta, värinä, jitter |
jive {v} /ˈdʒaɪv/ (be deceptive) | :: hämätä |
jive {v} (dance) | :: tanssia |
jive {n} (deceptive talk) | :: pötypuhe, hölynpöly |
jizz {n} /ˈdʒɪz/ (slang: sperm) | :: mälli |
jizz {v} (slang: sperm) | :: ejakuloida |
JLPT {prop} (Japanese language proficiency test) | :: JLPT |
Joachim {prop} /ˈdʒoʊ.ə.kɪm/ (male given name) | :: Jaakkima, Aki |
Joan {prop} (female given name) SEE: Jane | :: |
Joanna {prop} (cognates of the given name) SEE: Jane | :: |
Joanna {prop} /ˌdʒoʊˈænə/ (biblical follower of Jesus) | :: Johanna |
job {n} /d͡ʒɒb/ (task) | :: tehtävä, työ |
job {n} (economic role for which a person is paid) | :: työ |
job {n} (plastic surgery) | :: leikkaus |
job {n} (computing: task(s) carried out in batch mode) | :: erä |
job {v} (to do odd jobs) | :: tehdä keikkatöitä, tehdä pätkätöitä, keikkailla |
job {v} (to work as a jobber) | :: jobata |
job {v} (wrestling: to take the loss) | :: hävitä |
job {v} (to speculate) | :: jobata |
job {v} (to subcontract) | :: pilkkoa |
Job {prop} /dʒəʊb/ (book of the Bible) | :: Job {m} |
Job {prop} (biblical and qur'anic character) | :: Job {m} |
job action {n} (workplace protest) SEE: industrial action | :: |
job center {n} (agency) | :: työvoimatoimisto |
job description {n} | :: työnkuva, toimenkuva, työnkuvaus, toimenkuvaus |
job fair {n} (event) | :: rekrytointimessut {p} |
job-hopping {n} (suddenly or frequently changing jobs) | :: työpaikkashoppailu |
job interview {n} (interview attended by a job applicant) | :: työhaastattelu |
jobless {adj} (lacking employment) SEE: unemployed | :: |
joblessness {n} (unemployment) | :: työttömyys |
job satisfaction {n} (contentment that employees derive from their work) | :: työtyytyväisyys |
jobseeker {n} (person seeking employment) | :: työnhakija |
Job's tears {n} (Coix lacryma-jobi) | :: jobinkyynelheinä |
job title {n} (designation of a post) | :: tehtävänimike |
jock {n} (athlete) | :: urheilija |
jock {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap | :: |
jockey {n} /ˈdʒɒki/ (one who rides racehorses competitively) | :: jockey, laukkaratsastaja |
jock itch {n} (fungal infection of the groin) | :: nivussilsa |
jock strap {n} (jockstrap) SEE: jockstrap | :: |
jockstrap {n} (an athletic supporter) | :: alasuojus, munasuojat [slang] {p} |
jocose {adj} /dʒəˈkoʊs/ (given to jest) | :: vekkuli |
jocular {adj} /ˈdʒɑkjəlɚ/ (humorous, amusing, joking) | :: hilpeä, leikkisä, vitsikäs |
jodhpurs {n} /ˈdʒɒdpəz/ (flared riding trousers of heavy cloth) | :: pussihousut {p} |
Joe {n} /dʒoʊ/ (stereotypical male given name) | :: Tauno |
Joe Average {n} (hypothetical average or generic individual) | :: Pihtiputaan mummo, Matti Meikäläinen |
Joe Bloggs {prop} (A personification of the general public) | :: Matti Meikäläinen |
Joel {prop} /ˈdʒoʊəl/ (book of the Bible) | :: Joel |
Joel {prop} (male given name) | :: Joel |
Joensuu {prop} (city) | :: Joensuu |
Joe Public {prop} (a hypothetical average or generic member of the public) | :: Pihtiputaan mummo |
joey {n} /ˈd͡ʒoʊ.i/ (kangaroo joey) | :: kengurunpoikanen |
jog {n} /dʒɑɡ/ (energetic trot) | :: hölkkä |
jog {v} (to push or jerk slightly) | :: tönäistä |
jog {v} (to shake, stir or rouse) | :: ravistella [shake]; hämmentää [stir] |
jog {v} (to move in an energetic trot) | :: hölkätä, jolkuttaa |
jog {v} (to cause to move at an energetic trot) | :: juoksuttaa |
jog {v} (to straighten stacks of paper) | :: suoristaa pinkka |
jogging {n} /ˈdʒɑ.ɡɪŋ/ (action of the verb "to jog") | :: (muistin) virkistäminen |
jogging {n} (form of exercise) | :: hölkkä, lenkkeily |
Johannesburg {prop} (a city in South Africa) | :: Johannesburg |
John {prop} /dʒɑn/ (male given name) | :: Juhana, Juhani, Juha |
John {prop} (biblical persons) | :: Johannes |
John {prop} (fourth gospel) | :: Johanneksen evankeliumi |
John {prop} (one of the epistles of John) | :: Johanneksen kirje |
John Doe {prop} (male name used in legal documents) | :: N.N. |
John Doe {n} (any unknown or anonymous male person) | :: Matti Meikäläinen |
John Dory {n} (edible marine fish) | :: pietarinkala |
John Lennon glasses {n} (pair of eyeglasses/spectacles with round lenses) | :: John Lennon-rillit |
Johnny-come-lately {n} /ˌdʒɑːni.kʌmˈleɪtli/ (newcomer) | :: keltanokka, märkäkorva |
John the Baptist {prop} (biblical prophet) | :: Johannes Kastaja |
joie de vivre {n} /ˌʒwɑ də ˈviv(ɹə)/ (enjoyment of living, zest for life) | :: elämänilo, elämänhalu |
join {n} /ˈdʒɔɪn/ (an intersection of piping or wiring; an interconnect) | :: liitos, yhteys |
join {n} (an intersection of data) | :: liitos |
join {v} (to combine more than one item into one; to put together) | :: liittää |
join {v} (to come together; to meet) | :: kohdata |
join {v} (to come into the company of) | :: liittyä |
join {v} (to become a member of) | :: liittyä |
joined at the hip {adj} (closely connected, as in an intimate friendship) | :: seurusteleva |
joiner {n} /ˈdʒɔɪnɚ/ (maker of wooden furniture) | :: puuseppä, hienopuuseppä |
joiner {n} (thing that joins) | :: liitin, sovitin |
joint {adj} /dʒɔɪnt/ (done by two or more people or organisations working together) | :: yhteinen, yhteis- |
joint {n} (joint with freedom to rotate) | :: nivel |
joint {n} (rigid joint) | :: liitos, liitoskohta |
joint {n} (part of the body where bones join) | :: nivel |
joint {n} (point of a rigid joint, means of joining in carpentry) | :: liitos |
joint {n} (geologic joint) | :: rako |
joint {n} (business) | :: mesta, baari |
joint {n} (prison) | :: linna |
joint {n} (marijuana cigarette) | :: jointti |
joint {v} (to unite by a joint or joints; to fit together; to prepare so as to fit together) | :: niveltää, liittää; sovittaa yhteen [to fit together]; tehdä liitos [to prepare to fit together] |
joint {v} (to join; connect; unite; combine) | :: niveltää, liittää, yhdistää |
joint {v} (to provide with a joint or joints) | :: niveltää |
joint {v} (to fit as if by joints) | :: niveltyä, liittyä, sopia yhteen |
joint {v} (to separate the joints) SEE: disjoint | :: |
joint custody {n} (arrangement in both parents have the custody of a child) | :: yhteishuoltajuus |
jointer {n} (tool in woodwork) | :: saumaushöylä, saumahöylä |
jointer {n} (pointing-trowel) SEE: pointing-trowel | :: |
join the club {phrase} (expression of sympathy) | :: tervetuloa kerhoon |
joint lock {n} (combat technique) | :: nivellukko |
jointly {adv} (together) | :: yhteisesti, yhdessä |
joint-stock company {n} (company with transferable ownership and limited shareholder liability) | :: osakeyhtiö |
joint-stock company {n} (company with transferable ownership and unlimited shareholder liability) | :: avoin yhtiö |
joint venture {n} (a cooperative business partnership) | :: yhteisyritys, yhteishanke, työyhteenliittymä |
joist {n} /dʒɔɪst/ (piece of timber) | :: vasa |
joist {v} (to furnish with joists) | :: vasoittaa |
joke {n} /dʒoʊk/ (amusing story) | :: vitsi, pila, [dated] kasku, [slang] läppä |
joke {n} (something said or done for amusement) | :: pila, kuje, kepponen |
joke {v} (do for amusement) | :: vitsailla, pilailla |
joker {n} (jester) SEE: fool | :: |
joker {n} /ˈdʒoʊkɚ/ (person who makes jokes) | :: vitsiniekka, vitsailija |
joker {n} (playing card) | :: jokeri |
jolly {adj} (jovial) SEE: jovial | :: |
Jolly Roger {n} /ˌdʒɒli ˈɹɒdʒə/ (traditional flag used on pirate ships) | :: merirosvolippu |
jolt {v} /dʒoʊlt/ (to push or shake) | :: ravistaa, täristää |
jolt {v} (to deal a blow to) | :: lyödä, täräyttää |
jolt {v} (to shock into taking action) | :: tönäistä, töniä |
jolt {v} (to shock emotionally) | :: järkyttää |
jolt {v} (to shake, move with a series of jerks) | :: heilahdella, vaappua |
jolt {n} (an act of jolting) | :: tärinä, tärähdys |
jolt {n} (a surprise or shock) | :: järkytys, shokki |
Jonah {prop} /ˈdʒoʊnə/ (given name) | :: Joona, Joonas |
Jonah {prop} (prophet) | :: Joona {m} |
Jonah {prop} (Biblical: a book of the Old Testament) | :: Joona |
Jonah {prop} (tenth sūra of the Qurʾān) | :: Joona {m} |
Jonathan {prop} /ˈdʒɑnəθən/ (biblical character) | :: Jonatan |
Jonathan {prop} (male given name) | :: Joonatan |
Jones {prop} /d͡ʒoʊnz/ (surnames derived from the equivalents of "John") | :: Jussila, Jussilainen, Juhola |
Jordan {prop} /ˈdʒɔːdən/ (country) | :: Jordania |
Jordan {prop} (river) | :: Jordan |
Jordanian {n} /d͡ʒɔɹˈdeɪniən/ (person) | :: jordanialainen |
Jordanian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Jordan or the Jordanian people) | :: jordanialainen |
joseki {n} (a studied and standardized sequence of moves in game of Go) | :: joseki |
Joseph {prop} /ˈd͡ʒoʊsəf/ (favorite son of Jacob) | :: Joosef |
Joseph {prop} (husband of Virgin Mary) | :: Joosef |
Joseph {prop} (12th sura of the Qur'an) | :: Joosefin suura |
Joseph {prop} (Joseph of Arimathea) | :: Joosef Arimatialainen |
Joseph {prop} (male given name) | :: Jooseppi |
Josephine {prop} /ˈdʒəʊ.zə.fiːn/ (feminine form of Joseph) | :: Josefiina |
Joshua {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɒʃuːə/ (book of the Bible) | :: Joosua |
Joshua {prop} (male given name) | :: Joosua |
joskin {n} (yokel) SEE: country bumpkin | :: |
joss paper {n} (sheet of paper used as a burnt offering) | :: joss-paperi |
joss stick {n} (incense stick) | :: suitsuke |
jostle {v} /ˈdʒɑ.səl/ (bump into or brush against while in motion) | :: törmätä |
jostle {v} (move through by pushing and shoving) | :: tunkea |
jostle {v} (contend or vie in order to acquire something) | :: tavoitella |
jot {n} /dʒɑt/ (iota) | :: hitunen, hiven |
jot {v} (to write quickly) | :: sutaista |
jotun {n} /ˈjəʊtʊn/ (member of a race of giants) | :: jotuni |
joule {n} /dʒuːl/ (derived unit of energy, work and heat) | :: joule |
journal {n} /ˈdʒɝ.nəɫ/ (diary or daily record) | :: päiväkirja [person], diaari [office correspondence], loki, lokikirja [vessel], päivyri |
journal {n} (newspaper or magazine) | :: erikoisaikakauslehti, tiedejulkaisu, kausijulkaisu |
journal {n} (computing: a chronological record of changes made to a database or other system) | :: loki |
journal {n} (engineering: part of a shaft or axle that rests on bearings) | :: akselintappi |
journalism {n} /ˈdʒɜːn(ə)lɪzəm/ (activity or profession of being a journalist) | :: journalismi |
journalist {n} /ˈdʒɝnəlɪst/ (one whose occupation or profession is journalism) | :: lehtimies, toimittaja, journalisti |
journalist {n} (reporter) | :: toimittaja, reportteri, journalisti |
journey {n} /ˈd͡ʒɝni/ (trip, a voyage) | :: matka, reissu |
journey {n} (process or progression likened to a journey) | :: matka, kulku |
journey {v} (to travel, to make a trip or voyage) | :: matkustaa, matkata, kulkea |
journeyman {n} /ˈdʒɝnimən/ (tradesman who has served an apprenticeship) | :: kisälli |
jovial {adj} /ˈdʒəʊ.vɪ.əl/ (cheerful and good-humoured, see also: jolly; merry) | :: lupsakka, veikeä |
jowl {n} /dʒaʊl/ (jaw) | :: alaleuka, leuka |
jowl {n} (fold of flesh) | :: leukanahka |
joy {n} /dʒɔɪ/ (feeling of happiness) | :: ilo, riemu |
Joycean {adj} /ˈdʒɔɪsɪ.ən/ (pertaining to James Joyce or his writings) | :: joycelainen |
joyful {adj} /ˈdʒɔɪfəl/ (feeling or causing joy) | :: iloinen |
joyfulness {n} (state of being joyful) | :: iloisuus |
joylessness {n} (lack of joy) | :: ilottomuus |
joyous {adj} /d͡ʒɔɪəs/ (full of joy; happy) | :: iloinen, riemukas, onnellinen |
joypad {n} (controller) | :: peliohjain |
joyride {n} /ˈdʒɔɪˌɹaɪd/ (instance of driving a motor vehicle in a carefree or reckless manner) | :: hurjastelu |
joyride {n} (dated: ride taken for enjoyment) | :: huviajelu, autoretki |
joyride {v} (to take a joyride) | :: hurjastella |
joystick {n} (mechanical control device) | :: sauvaohjain, ohjainsauva; [colloquial] ilotikku, joystick |
J-pop {n} (Japanese pop music) | :: J-pop, japsipoppi, japanilainen pop |
Juba {prop} (capital of South Sudan) | :: Juba |
jubilant {adj} /ˈdʒu.bə.lənt/ (In a state of elation) | :: riemuitseva, riemukas |
jubilantly {adv} /ˈdʒuː.bɪ.lə (with jubilation or triumph) | :: riemukkaasti, riemuiten |
jubilee {n} /dʒuːbɪˈliː/ (special anniversary) | :: hääpäivä [of wedding]; -vuotisjuhla [general] |
jubilee {n} (time of celebration or rejoicing) | :: juhlapäivä, juhlan aika |
Juche {n} /dʒuːˈtʃeɪ/ (North Korean self-reliance state ideology) | :: juche-aate |
Judaism {prop} /ˈdʒuːdeɪ.ɪzəm/ (world religion) | :: juutalaisuus |
Judas {prop} /ˈdʒuːdəs/ (one of the Apostles) | :: Juudas |
Judas {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Juudas |
Judas {n} (traitor) | :: Juudas |
Judas Iscariot {prop} (disciple of Jesus) | :: Juudas Iskariot |
judder {n} /ˈdʒʌdɚ/ (a spasmodic shaking) | :: kouristus, kouristelu; vavahtelu |
judder {v} (to spasm or shake violently) | :: kouristella; vavahdella |
Jude {prop} /ˈdʒuːd/ (book of the Bible) | :: Juudas |
Judea {prop} /dʒuˈdiːə/ (Judea) | :: Juudea |
Judeophobia {n} (fear or hatred of Jews) | :: juutalaisviha |
judge {n} /d͡ʒʌd͡ʒ/ (public judicial official) | :: tuomari |
judge {n} (someone deciding another's fate) | :: tuomari |
judge {n} (sports official) | :: tuomari, erotuomari |
judge {n} (someone with valued opinions) | :: tuntija, asiantuntija |
judge {v} (to sit in judgment on, pass sentence on) | :: tuomita, arvioida |
judge {v} (to sit in judgment on, act as judge) | :: tuomita |
judge {v} (to form an opinion on) | :: arvioida, päätellä |
judge {v} (to arbitrate, to pass opinion on something) | :: harkita, arvioida |
judge {v} (to have as an opinion, consider, suppose) | :: arvioida |
judge {v} (to form an opinion, infer) | :: päätellä |
judge {v} (to criticize or label another person or thing) | :: tuomita |
judgement day {n} (Last Judgement) | :: tuomiopäivä |
judge not, that ye be not judged {proverb} (people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones) SEE: people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones | :: |
Judges {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Tuomarien kirja |
judgment {n} /ˈdʒʌdʒ.mənt/ (act of judging) | :: arviointi, harkinta, punnitseminen, tuomitseminen, päättely |
judgment {n} (power or faculty of making a judgment) | :: arvostelukyky |
judgment {n} (conclusion or result of judging) | :: päätös |
judgment {n} ((law) act of determining what is conformable to law) | :: tuomio |
judgment {n} ((theology) final award; the last sentence) | :: viimeinen tuomio |
judicature {n} /ˈd͡ʒuːdɪkət͡ʃə/ (administration of justice) | :: oikeudenkäyttö |
judicature {n} (position or status of a judge) | :: tuomarin asema |
judicature {n} (jurisdiction of a court) | :: oikeusalue [territory], tuomiovalta [extent of authority] |
judicature {n} (court) | :: tuomioistuin |
judicial {adj} /dʒuˈdɪʃəl/ (of or relating to a court of law) | :: oikeudellinen |
judicial {n} (branch of government responsible for administration of justice) | :: oikeuslaitos |
judicial branch {n} (branch of government) | :: tuomiovalta |
judicial day {n} (day on which a court is open) | :: istuntopäivä |
judicial relief {n} | :: oikeussuojakeino |
judicial remedy {n} | :: oikeussuojakeino |
judicial review {n} (judicial process) | :: laillisuusvalvonta |
judiciary {n} /ˌdʒuːˈdɪʃɪəɹi/ (the judicial branch of government) | :: oikeuslaitos |
judicious {adj} /dʒuˈdɪʃ.əs/ (having or characterized by good judgment or sound thinking) | :: järkevä, arvostelukykyinen |
Judith {prop} /ˈd͡ʒuːdəθ/ (wife of Esau) | :: Jehudit |
judo {n} /ˈdʒudoʊ/ (Japanese martial art) | :: judo |
judogi {n} (uniform for judo) | :: judopuku, judogi |
judoka {n} /d͡ʒuːˈdəʊkə/ (practitioner of judo) | :: judoka |
jug {n} /d͡ʒʌɡ/ (serving vessel) | :: kannu |
jug {n} (amount a jug can hold) | :: kannullinen |
jug {n} (slang: jail) | :: pytty |
jug {n} (vulgar slang: woman's breast) | :: hinkit {p} |
jug-eared {adj} (with ears sticking out) | :: hörökorvainen |
jug ears {n} (markedly outward sticking ears) | :: hörökorvat {p} |
jugful {n} (amount) | :: kannullinen |
juggernaut {n} /ˈdʒʌ.ɡɚ.nɑt/ (A literal or metaphorical force or object regarded as unstoppable, that will crush all in its path) | :: kaiken tieltään tuhoava voima |
juggernaut {n} (A large, cumbersome truck or lorry) | :: täysperävaunurekka |
juggle {v} /ˈdʒʌɡəl/ (manipulate objects artistically) | :: jongleerata |
juggler {n} /ˈd͡ʒʌɡl̩ə(ɹ)/ (person who practices juggling) | :: jonglööri |
juggling {n} /ˈdʒʌɡəlɪŋ/ (moving of objects in an artful manner) | :: jongleeraus |
jugular {adj} /ˈdʒʌɡ.jʊ.lɚ/ (relating to the neck or throat) | :: kaula- |
jugular {n} (critical vulnerability) | :: akilleenkantapää |
jugular {n} (jugular vein) SEE: jugular vein | :: |
jugular vein {n} (vein leading blood down from the head) | :: kaulalaskimo |
juice {n} /d͡ʒus/ (liquid from a plant) | :: mehu |
juice {n} (beverage made of juice) | :: mehu, tuoremehu |
juice {n} (liquid resembling juice) | :: mehu |
juice {n} (slang: electricity) | :: virtaska |
juice {n} (slang: fuel) | :: menovesi |
juice {v} (to remove the juice from something) | :: mehustaa |
juice {v} (to energize) | :: virkistää |
juice box {n} (carton of fruit juice) | :: pillimehupurkki, pillimehu |
juice joint {n} (nightclub) SEE: nightclub | :: |
juicer {n} /ˈdʒusɚ/ (device) | :: mehustin |
juicy {adj} /ˈdʒusi/ (containing juice) | :: mehukas |
juicy {adj} (exciting, interesting) | :: mehukas |
jujitsu {n} /ˌdʒuːˈdʒɪtsuː/ (method of self-defence established in Japan) | :: jujutsu |
jukebox {n} /ˈdʒuːkbɒks/ (a coin-operated machine that plays recorded music) | :: levyautomaatti, jukeboksi |
Julia {prop} /ˈdʒuːli.ə/ (female given name) | :: Julia |
Julian {adj} /ˈdʒuː.li.ən/ (of, or relating to Julius Caesar) | :: juliaaninen |
Juliana {prop} (female given name) | :: Juliana, Juliaana |
Julian calendar {n} (calendar) | :: juliaaninen kalenteri |
Julian day {n} (date) | :: juliaaninen päivä |
Julian year {n} (year in Julian calendar) | :: juliaaninen vuosi |
Julian year {n} (average year) | :: juliaaninen vuosi |
Julie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Julia | :: |
julienne {n} (garnish of vegetables) | :: suikaloidut vihannekset {p} |
julienne {v} (prepare by cutting in this way) | :: suikaloida |
Juliet {prop} /ˌdʒuliˈɛt/ (character in Romeo and Juliet) | :: Julia |
Juliett {prop} (the letter "J") | :: Jussi |
Julius {prop} (male given name) | :: Julius |
July {prop} /d͡ʒəˈlaɪ/ (seventh month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: heinäkuu |
jumble {v} /dʒʌmbəl/ (to mix or confuse) | :: sotkea |
jumble {n} (mixture of unrelated things) | :: sekasotku, sekamelska |
jumble {n} (Items for a rummage sale) | :: myyjäisesineet {p} |
jumbo {adj} /ˈd͡ʒʌmbəʊ/ (especially large or powerful) | :: mammuttimainen, jättimäinen |
jumbo {n} (especially large or powerful person, animal or thing) | :: jätti |
jumbo {n} (platform-mounted machine for drilling rock) | :: porausjumbo, jumbo |
jumbo jet {n} (large transport aircraft) | :: jumbojetti |
jump {v} /dʒʌmp/ | :: hypätä |
jump {v} (cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward) | :: [alas] hypätä |
jump {v} (employ a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location) | :: hypätä |
jump {v} (react to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body violently) | :: hätkähtää, sätkiä |
jump {v} (employ a move in certain board games in which one piece moves over another) | :: hypätä |
jump {v} (move to a position in (a queue/line) that is further forward) | :: etuilla |
jump {v} (engage in sexual intercourse) | :: astua, panna |
jump {n} | :: hyppy, loikka |
jump {n} (instance of causing oneself to fall from an elevated location) | :: hyppy |
jump {n} (instance of employing a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location) | :: hyppy |
jump {n} (instance of reacting to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body) | :: sätky |
jump {n} (jumping move in a board game) | :: hyppy |
jump at {v} (to accept something enthusiastically) | :: tarrata, rynnätä |
jump down someone's throat {v} (criticise with excessive and unexpected harshness) | :: hyökätä jonkun kimppuun |
jumper {n} /dʒʌmpɚ/ (someone or something that jumps) | :: hyppääjä |
jumper {n} (short length of electrical conductor) | :: jumpperi |
jumper {n} (removable connecting pin (electronics)) | :: oikosulkupala, [colloquial] jumpperi |
jumper {n} (woolen sweater or pullover) | :: villapaita, jumpperi |
jumping jack {n} (exercise) | :: haarahyppy |
jumping mouse {n} (species of subfamily Zapodinae) | :: hyppyhiiri |
jumping plant louse {n} (psyllid) SEE: psyllid | :: |
jumping spider {n} (spiders of the family Salticidae) | :: hyppyhämähäkki |
jump in with both feet {v} | :: hypätä täysillä mukaan |
jump on the bandwagon {v} (to profit from a craze) | :: hypätä kyytiin |
jump rope {n} (length of rope) SEE: skipping rope | :: |
jump rope {n} /dʒʌmp ɹəʊp/ (game or activity) | :: naruhyppely |
jump rope {n} ((colloquial) single jump) | :: naruhyppy |
jump rope {v} (to jump over a rope repeatedly as a game or exercise) | :: hypätä narua |
jump ship {v} (depart from a ship) | :: hypätä laivasta |
jump ship {v} (leave suddenly) | :: hypätä veneestä |
jumpsuit {n} (one-pice clothing for parachutists) | :: hyppyhaalari |
jumpsuit {n} (similar garment) | :: haalari |
jump the gun {v} (to begin a race too soon) | :: ottaa varaslähtö |
jump the gun {v} (to act without due caution) | :: ottaa varaslähtö, hätäillä |
jump the gun {v} (to trade securities based on yet undisclosed information) | :: ottaa varaslähtö |
jump the queue {v} (to move into a queue ahead of others) | :: etuilla |
jump the queue {v} (to receive preferential treatment) | :: etuilla |
jump to conclusions {v} (make conclusions before being presented with all the evidence) | :: tehdä hätiköityjä johtopäätöksiä |
jumpy {adj} /ˈdʒʌmpi/ (nervous and excited) | :: hermostunut |
junction {n} /ˈdʒʌŋkʃən/ (the act of joining) | :: liitos |
junction {n} (a place where two things meet) | :: liitoskohta |
junction box {n} (box for electrical connections) | :: jakorasia |
junction transistor {n} (electronic device) | :: liitostransistori |
juncture {n} /ˈdʒʌŋk.tʃɚ/ (junction) | :: risteys |
juncture {n} (critical moment in time) | :: käännekohta |
juncture {n} (manner of transition between two consecutive sounds) | :: junktuuri |
June {prop} /d͡ʒuːn/ (sixth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: kesäkuu |
Juneau {prop} /ˈdʒunoʊ/ (capital of Alaska) | :: Juneau |
June beetle {n} (scarab beetle) | :: Not used in Finnish |
Juneberry {n} (serviceberry) SEE: serviceberry | :: |
jungle {adj} /ˈdʒʌŋ.ɡ(ə)l/ (large, undeveloped, humid forest) | :: viidakko |
jungle {adj} (colloquial: place where people behave ruthlessly) | :: viidakko |
jungle {adj} (style of electronic music) | :: jungle, junkka |
jungle cat {n} (Felis chaus) | :: viidakkokissa |
jungle gym {n} (play structure) | :: kiipeilyteline |
junior {n} /ˈdʒuːnɪə/ (someone younger than someone else) | :: nuorempi |
junior college {n} (institution of higher learning that awards the associate's degree but not bachelor's degree or higher) | :: opisto |
junior high school {n} (school for children that have completed elementary school) | :: peruskoulun yläaste |
juniper {n} /ˈdʒunɪpə/ (shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus) | :: kataja |
juniper berry {n} (female seed cone of a juniper) | :: katajanmarja |
junk {n} /dʒʌŋk/ (rubbish, waste) | :: romu, roska, jäte |
junk {n} (miscellaneous items of little value) | :: roina, kama |
junk {n} (narcotic drug) | :: kama |
junk {v} (throw away) | :: romuttaa |
junk {n} (Chinese sailing vessel) | :: džonkki |
junk drawer {n} (drawer for miscellaneous items) | :: romulaatikko |
junket {n} /ˈdʒʌŋkɪt/ (pleasure trip) | :: huviretki |
junk food {n} (food with little or no nutritional value) | :: roskaruoka |
junkie {n} /ˈdʒʌŋki/ (enthusiast) | :: hullu |
junkie {n} (drug addict) SEE: drug addict | :: |
junk mail {n} (mail or letters that are not welcome or solicited) | :: roskaposti |
junkman {n} (seller of junk) | :: romukauppias |
junkyard {n} (a business that sells used metal or items) | :: romuttamo, hajottamo |
Juno {prop} /ˈdʒunoʊ/ (Roman goddess) | :: Juno |
Juno {prop} (Asteroid) | :: Juno |
junta {n} /ˈhʊntə/ (ruling council of a military dictatorship) | :: sotilasjuntta, juntta |
Jupiter {prop} /ˈdʒupɪtɚ/ (planet) | :: Jupiter |
Jupiter {prop} (god) | :: Juppiter |
Jura {prop} (region in France) | :: Jura |
Jura {prop} (canton of Switzerland) | :: Jura |
Jurassic {adj} (of period from 200 to 145 million years ago) | :: jurakautinen |
Jurassic {prop} (Jurassic period) | :: jurakausi |
Jurchen {n} (Tungusic people) | :: džurtšen |
juridical {adj} /dʒʊˈɹɪdɪkəl/ (Pertaining to the law) | :: juridinen, lainopillinen, oikeudellinen |
juridical act {n} (volitional act intended to bring about legal effects) | :: oikeustoimi |
jurisconsult {n} /ˌdʒʊəɹɪskənˈsʌlt/ (someone who has studied law) | :: oikeusoppinut |
jurisdiction {n} /d͡ʒʊɹɪsˈdɪkʃən/ (the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law) | :: tuomiovalta |
jurisdiction {n} (the power or right to exercise authority) | :: toimivalta |
jurisdiction {n} (the limits or territory within which authority may be exercised) | :: hallintoalue |
Juris Doctor {n} (professional doctorate in law) | :: oikeustieteen tohtori |
jurisprudence {n} /ˈdʒʊəɹɪsˌpɹuːdəns/ (the theoretical study of law) | :: oikeustiede |
jurisprudential {adj} (of or pertaining to jurisprudence) | :: oikeustieteellinen |
juristic act {n} (volitional act intended to bring about legal effects) | :: oikeustoimi |
juror {n} /ˈdʒʊəɹəɹ/ (jury member) | :: lautamies |
jury {n} /ˈd͡ʒʊə.ɹi/ (group in a court of law) | :: lautamiehistö, valamiehistö, jury |
jury {n} (group of judges in a competition) | :: tuomaristo, tuomarineuvosto, raati |
jury {adj} ((nautical) for temporary use) | :: väliaikainen |
jurymast {n} (temporary mast) | :: hätämasto |
jury nullification {n} ((law) an acquittal by a jury of a defendant ignoring the facts of the case and/or the law) | :: lautamiehistön hylkäävä päätös |
jury-rig {v} /ˈdʒʊɹ.i ɹɪɡ/ (to make an improvised rigging) | :: tehdä hätätakila |
jury-rig {v} (to create a makeshift solution) | :: tehdä viritys, virittää |
jury-rig {n} (improvised rigging) | :: hätätakila, hätäriki |
jury-rigged {adj} (improvised) | :: kyhätty, viritetty |
jussive {adj} (of or in the jussive mood) | :: jussiivi- |
jussive {n} (jussive mood) | :: jussiivi |
just {adj} /d͡ʒʌst/ (factually fair, correct) | :: oikea |
just {adj} (morally fair, righteous) | :: oikeudenmukainen, reilu |
just {adv} (only, simply, merely) | :: vain, ainoastaan, pelkästään |
just {adv} (used to reduce the force of an imperative) | :: vain; yksinkertaisesti [simply] |
just {adv} (used to convey a less serious or formal tone) | :: vain |
just {adv} (used to show humility) | :: vain |
just {adv} (absolutely, positively) | :: aivan |
just {adv} (recently) | :: juuri, juuri äsken, äsken, äskettäin, vasta, vastikään |
just {adv} (by a narrow margin, nearly) | :: hädin tuskin, tuskin, juuri ja juuri |
just {adv} (exactly, precisely, perfectly) | :: juuri, täsmälleen, tarkalleen |
just about {adj} (approximately) | :: jokseenkin, jotakuinkin, kutakuinkin |
just a minute {interj} (Stop; wait) | :: pieni hetki, hetkinen |
justice {n} /ˈdʒʌs.tɪs/ (state of being just or fair) | :: oikeudenmukaisuus |
justice {n} (fairness, especially with regard to punishment) | :: oikeus |
justice {n} (judgment and punishment of who wronged another) | :: oikeus |
justice {n} (the civil power dealing with law) | :: oikeus |
justice {n} (a judge of certain courts) | :: tuomari |
justice {n} (correctness) | :: oikeus |
justice delayed is justice denied {proverb} | :: viivästynyt oikeus ei ole oikeutta |
Justice of the Peace {n} (judicial officer) | :: rauhantuomari |
justifiable {adj} (that can be justified) | :: perusteltu, oikeutettu, aiheellinen |
justifiably {adv} (in a justifiable manner) | :: oikeutetusti, aiheellisesti |
justification {n} /ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (reason, explanation, or excuse) | :: oikeutus |
justification {n} (text alignment) | :: tasaus |
justified {adj} /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪd/ (having a justification) | :: perusteltu, aiheellinen |
justified {adj} (having lines arranged on a page or computer screen) | :: tasattu |
justifiedness {n} (quality) | :: aiheellisuus |
justify {v} /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/ (provide an acceptable explanation) | :: perustella |
justify {v} (give a good, acceptable reason for something) | :: oikeuttaa, perustella |
justify {v} (arrange lines on a page or computer screen) | :: tasata |
Justin {prop} /ˈdʒʌs.tɪn/ (male given name) | :: Justin |
just in case {conj} /ˌdʒʌst ɪn ˈkeɪs/ (in the event) | :: varalta |
Justine {prop} (female given name) | :: Justiina |
just in time {adv} | :: juuri sopivasti, juuri oikeaan aikaan |
just like that {adv} (without warning) | :: tuosta vain, noin vain |
justly {adv} /ˈdʒʌstli/ (In a just or fair manner) | :: oikeutetusti, syystä, aiheellisesti |
justness {n} (fairness) SEE: fairness | :: |
just now {adv} (very close to the present moment) | :: juuri nyt, juuri äsken |
just now {adv} (in a little while) | :: aivan heti |
just saying {adv} (used to deflect responsibility for a hurtful remark) | :: sanonpahan vain |
just the same {adv} (despite) | :: siitä huolimatta, kuitenkin |
Justus {prop} (male given name) | :: Justus |
just what the doctor ordered {n} (exactly what is necessary) | :: juuri sitä, mitä lääkäri määrää |
jut {v} /dʒʌt/ (to stick out) | :: törröttää |
jute {n} /dʒuːt/ (fiber of Corchorus olitorius) | :: juutti |
jute {n} (The plants from which this fibre is obtained) | :: juutti |
Jute {n} /dʒuːt/ (member of the Germanic tribe that existed in modern-day Denmark) | :: juutti |
Jutland {prop} /ˈd͡ʒʌt.lənd/ (peninsula) | :: Jyllanti |
Juuka {prop} (municipality) | :: Juuka |
Juupajoki {prop} (municipality) | :: Juupajoki |
juvenile {adj} /ˈdʒuːvənaɪl/ (young; not fully developed) | :: nuori |
juvenile {adj} (characteristic of youth or immaturity) | :: lapsellinen, nuorten- |
juvenile {n} (prepubescent child) | :: lapsi |
juvenile {n} (person younger than the age of majority) | :: alaikäinen |
juvenile {n} (person younger than the age of full criminal responsibility) | :: alaikäinen |
juvenile {n} (sexually immature animal) | :: nuori eläin |
juvenile delinquency {n} (participation in illegal behaviour by minors) | :: nuorisorikollisuus |
juvenile delinquent {n} (persistent young offender) | :: nuorisorikollinen |
juvenile offending {n} (juvenile delinquency) SEE: juvenile delinquency | :: |
juxtalinear {adj} | :: rinnakkainen |
juxtapose {v} /ˈd͡ʒʌkstəpoʊz/ (to place side by side) | :: asettaa vierekkäin, asettaa rinnakkain, rinnastaa |
juxtaposition {n} /ˌdʒʌk.stə.pəˈzɪʃ.ən/ (the nearness of objects with little or no delimiter) | :: vierekkäin asettelu |
jynx {n} (a charm or spell) SEE: spell | :: |
jynx {n} (Jynx torquilla) SEE: wryneck | :: |
Jyväskylä {prop} (city) | :: Jyväskylä |