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This module contains functions for creating inflection tables for Russian
Author: Benwing, rewritten from early version by Atitarev, earliest version by CodeCat
NOTE: This module is partly converted to support manual translit, in the
form CYRILLIC//LATIN (i.e. with a // separating the Cyrillic and Latin
parts). All the general infrastructure supports manual translit; the
only thing that doesn't is some of the specific verb conjugation functions.
In particular, all of the class 1, 2, 3 and 4 conjugation functions support
manual translit, and the rest don't. To convert another, follow the
model of one of the already-converted functions.
Note that an individual form (an entry in the 'forms' table) can be
either a string (no special manual translit; generally this originates
from the portion of the code that doesn't support manual translit), or
a one-element list {CYRILLIC} (no special manual translit), or a
two-element list {CYRILLIC, LATIN} with manual translit specified.
The code is careful only to generate manual translit when it's needed,
to avoid penalizing the majority of cases where manual transit isn't
local m_utilities = require("Module:utilities")
local ut = require("Module:utils")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local com = require("Module:ru-common")
local nom = require("Module:ru-nominal")
local m_debug = require("Module:debug")
local m_table_tools = require("Module:table tools")
-- If enabled, compare this module with new version of module to make
-- sure all conjugations are the same.
local test_new_ru_verb_module = false
local export = {}
-- Within this module, conjugations are the functions that do the actual
-- conjugating by creating the forms of a basic verb.
-- They are defined further down.
local conjugations = {}
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("ru")
local u = mw.ustring.char
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local usub = mw.ustring.sub
local AC = u(0x0301) -- acute = ́
local DIA = u(0x0308) -- diaeresis = ̈
local PSEUDOCONS = u(0xFFF2) -- pseudoconsonant placeholder, matching ru-common
local IRREG = "△"
-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval
-- version of rsubn() that returns a 2nd argument boolean indicating whether
-- a substitution was made.
local function rsubb(term, foo, bar)
local retval, nsubs = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval, nsubs > 0
-- Fancy version of ine() (if-not-empty). Converts empty string to nil,
-- but also strips leading/trailing space and then single or double quotes,
-- to allow for embedded spaces.
local function ine(arg)
if not arg then return nil end
arg = rsub(arg, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
if arg == "" then return nil end
local inside_quotes = rmatch(arg, '^"(.*)"$')
if inside_quotes then
return inside_quotes
inside_quotes = rmatch(arg, "^'(.*)'$")
if inside_quotes then
return inside_quotes
return arg
local function is_vowel_stem(stem)
return rfind(stem, "[" .. com.vowel .. AC .. DIA .. "]$")
-- Return the next number to use as an internal note symbol, starting at 1.
-- We look at existing internal notes to see if the symbol is already used.
local function next_note_symbol(data)
local nextsym = 1
while true do
local sym_already_seen = false
for _, note in ipairs(data.internal_notes) do
if rfind(note, "^" .. nextsym .. " ") then
sym_already_seen = true
if sym_already_seen then
nextsym = nextsym + 1
return nextsym
-- FIXME: Move to utils
-- Iterate over a chain of parameters, FIRST then PREF2, PREF3, ...,
-- inserting into LIST (newly created if omitted). Return LIST.
local function get_arg_chain(args, first, pref, list)
if not list then
list = {}
local val = args[first]
local i = 2
while val do
table.insert(list, val)
val = args[pref .. i]
i = i + 1
return list
-- FIXME: Move to utils
-- Set a chain of parameters, FIRST then PREF2, PREF3, ..., from LIST.
local function set_arg_chain(args, first, pref, list)
local param = first
local i = 2
for _, val in ipairs(list) do
args[param] = val
param = pref .. i
i = i + 1
-- For a given form in a conjugation table, we allow either strings or
-- two-element lists {RUSSIAN, TRANSLIT}, where TRANSLIT can be nil
-- (equivalent to a one-element list). When comparing them, we have to take
-- this into account.
local function forms_equal(form1, form2)
if type(form1) ~= "table" then
form1 = {form1}
if type(form2) ~= "table" then
form2 = {form2}
return ut.equals(form1, form2)
local function contains_form(forms, form)
for _, f in ipairs(forms) do
if forms_equal(f, form) then
return true
return false
-- FIXME: Move to utils
-- Append to the end of a chain of parameters, FIRST then PREF2, PREF3, ...,
-- if the value isn't already present.
local function append_to_arg_chain(args, first, pref, newval)
local nextarg = first
local i = 2
if newval == "" then
error("Internal error: attempt to insert blank value into arg chain")
while true do
if not args[nextarg] then break end
if forms_equal(args[nextarg], newval) then
return nil
nextarg = pref .. i
i = i + 1
args[nextarg] = newval
return nextarg
local function get_true_arg(arg, not_off_by_1)
-- We normally move all params down by one because the first param is the
-- verb type; so reflect this correctly if the arg is numeric and
-- not_off_by_1 isn't given
return (not_off_by_1 or type(arg) ~= "number") and arg or arg + 1
local function getarg(args, arg, default, paramdesc, not_off_by_1)
paramdesc = paramdesc or "Parameter " .. get_true_arg(arg, not_off_by_1)
default = default or "-"
--PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local NAMESPACE = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText
return args[arg] or (NAMESPACE == "Template" and default) or error(paramdesc .. " has not been provided")
local function check_stressed_arg(val, arg)
-- don't consider suffixes
if not rfind(val, "^%-") and not com.is_nonsyllabic(val) and not com.is_stressed(val) then
error("Argument value " .. val .. " (parameter " .. get_true_arg(arg) .. ") must be stressed")
return val
local function get_stressed_arg(args, arg, default, paramdesc)
local retval = getarg(args, arg, default, paramdesc)
check_stressed_arg(retval, arg)
return retval
local function get_opt_stressed_arg(args, arg)
return args[arg] and get_stressed_arg(args, arg) or nil
local function check_unstressed_arg(val, arg)
if com.is_stressed(val) then
error("Argument value " .. val .. " (parameter " .. get_true_arg(arg) .. ") should not be stressed")
return val
local function get_unstressed_arg(args, arg, default, paramdesc)
local retval = getarg(args, arg, default, paramdesc)
check_unstressed_arg(retval, arg)
return retval
local function get_opt_unstressed_arg(args, arg)
return args[arg] and get_unstressed_arg(args, arg) or nil
local function no_stray_args(args, maxarg)
for i=(maxarg + 1), 20 do
if args[i] then
error("Value for argument " .. get_true_arg(i) .. " not allowed ("
.. args[i] .. " supplied)")
-- Extract a form spec (either a single string or a two-element table {RU, TR}
-- into the component Russian and transliterated components. Normally, if
-- an explicit manual translit wasn't given, the resulting translit will be
-- nil; but if ALWAYS_TRANSLIT is given, it will be auto-transliterated from
-- the Russian as needed.
local function extract_russian_tr(form, always_translit)
local ru, tr
if type(form) == "table" then
ru, tr = form[1], form[2]
ru = form
if not tr and always_translit then
tr = ru and com.translit(ru)
return ru, tr
local function strip_arg_status_prefix(arg)
if not arg then
return arg, ""
local subbed
arg, subbed = rsubb(arg, "^awkward%-", "")
if subbed then
return arg, "awkward-"
arg, subbed = rsubb(arg, "^none%-", "")
if subbed then
return arg, "none-"
return arg, ""
local function track(page)
m_debug.track("ru-verb/" .. page)
return true
-- Forward functions
local present_e_a
local present_e_b
local present_e_c
local present_je
local present_i
local make_reflexive
local make_pre_reform
local parse_and_stress_override
local handle_forms_and_overrides
local finish_generating_forms
local make_table
local all_verb_types = {
"pf", "pf-intr", "pf-refl",
"pf-impers", "pf-intr-impers", "pf-refl-impers",
"impf", "impf-intr", "impf-refl",
"impf-impers", "impf-intr-impers", "impf-refl-impers"}
-- Examples of alternatives in use:
-- past_m2: со́здал/созда́л, пе́редал/переда́л, о́тдал/отда́л, при́нялся/принялся́
-- past_m3: for verbs with three past masculine sg forms: за́нялся, заня́лся, занялс́я (заня́ться)
-- past_n2: да́ло, дал́о; вз́яло, взяло́
-- past_pl2: разобрали́сь (разобрали́)
-- past_m_short: short forms in 3a (исчез, сох, etc.)
-- past_f_short: short forms in 3a (исчезла, сохла, etc.)
-- past_n_short: short forms in 3a (исчезло, сохло, etc.)
-- past_pl_short: short forms in 3a (исчезли, сохли, etc.)
-- past_adv_parts:
-- тереть: тере́вши, тёрши, short: тере́в
-- умереть: умере́вши, у́мерши, short: умере́в
-- pres_adv_part: сыпля, сыпя, лёжа (лежать)
-- pres_2sg2: сыплешь, сыпешь
-- pres_3sg2: сыплет, сыпет
-- pres_1pl2: сыплем, сыпем
-- pres_2pl2: сыплете, сыпете
-- pres_3pl2: сыплют, сыпют
-- futr_2sg2: насыплешь, насыпешь
-- futr_3sg2: насыплет, насыпет
-- futr_1pl2: насыплем, насыпем
-- futr_2pl2: насыплете, насыпете
-- futr_3pl2: насыплют, насыпют
-- List of all main verb forms. Short forms (those ending in "_short")
-- must be listed after the corresponding non-short forms.
local all_main_verb_forms = {
-- present tense
"pres_1sg", "pres_2sg", "pres_3sg", "pres_1pl", "pres_2pl", "pres_3pl",
-- future tense
"futr_1sg", "futr_2sg", "futr_3sg", "futr_1pl", "futr_2pl", "futr_3pl",
-- present-future tense. The conjugation functions generate the
-- "present-future" tense instead of either the present or future tense,
-- since the same forms are used in the present imperfect and future
-- perfect. These forms are later copied into the present or future in
-- finish_generating_forms().
"pres_futr_1sg", "pres_futr_2sg", "pres_futr_3sg", "pres_futr_1pl", "pres_futr_2pl", "pres_futr_3pl",
-- imperative
"impr_sg", "impr_pl",
-- past
"past_m", "past_f", "past_n", "past_pl",
"past_m_short", "past_f_short", "past_n_short", "past_pl_short",
-- active participles
"pres_actv_part", "past_actv_part",
-- passive participles
"pres_pasv_part", "past_pasv_part",
-- adverbial participles
"pres_adv_part", "past_adv_part", "past_adv_part_short",
-- infinitive
-- List of all verb forms. Each element is a list, where the first element
-- is the "main" form and the remainder are alternatives. The following
-- *MUST* hold:
-- 1. Forms must be given in the order they will appear in the outputted
-- table.
-- 2. Short forms (those ending in "_short") must be listed after the
-- corresponding non-short forms.
-- 3. For each person, e.g. '2sg', there must be the same number of
-- futr_PERSON, pres_PERSON and pres_futr_PERSON forms, and the alternative
-- forms must be listed in the same order.
-- FIXME!!! We should fix things so we no longer need to compute this table.
local all_verb_forms = {}
-- Compile all_verb_forms
for _, mainform in ipairs(all_main_verb_forms) do
local entry = {}
table.insert(entry, mainform)
for i=2,9 do
table.insert(entry, mainform .. i)
table.insert(all_verb_forms, entry)
local prop_aliases = {
-- Table mapping "main" to the list of all forms in the series (e.g.
-- past_m, past_m2, past_m3, etc.). If a main form (e.g. past_m) is missing,
-- it needs to end up with a value of "", whereas the alternatives
-- (e.g. past_m2, past_m3) need to end up with a value of nil.
local main_to_all_verb_forms = {}
-- List of the main verb forms for the past.
local past_verb_forms = {"past_m", "past_f", "past_n", "past_pl"}
-- List of the main verb forms for the present.
local pres_verb_forms = {"pres_1sg", "pres_2sg", "pres_3sg",
"pres_1pl", "pres_2pl", "pres_3pl"}
-- List of the main verb forms for the future.
local futr_verb_forms = {"futr_1sg", "futr_2sg", "futr_3sg",
"futr_1pl", "futr_2pl", "futr_3pl"}
-- List of the main verb forms for the imperative.
local impr_verb_forms = {"impr_sg", "impr_pl"}
-- List of the main verb forms for participles.
local part_verb_forms = {"pres_actv_part", "past_actv_part",
"pres_pasv_part", "past_pasv_part",
"pres_adv_part", "past_adv_part", "past_adv_part_short"}
-- List of the main verb forms for present participles.
local pres_part_verb_forms = {"pres_actv_part", "pres_pasv_part",
-- List of the main verb forms for past participles.
local past_part_verb_forms = {"past_actv_part", "past_pasv_part",
"past_adv_part", "past_adv_part_short"}
-- Compile main_to_all_verb_forms.
for _, proplist in ipairs(all_verb_forms) do
main_to_all_verb_forms[proplist[1]] = proplist
-- Map listing the forms to be displayed, and the verb forms used to generate
-- the displayed form, in order. For example, under past_m will be found
-- {"past_m_short", "past_m", "past_m2", "past_m3"} because those forms in
-- that order are displayed in the table under "masculine singular past".
local disp_verb_form_map = {}
for _, proplist in ipairs(all_verb_forms) do
local key = proplist[1]
-- if we find short forms, insert them at the beginning of the list for
-- the corresponding full forms. This requires that short forms are
-- listed in all_verb_forms after the corresponding full forms.
if rfind(key, "_short$") then
local full_key = rsub(key, "_short$", "")
-- short forms should occur in list after full forms
assert(#(disp_verb_form_map[full_key]) > 0)
-- build entry for full form, consisting first of the short forms,
-- in order, then the full forms, in order.
local new_entry = {}
for _, form in ipairs(proplist) do
table.insert(new_entry, form)
for _, form in ipairs(disp_verb_form_map[full_key]) do
table.insert(new_entry, form)
disp_verb_form_map[full_key] = new_entry
elseif rfind(key, "^pres_futr") then
-- skip these forms, not displayed
disp_verb_form_map[key] = mw.clone(proplist)
local all_verb_props = mw.clone(all_verb_forms)
local non_form_props = {"title", "perf", "intr", "impers", "categories", "notes", "internal_notes"}
for _, prop in ipairs(non_form_props) do
table.insert(all_verb_props, {prop})
-- Clone parent's args while also assigning nil to empty strings and splitting
-- arg sets (numeric args separated by "or"), assigning named args to
-- all all sets. Handle aliases in the process. Extract conjugation type
-- from the first arg of the arg set (for the initial arg set, this will be
-- arg 2 because arg 1 is the verb type), assigning to '.conj_type' of the
-- arg set. Return arg sets.
local function split_args_handle_aliases(frame)
local args = frame:getParent().args
local arg_sets = {}
local arg_set = {}
-- Verb type, e.g. impf, pf, impf-intr, pf-intr, impf-refl, pf-refl, etc.
-- Default to impf on the template page so that there is no script error.
local verb_type = getarg(args, 1, "impf", "Verb type (first parameter)")
local offset = 1
-- Find maximum-numbered arg, allowing for holes.
local max_arg = 1 -- needs to be 1 not 0 so template pages display ok
for pname, param in pairs(args) do
if type(pname) == "number" and pname > max_arg then
max_arg = pname
-- Now gather the numbered arguments.
for i=2,(max_arg + 1) do
local end_arg_set = false
if i == max_arg + 1 or args[i] == "or" then
end_arg_set = true
if end_arg_set then
table.insert(arg_sets, arg_set)
arg_set = {}
offset = i
arg_set[i - offset] = ine(args[i])
-- Insert named arguments into all arg sets, mapping aliases appropriately.
for pname, param in pairs(args) do
if type(pname) == "string" then
local argval = ine(param)
local mainprop, num = rmatch(pname, "^([a-z_]+)([0-9]*)$")
for i=1,#arg_sets do
if not mainprop then
arg_sets[i][pname] = argval
mainprop = prop_aliases[mainprop] or mainprop
arg_sets[i][mainprop .. num] = argval
-- If we're conjugating a suffix, insert a pseudoconsonant at the beginning
-- of all forms, so they get conjugated as if ending in a consonant.
-- We remove the pseudoconsonant later.
for i=1,#arg_sets do
asif_prefix = (arg_sets[i]["asif_prefix"] or
arg_sets[i][2] and rfind(arg_sets[i][2], "^%-") and PSEUDOCONS)
if asif_prefix then
for k, v in pairs(arg_sets[i]) do
arg_sets[i][k] = rsub(v, "^%-", "-" .. asif_prefix)
-- Frob conjugation type.
for i=1,#arg_sets do
local arg1 = arg_sets[i][1]
local conj_type
if arg1 then
local orig_arg1 = arg1
-- This complex spec matches matches 3°a, 3oa, 4a1a, 6c1a,
-- 1a6a, 6a1as13, 6a1as14, 11*b, etc.
conj_type = rmatch(arg1, "^([0-9]+[*°o0-9abc]*[abc]s?1?[34]?)")
arg1 = rsub(arg1, "^[0-9]+[*°o0-9abc]*[abc]s?1?[34]?", "")
if not conj_type then
if rfind(arg1, "^irreg") then
conj_type = "irreg"
arg1 = rsub(arg1, "^irreg", "")
if not conj_type then
-- Check for Cyrillic, a common mistake (esp. Cyrillic а)
if rfind(orig_arg1, "[абцдеѣфгчийклмнопярстувшхызёюжэщьъ]") then
error("Unrecognized conjugation type (WARNING, has Cyrillic in it): " .. orig_arg1)
error("Unrecognized conjugation type: " .. orig_arg1)
-- The * variant is conventionally written e.g. 11*b; if found in
-- the conj_type, move it to the beginning of the remainder
if rfind(conj_type, "%*") then
conj_type = rsub(conj_type, "%*", "")
arg1 = "*" .. arg1
arg_sets[i][1] = arg1
local NAMESPACE = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText
if NAMESPACE == "Template" and i == 1 then
conj_type = "1a"
error("Must specify argument 2 (conjugation type)")
arg_sets[i]["conj_type"] = conj_type
return arg_sets, verb_type
function export.do_generate_forms(arg_sets, verb_type, old)
local set1 = arg_sets[1]
local notes = get_arg_chain(set1, "notes", "notes")
local forms = {}
local categories = {}
if not ut.contains(all_verb_types, verb_type) then
error("Invalid verb type " .. verb_type)
local data = {}
data.verb_type = verb_type
data.impers = rfind(verb_type, "impers")
data.intr = rfind(verb_type, "intr")
data.perf = rfind(verb_type, "^pf")
data.iter = set1["iter"]
data.nopres = set1["nopres"]
data.nopast = set1["nopast"]
data.nofutr = set1["nofutr"]
data.noimpr = set1["noimpr"]
if data.iter and data.perf then
error("Iterative verbs must be imperfective")
data.old = old
data.has_ppp = set1["has_ppp"]
data.has_prpp = set1["has_prpp"]
data.ppp_override = false
data.prpp_override = false
for _, form in ipairs(main_to_all_verb_forms["past_pasv_part"]) do
if set1[form] then
data.ppp_override = true
data.main_ppp_override = not not set1["past_pasv_part"]
for _, form in ipairs(main_to_all_verb_forms["pres_pasv_part"]) do
if set1[form] then
data.prpp_override = true
data.internal_notes = {}
local titles = {}
for i=1,#arg_sets do
local args = arg_sets[i]
local conj_type = args.conj_type
-- Support e.g. 3oa in place of 3°a
conj_type = rsub(conj_type, "o", "°")
track("conj-" .. conj_type) -- FIXME, convert to regular category
track("conj-" .. conj_type .. "/" .. verb_type) -- FIXME, convert to regular category
data.conj_type = conj_type
data.cat_conj_types = {conj_type}
if conj_type == "irreg" then
data.title = "irregular"
data.title = conj_type
if not conjugations[conj_type] then
error("Unknown conjugation type '" .. conj_type .. "'")
if args[2] then
local inf, tr = nom.split_russian_tr(args[2])
if rfind(inf, "[тч]ься$") then
inf = rsub(inf, "ся$", "")
tr = nom.strip_tr_ending(tr, "ся")
data.refl = true
elseif rfind(inf, "ти́?сь$") then
-- 7a (вы́вестись), 7b (вести́сь) or derivative of -йти́ (разойти́сь)
inf = rsub(inf, "сь$", "")
tr = nom.strip_tr_ending(tr, "сь")
data.refl = true
elseif rfind(inf, "[тч]ь$") then
-- Allow monosyllabic infinitives to be specified without stress
if com.is_monosyllabic(inf) and not rfind(inf, "^%-") then
inf, tr = com.make_ending_stressed(inf, tr)
if tr then
args[2] = inf .. "//" .. tr
args[2] = inf
if data.refl and data.intr then
error("Can't specify -intr with reflexive verbs")
if data.has_ppp or data.has_prpp then
if data.refl then
error("Can't specify has_ppp=y or has_prpp=y with reflexive verbs")
if not data.intr then
error("Can only specify has_ppp=y or has_prpp=y with intransitive verbs")
data.shouldnt_have_ppp = data.refl or not data.has_ppp and data.intr
data.shouldnt_have_prpp = data.refl or not data.has_prpp and data.intr
if data.ppp_override and data.shouldnt_have_ppp then
error("Shouldn't specify past passive participle with reflexive or intransitive verbs, if it's needed use has_ppp=y")
elseif data.perf and not data.shouldnt_have_ppp and not data.ppp_override then
-- possible omissions
if data.prpp_override and data.shouldnt_have_prpp then
error("Shouldn't specify present passive participle with reflexive or intransitive verbs, if it's needed use has_prpp=y")
-- Call conjugation function. It will return a table of forms
-- as if it's the first arg set. If it is in fact the first
-- arg set, we just use the table directly (we may destructively
-- modify it if there are later arg sets, but this is OK because
-- no one else but us uses the table). Otherwise we need to
-- append the values from the table to those of the previous
-- arg sets.
local arg_set_forms = conjugations[conj_type](args, data)
if i == 1 then
forms = arg_set_forms
for _, all_forms in pairs(main_to_all_verb_forms) do
for _, form in ipairs(all_forms) do
if arg_set_forms[form] then
append_to_arg_chain(forms, all_forms[1], all_forms[1],
ut.insert_if_not(titles, data.title)
if conj_type == "irreg" then
table.insert(categories, "Russian irregular verbs")
-- For irregular verbs, if the verb didn't set a specific cat_conj_type,
-- it will be the same as the conj_type and be "irreg". In that case,
-- replace it with the title, which might be a proper conjugation type
-- like 4a or 8c/b (and remove anything starting with a slash, to
-- account for cases like 8c/b). After doing this, the cat_conj_type
-- might still begin with "irreg" (for sufficiently irregular verbs that
-- they can't be assigned to any of the normal classes), in which case
-- we don't create a class for the verb beyond "Russian irregular verbs"
-- (set above).
if data.cat_conj_types[1] == "irreg" then
data.cat_conj_types = {rsub(rsub(data.title, "/.*", ""), "⑨", "")}
for _, cat_conj_type in ipairs(data.cat_conj_types) do
if not rmatch(cat_conj_type, "^irreg") then
local class_num = rmatch(cat_conj_type, "^([0-9]+)")
assert(class_num and class_num ~= "")
table.insert(categories, "Russian class " .. class_num .. " verbs")
table.insert(categories, "Russian class " .. cat_conj_type .. " verbs")
data.title = "class " .. table.concat(titles, " // ") ..
(data.perf and " perfective" or " imperfective") ..
(data.refl and " reflexive" or data.intr and " intransitive" or " transitive") ..
(data.impers and " impersonal" or "") ..
(data.iter and " iterative" or "")
-- Perfective/imperfective
if data.perf then
table.insert(categories, "Russian perfective verbs")
table.insert(categories, "Russian imperfective verbs")
handle_forms_and_overrides(set1, forms, data)
local function remove_pseudo(str)
toremove = set1["asif_prefix"] or PSEUDOCONS
if str == nil then
return str
str = rsub(str, "^%-" .. toremove, "-")
-- also handle prefix after space, e.g. in futures
str = rsub(str, " %-" .. toremove, " -")
return str
-- Remove pseudoconsonant we may have inserted; if no ending, insert
-- "(no suffix)".
for k, v in pairs(forms) do
if forms[k] == "-" .. PSEUDOCONS or type(forms[k] == "table") and forms[k][1] == "-" .. PSEUDOCONS then
-- Make the translit empty.
forms[k] = {"(no suffix)", ""}
if type(forms[k]) == "table" then
forms[k][1] = remove_pseudo(forms[k][1])
forms[k][2] = remove_pseudo(forms[k][2])
forms[k] = remove_pseudo(forms[k])
-- Catch errors in verb arguments that lead to the infinitive not matching
-- page title, but only in the main namespace.
local NAMESPACE = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText
if NAMESPACE == "" then
local PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
for _, form in ipairs(main_to_all_verb_forms["infinitive"]) do
local inf, inf_tr = extract_russian_tr(forms[form])
if inf then
inf, _ = m_table_tools.separate_notes(inf) -- remove any footnote symbols (e.g. грясти́)
local inf_noaccent = com.remove_accents(inf)
if inf ~= "-" then
if data.refl then
if rfind(inf_noaccent, "и$") then
inf_noaccent = inf_noaccent .. "сь"
inf = inf .. "сь"
inf_noaccent = inf_noaccent .. "ся"
inf = inf .. "ся"
if inf_noaccent ~= PAGENAME then
error("Infinitive " .. inf .. " doesn't match pagename " ..
-- Reflexive/intransitive/transitive
if set1["reflex_stress"] then
if data.refl then
local reflex_stress = set1["reflex_stress"] or data.default_reflex_stress -- "ся́"
make_reflexive(forms, reflex_stress and reflex_stress ~= "n" and
reflex_stress ~= "no")
table.insert(categories, "Russian reflexive verbs")
elseif data.intr then
table.insert(categories, "Russian intransitive verbs")
table.insert(categories, "Russian transitive verbs")
-- Impersonal
if data.impers then
table.insert(categories, "Russian impersonal verbs")
-- Iterative
if data.iter then
table.insert(categories, "Russian iterative verbs")
if data.old then
finish_generating_forms(forms, data)
return forms, data.title, data.perf, data.intr or data.refl, data.impers, categories, notes, data.internal_notes
local function fetch_forms(forms)
local function fetch_one_form(form)
local val = forms[form]
local ru, tr
if type(val) == "table" then
ru, tr = val[1], val[2]
elseif type(val) == "string" and val ~= "" and val ~= "-" then
ru = val
if not ru then
return nil
local ruentry, runotes = m_table_tools.get_notes(ru)
local trentry, trnotes
if tr then
trentry, trnotes = m_table_tools.get_notes(tr)
-- There shouldn't be any links.
-- ruentry = m_links.remove_links(ruentry)
-- There shouldn't be any vertical bars.
-- ruentry = rsub(ruentry, "|", "<!>")
-- if trentry then
-- trentry = rsub(trentry, "|", "<!>")
-- end
return trentry and ruentry .. "//" .. trentry or ruentry
local vals = {}
for _, proplist in ipairs(all_verb_forms) do
local vallist = {}
local propname = proplist[1]
if not rfind(propname, "^pres_futr") then
for _, prop in ipairs(proplist) do
local val = fetch_one_form(prop)
if val then
table.insert(vallist, val)
if #vallist > 0 then
table.insert(vals, propname .. "=" .. table.concat(vallist, ","))
return table.concat(vals, "|")
function export.generate_forms(frame)
local arg_sets, verb_type = split_args_handle_aliases(frame)
local old = frame.args["old"] or arg_sets[1]["old"]
local forms, title, perf, intr, impers, categories, notes, internal_notes = export.do_generate_forms(arg_sets, verb_type, old)
return fetch_forms(forms)
local function concat_vals(val)
if type(val) == "table" then
return table.concat(val, ",")
return val
-- The main entry point.
-- This is the only function that can be invoked from a template.
local arg_sets, verb_type = split_args_handle_aliases(frame)
local old = frame.args["old"] or arg_sets[1]["old"]
local arg_sets_clone
if test_new_ru_verb_module then
-- arg_sets may be modified by do_generate_forms()
arg_sets_clone = mw.clone(arg_sets)
local forms, title, perf, intr, impers, categories, notes, internal_notes =
export.do_generate_forms(arg_sets, verb_type, old)
-- Test code to compare existing module to new one.
if test_new_ru_verb_module then
local m_new_ru_verb = require("Module:User:Benwing2/ru-verb")
local newforms, newtitle, newperf, newintr, newimpers, newcategories, newnotes, newinternal_notes =
m_new_ru_verb.do_generate_forms(arg_sets_clone, verb_type, old)
local vals = mw.clone(forms)
vals.title = title
vals.perf = perf
vals.intr = intr
vals.impers = impers
vals.categories = categories
vals.notes = notes
vals.internal_notes = internal_notes
local newvals = mw.clone(newforms)
newvals.title = newtitle
newvals.perf = newperf
newvals.intr = newintr
newvals.impers = newimpers
newvals.categories = newcategories
newvals.notes = newnotes
newvals.internal_notes = newinternal_notes
local difconj = false
for _, proplist in ipairs(all_verb_props) do
for _, prop in ipairs(proplist) do
local val = vals[prop]
local newval = newvals[prop]
-- deal with impedance mismatch between old style (plain string)
-- and new style (Russian/translit array), and empty string vs. nil
if not ut.contains(non_form_props, prop) then
if type(val) == "string" then val = {val} end
if val and val[1] == "" then val = nil end
if type(newval) == "string" then newval = {newval} end
if newval and newval[1] == "" then newval = nil end
-- Ignore changes in pres_futr_*, which aren't displayed
if not forms_equal(val, newval) and not rfind(prop, "^pres_futr") then
-- Uncomment this to display the particular case and
-- differing forms.
--error(prop .. " " .. (val and concat_vals(val) or "nil") .. " || " .. (newval and concat_vals(newval) or "nil"))
difconj = true
track(difconj and "different-conj" or "same-conj")
return make_table(forms, title, perf, intr, impers, notes, internal_notes, old) .. m_utilities.format_categories(categories, lang)
-- Implementation of template 'ru-verb cat'.
function export.catboiler(frame)
local SUBPAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
local cats = {}
local cls, variant, pattern = rmatch(SUBPAGENAME, "^Russian class ([0-9]*)(°?)([abc]?) verbs")
local text = nil
if not cls then
error("Invalid category name, should be e.g. \"Russian class 3a verbs\"")
if pattern == "" then
table.insert(cats, "Russian verbs by class|" .. cls .. variant)
text = "This category contains Russian class " .. cls .. " verbs."
table.insert(cats, "Russian verbs by class and accent pattern|" .. cls .. pattern)
table.insert(cats, "Russian class " .. cls .. " verbs|" .. pattern)
text = "This category contains Russian class " .. cls .. " verbs of " ..
"accent pattern " .. pattern .. (
variant == "" and "" or " and variant " .. variant) .. ". " .. (
pattern == "a" and "With this pattern, all forms are stem-stressed."
or pattern == "b" and "With this pattern, all forms are ending-stressed."
or "With this pattern, the first singular present indicative and all forms " ..
"outside of the present indicative are ending-stressed, while the remaining " ..
"forms of the present indicative are stem-stressed.").. (
variant == "" and "" or
cls == "3" and " The variant code indicates that the -н of the stem " ..
"is missing in most non-present-tense forms." or
" The variant code indicates that the present tense is not " ..
"[[Appendix:Glossary#iotation|iotated]]. (In most verbs of this class, " ..
"the present tense is iotated, e.g. иска́ть with present tense " ..
"ищу́, и́щешь, и́щет, etc.)")
return text .. "\n" ..
mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{title="ru-categoryTOC", args={}}
.. m_utilities.format_categories(cats, lang, nil, nil, "force")
-- Implementation of poscatboiler handler for Russian verb cats. Loaded from
-- [[Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific]].
function export.poscatboiler_verb_class_handler(cls, variant, pattern)
if pattern == "" then
return {
description = "Russian class " .. cls .. " verbs.",
breadcrumb = cls,
parents = {{name = "verbs by class", sort = cls .. variant}},
return {
description = "Russian class " .. cls .. " verbs of " ..
"accent pattern " .. pattern .. (
variant == "" and "" or " and variant " .. variant) .. ". " .. (
pattern == "a" and "With this pattern, all forms are stem-stressed."
or pattern == "b" and "With this pattern, all forms are ending-stressed."
or "With this pattern, the first singular present indicative and all forms " ..
"outside of the present indicative are ending-stressed, while the remaining " ..
"forms of the present indicative are stem-stressed.") .. (
variant == "" and "" or
cls == "3" and " The variant code indicates that the -н of the stem " ..
"is missing in most non-present-tense forms." or
" The variant code indicates that the present tense is not " ..
"[[Appendix:Glossary#iotation|iotated]]. (In most verbs of this class, " ..
"the present tense is iotated, e.g. иска́ть with present tense " ..
"ищу́, и́щешь, и́щет, etc.)"),
breadcrumb = cls .. variant .. pattern,
parents = {
{name = "class " .. cls .. " verbs", sort = pattern},
{name = "verbs by class and accent pattern", sort = cls .. pattern},
Functions for working with stems, paradigms, Russian/translit
-- Combine a stem with optional translit with an ending and possibly a foonote
-- symbol (which may be a tuple {RUNOTES, TRNOTES}), returning a tuple
local function combine(stem, tr, ending, note)
if not ending or ending == "-" then
return nil
local arg_status
ending, arg_status = strip_arg_status_prefix(ending)
if stem ~= "" and com.is_stressed(ending) then
stem, tr = com.make_unstressed_once(stem, tr)
stem = arg_status .. stem
if not note then
return nom.concat_russian_tr(stem, tr, ending, nil, "dopair")
local runotes, trnotes = extract_russian_tr(note)
local ruending, trending = nom.concat_russian_tr(ending, nil, runotes, trnotes)
return nom.concat_russian_tr(stem, tr, ruending, trending, "dopair")
-- Set an individual form PARAM in FORMS with value based on stem STEM (with
-- optional translit TR), ENDINGS (either a single string or a list of strings)
-- and NOTE (nil, a string, or a tuple {RUSSIAN, TR}). If there are multiple
-- endings listed, they will go successively into PARAM, PARAM2, etc.
-- (e.g. past_m, past_m2, etc.).
local function set_form(forms, param, stem, tr, endings, note)
if type(endings) ~= "table" then
endings = {endings}
local entries = {}
for _, val in ipairs(endings) do
ut.insert_if_not(entries, combine(stem, tr, val, note))
set_arg_chain(forms, param, param, entries)
-- Append to an individual form PARAM in FORMS with value based on stem STEM
-- (with optional translit TR), ENDINGS (either a single string or a list of
-- strings) and NOTE (nil, a string, or a tuple {RUSSIAN, TR}). If there are
-- multiple endings listed, they will go successively into PARAM, PARAM2, etc.
-- (e.g. past_m, past_m2, etc.), provided there are no existing forms already
-- present. Duplicate forms aren't inserted.
local function append_form(forms, param, stem, tr, endings, note)
if type(endings) ~= "table" then
endings = {endings}
for _, val in ipairs(endings) do
append_to_arg_chain(forms, param, param, combine(stem, tr, val, note))
local function append_pres_futr(forms, stem, tr,
sg1, sg2, sg3, pl1, pl2, pl3, note)
append_form(forms, "pres_futr_1sg", stem, tr, sg1, note)
append_form(forms, "pres_futr_2sg", stem, tr, sg2, note)
append_form(forms, "pres_futr_3sg", stem, tr, sg3, note)
append_form(forms, "pres_futr_1pl", stem, tr, pl1, note)
append_form(forms, "pres_futr_2pl", stem, tr, pl2, note)
append_form(forms, "pres_futr_3pl", stem, tr, pl3, note)
local function append_participles_2stem(forms,
pres_stem, pres_tr, past_stem, past_tr,
pres_actv, pres_pasv, pres_adv, past_actv, past_adv, past_adv_short,
pres_note, past_note)
append_form(forms, "pres_actv_part", pres_stem, pres_tr, pres_actv, pres_note)
append_form(forms, "pres_pasv_part", pres_stem, pres_tr, pres_pasv, pres_note)
append_form(forms, "pres_adv_part", pres_stem, pres_tr, pres_adv, pres_note)
append_form(forms, "past_actv_part", past_stem, past_tr, past_actv, past_note)
append_form(forms, "past_adv_part", past_stem, past_tr, past_adv, past_note)
append_form(forms, "past_adv_part_short", past_stem, past_tr, past_adv_short, past_note)
local function append_participles(forms, stem, tr,
pres_actv, pres_pasv, pres_adv, past_actv, past_adv, past_adv_short, note)
append_participles_2stem(forms, stem, tr, stem, tr,
pres_actv, pres_pasv, pres_adv, past_actv, past_adv, past_adv_short, note, note)
local function set_ppp(forms, stem, tr, ending, note)
set_form(forms, "past_pasv_part", stem, tr, ending, note)
local function append_ppp(forms, stem, tr, ending, note)
append_form(forms, "past_pasv_part", stem, tr, ending, note)
local function append_imper(forms, stem, tr, sg, pl, note)
append_form(forms, "impr_sg", stem, tr, sg, note)
append_form(forms, "impr_pl", stem, tr, pl, note)
local function set_past(forms, stem, tr, m, f, n, pl, note)
set_form(forms, "past_m", stem, tr, m, note)
set_form(forms, "past_f", stem, tr, f, note)
set_form(forms, "past_n", stem, tr, n, note)
set_form(forms, "past_pl", stem, tr, pl, note)
local function append_past(forms, stem, tr, m, f, n, pl, note)
append_form(forms, "past_m", stem, tr, m, note)
append_form(forms, "past_f", stem, tr, f, note)
append_form(forms, "past_n", stem, tr, n, note)
append_form(forms, "past_pl", stem, tr, pl, note)
-- Prepend a possibly-stressed prefix to all forms; if prefix is stressed,
-- destress the forms before prepending. FIXME: Should support explicit
-- manual translit.
local function prepend_prefix(forms, prefix, pre_two_cons_prefix)
pre_two_cons_prefix = pre_two_cons_prefix or prefix
local stressed_prefix = com.is_stressed(prefix)
for key, form in pairs(forms) do
local ru, tr = extract_russian_tr(form)
if tr then
error("Explicit manual translit not yet supported")
-- check for empty string, dashes and nil's
if ru and ru ~= "" and ru ~= "-" then
if stressed_prefix then
ru = com.make_unstressed(ru)
if rfind(ru, "^[" .. com.cons .. "][" .. com.cons .. "]") then
forms[key] = pre_two_cons_prefix .. ru
forms[key] = prefix .. ru
-- Apply regex substitution FROM -> TO to all forms. FIXME: Should support
-- explicit manual translit.
local function rsub_forms(forms, from, to)
for key, form in pairs(forms) do
local ru, tr = extract_russian_tr(form)
if tr then
error("Explicit manual translit not yet supported")
-- check for empty string, dashes and nil's
if ru and ru ~= "" and ru ~= "-" then
forms[key] = rsub(ru, from, to)
local variant_to_title = {
["[(2)]"] = "[②]",
["(2)"] = "②",
["[(3)]"] = "[③]",
["(3)"] = "③",
["[(4)]"] = "[④]",
["(4)"] = "④",
["[(5)]"] = "[⑤]",
["(5)"] = "⑤",
["[(6)]"] = "[⑥]",
["(6)"] = "⑥",
["[(7)]"] = "[⑦]",
["(7)"] = "⑦",
["[(8)]"] = "[⑧]",
["(8)"] = "⑧",
["(9)"] = "⑨",
["щ"] = "(-щ-)",
["ё"] = "(-ё-)",
["о"] = "(-о-)",
["жд"] = "(-жд-)",
local function prepare_past_stress_indicator(past_stress)
if not past_stress or past_stress == "a" then
return ""
past_stress = rsub(past_stress, "%(1%)", "①")
past_stress = rsub(past_stress, "(.),%1①", "%1[①]")
past_stress = rsub(past_stress, "(.)①,%1", "%1[①]")
past_stress = rsub(past_stress, "''", "''")
past_stress = rsub(past_stress, "-nd", "")
past_stress = rsub(past_stress, "-bd", "")
return "/" .. past_stress
local function parse_variants(data, variants, allowed)
-- Need to set these to nil in case of multiple arg sets
data.imper_variant = nil
data.var4 = nil
data.var5 = nil
data.var6 = nil
data.ppp = nil
data.var9 = nil
data.shch = nil
data.yo = nil
data.o = nil
data.zhd = nil = nil
variants = variants or ""
local variant_title = ""
if variants ~= "" then -- short-circuit the most common case
-- Only recognize * variant for long-variant prefix at the beginning
-- of the variant code block (where it gets moved if it's in the
-- middle of the conjugation type, as it normally is) because a *
-- also occurs in b*, a past stress variant code.
if rfind(variants, "^%*") then
-- Specify that the present/future tense has extra -о in the prefix:
-- types 9*b (e.g. растере́ть, futr_1sg разотру́) and 11*b (e.g. изли́ть,
-- futr_1sg изолью́). It can also occur with type 7*b (in -че́сть,
-- e.g. счесть, сочту́; расче́сть, разочту́) and type 8*b (in -же́чь, e.g.
-- сжечь, сожгу́) but these are always irregular and require the
-- present tense to be specified explicitly. It can also occur
-- with type 14*b (e.g. размя́ть, разомну́; сжать, сожну́; подожа́ть, подожму́),
-- but for these verbs the present tense is unpredictable and
-- must be specified explicitly.
-- This can also occur where the extra -о occurs in the infinitive
-- and past, but not the present tense: type 5*c (in -гна́ть, e.g.
-- согна́ть, сгоню́; разогна́ться, разгоню́сь), type 6*c (in -стла́ть, e.g.
-- подостла́ть, подстелю́; разостла́ть, расстелю́), type 6°*c
-- (in -зва́ть, -бра́ть, -дра́ть, e.g. подозва́ть, подзову́; разобра́ться, разберу́сь);
-- but these are always irregular and require the present tense
-- to be specified explicitly.
if not ut.contains(allowed, "*") then
error("Variant " .. var .. " not allowed for this verb class")
end = true
variants = rsub(variants, "^*", "")
-- Allow brackets around both 5 and 6, e.g. [(5)(6)]
variants = rsub(variants, "%[(%([56]%))(%([56]%))%]", "[%1][%2]")
-- Handle all remaining variants. We do this using an rsub() function,
-- where we pull out, parse and remove each variant in turn.
variants = rsub(variants, "(%[?%(?[23456789ёощийьж+][дp]?%)?%]?)", function(var)
if ut.contains({"(2)", "[(2)]", "(3)", "[(3)]", "и", "й", "ь"}, var) then
if data.imper_variant then
error("Saw two imperative variants " .. data.imper_variant ..
" and " .. var)
local is_23 = ut.contains({"(2)", "[(2)]", "(3)", "[(3)]"}, var)
if is_23 and not ut.contains(allowed, "23") or
not is_23 and not ut.contains(allowed, "и") then
error("Variant " .. var .. " not allowed for this verb class")
data.imper_variant = var
elseif ut.contains({"(4)", "[(4)]"}, var) then
if data.var4 then
error("Saw two variant-4 specs " .. data.var4 .. " and " .. var)
if not ut.contains(allowed, "4") then
error("Variant " .. var .. " not allowed for this verb class")
data.var4 = var == "(4)" and "req" or "opt"
elseif ut.contains({"(5)", "[(5)]"}, var) then
if data.var5 then
error("Saw two variant-5 specs " .. data.var5 .. " and " .. var)
if not ut.contains(allowed, "5") then
error("Variant " .. var .. " not allowed for this verb class")
data.var5 = var == "(5)" and "req" or "opt"
elseif ut.contains({"(6)", "[(6)]"}, var) then
if data.var6 then
error("Saw two variant-6 specs " .. data.var6 .. " and " .. var)
if not ut.contains(allowed, "6") then
error("Variant " .. var .. " not allowed for this verb class")
data.var6 = var == "(6)" and "req" or "opt"
elseif ut.contains({"(7)", "[(7)]", "(8)", "[(8)]", "+p"}, var) then
if data.shouldnt_have_ppp then
error("Shouldn't specify past passive participle with reflexive or intransitive verbs, if it's needed use has_ppp=y")
if data.ppp then
error("Saw two past passive participle specs " .. data.ppp .. " and " .. var)
if ut.contains({"(7)", "[(7)]"}, var) and not ut.contains(allowed, "7") or
ut.contains({"(8)", "[(8)]"}, var) and not ut.contains(allowed, "8") or
var == "+p" and not ut.contains(allowed, "+p") then
error("Variant " .. var .. " not allowed for this verb class")
data.ppp = var
elseif var == "(9)" then
if data.var9 then
error("Saw (9) twice")
if not ut.contains(allowed, "9") then
error("Variant " .. var .. " not allowed for this verb class")
data.var9 = true
elseif var == "щ" then
-- specify that the 1sg pres/futr and past passive participle
-- of class 4/5/6 verbs iotate -т to -щ instead of -ч; cf.
-- похи́тить (похи́щу) (4a), защити́ть (защищу́) (4b),
-- поглоти́ть (поглощу́) (4c), клевета́ть (клевещу́) (6c)
if data.shch then
error("Saw щ twice")
if not ut.contains(allowed, "щ") then
error("Variant " .. var .. " not allowed for this verb class")
data.shch = "щ"
elseif var == "ё" then
-- specify that the past passive participle has ё instead of е
if data.yo then
error("Saw ё twice")
if not ut.contains(allowed, "ё") then
error("Variant " .. var .. " not allowed for this verb class")
data.yo = true
elseif var == "о" then
-- specify that the past passive participle has о instead of е
-- NOTE: Not currently allowed as a user-specifiable variant
if data.o then
error("Saw о twice")
if not ut.contains(allowed, "о") then
error("Variant " .. var .. " not allowed for this verb class")
data.o = true
elseif var == "жд" then
-- specify that the past passive participle of class 4/5/6 verbs
-- iotates -д to -жд instead of -ж
if data.zhd then
error("Saw жд twice")
if not ut.contains(allowed, "жд") then
error("Variant " .. var .. " not allowed for this verb class")
data.zhd = true
error("Unrecognized variant spec: " .. var)
variant_title = variant_title .. (variant_to_title[var] or "")
return ""
variant_title = rsub(variant_title, "%[⑤%]%[⑥%]", "[⑤⑥]")
if variants ~= "" and not ut.contains(allowed, "past") then
error("Past stress " .. variants .. " not allowed for this verb class")
if data.yo and not data.ppp then
error("Variant ё specified without calling for past passive participle")
if data.o and not data.ppp then
error("Variant о specified without calling for past passive participle")
if data.zhd and not data.ppp then
error("Variant жд specified without calling for past passive participle")
if data.perf and not data.ppp and not data.ppp_override and not data.shouldnt_have_ppp and not data.impers then
error("For perfective transitive verbs, need to specify past passive participle by variant or override; use |ppp=- if no such participle")
data.past_stress = variants == "" and "a" or rsub(variants, "/", "")
data.title = data.title ..
prepare_past_stress_indicator(data.past_stress) ..
if then
data.title = rsub(data.title, "^([0-9]+°?)", "%1*")
-- If there's an override of past_pasv_part, generate the normal participle
-- so we can determine whether the override is irregular. But set a flag
-- so we erase any automatically generated past passive participles that
-- aren't overridden. This happens for example in обнять, where there are
-- two automatically generated past passive participles but a single
-- ppp=о́внятый override.
if not data.ppp and data.main_ppp_override then
data.ppp = "+p"
data.ppp_auto_generated = true
local function set_past_by_stress(forms, past_stresses, prefix, prefixtr, base,
basetr, args, data, no_pastml, note)
-- If there isn't manual translit for the prefix, we need to supply it
-- if there's manual translit for the base, because we often concatenate
-- prefix to the base.
local prefixtr = prefixtr or basetr and com.translit(prefix)
for _, past_stress in ipairs(rsplit(past_stresses, ",")) do
local pastml = no_pastml and "" or "л"
local stressed_prefixtr
if prefix == "пере" then
stressed_prefix = "пе́ре"
stressed_prefixtr = "pe" .. AC .. "re"
elseif prefix == "раз" then
stressed_prefix = "ро́з"
stressed_prefixtr = "ro" .. AC .. "z"
elseif prefix == "рас" then
-- Does this ever occur?
stressed_prefix = "ро́с"
stressed_prefixtr = "ro" .. AC .. "s"
elseif prefix == "ра" and rfind(base, "^[сз]") then
-- Type 9/11/14/16 with automatically split prefix; may never happen.
stressed_prefix = "ро́"
stressed_prefixtr = "ro" .. AC
stressed_prefix, stressed_prefixtr =
com.make_ending_stressed(prefix, prefixtr)
-- Normally the base is stressed and the prefix isn't, but it could
-- be the other way around, e.g. in запереть and запереться, where
-- the stress on the prefix is used to get prefix-stressed participles.
-- To deal with this, we usually combine base and prefix unchanged,
-- but in combination with stressed_prefix we always want an unstressed
-- base, and when a stressed -ся́ is called for, we want both of them
-- unstressed.
local ubase, ubasetr = com.make_unstressed(base, basetr)
local uprefix, uprefixtr = com.make_unstressed(prefix, prefixtr)
local prefixbase = prefix .. base
local prefixbasetr = basetr and prefixtr .. basetr
local stressed_prefix_ubase = stressed_prefix .. ubase
local stressed_prefix_ubasetr = ubasetr and stressed_prefixtr .. ubasetr
local uprefixubase = uprefix .. ubase
local uprefixubasetr = ubasetr and uprefixtr .. ubasetr
if past_stress == "a" then
-- (/под/пере/при/по)забы́ть, раздобы́ть, (/пере/по)забы́ться
append_past(forms, prefixbase, prefixbasetr, pastml,
"ла", "ло", "ли", note)
elseif past_stress == "a(1)" then
-- вы́дать, вы́быть, etc.; also проби́ть with the meaning
-- "to strike (of a clock)" (which is a(1),a or similar)
append_past(forms, stressed_prefix_ubase,
stressed_prefix_ubasetr, pastml, "ла", "ло", "ли", note)
elseif past_stress == "b" then
append_past(forms, prefixbase, prefixbasetr, pastml,
"ла́", "ло́", "ли́", note)
elseif past_stress == "b*" then
if not data.refl then
error("Only reflexive verbs can take past stress variant " .. past_stress)
-- See comment in type c''. We want to see whether we actually
-- added an argument, and if so, where.
local argset = append_to_arg_chain(forms, "past_m", "past_m",
combine(uprefixubase, uprefixubasetr, pastml .. (note or "")))
if argset and not args[argset] and not data.impers then
data.default_reflex_stress = "ся́"
append_past(forms, prefixbase, prefixbasetr, {}, "ла́", "ло́", "ли́", note)
elseif past_stress == "c" then
-- изда́ть, возда́ть, сдать, пересозда́ть, воссозда́ть, надда́ть, наподда́ть, etc.
-- быть, избы́ть, сбыть
-- клясть, закля́сть
append_past(forms, prefixbase, prefixbasetr, pastml, "ла́", "ло", "ли", note)
elseif past_stress == "c(1)" then
-- прибы́ть, убы́ть
-- прокля́сть
-- also, c(1),c:
-- зада́ть, обда́ть, отда́ть, подда́ть, переда́ть (пе́редал), преда́ть, прода́ть, разда́ть (ро́здал), созда́ть, etc.
-- отбы́ть, побы́ть, пробы́ть
-- also, c,c(1):
-- добы́ть
-- Because the prefix may vary depending on stress (esp. for
-- раздать [ро́здал/раздала́]), we need to separate the endings that
-- take the stressed prefix and those that take the unstressed
-- prefix with stressed ending.
append_past(forms, stressed_prefix_ubase, stressed_prefix_ubasetr,
pastml, {}, "ло", "ли", note)
append_past(forms, prefixbase, prefixbasetr, {}, "ла́", {}, {}, note)
elseif past_stress == "c'" then
-- дать
--same with "взять"
append_past(forms, prefixbase, prefixbasetr,
pastml, "ла́", {"ло", "ло́"}, "ли", note)
elseif past_stress == "c''" or past_stress == "c''-nd" or past_stress == "c''-bd" then
if not data.refl then
error("Only reflexive verbs can take past stress variant " .. past_stress)
-- c'' (-ся́ dated): all verbs in -да́ться; избы́ться, сбы́ться; all verbs in -кля́сться
-- c''-nd (-ся́ not dated): various verbs in -ня́ться per Zaliznyak
-- c''-bd (-ся́ becoming dated): various verbs in -ня́ться per ruwikt
local note_symbol = past_stress == "c''-nd" and "" or
append_past(forms, prefixbase, prefixbasetr,
pastml, "ла́", {"ло́", "ло"}, {"ли́", "ли"})
-- We want to see whether we actually added an argument, and if
-- so, where.
local argset = append_to_arg_chain(forms, "past_m", "past_m",
combine(uprefixubase, uprefixubasetr, pastml .. note_symbol .. (note or "")))
-- Only display the internal note and set the default reflex
-- stress if the form with the note will be displayed (i.e. not
-- impersonal, and no override of this form). FIXME: We should
-- have a more general mechanism to check for this.
if not args[argset] and not data.impers then
past_stress == "c''" and note_symbol .. " Dated." or
past_stress == "c''-bd" and note_symbol .. " Becoming dated." or nil)
data.default_reflex_stress = "ся́"
elseif past_stress == "c''(1)" then
-- запере́ться
-- See comment in type c''. We want to see whether we actually
-- added an argument, and if so, where.
local argset = append_to_arg_chain(forms, "past_m", "past_m",
combine(uprefixubase, uprefixubasetr, pastml .. (note or "")))
if argset and not args[argset] and not data.impers then
data.default_reflex_stress = "ся́"
append_past(forms, prefixbase, prefixbasetr, {}, "ла́", "ло́", "ли́", note)
append_past(forms, stressed_prefix_ubase, stressed_prefix_ubasetr,
pastml, {}, "ло", "ли", note)
error("Unrecognized past-stress value " .. past_stress .. ", should be a, a(1), b, b*, c, c(1), c', c'', c''-nd, c''-bd, c''(1) or comma-separated list")
-- Split a verb stem into a possibly multisyllabic prefix (пере-, переиз-,
-- воссоз-, повы́-, etc.) and a single-syllable main verb (-тер-, -ли́-, -гре́-,
-- etc.). Normally the splitting is done simply by looking for alternating
-- vowel/consonant sequences, meaning that e.g. разгре́ will be split as
-- ра + згре́ and растер will be split as ра + стер. For most purposes, this
-- doesn't matter, but for the * variant it does; in that case, if it is
-- known that the main verb base always begins with a single consonant,
-- specify SINGLE_CONS_BASE and then e.g. растер will be split as рас + тер.
local function split_monosyllabic_main_verb(ru, tr, single_cons_base)
local rusyl, trsyl = com.split_syllables(ru, tr)
local last_ru = rusyl[#rusyl]
local last_tr = trsyl and trsyl[#trsyl]
table.remove(rusyl, #rusyl)
local prefix_ru = table.concat(rusyl, "")
local prefix_tr
if trsyl then
table.remove(trsyl, #trsyl)
prefix_tr = table.concat(trsyl, "")
if single_cons_base then
local cons_to_move, rest = rmatch(last_ru, "^([" .. com.cons .. "]+)([" .. com.cons .. "].*)$")
if cons_to_move then
prefix_ru = prefix_ru .. cons_to_move
last_ru = rest
if last_tr then
cons_to_move, rest = rmatch(last_tr, "^([" .. com.tr_cons .. "]+)([" .. com.tr_cons .. "].*)$")
if cons_to_move then
prefix_tr = prefix_tr .. cons_to_move
last_tr = rest
return prefix_ru, prefix_tr, last_ru, last_tr
local function split_known_main_verb(arg, mains)
-- Given an argument (which may be RUSSIAN//TR), split the prefix from
-- the main verb, which should be one of the verbs in MAINS (which can be
-- a -- single verb or a list of verbs, but in either case all verbs
-- need to be stressed). This correctly handles stressed and unstressed
-- prefixes.
local stem, tr = nom.split_russian_tr(arg)
if type(mains) ~= "table" then
mains = {mains}
for _, main in ipairs(mains) do
if rfind(stem, main .. "$") then
stem, tr = nom.strip_ending(stem, tr, main)
if com.is_stressed(stem) then
error("Two stresses in " .. arg)
return stem, tr, main, nil
main = com.make_unstressed_once(main)
if rfind(stem, main .. "$") then
stem, tr = nom.strip_ending(stem, tr, main)
if com.is_unstressed(stem) then
error("No stresses in " .. arg)
return stem, tr, main, nil
if #mains == 1 then
error("Argument " .. arg .. " doesn't end in " .. mains[1])
error("Argument " .. arg .. " doesn't end in any of " .. table.concat(mains, ","))
local function construct_long_prefix_variant(prefix)
if rfind(prefix, "рас$") then
return rsub(prefix, "рас$", "разо")
if rfind(prefix, "ис$") then
return rsub(prefix, "ис$", "изо")
if rfind(prefix, "вс$") then
return rsub(prefix, "вс$", "взо")
return prefix .. "о"
local function append_imper_by_variant(forms, stem, tr, variant, verbclass, note)
local vowel_stem = is_vowel_stem(stem)
local stress = rmatch(verbclass, "([abc])$")
if not stress then
error("Unrecognized verb class '" .. verbclass .. "', should end with a, b or c")
local longend = stress == "a" and "и" or "и́"
local shortend = vowel_stem and (com.is_unstressed(stem) and "́й" -- accent on previous vowel
or "й") or "ь"
local function append_short_imper()
append_imper(forms, stem, tr, shortend, shortend .. "те", note)
local function append_long_imper()
append_imper(forms, stem, tr, longend, longend .. "те", note)
if variant and variant ~= "" then
track("explicit-imper/" .. verbclass)
if variant == "(2)" then
-- use short variants with вы́- (for these verbs, long is expected)
if not rfind(stem, "^вы́-") then
error("Should only specify imperative variant (2) with verbs in вы́-, not " .. stem)
elseif variant == "[(2)]" then
-- use both long and short variants
elseif variant == "(3)" then
-- long in singular, short in plural
append_imper(forms, stem, tr, longend, shortend .. "те", note)
elseif variant == "[(3)]" then
-- long and short in singular, short in plural
append_imper(forms, stem, tr, {longend, shortend}, shortend .. "те", note)
elseif variant == "ь" or variant == "й" then
-- short variants wanted
elseif variant == "и" then
-- long variants wanted
assert(not variant or variant == "")
if vowel_stem then
if verbclass == "4b" or verbclass == "4c" or (
verbclass == "4a" and rfind(stem, "^вы́-")) then
else -- consonant stem
if stress == "b" or stress == "c" then
assert(stress == "a")
-- "и" after вы́-, e.g. вы́садить
-- "и" after final щ, e.g. тара́щиться (although this particular
-- verb has a [(3)] spec attached to it)
if rfind(stem, "^вы́-") or rfind(stem, "щ$") or
-- "и" after two consonants in a row (мо́рщить, зафре́ндить)
rfind(stem, "[бвгджзклмнпрстфхцчшщь][бвгджзклмнпрстфхцчшщ]$") then
-- "ь" after a single consonant (бре́дить)
-- Compute the past passive participle stem for verbs that require it to be
-- iotated (class 4, and class 5 in -еть).
local function iotated_ppp(data, stem, tr)
local iotated_stem, iotated_tr
if data.zhd then
local subbed
iotated_stem, subbed = rsubb(stem, "з?д$", "жд")
if not subbed then
error("Variant -жд- specified but stem " .. stem .. " doesn't end in -д")
if tr then
iotated_tr, subbed = rsubb(tr, "z?d$", "žd")
if not subbed then
error("Variant -жд- specified but translit " .. tr .. " doesn't end in -d")
iotated_stem, iotated_tr = com.iotation(stem, tr, data.shch)
return iotated_stem, iotated_tr
-- Set the past passive participle of verbs where the stress is moved left
-- from the ending by one syllable (if possible) if the ending is stressed,
-- otherwise left as-is (except class 1a in -е́ть, which has ending-stressed
-- -ённый). This applies to classes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10 and 13. The stem comes
-- from the infinitive, iotated in class 5 -еть/-ѣть verbs. The participle
-- ending is -анный/-янный for verbs in -ать/-ять, -енный/-ённый for verbs in -еть,
-- -ѣнный/-ѣ̈нный for verbs in -ѣть, otherwise -тый.
local function set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
if not data.ppp then
-- NOTE: No need to check for multiple infinitives because no verbs have
-- them normally, and we probably don't want to check for overrides here
-- (e.g. it would break достичь and related verbs, which have participles
-- based on the infinitive достигнуть).
local infinitive, infinitivetr = extract_russian_tr(forms["infinitive"])
local stem, ending = rmatch(infinitive, "^(.*)([аеѣоуя]́?ть)$")
if not stem then
error("Strange infinitive " .. infinitive .. " when trying to create participle")
local tr, endingtr
if infinitivetr then
if ending == "ять" or ending == "я́ть" then
tr, endingtr = rmatch(infinitivetr, "^(.*)(ja" .. AC .. "?tʹ)$")
tr, endingtr = rmatch(infinitivetr, "^(.*)([aeěou]" .. AC .. "?tʹ)$")
if not tr then
error("Translit " .. infinitivetr .. " doesn't match Cyrillic " ..
local ending_vowel = usub(ending, 1, 1)
local ppptype = data.ppp
if com.is_nonsyllabic(stem) then
-- e.g. 3b гну́ть (гну́тый); but not -нуть (type 3a, as a suffix)
ppptype = "(7)"
if ut.contains({"5a", "5b", "5c"}, data.conj_type) and
(ending_vowel == "е" or ending_vowel == "ѣ") then
stem, tr = iotated_ppp(data, stem, tr)
if not com.is_stressed(stem) then
stem, tr = com.make_ending_stressed(stem, tr)
if data.o then
-- цев -> цо́в, e.g. (об)лицева́ть -> (об)лицо́ванный
stem = rsub(stem, "е́", "о́") -- Cyrillic
if tr then
tr = rsub(tr, "e" .. AC, "o" .. AC) -- Latin
elseif data.yo then
-- ё occurs with e.g. 1a наверста́ть (навёрстанный)
-- ё occurs with e.g. 3b поверну́ть (повёрнутый)
-- ё occurs with e.g. 5b лежа́ть (лёжанный) but not with 5c держа́ть
-- (де́ржанный)
-- ё occurs always with class 2 in -ева́ть, e.g.
-- (за)тушева́ть ((за)тушёванный) and (за)клева́ть ((за)клёванный)
local subbed
stem, subbed = rsubb(stem, "е́", "ё") -- Cyrillic
if not subbed and data.old then
stem, subbed = rsub(stem, "ѣ́", "ѣ̈")
if not subbed then
error("No stressed е" .. (data.old and " or ѣ" or "") ..
" in stem " .. stem ..
" to replace with ё" .. (data.old and " or ѣ̈" or "") ..
" when trying to create participle")
if tr then
tr, subbed = rsub(tr, "j[eě]" .. AC, "jo" .. AC) -- Latin
if not subbed then
tr, subbed = rsub(tr, "[eě]" .. AC, "jo" .. AC) -- Latin
if not subbed then
error("No stressed е in translit " .. tr .. " to replace with jo when trying to create participle")
if data.conj_type == "1a" and ending_vowel == "е" then
-- 1a, only одоле́ть, преодоле́ть, verbs in -печатле́ть
set_ppp(forms, stem, tr, "ённый")
elseif data.conj_type == "1a" and ending_vowel == "ѣ" then
set_ppp(forms, stem, tr, "ѣ̈нный")
local stressed_ending, unstressed_ending
if ending_vowel == "е" then
stressed_ending = "ённый"
unstressed_ending = "енный"
elseif ending_vowel == "ѣ" then
stressed_ending = "ѣ̈нный"
unstressed_ending = "ѣнный"
local ppp_ending =
(ending_vowel == "а" or ending_vowel == "я") and "нный" or "тый"
stressed_ending = ending_vowel .. AC .. ppp_ending
unstressed_ending = ending_vowel .. ppp_ending
set_ppp(forms, stem, tr,
-- (7) occurs with 1a обуя́ть (обуя́нный)
ppptype == "(7)" and stressed_ending or
-- [(7)] -- when does it occur? may only occur in class 4
ppptype == "[(7)]" and {unstressed_ending, stressed_ending} or
-- Iterate over the values of a property (e.g. past_m, past_f), handling
-- overrides properly. Call FN on each one, passing in RU, TR, NOTE.
local function iterate_over_prop(forms, args, prop, fn)
for _, form in ipairs(main_to_all_verb_forms[prop]) do
local ru, tr
if args[form] then
local orig_forms = {}
for _, form2 in ipairs(main_to_all_verb_forms[prop]) do
if forms[form2] then
table.insert(orig_forms, forms[form2])
local override = parse_and_stress_override(form, args[form], forms[form], orig_forms)
ru, tr = extract_russian_tr(override)
if (not ru or ru == "" or ru == "-") and forms[form] then
ru, tr = extract_russian_tr(forms[form])
-- skip unstressed forms (may occur in the past_m when a stressed
-- reflexive -ся́ should occur; these occur only in запереться and
-- опереться, where they're used to generate the past active part
-- and past adverbial part, and end-stressed forms shouldn't be
-- generated)
if ru and ru ~= "" and ru ~= "-" and not com.is_unstressed(ru) then
local ruentry, runotes = m_table_tools.separate_notes(ru)
local trentry, trnotes
if tr then
trentry, trnotes = m_table_tools.separate_notes(tr)
fn(ruentry, trentry, {runotes, trnotes})
-- Set the past passive participle for those classes where it is derived
-- from the past tense masculine singular (9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16). We need
-- to apply any relevant overrides.
local function set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
if not data.ppp then
iterate_over_prop(forms, args, "past_m", function(ru, tr, note)
if rfind(ru, "л$") then
ru = rsub(ru, "л$", "")
if tr then
tr = rsub(tr, "l$", "")
append_ppp(forms, ru, tr, "тый", note)
-- Set the past passive participle for class-4 verbs.
local function set_class_4_ppp(forms, data, stem, tr, vclass)
if not data.ppp then
local iotated_stem, iotated_tr = iotated_ppp(data, stem, tr)
vclass = vclass or data.conj_type
if vclass == "4b" then
local stressed_iotated_stem, stressed_iotated_tr =
com.make_ending_stressed(iotated_stem, iotated_tr)
set_ppp(forms, stressed_iotated_stem, stressed_iotated_tr,
-- (8) occurs with 4b скрои́ть (скро́енный)
data.ppp == "(8)" and "енный" or
-- [(8)] occurs with 4b разгроми́ть (разгромлённый, разгро́мленный)
data.ppp == "[(8)]" and {"ённый", "енный"} or "ённый")
set_ppp(forms, iotated_stem, iotated_tr,
-- (7) occurs with 4c раздели́ть (разделённый)
data.ppp == "(7)" and "ённый" or
-- [(7)] occurs with 4a осве́домить (осве́домленный, осведомлённый)
-- [(7)] occurs with 4c иссуши́ть (иссу́шенный, иссушённый)
data.ppp == "[(7)]" and {"енный", "ённый"} or "енный")
-- Set the past passive participle for class-7 and class-8 verbs. These
-- form the PPP by adding to the base of the 3sg pres/futr (i.e. minus
-- -ет/-ёт). The stress follows the stress of the past singular feminine.
-- Only types a, a(1) and b exist, meaning that if the past singular feminine
-- is ending-stressed then the PPP ending is -ённый, otherwise it is -енный
-- with the stress of the 3sg pres/futr base preserved (and added to the
-- last syllable if the base has no stress, as in 7b укра́сть, 3sg украдёт,
-- fem sg past укра́ла, PPP укра́денный).
local function set_class_7_8_ppp(forms, args, data)
if not data.ppp then
local sg3_bases = {}
-- Extract 3sg bases. There may be more than one possible form, e.g. in
-- обокра́сть, so support this.
-- FIXME: We don't support checking for overrides here; doing so isn't
-- overly hard but is a bit tricky because the overrides will be either
-- pres_3sg or futr_3sg, depending on the aspect of the verb.
-- FIXME: We don't support manual translit here, because neither 7 nor 8
-- support it elsewhere.
for _, form in ipairs(main_to_all_verb_forms["pres_futr_3sg"]) do
local ru, tr
if forms[form] then
ru, tr = extract_russian_tr(forms[form])
if ru and ru ~= "" and ru ~= "-" then
local ruentry, runotes = m_table_tools.separate_notes(ru)
ruentry = rsub(ruentry, "[её]т$", "")
if com.is_unstressed(ruentry) then
ruentry = com.make_ending_stressed(ruentry)
ut.insert_if_not(sg3_bases, {ruentry, runotes})
-- Here we do the same rigmarole as in set_ppp_from_past_m(), to respect
-- any past_f overrides that might have been set. It's unlikely that
-- there is more than one possible form but we support it.
iterate_over_prop(forms, args, "past_f", function(ru, tr, note)
for _, base_and_notes in ipairs(sg3_bases) do
local base, notes = base_and_notes[1], base_and_notes[2]
append_ppp(forms, base, nil,
-- check if past_f is ending-stressed
rfind(ru, AC .. "$") and "ённый" or "енный", notes)
Conjugation functions
conjugations["1a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p", "7", "ё"})
local stem, tr = nom.split_russian_tr(get_stressed_arg(args, 2))
if stem == "-" and not tr then
-- Template space; leave it
stem, tr = nom.strip_ending(stem, tr, "ть")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = combine(stem, tr, "ть")
append_participles(forms, stem, tr, "ющий", "емый", "я", "вший", "вши", "в")
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
present_je(forms, stem, tr, "a")
append_imper(forms, stem, tr, "й", "йте")
set_past(forms, stem, tr, "л", "ла", "ло", "ли")
return forms
local function guts_of_2(args, data)
local forms = {}
local inf_stem, inf_tr = nom.split_russian_tr(get_stressed_arg(args, 2))
inf_stem, inf_tr = nom.strip_ending(inf_stem, inf_tr, "ть")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
local pres_stem, pres_tr = inf_stem, inf_tr
local variants = args[1] or ""
parse_variants(data, variants, {"+p", "7"})
-- If stem ends in -ева́ть and a past passive participle is called for
-- with stress on the -е-, automatically set -о- or -ё- as required.
if data.ppp and data.ppp ~= "(7)" then
if rfind(inf_stem, "цева́") then
if data.ppp == "[(7)]" then
-- FIXME. Theoretically we should support this but there
-- aren't any verbs requiring it. It won't work properly
-- currently because we need the о to appear only when
-- stressed.
error("Variant [(7)] not supported for class 2")
-- цев -> цо́в, e.g. (об)лицева́ть -> (об)лицо́ванный
data.o = true
data.title = data.title .. "(-о-)"
elseif rfind(inf_stem, "ева́") then
data.yo = true
data.title = data.title .. "(-ё-)"
-- all -ова- change to -у-
pres_stem = rsub(pres_stem, "о(́?)ва(́?)$", "у%1%2")
pres_tr = pres_tr and rsub(pres_tr, "o(́?)va(́?)$", "u%1%2")
-- -ева- change to -ю- after most consonants and vowels, to -у- after hissing sounds and ц
if rfind(pres_stem, "[бвгдзклмнпрстфхь" .. com.vowel .. AC .. "]е(́?)ва(́?)$") then
pres_stem = rsub(pres_stem, "е(́?)ва(́?)$", "ю%1%2")
pres_tr = pres_tr and rsub(pres_tr, "e(́?)va(́?)$", "ju%1%2")
elseif rfind(pres_stem, "[жцчшщ]е(́?)ва(́?)$") then
pres_stem = rsub(pres_stem, "е(́?)ва(́?)$", "у%1%2")
pres_tr = pres_tr and rsub(pres_tr, "e(́?)va(́?)$", "u%1%2")
forms["infinitive"] = combine(inf_stem, inf_tr, "ть")
if data.conj_type == "2a" then
append_participles_2stem(forms, pres_stem, pres_tr, inf_stem, inf_tr,
"ющий", "емый", "я", "вший", "вши", "в")
present_je(forms, pres_stem, pres_tr, "a")
append_participles_2stem(forms, pres_stem, pres_tr, inf_stem, inf_tr,
"ю́щий", "-", "я́", "вший", "вши", "в")
present_je(forms, pres_stem, pres_tr, "b")
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
append_imper(forms, pres_stem, pres_tr, "й", "йте")
set_past(forms, inf_stem, inf_tr, "л", "ла", "ло", "ли")
return forms
conjugations["2a"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_2(args, data)
conjugations["2b"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_2(args, data)
conjugations["3°a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
-- (5), [(6)] or similar; imperative indicators
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"5", "6", "23", "и", "+p", "7", "ё"})
local stem, tr = nom.split_russian_tr(get_stressed_arg(args, 2))
stem, tr = nom.strip_ending(stem, tr, "нуть")
local vowel_stem = is_vowel_stem(stem)
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = combine(stem, tr, "нуть")
append_participles(forms, stem, tr,
-- default is blank for pres passive and adverbial
"нущий", "-", "-",
data.var6 == "req" and "нувший" or
data.var6 == "opt" and (vowel_stem and {"вший", "нувший"} or {"ший", "нувший"}) or
vowel_stem and "вший" or "ший",
data.var6 == "req" and "нувши" or
data.var6 == "opt" and (vowel_stem and {"вши", "нувши"} or {"ши", "нувши"}) or
vowel_stem and "вши" or "ши",
data.var6 == "req" and "нув" or
data.var6 == "opt" and (vowel_stem and {"в", "нув"} or "нув") or
vowel_stem and "в" or "-")
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
present_e_a(forms, stem .. "н", tr and tr .. "n")
append_imper_by_variant(forms, stem .. "н", tr and tr .. "n", data.imper_variant, "3°a")
forms["past_m"] = data.var5 and combine(stem, tr, "нул") or "-"
forms["past_m_short"] = data.var5 ~= "req" and combine(stem, tr, (vowel_stem and "л" or "")) or nil
forms["past_f_short"] = combine(stem, tr, "ла")
forms["past_n_short"] = combine(stem, tr, "ло")
forms["past_pl_short"] = combine(stem, tr, "ли")
return forms
conjugations["3a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"23", "и", "+p", "7", "ё"})
local stem, tr = nom.split_russian_tr(get_stressed_arg(args, 2))
-- make sure we can strip нуть from the stem and any translit;
nom.strip_ending(stem, tr, "нуть")
-- but then just strip the -уть and leave the н
stem, tr = nom.strip_ending(stem, tr, "уть")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = combine(stem, tr, "уть")
append_participles(forms, stem, tr,
-- default is blank for pres passive and adverbial
"ущий", "-", "-", "увший", "увши", "ув")
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
present_e_a(forms, stem, tr)
append_imper_by_variant(forms, stem, tr, data.imper_variant, "3a")
set_past(forms, stem .. "ул", tr and tr .. "ul", "", "а", "о", "и")
return forms
local function guts_of_3b_3c(args, data, vclass)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p", "7", "ё"})
local stem, tr = nom.split_russian_tr(get_stressed_arg(args, 2))
-- make sure we can strip нуть from the stem and any translit;
nom.strip_ending(stem, tr, "ну́ть")
-- but then just strip the -у́ть and leave the н
stem, tr = nom.strip_ending(stem, tr, "у́ть")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = combine(stem, tr, "у́ть")
append_participles(forms, stem, tr,
-- default is blank for pres passive and adverbial
"у́щий", "-", "-", "у́вший", "у́вши", "у́в")
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
append_imper(forms, stem, tr, "и́", "и́те")
set_past(forms, stem, tr, "у́л", "у́ла", "у́ло", "у́ли")
if data.conj_type == "3b" then
present_e_b(forms, stem, tr)
stem, tr = com.make_ending_stressed(stem, tr)
present_e_c(forms, stem, tr)
return forms
conjugations["3b"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_3b_3c(args, data)
conjugations["3c"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_3b_3c(args, data)
conjugations["4a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
-- imperative variants, also щ, used for verbs like похитить (похи́щу) (4a),
-- защитить (защищу́) (4b), поглотить (поглощу́) (4c) with a different
-- iotation (т -> щ, not ч)
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"23", "и", "щ", "past", "+p", "7", "жд"})
local stem, tr = nom.split_russian_tr(get_stressed_arg(args, 2))
stem, tr = nom.strip_ending(stem, tr, "ить")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = combine(stem, tr, "ить")
-- Verbs ending in a hushing consonant do not get j-vowels in the endings.
local hushing = rfind(stem, "[шщжч]$")
append_participles(forms, stem, tr, hushing and "ащий" or "ящий",
"awkward-имый", hushing and "а" or "я", "ивший", "ивши", "ив")
set_class_4_ppp(forms, data, stem, tr)
present_i(forms, stem, tr, "a", data.shch)
append_imper_by_variant(forms, stem, tr, data.imper_variant, "4a")
-- set prefix to "" as past stem may vary in length and no (1) variants
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, "", nil, stem .. "и",
tr and tr .. "i", args, data)
return forms
conjugations["4a1a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
data.title = "4a // 1a"
data.cat_conj_types = {"1a", "4a"}
-- imperative variants, also щ, used for verbs like похитить (похи́щу) (4a),
-- защитить (защищу́) (4b), поглотить (поглощу́) (4c) with a different
-- iotation (т -> щ, not ч)
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"23", "и", "щ", "past", "+p", "7", "жд"})
local stem4, tr4 = nom.split_russian_tr(get_stressed_arg(args, 2))
stem4, tr4 = nom.strip_ending(stem4, tr4, "ить")
local hushing = rfind(stem4, "[шщжч]$")
local stem1, tr1
if hushing then
stem1 = stem4 .. "а"
tr1 = tr4 and tr4 .. "a"
stem1 = stem4 .. "я"
tr1 = tr4 and tr4 .. "ja"
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = combine(stem4, tr4, "ить")
-- Verbs ending in a hushing consonant do not get j-vowels in the endings.
append_participles(forms, stem4, tr4, hushing and "ащий" or "ящий",
"awkward-имый", hushing and "а" or "я", "ивший", "ивши", "ив")
append_participles(forms, stem1, tr1, "ющий", "емый", "я", {}, {}, {})
set_class_4_ppp(forms, data, stem4, tr4)
present_i(forms, stem4, tr4, "a", data.shch)
present_je(forms, stem1, tr1, "a", data.shch)
append_imper_by_variant(forms, stem4, tr4, data.imper_variant, "4a")
append_imper(forms, stem1, tr1, "й", "йте")
-- set prefix to "" as past stem may vary in length and no (1) variants
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, "", nil, stem4 .. "и",
tr4 and tr4 .. "i", args, data)
return forms
conjugations["4b"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"щ", "past", "+p", "8", "жд"})
local stem, tr = nom.split_russian_tr(get_stressed_arg(args, 2))
stem, tr = nom.strip_ending(stem, tr, "и́ть")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = combine(stem, tr, "и́ть")
-- Verbs ending in a hushing consonant do not get j-vowels in the endings.
local hushing = rfind(stem, "[шщжч]$")
append_participles(forms, stem, tr, hushing and "а́щий" or "я́щий",
"awkward-и́мый", hushing and "а́" or "я́", "и́вший", "и́вши", "и́в")
set_class_4_ppp(forms, data, stem, tr)
present_i(forms, stem, tr, "b", data.shch)
append_imper(forms, stem, tr, "и́", "и́те")
-- set prefix to "" as past stem may vary in length and no (1) variants
local stem_noa, tr_noa = com.make_unstressed_once(stem, tr)
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, "", nil, stem_noa .. "и́",
tr_noa and tr_noa .. "i" .. AC, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["4c"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"щ", "4", "past", "+p", "7", "жд"})
local stem, tr = nom.split_russian_tr(get_stressed_arg(args, 2))
stem, tr = nom.strip_ending(stem, tr, "и́ть")
stem, tr = com.make_ending_stressed(stem, tr)
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = combine(stem, tr, "и́ть")
-- Verbs ending in a hushing consonant do not get j-vowels in the endings.
local hushing = rfind(stem, "[шщжч]$")
local prap_end_stressed = hushing and "а́щий" or "я́щий"
local prap_stem_stressed = hushing and "ащий" or "ящий"
append_participles(forms, stem, tr, data.var4 == "req" and prap_stem_stressed
or data.var4 == "opt" and {prap_end_stressed, prap_stem_stressed}
or prap_end_stressed,
"awkward-и́мый", hushing and "а́" or "я́", "и́вший", "и́вши", "и́в")
set_class_4_ppp(forms, data, stem, tr)
present_i(forms, stem, tr, "c", data.shch)
append_imper(forms, stem, tr, "и́", "и́те")
local stem_noa, tr_noa = com.make_unstressed_once(stem, tr)
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, "", nil, stem_noa .. "и́",
tr_noa and tr_noa .. "i" .. AC, args, data)
return forms
-- Combined class 5. But there's enough conditional code that it might make
-- more sense to separate them again.
local function guts_of_5(args, data)
local forms = {}
local is5a = data.conj_type == "5a"
local is5b = data.conj_type == "5b"
-- imperative ending (выгнать - выгони) and past stress; imperative is
-- "й" after any vowel (e.g. выстоять), with or without an acute accent,
-- otherwise ь or и
if is5a or is5b then
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"23", "и", "past", "+p", "7", "ё"})
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"23", "и", "past", "+p", "7", "ё", "4"})
local inf = get_stressed_arg(args, 2)
local past_stem = nom.strip_ending(inf, nil, "ть")
local stem = is5b and get_opt_unstressed_arg(args, 3) or get_opt_stressed_arg(args, 3)
local default_stem = rmatch(past_stem, "^(.*)[еѣая]́?$")
if not default_stem then
error("Argument " .. inf .. " doesn't end in еть, ѣть, ать or ять")
if not is5a and not is5b then
default_stem = com.make_ending_stressed(default_stem)
stem = stem or default_stem
local pres_note = stem ~= default_stem and IRREG
no_stray_args(args, 3)
forms["infinitive"] = past_stem .. "ть"
-- Verbs ending in a hushing consonant do not get j-vowels in the endings.
local hushing = rfind(stem, "[шщжч]$")
if is5a then
append_participles_2stem(forms, stem, nil, past_stem, nil,
hushing and "ащий" or "ящий", "имый", hushing and "а" or "я",
"вший", "вши", "в", pres_note)
elseif is5b then
append_participles_2stem(forms, stem, nil, past_stem, nil,
hushing and "а́щий" or "я́щий", "и́мый", hushing and "а́" or "я́",
"вший", "вши", "в", pres_note)
-- var4 occurs with at least терпре́ть and дыша́ть
local prap_end_stressed = hushing and "а́щий" or "я́щий"
local prap_stem_stressed = hushing and "ащий" or "ящий"
append_participles_2stem(forms, stem, nil, past_stem, nil,
data.var4 == "req" and prap_stem_stressed
or data.var4 == "opt" and {prap_end_stressed, prap_stem_stressed}
or prap_end_stressed,
"и́мый", hushing and "а́" or "я́", "вший", "вши", "в", pres_note)
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
present_i(forms, stem, nil, is5a and "a" or is5b and "b" or "c", nil, pres_note)
append_imper_by_variant(forms, stem, nil, data.imper_variant, data.conj_type, pres_note)
-- set prefix to "" as past stem may vary in length and no (1) variants
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, "", nil, past_stem, nil,
args, data)
return forms
conjugations["5a"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_5(args, data)
conjugations["5b"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_5(args, data)
conjugations["5c"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_5(args, data)
-- Implement 6a, 6°a, 6a1as13, 6a1as14, and 1a6a.
local function guts_of_6a(args, data, vclass)
local forms = {}
-- Type 6a1a, section 13:
-- Forms of both 6a and 1a can occur. They are the same in the infinitive
-- and past. In the present active participle and the present/future, the
-- type 6 forms are preferred and the type 1a forms are colloquial. In the
-- remaining present forms and the imperative, both are equally preferred
-- (we put the type-6 forms first because Zaliznyak lists them first).
-- Type 6a1a section 14, type 1a6a:
-- Forms of both 6a and 1a can occur. They are the same in the infinitive
-- and past. In the present adverbial participle and the imperative, the
-- type 1a forms are preferred and the type 6a forms are dated. In the
-- remaining present forms, one or the other is slightly preferred (type
-- 6a for 6a1a, type 1a for 1a6a).
if vclass == "6a1as13" or vclass == "6a1as14" then
data.title = "6a // 1a"
data.cat_conj_types = {"1a", "6a"}
elseif vclass == "1a6a" then
data.title = "1a // 6a"
data.cat_conj_types = {"1a", "6a"}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"23", "и", "past", "+p", "7", "ё"})
local inf = get_stressed_arg(args, 2)
local inf_past_stem = nom.strip_ending(inf, nil, "ть")
local stem = rmatch(inf_past_stem, "^(.*)[ая]́?$")
if not stem then
error("Argument " .. inf .. " doesn't end in ать or ять")
if com.is_unstressed(stem) then
-- колыха́ть, колеба́ть, etc.
stem = com.make_ending_stressed(stem)
-- вызвать - вы́зову (в́ызов)
local pres_stem = get_opt_stressed_arg(args, 3) or stem
no_stray_args(args, 3)
local pres_note = pres_stem ~= stem and IRREG
-- no iotation, e.g. вырвать - вы́рву
local no_iotation = vclass == "6°a"
-- replace consonants for 1st person singular present/future
local iotated_stem = no_iotation and pres_stem or com.iotation(pres_stem)
forms["infinitive"] = inf_past_stem .. "ть"
-- Verbs ending in a hushing consonant do not get j-vowels in the endings.
local hushing = rfind(iotated_stem, "[шщжч]$") or no_iotation
-- Participles
-- pres_pasv_part is normal if infinitive ends in -ять, nonexistent except
-- with certain lexical exceptions (колеба́ть, колыха́ть, глаго́лать,
-- дви́гать with exceptional form дви́жимый) if infinitive ends in -ать
local prpp_status = rfind(inf_past_stem, "я́?$") and "" or "none-"
if vclass == "6a" or vclass == "6°a" or vclass == "6a1as13" then
append_participles_2stem(forms, iotated_stem, nil, inf_past_stem, nil,
hushing and "ущий" or "ющий", prpp_status .. "емый", hushing and "а" or "я",
"вший", "вши", "в", pres_note)
if vclass == "6a1as13" then
-- then all the type 1a forms (both are the same in the past)
append_participles(forms, inf_past_stem, nil, "ющий*", prpp_status .. "емый", "я")
elseif vclass == "6a1as14" then
-- first the preferred type 6a present active/passive participles
append_participles(forms, iotated_stem, nil,
hushing and "ущий" or "ющий", prpp_status .. "емый", {}, {}, {}, {}, pres_note)
-- then all the type 1a forms (both are the same in the past)
append_participles(forms, inf_past_stem, nil, "ющий", "емый", "я",
"вший", "вши", "в")
-- then the dated type 6a present adverbial participle
append_participles(forms, iotated_stem, nil,
{}, {}, hushing and "а*" or "я*", {}, {}, {}, pres_note)
else -- type 1a6a
-- first the preferred type 1a forms (both are the same in the past)
append_participles(forms, inf_past_stem, nil, "ющий", "емый", "я",
"вший", "вши", "в")
-- then the type 6a forms (dated in present adverbial participle)
append_participles(forms, iotated_stem, nil,
hushing and "ущий" or "ющий", prpp_status .. "емый", hushing and "а*" or "я*",
{}, {}, {}, pres_note)
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
-- Present/future tense
local function class_6_present()
if no_iotation then
present_e_a(forms, pres_stem, nil, pres_note)
present_je(forms, pres_stem, nil, "a", nil, pres_note)
if vclass == "6a" or vclass == "6°a" then
elseif vclass == "1a6a" then
-- Do type 1a forms
present_je(forms, inf_past_stem, nil, "a")
elseif vclass == "6a1as14" then
-- Do type 1a forms
present_je(forms, inf_past_stem, nil, "a")
-- 6a1as13
-- Do type 1a forms
present_je(forms, inf_past_stem, nil, "a", nil, "*")
-- Imperative forms; if 1a6a or 6a1as14, type 6a forms are dated;
-- if 6a1as13, type 6a forms go first.
local function class_1_impr()
append_imper(forms, inf_past_stem, nil, "й", "йте")
local function class_6_impr()
local dated_note = ((vclass == "6a1as14" or vclass == "1a6a") and "*" or "") ..
(pres_note or "")
append_imper_by_variant(forms, iotated_stem, nil, data.imper_variant,
"6a", dated_note)
if vclass == "6a1as14" or vclass == "1a6a" then
elseif vclass == "6a1as13" then
-- set prefix to "" as past stem may vary in length and no (1) variants
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, "", nil, inf_past_stem, nil,
args, data)
if vclass == "6a1as14" or vclass == "1a6a" then
ut.insert_if_not(data.internal_notes, "* Dated.")
elseif vclass == "6a1as13" then
ut.insert_if_not(data.internal_notes, "* Colloquial; type-6 forms preferred.")
return forms
conjugations["6a"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_6a(args, data, "6a")
conjugations["6°a"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_6a(args, data, "6°a")
conjugations["6a1as13"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_6a(args, data, "6a1as13")
conjugations["6a1as14"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_6a(args, data, "6a1as14")
conjugations["1a6a"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_6a(args, data, "1a6a")
-- implement 6b, 6°b
local function guts_of_6b(args, data, vclass)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p", "7", "ё"})
local inf = get_stressed_arg(args, 2)
local stem = rmatch(inf, "^(.*)[ая]́ть$")
if not stem then
error("Argument " .. inf .. " doesn't end in ать or ять")
-- звать - зов, драть - дер
local pres_stem = get_opt_unstressed_arg(args, 3) or stem
no_stray_args(args, 3)
-- no iotation, e.g. рвать - рву
local no_iotation = vclass == "6°b"
local vowel_end_stem = is_vowel_stem(stem)
local pres_note = pres_stem ~= stem and IRREG
if no_iotation then
present_e_b(forms, pres_stem, nil, pres_note)
present_je(forms, pres_stem, nil, "b", nil, pres_note)
local impr_end = vowel_end_stem and "́й" -- accent on the preceding vowel
or "и́"
append_imper(forms, pres_stem, nil, impr_end, impr_end .. "те", pres_note)
-- Verbs ending in a hushing consonant do not get j-vowels in the endings.
local hushing = rfind(pres_stem, "[шщжч]$")
-- no pres_pasv_part
local past_stem_with_vowel = stem .. (vowel_end_stem and "я́" or "а́")
forms, pres_stem, nil, past_stem_with_vowel, nil,
((hushing or no_iotation) and "у́щий" or "ю́щий"), {}, (hushing and "а́" or "я́"),
"вший", "вши", "в", pres_note)
forms["infinitive"] = combine(past_stem_with_vowel, nil, "ть")
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
-- past_f for ждала́, подождала́ now handled through general mechanism
--for разобрало́сь, past_n2 разобрало́ now handled through general mechanism
--for разобрали́сь, past_pl2 разобрали́ now handled through general mechanism
-- set prefix to "" as past stem may vary in length and no (1) variants
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, "", nil,
stem .. (vowel_end_stem and "я́" or "а́"), nil, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["6b"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_6b(args, data, "6b")
conjugations["6°b"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_6b(args, data, "6°b")
-- Implement 6c, 6°c and 6c1a.
local function guts_of_6c(args, data, vclass)
local forms = {}
-- In type 6c1a, forms of both 6c and 1a can occur. They are
-- the same in the infinitive and past. In the present active participle
-- and the present/future, the type 6c forms are preferred and the type 1a
-- forms are colloquial. In the remaining present forms and the imperative,
-- both are equally preferred (we put the 6c forms first because Zaliznyak
-- lists 6c first).
if vclass == "6c1a" then
data.title = "6c // 1a"
data.cat_conj_types = {"1a", "6c"}
-- optional щ parameter for verbs like клеветать (клевещу́), past stress
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"щ", "past", "+p", "7", "ё"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "а́ть")
stem = com.make_ending_stressed(stem)
-- разостла́ть - расстелю́, рассте́лешь
local pres_stem = get_opt_stressed_arg(args, 3) or stem
no_stray_args(args, 3)
local pres_note = pres_stem ~= stem and IRREG
-- remove accent for some forms
local stem_noa = com.make_unstressed(stem)
-- applies only to стона́ть, застона́ть, простона́ть
local no_iotation = vclass == "6°c"
-- iotate the stem
local iotated_stem =
no_iotation and pres_stem or com.iotation(pres_stem, nil, data.shch)
local stem1a = stem_noa .. "а́"
forms["infinitive"] = stem_noa .. "а́ть"
-- Verbs ending in a hushing consonant do not get j-vowels in the endings.
local hushing = rfind(iotated_stem, "[шщжч]$")
-- Participles
append_participles_2stem(forms, iotated_stem, nil, stem_noa, nil,
(hushing or no_iotation) and "ущий" or "ющий", {},
hushing and "а́" or "я́", "а́вший", "а́вши", "а́в", pres_note)
if vclass == "6c1a" then
-- then all the type 1a forms (both are the same in the past)
append_participles(forms, stem1a, nil, "ющий*", "емый", "я")
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
if no_iotation then
present_e_c(forms, pres_stem, nil, pres_note)
present_je(forms, pres_stem, nil, "c", data.shch, pres_note)
append_imper(forms, iotated_stem, nil, "и́", "и́те", pres_note)
if vclass == "6c1a" then
present_je(forms, stem1a, nil, "a", nil, "*")
append_imper(forms, stem1a, nil, "й", "йте")
-- set prefix to "" as past stem may vary in length and no (1) variants
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, "", nil, stem_noa .. "а́", nil,
args, data)
if vclass == "6c1a" then
ut.insert_if_not(data.internal_notes, "* Colloquial; type-6 forms preferred.")
return forms
conjugations["6c"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_6c(args, data, "6c")
conjugations["6°c"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_6c(args, data, "6°c")
conjugations["6c1a"] = function(args, data)
return guts_of_6c(args, data, "6c1a")
local function convert_last_e_to_yo(form)
return rsub(form,
"([еѣ])́?([^" .. com.vowel .. "]*)$",
function(e, nonvowels)
return (e == "е" and "ё" or "ѣ̈") .. nonvowels
local function guts_of_7(args, data, forms)
local is7b = data.conj_type == "7b"
local full_inf = get_stressed_arg(args, 2)
local pres_stems = is7b and get_unstressed_arg(args, 3) or get_stressed_arg(args, 3)
pres_stems = rsplit(pres_stems, ",")
local past_stem
if past_stem ~= "ёе" then
past_stem = get_opt_stressed_arg(args, 4)
local past_stem_vowel_alt = past_stem == "ёе"
if past_stem_vowel_alt then
past_stem = nil
no_stray_args(args, 4)
forms["infinitive"] = full_inf
-- Construct the default past and present stem by a combination of
-- infinitive and present final consonant.
-- (1) Deduce the final consonant.
local final_cons
for _, pres_stem in ipairs(pres_stems) do
-- Final cons is -ст if pres stem ends in vowel + ст, else
-- single final cons [дтсзбп] (no actual examples of final п).
-- Note that final -з can occur after a consonant (e.g. ползти́).
local this_final_cons = rmatch(pres_stem,
"[" .. com.vowel .. "]" .. AC .. "?(ст)$")
if not this_final_cons then
this_final_cons = rmatch(pres_stem, "([дтсзбп])$")
if not this_final_cons then
error("Unable to determine final consonant from present stem " .. pres_stem)
if final_cons and this_final_cons ~= final_cons then
error("Present stems with conflicting final consonants specified: " ..
table.concat(pres_stems, ","))
final_cons = this_final_cons
-- (2) Find the infinitive minus the termination.
local prefix = rmatch(full_inf, "^(.*)[сз]т[иь]" .. AC .."?$")
if not prefix then
error("Strange infinitive " .. full_inf .. "in class 7")
-- (3) Combine infinitive with final consonant.
local default_pres_stem = prefix .. final_cons
if is7b then
default_pres_stem = com.make_unstressed(default_pres_stem)
local default_past_stem = default_pres_stem
if com.is_unstressed(default_past_stem) then
default_past_stem = com.make_ending_stressed(default_past_stem)
-- (4) Past stems ending in -д and -т when the infinitive ends in -сть (but not -сти or -сти́)
-- lose this consonant (page 85 of Zaliznyak, see also footnote 2 on that page).
if rfind(full_inf, "сть$") then
default_past_stem = rsub(default_past_stem, "[дт]$", "")
-- (5) If 7b and the past stem wasn't originally specified as ёе, the past stem gets
-- ё in place of е.
if is7b and not past_stem_vowel_alt then
default_past_stem = convert_last_e_to_yo(default_past_stem)
for _, pres_stem in ipairs(pres_stems) do
local pres_note = pres_stem ~= default_pres_stem and IRREG
if is7b then
present_e_b(forms, pres_stem, nil, pres_note)
append_imper(forms, pres_stem, nil, "и́", "и́те", pres_note)
present_e_a(forms, pres_stem, nil, pres_note)
append_imper_by_variant(forms, pres_stem, nil, data.imper_variant,
"7a", pres_note)
-- Construct the past stem if not specified. Note that we then derive a separate
-- past-tense stem from this stem, and this stem as such ends up applying only
-- to the past active and adverbial participles.
if not past_stem then
past_stem = default_past_stem
local past_note = past_stem ~= default_past_stem and IRREG
-- Derive the past tense stem from the past stem derived above. This has ё instead of е
-- in 7b verbs; it also loses д and т in all cases, when the past stem derived above only loses
-- these consonants in some cases.
local past_tense_stem = past_stem
if is7b then
past_tense_stem = convert_last_e_to_yo(past_tense_stem)
past_tense_stem = rsub(past_tense_stem, "[дт]$", "")
local vowel_pp = is_vowel_stem(past_stem)
local pap = vowel_pp and "вши" or "ши"
local var9_note_symbol = next_note_symbol(data)
for _, pres_stem in ipairs(pres_stems) do
append_participles_2stem(forms, pres_stem, nil, past_stem, nil,
is7b and "у́щий" or "ущий", "-", is7b and "я́" or "я",
vowel_pp and "вший" or "ший",
data.var9 and {is7b and "я́" or "я", pap .. var9_note_symbol} or pap,
vowel_pp and not data.var9 and "в" or "-", pres_note, past_note)
if data.var9 then
ut.insert_if_not(data.internal_notes, var9_note_symbol .. " Dated.")
-- set prefix to "" as past stem may vary in length and no (1) variants
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, "", nil, past_tense_stem, nil,
args, data,
-- 0 ending if the past stem ends in a consonant
not is_vowel_stem(past_tense_stem) and "no-pastml", past_note)
-- set PPP; must be done after both present 3sg and past fem have been set
set_class_7_8_ppp(forms, args, data)
conjugations["7a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"23", "и", "9","past", "+p"})
-- лезть - ле́зши - non-existent past_actv_part handled through general mechanism
guts_of_7(args, data, forms)
return forms
conjugations["7b"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"9", "past", "+p"})
guts_of_7(args, data, forms)
return forms
local function class_8a_stem_to_infinitive(stem)
-- map e.g. вы́сек back to высе́чь
return rsub(stem, "[гк]$", "чь")
local function class_8b_stem_to_infinitive(stem)
-- map e.g. отвлёк back to отвле́чь
-- map e.g. зажёг back to заже́чь
return com.make_ending_stressed(rsub(rsub(rsub(stem, "ё", "е"), "ѣ̈", "ѣ"), "[гк]$", "чь"))
conjugations["8a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
local full_inf = get_stressed_arg(args, 2)
local stem = get_stressed_arg(args, 3)
local stressed_past_stem = get_opt_stressed_arg(args, 4) or stem
no_stray_args(args, 4)
forms["infinitive"] = full_inf
local pres_note = class_8a_stem_to_infinitive(stem) ~= full_inf and IRREG
local stressed_past_note =
class_8a_stem_to_infinitive(stressed_past_stem) ~= full_inf and IRREG
-- default for pres_pasv_part is blank
append_participles_2stem(forms, stem, nil, stressed_past_stem, nil,
"ущий", "-", "-", "ший", "ши", "-", pres_note, stressed_past_note)
local iotated_stem = com.iotation(stem)
append_pres_futr(forms, iotated_stem, nil, {}, "ешь", "ет", "ем", "ете", {}, pres_note)
append_pres_futr(forms, stem, nil, "у", {}, {}, {}, {}, "ут", pres_note)
append_imper(forms, stem, nil, "и", "ите", pres_note)
-- set prefix to "" as stem may vary in length and no (1) variants
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, "", nil, stem, nil, args, data,
"no-pastml", pres_note)
forms["past_m"] = stressed_past_stem .. (stressed_past_note or "")
-- set PPP; must be done after both present 3sg and past fem have been set
set_class_7_8_ppp(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["8b"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
local full_inf = get_stressed_arg(args, 2)
local stem = get_unstressed_arg(args, 3)
local stressed_past_stems = rsplit(args[4] or "ё", ",")
for _, stressed_past_stem in ipairs(stressed_past_stems) do
if stressed_past_stem ~= "е" then
check_stressed_arg(stressed_past_stem, 4)
no_stray_args(args, 4)
forms["infinitive"] = full_inf
local pres_note = class_8b_stem_to_infinitive(stem) ~= full_inf and IRREG
local iotated_stem = com.iotation(stem)
append_pres_futr(forms, iotated_stem, nil, {}, "ёшь", "ёт", "ём", "ёте", {}, pres_note)
append_pres_futr(forms, stem, nil, "у́", {}, {}, {}, {}, "у́т", pres_note)
append_imper(forms, stem, nil, "и́", "и́те", pres_note)
-- set prefix to "" as stem may vary in length and no (1) variants
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, "", nil,
com.make_ending_stressed(stem), nil, args, data, "no-pastml", pres_note)
forms["past_m"] = nil
for _, stressed_past_stem in ipairs(stressed_past_stems) do
local pastm_stem, past_part_stem
if stressed_past_stem == "е" then
past_part_stem = com.make_ending_stressed(stem)
pastm_stem = past_part_stem
elseif stressed_past_stem == "ё" then
past_part_stem = convert_last_e_to_yo(com.make_ending_stressed(stem))
pastm_stem = past_part_stem
elseif stressed_past_stem == "ёе" then
past_part_stem = com.make_ending_stressed(stem)
pastm_stem = convert_last_e_to_yo(past_part_stem)
pastm_stem = stressed_past_stem
past_part_stem = stressed_past_stem
local past_note =
class_8b_stem_to_infinitive(pastm_stem) ~= full_inf and IRREG
-- default for pres_pasv_part is blank; влечь -> влеко́мый handled through
-- general override mechanism
append_participles_2stem(forms, stem, nil, past_part_stem, nil,
"у́щий", "-", "-", "ший", "ши", "-", pres_note, past_note)
append_form(forms, "past_m", pastm_stem, nil, "", past_note)
-- set PPP; must be done after both present 3sg and past fem have been set
set_class_7_8_ppp(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["9a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "еть")
local pres_stem = get_opt_stressed_arg(args, 3)
no_stray_args(args, 3)
local prefix, _, base, _ = split_monosyllabic_main_verb(stem)
local default_pres_stem = prefix .. rsub(base, "е", "")
pres_stem = pres_stem or default_pres_stem
local pres_note = pres_stem ~= default_pres_stem and IRREG
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "еть"
-- perfective only
append_participles(forms, stem, nil, "-", "-", "-", "ший", "ши", "ев")
present_e_a(forms, pres_stem, nil, pres_note)
append_imper(forms, pres_stem, nil, "и", "ите", pres_note)
-- past_m doesn't end in л
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, base, nil,
args, data, "no-pastml")
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["9b"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
--for this type, it's important to distinguish impf and pf
local impf = rfind(data.verb_type, "^impf")
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p", "*"})
local stem_noa = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "е́ть")
local stem = rsub(stem_noa, "(.*)е", "%1ё")
local pres_stem = get_opt_unstressed_arg(args, 3)
-- stem used for past active and adverbial participles; defaults to past_m
local past_part_stem = get_opt_stressed_arg(args, 4)
no_stray_args(args, 4)
local prefix, _, base, _ = split_monosyllabic_main_verb(stem, nil, "single_cons_base")
local default_pres_stem = and construct_long_prefix_variant(prefix) .. rsub(base, "[её]", "") or
prefix .. rsub(base, "[её]", "")
pres_stem = pres_stem or default_pres_stem
local pres_note = pres_stem ~= default_pres_stem and IRREG
forms["infinitive"] = stem_noa .. "е́ть"
present_e_b(forms, pres_stem, nil, pres_note)
append_imper(forms, pres_stem, nil, "и́", "и́те", pres_note)
-- past_m doesn't end in л
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, base, nil,
args, data, "no-pastml")
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
append_participles_2stem(forms, pres_stem, nil, stem, nil, "у́щий", {}, {},
-- impf: тереть -> тёрши
-- pf: растереть -> растёрши, растере́в
-- we handle (рас)тёрши down below because the stress depends on the
-- past_m: запереть -> за́пер, за́перши(й)
{}, {}, impf and {} or "е́в", pres_note)
if past_part_stem then
for _, ppstem in ipairs(rsplit(past_part_stem, ",")) do
append_participles(forms, ppstem, nil, {}, {}, {}, "ший", "ши", {})
iterate_over_prop(forms, args, "past_m", function(ru, tr, note)
append_participles(forms, ru, tr, {}, {}, {}, "ший", "ши", {}, note)
return forms
conjugations["10a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p", "7"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "оть")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "оть"
-- These verbs are perfective-only, no present participles
append_participles(forms, stem, nil, "-", "-", "-", "овший", "овши", "ов")
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
present_je(forms, stem, nil, "a")
append_imper(forms, stem, nil, "и", "ите")
set_past(forms, stem .. "ол", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
return forms
conjugations["10c"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p", "7"})
local inf_stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "ть")
-- present tense stressed stem "моло́ть" - ме́лет
local pres_stem = get_opt_stressed_arg(args, 3)
no_stray_args(args, 3)
local default_pres_stem =
com.make_ending_stressed(nom.strip_ending(inf_stem, nil, "о́"))
pres_stem = pres_stem or default_pres_stem
-- remove accent for some forms
local pres_stem_noa = com.remove_accents(pres_stem)
local pres_note = pres_stem ~= default_pres_stem and IRREG
forms["infinitive"] = inf_stem .. "ть"
-- default for pres_pasv_part is blank
append_participles_2stem(forms, pres_stem, nil, inf_stem, nil,
"ющий", "-", "я́", "вший", "вши", "в", pres_note)
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
present_je(forms, pres_stem, nil, "c", nil, pres_note)
append_imper(forms, pres_stem_noa, nil, "и́", "и́те", pres_note)
set_past(forms, inf_stem .. "л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
return forms
conjugations["11a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "ить")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
local prefix, _, base, _ = split_monosyllabic_main_verb(stem .. "и")
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "ить"
-- perfective only
append_participles(forms, stem, nil, "-", "-", "-", "ивший", "ивши", "ив")
present_je(forms, stem .. "ь", nil, "a")
append_imper(forms, stem .. "ей", nil, "", "те")
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, base, nil,
args, data)
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["11b"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p", "*"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "и́ть")
local pres_stem = get_opt_unstressed_arg(args, 3)
no_stray_args(args, 3)
local prefix, _, base, _ = split_monosyllabic_main_verb(stem .. "и́", nil, "single_cons_base")
local default_pres_stem = and construct_long_prefix_variant(prefix) .. rsub(base, "и́$", "") or
pres_stem = pres_stem or default_pres_stem
local pres_note = pres_stem ~= default_pres_stem and IRREG
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "и́ть"
append_participles_2stem(forms, pres_stem, nil, stem, nil,
"ью́щий", "-", "ья́", "и́вший", "и́вши", "и́в", pres_note)
present_je(forms, pres_stem .. "ь", nil, "b", nil, pres_note)
append_imper(forms, stem .. "е́й", nil, "", "те")
-- e.g. пила́, лила́
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, base, nil,
args, data)
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["12a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "ть")
local pres_stem = get_opt_stressed_arg(args, 3)
no_stray_args(args, 3)
local default_pres_stem = stem
pres_stem = pres_stem or default_pres_stem
local pres_note = pres_stem ~= default_pres_stem and IRREG
local prefix, _, base, _ = split_monosyllabic_main_verb(stem)
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "ть"
append_participles_2stem(forms, pres_stem, nil, stem, nil,
"ющий", "емый", "я", "вший", "вши", "в", pres_note)
present_je(forms, pres_stem, nil, "a", nil, pres_note)
append_imper(forms, pres_stem .. "й", nil, "", "те", pres_note)
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, base, nil,
args, data)
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["12b"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "ть")
local pres_stem = get_opt_unstressed_arg(args, 3)
no_stray_args(args, 3)
local default_pres_stem = com.make_unstressed_once(stem)
pres_stem = pres_stem or default_pres_stem
local pres_note = pres_stem ~= default_pres_stem and IRREG
local prefix, _, base, _ = split_monosyllabic_main_verb(stem)
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
append_participles_2stem(forms, pres_stem, nil, stem, nil,
"ю́щий", "-", "я́", "вший", "вши", "в", pres_note)
present_je(forms, pres_stem, nil, "b", nil, pres_note)
-- the preceding vowel is stressed
append_imper(forms, pres_stem .. "́й", nil, "", "те", pres_note)
-- e.g. гнила́ but пе́ла
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, base, nil,
args, data)
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["13b"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "ть")
local pres_stem = nom.strip_ending(stem, nil, "ва́")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "ть"
-- tricky to use append_participles_2stem() because only pres_actv_part
-- uses pres_stem, not all present participles
forms["pres_actv_part"] = pres_stem .. "ю́щий"
forms["pres_pasv_part"] = stem .. "емый"
forms["pres_adv_part"] = stem .. "я"
forms["past_actv_part"] = stem .. "вший"
forms["past_adv_part"] = stem .. "вши"
forms["past_adv_part_short"] = stem .. "в"
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
present_je(forms, pres_stem, nil, "b")
forms["impr_sg"] = stem .. "й"
forms["impr_pl"] = stem .. "йте"
set_past(forms, stem .. "л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
return forms
conjugations["14a"] = function(args, data)
-- only one verb: вы́жать
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "ть")
local pres_stem = get_stressed_arg(args, 3)
no_stray_args(args, 3)
local prefix, _, base, _ = split_monosyllabic_main_verb(stem)
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "ть"
-- perfective only
append_participles(forms, stem, nil, "-", "-", "-", "вший", "вши", "в")
present_e_a(forms, pres_stem)
forms["impr_sg"] = pres_stem .. "и"
forms["impr_pl"] = pres_stem .. "ите"
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, base, nil,
args, data)
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["14b"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "ть")
local pres_stem = get_unstressed_arg(args, 3)
no_stray_args(args, 3)
local prefix, _, base, _ = split_monosyllabic_main_verb(stem)
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
append_participles_2stem(forms, pres_stem, nil, stem, nil,
"у́щий", "-", "я́", "вший", "вши", "в")
present_e_b(forms, pres_stem)
forms["impr_sg"] = pres_stem .. "и́"
forms["impr_pl"] = pres_stem .. "и́те"
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, base, nil,
args, data)
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["14c"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "ть")
local pres_stem = get_stressed_arg(args, 3)
local pres_stem_noa = com.make_unstressed(pres_stem)
no_stray_args(args, 3)
local prefix, _, base, _ = split_monosyllabic_main_verb(stem)
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
append_participles_2stem(forms, pres_stem, nil, stem, nil,
"у́щий", "-", "я́", "вший", "вши", "в")
present_e_c(forms, pres_stem)
forms["impr_sg"] = pres_stem_noa .. "и́"
forms["impr_pl"] = pres_stem_noa .. "и́те"
--two forms for past_m: при́нялся, приня́лся
--изъя́ла but приняла́
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, base, nil,
args, data)
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["15a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "ть")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
-- no pres_adv_part
append_participles(forms, stem, nil, "нущий", "-", "-", "вший", "вши", "в")
present_e_a(forms, stem .. "н")
forms["impr_sg"] = stem .. "нь"
forms["impr_pl"] = stem .. "ньте"
set_past(forms, stem .. "л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["16a"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "ть")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
local prefix, _, base, _ = split_monosyllabic_main_verb(stem)
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
-- no pres_adv_part
append_participles(forms, stem, nil, "ву́щий", "-", "-", "вший", "вши", "в")
present_e_a(forms, stem .. "в")
forms["impr_sg"] = stem .. "ви"
forms["impr_pl"] = stem .. "вите"
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, base, nil,
args, data)
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["16b"] = function(args, data)
local forms = {}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
local stem = nom.strip_ending(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), nil, "ть")
local stem_noa = com.make_unstressed(stem)
no_stray_args(args, 2)
local prefix, _, base, _ = split_monosyllabic_main_verb(stem)
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
append_participles(forms, stem, nil, "ву́щий", "-", "вя́", "вший", "вши", "в")
present_e_b(forms, stem_noa .. "в")
forms["impr_sg"] = stem_noa .. "ви́"
forms["impr_pl"] = stem_noa .. "ви́те"
-- e.g. прижило́сь, прижи́лось
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, base, nil,
args, data)
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["irreg"] = function(args, data)
local prefix, _, main = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2),
-- честь must go before есть
{"бежа́ть", "бѣжа́ть", "хоте́ть", "хотѣ́ть", "да́ть", "че́сть",
"е́сть", "ѣ́сть", "сы́пать", "лга́ть", "мо́чь", "идти́", "йти́",
"е́хать", "ѣ́хать", "мину́ть", "живописа́ть", "ле́чь",
"зи́ждить", "зы́бить", "кля́сть", "стели́ть", "бы́ть", "сса́ть", "сца́ть",
"чти́ть", "шиби́ть", "реве́ть", "има́ть", "вня́ть", "обя́зывать"})
main = com.make_unstressed_once(main)
if not conjugations["irreg-" .. main] then
error("Strange, can't find conjugation for main verb " .. main)
return conjugations["irreg-" .. main](args, data)
conjugations["irreg-бежать"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from бежать with the same stress pattern
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2),
{"бежа́ть", "бѣжа́ть"})
data.title = com.is_stressed(prefix) and "5a" or "5b"
-- no past passive participles of any verbs of this type
parse_variants(data, args[1], {})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "бежа́ть"
append_participles_2stem(forms, "бег", nil, "бежа́", nil,
"у́щий", "-", "-", "вший", "вши", "в", IRREG)
append_imper(forms, "беги́", nil, "", "те", IRREG)
append_pres_futr(forms, "бе", nil,
"гу́" .. IRREG, "жи́шь", "жи́т", "жи́м", "жи́те", "гу́т" .. IRREG)
set_past(forms, "бежа́л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
if data.old then
rsub_forms(forms, "^бе", "бѣ")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
-- no PPP's for any derivatives of бежать
return forms
conjugations["irreg-бѣжать"] = conjugations["irreg-бежать"]
conjugations["irreg-хотеть"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from хотеть with the same stress pattern
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2),
{"хоте́ть", "хотѣ́ть"})
data.title = "5c'"
data.cat_conj_types = {"5c"} -- no class for 5c', no point in creating for just this verb
-- no past passive participles of any verbs of this type
parse_variants(data, args[1], {})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "хоте́ть"
append_participles_2stem(forms, "хот", nil, "хоте́", nil,
"я́щий", "-", "я́", "вший", "вши", "в")
append_imper(forms, "хоти́", nil, "", "те")
append_pres_futr(forms, "", nil,
"хочу́", "хо́чешь" .. IRREG, "хо́чет" .. IRREG, "хоти́м", "хоти́те", "хотя́т")
set_past(forms, "хоте́л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
if data.old then
rsub_forms(forms, "^хоте", "хотѣ")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-хотѣть"] = conjugations["irreg-хотеть"]
conjugations["irreg-дать"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from дать with the same stress pattern and вы́дать
local forms = {}
--for this type, it's important to distinguish if it's reflexive to set some stress patterns
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "да́ть")
data.title = com.is_stressed(prefix) and "irreg-a" or "irreg-b"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "да́ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
-- no pres_adv_part
append_participles(forms, "", nil, "даю́щий", "-", "-",
"да́вший", "да́вши", "да́в")
append_imper(forms, "да́й", nil, "", "те")
append_pres_futr(forms, "", nil,
"да́м", "да́шь", "да́ст", "дади́м", "дади́те", "даду́т")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, "да́", nil,
args, data)
if data.ppp then
if prefix == "пере" then
set_ppp(forms, "", nil, "пе́реданный")
elseif prefix == "раз" then
set_ppp(forms, "", nil, "ро́зданный")
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-есть"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from есть
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2),
{"е́сть", "ѣ́сть"})
data.title = com.is_stressed(prefix) and "irreg-a" or "irreg-b"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "е́сть"
append_participles_2stem(forms, "ед", nil, "е́", nil,
"я́щий", "о́мый", "я́", "вший", "вши", "в")
if data.ppp then
set_ppp(forms, "е́д", nil, "енный")
append_imper(forms, "е́шь", nil, "", "те")
append_pres_futr(forms, "е́", nil,
"м", "шь", "ст", "ди́м", "ди́те", "дя́т")
set_past(forms, "е́л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
if data.old then
rsub_forms(forms, "^е", "ѣ")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-ѣсть"] = conjugations["irreg-есть"]
conjugations["irreg-сыпать"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from сыпать
local forms = {}
--for this type, it's important to distinguish if it's reflexive for вы́сыпаться vs. вы́сыпать imperative
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "сы́пать")
data.title = "6a"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "сы́пать"
append_participles(forms, "сы́п", nil,
"лющий", "лемый", {"ля", "я" .. IRREG}, "авший", "авши", "ав")
append_imper(forms, "сы́п", nil,
-- вы́сыпать (but not вы́сыпаться) has two imperative singulars
com.is_stressed(prefix) and not data.refl and {"и", "ь"} or "ь", "ьте", IRREG)
present_je(forms, "сы́пл", nil, "a")
append_pres_futr(forms, "сы́п", nil,
{}, "ешь", "ет", "ем", "ете", {}, IRREG)
set_past(forms, "сы́пал", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-лгать"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from лгать with the same stress pattern
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "лга́ть")
data.title = "6°b/c"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "лга́ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
-- no pres_adv_part
append_participles(forms, "лг", nil,
"у́щий", "-", "-", "а́вший", "а́вши", "а́в")
append_imper(forms, "лги́", nil, "", "те")
append_pres_futr(forms, "", nil,
"лгу́", "лжёшь" .. IRREG, "лжёт" .. IRREG, "лжём" .. IRREG, "лжёте" .. IRREG, "лгу́т")
set_past(forms, "лга́л", nil, "", "а́", "о", "и")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-мочь"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from мочь with the same stress pattern
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "мо́чь")
data.title = "8c/b"
-- no past passive participles of any verbs of this type
parse_variants(data, args[1], {})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "мо́чь"
-- no passive or adverbial participles
append_participles(forms, "мо́г", nil,
"у́щий", "-", "-", "ший", "-", "-")
append_imper(forms, "моги́", nil, "", "те")
append_pres_futr(forms, "", nil,
"могу́", "мо́жешь", "мо́жет", "мо́жем", "мо́жете", "мо́гут")
set_past(forms, "мо́г", nil, "", "ла́", "ло́", "ли́")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-идти"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from идти, including прийти́ and в́ыйти
local forms = {}
local prefix = args[2] == "идти́" and "" or
split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "йти́")
data.title = com.is_stressed(prefix) and "irreg-a" or "irreg-b/b"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
-- no pres_pasv_part
if prefix == "" then
-- only идти, present imperfective
forms["infinitive"] = "идти́"
append_imper(forms, "иди́", nil, "", "те")
present_e_b(forms, "ид")
-- no past_adv_part_short
append_participles(forms, "", nil,
"иду́щий", "-", "идя́", "ше́дший", "ше́дши", "-")
elseif rfind(prefix, "и$") then -- при
forms["infinitive"] = "йти́"
append_imper(forms, "ди́", nil, "", "те")
present_e_b(forms, "д")
append_participles(forms, "", nil,
"-", "-", "-", "ше́дший", "ше́дши", "дя́")
forms["infinitive"] = "йти́"
append_imper(forms, "йди́", nil, "", "те")
present_e_b(forms, "йд")
append_participles(forms, "", nil,
"-", "-", "-", "ше́дший", "ше́дши", "йдя́")
set_past(forms, "", nil, "шёл", "шла́", "шло́", "шли́")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
if data.ppp then
if prefix == "на" or prefix == "про" then
-- найти́ and пройти́ exceptionally have the stress on the prefix
set_ppp(forms, prefix, nil, "́йденный")
-- вы́йти and прийти́ are intransitive so we don't have to worry about them
set_ppp(forms, prefix, nil, "йдённый")
return forms
conjugations["irreg-йти"] = conjugations["irreg-идти"]
conjugations["irreg-ехать"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from ехать
local forms = {}
local old = data.old
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2),
{"е́хать", "ѣ́хать"})
data.title = "irreg-a"
-- no past passive participles of any verbs of this type
parse_variants(data, args[1], {})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "е́хать"
-- no pres_pasv_part
-- no pres_adv_part
append_participles_2stem(forms, "е́д", nil, "е́х", nil,
"ущий", "-", "-", "авший", "авши", "ав")
present_e_a(forms, "е́д")
set_past(forms, "е́хал", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
if data.old then
rsub_forms(forms, "^е", "ѣ")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
--special-case the imperative
--literary (special) imperative forms for ехать are поезжа́й, поезжа́йте
impstem = data.old and "ѣзжа́й" or "езжа́й"
if prefix == "" then
append_imper(forms, "по" .. impstem, nil, "", "те")
append_imper(forms, impstem, nil, "", "те")
elseif com.is_stressed(prefix) then
append_imper(forms, com.make_unstressed_once(prefix) .. impstem, nil, "", "те")
append_imper(forms, prefix .. impstem, nil, "", "те")
return forms
conjugations["irreg-ѣхать"] = conjugations["irreg-ехать"]
conjugations["irreg-минуть"] = function(args, data)
-- for the irregular verb "мину́ть"
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "мину́ть")
data.title = "3c"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "мину́ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
-- no pres_adv_part
append_participles(forms, "ми́н", nil,
"у́щий", "-", "-", "у́вший", "у́вши", "у́в")
present_e_c(forms, "ми́н")
forms["pres_futr_1sg"] = "-" -- no futr 1sg
-- no imperative
-- two possible variants, one with root-only stress, the other with
-- either root or suffix stress.
if not args["root_past_stress"] then
append_past(forms, "мину́л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
append_past(forms, "ми́нул", nil, "", "а", "о", "и", IRREG)
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-живописать"] = function(args, data)
-- for irregular verb "живописа́ть", mixture of types 1 and 2
local forms = {}
local inf = get_stressed_arg(args, 2)
data.title = "1a"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
local inf_stem = nom.strip_ending(inf, nil, "ть")
local pres_stem = rfind(inf_stem, "а́$") and rsub(inf_stem, "а́$", "у́")
or error("Unexpected infinitive " .. inf)
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = inf_stem .. "ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
append_participles_2stem(forms, pres_stem, nil, inf_stem, nil,
"ющий", "-", "я", "вший", "вши", "в", IRREG)
set_moving_ppp(forms, data)
present_je(forms, pres_stem, nil, "a", nil, IRREG)
append_imper(forms, pres_stem .. "й", nil, "", "те", IRREG)
set_past(forms, inf_stem .. "л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
return forms
conjugations["irreg-лечь"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from лечь with the same stress pattern
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "ле́чь")
data.title = "8a/b"
-- no past passive participles of any verbs of this type
parse_variants(data, args[1], {})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "ле́чь"
-- no pres parts because always perfective
-- no past_adv_part_short
append_participles(forms, "лёг", nil,
"-", "-", "-", "ший", "ши", "-")
append_imper(forms, "ля́г", nil, "", "те", IRREG)
append_pres_futr(forms, "ля́", nil,
"гу", "жешь", "жет", "жем", "жете", "гут", IRREG)
set_past(forms, "", nil, "лёг", "легла́", "легло́", "легли́")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-честь"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from идти, including прийти́ and в́ыйти
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "че́сть")
local pre_two_cons_prefix =
prefix == "об" and "обо" or
prefix == "с" and "со" or
prefix == "рас" and "разо" or
data.title = prefix == "" and "7b/b" or com.is_stressed(prefix) and "7a⑨" or
pre_two_cons_prefix ~= prefix and "7*b/b⑨" or "7b/b⑨"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
-- no pres_pasv_part
forms["infinitive"] = "че́сть"
append_imper(forms, "чти́", nil, "", "те", IRREG)
present_e_b(forms, "чт", nil, IRREG)
if prefix == "" then
append_participles(forms, "", nil,
"чту́щий", "-", "чтя́", "чти́вший", "чти́вши", "чти́в", IRREG)
elseif com.is_stressed(prefix) then
append_participles(forms, "", nil,
"-", "-", "-", "-", "чтя́", "-", IRREG)
append_participles(forms, "", nil,
"-", "-", "-", "-", {"чтя́" .. IRREG, "чётши*"}, "-")
ut.insert_if_not(data.internal_notes, "* Dated.")
if data.ppp then
set_ppp(forms, "", nil, "чтённый" .. IRREG)
set_past(forms, "", nil, "чёл", "чла́" .. IRREG, "чло́" .. IRREG, "чли́" .. IRREG)
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix, pre_two_cons_prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-зиждить"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from зиждить(ся) with the same stress pattern
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "зи́ждить")
data.title = "irreg-a"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "зи́ждить"
append_participles(forms, "зи́жд", nil,
"ущий", "емый", "я", "ивший", "ивши", "ив")
if data.ppp then
set_ppp(forms, "зи́жд", nil, "енный")
append_imper(forms, "зи́жди", nil, "", "те")
present_e_a(forms, "зи́жд")
set_past(forms, "зи́ждил", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-зыбить"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from зыбить
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "зы́бить")
data.title = "irreg-a"
-- no past passive participles of any verbs of this type
parse_variants(data, args[1], {})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "зы́бить"
append_participles(forms, "зы́б", nil,
"лющий", "лемый", "ля", "ивший", "ивши", "ив")
append_imper(forms, "зы́бли", nil, "", "те")
present_je(forms, "зы́б", nil, "a")
set_past(forms, "зы́бил", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-клясть"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from клясть with the same stress pattern
local forms = {}
--for this type, it's important to distinguish if it's reflexive to set some stress patterns
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "кля́сть")
data.title = "irreg-b"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "кля́сть"
append_participles_2stem(forms, "клян", nil, "кля́", nil,
"у́щий", "и́мый", "я́", "вший", "вши", "в")
append_imper(forms, "кляни́", nil, "", "те")
present_e_b(forms, "клян")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, "кля́", nil,
args, data)
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-стелить"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from стелить
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "стели́ть")
data.title = com.is_stressed(prefix) and "4a" or "4c"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "стели́ть"
append_participles(forms, "сте́л", nil,
"ющий" .. IRREG, "и́мый", "я́", "и́вший", "и́вши", "и́в")
set_class_4_ppp(forms, data, "сте́л", nil, data.title)
append_imper(forms, "стели́", nil, "", "те")
append_pres_futr(forms, "сте́л", nil, "ю́", {}, {}, {}, {}, {})
append_pres_futr(forms, "сте́л", nil, {}, "ешь", "ет", "ем", "ете", "ют", IRREG)
set_past(forms, "стели́л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-быть"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from быть with various stress patterns, the actual verb быть different from its derivatives
local forms = {}
--for this type, it's important to distinguish if it's reflexive to set some stress patterns
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "бы́ть")
data.title = "irreg-a"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"past", "+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "бы́ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
append_participles(forms, "", nil, "су́щий", "-", "бу́дучи",
"бы́вший", "бы́вши", "бы́в")
append_imper(forms, "бу́дь", nil, "", "те")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
-- only for "бы́ть", some forms are archaic
if forms["infinitive"] == "бы́ть" then
append_pres_futr(forms, "", nil, "есть", "есть", "есть", "есть", "есть", "есть")
elseif com.is_stressed(prefix) then
-- if the prefix is stressed, e.g. "вы́быть"
present_e_a(forms, prefix .. "буд")
present_e_a(forms, prefix .. "бу́д")
set_past_by_stress(forms, data.past_stress, prefix, nil, "бы́", nil,
args, data)
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-ссать-сцать"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from ссать and сцать (both vulgar!)
local forms = {}
local prefix, _, stem = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2),
{"сса́ть", "сца́ть"})
data.title = com.is_stressed(prefix) and "irreg-a" or "irreg-b"
-- no past passive participles of any verbs of this type
parse_variants(data, args[1], {})
stem = nom.strip_ending(stem, nil, "ть")
local pres_stem = rsub(stem, "а́?$", "")
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = stem .. "ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
-- no pres_adv_part
append_participles(forms, pres_stem, nil, "у́щий", "-", "-",
"а́вший", "а́вши", "а́в")
append_imper(forms, pres_stem, nil, "ы́", "ы́те")
append_pres_futr(forms, pres_stem, nil,
"у́", "ы́шь", "ы́т", "ы́м", "ы́те", "у́т")
set_past(forms, stem .. "л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-ссать"] = conjugations["irreg-ссать-сцать"]
conjugations["irreg-сцать"] = conjugations["irreg-ссать-сцать"]
conjugations["irreg-чтить"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from чтить
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "чти́ть")
data.title = "4b"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "чти́ть"
append_participles_2stem(forms, "чт", nil, "чти́", nil,
{"я́щий", "у́щий" .. IRREG}, "и́мый", "я́", "вший", "вши", "в")
if data.ppp then
set_ppp(forms, "чт", nil, "ённый")
append_imper(forms, "чти́", nil, "", "те")
append_pres_futr(forms, "чт", nil,
"у́" .. IRREG, "и́шь", "и́т", "и́м", "и́те", {"я́т", "у́т" .. IRREG})
set_past(forms, "чти́л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-шибить"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs in -шибить(ся)
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "шиби́ть")
data.title = com.is_stressed(prefix) and "irreg-a" or "irreg-b"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
-- no present participles
forms["infinitive"] = "шиби́ть"
append_participles(forms, "шиби́", nil,
"-", "-", "-", "вший", "вши", "в")
if data.ppp then
set_ppp(forms, "ши́бл", nil, "енный")
append_imper(forms, "шиби́", nil, "", "те")
present_e_b(forms, "шиб")
set_past(forms, "ши́б", nil, "", "ла", "ло", "ли")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-реветь"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for verbs derived from "реветь"
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "реве́ть")
data.title = "irreg-b"
-- no past passive participles of any verbs of this type
parse_variants(data, args[1], {})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "реве́ть"
-- no pres_pasv_part
append_participles_2stem(forms, "рев", nil, "реве́", nil,
"у́щий", "-", "я́", "вший", "вши", "в")
present_e_b(forms, "рев")
append_imper(forms, "реви́", nil, "", "те")
set_past(forms, "реве́л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-имать"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for внимать and certain archaic verbs (e.g. имать as
-- conjugated in the 18th century, отъимать)
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "има́ть")
data.title = "1a // 6a"
data.cat_conj_types = {"1a", "6a"}
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "има́ть"
-- handle внемл- forms
append_participles(forms, "е́мл", nil,
"ющий", "емый", {"я", "я́"}, {}, {}, {})
-- handle внима́- forms
append_participles(forms, "има́", nil,
"ющий", "емый", "я", "вший", "вши", "в")
if data.ppp then
-- FIXME, do class-1a-type ppp's (e.g. вни́манный) exist?
-- ruwikt marks them with a *
set_ppp(forms, "е́мл", nil, "енный")
append_imper(forms, "", nil, {"е́мли", "емли́", "има́й"},
{"е́млите", "емли́те", "има́йте"})
present_je(forms, "е́мл", nil, "a")
-- Both вне́млю and внемлю́ are possible
append_pres_futr(forms, "емл", nil, "ю́", {}, {}, {}, {}, {})
present_je(forms, "има́", nil, "a")
set_past(forms, "има́л", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-внять"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for внять
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "вня́ть")
data.title = "14c/c"
parse_variants(data, args[1], {"+p"})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "вня́ть"
-- perfective only; no present participles
append_participles(forms, "вня́", nil,
"-", "-", "-", "вший", "вши", "в")
append_imper(forms, "вними́", nil, "", "те")
append_imper(forms, "вонми́", nil, "", "те")
present_e_c(forms, "вни́м")
present_e_c(forms, "во́нм")
set_past(forms, "вня́л", nil, "", "а́", "о", "и")
set_ppp_from_past_m(forms, args, data)
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
conjugations["irreg-обязывать"] = function(args, data)
-- irregular, only for обязывать and обязываться
local forms = {}
local prefix = split_known_main_verb(get_stressed_arg(args, 2), "обя́зывать")
data.title = "1a"
-- no past passive participles of any verbs of this type
parse_variants(data, args[1], {})
no_stray_args(args, 2)
forms["infinitive"] = "обя́зывать"
append_participles_2stem(forms, "обя́з", nil, "обя́зыва", nil,
{"ывающий", "у́ющий"}, {"ываемый", "у́емый"}, {"ывая", "у́я"}, "вший", "вши", "в")
append_imper(forms, "обя́зывай", nil, "", "те")
append_imper(forms, "обязу́й", nil, "", "те")
present_je(forms, "обя́зыва", nil, "a")
present_je(forms, "обязу́", nil, "a")
set_past(forms, "обя́зывал", nil, "", "а", "о", "и")
prepend_prefix(forms, prefix)
return forms
Partial conjugation functions
-- Present forms with -e-, no j-vowels.
present_e_a = function(forms, stem, tr, note)
append_pres_futr(forms, stem, tr, "у", "ешь", "ет", "ем", "ете", "ут", note)
present_e_b = function(forms, stem, tr, note)
append_pres_futr(forms, stem, tr, "у́", "ёшь", "ёт", "ём", "ёте", "у́т", note)
present_e_c = function(forms, stem, tr, note)
append_pres_futr(forms, stem, tr, "у́", "ешь", "ет", "ем", "ете", "ут", note)
-- Present forms with -e- and iotated stem. ABC = "a", "b" or "c", indicating
-- the accent pattern. If SHCH is set, iotate final т as щ, not ч. If NOTE
-- is given, add it to each form.
present_je = function(forms, stem, tr, abc, shch, note)
local iotated_stem, iotated_tr = com.iotation(stem, tr, shch)
assert(abc == "a" or abc == "b" or abc == "c")
-- Verbs ending in a hushing consonant do not get j-vowels in the endings.
local hushing = rfind(iotated_stem, "[шщжч]$") -- or no_iotation
local ending_1sg =
hushing and (abc == "a" and "у" or "у́") or
not hushing and (abc == "a" and "ю" or "ю́")
if abc == "b" then
append_pres_futr(forms, iotated_stem, iotated_tr,
{}, "ёшь", "ёт", "ём", "ёте", (hushing and "у́т" or "ю́т"), note)
append_pres_futr(forms, iotated_stem, iotated_tr,
{}, "ешь", "ет", "ем", "ете", (hushing and "ут" or "ют"), note)
append_pres_futr(forms, iotated_stem, iotated_tr,
ending_1sg, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, note)
-- Present forms with -i- (and iotated stem in the 1sg). ABC = "a", "b" or "c",
-- indicating the accent pattern. If SHCH is set, iotate final т as щ, not ч.
-- If NOTE is given, add it to each form.
present_i = function(forms, stem, tr, abc, shch, note)
local iotated_stem, iotated_tr = com.iotation(stem, tr, shch)
assert(abc == "a" or abc == "b" or abc == "c")
-- Verbs ending in a hushing consonant do not get j-vowels in the endings.
local iotated_hushing = rfind(iotated_stem, "[шщжч]$")
local hushing = rfind(stem, "[шщжч]$")
local ending_1sg =
iotated_hushing and (abc == "a" and "у" or "у́") or
not iotated_hushing and (abc == "a" and "ю" or "ю́")
if abc == "b" then
append_pres_futr(forms, stem, tr,
{}, "и́шь", "и́т", "и́м", "и́те", hushing and "а́т" or "я́т", note)
append_pres_futr(forms, stem, tr,
{}, "ишь", "ит", "им", "ите", hushing and "ат" or "ят", note)
append_pres_futr(forms, iotated_stem, iotated_tr,
ending_1sg, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, note)
-- Add the reflexive particle to all verb forms
make_reflexive = function(forms, reflex_stress)
for key, form in pairs(forms) do
local ru, tr = extract_russian_tr(form)
-- check for empty string, dashes and nil's
if ru and ru ~= "" and ru ~= "-" then
local ruentry, runotes = m_table_tools.separate_notes(ru)
local trentry, trnotes
if tr then
trentry, trnotes = m_table_tools.separate_notes(tr)
if is_vowel_stem(ruentry) then
forms[key] = {ruentry .. "сь" .. runotes, trentry and trentry .. "sʹ" .. trnotes}
-- if a past_m form doesn't contain a stress, add a stressed
-- particle "ся́" if called for
elseif reflex_stress and com.is_unstressed(ruentry) and rfind(key, "^past_m") then
forms[key] = {ruentry .. "ся́" .. runotes, trentry and trentry .. "sja" .. AC .. trnotes}
forms[key] = {ruentry .. "ся" .. runotes, trentry and trentry .. "sja" .. trnotes}
-- Convert verb forms to pre-reform style by adding ъ to consonant-final
-- forms (excluding those ending in й and ь) and converting -ий to -ій and
-- -ийся to -ійся
make_pre_reform = function(forms)
for key, form in pairs(forms) do
local ru, tr = extract_russian_tr(form)
-- check for empty string, dashes and nil's
if ru and ru ~= "" and ru ~= "-" then
local ruentry, runotes = m_table_tools.separate_notes(ru)
if rfind(ruentry, "[бцдфгчклмнпрствшхзжщ]$") then
forms[key] = {ruentry .. "ъ" .. runotes, tr}
forms[key] = {rsub(rsub(ruentry, "ий$", "ій"), "ийся$", "ійся") .. runotes, tr}
local function setup_pres_futr(forms, perf, old)
-- Copy the main form FROMFORM to the main form TOFORM, and copy all
-- associated alternative forms.
local function copy_form(fromform, toform)
local fromforms = main_to_all_verb_forms[fromform]
local toforms = main_to_all_verb_forms[toform]
local numforms = #fromforms
assert(#toforms == numforms)
for i=1,numforms do
forms[toforms[i]] = forms[fromforms[i]]
-- Copy pres_futr_* to pres_* (imperfective) or futr_* (perfective).
if perf then
copy_form("pres_futr_1sg", "futr_1sg")
copy_form("pres_futr_2sg", "futr_2sg")
copy_form("pres_futr_3sg", "futr_3sg")
copy_form("pres_futr_1pl", "futr_1pl")
copy_form("pres_futr_2pl", "futr_2pl")
copy_form("pres_futr_3pl", "futr_3pl")
copy_form("pres_futr_1sg", "pres_1sg")
copy_form("pres_futr_2sg", "pres_2sg")
copy_form("pres_futr_3sg", "pres_3sg")
copy_form("pres_futr_1pl", "pres_1pl")
copy_form("pres_futr_2pl", "pres_2pl")
copy_form("pres_futr_3pl", "pres_3pl")
local futr_data = {
{"futr_1sg", "бу́ду", "búdu"},
{"futr_2sg", "бу́дешь", "búdešʹ"},
{"futr_3sg", "бу́дет" .. (old and "ъ" or ""), "búdet"},
{"futr_1pl", "бу́дем" .. (old and "ъ" or ""), "búdem"},
{"futr_2pl", "бу́дете", "búdete"},
{"futr_3pl", "бу́дут" .. (old and "ъ" or ""), "búdut"}
local function insert_future(inf, inf_tr)
for _, fut in ipairs(futr_data) do
append_to_arg_chain(forms, fut[1], fut[1],
{fut[2] .. inf, inf_tr and fut[3] .. inf_tr})
-- Insert future, if required (there may conceivably be multiple infitives).
for _, form in ipairs(main_to_all_verb_forms["infinitive"]) do
local infinitive = forms[form]
if infinitive then
local inf, inf_tr = extract_russian_tr(forms[form])
-- only for "бы́ть" the future forms are бу́ду, бу́дешь, etc.
if inf == "бы́ть" then
insert_future("", nil)
elseif not perf then
insert_future(" " .. inf, inf_tr and " " .. inf_tr)
parse_and_stress_override = function(form, val, existing, all_existing)
if rfind(form, "^pres_futr") then
error("Overrides of pres_futr* are illegal, use pres_* or futr_*")
local allow_unaccented
val, allow_unaccented = rsubb(val, "^%*", "")
local ru, tr = nom.split_russian_tr(val)
-- past_m can be unaccented in connection with reflex_stress=ся́
if not allow_unaccented and not rfind(form, "^past_m") then
if tr and com.is_unstressed(ru) ~= com.is_unstressed(tr) then
error("Override " .. form .. "=" .. ru .. " and translit " .. tr .. " must have same accent pattern")
if com.is_monosyllabic(ru) then
ru, tr = com.make_ending_stressed(ru, tr)
elseif com.needs_accents(ru) then
error("Override " .. form .. "=" .. ru .. " requires an accent")
if rfind(ru, "%+") then
-- If either the existing or override has manual translit, the resulting
-- form should have manual translit. We specify ALWAYS_TRANSLIT if
-- the override has manual translit, so that we can substitute the
-- existing translit into the override translit.
local existing_ru, existing_tr = extract_russian_tr(existing, not not tr)
-- used especially for present participles; substitute existing form,
-- minus any "awkward-" or "none-" prefixes.
ru = rsub(ru, "%+", strip_arg_status_prefix(existing_ru))
-- If there's existing translit but not in the override, make sure it's
-- carried along.
if existing_tr and not tr then
tr = com.translit(ru)
tr = tr and rsub(tr, "%+", strip_arg_status_prefix(existing_tr))
-- If there's an override and it doesn't match an existing form, it's
-- irregular and indicate it using the IRREG marker. We don't do this if
-- the override simply removes a form. We do do this if there aren't any
-- existing forms, on the theory that the presence of a form when none is
-- normally called for is an irregularity. When comparing against the
-- existing forms, strip any status prefix (e.g. 'awkward-').
if all_existing then
local all_existing_stripped = {}
for _, ae in ipairs(all_existing) do
local existing_ru, existing_tr = extract_russian_tr(ae)
existing_ru = strip_arg_status_prefix(existing_ru)
existing_tr = existing_tr and strip_arg_status_prefix(existing_tr)
table.insert(all_existing_stripped, {existing_ru, existing_tr})
if ru ~= "-" and not contains_form(all_existing_stripped, {ru, tr}) then
ru = ru .. IRREG
tr = tr and tr .. IRREG
return {ru, tr}
-- Set up pres_* or futr_*; handle *sym/*tail/*tailall notes and overrides.
handle_forms_and_overrides = function(args, forms, data)
setup_pres_futr(forms, data.perf, data.old)
local function append_value(forms, prop, value)
if forms[prop] and forms[prop] ~= "" and forms[prop] ~= "-" then
value = nom.split_russian_tr(value, "dopair")
local curval = forms[prop]
if type(curval) == "string" then
curval = {curval}
forms[prop] = nom.concat_paired_russian_tr(curval, value)
local function append_note_all(forms, proplist, value)
for _, prop in ipairs(proplist) do
append_value(forms, prop, value)
local function append_note_last(forms, proplist, value, gt_one)
local numprops = 0
local lastprop
-- Find the last property in the series with a value
for _, prop in ipairs(proplist) do
if forms[prop] and forms[prop] ~= "" and forms[prop] ~= "-" then
numprops = numprops + 1
lastprop = prop
if numprops > (gt_one and 1 or 0) then
append_value(forms, lastprop, value)
for _, proplist in ipairs(all_verb_forms) do
local vallist = {}
-- Handle PROP_sym, which applies to all overridable properties, including
-- alternative forms, and applies to exactly that property.
for _, prop in ipairs(proplist) do
if args[prop .. "_sym"] then
append_value(forms, prop, args[prop .. "_sym"])
local propname = proplist[1]
-- Handle PROP_tail, which applies to a series of properties (e.g. past_m,
-- past_m2, ...) and appends to the last one.
if args[propname .. "_tail"] then
append_note_last(forms, proplist, args[propname .. "_tail"])
-- Handle PROP_tailall, which applies to a series of properties and
-- appends to all.
if args[propname .. "_tailall"] then
append_note_all(forms, proplist, args[propname .. "_tailall"])
-- Now handle pasttail, pasttailall, prestail, prestailall, etc.
-- Table listing tail-arg prefix and corresponding verb forms.
local tailargs = {
{"past", past_verb_forms},
{"pres", pres_verb_forms},
{"futr", futr_verb_forms},
{"impr", impr_verb_forms},
{"part", part_verb_forms},
{"prespart", pres_part_verb_forms},
{"pastpart", past_part_verb_forms},
{"", all_main_verb_forms}
for _, tailspec in ipairs(tailargs) do
tailforms = tailspec[2]
-- Handle the ...tail variants.
tailarg = tailspec[1] .. "tail"
if args[tailarg] then
for _, prop in ipairs(tailforms) do
append_note_last(forms, main_to_all_verb_forms[prop], args[tailarg], ">1")
-- Handle the ...tailall variants.
tailallarg = tailspec[1] .. "tailall"
if args[tailallarg] then
for _, prop in ipairs(tailforms) do
append_note_all(forms, main_to_all_verb_forms[prop], args[tailallarg])
--handle overrides (formerly we only had past_pasv_part as a
--general override, plus scattered main-form overrides in particular
--conjugation classes)
for _, all_forms in pairs(main_to_all_verb_forms) do
local i = 0
local orig_forms = {}
for _, form in ipairs(all_forms) do
if forms[form] then
table.insert(orig_forms, forms[form])
for _, form in ipairs(all_forms) do
i = i + 1
-- If we auto-generated the past passive participle in order to
-- check for irregular overrides, make sure to erase any such
-- participles that weren't overridden. This happens for example
-- in обнять, where there are two automatically generated past
-- passive participles but a single ppp=о́внятый override.
local override = args[form] or (
data.ppp_auto_generated and rfind(form, "^past_pasv_part") and "-"
if override then
forms[form] = parse_and_stress_override(form, override,
forms[form], orig_forms)
elseif i == 1 then
forms[form] = forms[form] or ""
-- Finish generating the forms; primarily, clear out unused forms.
finish_generating_forms = function(forms, data)
-- Convert any main form that's nil (meaning no forms at all corresponding
-- to this main form) to the empty string.
for main_form, _ in pairs(main_to_all_verb_forms) do
if not forms[main_form] then
forms[main_form] = ""
-- Set the main form FORM to the empty string, and corresponding alt forms
-- to nil.
local function clear_form(form)
local i = 0
for _, altform in ipairs(main_to_all_verb_forms[form]) do
i = i + 1
if i == 1 then
forms[altform] = ""
forms[altform] = nil
-- Intransitive and reflexive verbs have no passive participles
-- (unless has_prpp=y and/or has_ppp=y).
if data.intr or data.refl then
if not data.has_prpp then
if not data.has_ppp then
if data.refl then
-- no past_adv_part_short for reflexive verbs
-- Impersonal verbs normally have no passive participles, but allow them
-- if there's specifically an override. We only do this for the present
-- passive participle because the past passive participle isn't inserted
-- by default, and we still want +p to work, which doesn't currently set
-- data.ppp_override.
if data.impers and not data.prpp_override then
if data.impers then
-- Perfective and iterative verbs have no present forms, as well as
-- verbs marked nopres=1.
if data.perf or data.iter or data.nopres then
-- Some verbs (e.g. грясти́, густи́) have no past
if data.nopast then
-- Iterative verbs and verbs marked noimpr=1 have no imperative forms.
if data.iter or data.noimpr then
-- Iterative verbs and verbs marked nofutr=1 have no future forms.
if data.iter or data.nofutr then
--handle "none-" and "awkward-" prefixes (used especially for pres_pasv_part)
local footnote_sym = nil
for _, all_forms in pairs(main_to_all_verb_forms) do
local i = 0
for _, form in ipairs(all_forms) do
i = i + 1
if forms[form] then
local formru, formtr = extract_russian_tr(forms[form])
if rfind(formru, "^none%-") then
if i == 1 then
forms[form] = ""
forms[form] = nil
elseif rfind(formru, "^awkward%-") then
if not footnote_sym then
footnote_sym = next_note_symbol(data)
ut.insert_if_not(data.internal_notes, footnote_sym .. " Rare and awkward.")
forms[form] = {rsub(formru, "^awkward%-", "") .. footnote_sym,
formtr and rsub(formtr, "^awkward%-", "") .. footnote_sym}
--Insert footnote for IRREG symbol if present.
for _, all_forms in pairs(main_to_all_verb_forms) do
for _, form in ipairs(all_forms) do
if forms[form] then
local formru, formtr = extract_russian_tr(forms[form])
if rfind(formru, IRREG) then
ut.insert_if_not(data.internal_notes, IRREG .. " Irregular.")
local accel_forms = {
-- present tense
pres_1sg = "1|s|pres|ind",
pres_2sg = "2|s|pres|ind",
pres_3sg = "3|s|pres|ind",
pres_1pl = "1|p|pres|ind",
pres_2pl = "2|p|pres|ind",
pres_3pl = "3|p|pres|ind",
-- future tense
futr_1sg = "1|s|fut|ind",
futr_2sg = "2|s|fut|ind",
futr_3sg = "3|s|fut|ind",
futr_1pl = "1|p|fut|ind",
futr_2pl = "2|p|fut|ind",
futr_3pl = "3|p|fut|ind",
-- imperative
impr_sg = "2|s|imp",
impr_pl = "2|p|imp",
-- past
past_m = "m|s|past|ind",
past_f = "f|s|past|ind",
past_n = "n|s|past|ind",
past_pl = "p|past|ind",
past_m_short = "short|m|s|past|ind",
past_f_short = "short|f|s|past|ind",
past_n_short = "short|n|s|past|ind",
past_pl_short = "short|p|past|ind",
-- active participles
pres_actv_part = "pres|act|part",
past_actv_part = "past|act|part",
-- passive participles
pres_pasv_part = "pres|pass|part",
past_pasv_part = "past|pass|part",
-- adverbial participles
pres_adv_part = "pres|adv|part",
past_adv_part = "past|adv|part",
past_adv_part_short = "short|past|adv|part",
-- infinitive
infinitive = "inf",
-- Make the table
make_table = function(forms, title, perf, intr, impers, notes, internal_notes, old)
local infinitives = {}
for _, form in ipairs(main_to_all_verb_forms["infinitive"]) do
local infinitive = forms[form]
if infinitive then
local inf, inf_tr = extract_russian_tr(forms[form])
if inf ~= "-" then
ut.insert_if_not(infinitives, inf)
-- Group forms together for a given key and combine adjacent forms with the same
-- Russian (they should always have different translits). Take care not to introduce
-- manual translit unnecessarily.
local grouped_forms = {}
for dispform, sourceforms in pairs(disp_verb_form_map) do
local entry = {}
for _, form in ipairs(sourceforms) do
local ru, tr = extract_russian_tr(forms[form])
-- check for empty strings, dashes and nil's
if ru and ru ~= "" and ru ~= "-" and ru ~= "—" then
if #entry > 0 then
local lastru, lasttr = extract_russian_tr(entry[#entry])
if lastru == ru then
if not lasttr and not tr or lasttr == tr then
error("Russian form " .. ru .. " is duplicated, probably due to a duplicative override")
lasttr = lasttr or com.translit(lastru)
tr = tr or com.translit(ru)
entry[#entry] = {ru, lasttr .. " ''or'' " .. tr}
table.insert(entry, {ru, tr})
table.insert(entry, {ru, tr})
grouped_forms[dispform] = entry
local title = (old and "Pre-reform conjugation" or "Conjugation") .. (#infinitives == 0 and "" or
" of <span lang=\"ru\" class=\"Cyrl\">''" .. table.concat(infinitives, ", ") .. "''</span>") ..
(title and " (" .. title .. ")" or "")
local function add_links(ru, rusuf, runotes, tr, trnotes, accel)
local ruspan
if old then
ruspan = m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = com.remove_jo(ru), accel = accel,
alt = not ru:find("[[", 1, true) and ru, tr = "-"})
ruspan = m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = ru, accel = accel, tr = "-"})
if rusuf ~= "" then
rusuf = "<span lang=\"ru\" class=\"Cyrl\">" .. rusuf .. "</span>"
return ruspan .. rusuf .. runotes .. "<br/>" .. require("Module:script utilities").tag_translit(tr .. trnotes, lang, "default", 'style="color: #888"')
-- NOTE: No need to check for multiple infinitives because the accel system
-- doesn't support multiple lemmas.
local lemma, lemmatr = extract_russian_tr(forms["infinitive"])
-- check for empty strings, dashes and nil's
if lemma and lemma ~= "" and lemma ~= "-" and lemma ~= "—" then
lemma, _ = m_table_tools.separate_notes(lemma)
if lemmatr then
lemmatr, _ = m_table_tools.separate_notes(lemmatr)
-- In case the lemma is an empty string or dash, set to nil so we don't
-- set a lemma in the accelerator and fall back to the page name.
lemma = nil
lemmatr = nil
-- Convert to displayed form
local disp = {}
for key, entry in pairs(grouped_forms) do
for i, form in ipairs(entry) do
local ru, origtr = extract_russian_tr(form)
local tr = origtr or ru and com.translit(ru)
local ruentry, runotes = m_table_tools.get_notes(ru)
local trentry, trnotes = m_table_tools.get_notes(tr)
local accel_form = accel_forms[key]
if not accel_form then
error("Unrecognized key " .. key .. " when looking up accelerator form")
local accel
if origtr and origtr:find(" ''or'' ") then
-- Multiple translits for a given Russian term.
-- FIXME! Support this.
accel = nil
accel = { form = accel_form, translit = origtr,
lemma = lemma, lemma_translit = lemmatr}
if rfind(key, "^futr") then
-- Add link to first word (form of 'to be')
tobe, inf = rmatch(ruentry, "^([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)$")
if tobe then
-- No accelerators for imperfective future, as it's just the future of "to be"
-- plus the infinitive.
entry[i] = add_links(tobe, " " .. inf, runotes, trentry, trnotes, nil)
entry[i] = add_links(ruentry, "", runotes, trentry, trnotes, accel)
entry[i] = add_links(ruentry, "", runotes, trentry, trnotes, accel)
disp[key] = table.concat(entry, ",<br/>")
if disp[key] == "" then
disp[key] = "—"
local all_notes = {}
for _, note in ipairs(internal_notes) do
local symbol, entry = m_table_tools.get_initial_notes(note)
table.insert(all_notes, symbol .. entry)
for _, note in ipairs(notes) do
local symbol, entry = m_table_tools.get_initial_notes(note)
table.insert(all_notes, symbol .. entry)
local notes_text
table.insert(all_notes, 1,
"Note: For declension of participles, see their entries. Adverbial participles are indeclinable.")
notes_text = table.concat(all_notes, "<br />") .. "\n"
return require("Module:TemplateStyles")("Module:ru-verb/style.css") ..
[=[<div class="NavFrame" style="width:49.6em;">
<div class="NavHead" style="text-align:left; background:#e0e0ff;">]=] .. title .. [=[</div>
<div class="NavContent">
{| class="inflection inflection-ru inflection-verb inflection-table"
|+ ]=] .. notes_text .. [=[
|- class="rowgroup"
! colspan="3" | ]=] .. (perf and [=[[[совершенный вид|perfective aspect]]]=] or [=[[[несовершенный вид|imperfective aspect]]]=]) .. [=[
! [[неопределённая форма|infinitive]]
| colspan="2" | ]=] .. disp.infinitive .. [=[
|- class="rowgroup"
! style="width:15em" | [[причастие|participles]]
! [[настоящее время|present tense]]
! [[прошедшее время|past tense]]
! [[действительный залог|active]]
| ]=] .. disp.pres_actv_part .. [=[ || ]=] .. disp.past_actv_part .. [=[
! [[страдательный залог|passive]]
| ]=] .. disp.pres_pasv_part .. [=[ || ]=] .. disp.past_pasv_part .. [=[
! [[деепричастие|adverbial]]
| ]=] .. disp.pres_adv_part .. [=[ || ]=] .. disp.past_adv_part .. [=[
|- class="rowgroup"
! [[настоящее время|present tense]]
! [[будущее время|future tense]]
! [[первое лицо|1st]] [[единственное число|singular]] (<span lang="ru" class="Cyrl">я</span>)
| ]=] .. disp.pres_1sg .. [=[ || ]=] .. disp.futr_1sg .. [=[
! [[второе лицо|2nd]] [[единственное число|singular]] (<span lang="ru" class="Cyrl">ты</span>)
| ]=] .. disp.pres_2sg .. [=[ || ]=] .. disp.futr_2sg .. [=[
! [[третье лицо|3rd]] [[единственное число|singular]] (<span lang="ru" class="Cyrl">он/она́/оно́</span>)
| ]=] .. disp.pres_3sg .. [=[ || ]=] .. disp.futr_3sg .. [=[
! [[первое лицо|1st]] [[множественное число|plural]] (<span lang="ru" class="Cyrl">мы</span>)
| ]=] .. disp.pres_1pl .. [=[ || ]=] .. disp.futr_1pl .. [=[
! [[второе лицо|2nd]] [[множественное число|plural]] (<span lang="ru" class="Cyrl">вы</span>)
| ]=] .. disp.pres_2pl .. [=[ || ]=] .. disp.futr_2pl .. [=[
! [[третье лицо|3rd]] [[множественное число|plural]] (<span lang="ru" class="Cyrl">они́</span>)
| ]=] .. disp.pres_3pl .. [=[ || ]=] .. disp.futr_3pl .. [=[
|- class="rowgroup"
! [[повелительное наклонение|imperative]]
! [[единственное число|singular]]
! [[множественное число|plural]]
| ]=] .. disp.impr_sg .. [=[ || ]=] .. disp.impr_pl .. [=[
|- class="rowgroup"
! [[прошедшее время|past tense]]
! [[единственное число|singular]]
! [[множественное число|plural]]<br/>(<span lang="ru" class="Cyrl">мы/вы/они́</span>)
! [[мужской род|masculine]] (<span lang="ru" class="Cyrl">я/ты/он</span>)
| ]=] .. disp.past_m .. [=[ || rowspan="3" | ]=] .. disp.past_pl .. [=[
! [[женский род|feminine]] (<span lang="ru" class="Cyrl">я/ты/она́</span>)
| ]=] .. disp.past_f .. [=[
! style="background-color: #ffffe0;" | [[средний род|neuter]] (<span lang="ru" class="Cyrl">оно́</span>)
| ]=] .. disp.past_n .. [=[
return export
-- For Vim, so we get 4-space tabs
-- vim: set ts=4 sw=4 noet: