User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-n
ň {letter} | :: letter |
-na {suffix} | :: from nouns forms nouns referring to places |
na- {prefix} | :: A prefix, often used where English would use a phrasal verb with on |
na {prep} | :: on, onto (direction, + accusative case) |
na {prep} | :: on (location, + locative case) |
na {prep} | :: to, (direction, + accusative case, used only with certain places (do + genitive is more common)) |
na {prep} | :: at, in (location, + locative case, used only with certain places (v is more common)) |
na {prep} | :: for (purpose, + accusative case) |
na {prep} | :: at (in the direction of, + accusative case) |
naběračka {f} | :: ladle |
nabídka {f} | :: offer |
nabídka {f} [economics] | :: supply |
nabídka {f} [graphical user interface] | :: menu |
nabídkový {adj} | :: offer |
nabídkový {adj} | :: supply |
nabídnout {v pf} | :: to offer |
nabíječka {f} | :: charger (a device that charges or recharges) |
nabíjet {v impf} | :: imperfective form of nabít |
na bíledni {adv} | :: obvious, self-evident, clear |
nabíledni {adv} | :: obvious, self-evident, clear |
nabít {v pf} | :: to charge (to cause to take on an electric charge) |
nabízet {v impf} | :: to offer |
nabízet {v impf} | :: to market (to make products available for sale and promoting them) |
náboj {m} | :: cartridge (firearms) |
náboj {m} | :: charge (physics) |
nábojnice {f} | :: (ammunition) cartridge case, cartridge shell |
nabonzovat {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to rat out |
náboženský {adj} | :: religious |
náboženský řád {m} | :: religious order |
náboženství {n} | :: religion |
nábřeží {n} | :: bank |
nábytek {m} | :: furniture |
nácek {m} [colloquial] | :: Nazi |
nacionalismus {m} | :: nationalism |
nacionalista {m} | :: nationalist |
nacionalistický {adj} | :: nationalist, nationalistic |
nacionální {adj} | :: national |
nacismus {m} | :: Nazism |
nacista {m} | :: Nazi |
nacistický {adj} | :: Nazi |
nacistka {f} | :: female Nazi |
náctiletý {adj} [colloquial] | :: teenage |
nač {contraction} | :: contraction of na + co |
načasování {n} | :: timing |
načasovat {v pf} | :: to time (choose the time for) |
načechrat {v pf} | :: to fluff, fluff up |
náčelník {m} | :: chief (leader of a tribe) |
náčelník {m} | :: chief (head of an organization) |
načíst {v pf} | :: to load (to read (data or a program) from a storage medium into computer memory) |
náčrt {m inan} | :: sketch (quick drawing) |
načrtnout {v pf} | :: to outline |
načrtnout {v pf} | :: to sketch, draft |
nad- {prefix} | :: super-, over- (above, or higher) |
nad {prep} | :: above |
Naďa {prop} {f} | :: given name |
nadace {f} | :: foundation (nonprofit organization) |
nadále {adv} | :: still (at the time, no less than before) |
nadále {adv} | :: henceforth |
nadání {n} | :: talent (potential or factual ability) |
nadaný {adj} | :: talented |
nadarmo {adv} | :: in vain, futilely |
nadat {v impf} | :: to tell someone off |
nadávat {v impf} | :: to curse (to speak a vulgar curse) |
nadávat jako špaček {v} [simile] | :: to curse a lot |
nadávka {f} | :: curse (vulgar epithet) |
nadbytečně {adv} | :: redundantly, superfluously |
nadbytečný {adj} | :: redundant, superfluous |
nadbytečný {adj} | :: spare |
nadbytek {m} | :: surplus (that which remains when use or need is satisfied, or when a limit is reached) |
nadčasový {adj} | :: timeless, ageless, supertemporal |
nadčlověk {m} | :: übermensch, superman, overman |
nade- {prefix} | :: A prefix, sometimes used instead of nad- in front of a consonant |
nádech {m inan} | :: inspiration, breathing in |
nadechnout {v pf} | :: to inhale |
naděje {f} | :: hope |
naděje umírá poslední {proverb} | :: while there's life, there's hope |
nadějně {adv} | :: promisingly |
nadějný {adj} | :: promising (showing promise, and likely to develop in a desirable fashion) |
nadějný {adj} | :: hopeful |
Naděnka {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Naděžda {prop} {f} | :: given name |
nádhera {f} | :: splendor |
nádhera {f} | :: beauty |
nádherný {adj} | :: gorgeous, beautiful |
nadhlavník {m} | :: zenith (in the sky above an observer) |
nadhled {m} | :: perspective, bigger picture |
nadhled {m} | :: bird's-eye view |
nadhodnotit {v pf} | :: to overvalue |
nadhoz {m} | :: pitch (the act of pitching a baseball) |
nadcházející {adj} | :: upcoming |
nadchnout {vt pf} | :: to cause enthusiastic reception; to make enthusiastic about |
nadchod {m} | :: pedestrian overpass |
nad-já {n} | :: alternative spelling of nadjá |
nadjá {n} [psychoanalysis] | :: superego |
nadjezd {m} | :: overpass |
nadkoule {f} | :: hypersphere |
nadkvádr {m} | :: hypercuboid |
nadledvinky {f} {p} | :: adrenal gland |
nadlidský {adj} | :: superhuman (beyond what is possible for a human being) |
nadloktí {n} [anatomy] | :: The part of arm between elbow and shoulders |
nadměrně {adv} | :: excessively |
nadměrný {adj} | :: excessive |
nadmnožina {f} [set theory] | :: superset |
nadmořská výška {f} | :: altitude (the height measured from sea level up to any given point) |
nadmořský {adj} | :: above sea level |
nadnárodní {adj} | :: transnational |
nadnesený {adj} | :: exaggerated, magnified, amplified, aggrandized |
nádoba {f} | :: vessel (container) |
nádobí {n} | :: dishware, crockery |
nadobro {adv} | :: for good, forever |
nadočnicový {adj} | :: supraorbital (located immediately above the eye sockets, where in humans the eyebrows are located) |
nádor {m inan} [medicine] | :: tumor |
nádorový {adj} [relational] | :: tumor |
nadpis {m} | :: heading (the title or topic of a document, article, chapter etc.) |
nadpis {m} | :: caption |
nadporučík {m} | :: first lieutenant |
nadpřirozený {adj} | :: supernatural |
nádr {m} [colloquial] | :: railway station |
nádraží {n} | :: station, railway station |
nádražíčko {n} | :: diminutive of nádraží |
ňadro {n} | :: breast (female organ) |
nadrobno {adv} | :: finely |
nadrotmistr {m} | :: first sergeant |
nadrovina {f} [geometry] | :: hyperplane |
na druhou stranu {adv} [idiomatic] | :: on the other hand |
nádrž {f} | :: reservoir |
nádrž {f} | :: basin |
nádrž {f} | :: tank (closed container for liquids or gases) |
nadržený {adj} | :: horny, randy (sexually aroused) |
nadsazený {adj} | :: exaggerated, overstated, overestimated, inflated |
nadsázka {f} [figure of speech] | :: hyperbole |
nad slunce jasný {adj} | :: crystal clear |
nadšeně {adv} | :: enthusiastically |
nadšenec {m} | :: enthusiast |
nadšení {n} | :: enthusiasm |
nadšený {adj} | :: enthusiastic |
nadtřída {f} | :: superclass |
nadutý {adj} | :: haughty, conceited |
nadužívání {n} | :: overuse |
nadvláda {f} | :: domination |
nádvoří {n} | :: A courtyard |
nadýmání {n} | :: verbal noun of nadýmat |
nadýmání {n} | :: flatulence |
nadzvukový {adj} [of a speed] | :: supersonic |
naformátovat {v pf} [computing] | :: to format |
nafoukanec {m} | :: bighead (a person having an inflated opinion of himself) |
nafoukaný {adj} | :: conceited |
nafoukat {v impf} | :: to blow |
nafouknout {v pf} | :: to blow up, to inflate |
nafta {f} | :: diesel fuel |
nafta {f} | :: petroleum (refined) |
naftový {adj} | :: petroleum |
náfuka {m} | :: bighead (person) |
nahlas {adv} | :: aloud, out loud (using one's voice) |
nahlas {adv} | :: loudly (at a high volume) |
nahlásit {v pf} | :: to report |
náhle {adv} | :: suddenly |
náhlost {f} | :: suddenness |
náhlý {adj} | :: sudden |
náhoda {f} | :: chance (random occurrence) |
náhodička {f} | :: diminutive of náhoda |
nahodile {adv} | :: accidentally, haphazardly, by chance, at random |
nahodilý {adj} | :: accidental, incidental, haphazard, random |
náhodná proměnná {f} | :: random variable |
náhodná veličina {f} | :: random variable |
náhodně {adj} | :: randomly |
náhodně {adj} | :: accidentally |
náhodnost {f} | :: randomness |
náhodnostní algoritmus {m} | :: randomized algorithm |
náhodný {adj} | :: random |
náhodný {adj} | :: casual |
náhodný {adj} | :: accidental |
náhodný výběr {m} | :: random sample |
náhodou {adv} | :: by accident |
náhon {m} | :: drive (of a motor) |
Náhorní Karabach {prop} {m} | :: Nagorno-Karabakh |
náhorní plošina {f} | :: plateau (a largely level expanse of land at a high elevation; tableland) |
nahoru {adv} | :: up, upward, upwards (in the direction away from earth’s centre) |
nahoře {adv} | :: up (in a higher position) |
nahoře {adv} | :: up (on top of something) |
nahoře {adv} | :: on top |
nahoře {adv} | :: up (in a good mood) |
nahota {f} | :: nudity (the state of being without clothing on the body) |
náhrada {f} | :: replacement, substitute |
nahradit {v pf} | :: to replace, to substitute |
nahraditelný {adj} | :: replaceable |
náhradní {adj} | :: spare (held in reserve) |
náhradní díl {m} | :: spare part |
náhradník {m anim} | :: substitute (person in sports) |
nahrát {v pf} [computers] | :: to upload |
nahrát {v pf} | :: to record |
nahrávač {m} [sports] | :: player assisting a goal by a successful pass or set |
nahrávač {m} [volleyball] | :: setter |
nahrávat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of nahrát |
nahrávka {f} | :: recording |
nahrazení {n} | :: replacement |
nahrazovat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of nahradit |
náhrdelník {m} | :: necklace |
náhrobek {m} | :: tombstone (stone on grave) |
náhrobní {adj} | :: sepulchral (related to grave) |
nahromadění {n} | :: accumulation, congestion (the act of gathering into a heap or mass) |
na hrubý pytel hrubá záplata {proverb} | :: a rude action deserves a rude reaction |
nahuatl {m} | :: Nahuatl, Aztec (language) |
náhuatl {m} | :: alternative spelling of nahuatl |
náhubek {m} | :: A muzzle (to prevent an animal from biting) |
nahý {adj} | :: naked |
nacházet {v impf} | :: imperfective form of najít |
nacházet {v impf} | :: to be (to occupy a place; to be located) |
nachlazení {n} | :: cold, common cold (illness) |
Náchod {prop} {m} | :: Náchod (town), located in the northeast Bohemia, lying in the valley of the river Metuje |
nachový {adj} | :: magenta |
náchylnost {f} | :: susceptibility |
náchylný {adj} | :: susceptible |
nachystat {v pf} | :: To prepare something, to get something ready |
nainstalovat {v pf} | :: to install |
naivita {f} | :: naivete, naivety |
naivka {f} {m} | :: naive person |
naivně {adv} | :: naively |
naivněji {adv} | :: comparative of naivně |
naivnější {adj} | :: comparative of naivní |
naivní {adj} | :: naive |
naivnost {f} | :: naivety, naiveness |
najednou {adv} | :: all of a sudden |
najednou {adv} | :: at once, at the same time, simultaneously, together |
nájem {m} | :: tenancy |
nájem {m} | :: rent (payment for an apartment or other equipment) |
nájemce {m anim} | :: tenant (one who pays a rent) |
nájemkyně {f} | :: female tenant (one who pays a rent) |
nájemné {n} | :: rent (payment for an apartment or other equipment) |
nájemník {m anim} | :: tenant |
nájemní smlouva {f} [legal] | :: rental contract |
najemno {adv} | :: finely |
najít {v pf} | :: to find |
najmě {adv} | :: especially, particularly |
najmout {v pf} | :: to hire |
nakapat {v pf} | :: To drip in or on something |
nakapat {v pf} | :: To drip something in or on something |
nákaza {f} | :: infection, contagion |
nakazit {v pf} | :: to infect |
na každém šprochu pravdy trochu {proverb} | :: Every statement contains a kernel of truth |
nakažlivost {f} | :: infectiousness, infectiveness, contagiousness |
nakažlivý {adj} | :: contagious, infectious, infective |
náklad {m} | :: load, cargo |
náklad {m} | :: cost, expense |
nakladač {m} | :: loader |
náklaďák {m} | :: truck (any motor vehicle designed for carrying cargo) |
nakládat {v impf} | :: to load (goods etc for transport) |
nakládat {v impf} | :: to plate (food) |
nakládat {v impf} | :: to pickle |
nakládat {v impf} | :: to treat, handle [used with the preposition s] |
nakladatelství {n} | :: publisher, publishing house |
nákladní vlak {m} | :: freight train |
nákladný {adj} | :: expensive |
náklady {noun} | :: cost |
náklady obětované příležitosti {noun} [economics] | :: opportunity cost |
náklady ušlé příležitosti {noun} [economics] | :: opportunity cost |
nakloněná rovina {f} | :: inclined plane |
náklonnost {f} | :: affection, fondness |
na koleně {phrase} [idiom] | :: In primitive conditions, without appropriate tools |
na koleně {phrase} | :: See: cs na koleno |
nakonec {adv} | :: in the end |
nakouknout {v pf} | :: (look) To peep |
nakouknutí {n} | :: (look) A peep |
nákres {m} | :: drawing (a picture, likeness, diagram or representation, usually drawn on paper) |
nakreslit {v pf} | :: to draw (a picture) |
nákup {m} | :: shopping |
nákupní {adj} [relational] | :: shopping |
nákupní středisko {n} | :: shopping center |
nakupování {n} | :: shopping |
nakupovat {v impf} | :: to shop; to go shopping |
nakupovat {v impf} | :: to shop around |
nálada {f} | :: mood (mental or emotional state, composure) |
nálada {f} | :: mood (disposition to do something) |
naladit {v pf} | :: to tune |
naladit {v pf} | :: to tune in |
náladový {adj} | :: moody (given to sudden or frequent changes of mind) |
náledí {n} | :: black ice (thin, dangeous slippery film of ice on a surface) |
naléhavě {adv} | :: urgently |
naléhavost {f} | :: urgency |
naléhavý {adj} | :: urgent |
nalepit {v pf} | :: to stick or attachto something |
nálepka {f} | :: sticker (adhesive label) |
nálepka {f} | :: label (a name given to something or someone to categorise them as part of a particular social group) |
nálepkování {n} | :: labeling (US), labelling (UK) (assigning a category name) |
nálepkovat {v impf} | :: to label (to give a label in order to categorise a person or thing) |
nalepovat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of nalepit |
nálet {m} | :: air raid |
nález {m} | :: finding, find |
nalezenec {m} | :: foundling |
naleznout {v} | :: to find |
nalézt {v pf} | :: to find |
náležet {v impf} | :: to belong to, to pertain to |
na líc {adv} | :: alternative spelling of nalíc |
nalodit {v pf} | :: to embark (on a boat or ship) |
naložit {v pf} | :: to load (goods etc for transport) |
naložit {v pf} | :: to plate (food) |
naložit {v pf} | :: to pickle |
naložit {v pf} | :: to treat, handle [used with the preposition s] |
námaha {f} | :: effort, exertion, pains |
namáhavý {adj} | :: arduous, strenuous, difficult, exhausting |
namakanec {m} [colloquial] | :: muscleman (man with developed muscles) |
namazat {v pf} | :: to spread (to put butter or jam onto bread) |
namazat si někoho na chleba {phrase} [idiom, colloquial] | :: overpower somebody |
naměkko {adv} | :: made soft |
naměkko {adv} | :: affected, moved, touched |
náměsíčnost {f} | :: somnambulism, sleepwalking |
náměstí {n} | :: square (open space in a town) |
náměstíčko {n} | :: diminutive of náměstí |
námět {m} | :: topic, subject, theme |
námět {m} | :: suggestion, proposal |
Namibie {prop} {f} | :: Namibia |
Namibijec {m anim} | :: Namibian (person) |
namibijský {adj} | :: Namibian |
na místě {adj} | :: appropriate, in order |
namísto {prep} | :: in lieu of, instead of, rather than |
namítat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of namítnout |
námitka {f} | :: objection |
namítnout {v pf} | :: to object |
na mizině {adv} | :: broke (lacking money) |
namluvit {v pf} | :: to delude somebody (by talking) |
namluvit {v pf} [, used with si] | :: to delude oneself |
namluvit {v pf} [, used with si] | :: to find, get, win (a boyfriend or girlfriend) |
namluvit {v pf} | :: to record (by speaking - on a tape, vinyl etc) |
namluvit {v pf} | :: to dub (a film) |
námluvy {fp} | :: courtship (act of wooing in love) |
namnoze {adv} [literary] | :: often |
namočit {v pf} | :: to get wet |
namočit {v pf} | :: to soak |
namočit {v pf} | :: to get involved |
námořní {adj} | :: naval (of or relating to a navy) |
námořní {adj} | :: nautical |
námořnictvo {n} | :: navy |
námořník {m} | :: sailor, seaman |
námořní míle {f} | :: nautical mile |
námraza {f} | :: hoarfrost (frozen dew drops) |
namydlený {adj} | :: soaped, covered with soap |
namydlený {adj} | :: screwed (beset with unfortunate circumstances) |
namydlit {v} | :: to soap (apply soap in washing) |
namyšlenost {f} | :: conceit |
namyšlený {adj} | :: conceited |
naň {contraction} | :: contraction of na + něj |
nandej {m anim} | :: nanday parakeet |
nanejvýš {adv} | :: at most |
naneštěstí {adv} | :: unfortunately |
Nangá Parbat {prop} {m} | :: Nanga Parbat |
nano- {prefix} | :: nano- |
nanometr {m} | :: nanometer, nanometre |
nanosekunda {f} | :: nanosecond |
nanotechnologie {f} | :: nanotechnology |
nanuk {m} | :: ice cream bar on a stick, often chocolate coated |
naolejovat {v pf} | :: to oil (lubricate with oil) |
naopak {adv} | :: the other way around, vice versa, conversely |
na oplátku {adv} | :: in return |
nápad {m} | :: idea (that came to mind) |
napadat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of napadnout |
napadení {n} | :: An attack, assault |
napadení {n} | :: An infestation |
nápadně {adv} | :: strikingly |
nápadněji {adv} | :: comparative of nápadně |
nápadnější {adj} | :: comparative of nápadný |
nápadník {m} | :: suitor, wooer, swain |
napadnout {v pf} | :: to occur (to come to the mind) |
napadnout {vt pf} | :: to attack, engage (to enter into conflict with an enemy) |
napadnutelný {adj} | :: challengeable, assailable |
nápadný {adj} | :: conspicuous |
nápadný {adj} | :: striking |
napájet {v impf} | :: to water (provide animals with water) |
napájet {v impf} | :: to feed (with electric energy etc) |
napájet {v impf} | :: to feed (with water) |
napálit {v pf} | :: to swindle, trick, outwit |
naparfémovat {v} | :: to perfume (to apply perfume to) |
napasovat {v pf} | :: (printing) to register |
napěněný {adj} | :: With a foamed surface |
napětí {n} [psychology] | :: tension |
napětí {n} [electricity] | :: voltage, tension |
napínavý {adj} | :: thrilling, gripping, taut |
nápis {m inan} | :: notice, inscription, legend, lettering |
napjatý {adj} | :: tense |
napjatý jako struna {adj} [simile] | :: very tense |
naplácat {v pf} | :: to smack, spank somebody |
naplácat {v pf} | :: to splash, daub |
naplánovaný {adj} | :: scheduled |
naplánovaný {adj} | :: planned |
náplast {f} | :: patch (adhesive piece worn on the skin) |
náplast {f} | :: band-aid, plaster |
naplavenina {f} | :: alluvium |
naplavit {v pf} | :: to deposit, wash up (mud, sand etc) |
náplavový {adj} | :: alluvial |
náplň {f} | :: refill (for ballpoint pens) |
naplnění {n} | :: fulfillment (satisfaction) |
naplnit {v pf} | :: to fill (of a container like bottle) |
naplňovat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of naplnit |
napnout {v pf} | :: to tense |
napnutý jako struna {adj} [simile] | :: very tense |
nápodoba {f} | :: imitation |
napodobení {n} | :: verbal noun of napodobit |
napodobení {n} | :: imitation |
napodobenina {f} | :: imitation (copy) |
napodobit {v impf} | :: to imitate |
nápodobně {adv} | :: same to you |
napodobovat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of napodobit |
nápoj {m} | :: beverage, drink |
napojit {v pf} | :: to connect (electric device, pipeline etc) |
napojit {v pf} | :: to connect (to the mains etc) |
napojit {v pf} | :: to get in touch (with an organisation etc) |
napojit {v pf} | :: to tap (a phone) |
na pokraji {prep} | :: on the brink of |
Napoleon {prop} {m anim} | :: Czech form of French given name "Napoléon", usually referring to Napoleon Bonaparte |
Napoleon {prop} {m anim} | :: A person behaving like Napoleon Bonaparte |
napoleonský {adj} | :: Napoleonic (referring to Napoleon Bonaparte) |
napoleonský komplex {m inan} [pejorative] | :: Napoleon complex |
napomáhat {v} | :: to aid |
napomenout {v pf} | :: to reprove, to rebuke |
napomenutí {n} | :: admonition |
napomínat {v impf} | :: to reprove, rebuke, reprimand |
naposledy {adv} | :: last time, last |
nápověda {f} [computing] | :: help |
nápověda {f} [theater] | :: prompter |
napovědět {v pf} [theater] | :: to prompt |
napovídat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of napovědět |
napráskat {v} [colloquial] | :: to beat up |
napráskat {v} [colloquial] | :: to rat out |
naprášit {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to beat up |
naprášit {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to tell on, to rat out |
náprava {f} | :: axle |
náprava {f} | :: correction |
napravit {v} | :: to rectify, to correct |
napravitelný {adj} | :: remediable, corrigible, reparable, rectifiable |
napraviti {v} | :: obsolete spelling of napravit |
nápravné zařízení {n} | :: correctional facility |
naprogramovat {v pf} | :: to program |
naprosto {adv} | :: absolutely, totally, entirely, completely |
naprostý {adj} | :: absolute |
naproti {prep} | :: opposite (facing, or across from) |
náprstek {m} | :: thimble (cap for the fingers) |
např. {adv} | :: abbreviation of například: e.g. |
napříč {adv} | :: across, crosswise |
například {adv} | :: for instance, for example |
napsat {v pf} | :: to write |
narace {f} | :: narrative |
náramek {m} | :: bracelet (a band or chain worn around the wrist) |
náramkové hodinky {noun} | :: wristwatch |
narativní {adj} | :: narrative |
náraz {m} | :: impact (collision) |
narazit {v pf} | :: to chance (to discover by chance) |
narazit {v pf} | :: to bump into |
nárazník {m} | :: (railways) buffer |
nárazník {m} | :: (car) bumper |
nárazník {m} [figuratively] | :: cushion |
nárazový {adj} | :: impact |
nárazový {adj} | :: gusty |
narážet {v impf} | :: imperfective form of narazit |
narážka {f} | :: innuendo |
narážka {f} | :: allusion |
narcis {m} | :: daffodil (flower) |
narcis {m} | :: narcissus |
Narcis {prop} {m} [mythology] | :: Narcissus |
narcisismus {m} | :: narcissism |
narcismus {m} | :: narcissism |
narcista {m} | :: narcissist |
Narkissos {prop} {m} [mythology] | :: Narcissus |
narkolepsie {f} | :: narcolepsy (sleeping disorder) |
narkoman {m} | :: drug addict, junkie |
narkomanka {f} | :: female drug addict, junkie |
narkóza {f} | :: general anesthesia |
náročný {adj} | :: demanding, difficult, challenging |
národ {m} | :: people, nation |
národ {m} | :: ethnic group, ethnicity |
narodit {v pf} | :: to be born |
národní {adj} | :: national |
národní hymna {f} | :: national anthem |
národní obrození {n} | :: national revival |
národní park {m} | :: national park (national park) |
národnost {f} | :: (ethnicity) nationality |
národovecký {adj} | :: nationalistic |
nárok {m} | :: claim |
nárokovat {v impf} | :: to claim |
narovnat {v pf} | :: to straighten |
narozdíl {phrase} [sometimes, proscribed] | :: only used in narozdíl od |
na rozdíl od {prep} | :: unlike |
narozdíl od {prep} [sometimes, proscribed] | :: alternative form of na rozdíl od |
narození {n} | :: verbal noun of narodit |
narození {n} | :: birth (instance of childbirth) |
narozeniny {f} [plurale tantum] | :: birthday (anniversary) |
narozený {adj} | :: born (given birth to) |
narozky {f} [colloquial, plurale tantum] | :: birthday (anniversary of the day on which someone is born) |
nárt {m} | :: instep (the arched part of the top of the foot between the toes and the ankle) |
na ruby {adv} | :: alternative spelling of naruby |
naruby {adv} | :: inside out |
nárůdek {m} | :: diminutive of národ |
nárůst {m} | :: increase |
narušení {n} | :: verbal noun of narušit |
narušení {n} | :: disturbance, disruption, interference |
narušený {adj} | :: disturbed (showing symptoms of mental illness, severe psychosis, or neurosis) |
narušovat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of narušit |
narval {m anim} | :: narwhal (cetacean) |
narvalí {adj} [relational] | :: narwhal, narwhal's |
narvat {v} | :: to ram in |
narvat {v} | :: to cram, jam-pack, stuff |
narvat {v} | :: to pluck, pick |
nárys {m inan} | :: front elevation (a two-dimensional drawing of a three-dimensional object from the position of a vertical plane in front the object) |
narýsování {n} | :: verbal noun of narýsovat |
narýsování {n} | :: technical drawing (single act of producing one or more technical drawings) |
narýsovat {v pf} | :: to draw (produce one or more technical drawings) |
nářadí {n} | :: tools |
nářečí {n} | :: dialect |
nářeční {adj} | :: dialectal |
nářek {m} | :: moan (a low cry of pain) |
nařídit {v pf} | :: to order, to command |
nařízení {n} | :: verbal noun of nařídit |
nařízení {n} | :: regulation |
nařknout {v pf} | :: to accuse, charge, denounce |
násada {f} | :: handle, shaft |
nasadit {v pf} | :: to deploy (people) |
nasadit {v pf} | :: to put on, stick on, fix |
nasáklý {adj} | :: soaked, sodden, drenched |
nasální {adj} | :: alternative form of nazální |
nasazení {n} | :: deployment |
násep {m} | :: causeway |
násep {m} | :: embankment, dike |
nashle {interj} | :: bye bye |
na shledanou {phrase} | :: goodbye |
nashledanou {phrase} [sometimes, proscribed] | :: alternative form of na shledanou |
Nashova rovnováha {f} [game theory] | :: Nash equilibrium |
násilí {n} | :: violence |
násilník {m} | :: rapist |
násilnit {v impf} | :: to rape |
násilný {adj} | :: violent (involving physical conflict) |
následek {m} | :: consequence (of a cause) |
následně {adv} | :: consequently |
následně {adv} | :: subsequently |
následník {m} | :: successor |
následovat {v impf} | :: to follow |
následovně {adv} | :: as follows |
následovník {m} | :: disciple (a person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others) |
následující {adj} | :: following, subsequent |
naslouchat {v impf} | :: listen |
nasměrovat {v pf} | :: to direct (somewhere) |
nasnadě {adv} | :: pretty obvious, seemingly reasonable |
nasnídat {v pf} | :: to breakfast |
násobek {m} | :: multiple (mathematics) |
násobení {n} | :: multiplication |
násobit {v impf} | :: to multiply (to perform multiplication) |
násoska {f} | :: siphon (bent pipe or tube with one end lower than the other serving to moves liquid from one reservoir to another) |
násoska {f} [colloquial] | :: drunkard (an addict to alcohol) |
nasraný {adj} [vulgar] | :: pissed, pissed off, angry |
nasrat {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to piss off (to anger) |
nastávající {adj} | :: prospective |
nastávat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of nastat |
nastavení {n} [computing] | :: settings |
nastavený {adj} | :: set, configured, adjusted |
nastavený čas {m} | :: set time (on a clock or watch) |
nastavený čas {m} | :: injury time |
nastavit {v pf} | :: to set (to adjust) |
nastavitelný {adj} | :: adjustable |
nástěnka {f} | :: bulletin board, notice board, pinboard |
nástěnkář {m} | :: someone who takes care of the content of a bulletin board |
nástěnný {adj} | :: wall, mural (hanging on a wall) |
nastínit {v pf} | :: to sketch (to describe a person, or an incident, briefly, and with very few details) |
nastoupit {v pf} | :: to get on (to enter a vehicle) |
nástroj {m inan} | :: tool |
nástroj {m inan} | :: instrument (music) |
nástrojař {m anim} | :: toolmaker |
nástrojář {m} | :: alternative form of nástrojař |
nástup {m} | :: getting on (entering a vehicle) |
nástup {m} | :: muster (of soldiers) |
nástupce {m} | :: successor |
nástupiště {n} | :: platform (structure for waiting for a train) |
nástupkyně {f} | :: female successor |
nastupovat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of nastoupit |
nasvědčovat {v impf} | :: to suggest, indicate |
násyp {m inan} | :: alternative form of násep |
nasypat {v pf} | :: pour (into or onto something) |
náš {pron} [possessive pronoun] | :: our, ours |
našeho letopočtu {phrase} | :: (of the) Common Era |
našeptávání {n} | :: autocompletion |
naštěstí {adv} | :: luckily, fortunately |
naštvaný {adj} | :: upset, mad, angry |
naštvat {v pf} | :: to annoy, irritate |
nať {f} | :: The aboveground parts of an herb |
natáhnout {v pf} | :: to stretch (lengthen by pulling) |
natáhnout {v pf} | :: to wind (a watch or clock) |
natáhnout {v pf} | :: to lie down |
natáhnout {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to hit (another person) |
natáhnout {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to defraud somebody |
natahovat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of natáhnout |
Natálie {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Natálka {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Nataša {prop} {f} | :: given name |
nátělník {m} | :: singlet, undershirt, wife-beater |
nátěr {m} | :: coating, coat |
nátěr {m} | :: paint |
nátěr {m} [slang] | :: beating, defeat |
natírat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of natřít |
nativní {adj} | :: native |
natolik {adv} | :: so much, enough |
na to šup {adv} [colloquial] | :: in no time |
natošup {adv} [colloquial] | :: in no time |
natož {conj} | :: let alone |
natrhnout někomu sako {phrase} [idiom] | :: to give someone what for, to do somebody over |
natrhnout někomu sako {phrase} | :: See: cs natrhnout někdo sako |
natřít {v pf} | :: to paint (to apply paint to) |
nátura {f} [colloquial] | :: nature, character |
naturalismus {m} | :: naturalism |
natvrdlý {adj} | :: little slow, little dense |
natvrdo {adv} | :: made hard |
natvrdo {adv} | :: remorselessly, openly (about speech) |
natvrdo {adv} [colloquial] | :: unsuspended (sentence) |
-natý {suffix} | :: Forms adjectives indicating plentiful presence of the referent of the base noun |
-natý {suffix} [chemistry] | :: Added at the end of the name of an electropositive component with an oxidation number of II in a compound |
naučit {v pf} | :: to teach |
naučit {v pf} | :: to learn |
na úkor {prep} | :: at the expense of |
Nauru {prop} | :: Nauru |
nauruský {adj} | :: Nauru, of Nauru |
náušnice {f} | :: earring |
navazovat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of navázat |
navěky {adv} | :: forever, for eternity |
náves {f} | :: village green |
návěs {m} | :: A semi-trailer |
návěští {n} [computing] | :: label (a named place in source code that can be jumped to using a GOTO or equivalent construct) |
navíc {adv} | :: extra, odd |
navíc {adv} | :: in addition, on top of that |
navíc {adv} | :: moreover, what's more |
navigace {f} | :: navigation |
navigátor {m} | :: navigator (person who navigates) |
na vlastní pěst {prep} | :: under one's own steam (unaided) |
navlhčit {v pf} | :: to moisten |
návnada {f} | :: bait (used in catching fish) |
návnada {f} | :: bait (anything that allures) |
návod {m} | :: manual, instructions |
navonět {v} | :: to perfume (to apply perfume to) |
návrat {m} | :: return (act of a person returning) |
navrátit {v pf} | :: to return |
návratnost {f} [finance] | :: return (gain or loss from an investment) |
návrh {m} | :: suggestion, proposal |
návrh {m} | :: design |
návrhář {m anim} | :: designer |
navrhnout {v pf} | :: to suggest, to propose |
navrhnout {v pf} | :: to design |
navrhovat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of navrhnout |
návrhový vzor {m} [computing] | :: design pattern |
návsí {n} [archaic] | :: alternative form of náves |
návštěva {f} | :: visit |
návštěvník {m} | :: visitor |
návštěvní kniha {f} | :: guest book |
navštěvovat {v impf} | :: to visit |
navštěvovat {v impf} | :: to attend |
navštívit {v pf} | :: to visit |
návyk {m} | :: habit |
návykový {adj} | :: addictive |
navzájem {adv} | :: together (at the same time, in the same place, in close association) |
navzdory {prep} | :: in spite of, despite |
navždy {adv} | :: forever |
nazální {adj} | :: nasal |
Nazaret {prop} {m} | :: Nazaret (largest city) |
nazdar {interj} [colloquial] | :: hello |
nazdařbůh {adv} | :: aimlessly, haphazardly, at random |
na zdraví {phrase} | :: cheers (said before drinking) |
na zdraví {phrase} | :: bless you (said after sneezing) |
název {m} | :: title (of a book or other media) |
název {m} | :: name (of a chemical element) |
nazkoušet {v pf} | :: to rehearse (practice by repetition or recitation) |
naznačit {v pf} | :: to insinuate (to hint at something; to suggest or express an idea indirectly) |
naznačovat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of naznačit |
náznak {m} | :: indication, hint |
názor {m inan} | :: opinion |
nazpaměť {adv} | :: by heart |
nazpátek {adv} | :: back |
nazpět {adv} | :: back |
názvosloví {n} | :: terminology |
nazývat {v impf} | :: to call, to name |
naživu {adv} | :: alive |
NDR {prop} {f} | :: initialism of Německá demokratická republika |
ne- {prefix} | :: Used to negate verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Akin to un-, non-, im-, ir- |
ne {interj} | :: no! |
ne {particle} | :: not |
-né {suffix} | :: forms nouns referring to fees relating to the base word |
nealkoholický {adj} | :: nonalcoholic (of a beverage, no more than trace amounts of alcohol) |
neandertálec {m} | :: Neanderthal (member of the now extinct species Homo neanderthalensis) |
neandertálský {adj} | :: Neanderthal (of or pertaining to Homines neanderthalenses) |
neandrtálec {m} | :: Neanderthal (member of the now extinct species Homo neanderthalensis) |
neandrtálský {adj} | :: Neanderthal (of or pertaining to Homines neanderthalenses) |
Neapol {prop} {f} | :: Neapol (province) |
Neapol {prop} {f} | :: Neapol (city) |
Neapolec {m} | :: Neapolitan (person from Naples) |
Neapolitán {m} | :: Neapolitan (person from Naples) |
Neapolitánec {m} | :: Neapolitan (person from Naples) |
neapolský {adj} | :: Neapolitan (pertaining to Naples) |
neb {conj} [archaic] | :: or |
neb {conj} [literary] | :: because, as, since |
nebe {n} | :: sky |
nebe {n} | :: heaven (paradise) |
nebe-peklo-ráj {m} | :: cootie catcher |
nebesa {noun} | :: skies |
nebesa {noun} | :: heaven |
nebeské těleso {n} | :: celestial body, heavenly body |
nebeský {adj} | :: celestial, heavenly (relating to the heaven in a religious sense) |
nebeský {adj} | :: celestial (relating to the sky) |
nebešťan {m anim} | :: celestial |
nebezpečí {n} | :: danger |
nebezpečí {n} | :: peril (something that causes danger) |
nebezpečný {adj} | :: dangerous |
nebezpečný {adj} | :: risky |
neběžet {v impf} | :: negative of běžet (not to run) |
nebíčko {n} | :: diminutive of nebe |
neblahý {adj} | :: unfortunate, negative, detrimental |
nebo {conj} | :: or |
nebo {conj} | :: and/or |
nebohý {adj} | :: poor (of a person, to be pitied) |
nebojácnost {f} | :: fearlessness |
nebojácný {adj} | :: fearless |
nebolestivý {adj} | :: Painless, indolent |
neboli {conj} | :: or (connects two equivalent names) |
neboť {conj} | :: as, since, because |
nebozez {m} | :: gimlet (tool) |
nebožka {f} | :: female deceased (a dead person) |
nebožtík {m} | :: deceased (a dead person) |
nebuď zvědavej, budeš brzo starej {proverb} | :: curiosity killed the cat |
nebulizátor {m} [medicine] | :: nebulizer |
nebýt {v impf} | :: negative of být |
-nec {suffix} | :: Appended to some country names to form a demonym |
necelý {adj} | :: less than, under |
necestovat {v impf} | :: negative of cestovat |
necitlivý {adj} | :: numb (without the power of sensation) |
něco {pron} | :: something |
nečadivý {adj} | :: sootless |
nečas {m} | :: bad weather |
Nečas {prop} {m} | :: A Czech surname |
nečekaný {adj} | :: unexpected |
něčí {pron} | :: someone's |
nečinnost {f} | :: inactivity |
nečinný {adj} | :: inactive |
nečíslovaný {adj} | :: unnumbered (not identified with a number) |
nečitelný {adj} | :: illegible |
nedávno {adv} | :: recently |
nedávný {adj} | :: recent |
nedbale {adv} | :: carelessly |
nedbalost {f} | :: carelessness, negligence |
nedbalost {f} [legal] | :: negligence |
nedbalý {adj} | :: negligent |
nedefinovaný {adj} | :: undefined |
nedefinovatelnost {f} | :: indefinability, undefinability |
nedefinovatelný {adj} | :: indefinable, undefinable |
neděle {f} | :: Sunday |
nedělní {adj} [relational] | :: Sunday |
nedílný {adj} | :: integral (not omittable or removable) |
nedobytný {adj} | :: impregnable, impenetrable, unassailable |
nedoceněný {adj} | :: unappreciated (not fully understood or valued) |
nedocenitelný {adj} | :: invaluable, priceless (very valuable or useful) |
nedočkat {v pf} | :: to not get to see or experience after a wait |
nedočkavost {f} | :: eager impatience |
nedočkavý {adj} | :: eagerly impatient |
nedokazatelný {adj} | :: unprovable |
nedokonalost {f} | :: imperfection (state) |
nedokonalost {f} | :: imperfection (fault, flaw) |
nedokonalý {adj} | :: imperfect |
nedokonavý {adj} [grammar] | :: imperfective |
nedokonavý vid {m} [grammar] | :: imperfective aspect |
nedokončený {adj} | :: unfinished |
nedokromil {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: nedocromil |
nedopalek {m} | :: cigarette butt |
nedorozumění {n} | :: misunderstanding |
nedosažitelný {adj} | :: unattainable, unachievable |
nedosažitelný {adj} | :: unreachable |
nedospělý {adj} | :: immature |
nedostatečně {adv} | :: insufficiently |
nedostatečnost {f} | :: deficiency |
nedostatečný {adj} | :: insufficient |
nedostatek {m inan} | :: scarcity |
nedostatek {m inan} | :: lack, deficiency, shortage |
nedostatek {m inan} | :: defect, deficiency |
nedostupnost {f} | :: unavailability |
nedostupný {adj} | :: unavailable |
nedostupný {adj} | :: inaccessible, unattainable |
nedostupný {adj} | :: unobtainable |
nedotčený {adj} | :: untouched (remaining in its original, pristine state) |
nedřevnatý {adj} | :: herbaceous |
nedůležitý {adj} | :: unimportant |
nedůvěra {f} | :: distrust |
nedůvěryhodný {adj} | :: untrustworthy |
nedůvěřivý {adj} | :: distrustful (marked by distrust) |
nedůvěřovat {v impf} | :: to distrust |
nedvěd {m} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of medvěd |
neefektivní {adj} | :: inefficient |
neelegantně {adv} | :: inelegantly |
neelegantní {adj} | :: inelegant |
neetický {adj} | :: unethical |
neeuklidovská geometrie {f} | :: non-Euclidean geometry |
neexistující {adj} | :: nonexistent |
nefachčenko {m} | :: idler, loafer |
nefér {adj} | :: unfair (not just) |
Nefertum {prop} {m} | :: Nefertem |
neformální {adj} | :: informal |
nefritický {adj} | :: nephric, nephritic |
nefritida {f} | :: nephritis (inflammation of the kidney) |
nefrolog {m} | :: nephrologist |
nefrologie {f} | :: nephrology |
nefron {m} | :: nephron |
nefróza {f} | :: nephrosis |
nefunkční požadavek {m} | :: non-functional requirement |
negace {f} [logic] | :: negation |
negativ {m} [photography] | :: negative |
negativně {adv} | :: negatively |
negativně binomické rozdělení {n} [statistics] | :: negative binomial distribution |
negativní {adj} | :: negative (not positive or neutral) |
negativní {adj} | :: negative (undesirable) |
negativum {n} | :: con (disadvantage) |
negližé {n} | :: négligée |
negovat {v both} | :: to negate |
negr {m} | :: nigger (negro person) |
negramotnost {f} | :: illiteracy |
negramotný {adj} | :: illiterate |
nehas, co tě nepálí {proverb} | :: Tentative: Heed your own problems, instead of problems of others |
Nehemiáš {prop} {m} [religion] | :: Nehemiah |
nehet {m} | :: nail, fingernail |
nehmotný {adj} | :: immaterial |
nehoda {f} | :: accident (mishap) |
nehodný {adj} | :: unworthy |
nehořlavost {f} | :: incombustibility |
nehořlavý {adj} | :: incombustible |
nehumánní {adj} | :: inhuman, inhumane |
nehybný {adj} | :: motionless |
nechat {v pf} | :: to leave (to not take away with oneself but leave as available for others) |
nechat {v pf} | :: to leave (to transfer responsibility or attention) |
nechat {v pf} | :: to let, allow |
nechat být {v pf} | :: to leave alone |
nechat na holičkách {v} | :: to leave in the lurch |
nechat na pokoji {v pf} | :: to leave alone |
nechat ve štychu {v} | :: to leave in the lurch (to abandon and leave in a difficult situation) |
nechávat {v impf} | :: imperfective form of nechat |
nechodit {v impf} | :: negative of chodit |
nechráněný {adj} | :: unprotected |
nechť {particle} | :: let (statement of requirement) |
nechtě {adv} | :: inadvertently |
nechtěně {adv} | :: inadvertently |
nechtěný {adj} | :: unwanted |
nechtít {v impf} | :: negative of chtít |
nechutný {adj} | :: disgusting |
nechval dne před večerem {proverb} | :: don't count your chickens before they're hatched |
nechvalně známý {adj} | :: infamous, notorious |
Neipyijto {n} | :: Neipyijto (capital city) |
nej- {prefix} | :: Used to form the superlative of adjectives and adverbs; similar to most and -est, as in nejdelší—the longest |
nějak {adv} | :: somehow |
nějaký {pron} | :: some (unspecified or unknown) |
nejasný {adj} | :: unclear |
nejbělejší {adj} | :: superlative of bílý |
nejbezstarostněji {adv} | :: superlative of bezstarostně |
nejbližší {adj} | :: superlative of blízký |
nejbližší {noun} | :: nearest and dearest |
nejbolestivější {adj} | :: superlative of bolestivý |
nejbrutálnější {adj} | :: superlative of brutální |
nejčernější {adj} | :: superlative of černý |
nejčestněji {adv} | :: superlative of čestně |
nejdobráčtěji {adv} | :: superlative of dobrácky |
nejdobráčtější {adj} | :: superlative of dobrácký |
nejdostatečněji {adv} | :: superlative of dostatečně |
nejdražší {adj} | :: superlative of drahý |
nejdražší {noun} | :: nearest and dearest |
nejdrzeji {adv} | :: superlative of drze |
nejdrzejší {adj} | :: superlative of drzý |
nejdříve {adv} | :: soonest, first, superlative of brzy |
nejdřív povinnost, potom zábava {proverb} | :: business before pleasure |
nejdůvěřivější {adj} | :: superlative of důvěřivý |
nejedlý {adj} | :: inedible |
nejednotnost {n} | :: disunity |
nejedovatý {adj} | :: nonvenomous, nontoxic, poisonless, nonpoisonous |
nejen {adv} | :: not only |
nejet {v impf} | :: negative of jet |
nejextrémněji {adv} | :: superlative of extrémně |
nejgeniálněji {adv} | :: superlative of geniálně |
nejhašteřivěji {adv} | :: superlative of hašteřivě |
nejhezčí {adj} | :: superlative of hezký |
nejhodnější {adj} | :: superlative of hodný |
nejhorší {adj} | :: superlative of špatný |
nejchutnější {adj} | :: superlative of chutný |
nejistota {f} | :: uncertainty |
nejistý {adj} | :: uncertain |
nejistý {adj} | :: insecure (uncomfortable) |
nejít {v impf} | :: negative of jít |
nejít někomu něco pod fousy {phrase} | :: not to be happy about something, not to like something |
nejít někomu něco pod vousy {phrase} | :: alternative form of nejít někomu něco pod fousy |
nejjasněji {adv} | :: superlative of jasně |
nejkrásněji {adv} | :: superlative of krásně |
nejkrásnější {adj} | :: superlative of krásný |
nejlehčí {adj} | :: superlative of lehký |
nejlépe {adv} | :: superlative of dobře |
nejlepší inspirace je termín {phrase} [idiom] | :: a deadline is the best inspiration |
nejlevnější {adj} | :: superlative of levný |
nejlibovolněji {adv} | :: superlative of libovolně |
nejlíp {adv} | :: superlative of dobře |
nejlogičtěji {adv} | :: superlative of logicky |
nejlogičtější {adj} | :: superlative of logický |
nejméně {adv} | :: least |
nejmenší {adj} | :: superlative of malý |
nejmilejší {adj} | :: superlative of milý |
nejmladší {adj} | :: superlative of mladý |
nejmoudřejší {adj} | :: superlative of moudrý |
nejnaivněji {adv} | :: superlative of naivně |
nejnaivnější {adj} | :: superlative of naivní |
nejnápadněji {adv} | :: superlative of nápadně |
nejnápadnější {adj} | :: superlative of nápadný |
nejnenápadnější {adj} | :: superlative of nenápadný |
nejnerozvážněji {adv} | :: superlative of nerozvážně |
nejneslyšněji {adv} | :: superlative of neslyšně |
nejnestydatěji {adv} | :: superlative of nestydatě |
nejnestydatější {adj} | :: superlative of nestydatý |
nejneúnavněji {adv} | :: superlative of neúnavně |
nejneúnavnější {adj} | :: superlative of neúnavný |
nejnezávisleji {adv} | :: superlative of nezávisle |
nejnižší {adj} | :: superlative of nízký |
nejpapežštější {adj} | :: superlative of papežský |
nejpejorativněji {adv} | :: superlative of pejorativně |
nejplynuleji {adv} | :: superlative of plynule |
nejpomalejší {adj} | :: superlative of pomalý |
nejprve {adv} | :: first, firstly |
nejraději {adv} | :: superlative of rád |
nejromantičtější {adj} | :: superlative of romantický |
nejrychlejší {adj} | :: superlative of rychlý |
nejsmělejší {adj} | :: superlative of smělý |
nejsmutnější {adj} | :: superlative of smutný |
nejstarší {adj} | :: superlative of starý |
nejstarší řemeslo {n} | :: world's oldest profession (prostitution) |
nejtajemněji {adv} | :: superlative of tajemně |
nejtajuplněji {adv} | :: superlative of tajuplně |
nejtajuplnější {adj} | :: superlative of tajuplný |
nejtěžší {adj} | :: superlative of těžký |
nejtišeji {adv} | :: superlative of tiše |
nejtišší {adj} | :: superlative of tichý |
nejtrapnější {adj} | :: superlative of trapný |
nejupřímněji {adv} | :: superlative of upřímně |
nejveselejší {adj} | :: superlative of veselý |
největší {adj} | :: superlative of velký |
nejvíce {adv} | :: most |
nejvnitřnější {adj} | :: innermost |
nejvýkonnější {adj} | :: superlative of výkonný |
nejvýše {adv} | :: superlative of vysoko |
nejvyšší {adj} | :: superlative of vysoký Topmost |
nejzáhadněji {adv} | :: superlative of záhadně |
nejzazší {adj} | :: farthest |
nejzdravější {adj} | :: superlative of zdravý |
nejznámější {adj} | :: superlative of známý |
někam {adv} | :: somewhere (to some place) |
někde {adv} | :: somewhere |
někdejší {adj} | :: former (such that used to be but is no more) |
někdo {pron} | :: someone, somebody |
někdy {adv} | :: sometimes |
neklidný {adj} | :: restless |
několik {num} | :: several, a few |
několikanásobně {adv} | :: severalfold |
několikanásobně {adv} | :: multiply |
několikanásobný {adj} | :: multiple |
několikrát {adv} | :: several times |
nekompromisní {adj} | :: uncompromising |
nekomunista {m} | :: non-communist (person who is not a communist) |
někomu spadla čelist {phrase} | :: someone's jaw dropped, somebody was very surprised |
nekonečno {n} | :: infinity |
nekonečnost {f} | :: infiniteness |
nekonečný {adj} | :: infinite |
nekontroverzní {adj} | :: uncontroversial |
nekonzistentní {adj} | :: inconsistent |
nekriticky {adv} | :: uncritically |
nekrobióza {f} | :: necrobiosis (normal death of cells or tissues because of age-related changes) |
nekrofilie {f} | :: necrophilia |
nekrolog {m} | :: obituary (biography of a recently deceased person, written by a journalist and published in a newspaper) |
nekromancie {f} | :: necromancy |
nekropole {f} | :: necropolis |
nekróza {f} | :: necrosis (localized death of cells or tissue) |
nektarinka {f} | :: nectarine (fruit) |
některý {pron} | :: some, any |
někudy {adv} | :: some way, some direction |
nekuřačka {f} | :: female non-smoker |
nekuřák {m} | :: non-smoker |
nekvést {v impf} | :: negative of kvést |
Nela {prop} {f} | :: given name |
neléčený {adj} | :: untreated |
nelegálně {adv} | :: illegally |
nelegální {adj} | :: illegal |
nelehký {adj} | :: uneasy, difficult |
neletět {v impf} | :: negative of letět |
nelibost {f} | :: displeasure, resentment |
nelidský {adj} | :: inhuman, inhumane |
nelichotivý {adj} | :: unflattering |
nelineární {adj} | :: non-linear |
Nelinka {prop} {f} | :: given name |
nelítostný {adj} | :: ruthless, merciless |
nelogický {adj} | :: illogical |
nemakačenko {m anim} [colloquial] | :: idler, loafer |
nemanželský {adj} | :: illegitimate, born out of wedlock (born to unmarried parents) |
nemanželský {adj} | :: extramarital |
němčina {f} | :: German (language) |
němčinář {m} | :: teacher of German |
Němčour {m} [colloquial, ethnic slur] | :: German (person) |
Němec {m anim} | :: German (person) |
německé karty {noun} [cards] | :: German playing cards, cards with German suits |
Německo {prop} {n} | :: Germany |
německý {adj} | :: German (relating to the country of Germany or to the German language) |
německý ovčák {m} | :: German Shepherd |
němectví {n} | :: Germanness |
nemehlo {n} | :: butterfingers |
neměnný {adj} | :: unchanging |
nemilosrdně {adv} | :: mercilessly |
nemilosrdný {adj} | :: merciless |
nemít {v} | :: negative of mít |
nemít nejmenší tušení {v} | :: to not have the slightest idea, not have the faintest idea, not have the foggiest idea |
nemít páru {v} [idiom] | :: to have no idea, to not have the first idea |
nemít šajn {v} [idiom, colloquial] | :: to have no idea |
nemít šajnu {v} [idiom, colloquial] | :: to have no idea |
nemít tucha {v} [idiom, colloquial] | :: to have no idea, to not have the first idea |
nemít tušení {v} [idiom] | :: to have no idea, to not have the first idea |
nemít zdání {v} [idiom] | :: to have no idea, to not have the first idea |
Němka {f} | :: female German (female person) |
nemluvě {conj} | :: not to mention |
nemluvňátko {n} | :: diminutive of nemluvně |
nemluvně {n} | :: infant |
nemoc {f} | :: illness, disease |
nemocnice {f} | :: hospital |
nemocniční {adj} | :: hospital |
nemocný {adj} | :: ill |
nemoc šílených krav {f} | :: mad cow disease |
němohra {f} | :: pantomime, mime (form of acting without words) |
nemorální {adj} | :: immoral |
nemorálnost {f} | :: immorality |
němota {f} | :: muteness |
nemotora {m} | :: klutz, butterfingers (clumsy person) |
nemotorný {adj} | :: clumsy |
nemoudrý {adj} | :: unwise |
nemovitost {f} | :: real estate |
nemožný {adj} | :: impossible |
nemusí pršet, jen když kape {proverb} | :: every little helps |
němý {adj} | :: mute, dumb (not having the power of speech) |
němý film {m} [cinematography] | :: silent film |
němý jako ryba {adj} [simile] | :: utterly mute, dumb |
nemyslící {adj} | :: unthinking |
nemyslící {adj} | :: mindless |
nemyslitelný {adj} | :: unthinkable, inconceivable |
nenahlášený {adj} | :: unreported |
nenahraditelný {adj} | :: irreplaceable |
nenápadnější {adj} | :: comparative of nenápadný |
nenapadnutelný {adj} | :: unchallengeable, unassailable |
nenápadný {adj} | :: inconspicuous |
nenasytný {adj} | :: gluttonous |
nenávidět {v impf} | :: to hate |
nenávist {f} | :: hatred, hate |
nenávist k ženám {f} | :: misogyny (hatred or contempt for women) |
nenést {v impf} | :: negative of nést ("not to carry") |
není-liž pravda {phrase} | :: right, isn't it |
není všechno zlato, co se třpytí {proverb} | :: all that glitters is not gold |
není zač {phrase} | :: not at all, don't mention it |
nenucený {adj} | :: natural, unaffected, spontaneous, casual, nonchalant |
nenulový {adj} | :: nonzero |
neoblíbenost {f} | :: unpopularity |
neoblíbený {adj} | :: unpopular |
neobnovitelný {adj} | :: non-renewable |
neobratný {adj} | :: awkward |
neobvyklý {adj} | :: unusual |
neobvyklý {adj} | :: strange, peculiar |
neobyčejný {adj} | :: extraordinary |
neobyvatelný {adj} | :: uninhabitable |
neoddělitelný {adj} | :: inseparable |
neodolatelnost {f} | :: irresistibility |
neodolatelný {adj} | :: irresistible |
neodpovědnost {f} | :: irresponsibility |
neodpovědný {adj} | :: irresponsible |
neodym {m} | :: neodymium |
neoféma {f} | :: a parrot from a genus Neophema |
neogén {m} [geology] | :: Neogene |
neohebný {adj} | :: rigid, inflexible |
neohebný {adj} [grammar] | :: uninflected |
neohleduplný {adj} | :: thoughtless, inconsiderate |
neohrožený {adj} | :: undaunted |
neochota {f} | :: unwillingness |
neochotný {adj} | :: unwilling |
neoliberalismus {m} | :: neoliberalism |
neoliberalizmus {m} | :: neoliberalism |
neolit {m} | :: Neolithic (the New Stone Age; from circa 8500 to 4500 BCE) |
neolitický {adj} | :: Neolithic |
neologismus {m} | :: neologism |
neolomoucký {adj} | :: not belonging to the city of Olomouc |
neomezený {adj} | :: unlimited |
neomluvitelný {adj} | :: inexcusable |
neomylný {adj} | :: infallible |
neonacismus {m} | :: neo-Nazism |
neonacista {m} | :: neo-Nazi |
neopakovatelný {adj} | :: unrepeatable |
neopěvovaný {adj} | :: unsung |
neoprávněný {adj} | :: unauthorized |
neoprén {m} | :: neoprene (synthetic rubber, a polymer of chloroprene, used in various consumer products) |
neorientovaný graf {m} | :: undirected graph |
neosobní {adj} | :: impersonal |
neospravedlnitelný {adj} | :: unjustifiable |
neostrý {adj} | :: blurred |
neostrý {adj} [mathematics] | :: non-strict (of an inequality, such that it includes the possibility of equality) |
neotestovaný {adj} | :: untested |
neotřelý {adj} | :: novel |
neozbrojený {adj} | :: unarmed (not carrying arms) |
Nepál {prop} {m} | :: Nepal |
Nepálec {m} | :: Nepalese (person) |
Nepálka {f} | :: female Nepali |
nepálský {adj} | :: Nepalese, of Nepal, Nepal's |
nepatrný {adj} | :: minute, insignificant, infinitesimal |
neperiodický {adj} | :: non-periodic |
neperlivý {adj} | :: noncarbonated (of a beverage) |
neplač nad rozlitým mlékem {proverb} | :: don't cry over spilt milk |
neplánovaný {adj} | :: unplanned |
neplatný {adj} | :: invalid |
neplodnost {f} | :: sterility |
neplodný {adj} | :: sterile |
neplout {v impf} | :: negative of plout (not to sail) |
neplout {v impf} | :: negative of plout (not to float) |
nepoctivec {m} | :: dishonest person |
nepoctivost {f} | :: dishonesty |
nepočitatelný {adj} [grammar] | :: uncountable |
nepodepisovat {v impf} | :: to not sign |
nepodepsaný {adj} | :: unsigned (lacking signature) |
nepodepsat {v pf} | :: to not sign |
nepodložený {adj} | :: unfounded |
nepodporovaný {adj} | :: unsupported |
nepodstatný {adj} | :: insignificant |
nepodstatný {adj} | :: irrelevant |
nepohoda {f} | :: bad weather |
nepohodlí {n} | :: discomfort |
nepohodlný {adj} | :: uncomfortable (not comfortable) |
nepochopitelně {adv} | :: inexplicably |
nepochopitelný {adj} | :: incomprehensible |
nepochybně {adv} | :: undoubtedly |
nepochybný {adj} | :: indubitable |
nepojmenovaný {adj} | :: unnamed |
nepokoj {m inan} | :: inquietude |
nepokoj {m inan} | :: turmoil, riot |
nepokoj {m inan} | :: balance wheel |
nepolitický {adj} | :: apolitical (having no political relevance or function) |
nepopiratelný {adj} | :: undeniable |
nepopíratelný {adj} | :: undeniable |
nepopsatelný {adj} | :: indescribable |
nepopulární {adj} | :: unpopular |
neporazitelný {adj} | :: invincible |
nepořádek {m} | :: disorder (absence of order) |
nepořádek {m} | :: mess |
neposkvrněný {adj} | :: immaculate |
neposlušnost {f} | :: disobedience |
neposlušný {adj} | :: disobedient |
nepostradatelný {adj} | :: essential, indispensable (necessary) |
nepotismus {m} | :: nepotism |
nepotizmus {m} | :: nepotism |
nepotopen {adj} | :: not drown |
nepotřebný {adj} | :: unnecessary |
nepoužitelný {adj} | :: unusable |
Nepovím {prop} {m} | :: A Czech surname |
nepoznatelnost {f} | :: unknowability |
nepoznatelný {adj} | :: unknowable |
nepozornost {f} | :: inattentiveness |
nepozorný {adj} | :: inattentive |
nepraktický {adj} | :: impractical (of a person) |
nepraktičnost {f} | :: impracticality |
nepravda {f} | :: falsity (assertion) |
nepravděpodobný {adj} | :: improbable |
nepravdivost {f} | :: falsity (characteristic) |
nepravdivý {adj} | :: false (of a statement) |
nepravidelně {adv} | :: irregularly |
nepravidelné sloveso {n} | :: irregular verb |
nepravidelnost {f} | :: irregularity |
nepravidelný {adj} [grammar] | :: irregular |
nepravý {adj} | :: false (spurious, artificial) |
neprázdný {adj} [set theory] | :: nonempty |
neprodaný {adj} | :: unsold |
neprodleně {adv} | :: immediately, without delay, forthwith |
neprofesionální {adj} | :: unprofessional (amateur) |
neproniknutelný {adj} | :: impenetrable |
neprůhlednost {f} | :: opacity |
neprůhledný {adj} | :: opaque |
neprůstřelná vesta {f} | :: bulletproof vest |
neprůstřelný {adj} | :: bulletproof |
nepřátelský {adj} | :: hostile |
nepřátelství {n} | :: enmity |
nepředstavitelný {adj} | :: unimaginable, inconceivable |
nepředvídaný {adj} | :: unforeseen |
nepředvídatelnost {f} | :: unpredictability |
nepředvídatelný {adj} | :: unpredictable |
nepřekonatelně {adv} | :: insurmountably |
nepřekonatelný {adj} | :: insurmountable |
nepřeložitelný {adj} | :: untranslatable |
nepřemožitelný {adj} | :: invincible |
nepřesnost {f} | :: imprecision |
nepřesnost {f} | :: inaccuracy |
nepřesný {adj} | :: imprecise |
nepřesný {adj} | :: inaccurate |
nepřetržitý {adj} | :: continuous (without break, cessation, or interruption in time) |
nepřijatelný {adj} | :: unacceptable |
nepříjemný {adj} | :: unpleasant |
nepřímo {adv} | :: indirectly |
nepřímý {adj} | :: indirect |
nepřipojený {adj} | :: offline (of a system, not connected to a larger network) |
nepřipraveně {adv} | :: unpreparedly |
nepřipravený {adj} | :: unrehearsed |
nepřipravený {adj} | :: unprepared |
nepřípustný {adj} | :: inadmissible |
nepřirozený {adj} | :: artificial |
nepřístojný {adj} | :: improper, unseemly |
nepřítel {m anim} | :: enemy, foe |
nepřítelkyně {f} | :: female enemy |
nepřítomnost {f} | :: absence |
nepřítomný {adj} | :: absent (away from a place) |
nepříznivě {adv} | :: unfavorably |
nepříznivý {adj} | :: unfavorable |
nepsaný {adj} | :: unwritten |
Neptun {prop} {m} | :: Neptune (Roman god) |
Neptun {prop} {m} | :: Neptune (the eighth planet in our solar system) |
nerealizovatelný {adj} | :: infeasible, unfeasible |
nerez {f} | :: stainless steel (corrosion-free alloy) |
nerezavějící ocel {f} | :: stainless steel (corrosion-free alloy) |
nerom {m} | :: gadjo (non-Romani person) |
nerost {m inan} | :: mineral |
nerovnice {f} | :: inequality, inequation |
nerovnoměrnost {f} | :: unevenness |
nerovnoměrný {adj} | :: uneven (not uniform, not level or smooth) |
nerovnost {f} | :: inequality |
nerovnováha {f} | :: imbalance, disequilibrium |
nerovný {adj} | :: uneven |
nerovný {adj} | :: unequal |
nerozhodnost {f} | :: indecision |
nerozhodnutelný {adj} | :: undecidable |
nerozhodný {adj} | :: indecisive |
nerozlišitelný {adj} | :: indistinguishable |
nerozpustný {adj} | :: insoluble (that cannot be dissolved) |
nerozvážně {adv} | :: imprudently |
nerozvážně {adv} | :: light-heartedly |
nerozvážněji {adv} | :: comparative of nerozvážně |
nerozvážný {adj} | :: rash |
nerozvážný {adj} | :: imprudent, unadvised |
nerůst {v impf} | :: negative of růst |
nerv {m} | :: nerve (bundle of neurons with their connective tissue sheaths, blood vessels and lymphatics) |
nervák {m} | :: thriller (suspenseful, sensational genre of story, book, play or film) |
nervák {m} | :: nail biter (a nervous or uncomfortable situation) |
nervák {m} | :: nervous Nellie (a person with nervous personality) |
nervosvalový {adj} | :: neuromuscular |
nervová soustava {f} | :: nervous system |
nervové zhroucení {n} | :: nervous breakdown |
nervový {adj} | :: nervous (relating to the nerves) |
nervozita {f} | :: nervousness |
nervózní {adj} | :: nervous (anxious) |
Neředín {prop} {m inan} | :: Neředín, a former village, nowadays a quarter of the city of Olomouc |
neředínský {adj} | :: from, of, or pertaining to Neředín |
Neředínští {m anim} | :: people living in Neředín |
neřest {f} | :: vice |
neřešitelný {adj} | :: unsolvable, insoluble |
Neřetín {prop} {m inan} | :: obsolete form of Neředín (A former village, nowadays a quarter of the city of Olomouc.) |
neříkej hop, dokud nepřeskočíš {proverb} | :: don't count your chickens before they're hatched |
nesčetný {adj} | :: innumerable, countless |
nesčíslný {adj} | :: innumerable |
nesezdaný {adj} | :: unmarried |
neschopa {m} | :: bungler |
neschopenka {f} | :: sick note |
neschopnost {f} | :: inability, incapability |
neschopný {adj} | :: unable, incapable |
nesklonný {adj} [grammar] | :: indeclinable (of a word, not subject to declension) |
neskutečný {adj} | :: unreal |
neslučitelný {adj} | :: incompatible |
neslušný {adj} | :: indecent |
neslyšitelný {adj} | :: inaudible |
neslyšně {adv} | :: silently |
neslyšněji {adv} | :: comparative of neslyšně |
neslyšný {adj} | :: inaudible |
nesmělost {f} | :: shyness |
nesmělý {adj} | :: diffident, shy |
nesmírně {adv} | :: extremely, immensely |
nesmírný {adj} | :: immense |
nesmrtelnost {f} | :: immortality |
nesmrtelný {adj} | :: immortal |
nesmysl {m inan} | :: nonsense |
nesmyslný {adj} | :: meaningless, senseless, nonsensical |
nesnadný {adj} | :: difficult |
nesnášenlivost {f} | :: intolerance |
nesnášenlivý {adj} | :: intolerant |
nesnesitelný {adj} | :: unbearable, intolerable, unendurable, insufferable |
nesobecký {adj} | :: unselfish |
nesoudělný {adj} [mathematics] | :: coprime (having no positive integer factors in common, aside from 1) |
nesoudný {adj} | :: having poor capacity for judgment |
nesoudržný {adj} | :: incoherent |
nesouhlas {m} | :: disagreement, opposition |
nesouhlasit {v impf} | :: to disagree |
nesouměrný {adj} | :: asymmetrical |
nesouměrný {adj} | :: lopsided |
nesouměřitelnost {f} | :: incommensurability |
nesouměřitelný {adj} | :: incommensurable (of two aspects or attributes) |
nesouvislý {adj} | :: incoherent |
nespavost {f} | :: insomnia |
nespecifický {adj} | :: nonspecific |
nespočetná množina {f} [set theory] | :: uncountable set |
nespočetně {adv} | :: uncountably |
nespočetnost {f} | :: uncountability |
nespočetný {adj} | :: innumerable, countless |
nespočetný {adj} [set theory] | :: uncountable |
nespojitý {adj} | :: discontinuous |
nespokojenec {m} | :: malcontent |
nespokojenost {f} | :: dissatisfaction, discontent |
nespokojený {adj} | :: dissatisfied |
nespolehlivost {f} | :: reliability |
nespolehlivý {adj} | :: unreliable |
nesporný {adj} | :: indisputable |
nespoutaný {adj} | :: unfettered |
nespravedlivost {f} | :: injustice |
nespravedlivý {adj} | :: unjust |
nespravedlnost {f} | :: injustice |
nesprávně {adv} | :: incorrectly |
nesprávný {adj} | :: incorrect |
nesprávný {adj} | :: improper |
nesrovnalost {f} | :: discrepancy |
nesrovnatelný {adj} | :: incomparable |
nesrozumitelný {adj} | :: unintelligible |
nést {v impf} | :: to carry |
nestandardní {adj} | :: nonstandard |
nestátní {adj} | :: nonstate (not belonging or controlled by a state) |
nesteroidní {adj} | :: nonsteroidal |
nesteroidní antiflogistikum {n} [pharmacology] | :: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug |
nesteroidní antirevmatikum {n} [pharmacology] | :: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug |
nesteroidní protizánětlivý lék {m} [pharmacology] | :: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug |
nestor {m anim} | :: any parrot of the genus Nestor |
nestoudný {adj} | :: shameless, insolent, barefaced, brazen |
nestrannost {f} | :: impartiality |
nestranný {adj} | :: impartial |
nestravitelný {adj} | :: indigestible (difficult or impossible to digest) |
nestvůra {f} | :: monster (terrifying and dangerous creature) |
nestydatě {adv} | :: impudently, impertinently, shamelessly |
nestydatěji {adv} | :: comparative of nestydatě |
nestydatější {adj} | :: comparative of nestydatý |
nestydatost {f} | :: impudence |
nestydatý {adj} | :: impudent |
nešika {m anim} {f} [colloquial] | :: a clumsy person |
nešikovný {adj} | :: clumsy |
neškodný {adj} | :: harmless |
nešťastník {f} | :: unfortunate, wretch, poor soul, poor guy |
nešťastný {adj} | :: unhappy (of a person) |
nešťastný {adj} | :: unlucky |
nešťastný {adj} | :: unfortunate |
neštěstí {n} | :: unhappiness, misery (feeling) |
neštěstí {n} | :: accident, bad luck, misfortune (event) |
neštěstí nechodí po horách, ale po lidech {proverb} | :: shit happens |
neštovice {fp} [pathology] | :: smallpox |
nešvar {m} | :: vice (bad habit) |
netáhnout {v impf} | :: negative of táhnout ("not to pull") |
netaktní {adj} | :: tactless |
netečný {adj} | :: apathetic, lethargic, indifferent, stolid |
netečný {adj} | :: (chemistry) inert |
neterminál {m} | :: non-terminal (non-terminal symbol in a formal grammar) |
neterminální {adj} | :: non-terminal |
neteř {f} | :: niece |
netestovaný {adj} | :: untested |
netolerantní {adj} | :: intolerant |
netopýr {m} | :: bat, microbat (Any of the small, nocturnal, flying mammals of the order Microchiroptera, which navigate by means of echolocation.) |
netopýří {adj} [relational] | :: bat (mammal) |
netrpělivost {f} | :: impatience |
netrpělivý {adj} | :: impatient |
netýkavý {adj} | :: touchy |
neúcta {f} | :: disrespect |
neuctivý {adj} | :: irreverent, disrespectful |
neuč orla létat {proverb} [colloquial] | :: don't try to teach grandma how to suck eggs |
neudržitelný {adj} | :: untenable, indefensible (of a theory or argument, incapable of being maintained or justified) |
neudržitelný {adj} | :: unsustainable (unable of being sustained or going on) |
neukojitelný {adj} | :: insatiable |
neumětel {m} | :: bungler |
neúmyslně {adv} | :: unintentionally |
neúmyslný {adj} | :: unintentional |
neúnavně {adv} | :: indefatigably |
neúnavněji {adv} | :: comparative of neúnavně |
neúnavnější {adj} | :: comparative of neúnavný |
neúnavnost {f} | :: indefatigableness |
neúnavný {adj} | :: indefatigable |
neúplnost {f} | :: incompleteness |
neúplný {adj} | :: incomplete |
neupřímnost {f} | :: insincerity |
neupřímný {adj} | :: insincere |
neuralgie {f} [pathology, neurology] | :: neuralgia |
neurastenie {f} | :: neurasthenia |
neurčitek {m} [grammar] | :: infinitive |
neurčitost {f} | :: indeterminacy |
neurčitý {adj} | :: indefinite, indeterminate, uncertain |
neurčitý {adj} | :: vague, indistinct |
neurčitý člen {m} | :: indefinite article |
neuritida {f} | :: neuritis |
neuroblastom {m} | :: neuroblastoma (form of cancer) |
neuroendokrinní {adj} | :: neuroendocrine |
neurofyziologie {f} | :: neurophysiology |
neurohypofýza {f} | :: neurohypophysis |
neuroleptikum {n} | :: neuroleptic |
neurolog {m} | :: neurologist |
neurologický {adj} | :: neurological |
neurologie {f} | :: neurology |
neuroložka {f} | :: female neurologist |
neurom {m} | :: neuroma (tumor composed of nerve cells) |
neuron {m} [cytology] | :: neuron |
neuronová síť {f} [artificial intelligence] | :: neural network, neural net |
neuropatická bolest {f} | :: neuropathic pain |
neuropatie {f} | :: neuropathy |
neuropřenašeč {m} | :: neurotransmitter |
neuropsycholog {m} | :: neuropsychologist |
neuropsychologie {f} | :: neuropsychology |
neurotický {adj} | :: neurotic |
neurotik {m} | :: neurotic |
neurotransmiter {m} | :: neurotransmitter |
neurovaskulární {adj} | :: neurovascular (of or relating to both nerves and blood vessels) |
neurověda {f} | :: neuroscience |
neurovědní {adj} | :: neuroscience (when used attributively) |
neuróza {f} | :: neurosis |
neuskutečnitelný {adj} | :: infeasible, unrealizable |
neúspěch {m} | :: failure |
neúspěšně {adv} | :: unsuccessfully |
neúspěšný {adj} | :: unsuccessful |
neuspokojivý {adj} | :: unsatisfactory |
neuspořádaný {adj} | :: unordered |
neustále {adv} | :: all the time, constantly, incessantly, continually |
neustálý {adj} | :: incessant |
neústavní {adj} | :: unconstitutional |
neústupnost {f} | :: tenaciousness |
neústupnost {f} | :: intransigence |
neústupnost {f} | :: unyieldingness |
neústupný {adj} | :: unyielding |
neutrál {m} | :: neutral (the position of a set of gears in which power cannot be transmitted to the drive mechanism) |
neutrální {adj} | :: neutral (not taking sides in a conflict such as war) |
neutrino {n} [physics] | :: neutrino |
neutron {m} | :: neutron |
neutronová hvězda {f} | :: neutron star (star composed of neutrons) |
neutrum {n} | :: neuter (neuter grammatical gender) |
neutuchající {adj} | :: unceasing |
neuvěřitelně {adv} | :: incredibly |
neuvěřitelný {adj} | :: incredible, unbelievable |
neužitečný {adj} | :: useless, unuseful |
neva {phrase} [colloquial] | :: it's ok |
Něva {prop} {f} | :: Neva |
nevalný {adj} | :: poor (of low quality or skill) |
nevděčník {m} | :: ingrate (ungrateful person) |
nevděčnost {f} | :: ingratitude |
nevděčný {adj} | :: ungrateful |
nevděk {m} | :: ingratitude |
nevděk světem vládne {proverb} | :: Tentative: Ingratitude is ubiquitous and to be expected; we can't do anything about it |
nevědomec {m} | :: ignoramus |
nevědomí {n} | :: unconscious, unconsciousness |
nevědomky {adv} | :: unwittingly |
nevědomý {adj} | :: unconscious |
nevelký {adj} | :: small, modest |
nevěra {f} | :: adultery |
neverbální {adj} | :: non-verbal |
nevěrec {m} [archaic] | :: infidel, unbeliever |
nevěrný {adj} | :: unfaithful, disloyal |
nevěrohodný {adj} | :: implausible |
nevěřící {m} | :: infidel, unbeliever |
nevést {v impf} | :: negative of vést |
nevěsta {f} | :: bride |
nevěstinec {m} | :: brothel |
nevěstka {f} | :: prostitute |
nevěstkář {m} [rare] | :: whoremonger (customer of whores) |
nevézt {v impf} | :: negative of vézt |
nevhodný {adj} | :: unsuitable, inappropriate |
neviditelnost {f} | :: invisibility |
neviditelný {adj} | :: invisible |
nevidomý {adj} | :: blind (unable to see) |
nevina {f} | :: innocence |
nevinný {adj} | :: innocent |
nevíra {f} | :: infidelity (lack of religious belief) |
nevkus {m} | :: bad taste; gaudiness |
nevkusný {adj} | :: tasteless; in bad taste |
nevkusný {adj} | :: crude; gaudy |
nevládní {adj} | :: non-governmental |
nevlastní {adj} | :: step-; related through marriage or adoption rather than through a common ancestor |
nevlastní bratr {m} | :: stepbrother (son of one's stepfather or stepmother) |
nevlastní dcera {f} | :: stepdaughter (daughter of one's spouse and not of oneself) |
nevlastní syn {m} | :: stepson (son of one's spouse and not of oneself) |
nevměšování {n} | :: non-intervention |
nevolnictví {n} | :: serfdom |
nevolník {m} | :: serf |
nevolnost {f} | :: nausea (feeling of physical unwellness, usually with the desire to vomit) |
nevratný {adj} | :: irreversible |
nevrlý {adj} | :: grumpy |
nevšímavý {adj} | :: unobservant |
nevyčerpatelný {adj} | :: inexhaustible |
nevyhnutelně {adv} | :: inevitably, unavoidably |
nevyhnutelnost {f} | :: inevitability |
nevyhnutelný {adj} | :: inevitable, unavoidable |
nevýhoda {f} | :: disadvantage, drawback |
nevýhodný {adj} | :: disadvantageous |
nevýhradní {adj} | :: non-exclusive |
nevyjádřitelný {adj} | :: inexpressible |
nevyléčitelnost {f} | :: incurability |
nevyléčitelný {adj} | :: incurable |
nevypustit {v pf} | :: negative of vypustit |
nevyřčený {adj} | :: unspoken |
nevysledovat {v pf} | :: negative of vysledovat |
nevýslovný {adj} | :: ineffable, unspeakable |
nevysvětlitelný {adj} | :: inexplicable |
nevyvratitelný {adj} | :: irrefutable |
nevýznamný {adj} | :: insignificant |
nevyžádaný {adj} | :: unsolicited |
nevzdělaný {adj} | :: uneducated |
nevzhledný {adj} | :: unsightly |
neworleanský {adj} | :: New Orleans |
newspeak {m inan} | :: newspeak |
newton {m} | :: newton (unit of force) |
newtonovský {adj} | :: Newtonian |
Newyorčan {m} | :: New Yorker |
Newyorčanka {f} | :: female New Yorker |
New York {prop} {m} | :: New York (largest city) |
New York {prop} {m} | :: New York (state) |
newyorský {adj} [relational] | :: New York |
nezadatelný {adj} | :: inalienable |
nezajímavý {adj} | :: uninteresting |
nezákonitě {adv} | :: illegally |
nezákonný {adj} | :: illegal |
nezaměnitelný {adj} | :: unmistakable |
nezaměstnanost {f} | :: unemployment |
nezaměstnaný {adj} | :: unemployed, jobless |
nezamýšlený {adj} | :: unintended |
nezanedbatelný {adj} | :: non-negligible |
nezapomenout {v pf} | :: to not forget |
nezapomenutelný {adj} | :: unforgettable |
nezasazen {adj} | :: not planted |
nezasažen {adj} | :: not affected |
nezasvěcený {adj} | :: uninitiated |
nezaujatý {adj} | :: unbiased |
nezávazný {adj} [legal] | :: non-binding |
nezáviděníhodný {adj} | :: unenviable |
nezávislá proměnná {f} [statistics] | :: independent variable |
nezávisle {adv} | :: independently |
nezávisleji {adv} | :: comparative of nezávisle |
nezávislost {f} | :: independence |
nezávislý {adj} | :: independent |
nezbytnost {f} | :: necessity (the quality or state of being necessary) |
nezbytnost {f} | :: necessity, basic, essential (necessary ingredient) |
nezbytnost {f} | :: must (something that is mandatory or required) |
nezbytný {adj} | :: indispensable (impossible to be omitted, remitted, or spared) |
nezbytný {adj} | :: necessary |
nezbytný {adj} | :: inevitable |
nezcizitelný {adj} | :: inalienable |
nezcizitelný {adj} | :: imprescriptible |
nezdanitelný {adj} | :: untaxable |
nezdar {m} | :: failure (opposite of success) |
nezdravý {adj} | :: unhealthy (conducive to poor health) |
nezdvořilost {f} | :: impoliteness, rudeness, incivility |
nezdvořilý {adj} | :: impolite |
nezhoubný {adj} | :: benign |
neziskovka {f} | :: nonprofit |
neziskový {adj} | :: nonprofit |
nezkušenost {f} | :: inexperience |
nezkušený {adj} | :: inexperienced, fledgling |
nezmar {m} | :: hydra (any of several small freshwater polyps of the genus Hydra and related genera) |
nezměrný {adj} | :: immeasurable (vast) |
neznaboh {m} | :: atheist |
neználek {m} | :: ignoramus |
neznámý {adj} | :: unknown |
neznělý {adj} | :: (linguistics) voiceless, unvoiced |
nezničitelný {adj} | :: indestructible |
nezodpovědný {adj} | :: irresponsible |
nezpracovaný {adj} | :: unprocessed |
nezralý {adj} | :: unripe |
nezralý {adj} | :: immature |
nezranitelný {adj} | :: invulnerable |
nezřetelný {adj} | :: indistinct |
nezřízený {adj} | :: inordinate |
než {prep} | :: than |
než {conj} | :: before |
nežádoucí {adj} | :: undesirable |
než bys řekl švec {adv} | :: in no time |
neživotný {adj} [grammar] | :: inanimate |
něžnější {adj} | :: comparative of něžný |
něžné pohlaví {n} | :: fair sex |
něžný {adj} | :: tender (gentle) |
-ní {suffix} | :: -ian, -al, -an ("of" or "relating to"; used to derive adjectives from nouns) |
-ní {suffix} | :: used to derive nouns from verbs |
nic {pron} | :: nothing, not any thing |
-nice {suffix} | :: Nominal suffix |
nicméně {adv} | :: nevertheless, nonetheless, however |
nicneříkající {adj} | :: Conveying no clear or no comprehensible meaning |
nic ve zlém {phrase} | :: no offense (I intend no offense by these remarks) |
-níček {suffix} | :: diminutive of -ník |
ničema {m} | :: scoundrel, rascal, miscreant |
ničemný {adj} | :: mean, vile, despicable |
ničí {pron} | :: no one's |
ničit {v impf} | :: to damage |
ničitel {m} | :: destroyer |
ničivý {adj} | :: destructive (causing destruction; damaging) |
-nička {suffix} | :: diminutive of -nice |
nietzscheovský {adj} | :: Nietzschean |
nietzschovský {adj} | :: Nietzschean |
Niger {prop} {m} | :: Niger (country) |
Niger {prop} {m} | :: Niger (major river) |
Nigérie {prop} {f} | :: Nigérie (country) |
Nigerijec {m anim} | :: Nigerian (person) |
Nigerijka {f} | :: female Nigerian |
nigerijský {adj} | :: Nigerian |
nigerský {adj} | :: Niger, Niger's |
Nigeřan {m} | :: Nigerien (person from Niger) |
nihilismus {m} | :: nihilism |
nihilista {m} | :: nihilist |
nihilistický {adj} | :: nihilistic |
nihilizmus {m} | :: nihilism |
nijak {adv} | :: in no way |
-ník {suffix} | :: Nominal suffix |
nika {f} [architecture] | :: niche |
nika {f} [ecology] | :: niche |
nika {f} [business] | :: niche |
nikáb {m} | :: niqab |
nikam {adv} | :: nowhere (to no place) |
Nikaragua {prop} {f} | :: Nikaragua (country) |
Nikaragujec {m} | :: Nicaraguan (person) |
nikaragujský {adj} | :: Nicaraguan |
nikde {adv} | :: nowhere |
nikdo {pron} | :: no one, nobody |
nikdy {adv} | :: never |
nikl {m} | :: nickel (element) |
Nikol {prop} {f} | :: given name of modern usage |
Nikola {prop} {mf} | :: given name |
Nikola {prop} {mf} | :: given name. Variant: Nikol |
nikoli {conj} | :: not |
nikoliv {conj} | :: not (first rather than second term is proper object) |
nikolivěk {conj} [literary] | :: alternative form of nikoli |
Nikolka {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Nikolka {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Nikósie {prop} {f} | :: Nikósie (capital city) |
nikotin {m} | :: nicotine |
nikterak {adv} | :: in no way |
Nil {prop} {m} | :: Nile |
nilpotentní {adj} | :: nilpotent |
nilský {adj} [relational] | :: Nile |
nilský kříž {m} | :: ankh |
nimesulid {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: nimesulide |
Nina {prop} {f} | :: given name |
niob {m} | :: niobium (chemical element) |
niobát {m} | :: niobate |
niobičnan {m} | :: niobate |
niobitý {adj} | :: niobous |
nirvána {f} | :: nirvana (Buddhist state of bliss) |
nit {f} | :: thread |
nitrát {m} | :: nitrate |
nitrit {m} | :: nitrite |
nitro- {prefix} | :: intra- |
nitro {n} | :: interior |
nitrobuněčný {adj} | :: intracellular |
nitrocévní {adj} | :: intravascular |
nitroděložní {adj} | :: intrauterine |
nitroglycerin {m} | :: nitroglycerine |
nitrojaterní {adj} | :: intrahepatic |
nitrolební {adj} | :: intracranial |
nitronosní {adj} | :: intranasal |
nitrooční {adj} | :: intraocular (inside or within the eye) |
nitrosvalový {adj} | :: intramuscular |
nitrožilně {adv} | :: intravenously |
nitrožilní {adj} | :: intravenous |
niva {noun} | :: a type of blue cheese, a Czech equivalent of Roquefort |
niva {noun} | :: floodplain |
niva {noun} [archaic] | :: meadow |
nivelace {f} | :: height surveying |
Nix {m inan} | :: [astronomy] Nix, a moon of Pluto |
nízce {adv} | :: lowly |
nízko {adv} | :: low |
nízkorozpočtový {adj} | :: low-budget |
nízkotlaký {adj} | :: low-pressure |
nízký {adj} | :: low |
nizoučký {adj} | :: very low |
Nizozemec {m anim} | :: Dutchman |
Nizozemí {prop} {n} | :: the Netherlands |
Nizozemka {f} | :: Dutchwoman |
Nizozemsko {prop} {n} | :: the Netherlands |
nizozemský {adj} | :: Dutch (relating to The Netherlands) |
nizozemština {f} | :: Dutch (language) |
nižádný {pron} | :: none at all |
níže {f} [meteorology] | :: low |
níže {adv} | :: comparative of nízko |
nížina {f} | :: lowland |
nížinný {adj} [relational] | :: lowland |
nižší střední třída {f} | :: lower middle class |
n. l. {phrase} | :: abbreviation of našeho letopočtu: CE |
no {interj} | :: well, why |
no {adv} | :: certainly, indeed, of course |
no {adv} | :: yeah, yep |
Nobelova cena {f} | :: Nobel Prize |
Nobelovka {f} [colloquial] | :: Nobel, Nobel Prize |
nobilita {f} | :: nobility |
noc {f} | :: night |
nocicepce {f} | :: nociception |
nocleh {m} | :: overnight lodging |
noclehárna {f} | :: dormitory |
noční {adj} [relational] | :: nighttime, night |
noční {adj} | :: nocturnal |
noční hlídka {f} | :: night watch |
nočník {noun} | :: potty, chamber pot |
noční klub {m} | :: nightclub (establishment that is open late at night) |
noční košile {f} | :: nightgown (sleeping garment worn by women) |
noční můra {f} | :: nightmare |
noční stolek {m} | :: nightstand, bedside table |
Noe {prop} {m} | :: Noah (biblical figure) |
noetický {adj} | :: noetic |
noetika {f} | :: noetic, noetics |
noha {f} | :: leg |
noha {f} | :: foot |
nohavice {f} | :: leg (part of garment, such as a pair of trousers or pants, that covers a leg) |
nohejbal {m} [sports] | :: football tennis |
nohsled {m} | :: minion, henchman, flunky, sycophant |
nok {noun} | :: dumpling |
nomád {m} | :: nomad |
nomenklatura {f} | :: nomenclature |
-nomie {suffix} | :: -nomy |
nominace {f} | :: nomination |
nominalismus {m} [philosophy] | :: nominalism |
nominalista {m} | :: nominalist |
nominální {adj} [economics] | :: nominal |
nominální {adj} [statistics] | :: nominal |
nominální hodnota {f} | :: face value (the amount or value listed on a bill, note, stamp, etc.) |
nominální proměnná {f} | :: nominal variable (statistics) |
nominativ {m} [grammar] | :: nominative, case used to indicate the subject—or agent—of a finite verb |
nominovat {v both} | :: To nominate |
nonan {m} [chemistry] | :: nonane (C9H20) |
nonsens {m} [literary] | :: nonsense |
nonšalantní {adj} | :: nonchalant, casual |
Nor {m anim} | :: Norwegian (native of Norway) |
nora {f} | :: burrow |
Nora {prop} {f} | :: given name |
noradrenalin {m} | :: norepinephrine, noradrenaline |
Norbert {prop} {m} | :: given name |
nordický {adj} | :: Nordic |
norek {m} | :: A mink |
Norimberčan {m} | :: person from Nuremberg |
Norimberk {prop} {m} | :: Norimberk (major city) |
norimberský {adj} | :: Nuremberg |
Norka {f} | :: Norwegian, female native of Norway |
norkový {adj} [relational] | :: mink |
norma {f} [sociology] | :: norm |
normalita {f} | :: normality, normalcy |
normální {adj} | :: normal, usual, ordinary, regular |
normální rozdělení {n} [statistics] | :: normal distribution |
normálnost {f} | :: normality, normalcy |
Norman {m} | :: Norman |
normanský {adj} | :: Norman |
normanština {f} | :: Norman (language) |
normativní {adj} | :: normative |
normostrana {f} | :: A “norm page”: a standard number of words, considered to constitute a page for page-counting purposes |
normované normální rozdělení {n} | :: standard normal distribution |
norník {m} | :: terrier |
norník {m} | :: A vole of the genus Myodes |
Norské moře {prop} {n} | :: the Norwegian Sea |
Norsko {prop} {n} | :: Norway |
norský {adj} | :: Norwegian |
norský {adj} | :: Norse |
norština {f} | :: Norwegian (language of Norway) |
nortriptylin {m} | :: nortriptyline |
nořit {v impf} | :: to plunge, submerge |
nořit {v impf} | :: to immerse (into a feeling, task etc) |
nos {m inan} [anatomy] | :: nose |
nosáč {m} [colloquial] | :: Somebody with a big nose |
nosánek {m} | :: diminutive of nos |
nosič {m} | :: carrier |
nosič {m} [mathematics] | :: support (of a function) |
nosíček {m} | :: diminutive of nos |
nosík {m} | :: diminutive of nos |
nosit {v impf} | :: wear |
nosit {v impf} | :: hold |
nosit {v impf} | :: bring, carry |
nosit dříví do lesa {v impf} [idiomatic] | :: to carry coals to Newcastle, to bring owls to Athens |
nositel {m} | :: laureate |
nositel {m} | :: bearer |
nosní {adj} | :: nasal |
nosnice {f} | :: a chicken which lays eggs |
nosní dírka {f} | :: nostril |
nosní dutina {f} [anatomy] | :: nasal cavity |
nosník {m} | :: girder, truss, beam |
nosník {m} | :: cantilever, bracket |
nosní kost {f} | :: nasal bone |
nosní mandle {f} [anatomy] | :: adenoid |
nosní přepážka {f} | :: nasal septum |
nosohltan {m} [anatomy] | :: nasopharynx |
nosohltanová mandle {f} [anatomy] | :: adenoid |
nosologický {adj} | :: nosological, nosologic |
nosologie {f} [medicine] | :: nosology |
nosorožčí {adj} [relational] | :: rhinoceros |
nosorožec {m anim} | :: rhinoceros |
nostalgický {adj} | :: nostalgic |
nostalgie {f} | :: nostalgia |
nota {f} [music] | :: tone |
nota {f} [music] | :: note |
notabene {adv} [colloquial] | :: especially |
notace {f} | :: notation |
notář {m} | :: notary, notary public |
noťas {m} [colloquial] | :: notebook, laptop |
notebook {m} | :: laptop, notebook (laptop computer) |
notes {m} | :: notebook (a book in which notes or memoranda are written) |
notný {adj} | :: great |
notný {adj} | :: considerable |
notorický {adj} | :: notorious |
notorik {m} | :: drinker, drunkard (person who is habitually drunk) |
notová osnova {f} [music] | :: music staff |
notový papír {m} | :: manuscript paper |
notový sešit {m} | :: a book of manuscript paper |
noty {noun} | :: plural of nota |
noty {noun} [music] | :: sheet music |
-nout {suffix} | :: -en: from adjectives forms verbs indicating getting a property or getting more of it |
nouze {f} | :: necessity (condition of being needy or necessitous; pressing need) |
nouzová situace {f} | :: emergency (situation requiring urgent assistance) |
nouzový východ {m} | :: emergency exit, fire escape |
nov {m} | :: new moon (phase of the moon) |
Nová Anglie {prop} {f} | :: New England |
nováček {m} | :: A novice, newcomer, beginner |
Novák {prop} {m} | :: A Czech surname |
nově {adv} | :: newly |
nové koření {n} | :: allspice |
nové koště dobře mete {proverb} | :: a new broom sweeps clean |
novela {f} | :: novella |
novela {f} [legal] | :: amendment |
Nové Mexiko {prop} {n} | :: Nové Mexiko (state) |
Novgorod {prop} {m} | :: Novgorod (oblast) |
Novgorod {prop} {m} | :: Novgorod (city/administrative center) |
Novgoroďan {m} | :: person from Novgorod |
novic {m} | :: novice (new member of a religious order) |
novina {noun} | :: a piece of news |
novinář {m anim} | :: journalist |
novinářka {f} | :: female journalist |
novinářství {n} | :: journalism |
novinka {f} | :: news (new information of interest) |
novinka {f} | :: innovation |
novinový {adj} [relational] | :: newspaper |
noviny {noun} | :: plural of novina |
noviny {noun} | :: newspaper (publication) |
Novokuzněck {prop} {m} | :: Novokuzněck (city) |
novopozitivismus {m} [philosophy] | :: neopositivism |
novorozeňátko {n} | :: diminutive of novorozeně |
novorozeně {n} | :: newborn |
novorozenec {m} | :: newborn |
novorozený {adj} | :: newborn |
novořeč {f} | :: newspeak |
novořečtina {f} | :: Modern Greek |
Novosibirsk {prop} {m} | :: Novosibirsk (oblast) |
Novosibirsk {prop} {m} | :: Novosibirsk (city/administrative center) |
novota {f} | :: Something new or newly introduced |
novota {f} | :: newness, novelty |
novotvar {m inan} [pathology] | :: tumor |
novotvar {m inan} [linguistics] | :: neologism |
novověk {m} | :: modern period, modern era |
novozákonní {adj} | :: New Testament (when used attributively) |
Novozélanďan {m anim} | :: New Zealander |
Novozélanďanka {f} | :: female New Zealander |
novozélandský {adj} | :: New Zealand |
nový {adj} | :: new |
Nový Jižní Wales {prop} | :: Nový Jižní Wales (state) |
Nový rok {noun} | :: New Year’s Day |
Nový York {prop} {m} [archaic] | :: New York |
Nový zákon {prop} {m} | :: New Testament |
Nový Zéland {prop} {m inan} | :: New Zealand |
nozdra {f} | :: nostril |
nožička {f} | :: diminutive of noha |
nožka {f} | :: diminutive of noha |
NSA {noun} | :: NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) |
Núbie {prop} {f} | :: Nubia (ancient kingdom) |
Núbijec {m} | :: Nubian |
núbijský {adj} | :: Nubian (pertaining to Nubia, its people or its language) |
nucená dovolená {f} | :: furlough (period of unpaid time off used by an employer to reduce costs) |
nucený {adj} | :: forced |
nuda {f} | :: boredom |
nudismus {m} | :: nudism (the belief in or practice of social, non-sexual nudity) |
nudit {vt impf} | :: to bore, to be boring |
nudit {v impf} | :: to be bored |
nudle {f} | :: noodles |
nudný {adj} | :: boring |
nukleární {adj} | :: nuclear |
nukleáza {f} | :: nuclease (any of several enzymes capable of cleaving the phosphodiester bonds between the nucleotide subunits of nucleic acids) |
nukleofil {m} [chemistry] | :: nucleophile |
nukleofilní {adj} [chemistry] | :: nucleophilic |
nukleolární {adj} | :: nucleolar |
nukleolus {m} | :: nucleolus |
nukleon {m} [physics] | :: nucleon |
nukleotid {m} | :: nucleotide |
nukleová kyselina {f} | :: nucleic acid |
nukleový {adj} [chemistry, biology] | :: nucleic |
nukleus {m} [biology] | :: nucleus (part of a cell) |
nuklid {m} [chemistry] | :: nuclide |
nula {f} | :: zero (cardinal for 0) |
nulová hypotéza {f} | :: null hypothesis |
nulový {adj} [relational] | :: zero |
nultý {adj} | :: zeroth |
numerický {adj} | :: numerical |
numero {n} [archaic, colloquial] | :: number |
numerolog {m} | :: numerologist |
numerologie {f} | :: numerology |
numismatický {adj} | :: numismatic |
numismatik {m} | :: numismatist |
numismatika {f} | :: numismatics |
numizmatika {f} | :: numismatics |
nůše {f} | :: pack/back basket |
nutit {v impf} | :: to force |
nutkání {n} | :: compulsion (irrational need to perform some action) |
nutkavý {adj} | :: compulsive |
nutně {adv} | :: necessarily |
nutnější {adj} | :: comparative of nutný |
nutnost {f} | :: necessity |
nutný {adj} | :: necessary |
nutriční kvasnice {f} [plurale tantum] | :: nutritional yeast |
nuzák {m} | :: a poor man |
nůž {m inan} | :: knife (tool) |
nůž {m inan} | :: knife (weapon) |
nůžky {noun} | :: scissors |
-ný {suffix} | :: -ful |
-ný {suffix} [chemistry] | :: Added at the end of the name of an electropositive component with an oxidation number of I in a compound |
ný {n} | :: nu (letter of Greek alphabet) |
nýbrž {conj} | :: but rather |
nylon {m} | :: nylon (copolymer consisting of alternating diamine and dicarboxylic acid monomers) |
nylonky {f} | :: nylons |
nylonové punčochy {f} | :: nylons |
nýmand {m} | :: nonentity (an unimportant or insignificant person) |
nýmant {m} | :: alternative form of nýmand |
Nymburák {m} | :: person from Nymburk |
Nymburčan {m} | :: person from Nymburk |
Nymburk {prop} {m} | :: Nymburk (town), situated on Elbe river |
nymfa {f} | :: nymph (larva) |
nymfa {f} | :: nymph (minor female deity) |
nymfomanie {f} | :: nymphomania (excess of sexual behaviour or desire in women) |
nymfomanka {f} | :: nymphomaniac |
nynější {adj} | :: current, present |
nyní {adv} | :: now |
nynorsk {m} | :: Nynorsk |
nystagmus {m} | :: nystagmus |
nýt {m} | :: rivet (cylindrical mechanical fastener) |
Nyx {prop} {f} | :: [Greek mythology] Nyx, goddess of night |
nz {phrase} [texting] | :: abbreviation of není zač: np (no problem) |