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neuč orla létat

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Literally, do not teach an eagle how to fly.


  • IPA(key): [nɛʔut͡ʃ orla lɛːtat]



neuč orla létat

  1. (colloquial) don't try to teach grandma how to suck eggs
    • 2015 October 9, Veronika Kudrnová, “Majitel Kaipanu si ve své vlastní automobilce plní sny o sporťáku a vyvíjí elektromobil do města”, in Hospodářské noviny[1]:
      Napsal mi, že design karoserie si žádá spolupráci několika designérů i modelářů. [] Odepsal jsem: "Hrbku, Hrbku, neuč orla létat. Vyrobil jsem několik aut, kolik ty?"
      He wrot to me that the design of the car body needs a cooperation of several designers and modellers. [] I answered: "Hrbek, Hrbek, don't try to teach grandma how to suck eggs. I have made several cars, how many have you?