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User:Connel MacKenzie/todo6 Romanian

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
w # k  d dumpdate^wiki r z s (i,x)=0 f  s x=$o(^wiki2(x)),t=^(x,"text"),n=^("name") i n?1.14a,t["==English==",t["===Translations===" s z=$p(t,"===Translations===",2,99) i z'["*Romanian:" s y=$$edit^wiki2(n,x) i $l(y) s i=i+1 q:i>999  w:(i#100)=1 !,"==",i," to ",(i+99),"==",! w !,y
This information on this page is from the 2008-01-16 database dump so it is not exactly up to date.

1 to 100


dictionary free thesaurus encyclopedia portmanteau encyclopaedia cat gratis word book pound GDP Linux pond nonsense pie crow raven elephant brown December month January February march April may June July august September October November day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday lexicography antonym connotation denotation synonym dialect hyponym semantics noun hour alphabetical minute barter etymology swap polysemic trade verb adjective craft substantive patronage deal eagle head pumpkin name f fabaceous Fabian aardvark aardwolf Aaronic ab abaca abacist aback abaction abactor abacus Abaddon abaft abalone abandoned abandonment abase abasement abash abashment abatable abate abatement abater abatis abattoir abbacy abbatial abbatical abbess

101 to 200


abbey abbot abbotship abbreviate abbreviated abbreviation abbreviator abbreviatory abbreviature abdest abdicant abdicate abdication abdicative abditory abdominal abdominous abduce abduct abduction abductor abeam abearance abed abele abelian aberrance aberration abet abetter abeyance abhor abhorrence abhorrent abide abiding ability abiogenesis abject abjection abjure ablactation ablation ablative ablaut ablaze able ablet abloom ablution ably abnegate abnodate abnormal abnormality abnormally aboard abode abolish abolisher abolishment abolition abolitionist abominable abominate abomination aboriginal abort aborted abortifacient abortion abortional abortive abound about above abovesaid abrade Abrahamitic abrasion abrasive abreast abridge abridgment abroad abrogate abrupt abruptly abruptness abscess on abscond odd quiz calendar raptor week abashed nu watchlist

201 to 300


bone servant robot English today the absent absinth absinthiated absinthic absinthin absolutely absoluteness absolution absolutism absolutist absolve absorber absorbing absorptiveness absorptivity absquatulate abstain abstainer abstemious abstersion abstinent abstracted abstractionist abstractness abstruse abstruseness absurdity abundantly aburst abuser abusive abut abuttal abysmal Abyssinian academian acarus accadian accept acceptability acceptably acceptance acceptancy acceptor accessibility accidental accidentally acclamation acclimate acclimature accoil accolade accordingly accordion accrual accurate accurately plural avatar definition autumn summer spring color van die in lens whatever transvestite debt orange Polish bbl seven premature accord craggy planet star sky obfuscate can zero number oxymoron numeral LDP bureaucrat alphabet achievement acid tachygraphy polytheistic

301 to 400


lightspeed growth quarter NAFTA parole shapeshift futurism German FAQ Mexico decade fortnight bellgirl alphabetism one two three four five GUI YMCA AD FBI KGB crude letter medicine year decrypt tables Irish second century clock millisecond Japan few beer encrypt ASAP umbrella chairman bit steganography BCE BC CE point sun man monotheism be is metric quotidian quality qualitative cunt comitology motherfucker biblical flatulent cataphora cum transfinite uncountable amoral subjectivism doctrine port cod pissed six Edward os accordionist queef jiffy date occultation RTFM bot adverb Esperanto Carborundum interwiki railway woodwind tighten peso trillion morpheme eight nine ten singular grok everybody reality tao

401 to 500


lexicographer musician brassiere jitter weapon stock aria poppycock hell pencil conceal Dutch RAM YWCA acronym NATO music most BBC LED peace and country euro lifetime nullify perfunctory embellish hamper relegate Iraq Eurovision laconic meticulous viable Belgium Yugoslavia Israel Estonia Latvia Lithuania Sweden Finland Morocco Tunisia Egypt Poland treaty Iceland Malaysia inflation wage currently now bank deficit fiscal tax apple economics urban open consensus policy fruit vapourware webmaster Aborigine AA husband religion government big wall Mexican market food meeting global globalisation world take quisling macrovirus but say investment last increase yesterday company forecast also add acacia accommodation hiding TDMA frequency mobile

501 to 600


wireless work first digital PSTN radio nanosecond Asian barcode consent careful FDMA shadowing deceptive shrink thou Andorra Afghanistan Albania Armenia Argentina Bangladesh Bulgaria Burundi Bolivia Bahamas Bhutan Botswana Belize Canada Switzerland Chile Cameroon China Colombia Cuba Cyprus Djibouti sect political false Spain Ethiopia blood Gabon Ghana Gambia epidemic Guatemala Guyana Honduras Haiti Hungary India Italy Jamaica Kenya Kiribati Comoros comma colon welcome new gas Kuwait Lebanon Liechtenstein Liberia Luxembourg Monaco Madagascar Mali Mongolia Mauritania Malta Mauritius Maldives Malawi Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria mi translation love proprietary French standard Nepal Nauru Oman Pakistan Paraguay Qatar Romania Rwanda Sudan Singapore Senegal Syria

601 to 700


Swaziland Chad Togo Thailand Tonga turkey Tanzania Ukraine Uganda Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe skillful skill mortar industrial financial MITI pollution automatic pollutant pollute software Interlingua computer Spanish offset board amigo abettor Portuguese abridgement precipitously absence absorbency absolute absorption absorbent abstention abstergent abstinence abstract absorb abstraction abstractionism absurd abuse abundance abutment abyss abysm academic academy accelerate acceleration accelerator accomplished accomplish accent accentuate access acclaim accomplice accompany acclimatize accompaniment accessory affix Greek lapidation UFO smiley accost accountability accountable accountancy accountant accredit accreditation accretion accrue accumulate accumulation accumulator accusation accusative accuse accustom Anguilla Australia Aruba Barbados Benin Brunei Belarus Vanuatu Uzbekistan

701 to 800


Tuvalu burp Turkmenistan curvaceous ace acerbity acetate acerbate acetylene ache achieve Achilles achromatism acidification acidify acidosis accomplishable poison general choir shuttle phoenix ad index Afghan Albanian Tajikistan Suriname Somalia storm Seychelles Russia Martinique Lesotho Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan retrovirus genome gag money night army win drink cow Jupiter Schadenfreude Congo Croatia Dominica Eritrea Guadeloupe Jordan Moldova Myanmar Burma baby yes translationary skirmish stand Micronesia Grenada emoticon bunk it pronunciation derivative yeti Bigfoot radar Icelandic Yiddish ID QED HIV Macedonia Taiwan security fuck thin ground close picosecond know mither create abscissin outdoors phillumenist efficacy dilettante kill drug after here next defer plant absinthe

801 to 900


Finnish stylus give dare banana tiger protester eleven bomb henna Brazilian fy jacobian kindling pulpit church small nuisance supersede mental tomato cherry Slovene bench academician beige black blue gold green grey mauve pink silver violet white yellow grapefruit citrus fourth third fifth ontology metaphysics SARS Chinese trumpet tuba cane tempo sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth duel Italian musical football zipper yourself yours your younger young you wrung copacetic wrought wrong heinous writer write wring woven weave wove wound would worthwhile worst edible throne woman women laugh twig kindle king queen sausage Korean dollar colloquial Hawaiian cast see midnight mouse router

901 to 1000


noon keyboard dual age weekend hourglass been Saxon penny counterfeit aloha symptom Zuni pip pit nature krill plankton person Welsh imperfect Hebrew Turkish Frisian Danish Russian Swedish of Slovak Hungarian centillion fourteen million Czech cube hexahedron parallel eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth perpendicular triangle polygonal polygon rational square trapezoid qubit hemisphere quaff irrational twenty thirty forty fifty pi sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand stye symbol jack invest thee design sol humor hydraulic water zeal league compass tetrahedron deuce tennis chess knight skew currency existence polyglot ass cock copulate shit adroit hand coin prick animal too toe its an