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User:Matthias Buchmeier/sh-en-v

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
s- {prefix} :: Prepended to verbs, usually forming a perfective from an imperfective verb
s. {noun} :: abbreviation of selo
s. {noun} :: abbreviation of strana
s. {noun} :: abbreviation of srednji rod
s {letter} :: The 24th letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica), preceded by r and followed by š
s {prep} :: [+ instrumental case] with, together with, along with
s {prep} :: [+ genitive case] from, off
s {prep} [proscribed, shortening of iz tog] :: [+ genitive case] because of (= iz, zbȍg)
s {prep} :: [+ instrumental case] miscellaneous prepositional senses in phrases that employ a connection
s {noun} [grammar] :: neuter gender (srednji rod)
sa {prep} :: alternative form of s; used instead of s when the following word or group of words start with sibilants s, z, š or ž and before instrumental form of first-person pronoun ja
sabah {m} [regional] :: morning
Sabah {prop} {m} :: Sabah [state in Malaysia]
sabat {m} :: Sabbath
saberiv {adj} :: collectable, gatherable
saberiv {adj} :: addable
sabijač {m} :: compressor, condenser
sabijati {vt impf} :: to compress, condense (reduce volume in a technical process, e.g. air, cans)
sabijati {vtr impf} :: to crowd together, pile together, round up
sabirač {m} :: collector, gatherer
sabirač {m} :: adder
sabirački {adj} [relational] :: gatherer, collector
sabirački {adj} [relational] :: adder
sabirački {adv} :: as a gatherer, collector
sabirački {adv} :: as an adder
sabiranje {n} [arithmetic] :: addition; the process of adding
sabirati {vtr impf} :: to gather, collect
sabirati {v impf} [mathematics] :: to add
sabirni {adj} [relational] :: adding, addition, collecting, collection
sabirnica {f} :: bus (hardware connector)
sabiti {vt pf} :: to compress, condense (reduce volume in a technical process, e.g. air, cans)
sabiti {vtr pf} :: to crowd together, pile together, round up
sablasno {adv} :: eerily
sablasno {adv} :: weirdly
sablasnost {f} :: eeriness
sablasnost {f} :: weirdness
sablast {f} :: ghost
sablast {f} :: wraith
sablast {f} :: spook
sablastan {adj} :: uncanny, weird
sablastan {adj} :: ghostly, spectral
sablazan {f} :: scandal
sablazan {f} :: shock
sablazan {adj} :: scandalous, shocking
sablazniti {vt pf} :: to scandalize, shock
sablažnjiv {adj} :: shocking, scandalous, offensive
sablažnjivati {v impf} :: imperfective form of sablazniti
sablažnjivo {adv} :: shockingly, scandalously, offensively
sablažnjivost {f} [uncountable] :: scandalousness, shockingness, outrageousness, offensiveness
sablja {f} :: sabre / saber
sabljarka {f} :: swordfish
sabljast {adj} :: saber-shaped
sabljetina {f} [augmentative, pejorative] :: sabre
sabljica {f} [diminutive, hypocoristic] :: sabre
sabljičica {f} [diminutive] :: sabre
sabolj {m} :: sable (animal)
sabor {m} :: assembly
sabor {m} :: parliament
saborište {n} :: meeting place, gathering place, convention place
saborni {adj} [relational] :: church council
sabornica {f} :: parliament building, assembly building
sabornica {f} :: parliament hall, assembly hall
sabornički {adj} [relational] :: parliamentarians
sabornički {adv} :: as a parliamentarian
sabornik {m} :: parliamentarian
saborovati {vi impf} :: to hold a parliamentary session, be in parliamentary session
saborski {adj} :: parliamentary
sabotaža {f} :: sabotage
saboter {m} :: saboteur
saboterski {adj} [relational] :: sabotage or saboteur
saboterski {adv} :: as a saboteur
sabotirati {vt impf pf} :: to sabotage
sabran {adj} :: calm, composed
sabran {adj} :: collected
sabran {adj} :: rallied, summoned
sabranost {f} [uncountable] :: self-possession, presence of mind (calmness and composure)
sabrati {vtr pf} :: to gather, collect
sabrati {v pf} [mathematics] :: to add
sač {m} :: iron pan for baking bread
sač {m} :: woad (plant and dye)
sačekati {vt pf} :: to wait for
sačekivati {v impf} :: imperfective form of sačekati
sačiniti {vt pf} :: to constitute, make up
sačinjavati {vt impf} :: to constitute, make up
sačma {f} :: buckshot
sačmara {f} :: shotgun
sačmarica {f} :: shotgun
sačuvati {vt pf} :: to save, preserve, conserve
sačuvati {vt pf} :: to maintain (peace, order, spirit)
sačuvati {vt pf} :: to retain (thing as a property)
sačuvati {vt pf} [computing, chiefly Serbia, Bosnia] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
saće {n} :: honeycomb
saći {vi pf} :: to come down, descend, go down
sad {adv} :: now
sad {adv} :: currently
sad {adv} :: presently
sad {m} :: plant nursery, plantation, orchard (specialized facility rather than a home garden)
sad {m} :: a seeding or sapling from a plant nursery
SAD {prop} {p} :: SAD (country)
sada {adv} :: now
sada {adv} :: currently
sada {adv} :: presently
sadašnji {adj} :: actual, current, being, present
sadašnjica {f} :: the present, present times (entirety of everything constituting or occurring at the moment of speaking)
sadašnjost {f} :: nowness (the property of being now)
sadašnjost {f} :: present (entirety of everything constituting or occurring at the moment of speaking)
sadašnjost {f} [linguistics] :: category of time expressed by present tense
sadilac {m} :: planter (person who plants seeds)
sadilica {f} :: planter (female)
sadilica {f} :: dibbler, dibble (tool)
sadist {m} :: sadist
sadistički {adj} :: sadistic
sadistički {adv} :: sadistically
saditelj {m} :: planter (person who plants seeds)
saditi {vt impf} :: to plant, sow
sadizam {m} :: sadism
sadnica {f} :: seedling, sapling
sadnja {f} :: planting, setting
sadra {f} [uncountable] :: gypsum
sadren {adj} :: plaster
sadržaj {m} :: content
sadržajan {adj} :: informative (of a work, e.g. book)
sadržajan {adj} :: full, ample
sadržajno {adv} :: informatively
sadržajno {adv} :: relating to content
sadržajnost {f} [uncountable] :: comprehensiveness, substantiality, pregnancy
sadržan {adj} :: contained, included
sadržati {vt impf pf} :: to contain, hold
sadržati {vr impf pf} :: to consist of
sadržavati {vt impf} :: to contain, hold
sadržavati {vr impf} :: to consist of
sadržina {f} :: content, contents
sadžak {m} :: trivet
safer {m} :: Safar, the second month of the Islamic calendar
safir {m} :: sapphire
safirni {adj} :: sapphire
saft {m} :: sauce
saftan {adj} :: juicy, sappy, succulent
sag {m} :: carpet, rug
saga {f} :: saga
sagibati {vtr impf} :: to bow, bend
sagibljiv {adj} :: flexible, bendable
sagibljivost {f} [uncountable] :: bendability, flexibility
saginjati {vtr impf} :: to bow, bend
sagledati {vt pf} :: to perceive, recognize, realize
sagledati {vt impf} :: imperfective form of sàgledati
sagledavati {v impf} :: imperfective form of sagledati
saglediv {adj} :: conceivable, foreseeable
sagnuti {vtr pf} :: to bow, bend
sagnjiti {vi pf} :: to rot, decay
sagoreti {vit pf} :: to burn
sagorevati {v impf} :: imperfective form of sagorjeti
sagorijevati {v impf} :: imperfective form of sagorjeti
sagoriv {adj} :: combustible
sagorjeti {vit pf} :: to burn
sagraditi {vt pf} :: to build, construct
sagrađivati {vt impf} :: to build, construct
sagrešenje {n} :: sinning
sagrešiti {vi pf} :: to sin, commit a sin
sagriješiti {vi pf} :: to sin, commit a sin
sahan {m} [regional, Bosnia] :: plate
sahan {m} [regional, Bosnia] :: dish
Sahara {prop} {f} :: Sahara
saharid {m} :: saccharide
saharin {m} [uncountable] :: saccharin
saharinski {adj} :: saccharine
saharinski {adv} :: using saccharine
saharoza {f} [uncountable] :: saccharose, sucrose
saharski {adj} :: Saharan
sahnuti {vi impf} :: to dry up
sahnuti {vi impf} :: to wither, wilt (of plant)
sahnuti {vi impf} :: to droop, languish
sahrana {f} :: burial, funeral
sahraniti {vt pf} :: to bury (corpse)
sahranjivati {vt impf} :: to bury (corpse)
Saigon {prop} {m} [uncountable] :: Saigon
saj {adj} [Kajkavian, regional] :: all, complete, whole
sajam {m} :: fair, exhibition
sajamski {adj} [relational] :: fair (trade event)
sajamski {adv} :: as if on a fair (trade event)
sajentologija {f} :: Scientology
sajgonski {adj} [relational] :: Saigon
sajla {f} [colloquial] :: rope, cord
sajmeni {adj} [relational] :: fair (event)
sajmišni {adj} [relational] :: fairground
sajmište {n} :: fairground
sajt {m} :: site (a website)
sakagija {f} :: foot-and-mouth disease
sakat {m} [regional, obsolete] :: cripple
sakat {adj} :: crippled, lame
sakatiti {vt impf} :: to mutilate
sakatost {f} [uncountable] :: lameness, crippledom
sakloniti {vt pf} :: within a phase
sako {m} :: jacket, sportcoat, blazer
sakralan {adj} :: sacral, sacred
sakralizacija {f} :: sacralization
sakralizirati {vt impf pf} :: to sacralize
sakrament {m} :: sacrament
sakramentalni {adj} :: sacramental
sakramentan {adj} :: sacramental
sakramentati {vt pf} [regional] :: to reprimand, berate
sakristija {f} :: sacristy
sakristijski {adj} [relational] :: sacristy
sakriti {vtr pf} :: to hide, conceal
sakrivati {vtr impf} :: to hide, conceal
sakrosanktan {adj} :: sacrosanct
sakrosanktnost {f} [uncountable] :: sacrosanctity
saksija {f} :: a plant container
saksija {f} :: a flowerpot
saksija {f} :: jardiniere
saksofon {m} :: saxophone
saksofonist {m} :: saxophonist
saksofonski {adj} [relational] :: saxophone
Saksonac {prop} {m} :: Saxon
Saksonija {prop} {f} :: Saxony
saksonski {adj} :: Saxon
sakupiti {vt pf} :: to gather, collect, assemble
sakupiti {vr pf} :: to shrink, contract
sakupljač {m} :: collector, gatherer
sakupljački {adj} [relational] :: gatherer, gathering
sakupljački {adv} :: as a gatherer
sakupljati {vt impf} :: to gather, collect, assemble
sakupljati {vr impf} :: to shrink, contract
sala {f} [colloquial] :: hall, auditorium
sala {f} [Islam] :: a prayer recited by a muezzin on a minaret on the occasion of someone's death
sala {f} [regional, usually, in plural] :: stretcher
salama {f} :: salami
salamandar {m} :: newt, salamander
salaš {m} [regional] :: ranch, homestead
salata {f} :: salad
salatni {adj} [relational] :: salad
Salcburg {prop} {m} :: Salcburg (capital city)
Salcburg {prop} {m} :: Salcburg (state)
saldo {m} [finance] :: balance
salezijanac {m} :: Salesian
salezijanski {adj} :: Salesian
salezijanski {adv} :: as a Salesian
Sali {prop} :: Sali (municipality)
salicil {m} :: salicyl
salicilni {adj} :: salicylic
salinitet {m} :: salinity
salinizacija {f} :: salinization
salitra {f} :: saltpeter, niter
salitreni {adj} :: nitric, saltpetrous
salo {n} :: lard
salo {n} :: fat (specialized animal tissue with a high oil content, used for long-term storage of energy)
salomiti {v pf} [archaic, literary] :: alternative form of slomiti
salon {m} :: living room
salon {m} :: parlor (room for lounging)
salon {m} :: gallery (institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art)
salon {m} :: gallery (establishment that buys, sells, and displays works of art)
salon {m} :: shop (hairdresser, tailor, massage etc.)
Salona {prop} {f} :: Salona
Salonitanac {prop} {m} :: inhabitant of Salona
salonitanski {adj} [relational] :: Salona or its inhabitants
salonski {adj} [relational] :: living room, parlor, gallery or a type of shop
salonski {adj} [by extension] :: fine, expensive, "drawing room"
salonski {adj} [figuratively] :: one that is satisfied with a drawing room type of conversation, not exposing oneself to risk or danger
salonski {adv} :: in a manner characteristic of an activity occurring in a living room, parlor, gallery or a type of shop
salutirati {vi impf pf} :: to salute
Salvador {prop} {m} :: Salvador (country)
salvadorski {adj} :: Salvadoran, Salvadorian
salveta {f} :: napkin
salveta {f} :: serviette
sam {adj} :: alone, sole
sam {adj} :: unaided, single-handed
sam {adj} :: absolute, very, mere, unmixed
sam {adj} :: solitary, secluded
sâm {adj} [formal] :: alternative spelling of sam (Etymology 1 only, spelled specifically to distinguish it from etymology 2)
sama {adv} :: (her-)self
samac {m} :: single man, bachelor (one who lives alone or is not in a relationship)
samac {m} [regional] :: loner, lone wolf
samački {adj} [relational] :: bachelor; bachelor's
samački {adv} :: as a bachelor
samarij {m} :: samarium
Samarija {prop} {f} :: Samaria
Samaritanac {prop} {m} :: Samaritan
samaritanski {adv} :: as a Samaritan
samaštvo {n} :: singleness
samica {f} :: solitary confinement cell
samit {m} :: summit (gathering or assembly of leaders)
samleti {vt pf} :: to grind, mill
samleti {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to destroy, annihilate
samljeti {vt pf} :: to grind, mill
samljeti {vt pf} [figuratively] :: to destroy, annihilate
samo- {prefix} :: auto-, self- (regarding oneself)
samo {particle} [denoting exclusivity] :: just, only, only just, merely, solely
samo {particle} :: just, keeps on
samo {particle} [intensifier] :: just, only, if only (used to put emphasis on one's message, conveying mood or various emotions)
samo {conj} [denoting contrast and exclusivity] :: just, but, only, merely
samo {conj} [expressing intent] :: just, only (= tek)
samo {conj} [dated, assuming a contradiction] :: just, if only
samoanski {adj} :: Samoan
samoanski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Samoan language
samobitan {adj} :: characterized by originality and authenticity
samoća {f} :: loneliness
samoglas {m} :: vowel
samoglasnički {adj} :: vocalic
samoglasnik {m} :: vowel
samokontrola {f} :: self-control
samokres {m} [Croatia] :: pistol, gun
samokritičan {adj} :: self-critical
samokritički {adv} :: self-critically
samokritika {f} :: self-criticism
samoobrambeni {adj} :: self-defense
samoobrana {f} [uncountable] :: self-defense
samoopažanje {n} :: introspection
samooplodnja {f} :: self-fertilization, autogamy
samooplođivanje {n} :: self-fertilization, autogamy
samoposluga {f} :: supermarket
samopoštovanje {n} :: self-respect
samopouzdan {adj} :: self-confident
samopouzdanost {f} :: self-confidence
samopouzdanje {n} :: self-confidence
samopožrtvovanost {f} :: self-sacrifice
samopožrtvovanje {n} :: self-sacrifice
samopožrtvovnost {f} :: self-sacrifice
samo preko mene mrtvog {adv} [idiomatic] :: over my dead body
samoprezir {m} :: self-loathing
samoprijegor {m} :: self-sacrifice
samoproglašen {adj} :: self-declared, self-proclaimed
samostalan {adj} :: independent, autonomous, ungoverned
samostalno {adv} :: independently, autonomously
samostan {m} :: monastery (especially Catholic)
samotan {adj} :: solitary, lonely
samotan {adj} :: secluded, isolated
samotnik {m} :: loner
samotno {adv} :: lonely, in seclusion
samotnost {f} [uncountable] :: loneliness, solitariness, solitude
samoubica {m} :: suicide [person]
samoubistvo {n} :: suicide [the event, not the person]
samoubojica {m} [Croatia] :: suicide (person)
samoubojstvo {n} [Croatia] :: suicide (event)
samouk {m} :: self-taught person; autodidact
samouk {adj} :: self-taught
samouništenje {n} :: self-destruction
samouprava {f} :: self-government, self-administration
samouprava {f} [by extension] :: municipality, province, canton (as a self-administrative unit)
samoupravljanje {m} :: self-management
samoupravljati {vi impf} :: to self-rule, to participate in self-rule or self-administration
samouveren {adj} :: self-confident
samouvereno {adv} :: self-confidently
samouverenost {f} :: self-confidence
samouvjeren {adj} :: self-confident
samouvjereno {adv} :: self-confidently
samouvjerenost {f} :: self-confidence
samovar {m} :: samovar
samovati {vi impf} :: to be lonely
samovati {vi impf} :: to live a lonely life
samovlada {f} :: autocracy
samovolja {f} [uncountable] :: arbitrariness
samovolja {f} [uncountable] :: self-will
samovoljan {adj} :: arbitrary, self-willed, obstinate
samovoljno {adv} :: arbitrarily
samovoljno {adv} :: willfully
samovoljnost {f} [uncountable] :: arbitrariness
samovoljnost {f} [uncountable] :: wilfulness, self-will
samovoz {m} [neologism, Croatian, rare] :: car
samovozan {adj} [Croatian, purist, rare] :: self-propelled
samovozan {adj} [definite, relational] :: car
samozadovoljan {adj} :: self-satisfied, smug
samozadovoljavanje {n} :: masturbation
samozadovoljavati {vr impf} :: to masturbate
samozadovoljno {adv} :: smugly
samozadovoljstvo {n} [uncountable] :: self-satisfaction, smugness
samozaštita {f} [uncountable] :: self-protection
samozvan {adj} :: self-appointed, self-styled, self-proclaimed
samrt {f} [literary, poetic] :: death
samsara {f} [uncountable] :: samsara
samsov {m} :: mastiff (dog)
samun {m} :: alternative form of sòmūn
samur {m} :: sable (animal, or its fur or pelt)
samuraj {m} :: samurai
samurovina {f} :: sable fur
san {m} :: dream
sanacija {f} :: sanation, recovery, rehabilitation (repairing, healing or enhancement of something)
sandala {f} :: sandal
sandalovina {f} :: sandalwood
Sandalj {prop} {m} :: given name
sanduče {n} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: box
sanduk {m} :: box, coffin, chest
San Francisko {prop} {m} :: San Francisko (city)
sangrija {f} :: sangria (alcoholic drink)
sangvinik {m} :: sanguine person
Sanibor {prop} {m} :: given name
sankcija {f} :: sanction
sanke {f} [plurale tantum] :: sledge
San Marino {prop} {m} :: San Marino (microstate)
San Marino {prop} {m} :: San Marino (capital city)
sanskrt {m} :: Sanskrit
sanskrtski {adj} [relational] :: Sanskrit
santa {f} :: iceberg
sanja {f} [archaic] :: dream, imagination
Sanja {prop} {f} :: given name
sanjalac {m} :: dreamer, daydreamer
sanjar {m} :: dreamer
sanjariti {vi impf} :: to daydream
sanjariti {vi impf} :: to imagine
sanjati {vit impf} :: to dream
Sanjin {prop} {m} :: given name
sanjiv {adj} :: sleepy
sanjivo {adv} :: sleepily
sanjkanje {n} :: sledging
sanjkati {vr impf} :: to sleigh, sled
sanjke {fp} [plurale tantum] :: sledge
saobraćaj {m} [uncountable] :: communication
saobraćaj {m} [Bosnia, Serbia, uncountable] :: transport, transportation, traffic
saone {f} [plurale tantum] :: sled, sleigh
saonice {fp} [plurale tantum] :: sledge
saopćenje {n} :: announcement, notice, proclamation
saopćiti {v pft} [now Bosnia] :: to announce, report, declare
saopćiti {v pft} [now Bosnia] :: inform somebody
saopćivati {v impf} :: imperfective form of saopćiti
saosećaj {m} :: sympathy
sapeti {vt pf} :: to tie, bind, fetter
sapinjati {vt impf} :: to tie, bind, fetter
sapirati {vt impf} :: to wash away, wash off
saplesti {vtr pf} :: to trip (cause to fall or stumble)
sapletati {v impf} :: imperfective form of saplesti
saplitati {v impf} :: imperfective form of saplesti
saprati {vt pf} :: to wash away, wash off
sapun {m} :: soap
sapunar {m} :: soap manufacturer
sapunarski {adj} [relational] :: soap manufacturers
sapunarstvo {n} :: soap manufacturing
sapunast {adj} :: soapy
sapunati {v impf} :: to soap
sapunica {f} :: lather
sapunica {f} :: soap opera
saradnja {f} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) collaboration
sarađivati {vi impf} [Serbian] :: to collaborate
sarag {m} :: alternative form of šàrag
saraj {m} :: seraglio
Sarajevo {prop} {n} :: Sarajevo (capital city)
Sarajevo {prop} {n} :: Sarajevo (canton)
sarajevski {adj} :: Sarajevan
Sarajka {prop} {f} :: Sarajevan (female)
Sarajlija {prop} {m} :: Sarajevan
sarajlijski {adj} [relational] :: persons from Sarajevo
sarajlijski {adv} :: like a person from Sarajevo
sardela {f} :: sardine
sardela {f} :: pilchard
sardina {f} :: sardine (canned)
Sardinac {prop} {m} :: Sardinian (person)
Sardinija {prop} {f} :: Sardinija (region)
sargaški {adj} :: Sargasso
sarkastičan {adj} :: sarcastic
sarkastično {adv} :: sarcastically
sarkastičnost {f} :: sarcasticness
sarkazam {m} :: sarcasm
sarkofag {m} :: sarcophagus
sarma {f} :: a type of food from meat rolled with leaves
saruk {m} [regional] :: turban
sasecati {v impf} :: imperfective form of saseći
saseći {vt pf} :: to prune, trim
saseći {vt pf} :: to cut up, chop
saseći {vt pf} [figuratively, of persons] :: to hack to death, kill
sasijecati {v impf} :: imperfective form of sasjeći
sasjeći {vt pf} :: to prune, trim
sasjeći {vt pf} :: to cut up, chop
sasjeći {vt pf} [figuratively, of persons] :: to hack to death, kill
sasma {adv} :: completely, entirely
sastajalište {n} :: meeting place
sastajati {vr impf} :: to meet
sastanak {m} :: tryst
sastanak {m} :: meeting
sastati {vr pf} :: to meet
sastav {m} :: composition, ingredients
sastav {m} :: group, band (music, sports)
sastavak {m} :: essay
sastavak {m} :: confluence (of rivers)
sastavčić {m} :: a short essay
sastaviti {vt pf} :: to put together, combine, compile, assemble
sastaviti {vt pf} :: to write, compose (poem etc.)
sastavljač {m} :: assembler, framer, compilator, composer
sastavljati {vt impf} :: to put together, combine, compile, assemble
sastavljati {vt impf} :: to write, compose (poem etc.)
sastavni {adj} :: connecting, conjunctional
sastavni {adj} :: constituting, composing
sastavnica {f} :: building block, component
sastojak {m} :: ingredient
sastojak {m} :: component (part)
sastojati {vr impf} :: to consist of, be made of (+genitive)
sasvim {adv} :: completely, entirely, wholly
Saša {prop} :: a pet form of the male given name Aleksandar
Saša {prop} :: a pet form of the female given name Aleksandra
Saša {prop} :: given name
sašiti {vt pf} :: to sew, stitch
sat {m} :: clock
sat {m} :: watch
sat {m} :: hour
Satana {prop} {m} :: Satan
satanizam {m} :: Satanism
satelit {m} :: satellite
saten {m} :: satin
satima {adv} :: for hours
satirati {vt impf} :: to crush
satirati {vt impf} :: to destroy
satirati {vt impf} :: to wear out
satiričan {adj} :: satirical
satiričar {m} :: satirist
satirički {adj} :: satirical
satirički {adv} :: satirically
satirično {adv} :: satirically
satnica {f} :: hourly wage
satnik {m} [military, Croatian] :: captain (rank)
satrap {m} :: satrap
satrapija {f} :: satrapy
satrapijski {adj} [relational] :: satrapy
satrapski {adj} [relational] :: satrap
satrapski {adv} :: as a satrap
satrti {vt pf} :: to crush
satrti {vt pf} :: to destroy
satrti {vt pf} :: to wear out
Saturn {prop} {m} :: Saturn (planet)
Saturn {prop} {m} :: Saturn (Roman god)
saučešće {n} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: condolences, sympathy
Saudijac {prop} {m} :: Saudi
Saudijska Arabija {prop} {f} :: Saudi Arabia
saudijski {adj} :: Saudi
saugati {v impf} [regional] :: to suck
saugati {v impf} [regional] :: to blow
saugati {v impf} [regional] :: to vacuum
sauna {f} :: sauna
sav {adj} :: all, complete, whole
sav {adj} [pronominally, in plural only] :: everybody, everyone, all
sav {adj} [pronominally, in neuter singular] :: everything, all
sav {adj} [pronominally, as an intensifier] :: all, whole
Sava {prop} {f} :: Sava (river)
Sava {prop} {f} :: Saint Sava, first archbishop of the Serbian autocephalous church
Sava {prop} {f} :: given name (primarily used by people with an Orthodox Christian background)
savana {f} :: savanna
savesno {adv} :: conscientiously
savest {f} :: conscience
savestan {adj} :: conscientious
savet {m} :: council
savet {m} :: advice
savet {m} :: counsel
savetnik {m} :: counselor
savetodavac {m} :: adviser
savetodavan {adj} :: advisory
savetovanje {m} :: counseling
savetovati {vt impf pf} :: to advise
savetovati {vr impf pf} :: to confer, consult
savez {m} :: alliance, union
savez {m} :: association
savez {m} :: coalition
savez {m} :: league
savez {m} :: confederation
savez {m} :: covenant
savezni {adj} :: federal, allied, confederate
savezni {adj} :: united
saveznica {f} :: ally
saveznički {adj} :: allied
saveznički {adj} :: Allied
saveznik {m} :: ally
savezništvo {n} :: alliance
Savez Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika {prop} {m} :: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
savijača {f} :: strudel
savijati {vtr impf} :: to bend
savijati {vtr impf} :: to fold
savijati {vtr impf} :: to roll, curl
savinuti {v pf} :: Alternative form of sàviti
saviti {vtr pf} :: to bend
saviti {vtr pf} :: to fold
saviti {vtr pf} :: to roll, curl
savitljiv {adj} :: pliant, pliable, supple
savitljiv {adj} :: flexible, elastic
savitljivost {f} [uncountable] :: pliancy, suppleness
savitljivost {f} [uncountable] :: flexibility
savjesno {adv} :: conscientiously
savjest {f} :: conscience
savjestan {adj} :: conscientious
savjet {m} :: council
savjet {m} :: advice
savjet {m} :: counsel
savjetnik {m} :: counselor
savjetodavac {m} :: adviser
savjetodavan {adj} :: advisory
savjetovanje {m} :: counseling
savjetovati {vt impf pf} :: to advise
savjetovati {vr impf pf} :: to confer, consult
savladati {vt pf} :: to defeat (opponent, enemy)
savladati {vt pf} :: to overcome, surmount (difficulty, obstacle, fear etc.)
savladati {vt pf} :: to learn, to master (to a high degree of proficiency)
savladati {vr pf} :: to control oneself, restrain oneself
savladavati {vt impf} :: to defeat (opponent, enemy)
savladavati {vt impf} :: to overcome, surmount (difficulty, obstacle, fear etc.)
savladavati {vt impf} :: to learn, to master (to a high degree of proficiency)
savladavati {vr impf} :: to control oneself, restrain oneself
savladiv {adj} :: surmountable, vincible, defeatable
savlađivati {vt impf} :: to defeat (opponent, enemy)
savlađivati {vt impf} :: to overcome, surmount (difficulty, obstacle, fear etc.)
savlađivati {vt impf} :: to learn, to master (to a high degree of proficiency)
savlađivati {vr impf} :: to control oneself, restrain oneself
savremen {adj} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) modern, contemporary
savršen {adj} :: perfect, faultless
savršeno {adv} :: perfectly (in a perfect manner)
savršenost {f} [uncountable] :: perfection
savršenstvo {n} :: perfection
savski {adj} [relational] :: river Sava
sazivati {vt impf} :: to convoke, convene
saznati {vi pf} :: to find out, come to know
sazreti {vi pf} :: to ripen
sazreti {vi pf} :: to mature
sazrevati {vi impf} :: to ripen
sazrevati {vi impf} :: to mature
sazrijevati {vi impf} :: to ripen
sazrijevati {vi impf} :: to mature
sazvati {vt pf} :: to summon, convene, convoke
sažalijevati {vr impf} :: to take pity on (+ na (on))
sažaliti {vr pf} :: to pity, take pity on (+ na (on))
sažaljevati {vr impf} :: to pity, take pity on (+ na (on))
sažet {adj} :: concise, lapidary, brief
sažetak {m} :: summary, abstract (of a longer text or speech)
sažeti {vt pf} :: to summarize, abridge
sažeti {vt pf} :: to compress, contract
sažeto {adv} :: concisely
sažetost {f} [uncountable] :: conciseness
sažimati {vt impf} :: to summarize, abridge
sažimati {vt impf} :: to compress, contract
sbirka {f} :: obsolete spelling of zbirka
sbog {prep} :: obsolete spelling of zbog
sbor {m} :: obsolete spelling of zbor
scalina {f} [Kajkavian] :: urine, piss
scati {v} [Kajkavian] :: to piss, to urinate
scena {f} :: scene (in all senses)
scena {f} :: stage (of a theatre etc)
scenarij {m} :: scenario, screenplay
scenograf {m} :: scenographer
sciena {f} [Croatia, archaic] :: worth, value, honour
scieniti {v impf} :: to consider, think, hold, maintain
scijena {f} [Croatia, archaic] :: worth, value, honour
scijeniti {v impf} :: to consider, think, hold, maintain
scijentologija {f} :: Scientology
sdaj {adv} :: obsolete spelling of zdaj
sdrav {adj} :: obsolete spelling of zdrav
sdravje {n} :: obsolete spelling of zdravlje
se {pron} :: oneself (clitic form of reflexive pronoun)
se {pron} :: myself
se {pron} :: yourself
se {pron} :: himself, herself, itself
se {pron} :: ourselves
se {pron} :: yourselves
se {pron} :: themselves
se {pron} [by extension] :: Used to convey the meaning of the English passive voice in the third person where the impersonal subject does the verb unto itself
se {particle} [obsolete] :: this is; here is
seaborgij {m} :: seaborgium
seansa {f} :: séance, session
sebe {pron} :: oneself (reflexive pronoun)
sebe {pron} :: myself
sebe {pron} :: yourself
sebe {pron} :: himself
sebe {pron} :: herself
sebe {pron} :: itself
sebe {pron} :: ourselves
sebe {pron} :: yourselves
sebe {pron} :: themselves
sebi {pron} :: to myself
sebi {pron} :: to yourself
sebi {pron} :: to himself
sebi {pron} :: to herself
sebi {pron} :: to itself
sebi {pron} :: to ourselves
sebi {pron} :: to yourselves
sebi {pron} :: to themselves
sebi {pron} :: myself
sebi {pron} :: yourself
sebi {pron} :: himself
sebi {pron} :: herself
sebi {pron} :: itself
sebi {pron} :: ourselves
sebi {pron} :: yourselves
sebi {pron} :: themselves
sebičan {adj} :: selfish
sebično {adv} :: selfishly
sebičnost {f} [uncountable] :: selfishness
sebičnjak {m} :: a selfish person; egoist
sebić {m} [neologism, rare, Croatia] :: selfie
secesija {f} :: secession
secirati {vt impf pf} :: to dissect
sečivo {n} :: blade
sećanje {n} :: memory
sećanje {n} :: recollection
śećanje {n} [regional, colloquial] :: memory
śećanje {n} [regional, colloquial] :: recollection
sećati {v impf} :: imperfective form of setiti
seći {vit impf} :: to cut, chop, chip, hew
sěći {v} :: obsolete spelling of sjeći
sěći {v} :: obsolete spelling of seći
sěći {v} :: obsolete spelling of sići
sěći {v} :: obsolete spelling of śeći
sed {adj} :: grey (usually of hair)
sed {adj} :: grey-haired
sedalo {n} :: seat
sedam {num} :: seven (7)
sedamdeset {num} :: seventy
sedamdeseti {adj} :: seventieth
sedamnaest {num} :: seventeen
sedamnajst {num} [colloquial] :: seventeen
sedamsto {num} :: seven hundred
sedati {vi impf} :: to sit down
sedativ {m} :: sedative
sedef {m} :: nacre, mother-of-pearl
sedef {m} :: common rue (Ruta graveolens)
sedefni {adj} :: nacrous, pearly
sedeti {vi impf} :: to sit
sedeti {vi impf} :: to become gray, gray-haired
sedevakantizam {m} [Christianity] :: sedevacantism (the belief, held by a minority of Traditionalist Catholics, that the present occupant of the papal see is not the true pope and that the see has been vacant since the 1960s)
sediment {m} :: sediment
sedište {n} :: seat
sedište {n} :: residence, headquarters
sedlar {m} :: saddler
sedlast {adj} :: saddle-shaped
sedlo {n} :: saddle
sedlo {n} :: ridge, saddle
sedmerac {m} :: heptameter
sedmero {n} :: seven persons of different gender/sex
sedmi {adj} :: seventh
sedmica {f} [regional, Bosnia] :: week
sedmica {f} :: seven (digit or figure)
sedmica {f} :: anything numbered seven (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 7 etc.)
sedmina {f} :: one seventh
sedmodnevni {adj} :: lasting seven days
sedmorica {f} :: (collectively) seven men
sedmoro {n} :: seven persons of different gender/sex
sednica {f} :: session, meeting, conference (by a board, committee, parliament etc.)
sedoća {f} :: greyness of hair
sedost {f} :: greyness of hair
śeđeti {vi} [regional, colloquial] :: to sit
sef {m} :: safe, strongbox
Seget {prop} :: Seget (municipality)
segment {m} :: segment
segnuti {vi pf} :: to encroach, seize (+za (for))
segnuti {vi pf} :: to reach
segregacija {f} :: segregation
seizmički {adj} :: seismic
seizmograf {m} :: seismograph
seizmološki {adj} :: seismologic
seizmološki {adv} :: seismologically
seja {f} :: sis (sister)
sejač {m} :: sower
sejati {vit impf} :: to sow
sejati {v impf} :: (figuratively) to spread, foster
Sejšeli {prop} {mp} :: Seychelles
sejšelski {adj} :: Seychellois
sejvati {v impf pf} [computing] :: to save
seka {f} [colloquial] :: sis (an affectionate term for a sister or female cousin)
sekcija {f} :: section
sekcija {f} :: division
sekira {f} :: axe
śekira {f} [regional, colloquial] :: axe (tool)
sekirati {vtr impf pf} :: to upset, worry
sekirica {f} :: hatchet, a small axe
śekirica {f} [regional, colloquial] :: hatchet, a small axe
sekluzija {f} :: seclusion (mature phase of the extratropical cyclone lifecycle)
sekrecija {f} :: secretion, discharge
sekrecijski {adj} [relational] :: secretion, discharge
sekret {m} :: secretion
sekretar {m} :: secretary
sekretarica {f} :: secretary (female)
sekretarijat {m} :: secretariat
sekretarski {adj} :: secretarial
sekretarski {adv} :: secretarially
seks {m} [uncountable] :: sex (sexual intercourse)
seksepil {m} [Croatia] :: sex appeal
seksi {adj} [indeclinable] :: sexy
seksipil {m} :: sex appeal
seksizam {m} :: sexism
sekstant {m} :: sextant
seksualan {adj} :: sexual
seksualizam {m} :: sexualism
seksualna orijentacija {f} :: sexual orientation
seksualnost {f} :: sexuality
sekta {f} :: sect
sektaš {m} :: sectarian (member of a sect)
sektaški {adj} :: sectarian
sektaški {adv} :: as a sectarian, as a sect
sektor {m} :: sector (of a circle)
sektor {m} :: department, division
sektor {m} :: sphere, branch, area
sekularan {adj} :: secular
sekund {m} :: second (unit of time)
sekunda {f} :: second (unit of time)
sekundaran {adj} :: secondary
sekvenca {f} :: sequence
sekvencija {f} :: sequence
selašce {n} :: little village
selašce {n} :: nice village
Selca {prop} :: Selca (municipality)
selekcija {f} :: selection
selekcijski {adj} [relational] :: selection
selektivan {adj} :: selective
selektivno {adv} :: selectively
selektor {m} :: selector
selen {m} :: selenium
Selena {prop} {f} :: Selene (Greek goddess)
Selena {prop} {f} :: given name; Selena, Selene
selendra {f} [pejorative] :: village
selenij {m} :: selenium
selenijum {m} :: selenium
selfi {f} :: selfie
selica {f} :: migratory bird (usually following ptȉca)
selidba {f} :: move, moving (the act of changing one's residence)
Selimir {prop} {m} :: given name
seliti {vir impf} :: to migrate
seliti {vitr impf} :: to move, relocate (change one's residence)
Selma {prop} {f} :: given name
selo {n} :: a village
selo {n} :: the country, countryside
selo {n} :: rural area
selo {n} :: An evening party in the village
selotejp {m} :: adhesive tape
selvija {f} :: cypress
seljačina {f} [pejorative] :: farmer, peasant
seljačina {f} [pejorative] :: village dweller
seljačina {f} [pejorative] :: hillbilly, redneck
seljački {adj} :: peasant, rustic
seljački {adv} :: as a peasant; rustically
seljak {m} :: peasant, farmer
seljak {m} :: countryman
seljak {m} [slang] :: yokel
seljakinja {f} :: peasant (female)
seljanin {m} :: villager
seljanin {m} :: peasant, farmer
seljanka {f} :: peasant woman
seljanka {f} :: country woman
seljaštvo {n} :: (collectively) peasantry
semafor {m} :: semaphore
semafor {m} :: traffic light
semantički {adj} :: semantic
semantički {adv} :: semantically
semantika {f} :: semantics
seme {n} :: seed
seme {n} :: germ
seme {n} :: semen
seme {n} :: spawn
seme {n} :: milt
seme {n} :: offspring
seme {n} :: prime cause
śeme {f} :: (Montenegrin) seed
semenik {m} :: testicle
semenka {f} :: seed
semestar {m} :: semester
seminar {m} :: seminar
semiotika {f} [uncountable] :: semiotics
Semit {prop} {m} :: Semite
semitski {adj} :: Semitic
sena {f} :: shadow
sena {f} :: silhouette
sena {f} :: shade
sena {f} :: umbrage
sena {f} :: ghost
sena {f} :: wraith
sena {f} :: adumbration, shading
sena {f} :: hatching
senat {m} :: senate
senator {m} :: senator
sence {n} [Kajkavian] :: shadow
sence {n} [Kajkavian] :: silhouette
sendvič {m} :: sandwich
Senegal {prop} {m} :: Senegal (country)
Senegal {prop} {m} :: Senegal (river)
senf {m} [uncountable] :: mustard (condiment)
senica {f} :: tit (bird)
senilan {adj} :: senile
senilnost {f} [uncountable] :: senility
senka {f} :: shade; shadow
seno {n} :: hay
senovit {adj} :: shady
sentimentalan {adj} :: sentimental
sentimentalno {adv} :: sentimentally
sentimentalnost {f} [uncountable] :: sentimentality
senzacija {f} :: sensation
senzacionalan {adj} :: sensational
senzacionalno {adv} :: sensationally
senzualan {adj} :: sensual
senzualnost {f} :: sensuality
seoba {f} :: migration
seoba {f} :: move, moving (changing one's residence)
seoce {n} :: a small village
seoski {adj} :: rural, village, country
separacija {f} :: separation
separatan {adj} :: separate
separatizam {m} :: separatism
separirati {vt impf pf} :: to separate, isolate
sepsa {f} :: sepsis
septembar {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: September
septembarski {adj} [relational] :: September
septičan {adj} :: septic
septički {adj} :: septic
serbus {interj} [Croatia, dated] :: hello
serbus {interj} [Croatia, dated] :: good bye
serija {f} :: series (television or radio program)
serija {f} :: series (a number of things that follow on one after the other or are connected one after the other)
serijski {adj} :: serial
serijski {adv} :: serially
seriozan {adj} :: serious
seriozno {adv} :: seriously
seronja {m} :: asshole
seronja {m} :: bullshitter
serotonin {m} [neurotransmitter] :: serotonin
serum {m} :: serum
servilan {adj} :: servile
servilno {adv} :: servilely
servis {m} :: service
servisirati {vt impf pf} :: to service
servus {interj} [Croatia, dated] :: hello
servus {interj} [Croatia, dated] :: good bye
sesija {f} :: session
sesti {vi pf} :: to sit down
śesti {vi pf} [Montenegrin] :: to sit down
sestra {f} :: sister
sestra {f} :: nun, short for časna sestra
sestra {f} :: nurse, short for medicinska sestra
sestrica {f} :: little sister
sestrična {f} :: first cousin (daughter of one's uncle or aunt)
sestrična {f} :: cousin (distant female relative in general)
sestrić {m} :: nephew
sestrin {adj} [relational] :: sister; sister's
sestrinski {adj} [relational] :: sister; sister's, sororal
sestrinski {adv} :: sisterly
sestrinstvo {n} :: sisterhood
seta {f} :: sorrow, melancholy
setiti {vr pf} [with genitive] :: to remember
setiti {vr pf} :: to figure out, think up, come up with
setiti {vt pf} [colloquial, clipping of podsjetiti] :: to remind
setva {f} :: sowing, seeding
Seul {prop} {m} :: Seul (capital city)
sev {m} :: flash of lightning or light
sevak {m} :: diminutive of sev
Sevastopolj {prop} {m} :: Sevastopol
sevati {vi impf} :: to flash, to light up (chiefly referring to thunder)
sevati {vi impf} :: to twinkle, shimmer, blink
sevati {vi impf} :: to move rapidly (of a punch)
sevdah {m} [regional] :: love, lovesickness
sevdah {m} [regional] :: yearning for love
sevdalija {m} [regional] :: a man in love
sevdalinka {f} :: sevdalinka
sevdi {adj} [regional] :: beloved
sevdi {adj} [regional] :: in love
sevdisati {vt impf} :: to love
sevdisati {vt impf} :: to kiss
sevdisati {vt impf} :: to fondle, caress
sevdisati {vt impf} :: to make love to
sever {m} [uncountable] :: north
śever {m} [uncountable, Montenegro] :: north
severac {m} :: north wind
Severna Amerika {prop} {f} :: North America
Severna Irska {prop} {f} :: Northern Ireland
Severna Koreja {prop} {f} :: North Korea
severni {adj} :: northern
severni medved {noun} :: polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
severno {adv} :: north, northwards
severnoafrički {adj} :: North African
severnoamerički {adj} :: North American
severnokorejski {adj} :: North Korean
Severno more {prop} {n} :: North Sea
Severnjača {prop} {f} :: North Star
severnjak {m} :: north wind
severnjak {m} :: northerner
severoistočni {adj} :: northeast
severoistočno {adv} :: northeastward
severoistok {m} [uncountable] :: Northeast
severozapad {m} [uncountable] :: northwest
severozapadni {adj} :: northwest
severozapadno {adv} :: northwestward
sevlija {f} :: alternative form of sèlvija
sezati {vi impf} :: to encroach, seize (+za (for))
sezati {vi impf} :: to reach
sezona {f} :: season
sezonski {adj} :: seasonal
sežanj {m} [historical] :: reach of outstretched arms as a unit of measure
sfera {f} :: sphere, ball, globe
sfera {f} :: area, region
sferičan {adj} :: spherical
sfragistika {f} :: sigillography
shema {f} :: alternative form of šema
shematizam {m} :: alternative form of šematizam
shematski {adj} :: schematic
shematski {adv} :: schematically
shizofrenija {f} :: schizophrenia
shodan {adj} :: appropriate, fitting
shodno {adv} :: appropriately, fittingly
shodnost {f} [uncountable] :: appropriateness
shrvati {vt} [Croatia] :: to overpower, overwhelm, devastate (by excessive work, distress, pain etc.)
shvaćati {vit impf} [Croatia] :: imperfective form of shvatiti
shvatati {vit impf} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: imperfective form of shvatiti
shvatiti {vit pf} :: to understand, comprehend, grasp, conceive
shvatljiv {adj} :: understandable, comprehensible
shvatljivo {adv} :: understandably, comprehensibly
si {pron} [reflexive] :: Replaces the dative of a personal pronoun when the subject is of the same person as the dative object; to oneself (clitic dative singular of sȅbe (oneself))
si {pron} :: to myself
si {pron} :: to yourself
si {pron} :: to himself, herself, itself
si {pron} :: to ourselves
si {pron} :: to yourselves
si {pron} :: to themselves
sibilant {m} [phonetics] :: sibilant
Sibir {prop} {m} :: Siberia
sibirski {adj} :: Siberian
sic {m} [regional] :: seat (of a vehicle)
sicflajš {m} [regional] :: diligence
Sicilija {prop} {f} :: Sicilija (island/and/region)
sicilijanski {adj} :: Sicilian
sicilijanski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Sicilian language
sicvana {f} :: a bathtub in which one sits
sičan {m} [regional] :: mouse
sičan {m} [regional] :: rat
sičan {m} [regional] :: rat poison
sić {m} [regional] :: pail, bucket
sići {vi pf} :: to descend, get down, come down
sićušan {adj} :: tiny
Sidnej {prop} {m} :: Sidnej (capital city)
sidrište {n} :: anchorage
sidriti {vtr impf} :: to anchor
sidro {n} :: anchor
sidvester {m} :: southwester (raincoat)
siečanj {m} :: obsolete spelling of siječanj
siedieti {v} :: obsolete spelling of sjediti
siena {f} :: obsolete spelling of sjena
sifilis {m} :: syphilis
siget {m} [regional, archaic] :: island
Sigmund {prop} {m} :: given name
signal {m} :: signal
signeta {f} :: personal brand of a craftsman or a printer
signeta {f} :: bookmark
siguran {adj} :: sure
siguran {adj} :: safe
siguran {adj} :: reliable
sigurno {adv} :: certainly
sigurno {adv} :: surely
sigurno {adv} :: safely
sigurnost {f} [uncountable] :: security
sigurnost {f} [uncountable] :: safety
sigurnost {f} [uncountable] :: confidence
sihirbaz {m} [Bosnia] :: magician
sijač {m} :: sower
sijalica {f} :: light bulb
Sijam {prop} {m} :: Siam
Sijamac {prop} {m} :: Siamese (person)
sijamski {adj} :: Siamese
sijaset {m} [with genitive] :: umpteen, multitude of, many
sijaset {m} [regional] :: punishment
sijaset {m} [regional] :: misery, hardship, suffering
sijati {vi impf} :: to shine, emit light
sijati {vr impf} :: to be radiant, shiny; to beam, shine, glitter
sijati {vit impf} :: to sow
sijati {v impf} :: (figuratively) to spread, foster
siječanj {m} [Croatia] :: January
siječanjski {adj} [Croatian, relational] :: January
sijed {adj} :: grey (usually of hair)
sijed {adj} :: grey-haired
sijedjeti {vi impf} :: to become gray, gray-haired
sijedost {f} :: greyness of hair
sijelo {n} :: An evening party in the village
sijeno {n} :: hay
Sijera Leone {prop} {f} :: Sijera Leone (country)
sijev {m} :: flash of lightning or light
sijevak {m} :: diminutive of sijev
sijevati {vi impf} :: to flash, to light up (chiefly referring to thunder)
sijevati {vi impf} :: to twinkle, shimmer, blink
sijevati {vi impf} :: to move rapidly (of a punch)
siktati {vi impf} :: to hiss
sil {m} :: sill (layer of igneous rock)
sila {f} :: force
sila {f} :: strength
sila {f} :: power
sila {f} :: violence
silabičan {adj} :: syllabic
silan {adj} :: strong, powerful, mighty, vehement (of a person or natural phenomena)
silan {adj} :: much, many
silaz {m} :: descent (instance or act of descending)
silazak {m} :: descent (instance or act of descending)
silaziti {v impf} :: imperfective form of sići
silaža {f} :: silage (fodder stored in a silo)
siledžija {m} :: ruffian, bully, rowdy
silicij {m} :: silicon
silicijum {m} :: silicon
siliti {vtr impf} :: to force, make, impel
silnik {m} :: potentate
silno {adv} :: powerfully, mightily
silno {adv} :: extremely, very, vastly, hugely, severely (intensifying)
silogizam {m} :: syllogism
silom {adv} :: by force, forcibly
silovanje {n} :: rape, raping
silovatelj {m} :: rapist
silovati {vt impf pf} :: to rape
silovati {vt impf pf} :: to force
silovit {adj} :: strong, powerful, vehement
silovitost {f} [uncountable] :: forcefulness, strongness, vehemence
silueta {f} :: silhouette
silvanac {m} :: Silvaner
sim {adv} [Kajkavian] :: hither, this way, here
simbol {m} :: symbol
simboličan {adj} :: symbolic
simbolički {adv} :: symbolically
simbolično {adv} :: symbolically
simbolizirati {vt impf pf} [Croatian] :: to symbolize
simentalski {adj} [relational] :: Simmental breed of cattle
simering {m} :: a type of gasket
simetričan {adj} :: symmetric, symmetrical
simetrično {adv} :: symmetrically
simetrija {f} :: symmetry
simfonija {f} :: symphony
simo {adv} [regional] :: hither, here, this way
simpa {adj} :: attractive, engaging
simpa {adj} :: likable, nice, appealing (of persons)
simpatičan {adj} :: attractive, engaging
simpatičan {adj} :: likable, nice, appealing (of persons)
simpatično {adv} :: attractively, prepossessingly
simpatičnost {f} :: attractiveness, prepossessing
simpatičnost {f} :: likableness (manners, appearance)
simpatija {f} :: a romantic interest
simpatija {f} :: affection, romantic feelings
simpatija {f} :: fondness
simpatija {f} :: goodwill
simpatizer {m} :: sympathiser
simpatizerka {f} :: sympathiser
simplificirati {vt impf pf} [Croatian] :: to simplify
simplifikacija {f} :: simplification
simpozij {m} [Croatia] :: symposium
simptom {m} :: symptom
simptomatičan {adj} :: symptomatic
simptomatično {adv} :: symptomatically
simulacija {f} :: simulation
simulakrum {m} :: simulacrum
simulator {m} :: simulator
simulirati {vt impf} :: to simulate
simultan {adj} :: simultaneous
simultano {adv} :: simultaneously
simultanost {f} :: simultaneousness, simultaneity
sin {m} :: son
sin {m} :: sin (letter of various Semitic abjads)
sina {f} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: shadow; shade
sinagoga {f} :: synagogue
sinak {m} :: (diminutive) son
sinapsa {f} :: synapse
sinca {f} [Chakavian, Ikavian, hypocoristic] :: shadow, shade
sinčić {m} :: (diminutive) son
sindi {m} :: Sindhi (language)
sindikalizam {m} :: syndicalism
sindikat {m} :: syndicate (of workers)
sindrom {m} :: syndrome
sindski {adj} [relational] :: Sindh; Sindhi
sindski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Sindhi language
sindžir {m} :: chain
sindžir {m} :: fetter
sinekura {f} :: sinecure
sinergija {f} :: synergy
Singapur {prop} {m} :: Singapur (island/and/city-state)
singl {m} :: single
singlica {f} :: single (popular song released and sold nominally on its own)
singular {m} :: singular
sinhronija {f} [linguistics] :: (Bosnian, Serbian) synchrony
sinhronizacija {f} :: synchronization
sinhronizacija {f} :: dubbing (replacement of voice)
sinhronizovati {v impf pf} :: to synchronize, sync (to cause two or more events to happen at exactly the same time)
sinhronizovati {v impf pf} :: to dub, revoice (to replace soundtrack with translation)
siniceza {f} :: synizesis
sinija {f} :: low-lying round table
sinklinala {f} [geology] :: syncline
sinkopa {f} :: syncope
sinkretizam {m} :: syncretism
sinkronija {f} [linguistics] :: (Croatian) synchrony
sinkronizacija {f} :: synchronization
sinkronizacija {f} :: dubbing (replacement of voice)
sinkronizirati {v impf pf} :: to synchronize, sync (to cause two or more events to happen at exactly the same time)
sinkronizirati {v impf pf} :: to dub, revoice (to replace soundtrack with translation)
sinoć {adv} :: last night or evening
sinoćnji {adj} [relational] :: last night/evening; last night's/evening's
sinod {m} :: synod
sinologija {f} :: sinology
sinonim {m} :: synonym
sinoniman {adj} :: synonymous
sinonimija {f} [semantics] :: synonymy
sinov {adj} [relational] :: son; son's
sinovac {m} :: fraternal nephew (of a brother)
sintagma {f} [linguistics] :: syntagma
sintaksa {f} :: syntax
sintaktički {adj} :: syntactic
sintaktički {adv} :: syntactically
sinteriranje {n} :: sintering
sintetičan {adj} :: synthetic
sintetički {adj} :: synthetic
sintetički {adv} :: synthetically
sintetizirati {vt impf pf} [usually, Croatian] :: to synthesize
sintetski {adj} :: synthetic
sintetski {adv} :: synthetically
sinteza {f} :: synthesis
sinuti {vi pf} :: to begin to shine
sinuti {vi pf} :: to burst forth in splendor
sinuti {vi pf} :: to flash
sinžir {m} :: alternative form of sìndžīr
sinji {adj} :: gray, of the color of ash
sinji {adj} :: gray-blue, the color of the sea
sipa {f} :: cuttlefish
sipah {m} [historical] :: sepoy
sipah {m} [historical] :: spahi
sipati {vt impf} :: to strew, sprinkle
sipati {vi impf} :: to pour, drizzle
sipati {vi impf} :: to mizzle, drizzle
sipiti {vi impf} :: to drizzle
sipiti {vi impf} :: to trickle, flow slowly
sipnja {f} [uncountable] :: asthma
sir {m} :: cheese
sirće {n} [Bosnia, regional Croatia, Serbia] :: vinegar
sirena {f} :: mermaid
sirena {f} :: siren
Sirija {prop} {f} :: Sirija (country)
Sirijac {prop} {m} :: Syrian
sirijski {adj} :: Syrian
sirijski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Syriac language
sirilo {n} :: rennet
sirište {n} :: abomasum, maw, the fourth compartment of the stomach of a ruminant
siriti {vr impf} :: to curdle, coagulate (of milk, turn to cheese)
siriti {vt impf} :: to make cheese
sirni {adj} [relational] :: cheese
sirnica {f} :: cheese strudel
sirnica {f} :: wooden vessel for carrying cheese on the road
sirnica {f} :: a type Easter bread
siročad {f} :: orphans
siroče {n} {n} :: orphan
siromah {m} :: pauper, poor man
siromah {m} [figuratively] :: poor, wretched man
siromašan {adj} :: poor (with no possessions or money)
siromašan {adj} :: miserable
siromaštvo {n} :: poverty
sirot {adj} :: orphaned
sirot {adj} :: poor (lacking wealth)
sirot {adj} :: miserable, unfortunate
sirota {f} :: orphan
sirota {f} :: an unfortunate
sirotan {m} :: orphan
sirotan {m} [figuratively] :: the one who isn't capable of anything, which knows nothing, or is of low possibilities
sirotan {m} :: a pathetic, miserable or poor person
sirotinja {f} :: poverty (state of being poor)
sirotinja {f} :: beggar, poor man
sirotište {n} :: orphanage
sirotka {f} [rare] :: alternative form of sȉrutka
sirov {adj} :: raw, uncooked (of food)
sirov {adj} :: crude, coarse
sirovina {f} :: raw material
sirovina {f} :: staple
sirovo {adv} :: raw, uncooked (of food)
sirovo {adv} :: coarsely, crudely
sirup {m} :: syrup
sirutka {f} [chiefly, Croatia] :: whey
sisa {f} :: woman's breast
sisar {m} :: mammal
sisati {vit impf} :: to suck
sisati {vit impf} :: to suckle
sisati {vit impf} :: to imbibe, absorb
sisavac {m} [Croatia] :: mammal
sistem {m} :: system
sistemac {noun} :: sysadmin
sistematičan {adj} :: systematic
sistematično {adv} :: systematically
sistematika {f} [uncountable] :: taxonomy (science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms)
sistematski {adj} :: systematic
sistematski {adv} :: systematically
sisti {vi pf} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: to sit down
sit {adj} :: sated, full
sit {m} :: rush (genus Juncus)
sitan {adj} :: tiny, small
sitan {adj} :: trivial, unimportant
sitan {adj} :: fine (in structure/size)
sitnarija {f} :: sundries
sitnica {f} :: trifle, triviality (thing of trivial size or value)
sitničar {m} :: nitpick, stickler
sitničav {adj} :: pedantic, paltry, hairsplitting
sitničavo {adv} :: pedantically
sitniti {vt impf} :: to chop or split fine; to mince
sitno {adv} :: in tiny pieces or steps
sitnozor {m} [archaic, rare, Croatia] :: microscope
sito {n} :: sieve
situacija {f} :: situation
situacijski {adj} :: situational
situacijski {adv} :: situationally
siv {adj} :: grey (of grey colour)
sivac {m} :: grey/gray horse
sivilo {n} :: grayness
sivilo {n} [figuratively] :: monotony
sivkast {adj} :: grayish
sivonja {m} :: a grey ox or ass
sivonja {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: a rough, violent man
siže {m} :: subject, topic
sjahati {vi pf} :: to dismount (a horse)
sjahivati {vi impf} :: to dismount (a horse)
sjaj {m} :: glow, radiance, shine, luster
sjaj {m} :: splendor
sjajan {adj} :: radiant, brilliant, shining
sjajan {adj} :: great, marvelous, awesome
sjajno {adv} :: great, magnificently, excellently
sjati {vi impf} :: to shine
sjati {vr impf} :: to shine, beam; be shiny, radiant
sjebati {vt pf} [vulgar] :: to screw up, ruin, fuck up
sjebati {vr pf} [vulgar] :: to hurt or inflict damage upon oneself
sječivo {n} :: blade
sjećanje {n} :: memory
sjećanje {n} :: recollection
sjećati {v impf} :: imperfective form of sjetiti
sjeći {vit impf} :: to cut, chop, chip, hew
sjedalo {n} :: seat
sjedati {vi impf} :: to sit down
sjediniti {vtr pf} :: to unite
sjedinjavati {vtr impf} :: to unite
Sjedinjene Američke Države {prop} {f} :: Sjedinjene Američke Države (country)
sjedište {n} :: seat
sjedište {n} :: residence, headquarters
sjediti {vi impf} :: to sit
sjednica {f} :: session, meeting, conference (by a board, committee, parliament etc.)
sjedoća {f} :: greyness of hair
sjekira {f} :: axe
sjekirčetina {f} :: axe
sjekiretina {f} :: axe
sjekirica {f} :: hatchet, a small axe
sjeme {n} :: seed
sjeme {n} :: germ
sjeme {n} :: semen
sjeme {n} :: spawn
sjeme {n} :: milt
sjeme {n} :: offspring
sjeme {n} :: prime cause
sjemenik {m} :: testicle
sjemenka {f} :: seed
sjena {f} :: shadow
sjena {f} :: silhouette
sjena {f} :: shade
sjena {f} :: umbrage
sjena {f} :: ghost
sjena {f} :: wraith
sjena {f} :: adumbration, shading
sjena {f} :: hatching
sjenica {f} :: tit (bird)
sjenka {f} :: shade; shadow
sjenovit {adj} :: shady
sjera {f} :: lanolin
sjera {f} [archaic] :: sulphur
sjesti {vi pf} :: to sit down
sjesti {vi pf} :: to sit well with sth
sjeta {f} :: sorrow, melancholy
sjetiti {vr pf} [with genitive] :: to remember
sjetiti {vr pf} :: to figure out, think up, come up with
sjetiti {vt pf} [colloquial, clipping of podsjetiti] :: to remind
sjetva {f} :: sowing, seeding
sjever {m} [uncountable] :: north
sjeverac {m} :: north wind
Sjeverna Amerika {prop} {f} :: North America
Sjeverna Irska {prop} {f} :: Northern Ireland
Sjeverna Koreja {prop} {f} :: North Korea
sjeverni {adj} :: northern
sjeverni medvjed {noun} :: polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
sjeverno {adv} :: north, northwards
sjevernoafrički {adj} :: North African
sjevernoamerički {adj} :: North American
sjevernokorejski {adj} :: North Korean
Sjeverno more {prop} {n} :: North Sea
Sjevernjača {prop} {f} :: North Star
sjevernjak {m} :: north wind
sjevernjak {m} :: northerner
sjeveroistočni {adj} :: northeast
sjeveroistočno {adv} :: northeastward
sjeveroistok {m} [uncountable] :: Northeast
sjeverozapad {m} [uncountable] :: northwest
sjeverozapadni {adj} :: northwest
sjeverozapadno {adv} :: northwestward
Sjudad de Mehiko {prop} {m} :: Sjudad de Mehiko (caplc)
sjutra {adv} [regional] :: tomorrow
skakač {m} :: jumper (person)
skakač {m} [chess] :: knight
skakačica {f} :: jumper
skakački {adj} [relational] :: jumpers, jumping
skakački {adv} :: as a jumper, in a manner of a jumper
skakati {vi impf} :: to jump, leap
skakati {vi impf} :: to rise, jump, suddenly increase (of prices, temperature, etc.)
skakavac {m} :: grasshopper
skald {m} {m} :: skald
skalp {m} [anatomy] :: scalp
skalpel {m} :: scalpel
skalpirati {vt impf pf} :: to scalp
skameniti {vtr pf} :: to petrify
skameniti {vtr pf} [figuratively] :: to astound, dumbfound, stupefy
skamenjivati {vtr impf} :: to petrify
skamenjivati {vtr impf} [figuratively] :: to astound, dumbfound, stupefy
skandal {m} :: scandal
skandalizirati {vtr impf pf} :: to scandalize
skandalozan {adj} :: scandalous, shocking
skandalozno {adv} :: scandalously, shockingly
skandij {m} :: scandium
skandijum {m} :: scandium
Skandinavac {prop} {m} :: Scandinavian
Skandinavija {prop} {f} :: Scandinavia
skandinavski {adj} :: Scandinavian
skandirati {vi impf} :: to chant (of a group of people)
skanjivati {vr impf} :: to hesitate, be indecisive, not dare to do sth
ska probljem {interj} [slang, rare, regional] :: no problem
skarabej {m} :: scarab (beetle)
skarabej {m} :: scarab (amulet)
skaredan {adj} :: vulgar (of words, expression or behavior)
skaredno {adv} :: vulgarly
skat {m} :: a type of card game played with 3 players, popular in Germany
skaut {m} :: scout (member of the scout movement)
skeč {m} :: sketch (short dramatic production)
skela {f} :: ferry
skela {f} :: scaffold
skelet {m} [anatomy] :: skeleton
skener {m} :: scanner
skenirati {v impf} :: to scan (to examine sequentially)
skenirati {v impf} :: to scan (to create a digital copy of an image using a scanner)
skepticizam {m} :: skepticism
skeptičan {adj} :: skeptical
skeptički {adj} :: skeptical
skeptički {adv} :: skeptically
skeptično {adv} :: skeptically
skica {f} :: sketch [quick drawing or a preliminary work]
skicirati {vit impf pf} :: to sketch
skicnbuh {m} [regional, obsolete] :: sketchbook
skidati {vt impf} :: to take down, take off
skidati {vt impf} :: to take off, remove (something worn)
skidati {vr impf} :: to undress
skija {f} :: ski
skijaš {m} :: (male) skier
skijašica {f} :: (female) skier
skijaški {adj} [relational] :: skiing, ski
skijati {vir impf} :: to ski
skini mi se {interj} [offensive] :: get off (my back)
skinuti {vt pf} :: to take down, take off
skinuti {vt pf} :: to take off, remove (something worn)
skinuti {vt pf} :: to get off, get down, climb down (from somewhere)
skinuti {v pf} [by extension, computing] :: to download
skinuti {vr pf} :: to undress
skitati {vi impf} :: to wander around, roam
skitnica {m} :: wanderer
skitnica {m} :: tramp
sklad {m} :: harmony, accord, congruity
skladan {adj} :: harmonious
skladan {adj} :: (+ s) in accordance with; suitable, appropriate
skladatelj {m} [Croatian] :: (male) composer [of a music piece]
skladateljica {f} :: (female) composer [of a music piece]
skladati {vit impf} [Croatian] :: to compose music
skladba {f} :: (Croatian) composition (music)
skladište {n} :: warehouse
skladno {adv} :: harmoniously
skladnja {f} [rare, Croatian, purist] :: syntax
sklanjati {vt impf} :: to put away, hide (something somewhere, in a safe place)
sklanjati {vt impf} :: to remove, eliminate (obstacle)
sklanjati {vtr impf} :: to shelter, find refuge
sklanjati {vr impf} :: to make way, get out of the way
sklapati {vt impf} :: to fold, fold up (foldable object, hands etc.)
sklapati {vt impf} :: to close (eyes, book etc.)
sklapati {vt impf} :: to assemble (object from pieces)
sklapati {vt impf} :: to conclude, make contract/agreement
sklek {m} [exercise] :: push-up
sklepati {v pf} :: to knock together; to cobble together (something quickly and carelessly)
sklerotičan {adj} :: sclerotic
skleroza {f} :: sclerosis
sklon {adj} :: to be favorable towards (+dative)
sklon {adj} :: tend to, be prone to (+dative)
sklonidba {f} :: declension
sklonište {n} :: shelter
sklonište {n} :: asylum
sklonište {n} :: hiding place, cover
skloniti {vt pf} :: to put away, hide (something somewhere, in a safe place)
skloniti {vt pf} :: to remove, eliminate (obstacle)
skloniti {vtr pf} :: to shelter, find refuge
skloniti {vr pf} :: to make way, get out of the way
sklonost {f} :: inclination, affinity, propensity (+ dative)
sklop {m} :: framework, complex
sklop {m} :: concatenation of items
sklopiti {vt pf} :: to fold, fold up (foldable object, hands etc.)
sklopiti {vt pf} :: to close (eyes, book etc.)
sklopiti {vt pf} :: to assemble (object from pieces)
sklopiti {vt pf} :: to conclude, make contract/agreement
sklopiv {adj} :: folding, foldable, collapsible
sklopka {f} :: switch (device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow)
skoč {m} :: scotch (whisky)
skočimiš {m} :: gerbil
skočiti {vi pf} :: to jump, leap
skočiti {vi pf} :: to rise, jump, suddenly increase (of prices, temperature, etc.)
skok {m} :: jump
skolab {m} [Dalmatia] :: common golden thistle (Scolymus hispanicus)
skolab {m} [Dalmatia] :: sea holly (Eryngium amethystinum, Eryngium campestre)
skolab {m} [Dalmatia] :: Cirsium spp
skolastičar {m} [philosophy] :: scholastic
skolastički {adj} [philosophy] :: scholastic
skolastički {adv} :: scholastically
skolastika {f} :: scholasticism
Skoplje {prop} {n} :: Skopje (capital of Macedonia)
skorbut {m} :: scurvy
skoro {adv} :: soon (= ȕskoro)
skoro {adv} :: almost, nearly
skorup {m} [uncountable] :: cream (oily part of milk which rises to the top)
skorup {m} [uncountable] :: cream (the best part of something)
skot {m} :: litter (animal young)
skot {m} [pejorative] :: evil and merciless person
skotološtvo {n} :: sodomy
skraćenica {f} :: abbreviation
skraćivati {vt impf} :: to shorten, make shorter
skraćivati {vt impf} :: to abbreviate
skraćivati {vt impf} :: to reduce (a fraction)
skraćivati {vr impf} :: to become shorter
Skrad {prop} :: Skrad (municipality)
skrasiti {vr pf} :: to settle down (in one place)
skratiti {vt pf} :: to shorten, make shorter
skratiti {vt pf} :: to abbreviate
skratiti {vt pf} :: to reduce (a fraction)
skratiti {vr pf} :: to become shorter
skrb {f} [usually, Croatian] :: care (about others)
skrbiti {vr impf} [usually, Croatian] :: to take care of
skrbnik {m} [Croatian] :: tutor, guardian
skrbništvo {n} :: (Croatian) guardianship
skrenuti {vit pf} :: to turn, take another direction
skrenuti {vi pf} :: to deviate, diverge from
skrenuti {vi pf} :: to strike into another track
skrenuti {vi pf} :: to shunt [train]
skrenuti {vi pf} :: to digress [of a conversation]
skrenuti {vi pf} :: to stray [from proper path]
skrenuti {vi pf} :: to sheer [ship's direction]
skresati {vt pf} :: to prune, cut, trim
skresati {vt pf} :: to reduce, retrench, curtail, decrease
skresati {vt pf} [with dative] :: to speak openly and harshly
skretati {vit impf} :: to turn, take another direction
skretati {vi impf} :: to deviate, diverge from
skretati {vi impf} :: to strike into another track
skretati {vi impf} :: to shunt [train]
skretati {vi impf} :: to digress [of a conversation]
skretati {vi impf} :: to stray [from proper path]
skretati {vi impf} :: to sheer [ship's direction]
skribent {m} :: hack, pen-pusher
skripta {n} :: script (file containing a list of user commands)
skripta {n} :: course materials, lecture/class notes (for university students)
skrivati {vtr impf} :: to hide, conceal
skriven {adj} :: clandestine (done or kept in secret)
skriven {adj} :: hidden
skrnaviti {vt impf} :: to desecrate
skrob {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: starch
skrobut {m} :: clematis
skroman {adj} :: humble, modest
skroman {adj} :: unassuming
skromno {adv} :: humbly, modestly
skromnost {f} [uncountable] :: modesty, humbleness
skrovište {n} :: hideout
skrovit {adj} :: secretive, hidden
skrovit {adj} :: mysterious
skrovito {adv} :: secretively, hiddenly
skrovito {adv} :: mysteriously
skroz {adv} :: through
skroz {adv} :: completely, totally
skrpati {vt pf} :: to patch
skrpati {vt pf} :: to cobble
skrpavati {v impf} :: imperfective form of skrpati
skrpavati {v impf} :: imperfective form of skrpiti
skrpiti {v pf} :: alternative form of skrpati
skrstiti {vt pf} :: to cross (to cause to intersect)
skršiti {vtr pf} :: to break, crush
skrštavati {v impf} :: imperfective form of skrstiti
skrupula {f} :: scruple
skrupulozan {adj} :: scrupulous
skrupulozno {adv} :: scrupulously
skrušen {adj} :: contrite, penitent, repentant
skrušeno {adv} :: contritely, penitently, repentantly
skrušenost {f} [uncountable] :: contrition, penitence, repentance
skucati {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to scrape up (to gather little by little)
skucavati {v impf} :: imperfective form of skucati
skučiti {vr pf} :: to bend, cramp, bow (one's body)
skuhati {vitr pf} [Bosnian, Croatian] :: to cook
skulab {m} :: alternative form of skolab
skulob {m} :: alternative form of skolab
skulptura {f} :: sculpture
skunjiti {vr pf} [rare] :: to despond, sadden, lose one's spirit, feel dejected
skup {adj} :: expensive, costly, pricey
skup {m} :: assembly, gathering
skupa {adv} :: together, jointly
skupina {f} :: group [animate or inanimate]
skupina {f} [Buddhism] :: skandha
skupiti {vtr pf} :: to gather, collect, assemble, congregate (inanimate things)
skupiti {vr pf} :: to shrink, contract
skupljač {m} :: collector, gatherer
skupljačica {f} :: gatherer, collector (female)
skupljati {v impf} :: imperfective form of skupiti
skupni {adj} :: collective, common
skupnik {m} [military, army, Croatian] :: lance corporal
skupnik {m} [military, navy, Croatian] :: petty officer third class
skupno {adv} :: jointly, collectively
skupocen {adj} :: valuable, costly
skupocjen {adj} :: valuable, costly
skupoća {f} :: costliness, expensiveness
skupština {f} :: parliament, assembly
skupština {f} :: meeting (organized, official and of a larger number of people)
skupštinar {m} :: assemblyman
skupštinarka {f} :: assemblywoman
skuša {f} :: mackerel
skut {m} :: skirt
skut {m} :: train (of a dress)
skut {m} [figuratively] :: shelter, care
skuter {m} :: scooter (vehicle)
skutriti {vi pf} :: to stoop
skutriti {vr pf} :: to curl up
skutrivati {v impf} :: imperfective form of skutriti
skuvati {vitr pf} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: to cook
skvoš {m} :: squash
skvrčiti {vtr pf} :: to bend, contort, twist (of one's body)
skvrniti {vt impf} :: to defile, besmear (something sacred, honored or pure)
slab {adj} :: weak
slaba interakcija {f} [physics] :: weak interaction
slaba nuklearna interakcija {f} [physics] :: weak nuclear interaction
slabašan {adj} :: weak, feeble (of physical constitution, especially of children)
slabeti {vi impf} :: to grow/become weak; weaken
slabić {m} :: weakling
slabine {f} [plurale tantum] :: loins
slabiti {vt impf} :: to debilitate, weaken, enfeeble
slabiti {vt impf} :: to relax, ease
slabiti {vi impf} :: to grow/become weak
slabjeti {vi impf} :: to grow/become weak; weaken
slabo {adv} :: weakly
slabo {adv} :: poorly
slaboća {f} [uncountable] :: weakness
slabokrvan {adj} :: anemic
slabokrvnost {f} [uncountable] :: anemia
slabom kurcu i dlaka smeta {proverb} :: "a weak dick is bothered even by pubic hair" a bad workman always blames his tools (used as a remark for somebody's whining on trivial issues, or that it's always other people's fault, and never his)
slabost {f} :: weakness
slabouman {adj} :: feeble-minded
slaboumnost {f} [uncountable] :: imbecility, feeble-mindedness
slačica {f} :: mustard
slad {m} :: malt
sladak {adj} :: sweet (having a pleasant taste)
sladak {adj} :: cute, sweet (of a person or figuratively)
sladić {m} :: licorice/liquorice
sladik {m} [archaic] :: beryllium
sladiti {vt impf} :: to sweeten (make sweet)
sladiti {vt impf} :: to sweeten (make pleasing or grateful to the mind or feelings)
sladiti {vr impf} :: to relish, enjoy, savor (especially in food or drink)
sladko {n} :: obsolete spelling of slatko
sladokusac {m} :: gourmand
sladoled {m} :: ice cream
slador {m} [obsolete] :: sugar
sladorača {f} [rare, language of literature] :: syrup
slaganje {n} :: accordance, agreement, concord
slagar {m} :: typesetter
slagati {v impf} :: imperfective form of složiti
slagati {vi pf} :: to lie (tell falsehoods)
slak {m} :: bindweed
slalom {m} :: slalom
slama {f} [uncountable] :: straw
slamarica {f} :: straw-mattress, palliasse
slamati {v impf} :: imperfective form of slomiti
slamčica {f} :: a small straw
slamka {f} :: drinking straw
slamnat {adj} [relational] :: straw
slamnica {f} :: straw-mattress, palliasse
slamnjača {f} :: straw-mattress, palliasse
slan {adj} :: salty, saline
slana {f} :: hoarfrost
slanac {m} :: a type of oblong pastry with a layer of salt or sprinkled with coarse grains of salt
slanac {m} [regional] :: salt spring
slanica {f} :: salt cellar, salting tub
slanik {m} :: salt cellar, salting tub
slanina {f} :: bacon
slanoća {f} :: saltiness
slanost {f} :: saltiness
slap {m} [geology] :: waterfall
slasno {adv} :: deliciously, tastily
slast {f} :: sweetness, delight
slastan {adj} :: delicious, tasty
slastica {f} :: (Croatian) sweet, pastry, tidbit
slastičar {m} [usually, Croatian] :: confectioner
slastičarna {f} :: (Croatian) sweetshop
slastičarnica {f} :: (Croatian) sweetshop
slati {vit impf} :: to send
slatina {f} :: salt-spring
slatkiš {m} :: confectionery (candy, cake etc.)
slatko {n} :: dessert
slatko {n} :: sweet
slatko {n} :: slatko
slatkoća {f} [uncountable] :: sweetness
slatkorečiv {adj} :: glib, smooth-spoken
slatkorečivo {adv} :: glibly
slatkorječiv {adj} :: glib, smooth-spoken
slatkorječivo {adv} :: glibly
slatkovodni {adj} :: freshwater
slava {f} :: glory
slava {f} :: fame
slava {f} :: feast
slava {f} [regional, Orthodox Christian] :: Christian celebration (holiday) honoring a family saint
slavan {adj} :: famous
Slaven {prop} {m} [now, chiefly Bosnia, Croatia] :: Slav
Slaven {prop} {m} [Serbia] :: a man from Slavonia
Slaven {prop} {m} :: given name
Slavenka {f} :: (Bosnian, Croatian) Slav (female)
Slavenka {f} :: (Serbian) a woman from Slavonia
slavenski {adj} :: (Bosnian, Croatian, dated Serbian) Slavic
slavenski {adv} :: (Bosnian, Croatian, dated Serbian) in a Slavic manner, as a Slav
slavić {m} :: nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) or thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia)
slavina {f} :: faucet, tap
slavist {m} :: Slavist
slaviti {vit impf} :: to celebrate, glorify
Slavko {prop} {m} :: given name
slavno {adv} :: famously
slavohlepan {adj} [usually, Croatian] :: ambitious
slavohlepno {adv} [usually, Croatian] :: ambitiously
slavoluk {m} :: triumphal arch
Slavoljub {prop} {m} :: given name
Slavomir {prop} {m} :: given name
Slavonac {prop} {m} :: inhabitant of Slavonia
Slavonija {prop} {f} :: Slavonia
slavonski {adj} [relational] :: Slavonia
Slavoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
slavuj {m} :: nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) or thrush nightingale (Luscinia luscinia)
sleči {vrt} [Kajkavian] :: to undress, to take off clothes
sled {m} :: sequence
sled {m} :: track
sledbenik {m} :: successor
sledbenik {m} :: adherent, follower
sledeći {adj} :: next, following
slediti {vt impf} :: to follow
slediti {vi impf} :: to come next, follow
slediti {vi impf} :: to appear, seem, follow
slediti {vr pf} :: to freeze (turn to ice)
slednik {m} :: successor
sleđ {m} :: herring
sleđivati {vr impf} :: to freeze (turn to ice)
sleme {n} :: peak, top (of a mountain)
sleme {n} :: ridge (of a roof)
sleng {m} :: slang
slep {adj} :: blind
slepac {m} :: blind man
slepilo {n} :: blindness
slepoća {f} :: blindness
slepoočni {adj} [relational] :: temple [of the head]; temporal
slepoočnica {f} :: temple (anatomy)
sletjeti {vi pf} :: to land
slezena {f} [anatomy, immunology, Bosnian, Croatian] :: spleen
slezina {f} [anatomy, immunology, Serbian] :: spleen
sličan {adj} :: similar
sličiti {vi impf} [Croatian] :: to take after, resemble
slično {adv} :: similarly
sličnost {f} :: similarity, resemblance
sliditi {v impf} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: to follow
sliep {adj} :: obsolete spelling of slijep
slijed {m} :: sequence
slijed {m} :: track
slijediti {vt impf} :: to follow
slijediti {vi impf} :: to succeed, follow
slijediti {vi impf} :: to appear, seem, follow
slijep {adj} :: blind
slijepac {m} :: blind man
slijevati {v} :: to flow
slika {f} :: picture, image
slika {f} :: painting
slikanje {n} :: painting
slikanje {n} :: photography (activity)
slikar {m} :: painter (artist)
slikarica {f} :: painter (artist who paints pictures)
slikati {vt impf} :: to paint
slikati {vtr impf} :: to take a picture, photograph
slikopis {m} [Croatian, obsolete] :: video
slikopis {m} [Croatian, obsolete] :: film
slina {f} :: saliva (liquid secreted into the mouth)
slina {f} [Serbia] :: snot
slinav {adj} :: sniveling, slobbering, slobbery
slinav {adj} [figuratively] :: immature, too young
slip {adj} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: blind
slip {m} :: Credit or debit card receipt
slitina {f} :: alloy
sliv {m} :: basin (of a river)
slivenik {m} :: affricate
slizati {vr pf} [colloquial] :: to become pal with, to pal/gang up with, hang out with
slnce {n} :: obsolete spelling of sunce
sloboda {f} :: freedom
slobodan {adj} :: free [not imprisoned]
Slobodan {prop} {m} :: given name
slobodarstvo {m} :: libertarianism
slobodica {f} :: (diminutive, hypocoristic) freedom, liberty
slobodno {adv} :: freely
slobodouman {adj} :: free-minded, liberal, free-thinking
slobodoumlje {n} :: liberalism, free thinking
slobodoumnost {f} :: liberalism, free thinking
slog {m} :: syllable
slog {m} :: stack, pile
sloga {f} :: unity, accord
slogan {m} :: slogan (distinctive phrase of a person or group of people)
slogan {m} :: slogan (advertising)
slogotvoran {adj} :: syllabic
sloj {m} :: layer
sloj {m} :: stratum
slojevit {adj} :: stratified (in layers)
slom {m} :: breakdown, breakage
slom {m} [figuratively] :: debacle, collapse, defeat (military, political, etc.)
slomiti {vtr pf} :: to break, crack, shatter
slon {m} :: elephant
slonica {f} :: female elephant
slonov {adj} :: elephant's, belonging to an elephant
slonovača {f} :: ivory [material]
slonovski {adj} :: elephantine
slonovski {adv} :: as an elephant, in a manner of an elephant
Slovačka {prop} {f} :: Slovakia
slovački {adj} :: Slovak
slovački {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Slovak language
Slovak {prop} {m} :: A Slovak, Slovakian (male person)
Slovakinja {prop} {f} :: Slovak, Slovakian (female person)
Sloven {prop} {m} [now, chiefly Serbia, Ekavian] :: Slav
Slovenac {prop} {m} :: Slovene (male person)
slovenački {adj} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: Slovenian, Slovene
slovenački {adj} [Bosnia, Serbia, in masculine, substantive] :: the Slovenian language
Slovenija {prop} {f} :: Slovenia
Slovenka {f} :: (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) Slovenian, Slovene (female)
Slovenka {f} :: (Serbian) Slav (female)
slovenski {adj} [now, chiefly Serbian, Ekavian] :: Slavic
slovenski {adv} [now, chiefly Serbian, Ekavian] :: in a Slavic manner, as a Slav
slovenski {adj} [Bosnian, Croatian] :: Slovenian
slovenski {adj} [Bosnian, Croatian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Slovenian language
slovenski {adv} [Bosnian, Croatian] :: in a Slovenian manner, as a Slovene
slovenština {f} [archaic] :: Slovene language
slovinski {adj} [archaic] :: pertaining to the central western South Slavic people, the speakers of Serbo-Croatian, including the people today known as Croats, Serbs, Bosniaks, Montenegrins, etc
slovinski {adj} [archaic] :: Serbo-Croatian (pertaining to the Serbo-Croatian language)
slovinski {adj} [archaic, in masculine, substantive] :: the Serbo-Croatian language
slovinski {adj} [archaic] :: Slavic, in the wider sense
slovinski {adj} :: Slovincian
slovinski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Slovincian language
slovjenski {adj} [now, chiefly Serbian, Ijekavian] :: Slavic
slovjenski {adv} [now, chiefly Serbian, Ijekavian] :: in a Slavic manner, as a Slav
-slovlje {suffix} :: -logy
slovnica {f} [obsolete] :: grammar
slovničar {m} [archaic, Croatia] :: grammarian
slovnik {m} [archaic] :: dictionary
slovo {n} :: letter (letter of the alphabet)
slovo {n} [figuratively] :: speech, sermon
slovo {n} [obsolete] :: word
Slovomir {prop} {m} :: given name
Slovoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
složan {adj} :: harmonious
složen {adj} :: sophisticated, complex
složenica {f} [linguistics] :: compound
složiti {vit pf} :: to pile, stack, heap
složiti {vit pf} :: to arrange
složiti {vt pf} :: to match, pair up, reconcile, harmonize
složiti {vr pf} :: to agree, come to terms
složnost {f} :: unity, accord (state of)
slučaj {m} :: case (one of several similar instances or events which are being studied and compared)
slučajan {adj} :: random
slučajan {adj} :: coincidental (occurring as or resulting from coincidence)
slučajno {adj} :: accidentally
slučajno {adj} :: by chance
slučajno {adj} :: randomly
slučajnost {f} :: coincidence (the appearance of a meaningful connection when there is none)
slučajnost {f} :: chance (random occurrence)
slučajnost {f} :: chance (probability of something happening)
sluga {m} :: servant
slugan {m} [pejorative] :: servant
sluh {m} [uncountable] :: hearing (ability to hear)
slupati {vt pf} :: to smash, shatter, break to pieces
slušač {m} :: listener
slušačica {f} :: listener (female)
slušalac {m} :: hearer, listener
slušalica {f} :: telephone receiver
slušatelj {m} :: hearer, listener
slušateljstvo {n} :: audience
slušati {vit impf} :: to listen
slušati {vt impf} :: to obey
slušati {v impf} [medicine] :: to auscultate
sluškinja {f} [pejorative] :: servant (female)
sluti {v impf} :: to call, to say aloud
slutiti {vit impf} :: to suspect, have an inkling of
slutiti {vit impf} :: to bode
slutnja {f} :: presentiment, premonition
sluz {f} :: mucus
sluzav {adj} :: slimy, mucous
služavka {f} :: servant
služba {f} :: service
služba {f} :: employment, job
služba {f} :: office, work
služba {f} :: duty
služba {f} :: divine service
služben {adj} [Croatian] :: official
službenica {f} :: employee
službenica {f} :: official
službenica {f} :: clerk
službenik {m} :: employee
službenik {m} :: official
službenik {m} :: clerk
službeništvo {n} :: ministry
službeno {adv} [Croatian] :: officially
služinčad {f} [collective] :: domestic servants
služinče {n} :: domestic servant (especially a child)
služitelj {m} :: servant
služiti {vt impf} :: to serve (guests, purpose etc.)
služiti {vr impf} :: to make use of, use
služiti {vr impf} :: to help oneself
sljedba {f} :: (Croatian) sect
sljedbenik {m} :: successor
sljedbenik {m} :: adherent, follower
sljedeći {adj} :: next, following
sljednik {m} :: successor
sljeme {n} :: peak, top (of a mountain)
sljeme {n} :: ridge (of a roof)
sljepilo {n} :: blindness
sljepoća {f} :: blindness
sljepoočni {adj} [relational] :: temple [of the head]; temporal
sljepoočnica {f} :: temple (anatomy)
sljubiti {vtr pf} :: to join, place close together, melt into one (of surfaces or shapes)
sljubljivati {vtr impf} :: to join, place close together, melt into one (of surfaces or shapes)
smagati {vi impf} :: to find, obtain (of time, money, resources..) (+ genitive)
smagati {vi impf} :: to be able
smak {m} :: end, termination
smaknuće {n} :: execution (to death)
smaknuti {vt pf} :: to suddenly remove, take off (hat, mask etc.)
smaknuti {vt pf} :: to execute (kill by authorities or military)
smalaksati {vit pf} :: to exhaust or to become exhausted
smanjenje {n} :: decrease
smanjiti {vt pf} :: to reduce, lessen, make smaller (in size or volume, also figuratively)
smanjivati {vt impf} :: to reduce, lessen, make smaller (in size or volume, also figuratively)
smaragd {m} :: emerald
smatrati {vi impf} :: to think, be of opinion
smatrati {vt impf} :: to consider (+ instrumental case)
smazati {v pf} [colloquial] :: to devour, polish off, eat up
smeč {m} :: smash (in tennis)
smeće {n} [uncountable] :: trash, waste, garbage
smeđ {adj} :: brown
smeđast {adj} :: brownish
smeđi medved {m} :: brown bear (Ursus arctos)
smeđi medvjed {m} :: brown bear (Ursus arctos)
smeh {m} :: laugh, laughter (expression of mirth peculiar to the human species)
směh {m} :: obsolete spelling of smijeh
směh {m} :: obsolete spelling of smeh
směh {m} :: obsolete spelling of smih
smejanje {n} :: laughter, laugh
smejati {vr impf} :: to laugh
smelost {f} :: boldness, audacity
smena {f} :: shift (a set group of workers or period of working time)
smena {f} :: change, act of changeing (of guard, generations etc.)
smeniti {vt pf} :: to change, replace, substitute somebody
smeniti {vt pf} :: to dismiss somebody (from a position)
smenjivati {vt impf} :: to change, replace, substitute somebody
smenjivati {vt impf} :: to dismiss somebody (from a position)
smeo {adj} :: brave, bold, courageous
smeon {adj} :: brave, bold, courageous
smeono {adv} :: bravely, boldly, courageously
smer {m} :: direction, course
smerati {vi impf} :: to intend, plan
smernica {f} :: guideline
smernica {f} :: direction, instruction
smernost {f} :: humility, modesty
smert {f} [Kajkavian] :: death
smesa {f} :: mixture
smesta {adv} :: at once, immediately, right away
smesti {vtr pf} :: to confuse, bewilder
smesti {vtr pf} :: to distract, sidetrack
smestiti {vtr pf} :: to put, place into appropriate position (also figuratively)
smestiti {vtr pf} :: to move, settle
smešak {m} :: smile
smešan {adj} :: funny
smešiti {vr impf} :: to smile
smešno {adv} :: ridiculously, funnily
smeštaj {m} :: accommodation, housing
smeštaj {m} :: lodging
smeštajni {adj} [relational] :: accommodation, housing, lodging
smeštati {vtr impf} :: to put, place into appropriate position (also figuratively)
smeštati {vtr impf} :: to move, settle
smetalo {n} :: a person who disturbs
smetati {vt impf} :: to mind, care about
smetati {vit impf} :: to disturb, bother (a person)
smetati {vit impf} :: to hamper, hinder, interfere with
smetenjak {m} :: scatterbrain
smeti {vi impf} :: can, may, be allowed to
smeti {vi impf} :: to dare, venture
smetnja {f} :: obstacle, hindrance
smežurati {vtr pf} :: to wrinkle, shrivel
smicalica {f} :: trick, ruse
smicati {vt impf} :: to suddenly remove, take off (hat, mask etc.)
smicati {vt impf} :: to execute (kill by authorities or military)
smiech {m} :: obsolete spelling of smijeh
smieh {m} :: obsolete spelling of smijeh
smiešak {m} :: obsolete spelling of smiješak
smiešiti {v} :: obsolete spelling of smiješiti
smijanje {n} :: laughter, laugh
smijati {vr impf} :: to laugh
smijeh {m} :: laugh, laughter (expression of mirth peculiar to the human species)
smijeniti {vt pf} :: to change, replace, substitute somebody
smijeniti {vt pf} :: to dismiss somebody (from a position)
smiješak {m} :: smile
smiješan {adj} :: funny
smiješiti {vr impf} :: to smile
smiješno {adv} :: ridiculously, funnily
smilovati {vr pf} :: to have/show mercy
smin {adj} [Chakavian] :: brave, bold, courageous
smio {adj} :: brave, bold, courageous
smion {adj} :: brave, bold, courageous
smiono {adv} :: bravely, boldly, courageously
smirak {m} :: emery
smiren {adj} :: calm, serene
smireno {adv} :: calmly, serenely
smiriti {vt pf} :: to calm, soothe, pacify
smiriti {vr pf} :: to calm down
smirivati {vt impf} :: to calm, soothe, pacify
smirivati {vr impf} :: to calm down
smirna {f} :: myrrh
smisao {m} :: sense, meaning
smislen {adj} :: thought out, sensible
smisleno {adv} :: sensibly, in a thought-out manner
smisliti {vit pf} :: to come up with, think up, devise (plan, solution etc.)
smišljati {vit impf} :: to come up with, think up, devise (plan, solution etc.)
smjelost {f} :: boldness, audacity
smjena {f} :: shift (a set group of workers or period of working time)
smjena {f} :: change, act of changeing (of guard, generations etc.)
smjenjivati {vt impf} :: to change, replace, substitute somebody
smjenjivati {vt impf} :: to dismiss somebody (from a position)
smjer {m} :: direction, course
smjerati {vi impf} :: to intend, plan
smjernica {f} :: guideline
smjernica {f} :: direction, instruction
smjernost {f} :: humility, modesty
smjesa {f} :: mixture
smjesta {adv} :: at once, immediately, right away
smjestiti {vtr pf} :: to put, place into appropriate position (also figuratively)
smjestiti {vtr pf} :: to move, settle (permanently)
smjestiti {vtr pf} :: to stay, lodge, board (temporarily)
smještaj {m} :: accommodation, housing
smještaj {m} :: lodging
smještajni {adj} [relational] :: accommodation, housing, lodging
smještati {vtr impf} :: to put, place into appropriate position (also figuratively)
smještati {vtr impf} :: to move, settle
smjeti {vi impf} :: may, can (to be allowed)
smjeti {vi impf} [by extension, always negated] :: may, must, should, ought to (expressing insistence against something)
smjeti {vi impf} [dated] :: to dare, venture
smočiti {vtr pf} :: to wet, moisten
smočnica {f} :: larder, pantry
smoći {vi pf} :: to find, obtain (of time, money, resources..) (+ genitive)
smoći {vi pf} :: to be able
smog {m} :: smog
smoking {m} :: tuxedo, dinner jacket
smokov {adj} [relational] :: fig
smokva {f} :: fig
smokvik {m} :: fig garden
smokvik {m} :: fig orchard
smokvin {adj} [relational] :: fig
smola {f} :: resin (viscous liquid of plant origin)
smotak {m} :: bundle
smotak {m} :: roll, ball
smotati {vt pf} :: to fold
smotati {vt pf} :: to wrap
smotati {vt pf} :: to wind up, roll up
smotati {vr pf} :: to curl up
smotka {f} [archaic] :: cigarette
smotra {m} :: review, parade, festival (public display of work, folklore customs etc.)
smotrenost {f} :: caution, prudence
smotriti {v pf} :: to catch sight of, to notice
smotuljak {m} :: sheaf, bundle
smrad {m} :: stench, stink (strong bad smell)
smrad {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: Term of disparagement for a contemptible person; asshole, shit stain, scumbag
smrča {f} :: alternative form of smrȅka
smrčak {m} :: morel (Morchella gen. et spp.)
smrdeti {vi impf} :: to stink, smell (bad)
smrdik {m} [archaic] :: bromium
smrditi {vi impf} :: to stink, smell (bad)
smrdjeti {vi impf} :: to stink, smell (bad)
smrdljiv {adj} :: smelly, stinking, fetid
smrdljivac {m} :: stinking person
smrdljivak {m} [botany] :: pelargonium (flower of the genus Pelargonium)
smrdljivica {f} :: stinking person
smreka {f} :: spruce
smrskati {vtr pf} :: to crush, smash, break, crack
smrskavati {vtr impf} :: to crush, smash, break, crack
smrt {f} :: death
smrtan {adj} :: deadly
smrtan {adj} [definite] :: mortal
smrtnica {f} :: mortal (female)
smrtnički {adj} :: mortal
smrtnički {adv} :: mortally (as a mortal)
smrtni greh {m} :: deadly sin
smrtni grijeh {m} :: deadly sin
smrtnik {m} :: mortal
smrtnost {f} :: mortality
smrtonosan {adj} :: lethal, fatal, mortal
smrtonosno {adv} :: lethally, fatally, mortally
smrtožder {m} :: deatheater
smrzavati {vtr impf} :: to freeze
smrznuti {vtr pf} :: to freeze
smrzotina {f} :: frostbite
smučka {f} :: ski
smuda {f} [Kajkavian] :: A stigmatized women
smuda {f} [Kajkavian] :: A whore
smuda {f} [Kajkavian, pejorative] :: A person who is considered to be sexually promiscuous
smuda {f} [Kajkavian] :: A person who is unscrupulous, especially one who compromises their principles for gain
smuda {f} [Kajkavian] :: A person who will violate behavioral standards to achieve something desired
smuk {m} :: Coronella (serpent genus)
smutnja {f} :: trouble, intrigue, cabal
smutnja {f} :: confusion
snabdeti {vt pf} :: to supply, provide
snabdevati {vt impf} :: to supply, provide
snabdijevati {vt impf} :: to supply, provide
snabdjeti {vt pf} :: to supply, provide
snaći {vt pf} :: to befall, happen (used only in 3rd person)
snaći {vr pf} :: to get by, to manage on one's own (to find a way or solution, orient oneself etc.)
snaga {f} :: strength, power
snagator {m} [colloquial] :: muscleman
snaha {f} :: daughter-in-law (wife of one's son)
snaha {f} :: sister-in-law (wife of one's brother)
snaja {f} :: daughter-in-law (wife of one's son)
snaja {f} :: sister-in-law (wife of one's brother)
snajper {m} :: a long-range small arms for precise attacks
snajper {m} :: sniper (by metonymy)
snajperist {m} :: sniper
snalaziti {vt impf} :: to befall, happen (used only in 3rd person)
snalaziti {vr impf} :: to get by, to manage on one's own (to find a way or solution, orient oneself etc.)
snalažljiv {adj} :: clever, resourceful
snalažljivo {adv} :: resourcefully, ingeniously, cleverly
snalažljivost {f} :: resourcefulness, ingenuity, cleverness
snaša {f} :: alternative form of snàha
snažan {adj} :: strong, powerful
snažno {adv} :: strongly, powerfully
snebiti {vr pf} :: to excessively or falsely marvel or be shocked
snebivati {vr impf} :: to excessively or falsely marvel or be shocked
sneg {m} :: snow
sneg {m} :: television static
sneg {m} :: trigonometric function (sine function)
snegovit {adj} :: snowy
snen {adj} :: dreamy, sleepy
sneno {adv} :: sleepily
snevati {vit impf} :: to dream
snežan {adj} [relational] :: snow; snowy
sneženje {n} :: snow-fall
snežiti {vi impf} :: to snow
snežnik {m} :: snow-mountain
snežnik {m} :: permanent snow or ice
snieg {m} :: obsolete spelling of snijeg
snifati {vit impf} :: to sniff
snig {m} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: snow
snijeg {m} :: snow
sniježenje {n} :: snow-fall
sniježiti {vi impf} :: to snow
snimak {m} :: footage, recording
snimak {m} :: photograph, snapshot
snimanje {n} :: recording
snimati {vt impf} :: to photograph
snimati {vt impf} :: to film
snimati {vt impf} :: to record, register
snimati {vt impf} [computing] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
snimati {vt impf} [computing] :: to burn (to write a file to an optical disc)
snimiti {vt pf} :: to photograph
snimiti {vt pf} :: to film
snimiti {vt pf} :: to record, register
snimiti {vt pf} [computing] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
snimiti {vt pf} [computing] :: to burn (to write a file to an optical disc)
snimka {f} :: footage, recording
snimka {f} :: photograph, snapshot
snishodljiv {adj} :: condescending
snishodljiv {adj} :: indulgent, lenient
snishodljivo {adv} :: condescendingly
sniti {v impf} :: to dream
snivati {vit impf} :: to dream
sniziti {vt pf} :: to lower (in height, also figuratively: of prices, voice etc.)
snizivati {vt impf} :: to lower (in height, also figuratively: of prices, voice etc.)
snižavati {vt impf} :: to lower (in height, also figuratively: of prices, voice etc.)
sniženje {n} :: reduction (especially of prices)
sniženje {n} :: decreasing, abatement, diminution
snob {m} :: snob
snočka {adv} [Kajkavian] :: last night
snop {m} :: sheaf (bundle of grain or straw)
snoplje {n} [collectively] :: sheaves
snopovlje {np} [collective] :: sheaves
snošaj {m} :: intercourse (sexual)
snošljiv {adj} :: tolerable, endurable
snošljivo {adv} :: tolerably, endurably
snužden {adj} :: sad, mirthless, unhappy
snuždeno {adv} :: sadly, mirthlessly, unhappily
snjegović {m} :: snowman
snjegovit {adj} :: snowy
snježan {adj} [relational] :: snow; snowy
snježnik {m} :: snow-mountain
snježnik {m} :: permanent snow or ice
so {f} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: salt
sob {m} :: reindeer
soba {f} :: room (a division of a building enclosed by walls, floor, and ceiling)
sobar {m} :: valet (hotel employee)
sobarica {f} :: valet (hotel employee)
sobica {f} :: a small room
sobna antena {f} :: indoor aerial
sobom {pron} :: (with) myself
sobom {pron} :: (with) yourself
sobom {pron} :: (with) himself
sobom {pron} :: (with) herself
sobom {pron} :: (with) itself
sobom {pron} :: (with) ourselves
sobom {pron} :: (with) yourselves
sobom {pron} :: (with) themselves
s obzirom na to što {conj} :: taking into account that
socijalan {adj} :: social
socijaldemokracija {f} :: social democracy
Socijalistička Federativna Republika Jugoslavija {prop} {f} :: Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
socijalistički {adj} :: socialist
socijalistički {adv} :: socialistically
socijalizam {m} [uncountable] :: socialism
socijalno {adv} :: socially
sociolog {m} :: sociologist
sociologija {f} :: sociology
sociološki {adj} :: sociological
sociološki {adv} :: sociologically
sočan {adj} :: juicy
sočivo {n} :: lens
sočivo {n} :: lentil
sočno {adv} :: juicily
soda {f} :: soda (sodium carbonate)
soda {f} :: soda (carbonated drink)
sodik {m} [archaic] :: natrium
sodomija {f} :: sodomy
sodomizirati {vt} [with accusative] :: to sodomize
sofa {f} [Serbia] :: sofa
Sofija {prop} {f} :: Sofija (capital city)
Sofija {prop} {f} :: given name
sofist {m} :: sophist
sofizam {m} :: sophism
Sofokle {prop} {m} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: Sophocles
softver {m} [computing, uncountable] :: software (encoded computer instructions)
soha {f} :: branching tree
soj {m} :: type, kind, sort
soj {m} :: lineage, stock
soja {f} :: soya, soybean
soja {f} :: soy (soy sauce)
sojka {f} :: jay (bird)
sok {m} :: juice
sokak {m} [Bosnia, regional Croatia, Serbia] :: alley
sokl {m} :: pedestal
sokl {m} :: support
sokna {f} :: sock
soko {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: falcon
sokoćalo {n} :: gadget (any device or machine)
sokol {m} [Croatia] :: falcon
sokoliti {vt impf} :: to encourage, cheer up
sokovnik {m} :: juicer
sol {f} [Croatia] :: salt
solana {f} :: saltern
solar {m} :: bullary worker
solarni vetar {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
solarni vjetar {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
soldat {m} [archaic] :: soldier
solidan {adj} :: solid, firm
solidaran {adj} :: solidary
solidarno {adv} :: with solidarity
solidarnost {f} :: solidarity
soliti {vt impf} :: to salt
solnce {n} [Kajkavian] :: sun
solsticij {m} :: solstice
Solun {prop} {m} :: Solun (city)
solvatacija {f} :: solvation
som {m} :: catfish
som {m} [colloquial] :: grand (a thousand of something, especially but not only money)
Somalija {prop} {f} :: Somalia
soman {m} :: Soman
somerica {f} :: summer sausage
somnabulizam {m} :: somnambulism
somnambul {m} :: somnambulist, sleepwalker
somun {m} [now Bosnia] :: a loaf of round wheaten yeast bread, pita
sonar {m} :: sonar
sonatina {f} [music] :: sonatina
sonda {f} :: a probe (a device, or part of a device, used to explore, investigate or measure)
sonet {m} :: sonnet
sonorizacija {f} [phonology] :: sonorization
sopran {m} :: soprano
sopranistica {f} :: soprano (female)
sopstven {adj} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: own
sori {interj} [colloquial] :: sorry
sorpcija {f} :: sorption
sorta {f} :: sort, kind
sos {m} :: sauce
Soto {prop} {m} :: given name
sotona {f} :: satan
Sotona {prop} {m} :: Satan
sotonizam {m} :: Satanism
sotonizirati {vt impf pf} :: to Satanize, demonize
sova {f} :: owl
sovjetski {adj} :: Soviet, soviet
Sovjetski Savez {prop} {m} :: Soviet Union (informal name for USSR)
soza {f} [Kajkavian] :: tear
spackati {v pf} :: to spoil, ruin, screw up
spačka {f} :: hokum, prank
spada {f} :: alternative form of špȃda
spadati {vi impf} :: to fall down
spadati {vi impf} :: to decline
spadati {vi impf} :: to be reduced to, be lowered or debased
spadati {vi impf} :: to belong
spahija {m} [historical] :: spahi
spahija {m} [regional, obsolete] :: an affluent Islamic head of household in Bosnia and Herzegovina
spajati {vt impf} :: to connect, join
spajati {vt impf} :: to combine, merge
spajver {m} [computing] :: spyware (malicious program that monitors and reports activity)
spaliti {vt pf} :: to burn down
spaljivanje {n} :: burning, combustion
spaljivati {vt impf} :: to burn down
spanać {m} :: (Serbian) spinach
Sparta {prop} {f} :: Sparta
Spartanac {prop} {m} :: Spartan
spartanski {adj} :: Spartan
spartanski {adv} :: as a Spartan
spas {m} [uncountable] :: salvation, redemption
spasenje {n} :: salvation, rescue
spasilac {m} :: rescuer, savior
spasilački {adj} [relational] :: rescuing, saving, savior
Spasimir {prop} {m} :: given name
spasitelj {m} :: savior (a person who rescues another from harm)
spasiti {vtr pf} [Croatia] :: to save, salvage (to help someone to survive)
spasiti {vtr pf} [Croatia] :: to rescue
spasti {vi pf} :: to fall down
spasti {vi pf} :: to decline
spasti {vi pf} :: to be reduced to, be lowered or debased
spasti {vt pf} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: to save, salvage, rescue
spašavati {v impf} :: imperfective form of spasiti
spašavati {v impf} :: imperfective form of spasti
spati {vi impf} :: to sleep
spavač {m} :: sleeper
spavačica {f} :: sleeper [woman that sleeps]
spavaći {adj} :: sleeping
spavaćica {f} :: nightgown [nightdress for a woman]
spavalica {f} :: sleepyhead
spavalo {n} :: sleepyhead
spavanje {n} :: sleep, repose
spavaonica {f} :: bedroom (usually a large one)
spavati {vi impf} :: to sleep
spavati {vi impf} [formally] :: to have sex (+ s, sa (with) + instrumental)
spaziti {vit pf} :: to notice, perceive, see
spazmatičan {adj} :: spasmodic
specificirati {vi impf pf} [Croatian] :: to specify
specifičan {adj} :: specific
specifičan {adj} :: particular
specifičan {adj} :: peculiar
specifično {adv} :: specifically
specifikacija {f} :: specification
specijalan {adj} :: special
specijalitet {m} :: specialty
specijalizacija {f} :: specialization
specijalizirati {vtr impf pf} [Croatian] :: to specialize
specijalna {adj} :: special {f}
specijalna teorija relativiteta {f} [physics] :: special relativity
specijalna teorija relativnosti {f} [physics] :: special relativity
specijalno {adv} :: specially
specijalnost {f} :: specialty
speći {vtr pf} :: to cause a burn; scorch, burn someone
speći {vt pf} [regional] :: to bake, roast
spektakl {m} :: spectacle
spektakularan {adj} :: spectacular
spektakularno {adv} :: spectacularly
spektar {m} :: spectrum
spektralan {adj} :: spectral
spekulacija {f} :: speculation
spekulativan {adj} :: speculative
spekulirati {v impf} :: (Croatian) to speculate
speleolog {m} :: speleologist
speleologija {f} :: speleology
speleološki {adj} :: speleological
speleološki {adv} :: speleologically
spelovati {vt impf} :: to spell
spenza {f} [regional] :: groceries
sperma {f} :: sperm
spev {m} :: poem
spev {m} :: canto
spěv {m} :: obsolete spelling of spjev
spěv {m} :: obsolete spelling of spev
spěv {m} :: obsolete spelling of spiv
spevati {vt pf} :: to compose (a poem), to write verse
spiev {m} :: obsolete spelling of spjev
spievati {v} :: obsolete spelling of spjevati
spika {f} :: conversation, speech, talk
spiker {m} :: newsreader, announcer
spilja {f} :: cave, cavern
spinalan {adj} :: spinal
spirala {f} :: spiral
spiralan {adj} :: spiral
spiralno {adv} :: spirally
spirati {vtr impf} :: to wash away, wash off
spiritizam {m} :: Spiritism
spiritualan {adj} :: spiritual
spiritualizam {m} :: spiritualism
spiritualno {adv} :: spiritually
spiritualnost {f} :: spirituality
spis {m} :: document, text
spisak {m} :: list
spisak {m} :: catalogue
spisak {m} :: register, inventory
spisatelj {m} :: writer
spisateljica {f} :: writer
spiskati {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to squander, waste, dissipate
spiskavati {v impf} :: imperfective form of spiskati
spiza {f} [regional] :: groceries
spiza {f} [regional] :: food, dish
spjev {m} :: poem
spjev {m} :: canto
spjevati {vt pf} :: to compose (a poem), to write verse
splav {f} :: raft, float
splavar {m} :: rafter
spletka {f} :: intrigue
spletkar {m} :: intriguer, schemer
spletkariti {vi impf} :: to plot, intrigue
Splićanin {prop} {m} :: citizen of Split
Split {prop} {m} :: Split (port city)
splitski {adj} [relational] :: Split
spljošten {adj} :: flattened, flat
spljoštiti {vt pf} :: to flatten
spodnji {adj} [Kajkavian] :: lower
spoj {m} :: junction, juncture (place where things join)
spoj {m} :: connection, union (that which is joined)
spoj {m} :: date (romantic meeting between lovers)
spoj {m} :: compound (chemical compound)
spojen {adj} :: connected, joined
spojen {adj} :: merged, combined
spojiti {vt pf} :: to connect, join
spojiti {vt pf} :: to combine, merge
spojiv {adj} :: joinable, connectable, mergeable
spojnica {f} :: hyphen (punctuation)
spokoj {m} [uncountable] :: calmness, tranquility, serenity
spokojan {adj} :: tranquil, serene, calm
spokojno {adv} :: calmly, tranquilly, serenely
spokojstvo {n} [uncountable] :: tranquillity, serenity
spol {m} [usually, Croatian] :: sex [kind of an organism as determined by its reproductive organs]
spol {m} [usually, Croatian] :: gender
spolni akt {m} :: sex act
spolni čin {m} :: sex act
spolovilo {n} [Croatia] :: sex organ, genitalia
spolja {adv} :: from outside
spoljašnji {adj} :: exterior
spomen {m} :: remembrance, memory
spomen {m} :: mention
spomenar {m} :: scrapbook
spomenik {m} :: monument
spomenuti {vt pf} :: to mention
spomenuti {vr pf} [archaic] :: to remember
spominati {v} [Kajkavian] :: to talk, to converse
spominjati {vt impf} :: to mention
spominjati {vr impf} :: to remember
spona {f} [grammar] :: copular verb
spona {f} :: connection, link, bond
spontan {adj} :: spontaneous
spontano {adv} :: spontaneously
spontanost {f} :: spontaneity
sponzor {m} :: sponsor
spopadati {vt impf} :: to seize, overcome
spopasti {vt pf} :: to seize, overcome
spor {m} :: dispute, conflict, quarrel
spor {adj} :: slow
spor {adj} :: sluggish, lingering
sporadičan {adj} :: sporadic
sporadično {adv} :: sporadically
sporan {adj} :: disputable, contestable
sporazum {m} :: accord, treaty (formal agreement between two parties)
sporazumeti {vr pf} :: to come to an agreement, come to terms
sporazumeti {vr pf} :: to understand each other, get along
sporazumevati {vr impf} :: to come to an agreement, come to terms
sporazumevati {vr impf} :: to understand each other, get along
sporazumijevati {vr impf} :: to come to an agreement, come to terms
sporazumijevati {vr impf} :: to understand each other, get along
sporazumjeti {vr pf} :: to come to an agreement, come to terms
sporazumjeti {vr pf} :: to understand each other, get along
sporedan {adj} :: secondary
sporedan {adj} :: auxiliary, accessory
sporedan {adj} [grammar] :: subordinate
sporno {adv} :: disputably
sport {m} :: sport
sportaš {m} [Croatian] :: athlete
sportski {adj} [relational] :: sporting, sport
sportski {adv} :: sportingly
sposoban {adj} :: capable, fit for, able
sposoban {adj} :: qualified
sposoban {adj} :: clever, gifted
sposoban {adj} :: competent, efficient
sposoban {adj} :: skilful
sposobnost {f} :: ability
sposobnost {f} :: capability
sposobnost {f} :: capacity
sposobnost {f} :: competency
sposobnost {f} :: competence
sposobnost {f} :: fitness
spoznaja {f} :: cognition, perception, insight, comprehension
spoznati {vt pf} :: to comprehend, conceive
spoznati {vt pf} :: become aware or cognizant of; to learn
spoznavati {vt impf} :: to comprehend, conceive
spoznavati {vt impf} :: become aware or cognizant of; to learn
sprat {m} :: floor, story/storey (level)
sprati {vtr pf} :: to wash away, wash off
sprava {f} :: device, gadget
sprava {f} :: instrument, piece of equipment
sprdačina {f} :: derision, mockery
sprdati {vr impf} :: to mock
sprdnja {f} :: mockery, derision
sprečavati {vt impf} :: to prevent
sprečavati {vt impf} :: to avert
sprečavati {vt impf} :: to thwart
sprečiti {vt pf} :: to prevent
sprečiti {vt pf} :: to avert
sprečiti {vt pf} :: to thwart
spreda {adv} :: in front, ahead
sprej {m} [uncountable] :: spray (substance to be applied by dispensing)
sprej {m} [countable] :: sprayer (object used for spraying)
sprema {f} :: qualification, training
spreman {adj} :: ready, prepared
spremati {vtr impf} :: to prepare
spremati {vit impf} [Croatia] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
spremati {vit impf} :: to store
spremiti {vtr pf} :: to prepare
spremiti {vt pf} :: to tidy
spremiti {vit pf} :: to store
spremiti {vt pf} [computing, Croatia] :: to save (to write a file to a disk)
spremiti {vitr pf} :: to get ready
spremno {adv} :: readily
spremnost {f} [uncountable] :: readiness, willingness
spretan {adj} :: skillful, deft
spretno {adv} :: skillfully, deftly
spretnost {f} :: skill, skillfulness
sprezanje {n} :: conjugation (grammar)
sprijateljiti {vtr pf} :: to befriend, make friends, become friends
sprijateljivati {vtr impf} :: to befriend, make friends, become friends
spriječiti {vt pf} :: to prevent, preoccupy
spriječiti {vt pf} :: to thwart, foil, avert
sprijeda {adv} :: in front, ahead
sprint {m} :: sprint
sprintati {v impf} :: to sprint
sprinter {m} :: sprinter
sprinterica {f} :: sprinter (female)
sprinterica {f} :: sneaker for sprint
sprinterka {f} :: sprinter (female)
sprovesti {vt pf} :: to escort, lead (person)
sprovesti {vt pf} :: to convey, conduct (heat, electricity)
sprovesti {vt pf} :: to carry out, put through, implement, realize
sprovod {m} :: funeral
sprovoditi {vt impf} :: to escort, lead (person)
sprovoditi {vt impf} :: to convey, conduct (heat, electricity)
sprovoditi {vt impf} :: to carry out, put through, realize
sprtljati {vi pf} :: to bungle
sprud {m} :: sand-bank
spuknuti {v} [Kajkavian] :: to pull out
spuminati {v} [Kajkavian] :: to talk, to converse
spust {m} :: descent (instance or act of descending)
spustiti {vt pf} :: to lower, abase, take down
spustiti {vi pf} [idiomatic, slang] :: to put someone down, burn someone
spustiti {vr pf} :: to climb down, come down, descend (pass from a higher to a lower place)
spuštati {vt impf} :: to lower, abase, take down
spuštati {vr impf} :: to descend (pass from a higher to a lower place)
sputan {adj} :: shackled, bound, restrained
sputati {vt pf} :: to bind, fetter, chain, tie
sputavati {vt impf} :: to bind, fetter, chain, tie
spužva {f} :: sponge
sračunati {vt pf} :: to calculate
sračunati {vt pf} :: to estimate
sračunavati {vt impf} :: to calculate
sračunavati {vt impf} :: to estimate
sram {m} :: shame (uncomfortable or painful feeling)
sraman {adj} :: shameful, disgraceful
sramežljivac {m} :: shy person
sramežljivica {f} :: shy woman
sramežljivost {f} :: shyness
sramiti {vr impf} :: to be shy
sramiti {vr impf} :: to be ashamed of oneself
sramno {adv} :: shamefully, disgracefully
sramota {f} :: shame, disgrace, (shameful act; deep sense of shame)
sramotan {adj} :: shameful, disgraceful
sramotiti {vtr impf} :: to embarrass, humiliate
sramotiti {vtr impf} :: to disgrace, dishonor, shame
sramotno {adv} :: shamefully, disgracefully
sranje {n} [vulgar] :: bullshit
sranje {n} [literally] :: the process of excretion
sranje {n} [colloquial] :: one's shit, stuff, things, belongings
sranje {interj} [vulgar] :: Expression of worry, annoyance, shock or surprise etc
srati {v impf} [vulgar] :: to shit, to defecate
srati {v impf} [vulgar] :: to bullshit, to talk nonsense
sravniti {v pf} :: to make level
sravniti {v pf} :: to raze
sraz {m} :: (Croatian) collision, clash
srbenda {f} [derogatory, familiar] :: Serb
Srbija {prop} {f} :: Serbia
Srbija i Crna Gora {prop} {f} :: Serbia and Montenegro
Srbijanac {prop} {m} :: an inhabitant or a resident of region Serbia
Srbijanac {prop} {m} [usually, Croatia] :: a citizen of the country of Serbia
Srbijanka {prop} {f} :: a female inhabitant or a resident of region Serbia
Srbijanka {prop} {f} :: a female citizen of country Serbia
Srbijanka {prop} {f} :: female proper name
srbijanski {adj} [relational] :: Serbia; Serbian
Srbin {m} :: Serb (a male of Serb ethnicity)
Srbosjek {m} :: Serbcutter (An agricultural knife nicknamed "Srbosjek" ("Serbcutter"), strapped to the hand. It was used by the Ustaše militia for the speedy killing of inmates, mostly Serbs, at Jasenovac concentration camp.)
srbština {f} [archaic] :: Serbian language
srcast {adj} :: heart-shaped
srce {n} [anatomy] :: a heart
srce {n} :: heart; (as in emotions)
srce {n} :: , hearts in card- and boardgames
srcolik {adj} :: heart-shaped
srča {f} :: shards of glass
srča {f} [regional] :: bottle
srčan {adj} :: brave, courageous, bold
srčan {adj} [relational] :: heart; cardiac
srčano {adv} :: bravely, courageously, boldly
srčanost {f} :: courage, bravery
srdačan {adj} :: heartfelt, cordial
srdačan {adj} :: friendly, warm, affectionate
srdačce {n} [hypocoristic] :: heart
srdačno {adv} :: heartily, cordially, warmly
srdačnost {f} :: cordiality, affection
srdašce {n} :: (hypocoristic) heart
srdce {n} :: obsolete spelling of srce
srdčba {f} :: obsolete spelling of srdžba
srditi {vtr impf} :: to anger
srditost {f} :: anger, wrath
srdobolja {f} [archaic] :: dysentery
srdžba {f} :: wrath, anger
srebren {adj} :: silver
Srebrenica {prop} {f} :: Srebrenica (town)
srebrenjak {m} :: silver coin
srebrn {adj} :: silver
srebrnjak {m} :: silver coin
srebro {n} [uncountable] :: silver
srebroljubac {m} :: miser
sreća {f} :: happiness
sreća {f} :: luck
sreća {f} :: fortune
sreća {f} :: a lucky outcome
srěća {f} :: obsolete spelling of sreća
srěća {f} :: obsolete spelling of srića
srěća {f} :: obsolete spelling of srjeća
srećan {adj} [Serbia] :: happy (enjoying peace, comfort, etc; contented, joyous)
srećan {adj} [Serbia] :: lucky
Srećan Božić {phrase} [Serbia, Bosnia] :: Merry Christmas
srećan put {phrase} :: bon voyage
srećan rođendan {phrase} [Serbia] :: happy birthday
srećka {f} :: lottery ticket
Srećna Nova godina {phrase} [Montenegrin, Serbian] :: Happy New Year!
srećom {adv} :: fortunately
srećom {adv} :: with luck
sred {prep} :: in the middle of
sreda {f} [Ekavian] :: Wednesday
sreda {f} [Ekavian, figurative] :: middle, mean, midst
sredina {f} :: middle
sredina {f} :: surrounding, environment, ambiance
sredinom {prep} :: [of time periods] around the middle, in/at the middle
sredinom {prep} :: by the middle, at the middle, in the middle
središni {adj} :: central
središni {adj} :: key, crucial, the most important
središnji {adj} :: central
središnji {adj} :: key, crucial, the most important
središte {n} :: center
srediti {vt pf} :: to arrange, settle, put in order
srediti {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to defeat, beat (usually in sports game)
srediti {vr pf} :: to get one's act together
srediti {vr pf} :: to dress up, spruce up, smarten (in elegant clothes)
Srednja Europa {prop} {f} [Croatian] :: Central Europe
Srednja Evropa {prop} {f} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: Central Europe
srednjak {m} :: middle finger
srednji {adj} :: central (being in the centre)
srednji {adj} :: occurring in the midst of two opposites; middle
Srednji istok {prop} {m} :: the Middle East
Srednjoafrička Republika {prop} {f} :: Central African Republic
srednjoafrički {adj} :: Central African
srednjoamerički {adj} :: Central American
srednjoškolac {m} :: highschooler
srednjovekovni {adj} :: medieval
srednjovjekovni {adj} :: medieval
Sredozemlje {prop} {n} :: Mediterranean Sea
sredozemni {adj} :: Mediterranean
Sredozemno more {prop} {n} :: Mediterranean Sea
sredstvo {n} :: means, medium
sredstvo {n} :: agent
sredstvo {n} :: device, instrument
sredstvo {n} :: resource
sređivati {v impf} :: imperfective form of srediti
sremuš {m} :: ramson (plant)
sresti {vtr pf} :: to encounter, meet
sretan {adj} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: happy, merry (enjoying peace, comfort, etc; contented, joyous)
sretan {adj} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: lucky
Sretan Božić {phrase} [Croatian, Bosnian] :: Merry Christmas
sretan put {phrase} :: bon voyage
sretan rođendan {phrase} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: happy birthday
sretati {v impf} :: imperfective form of sresti
Sretna Nova godina {phrase} [Croatian, Bosnian] :: Happy New Year!
srh {m} [Croatia] :: goose flesh
srića {f} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: happiness; luck
srieća {noun} :: obsolete spelling of srjeća
srieda {f} :: obsolete spelling of srijeda
srijeda {f} [Ijekavian] :: Wednesday
srijeda {f} [Ijekavian, figurative] :: middle, mean, midst
srijemuš {m} :: alternative form of srȇmuš
srjeća {f} :: obsolete spelling of sreća
srk {m} :: sip
srkati {vt impf} :: to sip, lap (up)
srkati {vt impf} :: to slurp
srknuti {vt pf} :: to sip, lap (up)
srknuti {vt pf} :: to slurp
srljati {vi impf} :: to rush, plunge
srna {f} :: roe deer
srnče {n} :: fawn
srndać {m} :: roebuck
srnetina {f} :: venison
srnuti {vi pf} :: to rush, plunge
srnuti {vi pf} :: to attack
srodan {adj} :: akin, kindred
srodan {adj} :: cognate, related
srodan {adj} :: allied to, analogous
srodan {adj} :: congenial
srodnica {f} :: relation (member of one's family)
srodnik {m} :: relation (member of one's family)
srodnost {f} :: relationship, kinship, affinity
srodnost {f} :: cognateness
srodstvo {n} :: relationship (connection or association)
srodstvo {n} :: kinship
srok {m} :: rhyme
srp {m} :: sickle
srpanj {m} [Croatia] :: July
srpanjski {adj} [Croatian, relational] :: July
srp i čekić {m} :: hammer and sickle
Srpkinja {f} :: Serb (a female of Serb ethnicity)
Srpska {prop} {f} [colloquial] :: Republika Srpska (a polity within Bosnia and Herzegovina)
srpska kafa {f} [Serbia, political] :: synonym of turska kafa
srpski {adj} [relational] :: Serbs; Serbian
srpski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Serbian language
srpski trobojni gonič {m} :: Serbian tricolor hound (breed of a dog)
srpskohrvatski {adj} :: Serbo-Croatian (pertaining to the Serbo-Croatian language)
srpskohrvatski {adj} :: Eastern (Serbian) variant of Serbo-Croatian
srpskohrvatski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Serbo-Croatian language
srpstvo {n} :: a sense of belonging to the Serb people; Serbdom, Serbianness
srpstvo {n} :: the collective characteristics of Serbs
SRS {prop} :: Srpska Radikalna Stranka - the Serbian Radical Party (a political party in the Republic of Serbia)
srtati {vi impf} :: to rush, plunge
srtati {vi impf} :: to attack
srušiti {vit pf} :: to demolish, raze
srušiti {vit pf} :: to destroy, wreck (also figuratively)
srušiti {vit pf} :: to knock down, overthrow
srušiti {vr pf} [computing] :: to collapse, fall down, crash (sudden failure of a system that works continuously)
srž {f} :: essence
srž {f} :: marrow
srž {f} :: core
SSSR {prop} {m} :: initialism of Savez Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika
stabilan {adj} :: stable
stabilizacija {f} :: stabilization
stabilno {adv} :: stably
stabilnost {f} :: stability
stablo {n} :: a tree trunk
stablo {n} :: a tree
stabljika {f} :: stalk
stadion {m} [sports] :: stadium
stadion {m} [unit of measure] :: stadion
stado {n} :: flock (of domesticated animals like sheep and goats)
Stadomir {prop} {m} :: given name
stagnacija {f} :: stagnation
stagnantan {adj} :: stagnant
stagnirati {vi impf pf} :: to stagnate
staja {f} :: stable
stajalište {n} :: viewpoint, standpoint
stajalište {n} :: station (ground transportation depot)
stajati {vi impf} :: to stop
stajati {vi impf} :: to stand still
stajati {vi impf} :: to stand on one's feet
stajati {vi impf} :: to cost
stajati {v impf} [of clothes] :: to fit, suit (+ dative)
stajati {vi impf} [regional] :: to reside
stajling {m} :: styling
staklar {m} :: glazier
staklara {f} :: glass-works
staklast {adj} :: glassy (resembling glass)
staklen {adj} :: glassy
staklen {adj} [relational] :: glass
staklenica {f} [archaic, Croatian] :: glass bottle, decanter
staklenik {m} :: greenhouse
staklenka {f} :: jar
staklo {n} :: glass (substance)
staklo {n} :: shards (plural collective - glass in general)
staklo {n} :: glass pieces (plural collective - specific pieces of glass)
stalak {m} :: stand (supporting device)
stalan {adj} :: permanent
stalan {adj} :: continuous
stalan {adj} :: constant, stable, invariable
staleški {adj} [relational] :: class, status, standing (social, professional etc.)
stalež {m} :: class (social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.)
stalno {adv} :: continuously (without interruption)
stalno {adv} :: permanently
stalno {adv} :: invariably
stalnost {f} :: permanency, constancy
staljinizam {m} :: Stalinism
stambeni {adj} [relational] :: housing, living; residential
stampedo {m} :: stampede
stan {m} :: flat, apartment
stan {m} :: loom (tkàlačkī stȃn)
stanar {m} :: tenant
stanarina {f} :: rent (payment made by a tenant)
stanarka {f} :: tenant (female)
stanarski {adj} [relational] :: tenant or tenancy
stanarski {adv} :: as a tenant
standard {m} :: standard
standardizacija {f} :: standardization
stanica {f} :: station
stanica {f} [biology] :: cell
stanični {adj} :: cellular
stanični {adj} [relational] :: station
stanični automat {m} :: cellular automaton
Staniljub {prop} {m} :: given name
Stanimir {prop} {m} :: given name
stanište {n} :: habitat
stanka {f} :: pause, break
Stankovci {prop} :: Stankovci (municipality)
stanovati {vi impf} :: to live, reside, dwell
stanovište {n} :: standpoint
stanovit {adj} [archaic, Croatian] :: faithful
stanovit {adj} [Croatian] :: certain, some
stanovnica {f} :: inhabitant
stanovnik {m} :: inhabitant
stanovništvo {n} :: population
stanje {n} :: condition, state
stapati {v impf} :: imperfective form of stopiti
star {adj} :: old
stara {f} :: old woman
stara {f} [slang] :: mother, mum, mom
starac {m} :: old man
starački {adj} [relational] :: old people or age; senile
staralac {m} :: guardian, tutor
staratelj {m} :: guardian, tutor
starateljstvo {n} :: guardianship, care
starati {vr impf} :: to take care of, to look after
starčev {adj} [relational] :: old man; old man's
starčić {m} :: little old man
starenje {n} :: growing old
starešina {m} :: (expressively) chief, elder, head
stareti {vi impf} :: to grow old, age
stari {m} :: old man
stari {m} [slang] :: father, dad
starica {f} :: old woman
Starigrad {prop} :: Starigrad (municipality)
starina {f} :: antiquity (ancient times; relic of ancient times)
starinar {m} :: antiquary
starinski {adj} :: antique, ancient
starinski {adj} :: old, obsolete
stariti {vi impf} :: to grow old, age
Stari zavet {prop} {m} :: the Old Testament
Stari zavjet {prop} {m} :: the Old Testament
starješina {m} :: (expressively) chief, elder, head
starjeti {vi impf} :: to grow old, age
starojevrejska harfa {f} :: timbrel
staromodan {adj} :: old-fashioned
staromodno {adv} :: in an old-fashioned way
starosedilac {m} :: aborigine, native
starosjedilac {m} :: aborigine, native
staroslavenski {adj} [Bosnian, Croatian] :: Old Church Slavonic
staroslavenski {adj} [Bosnian, Croatian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Old Church Slavonic language
staroslovenski {adj} [Serbian] :: Old Church Slavonic
staroslovenski {adj} [Serbian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Old Church Slavonic language
starost {f} :: age
starost {f} :: old age
starter {m} :: A device that starts an engine or a machine
stas {m} :: stature, build (general physical appearance of a person)
stati {vi pf} :: to stop, halt
stati {vi pf} :: to rise onto one's feet
stati {vi pf} :: to cease an activity
stati {vi pf} [dated, with infinitive] :: to start, initiate
stati {vi pf} :: to fit into a vessel, space etc
statičan {adj} :: static
statički {adj} :: static
statički {adv} :: statically
statika {f} :: statics
statist {m} :: an extra (person without a speaking part appearing in a film or play)
statističar {m} :: statistician
statističarka {f} :: statistician
statistički {adj} :: statistical
statistički {adv} :: statistically
statistika {f} :: statistics
stativa {f} [sports] :: goalpost
status {m} :: status, rank
statusni {adj} [relational] :: status, rank
statut {m} :: statute
stav {m} :: posture, stance, position
stav {m} :: attitude, opinion, sentiment
stav {m} [music] :: movement
stav {m} [mathematics] :: theorem, proposition
stavak {m} :: movement (of a composition)
staviti {v pf} :: to put, place (also figuratively)
staviti {v pf} :: to put on, wear (clothes, and especially additional clothing such as hat, belt etc.)
stavka {f} :: item, entry (in a list, in accounting, etc.)
stavljati {v impf} :: to put, place (also figuratively)
stavljati {v impf} :: to put on, wear (clothes, and especially additional clothing such as hat, belt etc.)
staza {f} :: path, way
staž {m} :: work experience
staž {m} :: training period, internship
stdenac {m} :: obsolete spelling of zdenac
stearin {m} :: stearin
stečaj {m} :: bankruptcy
stečajni {adj} [relational] :: bankruptcy
stečevina {f} :: acquisition, acquired asset
steći {vt pf} :: to acquire, get, gain, obtain
steći {vt pf} :: to earn (obtain my means of one's work)
stegno {n} :: thigh
stegnuti {vt pf} :: to tighten, constrict, constringe
stegnuti {vr pf} :: to contract, close (of wound, etc.)
stehiometrija {f} :: stoichiometry
stejdž {m} :: stage (raised area)
stena {f} :: rock (naturally occurring aggregate of solid mineral matter)
stenica {f} :: bedbug
stenica {f} [entomology] :: a member of order Heteroptera
stenj {m} :: wick
stenjati {v impf} :: groan, moan
steon {adj} :: gravid (of cows)
stepa {f} :: steppe
stepen {m} [geometry, physics, mathematics] :: degree
stepen {m} :: level
stepen {m} :: stage
stepen {m} :: extent
stepen {m} :: grade
stepen {m} :: exponent
stepenica {f} :: step, rest (of a stair, also figuratively)
stepenište {n} :: stairway
stepski {adj} [relational] :: steppe
stetoskop {m} :: stethoscope
Stevan {prop} {m} :: given name, Stephen
sticati {vt impf} :: to acquire, get, gain, obtain
sticati {vt impf} :: to earn (obtain by means of one's work)
stići {v pf} :: alternative form of stignuti
stid {m} [uncountable] :: shame (uncomfortable or painful feeling)
stidan {adj} :: shy
stideti {vr impf} :: to be shy
stideti {vr impf} :: to be ashamed
stidjeti {vr impf} :: to be shy
stidjeti {vr impf} :: to be ashamed
stidljiv {adj} :: shy, timid
stidljivo {adv} :: shyly, timidly
stidljivost {f} :: shyness
stignuti {vi pf} :: to arrive, reach (to a destination or a goal)
stignuti {vt pf} :: to catch up, overtake, gain on (someone who is ahead)
stignuti {vi pf} :: have the time, get the time, can, be able to (to do something one ought to do)
stignuti {vi pf} [by extension] :: to make it in time, to have time to finish or do something, to manage to do something in time
stignuti {vi pf} [archaic] :: catch up with one (illness or misfortune)
stih {m} :: verse
stiha {adv} [Kajkavian] :: quietly, silently
stihotvorac {m} :: versifier, poet
stihotvorstvo {n} :: poetry (art or act of composing verses)
stijeg {m} [Croatia] :: banner, flag
stijeg {m} :: flagpole, flagstaff
stijena {f} :: rock (naturally occurring aggregate of solid mineral matter)
stijenj {m} :: wick
stil {m} :: style
stilist {m} :: stylist
stilistica {f} :: stylist
stilistika {f} [uncountable] :: stylistics
stilski {adj} :: stylistic
stina {f} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: rock (naturally occurring aggregate of solid mineral matter)
Stipan {prop} {m} :: given name
Stipe {prop} {m} :: given name
stipendija {f} :: scholarship (study allowance)
stipsa {m} :: alum
stipsa {m} :: styptic pencil
stipsa {m} :: miser
stiropor {m} :: styrofoam
stiska {f} :: crowd, jam
stiska {f} :: press, hurry
stiska {f} :: straits, need, distress
stiskati {vt impf} :: to press, squeeze
stiskati {vt impf} :: to hug, clasp
stiskati {vr impf} :: to shrink
stiskati {vr impf} :: to shrivel
stiskati {vr impf} :: to retrench oneself
stiskati {vr impf} :: to stint oneself in
stiskati {vr impf} :: to be confined to a narrow place
stisnuti {vt pf} :: to press, squeeze
stisnuti {vt pf} :: to hug, clasp
stisnuti {vr pf} :: to shrink
stisnuti {vr pf} :: to shrivel
stisnuti {vr pf} :: to retrench oneself
stisnuti {vr pf} :: to stint oneself in
stisnuti {vr pf} :: to be confined to a narrow place
stišati {vit pf} :: to turn down (music, radio etc.)
stišati {vt pf} :: to calm, still, quiet, pacify (of emotion, pain, weather etc.)
stišavati {vit impf} :: to turn down (music, radio etc.)
stišavati {vt impf} :: to calm, still, quiet, pacify (of emotion, pain, weather etc.)
stizati {vi impf} :: to arrive, reach (to a destination or a goal)
stizati {vt impf} :: to catch up, overtake (somebody or someone)
stizati {vi impf} :: to have time to finish or do something; to manage to do something (+infinitive)
stjecati {vt impf} [Ijekavian] :: to acquire, get, gain, obtain
stjecati {vt impf} [Ijekavian] :: to earn (obtain my means of one's work)
stjenica {f} :: bedbug
stjenica {f} [entomology] :: a member of order Heteroptera
Stjepan {prop} {m} :: given name
stjuard {m} :: steward
stjuardesa {f} :: stewardess
sto {num} :: hundred
sto {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: table
stočar {m} :: cattle breeder
stočarski {adj} :: cattle-breeding
stočarstvo {n} :: cattle-breeding
stočić {m} :: a small table
stog {m} :: stack (of hay, also in computing)
stoga {adv} :: so, therefore, for that/this reason, ergo (used before a reason for the aforementioned action)
stogodišnjica {f} :: centenary, centennial (one hundred-year anniversary)
stojećke {adv} :: standing, upright, erect
stoka {f} :: cattle
stoklasa {f} :: brome (grass of the genus Bromus)
stol {m} [Croatia] :: table
stolac {m} :: chair
stolar {m} :: cabinetmaker
stolar {m} :: carpenter
stolar {m} :: woodworker
stolčić {m} :: a small table
stoleće {n} :: century [100 years]
stolećima {adv} :: for centuries
stolica {f} :: chair
stolica {f} [medicine] :: stool
stolica {f} [archaic] :: capital city
stolić {m} :: a small table
stolnjak {m} :: tablecloth
stoljeće {n} :: century [100 years]
stoljećima {adv} :: for centuries
stomak {m} :: stomach
stomak {m} :: belly
stomatologija {f} :: stomatology
stonoga {f} :: centipede
stopa {f} :: foot (unit of measure)
stopa {f} :: rate, step
stopalo {n} :: foot (part of human body)
stopiti {vr pf} :: to merge, unite, assimilate
stoprem {adv} [Kajkavian] :: only, not earlier than
storiti {v} [Kajkavian, Chakavian] :: to do
storiti {v} [Kajkavian, Chakavian] :: to make
storiti {v} [Kajkavian, Chakavian] :: to commit
stotina {f} :: a group of one hundred (100)
stotina {f} :: a hundredth (1/100)
stotinka {f} :: hundredth
stotinjak {m} :: (a group of) around one hundred
stovarište {n} :: warehouse, storehouse, repository
stožer {m} :: pivot
stožer {m} :: pole
stožer {m} :: headquarters, base
stožerni narednik {m} :: sergeant major
stradalac {m} :: sufferer, victim
stradati {vi impf pf} :: to suffer
stradati {vi impf pf} :: to perish, die
stradati {vi impf pf} :: to be ruined, destroyed
stradavati {vi impf} :: to suffer
stradavati {vi impf} :: to perish, die
stradavati {vi impf} :: to be ruined, destroyed
strah {m} :: fear, dread
strah {m} [by extension] :: afraid, scared
strah {m} :: terror
strahopoštovanje {n} [uncountable] :: awe
strahota {f} :: horror, terror
strahotan {adj} :: horrible, terrible, dreadful, fearful
strahovati {vi impf} :: to apprehend, fear, be worried (anticipate with fear or anxiety)
strahovit {adj} :: frightful, dreadful, horrible
strahovit {adj} :: (as an intensifier) great, tremendous, immense
strahovlada {f} :: reign of terror
stran {adj} :: foreign, alien
stran {adj} :: strange, unfamiliar
stran {f} [Kajkavian] :: side
stran {f} [Kajkavian] :: page
strana {f} :: side
strana {f} :: party (in negotiation and litigation)
strana {f} :: page (of a book)
stranac {m} :: foreigner
stranica {f} :: page
stranka {f} :: party (political group)
stranka {f} :: party in legal or administrative proceedings
strankinja {f} :: foreigner (female)
stranputica {f} :: side-track
stranputica {f} :: wrong way
strast {f} :: passion
strastven {adj} :: passionate
strašan {adj} :: dire
strašan {adj} :: awful, terrible
strašilo {n} :: scarecrow
strašiti {vt impf} :: to frighten
strašljivost {f} :: cowardice, timidity
strašno {adv} :: terribly, awfully, horribly
strategija {f} :: strategy
strategijski {adj} :: strategic, strategical
strateški {adj} :: strategic
stratigrafija {f} [geology] :: stratigraphy
stratopauza {f} :: stratopause
stratosfera {f} :: stratosphere
strava {f} :: horror, dread
straža {f} :: guard, watch (activity; persons)
stražar {m} :: sentry, guard
stražnjica {f} :: butt, behind, buttocks
stražnjonepčanik {m} :: a velar
strefiti {v} [colloquial] :: to befall, to happen
strefiti {v} [colloquial] :: to hit
streha {f} :: canopy
streha {f} :: pent
streha {f} :: penthouse
streha {f} :: eaves
streha {f} [regional] :: thatched roof
strejtaš {m} [colloquial, animate] :: straight person (non-gay person)
strela {f} :: arrow
strelac {m} :: archer, bowman
strelica {f} [Ekavian] :: arrow
streljački {adj} :: Used by shooters or used for shooting
streljivo {n} :: ammunition
stremen {m} :: stirrup
strepiti {vi impf} :: to dread, quail (fear)
strepnja {f} :: anguish, anxiety
stres {m} :: stress (emotional pressure)
strež {m} :: wren (member of the family Troglodytidae)
Stribor {prop} {m} :: given name
stric {m} :: paternal uncle (father's brother)
stričak {m} :: thistle
striček {m} [Kajkavian] :: mister
stričev {adj} [relational] :: uncle; uncle's
strići {vit impf} :: to cut hair
strići {vit impf} :: to shear, clip
strići {vtr impf} [regional] :: to have a haircut
strijela {f} :: arrow
strijelac {m} :: archer, bowman
strila {f} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: arrow
strilica {f} [Ikavian, Chakavian] :: arrow
strina {f} :: aunt (father's sister-in-law)
strip {m} :: comic (a cartoon story)
striper {m} :: a maker of comic strips; cartoonist
striptiz {m} :: striptease
striptizer {m} :: stripper (person who performs stripteases)
striptizeta {f} :: stripper (person who performs stripteases)
strizati {vit impf} :: to cut hair
strizati {vit impf} :: to shear
strizati {vtr impf} [regional] :: to have a haircut
strjelica {f} :: arrow
strjeljački {adj} :: alternative form of streljački
strm {adj} :: steep, precipitous
strmen {f} :: steep slope
strmo {adv} :: steeply, precipitously
strmoglavce {adv} :: headfirst, headlong, abruptly, precipitously
strmoglavo {adv} :: precipitously, hastily, abruptly
strn {f} :: stubble, what is left on the field after its being mowed down
strn {m} :: alternative form of stȓn
strofa {f} :: strophe
strog {adj} :: strict, severe
strog {adj} :: harsh
strogo {adv} :: strictly
strogo {adv} :: harshly
strogost {f} :: strictness
strogost {f} :: severity
strogost {f} :: rigor
stroj {m} :: machine, engine
stroj {m} :: adjuster
stroj {m} :: array
stroj {m} [military] :: formation
strojarstvo {n} :: mechanical engineering
strojnica {f} :: machine-gun
strojopis {m} :: (Croatian) typing (act of inputting words via a keyboard)
strojoslovlje {n} [Croatia, rare, obsolete, physics] :: mechanics
stroncij {m} :: strontium
strop {m} :: A ceiling
strpeti {vr pf} :: wait patiently; to be patient
strpjeti {vr pf} :: wait patiently; to be patient
strpljenje {n} [uncountable] :: patience
strpljiv {adj} :: patient
strpljivo {adv} :: patiently
strpljivost {f} :: patience
stršljen {m} :: hornet
stručan {adj} :: skilled, expert
stručan {adj} [definite, relational] :: profession, an area of specialization
stručno {adv} :: expertly
stručnjak {m} :: expert, specialist
stručnjak {m} [computing, rare, chiefly Bosnia] :: wizard
struga {f} :: sheepfold
struga {f} :: goatpen
strugač {m} :: scraper (one who scrapes)
strugar {m} :: sawyer, turner
strugati {vt impf} :: to file (with a file or a similar tool)
strugati {vt impf} :: to plane (smooth a wooden surface with a plane)
strugati {vt impf} :: to grind, sharpen
strugati {vt impf} :: to scrape, grate, scratch, rasp
strugati {vt impf} :: to scrub (floor etc.)
strugnuti {vi pf} :: to flee, run away, slip away
strugnuti {vt pf} :: See strúgati
strugotina {f} :: shavings
struja {f} :: electricity
struja {f} :: current
struja {f} :: river stream
strujnik {m} :: fricative
struk {m} :: waist
struk {m} :: stalk, stem
struka {f} :: vocation, profession
struka {f} :: field, branch, discipline (of study)
strukovnjak {m} :: expert
strukovnjak {m} :: person sharing the same profession
struktura {f} :: structure
strukturni {adj} :: structural
struna {f} :: string (of a musical instrument)
struna {f} :: horse-hair
strvina {f} :: carrion (rotting carcass of an animal)
strvinar {m} :: vulture
stub {m} :: pillar
stub {m} :: column (upright supporting beam)
stubište {n} :: stairway
stud {f} :: (expressively) cold
studen {f} :: cold, chill
studen {f} :: frigidity
studen {adj} :: cold, chilly
studen {adj} :: icy
studen {adj} :: frigid, chilling
studenac {m} :: well (hole sunk into the ground)
studeni {m} [Croatia] :: November
student {m} :: student [usually at a college or university]
studentica {f} [Croatian, Bosnian] :: student (female)
studentkinja {f} :: student
studij {m} :: studying, studies (usually at a university)
studija {f} :: study, paper (academic work)
studio {m} :: studio (artist’s or photographer’s workshop)
studio {m} :: studio [establishment where an art is taught]
studio {m} :: studio [place where radio or television programs, records or films are made]
studio {m} :: studio [company or organization that makes films]
studirati {vt impf} :: to study (at a university)
studirati {vt impf} :: to study, work through (something)
studirati {vi impf} :: to be a student, go to college
stup {m} :: pillar
stup {m} :: column (upright supporting beam)
stupa {f} :: mortar (hollow vessel used to pound, crush, rub, grind or mix ingredients with a pestle)
stupac {m} [usually, Croatian] :: column (vertical line of entries in a table)
stupanj {m} :: degree
stupanj {m} :: level
stupati {vi impf} :: to step
stupati {vi impf} :: to enter (service, relationship, etc.)
stupić {m} :: small pillar or column
stupiti {vi pf} :: to step
stupiti {vi pf} :: to enter (service, relationship, etc.)
stvar {f} :: thing
stvaralac {m} :: creator
stvaran {adj} :: real, actual
stvaranje {n} :: creation
stvaratelj {m} :: creator, the one that creates
stvarateljica {f} :: creator
stvarati {vt impf} :: to create
stvarca {f} :: small thing
stvarčica {f} :: little thing
stvarno {adv} [intensifier] :: really, truly
stvarno {adv} [intensifier] :: rather, quite
stvarno {adv} :: indeed
stvarnost {f} :: reality
-stvo {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a neuter noun, usually an abstract noun denoting a relation, social status, scientific discipline, quality or a state. Corresponding to English -hood or -ness
stvor {m} :: being, creature, especially in a sense opposed to God as the Creator
stvorenje {n} :: being, creature
stvoritelj {m} :: creator
stvoriti {vt pf} :: to create
stvoriti {vr pf} :: to appear out of nowhere
subliman {adj} :: morally or spiritually elevated
subliman {adj} :: sublime, awe-inspiring
sublimirati {v} [physics] :: to sublimate (change from solid to gas)
subota {f} :: Saturday
subotnji {adj} [relational] :: Saturday; Saturday's
Sućuraj {prop} :: Sućuraj (municipality)
sućut {f} [Croatia] :: condolences
sud {m} :: court
sud {m} :: courthouse
sud {m} :: tribunal
sud {m} :: judgment
sud {m} [regional] :: vessel
sud {m} [regional] :: dish
sudac {m} :: judge
sudac {m} :: referee
Sudan {prop} {m} :: Sudan
Sudanac {prop} {m} :: Sudanese
sudanski {adj} :: Sudanese
sudar {m} :: crash
sudar {m} :: collision
sudar {m} [slang] :: date (romantic meeting)
sudba {f} [expressive, literary] :: destiny, fate, doom, fortune
sudbina {f} :: fate, destiny
sudbina {f} :: fatality
sudbina {f} :: good or bad luck
sudbina {f} :: bad fortune
sudbina {f} :: lot
sudbina {f} :: doom
sudbonosan {adj} :: fateful
sudbonosno {adv} :: fatefully
sudbonosnost {f} [uncountable] :: fatefulness
sudelovati {vi impf} :: to participate, take part
sudeonica {f} :: participant (female)
sudeonik {m} :: participant
sudija {m} :: judge
sudija {m} :: referee
sudionica {f} :: participant (female)
sudionik {m} :: participant
suditi {vi impf} :: to trial
suditi {vi impf} :: to judge
sudjelovati {v impf} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: to participate, take part
sudnica {f} :: courtroom
sudopera {f} :: sink
sudski {adj} :: judicial (of or relating to court, court decisions or procedures)
sudstvo {n} [uncountable] :: judiciary
sudžuk {m} :: sujuk
sudžuka {f} :: alternative form of sùdžuk
suđe {n} :: (collectively) dishes
suđenje {n} :: trial
Suez {prop} {m} :: Suez (town)
sufiks {m} :: suffix
sufizam {m} :: Sufism
sugestija {f} :: suggestion
sugestivan {adj} :: suggestive
sugestivno {adv} :: suggestively
sugestivnost {f} [uncountable] :: suggestiveness
suglas {m} :: consonant
suglasan {adj} [Croatia] :: agreed, in agreement
suglasnički {adj} :: consonantal
suglasnički {adv} :: consonantally
suglasnik {m} :: consonant
sugrađanin {m} :: fellow citizen
sugrađanka {f} :: fellow citizen (female)
sugreb {m} [regional, obsolete] :: A trail that animals make when digging the ground, which is said to bring about misfortune if stepped on
suh {adj} :: dry, dried
suh {adj} :: thin, meagre, slender [of a man]
suh {adj} :: pinched, haggard, gaunt [of a face]
suh {adj} :: withered, sear
suha šljiva {f} :: prune
suhoća {f} [Croatian, uncountable] :: dryness
suho grožđe {n} :: raisins
suho meso {m} :: jerky
suhoparan {adj} [Croatia] :: dry, dull (of writing or talking style)
suicid {m} :: suicide
suicidalan {adj} :: suicidal
suicidalno {adv} :: suicidally
suicidalnost {f} [uncountable] :: suicidality
suigrač {m} [sports] :: teammate
sujeta {f} :: ego; vanity
sujetan {adj} :: vain
sujetnost {f} :: vanity
sujeveran {adj} :: superstitious
sujeverje {n} :: superstition
sujevernost {f} [uncountable] :: surreptitiousness
sujevjeran {adj} :: superstitious
sujevjerje {n} :: superstition
sujevjernost {f} [uncountable] :: surreptitiousness
sukladan {adj} :: congruent, congruous
sukladan {adj} :: compatible
sukladno {adv} :: congruously, consistently
sukladno {adv} [with instrumental] :: in conformity with, in accordance with, in line with
suknar {m} :: draper
sukno {n} :: cloth, stuff
suknja {f} :: skirt
sukob {m} :: conflict
sukobiti {vr pf} :: to clash, conflict
sukobljavati {vr impf} :: to clash, conflict
Sukošan {prop} :: Sukošan (municipality)
sukrivac {m} :: accomplice
sultan {m} :: sultan
sultanat {m} :: sultanate
sultanija {f} :: sultana (female relative of sultan)
sultanstvo {n} :: sultanate
sulud {adj} :: partially crazy, insane
sulundar {m} [regional] :: stove-pipe
suma {f} :: sum, total
sumaglica {f} :: mist, haze
sumah {m} :: sumac
sumak {m} :: sumac
sumanut {adj} :: crazy, insane, foolish
Sumatra {prop} {f} :: Sumatra
Sumer {prop} {m} :: Sumer
Sumeranin {prop} {m} :: Sumerian (person)
sumerski {adj} :: Sumerian
sumerski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Sumerian language
sumnja {f} :: doubt, suspicion
sumnjati {vi impf} [dative] :: to doubt, suspect, distrust
sumnjičav {adj} :: suspicious, distrustful, mistrustful (lacking trust in something)
sumnjičavo {adv} :: suspiciously
sumnjičavost {f} [uncountable] :: suspiciousness, distrustfulness
sumnjičiti {vt impf} :: to suspect
sumnjiv {adj} :: suspicious, questionable, doubtful (not trustworthy)
sumnjivac {m} :: suspect
sumnjivo {adj} :: doubtless, certain
sumnjivost {f} :: doubt
sumoran {adj} :: gloomy, somber, dark
sumoran {adj} :: unhappy, depressed, melancholic (of mood, thoughts, emotions)
sumorno {adv} :: gloomily, somberly, darkly
sumorno {adv} :: unhappily, depressingly
sumpor {m} [uncountable] :: sulfur
sumpor {interj} [slang] :: great! super! cool!
sumrak {m} :: dusk
sumrak {m} :: twilight
sunačce {n} [hypocoristic] :: the sun
sunašce {n} [hypocoristic] :: the sun
sunce {n} :: sun
Sunce {n} :: Sun (the center of our solar system)
suncobran {m} :: umbrella (for protection against the sun)
suncokret {m} :: sunflower
suncostaj {m} :: solstice
sunčan {adj} :: sunny
sunčanica {f} :: sunstroke
sunčanik {m} :: sundial
sunčati {vr impf} :: to sunbathe, sun (expose to sun)
sunčev {adj} :: sunny, referring to the sun
sunčev vetar {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
sunčev vjetar {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
sunđer {m} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: sponge
sunet {m} [Islam, Bosnia] :: circumcision
sunovrat {m} :: plunge, dive, nosedive, free fall, precipitation
sunovrat {m} :: daffodil
sunuti {vt pf} :: to push, jerk, nudge
sunuti {vi pf} [with dative] :: to dart, dash, rush
suočavati {vtr impf} :: to confront (especially face to face)
suočiti {vtr pf} :: to confront (especially face to face)
sup {m} :: vulture
supa {f} :: soup
suparnik {m} :: competitor
suparnik {m} :: rival, opponent
superioran {adj} :: superior
superiorno {adv} :: superiorly
superiornost {f} [uncountable] :: superiority
superlativ {m} [grammar] :: superlative
superlativan {adj} :: superlative
supernova {f} :: supernova
supersoničan {adj} :: supersonic
supervizija {f} :: supervision, control, inspection, oversight
supervizor {m} :: supervisor
Supha {prop} {f} :: given name
suprotan {adj} :: opposite, contrary
suprotnica {f} :: antonym
suprotnost {f} :: opposition, contrast
suprotstaviti {vi pf} :: to oppose (+ dative)
suprotstaviti {vr pf} :: to resist
suprotstavljati {vi impf} :: to oppose (+ dative)
suprotstavljati {vr impf} :: to resist
suprug {m} :: husband, male spouse
supruga {f} :: wife, female spouse
supstanca {f} :: substance
supstancija {f} :: substance
supstitucija {f} :: substitution
supstitut {m} :: substitute
supstrat {m} :: substratum
suptilan {adj} :: subtle
suptilno {adv} :: subtly
sur {adj} [expressive, literary] :: ash-gray
sur {adj} [expressive, literary, figurative] :: gray, gloomy (of weather)
sur {adj} [expressive, literary, figurative] :: glum, stern, scowling, sullen (of person's face or mood)
Sur {prop} {m} [regional, Bosnia] :: Sur (ancient city-state)
Sur {prop} {m} [regional, Bosnia] :: Sur (port city/capital)
suradnica {f} :: collaborator
suradnica {f} :: cooperator
suradnik {m} :: collaborator
suradnik {m} :: cooperator
suradnja {f} [Croatian] :: cooperation, collaboration
surađivati {vi impf} [Croatian] :: to collaborate
surječje {n} [archaic, Croatia] :: context
surjekcija {f} [mathematics] :: surjection
surla {f} :: trunk (of an elephant); so named due to its resemblance to a zurna, a woodwind musical instrument
surogat {m} :: surrogate, substitute
surov {adj} :: brutal
surov {adj} :: gruff, harsh, surly
surov {adj} :: crude, unpolished, rough
surovo {adv} :: brutally
surovost {f} :: brutality
surovost {f} :: harshness, barbarity, incivility
surovost {f} :: rusticity, ruggedness
surovost {f} :: crudity, roughness
surudžija {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: postilion
surutka {f} [chiefly, Croatia] :: whey
survati {vt pf} :: to push (in the abyss or great depth)
survati {vr pf} :: to plunge, fall (of rocks, avalanche, water, bird, airplane etc.)
survavati {vt impf} :: to push (in the abyss or great depth)
survavati {vr impf} :: to plunge, fall (of rocks, avalanche, water, bird, airplane etc.)
sused {m} :: neighbor (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
suseda {f} :: neighbour (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
susedni {adj} :: neighboring
susedni {adj} :: adjacent
susedstvo {n} :: neighbourhood
susjed {m} :: neighbor (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
susjeda {f} :: neighbour (a person living on adjacent or nearby land)
susjedni {adj} :: neighboring
susjedni {adj} :: adjacent
susjedstvo {n} :: neighbourhood
susnežica {f} :: sleet
susnježica {f} :: sleet
suspenzija {f} :: suspension
susresti {vtr pf} :: to meet
susret {m} :: meeting
susret {m} :: encounter
susretati {v impf} :: imperfective form of susresti
susretljiv {adj} :: friendly, kind, obliging
susretljivo {adv} :: obligingly, kindly
susretljivost {f} :: kindness, obligingness
sustajati {vi impf} :: to grow tired, become exhausted
sustanar {m} :: cotenant
sustanarka {f} :: cotenant
sustati {vi pf} :: to grow tired, become exhausted
sustav {m} [Croatia] :: system
sustavan {adj} :: (Croatian) systematic
sustavno {adv} :: (Croatian) systematically
sustići {v pf} :: alternative form of sustignuti
sustignuti {vt pf} :: to catch up, draw level with, gain on (someone who is ahead)
sustizati {v impf} :: imperfective form of sustignuti
suša {f} :: drought
suši {m} :: sushi
sušica {f} [language of literature] :: phthisis, consumption
sušilica {f} :: hairdryer
sušiti {vtr impf} :: to dry
sušti {adj} :: (used for emphasis) pure, very, true, same
suština {f} [Serbia] :: essence
suteska {f} :: defile, narrow pass
Sutivan {prop} :: Sutivan (municipality)
sutjeska {f} :: defile, narrow pass
sutkinja {f} :: judge (female)
sutkinja {f} :: referee (female)
sutlija {f} [regional] :: rice and milk
sutlijaš {m} [regional] :: rice and milk
suton {m} :: dusk
sutra {adv} :: tomorrow
sutra {n} :: tomorrow
sutra {f} :: sutra
śutra {adv} [Montenegrin, colloquial] :: tomorrow. The use of the letter ś is a distinct feature of the Montenegrin alphabet; not present in the Bosnian, Croatian or Serbian alphabets
sutradan {adv} :: the next day, the following day
sutrašnji {adj} [relational] :: tomorrow; tomorrow's
sutrašnjica {f} :: tomorrow, future (entirety of everything coming with the future)
suv {adj} :: dry, dried
suv {adj} :: thin, meagre, slender [of a man]
suv {adj} :: pinched, haggard, gaunt [of a face]
suv {adj} :: withered, sear
suva šljiva {f} :: prune
suvenir {m} :: souvenir
suveren {m} :: ruler, sovereign
suveren {adj} :: sovereign
suverenitet {m} [uncountable] :: sovereignty
suvereno {adv} :: in a sovereign manner
suverenost {f} [uncountable] :: sovereignty
suvisao {adj} :: coherent
suvislo {adv} :: coherently
suvislost {f} :: coherence (of thoughts, ideas etc.)
suvišak {m} :: surplus
suvišan {adj} :: superfluous
suvišan {adj} :: needless, unneeded
suvišan {adj} :: excessive
suviše {adv} :: too (much, many), excessively
suvišno {adv} :: superfluously
suvišno {adv} :: needlessly
suvišno {adv} :: excessively
suvišnost {f} :: superfluity
suvlasnica {f} :: co-owner, joint-owner, partner
suvlasnik {m} :: co-owner, joint-owner, partner
suvo grožđe {n} :: raisins
suvo meso {m} :: jerky
suvozač {m} :: co-driver, assistant driver
suvremen {adj} :: (Croatian) modern, contemporary
suvremenik {m} [Croatia] :: contemporary
suza {f} :: tear
suzan {adj} :: tearful
suzavac {m} [uncountable] :: tear gas
suzbijati {vt impf} :: to stop, put an end to
suzbijati {vt impf} :: to rein, control
suzbijati {vt impf} :: to repulse (enemy)
suzbiti {vt pf} :: to stop, put an end to
suzbiti {vt pf} :: to rein, control
suzbiti {vt pf} :: to repulse (enemy)
suzdržati {vtr pf} :: to restrain
suzdržati {vr pf} :: to abstain
suzdržavati {vtr impf} :: to restrain
suzdržavati {vr impf} :: to abstain
suzica {f} :: (diminutive) tear (usually of a child)
suziti {vi impf} :: to tear, shed tears
suziti {vt pf} :: to narrow, to constrict (make something narrower)
suziti {vr pf} :: to shrink
suzivati {vt impf} :: to narrow (make something narrower)
suzivati {vr impf} :: to shrink
sužanj {m} :: captive
sužanjski {adj} [relational] :: captive, slave, prisoner
sužanjski {adv} :: slavishly
sužanjstvo {n} [uncountable] :: captivity, servitude
sužavati {vt impf} :: to narrow (make something narrower)
sužavati {vr impf} :: to shrink
sužen {adj} :: narrowed, straitened
suživot {m} [uncountable] :: coexistence
suživot {m} [uncountable] :: cohabitation
svačiji {pron} :: everyone's, everybody's
svadba {f} :: wedding
svadbeni {adj} [relational] :: wedding celebration
svadljiv {adj} :: quarrelsome
svadljivac {m} :: quarrelsome person
svadljivo {adv} :: belligerently, quarrelsomely
svadljivost {f} [uncountable] :: quarrelsomeness
svađa {f} :: quarrel
svađati {vtr impf} :: to quarrel, argue, bicker
svagda {adv} :: always, all the times
svagdanji {adj} :: everyday, daily
svagdanji {adj} :: commonplace, ordinary
svagdašnji {adj} :: everyday, daily
svagdašnji {adj} :: commonplace, ordinary
svagdašnjica {f} :: everyday or commonplace thing or event
svagde {adv} :: everywhere
svagdje {adv} :: everywhere
svak {m} :: brother-in-law (one's sister's husband)
svak {m} :: father-in-law (one's husband's father; svèkar)
svak {pron} :: everyone (alternative form of svȁtko/svȁko)
svakakav {adj} :: all sorts of
svakako {adv} :: certainly, of course
svakamo {adv} :: everywhere, in all directions (of movement)
svaki {pron} :: every
svaki {pron} :: any
svaki {pron} [in the neuter] :: everyone (one of all, one of at least two)
svakidašnji {adj} :: everyday, daily
svakidašnji {adj} :: commonplace, ordinary
svakidašnjica {f} :: everyday or commonplace thing or event
svako {pron} [regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: everyone, everybody
svakodnevan {adj} :: daily, everyday
svakodnevica {f} :: everyday or commonplace thing or event
svakojak {adj} :: all sorts of
svakoji {pron} :: alternative form of svaki
svanuće {n} :: dawn, daybreak
svanuti {v pf} :: to dawn (begin to brighten with daylight)
svariti {vt pf} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: to digest
svarivati {vt impf} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: to digest
svast {f} :: sister-in-law [wife's sister]
svastika {f} :: swastika
svastika {f} :: sister-in-law [wife's sister]
svašta {pron} :: all sorts (kinds, manner, description) of things
svatko {pron} [chiefly Croatia] :: everyone, everybody
Svazi {prop} {m} :: Swaziland
sve- {prefix} :: Prefix prepended to adjectives to create an adjective of a more general meaning. (sve)
sve {adj} :: all, everything
sve {adv} :: Intensity amplifier, used exclusively in phrases
svečan {adj} :: solemn, formal
svečan {adj} :: ceremonial, festal
svečano {adv} :: solemnly, formally
svečano {adv} :: ceremonially, festally
svečanost {f} :: celebration, festivity
svečanost {f} :: ceremony
sveća {f} :: candle
svećar {m} :: candlemaker, chandler
svećenik {m} :: (Bosnian, Croatian) priest
svećica {f} :: (diminutive) candle
svećica {f} :: spark plug
svećnjak {m} :: candlestick, candelabrum
svedočanstvo {n} :: testimony
svedočiti {vi impf} :: to witness, testify
svedočiti {vi impf} :: to bear witness to, give evidence, prove
svedodžba {f} :: school certificate or report (of completion, with grades, for primary or secondary school)
sve dok {conj} :: as long as
svedok {m} :: witness
svejedno {adv} :: all the same
svekar {m} :: father-in-law (one's husband's father)
svekrva {f} :: mother-in-law (one's husband's mother)
svemir {m} [Croatia] :: space, universe
svemirac {m} [expressively] :: alien, extraterrestrial
svemiroplov {n} [Croatia, obsolete, rare] :: spaceship, starship
svemirski {adj} [relational] :: cosmic, universe
svemoć {f} [uncountable] :: omnipotence
svemoćan {adj} :: almighty
svemoćno {adv} :: omnipotently
svemoćnost {f} [uncountable] :: omnipotence
svemoguć {adj} :: almighty, omnipotent
svemogućnost {f} :: omnipotence
sveobuhvatan {adj} :: comprehensive, complete, all-inclusive
sveprisutan {adj} :: omnipresent
sveska {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: a notebook
svesno {adv} :: consciously
svesrdan {adj} :: cordial, wholehearted, hearty
svesrdno {adv} :: wholeheartedly, cordially
svesrdnost {f} :: wholeheartedness
svest {f} :: consciousness
svestan {adj} :: conscious, aware
svestan {adj} :: sentient
svesti {vt pf} :: to drive (down), haul (transport something by driving)
svesti {v pf} :: perfective form of svoditi
svestran {adj} :: many-sided, versatile
sveštenik {m} :: (Serbian) priest
sveštenik {m} :: (Bosnian, Croatian) Orthodox priest
svet {adj} :: holy, saint
svet {adj} :: sanctified
svet {adj} :: godly
svet {adj} :: saintly
svet {adj} :: inviolable
svet {m} :: world
Sveta Alijansa {prop} {f} :: Holy Alliance
svetac {m} :: saint
svetao {adj} :: bright
svetao {adj} :: light (color)
Sveta Stolica {prop} {f} :: the Holy See
svetčanost {f} :: obsolete spelling of svečanost
svetica {f} :: holy woman, woman saint, saintess
Sveti Duh {prop} {m} :: the Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit
Sveti Filip i Jakov {prop} :: Sveti Filip i Jakov (municipality)
svetiljka {f} :: lamp
svetina {f} [uncountable] :: mob, rabble
svetinja {f} :: sanctity, sacredness
svetinja {f} :: sacred, holy object
svetioničar {m} :: lighthouse keeper
svetionik {m} :: lighthouse (building containing a light to warn or guide ships)
Svetislav {prop} {m} :: given name
svetište {n} :: sanctuary, shrine
svetitelj {m} [Eastern Orthodoxy] :: a saint, especially an ascetic or monk who nurtures the ideal of education and dissemination of knowledge
Sveti Toma i Princip {prop} {m} :: São Tomé and Príncipe
Svetko {prop} {m} :: given name
svetkovati {vi impf} :: to celebrate, solemnize
svetkovina {f} :: celebration due to some holiday or saint's day
svetlo {n} :: light (electromagnetic wave)
svetlokaz {m} [neologism] :: semaphore
svetlomer {m} :: light meter, exposure meter
svetlost {f} :: light
svetlucati {vi impf} :: to glitter, gleam
svetlucav {adj} :: glittering, glimmering, sparkling, gleaming
svetogrdan {adj} :: sacrilegious
svetogrdno {adv} :: sacrilegiously
svetogrđe {n} :: sacrilege
Svetomir {prop} {m} :: given name
Sveto Pismo {prop} {n} :: the Holy Book
Sveto Pismo {prop} {n} :: the Holy Bible
Sveto Pismo {prop} {n} :: the Bible
svetski {adj} [relational] :: worldly, earthly, mundane
svetski {adj} [relational] :: profane, secular
svetski {adv} :: globally
svetski {adv} :: in a civilized, cultured way
sveučilište {n} [Croatian] :: university
sveukupan {adj} :: total, entire
Svevlad {prop} {m} :: given name
sveza {f} :: fastening, strap, band (object used to tie or fasten something)
sveza {f} [Serbian, grammar] :: conjunction
sveza {f} :: ligament
svezak {m} :: volume
svezati {vtr pf} :: to bind, tie
svezivati {v impf} :: imperfective form of svezati
sveznajuć {adj} :: omniscient, all-knowing
svež {adj} :: fresh
svežanj {m} :: bundle
sveže {adv} :: freshly
svežina {f} [uncountable] :: freshness
svib {f} :: Cornus sanguinea (common dogwood)
svibanj {m} [Croatia] :: May
svibanjski {adj} [Croatian, relational] :: May
svideti {vr pf} :: to please, like
svidjeti {vr pf} :: to please, like
sviđati {vr impf} [with dative] :: to like, please
sviet {m} :: obsolete spelling of svijet
sviež {adj} :: obsolete spelling of svjež
svijeća {f} :: candle
svijećnjak {m} :: candlestick, candelabrum
svijest {f} :: consciousness
svijet {m} :: world
svijetao {adj} :: bright
svijetao {adj} :: light (color)
svijetliti {v impf} :: to light
svila {f} :: silk
svilast {adj} :: silky
svilen {adj} :: silken, silky
Svileni {prop} {m} :: given name
svinja {f} :: pig (mammal)
svinja {f} :: pork (meat)
svinjac {m} :: pigsty (also figuratively)
svinjar {m} :: pig/hog breeder
svinjar {m} :: swineherd
svinjarija {f} :: filthiness, dirty mess
svinjarija {f} :: obscenity [of a word]
svinjarija {f} :: shameless treatment [of an action]
svinjetina {f} :: pork
svinjski {adj} :: porcine
svirač {m} :: player (who plays on a musical instrument)
sviračica {f} :: player (person who plays on a musical instrument)
svirački {adj} [relational] :: players (of instruments)
svirački {adv} :: like a player (of instruments)
svirala {f} [music] :: (reed-)pipe
svirati {vit impf} [music] :: to play (an instrument)
svirep {adj} :: cruel, brutal
svirepo {adv} :: cruelly, brutally
svirepost {f} [uncountable] :: cruelty, brutality
svirka {f} [music] :: gig
svirka {f} :: playing (of music, act or sound of)
svit {m} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: world
svitak {m} :: scroll
svitanje {f} :: daybreak, dawn
svitati {v impf} :: to dawn (begin to brighten with daylight)
sviter {m} :: vest (item of clothing)
svitkovac {m} :: (Croatian) chordate
svitlost {f} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: light
svizac {m} :: marmot
svjećar {m} :: candlemaker, chandler
svjećica {f} :: (diminutive) candle
svjećica {f} :: spark plug
svjedočanstvo {n} :: testimony
svjedočiti {vi impf} :: to witness, testify
svjedočiti {vi impf} :: to bear witness to, give evidence, prove
svjedodžba {f} :: school certificate or report (of completion, with grades, for primary or secondary school, or pre-graduate studies such as a bachelor's degree)
svjedok {m} :: witness
svjedokinja {f} :: (female) witness
svjesno {adv} :: consciously
svjestan {adj} :: conscious, aware
svjestan {adj} :: sentient
svjetilja {f} [rare] :: lamp
svjetiljka {f} :: lamp
svjetina {f} [uncountable] :: mob, rabble
svjetioničar {m} :: lighthouse keeper
svjetionik {m} :: lighthouse (building containing a light to warn or guide ships)
svjetlik {m} [Croatia, obsolete, rare] :: phosphorus
svjetlo {n} :: light (electromagnetic wave)
svjetlomjer {m} :: light meter, exposure meter
svjetlopis {m} [Croatia, obsolete] :: a photography
svjetlost {f} :: light
svjetlucati {vi impf} :: to glitter, gleam
svjetlucav {adj} :: glittering, glimmering, sparkling, gleaming
svjetonazor {m} :: worldview
svjetovni {adj} :: secular, worldly
svjetski {adj} [relational] :: world, global, earth
svjetski {adj} [relational] :: profane, secular, mundane
svjetski {adv} :: globally, worldly, earthly
svjetski {adv} :: sophisticatedly, refinedly
svjež {adj} :: fresh
svježe {adv} :: freshly
svježina {f} [uncountable] :: freshness
svlačionica {f} :: dressing room, locker room
svlačiti {vrt impf} :: to undress, to take off clothes
svladati {vt pf} :: to defeat (opponent, enemy)
svladati {vt pf} :: to overcome, surmount (difficulty, obstacle, fear etc.)
svladavati {vt impf} :: to defeat (opponent, enemy)
svladavati {vt impf} :: to overcome, surmount (difficulty, obstacle, fear etc.)
svoboda {f} [Croatia, obsolete] :: freedom
svod {m} :: vault (arched structure of masonry)
svoditi {vt impf} :: to reduce
svoditi {vr impf} :: to boil down, come down to, amount to
svodljiv {adj} :: reducible
svodnik {m} :: pimp
svoj {pron} :: (possessive-reflexive) one's own
svojedobno {adv} :: at one time
svojeglav {adj} :: stubborn, obstinate
svojeglavo {adv} :: stubbornly, obstinately
svojeglavost {f} [uncountable] :: stubbornness, obstinateness
svojevoljan {adj} :: voluntary
svojevoljan {adj} :: stubborn, obstinate
svojevoljno {adv} :: voluntarily
svojevoljno {adv} :: stubbornly, obstinately
svojevremeno {adv} :: at one time
svojina {f} :: property (something owned)
svojina {f} :: ownership
svojstven {adj} :: characteristic, typical
svojstvo {n} :: property, characteristic (an abstract quality associated with a person or object)
svojta {f} :: kin, relatives
svota {f} :: amount, sum (of money)
svrab {m} :: scabies
svrab {m} :: itch
svračji {adj} [relational] :: magpie
svraćati {vi impf} :: to drop by, drop in
svraćati {vt impf} :: to turn (change the direction of something)
svraka {f} :: magpie
svratište {n} :: inn, hostel, motel
svratiti {vi pf} :: to drop by, drop in
svratiti {vt pf} :: to turn (change the direction of something)
svrbeti {vi impf} :: to itch
svrbež {m} :: itch, itching
svrbjeti {vi impf} :: to itch
svrdlo {n} :: auger (carpenter's tool)
svrha {f} :: purpose, point, goal
svrha {f} :: cause, matter (reason for doing something, e.g. charitable cause)
svrhovit {adj} :: purposeful
svrhovito {adv} :: purposefully
svrhovitost {f} [uncountable] :: purposefulness
svrsishodan {adj} :: appropriate, purposeful
svrsishodan {adj} :: useful
svrsishodno {adv} :: purposefully, appropriately
svrsishodno {adv} :: usefully
svrsishodnost {f} [uncountable] :: expediency, purposefulness
svrsishodnost {f} [uncountable] :: usefulness
svrstati {vtr pf} :: to classify (put in a group)
svrstati {vtr pf} :: to line up
svrstavati {v impf} :: imperfective form of svrstati
svršavati {vit impf} :: to complete, finish, end
svršavati {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to cum
svršeni {adj} :: complete, finished
svršeni {adj} [grammar] :: perfective
svršetak {m} :: end
svršetak {m} [grammar] :: ending
svršiti {vit pf} :: to complete, finish, end
svršiti {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to cum
svući {vrt pf} :: to undress, to take off clothes
svud {adv} :: everywhere
svuda {adv} :: everywhere
svugde {adv} :: everywhere (in every direction)
svugde {adv} :: everywhere (in every place)
svugdje {adv} :: everywhere (in every direction)
svugdje {adv} :: everywhere (in every place)
svukud {adv} :: everywhere (in all directions)
svukuda {adv} :: everywhere (in all directions)
š {letter} :: The 25th letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica), preceded by s and followed by t
Š {letter} :: 25th letter of the Serbo-Croatian alphabet
šaban {m} :: Sha'aban, the eighth month of the Islamic calendar
šablona {f} :: template, model, pattern
šablonski {adv} :: formulaically, stereotypically
šablonski {adv} [figuratively, of an action] :: mechanically, automatically (spiritless and lacking initiative)
šacati {v impf} [regional] :: to judge
šacati {v impf} [regional] :: to evaluate
šačica {f} :: a small fist
šačica {f} :: a small number of (usually people, +genitive)
šaf {m} [regional, colloquial] :: alternative form of šrȁf
šafciger {m} [regional, colloquial] :: alternative form of šràfcīger
šafran {m} :: saffron
šah {m} [countable] :: shah
šah {m} [uncountable] :: chess
šah {m} [uncountable, chess] :: check
šahin {m} :: falcon (trained for hunting)
šahist {m} :: chess player
šahovnica {f} :: chessboard (square board used in the game of chess)
šahovnica {f} :: red-white Part of the Croatian Flag
šahovski {adj} [relational] :: chess
šahovski {adj} [relational] :: shah
šaht {m} :: manhole
šajba {f} [regional] :: windscreen
šajba {f} [regional] :: disc
šajba {f} [regional] :: board
šajser {m} [regional] :: coward
šajser {m} [regional] :: asshole
šajser {m} [regional] :: bungler
šaka {f} [dated] :: hand
šaka {f} [regional, Croatia] :: fist
šakal {m} :: jackal
šakal {m} [pejorative] :: One who benefits from the work of others; jackal, vulture
šal {m} :: scarf
šala {f} :: joke
šala {f} :: jest
šala {f} :: prank
šala {f} :: a bit of fun
šalabahter {m} :: cheat sheet
šalica {f} [Croatian] :: cup (vessel for holding liquid)
šaliti {vr impf} :: to joke; to joke around
šaliti {vr impf} :: to hoax
šaliti {vr impf} :: to jest
šalmaj {m} [historical, music] :: shawm
šaltati {vit impf} [regional] :: to switch
šaltati {vit impf} [regional] :: to change
šaltati {vi impf} [regional] :: to comprehend
šalter {m} :: ticket office (bus station, railroad station, airport)
šalter {m} :: office (in a bank, post office etc.)
šalter {m} :: switch (device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow)
šaltung {m} [regional] :: gear lever
šaltung {m} [regional] :: gearbox
šalvare {f} [plurale tantum] :: shalwar
šaljiv {adj} :: funny, humorous
šaljivac {m} :: prankster, jokester
šaljivčina {m} :: jokester
šaljivdžija {m} :: jokester
šaljivica {f} :: prankster, jokester (female)
šaljivo {adv} :: funnily, humorously
šaljivost {f} :: jocosity, jocularity
šaman {m} :: shaman
šamanizam {m} :: shamanism
šamar {m} :: slap, blow (in the face)
šamarati {vt impf} :: to slap (in the face)
šamarčina {f} :: (augmentative) slap, blow (in the face)
šamija {f} :: scarf
šamija {f} :: headscarf
šamizen {m} :: shamisen
šampanjac {m} :: champagne
šampanjski {adj} [relational] :: champagne
šampinjon {m} :: champignon, portobello (Agaricus bisporus)
šampion {m} [colloquial] :: champion
šampionski {adj} [relational] :: champion
šampionski {adv} :: as a champion
šampon {m} :: shampoo
šanac {m} [regional] :: ditch, rampart
Šangaj {prop} {m} :: Šangaj (direct-administered municipality/major port city)
šank {m} :: bar (counter)
šansa {f} :: chance, opportunity
šapa {f} :: paw, pad (of animal)
šapat {m} :: whisper
šapka {f} :: hat
šapnuti {vit pf} :: to whisper
šapnuti {v pf} [theater and television] :: to prompt
šaptač {m} :: prompter (theater: person who tells an actor the words they should be saying)
šaptač {m} :: whisperer
šaptati {vit impf} :: to whisper
šaptati {v impf} [theater and television] :: to prompt
šaputanje {n} :: whisper, whispering
šaputati {vit impf} :: to whisper
šar {m} :: Earth, globe (spherical model of Earth)
šar {m} :: firmament, welkin
šar {m} :: natural beauty
šara {f} :: pattern
šara {f} :: design
šara {f} :: color
šarada {f} :: charade
šaraf {m} :: screw (fastener)
šaraf {m} [likely regional and there obsolete] :: gun worm
šarafciger {m} [regional, colloquial] :: alternative form of šràfcīger
šarag {m} :: sargo (Diplodus sargus)
šaran {m} :: carp
šarati {vt impf} :: to scribble, draw
šaren {adj} :: variegated, motley, dappled, colorful, multicolored
šaren {adj} :: (figuratively) composed of diverse parts
šarenica {f} :: (Croatian) iris (part of the eye)
šarenica {f} :: multicolored rug
šarenilo {noun} :: patchwork
šarf {adj} [regional] :: peppery, hot
šarf {adj} [regional] :: furious
šarf {adj} [regional] :: sharp [able to cut easily]
šargarepa {f} [chiefly Serbian] :: carrot
šarik {m} [archaic] :: iridium
šarlah {m} :: scarlet fever
šarlatan {m} :: charlatan, quack
šarlatanski {adj} :: made by or characteristic of a charlatan
šarlatanstvo {n} :: charlatanry, quackery
šarm {m} :: charm
šarmantan {adj} :: charming
šarmer {m} :: charmer
šarmirati {vt impf pf} :: to charm
šarnir {m} [colloquial] :: hinge, joint (joint with freedom to rotate)
šarolik {adj} :: variegated, colorful, motley
šarolik {adj} [figuratively] :: diversified
šaronja {m} :: A multicoloured ox
šarov {m} :: spotted dog
šarž {m} [regional] :: exaggeration, caricature
šaržer {m} :: magazine, ammunition clip
šaš {m} :: sedge (any plant of the genus Carex)
šaš {m} :: reed
šašav {adj} :: foolish, fatuous
šašavo {adv} :: foolishly, fatuously
šator {m} :: tent
šatrovački {adj} [relational] :: slang
šav {m} :: seam
šav {m} :: stitch, suture (wound, tissue)
šav {m} :: joint (metal)
ščap {m} [Kajkavian] :: staff, rod, stick
ščepati {vt pf} :: to seize, grab, clutch
ščepavati {vt impf} :: to seize, grab, clutch
ščera {adv} [Kajkavian] :: yesterday
ščit {m} [Croatia, dialectal, nonstandard] :: shield
šćap {m} [Croatia, regional, nonstandard] :: alternative form of štȃp
šćir {m} :: alternative form of štȋr
šećer {m} :: sugar
šećerana {f} :: sugar refinery
šećerni {adj} [relational] :: sugar
šef {m} :: chief, boss, manager, director, head
šeflja {f} [regional] :: ladle
šegrt {m} :: apprentice
šeher {m} [regional] :: city
šeher {m} [regional] :: town
šeher {m} [regional] :: borough
Šeherezada {prop} {f} :: Scheherazade
šejl {m} :: shale
šejtan {m} [regional, Bosnia] :: devil, Satan
šekret {m} [Kajkavian] :: toilet
šekret {m} [Kajkavian] :: chaos, disorder
šekspirijanski {adj} :: Shakespearean
šekspirolog {m} :: Shakespearean (scholar of the works of Shakespeare)
šekspirski {adj} :: Shakespearean
šelak {m} :: shellac
šelf {m} [nautical] :: shelf
šelit {m} :: scheelite
šelman {m} [regional, colloquial, rare] :: thief
šema {f} :: scheme, model, plan, outline, sketch
šematizam {m} :: simplified model of something
šematizam {m} :: tendency to simplify things
šematizam {m} [obsolete] :: address book, directory
šematski {adj} :: schematic
šematski {adv} :: schematically
šenkati {vt impf pf} [regional, with dative] :: to give as a gift, to gift
šepati {vi impf} :: to limp, be lame
šepav {adj} :: lame (unable to walk properly)
šepavac {m} :: lame person (unable to walk properly)
šer {m} [Serbia, colloquial] :: share (ratings, market, etc.)
šerati {v impf} :: to share
šerbe {n} :: sorbet
šerbe {n} :: sherbet
šerbet {m} :: sorbet
šerbet {m} :: sherbet
šereg {m} [archaic] :: multitude, host; troop, crew (military)
šeri {m} :: sherry
šerif {m} :: sheriff
šerijat {m} :: shari'a
šerpa {f} [regional] :: bowl
šeset {num} [colloquial or dialectal] :: sixty
šesnaest {num} :: sixteen
šesnajst {num} [colloquial] :: sixteen
šest {num} :: six (6)
Šestanovac {prop} :: Šestanovac (municipality)
šestar {m} :: pair of compasses (tool used to draw circles)
šesterac {m} :: hexameter
šesterac {m} :: sestet
šesterac {m} :: any group or block of six units, items or elements
šestero {n} :: six persons of different gender/sex
šesti {adj} :: sixth
šestica {f} :: six (digit or figure)
šestica {f} :: anything numbered six (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 6 etc.)
šestina {f} :: one sixth
Šestinjanin {prop} {m} :: an inhabitant of Šestine
šestojanuarski {adj} [relational] :: 6 January Dictatorship
šestoper {m} [historical, military] :: A six-flanged mace
šestorica {f} :: (collectively) six men
šestoro {n} :: six persons of different gender/sex
šestoro {n} :: six living beings of neuter gender/sex
šeststo {num} :: six hundred
šešir {m} :: hat
šeširčina {f} [augmentative] :: a large hat
šeširdžija {m} :: hatter
šeširić {m} :: (diminutive) hat
šeširina {f} :: a large hat
šetač {m} :: stroller
šetački {adj} :: ambulatory (of or relating to walking)
šetački {adv} :: as a stroller, as a walker
šetalište {f} :: promenade (place to walk)
šetati {vr impf} :: to walk, stroll
šetati {vt impf} :: to take for a walk
šetnja {f} :: a walk, stroll
ševa {f} :: lark
ševa {f} [slang] :: sexual intercourse
ševal {m} :: Shawwal, the tenth month of the Islamic calendar
ševiti {vtr impf} [slang, Croatia] :: to have sex (with another)
ševiti {vt impf} [slang, Croatia] :: to fuck, screw (another)
šezdes {num} [colloquial] :: sixty
šezdeset {num} :: sixty
šib {m} :: rod
šiba {f} :: rod, switch, wand
šibati {vt impf} :: to flog, whip, birch
šibedah {m} [regional, obsolete] :: foreskin
šiber {m} [regional] :: profiteer
šiber {m} [regional] :: slide rule
šibica {f} :: match (ignitable device)
šic {interj} [said to cats] :: shoo, git
šica {f} [slang, Croatia] :: basketball, hoops
šica {f} [regional, obsolete] :: gun, rifle
šica {f} [slang, Serbia] :: hottie
šićija {f} [regional] :: tuberculosis
šif {m} [regional, printing] :: galley
šif {adj} [regional, obsolete] :: askew, lopsided, tilted
šifkarta {f} [regional, obsolete] :: ship boarding ticket (usually for transoceanic travel)
šifra {f} :: code, cipher (method for concealing the meaning of text)
šifra {f} :: password, passcode
šihta {f} :: shift (a set group of workers or period of working time)
šija {f} :: nape, scruff (back of the neck)
šikana {f} [sports] :: chicane
šikanirati {v impf pf} :: to bully, harass
šikati {vr impf pf} [regionally] :: usually occurring within a single phrase
šiler {m} [regional] :: wine
šilo {n} :: awl
šilj {m} [regional] :: pike-perch
šiljak {m} :: sharp end (point, top, peak, apex etc.)
šiljast {adj} :: pointy, pointed
šiljat {adj} :: pointy, pointed
šiljbok {m} [regional, obsolete, expressively] :: bayonet
šiljčić {m} [diminutive] :: sharp point/top/end
šiljeg {m} :: Lamb over a year old
šiljilo {n} :: pencil sharpener
šiljiti {vt impf} :: to sharpen, point
šimfarija {f} [regional, Croatia] :: curse
šimfarija {f} [regional, Croatia] :: scolding
šimfati {v impf} [Croatia, regional] :: to scold
šimpanza {f} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: chimpanzee
šimšir {m} :: box (any of various evergreen shrubs or trees of the genus Buxus)
šina {f} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) rail, track (for trains etc.)
šindra {f} :: shingle, batten
šinter {m} [colloquial] :: dogcatcher
šinter {m} [figuratively] :: bloodsucker, usurer
šinter {m} [figuratively] :: a greedy man
šinjorina {f} [regional] :: Miss
šinjorina {f} [regional] :: young lady, miss
šipak {m} :: rosehip
šipak {m} :: briar
šipak {m} :: pomegranate
šipak {m} [colloquial] :: nothing
šipak {m} [colloquial] :: rude gesture in which the hand makes a fist and the thumb is stuck between the index and middle fingers; indicates nothing for you, nuts to you
Šipan {prop} {m} :: an island in the Adriatic, in Croatia
Šipanac {prop} {m} :: an inhabitant of Šipan
šipanski {adj} [relational] :: Šipan
šiparac {m} :: an older boy; a teenager
šiparica {f} :: an older girl; a teenager
šipka {f} :: rod
šipka {f} :: bar, ingot
šipkov {adj} [relational] :: rosehip
šipkov {adj} [relational] :: briar
šipkov {adj} [relational] :: pomegranate
šipražje {n} :: thicket
šiptar {m} [regional, obsolete] :: turner (person who turns and shapes wood etc. on a lathe)
šiptar {noun} [derogatory] :: an ethnic Albanian
Šiptar {prop} {m} [usually, derogatory] :: Albanian (especially the one living in the countries of former Yugoslavia)
šiptarski {adj} [derogatory] :: Albanian
šira {f} [uncountable] :: must (fruit juice that will ferment or has fermented, usually grapes)
širajzl {m} [regional] :: poker (metal rod)
šircenjeger {m} [regional, obsolete] :: womanizer
šircl {m} [regional] :: apron
širenje {n} :: spread, expansion
širi {adj} :: comparative of šìrok
širilac {m} :: spreader, disseminator
širina {f} :: width, breadth
širina {f} :: latitude (geographic)
širiti {vtr impf} :: to widen
širiti {vtr impf} :: to expand
širiti {vtr impf} :: to spread
širm {m} [regional] :: lampshade
širok {adj} :: broad, wide
širok {adj} :: extensive, comprehensive
širok {adj} :: extended
širok {adj} :: broad-shouldered
širok {adj} :: flared [of a skirt]
široko {adv} :: widely, broadly
širokogrudan {adj} :: generous
širokogrudno {adv} :: generously
širokogrudnost {f} [uncountable] :: generosity
širom {adv} :: widely
širom {prep} :: throughout
šišati {vt impf} :: to cut hair
šišati {vt impf} :: to shear, crop, shingle
šišmiš {m} :: bat (small flying mammal)
šištati {vi impf} :: to hiss, wheeze
šištav {adj} :: hissing
šit {m} [colloquial] :: shit
šit {m} [colloquial] :: heroin
šit {interj} [colloquial] :: shit, dammit
šiti {vit impf} :: to sew, stitch
šiti {vt impf} :: to baste
šiti {vt impf} :: to suture
šiti {vt impf} :: to do needlework
šivati {vit impf} :: to sew, stitch
šivati {vt impf} :: to baste
šivati {vt impf} :: to suture
šivati {vt impf} :: to do needlework
šizma {f} :: schism (split or separation within a group or organization, usually religious organization or Church)
šizma {f} [Catholicism] :: schism
šizofrenija {f} [pathology] :: schizophrenia
šjor {m} [regional] :: mister, sir
Škabrnja {prop} :: Škabrnja (municipality)
škaf {m} [regional] :: pail
škafetin {m} [regional] :: drawer
škamp {m} :: shrimp, prawn
škare {fp} [plurale tantum] :: scissors
škart {m} :: bad goods
škart {m} :: waste, crap
škatula {f} :: alternative form of škatulja
škatulja {f} [regional] :: box
škemba {n} :: tripe, rumen (bùrag) used for a dish, and the dish itself, often a soup, then also called škembíći
škembe {n} :: tripe, rumen (bùrag) used for a dish, and the dish itself, often a soup, then also called škembíći
škic {m} [regional, card games] :: ace
škiljiti {vi impf} :: to squint (to look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight)
škoda {f} [archaic, Kajkavian, Chakavian] :: shame, pity, harm, damage
škodan {adj} :: hurtful, harmful
škoditi {vi impf} :: to harm, hurt
škodljiv {adj} :: harmful, hurtful
škodljivo {adv} :: harmfully, hurtfully
škola {f} :: school
školarina {f} :: tuition
školati {v impf} :: to school
školati {v impf} :: to put through school
školetina {f} :: An ugly school
školovanje {n} :: schooling, education
školovati {vtr impf} :: to school, educate
školski {adj} [relational] :: school
školski {adj} :: typical
školski {adv} :: in a manner characteristic of a school, as if in a school
školski {adv} :: typically
školstvo {n} :: educational system
školj {m} :: islet
školj {m} :: reef
školjka {f} :: mussel
školjka {f} :: shell
školjkast {adj} :: shell-like, mussel-like
školjkaš {m} :: bivalve
škopiti {vt impf} :: to castrate, geld
škopiti {vt impf} :: to emasculate
škornj {m} [Kajkavian] :: boot
škornja {f} [Kajkavian] :: boot
škorpion {m} :: scorpion
Škot {prop} {m} :: Scot
Škotkinja {prop} {f} :: Scot (female)
Škotska {prop} {f} :: Scotland
škotski {adj} :: Scottish
škotski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Scots language
škrabalo {n} :: scribbler
škrga {f} :: gill [fish organ]
škrgut {m} :: grinding, gnashing (of teeth)
škrgutati {vi impf} :: to gnash, grind (with teeth)
škriljac {m} :: shale rock
škrinja {f} [regional, Serbia] :: chest, box
škrinja {f} [regional, Croatia] :: freezer, cooler, icebox
škripa {f} :: creaking, squeaking
škripac {m} :: vise
škripac {m} :: trouble, difficulty
škripiti {vi impf} :: to creak, squeak
škripnuti {vi pf} :: to creak, squeak
škrlak {m} [Kajkavian, but also in Slavonia and in Bosnian Krajina (škrljak)] :: hat
škrob {m} :: (Croatian) starch
škrobilo {n} :: starch (laundry stiffener)
škrobiti {vt impf} :: to starch (apply laundry starch)
škrt {adj} :: stingy, miserly, mean
škrtac {m} :: miser, niggard
škrtariti {vi impf} :: to be miserly, avaricious, stingy, niggardly
škrto {adv} :: miserly, niggardly
škrtost {f} [uncountable] :: avariciousness, miserliness, stinginess
škuna {f} :: schooner
škur {adj} [regional] :: dark
škur {adj} [regional] :: dark gray
škurija {f} [regional] :: axe
škurija {f} [regional] :: horsewhip
škvadra {f} [regional] :: team, company
škvadra {f} [regional] :: clique
škver {m} [regional, Croatia] :: shipyard
škveranin {m} [regional, Croatia] :: shipyard worker
šlafcimer {m} [regional] :: bedroom
šlag {m} :: whipped cream
šlag {m} :: sperm, semen
šlag {m} [colloquial] :: apoplexy
šlager {m} :: Schlager
šlagvort {m} :: catchword
šlagvort {m} :: catchphrase
šlagvort {m} :: byword
šlagvort {m} :: parole
šlampav {adj} [regional] :: sloppy, negligent
šlapa {f} :: slipper
šlauh {m} [regional] :: hose
šlauh {m} [colloquial, Croatia] :: potbelly (especially a protruding or noticeable one)
šlem {m} :: helmet
šlepati {vt impf} :: to tow, to tug, to haul
šleper {m} :: tug
Šleska {prop} {f} :: Silesia
šleski {adj} :: Silesian
Šlezija {prop} {f} :: Silesia
šlic {m} :: fly (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants)
šlus {m} :: end
šlus {m} [electricity] :: circuit
šlus {interj} :: enough
šljaka {f} [Croatia] :: drudgery, slog, menial work
šljaka {f} [Croatia] :: an unskilled menial job
šljakati {v impf} [colloquial] :: to work, to function
šljakati {v impf} [colloquial] :: to peg away
šljakati {v impf} [colloquial] :: to labor
šljaker {m} [colloquial, obsolete] :: thief
šljam {m} [uncountable] :: rabble, scum
šljapati {vi impf} :: to plash, slosh (on mud)
šljapnuti {vi pf} :: perfective form of šljȁpati
šljem {m} :: helmet
šljemati {vi impf} :: to drink excessively
šljiva {f} :: plum (fruit)
šljivik {m} :: plum orchard
šljivovica {f} :: slivovitz
šljuka {f} :: snipe
šljuka {f} :: woodcock
šljunak {m} :: gravel, pebble
šljunčan {adj} :: pebbly
šmajhlati {vr impf} [regional] :: to cuddle
šmajhlati {vr impf} [regional] :: to suck up
šmajser {m} :: MP 40 submachine gun
šmajser {m} [regional] :: machine gun
šmarn {m} [regional] :: pancake cut into pieces
šmarn {m} [regional] :: rubbish
šmeker {m} [slang] :: ladykiller, cool guy
šmeker {m} [regional] :: A person of good taste, one who appreciates nice things
šmerkifel {m} [regional] :: A croissant made from abdominal fat of a pig
šminka {f} :: make-up
šmirgl {m} :: emery
šmirgla {m} :: emery
šmokljan {m} :: goof, simpleton, fool
šmokljan {m} :: nerd
šmrk {m} :: hose
šmrk {m} :: pump
šmrk {m} :: snivel, snot
šmrkalj {m} :: snot
šmrkati {vt impf} :: to sniff, snuff, snuffle
šmrkavac {m} :: sniveler, slobberer
šmrkavac {m} :: immature, young person
šmrkavica {f} :: sniveler, slobberer
šmrkavica {f} :: immature, young person
šmrknuti {v pf} :: perfective form of šmrkati
šmrktati {v impf} :: alternative form of šmrkati
šmuc {m} [regional] :: dirth, filth
šmuk {m} [regional] :: jewellery
šnajcer {m} [regional] :: candle snuffer
šnajder {m} [regional] :: tailor
šnala {f} [regional] :: clasp, hairclip
šnaps {m} [regional, archaic] :: schnapps
šnaps {m} :: A card game related to German Sixty-six_(card_game)
šnaucer {m} :: schnauzer
šnelcug {m} [regional, obsolete] :: express train
šnelfotograf {m} [regional] :: photographer working in public spaces taking quick photos
šnešlager {m} [regional] :: eggbeater
šnešue {f} :: Type of female snowshoes popular in the 1930's
šnicl {m} [regional] :: schnitzel
šnita {f} [regional, Croatia] :: a slice
šnitlah {m} :: chive
šnitling {m} :: chive
šnofati {v impf} [regional] :: to sniff
šnorer {m} :: schnorrer
šnjofati {vit impf} [regional] :: to sniff
šnjofati {vit impf} [regional] :: to snort
šnjura {f} :: ribbon, cord, string
šnjura {f} :: cable (to connect appliances to power grid)
šofer {m} [colloquial] :: driver (person who drives a motorized vehicle)
šogor {m} :: brother-in-law
šogorica {f} :: sister-in-law (sister of one's spouse)
šogorica {f} :: co-sister-in-law (wife of one's sibling-in-law)
šojka {f} :: jay (bird)
šok {m} :: shock
Šokac {prop} {m} :: A member of a South Slavic ethnic group identified with Croats of Slavonia, Baranya and Syrmia
šokantan {adj} :: shocking
šokantno {adv} :: shockingly
šokirati {vtr impf pf} :: to shock
šoldi {m} [Chakavian] :: money
Šolta {prop} :: Šolta (municipality)
šolja {f} :: cup (drinking vessel)
šolja {f} :: toilet bowl
šoping {m} [slang] :: shopping
šorc {m} :: shorts (short pants, usually worn for sports activities)
šos {m} :: skirt
šoštar {m} [regional] :: shoemaker
šoštar {m} [regional] :: clumsy or unfit person
šotka {f} :: goose
šou {m} :: show
šovinist {m} :: chauvinist
šovinistički {adj} :: chauvinistic
šovinistički {adv} :: chauvinistically
šovinizam {m} :: chauvinism
špacakomin {m} [regional, Croatia] :: chimney sweep
špacirštok {m} :: walking cane
špada {f} :: swords in Spanish playing cards
špaga {f} :: cord, rope
špahtl {m} :: alternative form of špahtla
špahtla {m} [regional] :: trowel
špajhl {m} [regional, dentistry] :: suction (device for sucking in patient's saliva)
špajhla {f} :: spoke (rod connecting the center of a wheel with its rim)
špajscimer {m} [regional] :: dining room
špajskarta {f} [regional, obsolete] :: menu
špajz {m} :: alternative form of špajza
špajza {m} [regional, Kajkavian] :: pantry, larder
špajzevagen {m} [regional, obsolete] :: buffet car (carriage on a train functioning as a restaurant)
špalir {m} :: row, rank
špan {m} :: feudal supervisor
Španac {prop} {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: Spaniard
španati {vt impf} :: to hitch
španati {vt impf} :: to tighten
španati {vr impf} [regional, colloquial] :: to play soccer
špancirati {vr impf} :: to walk, stroll
špancirati {vr impf} :: to idle, loiter
špandle {f} [regional] :: splinters
španga {f} [regional] :: brooch
španga {f} [historical] :: A penal measure for disobedience in the Austro-Hungarian empire consisting of tying hands and feet together
španga {f} [historical] :: A medieval torture device
Španija {prop} {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: Španija (country)
španijel {m} :: spaniel
španska sela {np} [literally] :: Spanish villages
španska sela {np} :: a topic about which one is ignorant
španska sela {np} :: It's all Greek to me
španski {adj} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: Spanish
španski {adj} [Bosnian, Serbian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Spanish language
španung {m} [regional] :: state of anxiety, stress
Španjolac {prop} {m} [Croatia] :: Spaniard
Španjolska {prop} {f} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: Španjolska (country)
španjolski {adj} [Croatian] :: Spanish
španjolski {adj} [Croatian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Spanish language
Španjur {prop} {f} [obsolete] :: Spaniard
šparati {vit impf} :: to save (store for future use)
šparati {vit impf} :: to save, economize
šparhet {m} [regional] :: oven, stove
šparkasa {f} [regional] :: piggy bank
šparmajstor {m} [regional, archaic] :: A very frugal person
šparoga {f} :: asparagus
šparta {f} [regional] :: line
špeceraj {m} [regional] :: groceries
špedicija {f} :: company dealing in transportation of goods
špedicija {f} :: transportation of goods
špeher {m} [regional] :: a spy
špek {m} :: bacon
špek {m} :: fat
špek-fileki {m} [regional, culinary] :: A dish featuring bacon and tripe in spicy gravy
špekula {f} [regional] :: marble
špekulacija {f} :: speculation
špekulant {m} :: speculator
špekvuršt {m} :: A sausage filled with bacon and chilly peppers
špelunka {f} [regional] :: A dark, unpleasant, cavern-like room or building, often referring to a public establishment
špenadl {m} [regional] :: pin
špendati {v impf} [regional, obsolete, Chakavian] :: to consume, to exhaust supplies
špengler {m} [regional] :: locksmith and tinsmith
špera {f} [regional] :: brake
špera {f} [regional] :: obstruction
šperhakl {m} [regional] :: skeleton key
šperholc {m} [regional] :: plywood
šperploča {f} :: plywood
šperštunde {m} [regional] :: legally prescribed closing time, [historical] curfew
špic {m} :: edge
špic {m} :: spitz (dog breed)
špicange {np} [regional, plurale tantum] :: needlenose pliers
špicbart {m} [regional, obsolete] :: goatee
špiccange {np} [regional, plurale tantum] :: needlenose pliers
špicl {m} [regional] :: spy
špicl {m} [regional] :: mouthpiece (smoking)
špicname {n} [regional] :: nickname
špigelholc {m} [regional] :: A high quality wood material with no knots or growth rings
špigl {m} [regional, Croatia, Kajkavian] :: mirror, looking glass
špija {m} [regional] :: a spy
špijati {v impf} [colloquial] :: to spy
špijun {m} :: spy
špijunirati {vit impf} :: to spy
špijunka {f} :: a female spy
špijunka {f} :: peephole
špijunski {adj} [attributive] :: espionage, spy
špijunski softver {m} [computing] :: spyware (malicious program that monitors and reports activity)
špikati {vt impf} [regional] :: to lard (stuff meat)
špil {m} [regional] :: deck (of cards)
špilati {v impf} [regional] :: to play
špilati {v impf} [regional] :: to act
špilcimer {m} :: playroom
špilcimer {m} :: cardroom
špilkarta {f} [regional] :: playing card
špilšul {m} [regional] :: kindergarten
špilja {f} :: cave, cavern
špina {f} [regional] :: faucet, tap
špinat {m} [Croatian, Bosnian] :: spinach
špinati {vt impf} [colloquial] :: caramelize
špirit {m} :: spirit (alcohol)
špisbirger {m} [regional, obsolete, pejorative, ] :: conformist
špiser {m} [regional, obsolete, pejorative, ] :: conformist
špital {m} [Kajkavian] :: hospital
špliter {m} :: shrapnel
špliter {m} :: piece of gemstone used in jewelry
špoljar {m} [regional, obsolete] :: metalworker
šporna {f} [regional] :: spur (horserider's implement)
šport {m} [Croatian] :: sport
špotati {v impf} [Kajkavian, Chakavian] :: to criticize
špotati {v impf} [Kajkavian, Chakavian] :: to rebuke, reproach
šprahfeler {m} [regional] :: speech impediment
šprahror {m} [regional] :: mouthpiece
šprajc {m} [regional] :: prop (support)
špranca {f} [Chakavian, Kajkavian] :: template, pattern, model
šprehati {vit impf} [Kajkavian] :: to talk, speak
šprengati {vt impf pf} [regional, obsolete] :: to bomb, nuke, blow up
špric {f} :: syringe
šprica {f} :: syringe
šprih {m} [regional] :: shot (small metal balls used as ammunition)
šprint {m} [regional, sports] :: alternative form of sprȉnt
šprung {m} :: scratch
špula {f} :: spool
špur {m} [regional] :: tire marks
špurijus {m} :: hunch (feeling, guess)
šraf {m} :: screw (fastener)
šrafa {f} :: a line within a hatching
šrafciger {m} [regional, colloquial] :: screwdriver
šrafštok {m} :: vise
šrajber {m} [regional, obsolete] :: scribe, clerk
šrajbmašina {f} [regional] :: typewriter
šrajbtiš {m} [regional] :: writing table, desk
šraml {m} :: Schrammelmusik ensamble
šrapnel {m} :: shrapnel
šrauba {f} :: screw (type of curve-ball)
šraubncijer {m} [regional, obsolete] :: screwdriver
šrek {adv} [colloquial, regional] :: aslope, aslant, sideling
šrekšus {m} [regional, obsolete] :: warning shot
šrenc-papir {m} :: bogus paper
Šri Lanka {prop} {f} :: Sri Lanka
šrot {m} :: buckshot
šrot {m} :: scrap
šta {pron} [Bosnia, Serbia, interrogative] :: what
štab {m} :: headquarters
štab {m} :: panel of experts
štabni narednik {m} [military, Bosnian] :: staff sergeant
štabni narednik {m} [obsolete, military, Bosnian] :: sergeant first class
štacija {f} :: station
štacija {f} :: hangout (someone's frequently visited place)
štacun {m} [Chakavian, Kajkavian, Croatia] :: shop, store
štafaža {f} :: staffage
štafelaj {m} [regional, colloquial] :: easel
štafeta {f} :: relay (athletics discipline)
štafir {m} [regional] :: dowry in the form of furnishings
štagalj {m} :: barn
štajf {adj} [regional] :: stiff
štajf {adv} :: stiffly
štajga {f} [regional, historical] :: street where prostitutes gather
štajge {f} [plural tantum, regional] :: ladder
štaka {f} :: crutch
štakor {m} [Croatian] :: rat
štala {f} :: stable, stall
štaljba {f} :: (food) cream dish
štambilj {m} :: stamp
štambilj {m} :: seal
štambuh {m} :: family album
štamgast {m} :: regular (frequent visitor of an establishment)
štamlokal {m} :: hangout (someone's frequently visited place)
štampa {f} :: press (print based media, usually newspapers or magazines)
štamparija {f} :: printing shop, printing house
štampati {vt impf pf} :: to print (especially books)
štanca {f} :: stamp (A device for stamping designs)
štancati {v impf} :: to print
štand {m} :: stall, booth, bench, stand (place to sell items or make deals)
štandarac {m} :: standard (pole carrying a flag)
štandarac {m} [regional] :: one who is lanky
štanga {f} [regional] :: pole
štanga {f} [regional] :: bar
štanga {f} [regional] :: rod
štap {m} :: staff, rod, stick
štapić {m} :: small stick or cane
štapić {m} :: chopstick
štathalterija {f} [regional, historical] :: regent council
štatut {m} [regional] :: alternative form of stàtūt
štaub {m} [regional, Kajkavian] :: powdered sugar
štaubati {noun} [Kajkavian] :: to sugar
štaubcuker {m} [Kajkavian] :: powdered sugar
štaubzauger {m} [regional] :: vacuum cleaner, hoover
štaviše {adv} :: moreover
štaviti {vt impf} :: to tan (hides)
šte {pron} [Kajkavian] :: who
štedeti {vit impf} :: to save (store for future use)
štedeti {vit impf} :: to save, economize
štedeti {vt impf} :: to spare
štedionica {f} :: savings bank
štediša {m} :: saver
štedjeti {vit impf} :: to save (store for future use)
štedjeti {vit impf} :: to save, economize
štedjeti {vt impf} :: to spare
štedljiv {adj} :: frugal, thrifty
štedljivo {adv} :: frugally, thriftily
štednja {f} :: savings
štednjak {m} :: oven, stove
Štef {prop} {m} :: given name
šteg {m} [regional, nautical] :: river wharf
šteg {m} [regional, obsolete, lead printing] :: material used for filling out unprinted spaces
šteher {m} [regional] :: lorgnette
šteka {f} [regional] :: a carton of 10 cigarette packs
štekat {m} [regional] :: sidewalk cafe
štekati {v impf} [regional] :: to plug in
štekati {v impf} [regional] :: to lag
štekati {v impf} [regional] :: to malfunction
štekdoza {f} :: socket
šteker {m} :: plug
šteker {m} :: socket
šteknadl {m} [regional, obsolete] :: pin
šteknferd {m} [regional, obsolete] :: hobbyhorse
štekragn {m} [regional] :: stand-up collar
štela {f} [regional] :: connection (position in a network of profitable acquaintanceships)
štelampa {f} [regional] :: floor lamp
štelati {v impf} :: to tune, set up, adjust
štelati {v impf} :: to prepare
štemajzl {m} [regional] :: chisel
štemati {vit impf} [regional] :: to break something with a tool, to make canals on a surface to lay wires or pipes in
štemati {vit impf} [regional] :: to beat up
štemovati {vit impf} [regional] :: to break something with a tool, to make canals on a surface to lay wires or pipes in
štemovati {vit impf} [regional] :: to beat up
štempl {m} :: stamp
štempl {m} :: seal
štenad {f} [collective] :: puppies
štender {m} :: stand (a device to hold something upright or aloft)
štene {n} :: puppy (young dog)
štenga {f} [Kajkavian] :: step, rest (of a stair, also figuratively)
štenkati {vt impf} [regional, obsolete] :: to tease (to innocently poke fun)
štep {m} [regional] :: stitch
šteri {pron} [Kajkavian, interrogative] :: which, what
šteri {pron} [Kajkavian, relative] :: which, that, who
šteri {pron} [Kajkavian, indefinite] :: some
šterung {m} [regional] :: interference
šteta {f} :: damage, harm (abstract measure of something not being intact; harm)
šteta {f} :: pity (something regrettable)
šteta {f} :: waste (action or progress of wasting; extravagant consumption or ineffectual use)
šteta {f} :: too bad
štetan {adj} :: harmful, hurtful
šteti {vt} [Kajkavian] :: to want, to wish, to desire
štetiti {vt impf} :: to harm, damage
štetl {m} [historical] :: shtetl
štetno {adv} :: harmfully, hurtfully
štetnost {f} [uncountable] :: harmfulness
štetočina {m} :: pest (harmful insect)
štibra {f} [regional, historical] :: tax
štibra {f} [colloquial] :: crackdown on tax-evasion
šticpunkt {m} [regional, historical] :: military base
štićenica {f} :: protégé, ward
štićenik {m} :: protégé, ward
štifle {f} [plurale tantum, regional, obsolete] :: boots
štiglec {m} [regional] :: goldfinch
štiglic {m} :: goldfinch
štiglić {m} :: goldfinch
štihvort {m} [regional] :: headword
štihvort {m} [regional] :: keyword
štikla {f} :: high heels
štiklec {m} [Kajkavian] :: part
štimati {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to tune, set up, adjust
štimati {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to be alright
štimati {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to be true
štimung {m} :: mood, general atmosphere
-ština {suffix} :: Appended to noun and adjective roots to create a feminine noun, usually denoting a dialect
-ština {suffix} :: Appended to noun and adjective roots to create a feminine noun, denoting a thing with the quality described by the word to which it is appended
-ština {suffix} :: Appended to placenames to create a feminine noun denoting both the speech as well as the geographical region
štipati {vt impf} :: to pinch, nip
štipnuti {vt pf} :: to pinch, nip
štir {m} :: amaranth (Amaranthus gen. et spp.)
štir {m} :: [dialectal] mercury (Mercurialis gen. et spp.)
štit {m} :: shield
štitast {adj} :: shield-shaped
štititi {vt impf} :: to protect
štititi {vt impf} :: to shield
štititi {vt impf} :: to defend, guard
štitnjača {f} :: thyroid gland
štitolik {adj} :: shield-shaped
štitonoša {m} :: shieldbearer
što {adv} :: why (short for zȁšto)
što {adv} [in comparisons] :: the, as
što {pron} [Croatia, interrogative] :: what
što {pron} [relative] :: that, what, which
štof {m} :: fabric
štof {m} :: material
štok {m} :: doorframe
štok {m} [Kajkavian] :: floor, doorframe
štokavac {m} :: speaker of the Shtokavian dialect
štokavica {f} [uncountable] :: Shtokavian
štokavski {adj} :: Shtokavian
štokavski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Shtokavian dialect
štokavština {f} [uncountable] :: the Shtokavian dialect
štoperica {f} :: stopwatch
štoplciger {m} [regional] :: corkscrew
štos {m} [regional] :: stack, pile
štos {m} [regional] :: hit, punch
štos {m} [regional] :: pun, prank
štosdemfer {m} [regional] :: shock absorber
štovalac {m} :: admirer
štovati {vt impf} :: respect, esteem
štovati {vt impf} :: worship (deity)
štoviše {adv} :: even
štoviše {adv} [conjunctive] :: moreover, furthermore, additionally
štrafta {f} [regional] :: stripe (long, straight region)
štrajhati {vit impf pf} [regional] :: to cancel, discard, delete, strike out
štrajk {m} :: strike (work stoppage)
štrajkač {m} :: striker (worker on strike)
štrajkaš {m} :: striker (worker on strike)
štrajkati {vi impf} [Croatian] :: to strike, go on strike
štrapac {m} [regional] :: strain, effort
štras {m} :: strass
štrebati {v impf} :: to swot
štreber {m} [regional] :: nerd, tryhard
štreka {f} [regional, colloquial] :: rail track, track
štriga {f} [regional] :: witch, hag
štriga {f} :: earwig
štrigun {m} [regional] :: witcher
štrih {m} [regional] :: trail of a short stroke left as a mark by a writing instrument
štrihati {vt impf} [regional, Croatia] :: to cross out
štriherica {f} [regional] :: streetwalker (prostitute)
štrihirati {vt impf pf} [regional, Croatian] :: to cross out
štrik {m} :: rope, cord
štrikati {v impf} [regional] :: to knit
štrk {m} [chiefly Bosnian, Serbian] :: stork
štrk {m} :: an insect of the families Oestridae, Cuterebridae, or Gasterophilidae, a parasite in the body of a mammal; gadfly, botfly, warble fly
štrkalj {m} :: gadfly (insect of the family Oestridae)
štrkalj {m} :: squirting cucumber
štrom {m} [regional] :: electric current, electricity
štruca {f} [Croatian, regional] :: loaf of bread
štuc {m} [regional] :: carbine
štucati {vi impf} :: to hiccup
štucer {m} [regional] :: pianino
štucer {m} [regional] :: fop
štucnuti {vi pf} :: to hiccup
štuka {f} :: pike (fish)
štula {f} [regional] :: stilt (walking pole)
štumf {m} [Kajkavian] :: sock
štundirati {v impf} [Kajkavian] :: to ponder
šturm {m} [regional] :: a strong wind
šturm {m} [regional] :: charge, rush
šubara {f} :: fur cap; ushanka
šućur {m} [regional] :: thank
šućur {interj} [regional] :: thanks!
šufit {m} [Chakavian] :: attic
šuga {f} :: mange
šugaman {m} [regional] :: a towel
šugav {adj} :: mangy
šugav {adj} [colloquial] :: bad (of quality)
šukati {vi impf} :: to row really hard (propel a boat)
šuljati {vr impf} :: to sneak, creep
šum {m} :: noise (sound or signal generated by random fluctuations)
šuma {f} :: forest, woods
šuman {adj} :: noisy (causing great or characteristic noise, usually of a water stream)
šumar {m} :: ranger, forester
šumarak {m} :: grove, woods, copse
šumarak {m} :: any small forest
šumarstvo {n} :: forestry
šumica {m} :: (diminutive) forest; grove
šumiti {vi impf} :: to hum, rustle, murmur
šumiti {vi impf} :: to gurgle, murmur (of water)
šumiti {vi impf} :: to crackle (radio)
šumno {adv} :: noisily
šumovit {adj} :: timbered, wooded
šumski {adj} :: silvan
šunka {f} :: ham
šunjati {vr impf} :: to sneak
šupa {f} :: shed
šupak {m} [vulgar] :: asshole, anus
šupak {m} [vulgar] :: asshole, jerk (person)
šupalj {adj} :: hollow
šupčić {m} [vulgar] :: a small/tight anus
šupčina {m} [vulgar] :: asshole
šupljikav {adj} :: full of holes, porous
šupljina {f} :: hollow, cavity
šupljoglavac {m} :: empty-headed person
šura {m} :: brother-in-law (brother of one's wife)
šurak {m} :: brother-in-law (brother of one's wife)
šurjak {m} {m} :: brother-in-law (brother of one's wife)
šurjakinja {f} :: sister-in-law (wife's brother's wife)
šus {m} [regional] :: shot, gunshot
šus {m} [regional] :: go, attempt, try
šuster {m} [regional] :: shoemaker
šuškati {v impf} :: to produce a certain sound – to rustle; to pronounce the sibilants in a retracted fashion, to articulate with palatal sigmatism
šuškati {v impf} [figurative] :: to whisper, to say with the hand over the mouth
šuštar {m} [regional] :: shoemaker
šuštati {vi impf} :: to rustle, gurgle
šutjeti {vi impf} [Croatian] :: to be silent, shut up
šutka {f} [slang] :: mosh pit
šuza {f} [colloquial] :: shoe
šva {m} [phonology] :: schwa
Švabo {m} :: a Swabian person
Švabo {m} :: a Suebi person
Švabo {m} [colloquial] :: a German person
Švabo {m} :: a Danube Swabian
Švabo {m} [regional, archaic] :: a Slav from former Habsburg empire
Švajcarska {prop} {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: Switzerland
švalja {f} :: seamstress
švanengezang {m} [regional] :: swan song
švanjiti {v impf pf} [regional] :: to act like a swine
Švapska {f} :: Swabia
Švapska {f} [colloquial] :: Germany
švapski {adj} :: Swabian
švapski {adj} [colloquial] :: German
švapski {adv} :: in a Swabian manner, as a Swabian
švapski {adv} [colloquial] :: in a German manner, as a German
švapski {adv} :: with extreme precision (as is stereotypical for Germans)
švarc {adj} :: broke (lacking money at the moment or poor in general)
Šved {prop} {m} :: Swede (male)
Švedska {prop} {f} :: Sweden
švedski {adj} :: Swedish
švedski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Swedish language
Šveđanin {prop} {m} :: Swede (male)
Šveđanka {f} :: Swede
švelja {f} :: seamstress
šverc {m} [uncountable] :: smuggling
švercati {vit impf} :: to smuggle
švercati {vr impf} :: to ride on public transportation without a paid ticket
Švicarac {m} :: (male) Swiss person
Švicarka {f} :: (female) Swiss person
Švicarska {prop} {f} [Croatia] :: Switzerland
švicarski {adj} [Croatian] :: Swiss
švicati {vr impf} :: to sweat, perspire
švora {f} [regional] :: nun
švorc {adj} :: broke (lacking money at the moment or poor in general)
švraka {f} [regional] :: magpie
švrakopis {m} :: crabbed handwritting, cacography, chicken scratch
švung {m} [regional] :: zest, pep
t. {noun} :: abbreviation of tačka
t. {noun} :: abbreviation of tona
t {letter} :: The 26th letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica), preceded by š and followed by u
tabak {m} [regional] :: sheet of paper
tabakera {f} :: snuffbox
taban {m} :: sole (of a foot)
tabela {f} :: table (grid of data in rows and columns)
tabla {f} :: blackboard
tabla {f} :: board
tableta {f} [pharmacy] :: tablet
tablica {f} :: tablet, slate
tablica {f} :: table (two-dimensional presentation of data)
tablja {f} [regional, historical] :: gun carriage
tabor {m} :: camp
tabu {m} :: taboo
tabure {f} :: ottoman, footstool
tacna {f} :: Serving tableware of any kind; tray, saucer or platter
tačan {adj} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: exact, accurate
tačan {adj} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: punctual, precise
tačan {adj} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: correct
tačerizam {m} :: Thatcherism
tačka {f} [Serbian] :: dot, period
tačka {f} [Serbian] :: point
tačka {f} [regional, rare] :: wheelbarrow (variation of more common plural form tačke)
tačke {noun} :: wheelbarrow (a small cart)
tačkica {f} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) a small dot
tačno {adv} [Serbia] :: exactly, correctly
tačno {adv} [Serbia] :: accurately, precisely
tačnost {f} [Serbian] :: exactitude, precision, punctuality
tad {adv} :: then, at that time
tada {adv} :: then, at that time
tadanji {adj} :: former, of that time
tadašnji {adj} :: former, of that time
tadž {m} [regional, historical] :: crown
tadž {m} :: a type of hat worn by a dervish
tadž {m} [regional, chess] :: chess
tadžički {adj} :: Tajik (of or relating to the Tajik people or the Tajik dialect of the Persian language)
tadžički {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Tajik language
Tadžik {prop} {m} :: Tajik, a man of Tajik descent
Tadžikinja {prop} {m} :: Tajik, a woman of Tajik descent
Tadžikistan {prop} {m} :: Tadžikistan (country)
Tadžikistanac {prop} {m} :: Tajik, a male citizen of Tajikistan
Tadžikistanka {prop} {m} :: Tajik, a female citizen of Tajikistan
tadžikistanski {adj} :: Tajik (of or relating to Tajikistan)
taht {m} :: throne
tahta {f} :: board
tahta {f} :: plank
tahta {f} :: table
tahta {f} :: slab
taj {pron} [demonstrative] :: that (one), the aforementioned (one)
tajac {m} :: silence, hush
tajan {adj} :: secret
tajanstven {adj} :: mysterious, enigmatic, mystic, occult
tajanstveno {adv} :: mysteriously, secretively
tajanstvenost {f} :: mysteriousness, secretiveness, secrecy
tajanstvo {n} :: secret, mystery
tajfun {m} :: typhoon
tajfunski {adj} [relational] :: typhoon, as strong as a typhoon
tajfunski {adv} :: as a typhoon
tajga {f} :: taiga
tajiti {vit impf} :: to conceal, keep secret
tajkun {m} :: tycoon
Tajland {prop} {m} :: Thailand
tajlandski {adj} [relational] :: Thailand; Thai
tajmer {m} :: timer
tajna {f} :: secret
tajni {adj} :: secret, clandestine, concealed
tajni agent {m} :: secret agent
tajnica {f} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: female secretary
tajnica {f} [diminutive, hypocorism] :: secret
tajnica {f} :: rice cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides)
tajnički {adj} :: secretarial
tajnik {m} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: male secretary
tajništvo {n} :: secretariate
tajno {adv} :: secretly
tajnost {f} :: secrecy
tajnovit {adj} :: mysterious, enigmatic, mystic
tajnovito {adv} :: secretly
tajnovito {adv} :: mysteriously, enigmatically
tajnovitost {f} :: secrecy, mysteriousness
tajom {adv} [expressively, archaic, language of literature] :: secretly, surreptitiously
tajski {adj} :: Thai (referring to Thai people or Thai language)
tajski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Thai language
Tajvan {prop} {m} :: Taiwan
tajvanski {adj} :: Taiwanese
tak {m} :: billiard-cue
tak {m} [regional] :: arc, vault (of a building)
tak {m} [regional] :: shoe heel
takaj {adv} [Kajkavian] :: also, too
takav {adj} :: such, of such kind
takav {adj} :: like that
takav {adj} :: what a, such
takav je život {phrase} :: Such is life (Used to express of acceptance of misfortune)
taki {adv} [Kajkavian] :: soon, within a short time, quickly
takmac {m} :: rival
takmičar {m} :: competitor, contestant
takmičarka {f} :: competitor, contestant (female)
takmičarski {adj} :: competitive
takmičarski {adv} :: competitively
takmičenje {n} :: (Bosnian, Serbian) competition
takmičiti {vr impf} [Serbian] :: to compete
takmiti {vr impf} :: to compete, contend
taknuti {vt pf} :: to touch
taknuto-maknuto {n} [chess] :: the touch-move rule
taknuto-maknuto {phrase} :: Said to remind one’s opponent of the touch-move rule
taknuto-maknuto {phrase} :: what's done is done
tako {adv} :: so, like that, in such a way (see onàkō)
tako {adv} :: so, so much
tako {adv} :: idiomatic and figurative meanings that refer to something being a specified way
takođe {adv} [Serbian] :: also (sentence-initially), too (elsewhere)
također {adv} [Croatian] :: likewise, also (sentence-initially), too (elsewhere)
takoreći {adv} :: as it were, so to speak, in a manner of speaking
takozvani {adj} :: so-called
taksa {f} :: administrative fee
taksi {m} :: taxi
taksido {m} :: tuxedo
taksimetar {m} :: taximeter
taksist {m} :: taxi driver, cab driver
taksista {m} :: taxi driver, cab driver
taksonomija {f} :: taxonomy (science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms)
taksonomija {f} :: taxonomy (classification in a hierarchical system)
takt {m} [music] :: measure, bar
takt {m} :: rhythm, tempo
takt {m} :: tact [careful consideration in dealing with others to avoid giving offense]
taktičan {adj} :: tactful
taktičar {m} :: tactician
taktički {adj} :: tactical
taktički {adv} :: tactically
taktika {f} :: tactics
taktilan {adj} :: tactile, tangible
taktni {adj} [relational] :: tact, having tact
takuin {m} [Chakavian] :: wallet
talac {m} :: hostage
talački {adj} [relational] :: hostages
talas {m} [Bosnia, Serbia, regional Croatia] :: wave
talasast {adj} :: wavy, uneven (water surface)
talasast {adj} :: curly (hair)
talasast {adj} :: corrugated
talasati {vt impf} :: to ruffle, agitate, churn up (especially water surface)
talasati {vr impf} :: to be agitated, be ruffled; to undulate, wave, surge, heave (especially of water surface)
talasav {adj} :: wavy, uneven (water surface)
talasav {adj} :: curly (hair)
talasav {adj} :: corrugated
talasje {n} [collective] :: waves
talasni {adj} [relational] :: wave
talenat {m} :: (Bosnian, Serbian): talent
talent {m} [Croatia] :: talent
talentiran {adj} :: talented
talentirano {adv} :: in a talented maner
talentiranost {f} [uncountable] :: talent (state of being talented)
taliban {m} :: Taliban
talij {m} :: thallium
Talijan {prop} {m} [usually, Croatian] :: Italian (male person)
Talijanka {prop} {f} :: (Croatian) Italian (female person)
talijanski {adj} [Croatian] :: Italian
talijanski {adj} [Croatian, in masculine, substantive] :: the Italian language
talijanski {adv} :: (Croatian) as an Italian
talijanština {f} [archaic] :: Italian language
talir {m} :: thaler
talisman {m} :: talisman
talište {n} :: (Croatian) melting point
taliti {vtr impf} :: to melt
Talmud {prop} {m} :: Talmud
talmudski {adj} :: Talmudic
talog {m} :: sediment
talpa {f} [regional] :: plank
taljige {mp} [plurale tantum] :: cart (usually drive by one horse)
taljiv {adj} :: meltable
taljiv {adj} :: fusible
tam {adv} [Kajkavian, regional] :: there
tama {f} :: darkness
taman {adj} :: dark, gloomy, dim
taman {adv} :: just
taman {adv} :: just right, fitting, appropriate
taman {adv} [dated] :: even, even if
Tamara {prop} {f} :: given name
tambur {m} [music, expressively] :: drum
tambur {m} [architecture] :: tambour
tambur {m} :: alternative form of tanbur
tambura {f} :: tambura, tambourine
tamburaš {m} :: tamburica player
tamilski {adj} :: Tamil
tamilski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Tamil language
tamjan {m} [uncountable] :: incense
tamneti {vi impf} :: to become dark, to grow darker
tamneti {vi impf} :: to become tarnished
tamnica {f} :: a dark room (usually in a prison or dungeon)
tamnica {f} :: prison
tamničar {m} :: gaoler / jailer
tamnina {f} :: darkness
tamno {adv} :: darkly
tamno {adv} :: vaguely
tamnoput {adj} :: dark-skinned
tamnjeti {vi impf} :: to become dark, to grow darker
tamnjeti {vi impf} :: to become tarnished
tamo {adv} :: there (in that place)
tamo {adv} [distal] :: there, over there (in the indicated place)
tamo {adv} :: over here (to, towards this place)
tamo-amo {adv} :: back and forth
tamošnji {adj} :: of that place; local
tampon {m} :: tampon
tanac {m} [regional] :: folk dance
tanak {adj} :: thin
tanak {adj} :: delicate
tanak {adj} :: gossamer
tanak {adj} :: flimsy
tanak {adj} :: slender, slim
tanak {adj} :: tapering
tanak {adj} :: sheer
tanan {adj} :: very thin
tanan {adj} :: refined, delicate, subtle
tanatoza {f} :: thanatosis (the act of feigning death)
tanbur {m} :: tanbur
tancati {vit impf} [regional] :: to dance
tane {n} :: bullet
tanec {m} [Kajkavian] :: dance
Tanganjika {prop} {f} :: Tanganyika (lake)
tangenta {f} [geometry] :: tangent
Tanger {prop} {m} :: Tanger (port city/capital)
tangerina {f} :: tangerine
tangerina {f} :: mandarin; mandarine
tango {m} :: tango (dance)
tanker {m} :: tanker (vessel used to transport large quantities of liquid)
tankoćutan {adj} :: (Croatian) sensitive, subtle (of a person's temperament or character)
tantal {m} :: tantalum
tantijema {f} :: royalty (payment made to a writer, composer, inventor etc.)
tantra {f} :: tantra
Tanzanija {prop} {f} :: Tanzania
tanjir {m} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: plate
tanjir {m} [Bosnian, Serbian] :: dish
tanjur {m} [Croatian] :: plate
tanjur {m} [Croatian] :: dish
tanjurić {m} :: saucer (small dish)
taobor {m} [archaic, rare] :: alternative form of tabor
taoizam {m} :: Taoism
tapeta {f} :: wallpaper
tapetar {m} :: upholsterer
tapija {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: deed (legal contract showing bond)
tapiserija {f} :: tapestry
tara {f} :: tare
taraba {f} [regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: fence
tarčin {m} :: alternative form of darčin
tarifa {f} :: tariff, fee
tarifni {adj} [relational] :: tariff, fee
tarot {m} :: tarot (card game)
tartuf {m} :: truffle
tas {m} :: cymbal
tas {m} :: the plate part of a traditional balance or scale
Tasmanija {prop} {f} :: Tasmania
tast {m} [dialectal, Bosnia, Serbia] :: father-in-law (one's wife's father)
tastatura {f} [computing] :: keyboard
tastatura {f} [music] :: keyboard
taška {f} [regional] :: bag
taška {f} [regional] :: purse
tašlin {f} [Kajkavian] :: bag
tašlin {f} [Kajkavian] :: pocket
tašna {f} [regional] :: bag
tašna {f} [regional] :: purse
tašt {adj} :: vain
tašta {f} [regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: mother-in-law (mother of one's wife)
taština {f} :: vanity
tašto {adv} :: vainly
tat {m} :: (expressively) thief
tata {m} :: dad, daddy
Tatarin {prop} {m} :: Tatar (person)
tatarski {adj} :: Tatar
tatarski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Tatar language
tatica {m} :: (hypocoristic) dad, daddy
taubek {m} [Kajkavian] :: dove, pigeon
tautologija {f} :: tautology
tautološki {adj} :: tautological
tautosilabički {adj} :: tautosyllabic
tava {f} :: frying pan
tava {f} :: skillet
tavaf {m} [Islam] :: tawaf
tavan {m} :: attic
tavla {f} :: tavla
tavla {f} [backgammon, regional] :: backgammon
Taylorov red {m} [mathematics] :: Taylor series
taze {adj} [Bosnia, Serbia, regional Croatia] :: fresh
te {pron} :: nominative plural of taj (feminine); those (= one)
te {conj} :: and (following a cause; lit. and thereby, and thus)
te {conj} :: and, and then (before the last thing in order of mention or occurrence)
te {conj} [Croatia] :: now (chiefly used in stock phrases)
teatar {m} :: theater / theatre
teatralan {adj} :: theatrical
teatralno {adv} :: theatrically
teatralnost {f} :: theatricality
tebi {pron} [emphatic, possessive, dative] :: alternative form of ti; your, of yours
teca {f} [Kajkavian] :: aunt
tečaj {m} :: course (period of learning)
tečaj {m} :: rate (a percentage of another amount or a basis of calculation)
tečan {adj} :: liquid (of a state)
tečan {adj} :: fluent (of a spoken/written language, or any other process)
tečno {adj} :: tečno is the neuter form of tečan
tečnost {f} :: fluidity
tečnost {f} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: liquid
tečo {m} :: uncle (father's or mother's brother-in-law)
teći {vi impf} :: to flow, stream, pass, course, flux (especially of a moving water)
teći {vi impf} :: to flow, pass by, continue, go on (of time, life etc.)
teći {vi impf} :: to pour (of rain), flow (of tears, sweat)
teći {v impf} :: to progress, have its course, continue without stagnation
teden {m} [Kajkavian] :: week
tefra {f} :: tephra
tefter {m} :: notebook
tefter {m} [accounting] :: books, accounting records, register
tefter {m} [historical] :: defter, Ottoman tax register
teg {m} :: weight (weightlifting)
teg {m} :: weight (block of metal used in a balance to measure the mass of another object)
tegla {f} :: jar
tegliti {vt impf} :: to tow, tug, haul
tegljač {m} :: tugboat
tegoba {f} :: hardship, difficulty
tegoban {adj} :: difficult, hard, laborious
tegobno {adv} :: with difficulty, laboriously, arduously
tegobnost {f} :: incommodity, tediousness, tedium
tegotan {adj} :: difficult, hard
Teheran {prop} {m} :: Teheran (capital city)
Teheran {prop} {m} [pejorative, colloquial] :: Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina
tehnecij {m} :: technetium
tehničar {m} :: technician
tehničarka {f} :: technician (female)
tehnički {adj} :: technical
tehnički {adv} :: technically
tehnika {f} [countable] :: technique
tehnika {f} [uncountable] :: technology
tehnika {f} [uncountable] :: engineering
tehnolog {m} :: technologist
tehnologija {f} :: technology
tehnološki {adj} :: technological
tehnološki {adv} :: technologically
teist {m} :: theist
teizam {m} :: theism
tek {adv} :: only, only just, hardly, barely
tek {adv} :: yet, still
tek {m} :: appetite
tek {m} :: taste, flavour
teka {f} [colloquial] :: notebook
tekbir {m} [Islam] :: takbir
tekma {f} :: sports game, match
tekovina {f} :: general goods or accomplishments (acquired after hard work or struggle, usually of a society or civilization)
teksas {m} :: denim
Teksas {prop} {m} :: Texas (US state)
Teksašanin {prop} {m} :: Texan (person from Texas)
Teksašanka {prop} {m} :: Texan (person from Texas, female)
tekst {m} :: text
tekstil {m} [uncountable] :: textile
tekstopisac {m} :: scriptwriter
tekstopisac {m} :: songwriter
tekstualan {adj} [relational] :: text; textual
tekstualno {adv} :: textually
tekstura {f} :: texture
tektonika {f} [uncountable, geology] :: tectonics
tekući {adj} :: liquid, fluid
tekući {adj} :: flowing, running (of water)
tekući {adj} :: current
tekućina {f} :: (Croatian) liquid
tekućnik {m} [phonology, neologism, Croatia] :: liquid, liquid consonant
tel {m} [obsolete] :: thin wire
tel {m} :: silver or golden thread or string for sewing or embroidering
telac {m} :: young male calf
telad {f} :: calves
Tel Aviv {prop} {m} :: Tel Aviv (city)
telčić {m} :: (diminutive) young male calf
tele- {prefix} :: tele-
tele {n} :: calf
telecunami {m} :: teletsunami
teleći {adj} [relational] :: calf
telefon {m} :: telephone
telefon {m} [colloquial] :: telephone number
telefonija {f} [uncountable] :: telephony
telefonirati {vi impf pf} :: to telephone
telefonist {m} :: telephonist
telefonistkinja {f} :: telephonist (female)
telefonski {adj} [relational] :: telephone
telefonski {adv} :: by using a telephone
telegraf {m} :: telegraph
telegrafija {f} :: telegraphy
telegrafirati {vi impf pf} :: to telegraph
telegrafist {m} :: telegrapher
telegrafski {adj} :: telegraphic
telegrafski {adv} :: by using a telegraph; telegraphically
telegram {m} :: telegram
telekomunikacija {f} :: telecommunication, telecommunications
telekomunikacijski {adj} [relational] :: telecommunication
telence {n} :: (diminutive) calf
teleologija {f} :: teleology
teleološki {adj} :: teleologic
telepatija {f} [uncountable] :: telepathy
telepatski {adj} :: telepathic
telepatski {adv} :: telepathically
teleskop {m} :: telescope
teleskopski {adj} :: telescopic
teleskopski {adv} :: telescopically
telesni {adj} :: bodily, corporal, physical
telešce {n} :: corpuscle
telešce {n} :: a small body
teletekst {m} :: Teletext
teletina {f} :: veal
televizija {f} :: television
televizor {m} :: a television set
teli {adj} [indeclinable, regional] :: embroidered, ornamented, interwoven with golden or silver wire
telić {m} :: calf (diminutive)
telka {f} [colloquial, regional] :: telly
telo {n} :: body
telohranitelj {m} :: bodyguard
telovežba {f} :: physical exercise
telur {m} :: tellurium
telurij {m} :: tellurium
-telj {suffix} :: Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a profession, performer of an action, or a human relation
tema {f} :: theme, subject
tematski {adj} :: thematic
tematski {adv} :: thematically
teme {n} :: top, crown (of the head)
teme {n} :: top, apex
temelj {m} :: foundation
temeljac {m} :: foundation stone (stone laid during the construction)
temeljac {m} :: stock or broth
temeljit {adj} :: thorough, solid (basis, knowledge, scope etc.)
temeljiti {vtr impf} :: to base, found
temeljito {adv} :: thoroughly
temeljitost {f} [uncountable] :: thoroughness
temeljni {adj} :: fundamental, essential, basic
temeljni {adj} [relational] :: foundation
tempao {m} [archaic] :: temple, shrine
temperament {m} [psychology] :: temperament
temperamentan {adj} :: temperamental, moody, capricious
temperamentno {adv} :: temperamentally
temperamentnost {f} :: temperamentality
temperatura {f} :: temperature
templar {m} :: Templar
templarski {adj} [relational] :: Templar
tempo {m} :: tempo
temporalan {adj} :: temporal (of or relating to time)
temporalan {adj} :: temporal (of the temples of the head)
Temza {prop} {f} :: the Thames
Ten {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Tenes
tendencija {f} :: tendency
tendenciozan {adj} :: tendentious
tendenciozno {adv} :: tendentiously
tendencioznost {f} [uncountable] :: tendentiousness
tendžera {f} :: saucepan; stewpan
Tened {prop} {m} :: Tenedos (island in the Aegean)
tenedski {adj} [relational] :: Tened
tenis {m} [uncountable] :: tennis
tenisač {m} [Bosnia, Croatia] :: tennis player
tenisački {adj} [relational] :: tennis player
tenisački {adv} :: as a tennis player
teniski {adj} [relational] :: tennis
tenk {m} :: tank (armoured fighting vehicle)
tenkist {m} [military] :: tanker, tank corpsman
tenkovski {adj} [relational] :: tank (armored vehicle)
tenkovski {adj} :: containing tanks (military division)
tenzija {f} :: tension
tenzor {m} :: tensor
tenje {n} :: shadow
teocentričan {adj} :: theocentric
teokracija {f} :: theocracy
teokratski {adj} :: theocratic
teokratski {adv} :: theocratically
teolog {m} :: theologian
teologija {f} [uncountable] :: theology
teološki {adj} :: theological
teorem {m} :: theorem
teorema {f} [mathematics] :: theorem
teoretičar {m} :: theorist, theoretician
teoretik {m} :: theoretician
teoretizirati {vi impf pf} :: to theorize
teoretski {adj} :: theoretic
teoretski {adv} :: theoretically
teorija {f} :: theory
teorija grupa {f} :: group theory
teorija skupova {f} :: set theory
teorija urote {f} :: conspiracy theory
teorija zavere {f} :: conspiracy theory
teorija zavjere {f} :: conspiracy theory
teozof {m} :: theosophist
teozofija {f} [uncountable] :: theosophy
teozofski {adj} :: theosophical
teozofski {adv} :: theosophically
tepati {vi impf} :: to babble (of a baby)
tepati {vi impf} [with dative] :: to use baby talk, coo
tepati {vr impf} [Torlakian] :: to fight
tepih {m} :: carpet
tepsija {f} :: a type of shallow pan
tepsti {vt impf} :: to knock, pound, hit, strike
tepsti {vr impf} :: to loiter, roam
ter {conj} [Croatia, poetic, archaic] :: and
terakota {f} [uncountable] :: terracotta
terapeut {m} :: therapist
terapeutski {adj} :: therapeutic
terapija {f} :: therapy
terasa {f} :: terrace (extending outwards from a building)
terati {vt impf} :: to force, make
terati {vt impf} :: to induce, cause
terati {vt impf} :: to drive, drive out, drive away
terati {vt impf} :: to chase, hunt, pursue
terati {vt impf} :: to sprout, shoot (of plants)
terati {vr impf} :: to be in heat (of animals)
terazije {f} [regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: scales (measuring device)
terbij {m} :: terbium
tercijar {m} [geology] :: Tertiary
tercijaran {adj} :: tertiary
tere {conj} [Croatia, poetic, archaic] :: and
teren {m} :: terrain
terenac {m} :: SUV
teret {m} :: burden
teret {m} :: cargo
teret {m} :: weight
teretana {f} :: gym (sporting facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise)
Tereza {prop} {f} :: given name; Theresa, Teresa
teri {pron} [Kajkavian, interrogative] :: which, what
teri {pron} [Kajkavian, relative] :: which, that, who
teri {pron} [Kajkavian, indefinite] :: some
teritorij {m} [Croatia] :: territory
teritorijalni {adj} :: territorial
terli {adj} [indeclinable] :: alternative form of tèli
termin {m} :: term (a word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge)
termin {m} :: a specific date and time for which something is scheduled (e.g. a due date, a meeting time, or a time slot for an appointment)
terminologija {f} :: terminology
terminološki {adj} :: terminological
termodinamika {f} [uncountable] :: thermodynamics
termometar {m} :: thermometer
termopauza {m} :: thermopause
Termopile {prop} {f} :: Thermopylae
termopilski {adj} [relational] :: Thermopylae
termosfera {f} :: thermosphere
teror {m} :: terror
terorist {m} :: terrorist
teroristički {adj} :: terroristic
teroristički {adv} :: terroristically
teroristkinja {f} :: terrorist
terorizam {m} [uncountable] :: terrorism
terzija {m} [Bosnia, regional Croatia, Serbia] :: tailor, seamster
terzijan {m} [regional] :: plectrum (small piece of plastic, metal, ivory etc. for plucking the strings of a guitar, lyre, mandolin etc.)
tesan {adj} :: tight
tesan {adj} :: close (intimate; well-loved)
tesan {adj} :: narrow
tesar {m} :: carpenter
tesati {vt impf} :: to hew
tesati {vt impf} :: to trim
tesati {vt impf} :: to cut
tesati {vt impf} :: to spall
teskera {f} [regional] :: written document; a letter
teskera {f} [regional] :: certificate
teskera {f} [regional] :: invitation
teskoba {m} :: anxiety
tesla {f} :: adze (cutting tool)
tesnac {m} :: gorge, defile, narrow passage
tesno {adv} :: tightly, closely
tespih {m} [Islam] :: misbaha (prayer beads)
test {m} :: test (challenge, trial)
test {m} :: test (academics)
test {m} :: test (product examination)
testament {m} [law] :: the (last) will (legal document)
testenina {f} :: paste, pasta
testera {f} [regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: handsaw, saw
testirati {vt impf pf} :: to test
testis {m} [anatomy] :: testicle
testo {n} :: dough
testosteron {m} :: testosterone
teša {f} :: clothes
tešiti {vt impf} :: to console, comfort
teško {adv} :: heavily
teško {adv} :: with difficulty
teškoća {f} :: difficulty
teta {f} [hypocoristic] :: aunt by blood; the sister of one’s parent
tetak {m} :: uncle (father's or mother's brother-in-law)
tetica {f} :: auntie
tetiva {f} :: sinew, tendon
tetiva {f} :: string (of a bow)
tetiva {f} [geometry] :: chord
tetka {f} :: aunt by blood; the sister of one’s parent
tetkica {f} :: auntie
tetovaža {f} :: tattoo
tetovirati {vitr impf pf} [_ or _] :: to tattoo
tetraplegija {f} :: tetraplegia
tetrarh {m} :: tetrarch
tetreb {m} :: grouse
tetrijeb {m} :: grouse
teutonski {adj} :: Teutonic
teza {f} :: thesis
tezga {f} :: booth, counter
tezga {f} :: stand, stall
tezga {f} :: bench, workbench
teža {f} :: gravitation
težak {adj} :: heavy, weighty
težak {adj} :: difficult (of a job)
težak {adj} :: unpleasant (of air)
težak {adj} :: complex, difficult to understand (of a topic or subject)
težak {m} :: farmer, agriculturalist
težak {m} :: day laborer
težanje {n} [Croatian] :: cultivation
težik {m} [archaic] :: barium
težina {f} :: weight
težina {f} :: difficulty
težina {f} :: load
težište {n} :: center of gravity
težište {n} [figuratively] :: essence, focus, gist
težitba {n} [Croatian, obsolete] :: culture
težiti {vi impf} :: to weigh
težiti {vi impf} :: to gravitate, tend to
težiti {vi impf} :: to strive, try, endeavor
težko {adv} :: obsolete spelling of teško
the {conj} [Internet slang] :: alternative spelling of da
theatr {m} :: archaic spelling of teatar
-ti {suffix} :: The infinitive ending
ti {pron} [singular] :: you
ti {pron} :: nominative plural of taj (masculine); those (= oni)
ti {pron} [emphatic, colloquial] :: Used to reinforce a statement that is thought to be of interest to the listener, usually referring to oneself or third parties
Tibet {prop} {m} :: Tibet
Tibetanac {prop} {m} :: Tibetan (person)
tibetanski {adj} [relational] :: Tibetans; Tibetan
tibetski {adj} :: Tibetan
tibetski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Tibetan language
tica {f} [regional, colloquial or archaic] :: alternative form of ptȉca
ticati {vt impf} :: to touch
ticati {vr impf} [genitive] :: to concern or pertain (to or with oneself)
tiedan {n} :: obsolete spelling of tjedan
tielo {n} :: obsolete spelling of tijelo
tieme {n} :: obsolete spelling of tjeme
tiganj {m} [regional] :: frying pan, skillet
tiganj {m} [regional] :: saucepan
tigar {m} :: tiger (mammal)
tigrica {f} :: tigress
tigrica {f} :: budgerigar
Tigris {prop} {m} :: Tigris
tih {adj} :: quiet, silent
Tihi okean {prop} {m} :: Pacific Ocean
tiho {adv} :: quietly, silently
Tihomir {prop} {m} :: given name
tihost {f} :: silence
tijek {m} :: course, flow, but in time (as opposed to space, compare tȏk), or in the way something is occurring or evolving
tijekom {prep} :: during
tijelo {n} :: body
tijenje {n} :: shadow
tijesan {adj} :: tight
tijesan {adj} :: close (intimate; well-loved)
tijesan {adj} :: narrow
tijesno {adv} :: tightly, closely
tijesto {n} :: dough
tikati {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to address informally using the pronoun ti; to thou
tiket {m} :: ticket
tikva {f} :: pumpkin
tikva {f} [card games] :: bells
tikvan {m} :: bonehead, blockhead, numskull
tilda {f} [orthography] :: tilde
tilo {n} [Chakavian, Ikavian] :: body
tim {m} :: team (group of people)
timar {m} :: a kind of Ottoman Empire fief granted by the Sultan to a spahi (spàhija) in exchange for his cavalryman service and cultivated by villeins who leased it from him, timar
timpan {m} :: timbrel
timun {m} [Chakavian] :: helm, rudder
timun {m} [Chakavian] :: steering wheel
tinejdžer {m} :: teenager
tinejdžerica {f} :: teenager (female)
tinejdžerka {f} :: teenager (female)
tinjati {vi impf} :: to smolder (also figuratively)
tip {m} :: type
tip {m} [colloquial] :: person (usually male), guy, bloke, dude
tipfeler {m} :: typo
tipičan {adj} :: typical
tipično {adv} :: typically
tipičnost {f} [uncountable] :: typicality
tipka {f} :: key (button on a typewriter or computer keyboard)
tipkač {m} :: typist
tipkati {vit impf} :: to type
tipkovnica {f} [usually, Croatia] :: keyboard (set of keys used to operate a typewriter, computer etc.)
tipograf {m} :: typographer
tipografija {f} [uncountable] :: typography
tipografski {adj} :: typographic
tipografski {adv} :: typographically
tipologija {f} :: typology
tipološki {adj} :: typological
tipološki {adv} :: typologically
Tir {prop} {m} :: Tir (ancient city-state)
Tir {prop} {m} :: Tir (port city/capital)
Tirana {prop} {f} :: Tirana (capital city)
Tiranac {prop} {m} :: Tiranan
tiranija {f} :: tyranny
tiranin {m} :: tyrant
tiranosaur {m} :: tyrannosaur
tiranski {adj} :: tyrannical
tiranski {adv} :: tyrannically
tirkiz {m} :: turquoise
tirkizan {adj} [relational] :: turquoise
tisa {f} :: yew-tree
tisak {m} [Croatian, uncountable] :: press (print based media)
tisak {m} [Croatian] :: print
tiskara {f} :: (Croatian) printing shop, printing house
tiskarstvo {n} [uncountable, usually, Croatian] :: printing (craft)
tiskati {vt impf} :: to press, press down
tiskati {vt impf} :: to push, shove
tiskati {vt impf} :: to squeeze, exert pressure
tiskati {vt impf} [Croatian] :: to print, stamp
tiskovina {f} [uncountable] :: publication (printed matter)
Tisno {prop} :: Tisno (municipality)
tisuća {f} [primarily, Croatian] :: thousand [+ genitive]
tisućljeće {n} :: (Croatian) millennium (period of 1000 years)
tisućnik {m} [military, Ancient Rome] :: centurion
tisuću {adv} [Croatia, with genitive] :: thousand
tisutnjik {m} [military, Ancient Rome] :: centurion
tiši {adj} :: comparative of tȉh
tišina {f} :: silence
titanij {m} :: titanium
titl {m} :: subtitle
Titograd {prop} {m} [historical] :: Titograd, former name of Podgorica, used between 1946 and 1992
titoist {m} :: Titoist
titoistički {adj} :: Titoist
titoizam {m} [uncountable] :: Titoism
titraj {m} :: quiver, shiver
titraj {m} :: flicker
titrati {vi impf} :: to vibrate
titrati {vi impf} :: to quiver, shiver
titrati {vi impf} :: to flicker
titula {f} :: title
tj. {adv} :: i.e.
tja {adv} [Croatia, regional] :: there
tja {interj} :: hmm, oh well
t. je {adv} :: obsolete form of tj.
tjedan {m} [usually, Croatian] :: week [period of seven days]
tjedni {adj} [usually, Croatian] :: weekly
tjedno {adv} [Croatia] :: weekly
tjelesni {adj} :: bodily, corporal, physical
tjelešce {n} :: corpuscle
tjelešce {n} :: a small body
tjelohranitelj {m} :: bodyguard
tjelovježba {f} :: physical exercise
tjeme {n} :: top, crown (of the head)
tjeme {n} :: top, apex
tjerati {vt impf} :: to force, make
tjerati {vt impf} :: to induce, cause
tjerati {vt impf} :: to drive, drive out, drive away
tjerati {vt impf} :: to chase, hunt, pursue
tjerati {vt impf} :: to sprout, shoot (of plants)
tjerati {vr impf} :: to be in heat (of animals)
tjeskoba {m} :: anxiety
tjesnac {m} :: gorge, defile, narrow passage
tjesnačnik {m} [Croatia, phonetics] :: fricative
tjestenina {f} :: paste, pasta
tješiti {vt impf} :: to console, comfort
tkač {m} :: weaver
tkalac {m} :: weaver
tkanina {f} :: fabric, textile
tkanje {n} :: weaving (manner by which something is woven)
tkati {vit impf} :: to weave
tkivo {n} :: tissue (aggregation of cells)
tko {pron} [interrogatively, Croatia] :: who
tko {pron} :: relative and indefinite pronoun
tkogod {pron} :: whoever
tlak {m} [Croatian] :: pressure
tlakomjer {m} [Croatia] :: pressure gauge (any kind of); a barometer
tlo {n} :: ground
tlo {n} :: floor
tmast {adj} :: dark, fuscous
tmina {f} :: darkness
tmina {f} :: obscurity
tmina {f} :: dusk, gloom
tmuran {adj} :: gloomy, murky, dull, somber
tnx {interj} [text messaging, Internet slang] :: thanks
toalet {m} :: toilet
tobdžija {m} :: cannoneer, gunner
tobdžija {m} [football slang] :: forward
tobdžija {m} [gay sexual slang, somewhat jocular] :: a top
tobelija {f} :: a sworn virgin
tobolac {m} :: quiver (arrow container)
tobolac {m} [Croatia] :: pouch, marsupium (a pocket in which a female marsupial carries its young)
tobože {adv} :: allegedly, ostensibly
tobožnji {adj} :: ostensible, so-called
točak {m} [everywhere except Croatia] :: wheel
točak {m} [regional] :: bicycle
točan {adj} [Croatian] :: exact, accurate
točan {adj} [Croatian] :: punctual, precise
točan {adj} [Croatian] :: correct, right
točir {m} :: funnel
točiti {vt impf} :: to pour
točiti {vt impf} :: to tap (draw off liquid from a vessel)
točka {f} [Croatian] :: dot, period
točka {f} [Croatian] :: point
točka infleksije {f} [mathematics] :: point of inflection
točkica {f} :: (Croatian) a small dot
točno {adv} [Croatia] :: exactly, correctly
točno {adv} [Croatia] :: accurately, precisely
točnost {f} [Croatian] :: exactitude, precision, punctuality
toga {f} :: toga, gown
Togo {prop} {m} :: Togo (country)
toharski {adj} :: Tocharian
toharski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Tocharian language
to jest {adv} :: that is, that is to say, viz.
tok {m} :: flow
tok {m} :: stream, current
tok {m} :: flux
tok {m} [Croatian] :: movement in space (as opposed to time, compare tijȇk)
tok {m} [regional] :: sheath, scabbard
tokata {f} [music] :: toccata
tokijski {adj} [relational] :: Tokyo
Tokio {prop} {m} :: Tokio (prefecture/capital city)
tokmak {m} :: sledgehammer, mallet
tokmak {m} :: mace
tokmak {m} :: blockhead, sot, dunderpate
tokom {prep} :: during
toksički {adv} :: toxically
toksično {adv} :: toxically
toksikologija {f} :: toxicology
toksin {m} :: toxin
tolerancija {f} :: tolerance
tolerantan {adj} :: tolerant
tolerantno {adv} :: tolerantly
tolerantnost {f} :: tolerance
tolik {adj} [demonstrative, proximal] :: such (of given proportions or characteristics)
toliko {adv} :: that much/many, so much/many, as much/many
toliko {phrase} [idiomatic] :: so much for
toliko {phrase} :: used in idioms that express a comparison
tol'ko {contraction} :: (colloquial) contraction of toliko
toljaga {f} :: club, cudgel
tomahavk {m} :: tomahawk (axe)
tombola {f} :: tombola
Tomislav {prop} {m} :: given name
Tomo {prop} {m} :: given name
ton {m} :: tone
tona {f} :: tonne
tona {f} :: ton (2240 pounds)
tonalan {adj} :: tonal
tonaža {f} [uncountable] :: tonnage
tonski {adj} :: tonal, tone (having to do with tones)
tonski sandhi {n} :: tone sandhi
tonuti {vi impf} :: to sink
tonzilektomija {f} [surgery] :: tonsillectomy
tonzura {f} :: tonsure
top {m} :: cannon
top {m} [chess] :: rook
topao {adj} :: warm
topaz {f} :: topaz (gemstone)
topčić {m} :: small cannon
topić {m} :: small cannon
topiti {vt impf} :: to melt
topiti {vr impf} :: to melt down
topiv {adj} :: meltable
toplana {f} :: heating plant
toplice {fp} [plurale tantum] :: spa
toplina {f} :: heat, warmth
toplo {adv} :: warmly
toplokrvan {adj} :: warm-blooded
toplomer {m} :: thermometer
toplomjer {m} :: thermometer
toplota {f} :: warmth
topljeni sir {m} :: processed cheese
topljiv {adj} :: meltable
topništvo {n} :: (Croatian) artillery
topo- {prefix} :: topo-
topola {f} [regional, Bosnia, Serbia] :: poplar, any tree of the genus Populus
topologija {f} :: topology
topološki {adj} :: topological
topološki prostor {m} [mathematics] :: topological space
toponim {m} :: toponym
toponimija {f} [uncountable] :: toponymy
toponimski {adj} :: toponymic
topor {m} [regional, rare] :: axe
toptati {vi impf} :: to stamp, stomp tramp
topuz {m} :: morning star (weapon)
topuz {m} :: cudgel, mace, club
tor {m} :: corral, cote
toranj {m} :: tower
torba {f} :: bag
torba {f} :: pouch, purse
torbar {m} [Bosnia, Serbia] :: marsupial
torbar {m} :: peddler
toreador {m} [bullfighting] :: toreador
toreadorski {adj} [relational] :: toreador
torij {m} :: thorium
tork {m} [Kajkavian] :: Tuesday
torlački {adj} :: Torlak, Torlakian
tornado {m} :: tornado
tornati {vitr impf pf} [regional] :: to come back, return
tornjati {vr impf pf} [colloquial] :: to leave, beat it
tornjić {m} :: a small tower
torokati {vi impf} :: to babble, prattle, piffle, gabble
torpedirati {vt impf pf} :: to torpedo
torpedni {adj} [relational] :: torpedo
torpedo {m} :: torpedo
torta {f} :: cake
tortura {f} :: torture
torzija {f} :: torsion
torzijski {adj} :: torsional
torzo {m} [anatomy] :: torso
Toskana {prop} {f} :: Toskana (region)
toskanski {adj} :: Tuscan
toskijski {adj} :: Tosk
toskijski {adv} :: as a Tosk
tota {pron} [Kajkavian] :: this (one)
totalan {adj} :: total
totalitaran {adj} :: totalitarian
totalitarist {m} :: totalitarian
totalitaristički {adj} :: totalitarian
totalitaristički {adv} :: as a totalitarian
totalitarizam {m} :: totalitarianism
totalitarno {adv} :: in a totalitarian manner
totalitet {m} [uncountable] :: totality
totalno {adv} :: totally, completely
totem {m} :: totem
totemist {m} :: totemist
totemistički {adj} :: totemist
totemistički {adv} :: as a totemist
totemizam {m} [uncountable] :: totemism
totemski {adj} :: totemic
toti {pron} [Kajkavian] :: this (one)
totu {adv} [Kajkavian, regional] :: here
tovar {m} :: cargo
tovar {m} :: burden
tovar {m} :: load
tovar {m} [pejorative] :: a person from Dalmatia
tovar {m} [Chakavian] :: donkey
tovariš {m} :: comrade
toviti {vtr impf} :: to fatten (animals, poultry)
trabant {m} [astronomy] :: satellite (of a celestial body)
trabant {m} [pejorative] :: follower, parasite (of an unwanted person)
trabunjati {vi impf} :: to talk nonsense
trač {m} :: gossip, gossiping
Tračanin {prop} {m} :: Thracian
tračara {f} :: gossiper
tračati {vit impf} :: to gossip
tračer {m} [regional] :: gossiper
tračerski {adj} [relational] :: gossip gossiping
tračerski {adv} :: as a gossiper
trački {adj} :: Thracian
trački {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Thracian language
tračnica {f} :: (Croatian) rail, track (for trains etc.)
traćiti {v impf} :: alternative form of trȁtiti
tradicija {f} :: tradition
tradicijski {adv} :: traditionally
tradicionalan {adj} :: traditional
tradicionalist {m} :: traditionalist
tradicionalistički {adj} :: traditionalist
tradicionalistički {adv} :: as a traditionalist
tradicionalizam {m} [uncountable] :: traditionalism
tradicionalno {adv} :: traditionally
tradicionalnost {f} [uncountable] :: traditionalism
trafika {f} :: newsstand
trafika {f} :: tobacco shop
traftur {m} [regional] :: funnel
trag {m} :: trace
tragač {m} :: seeker
tragalac {m} :: seeker
tragati {vi impf} :: to trace, to search, seek
tragedija {f} :: tragedy
tragičan {adj} :: tragic
tragičar {m} :: tragedian
tragično {adv} :: tragically
tragičnost {f} [uncountable] :: tragedy (property of being tragic)
tragikomedija {f} :: tragicomedy
tragikomičan {adj} :: tragicomic
traheja {f} :: trachea
trahtur {m} [regional] :: funnel
trajan {adj} :: permanent, durable (lasting for an indefinitely long time)
trajati {vi impf} :: to last, continue
trajekt {m} :: ferry
trajektni {adj} [relational] :: ferry
trajno {adv} :: permanently, durably
trajnost {f} :: durability, permanence
traka {f} :: strip, ribbon (of paper, cloth, plastics..)
Trakija {prop} {f} :: Thrace
traktat {m} :: tract (a brief treatise)
traktor {m} [agriculture] :: tractor
traktorista {m} :: tractor driver
traktur {m} [regional] :: funnel
traljav {adj} :: sloppy, careless
traljav {adj} :: ragged, shabby
traljavo {adv} :: sloppily, carelessly
traljavost {f} [uncountable] :: shabbiness
traljavost {f} [uncountable] :: sloppiness, carelessness
tramontana {f} :: tramontana
trampa {f} :: barter
trampiti {vt impf pf} :: to barter, exchange
tramvaj {m} :: tram
tramvaj {m} :: tramcar
tramvaj {m} :: streetcar
tramvaj {m} :: trolley car
trans- {prefix} :: trans-
transakcija {f} :: transaction
transakcijski {adj} :: transactional
transatlantski {adj} :: transatlantic
transcendencija {f} [uncountable] :: transcendence
transcendentalan {adj} :: transcendental
transcendentalizam {m} :: transcendentalism
transcendentalnost {f} [uncountable] :: transcendence
transcendentan {adj} :: transcendent
transcendentni broj {m} [mathematics] :: transcendental number
transcendirati {vt impf pf} :: to transcend
transduktor {m} :: transducer
transfer {m} :: transfer
transfer {m} :: transport
transferirati {vt impf pf} :: to transfer
transferni {adj} [relational] :: transfer
transformacija {f} :: transformation
transformacijski {adj} [Croatia] :: transformational
transformator {m} :: transformer (electrical device)
transformirati {vtr impf pf} :: to transform
transfuzija {f} :: transfusion
transgresija {f} :: transgression
transgresivan {adj} :: transgressive
Transilvanija {prop} {f} :: Transylvania (north-western region of Romania)
transkripcija {m} [linguistics] :: transcription
transkripcijski {adj} [Croatia] :: transcriptional
translacija {f} [mathematics, physics, genetics] :: translation
transliteracija {f} :: transliteration
transliterirati {vt impf pf} :: to transliterate
transmisija {f} :: transmission
transmisijski {adj} [relational] :: [Croatia] transmission
transmisioni {adj} :: transmissive
transparentan {adj} :: transparent
transparentno {adv} :: transparently
transparentnost {f} [uncountable] :: transparency
transplantacija {f} :: transplantation
transplantacijski {adj} [relational] :: [Croatia] transplant
transponirati {vt impf pf} :: to transpose
transport {m} :: transport, conveyance
transport {m} :: transport (vehicle)
transporter {m} :: transporter
transportirati {vt impf pf} :: to transport
transportni {adj} [relational] :: transportation
transverzala {f} :: transversal
transverzalan {adj} :: transversal
transverzalan {adj} :: transverse
transvestit {m} :: transvestite
transvestitski {adj} :: transvestic
tranša {f} :: tranche (sum of money)
tranzicija {f} :: transition
tranzicijski {adj} :: transitional
tranzistor {m} :: transistor
tranzistorski {adj} [relational] :: transistor
tranzit {m} :: transit
tranzitivan {adj} :: transitive
tranzitivan {adj} :: transitional
tranzitivan {adj} :: passing
tranzitivnost {f} [uncountable] :: transitivity
tranzitni {adj} [relational] :: transit
tranzitoran {adj} :: transitory
trapav {adj} :: hulking, clumsy (in walking)
trapavac {m} :: clumsy, hulking person
trapavo {adv} :: hulkingly, clumsily
trapavost {f} [uncountable] :: clumsiness (in walking)
traper {m} [countable] :: trapper
traper {m} [uncountable] :: denim
traperice {f} [plurale tantum, Croatia] :: jeans
trapez {m} :: trapeze
trapez {m} :: (UK) trapezium, (US) trapezoid
trapezist {m} :: trapezist
trapezoid {m} :: trapezium
trapezoidan {adj} :: trapezoidal
trasa {f} :: route (road, track, channel etc. designated for construction)
tratina {f} [Croatia] :: lawn, meadow
tratinčica {f} :: (Bosnian, Croatian) daisy
tratiti {vt impf} :: to waste, squander
trator {m} :: amaranth
trauma {f} :: trauma
traumatičan {adj} :: traumatic
traumatizirati {vt impf pf} :: to traumatize
traumatolog {m} :: traumatologist
traumatologija {f} [uncountable] :: traumatology
traumatološki {adj} :: traumatological
trava {f} [uncountable] :: grass (plant of the family Poaceae)
trava {f} :: herb
trava {f} [slang] :: weed, pot
travanj {m} [Croatian] :: April
travanjski {adj} [Croatian, relational] :: April
travar {m} :: herbalist
travar {m} :: herb seller or gatherer
travestija {f} :: travesty
travka {f} :: (diminitive of tráva) grass
travka {f} :: a blade of grass
travnat {adj} :: grassy
travnjak {m} :: grassland
travurina {f} :: big grass
tražilac {m} :: seeker
tražilo {n} :: viewfinder (of a camera)
tražiti {vt impf} :: to seek, look for, search (something that is lost, unknown, or not present)
tražiti {vt impf} :: to ask for, demand, call for, request, plead
tražiti {vit impf} :: to require, need, necessitate
tražiti {vt impf} :: to look up (word in a dictionary or reference work)
tražiti {vr impf} :: to find oneself
tražiti {v impf} :: idiomatic and figurative senses
trbuh {m} :: abdomen, belly
trbuh {m} :: stomach
trbuh {m} :: womb
trbuhozborac {m} :: ventriloquist
trbušni {adj} :: abdominal
trčati {vi impf} :: to run
trčkalica {noun} [colloquial] :: the runs, diarrhea
trčkarati {vi impf} :: to run around
treba {f} [slang] :: girl, chick
treba {f} :: need
treba mi ... {phrase} :: I need ... (I need ... (something))
trebati {vt impf} :: to need, require
trebati {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be necessary, should
trebati {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be supposed to, to have to
trebiti {vt impf} :: to shell, husk
trebiti {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to clean impure or useless parts of something
treći {adj} :: third
trećina {f} :: one third
tref {m} :: , clubs in card- and boardgames
treger {m} [regional] :: carrier
treger {m} [regional] :: suspender
trem {m} :: porch
trema {f} :: stage fright
trema {f} [, linguistics] :: diaeresis, trema
tren {m} :: moment (brief amount of time)
trend {m} :: trend
trener {m} :: coach
trenerski {adj} [relational] :: coaches
trening {m} :: training, training session
trenirati {vit impf} :: to train
trenirka {f} :: tracksuit
trenutačan {adj} :: instantaneous, immediate
trenutačan {adj} :: momentary
trenutačno {adv} :: currently (at this moment)
trenutačno {adv} :: instantaneously, immediately
trenutak {m} :: moment (brief amount of time)
trenutan {adj} :: instantaneous, immediate
trenuti {vi pf} :: to blink
trenutno {adv} :: currently (at this moment)
trenutno {adv} :: instantaneously, immediately
trenje {n} :: friction
trepavica {f} :: eyelash
treperav {adj} :: flickering, twinkling
treperavo {adv} :: flickeringly, twinklingly
treperiti {vi impf} :: to tremble, shake, vibrate, quiver
treperiti {vi impf} :: to flicker, twinkle
trepet {m} [uncountable] :: trembling, shaking
trepet {m} [uncountable] :: twinkling, flickering
trepnuti {vi pf} :: to blink
treptaj {m} :: flicker, twinkle
treptati {vi impf} :: to blink
treptav {adj} :: blinking
treptavo {adv} :: blinkingly
tresač {m} :: shaker
tresak {m} :: creak
tresak {m} :: crunch, crack
treset {m} :: peat
tresti {vtr impf} :: to shake
treš {m} [colloquial] :: kitsch
trešnja {f} :: cherry (fruit and tree)
trešnja {f} :: shaking, trembling
tretirati {vt impf pf} :: to treat (deal with or behave towards in a specific way)
tretman {m} :: treatment
trezan {adj} :: sober
trezniti {vir impf} :: to sober (up)
trezno {adv} :: soberly
trezor {m} :: safe, vault
trezven {adj} :: sober (especially figuratively)
trezveno {adv} :: soberly
trezvenost {f} [uncountable] :: sobriety
trezvenjački {adj} :: teetotal (abstinent from alcohol; opposed to the drinking of alcohol)
trezvenjački {adv} :: as a teetotaler
trezvenjak {m} :: teetotaler
trezvenjakinja {f} :: teetotaler (female)
trezvenjaštvo {n} :: antialcoholism
trezvenjaštvo {n} :: soberness
trg {m} :: square
trg {m} :: marketplace
trg {m} :: piazza
trg {m} :: plaza
trg {m} :: forum
trgati {vt impf} :: to tear
trgati {vt impf} :: to pluck, pull out
trgnuti {vt pf} :: to pull, tug, jerk
trgnuti {vr pf} :: to pull oneself together, get a grip on oneself
trgovac {m} :: shopkeeper, dealer
trgovac {m} :: retailer, tradesman
trgovac {m} :: merchant
trgovački {adj} :: commercial, merchant, trade
trgovački {adv} :: as a merchant
trgovati {vi impf} :: to trade, deal
trgovina {f} :: trade, commerce
trgovina {f} :: shop, store
trgovinski {adj} [relational] :: trading, trade
trgovište {n} [uncountable] :: market town
trgovkinja {f} :: shopkeeper, dealer
trgovkinja {f} :: retailer, tradesman
trgovkinja {f} :: merchant
tri {num} :: three (3)
triangl {m} :: triangle (musical instrument)
triangulacija {f} [uncountable] :: triangulation
triangularan {adj} :: triangular
triangulirati {vi impf pf} :: to triangulate
tribalistički {adj} :: tribalist
tribalistički {adv} :: as a tribalist
tribalizam {m} [uncountable] :: tribalism
tribati {vt impf} [Ikavian] :: to need, require
tribati {v impf} [impersonal, Ikavian] :: to be necessary, one should
tribati {v impf} [impersonal, , Ikavian] :: to be supposed to, to have to
tribun {m} :: tribune
tribunal {m} :: tribunal
Tribunj {prop} :: Tribunj (municipality)
trica {f} :: three (digit or figure)
trica {f} :: anything numbered three (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 3 etc.)
trica {f} :: the school grade '3'
trica {f} [usually, in the plural] :: trifle, junk
tricikl {m} :: tricycle
tričav {adj} :: trivial, insignificant, petty
tričavo {adv} :: trivially, insignificantly, pettily
trideset {num} :: thirty
tries {m} :: obsolete spelling of trijes
triftong {m} :: triphthong
triftonški {adj} :: triphthongal
trigonometrija {f} :: trigonometry
trigonometrijski {adj} :: trigonometric
trijas {m} [uncountable] :: Trias
trijasni {adj} :: Triassic
trije {num} :: obsolete form of tri
trijeba {f} [Ijekavian] :: need
trijebiti {vt impf} :: to shell, husk
trijebiti {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to clean impure or useless parts of something
trijem {m} :: porch
trijes {num} [colloquial] :: thirty
trijeska {f} [rare] :: cod
trijezan {adj} :: sober
trijezniti {vir impf} :: to sober (up)
trijezno {adv} :: soberly
trijumf {m} :: triumph
trijumfalan {adj} :: triumphal
trijumfalno {adv} :: triumphally
trijumfirati {vi impf pf} :: to triumph
trijumvir {m} :: triumvir
trijumvirat {m} :: triumvirate
trik {m} :: trick
triler {m} :: thriller
trilogija {f} :: trilogy
trinaest {num} :: thirteen
trinajst {num} [colloquial] :: thirteen
tringelt {m} [regional] :: tip
tripartitan {adj} :: tripartite
triptih {m} :: triptych
triput {adv} :: thrice
trist {num} [colloquial] :: thirty
tristo {num} :: three hundred
tritagonist {m} :: tritagonist
trivijalan {adj} :: trivial
trivijalizirati {vt impf pf} :: to trivialize
trivijalno {adv} :: trivially
trjebati {v impf} :: obsolete spelling of trebati
trk {m} :: run, running
trka {f} :: race
trkač {m} :: runner
trkač {m} :: racer
trkač {m} :: bishop (chess piece)
trkačica {f} :: runner (female)
trkačica {f} :: racer (female)
trljati {vtr impf} :: to rub
trn {m} :: thorn [protective spine of a plant]
trnina {f} :: sloe, blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)
trnka {f} :: common torpedo (Torpedo torpedo)
trnovit {adj} :: thorny
trnje {n} :: (collectively) thorns, thorny shrubs
trnjina {f} :: alternative form of trnina
trobojka {f} :: tricolor (flag)
trockizam {m} :: Trotskyism
trodelan {adj} :: having three parts; tripartite
trodijelan {adj} :: having three parts; tripartite
trodimenzionalan {adj} :: three-dimensional
trodnevni {adj} :: lasting three days
trofej {m} :: trophy
trofejni {adj} [relational] :: trophy
troglasnik {m} :: triphthong
troglav {adj} :: three-headed
troglodit {m} :: troglodyte
trogodišnjak {m} :: a three-year-old (boy)
troha {f} [regional] :: tiny piece, bit, scrape
trohej {m} :: trochee
trohejski {adj} :: trochaic
Troja {prop} {f} :: Troja (ancient city)
trojak {adj} :: threefold
Trojanac {prop} {m} :: Trojan (native of Troy)
trojanski {adj} :: Trojan
troje {n} :: three persons of different gender/sex
trojica {f} :: (collectively) three men
trojka {f} :: three (digit or figure)
trojka {f} :: anything numbered three (playing card, tram, bus, player with a jersey number 3 etc.)
trojka {f} :: the school grade '3'
trojka {f} :: trio (group of three)
trojka {f} [in the plural] :: triplets
trojka {f} :: troika
trojstvo {n} :: trinity
trokolica {f} :: tricycle
trokolica {f} :: any vehicle (especially cart) with three wheels
trokut {m} [Bosnian, Croatian] :: triangle
trol {m} :: troll
trolejbus {m} :: trolleybus
trolejbusni {adj} [relational] :: trolleybus
trolist {m} :: trefoil (that which has tree leaves, especially a plant)
trolist {m} :: Epimedium
trom {adj} :: sluggish, slow
trombon {m} :: trombone
tromeđa {f} :: junction of three borders
tromesečje {n} :: quarter (three-month period)
tromjesečje {n} :: quarter (three-month period)
tromo {adv} :: sluggishly, slowly
tromost {f} [uncountable] :: sluggishness, slowness
tronoške {adv} :: on three legs
tronožac {m} :: tripod
tronožac {m} :: three-legged chair or table
tronožan {adj} :: three-legged
tropiti {vt} [Kajkavian] :: to strike, hit
tropiti {vi} [Kajkavian] :: to strike sth
tropiti {vr} [Kajkavian] :: to hurt oneself
tropiti {v} [Kajkavian] :: to fall
tropopauza {f} :: tropopause
troposfera {f} :: troposphere
trorog {adj} :: three-horned
troskot {m} :: dogtooth grass (grass of the genus Cynodon)
troskot {m} :: common knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)
troskot {m} :: common bent, browntop (Agrostis capillaris)
troskot {m} :: couch grass (Elymus repens)
trostran {adj} :: trilateral, three-sided
trostruk {adj} :: threefold, triple
trošak {m} :: cost, expense
trošan {adj} :: dilapidated, worn-out
trošan {adj} :: weak, frail
trošiti {vt impf} :: to spend (money, time)
trošiti {vt impf} :: to use, consume (energy, resources)
trotl {m} [Kajkavian, regional] :: clumsy, incompetent person
trotoar {m} :: sidewalk (US), pavement (UK)
trotočje {n} :: ellipsis (a mark used in printing to indicate an omission)
trotočka {f} :: ellipsis (a mark used in printing to indicate an omission)
trovač {m} :: poisoner
trovatelj {m} :: (Croatian) poisoner
trovati {vtr impf} :: to poison
trp {m} [regional, Croatia] :: sea cucumber
trpak {adj} :: sharp, pungent, tart (of a flavor or taste)
trpak {adj} :: crude, vulgar, bitter
trpeljiv {adj} :: tolerant
trpeljivo {adv} :: tolerantly
trpeljivost {f} [uncountable] :: tolerance
trpeti {vi impf} :: to suffer
trpeti {vt impf} :: to endure, suffer, put up with, bear
trpeza {f} [regionally, expressively] :: dining table
trpezarija {f} :: dining room
Trpimir {prop} {m} :: given name
trpjeti {vi impf} :: to suffer
trpjeti {vt impf} :: to endure, suffer, put up with, bear
trputac {m} :: plantain (Plantago gen. et spp.)
trs {m} :: stalk of a grapevine
trsiti {vr impf} :: to strive, try
trsje {n} [collectively] :: reed, cane
trsje {n} [Kajkavian] :: vineyard
trska {f} :: reed, cane
Trst {prop} {m} :: Trst (capital city)
trti {vt impf} :: to rub
trti {vt impf} :: to cause friction
trti {vt impf} :: to scour, scrub
trti {vt impf} :: to break, crush [especially flax]
trtica {f} :: coccyx
trtica {f} :: lumbar, rump
trt Milojka {interj} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: my ass; in your dreams
trt Milojka {interj} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: Used to express failure
truba {f} :: trumpet
trubač {m} :: bugler
trubač {m} :: trumpeter
trubadur {m} :: troubadour
trubadurski {adj} [relational] :: troubadour
trubadurski {adv} :: as a troubadour
trubiti {vi impf} :: to blow a bugle/trumpet
trubiti {vi impf} :: to honk (sound a horn of a car)
truc {m} [regional] :: spite, defiance
truc {m} [regional] :: stubbornness, obstinacy
trud {m} :: effort, work, toil
trud {m} :: (plural) contractions (while giving birth)
trudan {adj} :: pregnant
trudan {adj} [archaic] :: tired
trudan {adj} :: laborious
truditi {vr impf} :: to try, make an effort
trudnica {f} :: pregnant woman
trudno {adv} :: pregnantly
trudnoća {f} :: pregnancy
truizam {m} :: truism
trulež {m} [uncountable] :: rot, decay
trulina {f} [uncountable] :: rottenness
truliti {vi impf} :: to decay, become rotten
trulost {f} [uncountable] :: rottenness
trun {m} :: tiny piece, bit, scrape
trun {m} :: a small (cut) part of a tree
trunak {m} :: tiny piece, bit, scrape
trunak {m} :: a small (cut) part of a tree
trunka {f} :: crumb
trunka {f} :: piece, scrap
trunka {f} :: bit, particle
trunuti {vi impf} :: to decay, rot
truo {adj} :: rotten
truo {adj} :: putrid
trup {m} :: torso, trunk, body
trupa {f} :: troupe (of actors, soldiers)
trupac {m} :: log (of a tree)
truplo {n} :: corpse (of a human)
trut {m} :: drone (male bee)
trzaj {m} :: spasm, jerk, twitch
trzaj {m} :: recoil (of a rifle)
trzaj {m} :: snatch (in weightlifting)
trzati {vr impf} :: to jerk, twitch
trzati {vr impf} :: to recoil, rebound (of weapons)
trzati {vi impf} :: to fall/go for something or somebody
trznuti {v pf} :: perfective form of trzati
tržišni {adj} [relational] :: market (system of trading)
tržište {n} :: market (group of customers)
tržnica {f} :: marketplace
tu {adv} :: here (in this place)
tu {adv} [proximal] :: here, over here (in the indicated place nearby)
tu {adv} :: over here (to, towards this place)
tuberkuloza {f} :: tuberculosis
tuberkulozan {adj} :: tubercular
tucati {vt impf} :: to crush
tucati {vr impf} :: to do egg tapping/knocking/fighting (a traditional Easter game)
tucati {vtr impf} [vulgar] :: to have sex
tuce {n} :: a dozen
tuce {n} :: an unspecified large amount
tucet {m} [with genitive] :: dozen
tuča {f} [regional] :: fight, melee
tuča {f} :: hail
tučak {m} :: pestle
tučak {m} :: pistil
Tučepi {prop} :: Tučepi (municipality)
tučnjava {f} :: fight, scuffle
tući {vt impf} :: to beat, thrash
tući {vr impf} :: to fight
tuda {adv} :: in that direction, that way, there, thither
tuđ {adj} :: somebody else's
tuđ {adj} :: foreign
tuđ {adj} :: (expressively) unknown, strange
tuđica {f} :: foreign word; a borrowing
tuđin {m} :: foreigner
tuđina {f} :: (expressively) foreign country
tuđina {f} :: any place where there is no kinsmen/compatriots in the neighborhood
tuđinac {m} :: stranger
tuđinac {m} :: foreigner
tuđinka {f} :: stranger (female)
tuđinka {f} :: foreigner (female)
tuf {m} :: tuff, tufa
tuga {f} :: sorrow, grief, dismal
tugaljiv {adj} :: sad, weepy, tearful
tugaljiv {adj} :: touchy, ticklish
tugaljiv {adj} :: mournful (inducing sadness)
tugaljivo {adv} :: sadly, weepily, tearfully
tugaljivo {adv} :: touchily, ticklishly
tugaljivo {adv} :: mournfully (inducing sadness)
tugaljivost {f} :: sadness, plaintiveness, tearfulness
tugaljivost {f} :: touchiness, ticklishness
tugaljivost {f} :: mournfulness (inducing sadness)
tugovati {vi impf} :: to mourn, grieve
tuka {f} :: turkey (female)
tuka {f} [pejorative] :: foolish or stupid woman
tukac {m} :: male turkey
tukac {m} :: fool, idiot
tulij {m} :: thulium
tulipan {m} [botany] :: tulip
tulum {m} [slang] :: party (social gathering)
tulumariti {vi impf} :: to party
tuljan {m} [Croatia] :: seal (pinniped)
tumač {m} :: interpreter
tumačenje {noun} :: interpretation
tumačiti {vi impf} :: to serve as an interpreter
tumačiti {vt impf} :: to interpret a role (on a stage)
tumačiti {vt impf} :: to explain
tumarati {vi impf} :: to roam, wander
tumor {m} :: tumor
tundjela {f} [Dubrovnik] :: synonym of uzglavlje
tundra {f} :: tundra
tunel {m} :: tunnel
tunelski {adj} [relational] :: tunnel
tunika {f} :: tunic
Tunis {prop} {m} :: Tunis (country)
Tunis {prop} {m} :: Tunis (capital city)
tuniski {adj} :: Tunisian
Tunižanin {prop} {m} :: Tunisian
tunjevina {f} [uncountable] :: tuna (flesh)
tup {adj} :: blunt, dull
tup {adj} :: obtuse (of an angle)
tup {adj} :: dull, weak (feeling, pain, sound etc.)
tup {adj} :: stupid, dull (person or action)
tup {adj} :: flat (nose)
tupan {m} :: witling
tupan {m} :: a type of large drum
tupež {f} :: nonsense
tupiti {vt impf} :: to make dull, blunt
tupiti {vt impf} :: to weaken
tupo {adv} :: bluntly
tupo {adv} :: obtusely
tupo {adv} :: dully
tupo {adv} :: stupidly
tupoglav {adj} :: slow-witted, stupid, dull
tupoglavac {m} :: dullard
tupoglavo {adv} :: stupidly, dully
tupoglavost {f} [uncountable] :: stupidity
tupost {f} [uncountable] :: dullness
tur {m} :: aurochs, urus
tur {m} :: buttocks
turban {m} :: turban
turban {m} :: a sea urchin of the family Cidaridae
turban {m} :: turban snail (Bolma rugosa, Turbinidae)
turbina {f} :: turbine
turbinski {adj} [relational] :: turbine
turbopauza {f} :: turbopause
turbulencija {f} :: turbulence
turbulentan {adj} :: turbulent
turbulentnost {f} [uncountable] :: turbulence
Turci {prop} {m} :: plural of Turčin
turcizam {m} :: Turkish or Ottoman Turkish loanword
Turčin {prop} {m} :: Turk, a male person from Turkey
Turčin {prop} {m} :: a speaker of a Turkic language
Turčin {prop} {m} [pejorative] :: a Muslim, especially one from the Balkans, such as a Bosniak
Turčin {prop} {m} [historical] :: a citizen of Ottoman Empire (nowadays superseded by Osmànlija)
Turingov stroj {m} :: Turing machine
turist {m} :: tourist
turistička agencija {f} :: travel agency
turistički {adj} [relational] :: tourism or tourists
turistički {adv} :: as a tourist
turizam {m} [uncountable] :: tourism
turkijski {adj} :: Turkic
Turkinja {prop} {f} :: Turk, a female person from Turkey
Turkmenistan {prop} {m} :: Turkmenistan (country)
turkmenski {adj} :: Turkmen
turkmenski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Turkmen language
turneja {f} :: tour (of an artist, entertainer, politician, athlete etc.)
turnir {m} :: tournament
turoban {adj} :: gloomy, overcast
turoban {adj} :: morose, sullen
turobno {adv} :: gloomily
turobno {adv} :: morosely, sullenly
turobnost {f} [uncountable] :: gloominess
turobnost {f} [uncountable] :: moroseness, sullenness
turpija {f} :: file (tool)
turpijati {vt impf} :: to file (use file as an abrasive tool)
Turska {prop} {f} :: Turkey
turska kafa {f} [Serbia] :: Turkish coffee (unfiltered coffee)
turska kahva {f} [Bosnia] :: Turkish coffee (unfiltered coffee)
turska kava {f} [Croatia] :: Turkish coffee (unfiltered coffee)
turski {adj} :: Turkish
turski {adj} [in masculine, substantive] :: the Turkish language
tust {adj} :: fat
tust {adj} :: plump, corpulent
tuš {m} :: shower
tuširati {vr impf} :: to shower
tuta {f} [regional] :: overalls
tuta {f} :: potty (children's chamber pot)
tutanj {m} :: boom, roar
tutnjiti {vi impf} :: to boom, roar
tutor {m} :: tutor
tutor {m} :: guardian
tutorstvo {n} [uncountable] :: tutelage
tutumrak {noun} :: very stupid person
Tuzi {prop} :: Tuzi (town)
Tuzla {prop} {f} :: Tuzla
tuzluk {m} :: salt cellar
tužaljka {f} :: lament
tužan {adj} :: sad
tužba {f} :: charges, accusation (legal)
tužba {f} :: complaint
tužilac {m} :: prosecutor
tužilac {m} :: accuser
tužilaštvo {n} :: prosecutor's office (legal institution)
tužitelj {m} :: prosecutor
tužitelj {m} :: accuser
tužiteljica {f} :: prosecutor
tužiteljstvo {n} [uncountable] :: prosecution (institution of legal proceedings; prosecuting party)
tužiti {vt pf} :: to sue
tužiti {vt pf} :: to accuse
tužiti {vr pf} :: to complain
tužiti {vi impf} :: to grieve, mourn
tužiti {vi impf} :: to lament
tužno {adv} :: sadly
TV {m} :: TV
tvar {f} [Croatia] :: matter, substance, material
tvist {m} :: twist (type of dance)
tvoj {pron} [belonging to a person spoken to] :: your, yours (singular)
tvoj {pron} [pertaining to a person spoken to] :: your, yours (singular)
tvoj {pron} [substantivized as a neuter noun, belonging to a person spoken to] :: your, yours (singular)
tvoj {pron} [in plural, of persons close to the person being spoken to] :: family, relatives, folks, supporters etc
tvoj {pron} [as an intensifier] :: your, yours (singular)
tvor {m} :: skunk [animal]
tvor {m} :: polecat [animal]
tvorac {m} :: creator, maker, producer
tvorba {f} :: creation
tvorba {f} :: formation
tvorevina {f} :: creation, formation
tvoriti {vt impf} :: to create, make, produce
tvornica {f} [Croatia] :: factory
tvrd {adj} :: hard, firm
tvrdica {m} :: niggard, miser, a mean person
tvrdina {f} :: hardness
tvrditi {vt impf} :: to state, claim, assert
tvrdnja {f} :: claim
tvrdoća {f} :: hardness
tvrdoglavost {f} :: obstinacy
tvrdokoran {adj} :: obdurate, stiff, stubborn
tvrdokornost {f} :: obstinancy, stubbornness, obduracy, stiffneckedness
tvrdolinijaš {m} :: hardliner
tvrdolinijaški {adj} :: hardline
tvrđa {f} [expressively] :: fortress, stronghold
tvrđava {f} :: fortress, stronghold, fortified place
tvrđava {f} :: citadel
tvrtka {f} [chiefly Croatia] :: firm, company
Tvrtko {prop} {m} :: given name
twitteraš {m} :: a person who uses Twitter, a person who tweets
t.zv. {adj} :: abbreviation of takozvani: so-called
tzv. {abbr} :: abbreviation of takozvani: so-called