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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-u

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-u {suffix} :: Forms nouns from verbs. Most common with e- and i-stem verbs
-u {suffix} :: Derives a number of nouns from other nouns
u {letter} :: letter: uu
U {letter} :: letter: uu
-ua {suffix} :: Forms stative or inchoative intransitive verbs from transitive verbs
-uainen {suffix} :: Forms certain nouns, particularly for parts of living things
uatra {n} [archaic] :: synonym of aatra
ubiikki {adj} :: ubiquitous
ubiikkiyhteiskunta {n} :: ubiquitous network society (society characterized and defined by an efficient data network that reaches overall)
ubikinoni {n} [biochemistry] :: ubiquinone, ubiquinol, coenzyme Q
ubikitiini {n} [protein] :: ubiquitin
udar {n} :: alternative form of utare
udella {v} [frequentative] :: to ask questions about, to fish for information
udi {n} :: Udi (person)
udi {n} :: Udi (language)
Udmurtia {prop} :: Udmurtia
udmurtinkielinen {adj} :: Udmurt, Udmurt language (written or expressed in Udmurt)
udmurtinkielinen {adj} :: Udmurt speaking (using Udmurt as a means of daily communication)
udmurtti {n} :: Udmurt (person)
udmurtti {n} :: Udmurt (language)
udometri {n} :: udometer
-ue {suffix} :: Forms collective nouns
ufo {n} :: UFO
ufo {n} :: ufo (alien spacecraft)
ufo {adj} [colloquial] :: weird
UFO {n} :: UFO [unidentified flying object]
ufohavainto {n} :: UFO observation
ufoilla {v} [slang] :: to express strange opinions and views
ufoilu {n} :: Action of the verb ufoilla
ufologi {n} :: A ufologist
ufologia {n} :: ufology
ufomainen {adj} :: UFO-like
ufotutkija {n} :: ufologist, UFO researcher
ufotutkimus {n} :: ufology, UFO research
ufouskonto {n} :: UFO religion
Uganda {prop} :: Uganda
ugandalainen {n} :: An Ugandan
ugandalainen {adj} :: Ugandan
ugandalaisuus {n} :: state or quality of being Ugandan
ugandangueretsa {n} :: Ugandan red colobus, Procolobus tephrosceles (endangered species of red colobus monkey)
ugandankobi {n} :: Ugandan kob, Kobus kob thomasi (subspecies of kob antelope)
ugri {n} :: Ugric (group of Uralic languages that includes Hungarian, Khanty and Mansi in a seven-category grouping Uralic languages, the others being Finnic, Sami, Mordvin, Mari, Permic and Samoyedic)
ugri {n} :: Person belonging to this group
ugrilainen {adj} :: Ugric
ugrilaisuus {n} :: the state or quality of bring Ugric
ugristi {n} :: An Ugricist
ugristiikka {n} :: The study of Ugric languages
uhalla {adv} [genitive + ~ or ~ + relative clause] :: at the risk of
uhalla {adv} [genitive + ~] :: urged or forced by (someone), often with some threat
uhalla {adv} [figuratively] :: for kicks, because one feels like it (when the person urging is the same as the person doing that action)
uhanalainen {adj} :: endangered (facing the danger of extinction)
uhanalainen {adj} :: vulnerable (on the IUCN 3.1 scale)
uhanalainen {adj} :: threatened (facing a threat)
uhanalaisuus {n} :: endangeredness (state or condition of being endangered, especially of a species)
uhata {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to threaten (menace, be dangerous (to))
uhata {vi} [_, + 1st infinitive] :: to have a chance or risk of doing (something dangerous or negative, unless action is taken), to threaten to
uhitella {v} :: To be defiant, defy
uhitella {v} :: To threaten
uhittelu {n} :: defiance
uhittelu {n} :: threatening
uhka {n} :: threat
uhka {n} :: threat, risk
uhkaaja {n} :: threatener
uhkaava {adj} :: threatening, ominous
uhkaavasti {adv} :: threateningly
uhkaavuus {n} :: ominousness
uhkailla {v} :: to threaten (make a threat against someone; use threats)
uhkailu {n} :: threatening (the act of making threats)
uhkakuva {n} :: threat
uhkapeli {n} :: gamble, a risky game
uhkapeli {n} [figuratively] :: any gamble
uhkapeluri {n} :: gambler
uhkarohkea {adj} :: reckless (indifferent to danger or the consequences)
uhkarohkeasti {adv} :: recklessly
uhkarohkeus {n} :: recklessness
uhkarohkeus {n} :: foolhardiness
uhkasakko {n} :: penalty payment
uhkaus {n} :: threat (expression)
uhkauskirje {n} :: threatening letter
uhkavaatimus {n} :: ultimatum
uhkayritys {n} :: venture
uhkea {adj} :: grand
uhkea {adj} :: voluptuous
uhkeasti {adv} :: grandly
uhkeus {n} :: grandness
uhkeus {n} :: voluptuousness
uhku {n} :: slush on top of ice
uhku {n} :: liquid water under a frozen ground that rises to the surface, forming an ice sheet
uhkua {vt} [figuratively + partitive] :: to radiate, exude, ooze (such as confidence)
uhkuavanto {n} :: Same as uve
uhma {n} :: defiance
uhmaikä {n} :: negative age
uhmainen {adj} :: defiant
uhmaisa {adj} :: defiant
uhmakas {adj} :: defiant
uhmakausi {n} :: negative age, terrible twos
uhmakkaasti {adv} :: defiantly
uhmakkuus {n} :: defiance
uhmamieli {n} :: defiance
uhmamielinen {adj} :: defiant
uhmamielisesti {adv} :: defiantly
uhmamielisyys {n} :: defiance
uhmapäisesti {adv} :: defiantly, swaggeringly
uhmapäisyys {n} :: defiance
uhmata {vt} [+ partitive] :: to defy
uhmata {vt} [+ partitive] :: to defy, oppose (or be opposed to), resist
uhmata kohtaloa {v} [idiomatic] :: to tempt fate
uho {n} :: bluster, hubris, big talk
uhosi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of uho
uhota {vi} :: To bluster (to talk pompously or violently)
uhraaminen {n} :: The act of sacrificing
uhrata {vt} :: To sacrifice
uhraus {n} :: sacrifice (something sacrificed or act of sacrificing)
uhrautua {vi} :: To sacrifice oneself
uhrautuja {n} :: martyr (one who sacrifices oneself)
uhrautuminen {n} :: self-sacrifice (the giving up of one's own benefit for the good of others)
uhrautuva {adj} :: self-sacrificing
uhrautuvainen {adj} :: self-sacrificing
uhrautuvasti {adv} :: sacrificially, in a self-sacrificing way
uhrautuvuus {n} :: the property of being self-sacrificing
uhri {n} :: victim, mark, stiff, pigeon, patsy (person who is deceived)
uhri {n} :: sacrifice, offering; sacrificial [as modifier] (something sacrificed)
uhri {n} :: casualty (person suffering from injuries or who has been killed due to an accident or through an act of violence)
uhri {n} :: martyr (one who suffers greatly and/or constantly)
uhrialttari {n} :: sacrificial altar
uhrieläin {n} :: sacrificial animal
uhrikaritsa {n} :: sacrificial lamb
uhrikivi {n} [paganism] :: sacrificial stone (large stone or boulder used as sacrificial altar)
uhrikuolema {n} :: sacrificial death
uhrilähde {n} :: sacred well
uhrilahja {n} :: sacrifice, offering
uhrilammas {n} :: sacrificial lamb (lamb killed as an offering to the gods)
uhrilehto {n} [paganism] :: sacred grove (grove in which sacrificial ceremonies were habitually held)
uhriluku {n} :: number of victims
uhrimenot {n} :: sacrificial ritual
uhrimetalli {n} :: sacrificial anode
uhripaikka {n} :: sacrificial site
uhripappi {n} :: aruspice
uhripöytä {n} [Eastern Orthodoxy] :: holy table, throne (altar table used in prothesis)
uhriutua {vi} :: to play the victim, to assume the role of a victim
uhriutua {vi} :: to become a victim (of), to fall victim (to)
uhvatta {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of patahanko
uida {vi} :: to swim, bathe
uiguuri {n} :: Uyghur (person)
uiguuri {n} :: Uyghur (language)
uija {n} :: A swimmer
uikkarit {n} [colloquial] :: swimsuit
uikku {n} :: grebe
uikkukana {n} :: finfoot (three species of aquatic bird in the family Heliornithidae)
uikuttaa {v} :: to yelp
uikutus {n} :: yelping
uima- {prefix} :: swim, swimming
uima-allas {n} :: swimming pool (pool of water used for swimming)
uima-asu {n} :: swimsuit
uimahalli {n} :: swimming pool (indoor facility for swimming, containing one or more pools)
uimahousut {n} :: swimming trunks
uimahyppääjä {n} :: diver
uimahyppy {n} :: diving or an act of the same (sport of jumping head first into water)
uimahyppytorni {n} :: diving tower
uimakello {n} :: swimming bell, umbrella (the main body of a jellyfish, excluding the tentacles)
uimakello {n} :: pneumatophore or sail (the floating organ of siphonophores, such as the Portuguese man-of-war)
uimakoppi {n} :: bathing hut, beach hut, bathing box (small booth near or on a beach intended for changing clothes before and after swimming, sometimes without a roof)
uimakoulu {n} :: swim school
uimala {n} :: A swimming facility, especially an outdoor swimming pool
uimalakki {n} :: swim cap, bathing cap
uimalasit {n} :: swimming goggles
uimaliike {n} :: swimming stroke
uimanuudeli {n} [rare] :: synonym of lötköpötkö
uimaopettaja {n} :: swimming teacher
uimapatja {n} :: air mattress (flotation device), floaty, pool raft
uimapolyyppi {n} :: siphonophore (any of the colonial marine invertebrates in the order Siphonophora)
uimapolyyppi {n} [in the plural, zoology] :: Siphonophorae (taxonomic order)
uimapuku {n} :: swimsuit, bathing suit; swimming costume [British]
uimapukuinen {adj} :: wearing a bathing suit
uimapukusääntö {n} :: Literally a "swimsuit rule", a rule sometimes taught to children on how to tell if someone is doing sexual violence to the child: one may not touch a child in an area that is covered by the swimsuit
uimapukusillaan {adv} :: in one's swimsuit
uimapukusilleen {adv} :: into one's swimsuit
uimarakko {n} :: swim bladder
uimaranta {n} :: beach; lido [UK] (part of beach and sea assigned for swimming and sunbathing)
uimaräpylä {n} :: flipper (of a swimmer)
uimarata {n} :: swim lane, swimlane
uimarengas {n} :: swim ring, swimming ring, rubber ring
uimarengas {n} [idiomatic, anatomy] :: spare tire (excess fat accumulated near the waist)
uimari {n} :: swimmer
uimaseura {n} :: swimming club
uimashortsit {n} :: swimming shorts; bathing trunks, swimming trunks (pair of shorts worn for swimming or bathing)
uimasillaan {adv} :: in water, swimming (or trying to)
uimasilleen {adv} :: into water, into being swimming (or trying to)
uimastadion {n} :: swimming stadium
uimataidoton {adj} :: unable to swim
uimataito {n} :: swimming skill
uimataitoinen {adj} :: able to swim
uimavalvoja {n} :: lifeguard
uiminen {n} :: swimming
uimuri {n} :: A float (in float chamber)
uimurikammio {n} :: float chamber
uimuriventtiili {n} :: float valve
uinahdus {n} :: doze off (short nap, especially an unintentional one)
uinahtaa {vi} :: To briefly fall asleep, to doze off
uinailla {v} :: To slumber
uinailu {n} :: slumbering
uinti {n} :: swimming
uintikausi {n} :: swimming season
uintikeskus {n} :: swimming centre
uintikilpailu {n} [usually plural] :: swimming contest
uintimatka {n} :: swimming distance
uintityyli {n} :: stroke (style of swimming)
uinua {v} :: to sleep, slumber
uiskennella {v} :: to swim (idly), to float
uisko {n} [military] :: landing craft
uistaa {v} :: synonym of uistella
uistelija {n} :: angler (fisherman who uses a rod and lures for fishing)
uistelija {n} [fishing] :: troller (one who fishes by trolling)
uistella {v} [fishing] :: to cast
uistella {v} [fishing] :: to troll (to angle with a trolling line)
uistelu {n} [fishing] :: trolling
uistin {n} :: A swimming fishing lure, especially a spoon lure
uitella {v} :: to dip or make swim repeatedly
uittaa {vt} :: to make (sb/sth) swim
uittaa {vt} :: to dip
uittaa {vt} [dialectal, Southern Ostrobothnia, Middle Ostrobothnia] :: To overflow or spill liquid at an unintended spot of a container, typically at the edges of a spout
uitto {n} :: timber rafting
uittohaka {n} :: pike pole used in log driving
uittohäviö {n} [forestry] :: driving loss
uittohukka {n} [forestry] :: driving loss
uittokanava {n} :: open canal on which something is rafted
uittokeksi {n} :: synonym of keksi
uittokouru {n} :: log flume
uittomies {n} :: log driver, riverman
uittoneuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to people with accomplishments in timber rafting or log driving, such as (former) timber rafting managers
uittopäällikkö {n} :: timber rafting manager, log driving manager
uittopuomi {n} :: log boom (logs connected end-to-end in log driving)
uittoränni {n} :: log flume
uittotyö {n} :: log driving work
uittoväylä {n} :: floating channel
uivelo {n} :: smew (Mergus albellus)
ujellus {n} :: whiz
ujeltaa {vi} :: to whiz
ujo {adj} :: shy, coy, timid
ujohko {adj} :: Somewhat shy
ujoilla {vi} :: to shy
ujompi {adj} :: comparative of ujo
ujostelematon {adj} :: unabashed
ujostelemattomasti {adv} :: unabashedly
ujostella {vi} :: to behave shyly, to be or act shy
ujostelu {n} :: shying, being or acting shy
ujosti {adv} :: shyly
ujostuttaa {vt} :: to make someone feel shy
ujous {n} :: shyness
ujua {v} :: to drift, glide, float, flow
ujua {v} [archaic] :: to swim
ujua {v} [archaic] :: to get stretched
ujua {v} [archaic] :: to become thinner, to weaken
ujuttaa {v} :: To foist
ujuttaa {v} :: To plant (place (an object, or sometimes a person), often with the implication of intending deceit)
ujuttautua {vi} :: to infiltrate
U-käännös {n} :: U-turn
ukaasi {n} :: ukase
ukaasi {n} :: an angry complaint or command, particularly in response to a wrong
UKK {prop} :: Urho Kekkonen (president of Finland in 1956 - 1982)
UKK {n} :: FAQ (frequently asked questions)
ukkeli {n} [colloquial] :: old man
ukkeli {n} :: man (little man or man-like creature, especially one from outer space)
ukki {n} [colloquial] :: grandpa, grandfather
ukko {n} :: old man, gaffer
ukko {n} :: adult male wood grouse or black grouse
ukko {n} :: token in a board game, meeple, game piece
ukko {n} :: player character in video games
Ukko {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: The god of heaven, often mentioned with the epithet ylijumala (supreme god)
Ukko {prop} :: given name
ukkoetana {n} :: ashy-grey slug (Limax cinereoniger)
ukkohousut {n} :: a type of women's leggings
ukkomansikka {n} :: musk strawberry (Fragaria moschata)
ukkometso {n} :: capercaillie cock
ukkomies {n} :: married man
ukkonen {n} :: thunder
ukkonen {n} :: thunderstorm
Ukkonen {prop} :: surname
ukkoontua {v} :: alternative form of ukkoutua
ukkosenilma {n} :: synonym of ukonilma
ukkosenjohdatin {n} :: lightning conductor [British], lightning rod
ukkosenjyrähdys {n} :: thunderclap, thunderbolt
ukkosilma {n} :: alternative form of ukonilma
ukkoskuuro {n} :: thundershower
ukkosmyrsky {n} :: thunderstorm
ukkospilvi {n} :: thundercloud
ukkosrintama {n} [meteorology] :: squall line, frontal thunderstorm
ukkostaa {v} :: to thunder
ukkostutka {n} :: lightning detector
ukkostutka {n} :: a (usually animated) map showing thunderstorms within an area
ukkoutua {vi} [of men] :: To become old
ukkovarvas {n} [anatomy] :: big toe
ukonhattu {n} [plant] :: monkshood, wolfsbane, aconite (Aconitum napellus)
ukonhattu {n} [plant] :: monkshood, wolfsbane, aconite (plant; Aconitum)
ukonilma {n} :: thunderstorm
ukonkaari {n} [archaic] :: rainbow
ukonkeltano {n} :: hawkweed (plant of the genus Hieracium)
ukonkeltano {n} [in plural] :: the genus Hieracium
ukonkivi {n} :: quartz
ukonkorento {n} :: hawker, darner (dragonfly of the family Aeshnidae)
ukonnauris {n} :: wallflower (plant in the genus Erysimum)
ukonnuoli {n} :: thunderstone
ukonputki {n} [plant] :: common hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium
ukonsieni {n} [mushroom] :: parasol mushroom, Macrolepiota procera
ukontatar {n} :: pale persicaria (Persicaria lapathifolia)
ukonvaaja {n} :: Thunderstone, a Stone Age tool used as a talisman
ukonvirva {n} [wather] :: St. Elmo's fire (electrical discharge, or corona, sometimes seen at tops of tall pointed objects on land during thunderstorms, caused by ionization of the atmosphere)
ukottua {v} :: alternative form of ukkoutua
ukraina {n} :: The Ukrainian language
Ukraina {prop} :: Ukraine
ukrainalainen {adj} :: Ukrainian
ukrainalainen {n} :: A Ukrainian person
ukrainalaisuus {n} :: Ukrainianness (state or quality of being Ukrainian)
ukrainansokkohiiri {n} :: Podolsk mole rat (Spalax zemni)
Ukrainan sosialistinen neuvostotasavalta {prop} :: Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (the Bolshevik state of Ukraine)
ukrainantaa {v} :: to translate into Ukrainian
uksi {n} [dated, dialectal] :: door
ukulele {n} [musical instruments] :: ukulele
ukuli {n} [colloquial] :: owl
ula {n} :: FM broadcast band (range of VHF radio frequencies between 87.5 to 108.0 MHz, used for radio broadcasting)
ula-aallot {n} [radio] :: FM broadcast band
U-laakso {n} [geography] :: A U-shaped valley
ula-alue {n} :: FM broadcast range (of radio frequencies)
ulaani {n} :: ulan
ula-asema {n} :: a radio station broadcasting on the FM broadcast band
ulahtaa {v} :: To yelp
ulappa {n} :: open lake
ulappa {n} :: open sea
ulappakeiju {n} :: storm petrel (any bird of the family Hydrobatidae)
ulappakeiju {n} :: white-faced storm petrel, Pelagodroma marina (the type species of this family)
ulappaliitäjä {n} :: petrel, shearwater (bird of the family Procellariidae)
ulappalintu {n} :: Any bird of the order Procellariiformes
ulataksi {n} :: VHF taxi (taxi equipped with VHF radio operating in the frequency range 75.225-76.000 MHz for communication with taxi reservation service, now largely replaced with systems based on mobile data networks)
uleksiitti {n} [mineral] :: ulexite
ulettua {v} [dialectal] :: To reach, to be able to reach
ulina {n} :: howling
ulista {vi} :: to wail, howl
ulista {v} [figuratively] :: to yell, scream
ulista {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to whine, to complain, to moan
uljaasti {adv} :: bravely, valiantly
uljas {adj} :: brave, valiant, gallant
Uljas {prop} :: given name
Uljas {prop} [rare] :: surname
uljaus {n} :: bravery, nobility
uljuus {n} :: braveness, valiance, gallantry
ulko- {prefix} :: outer, external
ulko- {prefix} :: foreign
ulko- {prefix} :: overseas (living outside one's own country)
ulko- {prefix} :: outdoor
ulkoa {adv} :: from outside
ulkoa {adv} :: by heart
ulkoapäin {adv} :: from outside
ulkoasiainministeri {n} [official] :: minister of foreign affairs
ulkoasiainministeriö {n} :: The official full name of the Finnish ministry for foreign affairs
ulkoasiainministeriö {n} :: A ministry for foreign affairs of another country
ulkoasiainvaliokunta {n} :: standing committee for foreign affairs of the Finnish Parliament
ulkoasiat {n} :: foreign affairs
ulkoasu {n} :: outfit, appearance
ulkoavaruus {n} :: outer space
ulkoaviollinen {adj} :: extramarital (taking place outside marriage)
ulkoeronto {n} [grammar, dated] :: ablative case
ulkoeurooppalainen {adj} :: non-European
ulkofile {n} :: alternative form of ulkofilee
ulkofilee {n} :: sirloin [US]; rump [UK] (cut of beef from the lower part of the back, where the last ribs are, or similar cut in pork or mutton)
ulkohalkaisija {n} :: outer diameter, outside diameter, external diameter
ulkohousut {n} :: outdoor trousers, outdoor pants
ulkohuussi {n} [colloquial] :: An outhouse (toilet)
ulkoilija {n} :: outdoorsman, outdoorswoman
ulkoilla {v} :: to get some fresh air, to exercise (in fresh air, by walking, jogging etc.)
ulkoilma {n} :: outdoors; also open
ulkoilma {n} [in compounds] :: open-air
ulkoilmaelämä {n} :: outdoor life
ulkoilmaihminen {n} :: outdoor man, outdoor person
ulkoilmajuhla {n} :: outdoor party
ulkoilmakahvila {n} :: open-air cafe
ulkoilmakonsertti {n} :: open-air concert
ulkoilmamaalaus {n} [painting] :: painting en plein air, painting outdoors
ulkoilmanäyttely {n} :: outdoor exhibition
ulkoilmaravintola {n} :: open-air restaurant
ulkoilmateatteri {n} :: open-air theater
ulkoilu {n} :: outdoor recreation, outdoor activities
ulkoilualue {n} :: outdoor space, exercise area, recreational area
ulkoilutakki {n} :: outdoor coat or jacket
ulkoiluttaa {v} :: to walk (a dog etc.)
ulkoiluvaate {n} :: piece of outdoor clothing
ulkoiluvaate {n} [in plural] :: outdoor clothes
ulkoiluvarusteet {n} :: outdoor gear
ulkoinen {adj} :: External
ulkoinen tukiranka {n} [anatomy] :: exoskeleton
ulkoisesti {adv} :: Externally
ulkoistaa {vt} [buzzword] :: To outsource
ulkoistaminen {n} :: outsourcing
ulkokaihdin {n} :: awning
ulkokatto {n} :: roof (the cover at the top of a building)
ulkokäymälä {n} :: outhouse (outbuilding containing toilet)
ulkokeittiö {n} :: outdoor kitchen
ulkokierre {n} [machining] :: outer thread, external thread
ulkokiinalainen {adj} :: overseas Chinese
ulkokiinalainen {adj} [linguistics] :: Sino-Xenic
ulkokissa {n} :: outdoor cat
ulkokohtaisesti {adv} :: externally
ulkokorva {n} [anatomy] :: outer ear, external ear
ulkokulma {n} :: outer corner
ulkokulma {n} :: outer angle
ulkokultaisesti {adv} :: hypocritically
ulkokuva {n} [photography] :: exterior
ulkokynttilä {n} :: synonym of soihtukynttilä
ulkolähetysauto {n} :: synonym of ulkotuotantoauto
ulkolainen {adj} :: foreign
ulkolainen {n} :: foreigner
ulkolaitamoottori {n} [nautical] :: outboard motor
ulkolämpötila {n} :: exterior temperature
ulkolaudoitus {n} :: clapboarding, weatherboarding
ulkolauta {n} :: weatherboard
ulkoleikki {n} :: (children's) outdoor game or play
ulkoliesi {n} :: outdoor stove
ulkoliitos {n} [databases] :: outer join
ulkolima {n} [cytology] :: ectoplasm
ulkolinja {n} :: outside line, outer line
ulkoloinen {n} :: ectoparasite
ulkoluku {n} :: rote learning, learning by rote
ulkoluku {n} :: reading by heart
ulkomaa {n} :: foreign country
ulkomaailma {n} :: outside world
ulkomaalainen {adj} :: foreign (originating from a foreign country)
ulkomaalainen {n} :: foreigner
ulkomaalaislaki {n} :: Aliens Act (a law managing non-citizens' relationship to a foreign country)
ulkomaalaisomistus {n} :: foreign ownership
ulkomaalaistaustainen {adj} [of a person] :: of foreign origin (of whom either one or both parents are foreign)
ulkomaalaus {n} :: exterior painting
ulkomaali {n} :: exterior paint
ulkomaanapu {n} :: foreign aid
ulkomaanelävä {n} [belittling] :: foreigner
ulkomaankauppa {n} :: foreign trade
ulkomaankauppaministeri {n} :: minister of foreign trade
ulkomaankauppapolitiikka {n} :: foreign trade policy
ulkomaankirjeenvaihtaja {n} :: foreign correspondent (reporter based in a foreign country)
ulkomaanlento {n} :: international flight (flight between two or more countries)
ulkomaanmarkkinat {n} :: foreign market
ulkomaanmatkailu {n} :: international tourism, foreign tourism
ulkomaanosasto {n} :: foreign affairs department
ulkomaanpassi {n} :: passport (for traveling abroad)
ulkomaanpuhelu {n} :: international phone call
ulkomaanraha {n} :: foreign currency
ulkomaansuhteet {n} :: foreign relations
ulkomaanvaluutta {n} :: foreign currency
ulkomaanvelka {n} :: foreign debt
ulkomaanviholainen {n} :: synonym of rohtonukula
ulkomailla {adv} :: abroad, overseas (in a foreign country)
ulkomaille {adv} :: abroad, overseas (to a foreign country)
ulkomailta {adv} :: from abroad, from overseas
ulkomainen {adj} :: foreign (from a different country)
ulkomeri {n} :: high seas
ulkoministeri {n} :: foreign minister, secretary of state
ulkoministeriö {n} :: ministry for foreign affairs, foreign ministry, Foreign Office [UK], State Department [U.S.]
ulkomitta {n} [usually, in plural] :: external dimension, outer dimension
ulkomitta {n} [measure theory] :: outer measure
Ulko-Mongolia {prop} :: Outer Mongolia
ulkomuoto {n} :: appearance
ulkomuseo {n} :: open air museum
ulkona {adv} :: [static] out, outdoors
ulkona {adv} :: [static] outside
ulkonainen {adj} :: external
ulkonaisesti {adv} :: externally
ulkonaisesti {adv} :: superficially
ulkonaisuus {n} :: externality
ulkonäkö {n} :: look, appearance, semblance
ulkonaliikkumiskielto {n} :: A curfew
ulkonema {n} :: projection
ulkonenä {n} [surgery] :: nose (visible part of the nose as opposed to the internal parts)
ulkoneva {adj} :: projecting, protruding
ulko-olento {n} [grammar, dated] :: adessive
ulko-ovi {n} :: exterior door, outside door (door that leads directly outside, as opposed to a door between two spaces indoors)
ulkopaikallissija {n} [grammar] :: Any of the three cases adessive, ablative and allative in Finnish that indicate location on a surface or in the neighbourhood of something, or a movement towards or from such location
ulkopalsta {n} :: a registered lot or plot outside one's home lot
ulkopiste {n} [topology] :: exterior point
ulkoplaneetta {n} [astronomy] :: outer planet
ulkopoliittinen {adj} :: foreign policy (of or pertaining to foreign policy)
ulkopoliittisesti {adv} :: foreign-politically
ulkopolitiikka {n} :: foreign policy
ulkopuoli {n} :: outside
ulkopuolinen {adj} :: external
ulkopuolinen {adj} :: extra-
ulkopuolinen {adj} :: off-
ulkopuolinen {adj} :: out of it (not participating in some trend or group)
ulkopuolinen {n} :: outsider (person)
ulkorakennus {n} :: An outbuilding
ulkorakennus {n} :: An outhouse (outbuilding)
ulkoreuna {n} :: outer edge, outer margin, outer border
ulkoruokintakausi {n} :: pasture season, outdoor feeding season
ulkosaaristo {n} :: outer archipelago
ulkosalla {adv} :: outdoors, outside
ulkosalle {adv} :: (to) outdoors or outside
ulkosalta {adv} :: from outdoors or outside
ulkoseinä {n} :: outer wall
ulkosivu {n} :: outer side
ulkosorkka {n} :: two half-hitches
ulkosuhteet {n} :: foreign relations
ulkosuomalainen {n} :: a Finn living abroad, an expatriate Finn
ulkosynnyttimet {n} :: external parts of a or the female reproductive system
ulkotakki {n} :: outdoor coat
ulkoteltta {n} :: fly, tent fly, fly sheet (extra cover of a tent to protect against bad weather)
ulkotulento {n} [grammar, dated] :: allative
ulkotulo {n} [linear algebra] :: outer product
ulkotyö {n} :: outdoor work
ulkotyö {n} :: work done on the external part of something
ulkouuni {n} :: outdoor oven
ulkovalaistus {n} :: outdoor lighting
ulkovalta {n} :: foreign power (foreign country, especially in official context)
ulkovarustus {n} [architecture] :: outwork
ulkoverhous {n} :: cladding, siding
ulkoverkko {n} [networking] :: external network, public network, wide area network (as opposed to an intranet, etc.)
ulkovessa {n} [colloquial] :: An outhouse (toilet)
ulkovuoro {n} [baseball, pesäpallo] :: state of being the fielding team, defensive inning
ulkoydin {n} [geology] :: outer core (outer part of the core of the Earth consisting of liquid iron-nickel alloy)
ulku {n} [dialectal] :: wooden pole
ulkustauti {n} [pathology] :: peptic ulceration
Ulla {prop} :: given name
ullakko {n} :: attic
ullakkohuone {n} :: garret (an attic or semi-finished room just beneath the roof of a house)
ullakkoikkuna {n} :: dormer window
Ulla-Maija {prop} :: given name
uloimmainen {adj} :: outermost
uloimmaksi {adv} :: synonym of uloimmas
uloimmas {adv} :: to being the outermost, to furthest out
uloimpaa {adv} :: from being the outermost, from furthest out
uloimpana {adv} :: being the outermost, furthest out
uloin {adj} :: outermost
uloinna {adv} :: synonym of uloimpana
uloke {n} :: An appendage
uloke {n} :: A projection
ulokepalkki {n} [architecture] :: cantilever (beam anchored at one end and projecting into space)
ulokkeellinen {adj} [biology] :: appendiculate (bearing appendages)
ulommainen {adj} :: alternative form of uloimmainen
ulommainen {adj} :: outer (further from center)
ulommaksi {adv} :: synonym of ulommas
ulommas {adv} :: (to/towards) closer to the outside, (to/towards) further towards the outside
ulompaa {adv} :: from closer to the outside, from further outside or out
ulompana {adv} :: closer to the outside, further outside or out
ulompi {adj} :: outer (further from (the) center)
ulompi linjamies {n} [American football] :: offensive tackle
ulontaa {vt} :: to move outwards
ulontaa {vt} [typography] :: to outdent
ulos {adv} [of movement] :: out, outside; outdoors
ulosajo {n} :: driving off the road or the resulting crash
ulosajo {n} [sports] :: send-off (penalty for a serious infraction of the rules in which the player is ordered to leave for the rest of the game; match penalty in ice hockey)
ulosanti {n} :: delivery (manner of speech)
uloshengitys {n} :: exhalation
uloshengityslihas {n} [anatomy] :: muscle of exhalation
uloskäynti {n} :: exit
ulosmarssi {n} :: walkout (mass action of people leaving a place as a form of protest)
ulosmenotie {n} :: exit route, exit road
ulosmittaus {n} :: foreclosure, enforcement
ulosotto {n} [legal] :: attachment (taking a person's property by a court-order to satisfy a debt)
ulosottokelpoinen {adj} :: attachable
ulosottomies {n} :: distrainor
ulosottomies {n} :: bound bailiff, bailiff, court enforcement agent
ulospääsytie {n} :: out, way out, exit
ulospäin {adv} :: outward
ulostaa {vit} :: to defecate, excrete, egest
ulostaa {vt} [jokingly, rare] :: to oust, eject
ulostaminen {n} :: defecation, egestion
uloste {n} :: excrement, faeces/feces
ulostenäyte {n} :: stool sample
ulostetartunta {n} [pathology] :: fecal-oral transmission
ulostulo {n} [electronics, computing] :: output
ulostulo {n} :: egression, emergence
ulostulo {n} :: coming out (of the closet)
ulostulokerros {n} [artificial intelligence] :: output layer
ulostus {n} :: defecation, excretion
ulostusaine {n} :: laxative, evacuant, purgative, cathartic
ulostuslääke {n} :: purgative, laxative
ulostuttaa {v} :: to have the urge to defecate
ulostuttaa {v} :: to make to defecate
ulosvirtaus {n} :: outflux, efflux
ulota {vi} :: to stick out, protrude
ulottaa {vt} :: To extend
ulottaminen {n} :: extending
ulottautua {vi} :: To reach
ulotteikas {adj} [figuratively] :: multifaceted
ulotteinen {adj} :: dimensional (having dimension or dimensions)
ulotteisuus {n} :: dimensionality (property of having dimensions)
ulottua {vi} :: To extend, stretch
ulottua {vi} :: To reach, to be able to reach
ulottumattomiin {adv} :: to being unreachable, to being so far away it cannot be reached
ulottumattomissa {adv} :: being unreachable, being so far away it cannot be reached
ulottuva {adj} :: in a way that one reaches
ulottuviin {adv} :: synonym of ulottuville
ulottuvilla {adv} :: within reach, handy; normally used with a noun or pronoun in genitive, or a possessive suffix to specify within reach of what something is kept
ulottuville {adv} :: to being reachable, to within reach
ulottuvilta {adv} :: from being reachable, from within reach
ulottuvissa {adv} :: synonym of ulottuvilla
ulottuvista {adv} :: synonym of ulottuvilta
ulottuvuus {n} :: A dimension
ulpukka {n} :: spatterdock, yellow water lily, cow lily, yellow pond-lily (Nuphar lutea)
ulsteri {n} :: ulster (type of men's long overcoat made of rough material, often featuring a cape that covers the shoulders)
ulsteri {n} :: greatcoat, carrick (men's long overcoat in general)
ulsterilainen {adj} :: Ulster (relating to, or originating from Ulster)
ulsterilainen {n} :: Ulsterman (male from Ulster)
ulsterilainen {n} :: Ulsterwoman (female from Ulster)
ultima {n} [prosody] :: ultima (last syllable in a multisyllable word)
ultimaalinen {adj} [rare, Anglicism] :: synonym of äärimmäinen ("ultimate")
ultimaatumi {n} :: ultimatum
ultimate {n} :: ultimate frisbee (game)
ultimus {n} [academia] :: In an academic promotion ceremony, the person who graduates with the second best grades and receives his/her diploma last
ultimusmaisteri {n} [academia] :: In a masters' promotion ceremony, the graduate who has the second best average grade and who receives his/her diploma last
ultimustohtori {n} [academia] :: In a doctoral promotion ceremony, the graduate who has the second best average grade and who receives his/her diploma last
ultra- {prefix} :: ultra-
ultra {n} [aviation] :: ultralight (aircraft that weighs very little)
ultra {n} :: short for ultraäänitutkimus
ultraääni {n} [physics] :: ultrasound (sound with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing)
ultraääni {n} [medicine] :: ultrasound (use of ultrasonic waves for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes)
ultraäänihoito {n} :: ultrasound (use of ultrasound for therapy)
ultraäänikuva {n} :: ultrasound image
ultraäänitutkimus {n} :: ultrasonography
ultraemäksinen {adj} :: ultrabasic, ultramafic
ultrajuoksija {n} :: ultrarunner
ultrajuoksu {n} :: ultrarunning (running of ultramarathons)
ultrajuoksu {n} :: ultramarathon, ultrarun (running distance longer than a marathon)
ultrakevyt {adj} :: ultralight
ultrakevyt {n} [aviation] :: ultralight (aircraft that weighs very little)
ultrakevytlento {n} :: ultralight aviation
ultrakevytlento {n} :: ultralight flight (flight with an ultralight aircraft)
ultralyhyt {adj} [rare] :: ultrashort (very short)
ultralyhyt {adj} [physics, of wavelength] :: ultrashort (being between 1 and 10 metres, corresponding to the frequency band 30 to 300 MHz, called VHF)
ultramafinen {adj} :: ultramafic
ultramaraton {n} :: synonym of ultrajuoksu
ultramariini {adj} :: ultramarine
ultramariini {n} :: ultramarine
ultramariininsininen {adj} :: ultramarine
ultramoderni {adj} :: ultramodern
ultramontanistinen {adj} [Catholicism] :: ultramontane (advocating a strong pope)
ultratulo {n} [mathematics] :: ultraproduct
ultravioletti {n} :: ultraviolet
ultravioletti {adj} :: ultraviolet
ultraviolettiaalto {n} [physics, chiefly in plural] :: ultraviolet wave
ultraviolettikatastrofi {n} [physics] :: ultraviolet catastrophe
ultraviolettisäteily {n} :: ultraviolet radiation
ultraviolettivalo {n} :: ultraviolet light
uluus {n} :: ulus (raion, or district, in Sakha Republic, Russia)
ulvahdella {v} :: To yelp (repeatedly)
ulvahdus {n} :: A yelp
ulvahtaa {vi} :: To yelp (once)
ulvaista {vi} :: to yelp
Ulvila {prop} :: A town and municipality in Satakunta, Finland
Ulvila {prop} :: Name for a few old farms and households in Southern Ostrobothnia
ulvilalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Ulvila
ulvilalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Ulvila
ulvo {n} [dialectal] :: The typical stench of a wet dog hair
ulvoa {vi} :: to howl
ulvoja {n} :: howler
ulvonta {n} :: howling
ulvottaa {vt} :: to make howl
-uma {suffix} :: Variant of -ma; forms passive action/result nouns from verbs and sometimes nouns
umaijadi {n} :: Umayyad
umbra {n} :: umbra
umbri {n} :: Umbrian (person)
umbri {n} :: Umbrian (language)
umeshu {n} :: umeshu
umiakki {n} :: umiak
umlaut {n} :: umlaut (assimilation a->ä, o->ö or u->ü in German and some closely related languages)
ummehtua {vi} [of some materia] :: To get musty, get moldy, mold, mildew
ummehtua {vi} [of air] :: To get stuffy, go stale
ummehtunut {adj} :: stale
ummessa {adv} :: closed, clogged, blocked, constipated (not open or free)
ummet ja lammet {phrase} [idiomatic] :: this and that; used especially with verbs puhua (to speak), luvata (to promise) etc. to indicate that someone is trying to deceive or distract the listener by speaking a lot, but leaving essential facts untold
ummetus {n} [medicine] :: constipation
ummikko {n} :: A person who speaks only their own mother tongue, a monolingual
ummistaa {v} :: ummistaa silmänsä: To close one's eyes, to ignore
ummistaa silmänsä {v} [idiomatic] :: To close one's eyes, to ignore
umpeen {adv} :: sealed, closed, shut
umpeentua {vi} :: synonym of umpeutua
umpeuttaa {vt} :: to (make) close up, to (make) expire
umpeutua {vi} :: to close up
umpeutua {vi} :: to expire
umpi- {prefix} :: closed, internal, solid
umpi- {prefix} :: When prefixed to an adjective or adverb, indicates that the quality described by the adjective or adverb is total
umpi {n} [veterinary medicine] :: constipation. The expressions olla ummella (to have constipation) and tulla ummelle (to get constipated) may be used of humans, but they are becoming archaic in this sense
umpi {n} :: deep, untouched snow (with no tracks)
umpi {n} [figuratively, archaic] :: insurmountable obstacle
umpiäänne {n} :: synonym of klusiili
umpiauto {n} :: a car with a closed roof; a car that is not a convertible or such
umpieritteinen {adj} :: endocrine
umpieritysjärjestelmä {n} [anatomy, medicine] :: endocrine system
umpihanki {n} :: relatively thick unbroken blanket of snow
umpihumala {n} :: soddenness (state of being completely drunk)
umpihumalainen {adj} :: sodden
umpihumalassa {adv} :: sodden, completely drunk
umpikela {n} [fishing] :: stationary lure
umpikuja {n} :: blind alley, dead-end, dead end, cul-de-sac, impasse (road or situation)
umpikuuro {adj} :: stone deaf
umpilaavu {n} :: a closed lean-to
umpilevy {n} [computer hardware] :: enclosed hard disk
umpilevy {n} :: blanking plate
umpilisäke {n} [anatomy, medicine] :: appendix, vermiform appendix
umpilisäketulehdus {n} [pathology] :: appendicitis
umpilisäkkeen tulehdus {n} [pathology] :: appendicitis (inflammation of the vermiform appendix)
umpiluu {n} :: complete bone; used in expressions, especially to describe one's head in a meaning akin to bonehead
umpimähkä {n} [archaic] :: A pile of embers covered with ash in order to keep the fire alive for longer than if left uncovered, typically overnight
umpimähkään {adv} :: at random, haphazardly, indiscriminately
umpimähkäinen {adj} :: haphazard
umpimähkäinen {adj} :: indiscriminate
umpimähkäinen {adj} :: promiscuous (made without careful choice; indiscriminate)
umpimähkäisesti {adv} :: arbitrarily, indiscriminately, randomly, haphazardly
umpimielisesti {adv} :: in a close-minded way
umpimurtuma {n} [medicine] :: Closed fracture (bone fracture where the bone does not break the surface of the skin)
umpinainen {adj} :: solid
umpinainen {adj} :: closed
umpinaisesti {adv} :: in a solid or enclosed way
umpinen {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of umpihanki
umpio {n} :: A hermetically sealed space or container
umpioida {v} :: to seal hermetically
umpioida {v} :: to conserve food by sealing hermetically
umpiointi {n} :: canning, bottling (method of food storage and preservation)
umpioitua {v} :: to be hermetically sealed
umpioitua {v} [idiomatic] :: to be sealed, to be isolated
umpiovalaisin {n} :: sealed beam (type of lamp)
umpipiha {n} :: yard surrounded by buildings from all sides
umpipuu {n} :: solid wood
umpiraide {n} [rail transport] :: siding
umpirauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: An endocrine gland
umpireikä {n} :: blind hole
umpisilmä {n} [archaic] :: blind; used especially of newly born animals whose eyes have not opened yet
umpisolmu {n} :: An overhand knot
umpisolmu {n} :: quagmire (precarious situation, hopeless tangle)
umpisukkeloon {adv} :: into being submerged or under water
umpisukkelossa {adv} :: being submerged or under water
umpisukkelosta {adv} :: from being submerged or under water
umpisuolentulehdus {n} [pathology] :: typhlitis (inflammation of the blind gut, or caecum)
umpisuolentulehdus {n} [colloquial, ambiguous] :: appendicitis (inflammation of the vermiform appendix)
umpisuoli {n} [anatomy] :: blind gut, caecum, cecum
umpitavu {n} [linguistics] :: A syllable ending with a consonant, closed syllable
umpitunneli {n} [literally] :: closed off tunnel
umpitunnelissa {adv} [colloquial] :: wasted, hammered, very drunk
umpiunessa {adv} :: fast asleep
umpu {n} [poetic] :: bud
-un {suffix} :: Suffix variant for the illative singular: see -Vn
unaarinen {adj} :: unary
unaarioperaattori {n} :: unary operator
unbibium {n} :: unbibium
unbinilium {n} :: unbinilium
unbitrium {n} :: unbitrium
unbiunium {n} :: unbiunium
undekaani {n} :: undecane
undekyleenihappo {n} :: undecylenic acid
underground {n} :: underground (culture)
undesimi {n} [music] :: eleventh (interval)
undesyleenihappo {n} [fatty acid, pharmaceutical drug] :: undecylenic acid
undulaatio {n} :: undulation
undulaatti {n} :: budgerigar, budgie, pet parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus
undulaattori {n} :: undulator
uneksia {vi} :: To (day)dream (about/of = elative)
uneksija {n} :: dreamer, daydreamer
uneksiminen {n} :: dreaming
uneksinta {n} :: dreaming
uneliaasti {adv} :: sleepily
uneliaisuus {n} :: drowsiness, sleepiness
unelias {adj} :: sleepy
unelma {n} :: dream (a hope or wish; imaginary events seen in the mind while sleeping; implies desirability)
Unelma {prop} :: given name
unelma-ammatti {n} :: dream job
unelmaloma {n} :: dream vacation
unelmamaailma {n} :: dream world
unelmamaali {n} :: dream goal
unelmatalo {n} :: dream house, dream home
unelmatorttu {n} :: A type of Swiss roll where cocoa is mixed into the sponge cake
unelmien prinssi {n} :: Prince Charming
unelmoida {v} :: To daydream
unelmoija {n} :: dreamer, daydreamer
unelmoiminen {n} :: dreaming
unelmointi {n} :: dreaming, reverie
unenomainen {adj} :: dreamlike, dreamish, dreamy, oneiric
unenomaisuus {n} :: dreamlikeness
unenpuute {n} :: sleep deprivation
unessa {adv} :: asleep
uneton {adj} :: sleepless
unettaa {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To make sleepy
unettaa {vt} [impersonal] :: partitive + 3rd-pers. singular = to feel sleepy
unettava {adj} :: soporific, somnolent
unettomuus {n} :: insomnia
unho {n} [poetic] :: oblivion
unhoittaa {vt} [dated, poetic] :: to forget
unhoittua {v} [dated, poetic] :: to be forgotten
unhola {n} [poetic] :: oblivion; the state of being completely forgotten
unhottaa {v} [dated, poetic] :: to forget
unhottua {v} [dated] :: alternative form of unhoittua
uni {n} :: dream (imaginary events seen in the mind while sleeping; neutral term, not implied positive)
uni {n} :: sleep (state of reduced consciousness)
uniaattikirkko {n} [Christianity] :: Uniate church
uniaika {n} [mythology] :: Dreamtime (time of creation of the world in Australian mythology)
uniapnea {n} :: sleep apnea
uniasu {n} :: nightclothes, nighwear
uniforminen {adj} :: uniform
uniformiteetti {n} :: uniformity
uniformu {n} [archaic] :: alternative form of univormu
unihaalari {n} :: sleeper (type of pajamas that covers the whole body)
unihäiriö {n} :: sleep disorder, somnipathy, parasomnia
unihalvaus {n} :: sleep paralysis
unihiekka {n} :: sleep (in the corner of the eye, dried up rähmä)
uniikki {adj} :: unique
uniikkikappale {n} :: unique (a thing without a like; something unequalled or unparallelled)
unikauhuhäiriö {n} :: night terror (type of sleeping disorder)
unikeko {n} :: A dormouse (any small rodent in the family Gliridae)
unikeko {n} :: An edible dormouse or fat dormouse, Glis glis
unikeko {n} [humorous] :: A person who sleeps later than others; a sleepyhead
unikeonpäivä {n} :: Seven Sleepers Day, National Sleepy Head Day
unikko {n} :: poppy
unikonsiemen {n} :: poppyseed, poppy seed (spice)
unikorni {n} :: unicorn
unilääke {n} :: soporific, sleeping pill
unilateralismi {n} :: unilateralism
uninen {adj} :: sleepy
uninen {adj} :: drowsy
uninen {adj} :: somnolent (sleepy, drowsy)
uniongelma {n} :: sleeping problem
unioni {n} :: union
unipotentti {adj} :: unipotent
unirytmi {n} :: sleep pattern
uniseksi {n} :: unisex fashion
uniseksiasu {n} [colloquial] :: unisex clothing
unisempi {adj} :: comparative of uninen
unisesti {adv} :: sleepily, drowsily
unisin {adj} :: superlative of uninen
unisono {n} [music] :: unison
unissakävelijä {n} :: Sleepwalker, somnambulist
unissakävely {n} :: somnambulism, sleepwalking
unissakävijä {n} :: sleepwalker, somnambulist
unissakulkija {n} :: sleepwalker, somnambulist
unissapuhuminen {n} :: sleeptalking, somniloquy
unisuus {n} :: sleepiness
unitaarinen {adj} :: unitary
unitabletti {n} :: sleeping pill
unitarianismi {n} [religion] :: Unitarianism
unitarismi {n} [Christianity] :: unitarianism
unitauti {n} [pathology] :: sleeping sickness
uni tulee {phrase} [idiomatic] :: Used to represent falling asleep or being able to
unitutkimus {n} :: sleep research (study of sleep as neurophysiological phenomenon)
univaje {n} :: sleep debt
univelka {n} :: sleep debt
universaali {adj} :: universal (of or pertaining to the universe)
universaali {adj} :: universal (common to all members of a group or class)
universaalialgebra {n} [math] :: universal algebra
universaalikvanttori {n} [logic] :: universal quantifier
universaalinen {adj} [dated] :: universal
universaalisempi {adj} :: comparative of universaalinen
universaalisin {adj} :: superlative of universaalinen
universaalistaa {v} [rare] :: to universalize (to make universal, to make consistent or common across all cases)
universaalistua {vi} :: to become universal
universaalisuus {n} :: universality
universaalitiede {n} :: universal science
universiadit {n} :: The Universiade
universumi {n} :: universe
univormu {n} :: uniform (distinctive outfit)
univormupukuinen {adj} :: uniformed
unkari {n} :: Hungarian language
Unkari {prop} :: Hungary
unkarilainen {adj} :: Hungarian
unkarilainen {n} :: a Hungarian
unkarilaisuus {n} :: Hungarianness (state or property of being Hungarian)
unkarinajokoira {n} :: Hungarian hound (breed of dog)
unkarinkielinen {adj} :: Hungarian-speaking
unkarinkielinen {adj} :: Expressed in the Hungarian language
unkarinnos {n} :: Hungarian translation
unkarinsara {n} :: Carex melanostachya
unkarintaa {vt} :: To translate into Hungarian
unkarinvinttikoira {n} :: Magyar agar, Hungarian greyhound
unkarinvizsla {n} :: vizsla
unnuttaa {v} :: Of a child, to masturbate
unohdella {v} :: To forget (repeatedly)
unohdus {n} :: oblivion (the state of being completely forgotten)
unohdus {n} :: forgetting
unohduttaa {v} [rare] :: to make forget (to cause to forget)
unohtaa {vt} :: to forget
unohtaa {vt} :: to leave behind (sth) unintentionally
unohtaja {n} :: forgetter
unohtaminen {n} :: forgetting
unohtavainen {adj} :: forgetful, oblivious
unohtavaisuus {n} :: forgetfulness
unohtelu {n} :: forgetting
unohtua {vi} :: to be/get/become forgotten
unohtumaton {adj} :: unforgettable
unohtumattomasti {adv} :: unforgettably
unsiaali {n} :: uncial, uncial script
unssi {n} :: ounce (in Finland, either around 27.9, 29.6 or 28.3 grams depending on context)
Unsupported titles/Colon {punct} :: Connects a suffix or clitic to a number, abbreviation or initialism
Unsupported titles/n:s {adj} :: nth
Untamo {prop} :: given name
Unto {prop} :: given name
untuva {n} :: down (soft, immature feather)
untuvainen {adj} :: downy
untuvakangas {n} :: down fabric (fabric material made out of down)
untuvankevyt {adj} :: extremely light (of extremely low weight), as light as down (feather)
untuvanpehmeä {adj} :: soft as down
untuvapallo {n} :: ball of down
untuvapallo {n} :: fluffball, ball of fluff (affectionate term for a creature resembling a ball of fluff)
untuvapilvi {n} [meteorology] :: cirrus, cirrus cloud
untuvatakki {n} :: down jacket
untuvatäkki {n} :: eiderdown
untuvatyyny {n} :: down pillow
untuvikko {n} :: chick (very young bird clad only in down)
untuvikko {n} :: fledgling (immature, naïve and/or inexperienced person)
ununbium {n} [dated] :: ununbium
ununennium {n} :: ununennium
ununheksium {n} [dated] :: ununhexium
ununkvadium {n} [dated] :: ununquadium
ununoktium {n} [dated] :: ununoctium
ununpentium {n} [dated] :: ununpentium
ununseptium {n} [dated] :: ununseptium
ununtrium {n} [dated] :: ununtrium
Uolevi {prop} :: given name
uoma {n} :: riverbed, channel
uoma {n} [figuratively] :: normal state of affairs, used primarily in the expression asettua uomiinsa (to settle down into normal state)
Uosukainen {prop} :: surname
Uoti {prop} :: given name
Uoti {prop} :: surname
Uotila {prop} :: surname
Uotila {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
Uotinen {prop} :: surname
Uotsi {prop} [military slang] :: Nickname of Soviet-made utility vehicles of the brand UAZ, formerly used by the Finnish military
U-palkki {n} :: U-beam (beam with cross-section resembling the letter U with square corners)
upanishad {n} :: Upanishad (authorless Hindu text)
upata {v} [colloquial] :: to upload
upea {adj} :: great, wonderful
upea {adj} [of looks] :: gorgeous, great, magnificent, posh
upeaherkkusieni {n} :: The prince, Agaricus augustus
upeammin {adv} :: comparative of upea
upeasti {adv} :: wonderfully, magnificently
upeimmin {adv} :: superlative of upea
upeus {n} :: magnificence, grandeur, brilliance, lavishness, splendor, gorgeousness (state or quality of being magnificent)
upokas {n} :: crucible
upokasteräs {n} :: crucible steel
upoksiin {adv} :: sunken, submerged, under water (to the state of being under water or other liquid)
upoksissa {adv} :: submerged
upoksista {adv} :: from below the surface, from the depths, submerged (from the state of being under water or other liquid to the surface)
uposkasvi {n} :: elodeid, underwater plant, submerse aquatic plant (plant that grows completely below the surface of water, or with only flowers above)
uposlehti {n} [botany] :: submerged leaf (leaf of an aquatic plant that is completely under water)
uposlehtinen {n} [botany] :: elodeid (stem plant that completes its entire life cycle submerged, or with only its flowers above the waterline)
uposlehtinen {adj} [botany] :: elodeid
upota {vi} [_, + illative] :: to sink (descend into liquid)
upota {vi} [_, + illative] :: to get stuck in, get bogged down in
upota {vi} [_, + illative, of a saw] :: to bite
upota {vi} [_, + illative] :: to go over, strike home, do its work on
upote {n} [grammar, dated] :: subordinate clause
upote {n} :: inlay (material placed within a different material in the form of a decoration)
upote {n} [military] :: something, e.g. a vessel, sunk to the bottom to prevent use of a waterway from the enemy
upote {n} [computing] :: embed
upotella {vt} :: to sink (repeatedly)
upotettu kustannus {n} :: sunk cost
upottaa {vt} :: to sink (a boat, money)
upottaa {vt} :: to flood
upottaa {vt} :: to submerge, immerse
upottaa {vt} :: to stick, dunk [into]
upottaa {vt} :: to plunge (a lance, knife or other weapon)
upottaa {vt} [~ katseensa] :: to drill/burn (one's eyes or sight)
upottaa {vt} [~ surunsa] :: to drown (one's sorrows)
upottaa {vt} :: to build in, flush (a closet, etc.)
upottaa {vt} :: to countersink (a nail, screw, rivet)
upottaa {vt} :: to embed
upottaa {vt} [computing] :: to insert, embed
upottaa {vt} :: to set, mount (a gem into a ring)
upottaminen {n} :: immersion
upotteinen {adj} [grammar, dated] :: subordinate
upotteinen {adj} :: inlaid (decorated with inlays)
upotus {n} :: immersion
upotus {n} :: embedding
upotus {n} :: inlay (material placed within a different material in the form of a decoration)
upotus {n} [computing] :: synonym of upote
upotuskaste {n} :: immersion (total submerging of a person in water as an act of baptism)
upotuskoristelu {n} :: inlay
upotuspiikki {n} :: set (a punch for setting nails in wood)
upotuspora {n} :: counterbore
upotussuolata {v} :: to salt in brine (to salt food by totally submerging it in brine for a period of time)
upotussuolaus {n} :: brine salting (method of salting food by immersing it in brine)
upouusi {adj} :: brand new
uppeluksiin {adv} [colloquial] :: alternative form of upoksiin
uppeluksissa {adv} [colloquial] :: alternative form of upoksissa
uppiniskainen {adj} :: stubborn, recalcitrant
uppiniskaisesti {adv} :: stubbornly, recalcitrantly
uppiniskaisuus {n} :: stubbornness
uppista {interj} :: alternative form of upsista
uppo- {prefix} :: sinking or submerging, submersible
uppo- {prefix} [figuratively] :: completely, utterly
uppoama {n} [nautical] :: displacement
uppoamaton {adj} [nautical, of a ship] :: unsinkable
uppoaminen {n} :: sinking
uppoasennus {n} :: flush mounting (way of installing something, such as electric or light fixture, so that the surface of the fixture is flush with the surface on which it is mounted)
uppokanta {n} :: flush head, flat head, countersunk head (in a bolt, screw or rivet, a flat conical top allowing it to be inserted flush with a surface)
uppokantainen {adj} :: countersunk (of a bolt, screw or rivet: that has a flat conical top allowing it to be inserted flush with a surface)
uppokantanaula {n} :: brad
uppokantaniitti {n} :: flathead rivet (type of rivet designed to fit in a countersink so that it sits flush with a surface)
uppokantapultti {n} :: flathead, flathead bolt (type of bolt designed to fit in a countersink so that it sits flush with a surface)
uppokantaruuvi {n} :: flathead, flathead screw (type of screw or bolt designed to fit in a countersink so that it sits flush with a surface)
uppokaste {n} :: synonym of upotuskaste
uppokeitin {n} :: deep fryer, deep-fat fryer
uppokuumennin {n} :: immersion heater
uppolukko {n} :: flush lock (lock that is mounted flush with the surface of the door)
uppomuna {n} :: poached egg
uppo-outo {adj} :: Totally unknown
uppopaistaa {vt} :: to deep-fry
uppopaistaminen {n} :: deep-frying (method of cooking)
uppopaistin {n} :: deep fryer, deep-fat fryer
uppopaisto {n} :: deep-frying (method of cooking)
uppopallo {n} [sports] :: underwater rugby
uppoperho {n} [fishing] :: wet fly (in fly fishing, a fly that fishes under the surface of water)
uppopumppu {n} :: submersible pump
uppopuu {n} :: snag (piece of wood in water)
upporikas {adj} :: extremely rich, filthy rich
uppotukki {n} :: snag (trunk of tree submerged in water)
uppouma {n} :: displacement (of a ship)
uppoutua {vi} [_, + illative] :: To get absorbed/wrapped up in, involve oneself deeply in, immerse oneself in
uppoutuneisuus {n} :: embeddedness
uppovaaka {n} :: areometer, hydrometer (device for measuring density of a liquid)
uppovalaisin {n} :: A light fixture with housing installed inside a wall or ceiling thus that the surface of the fixture is flush with its environment
Uppsala {prop} :: alternative form of Upsala
ups {interj} :: oops
Upsala {prop} :: Upsala (city)
upsalalainen {adj} :: Uppsalan (of or pertaining to the Swedish city of Uppsala)
upseeri {n} [military] :: officer
upseeri {n} [chess] :: either a queen, knight, bishop or rook
upseeriaines {n} [military] :: officer material (those persons collectively who are considered capable of being trained as officers)
upseerikerho {n} [military] :: officers' club
upseerikokelas {n} [military] :: officer candidate
upseerikoulu {n} [military] :: officer school, military academy (any institution which trains officers for any military force)
upseerikunta {n} [military, collectively] :: officers
upseerinarvo {n} [military] :: officer rank
upseerinura {n} [military] :: officer career
upseeristo {n} [military, collectively] :: officers
upsis {interj} :: oops
upsista {interj} :: oops
upslaaki {n} [colloquial] :: cuff (end of a pants leg, folded up)
ura {n} :: track, groove, rut
ura {n} :: career
uraa {interj} :: Finnish transliteration of a Russian battle cry
uraani {n} :: uranium
uraaniatomi {n} :: uranium atom
uraaniesiintymä {n} :: uranium deposit
uraanifluoridi {n} :: uranium fluoride
uraaniheksafluoridi {n} :: uranium hexafluoride
uraanikaivos {n} :: uranium mine
uraanimalmi {n} :: uranium ore
uraanipommi {n} :: uranium bomb
uraanirikaste {n} [chemistry] :: yellowcake
uraaniyhdiste {n} :: uranium compound
uraatti {n} [chemistry] :: urate
uraauurtava {adj} :: groundbreaking, seminal
uraauurtavasti {adv} :: groundbreakingly
urahtaa {v} :: to grunt
urakehitys {n} :: career development
urakka {n} :: contract
urakka {n} :: arduous work
urakka {n} :: piece work
urakkapalkka {n} :: piece rate (rate paid per unit produced)
urakkapalkka {n} :: piecework pay (way of compensation based on units produced)
urakkapalkka {n} :: contract pay (pay based on fulfilment of a contract)
urakkasopimus {n} :: works contract
urakkasumma {n} :: contract price (of a work contract)
urakkatyö {n} :: piecework
urakoida {v} :: to labour/labor, work
urakoida {v} :: to do contract work
urakoija {n} :: alternative form of urakoitsija
urakointi {n} :: contract work
urakoitsija {n} :: contractor, independent contractor
Ural {prop} [uncountable] :: Urals, Ural Mountains (mountain chain that separates Europe and Asia)
Ural {prop} [uncountable] :: Ural (river)
Ural {prop} [countable] :: Ural Automotive Plant (Russian brand of heavy vehicles)
uraleikkuri {n} :: groove cutter, wall chaser
uraliitti {n} [mineral] :: uralite
uralilainen {adj} :: Uralic
Uralin vuoristo {prop} :: Ural Mountains
Uralin vuoristo {prop} :: Urals
Uraljoki {n} :: Ural (river)
Uralvuoret {prop} :: Urals, Ural Mountains (mountain chain that separates Europe and Asia)
Uralvuoristo {prop} [uncountable] :: Urals, Ural Mountains (mountain chain that separates Europe and Asia)
uraniitti {n} [mineral] :: uranite
uraniniitti {n} [mineral] :: uraninite
uranografia {n} :: uranography
Uranus {prop} :: Uranus [planet]
uranuurtaja {n} :: groundbreaker, pioneer
uranuurtajantyö {n} :: pioneering work
uraruuvi {n} :: slotted screw
urasiili {n} :: uracil
urauttaa {vt} :: to rut, to groove (a road)
urautua {vi} [of road] :: to become rutted
urbaani {adj} :: urban
urbaanilegenda {n} :: urban legend
urbaaninen {adj} :: urban
urbaanisesti {adv} :: in an urban way
urbaanisti {adv} :: in an urban way
urbaanistua {vi} :: To become urbanized
urbanisaatio {n} :: urbanization
urbanismi {n} :: urbanism
urbanisoida {vt} :: To urbanise/urbanize
urbanisoitua {vi} :: To become urbanized
urbanisoituminen {n} :: urbanization (process)
urdu {n} :: Urdu (one of the official languages of Pakistan)
urea {n} :: urea
ureaasi {n} [chemistry] :: urease
uremia {n} :: uremia
uretaani {n} :: urethane
uretriitti {n} :: uretritis
urhea {adj} :: brave, courageous
urheasti {adv} :: bravely
urheilija {n} :: A sportsman or sportswoman
urheilijamainen {adj} :: sportsmanlike
urheilijansydän {n} :: athlete's heart
urheilijatar {n} :: A sportswoman
urheilla {vi} :: to participate in sport or sports
urheilla {vi} :: to exercise (perform physical activity for health or training)
urheilu {n} :: sports, athletics (in general)
urheilu {n} :: sport
urheilu {n} [in compounds] :: sporting, sports
urheiluammunta {n} :: shooting sports, target shooting
urheiluauto {n} :: sports car
urheiluautoilija {n} :: sports car driver or owner
urheiluennätys {n} :: sports record
urheiluhalli {n} :: sports hall
urheiluhenki {n} :: sportsmanship
urheiluhenkinen {adj} :: sporting, sportsmanlike, in the sports spirit
urheiluhieroja {n} :: sports masseur or masseuse
urheiluhousut {n} :: sports pants
urheiluhullu {n} :: sports fan
urheiluilmailu {n} :: sport aviation
urheilujalkine {n} :: sports shoe, sports footwear
urheilujärjestö {n} :: sports body, sports organization
urheilujohtaja {n} :: sports manager, sports leader
urheilujoukkue {n} :: sports team
urheilujoukot {n} :: sportspeople working as troops in the military
urheilujuhla {n} :: sports celebration
urheilukalastaja {n} :: sport fisher
urheilukalastus {n} :: sport fishing
urheilukello {n} :: sports watch
urheilukenttä {n} :: sports field (flat area of land where sports events are staged)
urheilukeskus {n} :: sports center
urheilukieli {n} :: sports language
urheilukilpailu {n} :: sport competition, athletic competition
urheilukisat {n} [colloquial] :: sports contest
urheilukomppania {n} :: sports company (in the military)
urheilukuva {n} :: sports photo, sports picture
urheilukuvaaja {n} :: sports photographer
urheilulääkäri {n} :: sports physician
urheilulääketiede {n} :: sports medicine
urheilulaji {n} :: sport (activity that uses physical exertion or skills competitively under a set of rules that is not based on aesthetics)
urheiluliike {n} :: sports store
urheilullinen {adj} :: sporty
urheilullisesti {adv} :: sportingly
urheilullisuus {n} :: sportiness
urheiluloma {n} :: sports vacation, sports holiday
urheilulukio {n} :: sports lukio, sports high school
urheiluluokka {n} :: sports class
urheilumalli {n} :: sports model
urheilumallinen {adj} :: (that is a) sports model
urheilumetsästys {n} :: sport hunting
urheilumieli {n} :: sporting attitude or mood
urheiluministeri {n} :: sports minister, minister of sports (minister responsible for sports)
urheiluministeri {n} [Finland] :: short for kulttuuri- ja urheiluministeri
urheilumuoti {n} :: sports fashion
urheilumuoto {n} :: form of sports
urheilunopetus {n} :: sports education
urheiluopisto {n} :: sports academy
urheiluosasto {n} :: sports section (in a newspaper)
urheilupaita {n} :: sports shirt
urheilupäivä {n} :: sports day
urheilupeli {n} :: sports game
urheilupistooli {n} :: sports pistol
urheilupsykologi {n} :: sports psychologist
urheilupsykologia {n} :: sports psychology
urheilupuisto {n} :: sports park
urheilupusakka {n} :: sports jacket, warmup jacket
urheilupyörätuoli {n} :: sports wheelchair
urheilurintaliivit {n} :: sports bra
urheilusali {n} :: gym
urheiluselostaja {n} :: sportscaster, sports commentator
urheiluselostus {n} :: sports commentary
urheiluseura {n} :: sports club, athletic club
urheilusivu {n} :: sports page (in a newspaper or similar)
urheilusukellus {n} :: sport diving
urheilusukeltaja {n} :: sport diver
urheilusukka {n} :: sports sock
urheilusuoritus {n} :: sports performance, sports accomplishment
urheilutalo {n} :: sport hall, sports house, gymnasium
urheiluteippi {n} [sports] :: athletic tape
urheilutoimittaja {n} :: sportswriter
urheilutoimitus {n} :: sports desk, sports department
urheilu-uutinen {n} :: (article) of sports news
urheilu-uutinen {n} [in plural] :: sportscast
urheiluvaatteet {n} :: sportswear
urheiluväki {n} :: sportspeople
urheiluväline {n} :: sporting equipment, sports equipment
urheiluvälinekauppa {n} :: sports equipment store
urheiluvalmennus {n} :: sports coaching
urheiluvalokuvaus {n} :: sports photography
urheiluvamma {n} :: sports injury
urheus {n} :: braveness
urho {n} [poetic] :: hero
Urho {prop} :: given name
Urho {prop} :: The letter "U" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
urhokas {adj} :: brave, valiant
urhokkaasti {adv} :: bravely, courageously, valiantly
urhoollinen {adj} :: brave, valiant
urhoollisesti {adv} :: bravely, valiantly
urhoollisuus {n} :: braveness, valiance
-uri {suffix} :: Variant of -ri; forms agent nouns
Uria {prop} :: Uriah [biblical character]
uriaali {n} :: urial, Ovis orientalis vignei
urina {n} :: growling sound
urinaali {n} :: urinal
urista {vi} :: to growl
urittaa {vt} :: to groove (cut grooves into or onto)
Urjala {prop} :: Urjala (municipality)
urjalainen {adj} :: alternative form of urjalalainen
urjalalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Urjala
urjeta {vi} [rare] :: to leave, depart, begin
urkinta {n} :: snooping
urkinta {n} :: short for verkkourkinta
urkkia {vt} [disparaging] :: To snoop, pry (be nosy)
urkkija {n} :: snoop
urkuharmoni {n} [musical instruments] :: harmonium
urkujensoittaja {n} :: organist
urkulehteri {n} :: organ gallery, organ balcony
urkupilli {n} :: organ pipe
urkupillikaktus {n} :: organ (species of cactus, Stenocereus thurberi)
urkupiste {n} [music] :: pedal point
urkupyssy {n} [firearms] :: organ gun
urkuri {n} :: organist
urli {n} [computing, slang] :: URL
Urmas {prop} :: given name
uro {n} :: alternative form of urho
urofilia {n} :: urophilia
urokaanihappo {n} [chemistry] :: urocanic acid
urokanaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: urocanase
urokinaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: urokinase
urologi {n} :: urologist
urologia {n} [medicine] :: urology
urologinen {adj} :: urological
uronihappo {n} [chemistry] :: uronic acid
uros {n} :: male, especially of mammalian species
uros {n} [dated, poetic] :: man, hero (adult male person, especially a strong and brave one)
uroshirvi {n} :: stag
uroskissa {n} :: tomcat
uroskoira {n} :: male dog
urosmetso {n} :: a male capercaillie
urospuolinen {adj} :: male (animal)
uroteko {n} :: A deed (brave action)
urotyö {n} :: A deed (brave action)
urotyö {n} :: A labor (of Heracles etc.)
urpiainen {n} :: common redpoll (Acanthis flammea)
Urpilainen {prop} :: surname
urpo {n} [colloquial] :: moron
Urpo {prop} :: given name
urpoilla {vi} [slang] :: to act like a moron
urpu {n} [botany] :: catkin
Urpu {prop} [rare] :: given name
urputtaa {vi} :: to grumble, grouse, complain
Ursula {prop} :: given name
urtikaria {n} :: urticaria
Uruguay {prop} :: Uruguay (country)
uruguaylainen {adj} :: Uruguayan, of or relating to Uruguay
uruguaylainen {n} :: An Uruguayan
Uruguayn itäinen tasavalta {prop} :: Oriental Republic of Uruguay (official name of Uruguay)
uruguaynvyötiäinen {n} :: greater naked-tailed armadillo (Cabassous tatouay)
urut {n} :: organ (musical instrument)
-us {suffix} :: Forms nouns from verbs, describing an action or event
-us {suffix} :: Forms nouns, indicating resemblance or association
-us {suffix} :: Short form of the suffix -uus, used where the stem of the root adjective ends in a vowel
U.S.A. {prop} [colloquial] :: U.S.A. (country)
USA {prop} :: USA (country)
usalainen {adj} [colloquial] :: American (of or pertaining to the United States)
usalainen {n} [colloquial] :: A person from the United States
usea {adj} :: many
useaan otteeseen {adv} :: repeatedly
useammanlainen {adj} :: comparative of useanlainen
useammin {adv} :: comparative of usein
useampi {adj} :: comparative of usea
useanlainen {adj} :: various, diverse
useasti {adv} :: often, many times, repeatedly
useimmin {adv} :: superlative of usein
useimmiten {adv} :: usually, in most cases, for the most part
usein {adv} :: often
useus {n} [rare] :: number, quantity; especially a large or increased amount
uskaliaampi {adj} :: comparative of uskalias
uskaliaasti {adv} :: boldly, daringly
uskaliain {adj} :: superlative of uskalias
uskaliaisuus {n} :: audacity
uskalias {adj} :: bold, daring
uskalias {adj} :: adventurous
uskalikko {n} :: daredevil
uskallus {n} :: daring (boldness)
uskaltaa {vt} [auxiliary + first infinitive] :: to dare ((to) do), venture (to do), have the courage (to do), be bold/brave enough (to do)
uskaltautua {vi} :: To venture
usko {n} :: faith
usko {n} [in inessive] :: religious
Usko {prop} :: given name
uskoa {vi} [_, + illative] :: to believe in, have faith in (someone's abilities, chances etc.; someone's existence; the power, value etc. of something; the existence of something)
uskoa {vi} [_, + partitive] :: to believe (someone, in something someone says/does), trust
uskoa {vt} :: to entrust, to confide (something)
uskoa korviaan {v} [idiomatic] :: to believe one's ears
uskoa silmiään {v} [idiomatic] :: to believe one's eyes
uskokaa tai älkää {phrase} :: believe it or not [polite or plural (to many people)]
uskollinen {adj} :: faithful
uskollisesti {adv} :: faithfully
uskollisuudenvala {n} :: homage
uskollisuus {n} :: loyalty, fidelity
uskomaton {adj} :: unbelievable, incredible
uskomatonta {interj} :: unbelievable
uskomattomasti {adv} :: unbelievably, incredibly
uskomattomuus {n} :: incredibleness
uskominen {n} :: believing
uskomus {n} :: belief
uskomushoito {n} :: faith healing
uskomusjärjestelmä {n} [philosophy] :: belief system
uskomuslääkintä {n} :: alternative medicine
uskomusolento {n} :: mythical creature, mythological creature
uskonasia {n} :: matter of faith
uskonelämä {n} :: religious life
uskon hyppy {n} :: leap of faith
uskonkappale {n} :: dogma
uskonkappale {n} :: article of faith
uskonkiihko {n} :: religious bigotry
uskonkiihkoilija {n} :: bigot, zealot, fundamentalist
uskonlahko {n} :: A religious sect
uskonluopio {n} :: apostate
uskonnollinen {adj} :: religious
uskonnollisesti {adv} :: religiously
uskonnollisuus {n} :: religiousness
uskonnonopettaja {n} :: religion teacher, religious education teacher
uskonnontutkimus {n} :: religious studies
uskonnonvapaus {n} :: freedom of religion
uskonnoton {adj} :: Having no religion; nonreligious; irreligious
uskonnottomuus {n} :: irreligiousness; irreligion
uskonoppi {n} :: dogmatics
uskonoppinut {adj} :: one educated in religious theory and practice
uskonoppinut {n} :: theologian, religious scholar; one educated in religious theory and practice
uskonpuhdistus {n} [Christianity] :: Reformation (religious movement initiated by Martin Luther)
uskonrauha {n} :: sanctity of religion, religious peace (peace to practice one's religion)
uskonsota {n} :: religious war
uskonto {n} :: religion
uskontoekologia {n} :: ecology of religion
uskontokammo {n} :: religiophobia
uskontokunta {n} :: religion (people of same faith collectively)
uskontomaantiede {n} :: geography of religion
uskontopuolue {n} :: religious party
uskontososiologi {n} :: sociologist of religion
uskontososiologia {n} :: sociology of religion
uskontotiede {n} :: religious studies
uskontotutkimus {n} :: alternative form of uskonnontutkimus
uskontunnustus {n} [religion] :: creed (statement of belief that summarizes the faith it represents)
uskonvaino {n} :: religious persecution
uskonvapaus {n} :: freedom of religion
uskonveli {n} :: fellow believer
uskoo, ken näkee {proverb} :: seeing is believing
uskoontulo {n} :: conversion (becoming religious)
usko tai älä {phrase} :: believe it or not [singular (to one person)]
uskotella {v} :: To make believe, pretend
uskotella {v} :: To convince oneself (to pretend to oneself)
uskoton {adj} :: unfaithful
uskottaa {v} [dialectal, archaic] :: synonym of uskotella
uskottava {adj} :: plausible, credible
uskottavasti {adv} :: credibly, plausibly
uskottavuus {n} :: credibility
uskottavuus {n} [statistics] :: likelihood
uskottavuusfunktio {n} [statistics] :: likelihood function
uskottomampi {adj} :: comparative of uskoton
uskottomin {adj} :: superlative of uskoton
uskottomuus {n} :: unfaithfulness, infidelity, disloyalty, adultery
uskottu {n} :: confidant
uskottu mies {n} [legal] :: trustee, guardian ad litem
uskoutua {v} :: To trust, confide
uskovainen {n} :: A religious person, a believer
usma {n} [dialectal] :: fog, mist
ussa {n} [slang] :: religion (school subject)
-usta {suffix} :: Forms nouns, mostly used for things located in a certain place
usuttaa {vt} :: to sic, set on, urge
usva {n} :: Mist, fog
usvainen {adj} :: misty
usvaisuus {n} :: mistiness
-ut {suffix} :: A variant of -nut, used with verbs that end in -a/ preceded by at least two consonants, i.e. the verbs in the following conjugation classes (the classes marked with *) only include one verb)
-ut {suffix} [chiefly poetic] :: Forms diminutive nouns
-ut {suffix} [usually, poetic or literary] :: Forms some adjectives
Utah {prop} :: Utah (state)
utahilainen {n} :: Utahn, Utahan (person)
utahilainen {adj} :: Utahn, Utahan (of or pertaining to Utah)
utajärveläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Utajärvi (Finnish municipality)
Utajärvi {prop} :: Utajärvi (municipality)
utajärvinen {adj} :: alternative form of utajärveläinen
utare {n} :: udder
utaretulehdus {n} [veterinary medicine] :: mastitis
uteliaasti {adv} :: curiously
uteliaisuus {n} :: curiousness
uteliaisuus tappoi kissan {proverb} :: curiosity killed the cat
utelias {adj} :: curious, inquisitive
utelija {n} :: nosey parker (overly inquisitive or prying person)
utelu {n} :: query
utilitarismi {n} :: utilitarianism
utilitaristi {n} :: utilitarian
utilitaristinen {adj} :: utilitarian
utooppinen {adj} :: utopian
utopia {n} :: utopia
utopisti {n} :: An utopian, idealistic person
utopistinen {adj} :: utopian
utopistisesti {adv} :: In a utopian manner
utsjokelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Utsjoki (Finnish municipality)
Utsjoki {prop} :: Utsjoki
utsjokinen {adj} :: alternative form of utsjokelainen
-uttaa {suffix} [deverbative] :: Forms causative, curative, or factive verbs
-uttaa {suffix} [denominal] :: Forms transitive verbs from adjectives
utu {n} :: haze, mist (of water vapor)
-utua {suffix} [deverbative] :: Forms reflexive or inchoative intransitive verbs
-utua {suffix} [denominal] :: Forms intransitive verbs from adjectives
utuinen {adj} :: misty, foggy, hazy
utuinen {adj} :: roriferous
utupilvi {n} :: fog
-uu {suffix} :: Forms nouns from verbs
uu {n} :: letter: u
uu {n} [dialectal, rare] :: hole, nest
uudehko {adj} :: Quite new
uudelleen {adv} :: anew, again
uudelleen {adv} :: re- (with verbs; many English verbs starting with "re-" are translated into Finnish with verb + uudelleen)
uudelleenarviointi {n} :: re-evaluation
uudelleenjärjestely {n} :: reorganization
uudelleenjulkaisu {n} :: rerelease
uudelleenkäynnistys {n} [computing] :: restart
uudelleenkäynnistys {n} [computing] :: reboot
uudelleenkäyttö {n} :: reuse
uudelleenkierrätys {n} :: recirculation
uudelleenkirjoitus {n} :: rewrite, rescript, rewriting
uudelleenkiteytyä {vi} :: to recrystallize
uudelleenkoulutus {n} :: re-education
uudelleenlaivaus {n} :: transhipment
uudelleenmetsitys {n} :: reafforestation, reforestation
uudelleenmuotoilu {n} :: rewording, redrafting
uudelleenmuotoilu {n} :: redesign
uudelleenmuotoilu {n} [computing] :: refactoring
uudelleenorganisoiminen {n} :: reorganizing, reorganization
uudelleensijoitus {n} :: relocation
uudelleensyntyminen {n} :: rebirth
uudelleenvalinta {n} :: reelection
uudempi {adj} :: comparative of uusi
uudenaikainen {adj} :: modern
uudenaikaistaa {vt} :: to modernize
uudenaikaisuus {n} :: modernity (quality of being modern)
uuden-amsterdaminhylje {n} :: synonym of amsterdamsaarenmerikarhu
uudenlainen {adj} :: novel, nontraditional
uudenseelanninhaukka {n} :: New Zealand falcon, Falco novaeseelandiae (species of falcon endemic to New Zealand)
uudenseelanninlokki {n} :: black-billed gull (Chroicocephalus bulleri)
uudenseelanninpinaatti {n} :: New Zealand spinach
uudentaa {vt} :: to renew
uudentua {v} :: alternative form of uudistua
uudenvuodenaatto {n} :: New Year's Eve (day)
uudenvuodenkortti {n} :: New Year's card
uudenvuodenlupaus {n} :: New Year's resolution
uudenvuodenpäivä {n} :: New Year's Day
uudenvuodenpuhe {n} :: New Year's speech
uudenvuoden tina {n} :: alternative form of uudenvuodentina
uudenvuodentina {n} :: metal cast for purposes of molybdomancy on New Year's Eve as part of a common practice in Nordic and German-speaking countries, originally tin but now often lead
uudenvuodenvalvojaiset {n} :: a gathering held to celebrate the changing of the year
uudestaan {adv} :: anew
uudestaan {adv} :: re-
uudestaan {adv} :: afresh
uudestaan {adv} :: again
uudestisyntyä {vi} :: To be born again
uudestisyntyminen {n} :: A revival, reinvigoration, rebirth (spiritual renewal)
uudestisyntyminen {n} :: A reincarnation
uudestisyntynyt {adj} :: reborn (revived or regenerated, especially emotionally or spiritually)
uudestisyntynyt {n} :: A reborn person
uudin {n} [rare, usually plural] :: curtain, drape
uudis- {prefix} :: new, neo-, newly, reform
uudisalue {n} :: frontier
uudisasukas {n} :: settler (someone who settles in a new location, especially one who makes a previously uninhabited place his home)
uudisasutus {n} :: settlement (newly established colony)
uudismielinen {adj} :: synonym of uudistusmielinen
uudismuodoste {n} :: A neologism (recently coined word)
uudisraivaaja {n} :: settler (one who settles in a new location, especially in a previously uninhabited place)
uudisraivaus {n} :: land reclamation
uudisrakennus {n} :: new building
uudisrakentaminen {n} :: construction of new buildings
uudissana {n} :: neologism
uudistaa {vt} :: to reform, restore, reclaim (to put into a new and improved form or condition)
uudistaa {v} :: to renew (to make something new again; to restore to freshness or original condition)
uudistaa {v} :: to modernize (to make up to date, or modern in style or function)
uudistaa {v} :: to regenerate (to create anew)
uudistaja {n} :: reformer
uudistalo {n} :: synonym of uudistila
uudistalo {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of uudisrakennus
uudistaminen {n} :: renewing, renovation, reform, modernisation
uudistettu {adj} :: renewed
uudistettu {adj} :: updated
uudistila {n} :: A farm that is established on a previously uncultivated land
uudistua {vi} :: To be reformed, be modernised/modernized
uudistus {n} :: reform
uudistusala {n} :: area of reform
uudistushanke {n} :: reform project
uudistusmielinen {adj} :: Reformist
uudistusmielinen {n} :: A reformist
uudistustyö {n} :: renewal work
uuhi {n} :: ewe, especially one that has lambed
uukkari {n} [colloquial] :: U-turn
uuma {n} :: waist
uuma {n} :: web (of a rail)
Uumaja {prop} :: Uumaja (city)
uumajansaame {n} :: The Ume Sami language
uumen {n} :: depths, innards
uumoilla {v} :: to hunch, have a hunch, sense, presage (to have an intuitive impression that something will happen)
uumoilla {v} :: to foreshadow, foretell, forespell
uuni {n} :: oven
uuni {n} :: stove
uuni {n} :: furnace (in compounds, as well as device for heating a building)
uunijuusto {n} :: Finnish dish made of cow beestings
uunikala {n} :: baked fish
uunikinnas {n} :: synonym of patakinnas
uunikuiva {adj} :: oven-dry
uunikuivaus {n} :: oven drying
uunikuivaus {n} :: kiln drying
uunilämmin {adj} :: warm from an oven
uunilämmitteinen {adj} :: furnace heated (heated by a furnace)
uunilämmitys {n} :: heating with a furnace or similar, such as a fireplace
uunilintu {n} :: willow warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus
uunilintu {n} :: leaf warbler, chiffchaff (bird of the genus Phylloscopus)
uunillinen {n} :: ovenfull
uuniluuta {n} :: oven broom, oven brush
uunimakkara {n} :: sausage baked in the oven
uunimunakas {n} :: oven omelette
uuninkestävä {adj} :: oven safe, oven resistant
uuninlämpö {n} :: oven temperature, oven heat
uuninluukku {n} :: oven door, stove door
uuninpäällys {n} :: the top side of an oven (that can be heated)
uuninpankko {n} :: the side heated platform of a pankkouuni
uuninpelti {n} :: baking tray, oven tray
uuninsuu {n} :: the open side of an oven
uuniomena {n} :: oven apple
uunipaisti {n} :: roast (hunk of meat roasted in oven)
uunipannu {n} :: baking tin (especially a wider or metallic one)
uunipavut {n} :: baked beans
uunipelti {n} :: baking tray
uuniperuna {n} :: A baked potato
uunipiirakka {n} :: Any pirog that is baked in an oven, as opposed to pannupiirakka which is made in a frying pan
uunipuu {n} :: firewood for an oven or a stove
uunipuuro {n} :: A type of porridge baked in oven
uuniritilä {n} :: oven rack, oven grill
uuniruoka {n} :: baked food
uunituore {adj} :: fresh from the oven
uunituore {adj} [idiomatic] :: brand new
uunivaunu {n} :: (mobile) sheet pan rack
uunivuoka {n} :: baking tin, baking casserole (especially a smaller, ceramic or glass one)
uuno {adj} [colloquial] :: stupid
uuno {n} [colloquial] :: fool
Uuno {prop} :: given name
uupua {vi} :: to get tired, get exhausted, get fatigued
uupua {vi} :: to be missing
uupumaton {adj} :: tireless
uupumattomasti {adv} :: tirelessly
uupumattomuus {n} :: tirelessness
uupumus {n} :: fatigue, exhaustion
uupunut {adj} :: tired, exhausted
Uurainen {prop} :: Uurainen (municipality)
uuraislainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Uurainen
uuraislainen {n} :: a person from or living in Uurainen
uuras {adj} :: hardworking
uurastaa {vi} :: to toil
uurna {n} :: An urn, casket
uurnahauta {n} :: a grave in which an urn is buried
uurnalehto {n} :: urn garden, columbarium
uurnavaali {n} :: ballot box (process or method of voting)
uurre {n} :: furrow, line (deep wrinkle, such as in the skin of the face, especially on someone's forehead)
uurre {n} :: rut (track worn in the ground, as from the passage of many wheels along a road)
uurre {n} [geology] :: groove, striation (scratch or gouge cut into bedrock by glacial abrasion)
uurreliitos {n} :: dado joint
uurros {n} :: groove
uurros {n} :: kerf
uurrostaa {vt} :: To cut a groove
uurtaa {vt} :: to groove, furrow
uurteellinen {adj} :: groovy, having grooves
uurteinen {adj} :: Grooved
uurteinen {adj} :: Furrowed
uurteinen {adj} :: Fluted
uurteisvalas {n} :: rorqual (whale of the family Balaenopteridae)
-uus {suffix} :: Forms nouns from adjectives, expressing a quality
uus- {prefix} :: neo-
uus {adj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of uusi
uusaste {n} [geometry] :: gradian (unit of angle equal to 1/400 of full circle)
uusavuton {adj} :: incapable of taking care of himself/herself because of excessive pampering (used mostly of young people)
uusbarokki {n} :: Neo-Baroque
uusfasismi {n} :: neofascism
uusfasisti {n} :: neofascist
uusfasistinen {adj} :: neofascist
uusfilologia {n} :: new philology, modern philology
uushopea {n} :: nickel silver
uusi {adj} :: new
uusia {v} :: to renew
uusia {v} :: to redo; to renovate, remodel; to redecorate; to revise; to revamp; to rearrange
uusia {v} :: to retake, resit (an examination, test); to repeat (a crime); to replay (a match); to rerun (a TV program); to rebroadcast (a radio program)
uusia {v} :: to replace (one item with another)
uusi aika {n} :: modern era, modern age, modern history (period after the Middle Ages, i.e. from abt. the year 1500 to today)
Uusi-Etelä-Wales {prop} :: Uusi-Etelä-Wales (state)
Uusi-Guinea {prop} :: New Guinea
uusi hieno {adj} [colloquial] :: newfangled
uusija {n} :: renewer
Uusikaarlepyy {prop} :: Uusikaarlepyy (town/and/municipality)
uusikaarlepyyläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Nykarleby
uusikaarlepyyläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Nykarleby
Uusi Kaledonia {prop} :: alternative spelling of Uusi-Kaledonia
Uusi-Kaledonia {prop} :: Uusi-Kaledonia (overseas territory)
Uusikaupunki {prop} :: Uusikaupunki (town/and/municipality)
uusikaupunkilainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Uusikaupunki
uusikaupunkilainen {n} :: a person from or living in Uusikaupunki
uusikuu {n} :: new moon
Uusimaa {prop} :: Uusimaa
uusimaalainen {adj} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of uusmaalainen
uusiminen {n} :: renewal
uusimuotoinen {adj} :: Of or relating to a new form of something, having a new form; often best translated into English as "new" or "renewed"
uusin {adj} :: superlative of uusi
uusinta {n} :: rerun
uusinta {n} :: renewal
uusinta {n} :: replay
uusinta {n} :: resit
uusinta {n} [fencing] :: renewal, reprise (indirect renewal of an attack that missed or was parried)
uusintajulkaisu {n} :: republication, reissue, repost
uusintapainos {n} :: reprint
uusintarikollinen {n} :: repeat offender
uusiokäyttö {n} :: reuse (act of salvaging or in some manner returning a discarded item into something usable)
uusiokuitu {n} :: secondary fibre
uusiopaperi {n} :: recycled paper
uusiosana {n} :: an old forgotten word adapted as a neologism with a new meaning
uusiotuote {n} :: recycled product, secondary product
Uusi-Seelanti {prop} :: New Zealand
uusiseelantilainen {adj} :: Of or relating to New Zealand
uusiseelantilainen {n} :: A New Zealander
Uusitalo {prop} :: surname
Uusitalo {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
uusitestamentillinen {adj} [Bible] :: Related to the New Testament; neo-testamentary
Uusi testamentti {prop} [Christianity] :: The New Testament
uusiutua {vi} [of an illness or problem etc.] :: To recur, relapse (to repeat itself)
uusiutua {vi} :: To renew, regenerate
uusiutumaton {adj} :: nonrenewable
uusiutuva {adj} :: renewable
uusi vuosi {n} :: alternative spelling of uusivuosi
uusivuosi {n} :: New Year
uusivuosi {n} :: New Year's Eve (celebration)
uusklassinen {adj} :: neoclassical
uusklassisismi {n} :: neoclassicism
uusklassisistinen {adj} [rare] :: neoclassical
uusklassismi {n} :: neoclassicism
uuskokkiini {n} [organic chemistry] :: Ponceau 4R (food coloring, E124)
uuskolonialismi {n} :: neocolonialism
uuskonservatiivi {n} :: neoconservative, neocon
uuskonservatiivinen {adj} :: neoconservative
uuskonservatismi {n} :: neoconservatism
uusköyhä {adj} :: newly impoverished
uusköyhä {n} [in plural only] :: see uusköyhät
uusköyhät {n} [in plural] :: nouveau pauvre (peoople who have recently become poor)
uuslatina {n} :: New Latin
uusliberalismi {n} :: neoliberalism
uusliberalisti {n} :: neoliberal
uusliberalistinen {adj} :: neoliberal
uusmaalainen {adj} :: of or pertaining to Uusimaa, or its inhabitants
uusmerkintä {n} [finance] :: rights issue
uusnatsi {n} :: A neo-Nazi
uusnatsismi {n} :: neo-Nazism
uusnatsistinen {adj} :: neo-Nazi
uusnorja {n} :: Nynorsk, one of the two Norwegian languages
uuspakana {n} :: neo-pagan
uuspakanallinen {adj} :: neo-pagan (of or relating to neo-paganism)
uuspakanuus {n} :: neopaganism
uusplatonismi {n} :: Neoplatonism
uuspositivismi {n} :: neopositivism
uusrealismi {n} :: neorealism
uusrenessanssi {n} [architecture] :: Renaissance Revival
uusrikas {adj} :: newly rich
uusrikas {n} [in plural only] :: see uusrikkaat
uusrikkaat {n} [in plural, pejorative] :: new money, nouveau riche (wealthy persons whose fortunes are newly acquired)
uusrokokoo {n} [architecture] :: Rococo Revival
uusromantiikka {n} :: neoromanticism
uusšamanismi {n} :: neoshamanism
uussuomalainen {n} :: a person permanently residing in Finland but not of Finnish ethnic background; New Finn
uustulokas {n} [botany] :: neophyte
uusvuos {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of uusivuosi
uute {n} :: extract (liquid)
uute {n} :: tincture (alcoholic extract of plant material, used as a medicine)
uute {n} :: beer (solution produced by seeping plant materials)
uutinen {n} :: news item, item of news, news; tiding (individual piece of new information)
uutinen {n} [in plural] :: news (new information of interest)
uutinen {n} [in plural] :: news (report of current events)
uutinen {n} [usually in plural] :: firstfruit (offering of the first of the harvest)
uutisaineisto {n} :: news material, copy
uutisankka {n} :: canard (false or misleading report or story)
uutisankkuri {n} :: anchorman, news anchor (main host of a news program on TV)
uutisartikkeli {n} :: news article
uutisarvo {n} :: newsworthiness
uutisfilmi {n} :: newsreel
uutiskanava {n} :: news channel
uutiskierto {n} [media] :: news cycle
uutiskirje {n} :: newsletter
uutiskuva {n} :: news photo
uutiskuvaaja {n} :: news photographer, cameraman
uutiskynnys {n} :: "news threshold"; a figurative threshold that an event, etc. must surpass in order to be considered newsworthy
uutislähetys {n} :: newscast, news broadcast
uutismotti {n} :: news blackout
uutisoida {vt} :: To release a piece of news
uutispalvelu {n} :: news service
uutispimennys {n} :: news blackout
uutispommi {n} :: bombshell (shocking news)
uutistenlukija {n} :: news anchor [US], newscaster [British], newsreader [British]
uutistoimisto {n} :: news agency
uutistoimitus {n} :: newsroom (office of a news organisation)
uutisvuoto {n} :: news leak
-uuttaa {suffix} :: Variant of -uttaa used with some bisyllabic stems
uuttaa {vt} :: to extract (to withdraw by expression, distillation or other mechanical or chemical process)
uuttaminen {n} [chemistry] :: extraction
uuttera {adj} :: industrious
uutterasti {adv} :: industriously
uutto {n} :: extraction
uuttu {n} :: birdhouse
uuttua {vi} :: to be subject to extraction
uuttukyyhky {n} :: stock dove, stock pigeon [Columba oenas]
uutukainen {adj} :: new
uutuus {n} :: newness, novelty (state or quality of being new)
uutuus {n} :: A novelty (new product, innovation)
uutuusarvo {n} :: novelty value
uuvahtaa {vi} :: To get tired
uuvana {n} :: diapensia, Diapensia lapponica
uuvuksiin {adv} :: to exhaustion (to the state of exhaustion)
uuvuksissa {adv} :: exhausted (in the state of exhaustion)
uuvuttaa {vt} :: to exhaust
uuvuttava {adj} :: backbreaking, exhausting, gruelling (so difficult or taxing as to make one exhausted)
uvaroviitti {n} [mineral] :: uvarovite
uve {n} :: A hole in the ice of a lake etc. created by water flowing from below the ice
uveavanto {n} :: Same as uve
uveiitti {n} [pathology] :: uveitis
uvertyyri {n} [music] :: overture
uvulaarinen {adj} [phonetics, anatomy] :: uvular
uzbekinkielinen {adj} :: Uzbek-speaking
uzbekinkielinen {adj} :: Uzbek-language (expressed in the Uzbek language)
uzbekintaa {v} :: to translate into Uzbek
Uzbekistan {prop} :: Uzbekistan (country)
uzbekistanilainen {adj} :: Uzbekistani (of or pertaining to Uzbekistan)
uzbekistanilaisuus {n} :: property of being Uzbekistani
Uzbekistanin tasavalta {prop} :: The Republic of Uzbekistan
uzbekki {n} :: Uzbek (language)
uzbekki {n} :: Uzbek (person)