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An overview of endocrine glands
endocrine gland (plural endocrine glands)
- (anatomy) Any of various glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood or lymph and not through a duct.
- Synonym: ductless gland
- Antonym: exocrine gland
- Hyponyms: pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, pancreas, adrenal gland, gonads (ovaries/testes)
2019, Bill Bryson, The Body: A Guide for Occupants, Black Swan (2020), page 166:An endocrine gland is one that secretes its products directly into the bloodstream.
any of various glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood or lymph and not through a duct
- Catalan: glàndula endocrina f
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 內分泌腺 / 内分泌腺 (zh) (nèifēnmìxiàn)
- Czech: žláza s vnitřní sekrecí f, endokrinní žláza f
- Dutch: endocriene klier m or f
- Estonian: sisenõrenääre
- Finnish: umpirauhanen (fi), sisäeritysrauhanen, hormonirauhanen
- French: glande endocrine f
- German: Hormondrüse (de) f, Endokrindrüse f, endokrine Drüse f
- Greek: ενδοκρινής αδένας m (endokrinís adénas)
- Hungarian: endokrin mirigy, belső elválasztású mirigy
- Irish: faireog inchríneach f
- Italian: ghiandola endocrina (it) f
- Japanese: 内分泌腺 (ja) (ないぶんぴつせん, naibunpitsusen)
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål: endokrint organ n, endokrin kjertel m
- Polish: gruczoł dokrewny m, gruczoł endokrynny m, gruczoł hormonalny m, gruczoł wewnątrzwydzielniczy m, gruczoł wydzielania wewnętrznego m
- Romanian: glandă endocrină (ro) f
- Russian: эндокри́нная железа́ (ru) f (endokrínnaja železá)
- Thai: ต่อมไร้ท่อ (dtɔ̀m-rái-tɔ̂ɔ)
- Ukrainian: ендокри́нна за́лоза f (endokrýnna záloza)
- Welsh: chwarren endocrin f