User:Mglovesfun/list of English words of French origin/a-d
[edit]- abandon
- abandonment
- abase (Old French abaissier)
- abash (Old French esbaïr)
- abate (Old French abatre, compare modern French abattre)
- abatement (Old French abatement, compare modern French abattement)
- abatis
- abattoir
- abbatial
- abbe
- abbess
- abbey (Anglo-Norman abbeie, from Old French abaïe, compare modern French abbaye)
- abbreviation, (French abréviation)
- abdication
- aberrant
- aberration
- abet (Old French abeter)
- abeyance (Anglo-Norman abeiance, from Old French abeance)
- abhor (French abhorrer)
- ability (Old French ableté, compare modern French habileté with restoration of initial h of Latin habilitas)
- abject
- abjection
- abjuration
- abjure (French abjurer)
- ablation (French ablation)
- ablative
- able, from Old French, compare modern French habile or capable
- ablution
- abnormal compare anormal
- aboard (Middle French à bord)
- abolish, compare abolir
- abolition
- abominable
- abomination
- abound
- abrasion
- abrasive, French abrasif, abrasive(fem.)
- abridge, French abréger
- abrogation
- abrupt
- absence
- absent
- absinthe
- absolute, from Middle French, compare modern French absolu
- absolution
- absorb (French absorber)
- abstain (Old French abstenir)
- abstention
- abstinence
- abstinent
- absurd
- absurdity (French absurdité)
- abundance (Old French abundance, modern French abondance)
- abundant
- abuse (French abuser)
- abusive (French abusif, abusive(fem.) )
- abut (Old French abouter)
- abysmal (Old French abisme)
- academy, compare académie, from Ancient Greek akademeia
- Acadia (French Acadie)
- acceleration (French accélération)
- accent (French accent)
- accept (French accepter)
- acceptable
- acceptance
- access (French accès)
- accessible
- accession
- accident
- acclamation
- acclimate (French acclimater)
- accolade
- accommodation
- accompaniment (French accompagnement)
- accompany (Old French acompaignier, modern French accompagner)
- accomplice (Old French complice)
- accomplish (Old French acomplir, modern French accomplir)
- accord
- accordance (Old French accordance)
- accost
- accoucheur
- account (Old French acont)
- accountant (Old French acontant)
- accourtre
- accoutrements
- accredit
- accreditation
- accrue
- accumulation
- accusation
- accusative (Old French accusatif)
- accuse
- accustom (Old French acostumer, modern French accoutumer)
- ace, (Old French as)
- acephalous, (French acéphale)
- acerbity, (Middle French acerbité)
- acetic, (French acétique)
- acetylene, (French acétylène)
- achieve, (Old French achever)
- achievement, (Old French achievement)
- acid, (French acide)
- aconite, (French aconit)
- acoustic, (French acoustique)
- acquaint, (Old French acointier)
- acquaintance, (Old French acointance)
- acquiesce, (Middle French acquiescer)
- acquiescence, (Middle French acquiescence)
- acquire, (Old French aquerre)
- acquisition
- acquit (Old French acquitter)
- acrimonious (French acrimonieux)
- acrimony (French acrimonie)
- acrobat (French acrobate)
- acrobatic (French acrobatique)
- acromegaly (French acromégalie)
- across (Anglo-Norman en cros)
- act (Old French acte)
- action
- activity, (Middle French activité)
- actual, (Old French actuel)
- acuity, (Middle French acuité)
- adage
- adapt, (Middle French adapter)
- adaptation
- addition
- address
- adhere
- adherence
- adhesion
- adhesive, compare adhésif or feminine form adhésive
- adieu, which literally means "to God" (à Dieu), farewell
- adjective, compare adjectif
- adjoin
- adjourn (Old French ajourner)
- adjudge (Old French ajugier, compare modern French adjuger)
- adjust (Old French ajoster, compare modern French ajuster)
- administer (Old French aministrer, compare modern French administrer)
- administration
- admirable
- admiral (Old French amiral)
- admiration
- admire
- admissible
- admission
- admonish (Old French amonester, compare modern French admonester)
- admonition
- adolescence
- adolescent
- adopt
- adoption
- adorable
- adoration
- adore
- adorn (Old French aorner)
- adornment (Old French aornement)
- adroit
- adulation
- adultery (Old French avoutrie or aoulterie, compare modern French adultère)
- advance (Old French avancer)
- advancement (Old French avancement)
- advantage (Old French avantage)
- advantageous
- adventure, (Old French auenture, compare modern French aventure)
- adventurous, (Old French aventuros, compare modern French aventureux)
- adversary, (Anglo-Norman adverser, from Old French adversier, compare modern French adversaire)
- adverse (Old French avers, compare modern French adverse)
- adversity (Anglo-Norman adversité, from Old French aversité, compare modern French adversité)
- advertisement, (French avertissement (“warning”))
- advice, (Old French avis [opinion])
- advise, (Old French aviser [give one's opinion])
- advocacy, (Old French advocacie)
- advocate (Old French avocat)
- aerobic (French aérobie)
- aerodynamics (French aérodynamique)
- aeronautics (French aéronautique)
- aeroplane (French aéroplane)
- affability (French affabilité)
- affable
- affair, (Anglo-Norman afere, from Old French afaire or à faire, compare modern French affaire)
- affection
- affiance (Old French afiancer)
- affiliation
- affinity, (Old French afinité, compare modern French affinité)
- affirm, (Old French afermer, compare modern French affirmer)
- affirmation
- affirmative
- affix (Middle French affixer, from Old French afichier, compare modern French afficher)
- afflict
- affliction
- affluence
- affluent
- affront
- afraid past participle of afray (Anglo-Norman afrayer, from Old French esfreer, compare modern French effrayer))
- agate
- age
- agent provocateur
- aggrandisement French agrandissement
- aggravation
- aggression, compare agression
- aggrieve, (Old French agrever, compare modern French aggraver)
- agile
- agility
- à gogo, or a-go-go, in abundance
- agrarian
- agree (Old French agreer, compare modern French agréer (“to accept, to please”))
- agreeable, compare modern French agréable
- agreeance (Old French agreance)
- agreement (Old French agreement, compare modern French agrément [authorization or amenity])
- agronomy
- ague
- aid (Old French aide)
- aide-de-camp
- aileron
- aim (Old French esmer)
- air
- aisle
- à la, in the style of...
- alabaster, from Old French alabastre (> Latin > Greek > Egyptian a-labaste}})
- à la carte
- alarm
- alas, from Old French phrase ha las!, compare modern French hélas
- alchemist
- alchemy
- alcove
- alembic Middle French alambic, from Arabic al anbiq
- alert
- algorithm
- alien (Old French alien)
- alienation (Middle French alienation)
- align, (Middle French aligner)
- alignment, (French alignement)
- allegation
- allege
- allegiance (Anglo-Norman legaunce, from Old French legeance, compare modern French allégeance)
- allegorical
- allegory
- allemande
- alley compare allée
- alliance
- allocation
- allot (Old French aloter)
- allotment French alotement
- allow (Old French alouer)
- allowable (Old French alouable)
- allowance (Old French alouance)
- alloy (Anglo-Norman alai, from Old French aleier)
- allude
- allure
- ally (Old French alier)
- almond, (Old French almande, compare modern French amande)
- almoner (Old French almosnier, compare modern French aumônier)
- alter
- alteration
- altruism
- altruistic
- alum
- amass
- amateur
- ambassador
- amber
- ambergris
- ambiance
- ambience
- ambiguity
- ambiguous
- ambition
- amble (Old French ambler)
- ambulance
- ambuscade
- ambush (Old French embuscher)
- amelioration
- amenable
- amend
- amendment
- amends
- amenity
- amerce
- amethyst
- ami
- amiable
- amity
- ammonite
- ammunition, from munition
- amnesty, compare amnistie
- amorous, from Old French, compare modern French amoureux
- amortise
- amount
- amount
- amour
- amour-propre
- ampere
- ample
- amplify
- amplitude
- ampoule
- ampul
- amulet (Middle French amulette)
- amuse
- amusement
- anagram
- analogue
- analyse
- analyst
- anatomy
- ancestor (Old French ancestre, compare modern French ancêtre)
- ancestral
- ancestry
- ancien regime
- ancient
- andiron (Old French andier)
- andouille
- anecdote
- angel (Old French angel)
- angelic
- angle
- anguish (from Old French anguisse, now angoisse)
- anime French animé
- animosity
- anise (Old French anis)
- anisette
- annals (Old French annales)
- annelid
- annex, (Old French annexer)
- annihilation
- announce
- announcement
- annoy, from Old French anoier, modern French ennuyer
- annoyance
- annual (Old French annuel)
- annuity (Old French annuité)
- annul (Old French annuler)
- annunciation (French annonciation)
- anoint (Old French enoint, past participle of enoindre, compare modern French oindre)
- anomy
- anonym (French anonyme)
- antecedent, compare antécédent
- antechamber, compare antichambre
- antelope, (Old French antelop, compare modern French antilope)
- anther, compare anthère
- antibiotic, French antibiotique
- antigen, French antigène
- antique
- antiquity (Old French antiquitet, compare modern French antiquité)
- antler (Anglo-Norman auntiler, from Old French antoillier, modern French andouiller)
- anus (Old French anus)
- apart (Old French a part)
- apartment, French appartement
- apathy
- apercu, French aperçu
- aperitif, French apéritif
- aphorism
- aplomb
- apologetic
- apologist
- apologue
- apoplectic
- aporetic
- apostille
- apostle (Old French apostle, compare modern French apôtre)
- apostrophe
- apothecary (Old French apotecaire, compare modern French apothicaire)
- appall (Old French apalir, compare modern French pâlir)
- appanage (Old French apanage)
- apparel, (Old French apareillier, compare modern French appareil)
- apparent
- apparition
- appeal
- appear
- appearance
- appease
- appeasement
- appellant
- appellation
- appellee
- apperception
- appertain
- appetence
- appetite
- application
- applique
- apply (Old French aplier, compare modern French appliquer (“to apply, to implement”))
- appoint
- appointee
- appointment
- apportion
- appose
- appraise
- appreciable
- appreciation
- apprehend
- apprise
- approach
- approbation
- appropre
- approvance
- approve
- appurtenance
- appurtenant
- apricot (French abricot, from Portuguese albricoque, from Arabic al-birquq)
- apron (Old French naperon)
- après-ski
- apropos (French à propos)
- aquarelle
- aquatic
- aqueous
- arabesque
- arable
- arachnid
- arbalest
- arbitrage
- arbitration
- arbitrator
- arbitrer
- arbour
- arc
- arcade
- arch
- archaic
- archduke
- archeology
- archer
- archery
- archetype
- architect
- architecture
- archives
- arctic
- ardent
- ardour
- are
- arête
- argent (French argent)
- argot
- argue, (Old French arguer)
- argument
- argumentation
- aridity
- aristocracy
- aristocrat
- aristocratic
- arithmetic
- arm (weapon) (Old French arme)
- armagnac
- armament
- armature
- armistice
- armoire
- armorer
- armour
- army
- aromatherapy
- aromatic
- arraign
- arraignment
- arrange
- arrangement
- arras
- array
- arrearage
- arrears
- arrest, from Old French arester
- arrive
- arriviste
- arrogance
- arrogant
- arrondissement
- arsenal
- arsenic
- arson
- art
- art brut
- art deco
- art nouveau
- arterial
- artery
- artesian
- article
- articulation
- artifice
- artificial
- artillery
- artisan
- artist
- artiste
- artistic
- asbestos (Old French abeste)
- ascendant
- ascertain
- ascribe (Old French ascrivre)
- ashlar (Old French aiseler)
- asine
- askance (Old French a escone)
- asp (Middle French aspe, modern French vipère aspic)
- asperity
- aspic
- aspirant
- aspire
- assail
- assailant
- assassin (French assassin, from Arabic hashishiyyi ("hashish users"))
- assault
- assay
- assemblage
- assemble
- assembly
- assent
- assertion
- assess (Anglo-Norman assesser)
- assessor (Old French assessour, compare modern French assesseur)
- assets (Anglo-Norman asetz, from Old French assez [enough])
- assign
- assignation
- assignee
- assignment
- assist
- assistance
- assistant
- assize
- assonance
- assort
- assuage
- assume
- assurance
- assure
- astonish
- astray
- astrolabe
- astronomy
- atavism
- atelier
- atheism
- atheist
- attach
- attaché
- attachment
- attack
- attain
- attainder
- attainment
- attempt
- attend
- attendance
- attendant
- attentive
- attest
- attestation
- attire
- attitude
- attorn
- attorney (Old French atorné past participle of atorner)
- attraction
- attractive
- attribution
- aubade
- aubain
- aubergine
- auburn
- au courant
- audible
- audience
- audition
- auditor
- au fait
- augment
- augmentation
- augmentative
- au naturel
- aunt (Anglo-Norman aunte, from Old French ante, compare modern French tante)
- aureole
- auspices
- austerity
- auteur
- authentic
- author (Old French autor, compare modern French auteur)
- authorise
- authority
- autoclave
- autocracy
- autocrat
- autocratic
- automobile
- autumn
- avail
- avalanche
- avant
- avant-garde
- avarice
- avaricious
- avaunt
- avenge
- avenue
- aver
- average
- averment
- avert
- aviation (French aviation)
- aviator
- avid (French avide)
- avidity
- avocet
- avoid (Old French evuider)
- avoirdupois
- avouch
- avow (Old French aveu)
- await (Anglo-Norman awaitier, from Old French agaitier)
- award (Anglo-Norman awarder, from Old French esguarder)
- axiom (French axiome)
- aye-aye
- azimuth (Old French azimut, from Arabic as-sumut|lang=fr)
- azure (Old French azur, from Arabic (al)-lazaward, from Persian lajward)
[edit]- baba au rhum
- baboon (French babouin)
- babouche (French babouche, from Arabic babush, from Persian papush)
- baccarat
- bachelor (Old French bacheler)
- bacon (Old French bacon)
- bacteriophage (French bactériophage)
- badinage
- bagatelle
- baggage, (Old French bagage)
- baguette
- bail (Old French baillier)
- bailey
- bailiff
- baize
- balance
- baldric (Old French baldre, compare modern French baudrier)
- bale (Old French bale, from Germanic)
- baleen
- ball (dancing party) (Old French baller)
- ballad (French ballade, from Old Provençal ballada)
- ballet (French ballet, from Italian balletto)
- ballon
- balloon (French ballon)
- balm (Old French basme, compare modern French baume)
- baluster (French balustre, from Italian balaustro)
- balustrade (French balustrade, from Italian balaustrata)
- banal
- banality
- band, (Middle French bande)
- bandage
- bandeau
- bandolier
- bandy
- banish (Old French banir, from Frankish *bannjan)
- bank (Old French banque, from Old Italian banca, from Germanic)
- banner
- banquet
- banquette
- baptise (Old French baptisier)
- baptism (Old French baptesme or bapteme, compare modern French baptême)
- bar (Old French barre)
- barb (Old French barbe)
- bargain (Old French bargaignier)
- barge
- bark (small ship) (Middle French barque)
- baron (Old French baron, from Frankish *baro)
- baroness
- baroque
- barque
- barracks
- barrage
- barratry
- barre
- barrel (Old French baril)
- barren, (Old French baraigne)
- barret
- barrette
- barricade
- barrier
- barter (Old French barater)
- base
- basil
- basin
- basket
- bas-relief
- basset (hound)
- bassinet
- bassoon
- bastard
- baste [sew] (Old French bastir)
- bastion
- bate (Old French batre, compare modern French battre)
- bathyscaphe
- baton
- battalion (Middle French bataillon, from Italian battaglione)
- batten (French baton)
- batter
- battery
- battle (Old French bataille)
- battlement
- bauble
- baud
- bauxite
- bay, compare baie
- bayonet, compare baïonnette
- beagle (French bagle)
- beak, (Old French bec)
- Béarnaise, a type of sauce, named after a region in France (Béarn)
- beast (Old French beste, compare modern French bête)
- beatification
- beatitude
- beau, a lover or a dandy
- beau idéal
- beau monde
- beauty (Old French beauté)
- beaux arts, fine arts
- bechamel
- beef (Old French buef, compare modern French bœuf)
- beef bourguignon
- beggar (Old French begart)
- begonia
- beige
- beignet
- beldame
- belfry
- belle
- belles-lettres
- benefice (French bénéfice)
- beneficial
- benefit (Anglo-Norman benfet, compare modern French bienfait)
- benevolent
- benign
- benignity
- benison
- benzoin
- berate
- berceuse
- beret, compare béret
- bergamot
- berline
- berm (French berme, from Old Dutch baerm)
- beryl (Old French beryl, from Ancient Greek berullos, from Sanskrit vaidurya)
- bestial
- bête noire
- betray
- bevel
- beverage (Anglo-Norman beverage, from Old French boivre (“to drink”), compare modern Frenchbreuvage)
- bevy
- bezant
- bezel
- bezique
- bias
- bibelot
- bibliophile
- bice (short form of French bleu bis (brownish-grey blue))
- bicycle, compare bicyclette
- bidet
- bigamy
- bigot
- bigotry
- bijou
- bikini
- bile
- bilge
- biliary
- bilious
- billet
- billet-doux, a love letter
- billiards French billiard, dimunitive of Old French bille (“stick of wood”), from Gaulish *bilia (“tree”)
- billion
- binocular
- biopsy
- biscuit
- bison
- bisque
- bistro
- bittern
- bituminous
- bivouac
- bizarre
- blame
- blanch
- blancmange
- blandish
- blank (Old French blanc)
- blanket, from Old French blanchet (originally "a white cloth")
- blasé
- blaspheme
- blasphemy
- blazon
- blemish
- bleu cheese
- blister
- bloc
- block
- blond
- blonde
- blouse
- bludgeon
- blue Old French bloe, from Frankish *blao
- bobbin
- boil (Old French boillir)
- Boise
- boisterous
- bomb
- bombard (French bombarde)
- bombardier
- bombast
- bombazine
- bombe
- bon appétit
- bonbon
- bonhomie
- bon mot
- bonnet, from Old French, compare modern French bonnet
- bonny
- bon-ton
- bon viveur the French use bon vivant instead
- bon voyage
- boor
- boot
- booty
- borage
- borax
- Bordeaux (wine)
- bordello
- border
- botanic
- botony
- bottle
- bouche
- boudoir
- bouffant
- bougainvillea
- bougie
- bouillabaisse
- bouillon
- boule
- boulevard
- boulevardier
- bound Old French bondir (verb), bonde (noun)
- boundary
- bounty
- bouquet
- bourbon (whiskey)
- bourgeois
- bourgeoisie
- bourn
- bourse
- boutique
- boutonniere
- bowel
- bowls
- brace
- bracelet
- brach
- bracket
- braggart
- brail
- Braille
- braise
- bran, from Old French bran or bren
- branch
- brandish, Old French brandir
- brassiere, bras, compare French brassière, although the modern French for this is soutien-gorge|soutien-gorge
- brave
- bravery
- brawn
- bray
- braze
- brazier
- bream
- brevet
- bribe
- bric-a-brac
- brick
- Brie cheese
- brigade
- brigadier
- brigand
- brigantine
- brilliance
- brilliant, compare brillant
- brioche
- briquette
- Britain Old French Bretaigne, from Latin Britannia
- Briton Anglo-Norman Bretun, from Latin Brittonem
- Brittany Old French Bretaigne, from Latin Britannia
- broach
- brochure, French brochure, from brocher - to stitch
- broderie anglaise, a type of embroidery
- broil
- broker
- bromine
- bronze
- brooch
- brose
- brouhaha
- browse
- Bruce (Norman name)
- bruise Old French bruisier
- bruit
- brulee
- brume
- brunet
- brunette
- brush
- brusque
- brut
- brute
- buccaneer French boucanier
- bucket
- buckle, compare boucle
- buckler
- buckram
- budge
- budget, from Old French bougette (a little purse)
- buff
- buffer
- buffet
- buffoon
- bugle
- bulb
- bulge
- bullet, from boulette, although the modern French for this is balle
- bulletin
- bullion
- bun
- burden compare bourdon
- bureau
- bureaucracy
- bureaucrat
- burette
- burgeon
- burgess
- burglar
- Burgundy wine, Old French Burgondie, now Bourgogne
- burin
- burlesque
- burnish
- bushel
- busk
- busker
- buskin
- bustard
- bustier
- butcher
- butchery
- butler
- butt
- butte
- buttery
- button, Old French boton, compare modern French bouton
- buttress
- buzzard
[edit]- cabal, compare cabale
- cabaret
- cabbage, Middle French caboche (“head”)
- cabernet
- cabin
- cabinet
- cable
- cabochon
- cabotage
- cabriolet
- cache, compare cacher
- cache-sexe
- cachet
- cadastral
- caddie Scottish, from French cadet
- cadence
- cadet
- Cadillac, named for Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac
- cadre
- café
- café au lait
- cafetière
- cage
- cagoule
- cahier
- cahoots
- caisson
- caitiff
- cajole, compare cajoler
- cajolery
- Cajun
- calaboose
- calamine
- calamitous
- calamity
- calcify
- calendar Old French calendier, compare modern French calendrier
- calender
- calibre
- caliph French caliphe, from Arabic khalîfa
- caliphate
- calligraphy French calligraphie, from Ancient Greek kalos "beautiful" + grapho "I write"
- calm
- calmative
- calomel
- caloric
- calorie
- calque
- calumet
- calumny
- Calvinism
- camaraderie
- camber
- camel
- camembert
- camisole French camisole, from Occitan camisola
- camomile
- camouflage
- camp
- campaign, compare campagne
- camphor
- cancan
- canaille
- canal
- canapé
- canard
- canary
- cancel, Anglo-Norman canceler, evolution of chanceler (“to cross out”) (1293)
- candy
- cane
- cannon
- cannonade
- canon (clergyman), Anglo-Norman canun, from Old Northern French canonie (compare French chanoine)
- canonise, Old French cannonisier
- canteen
- cantle
- canton
- cantonment
- canvas
- capable
- capacity
- cap-a-pie
- caparison
- cape
- capillarity
- capitalism
- capitalist
- capitulation
- capon Old Northern French capon, compare modern French chapon
- capote
- caprice
- capricious
- capsid
- capstan Old French cabestant, from Old Provençal cabestan
- capsule
- captain Old French capitaine
- caption
- captious
- capture
- Capuchin
- car Old Northern French carre, from Latin carrus, from Gaulish karros
- carabineer
- carafe
- caramel
- carapace
- carat
- caravan
- caravel
- carbine
- carbon
- carbonate
- carbuncle
- carcass
- card (French carte)
- cardiac
- careen
- career (French carrière)
- caress
- caribou
- caricature
- carillon
- carious
- carmine
- carnage
- carnation
- carnival
- carnivore
- carob, French carobe, from Arabic kharrub
- carol
- carom
- carouse
- carousel
- carp
- carpel
- carpenter
- carpentry
- carpet
- carrack
- carrefour
- carriage
- carrion
- carrot
- carry, Old Northern French carrier, (compare French charrier)
- carte blanche
- carte de visite
- cartel
- carter
- Cartesian
- cartilage
- cartography
- carton
- cartouche
- cartridge
- caryatid
- cascade
- case
- casein
- casement
- cash, Middle French caisse
- cashew
- cashier
- cask
- casque
- casserole
- cassette
- cassis
- cassock
- castle, Old North French castel, Old French chastel, compare modern French château
- castor
- casual (Old French casuel)
- casuist, compare casuiste
- cataclysm
- catafalque
- catalogue
- catapult
- catch
- catchpoll
- catechumen
- category
- caterpillar
- catheter
- catholic
- cattle
- caudle
- caul
- cauldron
- caulk
- causative
- cause
- caustic
- cauterize
- caution
- cavalcade
- cavalier
- cavalry, compare cavalerie
- cave
- cavern
- caviar
- cavil
- cavity
- cease Old French cessier
- cedar Old French cedre
- celadon
- celebrant
- celebration
- celebrity
- celerity
- celery
- celestial
- celibate
- cellar
- cellulite
- cellulose
- Celtic
- cement (Old French ciment)
- cemetery
- cenacle
- cenotaph
- cense, compare encenser
- censer (Old French censier)
- censure
- centime (French centime)
- centimetre
- centipede
- centralization
- centre (Old French centre)
- centrifuge
- centrist
- cephalopod
- cere
- cereal
- cerebral
- ceremonious
- cerise
- certain
- certainty
- certificate
- certify
- certitude
- cession
- Chablis
- chafe
- chagrin
- chain
- chair, Old French chaiere "chair", compare modern French chaire "pulpit, throne"
- chaise, French chaise, from Old French chaiere
- chaise longue or sometimes chaise lounge
- chalet
- chalice, Old French chalice or calice, compare modern French calice
- challenge, Old French chalonge and chalengier
- challenger, Anglo-Norman chalengeour
- chamber
- chamberlain, Old French chamberlenc, compare modern French chambellan
- chambray
- chameleon, Old French chameleon, from Latin chamaeleon, from Greek khamaileon|lang=fr
- chamfer
- chamois
- champagne
- champaign
- champertous
- champignon
- champion
- chance
- chancel
- chancellor
- chancery
- chancre
- chandelier
- chandler
- chandlery
- change
- changeable
- channel
- chant
- chanteuse
- chanterelle
- chanticleer
- chantilly cream
- chapeau
- chapel
- chaperon
- chaplain
- chaplet
- chapter
- charabanc
- character, Old French caractere
- charade
- charcuterie
- chard
- Chardonnay
- charette
- charge
- chariot
- charitable
- charity
- charlatan
- Charles, French Charles, from Medieval Latin Carolus, from Old High German Karl
- charlotte
- charm
- charnel
- chart
- charter
- chartreuse
- chase, Old French chacier, compare modern French chasser
- chaser
- chassé
- chasseur
- chassis
- chaste
- chasten
- chastise
- chastity
- chasuble
- château
- chateaubriand
- chatelaine
- chattel
- chauffeur
- chauvinism
- cheat, Old French escheat
- check, Old French eschec
- checker, Old French eschequier
- checkmate, Old French eschec mat, from Persian shah mat, compare modern French échec et mat
- cheer (Old French chiere)
- chef, French chef
- chemise
- chemist, French chimiste
- chenille
- cheque
- cherish (Old French cherir)
- cherry, Anglo-Norman and Old Northern French cherise, compare Old French and modern French cerise
- chess, Old French eschés
- chestnut
- cheval de frise
- cheval glass
- chevalier
- chevron
- Cheyenne, French Cheyenne, from Dakota Sahi'yena
- chez
- chic
- Chicago (from Fort Chécagou, from Algonquian)
- chicane
- chicanery
- chichi
- chickpea
- chicory
- chief, Old French chief, compare modern French chef
- chieftain, Old French chevetain, compare modern French cheftaine (only the feminine form remains)
- chiffon
- chiffonade
- chiffonier
- chignon
- chimera
- chimney
- chiromancy
- chisel
- chitin
- chivalrous
- chivalry
- chive
- chloroform
- chlorophyll
- chock
- choice
- choir
- choler
- choleric
- cholesterol
- choreography
- chowder
- Christianity
- chrome
- chromium
- chronic
- chronicle
- chute
- cider
- cigarette
- cinema, French cinéma
- cinematic
- cinematography
- cinnabar
- cinnamon
- cinquain
- circle
- circlet
- circuit
- circular
- circulation
- circulatory
- circumcise
- circumspection
- circumstance
- cirque
- cistern
- citadel
- citation
- cite
- citizen
- citron
- citronella
- city, Old French cité, compare modern French cité
- civet
- civil
- civilian
- civilisation
- civilize
- claim (Old French clamer)
- clairvoyance
- clamor
- clamorous
- claque
- claret
- clarification
- clarify
- clarinet, compare clarinet
- clarion
- clarity
- class
- classic
- classify
- clause
- clavicle
- clavier
- clear
- clechy
- clef
- clement
- clementine
- clergy
- cliché
- client
- clientele
- climate
- clinic
- clinician
- clique
- cloak
- cloche
- clock
- cloisonne
- cloister
- close
- closet, from Old French closet
- closure
- cloture
- clyster
- coach
- coagulation
- coalition
- coast
- coat
- coat of arms
- cocaine
- cochineal
- cock
- cockade
- Cockaigne, Old French Cocaigne, compare modern French pays de Cocagne
- cockatrice
- cockle
- cocoon
- cocotte
- coddle
- code
- codeine
- codicil
- coefficient
- coercion
- Coeur d'Alene
- coffer
- coffin
- cogent
- cogitation
- cogitative
- cognac
- cognisance
- cohabitation
- coherence
- coherent
- cohesion
- cohort
- coif
- coiffeur
- coiffeuse
- coiffure
- coil
- coin, Old French coigne
- coinage
- coincide
- coincidence
- coincident
- Cointreau
- collaboration
- collage
- collagen
- collar, Old French coler
- collateral
- collation
- colleague
- collect
- collection
- collective
- collector
- college
- collegial
- collet
- collision
- colloid
- collusion
- cologne
- colonel, Middle French coronel, compare modern French colonel
- colonnade
- colossal
- colour, color
- coloration
- columbine
- column
- combat
- combatant
- combination
- combine
- combust
- combustible
- combustion
- comedian and comedienne, compare comédien and comédienne
- comedy
- comestible
- comet
- comfit
- comfiture
- comfort
- comfortable
- comforter
- comity
- command
- commandant
- commendation
- commander
- commandment
- comme il faut
- commemoration
- commence
- commencement
- commendable
- commendation
- commensal
- comment
- commentary
- commerce
- commercial
- commiseration
- commissariat
- commission
- commissioner
- commode
- common
- commodity
- commodore
- common
- commotion
- communal
- communalism
- commune
- communicable
- communicate
- communication
- communicative
- communion
- communiqué
- communism (French communisme)
- communist
- community, Old French comunalté, modern French communauté
- commutation
- compact
- compaction
- companion
- company, Old French compagnie
- comparable
- comparative
- compare
- comparison
- compartment
- compass
- compassion
- compatible
- compatriot
- compeer
- compel
- compendious
- compensable
- compensation
- compensatory
- compere
- compete
- competence
- competent
- competitor
- compilation
- compile
- compiler
- complain
- complainant
- complaint
- complaisance
- complaisant
- complement
- complete
- complex
- complexion
- complication
- complicity
- compliment, French compliment
- compline
- comply
- comport
- comportment
- compose
- composite
- composition
- compost
- compote
- compound
- comprehension
- comprehensive
- compress
- compression
- comprise
- compromise
- compulsion
- compulsive
- compunction
- computation
- compute
- comrade, French camarade
- concave
- concavity
- conceal
- concealment
- concede
- conceive
- concentric
- concept
- conception
- concern
- concert
- concession
- concessionaire
- concierge
- conciliation
- concision
- conclusion
- conclusive
- concomitance
- concord
- concordance
- concordant
- concordat
- concourse
- concretion
- concubinage
- concurrence
- concurrent
- condemn
- condense
- condescend
- condescendence
- condign
- condiment
- condition
- conditional
- conduction
- conductor
- conduit
- condyle
- cone
- coney
- confection
- confederacy
- confederation
- confer
- conference
- confess
- confession
- confessional
- confidant
- confidante
- confidence
- confident
- confine
- confinement
- confirm
- confirmation
- confiscation
- confit
- conflagration
- confluent
- conform
- conformity
- confound
- confraternity
- confrere
- confront
- confrontation
- confusion
- confute
- congeal
- congee
- congener
- congestion
- congratulation
- congregation
- congruity
- conjecture
- conjoin
- conjoint
- conjugal
- conjunction
- conjuncture
- conjuration
- conjure
- conjurer
- connect
- connection
- connoisseur, Old French conoisseor, compare modern French connaisseur
- conquer
- conqueror
- conquest
- consanguine
- consanguinity
- conscience
- conscientious
- conscription
- consecutive
- consent
- consequence
- consequent
- conservation
- conservative
- conservator
- conserve
- consider
- consideration
- consign
- consist
- consistence
- consistory
- consolation
- console
- consommé
- consonance
- consonant
- consort
- conspiracy
- conspirator
- conspire
- constable
- constance
- constant
- constellation
- consternation
- constitution
- constrain
- constraint
- construction
- constructive
- consuetude
- consul
- consult
- consultation
- consume
- consumption
- contagion
- contagious
- contain
- contaminate
- contemn
- contemplation
- contemplative
- contend
- content
- contention
- contentious
- contentment
- contest
- contestant
- contiguity
- continence
- continent
- contingent
- continual
- continuance
- continuation
- continue
- continuity
- contortion
- contour
- contra dance
- contraband
- contract
- contractile
- contraction
- contracture
- contradiction
- contrariety
- contrary
- contrast
- contravene
- contravention
- contretemps
- contribution
- contributor
- contrite
- contrition
- contrive
- control
- controller
- controverse
- controversy
- contumelious
- contumely
- contusion
- convalescence
- convalescent
- convenance
- convene
- convenient
- convent, Old French convent, compare modern French couvent
- convention
- conversant
- conversation
- converse
- conversion
- convert
- convertible
- convex
- convey, Anglo-Norman conveier, from Old French convoier, compare modern French convoyer
- convive
- convivial
- convocation
- convoke
- convoy
- convulsive
- cooperation
- coordination
- cope
- coppice
- coprolalia
- copulation
- copy
- coquet
- coquetry
- coquette
- coral
- corbel
- cord
- cordage
- cordial
- cordon
- cordwainer
- core
- coriander
- Coriolis force
- corm
- cormorant, Old French cormarenc, compare modern French cormoran
- corn [callus on the foot]
- cornelian, Old French corneline, compare modern French cornaline
- corner
- cornet
- corniche
- coronal
- coroner
- coronet
- corporal Middle French corporal, from Italian caporale, compare modern French caporal
- corporal Old French corporal, compare modern French corporel
- corps
- corpse
- corpulence
- corpulent
- correct
- correction
- corrective
- correlation
- correspond
- corridor, French corridor, from Italian corridore
- corrigible
- corrode
- corrosion
- corrosive
- corrupt, Old French corropt, past participle of corrompre, from Latin
- corruptible
- corsage
- corsair
- corset
- cortege
- corvee
- corvette
- cost
- costal
- costive
- costume
- coterie
- cotillion
- cottage
- cotton, Old French coton
- couch
- cougar
- coulee
- coulomb
- council
- counsel
- counsellor
- count, Old French cunte, from Latin computare, compare modern French compter
- count, Old French conte, from Latin comitem, compare modern French comte
- countenance
- counter
- counteract
- counterfeit, Old French contrefait
- countermand, Old French contremander
- counterpart, Middle French contrepartie
- counterpoint
- counterpoise, Old French contrepois, compare modern French contrepoids
- countersign, Middle French contresigne
- countervail, Anglo-Norman countrevaloir, from Old French contrevaloir
- countess
- country, Old French cuntree, compare modern French contrée
- county, Anglo-Norman counté, compare comté
- coup
- coup d'état
- coup de grâce
- coupe
- couple
- couplet
- coupon
- courage, Old French corage, compare modern French courage
- courageous
- courant
- courgette
- courier
- course
- courser
- court
- court martial, French cour martiale
- courteous
- courtesan
- courtesy
- courtier
- couscous, French couscous, from Arabic kuskus
- cousin, Old French cosin
- couture
- couturier
- covenant
- cover, Old French covrir
- coverlet
- covert
- coverture
- covet
- covetous
- covey
- coward
- cowardice
- coy
- cramp
- crap
- crappie
- craps [game]
- crass
- cravat
- crayfish, Old French crevice, compare modern French écrevisse
- crayon
- cream
- creamery
- creation
- creator
- creature
- creche
- credit
- creditor
- credulity
- Cree
- crème
- crème brûlée
- crème caramel
- crème de la crème
- crème de menthe
- crenel
- crenelate
- creole
- crêpe
- creperie
- crepuscule
- crescent
- crest
- cretin
- cretonne
- crevasse
- crevice
- crew
- cricket, Old French criquet
- crime
- criminal
- criminality
- crinoline
- critic
- critique
- Cro Magnon
- crochet
- crocket
- crocodile
- croissant
- crone
- croquet
- croquette
- crotch
- crotchet
- crouch
- croupier
- crouton, from the diminutive form of the old French word, croust, (later to come into modern French as the word croûte), meaning crust.
- crown, Anglo-Norman coroune, from Old French corone, compare modern French couronne
- crozier
- cru
- crucial
- crucifix
- crucify
- crudites
- crudity
- cruel
- cruelty
- cruet
- crusade
- crusader
- crush
- crust, Old French crouste, compare modern French croûte
- cry, Old French crier
- crystal
- crystalline
- cube
- cubic
- cubism
- cuckold
- cuckoo
- cucumber
- cuirass
- cuisine
- cul-de-sac
- cull
- culmination
- culotte
- culpable
- culprit
- cult, French culte
- cultivation
- culture, French culture
- cuneiform
- cupidity
- curable
- curation
- curative
- curb
- cure
- curette
- curfew, Old French covrefeu, compare modern French couvre-feu
- curie
- curiosity
- curious
- curlew
- currant
- current
- currier
- curry
- curry favor
- cursive
- cursory
- curtail
- curtain
- curtilage
- cushion
- custard
- custom, from Old French coustume, compare modern French coutume
- cutlass
- cutler
- cutlery
- cutlet
- cyclic
- cygnet
- cylinder
- cymbal
- cynosure
- cypress
- cystic
- cystocele
[edit]- dace
- dagger
- daguerreotype
- dainty, Old French deintie
- dais, Old French dais
- dally
- dalmatic, Old French dalmatique
- damage, Old French damage
- dame
- damn, French damner
- damnable
- damnation
- damsel
- dance
- dandelion
- danger
- dangerous
- darnel
- dart
- date
- daub
- daunt
- dauphin
- dean, Old French deien, compare modern French doyen
- debacle
- debar
- debark
- debase
- debatable
- debate
- debauch
- debauchee
- debilitation
- debility
- debit
- debonair
- debridement
- debris
- debt, Old French dete, compare modern French dette
- debtor, Old French detor, relatinized in Modern French débiteur (from debitor)
- debut
- debutant
- debutante
- decade
- decadence
- decadent
- Decalogue
- decamp
- decant
- decapitate
- decapitation
- decapod
- decay
- decease
- deceit
- deceive
- decelerate
- December
- decent
- decentralisation
- deception
- deceptive
- decide
- decider
- decilitre
- decimetre
- decision
- decisive
- declaim
- declamation
- declarant
- declaration
- declarative
- declare
- déclassé
- declination
- decline
- declivity
- decoction
- decode
- décolletage
- décolleté
- decompose
- decompress
- deconstruct
- deconstruction
- décor or decor
- decorative
- découpage
- decouple
- decrease
- decree
- decrepit
- decrepitude
- decriminalise
- decry
- decuple
- dedication
- deduction
- deface
- defamation, Old French diffamacion, compare modern French diffamation
- defamatory
- defame
- default, Old French defaute, compare modern French défaut
- defeasance
- defeat, Old French desfait, past participle of desfaire, compare modern French défaite
- defeatist
- defect
- defective
- defence or defense
- defend
- defendant
- defendor
- defensible
- defensive
- defer
- deference
- deferent
- defiance
- deficit
- defile
- define
- definition
- definitive
- defloration
- deflower
- deforest
- deforestation
- deform
- deformation
- deformity
- defraud
- defray
- defrock
- defunct
- defy
- degeneration
- deglutition
- degradation
- degrade
- degree
- deific
- deign
- deism
- deist
- deity
- déjà vu
- deject
- dejection
- delay, Old Frenchdeslaier, compare modern French délai
- delectable
- delectation
- delegate
- deliberation
- deliberative
- delicious
- delight
- delimit
- delimitation
- delinquent
- deliver
- deliverance
- delivery
- deluge
- de luxe or deluxe
- demand
- demarche
- demeanor
- dement
- demerit
- demesne
- demimonde
- demise
- demission
- demitasse
- democracy
- democrat
- democratic
- democratize
- démodé
- demoiselle
- demolish
- demolition
- demonetization
- demonstration
- demonstrative
- demoralize
- demur
- demure
- demurrage
- demurrer
- denationalize
- denature
- denier
- denim
- denizen
- Dennis
- denomination
- denote
- denouement
- denounce
- dense
- density
- dental
- dentifrice
- dentist
- denture
- denudation
- denude
- deny
- deodand
- dépanneur
- depart
- department
- departmental
- departure
- depeche
- depend
- dependant
- dependence
- depiction
- depilatory
- deplorable
- deplore
- deploy, French déployer
- deployment
- deport
- deportation
- deportment
- depose
- deposition
- depot
- deprave
- deprecation
- deprecative
- depredation
- depress
- depression
- deprive
- deputation
- depute
- deputy
- deracinate
- derail
- derailleur
- derailment
- derange
- derangement
- deride
- de rigueur
- derision
- derivation
- derivative
- derive
- derogation
- derrière
- descant
- descend, Old French descendre
- descendant
- descension
- descent
- describe
- description
- descry
- desecrate
- desert, Old French desert
- desertion
- deserve
- deshabille
- desiccation
- designation
- desirable
- desire
- desirous
- desist
- Des Moines
- desolation
- despair
- desperation
- despise
- despite
- despoil
- despot
- despotic
- despotism
- dessert
- destine
- destiny
- destitution
- destrier
- destroy
- destroyer
- destruction
- destructive
- desuetude
- detach
- detachment (French détachement)
- detail (French détail)
- detain (Old French detenir)
- détente
- detention
- deterge
- detergent
- deterioration
- determination
- determinative
- determine
- detest
- detestable
- detestation
- detonation
- detour
- detract
- detraction
- detractor
- detriment
- Detroit (French détroit = strait)
- deuce, from deux (two)
- devastation
- develop
- development
- deviation
- device (Old French devis)
- devise
- devoid
- devotion
- devour (Old French devorer)
- devout (Old French devot)
- dexterity
- diabolic
- diabolical
- diadem
- diagonal
- diagram
- dialect
- dialectic
- dialogue
- diamanté
- diameter
- diamond
- diaper
- diarrhea
- diatonic
- diatribe
- didactic
- diet
- differ
- difference
- different
- difficulty
- dig
- digestible
- digestion
- digestive
- dignity (Old French dignité)
- dilatation
- dilate
- diligence
- diligent
- dime, Old French disme "a tenth part", compare modern French dîme
- diminish
- diminution
- diminutive
- dine
- dinner
- diocesan
- diocese
- diorama
- diphtheria
- diphthong
- diplomacy, French diplomatie
- diplomat
- direction (French direction)
- director
- dirigible, French dirigeable
- disaccustom
- disadvantage
- disagree
- disagreeable
- disallow
- disappoint (French desappointer)
- disarm (Old French desarmer)
- disaster
- disastrous
- disavow
- disband
- disburse
- discern
- discernable
- discernment
- discharge
- discipline
- disclaim
- disclaimer
- disclose
- discolour
- discomfit
- discomfiture
- discomfort
- disconcert
- discontinuance
- discontinue
- discord
- discordant
- discothèque or discotheque, thus disco
- discount
- discountenance
- discourage
- discourse
- discover (Old French descovrir)
- discreet
- discretion
- discursive
- discussion
- disdain
- disease
- disenchant
- disenfranchise
- disengage
- disfavour
- disfigure
- disgorge
- disgrace
- disguise(Old French desguisier)
- disgust
- dishabille
- dishevel
- dishonest
- dishonesty
- dishonour
- disillusion
- disinclination
- disinfect
- disinfectant
- disinter
- disjoint
- disjunction
- dislocation
- dislodge
- disloyal
- disloyalty
- dismal
- dismantle
- dismay
- dismember
- disobedience
- disobedient
- disobey
- disoblige
- disorder
- disorganize
- disorient
- disparage
- disparagement
- disparity
- dispensation
- dispense
- dispenser
- disperse
- dispersion
- displace
- display
- displease
- displeasure
- disport, Old French desporter
- disposable
- dispose
- disposition
- dispossess
- disprove
- disputation
- dispute
- dissension
- dissever
- dissimulation
- dissociation
- dissolution
- dissonance
- dissonant
- dissuade
- distance
- distant
- distemper
- distention
- distill
- distillery
- distinct
- distinction
- distinctive
- distingue
- distinguish
- distress
- distribution
- distributive
- district
- disturb
- disturbance
- disunion
- disuse
- ditty
- diuretic
- diverse
- diversify
- diversion
- diversity
- divert
- divest
- dividend
- divination
- divine
- divinity
- divisible
- division
- divorce
- divorcee
- docile
- docility
- doctor
- doctrinaire
- doctrine
- document
- dogmatism
- doleful
- dolmen, French dolmin also dolmen, perhaps incorrect transcription of Cornish tolmen
- dolomite
- dolorous
- dolphin
- domain
- dome
- domestic
- domicile
- dominant
- domination
- dominion
- domino
- donation
- donor
- dormant
- dormer
- dorsal
- dosage
- dose
- dossier
- double
- double entendre
- doublet
- doubloon
- doubt
- douche
- dowager
- dower
- dowry
- doyen
- doyenne
- dozen, from Old French dozaine, compare modern French douzaine
- drab
- dragoman
- dragon
- dragoon
- dram
- dramaturge
- dramaturgy
- drape
- draper
- drapery
- dress (Old French drecer)
- dressage
- dresser
- droll
- drollery
- dromedary
- dropsy, Old French idropsie
- drug
- druggist
- druid, Old French druide, from Latin druidae, from Gaulish
- dualism
- duality
- dub
- dubitation
- ducal
- ducat
- duchess
- duchy
- ductile
- due (Old French deu, past participle of devoir)
- duet
- du jour
- duke
- dulcet
- dulcimer
- Duluth
- dune
- dungeon
- dupe
- duplication
- duplicity
- durability
- durable
- durance
- duration
- duress
- during (Old French durer, compare endure)
- duty (Anglo-Norman dueté from Old French deu)
- duvet
- dynamic
- dynasty
- dysentery
- dysphemism