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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-j

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
j' {pron} :: Clitic form of je
{adv} [archaic] :: already
jabisen {m} [musical instruments] :: shamisen
Jablines {prop} :: A small commune in the Seine-et-Marne department of Île-de-France
jablinois {adj} :: Of or from Jablines
jabot {m} [obsolete] :: stomach
jabot {m} :: bird’s crop
jabot {m} :: shirt-frill, jabot
jabot {m} [Louisiana French, ] :: bosom, breast
jabotage {m} :: jabbering
jaboter {vi} :: to jabber
jaboteur {m} :: jabberer
jaboteur {m} :: African thrush (Turdus pelios)
jaboteuse {f} :: feminine singular of jaboteur
jabotière {f} :: chiffon frill
jabotière {f} :: swan goose (Anser cygnoides)
jabreillaud {adj} :: Of or from Jabreilles-les-Bordes
Jabreilles-les-Bordes {prop} :: A very small commune in the Haute-Vienne department of Limousin
Jabrun {prop} :: A very small commune in the Cantal department of Auvergne
jabrunais {adj} :: Of or from Jabrun
JAC {prop} {f} :: Jeunesse agricole catholique
jacaltèque {m} :: Jacaltec (language)
jacarique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: jacaric
jacassage {m} [rare] :: chatter, chattering
jacassant {adj} :: jabbering
jacassement {m} :: chatter, chattering
jacasser {vi} [of a magpie] :: to caw
jacasser {vi} [figuratively] :: to chatter, to gossip, to jabber
jacasserie {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: chatter
jacasseur {m} :: talker; chatterer; gossip
jacasseuse {f} :: feminine noun of jacasseur
jacée {f} :: centaury, starthistle
jacent {adj} :: underlying
jachère {f} :: fallow; fallow land (especially when left uncultivated on purpose)
jachérer {v} :: To plough fallow land
jachimovite {f} [mineral] :: jachymovite
jacinthe {f} :: hyacinth
jaciste {mf} :: A member of the Jeunesse agricole catholique
jacker {v} [Canada] :: To jack up
jackette {f} :: feminine singular of jacky
jackpot {m} :: jackpot (all senses)
jacksonesque {adj} :: Jacksonesque
jacksonien {adj} :: Jacksonian
jacky {m} :: A person who pimps (excessively customizes)
Jacob {prop} :: Jacob (biblical figure)
Jacob {prop} :: given name
jacobée {f} :: ragwort
jacobien {adj} :: Jacobean
jacobien {adj} :: Of or from Saint-Jacques-d’Aliermont
Jacobien {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Saint-Jacques-d’Aliermont
Jacobienne {f} :: feminine singular of Jacobien
jacobin {adj} :: Jacobin
jacobin {m} :: Jacobin
jacobiniser {v} :: To jacobinize
jacobinisme {m} :: Jacobinism
jacobite {mf} :: Jacobite
jaconas {m} :: jaconet
Jacou {prop} :: A small town in the Hérault department of Languedoc-Roussillon
jacoumard {adj} :: Of or from Jacou
Jacoumard {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Jacou
Jacoumarde {f} :: feminine singular of Jacoumard
jacquaire {adj} :: relative to Santiago, but especially to Santiago de Compostela and the pilgrimage to that place
jacquard {m} :: jaquard (all senses)
jacquart {f} :: alternative form of jacquard
jacque {mf} :: alternative spelling of jaque [jackfruit]
Jacqueline {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Jacques
jacquemard {adj} :: Of or from Taninges
jacquemart {m} :: alternative form of jaquemart
jacquère {f} :: A grape variety from Savoie
jacquerette {f} :: earthnut (Lathyrus tuberosus)
jacquerie {f} :: commoners' revolt, jacquerie
jacques {m} :: a stupid person
jacques {m} :: a jemmy or crowbar
Jacques {prop} {m} :: given name, the French equivalent of James and Jacob, and formerly used as a generic name for peasants
Jacques {prop} {m} :: James (biblical character)
Jacques {prop} {m} :: James (book of the Bible)
Jacques {prop} {m} :: surname
Jacques a dit {m} :: Simon says (children's game)
jacquet {m} :: A game resembling backgammon
jacqueter {v} [dated] :: to chat
jacquez {m} :: A vine variety used mostly as a rootstock
jacquier {m} :: jackfruit (plant)
jacquolandin {adj} :: Of or from Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande
jacquot {m} [colloquial] :: A name given to any chattering bird such as parrots, magpies and jays
jactance {f} :: boastfulness, bragging
jactance {f} :: banter
jacter {v} [colloquial, possibly, pejorative] :: To talk, speak
jacter {v} [colloquial, possibly, pejorative] :: To speak (a language)
jacter {v} [colloquial, possibly, pejorative] :: To chat
jaculatoire {adj} :: ejaculatory
jaculatoire {adj} :: fervent
jacutais {adj} :: Of or from Saint-Jacut-les-Pins
jacuzzi {m} :: jacuzzi
jadaïque {adj} :: jade (attributive)
jade {m} :: jade
Jade {prop} :: given name from the noun jade, popular in the 2000s
jadéite {f} [mineral] :: jadeite
jadien {adj} :: jade (attributive)
jadis {adv} :: long ago, once, yesteryear, in times past, yore
jaguar {mf} [masculine] :: jaguar (cat)
jaguar {mf} [masculine] :: Jaguar (Mac OS 10.2)
jaguar {mf} [feminine] :: jaguar (car)
jaguar {mf} [feminine] :: Jaguar (British car manufacturer)
jaguarondi {m} :: jaguarundi (wild cat)
jaï-alaï {m} :: jai alai
j'ai besoin de ... {phrase} :: I need ...
j'ai besoin de ton aide {interj} :: [familiar] I need your help
j'ai besoin de votre aide {phrase} :: [polite or plural] I need your help
jaillir {v} [of liquid, fire, etc.] :: to spurt out, gush forth
jaillir {v} [of person, animal] :: to spring out
jaillir {v} [of tower, obstruction] :: to thrust up, to jut out
jaillir {v} [of idea] :: to emerge from
jaillissant {adj} :: gushing, springing
jaillissement {m} :: spurt; gush
jaïn {adj} :: Jain
jaïn {m} :: Jain
jaine {adj} :: feminine singular of jain
jaïne {f} :: feminine noun of jaïn
jaïnisme {m} :: Jainism
j'ai peur {phrase} :: I'm scared
jais {m} [mineralogy] :: jet
j'ai une question {phrase} :: I have a question
jaja {mf} [slang] :: table wine
jalapine {f} :: jalapin
jalapique {adj} :: jalapic
jalon {m} :: a pole marking the border of a field or a road
jalon {m} [figuratively] :: an idea serving to indicate a direction in a study, a work, etc
jalonner {v} :: stake out, mark out (to mark off the limits by stakes)
jalousement {adv} :: jealously
jalouser {v} :: to be jealous of; to envy
jalousie {f} :: jealousy
jalousie {f} [historical] :: (latticework) screen
jalousie {f} :: Venetian blind
jaloux {adj} :: jealous
jamaïcain {adj} :: Jamaican (from or pertaining to Jamaica)
Jamaïcain {m} :: Jamaican (someone from or pertaining to Jamaica)
Jamaïcaine {f} :: feminine noun of Jamaïcain
jamaïquain {adj} :: Jamaican
Jamaïque {prop} {f} :: Jamaïque (island/and/country)
jamais {adv} [ne ... jamais] :: never
jamais {adv} :: ever
jamais au grand jamais {adv} [formal] :: never ever
jamais de la vie {interj} [colloquial] :: not on your life! not a chance! no way Jose! not in a million years! absolutely not!
jamais deux sans trois {proverb} :: all things come in threes, things always come in threes
jamais deux sans trois {proverb} :: bad things come in threes
jamais deux sans trois {proverb} :: good things come in threes
jamalac {m} :: wax apple, jambul (or any similar plant of the genus Syzygium)
jamalaquier {m} :: synonym of jamalac
jambage {m} [typography] :: downstroke
jambage {m} [architecture] :: jamb
jambalaya {m} [Louisiana French] :: jambalaya (rice-based dish from Louisiana)
jambalaya {m} [Louisiana French] :: a mixture of foods of any kind
jambe {f} :: leg
jambe de bois {f} :: a peg-leg, a wooden leg
jambe de bois {f} [colloquial] :: a knee blow to the thigh
jambier {adj} :: tibial
jambier {m} :: tibial (bone)
jambière {f} :: greave
jambière {f} [hockey] :: pad, shinguard
jambière {f} :: legging; knee sock
jambière {f} :: leg-warmer (for dancer)
jamblichéen {adj} :: Iamblichean
Jamblique {prop} {m} :: Iamblichus
jamblon {m} :: jambul, jambolan
jambon {m} :: ham
jambon beurre {m} :: A French ham sandwich made from a baguette, salted-butter and optional other ingredients
jambonneau {m} :: knuckle of ham (lower part of a leg of pork)
jamboree {m} :: jamboree
jambosier {m} :: Malabar plum (of the genus Syzygium)
Jambrès {prop} :: Jambres (Biblical magician)
jammer {v} [music, notably jazz] :: To jam; have a jam session
jan {m} :: Each of the two tables in trictrac
Janine {prop} {f} :: given name, a variant of Jeannine popular in mid-twentieth century
janissaire {m} :: janissary (soldier)
janissariat {m} :: janissaryship
Jannès {prop} :: Jannes (Biblical magician)
jansénisme {m} :: Jansenism
janséniste {adj} :: Jansenist
janséniste {mf} :: Jansenist
jante {f} :: wheel (of a bike, without the tire)
jante {f} :: rim (of a wheel), wheelrim
janv. {n} :: abbreviation of janvier Jan
janvier {m} :: January
jaonnaise {adj} :: feminine singular of jaonnais
japchae {m} :: japchae
Japhet {prop} :: Japheth (Biblical character)
japon {m} :: japanware
japon {m} :: Japanese porcelain
Japon {prop} {m} :: Japan
japonais {m} :: the Japanese language
japonais {adj} :: Japanese
Japonais {m} :: A Japanese man, a male inhabitant of Japan
Japonaise {f} :: female equivalent of Japonais
japonaiserie {f} [arts] :: Japonism, a style in art, or an artistic object, that reflects the influence of Japanese art
japoniser {v} :: nipponize (to make or become more Japanese)
japonisme {m} :: Japonism
jappement {m} [of an animal] :: yelp; whine
japper {v} :: to yap, yelp
japper {v} [Canada] :: to bark
jaque {mf} :: jackfruit
jaque {m} [historical] :: gambison
jaquemart {m} :: jack, quarter jack, bellstriker
jaquette {f} :: jacket (a removable or replaceable protective or insulating cover for an object)
jaquette {f} :: jacket (piece of clothing)
jaquette {f} :: cover (front and back of a book, magazine, CD or DVD)
jaquette {f} [slang] :: male homosexuality
jaquier {m} :: alternative spelling of jacquier
jaraï {adj} :: Jarai
jardin {m} :: garden
jardinage {m} :: gardening
jardin botanique {m} :: botanical garden (a place where a variety of plants are grown for scientific reasons)
jardin d'enfants {m} :: a part-time crèche for toddlers in Switzerland
jardiner {v} :: to garden; to do some gardening
jardinerie {f} :: garden centre; shop selling gardening-related produce
jardinet {m} :: small garden
jardinier {m} :: gardener
jardinière {f} :: female equivalent of jardinier
jardinière {f} :: An ornamental pot for the display of live flowers; a planter
jardinière {f} :: Diced, cooked vegetables served as a garnish
jardin potager {m} :: vegetable garden, kitchen garden
jardin public {m} :: public garden
jardin zoologique {m} :: zoological garden
jargon {m} :: jargon, specialised or unintelligible language
jargon {m} :: jargon, a zircon type
jargonnant {adj} :: babbling
jargonner {v} :: to babble
jarosse {f} :: red pea, red vetchling (Lathyrus cicera)
jarre {f} :: jar (made of clay or earth)
jarret {m} :: back of the knee; hough
jarret {m} :: hock (joint)
jarretelle {f} :: suspenders (feminine), garter
jarretière {f} :: garter
jars {m} :: gander (male goose)
jas {m} [Provence] :: sheepfold
jaser {v} :: to chat, to gossip
jaseran {m} :: jazeraint (sort of protective chainmail)
jaseron {m} :: alternative form of jaseran
jaseur {m} :: talker, chatterer, gossip
jaseur {adj} :: talkative, gossiping
jaseuse {f} :: feminine noun of jaseur
jasmin {m} :: jasmine
Jasmin {prop} {m} :: given name, a rare masculine form of Jasmine
Jasmine {prop} {f} :: given name
jaspe {m} :: jasper (precious stone)
jaspé {adj} :: jaspé
jasper {v} :: apply different colors of paint flowing together in order to make it look like jasper stone
jaspure {f} :: jasper-like coloration
jatropha {mf} :: jatropha
jatte {f} :: pan, bowl; skeel
jauge {f} :: a gauge
jaugeage {m} :: gauging
jauger {v} :: to sound (measure); to gauge by sounding
jaumière {f} [nautical] :: rudderpost, rudder post
jaunasse {adj} :: yellowish
jaunâtre {adj} :: yellowish
jaune {adj} :: yellow
jaune {m} :: yellow
jaune {m} :: yolk (of egg)
jaune citron {adj} :: citron, lemon (of a greenish yellow colour)
jaune d'œuf {m} :: egg yolk
jaunement {adv} :: yellowishly
jaune paille {adj} :: straw (of a pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw)
jaunet {m} [obsolete] :: gold coin
jaunir {vi} :: to go yellow, to turn yellow
jaunir {v} [of bananas] :: to ripen
jaunir {vt} :: to make yellow
jaunissant {adj} :: yellowing
jaunisse {f} [non-medical] :: jaundice
jaunissement {m} :: yellowing
Java {prop} {f} :: Java (Island)
Java {prop} {m} :: Java (programming language)
javanais {m} :: javanais (French slang)
javanais {m} :: Javanese (language)
javanais {m} :: A coffee and chocolate flavored French pastry
javanais {adj} :: Javanese (of or relating to the island Java)
Javanais {m} :: Javanese (person from Java)
Javanaise {f} :: feminine noun of Javanais
javart {m} :: windgall, windpuff
javel {f} :: bleach
javelle {f} :: bundle, gavel (of corn); swathe
javellisation {f} :: chlorination
javelliser {vt} :: to disinfect using a commercial bleach, to chlorinate
javelot {m} :: javelin (weapon)
jazz {m} [music] :: jazz (music style)
jazzer {v} :: to jazz (play jazz music)
jazzifier {v} :: to jazzify, jazz up
jazzique {adj} :: jazz (attributive)
jazzique {adj} :: jazzy
jazzman {m} :: jazzman
jazzophile {m} :: A jazzophile
jdid {adj} [slang] :: new
je {pron} :: I
jean {m} :: a pair of jeans
Jean {prop} {m} :: John (biblical character)
Jean {prop} {m} :: John (book of the Bible)
Jean {prop} {m} :: given name, traditionally very popular in France, also common as the first part of hyphenated given names
Jean {prop} {m} :: surname
Jean-Baptiste {prop} :: John the Baptist [biblical character]
Jean-Baptiste {prop} :: given name
Jean-Baptiste {prop} :: surname
Jean-Charles {prop} {m} :: given name
Jean-Christophe {prop} :: given name, combination of Jean and Christophe
Jean-Claude {prop} :: given name, a popular combination of Jean and Claude
Jean Dupont {prop} :: Joe Bloggs
jean-foutre {m} [slang, dated] :: good-for-nothing, layabout, blackguard
Jean-François {prop} {m} :: given name
Jean-Guy {prop} :: given name, combination of Jean and Guy
Jean-Jacques {prop} :: given name, combination of Jean and Jacques
Jean-Joël {prop} :: given name, combination of Jean and Joël
Jean-Louis {prop} :: given name
Jean-Loup {prop} :: given name, combination of Jean and Loup
Jean-Luc {prop} :: given name
Jean-Marc {prop} :: given name
Jean-Marie {prop} :: given name, a popular combination of Jean and Marie
Jean-Michel {prop} {m} :: given name, a popular combination of Jean and Michel
Jeanne {prop} {f} :: given name
Jeanne {prop} {f} [biblical character] :: Joanna
Jeanne d'Arc {prop} {f} :: Joan of Arc
jeannette {f} :: gold cross (worn from the neck)
jeannette {f} :: sleeve board (for ironing sleeves)
Jeannette {prop} {f} :: given name
Jeannine {prop} {f} :: given name
Jean-Noël {prop} :: given name, combination of Jean and Noël
jeannois {adj} :: Of or from Lac-Saint-Jean, Lac Saint-Jean or of several other similarly-named places in France
Jean-Pascal {prop} :: given name, combination of Jean and Pascal
Jean-Paul {prop} :: given name
Jean-Philippe {prop} :: given name, a popular combination of Jean and Philippe
Jean-Pierre {prop} :: given name, a popular combination of Jean and Pierre
Jean-Yves {prop} :: given name, a popular combination of Jean and Yves
je dis ça, je dis rien {phrase} [colloquial, often, ironic, sarcastic] :: Indicates that one does not want to impose one's opinion; just saying
jeep {f} :: jeep
Jéhovah {prop} {m} :: Jehovah
jéjunum {m} [anatomy] :: jejunum
je m'appelle {phrase} :: my name is ..., I am ..., I'm ..
je-m'en-foutisme {m} [slang] :: don't-give-a-damn attitude
je n'ai pas d'argent {phrase} :: I have no money
je ne comprends pas {phrase} :: I don't understand
je ne parle pas anglais {phrase} :: I don't speak English
je ne parle pas français {phrase} :: I don't speak French
je ne pense pas {phrase} :: I don't think so
je ne pense pas {phrase} :: I think not
je ne sais pas {phrase} :: I don't know
je ne sais quoi {m} :: A certain something, je ne sais quoi (intangible quality that makes something distinctive)
je ne te le fais pas dire {phrase} [colloquial] :: tell me about it
Jennifer {prop} :: given name
je pense bien {phrase} [colloquial] :: I think so
Jephthé {prop} :: Jephtha
jérémiade {f} :: moaning, whining
jérémiade {f} :: jeremiad
Jérémie {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Jeremiah (prophet)
Jérémie {prop} {m} [bible] :: Jeremiah (book of the Bible)
Jérémie {prop} {m} :: given name
Jérémy {prop} {m} :: given name
jerez {m} :: alternative spelling of xérès
Jéricho {prop} {f} :: Jéricho (city)
jerk {m} :: jerk (dance)
jerker {vi} :: to dance the jerk
Jérôme {prop} :: given name
jerrican {m} :: alternative spelling of jerricane
jerricane {m} :: jerry can
jersey {m} :: jersey
Jersey {prop} :: Jersey (island)
jersiais {adj} :: Jersey (relating to Jersey)
jersiais {m} :: Jèrriais (language)
Jersiais {m} :: person from Jersey
Jersiaise {f} :: feminine noun of Jersiais
Jérusalem {prop} :: Jérusalem (the claimed (and de-facto) <<capital city>> of <<c/Israel>>)
je-sais-tout {m} [colloquial] :: know-it-all, smart aleck
Jessica {prop} :: given name borrowed from English, popular in the end of the 20th century
je suis enceinte {phrase} :: I'm pregnant
jésuite {adj} :: Jesuit
jésuitique {adj} :: Jesuitic, Jesuitical
jésuitiquement {adv} :: Jesuitically
jésuitisme {m} :: Jesuitism
Jésus {prop} {m} :: Jesus
Jèsus {prop} [dialectal, rare] :: Variant of Jésus; Jesus Christ
Jésus-Christ {prop} {m} :: Jesus Christ (Jesus of Nazareth)
Jésus, Marie, Joseph {interj} :: Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
jet {m} :: throw
jet {m} :: spurt, spout, jet
jet {m} :: jet (airplane)
jetable {adj} :: disposable (designed to be thrown away after use)
je t'aime {phrase} [colloquial] :: I love you
jeté {m} [ballet] :: jete
jeté {m} :: Strip of fabric or embroidery which is used as an ornament in the direction of the length or width of a table or bed
je te dis merde {phrase} [vulgar, theater, slang, idiom] :: Break a leg! Good luck!
jetée {f} :: pier; jetty
je te garde un p'tit de ma chienne {interj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] :: you will answer for that!
je t'en prie {phrase} :: I beg you, please
je t'en prie {phrase} :: you're welcome, don't mention it (familiar, in response to a thank you)
jeter {v} :: to throw
jeter {v} :: to throw away, discard of
jeter {v} [card games] :: to throw away, discard
jeter {vr} :: to run in, as of a river
jeter {vr} [with "sur"] :: to rush oneself onto something or someone
jeter aux oubliettes {vt} [figuratively] :: to toss on the ash heap of history, to forget about, to put out of one's mind; to throw away, to discard
jeter comme une merde {v} [simile, vulgar, pejorative] :: to drop like a bad habit, to dump (to end a relationship with someone)
jeter de l'huile sur le feu {v} [idiomatic] :: add fuel to the fire
jeter des fleurs {v} [figuratively] :: [à] to say nice things to somebody, to compliment somebody
jeter des fleurs {v} [reflexively] :: to toot one's own horn, to blow one's own horn
jeter des perles aux pourceaux {v} [figuratively] :: to cast pearls before swine
jeter l'ancre {v} :: to drop anchor
jeter l'argent par les fenêtres {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to throw money away
jeter le bébé avec l'eau du bain {v} [idiomatic] :: throw the baby out with the bathwater
jeter le gant {v} [idiomatic] :: throw down the gauntlet
jeter le manche après la cognée {v} :: to throw in the towel, to give up
jeter l'éponge {v} :: to throw in the towel, to pack it in, to chuck it in
jeter les bases {v} [de] :: to lay the foundations for
jeter sa gourme {v} [dated, figuratively] :: to have one's fling, to have one's youthful indiscretions, to sow one's wild oats (to spend a period of one's youth behaving irresponsibly)
jeter son dévolu {v} [sur] :: to fix one's choice on, to set one's sights on
jeter un coup d'œil {v} :: to glance; to look at (briefly)
jeter un froid {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to cast a chill
jeter un œil {v} [idiomatic] :: to have a look (at)
jeteur {m} :: thrower
jeteuse {f} :: feminine noun of jeteur
jet-lag {m} :: jet lag
jetlagué {adj} :: jet-lagged
jeton {m} :: A game chip or token, a counter
jeton {m} :: A Scrabble tile
jetter {v} :: To cast (a metal statue)
jeu {m} :: game (activity performed for amusement)
jeu {m} :: play (in a theatre/theater)
jeu {m} :: set (of objects that belong together)
jeu {m} :: manner of handling a gun
jeu {m} :: play (mechanics: a space between two adjacent parts to allow free movement)
jeu {m} :: a pipe organ stop
jeu {m} :: a hand of playing cards
jeu à somme nulle {m} [game theory] :: zero-sum game
jeu d'adresse {m} :: game of skill
jeu de cartes {m} :: card game
jeu de cartes {m} :: deck of cards, card deck
jeu décisif {m} [tennis] :: tiebreak
jeu de dames {m} [uncountable] :: draughts; checkers (game)
jeu de dames {m} [countable] :: box containing checkers and a checkerboard
jeu de hasard {m} :: gambling game, game of chance, form of gambling
jeu de l'oie {m} :: Game of the Goose, a racing board game similar to snakes and ladders
jeu de main, jeu de vilain {proverb} :: it will end in tears! stop fooling around! stop roughhousing! you'll poke an eye out! it's all fun and games till someone gets hurt! it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye! (used to admonish children who are bickering and fighting)
jeu de main, jeu de vilain {proverb} :: naughty! (used with sexual overtones)
jeu de mots {m} :: pun, play on words
jeu d'enfant {m} [idiomatic] :: child's play (something very easy)
jeu de paume {m} :: jeu de paume
jeu de platforme {m} :: platform game
jeu de rôle {m} :: role-playing game (type of game in which the players assume the role of a character)
jeu de rôle en ligne massivement multijoueur {m} [computer games] :: massively multiplayer online role-playing game
jeu de société {m} :: board game
jeudi {m} :: Thursday (day of the week)
jeudi gras {m} :: Fat Thursday
jeune {adj} :: young
jeune {mf} :: youth, a young person
jeûne {m} :: fast (period without consuming nourishment)
jeûné {adj} :: fasting; relating to fasting
jeune femme {f} :: damsel, lass, maiden, young woman
jeune fille {f} :: a girl; a maiden (unmarried woman/girl)
jeune homme {m} :: young man, youth
jeune marié {m} :: newlywed
jeune mariée {f} :: feminine noun of jeune marié
jeunement {adv} :: youngly
jeune premier {m} [theatre] :: young actor playing young-lover roles
jeune premier {m} [figuratively] :: leading man
jeuner {v} :: alternative form of jeûner
jeûner {vi} :: to fast; to go without food
jeunes années {fp} :: teenage years, youth, young days
jeunesse {f} :: youth
jeunesse dorée {f} :: jeunesse dorée
jeunet {adj} :: very young
jeûneur {m} :: someone who fasts, a faster
jeûneuse {f} :: feminine noun of jeûneur
jeunisme {m} :: youthism (cult of youth)
jeuniste {adj} :: youthist
jeunot {adj} :: youngish, quite young
jeunot {m} :: young'un
jeu vidéo {m} [video games, countable] :: video game
jeu vidéo {m} [video games, uncountable] :: video game industry
Jeux olympiques {prop} {mp} [sports] :: Olympic Games
Jeux paralympiques {prop} {mp} :: Paralympic Games
je veux mon neveu {interj} :: alternative spelling of je veux, mon neveu
je veux, mon neveu {interj} [colloquial] :: absolutely! totally!
je vois {interj} :: I see, right
je vous aime {phrase} [formal] :: I love you
je vous en prie {phrase} :: please do, go ahead, be my guest
je vous en prie {phrase} :: you're welcome (after being thanked)
Jézabel {prop} :: Jezebel
ji {m} :: jay, letter: j
jihad {m} :: alternative form of djihad
jihadisme {m} :: jihadism
jihadiste {mf} :: jihadist
jingle {m} :: jingle (tune)
jinisme {m} :: Jainism
JLB {m} [sports, moguls freestyle skiing] :: JLB
JLD {m} :: initialism of juge des libertés et de la détention
JO {prop} {mp} :: initialism of Jeux olympiques
JO {m} :: initialism of journal officiel
joailler {m} :: alternative spelling of joaillier, (male) jeweller
joaillère {f} :: alternative spelling of joaillière, a (female) jeweller
joaillerie {f} :: jewelry
joaillerie {f} :: jewelry-making
joaillerie {f} :: jewelry shop
joaillier {m} :: (male) jeweller
joaillière {f} :: a (female) jeweller
job {mf} [colloquial] :: job (employment role)
job {mf} [Quebec, Louisiana, colloquial] :: work
Job {prop} {m} [bible] :: Job
jobard {adj} :: gullible
jobard {adj} :: crazy
Jobier {prop} :: surname
Jocelyn {prop} :: given name
Jocelyne {prop} :: given name, popular in the mid-twentieth century
jockey {m} :: jockey
jodler {vi} :: to yodel
Joël {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Joel
Joël {prop} {m} :: given name
Joëlle {prop} :: given name, feminine noun of Joël
joggeur {m} :: jogger
joggeuse {f} :: feminine noun of joggeur
jogging {m} [uncountable] :: jogging (exercise)
jogging {m} [countable] :: jog (exercise)
jogging {m} :: jogging pants; jogging bottoms
johannique {adj} :: Johannic
Johnson {prop} :: surname
joie {f} :: joy (feeling of happiness or elation)
joie de vivre {f} :: joie de vivre, zest for life
joignable {adj} :: contactable, reachable, available
joindre {v} :: to join
joindre {v} :: to join up
joindre le geste à la parole {v} :: to suit the action to the word, to match words with actions, to walk the talk, to put one's money where one's mouth is
joindre les deux bouts {v} [figuratively] :: make ends meet
joindre l'utile à l'agréable {v} :: to make something enjoyable as well as useful, to make one's work more fun, to mix business with pleasure
joint {m} :: seal
joint {m} [colloquial] :: joint, spliff (marijuana cigarette)
joint de culasse {m} :: cylinder head gasket
jointif {adj} :: joined (together); contiguous
jointivement {adv} :: contiguously
jointoyer {v} :: To grout
jointoyer {v} :: To point (brickwork)
jointure {f} [anatomy] :: joint
joint-venture {f} [business] :: joint venture (a cooperative business partnership)
jojo {adj} [colloquial] :: cool, nice, good
joke {f} [Louisiana French, Quebec] :: joke
joker {m} [card games] :: joker
joker {m} [computing] :: wildcard
joker {m} [on a game show] :: lifeline
joker {m} [Scrabble] :: blank tile
jökulhlaup {m} :: jökulhlaup
joli {adj} :: pretty; cute
joli {adj} [Louisiana French] :: jolly, nice, pleasant, agreeable
jolibois {m} :: mezereon
Jolibois {prop} :: surname
Jolicoeur {prop} :: surname
jolie laide {adj} [idiom] :: unconventionally attractive. Literally it means "pretty and ugly" but is not generally used in reference to ugliness; a more accurate translation would be unusual, flawed or quirky good looks
joliesse {f} :: prettiness
joliment {adv} :: prettily, cutely
Joliot {prop} :: surname
jolokia {m} :: ghost pepper (bhut jolokia); ellipsis of piment jolokia
Jonas {prop} {m} [religion] :: Jonah
Jonathan {prop} :: Jonathan (Biblical character)
Jonathan {prop} :: given name
jonc {m} [plant] :: rush, bulrush
jonc {m} :: cane, rattan
jonc {m} :: trim (of a car)
jonc {m} :: bangle, ring
jonc {m} [slang] :: gold, object made of gold
jonc {m} [slang, dated] :: dick (penis)
jonchaie {f} :: reed plantation
joncher {v} :: to scatter, sprinkle (e.g. flowers)
joncher {v} :: to cover (be widespread, be sprawled across/around)
joncier {m} :: Spanish broom
jonction {f} :: junction
jonction {f} :: link-up
jonctionnement {m} :: jointing
Jones {prop} :: surname
jonglage {m} :: juggling
jongler {v} :: to juggle
jongler {v} [dated] :: to entertain
jongler {v} [Louisiana French] :: to think, to ponder
jongler {v} [Louisiana French] :: to daydream
jonglerie {f} :: juggling
jongleur {m} [dated] :: an entertainer
jongleur {m} :: a juggler
jongleur {m} [Louisiana French] :: a daydreamer
jongleuse {f} :: feminine noun of jongleur
jonque {f} :: junk (type of ship)
jonquille {f} :: jonquil, daffodil
Joppé {prop} :: Joppa (previous name for Jaffa)
Jordan {prop} :: given name
Jordanie {prop} {f} :: Jordan (the country)
jordanien {adj} :: Jordanian
Jordanien {m} :: Jordanian person
Jordanienne {f} :: feminine noun of Jordanien
jordanisation {f} :: Jordanization
jordaniser {v} :: To Jordanize
jorkyball {m} :: A modified form of two-on-two association football influenced by squash and played in a four-walled court
José {prop} :: given name
Josée {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of José
Joseph {prop} {m} :: Joseph (biblical figure)
Joseph {prop} {m} :: given name
Joséphine {prop} {f} :: given name
joséphisme {m} :: Josephinism
Josette {prop} {f} :: given name
Josselin {prop} :: given name
Josseline {prop} :: given name
Josué {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Joshua
Josué {prop} {m} :: Joshua, the sixth book of the Bible
Josué {prop} {m} :: given name
jota {m} :: jota (dance)
jouabilité {f} :: playability, gameplay
jouable {adj} :: playable
jouable {adj} :: feasible
joual {m} [Canada] :: joual
Jouars-Pontchartrain {prop} :: Jouars-Pontchartrain
joubarbe {f} :: houseleek
joue {f} :: cheek
joué {adj} :: irrevocable
jouer {v} :: to play (engage in games or play)
jouer {v} :: to play (produce music from a musical instrument)
jouer {v} :: to play [a role]
jouer à la paume {v} :: to play real tennis
jouer au chat et à la souris {v} :: to play cat and mouse
jouer avec le feu {v} [idiomatic] :: play with fire (put oneself in a precarious situation)
jouer avec ses armes {v} [idiomatic] :: To play one's own game
jouer cartes sur table {v} [figuratively] :: to put one's cards on the table, to show one's cards, to show one's hand, to lay it on the line
jouer des coudes {v} :: to elbow one's way through, to jostle for position, to push and shove
jouer des coudes {v} [figuratively] :: to elbow one's way to the top
jouer gros jeu {v} :: to play big, to play for high stakes
jouer la comédie {v} :: to put on an act
jouer la comédie {v} [sports] :: to dive (to imitate a foul)
jouer la montre {v} [figuratively] :: to run out the clock, to play for time, to use delaying tactics, to stall
jouer le jeu {v} :: to play the game, to play by the rules, to observe the rules of the game
jouer le jeu {v} :: to play along, to play ball
jouer les gros bras {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to act tough
jouet {m} :: toy; plaything
joueur {m} :: player
joueur {adj} :: playful
joueur de deuxième but {m} [baseball] :: second baseman
joueur de premier but {m} [baseball] :: first baseman
joueur de troisième but {m} [baseball] :: third baseman
joueuse {f} :: player (female)
joufflu {adj} :: chubby-cheeked; puff-cheeked
joug {m} :: yoke
joug {m} :: balance beam
jouir {v} [followed by the preposition de] :: to enjoy
jouir {vi} :: to have an orgasm; to come, cum; to ejaculate
jouissance {f} [legal] :: use, possession, enjoyment
jouissance {f} :: enjoyment, deep pleasure
jouissance {f} :: sexual pleasure, sensual delight; orgasm, climax
jouisseur {adj} :: seeking sensual pleasure
jouisseur {adj} :: showing enjoyment, delight, pleasure
jouisseur {m} :: sensualist
jouisseur {m} :: person reaching pleasure during sexual intercourse
jouisseuse {f} :: feminine noun of jouisseur
jouissif {adj} :: orgasmic
jouissif {adj} :: very pleasurable
jouissif {adj} [colloquial] :: very enjoyable
joujou {m} [childish] :: a toy; a plaything
joule {m} :: joule (unit of measure)
jour {m} :: day
jour {m} :: daylight, light
jour {m} :: opening, aperture
jour-amende {m} [French law] :: One of the days specified in a financial penalty whereby a certain amount of money (measured in units per day) must be paid by a fixed date, any unpaid days resulting in days in prison
Jourdain {prop} {m} :: Jordan (river)
jour de l'an {m} :: New Year's Day
jour de paie {m} :: payday
jour du Seigneur {m} :: Sunday, Lord's Day
jour du Souvenir {prop} {m} [Canada] :: Remembrance Day
jour et nuit {adv} :: day and night (all the time, unceasingly)
jour férié {m} :: bank holiday; public holiday
jour fixe {m} :: fixed day
jour-homme {m} :: man-day (one person's working time)
Jour J {prop} {m} :: D-Day (6 June 1944) (WWII)
journal {adj} :: That is relative to each day; journal
journal {m} :: diary, journal
journal {m} :: newspaper
journal {m} :: periodical
journal {m} :: newsbreak
journal {m} [computing] :: log
journal de bord {m} :: logbook
journal de classe {m} [Belgium] :: homework notebook
journalier {adj} [literally] :: daily, every day
journalier {adj} [figuratively] :: incertain, ephemerous, precarious
journalier {m} :: A journeyman, laborer employed on a daily basis
journalière {f} :: feminine noun of journalier
journal intime {m} :: diary, journal (daily log of experiences)
journalisme {m} :: journalism
journaliste {mf} :: a journalist
journaliste {mf} :: an anchorman or anchorwoman
journaliste {mf} :: a reporter
journaliste reporter d'images {mf} :: video journalist
journalistique {adj} :: journalistic
journalistiquement {adv} :: journalistically (in a journalistic way)
journalope {mf} [neologism, derogatory, vulgar] :: hack (journalist)
journal télévisé {m} :: newsbreak
journée {f} :: day
journée {f} :: daytime
journée portes ouvertes {f} :: open house, open day, open doors day (an event/day during which a facility or institution is open to the public for inspection or tour)
journellement {adv} :: daily (every day)
jour ouvrable {m} :: workday
jour ouvrable {m} :: [Québec] weekday
jour pour jour {adv} :: to the day
joute {f} :: joust
jouter {vi} :: to joust (participate in jousting)
jouteur {m} :: jouster (one who jousts)
jouteuse {f} :: feminine singular of jouteur
jouvence {f} [archaic] :: youth (state of being young)
jouvenceau {m} [dated] :: a male adolescent, a young man
jouvencelle {f} [dated] :: a female adolescent, a young woman; feminine noun of jouvenceau
Jouxtens-Mézery {prop} :: Jouxtens-Mézery (commune)
jouxter {v} [literary] :: to be next to, to be adjoined to
jovial {adj} :: jovial, jolly
jovialement {adv} :: joyously
jovialité {f} :: joviality
jovien {adj} [astrology, astronomy] :: Jovian
joyau {m} :: jewel (valuable object for ornamentation)
joycien {adj} :: Joycean
joyeusement {adv} :: joyfully, joyously
joyeuses fêtes {interj} :: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; happy holidays
joyeuseté {f} :: joke
joyeux {adj} :: joyful, happy
joyeux anniversaire {phrase} :: happy birthday
joyeux Noël {interj} :: Merry Christmas
JRI {m} :: VJ (video journalist)
j'sais pas {phrase} [colloquial] :: alternative form of je ne sais pas
j'suis {contraction} [colloquial] :: contraction of je suis
JT {m} :: initialism of journal télévisé (newsbreak)
j't'ai cassé {phrase} [slang] :: Emphasising a successfully delivered insult; gotcha, zing
jtm {interj} [internet slang, colloquial, text messaging, abbreviation] :: abbreviation of je t'aime
jubé {m} :: rood screen, jube
jubilant {adj} :: jubilant
jubilation {f} :: jubilation
jubilatoire {adj} :: exhilarating
jubilé {m} :: jubilee
jubiler {v} :: to be jubilant or ecstatic, to exult
jucher {vi} :: to perch
jucher {vp} :: to perch (oneself), to be perched
Juda {prop} {m} :: Judah (first son of Jacob)
judaïque {adj} :: Judaic
judaïque {adj} :: Jewish
judaïquement {adv} :: Jewishly
judaïser {v} :: To Judaize
judaïsme {m} :: Judaism
judaïté {f} :: Jewishness (in the religious sense, in terms of being an adherent of Judaism, the Jewish religion)
judas {m} :: Judas (traitor)
judas {m} :: judas (spyhole)
Judas {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Judas
Judas Iscariote {prop} {m} :: Judas Iscariot
Jude {prop} {m} [Bible] :: Jude
Judée {prop} :: Judea
judéen {adj} :: Judean
Judéen {m} :: Judean
Judéenne {f} :: feminine singular of Judéen
judéité {f} :: Jewishness (in the national or ethnic sense, in terms of being a member of the Jewish people or nation)
judéo-araméen {m} :: Judeo-Aramaic
judéocide {adj} :: Judeocidal
judéocide {m} :: Judeocide
judéophobe {mf} :: Judeophobe
judéophobie {f} :: Judeophobia
judiciaire {adj} :: judicial
judiciairement {adv} :: judicially (using the processes of law)
judiciarisation {f} :: judicialization
judiciariser {v} :: To judicialize
judiciel {adj} :: synonym of judiciaire
judicieusement {adv} :: judiciously (with good judgment)
judicieux {adj} :: judicious (having good judgment)
Judith {prop} :: Judith; the Book of Judith
Judith {prop} :: given name
judo {m} :: judo
judoka {mf} :: judoka
judokate {f} :: feminine noun of judoka
juge {m} [law, religion] :: judge
juge {m} [sports] :: referee
juge de ligne {m} [tennis] :: line umpire, line judge
juge de touche {m} [sports] :: linesman
juge d'instruction {m} [legal] :: investigating magistrate
jugement {m} :: judgment
jugement dernier {m} [theology] :: Last Judgment, Final Judgment
jugement de valeur {m} :: value judgment
jugeote {f} :: common sense, intelligence
juger {v} [legal] :: To judge, to try
juger {v} :: [in general] To judge, to deem
jugerum {m} :: jugerum
Juges {prop} {mp} [Bible] :: Judges
jugeur {adj} [rare] :: judgmental
jugulaire {m} :: jugular (vein)
jugulaire {m} :: chin strap (on a helmet)
juguler {v} :: to stamp out, kick out, do away with (to get rid of)
juif {adj} :: Jewish
juif {adj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: stingy
juif {m} :: Jew (follower of Judaism)
Juif {m} :: Jew (a person with a Jewish cultural or ancestral connection)
Juifs {prop} :: Jews
juil. {n} :: abbreviation of juillet Jul
juillet {m} :: July
juillettiste {mf} :: A person who takes his/her holiday in July (instead or the more normal August)
juin {m} :: June
juive {f} :: feminine noun of juif
Juive {f} :: feminine noun of Juif
jujube {m} :: jujube (fruit)
jujubier {m} :: jujube (tree)
juke-box {m} :: jukebox (a coin-operated machine)
Jules {prop} :: given name
Julia {prop} {f} :: given name
Julie {prop} {f} :: given name
julien {adj} :: Julian
Julien {prop} {m} :: given name
julienne {f} [cooking] :: a julienne, a garnish of vegetables cut into long, thin strips
julienne {f} [botany] :: dame's rocket
julienne {f} [zoology] :: ling
Julienne {prop} {f} :: given name, the feminine of Julien. Cognate to English Juliana and Gillian
Juliette {prop} {f} :: given name of Latin origin
Juliette {prop} {f} :: Juliet
julio-claudien {adj} :: Julio-Claudian
jumeau {m} :: twin
jumelage {m} :: twinning
jumelage {m} :: town twinning (pairing of towns or cities)
jumelé {adj} :: paired
jumeler {vt} :: to twin
jumelle {f} :: A female twin; feminine noun of jumeau
jumelle {f} :: A pair of binoculars
jumelle {f} [heraldiccharge] :: gemel
jument {f} :: mare (female horse)
jumping {m} :: show jumping (equestrian discipline)
jumping {m} [sports and physical fitness] :: A form of movement in which a body propels itself through the air
Juneau {prop} :: surname
jungien {adj} :: Jungian
jungle {f} :: jungle (large humid forest)
jungle {f} [pejorative] :: jungle (dog eat dog place, lawless area)
junior {mf} [sport] :: junior
junior {adj} :: junior (all senses)
junior majeur {adj} [sports, Canada] :: major junior (pertaining to the top-level competition leagues of the junior age group, above junior AAA)
junk-food {f} :: (anglicism) junk food (food with little or no nutritional value)
junkie {mf} :: junkie (addict)
Junon {prop} {f} [Roman god] :: Juno (goddess)
Junon {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Juno, the third asteroid discovered
junte {f} :: junta
jupe {f} :: skirt
jupe-crayon {f} :: pencil skirt
jupette {f} :: short skirt
Jupiter {prop} {m} :: Jupiter (planet)
Jupiter {prop} {m} :: Jupiter (Roman god)
jupitérien {adj} :: Jovian
jupon {m} :: petticoat, underskirt
jupon {m} [colloquial] :: a bit of skirt
jupon {m} [military] :: a sleeveless jacket worn over armor (medieval)
Jura {prop} :: Jura (département)
Jura {prop} :: Jura (Canton)
Jura {prop} :: Jura (island)
jurançon {m} :: A white wine from the south-west of France
jurande {f} :: a corporation or confraternity in 18th century France
jurassien {adj} :: of or pertaining to Jura (French mountains)
jurassien {adj} :: of or pertaining to Jura (Swiss canton)
jurassique {adj} :: Jurassic
Jurassique {prop} {m} :: Jurassic period
jurat {m} :: A sworn man, particularly:
jurat {m} [historical] :: A municipal officer of Bordeaux and certain other French towns prior to the French Revolution
jurat {m} [historical] :: A medieval court officer
jurat {m} [historical] :: A member of any association sworn to do nothing against its internal rules
juré {m} :: juror (a member of a jury)
jurée {f} :: feminine noun of juré
jurement {m} [archaic or literary] :: oath
jurement {m} [archaic or literary] :: blasphemy
jurer {v} :: to swear; to promise by oath
jurer {v} :: to swear; to say a swear word
jurer comme un charretier {v} [simile] :: to swear like a trooper, to swear like a sailor, to swear a blue streak
jureur {m} :: juror
jureur {m} :: A person who swears
jureuse {f} :: feminine singular of jureur
juridiction {f} :: jurisdiction
juridictionnel {adj} :: jurisdictional, judicial
juridique {adj} [legal] :: judicial
juridique {adj} [legal] :: legal, pertaining to the law
juridiquement {adv} :: judicially
jurisconsulte {m} :: jurisconsult (legal expert)
jurisprudence {f} :: case law
jurisprudentiel {adj} :: jurisprudential
juriste {mf} :: jurist
juron {m} :: swearword
jury {m} :: jury
jus {m} :: juice
jus {m} [slang, Foreign Legion] :: coffee
jus {m} [slang] :: electricity, energy, power, juice
jus {m} [slang, dated] :: speech, address, presentation
jusant {m} [nautical] :: ebb, low tide
jus de chaussette {m} [food, slang] :: bad coffee
jus de fruit {m} :: fruit juice
jus de pomme {m} :: apple juice
jus de raisin {m} :: grape juice
jus de vaisselle {m} [food, slang] :: bad coffee
jus d'orange {m} :: orange juice
jusqu' {adv} :: apocopic form of jusque
jusqu'à {prep} :: until
jusqu'à {prep} :: to [used together with depuis to indicate a time range]
jusqu'à {prep} :: up to
jusqu'à ce que {conj} :: until (up to a given moment in time)
jusqu'alors {adv} :: until then, up to that point
jusqu'à nouvel ordre {adv} :: until further notice
jusqu'à pas d'heure {adv} [colloquial] :: until all hours, very late
jusqu'à plus soif {adv} :: until one has quenched one's thirst, until one is not thirsty anymore
jusqu'à plus soif {adv} [figuratively] :: to one's heart's content, at will, as much as one wants, ad libitum
jusqu'à présent {adv} :: up to now, so far, thus far, to date, as yet
jusqu'à preuve du contraire {adv} :: until proven otherwise; unless I'm much mistaken
jusqu'au {contraction} :: jusque + au
jusqu'au bout {adv} :: all the way, to the bitter end
jusqu'au-boutisme {m} :: extremism, hardline view
jusqu'au-boutiste {adj} :: extremist, hardline
jusqu'au sang {adv} :: hard enough to draw blood, until you draw blood
jusqu'aux {contraction} :: jusque + aux
jusque {prep} :: until, up to
jusque là {adv} :: alternative spelling of jusque-là
jusque-là {adv} :: up to there
jusque-là {adv} :: until then
jusqu'en {contraction} :: jusque + en
jusques {prep} :: alternative form of jusque
jusquiame {f} :: henbane
jusqu'ici {adv} :: up to here (literal meaning)
jusqu'ici {adv} :: hitherto, heretofore, so far, up to now
jussie {f} :: synonym of jussiée
jussiée {f} :: primrose
jussif {m} :: jussive
Just {prop} {m} :: given name
justau {m} [colloquial] :: leotard; leo
justaucorps {m} [historical] :: jerkin
justaucorps {m} :: leotard
juste {adj} :: fair, just
juste {adj} :: reasonable
juste {adj} :: correct
juste {adv} :: exactly, precisely
juste {adv} :: upright, not crooked or bent
juste {adv} :: just, only
juste ciel {interj} :: good heavens!
justement {adv} :: precisely, exactly; accurately
justement {adv} :: just (moments ago, recently), just then
justement {adv} :: actually, at that very moment
justement {adv} :: rightly, justly; fairly
juste milieu {m} :: balance, golden mean, happy medium, middle ground
justesse {f} :: rightness, correctness
justesse {f} :: justness
justesse {f} :: equity, justice, fairness
justice {f} :: justice
justice sociale {f} :: social justice
justiciable {adj} [legal] :: justiciable
justicier {m} :: A justicer (an upholder of the law)
justicier {m} :: A justice (a judge)
justicier {m} [historical] :: A justiciar or justiciary (a high-ranking medieval judge)
justicière {f} :: feminine noun of justicier
justifiable {adj} :: justifiable
justifiablement {adv} :: justifiably
justificateur {adj} :: justificatory
justificatif {adj} :: justifying (tending to justify)
justificatif {m} :: proof
justification {f} :: justification (reason, excuse, etc.)
justifié {adj} :: justified
justifier {v} :: to justify
Justin {prop} {m} :: given name
Justine {prop} {f} :: given name
justinianéen {adj} :: Justinianian
Justinien {prop} {m} :: Justinian
juter {v} :: to juice, to give off juice
juter {v} [vulgar] :: To cum, to spunk
juteux {adj} :: juicy (containing juice)
Jutland {prop} {m} :: Jutland
juveigneur {m} [largely historical] :: A younger or youngest son of a nobleman who is given apanage
juvénat {m} :: A type of French religious school
juvénat {m} :: seminary
juvénile {adj} :: youthful; young
juvénilement {adv} :: youthfully
juxtalinéaire {adj} :: juxtalinear
juxtaposer {v} :: to juxtapose
juxtaposition {f} :: juxtaposition
j'y {contraction} :: je + y