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Inherited from Old French jusque, from Latin inde + ūsque.


  • IPA(key): /ʒysk/
  • Audio:(file)




  1. until, up to
    • 2006, Christophe Farquet, La défense du paradis fiscal suisse avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, pages 98–9:
      Ensuite, l’ASB et la Confédération instituent une autorégulation de l’évasion fiscale afin de marquer les limites jusquauxquelles les établissements suisses peuvent combattre ou contourner les contrôles d’impôt étrangers sans exposer la place financière suisse à des représailles.
      Secondly, the SBA and the Swiss Confederation are instituting self-regulation of tax evasion, to mark the limits up to which Swiss institutions can combat or circumvent foreign tax controls without exposing the Swiss financial center to reprisals.

Usage notes

  • The final -e is always elided when the next word begins with a vowel sound.[1]
  • jusque is never used in isolation in more standard varieties of modern French, where it is only used as the first element in prepositional, adverbial and conjunctive locutions.[2] Most commonly, it fuses with the preposition à in the form jusqu’à. In other common uses, it pairs with another preposition (e.g. jusqu’après, jusque chez, jusque dans, jusqu’en, jusque sur, etc.) and with the adverbs alors, ici, and , hence jusqu’alors, jusqu’ici, jusque-là and jusqu’où.[1]
  • A now dated[2] or literary construction saw jusque used without à (or another preposition) when subordinating an adverb of time or place that was itself modified by an intensifying adverb (assez, aussi, bien, fort, si, très).[2][1]
    • jusqu’assez récemmentuntil very recently
    • jusque très avant dans la nuituntil very late in the night
    • jusque bien haut au-dessus des nuagesup to a very high altitude above the clouds
  • The alternative form jusques, once commonly used when the first letter of the following word begins with a vowel sound, has fallen far into disuse. See usage notes for jusques

Derived terms



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 jusque” in Dictionnaire français en ligne Larousse.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 jusque”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.

Old French


Alternative forms




From Latin inde + ūsque.


  • IPA(key): (early) /ˈd͡ʒys.kʷə/
  • IPA(key): (late) /ˈʒys.kə/




  1. as far as, until


  • French: jusque

