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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-b

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Baalbeck {prop} :: Baalbek
baasiste {adj} :: alternative form of baassiste
baasiste {mf} :: alternative form of baassiste
baassiste {adj} :: Baathist / Ba'athist
baassiste {mf} :: Baathist / Ba'athist
baathiste {adj} :: Ba'athist (attributive)
baathiste {mf} :: Ba'athist
b-a ba {m} :: basics, fundamentals, ABC
baba {m} :: baba (type of cake)
baba au rhum {m} :: rum baba
babacool {adj} :: hippie (attributive)
babacool {mf} :: hippie
babaille {interj} [colloquial, Quebec] :: bye-bye
babélien {adj} :: Babelian
babélique {adj} :: Babelic
babésiose {f} :: babesiosis
babeurre {m} :: buttermilk
babi {adj} :: Babist (attributive)
bâbi {adj} :: alternative form of babi
babiche {f} :: babiche
babil {m} :: baby talk
babil {m} :: ease, facility to talk
babillage {m} :: babble; chatter; chit-chat (insignificant talk)
babillard {adj} :: talkative, babbling
babillard {m} :: babbler; someone who babbles
babillard {m} [Québec] :: billboard
babiller {v} :: to chat; to babble; to natter (to talk about insignificant things)
babine {f} :: prominent or pendulous animal lip (of camel, monkey etc.)
babine {f} [colloquial] :: (human) lip
Babineaux {prop} :: surname
babiole {f} :: useless or worthless thing; a trinket
babiroussa {m} :: babiroussa
Babœuf {prop} :: Babœuf
babord {m} :: archaic spelling of bâbord; larboard, port (the left side of a ship)
bâbord {m} :: port (left-hand side of a vessel)
babouche {f} :: babouche
babouin {m} :: baboon
babouinesque {adj} :: baboonish
babouvisme {m} :: Babouvism (form of socialism characterism of François-Noël Babeuf
babouviste {m} :: Babouvist
babtou {m} [backslang, verlan] :: alternative form of toubab
baby {m} :: table soccer, table football
baby {m} :: baby, darling, sweetheart
bâby {adj} :: alternative form of babi
baby blues {m} :: baby blues
babyboom {m} :: baby boom (post-World War II baby boom (1946 to 1964))
babyboom {m} :: baby boom (any large increase in births)
baby-foot {m} :: table football, foosball (game)
babyfoot {m} :: alternative form of baby-foot; table football
Babylone {prop} {f} :: Babylon
babylonien {adj} :: Babylonian
Babylonien {m} :: Babylonian (person)
Babylonienne {f} :: feminine singular of Babylonien
baby-sitter {mf} :: A babysitter
bac {m} :: ferry
bac {m} :: vat
bac {m} [colloquial] :: high school exit exam in France; A level
BAC {prop} :: initialism of Brigade anticriminalité
bacante {f} :: alternative form of bacchante
bac à sable {m} :: sandbox, sandpit
baccalauréat {m} :: baccalaureat (≈ A-level, high school diploma)
baccalauréat {m} [Canada] :: bachelor's degree
baccara {m} :: baccarat (card game)
baccarat {m} :: alternative form of baccara
bacchanal {m} :: A loud, annoying noise
bacchanal {m} :: A revolt amongst the peasantry
bacchanale {f} :: bacchanal
bacchante {f} :: bacchante
bacchante {f} :: [especially in plural] moustache
bacchique {adj} :: alternative form of bachique
Bacchylide {prop} {m} :: Bacchylides
baccifère {adj} [botany] :: bacciferous
bacciforme {adj} :: bacciform
baccivore {adj} :: baccivorous
bâchage {m} :: covering with a canvas or tarpaulin
Bachand {prop} :: surname
bâche {f} :: tarpaulin
bâche {f} :: tank (reservoir)
bâche {f} :: tide pool
Bachelet {prop} :: surname
bachelier {m} :: graduate of the baccalauréat
bachelier {m} [Canada] :: person holding a bachelor's degree
bachelière {f} :: feminine noun of bachelier
bachelor {m} :: bachelor (degree)
bâcher {v} :: to cover with a canvas or tarpaulin
bachi-bouzouk {m} :: An irregular soldier in the Ottoman army
bachique {adj} :: bacchic
bachique {adj} :: bacchanalian
bachot {m} :: A small vat or similar container
bachot {m} [colloquial] :: baccalauréat; bac (≈ A-level, high school diploma)
bachotage {m} [nautical] :: piloting a ferry
bachotage {m} :: cramming (for an exam)
bachoter {v} [colloquial] :: to cram (revise hard for an exam, especially for a baccalauréat exam)
bachotte {f} :: A container for transporting live fish
bacillaire {adj} :: bacilliary
bacille {m} :: bacillus (rod-shaped bacterium)
bacilliforme {adj} :: bacilliform (shaped like a bacillus; rod-shaped)
bacillose {f} [pathology] :: bacillosis
back {adv} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, Acadia] :: back
backgammon {m} :: backgammon
bâcler {vt} :: to bang out (a task)
bacologie {f} :: sericulture
bacologique {adj} :: sericultural
bacon {m} :: bacon
baconien {adj} :: Baconian
bactéricide {adj} :: bactericidal
bactéricide {m} :: bactericide
bactéricide {m} :: antibiotic
bactéridie {f} [biology] :: bacillus
bactérie {f} :: bacterium
bactériel {adj} :: bacterial
bactériémie {f} [pathology] :: bacteriemia
bactériémique {adj} [pathology] :: bacteremic
bactériémiquement {adv} :: bacteremically
bactérien {adj} :: bacterial
bactériocécidie {f} [biology] :: bacteriocecidium
bactériologie {f} :: bacteriology
bactériologique {adj} :: bacteriological
bactériologiquement {adv} :: bacteriologically
bactériologiste {mf} :: bacteriologist
bactériolyse {f} [biology] :: bacteriolysis
bactériophage {adj} :: bacteriophagous
bactériophage {m} [virology] :: bacteriophage
bactériorhodopsine {f} [protein] :: bacteriorhodopsin
bactériostatique {adj} :: bacteriostatic
bactériostatiquement {adv} :: bacteriostatically
bactérique {adj} :: bacterial
bactérivore {m} [biology] :: bacterivore
Bactriane {prop} {f} :: Bactria
bactrien {adj} :: Bactrian
badasso {m} :: thyme
badaud {m} :: onlooker, bystander, rubbernecker
badauder {v} :: To gape, gawk
badauderie {f} :: onlooking
badauderie {f} :: rubbernecking
Bade {prop} {m} :: Baden, historical region of Germany
Badeau {prop} :: surname
Badeaux {prop} :: surname
bader {v} [colloquial, mostly used by adolescents] :: to be sad, to be depressive
baderne {f} :: (old) fogey
badge {m} :: identity badge
badger {v} :: to use an identity badge
badiane {f} :: star anise
badiane chinoise {f} :: star anise
badigeon {m} :: distemper, badigeon
badigeonnage {m} :: the act or the result of smearing; smear
badigeonner {v} :: to smear, slather
badigeonner {v} :: to whitewash
badigeonneur {m} :: one who whitewashes or distempers walls
badigeonneur {m} :: a bad painter
badigeonneuse {f} :: feminine singular of badigeonneur
badin {adj} :: playful, light-hearted, frolicsome
badin {m} :: airspeed indicator
badinage {m} :: joke; gag; wind-up
badinage {m} [figuratively] :: a trivial, simple task
badine {f} :: switch (stick)
badine {f} :: a small bendy walking stick, walking cane
badine {f} :: tong (to use in a fireplace)
badinement {adv} :: playfully
badiner {v} :: to jest, joke
badinerie {f} :: badinage
badiste {mf} [sport] :: badminton player
badminton {m} :: badminton
badois {adj} :: Of or from Baden
Badois {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Baden
Badoise {f} :: feminine singular of Badois
badouillard {m} :: reveller (associated especially with the Paris carnival)
baeckeoffe {m} :: A type of stew from Alsace
baffe {f} [colloquial] :: smack; hit (on the head)
baffer {v} [colloquial] :: to hit (on the face)
baffle {mf} :: speaker (audio)
bafouer {v} :: to scorn
bafouer {v} :: to flout
bafouillage {m} :: spluttering, stammering
bafouillage {m} :: gibberish
bafouille {f} [slang] :: letter (written message)
bafouiller {v} :: to babble, splutter, stammer
bafouilleur {m} :: babbler, stammerer
bafouilleuse {f} :: feminine singular of bafouilleur
bâfrer {v} [colloquial] :: to guzzle, gobble; to binge
bâfreur {m} :: guzzler
bâfreur {m} :: binge drinker
bâfreuse {f} :: feminine singular of bâfreur
bagad {m} :: bagad
bagage {m} :: baggage; luggage
bagagiste {m} :: baggage handler
bagarre {f} :: brawl, fight
bagarrer {v} :: to scrap, to scuffle (have a physical fight)
bagarrer {v} :: to fight (to strive for something with lots of effort)
bagarreur {adj} :: quarrelsome, pugnacious, rowdy
bagarreur {m} :: brawler, battler
bagasse {f} :: bagasse (residue from processing sugar cane after extracting the juice)
bagasse {f} :: residue of indigo after extracting the dye by fermentation
bagasse {f} :: a female prostitute
bagatelle {f} :: bagatelle, trinket, bauble
bagatelle {f} [food] :: trifle
Bagdad {prop} :: Bagdad (capital city)
bagel {m} :: bagel (toroidal bread roll)
baggy {adj} :: baggy
baggy {m} :: Loose-fitting trousers
bagnard {m} :: crook
bagnard {m} :: convict, prisoner of a penal colony
bagnarde {f} :: feminine noun of bagnard
bagne {m} :: penal colony; prison where prisonners are forced to labour
bagnole {f} [colloquial] :: ride; wheels (an automobile)
bagosse {f} [Canada] :: moonshine; illicitly brewed alcoholic drink
bagou {m} :: sales pitch
bagouler {v} :: To say, tell
bagout {m} :: glibness, volubility, gift of the gab
bague {f} :: ring
baguel {m} :: alternative spelling of bagel
baguenaude {f} :: dawdling
baguenaude {f} :: stroll
baguenauder {v} :: To stroll, amble
baguenaudeur {adj} :: strolling, ambling
baguenaudier {m} :: bladder senna (masculine only)
baguenaudier {m} :: trifler
baguenaudière {f} :: feminine singular of baguenaudier
baguer {v} :: to ring, tag, band (attach a tag or ring, e.g. to a bird, for tracking)
baguer {v} [sewing] :: to collar
baguette {f} :: stick, rod, any long thin object
baguette {f} [food] :: baguette, French stick
baguette {f} :: chopstick
baguette {f} [music] :: drumstick; (conductor's) baton
baguette {f} :: wand
baguette {f} [firearms] :: gun-stick, rod for stuffing the gun with ammunition
baguette {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: the barrel of a gun
baguette de coudrier {f} :: divining rod, dowsing rod, dowser
baguette de sourcier {f} :: divining rod, dowsing rod, dowser
baguette magique {f} :: magic wand
baguettisant {m} :: synonym of sourcier
baguier {m} :: A box used to store rings
baguier {m} :: A ring sizer (conical device)
bah {interj} :: No
bah {interj} :: An exclamation to fill space, often used as an intensifier; well, err, um
bahaïsme {m} :: Bahá'í (religion)
Bahamas {prop} {fp} :: Bahamas (archipelago/and/country)
bahaméen {adj} :: Bahamian
Bahaméen {m} :: Bahamian
Bahaméenne {f} :: feminine singular of Bahaméen
bahamien {adj} :: Bahamian
Bahamien {m} :: Bahamian
Bahamienne {f} :: feminine singular of Bahamien
bahianais {adj} :: Bahian
Bahreïn {prop} {m} :: Bahreïn (country)
bahreïni {adj} :: Bahraini
Bahreïni {m} :: Bahraini person
Bahreïnie {f} :: feminine noun of Bahreïni
bahreïnien {adj} :: Bahraini
Bahreïnien {m} :: Bahraini
Bahreïnienne {f} :: feminine singular of Bahreïnien
baht {m} :: baht (unit of currency)
bahut {m} :: chest; sideboard
bahut {m} [school slang] :: school
bahut {m} [colloquial] :: lorry, truck; (taxi) cab
bai {adj} :: bay (of a reddish-brown colour)
baie {f} [botany] :: berry
baie {f} :: bay (body of water)
baie {f} :: picture window
baie de Guanabara {prop} {f} [geography] :: Guanabara Bay
baie vitrée {f} :: plate glass window
baignable {adj} :: batheable
baignade {f} :: an instance of bathing
baigner {vt} :: to bathe
baigner {v} :: to go for a swim
baigneur {m} :: bather (person who bathes)
baigneur {m} :: Doll representing a young boy (masculine use only)
baigneuse {f} :: feminine noun of baigneur
baignoire {f} :: bath (British), bathtub, tub (especially US)
baiji {m} :: baiji, Chinese river dolphin
bail {m} :: lease (contract)
bail {m} [colloquial] :: yonks, ages
bail {m} [slang] :: thing, stuff, piece of information
bâillant {adj} :: yawning
baille {f} :: tub
baille {f} :: water
Bailleau {prop} :: surname
Bailleaux {prop} :: surname
bâillement {m} :: yawn (the action of yawning)
bâillement {m} :: large gap
bailler {v} [obsolete] :: to give
bailler {v} :: To lend
bailler {v} :: To rent, lease
bâiller {v} :: to yawn
bâiller comme une carpe {v} [simile] :: to yawn a lot
bailleresse {f} :: feminine singular of bailleur
bailleur {m} [historical] :: a landowner who let uncultivated parcels of land to a lessee in a crop-sharing system in early Middle Ages
bailleur {m} :: a lessor in general
bâilleur {m} :: yawner
bailleur social {m} :: an agent who deals with lease contracts for social housing; a social landlord
bâilleuse {f} :: feminine singular of bâilleur
bailli {m} [historical] :: a bailiff: an appointee of the king administering certain districts of northern France in the medieval period
bailliage {m} :: bailiwick
bailliager {adj} :: bailiwick (attributive)
baillival {adj} :: bailiff (attributive); bailival
bâillon {m} :: gag (a device to restrain speech)
bâillonnement {m} :: gagging, muzzling, silencing
bâillonner {v} [a person] :: to gag
bâillonner {v} [a dog] :: to muzzle
bâillonner {v} [figuratively] :: to silence
bain {m} :: bath
bain de bouche {m} :: mouth bath (act of soaking or washing one's mouth)
bain de bouche {m} :: mouthwash, gargling fluid (liquid used to clean one's mouth)
bain de foule {m} [figuratively] :: walkabout
bain de glace {m} :: polar bear swim
bain de minuit {m} :: midnight swim, midnight bath (where skinny dipping generally takes place)
bain de pieds {m} :: footbath (the act of soaking or washing the feet)
bain de sang {m} :: bloodbath, bloodshed
bain de soleil {m} :: a sunbath
bain-douche {m} :: showerbath
bain-douche {adj} :: For use with either a bath or a shower
bain-marie {m} [cooking] :: bain-marie (hot water bath made out of two containers)
baïonnette {f} :: bayonet
baïram {m} [Islam] :: bairam
baisable {adj} [slang, vulgar] :: fuckable, sexually desirable
baisage {m} [vulgar] :: fuck (act of copulation)
baise {f} [dated] :: kiss
baise {f} [vulgar] :: fuck, fucking (sexual intercourse)
baise-en-ville {m} [slang] :: overnight bag
baise-main {m} :: alternative form of baisemain
baisemain {m} [historical] :: in feudalism, homage which the vassal used to give to the fief seigneur, by kissing his hand
baisemain {m} :: polite manner to greet or leave a lady, by kissing her hand, hand-kissing
baisement {m} :: kissing
baisement {m} [slang] :: fucking
baisenville {m} :: alternative form of baise-en-ville
baiser {m} :: kiss
baiser {v} [dated, outside, Canada] :: to kiss
baiser {vit} [vulgar slang] :: to fuck, screw
baiser {v} [vulgar slang] :: to prevail over someone, fuck, screw
baiser {v} [vulgar slang] :: to break, deteriorate
baiser comme un lapin {v} [simile, vulgar, pejorative, chiefly of a man] :: to have sex quickly, in a short space of time
baiseur {m} [dated] :: kisser (one who kisses)
baiseur {m} [colloquial] :: shagger (one who shags)
baiseuse {f} :: feminine noun of baiseur
baisodrome {m} [slang] :: bedroom, fuckpad
baisoter {v} :: to smother with kisses; kiss to death
baisse {f} :: drop; decrease
baisse de régime {f} [colloquial, figuratively] :: slowdown, downturn
baisse de tension {f} :: drop in blood pressure
baissement {m} :: lowering
baisser {v} :: to lower
baisser {v} :: to turn down (as a volume/setting)
baisser {v} :: to go down, fall
baisser {v} :: to fail
baisser {vr} [se baisser] :: To lower oneself; to bend over
baisser de rideau {m} :: final curtain
baisser de rideau {m} [figuratively] :: final curtain
baisser d'un ton {v} [colloquial] :: to lower one's voice, to keep it down
baisser la garde {v} :: to lower one's guard
baisser le rideau {v} :: to draw the curtains (closed)
baisser le rideau {v} [figuratively] :: To close down, to close up shop (end)
baisser les bras {v} [figuratively] :: to give up; to stop trying
baisser sa garde {v} :: alternative form of baisser la garde
baissier {m} :: bear (investor who anticipates falling prices)
baissier {adj} :: bearish (of a market)
baissière {f} :: feminine singular of baissier
baissoir {m} :: salt water tank
bajoue {f} :: jowl
bajoue {f} [by extension] :: chubby cheek
bajoyer {m} :: A sturdy wall of a river or canal either next to a bridge or in a lock
bakchich {m} :: baksheesh
bakélite {f} :: alternative form of Bakélite
Bakélite {f} :: Bakelite
bakinois {adj} :: Bakuvian
Bakinois {m} :: Bakuvian
Bakinoise {f} :: female equivalent of Bakinois
baklava {m} :: baklava
Bakou {prop} {m} :: Bakou (capital)
bakouninien {adj} :: Bakuninist
bal {m} :: dance party, ball
balade {f} :: walk without purpose, stroll
balader {vi} :: to stroll, walk around
balader {vt} :: to give someone the runaround
balader {vr} :: to go for a walk, to trail
baladeur {m} :: walkman, personal stereo
baladeur {adj} :: walking, rambling
baladeuse {f} :: inspection lamp
baladin {m} :: a wandering entertainer
baladin {m} :: (figurative) a comedian, a person who behaves in a comical fashion to make others laugh
balado {m} [Quebec] :: podcast
baladodiffusion {f} [Quebec] :: podcasting
balafon {m} [musical instruments] :: balafon
balafre {f} :: gash (on face); scar
balafrer {v} :: to scar (cause to have a scar, after injury)
balai {m} :: broom
balai {m} :: broomstick flown by witches
balai {m} [colloquial] :: the last bus or train (at night)
balai {m} :: tail (of a bird of prey)
balai {m} :: brush (electrical contact)
balai {m} :: blade (of windscreen wiper)
balai {m} [slang] :: year (used in referring to someone’s age)
balai-brosse {m} :: A broom that has short, stiff bristles
balalaïka {f} :: balalaika (Russian instrument)
balance {f} :: scales
balance {f} [chemistry, physics] :: balance
balance {f} [economics, electricity, politics] :: balance
balance {f} [fishing] :: drop-net
balance {f} [slang] :: informant, snitch
balance {f} [Louisiana French] :: the rest, the remainder
balance {f} [Louisiana French] :: a scale, more specifically a balancing scale
Balance {prop} {f} :: Libra (constellation)
Balance {prop} {f} [astrology] :: Libra (star sign)
balancelle {f} :: porch swing, swing seat, balancelle
balancement {m} :: rocking, swaying
balancement {m} :: equilibrium, balance
balancer {vr} :: to swing (to do a reciprocating movement)
balancer {vr} :: to swing (to ride on a swing)
balancer {v} [Quebec] :: to balance (make the credits and debits of (an account) correspond)
balancer {v} [France, slang] :: to denounce (to make a formal or public accusation against), to rat ()
balancer {v} [colloquial] :: to toss (to throw)
balancer {v} [colloquial] :: to throw away (to discard)
balancer son porc {v} :: to denounce a man guilty of sexual harassment
balancier {m} :: pendulum
balancier {m} :: balance wheel
balancier {m} :: beam
balancier {m} :: balancing pole
balancier {m} :: outrigger
balancine {f} [nautical] :: topping lift
balançoire {f} :: swing (for children)
balançoire {f} :: seesaw (for children)
balandier {m} :: synonym of baguenaudier
Balandier {prop} :: surname
balane {f} :: barnacle, especially the acorn barnacle
balane {f} [literary] :: glans penis
balanifère {adj} :: balaniferous
balanite {f} [pathology] :: balanitis
balanite {m} :: caltrop of genus Balanites
balanoglosse {m} :: acorn worm of the genus Balanoglossus
balanoïde {adj} :: balanoid
balanophage {adj} :: balanephagous
balanopréputial {adj} [anatomy] :: balanopreputial
balata {m} :: balata
balayage {m} :: sweeping, sweep
balayage {m} :: (radar) scanning, scan
balayer {v} :: to sweep
balayer {v} :: to sweep aside, brush aside
balayer {v} [of a long skirt] :: To drag on the floor
balayer {v} [military] :: to rake (sweep with gunfire)
balayer {v} [politics] :: to make a clean sweep
balayer devant sa porte {v} [figuratively] :: to put one's own house in order first, to clean up one's own backyard first (before criticising other people)
balayette {f} :: Small broom or brush (used for sweeping), a whisk
balayeur {m} :: sweeper (someone who sweeps)
balayeuse {f} :: female equivalent of balayeur
balayeuse {f} :: street sweeper (vehicle)
balayeuse {f} [Quebec] :: hoover, vacuum cleaner
balayure {f} :: sweepings (things swept up by a broom)
balboa {m} :: balboa
balbusard {m} :: osprey
balbutiant {adj} :: stammering
balbutiement {m} :: stammering; stammer
balbutier {v} :: to stammer; to stutter
balbutieur {m} :: stammerer; stutterer
balbutieuse {f} :: feminine noun of balbutieur
balbuzard {m} :: osprey
balcon {m} :: balcony
balconnet {m} :: small balcony
balconnet {m} :: half-cup bra, balcony bra
baldaquin {m} :: baldaquin, canopy
bale {f} :: chaff (inedible casing of a grain seed)
Bâle {prop} {f} :: Bâle (city)
Bâle {prop} {f} :: Bâle (former canton)
baléare {adj} :: Balearic
Baléare {mf} :: Balearian
Baléares {prop} {fp} :: Balearics
baléarique {adj} :: Balearic
baleine {f} :: whale (mammal)
baleine {f} :: whalebone
baleine {f} [colloquial, offensive] :: landwhale
baleiné {adj} :: stiffened with whalebone
baleine à bec {f} :: beaked whale
baleine à bosse {f} :: humpback whale
baleine à fanons {f} :: baleen whale
baleineau {m} :: a whale calf
baleine bleue {f} :: the blue whale
baleine boréale {f} :: bowhead whale
baleine de Cuvier {f} :: Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris)
baleine de Minke {f} :: Minke whale
baleine du Groenland {f} :: bowhead whale
baleine grise {f} :: gray whale
baleine pilote {f} :: pilot whale
baleine-pilote {f} :: alternative form of baleine pilote
baleine pygmée {f} :: pygmy right whale
baleiner {v} :: To equip or stiffen (clothing, umbrella etc.) with whalebone
baleinier {adj} [attributive] :: whale, whaling
baleinier {m} :: whaler (boat)
baleinier {m} :: whaler (person who hunts whales)
baleinière {f} :: whaleboat (boat)
baleinière {f} :: feminine noun of baleinier; whaler
balèse {adj} :: alternative form of balèze
balestrille {f} [archaic, weapons] :: crossbow, arbalest
balestron {m} [nautical] :: sprit (type of spar)
balèvre {f} [archaic] :: lower lip
balèvre {f} :: protrusion
balèze {adj} :: hefty; sturdy
balèze {adj} [slang] :: strong, powerful
balèze {adj} [slang] :: difficult
balinais {adj} :: Balinese, from or associated with Bali, its people or culture
balinais {adj} :: in or relating to the Balinese language (see below)
balinais {m} :: The Balinese language, of the Malay family
balinais {m} :: An oriental breed of cats
Balinais {m} :: A Balinese, member or descendant of the people of Bali
Balinaise {f} :: feminine noun of Balinais
balique {adj} :: Pali (attributive)
balisage {m} :: mark; marking; tag
balise {f} :: beacon (signal fire)
balise {f} [aeronautics] :: beacon
balise {f} [computing] :: tag (element of code)
balise {f} [nautical] :: buoy, seamark
baliser {v} :: to mark with beacons
baliser {v} :: to waymark, to signpost
baliser {v} :: to prepare the ground
baliser {v} [computing] :: to tag
baliseur {m} :: buoy tender (boat)
baliseur {m} :: buoy tender (person)
balisier {m} :: saka siri, Indian shot (of species Canna indica)
balisier {m} :: lobster-claw (or similar plant of the genus Heliconia)
baliste {f} :: ballista
baliste {m} :: clownfish
balistique {adj} :: ballistic
balistique {f} :: ballistics
balistiquement {adv} :: ballistically
balistite {f} :: ballistite
balivage {m} :: staddling (marking of saplings to remain when thinning a forest)
baliveau {m} :: staddle, sapling
baliver {vt} [forestry] :: to staddle
baliverne {f} [colloquial] :: trifle, nonsense
baliverner {v} :: To talk nonsense
baliverner {v} :: To mock
baliveur {m} [forestry] :: someone who staddles trees
balkanique {adj} :: Balkan (from the Balkans)
balkanisation {f} :: Balkanisation
balkaniser {v} :: to Balkanize
ballabile {m} :: ballabile
ballade {f} :: ballade (lyric poem)
ballade {f} :: ballad
Balladur {prop} :: surname
Balladur {prop} :: Édouard Balladur
balladurien {adj} :: Relating to French politician Édouard Balladur
ballant {adj} :: dangling
ballast {m} [nautical] :: Heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship (or in the gondola of a balloon), to provide stability
ballast {m} :: Coarse gravel or similar material laid to form a bed for roads or railroads
ballastage {m} :: ballasting
ballaster {v} :: to ballast
ballastière {f} :: ballast quarry
balle {f} :: (small) ball
balle {f} :: bullet
balle {f} [colloquial] :: franc (French franc), euro
balle {f} :: bundle of goods, packet tied and held together with string
balle {f} :: chaff (inedible casing of a grain seed)
balle de break {f} [tennis] :: break point
balle de match {f} [tennis] :: match point
balle de plastique {f} :: rubber bullet
balle de set {f} [tennis] :: set point
baller {v} :: to dance with one's arms swinging
baller {v} :: to swing or sway; to dangle
balle rapide {f} [baseball] :: fastball
ballerin {m} :: ballet dancer (male)
ballerine {f} :: ballerina, ballet dancer
ballerine {f} :: ballet shoe
ballet {m} :: ballet
ballet à ski {m} [skiing, dance] :: ski ballet
ballet-féerie {m} :: fairy ballet
balletomane {mf} :: balletomane
ballon {m} :: (inflatable) ball
ballon {m} :: beachball
ballon {m} :: balloon
ballon {m} [chemistry] :: round-bottom flask
ballon chasseur {m} :: alternative form of ballon-chasseur
ballon-chasseur {m} :: dodgeball, a sport/game
ballon de baudruche {m} :: inflatable balloon
ballon d'essai {m} :: ballon d'essai, trial balloon
ballon dirigeable {m} :: blimp, airship
ballonistique {adj} :: alternative form of ballonnistique
ballonnement {m} [surgery] :: ballonnement
ballonner {v} :: swell, swell up, bulge
ballonnet {m} :: small ball
ballonnet {m} :: small balloon
ballonnet {m} :: ballonet
ballonnistique {adj} :: balloonist (attributive)
ballon rond {m} :: football (soccer)
ballon-sonde {m} :: weather balloon, sounding balloon
ballot {m} :: bundle, package
ballot {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: fool, nitwit
ballotage {m} :: ballotage
ballote {f} :: black horehound
balloter {v} :: alternative form of ballotter
ballotin {m} :: a small, elegant box, usually of cardboard, containing pralines (chocolate)
ballottage {m} :: second ballot, runoff
ballottement {m} :: rocking; tossing (of boat)
ballotter {vt} :: to toss (around), to jolt
ballottine {f} :: ballotine
balloune {f} [Québec, colloquial] :: inflatable balloon
balloune {f} [Québec, colloquial] :: bubble
balloune {f} [Québec, colloquial] :: alcohol breath test
ball-trap {m} :: skeet, trap shooting
balluchon {m} :: bundle, especially in a bag carried on a stick over the shoulder, bindle
bal masqué {m} :: masked ball, masquerade
balme {f} :: cavern or rock shelter
bal musette {m} :: bal musette
balnéable {adj} :: Suitable, and safe, for bathing (of a beach etc)
balnéaire {adj} :: bathing; seaside (attributively; used for bathing)
balnéation {f} :: balneation
balnéatoire {adj} :: balneatory, related to bathing culture
balnéothérapie {f} :: balneotherapy
balocher {vi} [rare] :: To move slowly through the streets in a carriage
bâlois {adj} [attributive] :: of Basel, Basler
Bâlois {m} :: Basler
Bâloise {f} :: feminine singular of Bâlois
baloter {v} :: synonym of peloter
balourd {adj} :: narrow-minded
balourd {adj} :: awkward
balourd {adj} :: clumsy; oafish
balourd {m} :: dimwit, oaf
balourd {m} :: An unbalanced, rotating load (especially one that vibrates)
balourdé {adj} :: unbalanced
balourdé {adj} :: vibratory
balourdise {f} :: clumsiness
balourdise {f} :: blunder
balsa {m} :: balsa (tree, wood)
balsamier {m} :: balsam plant
balsamifère {adj} :: balsamiferous
balsamine {f} :: balsam (plant)
balsamique {adj} :: balsamic
balte {adj} :: Baltic
balthazar {m} :: Balthazar (12 litre bottle of Champagne)
baltique {adj} :: Baltic
Baltique {prop} {f} :: Baltic
baluchon {m} :: a bindle, a swag
balustrade {f} :: balustrade
balustre {m} :: balustrade
balustrer {v} :: To decorate or surround with a balustrade
balzac {m} :: A particular French vine variety; the grape of this vine; the wine made from these grapes
Balzac {prop} :: Balzac (town)
Balzac {prop} :: surname
Balzac {prop} :: Honoré de Balzac, French writer
balzacien {adj} :: Balzacian (of or pertaining to Honoré de Balzac or his writings)
balzan {adj} :: (of a horse) Having white "socks"
balzane {f} :: white "sock" or similar marking on the foot of a horse
Bamako {prop} :: Bamako (capital city)
bambara {m} :: Bambara (language)
bambaraphone {adj} :: That speaks the Bambara language
bambin {m} :: toddler (young human child)
bambine {f} :: feminine noun of bambin
bambochade {f} [art] :: bambocciante (painter or painting)
bambochard {m} :: reveler
bambocharde {f} :: feminine singular of bambochard
bamboche {f} :: A type of marionette
bamboche {f} :: A small person
bamboche {f} :: A knotty variety of bamboo
bamboche {f} :: A spree or feast
bambocher {v} :: To feast (celebrate enthusiastically)
bambocheur {m} :: party animal
bambocheur {m} [Louisiana French] :: drunkard
bambocheuse {f} :: feminine noun of bambocheur
bambou {m} :: bamboo [plant, cane]
bamboula {m} :: bamboula (drum)
bamboula {m} [ethnic slur] :: black African
bamboula {f} :: bamboula (dance)
bambouseraie {f} :: bamboo plantation
bambusacé {adj} :: bamboolike
ban {m} [dated] :: public declaration
ban {m} [dated] :: announcement of a marriage; banns
ban {m} [East of France, Belgium] :: territory
ban {m} :: ban [nobleman]
banal {adj} :: banal; commonplace
banal {adj} [legal] :: public
banal {adj} [historic] :: relating to facilities owned by feudal lords
banalement {adv} :: banally
banalisable {adj} :: Which can be banalized
banalisation {f} :: trivialization
banaliser {v} :: to banalise
banalité {f} :: banality
banane {f} :: banana (the fruit)
banane {f} [slang] :: chopper, copter, whirlybird (a two-rotor helicopter)
banane {f} :: bum bag [UK, Australia], fanny pack [US, Canada], moon bag [South Africa]
banane {f} :: pompadour, quiff
banane {f} [slang] :: idiot, fool
banane plantain {f} :: plantain [starchy fruit of genus Musa]
bananer {vr} [slang] :: To make a mistake
bananeraie {f} :: banana plantation
bananier {adj} [attributive] :: banana
bananier {m} :: any species of bananas pertaining to the genus Musa
bananier {m} :: boat or ship used to transport bananas
banat {m} :: banat
banc {m} :: bench (seat)
banc {m} :: bank (mass of material, of cloud, fog, etc)
banc {m} :: bank, shoal, school (of fish)
bancable {adj} :: bankable (certain to bring profit)
bancaire {adj} :: bank, banking
bancal {adj} :: bandy-legged (of person)
bancal {adj} :: rickety, wobbly (of table etc.)
bancal {adj} :: shaky, unclear, illogical
bancassurance {m} :: A banking and insurance structure in which insurance is sold through the bank or the bank's distribution channels
banc de fidèle {m} :: pew (long bench in a church)
banc d'église {m} :: pew (long bench in a church)
banc de l'œuvre {m} :: pew (enclosed compartment in a church)
banc de neige {m} [Quebec] :: snow drift
banc de sable {m} :: sandbank
banc d'essai {m} :: test bench, test bed, testing ground
banc de touche {m} :: dugout (shelter)
banc d'œuvre {m} :: churchwarden's pew
banchage {m} :: A tax or levy on market stalls
banche {f} [geology] :: A bank of marl clay
banche {f} :: formwork
bancher {v} :: To construct formwork
bancher {v} :: To pour concrete using formwork
banco {adj} :: banco
bancomat {m} [Switzerland] :: ATM
bancoulier {m} :: candlenut (of species Aleurites moluccana)
bancroche {adj} :: bandy-legged
bandage {m} :: bandage
bandagiste {mf} :: A person who makes or sells bandages
bandaison {f} [slang] :: boner, hard-on
bandant {adj} [slang] :: sexy, thrilling, a turn-on
Bandar Seri Begawan {prop} {m} :: Bandar Seri Begawan (capital city)
bande {f} :: band, strip
bande {f} :: stripe
bande {f} :: strip (e.g. magnetic strip)
bande {f} [billiards] :: cushion
bande {f} [heraldiccharge] :: bend
bande {f} :: soundtrack
bande {f} :: band, group, gang, troupe (of people, etc)
bande {f} :: pack (of wolves)
bande {f} :: (bande de) pack of, bunch of (used before epithets addressed to more than one person), you
bandé {adj} [heraldry] :: bendy; made up of diagonal stripes
bande-annonce {f} [media] :: trailer
bandeau {m} :: headband, bandeau
bandeau {m} :: bandage
bandeau {m} :: blindfold
bandeau {m} [Toulouse, now historical] :: A tight headband worn for a long time, usually from youth, for the ancient folk custom of cranial deformation
bande d'arrêt d'urgence {f} :: hard shoulder
bande de circulation {f} :: traffic lane, taxiway
bande de Gaza {prop} {f} :: Gaza Strip
Bande de Gaza {prop} {f} :: alternative form of bande de Gaza
bande dessinée {f} [comics] :: comic book, graphic novel
bandelette {f} :: (small) bandage
bande passante {f} :: bandwidth
bander {vt} :: to bandage
bander {vt} :: to flex, tighten the muscles, strain, tauten
bander {vi} [slang] :: to have a hard-on, to get a hard-on
bander comme un âne {v} [simile, vulgar, sexuality] :: to have a large erection
bander comme un cerf {v} [simile, vulgar, sexuality] :: to have a large erection
bander comme un taureau {v} [simile, vulgar, sexuality] :: to have a large erection
bander comme un Turc {v} [simile, vulgar, sexuality] :: to have a large erection
banderille {f} [bullfighting] :: banderilla
banderillero {m} [bullfighting] :: banderillero
banderole {f} :: banner (in political demonstration)
banderole {f} :: banderole (in the sense of "streamer, little banner, little flag")
banderole {f} :: streamer (as a decoration)
banderole {f} [architecture] :: banderole (flat band with an inscription)
bande-son {f} :: soundtrack
bande sonore {f} :: soundtrack
bande transporteuse {f} :: conveyor belt
bande-vidéo {f} :: videotape
bandit {m} :: bandit
bandit de grand chemin {m} [historical] :: highwayman, highway robber
banditisme {m} :: banditry (acts characteristic of a bandit)
bandit manchot {m} :: one-armed bandit
bandonéon {m} [musical instruments] :: bandoneon
bandoulière {f} :: shoulder strap
bandoulière {f} :: bandolier
bang {interj} :: bang
bang {m} :: sonic boom
bang {m} :: bong (marijuana pipe)
bangers and mash {n} [plurale tantum] :: bangers and mash (the British dish of sausage and mashed potatoes)
Bangkok {prop} {m} :: Bangkok (capital city)
bangkokien {adj} :: Bangkokian
Bangkokien {m} :: Bangkokian
Bangkokienne {f} :: feminine singular of Bangkokien
bangkokois {adj} :: synonym of bangkokien
bangladais {adj} :: Bangladeshi
Bangladesh {prop} {m} :: Bangladesh (country)
banian {m} :: banyan (tropical Indian fig tree)
banian {m} :: banian (Indian trader)
banjo {m} :: banjo
banjoïste {mf} :: banjoist
banked slalom {m} :: banked slalom
banlieue {f} :: suburb
banlieusard {adj} :: suburban (relating to outskirts of a city)
banlieusard {m} :: suburbanite, commuter
banlon {m} :: Ban-Lon
banne {f} [dated] :: tipcart
banne {f} [dated, mining] :: cart used to transport coal
banne {f} :: wicker basket commonly made of willow branches
banne {f} :: tarpaulin (sheet of material, often cloth, used as a cover or blanket)
banne {f} :: awning (rooflike cover, usually of canvas)
banneret {m} :: banneret (nobleman)
banneton {m} [fishing] :: keepnet
banneton {m} [baking] :: banneton (basket used to provide structure for breads during proofing)
bannette {f} [dated] :: small willow basket
bannier {m} :: town crier
bannière {f} :: banner; ensign, standard, flag
bannir {v} :: to banish
bannissable {adj} :: banishable
bannissement {m} :: banishment
banque {f} :: bank
banque centrale {f} [finance] :: central bank
Banque centrale européenne {prop} {f} :: European Central Bank
banquer {v} :: To fork out
banquer {v} :: To pay the bill
banqueroute {f} :: bankruptcy
banqueroutier {m} :: bankrupt person
banqueroutier {adj} :: bankrupt
banquet {m} :: banquet
banqueter {v} :: To banquet, feast
banqueteur {m} :: banqueter, feaster (guest at a banquet)
banqueteuse {f} :: feminine singular of banqueteur
banquette {f} :: seat
banquette de tir {f} [military, chiefly historical] :: fire step, firing platform
banquier {m} :: banker
banquière {f} :: feminine noun of banquier
banquise {f} [geography] :: sea ice, pack ice, ice floe; ice field
banquiste {m} :: traveling showman
banquiste {m} :: charlatan
bantou {adj} :: Bantu
Bantou {m} :: Bantu
bantouïste {mf} :: Bantuist
banvin {m} [history] :: The monopoly held by a feudal lord on sales of wine in their jurisdiction during a particular period of time
banvin {m} [history] :: A proclamation indicating the day on which such a monopoly ends
banzaï {interj} :: banzai (a Japanese interjection of victory)
baobab {m} :: baobab
bâoli {m} :: stepwell
baoulé {adj} :: Baoulé (attributive)
baoulé {m} :: Baoulé (language)
baoulé {mf} :: Baoulé (people)
baphométique {adj} :: Baphometic
baptême {m} :: baptism
baptême {m} :: christening
baptême {m} [Belgium] :: hazing
baptême {interj} [Quebec] :: A mild curse word
baptême du feu {m} :: baptism of fire
baptiser {v} :: to baptise
baptiser {v} :: to christen
baptiseur {m} :: baptizer
baptismal {adj} :: baptismal
baptisme {m} :: baptism
baptistaire {adj} :: baptismal
baptistaire {m} :: baptismal certificate (or entry in a baptismal register)
baptiste {m} :: baptist; Baptist
Baptiste {prop} :: given name from the epithet of John the Baptist (Jean-Baptiste)
baptistère {m} :: baptistry
baptistère {adj} :: baptismal (of a register or certificate)
baquet {m} :: (small) tub; pot
baquet {m} :: washtub, washbasin
baquet {m} :: pail (of water)
baquet {m} :: paintpot
baquet {m} :: bucket seat (of sports car)
baqueter {v} :: To bale (remove water in buckets etc)
baqueter {v} :: To water (a garden, using buckets etc)
bar {m} :: A bar (establishment)
bar {m} :: A bar (counter)
bar {m} :: A bass (fish)
Bar. {m} [music] :: Bar. (baritone horn, euphonium)
bara {m} [nouchi] :: work, labour
bara {v} [nouchi] :: to work, to labour
baraban {m} :: dandelion
Barachie {prop} :: Barachiah
baragouin {m} :: gibberish (unintelligible speech or writing)
baragouinage {m} :: gibbering
baragouinage {m} :: gibberish
baragouiner {v} :: to gibber, jabber, garble, muddle one's words
baragouiner {v} :: to speak (a language) badly
baragouineur {m} :: gibberer
baragouineuse {f} :: feminine singular of baragouineur
baraka {f} :: barakah
baraka {f} :: benediction
baraka {f} :: chance, fate
baraki {m} [Belgium] :: showman (fairground worker)
baraki {m} [Belgium] :: gypsy (caravan dweller)
baraki {m} [Belgium, pejorative] :: A poorly educated individual, usually a dirty one with poor clothing tastes; a chav
baraque {f} :: shack, hut
baraque {f} :: stall, stand
baraque {f} [colloquial] :: pad, crib (house)
baraque {f} [colloquial] :: a musclehead
baraqué {adj} [colloquial] :: buff, yoked, beefy (hefty, well-built)
baraque à frites {f} :: a chip stall, a French fry stand (a small establishment selling French fries that must be eaten on the hoof)
baraquement {m} :: barracking (of troops)
baraquement {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: barracks
baraquer {v} :: To billet (troops)
baraterie {f} [maritime] :: embezzlement by the captain of a watercraft
barathon {m} :: pub crawl
baratin {m} :: small talk
baratin {m} :: bullshit
baratiner {vt} :: to chat up, sweet-talk (engage in small talk in order to seduce or convince)
baratiner {vi} :: to bullshit
baratineur {adj} :: smooth-talking, fast-talking
barattage {m} :: churning
baratte {f} :: churn
baratter {v} :: to churn (agitate rapidly)
barbacane {f} :: barbican
barbacane {f} :: buttress
Barbade {prop} {f} :: Barbade (island/and/country)
barbadien {adj} :: Barbadian (of or pertaining to Barbados or its people or culture)
Barbadien {m} :: Barbadian
Barbadienne {f} :: feminine noun of Barbadien
barbagiuan {m} :: alternative form of barbajuan
barbajuan {m} :: An appetizer originating from Monaco: a fritter stuffed with Swiss chard and ricotta
barbant {adj} [colloquial] :: boring
barbaque {f} [France, slang] :: meat
Barbara {prop} :: given name
barbare {adj} :: barbarian (uncivilized)
barbare {adj} :: Berber
barbarement {adv} :: barbarically
barbaresque {adj} :: Barbary (attributive)
barbaresque {m} :: Barbary pirate
barbarie {f} [countable and uncountable] :: barbarity
Barbarie {prop} {f} :: Barbary
barbarisme {m} :: barbarism
barbarouffement {m} :: the cry of a manatee or dugong
barbarouffer {v} [of a manatee or dugong] :: to give out a call
barbe {f} :: beard
barbe {f} :: longer hair growing on the chin or face of some animals
barbe {f} :: barbel (whisker-like sensory organs, located around the mouth of certain fish)
barbe {f} :: barb (feather)
barbe {f} [botany] :: barb (hair or bristle)
barbe {f} [colloquial] :: a boring thing
barbe {adj} :: (horse) Barbary
barbe {m} :: Barbary horse
Barbe {prop} {f} :: given name, equivalent to English Barbara as a saint's name. Usual given name form: Barbara
barbe à papa {f} :: fairy floss [Australia], cotton candy [US, Canada], candy floss [UK]
barbeau {m} :: barbel (fish)
barbeau {m} :: cornflower (plant)
Barbeau {prop} :: surname
barbecue {m} :: barbecue
barbe de trois jours {f} :: stubble (short, coarse hair on the face)
barbelé {adj} :: barbed (wire)
barbelé {m} :: barbed wire
barbeler {v} :: to surround with barbed wire
barbelure {f} :: barb
barber {v} [familiar] :: to bore someone
barbet {m} :: barbet (all senses)
barbette {f} [obsolete] :: small beard
barbette {f} [archaic] :: cowl
barbette {f} [fortifications] :: barbette
barbiche {f} :: goatee
barbichette {f} :: (small) goatee
barbier {m} :: barber
barbière {f} :: feminine singular of barbier
barbifère {adj} [biology] :: barbiferous
barbifier {v} :: to shave (someone's) beard, to barb
barbifier {v} :: to bore to death
barbillon {m} :: young barbel
barbital {m} :: barbital
barbiturique {f} :: barbiturate
barbiturique {adj} :: barbituric
barbiturisme {m} :: barbiturism
barbon {m} :: greybeard (old man)
barbon {m} :: broomsedge (of genus Andropogon)
barbotage {m} :: splashing
barbotage {m} :: a mixture of bran and water used to feed animals
barbote {f} :: bullhead (or similar fish)
barboter {v} :: to splash
barboter {v} [colloquial] :: To nick, to pinch (to steal)
barboteur {m} :: splasher
barboteur {m} :: fermentation lock (masculine only)
barboteur {m} :: dabbling duck
barboteuse {f} :: rompers
barbotière {f} :: duckpond
barbotin {m} :: sprocket
barbotine {f} :: a slushie
barbotte {f} :: alternative form of barbote
barbouillage {m} :: scribble, scribbling
barbouillé {adj} :: having an upset stomach
barbouiller {v} :: to daub
barbouiller {v} :: to scribble
barbouiller {v} :: to mark, stain, dirty
barbouiller {v} :: to blabber
barbouilleur {m} :: dauber (poor painter)
barbouilleuse {f} :: feminine noun of barbouilleur
barbouzard {adj} :: clandestine
barbouzard {adj} :: secret agent (attributive)
barbouze {mf} :: (because of the fake beard often worn to hide his face) agent of a paramilitary force
barbouze {mf} :: secret agent
barbouzerie {f} :: secret service (or one of its actions)
barbouzet {m} :: meadow salsify
barbu {adj} :: bearded (possessing a beard)
barbudien {adj} :: Barbudian
Barbudien {m} :: Barbudian
Barbudienne {f} :: feminine singular of Barbudien
barbue {f} :: brill
barbue {f} [Louisiana French] :: catfish
barbule {f} :: barbule (or any similar form)
barcarolle {f} :: barcarole
barcasse {f} [nautical] :: longboat
barcelonais {adj} [attributive] :: Barcelona
Barcelone {prop} {f} :: Barcelone (capital city)
Barcelone {prop} {f} :: Barcelone (province)
barcelonnette {f} :: crib (child's rocking bed)
Barcelonnette {prop} :: A small alpine town in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department
bar commun {m} :: European seabass
bard {m} [dated] :: A sort of stretcher, with no wheels, used for transporting materials
bard {m} [dated] :: A sawhorse
Bard {prop} :: surname
barda {m} [Quebec, slang] :: mess, jumble
bardache {m} [dated] :: berdache (third-gender Native (North) American)
bardache {m} [obsolete] :: passive homosexual
bardage {m} :: cladding
bardane {f} :: burdock (any of the species of biennial thistles in the genus Arctium)
bardasser {v} :: [Quebec, slang] To raise a ruckus; causing disturbance; to cause one to be shaken, awed, surprised. Generally seen as a positive qualifier
barde {f} :: horse-armour, also a long saddle for an ass or mule of canvas, pack-saddle; also bardelle
barde {f} :: a thin layer of lard used to coat meat
barde {m} :: bard (poet and singer)
bardeau {m} :: clapboard, roof tile
bardeau {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: shingles
barder {v} [cooking] :: To bard
barder {v} [architecture] :: To clad (add cladding to a wall)
barder {v} [archaic] :: To transport wood onto a boat
barder {v} [impersonal] :: kick off; (used to express that trouble occurs)
Bardet {prop} :: surname
bardique {adj} :: bardic
bardot {m} :: hinny (offspring of a male horse and a female donkey)
bardot {m} :: European hake
Bardot {prop} :: surname
bardotesque {adj} :: Characteristic of Brigitte Bardot
barège {m} [textiles] :: barège
Barèges {prop} :: A spa in the Hautes-Pyrénées department of Occitanie
barégine {f} :: A grey, gelatinous deposit in the sulphurous waters of the Barèges spa
barème {m} :: scale (used to assess magnitude)
barème {m} :: schedule (linking two types of measurement)
baréter {v} :: to trumpet (make the cry of an elephant)
baréter {v} :: to moan, groan
bar européen {m} :: European seabass
barge {adj} [slang, verlan] :: nuts, bananas (crazy)
barge {f} :: barge (boat)
barge {f} :: godwit
bargraphe {m} :: bar graph
barguignage {m} :: hesitation
barguignage {m} :: bargaining, haggling
barguigner {v} :: to hesitate, being unable to make a decision
barguigner {v} [Canada] :: to bargain, to haggle
bariatrie {f} :: bariatrics
bariatrique {adj} :: bariatric
barigoule {f} :: Lactarius deliciosus, the saffron milk-cap mushroom
baril {m} :: barrel (volume used to measure petroleum and similar products)
barillet {m} :: small barrel
barillet {m} :: cylinder, barrel (of a gun)
barine {m} [historical] :: boyar
bariolage {m} :: A strange medley of colours
bariolé {adj} :: garish
bariolé {adj} :: rainbow-coloured
bariolé {adj} :: pied, motley
barioler {v} :: to paint with garish colours
bariolure {f} :: fleck
barite {f} :: alternative form of baryte
barje {adj} [verlan] :: apocopic form of barjot
barjo {adj} :: alternative spelling of barjot
barjo {mf} :: alternative spelling of barjot
barjot {adj} [slang, backslang, verlan] :: bonkers, nuts
barjot {m} [slang, verlan] :: nutter; crackpot
barkhane {f} :: barchan (arc-shaped sand ridge)
bar laitier {m} :: ice cream parlour
barlong {adj} :: oblong
barlotière {f} :: bar in a sash window
barmaid {f} :: barmaid
barman {m} :: barman, bartender
barn {m} [physics] :: barn (unit)
Barnabé {prop} {m} :: given name
barnabite {m} :: Barnabite
Barnier {prop} :: surname
baro- {prefix} :: baro-
barochorie {f} [biology] :: barochory
baroder {v} [slang] :: to walk around, to patrol
barographe {m} :: barograph
barographique {adj} :: barographic
barologie {f} :: barology
baromètre {m} [meteorology] :: barometer
barométrique {adj} :: barometric
barométrographe {m} [meteorology] :: barometrograph
baron {m} [dated] :: baron, lord, noble landowner
baronnage {m} :: baronage (all senses)
baronne {f} :: baroness
baronnet {m} :: baronet
baronnial {adj} :: baronial
baronnie {f} :: barony
barophilie {f} [biology] :: barophily
baropodométrique {adj} :: baropodometric
baroque {adj} :: baroque (all senses)
baroquisme {m} :: A tendency to favour/use the baroque style
barorécepteur {m} [biology] :: baroreceptor
barosanème {m} [meteorology] :: anemometer
baroscope {m} :: baroscope
barote {f} :: alternative form of baryte
barotraumatisme {m} :: barotrauma
baroud {m} :: combat (especially ritual combat)
baroud d'honneur {m} :: last stand; valiant final fight
barouder {v} :: To combat, battle
baroudeur {m} :: fighter
baroudeur {m} :: adventurer, globetrotter
barouf {m} :: alternative form of baroufle
baroufle {m} :: bustle, tumult
barque {f} :: small boat
barquette {f} :: A small boat
barquette {f} :: punnet, small box, small tub, small tub
barquette {f} :: painted comber, Serranus scriba
barquette {f} [motoring] :: prototype
barquette {f} :: A stretcher
barquette {f} :: barquette (kind of filled pastry)
barracuda {m} :: barracuda
barrage {m} :: dam, barrage
barrage {m} :: barrier, roadblock
barre {f} :: bar, cake, ingot
barre {f} [typography] :: clipping of barre oblique: the slash markUser:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-b/
barre {f} [typography] :: clipping of barre de fraction: the fraction slash
barre {f} [typography] :: clipping of barre inscrite: the bar diacritics̵⟩, ⟨̶⟩, ⟨̷⟩, and ⟨̸
barre {f} [typography] :: clipping of barre verticale: the pipe mark[[Unsupported titles/Vertical line ]]
barre {f} [typography, improper] :: clipping of barre oblique inversée: the backslash\
barre {f} [nautical] :: helm, tiller
barre {f} [heraldiccharge] :: bend sinister
barré {adj} :: barred
barré {adj} [heraldry] :: bendy sinister; made up of diagonal stripes
Barré {prop} :: surname
barreau {m} :: metal bar (of a jail cell, cage etc.)
barreau {m} :: rung (of ladder)
barreau {m} :: spindle (of chair)
barreau {m} [legal] :: bar (place where the participants in a trial stand)
barreau {m} [legal] :: bar (profession of lawyers)
barre de fraction {f} [typography, mathematics] :: the fraction bar; the fraction slash
barre de mesure {f} [music] :: bar line
barre de recherche {f} [computing] :: search box, search bar, search field
barre d'outils {f} [computing] :: toolbar
barre fixe {f} [gymnastics] :: horizontal bar
barre inscrite {f} [typography] :: the bar diacritics̵⟩, ⟨̶⟩, ⟨̷⟩, and ⟨̸
barrel {m} :: alternative form of baril
barrement {m} :: crossing (pair of parallel lines printed on a cheque)
barre oblique {f} [typography] :: the slash markUser:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-b/
barre oblique inverse {f} :: backslash (\)
barre oblique inversée {f} [typography] :: the backslash\
barrer {v} :: to bar, bar up (to lock or bolt with a bar)
barrer {v} :: to bar off
barrer {v} :: to cross out, strike out (put written lines through written text, to show it is erroneous)
barrer {vp} [colloquial] :: to do one, to clear off; to leave
barrer {v} [Canada, Louisiana] :: to lock
barre russe {f} :: Russian bar
barres asymétriques {fp} [plurale tantum, gymnastics] :: uneven bars
barrésien {adj} :: Barrèsian
barres parallèles {fp} [plurale tantum, gymnastics] :: parallel bars
barre transversale {f} [sports] :: crossbar (the top of the goal structure)
barrette {f} :: small bar
barrette {f} :: barrette (US), (hair) slide (UK)
barrette {f} :: brooch
barrette {f} :: bar (of medal)
barrette {f} [colloquial] :: bar/slab of hash
barrette {f} [religion] :: biretta
Barrette {prop} :: surname
barreur {m} [nautical] :: helmsman
barreur {m} [rowing] :: cox
barreuse {f} :: feminine singular of barreur
barre verticale {f} [typography] :: the pipe mark[[Unsupported titles/Vertical line ]]
barricade {f} :: barricade
barricader {v} :: to barricade
barrière {f} :: barrier
barrière {f} [Louisiana French] :: fence
barrière Nadar {f} [Belgium] :: police barrier, crush barrier, crowd control barrier
Barrilleaux {prop} :: surname
barrique {f} :: barrel, cask
barrique {f} [figuratively, pejorative] :: fatty, fatso
barrir {v} :: to trumpet (to make the sound of an elephant's cry)
barrissement {m} :: trumpet (the sound of an elephant)
barrot {m} [nautical] :: beam (crosspiece)
barsac {m} :: Barsac (wine)
bar-tabac {m} :: A bar (or cafe) that has a licence to sell tobacco
bartavelle {f} :: rock partridge (of species Alectoris graeca)
Barthélemy {prop} {m} :: Bartholomew (Biblical figure)
Barthélemy {prop} {m} :: given name
Bartimée {prop} :: Bartimaeus
bartonien {adj} [geology] :: Bartonian
Bartonien {m} [geology] :: Bartonian
Baruch {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Baruch
barycentre {m} :: barycenter
barycentrique {adj} :: barycentric
barye {f} [physics] :: barye
barymétrie {f} :: barymetry
barymétrique {adj} :: barymetric
baryogénèse {f} [physics] :: baryogenesis
baryon {m} [particle] :: baryon
baryonique {adj} :: baryonic
barysphère {f} :: barysphere
baryte {f} [mineral] :: barite
baryté {adj} :: barytic
barytine {f} :: alternative form of baryte
barytique {adj} :: barytic
baryton {m} :: baritone
baryton {m} :: baryton
baryum {m} :: barium
barzoï {m} :: a borzoi
bas {adj} :: low
bas {adj} :: bass
bas {adv} :: low
bas {m} :: socks; stockings; feet
bas {m} :: lower end; bottom (of a thing)
bas {m} :: stocking
Basabürü {prop} :: The vernacular name, meaning the 'wild edge', for the upper basin of the Saison River, as opposed to the Pettarra (French Basque Country)
bas à jour {m} [historical] :: openwork stocking(s), open-worked stocking(s)
basal {adj} :: basal
basale {f} :: basement membrane
basaliome {f} :: basalioma
basalte {m} [geology] :: basalt (hard rock)
basaltiforme {adj} :: basaltiform
basaltique {adj} :: basaltic
basané {adj} :: swarthy, dark-skinned
basaner {vt} :: to tan (brown the skin)
bas autofixant {m} :: hold-up stocking, hold-ups (UK), thigh-highs (US)
bas-bleu {m} :: bluestocking
Bas-Canada {prop} {m} [historical] ::  Lower Canada
bascophone {adj} :: Basque-speaking
bas-côté {m} [architecture] :: aisle (in a church)
bas-côté {m} :: central reservation, median (in a road)
bas couture {m} :: seamed stocking
basculement {m} :: the act or result of toppling or falling
basculement {m} :: transfer, transition
basculement {m} [computing] :: failover
basculer {vi} :: to topple, to tip over
basculer {vi} :: to sway from side to side
basculer {vi} [figuratively, of a life or situation] :: to fall apart, to turn upsidedown
basculer {vt} :: to transfer (e.g. a call)
basculer {vt} :: to tip over, to tip up
basculer {v} [sur, .computing] :: to fail over
basculeur {adj} :: rocking
bas de laine {m} [figuratively] :: a nest egg (a small saving, a small reserve of money)
bas de plafond {adj} [colloquial] :: stupid, dumb, dim-witted
base {f} :: base (bottom part of something)
base {f} :: base (safe place)
base {f} :: base, basis (fundamental belief)
base {f} [chemistry] :: base
base-ball {m} :: baseball (ball game)
baseball {m} :: alternative spelling of base-ball
baseballeur {m} [chiefly Quebec, colloquial] :: baseball player
baseballeuse {f} :: feminine noun of baseballeur
base de données {f} :: database
base de données relationnelle {f} :: relational database
baselle {f} :: vine spinach (of species Basella alba)
baser {v} :: to base (have as its foundation or starting point)
base-sur-balles {m} [baseball, Quebec] :: a walk
bas-fond {m} [dated] :: shallow area of the sea
bas-fond {m} :: lowland
bas-fond {m} [in the plural] :: sidestreet (seedy area of a town)
bas-fond {m} [in the plural] :: marginal (person who lives outside normal society)
basicité {f} [chemistry] :: basicity
baside {f} :: basidium
basidiomycète {m} :: basidiomycete
basifixe {adj} [botany] :: basifixed
basilaire {adj} :: Relating to the base; basal
Basile {prop} :: given name
basilecte {m} [linguistics] :: basilect
basilic {m} :: basilisk (lizard, mythological serpent)
basilic {m} :: basil (plant, herb)
basilic {m} [heraldiccharge] :: basilisk
basilical {adj} :: basilican
Basilicate {prop} :: Basilicate (region)
basilic jaune {m} [uncommon] :: a plant, literally "yellow basil"
basilique {f} [Antiquity] :: covered building, Civil reunion place open to the public
basilique {f} [Christianity] :: place of Christian prayer, consecrated by decision from the Vatican
basin {m} [textiles, historical] :: bombasine
basionyme {m} [taxonomy] :: basionym
basipode {m} [biology] :: basipodium
basique {adj} :: basic, elementary
basique {adj} [chemistry] :: basic (of a base)
basiquement {adv} :: basically
basket {m} :: basketball
basket {f} [Europe, especially in plural] :: sneaker, trainer [UK]
basket-ball {m} :: basketball (the sport)
basketball {m} :: alternative form of basket-ball
basketteur {m} :: basketball player (person who plays basketball)
basketteuse {f} :: feminine noun of basketteur
bas-latin {m} :: Low Latin
bas les masques {interj} [colloquial] :: no more pretending now! drop the act!
bas les pattes {interj} [colloquial] :: hands off! paws off! mitts off!
bas-mât {m} [nautical] :: lower-mast (when it is multiple sections)
bas monde {m} [rather formal] :: this world, the earthly world
basocellulaire {adj} :: basocellular
basoche {f} :: basoche
basophile {adj} :: basophilic
basophile {m} [cytology] :: basophil (cell)
bas peuple {m} [often, pejorative] :: the little people, the populace, the plebs, the great unwashed, the unwashed masses, the lower orders, the masses, hoi polloi (the lower class)
basquais {adj} :: Basque (style)
basque {f} :: skirt, skirts (of a jacket, morning coat etc.); basque (of waistcoat)
basque {m} :: Basque (language)
basque {adj} :: Basque
Basque {mf} :: Basque (person of either gender)
basquine {f} :: A sort of basque petticoat
bas relief {m} :: alternative spelling of bas-relief
bas-relief {m} :: bas-relief
bas résille {m} :: fishnet stocking
Bas-Rhin {prop} {m} :: Bas-Rhin
basse {f} [music] :: bass (the lower melody)
basse {f} [music] :: bass (a singer of the bass melodies)
basse {f} [music] :: bass (the musical instrument)
basse {f} :: acoustic guitar
basse continue {f} [music] :: basso continuo
basse-cour {f} [historical] :: inner courtyard
basse-cour {f} :: farmyard
basse-cour {f} :: poultry
bassement {adv} :: basely
Basse-Normandie {prop} {f} :: Lower Normandy
Basse-Saxe {prop} :: Lower Saxony (state)
bassesse {f} :: baseness, lowness
bassesse {f} :: something trivial
bassesse {f} [pejorative] :: quality of being of low, unnoble birth
basset {m} :: basset hound
basse-taille {f} [obsolete] :: bas-relief
basse-taille {f} [music] :: bass (voice)
Basse-Terre {prop} {f} :: Basse-Terre (capital city)
Basse-Terre {prop} {f} :: Basse-Terre (island)
basse-terrien {adj} :: Pertaining to Basse-Terre
Basse-Terrien {m} :: A denizen of Basse-Terre
bassin {m} :: pond, ornamental lake, basin
bassin {m} :: bowl, bedpan
bassin {m} [geography, geology] :: basin
bassin {m} [anatomy] :: pelvis
bassin {m} [nautical] :: dock
bassinage {m} :: light watering (gardening)
bassinage {m} :: softening of dough by sprinkling with water
bassine {f} :: bowl
bassine {f} :: bowlful
bassiner {vt} :: to bathe with a warm liquid
bassiner {vt} :: to drizzle
bassiner {vt} :: to bore
bassiner {vt} :: to pester or annoy
bassiner {vt} :: to warm a bed with a bassinoire
bassinet {m} :: bassinet (all senses)
bassinet {m} :: Diminutive of bassin, small bowl, basin, or pond
bassinoire {f} :: warming pan
bassin versant {m} :: catchment basin, drainage basin, watershed
bassiste {mf} [music] :: bassist (one who plays the bass guitar)
basson {m} :: bassoon (musical instrument in the woodwind family)
Bassorah {prop} :: Bassorah (port city)
bassorine {f} :: bassorin
bastaing {m} :: alternative form of basting
baste {m} :: ace of clubs
baste {f} :: basque (clothing)
basterne {m} :: mule cart
Bastia {prop} :: Bastia
bastiais {adj} :: Of or from Bastia
bastide {f} :: mansion in Provence
bastide {f} :: new town built in medieval Languedoc, Gascony and Aquitaine during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries
bastidon {m} :: A small house, typical of Provence
Bastien {prop} :: given name
Bastien {prop} :: surname
Bastien {prop} :: clipping of Sébastien
Bastienne {prop} :: given name, feminine noun of Bastien, diminutive of Sébastienne
bastille {f} :: fortress
Bastille {prop} {f} :: Bastille
bastiment {m} :: archaic spelling of bâtiment
basting {m} :: A joist used to carry other planks of wood
bastingage {m} [nautical] :: rail
bastion {m} :: bastion
bastion {m} :: stronghold
bastionné {adj} :: bastioned
bastionner {v} :: To bulwark
Bastogne {prop} :: Bastogne (city)
baston {f} [colloquial] :: scrap, fight
bastonnade {f} :: caning, any beating with a stick
bastonnade {f} :: specifically, falaka (oriental beating of the soles of the feet)
bastonner {v} :: To cane; to beat with a stick
bastonner {v} :: To pummel
bastos {f} [slang] :: bullet; projectile of a firearm
bastringue {m} :: dance hall
bastringue {m} :: din, racket, noise
bas-ventre {m} :: groin
bas-ventre {m} :: lower abdomen
bât {m} :: packsaddle
bataclan {m} :: embarrassing things
bataclan {m} :: noises
bataille {f} :: battle
bataille {f} :: war (card game)
bataille d'eau {f} :: water fight
batailler {v} :: to battle
bataille rangée {f} :: pitched battle, set-piece battle
batailleur {m} :: fighter
batailleur {adj} :: pugnacious, quarrelsome, truculent
bataillon {m} :: battalion
batara luisant {m} :: glossy antshrike (a passerine bird of the antbird family)
bâtard {m} :: a bastard (person born to unmarried parents)
bâtard {m} [botany] :: a hybrid plant
bâtard {m} :: a batard (short baguette)
bâtard {m} [slang] :: bastard, asshole
bâtarde {f} :: feminine noun of bâtard; a female bastard
batardeau {m} :: batardeau
bâtardement {adv} :: bastardly
bâtardise {f} :: bastardy (quality of being a bastard, of being born out of wedlock)
batave {adj} :: Batavian
batave {adj} :: Dutch (from the Netherlands)
Batave {mf} :: Batavian
Batave {mf} :: Dutchman; Hollander
batavia {f} :: Batavia lettuce
batavique {adj} :: Dutch (from the Netherlands)
batayole {f} :: The upright of a railing (or the boss at the top of such an upright)
bateau {m} :: boat
bateau à vapeur {m} :: steamboat
bateau de plaisance {m} :: pleasure craft, pleasure boat
bateau-feu {m} [nautical] :: lightship, lightvessel
bateau-lavoir {m} :: A boat, moored on a riverbank, that functions as a laundry
bateau-mouche {m} [nautical] :: A tourist sightseeing-boat, used especially in Paris
bateau-phare {m} [nautical] :: lightship, lightvessel
bateau pilote {m} [nautical] :: pilot boat
bateau-pilote {m} :: alternative form of bateau pilote
batée {m} :: pan (used in gold panning)
batelage {m} :: boating, sailing, pilotage (driving a boat)
batelage {m} :: conjuring
batelage {m} :: juggling
batelée {f} :: boatload (a large quantity)
bateler {v} :: To conjure (do magic tricks)
bateler {v} :: To juggle
batelet {m} [nautical] :: A small boat
bateleur {m} :: tumbler, juggler; acrobat
bateleur {m} :: buffoon
bateleur {m} [ornithology] :: bateleur
batelier {m} :: riverboatman
batelière {f} :: feminine singular of batelier
batellerie {f} [nautical] :: transport (of goods) via inland waterways
bâter {vt} :: to put on a packsaddle
bat-flanc {m} :: partition
bat-flanc {m} :: bunk
bath {m} :: English high quality letter paper popular in the 19th century
bath {adj} :: Super, great, smashing; beautiful, fine, good, pleasant
bathmotrope {adj} [physiology] :: bathmotropic
bathochrome {adj} :: bathochromic
Bathurst {prop} :: A placename:
Bathurst {prop} :: Bathurst (city)
bathyal {adj} :: bathyal
bathymétrie {f} :: bathymetry
bathymétrique {adj} :: bathymetric
bathypélagique {adj} :: bathypelagic
bathyscaphe {m} :: Bathyscaphe
bathysphère {f} :: bathysphere
bâti {m} [carpentry] :: frame
bâti {m} [in particular] :: door frame
bâti {m} [construction] :: assembly
bâti {m} [sewing] :: basting, tacking
batifolage {m} :: frolic; frolicking
batifoler {vi} :: to frolic
batik {m} :: batik
bâtiment {m} :: building, edifice
bâtiment {m} [nautical] :: ship or boat
bâtiment {m} [nautical, military] :: warship
bâtiment précieux {m} [military, nautical] :: capital ship
bâtir {v} :: to build; to construct
bâtir {v} :: to build up
bâtir des châteaux en Espagne {v} [figuratively] :: to chase rainbows, to build castles in the air (to make overly ambitious plans)
bâtir des plans sur la comète {v} :: alternative form of tirer des plans sur la comète
bâtisse {f} [obsolete] :: (act of) building
bâtisse {f} [chiefly pejorative] :: construction
bâtisseur {m} :: (male) builder
bâtisseuse {f} :: builder (female)
batiste {f} :: cambric
bâton {m} :: stick
bâton {m} [heraldiccharge] :: baton (as a charge)
bâtonnade {f} :: beating (specifically with a rod or stick)
bâtonnage {m} :: clubbing (beating with a club)
bâtonnat {m} :: barristering
bâtonnat {m} :: barristership
bâtonner {v} :: to club (strike with a club)
bâtonnet {m} :: (small) stick
bâtonnet {m} :: batonnet
bâtonnier {m} :: A person who carries a ceremonial baton in a procession
bâtonnier {m} :: A barrister
bâtonnière {f} :: feminine noun of bâtonnier
batoude {f} :: trampoline
batracien {m} :: batrachian; amphibian
batracien {adj} :: batrachian
batral {m} [nautical, military] :: bâtiment de transport léger - a military sea transport, light ferry transport
BATRAL {m} [nautical, military] :: acronym of bâtiment de transport léger: landing ship, military sea transport, light transport ferry
battable {adj} :: beatable (able to be beaten)
battage {m} :: hype, publicity
battant {adj} :: beating
battant {m} :: a leaf (of a door or a window)
battant {m} :: a leaf (of a foldable table or a counter)
battant {m} :: a fighter, a go-getter (someone who shoots for success despite obstacles)
batte {f} :: a bat (as in baseball bat)
battée {f} :: pan (used in gold prospecting)
battellement {m} :: A gutter, typically on a roof, consisting of a double set of tiles
battement {m} :: beating; hitting
battement {m} [ballet] :: battement
batter {v} [sports] :: to bat
batterie {f} [military] :: battery
batterie {f} [music] :: percussion, drum kit, battery/batterie
batterie {f} :: battery (electricity storing device)
batterie {f} [dance] :: batterie
batterie {f} [agriculture] :: battery
batteur {m} [baseball] :: batter
batteur {m} [music] :: drummer, percussionist
batteuse {f} [agriculture] :: threshing machine, thresher
batteuse {f} [music, rare] :: drummer (female)
battoir {m} :: beater; carpet beater
battologie {f} :: battology
battologique {adj} :: battological
battre {v} :: to beat; to defeat
battre {v} :: to beat up
battre {vp} :: to fight
battre {v} [cooking] :: to whisk or whip (eggs)
battre {v} [agriculture] :: to thresh
battre {v} [cards] :: to shuffle
battre à plate couture {vt} [figuratively] :: to wipe the floor with, to beat hollow, to beat to a pulp, to shellac, to drub (to defeat severely, to inflict a heavy defeat upon)
battre à plates coutures {v} :: alternative spelling of battre à plate couture
battre de l'aile {v} [idiomatic] :: to go into decline, to wane (be in difficulty); to be on the rocks, on the skids
battre en brèche {v} [idiomatic, of heavy artillery] :: to reduce to rubble, to give a pounding
battre en brèche {v} [idiomatic, figuratively] :: to tackle (an urgent issue), to strike at the heart of (a problem)
battre en retraite {v} [military] :: to retreat, to beat a retreat
battre froid {v} [à] :: [dated] to give someone the cold shoulder, to cold-shoulder someone
battre la campagne {v} :: to comb the countryside, to travel all round the countryside
battre la campagne {v} [colloquial] :: to be off one's rocker
battre la chamade {v} :: to beat wildly, to pound furiously
battre la mesure {v} [music] :: to beat time, to keep time
battre le fer pendant qu'il est chaud {v} [figuratively] :: to strike while the iron is hot, to make hay while the sun shines
battre le fer tant qu'il est chaud {v} :: alternative form of battre le fer pendant qu'il est chaud
battre monnaie {v} :: to mint coins, to coin, to issue money, to issue currency
battre sa coulpe {v} [formal, literary] :: to beat one's breast, to admit one's guilt, to acknowledge one's faults and wrongs, to make one's mea culpa
battre son plein {v} :: to be in full swing
battu {adj} :: beaten
battue {f} :: battue; the beating of bushes to force out the game
battue {f} :: hunt, search
batture {f} :: A mixture of wax, linseed oil and turpentine used in bookbinding; the process of applying this mixture
batture {f} :: batture
batture {f} :: foreshore
bau {m} [nautical] :: crossbeam
baud {m} :: A type of hunting dog
baud {m} :: baud
Baudelaire {prop} :: surname
Baudelaire {prop} :: Charles Baudelaire, French writer
baudelairien {adj} :: Baudelairean (of or pertaining to Charles Baudelaire or his works)
baudet {m} :: ass (donkey)
baudet {m} :: ass; ignoramus (idiot)
Baudier {prop} :: surname
baudir {vt} :: to embolden
Baudouin {prop} :: given name
baudremoine {f} :: baldmoney, spignel
baudrier {m} :: baldrick; strip of buffalo, leather or cloth which is worn as a sling and which is used to support the saber or sword
baudrier {m} :: climbing harness
baudrier {m} [dated] :: cowhide used for sneakers
Baudrillard {prop} :: surname
baudroie {f} :: anglerfish (of genus Histrio)
baudroie {f} :: monkfish (of genus Lophius)
baudroie {f} :: goosefish (of genus Lophiodes)
baudroyeur {m} [obsolete] :: currier
baudruche {f} :: (toy) balloon
baudruche {f} [colloquial] :: windbag
Bauer {prop} :: surname
bauge {f} :: cob (for walls)
bauge {f} :: wallow (for pig, boar etc.)
bauger {v} :: To wallow
baugue {f} :: A mixture of marine plants found on the Mediterranean shore
bauhinia {f} :: bauhinia
baume {m} :: balm
baume {m} :: balsam
Baumé {prop} :: A French family name
baumier {m} :: balsam tree (of species Dacryodes macrophylla)
bauquière {f} [nautical] :: beamshelf
bauxite {f} :: bauxite
bavard {adj} :: chatty
bavard {m} :: chatterbox (chatty person)
bavardage {m} :: chatter, natter, banter (insignificant talk)
bavard comme une pie {adj} [simile] :: Who never stop talking, especially gossipping; very talkative or chatty
bavarder {vi} :: to chat
bavarder {vt} [obsolete] :: To have a lengthy talk about something
bavardeur {m} :: talker; chatterer; gossip
bavardeuse {f} :: feminine noun of bavardeur
bavardocher {vi} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to chat, gossip
bavarois {adj} :: Bavarian
bavarois {m} :: Bavarian (dialect)
bavarois {m} :: bavarois (dessert)
Bavarois {m} :: Bavarian (male person from Bavaria)
Bavaroise {f} :: female equivalent of Bavarois
bavasser {v} :: to waffle, natter
bave {f} :: spittle, drool, dribble, slobber
baver {v} :: to drool, to slobber
baver {v} [of a pen, etc.] :: to leak
bavette {f} :: bib
bavette {f} :: bavette (beef flank steak)
baveur {m} [colloquial] :: dribbler (one who dribbles saliva)
baveur {adj} [colloquial] :: dribbling
baveuse {f} :: feminine noun of baveur
baveux {adj} :: wet; drooling; dripping
baveux {adj} [Canada, colloquial] :: arrogant and cheeky against authority; cocky
bavière {f} :: bevor
Bavière {prop} {f} :: Bavière (region)
bavocher {vi} :: To be etched
bavoir {m} :: bib (of a baby)
bavolet {m} :: sill
bavolet {m} :: mudflap
bavure {f} :: smudge, blemish, smear
bavure {f} [figuratively] :: mistake, blunder
bayadère {f} :: bayadère, dancing-girl
bayadère {adj} :: having colourful stripes
bayard {m} :: A solid type of stretcher for carrying heavy loads
bayart {m} :: alternative form of bayard
bayer {v} [archaic] :: to have one's mouth wide open, to gape
bâyer {v} [Normandy] :: alternative spelling of bayer
bâyer {v} :: alternative spelling of bâiller
bayer aux corneilles {v} [figuratively] :: to gawk, to stand gaping, to daydream, to have one's head in the clouds; to twiddle one's thumbs, to do nothing
bayésianisme {m} :: Bayesianism
bayésien {adj} :: Bayesian
Bayonne {prop} :: Bayonne (city/and/commune)
bayonnette {f} :: alternative form of baïonnette
bayou {m} :: a stagnant body of water left behind by the meandering of the Mississippi River in Louisiana or elsewhere; a bayou
bayram {m} :: alternative form of baïram
bazar {m} :: bazaar
bazar {m} :: junk, things
bazar {m} [colloquial] :: jumble
bazarder {vt} [France] :: to sell or sell off
bazarder {vt} [France] :: to chuck out
Bazin {prop} :: surname
bazoche {f} :: alternative form of basoche
bazooka {m} :: bazooka (rocket launcher)
BCBG {adj} :: trendy, preppy; chic and conservative
BCE {prop} {f} :: initialism of Banque centrale européenne
bcp {adv} [texting] :: abbreviation of beaucoup
BCP {prop} [government, Westministerian Parliament] :: PCO initialism of Bureau du Conseil privé (Privy Council Office)
bd. {m} :: abbreviation of boulevard
bd {m} :: abbreviation of boulevard
BD {f} :: comic strip
bdelloïde {adj} [biology] :: bdelloid
bdelloïde {m} [biology] :: bdelloid
bdellomètre {m} [medicine, historical] :: A bdellometer: a device for applying negative pressure to a region of skin while performing an incision, such that the region becomes engorged with blood and therefore less sensitive to the pain of incision
BDK {n} [comics, obsolete, initialism] :: bande dessinée kébécoise - a Quebecois comic strip (bande dessinée)
BDN {prop} [sports] :: abbreviation of Brandon (Brandon, Manitoba, Canada)
BDQ {n} [comics, initialism] :: bande dessinée québécoise - a Quebecois comic strip (bande dessinée)
{m} :: letter: b
BEA {prop} :: BEA; abbreviation of bureau d'enquêtes et d'analyses pour la sécurité de l'aviation civile
beach {m} [Congo] :: port where goods and passengers embark and debark
beach volley {m} [sport] :: beach volleyball
beagle {m} :: beagle (dog)
béal {m} [southern France] :: small irrigation canal
béance {f} :: gap
béant {adj} :: gaping
Béarn {prop} {m} :: The Béarn region in the French Pyrenees
béarnais {adj} :: From or relating to the southern French region Béarn, in the Pyrenees
béarnais {m} :: The southern French dialect of the above Béarn region, a form of gascon
Béarnais {mf} :: An inhabitant or descendant of the population of the Béarn region in the French Pyrenees
béarnaise {f} [by ellipsis] :: béarnaise sauce
béat {adj} :: blissful
béat {adj} :: in awe
béatement {adv} :: blissfully
béatifiable {adj} :: beatifiable
béatification {f} :: beatification
béatifier {v} :: to beatify
béatifique {adj} :: beatific
béatique {adj} :: saintly
béatique {adj} :: blissful
béatissime {adj} :: Most or very blessed, saintly
béatitude {f} :: bliss, beatitude
beatnik {mf} :: beatnik
Béatrice {prop} :: given name
beau- {prefix} :: related by marriage; in-law or step-
beau {adj} :: handsome, fine, attractive
beau {adj} :: nice
beau {adj} :: fair (weather)
beau {m} [Louisiana French] :: boyfriend
beauceron {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Beauce
Beauchamp {prop} :: Beauchamp; surname
Beauchamp {prop} :: The name of several places in France
Beauchesne {prop} :: surname
beau comme le jour {adj} [simile, of people] :: very beautiful
beau comme un cœur {adj} [simile, of people] :: pretty as a picture, cute as a button
beau comme un dieu {adj} [simile] :: Extremely good-looking and attractive; like a Greek god
beaucoup {adv} :: much, very much, a lot
beau-dabe {m} [slang] :: synonym of beau-père
Beaudoin {prop} :: Beaudoin (surname)
Beaudreau {prop} :: surname
beauf {m} [colloquial, slang] :: brother-in-law
beauf {m} [colloquial, figurative, derogatory] :: boor, yokel, redneck
beau-fils {m} :: A stepson, a son of the present spouse of its remarried parent
beau-fils {m} :: A son-in-law, the husband of one's daughter or son
beaufort {m} :: Beaufort cheese
beau-frère {m} :: brother-in-law (brother of one's wife)
beau-frère {m} :: brother-in-law (brother of one's husband)
beau-frère {m} :: brother-in-law (husband of one's sister)
beau-frère {m} :: brother-in-law (husband of one's brother)
beau gosse {m} [colloquial] :: good-looking guy, hot guy, handsome man, hunk
Beaujeu {prop} :: Beaujeu (commune)
beaujolais {adj} :: Of or from Beaujeu
beaujolais {m} :: A red wine from Burgundy, France
Beaujolais {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Beaujeu
Beaujolais {m} :: Beaujolais (historical province)
Beaujolais {m} :: Beaujolais (wine)
Beaujolaise {f} :: feminine singular of Beaujolais
Beaumarchais {prop} :: surname
Beaumarchais {prop} :: Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais, French writer
Beaumont {prop} :: A placename
Beaumont {prop} :: surname
beau-neveu {m} :: stepnephew
beau-neveu {m} :: nephew-in-law
beau-papa {m} [colloquial] :: synonym of beau-père
beau-parent {m} :: (especially in plural) in-law
beau parleur {m} [colloquial] :: sweet-talker, smooth talker, charmer, silver-tongued devil
beau-père {m} :: A father-in-law, the father of one's spouse
beau-père {m} :: A stepfather, stepdad, the present husband of the mother of a child from a previous marriage
beaupré {m} [nautical] :: bowsprit
Beauregard {prop} :: A placename
Beauregard {prop} :: surname
beau sexe {m} [singulare tantum] :: (the) fair sex (womankind)
Beausoleil {prop} :: surname
beauté {f} :: beauty
Beauvais {prop} {m} :: A town in the Oise department of Picardie
beauvaisien {adj} :: Of or from Beauvais
beauvaisin {adj} :: alternative form of beauvaisien
beaux arts {mp} :: alternative spelling of beaux-arts
beaux-arts {mp} :: the fine arts
beaux-parents {mp} :: in-laws, parents-in-law
bébé {m} :: baby
bébé-boumeur {m} :: baby boomer
bébé-boumeuse {f} :: feminine singular of bébé-boumeur
bébé Cadum {m} :: baby of an idealised appearance
bébé Cadum {m} [pejorative] :: puerile, childish, babyish or immature person
bébête {adj} :: silly, juvenile
bébête {f} :: fool, idiot
bébête {f} [children, colloquial] :: animal, beastie, critter
be-bop {adj} :: Influenced by bebop
be-bop {m} :: bebop
bec {m} [anatomy] :: beak, bill (of bird)
bec {m} [colloquial, Belgium, Quebec, Switzerland, Louisiana French] :: kiss
bécane {f} [slang] :: bike (bicycle)
bécane {f} [slang] :: motorbike
bécane {f} [colloquial] :: computer
bécard {m} :: pike (fish)
bécarre {m} [music] :: natural
bécarre {adj} [music] :: natural
bécasse {f} :: woodcock (Any of several wading birds in the genus Scolopax, of the family Scolopacidae, characterised by a long slender bill and cryptic brown and blackish plumage)
bécasseau {m} :: stint, sandpiper (bird of genus Calidris)
bécasse des bois {f} :: Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola)
bécassine {f} :: snipe (bird)
bec-croche {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: white ibis
bec-croisé {m} :: crossbill
bec-d'âne {m} :: A type of chisel used in carpentry
bec-de-cane {m} :: A type of latch
bec-de-lièvre {m} :: cleft lip; harelip
bec-en-sabot {m} :: Balaeniceps, a monotypic genus of wading bird from the family Balaenicipitidae, of which the only living species is the shoebill
bec-en-sabot du Nil {m} :: shoebill
bec et ongles {adv} [figuratively] :: tooth and nail
becfigue {m} :: ortolan (a small bird eaten as a delicacy)
bêchage {m} :: digging
béchamel {f} :: béchamel sauce; ellipsis of sauce béchamel
beche {f} :: alternative form of bêche
bêche {f} :: spade
bêche-de-mer {f} :: trepang, sea cucumber
bécher {m} :: beaker (flat-bottomed vessel)
bêcher {v} :: to dig (with a spade)
bêcher {v} [dated] :: to badmouth, to slander
bêcheur {m} :: digger (person who digs)
bêcheur {m} :: badmouther
bêcheur {m} :: snob
bêcheur {adj} :: badmouthing
bêcheur {adj} :: snobbish
bêcheveter {v} :: To upend (turn upside-down)
bêcheveter {v} :: To place head-to-toe, head-to-tail
béchique {adj} :: antitussive
béchique {m} :: cough mixture
bêchoir {m} :: A large hoe
bécosses {fp} [Quebec, plurale tantum] :: Outhouse toilets
bécosses {fp} [Quebec, colloquial, plurale tantum] :: Toilets in general, especially outdoor or makeshift ones
bécot {m} :: peck (small kiss)
bécoter {v} [colloquial] :: to kiss; besmooch
becqué {adj} [heraldry] :: beaked (having a beak of a different colour)
becquée {f} :: beakful
becquer {v} :: To peck (all senses)
becquerel {m} :: becquerel
Becquerel {prop} :: surname
Becquerel {prop} :: Henri Becquerel, French physicist and discoverer of radioactivity
becquet {m} :: spoiler (on a car)
becquetage {m} :: pecking
becquetance {f} :: food, nourishment
becqueté {adj} :: pecked, eaten
becqueter {vt} :: to peck (at)
becqueter {v} [slang] :: to eat, nosh, chow down
becqueter {v} :: to peck (kiss)
bectance {f} [slang] :: grub, nosh
becter {v} [colloquial] :: To eat
bécune {f} :: barracuda
bec verseur {m} :: pouring spout, pouring lip, pourer, dispenser nozzle
bedaine {f} :: paunch, pot belly
bédane {m} :: synonym of bec-d'âne
Bédard {prop} :: surname
bédé {f} :: comic strip, comic book
bedeau {m} :: verger, beadle
bédégar {m} :: bedeguar
bédéiste {mf} :: cartoonist, graphic novelist
bédéphile {mf} :: A fan of comic books &c
bédo {m} [slang, verlan, backslang] :: joint (marijuana cigarette)
bedon {m} :: paunch, pot belly
bedonnant {adj} [colloquial] :: paunchy, pot-bellied
bedonner {v} :: to have a plump stomach, to be paunchy
bédouin {adj} :: bedouin
beefsteak {m} :: obsolete form of bifteck
béer {v} :: to gape, yawn
béer {v} :: to be wide open
beethovénien {adj} :: Beethovenian
beffroi {m} :: belfry, bell tower
bégaiement {m} :: stammering
bégayer {v} :: to stammer
bégayeur {m} :: stammerer; stutterer
bégayeuse {f} :: feminine noun of bégayeur
bégonia {m} :: begonia (large genus of plants of the family Begoniaceae)
bégu {adj} :: [of the teeth of a horse etc.] retrognathous
bègue {adj} :: stuttering, stammering
bègue {mf} :: stutterer, stammerer
béguètement {m} :: bleat, bleating
bégueter {v} :: to bleat
bégueule {mf} [colloquial] :: prude
bégueule {mf} [colloquial] :: prissy
bégueule {adj} [colloquial] :: prudish
bégueulerie {f} :: prudery, prudishness
béguin {m} [historical] :: Beghard, Beguin (religious laymen living in semimonastic communities in imitation of the Beguines)
béguin {m} :: A type of headwear once popular with Beguines, similar to a bonnet
béguin {m} [colloquial] :: crush, fancy (a short-lived and unrequited love or infatuation)
béguin {m} [colloquial] :: crush (person with whom one is infatuated)
béguinage {m} :: beguinage
béguine {f} [historical] :: Beguine (member of a semimonastic Christian lay religious order)
béguine {f} [dated, derogatory] :: bigot
béguine {f} :: feminine singular of béguin
bégum {f} :: begum
béhavioral {adj} :: behavioural
béhavioralisme {m} :: behaviouralism
behaviorisme {m} :: behaviorism
béhaviorisme {m} :: behaviourism
béhavioriste {adj} :: behaviouristic; of or relating to behaviourism
behaviourisme {m} :: alternative form of behaviorisme
béhénique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: behenic
beige {adj} :: beige
beigeâtre {adj} :: Somewhat beige
beigne {f} :: clout, slap, wallop, sock (blow, especially one to the head)
beigne {m} :: doughnut (toroidal variety)
beigner {v} :: To clout, slap, wallop, sock
beignet {m} :: beignet (fritter filled with fruit etc)
béjaune {m} :: greenhorn (inexperienced person)
béké {adj} :: Describing a person of white, French descent from the French Antilles
bel {m} :: bel
Belainsky {prop} :: Belainsky; surname
Beland {prop} :: Beland; surname
bélandre {f} [nautical] :: A type of flat-bottomed transport boat used on inland waterways
Bélanger {prop} :: surname
Belansky {prop} :: surname
Bélarus {prop} {m} :: Bélarus (country)
Belcourt {prop} :: surname
bêlement {m} :: bleat, bleating
bélemnite {f} :: belemnite
bel-enfant {m} :: stepchild
bel-enfant {m} :: son- or daughter-in-law ('child-in-law')
bêler {v} :: to baa; to bleat (make cry of sheep)
bel esprit {m} :: wit, genius, bel esprit
bel étage {m} :: piano nobile (main storey of a building)
bel et bien {adv} [idiomatic] :: well and truly
belette {f} :: weasel (specifically, the least weasel)
Belfort {prop} :: A commune - and the préfecture - of the Territoire de Belfort, in the Franche-Comté region of eastern France
belge {adj} :: Belgian
belge {adj} :: From Belgium
Belge {mf} :: Belgian person, someone from Belgium; used of both genders
belgicisme {m} :: A French word or phrase of Belgian origin
belgique {adj} [archaic] :: Belgian
Belgique {prop} {f} :: Belgique (country)
belgo- {prefix} :: Belgo-; A combining form relating to Belgium (Belgique)
belgo-canadien {adj} :: Pertaining to Belgium and Canada
Belgrade {prop} {f} :: Belgrade (capital city)
Bélial {prop} :: Belial
bélier {m} :: ram (sheep)
bélier {m} :: battering ram
Bélier {prop} {m} :: Aries (constellation)
Bélier {prop} {m} :: Aries (star sign)
Bélier {m} :: Aries (someone with an Aries star sign)
bélière {f} :: A ring that holds the clapper of a bell (or similar, dangling objects)
bélinogramme {m} :: wirephoto, telephotograph (photographic image transmitted by wire)
bélinographe {m} :: wirephoto, telephotograph equipment
Bélisaire {prop} {m} :: Belisarius (a general of the Byzantine Empire)
bélître {m} :: A worthless person
bélître {m} :: A rascal
bélître {m} :: A beggar
Béliveau {prop} :: Beliveau; surname
Belize {prop} :: Belize (country)
bélizien {adj} :: Belizean, of or pertaining to Belize state, the former British Honduras, its people and/or culture
bélizien {adj} :: Belizean, of or pertaining to Belize, the capital the above was renamed after
Bélizien {m} :: A Belizean, member or descendant of the people of Belize, either the former British Honduras or the city it was renamed after
Bélizienne {f} :: feminine noun of Bélizien
belladone {f} :: deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna)
bellastre {m} [Marseille] :: show-off, poseur
bellâtre {m} :: Fop, dandy
belle- {prefix} :: step- (female)
belle- {prefix} :: in-law (female)
belle {f} :: beautiful woman, belle, beauty
belle {f} [Louisiana French] :: girlfriend
belle-âge {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: a long time
Belleau {prop} :: surname
Belle au bois dormant {prop} {f} :: Sleeping Beauty (main character in this story)
Bellecourt {prop} :: surname
belle-dabe {f} [slang] :: synonym of belle-mère
belle-de-jour {f} :: A cultivated species of bindweed, Convolvulus tricolor whose flowers are only open for a day
belle-de-nuit {f} :: marvel of Peru
belle-de-nuit {f} [colloquial] :: marsh warbler, reed warbler
belle-de-nuit {f} :: prostitute
belle-doche {f} :: synonym of belle-mère
belle-famille {f} :: in-laws
belle-fille {f} :: daughter-in-law (wife of one's son)
belle-fille {f} :: stepdaughter (daughter of one's spouse and another person)
Bellefontaine {prop} {f} :: Bellefontaine (toponym of numerous places)
belle infidèle {f} [translation studies] :: an elegant but unfaithful and inaccurate translation
belle lurette {adv} :: for a long time
belle lurette {adv} :: ages ago
belle-maman {f} [colloquial] :: synonym of belle-mère
bellement {adv} :: beautifully
belle-mère {f} :: mother-in-law
belle-mère {f} :: stepmother
belle-nièce {m} :: stepniece
belle-nièce {m} :: niece-in-law
belle-sœur {f} :: sister-in-law (wife or husband's sister)
belle-sœur {f} :: sister-in-law (brother's wife)
bellicisme {m} :: warmongering
belliciste {mf} :: warmonger
bellifontain {adj} :: Of or from Bellefontaine
belligène {adj} :: belligenous, belligenic, belliferous (that leads to war)
belligérance {f} :: belligerence
belligérant {adj} :: belligerent
belligérant {m} :: belligerent
bellique {adj} [obsolete] :: Of or pertaining to war
belliqueusement {adv} :: bellicosely
belliqueusement {adv} :: in a warlike manner
belliqueux {adj} :: bellicose
belliqueux {adj} :: warlike (belligerent)
belliqueux {adj} :: warmongering
belliqueux {adj} [attributive] :: war
bellissime {adj} :: super-beautiful
bellot {adj} :: Somewhat beautiful (used especially of babies)
bellouniste {adj} :: Relating to the militant Algerian nationalist Mohammed Bellounis
bellouniste {mf} :: A supporter of Mohammed Bellounis during the Algerian War
bellovaque {adj} :: Bellovaci (attributive)
belluaire {m} :: a gladiator who fought animals, beastmaster
belon {f} :: A type of oyster (of species Ostrea edulis)
bélopérone {f} :: shrimp plant
belosse {m} :: sloe; fruit of blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)
belote {f} [uncountable] :: belote
belote {f} [countable] :: king and queen of the trump suit, in the game belote
belouga {m} :: beluga (creature, caviar)
bélouga {m} :: alternative form of belouga
béluga {m} :: beluga (whale)
béluga {m} :: beluga (fish)
belvédère {m} :: belvedere, gazebo
belvédère {m} :: the plant belle-à-voir
bémol {m} [music] :: flat, bemol
bémol {m} [figuratively] :: dampener
bémoliser {v} [music] :: To flatten
bémoliser {v} :: To soften
ben {interj} :: abbreviation of eh bien Well; uh
ben {m} [slang] :: pants
bénard {adj} [dated, of a lock] :: That can be opened from either side using the same key
bénard {m} [slang] :: Pants
bénarde {f} :: A lock that can be opened from either side using the same key
bénarde {f} :: A key to such a lock
bendir {m} :: bendir
bendo {m} [slang] :: inferior living environment, banlieue
bene {adv} :: synonym of bien
bénédicité {m} :: grace (short prayer before or after a meal)
Bénédicte {prop} {f} :: given name
bénédictin {adj} :: Benedictine
bénédictin {m} :: Benedictine (monk / nun)
bénédiction {f} :: blessing (some kind of divine or supernatural aid, or reward)
bénédiction {f} :: benediction
bénef {m} [colloquial] :: benefit; profit
bénéfactif {m} [grammar] :: benefactive, benefactive case
bénéfice {m} :: benefit, advantage
bénéfice {m} :: profit, earning
bénéfice du doute {m} :: benefit of the doubt
bénéficiaire {adj} :: beneficial
bénéficiaire {mf} :: beneficiary, recipient [of a benefit]
bénéficiairement {adv} :: beneficially
bénéficial {adj} :: beneficial (relating to a benefice)
bénéficiel {adj} :: advantageous, beneficial
bénéficier {v} [de] :: to enjoy, to benefit from, to get, to receive
bénéficier {v} [à] :: [proscribed] to benefit to
bénéfique {adj} :: beneficial, that which does good
beneluxien {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Benelux
benêt {m} :: half-wit, simpleton
bénévolat {m} :: volunteering
bénévole {adj} :: voluntary
bénévole {mf} :: volunteer (someone who works voluntarily without payment)
bénévolement {adv} :: voluntarily
bénévolence {f} [archaic] :: benevolence
bénévoler {v} [rare] :: To volunteer
bénévoler {v} [rare] :: To be benevolent
benfluorex {m} :: benfluorex
bengalais {adj} :: Bengalese
bengali {adj} :: Bengali
bengali {m} :: Bengali (language)
bénignement {adv} :: benignly
bénignité {f} :: benignness
bénin {adj} :: benign
Bénin {prop} {m} :: Bénin (country)
béninois {adj} :: Beninese (of or pertaining to Benin or its people or culture)
Béninois {m} :: person from Benin
Béninoise {f} :: feminine noun of Béninois
béni-oui-oui {mf} [pejorative] :: yes man
bénir {v} :: to bless
bénisseur {adj} :: benedictive
bénit {adj} :: blessed
bénitier {m} [religion] :: stoup, font
benjamin {m} :: youngest child (in a family)
benjamin {m} :: child loved disproportionally more by the parents in a family
benjamin {m} [sports] :: One of the age classes for children; varies by sport
benjamin {m} [Scrabble] :: A three-letter addition to the beginning of a word that creates another valid word, especially one that reaches a "triple word score" square
Benjamin {prop} :: Benjamin (Biblical figure)
Benjamin {prop} :: given name
benjamine {f} :: feminine noun of benjamin; youngest (daughter)
benjoin {m} :: benzoin (resin)
benne {f} :: bin
benne {f} :: barrow
benne {f} :: dump truck
benne {f} :: cable car
benoit {adj} :: alternative form of benoît
benoît {adj} [archaic] :: blessed, fortunate
benoît {adj} :: sanctimonious, holier-than-thou
benoît {adj} :: blissful, delighted, happy
Benoît {prop} {m} :: given name
Benoît {prop} {m} :: surname
benoitement {adv} :: alternative form of benoîtement
benoîtement {adv} :: sanctimoniously
benoiton {m} :: A type of rye bread roll containing raisins
benthique {adj} :: benthic
bentonite {f} [mineral] :: bentonite
ben voyons {interj} [colloquial] :: I'll bet! well, well! come now! yeah, right! what a coincidence!
benzaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] :: benzaldehyde
benzanthracène {m} [organic compound] :: benzanthracene
benzène {m} [organic compound] :: benzene
benzénique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: benzenic
benzidine {f} [organic compound] :: benzidine
benzidinique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: benzidinic
benzine {f} [organic compound] :: benzene
benzine {f} [Switzerland] :: petrol
benzoate {m} [organic chemistry] :: benzoate
benzodiazépine {m} [medical] :: benzodiazepine
benzoïde {adj} [organic chemistry] :: benzenoid
benzoïne {f} [organic compound] :: benzoin
benzoïque {adj} :: benzoic
benzol {m} :: benzol
benzolisme {m} :: benzene (or benzol) poisoning
benzophénone {f} [organic compound] :: benzophenone
benzopyranique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: benzopyranic
benzopyrène {m} [organic compound] :: benzopyrene
benzoylé {adj} :: benzoylated
benzoyler {vt} [organic chemistry] :: to benzoylate
benzyle {f} [organic compound] :: benzyl (radical)
benzylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: benzylic
Béotie {prop} {f} :: Boeotia (a district in east central Central Greece)
béotien {adj} [historical] :: Boeotian (Pertaining to Boeotia)
béotien {adj} [by extension, pejorative] :: Boeotian, philistine (lacking in appreciation for art or culture)
béotien {m} :: Boeotian (dialect)
béotien {m} [pejorative] :: Boeotian, philistine
béotien {m} [colloquial] :: layperson
béotiennement {adv} :: philistinely, tastelessly
béotisme {m} :: philistinism
bépo {m} :: The French equivalent of the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard
béquée {f} :: beakful
béquer {v} :: alternative form of becquer
béquet {m} :: becket
béqueter {v} :: alternative form of becqueter
béquillard {m} :: A person who walks with the aid of a crutch (or crutches)
béquillarde {f} :: feminine singular of béquillard
béquille {f} [cycling] :: kickstand
béquille {f} :: crutch (device to assist in motion as a cane)
béquiller {v} :: To walk with the aid of crutches
béquiller {v} :: To lower the kickstand of a motorcycle; to prop up a motorcycle on its kickstand
ber {m} [nautical] :: A cradle that holds a ship before and during its launch
Bérabich {m} :: Berber
Bérangère {prop} {f} :: given name
berbère {m} :: the Berber language family
berbère {adj} :: Berber (of or relating to the Berber people)
Berbère {mf} :: a member of the Berber ethnic group
berbéris {m} :: barberry
berbérophone {mf} :: Berberophone
berbouisset {m} :: butcher's broom
bercail {m} [dated] :: fold (enclosure for animals)
bercail {m} [figuratively, colloquial] :: house, home
berçant {adj} :: rocking
berce {f} :: hogweed, any plant of the genus Heracleum
berceau {m} :: cradle, crib (bed for a baby)
berceau {m} [figuratively] :: cradle, birthplace, place of origin
berceau {m} [architecture] :: arch, vault
bercelonnette {f} :: bassinet (cradle)
bercement {m} :: rocking
bercer {v} :: to cradle; to rock
berceur {adj} :: soothing
berceuse {f} :: cradler, someone who cradles or rocks a baby
berceuse {f} :: a lullaby
berceuse {f} :: rocking chair
berdache {m} :: alternative form of bardache
Bérée {prop} {f} :: Bérée (ancient city)
Bérée {prop} {f} :: Bérée (ancient city)
Bérengère {prop} {f} :: given name
Bérénice {prop} {f} :: given name
béret {m} :: beret
béret vert {m} [military] :: green beret
bérézina {f} :: Complete disaster, crushing defeat
bergamasque {adj} :: bergamask
bergamasque {f} :: bergamask (dance)
bergamote {f} :: bergamot, a pear cultivar
bergamote {f} :: bergamot, a citrus cultivar
bergamote {f} :: the scent of such a citrus used in perfumery
bergamote {f} :: a bonbon treated with such a perfume
bergamotier {m} :: bergamot
berge {f} :: bank (of river, canal)
berge {f} :: raised pavement, banked edge
berge {f} [slang] :: year
Bergé {prop} :: surname
Bergen {prop} :: Bergen (port city)
berger {m} :: shepherd
Bergerac {prop} :: Bergerac (city)
Bergerac {prop} :: surname
berger allemand {m} :: German shepherd (dog)
Bergerat {prop} :: surname
bergère {f} :: female equivalent of berger
bergère {f} :: wing chair
bergerette {f} :: Young shepherdess
bergerie {f} :: sheepfold
bergerie {f} [literature] :: pastoral
bergerie {f} [commercial] :: counter
bergeron {m} :: alternative form of bourgeron
Bergeron {prop} :: surname
bergeronnette {f} :: wagtail
berginisation {f} :: Bergius process
berginiser {v} :: To produce hydrocarbons from coal by the Bergius process
bergsonien {adj} :: Bergsonian
béribéri {m} [pathology] :: beriberi
berimbau {m} :: berimbau
bérimbau {m} [musical instruments] :: alternative spelling of berimbau
béringien {adj} :: Beringian
berk {interj} :: alternative form of beurk: yuck!
berkélate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: berkelate
berkélium {m} :: berkelium
berle {f} :: water parsnip
Berlin {prop} {m} :: Berlin (caplc)
Berlin {prop} {m} :: Berlin (state)
Berlincourt {prop} :: surname
berline {f} [historical] :: berlin (four-wheeled carriage)
berline {f} [automotive] :: a sedan or saloon car
berlingot {m} :: berlingot
berlinois {adj} :: of or relating to Berlin
Berlinois {m} :: Berliner (person from Berlin)
Berlinoise {f} :: feminine noun of Berlinois
berlue {f} :: disturbance of vision, distorted view
Berlugan {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Beaulieu-sur-Mer
berme {f} :: berm
bermuda {m} :: (pair of) Bermuda shorts
Bermudes {prop} {fp} :: Bermuda
bermudien {adj} :: Bermudan (of or pertaining to Bermuda or its people or culture)
Bermudien {m} :: Bermudan
Bermudienne {f} :: feminine noun of Bermudien
bernache {f} :: barnacle goose
bernache {f} :: grape juice at the beginning of its fermentation process
bernache {f} :: barnacle
bernacle {f} :: synonym of bernache
Bernadette {prop} {f} :: given name
Bernard {prop} {m} :: given name
Bernard {prop} {m} :: surname
bernardin {adj} :: Bernardine
bernardin {m} :: Bernardine
bernard l'ermite {m} :: alternative spelling of bernard-l'ermite
bernard-l'ermite {m} :: hermit crab
Bernaud {prop} :: surname
berne {f} [obsolete] :: Hazing inflicted on someone by tossing into the air on a blanket
berne {f} [by extension] :: The blanket itself
Berne {prop} {f} :: Berne (capital city)
Berne {prop} {f} :: Berne (canton)
berner {vt} :: to trick, to fool, to take in, to run circles around, to hoodwink
berneur {m} :: trickster
berneuse {f} :: feminine singular of berneur
bernicle {f} :: synonym of bernache
Bernier {prop} :: surname
bernique {f} :: limpet
bernique {interj} :: I'm afraid not!
bernois {adj} :: Bernese
bernois {adj} :: Pertaining to Bernay, Bernes or Bernes-sur-Oise in France
Bernot {prop} :: surname
Bernstein {prop} :: surname
berrani {m} [Morocco] :: foreigner
berrichon {adj} :: Of or from Berry (the historic French province)
berrichon {m} :: The medieval language once spoken in Berry
berruyer {adj} :: Of or from Bourges
berruyer {adj} [archaic] :: Of or from Berry
Berry {prop} {m} :: Berry (region/and/former province)
bersaglier {m} :: bersagliere
berthe {f} :: A sort of trim added to the neckline of a dress
Berthe {prop} :: given name
berthiérite {f} [mineral] :: berthierite
bertholite {f} :: chlorine used as a poison gas
berthon {m} :: foldboat
bertillonnage {m} :: An early form of biometrics used by the French police
Bertin {prop} :: surname
Bertrand {prop} {m} :: given name
Bertrand {prop} {m} :: surname derived from the given name
bertrandite {f} [mineral] :: bertrandite
Bérubé {prop} :: surname
béryl {m} :: beryl
béryllé {adj} :: beryl (attributive)
béryllié {adj} :: beryllium (attributive)
bérylliose {f} [pathology] :: berylliosis
béryllium {m} :: beryllium
Béryte {prop} :: Berytus
bérytien {adj} :: Berytian
Bérytien {m} :: Berytian
Bérytienne {f} :: female equivalent of Bérytien
berzingue {mf} [slang] :: speed (rapidity; rate of motion)
besace {f} :: a wallet (a bag or pouch for money)
besacier {m} :: beggar (with a bag to collect money)
besacière {f} :: feminine singular of besacier
besaiguë {f} :: A carpenter's tool combining a chisel and a mortise chisel on a long handle, and used to work large piece of wood
besaiguë {f} :: A small glazier's hammer
besaigüe {f} :: alternative spelling of besaiguë
Besançon {prop} :: Besançon
besant {m} :: bezant (coin)
besant {m} [heraldiccharge] :: bezant or plate
besantin {adj} :: of or from Besançon
Besantin {m} :: Someone of or from Besançon
Besantine {f} :: feminine noun of Besantin
bésef {adv} :: alternative spelling of bézef
beseff {adv} [slang] :: a lot
besicles {fp} [plurale tantum, dated or colloquial] :: spectacles, glasses
bésicles {fp} [plurale tantum] :: alternative spelling of besicles
bésigue {f} :: bezique (a trick-taking card game for two players)
besogne {f} :: work, job
besogner {vi} :: to toil, drudge, slave away
besogneusement {adv} :: needily
besogneux {adj} [dated] :: needy
besogneux {adj} :: hard-working but poorly paid
besoin {m} :: need
besoin {m} :: want [state of being in need]
bessemérisation {f} :: bessemerization
bessemériser {v} :: To bessemerize
Bessette {prop} :: surname
besson {adj} [obsolete, Acadia, Louisiana] :: twin
besson {m} [obsolete, Acadia, Louisiana] :: twin
Besson {prop} :: Besson; surname
bessonne {f} :: feminine noun of besson
bestiaire {m} :: bestiary
bestiaire {m} [historical, Ancient Rome] :: beastmaster (type of gladiator fighting wild beasts)
bestial {adj} :: bestial
bestialement {adv} :: bestially
bestialiser {v} :: To bestialize
bestialité {f} :: bestiality (beastlike, brutish behavior)
bestialité {f} :: bestiality (sexual relations with an animal)
bestiau {m} :: beast, animal
bestiole {f} :: small animal
bestiole {f} [obsolete] :: girl without spirit
best of {m} :: best of (compilation)
best-seller {m} :: bestseller (a top selling product, especially a book)
bêta {m} :: beta (Greek letter)
bêta {adj} :: beta
bêta {adj} [slang] :: stupid, idiotic
bêta-bloquant {m} [medicine] :: beta blocker
bétail {m} :: livestock
bétail {m} :: [specifically] cattle
bétaillère {f} :: cattle truck
bétaillère {f} :: people carrier
bétaïne {f} [organic chemistry] :: betaine
betaméthasone {f} :: betamethasone
Betancourt {prop} :: surname
bêtassement {adv} :: stupidly, idiotically
bêtathérapie {f} :: beta therapy (radiation therapy using beta particles)
bêtatron {m} [physics] :: betatron
bête {f} :: beast, animal
bête {adj} [offensive] :: Not very bright and lacking in judgement; stupid; inept
bête {adj} :: Which could have been easily averted; silly
bête {adj} [Canada, colloquial] :: Having a bad character or in a bad mood; showing great displeasure in interacting with people; ill-tempered
bête à Bon Dieu {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: ladybug
bête à manger du foin {adj} [simile] :: Very stupid; dumb as a rock; dumb as a doorknob
bête comme chou {adj} [simile] :: very simple, very plain; easy as pie
bête comme ses deux pieds {adj} :: alternative form of bête comme ses pieds
bête comme ses pieds {adj} [simile] :: Very stupid; dumb as an ox; dumb as a doorknob
bête de foire {f} [pejorative] :: freak show, circus freak, exhibit
bête de somme {f} :: beast of burden (animal that carries or pulls heavy loads)
bétel {m} [botany] :: betel
Bételgeuse {prop} {f} :: Betelgeuse (supergiant)
bêtement {adv} :: stupidly, idiotically
bête noire {f} :: bête noire, pet hate, pet peeve
bête-puante {f} [Louisiana French] :: skunk
Béthanie {prop} :: Bethany
Bethléem {prop} {f} :: Bethléem (city)
Bethléhem {prop} :: Bethléhem (city)
Bethphagé {prop} :: Bethphage
Bethsabée {prop} {f} :: Bathsheba (biblical figure)
Bethsabée {prop} {f} [rare] :: given name of biblical origin
Bethsaïda {prop} :: Bethsaida
bêtifiant {adj} :: mindless
bêtifier {v} :: To act childishly
bêtifier {v} :: To be brutalized
bêtise {f} [uncountable] :: foolishness
bêtise {f} [countable] :: hooey
bêtise {f} [uncountable] :: nonsense
bêtiser {v} :: To talk nonsense
bêtisier {m} :: bloopers; a collection of farcical or comical stories or moments
bétoine {f} :: betony (Stachys officinalis)
bétoire {f} :: swallow hole
béton {m} :: concrete
béton {v} [verlan, back slang] :: to drop
béton armé {m} :: reinforced concrete
bétonnage {m} :: concrete work
bétonnage {m} :: urbanization
bétonner {v} :: to concrete (cover with concrete)
bétonneuse {f} :: cement mixer
bétonnière {f} :: concrete mixer
bétonnisation {f} :: synonym of bétonnage
Bétrancourt {prop} :: surname
bette {f} :: chard (vegetable)
Bettencourt {prop} :: surname
betterave {f} :: beetroot
betterave à sucre {f} :: sugar beet
betteravier {adj} :: beetroot (attributive)
bétulacée {f} :: birch (tree of family Betulaceae)
bétyle {m} :: baetylus, bethel, betyl (sacred stone)
beu {f} [verlan] :: marijuana, weed
beuglant {adj} :: mooing
beuglant {adj} :: bellowing
beuglement {m} :: a moo
beugler {vi} [of a cow] :: to moo
beugler {vi} [figuratively] :: to cry out; to shout
beuh {interj} :: moo
beuh {interj} :: interjection expressing indifference: meh
beuh {interj} :: interjection expressing disgust
beuh {f} :: alternative spelling of beu
beur {m} [verlan, slang] :: A man of Maghrebi descent born and living in France
beurette {f} :: A woman of Maghrebi descent born and living in France
beurk {interj} :: yuck!
beurrage {m} :: A buttering, a smearing of butter
beurre {m} :: butter
beurré {adj} :: buttered
beurré {adj} [colloquial] :: drunk
beurre clarifié {m} :: clarified butter
beurré comme un Petit Lu {adj} [simile, colloquial] :: pissed as a newt; drunk as a skunk (very drunk)
beurre corporel {m} :: body butter
beurre d'arachide {m} :: peanut butter
beurre d'arachides {m} :: peanut butter; alternative form of beurre d'arachide
beurre de cacahuète {m} :: peanut butter
beurre de cacao {m} :: cocoa butter
beurre de karité {m} :: Shea butter
beurrer {v} :: to butter, to rub with butter
beurrerie {f} :: butter factory; dairy (place where butter is made)
beurrier {m} :: butter dish
beurrier {m} :: butter seller
beurrière {f} :: feminine noun of beurrier
beurrine {f} [obsolete] :: margarine
beuteu {f} [verlan, slang, backslang, vulgar, impolite] :: dick
beuverie {f} :: binge, excessive (usually social) drinking
bévatron {m} [physics] :: bevatron
bévue {f} :: blunder, gaffe
bey {m} :: bey
beylical {adj} :: bey (attributive)
beylicat {m} :: beylic
Beyrouth {prop} :: Beyrouth (capital)
beyrouthin {adj} :: Beiruti
Beyrouthin {m} :: Beiruti
Beyrouthine {f} :: female equivalent of Beyrouthin
bezant {m} :: bezant (coin)
bezef {adv} :: nonstandard spelling of bézef
bézef {adv} [familiar, slang] :: (pas bézef) (not) much, a lot
Béziers {prop} :: Béziers (city)
bézoard {m} :: bezoar
BFF {f} :: BFF
BFILE {m} [databases] :: BFILE
bhojpuri {m} :: Bhojpuri
Bhoutan {prop} {m} :: Bhoutan (country)
bhoutanais {adj} :: Bhutanese (of or pertaining to Bhutan or its people or culture)
Bhoutanais {m} :: Bhutanese (person from Bhutan)
Bhoutanaise {f} :: feminine noun of Bhoutanais
bi- {prefix} :: bi-
bi {mf} :: bi, bisexual person
bi {adj} :: bi, bisexual
biacide {m} [chemistry] :: synonym of diacide
biacromial {adj} [anatomy] :: interacromial
biacuminé {adj} [botany] :: biacuminate
Biafra {prop} {m} :: Biafra (secessionist state)
biafrais {adj} :: Biafran
biais {m} :: means, way
biais {m} :: angle, aspect, way
biais {m} [textiles] :: bias
biais {m} :: slant, diagonal line
biais {m} [sociology] :: bias
biais {adj} :: slant, slanting
biaisement {m} :: slant, skewing
biaiser {v} :: to slant (to bias or skew)
biaiser {v} :: to go around, work around
biannuel {adj} :: biennial
biannuellement {adv} :: biennially
Biarritz {prop} :: An elegant seaside town, on the Bay of Biscay in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques department of Aquitaine
biarrot {adj} :: Of or from Biarritz
Biarrot {m} :: A native r inhabitant of Biarritz
Biarrote {f} :: feminine singular of Biarrot
biathlète {mf} :: biathlete
biathlon {m} :: biathlon
biatomicité {f} [chemistry] :: diatomicity
biatomique {adj} [chemistry] :: diatomic
biaural {adj} :: binaural
bibacier {m} :: loquat
bibasique {adj} [chemistry] :: dibasic
bibelot {m} :: knick-knack, bauble
bibelotage {m} :: The making/buying/selling/collecting of knickknacks
bibeloter {v} :: To make/sell/buy/collect knickknacks
bibeloteur {m} :: A person who makes/sells/buys/collects knickknacks
bibeloteuse {f} :: feminine singular of bibeloteur
bibelotier {m} :: synonym of bibeloteur
bibelotière {f} :: feminine singular of bibelotier
biberon {m} :: baby bottle, feeding bottle
biberonner {v} :: To bottle feed
biberonner {v} :: To booze
bibi {adj} :: dual-mode
bibi {m} :: a small, lady's hat
bibi {m} :: a bauble or trinket
bibi {pron} [colloquial] :: yours truly (I, me or myself)
bibine {f} :: booze (alcoholic drink)
bibine {f} :: plonk (cheap wine)
bibitte {f} [Quebec, colloquial] :: bug, critter
bibitte {f} [Louisiana French, vulgar] :: penis, dick, cock
bible {f} :: bible (comprehensive text)
Bible {prop} {f} :: The Bible (The Christian holy book; the Old and New Testaments)
biblio {f} :: clipping of bibliographie
biblio {f} :: clipping of bibliothèque
bibliobus {m} :: mobile library
bibliographe {m} :: bibliographer
bibliographie {f} :: bibliography
bibliographique {adj} :: bibliographic
bibliophile {mf} :: bibliophile
bibliophilie {f} :: bibliophily
bibliophilique {adj} :: bibliophilic
bibliothécaire {mf} :: librarian
bibliothéconomie {f} :: library science, librarianship
bibliothéconomique {adj} :: library science (attributive)
bibliothèque {f} :: library
bibliothèque {f} :: bookcase
biblique {adj} :: biblical (related to the Bible)
bibliquement {adv} :: biblically
Bibracte {prop} :: A Gaulish oppidum near Autun in Burgundy
bic {m} :: ballpoint pen, Biro [Britain, Australia, New Zealand]
bic {m} [Quebec] :: lighter
bicâblage {m} :: biwiring
bicaméral {adj} :: bicameral
bicaméralisme {m} :: bicameralism
bicamérisme {m} :: synonym of bicaméralisme
bicarbonate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bicarbonate
bicarbonate de soude {m} :: baking soda, sodium bicarbonate
bicarbonater {v} [inorganic chemistry] :: To transform into a bicarbonate
bicarboné {adj} [obsolete, chemistry] :: bicarbureted
bicarbure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: dicarbide
bicarré {adj} [maths] :: biquadratic
bicaténaire {adj} [chemistry, of a polymer] :: double-stranded
bicaudé {adj} [biology] :: bicaudal
bicentenaire {m} :: bicentenary, bicentennial
bicéphale {adj} :: bicephalous
biceps {m} [anatomy] :: biceps (any two-headed muscle)
biceps {m} :: the biceps brachii
Bichat {prop} :: surname
biche {f} :: doe, hind
biche {f} [Canada, Métis] :: wapiti (elk)
biche {f} :: darling, sweetheart (affectionate name for one's girlfriend)
biche {f} :: cutie
bichelamar {m} :: the Bislama language
bicher {vi} [France] :: to go well
bicher {vi} :: to be happy; to rejoice
bicher {vi} :: to pick up, to flirt
bichette {f} :: Young doe
bichette {f} :: shrimp net
bichette {f} :: slingshot
bichette {f} [slang] :: Affectionate name for one's girlfriend
Bichkek {prop} {f} :: Bishkek
bichlamar {m} :: alternative form of bichelamar
bichlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bichloride
bichof {m} :: alternative form of bischof
bichon {m} :: bichon
bichon {m} :: lapdog
bichon à poil frisé {m} :: Bichon Frisé
bichon maltais {m} :: Maltese (dog)
bichonnage {m} :: titivation
bichonner {vt} :: to groom, titivate
bichonner {vp} [colloquial] :: to groom oneself
bichromate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: synonym of dichromate
bichrome {adj} :: synonym of bicolore
bichromie {f} [art] :: duotone
bicipital {adj} [anatomy] :: bicipital
bickford {m} :: A safety-fuse used in mining
bicoloration {f} [botany] :: bicolouration
bicolore {adj} :: bicolour, two-tone
biconcave {adj} :: biconcave
bicontinu {adj} [maths] :: bicontinuous
bicontinuité {f} [maths] :: bicontinuity
biconvexe {adj} :: biconvex
bicoque {f} [slang] :: A small house; a cabin or shack
bicoque {f} [nautical] :: A twinhull
bicoquet {m} [historical] :: bycoket
bicorne {m} :: The two-cornered hat worn by Napoleon Bonaparte
bicorne {m} :: In French fairy tales, a two-horned monster that eats adulterous husbands
bicot {m} :: wog (north-African or middle-eastern person)
bicot {m} :: kid (young goat)
bicotte {f} :: feminine singular of bicot
bicouche {f} :: bilayer
bicraver {v} [slang] :: to sell, deal (viz. drugs)
biculturalisme {m} :: biculturalism
biculturel {adj} :: bicultural
bicurieuse {f} :: feminine noun of bicurieux
bi-curieux {m} :: a bi-curious person
bi-curieux {adj} :: bi-curious
bicuspidé {adj} :: bicuspid
bicycle {m} :: bicycle
bicyclette {f} :: bicycle
bicyclette {f} [soccer] :: bicycle kick
bicyclique {adj} :: bicyclic
bicycliste {mf} :: synonym of cycliste
bidasse {m} [colloquial, military] :: squaddie, grunt (ordinary soldier)
bide {m} :: fiasco, flop
bide {m} [colloquial] :: paunch, belly
bide {m} [uncountable] :: Something fake
bident {m} :: bident
bident {m} :: beggarticks (plant of the genus Bidens)
bidentate {adj} [chemistry] :: bidentate
bidenté {adj} :: bidentate
bidet {m} :: pony, small horse
bidet {m} :: bidet
bidimensionnel {adj} :: bidimensional
bidirectionnel {adj} :: bidirectional
bidoche {f} [France, slang] :: meat
bidon {m} :: can, tin, canister
bidon {m} :: milk carton
bidon {m} :: water bottle
bidon {m} [childish] :: tummy
bidon {adj} [slang] :: rigged
bidon {adj} [slang] :: phoney, sham
bidon {adj} [slang] :: crap
bidonner {v} :: to fabricate, to make up (a story)
bidonville {m} :: shantytown, slum
bidouillage {m} :: tampering
bidouillage {m} :: hack
bidouiller {vi} :: To fiddle
bidule {m} [colloquial] :: thingamajig
bief {m} :: reach (of water)
bief {m} :: mill race
bielle {f} :: connecting rod
bielle {f} :: link
biellette {f} :: small (mechanical) link
biélorusse {adj} :: Belarusian (from or pertaining to Belarus)
biélorusse {m} :: Belarusian (language of Belarus)
Biélorusse {mf} :: Belarusian (Someone from Belarus)
Biélorussie {prop} {f} [dated] :: Biélorussie (country)
bien {adj} :: good, all right, great
bien {adj} :: good looking, nice
bien {adv} :: well
bien {adv} :: indeed; so
bien {adv} [followed by de, des, or du] :: a lot (of)
bien {adv} [colloquial] :: really [used as an intensifier]
bien {m} :: good as opposed to evil
bien {m} :: a commodity, a good
bien {m} :: a possession
bien-aimé {adj} :: beloved
bien-aimé {m} :: beloved
bien à toi {interj} [colloquial] :: best, regards, all the best (used at the end of a casual letter)
bien à vous {interj} [colloquial] :: best, regards, all the best (used at the end of a casual letter)
bien commun {m} :: common good
bien commun {m} [economics] :: common good (good that is rivalrous and nonexcludable)
bien dans sa peau {adj} :: comfortable in one's own skin, comfortable with who one is, feeling good about oneself, well-adjusted, together
bien dans ses baskets {adj} [colloquial] :: comfortable in one's own skin, comfortable with who one is, comfortable with oneself, feeling good about oneself, well-adjusted, together
bien dans ses bottes {adj} [Belgium, colloquial] :: comfortable in one's own skin, comfortable with who one is, comfortable with oneself, feeling good about oneself, well-adjusted, together
bien dans ses pompes {adj} [colloquial] :: comfortable in one's own skin, comfortable with who one is, comfortable with oneself, feeling good about oneself, well-adjusted, together
bien-dire {m} :: elegant language
bien dit {interj} [colloquial] :: well said!
bien élevé {adj} :: well-mannered, well-brought-up
bien en chair {adj} :: plump, portly, pudgy, well-padded
bien entendu {adv} :: well understood
bien entendu {adv} :: of course, obviously
bien essayé {interj} [colloquial] :: nice try, good try
bien-être {m} :: wellbeing
bienfaisance {f} :: charity, beneficence
bienfaisance {f} :: benevolence
bienfaisant {adj} :: beneficial; that which does good
bien fait {interj} [colloquial] :: an exclamation that a bad thing happened to someone who deserved it
bienfait {m} :: kindness, favour, good deed
bienfait {m} :: benefit, advantage
bienfaiteur {m} :: benefactor; do-gooder
bienfaitrice {f} :: feminine noun of bienfaiteur
bien fendu {adj} [idiomatic] :: well cleft (or long-legged)
bien-fondé {m} :: soundness, correctness
bien-fondé {m} :: compliance, conformity
bien-fonds {m} :: real estate
bienheureusement {adv} :: blessedly
bienheureusement {adv} :: happily
bienheureux {adj} [religion] :: blessed, blest
bienheureux {adj} [literary] :: happy, blissful, lucky
bien joué {interj} [colloquial] :: well done! way to go! good job! good show!
bien-jugé {m} [legal] :: res judicata
bien mal acquis ne profite jamais {proverb} :: ill-gotten gains never prosper
biennal {adj} :: biennial
biennalement {adv} :: biennially
bien né {adj} :: noble, highborn, well-born
bien-pensance {f} :: orthodoxy, conformism
bien pensant {adj} :: alternative spelling of bien-pensant
bien pensant {m} :: alternative spelling of bien-pensant
bien-pensant {adj} :: self-righteous, bien pensant
bien-pensant {m} :: bien pensant
bien perdu, bien connu {phrase} :: That which is well lost is well known, or what once was lost is prized
bien portant {adj} :: portly, pudgy, well-padded
bien privé {m} [economics] :: private good (good that is rivalrous and excludable)
bien public {m} :: item of public property
bien public {m} [economics] :: public good (good that is non-rivalrous and non-excludable)
bien que {conj} :: although
bienséamment {adv} :: decorously
bienséamment {adv} :: properly, decently
bienséance {f} :: propriety
bienséant {adj} :: becoming, decorous, seemly
bienséant {adj} :: proper, decent
bien sûr {adv} :: of course
bientôt {adv} :: soon
bienveillamment {adv} :: benevolently
bienveillance {f} :: benevolence, goodwill
bienveillant {adj} :: benevolent
bienvenir {v} [archaic] :: to welcome
bienvenu {adj} :: welcome
bienvenu {m} :: a person who is welcomed
bienvenue {f} :: welcome
bienvenue {interj} :: welcome!
bienvenue {interj} [Quebec] :: you're welcome (as an answer to thank you)
bienvenue au club {phrase} [colloquial] :: join the club (an expression of sympathy)
bien vu {interj} [colloquial] :: good catch! well spotted! finely observed!
bien vu l'aveugle {interj} [colloquial] :: no shit, Sherlock!
bière {f} :: beer
bière {f} :: bier
bière {f} :: coffin
bière à la pression {f} :: draft beer
bière blonde {f} :: lager
bière brune {f} :: dark beer
bière de garde {f} :: A strong pale ale traditionally brewed in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region
bière de table {f} :: small beer, table beer
bierstub {m} [Alsace] :: a cafe, restaurant or bar that specialises in beer
bièvre {m} [archaic or dialectal] :: beaver (mammal)
bif {m} :: money, gwop, moola
biface {adj} :: two-faced (having two faces or sides)
biface {m} [archaeology] :: biface
biffage {m} :: obliteration, striking through, crossing out
biffer {vt} :: to cross out, strike through
biffer {vt} :: to cancel, annul
biffeton {m} [slang] :: banknote
biffin {m} :: chiffonier
biffin {m} [colloquial, military] :: infantryman
biffle {f} :: alternative form of bifle
biffure {f} :: crossing-out
bifide {adj} :: bifid
bifilaire {adj} :: bifilar
bifle {f} [neologism, slang, vulgar] :: dickslap, penis slap, cockslap
bifocal {adj} :: bifocal
bifteck {m} :: beefsteak (a steak of beef)
biftèque {m} :: alternative spelling of bifteck
bifurcation {f} :: A bifurcation, where two roads etc. part or meet
bifurquer {v} :: to bifurcate (split in two)
BIG {m} :: IG (Inspector General) abbreviation of bureau de l'inspecteur général (Inspector General's Office)
big air {m} [skiing, snowboarding] :: big air
bigame {adj} :: bigamous
bigame {mf} :: bigamist (someone who practices bigamy)
bigamie {f} :: bigamy (the state of having two (legal or illegal) spouses simultaneously)
Big Apple {prop} {f} :: Big Apple (nickname for New York City)
bigarade {f} :: bitter orange (fruit of Citrus aurantium)
bigaradier {m} :: bitter orange (tree)
bigarré {adj} :: colourful
bigarreau {m} :: Royal Ann cherry
bigarrer {v} :: to variegate, to produce a colourful pattern
bigarrure {f} :: a variegated pattern, a colourful mixture
bigbang {m} :: alternative form of Big Bang
bigénère {adj} [biology] :: bigender
bigle {adj} [archaic] :: cross-eyed
bigle {m} :: beagle
bigler {vi} [archaic] :: to squint, be cross-eyed
bigler {vt} [slang] :: to glance (at)
bigleux {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] :: cross-eyed, squinting, short-sighted (etc.)
Big Mac {m} :: Big Mac
Bignon {prop} :: surname
bignone {f} :: crossvine (of the genus Bignonia, or several similar plants)
bignonia {f} :: synonym of bignone
bigntz {m} :: alternative spelling of binz
bigo {m} [nouchi] :: mobile phone
bigophone {m} [musical instruments] :: bigophone
bigophonique {adj} :: bigophonic
bigophoniste {mf} [music] :: A bigophone player
bigordan {adj} :: Of or from Bigorre
bigorne {f} :: beak-iron, bickern
bigorne {m} :: slang, jargon, lingo
bigorneau {m} :: winkle (the mollusk)
bigorner {v} :: To forge (work metal on an anvil)
bigorner {v} :: To hit vigorously
bigorner {v} :: To murder
bigot {m} :: bigot, holier-than-thou
bigot {adj} :: over-pious, holier-than-thou
bigoterie {f} :: bigotry, sanctimoniousness
bigotisme {m} :: bigotry
bigotphone {m} :: alternative form of bigophone
bigouden {m} :: A traditional Breton head-dress made of lace
bigoudi {m} :: curler, roller (for hair)
bigoudi {m} :: willy, schlong (penis)
bigourdan {adj} :: alternative form of bigordan
bigre {interj} :: bugger!
bigrement {adv} [colloquial] :: very, darn
biguanide {f} [organic chemistry] :: biguanide
bigue {f} [nautical] :: A type of spar used as a crane
biguine {f} :: biguine
biguiner {v} :: To dance the beguine
bihebdomadaire {adj} :: biweekly (twice a week)
bihebdomadaire {m} :: a publication issued twice a week
bihebdomadairement {adv} :: biweekly (twice a week)
bihebdomadairement {adv} :: fortnightly
bihoreau {m} :: night heron
bihoreau gris {m} :: black-crowned night heron
bijectif {adj} [maths] :: bijective
bijection {f} [set theory] :: bijection
bijou {m} :: a piece of jewelry
bijouté {adj} :: bejeweled (covered in jewels)
bijouterie {f} :: jeweller's; jewellery shop
bijoutier {m} :: jeweller
bijoutière {f} :: feminine noun of bijoutier
bijoux de famille {mp} [euphemistic] :: family jewels, crown jewels
bikini {m} :: bikini
Bikini {prop} :: Bikini atoll
bilabial {adj} :: bilabial
bilabié {adj} [botany] :: bilabiate
bilame {adj} :: bimetal
bilame {m} :: bimetal
bilan {m} [finance] :: balance sheet
bilan {m} :: appraisal, assessment
bilan {m} [specifically, of disaster, catastrophe etc.] :: reports; (death) toll
bilatéral {adj} :: bilateral
bilatéralement {adv} :: bilaterally
bilatéralité {f} :: bilaterality
bilatérien {m} [biology] :: bilaterian
bilboquet {m} :: bilboquet
bile {f} :: bile
bile jaune {f} [medicine, historical] :: yellow bile
bile noire {f} [medicine, historical] :: black bile
biler {vpr} [colloquial] :: to worry (pour) about
bilharzie {f} :: blood fluke
bilharzie {f} :: bilharzia
bilharzien {adj} :: bilharzial
bilharziose {f} [pathology] :: bilharzia
biliaire {adj} :: biliary
bilié {adj} :: bilious (relating to bile)
bilieux {adj} :: bilious (suffering from real or supposed liver disorder)
biligenèse {f} [biochemistry] :: biligenesis
biline {f} :: bilin
bilinéaire {adj} :: bilinear
bilinéariser {v} [maths] :: To bilinearize
bilingue {adj} :: bilingual (speaking two languages)
bilinguisme {m} :: bilingualism, the condition of being bilingual
bilirubine {f} [biochemistry] :: bilirubin
bilitère {adj} :: biliteral
biliverdine {f} :: biliverdin
bill {m} [legal] :: bill (draft UK law)
bill {m} [Canada] :: bill (invoice in a restaurant etc)
billard {m} :: billiards
billard {m} :: pool table
billard {m} [slang] :: operating table
bille {f} :: marble (spherical ball)
bille {f} [snooker, billiards] :: ball
bille {f} :: ball bearing
bille {f} [slang] :: dimwit
bille {f} :: tree trunk [chopped down, ready for sawing]
bille {f} :: railway sleeper
bille {f} :: rolling pin
bille en tête {adv} :: unhesitatingly, audaciously, boldly
bille en tête {adv} :: rashly, recklessly, without thinking, on a whim
biller {v} :: to turn a piece of wood placed on a support
biller {v} :: to flatten dough with a rolling pin
biller {v} :: to place balls of solder on a component in preparation for welding to a printed circuit board
billet {m} :: ticket
billet {m} :: note, a brief message
billet {m} :: (short for billet de banque) banknote
billet de banque {m} :: A banknote, physical unit of paper currency
billeté {adj} [heraldry] :: billeté
billeté {adj} :: tagged, labelled
billeter {v} :: To label, tag
billette {f} :: billet (firewood)
billette {f} [heraldiccharge] :: billet
billetterie {f} :: ticket office
billevesée {f} [usually in plural] :: nonsense, frivolity
billiard {num} :: 1015, a thousand billion by the long scale, a short scale quadrillion
billion {num} :: 1012; a long scale billion; a short scale trillion
billionième {adj} :: billionth
billon {m} :: billon
billon {m} :: ridge (in a ploughed field)
billonnage {m} :: ridging (in fields etc)
billonnage {m} :: counterfeiting coinage
billonner {v} :: To make or circulate counterfeit coinage
billonner {v} :: To ridge (in fields)
billot {m} :: block
billot {m} :: butcher block
billot {m} :: executioner block
bilobé {adj} [botany] :: bilobed (having two lobes)
biloculaire {adj} :: bilocular
Bilodeau {prop} :: surname
biloquer {v} :: To plough deeply
biloute {m} [colloquial] :: cock, penis
biloute {m} [colloquial] :: male friend
bimane {adj} :: two-handed
bimbelot {m} [dated] :: Traditional children's toy (dolls, wooden animals etc)
bimbelot {m} :: knickknack, tat
bimbeloterie {f} :: knickknacks (or their manufacture and selling)
bimédial {adj} [maths] :: bimedial
bimensuel {adj} :: fortnightly, semimonthly, bimonthly, biweekly (occurring twice a month)
bimensuel {m} :: bimonthly (a publication issued twice a month)
bimensuellement {adv} :: fortnightly, bimonthly
bimestre {m} [rare] :: term of two months
bimestriel {adj} :: bimonthly (once every two months)
bimestriellement {adv} :: bimonthly, fortnightly
bimétallique {adj} :: bimetallic
bimétallique {adj} :: bimetallist
bimétallisme {m} [economics] :: bimetallism
bimétalliste {adj} :: bimetallist
bimétalliste {mf} :: bimetallist
bimillénaire {adj} :: bimillenary
bimillénaire {m} :: bimillenary
bimodal {adj} [maths] :: bimodal
bimodalité {f} [maths] :: bimodality
bimoléculaire {adj} :: bimolecular
bimoteur {adj} :: twin-engine
bin {adv} :: alternative spelling of bien
binage {m} :: hoeing
binaire {adj} [mathematics, computing, music] :: binary
binaire {m} [computing] :: binary file
binairement {adv} :: binarily
binard {m} :: dray (type of cart)
binational {adj} :: binational
binaural {adj} :: synonym of biaural
binauriculaire {adj} :: binaural (relating to both ears)
Binche {prop} :: Binche (city)
Bindslev {prop} {m} :: Bindslev [town in Denmark]
biner {v} [agriculture] :: to hoe
biner {v} [religion] :: to binate, celebrate mass twice in one day
binerie {f} :: beanery, bistro
binette {f} :: hoe (agricultural tool consisting of a long handle with a flat blade)
binette {f} [colloquial] :: face
binette {f} [colloquial, by extension, Internet, Quebec] :: emoticon
bineur {m} :: hoer
bineuse {f} :: feminine singular of bineur
bineuse {f} :: hoer (agricultural machine)
binge-watcher {m} [colloquial] :: binge-watcher
binge-watcher {v} [colloquial] :: to binge-watch
bingo {m} :: bingo
bingo {interj} :: bingo (all senses)
biniou {m} :: biniou, Breton bagpipes
binoclard {adj} :: four-eyed (wearing glasses)
binoclard {m} :: four-eyes (person who wears glasses)
binocle {m} :: pince-nez
binocle {m} :: lorgnette
binocle {m} [in the plural only] :: spectacles, eyeglasses, specs
binoculaire {adj} :: binocular
binôme {m} [algebra] :: binomial
binôme {m} [biology, taxonomy] :: binomial name
binôme {m} :: pair (group of two people)
binôme {m} [by extension] :: partner, teammate
binomial {adj} :: binomial
binominal {adj} :: binominal
binot {m} :: a kind of hoe
binoter {v} :: To hoe
binouse {f} :: alternative spelling of binouze
binouze {f} [slang] :: beer
binucléaire {adj} :: binuclear
binz {m} :: mess (disorder or confused situation)
bio- {prefix} :: life
bio {adj} [colloquial] :: biological
bio {adj} [ecology] :: organic
bio {f} [colloquial] :: biology
bio {m} [colloquial] :: the organic movement
bio {m} [colloquial] :: organic food
bio {f} [colloquial, abbreviation] :: biography
bioaccumulable {adj} :: bioaccumulative
bioaccumulé {adj} :: bioaccumulated
bioaccumuler {v} :: to bioaccumulate
bioacoustique {adj} :: bioacoustic
bioactif {adj} :: bioactive
bioassimilabilité {f} :: bioassimilability
bioassimilable {adj} :: bioassimilable
bioastronomie {f} [astronomy, biology] :: astrobiology, exobiology
biobanque {f} :: biobank
biobibliographie {f} :: biobibliography
biocapteur {m} :: biosensor
biocarburant {m} :: biofuel
biocénose {f} :: biocoenose, biocenosis
biocentrique {adj} :: biocentric
biochimie {f} :: biochemistry
biochimique {adj} :: biochemical
biochimiquement {adv} :: biochemically
biochimiste {mf} :: biochemist (a chemist whose speciality is biochemistry)
biocide {adj} :: biocidal
biocide {m} :: biocide
bioclimatique {adj} :: bioclimatic
bioclimatologie {f} :: bioclimatology (science that studies interaction between biosphere and atmosphere)
bioclimatologique {adj} :: bioclimatological
bioclimatologue {mf} :: bioclimatologist
biocompatibilité {f} :: biocompatibility
bioconcentré {adj} :: bioconcentrated
bioconcentrer {v} :: to bioconcentrate
bioconversion {f} :: bioconversion
biocratie {f} :: biocracy
biocratie {f} :: Darwinism
biocratie {f} :: eugenics
biocumulable {adj} :: alternative form of bioaccumulable
biodéchet {m} :: biowaste
biodégradabilité {f} :: biodegradability
biodégradable {adj} :: biodegradable
biodégradation {f} :: biodegradation
biodémographie {m} :: biodemography
biodémographique {adj} :: biodemographic
biodisponibilité {f} :: bioavailability
biodisponible {adj} :: bioavailable
biodiversité {f} :: biodiversity
biodynamie {f} :: biodynamics
biodynamique {adj} :: biodynamic
biodynamiquement {adv} :: biodynamically
bioécologie {f} [biology, ecology] :: bioecology
bioélectricité {f} :: bioelectricity (electricity generated within an organism)
bioélectrique {adj} :: bioelectrical
bioénergétique {adj} :: bioenergetic (related to bioenergetics)
bioénergétique {f} :: bioenergetics
bioénergie {f} :: bioenergy
bioéthanol {m} :: bioethanol
bioéthique {f} :: bioethics
bioflavonoïde {m} [organic chemistry] :: bioflavonoid
biogaz {m} :: biogas
biogenèse {f} :: biogenesis
biogénétique {adj} [genetics] :: biogenetic
biogénétique {f} :: biogenetics
biogénique {adj} :: biogenic
biogéochimique {adj} :: biogeochemical
biogéographe {mf} :: biogeographer
biogéographie {f} :: biogeography
biogéographique {adj} :: biogeographic
biogéographiquement {adv} :: biogeographically
biographe {mf} :: biographer
biographie {f} :: biography
biographique {adj} :: biographic
biographique {adj} :: biographical
biographiquement {adv} :: biographically
bioindicateur {m} [biology] :: bioindicator
bioindicateur {adj} [biology] :: bioindicating
bioindustrie {f} :: bioindustry (industry associated with biotechnology)
bioindustriel {adj} :: bioindustrial
bioinformatique {adj} :: bioinformatic
bioinformatique {f} :: bioinformatics (field of science)
bioinorganique {adj} :: bioinorganic
biolistique {adj} :: biolistic
biolistique {f} :: biolistics
biologie {f} [science] :: biology
biologique {adj} :: biological (of biology)
biologique {adj} :: organic (without pesticide)
biologiquement {adv} :: biologically
biologiste {mf} :: biologist
biologue {m} [archaic] :: biologist
bioluminescence {f} :: bioluminescence
biomagnétique {adj} :: biomagnetic
biomagnétisme {m} :: biomagnetism
biomarquer {m} :: biomarker
biomarqueur {m} :: biomarker
biomasse {f} :: biomass
biomatériau {m} :: biomaterial
biome {m} :: biome
biomécanique {adj} :: biomechanical
biomécanique {f} :: biomechanics
biomécatronique {adj} :: biomechatronic
biomécatronique {f} :: biomechatronics
biomédecine {f} :: biomedicine
biomédical {adj} :: biomedical (pertaining to biomedicine)
biomédicament {m} [medicine] :: biomedicine
biométhanisation {f} :: biomethanization
biométrie {f} :: biometrics (measurement of biological data)
biométrique {adj} :: biometric
biomimétique {adj} :: biomimetic
biomimétisme {m} :: biomimetics
biomoléculaire {adj} :: biomolecular
biomolécule {f} [biochemistry] :: biomolecule
biomorphe {adj} :: biomorphic
biomorphique {adj} :: biomorphic
biomorphisme {m} :: biomorphism
bionique {adj} :: bionic
bionique {f} :: bionics
bioorganique {adj} [chemistry] :: bioorganic
bioorganométallique {adj} [chemistry] :: bioorganometallic
biopellicule {m} :: biofilm
biopersistance {f} :: biopersistence
biophile {adj} [biology, physics] :: biophilic
biophilie {f} :: biophilia
biophysique {f} [biology] :: biophysics
biopic {m} :: biopic
bioplastique {m} :: bioplastic
biopolitique {adj} :: biopolitical
biopolitique {f} :: biopolitics
bioprogramme {m} :: bioprogram, bioprogramme
bioprotéine {f} [biology, protein] :: bioprotein
biopsie {f} :: biopsy
bioraffinerie {f} :: biorefinery
biorécepteur {m} [biochemistry] :: bioreceptor
biorésonance {f} :: bioresonance
bioressource {f} :: bioresource (resource of biological origin)
biorévélateur {m} :: bioindicator
biorythme {m} [biology] :: biorhythm
biorythme {m} [pseudoscience] :: biorhythm
biospéléologie {f} [biology] :: biospeleology
biosphère {f} [biology] :: biosphere
biostasie {f} :: biostasis
biostatique {adj} :: biostatic
biostatisticien {m} :: biostatistician
biostatisticienne {f} :: feminine noun of biostatisticien
biostatistique {f} :: biostatistics
biostatistique {adj} :: biostatistical
biostratigraphie {f} [biology] :: biostratigraphy
biostratigraphique {adj} :: biostratigraphic
biostrome {m} [geology] :: biostrome
biosynthèse {f} [biochemistry] :: biosynthesis
biosystème {m} [biology] :: biosystem, ecosystem
biotech {f} :: synonym of biotechnologie
biotechnologie {f} :: biotechnology
biotechnologique {adj} :: biotechnological
bioterrorisme {m} :: bioterrorism
bioterroriste {m} :: bioterrorist
biothérapeute {mf} :: biotherapist
biothérapie {f} :: biotherapy
biotine {f} :: biotin
biotique {adj} :: biotic (of, pertaining to, or produced by life or living organisms)
biotiquement {adv} :: biotically
biotite {f} [mineral] :: biotite
biotope {f} :: biotope
biotoxine {f} :: biotoxin
biotype {m} :: biotype
biotypologie {f} :: biotypology
bioxyde {m} :: dioxide
bip {m} :: beep (short, electronically-produced sound)
BIP {m} :: BIP (blunt impact projectile)
bipale {adj} :: (of a propeller etc) two-bladed
biparti {adj} :: bipartite
bipartisan {adj} :: bipartisan
bipartisme {m} [politics] :: two-party system
bipartition {f} :: bipartition (sharing in two)
bipède {adj} :: bipedal
bipède {m} :: biped
bipédie {f} :: bipedalism
bipenné {adj} [botany] :: bipinnate
biper {v} :: to beep, to buzz (contact by phone or by beeper)
biper {v} :: to bleep out (censor offensive or sensitive language with a beep sound)
bipeur {m} :: beeper (device that beeps)
biphasé {adj} :: biphase
biphasique {adj} :: biphasic
biphényle {m} [organic compound] :: biphenyl
biphobie {f} :: biphobia
bipied {m} :: bipod
biplace {adj} :: two-seater (attributive), tandem
biplace {f} :: two-seater (car, aircraft)
biplan {m} :: biplane
BIPM {prop} {m} [physics, standardisation] :: initialism of Bureau international des poids et mesures
bipolaire {adj} :: bipolar (having two poles)
bipolaire {adj} :: bipolar (relating to bipolar disorder)
bipolarisation {f} :: bipolarization
bipolarité {f} :: bipolarity
bipolarité {f} :: bipolar disorder
bipulmonaire {adj} :: bipulmonary
bipyramidal {adj} :: bipyramidal
biquadratique {adj} [maths] :: biquadratic
bique {f} [colloquial] :: she-goat
bique {f} [pejorative] :: bat, bag, witch (old woman)
biquet {m} :: kid (or an affectionate name such as lamb)
biquet {m} [obsolete] :: a small balance for weighing gold or silver
biqueter {v} :: To kid (give birth to baby goats)
biquette {f} :: kid (baby goat)
biquotidien {adj} :: twice daily
birapport {m} [maths] :: cross-ratio, anharmonic ratio
birationnel {adj} [maths] :: birational
birbe {m} :: greybeard (older man)
birdie {m} [golf] :: birdie
biréacteur {m} :: twin-engined jet
biréfringence {f} :: birefringence
biréfringent {adj} :: birefringent
birème {f} [nautical] :: bireme
bireprésentatif {adj} [politics] :: Describing a system in which voters vote for a president as well as a member of a parliament or similar body
Birks {prop} :: Birks; surname
birman {adj} :: Burmese (of, from, or pertaining to Burma)
birman {m} [in the singular] :: Burmese (language)
birman {m} [countable] :: Birman (cat)
Birman {m} :: Burmese (person from Myanmar or of Burmese descent)
Birmane {f} :: feminine noun of Birman
Birmanie {prop} {f} :: Burma, Myanmar
biroute {f} :: windsock
birr {m} :: birr (Ethiopian currency)
bis {adj} :: beige [colour]
bis {adj} :: brown [of bread that contains bran]
bis {adv} :: again (a second time); encore
bis {adv} [in street numbering or law] :: a; designating a second thing with the same number
bis {adj} :: alternative, secondary
bis {m} :: encore
bis {interj} :: used to request an encore
bis {m} [Quebec] :: kiss
bisaïeul {m} :: great-grandparent; great-grandfather
bisaïeule {f} :: feminine singular of bisaïeul; great-grandmother
bisaiguë {f} :: alternative form of besaiguë
bisannuel {adj} :: biennial: Happening every two years / Lasting for two years
bisannuellement {adv} :: biennially (every two years)
bisbille {f} :: murmur, muttering, small quarrel
biscaïen {adj} :: Of or from Biscay
biscaïen {m} :: The form of Basque spoken in Biscay
Biscaye {prop} {f} :: Biscay
biscayen {adj} :: Of or from Biscaye
biscayen {m} :: The form of Basque spoken in Biscaye
biscayen {m} :: A large-calibre musket
biscayen {m} :: A large-calibre musket ball fired by a biscayen
biscayne {adj} :: Biscayne
bischof {m} :: toddy (drink)
biscôme {m} [Switzerland] :: A gingerbread biscuit
biscornu {adj} :: bizarre (weird-looking)
biscornu {adj} :: crooked
biscotin {m} :: A small biscuit, somewhat like shortbread
biscotte {f} :: rusk (light, soft bread, often toasted or crisped in an oven)
biscotte {f} [sports, slang] :: yellow card, booking
biscotterie {f} :: biscuit factory
biscotterie {f} :: biscuit manufacture / baking
biscotto {m} [sports] :: Tactical play between two people (or two teams) aimed to wrong or evict a third person (or a third team)
biscottos {mp} [popular] :: biceps
biscuit {m} :: biscuit
biscuit chinois {m} :: fortune cookie
biscuiter {v} :: To bake unglazed earthenware (biscuit)
biscuiterie {f} :: biscuit factory or firm
biscuiterie {f} :: biscuit making or trade
biscuitier {adj} [attributive] :: biscuit
biscuitier {m} :: biscuiteer
biscuit sablé {m} :: shortbread
biscutelle {f} :: buckler mustard (Biscutella laevigata)
bise {f} :: north wind; northeasterly (wind)
bise {f} :: kiss (non-romantic kiss on the cheek)
biseau {m} :: bevel
biseau {m} :: bezel
biseautage {m} :: bevelling
biseauté {adj} :: bevelled
biseauter {vt} :: to bevel
biser {v} [colloquial] :: to kiss
bisérial {adj} :: biserial
biset {m} :: rock pigeon (Columba livia)
bisette {f} :: A small affectionate kiss
bisexualité {f} :: bisexuality
bisexué {adj} :: bisexual (botany: having sex organs of both sexes)
bisexuel {adj} :: bisexual
bisexuel {m} :: bisexual
bismuth {m} :: bismuth
bismuthé {adj} :: bismuthated
bismuthine {m} [mineral] :: bismuthinite
bismuthine {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bismuthane
bison {m} :: buffalo (North American bison)
bison {m} :: wisent (European bison)
bison d'Amérique {m} :: American bison (Bison bison)
bison d'Europe {m} :: European bison (Bison bonasus)
bisonne {f} :: A female bison; feminine of bison
bisontin {adj} :: Of or from Besançon
Bisontin {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Besançon
Bisontine {f} :: feminine singular of Bisontin
bisou {m} :: kiss (friendly kiss)
bisou {m} [in the plural, in letters] :: lots of love
bisounours {mf} :: A childish or naive person
Bisounours {prop} {m} :: Care Bear
bisphénol {m} [organic chemistry] :: bisphenol
bisphénol A {m} [organic compound] :: bisphenol A
bispirituel {m} :: a two-spirit
bisque {f} :: bisque (soup, colour)
bisque {f} [tennis] :: advantage
bisquer {v} :: To be scornful; to be moody
bissac {m} :: scrip, shoulder bag, satchel
bissecteur {adj} [geometry] :: bisecting
bissection {f} :: bisection
bissectrice {f} [geometry] :: bisector
bissel {m} :: bogie (structure with axles)
bisser {vt} :: to repeat; to perform an encore
bisser {vt} :: to request a repeat; to call for an encore, to encore
bisser {vt} [Belgium, Burkina Faso, Congo, Mali, Rwanda, education] :: to repeat a year at school
bissexte {m} :: leap day
bissextil {adj} :: bissextile, leap year
Bisson {prop} :: surname
Bissonnet {prop} :: surname
Bissonnette {prop} :: surname
bistabilité {f} [biology, physics] :: bistability
bisteu {m} :: A kind of apple tart
bistorte {f} :: bistort
bistouiller {v} :: To drink (alcohol)
bistouiller {v} :: To mix, stir
bistouiller {v} :: To tinker
bistouri {m} :: bistoury, surgical knife
bistrage {m} :: darkening, blackening
bistre {adj} :: bistre
bistre {m} :: bistre
bistré {adj} :: swarthy
bistré {adj} :: tanned
bistrer {v} :: to darken, blacken
bistrer {v} :: to be mesmerized
bistro {m} :: bistro
bistronomie {f} :: bistro-style gastronomy, characterised by good food in small portions
bistronomique {adj} :: bistronomic
bistronomiquement {adv} :: bistronomically
bistrot {m} :: alternative form of bistro
bistrot {m} :: publican
bisulce {adj} :: alternative form of bisulque
bisulfate {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: bisulfate
bisulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: disulfide
bisulque {adj} :: cloven (foot of an animal)
bit {m} [computing] :: bit
bitch {f} :: bitch (disagreeable, despicable woman)
bitcoin {m} :: bitcoin
bite {f} [slang, vulgar] :: knob, cock, dick
bitension {adj} :: twin-voltage
biter {v} :: to humiliate, con, dupe, deceive
biterrois {adj} :: from, or pertaining to Béziers
Biterrois {m} :: An inhabitant of Béziers
Bithynie {prop} :: Bithynia
bit le moins significatif {m} :: least significant bit (bit of the smallest order)
bit le plus significatif {m} :: most significant bit (bit of the largest order)
bitonal {adj} [music] :: bitonal
bitord {m} [nautical] :: A thin (two-ply or three-ply) rope
bitransitif {adj} [grammar] :: ditransitive
bitte {f} [nautical] :: bitt, bollard, mooring post
bitte {f} [slang] :: alternative spelling of bite; cock, dick, prick
bitte d'amarrage {f} :: bollard (post to secure mooring lines)
bitter {vt} [slang] :: to understand, usually used in negative form and especially with rien
bitube {adj} :: twin-tube
bitube {adj} :: two-barrelled
bitumage {m} :: asphalting
bitume {m} :: bitumen, asphalt, tar
bitume {m} [slang] :: street, sidewalk
bitumer {vt} :: to asphalt
bitumier {m} :: a ship used to transport bitumen
bituminer {v} :: To bituminize
bitumineux {adj} :: bituminous
bituminisation {f} :: bituminization
bituminiser {v} :: To bituminize
biturbine {adj} :: (of a helicopter) twin-rotor
biture {adj} [European French, slang] :: blotto, drunk
Biturige {mf} :: Biturige
biunivoque {adj} [maths] :: biunivocal, bijective
bivalence {f} :: bivalence
bivalent {adj} :: bivalent
bivalve {m} :: bivalve
bivariance {f} [maths] :: bivariance
bivarié {adj} [maths] :: bivariate
bivouac {m} :: bivouac (encampment for the night)
bivouaquer {v} :: To bivouac
bixine {f} [organic compound] :: bixin
bizantin {adj} :: Byzantine
bizarre {adj} :: bizarre, odd
bizarre {adj} :: peculiar, quaint
bizarrement {adv} :: bizarrely
bizarrerie {f} :: bizarreness
bizarrerie {f} :: bizarrerie; something which is bizarre
bizarroïde {adj} :: bizarre, strange
bizet {m} :: Bizet sheep
Bizet {prop} :: surname
Bizet {prop} :: French composer Georges Bizet
bizou {m} :: alternative spelling of bisou
bizut {m} :: probationer
bizut {m} :: debutant
bizut {m} [slang, education] :: freshman
bizutage {m} :: hazing, initiation ritual
bizuter {v} :: To haze (subject to an initiation)
bizuth {m} :: alternative spelling of bizut
b'jour {interj} :: syncopic form of bonjour
bla bla {m} :: alternative spelling of bla-bla
bla-bla {m} :: blah, chit-chat, meaningless talk intended to deceive
blabla {m} :: alternative spelling of bla-bla
bla bla bla {m} :: alternative spelling of bla-bla
bla-bla-bla {m} :: alternative spelling of bla-bla
blablabla {m} :: alternative spelling of bla-bla
blablater {v} :: to chit-chat, to engage in small talk
black {adj} :: relating to a black person or culture
black {mf} :: black person
Black {mf} :: alternative case form of black
black-bottom {m} :: The Black Bottom (dance)
blackboulage {m} :: blackballing
blackbouler {vt} :: to blackball
Black Friday {m} :: synonym of vendredi fou: Black Friday
blacklister {v} :: blacklist (to place on a blacklist)
blackstonie {f} :: yellowwort
blafard {adj} :: pale, wan, pallid
blague {f} :: pouch
blague {f} :: joke
blague {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: a penis
blague à part {interj} [colloquial] :: all kidding aside
blague de cul {f} [colloquial, slightly vulgar] :: dirty joke, sexual joke
blaguer {v} :: to joke, to joke about
blagueur {m} :: joker (person who makes jokes)
blagueuse {f} :: feminine noun of blagueur
blair {m} [slang] :: nose: conk, hooter, schnozzle
blaireau {m} :: badger
blaireau {m} :: shaving brush
blaireau {m} [colloquial] :: fool
blaireau eurasiatique {m} :: The Eurasian badger
blaireau européen {m} :: The European badger
blairer {vt} [slang, often, in the negative] :: to stand (the sight of)
blairie {f} [historical] :: A former tax on grazing animals (in medieval France)
blairisme {m} :: Blairism
Blais {prop} :: surname
Blaise {prop} :: given name
Blaise {prop} :: surname
blâmable {adj} :: blameworthy
blâmable {adj} :: reprehensible
blâme {m} :: blame
blâmer {v} :: to blame
blanc {adj} :: white color
blanc {adj} :: blank, unused
blanc {adj} [figurative, one's look] :: blank, without expression
blanc {m} :: white (color)
blanc {m} :: silence while in a dialog
blanc {m} :: empty space, on a leaf of paper or in a form
blanc {m} [colloquial] :: white wine
blanc {m} :: white person, person with a white complexion
blanc {m} :: white, egg white
blanc {m} :: white meat
blanc {m} :: correction fluid, whiteout, Tippex
Blanc {m} :: white person
Blanc {prop} :: surname, from the common noun/adjective blanc
blanc-bec {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: greenhorn
blanc bonnet, bonnet blanc {phrase} :: alternative form of bonnet blanc, blanc bonnet
blanc cassé {adj} :: off-white (of a very pale colour that is almost white)
blanc comme neige {adj} [simile, figuratively] :: Beyond moral reproach; squeaky clean; clean as a whistle; pure as the driven snow
blanc comme un cachet d'aspirine {adj} [simile] :: very white, pasty
blanc comme un cul {adj} [simile, vulgar] :: very white, untanned
blanc comme un linge {adj} [simile] :: pale with fright; white as a sheet; white as a ghost
blanc comme un navet {adj} [simile] :: very white, untanned; pasty
blanc de blancs {m} :: champagne made exclusively from white grapes, especially from Pinot Blanc/Chardonnay grapes
Blanc de Hotot {m} :: Blanc de Hotot
blanc de noirs {m} :: champagne made exclusively from black grapes, especially from Pinot Noir grapes
blanc de peur {adj} :: scared to death, white as a sheet, terrified
blanc de poulet {m} :: chicken breast
blanc-estoc {m} :: alternative form of blanc-étoc
blanc-étoc {m} :: The total cutting-down of a forest, wood etc
blanchaille {f} :: whitebait (young of various species of fish)
Blanchard {prop} :: surname
blanchâtre {adj} :: whitish
blanche {f} [music] :: minim, half note
Blanche {prop} :: given name
Blanche {f} :: feminine noun of Blanc
blanchement {adv} :: cleanly
blanchement {adv} :: in clean clothes
Blanche-Neige {prop} {f} :: Snow White
blanchet {adj} :: whitish
blanchet {m} :: A grey, woolen cloth
Blanchet {prop} :: Blanchet (surname)
Blanchett {prop} :: Blanchett (surname)
Blanchette {prop} :: Blanchette (surname)
blancheur {f} :: whiteness
blanchiment {m} :: bleaching
blanchiment {m} :: laundering (especially of money)
blanchiment {m} :: blanking
blanchiment d'argent {m} :: money laundering
blanchir {v} :: to launder, wash
blanchir {v} :: to make white; to whiten
blanchir {v} :: to grow or become white
blanchir {v} :: to blanch or bleach
blanchir {v} [money] :: to launder
blanchir {v} :: whitewashing [a deliberate attempt to conceal unpleasant or incriminating facts about a person or organization in order to protect their reputation]
blanchir sous le harnais {v} [figuratively] :: to acquire experience
blanchir sous le harnois {v} :: alternative form of blanchir sous le harnais
blanchissage {m} :: laundering, laundry, washing
blanchissage {m} [ice hockey] :: shutout
blanchissement {m} :: washing
blanchissement {m} :: whitening
blanchisserie {f} :: laundry
blanchisseur {m} :: laundry-worker
blanchisseuse {f} :: laundress
blanchité {f} [sociology] :: whiteness
blanc-manger {m} :: blancmange
blanco {m} :: correction fluid, whiteout, Tippex
blanc-russien {adj} :: White Russian (Belarusian)
Blanc-Russien {m} :: White Russian (Belarusian)
blanc-seing {m} :: signed (blank) document
blanc-seing {m} [figuratively] :: carte blanche
blandice {f} :: (almost exclusively in the plural) blandishment
Blandine {prop} :: given name
blanquette {f} [uncountable] :: A variety of white grapes
blanquette {f} [countable or uncountable] :: The white sparkling wine produced from this grapevine
blanquette {f} [countable] :: A type of summer white pear
blanquette {f} [countable or uncountable] :: The first clear distillation of a brandy
blanquette {f} [countable or uncountable] :: blanquette (white meat stew which is not browned)
blanquette {f} [uncountable, slang, popular] :: silverware
blanquisme {m} :: Blanquism
blanquiste {mf} :: Blanquist
blanquiste {adj} :: Blanquist
blase {m} [slang] :: name
blase {m} [slang] :: nose
blasé {adj} :: blasé, jaded
blasement {m} :: blunting, dulling
blaser {v} :: to blunt, dull
blason {m} [heraldry] :: heraldry (as a field of study)
blason {m} [heraldry] :: a coat of arms
blason {m} [heraldry] :: blazon (description of a coat of arms)
blason {m} :: A form of poetry describing the parts of a female beloved in a series of metaphors
blasonnement {m} [heraldry] :: blazon (description of a coat of arms)
blasonner {vt} :: to blazon
blasphémateur {m} :: blasphemer
blasphématoire {adj} :: blasphemous
blasphématrice {f} :: feminine singular of blasphémateur
blasphème {m} :: blasphemy
blasphémer {v} :: to blaspheme
blaste {m} [cytology] :: blast
blastème {m} :: blastema
blastocèle {f} :: blastocoel
blastocyste {m} :: blastocyst
blastoderme {m} :: blastoderm
blastodisque {m} :: blastodisk
blastogenèse {f} :: blastogenesis
blastome {m} [pathology] :: blastoma
blastomère {m} :: blastomere
blastomycose {f} :: blastomycosis
blastoporale {adj} :: blastoporal
blastopore {m} [embryology] :: blastopore
blastula {f} :: blastula
blatèrement {m} :: grunt (or bleat) of a camel
blatérer {v} :: to bleat (of a sheep, to make a sound)
blatérer {v} :: to bray (of a camel, to make a sound)
blatte {f} :: cockroach
blaugrana {adj} :: of or relating to FC Barcelona, a football team from Barcelona
Blauschild {prop} :: surname
blazer {m} :: blazer (jacket)
blé {m} :: wheat, corn
blé {m} [slang] :: dough, cash
blèche {adj} [dated] :: soft, pliable
blèche {adj} [slang] :: ugly
blèche {adj} [slang, of food] :: bad
bled {m} [somewhat pejorative] :: village
blédard {adj} :: foreign, especially North African
blédard {m} :: An Immigrant from North Africa
blé d'Inde {m} [Quebec, food] :: corn (maize) synonym of maïs
bleime {f} :: an inflammation of a horses hoof
blème {m} [slang] :: problem, worry, trouble
blême {adj} :: pale, wan
blêmir {v} :: to whiten; to become pale; to blanch
blêmissement {m} :: whitening, blanching
blende {m} [mineral] :: blende
blennie {f} :: blenny
blennorragie {f} :: gonorrhea (STD)
blennorragique {adj} :: gonorrheal
blennorrhée {f} [pathology] :: blennorrhea
blé noir {m} :: buckwheat
blépharite {f} [diseases] :: blepharitis
blésement {m} :: lisping
blèsement {m} :: alternative form of blésement
bléser {v} :: To lisp
blésité {f} :: lisping
blésois {adj} :: Of or from Blois
blessant {adj} :: wounding, offensive, hurtful
blessé {adj} :: injured, wounded
blessé {m} :: injured (person), wounded (person)
blesser {v} :: to wound, to injure
blesser {v} [figuratively] :: to hurt one's feelings, to offend
blesser {vr} :: to injure oneself
blessure {f} :: wound
blet {adj} :: overripe
blette {f} :: Swiss chard
blettir {v} :: To overripen
blettissement {m} :: overripening
blettissure {f} :: overripening
bleu {adj} :: blue
bleu {adj} [of meat] :: very rare, underdone
bleu {m} :: the color blue
bleu {m} :: blue cheese
bleu {m} :: rookie, new recruit, raw recruit
bleu {m} :: bruise
bleu {m} [billiards, snooker] :: billiard chalk
bleu {m} [Canada] :: a supporter of the Conservative Party
bleuâtre {adj} :: bluish
bleu, blanc et rouge {phrase} :: The colors of the French flag
bleu, blanc et rouge {phrase} [Quebec] :: Montreal Canadiens ice hockey club
bleu ciel {adj} :: sky blue (of a pale blue colour)
bleu de Chartres {m} [colour, glassworking] :: Chartres blue (a blue created for the stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral, containing traces of red for enhancement.)
bleuet {m} :: cornflower (flower)
bleuet {m} [Canada] :: North American blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium)
bleuetière {f} [Quebec] :: Place where blueberries are commercially grown
Bleuets {prop} {mp} :: Any of the France national sports youth teams
bleuir {vt} :: to make blue, turn blue
bleuir {vi} :: to turn blue, go blue
bleuissable {adj} :: able to be made blue
bleuissement {m} :: turning blue, blueing
bleu marine {adj} :: navy blue (of a dark blue colour)
bleusaille {f} [military, slang] :: new recruit
bleuté {adj} :: bluish (somewhat blue in colour/color)
bleuter {v} :: synonym of bleuir
bliaud {m} :: alternative form of bliaut
bliaut {m} :: bliaut
Blida {prop} :: Blida
blidéen {adj} :: Of or from Blida
blindage {m} :: armour, armour plating
blinde {f} [military, historical, in the plural] :: pieces of wood used as cover or protection
blindé {adj} [military] :: armoured, armour-plated; reinforced
blindé {adj} :: hardened, immune
blindé {adj} [slang] :: pissed, hammered (drunk)
blindé {adj} [slang] :: rich, minting it
blindé {m} [military] :: armored vehicle in general
blinder {v} :: to armor; to reinforce
blini {m} :: blini
Blissenbach {prop} :: A surname in use in France, most likey derived from the German surname of Blissenbach
blister {m} :: blister pack
blizzard {m} :: blizzard
BLOB {m} [databases] :: BLOB
bloc {m} :: a block (e.g., of wood)
bloc {m} :: a bloc, an alliance
bloc {m} :: a pad of paper
bloc {m} [computing] :: block (of memory, of code)
Bloc {prop} {m} [Canada, politics] :: Bloc - Bloc Québécois (Bloc québécois)
blocage {m} :: block (e.g. of traffic)
blocage {m} :: block (act of physically blocking)
blocage {m} :: block (obstruction)
blocage {m} [Internet] :: block, blocking
blocage {m} :: blockage
blocage {m} :: locking (of brakes)
bloc de béton {m} :: breeze-block (concrete masonry unit)
bloc de départ {m} :: starting block
blochet {f} :: railroad tie, sleeper
blockbuster {m} :: blockbuster (film or book that sustains exceptional and widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales)
blockhaus {m} :: log cabin
blockhaus {m} :: blockhouse
bloc moteur {m} :: engine block, cylinder block
bloc-note {m} :: alternative spelling of bloc-notes
bloc-notes {m} :: notebook (book)
bloc opératoire {m} :: operating theatre
Bloc québécois {prop} {m} [Canadian politics] :: Bloc Québécois
blocus {m} [military] :: blockade
blocus {m} [Belgium] :: Holiday period in higher education allowing students preparation time for their exams; revision break
Bloemen {prop} :: Bloemen; surname
blog {m} [Internet] :: blog
bloggeur {m} :: alternative form of blogueur
bloggeuse {f} :: feminine noun of bloggeur
blogguer {v} [Internet] :: alternative form of bloguer
blogosphère {f} :: blogosphere
blogue {m} [Internet] :: blog
bloguer {v} [Internet] :: to blog
blogueur {m} :: blogger
blogueuse {f} :: feminine noun of blogueur
Blois {prop} :: Blois, a historic town in the Loir-et-Cher department of Centre-Val de Loire
blond {adj} :: blond (of a pale golden colour)
blond {adj} :: blond (having blond hair)
blond {m} :: blond (all senses)
blondasse {f} [pejorative] :: blonde, dumb blonde
blonde {f} :: blonde, female with blonde hair
blonde {f} :: light beer
blonde {f} [Canada, Quebec, Louisiana, colloquial] :: girlfriend
Blondeau {prop} :: surname
blondeur {f} :: blondeness
blondine {f} :: A blond (fair haired) female
blondinet {m} :: blond boy; fair-haired boy
blondinette {f} :: blonde (fair-haired girl)
blondir {v} :: to dye blond
blondir {v} [cooking] :: To brown (cook slightly to give some color)
blond vénitien {adj} :: strawberry blonde
bloody mary {m} :: bloody mary
bloomer {m} :: bloomers
bloquant {adj} :: blocking
bloqué {adj} :: blocked
bloquer {v} :: to block (physically), to barricade, to obstruct
bloquer {v} :: to jam, to wedge, to fix in place
bloquer {v} :: to freeze (e.g. prices)
bloquer {v} :: to defeat
bloquer {v} :: to block, to impede, to hinder
bloquer {vr} [of a computer program] :: To freeze, to lock up
bloquer {vr} :: To become jammed
bloquer {vr} :: To retreat
bloqueur {m} :: blocker
bloquiste {mf} [Canadian politics] :: A member of the Bloc Québécois, a Bloquiste
bloquiste {adj} [Canadian politics] :: Pertaining to the Bloc Québécois, Bloquiste
blottir {vp} :: to snuggle, to huddle
blousant {adj} :: loose-fitting
blouse {f} :: uniform or coat with buttons down the front
blouse {f} :: any one of the holes on a billiards table
blouser {vt} :: To bilk; to con
blouser {vi} :: To blouse
blouser {vt} :: To transfer into the billiards hole (blouse)
blouses blanches {fp} :: See: fr blouse blanc
blouses blanches {fp} :: medical workers; doctors and nurses collectively
blouson {m} :: blouson
bluejean {m} :: blue jeans (denim trousers)
blues {m} :: blues (music)
blues {m} :: blues (depression)
bluette {f} :: trifle (unimportant thing, especially a small, unpretentious book)
bluff {m} [chiefly card games] :: bluff
bluffant {adj} :: impressive
bluffer {v} :: to bluff
bluffeur {m} :: bluffer (one who bluffs)
bluffeuse {f} :: feminine noun of bluffeur
Blumenthal {prop} :: surname
bluter {v} :: to sift, to sieve, especially the flour from the bran
Bn. {m} [music] :: Bn. (bassoon)
BNP {prop} {f} [initialism] :: Banque National de Paris
BO {f} :: initialism of bande originale; OST
boa {m} :: boa (snake)
boa {m} :: boa (scarf)
boat-people {mf} :: boat person, boat people
bob {m} :: bucket hat, fishing hat
bobard {m} [colloquial, often, in plural] :: fib (a more or less inconsequential lie)
Bobcaygeon {prop} :: Bobcaygeon (village)
bobèche {f} :: bobèche (cup or ring at the top of a candlestick)
bobèche {m} :: clown
bobettes {fp} [Quebec] :: briefs
bobeur {m} :: A bobsledder
bobeuse {f} :: feminine noun of bobeur
bobinage {m} :: winding onto a bobbin
bobine {f} :: bobbin
bobine {f} :: reel, spool
bobine {f} :: drum
bobine d'allumage {f} :: ignition coil, spark coil
bobine de Ruhmkorff {f} :: Ruhmkorff coil
bobiner {vt} :: to wind onto a bobbin
bobinoir {m} :: coil winder
bobo {m} [childish] :: boo-boo (pain or injury)
bobo {mf} :: bobo, boho
bobolais {adj} :: From or relating to Bobo-Dioulasso
bobologie {f} [medicine] :: Treatment of minor injuries such as scrapes and bruise
bobonne {f} [dated, colloquial] :: dear, honey
bobonne {f} [dated, colloquial] :: missus, wife, partner
bobsleigh {f} :: bobsleigh
boc {m} [Norman dialect] :: type of horse-drawn carriage
bocage {m} [dated] :: grove
bocage {m} :: mixed woodlands and pastures
bocage {m} :: hedgerow country, a rural landscape where parcels are separated by slightly elevated hedgerows
bocager {adj} :: woodland (attributive)
bocagère {adj} :: of the woodlands
bocal {m} :: jar
bocal {m} :: (fish) bowl
boche {mf} [pejorative, slang, ethnic slur] :: Boche, Kraut, German
Boche {mf} :: alternative letter-case form of boche
bock {m} :: a beer glass having the capacity of approximately a quarter of a litre
bock {m} :: the content of such a beer glass
bodybuilding {m} :: bodybuilding
Bœotie {prop} {f} :: obsolete form of Béotie
boësse {f} [obsolete] :: deburring tool; a tool to remove excess metal
boète {f} :: box
boeuf {m} :: nonstandard spelling of bœuf
bœuf {m} :: ox
bœuf {m} :: beef
bœuf {m} [music] :: jam session
bœuf {m} [Quebec, slang, derogatory] :: A police officer; a pig
bœuf bourguignon {m} :: beef bourguignon
bœuferie {f} [Switzerland] :: blunder
bof {interj} :: so what, never mind, whatever, meh
bog {m} [ecology] :: An ombrotrophic peatland
bogatyr {m} :: bogatyr
bogey {m} [golf] :: bogey
bogue {f} :: chestnut burr
bogue {f} :: a species of ray-finned fish, Leporinus obtusidens
bogue {f} :: boxfish
bogue {m} [computing] :: bug
boguet {m} :: moped
boguey {m} [golf, Quebec] :: bogey
bohème {adj} :: Bohemian
bohème {mf} :: a Bohemian
bohème {f} :: the Bohemian lifestyle
bohême {m} :: alternative form of bohème
Bohême {prop} {f} :: Bohemia (A historical region in the west of Czech Republic.)
bohémien {m} :: gypsy, Romani
bohémien {adj} :: Bohemian (of or from Bohemia)
bohémienne {f} :: female equivalent of bohémien
bohémium {m} :: bohemium
bohrium {m} :: bohrium
boïar {m} :: alternative form of boyard
Boileau {prop} :: surname
Boilet {prop} :: surname
boire {vit} :: to drink
boire au goulot {v} :: To drink directly from the bottle
boire comme un trou {v} [simile] :: To drink like a fish
boire du petit-lait {v} [figuratively] :: to jubilate, to exult, to take great delight in a situation, to be on cloud nine, to be in seventh heaven (to have a feeling of deep satisfaction)
boire la tasse {v} [colloquial] :: to swallow involuntarily a mouthful of water when swimming
boire la tasse {v} [colloquial] :: to go under, to lose a lot of money
boire les paroles {v} [de] :: [pejorative] to lap up everything someone says
boire le vin de l'étrier {phrase} :: To have one for the road
bois {m} :: wood (material)
bois {m} :: wood, woodland
bois {m} :: antler
bois {m} :: woodwind
Boisbriand {prop} :: Boisbriand; Boisbriand (town)
Boisbriand {prop} :: Boisbriand; surname
Boisclair {prop} :: surname
bois de chauffage {m} :: firewood
bois de justice {m} :: scaffold [elevated platform on which a criminal is executed]
bois de justice {m} [specifically] :: guillotine
bois d'œuvre {m} :: dimensional lumber, construction lumber
bois d'œuvre {m} [Canada, politics] :: softwood lumber
boisé {adj} :: wooded
boisement {m} :: afforestation
boiser {vt} :: to panel [a room with wooden panels]
boiser {vt} :: to afforest
boiser {vt} [tennis] :: to hit the ball with the frame (wood) of the racket
boiserie {f} :: panelling; wood trim
Bois-le-Duc {prop} {f} :: Bois-le-Duc (city)
boisseau {m} :: bushel (measure and vessel)
boisseau {m} :: hollow cylinder (of various types)
boisson {f} :: drink (consumable liquid)
boisson {f} :: drink (a serving of drink)
boite {f} :: alternative spelling of boîte
boîte {f} :: box (the container)
boîte {f} :: tin, can
boîte {f} [colloquial] :: ellipsis of boîte de nuit: club, nightclub
boîte {f} [colloquial] :: company, employer
boîte à camembert {f} [childish, figuratively] :: mouth
boite à cigare {f} :: alternative spelling of boîte à cigare
boîte à cigare {f} :: cigar box (all meanings)
boite à gants {f} :: alternative spelling of boîte à gants
boîte à gants {f} :: glove box
boîte à musique {f} :: music box
boite à outils {f} :: toolbox (storage case for tools)
boite à outils {f} [Internet] :: toolbox
boîte à outils {f} :: alternative form of boite à outils
boîte à suggestions {f} :: suggestion box
boîte automatique {f} [automotive] :: boîte de vitesses automatique - automatic transmission
boîte aux lettres {f} :: mailbox
boite crânienne {f} :: alternative spelling of boîte crânienne
boîte crânienne {f} :: cranium, neurocranium, braincase
boîte CVT {f} [automotive] :: boîte de vitesses à variation continue - continuously variable transmission
boîte d'allumettes {f} :: matchbox
boîte de conserve {f} :: can, tin (of food)
boîte de dépôt {f} :: dropbox
boîte de nuit {f} [colloquial] :: nightclub
boîte de Pandore {f} :: Pandora's box (source of unforeseen trouble)
boîte de Pétri {f} :: Petri dish
boite de réception {f} :: alternative spelling of boîte de réception
boîte de réception {f} [Internet] :: inbox
boîte de vitesse {f} :: alternative form of boîte de vitesses
boîte de vitesses {f} [automotive] :: gearbox
boîte de vitesses automatique {f} [automotive] :: automatic transmission
boîte de vitesses à variation continue {f} [automotive] :: continuously variable transmission
boîte de vitesses manuelle {f} [automotive] :: manual transmission
boîtelette {f} :: little box
boîte manuelle {f} [automotive] :: boîte de vitesses manuelle - manual transmission
boitement {m} :: limp (an irregular, jerky or awkward gait)
boîte noire {f} [aviation] :: black box (data recorder of an aircraft)
boîte noire {f} :: black box (theoretical construct)
boiter {v} :: to limp (to walk lamely, as if favouring one leg)
boiterie {f} :: limp
boiterie {f} :: lameness
boiteux {adj} :: lame, limping
boiteux {adj} [of furniture] :: wobbly, shaky
boiteux {adj} [of ribbon, textiles] :: embroidered on one side only
boiteux {adj} [of a phrase, sentence] :: clumsy
boiteux {adj} [of peace, a truce] :: unstable
boiteux {m} :: cripple, lame person
boitier {m} :: case
boitier {m} [computing] :: package
boîtier {m} :: alternative form of boitier
boitiller {vi} :: to hobble; to limp slightly
boko {m} :: Boko language
Boko {prop} {m} :: Boko (town)
Boko {prop} {m} :: Boko (district)
bol {m} :: bowl
bol {m} :: luck
bolchevik {adj} :: alternative form of bolchévique
bolchévik {adj} :: alternative form of bolchévique
bolchevique {adj} :: Bolshevik
bolchevique {mf} :: Bolshevik
bolchévique {adj} :: Bolshevik
bolchévique {mf} :: Bolshevik
bolchevisation {f} :: Bolshevization
bolchévisation {f} :: alternative form of bolchevisation
bolcheviser {v} :: To bolshevize
bolchevisme {m} :: Bolshevism
bolchévisme {m} :: alternative form of bolchevisme
bolcheviste {mf} :: Bolshevik
bolchéviste {adj} :: Bolshevist
bolée {f} :: bowlful
boléro {m} [uncountable] :: bolero (music genre)
boléro {m} [countable and uncountable] :: bolero (dance)
bolet {m} :: bolete (type of mushrooms)
bolide {m} [astronomy, dated] :: fireball
bolide {m} [by extension] :: fast racing car; speedster, high-powered car
bolivar {m} :: bolivar
bolivarianisme {m} :: alternative form of bolivarisme
bolivarien {adj} :: Bolivarian
bolivarisme {m} :: Bolivarianism
bolivariste {mf} :: Bolivarian
Bolivie {prop} {f} :: Bolivie (country)
bolivien {adj} :: Bolivian (of or pertaining to Bolivia or its people or culture)
Bolivien {m} :: Bolivian (Bolivian person)
Bolivienne {f} :: Bolivian (female Bolivian person)
Bollinger {prop} :: surname
bollywoodien {adj} :: Bollywoodian
bolognais {adj} :: Bolognese
Bologne {prop} :: Bologne (city)
Bologne {prop} :: Bologne (province)
bolométrique {adj} :: bolometric
bolon {m} :: bolon (traditional harp)
bolon {m} :: Bolon (language)
bolonais {adj} :: of or from Bologna
Bolonais {m} :: someone of or from Bologna
Bolonaise {f} :: feminine singular of Bolonais
bolos {m} [neologism, slang, derogatory] :: black market customer; customer to a drug dealer
bolos {m} [neologism, slang, derogatory] :: a person that can be scammed or ripped off
bolos {m} [neologism, slang, derogatory] :: a lame person, a fool
bolosse {m} :: archaic spelling of belosse
bolosse {m} :: alternative spelling of bolos
bombage {m} [glassblowing] :: bending
bombage {m} :: swelling (especially of food containers)
bombage {m} :: spray-painting, tagging
bombance {f} :: feast
bombardement {m} :: bombing, bombardment (action of setting off a bomb)
bombarder {v} :: to shell, blitz
bombardier {m} [archaic] :: artilleryman, bombardier
bombardier {m} [aircraft] :: bomber
Bombardier {prop} :: Bombardier (surname)
bombardier-torpilleur {m} [aircraft] :: torpedo bomber
bombardon {m} :: bombardon, certain bass instruments, notably a tuba
Bombay {prop} :: Bombay (megacity/capital)
bombe {f} :: bomb (a device filled with explosives)
bombe {f} :: aerosol (either the substance or the container)
bombe {f} [colloquial] :: a hottie, a bombshell
bombe {f} :: globular glass vessel; demijohn, carboy
bombe {f} :: bombe glacée, a frozen dessert consisting of two or more different kinds of ice cream, often with a light, frothy center made of eggs and sugar, frozen in a melon-shaped mold
bombe {f} :: ellipsis of bombe météorologique or bombe météo or bombe cyclonique
bombé {adj} :: rounded, convex
bombe à retardement {f} :: time bomb
bombe atomique {f} :: atomic bomb (nuclear weapon)
bombe cyclonique {f} :: A bomb cyclone
bombe météo {f} :: clipping of bombe météorologique
bombe météorologique {f} :: A bomb cyclone, a meteorological bomb, a weather bomb
bomber {vir} :: to bulge
bomber {v} [figurative] :: to cower, to bend
bomber {v} [colloquial] :: to move, walk quickly
bomber {v} [colloquial] :: to spray-paint (especially of taggers or graffiti artists)
bomber {m} :: bomber jacket
bomber le torse {v} [figuratively] :: to swagger, to strut, to puff up (to throw out one's chest in pride)
bombeur {m} :: tagger, graffiti artist
bombeuse {f} :: feminine singular of bombeur
bombique {adj} :: bombic
bombure {f} :: bulge, camber
bombycique {adj} :: bombycic
bôme {f} [nautical] :: boom
bon {adj} :: good
bon {adj} :: right, correct
bon {adj} [slang, slightly derogatory, of a woman] :: sexy, hot, smoking hot
bon {m} :: voucher, ticket, coupon
bonace {f} :: calmness, tranquility (especially before a storm or something of equal intensity)
bon an mal an {adv} [idiomatic] :: year in, year out
bon an, mal an {adv} [idiomatic] :: year in, year out
bon anniversaire {interj} :: happy birthday
bon ap' {interj} :: informal form of bon appétit
Bonaparte {prop} :: surname: Bonaparte
Bonaparte {prop} :: A former name for the island of Réunion
bonapartisme {m} :: Bonapartism
bonapartiste {adj} :: Bonapartist
bonapartiste {mf} :: Bonapartist
bon app {interj} :: clipping of bon appétit
bon appétit {phrase} :: bon appétit, enjoy your meal
bon après-midi {interj} :: have a good afternoon (a phrase uttered upon a farewell)
bon à rien {m} :: good-for-nothing
bonasse {adj} :: meek, easy-going, simple-minded
bonasse {adj} [colloquial] :: sexy, hot
bonassement {adv} :: meekly, simplemindedly
bonassement {adv} :: sexily
bon à tirer {adj} :: Ready for press
bon à tirer {m} :: Forthcoming book or manuscript
bonbec {m} [colloquial] :: sweet, bonbon, candy
bonbon {m} :: sweet, candy
bonbon {adv} [slang] :: expensive
bonbonne {f} :: demijohn, carboy
bonbonne {f} :: gas cylinder
bonbonnière {f} :: candy box
bonbonnière {f} [figuratively, familiar, slang, colloquial] :: small, exquisite house
bon chic bon genre {adj} :: posh, bourgeois
bon chic bon genre {m} :: taste, style
bon courage {interj} :: good luck!
bond {m} :: jump, bound, leap
bond {m} :: bounce
bonde {f} :: a plug, a bung
bondé {adj} :: crowded, packed
bon débarras {interj} :: good riddance
bon de commande {m} :: order form, purchase order, sales order
bon de livraison {m} :: delivery form, delivery note, delivery slip, delivery docket
bon de livraison {m} :: packing slip
bon de livraison {m} :: bill of lading
bonder {v} :: To fill up
bondien {adj} :: Relating to James Bond
bon Dieu {interj} :: good God, for God's sake, bloody hell, gosh
bondieuserie {f} :: bondieuserie, religious knick-knack
bondir {v} :: to bounce, spring, jump
bondissant {adj} :: bouncing, jumping
bondon {m} :: bung
bondon {m} [by extension] :: type of French cheese resembling a bung
bondon {m} :: bung-hole
bondon {m} :: bar of soap
bondonner {v} :: To bung or to plug
bondonnière {f} [dated] :: auger used by a cooper
Bondou {prop} {m} :: Bondu (former state in present-day Senegal)
bondrée {f} :: honey buzzard (of genus Pernis or Henicopernis)
bondrée apivore {f} :: European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
bon enfant {adj} :: good-natured
bon enfant {adj} [pejorative] :: Simple-minded, naive
bongare {m} :: krait
bongare fascié {m} :: banded krait
bongare indien {m} :: common krait
bon gré mal gré {adv} [colloquial] :: willy-nilly
bonheur {m} :: happiness
bonheur-du-jour {m} [historical, furniture] :: bonheur du jour (lady's writing desk)
bonhomme {m} :: fellow, chap
bonhomme {m} [Louisiana French] :: scarecrow
bonhomme de neige {m} :: snowman
boni {n} :: profit
boniche {f} :: alternative form of bonniche
Boniface {prop} {m} :: given name of mainly historical use
bonifier {v} :: to improve
boniment {m} :: patter, pitch, spiel, sales talk
bonisme {m} :: alternative spelling of bonnisme
bonjeanie {f} :: canary clover (Dorycnium hirsutum)
bonjour {m} :: greetings; hello (general salutation)
bonjour {interj} :: Good day; good morning
bonjour {interj} [Québec, Louisiana] :: goodbye
bonjour/hi {interj} [Montreal] :: Good day
bon lui semble {phrase} :: one sees fit
bon marché {adj} :: cheap, inexpensive
bon matin {interj} [Canada, Louisiana French] :: good morning (a phrase uttered upon a meeting)
bon mot {m} :: witticism
Bonn {prop} {f} :: Bonn (city)
bonnard {adj} :: nice
bonnasse {f} [slang, slightly derogatory] :: a hottie, a bombshell, a stunna
bonne {f} :: maid
bonne action {f} :: good deed
bonne année {interj} :: Happy New Year!
bonne après-midi {interj} :: have a good afternoon (a phrase uttered upon a farewell)
bonne chance {interj} :: Good luck!
bonne continuation {phrase} :: keep it up! carry on!
bonne étoile {f} :: lucky star
bonne femme {f} [colloquial, usually, ironic or endearing] :: feminine noun of bonhomme: A(n often elderly) woman
bonne fête {interj} [Quebec, New Brunswick, Louisiana, Switzerland] :: happy birthday
bonne foi {f} :: good faith
bonne journée {interj} :: Have a nice day (a phrase uttered upon a farewell)
bonne-main {f} [Switzerland] :: tip
bonne-maman {f} :: granny, grandma
bonne matinée {interj} :: Have a good morning (a phrase uttered upon a farewell)
bonnement {adv} [archaic] :: really, exactly
bonnement {adv} :: simply
bonne merde {interj} [vulgar] :: Break a leg! Good luck!
bonne nouvelle {f} [Christianity] :: good news
bonne nuit {interj} :: good night (a phrase uttered upon a farewell)
bonne parole {f} :: word, gospel, message
bonne poire {f} [colloquial, often, pejorative] :: a sucker
bonne pratique {f} :: best practice
bonne route {interj} :: safe travels!
bonnes manières {fp} :: good manners
bonne soeur {f} :: nonstandard spelling of bonne sœur
bonne sœur {f} :: nun; sister
bonne soirée {interj} :: Have a good evening (a phrase uttered upon a farewell)
bonnet {m} :: beanie
bonnet {m} :: hat, cap
bonnet {m} :: bonnet (for baby)
bonnet {m} :: a knitted hat, usually woollen
bonnet {m} :: cup (of bra)
bonnet blanc, blanc bonnet {phrase} [idiomatic] :: tomayto, tomahto; same difference; six of one, half a dozen of the other
bonnet d'âne {m} :: dunce cap, dunce hat (conical hat one pupil is forced to wear to indicate he is a dunce)
bonnet d'âne {m} :: donkey ears
bonnet de nuit {f} :: nightcap (clothing)
bonnet de nuit {f} [colloquial] :: wet blanket; killjoy
bonneteau {m} :: three-card monte
bonneterie {f} :: hosiery
bonneteur {m} :: three-card trickster
bonnetier {m} :: hosier
bonnetière {f} :: feminine singular of bonnetier
bonnet phrygien {m} :: Phrygian cap, liberty cap
bonnet rouge {m} [historical] :: A French revolutionary during the French Revolution
bonnet rouge {m} [historical, by extension] :: Any revolutionary
bonnette {f} :: windshield
bonne vivante {f} :: female equivalent of bon vivant
bonne volonté {f} :: goodwill (favorably disposed attitude toward someone or something)
bonniche {f} :: skivvy
bonnisme {m} :: do-goodism (activity of one who sees themselves as morally superior)
bonobo {m} :: bonobo
bon parti {m} :: a good catch, a real catch (a good prospective spouse, often for financial reasons)
bon plan {m} [colloquial] :: good deal; good idea
bon pour le service {adj} [colloquial] :: good to go; out of the woods
bon pour le service {adj} :: fit for duty, able-bodied
bon prince {adj} :: magnanimous, generous, sporting, indulgent, benevolent
bon public {adj} :: easily entertained, easy to please
bon rétablissement {interj} :: Get well soon, a phrase indicating hope that the listener recovers from physical illness
bonrien {m} [Louisiana French, ] :: a good for nothing, a useless person
bonsaï {m} :: bonsai
bon samaritain {m} :: alternative spelling of Bon Samaritain
Bon Samaritain {m} [biblical] :: Good Samaritan
Bon Samaritain {m} :: Good Samaritan (a person who gives help or sympathy to someone in distress)
bon sang {interj} :: bloody hell, gosh
bon sang de bonsoir {interj} [dated] :: good heavens! heavens above! good Lord! for Pete's sake!
bon sang mais c'est bien sûr {interj} [colloquial] :: but of course! that's obvious, I can see that now! how did I not get that before?
bon sens {m} :: common sense (ordinary understanding)
bonsoir {interj} :: good evening
bonté {f} :: goodness, kindness
bonté divine {interj} [dated] :: good heavens! good grief! goodness me!
bonus {m} :: premium
bonus {m} :: bonus
bon vent {interj} :: Godspeed! safe journey! farewell! goodbye!
bon vent {interj} :: good riddance!
bon vieux temps {m} :: good old days
bon vivant {m} :: bon vivant
bon viveur {f} [obsolete] :: synonym of bon vivant
bon vouloir {m} [sometimes, pejorative] :: goodwill, pleasure (the will or desire of someone or some agency in power)
bon voyage {interj} :: bon voyage, have a good journey, have a good trip
bonze {m} :: bonze, Buddhist priest
boo {m} [linguistics] :: Boo
boob {f} [slang, anglicism, chiefly plural] :: breast
booker {v} :: to book, reserve
bookmaker {m} :: bookmaker (betting)
booléen {adj} :: Boolean
boolien {adj} :: Boolean
boom {m} :: boom (dramatically fast increase)
boombox {m} :: boom box
boomer {m} [internet slang] :: A baby boomer, an old person stereotypically portrayed as ignorant of new technology or modern concepts
boomerang {m} :: boomerang
boostage {f} :: boost, boosting
Boquériny {prop} {m} :: Boccherini
boqueteau {m} :: copse
boracique {adj} :: boracic, boric
borain {adj} :: Of or from Borinage
borasse {m} :: borassus palm
borate {m} :: borate
boraté {adj} :: borated
borborygme {m} :: borborygmus
bord {m} :: border, edge, limit ; boundary
bord {m} :: side
bord {m} :: rim
bord {m} :: shore
bordé {adj} [heraldry] :: bordered
bordeau {m} :: alternative form of bordel
bordeaux {adj} :: claret (colour)
bordeaux {m} :: Bordeaux (wine)
Bordeaux {prop} {m} :: Bordeaux (capital city)
Bordeaux {prop} {m} :: surname
bordée {f} [nautical] :: broadside
bordel {m} [colloquial] :: brothel
bordel {m} [slang] :: bloody mess [UK], goddamn mess [especially US]
bordel {interj} [coarse, slang] :: bloody hell! [UK], Christ almighty!
bordelais {adj} :: from Bordeaux
Bordelais {m} :: an inhabitant of Bordeaux
Bordelaise {f} :: feminine noun of Bordelais
bordel de merde {interj} [vulgar] :: fucking hell
bordélique {adj} [vulgar] :: messed-up, chaotic
bordement {m} :: bordering
border {v} :: to border (add a border to)
border {v} :: to border (share a border with)
bordigue {f} :: fishweir, fishgarth
bordiguisme {m} :: Bordigism
bordiguiste {adj} :: Bordigist
bordure {f} :: border (the outer edge of something)
bordure {f} [heraldiccharge] :: bordure
bordure {f} [nautical] :: The foot of a sail
bore {m} :: boron
boré {adj} :: boron (attributive)
boréal {adj} :: boreal
borélien {adj} [maths] :: borelian
borgésien {adj} :: Borgesian (characteristic of Jorge Luis Borges)
borgne {adj} :: one-eyed
borgne {adj} [architecture] :: blind (used for windows or walls)
borgne {adj} [pejorative] :: having a poor reputation
borgne {mf} :: one-eyed person
borie {f} [Aquitaine, obsolete] :: farm
borie {f} [Provence] :: a shelter with walls formed by stacking rocks (without using mortar)
borique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: boric
bornage {m} :: demarcation (of a boundary)
borne {f} :: bollard such as those used to restrict automobiles off a pedestrian area
borne {f} :: territorial boundary marker
borne {f} :: territorial or geographical border
borne {f} :: milestone such as those alongside a roadway
borne {f} [slang] :: a kilometre
borne {f} :: mark
borne {f} :: limit of a list or of an interval
borne {f} :: machine
borné {adj} :: narrow
borné {adj} :: narrow-minded
borné {adj} :: (mathematics) bounded
borne-abreuvoir {m} :: a combination drinking fountain and fire hydrant; a fire hydrant with a drinking fountain attachment on it
borne d'incendie {f} :: fire hydrant
borne électrique {m} :: an electric charging post for a plug-in electric vehicle
borne-fontaine {f} :: fire hydrant
borne kilométrique {f} :: kilometre marker, mile marker, milepost, milestone
Bornéo {prop} {m} :: Borneo
bornéol {m} [organic compound] :: borneol
borner {v} :: to limit, confine
borner {vp} :: to confine oneself (à faire to doing something)
borner {vp} :: to content oneself
bornésite {f} :: palm syrup from Borneo
bornier {m} :: terminal block
borohydrure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: borohydride
boromagnésite {f} [mineral] :: boromagnesite
borosilicaté {adj} :: borosilicate (attributive)
borosphérène {m} :: borospherene
borroméen {adj} :: Borromean
bortsch {m} :: borscht
boruration {f} :: boriding
borure {m} :: boride
boscard {m} [obsolete] :: A person who lives as a parasite of the rich or powerful
bosco {m} [nautical] :: boatswain, skipper
bosniaque {adj} :: Bosnian (of or from Bosnia)
bosniaque {m} :: Bosnian (language)
Bosniaque {mf} :: Bosnian (someone from Bosnia)
Bosnie {prop} {f} :: Bosnia
Bosnie-et-Herzégovine {prop} {f} :: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnie-Herzégovine {prop} {f} :: Bosnie-Herzégovine (country)
bosnien {adj} :: Bosnian (of, from or pertaining to Bosnia)
bosnien {m} :: Bosnian (the language)
Bosnien {m} :: Bosnian (someone from Bosnia)
Bosnienne {f} :: feminine noun of Bosnien
boson {m} [particle] :: boson
boson de Higgs {m} [particle] :: Higgs boson
bosonique {adj} [physics] :: bosonic
Bosphore {prop} {m} :: Bosphorus (A strait that passes through Istanbul)
bosquet {m} :: a clump of trees; a grove
boss {mf} :: boss (leader)
bossale {mf} :: a bossale, an African-born slave in a European colony
bosse {f} :: bump (small elevated level)
bosse {f} :: hump (of e.g. a camel or zebu)
bosse {f} :: dent (in e.g. a car panel)
bosse {f} [freestyle skiing] :: mogul
Bosse {prop} :: surname
bosseler {vt} :: to emboss
bosser {v} [nautical] :: to raise an anchor over the davit(s)
bosser {v} [France, slang] :: to work (to do a task)
bosseur {adj} :: hard-working
bosseur {m} :: hard worker
bosseur {m} :: swot
bosseur {m} [skiing] :: male mogulist (moguls freestyle skier)
bosseuse {f} :: female equivalent of bosseur
bossoir {m} [nautical] :: davit
bossu {adj} :: hunchback
bossu {m} :: hunchback
bossue {f} :: feminine noun of bossu
bossué {adj} [dated] :: humped, bossed, lumpy
bostonien {adj} :: Bostonian
Bostonien {m} :: Bostonian
Bostonienne {f} :: feminine noun of Bostonien
bostonner {v} :: To dance the Boston (dance)
botanique {adj} :: botanical (of or pertaining to botany)
botanique {f} :: botany
botaniquement {adv} :: botanically
botaniser {v} :: to botanize
botaniseur {m} :: botanizer
botaniseuse {f} :: feminine noun of botaniseur
botaniste {mf} :: botanist
botox {m} :: Botox
botoxer {v} :: To treat with Botox
botrytique {adj} :: botrytic
Botswana {prop} :: Botswana (country)
botswanais {adj} :: of or relating to Botswana
Botswanais {m} :: person from Botswana
Botswanaise {f} :: feminine noun of Botswanais
botte {f} :: boot (footwear)
botte {f} :: something resembling a boot
botte {f} [figuratively] :: oppression
botte {f} [polytechnic jargon] :: the top of the class in polytechnic school
botte {f} :: bunch, bundle (of flowers, vegetables)
botte {f} :: bundle, sheaf (of grain)
botte {f} :: bale (bundle of compressed wool or hay)
botte {f} [by extension] :: fodder or feed for small livestock
botte {f} :: a bundle of skeins
botte {f} :: bunch (large amount of something)
botte {f} [colloquial] :: sex, proposed to a woman by a man
botte {f} :: bale (measurement of hay weighing 30-50 kg)
botte {f} [fencing] :: thrust
botte {f} [nautical] :: ton, register ton (unit of a ship's capacity equal to 100 cubic feet)
botte {f} :: large barrel, cask
botte {f} [historical] :: a former unit of measure: about 230 kilograms; about 500 pounds
botte {f} [historical] :: a former unit of measure, varying with time and place: about 190 to 520 litres; about 50 to 140 US gallons
botté {adj} :: Booted; wearing boots
botter {v} :: to kick
botter {v} [slang] :: to please, to like
botter en touche {v} [rugby] :: to kick into touch
botter en touche {v} [figuratively] :: to kick into touch; to avoid a question
botterie {f} :: A workshop crafting boots
botterie {f} :: A shop selling boots
botte secrète {f} :: secret weapon
bottier {m} :: bootmaker
bottière {f} :: feminine noun of bottier
bottillon {m} :: ankle boot
bottin {m} :: telephone directory, phone book
bottine {f} :: (ankle) boot
bottom {adj} [LGBTQ, slang] :: bottom [passive in role]
botulique {adj} :: botulinic
botulisme {m} :: botulism
bou {m} :: type of Chinese tea
bouana {m} [Africa] :: bwana, boss, master
boubou {m} :: boubou (African robe)
bouboule {m} [France, slang] :: fatty; fat person
Boubou Macoutes {prop} {mp} :: the popular nickname of special inspectors who knocked on doors of suspected welfare cheats in Quebec during the second government of Premier Robert Bourassa, in the 1990s
bouc {m} :: buck (male goat)
bouc {m} :: goatee
boucan {m} [colloquial] :: racket, hubbub (loud and unpleasant noise)
boucane {f} [Quebec, Acadia] :: smoke
boucane {f} [Quebec, Acadia] :: steam
boucaner {v} :: to smoke meat
boucanier {m} :: buccaneer
boucaque {m} [very, offensive] :: nigger, sand nigger
boucaud {m} :: synonym of crevette grise
bouc émissaire {m} :: scapegoat (someone punished for someone else's error(s))
bouc-émissaire {m} :: alternative form of bouc émissaire
bouchage {m} :: plugging, blocking
bouchage {m} :: blockage
Bouchard {prop} :: surname
boucharde {f} :: A bush hammer
boucharde {f} :: A granulating roller used to add marking to cement
bouche {f} :: mouth
bouché {adj} [colloquial, of the nose, of the ears] :: stuffy, stuffed up, blocked up, clogged up
bouché {adj} [colloquial] :: thick, dumb
bouche-à-bouche {m} :: mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mouth-to-mouth, kiss of life
bouche à feu {f} [military] :: cannon
bouche à incendie {f} :: alternative form of bouche d'incendie
bouche à oreille {m} :: word of mouth; rumour
bouche à pipe {f} [slang, vulgar] :: mouth that looks ideal for a fellatio, or that often performs fellatio
bouche à pipes {f} :: alternative spelling of bouche à pipe
bouche bée {adv} :: open-mouthed, agape
bouche bée {adj} :: open-mouthed
bouche d'incendie {f} :: fire hydrant
bouchée {f} :: mouthful
bouchée {f} :: bouchée
bouchée à la reine {f} :: A kind of filled vol-au-vent, served hot
bouchée de pain {f} [figuratively] :: very low price
Bouchehr {prop} :: Bushehr
boucher {m} :: butcher
boucher {v} :: to cork up
boucher {v} :: to bung
boucher {v} :: to block up
Boucher {prop} :: surname
bouchère {f} :: female equivalent of boucher
bouchère {f} :: butcher's wife
boucherie {f} :: butchershop
boucherie {f} :: butchery, butchering (profession of the butcher)
boucherie {f} [figuratively] :: bloodbath, slaughter
Bouches-du-Rhône {prop} :: Bouches-du-Rhône
bouche-trou {m} [colloquial, offensive] :: a second fiddle, a stopgap, a stand-in, a fill-in, a makeweight; a rebound (a person whose sole purpose is to fill a void left by another person)
bouchon {m} :: cork, bung, stopper, plug
bouchon {m} :: float (in angling)
bouchon {m} :: traffic jam
bouchon {m} [computing] :: dongle
bouchon {m} :: (small) restaurant
bouchon {m} [colloquial] :: kid, mite, munchkin
bouchonné {adj} :: corky (wine)
bouchonner {vt} :: to rub down
bouchot {m} :: mussel bed (of vertical posts)
bouclage {m} [journalism] :: the soft cut-off of a newspaper's edition grace period (ie. the time before stories / advertisements can no longer be accepted); the closing time
bouclage {m} :: cordon, block
boucle {f} :: loop (line returning to its origin)
boucle {f} [jewellery] :: earring
boucle {f} :: buckle (of a belt, etc.)
boucle {f} :: curl (of hair)
boucle {f} :: ringlet
boucle {f} [graph theory] :: loop
boucle {f} [figure skating] :: loop jump
boucle {f} [aviation] :: loop the loop (aircraft manoeuvre)
bouclé {adj} :: curly
boucle d'oreille {f} :: earring
boucle infinie {f} [programming] :: infinite loop
boucler {vt} :: to buckle (to fasten)
boucler {vt} :: to curl (make curly)
boucler {vt} :: to tie up (close, finish (e.g. an affair or case))
boucler {vt} [colloquial] :: to shut
boucler {vi} :: to curl up (become curly)
boucler la boucle {v} :: to come full circle
bouclette {f} :: a small loop or buckle
bouclette {f} :: (in particular) a small curl (of hair)
bouclier {m} :: shield (anything which protects or defends)
bouddha {m} :: buddha
Bouddha {prop} {m} :: Buddha
bouddhique {adj} :: Buddhist
bouddhisme {m} :: Buddhism
bouddhiste {adj} :: Buddhist
bouddhiste {mf} :: Buddhist
bouder {v} :: to sulk, to pout
bouder {vt} :: to frown upon, to be discontented with
bouderie {f} :: pouting
bouderie {f} :: sulk
boudeur {adj} :: sulky (gloomy)
boudin {m} [approximately] :: blood sausage, black pudding
boudin {m} :: (inflatable) tube, ring
boudin {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: fatty, lardy (person)
boudin blanc {m} :: A kind of white sausage
boudiné {adj} :: podgy
boudiner {vt} :: to contort into the shape of a sausage
boudin noir {m} :: blood sausage
boudoir {m} :: boudoir
boudoir {m} :: sponge, ladyfinger
boudotte {f} [colloquial, anatomy] :: belly button
Boudreau {prop} :: surname
Boudreaux {prop} :: surname
boue {f} :: mud; dirt
bouée {f} :: buoy (nautical: a moored float)
bouée {f} :: rubber ring
bouée de sauvetage {f} :: life-buoy, life belt, life preserver
bouéler {v} [Switzerland] :: to complain
boue rouge {f} :: red mud
bouette {f} [Quebec] :: mud
boueux {adj} :: muddy
bouffable {adj} [rare, slang] :: edible; eatable
bouffe {m} :: singer of comic operas (bouffes)
bouffe {m} :: comic opera
bouffe {adj} :: comic, amusing
bouffe {f} [slang] :: grub (food)
bouffe de rue {f} :: street food
bouffée {f} :: puff (of wind, smoke and etc)
bouffée {f} [figurative] :: surge, rush
bouffée d'oxygène {f} [figuratively] :: breath of fresh air
bouffer {vti} [slang, colloquial] :: to eat
bouffer {vt} [slang, figuratively] :: to eat, to worry
bouffer {vt} [slang] :: to consume in excess
bouffer {vt} [slang] :: to bash (criticise harshly)
bouffer les pissenlits par la racine {v} :: alternative form of manger les pissenlits par la racine
bouffette {f} :: tuft
bouffette {f} :: rosette
bouffeur {m} [slang] :: eater (person who eats)
bouffeuse {f} :: feminine noun of bouffeur
bouffi {adj} :: puffy
bouffi {adj} :: swollen (with pride etc.)
bouffi {m} [colloquial] :: fatty, porker
bouffir {v} :: to cause to become swollen or puffy
bouffir {v} :: to puff up
bouffissure {f} [symptom] :: swollen flesh, intumescence (especially referring to soft swellings without redness)
bouffon {m} :: fool (person who entertained a sovereign)
bouffon {m} :: buffoon, fool (someone foolish)
bouffon {adj} :: grotesque, silly, clownlike
bouffonne {f} :: feminine noun of bouffon
bouffonnement {adv} :: ridiculously, farcically
bouffonnement {adv} :: stupidly, hilariously
bouffonnerie {f} :: buffoonery
bouffonnerie {f} :: farce
bougainvillée {f} :: bougainvillea
bougainvillier {m} :: alternative form of bougainvillée
bouge {m} :: hovel; dive
bouge {m} :: bulge, protuberance
bougeoir {m} :: candlestick, sconce
bougeotte {f} :: wanderlust; itchy feet
bouger {v} :: to move
bougette {f} [obsolete] :: budget (purse for carrying coins)
bougie {f} :: candle
bougie {f} :: spark plug
bougie à boule {f} [medicine] :: A urological tool used to assess urethral diameter, that is ball- (or bulb-) tipped
bougnat {m} [historical, slang] :: A coalman and barkeeper
bougnat {m} [slang] :: A native of Auvergne
bougnoule {mf} [ethnic slur] :: wog; raghead (person of North African descent)
bougon {adj} :: grumpy, sullen
bougon {m} :: grump, grumbler
bougonner {v} :: to grumble (complain)
bougre {m} [colloquial] :: chap, guy
bougre {m} :: wretch (miserable, luckless person)
bougre {m} :: imbecile; idiot (general pejorative)
bougre {m} [dated] :: sodomite, bugger
bougre {m} [invariable, followed by 'de'] :: bloody (intensifier)
bougrement {adv} [colloquial] :: much, many
bougresse {f} [pejorative] :: trout (woman)
bouh {interj} :: boo!
boui-boui {m} :: low quality drinking establishment or café; greasy spoon
bouiboui {m} :: alternative form of boui-boui
bouif {m} [slang] :: cobbler, snobber
bouillabaisse {f} :: bouillabaisse (fish soup from Provence)
bouillant {adj} :: boiling (having reached boiling point)
bouillant {adj} [colloquial] :: very hot
bouillaver {v} [slang] :: To fuck
bouille {f} [colloquial, slang] :: face
bouilleur {m} :: boiler
bouilleur {m} :: Formula One engine
bouilleur {m} :: A person who distils spirits (at home)
bouillie {f} [culinary] :: gruel; mash; porridge
bouillie {f} [by extension] :: paste; mixture
bouillir {vi} :: to boil (becoming boiling; reach boiling point)
bouillir {vt} :: to boil (cause to boil)
bouillir {v} [figuratively] :: to seethe
bouilloire {f} :: kettle
bouillon {m} :: broth (water in which food (meat or vegetable etc) has been boiled)
bouillon {m} :: bubble rising from a boiling liquid
bouillon {m} :: gulp of liquid which escapes forcefully
bouillon {m} :: flesh rising on a fold
bouillon {m} :: risen fold of cloth
bouillon {m} :: unsold copies of a publication
bouillon {m} :: simple restaurant, which originally served only bouillon
bouillon de culture {m} [microbiology] :: growth medium, culture medium
bouillonnant {adj} :: bubbling, frothing
bouillonnement {m} :: bubbling, boiling
bouillonnement {m} :: ferment
bouillonner {v} :: to bubble; to froth
bouillotte {f} :: hot water bottle
bouillotter {v} :: To simmer
boujadi {m} [Morocco] :: inexperienced fool
boukak {m} :: alternative spelling of boucaque
boul. {m} :: blvd. (boulevard)
boul {m} :: abbreviation of boulevard alternative form of boul.
boulaie {f} :: birch orchard
boulanger {m} :: baker
boulanger {v} [rare] :: to prepare and bake bread
boulangère {f} :: feminine noun of boulanger
boulangerie {f} :: bread shop; bakery
boulangisme {m} :: Boulangism
boulangiste {adj} :: Boulangist
boulangiste {mf} :: Boulangist
bouldozeur {m} [construction] :: bulldozer
boule {f} :: ball, globe
boule {f} :: bowl (in the game of bowls)
boule {f} :: scoop (of e.g. ice cream)
boule {f} :: bauble
boule {f} [colloquial] :: head or face
boule {f} [France, slang] :: ball, testicle
boule {f} [Quebec, slang] :: tit, breast
boule {m} [slang] :: butt, bum, ass
boule à thé {f} :: teaball, tea strainer, tea infuser
bouleau {m} :: birch tree
boule à zéro {f} [colloquial] :: closely shaven head
boule de cristal {f} :: crystal ball
boule de démolition {f} :: wrecking ball (heavy ball used in demolition)
boule de feu {f} :: fireball
boule de geisha {f} :: Ben Wa ball, geisha ball
boule de mammouth {f} :: gobstopper, jawbreaker (type of candy)
boule de neige {f} :: snowball
boule de neige {f} [plant] :: (type of) viburnum
boule de quille {f} :: bowling ball
bouledogue {m} :: bulldog
boule puante {f} :: stinkbomb
boule Quies {f} :: earplug
bouler {vi} :: To inflate or swell up
boulet {m} :: cannonball
boulet {m} :: ball and chain
boulet {m} [anatomy] :: fetlock
boulet {m} [slang] :: goof, goofball
boulet de canon {m} :: cannonball
boulet de canon {m} [football] :: powerful shot
boulette {f} :: small ball
boulette {f} :: dumpling
bouleute {m} [Ancient Greece] :: bouleutes
boulevard {m} :: causeway
boulevard {m} :: boulevard
boulevardier {adj} :: boulevardier (attributive)
boulevardier {m} :: boulevardier
bouleversant {adj} :: upsetting
bouleversement {m} :: disruption, havoc
bouleverser {v} :: to completely and drastically change, to overturn
bouleverser {v} :: to shake, to cause a strong emotion
bouleverser {v} :: to disorganize, to turn upside down
Boulibaba {prop} {m} :: Boulibaba (An unidentified <<former settlement>> in <<r/West Africa>>)
Boulibané {prop} {m} :: Boulibané (former town)
boulier {m} :: abacus (calculating frame)
boulier compteur {m} :: abacus (calculating frame)
boulimie {f} :: bulimia (bulimia nervosa - eating disorder)
boulimique {adj} :: bulimic
boulimiquement {adv} :: bulimically
boulin {m} [architecture, dated] :: hole made in a dovecote for pigeons to nest, like a pigeonhole
boulin {m} [architecture] :: putlog hole
bouline {f} [nautical] :: bowline
boulingrin {m} :: lawn
boulingrin {m} [sports] :: lawn bowls
bouliste {mf} :: bowler (person who plays boules)
bouloche {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: pilling (of textile)
boulocher {vi} :: to pill (of fabric, to make fluffy little balls by friction)
boulodrome {m} :: bowling (pétanque) pitch (playing area)
Boulogne {prop} :: Boulogne
boulon {m} :: bolt (metal fastener)
boulonnais {adj} :: of or from any of the French towns named Boulogne
Boulonnais {m} :: A resident of Boulogne, a commune situated in the département of Vendée, France
Boulonnais {m} :: A resident of Boulogne-Billancourt, a commune situated in the département of Hauts-de-Seine, France
Boulonnais {m} :: A resident of Boulogne-sur-Gesse, a commune situated in the département of Haute-Garonne, France
Boulonnais {m} :: A resident of Boulogne-sur-Helpe, a commune situated in the département of Nord, France
Boulonnais {m} :: A resident of Boulogne-sur-Mer, a commune situated in the département of Pas-de-Calais, France
Boulonnais {m} :: A resident of Boulon, a commune situated in the département of Calvados, France
Boulonnaise {f} :: feminine noun of Boulonnais
boulonner {vt} :: To bolt (on)
boulonner {vi} :: To work hard
boulonnerie {f} :: The manufacture and sale of bolts
boulot {m} [colloquial] :: work
boulot {m} [colloquial] :: job
boulotter {v} [colloquial] :: to eat, to consume
boulotteur {m} [colloquial] :: an eater, someone who eats
boulu {adj} :: curved, rounded
boum {interj} :: boom (sound of explosion)
boum {f} :: dance event
Boundou {prop} {m} :: Bondu (former state in present-day Senegal)
bouque {f} [nautical] :: canal, strait or similar narrow passage
bouquet {m} :: bouquet, bunch
bouquet {m} :: a set or selection of something
bouquet {m} :: aroma, bouquet (scent of wine)
bouquetier {adj} :: bouquet (attributive)
bouquetier {m} :: vase
bouquetier {m} :: flower seller (especially in the feminine)
bouquetière {f} :: feminine singular of bouquetier
bouquetin {m} :: alpine ibex (Capra ibex)
bouquin {m} [colloquial] :: book
bouquin {m} :: buck (male hare)
bouquin {m} :: buck (male rabbit)
bouquin {m} :: the part of a pipe carried in the mouth
bouquiner {v} :: to read constantly (for pleasure)
bouquinerie {f} :: A second-hand bookshop, an antique bookshop
bouquiniste {mf} :: antique bookseller (seller of old and used books)
bourbachique {adj} [maths] :: Bourbakian
bourbakisme {m} :: Bourbakism
bourbe {f} :: mire
bourbeux {adj} :: muddy, miry
bourbier {m} :: morass
bourbier {m} :: quagmire
bourbine {adj} [Switzerland, perjorative] :: German Swiss
Bourbon {prop} :: surname
Bourbon {prop} :: Bourbon, a European dynasty that formerly reigned in France and now reigns in Spain
Bourbon {prop} :: Bourbon-l’Archambault, a commune in France
bourbonien {adj} :: Relating to the Bourbon dynasty
Bourdain {prop} :: surname
bourdaine {f} :: alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus)
bourde {f} :: stumble, blunder, error
Bourdeau {prop} :: surname
bourdon {m} :: bumblebee (species of bee)
bourdon {m} [music] :: drone
bourdon {m} :: blues (feeling of sadness)
bourdonnant {adj} :: buzzing
bourdonnement {m} :: buzz, buzzing
bourdonnement {m} :: drone, hum, humming
bourdonner {v} :: to buzz, drone
-bourg {suffix} :: Placename suffix
bourg {m} :: burg, market town
bourgade {f} :: village
bourge {mf} [colloquial, often, pejorative] :: posho; snob, toff
bourgeois {adj} :: bourgeois
bourgeois {m} :: member of the middle class
bourgeois {m} :: bourgeois
bourgeoisement {adv} :: in a typically bourgeois way
bourgeoisie {f} :: bourgeoisie
bourgeon {m} :: bud (of plant)
bourgeon {m} :: pimple
bourgeonnant {adj} :: budding
bourgeonnant {adj} :: burgeoning
bourgeonnement {m} :: budding
bourgeonner {v} [botany] :: to bud (of plant, to sprout buds)
bourgeonner {v} [medicine] :: to granulate; to have pimples, spots
bourgeron {m} :: A type of short blouson
bourgeron {m} :: workman's overall
Bourges {prop} {f} :: Bourges (city)
Bourget {prop} :: Bourget; surname
bourgetesque {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of French writer Paul Bourget
bourgetien {adj} :: Relating to French writer Paul Bourget
bourgmestre {mf} [Belgium, Luxembourg] :: a mayor
bourgogne {m} :: burgundy (wine or colour)
Bourgogne {prop} {f} :: Burgundy (region)
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté {prop} {f} :: Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, region of France
bourgue {m} [slang] :: cash
bourguemaître {m} :: mayor (in a German- or Dutch-speaking country)
bourguibien {adj} :: Relating to Habib Bourguiba
bourguibisme {m} :: Bourguibism
bourguignon {adj} :: Burgundian
Bourguignon {m} :: Burgundian
bourguignonne {f} :: A part of the fontange, a particular hair-do (ribbons, wire and lace knotted in the hair) invented by the Duchess of Fontange (one of King Louis XIV’s mistresses in 1679-1680)
bourguignonne {f} :: A wine cask (228 l), or a wine bottle (75 to 85cl)
Bourguignonne {f} :: feminine noun of bourguignon. A woman born in Burgundy, or from a Burgundian family
Bouriatie {prop} {f} :: Buryatia (Buryatia, Russia)
bourlet {m} [obsolete] :: alternative form of bourrelet
bourlinguer {vi} [nautical] :: to tack against the wind
bourlinguer {vi} :: to roam, get about
bourlingueur {m} [nautical] :: A sailor who would go to sea even in dangerous conditions
bourlingueur {m} :: globetrotter
bourlingueuse {f} :: feminine singular of bourlingueur
bouroundais {adj} :: alternative spelling of burundais
Bouroundais {m} :: alternative spelling of Burundais
Bouroundaise {f} :: feminine noun of Bouroundais
Bouroundi {prop} {m} :: Burundi (country)
Bourque {prop} :: surname
bourrache {f} [botany] :: borage (Borago officinalis)
bourrade {f} :: thump, clobbering (aggressive hit)
bourrage {m} :: stuffing
bourrage de crâne {m} :: the pro-war propaganda used during World War 1 in France designed to maintain morale of the local population
bourrage de crâne {m} :: brainwashing
bourrasque {f} :: blast, gust of wind; squall
bourratif {adj} [of food, colloquial] :: filling, stodgy
bourre {f} [uncountable] :: Any material used for stuffing
bourre {f} :: Tufts or masses of hair removed from the skin of short-haired animals before tanning
bourre {f} [textile, uncountable] :: Waste from hackling or spinning of wool or silk; linters, flock
bourre {f} [uncountable] :: Down or floss on plants, especially buds; burr
bourre {f} :: A wad for use in firearms or cannons
bourre {f} [slang, dated] :: A cop
bourré {adj} :: stuffed or filled to the very limit
bourré {adj} [colloquial] :: drunk
bourreau {m} :: torturer
bourreau {m} :: executioner, hangman (the person)
bourreau {m} :: individual who lives extravagantly
bourreau des cœurs {m} [figurative] :: heartbreaker
bourreau des cœurs {m} :: lady-killer
bourreau des cœurs {m} :: man-killer
bourreau de travail {m} :: workaholic, workhorse
bourre-cochon {m} [very colloquial] :: stodge, stodgy meal
bourre-cochon {m} [very colloquial] :: place where such meals are served
bourré comme un coing {adj} [Europe, simile, slang] :: Very drunk; pissed as a newt; drunk as a skunk
bourrée {f} [music] :: bourrée
bourrée {f} [now rare] :: faggot (bundle of sticks); torch
bourrelé {adj} :: remorseful
bourrelet {m} :: padding
bourrelet {m} :: roll of fat
bourrelet {m} [firearms] :: bourrelet
bourrelier {m} :: saddler, harnessmaker
bourrer {vt} :: to stuff with stuffing material
bourrer {vt} :: to completely fill by shoving in
bourrer {vt} :: to make to eat a lot
bourrer {vt} :: to force-feed
bourrer {vt} [slang] :: to hit someone
bourrer {vpr} [slang] :: to get drunk
bourrer {vp} [slang] :: to binge
bourrer {vi} :: to jam by way of excessive accumulation
bourrer {vi} [colloquial] :: to rush
bourrer le crâne {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: [à] to fill someone's head with nonsense; to brainwash, indoctrinate
bourriche {f} :: hamper
bourricot {m} :: small donkey
bourride {f} :: bourride
Bourrienne {prop} {m} :: Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne, a French diplomat
bourrique {f} :: she-ass
bourrique {f} [Louisiana French] :: a donkey
bourrique {f} [Louisiana French] :: an ass, an idiot
bourru {adj} :: surly; gruff
bourse {f} [obsolete] :: purse
bourse {f} :: money
bourse {f} :: financial grant
bourse {f} :: bourse, stock exchange
bourse {f} [in plural] :: the scrotum
bourse {f} [in plural, slang] :: balls
bourse-à-pasteur {f} :: shepherd's purse
bourse d'étude {f} :: alternative spelling of bourse d'études
bourse d'études {f} [education] :: scholarship, stipend, student allowance
bourse d'excellence {f} [education] :: merit scholarship
bourser {v} :: alternative form of bercer
boursette {f} [dated] :: shepherd's purse
boursette {f} [dated, music] :: a small leather pocket in the wind chest of an organ
boursicoter {vi} :: to set money aside
boursicoter {vi} :: to dabble on the stock market
boursicoteur {m} :: One who dabbles in the stock market
boursier {adj} [finance] :: stock, relating to the financial markets
boursier {m} :: grantee, scholarship beneficiary, recipient of a bursary
boursier {m} :: stock broker
boursier {m} :: purse maker
boursière {f} :: feminine noun of boursier
boursouffler {v} :: alternative spelling of boursoufler
boursouflé {adj} :: blistered
boursouflé {adj} :: puffy, bloated
boursouflement {m} :: swelling
boursouflement {m} :: blistering
boursoufler {vt} :: To swell, inflate
boursoufler {vr} :: To become swollen or bloated; to blister
boursouflure {f} :: swelling
boursouflure {f} :: blister
boursouflure {f} :: pomposity
bousard {m} :: (especially in plural) deer droppings
bousculade {f} :: bustle, crush
bousculade {f} :: stampede
bousculer {v} :: to shove, to bump into, to jostle
bouse {f} :: dung
bouse {f} [heraldiccharge] :: water-bouget
bousier {m} :: dung beetle
bousiller {v} [colloquial] :: to wreck, smash up
bousiller {v} [colloquial] :: to botch, screw up
bousin {m} :: the 'soft crust' a stone has when it is taken out of a quarry
boussole {f} :: compass (navigational tool)
bout {m} :: end, extremity, tip (of a physical object)
bout {m} :: bit, piece, scrap
bout {m} [nautical] :: rope
bout à bout {adv} :: end to end
boutade {f} :: caprice, whim
boutade {f} :: quip, joke
boutant {adj} :: abutting
boute-en-train {m} :: a funny person, a jolly fellow
bouteille {f} :: bottle (the container)
bouter {v} [dated] :: to push
bouter {v} [dated] :: to remove flesh from the skin of an animal
bouter {v} [dated] :: to pin, to nail
Boutilier {prop} :: Boutilier; surname
Boutin {prop} :: surname
boutiquaire {adj} :: shopping (attributive)
boutique {f} :: (small) shop; boutique
boutiquier {m} :: shopkeeper, storekeeper
boutiquière {f} :: shopkeeper, storekeeper (female)
boutoir {m} [zoology] :: snout
bouton {m} :: button
bouton {m} [botany] :: bud
bouton {m} :: pimple, spot, zit
bouton de fièvre {m} :: cold sore
bouton d'or {m} :: buttercup
bouton-d'or {m} :: alternative spelling of bouton d'or
boutonnage {m} :: buttoning up
boutonnage {m} :: a group of buttons on clothing
boutonner {v} :: to button (to fasten with a button)
boutonneux {adj} :: spotty
boutonneux {adj} :: pimpled
boutonnière {f} :: A boutonniere
bouton-pression {m} :: snap fastener, snap button
boutroulle {f} [Belgium, colloquial, anatomy] :: belly button
bouturage {m} [botany] :: cutting, scion
bouture {f} [horticulture] :: cutting
bouturer {v} :: to stick (propagate plants by cuttings)
bouvier {m} :: drover (person who drives cattle over long distances)
bouvier {m} :: herdsman, cattleman (man who raises or tends cattle)
bouvier {m} :: cattle dog (type of dog used for droving cattle)
bouvier {m} :: plowman (man who plows land with a plough)
Bouvier {prop} {m} :: Boötes (a constellation)
Bouvier {prop} {m} :: surname
bouvière {f} :: female equivalent of bouvier
bouvière {f} :: bitterling (species of fish within the genus Rhodeus)
bouvreuil {m} :: bullfinch
bouvreuil pivoine {m} :: The Eurasian bullfinch
bouziller {vt} :: alternative form of bousiller
bouzouki {m} [musical instruments] :: bouzouki
bovidé {m} :: bovid
bovin {adj} :: bovine
bovinement {adv} :: bovinely
bovinement {adv} :: sluggishly
bowling {m} :: bowling
bowling {m} :: A place where one can play bowling
box {m} :: stall (for a horse), loose box
box {m} :: compartment, cubicle
box {m} :: garage, lock-up (for a car)
box {f} :: Electronic equipment used for internet access (component of the digital subscriber line technology)
box-calf {m} :: box calf
boxe {f} [sports] :: Combat sport between two adversaries
boxe {f} [by ellipsis, boxing] :: Boxing (sport)
boxer {m} :: boxer (dog)
boxer {m} :: boxer shorts, boxers
boxer {m} :: boxer (engine)
boxer {v} :: to box
boxeur {m} :: boxer (participant in boxing)
boxeuse {f} :: feminine noun of boxeur
box-office {m} :: box office
boxon {m} [slang] :: whorehouse
boy {m} [now, historical, offensive] :: boy (non-white male servant)
boyard {m} :: boyar
boyasse {f} [slang] :: belly
boyau {m} [anatomy] :: gut, intestine (of an animal, or, informally of a human)
boyau {m} :: catgut, gut
boyau {m} [military] :: communication trench, boyau
boycott {m} :: boycott
boycottage {m} :: boycott
boycotter {v} :: to boycott
boycotteur {m} :: boycotter
boycotteuse {f} :: feminine noun of boycotteur
Boyer {prop} :: surname
BPA {m} [organic compound] :: abbreviation of bisphénol A - BPA
BPS {n} [chemistry] :: BPS ; initialism of bisphénol S
B. Q. {prop} :: alternative form of BQ
B.Q. {prop} :: alternative form of BQ
BQ {prop} [initialism, Canada, politics] :: Bloc Québécois - a political party of Canada
brabançon {adj} :: pertaining to, or from Brabant
Brabant {prop} :: Brabant
Brabant flamand {m} :: Flemish Brabant
Brabant wallon {m} :: Walloon Brabant
bracelet {m} :: bracelet
bracelet électronique {m} :: ankle monitor
brachial {adj} :: brachial
brachiosaure {m} :: brachiosaur
brachycéphale {m} :: brachycephaly
brachycéphale {adj} :: brachycephalic
brachycéphalisation {f} [pathology] :: brachycephaly
brachycéphalisation {f} :: brachycephalization
brachylogie {f} [rhetoric] :: brachylogy
brachyœsophage {m} [medicine] :: Brachyesophagus; brachyoesophagus; brachyœsophagus
brachypode {m} :: brachypodium (of genus Brachypodium)
braconnage {m} :: poaching (illegal hunting)
braconner {v} :: to poach (hunt clandestinely)
braconnier {m} :: poacher
braconnière {f} :: feminine noun of braconnier
bractée {f} [botany] :: bract
brader {v} :: to sell at cut-price, to sell in a sale
brader {v} :: to sell off
brader {v} :: to sell down the river
braderie {f} :: clearance sale
bradycardie {f} :: bradycardia
bradyodonte {m} :: bradyodont
bradyonique {adj} [physics] :: bradyonic
braguette {f} :: fly, flies (in trousers)
braguette {f} [historical] :: codpiece
brahmane {m} :: brahmin
brahmanisme {m} :: Brahmanism
brahmsien {adj} :: Brahmsian
brai {m} :: pitch (dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar)
braie {f} :: A low defensive wall, particularly of a castle; a rampart
braie {f} :: trousers, namely a baggy type of trouser or breeches worn by many ancient peoples and tribes, most notably the Gauls; also worn later by crusaders and Templar knights
braiement {m} :: alternative spelling of braiment
braies {fp} [historical] :: breeches
braillard {adj} :: bawling, yelling
braillement {m} :: bawling, yelling
brailler {v} :: to holler, yell
brailler {v} :: to bawl
braiment {m} :: bray (sound made by a donkey/ass)
braîment {m} :: obsolete spelling of braiment
braire {v} :: bray (to make the cry of a donkey)
braire {v} [figuratively, by extension] :: to shout
braire {v} [Belgium, Northern France, figuratively, by extension] :: to cry, to weep
braire {m} [obsolete] :: bray (noise made by a donkey)
braise {f} [singular or plural] :: embers
braise {f} [slang] :: cash, dough
braiser {v} [cooking] :: to braise
bramer {v} :: to bellow
bramer {v} :: to troat (make the cry of a deer)
branaire {adj} [physics] :: brane (attributive)
brancard {m} :: shaft (of wagon, cart etc.)
brancard {m} :: stretcher
brancarder {v} :: to stretcher (carry on a stretcher)
brancardier {m} :: stretcher-bearer
brancardière {f} :: feminine noun of brancardier
branchage {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: branch(es), bough(s)
branche {f} :: branch (of tree)
branche {f} :: branch (of an organization)
branché {adj} :: trendy, à la mode
branchement {m} :: connection
branchement {m} :: plugging in, linking up
brancher {v} :: to connect (appliance)
brancher {v} [computing] :: to branch
branchial {adj} :: branchial
branchie {f} [animal anatomy] :: gill
branchiostome {m} :: branchiostoma, lancelet
branchu {adj} [botany] :: branchy
branchu {adj} :: branching
branco {m} [military, colloquial] :: stretcher-bearer
brand {m} [archaic] :: a sword
Brandebourg {prop} {m} :: Brandenburg (region of Germany, formerly a principality and presently a state)
Brandebourg {prop} {m} :: Brandenburg (a city, the historical capital of the region)
brandebourgeois {adj} :: Pertaining to, or from Brandenburg
brandestoc {m} [weapons] :: brandistock
brandevin {m} :: brandy, brandywine
brandir {v} :: to brandish (a weapon)
brandon {m} :: firebrand; torch made of twisted straw
brandon {m} :: loose, burning material from a fire
brandon {m} [figuratively] :: firebrand (someone or something that is a source of trouble)
brandon {m} :: straw at the end of a staff placed at the corner of a field to indicate the juridical seizure of a crop
branduit {m} :: A genericised trademark, or a design that has become inseparable from a particular brand
branlage {f} [vulgar, slang] :: wank
branlant {adj} :: unstable, wobbly and rickety
branle {m} :: shake (act of shaking)
branle {m} [slang] :: wank (act of masturbating)
branle-bas {m} [archaic] :: The taking down of hammocks in a ship
branle-bas {m} [idiomatic] :: commotion; hoo-ha
branle-bas de combat {m} :: flurry, uproar, bustle, commotion
branlée {f} [France, colloquial] :: beating, hiding, thrashing
branlée {f} [by extension] :: drubbing (heavy defeat)
branler {vt} :: to shake
branler {vt} :: to touch (some work)
branler {vt} [vulgar, slang] :: to do
branler {vt} [vulgar, slang] :: to masturbate (another person)
branler {vr} [vulgar, se branler] :: to masturbate
branlette {f} [vulgar, slang] :: wank (act of masturbation)
branlette espagnole {f} [vulgar] :: tit fuck
branleur {m} [vulgar, slang] :: wanker
branleuse {f} :: feminine noun of branleur
branlocher {vt} :: to shake, wobble slightly
branlocher {vr} [vulgar, slang] :: to masturbate
braquage {m} [colloquial, uncountable] :: robbery (especially armed robbery)
braquage {m} [colloquial, countable] :: a hold-up; raid
braque {m} :: pointer (dog breed)
braque {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy, barmy, foolish
braque {m} [slang] :: someone who is crazy, foolish
braque {f} [obsolete, often used in the plural] :: crayfish claw
braquemard {m} :: braquemard
braquer {v} :: to point (a gun, camera etc.) (sur, vers at)
braquer {v} :: to turn (one's eyes) (sur, vers on)
braquer {v} :: to make a hard turn, turn hard
braquer {v} [colloquial] :: to stick up, rob (a bank)
braquet {m} :: gear ratio (especially on a bicycle)
braqueur {m} :: robber (especially, an armed robber)
braqueuse {f} :: feminine noun of braqueur
bras {m} :: arm
brasage {m} :: soldering, brazing
bras cassé {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: a lame duck, a good-for-nothing, an incompetent person
bras de fer {m} :: arm wrestling
bras de fer {m} [figuratively] :: showdown, tug of war, power struggle
bras de mer {m} :: sound (long narrow inlet)
bras dessus, bras dessous {adv} :: arm in arm
bras d'honneur {m} :: bras d'honneur
bras droit {m} [figuratively] :: right-hand man, right-hand woman
brasé {adj} :: soldered
braser {vt} :: to weld or braze
brasero {m} :: brazier
brasier {m} :: inferno, large fire
bras mort {m} :: oxbow lake
brassage {m} :: brewing of beer
brassage {m} [figuratively] :: intermingling of different peoples, cultures and ideas
brassard {m} :: armguard, brassard
brassard {m} :: armband
brassard {m} :: bracer
brasse {f} :: fathom (unit of measure)
brasse {f} [swimming] :: stroke
brasse {f} [swimming] :: breaststroke
bras séculier {m} :: secular arm (temporal justice, as opposed to ecclesiastical justice)
brassée {f} :: armful
brasser {v} :: to brew [beer]
brasser {v} [culture] :: to intermingle
brasserie {f} :: brewery (place where beer is brewed)
brasserie {f} :: brewery (beer-producing company)
brasserie {f} :: brasserie [restaurant]
brasserie {f} :: beer bar, beer parlour, alehouse (pub or bar where beer is sold)
brasseur {m} :: brewer
brasseuse {f} :: feminine noun of brasseur
brassicole {adj} :: brewing (attributive)
brassière {f} :: child's vest
brassière {f} [nautical] :: life jacket
brassière {f} [dated, outside, Quebec] :: brassiere, bra
brassique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: brassic
brasure {f} :: soldering
brasure {f} :: solder
bravache {adj} :: exhibiting bravado
bravache {adj} :: bullying
bravache {m} :: bravado
bravache {m} :: bully; braggart
bravacherie {f} :: braggadoccio
bravacherie {f} :: bravado
bravade {f} :: (act of) bravado
brave {adj} :: brave
brave {adj} :: honest
brave {m} :: hero
bravement {adv} :: bravely
braver {vt} :: to challenge, defy
braver {vt} :: to brave
braver {vt} :: to flout, pay no heed to (someone's opinion, hostility, etc.)
bravo {interj} :: bravo!, hear, hear!, well said!, well done!
bravo {m} [in the plural] :: applause, cheers
bravo {m} :: swordsman
bravoure {f} :: bravery, courage
braye {f} :: daub, mud
brayer {v} :: To coat with pitch
brayer {m} [surgery] :: truss
brayette {f} :: fly (front slit-like opening of underpants)
Braz {prop} {m} :: District of São Paulo, Brazil (Brás in Portuguese)
break {m} :: break (pause, holiday)
break {m} [tennis] :: break (of serve)
break {m} [automotive] :: estate car, station wagon
breakdance {m} :: breakdancing (style of dance)
breaker {m} :: circuit breaker
breaker {v} [tennis] :: To break (win a game when receiving)
Breaux {prop} :: surname
brebis {f} :: ewe
brebis {f} [in the plural, religion] :: flock
brebis galeuse {f} [figuratively] :: black sheep
brèche {f} :: gap, hole
brèche {f} [military] :: breach
bréchet {m} :: keel (of a bird)
bréchet {m} :: wishbone
bredouille {adj} :: empty-handed
bredouille {f} :: a token used to mark points in a game of trictrac
bredouiller {vit} :: to stammer, to mumble
bredouilleur {m} :: stammerer
bredouilleur {m} :: mumbler
bredouilleuse {f} :: feminine noun of bredouilleur
bref {adj} :: brief (of short duration)
bref {adv} :: in short, in brief, briefly
bregmatique {adj} :: bregmatic
bréhaigne {adj} [of animals or jocular, colloquial of people] :: sterile
brelan {m} [card games] :: Three of a kind, gleek
brêle {f} [vulgar] :: stupid or incompetent person; imbecile
breloque {f} :: charm (for bracelet)
brème {f} :: bream (fish of the genus Abramis)
brème {f} [Louisiana French] :: eggplant, aubergine
Brême {prop} :: Brême (capital city)
Brême {prop} :: Brême (state)
Brésil {prop} {m} :: Brésil (country)
brésilien {adj} :: Brazilian (of or pertaining to Brazil or its people or culture)
brésilien {m} :: Brazilian Portuguese
Brésilien {m} :: a Brazilian
Brésilienne {f} :: feminine noun of Brésilien
bressan {adj} :: Pertaining to, or from Bresse
Brest {prop} {m} :: Brest (city)
brestois {adj} :: of or from Brest
Brestois {m} :: someone from Brest
Brestoise {f} :: feminine noun of Brestois
Bretagne {prop} {f} :: Brittany, a region in North-West France
bretelle {f} :: strap
bretelle {f} :: sling
bretelle {f} :: braces (UK), suspenders (US)
bretelle {f} :: slip road; access road; ramp
breton {adj} :: Breton (of or relating to Brittany, its language or people)
breton {m} :: the Breton language
Breton {m} :: Breton (inhabitant of Brittany)
bretonnant {adj} :: Breton-speaking
Bretonne {f} :: feminine noun of Breton
bretonner {v} :: to talk or speak Breton
bretonner {v} :: to talk or speak incomprehensibly
brette {f} :: rapier, (type of) long sword
bretzel {mf} :: pretzel
breuil {m} :: copse
breuil {m} :: small cordage
breuil {m} :: ewe cheese
breuvage {m} [literary or humorous] :: beverage
breuvage {m} [standard in Quebec] :: beverage
breuvage {m} :: concoction, potion
brève {f} :: a brief piece of information or news (as opposed to the headline)
brève {f} [linguistics] :: short vowel
brève {f} [linguistics, by extension] :: breve
brève {f} [zoology] :: pitta; any bird belonging to the passerine family Pittidae
brevet {m} [legal] :: a patent
brevet {m} :: a teaching license or certificate
brevetable {adj} :: patentable
brevetage {m} :: patenting
breveté {adj} :: patented
breveté {adj} :: qualified
breveter {vt} :: to patent
bréviaire {m} :: breviary (a book containing prayers and hymns)
bréviaire {m} :: go-to book
brévium {m} [physics] :: brevium
Brexit {prop} {m} :: Brexit
Brexit {prop} {m} :: Brexit dur: hard brexit
bribe {f} [obsolete] :: crumb (of bread)
bribe {f} :: scrap, bit
bric-à-brac {m} :: miscellaneous items, bric-a-brac
Brice {prop} :: given name
Brice {prop} :: surname
brick {m} [nautical] :: A brig, a two-masted vessel type
brick {m} :: A fritter with a filling
bricolage {m} :: DIY, do-it-yourself
bricole {f} [medicine] :: sling
bricole {f} [colloquial] :: trifle
bricole {f} :: a type of medieval catapult
bricole {f} [military] :: a munitions store
bricoler {vi} :: to do DIY
bricoler {vt} :: to tinker (to fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it)
bricoleur {adj} :: skillful, handyman-like, able to DIY
bricoleur {m} :: tinkerer
bricoleur {m} :: handyman
bricoleuse {f} :: feminine noun of bricoleur
bridage {m} :: limiting / governing the speed of a motor
bride {f} [horsemanship] :: bridle
bride {f} :: strap
bride {f} :: loop [of a button]; bride [of lace]
bride {f} [medicine] :: adhesion
bride {f} :: flange
bridé {m} [pejorative, ethnic slur] :: slant, slope (a person of East Asian descent)
bridée {f} [pejorative, ethnic slur] :: feminine noun of bridé, female slant, a woman of East Asian descent
brider {v} :: to bridle; bridle up (attach a bridle to)
brider {v} :: to curb; control; put on a leash
brider {v} [cooking] :: To truss (in cooking, to put string around meat, so it keeps its shape when cooking)
brider {v} [of clothing] :: To choke (be too tight)
brider {v} :: to choke (a motor)
bridge {m} [card games] :: bridge
bridge {m} [dentistry, France] :: bridge
bridger {vi} :: to play bridge (the card game)
bridgeur {m} :: bridge player
bridgeuse {f} :: feminine noun of bridgeur
brie {m} :: brie
briefing {m} :: briefing
Brienne {prop} :: A placename
Brienne {prop} :: The commune of Brienne (Saône-et-Loire) in Saône-et-Loire, France
Brienne {prop} :: The commune of Brienne-le-Château, in l'Aube, France; which includes the Brienne Military Academy
Brienne {prop} :: The commune of Brienne-sur-Aisne, in Ardennes, France
Brienne {prop} :: The commune of Brienne-la-Vieille, in l'Aube, France
Brienne {prop} :: surname ellipsis of de Brienne
Brieux {prop} :: surname
brièvement {adv} :: briefly
brièveté {f} :: brevity (quality of being brief)
brigade {f} [military] :: brigade
brigade {f} :: brigade (group, organization)
brigadier {m} :: brigadier (military)
brigadière {f} :: feminine noun of brigadier
brigand {m} [pejorative] :: thief
brigand {adj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: mischievous
brigandage {m} :: robbery or other violent crime carried out by a group
brigandage {m} :: bribery, extortion
brigantin {m} :: brig (two-masted vessel)
brigantine {f} :: trapeze-shaped type of sail
Brigitte {prop} :: given name
briguer {vt} :: to crave, to have one's eyes on
brillable {adj} :: Shinable, that can be shone
brillamment {adv} :: brilliantly, superbly
brillamment {adv} :: shiningly
brillance {f} :: shininess
brillance {f} :: brightness
brillant {adj} :: shining; shiny
briller {vi} :: to shine, to sparkle
briller de mille feux {v} [figuratively] :: to dazzle, to glitter, to sparkle, to shine brightly
briller par son absence {v} :: to be conspicuous by one's absence
brimade {f} :: A hazing, some test which seniors impose on newbies in (para) military units, school, etc. by way of initiation
brimade {f} :: A punishment which an educator imposes on a child, consisting in some privation
brimade {f} :: A measure or treatment which is pointlessly hurtful
brimbaler {v} :: alternative form of bringuebaler
brimer {vt} :: to bully; to mistreat
brimeur {m} :: bully (person who bullies)
brimeuse {f} :: feminine noun of brimeur
brin {m} :: blade (of grass)
brin {m} :: sprig, twig
brin {m} :: wisp, strand (of hair, fibre etc.)
brin {m} [figuratively] :: ounce, bit, hint
brinde {f} [dated, rare] :: toast (a salutation while drinking alcohol)
brindille {f} :: twig
bringelle {f} [Réunion] :: eggplant
bringue {f} :: binge (drunken celebration)
bringuebaler {vt} [of bells] :: to sound, ring, chime, ding
bringuebaler {vi} [of bells] :: to ring, sound, chime
bringuebaler {vt} :: to rattle
bringuebaler {vi} :: to rattle
bringuebaler {vi} :: to rattle along, rattle about (move, making a rattling or jolting sound)
brinquebaler {v} :: alternative form of bringuebaler
brio {m} :: brilliance, panache
brio {m} [music] :: con brio
brioche {f} [baking, culinary] :: brioche (type of light sweet pastry or bun of French origin)
brioche {f} [figuratively] :: gaffe, blunder
brioche {f} [colloquial] :: paunch, belly
brioché {adj} :: brioche style
brione {f} :: bryony
brionine {f} :: bryonin
brioso {adv} [music] :: in a lively style
brique {f} :: brick (hardened block used for building)
brique {f} :: carton box (food packaging)
brique {f} [slang, dated] :: ten thousand French francs (one million old francs, ~1524€)
briquer {vt} :: to scrub, polish
briquet {m} [obsolete] :: frizzen
briquet {m} :: (cigarette) lighter
briquet {m} [zoology] :: beagle
briquet {m} [heraldiccharge] :: firesteel
briqueterie {f} :: brickyard
briquette {f} :: a small brick
brisable {adj} :: breakable (capable of being broken)
brisant {m} :: reef
brisant {m} :: breaker (wave)
briscard {m} [military] :: veteran (person who used to be a soldier)
briscard {m} :: old fox (crafty person)
brise {f} :: breeze
brise-bise {m} :: brise-bise
brise-épée {m} :: sword-breaker
brise-glace {m} :: icebreaker (ship)
brise-lames {m} :: breakwater (construction in or around a harbour)
brisement {m} :: breaking up
briser {vt} :: To break; snap
briser {vr} [se briser] :: To become broken; snap
briser la glace {v} :: to break the ice
briser le cœur {v} [à] :: [figuratively] to break someone's heart
briser les couilles {v} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of casser les couilles
briseur {m} :: breaker (one that breaks)
briseur de grève {m} :: strikebreaker
briseuse {f} :: feminine noun of briseur
briseuse de grève {f} :: feminine singular of briseur de grève
brisque {f} [card games, dated] :: a specific card game
brisque {f} [military] :: in the French army, a chevron (symbol) worn on the sleeve as a sign of experience
bristol {m} :: Bristol board
bristol {m} :: visiting card
bristolien {adj} :: Bristolian
Bristolien {m} :: Bristolian
Bristolienne {f} :: feminine singular of Bristolien
brisure {f} :: chip (small broken piece of material)
britannique {adj} :: British
Britannique {mf} :: Briton (someone from Britain)
Britannique {mf} :: Brit [colloquially]
britanniquement {adv} :: britannically / Britannically (in the British manner)
britanno-colombien {adj} :: British Columbian (relating to British Columbia)
Britanno-Colombien {m} :: British Columbian (someone from British Columbia)
Britanno-Colombienne {f} :: feminine noun of Britanno-Colombien
british {adj} :: typically British
brittonique {adj} [chiefly linguistics] :: Brittonic, Brythonic
brittophone {adj} :: Breton-speaking
brittophone {mf} :: Breton speaker
brize {f} :: quaking grass (grass of the genus Briza)
broc {m} :: ewer, pitcher
brocantage {m} :: brokerage (trade of a broker)
brocante {f} :: flea market; bric-à-brac market
brocante {f} :: car boot sale; jumble sale
brocanteur {m} :: broker
brocanteur {m} :: dealer in junk or in second-hand goods
brocanteuse {f} :: feminine noun of brocanteur
brocard {m} :: mockery, ridicule
brocarder {vt} :: to mock, ridicule
brocart {m} [fabric] :: brocade
brocatelle {f} :: brocatelle (all senses)
brocciu {m} :: brocciu
brochant {adj} [heraldry] :: Having a charge overlying a semé field, or generally any charge overall
broche {f} [jewellery] :: brooch, pin
broche {f} [cooking] :: spit, skewer
broche {f} :: spike, peg
broché {adj} :: paperback
broché {adj} :: brocaded
brocher {vt} [sewing] :: to stitch, sew (together)
brocher {vt} [sewing] :: to brocade
brochet {m} :: pike (any carnivorous freshwater fish of the genus Esox)
brochette {f} :: brochette (skewer)
brochette {f} :: brochette (meat)
brochette {f} :: small brooch
brochure {f} :: brocade
brochure {f} :: needlework
brochure {f} :: brochure, booklet, pamphlet
brocoli {m} :: broccoli
brodé {adj} :: embroidered
brodequin {m} [historical] :: buskin, half-boot
brodequin {m} [historical, theater] :: buskin
brodequin {m} :: work boot
broder {v} :: to embroider
broderie {f} [countable and uncountable] :: embroidery
brodeur {m} :: embroiderer
brodeuse {f} :: feminine noun of brodeur
brogane {f} [Acadia] :: work shoe, old or used shoe
broigne {f} [historical] :: jerkin of canvas or leather covered with metal pieces, ancestor of chain mail
bromate {m} :: bromate
bromation {f} [chemistry] :: bromination
bromatologie {f} :: bromatology
brome {m} :: bromine
brome {m} :: brome (plant)
bromé {adj} :: brominated
broméliacé {adj} :: bromeliaceous
broméliacée {f} :: bromeliad (of family Bromeliaceae)
bromélie {f} :: bromeliad
bromer {v} :: To brominate
bromhydrique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrobromic
brominé {adj} [chemistry] :: brominated
bromique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: bromic
bromobenzène {m} [organic compound] :: bromobenzene
bromoéthane {m} [organic compound] :: bromoethane
bromoforme {m} [organic compound] :: bromoform
bromopicrine {f} [organic compound] :: brompicrin
bromure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bromide
bronche {f} [anatomy] :: bronchus
broncher {v} [colloquial] :: to budge
bronchique {adj} :: bronchial
bronchite {f} :: [pathology] bronchitis
bronchodilatateur {m} [medicine] :: bronchodilator
bronchopulmonaire {adj} [anatomy] :: bronchopulmonary
bronchoscopie {f} [medicine] :: bronchoscopy
brontomètre {m} :: brontometer
brontosaure {m} :: brontosaur
bronzage {m} :: suntan; tan
bronzage {m} :: sunbathing
bronze {m} :: bronze (metal, work of art)
bronzer {vtr} :: to tan, brown, catch a tan
bronzette {f} :: synonym of bronzage
bronzeur {m} :: sunbather
bronzeur {m} :: bronzer (makeup)
bronzeuse {f} :: feminine noun of bronzeur
brosse {f} :: brush (the implement)
brosse {f} :: crew cut
brosse à cheveux {f} :: hairbrush
brosse à dents {f} :: Toothbrush
brosse à reluire {f} :: shoe brush
brosse à reluire {f} [uncountable, figuratively] :: flattery
brosser {vt} :: to brush (to clean/tidy/shape with a brush)
brosser {vt} :: to whip, to beat (to defeat)
brosser {v} [Belgium, colloquial] :: to play truant, to skip class
brossier {m} :: A person who makes or sells brushes
brossière {f} :: feminine singular of brossier
brou {m} :: husk
brouet {m} [archaic] :: soup, broth, brew
brouet {m} [pejorative] :: unsubstantial soup
brouet {m} [by extension] :: something of bad quality
brouette {f} :: wheelbarrow; barrow (small vehicle used to carry a load and pulled or pushed by hand)
brouettée {f} :: wheelbarrowful
brouetter {v} :: to wheelbarrow (transport something in a wheelbarrow)
brouhaha {m} :: brouhaha
brouillable {adj} :: confusable
brouillade {f} :: scrambled eggs
brouillage {m} :: jamming, interference
brouillard {m} :: fog, mist
brouillard {m} [finance] :: daybook
brouille {f} :: quarrel, tiff
brouiller {v} :: to blur
brouiller {v} :: to mix up, confuse
brouiller {v} :: to scramble (an egg)
brouiller {v} :: to set at odds, put (someone) off (something)
brouiller {v} :: to jam (a transmission), to scramble (a message)
brouiller {vr} :: to become blurred, get mixed up
brouiller {vr} [~ avec] :: to fall out
brouiller {vr} [meteorology] :: to cloud over
brouiller les cartes {v} [figuratively] :: to muddy the waters, to cloud the issue, to confuse the issue
brouiller les pistes {vt} :: to cover one's tracks; to muddy the waters; to cloud the issue, to confuse the issue
brouilleur {m} :: scrambler, jammer
brouillon {m} :: draft (an early version of a written work)
brouillon {adj} :: disorganised, disjointed
broussaille {f} :: undergrowth, scrub; bushes
broussailleux {adj} :: bushy, shaggy
broussard {m} :: bushman
Broussard {prop} :: surname
broussarda {f} :: feminine singular of broussard
brousse {f} :: bush, outback (wild area away from urban area)
brousse {f} :: A kind of fresh cheese made mainly from whey, in Provence (bróusse), Corsica (brócciu), and Italy
Brousseau {prop} :: surname
broutard {m} :: A calf or lamb that accompanies its mother to grazing pastures
broute-minou {m} [slang, vulgar] :: carpet munching, muff diving, pussy eating
brouter {vit} :: to graze; to browse
brouter {v} [slang] :: to perform cunnilingus
broutille {f} :: trifle (inconsequential thing)
Brown {prop} :: surname
brownie {f} :: brownie (type of small chocolate cake)
brownien {adj} :: Brownian
broyage {m} :: grinding, crushing, macerating
broyat {m} :: crushings (crushed material)
broyer {v} :: to crush, grind
broyer du noir {v} :: to have negative thoughts
broyeur {m} :: crusher, grinder (person who crushes, grinds)
broyeur {m} :: shredder, crusher, grinder (machine that tears up or crushes objects into smaller pieces)
broyeuse {f} :: synonym of broyeur
brrr {interj} :: brr; brrr
bru {f} [regional] :: daughter-in-law
bruant {m} :: Any of a large number of passerine birds, roughly equivalent to, but not restricted to, the buntings and sparrows
bruccio {f} :: alternative form of brocciu
brucelles {fp} :: tweezers
brucellose {f} :: brucellosis (infection by the bacterium, Brucella)
brugeois {adj} :: Bruges (of or pertaining to Bruges or its people or culture)
Brugeois {m} :: person from, or living in Bruges, Beglium
Brugeoise {f} :: feminine noun of Brugeois
Bruges {prop} {m} :: Bruges (capital city)
brugnon {m} :: nectarine (clingstone)
bruine {f} :: drizzle (light rain)
bruiner {v} [impersonal] :: to drizzle
bruineux {adj} :: drizzling
bruire {v} :: to make a noise
bruire {v} :: to rustle
bruire {v} :: to rattle
bruire {v} :: to roar
bruissement {m} :: rustle; murmur
bruisser {v} :: alternative form of bruire
bruit {m} :: a noise
bruit {m} :: a rumor or report
bruitage {m} [film] :: sound effect
bruit de couloir {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: rumor
bruiter {v} :: to make noise
bruiter {v} [film] :: to do the sound effects
bruiteur {m} [film] :: foley artist
bruiteuse {f} :: feminine noun of bruiteur
bruitiste {adj} :: noisy
bruitiste {adj} [music] :: noise (attributive)
brûlage {m} :: burning
brulant {adj} :: alternative spelling of brûlant
brûlant {adj} :: burning
brûlé {adj} :: burnt, burned
brûle-gueule {m} :: a small tobacco pipe
bruler {v} :: alternative spelling of brûler
brûler {vit} :: to burn
brûler {vr} :: to burn oneself
brûler la chandelle par les deux bouts {v} [idiomatic] :: burn one's candle at both ends (To do things in excess, to engage in too much work or too much pleasure (including spending money), or both)
brûler la politesse {v} [à] :: to give someone the slip, to slip away from someone
brûler les étapes {v} :: to jump the gun, to cut corners, to go too fast, to get ahead of oneself
brûler les lèvres {v} [à] :: [of a question, figuratively] to be on someone's lips, to be nagging someone
brûleur {m} :: burner (someone that burns something)
brûleur {m} :: burner (equipment for burning)
brûleuse {f} :: feminine noun of brûleur
brûlis {m} :: swidden, woodland exposed to slash and burn
brûlis {m} :: slash and burn technique
brûlot {m} [nautical] :: fire ship
brûlot {m} :: scathing report
brûlot {m} [regional] :: coffee served with alcohol or certain spices
brûlot {m} [Quebec] :: An insect of the family Ceratopogonidae; noseeum
brûlure {f} :: burn (to the skin)
brûlure indienne {f} :: Indian sunburn
brûlures d'estomac {fp} :: heartburn, pyrosis (burning sensation due to reflux)
brumaire {m} [historical] :: Brumaire (the second month of the French Republican Calendar)
brumal {adj} :: brumal
brume {f} :: mist, haze, fog
brumer {v} [impersonal] :: to fog, to be foggy
brumeusement {adv} :: mistily, hazily
brumeux {adj} :: misty, hazy, foggy
brumisateur {m} :: atomizer, spray
brun {adj} :: brown (the color)
brun {m} :: brown (the color)
brun {m} :: brown-haired person
brunâtre {adj} :: brownish (somewhat brown)
brunch {m} :: brunch
bruncher {v} :: to brunch; to have brunch
brune {f} :: brunette (woman with brown hair)
Brunéi {prop} {m} :: Brunei
brunelle {f} :: selfheal, heal-all
bruni {adj} :: tanned, burnished
brunir {v} :: to brown (to become brown)
brunir {v} :: to burnish (to polish gold or silver etc)
brunissement {m} :: browning (of food, foliage etc)
brunisseur {m} :: burnisher
brunisseuse {f} :: feminine singular of brunisseur
Bruno {prop} :: given name
brunoise {f} :: brunoise
Brunstatt {prop} :: Brunstatt
brusc {m} [dated, vernacular] :: butcher's broom (and other plants in the genus Ruscus)
brusc {m} [regional] :: a type of heather used in making brooms
brusc {m} [dated, vernacular] :: gorse
brushing {m} :: blow-dry
brusler {v} :: obsolete spelling of brûler
brusque {adj} :: abrupt (sudden or hasty)
brusque {adj} :: curt
brusquement {adv} :: suddenly
brusquement {adv} :: sharply, jerkily
brusquement {adv} :: brusquely, abruptly, bluntly
brusquer {vt} :: to rush [an operation]
brusquer {vt} :: to browbeat
brusquet {adj} :: A little brusque
brut {adj} :: gross (as opposed to net)
brut {adj} :: raw
brut {adj} [drinks] :: strong
brutal {adj} :: brutal
brutal {m} :: person who acts brutally
brutale {f} :: feminine noun of brutal
brutalement {adv} :: brutally
brutaliser {v} :: to ill-treat, brutalise
brutalité {f} :: brutality
brut de décoffrage {adj} [of concrete] :: plain, unsurfaced, exposed
brut de décoffrage {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] :: rough around the edges
brute {f} :: brute, an animal lacking in reason
brute {f} :: An animal lacking in intelligence and sensibility
brute {f} :: (By analogy) A person without reason
brute {f} :: One who imposes his will on others using violence - a bully
Bruxelles {prop} {f} :: Bruxelles (capital city)
bruxellois {adj} :: From Brussels
Bruxellois {m} :: person from Brussels, Belgium
Bruxelloise {f} :: feminine noun of Bruxellois
bruxisme {m} :: bruxism
bruyamment {adv} :: noisily
bruyant {adj} :: noisy (making a noise)
bruyère {f} :: Heather, brier
bruyère {f} :: A place of briers, a moor
bryacé {adj} :: mossy
bryozoaire {m} [dated] :: synonym of ectoprocte
BTP {m} :: the public buildings and works sector
buanderie {f} :: laundry (room)
buanderie {f} [Quebec] :: laundrette
buandier {m} :: laundryman, laundrymaid
buandière {f} :: feminine singular of buandier
bubon {m} :: bubo
bubonique {adj} :: bubonic
Bucarest {prop} :: Bucarest (capital city)
buccal {adj} :: buccal
buccin {m} :: whelk (any one of numerous species belonging to family Buccinidae, edible clams, such as whelks and their relatives)
buccin {m} [musical instrument, historical] :: buccina (curved brass instrument)
buccinateur {m} [anatomy] :: buccinator
bucco- {prefix} :: oral; related to the mouth
buccogénital {adj} :: orogenital
buccopharyngé {adj} [anatomy] :: buccopharyngeal
bucentaure {m} :: bucentaur
buche {f} :: alternative spelling of bûche
bûche {f} :: log
bûche de Noël {f} :: a Yule log (log-shaped cake)
bucher {m} :: alternative form of bûcher
bucher {v} :: alternative form of bûcher
bûcher {m} :: pyre
bûcher {m} [in the plural] :: the flames of Hell
bûcher {v} :: to hew
bûcher {v} [colloquial] :: to slug away, to hit the books
bucheron {m} :: alternative form of bûcheron
bûcheron {m} :: lumberjack
bûcheron {m} :: woodcutter
bûchette {f} :: stick (of wood); faggot
bûcheur {m} [familiar] :: swot, hard worker
bûcheuse {f} [familiar] :: swot, hard worker (female)
buckminsterfullerène {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: buckminsterfullerene
bucolique {adj} :: bucolic, rustic
bucoliquement {adv} :: bucolically
Budapest {prop} {f} :: Budapest (capital city)
budget {m} :: a budget
budgétaire {adj} :: budgetary, budget
budgétairement {adv} :: budgetarily
budgéter {v} :: to budget
budgétiser {vt} :: to budget (for)
buée {f} [dialectal, otherwise dated] :: laundry
buée {f} :: condensation, steam, mist
buer {v} [dated or regional] :: to wash (clothing); to do the laundry
buffet {m} :: sideboard, dresser
buffet {m} :: (food) buffet
buffeterie {f} :: alternative form of buffleterie
buffle {m} :: buffalo
buffleterie {f} :: leatherwork (especially as part of armour)
bufflonne {f} :: female equivalent of buffle
bug {m} [slang] :: bug (problem, especially in computing)
buggy {m} :: buggy (small vehicle)
bugle {f} :: bugle, bugleweed
buglosse {f} :: bugloss
bugrane {f} :: restharrow (or other plant of the genus Ononis)
buguer {v} [computers] :: To bug; to be infected with a bug or virus; to be malfunctioning due to an infection thereof
buguer {v} [figuratively] :: To function poorly, often mentally
Bui {prop} :: surname
building {m} :: tower, skyscraper (tall building)
buis {m} :: box (tree)
buis {m} :: boxwood
buisine {f} [music instrument, historical] :: busine
buisson {m} :: bush
buissonnant {adj} :: bushy
buissonnier {adj} :: related to (hiding in) bushes
buissonnier {adj} [idiomatic] :: ducking school; truant
buissonnier {adj} :: related to the commune of Buisson
bulbe {m} :: bulb (bulb-shaped root)
bulbeux {adj} :: bulbous (shaped like a bulb)
bulbeux {adj} [botany] :: bulbous (growing from or producing bulbs)
bulgare {m} :: Bulgarian, the Bulgarian language
bulgare {adj} :: Bulgarian (from, or pertaining to Bulgaria)
Bulgare {mf} :: Bulgarian (native of Bulgaria)
Bulgarie {prop} {f} :: Bulgarie (country)
bulgarisation {f} :: bulgarization
bulgariser {v} :: To bulgarize
bulgarophile {adj} :: Bulgarophilic
bulgarophile {mf} :: Bulgarophile
bulgogi {m} :: bulgogi
bull {m} [construction] :: bulldozer
bulldozer {m} :: bulldozer
bulle {f} :: bubble
bulle {f} :: speech bubble, thought bubble
buller {vi} :: to bubble
bulletin {m} :: bulletin
bulletin {m} :: newsletter
bulletin {m} :: report card, school report
bulletin de vote {m} :: ballot
bulletiner {v} [library science] :: to register periodicals each time they come out
bulletin scolaire {m} :: report card, school report
bullshit {f} [Quebec, colloquial] :: bullshit
bull terrier {m} :: bull terrier
bulot {m} :: whelk (certain edible sea snails)
bungalow {m} :: bungalow
bunker {m} [military] :: bunker
bunker {m} [golf] :: bunker
buphthalme {m} :: oxeye of the genus Buphthalmum
buplèvre {m} :: bupleurum
buraliste {mf} :: tobacconist
buraliste {mf} :: newsagent
bure {f} :: frieze (cloth)
bure {f} :: habit (monk's robe)
bureau {m} :: desk
bureau {m} :: office (room)
bureau {m} :: ticket office
bureau {m} :: the staff of an office
bureau {m} :: office; an administrative unit
bureau {m} [obsolete] :: frieze (coarse woolen cloth)
bureaucrate {m} :: bureaucrat
bureaucratie {f} :: bureaucracy (structure and regulations in place to control activity)
bureaucratique {adj} :: bureaucratic
bureaucratiquement {adv} :: bureaucratically
bureaucratisme {m} :: The excessive use, or the abuse of bureaucracy
bureau de change {m} :: bureau de change (currency exchange)
bureau de poste {m} :: post office (place)
bureautique {f} [computing] :: office automation, commercial data processing
burette {f} :: oilcan
burette {f} [chemistry] :: burette
burette {f} [religion] :: cruet used to keep wine and water for Eucharist
burgonde {adj} :: Relating to the Burgondes
Burgondes {prop} :: Burgundians
burin {m} :: burin, graver
Burin {prop} :: The constellation Caelum
buriné {adj} :: chiselled
buriner {vt} :: to chisel
Burkina {prop} :: ellipsis of Burkina Faso
burkinabé {adj} :: Burkinabe, from Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso {prop} {m} :: Burkina Faso (country)
burkini {m} :: a burkini
burle {f} :: wind from the north blowing on the French Central Massif
burle {f} [archaic] :: joke, jeer
burler {v} :: [of the wind known as burle] to blow
burlesque {adj} :: burlesque; parodic; parodical
burlesque {m} :: burlesque; parody
burlesquement {adv} :: comically
burlesquement {adv} :: farcically
burne {f} [vulgar, slang] :: ball, testicle
burnous {m} :: burnoose
buron {m} :: A traditional Auvergne shepherd's hut with a thatched roof
burqa {f} :: burka (a garment that covers the whole body)
bursal {adj} :: Of or relating to a tax, especially an extraordinary tax
bursiforme {adj} :: bursiform (shaped like a purse or bag)
bursite {f} :: bursitis (inflammation of a bursa)
burtonien {adj} :: Burtonian
burundais {adj} :: of or relating to Burundi
Burundais {m} :: person from Burundi
Burundaise {f} :: feminine noun of Burundais
Burundi {prop} {m} :: Burundi (country)
bus {mf} :: bus
bus accordéon {m} :: articulated bus
busard {m} :: harrier
busc {m} :: busk (of corset)
buse {f} :: hawk or buzzard (Genus Buteo)
buse {f} [colloquial] :: idiot, fool
buse {f} [Belgium] :: fail (fail of an exam, in school)
buse {f} :: nozzle
buse {f} :: pipe, conduit
buse à queue courte {m} :: short-tailed hawk
buse bondrée {f} :: European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
buser {v} [Belgium] :: to fail [a test, exam]
bushisme {m} :: Bushism
business {m} :: business, firm, company
business {m} :: business, affairs
businessman {m} :: businessman
businesswoman {f} :: businesswoman
busqué {adj} :: hooked (of a nose)
busquer {v} :: To busk (dress)
bus scolaire {m} :: school bus
Bussy {prop} :: Any of a number of communes in France
buste {m} [anatomy] :: bust, torso
buste {m} :: (statue) bust
bustier {m} :: bustier [clothing]
but {m} :: aim
but {m} :: goal (result one is attempting to achieve)
but {m} [sports] :: goal (in the place, act, or point sense)
butadiène {m} [organic compound] :: butadiene
butane {m} :: butane
butane {m} :: n-butane synonym of n-butane
butanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: butanoic
butanol {m} [organic compound] :: butanol
but cadré {m} [soccer] :: shot on goal
butch {f} :: a butch (masculine queer woman) [contrast fem]
but contre son camp {m} [sports] :: own goal
buté {adj} :: stubborn
Buteaux {prop} :: surname
butée {f} :: abutment (state of abutting)
butée {f} :: buttress
butée {f} :: stop, stopper
butée {f} :: Any plant in the Butea genus
but en argent {m} [soccer] :: silver goal
butène {m} [organic compound] :: butene
but en or {m} [soccer] :: golden goal
buter {v} :: to stop dead
buter {v} :: to prop up, buttress
buter {v} [figuratively] :: to kill
buter {v} [figuratively] :: to obsess; to become obsessed
buteur {m} :: scorer, goalscorer
buteuse {f} :: feminine noun of buteur
butin {m} :: loot, booty (the proceeds of theft, robbery etc., swag, contraband)
butin {m} :: (Louisiana) furniture
butin {m} :: (Louisiana) belongings, household possessions
butiner {v} :: to gather pollen
butiner {v} :: to forage
butiner {v} :: to browse
butineur {m} [Internet] :: browser
butineur {m} :: forager
butineuse {f} :: female equivalent of butineur
butoir {m} :: buffer (of railway)
butoir {m} :: doorstop, doorstopper
butoir {m} [sports] :: toeboard, oche
butome {m} :: flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus)
butor {m} :: bittern (bird of the family Ardeidae)
butor {m} :: boor, oaf
butor étoilé {m} :: The Eurasian bittern
but-sur-balles {m} [baseball, Europe] :: a walk
butte {f} :: small hill, mound, hillock; knoll
butte {f} :: heap
butter {v} :: to heap
butyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: butyl
butylèneglycol {m} [organic compound] :: butylene glycol
butylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: butylic
butyrate {m} :: butyrate (salt or ester of butyric acid)
butyrine {f} [organic compound] :: butyrin
butyrique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: butyric
buvable {adj} :: drinkable, potable
buvant {adj} :: drinking
buvard {m} :: blotting paper
buvard {m} :: blotter
buvette {f} :: bar (place where beverages are sold) particularly a small one
buveur {m} :: drinker (someone who drinks, especially alcohol)
buveuse {f} :: feminine noun of buveur
buzz {m} :: buzz (excitement)
bye {interj} :: bye
byronien {adj} :: Byronian
byronisme {m} :: Byronism
Byzance {prop} :: Byzantium (ancient Greek city)
Byzance {prop} :: [figurative] opulence
byzantin {adj} :: Byzantine
byzantin {adj} :: overcomplicated, futile and lost in the details
byzantinisme {m} :: tendency to adopt overcomplicated solutions
byzantiniste {m} :: specialist of Byzantium
byzantinologie {f} :: study of Byzantium; Byzantinology
byzantinologue {mf} :: specialist on the Byzantine Empire; a Byzantinologist
bzou {m} [archaic] :: werewolf