User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-n
n- {prefix} [organic chemistry] | :: n-; (normal-form) |
n' {contraction} | :: Prevocalic form of ne. |
n {letter} | :: letter |
N {n} | :: abbreviation of nord |
N {letter} | :: The fourteenth letter of the French alphabet |
n'a {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + a (third-person singular indicative present form of avoir) |
nabab {m} | :: nabob (an Indian ruler) |
nabot {m} [pejorative] | :: dwarf, midget |
nabot {adj} | :: dwarfish, tiny |
nabuchodonosor {m} | :: Nebuchadnezzar (wine bottle) |
nacaire {f} [musical instruments] | :: naker |
nacelle {f} [literary] | :: skiff |
nacelle {f} | :: gondola (of hot-air balloon etc.) |
nacelle {f} | :: pod (of spacecraft) |
nacelle {f} | :: cradle |
nacelle élévatrice {f} | :: cherry picker |
nacelle élévatrice {f} | :: aerial work platform, mobile elevating work platform |
nacre {f} | :: mother-of-pearl (the hard pearly inner layer of certain mollusk shells) |
nacré {adj} | :: pearly |
nacrer {v} | :: to give the appearance of mother-of-pearl |
Nadeau {prop} | :: surname |
Nadège {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Nadejda {prop} {f} | :: A transliteration of the Russian female given name Наде́жда (hope) |
Nadia {prop} | :: given name of Russian origin |
Nadine {prop} {f} | :: given name, a diminutive of Nadia |
nadir {m} [astronomy] | :: nadir |
nadsat {m} | :: Nadsat |
naevus {m} | :: alternative form of nævus |
nævus {m} | :: naevus |
NAFC {prop} {f} | :: initialism of Navire auxiliaire des Forces canadiennes (Canadian Forces Auxiliary Vessel) |
Nagant {prop} | :: surname |
nage {f} | :: swimming |
nageant {adj} | :: swimming |
nage libre {f} [swimming] | :: freestyle |
nageoire {f} | :: fin (of fish) |
nageoire {f} | :: flipper (of dolphin, seal, walrus etc.) |
nageoire adipeuse {f} | :: adipose fin |
nageoire anale {f} | :: anal fin |
nageoire caudale {f} | :: caudal fin |
nageoire dorsale {f} | :: dorsal fin |
nageoire pectorale {f} | :: pectoral fin |
nageoire pelvienne {f} | :: pelvic fin |
nager {v} | :: to swim |
nager comme un fer à repasser {v} [simile] | :: to be a very poor swimmer |
nager entre deux eaux {v} [figuratively] | :: to have a foot in both camps, to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, to be sitting on the fence |
nageur {m} | :: swimmer (one who swims) |
nageuse {f} | :: female equivalent of nageur |
Nagô {mf} | :: alternative spelling of Nagot |
Nagot {mf} | :: A member of a Yoruba subgroup living in Benin or in the diaspora |
naguère {adv} | :: not so long ago |
naguère {adv} | :: long ago |
naguères {adv} | :: alternative spelling of naguère |
Nagy {prop} | :: Nagy; surname |
nahuatl {m} | :: Nahuatl (language) |
nahuatl {adj} | :: Nahuatl |
Nahum {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Nahum (prophet) |
Nahum {prop} {m} [book of the bible] | :: Nahum (book of the Bible) |
n'ai {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + ai (first-person singular indicative present form of avoir) |
naïade {f} | :: naiad |
naïba {m} | :: A Moroccan tax paid to the Sultan |
n'aie crainte {phrase} [literary] | :: fear not, never fear, don't worry |
naïf {adj} | :: naive, dewy-eyed; gullible |
Naigeon {prop} | :: surname |
n'aigle {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of aigle, eagle |
nain {m} | :: dwarf |
nain {m} | :: gnome (decorative, in a garden) |
nain de jardin {m} | :: garden gnome (a small statue of a gnome used as a garden ornament) |
nain de jardin {m} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: a very small person |
naine blanche {f} [star] | :: white dwarf (white dwarf star) |
naine brune {f} | :: brown dwarf (sub-stellar object) |
naine noire {f} [astronomy] | :: black dwarf |
naine rouge {f} [star] | :: red dwarf (red dwarf star) |
naissain {m} | :: spat (of shellfish) |
naissance {f} | :: birth |
naissance {f} [figuratively] | :: birth; invention; creation |
naissant {adj} | :: nascent, incipient |
naissant {adj} | :: budding, dawning, awakening |
naitre {v} | :: alternative spelling of naître |
naître {vi} | :: (typically used in the passive voice) to be born |
naïvement {adv} | :: naively |
naïveté {f} [usually, uncountable] | :: innocence, naïveté |
naja {m} | :: cobra (venomous snake) |
Nakajima {prop} | :: surname |
Nakamura {prop} | :: surname |
nakba {f} | :: catastrophe |
nakba {prop} {f} | :: Nakba |
namasté {interj} | :: namaste (an interjection) |
Namibie {prop} {f} | :: Namibia |
namibien {adj} | :: Namibian |
Namibien {m} | :: Namibian |
Namibienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Namibien |
Namur {prop} {m} | :: Namur [province] |
Namur {prop} {m} | :: Namur [city] |
namurois {adj} | :: of or relating to Namur, Belgium |
Namurois {m} | :: person from Namur, Belgium |
Namuroise {f} | :: feminine noun of Namurois |
nan {adv} [colloquial] | :: nah, nope |
nana {f} [slang] | :: chick, bird (especially when attractive) |
Nanami {prop} | :: given name |
nanar {m} [slang] | :: crappy film |
nanard {m} [slang] | :: crappy film |
nancéien {adj} | :: of or from the city of Nancy |
Nancéien {m} | :: an inhabitant of the city of Nancy |
Nancéienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Nancéien |
Nancy {prop} | :: given name borrowed from English |
Nancy {prop} | :: Nancy (the city) |
nandou {m} | :: rhea |
Nandrin {prop} | :: Nandrin (town) |
nandrolone {f} | :: nandrolone |
nanisme {m} | :: dwarfism |
Nankin {prop} {m} | :: Nankin (capital city) |
nano- {prefix} | :: nano- |
nano- {prefix} | :: Relating to garden gnomes |
nanoaimant {m} | :: nanomagnet |
nanoargent {m} | :: nanosilver |
nanobel {m} [physics] | :: nanobel |
nanobiotechnologie {f} | :: nanobiotechnology |
nanobiotechnologique {adj} | :: nanobiotechnological |
nanocanal {m} | :: nanocanal |
nanocandela {f} [physics] | :: nanocandela |
nanocandéla {f} | :: alternative form of nanocandela |
nanocapteur {m} | :: nanosensor |
nanocéphale {adj} | :: microcephalic |
nanocéphalie {f} | :: nanocephaly |
nanocéphalique {adj} | :: microcephalic |
nanocode {m} [computing] | :: nanocode |
nanoconducteur {m} | :: nanoconductor |
nanocormie {f} [pathology] | :: nanocormia |
nanocoulomb {m} [physics] | :: nanocoulomb |
nanocristal {m} | :: nanocrystal |
nanodiamant {m} | :: nanodiamond |
nanodisque {m} | :: nanodisc / nanodisk |
nanoélectrode {f} | :: nanoelectrode |
nanoélectronique {adj} | :: nanoelectronic |
nanoélectronvolt {m} [physics] | :: nanoelectronvolt |
nanoéponge {f} [medicine] | :: nanosponge |
nanofarad {m} [physics] | :: nanofarad |
nanofil {m} | :: nanowire |
nanofiltrant {adj} | :: nanofiltration (attributive) |
nanogramme {m} | :: nanogram |
nanohenry {m} [physics] | :: nanohenry |
nanohm {m} | :: alternative form of nanoohm |
nanokatal {m} | :: nanokatal |
nanomaniaque {mf} | :: A collector of garden gnomes |
nanomanipulation {f} | :: nanomanipulation |
nanomatériau {m} | :: nanomaterial |
nanomécanisme {m} | :: nanomechanism |
nanomédicament {m} | :: nanomedicine, nanodrug |
nanomélie {f} [pathology] | :: nanomelia |
nanomètre {m} | :: nanometre |
nanométrique {adj} | :: nanometric |
nanométriquement {adv} | :: nanometrically |
nanomonde {m} | :: nanoworld |
nanomoteur {m} | :: nanomotor |
nanoohm {m} [physics] | :: nano-ohm |
nanoparticulaire {adj} | :: nanoparticulate |
nanoparticule {f} | :: nanoparticle |
nanophanérophyte {m} [botany] | :: nanophanerophyte |
nanophotonique {adj} | :: nanophotonic |
nanoporeux {adj} | :: nanoporous |
nanopoudre {f} | :: nanopowder |
nanoprocesseur {m} [computing] | :: nanoprocessor |
nanoproduit {m} | :: nanoproduct |
nanopuce {f} | :: nanochip |
nanorobotique {adj} | :: nanorobotic |
nanorobotique {f} | :: nanorobotics |
nanoruban {m} | :: nanoribbon |
nanoscopie {f} | :: nanoscopy |
nanoscopique {adj} | :: nanoscopic |
nanoseconde {f} | :: nanosecond |
nanostéradian {m} | :: nanosteradian |
nanotechnologie {f} | :: nanotechnology |
nanotechnologique {adj} | :: nanotechnological |
nanothermomètre {m} | :: nanothermometer |
nanotribologie {f} | :: nanotribology |
nanotube {m} | :: nanotube |
nanotunnel {m} | :: nanotunnel |
nanovoiture {f} | :: nanocar |
nantais {adj} | :: of or relating to Nantes, France |
Nantais {m} | :: an inhabitant of Nantes, France |
Nantaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Nantais |
Nanterre {prop} | :: A commune in the western suburbs of Paris |
Nantes {prop} | :: Nantes (capital city) |
nanti {adj} | :: paid, having received wages |
nanti {adj} | :: rich, well-off, well-to-do |
nanti {m} | :: one who is wealthy and privileged |
nantir {v} [de] | :: to provide somebody |
nantir {v} [de, .pronominal] | :: to provide, to get |
nantissement {m} | :: pledge |
nantissement {m} | :: collateral |
naophore {adj} | :: naophorous |
napalmiser {v} | :: To napalm |
naphta {f} | :: naphtha |
naphtalène {m} [organic compound] | :: naphthalene |
naphtalénique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: naphthalenic |
naphtaline {f} [organic compound] | :: naphthalene |
naphtalique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: naphthalic |
naphte {m} | :: naphtha |
napiforme {adj} | :: napiform (shaped like a turnip) |
Naples {prop} {m} | :: Naples (province/and/city) |
Napoléon {prop} {m} | :: Napoleon (Bonaparte) |
Napoléon {prop} {m} | :: given name; rare today |
napoléonien {adj} | :: Napoleonic |
napolitain {adj} | :: Neapolitan (relating to Naples) |
napolitain {m} | :: Neapolitan (language) |
Napolitain {m} | :: Neapolitan (inhabitant or resident of Naples) |
Napolitaine {f} | :: feminine noun of Napolitain |
nappage {m} | :: coating, topping |
nappe {f} | :: tablecloth |
nappe {f} | :: layer (of gas, oil etc.); sheet (of water) |
nappe {f} | :: ribbon cable |
nappe phréatique {f} | :: water table |
napper {v} [cooking] | :: to cover (to cover something with sauce) |
napperon {m} | :: doily |
napperon {m} | :: place mat |
narbonnais {adj} | :: Of or from Narbonne |
Narbonnais {m} | :: Native or resident of Narbonne |
Narbonnaise {f} | :: feminine singular of Narbonnais |
Narbonne {prop} | :: Narbonne (town and commune in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of southern France) |
narcisse {m} | :: narcissus [any of several bulbous flowering plants, of the genus Narcissus] |
Narcisse {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Narcissus |
narcissique {adj} | :: narcissistic |
narcissiquement {adv} | :: narcissistically |
narcissisme {m} | :: narcissism |
narco- {prefix} | :: narco- |
narcodollar {m} | :: narcodollar |
narcolepsie {f} | :: narcolepsy |
narcoleptique {adj} | :: narcoleptic |
narcose {f} [medicine, pathology] | :: narcosis |
narcoterrorisme {m} | :: narcoterrorism |
narcothérapie {f} | :: narcotherapy |
narcotinique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: narcotinic |
narcotique {m} | :: a narcotic |
narcotique {adj} | :: narcotic |
narcotisme {m} | :: narcotism |
narcotrafic {m} | :: drug trafficking |
narcotrafiquant {m} | :: drug trafficker |
narghilé {m} | :: alternative spelling of narguilé |
narghileh {m} | :: alternative spelling of narguilé |
narguer {v} | :: to taunt |
narguilé {m} | :: narghile, water pipe (for smoking) |
narille {f} [anatomy] | :: nostril |
narine {f} | :: nostril |
narquois {adj} | :: ironic |
narquois {adj} | :: satirical; parodic |
narquoisement {adv} | :: ironically |
narquoisement {adv} | :: satirically |
narrataire {m} | :: narratee |
narrateur {m} | :: narrator |
narratif {adj} | :: narrative |
narration {f} | :: narration (account; story) |
narration {f} | :: narration (literary device) |
narration {f} [rhetoric] | :: narration |
narratrice {f} | :: female equivalent of narrateur |
narrer {v} | :: to narrate, to tell (e.g. a story) |
narval {m} | :: narwhal |
narvalo {m} [slang] | :: a crazy person |
narvalo {m} [slang] | :: guy, dude |
narvalo {m} [slang] | :: a despicable person |
n'as {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + as (second-person singular indicative present form of avoir) |
nasal {adj} | :: nasal |
nasal {adj} [phonetics, phonology] | :: nasal |
nasalement {adv} | :: nasally |
nasalisation {f} | :: nasalization |
nasaliser {v} [phonetics] | :: To nasalize |
nasalité {f} | :: nasality; nasalness |
NASDAQ {prop} {m} | :: NASDAQ |
nase {adj} | :: alternative spelling of naze |
naseau {m} | :: the nostril of an animal [usually a horse] |
nasillard {adj} | :: nasal (accent) |
nasillardement {adv} | :: nasally |
nasillement {m} | :: nasal sound |
nasillement {m} | :: quack (of a duck) |
nasiller {v} | :: to nasalise, nasalize |
nasogénien {adj} [anatomy] | :: nasogenian |
nasolacrymal {adj} [anatomy] | :: nasolacrimal |
nasopharynx {m} [anatomy] | :: nasopharynx |
nasride {adj} | :: Nasrid (attributive) |
nasse {f} | :: creel, lobster pot |
nasse {f} | :: hoop net |
nasse {f} | :: trap |
nassérisme {m} | :: Nasserism |
nassériste {adj} | :: Nasserist |
nassériste {mf} | :: Nasserist |
Natacha {prop} | :: given name |
natal {adj} | :: native |
natalement {adv} | :: natively |
natalisme {m} | :: natalism |
nataliste {adj} | :: natalist |
nataliste {mf} | :: natalist |
natalité {f} | :: birthrate |
natation {f} | :: swimming |
natation synchronisée {f} | :: synchronized swimming |
natatoire {adj} | :: swimming (attributive) |
Natel {m} [Switzerland] | :: mobile phone, cellphone |
Nathalie {prop} | :: given name derived from Late Latin Natalia, partly through Russian influence; popular in 20th century France |
Nathan {prop} | :: Nathan [biblical prophet] |
Nathan {prop} | :: given name, currently popular |
Nathanaël {prop} | :: Nathanael (Biblical figure) |
Nathanaël {prop} | :: given name of biblical origin |
natif {adj} | :: native (characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin) |
natif {adj} | :: original |
natif {adj} | :: raw; in its original state |
nation {f} | :: nation |
national {adj} | :: national |
nationalement {adv} | :: nationally |
nationalement {adv} | :: nationwide |
nationalisation {f} | :: nationalization |
nationaliser {v} | :: to nationalize |
nationalisme {m} | :: nationalism |
nationaliste {adj} | :: nationalist |
nationaliste {adj} | :: national |
nationaliste {adj} | :: domestic |
nationalité {f} | :: nationality |
Nations Unies {prop} {f} {p} | :: United Nations |
nativement {adv} | :: natively |
nativement {adv} | :: originally |
nativité {f} | :: nativity (birth of Jesus Christ) |
nativité {f} [obsolete] | :: birth |
natrémie {f} | :: natremia |
natrolite {f} [mineral] | :: natrolite |
natron {m} | :: natron |
Natsuko {prop} | :: given name |
Natsumi {prop} | :: given name |
natte {f} | :: plait (of hair), braid [US] |
natte {f} | :: mat |
natter {v} | :: to plait; to braid |
naturalisation {f} | :: naturalisation |
naturalisé {adj} | :: naturalized |
naturaliser {vt} | :: to naturalize [all senses] |
naturaliser {vt} | :: to stuff [a dead animal] |
naturalisme {m} | :: naturalism |
naturaliste {adj} | :: naturalist; naturalistic |
naturaliste {mf} | :: naturalist |
naturalité {f} | :: naturality, naturalness |
naturalité {f} | :: wilderness |
nature {f} | :: nature |
nature {f} [grammar] | :: lexical category |
nature {adj} | :: plain, unseasoned |
nature {adj} | :: bareback, raw dog |
naturel {adj} | :: natural |
naturellement {adv} | :: naturally |
nature morte {f} | :: still life (work of art) |
naturisme {m} | :: naturism |
naturopathe {adj} | :: naturopathic |
naturopathe {mf} | :: naturopath |
naturopathie {f} | :: naturopathy |
naufrage {m} | :: shipwreck |
naufragé {adj} | :: marooned |
naufragé {m} | :: marooned person, castaway |
naufrager {vi} [archaic, of a vessel] | :: to sink, go down |
naufrager {vi} [of a person] | :: to be on a sinking vessel, go down |
naufrager {vi} [figuratively] | :: to be on a sinking ship |
naupathique {adj} | :: naupathic |
nauruan {adj} | :: Nauruan |
nauruan {m} | :: the Nauruan language |
nauscopie {f} | :: nauscopy |
nauséabond {adj} | :: foul (smelling) |
nauséabond {adj} | :: disgusting |
nausée {f} [usually, in the singular] | :: nausea |
-naute {suffix} | :: -naut |
nautique {adj} | :: nautical |
nautique {m} | :: nautical mile |
nautisme {m} [sports] | :: watersport, boating |
nautonier {m} | :: mariner |
nautonière {f} | :: feminine noun of nautonier |
n'avait {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + avait (third-person singular imperfect indicative form of avoir) |
navajo {m} | :: Navajo (language) |
naval {adj} | :: naval |
navaliser {v} [nautical, military] | :: To convert a vessel for military use |
navarrais {adj} | :: of or from Navarre or Navarrenx |
Navarre {prop} {f} | :: Navarre (autonomous community) |
Navarre {prop} {f} | :: Navarre (part of the Basque Country in France) |
navet {m} | :: turnip (white root of Brassica rapa) |
navet {m} [colloquial, cinema] | :: a very bad movie |
navette {f} | :: shuttle (in weaving) |
navette {f} | :: shuttle (land vehicle) |
navette {f} | :: shuttle (space vehicle) |
navetter {v} | :: to commute |
navette spatiale {f} | :: space shuttle |
navetteur {m} [Belgium] | :: commuter (a person who regularly travels to work) |
n'avez {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + avez (second-person plural indicative present form of avoir) |
naviculaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: navicular |
navigabilité {f} | :: navigability |
navigable {adj} | :: navigable |
navigant {adj} | :: airborne [used especially of aircrew] |
navigateur {m} | :: navigator |
navigateur {m} [computing] | :: browser |
navigation {f} | :: navigation |
naviguant {adj} | :: sailing, navigating |
naviguer {vi} | :: to navigate |
naviguer {vi} | :: to sail |
naviguer {v} [internet] | :: to browse |
naviguer {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: to steer an automobile |
navire {m} | :: ship |
navire capital {m} [military, nautical] | :: capital ship |
navire-citerne {m} | :: tanker (vessel) |
navire de croisière {m} | :: cruise ship |
navire de guerre {m} [military] | :: warship |
navire de ligne {m} [military] | :: ship of the line |
n'avoir cure {v} [formal, literary] | :: [de] To have no interest in someone or something; to not care about something |
n'avoir d'yeux que pour {v} | :: to only have eyes for (someone) |
n'avoir ni queue ni tête {v} | :: to make no sense, to have no rhyme or reason |
n'avoir que faire {v} [somewhat, formal] | :: [de] To have no interest in someone or something; to not care about something |
n'avoir que la peau sur les os {v} [figuratively] | :: to be skin and bones (to be emaciated; to be very skinny) |
n'avoir qu'une parole {v} [figuratively] | :: to be as good as one's word, to be true to one's word |
n'avons {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + avons (first-person plural indicative present form of avoir) |
navrance {f} [rare, dated] | :: extreme sadness |
navrant {adj} | :: distressing, harrowing |
navré {adj} | :: sad; saddened |
navré {adj} | :: heartbroken |
navré {adj} | :: deeply or very sorry; distressed |
navré {interj} | :: sorry! (a heartfelt apology, usually for a death, loss, etc.) |
navrer {vt} [obsolete or dialectal] | :: to wound |
navrer {vt} | :: to cause great pain or affliction |
navrer {vt} | :: to upset; dismay |
navrure {f} [rare, dated] | :: wound; contusion |
navrure {f} [rare, dated] | :: extreme sadness |
nawak {pron} [familiar, slang, verlan, backslang] | :: Nonsense, rubbish, gibberish |
naxalisme {m} [politics] | :: Naxalism |
naxaliste {adj} [politics] | :: Naxalist |
naxaliste {mf} [politics] | :: Naxalist |
naxalite {adj} | :: Naxalite |
naxalite {mf} | :: Naxalite |
nazaréat {m} | :: alternative form of naziréat |
nazaréen {adj} | :: Nazarene |
Nazaréen {prop} | :: Nazarene |
nazbol {adj} [politics] | :: clipping of National-Bolchevik |
nazbol {mf} [politics] | :: clipping of National-Bolchevik |
naze {adj} [colloquial] | :: worthless; useless; lame |
naze {adj} [colloquial] | :: knackered; beat; exhausted |
nazi {adj} | :: Nazi |
nazi {m} | :: Nazi |
nazification {f} | :: Nazification |
nazifier {v} | :: to Nazify; to make more Nazi |
nazir {m} | :: Nazirite |
naziréat {m} | :: Nazarene |
naziréen {m} | :: Nazirite |
nazirite {m} | :: Nazirite |
nazisme {m} | :: Nazism (the ideology of Adolf Hitler’s NSDAP) |
N.-B. {prop} {m} | :: Nouveau-Brunswick, a province of Canada |
N.B. {interj} | :: n.b., N.B. |
NB {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Nouveau-Brunswick, a province of Canada |
n-butane {m} | :: n-butane |
NCSM {n} [Canada, military, nautical] | :: HMCS; initialism of Navire Canadien de Sa Majesté (His/Her Majesty's Canadian Ship). A designation for ships of the Canadian Forces Maritime Command |
ND {adj} | :: N/A (not available) abbreviation of non-disponible |
NDG {prop} | :: NDG; initialism of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce NDG (district) |
ndlr {n} [journalism] | :: alternative spelling of N.D.L.R. |
N. D. L. R. {n} [journalism] | :: alternative spelling of N.D.L.R. |
N.D.L.R. {n} [journalism] | :: initialism of note de la rédaction (—Ed., —Editor; editor's note;) |
NDLR {n} [journalism] | :: alternative spelling of N.D.L.R. |
ndombolo {m} | :: ndombolo |
N.d.T. {n} [journalism] | :: initialism of note du traducteur (—Translator; translator's note;) |
NDT {f} | :: initialism of note du traducteur |
ne {particle} [literary] | :: not (used alone to negate a verb; now chiefly with the verbs pouvoir, savoir, cesser and oser) |
ne {particle} | :: not, no (used before a verb, with a subsequent element following; see Usage Notes, below) |
ne {particle} | :: Used in a subordinate clause before a subjunctive verb (especially when the main verb expresses doubt or fear), to provide extra overtones of doubt or uncertainty (but not negating its verb); the so-called "pleonastic" or "expletive" ne |
ne {particle} | :: In comparative clauses usually translated with the positive sense of the subsequent negative |
NE {n} | :: abbreviation of nord-est; NE |
né- {prefix} | :: A form of néo- used before a vowel |
né {particle} [nonstandard] | :: alternative form of ne |
N.-É. {prop} | :: abbreviation of Nouvelle-Écosse (a province in Canada) |
NÉ {prop} | :: alternative spelling of N.-É. |
néandertalien {adj} | :: Neanderthal |
néanmoins {adv} | :: however |
néanmoins {adv} [conjunctive] | :: nevertheless, nonetheless |
néant {m} | :: nothingness, void, emptiness |
neantmoins {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of néanmoins |
Néapolis {prop} {f} | :: Neapoli (any of various towns) |
Néapolis {prop} {f} | :: Naples |
néapolitain {adj} | :: alternative form of napolitain |
néarctique {adj} | :: Nearctic |
néarthrose {f} [anatomy] | :: nearthrosis |
né avec une cuillère d'argent dans la bouche {adj} [figuratively] | :: born with a silver spoon in one's mouth |
né avec une cuillère en argent dans la bouche {adj} | :: alternative form of né avec une cuillère d'argent dans la bouche |
nébuleuse {f} [astronomy] | :: nebula |
nébuleusement {adv} | :: nebulously |
nébuleuse planétaire {f} [astronomy] | :: planetary nebula |
nébuleux {adj} | :: nebulous (all meanings) |
nébulisation {f} | :: nebulization |
nébuliser {vt} | :: to nebulize, atomize, spray |
nébuliseur {m} | :: nebulizer, atomizer, spray |
nébulosité {f} | :: nebulosity |
nébulosité {f} | :: cloud cover |
nécessaire {adj} | :: necessary |
nécessaire {m} | :: kit |
nécessairement {adv} | :: necessarily, inevitably, consequently |
nécessité {f} | :: necessity; need |
nécessité fait loi {proverb} | :: necessity knows no law |
nécessiter {v} | :: to require |
nécessiter {v} | :: to call for |
nécessiteux {adj} | :: needy |
NECM {prop} {f} | :: initialism of Navire école des cadets de la Marine (Sea Cadet Training Ship) |
ne connaître ni d'Ève ni d'Adam {vt} | :: to not know someone from Adam |
nec plus ultra {adj} | :: state-of-the-art |
ne craindre ni Dieu ni diable {v} [literary] | :: to fear neither Heaven nor Hell, to be unscrupulous, to be lawless, to have no respect for any authority |
nécro- {prefix} | :: necro- |
nécro {f} | :: obit (short for obituary) |
nécrologie {f} | :: obituary |
nécrologie {f} | :: necrology |
nécrologique {adj} | :: obituary (attributive) |
nécrolyse {f} [biology] | :: necrolysis |
nécromancie {f} | :: necromancy (divination involving the dead) |
nécromancien {m} | :: necromancer |
nécromancien {m} [by extension] | :: magician |
nécromancienne {f} | :: feminine singular of nécromancien |
nécromantique {adj} | :: necromantic |
nécromasse {f} | :: necromass |
nécrophage {adj} [biology, of insects] | :: necrophagous |
nécrophage {m} [biology, of insects] | :: necrophage |
nécrophilie {f} | :: necrophilia |
nécrophobie {f} | :: necrophobia |
nécrophore {m} | :: necrophore, gravedigger, burying beetle |
nécropole {f} | :: necropolis |
nécrose {f} [medicine] | :: necrosis |
nécrosé {adj} | :: necrotic |
nécrotique {adj} | :: necrotic |
nectaire {m} [botany] | :: nectary (gland that secretes nectar) |
nectar {m} | :: nectar (all meanings) |
ne dormir que d'un œil {v} | :: to sleep with one eye open |
néerl. {m} | :: abbreviation of néerlandais |
néerlandais {m} | :: Dutch, the Dutch language |
néerlandais {adj} | :: Dutch, of the Netherlands |
Néerlandais {m} | :: Dutchman |
Néerlandaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Néerlandais; Dutchwoman |
néerlandophone {adj} | :: Dutchophone, Dutch-speaking |
nef {f} [obsolete or poetic] | :: barque, boat |
nef {f} | :: nave |
ne faire aucun doute {v} | :: to be a certainty, to be clear |
ne faire ni chaud ni froid {v} [à] | :: to leave (somebody) indifferent |
ne faire qu'un {vi} | :: to be one and the same, to be as one |
ne faire qu'un {v} [avec] | :: to be at one with |
ne faire qu'une bouchée {v} [de] | :: to make short work of, to make mincemeat out of |
néfaste {adj} | :: harmful, toxic |
néfaste {adj} | :: saddening |
nèfle {f} | :: medlar |
néflier {m} | :: medlar (tree) |
ne fût-ce que {phrase} [formal, literary] | :: synonym of ne serait-ce que |
nèg {m} [Louisiana French] | :: alternative form of nègre, friend |
négateur {m} | :: detractor |
négatif {adj} | :: negative |
négatif {adj} [mathematics] | :: negative or zero. nonpositive |
négatif {adj} [photography] | :: negative |
négation {f} | :: denial (act of denying) |
négation {f} [grammar] | :: negative |
négationnisme {m} [politics, philosophy] | :: denialism, denial, negationism |
négationniste {adj} | :: denialist, denier, negationist |
négationniste {mf} [politics, philosophy] | :: denialist, denier, negationist |
négativement {adv} | :: negatively |
négativité {f} [philosophy, psychology, grammar] | :: negativity |
négaton {m} [physics] | :: negaton |
négatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of négateur |
négligé {m} | :: négligée (woman's nightgown) |
négligé {adj} | :: neglected |
négligé {adj} | :: slovenly |
négligeable {adj} | :: negligible (able to be ignored or excluded) |
négligemment {adv} | :: carelessly, negligently |
négligence {f} | :: negligence; carelessness |
négligent {adj} | :: negligent (culpable due to negligence) |
négliger {v} | :: to neglect |
négliger {v} | :: to ignore (a detail) |
négoce {m} | :: business |
négociable {adj} | :: negotiable |
négociant {m} | :: merchant, dealer |
négociante {f} | :: feminine singular of négociant |
négociateur {m} | :: negotiator |
négociation {f} | :: negotiation |
négociatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of négociateur |
négocier {v} | :: to negotiate |
négraille {f} [Louisiana French, pejorative, ] | :: a black person, a nigger |
négraille {f} [offensive, pejorative] | :: black people in general, niggers |
négre {m} [Louisiana French, ] | :: alternative spelling of nègre |
nègre {m} [usually offensive] | :: negro |
nègre {m} | :: ghostwriter |
nègre {m} [colloquial, Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: friend, buddy |
nègre {m} [colloquial, Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: [term of endearment] honey, baby, precious |
nègre {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Blacks of Africa or to African arts; black (color) |
nègre littéraire {m} | :: ghostwriter |
négresse {f} [offensive] | :: negress, nigger (female) |
négresse {f} [Louisiana French] | :: girlfriend |
négresse {f} [Louisiana French] | :: wife |
négresse {f} [Louisiana French] | :: [term of endearment] honey, baby, precious |
négrier {m} | :: A slaver, slave trader, slaveholder, slave driver (specifically black slaves) |
négrier {m} | :: A slave ship |
négrier {m} [figuratively] | :: A slave driver |
négrier {adj} | :: proslavery, slave (Of or relating to the trade of black slaves) |
négrillon {m} [dated, pejorative] | :: pickaninny |
négritude {f} | :: negritude |
négro {mf} [offensive, ethnic slur, vulgar] | :: nigger |
négroïde {adj} | :: negroid |
négrophobe {adj} | :: negrophobic |
négropolitain {adj} | :: Born in France, of Afro-Caribbean ancestry |
négus {m} [historical] | :: Negus (supreme Ethiopian ruler) |
Néhémie {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Nehemiah |
neige {f} | :: snow, crystalline frozen precipitation |
neige {f} [colloquial] | :: cocaine, crack |
neige {f} | :: snow, pattern of dots seen on an untuned television set |
neige carbonique {f} | :: dry ice, cardice |
neige fondue {f} | :: sleet (precipitation) |
neige fondue {f} | :: slush (on the ground) |
neigeoter {v} [impersonal] | :: to snow lightly |
neiger {v} [impersonal] | :: to snow |
neiges d'antan {n} | :: things past, forgotten, or out of date long ago. |
neigeux {adj} | :: snowy, snow-covered |
ne jamais dire jamais {proverb} | :: never say never |
n-éléphant {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative spelling of n'éléphant |
n'éléphant {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of éléphant, elephant |
nem {m} | :: a type of Vietnamese spring roll |
nem {m} | :: more generally, any spring roll |
nématique {adj} [physics, chemistry] | :: nematic |
nématode {m} | :: nematode |
nématologie {f} | :: nematology |
ne m'en parle pas {phrase} | :: tell me about it |
ne m'en parlez pas {phrase} | :: tell me about it |
némésis {f} | :: Divine retribution |
némoral {adj} | :: nemoral |
ne-m'oubliez-pas {m} | :: forget-me-not (plant of the genus Myosotis) |
n'empêche {adv} [colloquial] | :: despite all, nevertheless, still |
n'en {contraction} | :: ne + en |
nénaine {f} [Louisiana French, ] | :: godmother, aunt |
néné {m} [childish] | :: boob, woman's breast |
nénètse {m} | :: Nenets (language) |
nénette {f} [slang] | :: girl |
nénette {f} [archaic] | :: head |
n'en faire qu'à sa tête {v} [colloquial] | :: to never listen to anyone else, to be pig-headed, to do as one pleases |
nenni {interj} | :: nay! |
n'en pouvoir mais {v} [dated] | :: to not be responsible for something |
n'en pouvoir mais {v} [dated, literary] | :: to be unable to take it any longer, to be unable to go on like this |
nénufar {m} | :: waterlily, nenuphar |
nénuphar {m} | :: alternative spelling of nénufar |
néo- {prefix} | :: neo- |
Néo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
néoblaste {m} [biology] | :: neoblast |
Néo-Brunswickois {m} | :: New Brunswicker (someone from New Brunswick) |
Néo-Brunswickoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Néo-Brunswickois |
néo-calédonien {adj} | :: New Caledonian |
néocapitalisme {m} | :: neo-capitalism |
néoclassicisme {m} | :: neoclassicism |
néoclassique {adj} | :: neoclassical |
néocolonialisme {m} | :: neocolonialism |
néocolonialiste {adj} | :: neocolonialist |
néocommunisme {m} | :: neocommunism |
néocommuniste {adj} | :: neocommunist |
néocommuniste {mf} | :: neocommunist |
néoconservateur {adj} | :: neoconservative |
néoconservateur {m} | :: neoconservative |
néo-conservatisme {m} | :: alternative spelling of néoconservatisme |
néoconservatisme {m} | :: neoconservatism |
néoconservatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of néoconservateur |
néocyte {m} [biology] | :: neocyte |
néo-démocrate {mf} [politics, Canada] | :: New Democrat - a member of the New Democratic Party (Nouveau Parti démocratique) |
néodymate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: neodymate |
néodyme {m} | :: neodymium |
Néo-Écossais {m} | :: Nova Scotian (native or inhabitant of Nova Scotia) |
Néo-Écossaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Néo-Écossais |
néofascisme {m} | :: neofascism |
néofasciste {adj} | :: neofascist |
néogothique {adj} | :: neogothic |
néo-grec {adj} | :: neo-Greek, Neo-Greek |
néo-grec {adj} | :: Modern Greek, New Greek |
néo-grec {m} | :: The Modern Greek language (New Greek) |
néolamarckien {adj} | :: neo-Lamarckian |
néolamarckien {m} | :: neo-Lamarckian |
néolamarckienne {f} | :: feminine singular of néolamarckien |
néo-latin {adj} | :: New Latin |
néolatin {m} | :: New Latin (Latin after the Middle Ages) |
néolibéral {adj} | :: neoliberal |
néolibéral {m} | :: neoliberal |
néolibérale {f} | :: feminine noun of néolibéral |
néolibéralisme {m} | :: neoliberalism (political ideology) |
néolithique {adj} | :: Neolithic (pertaining to the Neolothic era) |
Néolithique {prop} {f} [history] | :: The Neolithic or New Stone Age |
néologique {adj} | :: neological |
néologiquement {adv} | :: neologically |
néologisme {m} [lexicography] | :: neologism |
néoménie {m} | :: neomenia, new moon |
néomenthol {m} [organic compound] | :: neomenthol |
néomoderne {adj} | :: neomodern |
néon {m} | :: neon (the gas) |
néon {m} | :: neon (luminous tube) |
néonatal {adj} | :: neonatal |
néonate {adj} [biology] | :: synonym of néonatal |
néonatologie {f} | :: neonatology |
néo-nazi {adj} | :: neo-Nazi |
néonazi {adj} | :: alternative form of néo-nazi |
néonazisme {m} | :: neo-Nazism |
néonicotinoïde {m} | :: neonicotinoid |
néopentane {m} [organic compound] | :: neopentane |
néophyte {mf} | :: neophyte |
néoplasie {f} | :: neoplasm |
néoplastique {adj} | :: neoplastic |
néoplatonicien {adj} | :: Neoplatonic, Neoplatonist |
néoplatonicien {m} | :: Neoplatonist |
néoplatonicienne {f} | :: feminine singular of néoplatonicien |
néoplatonisme {m} | :: Neoplatonism |
néoptère {m} | :: neopteran |
néoréalisme {m} | :: neorealism |
néoréaliste {adj} | :: neorealist |
néoréaliste {mf} | :: neorealist |
néorickettsie {f} | :: synonym of chlamydie |
néotectonique {adj} | :: neotectonic |
néoténie {f} [biology] | :: neoteny (retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult) |
néoténie {f} [biology] | :: neoteny (sexual maturity of an organism still in its larval stage) |
néoténique {adj} | :: neotenic |
néotestamentaire {adj} | :: neo-testamentary, New Testament (attributive) |
néo-zélandais {adj} | :: New Zealand (attributive; relating to New Zealand) |
néozélandais {adj} | :: alternative form of néo-zélandais |
Néo-Zélandais {m} | :: a New Zealander |
Néo-Zélandaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Néo-Zélandais |
Népal {prop} {m} | :: Nepal |
népalais {adj} | :: Nepalese, Nepali (pertaining to Nepal) |
népalais {m} | :: Nepalese (the language) |
Népalais {m} | :: Nepalese (person) |
Népalaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Népalais |
ne pas avoir froid aux yeux {v} [colloquial] | :: not to be faint-hearted, not to be backward in coming forward, to have guts, to have plenty of nerves |
ne pas avoir inventé la poudre {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: synonym of ne pas avoir inventé le fil à couper le beurre |
ne pas avoir inventé l'eau chaude {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: synonym of ne pas avoir inventé le fil à couper le beurre |
ne pas avoir inventé le fil à couper le beurre {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to not be the sharpest knife in the drawer |
ne pas avoir la langue dans sa poche {v} | :: alternative form of ne pas avoir sa langue dans sa poche |
ne pas avoir le cul sorti des ronces {v} [vulgar] | :: not to be out of the woods yet, not to be in the clear |
ne pas avoir les yeux dans sa poche {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: not to miss a thing, to see everything, to notice everything |
ne pas avoir les yeux en face des trous {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: not to see something which is obvious, right under one's nose; to be dim-sighted because one is hungover and half-asleep; to be bleary-eyed |
ne pas avoir mis la queue aux cerises {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: synonym of ne pas avoir inventé le fil à couper le beurre |
ne pas avoir sa langue dans sa poche {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to never be at a loss for words, to be very talkative, not to be shy; to have the gift of the gab |
ne pas avoir sa langue dans sa poche {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to speak plainly, to be very frank |
ne pas avoir ses yeux dans sa poche {v} | :: alternative form of ne pas avoir les yeux dans sa poche |
ne pas avoir son pareil {v} [pour] | :: [colloquial] to be second to none, without equal when it comes to something; to be peerless for something; to do something like no one else |
ne pas avoir un radis {v} [colloquial] | :: not to have two pennies to rub together, to be penniless, to be broke |
ne pas avoir un rond {v} [colloquial] | :: not to have two pennies to rub together, not to have a sausage, to be penniless, to be broke |
ne pas avoir un sou vaillant {v} [dated] | :: not to have two pennies to rub together, to be penniless, to be broke |
ne pas casser trois pattes à un canard {v} | :: to be mediocre; to be nothing out of the ordinary; to be nothing special |
ne pas desserrer les dents {v} [idiomatic] | :: to remain silent |
ne pas donner cher de la peau de {v} | :: not to give much for someone's chances, to think someone is dead meat |
ne pas donner signe de vie {v} | :: to show no sign of life, not to let people know that one's alive |
ne pas en croire ses oreilles {v} [colloquial] | :: not to believe one's ears |
ne pas en croire ses yeux {v} [colloquial] | :: not to believe one's eyes |
ne pas en foutre une {v} [vulgar] | :: not to lift a finger, not to do a damn thing, not to do a stroke of work, to do nothing |
ne pas en foutre une rame {v} | :: dated form of ne pas en foutre une |
ne pas en mener large {v} [colloquial, litotes] | :: not to feel too at ease, i.e. to be scared out of one's wits |
ne pas en rater une {v} [colloquial] | :: to do every stupid thing possible, to commit every blunder conceivable, to make gaffe upon gaffe, to do one silly thing after the other |
ne pas en toucher une {v} [colloquial] | :: to be clueless, to be completely unskilled, not to know what one's doing |
ne pas être au bout de ses peines {v} | :: not to be out of the woods, not to be in the clear, to have still more trouble coming one's way |
ne pas être dans son assiette {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to feel under the weather, to feel fragile |
ne pas être la mer à boire {v} | :: to not be an insurmountable task, an endeavour too large to handle, to not be so hard |
ne pas être né de la dernière pluie {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: not to be born yesterday, not to have fallen off the turnip truck, to have been around |
ne pas être piqué des hannetons {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be pretty good, to be quite something, to be excellent |
ne pas être piqué des vers {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be pretty good, to be quite something, to be excellent |
ne pas être sans ignorer {v} [proscribed] | :: to know full well |
ne pas être sans savoir {v} | :: to know full well, to know very well |
ne pas être sorti de l'auberge {v} [colloquial] | :: not to be out of the woods yet, not to be in the clear |
ne pas être sorti des ronces {v} [colloquial] | :: not to be out of the woods yet, not to be in the clear |
ne pas faire dans la demi-mesure {vi} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: not to go in for half-measures, not to half-ass it; not to embarrass oneself with manners |
ne pas faire dans la dentelle {vi} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: not to embarrass oneself with manners, be indelicate |
ne pas faire de mal à une mouche {v} [colloquial] | :: to not hurt a fly |
ne pas fermer l'œil {v} [figuratively] | :: not to sleep a wink |
ne pas lâcher d'une semelle {vt} [colloquial] | :: to follow (someone) everywhere, to stay close to (someone) all the time, to breathe down someone's neck, to stick to (someone) like glue, like a leech, to dog (someone's) footsteps |
ne pas laisser pierre sur pierre {v} [of a building, literary] | :: to destroy completely |
ne pas l'emporter au paradis {v} | :: to live to regret it |
ne pas mâcher ses mots {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: not to mince words (to speak abruptly, frankly) |
ne pas manger de ce pain-là {v} [colloquial] | :: to want no part of it, not to be that kind of person, not to be interested |
ne pas manquer d'air {v} [colloquial] | :: to have some gall, to have a nerve, to have a cheek |
ne pas manquer de sel {v} [figuratively] | :: not to be lacking in spice, not to be without a certain piquancy, not to lack punch, not to be boring; to be interesting; to be witty; to be surprising; to be a bit rich, to be a bit cheeky |
ne pas payer de mine {v} [colloquial] | :: to be not much to look at |
ne pas quitter d'une semelle {v} | :: alternative form of ne pas lâcher d'une semelle |
ne pas rester pierre sur pierre {v} [literary] | :: for there to be nothing left (of a building), for there to be only ruins |
ne pas savoir à quel saint se vouer {v} [figuratively] | :: Not to know where to turn, not to know what to do because one has exhausted all the possibilities |
ne pas savoir sur quel pied danser {v} [figuratively] | :: To be unsure of what to do, not to know where you stand |
ne pas se bousculer au portillon {v} [figuratively, colloquial, of people] | :: not to line up, not to queue up, not to crowd in, not to fall over each other (with the implied meaning that something meets with little success) |
ne pas se fouler {v} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: not to overstrain oneself, not to over-exert oneself, not to overdo it, not to wear oneself out, not to kill oneself over (something), to take it easy |
ne pas se fouler la rate {v} | :: dated form of ne pas se fouler |
ne pas se moucher du pied {v} [colloquial] | :: to think one is the business, to think one is the bee's knees, to think one is the shit, to think one is hot shit, to be full of oneself |
ne pas se prendre pour de la merde {v} [vulgar, pejorative, figuratively] | :: to think the sun shines out of one's arse, to think one's shit doesn't stink, to think one is the shit, to think one is hot shit (to be full of oneself, to think highly of oneself) |
ne pas tourner rond {v} [colloquial] | :: not to run smoothly |
ne pas tourner rond {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to be wrong, to be amiss |
ne pas tourner rond {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to have a screw loose |
ne pas voir plus loin que le bout de son nez {v} [figuratively] | :: not to see past the end of one's nose (be short-sighted) |
ne pas voler haut {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: not to be terribly refined, to be lowbrow, to be rather coarse (almost to the point of being crude, crass) |
ne pas y aller avec le dos de la cuillère {v} [colloquial] | :: not to go in for half measures |
ne pas y aller de main morte {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to be heavy-handed |
ne pas y aller par quatre chemins {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: not to beat around the bush, go straight to the point |
ne pas y avoir photo {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to there be no doubt about it, to be a no-brainer |
néper {m} | :: neper |
népérien {adj} [maths] | :: Napierian |
népéta {f} | :: alternative form of népète |
népétalactone {f} [organic compound] | :: nepetalactone |
népète {f} | :: nepeta |
néphéline {f} [mineralogy] | :: nepheline |
néphélomètre {m} | :: nephelometry |
néphélométrie {f} | :: nephelometry |
néphélométrique {adj} | :: nephelometric |
néphrectomie {f} [surgery] | :: nephrectomy |
néphrétique {adj} | :: nephritic |
néphrétique {adj} | :: renal |
néphrite {f} [pathology] | :: nephritis |
néphrite {f} [mineral] | :: nephrite |
néphrocyte {m} [biology] | :: nephrocyte |
néphrographie {f} | :: nephrography |
néphrologie {f} | :: nephrology (science) |
néphrologue {mf} | :: nephrologist (physician) |
néphron {m} | :: nephron (basic structural and functional unit of the kidney) |
néphropathie {f} [pathology] | :: nephropathy |
néphrotome {m} [biology] | :: nephrotome |
néphrotoxicité {f} | :: nephrotoxicity (the state or condition of being nephrotoxic) |
néphrotoxine {f} | :: nephrotoxin |
néphrotoxique {adj} | :: nephrotoxic |
ne plus avoir de secret {v} [pour] | :: to hold no secret (for someone) |
ne plus pouvoir voir en peinture {vt} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be sick of (something/someone), not to be able to stand the sight of (something/someone) anymore |
ne plus savoir où donner de la tête {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: not know whether one is coming or going, not know which way to turn |
ne plus se connaître {v} [colloquial] | :: to be beside oneself with anger, to be furious |
ne plus se sentir {v} [colloquial] | :: to feel exhilarated; to be beside oneself with pride, to feel very proud (to the point of arrogance and haughtiness) |
ne plus se sentir pisser {v} [vulgar] | :: to feel exhilarated; to be beside oneself with pride, to feel very proud (to the point of arrogance and haughtiness) |
népotique {adj} | :: nepotic, nepotistic |
népotiquement {adv} | :: nepotically, nepotistically |
népotisme {m} | :: nepotism |
népouite {f} | :: nepouite |
neptunate {n} [inorganic chemistry] | :: neptunate |
Neptune {prop} {m} | :: Neptune (planet) |
Neptune {prop} {m} | :: Neptune (Roman god of the sea) |
neptuneux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: neptunous |
neptunien {adj} | :: Neptunian |
neptunique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: neptunic |
neptunium {m} | :: neptunium |
néral {m} [organic compound] | :: neral |
néré {m} | :: African locust bean (Parkia biglobosa) |
Nérée {prop} | :: Nereus |
néréide {f} | :: nereid |
nerf {m} [anatomy] | :: nerve |
nerf {m} [figuratively] | :: force, power, strength |
nerf de bœuf {m} [archaic] | :: cosh (type of truncheon) |
ne rien dire qui vaille {v} [colloquial] | :: not to look good, not to bode well |
ne rimer à rien {v} | :: to make no sense, to have no rhyme or reason |
nérine {f} | :: nerine |
nérite {f} | :: nerite (snail) |
néritique {adj} | :: neritic |
nérol {m} [organic compound] | :: nerol |
néroli {m} | :: neroli |
Néron {prop} {m} | :: Nero (the Roman emperor) |
néronien {adj} | :: Neronian |
nerprun {m} | :: buckthorn |
nerte {f} | :: myrtle |
nervation {f} | :: nervation, pattern of nerves, e.g. as seen on a leaf |
nerver {v} | :: to cord (cover with cords, ropes or strings) |
nerveusement {adv} | :: nervously |
nerveux {adj} | :: nervous (relating to the nerves of nervous system) |
nerveux {adj} | :: nervous (typified by nervousness) |
nervin {adj} | :: nervine |
nervin {m} | :: a nervine substance |
nervonique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: nervonic |
nervosisme {m} [medicine, rare] | :: nervosism |
nervosité {f} | :: nervousness |
nervosité {f} [finance] | :: instability |
nervure {f} | :: nervure |
nervurer {v} | :: To rib (make architectural ribs on a vault) |
n'es {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + es (second-person singular indicative present form of être) |
ne serait-ce que {phrase} | :: in part because, not least because, partially because |
ne serait-ce que {phrase} | :: if only |
ne serait-ce que {phrase} | :: at least |
ne serait-ce que {phrase} | :: even |
ne serait-ce que {phrase} | :: not even |
nésosilicate {m} [mineralogy] | :: nesosilicate |
ne souffler mot {v} [de] | :: [figuratively] not to breathe a word (of something), not to say anything, to be quiet |
n'est {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + est (third-person singular indicative present form of être) |
n'est-ce pas {phrase} | :: Used as an expression of affirmation after a statement, often translated into English as a tag question |
net {adj} | :: clean, tidy |
net {adj} | :: clear |
net {adj} | :: neat |
net {adj} | :: net (as opposed to gross) |
n'était {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + était (third-person singular imperfect indicative form of être) |
ne tenir qu'à un cheveu {v} [figuratively] | :: to hang by a thread |
ne tenir qu'à un fil {v} [figuratively] | :: to hang by a thread |
n'êtes {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + êtes (second-person plural indicative present form of être) |
nétheq {m} [obsolete] | :: scale (on the skin) |
nétiquette {f} [Internet] | :: netiquette |
nétiquettement {adv} | :: nettiquettely |
nettement {adv} | :: Neatly, cleanly, clearly |
netteté {f} | :: clearness |
netteté {f} | :: neatness |
nettoiement {m} | :: cleaning |
nettoiement {m} | :: clearing |
nettoyable {adj} | :: cleanable (that one can clean) |
nettoyage {m} | :: cleaning |
nettoyage à sec {m} | :: dry cleaning |
nettoyage de printemps {m} | :: spring clean |
nettoyage ethnique {m} | :: ethnic cleansing |
nettoyant {m} | :: cleaner (product) |
nettoyant {adj} | :: cleaning (attributive) |
nettoyante {adj} | :: cleaning (attributive) |
nettoyante {m} | :: cleaner |
nettoyement {m} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of nettoiement |
nettoyer {v} | :: to clean |
nettoyer {v} | :: to wipe clean |
nettoyeur {adj} | :: cleaning |
nettoyeur {m} | :: cleaner [person] |
nettoyeur {m} | :: cleaner [business] |
nettoyeur {m} | :: dry cleaner |
nettoyeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of nettoyeur |
Neuchâtel {prop} | :: Neuchâtel (canton) |
Neuchâtel {prop} | :: Neuchâtel (capital city) |
neuf {num} | :: nine |
neuf {adj} | :: brand new, very new |
neuf cents {m} | :: nine hundred |
neuf-mille {num} | :: nine thousand |
neuneu {adj} | :: inept |
neural {n} | :: neural |
neurasthénie {f} [pathology] | :: neurasthenia |
neurasthénique {adj} | :: neurasthenic |
neurépine {f} [anatomy] | :: neural spine |
neuro- {prefix} | :: neuro- |
neurobiochimique {adj} | :: neurobiochemical |
neurobiologie {f} | :: neurobiology |
neurobiologiste {mf} | :: neurobiologist |
neuroblastome {m} [pathology] | :: neuroblastoma |
neurochimie {f} | :: neurochemistry |
neurochimique {adj} | :: neurochemical |
neurochirurgie {f} [surgery] | :: neurosurgery |
neurochirurgien {m} [surgery] | :: neurosurgeon |
neurochirurgienne {f} | :: feminine noun of neurochirurgien |
neurodégénératif {adj} | :: neurodegenerative |
neurodystonique {adj} [pathology] | :: neurodystonic |
neurofibrillaire {adj} | :: neurofibrillary |
neurofibrille {f} | :: neurofibril |
neuroglobine {f} [protein] | :: neuroglobin |
neuroïde {adj} | :: neuroid |
neurolemme {m} [anatomy] | :: neurolemma |
neuroleptique {adj} | :: neuroleptic |
neuroleptique {m} [medicine] | :: neuroleptic |
neurolinguistique {adj} | :: neurolinguistic |
neurologie {f} | :: neurology |
neurologique {adj} | :: neurological |
neurologiquement {adv} | :: neurologically |
neurologiste {mf} | :: neurologist |
neurologue {mf} | :: neurologist |
neuromédiateur {adj} | :: neurotransmitting |
neuromédiateur {m} | :: neurotransmitter |
neuromélanine {f} | :: neuromelanin |
neuromodulateur {m} | :: neuromodulator |
neuromusculaire {adj} | :: neuromuscular |
neuronal {adj} | :: neuronal |
neurone {m} | :: neuron (a cell of the nervous system) |
neuropathique {adj} | :: neuropathic |
neurophilosophie {f} | :: neurophilosophy |
neurophysiologique {adj} | :: neurophysiological |
neuroprotecteur {m} | :: neuroprotector |
neuroprotecteur {adj} | :: neuroprotective |
neuropsychiatre {mf} | :: neuropsychiatrist |
neuropsychiatrie {f} | :: neuropsychiatry |
neuropsychique {adj} | :: neuropsychic |
neuropsychologie {f} | :: neuropsychology |
neuropsychologue {mf} | :: neuropsychologist |
neuropsychopharmacologue {mf} | :: neuropsychopharmacologist |
neuroréhabilitation {f} | :: neurorehabilitation |
neuroscience {f} | :: neuroscience |
neuroscientifique {adj} | :: neuroscientific |
neuroscientifique {mf} | :: neuroscientist |
neurothéologie {f} | :: neurotheology |
neurotoxine {f} | :: neurotoxin |
neurotoxique {adj} | :: neurotoxic |
neurotransmetteur {m} | :: neurotransmitter |
neurotypique {adj} | :: neurotypical |
neurotypique {mf} | :: neurotypical |
neurovasculaire {adj} | :: neurovascular |
neutrale {adj} | :: neutral |
neutralement {adv} | :: neutrally |
neutralisant {adj} | :: neutralizing |
neutralisant {m} | :: neutralizer |
neutralisateur {adj} | :: neutralizing |
neutralisation {f} | :: neutralisation |
neutraliser {v} | :: to neutralise |
neutralisme {m} | :: neutralism |
neutraliste {adj} | :: neutralist |
neutraliste {mf} | :: neutralist |
neutralité {f} | :: neutrality |
neutre {adj} | :: neutral |
neutre {adj} [chemistry] | :: neutral |
neutre {adj} [grammar] | :: neuter |
neutrement {adv} | :: neutrally |
neutrinique {adj} [physics] | :: neutrinic |
neutrino {m} [particle] | :: neutrino |
neutroalcalin {adj} [chemistry, of a pH] | :: neutral or slightly alkaline |
neutrographie {f} | :: neutrography |
neutron {m} [particle] | :: neutron |
neutronique {adj} [physics] | :: neutronic |
neutropénie {f} | :: neutropenia |
neutrophage {adj} [physics] | :: neutron (attributive) |
neutrophile {m} [cytology] | :: neutrophil |
neutrophilique {adj} [biology] | :: neutrophilic |
neuvaine {f} | :: novena |
neuvième {adj} | :: ninth |
neuvième {mf} | :: ninth |
neuvième art {m} [idiomatic, singulare tantum] | :: comics, graphic novels, comic art |
neuvièmement {adv} | :: ninthly |
Neuville-lès-Lœuilly {prop} | :: Neuville-lès-Lœuilly |
Neuwiller {prop} | :: A commune in the Haut-Rhin department of Alsace, eastern France, located on the Swiss border and less than 10km from the German-speaking city of Basel |
neveu {m} | :: nephew |
Neveux {prop} | :: surname |
Néville {prop} | :: surname ellipsis of de Néville |
Néville {prop} | :: A placename |
Néville {prop} | :: Néville (commune). former name of Néville-sur-Mer. ellipsis of Néville-sur-Mer |
Néville {prop} | :: Néville (commune) |
névralgie {f} | :: neuralgia |
névralgique {adj} | :: neuralgic |
névralgique {adj} [figuratively] | :: key, important |
névraxe {m} [anatomy] | :: neuraxis |
névrilème {m} | :: neurilemma |
névrite {f} | :: neuritis |
névroglie {f} [anatomy] | :: neuroglia |
névrographie {f} | :: neurography |
névrose {f} [psychology] | :: neurosis |
névrosé {adj} | :: neurotic |
névrotique {adj} | :: neurotic |
névrotiquement {adv} | :: neurotically |
névrotome {m} | :: neurotome |
New Rochelle {prop} {f} [European French] | :: New Rochelle; New Rochelle (city) |
New-Rochelle {prop} {f} [European French] | :: alternative form of New Rochelle |
news {m} | :: news magazine or programme |
newton {m} | :: newton |
newtonien {adj} | :: Newtonian (related to Isaac Newton) |
new wave {m} | :: New wave, relating to the music genre |
New York {prop} | :: New York (largest city) |
New York {prop} | :: New York (state) |
new-yorkais {adj} | :: New York (attributive - from or of New York) |
newyorkais {adj} | :: alternative form of new-yorkais |
Newyorkais {m} | :: alternative form of New-Yorkais |
New-Yorkais {m} | :: New Yorker |
Newyorkaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Newyorkais |
New-Yorkaise {f} | :: feminine noun of New-Yorkais |
nez {m} | :: nose |
nez {m} | :: Someone who invents perfumes |
nez à nez {adj} [idiomatic] | :: face to face |
nez en bec d'aigle {m} [figuratively] | :: a hawknose |
nez en trompette {m} [figuratively] | :: a turned-up nose, a snub nose |
nganda {mf} [Congo RDC] | :: bar |
nganga {m} | :: An African witch doctor or specialist in traditional medicine |
NGCC {prop} | :: initialism of Navire de Garde côtière canadienne (Canadian Coast Guard Ship) |
Nghiem {prop} | :: surname |
Ngo {prop} | :: surname |
Ngrs {p} | :: abbreviation of Nosseigneurs |
Nguyen {prop} | :: surname |
Nguyên {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Nguyen |
ni {conj} | :: neither; nor |
niable {adj} | :: deniable |
Niagara {prop} {m} | :: Niagara River |
Niagara {prop} {fp} | :: Niagara Falls |
niagaresque {adj} [humorous] | :: reminding of the Niagara Falls |
niais {adj} [falconry] | :: Qualifies a falconry bird caught in the nest |
niais {adj} | :: vacuous, stupid |
niais {m} | :: buffoon, fool |
niaisement {adv} | :: inanely |
niaisement {adv} | :: foolishly |
niaiser {v} [Quebec] | :: to kid |
niaiser {v} [Quebec] | :: to act foolishly |
niaiserie {f} | :: silliness; foolish talk/behaviour |
niak {mf} [countable, pejorative, ethnic slur] | :: an East Asian or South Asian person; |
niak {mf} [countable, pejorative, ethnic slur] | :: a sub-Saharan African |
niak {mf} [slang] | :: joint, bun, marijuana cigarette |
niakoué {mf} [offensive] | :: Vietnamese |
niakoué {mf} [offensive, by extension] | :: East Asian person |
Niamey {prop} | :: Niamey (capital city) |
nibard {m} [slang] | :: titty, boob (breast) |
Nicandre {prop} {m} | :: Nicander |
Nicanor {prop} | :: Nicanor |
nicaraguayen {adj} | :: Nicaraguan |
Nicaraguayen {m} | :: Nicaraguan |
Nicaraguayenne {f} | :: feminine noun of Nicaraguayen |
niçard {adj} | :: Of or from Nice |
nice {adj} [archaic] | :: candid, naive |
Nice {prop} | :: Nice (coastal city/capital) |
nicéen {adj} | :: Nicene |
ni chair ni poisson {n} [dated] | :: neither fish nor fowl (something or someone which is not easily categorized or neatly definable) |
Nichapour {prop} | :: Nishapur |
niche {f} | :: niche |
niche {f} | :: kennel (for dog) |
nicher {v} | :: to nest (bird) |
nicher {v} | :: to nestle |
nicher {v} [slang] | :: to hang out |
nicheur {adj} | :: nesting (of a bird, that builds its own nest) |
nichoir {m} | :: birdhouse, nest box |
nichon {m} [slang] | :: boob, tit, breast |
nickel {m} [usually uncountable] | :: nickel (metal) |
nickel {m} [countable] | :: atom of nickel |
nickel {adj} [slang] | :: spotless |
nickel {adj} [slang] | :: perfect, bang on |
nickelage {m} | :: nickel-plating |
nickelé {adj} | :: electroplated with nickel |
nickélifère {adj} | :: nickeliferous |
nickéline {f} [mineral] | :: nickeline |
nickellement {adv} | :: spotlessly |
nickelure {f} | :: nickel-plating |
Nicodème {prop} {m} | :: Nicodemus (biblical figure) |
niçois {adj} | :: From, or pertaining to, the town of Nice in France |
Niçois {m} | :: An inhabitant of Nice |
Niçoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Niçois |
nicolaïsme {m} | :: Nicolaism, Nicholaism, Nicolationism or Nicolaitanism (early Christian heresy) |
Nicolaïtes {prop} | :: Nicolaite |
Nicolas {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Nicolas {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Nicole {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Nicolescu {prop} | :: surname |
Nicolette {prop} {f} | :: given name, rare today |
Nicoline {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine diminutive form of Nicolas, rare today. Short form: Coline |
Nicomaque {prop} {m} [historical, Ancient Greece] | :: Nicomachus (an Ancient Greek given name) |
Nicopolis {prop} {f} | :: Nicopolis (<<ancient capital>> of the <<p:pref/Epirus Vetus>> of the <<empire/Roman Empire>>, in modern <<c/Greece>>) |
Nicosie {prop} {f} | :: Nicosie (capital city) |
nicotine {f} | :: nicotine (alkaloid) |
nicotinique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: nicotinic |
nictitant {adj} [zoology] | :: nictitant |
Niculescu {prop} | :: surname |
nid {m} | :: nest |
nid {m} [military] | :: Some people or dangerous things, hidden or not |
nidamentaire {adj} [biology] | :: nidamental |
nid d'aigle {m} | :: eyrie |
nid d'aigle {m} [figuratively] | :: eyrie (almost inaccessible and inexpugnable place) |
nid d'amour {m} [idiomatic] | :: love nest |
nid de poule {m} | :: pothole, a hole in the road |
nid-de-poule {m} | :: alternative spelling of nid de poule |
nidicole {adj} | :: nidicolous |
nidification {f} | :: nesting, nidification |
nidifier {v} | :: to nidify; to make a nest |
nièce {f} | :: niece |
nielle {f} | :: corncockle |
nielle {f} | :: blight, ear cockle |
nielle {m} | :: niello |
niellé {adj} | :: Decorated with niello |
niellé {adj} | :: blighted (cereals etc) |
nieller {v} | :: to blight (crops etc) |
nieller {v} | :: to niello |
nième {adj} | :: alternative form of énième |
nième {mf} | :: alternative form of énième |
nier {v} | :: to deny |
niet-niet {m} | :: utter denial or refusal |
nietzschéen {adj} | :: Nietzschean |
Nièvre {prop} {f} | :: Nièvre |
nigari {m} | :: nigari |
nigaud {adj} | :: silly, dimwitted |
nigaud {m} | :: nincompoop, goof, nitwit |
nigaudement {adv} | :: dimwittedly |
nigauderie {f} | :: silliness |
nigelle {f} | :: nigella |
nigelline {f} | :: nigelline |
Niger {prop} {m} | :: Niger (country) |
Nigeria {prop} {m} | :: Nigeria (country) |
nigérian {adj} | :: Nigerian |
Nigérian {m} | :: Nigerian (a person from Nigeria) |
Nigériane {f} | :: feminine noun of Nigérian |
nigérien {adj} | :: Nigerien (from or pertaining to Niger) |
Nigérien {m} | :: Nigerien (someone from Niger) |
Nigérienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Nigérien: Nigerien (female) |
nightclubber {m} | :: nightclubber |
night shop {m} [Belgium, colloquial] | :: a convenience store, a bodega |
nigromance {f} | :: alternative form of nécromancie |
nihilisme {m} | :: nihilism |
nihiliste {adj} | :: nihilist |
nihiliste {mf} | :: nihilist |
Nijni {prop} | :: Nizhny Novgorod (town in Russia) |
Nijni Novgorod {prop} | :: Nijni Novgorod (city/administrative center) |
Nijni-Novgorod {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Nijni Novgorod |
Nikita {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Nikita {prop} {f} | :: A transliteration of the Russian male given name Ники́та |
Nil {prop} {m} | :: Nile |
niladique {adj} [maths] | :: niladic |
nilgaut {m} | :: nilgai |
nilghaut {m} | :: obsolete spelling of nilgaut |
nimbe {m} | :: halo; nimbus |
nimber {vt} | :: to surround with a halo or nimbus |
Nîmes {prop} | :: Nîmes (city) |
nîmois {adj} [attributive] | :: of or relating to the city of Nîmes |
Nîmois {m} | :: someone of or from Nîmes |
Nîmoise {f} | :: feminine singular of Nîmois |
nimphe {f} | :: obsolete spelling of nymphe |
n'importe {adv} | :: No matter, never mind the, any, -ever |
n'importe comment {adv} | :: Haphazardly |
n'importe lequel {pron} | :: any one; no matter which; whichever |
n'importe où {adv} | :: anywhere, wherever |
n'importe quand {adv} | :: anytime, whenever |
n'importe qui {pron} | :: anybody, anyone |
n'importe qui {pron} | :: whoever |
n'importe qui {pron} | :: whomever |
n'importe quoi {pron} | :: anything (without discrimination) |
n'importe quoi {pron} | :: whatever |
n'importe quoi {interj} | :: nonsense!, rubbish!, hogwash! |
Nina {prop} | :: given name |
nineties {fp} | :: nineties (decade) |
ninhydrine {f} [organic compound] | :: ninhydrin |
Nini {prop} | :: given name |
Ninive {prop} {f} | :: Ninive (ancient city) |
niobé {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: niobium (attributive) |
niobique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: niobic |
niobium {m} | :: niobium |
niochon {m} [Quebec] | :: imbecile |
niochon {adj} [Quebec] | :: imbecilic |
Niort {prop} {m} | :: Niort (commune in Deux-Sèvres, France) |
niortais {adj} | :: of or relating to Niort |
Niortais {m} | :: A person from Niort |
Niortaise {f} | :: feminine singular of Niortais |
Nioué {prop} {f} | :: Niue |
niouéen {adj} | :: Niuean |
niouéen {m} | :: Niuean (language) |
ni oui ni non {m} | :: A game whose aim is to answer yes-or-no questions without saying "yes" or "no" |
NIP {m} | :: PIN; PIN number |
ni plus ni moins {adv} | :: neither more nor less; no more no less; quite simply |
nippe {f} [especially in plural] | :: cheap and worn-out clothing; frippery |
nippon {adj} | :: synonym of japonais; Nipponese |
Nippon {m} | :: A Japanese man, a male inhabitant of Japan |
Nippone {f} | :: feminine singular of Nippon |
Nipponne {f} | :: feminine singular of Nippon |
niqab {f} | :: a niqab |
niquer {v} [slang, vulgar] | :: to fuck, to shag |
niquer {v} [slang] | :: to deceive |
niquer {v} [slang] | :: to break, to destroy |
niquer {v} [slang] | :: to steal |
niquer {v} [slang] | :: to beat, to hit |
Nishimoto {prop} | :: surname |
Nishimura {prop} | :: surname |
nissard {adj} | :: alternative form of niçard |
nitescence {f} | :: clarity |
nitescence {f} | :: lucidity |
nitide {adj} [rare, literary] | :: nitid |
nitranilique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: nitranilic |
nitrate {m} | :: nitrate |
nitrater {v} | :: to nitrate |
nitre {m} [dated] | :: saltpetre (potassium nitrate) |
nitré {adj} | :: nitrated |
nitrer {v} | :: to nitrate |
nitreux {adj} | :: nitrous |
nitrifier {v} | :: to nitrify |
nitriler {v} [chemistry] | :: To nitrilate |
nitrine {f} | :: synonym of nitroglycérine |
nitrinique {adj} | :: nitrinic |
nitrique {adj} | :: nitric |
nitrium {m} | :: synonym of nitrure |
nitrium {m} | :: synonym of natron |
nitro- {prefix} | :: nitro- |
nitrobenzine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: nitrobenzene |
nitrochloroforme {m} [organic compound] | :: synonym of chloropicrine |
nitroéthane {m} [organic compound] | :: nitroéthane |
nitroforme {m} [organic compound] | :: nitroform |
nitrogénase {f} [enzyme] | :: nitrogenase |
nitrogéné {adj} | :: nitrogenous |
nitrogène {m} [obsolete] | :: nitrogen |
nitroglycérine {f} | :: nitroglycerine (the compound glyceryl-tri-nitrate) |
nitroglycérol {m} [organic compound] | :: synonym of nitroglycérine |
nitrométhane {m} [organic compound] | :: nitromethane |
nitromuriatique {adj} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: nitromuriatic |
nitrophénol {m} [organic compound] | :: nitrophenol |
nitrophényl {m} [organic chemistry] | :: nitrophenyl |
nitroser {v} [chemistry] | :: To nitrosate |
nitrosyle {m} [chemistry] | :: nitrosyl |
nitrotoluène {m} [organic compound] | :: nitrotoluene |
nitruration {f} | :: nitriding (of a metal surface) |
nitrure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: nitride |
nival {adj} [attributively] | :: snow |
niveau {m} | :: level (general) |
niveau {m} | :: level (measuring instrument) |
niveau à bulle {m} | :: spirit level, bubble level |
niveau à lunette {m} | :: surveyor's level |
niveau de la mer {m} | :: sea level |
niveau de vie {m} | :: standard of living |
nivelable {adj} | :: levelable (able to be levelled) |
niveler {v} | :: to level, level out (ground) |
niveler {v} | :: to even, even out (put on the same level) |
niveleur {f} | :: leveler (all senses) |
niveleuse {f} | :: grader (road-making vehicle) |
nivellement {m} | :: leveling out, leveling |
nivellement analogique {m} [linguistics] | :: paradigm leveling, morphological leveling, analogical leveling |
nivellement par le bas {m} [figuratively, pejorative] | :: dumbing down, lowering of the standards, reducing to the lowest common denominator, levelling down, race to the bottom, downwards harmonisation |
nivernais {adj} | :: Of or from Nièvre |
Nivernais {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Nièvre |
Nivernaise {f} | :: feminine singular of Nivernais |
nivologie {f} | :: the study of snow |
nivologue {mf} | :: someone who studies snow, snowologist |
nivôse {m} [historical] | :: Nivôse (the fourth month of the French Republican Calendar) |
ni vu ni connu {adv} [colloquial] | :: on the sly, secretly |
no {m} | :: abbreviation of numéro |
NO {n} | :: NW; abbreviation of nord-ouest |
nô {m} [uncountable] | :: noh (Japanese theatrical genre) |
nô {m} [countable] | :: a noh play |
nº {m} | :: abbreviation of numéro, No. |
nobélisable {adj} | :: worth of a Nobel prize |
nobélisé {adj} | :: who has won a Nobel prize |
nobélium {m} | :: nobelium |
nobiliaire {adj} | :: noble (belonging to the nobility) |
nobilité {f} | :: nobleness; nobility |
noble {adj} | :: noble, aristocratic |
noble {adj} | :: (of material) non-synthetic, natural; fine |
noble {adj} | :: noble, worthy (thoughts, cause etc.) |
noble {mf} | :: noble (person who is noble) |
noblement {adv} | :: nobly (in a noble way) |
noblesse {f} | :: nobility |
noblesse de robe {f} | :: In the Ancien Régime, a status of nobility due to one's office, such as that of a judge, an arbiter, etc |
noblesse oblige {phrase} | :: Noble or more generally high-ranked people have honourable obligations towards lower-ranked or less fortunate ones, and should behave nobly towards them |
noblesse oblige {m} | :: noblesse oblige (the honourable obligation that is the responsibility of those of high rank) |
nobliau {m} | :: noble, nobleman |
noce {f} [in the plural] | :: wedding |
noce {f} | :: wedding party, reception |
noce {f} [colloquial] | :: party, knees-up |
noces d'or {fp} | :: golden wedding |
noceur {m} | :: party animal, reveller |
noceur {m} | :: one who sleeps late or not at all; or, one who stays out late to revel or party |
noceuse {f} | :: feminine noun of noceur |
nocicepteur {m} [biochemistry] | :: nociceptor |
nocif {adj} | :: harmful, bad for one's health |
nocivement {adv} | :: harmfully |
nocivité {f} | :: noxiousness, harmfulness |
no comment {interj} [idiomatic, ironic] | :: no comment (a refusal to say the obvious impolite retort) |
noctambule {adj} | :: late-night |
noctambule {mf} | :: night owl (one who stays up late at night or goes to bed late) |
noctiluque {adj} | :: noctilucent |
noctiluque {f} | :: noctiluca |
nocturne {adj} | :: nocturnal |
nocturne {adj} | :: of night |
nocturne {m} [music] | :: nocturne |
nocturne {f} | :: opening hours at night |
nocturne {f} | :: match of sport at night |
nocturnement {adv} | :: nocturnally |
nodulaire {adj} | :: nodular |
nodule {m} | :: nodule, lump |
Noé {prop} {m} | :: Noah [biblical character] |
Noé {prop} {m} | :: given name of biblical origin |
noël {m} | :: Christmas gift |
noël {m} | :: Christmas song |
noël {m} | :: melody of a Christmas song |
Noël {prop} {m} | :: Christmas, Christmas time |
Noël {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Noël {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Noël {interj} [archaic] | :: huzzah, hurrah (cry of celebration in the Middle Ages) |
Noëlle {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Noël. Equivalent to the English Noelle |
noëlleux {adj} | :: Christmassy |
Noémi {prop} | :: Naomi [biblical character] |
Noémi {prop} | :: given name, usually spelled Noémie |
Noémie {prop} | :: given name |
noethérien {adj} [maths] | :: Noetherian / noetherian |
noeud {m} | :: nonstandard spelling of nœud |
nœud {m} | :: knot (tangle) |
nœud {m} | :: knot (unit of speed, one nautical mile per hour) |
nœud {m} [slang] | :: penis |
nœud {m} [slang] | :: stupid person |
nœud {m} [physics, music, computing] | :: node |
nœud {m} | :: knot (muscular tension) |
nœud coulant {m} | :: slip knot, noose |
nœud de batelier {m} [nautical] | :: clove hitch |
nœud de cabestan {m} [nautical] | :: clove hitch |
nœud de chaise {m} [nautical] | :: bowline |
nœud en huit {m} [nautical] | :: figure of eight knot |
nœud gordien {m} | :: Gordian knot |
nœud pap {m} [colloquial] | :: clipping of nœud papillon |
nœud papillon {m} | :: bowtie |
nœud plat {m} | :: reef knot |
noeud vital {m} | :: alternative spelling of nœud vital |
nœud vital {m} [anatomy, botany] | :: noeud vital |
nogaï {m} | :: Nogai (language) |
no-go zone {f} [Anglicism] | :: no-go zone |
nohantais {adj} | :: of or from Nohant-Vic |
Nohantais {m} | :: Someone from Nohant-Vic |
noinante {num} | :: [Switzerland] alternative form of nonante |
noir {adj} | :: black in colour |
noir {adj} | :: drunk; inebriated |
noir {adj} | :: black, of black ethnicity |
noir {m} | :: a black person |
noir {m} | :: a person whose hair is dark |
noir {m} | :: dark; darkness |
Noir {m} | :: black (person) |
noirâtre {adj} | :: blackish |
noiraud {adj} | :: swarthy |
noirceur {f} | :: blackness |
noirceur {f} | :: black stain or mark |
noirceur {f} [figuratively] | :: blackness; darkness (quality of being bad or evil) |
noirci {adj} | :: blackened |
noircir {v} | :: to blacken (make black) |
noircir {vr} | :: to get drunk |
noircissement {m} | :: blackening, darkening |
noir comme dans un four {adj} [simile] | :: dark to the point where one can't see, pitch-dark |
noir comme l'ébène {adj} [simile] | :: black as ebony, pitch-black, jet-black |
noir de monde {adj} [figuratively] | :: black, heaving, packed, crammed, overcrowded |
noire {f} [music] | :: quarter note |
Noire {f} | :: feminine noun of Noir |
noir et blanc {adj} | :: black-and-white (displaying images in shades of grey/gray) |
noirette {f} | :: black-haired woman |
noirien {m} | :: pinot noir (grape variety, wine) |
noir sur blanc {adv} | :: in black and white (explicitly) |
noise {f} [archaic or literary] | :: quarrel, argument |
noisetier {m} | :: hazel, hazel tree |
noisette {f} | :: hazelnut |
noisette {f} | :: noisette |
noisette {f} | :: knob (of butter etc.) |
noisette {f} | :: espresso with a little milk |
noix {f} | :: walnut |
noix {f} | :: nut |
noix de cajou {f} | :: cashew nut (the seed of the cashew tree) |
noix de coco {f} | :: coconut |
noix de Grenoble {f} [Quebec] | :: walnut |
noix de macadamia {m} | :: macadamia nut |
noix de muscade {f} | :: nutmeg (seed) |
noix de pécan {f} | :: pecan (nut) |
noix de pin {f} [Quebec] | :: pine nut |
noix de Saint-Jacques {m} | :: great scallop; king scallop |
noix du Brésil {f} | :: brazil nut |
nolisé {adj} | :: chartered; charter (attributive) |
nom {m} | :: A name, especially a last name or family name |
nom {m} | :: A noun |
nom abstrait {m} [grammar] | :: abstract noun |
nomade {adj} | :: nomadic |
nomade {mf} | :: nomad |
nomadisation {f} | :: Conversion to living as a nomad |
nomadiser {v} | :: To nomadize |
nomadisme {m} | :: nomadism |
nomadisme {m} | :: (be extension) mobile working |
nom adjectif {m} [grammar] | :: noun adjective, adjective noun, adjective |
nom binomial {m} | :: alternative form of nom binominal |
nom binominal {m} [taxonomy] | :: binomial name |
nombre {m} | :: number |
nombre abondant {m} [mathematics] | :: abundant number |
nombre atomique {m} [physics, chemistry, rare] | :: atomic number |
nombre complexe {m} [mathematics] | :: complex number |
nombre d'Avogadro {m} [physics, chemistry] | :: Avogadro's number |
nombre d'or {m} [mathematics] | :: golden ratio (irrational number) |
nombre entier {m} [mathematics] | :: whole number |
nombre impair {m} | :: odd number |
nombre naturel {m} | :: natural number |
nombre pair {m} | :: even number |
nombre premier {m} [mathematics] | :: prime number |
nombrer {v} | :: To number |
nombre rationnel {m} | :: rational number |
nombre réel {m} | :: real number |
Nombres {prop} {mp} [bible] | :: Numbers |
nombreusement {adv} | :: numerously |
nombreux {adj} | :: numerous, many |
nombril {m} | :: navel, belly button |
nombril {m} | :: middle |
nombrilisme {m} | :: navel-gazing |
nombriliste {adj} | :: self-absorbed; egocentric |
nombriliste {adj} | :: parochial |
nom commun {m} | :: common noun |
nom complet {m} | :: full name |
nom concret {m} [grammar] | :: concrete noun |
nom d'agent {m} [grammar] | :: agent noun |
nom de baptême {m} | :: baptismal name; Christian name |
nom de bleu {interj} [Switzerland] | :: my goodness; (oh) my God |
nom de code {m} | :: code name |
nom de Dieu {interj} [blasphemous] | :: bloody hell; Jesus Christ; goddammit (Indicates surprise, anger, indignation, etc.) |
nom de Dieu de bordel de merde {interj} [France, vulgar, blasphemous] | :: God Fucking Damnit; holy fucking shit [indicates anger or surprise] |
nom de domaine {m} [Internet] | :: domain name |
nom de famille {m} | :: surname |
nom de guerre {m} | :: pseudonym |
nom de jeune fille {m} | :: maiden name |
nom de marque {m} | :: brand, brand name |
nom d'emprunt {m} | :: pseudonym |
nom dénombrable {m} [grammar] | :: countable noun, count noun |
nom de personne {m} | :: personal name |
nom de plume {m} | :: nom de plume, pen name, pseudonym |
nom déposé {m} | :: registered trademark |
nom de scène {m} | :: stage name |
nom de temps {m} [grammar] | :: temporal noun |
nom d'oiseau {m} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: insult |
nom d'un chien {interj} | :: synonym of nom de Dieu |
nom d'une pipe {interj} [dated] | :: flipping heck; bloody hell; cor blimey (or similar oath) |
nom d'un petit bonhomme {interj} [dated] | :: synonym of nom d'une pipe |
nom d'utilisateur {m} [computing] | :: username (a person’s identification on a computer system) |
nomenclature {f} | :: nomenclature |
nom épithète {m} [grammar] | :: noun adjunct, attributive noun |
nom générique {m} [taxonomy] | :: genus name |
-nomie {suffix} | :: -nomy |
nominal {adj} | :: nominal |
nominal {m} | :: nominal |
nominalement {adv} | :: nominally |
nominalisation {f} | :: nominalization |
nominaliser {v} | :: nominalize |
nominalisme {m} | :: nominalism |
nominateur {m} | :: nominator |
nominatif {adj} | :: nominative (giving a name, naming; designating) |
nominatif {m} [grammar] | :: nominative, nominative case |
nomination {f} | :: nomination |
nominativement {adv} | :: by name |
nominatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of nominateur |
nom indénombrable {m} [grammar] | :: uncountable noun |
nominé {adj} | :: nominated, named |
nominé {m} | :: nominee |
nominer {v} | :: to nominate |
nom latin {m} [biology, taxonomy] | :: Latin name |
nommage {m} | :: naming |
nom massif {m} [grammar] | :: mass noun |
nommément {adv} | :: namely (specifically) |
nommer {vt} | :: to nominate |
nommer {v} | :: to name, to call |
nommer {vr} [se nommer] | :: to be called, to call oneself |
nomographie {f} | :: nomography |
nomologie {f} | :: nomology |
nomothétique {adj} | :: nomothetic |
nom propre {m} | :: proper noun |
nom savant {m} | :: scientific name |
nom scientifique {m} [biology, taxonomy] | :: scientific name, Latin name |
nom spécifique {m} [taxonomy] | :: specific name, specific epithet |
nom substantif {m} [grammar] | :: noun, substantive |
nom systématique {m} [chemistry] | :: systematic name |
nom taxonomique {m} [taxonomy] | :: taxonomic name |
nom trivial {m} [chemistry] | :: trivial name |
Nomura {prop} | :: surname |
nom vernaculaire {m} [biology] | :: vernacular name, common name |
non {adv} | :: no |
non {conj} | :: not |
non {m} | :: a no, a negative response |
non {interj} | :: no! |
nona- {prefix} | :: nona- |
nonadécane {m} [organic compound] | :: nonadecane |
nonadécanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: nonadecanoic |
nonadécylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: nonadecylic |
nonagénaire {adj} | :: nonagenarian |
nonagénaire {mf} | :: nonagenarian |
nonagone {m} | :: nonagon |
non-aligné {adj} | :: nonaligned |
non-alignement {m} | :: nonalignment (state of being nonaligned) |
nonanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: nonanoic |
nonante {num} | :: [Switzerland, Belgium, DR Congo, Rwanda, Acadia] ninety |
nonante-cinq {num} | :: [Switzerland, Belgium, DR Congo, Rwanda, Acadia] ninety-five |
nonante-deux {num} | :: [Switzerland, Belgium, DR Congo, Rwanda, Acadia] ninety-two |
nonante-et-un {num} | :: [Switzerland, Belgium, DR Congo, Rwanda, Acadia] ninety-one |
nonante-et-unième {adj} | :: ninety-first |
nonante-et-unième {mf} | :: ninety-first |
nonante-huit {num} | :: [Switzerland, Belgium, DR Congo, Rwanda, Acadia] ninety-eight |
nonante-neuf {num} | :: [Switzerland, Belgium, DR Congo, Rwanda, Acadia] ninety-nine |
nonante-quatre {num} | :: [Switzerland, Belgium, DR Congo, Rwanda, Acadia] ninety-four |
nonante-sept {num} | :: [Switzerland, Belgium, DR Congo, Rwanda, Acadia] ninety-seven |
nonante-six {num} | :: [Switzerland, Belgium, DR Congo, Rwanda, Acadia] ninety-six |
nonante-trois {num} | :: [Switzerland, Belgium, DR Congo, Rwanda, Acadia] ninety-three |
nonantième {adj} | :: ninetieth |
nonantième {mf} | :: ninetieth |
nonantièmement {adv} | :: ninetiethly |
non-assistance à personne en danger {f} [law] | :: non observance of one's duty to rescue, failure to come to the rescue of a person in danger |
nonatomique {adj} [chemistry] | :: nonatomic |
nonc {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of oncle, uncle |
nonce {m} | :: nuncio |
nonchalamment {adv} | :: nonchalantly |
nonchalance {f} | :: nonchalance |
nonchalant {adj} | :: Marked by a lack of vivacity, vigour, liveliness; slow-moving; indolent |
nonchalant {adj} | :: Cool, relaxed |
nonchaloir {m} [dated or poetic] | :: indifference; nonchalance |
nonciature {f} | :: nunciature |
non-figuratif {adj} [art] | :: nonrepresentational |
non-fumeur {m} | :: non-smoker (somebody who does not smoke tobacco) |
nonidi {m} [historical] | :: The ninth day of the decade (ten-day week) in the French Republican Calendar |
nonilliard {m} | :: octodecillion |
non-lieu {m} [legal] | :: dismissal |
non mais {interj} [colloquial] | :: honestly! well, really! do you mind! (used to express indignation) |
non merci {interj} | :: no thanks, no thank you |
non-métal {m} | :: nonmetal (element that does not have the properties of a metal) |
non-moi {m} [philosophy] | :: nonself |
nonnain {f} [obsolete or humorous] | :: nun |
nonne {f} [literary] | :: nun |
nono {n} | :: fool, idiot |
nonobstant {prep} [formal] | :: despite, in spite of, notwithstanding |
nonobstant {adv} [formal] | :: however, nevertheless |
non peut-être {interj} [Belgium] | :: of course, not maybe |
non plus {adv} | :: (not) either |
non plus {adv} | :: neither |
non-résistance {f} | :: unresistance |
non-résistance {f} [dated, from Tolstoï] | :: nonviolence |
non-respect {m} | :: failure to respect, disrespect |
non-sens {m} | :: A situation or statement that is completely absurd or illogical |
non-sens {m} | :: A statement that is semantically, etymologically, or logically improper or contradictory |
non-sens {m} [biology] | :: Nonsense, a type of damaged DNA sequence |
n'ont {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + ont (third-person plural indicative present form of avoir) |
nonuple {adj} | :: ninefold |
nonuple {m} [Scrabble] | :: A move whose score is multiplied by nine |
nonuple {m} [Scrabble] | :: An area on the board where such a move is possible |
nonupler {v} | :: to nonuple, to multiply by nine |
nonupler {v} [Scrabble] | :: to play a nine-timer |
non-violence {f} | :: nonviolence |
nooanaleptique {adj} | :: nooanaleptic |
noologique {adj} | :: noological |
noosphère {f} | :: noosphere |
nope {f} | :: A tuft of wool; a knot in a fabric; nap |
nope {interj} [colloquial, neologism] | :: nope |
noraghe {m} | :: alternative form of nuraghe |
Norbert {prop} | :: given name |
norbornadiène {m} [organic compound] | :: norbornadiene |
nord {m} | :: north |
Nord {prop} {m} | :: Nord (department) |
nord-américain {adj} | :: North American |
nord-américain {adj} [by restriction] | :: Canado-American (Canadian-American) |
nord-coréen {adj} | :: North Korean |
Nord-Coréen {m} | :: North Korean (person) |
Nord-Coréenne {f} | :: feminine noun of Nord-Coréen |
nord-est {m} | :: north-east |
nordestin {adj} | :: (northeastern) Of or from Nordeste in Brazil |
nord-est-quart-est {m} | :: northeast by east (compass point) |
nord-est-quart-nord {m} | :: northeast by north (compass point) |
nordique {adj} | :: Nordic, Norse |
nord-irlandais {adj} | :: of or relating to Northern Ireland |
Nord-Irlandais {m} | :: person from Northern Ireland |
Nord-Irlandaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Nord-Irlandais |
nordiste {adj} | :: northern (relating to the north of a country) |
nordiste {adj} | :: of or relating to Nord, the French region |
nord-nord-est {m} | :: north-northeast (compass point) |
nord-nord-ouest {m} | :: north-northwest (compass point) |
nord-ouest {m} | :: northwest |
nord-ouest-quart-nord {m} | :: northwest by north (compass point) |
nord-ouest-quart-ouest {m} | :: northwest by west (compass point) |
Nord-Pas-de-Calais {prop} | :: Nord-Pas-de-Calais, former region of France |
nord-quart-nord-est {m} | :: north by east (compass point) |
nord-quart-nord-ouest {m} | :: north by west (compass point) |
norfloxacine {m} [medicine] | :: norfloxacin |
noria {f} | :: noria |
Noriko {prop} | :: given name |
normal {adj} | :: normal (according to norms, usual, pertaining to a school to teach teachers how to teach) |
normal {adj} | :: okay, alright |
normale {f} [geometry] | :: Line perpendicular to a curve |
normalement {adv} | :: in theory |
normalement {adv} | :: usually (most of the time) |
normalement {adv} | :: normally |
normalien {m} [historical] | :: student at a teacher training college |
normalien {m} | :: a student or graduate of the École normale supérieure |
normalienne {f} | :: feminine singular of normalien |
normalisation {f} | :: normalisation |
normaliser {v} | :: to normalise |
normalité {f} | :: normality |
normand {adj} | :: Norman (relating to Normandy) |
Normand {m} | :: Norman (person) |
Normande {f} | :: feminine noun of Normand |
Normandie {prop} {f} | :: Normandy |
normatif {adj} | :: normative |
normativisation {f} | :: normativization |
normativiser {v} | :: to normativize |
normcore {m} | :: normcore |
norme {f} | :: norm (normal state) |
norme {f} [mathematics] | :: norm |
normer {v} | :: to normalize |
normique {adj} [topology] | :: normal |
normopathe {mf} | :: A normopath; a person who conforms excessively to social norms |
normopathie {f} | :: Normopathy |
normothermique {adj} | :: normothermic |
norois {m} | :: alternative form of vieux norrois |
norrois {m} | :: alternative form of vieux norrois |
norséthite {f} [mineral] | :: norsethite |
northumbrien {adj} | :: Northumbrian |
northumbrien {m} | :: Northumbrian (dialect) |
Norvège {prop} {f} | :: Norway |
norvégien {m} | :: Norwegian (language) |
norvégien {adj} | :: Norwegian |
Norvégien {m} | :: Norwegian, someone from Norway |
Norvégienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Norvégien |
norvégo- {prefix} | :: Norvego-; Norwegian |
nosémose {f} | :: Nosema ceranae, a fungal parasite on Asiatic honeybees (Apis cerana), causing nosemosis |
nosocomial {adj} | :: nosocomial |
nosographie {f} [pathology, medicine] | :: nosography |
nosographique {adj} | :: nosographic |
nosologie {f} [medicine] | :: nosology |
nosologique {adj} | :: nosological |
nosseigneurs {mp} | :: our lords, your honours |
Nosseigneurs {mp} | :: alternative case form of nosseigneurs |
nostalgie {f} | :: nostalgia |
nostalgique {adj} | :: nostalgic |
nostalgiquement {adv} | :: nostalgically |
nostre {pron} | :: archaic spelling of notre |
nota bene {interj} | :: nota bene (used to add an aside or warning to a text) |
notabiliser {v} | :: To become well-known |
notabilité {f} | :: notability |
notable {adj} | :: notable |
notable {m} | :: notable |
notablement {adv} | :: notably |
notaire {m} [law] | :: notary |
notaire {m} | :: solicitor |
notamment {adv} [rare] | :: notably |
notamment {adv} | :: especially, in particular, not least |
notamment {adv} | :: for example, for instance |
notarial {adj} | :: notarial |
notariat {m} | :: The function or profession of a notary |
notarié {adj} | :: notarial, notarized |
notation {f} | :: rating (evaluation of status) |
note {f} | :: note [written or spoken] |
note {f} | :: mark [UK], grade [US] |
note {f} | :: bill [UK, US], check [US] |
note {f} [music] | :: note |
note {f} | :: touch, hint, note |
note de bas de page {f} | :: footnote |
note de frais {m} | :: expenses claim |
note de frais {m} | :: expense account |
noter {v} | :: to note |
noter {v} | :: to grade (an exam, an assignment, etc.) |
notice {f} | :: instruction |
notification {f} | :: notification |
notifier {v} | :: to notify |
notion {f} | :: notion |
notochorde {f} [zoology] | :: notochord |
notocordal {adj} [zoology] | :: notochordal |
notoédrique {adj} | :: notoedric |
notoire {adj} | :: well-known; notorious |
notoirement {adv} | :: notoriously (in a notorious or notable manner) |
notopleure {m} [entomology] | :: notopleuron |
notoriété {f} | :: reputation |
notre {determiner} [possessive] | :: Our |
Notre Dame {prop} {f} | :: Our Lady (the Virgin Mary) |
Notre Dame {prop} {f} [by ellipsis] | :: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris |
notredit {determiner} | :: our said |
nottinghamien {adj} | :: Nottinghamian |
nouba {f} | :: party, festival |
nouchi {m} | :: Any of several French argots spoken in Africa |
nouer {v} | :: knot (form into a knot) |
nouer {v} | :: tie; bind; fasten |
nouer {v} | :: tie up |
noueur {m} | :: knotter; one who inserts knots into something |
noueux {adj} | :: gnarled |
nougat {m} | :: nougat |
nouille {f} | :: noodle (string or strip of pasta) |
nouille {f} [colloquial] | :: dumbhead |
nouille {f} [vulgar, slang] | :: cock, dick |
nouille de piscine {f} | :: pool noodle |
Nouméa {prop} | :: Nouméa, the capital of the French overseas possession New Caledonia |
nouméen {adj} | :: Of or from Nouméa |
noune {f} [Canada, slang] | :: pussy, vulva |
nounou {f} | :: nanny |
nounours {m} | :: teddy bear |
nounours {m} [by extension] | :: A very affectionate person |
nouraghe {m} | :: obsolete form of nuraghe |
nourri {adj} | :: fed, nourished |
nourri {adj} [figuratively] | :: heavy, sustained |
nourrice {f} | :: childminder, nanny |
nourrice {f} | :: wet nurse |
nourricier {adj} | :: nourishing, sustaining |
nourrir {v} | :: to feed (provide with nourishment), nourish |
nourrir {v} | :: to nurture, to fuel |
nourrir {vp} | :: to eat, to feed oneself |
nourrir son homme {v} [colloquial] | :: to put food on the table, to pay the bills (to be lucrative enough to live on, to be a good livelihood) |
nourrissant {adj} | :: nourishing |
nourrisson {m} | :: infant; baby (a child who breastfeeds) |
nourrisson {m} | :: infant; toddler (young child) |
nourriture {f} | :: food, nourishment |
nous {pron} | :: The plural personal pronoun in the first person: |
nous {pron} | :: [subject pronoun] we |
nous {pron} | :: [object pronoun] us, to us |
nous {m} | :: The nous, (divine) reason in philosophy |
nous autres {pron} | :: We: first-person exclusive plural pronoun (I and others but not you) |
nous autres {pron} | :: (Canada) We: inclusive or exclusive first-person plural (I and you; I, you, and others; or I and others) |
nous de majesté {m} | :: royal we, majestic plural (plural used by a sovereign) |
nous-mêmes {pron} [emphatic] | :: ourselves |
nouveau {adj} | :: new |
nouveau {m} | :: New person, new thing |
Nouveau-Brunswick {prop} {m} | :: New Brunswick, a province in Canada |
nouveau départ {m} | :: fresh start |
Nouveau-Mexique {prop} {m} | :: New Mexico (all senses) |
Nouveau Monde {prop} | :: New World |
nouveau-né {m} | :: newborn |
Nouveau Parti démocratique {prop} {m} [Canadian politics] | :: New Democratic Party |
nouveau riche {m} | :: nouveau riche |
nouveauté {f} | :: a specific thing that is new |
nouveauté {f} | :: newness; novelty |
Nouveau Testament {prop} {m} | :: New Testament |
nouveau venu {m} | :: newcomer, new arrival, new kid on the block, outsider |
nouvel homme {m} | :: a new man |
nouvelle {f} | :: news, a piece of information |
nouvelle {f} | :: novella |
Nouvelle-Angleterre {prop} {f} | :: New England |
Nouvelle-Aquitaine {prop} {f} | :: Nouvelle-Aquitaine |
Nouvelle-Calédonie {prop} {f} | :: New Caledonia |
Nouvelle-Écosse {prop} {f} | :: Nouvelle-Écosse (province) |
Nouvelle-Galles du Sud {prop} {f} | :: New South Wales (an Australian state) |
nouvellement {adv} | :: newly, recently |
Nouvelle Rochelle {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Nouvelle-Rochelle |
Nouvelle-Rochelle {prop} {f} [Canadian French] | :: New Rochelle; Nouvelle-Rochelle (city) |
Nouvelle Rome {prop} | :: A placename |
Nouvelle Rome {prop} | :: New Rome (Constantinople (Istanbul)); synonym of Constantinople (Istamboul) |
Nouvelle Rome {prop} [obsolete] | :: synonym of Paris |
nouvelles {fp} | :: news |
nouvelle vague {f} | :: new wave, nouvelle vague |
Nouvelle Vague {f} | :: alternative case form of nouvelle vague |
Nouvelle York {prop} {f} [dated] | :: synonym of New York |
Nouvelle-Zélande {prop} {f} | :: New Zealand |
Nouvelle-Zemble {prop} {f} | :: Nouvelle-Zemble (archipelago) |
nouvelliste {mf} | :: novelist |
nov. {n} | :: abbreviation of novembre Nov |
nova {f} [astronomy] | :: nova |
novateur {m} | :: an innovator |
novateur {adj} | :: innovative |
Novatien {prop} {m} | :: Novatian, the antipope against St. Cornelius in 251 AD, and schismatic heresiarch as founder of the sect known as Novatianism |
novatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of novateur |
novembre {m} | :: November |
nover {vt} [legal] | :: to novate |
novice {mf} | :: beginner, novice |
novice {adj} | :: inexperienced |
noviciat {m} | :: novitiate |
novlangue {f} | :: Newspeak (fictional language) |
novocaïne {m} | :: novocaine |
Novossibirsk {prop} | :: Novossibirsk (oblast) |
Novossibirsk {prop} | :: Novossibirsk (city/administrative center) |
novotestamentaire {adj} | :: neo-testamentary, New Testament (attributive) |
noyade {f} | :: drowning |
noyau {m} | :: stone (of a fruit) |
noyau {m} | :: group (of artists etc.); cell (of terrorists etc.) |
noyau {m} [geology] | :: core |
noyau {m} [biology, physics] | :: nucleus |
noyau {m} [computing] | :: kernel |
noyau {m} [phonetics, phonology] | :: nucleus of a syllable |
noyau atomique {m} [physics] | :: atomic nucleus |
noyautage {m} | :: infiltration |
noyauter {v} | :: to infiltrate |
noyau terrestre {m} | :: Earth's core |
noyer {m} | :: walnut (tree) |
noyer {vr} | :: To drown; to drown oneself |
noyer {vt} | :: To drown |
noyer {vt} [cooking] | :: To water down |
noyeraie {f} | :: walnut orchard |
noyer du Brésil {m} | :: brazil nut (tree) |
noyer le poisson {v} [figuratively] | :: to elude a question, to kick into touch, to muddy the waters, to cloud the issue, to confuse |
noyer son chagrin {v} [figuratively] | :: to drown one's sorrows |
NP-complet {adj} | :: NP-complete |
NP-complétude {f} [computing theory] | :: NP-completeness |
NPD {prop} [Canada, politics] | :: NDP; initialism of Nouveau Parti démocratique |
NP-difficile {adj} [computing theory] | :: NP-hard |
NRBC {adj} | :: NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) abbreviation of nucléaire, radiologique, biologique, chimique (nulcear, radiological, biological, chemical) |
NSDAP {prop} {mf} [history] | :: NSDAP |
n-simplexe {m} [geometry] | :: n-simplex |
nu {adj} | :: (person) naked, nude |
nu {adj} | :: (body, tree) bare |
nu {m} | :: nu (Greek letter) |
nuage {m} | :: cloud |
nuageusement {adv} | :: cloudily |
nuageux {adj} | :: cloudy |
nuance {f} | :: nuance |
nuance {f} | :: gradation of colors |
nuance {f} [music] | :: dynamics |
nuancé {adj} | :: nuanced |
nuancément {adv} | :: nuancedly |
nuancer {v} | :: to moderate, to qualify (e.g., an opinion) |
nuancier {m} | :: colour chart (to match paint etc) |
Nubie {prop} {f} | :: Nubia |
nubien {adj} | :: Nubian |
Nubien {m} | :: Nubian person |
Nubienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Nubien |
nubile {adj} | :: nubile |
nucal {adj} [anatomy] | :: nuchal |
nuciculteur {m} | :: someone who grows walnuts |
nucicultrice {f} | :: feminine noun of nuciculteur |
nucléaire {adj} | :: nuclear |
nucléariser {v} | :: to nuclearise |
nucléarité {f} [maths] | :: nuclearity |
nucléase {f} | :: nuclease |
nucléation {f} | :: nucleation |
nucléé {adj} [cytology] | :: nucleated |
nucléer {v} | :: To nucleate |
nucléide {m} [physics] | :: nuclide |
nucléidique {adj} | :: nuclidic |
nucléiforme {adj} [biology] | :: nucleiform |
nucléique {adj} | :: nucleic |
nucléocytoplasmique {adj} | :: nucleocytoplasmic |
nucléofuge {adj} [chemistry] | :: nucleofugal |
nucléoïde {m} [genetics] | :: nucleoid |
nucléolaire {adj} | :: nucleolar |
nucléole {m} [cytology] | :: nucleolus |
nucléon {m} [physics] | :: nucleon (a proton or a neutron) |
nucléophile {adj} | :: nucleophilic |
nucléophilie {f} [chemistry] | :: nucleophilicity |
nucléoplasme {m} [biology] | :: nucleoplasm |
nucléoside {m} [biochemistry] | :: nucleoside |
nucléosome {m} [genetics] | :: nucleosome |
nucléosynthèse {f} [physics] | :: nucleosynthesis |
nucléotide {m} [biochemistry] | :: nucleotide |
nucléotidique {adj} [biochemistry] | :: nucleotidic |
nucléus {m} | :: nucleus |
nu comme un ver {adj} [simile] | :: stark naked; naked as a jaybird |
nudisme {m} | :: nudism |
nudiste {adj} | :: nudist |
nudiste {mf} | :: nudist |
nudité {f} | :: nudity |
nue {f} | :: [archaic, chiefly poetic] cloud |
nuée {f} [chiefly formal or literary] | :: thick cloud |
nuée {f} | :: cloud (of arrows, insects) |
nuée {f} | :: horde, host, swarm (of people, birds, enemies etc.) |
nuée ardente {f} | :: pyroclastic flow |
nuement {adv} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of nûment |
nuire {vi} | :: to harm, to spoil |
nuisance {f} | :: pollution |
nuisette {f} | :: (very short) nightie, nightdress |
nuisible {adj} | :: harmful, damaging, injurious |
nuisiblement {adv} | :: harmfully, damagingly, injuriously |
nuit {f} | :: night |
nuitamment {adv} [rare] | :: at night |
nuit blanche {f} [idiom] | :: sleepless night |
nuit blanche {f} | :: nuit blanche (an all-night celebration or festival) |
Nuit des Longs Couteaux {f} | :: Night of the Long Knives |
nuitée {f} | :: night (night spent at a hotel) |
nuitée {f} | :: night shift |
nuit et jour {adv} | :: day and night (all the time, unceasingly) |
nuit polaire {f} | :: polar night |
nul {adj} [indefinite, singular only] | :: no, nil |
nul {adj} | :: of poor quality, lousy, rubbish |
nul {adj} | :: lame |
nul {m} [sports] | :: draw |
nul {pron} | :: no one, nobody |
nul à chier {adj} [vulgar] | :: lame, lousy, shit, shitty, crappy (completely worthless) |
nul de chez nul {adj} [colloquial] | :: lousy, shit, shitty, crappy (completely worthless) |
nul et non avenu {adj} | :: null and void |
nulla pœna sine lege {phrase} | :: nulla pœna sine lege |
nullard {adj} | :: hopeless, useless, incompetent |
nulle {f} | :: feminine noun of nul |
nullement {adv} [formal] | :: used with ne to form negative statements |
nulle part {adv} | :: nowhere |
nullité {f} | :: The quality nullity, invalidity |
nullité {f} [colloquial] | :: A zero, insignificant or useless person or object |
nul n'est censé ignorer la loi {proverb} | :: Ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse |
nul n'est parfait {phrase} | :: nobody's perfect |
nul n'est prophète en son pays {proverb} | :: no man is a prophet in his own country, no one is a prophet in their own land |
nûment {adv} | :: naked; without clothing |
numéraire {m} | :: currency (money or other item used to facilitate transactions) |
numéral {adj} | :: numeral, numeric |
numéral {m} | :: numeral |
numérateur {m} [mathematics] | :: numerator (in a fraction) |
numération {f} | :: notation (numeric), numeration |
numéricien {adj} [mathematics, computing] | :: numerical, computational |
numérique {adj} | :: numeric |
numérique {adj} | :: numerical |
numérique {adj} | :: digital |
numériquement {adv} | :: numerically |
numériquement {adv} | :: digitally |
numérisation {f} | :: digitization |
numériser {v} | :: to digitize |
numériser {v} [computing] | :: to scan |
numériseur {m} | :: scanner (device which scans documents) |
numéro {m} | :: number |
numéro {m} [by ellipsis] | :: phone number |
numéro atomique {m} [physics, chemistry, rare] | :: atomic number |
numéro de téléphone {m} | :: telephone number, phone number |
numérologie {f} | :: numerology |
numéron {m} [maths] | :: internal instinctive representation of the number of elements of a set, not involving counting, and existing even before language acquisition [compare subitizing] |
numérotage {m} | :: numbering |
numérotage {m} | :: grading the quality of products by a system of numbers |
numérotation {f} | :: numbering |
numéroter {vt} | :: to number (to assign numbers to) |
numéro vert {m} | :: freephone number; toll-free number |
numide {adj} | :: Numidian |
Numidie {prop} {f} | :: Numidia |
numismate {mf} | :: numismatist |
numismatique {adj} | :: numismatic (pertaining to currency) |
numismatique {f} | :: numismatics (study of coins) |
Nunavik {prop} {m} | :: Nunavik |
Nunavois {m} | :: Nunavummiuq |
Nunavoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Nunavois |
Nunavummiuq {mf} | :: A person from Nunavut |
Nunavut {prop} {m} | :: Nunavut |
Nunavutois {m} | :: Nunavummiuq |
Nunavutoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Nunavutois |
nuncupatif {adj} | :: nuncupative |
nuncupativement {adv} | :: nuncupatively. orally, nominally |
nunuche {adj} [colloquial] | :: silly |
nuptial {adj} | :: nuptial |
nuptialité {f} | :: nuptiality |
nuptialité {f} | :: marriage (attributive) |
nuque {f} | :: nape, back of the neck |
nuraghe {m} | :: nuraghe (ancient megalithic structure from Sardinia) |
nuraghique {adj} | :: alternative form of nuragique |
nuragique {adj} | :: Nuragic |
Nuremberg {prop} {m} | :: Nuremberg (major city) |
nutella {m} | :: Nutella (sweet spread including hazelnut and chocolate) |
Nutella {prop} {m} | :: Nutella |
nu-tête {adj} | :: bareheaded |
nutriment {m} | :: nutrient (something providing nourishment) |
nutritif {adj} | :: nutritional |
nutritif {adj} | :: nutritious; nourishing |
nutrition {f} | :: nutrition |
nutritionnel {adj} | :: nutritional |
nutritionnellement {adv} | :: nutritiously |
nutritionniste {mf} | :: nutritionist (an expert or specialist in nutrition) |
Nuuk {prop} | :: Nuuk (capital city) |
n'y {contraction} | :: contraction of ne + y |
nyctalope {mf} | :: An animal with night vision |
nyctalopie {f} | :: night vision (the ability for certain animals to see during the night) |
nycthéméral {adj} | :: nychthemeral |
nycthémère {m} | :: nychthemeron |
nycturie {f} | :: nocturia |
Nyírtass {prop} | :: Nyírtass; Nyírtass (village) |
nylon {m} | :: nylon (material) |
nymphal {adj} | :: nymphal |
nymphalidé {m} | :: nymphalid |
nymphe {f} | :: nymph |
nymphéa {m} | :: waterlily |
nymphée {f} | :: nymphaeum |
nymphette {f} | :: A small nymph |
nymphette {f} | :: A sexually attractive adolescent girl or young woman; nymphet |
nymphomane {adj} | :: nymphomaniac |
nymphomane {f} | :: nymphomaniac |
nymphomanie {f} | :: nymphomania |
nymphoplastie {f} | :: labioplastie (labiaplasty) |
nymphose {f} | :: nymphosis |
n'y voir que du feu {v} | :: to be totally hoodwinked, not to spot a thing, to be taken in |
Nzonzi {prop} | :: surname |