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User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-m

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
m' {pron} :: apocopic form of mi
m {n} :: See under M
M {letter} /ˈɛmme/ :: letter: emme
M {symbol} :: down with
M5S {prop} :: initialism of MoVimento 5 Stelle an Italian populist political party
ma {conj} :: but
ma {f} :: abbreviation of mamma
ma {interj} [colloquial, emphatic] :: Indicates emotion or emphasis
ma {interj} [colloquial] :: Used to introduce a new topic or a question
ma anche no {interj} [colloquial, idiomatic, slang] :: or not (a sarcastic expression of disagreement)
Macabeo {m} :: Maccabee
macabramente {adv} :: macabrely
macabro {adj} :: macabre
macaco {m} :: macaque
macaco {m} :: fool, dunce
macadamizzante {v} :: present participle of macadamizzare
macadamizzare {vt} :: To macadamize
macaira {f} :: marlin, spearfish
macao {m} :: macaw
macaone {m} :: swallowtail (butterfly)
Macario {prop} :: given name
macarismo {m} :: macarism
macarismo {m} :: beatitude
macarones {n} :: synonym of malloreddus
macaronico {adj} :: alternative form of maccheronico
maccabaico {adj} :: Maccabaic
Maccabei {prop} :: Maccabees
maccabeo {m} :: fool
maccabiade {f} :: Maccabiah Games
maccaluba {f} :: (in Sicily) A volcanic jet of steam, mud, and gases
Maccanelli {prop} :: surname
maccarello {m} :: mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
maccarone {m} :: alternative form of maccherone
maccartismo {m} :: McCarthyism
maccartista {mf} :: McCarthyite
maccha {m} :: alternative spelling of matcha
macché {interj} :: of course not, not in the least, not on your life
maccheronata {f} :: blunder
maccheroncino {m} [foods] :: A small macaroni (type of pasta)
maccherone {m} [foods] :: macaroni (type of pasta)
maccheronea {f} :: macaronic composition
maccheronesco {adj} :: alternative form of maccheronico
maccheroni {n} :: macaroni
maccheronicamente {adv} :: macaronically
maccheronico {adj} :: macaronic
maccheroni crioli {n} :: synonym of spaghetti alla chitarra
macchia {f} /ˈmak.kja/ :: stain or smear
macchia {f} :: spot, fleck
macchia {f} :: blot, speck, disgrace
macchia {f} :: shrub, bush, brake
macchiabile {adj} :: stainable
macchiabilità {f} :: stainability
macchia d'aceri {f} :: sugarbush
macchiaiolo {m} :: A member of a Florentine school of impressionism in the second half of the Nineteenth Century
macchiaiuolo {m} :: alternative form of macchiaiolo
macchiante {v} :: present participle of macchiare
macchiantesi {v} :: present participle of macchiarsi
macchia ostinata {f} :: stubborn (ingrained) stain
macchiare {vt} :: to stain, mark, smear
macchiare {vt} :: to blot
macchiare {vt} :: to sully, tarnish
macchiarsi {v} :: reflexive of macchiare
macchiarsi {vr} :: to stain one's body or clothes
macchiarsi {vr} [figuratively] :: to soil one's hands, soil oneself; to sully oneself
macchia solare {f} :: sunspot
macchiatico {m} :: stumpage (right to fell timber)
macchiato {adj} :: stained
macchiato {adj} [of the skin of an animal] :: spotted
macchiatosi {v} :: past participle of macchiarsi
macchiatura {f} :: staining
macchieto {m} :: country area covered by isolated patches of bush and shrub vegetation
macchietta {f} :: little spot; speckle
macchietta {f} :: sketch (little drawing)
macchietta {f} :: strange or ridiculous person
macchiettante {v} :: present participle of macchiettare
macchiettare {v} :: to speckle, dapple or spot
macchiettato {adj} :: speckled, spotted, mottled, pied
macchiettatura {f} :: speckling, mottling
macchiettista {mf} :: caricaturist
macchiettista {mf} :: character actor, character actress
macchiettistico {adj} :: caricatural
macchina {f} /ˈmak.ki.na/ :: machine
macchina {f} :: car, motorcar
macchina da cucire {f} :: sewing machine
macchina da presa {f} :: movie camera
macchina da scrivere {f} :: typewriter
macchina del tempo {f} [literature, science, science fiction] :: time machine
macchina fotografica {f} :: camera (device for taking photographs)
macchina fotografica digitale {f} :: digital camera
macchinale {adj} :: mechanical
macchinalmente {adv} :: mechanically
macchinamento {m} :: alternative form of macchinazione
macchinante {v} :: present participle of macchinare
macchina per cucire {f} :: sewing machine
macchinare {v} :: to plot, brew or machinate
macchinario {m} :: machinery
macchinata {f} :: A load of washing (as much as the machine will take)
macchinatore {mf} :: plotter, schemer
macchina utensile {f} :: machine tool
macchinazione {f} :: machination, concoction, setup
macchinazione {f} :: plot, scheme, conspiracy
macchine a fluido {fp} :: fluid dynamics
macchinetta {f} :: diminutive of macchina
macchinetta {f} :: small machine; device
macchinetta {f} :: coffee maker, percolator
macchinetta {f} :: brace [for the teeth]
macchinetta {f} :: clipper, trimmer [for the hair]
macchinina {f} :: Small car
macchinina {f} :: model car
macchinina {f} :: toy car
macchinina {f} :: pedal car
macchinina {f} :: dodgem
macchinismo {m} :: mechanism
macchinista {mf} :: engine driver, train driver
macchinista {mf} :: engineer
macchinista {mf} :: stagehand, scene shifter
macchinone {m} :: A big car
macchinosamente {adv} :: complicatedly
macchinosità {f} :: complexity, intricacy
macchinoso {adj} :: complex, complicated, intricate
macchinoso {adj} :: bureaucratic
macchiolina {f} :: fleck, speck
macchione {m} :: thick scrub
macchioso {adj} :: spotted, speckled
macchioso {adj} :: bushy
Maccio {prop} :: Maccio (small town)
macedone {adj} :: Macedonian
macedone {mf} :: Macedonian
macedone {m} [singular only] :: Macedonian language
macedonia {f} [culinary] /ma.t͡ʃeˈdɔn.ja/ :: fruit salad (often tinned)
macedonia {f} [figuratively] :: a mixture of heterogeneous elements; a mishmash, medley
Macedonia {prop} /matʃeˈdɔnja/ :: Macedonia (all senses)
Macedonia del Nord {prop} :: North Macedonia
macedonico {adj} :: Macedonian
macedoromeno {adj} :: alternative form of macedorumeno
macedorumeno {adj} :: Macedo-Romanian
macellabile {adj} :: Fit to be slaughtered (of a farm animal)
macellabilità {f} :: fitness for slaughter (of a farm animal)
macellaia {f} :: female equivalent of macellaio
macellaio {m} /ma.tʃelˈla.jo/ :: butcher
macellamento {m} :: slaughter, butchery
macellante {v} :: present participle of macellare
macellare {vt} :: To butcher, to slaughter
macellaro {m} :: alternative form of macellaio
macellatore {m} :: slaughterer
macellatore {m} :: butcher
macellazione {f} :: slaughter
macellazione {f} :: butchery
macelleria {f} /ma.t͡ʃel.leˈri.a/ :: butchershop
macellesco {adj} /ma.t͡ʃelˈles.ko/ :: Of or pertaining to slaughtering or slaughterhouses
macello {m} /maˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ :: slaughterhouse, abattoir
macello {m} :: slaughter, massacre
macello {m} [figuratively, colloquial] :: mess
macerabile {adj} :: That can be macerated
macerabilità {f} :: The property of what can be macerated
maceramento {m} :: steeping, maceration
macerante {v} :: present participle of macerare
macerantesi {v} :: present participle of macerarsi
macerare {vt} :: to macerate, soak
macerare {vt} :: to torment, mortify, distress
macerarsi {v} :: reflexive of macerare
macerarsi {v} :: to soak, macerate
macerarsi {v} :: to torment oneself
Macerata {prop} :: Macerata (town/and/province)
maceratese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Macerata or its inhabitants
maceratese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Macerata
macerato {adj} :: macerated, soaked
macerato {m} :: macerate
maceratoio {m} :: Vessel used for macerating
maceratore {m} :: Person who macerates
maceratosi {v} :: past participle of macerarsi
macerazione {f} :: maceration, soaking
macereto {m} :: scree
macerie {fp} /maˈt͡ʃɛr.je/ :: rubble
macerie {fp} :: wreckage
macerie {fp} :: debris
macero {adj} :: soaked, steeped, macerated
macero {adj} :: beaten, bruised
macerone {m} :: alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum)
Mach {m} :: Mach (number)
machera {f} :: machaira
machete {m} :: machete
machi {m} :: alternative spelling of maki
machiavelleria {f} :: Machiavellianism
machiavellesco {adj} :: synonym of machiavellico
machiavelliano {adj} :: Machiavellian
machiavellicamente {adv} :: in a Machiavellian manner
machiavellico {adj} :: Machiavellian
machiavellismo {m} :: Machiavellianism, Machiavellism
machiavellista {mf} :: Student or follower of Machiavelli
machiavellista {mf} :: Machiavellian
machiavello {m} :: A Machiavellian person
machismo {m} :: machismo
machmetro {m} :: Machmeter
macho {adj} /ˈma.t͡ʃo/ :: macho
macho {m} :: macho
Machri {prop} [obsolete] :: synonym of Chio
macigno {m} :: rock, boulder
macigno {m} [figurative, by extension] :: symbol of hardness, cruelty, or oppression
macigno {m} :: sandstone, grit
macilento {adj} :: haggard, emaciated, gaunt, scrawny, sickly
macilenza {f} :: haggardness, emaciation, gauntness
macina {f} /ˈma.t͡ʃi.na/ :: millstone, grindstone, quern
macinabile {adj} :: That can be ground or milled
macinabilità {f} :: The property of what can be ground or milled
macinacaffè {m} :: coffee grinder, coffee mill
macinacolori {m} :: muller, mullerstone
macinadosatore {m} :: coffee grinder (in a bar)
macinamento {m} :: synonym of macinazione
macinante {v} :: present participle of macinare
macinapepe {m} :: pepper mill
macinare {vt} :: to grind or mill
macinare {vt} :: to mince [meat]
macinare {vt} [rare] :: to beat up
macinare {vt} :: to carry out an activity at a sustained or rapid pace
macinare {vt} :: to ponder deeply
macinare {vt} :: to squander or waste
macinato {adj} :: ground
macinato {adj} :: minced
macinato {m} :: meal (from a mill)
macinato {m} :: mince (meat)
macinato {m} :: grind
macinatoio {m} :: mill, grinder
macinatore {m} :: grinder, miller (device)
macinatura {f} :: milling (of cereal)
macinatura {f} :: grinding (of coffee)
macinazione {f} :: milling
macinazione {f} :: grinding
macinino {m} :: Small grinder or mill
macinio {m} :: grinding, milling (continuous)
macis {n} :: mace (spice)
maciste {m} :: colossus
maciulla {f} :: scutch
maciullamento {m} :: crushing, mangling
maciullante {v} :: present participle of maciullare
maciullare {v} :: to scutch
maciullare {v} :: to crush or mangle
maciullatura {f} :: scutching
Maclovio {prop} :: given name
macò {m} :: maco (Egyptian cotton)
macola {f} :: Variant of macula
macolato {adj} :: alternative form of maculato
macolo {adj} :: alternative form of maculo
macramè {m} :: macramé
macro- {prefix} :: macro-
macro {f} [computing] :: macro, macroinstruction
macro {f} [photography] :: macrophotography
macro {f} [economics] :: macroeconomy
macroanalisi {f} [chemistry] :: macroanalysis
macroanalisi {f} [economics] :: macroeconomics
macroarea {f} :: macroregion
macrobiotica {f} :: macrobiotics
macrobioticamente {adv} :: macrobiotically
macrobiotico {adj} :: macrobiotic
macrobioto {m} :: Any tardigrade of the genus Macrobiotus
macroblasto {m} :: macroblast
macrocardia {f} :: cardiomegaly
macrocefalia {f} :: macrocephaly
macrocefalo {adj} :: macrocephalic, macrocephalous
macrocheilia {f} :: macrocheilia
macrochilia {f} [medicine] :: macrocheilia
macrochiria {f} [medicine] :: macrocheiria
macrociclico {adj} [chemistry] :: macrocyclic
macrociclo {m} [chemistry] :: macrocycle
macrocita {m} :: macrocyte
macrocito {m} [cytology] :: macrocyte
macrocitosi {f} :: macrocytosis
macroclima {m} :: macroclimate
macrocontesto {m} :: macrocontext
macrocosmico {adj} :: macrocosmic
macrocosmo {m} :: macrocosm
macrocristallino {adj} :: macrocrystalline
macrodattilia {f} :: macrodactylia
macrodattilo {adj} :: macrodactylous
macrodistribuzione {f} :: macrodistribution
macrodonte {adj} :: macrodont
macrodontia {f} [pathology] :: macrodontia
macrodontismo {m} :: macrodontia
macroeconomia {f} :: macroeconomics
macroeconomico {adj} :: macroeconomic
macroelemento {m} :: macroelement
macroestesia {f} :: macroesthesia
macroevoluzione {f} :: macroevolution
macrofago {m} [cytology, immunology] :: macrophage
macrofago {adj} :: macrophagous
macrofillo {adj} [botany] :: macrophyllous
macrofillo {m} [botany] :: A macrophyllous leaf
macrofisica {f} [physics] :: macrophysics
macrofossile {m} :: macrofossil
macrofotografia {f} :: macrophotography, photomacrography
macrofotografico {adj} :: macrophotographic
macroftalmia {f} [medicine] :: megalophthalmus, macrophthalmia
macroftalmo {adj} :: megalophthalmic
macrofunzione {f} :: macro function
macrogamete {m} [cytology] :: macrogamete
macrogenesi {f} :: gigantism
macrogenitosomia {f} [medicine] :: macrogenitosomia
macroglobulina {f} :: macroglobulin
macroglossia {f} :: macroglossia
macroglosso {adj} :: macroglossic
macrogruppo {m} :: macrogroup
macroinquinante {adj} :: macropolluting
macroinquinante {m} :: macropollutant
macroistruzione {f} :: macroinstruction
macrolide {m} [organic chemistry, medicine] :: macrolide
macrolidico {adj} :: macrolidic; macrolide (attributive)
macrolinguistica {f} :: macrolinguistics
macrologia {f} :: macrology
macromelia {f} [medicine] :: macromelia
macrometeorologia {f} :: macrometeorology
macrometrico {adj} [optics] :: macrometric
macromicete {m} :: macromycete, macrofungus
macromilanese {adj} :: Greater-Milan (attributive)
macromolecola {f} :: macromolecule
macromolecolare {adj} :: macromolecular
macron {m} :: macron
macronucleo {m} [cytology] :: macronucleus
macronutriente {adj} :: macronutrient (attributive)
macropetalo {adj} [botany] :: macropetalous
macropia {f} :: macropsia
macroplancton {m} :: macroplankton
macroplasia {f} [medicine] :: macroplasia
macropodia {f} [medicine] :: macropodia
macropodide {m} :: macropod
macropodo {adj} :: macropodous
macroprogrammazione {f} [computing] :: macroprogramming
macroprosopia {f} [medicine] :: macroprosopia
macroregionale {adj} :: macroregional / macro-regional
macroregione {f} :: macroregion
macrorrinia {f} [medicine] :: macrorhinia
macrorrino {adj} :: macrorhinia (attributive)
macroscala {f} :: macroscale
macroscelide {m} :: elephant shrew (of genus Macroscelides)
macroscopicamente {adv} :: macroscopically
macroscopico {adj} :: macroscopic (all senses)
macroscopico {adj} [of a mistake] :: blatant
macrosettore {m} :: macrosector (large-scale sector of industry or the economy)
macrosisma {m} :: macroseism
macrosismico {adj} :: macroseismic, megaseismic
macrosismo {m} [geology] :: macroseism
macrosistema {m} :: macrosystem
macrosmatico {adj} :: macrosmatic
macrosociologia {f} :: macrosociology
macrosociologico {adj} :: macrosociological
macrosomia {f} :: macrosomia
macrosomico {adj} :: macrosomic
macrospora {f} :: macrospore
macrosporangio {m} :: macrosporangium
macrostato {m} [physics] :: macrostate
macrostomia {f} :: macrostomia
macrostoria {f} :: macrohistory
macrostruttura {f} :: macrostructure
macrotia {f} :: macrotia
macrottero {adj} :: macropterous
macrovascolare {adj} [anatomy] :: macrovascular
macrovescicola {f} :: macrovesicle
macrozia {f} :: macrotia
macrozona {f} :: macrozone
macuba {m} :: A type of tobacco from Martinique
macula {f} [anatomy, astronomy, geology] :: macula
macula {f} :: stain, blot
macula {f} [pathology] :: macule blotch
maculare {adj} :: macular
maculato {adj} :: spotted
maculo {adj} :: synonym of pesto
maculopapula {f} [medicine] /ma.ku.loˈpa.pu.la/ :: maculopapule
maculopatia {f} [pathology] :: maculopathy
maculoso {adj} :: spotty, spotted
maculoso {adj} :: macular
Madagascar {prop} :: Madagascar
madama {f} :: madam (woman who manages a brothel)
Madama {prop} :: A building in Rome Italy hosting the Italian Senate
madamato {m} :: cohabitation between a white man and a local woman (in colonial times)
madamigella {f} :: Mademoiselle
madamigella {f} :: Miss
madarosi {f} :: madarosis
maddalena {f} :: madeleine (small cake)
maddalena {f} :: a female repentant sinner
Maddalena {prop} :: given name
maddaleone {m} [medicine] :: magdaleon
made in Italy {adj} [of goods] :: manufactured in Italy, especially when made for export
made in Italy {m} :: Italian manufactured goods, considered as a whole, especially when made for export
madera {m} :: madeira (wine)
Madera {prop} :: Madeira (island)
Maderna {prop} :: surname
madernale {adj} :: alternative form of madornale
Maderno {prop} :: surname
madia {f} [furniture] :: cupboard or cabinet (in a kitchen)
madia {f} :: Wooden thing that you knead dough on
madia {f} :: kneading trough
madianita {mf} :: Midianite
madiata {f} :: cupboardful
madido {adj} [literary] /ˈma.di.do/ :: moist, damp
madienò {interj} :: no! (a vigorous denial)
madiere {m} [nautical] :: rib (of a ship)
madismo {m} :: Mahdism
Madò {interj} [slang] :: Exclamation of fright, incredulity, shock, surprise or anger
madonna {f} [now chiefly historical, literary] :: Honorific title used to address women
Madonna {prop} /maˈdɔ.nːa/ :: Madonna, Our Lady
madonnaro {m} :: A person who makes or sells images of the Madonna
madonnaro {m} :: A pavement artist
madonnaro {m} :: A person who carries a statue of the Madonna during a procession
madonne {interj} /maˈdɔn.ne/ :: Mother of God
madonnina {f} :: A small statue of the Madonna
madore {m} [literary] /maˈdo.re/ :: Moisture that covers the body prior to sweating
madore {m} [literary, by extension] :: moisture
madornale {adj} :: Very large; massive
madornalità {f} :: enormousness, hugeness
madosca {interj} :: An expression of disappointment
madraga {f} :: synonym of tonnara
madrasa {f} :: madrasah
madre {f} /ˈma.dre/ :: mother
madrecicala {f} :: The exuvia of a cicada nymph
Madre di Dio {prop} [Christianity] :: Mother of God (the mother of Christ)
madreforma {f} :: A hollow mold (matrix), typically of plaster
madregalista {mf} :: Singer of madrigals
madreggiare {v} :: to take the place or form of a mother
madrelingua {f} :: mother tongue
madrelingua {mf} :: native speaker
madrelingua {adj} :: mother-tongue
madre-nonna {f} :: A mother who is old enough to be a grandmother
madrepatria {f} :: motherland, homeland
madreperla {f} :: mother-of-pearl, nacre
madreperla {m} :: pearl (colour)
madreperla {adj} :: pearl (colour)
madreperlaceo {adj} :: pearly, nacreous
madreperlato {adj} :: frosted
madrepora {f} :: madrepore
madreporico {adj} :: madreporic
Madre Russia {prop} /ma.dre.rus.sja/ :: Mother Russia
madreselva {f} :: honeysuckle, woodbine
madre sostitutiva {f} :: surrogate mother
Madre Terra {prop} :: Mother Earth
madrevite {f} :: nut (that a bolt screws into)
Madrid {prop} /maˈdrid/ :: Madrid (capital city)
Madrid {prop} :: Madrid (autonomous community)
Madrid {prop} :: Madrid (province)
madridista {adj} :: Of or from Madrid
madridista {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Madrid
madrigale {m} [music] /ma.driˈɡa.le/ :: madrigal
madrigaleggiante {v} :: present participle of madrigaleggiare
madrigaleggiare {vi} [rare] /ma.dri.ɡa.ledˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: To compose or sing madrigals
madrigaleggiare {vi} [rare] :: To say gallantries
madrigalesco {adj} :: madrigal (attributive)
madrigalesco {adj} :: gallant
madrigalessa {f} :: A long, monotonous madrigal
madrigalista {m} :: madrigalist
madrigalistico {adj} :: madrigalistic
madrigna {f} :: alternative form of matrigna
madrileno {adj} :: Of or from Madrid
madrileno {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Madrid
madrina {f} :: godmother
madrina {f} :: sponsor
madrina {f} [nautical] :: woman who ceremonially names and launches a ship
madrinaggio {m} :: godmotherhood
madrinato {m} :: charity (voluntary assistance)
madroso {adj} [geology, of rock] :: Full of cavities
Maè {prop} :: Maè (river)
maestà {f} /maeˈsta/ :: majesty
maestaina {f} :: wayside shrine
maestatico {adj} :: alternative form of maiestatico
maestevolmente {adv} :: majestically
maestosamente {adv} :: majestically
maestosamente {adv} :: grandly
maestosità {f} :: majesty
maestosità {f} :: grandeur
maestoso {adj} /maeˈstozo/ :: majestic
maestoso {adj} [music] :: A direction to perform a passage or piece of music in a dignified manner
maestra {f} :: female equivalent of maestro
maestralata {f} :: A gust of mistral wind
maestrale {adj} :: north-west
maestrale {m} :: mistral (wind)
maestraleggiare {v} [of a compass needle] :: to turn to the northwest
maestraleggiare {v} [of wind] :: to blow from the northwest
maestranza {f} :: worker
maestranza {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: workforce
maestranze {fp} :: workers, hands
maestrevole {adj} :: masterly
maestrevolmente {adv} :: masterly
maestria {f} :: skill, mastery
maestrina {f} :: A young teacher; a young schoolteacher
maestro {m} /maˈɛ.stro/ :: teacher (male) (primary school)
maestro {m} :: master (male)
maestro {m} :: mast
maestro {m} [music] :: conductor
maestro {m} :: wright
maestro {m} [meteorology] :: mistral (maestrale wind)
maestro {adj} :: proficient, accomplished, expert
maestro {adj} :: main, most important
maestro d'arme {m} :: fencing master
maestro d'ascia {m} :: shipwright, boat builder
maestro d'ascia {m} :: carpenter
maestro di cappella {m} :: kapellmeister
maestrucolo {m} :: A useless master
Maffei {prop} :: surname
maffeiano {adj} :: Maffei (attributive)
mafia {f} :: The Mafia (International organized crime organization)
mafia {f} :: mafia (Individual branch)
mafia {f} :: arrogance
mafiologia {f} :: Study of the Mafia
mafiologo {m} :: An expert on, or student of the mafia
mafiosa {f} :: female equivalent of mafioso
mafiosamente {adv} :: In a mafia-style way
mafiosità {f} :: mafia-style behaviour or mentality
mafioso {adj} :: of the Mafia, Mafia (attributive), mafia (attributive), Mafioso (attributive)
mafioso {m} :: a Mafioso, a member of the Mafia, a mobster
maga {f} :: female equivalent of mago
Magadino {prop} :: Magadino (small town)
magagna {f} :: flaw, imperfection, defect, blemish
magagna {f} :: infirmity, ailment
magagnare {v} :: To hurt badly
magagnato {adj} :: deteriorated, defective, flawed
magagnatura {f} :: defect, flaw
magalda {f} :: synonym of meretrice
maganzese {adj} :: Of or from the house of Maganza
maganzese {adj} :: traitorous
magari {adv} :: even
magari {adv} :: maybe, perhaps
magari {conj} :: even if
magari {conj} :: if only
magari {interj} [colloquial] :: of course!; you bet!
magari {interj} [colloquial] :: Used to express the speaker's wish that the preceding statement were true; I wish!; if only!; yeah right!
magatello {m} :: silverside or topside (of meat)
magatello {m} :: puppet
magazine {m} :: magazine (publication, especially the supplement of a newspaper)
magazzeno {m} :: alternative form of magazzino
magazzinaggio {m} :: storage, warehousing
magazzinaggio {m} :: The charge for storing something
magazziniere {m} :: storeman, warehouseman
magazzino {m} :: warehouse, store
magazzino {m} :: stock [of goods]
magazzino {m} :: department store
magdaleniano {adj} :: Magdalenian
Magdeburgo {prop} :: Magdeburgo (city)
Magellano {prop} :: Magellan
magenta {m} :: magenta (pinkish purple colour)
magenta {adj} :: magenta (being of the magenta colour)
maggengo {adj} :: May (attributive)
maggesante {v} :: present participle of maggesare
maggesare {vt} :: To fallow
maggese {adj} :: pertaining to the month of May
maggese {m} [agriculture] :: A fallow field
Maggia {prop} :: Maggia (small town)
Maggia {prop} :: Maggia (river)
maggiaiolo {adj} :: of May, May (attribute)
maggiaiuolo {adj} :: Variant of maggiaiolo
maggio {m} /ˈmad.d͡ʒo/ :: May (month)
maggio {m} :: bloom; prime (of life)
maggio {adj} :: greater, bigger
maggio {adv} :: more
maggiociondolo {m} [uncountable, countable] /mad.d͡ʒoˈt͡ʃon.do.lo/ :: common laburnum (Laburnum anagyroides)
maggiolata {f} [music] :: May song
Maggioli {prop} :: surname
maggiolino {m} :: cockchafer (insect)
maggiolino {m} :: beetle (VW car)
maggiolone {m} :: A high-end beetle (VW car)
maggior {adj} :: apocopic form of maggiore
maggiorana {f} :: marjoram (plant and herb)
maggiorante {f} :: majorant
maggioranza {f} :: majority, most
maggiorare {v} :: to increase, to raise
maggiorascato {m} [legal] :: majorat
maggiorasco {m} :: primogeniture
maggiorata {f} :: A buxom woman
maggiorazione {f} :: increase
maggiordomo {m} /mad.d͡ʒorˈdɔ.mo/ :: butler, majordomo
maggiore {adj} /maˈd͡ːʒore/ :: bigger, greater
maggiore {adj} :: biggest, greatest
maggiore {adj} :: longer, longest
maggiore {adj} :: larger, largest
maggiore {adj} :: most important
maggiore {adj} :: major
maggiore {adj} :: greater than
maggiore {adj} :: older, oldest
maggiore {adj} :: most of
maggiore {mf} :: oldest, elder
maggiore {mf} :: major (military)
Maggiore {mf} [when applied to a name] :: the Elder
maggiorenne {adj} :: of age
maggiorenne {mf} :: adult (legal)
maggiorenne {mf} :: major
maggiorente {m} :: An important or influential person
maggioria {f} :: superiority
maggiorità {f} [military] :: regimental office
maggioritariamente {adv} :: as a majority; for the most part
maggioritario {adj} :: majority (attributive)
maggiormente {adv} :: more
maggiormente {adv} :: most
maghero {adj} :: alternative form of magro
maghetto {m} :: gizzard of a chicken
maghetto {m} [in the plural] :: giblets
maghrebina {f} :: feminine noun of maghrebino
maghrebino {adj} :: alternative spelling of magrebino
maghrebino {m} :: alternative spelling of magrebino
magia {f} /maˈd͡ʒi.a/ :: magic
magia {f} :: spell, charm, conjuration
magiaro {adj} [chiefly historical] /maˈd͡ʒa.ro/ :: Magyar
magiaro {m} :: Magyar
magicamente {adv} :: magically
magico {adj} :: magic
magico {adj} :: enchanting
magio {m} :: mage
magio {m} [in the plural] :: Magi
magione {f} :: abode, dwelling (poetic)
magiostrina {f} :: A type of straw hat
magismo {m} :: magic, occultism
magismo {m} :: Zoroastrianism
magistero {m} :: teaching (of a master)
magistero {m} :: mastery, skill
magistrale {adj} :: masterly
magistrale {adj} :: magistral
magistrale {adj} :: describing institutes for the education of elementary school teachers
magistralità {f} :: magisterialness
magistralmente {adv} :: masterfully
magistrato {m} :: magistrate
magistratura {f} :: magistracy
magistrevolmente {adv} :: masterly, skilfully
maglia {f} [in knitting] /ˈmaʎ.ʎa/ :: stitch
maglia {f} [of a chain] :: link
maglia {f} :: mesh
maglia {f} :: knitting
maglia {f} [fabric] :: jersey, tricot
maglia {f} [clothes] :: vest, undershirt, shirt, cardigan, jersey, pullover
maglia {f} [sports] :: shirt
maglia {f} [cycle racing] :: jersey
maglia ciclamino {f} [cycling] :: violet jersey (shirt worn by the leader in the points classification in the Giro d'Italia)
maglia gialla {f} [cycling] :: yellow jersey (shirt worn by the leader in the Tour de France)
magliaia {f} :: female equivalent of magliaio
magliaio {m} :: knitter (person)
magliaio {m} :: seller of knitwear
maglia nera {f} [idiomatic, sports] :: wooden spoon, booby prize, lanterne rouge
magliare {vt} :: to tie
magliaro {m} :: rag trader
magliaro {m} :: cheat
maglia rosa {f} [cycling] :: pink jersey (shirt worn by the leader in the Giro d'Italia)
magliato {adj} :: roped, tied
maglieria {f} :: knitwear
maglieria {f} :: knitwear shop
maglierista {mf} :: knitter
maglietta {f} [clothing] :: T-shirt / tee-shirt
maglietta {f} [clothing] :: vest, undershirt
maglietta {f} [nautical] :: ring, eye, loop (as in a ship's rigging)
maglietto {m} :: mallet
maglificio {m} :: knitwear factory
maglina {f} :: jersey
maglio {m} /ˈmaʎːo/ :: maul
maglio {m} :: machine hammer
maglio {m} :: ram
Maglio {prop} :: surname
magliolo {m} :: shoot (of a vine)
maglioncino {m} :: light or small sweater, light or small pullover
maglione {m} :: sweater, pullover, jumper
magma {m} :: magma
magma {m} :: jumble
magmatico {adj} [geology] /maˈɡma.ti.ko/ :: magmatic
magmatico {adj} [figuratively, rare] :: jumbled, confused
magmatismo {m} :: magmatism
magnaccia {m} :: pimp, ponce
magnalio {m} :: magnalium
Magnani {prop} :: surname
Magnani {prop} :: Anna Magnani, Italian actress
magnanimamente {adv} :: magnanimously
magnanimità {f} :: magnanimity, generosity
magnanimo {adj} :: magnanimous, generous
magnanina {f} :: Dartford warbler (Sylvia undata)
magnanina sarda {f} :: Marmora's warbler (Sylvia sarda)
magnano {m} :: farrier blacksmith
magnante {v} :: present participle of magnare
magnare {vt} [slang, dialectal, Central and Southern Italy] /maɲˈɲa.re/ :: to eat
magnarone {m} /maɲ.ɲaˈro.ne/ :: synonym of scazzone
magnate {m} :: magnate, tycoon, captain of industry
magnatizio {adj} :: magnate (attributive)
magnesia {f} [mineral] :: magnesia
magnesiaco {adj} :: containing magnesium or magnesia; magnesian
magnesiemia {f} [medicine] :: magnesemia
magnesifero {adj} :: magnesian
magnesio {m} [chemistry] /maɲˈɲɛ.zjo/ :: magnesium
magnesite {f} [mineral] /maɲ.ɲeˈsi.te/ :: magnesite
magnetar {f} [astronomy] :: magnetar
magnete {m} /maɲ.ˈɲɛ.te/ :: magnet
magnete {m} :: magneto
magneticamente {adv} :: magnetically
magnetico {adj} /maɲˈɲɛ.ti.ko/ :: magnetic (in both the scientific and figurative senses)
magnetismo {m} :: magnetism
magnetista {mf} :: magnetist
magnetite {f} :: magnetite, loadstone
magnetizzabile {adj} :: magnetizable
magnetizzabilità {f} :: magnetizability
magnetizzamento {m} :: synonym of magnetizzazione
magnetizzante {v} :: present participle of magnetizzare
magnetizzantesi {v} :: present participle of magnetizzarsi
magnetizzare {v} :: to magnetize
magnetizzare {v} :: to hypnotize, mesmerize
magnetizzarsi {vr} :: To become magnetized
magnetizzatore {m} :: magnetizer
magnetizzatore {m} :: hypnotist, mesmerist
magnetizzatosi {v} :: past participle of magnetizzarsi
magnetizzazione {f} :: magnetization
magneto- {prefix} :: magneto-
magnetochimica {f} [chemistry] :: magnetochemistry
magnetochimico {adj} :: magnetochemical
magnetoconducibilità {f} [physics] :: magnetoconductivity
magnetoconduzione {f} :: synonym of magnetoconducibilità
magnetodinamica {f} [physics] :: magnetodynamics
magnetodinamico {adj} :: magnetodynamic
magnetoelasticità {f} [physics] :: magnetoelasticity
magnetoelastico {adj} [physics] :: magnetoelastic
magnetoelettrico {adj} :: magnetoelectric
magnetoencefalografia {f} :: magnetoencephalography
magnetoencefalografico {adj} :: magnetoencephalographic
magnetofisica {f} :: magnetics (science)
magnetofluidodinamica {f} [physics] :: magnetohydrodynamics
magnetofonico {adj} :: tape recorder (attributive)
magnetofonico {adj} :: tape-recorded
magnetofono {m} :: tape recorder
magnetografo {m} :: magnetograph
magnetoidrodinamica {f} [physics] :: magnetohydrodynamics
magnetoidrodinamico {adj} :: magnetohydrodynamic
magnetolettore {m} :: magnetic reader or recorder
magnetolettura {f} :: magnetic recording
magnetomeccanico {adj} :: magnetomechanical; magnetomechanics (attributive)
magnetometria {f} :: magnetometry
magnetometrico {adj} :: magnetometric
magnetometro {m} :: magnetometer
magnetomotore {adj} :: magnetomotive
magnetomotrice {adj} [physics] :: magnetomotive
magnetone {m} :: magneton
magnetoottica {f} :: magnetooptics
magnetoottico {adj} :: magnetooptic
magnetopausa {f} :: magnetopause
magnetoresistenza {f} [physics] :: magnetoresistance
magnetoresistore {m} :: magnetoresistor
magnetoscopia {f} :: magnetic particle inspection
magnetosfera {f} :: magnetosphere
magnetosferico {adj} :: magnetospheric
magnetostatica {f} :: magnetostatics
magnetostatico {adj} :: magnetostatic
magnetostratigrafico {adj} :: magnetostratigraphic
magnetostrittivo {adj} :: magnetostrictive
magnetostrizione {f} :: magnetostriction
magnetotellurico {adj} [physics] :: magnetotelluric
magnetoterapia {f} :: magnetotherapy
magnetoterapico {adj} :: magnetotherapeutic
magnetotermico {adj} [physics] :: magnetothermic, magnetocaloric
magnificabile {adj} :: That can be glorified
magnificamente {adv} :: magnificently
magnificamento {m} :: magnification
magnificamento {m} :: exaltation
magnificante {v} :: present participle of magnificare
magnificare {v} :: to glorify, extol
magnificatore {m} :: praiser, extoller, magnifier
magnificazione {f} :: magnification
magnificente {adj} :: magnificent
magnificentemente {adv} :: magnificently
magnificenza {f} :: magnificence, splendour
magnificenza {f} :: munificence
magnifico {adj} :: magnificent
magnifico {adj} :: marvellous, wonderful
magnifico {adj} :: gorgeous, superb
magnifico {adj} :: generous
magniloquente {adj} :: magniloquent, grandiloquent
magniloquente {adj} :: bombastic
magniloquentemente {adv} :: magniloquently, grandiloquently
magniloquentemente {adv} :: bombastically
magniloquenza {f} :: magniloquence, grandiloquence
magniloquenza {f} :: bombast
magniloquio {m} :: synonym of magniloquenza
magnitudine {f} [archaic] /maɲ.ɲiˈtu.di.ne/ :: greatness
magnitudine {f} [astronomy] :: magnitude (apparent brightness of a star)
magnitudo {f} [seismology] /maɲ.ɲiˈtu.do/ :: magnitude (energy released by an earthquake)
magno {adj} [archaic, literary] /ˈma.ɲo/ :: great, mighty
Magno {m} [when added to a name] :: the Great, as in Alexander the Great ("Alessandro Magno") or Charlemagne ("Carlo Magno")
magnogreco {adj} :: Magna Graecia (attributive)
magnolia {f} /maɲˈɲɔl.ja/ :: magnolia
mago {m} :: magician, wizard
mago {m} :: fortuneteller
mago {m} :: conjurer, juggler
mago {adj} :: magic
magolato {m} :: synonym of magolo
magolo {m} :: The arrangement of plants in parallel rows separated by a drainage ditch
magona {f} :: ironworks
magona {f} :: iron industry
magona {f} :: ironmonger
magone {m} [regional, rare] /maˈɡo.ne/ :: gizzard
magone {m} [regional, figuratively] :: grief, unhappiness
Magonza {prop} /maˈɡon.tsa/ :: Magonza (city/state capital)
magra {f} :: low water [in a river]
magra {f} :: scarcity [of money, etc.]
Magra {prop} :: A river that flows in Tuscany and Liguria
magramente {adv} :: poorly
magramente {adv} :: meagerly / meagrely
Magrassi {prop} :: surname
Magreb {prop} /maˈɡrɛb/ :: The Maghreb
magrebina {f} :: feminine noun of magrebino
magrebino {adj} /ma.ɡreˈbi.no/ :: Maghrebi
magrebino {m} :: Maghrebi [male]
magrebizzazione {f} /ma.ɡre.bid.d͡zatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: Assimilation to the Maghreb region of Africa
magredo {m} :: A very permeable soil, formed by floods, typical of the Friuli; it has poor vegetation and is sparsely cultivated
magrezza {f} :: thinness, leanness
magrezza {f} :: meagreness / meagerness
magrissimo {adj} :: superlative of magro
magrissimo {adj} :: very slim, very thin, very skinny, skin and bones
magrissimo {adj} :: very scant, very poor, very scarce
magrissimo {adj} :: very lean, very low-fat
magrittiano {adj} :: Magrittean
magro {adj} :: thin, lean, slim, spare
magro {adj} [of food] :: low-fat, lean
magro {adj} :: meagre, poor, scarce
magro {m} :: lean part
magro {m} [of meat] :: lean, lean meat
magrolino {adj} :: thin, skinny
magrone {m} :: fattening pig
mah {interj} :: An expression of doubt or uncertainty
mah {interj} :: An expression of disapproval or resignation
maharatto {m} :: Marathi (language)
mahdismo {m} :: Mahdism
mahdista {mf} :: Mahdist
mai {adv} :: never
mai {adv} :: ever, always
mai {adv} :: Used as an intensifier
maiala {f} [rare] :: sow
maiala {f} [vulgar, pejorative] :: slut, whore (promiscuous woman)
maialata {f} :: boorishness
maialatura {f} :: pork butchery
maiale {m} /maˈjale/ :: pig
maiale {m} :: pork
maialesco {adj} :: piggish, hoggish, boorish
maialetto {m} :: piglet
maialino {m} :: piglet
maidico {adj} :: maize (attributive)
maidicolo {adj} [agriculture] :: maize-growing
maidicoltura {f} [agriculture] :: maize growing
maidismo {m} :: pellagra
mai e poi mai {adv} :: never ever; never, ever again
maiestà {f} :: alternative form of maestà
maiestatico {adj} :: regal, royal
maieutica {f} [philosophy] /maˈjɛu.ti.ka/ :: maieutics, Socratic method
maieutico {adj} /maˈjɛu.ti.ko/ :: maieutic, maieutical
mail {f} :: email
maimone {m} :: synonym of macaco
maimone {m} :: A device on the gunwale of a ship to which ropes are tied
mainardiano {adj} :: Relating to Meinhard (any of several Counts of Gorizia / Tyrol)
Mainardo {prop} :: given name
mainare {v} :: alternative form of ammainare
Maine {prop} /ˈmɛ.in/ :: Maine (state)
mainò {adv} :: certainly not
maiolica {f} :: majolica
maiolicaia {f} /ma.jo.liˈka.ja/ :: feminine noun of maiolicaio
maiolicaio {m} :: Maker or seller of majolica ware
maiolicante {v} :: present participle of maiolicare
maiolicare {v} :: to tile with majolica
maiolicaro {adj} :: alternative form of maiolicaio
maiolicaro {m} :: alternative form of maiolicaio
maionese {f} :: mayonnaise
maiorasco {m} :: synonym of maggiorasco
Maiorca {prop} :: Majorca
maiorchino {adj} :: Majorcan
maiorchino {m} :: Majorcan
mai più {adv} :: evermore; never again
Maira {prop} :: Maira (river)
mais {m} :: maize, corn
maiscoltore {m} :: maize grower or farmer
maiscoltura {f} :: maize growing
maitresse {f} :: keeper (of a brothel)
maiuscola {f} :: capital letter
maiuscola {f} :: upper case
maiuscoletto {m} :: small caps
maiuscolo {adj} :: capital (letters)
maiuscolo {adj} :: upper case
Majewski {prop} :: surname
Majorana {prop} :: surname
Majorana {prop} :: Ettore Majorana, Italian physician
maki {m} /ˈma.ki/ :: black lemur (Eulemur macaco)
maki {m} :: mongoose lemur (Lemur mongoz)
maki {m} :: A piece of makizushi
makò {m} :: maco (Egyptian cotton)
mal- {prefix} :: bad; badly
mal {m} :: apocopic form of male
mala {f} :: underworld, gangland
malacarne {f} :: bad or rotten meat
malacarne {f} :: scoundrel
Malacarne {prop} :: surname
malacca {f} :: rattan
malaccetto {adj} :: unwelcome
malaccio {m} :: Grave or serious illness
malaccolto {adj} /ma.lakˈkɔl.to/ :: unwelcome
malacconcio {adj} :: unsuitable
malaccortamente {adv} :: unwisely, imprudently
malaccortezza {f} :: unwisdom, imprudence
malaccorto {adj} :: unwise, imprudent
malaccorto {adj} :: ill-advised
Malachia {prop} [Biblical character] :: Malachi
Malachia {prop} :: given name
malachite {f} [mineral] :: malachite
malacia {f} [pathology] :: malacia
malaco- {prefix} [biology] :: forms terms relating to molluscs
Malacoda {prop} :: A fictional devil in the Divine Comedy
malacofauna {f} [zoology] :: malacofauna
malacologia {f} [zoology] :: malacology
malacologico {adj} :: malacological
malacologo {m} :: malacologist
malacomanzia {f} :: divination using shells
malacopia {f} :: first draft, rough draft (of a text)
malacreanza {f} :: rudeness, impoliteness
malacuto {m} :: synonym of tisi
maladire {v} :: alternative form of maledire
maladorno {adj} :: synonym of disadorno
malafatta {f} :: alternative form of malefatta
malafede {f} :: bad faith, or an intent to deceive
malafemmina {f} :: whore
malaffare {m} :: ill repute
malaffare {m} :: ill fame
malaga {f} :: Malaga (grape variety, wine)
malagestione {f} :: poor management
malagevole {adj} :: difficult
malagevolezza {f} :: difficulty, discomfort
malagevolezza {f} :: stumbling block
malagevolmente {adv} :: difficultly
malagiato {adj} :: uncomfortable
malagiato {adj} :: poor
malagiustizia {f} [legal] :: A wrong committed by a judicial authority against a citizen
malagrazia {f} :: bad grace
malaguegna {f} :: malaguena
malalingua {f} /ma.laˈlin.ɡwa/ :: backbiter
malalingua {f} :: rumourmonger
malamente {adv} :: dishonestly
malamente {adv} :: badly, wrongly, incorrectly
malamente {adv} :: rudely
malandare {v} :: To end badly
malandare {v} :: To be ruined
malandato {adj} :: ruined, dilapidated
malandato {adj} :: in bad condition, or poor health
malandra {f} :: malanders
malandrinaggio {m} :: highway robbery, brigandage
malandrinata {f} :: A trick or stunt
malandrinata {f} :: bravado
malandrinesco {adj} :: highway robbery (attributive)
malandrinesco {adj} :: rascally
malandrino {adj} :: dishonest, crooked
malandrino {adj} :: mischievous
malandrino {m} :: brigand
malandrino {m} :: rascal, rogue
malanga {f} :: malanga
malanimo {m} :: hostility
malanimo {m} :: malevolence
malannaggia {interj} :: Used to express anger or disappointment
malanno {m} /maˈlanno/ :: illness, disease
malanno {m} :: misfortune, mishap, mischief
malaparata {f} :: difficult situation
Malaparte {prop} :: surname
Malaparte {prop} :: Curzio Malaparte, Italian writer, journalist and poet
malapena {adv} :: only in a malapena
malare {adj} [skeleton] :: malar
malare {m} [skeleton] :: malar, cheekbone
malaria {f} [diseases] :: malaria
malarico {adj} :: Of, relating to, causing or suffering from malaria; malarial
malarico {m} :: A person with this disease
malariologia {f} [medicine] :: Study of malaria
malariologo {m} :: malariologist
malarioterapia {f} [medicine] :: malariotherapy
malasanità {f} :: medical malpractice
malasorte {f} :: bad luck, hard luck
malassare {v} :: To knead flour and water when making bread
malassare {v} :: To wash away the starch from flour in order to isolate the gluten
malassatrice {f} :: kneading machine
malassorbimento {m} :: malabsorption
Malatesta {prop} :: surname several members of which family were important in Italian history
malatestiano {adj} :: Malatestan; relating to the historic Malatesta family
malaticcio {adj} :: Sickly, unhealthy, especially of a child
malato {adj} :: ill, sick, unwell, affected, sore
malato {adj} :: (plant) diseased
malato {m} :: patient, sick person, invalid
malattia {f} /malatˈtia/ :: illness, sickness, disease, ailment
malattia da graffio di gatto {f} [diseases] :: cat scratch fever
malattia di Parkinson {f} [diseases] :: Parkinson's disease
malauguratamente {adv} :: unfortunately, regretfully
malaugurato {adj} :: inauspicious
malaugurio {m} :: ill omen
malaugurio {m} :: jinx
malaugurosamente {adv} :: inauspiciously
malauguroso {adj} :: inauspicious
malaventura {f} :: misfortune, bad luck, misadventure
malavita {f} :: underworld, gangland
malavita {f} :: racketeers as a whole
malavitosa {f} :: female equivalent of malavitoso
malavitoso {adj} :: underworld (attributive)
malavitoso {m} :: criminal
malavoglia {f} :: unwillingness
malavoglia {f} :: reluctance
malavoglienza {f} :: alternative form of malevolenza
malavvedutamente {adv} :: imprudently
malavveduto {adj} :: imprudent
malavventuratamente {adv} :: unfortunately, unluckily
malavventurato {adj} :: unlucky, unfortunate
malavventurosamente {adv} :: synonym of malauguratamente
malavventuroso {adj} :: synonym of malaugurato
malavvezzo {adj} :: spoilt (over-indulged)
malavvezzo {adj} :: rude (ill-mannered)
malavvisato {adj} :: careless, thoughtless, inadvised
Malawi {prop} :: Malawi
malawiana {f} :: female equivalent of malawiano
malawiano {adj} :: Malawian
malawiano {m} :: Malawian
malaysiano {adj} :: Malaysian
malaysiano {m} :: Malaysian
malazzato {adj} :: poorly (in poor health)
malbianco {m} :: powdery mildew
malcaduco {m} [obsolete, medicine] :: epilepsy
malcapitato {adj} :: unlucky, unfortunate
malcapitato {m} :: Such a person
malcautamente {adv} :: rashly, unwarily, unwisely
malcauto {adj} :: rash, unwary, unwise
malcelato {adj} :: ill-concealed (sentiments, motives etc)
malcerto {adj} :: uncertain
Malco {prop} [Biblical character] :: Malchus
Malco {prop} :: given name
malcollocato {adj} :: misplaced
malcomposto {adj} [rare] :: synonym of scomposto
mal comune mezzo gaudio {phrase} :: shared trouble is a half joy
malconcio {adj} :: battered
malconcio {adj} [figurative, by extension] :: extremely unhealthy; in terminal condition
malconcio {adj} [figurative, by extension] :: economically unsuccessful or downtrodden
malconoscente {adj} :: ungrateful
malconsiderato {adj} :: alternative form of sconsiderato
malconsigliato {adj} :: misguided
malconsigliato {adj} :: ill-advised
malcontento {adj} :: discontented
malcontento {m} :: discontent, discontentment, unrest
malcontento {m} :: malcontent [person]
malcoperto {adj} :: Insufficiently covered
malcoperto {adj} :: Imperfectly concealed
malcorrisposto {adj} :: unrequited (not returned)
malcostumato {adj} :: shameless
malcostumato {adj} :: rude, impolite
malcostume {m} /mal.kosˈtu.me/ :: immorality, corruption, or sleaze, especially in social or administrative relations
malcreanza {f} :: rudeness, impoliteness
malcreato {adj} :: rude
malcreato {adj} :: unhappy
malcurante {adj} :: heedless
mal d'auto {m} :: carsickness
maldefinito {adj} :: ill-defined
maldestramente {adv} /mal.des.traˈmen.te/ :: clumsily, awkwardly, unskillfully
maldestrezza {f} :: clumsiness
maldestro {adj} :: clumsy, awkward, ungainly, butterfingered
maldicente {adj} /mal.diˈt͡ʃɛn.te/ :: slanderous
maldicente {mf} :: slanderer
maldicenza {f} /mal.diˈt͡ʃɛn.t͡sa/ :: slander
maldicenza {f} :: backbiting
maldicenza {f} :: gossip, buzz, chit-chat, claver
mal di denti {m} :: toothache
mal di fuso {m} :: jet lag
maldigerito {adj} :: not well digested
maldigerito {adj} [figurative, by extension] :: not well-received
maldigerito {adj} :: poorly socialized or taught; unrefined
mal di gola {m} :: sore throat
mal di mare {m} :: sea-sickness
mal di pancia {m} :: bellyache
mal di schiena {m} :: backache
maldisposto {adj} :: ill-disposed
mal di testa {m} :: headache
Maldive {prop} :: Maldives
maldiviana {f} :: female equivalent of maldiviano
maldiviano {adj} :: Maldivian
maldiviano {m} :: Maldivian
maldiviano {m} :: the Maldivian language
maldocchio {m} :: alternative form of malocchio
maldurevole {adj} :: transitory
male {adv} /ˈmaː.le/ :: badly, wrongly
male {m} :: evil, harm
male {m} :: pain, ache, illness, sickness, disease
Malebolge {prop} :: The name of the eighth circle of Hell in the Divine Comedy
Malebranche {prop} :: a group of devils in the Divine Comedy
maledettamente {adv} :: terribly, awfully, wicked
maledettamente {adv} :: a damn sight more, a fuck sight more
maledettamente {adv} :: a hell of a lot
maledettissimo {adj} :: superlative of maledetto
maledetto {adj} :: damned, damn, cursed, blasted
maledetto {adj} :: horrible, awful
maledettosi {v} :: past participle of maledirsi
maledica {f} /maˈlɛ.di.ka/ :: feminine noun of maledico
maledicamente {adv} :: slanderously
maledicente {v} :: present participle of maledire
maledicentesi {v} :: present participle of maledirsi
maledico {adj} [literary] /maˈlɛ.di.ko/ :: slanderous
maledico {m} :: slanderer
maledir {v} :: apocopic form of maledire
maledire {vt} :: To curse
maledirsi {vr} :: To curse oneself
maledirsi {vr} :: To curse one another
maledizione {f} :: curse, spell, malediction, bane
maleducatamente {adv} :: rudely, impolitely
maleducato {adj} :: ill-bred, ill-mannered, bad-mannered, rude, impolite
maleducato {m} :: Such a person
maleducazione {f} :: rudeness, impoliteness
malefatta {f} :: misdeed, wrongdoing
maleficamente {adv} :: evilly
maleficamente {adv} :: balefully, malignly
maleficenza {f} :: maleficence, wickedness, malignancy
maleficio {m} :: An evil spell, bane, curse
malefico {adj} /maˈlɛ.fi.ko/ :: evil, wicked
malefico {adj} :: baleful, malign
malefico {adj} :: dark (forces etc)
malefizio {m} :: alternative form of maleficio
maleico {adj} :: maleic
Malenchini {prop} :: surname
maleodorante {adj} :: malodorous, evil-smelling
maleolente {adj} :: malodorous
maleopolinesiaco {adj} :: Malayo-Polynesian
malerba {f} :: weed
malescio {adj} [of a nut] :: Having a hard shell that is difficult to get into
malescio {adj} :: stubborn
malescio {adj} :: sickly
malese {adj} :: Malay, Malayan
malese {mf} :: Malay, Malayan
malese {m} :: The Malayan language
malese ambonese {m} :: Ambonese (language)
Malesia {prop} :: Malaysia
malesiana {f} :: female equivalent of malesiano
malesiano {adj} :: Malaysian, Malayan
malesiano {m} :: Malaysian, Malayan
malesiano {m} [singular only] :: The Malay language
malessere {m} /maˈlɛs.se.re/ :: indisposition, malaise
malessere {m} :: unease, uneasiness
malestro {m} :: mischief
malestro {m} :: harm, damage
malestroso {adj} :: mischievous
malestruo {adj} :: wretched
malestruo {adj} :: wicked
malevolenza {f} :: malevolence
malevolmente {adv} :: malevolently
malevolo {adj} :: malicious, malevolent, impish
malevolo {adj} :: spiteful
malfacente {v} :: present participle of malfare
malfamato {adj} :: disreputable
malfare {vi} :: To do wrong
malfare {vt} :: To do something wrong or badly
malfare {vt} :: to botch
malfatto {adj} /malˈfat.to/ :: Badly made; shoddy
malfatto {adj} :: unshapely
malfatto {m} :: misdeed
malfatto {m} [in the plural] :: Type of gnocchi
malfattore {m} :: wrongdoer, evildoer, malefactor
malfattrice {f} :: female equivalent of malfattore
malfermo {adj} :: faltering, unsteady, shaky
malfermo {adj} :: unstable
malfermo {adj} :: trembling - voice
malfidato {adj} :: distrustful, mistrustful
malfidato {m} :: A distrustful or mistrustful person
malfidente {adj} :: mistrustful, distrustful
malfido {adj} :: unreliable, untrustworthy
malfondato {adj} :: ill-founded
malfondato {adj} :: groundless
malformativo {adj} :: malformed
malformato {adj} :: misshapen
malformato {adj} :: malformed
malformazione {f} :: malformation
malfrancese {m} :: syphilis
malfunzionamento {m} :: malfunction
malfunzionante {adj} :: not working properly, defective, broken
malfunzione {f} :: malfunction
malfusso {adj} /malˈfus.so/ :: wretched
malga {f} :: mountain pasture
malga {f} :: alpine building
malgarbo {m} :: rudeness, impoliteness
malgarbo {m} :: slight, insult
malgaro {m} :: herdsman (typically mountainous)
malgascia {f} :: female equivalent of malgascio
malgascio {adj} :: Malagasy, Madagascan
malgascio {m} :: Malagasy, Madagascan
malgascio {m} :: the Malagasy language
malghese {mf} :: alternative form of malgaro
malgiudicare {v} :: To make ill-judged decisions
malgiudicato {adj} :: ill-judged
malgovernabile {adj} :: ungovernable
malgovernabile {adj} :: uncontrollable, unruly
malgoverno {m} :: misgovernment, misrule
malgradito {adj} :: unwelcome, unappreciated
malgradito {adj} :: unpleasant
malgrado {adv} :: despite [oneself, etc.]
malgrado {prep} :: in spite of, despite
malgrado {conj} :: even though, although
malguardato {adj} :: Poorly guarded or protected
malgusto {m} :: bad taste
malgusto {m} :: loss of taste
Mali {prop} :: Mali (country)
malia {f} /maˈli.a/ :: charm, enchantment
malia {f} :: spell
maliana {f} :: female equivalent of maliano
maliano {adj} :: Malian
maliano {m} :: Malian
maliarda {f} :: sorceress, witch, enchantress
maliardo {adj} :: enchanting, charming
malico {adj} :: malic
malidetto {adj} :: alternative form of maledetto
malificio {m} :: alternative form of maleficio
malignamente {adv} :: malignly, malignantly
malignante {v} :: present participle of malignare
malignare {v} :: to malign
malignatore {m} :: malign person
malignazione {f} :: a malignant act; malignancy
malignità {f} :: malice, spite, spitefulness
maligno {adj} :: spiteful, malicious
maligno {adj} :: evil, impish, wicked
maligno {adj} [oncology] :: malignant
malignosamente {adv} :: evilly, malignly
malignoso {adj} :: evil, malign
malinconia {f} /maliŋkoˈni.a/ :: melancholy
malinconicamente {adv} :: melancholically, gloomily
malinconico {adj} /ma.linˈkɔ.ni.ko/ :: gloomy, melancholy, melancholic
malinconioso {adj} :: melancholy
malinconioso {adj} :: sad
malinconioso {adj} :: dismal
malincorpo {n} :: only used in a malincorpo
malincuore {adv} :: only in a malincuore
malinformato {adj} :: ill-informed
malintenzionata {f} :: female equivalent of malintenzionato
malintenzionatamente {adv} :: ill-intentionedly, evil-mindedly
malintenzionato {adj} :: ill-intentioned, evil-minded
malintenzionato {m} :: one who seeks to harm others
malintenzionato {m} [by extension] :: prowler, stalker
malinteso {adj} :: misunderstood
malinteso {m} :: misunderstanding, misconstruction, misapprehension
maliosamente {adv} :: enchantingly
malioso {adj} :: enchanting, charming
Malipiero {prop} :: surname
maliscalco {m} :: alternative form of maniscalco
malissimo {adv} :: superlative of male
malivolenza {f} :: alternative form of malevolenza
malizia {f} :: malice, spite
malizia {f} :: mischievousness
malizia {f} :: trick
maliziare {v} :: To be malign
maliziare {v} :: To falsify
maliziosamente {adv} :: mischievously
maliziosamente {adv} :: naughtily
maliziosità {f} :: malice, spite
maliziosità {f} :: mischievousness
maliziosità {f} :: trick
malizioso {adj} :: malicious
malizioso {adj} :: mischievous, naughty
mallardo {m} :: mallard (wild duck)
malleabile {adj} :: malleable
malleabile {adj} :: pliable
malleabile {adj} :: soft
malleabilità {f} :: malleability
malleabilmente {adv} :: malleably
malleabilmente {adv} :: pliably
malleolare {adj} [skeleton] :: malleolar
malleolo {m} [skeleton] :: malleolus
Mallero {prop} :: Mallero (small river)
mallevadore {m} :: guarantor, sponsor
mallevadoria {f} :: guarantee
mallevadoria {f} :: sponsion
mallevare {v} :: To guarantee
mallevare {v} :: To sponsor
mallevatore {m} :: alternative form of mallevadore
malleveria {f} :: guarantee, surety
mallo {m} :: cupule
mallo {m} [botany] :: husk, hull, shell
mallobergo {m} :: Place where the assembly of the ancient Germanic peoples met
mallofago {m} :: chewing louse / biting louse (of suborder Mallophaga)
malloppo {m} [regional] :: bundle
malloppo {m} [regional] :: big book
malloppo {m} [regional] :: loot, scratch
malloppo {m} [regional] :: load
malloppo {m} [regional] :: dough
mallopposo {adj} [jocular, neologism] :: bulky, heavy
malloreddus {fp} :: A Sardinian form of gnocchi made with semolina dressed with a sauce named ragù alla campidanese, a traditional dish during Christmas and Easter
malloreddus {fp} :: synonym of gnocchetti sardi
malloreddus {fp} :: synonym of ciciones
malloreddus {fp} :: synonym of cigiones
malloreddus {fp} :: synonym of macarones
malloreddus {fp} :: synonym of cravaos
malluvia {f} :: A small washing bowl
malmaritata {adj} :: misallied
malmenante {v} :: present participle of malmenare
malmenare {vt} :: to beat up, batter
malmenare {vt} :: to ill-treat, maltreat, manhandle, maul
malmeritare {v} :: To forfeit
malmesso {adj} [of a person] :: In a difficult situation
malmesso {adj} [of a person] :: Badly dressed
malmesso {adj} [of a machine etc] :: In need of repair
malmettente {v} :: present participle of malmettere
malmettere {vt} :: To ruin or spoil something
malmignatta {f} :: malmignatte
malmisurato {adj} :: Inaccurately measured
malmostoso {adj} [northern Italy] :: peevish, cantankerous, surly
malmustoso {adj} :: alternative form of malmostoso
malnato {adj} :: Of low birth
malnato {adj} :: wretched
malnato {adj} :: wicked, evil
malnato {adj} :: ill-bred
malnoto {adj} :: little-known
malnutrito {adj} :: malnourished
malnutrizione {f} :: malnutrition
malo {adj} [archaic] /ˈmalo/ :: bad, evil, wicked
malo {adj} [archaic] :: unfit, incompetent, inadequate
malocchio {m} /maˈlɔk.kjo/ :: evil eye (curse)
malocchio {m} :: spell (curse)
malonico {adj} :: malonic
malora {f} :: ruin
malore {m} :: a sudden, unexpected illness; fainting fit
malpagato {adj} :: poorly paid
malpancista {mf} :: a person who makes or accepts a political choice reluctantly
malpancista {mf} :: a person who manifests disagreement or dissent within a political party, especially in an nonconstructive way
malpancista {adj} :: accepting a political choice reluctantly
malpancista {adj} :: of or relating to dissenting and nonconstructive attitudes
malparato {adj} :: battered
malpari {adj} :: odd (of a number)
malpari {adj} :: nonaligned
malparlante {adj} :: That speaks badly or incorrectly
malpartito {m} :: A tight situation
malpelo {adj} :: Considered to be cunning or malign on account of being red-haired
malpensante {adj} :: Badly thought of
Malpighi {prop} :: surname
Malpighi {prop} :: Marcello Malpighi, Italian doctor
malpiglio {m} :: menace, threat
malpratico {adj} :: impractical, inexperienced, unskilled
malpreparato {adj} :: ill-prepared
malprocedere {m} :: incorrect method or behaviour
malproprio {adj} :: unsuitable
malproprio {adj} :: inappropriate, incorrect
malprovveduto {adj} :: alternative form of sprovveduto
malprovvisto {adj} :: synonym of malprovveduto
malridotto {adj} :: shabby, tatty
malridotto {adj} :: beat-up
malriuscito {adj} :: unsuccessful
malriuscito {adj} :: botched
malsano {adj} :: unhealthy, unwholesome
malsano {adj} :: insalubrious
malservito {adj} :: Badly run (public services etc)
malsicuro {adj} :: unsafe
malsicuro {adj} :: faltering (walk)
malsicuro {adj} :: unreliable (evidence ecc.)
malsoddisfatto {adj} :: dissatisfied (with)
malsofferente {adj} :: impatient
malsofferente {adj} :: intolerant
malsussistente {adj} :: alternative form of insussistente
malta {f} :: mortar (mixture of lime or cement, sand, and water)
Malta {prop} :: Malta
maltaggio {m} :: malting
maltagliati {mp} :: A form of pasta that has been cut into irregular shapes
maltagliato {adj} :: Badly cut
maltagliato {m} [chiefly in plural] :: A type of pasta cut into irregular shapes for use in soup
maltalento {m} :: maltalent
maltante {v} :: present participle of maltare
maltare {v} [colloquial] :: To malt (sprout a cereal)
maltasi {f} [enzyme] :: maltase
maltato {adj} :: malted
maltatore {m} :: maltster
maltazione {f} :: malting
maltempo {m} :: Bad weather
maltenuto {adj} :: unkempt
maltenuto {adj} :: unkept (not maintained)
malteria {f} :: malthouse
maltese {adj} :: Maltese
maltese {mf} :: Maltese person
maltese {m} [only singular] :: The Maltese language
maltese {m} :: A Maltese coin from the 18th century
maltese {m} :: A Maltese breed of dog
malthusianismo {m} :: alternative form of maltusianismo
malthusiano {adj} :: alternative form of maltusiano
malti {m} [rare] /ˈmal.ti/ :: Maltese (language)
maltificazione {f} :: malting (process)
maltina {f} [enzyme] :: diastase
maltinto {adj} :: Badly coloured or dyed
maltinto {adj} :: dun (horse)
maltitolo {m} [carbohydrate] :: maltitol
malto {m} :: malt
malto {m} :: A Dravidian language.
maltollerabile {adj} :: hardly bearable, hardly tolerable
maltollerante {adj} :: impatient, intolerant
maltolto {m} :: loot
maltolto {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: ill-gotten gains
maltosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: maltose
maltotrioso {m} [carbohydrate] :: maltotriose
maltrattamento {m} :: ill treatment, mistreatment
maltrattante {v} :: present participle of maltrattare
maltrattare {vt} :: to ill-treat, mistreat, manhandle
maltrattare {vt} :: to misuse
maltrattare {vt} :: to misinterpret
maltrattatore {m} :: abuser
maltusianismo {m} :: Malthusianism
maltusiano {adj} :: Malthusian
maltusiano {m} :: Malthusian
maluccio {adv} :: poorly
maluccio {adv} :: rather badly
malumore {m} :: bad temper
malumore {m} :: disagreement, unrest, friction
malusanza {f} :: ill-usage
malusanza {f} :: malpractice
malva {f} :: mallow (plant)
malva {m} :: mauve
malva {adj} :: mauve
malva canapina {f} /ˈmal.va ka.naˈpi.na/ :: palm-leaf marshmallow (Althaea cannabina)
malvaccione {m} /mal.vatˈt͡ʃo.ne/ :: synonym of altea (Althaea officinalis)
malvacea {f} [botany] :: malvaceous plant
malvaceo {adj} [botany] :: malvaceous
malvagiamente {adv} :: wickedly
malvagio {adj} /malˈva.d͡ʒo/ :: wicked, malign
malvagio {adj} :: malicious
malvagio {adj} :: bad
malvagio {m} :: A wicked person
malvagità {f} :: wickedness, malignancy
malvarosa {f} :: hollyhock
malvasia {f} {m} [usually uncountable] /mal.vaˈzi.a/ :: malvasia (grapevine)
malvasia {f} {m} [usually uncountable] :: malmsey (wine)
malvavischio {m} /mal.vaˈvis.kjo/ :: synonym of altea (Althaea officinalis)
malvavischio {m} :: synonym of malva canapina (Althaea cannabina)
malvedente {v} :: present participle of malvedere
malvedere {vt} :: [obsolete] To cast an evil eye on
malveggente {v} :: present participle of malvedere
malveina {f} [organic compound] :: mauveine
malversante {v} :: present participle of malversare
malversare {vt} :: To embezzle
malversatore {m} :: embezzler
malversazione {f} :: embezzlement
malversazione {f} :: misappropriation
malvestito {adj} :: Poorly dressed; shabby
malvezzo {m} :: vice (bad habit)
Malvina {prop} :: given name
malvissuto {adj} :: dissolute
malvisto {adj} :: unpopular
malvivente {adj} :: criminal
malvivente {mf} :: criminal
malvivenza {f} :: criminals
malvoglienza {f} :: synonym of malevolenza
malvolente {v} :: present participle of malvolere
malvolentieri {adv} :: unwillingly, petulantly, grudgingly
malvolere {vt} :: To hate or dislike
malvolere {m} :: indolence
malvolere {m} :: malevolence
malvolontieri {adv} :: unwillingly, grudgingly
malvone {m} :: hollyhock
malware {m} [computing] :: malware (software developed to harm a computer system)
mambo {m} :: mambo (dance and music)
mamelucco {m} :: Variant of mammalucco
mamelucco {m} :: mamluk / mameluke
mamertino {adj} :: Mamertine
Mamiliano {prop} :: given name
mamillare {adj} :: Variant of mammillare
mamillaria {f} :: mammillaria
mamma {f} :: mom [US], mommy [US], mum [UK], mummy [UK]
mamma {f} :: mother
mamma {f} :: type of artichoke
mammà {f} :: mommy, mum, mummy
mammalogia {f} [zoology] :: mammalogy
mammalogia {f} :: Variant of mammologia
mammalogico {adj} :: mammalogical
mammalogo {m} :: mammalogist
mammalucco {m} :: mameluke
mammalucco {m} :: fool
mamma mia {interj} /ˈmam.ma ˈmi.a/ :: my goodness!, goodness me!
mammamia {interj} :: alternative form of mamma mia
mammana {f} :: midwife
mammare {v} :: synonym of poppare
mammario {adj} [anatomy] :: mammary
mammasantissima {m} :: Any person in an important position in an organization, but especially in the Sicilian Mafia or the Neapolitan Camorra
mammella {f} :: breast (human)
mammella {f} :: udder, dug (animal)
mammellare {adj} :: Variant of mammillare
mammellonare {adj} :: mammillary
mammellonato {adj} :: mamillated, mammillated
mammellone {m} :: mamelon
mammelucco {m} :: alternative form of mammalucco
mammifero {m} :: mammal
mammifero {adj} :: mammalian
mammillare {adj} :: mammillary
mammina {f} :: Young mother
mammina {f} :: mummy or mommy (UK or US)
mammismo {m} :: momism
mammo {m} [colloquial] :: A man who has the role of a mother
mammografia {f} [medicine] :: mammography
mammografico {adj} :: mammographic
mammogramma {m} :: mammogram
mammola {adj} :: violet
mammola {f} :: violet
mammola {f} :: type of artichoke
mammoleggiare {v} :: to be childish
mammoletta {mf} :: coward
mammoletta {mf} :: weakling
mammolo {m} :: synonym of cimarolo
Mammolo {prop} :: Bashful (Disney character)
mammologia {f} :: mammology, mammalogy
Mammona {prop} :: Mammon
mammone {m} :: mummy's boy, mother's boy
mammonismo {m} :: mammonism
mammoplastica {f} [surgery] :: mammaplasty, mammoplasty
mammoscintigrafia {f} :: mammoscintigraphy
mammoso {adj} :: big-breasted
mammut {m} :: mammoth
mamo {m} [theatre] /ˈma.mo/ :: A comedic character type representing a young boy who is inexperienced and naive, and yet wishes to come off as clever and experienced
Mamoiada {prop} :: Mamoiada (small town)
manachino {m} :: manakin
Manacorda {prop} :: surname
management {m} [management] :: management
manager {m} [sports, business] :: manager
manageriale {adj} :: managerial
managerialismo {m} :: managerialism
managerialità {f} :: managerial skills
managerialità {f} :: managers
manaide {f} [nautical] :: A fishing boat used to catch anchovies; the net used on such a boat
manaiuola {f} :: hatchet
manale {m} :: half glove
manarese {m} :: a type of axe or billhook
Manasse {prop} [Biblical character] :: Manasseh
Manasse {prop} :: given name
manata {f} :: slap
manata {f} :: handful, fistful
manato {m} :: manatee
manca {f} /ˈman.ka/ :: left hand
manca {f} :: left (direction)
mancamento {m} :: faint, faintness, swoon
mancando {m} [music, rare] /manˈkan.do/ :: synonym of diminuendo
mancante {v} :: present participle of mancare
mancante {adj} :: lacking
mancante {adj} :: incomplete
mancanza {f} :: lack, shortage, deficiency, want
mancanza {f} :: absence
mancanza {f} :: fault, mistake, slip
mancanza {f} :: defect, failing
mancare {vi} :: to lack
mancare {vi} :: to be lacking
mancare {vi} :: to be missing, absent
mancare {vi} :: to fail
mancare {vi} [of a person, mancare qualcuno] :: to miss someone
mancare {vt} :: to miss
mancare di qualche rotella {v} :: to be one brick short of a full load, to be a shingle short
mancare di qualche rotella {v} :: to be insane
mancare di qualche rotella {v} :: to have a screw loose, to have bats in one's belfry
mancare l'obiettivo {v} :: to fail
mancare l'obiettivo {vi} :: To be unsuccessful
mancare l'obiettivo {vt} :: Not to achieve a particular stated goal
mancargli qualche rotella {v} :: a few sandwiches short of a picnic
mancargli qualche rotella {v} [idiomatic] :: Exhibiting disquiet or unsoundness of mind; not sane; mad
mancargli qualche rotella {v} :: one card shy of a full deck
mancargli qualche rotella {v} [idiomatic] :: mentally deranged; demented; insane
mancargli qualche rotella {v} :: to be mad / crazy / insane
mancato {adj} :: missed
mancato {adj} :: lost, wasted
mancato {adj} :: failed
mancato {adj} :: abortive, unsuccessful
mancatore {m} :: missing person or missing thing
mancego {adj} :: Of or from La Mancha
mancego {m} :: A native or inhabitant of La Mancha
mancese {m} :: Manchu (language)
mancese {m} :: Manchurian (person)
mancese {adj} :: Manchurian
manche {f} :: heat (sports)
manche {f} :: hand, round (of cards)
manchevole {adj} :: inadequate, insufficient
manchevolezza {f} :: defectiveness
manchevolezza {f} :: defect, imperfection
manchevolezza {f} :: discourtesy
manchevolmente {adv} :: inadequately, insufficiently
mancia {f} /ˈmantʃa/ :: tip (in a restaurant, etc.)
manciata {f} :: handful
mancina {f} :: left hand
mancina {f} :: female equivalent of mancino
mancinata {f} :: machination
mancinella {f} :: manchineel
Mancini {prop} /manˈt͡ʃi.ni/ :: surname
mancinismo {m} :: left-handedness
mancinista {mf} :: A left-handed person
mancino {adj} :: left-handed
mancino {m} :: left-hander
mancipazione {f} :: mancipation (in ancient Rome)
manciù {adj} /manˈt͡ʃu/ :: Manchu
manciù {mf} :: Manchu (person)
manciù {m} :: Manchu (language)
Manciuria {prop} :: Manchuria
manciuriano {adj} :: Manchurian
manciuriano {m} :: Manchurian
manco {adj} [archaic, literary] /ˈman.ko/ :: faulty, imperfect, maimed, missing something
manco {adj} :: left
manco {adv} :: not even
mancolista {f} :: A list of things missing from a collection; a want list
manco per sogno {phrase} :: in your dreams
mancorrente {m} :: handrail
mandaico {adj} :: Mandaean, Mandean
mandamentale {adj} :: Pertaining to a mandamento
mandamento {m} :: A former type of Italian administrative district, under the jurisdiction of a pretore (praetor) (magistrate)
mandamento {m} :: The territory of a Cosa Nostra (Sicilian Mafia) clan (its mandate territory, mandatory, commandery)
mandante {v} :: present participle of mandare
mandante {mf} :: instigator (of a crime)
mandante {mf} :: principal (leader of a group being tried)
mandantesi {v} :: present participle of mandarsi
mandarancio {m} :: clementine (fruit)
mandare {vt} :: to send, forward, dispatch, transmit
mandare {vt} :: to throw, cast
mandare {vt} :: to drive
mandare {vt} :: to send out, emit, utter
mandare al mattatoio {v} :: to send to the glue factory
mandare a monte {v} [idiomatic] :: to mess up, to ruin
mandare giù {v} :: to swallow
mandare giù {v} :: to gulp down
mandare giù {v} :: to accept
mandare in brodo di giuggiole {v} :: to make happy, brighten, cheer, enliven
mandare in onda {v} :: to air, broadcast
mandare in solluchero {vt} :: To send into raptures
mandare in solluchero {vt} :: to enrapture, entrance, delight
mandare via {v} :: to dismiss
mandarina {f} :: mandarin, mandarin duck
mandarinato {m} :: mandarinate
mandarinesco {adj} :: mandarin (attributive)
mandarinetto {m} :: mandarin-flavoured liqueur
mandarinismo {m} :: mandarinism
mandarino {adj} :: mandarin (in color/colour)
mandarino {m} :: mandarin orange, mandarin (fruit and tree)
mandarino {m} :: mandarin (color)
mandarino {adj} :: Mandarin, Chinese
mandarino {m} :: mandarin (bureaucrat of the Chinese Empire)
mandarino {m} [by extension] :: mandarin (pedantic or elitist bureaucrat)
mandarino {m} :: Mandarin (language)
mandarsi {v} :: reflexive of mandare
mandarsi {v} :: to send oneself
mandata {f} :: consignment
mandata {f} :: turn (of a lock)
mandata {f} :: run
mandatario {m} :: agent
mandatario {m} :: proxy
mandato {m} :: mandate, charge, commission, task
mandato {m} [legal, trade] :: warrant, order, writ, summons
mandatore {m} :: mandator
mandatore {m} :: sender
mandatorio {adj} :: mandatory
mandatosi {v} :: past participle of mandarsi
mandeismo {m} :: Mandaeism, Mandaeanism
mandelico {adj} :: mandelic
mandeo {adj} :: Mandaean, Mandean
mandibola {f} [skeleton] :: jaw, jawbone, mandible
mandibolare {adj} :: mandibular
mandibulotomia {f} [surgery] :: mandibulotomy
mandingo {m} :: Mandinka
mandingo {n} :: Mandingo
mandinko {adj} :: Mandinka
mandiritto {m} :: alternative form of mandritto
mandola {f} [musical instruments] :: mandola
mandolinata {f} [music] :: A composition for mandolin
mandolinista {mf} :: mandolinist
mandolino {m} :: mandolin
mandoloncello {m} [musical instruments] :: mandocello
mandorla {f} /ˈman.dor.la/ :: almond (fruit/nut)
mandorlato {adj} :: almonds (attributive - but mainly referring to food made with almonds)
mandorlato {adj} :: almondine
mandorlato {m} :: Almond cake
mandorleto {m} :: almond grove
mandorlicoltore {m} :: almond grower
mandorliero {adj} :: almond (attributive)
mandorlo {m} :: almond (tree)
mandra {f} :: herd (Variant of: mandria)
mandracchio {m} [nautical] :: creek (dock for small boats)
mandragola {f} :: mandrake, mandragora
mandragora {f} :: mandrake
mandratura {f} :: synonym of stabbiatura
mandria {f} :: herd, drove
mandriale {m} :: alternative form of mandriano
mandriana {f} :: cowgirl
mandriano {m} :: cowboy, herdsman, cowhand
mandriano {m} :: drover
mandriano {m} :: buttero
mandrillo {m} :: mandrill
mandrillo {m} [colloquial] :: lecher
mandrinaggio {m} :: expansion (of a tube)
mandrinante {v} :: present participle of mandrinare
mandrinare {vt} :: To expand (tubes etc)
mandrinatura {f} :: expanding
mandrino {m} :: mandrel
mandrino {m} :: chuck (e.g. of a drill)
mandritta {f} :: The right hand (or the right side of anything else)
mandritto {m} :: hook (boxing, especially from right to left)
mandritto {m} :: cuff, slap
mandritto {m} :: southpaw (boxer)
manducante {v} :: present participle of manducare
manducare {v} /man.duˈka.re/ :: to eat
Manduria {prop} :: Manduria (town)
manduriano {adj} :: Mandurian
-mane {suffix} :: -mane, -maniac; Used to form adjectives and nouns describing sufferers of a mania
maneggevole {adj} :: easy to handle; manageable, wieldy
maneggevolezza {f} :: manageability
maneggevolezza {f} :: handleability
maneggiabile {adj} :: handy
maneggiabile {adj} :: manageable
maneggiabilità {f} :: manageability, handiness
maneggiamento {m} :: plot, intrigue
maneggiante {v} :: present participle of maneggiare
maneggiar {v} :: apocopic form of maneggiare
maneggiare {vt} :: to use with a technical purpose; to handle
maneggiare {vt} :: to mould or sculpt
maneggiare {vt} :: to master
maneggiare {vt} :: to administer
maneggiare {vt} [sports] :: to train a horse (for horseracing)
maneggiare {vt} [rare] :: to exploit someone's submissiveness or passivity
maneggiare {vt} [rare] :: to palpate [an animal for slaughter] to check the degree of fattening
maneggiarsi {v} :: reflexive of maneggiare
maneggiarsi {v} :: to handle oneself
maneggiarsi {v} :: to maneuver
maneggiatore {m} :: handler, wielder, manager
maneggio {m} :: riding school
maneggio {m} :: ring, rink
maneggio {m} :: management, handling
maneggio {m} :: scheme, ploy
maneggione {m} :: manoeuvrer, wangler, wirepuller
manentatico {m} [historical] :: An agrarian contract which implied the perpetual permanence of the farmer on the land he cultivated
manescalco {m} :: alternative form of maniscalco
manescamente {adv} :: aggressively
manesco {adj} :: aggressive (liable to hit people)
manetta {f} [in the plural] :: handcuffs
manetta {f} :: wristlet
manetta {f} :: lever, handle, throttle
manevole {adj} :: manageable
manevole {adj} :: compliant
manevole {adj} :: handy
manfanile {m} :: swipple
manfano {m} :: bung-hole
manfano {m} :: swipple
manfano {m} [regional] :: virile member
manforte {f} :: aid, help, assistance
Manfredi {prop} :: Manfred
Manfredo {prop} :: given name
Manfredonia {prop} :: Manfredonia (town)
manfredoniane {adj} :: Of or from Manfredonia
manfredoniane {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Manfredonia
manfrina {f} :: playacting
manga {m} [manga] /ˈman.ɡa/ :: manga
manganante {v} :: present participle of manganare
manganare {vt} :: to mangle
manganato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: manganate
manganatore {m} :: mangler
manganatrice {f} :: female equivalent of manganatore
manganatura {f} :: mangling
manganellante {v} :: present participle of manganellare
manganellare {vt} :: to beat with a truncheon, baton, etc
manganellata {f} :: blow from a truncheon, baton, etc
manganello {m} :: truncheon, baton, cosh
manganese {m} [chemistry] /maŋ.ɡaˈne.se/ :: manganese
manganesifero {adj} :: manganiferous
manganico {adj} :: manganic
manganina {f} :: manganin
manganite {f} :: manganite
mangano {m} /ˈman.ɡa.no/ :: mangle
mangano {m} :: pressing machine (in a laundry); calender
mangano {m} [obsolete] :: An ancient military catapult
manganoso {adj} :: manganous
mangereccio {adj} :: edible, eatable
mangeria {f} [colloquial, uncountable] /man.d͡ʒeˈri.a/ :: graft (illicit profit in public life)
mangeria {f} [colloquial] :: The act of grafting
manghina {f} :: ditch
mangiaapi {m} /man.d͡ʒaˈa.pi/ :: synonym of gruccione
mangiabambini {m} :: bogeyman
mangiabile {adj} :: edible, eatable
mangiabilità {f} :: eatability, edibility
mangiacarte {m} :: pettifogger
mangiacassette {m} :: alternative form of mangianastri
mangiacristiani {m} :: bully
mangiadischi {m} /man.d͡ʒaˈdis.ki/ :: portable record player
mangiadore {m} :: alternative form of mangiatore
mangia-e-bevi {m} :: An ice cream with fruit and a liqueur
mangiafagioli {m} :: bean-eater
mangiafagioli {m} [colloquial] :: Tuscan (person from Tuscany)
mangiafumo {m} :: air-purifying candle
mangiafuoco {m} :: fire eater
mangialattine {m} :: recycling bin for tins &c
mangiamento {m} :: A continuous eating
mangiamento {m} :: Hard graft
mangiamento {m} :: tribulation, yearning
mangiamoccoli {m} :: (religious) bigot
mangianastri {m} :: cassette player
mangiante {v} :: present participle of mangiare
mangiantesi {v} :: present participle of mangiarsi
mangiapagnotte {mf} :: sponger, freeloader
mangiapane {mf} :: sponger, freeloader
mangiapatate {mf} /ˌman.dʒa.paˈta.te/ :: potato-eater
mangiapatate {mf} [derogatory] :: idler (worthless person)
mangiapatate {mf} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: Kraut, Fritz (a German)
mangiapatate {adj} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: Kraut (German)
mangiapere {m} :: kite (bird)
mangiapolenta {mf} /ˌman.dʒa.poˈlɛn.ta/ :: polenta-eater
mangiapolenta {mf} [derogatory, Central Italy and Southern Italy] :: northerner (person from northern Italy)
mangiapopolo {m} :: oppressor, tyrant
mangiapreti {mf} :: A fiercely anticlerical person
mangiar {v} :: apocopic form of mangiare
mangiarane {mf} [offensive, ethnic slur] /ˌman.dʒaˈra.ne/ :: frog, Frenchy (a French person)
mangiare {vit} /manˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: to eat
mangiare {vi} :: to tuck in, to start to eat
mangiare {vi} [by extension] :: to live
mangiare {v} :: Extended meanings:
mangiare {vt} [of insects] :: to gnaw, to nibble, to eat away at
mangiare {vt} :: to consume
mangiare {v} :: Figurative meanings:
mangiare {vt} [rare] :: to dissipate, to squander
mangiare {vi} :: to graft (to obtain illegal gain from dishonest practices, especially in public life)
mangiare {vt} [card games, checkers, chess] :: to capture
mangiare {m} :: eating
mangiare {m} :: (very informal, dialectal) food, scoff
mangiare a crepapancia {v} :: to eat until about to burst
mangiare a quattro ganasce {v} :: to eat voraciously
mangiare a quattro ganasce {v} :: to wolf one’s food down
mangiare la foglia {v} :: to get wise
mangiare la foglia {v} :: to smell a rat
mangiare la polvere {v} :: to quit
mangiare la polvere {v} :: to fail
mangiare la polvere {v} :: to eat dirt
mangiare la polvere {v} :: to eat humble pie
mangiarino {m} :: delicacy, dainty
mangiarsi {v} :: reflexive of mangiare
mangiarsi {v} :: to squander
mangiarsi il fegato {v} :: to fret and fume
mangiasapone {mf} :: A person from the South of Italy
mangiasego {m} :: Austrian soldier (who traditionally applied tallow to their moustaches)
mangiasoldi {adj} :: slot machine (attributive)
mangiata {f} :: feed, nosh
mangiato {adj} :: eaten
mangiatoia {f} :: manger
mangiatore {m} [chiefly in combination] :: eater
mangiatoria {f} :: bribery, graft
mangiatosi {v} :: past participle of mangiarsi
mangiatrice {f} :: female equivalent of mangiatore
mangiatura {f} :: Action of eating
mangiatura {f} :: insect bite (mark left on the skin)
mangiatutto {mf} :: A person who eats everything
mangiatutto {mf} :: A wasteful person
mangiaufo {mf} :: freeloader, parasite
mangiauomini {f} :: man-eater, femme fatale
mangiavento {m} [nautical] :: A small sail attached to a foresail
mangime {m} :: animal feed, fodder
mangime {m} :: birdseed
mangimificio {m} :: animal feed factory
mangimista {mf} :: A trader of animal feed
mangimistica {f} :: The production of animal feed
mangimistico {adj} :: animal feed (attributive)
mangiona {f} :: female equivalent of mangione
mangione {m} :: big eater; one who eats a lot
mangione {m} :: cormorant
mangiucchiante {v} :: present participle of mangiucchiare
mangiucchiare {vt} /man.d͡ʒukˈkja.re/ :: to eat in small quantities
mangiucchiare {vt} :: to eat indolently
mangiucchiare {vt} :: to eat every now and then
mangiucchiare {vt} :: to eat with small bites
mangiucchiare {vi} :: to eat often in small quantities
mangiucchiare {vt} [rare] :: to nibble (to bite lightly)
mango {m} :: mango
mangostano {m} :: mangosteen
mangrova {f} :: alternative form of mangrovia
mangrovia {f} :: mangrove
mangrovieto {m} :: mangrove swamp / forest
mangue {m} :: mangrove
mangusta {f} :: mongoose
-mania {suffix} /maˈnia/ :: -mania; Used to form feminine nouns describing forms of mania or addiction
mania {f} /maˈni.a/ :: mania
mania {f} :: habit (if strange)
mania {f} :: quirk
mania {f} :: bug
mania {f} :: one-track mind
mania {f} /ˈma.nja/ :: A waxen votive image, usually hanged from altars
maniacale {adj} :: maniacal, maniac
maniacalità {f} :: maniacality, mania
maniacalmente {adv} :: maniacally
maniaco {adj} :: maniac, maniacal
maniaco {adj} :: crazy, mad
maniaco {adj} :: erotomanic
maniaco {m} :: maniac
maniaco {m} :: geek
maniaco-depressivo {adj} :: manic-depressive
maniatamente {adj} /ma.nja.taˈmen.te/ :: perfectly, exactly
maniato {adj} /maˈnja.to/ :: very similar
manica {f} :: sleeve, shirtsleeve
manica {f} [heraldiccharge] :: maunch
manica {f} [figuratively] :: gang, pack
Manica {prop} :: the Channel, the English Channel
manicaio {m} /ma.niˈka.jo/ :: synonym of cannolicchio
manicare {v} /ma.niˈka.re/ :: to eat
manicare {m} [uncountable] :: eating
manicare {m} :: food
manicaretto {m} :: delicacy, dainty (to eat)
manicato {adj} :: Having a handle
manicheismo {m} :: Manichaeism
manicheo {adj} /ma.ni.ˈkɛ.o/ :: Manichaean
manicheo {m} :: Manichaean
manichetta {f} :: meliorative of manica
manichetta {f} :: oversleeve
manichetta {f} :: hose (for water etc.)
manichetto {m} :: lapel, cuff
manichetto {m} :: manchette
manichino {m} :: dummy, mannequin, mannikin
manico {m} :: handle
manico {m} :: shaft
manico {m} :: neck (of a violin etc)
manicomiale {adj} :: mental hospital (attributive)
manicomio {m} [offensive] /ma.niˈkɔm.jo/ :: insane asylum, lunatic asylum, mental hospital
manicomio {m} :: madhouse (all senses)
manicotto {m} :: muff
manicotto {m} :: sleeve (in moving parts of a machine)
manicotto {m} [cooking, food] :: large tubes of pasta with a savoury filling baked in the oven; manicotti
manicotto {m} [cooking, chiefly in the singular] :: a dish of manicotti
manicotto alla fiorentina {m} [cooking, chiefly in the singular] :: alternate layers of pasta, cooked ham and spinach rolled to a muff shape; Florence-style manicotti
manicure {f} :: manicure
manicure {f} :: manicurist
manicurista {mf} :: manicurist
manide {f} :: Manide
maniera {f} :: manner, way
maniera {f} :: style
maniera {f} [in the plural] :: manners
manieratamente {adv} :: affectedly
manierato {adj} :: mannered, affected
manierismo {m} :: Mannerism
manierista {mf} :: Mannerist
manieristicamente {adv} :: Manneristically
manieristico {adj} [arts] :: Manneristic
maniero {m} :: manor
manierosamente {adv} :: genteelly
manieroso {adj} :: genteel
manieroso {adj} :: affected
manifattore {m} :: manual worker
manifattura {f} :: manufacture
manifattura {f} :: factory, plant
manifatturante {v} :: present participle of manifatturare
manifatturare {v} :: To manufacture
manifatturiere {m} :: factory owner or worker
manifatturiero {adj} :: manufacturing
manifestabile {adj} :: manifestable
manifestamente {adv} :: obviously; self-evidently; manifestly
manifestamento {m} :: manifestation
manifestante {mf} /ma.ni.fesˈtan.te/ :: demonstrator, protester
manifestante {v} :: present participle of manifestare
manifestantesi {v} :: present participle of manifestarsi
manifestare {vt} /ma.ni.fesˈta.re/ :: to manifest, to show, to display, to reveal, to disclose, to express, to evince
manifestare {vi} :: to demonstrate (to participate in a demonstration)
manifestarsi {vr} :: to appear, to show
manifestarsi {vr} :: to manifest itself
manifestatore {m} :: manifestor
manifestatosi {v} :: past participle of manifestarsi
manifestazione {f} :: expression (of opinion etc)
manifestazione {f} :: demonstration (all senses)
manifestazione {f} :: manifestation
manifestazione {f} :: event
manifestino {m} :: leaflet
manifesto {adj} :: manifest, apparent, evident, obvious
manifesto {m} :: manifesto
manifesto {m} :: poster, placard, bill, notice
manifesto {m} [theater] :: playbill, programme, program
manifesto {m} [nautical] :: manifest
maniglia {f} :: handle (on a door etc)
maniglia {f} [furniture] :: bail (drawer pull)
maniglia {f} :: strap (on a vehicle, to hold onto)
maniglia {f} :: shackle
maniglia dell'amore {f} :: love handle, spare tyre
maniglia di venere {f} :: alternative form of maniglia dell'amore
manigliame {m} :: handles (collectively)
maniglieria {f} :: alternative form of manigliame
maniglione {m} :: clevis
maniglione {m} :: shackle
manigolderia {f} :: roguishness
manigoldo {m} :: rascal, rogue, scamp
manigoldo {m} :: lowlife
Manila {prop} :: Manila (capital city)
maniluvio {m} :: handwashing
manimettente {v} :: present participle of manimettere
manimettere {vt} :: alternative form of manomettere
manina {f} :: Small or delicate hand
manina {f} :: Child's hand
manina {f} :: backscratcher
manina {f} :: Typographical index mark in the form of a hand
maninconia {f} :: alternative form of malinconia
manioca {f} :: manioc, cassava
manipolabile {adj} :: That can be altered or influenced
manipolabile {adj} :: Susceptible to manipulation
manipolante {v} :: present participle of manipolare
manipolare {vt} :: to manipulate, handle, tamper, set up
manipolare {vt} :: to work, fashion
manipolare {vt} :: to rig [an election, etc.]
manipolativo {adj} :: manipulative
manipolatore {m} :: manipulator, puppeteer
manipolatorio {adj} :: manipulatory
manipolatrice {f} :: female equivalent of manipolatore
manipolazione {f} :: manipulation
manipolazione {f} :: rigging (of an election etc)
manipolo {m} /ma.ˈni.po.lo/ :: handful (especially a small group of soldiers)
manipolo {m} :: maniple
Mani pulite {prop} :: The judicial investigation into Italian state corruption in the 1990s
maniscalco {m} :: blacksmith, farrier
manismo {m} :: manism
manista {mf} :: manist
manistico {adj} :: manistic
manitù {m} :: manitou
manizza {f} :: fingerless glove
manizza {f} :: spoke of a helm
manleva {f} [legal] :: bail bond
manlevante {v} :: present participle of manlevare
manlevare {vt} :: to guarantee
manlevare {vt} :: to indemnify
Manlio {prop} :: given name
man mano {adv} :: apocopic form of a mano a mano
man mano che {adv} :: as; while
manna {f} :: manna (all senses)
mannaggia {interj} [colloquial, non-vulgar] /manˈnad.dʒa/ :: damn!, dang!
mannaia {f} :: axe
mannaia {f} :: cleaver
mannaia {f} :: guillotine blade
mannaia {f} [figurative, by extension] :: looming danger hanging over one's head
mannaia {f} [metonym, by extension] :: tyrannical or bloody political regime
mannano {m} [carbohydrate] :: mannan
mannaro {adj} /manˈna.ro/ :: Used with animal names to indicate a person who changes shape into that animal; were-
mannella {f} :: bundle
mannello {m} :: bundle, sheaf
mannese {adj} :: Manx
mannese {m} :: Manx (language)
manneto {m} :: manna ash wood, manna ash plantation
mannite {f} :: mannite
mannitolo {m} :: mannitol
Manno {prop} :: given name
Mannoia {prop} :: surname
Mannoia {prop} :: Fiorella Mannoia, Italian singer
mannopiranosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: mannopyranose
mannosidasi {f} [enzyme] :: mannosidase
mannosidosi {f} [pathology] :: mannosidosis
mannosio {m} :: mannose
Mannu {prop} :: The name of two rivers that flow in Sardinia
mano {f} [anatomy] /ˈmaːno/ :: hand
mano {f} :: band, company (Boccaccio; v. manus)
mano {f} :: round
mano di pastafrolla {f} :: butterfingers
manodopera {f} :: manpower, labor
Manolesso {prop} :: surname
Manolo {prop} :: given name
manometrico {adj} :: manometric
manometro {m} :: manometer
manomettente {v} :: present participle of manomettere
manomettere {vt} :: to tamper with
manomettere {vt} :: to open [a letter without permission]
manomettere {vt} :: to force [a lock]
manomettere {vt} :: to break (open a safe)
manomissione {f} :: tampering (with)
manomissione {f} :: damaging
manomissione {f} :: falsification, alteration
manomissione {f} :: violation
manomissione {f} :: manumission
manomorta {f} [legal] :: mortmain
manomorta {f} :: dead hand
manona {f} :: A big hand
mano nella mano {adv} :: hand in hand
manonera {f} :: alternative form of Mano Nera
Mano Nera {prop} :: Black Hand (extortionist organization)
manopesca {adj} [of fabric] :: Having the soft, fluffy feel of a peach
manopola {f} :: knob (that twists), dial
manopola {f} :: grip, twist grip
manopola {f} :: mitt, mitten, muffle
manopola {f} :: gauntlet
manopola {f} :: cuff
manoscritto {adj} /ma.nosˈkrit.to/ :: handwritten
manoscritto {m} :: manuscript
manoscrivere {vt} [rare] /ma.nosˈkri.ve.re/ :: to handwrite
manoso {adj} :: soft to the touch
manoso {adj} :: docile
manovalanza {f} :: manual or unskilled workers, considered as a category
manovale {m} :: manual or unskilled worker; labourer, navvy
manovella {f} :: handle
manovella {f} :: crank
manovellismo {m} :: crank gear
manovia {f} :: A simple ski lift in which the skier holds a handle
mano vincente {f} :: winning hand (The set of cards that beats all others in a card game)
manovra {f} :: manoeuvre
manovra {f} [rail] :: shunting
manovra {f} [in the plural, nautical] :: rigging (of a ship)
manovra {f} [politics] :: ellipsis of manovra fiscale; fiscal measure (part of the budget)
manovrabile {adj} :: manoeuvrable; maneuverable
manovrabile {adj} :: malleable, pliable (person)
manovrabilità {f} :: manoeuvrability / maneuverability
manovrante {v} :: present participle of manovrare
manovrare {vt} :: To maneuver
manovrare {vt} :: To operate
manovrare {vt} [figuratively] :: To manipulate
manovratore {m} :: driver or operator of a crane, tram or shunting engine
manovratore {m} :: manoeuvrer / maneuverer
manovre di corridoio {n} [politics, pluralonly] :: lobbying; backroom negotiations
manovriero {adj} :: maneuverable
manovriero {m} :: wheeler-dealer
manritta {f} :: alternative form of mandritta
manritto {m} :: alternative form of mandritto
manritto {adj} :: right-handed
manritto {adj} :: southpaw
manrivescio {m} :: alternative form of manrovescio
manrovescio {m} /man.roˈvɛʃ.ʃo/ :: backhander (blow with the back of the hand)
manrovescio {m} [fencing] :: backhand (stroke)
mansarda {f} :: mansard
mansarda {f} :: attic, penthouse
mansardato {adj} :: mansard (attributive)
mansionario {m} :: job description
mansione {f} :: duty, task
mansione {f} :: job, office
manso {adj} [literary, regional] /ˈman.so/ :: meek, tame
manso {m} [historical] :: An amount of land (usually 12 jugerums) considered cultivable yearly by using two oxen or a single plough
mansuefacente {v} :: present participle of mansuefare
mansuefacentesi {v} :: present participle of mansuefarsi
mansuefare {vt} :: to domesticate an animal
mansuefare {vt} :: to break a wild horse
mansuefarsi {v} :: reflexive of mansuefare
mansuefarsi {v} :: to be domesticated [of an animal]
mansuefarsi {v} :: to become calm, mild [of a person]
mansuefattosi {v} :: past participle of mansuefarsi
mansuetamente {adv} :: tamely
mansuetamente {adv} :: gently, docilely
mansueto {adj} :: tame (animal)
mansueto {adj} :: gentle, docile (person)
Mansueto {prop} :: given name
mansuetudine {f} :: meekness, docility, gentleness, mansuetude
mantaco {m} :: synonym of mantice
mantanente {adv} :: immediately
-mante {suffix} /ˈman.te/ :: -mancer
manteca {f} :: pomade, brilliantine
manteca {f} :: paste
mantecante {v} :: present participle of mantecare
mantecare {vt} :: to whip or whisk
mantecato {adj} :: whipped, whisked
Mantegazza {prop} :: surname
Mantegazza {prop} :: A village near Vanzago in Lombardy
Mantegna {prop} :: surname
Mantegna {prop} :: Andrea Mantegna, Italian painter
mantella {f} :: cloak, mantel, cape, hood (a covering draped over the upper part)
mantellata {f} :: mattress (retaining wall)
mantellata {f} :: Mantellate (Dominican nun)
mantellato {adj} :: caped, cloaked
mantellato {adj} :: blanketed
mantelletta {f} :: mantlet
mantelletta {f} :: mantelletta
mantelletto {m} :: mantelet
mantellico {adj} [geology] :: mantellic
mantellina {f} :: mantelet, cape, capote, bedjacket
mantello {m} :: mantle
mantello {m} :: cloak, cape
mantello {m} [figurative, by extension] :: something that covers or conceals
mantello {m} :: blanket, mantle (of snow)
mantello {m} [geology] :: layer between the Earth's core and crust
mantello {m} :: coat (of an animal)
mantello {m} :: casing, shell
mantello {m} :: pavement
mantello {m} [geology] :: mantle (earth's mantle)
mantenente {v} :: present participle of mantenere
mantenentesi {v} :: present participle of mantenersi
mantenere {v} :: to keep, stand by, maintain, support, uphold
mantenere {v} :: to hold, defend
mantenere {v} :: to uphold
mantenere i nervi saldi {v} :: to have one's wits about one
mantenere la propria posizione {v} :: synonym of puntare i piedi
mantenersi {v} :: reflexive of mantenere
mantenersi {vr} :: to stay, keep, remain
mantenibile {adj} :: keepable
mantenimento {m} :: maintenance (all senses)
mantenitore {m} :: maintainer
mantenitore {m} :: defender
mantenuta {f} :: kept woman
mantenutasi {v} :: past participle of mantenersi
mantenuto {m} :: gigolo
mantenutosi {v} :: past participle of mantenersi
mantica {f} :: divination
mantice {m} :: bellows - of a furnace or an organ
mantice {m} :: vestibule
mantice {m} :: calash
mantico {adj} :: mantic
mantide {f} :: mantis
mantide religiosa {f} :: praying mantis
mantiglia {f} :: mantilla
mantiglio {m} :: alternative form of amantiglio
mantinente {adv} :: alternative form of mantanente
mantissa {f} :: mantissa (parte decimale del logaritmo)
manto {m} :: mantel, cloak
manto {m} :: layer, surface, blanket, carpet
manto {m} :: pavement
Manto {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Manto
manto stradale {m} :: pavement (road surface)
Mantova {prop} :: Mantova (city/and/province)
mantovana {f} :: Mantuan - female
mantovana {f} :: barge board
mantovana {f} :: pelmet, valance
mantovana {f} :: type of almond cake
mantovano {adj} :: Mantuan
mantovano {m} :: Mantuan - male
mantrugiare {v} :: To wrinkle, scramble
Mantüa {prop} :: medieval spelling of Mantova
mantuano {adj} :: synonym of mantovano
manuale {adj} :: manual
manuale {m} :: manual, handbook
manualetto {m} :: diminutive of manuale
manualetto {m} :: Short manual, short textbook
manualista {mf} :: writer of handbooks
manualistica {f} :: manuals, handbooks (collectively)
manualistico {adj} :: manual or handbook - attributive
manualità {f} :: manual ability or skill; dexterity
manualizzante {v} :: present participle of manualizzare
manualizzare {vt} :: To make manual
manualizzazione {f} :: manualization
manualmente {adv} :: manually, by hand, on hand, to hand
manubriato {adj} :: containing a handle
manubrio {m} /maˈnub.rjo/ :: handlebars (of a bike etc)
manubrio {m} :: dumbbell
manubrio {m} :: bolt (handle, of a rifle etc)
manubrio {m} [anatomy, zoology] :: manubrium
manucare {v} /ma.nuˈka.re/ :: to eat
manucarsi {v} /ma.nuˈka.re/ :: reflexive of manucare
manucarsi {v} :: to eat
manuelino {adj} :: Manueline
manufatto {m} /ma.nuˈfat.to/ :: manufactured item
manufatturiero {adj} :: manufacturing (attributive)
manulateralità {f} :: A greater ability to use one of the two hands
manumea {f} :: manumea
Manunta {prop} :: surname probably originating in the Mediterranean island of Sardinia
manutenente {v} :: present participle of manutenere
manutenere {vt} :: to maintain (something) in good repair; to upkeep
manutengolo {m} :: accomplice
manutengolo {m} :: go-between, procurer
manutenibilità {f} :: maintainability
manutentivo {adj} :: maintenance, servicing (attributive)
manutentore {m} :: maintenance man
manutentore {m} :: service engineer
manutentorio {adj} :: maintenance (attributive)
manutenzione {f} /ma.nu.tenˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: maintenance
manutenzione {f} :: upkeep
manutenzione {f} :: servicing
manutergio {m} :: manuterge
manza {f} :: heifer, calf
-manzia {suffix} :: -mancy
manzo {m} /ˈman.t͡so/ :: ox, steer
manzo {m} :: beef
Manzoni {prop} /manˈdzo.ni/ :: surname
Manzoni {prop} [masculine only] :: Alessandro Manzoni (1785–1873), Italian poet and novelist
manzoniana {f} :: feminine noun of manzoniano
manzoniano {adj} [literature] /man.d͡zoˈnja.no/ :: Manzonian (of or in the style of Alessandro Manzoni)
manzoniano {m} [literature] :: Manzonian (follower or imitator of Alessandro Manzoni)
manzonismo {m} :: Manzonian theory
manzonista {mf} :: Manzonian
maoismo {m} :: Maoism
maoista {adj} :: Maoist
maoista {mf} :: Maoist
maoistico {adj} :: Maoist
maomettanesimo {m} :: alternative form of maomettismo
maomettanismo {m} :: alternative form of maomettismo
maomettano {adj} :: Mohammedan: Muslim
maomettano {m} :: Mohammedan: Muslim
maomettismo {m} :: Mohammedanism: Islam
Maometto {prop} :: Mohammed
Mäometto {prop} :: medieval spelling of Maometto
Maon {prop} :: Maon (island)
maona {f} [nautical] :: barge, lighter, mahone
maori {adj} :: Maori
maori {mf} :: Maori
mapo {m} :: Cross between clementine and grapefruit (Citrus paradisi x Citrus reticulata); a kind of tangelo or ugli
mappa {f} [regional] /ˈmap.pa/ :: tablecloth, napkin, cloth
mappa {f} [archaic] :: Any pictorial representation of a piece of land
mappa {f} [topography] :: Any graphic representation with a scale above 1:10,000; map, chart
mappa {f} :: The final part in a traditional key
mappaggio {m} :: mapping
mappale {m} :: cadastral map
mappaluna {f} :: map of the moon
mappamondo {m} /map.paˈmon.do/ :: globe (spherical map of the world)
mappamondo {m} :: planisphere
mappante {v} :: present participle of mappare
mappare {vt} :: to map or chart
mappatella {f} :: A cloth used by agricultural workers to hold their lunch
mappatore {m} :: mapmaker, cartographer
mappatura {f} [also, genetics] :: mapping
mappazza {f} [colloquial] :: stodge (heavy food)
mappetta {f} [Switzerland] :: plastic folder
maquillage {m} :: maquillage
mar {m} :: (form of mare used in poetry and in names of some seas) sea
marabù {m} :: marabou
marabutto {m} :: marabout
maracaia {m} :: margay
Maracanaço {prop} [football] /ma.ra.kaˈna.so/ :: Maracanaço (final match in the 1950 FIFA World Cup)
Maracanazo {prop} [football] /ma.ra.kaˈna.so/ :: Maracanaço (final match in the 1950 FIFA World Cup, won by Uruguay over Brazil)
marachella {f} :: mischief, prank
mar Adriatico {prop} :: alternative form of mare Adriatico
maragia {m} :: alternative form of maragià
maragià {m} /maraˈdʒa/ :: maharajah
maramaglia {f} :: riff-raff, mob
maramaldeggiante {v} :: present participle of maramaldeggiare
maramaldeggiare {vi} :: To bully
maramaldesco {adj} :: bullying
maramaldo {m} /ma.raˈmal.do/ :: bully (a person cruel to others, especially to those who are weaker)
maramao {m} :: alternative form of marameo
marame {m} :: refuse
marameo {interj} /ma.ra.ˈmɛ.o/ :: An expression of derision, normally accompanied by a gesture
marana {f} :: alternative form of marrana
Maranello {prop} :: Maranello (small town); it is the home of the Ferrari racing car factory and museum
maranese {adj} :: Of or from Marano Lagunare
marangone {m} [seabirds] :: cormorant
Marangoni {prop} :: surname, typical of Veneto
Marano Lagunare {prop} :: Marano Lagunare (small town)
maranta {f} [botany] /maˈran.ta/ :: Any member of the Maranta taxonomic genus
marantico {adj} :: marasmic
marasca {f} :: morello, morello cherry
maraschino {m} :: maraschino (liqueur)
marasco {m} :: morello
marasma {m} :: marasmus
marasma {m} :: chaos, confusion, mayhem
marasso {m} :: adder (snake)
Maratea {prop} :: Maratea (small town)
marateoto {adj} :: Of or from Maratea
maratona {f} [athletics, swimming] :: marathon
Maratona {prop} :: Maratona (town)
maratoneta {mf} :: marathoner
maratonina {f} :: half marathon
maratto {m} :: Marathi (language and inhabitant (male) of Maharashtra)
maratto {m} :: Maharashtrian
maratto {adj} :: Marathi
maratto {adj} :: Maharashtrian
maraviglia {f} :: alternative form of meraviglia
maraviglioso {adj} :: alternative form of meraviglioso
Marazzi {prop} :: surname
marazzo {m} :: bog, swamp, marsh
marbré {adj} :: synonym of marmorizzato
marc' {interj} [military] :: march!
marca {f} :: brand, make or trademark (of a commercial product)
marca {f} :: stamp (made with a rubber imprint)
marca {f} [obsolete] :: march (border region)
Marcabò {prop} :: A fortress built by the Venetians to defend their trade in the River Po
Marcabò {prop} :: (be extension) The plain of the river Po
Marcacci {prop} :: surname
marcamento {m} [sports] :: marking
marcante {v} :: present participle of marcare
marcantonio {m} [colloquial] :: hunk (handsome or strapping man)
marcantonio {m} [colloquial] :: he-man
Marcantonio {prop} :: given name
marcapezzi {mf} :: marker
marcapiano {m} :: stringcourse
marcapunto {m} :: A shoemaker's tool used to join the sole to the upper
marcare {v} :: to mark (all senses)
marcare {v} :: to brand, notch (an animal)
marcare {v} :: to label
marcare {v} :: to underline or stress
marcare {v} :: to score (a goal)
marcare con asterisco {v} :: to star
marcasite {f} [mineral] :: marcasite
Mar Caspio {prop} :: Caspian Sea
marcatamente {adv} :: markedly, sharply, prominently
marcatempo {m} :: time clock, punch clock
marcatissimo {adj} :: superlative of marcato
marcato {adj} :: stressed, pronounced
marcato {adj} [music] :: marked, accented
marcatore {m} :: marker (all senses)
marcatore {m} [sport] :: scorer, goalscorer (player who scores a goal or point in a team sport)
marcatrice {f} :: female equivalent of marcatore
marcatrice {f} :: marking machine
marcatura {f} :: marking (all senses)
marcatura {f} :: branding
marcatura {f} :: labelling
Marcello {prop} /mar.ˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ :: given name
marcente {v} :: present participle of marcire
marcescente {adj} :: rotting, decaying, marcescent
marcescenza {f} :: rottenness, decay
marcescibile {adj} :: Liable to rot or decay
marcetta {f} [music] :: (little) march
Marche {prop} :: Marche (region)
marchesa {f} :: marchioness
marchesale {adj} :: synonym of marchionale
marchesana {f} :: synonym of marchesa
marchesato {m} :: marquisate
marchese {m} :: marquis
Marchesi {prop} :: Marquesas Islands
marchesina {f} :: Young daughter of a marquis
marchesino {m} :: Young son of a marquis
marchetta {f} :: national insurance stamp
marchetta {f} :: token payment received by a prostitute; trick
marchettara {f} :: prostitute (in Rome)
marchettaro {m} :: male prostitute
marchiano {adj} :: glaring, gross (mistake)
marchiante {v} :: present participle of marchiare
marchiare {v} :: to mark, flag
marchiare {v} :: to brand
marchiatore {m} :: brander (of cattle &c)
marchiatura {f} :: marking (of goods)
marchiatura {f} :: branding (of animals)
marchigiano {adj} :: of or relating to the Marche region
marchigiano {m} :: native or resident of the Marche
marchigiano {m} :: the dialect spoken in the Marche
marchingegno {m} :: contraption, contrivance
marchingegno {m} :: expedient, dodge
marchio {m} :: brand, trademark, mark, label
marchio {m} :: branding iron (A piece of metal bent into a distinctive shape, heated and used to brand livestock)
marchio di fabbrica {m} :: trademark
marchionale {adj} :: marquis (attributive)
marcia {f} :: march
marcia {f} :: racewalking, speedwalking
marcia {f} :: gear
marcialonga {f} :: long-distance ski race
marciano {adj} :: relative to San Marco [patron saint of Venice]
marciano {adj} :: Venetian
Marciano {prop} :: Marcian, Marcianus
marciante {v} :: present participle of marciare
marciapiede {m} :: pavement [British]
marciapiede {m} :: sidewalk [US]
marciar {v} :: apocopic form of marciare
marciare {vi} :: to march
marciare {vi} :: to walk [as a competitive sport]
marciare {vi} :: to go, run, travel [of a vehicle]
marciatore {m} :: marcher
marciatore {m} [athletics] :: racewalker, walker
marciatrice {f} :: female equivalent of marciatore
marcigliana {f} [nautical] :: A square-rigged merchant ship
marcime {m} :: livestock bedding used as manure
marcimento {m} :: rotting, putrefaction
marcio {adj} /ˈmartʃo/ :: rotten
marcio {adj} :: rotting
marcio {adj} :: festering
marcio {adj} :: corrupt
marcio {m} :: The bad or rotten part of something
marciolino {m} :: A slight rotten taste
marcioso {adj} [literary] :: purulent
marcire {vt} :: to rot
marcire {vi} :: to rot, fester or go bad, putrefy
marcita {f} :: water meadow
marcitoia {f} :: synonym of marcita
marcitoio {m} :: pulping plant (for making paper)
marcitura {f} :: rot, putrefaction
marciume {m} :: rot
marciume {m} :: corruption
marco {m} :: mark (money)
Marco {prop} /ˈmar.ko/ :: given name
Marco {prop} :: Mark [biblical character]
Marco {prop} :: the Gospel of Mark
marcofilia {f} :: marcophily (branch of philately)
marcolfo {m} :: A rough, ignorant or vulgar person
marconese {adj} :: Of or from Marconia
Marconi {prop} :: surname
Marconi {prop} :: Guglielmo Marconi, Italian physicist and inventor
Marconia {prop} :: A small town near Pisticci
marconiano {adj} :: Of or relating to Marconi
marconigrafare {v} :: synonym of radiotelegrafare
marconigrafia {f} :: wireless telegraphy
marconigramma {m} :: marconigram
marconista {m} :: wireless operator
marconiterapia {f} :: diathermy
marcorella {f} :: alternative form of mercorella
marcusiano {adj} :: Marcusian
Mar del Giappone {prop} :: Sea of Japan (the sea between Japan and the rest of Asia)
mardocheo {m} :: An unwary person
Mardocheo {prop} :: Mordecai
Mardonio {prop} :: given name
mare {m} /ˈmaːre/ :: sea
marea {f} /maˈrɛ.a/ :: tide
marea {f} [figuratively] :: blizzard (large amount of paperwork)
marea {f} :: pile, heap
marea {f} [figuratively] :: shoal (large number of persons or things)
mare Adriatico {prop} :: Adriatic Sea
mareale {adj} :: tidal
marebbano {adj} :: Of or from Marebbe
marebbano {m} :: A dialect of Ladin spoken in the Marebbe region
Marebbe {prop} :: Marebbe (small town)
mare Caraibico {prop} :: Caribbean Sea
Marecchia {prop} :: Marecchia (river)
Mare d'Irlanda {prop} :: Irish Sea
mareggiamento {m} :: fluctuation, undulation
mareggiamento {m} :: seasickness
mareggiante {v} :: present participle of mareggiare
mareggiare {vi} :: to fluctuate, undulate
mareggiare {vi} :: to swell [of the sea]
mareggiata {f} :: sea storm
mareggio {m} :: swell, surge
maremma {f} /maˈrem.ma/ :: A marshy coastal plain
Maremma {prop} /maˈrem.ma/ :: The coastal plain of southern Tuscany and northern Lazio
maremmano {adj} :: Maremma - attributive
maremmano {m} :: Native or inhabitant of the Maremma
maremoto {m} [geology] /ma.re.ˈmo.to/ :: seaquake
maremoto {m} :: tsunami
marena {f} :: sour cherry (Prunus cerasus)
marengo {m} :: Napoleon (French coin)
Marenzio {prop} :: surname
Marenzio {prop} :: Luca Marenzio, Italian composer
mareografico {adj} :: marigraphic
mareografo {m} :: tide gauge, marigraph
mareogramma {m} :: marigram
mareometro {m} :: tide gauge
mareomotore {adj} :: tidal power (attributive)
mare procelloso {m} :: storm surge
marescalco {m} :: marshall
marescialla {f} :: female equivalent of maresciallo
marescialla {f} :: wife of a marshall
marescialla {f} :: an authoritarian or domineering woman
maresciallato {m} :: marshalship
maresciallo {m} /ma.reˈʃal.lo/ :: marshall
maresciallo {m} :: warrant officer
marese {m} :: marsh
maretta {f} :: choppy sea
maretta {f} :: friction, trouble
Marettimo {prop} :: One of the Egadi islands
marezzante {v} :: present participle of marezzare
marezzare {v} :: to marble, vein or grain
marezzare {v} :: to water (fabric)
marezzato {adj} :: marbled, veined
marezzato {adj} :: watered, moiré
marezzatura {f} :: veining
marezzatura {f} :: watering (fabric)
marezzatura {f} :: grain (of wood)
marezzo {m} :: grain (in wood)
marfilo {m} /marˈfi.lo/ :: elephant tusk
Marfisa {prop} :: given name
margaria {f} :: The wintering of mountain cattle in the plains
margarico {adj} :: margaric
margarina {f} :: margarine
margarinare {v} :: To mix with margarine
margarinatura {f} :: The adulteration of butter by the addition of margarine
margarita {m} /mar.ɡaˈri.ta/ :: margarita [cocktail]
margherita {f} [obsolete] /mar.ɡeˈri.ta/ :: pearl
margherita {f} :: daisy
Margherita {prop} :: given name; Daisy
margheritina {f} :: daisy (Bellis perennis)
margheritina {f} :: female equivalent of margheritino
margheritino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to La Margherita (The Daisy), an Italian dissolved political party
margheritino {m} :: A member or supporter of La Margherita party
margheritona {f} :: max chrysanthemum (Leucanthemum maximum)
margherotta {f} :: A Venetian racing boat with six oars
Mar Giallo {prop} :: Yellow Sea (Asian sea)
marginale {adj} :: marginal
marginale {adj} :: secondary
marginalismo {m} :: marginalism
marginalissimo {adj} :: superlative of marginale
marginalista {adj} :: marginalist, marginalistic
marginalisticamente {adv} :: marginalistically
marginalistico {adj} :: marginalistic
marginalità {f} :: marginality
marginalizzante {v} :: present participle of marginalizzare
marginalizzare {vt} :: to marginalize
marginalizzazione {f} :: marginalization
marginalmente {adv} :: marginally, incidentally
marginante {v} :: present participle of marginare
marginare {vt} :: to establish or delimit margins; to border; to margin
marginatore {m} :: margin stop (on a typewriter)
marginatura {f} :: margin
marginatura {f} :: edge, border
margine {m} :: margin, border, edge, brink, bank, brow
margine di azione {n} :: leeway
margine interno {f} :: gutter (unprinted space between rows of stamps)
marginoso {adj} :: With large margins. (of books)
margone {m} :: A basin in which the water that feed the mill is gathered
margotta {f} :: layering
margottante {v} :: present participle of margottare
margottare {vt} :: To layer
margottiera {f} :: A container used in layering plants
margravia {f} :: margravine
margraviato {m} :: margravate
margravio {m} :: margrave (all senses)
Maria {prop} /maˈri.a/ :: given name
Maria {prop} :: Mary; Miriam (biblical figures)
Maria {f} [colloquial] :: cannabis, marijuana
Maria Luisa {prop} :: given name
Maria Maddalena {prop} :: Mary Magdalene [biblical character]
Mariangela {prop} :: given name
marianista {adj} :: Marianist
marianista {mf} :: Marianist
Marianna {prop} :: given name
mariano {adj} :: Marian
Mariano {prop} :: given name
Mariarosa {prop} :: Rosemary
maricino {m} :: A choppy sea caused by wind blowing from the land
maricoltore {m} :: mariculturist
maricoltura {f} :: mariculture
Marietta {prop} :: given name
Marignano {prop} :: alternative form of Melegnano
marijuana {f} /ma.riˈwa.na/ :: marijuana
marimettente {v} :: present participle of marimettere
marimettere {vt} [Tuscany] :: alternative form of manomettere
marina {f} :: coast
marina {f} :: seascape
marina {f} :: navy
marina {f} :: marina
marinaia {f} :: female equivalent of marinaio
marinaio {m} :: sailor, mariner, seaman
marinaio {m} :: tarpaulin, tar
marinaio d'acqua dolce {m} [nautical, usually mildly derogatory] :: landlubber [literally "freshwater mariner"]
marina mercantile {f} :: merchant navy
marinante {v} :: present participle of marinare
marinare {vt} [cooking] :: to marinade, marinate
marinare {vit} :: to play truant; to skive or slack off
marinarescamente {adv} :: In the manner of a sailor
marinaresco {adj} :: sailor (attributive)
marinaretto {m} :: Young sailor
marinaretto {m} :: Child wearing a sailor suit
marinaro {adj} :: seafaring
marinaro {adj} :: sailor (attributive)
marinaro {adj} [of food] :: Served with seafood
marinato {adj} :: marinated
marinatura {f} :: marinating, marinading
marineria {f} [nautical] :: marine (mercantile)
marineria {f} [nautical] :: navy
marineria {f} :: the practice and art of sailing
marinese {adj} :: Of or from Marino (in Lazio)
Marinetti {prop} :: surname
Marinetti {prop} :: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Italian writer and poet
Marini {prop} :: surname
marinismo {m} :: Marinism
marinista {mf} :: Marinist
marinistico {adj} :: Marinism (attributive)
marinizzare {v} :: to marinize
marino {adj} :: sea, marine, nautical, seaside
Marino {prop} :: surname
Marino {prop} :: given name
Marino {prop} :: Marino (town)
Mario {prop} :: given name
mariolatria {f} :: Mariolatry
marioleria {f} :: roguery
marioleria {f} :: swindle
marioleria {f} :: prank
mariolescamente {adv} :: rascally
mariolesco {adj} :: rascally
mariolo {m} :: scoundrel, rascal
mariologia {f} [religion] :: Mariology
mariologico {adj} :: Mariological
mariologo {m} :: Mariologist
marionetta {f} :: puppet, marionette
marionettista {mf} :: puppet master, puppeteer, puppetman
marionettistico {adj} :: puppet, marionette (attributive)
Mar Ionio {prop} :: Ionian Sea
Mario Rossi {prop} :: Joe Bloggs, John Doe
marisca {f} :: anal skin tag
mariscalco {m} :: alternative form of maniscalco
marista {adj} :: Marist
marista {mf} :: Marist
maritabile {adj} :: marriageable
maritaggio {m} :: synonym of parentado
maritale {adj} :: marital
maritalmente {adv} :: maritally
maritante {v} :: present participle of maritare
maritantesi {v} :: present participle of maritarsi
maritare {vt} :: To marry or bestow
maritarsi {vr} :: To get married
maritato {adj} :: married
maritatosi {v} :: past participle of maritarsi
maritino {m} :: hubby
marito {m} /maˈri.to/ :: husband
maritozzo {m} [central Italy, mainly Rome] /ma.riˈtɔt.tso/ :: maritozzo (type of sweet bun)
marittimità {f} :: The property of being maritime
marittimo {adj} :: maritime
marittimo {adj} :: coastal
marittimo {m} :: seaman, sailor, navigator, mariner, seafarer
mariuolo {m} :: rascal, rogue, scoundrel
Markab {prop} :: Markab, a star in the constellation of Pegasus
marketing {m} :: marketing (commercial activities)
marmaglia {f} :: riff-raff
marmagliume {m} :: oiks (collectively)
marmare {v} :: To become cold and hard (like marble)
Mar Mediterraneo {prop} :: Mediterranean Sea
marmellata {f} :: jam (food)
marmellata {f} :: marmalade (when made from oranges)
marmetta {f} :: A type of floortile made from marble chips
marmettaio {m} :: marble tile maker, seller or layer
marmettista {mf} :: synonym of marmettaio
marmifero {adj} :: marble (attributive)
marmifero {adj} :: rich in marble
marmiglia {f} :: terrazzo (flooring that looks like marble)
marmino {m} :: doorstop
marmista {m} :: mason (who works in marble)
marmitta {f} :: cooking pot, stockpot
marmitta {f} :: silencer [British], muffler [US]
marmittone {m} [military slang] :: sprog, rookie, yard bird
marmo {m} :: marble (stone)
marmocchio {m} :: kid, sprog, brat
Marmolada {prop} :: Marmolada (mountain), the highest one of the Dolomites
marmolite {f} [mineral] :: marmolite
marmorare {v} :: synonym of marmorizzare
marmoraria {f} :: The art of carving marble
marmorario {m} :: marble worker
marmorario {m} :: sculptor
marmore {m} :: synonym of marmo
marmoreamente {adv} :: in marble
marmoreggiare {v} [rare] :: synonym of marmorizzare
marmoreità {f} :: marbleness
marmoreo {adj} :: marble (attributive)
marmorino {adj} :: marble (attributive)
marmorizzante {v} :: present participle of marmorizzare
marmorizzare {vt} :: to marble
marmorizzato {adj} :: marbled
marmorizzatura {f} :: marbling
marmorizzazione {f} :: marbling
Mar Morto {prop} :: Mar Morto (lake)
marmosetta {f} :: marmoset
marmotta {f} /marˈmɔt.ta/ :: marmot
marmotta {f} :: groundhog
marmotta americana {f} :: groundhog or woodchuck
marmotta caligata {f} :: whistler (type of marmot)
marmottina {f} :: The case in which a travelling salesman carries his samples
marna {f} [geology] /ˈmar.na/ :: marl
marna {f} [geology] :: marlstone (properly roccia di marna)
Marna {prop} :: Marna (river)
Marna {prop} :: Marna (department)
marnante {v} :: present participle of marnare
marnare {vt} :: To marl
marnatura {f} :: marling
marnazione {f} :: synonym of marnatura
marniera {f} :: marl pit
marnoso {adj} :: marly
maro {m} :: cat thyme (Teucrium marum)
marò {m} [nautical] :: ordinary seaman
marocca {f} :: refuse
marocca {f} [geology] :: glacial debris
marocchina {f} :: female equivalent of marocchino
marocchinante {v} :: present participle of marocchinare
marocchinare {vt} :: To tan leather into morocco
marocchinatura {f} :: morocco (leatherwork)
marocchineria {f} :: Morocco goods
marocchino {adj} :: Moroccan
marocchino {adj} [slang, derogatory, now, dated] :: African, negroid
marocchino {m} :: Moroccan
marocchino {m} :: ellipsis of caffè marocchino; coffee drink made with a shot of espresso, cocoa powder and milk froth
Marocco {prop} /maˈrɔk.ko/ :: Morocco
marogna {f} :: residue, refuse
marogna {f} :: coal slag
marone {m} [slang, vulgar, mostly in the plural] :: ball, bollock
maronita {m} :: Maronite
maronita {adj} :: Maronite
maroso {m} :: breaker, billow
Marpessa {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Marpessa
marpione {m} :: lecher
marra {f} :: hoe
marra {f} :: fluke (of an anchor)
Marrakech {prop} :: Marrakech (capital city)
marrana {f} [regional] :: a ditch or trench situated in the city of Rome
marrancio {m} :: cleaver (butcher's knife)
marrano {m} :: boor
marrano {m} :: traitor
marranzano {m} [musical instruments] :: Jew's harp
marrella {f} [obsolete] :: arrow, dart
marritta {f} :: alternative form of mandritta
marritto {m} :: alternative form of mandritto
marrobbio {m} :: alternative form of marrubio
marronaia {f} :: synonym of marroneto
marronare {v} :: alternative form of smarronare
marronata {f} :: chestnut preserve
marronata {f} :: blunder
marroncino {adj} :: light brown
marroncino {m} :: light brown colour
marrone {adj} :: brown
marrone {m} :: brown
marrone {m} :: a large and savoury chestnut variety
marrone {m} :: the tree that produces that chestnut
marrone {m} [by extension] :: chestnut
marrone {m} [slang, vulgar, chiefly plural] :: ball, bollock
marrone {m} :: botch up
Marrone {prop} :: surname
Marrone {prop} :: Tito Marrone, Italian poet
marroneto {m} :: chestnut wood (forest), especially one of marrone chestnuts
marron glacé {m} /ma(r)ˌrɔŋ ɡlaˈse/ :: marron glacé (chestnut preserved in sugar or syrup and flavoured with vanilla)
Mar Rosso {prop} :: Red Sea (sea between Africa and Arabia)
marrovescio {m} :: alternative form of manrovescio
marrubio {m} :: horehound
marruca {f} :: Jerusalem thorn, Christ's thorn (Paliurus spina-christi)
marrucaio {m} :: A place full of Jerusalem thorn bushes
marrucheto {m} :: thicket of Jerusalem thorn, thicket of Christ's thorn (Paliurus spina-christi)
marsala {m} :: Marsala (wine)
Marsala {prop} :: Marsala (town)
marsalare {v} :: To aromatize wine in the style of marsala
marsalato {adj} :: maderized (oxidized, of wine)
marsalese {adj} :: Of or from Marsala
marsc' {interj} [military] :: march!
marshallese {adj} :: Marshallese
marshallese {m} :: Marshallese (language)
Marsia {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Marsyas
Marsica {prop} :: The region around Avezzano in Abruzzo
marsicano {adj} :: Of or from Marsica
Marsiglia {prop} :: Marsiglia (capital city)
marsigliana {f} :: alternative form of marcigliana
marsigliese {adj} :: Of or from Marseilles (city in southern France)
marsigliese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Marseilles; Marseillais
Marsigliese {prop} :: The Marseillaise (French national anthem)
Marsili {prop} :: surname
Marsili {prop} :: An undersea volcano in the Tyrrhenian Sea
Marsilio {prop} :: given name
marsina {f} :: dress coat, tails
marsovino {m} :: porpoise
marsupiale {adj} :: marsupial
marsupiale {m} :: marsupial (mammal)
marsupio {m} :: pouch
marsupio {m} [zoology] :: marsupium (external pouch in which female marsupials rear and feed the young)
marsupio {m} :: child carrier, baby carrier
marsupio {m} :: bum bag
marsupio {m} :: car transporter
Marta {prop} :: Martha [biblical character]
Marta {prop} :: given name of biblical origin
martagone {m} :: martagon, Turk's-cap lily (Lilium martagon)
Marte {prop} [astronomy] :: Mars (planet)
Marte {prop} [mythology, Roman god] :: Mars (god)
martedì {m} /marteˈdi/ :: Tuesday
martedì grasso {m} [religion, Christianity] :: Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Pancake Day, Pancake Tuesday
martellamento {m} :: hammering
martellamento {m} [idiomatic] :: overkill
martellante {v} :: present participle of martellare
martellante {adj} :: thumping, pounding, hammering
martellante {adj} :: insistent to the point of being tormenting; urgent, pressing
martellare {v} :: to hammer
martellare {v} :: to beat
martellare {v} :: to bombard
martellata {f} :: hammer blow
martellatore {m} :: hammerer
martellatura {f} :: hammering
martelletto {m} [music] :: hammer (of a piano, and of a percussion instrument)
martelletto {m} :: typebar (of a typewriter)
martelletto {m} :: gavel
martelletto {m} :: striker (of a clock)
martelliano {m} :: A heroic verse form similar to the French Alexandrian
martelliera {f} :: A collection of hammers (as in a piano)
martellina {f} :: pick, bush hammer
martellinante {v} :: present participle of martellinare
martellinare {vt} :: To bushhammer
martellinatore {m} :: A person who practices bushhammering
martellinatura {f} :: bushhammering
martellio {m} :: hammering (continuous)
martellista {mf} :: hammer thrower
martello {m} :: hammer
martello {m} [sports] :: hammer
martello {m} [skeleton] :: malleus, hammer
martello {m} :: gavel (tool)
martello {m} [music] :: hammer (in a piano)
martello pneumatico {m} :: jackhammer, pneumatic drill
martelogio {m} [historical, nautical] :: A handbook of routes through the Mediterranean
Martignano {prop} :: Martignano (small town)
martin {m} :: only in martin pescatore
Martina {prop} :: given name
martinella {f} :: A white grape variety from Piedmont
martinella {f} :: A bell once used, in the Florentine area, to send military signals
Martinelli {prop} :: surname
martinello {m} :: A winch used to arm a crossbow
martinetta {f} :: Type of tinamou
martinetta dal ciuffo {f} :: elegant crested tinamou
martinetta di quebracho {f} :: quebracho crested tinamou
martinetto {m} :: jack (tool)
martinezismo {m} :: Martinezism (branch of Martinism)
martingala {f} :: short, ornamental belt (on a jacket etc)
martingala {f} :: martingale
Martinica {prop} :: Martinique
martinicano {adj} :: Martinican
martinicano {m} :: Martinican
martinicca {f} :: wagon brake
martinichese {adj} :: Martinican
martinichese {mf} :: Martinican
martinismo {m} :: Martinism (branch of esoteric Christianity)
martinista {mf} :: Martinist
martinitt {m} [in Milan] :: An orphan raised in a charitable institution
martino {m} :: myna (bird)
Martino {prop} :: Martin (given name)
martin pescatore {m} :: kingfisher
martire {mf} /ˈmar.ti.re/ :: martyr
martirio {m} :: martyrdom
martirio {m} [figuratively] :: agony, torture
martirizzamento {m} :: martyrdom
martirizzante {v} :: present participle of martirizzare
martirizzantesi {v} :: present participle of martirizzarsi
martirizzare {vt} :: to martyr
martirizzare {vt} :: to torture
martirizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of martirizzare
martirizzarsi {vr} :: to punish or torment oneself
martirizzato {adj} :: martyred
martirizzatore {m} :: martyrizer
martirizzatosi {v} :: past participle of martirizzarsi
martiro {m} [obsolete, poetic] :: alternative form of martirio
martirologio {m} :: martyrology
Mar Tirreno {prop} :: Tyrrhenian Sea (sea to the west of Italy)
martologio {m} :: alternative form of martelogio
martora {f} :: marten
martoriamento {m} :: torment, torture
martoriante {v} :: present participle of martoriare
martoriare {vt} :: To torment or torture
martoriatore {m} :: tormenter
martoriatore {m} :: torturer
Martucci {prop} :: surname
marubén {n} :: synonym of anolini (Cremona dialect)
marucelliano {adj} :: Marucellian
marupa {m} :: wood from trees of the family Simaroubaceae
maruzza {f} :: snail, sea snail
maruzzaro {m} [in Naples] :: A seller of boiled snails
marxianamente {adv} :: Marxianly
marxiano {adj} :: Marxian
marxiano {m} :: Marxian
marxismo {m} :: Marxism, marxism
marxismo-leninismo {m} :: Marxism-Leninism
marxista {adj} :: Marxist, marxist
marxista {mf} :: Marxist, marxist
marxista-leninista {adj} :: Marxist-Leninist
marxista-leninista {mf} :: Marxist-Leninist
marxisticamente {adv} :: Marxistically
marxistico {adj} :: Marxist
Maryland {prop} /ˈmɛ.ri.land/ :: Maryland (state)
marza {f} :: graft (botanical)
marzaiola {f} /mar.t͡saˈjɔ.la/ :: garganey (Anas querquedula)
marzaiola {f} [Central Italian] :: synonym of alzavola
marzaiolo {adj} :: March (attributive)
marzamino {m} :: A grape variety from Northern Italy that has small, black grapes; the red wine made frm these grapes
marzapane {m} [chiefly uncountable] /mar.tsaˈpa.ne/ :: marzipan
marzeggiare {v} :: to be variable
marzeggiare {v} :: to be inconstant, unpredictable
marzemino {m} :: alternative form of marzamino
Marzenego {prop} :: Marzenego (river)
Marzia {prop} :: Marcia
Marzïa {prop} :: medieval spelling of Marzia
marziale {adj} :: martial
Marziale {prop} :: given name
marzialità {f} :: bellicosity, martiality
marzialmente {adv} :: martially
marziana {f} :: female equivalent of marziano
marziano {adj} :: Martian
marziano {m} :: A Martian (male or of unspecified sex)
marzio {adj} /ˈmar.tt͡sjo/ :: Of or pertaining to the god Mars
marzio {adj} [literary] :: warlike
Marzio {prop} /ˈmar.tt͡sjo/ :: given name
marzirolo {m} :: gorgonzola produced in the spring
marzo {m} /ˈmar.t͡so/ :: March [the month]
marzocco {m} :: The emblem of Florence, a lion holding a shield decorated with the Florentine lily
marzolino {adj} :: of March, March (attribute)
Marzorati {prop} :: surname
marzotica {f} :: A type of ricotta cheese from Puglia
marzuolo {adj} [botany, of a plant] :: Sown in March
mas {m} [nautical] :: motor torpedo boat
Masaccio {prop} :: Nickname of Italian painter "Tommaso di ser Giovanni di Mone Cassai"
masaniello {m} /ma.zaˈnjɛl.lo/ :: agitator, revolutionary
Mascagni {prop} :: surname
Mascagni {prop} :: Pietro Mascagni, Italian composer
mascagno {adj} /masˈkaɲ.ɲo/ :: shrewd, astute
mascalcia {f} :: farriery
mascalese {adj} :: Of or from Mascali
Mascali {prop} :: Mascali (small town)
mascalzonata {f} :: dirty trick
mascalzone {m} :: rascal, scoundrel, rapscallion
mascara {m} :: mascara
mascareta {f} [nautical] :: A light punt used for fishing, racing and recreation
mascarpone {m} /mas.karˈpo.ne/ :: mascarpone
mascella {f} [skeleton] :: jaw
mascellare {adj} [skleleton] :: maxillary, jaw (attributive)
mascellare {m} [skeleton] :: maxillary, jawbone
maschera {f} /ˈmaskera/ :: mask
maschera {f} :: surface, fiction
maschera {f} :: cinema attendant [takes tickets, shows patrons to their seats]
mascheraio {m} :: A person who makes or sells masks
mascheramento {m} :: masking
mascheramento {m} :: camouflage
mascherante {v} :: present participle of mascherare
mascherante {adj} :: masking
mascherantesi {v} :: present participle of mascherarsi
mascherare {vt} :: to mask
mascherare {vt} :: to hide, conceal, disguise
mascherarsi {v} :: ‎reflexive of mascherare
mascherarsi {v} :: to disguise oneself (as)
mascherarsi {v} :: to dress up (as)
mascherata {f} :: masquerade
mascheratamente {adv} :: disguisedly
mascherato {adj} :: masked
mascherato {adj} :: disguised
mascherato {adj} :: hidden, concealed
mascherato {adj} :: camouflaged
mascheratosi {v} :: past participle of mascherarsi
mascheratura {f} :: masking (all senses)
mascheratura {f} :: masquerade
mascheratura {f} :: disguise
maschereccio {m} :: leather tanned with alum
mascheretto {m} :: tidal bore
mascherina {f} :: small mask
mascherina {f} :: flexible pad held over the nose and mouth, as a dust mask, paint mask, or surgical mask
mascherina {f} :: patch (animal marking)
mascherina {f} :: toecap
mascherina {f} :: radiator grill
mascherina {f} :: template
mascherone {m} :: mask (especially a grotesque one)
Mascheroni {prop} :: surname
mascherpa {f} :: A type of cottage cheese made from whey
mascherpone {m} :: alternative form of mascarpone
maschetta {f} [nautical] :: cheek of a block
maschiaccio {m} :: rough or wild boy
maschiaccio {m} :: tomboy (girl)
maschiaccio {m} :: macho man
maschiamente {adv} :: malely, masculinely
maschiamente {adv} :: virilely, manfully
maschiamente {adv} :: vigorously
maschiante {v} :: present participle of maschiare
maschiare {vt} :: To tap (a thread)
maschiatore {m} :: tapper (person)
maschiatrice {f} :: female equivalent of maschiatore
maschiatura {f} :: tapping, screw thread
maschicidio {m} :: The killing of men; androcide
maschietta {f} :: boyish girl
maschietta {f} :: flapper (unconventional woman from the 1920s)
maschietta {f} :: pageboy hairstyle
maschiettante {v} :: present participle of maschiettare
maschiettare {vt} :: To hinge (fit with hinges)
maschiettatura {f} :: hingeing (fitting with hinges)
maschietto {m} :: Little boy
maschietto {m} :: Male baby
maschietto {m} :: hinge
maschiezza {f} [uncommon] :: maleness
maschile {adj} :: masculine, male
maschile {adj} :: virile, manly
maschile {adj} :: men's, boys'
maschilismo {m} :: male chauvinism
maschilista {adj} :: male chauvinist (attributive)
maschilista {mf} :: male chauvinist
maschilisticamente {adv} :: (male) chauvinistically
maschilistico {adj} :: (male) chauvinistic, masculinist
maschilità {f} :: masculinity, manliness
maschilmente {adv} :: in a masculine manner
maschilmente {adv} :: virilely
maschio {adj} :: male, masculine
maschio {adj} :: virile, manlike, manful, manly
maschio {adj} :: vigorous
maschio {m} :: sire, male
maschio {m} :: boy, son
maschio {m} :: keep (tall tower in a castle)
maschio {m} :: tap (cutting tool)
maschio e femmina {adj} :: Variant of ad incastro
maschiona {f} :: A masculine woman
maschione {m} :: A strong and handsome man
maschiotta {f} :: A beautiful but butch girl
maschismo {m} :: alternative form of maschilismo
maschista {mf} :: alternative form of maschilista
mascolinamente {adv} :: mannishly
mascolinare {v} :: alternative form of mascolinizzare
mascolinismo {m} :: masculinism
mascolinità {f} :: masculinity
mascolinizzante {v} :: present participle of mascolinizzare
mascolinizzantesi {v} :: present participle of mascolinizzarsi
mascolinizzare {vt} :: to masculinize
mascolinizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of mascolinizzare
mascolinizzarsi {vr} :: to become masculinized
mascolinizzatosi {v} :: past participle of mascolinizzarsi
mascolinizzazione {f} :: masculinization
mascolino {adj} :: masculine, male (attributive)
mascolino {adj} :: mannish
mascolo {adj} :: synonym of maschio
mascone {m} [nautical] :: loof
mascotte {f} :: mascot
masculo {adj} :: synonym of maschio
masgalano {m} /mas.ɡaˈla.no/ :: Name given to a prize of the Palio di Siena
maskio {m} :: alternative form of maschio
maskne {m} :: maskne
masnada {f} /masˈna.da/ :: gang, band (of thieves etc)
masnadiere {m} :: highwayman, bandit, brigand
masnadiero {m} :: gang-member
masnadiero {m} :: robber
masochismo {m} /ma.zoˈkis.mo/ :: masochism
masochista {mf} :: masochist
masochisticamente {adv} :: masochistically
masochistico {adj} :: masochistic, masochist (attributive)
masora {f} [uncountable] /maˈsɔ.ra/ :: Masorah
masora {f} [by extension] :: The Biblical exegesis derived from the Masorah
masoreta {m} :: masoret
masoretico {adj} :: Masoretic
Maspero {prop} :: surname
massa {f} :: mass (all senses)
massa {f} :: crowd
Massa {prop} :: Massa; Massa (town)
Massa {prop} :: Massa; surname
Massa Carrara {prop} :: Massa Carrara
Massachusetts {prop} /mas.saˈt͡ʃu-.sets/ :: Massachusetts (state)
massacrante {v} :: present participle of massacrare
massacrante {adj} :: exhausting, gruelling
massacrantesi {v} :: present participle of massacrarsi
massacrare {vt} :: to massacre, slaughter
massacrare {vt} :: to murder (a song or tune)
massacrare {vt} [figuratively] :: to make mincemeat out of (defeat utterly)
massacrarsi {v} :: reflexive of massacrare
massacrarsi {v} :: to be severely wounded
massacrarsi {v} :: to be heavily defeated
massacratore {m} :: massacrer
massacratosi {v} :: past participle of massacrarsi
massacro {m} /masˈsa.kro/ :: massacre
massa d'acqua {f} :: body of water
Massa e Carrara {prop} :: Massa Carrara (province)
massa equivalente {f} :: alternative form of peso equivalente
massaggiagengive {m} :: teething ring
massaggiante {v} :: present participle of massaggiare
massaggiantesi {v} :: present participle of massaggiarsi
massaggiare {v} :: to massage
massaggiarsi {vr} :: ‎ to massage (part of one's body)
massaggiatore {m} :: masseur
massaggiatosi {v} :: past participle of massaggiarsi
massaggiatrice {f} :: masseuse
massaggiatura {f} [uncommon] :: massage
massaggio {m} /masˈsad.d͡ʒo/ :: massage
massaia {f} [uncommon] /masˈsa.ja/ :: feminine noun of massaio
massaia {f} :: housewife
massaio {m} :: bailiff (of an agricultural estate)
massaio {m} :: farmer
massaiola {f} /mas.saˈjɔ.la/ :: synonym of culbianco
massa molecolare {f} [chemistry] :: molecular mass, molecular weight
massaria {f} :: alternative form of masseria
massarizia {f} :: alternative form of masserizia
massaro {m} [archaic or regional] :: alternative form of massaio
massellante {v} :: present participle of massellare
massellare {vt} :: To cast (metal) into pigs or ingots
massellato {adj} :: edge-glued
massellatura {f} :: pig-breaking (in iron-founding)
massello {m} :: pig (of iron)
massello {m} :: ingot
massello {m} :: solid wood
Massenzio {prop} :: Maxentius
masseria {f} :: Large farm, sometimes fortified
masserizia {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: Household furnishings or effects
massese {adj} :: Massa Carrara (attributive)
massese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Massa Carrara
massetere {m} [muscle] :: masseter
masseterino {adj} [muscle] :: masseteric, masseterine
masseto {m} [regional] :: rocky land
massetto {m} :: screed (building material)
massicciamente {adv} :: massively
massicciamente {adv} :: energetically, resolutely
massicciante {v} :: present participle of massicciare
massicciare {vt} :: To ballast (roads, railways)
massicciata {f} :: ballast, hard core
massicciata {f} :: permanent way
massicciata {f} :: roadbed
massicciatore {m} :: Person who constructs roadbeds
massiccio {adj} :: massive, solid
massiccio {adj} :: stout
massiccio {adj} :: heavy
massiccio {m} :: massif
massiccio facciale {m} [skeleton] :: facial bones, facial skeleton
massico {adj} [physics] :: mass (attributive)
massificante {v} :: present participle of massificare
massificare {vt} :: to massify, standardize
massificato {adj} :: standardized, massified
massificazione {f} :: standardization, massification
massima {f} :: maxim
massima {f} :: maximum (temperature etc)
massimale {adj} :: maximal, maximum
massimale {m} :: A maximum limit or quota
massimalismo {m} :: maximalism (in art and politics)
massimalista {adj} :: maximalist (in art and politics)
massimalista {mf} :: maximalist (in art and politics)
massimalistico {adj} :: maximalist
massimamente {adv} /mas.si.maˈmen.te/ :: especially, chiefly, particularly
massimamente {adv} [archaic] :: greatly, very much
massimante {v} :: present participle of massimare
massimare {vt} :: To maximize
massimario {m} :: An anthology of maxims or sayings
massimario {m} :: A register of the decisions given by the Italian Court of Cassation; a person who compiles this register
massime {adv} [literary] /ˈmas.si.me/ :: especially, chiefly, particularly
Massimiano {prop} :: Maximian
massimiliano {adj} :: Maximilian (attributive)
Massimiliano {prop} /mas.si.miˈlja.no/ :: given name
massiminimo {m} :: maximin
massimizzante {v} :: present participle of massimizzare
massimizzare {vt} :: to maximize
massimizzato {adj} :: maximized
massimizzazione {f} :: maximization
massimo {adj} /ˈmas.si.mo/ :: maximum
massimo {adj} [archaic] :: chief; principal
massimo {m} :: maximum
Massimo {prop} /ˈmas.si.mo/ :: given name
massimominimo {m} :: alternative form of massiminimo
massivamente {adv} :: massively
massivamente {adv} :: en masse
massivo {adj} :: massive
massivo {adj} :: mass (emigration etc)
massivo {adj} :: en masse
massmediale {adj} :: mass media (attributive)
massmediatico {adj} :: mass media (attributive)
massmediologia {f} :: media studies (study of the mass media)
massmediologico {adj} :: mass media (attributive)
massmediologo {m} :: media expert
masso {m} :: rock, boulder
massofisioterapia {f} :: massage and physiotherapy
massofisioterapico {adj} :: massage and physiotherapy (attributive)
massofisioterapista {mf} :: masseur and physiotherapist
massone {m} :: freemason
massoneria {f} :: Freemasonry
massonico {adj} :: masonic
massora {f} /masˈsɔ.ra/ :: alternative form of masora
massoso {adj} :: rocky
massoterapia {f} :: massotherapy
massoterapico {adj} :: massotherapy (attributive)
massoterapista {mf} :: massotherapist
mastaba {f} /ˈmas.ta.ba/ :: mastaba
mastalgia {f} :: mastalgia
mastalgico {adj} :: mastalgic
Mastandrea {prop} :: surname
mastcellula {f} [biology] :: mast cell
mastectomia {f} [surgery] :: mastectomy
mastectomizzato {adj} :: mastectomized
mastella {f} :: alternative form of mastello
mastellaio {m} :: A maker of wooden tubs used at harvest time
mastellata {f} :: A tubful
mastello {m} :: wooden tub (for harvesting etc)
mastello {m} :: trough
masterizzabile {adj} :: recordable, writable (CD etc)
masterizzante {v} :: present participle of masterizzare
masterizzare {v} [computing] :: to burn (a CD or DVD)
masterizzatore {m} :: CD burner, burner
masterizzazione {f} [computing] :: burning (of a CD or DVD)
masterizzazione {f} :: mastering (of a record)
masticabile {adj} :: chewable
masticamento {m} /mas.ti.kaˈmen.to/ :: synonym of masticazione
masticante {v} :: present participle of masticare
masticare {vt} /mas.tiˈka.re/ :: to chew
masticare {vt} :: to crunch
masticare {vt} [figuratively, of languages] :: to smatter
masticaticcio {m} /mas.ti.kaˈtit͡ʃ.t͡ʃo/ :: Material that is being (or has been) chewed
masticaticcio {m} [figuratively, rare] :: A confused mixture; muddle
masticatoio {m} :: bit (mouthpiece of a horse's harness)
masticatore {adj} [anatomy] :: masticatory
masticatorio {adj} [anatomy] :: masticatory
masticatorio {m} [medicine] :: masticatory
masticatura {f} /mas.ti.kaˈtu.ra/ :: Material that is being (or has been) chewed
masticatura {f} [rare] :: synonym of masticazione
masticazione {f} [physiology] /mas.ti.katˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: chewing, mastication
masticazione {f} :: mastication (the process of crushing as though chewed)
mastice {m} :: mastic, filler, putty
mastigoforo {m} :: mastigophore
mastigonemo {m} :: mastigoneme
mastino {m} :: mastiff
mastio {m} :: keep (tall tower in a medieval castle)
mastite {f} [diseases] :: mastitis
masto- {prefix} :: mast-
mastocarcinoma {m} [oncology] :: mastocarcinoma
mastocita {m} [cytology] :: mast cell, mastocyte
mastocito {m} :: Variant of mastocita
mastodinia {f} [pathology] :: mastodynia
mastodonte {m} :: mastodon
mastodonte {m} [by extension] :: a large, clumsy person
mastodontico {adj} :: mammoth, gigantic
mastografia {f} :: mastography, mammography
mastoide {f} [skeleton] :: mastoid
mastoidectomia {f} [surgery] :: mastoidectomy
mastoideo {adj} [anatomy] :: mastoid, mastoidal, mastoideus
mastoidite {f} [pathology] :: mastoiditis
mastopatia {f} [pathology] :: disease of the mammary gland; mastopathy
mastopessi {f} [surgery] :: mastopexy
mastopessia {f} [surgery] :: mastopexy
mastoplastica {f} [surgery] /mas.toˈplas.ti.ka/ :: mastoplasty, mammaplasty
mastoplastico {adj} [medicine] /mas.toˈplas.ti.ko/ :: Pertaining to the development of a breast
mastra {f} [nautical] :: coaming
mastro {m} :: master [especially in combination with the name of a trade]
mastro {m} [dated, regional] :: General form of address; Mister
mastro {adj} :: principal, main
Mastroianni {prop} :: surname
Mastroianni {prop} :: Marcello Mastroianni, Italian actor
mastruca {f} :: sheepskin or goatskin jacket
masturbante {v} :: present participle of masturbare
masturbantesi {v} :: present participle of masturbarsi
masturbare {vt} :: to masturbate
masturbarsi {v} :: reflexive of masturbare
masturbarsi {v} :: to masturbate
masturbatore {m} :: masturbator
masturbatorio {adj} :: masturbatory
masturbatosi {v} :: past participle of masturbarsi
masturbatrice {f} :: female equivalent of masturbatore
masturbazione {f} /mas.tur.batˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: masturbation
masurio {m} :: masurium (technetium)
mataco {m} /maˈta.ko/ :: southern three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus)
mataco {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Mataco people
mataco {mf} :: Mataco
matafione {m} [nautical] :: A small cable used to support or fasten a sail.
matallo {m} :: wayfaring-tree, hoarwithy (plant of species Viburnum lantana)
matamoro {m} :: synonym of spaccone
matassa {f} :: skein, hank, coil
matassatore {m} :: coiler, winder
matassatura {f} :: winding, coiling (to form a skein)
matassina {f} :: skein
match {m} :: match (sports event)
match {m} :: horserace (involving only two horses)
matcha {m} /ˈmat.tʃa/ :: matcha (powdered green tea for ceremonies)
mate {m} /ˈma.te/ :: mother
mate {m} [botany] :: yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis)
mate {m} :: maté (beverage)
matè {m} /maˈtɛ/ :: alternative form of mate
matelassé {adj} :: padded, quilted
Matelica {prop} :: Matelica (town)
matelicese {adj} :: Of, or from, Matelica
matelicese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Matelica
matematica {f} :: mathematics, maths, math
matematica {f} :: mathematician (female)
matematicamente {adv} :: mathematically
matematico {adj} :: mathematical
matematico {m} :: mathematician
matematismo {m} :: mathematicism
matematizzabile {adj} [maths] :: mathematizable
matematizzante {v} :: present participle of matematizzare
matematizzare {vt} :: [maths] to mathematize
matematizzazione {f} :: mathematization
matera {v} :: obsolete form of materia
Matera {prop} /maˈtɛra/ :: Matera (town/and/province)
materano {adj} :: Of or from Matera
materassa {f} :: Variant of materasso
materassabile {adj} :: beddable
materassaia {f} :: female equivalent of materassaio
materassaio {m} :: mattress maker
materassificio {m} :: mattress factory
materassino {m} :: mat (for use in a gym etc)
materasso {m} /mateˈrasso/ :: mattress
materasso ad acqua {m} [furniture] :: waterbed
materasso ad aria {m} [furniture] :: air bed, air mattress
materasso giapponese {m} [furniture] :: futon a thin mattress of tufted cotton or similar material
materia {f} :: matter, substance, material, stuff
materia {f} :: subject-matter, matter, subject, topic
materiale {adj} :: material
materiale {adj} :: physical, bodily
materiale {adj} :: rough, uncouth
materiale {m} :: material, stuff
materiale {m} :: materials, equipment
materiale {m} :: rough person
materiale da costruzione {m} [construction] :: building material
materialismo {m} :: materialism, constant concern over material possessions and wealth
materialista {adj} :: materialist
materialista {mf} :: materialist
materialisticamente {adv} :: materialistically
materialistico {adj} :: materialistic
materialità {f} :: materiality
materializzante {v} :: present participle of materializzare
materializzantesi {v} :: present participle of materializzarsi
materializzare {vt} :: to materialize
materializzare {vt} :: to incarnate
materializzarsi {vr} :: To materialize
materializzatosi {v} :: past participle of materializzarsi
materializzazione {f} :: materialization
materialmente {adv} :: materially
materialmente {adv} :: simply, really, quite
materialone {m} :: lout (rough person)
materia organica {f} :: organic matter
materia prima {f} :: raw material
materia prima {f} :: staple
matericità {f} :: materiality
materico {adj} :: material
maternamente {adv} :: maternally
maternità {f} :: maternity, motherhood
maternità {f} :: maternity ward
maternizzazione {f} :: The continuous presence of a mother at the bedside of a sick child
materno {adj} :: maternal, mother [attribute], motherly
materozza {f} :: riser (casting)
materozzolo {m} :: A piece of wood attached to a key such that it is more difficult to forget where it is
matetico {adj} :: mathetic
Matilde {prop} /maˈtil.de/ :: given name
matildico {adj} :: Relating to Matilde di Canossa
matinée {f} :: A theatrical show that takes place in the morning or afternoon
matinée {f} :: matinee jacket
matita {f} :: pencil
matitatoio {m} :: pencil holder
matraccio {m} [chemistry] :: flask
matraccio di Erlenmeyer {m} [chemistry] :: Erlenmeyer flask
matre {f} /ˈmatre/ :: obsolete form of madre
matriarca {f} :: matriarch
matriarcale {adj} :: matriarchal
matriarcato {m} :: matriarchy
matricaria {f} :: chamomile
matrice {f} :: matrix (in all senses)
matrice {f} :: stencil
matrice {f} [figurative] :: origin; background
matrice {f} :: stub (of a cheque etc.)
matrice diagonale {f} [maths] :: diagonal matrix
matriciale {adj} :: matrix (attributive)
matricidio {m} :: matricide
matricina {f} :: sapling
matricino {adj} :: only in albero matricino
matricola {f} :: register
matricola {f} :: number (in a register etc)
matricola {f} :: freshman, fresher
matricolante {v} :: present participle of matricolare
matricolare {adj} :: register, registration [attributive]
matricolare {vt} :: alternative form of immatricolare
matricolato {adj} :: able, expert
matricolato {adj} :: downright, out-and-out
matricolazione {f} :: alternative form of immatricolazione
matrifocale {adj} :: matrifocal
matrigna {f} :: stepmother
matrignale {adj} :: stepmotherly
matrigneggiare {v} :: to behave like a bad stepmother
matrignescamente {adv} :: stepmotherly
matrignesco {adj} :: stepmotherly
matrilignaggio {m} :: matrilineage
matrilineare {adj} :: matrilineal
matrilinearità {f} :: matrilineality
matrilineo {adj} :: matrilineal
matrilocale {adj} :: matrilocal
matrilocalità {f} :: matrilocality
matrimo {adj} /ˈma.tri.mo/ :: Having a living mother
matrimoniabile {adj} :: marriageable
matrimoniale {adj} /ma.tri.moˈnja.le/ :: matrimonial, nuptial, marriage [attributive]
matrimoniale {adj} [of a bed or bedclothes] :: double
matrimoniale {adj} [of a bedroom] :: master
matrimonialista {mf} :: divorce lawyer, a lawyer specializing in marriage law
matrimonialmente {adv} :: As husband and wife
matrimonificio {m} :: restaurant or other place for ceremonies where many weddings are celebrated
matrimonio {m} /ma.triˈmɔ.njo/ :: marriage
matrimonio {m} :: wedding (ceremony)
matrimonio civile {m} :: civil marriage
matrimonio combinato {m} :: arranged marriage
matrimonio di convenienza {m} :: marriage of convenience
matrimonio in bianco {m} :: white marriage
matrimonio in bianco {m} :: white wedding
matrimonio riparatore {m} :: shotgun wedding
matrimonio riparatore {m} :: shotgun marriage
matriosca {f} :: alternative spelling of matrioska
matrioska {f} /ma.triˈɔ.ska/ :: matryoshka, Russian doll
matrizzante {v} :: present participle of matrizzare
matrizzare {vi} :: To take after one's mother
matroide {m} [mathematics] :: matroid
matrona {f} :: matron
matronale {adj} :: matronly
matronalmente {adv} :: matronly
matroneo {m} :: A women's gallery in early churches
matronimia {f} :: metronymy
matronimico {adj} :: matronymic, metronymic
matronismo {m} :: matronhood
matta {f} :: madwoman
matta {f} [cards] :: joker
mattacchione {m} :: rascal, joker
mattaccinata {f} :: A burlesque show
mattaccino {m} :: clown, buffoon
mattaccino {m} :: juggler
mattaccino {adj} :: burlesque
mattaccino {adj} :: satirical
mattafione {m} [nautical] :: reef point
mattaione {m} :: A type of clay that contains rock salt and gypsum
mattana {f} :: fit of temper, tantrum
mattanza {f} /matˈtan.t͡sa/ :: Last phase of tuna fishing in which a very large net is closed around a group of fish and drawn together, the fish being hooked using harpoons and then beaten to death via repeated blows
mattanza {f} [by extension, colloquial] :: massacre, carnage
mattare {vt} [archaic] :: to kill
mattare {vt} [archaic] :: to torture
mattare {v} [chess] :: to checkmate
Mattarella {prop} :: surname
Mattarella {prop} :: Sergio Mattarella, Italian politician and twelfth President of Italy
mattarello {m} [regional] /mat.taˈrɛl.lo/ :: alternative form of matterello
mattarello {m} [Rome] :: synonym of muggine
mattata {f} :: a mad or stupid act
Mattatia {prop} [Biblical character] :: Mattathias
Mattatia {prop} :: given name
mattatoio {m} :: abattoir, slaughterhouse
mattatore {m} :: star turn (star performer)
mattazione {f} :: slaughtering
Mattea {prop} :: given name
matteggiare {v} :: to act crazily
matteggiare {v} :: to paint the town red
matteo {adj} :: alternative form of matto
Matteo {prop} /matˈtɛ.o/ :: given name
Matteo {prop} [biblical character] :: Matthew, the Gospel of Matthew
Matteotti {prop} :: surname
matterello {m} /mat.teˈrɛl.lo/ :: rolling pin
matteria {f} :: extravagant or crazy behaviour
matteria {f} :: madness
mattero {m} /ˈmat.te.ro/ :: stick, club
mattero {m} :: An unidentified weapon used by the Celts, perhaps a large pike
mattero {m} :: A kind of javelin, with a short, wide tip
mattero {m} :: A branch, approximately 3 ft. long, obtained from the upper part of a manna ash sprout, from which thin stripes for basketweaving are obtained
mattezza {f} :: madness (all senses)
mattezza {f} :: nonsense
mattia {f} :: madness, nonsense
Mattia {prop} [biblical character] :: Matthias. the Italian equivalent of Matthias
Mattia {prop} :: given name
mattin {m} :: apocopic form of mattino
mattina {f} /matˈti.na/ :: morning
mattinale {adj} [literary] /mat.tiˈna.le/ :: morning [attributive]
mattinale {m} :: A morning report about the most recent events, made to the highest authorities of the Italian state
mattinare {v} :: To sing or play an instrument in front of a lover's house in order to wake her up in the morning
mattinata {f} /mattiˈnaːta/ :: morning
mattinata {f} :: matinée
mattinataccia {f} :: A morning of bad weather or when things go wrong
mattiniero {adj} /mattiˈnjɛro/ :: early riser, morning person
mattiniero {adj} [figuratively] :: lark
mattino {m} /matˈtino/ :: morning
matto {adj} :: mad, crazy
matto {m} :: madman
matto {m} :: clipping of scacco matto
matto del barbiere {m} [chess] :: scholar's mate
mattoide {adj} :: nutty, screwy
mattolina {f} :: woodlark
mattonaia {f} :: brickyard, brickfield
mattonaio {m} :: brickmaker
mattonante {v} :: present participle of mattonare
mattonare {vt} :: To pave with bricks
mattonata {f} /mat.to.ˈna.ta/ :: A blow with a brick
mattonato {adj} :: paved with bricks
mattonato {m} :: brick floor
mattonatura {f} :: paving (made of bricks)
mattoncino {m} :: diminutive of mattone
mattoncino {m} :: A piece of tile etc used for making a mosaic floor
mattone {m} :: brick
mattone {m} [figuratively] :: building block
mattone {m} [dialectal, Tuscany] :: [card games] diamond
mattonella {f} :: tile
mattonellificio {m} :: tile factory
mattonetto {m} :: A small brick, typically used for indoor features
mattoniera {f} :: brick-moulding machine
mattonificio {m} :: brick factory
mattutino {adj} :: morning
maturabile {adj} :: accruable
maturamente {adv} :: ripely, maturely
maturamento {m} :: synonym of maturazione
maturanda {f} :: female equivalent of maturando
maturando {m} :: A candidate for the esame di maturità (male)
maturante {v} :: present participle of maturare
maturantesi {v} :: present participle of maturarsi
maturare {v} :: to ripen, reap
maturare {v} :: to mature
maturare {v} :: to accrue
maturarsi {v} :: reflexive of maturare
maturarsi {vr} :: to mature, ripen
maturarsi {vr} :: to grow up
maturativo {adj} :: maturative
maturatosi {v} :: past participle of maturarsi
maturazione {f} :: maturing
maturazione {f} :: maturation
maturezza {f} [uncommon] :: synonym of maturità
maturità {f} :: maturity, adulthood
maturità {f} :: exam equivalent to A-level in the UK; the esame di maturità
maturo {adj} :: ripe, mature
matusa {mf} :: old fogey, fuddy-duddy
matusalemme {m} [colloquial] /ma.tu.zaˈlɛm.me/ :: relic, fossil (decrepit old man)
Matusalemme {prop} [biblical character] /ma.tu.zaˈlɛm.me/ :: Methuselah
maurino {m} :: A Benedictine monk of an order founded by Saint Maurus
mauritana {f} :: feminine noun of mauritano
Mauritania {prop} :: Mauritania (country)
mauritano {adj} :: Mauritanian
mauritano {m} :: Mauritanian
Mauritius {prop} :: Mauritius
mauriziana {f} :: female equivalent of mauriziano
mauriziano {adj} :: Mauritian
mauriziano {m} :: Mauritian
Maurizio {prop} :: Maurice (male given name)
Mauro {prop} :: given name
mausoleo {m} [architecture] /mau.zo.ˈlɛ.o/ :: mausoleum
mavì {adj} [archaic, literary] /maˈvi/ :: sky blue
mavì {m} [archaic, literary] :: sky blue
mavorzio {adj} :: Martian (relating to the god Mars)
max {adj} :: abbreviation of massimo
maxi- {prefix} :: maxi-
maxi {adj} :: Having larger than normal dimensions
maxi {adj} [of clothing] :: Longer than normal
maxi {f} :: maxi (long skirt or dress)
maxicalcolatore {m} [computing, colloquial] :: mainframe (computer)
maxicappotto {m} :: maxicoat
maxiconcorso {m} :: A public competition for a post in the civil service (that attracts a very large number of entrants)
maxicondono {m} :: an amnesty that remedies a large number of abuses
maxiemendamento {m} :: All the amendments to a bill presented to parliament
maxigonna {f} :: maxidress, maxiskirt
maxillo- {prefix} :: maxillo-
maxillo-facciale {adj} [anatomy] :: maxillofacial
maxillolabiale {adj} [anatomy] :: maxillolabial
maximulta {f} :: An exceptionally heavy fine
maxinchiesta {f} :: A judicial investigation involving a large number of suspects
maxiprocesso {m} :: Very long trial with a large number of co-defendants
maxiraduno {m} :: A gathering of a large number of participants (typically sporting)
maxischermo {m} :: A vary large TV screen used in a public space to relay concerts etc
maxisconto {m} :: A large, eye-catching promotional discount
maxitamponamento {m} :: A nose-to-tail pile-up involving many vehicles
maxitangente {f} :: A very large bribe
maxitruffa {f} :: A scam or swindle involving very many people
maxivincita {f} :: A very large win, typically in a lottery
mazaca {f} [music] :: maraca
Mazara del Vallo {prop} :: Mazara del Vallo (town)
mazarese {adj} :: Of or relating to the Sicilian town of Mazara del Vallo or its inhabitants
mazarese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Mazara del Vallo
Mazaro {prop} :: Mazaro (small river)
mazdaico {adj} :: Mazdaic
mazdeismo {m} :: Mazdaism
mazdeo {adj} :: Mazdean
mazurca {f} :: mazurka
mazza {f} /ˈmat.tsa/ :: baton
mazza {f} :: club (weapon)
mazza {f} :: mace (ceremonial weapon)
mazza {f} [sports] :: bat
mazza {f} :: sledgehammer
mazza {f} :: maul
mazza {f} :: mallet
mazza {f} [vulgar] :: penis
mazza {f} :: priest (tool for killing fishes)
mazzacavallo {m} :: well sweep (device, with a long poll, for raising water)
mazzacavallo {m} :: pile driver
mazzacchera {f} :: A fishing line (baited with worms) for catching eels
mazza chiodata {f} [weaponry] :: morning star
Mazzacurati {prop} :: surname
mazza da baseball {f} [sports] :: baseball bat
mazza da croquet {f} [sports] :: croquet mallet
mazza da fabbro {f} [blacksmithing] :: sledgehammer, about-sledge
mazza di tamburo {f} [mushrooms] :: parasol mushroom (Macrolepiota procera)
mazzafegato {m} :: A type of salami from central Italy
mazza ferrata {f} [weaponry] :: mace
mazzafionda {f} /mat.t͡saˈfjon.da/ :: synonym of fionda
mazzafrombola {f} :: An ancient form of slingshot
mazzafrusto {m} [weaponry] /mat.t͡saˈfrus.to/ :: flail, chain mace
mazzagatto {m} :: An old form of short pistol
mazzamurello {m} :: A fairy that traditionally rewards good children and punishes bad ones
mazzancolla {f} :: A type of prawn
Mazzanti {prop} :: surname
mazzapicchiare {v} :: To poleaxe
mazzapicchio {m} :: poleaxe
mazzapicchio {m} :: cooper's mallet
mazzapicchio {m} :: tamper
mazzaranga {f} :: tamper (machine)
mazzarella {f} :: (in parts of Tuscany) A stick used (by a buttero) to herd oxen and horses
mazzata {f} :: A heavy blow
Mazzeo {prop} :: surname
Mazzeo {prop} :: given name
mazzera {f} :: A mass of stones tied to the bottom of a fishing net (typically for tuna)
mazzeranga {f} :: tamper (in road-mending)
mazzerare {v} :: To kill (typically an animal) by drowning while within a weighted sack
mazzeratura {f} :: A form of capital punishment in which a person was drowned inside a sack
mazzero {m} :: unleavened bread
mazzetta {f} :: bundle
mazzetta {f} :: wad (of money)
mazzetta {f} [by extension] :: bribe, backhander
mazzetta {f} :: mallet
mazzetteria {f} :: A bunch of flowers to be made into a bouquet
Mazzetti {prop} :: surname
mazzettiere {m} :: synonym of spaccapietre
mazzetto {m} :: diminutive of mazzo
mazzetto {m} :: posy, nosegay, tussie-mussie
Mazzi {prop} :: surname
mazziante {v} :: present participle of mazziare
mazziare {vt} :: To hit or beat
mazziere {m} :: mace bearer (in a procession)
mazziere {m} [card games] :: dealer
Mazzini {prop} :: surname
Mazzini {prop} :: Giuseppe Mazzini, Italian patriot
mazzinianismo {m} :: The theories of Giuseppe Mazzini
mazziniano {adj} :: Mazzinian
mazzo {m} :: bunch (of flowers, keys etc)
mazzo {m} [card games] :: pack, deck
mazzo {m} :: bottom, buttock
Mazzocchi {prop} :: surname
mazzocchio {m} :: A lock of hair
mazzocchio {m} :: A chicory sprout used in salads
mazzolamento {m} :: execution by hitting with a mallet
mazzolante {v} :: present participle of mazzolare
mazzolare {vt} :: To club (especially to beat to death with a club)
mazzolata {f} :: a blow with a mallet or club
mazzolatura {f} :: mazzatello (capital punishment using a mallet)
mazzolatura {f} :: An agrarian operation to drain marshy ground
mazzolino {m} :: diminutive of mazzo
mazzolino {m} :: posy, nosegay, bouquet
mazzuola {f} :: mallet
mazzuolo {m} :: mallet
mazzuolo {m} :: stonemason's hammer
mazzuolo {m} :: head of a golf club
mazzuolo {m} :: drumstick (of a bass drum)
mcluhaniano {adj} :: McLuhanian
me {pron} [disjunctive, emphatic] /me/ :: me
me {pron} :: alternative form of mi
meandrico {adj} :: meandric
meandro {m} :: meander
meandro {m} :: maze, labyrinth
Meandro {prop} :: Meander
meare {vi} [poetic, obsolete] /meˈa.re/ :: to filter through
meato {m} [anatomy] :: meatus
meato {m} :: Small, usually uncomfortable natural passage or tunnel
meatore {m} :: A person responsible for the condition of a river
meatoscopia {f} [medicine] :: meatoscopy
meatotomia {f} [surgery] :: meatotomy
mebezonio {n} [medicine] :: mebezonium
MEC {prop} :: initialism of Mercato Comune Europeo
mecca {f} :: Mecca (attractive place)
meccanica {f} :: mechanics (science)
meccanica {f} :: mechanism
meccanica {f} :: female equivalent of meccanico
meccanica classica {f} [physics] :: classical mechanics
meccanicamente {adv} :: mechanically
meccanica newtoniana {f} [mechanics, physics] :: Newtonian mechanics
meccanica quantistica {f} [physics] :: quantum mechanics
meccanicismo {m} :: mechanism (philosophical movement)
meccanicista {mf} :: mechanist
meccanicisticamente {adv} :: mechanistically
meccanicistico {adj} :: mechanistic
meccanicità {f} :: mechanicalness
meccanico {adj} :: mechanical
meccanico {adj} :: clockwork
meccanico {m} :: mechanic (male)
meccanico {m} :: engineer (male)
meccanismo {m} :: mechanism
meccanismo a molla {n} :: clockwork (mechanism powered by a coiled spring)
meccanizzabile {adj} :: mechanizable
meccanizzante {v} :: present participle of meccanizzare
meccanizzare {vt} :: to mechanize
meccanizzazione {f} :: mechanization
meccano- {prefix} :: mechano-
meccano {adj} :: Meccan
meccanocalorico {adj} [physics] :: mechanocaloric
meccanocettore {m} :: synonym of meccanorecettore
meccanoelettrico {adj} :: mechanoelectric
meccanografia {f} :: data processing (mechanical)
meccanograficamente {adv} :: By means of data processing
meccanografico {adj} :: data processing (mechanical, attributive)
meccanografico {adj} :: punched-card (attributive)
meccanografo {m} :: data processing clerk
meccanorecettore {m} [physiology] :: mechanoreceptor
meccanoterapia {f} [medicine] :: mechanotherapy
meccanotessile {adj} :: mechano-textile (spinning and weaving by machine)
meccatronica {f} :: mechatronics
meccatronica {f} :: electromechanics
meccatronico {adj} :: mechatronic, electromechanical
mecchia {f} :: twist drill bit
mecco {m} [obsolete, rare] /ˈmɛk.ko/ :: adulterer
mecenate {m} :: patron (of the arts etc)
Mecenate {prop} :: Maecenas
mecenatico {adj} :: patron (attributive)
mecenatismo {m} :: patronage (of the arts etc)
mechato {adj} :: streaked
meche {f} :: streak (artificial, in the hair)
mèche {f} :: streak (in the hair)
mechitarista {m} :: Mekhitarist, Mechitarist
Meclemburgo {prop} :: Mecklenburg
meco {prep} [archaic, literary] /ˈmeko/ :: with me
mecometria {f} :: mecometry
mecometro {m} :: mecometer
meconio {m} :: meconium
meconio {m} :: opium
meconismo {m} :: opium poisoning
meda {f} [nautical] /ˈme.da/ :: beacon
meda {f} /ˈmɛ.da/ :: feminine noun of medo
medaglia {f} :: medal
medaglia d'argento {f} :: silver medal
medaglia d'argento {f} :: silver medalist
medaglia di bronzo {f} :: bronze medal
medaglia di bronzo {f} :: bronze medalist
medaglia d'oro {f} :: gold medal
medaglia d'oro {f} :: gold medalist
medagliaio {m} :: medalist
medagliante {v} :: present participle of medagliare
medagliare {vt} :: To decorate with a medal
medagliato {adj} :: medaled, bemedaled (decorated with a medal)
medagliere {m} [sports] :: number of medals won; medal table (during a competition, such as the Olympic Games)
medagliere {m} :: collection of medals
medaglietta {f} :: Small medal
medaglietta {f} :: nametag (for a dog etc)
medaglione {m} :: medallion (all senses)
medaglione {m} :: locket
medaglista {mf} :: medalist / medallist (all senses)
medaglistica {f} :: Study, or design of medals
medaglistica {f} :: numismatics
Medardo {prop} :: given name
medesimamente {adv} :: likewise
medesimamente {adv} :: simultaneously
medesimezza {f} [uncommon] :: sameness, identity
medesimità {f} :: sameness, identicalness
medesimo {adj} /meˈde.zi.mo/ :: same, identical, equal
medesimo {adj} :: very
medesimo {pron} :: the same one
media {f} :: average, mean (especially an overall, average grade)
media {m} :: media
mediale {adj} [anatomy] :: medial
medialmente {adv} :: medially
mediamente {adv} :: on average, on the average
mediana {f} [statistics] :: median
mediana {f} [sports] :: halfway line
medianicità {f} :: mediumship
medianico {adj} :: extrasensory
medianismo {m} :: mediumistic phenomena
medianità {f} :: extrasensory powers
mediano {adj} :: median
mediano {m} :: median
mediano {m} [rugby] :: halfback
mediano di mischia {m} [rugby] :: scrum-half
mediante {prep} /meˈdjan.te/ :: by, through, by means of, using
mediante {prep} [archaic or literary] :: because of, as a result of
mediante {f} [music] :: mediant
mediante {v} :: present participle of mediare
mediare {vt} /meˈd̪jäːre/ :: to mediate
mediare {vt} :: (mathematics) to average
mediastineo {adj} :: synonym of mediastinico
mediastinico {adj} :: mediastinal, mediastinic
mediastinite {f} [pathology] :: mediastinitis
mediastino {m} [anatomy] :: mediastinum
mediastinoscopia {f} [medicine] :: mediastinoscopy
mediatamente {adv} :: indirectly
mediateca {f} :: library of tapes, videos and similar media
mediatico {adj} :: media (attributive)
mediatizzazione {f} :: mediatization (all senses)
mediato {adj} :: indirect
mediato {adj} :: mediated
mediatore {m} :: mediator, negotiator
mediatore {m} :: middle man, agent
mediatore {m} [biology] :: mediator
mediatrice {f} :: female equivalent of mediatore
mediazione {f} :: mediation
mediazione {f} :: brokerage
mediazionismo {m} :: mediationism
medicabile {adj} :: treatable, curable, medicable
medicaio {m} :: field of alfalfa / lucerne
medicale {adj} :: medical
medicalizzante {v} :: present participle of medicalizzare
medicalizzare {vt} :: To medicalize
medicalizzazione {f} :: medicalization, medicalisation
medicalmente {adv} :: medically
medicamento {m} :: medication, medicine, medicament
medicamentoso {adj} :: medicinal
medicante {v} :: present participle of medicare
medicantesi {v} :: present participle of medicarsi
medicare {vt} :: To medicate, to dress, to treat
medicarsi {vr} :: To medicate oneself
medicastro {m} /me.diˈkas.tro/ :: medicaster, quack (incompetent doctor of medicine)
medicato {adj} :: medicated
medicatore {m} [rare] /me.di.kaˈto.re/ :: One who heals or cures
medicatore {adj} :: healing, curing
medicatosi {v} :: past participle of medicarsi
medicatrice {f} /me.di.kaˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: feminine noun of medicatore
medicatura {f} :: dressing, medication
medicazione {f} [medicine] :: dressing
mediceo {adj} [historical] /meˈdi.tʃe.o/ :: of or pertaining to the House of Medici family; Medici (attributive)
medicheria {f} :: medical centre
medichessa {f} [colloquial] :: midwife
Medici {prop} /ˈmɛ.di.tʃi/ :: surname of a powerful and influential aristocratic Florentine family from the 13th to 17th centuries
medicina {f} /mediˈt͡ʃina/ :: medicine
medicina da banco {f} [pharmacology] :: over-the-counter drug
medicinale {m} :: medicine
medicinale {m} :: drug
medicinale {adj} :: medicinal
medicinalmente {adv} :: medicinally
medicina veterinaria {f} :: veterinary medicine
medico {adj} /ˈmɛ.di.ko/ :: medical
medico {m} [Medicine] :: doctor, physician
medico di base {m} :: primary care physician
medico di famiglia {m} :: general practitioner, GP, family doctor
medico-legale {adj} :: forensic
medicone {m} :: healer, especially a charlatan
mediconzolo {n} :: quack
medico-sociale {adj} :: medical and social
medico-specialistico {adj} :: specialist-medical
medicuccio {m} [pejorative] :: quack (doctor)
medietà {f} :: middleness, centrality
medieuropeo {adj} :: Central European
medievale {adj} :: medieval
medievalismo {m} :: medievalism, mediaevalism
medievalista {mf} :: medievalist, mediaevalist
medievalistica {f} :: medieval studies
medievalistico {adj} :: medievalism, mediaevalism (attributive)
medievalmente {adv} :: in a medieval manner
medievista {mf} :: alternative form of medievalista
medievistica {f} :: medieval studies
medimno {m} :: medimnus
medio- {prefix} :: medio-
medio {m} [anatomy] :: middle finger, tall man
medio {adj} :: mean, average
Medio Campidano {prop} :: Province of Sardinia, Italy
mediocre {adj} :: mediocre, ordinary, middling
mediocre {adj} :: second-rate, poor, shoddy
mediocre {mf} :: mediocre person; mediocrity
mediocredito {m} :: medium-term credit (or an institution that provides it)
mediocremente {adv} :: ordinarily
mediocremente {adv} :: moderately
mediocremente {adv} :: poorly, scarcely
mediocrità {f} :: mediocrity
medioeuropeo {adj} :: Central European
medioevale {adj} :: alternative spelling of medievale
medioevo {ms} :: Middle Ages
Medioevo {prop} :: Middle Ages
mediogioco {m} [chess] :: middlegame
mediolanense {adj} :: Milanese
mediolanuto {adj} :: synonym of semilanuto
mediolaterale {adj} [anatomy] :: mediolateral
mediolatinità {f} :: literary and cultural traditions of Medieval Latin
mediolatino {m} :: Medieval Latin
medioleggero {m} :: welterweight
mediologia {f} :: media studies
mediologico {adj} :: media studies (attributive)
mediologo {m} :: mediologist
mediomassimo {m} :: light heavyweight
mediometraggio {m} :: A (short feature) film that lasts less than about 50 minutes
mediominerale {adj} :: Describing mineral water that has a medium concentration of salts
Medio Oriente {prop} [geography] :: Middle East
mediopalatale {adj} [anatomy] :: mediopalatal
mediopassivo {m} :: mediopassive (voice)
mediorientale {adj} :: Middle Eastern
medioteca {f} :: tape, video or other media library
meditabile {adj} :: That is worth meditation
meditabondo {adj} :: meditative, thoughtful
meditabondo {adj} :: immersed in one's one thoughts; distracted; dazed off
meditante {v} :: present participle of meditare
medita prima di agire {proverb} :: look before you leap
meditare {vt} :: To ponder over; to meditate on
meditare {vt} :: To plan; to think through
meditare {vi} :: To meditate; to muse
meditatamente {adv} :: meditatively
meditatamente {adv} :: deliberately
meditatamente {adv} :: thoughtfully
meditativamente {adv} :: meditatively, thoughtfully
meditativo {adj} :: meditative, thoughtful
meditato {adj} :: meditated
meditato {adj} :: premeditated
meditato {adj} :: planned, worked-out
meditatore {m} [rare, rare] /me.di.taˈto.re/ :: thinker (one who thinks)
meditatore {m} [rare, figuratively] :: plotter (one who plots)
meditatrice {f} [rare, rare] /me.di.taˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: thinker (one who thinks)
meditatrice {f} [rare, figuratively] :: plotter (one who plots)
meditazione {f} /me.di.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: meditation
mediterraneità {f} :: The quality of being Mediterranean, Mediterranean essence or spirit
mediterraneo {adj} :: Mediterranean
Mediterraneo {prop} :: Mediterranean Sea
medo {adj} /ˈmɛ.do/ :: Median (pertaining to Media or Medes)
medo {m} :: Mede, Median (person from Media)
medo {m} :: Median (language)
medolla {f} :: alternative form of midolla
medollo {m} :: alternative form of midollo
Medoro {prop} :: given name
medulloblastoma {m} [oncology] :: medulloblastoma
medulloleso {adj} :: Having damage to the spinal cord
Meduna {prop} :: Meduna (river)
medusa {f} [animals] /meˈduza/ :: A jellyfish
Medusa {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Medusa
meduseo {adj} :: Medusa (attributive)
meduseo {adj} :: charming
meduseo {adj} :: frightening
medusoide {m} :: medusoid
meeting {m} /ˈmi.tinɡ/ :: meeting (gathering of people for a purpose)
mefisto {m} :: three-pointed woollen cap worn by skiers
mefistofele {m} :: A malign person
Mefistofele {prop} /me.fisˈtɔ.fe.le/ :: Mephistopheles
mefistofelicamente {adv} :: in a Mephistophelean manner
mefistofelicamente {adv} :: sardonically, malignantly
mefistofelico {adj} /me.fis.toˈfɛ.li.ko/ :: Mephistophelean, Mephistophelian
mefistofelico {adj} :: sardonic, malignant, malefic, wicked
mefite {f} :: mephitis
mefite {f} :: skunk
mefiticamente {adv} :: mephitically
mefiticamente {adv} :: corruptly
mefitico {adj} :: mephitic
mefitico {adj} :: corrupt
mega- {prefix} :: mega- (all senses)
megabit {m} [computing] :: megabit
megabuco {m} [computing] :: Major bug, especially one involving a security issue
megabyte {m} [computing] :: megabyte
megacariocita {m} [biology] :: megakaryocyte
megacero {m} :: A large, extinct deer of the genus Megaloceros
megaciclo {m} :: megacycle
megacolon {m} [pathology] :: megacolon
megacomplesso {m} :: megacomplex
megaconcerto {m} [music] :: A very large concert (especially a pop concert)
megadina {f} :: megadyne
megadiverso {adj} :: megadiverse
megaesofago {m} [pathology] :: megaoesophagus
megafonista {mf} :: a person speaking through a megaphone / loudhailer / bullhorn
megafono {m} :: megaphone, loudhailer, bullhorn
megagalattico {adj} :: gigantic
megagrammo {m} :: megagram
megahertz {m} :: megahertz
megalesie {f} {p} :: Megalesian games
megalite {m} :: megalith
megalitico {adj} :: megalithic
megalito {m} :: Variant of megalite
megalitro {m} :: megalitre
megalo- {prefix} :: megalo-
megaloblastico {adj} [cytology, pathology] :: megaloblastic
megaloblasto {m} [cytology, pathology] :: megaloblast
megalocefalia {f} :: megalocephaly, megacephaly
megalocefalo {adj} :: megalocephalic, megacephalic
megalodonte {m} :: megalodon
megalografia {f} [art] :: megalography
megalomane {adj} :: megalomaniac
megalomane {mf} :: megalomaniac
megalomania {f} :: megalomania
megalomartire {mf} [Eastern Orthodoxy] /me.ɡa.loˈmar.ti.re/ :: great martyr
megalopsichia {f} :: megalopsychy
megalosauro {m} :: megalosaur
megalosplenia {f} :: synonym of splenomegalia
megaohm {m} :: megaohm
megapixel {m} :: megapixel
megapode {m} :: megapod, megapode
megapodio {m} :: megapode
megaproduzione {f} :: megaproduction (a show that cost lots of money to make)
megaraduno {m} :: synonym of maxiraduno
megarese {adj} :: Of or from Megara
megarico {adj} :: Megaric
megarismo {m} :: A branch of philosophy relating to Euclid of Megara
megaron {m} :: megaron
megascala {f} :: megascale
megaschermo {m} :: large screen (for showing film/video at an outdoor event)
megaspora {f} [botany] :: megaspore
megastore {m} :: superstore
megastruttura {f} :: megastructure
megateneo {m} :: A very large university, especially one with a reputation for being a party school
megaterio {m} :: megathere, megatherium
megatermo {adj} :: megathermal
megaton {m} :: megaton
megatone {m} :: megaton
megattera {f} :: humpback whale (of genus Megaptera)
megavolt {m} :: megavolt
megawatt {m} :: megawatt
megawattora {m} :: megawatt-hour
megera {f} [pejorative] /meˈd͡ʒɛ.ra/ :: shrew, hag, trot
Megera {prop} [Greek god] :: Megaera
meggione {m} :: A fat person
meglenoromeno {adj} :: Megleno-Romanian
meglenorumeno {adj} :: Megleno-Romanian, Moglenitic, Meglenitic
meglio {adj} /ˈmɛ.ʎʎo/ :: (the) better, (the) best
meglio {adv} :: better
meglio {adv} :: (the) best
meglio {m} [singular only] :: the best thing, the best part
meglio {f} [singular only] :: the better
meglio di niente {phrase} :: synonym of meglio di nulla
meglio di nulla {phrase} :: better than nothing
meglio di un calcio sui denti {phrase} :: better than a kick in the teeth
meglio poco che niente {proverb} :: a little is better than none
megliore {adj} :: alternative form of migliore
meglio tardi che mai {phrase} :: better late than never
meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani {proverb} :: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; better an egg today than a hen tomorrow
meharista {m} :: a mehari rider, especially as part of camelry
meiosi {f} [biology] :: meiosis
meiotico {adj} :: meiotic
meiotterismo {m} [biology] :: The reduction or disappearance of wings in the development of some insects
meitnerio {m} [chemistry] /maitˈnɛrjo/ :: meitnerium
Mekong {prop} :: Mekong
mela {f} /ˈme.la/ :: apple (fruit)
mela cotogna {f} :: quince (fruit)
melacotogna {f} :: alternative spelling of mela cotogna
Melada {prop} :: Melada (island)
mela della discordia {f} :: apple of discord
melafiro {m} :: melaphyre
melafonino {m} [colloquial] :: iPhone
melagrana {f} :: pomegranate (fruit)
melagranata {f} :: pomegranate (fruit)
melagrano {m} :: alternative form of melograno
mela librale {f} :: A type of large apple
melamina {f} [chemistry] :: melamine
melaminico {adj} :: melamine (attributive)
melammina {f} :: alternative spelling of melamina
melamminico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: melamine (attributive)
melampirismo {m} :: cow-wheat poisoning
melampiro {m} :: cow-wheat (of genus Melampyrum)
melampo {m} :: impala
Melampo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Melampus
melancolia {f} [dated or psychiatry] :: alternative form of malinconia
melanconia {f} [chiefly psychiatry] :: alternative spelling of malinconia
melanconico {adj} :: alternative form of malinconico
melanesiano {adj} :: Melanesian
melanesiano {m} :: Melanesian
melangola {m} :: Seville orange, bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) (fruit)
melangolo {m} :: Seville orange, bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) (tree)
Melania {prop} :: given name corresponding to English Melanie
melanico {adj} :: melanic
melanina {f} /me.laˈni.na/ :: melanin
melanismo {m} :: melanism
melanittero {m} :: black jaundice
melano- {prefix} :: melano-
melanoblastico {adj} /mɛ.la.noˈblas.ti.ko/ :: melanoblastic
melanoblasto {m} [cytology] /mɛ.la.noˈblas.to/ :: melanoblast
melanoceto {n} [fish] :: synonym of diavolo nero
melanocita {m} [medicine] :: melanocyte
melanodermia {f} :: melanoderma
melanoforo {adj} :: melanophoric
melanoforo {m} :: melanophore
melanoide {adj} :: melanoid
melanoidina {f} [organic chemistry] :: melanoidin
melanoma {m} [oncology] :: melanoma
melanosi {f} [pathology] :: melanosis
Melantone {prop} :: Melanchthon (Philipp Melanchthon)
melanuria {f} [pathology] :: blackwater fever
melanzana {f} /me.lanˈdza.na/ :: aubergine [British]; eggplant [US]
melanzana {f} [US, Italian-American slang] :: dummy (as though “eggplant-head”)
melanzane alla parmigiana {f} {p} :: A southern Italian dish made from aubergines baked with tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese
melappio {m} :: A syrup, made from red apples, used as a popular cure for colds
melarancia {f} :: sweet orange, Citrus sinensis (fruit)
melarancio {m} :: sweet orange, Citrus sinensis (tree)
melario {m} :: honeycomb
melario {adj} :: honey (attributive)
melarosa {f} :: rose apple (Syzygium jambos) (fruit and tree)
mela selvatica {f} :: crabapple (fruit)
melasma {m} [pathology] :: melasma
melassa {f} /meˈlas.sa/ :: molasses, treacle
melasso {m} :: alternative form of melassa
melata {f} :: honeydew (sweet sticky substance)
melato {adj} :: honeyed (all senses)
melatonina {f} [organic compound] :: melatonin
melatoninergico {adj} :: melatoninergic
melazzo {m} :: alternative form of melassa
Melchiorre {prop} :: Melchior
Melchiorre {prop} :: given name
Melchisedec {prop} [biblical character] :: Melchizedek
melchita {adj} :: Melkite
Meleagro {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Meleager
mele cotte {f} {p} :: stewed apples
Meleda {prop} :: Meleda (island)
Melegnano {prop} :: Melegnano (small town)
melena {f} [pathology] :: melena
melencolia {f} [rare] :: alternative spelling of malinconia
melensaggine {f} :: nonsense
melensamente {adv} :: dully, stupidly
melensamente {adv} :: obtusely
melenso {adj} :: dull, stupid
melenso {adj} :: obtuse
melenso {adj} :: clumsy
melenzana {f} [obsolete or dialectal] :: alternative form of melanzana
meleto {m} :: an orchard of apple trees
Melfa {prop} :: Melfa (river)
meliambo {m} [poetry] /meˈljam.bo/ :: A composition that mixes iambic verses with dactylic verses
melica {f} :: melic poetry
melico {adj} :: melic
melifaga {f} :: honeybird
meliga {f} :: sorghum
meliga {f} :: maize
meliloto {m} :: sweet clover, melilot (of genus Melilotus)
melina {f} [football] :: A tactic, in the final minutes of a game, in which the winning side maintains possession of the ball with a series of short passes
melismatico {adj} [music] :: melismatic
melissa {f} :: lemon balm
Melissa {prop} :: given name
melissofago {adj} :: meliphagous
melitosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: melitose
melittofilo {adj} [botany, of plants] :: melittophilous
Mella {prop} :: Mella (river)
melletta {f} :: mud
mellifago {adj} :: melliphagous / meliphagous
mellifero {adj} [botany] :: melliferous
mellifero {adj} :: honey (attributive)
mellificante {v} :: present participle of mellificare
mellificare {vi} :: to make honey
mellificazione {f} :: honey-making
mellifluamente {adv} :: mellifluously
mellifluità {f} :: mellifluousness
mellifluo {adj} :: sugary, honeyed
mellifluo {adj} :: mellifluous
Mellina {prop} :: medieval spelling of Mechelen
mellite {f} [mineral] :: honeystone, mellite
mellitico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: mellitic
mellito {adj} :: sweet, honeyed, suave
mellivora {f} :: ratel or honey badger (Mellivora)
mellofono {m} :: mellophone
mellonaggine {f} :: synonym of balordaggine
melma {f} :: slime
melma {f} :: mud, muck
melma {f} :: slush
melmosità {f} :: sliminess, muddiness, slushiness
melmoso {adj} :: slimy
melmoso {adj} :: slushy, muddy
melo {m} :: apple tree, apple
melocotogno {m} :: synonym of cotogno
melode {f} :: melody
melode {m} :: alternative form of melodo
melodia {f} [music] /me.lo.ˈdi.a/ :: melody, tune
melodiare {v} /me.loˈdja.re/ :: To sing or play (music), following a melody
melodicamente {adv} :: melodically
melodico {adj} :: melodic
melodiosamente {adv} :: melodiously, musically
melodiosità {f} :: melodiousness
melodioso {adj} :: melodious, musical
melodista {mf} :: melodist
melodo {m} :: A Byzantine liturgical poet
melodramma {m} :: melodrama
melodrammaticamente {adv} :: melodramatically
melodrammaticità {f} :: melodramatic quality or condition
melodrammatico {adj} :: melodramatic
melodrammatico {adj} :: awkwardly theatrical
melodrammatico {adj} :: corny, schmaltzy
melodrammaturgo {m} :: A person who writes melodramas
melofo {m} [ornithology, dated] /meˈlɔ.fo/ :: synonym of emberiza
melofobo {adj} :: melophobic
melofobo {m} :: melophobe
melograna {f} :: pomegranate (especially the fruit)
melogranato {m} :: pomegranate tree
melogranato {m} :: pomegranate (fruit)
melograno {m} :: pomegranate tree
meloide {m} [entomology] /meˈlɔi̯.de/ :: meloid (any insect of the family Meloidae)
meloidi {m} {p} :: alternative case form of Meloidi
Meloidi {prop} :: The Meloidae taxonomic family
melologo {m} [music] :: melodrama
melolonta {f} :: cockchafer (of genus Melolontha)
melomane {mf} :: melomaniac
melomania {f} :: melomania
melonaio {m} :: melon field
meloncello {m} :: small melon, small musk melon
melone {m} :: melon, musk melon
melopea {f} [music] :: melopoeia
melopiano {m} [musical instruments] :: melopiano
meloplasto {m} [music] :: meloplast
melopsittaco {m} :: budgerigar (of genus Melopsittacus)
Meloria {prop} :: A rocky skerry situated off the coast of Tuscany, famous for the battle between Genoa and Pisa
melos {m} [literary] /ˈmɛ.los/ :: melody
melos {m} [literary] :: chant, song
melos {m} [literary] :: lyric poetry
melo selvatico {m} :: crabapple (tree)
meloterapia {f} [music, medicine] :: music therapy
melozziano {adj} [arts] :: Pertaining to, or in the style of Melozzo da Forlì
Melpomene {prop} [Greek god] :: Melpomene
meltemi {m} :: etesian wind
melzese {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Melzo
melzese {adj} :: Of or from Melzo
Melzo {prop} :: Melzo (small town)
mem {mf} /mem/ :: mem, specifically:
mem {mf} :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤌
mem {mf} :: The name of the Hebrew-script letter מ/ם
membra {f} :: limbs
membrana {f} [anatomy, botany] :: membrane
membrana cellulare {f} [cytology] :: cell membrane
membranaceo {adj} [anatomy, biology] :: membranous, membranaceous
membranaceo {adj} :: parchment (attributive, of a book or codex)
membrana nittitante {f} :: nictitating membrane
membrana sierosa {f} [anatomy] :: serous membrane
membrana sinoviale {f} [anatomy] :: synovial membrane
membraniforme {adj} :: membranous
membranofono {m} [music] :: membranophone
membranoso {adj} :: membranous
membranza {f} :: alternative form of rimembranza
membrare {v} :: alternative form of rimembrare
membrato {adj} :: membered
membrato {adj} [heraldry, of a bird] :: Having legs of a colour different to that of the body
membratura {f} :: frame, framework
membro {m} /ˈmɛm.bro/ :: member (one who belongs to a a group; an element of a set)
membro {m} :: penis
membro {m} [anatomy, chiefly in the plural] :: member, limb
membro {m} :: arm
membro del parlamento {m} :: Member of Parliament, MP
membruto {adj} :: strong-limbed
meme {m} [protoscience] :: meme
memento {m} :: memento, keepsake
memento {m} :: warning
memetica {f} :: memetics
memetico {adj} :: memetic
memetista {mf} :: memetist
Memnone {prop} :: Memnon
memoizzare {v} [computing] :: To memoize
memoizzazione {f} [computing] :: memoization
memorabile {adj} :: memorable, unforgettable
memorabilità {f} :: memorability
memorabilmente {adv} :: memorably
memorandum {m} :: memorandum
memorare {vit} [obsolete, literary] :: to call to mind, remember
memorativo {adj} :: memorative
memore {adj} /ˈmɛ.mo.re/ :: retaining the memory (of something); mindful
memore {adj} [by extension] :: grateful
memoria {f} [uncountable] /meˈmɔrja/ :: memory, recall (the ability of the brain to record information)
memoria {f} [countable] :: memory, recollection, remembrance (a record of a thing or an event stored and available for later use)
memoria {f} [computing, electronics] :: memory (the part of a computer that stores variable executable code or data)
memoria {f} :: note
memoria {f} [in the plural] :: memoir, autobiography
memoria {f} :: monograph
memoria cache {f} [computing] :: cache, cache memory
memoriale {adj} :: memorial, commemorative
memoriale {m} :: memoirs
memorialista {mf} :: memorialist
memorialistica {f} :: Literary genre consisting of memoirs, diaries etc
memorialistico {adj} :: Relating to memoirs or to memorialists
memoria tampone {f} [computing] :: buffer
memorizzabile {adj} :: memorizable
memorizzabile {adj} [computing] :: storable
memorizzante {v} :: present participle of memorizzare
memorizzare {vt} :: to memorize
memorizzare {vt} [computing] :: to store [data in memory]
memorizzato {adj} :: memorized
memorizzato {adj} :: stored (in computer memory)
memorizzatore {m} [computing] :: synonym of memoria
memorizzazione {f} :: memory [especially computer memory]
men {adv} /ˈmen/ :: apocopic form of meno
men {contraction} [literary, archaic] :: contraction of me ne
mena {f} :: plot, conspiracy
menabò {m} :: layout (of a printed page)
menabrida {m} :: lathe carrier, lathe dog
menadito {m} :: only in a menadito
Menago {prop} :: Menago (river)
menagramo {mf} :: jinx, Jonah
menaide {f} :: A kind of drift net for catching sardines
Menalippo {prop} :: given name
menandreo {adj} :: Relating to Menander
Menandro {prop} :: Menander
menante {v} :: present participle of menare
menar {v} :: apocopic form of menare
menarca {m} [physiology] :: menarche
menare {vt} [slang] /meˈna.re/ :: to hit, beat
menare {vt} [obsolete, literary] :: to take, lead [someone to a place]
menare {vt} [archaic] :: to drive (a vehicle)
menare {vt} [literary] :: to move forcibly; to drag, hurtle
menare {vt} :: to bring
menare {vt} [obsolete] :: to produce, beget
menare {vt} :: to pass, spend (time)
menare {vt} :: to move rapidly, shake, agitate
menare {vt} [by extension, rare, of a tool] :: to use
menare {vt} [of blows] :: to (forcefully) deal
menare il can per l'aia {v} [idiomatic] :: to beat around the bush
menare vanto {v} :: to blow one's own horn
menarola {f} :: brace (tool)
menarrosto {m} :: synonym of girarrosto
menata {f} :: beating, hiding
menata {f} :: lecture, telling-off
menatoio {m} :: shaker, stirrer
menatore {m} :: ox driver
menchero {adj} :: foolish, unwary
mencio {adj} :: soft, limp
mencio {adj} :: withered
mendace {adj} [archaic] /menˈda.t͡ʃe/ :: mendacious, lying
mendacemente {adv} [archaic] /men.da.t͡ʃeˈmen.te/ :: untruthfully, mendaciously, deceitfully
mendacio {m} [literary] /menˈda.t͡ʃo/ :: A lie or falsehood
mendacità {f} :: mendacity, lie, falsehood, deceit
mendare {v} :: To amend, correct
mendelevio {m} [chemistry] /men.deˈlɛ.vjo/ :: mendelevium
mendeliano {adj} [genetics] :: Mendelian
mendelismo {m} :: Mendelism
mendicamente {adv} :: mendicantly
mendicante {adj} :: begging, mendicant
mendicante {mf} :: beggar, mendicant
mendicante {v} :: present participle of mendicare
mendicare {vi} :: To beg
mendicare {vt} :: To beg for
mendicicomio {m} :: shelter for beggars
mendicità {f} :: mendicity, beggary
mendico {adj} :: mendicant
mendico {m} :: mendicant
mendico {m} :: beggar
mendoso {adj} [literary] :: imperfect, faulty
Mendrisio {prop} :: Mendrisio (small town)
menefreghismo {m} :: An uncaring or couldn't-care-less attitude
menefreghista {adj} :: uncaring or couldn't-care-less
menefreghista {mf} :: a person with an uncaring or couldn't-care-less attitude
meneghino {adj} [colloquial] :: Milanese
meneghino {m} [colloquial] :: Milanese (person and dialect)
meneito {m} :: meneito
Menelao {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Menelaus
Menenio {prop} :: given name
menestrello {m} :: minstrel
Menfi {prop} :: Memphis (in ancient Egypt)
Mengolo {prop} :: surname
meninge {f} [anatomy] :: meninx
meninge {f} [in the plural, familiar] :: brains
meningeo {adj} [anatomy] :: meningeal
meningismo {m} [medicine] :: meningism
meningite {f} [pathology] :: meningitis
meningitico {adj} :: meningitic
meningococcico {adj} :: meningococcal
meningococco {m} [microbiology] :: meningococcus
meningoencefalite {f} [pathology] :: meningoencephalitis
menippeo {adj} :: Menippean
Menippo {prop} :: Menippus
meniscale {adj} [anatomy] :: meniscus (attributive)
meniscectomia {f} [surgery] :: meniscectomy
menisco {m} [anatomy] /meˈnisko/ :: meniscus, a part of the knee
menisco {m} :: A lens that in convex on one surface and concave on the other
menisco {m} :: A meniscus; curved surface of a liquid
Menkent {prop} :: Menkent, the third brightest star in the constellation of Centaurus
Mennea {prop} :: surname
Mennea {prop} :: Pietro Mennea, Italian athlete
menno {adj} [literary] /ˈmen.no/ :: castrated, impotent
menno {adj} [literary, by extension] :: effeminate
menno {adj} [literary, figurative] :: ineffective, incapable
menno {m} :: eunuch
menno {m} [by extension] :: effeminate
menno {m} [figurative] :: An ineffectual man
Mennone {prop} :: alternative form of Memnone
mennonita {adj} :: Mennonite
mennonita {mf} :: Mennonite
mennonitismo {m} :: Mennonitism
meno- {prefix} :: meno- (all senses)
meno {adv} :: less
meno {adv} :: not; non-
meno {adv} [mathematics] :: minus
meno {adv} :: minus [an amount of time]
meno {adv} [music] :: less
meno {adj} :: less
Meno {prop} :: Main (German river)
Menocchia {prop} :: Menocchia (small river)
menologio {m} :: menology
menomabile {adj} :: That can be diminished
meno male {interj} :: thank goodness!; That's a good thing!; luckily!
meno male {interj} :: (followed by che) It's a good thing that..; It's a good job that..; It was lucky for me (or you, her, etc) that.
menomale {interj} :: Variant of meno male
menomamente {adv} :: alternative form of minimamente
menomante {v} :: present participle of menomare
menomanza {f} :: lack, defect
menomare {v} :: to maim, to disable
menomare {v} :: to minimize, to diminish
menomato {m} :: a disabled person
menomato {adj} :: maimed
menomato {adj} :: disabled
menomazione {f} :: disablement
menopausa {f} :: menopause
menorragia {f} [medicine] :: menorrhagia
menorrea {f} :: menorrhagia, menorrhoea
menostasi {f} :: menostasis, amenorrhea
meno un quarto {m} :: quarter to
mensa {f} :: refectory
mensa {f} :: a meal, food on the table
mensa {f} :: a table
mensa {f} [uncommon] :: a Christian altar
menscevico {adj} :: Menshevist
menscevismo {m} :: Menshevism
mensile {adj} :: monthly
mensile {m} [publishing] :: monthly (publication that is published once a month)
mensilità {f} :: monthly payment, monthly salary
mensilità {f} :: monthly instalment
mensilità {f} :: monthly recurrence
mensilizzare {v} [of a newspaper] :: To be published monthly
mensilmente {adv} :: monthly
mensiocronologia {f} :: mensiochronology
mensola {f} [furniture] :: shelf
mensola {f} :: console, console table
mensola {f} :: cantilever
mensolina {f} :: shelf
menstruante {v} :: present participle of menstruare
menstruare {v} :: To menstruate
mensuale {adj} :: Variant of mensile
mensualità {f} :: Variant of mensilità
mensurale {adj} [music] :: mensuralist
mensuralismo {m} [music] :: mensuralism
menta {f} :: mint (plant and herb)
menta {f} :: peppermint (confection)
mentale {adj} :: mental (of the mind)
mentale {adj} [anatomy] :: mental, genial
mentale {adj} [muscle] :: mentalis, mentalis muscle
mentale {m} [muscle] :: mentalis
mentalità {f} /mentaliˈta/ :: mentality
mentalmente {adv} :: mentally
Mentana {prop} :: Mentana (small town)
menta piperita {f} :: peppermint
mentastro {m} :: apple mint (Mentha suaveolens)
mentastro {m} :: water mint (Mentha aquatica)
mentastro {m} :: horse mint (Mentha longifolia)
mentastro {m} [regional] :: horehound
-mente {suffix} [productive] /ˈmen.te/ :: Used to form adverbs from adjectives; -wise, -ly, -ally
mente {f} :: mind
mentecattaggine {m} :: foolishness, stupidity
mentecatto {adj} /men.teˈkat.to/ :: half-witted
mentecatto {adj} :: imbecilic
mentecatto {m} :: half-wit
mentecatto {m} :: imbecile
mentente {v} :: present participle of mentire
mententesi {v} :: present participle of mentirsi
menticolo {adj} :: mint-growing (attributive)
mentina {f} :: peppermint
mentire {vi} :: to lie (tell an untruth)
mentirsi {v} :: reflexive of mentire
mentirsi {v} :: to lie (be untruthful)
mentitamente {adv} :: deceivingly
mentito {adj} :: false
mentito {adj} :: fake, sham, imitation
mentitore {m} :: liar
mentitosi {v} :: past participle of mentirsi
mentitrice {f} :: female equivalent of mentitore
-mento {suffix} /ˈmen.to/ :: Forms nouns that represent the action of a related verb
mento {m} [anatomy] /ˈmɛnto/ :: chin, mentum
mentolato {adj} :: mentholated
mentolo {m} [organic compound] :: menthol
mentonasco {m} :: Mentonasc
Mentone {prop} :: Mentone (city)
mentoniera {f} :: chinrest
mentoniero {adj} [anatomy] :: genial, mental, mentum (attributive)
mentore {m} :: mentor
mentovante {v} :: present participle of mentovare
mentovare {vt} :: To mention
mentovato {adj} :: mentioned
mentr {conj} :: apocopic form of mentre
mentre {conj} :: while; as (during the same time that)
mentre {conj} :: while; whilst; whereas (but in contrast...)
mentuccia {f} :: lesser calamint (Calamintha nepeta)
menu {m} :: menu
menù {m} :: Variant of menu
menzionabile {adj} :: mentionable
menzionante {v} :: present participle of menzionare
menzionare {vt} :: to mention
menzione {f} :: mention
menzogna {f} :: lie, falsehood, fib
menzognero {adj} :: false, untrue
meo {pron} :: obsolete form of mio
meolese {adj} :: Of or from Meolo
Meolo {prop} :: Meolo (village)
Meonia {prop} :: Maeonia
meonio {adj} :: Maeonian
meprobamato {m} :: meprobamate
Mera {prop} :: A river that flows in Switzerland and Lombardy
Merak {prop} :: Merak, the fifth brightest star in the constellation of Ursa Major
meramente {adv} :: purely, merely
meranese {adj} :: Of or from Merano
meranese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Merano
Merano {prop} :: Merano (town) near Bolzano
meraviglia {f} :: (feeling) wonder, astonishment, amazement, surprise
meraviglia {f} :: (wonderful thing) wonder, marvel, astonishment
meravigliante {v} :: present participle of meravigliare
meravigliantesi {v} :: present participle of meravigliarsi
meravigliare {vt} :: to surprise, to amaze, to astonish
meravigliarsi {v} :: reflexive of meravigliare
meravigliarsi {vr} :: to cause surprise, cause amazement
meravigliarsi {vr} :: to be surprised, be astonished, marvel, wonder
meravigliatosi {v} :: past participle of meravigliarsi
meravigliosamente {adv} :: marvellously, wonderfully, perfectly
meraviglioso {adj} /meraviʎˈʎozo/ :: marvellous, wonderful, splendid, glorious
meraviglioso {m} :: the marvellous, the supernatural
mercadante {m} :: mercatante
Mercadante {prop} :: surname
Mercadante {prop} :: Saverio Mercadante, Italian composer
Mercalli {prop} :: surname
Mercalli {prop} :: Giuseppe Mercalli, Italian geologist
mercante {m} :: merchant, dealer, trader, monger
mercanteggiabile {adj} :: merchantable
mercanteggiamento {m} :: bargaining, haggling
mercanteggiante {v} :: present participle of mercanteggiare
mercanteggiare {vi} :: to haggle, to bargain
mercanteggiare {vt} :: to sell
mercantesco {adj} :: merchant, trader (attributive)
mercantesco {adj} :: mercenary
mercantessa {f} :: female equivalent of mercante
mercantile {adj} :: merchant (attribute), mercantile, commercial
mercantile {m} [nautical] :: merchant ship
mercantile {m} [nautical] :: cargo vessel
mercantile {m} [nautical] :: freighter
mercantile {m} [nautical] :: merchantman
mercantilismo {m} [economics] :: mercantilism
mercantilista {adj} :: mercantilist, mercantilistic
mercantilistico {adj} :: mercantilist, mercantilistic
mercantilmente {adv} :: commercially
Mercantini {prop} :: surname
Mercantini {prop} :: Luigi Mercantini, Italian poet
mercanzia {f} :: merchandise
mercanzia {f} :: poor quality goods, junk
mercaptano {m} [organic chemistry] :: mercaptan
mercare {vi} [obsolete] /merˈka.re/ :: to trade, to deal, to sell
mercare {vt} [obsolete] :: to buy, to purchase
mercare {vt} [obsolete] :: to trade, to deal
mercare {v} [obsolete, figurative] :: to get, to obtain
mercare {v} [Central Italian, Southern Italian] :: to brand (to mark cattle with as proofof ownership)
mercatale {m} :: synonym of mercato
mercatale {adj} :: market (attributive)
mercatanzia {f} :: synonym of mercanzia
mercatare {v} :: synonym of mercanteggiare
Mercati {prop} :: surname
mercatino {m} :: A street market, a market or a small street market
mercatino dell'usato {m} :: rummage sale, jumble sale, garage sale
mercatino di Natale {m} :: Christmas market
mercatismo {m} :: The advocacy of free-market economic policies
mercatista {adj} :: marketist (attributive)
mercatista {mf} :: marketist
mercatistica {f} :: marketing
mercatizzazione {f} :: marketization
mercato {m} :: market (in all senses)
mercato azionario {m} :: stock market
mercato delle pulci {m} :: flea market, rummage sale, jumble sale
mercato finanziario {m} [finance, economics] :: financial market
mercatologia {f} :: marketing
mercatologia {f} :: market research
merce {f} /ˈmɛr.t͡ʃe/ :: goods, wares, merchandise, products, commodities
mercé {f} [archaic] /merˈt͡ʃe/ :: recompense
mercé {f} [archaic, rare] :: merit
mercé {f} [dated] :: help, mercy, grace
mercé {f} [dated] :: thanks to, by way of
mercé {f} [dated] :: A stroke of luck, a fortunate event
mercé {interj} [archaic] :: have mercy!
mercé {interj} [archaic] :: please
mercé {interj} [archaic] :: thanks, thank you
mercedario {adj} :: mercy (attributive)
mercede {f} :: recompense
mercede {f} :: merit
mercede {f} :: pity
mercede {f} :: mercy
mercenariamente {adv} :: mercenarily
mercenario {adj} :: mercenary
mercenario {m} :: mercenary (soldier)
mercenarismo {m} :: mercenarism
merceologia {m} :: The study of, or knowledge of commodities
merceologicamente {adv} :: commercially
merceologico {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the study of, or knowledge of commodities
merceologico {adj} :: commercial
merceologo {m} [economics] :: An expert at commodities
merceria {f} :: haberdashery, haberdasher's
mercerizzante {v} :: present participle of mercerizzare
mercerizzare {vt} :: To mercerize (fabric)
mercerizzato {adj} :: mercerized
mercerizzatrice {f} :: A machine that mercerizes yarn
mercerizzazione {f} :: mercerization
merciaia {f} :: female equivalent of merciaio
merciaio {m} :: haberdasher, seller of dry goods
merciaiolo {m} :: synonym of merciaio
merciaro {m} :: synonym of merciaio
mercificabile {adj} :: That can be commercialized
mercificante {v} :: present participle of mercificare
mercificare {vt} :: to commercialize, commodify
mercificazione {f} :: commercialization, commodification
mercimonio {m} :: trafficking (illicit trade)
mercoledì {m} /merkoleˈdi/ :: Wednesday
Mercoledì delle Ceneri {m} :: Ash Wednesday
Mercoledì Santo {prop} :: Holy Wednesday, Spy Wednesday
mercorella {f} :: mercury (Mercurialis gen. et spp., especially Mercurialis annua)
mercuriale {adj} :: mercurial (all senses)
Mercuriale {prop} :: given name
mercurialismo {m} :: mercurialism (mercury poisoning)
mercuriano {adj} :: Mercurian
mercurico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: mercuric
mercurifero {adj} :: mercuriferous
mercurio {m} [chemistry] /merˈkurjo/ :: mercury
Mercurio {prop} :: [astronomy] Mercury (planet)
Mercurio {prop} [mythology, Roman god] :: Mercury (Roman god)
mercurocromo {m} :: Mercurochrome, Merbromin
mercuroso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: mercurous
Mercuzio {prop} :: Mercutio
merda {f} [vulgar, slang, figuratively] /ˈmɛr.da/ :: shit, crap (all senses)
merdaccia {f} :: shit, shitass (contemptible person)
merdaio {m} [vulgar] /merˈda.jo/ :: shithole (a place full of faeces, or a very dirty place)
merdaiolo {m} [vulgar] :: shithead (contemptible person)
merdata {f} [vulgar] :: crap (all senses)
merdina {mf} [vulgar] :: little shit (despicable person)
merdone {m} [vulgar] :: A filthy or disgusting person
merdosamente {adv} [vulgar] :: shittily
merdoso {adj} [vulgar] :: shitty (all senses)
merenda {f} :: snack (usually an afternoon snack)
merenda {f} :: tea, break
merenda {f} :: picnic
merendina {f} :: A snack (item of food, usually sweet)
merendone {m} :: slacker, lazybones
mereologia {f} [logic] :: mereology
meretrice {f} :: prostitute, whore
meretricio {m} :: prostitution, sluthood, slutdom, slutness
mergente {v} :: present participle of mergere
mergere {vt} :: to immerse
meriante {v} :: present participle of meriare
meriare {v} [dialectal, Tuscan] :: To take a midday siesta
mericarpo {m} [botany] :: mericarp
mericismo {m} [pathology] :: merycism
meridiana {f} :: sundial, solar clock
meridiano {adj} :: meridian, midday [attributive], noon [attributive]
meridiano {m} [geography] :: a meridian
meridionale {adj} /me.ri.djoˈnaː.le/ :: southern, south (attribute), meridional, southerly
meridionale {mf} :: southerner
meridionale {mf} :: South Italian
meridionalismo {m} :: A group of economic and social problems associated with the South of Italy
meridionalista {adj} :: synonym of meridionalistico
meridionalista {mf} :: An expert on the problem of the South
meridionalistico {adj} :: Of or pertaining to meridionalismo (economic and social problems associated with the South of Italy)
meridionalità {f} :: The property of being from Southern Italy; the spirit or essence of this region
meridionalizzante {v} :: present participle of meridionalizzare
meridionalizzare {vt} :: To southernize
meridionalizzazione {f} :: southernization
meridionalmente {adv} :: in a southern manner
meridionalmente {adv} :: southerly
meridione {m} :: south
meridione {m} :: South (southern region)
meridiungulato {m} :: meridiungulate
merigge {m} :: alternative form of meriggio
meriggiante {v} :: present participle of meriggiare
meriggiare {vi} :: To rest at noon (in the shade)
meriggio {m} :: midday
meringa {f} /meˈrin.ɡa/ :: meringue
meringata {f} :: cake or pie topped with meringue
Merisi {prop} :: surname
Merisi {prop} :: Michelangelo Merisi, Italian painter, better known as Caravaggio
meristema {m} [botany] :: meristem
meristematico {adj} [botany] :: meristematic
meristico {adj} :: meristic
meritante {v} :: present participle of meritare
meritantesi {v} :: present participle of meritarsi
meritare {vt} :: to deserve, merit
meritare {vt} [followed by di and passive] :: to be worth, to be worthing
meritare {vt} :: to earn
meritarsela {v} :: to deserve it; to get one's comeuppance
meritarsi {v} :: reflexive of meritare
meritarsi {vr} :: to deserve
meritarsi {vr} :: to be worth
meritatamente {adv} :: deservedly
meritatissimo {adj} :: superlative of meritato
meritatosi {v} :: past participle of meritarsi
meritevole {adj} :: worthy (of),, deserving
meritevolmente {adv} :: deservingly
merito {adj} [obsolete, literary] /ˈmɛ.ri.to/ :: deserved
merito {adj} [obsolete, literary, rare] :: deserving, worthy
merito {m} :: merit
meritocraticamente {adv} :: meritocratically
meritocratico {adj} :: meritocratic
meritocrazia {f} :: meritocracy
meritoriamente {adv} :: deservingly, meritoriously
meritorio {adj} :: deserving, meritorious
meritoso {adj} :: worthy, deserving
merla {f} :: blackbird (hen)
merla {f} [heraldiccharge] :: martlet
merlango {m} /merˈlan.ɡo/ :: whiting (Merlangius merlangus)
merlano {m} /merˈla.no/ :: alternative form of merlango
merlante {v} :: present participle of merlare
merlare {vt} :: To crenellate
merlato {adj} :: crenelated
merlatura {f} :: battlements
merlettaia {f} :: lacemaker
merlettante {v} :: present participle of merlettare
merlettare {vt} :: to trim or decorate with lace
merlettatura {f} :: lace trimming or decoration
merletto {m} :: lace
merlino {m} :: marline
Merlino {prop} :: Merlin
merlo {m} :: merlon
merlo {m} :: blackbird
merlo {m} [slang] :: pushover or weakling
merlo {m} [slang] :: sucker, patsy, or dupe; a chump
merlo {m} :: battlement
merlo acquaiolo {m} :: white-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus)
merlo dal collare {m} :: ring ouzel
merlo indiano {m} :: hill myna
merlone {m} :: merlon
merlotto {m} :: Young blackbird
merlotto {m} :: martlet
merlotto {m} :: fool, simpleton
merlotto {m} [heraldiccharge] :: merlette
merluzzo {m} :: cod
-mero {suffix} :: -mere, -mer (forming nouns)
-mero {suffix} :: -merous, -meric (forming adjectives)
mero {adj} :: pure, simple, sheer
meroblastico {adj} :: meroblastic
merocrino {adj} :: merocrine
mero desiderio {m} :: synonym of pia illusione
meroitico {adj} :: Meroitic
merolo {m} :: blackbird
meromittico {adj} :: meromictic
meronimia {f} :: meronymy
meronimo {m} :: meronym
merope {m} /ˈmɛ.ro.pe/ :: bee-eater
merope {m} :: synonym of gruccione
merore {m} :: sadness, pain
Meroveo {prop} :: Merovech
Meroveo {prop} :: given name
Merovingi {prop} :: Merovingians
merovingico {adj} :: Merovingian
merovingio {adj} :: Merovingian
Merovingio {prop} [chiefly in the plural] :: Merovingian
Merse {prop} :: Merse (river)
mersì {interj} :: thanks! thank you!
mersì bocù {interj} :: thank you very much!
mertare {v} :: alternative form of meritare
merto {m} [poetic] /ˈmɛr.to/ :: alternative form of merito
merto {m} :: merit
merulo {m} :: alternative form of merlo
merzé {f} :: alternative form of mercé
merzede {f} :: alternative form of mercede
mesale {m} [Naples] :: tablecloth
mesalliance {f} :: mésalliance
mesata {f} :: A month's pay
mesata {f} :: Approximately a month
mescalina {f} [organic compound] :: mescaline
mescente {v} :: present participle of mescere
mescere {vt} :: To pour (out)
meschiare {v} /mesˈkja.re/ :: obsolete form of mischiare
meschinamente {adv} :: meanly, pettily, scantily, shabbily, poorly
meschineria {f} :: synonym of meschinità
meschinità {f} :: meanness, pettiness
meschinità {f} :: stinginess
meschino {adj} :: wretched
meschino {adj} :: mean, sleazy
meschino {adj} :: narrow-minded
meschino {adj} :: petty
meschino {adj} :: poor (used to express commiseration in Liguria)
meschino {m} :: wretch
Meschio {prop} :: Meschio (river)
mesciacqua {m} :: A container used for mixing water
mesciante {v} :: present participle of mesciare
mescianza {f} :: misfortune, adversity
mesciare {v} [obsolete] /meʃˈʃa.re/ :: To mix or stir
mescibile {adj} :: pourable
mescibile {adj} :: Variant of miscibile
mescidare {v} :: alternative form of miscidare
mesciroba {mf} :: ewer
mescita {f} :: pouring (out)
mescita {f} :: tavern; wine shop
mescitare {v} :: synonym of miscidare
mescitore {m} :: barman
mescitrice {f} :: barmaid
mescola {f} [chemistry] :: mix, mixture
mescolabile {adj} :: mixable
mescolamento {m} :: mixing
mescolamento {m} :: blending
mescolamento {m} :: stirring
mescolamento {m} :: shuffling
mescolante {v} :: present participle of mescolare
mescolantesi {v} :: present participle of mescolarsi
mescolanza {f} :: mixture, blend, medley
mescolare {vt} :: to mix
mescolare {vt} :: to stir
mescolare {vt} :: to blend
mescolare {vt} [card games] :: to shuffle
mescolarsi {vr} :: To mix
mescolarsi {vr} :: To get mixed up
mescolata {f} :: stir (of a mixture)
mescolata {f} :: shuffle (of cards)
mescolatamente {adv} :: mixedly
mescolato {adj} :: mixed
mescolato {adj} :: blended
mescolatore {m} :: mixer
mescolatore {adj} :: mixing
mescolatosi {v} :: past participle of mescolarsi
mescolatura {f} :: mixing, blending
mescolio {m} :: mixing, mingling
mescuglio {m} :: Variant of miscuglio
mese {m} /ˈme.ze/ :: month
mese lunare {m} :: lunar month
mesencefalico {adj} :: mesencephalic
mesencefalo {m} :: midbrain
mesenchima {m} [anatomy] :: mesenchyme
mesenchimale {adj} [anatomy] :: mesenchymal
mesentere {m} [anatomy] :: mesentery
mesenterico {adj} [anatomy] :: mesenteric
mesenterio {m} :: alternative form of mesentere
mesenterite {f} [pathology] :: mesenteritis
mesero {m} :: A lady's headdress (in Liguria) consisting of a large square of fine linen, often embroidered
mesetto {m} :: About a month
Mesia {prop} :: Moesia
mesilato {m} [organic chemistry] :: mesylate
mesile {m} [organic chemistry] :: mesyl
mesiversario {m} [neologism] /me.si.verˈsa.rjo/ :: mensiversary, monthiversary
mesmerico {adj} :: mesmeric
mesmerismo {m} :: mesmerism
mesmerizzante {v} :: present participle of mesmerizzare
mesmerizzare {vt} :: To mesmerize
mesmerizzazione {f} :: mesmerization
meso- {prefix} :: meso-
Mesoamerica {prop} :: Mesoamerica
mesoamericano {adj} :: Mesoamerican
mesocarpio {m} [botany] :: mesocarp
mesocarpo {m} [botany] :: mesocarp
mesocefalia {f} :: mesocephaly
mesocefalo {adj} :: mesocephalic
mesocolon {m} [anatomy] :: mesocolon
mesoderma {m} [anatomy] :: mesoderm
mesodermico {adj} :: mesodermal
mesoeconomia {f} [economics] :: mesoeconomics
mesoepitelio {m} [anatomy] :: mesoepithelium, mesothelium
mesofase {f} [physics] :: mesophase
mesofillo {m} [botany] :: mesophyll
mesofilo {adj} [biology] :: mesophyllic
mesofita {f} [botany] :: mesophyte
mesogastrico {adj} [anatomy] :: mesogastric
mesogastrio {m} [anatomy] :: mesogastrium
mesogea {adj} :: Mesogean
Mesolcina {prop} :: A mountain valley in the Ticino and Grigioni cantons of Switzerland
mesolitico {adj} :: Mesolithic (attributive)
mesolitico {m} :: Mesolithic
mesologia {f} [biology] :: mesology
mesomeria {f} [chemistry] :: mesomerism, resonance
mesomerismo {m} [biology, chemistry] :: mesomerism
mesomero {adj} [chemistry] :: mesomeric
mesomero {m} [biology] :: mesomere
mesomorfico {adj} :: mesomorphic
mesomorfismo {m} [zoology] :: mesomorphy
mesomorfo {adj} :: mesomorphic, mesomorphous
mesone {m} [physics] :: meson
mesone rho {m} [physics] :: rho meson
mesonfalo {m} :: navel
mesonico {adj} :: mesonic
mesoplodonte {m} :: mesoplodont whale
Mesopotamia {prop} /me.zo.poˈta.mja/ :: Mesopotamia
mesopotamico {adj} /me.zo.poˈta.mi.ko/ :: Mesopotamian
mesoregione {f} :: mesoregion
mesoscala {f} :: mesoscale
mesosfera {f} :: mesosphere
mesosoma {m} :: mesosome
mesostico {m} :: mesostich
mesoteliale {adj} :: mesothelial
mesotelio {m} [anatomy] :: mesothelium
mesotelioma {m} [oncology] :: mesothelioma
mesoterapia {f} :: mesotherapy
mesoterapico {adj} :: mesotherapic, mesotherapeutic
mesotermo {adj} :: mesothermic
mesotorace {m} :: mesothorax
mesotorio {m} [physics] :: mesothorium
mesotripsina {f} [enzyme] :: mesotrypsin
mesotrone {m} [physics] :: mesotron
mesozoico {m} :: Mesozoic
mesozoico {adj} :: Mesozoic
mesozona {f} [geology] :: mesozone
mesozoo {m} :: mesozoon
messa {f} :: mass (in religion)
messa {f} :: setting, putting, laying
messa {f} [agriculture] :: sprout, shoot, bud
Messa {f} :: Mass
messa al bando {f} :: ban
messa al bando {f} :: banishment
messa di voce {f} [an advanced singing technique] /ˈmessa di ˈvoːtʃe/ :: messa di voce (singing technique)
messaggera {f} :: female equivalent of messaggero
messaggeria {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: distributor (of freight); haulier (company)
messaggeria {f} [computing] :: messaging
messaggeria vocale {f} :: voice mail (system)
messaggero {m} :: messenger
messaggiante {v} :: present participle of messaggiare
messaggiare {vt} /mes.sadˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: To text, text message, SMS or message
messaggiero {m} :: alternative form of messaggero
messaggino {m} [familiar] :: SMS
messaggio {m} /mesˈsad.d͡ʒo/ :: message
messaggio di posta elettronica {m} :: email
messaggio e-mail {m} :: email
messaggio email {m} :: alternative spelling of messaggio e-mail
messaggio subliminale {m} :: subliminal message
messaggistica {f} [Internet] :: messaging, chat (transmission of messages via electronic networks)
messa in piega {f} :: styling, set, perm (ladies hair treatment)
messa in scena {f} :: dramatization
messale {m} :: missal, Mass book
Messapi {prop} :: Messapians / Messapii
messapico {adj} /mesˈsapiko/ :: Messapian
messe {f} [literary] /ˈmɛs.se/ :: harvest, reaping, wheat, corn, crop
messenico {adj} :: Messenian
messer {m} [obsolete] /meˈsːɛ.r/ :: Form of address equivalent to signore
messere {m} [obsolete] /meˈsːɛ.re/ :: Form of address equivalent to signore
messia {m} :: messiah
Messia {prop} /mesˈsiː.a/ :: the Messiah
messianesimo {m} :: alternative form of messianismo
messianicamente {adv} :: messianically
messianicità {f} :: Messiahship
messianico {adj} :: messianic
messianismo {m} :: messianism
messicana {f} :: Mexican (female)
messicano {adj} :: Mexican
messicano {m} :: Mexican
Messico {prop} :: Messico (country)
messicolo {adj} :: cereal-production (attributive)
messicolo {adj} [botany, of a plant] :: That grows amongst cereal crops
messidoro {m} [historical] /mes.siˈdɔ.ro/ :: Messidor (the tenth month of the French Republican Calendar)
Messina {prop} /mesˈsi.na/ :: Messina (city/and/province)
messinese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Messina
messinese {adj} :: Of or relating to Messina or the Messina people
messiniano {m} [geology] :: Messinian
messinscena {f} :: mise en scène
messinscena {f} [figurative, by extension] :: dramatization, stunt
messiticcio {m} [botany] :: sucker
messo {m} :: messenger
messo {m} :: usher
messo {adj} :: (in combination) badly-off (poor) or well-off (rich)
messo {adj} :: (in combination) in good or bad health
messo al bando {v} :: past participle of mettere al bando
messo assieme {v} :: put together
messo assieme {v} :: past participle of mettere
messoci {v} :: past participle of metterci
messosi {v} :: past participle of mettersi
mestamente {adv} :: sadly
mestamento {m} :: stir
mestamento {m} :: plot, scheme
mestante {v} :: present participle of mestare
mestare {vt} :: to stir
mestare {vi} :: to plot or scheme
mestatoio {m} :: stirrer, mixer
mestatoio {m} :: stirring or mixing spoon
mestatore {m} :: stirrer (person, all senses)
mestatrice {f} :: female equivalent of mestatore
me stessa {pron} :: myself
me stesso {pron} :: myself
mestica {f} :: primer (paint)
mestica {f} :: priming
mesticante {v} :: present participle of mesticare
mesticanza {f} :: mixed salad
mesticare {vt} :: to prime (apply primer)
mesticare {vt} :: to mix paint
mesticatore {m} :: paint dealer or seller
mesticciare {v} :: To mess up
mesticcione {m} :: intriguer, schemer, wheeler-dealer
mesticheria {f} :: paint shop
mestichino {m} :: A palette knife
mestierante {adj} /mes.tjeˈran.te/ :: lowering a profession or art to mere occupation
mestierante {mf} :: One who lowers their profession or art to mere occupation
mestiere {m} /meˈstjɛ.re/ :: trade, craft, job, occupation, profession, work
mestiere {m} :: skill, expertise, experience
mestiere {m} [northern Italy, in the plural] :: housework, household chores
mestissimo {adj} :: superlative of mesto
mestizia {f} :: sadness
mesto {adj} :: sad
mestola {f} :: ladle, dipper
mestola {f} :: trowel
mestolaio {m} :: A person who makes or sells ladles and the like
mestolame {m} :: spoons and ladles collectively
mestolata {f} :: ladleful
mestolata {f} :: blow with a ladle
mestoliera {f} :: A rack on which kitchen utensils are hung
mestolo {m} /ˈmes.to.lo/ :: ladle, dipper, scoop
mestolo di legno {m} :: synonym of cucchiaio di legno
mestolone {m} :: shoveler - bird
mestone {m} :: wooden spoon
mestone {m} :: stirrer (tool and also person who spreads gossip)
Mestre {prop} :: A town in the commune of Venezia
mestrino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Mestre
mestrino {adj} :: Of or relating to Mestre or the Mestre people
mestruale {adj} :: menstrual
mestruante {v} :: present participle of mestruare
mestruare {v} :: alternative form of menstruare
mestruazione {f} :: menstruation
mestruazione {f} [in the plural] :: menses, period
mestruo {m} :: menstrual fluid
meta- {prefix} /ˈmɛ.ta/ :: meta-
meta {f} /ˈmɛ.ta/ :: destination
meta {f} [figuratively] :: aim, goal, end
meta {f} [rugby] :: try
meta {f} [football] :: goal
meta {f} [Ancient Rome] :: meta (either of the conical columns at each end of a Roman circus)
meta {f} /ˈme.ta/ :: pile of straw
meta {f} :: haystack
meta {f} :: dung [of a farm animal]
meta {m} [organic compound] /ˈmɛ.ta/ :: metaldehyde
Meta {prop} :: Meta (small town)
metà {f} :: half
metà {f} :: centre, mid-
metabasi {f} :: metabasis
metabiologia {f} :: metabiology
metabisolfito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: metabisulfite
metabole {f} /meˈta.bo.le/ :: change, variation, mutation
metabolicamente {adv} :: metabolically
metabolico {adj} :: metabolic
metabolismo {m} :: metabolism
metabolita {m} [biochemistry] :: metabolite
metabolito {m} [biochemistry] :: metabolite
metabolizzante {v} :: present participle of metabolizzare
metabolizzare {vt} :: To metabolize
metabolizzazione {f} [biochemistry] :: metabolization
metacarpale {adj} [skeleton] :: metacarpal
metacarpale {m} [skeleton] :: metacarpal, metacarpal bone
metacarpo {m} [skeleton] :: metacarpus
metacentrico {adj} :: metacentric
metacentro {m} :: metacentre / metacenter
metacognitivo {adj} :: metacognitive
metacognizione {f} :: metacognition
metacolina {f} [medicine] :: metacholine
metacomunicativo {adj} :: metacommunicative
metacomunicazione {f} :: metacommunication
metaconversazione {f} :: metadiscussion, metadiscourse
metacrilato {m} [organic chemistry] :: methacrylate
metacrilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: methacrylic
metacritica {f} :: metacriticism
metacromasia {f} :: metachromasia
metacromatico {adj} :: metachromatic
metacromatismo {m} :: synonym of metacromasia
metacronale {adj} :: metachronal
metacronismo {m} :: metachronism
metadatazione {f} [computing] :: The compilation and characterization of metadata
metadato {m} [computing] :: metadata
metadone {m} [pharmacology] :: methadone
metaemoglobina {f} :: Variant of metemoglobina
metaemoglobinemia {f} :: Variant of metemoglobinemia
metaeuristica {f} :: metaheuristic(s)
metafase {f} [genetics] :: metaphase
metafasico {adj} :: metaphase (attributive)
metafilassi {f} :: metaphylaxis
metafilosofia {f} :: metaphilosophy
metafisi {f} [skeleton] :: metaphysis
metafisica {f} :: metaphysics
metafisicamente {adv} :: metaphysically
metafisicare {v} :: To undertake a metaphysical study (of)
metafisicheria {f} :: Any overly abstruse concept
metafisicità {f} :: The condition of being metaphysical
metafisico {adj} :: metaphysical
metafisico {m} :: metaphysician
metafita {f} [botany] :: metaphyte
metafonesi {f} :: metaphony
metafonesi {f} :: umlaut
metafonetico {adj} :: metaphonetic
metafonia {f} :: metaphony
metafonico {adj} :: metaphonic
metafora {f} :: metaphor
metafora {f} :: trope
metafora {f} :: figure of speech
metaforeggiante {v} :: present participle of metaforeggiare
metaforeggiare {vt} :: to metaphorize
metaforicamente {adv} :: metaphorically, figuratively
metaforico {adj} :: metaphoric, metaphorical, figurative
metaforismo {m} :: metaphorism (the use of metaphors)
metaforista {mf} :: metaphorist
metaforizzante {v} :: present participle of metaforizzare
metaforizzare {vt} :: to metaphorize
metafosfato {m} :: metaphosphate
metafosfato di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium metaphosphate
metafosforico {adj} :: metaphosphoric
metafrasi {f} :: metaphrasis
metafraste {mf} :: translator, interpreter, commentator
metagalassia {f} [astronomy] :: metagalaxy
metagalattico {adj} :: metagalactic
metagenesi {f} [biology] :: metagenesis
metagenetico {adj} :: metagenetic
metagenoma {m} [genetics] :: metagenome
metagenomica {f} [genetics] :: metagenomics
metagenomico {adj} [genetics] :: metagenomic
metageometria {f} [maths] :: non-Euclidean geometry
metagiuridico {adj} [law] :: metalegal
metagnomia {f} :: metagnomy
metagramma {m} :: metagram
metal {m} [music] :: metal
metaldeide {f} [organic compound] :: metaldehyde
metaldetector {m} :: metal detector
metalepsi {f} :: metalepsis
metalimnico {adj} :: metalimnic
metalimnio {m} :: metalimnion
metalingua {f} [philosophy, computing, linguistics] :: metalanguage
metalinguaggio {m} /ˌmɛ.ta.linˈɡwad.d͡ʒo/ :: metalanguage
metalinguistica {f} /ˌmɛ.ta.linˈɡwis.ti.ka/ :: metalinguistics
metalinguisticamente {adv} :: metalinguistically
metalinguistico {adj} :: metalinguistic
metallara {f} :: female equivalent of metallaro
metallaro {m} :: metalhead, heavy metal freak
metallescente {adj} :: metallic (in appearance)
metallicamente {adv} :: metallically
metallicità {f} :: metallicity
metallico {adj} :: metal (attribute), metallic
metallifero {adj} :: metalliferous
metallificare {vi} :: To become metallic
metallina {f} :: matte (metallurgy)
metallino {adj} :: alternative form of metallico
metallismo {m} :: metallism
metallizzante {v} :: present participle of metallizzare
metallizzare {vt} :: to metallize
metallizzato {adj} :: metallized
metallizzato {adj} :: metallic (paint)
metallizzazione {f} :: metallization, metallizing
metallo {m} :: metal
metallo {m} [heraldry] :: metal
metallocarbonile {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: metal carbonyl
metallocene {m} [chemistry] :: metallocene
metallochimica {f} [chemistry] :: chemistry of metals
metallocromia {f} :: metallochromy
metallofagia {f} :: metallophagia
metallofobia {f} :: metallophobia
metallofono {m} [musical instruments] :: metallophone
metallografia {f} :: metallography
metallografico {adj} :: metallographic
metallografo {m} :: metallographer
metalloide {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: metalloid, semimetal
metalloidico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: metalloid
metalloproteina {f} [protein] :: metalloprotein
metallorganico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: metallorganic
metalloscopio {m} :: metalloscope
metalloterapia {f} :: metallotherapy
metallotermia {f} :: metallothermy
metallotioneina {f} [protein] :: metallothionein
metallurgia {f} :: metallurgy
metallurgico {adj} :: metallurgical
metallurgico {m} :: metal worker
metallurgico {m} :: metallurgist
metallurgista {mf} :: metallurgist
metalmeccanico {adj} :: engineering (metal working, not the profession) (attributive)
metalmeccanico {m} :: metal worker
metalmezzadro {m} :: A metallurgical worker who works in the fields in his spare time
metalogico {adj} :: metalogical
metamatematica {f} [maths] :: metamathematics
metamatematico {adj} :: metamathematical
metameria {f} [chemistry] :: metamerism
metamerico {adj} :: metameric
metamerizzazione {f} :: metamerization
metamero {m} [chemistry] :: metamer
metamero {m} [biology] :: metamere
metamfetamina {f} :: alternative spelling of metanfetamina
metamittico {adj} [mineralogy] :: metamictic
metamorale {adj} :: relating to the foundation of morals
metamorfico {adj} :: metamorphic
metamorfismo {m} [geology] :: metamorphism
metamorfizzante {v} :: present participle of metamorfizzare
metamorfizzare {v} [geology] :: To metamorphose
metamorfizzazione {f} [geology] :: metamorphosis
metamorfosante {v} :: present participle of metamorfosare
metamorfosantesi {v} :: present participle of metamorfosarsi
metamorfosare {vt} :: To metamorphose
metamorfosarsi {vr} :: To metamorphose
metamorfosatosi {v} :: past participle of metamorfosarsi
metamorfosi {f} :: metamorphosis
metamotore {m} [Internet] :: metasearch engine
metanale {m} [organic compound] :: methanal
metanalisi {f} :: meta-analysis
metanavigazione {f} :: metanavigation
metanfetamina {f} /me.tan.fe.taˈmi.na/ :: methamphetamine
metania {f} :: metania
metanico {adj} :: methane (or natural gas, attributive)
metaniera {f} :: LNG carrier
metaniero {adj} :: methane, natural gas (attributive)
metanifero {adj} :: methaniferous (that produces methane)
metanizzante {v} :: present participle of metanizzare
metanizzare {vt} :: to supply with methane [or natural gas]
metanizzare {vt} :: to convert to use methane [as a fuel]
metanizzazione {f} :: supply of methane [or natural gas]
metanizzazione {f} :: conversion to use methane [as a fuel]
metano {m} [organic compound] :: methane
metanodotto {m} :: methane (or natural gas) pipeline
metanogenesi {f} :: methanogenesis
metanogenico {adj} :: methanogenic
metanogeno {m} :: methanogen
metanoico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: methanoic
metanolato {m} :: methoxide, methanolate
metanolato di sodio {m} :: sodium methoxide, sodium methanolate
metanolisi {f} [organic chemistry] :: methanolysis
metanolo {m} [organic compound] :: methanol
metaplasia {f} [biology] :: metaplasia
metaplasma {m} [biology] :: metaplasm
metaplasmo {m} :: metaplasm (figure of speech)
metaplastico {adj} [biology] /mɛ.taˈplas.ti.ko/ :: Meanings related to biology:
metaplastico {adj} :: metaplastic (pertaining to metaplasia)
metaplastico {adj} :: metaplasmic (pertaining to metaplasm)
metaplastico {adj} [linguistics] :: metaplasmic
metapontino {adj} :: Relating to Metaponto
Metaponto {prop} :: A small town (ancient Greek colony) in the Matera province of Basilicata
metapopolazione {f} :: metapopulation
metapsichica {f} :: metapsychics
metapsichico {adj} :: metapsychic
metapsichista {mf} :: metapsychist
metapsicologia {f} [psychology] :: metapsychology
metascientifico {adj} :: metascientific
metasedimento {m} :: metasediment
metasemia {f} [linguistics] :: change of meaning
metasilicato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: metasilicate
metasilicico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: metasilicic
metasomatico {adj} [geology] :: metasomatic
metasomatismo {m} [geology] :: metasomatism
metastabile {adj} :: metastable
metastasi {f} [oncology] :: metastasis
metastasiano {adj} :: Metastasian
metastate {m} :: metastate
metastatico {adj} :: metastatic
metastatizzante {v} :: present participle of metastatizzare
metastatizzare {vi} :: to metastasize
metastatizzazione {f} :: metastasization
metastato {m} [physics] :: metastate
metastoria {f} :: metahistory
metastoricità {f} :: The condition of being metahistorical
metastorico {adj} :: metahistorical
metatalamo {m} [anatomy] :: metathalamus
metatarsale {adj} [skeleton] :: metatarsal
metatarsale {m} [skeleton] :: metatarsal, metatarsal bone
metatarsalgia {f} [pathology] :: pain in the region of the metatarsal bones; tarsalgia
metatarsico {adj} :: metatarsal
metatarso {m} [skeleton] :: metatarsus
metatartarico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: metatartaric
metatasi {f} :: metathesis
metateatrale {adj} :: metatheatrical
metateatro {m} :: metatheatre
metatelevisivo {adj} :: metatelevisual
metatesi {f} :: metathesis (all senses)
metatesto {m} :: metatext
metatestuale {adj} :: metatextual
metateticamente {adv} :: metathetically
metatetico {adj} :: metathetic
metato {m} [regional] :: A shed, typical of Tuscany, where chestnuts are dried up
metatorace {m} :: metathorax
metatoracico {adj} :: metathoracic
metatungstato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: metatungstate
metaumano {adj} :: metahuman
metaumano {m} :: metahuman
Metauro {prop} :: Metauro (river)
metazoo {m} :: metazoan
meteco {adj} :: metic
metella {f} /meˈtɛl.la/ :: angel's trumpet (Datura innoxia)
Metella {prop} :: surname
Metello {prop} :: given name
metemoglobina {f} [biochemistry] :: methemoglobin
metemoglobinemia {f} [pathology] :: methemoglobinemia
metempirico {adj} [philosophy] /me.temˈpi.ri.ko/ :: metempiric, metempirical
metempsicosi {f} :: metempsychosis
metencefalo {m} [anatomy] :: metencephalon
meteo {adj} :: meteorological
meteo {m} :: weather forecast (radio or TV program)
meteoclimatico {adj} :: Relating to weather and climate
meteoecologia {f} :: climatoecology
meteomarina {adj} :: weather at sea (attributive)
meteopatico {adj} :: alternative form of meteoropatico
meteora {f} [astronomy] :: meteor
meteorico {adj} :: meteoric (all senses)
meteorina {f} :: The presenter of a TV weather forecast
meteorismo {m} [pathology] :: meteorism
meteorite {mf} :: meteorite
meteoritica {f} :: The study of meteorites
meteoritico {adj} :: meteoritic; meteor (attributive)
meteoro- {prefix} :: weather
meteoroastronomia {f} :: synonym of meteoritica
meteorobiologia {f} [biology] :: The interaction of meteorology and biology
meteorografia {f} :: meteorography
meteorografico {adj} :: meteorographic
meteorografo {m} :: meteorograph
meteorogramma {m} :: meteorogram
meteorologa {f} :: female equivalent of meteorologo
meteorologia {f} :: meteorology
meteorologicamente {adv} :: meteorologically
meteorologico {adj} :: meteorologic, meteorological
meteorologo {m} [meteorology] :: meteorologist
meteoropatia {f} [pathology] :: meteoropathy
meteoropatico {adj} :: meteoropathic
meteoropatologia {f} :: meteoropathology
meteoroscopia {f} :: meteoroscopy
meteoroscopico {adj} :: meteoroscopic
meteoroteodolite {m} :: A theodolite used to track weather balloons
metessi {f} :: methexis
metformina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: metformin
meticcia {f} :: half-caste, half-breed
meticcia {f} :: crossbreed
meticcia {f} :: mongrel, pooch [dog]
meticciamento {m} :: crossbreeding
meticciamento {m} :: interbreeding
meticciato {adj} :: crossbreed
meticciato {m} :: miscegenation (of races)
meticcio {m} :: half-caste, half-breed
meticcio {m} :: crossbreed
meticcio {m} :: mongrel, pooch (dog)
meticolosaggine {f} :: pedantry, fastidiousness
meticolosamente {adv} :: meticulously
meticolosamente {adv} :: carefully
meticolosità {f} :: meticulousness
meticoloso {adj} :: meticulous
metil- {prefix} [organic chemistry] :: methyl-
metilammina {f} [organic compound] :: methylamine
metilante {v} :: present participle of metilare
metilarancio {m} [organic compound] :: methyl orange
metilare {vt} :: [organic chemistry] To methylate
metilasi {f} [enzyme] :: methylase
metilato {m} :: methoxide, methanolate
metilato {adj} :: methylated
metilato di sodio {m} :: metanolato di sodio
metilazione {f} :: methylation
metilcellulosa {f} [organic compound] :: methylcellulose
metilcitosina {f} [organic compound] :: methylcytosine
metile {m} [chemistry] :: methyl
metilene {m} [organic chemistry] :: methylene
metilenico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: methylenic; methylene (attributive)
metilesterasi {f} [enzyme] :: methylesterase
metilfenidato {m} [medicine] :: methylphenidate
metilglutaconico {adj} [biochemistry] :: methylglutaconic
metilguanina {f} [organic compound] :: methylguanine
metilguanosina {f} [organic compound] :: methylguanosine
metilico {adj} :: methyl (attributive)
metilmercuriale {adj} :: methylmercury (attributive)
metilmercurio {m} [organic compound] :: methylmercury
metilterbutiletere {m} [organic compound] :: methyl tert-butyl ether
metiltransferasi {f} [enzyme] :: methyltransferase
metimazolo {m} [medicine] :: methimazole
metionina {f} [amino acid] :: methionine
metissaggio {m} :: miscegenation
metodicamente {adv} :: methodically
metodicità {f} :: methodicalness
metodico {adj} :: methodical
Metodio {prop} :: given name
metodismo {m} :: Methodism
metodista {adj} :: Methodist
metodista {mf} :: Methodist
metodistico {adj} :: Methodist (attributive)
metodizzante {v} :: present participle of metodizzare
metodizzare {vt} [uncommon] :: to methodize
metodo {m} :: method
metodologia {f} :: methodology
metodologia {f} :: method
metodologicamente {adv} :: methodologically
metodologico {adj} :: methodological
metodologo {m} :: methodologist
metodo scientifico {m} :: scientific method
Metone {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Methone
Metone {prop} [astronomy] :: A moon of Saturn
metonico {adj} :: Metonic
metonimia {f} :: metonymy
metonimicamente {adv} :: metonymically
metonimico {adj} :: metonymic, metonymical
metonimo {m} :: metonym
metonomasia {f} [linguistics] :: metonomasy
metopa {f} :: metope
metopico {adj} [anatomy] :: metopic
metoprololo {m} [medicine] :: metoprolol
metossi {m} [organic chemistry] :: methoxy
metossile {m} [organic chemistry] :: methoxyl
metotressato {m} :: alternative form of metotrexato
metotrexate {m} [medicine] :: methotrexate
metotrexato {m} [medicine] :: methotrexate
metraggio {m} :: length (of cloth)
metraggio {m} :: footage (film)
metralgia {f} [pathology] :: pain in the area of the womb
metratonia {f} :: metratonia
metratura {f} :: measurement (in metres)
metratura {f} :: length (in metres)
metreta {f} :: metrete
-metria {suffix} :: -metry
metrica {f} :: metric (all senses)
metricamente {adv} :: metrically
metricista {m} :: metricist
-metrico {suffix} :: -metric
metrico {adj} :: metric
metricologia {f} :: metricology (study of poetic meter)
metricologo {m} :: metricologist
metrite {f} [pathology] :: metritis
-metro {suffix} :: -meter
metro- {prefix} :: all senses
metro {m} [unit of measure] /ˈmɛ.tro/ :: metre, meter
metro {m} :: ruler, ruler, measure
metro {m} :: yardstick, criterion
metro {f} :: subway [US], underground [UK], Tube [the London underground]
metró {m} :: alternative form of metrò
metrò {mf} :: (short form of metropolitana) subway [US], underground [UK], Tube (the London underground)
metro cubico {m} [units of measure] :: cubic meter, cubic metre
metro cubo {m} [units of measure] :: cubic meter, cubic metre
metrologia {f} :: metrology
metrologico {adj} :: metrological
metrologo {m} :: metrologist
metromania {f} :: metromania
metronomicamente {adv} :: metronomically
metronomico {adj} :: metronomic
metronomo {m} [music] :: metronome
metronotte {m} :: night security guard
metropatia {f} [pathology] :: metropathia
metropoli {f} :: metropolis
metropolita {adj} [Christianity] :: metropolitan (of a metropolitan bishop)
metropolita {m} [Christianity] :: metropolitan (bishop)
metropolitana {f} :: subway [US], underground [British], Tube (the London underground)
metropolitano {m} [colloquial] :: cop (especially a traffic cop)
metropolitano {m} :: point duty officer
metropolitano {m} :: traffic control officer
metropolitano {adj} :: metropolitan (all senses)
metro quadrato {m} [units of measure] :: square meter, square metre
metro quadro {m} [units of measure] :: square meter, square metre
metrorragia {f} [pathology] :: metrorrhagia
metroscopia {f} [medicine] :: hysteroscopy
metrosessuale {adj} /me.tro.sesˈswa.le/ :: metrosexual
metrosessuale {m} :: metrosexual
metrosessualità {f} :: metrosexuality
metrostenosi {f} :: metrostenosis
metrotomia {f} [surgery] :: metrotomy
metrotram {m} :: A tram that connects surrounding areas with a city centre
metrotranvia {f} :: light railway (transport system)
metrotranviario {adj} :: light rail (attributive)
metrovia {f} :: synonym of metropolitana
mettente {v} :: present participle of mettere
mettenteci {v} :: present participle of metterci
mettentesi {v} :: present participle of mettersi
metter {v} :: apocopic form of mettere
metter acqua nel vino {v} :: To mitigate a situation
metterci {v} :: to take (time, effort)
metterci una buona parola {vr} :: to put in a good word
mettere {vt} /ˈmetːere/ :: to put, place, lay, set
mettere {vt} :: to deposit
mettere {vt} :: to bet, wager
mettere {vt} :: to cut (new teeth)
mettere {vt} :: to charge (item on sale)
mettere {vi} :: to give, lead onto
mettere {vi} :: to suppose
mettere {vi} :: to don, put on, draw up
mettere a bagno {vt} :: to soak
mettere a confronto {vt} [idiom] :: to examine multiple people or things to ascertain their similarities and differences; to compare; to contrast
mettere a dieta {v} :: to put someone on a diet
mettere a dormire {v} :: to put to sleep
mettere a fuoco {vt} :: to focus (adjust a lens, etc.)
mettere a fuoco {vt} [by extension] :: to fix one's eyes on; to bring into focus
mettere a fuoco {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: to clarify the circumstances, parameters, etc. of a problem to better understand it
mettere agli atti {v} :: to record
mettere al bando {vt} :: to ban; to banish; to exclude
mettere a letto {v} :: to put to bed
mettere alle corde {v} [boxing] :: to put [an opponent] in a difficult defensive crouch
mettere alle corde {v} [figuratively, by extension] :: to attack very aggressively, so as to squash any chance for countermoves and force [an adversary] to the defensive
mettere alle corde {v} [figuratively] :: to overwhelm someone with questions during a cross-examination
mettere al rogo {v} :: to condemn, to send to the stake
mettere a mollo {vt} :: to soak
mettere a nudo {vt} :: to lay bare
mettere a nudo il proprio animo {v} :: to bare one's soul
mettere a nudo il proprio animo {v} :: to pour one's heart out
mettere a repentaglio {vt} :: to put at risk; to jeopardize
mettere a tacere {vt} [figuratively] :: To restrain from speaking, expressing opinion or acting;to silence, to censor, to gag
mettere a terra {v} :: To earth (electrical equipment)
mettere bocca {v} [idiom, familiar] :: [in] to meddle or interfere (in/with); to put one's nose (in)
mettere d'accordo {v} :: to pacify
mettere d'accordo {v} :: to agree
mettere da parte {v} :: to save up, set aside, put aside
mettere da parte {vti} :: To accumulate money, especially for a specific, planned expenditure
mettere da parte {v} :: to save money
mettere da parte {v} :: to layaway
mettere da parte {vt} :: to set aside, to put aside, to shelve
mettere da parte {v} :: to ignore or intentionally forget something, temporarily or permanently, so that more important things can have one's attention
mettere delle pezze {v} :: to patch up
mettere i bastoni fra le ruote {v} :: Variant of remare contro
mettere il broncio {v} :: synonym of fare il broncio
mettere il carro davanti ai buoi {v} [idiomatic] :: to put the cart before the horse
mettere in atto {v} [idiom] :: to set in motion
mettere in campo {vt} :: to deploy [a soldier, combatant, etc.] on the battlefield, in combat
mettere in campo {vt} :: to put forward; to present; to adduce
mettere in evidenza {v} :: to highlight; to underscore
mettere in fila {v} :: to draw up in rank
mettere in ginocchio {v} :: to take the wind out of someone's sails
mettere in mostra {vt} :: to show off
mettere in piedi {v} [idiom] :: to set up; to prepare; to put in place
mettere in pratica {v} [idiomatic] :: to put into practice
mettere in scena {v} :: to stage (produce on a stage)
mettere insieme {v} :: to compound (to put together)
mettere le mani addosso {v} :: to beat, hurt, bit, strike
mettere le mani sul fuoco {v} :: to be sure of
mettere le mani sul fuoco {v} :: to assert
mettere mano {v} :: to start, initiate, have a hand in
mettere mano {v} :: to interfere, meddle, grab
mettere mano al portafoglio {v} :: to pay
mettere piede a terra {v} :: To set foot on land
mettere piede dentro {v} :: to get one's foot in the door
mettere sotto {v} :: to run down
mettere sotto {v} :: to place underneath
mettere su {v} :: to make up, imagine, concoct, contrive
mettere su famiglia {v} :: to get married
mettere su famiglia {v} :: To become married, to espouse
mettere sulla graticola {v} :: to grill (colloquial) To interrogate; to question aggressively or harshly
mettere su peso {v} :: to put on weight
mettere su peso {v} :: to gain weight
mettere una pezza {v} :: to fix, to remedy
mettere via {v} :: to set aside, put aside
mettersi {v} :: reflexive of mettere
mettersi {vp} :: to put oneself, place oneself, set oneself, get, go
mettersi {vp} :: to start, begin, set about, set, turn to
mettersi {vp} :: to turn out, shape up, don, put on
mettersi {v} [con, .pronominal] :: to date (become the boyfriend/girlfriend of someone)
mettersi al passo con i tempi {v} [idiom] :: to update oneself (on the latest news, etc.)
mettersi comodo {v} :: to make yourself comfortable
mettersi d'accordo {vr} :: ‎ to compound (to come to terms of agreement), to make arrangements, to agree
mettersi di traverso {v} :: Variant of remare contro
mettersi il cuore in pace {v} [idiom] :: to resign or give up; to stop bothering with an assignment, burden, etc
mettersi in evidenza {v} :: reflexive of mettere in evidenza
mettersi in evidenza {vi} :: to highlight oneself; to swagger; to show off (oneself)
mettersi in ghingheri {v} :: to dress up
mettersi in ghingheri {v} :: to spiff up
mettersi in ghingheri {v} :: to spruce up
mettersi in mostra {v} :: reflexive of mettere in mostra
mettersi in mostra {vi} :: to cut a wide swath; to swagger; to show off (oneself)
mettersi insieme {v} :: To go steady, to start being a couple
mettersi le mani nei capelli {vr} :: to lose heart, lose faith, get discouraged, despair, be disconsolate
mettersi nei guai {v} :: to get into trouble
mettersi nei panni di un altro {vr} :: to put oneself in someone's shoes
mettibocca {mf} :: busybody
mettifoglio {m} :: feeder (in a printer etc.)
mettiloro {mf} :: A person who applies gold plate
mettimale {mf} :: troublemaker
mettipiombo {m} [in printing] :: The person who feeds the linotype crucible with lead
mettiscandali {mf} :: stirrer (person who sows discord between people)
mettitore {m} :: punter, gambler
mettitura {f} :: placement
mettitura {f} :: wager, bet
mettitutto {m} :: cupboard
meublé {adj} :: Describing a hotel that only provides bedrooms (but no restaurant)
Meucci {prop} :: surname
Meucci {prop} :: Antonio Meucci, Italian inventor
mevalonato {m} [organic chemistry] :: mevalonate
mevalonico {adj} :: mevalonic
mezereo {m} :: mezereon
mezz' {adj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of mezza
mezz' {adj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of mezzo
mezz {adj} :: apocopic form of mezzo
mezza {f} :: half-hour
mezza {f} :: half past (an hour), especially 12:30 (lunchtime)
mezza calzetta {f} :: alternative form of mezzacalzetta
mezzacalzetta {f} :: half-pint, lightweight, squirt
mezzacalzetta {f} :: chopped liver
mezzacartuccia {f} :: half-pint, lightweight
mezzacosta {f} :: hillside
mezzadra {f} :: female equivalent of mezzadro
mezzadria {f} :: sharecropping
mezzadrile {adj} :: sharecropping (attributive)
mezzadro {m} :: sharecropper
mezzafede {f} :: An engagement ring or similar worn as a token of love
mezzaiolo {m} :: synonym of mezzadro
mezzala {f} [football] :: inside forward
mezzalana {f} /ˌmɛd.d͡zaˈla.na/ :: linsey-woolsey
mezzaluna {f} :: half-moon
mezzaluna {f} :: crescent
mezzaluna {f} :: mezzaluna
mezzamaiolica {f} :: mezza majolica
mezzamanica {f} :: oversleeve
mezzamanica {f} :: short sleeve
mezzamanica {f} :: penpusher
mezza maratona {f} :: half marathon
mezzamaratona {f} :: alternative form of mezza maratona
mezzana {f} :: procuress
mezzana {f} :: go-between
mezzanamente {adv} :: averagely
mezzanave {f} [nautical] :: The direction athwartships or abeam
mezzanella {f} [nautical] :: mizzen staysail; mizzenmast
mezzania {f} [nautical] :: centreline (of a ship)
mezzanino {m} [architecture] :: mezzanine
mezzanino {m} :: dress circle
mezzanità {f} [literary, rare, obsolete] /med͡z.d͡za.niˈta/ :: averageness
mezzanità {f} [literary, rare, obsolete] :: mediocrity
mezzanità {f} [literary, rare, obsolete] :: intercession, mediation
mezzano {adj} :: average, mean, middle, medium
mezzano {adj} [nautical] :: mizzen
mezzano {m} :: procurer
mezzano {m} :: go-between
mezzanotte {f} /medd͡zaˈnɔtːe/ :: midnight
mezzanotte {f} :: north
mezzapicca {f} :: spit, spike
mezzapunta {f} [football] :: attacking midfielder
mezzaquaresima {f} :: mid-Lent
mezz'aria {f} :: mid-air
mezzasega {f} :: half-pint, squirt, wanker
mezzasega {f} :: gobshite, dipshit
mezza sorella {f} :: half sister
mezzatacca {f} :: half-pint, squirt
mezzatela {f} :: mixed cotton and linen fabric
mezzatinta {f} :: half-tone
mezzatinta {f} :: mezzotint
mezzavela {f} [nautical] :: A small, triangular sail attached to a lateen sail for use when the wind is abaft
mezze maniche {n} :: half-sized rigatoni
mezzemaniche {f} {p} :: type of short-shaped pasta
mezzemaniche {f} {p} :: a ribbed tubular form of pasta, larger than penne but with square-cut ends, often slightly curved, half-sized rigatoni
mezze maniche lisce {n} :: half-sized smooth rigatoni
mezze maniche rigate {n} :: half-sized ribbed rigatoni
mezzena {f} [Northern Italian] /medˈd͡zɛ.na/ :: Each of the two parts a slaughtered animal is longitudinally cut into; side of beef
mezzeria {f} :: centreline (road marking)
mezzero {m} :: alternative form of mesero
mezzetta {f} :: An ancient measure of liquid equal to about a small jug
mezzetta {f} :: A small jug used to serve wine or water
Mezzetta {prop} :: surname
mezzina {f} :: A half-litre jug
mezzità {f} :: half
mezzità {f} :: mid
mezzo- {prefix} :: half; semi-
mezzo- {prefix} :: middle; meso-
mezzo {m} /ˈmɛt.t͡so/ :: half, middle
mezzo {m} :: means, method
mezzo {m} :: vehicle
mezzo {adj} :: half
mezzo {adj} /ˈmet.t͡so/ :: overripe (of fruit)
mezzo {adj} :: drenched (soaking wet)
mezzo {adj} :: soft, flabby
mezzo antincendio {m} :: fire engine
mezzobusto {m} /mɛd͡ːzoˈbusto/ :: bust (sculpture)
mezzobusto {m} :: head and shoulders (portrait)
mezzobusto {m} :: talking head (on TV)
mezzocerchio {m} :: semicircle
mezzocielo {m} [astronomy] :: intersection of the meridian of a given place with the celestial equator
mezzocontralto {mf} [music] :: mezzzo-contralto
mezzodì {m} :: midday, noon
mezzo di contrasto {m} [medicine] :: contrast medium
mezzofondista {mf} [athletics] :: middle-distance runner
mezzofondo {m} [athletics] :: middle-distance running
mezzoforte {m} [music] :: mezzo forte
mezzo fratello {m} :: half brother
mezzogiorno {m} :: midday, noon
mezzogiorno {m} :: south
Mezzogiorno {prop} :: Southern Italy (including Sardinia and Sicily)
mezzoguanto {m} :: mitten
mezzomarinaio {m} :: gaff, boathook
mezzomarinaro {m} [nautical] :: boat hook
mezzonda {f} :: halfwave
mezzo pacchero {m} :: (especially in plural) A short form of paccheri pasta tubes
mezzopiano {m} [music] :: mezzo piano
mezzoprano {m} :: alternative form of mezzosoprano
mezzopunto {m} :: needlepoint
mezzopunto {adj} [of a flintlock gun] :: half-cocked
mezz'ora {f} :: half an hour, half-hour
mezzora {f} :: alternative spelling of mezz'ora
mezzorilievo {m} [arts] :: half-relief
mezzo sangue {m} :: half blood
mezzosangue {adj} :: half-blooded
mezzosangue {adj} :: half-breed
mezzoservizio {m} :: part-time domestic service
mezzosoprano {mf} [music] :: mezzo-soprano
mezzotitolo {m} :: half title
mezzotondo {m} :: tondo (sculpture)
mezzuccio {m} :: mean or petty trick; stratagem
mi {pron} :: me
mi {pron} [dative] :: (to) me
mi {n} [music] :: The third note, mi
mi {n} :: E (musical note or key)
mi {mf} :: mu (Greek letter)
MI {prop} :: abbreviation of Milano
miagolamento {m} :: miaowing, mewing
miagolamento {m} :: caterwauling
miagolante {v} :: present participle of miagolare
miagolare {vi} /mja.ɡoˈla.re/ :: to miaow, meow or mew
miagolatore {m} :: miaower
miagolatore {adj} :: miaowing
miagolio {m} /mja.ɡoˈlio̯/ :: miaowing, mewing
miagolone {m} :: whiner
mialgia {f} [pathology] :: myalgia
mialgico {adj} :: myalgic
Miami {prop} /maˈjɛ.mi/ :: Miami (city)
miao {m} /mjao̯/ :: meow, mew, meu, miaow
miao {interj} :: meow, mew, meu, miaow the cry of a cat
miasma {m} :: miasma
miasmatico {adj} :: miasmatic, miasmal, miasmic
miastenia {f} [medicine] :: myasthenia
miastenico {adj} :: myasthenic
miatonia {f} [pathology] :: myatonia, myatony
miatrofia {f} :: myotrophy
mi bemolle maggiore {m} :: E-flat major
MIBtel {prop} :: initialism of Milano indice borsa telematico
mica {f} [archaic or literary] /ˈmi.ka/ :: breadcrumb
mica {f} [by extension] :: bit, morsel
mica {adv} [colloquial] :: not
mica {adv} [colloquial] :: hardly, you know
mica {adv} [colloquial] :: bit
mica {adv} [colloquial] :: at all
mica {adv} [colloquial] :: by any chance
mica {f} [mineral] :: mica (mineral)
micaceo {adj} [mineralogy] :: micaceous
micalizzato {adj} :: mica (attributive)
micascisto {m} [geology] :: mica schist
micca {f} :: A type of round loaf from Lombardy
micca {f} :: A thick form of minestrone
Micca {prop} :: surname
miccia {f} :: fuse
micciera {f} [nautical] :: A small metal box, used in the days of sail to contain a slow-burning fuse that acted as a source of flame when at sea
miccino {m} :: A very small amount of something
micco {m} :: The silvery marmoset (Callitrix argentata)
micco {m} :: A fool or idiot
micelio {m} [mycology] :: mycelium
micella {f} [cytology] :: micelle
Micene {prop} :: Mycenae
miceneo {adj} :: Mycenaean
miceneo {m} :: Mycenaean (language is masculine only)
micete {m} [botany] :: fungus, mushroom
micetologia {f} :: mycology
micetologo {m} :: mycologist
micetoma {m} [pathology] :: mycetoma
micetta {f} :: kitten (female)
micetta {f} :: kitty-cat or pussy-cat (female)
micetto {m} :: kitten
Michea {prop} [Biblical character] :: Micah
Michea {prop} :: given name
Michela {prop} :: given name,the feminine form of Michele. Equivalent to English Michaela and Michelle
michelaccio {m} :: loafer, lounger, idler
Michelangeli {prop} :: surname
Michelangelo {prop} /mi.keˈlan.d͡ʒe.lo/ :: Michelangelo (Italian artist)
Michelangelo {prop} :: given name
michelangiolesco {adj} /mi.ke.lan.d͡ʒoˈles.ko/ :: Michelangelo (attributive), Michelangelesque
Michele {prop} [biblical character] :: Michael
Michele {prop} :: given name
Micheletti {prop} :: surname
micheletto {m} :: Spanish soldier
michetta {f} :: A thin, crunchy and round bread roll
mi chiamo {phrase} /ˈmi ˈkjaː.mo/ :: My name is... (Literally: I call myself...)
Michigan {prop} /ˈmi.t͡ʃi.ɡan/ :: Michigan (state)
micia {f} :: feminine noun of micio; pussy, pussy-cat, puss (affectionate term for a female cat)
micia {f} [taboo slang] :: female genitalia, pussy
micidiale {adj} :: fatal, deadly
micidiale {adj} :: murderous
micidio {m} /miˈt͡ʃi.djo/ :: obsolete form of omicidio
micino {m} :: kitten, kitty
micino {m} :: pussycat
micio {m} :: pussy, pussy-cat, puss (affectionate term for a cat)
micio {m} :: cat, kitty, kitten
micione {m} :: big cat
mico- {prefix} :: myco-
micobatterio {m} :: mycobacterium
micocellulosa {f} [organic compound] :: mycocellulose
micologa {f} :: female equivalent of micologo
micologia {f} [botany] :: mycology
micologico {adj} :: mycological
micologo {m} :: mycologist
Micono {prop} :: Micono (island)
micorriza {f} [biology] :: mycorrhiza
micorrizazione {f} :: mycorrhization
micorrizico {adj} :: mycorrhizal
micosi {f} [disease] :: mycosis
micotico {adj} [disease] :: mycotic
micotossina {f} [biochemistry] :: mycotoxin
micotrofico {adj} :: mycotrophic
micragna {f} [regional] /miˈkraɲ.ɲa/ :: poverty
micragna {f} [regional] :: stinginess, meanness
micragnosamente {adv} :: stingily, meanly
micragnoso {adj} [regional] :: stingy, mean
micragnoso {adj} [regional] :: very poor, penniless, poverty-stricken
micro- {prefix} :: micro-
microabito {m} :: microdress, microskirt
microacceleratore {m} :: microaccelerator
microalga {f} :: microalga
microambiente {m} :: microenvironment
microampere {m} :: microampere
microamperometro {m} :: microammeter
microamplificatore {m} :: microamplifier
microanalisi {f} :: microanalysis
microanalitico {adj} :: microanalytic
microanatomia {f} :: microanatomy
microaneurisma {m} [medicine] :: microaneurysm
microangiografia {f} [medicine] :: microangiography
microangiologia {f} :: microangiology
microangiopatia {f} [pathology] :: microangiopathy
microattuatore {m} :: microactuator
microbar {m} :: microbar
microbibliografia {f} :: microfilm copy of a book or document
microbicida {adj} :: microbicidal
microbicida {m} :: microbicide
microbico {adj} :: microbic, microbial
microbilancia {f} :: microbalance
microbio {m} [microbiology] :: microbe
microbiologa {f} :: female equivalent of microbiologo
microbiologia {f} :: microbiology
microbiologicamente {adv} :: microbiologically
microbiologico {adj} :: microbiological
microbiologo {m} :: microbiologist
microbioma {m} [biology] :: microbiome
microbirrificio {m} :: microbrewery
microbo {m} [microbiology] :: microbe
microcalcificazione {f} :: microcalcification
microcalcolatore {m} [computing] :: microcomputer
microcamera {f} [photography] :: microcamera
microcanonico {adj} [physics] :: microcanonical
microcassetta {f} :: microcassette
microcebo {m} :: mouse lemur (of genus Microcebus)
microcebo di Madame Berthe {m} :: Madame Berthe's mouse lemur (Microcebus berthae)
microcefalia {f} :: microcephaly, microcephalia
microcefalico {adj} :: microcephalic
microcefalo {adj} :: microcephalic
microcella {f} :: microcell
microchimica {f} [chemistry] :: microchemistry
microchip {m} :: microchip
microchirurgia {f} [surgery] :: microsurgery
microcinematografia {f} :: filmmaking via a microscope
microcircolazione {f} [physiology] :: microcirculation
microcircolo {m} :: microcirculation
microcircuito {m} :: microcircuit
microcistina {f} :: microcystin
microcita {m} :: Variant of microcito
microcitemia {f} :: microcythemia
microcito {m} :: microcyte
microclima {m} :: microclimate
microclimatico {adj} :: microclimatic
microclimatologia {f} :: microclimatology
microclino {m} [mineralogy] :: microcline
micrococco {m} [microbiology] :: micrococcus
microcombustore {m} :: microcombustor
microcomponente {m} :: microcomponent
microcomputer {m} [computing] :: microcomputer
microconflittualità {f} :: small-scale conflicts
microcontrollore {m} [computing] :: microcontroller
microcosmico {adj} :: microcosmic
microcosmo {m} :: microcosm (all senses)
microcredito {m} :: microcredit
microcriminalità {f} :: Small-scale, local criminality
microcrimine {m} :: petty crime, misdemeanor
microcristallino {adj} :: microcrystalline
microcristallo {m} :: microcrystal
microcurie {m} :: microcurie
microdattilia {f} :: microdactyly
microdelinquenza {f} :: petty or local crime or criminality
microdischetto {m} [computing] :: microfloppy
microdominio {m} :: microdomain
microdontismo {m} :: microdontism
microdurezza {f} :: microhardness
microeconomia {f} :: microeconomics
microeconomico {adj} :: microeconomic
microelaboratore {m} [computing] :: microcomputer
microelemento {m} :: microelement, trace element
microelettrodo {m} :: microelectrode
microelettronica {f} :: microelectronics
microelettronico {adj} :: microelectronic
microestrusione {f} :: microextrusion
microevoluzione {f} :: microevolution
microfago {m} :: microphage
microfago {adj} :: microphagous
microfarad {m} :: micro-farad, microfarad
microfauna {f} :: microfauna
microfibra {f} :: microfiber
microfibrilla {f} :: microfibril
microfiche {f} :: microfiche
microfilamento {m} :: microfilament
microfillo {adj} [botany] :: microphyllous
microfillo {m} [botany] :: microphyll
microfilm {m} :: microfilm
microfilmante {v} :: present participle of microfilmare
microfilmare {vt} :: To microfilm
microfilmato {adj} :: microfilmed
microfilmatrice {f} :: microfilmer
microfilmatura {f} :: microfilming
microfiltrare {v} :: To microfilter
microfiltrazione {f} :: microfiltration
microfiltro {m} :: microfilter
microfinanza {f} [finance] :: microfinance
microfisica {f} [physics] :: microphysics
microfisico {adj} :: microphysical
microflora {f} :: microflora
microfluidità {f} :: microfluidity
microfonante {v} :: present participle of microfonare
microfonare {vt} :: To amplify using a microphone; to mike (up)
microfonato {adj} :: microfoned
microfonicità {f} :: microphonics
microfonico {adj} :: microphonic
microfonista {mf} :: sound technician (in film and TV)
microfono {m} :: microphone
microforgia {f} /mi.kroˈfɔr.d͡ʒa/ :: microforge
microfossile {m} :: microfossil
microfotografia {f} [photography] :: microphotography
microfotografico {adj} :: microphotographic
microfotogramma {m} :: single frame of microfilm
microfotometro {m} :: microphotometer
microfrattura {f} :: microfracture
microftalmia {f} :: microphthalmitis, microphthalmia
microftalmo {m} :: microphthalmus
microfunzione {f} :: microfunction
microfusione {f} :: microfusion
micrognatia {f} :: micrognathism
micrognatismo {m} :: micrognathism
microgonna {f} :: microskirt
micrografia {f} :: micrography
micrografico {adj} :: micrographic
microgrammo {m} :: microgram
microgravità {f} :: microgravity
microimpianto {m} :: mini hi-fi
microimpianto {m} :: microimplant
microimpresa {f} :: microenterprise
microinformatica {f} [computing] :: microcomputing
microinfusore {m} :: microinfusor
microinfusore {m} :: micropipette
microinquinante {adj} :: micropolluting
microinquinante {m} :: micropollutant
microinsularità {f} [ecology] :: microinsularity
microinterruttore {m} :: microswitch
microinvasivo {adj} [surgery] :: microinvasive; keyhole (attributive)
microirrigazione {f} :: micro-irrigation
microistruzione {f} [computing] :: microinstruction
microkini {m} :: microkini
microlettore {m} :: microfilm reader
microlingua {f} :: microlanguage
microlinguistica {f} :: microlinguistics
microlitico {adj} :: microlitic
microlito {m} :: microlith
microlitro {m} :: microlitre / microliter
micromagnetino {m} :: micromagnet (in a metal or mineral etc)
micromanipolatore {m} :: micromanipulator
micromanometro {m} :: micromanometer
micromeccanica {f} :: micromechanics
micromelia {f} [pathology] :: micromelia
micrometeorite {m} :: micrometeorite
micrometeorologia {f} :: micrometeorology
micrometria {f} :: micrometry
micrometrico {adj} :: micrometric
micrometro {m} :: micrometer (instrument)
micrometro {m} :: micrometre, micron (unit of length)
micromicete {m} :: micromycete
micromillimetro {m} :: micromillimetre / micromillimeter; millimicron; nanometre / nanometer
microminiaturizzante {v} :: present participle of microminiaturizzare
microminiaturizzare {vt} :: To microminiaturize
microminiaturizzato {adj} :: microminiaturized
microminiaturizzato {adj} :: microminiaturizzed
microminiaturizzazione {f} :: microminiaturization
micromolare {adj} [chemistry] :: micromolar
micromole {m} [chemistry, physics] :: micromole
micromolecola {f} :: micromolecule
micromolecolare {adj} :: micromolecular
micromotore {m} :: Small motor or motor car
micromotore {m} :: moped
micromotorista {mf} :: rider of a moped or small motor car
micron {m} :: micron
micronazione {f} :: micronation
Micronesia {prop} :: Micronesia
micronesiana {f} :: female equivalent of micronesiano
micronesiano {adj} :: Micronesian
micronesiano {m} :: Micronesian
micronido {m} :: A small crèche or nursery
micronizzante {v} :: present participle of micronizzare
micronizzare {vt} :: to micronize
micronizzazione {f} :: micronization
micronucleo {m} :: micronucleus
micronutriente {m} :: micronutrient
microohm {m} :: micro-ohm
microonda {f} /mikroˈonda/ :: microwave
microondabile {adj} :: microwavable
microonde {m} :: (oven) microwave, microwave oven
microoperazione {f} [computing] :: microoperation
microorganismo {m} :: alternative form of microrganismo
micropagamento {m} :: micropayment
micropaleontologia {f} :: micropaleontology
microparticella {f} :: microparticle
micropene {m} :: micropenis
micropile {m} :: Microfleece (material)
micropilo {m} [botany] :: micropyle
micropinocitico {adj} :: micropinocytic
micropinocitico {adj} :: micropinocytotic
micropinocitosi {f} :: micropinocytosis
microplacca {f} :: microplate
microplancton {m} :: microplankton
microporosità {f} :: microporosity
microporoso {adj} :: microporous
microprocessore {m} [computing] :: microprocessor
microprogetto {m} :: microproject
microprogramma {m} [computing] :: microprogram
microprogrammazione {f} [computing] :: microprogramming
micropsia {f} :: micropsia
micropsichia {f} :: A lack of self-confidence
microreattore {m} :: microreactor
microregione {f} :: microregion
microregistratore {m} :: Very small tape recorder
microrganismo {m} :: microorganism
microriflettente {adj} :: micro-reflective
microriproduttore {m} :: microcopier (for copying microfilm)
microsaldatura {f} :: microwelding
microsaldatura {f} :: microweld
microsatellite {m} :: microsatellite
microscala {f} :: microscale
microscheda {f} :: microfiche
microsclerite {m} [zoology] /mi.kros.kleˈri.te/ :: synonym of microsclero
microsclero {m} [zoology] /mi.krosˈklɛ.ro/ :: microsclere
microscopia {f} :: microscopy
microscopicamente {adv} :: microscopically
microscopico {adj} :: microscopic
microscopio {m} :: microscope
microscopista {mf} :: microscopist
microsecondo {m} /mi.kro.seˈkon.do/ :: microsecond
microsequenza {f} :: microsequence
microsfera {f} :: microsphere
microsfigmia {f} :: A very weal pulse
microsfigmico {adj} :: Having a very weak pulse
microsisma {m} [geology] :: microseism
microsismico {adj} :: microseismic
microsismografo {m} :: microseismograph
microsistema {m} :: microsystem
microsociologia {f} :: microsociology
microsociologico {adj} :: microsociological
microsociologo {m} :: microsociologist
microsolco {m} :: microgroove
microsolco {m} :: long-playing record (LP) or extended-play record (EP)
microsoma {m} [cytology] :: microsome
microsomia {f} :: microsomia
microsomiale {adj} [cytology] :: microsomal
microsonda {f} :: microprobe
microspia {f} :: bug (hidden microphone)
microspora {f} :: microspore
microsporangio {m} [botany] :: microsporangium
microstampa {f} :: printing using very fine lines as an anti-counterfeiting measure
microstampatrice {f} :: microfilm printer
microstato {m} :: microstate
microstoria {f} :: microhistory
microstorico {adj} :: microhistoric
microstruttura {f} :: microstructure
microstrutturale {adj} :: microstructural
microtecnologico {adj} :: microtechnological
microtelefono {m} :: handset
microtermo {adj} :: microthermal
microtesto {m} :: microtext
microtomo {m} :: microtome
microtomografia {f} :: microtomography
microtonale {adj} [music] :: microtonal
microtrauma {m} :: microtrauma
microtrone {m} [physics] :: microtron
microttero {adj} :: micropterous
microtubulare {adj} :: microtubular
microtubulo {m} [cytology] :: microtubule
microvascolare {adj} :: microvascular
microvettura {f} :: microcar
microvillo {m} [cytology] :: microvillus
microvolt {m} :: microvolt
microvuoto {m} :: microvoid
Mida {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Midas
midigonna {f} :: mididress
midollare {adj} [anatomy, botany] :: medullary
midollare {f} [anatomy, botany] :: medulla
midollino {m} :: rush (plant, fibre)
midollino {m} :: pith
midollo {n} [anatomy] :: marrow
midollo {n} [figurative, in the plural] :: bones
midollo {n} [botany] :: pith (whitish inner portion of the rind of citrus fruit)
midollone {m} :: dolt
midollo osseo {m} [anatomy] :: bone marrow
midolloso {adj} :: pithy
midollo spinale {m} [anatomy] :: spinal cord
midriasi {f} [physiology, pathology] :: mydriasis
midriatico {adj} [physiology, pathology] :: mydriatic
midriatico {m} [pharmacology] :: mydriatic
mielata {f} :: alternative form of melata
miele {m} /ˈmjɛ.le/ :: honey
miele {m} :: sweetness
miele {m} :: pale yellow colour
mielencefalo {m} [anatomy] :: afterbrain
mielico {adj} [anatomy] :: medullary
mielina {f} :: myelin
mielinico {adj} :: myelinic
mielinizzazione {f} :: myelinization, myelination
mielinoclastico {adj} :: myelinoclastic
mielite {f} [medicine] :: myelitis
mielo- {prefix} :: myelo-
mieloblastico {adj} [biology] /mje.loˈblas.ti.ko/ :: myeloblastic
mieloblasto {m} [biology] /mje.loˈblas.to/ :: myeloblast
mielocita {m} :: myelocyte
mielocitico {adj} :: myelocytic
mielografia {f} :: myelography
mieloide {adj} [anatomy] :: myeloid
mieloideo {adj} [anatomy] :: myeloid
mieloma {m} [oncology] :: myeloma
mielomalacia {f} :: myelomalacia
mielomero {m} :: myelomere
mieloneuropatia {f} [pathology] :: myeloneuropathy
mielopatia {f} [pathology] :: myelopathy
mieloplegia {f} :: myeloplegia
mieloproliferativo {adj} :: myeloproliferative
mielosamente {adv} :: honeyedly
mielosclerosi {f} :: myelosclerosis
mielosità {f} :: sugariness
mieloso {adj} :: honeyed, sugary (also figuratively)
mielosoppressione {f} [medicine] :: myelosuppression
mielotomia {f} [surgery] :: myelotomy
mielotossico {adj} :: myelotoxic
mielotrasfusione {f} :: myelotransfusion
mietente {v} :: present participle of mietere
mietere {vt} :: To reap or harvest
mietere {vt} :: To slash (to kill lot of people)
mietilega {f} :: reaper-binder
mietilegatrice {f} :: reaper-binder
mietitore {m} /mje.tiˈto.re/ :: harvester (person or machine)
mietitore {m} :: reaper
mietitrebbia {f} /mje.tiˈtreb.bja/ :: clipping of mietitrebbiatrice
mietitrebbiatrice {f} /mje.ti.treb.bjaˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: combine (combine harvester)
mietitrice {f} :: harvester (machine)
mietitrice {f} :: reaper (machine)
mietitura {f} :: harvest
mietitura {f} :: harvesting
mietitura {f} :: harvest time
mifepristone {m} :: mifepristone
migliaccio {m} :: Any of several forms of Neapolitan cake made from millet or maize flour
Migliaccio {prop} :: surname
migliaio {m} :: thousand, about a thousand, about one thousand
migliaio {m} [in the plural] :: thousands, hundreds (a great number)
migliarino {m} :: gromwell
migliarino {m} :: reed bunting
migliarino {m} :: small shot - for shotgun
migliarino di palude {m} :: reed bunting
migliaro {m} :: alternative form of migliaio
miglio {m} [units of measure] :: the Italian mile, a traditional unit of length derived from the Roman mile
miglio {m} [units of measure] :: the international mile and other "mile" unit
miglio {m} [foods] :: millet
miglior {adj} :: apocopic form of migliore
migliorabile {adj} :: improvable, susceptible of improvement, capable of being improved
migliorabilità {f} :: Property of being improvable
miglioramento {m} :: improvement
migliorante {v} :: present participle of migliorare
migliorantesi {v} :: present participle of migliorarsi
migliorare {vt} :: to improve, to better, to mend
migliorare {vi} :: to improve, to get better
migliorarsi {vr} :: To improve oneself or better oneself, to shape up
migliorativo {adj} :: improving, ameliorative
miglioratore {m} :: improver
miglioratosi {v} :: past participle of migliorarsi
migliorazione {f} :: improvement, amelioration
migliore {adj} :: better
migliore {adj} :: the best
migliore {mf} :: the best
miglioria {f} :: improvement
migliorismo {m} :: meliorism
migliorista {mf} :: meliorist
migliormente {adv} :: better
mignano {m} [regional] :: A balcony in Rome
mignatta {f} :: leech
mignatta {f} :: bloodsucker
mignattaio {m} /miɲ.ɲatˈta.jo/ :: A person who collects and sells leeches
mignattaio {m} :: A person who applies leeches to the sick
mignattaio {m} :: glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)
mignattino {m} /miɲ.ɲatˈti.no/ :: black tern (Chlidonias niger)
mignattino {m} [by extension, ornithology] :: Any member of the Chlidonias taxonomic genus
mignattino {m} [Ancona] :: synonym of muggine
mignola {f} :: olive blossom
mignolare {v} [of olive trees] :: To blossom
mignolatura {f} [of olive trees] :: blossoming
mignolo {m} [anatomy] /ˈmiɲ.ɲo.lo/ :: little finger, pinkie
mignolo {m} [anatomy] :: little toe
mignon {adj} :: mignon (small and dainty)
mignone {adj} :: small and graceful
Mignone {prop} :: Mignone (river)
mignonnette {f} :: miniature (bottle)
mignotta {f} [derogatory, vulgar slang] :: whore, hooker, slut
mignottocrazia {f} [neologism, derogatory] /miɲˌɲɔt.to.kratˈt͡si.a/ :: pornocracy (government by prostitutes)
migragna {f} /miˈɡraɲ.ɲa/ :: alternative form of micragna
migrante {v} :: present participle of migrare
migrante {adj} :: migrant
migrante {adj} :: migrating
migrare {vi} :: to migrate
migratore {adj} :: migratory
migratore {m} :: migrant
migratorio {adj} :: migratory
migrazione {f} :: migration
mihrab {m} [Islam] /miˈrab/ :: mihrab
Milan {prop} :: The AC Milan football team
milanese {adj} :: Of or relating to Milan (city in Italy) or its people; Milanese
milanese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Milan
Milanesi {prop} :: surname
milanesità {f} :: The typical character of someone from Milan
milanista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the A.C. Milan football club fans or its players
Milano {prop} :: Milano (capital city)
Milano {prop} :: Milano (metropolitan city)
Milano {prop} :: The letter M in the Italian phonetic alphabet
milazzese {adj} :: Of, or from, Milazzo
milazzese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Milazzo
milazziano {adj} :: Milazzian
milazziano {m} :: Milazzian
Milazzo {prop} :: Milazzo (town)
Milca {prop} [Biblical character] :: Milcah
Milca {prop} :: given name
Milena {prop} /miˈlɛ.na/ :: given name
milenso {adj} :: alternative form of melenso
miliardaria {f} :: female equivalent of miliardario
miliardario {m} :: billionaire
miliardesimo {adj} :: billionth
miliardesimo {m} :: billionth (fraction)
miliardesimo {m} :: billionth (one in billionth position)
miliardo {num} :: milliard, billion [British]
miliare {adj} :: mile (attributive)
miliare {adj} :: millet (attributive)
miliare {adj} :: Characterised by small blisters
miliario {m} :: milestone
milionaria {f} :: female equivalent of milionario
milionario {m} :: millionaire
milione {num} :: million
milionesimo {adj} :: millionth
milionesimo {m} :: millionth (fraction)
milionesimo {m} :: millionth (one in 1000,000th position)
militante {v} :: present participle of militare
militante {adj} :: militant
militante {mf} :: militant
militanza {f} :: militancy
militare {adj} :: military
militare {adj} :: army
militare {m} :: serviceman
militare {vi} :: To be a member of; to be
militare {vi} :: To serve
militarescamente {adv} :: militarily
militaresco {adj} :: military
militarismo {m} :: militarism
militarista {adj} :: militarist, militaristic
militarista {mf} :: militarist
militaristicamente {adv} :: militaristically
militaristico {adj} :: militaristic
militarizzante {v} :: present participle of militarizzare
militarizzare {vt} :: to militarize
militarizzato {adj} :: militarized
militarizzazione {f} :: militarization
militarmente {adv} :: militarily
militassolto {adj} :: Describes a person who has completed his national service
milite {m} [military] :: soldier, rank and file
militesente {adj} :: exempt from military service
militesenza {f} :: exemption from military service
milizia {f} :: militia
miliziano {m} :: militiaman
miliziano {m} :: militant
millanta {m} [jocular] :: a large amount
millantamento {m} :: boasting
millantamento {m} :: swagger
millantante {v} :: present participle of millantare
millantantesi {v} :: present participle of millantarsi
millantare {vt} :: To brag or boast about
millantarsi {vr} :: To brag or boast
millantarsi {v} :: To swagger
millantato {adj} :: boasted, vaunted
millantatore {m} :: boaster
millantatura {f} [rare] :: synonym of millanteria
millanteria {f} :: boasting, boastfulness
mille {adj} /ˈmi.lːe/ :: thousand
mille {num} :: thousand
millecento {adj} :: one thousand one hundred
millecento {num} :: one thousand one hundred
millecinquecento {adj} :: one thousand five hundred
millecinquecento {num} :: one thousand five hundred
millecuplicare {v} :: To multiply a thousandfold
millecuplo {adj} :: thousandfold
millecuplo {m} :: Something that is a thousandfold greater
milleduecento {adj} :: one thousand two hundred
milleduecento {num} :: one thousand two hundred
milleduecentosessanta {adj} :: one thousand two hundred and sixty
milleduecentosessanta {num} :: one thousand two hundred and sixty
millefoglie {mf} /ˌmil.leˈfɔʎ.ʎe/ :: mille-feuille, vanilla slice or cream slice
millefoglio {m} :: milfoil, yarrow
millenario {adj} :: millennial
millenario {adj} :: ancient, age-old
millenario {m} :: millennium
millenarismo {m} :: millenarianism
millenarista {mf} :: millenarianist
millenaristico {adj} :: millenarian
millenne {adj} [rare] /milˈlɛn.ne/ :: millenary, millenarian
millennio {m} :: millennium
millenovecento {adj} :: one thousand nine hundred
millenovecento {num} :: one thousand nine hundred
millenovecentonovanta {adj} :: One thousand nine hundred and ninety
millenovecentonovanta {num} :: One thousand nine hundred and ninety
millenovecentonovantasei {adj} :: One thousand nine hundred and ninety-six (1996)
millenovecentonovantasei {num} :: One thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
millenovecentottantaquattro {adj} :: one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four
millenovecentottantaquattro {n} :: one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four
milleottocento {adj} :: one thousand eight hundred
milleottocento {num} :: one thousand eight hundred
millepiedi {m} [arthropods] :: millipede
millequattrocento {adj} :: one thousand four hundred
millequattrocento {num} :: one thousand four hundred
millerighe {m} :: A fabric having many thin stripes
milleseicento {adj} :: one thousand six hundred
milleseicento {num} :: one thousand six hundred
millesettecento {adj} :: one thousand seven hundred
millesettecento {num} :: one thousand seven hundred
millesimale {adj} :: millesimal; thousand or thousandth (attributive)
millesimato {adj} :: Marked with the year of production
millesimo {adj} :: thousandth
millesimo {m} [ordinal numbers] :: thousandth
millesimo {m} :: year, date
millesimo {m} :: share
milletrecento {adj} :: one thousand three hundred
milletrecento {num} :: one thousand three hundred
milleuno {adj} :: one thousand and one
milleuno {num} :: one thousand and one
milleusi {adj} :: multi-purpose
milli- {prefix} :: milli- (multiplying the unit to which it is attached by 10-3)
milliampere {m} :: milliampere
milliamperometro {m} :: milliammeter
millibar {m} [meteorology] :: millibar
millicurie {m} :: millicurie
milligrammo {m} :: milligram
millilitro {m} :: millilitre / milliliter
millimetrante {v} :: present participle of millimetrare
millimetrare {vt} :: To divide, or mark out in millimetres
millimetrato {adj} :: millimetre (attributive); measured in millimetres
millimetrico {adj} :: millimetric
millimetrico {adj} :: extremely precise; pinpoint
millimetro {m} /milˈli.me.tro/ :: millimetre / millimeter (unit of measure)
millimetro di mercurio {m} [meteorology] :: millimeter of mercury
millimicron {m} :: millimicron
millimolare {adj} [chemistry] :: millimolar
millimole {f} :: millimole
millione {m} :: alternative form of milione
millisecondo {m} /mil.li.seˈkon.do/ :: millisecond
millivolt {m} :: millivolt
Milo {prop} :: Milo (island)
miloioideo {adj} [anatomy] :: mylohyoid
miloioideo {m} [muscle] :: mylohyoid muscle, mylohyoid
Milone {prop} :: given name
milonite {f} [mineralogy] :: mylonite
milord {m} :: lord, milord
milord {m} :: dandy (elegant man)
milordo {m} :: western whip snake, green whip snake (Hierophis viridiflavus)
miltoniano {adj} :: Miltonian
miluogo {m} [archaic or literary] /miˈlwɔ.ɡo/ :: middle, midpart
miluogo {m} :: milieu (social or cultural environment)
Milvio {prop} :: given name
milza {f} /ˈmil.t͡sa/ :: spleen
milzadella {f} :: spotted deadnettle (Lamium maculatum)
Milziade {prop} :: Miltiades
Milziade {prop} :: given name
mimabile {adj} :: mimable
mi manchi {phrase} [colloquial, singular] /mi ˈmaŋ.ki/ :: I miss you
mimante {v} :: present participle of mimare
mimare {vt} :: to mime, mimic
mimeografante {v} :: present participle of mimeografare
mimeografare {vt} :: To mimeograph
mimeografia {f} :: mimeography
mimesco {adj} :: mime, mimicry (attributive)
mimesi {f} :: mimesis
mimesia {f} :: mimesis
mimeticamente {adv} :: mimetically
mimetico {adj} :: mimetic
mimetismo {m} [biology, zoology] :: mimicry
mimetizzante {v} :: present participle of mimetizzare
mimetizzantesi {v} :: present participle of mimetizzarsi
mimetizzare {vt} :: to mimic
mimetizzare {vt} :: to camouflage
mimetizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of mimetizzare
mimetizzarsi {vr} :: to mimic
mimetizzarsi {vr} :: to camouflage oneself
mimetizzatosi {v} :: past participle of mimetizzarsi
mimetizzazione {f} [zoology, botany] :: mimicry
mimetizzazione {f} [military] :: camouflage
Mimi {prop} :: given name
Mimi {prop} :: given name
mimiambo {m} :: mimiamb
mimica {f} :: mime
mimica {f} :: mimicry
mimicamente {adv} :: mimically
mimicamente {adv} :: by the use of mime
mimico {adj} /ˈmi.mi.ko/ :: mime (attributive); miming
mimico {adj} [anatomy] :: mimic
mimmo {m} :: bimbo
Mimmo {prop} :: given name
mimo {m} :: mime
mimo {m} [pathology] :: mocking bird
mimo {m} [biology] :: mime, mimic
mimodramma {m} [music] :: pantomime (early form of drama) with music
mimografo {m} :: mimographer
mimosa {f} :: mimosa (plant and tree)
Mimun {prop} :: surname
Mimun {prop} :: Clemente Mimun, Italian journalist
mina {f} :: mine, land mine
mina {f} :: lead in pencils
mina {f} :: mine which produces ore
minaccevole {adj} :: threatening, menacing
minaccevolmente {adv} :: threateningly, menacingly
minaccia {f} :: threat, menace
minacciamento {m} [rare] :: threat, menace
minacciante {v} :: present participle of minacciare
minacciantesi {v} :: present participle of minacciarsi
minacciar {v} :: apocopic form of minacciare
minacciare {vt} :: to threaten, to menace
minacciarsi {vr} :: To threaten or menace
minacciatore {m} :: threatener
minacciatosi {v} :: past participle of minacciarsi
minacciosamente {adv} :: threateningly, menacingly
minaccioso {adj} :: threatening, menacing
minace {adj} [literary, archaic] :: synonym of minaccioso
minante {v} :: present participle of minare
minare {vt} :: to mine
minare {vt} :: to undermine
minareto {m} :: minaret
minatore {m} :: miner
minatorio {adj} :: threatening
minchia {f} [slang, vulgar, regional] /ˈminkja/ :: penis
minchia {interj} :: synonym of cazzo (interjection)
minchiata {f} [regional, vulgar] :: bullshit, crap
minchiona {f} :: idiot
minchionaggine {f} :: crap, shit
minchionante {v} :: present participle of minchionare
minchionare {vt} [vulgar] :: to mock (make a fool of)
minchionare {vt} [vulgar] :: to screw, cheat, swindle
minchionatore {m} :: mocker
minchionatore {m} :: swindler, cheat
minchionatorio {adj} :: mocking
minchionatura {f} :: mockery
minchione {adj} :: idiotic
minchione {m} :: idiot
minchioneria {f} :: idiocy, stupidity
Mincio {prop} :: Mincio (river)
mineralcorticoide {m} [biochemistry] :: mineralocorticoid
minerale {adj} :: mineral
minerale {m} :: mineral, ore
minerale {f} :: bottle of mineral water
minerale ferroso {m} [mineralogy] :: iron ore
mineralista {mf} :: mineralogist
mineralizzante {v} :: present participle of mineralizzare
mineralizzante {adj} :: mineralizing
mineralizzantesi {v} :: present participle of mineralizzarsi
mineralizzare {vt} :: to mineralize
mineralizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of mineralizzare
mineralizzarsi {vr} :: to become mineralized, mineralize
mineralizzatore {adj} :: mineralizing
mineralizzatosi {v} :: past participle of mineralizzarsi
mineralizzazione {f} [chemistry, geology] :: mineralization
mineralogia {f} :: mineralogy
mineralogico {adj} :: mineralogical
mineralogista {m} :: mineralogist
mineralogramma {m} :: mineralogram (analysis of minerals in hair and other tissue)
mineraloide {m} [mineralogy] :: mineraloid
mineralometria {f} :: mineralometry
minerariamente {adv} :: With respect to mining or minerals
minerario {adj} :: mining
minerario {adj} :: ore, mineral (attributive)
minerogenesi {f} [geology] :: minerogenesis
minerva {f} :: safety match
minestra {f} :: soup
minestra {f} :: pasta (boiled and eaten with a sauce)
minestra asciutta {f} :: pasta (boiled and eaten with a sauce)
minestraio {adj} :: Fond of soup
minestrello {m} :: alternative form of menestrello
minestrina {f} :: broth
minestrone {m} [usually uncountable] /mi.neˈstro.ne/ :: minestrone (thick Italian vegetable soup)
Mingardo {prop} :: Mingardo (small river)
mingente {v} :: present participle of mingere
mingere {vi} [rare] /ˈmin.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to urinate
mingherlina {f} :: female equivalent of mingherlino
mingherlino {adj} :: thin, skinny
mingherlino {m} [colloquial] :: shrimp (small person)
mini- {prefix} :: mini-
mini {f} :: miniskirt
miniabito {m} :: minidress
miniante {v} :: present participle of miniare
miniappartamento {m} :: A very small flat / apartment
miniare {vt} :: to illuminate [a document]
miniare {vt} :: to miniate
miniassegno {m} :: A small banker's draft (issued in the 1970s when there was a shortage of coinage)
Miniati {prop} :: surname
miniato {adj} :: illuminated
miniato {adj} :: miniated
Miniato {prop} :: given name
miniatore {m} :: illuminator [of manuscripts]
miniatore {m} :: miniaturist
miniatura {f} :: miniature [painting or model]
miniatura {f} [computing] :: thumbnail (a miniature preview of a larger image)
miniaturista {mf} :: miniaturist
miniaturistico {adj} :: miniature (attributive)
miniaturizzante {v} :: present participle of miniaturizzare
miniaturizzare {vt} :: to miniaturize
miniaturizzato {adj} :: miniaturized
miniaturizzazione {f} :: miniaturization
minibar {m} :: minibar
minibasket {m} :: mini-basketball
mini-Bot {m} :: A type of government security that would be equivalent to a currency unrelated to the Euro
minibus {m} :: minibus (small bus)
minicalcolatore {m} [computing] :: minicomputer
minicar {f} :: minicar
minicassetta {f} :: minicassette
mini-CD {m} :: mini CD
minicompromesso {m} :: Small (political) compromise
minicomputer {m} :: minicomputer
minidiscarica {f} :: fly-tip (pile of discarded rubbish)
minidisco {m} [computing] :: minidisc, minifloppy
minielaboratore {m} :: minicomputer
miniera {f} :: (place from which ore is extracted) mine
miniera d'oro {f} [also idiomatic] :: gold mine
minifurgone {m} :: minivan
minigolf {m} :: minigolf, miniature golf
minigonna {f} :: miniskirt
minigonna {f} :: minidress
minima {f} [music] :: minim, half-note
minima {f} :: minimum (temperature)
minimale {adj} :: minimal
minimale {m} :: minimum
minimalismo {m} :: minimalism
minimalista {adj} :: minimalist
minimalista {mf} :: minimalist
minimalistico {adj} :: minimalist
minimamente {adv} :: in the least, at all
minimare {v} :: alternative form of menomare
minimarket {m} :: minimarket
minimassimo {m} [mathematics] :: minimax
minimercato {m} :: A small, local supermarket
minimetro {m} :: An instrument used to measure very small thicknesses
minimezza {f} :: minimality
minimizzante {v} :: present participle of minimizzare
minimizzare {vt} :: to minimize, downplay, play down or make light of
minimizzazione {f} :: minimization
minimo {adj} /ˈmi.ni.mo/ :: superlative of piccolo
minimo {adj} :: (the) least, (the) smallest, (the) slightest, (the) lowest, minimum (attribute)
minimo {adj} :: very small, very little, tiny, very low, minimum
minimo {m} :: minimum, the least
minimo {m} [of an engine] :: idle speed
minimo comune multiplo {m} [maths] :: least common multiple
minimomassimo {m} :: alternative form of minimassimo
minimosca {m} [sports] :: light flyweight
minio {m} :: red lead
minipillola {f} [medicine] :: mini pill (contraceptive containing only progestin)
miniportatile {m} [computing] :: notebook (hand-held device)
miniriforma {f} :: small reform (that is part of a gradual process)
minisatellite {m} [genetics] :: minisatellite
miniserie {f} :: miniseries (for TV)
ministeriale {adj} :: ministerial, departmental
ministerialmente {adv} :: ministerially
ministero {m} :: ministry
ministra {f} :: feminine noun of ministro
ministrello {m} :: alternative form of menestrello
ministressa {f} :: ministress (female minister)
ministro {m} /miˈnistro/ :: minister
ministrucolo {m} :: A (political) minister generally thought to be of little talent or worth
minitalpa {f} :: A small-diameter mole (tunnel-digging device)
minitrincea {f} :: mini-trench
minivan {m} :: minivan
Minnesota {prop} /min.neˈzɔ.ta/ :: Minnesota (state)
minoico {adj} :: Minoan
minor {adj} :: apocopic form of minore
minoranza {f} :: minority
minorasco {m} [legal] :: inheritance by a younger son
minorativo {adj} :: minorative
minorato {adj} :: handicapped, disabled
minorato {adj} :: impaired
minorato {m} :: Handicapped or disabled person
minorazione {f} :: disablement
minorazione {f} :: handicap
minorazione {f} :: impairment
minore {adj} /mi.ˈno.re/ :: comparative of piccolo
minore {adj} :: less
minore {adj} :: shorter
minore {adj} :: lesser
minore {adj} :: lower
minore {adj} :: younger
minore {adj} :: minor (music)
minore {adj} :: superlative of piccolo
minore {adj} :: least
minore {adj} :: shortest
minore {adj} :: lowest
minore {adj} :: youngest
minore {mf} :: younger
minore {mf} :: youngest
minore {mf} :: minor (underage person)
minore {mf} [mathematics] :: minore
minorenne {adj} :: under age
minorenne {mf} :: minor
minorennità {f} [rare] :: minority (age)
minorile {adj} :: juvenile
minorità {f} :: minority (age)
minoritario {adj} :: minority [attributive]
minoritico {adj} :: minorities (attributive)
minormente {adv} :: less
Minòs {prop} :: medieval spelling of Minosse
minosse {m} :: A severe judge
Minosse {prop} :: Minos
Minotauro {prop} :: Minotaur
minturnese {adj} :: Of, or from, Minturno
minturnese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Minturno
Minturno {prop} :: Minturno (town)
minuendo {m} [mathematics] /minuˈɛndo/ :: minuend
minuente {v} :: present participle of minuire
minuetto {m} [music] :: minuet
minugia {f} :: gut, entrails
minugia {f} :: catgut
minuire {v} /mi.nuˈi.re/ :: synonym of diminuire
minuscola {f} :: Small (lowercase) letter
minuscolo {adj} /miˈnuskolo/ :: tiny, minuscule, minute
minuscolo {adj} :: small (letter), lowercase
minuscolo {m} :: lower case, minuscule
Minusio {prop} :: Minusio (small town)
minusvalenza {f} :: capital loss
minuta {f} :: draft
minutaggio {m} :: duration in minutes; minutes; timing (in minutes)
minutaglia {f} :: odds and ends, bits and pieces
minutaglia {f} :: whitebait (or similar small fish for frying)
minutame {m} :: alternative form of minutaglia
minutamente {adv} :: finely
minutamente {adv} :: meticulously, minutely
minutante {m} :: minute-taker
minutante {m} :: retailer
minutare {v} :: To draft (a contract etc.)
minutare {v} :: To plough (with narrow furrows)
minutare {v} :: To tear into small pieces
minutario {m} :: binder (typically for minutes of a meeting)
minutenza {f} [nautical] :: lanyard
minuteria {f} :: knick-knack, bric-a-brac
minuteria {f} [in the plural] :: movement (of a watch)
minuterie {fp} [plurale tantum] :: movement (of a watch)
minutezza {f} :: minuteness
minutezza {f} :: thoroughness
minutezza {f} :: scrupulous accuracy
minutiere {m} :: A person who makes or sells bric-a-brac
minutino {adj} :: slim, slender; skinny, puny
minutino {m} :: half a mo (short time interval)
minutissimo {adj} :: superlative of minuto
minutissimo {adj} :: very minute
minutissimo {adj} :: very fine, delicate or detailed
minuto {adj} :: tiny, minute, emaciated, thin
minuto {adj} :: fine, delicate, detailed
minuto {m} :: minute, moment (units of time)
minuzia {f} :: meticulousness
minuzia {f} :: detail
minuziosaggine {f} :: meticulousness
minuziosaggine {f} :: minuteness
minuziosaggine {f} :: detail, cavil
minuziosamente {adv} :: meticulously
minuziosamente {adv} :: carefully
minuziosità {f} :: meticulousness, attention to detail
minuzioso {adj} :: meticulous, said especially of people who are pedantic or overly scrupulous
minuzzaglia {f} :: small fry
minuzzaglia {f} :: scum, rabble, plebs
minuzzame {m} :: synonym of minuzzaglia
minuzzante {v} :: present participle of minuzzare
minuzzare {v} :: synonym of sminuzzare
minuzzo {m} :: Small piece; crumb, fragment
minuzzolo {m} :: scrap, bit, morsel
minzionale {adj} [medicine] :: urinary
minzione {f} [physiology] :: urination, micturition
mio- {prefix} :: myo-
mio {pron} [used attributively] /ˈmi.o/ :: my; of mine
mio {pron} [used predicatively] :: mine
mio {pron} [used substantively] :: mine; the thing belonging to me
mioblasto {m} :: myoblast
miocardia {f} :: systole
miocardico {adj} :: myocardial
miocardio {m} :: myocardium
miocardiocito {m} :: myocardiocyte
miocardiopatia {f} [pathology] :: cardiomyopathy
miocardiosi {f} :: myocardiosis, myocarditis
miocardite {f} [disease] :: myocarditis
miocele {m} :: myocele
miocellula {f} :: muscle cell
miocene {m} :: Miocene
miocenico {adj} :: Miocene (attributive)
miocita {m} [cytology] :: myocyte
miocito {m} :: alternative form of miocita
mioclonia {f} :: myoclonus
mioclonico {adj} :: myoclonic
mioclono {m} [medicine] :: myoclonus
miodesopsia {f} :: floater (in the eye)
miodistonia {f} :: myodystonia
miodistrofia {f} :: myodystrophy
miodistrofico {adj} :: myodystrophic
miofibrilla {f} :: myofibril
miofilamento {m} :: myofilament
miogenesi {f} :: myogenesis
miogeno {adj} :: myogenic
mioglobina {f} [biochemistry] :: myoglobin
miografia {f} :: myography
miografico {adj} :: myographic
miografo {m} :: myograph
miogramma {m} :: myogram
mioinositolo {m} [organic compound] :: myoinositol
miologia {f} :: myology
miologico {adj} :: myological
miologo {m} :: myologist
mioma {m} :: myoma
miomalacia {f} :: myelomalacia
miometrio {m} [anatomy] :: myometrium
miopatia {f} [pathology] :: myopathy
miopatico {adj} :: myopathic
miope {adj} :: myopic
miope {adj} :: short-sighted (all senses)
miope {mf} :: A myopic or short-sighted person
miopia {f} [pathology, optics] :: myopia
miopia {f} [pathology, optics] :: short-sightedness (all senses)
miopia {f} [pathology, optics] :: near-sightedness
miopico {adj} :: myopic, short-sighted
mioplastico {adj} [medicine] /mjoˈplas.ti.ko/ :: Pertaining to a muscle transplant
mioressi {f} :: alternative form of miorressi
mioressia {f} :: alternative form of miorressi
miorilassante {adj} :: muscle relaxing
miorilassante {m} [pharmacology] :: muscle relaxant
miorressi {f} :: myorrhexis
miosclerosi {f} :: myosclerosis
miosi {f} [physiology, pathology] :: miosis
miosina {f} [protein] :: myosin
miosinico {adj} :: myosinic
miosite {f} [pathology] :: myositis
miosotide {f} :: forget-me-not (of genus Myosotis)
miospasia {f} :: myospasm
miotatico {adj} :: myotatic
miotico {adj} [physiology, pathology] :: miotic
miotonia {f} :: myotonia
miotonico {adj} :: myotonic
mira {f} :: aim
mira {f} :: sight
mira {f} [figuratively] :: aim, goal, purpose, design, objective, purport
mira {f} [surveying] :: stadia, level staff
Mira {prop} :: Mira (village)
mirabella {f} :: mirabelle (fruit)
mirabile {adj} /miˈra.bi.le/ :: admirable
mirabile {adj} :: wonderful
mirabilità {f} :: admirableness
mirabilità {f} :: wonderfulness
mirabilmente {adv} :: admirably, wonderfully
mirabolano {m} :: mirabelle (plant)
mirabolante {adj} :: astonishing, amazing
Mirach {prop} [star] :: Mirach (the second brightest star in the constellation of Andromeda)
miracolaio {m} :: miracle worker
miracolante {v} :: present participle of miracolare
miracolare {vt} :: To cure or heal using a miracle
miracolato {m} :: A person who has been miraculously cured
miracolismo {m} :: utopianism
miracolista {mf} :: utopian
miracolistico {adj} :: utopian
miracolo {m} :: miracle
miracolo {m} :: marvel, wonder
miracolone {m} :: alternative form of miracolaio
miracolosamente {adv} :: miraculously
miracolosità {f} :: miraculousness
miracoloso {adj} :: miraculous
miracoloso {adj} :: prodigious
miraggio {m} :: mirage
miraglio {m} [nautical] :: topmark (on a buoy)
mirallegro {m} :: congratulations
Miramolino {prop} :: Miramolin (Arabic Caliph)
mirandese {adj} :: Mirandese
mirandese {m} :: Mirandese (language)
mirando {adj} [literary] :: admirable
Mirandola {prop} :: Mirandola (town)
mirandolese {adj} :: Of or from Mirandola
Miranese {prop} :: The central area of the province of Venice, Italy
Mirano {prop} :: Mirano (town)
mirante {v} :: present participle of mirare
mirare {vi} [takes avere as auxiliary] :: to aim, to take aim, to sight, to point
mirare {vt} :: [literary] to admire, to gaze, to contemplate, to stare
mirasole {m} :: synonym of girasole
mirasole {m} :: A silver coin from Mantua showing a Gonzaga with a radiant sun
mirato {adj} :: targeted, aimed at, timed, pointed, selected
miratore {m} :: shooter, marksman
Mirfak {prop} :: Mirfak, the brightest star in the constellation of Perseus
miria- {prefix} :: myria-
miriade {f} :: myriad
miriagrammo {m} :: myriagram / myriagramme
miriametro {m} :: myriametre / myriameter
miriapode {m} :: myriapod
mirica {f} :: myrica, bayberry
mirino {m} :: a sight, scope (on a weapon)
mirino {m} :: a viewfinder (on a camera)
mirino {m} :: [also figuratively] reticle, crosshairs
miristica {f} :: nutmeg tree
miristico {adj} :: myristic
miristilazione {f} [biochemistry] :: myristoylation
mirmeco- {prefix} :: myrmeco-
mirmecofago {adj} :: myrmecophagous
mirmecofilia {f} :: myrmecophily
mirmecofilo {adj} [biology] :: myrmecophilous
mirmecologia {f} [zoology] :: myrmecology
mirmecologico {adj} :: myrmecological
mirmecologo {m} :: myrmecologist
mirmidone {mf} :: Myrmidon
mirmillone {m} /mir.milˈlo.ne/ :: mirmillo (kind of gladiator)
miroblita {mf} :: myroblyte
miroblita {adj} :: myroblyte
mirobolano {m} :: alternative form of mirabolano
Mirone {prop} :: Myron
mirra {f} :: myrrh
Mirra {prop} :: Myrrha
mirrare {v} :: To mix with myrrh
mirrare {v} [figuratively] :: To immortalise
mirride {f} :: cicely (Myrrhis odorata)
mirteo {adj} :: myrtle (attributive)
mirteto {m} :: common myrtle grove
mirteto {m} :: myrtle grove
mirtillo {m} :: bilberry, whortleberry, blueberry, bearberry, cranberry, lingonberry, cowberry, huckleberry; a plant of the genus Vaccinium
mirtillo {m} :: a fruit of a plant of the genus Vaccinium
mirto {m} :: common myrtle (Myrtus communis)
mirto {m} :: myrtle (plant of the genus Myrtus)
mirtolo {m} :: essential oil of myrtle
Mirzam {prop} :: Beta Canis Majoris, the fourth-brightest star in the constellation Canis Major
mis- {prefix} /mis/ :: Used to express negation; not, un-
mis- {prefix} :: Used to form pejoratives
mi sa {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: I guess, I suppose
Misa {prop} :: Misa (river)
Misaele {prop} :: given name
misandria {f} [psychology] :: misandry
misantropa {f} :: female equivalent of misantropo
misantropia {f} :: misanthropy
misantropicamente {adv} :: misanthropically
misantropico {adj} :: misanthropic, misanthropical
misantropo {adj} /miˈzantropo/ :: misanthropic, misanthropical
misantropo {m} :: misanthrope, misanthropist
Miscano {prop} :: Miscano (river)
miscanto {m} :: miscanthus
miscea {f} :: trifle, bauble
miscela {f} /miʃˈʃɛla/ :: mixture
miscela {f} :: blend
miscela {f} :: mixture of petrol and oil for two-stroke engines
miscelabile {adj} :: mixable, miscible
miscelamento {m} :: mixing (of fluids)
miscelante {v} :: present participle of miscelare
miscelare {vt} :: to mix, mingle, dub, remix
miscelare {vt} :: to blend
miscelatore {adj} :: mixing, blending
miscelatore {m} :: mixer, blender
miscelatore {m} :: mixer tap
miscelatura {f} :: mixing
miscelatura {f} :: blending
miscelazione {f} :: mixing
miscellanea {f} :: miscellany
miscellaneo {adj} :: miscellaneous
mischia {f} :: brawl, scuffle
mischia {f} [rugby] :: scrum, scrummage
mischiamento {m} :: mixing, mix
mischiamento {m} :: blending, blend
mischiante {v} :: present participle of mischiare
mischiantesi {v} :: present participle of mischiarsi
mischiar {v} :: apocopic form of mischiare
mischiare {vt} :: to mix, blend
mischiare {vt} [card games] :: to shuffle
mischiarsi {v} :: reflexive of mischiare
mischiarsi {v} [of liquids] :: to mix, blend
mischiarsi {v} [of people] :: to mingle
mischiato {adj} :: mixed, blended
mischiato {adj} :: shuffled (playing cards)
mischiatosi {v} :: past participle of mischiarsi
miscibile {adj} [physics] :: miscible
miscibilità {f} [physics] :: miscibility
miscidare {v} :: To mix
misconoscente {v} :: present participle of misconoscere
misconoscere {vt} :: To fail to appreciate; to disregard
misconoscimento {m} :: disregard
miscredente {v} /mis.kreˈdɛn.te/ :: present participle of miscredere
miscredente {adj} :: misbelieving
miscredente {adj} :: unbelieving
miscredente {mf} :: misbeliever
miscredente {mf} :: unbeliever
miscredenza {f} :: misbelief, unbelief
miscredere {v} /misˈkre.de.re/ :: to not believe; to disbelieve, especially religious matters
miscuglio {m} :: mixture
miscuglio {m} :: medley
miscuglio {m} :: hodgepodge
mi scusi {interj} :: sorry
miserabile {adj} [literary] /mi.zeˈra.bi.le/ :: Worthy of pity or compassion
miserabile {adj} :: Pitiful due to poverty, squalor or desolation
miserabile {adj} :: miserable, poor, destitute
miserabile {adj} [by extension] :: dirty, squalid
miserabile {adj} [derogatory] :: wretched, contemptible, despicable
miserabile {adj} :: meager, paltry, worthless
miserabile {mf} [derogatory] :: wretch
miserabilità {f} :: miserableness
miserabilmente {adv} :: miserably
miseramente {adv} /mizeraˈmente/ :: miserably, wretchedly, pitifully
miserando {adj} :: pitiful
miserevole {adj} :: pitiful, wretched, miserable
miserevolmente {adv} :: miserably
miseria {f} /miˈzɛ.rja/ :: poverty
miseria {f} [often, in the plural] :: trouble, evil, suffering
miseria {f} :: pittance, trifle
miseria {f} [botany] :: tradescantia
misericordia {f} :: pity, mercy
misericordia {f} :: misericord (medieval dagger)
misericordiosamente {adv} :: mercifully
misericordioso {adj} :: merciful
miserino {adj} :: scanty
miserione {m} :: miseryguts
misero {adj} /ˈmi.ze.ro/ :: bleak, miserable, unhappy, wretched
misero {adj} [by extension, of a person] :: destitute, indigent, poor
misero {adj} [by extension, of a place] :: poor, underdeveloped
misero {adj} :: inadequate, insufficient, meager
misero {adj} :: contemptible, despicable, miserable, sleazy
misero {adj} [archaic] :: avaricious, covetous, stingy, ungenerous
miserrimo {adj} /miˈzɛr.ri.mo/ :: superlative of misero
misfacente {v} :: present participle of misfare
misfare {vi} [obsolete] :: to do harm
misfatto {m} :: misdeed
misfatto {m} :: crime
misirizzi {m} :: roly-poly, wobbly man (toy that rights itself when pushed over)
misleale {adj} :: unfair, unfaithful
misleale {adj} :: false, falsified
Mismar {prop} :: The Arabic name for the pole star
miso- {prefix} :: miso-
miso {m} :: miso
misofobia {f} :: mysophobia
misofobo {m} :: mysophobe
misofobo {adj} :: mysophobic
misogamia {f} :: misogamy
misogamo {adj} :: misogamous
misoginia {f} /mi.zo.d͡ʒiˈni.a/ :: misogyny
misoginismo {m} :: synonym of misoginia
misogino {adj} :: misogynistic, misogynist, misogynic, misogynous
misogino {m} :: misogynist
misolidio {adj} [music] :: Mixolydian
misologia {f} :: misology
misoneismo {m} :: misoneism
misoneista {mf} :: misoneist
misoneistico {adj} :: misoneistic
misprendente {v} :: present participle of misprendere
misprendere {vi} :: [obsolete] To err
missaggio {m} :: mixing (film & TV technique)
missante {v} :: present participle of missare
missare {vt} :: To mix (film, TV, records)
missile {m} :: missile
missile {adj} :: missile (attributive)
missilistica {f} :: rocketry, rocket science
missilistico {adj} :: missile (attributive)
missina {f} :: hagfish
missino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Movimento Sociale Italiano
missino {m} :: Member of the Movimento Sociale Italiano
missiologia {f} [religion] :: missiology
missionario {adj} :: missionary (attributive)
missionario {m} :: missionary
missione {f} :: mission
missionologia {f} :: missionology, missiology
Mississippi {prop} :: Mississippi (river)
Mississippi {prop} :: Mississippi (state)
missiva {f} :: missive
missoltino {m} :: A sun-dried, salted shad from the Como region
Missoni {prop} :: surname
Missoni {prop} :: Ottavio Missoni, Italian designer
missorio {m} {m} :: missorium
Missouri {prop} /misˈsu.ri/ :: Missouri (river)
Missouri {prop} :: Missouri (state)
mistagogia {f} :: mystagogy
mistagogico {adj} :: mystagogic
mistagogo {m} [Ancient Greece] /mis.taˈɡɔ.ɡo/ :: mystagogue
mistagogo {m} [by extension, literary] :: One who is considered a role model due to their wisdom
mistagogo {m} [pejorative] :: demagogue
mistamente {adv} :: mixedly
mistamente {adv} :: promiscuously
mistella {f} :: mistelle
mister {m} :: mister (appellation)
mister {m} [football] :: coach (trainer)
misterico {adj} :: mystery (religious, attributive)
misteriosamente {adv} :: mysteriously
misteriosità {f} :: mysteriousness
misterioso {adj} :: mysterious, secret, enigmatic, puzzling
misteriosofia {f} :: mysteriosophy
misteriosofico {adj} :: mysteriosophic
mistero {m} :: mystery, enigma, secret, puzzle
mistica {f} :: mysticism
mistica {f} :: dogma
misticamente {adv} :: mystically
misticanza {f} :: mesclun
misticanza {f} :: mixture of wild greens
misticheggiante {adj} :: tending to mysticism
misticheggiare {vi} :: To have a propensity for mysticism
misticheria {f} :: Inferior mysticism
misticismo {m} :: mysticism
misticità {f} :: mysticalness
mistico {adj} :: mystical
mistico {m} :: mystic
misticume {m} :: second-rate mysticism
mistificante {v} :: present participle of mistificare
mistificare {vt} :: to fool, bamboozle
mistificare {vt} :: to falsify
mistificatore {adj} :: mystifying
mistificatore {m} :: A person who distorts facts
mistificatore {m} :: pretender
mistificatoriamente {adv} :: mystifyingly
mistificatorio {adj} :: mystifying
mistificazione {m} :: falsification
mistificazione {m} :: hoaxing
mistilineo {adj} [geometry] :: mixtilinear
mistilingue {adj} :: multilingual (especially, that speaks a mixture of languages)
mistilinguismo {m} :: multilingualism
misto {adj} :: mixed
misto {m} :: mixture
misto {m} :: medley
mistolana {f} :: A mixture of woollen fibres, or a fabric made from such a mixture
mistrà {m} /misˈtra/ :: A spirit made by distilling vino cotto
mistura {f} :: mixture
mistura {f} :: concoction
misturante {v} :: present participle of misturare
misturare {vt} :: to mix, blend
misturare {vt} :: to adulterate
misunderstanding {m} [colloquial, neologism] /mi.zan.derˈstɛn.diŋɡ/ :: misunderstanding, misconception, incomprehension
misura {f} :: measure, measurement
misura {f} :: size (of garment)
misura {f} :: moderation
misura {f} :: beat (music)
misurabile {adj} :: measurable
misurabile {adj} :: definable (mathematically)
misurabilità {f} :: measurability
misuracavi {m} [nautical] :: A device used to measure the thickness of ropes
misuraflusso {m} :: tide gauge
misuramento {m} :: synonym of misurazione
misurante {v} :: present participle of misurare
misurantesi {v} :: present participle of misurarsi
misurapioggia {m} :: rain gauge
misura precautelare {f} :: A provisional measure relating to a citizen's arrest provided by Title VI of Book V of the Italian criminal code
misurare {vt} :: to measure, to measure out, to measure off, to gauge, to survey
misurare {vt} :: to value, to estimate, to appraise, to gauge
misurare {vt} :: (of clothes) to try on
misurare {vi} :: to measure; to be long, wide, etc.
misurarsi {v} :: reflexive of misurare
misurarsi {vr} :: to compete (with), measure one's strength with
misurarsi {vr} :: to limit oneself, limit, restrain oneself
Misurata {prop} :: Misurata (capital city)
Misurata {prop} :: Misurata (district)
misuratamente {adv} :: measuredly, moderately
misuratezza {f} :: moderation
misurato {adj} :: measured
misurato {adj} :: cautious
misurato {adj} :: moderate
misuratore {m} :: gauge (instrument)
misuratore {m} :: surveyor
misuratosi {v} :: past participle of misurarsi
misuratura {f} [uncommon] :: synonym of misurazione
misurazione {f} :: measuring, measurement
misurazione {f} :: surveying
misurino {m} :: measure, measuring cup
mite {adj} /ˈmi.te/ :: mild
mite {adj} :: moderate (price)
mite {adj} :: balmy, mild (climate)
mite {adj} :: meek (animal)
mitemente {adv} :: mildly
mitemente {adv} :: moderately
mitemente {adv} :: balmily
mitemente {adv} :: meekly
mitena {f} /miˈtɛ.na/ :: mitten (garment)
mitezza {f} :: mildness
mitezza {f} :: meekness
mitezza {f} :: leniency
miticamente {adv} :: mythically
miticità {f} :: mythical character
miticizzante {v} :: present participle of miticizzare
miticizzare {vt} :: to mythicize
miticizzazione {f} :: mythicization
mitico {adj} :: mythical; legendary
mitico {adj} :: legendary; awesome
mitigabile {adj} :: That can be mitigated, mitigable
mitigamento {m} :: synonym of mitigazione
mitigante {v} :: present participle of mitigare
mitigante {adj} :: mitigating
mitigante {adj} :: soothing
mitigantesi {v} :: present participle of mitigarsi
mitigare {vt} :: to mitigate
mitigare {vt} :: to soothe, relieve
mitigarsi {v} :: reflexive of mitigare
mitigarsi {v} :: to lessen, mitigate
mitigarsi {v} :: to become milder
mitigativo {adj} :: mitigative
mitigato {adj} :: mitigated
mitigatore {adj} :: mitigatory, mitigating
mitigatosi {v} :: past participle of mitigarsi
mitigazione {f} :: mitigation
mitilicoltore {m} :: mussel grower
mitilicoltura {f} :: mussel growing
mitilo {m} [ichthyology] /ˈmi.ti.lo/ :: mussel
mitizzante {v} :: present participle of mitizzare
mitizzare {vi} /mitiˈd͡ːzare/ :: to create a myth
mitizzare {vt} :: to mythicize
mitizzazione {f} /mitid͡ːzaˈt͡sjone/ :: mythicization
mito {m} :: myth
mitocondriale {adj} :: mitochondrial
mitocondrio {m} :: mitochondrion
mitogeno {adj} [genetics] :: mitogenic
mitografia {f} :: mythography
mitografico {adj} :: mythographic
mitografo {m} :: mythographer
mitologema {f} :: mythologem
mitologia {f} :: mythology
mitologicamente {adv} :: mythologically
mitologico {adj} :: mythological, mythologic
mitologista {mf} :: mythologist
mitologo {m} :: mythologist
mitomane {m} :: mythomaniac
mitomania {f} :: mythomania
mitopoiesi {f} :: mythopoeia, mythopoiesis
mitopoietico {adj} :: mythopoietic, mythopoetic
mitosi {f} [cytology] :: mitosis
mitospora {f} [botany] :: mitospore
mitostorico {adj} :: mythohistorical
mitotico {adj} :: mitotic
mitra {f} :: mitre (covering for the head worn by church dignitaries)
mitra {f} :: cowl (chimney covering)
mitra {f} [historical] :: band of cloth, leather, or metal girdled by ancient Greek warriors for protective purposes
mitra {f} :: hairband; hair tie
mitra {f} :: ribbon used to keep a tiara in place
mitra {m} :: submachine gun, Tommy gun
mitra {m} :: parson's nose
mitra {m} :: type of head injury bandage protection
Mitra {prop} :: Mithras
mitraglia {f} :: machine gun
mitraglia {f} :: grapeshot
mitragliamento {m} :: machine-gun fire
mitragliamento {m} :: bombardment (of questions etc)
mitragliante {v} :: present participle of mitragliare
mitragliare {vt} :: to machine gun, rake
mitragliare {vt} :: to strafe
mitragliare {vt} :: to fire or bombard questions at
mitragliatore {m} :: machine-gunner
mitragliatore {m} :: light machine gun
mitragliatrice {f} :: machine gun
mitragliera {f} :: heavy machine gun
mitragliere {m} :: machine gunner
mitraglietta {f} :: machine pistol
mitraico {adj} :: Mithraic
mitraismo {m} :: Mithraism
mitrale {adj} :: mitral
mitralico {adj} :: mitralic
mitrante {v} :: present participle of mitrare
mitrare {vt} :: To mitre (a bishop)
mitrato {adj} :: mitred
mitrato {m} :: prelate, bishop
mitreo {m} :: Mithraeum
mitria {f} :: alternative form of mitra
mitriaco {adj} :: Mithraic
Mitridate {prop} :: Mithridates
mitridatico {adj} :: mithridatic
mitridatismo {m} :: mithridatism
mitridatizzare {vt} :: To mithridatize
mitridatizzazione {f} :: mithridatization
mitteleuropeo {adj} :: Central European
mittena {f} /mitˈtɛ.na/ :: alternative form of mitena
mittente {mf} :: sender (of a letter etc.)
mixaggio {m} :: alternative form of missaggio
mixante {v} :: present participle of mixare
mixare {v} :: to mix, to blend
mixedema {m} [pathology] :: myxoedema, myxedema
mixedematoso {adj} :: myxedematous
mixeraggio {m} :: alternative form of mixaggio
mixofobia {f} :: myxophobia
mixoma {m} [pathology] :: myxoma
mixomatosi {f} :: myxomatosis
mixomicete {m} :: myxomycete
mixorrea {f} :: myxorrhea
mixosarcoma {m} [pathology] :: myxosarcoma
mixoscopia {f} :: mixoscopy
miyagawa {m} /mi.jaˈɡa.wa/ :: satsuma (seedless cultivar of tangerine, Citrus unshiu)
Mizar {prop} :: Mizar, a binary star in the constellation of Ursa Major
MM {n} :: initialism of Marina Militare
mnemonica {f} :: mnemonics
mnemonicamente {adv} :: mnemonically
mnemonico {adj} :: mnemonic
mnemonico {adj} :: mechanical, rote
mnemonismo {m} :: rote learning
Mnemosine {prop} [Greek god] :: Mnemosyne (the titaness of memory)
mnemotecnica {f} :: mnemonics
mnemotecnico {adj} :: mnemonic
mnesico {adj} :: mnemic
mo' {adv} [regional] :: now
mo' {n} :: only in a mo' di
mo {adv} :: alternative spelling of mo'
moabita {mf} :: Moabite
moabitico {adj} :: Moabite
mobbing {m} :: bullying, mobbing (aggressive behaviour of animals or people)
mobbizzare {v} :: To mob (bully)
mobbizzato {adj} :: mobbed (bullied)
mobiglia {f} :: alternative form of mobilia
mobile {adj} /ˈmɔ.bi.le/ :: movable, mobile
mobile {adj} :: moving
mobile {m} [in the singular] :: piece of furniture (item of furniture)
mobile {m} [in the plural] :: furniture
mobile {m} [heraldry] :: charge
mobile {m} :: mobile (cellular phone)
mobiletto {m} :: Small piece of furniture, especially built-in
mobilia {f} :: furniture
mobiliante {v} :: present participle of mobiliare
mobiliare {adj} [legal] :: personal, movable
mobiliare {vt} :: to furnish
mobiliato {adj} :: furnished
mobiliatura {f} :: All the furniture of a room or house, collectively
mobiliere {m} :: furniture maker or seller
mobilificio {m} :: furniture manufacturer, furniture factory
mobilio {m} [furniture] :: furniture
mobilismo {m} :: mobilism
mobilissimo {adj} :: superlative of mobile
mobilità {f} :: mobility
mobilitabile {adj} :: mobilizable
mobilitante {v} :: present participle of mobilitare
mobilitantesi {v} :: present participle of mobilitarsi
mobilitare {vt} :: to mobilize
mobilitare {vt} :: to rouse
mobilitarsi {v} :: reflexive of mobilitare
mobilitarsi {v} :: to mobilize
mobilitarsi {v} :: to rally
mobilitatosi {v} :: past participle of mobilitarsi
mobilitazione {f} :: mobilization
mobilizzante {v} :: present participle of mobilizzare
mobilizzare {vt} :: to mobilize
mobilizzazione {f} :: mobilization
mobilmente {adv} :: movably
moca {mf} :: alternative spelling of moka
mocaiardo {m} /mo.kaˈjar.do/ :: mohair
mocaiarro {m} /mo.kaˈjar.ro/ :: alternative form of mocaiardo
mocassino {m} :: moccasin
Moccia {prop} :: surname
moccicante {v} :: present participle of moccicare
moccicare {vi} :: to run [of the nose]
moccicare {vi} :: to snivel, whine
moccichino {m} :: hanky
moccichino {m} :: snotty child (Feminine: moccichina)
moccicone {m} :: cep
moccicoso {adj} :: snotty, snotty-nosed
moccio {m} :: snot
moccione {adj} :: snotty-nosed
mocciosa {f} :: female equivalent of moccioso
moccioso {adj} :: snotty
moccioso {adj} :: snotty-nosed
moccioso {m} [pejorative slang] :: brat, a spoiled, obnoxious or arrogant child
moccioso {m} [by extension] :: toddler
moccolaia {f} :: The dripping of wax from a candle
moccoletto {m} :: A short candle
moccoletto {m} [especially in plural] :: A game in which people try to extinguish other players' candles while keeping their own alight
moccolo {m} :: candle-end; top part of a wick
moccolo {m} :: snot
moccolone {m} :: alternative form of moccioso
moccoloso {adj} :: synonym of moccioso
Mocenigo {prop} :: surname
Mocenigo {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
mocheno {adj} :: Mòcheno (atributive)
mocheno {m} :: Mòcheno (person), (language - singular only)
mochetta {f} :: fitted carpet, moquette
mochi {mp} /ˈmɔ.ki/ :: bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia)
mochi {mp} :: synonym of cicerchia
moco {m} /ˈmɔ.ko/ :: synonym of mochi
moco {m} [figurative, archaic] :: trifle, nothing
moco {m} :: rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris)
moda {f} :: fashion, trend, style, vogue
moda {f} :: fashion (industry)
moda {f} :: craze, custom
moda {f} [statistics] :: mode
modacrilica {f} :: modacrylic
modaiolo {adj} :: trendy
modaiolo {adj} :: fashionable
modale {adj} :: modal
modalismo {m} :: modalism
modaliste {adj} :: modalist
modalità {f} :: formality
modalità {f} :: modality
Modana {prop} :: Modane
modanante {v} :: present participle of modanare
modanare {vt} :: To decorate with mouldings
modanatore {m} :: moulder (person)
modanatura {f} :: moulding (architectural)
modella {f} :: model, fashion model, runway model, mannequin
modellabile {adj} :: pliable
modellabile {adj} :: That can be modelled; mouldable
modellabilità {f} :: Property of being mouldable, mouldability
modellamento {m} :: modelling, shaping, moulding (process)
modellante {v} :: present participle of modellare
modellantesi {v} :: present participle of modellarsi
modellare {vt} :: to model, to mould, to shape, to fashion
modellarsi {vr} :: to model oneself
modellatore {m} :: modeller
modellatore {m} :: corset
modellatore {m} [metallurgy] :: caster, founder
modellatosi {v} :: past participle of modellarsi
modellatura {f} :: modelling, moulding
modellazione {f} :: modeling
modellino {m} :: model (small-scale replica)
modellismo {m} :: model-making; model building (hobby)
modellista {mf} :: designer (fashion)
modellistica {f} :: model-making (technical)
modellistica {f} :: modelling (mathematical and scientific)
modellistico {adj} :: model (attributive)
modellistico {adj} :: modellistic
modellizzabile {adj} :: modelable
modellizzante {v} :: present participle of modellizzare
modellizzare {vt} :: [mathematics] to model
modellizzazione {f} [mathematics] :: modelling
modello {m} :: model
modello {m} :: mould, mold
modello {m} :: pattern
modello {m} [fashion] :: (male) model
modello {m} :: blueprint
modello {m} :: mockup
modello {m} :: template
modello di comportamento {m} :: role model
Modena {prop} /ˈmɔ.de.na/ :: Modena (province)
Modena {prop} :: Modena (city)
Modena {prop} :: surname
modenese {adj} :: Modenese (of or pertaining to Modena)
modenese {mf} :: Modenese (native or inhabitant of Modena)
modenese {mf} :: Modenese (dialect of Modena)
moderabile {adj} :: That can be moderated
moderamento {m} :: moderation
moderante {v} :: present participle of moderare
moderantesi {v} :: present participle of moderarsi
moderantismo {m} :: moderantism
moderare {vt} :: to moderate, curb
moderarsi {v} :: reflexive of moderare
moderarsi {v} :: to restrain oneself, limit oneself
moderarsi {v} :: to control oneself
moderarsi {v} :: to cut down [on one's drinking or smoking, etc.]
moderatamente {adv} :: moderately
moderatezza {f} :: moderation
moderatismo {m} :: moderatism
moderativo {adj} :: moderative, moderating
moderato {adj} :: moderate
moderato {adj} :: restrained, controlled
moderatore {m} :: moderator (all senses)
moderatosi {v} :: past participle of moderarsi
moderatrice {f} :: female equivalent of moderatore
moderazione {f} :: moderation, restraint
modernamente {adv} :: modernly (in the modern manner)
modernamente {adv} :: these days (in modern times)
modernariato {m} :: modern antiques (a collection of, or the collecting of)
modernismo {m} :: modernism
modernissimo {adj} :: superlative of moderno
modernisticamente {adv} :: in a modernist manner, modernistically
modernistico {adj} :: modernist, modernistic
modernità {f} :: modernity
modernizzante {v} :: present participle of modernizzare
modernizzantesi {v} :: present participle of modernizzarsi
modernizzare {vt} :: to modernize, update
modernizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of modernizzare
modernizzarsi {v} :: to modernize
modernizzatore {m} :: modernizer
modernizzatosi {v} :: past participle of modernizzarsi
modernizzazione {f} :: modernization
moderno {adj} :: modern
modestamente {adv} :: modestly, simply
modestamente {adv} [colloquial] :: not to sound boastful, in all modesty
modestia {f} :: modesty
modestissimo {adj} :: superlative of modesto
modestissimo {adj} :: very humble (opinion)
modestissimo {adj} :: very modest, very unassuming
modestissimo {adj} :: very small
modesto {adj} :: modest, unpretentious, plain, unassuming, reserved, humble
modesto {adj} :: small, slight, scant
Modesto {prop} :: given name
Modiano {prop} :: surname
Modiano {prop} :: Sami Modiano, Italian writer
Modica {prop} :: Modica (town)
modicamente {adv} :: modestly, moderately, reasonably
modicano {adj} :: Of, or from, Modica
modicano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Modica
modicità {f} :: lowness, moderateness
modico {adj} :: low, modest, moderate, reasonable
modifica {f} :: adjustment
modifica {f} :: alteration
modifica {f} :: modification
modificabile {adj} :: modifiable, adjustable
modificabilità {f} :: modifiability
modificante {v} :: present participle of modificare
modificante {adj} :: modifying
modificantesi {v} :: present participle of modificarsi
modificare {vt} :: to modify, alter
modificarsi {v} :: reflexive of modificare
modificarsi {v} :: to modify or alter oneself
modificativo {adj} :: modifying
modificato {adj} :: modified
modificato {adj} [of an engine] :: souped-up
modificatore {adj} :: modifying
modificatore {m} :: modifier
modificatosi {v} :: past participle of modificarsi
modificazione {f} :: adjustment
modificazione {f} :: alteration
modificazione {f} :: modification
modiglianesco {adj} :: Modiglianesque
Modigliani {prop} :: surname
Modigliani {prop} :: Amedeo Modigliani, Italian painter and sculptor
modiglione {m} [architecture] :: corbel, modillion, truss
modio {m} :: modius, a kind of headdress
modiolo {m} [skeleton] :: columella, modiolus
modismo {m} [linguistics] :: a short-lived neologism; a hot word
modista {f} [fashion] :: milliner
modista {f} [fashion] :: hatmaker
modista {f} [fashion] :: hatter
modisteria {f} :: millinery
modisteria {f} :: milliner's (shop)
modo {m} /ˈmɔ.do/ :: manner, way
modo {m} [grammar] :: mood
modo {m} [music] :: style, manner
modo di dire {m} :: adage, saying, saw
modo di dire {m} :: turn of phrase
Modone {prop} :: Modone (village)
Modugno {prop} :: Modugno (town)
Modugno {prop} :: surname
Modugno {prop} :: Domenico Modugno, Italian singer
modulabile {adj} :: modular (of furniture etc that has standard dimensions so can be fitted together)
modulabilità {f} :: modularity
modulante {v} :: present participle of modulare
modulante {adj} :: modulating
modulare {v} :: to modulate
modulare {adj} :: modular
modulario {m} :: set of forms or modules
modularità {f} :: modularity
modulatamente {adv} :: in a modulated manner
modulato {adj} :: modulated
modulatore {adj} :: modulating, modulation (attributive)
modulatore {m} :: modulator
modulazione {f} :: modulation
modulazione di ampiezza {f} :: amplitude modulation
modulistica {f} :: forms (collectively)
modulo {m} :: form
modulo {m} :: unit, module
modulo {m} [mathematics, physics] :: modulus
modulo {m} [astronomy] :: module
modulo {m} [soccer] :: formation
modulo di elasticità {m} [physics] :: modulus of elasticity, elastic modulus
modulo di Poisson {m} :: synonym of coefficiente di Poisson
modulo di Young {m} :: Young's modulus
modus operandi {n} :: modus operandi
moerro {m} /mo.ˈɛr.ro/ :: alternative form of amoerro
Moesa {prop} :: Moesa (river)
moesorumeno {adj} :: Moesian-Romanian
mofeta {f} :: mofetta
mofetico {adj} :: mephitic
moffetta {f} :: skunk
Mogadiscio {prop} :: Mogadiscio (capital city)
mogano {m} :: mahogany
moggiata {f} :: The area of land on which a bushel of wheat is sown
Moggigate {prop} :: synonym of Calciopoli
moggio {m} :: bushel
Mogherini {prop} /moɡeˈriːni/ :: surname Mogherini
mogigrafia {f} :: synonym of grafospasmo
mogio {adj} :: down, depressed, downcast, disheartened, crestfallen, dejected
moglia {f} :: alternative form of moglie
moglianese {adj} :: Of or from Mogliano
Mogliano {prop} :: Mogliano (small town)
mogliazzo {m} :: matrimony
moglie {f} /ˈmo.ʎːe/ :: wife
mogliera {f} :: alternative form of moglie
mogliera {f} [by extension] :: woman
mogliettina {f} :: wifey
mogliettina {f} :: wifelet, wifekin, wifeling, wifelkin, wifie
mogol {m} :: Mogul
mohicano {adj} :: Mohican
mohicano {m} :: Mohican (person)
moietta {f} :: hot-rolled metal strip or band
moietta {f} :: strap
moina {f} :: endearment
moina {f} :: flattery
moina {f} :: affectation
moire {f} /ˈmwar/ :: moire
Moïsè {prop} :: medieval spelling of Mosè
moismo {m} [philosophy] :: Mohism
moka {mf} :: A type of coffee originally from Moka
moka {mf} [chiefly uncapitalized] :: A polygonal, aluminium coffee maker
Moka {f} :: A polygonal, aluminium coffee maker
moksha {m} :: Moksha (language)
mola {f} :: millstone
mola {f} :: grindstone
mola {f} :: honing
mola {f} [historical, Rome] :: water mill; especially one of the mills once found adjacent Isola Tiberina
molale {adj} :: molal
molalità {f} [chemistry] :: molality
molante {v} :: present participle of molare
molare {adj} :: molar (all senses)
molare {m} [anatomy] :: molar
molare {vt} :: to grind
molarità {f} [chemistry] :: molarity
molassa {f} [geology] :: molasse
molato {adj} :: cut, ground
molatore {m} :: grinder (person)
molatrice {f} :: grinder (machine or female person)
molatura {f} :: grinding
molatura {f} :: finish (surface effect)
molazza {f} :: muller, pan mill
molazza {f} :: cement mixer
molazzatore {m} :: muller or cement mixer operator
molazzatura {f} :: mulling, cement mixing
molcere {vt} /ˈmol.t͡ʃe.re/ :: to soothe, comfort, assuage
moldava {f} :: female equivalent of moldavo
Moldava {prop} :: Vltava
Moldavia {prop} :: Moldova
moldavo {adj} :: Moldavian
moldavo {m} :: Moldavian
moldavo {m} :: the Moldavian language
Moldovia {prop} :: Moldova
mole {f} [chemistry, physics] :: mole
molecola {f} [chemistry] /moˈlɛ.ko.la/ :: molecule (the smallest particle of a specific element or compound that retains the chemical properties of that element or compound)
molecolare {adj} :: molecular
molecolarità {f} :: molecularity
molenda {f} :: Price paid to a miller for grinding corn or pressing olives
molera {f} :: the name of a certain type of sandstone used to make millstones
Molesini {prop} :: surname
molestamente {adv} :: annoyingly, vexingly
molestamento {m} :: annoyance
molestante {v} :: present participle of molestare
molestare {vt} :: to annoy, bother
molestatore {m} :: molester
molestatrice {f} :: female equivalent of molestatore
molestia {f} [chiefly, in the plural] :: annoyance, bother, trouble
molestia {f} [chiefly, in the plural, by extension, legal] :: harassment
molestia {f} [chiefly, in the plural, by extension] :: breakup (termination of a romantic relationship)
molestia sessuale {f} :: sexual harassment
molesto {adj} /moˈlɛs.to/ :: annoying
moletta {f} :: roller (in textile manufacture)
molettare {v} :: To engrave copper rollers used for printing fabrics
Molfetta {prop} :: Molfetta (town)
molfettese {adj} :: Of, or from, Molfetta
molfettese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Molfetta
molgere {v} /ˈmol.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to milk
Molgora {prop} :: Molgora (small river)
molibdato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: molybdate
molibdato di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium molybdate
molibdenite {f} [mineralogy] :: molybdenite
molibdeno {m} [chemistry] /molibˈdɛno/ :: molybdenum
molibdico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: molybdic
molinaio {m} :: alternative form of mulinaro
molinaro {m} :: alternative spelling of mulinaro
molinatorio {adj} :: milling, mill (attributive)
molinello {m} [nautical] :: windlass
molinismo {m} :: Molinism
molinista {mf} :: Molinist
molinistico {adj} :: Molinistic
molino {m} :: alternative form of mulino
molisano {adj} :: Of or relating to Molise or the Molise people
molisano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Molise
Molise {prop} :: Molise (region)
molitore {m} :: miller
molitore {m} :: milling machine
molitorio {adj} :: milling (attributive)
molitura {f} :: milling
molla {f} :: spring (flexible mechanical device; the source of an action)
molla {f} [in the plural] :: tongs
mollaccione {m} :: A lazy person
mollaccione {m} :: namby-pamby, spineless
mollante {v} :: present participle of mollare
mollantesi {v} :: present participle of mollarsi
mollare {vt} :: to let go, get off
mollare {vt} :: to drop, maroon
mollare {vt} [nautical] :: to cast off [a ship]
mollare {vt} :: to punch, slap
mollare {vt} :: to give in to
mollare {vi} [colloquial] :: to break wind
mollare l'ancora {v} :: to drop anchor
mollarne una {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: To fart; to let one rip
mollarsi {v} :: reflexive of mollare
mollarsi {v} :: To break up (leave a relationship)
mollatosi {v} :: past participle of mollarsi
molle {adj} :: soft
molle {adj} :: flabby
molle {adj} :: weak, feeble
mollecca {f} :: soft-shelled crab
mollecchio {m} :: alternative form of mollicchio
molleggiamento {m} :: springing
molleggiamento {m} :: swaying (of the hips)
molleggiamento {m} :: suspension (of a car)
molleggiante {v} :: present participle of molleggiare
molleggiantesi {v} :: present participle of molleggiarsi
molleggiare {vt} :: to spring
molleggiare {vi} :: to be springy (of a bed etc)
molleggiarsi {vr} :: To bend the body
molleggiato {adj} :: (well) sprung
molleggiatosi {v} :: past participle of molleggiarsi
mollemente {adv} :: languidly
mollemente {adv} :: softly
molletta {f} :: hairgrip
molletta {f} :: clothes peg
molletta {f} [in the plural] :: tongs (sugar, ice etc)
mollettiera {f} :: puttee
mollettone {m} :: A piece of baize used to protect table and laid underneath a tablecloth
mollettone {m} :: ironing board cover
mollezza {f} [literally, rare] /molˈlet.t͡sa/ :: softness, flabbiness
mollezza {f} :: Figurative meanings:
mollezza {f} :: weakness
mollezza {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: luxury
mollezza {f} [rare] :: softness, gentleness, sweetness
mollezza {f} [rare] :: suppleness
mollica {f} :: crumb, breadcrumb (soft internal portion of bread)
mollicchio {m} :: soft, muddy ground
molliccio {adj} :: soggy [ground]
molliccio {adj} :: soft [fruit, etc.]
molliccio {adj} :: limp, flabby
molliccio {m} :: soggy ground
mollicoso {adj} :: crumbly
mollicoso {adj} :: Having the texture of breadcrumbs
mollicume {m} :: breadcrumbs, crumbs
mollificamento {m} :: softening, mollification
mollificare {v} :: To soften
mollificare {v} :: To mollify
mollificativo {adj} :: softening, mollifying
mollificazione {f} :: mollification, softening
mollizia {f} :: alternative form of mollezza
mollizie {f} :: synonym of mollezza
mollo {adj} :: wet, damp, saturated, soaked
mollone {m} :: frizzen
mollume {m} :: closeness (humidity)
molluschicoltore {m} :: mollusc farmer
molluschicoltura {f} :: mollusc breeding
mollusco {m} :: mollusc
mollusco {m} :: A weak or spineless person
molo {m} /ˈmɔ.lo/ :: jetty, pier, mole, quay, dock
moloc {m} :: moloch
Moloc {prop} :: Moloch
molosso {m} :: Molossian (dog), Molloser
molotov {f} :: Molotov cocktail
molta {f} :: feminine noun of molto
molteplice {adj} :: complicated
molteplice {adj} [in the plural] :: many, numerous, varied, manifold
molteplicemente {adv} :: complicatedly
molteplicemente {adv} :: in many ways
molteplicità {f} :: multiplicity (all senses)
molti- {prefix} :: alternative form of multi-
molticolore {adj} :: alternative form of multicolore
moltiforme {adj} :: Variant of multiforme
moltilingue {adj} :: alternative form of multilingue
moltiloquenza {f} :: alternative form of multiloquenza
moltiloquio {m} :: alternative form of multiloquio
moltipara {adj} :: alternative form of multipara
moltiplicabile {adj} :: multipliable
moltiplicabilità {f} :: Property of being multipliable
moltiplicamento {m} :: synonym of moltiplicazione
moltiplicando {m} [arithmetic] /mol.ti.pliˈkan.do/ :: multiplicand (number that is to be multiplied by another)
moltiplicante {v} :: present participle of moltiplicare
moltiplicantesi {v} :: present participle of moltiplicarsi
moltiplicare {vt} :: To multiply
moltiplicarsi {vr} :: To multiply or increase
moltiplicatamente {adv} :: multiplicitely
moltiplicativo {adj} :: multiplicative
moltiplicato {adj} :: multiplied
moltiplicatore {m} :: multiplier (all senses)
moltiplicatosi {v} :: past participle of moltiplicarsi
moltiplicazione {f} :: multiplication
moltiplice {adj} :: Variant of molteplice
moltiplicità {f} :: Variant of molteplicità
moltisonante {adj} :: alternative form of multisonante
moltisono {adj} :: alternative form of multisono
moltissimo {adj} :: superlative of molto; very much
moltissimo {adj} :: very many
moltitudine {f} :: A large number
moltitudine {f} :: A multitude
moltitudine {f} :: crowd, covey
moltivago {adj} :: alternative form of multivago
molto {adv} :: much, very much, a lot
molto {adv} [with an adverb or adjective] :: very, really, very much
molto {adv} [in expressions of comparison] :: much, far, a lot
molto {adv} :: long, a long time
molto {adj} :: a lot of, much, great, [in the plural] many, a lot of, lots of
molto {adj} :: great, much, very
molto {pron} :: much, a lot, [in the plural] many, many people
molto {m} :: the many
molto {m} :: the large part
molto {m} :: a great deal
molto indaffarato {n} :: synonym of pieno di impegni
Molucche {prop} :: Moluccas
molucchese {adj} :: Moluccan, Malukan
molva {f} [ichthyology] /ˈmɔl.va/ :: Any member of the Molva taxonomic genus: ling, particularly the common ling (Molva molva)
molva blu {f} :: blue ling (Molva dypterygia)
molva occhiona {f} :: Spanish ling (Molva macrophthalma)
momentaccio {m} :: bad time
momentaneamente {adv} :: temporarily
momentaneamente {adv} :: at the moment
momentaneo {adj} :: momentary, temporary
momentino {m} [colloquial] :: A brief moment
momento {m} :: moment
momento {m} [physics] :: momentum
momento angolare {m} [physics] :: angular momentum
momento della verità {m} :: moment of truth
Momo {prop} [Greek god] :: Momus
mona {f} [obsolete] :: monkey
mona {f} [regional, chiefly Triveneto, vulgar, figurative] :: cunt, pussy
mona {m} [regional, chiefly Triveneto, vulgar, pejorative] :: idiot, silly, dupe
monaca {m} :: feminine noun of monaco
monaca {m} :: nun
monacale {adj} :: monkish
monacalmente {adv} :: monastically
monacando {m} :: novice
monacante {v} :: present participle of monacare
monacantesi {v} :: present participle of monacarsi
monacare {vt} :: To put someone in a monastery or convent
monacarsi {vr} :: To become a monk or nun
monacato {m} :: the monastic life
monacato {m} :: monks, nuns (collectively)
monacatosi {v} :: past participle of monacarsi
monacazione {f} :: becoming a monk or nun (taking the habit/veil)
monacella {f} :: A clasp for earrings
monacense {adj} :: Munich (attributive)
monacense {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Munich
monacese {adj} :: alternative form of monacense
monachella {f} :: black-eared wheatear or black-throated wheatear
monachella {f} :: praying mantis
monachella {f} :: goody-goody
monachese {adj} :: Munich (attributive)
monachese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Munich
monachesimo {m} :: monasticism
monachetto {m} :: cabin hook
monachina {f} :: diminutive of monaca
monachina {f} :: pied avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)
monachismo {m} :: alternative form of monachesimo
monaco {m} /ˈmɔ.na.ko/ :: monk
Monaco {prop} /ˈmɔ.na.ko/ :: Monaco (city-state)
Monaco {prop} :: surname
Monaco {prop} :: Monaco (caplc)
Monaco di Baviera {prop} :: Monaco di Baviera (caplc)
monade {f} :: monad
monadelfo {adj} [botany] :: monodelphous
monadico {adj} [philosophy] :: monadical
monadico {adj} [mathematics] :: monadic
monadismo {m} [philosophy] :: monadism
monadista {mf} :: monadist
monadistico {adj} :: monadist
monadologia {f} :: monadology
monadologico {adj} :: monadological
Monaldo {prop} :: given name
monandria {f} :: monandry
monandro {adj} :: monandrous
monantero {adj} :: monantherous
monarca {m} /moˈnar.ka/ :: monarch
monarchesco {adj} :: monarchical
monarchia {f} /mo.narˈki.a/ :: monarchy
monarchicamente {adv} :: monarchically
monarchico {adj} :: monarchic, monarchical
monarchico {adj} :: monarchist, royalist
monarchico {m} :: monarchist, royalist
monarchismo {m} :: monarchism
monarcomaco {adj} :: That fights against the power of the monarchy
monarmonico {adj} :: monoharmonic
monasteriale {adj} :: monasterial
monastero {m} /mo.nasˈtɛ.ro/ :: monastery
monastero {m} :: convent, nunnery
monasticamente {adv} :: monastically
monastico {adj} :: monastic
monatta {f} :: feminine noun of monatto
monatto {m} [historical] /moˈnat.to/ :: During the 17th and 18th centuries, a person who removed corpses during a plague, usually in Milan
monaulo {m} [music] :: A form of tibia (wind instrument)
monazitico {adj} [geology] :: monazitic
moncalierese {adj} :: Of, or from, Moncalieri
moncalierese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Moncalieri
Moncalieri {prop} :: Moncalieri (town)
moncare {v} /monˈka.re/ :: to cut off
Moncenisio {prop} :: Mont Cenis
moncherin {m} :: apocopic form of moncherino
moncherino {m} :: stump
moncherino {m} :: stub
monchezza {f} [uncommon] :: mutilation
monchino {m} /monˈki.no/ :: A mutilated person
monco {adj} /ˈmon.ko/ :: maimed, mutilated
monco {adj} [uncommon] :: crippled
monco {adj} [figurative] :: incomplete
moncone {m} :: stump
monda {f} [agriculture] /ˈmon.da/ :: Removal of weeds from a paddy field
monda {f} :: Removal of imperfections and foreign bodies from silk threads
mondabile {adj} :: cleanable
Mondadori {prop} :: surname
Mondadori {prop} :: Arnaldo Mondadori, Italian publisher
Mondaini {prop} :: surname
Mondaini {prop} :: Sandra Mondaini, Italian actress and television host
mondamento {m} :: peeling
mondamento {m} :: cleaning, purification
mondanamente {adv} :: worldly
mondaneggiare {v} :: To live a wordly life
mondanità {f} :: worldliness
mondanità {f} :: beau monde
mondanità {f} [in the plural] :: Wordly pleasures
mondano {adj} :: worldly, earthly; mundane
mondano {adj} :: social
mondano {adj} [attributively] :: society
mondano {m} :: socialite
mondante {v} :: present participle of mondare
mondare {vt} :: To peel, to husk, to strip, to shell, to hull, winnow
mondare {vt} :: To clean
mondare {vt} [literary, figuratively] :: To purify
mondare {vt} :: To weed
mondariso {mf} :: rice weeder (person)
mondatoio {m} :: A type of sieve used to remove foliage from olives
mondatore {m} :: weeder (person)
mondatrice {f} :: female equivalent of mondatore
mondatrice {f} :: cotton gin
mondatura {f} :: peeling, husking, hulling
mondatura {f} :: weeding
mondatura {f} :: peel, dross, husks
mondazione {f} :: cleaning
mondeghino {m} :: A type of meatball
mondezza {f} :: cleanliness, purity
mondezza {f} :: trash, rubbish, garbage
mondezzaio {m} :: Variant of immondezzaio
mondiale {adj} :: world, worldwide
mondiale {adj} [familiar] :: fantastic
mondiale {m} [sports, ] :: World Cup
mondialismo {m} :: globalism
mondialistico {adj} :: globalist
mondialità {f} :: globality
mondializzante {v} :: present participle of mondializzare
mondializzare {vt} :: to globalize
mondializzazione {f} :: globalization
mondialmente {adv} :: worldwide, globally
mondiglia {f} :: refuse, dross
mondiglia {f} :: chaff
mondina {f} :: rice weeder (person)
mondizia {f} :: alternative form of mondezza
mondo {m} :: world
mondo {m} :: people; society
mondo {m} :: kingdom
mondo {adj} :: cleaned (vegetables)
mondo {adj} :: peeled (fruit)
mondo immaginario {m} :: paracosm, conworld
Mondovì {prop} :: Mondovì (town)
mondovisione {f} :: television transmitted worldwide via satellite
Monduzzi {prop} :: surname
monegasca {f} :: feminine noun of monegasco
monegasco {adj} :: Monégasque
monegasco {m} :: Monégasque
monel {m} :: Monel (metal)
monellata {f} :: rascalry
monelleria {f} :: prank, trick
monellesco {adj} :: mischievous, roguish
monello {m} :: urchin (child of the streets)
monello {m} :: rascal, scoundrel
monema {m} [linguistics] :: moneme
moneta {f} :: coin
moneta {f} :: currency
Moneta {prop} :: surname
Moneta {prop} :: Ernesto Teodoro Moneta, Italian journalist and patriot
monetabile {adj} /mo.neˈta.bi.le/ :: coinable (able to be converted into coins)
monetaggio {m} [economics] :: mintage, minting cost
monetale {adj} :: coin (attributive)
monetante {v} :: present participle of monetare
monetare {vt} /mo.neˈta.re/ :: to monetize (to convert into currency)
monetare {vi} [rare] :: to monetize (to mint money)
monetario {adj} :: monetary
monetarismo {m} :: monetarism
monetarista {adj} :: monetarist
monetarista {mf} :: monetarist
monetaristico {adj} :: monetarist (attributive)
monetarizzante {v} :: present participle of monetarizzare
monetarizzare {vt} :: to monetize
monetarizzato {adj} :: monetized
monetarizzazione {f} :: monetization
moneta sonante {f} :: coins
moneta sonante {f} :: cash, ready cash, money
monetato {adj} /mo.neˈta.to/ :: coined (converted into coins)
monetato {adj} :: monetized (converted into currency)
monetazione {f} /mo.ne.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: monetization (conversion into money)
monetazione {f} [uncommon] :: monetary policy
monetica {f} :: electronic banking
monetier {m} :: apocopic form of monetiere
monetiere {m} :: coin cabinet
monetiere {m} :: moneyer, minter, coiner (person who works in a mint)
monetina {f} :: Small coin, coin
monetina {f} :: loose change [plural]
monetizzabile {adj} :: That can be calculated, measured or assessed in term of money
monetizzante {v} :: present participle of monetizzare
monetizzare {vt} :: to monetize [all senses]
monetizzazione {f} [finance] :: monetization
Monferrato {prop} /mon.ferˈra.to/ :: Monferrato (area)
monferrina {f} /mon.ferˈri.na/ :: A native or inhabitant of Montferrat, in Piedmont
monferrina {f} [feminine only] :: A traditional dance of this territory
monferrino {adj} /mon.ferˈri.no/ :: Of pertaining to Montferrat, in Piedmont
monferrino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Montferrat
mongana {f} :: dairy calf
Mongibello {prop} /mon.d͡ʒiˈbɛl.lo/ :: Mongibello (volcano)
mongo {m} /ˈmɔn.ɡo/ :: möngö (one hundredth of a tugrik)
mongo {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Mongo people
mongo {mf} :: One who is part of the Mongo people
mongo {mf} [uncountable, masculine only] :: Mongo (Bantu language)
mongola {f} :: female equivalent of mongolo
mongolfiera {f} /mon.ɡolˈfjɛ.ra/ :: hot-air balloon, balloon
Mongolia {prop} :: Mongolia
mongolico {m} [singular only] :: Mongolian (group of languages from Mongolia)
mongolico {adj} :: Mongolian (all senses)
mongolismo {m} :: mongolism
mongolo {adj} :: Mongolian
mongolo {m} :: Mongolian, Mongol
mongolo {m} :: idiot
mongolo {m} :: Mongolian language
mongoloide {adj} :: mongol, mongoloid
mongoloide {mf} :: mongol
mongoloide {mf} :: moron
mongoloidismo {m} :: mongoloidism
mongomeri {m} :: alternative form of montgomery
Monica {prop} :: given name
Monicelli {prop} :: surname
monico {adj} [mathematics] :: monic
monile {m} :: necklace
monile {m} :: jewel
moniliasi {f} :: moniliasis
monismo {m} :: monism
monisterio {m} :: alternative form of monastero
monistico {adj} :: monist
monito {m} :: admonition, warning
monitor {m} :: monitor (apparatus)
monitoraggio {m} :: monitoring (all senses)
monitorante {v} :: present participle of monitorare
monitorare {v} :: alternative spelling of monitorizzare
monitore {m} :: monitor (all senses), guide, adviser
monitore {m} :: trainer
monitorio {adj} :: monitory, warning
monitorizzante {v} :: present participle of monitorizzare
monitorizzare {vt} :: To monitor (all senses)
monitrice {f} :: female equivalent of monitore
monna {f} [literary, archaic] :: A courtesy title for a woman. abbreviation of madonna
Monna {prop} :: A mountain peak in the province of Frosinone in Lazio
Monna Lisa {prop} /ˌmɔn.na ˈli.za/ :: the Mona Lisa (painting by Leonardo da Vinci)
monnezza {f} [Naples, colloquial] /monˈnet.tsa/ :: rubbish, garbage, trash, litter
mono- {prefix} :: mono-
mono {adj} :: single (of one part)
monoacido {adj} [chemistry] :: monoacidic
monoacido {m} [chemistry] :: monoacid
monoalbero {adj} :: single-camshaft (attributive)
monoalfabetico {adj} :: monoalphabetic
monoansato {adj} :: That has a single handle
monoasse {adj} :: single-axle
monoasse {adj} :: uniaxial
monoassiale {adj} :: monoaxial
monoatomico {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: monatomic
monoaurale {adj} :: monaural, monophonic
monoauricolare {adj} :: monaural, monoauricular
monobasico {adj} [chemistry] :: monobasic
monoblastico {adj} /mo.noˈblas.ti.ko/ :: monoblastic
monoblasto {m} [hematology] /mo.noˈblas.to/ :: monoblast
monoblocco {adj} :: monobloc, monoblock (attributive)
monoblocco {m} :: monobloc, monoblock
monocalibro {adj} :: monocaliber
monocamera {adj} :: one-roomed
monocamerale {adj} :: unicameral
monocameralismo {m} :: unicameralism
monocanna {adj} [of a firearm] :: single-barrelled
monocarbossilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: monocarboxylic
monocarena {adj} :: monohulled
monocarpico {adj} [botany] :: monocarpic
monocefalo {m} :: monocephalia
monocellulare {adj} :: unicellular
monocentrico {adj} :: monocentric
monocentrismo {m} :: monocentrism
monociclista {m} :: unicyclist
monocilindrico {adj} :: single-cylinder
monocinetide {m} [biology] :: monokinetid
monocita {m} :: Variant of monocito
monocito {m} :: monocyte
monocittà {f} :: monotown
monoclamidato {adj} [botany, of a flower] :: Having a perianth formed from either only a calyx or only a corolla
monoclamideo {adj} :: alternative form of monoclamidato
monoclasse {adj} :: Having a single class
monoclinale {f} [geology] :: monocline
monoclinale {adj} :: monoclinal
monoclino {adj} [mineralogy] :: monoclinic
monoclino {adj} [botany] :: monoecious
monoclonale {adj} :: monoclonal
monocolo {m} /moˈnɔ.ko.lo/ :: monocle, eyeglass
monocolore {adj} :: one-color/one-colour, monocolor/monocolour, unicolor/unicolour, monochromatic, monocrome, one-tone
monocolore {adj} [politics] :: single-party, one-party
monocolore {m} [politics] :: single-party government, one-party government
monocolpo {adj} [of a firearm] :: single-shot
monocoltura {f} [agriculture] :: monoculture
monocomando {adj} :: single-lever
monocompatibile {adj} [of a record] :: That may be played on both stereo and mono equipment
monocomponente {adj} :: one-pack, single-pack
monocomponente {adj} :: monocomponent
monocomposto {m} :: A product consisting of a single substance or material
monocorde {adj} :: monotonous (unvarying in tone)
monocordo {m} [music] :: monochord
monocoriale {adj} :: monochorionic
monocornia {f} :: An anvil of a coppersmith &c (having a single point)
monocotiledone {adj} [botany] :: monocotyledonous
monocotiledone {f} [botany] :: monocotyledon
monocottura {f} :: A ceramic object in which the enamel and base are fired together
monocratico {adj} :: monocratic
monocrazia {f} :: monocracy
monocristallino {adj} :: monocrystalline
monocristallo {m} /ˌmɔ.no.krisˈtal.lo/ :: monocrystal
monocromaticità {f} :: monochromaticity
monocromatico {adj} :: monochromatic
monocromatismo {m} :: monochromatism (all senses)
monocromatizzante {v} :: present participle of monocromatizzare
monocromatizzare {vt} :: [physics] to monochromatize
monocromato {adj} :: monochrome
monocromatore {m} :: monochromator
monocromia {f} [arts] :: monochromy
monocromo {adj} :: monochrome
monocromo {adj} :: monochromatic
monoculare {adj} :: monocular
monocultura {f} :: monoculture (culture that lacks diversity)
monocultura {f} :: Variant of monocoltura
monoculturale {adj} :: monocultural
monoculturalismo {m} :: monoculturalism
monocuspidale {adj} :: monocuspid
monodattilo {m} :: monodactyl
monodelfo {adj} [botany] :: monodelphous
monoderiva {adj} [of an aircraft tail assembly] :: Having a single fin
monodia {f} [music] :: monody
monodicamente {adv} :: monodically
monodico {adj} :: monodic
monodimensionale {adj} :: monodimensional, unidimensional
monodisco {adj} :: mono-disk (brakes etc)
monodisperso {adj} :: monodisperse
monodose {adj} [medicine] :: single-dose
monodromia {f} [maths] :: monodromy
monodromico {adj} [maths] :: monodromic
monodromo {adj} [maths] :: monodromic
monoelastico {adj} :: monoelastic
monoelica {adj} :: single-propeller
monoestere {m} [organic chemistry] :: monoester
monoetnico {adj} :: monoethnic
monofacciale {adj} :: uniface (coins etc)
monofagia {f} [biology] :: monophagy
monofago {adj} :: monophagous
monofase {adj} :: single-phase (electricity)
monofilare {adj} :: synonym of unifilare
monofiletico {adj} :: monophyletic
monofiletismo {m} [biology] :: monophyletism
monofilia {f} :: monophyly
monofillo {adj} [botany] :: monophylous
monofiodonte {adj} :: monophyodont
monofisismo {m} :: monophysism, monophysitism
monofisita {mf} :: monophysite
monofisita {adj} :: monophysitic
monofisitico {adj} :: monophysitic
monofito {adj} [botany] :: monophyte
monofluorotriclorometano {m} :: alternative form of triclorofluorometano
monofobia {f} :: monophobia
monofonditrice {f} :: A monotype casting machine
monofonia {f} :: monophony (monophonic sound)
monofonico {adj} :: monophonic
monofora {f} :: single-lancet window
monoftalmia {f} :: synphthalmia, cyclopia
monoftalmo {adj} :: monophthalmic
monofune {adj} :: monocable
monogamia {f} :: monogamy
monogamico {adj} :: monogamic, monogamous
monogamo {adj} :: monogamous
monogamo {m} :: monogamist
monogenesi {f} :: monogenesis
monogenetico {adj} :: monogenetic
monogenico {adj} :: monogenic
monogenismo {m} :: monogenism
monogenista {mf} :: monogenist
monogenitore {m} :: single parent
monogliceride {m} [organic chemistry] :: monoglyceride
monogonia {f} :: monogony
monogrado {adj} :: monograde
monografia {f} :: monograph
monograficamente {adv} :: monographically
monografico {adj} :: monograph (attributive, or in the style of)
monogramma {m} :: monogram
monogrammatico {adj} :: monogrammatic
monogrammista {mf} :: monogrammist
monoicismo {m} [biology] :: monoecism
monoico {adj} :: hermaphroditic
monoico {adj} [botany] :: monoicous, monoecious
monoide {m} [mathematics] :: monoid
monoideismo {m} :: monoideism
monoinsaturo {adj} [organic chemistry] :: monounsaturated
monokini {m} :: monokini
monolama {adj} :: single-blade (knife etc)
monolaterale {adj} :: unilateral
monolatria {f} :: monolatrism
monolineare {adj} :: monolinear
monolingue {adj} :: monolingual
monolingue {m} :: Monolingual dictionary
monolinguismo {m} :: monolingualism, unilingualism, monoglottism
monolite {m} :: Variant of monolito
monoliticamente {adv} :: monolithically
monolitico {adj} :: monolithic
monolitismo {m} :: monolithism
monolito {m} :: monolith
monolocale {m} :: studio, efficiency, bed-sitter, one room apartment
monologante {v} :: present participle of monologare
monologare {vi} /mo.no.loˈɡa.re/ :: To perform a monologue
monologhista {mf} :: monologuist
monologo {m} /moˈnɔ.lo.ɡo/ :: monologue, soliloquy
monolucido {adj} [of paper or card] :: Having a single glossy side
monomandatario {m} :: sole agent
monomane {mf} :: monomaniac
monomania {f} :: monomania
monomaniacale {adj} :: monomaniac, monomaniacal
monomaniaco {adj} :: monomaniac, monomaniacal
monomaniaco {m} :: monomaniac
monomarca {adj} :: single-brand
monomaterico {adj} :: single material (attributive)
monomerico {adj} [chemistry] :: monomeric
monomero {m} [chemistry] :: monomer
monomero {adj} :: monomeric
monometallico {adj} :: monometallic
monometallismo {m} :: monometallism
monometrico {adj} :: monometric
monometro {m} :: monometer
monometro {adj} :: monometric
monomiale {adj} [mathematics] :: monomial
monomio {adj} [mathematics] /moˈnɔm.jo/ :: monomial
monomio {m} [mathematics, algebra] :: monomial (expression)
monomittico {adj} :: monomictic
monomolecolare {adj} [chemistry] :: unimolecular, monomolecular
monomorfia {f} [mathematics] :: monomorphism
monomorfismo {m} [mathematics, biology] :: monomorphism
monomorfo {adj} :: monomorphic
monomotore {adj} :: single-engined
monomotore {m} :: A single-engined vehicle (especially an aircraft)
mononucleare {adj} :: mononuclear
mononucleato {adj} [biology] :: mononuclear, mononucleate
mononucleato {m} [cytology] :: mononuclear leukocyte
mononucleosi {f} [diseases] :: mononucleosis
monoossigenasi {f} [enzyme] :: monooxygenase
monoovulare {adj} :: monovular
monopala {adj} :: single-bladed
monoparentale {adj} :: single-parent
monopartitico {adj} :: one-party (attributive)
monopartitismo {m} :: A political system based on a single political party
monopattino {m} :: scooter (child's)
monopetalo {adj} [botany] :: monopetalous
monopetto {adj} :: single-breasted
monopetto {m} :: single-breasted suit
monopezzo {adj} :: one-piece
monopezzo {m} :: one-piece bathing suit
monopiattaforma {adj} [computing] :: single-platform
monopiede {m} [photography] :: monopod, unipod
monopinna {f} :: monofin
monoplano {m} :: monoplane
monoplano {adj} :: single-winged
monoplegia {f} :: monoplegia
monopodiale {adj} :: monopodial
monopodico {adj} :: monopodic
monopolare {adj} [physics] :: monopolar, unipolar
Monopoli {prop} :: Monopoly (game)
Monopoli {prop} :: Monopoli (town)
monopolio {m} /monoˈpɔljo/ :: monopoly
monopolista {mf} :: monopolist
monopolisticamente {adv} :: monopolistically
monopolistico {adj} :: monopolistic
monopolizzante {v} :: present participle of monopolizzare
monopolizzare {vt} :: to monopolize [all senses]
monopolizzatore {adj} :: monopolizing
monopolizzatore {m} :: monopolizer
monopolizzazione {f} :: monopolization
monopolo {m} [physics] :: monopole
monopolo magnetico {m} [physics] :: magnetic monopole
monoporzione {adj} :: single-portion
monoposto {adj} :: single-seat
monoposto {f} {m} :: single seater
monoprogrammazione {f} [computing] :: monoprogramming (running one program at a time)
monoprotico {adj} [chemistry] :: monoprotic
monopsichismo {m} :: monopsychism
monoptero {adj} :: monopteral
monorazione {adj} :: synonym of monoporzione
monorchide {adj} [medicine] /moˈnɔr.ki.de/ :: monorchid (having only one testicle within the scrotum)
monorchide {m} :: monorchid (an individual having only one testicle within the scrotum)
monorchidia {f} [pathology] :: monorchidism, monorchia
monorchidismo {m} :: monorchidism
monoreattore {adj} :: single-jet
monoreattore {m} :: single-jet aircraft
monoreddito {adj} :: one-income, single-income (family, household etc)
monorifrangente {adj} :: monorefringent
monorifrangenza {f} :: monorefringence
monorimo {adj} :: monorhyme, monorhymed
monoritmico {adj} :: alternative form of monoritmo
monoritmo {adj} :: monorhyme
monoritmo {m} :: monorhyme
monorotaia {adj} :: monorail (attributive)
monorotaia {f} :: monorail (railway)
monorotore {adj} :: single-rotor (helicopter)
monosaccaride {m} [biochemistry] :: monosaccharide
monosaccaridico {adj} :: monosaccharide (attributive), monosaccharidic
monosala {f} :: A cinema that has a single screen (not a multiplex)
monoscafo {m} :: monohull
monoscì {m} :: A single ski used as a water ski or in snowboarding etc
monoscocca {adj} :: monocoque (attributive)
monoscocca {f} :: monocoque
monoscopio {m} :: test card (TV)
monosemia {f} :: monosemy
monosemico {adj} :: monosemic
monosepalo {adj} [botany] :: monosepalous
monosesso {adj} :: single-sex
monosessuale {adj} :: single-sex
monosessuale {adj} :: unisex
monosessuato {adj} :: alternative form of monosesso
monosillabare {v} :: To speak in monosyllables
monosillabico {adj} :: monosyllabic
monosillabo {m} :: monosyllable
monosillabo {adj} :: monosyllabic
monosillogismo {m} :: monosyllogism
monosintomatico {adj} :: monosymptomatic
monosio {m} [biochemistry] /moˈnɔ.zjo/ :: monose; synonym of monosaccaride
monoslitta {f} :: A sleigh / sled for a single person
monoso {m} [biochemistry] /moˈnɔ.zo/ :: alternative form of monosio
monosodico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: monosodium (attributive)
monosomia {f} :: monosomy
monospecifico {adj} :: monospecific, monotypic
monospermia {f} :: monospermy
monospermo {adj} :: monospermic
monossido {m} [chemistry] :: monoxide
monossido di carbonio {m} [chemistry] :: carbon monoxide
monossilo {adj} :: alternative form of monoxilo
monostabile {adj} :: monostable
monostadio {adj} :: single-stage (rocket etc)
monostico {adj} :: monostich (attributive)
monostico {m} :: monostich
monostrato {m} :: monolayer
monostrofico {adj} :: monostrophic
monosuccessione {f} [agriculture] :: continuous cultivation; continuous cropping
monotastiera {f} :: A monotype tape-punch (or its keyboard)
monoteismo {m} :: monotheism
monoteista {adj} :: monotheistic
monoteistico {adj} :: monotheistic
monotelismo {m} :: Monotheletism, Monothelitism
monotelito {adj} :: Monothelete (attributive)
monotematicamente {adv} :: monothematically
monotematico {adj} :: monothematic
monotematismo {m} [music] :: monothematic composition
monoterapia {f} [medicine] :: monotherapy
monoterpene {m} [organic chemistry] :: monoterpene
monotipia {f} :: monotype
monotipico {adj} :: monotypic
monotipista {mf} :: monotype operator
monotipo {m} :: monotype
monotonale {adj} [music] /mo.no.toˈna.le/ :: monotone
monotonamente {adv} :: monotonously
monotonia {f} /mo.no.toˈni.a/ :: monotony
monotonia {f} [by extension] :: dullness, tediousness
monotonicità {f} :: monotonicity
monotonico {adj} :: monotonic
monotono {adj} /moˈnɔ.to.no/ :: monotonous
monotono {adj} :: humdrum
monotono {adj} [mathematics] /mo.noˈtɔ.no/ :: monotone
monotremo {m} :: monotreme
monotrofo {adj} :: monotrophic
monottongamento {m} :: monophthongization
monottongante {v} :: present participle of monottongare
monottongare {vt} :: to monophthongize
monottongato {adj} :: monophthongal
monottongazione {f} /mo.not.ton.ɡaˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: monophthongization
monottongo {m} [linguistics] /mo.notˈtɔn.ɡo/ :: monophthong
monotype {f} :: monotype
mono-ubiquitinazione {f} [biochemistry] :: monoubiquitination
monouso {adj} :: disposable, throw-away
monoutente {adj} [computing] :: single-user (attributive)
monovalente {adj} :: monovalent, univalent
monovalenza {f} [chemistry] :: monovalency
monovanadato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: monovanadate, metavanadate
monovano {m} :: synonym of monolocale
monovarietale {adj} :: monovarietal
monoverbo {m} :: A type of riddle / word game whose solution is a single word
monovitigno {adj} :: single varietal (wine, grappa etc)
monovitigno {m} :: single varietal wine or spirit
monovolume {adj} :: single-volume (publication)
monovolume {mf} :: people carrier, MPV, minivan (or any of several other motor vehicles having a single volume for people and cargo)
monovulare {adj} :: alternative form of monoovulare
monoxilo {adj} [of a canoe] :: dugout (from a single tree trunk)
monozigote {adj} :: monozygotic
monozigote {m} :: monozygotic twin
monozigotico {adj} :: monozygotic
Monreale {prop} :: Monreale (town)
monrealese {adj} :: Of or from Monreale
monregalese {adj} :: Of or from Mondovì
monsignor {n} :: apocopic form of monsignore
monsignorato {m} :: monsignorhood
monsignore {m} :: Monsignor
monsone {m} :: monsoon
monsonico {adj} :: monsoon (attributive)
monstre {adj} :: extraordinary, exceptional
monstre {adj} :: monstrous (very large)
monstro {m} /ˈmonstro/ :: obsolete form of mostro
monsù {m} [northern Italy, usually Piedmont] /monˈsu/ :: mister, sir (a title or form of address for a man)
monsù {m} [literary] :: A title given to foreign (especially French) artists or high-ranking men during the 17th century and 18th century
monta {f} [of animals] :: covering, leap
monta {f} :: riding, mount
montacarichi {m} [construction] :: service lift, goods lift, cargo lift [UK], freight elevator, goods elevator, service elevator, cargo elevator [US]
montacarichi {m} [construction] :: hoist
montacasca {m} :: The rise and fall movement of an oarsman
montaggio {m} :: assembly
montaggio {m} :: frame (for a picture, etc.)
montaggio {m} :: montage (in a film)
montaggio su ruote {m} :: caster
montaggista {mf} :: typesetter
montagna {f} [geomorphology, orography] :: mountain
montagna {f} :: blizzard (figuratively) (large amount of paperwork)
montagna di ghiaccio {f} :: iceberg (big icy mass)
montagnardo {m} :: Montagnard
Montagne Rocciose {prop} :: Rocky Mountains
montagne russe {f} :: roller coaster
montagnetta {f} :: knoll, hillock (small hill or mountain)
montagnino {adj} :: alternative form of montanino
montagnolo {m} :: One who lives or was born in the mountains; highlander
montagnolo {m} [figurative, transferred sense] :: A rough or rugged person; a rugged individualist
montagnolo {adj} :: highlander (attributive)
montagnolo {adj} :: rough or rugged person (attributive)
montagnoso {adj} :: mountainous
montalbano {m} :: A red wine from the area of Florence and Pistoia in Tuscany
Montalbano {prop} :: surname
Montalcini {prop} :: surname
Montalcini {prop} :: Rita Levi-Montalcini, Italian neurologist, winner of the 1986 Nobel Prize in Medicine
Montalcino {prop} :: Montalcino (town)
Montalcino {m} :: Either of two fine red wines made in the region of this town
Montale {prop} :: Montale (community)
montalettighe {f} [in a hospital] :: A lift / elevator capable of taking stretchers
montaliano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Montale in Tuscany
montaliano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Eugenio Montale, Italian poet
montaliano {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Montale
montaltese {adj} :: Of or form any of several places named Montalto
Montalti {prop} :: surname
Montalto {prop} :: Montalto delle Marche
Montalto {prop} :: Montalto di Castro
Montalto {prop} :: Montalto Ligure
Montalto {prop} :: Montalto Pavese
Montalto {prop} :: Montalto Uffugo
Montana {prop} :: Montana (state)
Montanari {prop} :: surname
Montanariello {prop} :: surname
montanaro {adj} :: mountain (attributive)
montanaro {m} :: person who lives in the mountains
montanaro {m} :: [pejorative] hillbilly
Montanelli {prop} :: surname
Montanelli {prop} :: Indro Montanelli, Italian journalist
montanello {m} :: linnet
montanico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: montanic
montanino {adj} :: mountain (attributive)
montanismo {m} :: Montanism
montanista {mf} :: Montanist
montanistico {adj} :: Montanist
montano {adj} :: mountain, mountainous
montante {v} :: present participle of montare
montante {adj} [also, figurative] :: rising, mounting
montante {m} :: rod, pillar, etc. used to reinforce a structure, etc
montante {m} :: jamb (of a door)
montante {m} :: upright, mullion (of a window)
montante {m} [soccer] :: goalpost
montante {m} [aeronautics] :: strut
montante {m} :: uppercut (boxing)
montante {m} :: riser (vertical utility pipe)
montante {m} :: lapel
montante {m} [economics] :: future value
montante {m} [fencing] :: Zornhau
montante {m} [historical, fencing] :: a type of longsword used by fencers in Spain between the 16th and 17th centuries
montantesi {v} :: present participle of montarsi
montapali {adj} :: pole-mounting (attributive)
montapanna {m} :: A kitchen utensil used to whip cream &c
Montaperti {prop} :: A place, near the town of Castelnuovo Berardenga in the province of Siena, that was the site of a thirteenth century battle
montare {v} :: to mount
montare {vit} :: (typically with su) to ascend (onto); to climb (on)
montare {vt} :: to bestride
montare {vt} :: to get on top of [an animal] to mate
montare {vt} [slang] :: to fuck (have sexual intercourse)
montare {vi} :: to increase in quantity or intensity
montare {vi} [rare] :: (with a) to amount (to)
montare {vt} :: to whip, beat, whisk
montare {vt} :: to inflate or magnify
montare {vt} :: to cause to get a big head
montare {vit} :: to begin a work shift
montare {vi} [rare] :: to matter
montare {vi} [archaic] :: to be useful
montare {vt} :: to assemble
montare {vt} :: to load [a gun, etc.]
montare {vt} :: to edit [a film, video, etc.] by adding a montage
montare {vt} :: to stage or set up [a play, show, etc.]
montare {vt} :: to frame
montare il sangue alla testa {v} [idiom] :: to make one's blood boil
montare in bestia {v} [idiom] :: to go on a rampage; to get very angry
montare in cattedra {v} [idiom] :: to speak in a professorial, presumptuous, and dogmatic way; to pontificate
montare in collera {v} :: synonym of montare in bestia
montare in superbia {v} [idiom] :: to get a big head
montare la mosca al naso {v} :: to get angry or irritated suddenly and forcefully
montarozzo {m} :: mound (of earth and/or rubbish)
montarsi {v} :: reflexive of montare
montarsi {v} :: to get a big head
montarsi la testa {vi} :: to get big-headed, to get a big head, to go to one's head
montascale {m} :: stairlift
montasio {m} :: A hard, cow's-milk cheese from Friuli
montata {f} :: female equivalent of montato
montata {f} :: run (of fish)
montata lattea {f} [physiology] :: lactation onset
montato {adj} :: mounted (all senses)
montato {adj} :: big-headed, full of oneself, arrogant
montato {adj} :: whipped (cream, albumen, etc.)
montato {m} [figuratively] :: bighead, poser
montatoio {m} :: step (for placing the feet on)
montatoio {m} :: running board
montatoio {m} :: mounting block
montatore {m} :: assembler (machine that assembles things)
montatore {m} :: editor (of film, video, etc.)
montatore {m} :: fixer (one who or that which fixes)
montatosi {v} :: past participle of montarsi
montatrice {f} :: assembler (machine that assembles things)
montatrice {f} :: editor (female) (cinema, TV)
montatura {f} :: mounting, setting (of a jewel)
montatura {f} [somewhat rare] :: arrangement, setting
montatura {f} :: preparation and trimming of a garment
montatura {f} :: lapel
montatura {f} [cooking] :: whipping, whisking
montatura {f} :: exaggeration, stunt
montatura {f} [in the plural] :: frames (of spectacles)
montavivande {m} :: dumbwaiter
montblanc {m} /momˈblaŋ/ :: A dessert made from chestnut purée and whipped cream
monte {m} [geomorphology, orography] /ˈmonte/ :: mountain, mount
monte {m} :: heap, pile
monte {m} :: pool, fund (of money); bank
Monte {prop} :: surname
Montebelluna {prop} :: A small town near Treviso in the Veneto
montebellunese {adj} :: Of or from Montebelluna
montebellunese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Montebelluna
montebianco {m} /ˌmon.teˈbjaŋ.ko/ :: A dessert made from chestnut purée and whipped cream
Monte Bianco {prop} :: Mont Blanc
Monte Capitolino {prop} :: Capitoline Hill
Montecarlo {prop} :: Monte Carlo
Montecassino {prop} :: alternative form of Monte Cassino
Monte Cassino {prop} :: A rocky hill near the town of Cassino; the site of the first Benedictine monastery
Montecchi {prop} /mon.tek.ki/ :: surname equivalent to Montagu
Montecelio {prop} :: Montecelio (small town)
Monteceneri {prop} :: Monteceneri (small town)
Montecitorio {prop} :: The Italian chamber of deputies
Montecristo {prop} :: Montecristo (Italian island)
Montefalco {prop} :: Montefalco (town)
Montefalco {m} :: A fine red wine made from Sangiovese, Trebbiano and Sagrantino grapes
montefeltrino {adj} :: Of or from Montefeltro
Montefeltro {prop} :: Montefeltro (historic region) that occupied parts of present-day Marche, Emilia-Romagna, Toscana and San Marino
montefiorano {adj} :: Of or from Montefiore dell'Aso
Montefiore dell'Aso {prop} :: Montefiore dell'Aso (small town)
Monte Fuji {prop} /ˌmon.te ˈfu.dʒi/ :: Monte Fuji (mountain)
Montelusa {prop} :: Montelusa (fictional town), in the books by Andrea Camilleri, based on Agrigento
montenegrina {f} :: female equivalent of montenegrino
montenegrino {adj} :: Montenegrin
montenegrino {m} :: Montenegrin
montenegrino {m} [singular only] :: The Montenegrin language
Montenegro {prop} /ˌmonteˈneɡro/ :: Montenegro
montepremi {m} :: The total wages paid by a company; wage bill
montepremi {m} :: The money available to pay winnings; prize pool; jackpot
Montepulciano {prop} :: Montepulciano (town)
Montepulciano {m} :: A variety of grape, cultivated in the Marche, Abruzzi and Apulia; a red wine made from these grapes (more usually uncapitalised as montepulciano)
Monterotondo {prop} :: Monterotondo (small town)
Montesano {prop} :: surname
Montessori {prop} :: surname
Montessori {prop} :: Maria Montessori, Italian medical doctor, educator and author
montessoriano {adj} :: Montessorian
Monteverdi {prop} :: surname
Monteverdi {prop} :: Claudio Monteverdi, Italian composer
montgomery {m} /moŋˈɡɔ.me.ri/ :: duffel coat
Monti {prop} :: surname
Monti {prop} :: Mario Monti, Italian politician and economist
montiano {adj} :: montian
Monticano {prop} :: Monticano (river)
monticare {v} :: synonym of alpeggiare
monticazione {f} :: transhumance (to upper summer pastures)
monticello {m} :: small mountain; hillock
monticello {m} :: mound, heap
montmorillonite {f} [mineral] :: montmorillonite
montonata {f} :: buck, bucking (of a horse)
montonato {adj} [geology, of rock] :: Broken down by glaciers
montone {m} :: ram (male sheep)
montone {m} :: mutton
montone {m} :: sheepflesh, sheepmeat
montone {m} :: sheepskin, sheepskin jacket
montone {m} [geology] :: rock broken down by glaciers
Montone {prop} :: Montone (river)
Montréal {prop} :: alternative form of Montreal
montserratiano {adj} :: Of or from Montserrat
montuosità {f} :: mountainousness
montuoso {adj} :: mountainous, mountain (attributive)
montura {f} :: uniform
monturato {adj} :: In uniform (military clothing)
monumentale {adj} :: monumental
monumentalità {f} :: monumentality
monumentalizzante {v} :: present participle of monumentalizzare
monumentalizzare {v} :: to monumentalize
monumentalizzazione {f} :: monumentalization
monumentare {v} :: To honour someone with a monument
monumento {m} [commemorative] :: monument, memorial
monumento {m} [tourist attraction, important building] :: monument, important work, historic building, sight
monumento ai caduti {m} :: war memorial (literally "monument to the fallen")
monumentomania {f} :: A craze for erecting monuments
Monviso {prop} :: Monviso (mountain)
Monza {prop} :: Monza (city), the site of a Grand Prix motor racing circuit
Monza e Brianza {prop} :: Province of Lombardy, Italy
monzese {adj} :: Of or relating to Monza or the Monza people
monzese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Monza
moplen {m} :: A form of polypropylene used to make many household and commercial objects
moquettato {adj} :: Furnished with fitted carpet
moquette {f} :: fitted carpet
mora {f} /ˈmɔ.ra/ :: mulberry (fruit); fruit of a plant of the genus Morus
mora {f} [by analogy] :: blackberry (fruit), and similar fruits such as loganberry; fruit of a plant of the genus Rubus
mora {f} :: arrears
Morabito {prop} :: surname
mora di rovo {f} :: blackberry (fruit)
morale {adj} /moˈra.le/ :: moral
morale {f} :: morals
morale {f} :: moral philosophy
morale {m} :: morale
moraleggiamento {m} :: moralizing
moraleggiamento {m} :: preaching
moraleggiante {v} :: present participle of moraleggiare
moraleggiante {adj} :: moralizing
moraleggiante {adj} :: preachy
moraleggiare {vi} :: to moralize
moraleggiare {vi} :: to preach
moralismo {m} :: moralism
moralista {adj} :: moralistic
moralista {mf} :: moralist
moralisticamente {adv} :: moralistically
moralistico {adj} :: moralistic
moralità {f} :: morality
moralità {f} :: morals
moralizzabile {adj} :: reformable
moralizzante {v} :: present participle of moralizzare
moralizzare {vi} :: ‎ to moralize (about)
moralizzatore {adj} :: moralizing
moralizzatore {m} :: moralizer
moralizzazione {f} :: moralization
moralmente {adv} :: morally
Morandi {prop} :: surname
Morandini {prop} :: surname
moratoria {f} :: A moratorium
moratorio {adj} [legal] :: arrears (attributive)
Morava {prop} :: Morava
moravo {adj} :: Moravian
moravo {m} :: Moravian
morbico {adj} :: Related to disease; morbid
morbidamente {adv} :: softly
morbidezza {f} :: softness, smoothness, tenderness, mellowness
morbidiccio {adj} :: softish
morbidissimo {adj} :: superlative of morbido
morbidità {f} [pathology] :: morbidity
morbido {adj} /ˈmɔr.bi.do/ :: soft, tender, mellow
morbido {adj} [figuratively] :: docile, compliant
morbido {m} :: soft place
morbidume {m} :: softness
morbigeno {adj} :: pathogenic
morbilità {f} [medicine] :: morbidity
morbilliforme {adj} [pathology] :: morbilliform
morbillo {m} [diseases] :: measles, morbilli
morbilloso {adj} [pathology] :: morbillous
morbino {m} :: unbridled joy, noisy liveliness
morbinoso {adj} :: joyful, vivacious
morbo {m} [diseases] /ˈmɔr.bo/ :: disease
morbo di Crohn {m} [diseases] :: Crohn's disease
morbo di Parkinson {m} [diseases] :: Parkinson's disease
morbosamente {adv} :: morbidly, unhealthily, pathologically
morbosità {f} :: morbidity
morboso {adj} :: morbid, sick, pathological
morchella {f} :: morel (mushroom)
morchia {f} :: sludge
morchione {m} :: A fertiliser obtained from olive byproducts
morchioso {adj} :: sludgy
morchiume {m} :: A mound of sludge
mordacchia {f} :: muzzle
mordace {adj} :: pungent
mordace {adj} :: cutting, biting (remark)
mordacemente {adv} :: bitingly, cuttingly, sharply, pungently, caustically
mordacità {f} :: pungency, sharpness
mordente {v} :: present participle of mordere
mordente {adj} :: biting
mordente {m} :: mordant, base
mordente {m} :: bite (figurative)
mordente {m} :: drive (personality)
mordentesi {v} :: present participle of mordersi
mordenzante {v} :: present participle of mordenzare
mordenzare {vt} :: to stain, mordant or etch
mordenzatura {f} :: mordanting
mordere {vt} /ˈmɔr.de.re/ :: to bite
mordere la mano che ti nutre {v} :: to bite the hand that feeds you
mordere la polvere {v} :: synonym of mangiare la polvere
mordersi {v} :: reflexive of mordere
mordersi {v} :: to bite oneself (or part of one's body)
mordersi la lingua {vr} :: to put one's foot in one's mouth
mordersi le dita {v} :: synonym of mordersi le mani
mordersi le mani {vr} :: to regret, repent
mordersi le mani {vt} :: To regret, grieve
mordicchiante {v} :: present participle of mordicchiare
mordicchiantesi {v} :: present participle of mordicchiarsi
mordicchiare {vt} :: To gnaw; to chew or nibble (at)
mordicchiarsi {v} :: reflexive of mordicchiare
mordicchiarsi {vr} :: to gnaw or chew at one's own body
mordicchiarsi {vr} [of an animal] :: to nibble at its food
mordicchiatosi {v} :: past participle of mordicchiarsi
mordi e fuggi {v} :: flying visit
mordi e fuggi {v} :: here today, gone tomorrow
mordi e fuggi {v} :: bad done task
mordi e fuggi {v} :: odd job
mordigallina {f} :: scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis)
mordiglione {m} :: A tool used to shape rebars
morditore {adj} :: biting, harsh, malign
morditura {f} :: bite, sting
morditura {f} :: rebuke
mordorè {adj} :: russet (colour)
mordvino {adj} :: Mordvinian
mordvino {m} :: Mordvinian (person)
mordvino {m} :: Mordvinian (language)
Morea {prop} :: Morea
moreccio {m} :: cep (mushroom)
morella {f} :: black nightshade (Solanum nigrum)
Morellato {prop} :: surname
morello {adj} [of horses] :: blackish
morello {m} :: A dark, almost black, horse
morello {m} :: A wooden crank
morena {f} [geology] :: moraine, glacial till, drift
morenico {adj} :: morainal
morente {v} :: present participle of morire
morente {adj} :: dying
morente {mf} :: A dying person
morente {mf} [in the plural] :: The dying
moresco {adj} :: Moorish
Moresi {prop} :: surname
moreto {m} :: mulberry plantation / grove
Moretti {prop} :: surname
moretto {adj} :: dark-haired, brunette
moretto {m} :: a dark-haired child
more uxorio {adv} /ˌmɔ.re.ukˈsɔ.rjo/ :: as husband and wife; in a manner similar to a common-law marriage
morfema {m} [linguistics] :: morpheme
morfematico {adj} :: morphemic
morfemico {adj} :: alternative form of morfematico
Morfeo {prop} [Greek god] :: Morpheus
morfina {f} :: morphine (opioid used as an anaesthetic or recreational drug)
morfinismo {m} :: morphinism (morphine addiction)
morfinizzare {v} :: To intoxicate by overuse of morphine
morfinomane {mf} :: morphinist, morphinomaniac, morphiomaniac (morphine addict)
morfinomania {f} :: Addiction to morphine
-morfismo {suffix} :: -morphism
morfismo {m} [mathematics] :: morphism
-morfo {suffix} :: -morphic
-morfo {suffix} :: -morphous
morfo- {prefix} :: morpho-
morfo {m} [linguistics] :: morph
morfofonema {m} :: morphophoneme
morfofonematica {f} :: morphophonemics
morfofonemico {adj} :: morphophonemic
morfofonologia {f} :: morphophonology
morfofunzionale {adj} :: morphofunctional
morfogenesi {f} :: morphogenesis
morfogenetico {adj} :: morphogenic, morphogenetic
morfologia {f} :: morphology
morfologicamente {adv} :: morphologically
morfologico {adj} :: morphological
morfologista {mf} :: morphologist
morfonema {m} :: morphophoneme
morfonematica {f} :: synonym of morfofonematica
morfonologia {f} :: Variant of morfofonologia
morfopsicologia {f} :: morphopsychology
morfosi {f} [biology] :: morphosis
morfosintassi {f} :: morphosyntax
morfosintatticamente {adv} :: morphosyntactically
morfosintattico {adj} :: morphosyntactic
Morgagni {prop} :: surname
Morgagni {prop} :: Giovanni Battista Morgagni, Italian anatomist
Morgana {prop} [Arthurian legend] :: ellipsis of fata Morgana; Morgan le Fay (half-sister of King Arthur)
Morgana {prop} :: given name
morganaticamente {adv} :: morganatically
morganatico {adj} :: morganatic
morgengabio {m} :: morning gift
Mori {prop} :: surname
moria {f} /moˈri.a/ :: An elevated mortality, especially due to chemical or biological effects, or an epidemic
moria {f} /ˈmɔ.rja/ :: moria
moribonda {f} :: feminine noun of moribondo
moribondo {adj} :: dying, moribund
moribondo {m} :: dying person
moriccia {f} :: alternative form of muriccia
moriente {adj} :: alternative form of morente
morigeratamente {adv} :: soberly, temperately, moderately
morigeratezza {f} :: moderation, temperance, sobriety
morigerato {adj} :: moderate, sober (character)
morigiana {f} :: wigeon (Anas penelope)
moriglione {m} :: common pochard (Aythya ferina)
morione {m} :: morion (all senses)
morire {m} /moˈrire/ :: death
morire {vi} :: to die
morire da eroe {v} :: to die a hero 's death
morire da eroe {v} :: to die like a hero
morirsene {v} :: to die a lingering death; to fade away
morirsi {vr} :: To die; to pass away
morituro {adj} :: moribund
morituro {adj} :: mortal
Morlacchi {prop} :: surname
morlacco {f} :: Morlach
mormone {adj} :: Mormon
mormone {mf} :: Mormon
mormonico {adj} :: Mormon (attributive)
mormonismo {m} :: Mormonism
mormora {f} :: steenbras
mormoracchiare {v} :: To continuously mumble
mormoracchiare {v} :: To blame
mormoramento {m} :: murmur, mutter, whisper
mormoramento {m} :: grumble
mormorante {v} :: present participle of mormorare
mormorare {v} :: to murmur or whisper
mormorare {v} :: to mutter or grumble
mormorare {v} :: to talk (to speak ill, as in "people will talk")
mormoratore {m} :: grumbler, complainer
mormoratore {m} :: backbiter, gossip
mormorazione {f} :: murmuring
mormoreggiare {v} :: synonym of mormorare
mormorio {m} :: murmur
mormorio {m} :: rustling (sound)
moro {m} :: mulberry tree
moro {m} :: Moor (dark-skinned person)
moro {adj} :: black
moro {adj} :: Moorish
moro {adj} :: dark-skinned
morosa {f} :: female equivalent of moroso
morosa {f} :: female equivalent of moroso
Morosini {prop} :: surname
Morosini {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
morosità {f} :: default (financial condition)
moroso {adj} :: defaulting, in arrears
moroso {m} :: defaulter
moroso {m} [regional] :: boyfriend, lover, sweetheart
moroteismo {m} :: The politics of Aldo Moro
moroteo {adj} :: Relating to Aldo Moro and his branch of the Christian Democrats
morphante {v} :: present participle of morphare
morphare {vt} [computing] :: to morph (transform an image by computer)
Morpurgo {prop} :: surname
Morpurgo {prop} :: Luciano Morpurgo, Italian writer
morra {f} :: The game of morra
Morricone {prop} :: surname
Morricone {prop} :: Ennio Morricone, Italian composer
Morrocco {prop} :: surname
morsa {f} /ˈmɔr.sa/ :: vice, grip, clamp
morsecchiare {v} :: alternative form of morsicchiare
morseggiare {vt} [rare] :: to nibble
morsettatura {f} :: A set of plates, clamped together to form a junction or to hold two surfaces together
morsettiera {f} :: terminal board or box (electrical)
morsetto {m} :: small clamp, holdfast, clip
morsetto {m} [electrical engineering] :: terminal
morsetto {m} :: morsel, bite, nibble
morsicante {v} :: present participle of morsicare
morsicare {vt} :: to bite
morsicatura {f} :: bite
morsicchiante {v} :: present participle of morsicchiare
morsicchiare {vt} :: To nibble or gnaw at
morsicchiatura {f} :: nibble, nibbling
morso {m} :: bite
morso {m} :: bit (of a horse)
morso {m} :: nibble
morsosi {v} :: past participle of mordersi
mortadella {f} /mor.taˈdɛl.la/ :: mortadella
mortaio {m} :: mortar (small vessel used to grind things)
mortaio {m} :: mortar (artillery)
mortaista {m} :: mortarman
mortal {mf} :: apocopic form of mortale
mortale {adj} :: (that must die) mortal, transitory, transient
mortale {adj} :: (causing death) mortal, fatal, lethal, deadly, deathly
mortale {adj} :: deathlike, deadly, deathly
mortale {mf} :: mortal
mortaletto {m} :: alternative form of mortaretto
mortalità {f} :: mortality
mortalità {f} :: death rate
mortalmente {adv} :: fatally
mortalmente {adv} :: deadly
mortamente {adv} :: deathly
mortamente {adv} :: weakly
mortaretto {m} :: firecracker
mortaro {m} :: alternative form of mortaio
mortasa {f} :: mortice / mortise
mortasante {v} :: present participle of mortasare
mortasare {vt} :: To mortice / mortise
mortasatore {m} :: A person who makes mortices
mortasatrice {f} :: mortiser (mortising or slotting machine)
mortasatura {f} :: mortising / morticing
Mortati {prop} :: surname
morte {f} /ˈmɔr.te/ :: death
morte bianca {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: workplace death
morte bianca {f} [chiefly in the singular] :: SIDS death
mortella {f} :: myrtle (Myrtus communis)
mortesa {f} :: alternative form of mortasa
morticcio {adj} :: (deathly) pale, wan
morticcio {adj} :: withered
morticcio {adj} [of water] :: stagnant
mortiferamente {adv} :: lethally
mortifero {adj} [literary] /morˈti.fe.ro/ :: deadly, lethal, deathly, mortiferous
mortifero {adj} [literary, rare] :: foreboding death
mortificante {v} :: present participle of mortificare
mortificantesi {v} :: present participle of mortificarsi
mortificare {vt} :: To mortify, to dismay
mortificarsi {vr} :: To mortify oneself
mortificativo {adj} :: mortifying
mortificato {adj} :: mortified (about)
mortificatore {adj} :: mortifying, humiliating
mortificatosi {v} :: past participle of mortificarsi
mortificazione {f} :: mortification
mortisa {f} :: alternative form of mortasa
mortito {m} :: A meat stew flavoured with myrtle
mortizza {f} :: A swamp fed by a river
morto {adj} [literal and figurative] /ˈmɔr.to/ :: dead
morto {adj} [by extension, colloquial, of a body part] :: dead (experiencing pins and needles)
morto {adj} [figurative, of a time period] :: past
morto {m} :: dead man
morto {m} :: corpse, dead body
morto {m} [figurative] :: An inactive or idle person
morto {m} [card games] :: A fourth, absent player
morto {m} [bridge] :: dummy
mortorio {m} [literary] :: funeral
mortorio {m} [by extension] :: (like a) morgue or funeral
morto un papa se ne fa un'altro {phrase} :: there are plenty of fish in the sea
morto un papa se ne fa un'altro {phrase} :: nobody is indispensable
mortuario {adj} :: mortuary
Morucci {prop} :: surname
morva {f} :: glanders
morvido {adj} :: alternative form of morbido
morvoso {adj} :: glanderous
Mosa {prop} :: The river Meuse
mosaicato {adj} :: mosaicked
mosaicismo {m} :: mosaicism
mosaicista {mf} :: mosaicist
mosaico {m} :: mosaic, puzzle, jigsaw, jigsaw puzzle
mosaico {m} :: mixture (of disparate things)
mosaico {adj} :: Mosaic
mosaicoltura {f} :: A flower bed consisting of a "mosaic" of different coloured flowers
mosaismo {m} :: Mosaism
mosca {f} :: fly
Mosca {prop} /ˈmos.ka/ :: Mosca (federal city/capital)
mosca bianca {m} :: black swan (occurrence believed impossible to exist)
mosca cieca {f} [games] /ˌmo.skaˈtʃɛ.ka/ :: blind man's buff
moscacieca {f} :: alternative form of mosca cieca
moscaio {m} :: swarm of flies
moscaio {m} :: place full of flies
moscaiola {f} :: meat safe
moscaiola {f} :: fly net or trap
moscardino {m} :: a mollusc similar to a small octopus
moscardino {m} :: dormouse, common dormouse, hazel dormouse
moscardino {m} :: a fop, a dandy
moscardo {m} :: sparrowhawk
moscatello {m} :: muscatel
moscatello {adj} :: musky
moscato {adj} [of a horse's coat] /mosˈka.to/ :: Characterized by black spots
moscato {adj} [rare] :: Characterized by black spots
moscato {adj} :: musky
moscato {m} [archaic] :: musk
moscato {m} :: moscato (grape variety)
moscato {m} :: The wine made from such grapes
Moscato {m} :: Any of various grape varieties, and of wines made from them, that have a musky flavour
mosca tse-tse {f} :: tsetse (fly)
moscatura {f} :: dapple
moscerino {m} :: midge, gnat
moscezza {f} :: softness
moscezza {f} :: lifelessness
moschea {f} /moˈskɛ.a/ :: mosque
moscherino {m} :: alternative form of moscerino
moschetta {f} :: bolt fired from a crossbow
moschetta {f} :: musket
moschettare {v} :: To kill with a shot from a musket
moschettata {f} :: musket shot
moschettato {adj} :: dappled
moschettato {adj} :: speckled
moschettatura {f} :: dappling
moschettatura {f} :: speckling
moschetteria {f} :: musketry
moschettiera {m} :: musketeer
moschettiere {m} :: musketeer
moschetto {m} /mo.ˈsket.to/ :: musket
moschettonare {v} :: To secure with a carabiner
moschettone {m} :: spring clip
moschettone {m} :: snap ring, snaplink, carabiner, karabiner
moschicida {adj} :: fly (attributive, in the sense of being used to kill flies)
moschido {m} :: musk deer
moschinato {adj} :: moschinato (attributive)
moschino {m} :: midge, gnat
Moschino {prop} :: surname
Moschino {prop} :: Franco Moschino, Italian designer
moschito {m} :: alternative form of mosquito
mosciame {f} :: cured tuna; Traditionally served in thin slices similar to carpaccio or bresaola
mosciamente {adv} :: softly
mosciamente {adv} :: lifelessly
mosciamente {adv} :: flabbily, flaccidly
mosciara {f} :: A boat used in tuna fishing
moscino {m} :: alternative form of moschino
moscio {adj} /ˈmoʃ.ʃo/ :: soft (hair)
moscio {adj} :: dull, lifeless (person)
moscio {adj} :: flabby
moscio {adj} :: flaccid
moscione {m} :: dried chestnut
moscione {m} :: A gnat associated with wine fermentation
mosco {m} /ˈmɔs.ko/ :: A musk deer
moscone {m} /moˈsko.ne/ :: bluebottle (insect)
moscone {m} [figuratively, derogatory] :: An insistent and annoying suitor
moscone {m} [watercraft] :: A type of recreational watercraft consisting of two parallel floaters joined together, propelled by oars
Moscova {prop} :: Moscova (river)
Moscovia {prop} {f} [historical] /mosˈkɔ.vja/ :: Muscovy
moscoviano {adj} [geology, paleontology] /mos.koˈvja.no/ :: Of or pertaining to the Moscovian period
Moscoviano {prop} [geology, paleontology] /mos.koˈvja.no/ :: Moscovian (a subdivision of the Carboniferous period)
moscovio {m} :: moscovium
moscovio {m} :: A rejected name for livermorium
moscovita {adj} /mos.koˈvi.ta/ :: Muscovite
moscovita {mf} :: Muscovite
Mosè {prop} :: Moses [biblical character]
Mosella {prop} :: Moselle
mosquito {m} :: mosquito
mossa {f} /ˈmɔssa/ :: movement
mossa {f} :: move
mossiere {m} :: starter (of a race)
mosso {adj} :: rough (sea)
mosso {adj} :: wavy (hair)
mosso {adj} :: blurred (photograph)
mossosi {v} :: past participle of muoversi
mostacchio {m} :: alternative form of mustacchio
mostaccio {m} :: moustache
mostaccio {m} [colloquial] :: mug (ugly face)
mostacciolo {m} :: A traditional diamond-shaped Christmas sweet, from Naples, made with nuts
mostaccione {m} :: slap (on the face)
mostaio {adj} :: musty
mostarda {f} :: An Italian condiment made of candied fruit and a mustard-flavoured syrup
mostarda {f} :: mustard (colour)
mostarda di frutta {f} :: A type of Italian condiment made of candied fruit and a mustard flavoured syrup
mostardiera {f} :: mustard pot
mostella {f} :: forkbeard (Phycis phycis)
mostificazione {f} :: mashing (of the must in brewing and winemaking)
mostimetro {m} :: mustimeter, saccharimeter
mosto {m} :: must (fruit juice)
mostoso {adj} :: That produces much must
mostoso {adj} :: Must-like
mostra {f} :: exhibition, show
mostrabile {adj} :: That can be shown or exhibited; displayable
mostramercato {f} :: A display of objects that are available to buy
mostrante {v} :: present participle of mostrare
mostrantesi {v} :: present participle of mostrarsi
mostrare {vt} :: to show
mostrare {vi} :: to pretend
mostrare il dito medio {v} :: to give the finger
mostrare se stesso {v} :: synonym of gettare la maschera
mostrare se stesso {v} :: synonym of uscire allo scoperto
mostrarsi {v} :: reflexive of mostrare
mostrarsi {vr} :: to show oneself,
mostrarsi {vr} :: to prove oneself, seem to be
mostrarsi {vr} :: to appear
mostratore {m} :: exhibitor
mostratosi {v} :: past participle of mostrarsi
mostravento {m} [meteorology] :: vane. weather vane, wind vane
mostreggiare {v} :: to adorn with displays
mostreggiatura {f} [uncommon] :: A pair of distinctive collar patches that identify the rank of a soldier or policeman
mostriciattolo {m} :: A little monster
mostrina {f} :: flash (military)
mostrina {f} :: military award
mostro {m} /ˈmostro/ :: monster
mostro marino {m} [mythological creature] :: sea monster
mostro sacro {n} :: legend, mythical figure
mostruosamente {adv} :: monstrously
mostruosità {f} :: monstrosity
mostruoso {adj} :: monstrous
mostruoso {adj} :: incredible
mota {f} :: mud
motetto {m} :: alternative form of mottetto
moticchio {m} :: A patch of sticky mud
motiglio {m} :: synonym of fanghiglia
motilità {f} :: motility
motivabile {adj} :: explainable
motivante {v} :: present participle of motivare
motivare {vt} :: to motivate
motivare {vt} :: to cause, lead to
motivare {vt} :: to explain, justify
motivatamente {adv} :: motivatedly
motivato {adj} :: motivated
motivato {adj} :: explained or justified
motivato {adj} :: incentivized
motivatore {m} :: motivator
motivazionale {adj} :: motivational
motivazione {f} [psychology] :: motivation
motivazione {f} :: explanation, reason
motivazione {f} [legal] :: grounds
motivetto {m} [music] :: A short, simple motif
motivo {m} :: reason, ground
motivo {m} :: motive
motivo {m} [music] :: motif, melody, aria
motivo {m} :: pattern, motif
motivo {m} :: room
motivo {m} :: scope
moto- {prefix} :: Used to form terms relating to motors
moto {f} :: clipping of motocicleta; motorcycle
moto {m} :: movement
moto {m} :: motion
moto {m} :: exercise
moto {m} :: uprising, revolt
motoaliante {m} :: motor glider
motoalpinismo {m} :: motocross in the mountains
motoaratore {m} :: Specialist in ploughing equipment
motoaratrice {f} :: motor plough/plow
motoaratura {f} :: motor or mechanical ploughing / plowing
moto armonico semplice {m} [physics] :: simple harmonic motion
motobarca {f} :: motorboat
moto browniano {m} [physics] :: Brownian motion
motocalcio {m} :: motorcycle football / polo
motocampestre {adj} :: cross-country (motor sports)
motocampestre {f} :: motocross
motocannoniera {f} [nautical] :: motor gunboat
motocarrello {m} :: motor trolley (or similar)
motocarriola {f} :: motor barrow (or similar machine)
motocarrista {mf} :: three-wheeler driver
motocarro {m} :: three-wheeler (three-wheeled light goods vehicle)
motocarrozzetta {f} :: motorcycle with a fitted sidecar
motocarrozzino {m} :: synonym of motocarrozzetta
motocicletta {f} :: motorcycle, motorbike
motociclismo {m} :: motorcycling; motorcycle sport
motociclista {mf} :: motorcyclist, biker
motociclistico {adj} :: motorcycle (attributive)
motociclo {m} :: motorcycle, motorbike
motocingolato {m} :: A vehicle equipped with caterpillar tracks
motocingoletta {f} :: half-track vehicle
motocisterna {f} :: tanker (motor vehicle); bowser
motocolonna {f} [military] :: motorized column
motocoltivatore {m} :: rotavator, rototiller
motocoltore {m} :: mechanized farmer
motocoltura {f} :: mechanized farming
motocompressore {m} :: compressor (that produces compressed air for road drills etc)
motocorazzato {adj} [military] :: motorized and armoured
motocross {m} :: motocross
motocrossista {mf} :: motocross rider
moto d'acqua {f} [vehicle, nautical] :: synonym of acquascooter
motodromo {m} :: speedway
motoelica {f} :: engine-driven propellor
motofalciatrice {f} :: power (motorized) mower
motofurgone {m} :: three-wheeled delivery van
motolancia {f} [nautical] :: motor launch
motoleggera {f} :: lightweight motorcycle
motomeccanizzare {v} [military] :: To mechanize (equip with motor vehicles)
motomezzo {m} :: motor vehicle
motomondiale {m} [sports] :: motorcycle Grand Prix
motonauta {mf} :: Person who drives a motor cruiser
motonautica {f} [nautical] :: speedboat racing
motonautico {adj} :: speedboat (attributive)
motonave {f} :: motor vessel
motoneurone {m} [anatomy] :: motor neuron
moto ondoso {m} :: wave motion
motopesca {f} :: A motorised fishing boat
motopeschereccio {m} [nautical] :: motor fishing boat
motopista {f} :: motorcycle lane (at the edge of a road)
motopompa {f} :: motor pump
moto proprio {m} [astronomy] :: proper motion
motoproprio {m} :: alternative form of motuproprio
motopropulsore {adj} :: power (attributive), motor (attributive)
motopropulsore {m} :: engine
motoraduno {m} :: A social gathering of motorcyclists
motorcaravan {n} /mo.torˈka.ra.van/ :: motor caravan
motore {adj} :: motor, motory, motive, propelling, driving, moving
motore {m} :: engine, motor
motore {m} [literary, mover] :: mover, motive, drive
motore a scoppio {m} :: internal combustion engine
motoreattore {m} :: motorjet, thermojet
motore a vapore {m} :: steam engine
motore di ricerca {m} [computing] :: search engine
motore elettrico {m} :: electric motor
motoretta {f} :: motor scooter
motorino {m} :: moped
motorino {m} :: (small) motor, (small) engine
motorio {adj} :: motor (relating to movements of the muscles or to motor nerves)
motorismo {m} :: motorsport
motorista {mf} :: auto mechanic, motor mechanic
motoristica {f} :: mechanical engineering
motoristico {adj} :: motorsports (attributive), motor (attributive)
motorizzante {v} :: present participle of motorizzare
motorizzare {vt} :: to motorize
motorizzato {adj} :: motorized
motorizzazione {f} :: motorization
motorizzazione {f} :: road traffic
motorizzazione {f} :: motor vehicle licensing office
motoruota {f} :: monowheel
motoscafista {mf} :: motorboat driver
motoscafo {m} :: motorboat
motoscooter {m} :: motor scooter
motosega {f} :: chainsaw
motoseminatrice {f} :: motorised sower (of seeds)
motosilurante {m} :: motor torpedo boat
motoslitta {f} :: snowmobile
motoso {adj} :: muddy
mototorpediniera {f} [nautical] :: motor torpedo boat
mototraghetto {m} :: ferryboat, ferry
mototrazione {f} :: motor traction
mototurismo {m} :: motorcycle tourism
mototurista {mf} :: motorcycle tourist
motovedetta {f} :: motor patrol boat
motoveicolo {m} :: motor vehicle
motovela {f} :: synonym of motoveleggiatore
motoveleggiatore {m} [nautical] :: A pleasure craft that has an engine and a sail
motoveleggiatore {m} :: motor glider
motoveliero {m} [nautical] :: motorsailer
motovelodromo {m} :: motor velodrome (for both cycle and motorcycle racing)
motovettura {f} :: three-wheeled (or other light) motor vehicle
motozappa {f} :: motor hoe
motozattera {f} [nautical] :: landing craft
motrice {f} :: motor, engine, locomotive, tractor
motricità {f} :: motility
motriglia {f} [regional] :: mud, slime
motta {f} /ˈmɔt.ta/ :: landslide
motta {f} :: rise, slope
motta {f} [Venetian] :: A heap of sand or rocks in a riverbed
motta {f} [by extension] :: An artificial island
motteggevole {adj} :: teasing
motteggevole {adj} :: playful
motteggevole {adj} :: witty
motteggiamento {m} :: alternative form of motteggio
motteggiante {v} :: present participle of motteggiare
motteggiare {vt} [literary, rare] :: to tease; to needle
motteggiare {vi} [literary, rare] :: to speak wittily; to quip
motteggiare {vi} [literary, rare, archaic] :: to have a pleasant conversation
motteggiarsi {v} [literary, rare] :: reflexive of motteggiare
motteggiarsi {v} [literary, rare, con] :: to speak cheerfully (with); to have a pleasant conversation (with)
motteggiatore {m} :: mocker, teaser, scoffer
motteggiatore {adj} :: mocking
motteggio {m} :: joke, banter, jeer
mottettista {mf} [music] :: motet composer
mottettistico {adj} :: motet (attributive)
mottetto {m} :: Witty poem
mottetto {m} [music] :: motet
motto {m} /ˈmɔt.to/ :: witty remark
motto {m} :: motto, maxim
motto {m} :: posy (motto inscribed inside a ring)
motuleso {adj} :: disabled
motuproprio {m} :: motu proprio
mouliné {m} :: twisted multicoloured yarn
mountain bike {f} [cycling] /mauntemˈbaik/ :: mountain bike (bicycle and sport)
mouse {m} [computing, computer hardware] /mau̯z/ :: mouse (for a PC)
movente {m} :: motive (That which incites to action, especially a crime)
movente {v} :: present participle of muovere
moventesi {v} :: present participle of muoversi
movenza {f} :: movement
movibile {adj} :: movable, mobile
movibilità {f} :: movability
movida {f} :: in 1980s Spain, the newly lively social and cultural atmosphere, after the end of Francoist dictatorship
movida {f} :: lively city nightlife, party lifestyle
movimentante {v} :: present participle of movimentare
movimentantesi {v} :: present participle of movimentarsi
movimentare {vt} :: to enliven
movimentare {vt} :: to handle, move
movimentarsi {v} :: reflexive of movimentare
movimentarsi {v} :: to liven up
movimentato {adj} :: lively
movimentato {adj} :: animated
movimentato {adj} :: busy
movimentato {adj} :: eventful
movimentato {adj} :: rough and tumble
movimentatosi {v} :: past participle of movimentarsi
movimentazione {f} :: movement (especially the organised movement of goods in a warehouse, traffic on roads etc)
movimentismo {m} :: grassroots political activism
movimentista {mf} :: movementist (in Trades Unions)
movimentistico {adj} :: Of or relating to grassroots political activism
movimento {m} :: movement
movimento {m} [music] :: tempo mark
movimento {m} [music, by extension] :: movement (division of a larger composition)
movimento {m} :: exercise
movimento {m} :: motion
movimento {m} :: bustle
movimento {m} :: clockwork
moviola {f} :: An early film editing machine; a Moviola
moviola {f} :: slow motion (film technique)
moviola a bordocampo {f} :: instant replay (TV facility to examine details of a sporting event from closeup or different angles)
moxel {m} :: Moksha (language)
moxibustione {f} :: moxibustion
mozabita {adj} :: Mozabite (attributive)
mozabita {mf} :: Mozabite
mozabitico {adj} :: Mozabite (attributive)
mozambicana {f} :: female equivalent of mozambicano
mozambicano {adj} :: Mozambican
mozambicano {m} :: Mozambican
Mozambico {prop} :: Mozambique
mozarabico {adj} :: Mozarabic
mozarabo {m} :: Mozarab
Mozart {prop} :: surname
mozartiano {adj} :: Mozartian
Mozia {prop} :: Motya
mozione {f} :: motion (for debate)
mozione di sfiducia {f} [politics] :: motion of no confidence
mozza {f} [archaic] /ˈmot.t͡sa/ :: A kind of cheese
mozza {f} [regional] :: synonym of mozzicone
mozzafiato {adj} :: breathtaking
mozzafiato {adj} :: nail-biting
mozzamente {adv} :: Using short sentences
mozzamento {m} :: syncope (elision of a word)
mozzante {v} :: present participle of mozzare
mozzare {vt} :: to cut off [the head]
mozzare {vt} :: to dock [the tail]
mozzarella {f} /mot.t͡saˈrɛl.la/ :: mozzarella (soft Italian cheese)
mozzarella di bufala {f} :: buffalo mozzarella
mozzarella in carrozza {f} :: deep-fried balls of mozzarella cheese and prosciutto wrapped in battered bread
mozzatura {f} :: cutting or chopping off
mozzatura {f} :: docking (of a tail)
mozzatura {f} :: the part so removed
mozzetta {f} :: mozetta (short cape worn by some Catholic clergy)
mozzicare {v} :: To bite
mozzicare {v} :: To crumble
mozzico {m} :: bite
mozzicone {m} :: stub, end (especially of a cigarette); butt
mozzo {adj} /ˈmottso/ :: cut off [head]
mozzo {adj} :: docked [tail]
mozzo {m} [nautical] /ˈmottso/ :: ship's boy
mozzo {m} :: boy, lad
mozzo {m} /ˈmɔttso/ :: hub, nave
mozzo {m} :: boss [of a screw]
mozzo di stalla {m} :: stable boy
mozzone {m} :: synonym of mozzicone
mozzorecchi {m} :: pettifogger, shyster
mperador {n} :: apocopic form of imperadore
mq {n} :: abbreviation of metro quadro
ms. {m} [in bibliographies] :: abbreviation of manoscritto; ms. (manuscript)
MSI {prop} :: initialism of Movimento Sociale Italiano
mu {mf} :: The name of the letter M
mucca {f} :: a milk-cow, milch cow
mucchia {f} /ˈmuk.kja/ :: synonym of mucchio
mucchietto {m} :: A small amount (or hoard) of money
mucchio {m} :: heap, pile, crop
mucco {m} :: Variant of muco
muccosità {f} :: Variant of mucosità
muccoso {adj} :: alternative spelling of mucoso
mucico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: mucic
mucido {adj} :: musty, mouldy
mucidume {m} :: mouldiness
mucilaggine {f} :: alternative form of mucillagine
mucillaggine {f} :: mucilage
mucillagginoso {adj} :: mucilaginous
mucillagine {m} /mu.t͡ʃilˈla.dʒi.ne/ :: mucilage
mucillagine {m} :: scum (floating vegetation)
mucillaginoso {adj} :: mucilaginous
mucipara {adj} :: muciparous
muciparo {adj} :: muciparous
muco {m} :: mucus
mucociliare {adj} [anatomy] :: mucociliary
mucocutaneo {adj} [anatomy] :: mucocutaneous
mucolitico {adj} :: mucolytic
mucolitico {m} [pharmacology] :: mucolytic
Mucone {prop} :: Mucone (river)
mucopolisaccaride {m} [carbohydrate] :: mucopolysaccharide
mucopolisaccaridosi {f} [pathology] :: mucopolysaccharidosis
mucopurulento {adj} [pathology] :: mucopurulent
mucopus {m} :: mucopus
mucosa {f} [anatomy] :: mucosa, mucous membrane
mucosale {adj} :: mucosal
mucosità {f} :: mucosity, mucousness
mucosità {f} :: mucus
mucoso {adj} :: mucous
mucoviscidosi {f} [disease] :: mucoviscidosis
mucronato {adj} :: mucronate
muda {f} /ˈmu.da/ :: moult [of a bird]
mudante {v} :: present participle of mudare
mudare {v} /muˈda.re/ :: to moult (to shed and replace feathers)
muerre {m} /ˈmwɛr.re/ :: alternative form of amoerro
muffa {f} :: mould, mildew
muffa {f} :: noble rot, Botrytis cinerea
muffa nobile {f} :: noble rot
muffare {vi} :: to become mouldy
muffente {v} :: present participle of muffire
muffione {m} :: alternative form of muflone
muffire {vi} :: to go mouldy or musty
muffire {vi} :: to run to seed
muffito {adj} :: musty, mouldy
muffo {adj} :: mouldy, musty, stale
muffola {f} :: mitten
muffola {f} :: muffle furnace
muffosità {f} :: mouldiness / moldiness
muffosità {f} :: mould
muffoso {adj} :: Covered with mould, mouldy
muflone {m} :: mouflon
mufti {m} :: rare form of muftì
muftì {m} [Islam] /mufˈti/ :: mufti (Muslim scholar)
mugello {m} /muˈd͡ʒɛl.lo/ :: [Livorno] synonym of verzelato
muggente {v} :: present participle of muggire
muggesano {adj} :: Of or from Muggia
mugghiante {v} :: present participle of mugghiare
mugghiare {vi} :: to roar [sea, thunder, etc.]
mugghiare {vi} :: to howl [wind, etc.]
Muggia {prop} :: Muggia (small town)
mugginara {f} /mud.d͡ʒiˈna.ra/ :: A gillnet used to fish mullets
muggine {m} /ˈmud.d͡ʒi.ne/ :: mullet (Mugil cephalus)
muggine {m} [by extension, ichthyology] :: synonym of mugilide
mugginiera {f} :: fishing net for catching mullet
Muggio {prop} :: Muggio (village)
muggiolare {v} :: alternative form of mugolare
muggire {vi} :: To low or moo
muggito {m} :: mooing or lowing
mughetto {m} :: lily of the valley
mugic {m} :: mujik, moujik, muzhik
mugilide {m} [ichthyology] /muˈd͡ʒi.li.de/ :: Any member of the Mugilidae taxonomic family
mugilidi {m} {p} :: The collective members of the Mugilidae taxonomic family
mugiliforme {m} [ichthyology] /mu.d͡ʒi.liˈfor.me/ :: Any member of the Mugiliformes taxonomic order
mugiliformi {m} {p} :: The collective members of the Mugiliformes taxonomic order
mugiolare {v} :: alternative form of mugolare
mugliare {v} :: alternative form of mugghiare
muglio {m} :: moo, low
muglio {m} :: bellow
mugnaia {f} /muɲˈɲa.ja/ :: feminine noun of mugnaio: (female) miller
mugnaia {f} :: A miller's wife
mugnaia {f} [Central Italy] :: synonym of mignattino
mugnaia {f} :: dusty miller (Centaurea cineraria)
mugnaio {m} :: miller (person)
Mugnone {prop} :: Mugnone (small river)
mugo {m} :: mountain pine (Pinus mugo)
mugolamento {m} :: whimpering, whining
mugolante {v} :: present participle of mugolare
mugolare {vi} :: To whimper or whine (of an animal)
mugolare {vi} :: To moan (of a person)
mugolare {vt} :: To mutter
mugolio {m} :: whimpering, whining
mugolio {m} :: moaning
mugolio {m} :: muttering
mugolone {m} :: whimperer
mugolone {m} :: moaner
mugugnante {v} :: present participle of mugugnare
mugugnare {vi} :: To mutter or mumble
mugugno {m} :: peeping, peep
mugugno {m} :: chewing, chomping, mumbling, muttering
mujaheddin {m} :: mujahideen
mula {f} :: she-mule
mulacchia {f} :: jackdaw
mulaggine {f} :: mulishness, stubbornness
mulare {adj} :: mulish, stubborn
mulattiera {f} :: mule track
mulattiere {m} :: mule driver
mulattiero {adj} :: mule (attributive)
mulatto {adj} :: mulatto (attributive)
mulatto {m} :: mulatto
mulcente {v} :: present participle of mulcire
mulcire {v} :: alternative form of molcere
mulenda {f} :: alternative form of molenda
mulesco {adj} :: mulish
mulettista {mf} :: forklift-truck driver
muletto {m} :: forklift
muliebre {adj} /muˈli.e.bre/ :: feminine, womanly
muliebrità {f} :: femininity, womanhood
mulinaio {m} :: alternative form of mulinaro
mulinante {v} :: present participle of mulinare
mulinare {vi} :: To whirl or spin (round and round)
mulinaro {m} [popular, familiar, regional, Southern Italy] :: miller
mulinello {m} :: eddy, whirlpool, whirlwind
mulinello {m} :: reel (on a fishing rod)
mulinello {m} :: windlass
mulino {m} :: mill
mulino ad acqua {m} :: watermill
mulino a vento {m} :: windmill
mullaghera {f} :: yellow pea, yellow vetch (Lathyrus aphaca)
mullido {m} [zoology, ichthyology] :: mullet, goatfish
mulo {m} :: mule
multa {f} :: fine (a fee levied as punishment for breaking the law)
multanime {adj} :: multanimous
multante {v} :: present participle of multare
multare {vt} :: to fine
multi- {prefix} :: multi-
multiaccesso {adj} :: multiaccess
multiaccessoriato {adj} :: multi-accessory
multiadronico {adj} [physics] :: multihadronic
multiagente {adj} [computing] :: multiagent
multiarticolato {adj} :: multiarticular
multiautore {adj} :: multi-author (attributive)
multicanale {adj} :: multichannel
multicanna {adj} [of a firearm] :: multiple-barrelled
multicapsulare {adj} [botany] :: multicapsular
multicaule {adj} [botany] :: multistemmed
multicellulare {adj} [biology] :: multicellular
multicentrico {adj} :: multicentric
multicolore {adj} /mul.ti.koˈlo.re/ :: multicolor, multicoloured, motley
multicombustibile {adj} :: multicombustible
multicomponente {adj} :: multicomponent
multiconfessionale {adj} :: multiconfessional
multicriterio {adj} :: multicriteria
multiculturale {adj} :: multicultural
multiculturalismo {m} :: multiculturalism
multiculturalità {f} :: multiculturality
multidimensionale {adj} :: multidimensional
multidimensionalità {f} :: multidimensionality
multidirezionale {adj} :: multidirectional
multidisciplinare {adj} :: multidisciplinary
multidisciplinarietà {f} :: multidisciplinarity
multidisciplinarità {f} :: multidisciplinary character or quality
multielaborazione {f} [computing] :: multiprocessing
multielettronico {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: multielectronic
multienzimatico {adj} :: multienzymatic
multietnicità {f} :: multiethnicity
multietnico {adj} :: multiethnic
multifarmaco {adj} :: Of or pertaining to multiple pharmaceuticals; multidrug
multifattoriale {adj} :: multifactorial
multifido {adj} [anatomy] :: multifidus
multifido {adj} [botany] :: multifid
multifocale {adj} :: multifocal
multiforme {adj} /mul.tiˈfor.me/ :: multiform
multiforme {adj} :: varied
multiforme {adj} :: versatile
multiformità {f} :: multiformity
multifrequenza {adj} :: multifrequency
multifunzionale {adj} :: multifunctional
multifunzionalità {f} :: multifunctionality
multifunzione {adj} :: multifunctional
multigamma {adj} [physics] :: multigamma
multigenerazionale {adj} :: multigenerational
multigiocatore {adj} :: multiplayer
multigrade {adj} :: multigrade
multigrado {adj} :: multigrade
multilaterale {adj} :: multilateral
multilateralismo {m} :: multilateralism
multilateralità {f} :: multilateral character or quality
multilatero {m} [geometry] :: multilateral
multilineare {adj} :: multilinear
multilinearità {f} :: multilinearity
multilingue {adj} /mul.tiˈlin.ɡwe/ :: multilingual
multilinguismo {m} :: multilingualism
multilivello {adj} :: multilevel
multilobato {adj} [botany] :: multilobate
multiloculare {adj} :: multilocular
multiloquenza {f} :: talkativeness
multiloquenza {f} :: eloquence
multiloquio {m} :: talkativeness, verbosity
multiloquo {adj} :: synonym of loquace
multilustre {adj} :: Very shiny
multimarca {adj} :: multibrand
multimateriale {adj} :: multi-material
multimedia {m} :: multimedia
multimedia {adj} :: alternative form of multimediale
multimediale {adj} :: multimedia (attributive)
multimedialità {f} :: multimedia
multimerico {adj} :: multimeric
multimetro {m} :: multimeter
multimiliardario {adj} :: billionaire (attributive)
multimiliardario {m} :: billionaire
multimilionario {adj} :: multimillion/multi-million
multimilionario {m} :: multimillionaire
multimissione {adj} :: multi-mission (attributive)
multimodale {adj} :: multimodal
multinastro {adj} [computing] :: multithread, multitape
multinazionale {adj} :: multinational
multinazionale {f} :: multinational
multinucleare {adj} [biology] :: multinuclear
multinumero {m} :: party line (line shared by telephones that have different numbers)
multiorario {adj} [of a tariff] :: Whose cost varies depending on a timetable
multiorgano {adj} :: multiorgan
multipara {adj} [feminine only] :: multiparous
multiparità {f} :: multiparity
multiparo {adj} :: multiparous
multipartitico {adj} :: multiparty
multipartitismo {m} :: multipartitism, multipartyism
multipiani {adj} :: alternative form of multipiano
multipiano {adj} :: multi-storey
multipiattaforma {adj} [computing] :: multiplatform, cross-platform
multiplano {m} :: multiplane
multiplato {adj} :: multiplex
multiplatore {m} :: multiplexer
multiplazione {f} :: multiplexing
multipletto {m} [physics] :: multiplet
multiplexante {v} :: present participle of multiplexare
multiplexare {v} :: To multiplex
multiplice {adj} :: alternative form of molteplice
multiplo {adj} :: multiple
multiplo {m} [mathematics] :: multiple
multipolare {adj} :: multipolar
multipolarità {f} [physics] :: multipolarity
multipolo {m} [physics] :: multipole
multipresa {f} :: multi-socket (electrical adapter), power strip
multiprocessore {m} [computer hardware] :: multiprocessor
multiprogrammazione {f} [computing] :: multiprogramming
multiproprietà {f} :: time-sharing
multiproprietà {f} :: time-share
multiproprietario {m} :: member of a timeshare
multiproteico {adj} :: multiproteic
multipunto {adj} :: multipoint
multirazziale {adj} :: multiracial
multiregionale {adj} :: multiregional
multireligioso {adj} :: multireligious
multiresistente {adj} :: multiresistant
multirischio {adj} :: multirisk
multiruolo {adj} :: multirole, multi-role
multisala {f} :: multiplex (cinema)
multisala {adj} :: multiplex (describing such a cinema)
multiscafo {m} :: multihull
multischermo {adj} :: multiscreen
multiscopo {adj} :: multipurpose
multisecolare {adj} :: centuries-old
multisensore {adj} :: multisensor
multisettoriale {adj} :: multi-sector, multisectoral
multisistema {adj} :: multisystem
multisistemico {adj} :: multisystemic
multisonante {adj} :: multisonant
multisono {adj} :: multisonous
multisportivo {adj} :: multisport (attributive)
multistadio {adj} :: multistage
multistrato {adj} :: multilayer,
multistrato {adj} :: multi-ply
multiterminale {adj} :: multiterminal
multitocco {adj} [computing] :: multi-touch
multitocco {m} [computing] :: multi-touch
multitubercolato {m} :: multitubercolate
multiuso {adj} :: multipurpose, all-purpose
multiutente {adj} [computing] :: multiuser
multiutenza {f} :: multi-access
multivago {adj} :: errant
multivalente {adj} :: multivalent
multivariato {adj} :: multivariate
multiverso {m} [physics] :: multiverse
multivibratore {m} [electronics] :: multivibrator
multivisione {f} :: multivision
multivitaminico {adj} :: multi-vitamin (attributive)
multivolo {adj} /mulˈti.vo.lo/ :: that wishes for (too) many things; inconstant, fickle
multivoltino {adj} :: multivoltine
multizonale {adj} :: multizonal
mummia {f} :: mummy (Egyptian)
mummia {f} :: old fogey
mummificante {v} :: present participle of mummificare
mummificantesi {v} :: present participle of mummificarsi
mummificare {vt} :: to mummify
mummificarsi {vr} :: To become mummified
mummificatosi {v} :: past participle of mummificarsi
mummificazione {f} :: mummification
munaciello {m} :: A sprite, in Neapolitan folklore, in the form of a childlike monk
Munari {prop} :: surname
mundizia {f} :: synonym of mondezza
munente {v} :: present participle of munire
munentesi {v} :: present participle of munirsi
munerare {v} [literary, obsolete] /mu.neˈra.re/ :: to compensate, to remunerate
munerazione {f} [literary, obsolete] /mu.ne.ratˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: compensation, reward, remuneration
mungente {v} :: present participle of mungere
mungere {vt} /ˈmun.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to milk
mungitoio {m} :: milkshed, milking parlour
mungitoio {m} :: milking pail
mungitore {m} :: milker (person)
mungitrice {f} :: milking machine
mungitrice {f} :: milkmaid (Feminine of: mungitore)
mungitura {f} :: milking
municipale {adj} :: municipal
municipalesco {adj} :: Overly parochial
municipalismo {m} :: municipalism
municipalismo {m} :: parochialism
municipalistico {adj} :: alternative form of municipalesco
municipalità {f} :: municipality
municipalizzante {v} :: present participle of municipalizzare
municipalizzare {vt} :: to municipalize
municipalizzata {f} :: city-owned enterprise
municipalizzazione {f} :: municipalization
municipalmente {adv} :: municipally
municipio {m} :: town council
municipio {m} :: town hall
municipio {m} :: register office (or other local government offices)
munificamente {adv} :: munificently
munificente {adj} [literary, rare] /mu.ni.fiˈt͡ʃɛn.te/ :: munificent, bountiful, generous
munificentemente {adv} :: munificently, bountifully, generously
munificenza {f} /mu.ni.fiˈt͡ʃɛn.t͡sa/ :: munificence, generosity
munificenza {f} :: bounty
munifico {adj} :: munificent, generous
munire {vt} :: to fortify or equip something with something
munire {vt} :: to man a ship
munirsi {v} :: reflexive of munire
munirsi {vr} :: to provide oneself (with)
munirsi {vr} :: to arm oneself (with)
munisterio {m} :: alternative form of monisterio
munito {adj} :: equipped
munitosi {v} :: past participle of munirsi
munizionamento {m} :: munitioning
munizionamento {m} :: munitions, ammunition
munizionare {v} :: To munition, arm
munizione {f} :: ammunition
munizione {f} [in plural] :: munitions
munizioni {fp} :: ammunition, munitions
munizioniere {m} :: A person in charge of munitions
muno {m} [literary, obsolete] /ˈmu.no/ :: gift
Muntenia {prop} :: Muntenia (historical region)
munumento {m} :: alternative form of monumento
munuscolo {m} /muˈnus.ko.lo/ :: A small gift
muone {m} [physics] :: muon
muonico {adj} [physics] :: muonic
muovente {v} :: present participle of muovere
muoventesi {v} :: present participle of muoversi
muover {v} :: apocopic form of muovere
muovere {vt} :: to move
muovere cielo e terra {v} :: To move heaven and earth
muovere guerra {v} [a, contro, .idiom] :: to wage war (against)
muoversi {v} :: reflexive of muovere
muoversi {v} :: to move, shift
muoversi {v} :: to hurry up, hurry, come, get cracking, get moving
muoversi {v} :: to go, leave, stir
muoversi a tentoni {v} :: to blunder
Mura {prop} :: Mura (small town)
Mura {prop} :: Mura (river)
muraglia {f} /muˈra.ʎa/ :: wall, especially a high one
muraglia {f} [zoology, horse anatomy] :: wall (of a horse hoof)
muraglione {f} /mu.raˈʎo.ne/ :: Massive wall
muraiola {f} :: wall pellitory (Parietaria officinalis)
muraiolo {adj} [botany, of a plant] :: That grows on a wall
murale {adj} /muˈra.le/ :: Of or relating to a wall; on, or in, or against a wall
murale {m} :: mural
muralisto {m} :: muralist
Muralto {prop} :: Muralto (small town)
muramento {m} /mu.raˈmen.to/ :: The act of sealing with a wall; walling up,
muranese {adj} :: Of or from Murano
Murania {prop} :: Mura (statistical region of Slovenia)
Murano {prop} :: An island in the Venetian lagoon
murante {v} :: present participle of murare
murantesi {v} :: present participle of murarsi
murare {vt} :: to wall up
murare {vt} :: to embed into a wall
murario {adj} :: building, masonry (attributive)
murarsi {v} :: reflexive of murare
murarsi {v} :: to shut oneself up
muratore {m} :: mason, bricklayer
Muratori {prop} :: surname
Muratori {prop} :: Ludovico Antonio Muratori, Italian historian and writer
muratoriano {adj} :: Muratorian
muratorio {adj} :: masonic, Masonic
muratosi {v} :: past participle of murarsi
murattiano {adj} :: Murat (place, person) (attributive)
muratura {f} :: walling (up)
muratura {f} :: masonry
murazione {f} :: walling (group of walls)
murazione {f} :: walling-up
murazzo {m} :: (especially in plural) embankment
murena {f} :: moray eel
muretto {m} :: A low wall
muretto {m} :: The parapet of a bridge
murgia {f} :: A range of low hills
Murialdo {prop} :: surname
muriatico {adj} :: muriatic
muriccia {f} :: dry stone wall
muriccio {m} :: room divider (thin, internal wall)
muricciolo {m} :: low wall
muricciuolo {m} :: low wall
muricolo {adj} :: That lives in walls
muriella {f} :: shuffleboard
Murilo {prop} :: given name
murmure {m} :: murmur
muro {m} /ˈmu.ro/ :: wall
muro del suono {m} [physics] :: sound barrier
Muro di Berlino {prop} :: Berlin Wall
Murray {prop} :: Murray (river)
Murri {prop} :: surname
Murri {prop} :: Augusto Murri, Italian doctor
musa {f} [Greek mythology, usually capitalized] /ˈmu.za/ :: Muse
musa {f} :: poetic inspiration
musa {f} [by extension] :: poetry
musa {f} :: poet
musa {f} :: The Musa taxonomic genus
musacchino {m} /mu.zakˈki.no/ :: A part (as of yet unidentified) of armor, apparently covering the shoulders
musaico {m} :: alternative form of mosaico
musaico {adj} :: Relating to a muse
musante {v} :: present participle of musare
musaragno {m} /mu.zaˈraɲ.ɲo/ :: synonym of toporagno
musare {vi} [rare, literary] :: [of a dog] to stand or move with the muzzle raised
musare {vi} [archaic] :: to watch with curiosity or wonderment
musarola {m} :: alternative form of museruola
musata {f} :: A blow from a nose, muzzle or snout
musata {f} :: A bump on the nose
Musatti {prop} :: surname
Musatti {prop} :: Cesare Musatti, Italian psychologist
muscarina {f} :: muscarine
muscarinismo {m} :: muscarinism
muschiato {adj} :: musky
muschiato {adj} :: musk (attributive)
muschiato {adj} :: moss-grown
muschio {m} :: musk (perfume)
muschio {m} :: moss
muschioso {adj} :: synonym of muscoso
musciame {m} :: alternative form of mosciame
musciara {f} :: alternative form of mosciara
muscicapide {m} :: flycatcher, especially the silverbird
muscivoro {adj} :: That eats flies
musco {m} :: moss
muscolare {adj} [also, figurative] :: muscular
muscolare {adj} :: muscle (attributive)
muscolarismo {m} [neologism] :: show or exhibition of muscular strength
muscolarismo {m} [neologism, figurative, by extension] :: ostentation of energy, strength, or aggression
muscolatura {f} :: musculature, muscles
muscolina {f} [protein] :: musculin
muscolo {m} [anatomy] :: muscle
muscolo {m} [mollusks] :: mussel
muscolo aritenoideo {m} [muscle] :: arytenoid muscle
muscolo auricolare {m} [muscle] :: auricularis muscle, auricular muscle
muscolo auricolare anteriore {m} [muscle] :: anterior auricular muscle
muscolo auricolare posteriore {m} [muscle] :: posterior auricular muscle
muscolo auricolare superiore {m} [muscle] :: superior auricular muscle
muscolo buccinatore {m} [muscle] :: buccinator muscle, buccinator
muscolo canino {m} [muscle] :: caninus muscle, levator anguli oris
muscolo ciliare {m} [muscle] :: ciliary muscle
muscolo coccigeo {m} [muscle] :: coccygeus muscle, coccygeus
muscolo condroglosso {m} [muscle] :: chondroglossus muscle, chondroglossus
muscolo corrugatore del sopracciglio {m} [muscle] :: corrugator supercilii muscle
muscolo cremastere {m} [muscle] :: cremaster muscle, cremaster
muscolo cricotiroideo {m} [muscle] :: cricothyroid muscle
muscolocutaneo {adj} :: musculocutaneous
muscolo dell'ugola {m} [muscle] :: musculus uvulae, muscle of uvula
muscolo digastrico {m} [muscle] :: digastric muscle, digastricus
muscolo dilatatore dell'iride {m} [muscle] :: iris dilator muscle
muscolo elevatore dell'ano {m} [muscle] :: levator ani muscle, levator ani
muscolo elevatore delle coste {m} [muscle] :: levatores costarum muscle, levatores costarum
muscolo frontale {m} [muscle] :: frontalis muscle, frontalis
muscolo genioglosso {m} [muscle] :: genioglossus muscle, genioglossus
muscolo ileococcigeo {m} [muscle] :: iliococcygeus muscle, iliococcygeus
muscolo ileocostale {m} [muscle] :: iliocostalis muscle, iliocostalis
muscolo intercostale {m} [muscle] :: intercostal muscle
muscolo intercostale esterno {m} [muscle] :: external intercostal muscle
muscolo intercostale interno {m} [muscle] :: internal intercostal muscle
muscolo intercostale intimo {m} [muscle] :: innermost intercostal muscle
muscolo intercostale medio {m} [muscle] :: innermost intercostal muscle
muscolo interspinoso {m} [muscle] :: interspinalis muscle, interspinalis
muscolo intertrasversario {m} [muscle] :: intertransversarius muscle, intertransversarius
muscolo ioglosso {m} [muscle] :: hyoglossus muscle, hyoglossus
muscolo longitudinale inferiore {m} [muscle] :: inferior longitudinal muscle
muscolo longitudinale superiore {m} [muscle] :: superior longitudinal muscle
muscolo lunghissimo {m} [muscle] :: longissimus, longissimus muscle
muscolo lungo del collo {m} [muscle] :: longus colli muscle
muscolo lungo della testa {m} [muscle] :: longus capitis muscle
muscolo massetere {m} [muscle] :: masseter muscle, masseter
muscolomembranoso {adj} [anatomy] /ˌmus.ko.lo.mem.braˈno.zo/ :: musculomembranous
muscolo mentale {m} [muscle] :: mentalis muscle, mentalis
muscolo miloioideo {m} [muscle] :: mylohyoid muscle, mylohyoid
muscolo multifido {m} [muscle] :: multifidus muscle, multifidus
muscolo nasale {m} [muscle] :: nasalis muscle, nasalis
muscolo obliquo esterno {m} [muscle] :: external oblique muscle
muscolo obliquo esterno dell'addome {m} [muscle] :: abdominal external oblique muscle
muscolo obliquo inferiore {m} [muscle] :: inferior oblique muscle, obliquus oculi inferior
muscolo obliquo inferiore della testa {m} [muscle] :: obliquus capitis inferior muscle, obliquus capitis inferior
muscolo obliquo interno {m} [muscle] :: internal oblique muscle
muscolo obliquo interno dell'addome {m} [muscle] :: abdominal internal oblique muscle
muscolo obliquo superiore {m} [muscle] :: superior oblique muscle, obliquus oculi superior
muscolo obliquo superiore della testa {m} [muscle] :: obliquus capitis superior muscle, obliquus capitis superior
muscolo occipitale {m} [muscle] :: occipitalis muscle, occipitalis
muscolo occipitofrontale {m} [muscle] :: occipitofrontalis muscle, occipitofrontalis
muscolo omoioideo {m} [muscle] :: omohyoid muscle, omohyoid
muscolo orbicolare della bocca {m} [muscle] :: orbicularis oris muscle
muscolo orbicolare dell'occhio {m} [muscle] :: orbicularis oculi muscle
muscolo palatofaringeo {m} [muscle] :: palatopharyngeus muscle, palatopharyngeal muscle, pharyngopalatinus muscle
muscolo palatoglosso {m} [muscle] :: palatoglossus muscle, palatoglossus, palatoglossal muscle
muscolo piramidale {m} [muscle] :: pyramidalis muscle, pyramidalis
muscolo procero {m} [muscle] :: procerus muscle
muscolo pterigoideo {m} [muscle] :: pterygoid muscle, pterygoid
muscolo pubococcigeo {m} [muscle] :: pubococcygeus muscle, pubococcygeus
muscolo puborettale {m} [muscle] :: puborectalis muscle, puborectalis
muscolo quadrato dei lombi {m} [muscle] :: quadratus lumborum muscle, quadratus lumborum
muscolo retto anteriore della testa {m} [muscle] :: rectus capitis anterior muscle, rectus capitis anterior
muscolo retto dell'addome {m} [muscle] :: rectus abdominis muscle, rectus abdominis
muscolo retto inferiore {m} [muscle] :: inferior rectus muscle
muscolo retto laterale {m} [muscle] :: lateral rectus muscle
muscolo retto laterale della testa {m} [muscle] :: rectus capitis lateralis muscle, rectus capitis lateralis
muscolo retto mediale {m} [muscle] :: medial rectus muscle
muscolo retto posteriore maggiore della testa {m} [muscle] :: rectus capitis posterior major muscle, rectus capitis posterior major
muscolo retto posteriore minore della testa {m} [muscle] :: rectus capitis posterior minor muscle, rectus capitis posterior minor
muscolo retto superiore {m} [muscle] :: superior rectus muscle
muscolo risorio {m} [muscle] :: risorius muscle, risorius
muscolo rotatore {m} [muscle] :: rotator muscle, rotator
muscolo rotatorio {m} [muscle] :: rotator
muscolo sacrospinale {m} [muscle] :: erector spinae muscle, erector spinae, sacrospinalis muscle
muscolo salpingofaringeo {m} [muscle] :: salpingopharyngeus muscle, salpingopharyngeal muscle
muscolo scaleno {m} [muscle] :: scalene muscle, scalenus
muscoloscheletrico {adj} [anatomy] :: musculoskeletal
muscolo semispinale {m} [muscle] :: semispinalis muscle
muscolo serrato {m} [muscle] :: serratus muscle
muscolo serrato anteriore {m} [muscle] :: serratus anterior muscle, serratus anterior
muscolo serrato posteriore {m} [muscle] :: serratus posterior muscle
muscolosità {f} :: muscularity
muscoloso {adj} :: muscular
muscolo sopraioideo {m} [muscle] :: suprahyoid muscle
muscolo sottocostale {m} [muscle] :: subcostalis muscle, subcostal muscle
muscolo sottoioideo {m} [muscle] :: infrayoid muscle, subhyoid muscle
muscolo spinale {m} [muscle] :: spinalis, spinalis muscle
muscolo sternoioideo {m} [muscle] :: sternohyoid muscle
muscolo sternotiroideo {m} [muscle] :: sternothyreoideus, sternothyroid muscle
muscolo stilofaringeo {m} [muscle] :: stylopharyngeus muscle, stylopharyngeal muscle
muscolo stiloglosso {m} [muscle] :: styloglossus muscle, styloglossus
muscolo stiloioideo {m} [muscle] :: stylohyoid muscle, stylohyoid
muscolo subcostale {m} [muscle] :: subcostalis muscle, subcostal muscle
muscolo tarsale superiore {m} [muscle] :: superior tarsal muscle
muscolo temporale {m} [muscle] :: temporal muscle, temporalis
muscolo temporoparietale {m} [muscle] :: temporoparietalis muscle, temporoparietalis
muscolo tiroaritenoideo {m} [muscle] :: thyroarytenoid muscle
muscolo tiroioideo {m} [muscle] :: thyrohyoid muscle
muscolo trasverso dell'addome {m} [muscle] :: transversus abdominis muscle, transverse abdominal muscle
muscolo trasverso della lingua {m} [muscle] :: transverse muscle of tongue
muscolo trasverso del torace {m} [muscle] :: tranversus thoracis muscle, tranversus thoracis
muscolo trasversospinale {m} [muscle] :: transversospinal muscle, transversospinalis muscle
muscolo trasverso superficiale del perineo {m} [muscle] :: transversus perinei superficialis muscle, superficial transverse perineal muscle
muscolo triangolare {m} [muscle] :: triangularis muscle
muscolo verticale della lingua {m} [muscle] :: vertical muscle of tongue
muscolo zigomatico {m} [muscle] :: zygomaticus muscle, zygomatic muscle
muscolo zigomatico maggiore {m} [muscle] :: zygomaticus major muscle, greater zygomatic muscle
muscolo zigomatico minore {m} [muscle] :: zygomaticus minor muscle, lesser zygomatic muscle
muscoluto {adj} :: synonym of muscoloso
muscoso {adj} :: mossy
muscoso {adj} :: musky
muscovite {f} [mineral] :: muscovite
museale {adj} :: pertaining to a museum
musealizzare {vt} :: to conserve (art) in a museum
musealizzazione {f} :: The inclusion of an artefact (or set of related objects) in the collection of a museum, or the conversion of a historic building (and its contents) into a museum
museificare {v} :: To place in a museum
musello {m} :: muzzle (part of an animal's head)
musena {f} /muˈsɛ.na/ :: alternative form of mussena
musenna {f} /muˈsɛn.na/ :: alternative form of mussena
museo {m} /mu.ˈzɛ.o/ :: museum
museografia {f} :: museography
museografico {adj} :: museographic
museografo {m} :: museographer
museologia {f} :: museology (museum studies)
museologico {adj} :: museological
museologo {m} :: museologist
museotecnica {f} :: museum technology
museruola {f} :: muzzle (device to keep a dog from biting)
museruolato {adj} :: muzzled
musetta {f} :: nosebag (for a horse)
musetto {m} :: A pretty face, especially of a child or young woman
musetto {m} :: The bonnet of a racing car
musetto {m} :: A type of sausage from Friuli
musica {f} /ˈmu.zi.ka/ :: music
musicabile {adj} :: That can be set to music
musicabilità {f} :: Property of being suitable for setting to music
musica classica {f} [music] :: classical music
musica da ballo {f} :: dance music
musica da camera {f} [music] :: chamber music
musical {m} :: musical
musicale {adj} /mu.ziˈka.le/ :: musical, music [attributive]
musicalità {f} :: musicality
musicalmente {adv} :: musically
musicante {mf} :: musician
musicante {v} :: present participle of musicare
musicare {vt} [music] :: to set to music
musicassetta {f} :: A cassette containing prerecorded music
musichetta {f} :: a simple tune
musichiere {m} :: composer of songs
musichiere {m} :: musician; synonym of musicante, synonym of musicista
musicista {mf} [music] :: musician
musico- {prefix} :: music
musico {adj} :: musical
musico {adj} :: melodious
musico {m} [archaic, literary] :: musician
musicofilo {m} :: musicophile (lover of music)
musicografo {m} [music] :: musicographer
musicologa {f} :: female equivalent of musicologo
musicologia {f} [music] :: musicology
musicologico {adj} :: musicological
musicologo {m} :: musicologist
musicomane {mf} :: Intense lover of music
musicomania {f} :: musicomania
musicoterapeuta {mf} :: music therapist
musicoterapia {f} :: music therapy
musicoterapista {mf} :: music therapist
Musile {prop} :: Musile (village)
musilense {adj} :: Of or from Musile
musino {m} /muˈzi.no/ :: diminutive of muso
musino {m} :: A pretty face, especially a female one
musino {m} :: [Lazio] synonym of verzelato
musivo {adj} :: mosaic (attributive)
musmè {f} /musˈmɛ/ :: mousmé, term used to refer to the girls in Japanese brothels
muso {m} /ˈmu.zo/ :: muzzle (of an animal)
muso {m} [pejorative] :: mug, face (of a person)
muso {m} :: nose (of an aircraft)
muso {m} :: front (of a car etc)
musoliera {f} :: muzzle
musolongo {m} [southern Italy] /mu.zoˈlɔn.ɡo/ :: synonym of cannaiola
musona {f} :: female equivalent of musone
musone {adj} :: sulking
musone {m} :: sulk (person)
Musone {prop} :: Musone (river)
musoneria {f} :: sulkiness, surliness
mussante {v} :: present participle of mussare
mussare {v} :: to sparkle or foam (of wine)
mussena {f} /musˈsɛ.na/ :: The tree Albizia anthelmintica
mussitare {v} :: To murmur
mussitazione {f} :: soft speech, murmuring
mussola {f} :: muslin
mussolina {f} :: synonym of mussola
Mussolini {prop} /mus.soˈli.ni/ :: surname
Mussolini {prop} :: The fascist dictator Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini
mussoliniano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Benito Mussolini
mussoliniano {m} :: A follower of Benito Mussolini
mussolinismo {m} :: Mussolinism
mussolo {m} :: alternative form of mussola
mussolo {m} :: A bivalve mollusc
mussulmana {f} :: alternative spelling of musulmana
mussulmano {adj} :: alternative form of musulmano
mussulmano {m} :: alternative form of musulmano
mustacchio {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: mustachio (long, elaborate mustache)
mustelide {m} :: mustelid
musteriano {adj} :: Mousterian
mustiolo {m} :: Etruscan shrew (Suncus etruscus)
musulmana {f} :: feminine noun of musulmano
musulmanesimo {m} :: Mohammedanism, Islam
musulmano {adj} :: Muslim
musulmano {m} :: Muslim
muta {f} :: change, voice change
muta {f} :: moult, moulting, molt, shedding, ecdysis
muta {f} :: wetsuit
muta {f} [of hounds] :: pack
mutabile {adj} :: changeable, variable
mutabilità {f} :: changeableness, mutability
mutabilmente {adv} :: changeably
mutacismo {m} /mu.taˈt͡ʃis.mo/ :: mytacism
mutaforma {m} :: shapeshifter
mutagenesi {f} [genetics] :: mutagenesis
mutagenico {adj} [genetics] :: mutagenic
mutageno {m} :: mutagen
mutageno {adj} :: mutagenic
mutagione {f} :: alternative form of mutazione
mutamente {adv} :: mutely, voicelessly
mutamento {m} :: a change, variation, alteration or shift
mutamento climatico {m} :: A climate change
mutande {fp} :: pants [UK], underpants [US]
mutande {fp} :: knickers
mutandine {fp} :: pants (undergarments for women or children)
mutandine {fp} :: panties
mutandone {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: long johns (for men); bloomers (for women)
mutante {v} :: present participle of mutare
mutante {mf} :: mutant (all senses)
mutare {vt} /muˈta.re/ :: To change (something, voice, etc.)
mutare {vr} :: To change oneself (into something)
mutare {vi} :: To change
mutare il passo {v} [idiom, archaic or literary] :: to walk
mutare i passi {v} [idiom, archaic or literary] :: alternative form of mutare il passo
mutarotazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: mutarotation
mutatis mutandis {adv} /muˈta.tis muˈtan.dis/ :: mutatis mutandis (having changed what needs to be changed)
mutativo {adj} :: mutative
mutatore {m} :: rectifier (electrical)
mutazilismo {m} /mu.ta.d͡ziˈlis.mo/ :: Mu'tazila Islam
mutazilita {mf} /mu.ta.d͡ziˈli.ta/ :: A follower of Mu'tazila Islam
mutazilita {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Mu'tazila Islam; Mu'tazila [attributive]
mutazionale {adj} :: mutational
mutazione {f} /mu.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: change, alteration, mutation
mutazione {f} [linguistics] :: A sound change in Germanic languages:
mutazione {f} :: Grimm's law
mutazione {f} :: High German consonant shift
mutazione {f} [genetics] :: mutation
mutazionismo {m} :: mutationism
mutazionista {mf} :: mutationist
mutazionistico {adj} :: mutationistic
mutevole {adj} :: changeable, mutable
mutevolezza {f} :: flightiness, fickleness, inconstancy
mutevolezza {f} :: changeableness, mutability
mutevolmente {adv} :: changeably
mutezza {f} :: dumbness, muteness
Muti {prop} :: surname
Muti {prop} :: Ornella Muti, Italian actress
mutico {adj} [botany] :: muticate, muticous
mutilamento {m} :: mutilating, mutilation
mutilante {v} :: present participle of mutilare
mutilare {vt} :: to mutilate or maim
mutilare {vt} :: to cripple
mutilare {vt} :: to deface
mutilato {adj} :: mutilated
mutilato {adj} :: maimed
mutilato {adj} :: defaced
mutilato {m} :: Mutilated or maimed person
mutilato {m} :: Cripple
mutilatore {m} :: mutilator
mutilazione {f} :: mutilation
mutilazione {f} :: maiming
mutilazione {f} :: defacement
mutilo {adj} /ˈmu.ti.lo/ :: mutilated
mutismo {m} :: muteness
mutismo {m} :: mutism
mutismo {m} :: stubborn or obstinate silence
mutizzante {v} :: present participle of mutizzare
mutizzare {vt} [uncommon] :: to fortify wine by adding alcohol to stop fermentation
muto {adj} :: mute
muto {adj} :: voiceless
mutolezza {f} [rare] :: synonym of mutezza
mutolo {adj} :: mute (incapable of speech)
mutria {f} :: sullen or surly face
mutria {f} :: haughty expression
mutrione {m} :: A sullen or surly person
mutto {adj} :: alternative form of muto
mutua {f} :: sickness benefit fund (or similar)
mutuabile {adj} :: That can be prescribed under the National Health Service
mutuabile {adj} :: loanable
mutuale {adj} :: mutual
mutuale {adj} :: reciprocal
mutualismo {m} [biology] :: mutualism
mutualismo {m} [politics] :: mutualism (anarchist economic theory)
mutualista {mf} :: mutualist
mutualisticamente {adv} :: mutually
mutualisticamente {adv} :: mutualistically
mutualistico {adj} :: mutual
mutualistico {adj} :: health insurance (attributive)
mutualistico {adj} [biology] :: mutualistic
mutualità {f} :: mutuality
mutualmente {adv} :: mutually
mutuante {v} :: present participle of mutuare
mutuante {mf} :: mortgage-lender (bank or similar society)
mutuare {vt} :: to give or receive money from a benevolent society
mutuatario {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a person who receives a loan
mutuato {m} :: A member of a health insurance system
mutuazione {f} :: mutual exchange
mutulo {m} [architecture] :: A decorative shelf protruding from an entablature
mutuo {adj} /ˈmu.two/ :: mutual, reciprocal
mutuo {m} :: loan (long-term)
mutuo ipotecario {m} :: mortgage
Muziano {prop} :: given name
Muzio {prop} :: given name
Myanmar {prop} :: Myanmar
myosotys {f} :: synonym of miosotide