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From Old French procureresse (compare French procureuse), corresponding to procure +‎ -ess.



IPA(key): /pɹəˈkjʊəɹɪs/



procuress (plural procuresses)

  1. A middlewoman: a woman who performs as a go-between, an intermediary.
  2. A female procurer.
    • 1905, W. Somerset Maugham, “Puerta del Puente”, in The Land of The Blessed Virgin: Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia:
      The Spaniard, who will seduce any girl he can, is pitiless under like circumstances to his own womenkind; so there is much weeping, the girl is turned out of doors and falls readily into the hands of the procuress. In the brothels of Seville or of Madrid she finds at least a roof and bread to eat.
    • 1936, Rollo Ahmed, The Black Art, London: Long, page 65:
      Old witches in the cities and country-side throve upon the sale of death spells and love philtres. They also made a trade of abortificants, and frequently practised the whiles of the procuress.
    • 2020 February 4, Alex Kuczynski, “Philanderers, Predators and Pickup Artists: A History”, in The New York Times[1]:
      Knox takes us through the lives of memorable seducers and their critics, in sometimes academic and sometimes rococo prose dappled with doges, coups de foudre, rakes, bawds, coquettes, coxcombs and procuresses — with guest appearances by members of the Frankfurt School sunning themselves in La Jolla.


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