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From meteoro- +‎ -pathy.



meteoropathy (usually uncountable, plural meteoropathies)

English Wikipedia has an article on:
  1. A physical condition or symptom associated with weather conditions, such as humidity or temperature.
    • 2019, Bodies in the Streets: The Somaesthetics of City Life, page 57:
      Whereas meteoropathy is strictly individual, air-conditioning technology homogenizes indoor climates and contributes to the emergence of a monolithic global city culture and correspondingly standardized global urban somas. While meteoropathy illustrates the fragility of the natural body and its involuntary corresspondence with the elements, air conditioning is paradigmatic for climatic voluntarism and the formation of a cultural, normalized body ever more removed from the chaning natural weather forces that alter its feelings and behavior.
    • 2021, Mladjen Ćurić, Oliver Zafirovski, Vlado Spiridonov, Essentials of Medical Meteorology, page 94:
      Symptoms of meteoropathy often occur 1-2 days before or after the arrival of the weather change, rather than at the time of the change itself.
    • 2023, Colin R. Martin, Victor R. Preedy, Vinood B. Patel, Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence, page 1136:
      Symptoms of meteoropathy include headache, muscle pain, joint pain, general fatigue, weakness, discouragement, apathy, iritability, difficulty concentrating, and insomnia (or sleepiness).