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User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-p

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
p {noun} :: Publius
p {noun} :: abbreviation of populus
p {letter} :: letter
P. {prop} :: praenominal abbreviation of Publius
pabillus {noun} [Late Latin] :: A small wheelbarrow
pabo {noun} [Late Latin] :: A one-wheeled vehicle, wheelbarrow
pabularis {adj} :: Fit, grown or used for fodder
pabularius {adj} :: Of or pertaining to fodder or pasture
pabulatio {noun} :: A pasture
pabulatio {noun} :: The action of collecting fodder or food, foraging
pabulator {noun} :: A forager
pabulatorius {adj} :: Of or for fodder
pabulatus {v} :: fed
pabulor {vi} :: I eat fodder, feed, graze
pabulor {vi} :: I seek fodder, food or subsistence; forage
pabulor {vt} :: I manure, nourish, feed
pabulosus {adj} [Late Latin] :: abounding in fodder
pabulum {noun} :: food, nourishment, sustenance
pabulum {noun} [of animals] :: fodder, pasture
pabulum {noun} [figuratively] :: nourishment for the mind, food for thought
pacalis {adj} :: Of or pertaining to peace, peaceful
Pacarius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pacarius {prop} :: Decimus Pacarius, a Roman procurator of Corsica
pacate {adv} :: in a pacified manner, peaceably, quietly
pacatio {noun} :: An act of peacemaking, pacification, peace, pacation
pacatissime {adv} :: superlative of pācātē
pacatissimus {adj} :: most or very pacified or subdued
pacatissimus {adj} :: most or very peaceful
pacatius {adv} :: comparative of pācātē
pacator {noun} :: A peacemaker, pacifier; subjugator, conqueror, subduer
pacatorius {adj} :: peace-promoting, pacific
pacatum {noun} :: A friendly land
pacatus {v} :: made peaceful, quieted, pacified, settled, subdued, having been pacified
pacatus {v} [by extension] :: quiet, calm, tranquil, undisturbed, peaceful
paccagium {noun} :: package
Paccius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by:
Paccius {prop} :: Paccius Antiochus, a Roman physician
Pachynus {prop} [geography] :: A promontory of Sicily that forms its south-eastern point
pachyphyllus {adj} [New Latin] :: thick-leafed; pachyphyllous
Pacida {prop} :: Another name of the Belus River
pacifer {adj} :: peace-bringing, peaceful, pacific; something that makes peace, something that announces peace
pacificans {v} :: pacifying, placating
pacificatio {noun} :: An act of peacemaking, pacification, settlement
pacificator {noun} :: A peacemaker, pacifier, pacificator
pacificatorius {adj} :: peacemaking, pacificatory, pacific
pacifice {adv} :: in a pacified manner, pacifically, peaceably, quietly
pacifico {vi} :: I make, negotiate or arrange peace
pacifico {vt} :: I pacify, appease, placate
pacificus {adj} :: peacemaking, pacific, peaceable
Pacilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pacilius {prop} :: Marcus Pacilius, a Roman man mentioned by Cicero
Pacilus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pacilus {prop} :: Gaius Furius Pacilus Fusus, a Roman consul
pacio {noun} :: alternative form of pactiō
paciscens {v} :: bargaining
paciscor {v} :: I make a bargain, contract or agreement with
paco {v} :: I make peaceful, pacify, quiet, soothe; subdue
paco {v} [Late or Medieval Latin] :: I settle, satisfy
Paconius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Paconius {prop} :: Paconius Agrippinus, a Roman philosopher
Pacorus {prop} :: A king of the Parthians
pacticius {adj} :: agreed upon, arranged, stipulated
pactilis {adj} :: plaited or entwined together, wreathed
pactio {noun} :: The act of agreeing or covenanting; an agreement, covenant, contract, bargain, pact, treaty, truce
pactio {noun} :: A corrupt bargaining, underhand agreement
pactio {noun} :: A marriage contract
pactitius {adj} :: alternative form of pactīcius
pactiuncula {noun} :: agreement
Pactius {prop} :: Pactius (river), now the Canale Reale
Pactolus {prop} :: Pactolus
pactor {noun} :: One who makes a contract or treaty; negotiator
pactum {noun} :: agreement, bargain
pactum {noun} :: pact
Pactumeius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pactumeius {prop} :: Publius Pactumeius Clemens, a Roman consul
pacturus {v} :: about to fasten
pacturus {v} :: about to make a contract with
pactus {v} :: fastened, fixed
pactus {v} :: planted
pactus {v} :: agreed
Pactye {prop} :: A town of Chersonesus in Thrace, siatuated near Cardia
Paculus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Paculus {prop} :: Lucius Roscius Paculus, a Roman consul
Pacuvius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pacuvius {prop} :: Marcus Pacuvius, a famous Roman poet
Pacyris {prop} :: Pacyris (river)
Padargus {prop} :: Padargus (small river)
padi {prop} :: pitch pines
Padinum {prop} :: A town of Gallia Cisalpina mentioned only by Pliny
Padus {prop} :: the River Po
Padusa {prop} :: One of the mouths of the river Padus
paean {noun} :: paean, specifically:
paean {noun} [Ancient Greece, historical] :: Hymn to Apollo
paean {noun} [by extension] :: Hymn or song of victory or praise
paedagoga {noun} :: governess
paedagogatus {noun} :: education, instruction
paedagogia {noun} :: pedagogy
paedagogianus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the paedagogium
paedagogium {noun} :: A training school for pageboys; the pages' hall
paedagogium {noun} [in the plural] :: Pageboys in such an establishment
paedagogo {vt} :: I educate, train, guide, instruct
paedagogus {noun} :: A pedagogue, governor
paederastia {noun} [Late Latin] :: love of boys, pederasty
paedia {noun} :: theory, teaching
paedicandus {v} :: which is to be sodomized
paedicans {v} :: sodomizing
paedicator {noun} :: sodomite
paedicaturus {v} :: about to sodomize
paedicatus {v} :: sodomized
paedico {vt} :: I sodomize, bugger, commit sodomy with
paedico {noun} :: sodomite
paedidus {adj} :: nasty, dirty, filthy, stinking
paedophilia {noun} [New Latin, uncountable, rare] :: paedophilia
Paedopides {prop} :: A river of Pontus, mentioned by Pliny
paedor {noun} :: nastiness, filth, dirt
paedor {noun} [by extension] :: stink, stench
paegniarius {adj} :: Of or pertaining to play or sport
Paegnium {prop} :: given name, character in the play Persa of Plautus
paelex {noun} :: A concubine of a married man, mistress
paelex {noun} :: A male prostitute
Paeligni {prop} :: An Italic tribe who inhabited a region in central Italy
Paemani {prop} :: A Germanic tribe of Gallia Belgica
paeminosus {adj} :: alternative form of pēminōsus ("full of cracks")
paene {adv} :: almost, nearly
paene {adv} :: (with negative) scarcely, hardly, barely (ex: paene incredibilia)
paeninsula {noun} :: peninsula
paeninsularis {adj} :: peninsular
paenitendus {v} :: which is to be regretted, which is to be repented
paenitens {v} :: regretting, repenting, penitent, contrite
paenitentia {noun} :: repentance, penitence, regret
paenitentialis {adj} :: Of or pertaining to penitence, penitential
paenitentialis {noun} [religion] :: a priest appointed to hear the confessions of penitents, a confessor [short for paenitentiālis presbyter]
paeniteo {v} :: I cause to repent
paeniteo {v} :: I regret, repent; I am sorry
paeniteo {v} [impersonal] :: [with accusative of person, genitive of thing or infinitive] to regret
paenititus {v} :: regretted, having been regretted, repented, having been repented
paenitudo {noun} :: repentance, penitence, regret
paeniturus {v} :: about to regret, about to repent
paenula {noun} :: A kind of sleeveless cloak or mantle with an opening for the head, worn on journeys or in rainy weather
paenula {noun} [by extension] :: A covering, cover, envelope, protection
paenulam alicui scindo {v} [idiomatic] :: I press one strongly to stay
paenularius {noun} :: A maker of paenulae, cloaks, mantles or mantillas
paenulatus {adj} :: wearing a paenula
paenuleus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the paenula
paenultima {noun} :: The penultimate syllable, penult
paenultimus {adj} :: penultimate
paeon {noun} [poetry, prosody] :: paeon
paeonia {noun} :: peony
Paeoplae {prop} :: An ancient tribe of Paeonia
Paerisades {prop} :: A king of the Bosporan Kingdom
Paesici {prop} :: An Asturian tribe of Hispania Tarraconensis
Paestum {prop} :: Paestum (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in <<r/Magna Graecia>>, in modern <<r/Campania>>, <<c/Italy>>)
Paesuri {prop} :: A tribe of Lusitania mentioned by Pliny
Paesus {prop} :: A town of Troad situated at the entrance of the Propontis
Paesus {prop} :: A small river which passes through the town
paetulus {adj} :: Having a slight cast in the eyes; blinking, winking or squinting slightly
paetus {adj} :: Having a cast in the eyes; blinking, winking or squinting with the eyes
Paetus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Paetus {prop} :: Publius Aelius Paetus, a Roman consul
Pagae {prop} :: a city of Megaris
Pagae {prop} :: a city of Boeotia
paganicus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the countryside, rural, rustic
paganicus {adj} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: Heathenish, pagan
paganismus {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: heathenry, paganism, heathenism
paganismus {noun} [rare, poetic] :: heresy, detachment from God
paganitas {noun} :: heathenism, paganism
paganus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the countryside, rural, rustic
paganus {adj} [by extension] :: rustic, unlearned
paganus {noun} :: villager, countryman
paganus {noun} :: civilian
paganus {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: heathen, pagan
Pagasae {prop} :: A town of Thessaly where the ship Argo was built
pagatim {adv} :: By villages or districts; in every village
pagella {noun} :: A small page
pagensis {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: peasant, countryfolk
pagina {noun} :: a written page, leaf, sheet
pagina interretialis {noun} :: [New Latin] web page
paginalis {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a page, paginal
paginatus {adj} :: joined together
paginula {noun} :: A small page; short letter
Pagondas {prop} :: A Theban general
Pagrae {prop} :: Pagrae (town)
pagurus {noun} :: A kind of crab
pagus {noun} :: district, province, region, canton
pagus {noun} :: area outside of a city, countryside; rural community
pagus {noun} :: country or rural people
pagus {noun} :: clan
pagus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: village
pagus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: territory
pakistanensis {adj} :: Pakistani
Pakistania {prop} :: Pakistan
pala {noun} :: A shovel, spade
pala {noun} :: The bezel of a ring
pala {noun} [classical, rare] :: the banana plant
palabundus {adj} :: wandering about, straggling
palacurna {noun} :: An ingot or nugget of gold
palaeosibericus {adj} :: Paleosiberian
Palaepolis {prop} [historical] :: Name of an ancient city, which is now Naples
Palaerus {prop} :: Palaerus (town), on the Ionian Sea
Palaesimundum {prop} :: A great town of Taprobane on the shores of the lake Megisba
Palaesimundus {prop} :: A river of Taprobane
palaestes {noun} :: wrestler
Palaestina {prop} :: Palestine
palaestinensis {adj} :: Palestinian
Palaestinus {adj} :: Palestinian
palaestra {noun} :: wrestling school, palaestra; place of exercise; gymnasium
palaestra {noun} :: wrestling
palaestra {noun} [figuratively] :: rhetorical exercises; school of rhetoric, school
palaestra {noun} [figuratively] :: art, skill; dexterity
palaestra {noun} [figuratively, in the language of comedy] :: brothel
Palaestra {prop} :: given name, character in the play Rudens of Plautus
palaestrica {noun} :: The art of wrestling
palaestrice {adv} :: In the manner of the palaestra
palaestricos {adv} :: In the manner of the palaestra
palaestricus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the palaestra
palaestricus {noun} :: a teacher of the art of wrestling or gymnastics
palaestrita {noun} :: The director or manager of a wrestling-school
palaestrita {noun} :: A wrestler
palaga {noun} :: An ingot or nugget of gold
palam {adv} :: without concealment, openly, publicly, undisguisedly, plainly, unambiguously
palam {prep} :: openly in the presence of someone, openly before someone
palanca {noun} :: slat, plank or stake
palanca {noun} :: palanka, a palisaded frontier camp
palans {v} :: wandering
palans {v} :: dispersing
palara {noun} :: An unknown kind of bird
palaris {adj} :: Of or pertaining to pales or stakes
palaris {adj} :: Consisting or involving pales or stakes
palaris {adj} :: Involving wooden swords
palasea {noun} :: The buttock of an ox offered in sacrifice
palatha {noun} :: A dried fruit, usually a fig
palatinus {adj} :: palace, relating to the palace
palatinus {adj} :: palatine, relating to counties palatine
palatinus {adj} :: palatine, relating to the palate
Palatinus {adj} :: Palatine
palatio {noun} :: The placing or driving in of pales or stakes
Palatitae {prop} :: A tribe of India mentioned by Pliny
palatium {noun} :: a palace; large residence
Palatium {prop} :: One of the seven hills of Rome
Palatua {prop} [Roman god] :: The tutelary goddess of the Palatine
palatum {noun} [anatomy] :: The roof of the mouth, palate
palatum {noun} :: A sense of taste, palate
palatum {noun} [by extension] :: Something which resembles the palate; vault
palatus {noun} :: alternative form of palātum ("palate")
palatus {v} :: strayed; dispersed
palavanensis {adj} :: alternative form of palawanēnsis
palawanensis {adj} [relational] :: Palawan
pale {noun} :: a wrestling
palea {noun} [usually, in the plural] :: chaff
palea {noun} :: The wattles or gills of a cock
palea {noun} :: dross
palea {noun} :: husk
palea {noun} :: straw
palealis {adj} :: Of or pertaining to chaff
palear {noun} [usually, in the plural] :: The skin that hangs down from the neck of an ox, dewlap
palear {noun} [by extension] :: The throat
palearis {adj} :: Of or pertaining to chaff
palearium {noun} :: A place where chaff is stored, chaff-loft
paleatus {adj} :: mixed with chaff
Pales {prop} [Roman god] :: The goddess of shepherds, flocks and livestock
palestinensis {adj} :: alternative form of palaestīnēnsis
Palfurius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Palfurius {prop} :: Marcus Palfurius Sura, a Roman lawyer
Palica {prop} :: Palica (town)
palidulus {adj} :: somewhat pale, pallid
Palilis {adj} :: Of or belonging to Pales
palilogia {noun} :: palilogy
palimbacchius {noun} :: palimbacchius, antibacchius
Palimbothra {prop} :: Palimbothra (ancient city), situated at the junction of the rivers Ganges and Erannaboas
palimpissa {noun} :: pitch boiled twice, dry pitch
palimpsestus {noun} :: A palimpsest; a manuscript scraped clean for reuse
palinodia {noun} :: The repetition of a song; recantation, palinode
Palinurus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Curculio of Plautus
paliurus {noun} :: Christ's thorn (Paliurus spina-christi)
Paliurus {prop} :: A river of Marmarica forming a marsh
Paliurus {prop} :: A town on this river, near which was a temple of Heracles
palla {noun} :: A rectangular piece of cloth worn by ladies in Ancient Rome and fastened with brooches
pallaca {noun} :: concubine, mistress
Pallaconta {prop} :: Pallaconta (river)
palladium {noun} :: palladium, one of perhaps several statues of Athena, as in the Iliad and Aeneid, believed to safeguard Troy, and later, various Italian cities
Pallantium {prop} :: A town of Arcadia, situated near Tegea
Pallanum {prop} :: A town of the Frentani, whose exact location is still unknown
Pallene {prop} :: A peninsula and town of Chalcidice, where the battle between gods and giants took place
pallens {v} :: blanching
pallens {v} :: pale, greenish (as an adjective)
palleo {v} :: I am pale; I turn pale, blanch
palleo {v} :: I grow pale, am anxious, am fearful
palleo {v} :: I fade, lose color, change color
pallescens {v} :: fading
pallesco {v} :: I grow pale
palliastrum {noun} :: A poor or ragged cloak or mantle
palliatus {adj} :: dressed in a pallium, cloaked
palliatus {adj} [figuratively] :: covered, protected
pallidiceps {adj} [New Latin] :: pale-headed
pallidicornis {adj} [New Latin] :: pale-horned
pallidicostus {adj} [New Latin] :: having pale ribs
pallidior {adj} :: paler, more pallid etc
pallidipennis {adj} [New Latin] :: pale-winged, pale-feathered
pallidipes {adj} [New Latin] :: pale-footed
pallidulus {adj} :: somewhat pale or pallid, palish
pallidus {adj} :: pale, pallid, wan
pallidus {adj} :: that makes or causes a pale condition
pallidus {adj} [by extension] :: musty, moldy, hoary
pallidus {adj} [figuratively] :: frightened, pale with fright
pallidus {adj} :: greenish
pallidus {adj} :: in love
pallio {vt} :: I conceal
palliolatim {adv} [rare] :: with or dressed in a pallium or mantle
palliolatus {adj} :: dressed in a pallium, cloak or mantle
palliolum {noun} :: A Greek mantle or cloak
palliolum {noun} :: A hood
pallipes {adj} :: pale-footed
pallium {noun} :: cloak
pallium {noun} :: coverlet
pallor {noun} :: a pale color, paleness, wanness, pallor
pallor {noun} [by extension] :: mustiness, moldiness, mildew
pallor {noun} [by extension] :: dimness, faintness
pallor {noun} [by extension] :: a disagreeable color or shape, unsightliness
pallor {noun} [figuratively] :: alarm, terror
palma {noun} :: palm of the hand, hand
palma {noun} :: blade of an oar
palma {noun} :: palm tree; date tree
palma {noun} [figuratively] :: victory
palma {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a linear measure, palm, of various exact values throughout Europe but usually one quarter of the local foot
palma {noun} :: a parma; a small shield carried by the infantry and cavalry
palma {noun} [poetic] :: any shield
palma {noun} [poetic] :: a thraex
Palma {prop} :: Palma (city on Majorca, in the Balearic Islands)
Palmaria {prop} :: Palmaria (small island), now called Palmarola
palmaris {adj} :: Measuring the length, width or breadth of a hand or palm
palmaris {adj} :: Full of palms
palmaris {adj} :: That deserves the palmary or prize, superior, excellent
palmarium {noun} :: a masterpiece; something that deserves a prize
palmarium {noun} [legal] :: the fee of a successful advocate
palmarius {adj} :: Of or pertaining to palm trees
palmarius {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: A palmer
palmatias {noun} :: a slight earthquake
palmatus {adj} :: decorated with palm branches
palmatus {adj} [New Latin] :: palmate
palmensis {adj} [relational] :: Palma
palmes {noun} :: Young vine shoot or sprig
palmes {noun} :: bough, branch
palmetum {noun} :: a palm-grove
palmeus {adj} :: Of or made from the palm tree
palmeus {adj} :: Measuring the length, width or breadth of a hand or palm
palmiceus {adj} :: Of or made from the palm tree
palmicius {adj} :: alternative form of palmiceus ("of or made from the palm tree")
palmifer {adj} :: palm-bearing, abounding in palm trees, palmiferous
palmiger {adj} :: palm-bearing, holding a palm-branch
palmipes {adj} :: broad-footed
palmipes {adj} :: web-footed
palmipes {adj} [measure of length] :: a foot and a palmspan
Palmira {prop} :: alternative form of Palmȳra
palmo {vt} :: I make the print or mark of the palm of the hand
palmo {vt} :: I tie up a vine
palmosus {adj} :: abounding in palm trees
palmula {noun} :: diminutive of palma
palmula {noun} :: the palm of the hand
palmula {noun} [by extension] :: the fruit of the palm tree; date
palmula {noun} [figuratively] :: blade of an oar
palmula {noun} [figuratively] :: the wing of a bird
palmularis {adj} :: Of or with the palm of the hand
palmus {noun} [anatomy] :: palm
palmus {noun} [unit of measure, classical] :: palm, [especially] the Roman palm of about 7.4 cm
Palmyra {prop} :: Palmyra (<<ancient>> Semitic <<city>> in modern <<c/Syria>>)
Palmyrena {prop} :: Palmyrena
Palmyrene {prop} :: alternative form of Palmȳrēna
Palmyrenus {adj} :: Palmyrene
palo {vt} :: I support with stakes, pales or props, prop up
Palo {prop} :: Palo (river)
palor {v} :: I wander up and down or about, straggle, stray
palor {v} :: I am dispersed
palpabilis {adj} [Late Latin] :: that can be touched or felt, palpable
palpalis {adj} [New Latin] :: having (characteristic or unusual) palps; palpal
palpamen {noun} [Late Latin] :: a stroking, caressing
palpamentum {noun} :: a stroking; flattering
palpatio {noun} :: The act of stroking or flattering, flattery
palpatio {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: Trembling, terror
palpator {noun} :: stroker
palpator {noun} [figuratively] :: cajoler, flatterer
palpebra {noun} [anatomy] :: eyelid
palpebra {noun} [in the plural] :: eyelashes
palpebralis {adj} :: Of or on the eyelids
palpebraris {adj} :: Of or for the eyelids
palpebratio {noun} [of the eyes] :: blinking
palpebratus {adj} :: eyebrowed
palpebro {vi} :: I wink frequently, blink
Palpellius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Palpellius {prop} :: Sextus Palpellius Hister, a Roman consul
palpitatio {noun} :: A frequent and rapid motion, trembling, throbbing, pulsating, palpitation, quivering, twitching
palpito {vi} :: I move frequently and quickly, tremble, throb, pulsate, palpitate
palpo {v} :: I touch softly, stroke, pat
palpo {v} [by extension] :: I caress, flatter, coax, wheedle; soothe
palpo {noun} :: flatterer
palpus {noun} :: palm of the hand
palpus {noun} :: feeler (of an insect)
Paltisca {prop} [Medieval Latin] :: A town in Eastern Europe mentioned by Saxo Grammaticus, perhaps to be identified with modern Polotsk, Belarus
Paltus {prop} :: Paltus (coastal town), subject to Aradus
paludamentum {noun} :: A military cloak or cape fastened at one shoulder
paludatus {adj} :: dressed in a military cloak or cape
paludester {adj} [Late Latin] :: swampy, marshy
paludicolus {adj} :: swamp-dwelling
paludifer {adj} :: marsh-making, swamp-making
paludivagus {adj} :: wandering about or among morasses
paludosus {adj} :: swampy, marshy, fenny, boggy
palumbarius {noun} :: A kind of hawk which attacks doves
palumbes {f} :: woodpigeon; ring dove
palumbinus {adj} :: Of, pertaining to or derived from wood pigeons
palumbulus {noun} [endearing] :: a little wood pigeon or dove
palumbus {noun} :: alternative form of palumbēs ("wood pigeon")
palus {noun} :: swamp, marsh, morass, bog, fen, pool
palus {noun} :: stake, prop, stay, pale, post
paluster {adj} :: swampy, marshy; boggy
Pamisus {prop} :: The chief river of Messenia
Pamisus {prop} :: A river in Thrace
pammacharius {noun} :: The victor in the pammachum
pammachum {noun} :: An athletic contest consisting of wrestling and boxing; pankration
Pammenes {prop} :: A Theban general and friend of Epaminondas
Pamphia {prop} :: Pamphia (town) situated between Metapa and Thermum
Pamphylia {prop} :: Pamphylia (region in Asia Minor, first a country and then part of a Roman province)
pampinarium {noun} :: A non-fruiting shoot growing from a vine; tendril-branch, leaf-branch
pampinarius {adj} [of a vine] :: Of or pertaining to tendrils or leaves; that has tendrils and leaves
pampinatio {noun} :: The act of removing or trimming superfluous tendrils, shoots and growth of vines
pampinator {noun} :: One who removes or trims superfluous tendrils, shoots and growth of vines, vine-trimmer
pampinatus {v} :: pruned of superfluous tendrils, shoots and growth of vines, having been pruned
pampinatus {adj} :: having tendrils or leaves
pampinatus {adj} :: tendril-shaped, tendril-like
pampineus {adj} :: Full or consisting of vine leaves, tendrils or foliage
pampino {vt} :: I prune of superfluous tendrils, shoots and growth of vines; trim, prune
pampino {vt} :: I trim or prune trees
pampinosus {adj} :: full of shoots or foliage, leafy, branchy
pampinus {f} :: foliage of a vine, vine-shoot, vine leaf
pampinus {f} [by extension, of any plant] :: tendril; shoot
panaca {noun} :: A kind of drinking vessel
panacea {noun} :: A particular kind of plant, believed to cure all diseases
panacea {noun} :: panacea, catholicon
panacinus {adj} :: made of the panacea
Panama {prop} :: [New Latin] Panama (country)
panamensis {adj} :: Panamanian
panariolum {noun} :: a small breadbasket
panarium {noun} :: a breadbasket
panarius {noun} :: a bread seller
panatarius {noun} :: alternative form of pānetārius
panaterius {noun} :: alternative form of pānetārius
Panathenaica {prop} [historical] :: The Panathenaea
panax {noun} [Classical, Medieval Latin] :: "allheal": various kinds of medicinal plants
panax {noun} [New Latin] :: ginseng
pancarpineus {adj} :: consisting or composed of all kinds of fruit
pancarpius {adj} :: consisting or composed of all kinds of fruit
pancarpius {adj} [by extension] :: of all sorts
pancarpus {adj} :: alternative form of pancarpius ("composed of all kinds of fruit")
panchrestarius {noun} :: a confectioner
panchrestus {adj} [of remedies] :: good or useful for everything, universal
panchrus {noun} :: A variegated kind of precious stone
pancratiastes {noun} :: a combatant in the pancratium, a pancratiast
pancratice {adv} :: In the manner of a combatant in the pancratium
pancratium {noun} :: A gymnastic contest, which is a blend of wrestling and boxing, pankration
pancratium {noun} :: chicory
pancratium metrum {noun} :: Pancratian meter, a trochaic meter consisting of hypercatalectic monometer
pancturus {v} :: about to fasten
panctus {v} :: fastened
Panda {prop} :: A river of Scythia mentioned by Tacitus
Pandae {prop} :: A tribe of India mentioned by Pliny
pandandus {v} :: which is to be bent
pandans {v} :: spreading
pandanus {noun} [New Latin] :: a pandan
pandanus {noun} [New Latin] :: the pandans collectively
Pandarae {prop} :: A tribe of India mentioned by Pliny
Pandataria {prop} :: Pandataria (small island), lying opposite to the mouth of the Vulturnus, now Ventotene
pandatio {noun} [of wood] :: The act of warping or sagging
pandaturus {v} :: about to bend
pandatus {v} :: bent
pandectes {noun} :: A book that contains everything, encyclopedia
pandemus {adj} :: affecting all the people, public, general
pandendus {v} :: which is to be spread
pandens {v} :: spreading
pandia {noun} :: A kind of precious stone
pandiculor {v} :: I stretch myself
pando {v} :: I spread or open (out), extend
pando {v} :: I unfold or expand
pando {v} :: I spread out to dry
pando {vt} :: I bend, curve anything
pando {vi} :: I bend (myself)
Pandora {prop} :: Pandora
Pandosia {prop} :: Pandosia (ancient city), on the Acheron, now Kastri
Pandosia {prop} :: A city of the Bruttians, near the modern Mendocino
Paneas {prop} :: Paneas (city) situated on one of the sources of the River Jordan
Panegyris {prop} :: given name, character in the play Stichus of Plautus
panem et circenses {noun} [politics] :: bread and circuses
panerastos {noun} :: alternative form of paneros
paneros {noun} [mineralogy] :: a precious stone reputed to make the bearer fruitful
panetarius {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: one whose job it is to provide with bread, pantler
Pangaeus {prop} :: A mountain of Macedonia stretching from the right bank of the Strymon to the city of Amphipolis
pangendus {v} :: which is to be fastened
pangens {v} :: fastening
pangito {v} [hapax legomenon] :: synonym of laudō
pango {v} :: I fasten, fix, set, especially drive, sink, force in
pango {v} [by extension] :: I set, plant
pango {v} [transferred] :: I beget (children)
pango {v} [chiefly poetic] :: I compose, make heard or give out
pango {v} [usually] :: in verse
pango {v} [rare] :: in prose
pango {v} :: in song
pango {v} [Late Latin, poetic] :: I celebrate, tell of, record, compose accounts of
pango {v} [figuratively, almost exclusively perfect or participle] :: I fix, determine
pango {v} :: I agree upon, settle
pango {v} [finance] :: I settle a price or monetary value
pango {v} :: I make an agreement, pledge
pango {v} [of marital matters] :: I promise, pledge, arrange, undertake to perform
pango {v} [almost exclusively of women, only attested twice in reference to men] :: betroth, promise in wedlock
pangonus {noun} :: An unknown kind of precious stone
panicellus {noun} :: a small loaf
paniceus {adj} :: made of bread
panicium {noun} :: anything baked; bread, cakes
panicium {noun} :: foxtail millet
panicoctarius {adj} [Late Latin] :: bread-making
panicula {noun} :: tuft (on a plant); panicle
panicula {noun} :: tuft of reeds used for thatch
panicula {noun} :: swelling, tumour
panicum {noun} :: Italian millet, foxtail millet (Setaria italica), panicgrass
panifex {noun} :: a baker, breadmaker
panifica {noun} :: a female baker
panificium {noun} :: bread making
panificium {noun} :: anything baked; bread, cakes
panificium {noun} :: loaf
panis {noun} :: bread, loaf
panis {noun} [figuratively] :: food or nourishment in general, whether physical or spiritual
panis {noun} :: a mass in the shape of a loaf
paniscus {noun} [New Latin] :: small chimpanzee
Paniscus {noun} :: A rural deity in the form of a small Pan
pannifex {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a cloth maker. weaver
Pannonia {prop} :: Pannonia
pannosus {adj} :: ragged, tattered
pannosus {adj} :: rag-like, flabby, shrivelled, wrinkled
pannus {noun} :: cloth
pannus {noun} :: rag
pannus {noun} :: garment
Panopeus {prop} :: a town of Phocis, situated on the road to Daulis
Panopolis {prop} :: A city of Upper Egypt known also as Chemmis
Panormitanus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the city of Palermo
Panormus {prop} :: Panormus (city), situated on the northern coast of the island, now Palermo
panosus {adj} :: bready, like bread
pansa {noun} :: a man with broad feet
Pansa {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pansa {prop} :: Gaius Vibius Pansa Caetronianus, a Roman consul
Pantagias {prop} :: A river of Sicily flowing into the sea between Catana and Syracusae
pantex {noun} [usually plural] :: belly, paunch, guts
panthera {noun} :: a panther
panthera {noun} :: the entire catch or capture by a hunter (e.g. of wildfowl)
pantherinus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a panther; panther-like
Panticapaeum {prop} :: Panticapaeum
Panticapes {prop} :: A river of Scythia, supposed to be the Samara
Pantomatrium {prop} :: A town of Crete situated on the northern coast
pantomima {noun} :: pantomime performer (female)
pantomimus {noun} :: pantomime performer (male)
panton {noun} :: everything
pantotrophus {adj} [New Latin] :: mixotrophic
Pantuleius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pantuleius {prop} :: Aulus Pantuleius, a Roman sculptor
panus {noun} :: ear of millet
panus {noun} :: the thread wound upon the bobbin
panus {noun} :: a swelling, tumor
Panysus {prop} :: A river of Thrace flowing in the Black Sea at Odessus
papa {noun} :: an infant's cry for food
papa {noun} :: father
papa {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: bishop
papa {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: pope (the Roman Catholic bishop of Rome)
papa {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: patriarch (in primatial sees, notably Coptic Alexandria)
papabilis {adj} [Church Latin] :: papabile (likely to be elected pope)
papae {interj} :: Cry of pain, alarm, astonishment, or delight
paparium {noun} :: pap, baby food
papauer {noun} :: alternative typography of papāver
papaver {noun} :: poppy
papaver {noun} :: seed
Paphos {prop} :: alternative form of Paphus
Paphus {prop} :: Paphus (city)
papilio {noun} :: butterfly, moth
papilio {noun} :: Soul of a dead person
papilio {noun} [Medieval Latin, military] :: tent
papilla {noun} [anatomy] :: nipple, teat, breast, papilla
papillatus {adj} :: Having nipples or buds
papillatus {adj} :: Shaped like a nipple or bud
papillosus {adj} :: having nipples, teats or pimples
papillosus {adj} :: having papillae; papillose
Papinianeus {adj} :: Papinianian
Papinius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Papinius {prop} :: Publius Papinius Statius, a Roman poet
Papirius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Papirius {prop} :: Lucius Papirius Cursor, a Roman general
Papirius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Papiria
Papius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Papius {prop} :: Gaius Papius Mutilus, a Samnite general
Papius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Papia
papo {v} :: alternative form of pappō
pappa {f} :: the word with which infants call for food
pappo {v} :: I eat, eat pap
Papua {prop} [New Latin] :: Papua
Papua Nova Guinea {prop} :: Papua New Guinea
papuanus {adj} :: Papuan
papuensis {adj} :: Papuan
papula {noun} [medicine] :: pustule, pimple
papula {noun} :: mote
Papus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Papus {prop} :: Lucius Aemilius Papus, a Roman general
papyraceus {adj} :: made of papyrus
papyrifer {adj} :: papyrus-bearing, producing papyrus
papyrifer {adj} [New Latin] :: paper-bearing
papyrio {noun} :: papyrus marsh
papyrius {adj} :: of papyrus
papyrus {f} :: papyrus [plant]
papyrus {f} :: a garment made from papyrus
papyrus {f} :: paper made from papyrus
par {adj} :: even (of a number)
par {adj} :: equal
par {adj} :: like
par {adj} :: suitable
parabalani {noun} [plurale tantum] :: nurses (carers for the sick and the infirm)
Parabeste {prop} :: A city of Arachosia mentioned by Pliny
parabilis {adj} :: parable (obsolete) obtainable; at hand, available
parabola {noun} :: A comparison, illustration, likeness
parabola {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin, Late Latin] :: An allegorical relation, parable; proverb; taunting speech or any speech
parabola {noun} [Medieval Latin, Late Latin] :: word
parabolans {v} :: speaking, talking
parabolanus {noun} :: a (male) sick-nurse, especially in infectious diseases
parabolo {v} [Medieval Latin, Ecclesiastical Latin] :: I make clear by metaphors
parabolo {v} [Medieval Latin] :: I talk; I speak; I communicate using words
parabolo {v} [New Latin] :: I compare
parabolo {v} [Medieval Latin] :: I endanger, I lack regard for, I risk
parabolus {noun} :: a daredevil or reckless fellow who exposes himself to danger or who risks his life on any thing
paracletus {noun} :: advocate, defender
paracletus {noun} :: helper, protector, comforter
paraclitus {noun} :: alternative form of paraclētus [representing the Koine Greek pronunciation of η as /i/ as well as the Greek antepenultimate stress]
paradensis {adj} [relational] :: Parád, Hungary
paradigma {noun} :: pattern, example, paradigm
paradisus {noun} :: park, orchard
paradisus {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: Eden, the paradise home of the first humans
paradisus {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: Paradise, the abode of the blessed after death
Paradisus {prop} :: Paradisus (river)
paradoxum {noun} :: paradox
paradoxus {adj} :: contrary to expectation
paradoxus {adj} :: paradoxical
paradoxus {adj} :: marvellous, strange
paradoxus {adj} :: uncharacteristic (as a taxonomic epithet)
paradoxus {noun} :: Someone who, contrary to expectation, has won in both the lucta [a wrestling match] and in the pancratium [a gymnastic contest which included both boxing and wrestling] on the same day
paraensis {adj} [relational] :: Pará
Paraetacene {prop} [geography] :: A district of ancient Persia
Paraetonium {prop} :: Paraetonium (port city)
paraffinum {noun} [New Latin] :: paraffin, alkane
paraffinum molle album {noun} [New Latin] :: literally: soft, white paraffin; soft, white petroleum jelly; Vaseline; petrolatum. Used in the preparation of pharmaceutical creams and ointments
paraffinum molle flavum {noun} [New Latin] :: literally: soft, yellow paraffin; soft, white petroleum jelly; Vaseline; petrolatum
paragauda {noun} :: A border, lace, worked on a garment
paragigantocellularis {adj} :: paragigantocellular
paragoge {noun} [Late Latin, grammar, prosody] :: paragoge
paragraphus {m} :: paragraph
Paraguaia {prop} :: Paraguay
paraguayanus {adj} :: Paraguayan
paraguayensis {adj} :: Paraguayan
paraguensis {adj} :: Paraguayan
parahaemolyticus {adj} [New Latin] :: that sometimes causes haemolysis
paralius {adj} :: that grows by the seaside
parallaxis {noun} :: parallax
parallelismus {noun} :: parallelism
parallelogrammum {noun} [mathematics] :: parallelogram
parallelus {adj} :: parallel
parallelus {adj} :: concentric
paralysis {noun} :: paralysis, palsy
paralyticus {adj} :: paralyzed, paralytic
paralyticus {adj} :: palsied
paramecium {noun} :: paramecium
paramentum {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: ornament
paramentum {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: throne, royal state or dignity
paramentum {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: vestment
paramentum {noun} [Medieval Latin, in plural] :: liturgical paraphernalia
paramus {noun} :: A fallow plateau or highland, a wasteland
parandus {v} :: which is to be prepared, arranged
parandus {v} :: which is to be provided, furnished
parandus {v} :: which is to be resolved, purposed
paranensis {adj} [relational] :: Paraná
parans {v} :: preparing, arranging
parans {v} :: providing, furnishing
parans {v} :: resolving, purposing
paraoccipitalis {adj} [New Latin] :: paroccipital
paraphrasis {noun} :: paraphrase
Parapinae {prop} :: A tribe of Arachosia mentioned by Pliny
parapsilosis {adj} [New Latin] :: A specific epithet for a fungus
parapsis {noun} :: serving dish
Parasangae {prop} :: A tribe of India mentioned by Pliny
parasceue {noun} :: alternative form of parascevē
parasceve {noun} [Late Latin] :: [proper noun] Good Friday
parasceve {noun} [Late Latin] :: [common noun] any Friday, without especial significance
parasitaster {noun} :: a mean, sorry parasite
parasiticus {adj} :: parasitic
parasitus {noun} :: guest
parasitus {noun} :: sponger, parasite, freeloader
paratior {adj} :: better prepared or arranged
paratissimus {adj} :: most or very prepared
paratuberculosis {adj} [New Latin] :: That does not normally produce tubercules
paraturus {v} :: about to prepare, arrange
paraturus {v} :: about to provide, furnish
paraturus {v} :: about to resolve, purpose
paratus {v} :: prepared, arranged, having been prepared or arranged
paratus {v} :: provided, furnished, having been provided or furnished
paratus {v} :: resolved, purposed, having been resolved or purposed
paratus {noun} :: preparation, provision
paraveredus {noun} [Late Latin] :: An extra horse; post horse or courier's horse for outlying or out of the way places
Parca {prop} :: one of the Fates (one of the three goddesses who control destiny)
parcendus {v} :: which is to be forborne
parcens {v} :: forbearing, sparing
parciloquium {noun} :: pauciloquy
parcimonia {noun} :: alternative form of parsimōnia
parcior {adj} :: more sparing etc
parcissimus {adj} :: most or very sparing etc
parco {v} :: I refrain; I forbear
parco {v} [with dative] :: I am lenient to; I spare
parcus {adj} :: sparing, frugal
parcus {adj} :: scanty, slight
pardalis {adj} [relational] :: leopard
pardalis {noun} :: female leopard
Pardalisca {prop} :: given name, character in the play Casina of Plautus
pardinus {adj} :: panther-like
pardus {noun} :: pard: a male leopard
pardus {noun} [zoology] :: other mottled or spotted animals
pardus {noun} :: brown
pareas {noun} :: A kind of legendary snake, that creates a furrow anytime it moves
parelion {noun} :: parhelion
parendus {v} :: which is to be appeared
parens {f} :: parent
parens {f} :: founder, father
parens {adj} :: obedient
parens {adj} :: subject to
parentalis {adj} :: parental
parenticida {noun} :: parricide
Parentium {prop} :: Parentium (city) situated on the west coast of the peninsula, now Parenzo
parento {v} :: I make a sacrifice in honour of the dead
parento {v} :: I appease or revenge a death
pareo {v} :: I appear, am visible, am apparent
pareo {v} [with dative] :: I obey, submit to, am obedient to
pares cum paribus facillime congregantur {proverb} :: birds of a feather flock together
Paricani {prop} :: A tribe of Asia mentioned by Pliny
paricida {f} :: alternative form of parricīda
pariendus {v} :: which is to be given birth to
pariens {v} :: bearing, giving birth
pariens {v} :: spawning
pariens {v} :: acquiring
paries {noun} :: the wall of a house or room
parietalis {adj} :: parietal
parietina {noun} [chiefly in the plural] :: Old or ruined walls
Parihedrus {prop} :: A branch of the Mount Taurus mentioned by Pliny
parilis {adj} :: equal, like
parilitas {noun} :: equality
pario {v} :: I bear, I give birth to
pario {v} :: I spawn, produce, beget
pario {v} :: I procure, acquire
parior {adj} :: more like, more suitable
Parirae {prop} :: A tribe of Gedrosia mentioned by Pliny
Paris {prop} :: Paris (caplc)
parisianus {adj} :: Parisian
Parisii {prop} :: A Celtic tribe of Gallia Lugdunensis, whose chief town was Lutetia
parissime {adv} :: superlative of pariter: most or very equally, suitably
parissimus {adj} :: most or very like, suitable
pariter {adv} :: equally
pariter {adv} :: together
pariter {adv} :: likewise
pariturus {v} :: about to bear (give birth)
pariturus {v} :: about to appear
pariturus {v} :: about to obey, about to submit
Parium {prop} :: A town of Mysia on the Hellespont
parma {noun} :: a parma; a small shield carried by the infantry and cavalry
parma {noun} [poetic] :: any shield
parma {noun} [poetic] :: a Thraex; a gladiator armed with a parma
Parma {prop} :: Parma (city)
Parmenides {prop} :: Parmenides
Parmenio {prop} :: A distinguished Macedonian general under Philip II and Alexander the Great
parmula {noun} [military] :: a small round shield
Parnasos {prop} :: alternative form of Parnāsus
Parnassos {prop} :: alternative form of Parnāsus
Parnassus {prop} :: alternative form of Parnāsus
Parnasus {prop} :: Parnasus (mountain)
Parnes {prop} :: A range of mountains of Attica famous for its wine
paro {v} :: I prepare, arrange
paro {v} :: I provide, furnish
paro {v} :: I resolve, purpose
paro {v} [Medieval Latin] :: I adorn, ornament
paro {v} [Medieval Latin] :: I learn by heart
paro {v} :: I equalize, make equal
parochus {noun} :: purveyor, commissary
paronomasia {noun} :: A figure of speech; pun or play on words which sound alike but have different meanings, paronomasia
paronymon {noun} [Late Latin] :: paronym
paronymum {noun} :: alternative form of parōnymon
Paropamisadae {prop} [historical demography] :: the people of Paropamisus in ancient Afghanistan
Paropamisadae {prop} [historical geography] :: synonym of Paropamisus itself
Paropamisus {prop} [historical geography] :: A region of eastern Afghanistan ruled by the Greeks around the time of Alexander the Great, variously considered a satrapy of Persia, a region of India, and an autonomous people
Paropamisus {prop} :: A great mountain range of Asia
Paropanisadae {prop} [historical demography and geography] :: synonym of Paropamisadae
Paropus {prop} :: A town in Sicily whose location is still uncertain
Paros {prop} :: One of the Cyclades and birthplace of Archilocus
Parospus {prop} :: Parospus (river)
parotis {noun} :: A tumour near the ear
Parparus {prop} :: A mountain of Argolis
parra {noun} :: A bird of ill omen; perhaps the barn owl
Parrhasia {prop} :: A town of Arcadia
parricida {f} :: parricide (person)
parricidium {noun} :: parricide (act)
parricus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: fence
parricus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: game park, cattle reserve
parricus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: fenced-in enclosure
pars {noun} :: part, piece, share
pars {noun} :: some
pars {noun} :: faction
pars {noun} :: part (theatre)
pars {noun} :: function, duty
pars {noun} :: fate, lot
pars {noun} :: direction
pars {noun} [usually, in plural] :: party (politics)
parsimonia {noun} :: frugality, thrift, parsimony
pars orationis {noun} [grammar] :: part of speech
pars pro toto {noun} :: A type of metonymy in which an entity (person, object) is referred to by a (conspicuous) part, for the whole, e.g. a country by its capital
Parstrymonia {prop} :: a tract of country on the Strymon, in Thrace
parsurus {v} :: about to forbear
parsus {v} :: forborne
Partheni {prop} :: An Illyrian tribe of Macedonia
parthenice {noun} :: feverfew (of genus Parthenium)
Parthenius {prop} :: The most important river in the west of Paphlagonia, now the Bartın River
parthenon {noun} :: women's chamber
Parthenopolis {prop} :: Parthenopolis (town)
parthicus {adj} :: Parthian
Parthus {noun} :: a Parthian
partialis {adj} [Late Latin] :: of, or pertaining to, a part
partiarius {noun} :: a sharer, partaker
partiarius {adj} :: that shares with another
partiarius {adj} :: shared; that is shared with another
partibilis {adj} :: divisible
particeps {adj} :: sharing
participandus {v} :: which is to be partaken of, or participated in
participandus {v} :: which is to be shared or imparted
participans {v} :: partaking
participans {v} :: participating
participans {v} :: sharing
participans {v} :: imparting
participatio {noun} :: participation
participialis {adj} [grammar] :: participial, or the nature of a participle
participialiter {adv} :: participially; in the manner of a participle
participium {noun} :: a sharing, partaking, participation
participium {noun} [grammar] :: participle
participo {v} :: I partake of
participo {v} :: I participate in
participo {v} :: I share
participo {v} :: I impart
particula {noun} :: small part, particle
particularis {adj} :: particular
particularis {adj} :: partial
particulatim {adv} :: piecemeal
particulatim {adv} :: singly
particulatim {adv} :: severally
partiendus {v} :: which is to be apportioned
partiens {v} :: apportioning
partilis {adj} :: individual
partim {adv} [literal] :: partly, in part, a part, some of, some
partim {adv} [ante-Classical] :: for the most part, chiefly, principally
partim {adv} [Late Latin, of time] :: sometimes
partio {v} :: I share, part, apportion; divide, distribute
partio {noun} :: The act of giving birth or bearing or bringing forth young
partior {v} :: alternative form of partiō ("I share"; "distribute")
Partiscum {prop} :: One of the towns of the Iazyges, now Szeged
partitio {noun} :: The act of sharing or parting; partition, division, distribution
partitio {noun} [philosophy and rhetoric] :: A logical division into parts or heads, classification, partition
partitudo {noun} :: parturition
partiturus {v} :: about to apportion
partitus {v} :: shared, parted, distributed, divided, having been shared
parturibundus {adj} :: in labor, giving birth
parturiens {v} :: giving birth
parturio {v} :: I am in labour
parturio {v} :: I am pregnant
parturio {v} :: I teem with
partus {v} :: born, given birth to, having been born
partus {v} :: gained, acquired, having been acquired
partus {noun} :: A bearing, bringing forth
partus {noun} :: A birth, delivery
partus {noun} :: Young, offspring
parum {adv} :: very little
parum {adv} :: insufficient, not enough, too little
parumper {adv} :: briefly, for a short while, for a moment
parumper {adv} :: quickly
parus {noun} :: tit [bird]
parus {noun} :: chickadee
parviflorus {adj} [New Latin] :: having small flowers
parvifolius {adj} [New Latin] :: small-leafed
parvipendens {v} :: slighting
parvipendo {v} :: I slight (pay little attention to)
parvirostris {adj} [New Latin] :: Used as a specific epithet; having a small beak
parvitas {noun} :: smallness, littleness
parvitas {noun} :: unimportance, insignificance
parvolus {adj} :: alternative form of parvulus
parvulus {adj} :: little, petty, slight, unimportant
parvulus {adj} :: young
parvulus {adj} :: insufficient
parvulus {adj} :: indiscreet
parvulus {adj} :: deficient in understanding
parvulus {noun} :: infancy, childhood
parvus {adj} :: small, little, cheap
parvus {adj} :: ignorable, unimportant
pascendus {v} :: which is to be fed
pascens {v} :: feeding, nourishing
pascens {v} :: pasturing
pascens {v} :: cultivating
pascens {v} :: grazing
pascha {noun} :: Pascha / Passover or Easter
pascha {noun} :: the Paschal Lamb
paschalis {adj} :: Paschal; of or pertaining to Easter or the Passover
pascito {v} :: I pasture or feed often
pasco {v} :: I feed, nourish, maintain, support
pasco {v} :: I pasture, drive to pasture, attend
pasco {v} :: I feed, supply, cultivate, let grow
pasco {v} [of animals] :: I graze, browse
pasco {v} [figuratively] :: I feast, delight, satisfy, feed, gratify
pasco {v} :: I consume, lay waste, ravage, desolate
pasco {v} [metaphorical, Biblical, Ecclesiastical Latin] :: I tend to as a shepherd or pastor; cherish, nourish, care for, feed spiritually
pascor {v} :: to feed oneself, hence to eat
pascualis {adj} :: pasturing, grazing
pascuus {adj} :: Of or for pasture, grazing
Pasicompsa {prop} :: given name, character in the play Mercator of Plautus
Pasicrates {prop} :: A prince of Soli in Cyprus
Pasicrates {prop} :: A Rhodian literary
Pasiphaa {prop} :: alternative form of Pāsiphaē
Pasiphae {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Pasiphae
Passala {prop} :: Passala (island)
passarius {adj} :: dried (in the open air)
Passaron {prop} :: The ancient capital of the Molossi in Epirus
passer {noun} :: sparrow
passer {noun} :: turbot
passerculus {noun} :: a little sparrow
passerculus {noun} :: a term of endearment
passerinus {adj} :: of or fit for a sparrow
passerinus {adj} [New Latin] :: sparrow-like
passernix {noun} :: whetstone
passibilis {adj} :: passible (capable of feeling emotions)
Passienus {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Passienus {prop} :: Lucius Passienus Rufus, a Roman consul
passim {adv} :: everywhere (almost synonymous to ubique)
passim {adv} :: here and there, hither and thither; (at or to different places)
passio {noun} :: suffering, enduring
passio {noun} [Late Latin, Christianity] :: passion (especially of Christ)
passio {noun} [by extension] :: an event, occurrence, phenomenon
passio {noun} [by extension] :: a passion, affection (as a translation of Greek πάθος (any strong feeling, passion))
passionatus {adj} :: Full of passion
passito {vi} [of starlings] :: I cry
passivus {adj} :: subject to passion or emotion
passivus {adj} [grammar] :: passive [of a verb]
passum {noun} :: A kind of alcoholic wine made with dried grapes
passurus {v} :: about to spread
passurus {v} :: about to suffer
passus {v} :: spread out
passus {v} :: dried
passus {noun} :: step
passus {noun} :: pace
passus {noun} :: pace: a Roman unit of length equal to five Roman feet
passus {v} :: suffered, having suffered
passus {v} :: allowed, having allowed
passus {v} :: permitted, having permitted
pasta {noun} [Late Latin] :: paste
pastazanus {adj} [relational] :: Pastaza (in Ecuador)
pastellus {noun} :: a seal made of wax
pastinaca {noun} :: parsnip
pastinaca {noun} :: stingray
pastino {v} :: to dig and level the ground in preparation for planting
pastinum {noun} :: A kind of two-pronged dibble
pastinum {noun} :: The action of hoeing
pastinum {noun} :: A hoed soil or field
pastio {noun} :: a pasturing, grazing; pasture
pastoforium {noun} :: alternative form of pastophorium
pastophorium {noun} :: A small chapel in a temple containing an image of a god
pastor {noun} :: A person who tends sheep; shepherd
pastor {noun} :: A Christian who takes care of the spiritual needs of other Christians
pastoralis {adj} [relational] :: shepherd; pastoral
pastoricius {adj} [relational] :: herdsman / shepherd; pastoral
pastrix {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: A female pastor
pastura {noun} :: pasture, grazing ground
pasturus {v} :: about to feed
pastus {v} :: fed, nourished
pastus {v} :: pastured
pastus {noun} :: pasture, feeding ground
patagium {noun} :: A gold edging on a Roman tunic
patagonicus {adj} :: Patagonian
patagus {noun} :: a sort of disease
Patale {prop} :: Patale (ancient city) situated on the island of Patalene
Patalene {prop} :: An island situated at the mouth of the Indus
Patami {prop} :: An Arabian tribe mentioned by Pliny
Patara {noun} :: a maritime city of Lycia, celebrated for its temple of Apollo
patata {noun} [New Latin] :: potato
Patavium {prop} :: Patavium (city)
patefaciendus {v} :: which is to be thrown open or disclosed
patefaciens {v} :: opening, throwing open
patefaciens {v} :: disclosing
patefacio {v} :: I open, throw open
patefacio {v} [figuratively] :: I disclose, uncover, reveal, bring to light
patefaciundus {v} :: which is to be thrown open or disclosed
patefacturus {v} :: about to open, disclose
patefactus {v} :: opened
patefactus {v} :: disclosed
patella {noun} :: a small or shallow pan or dish
patella {noun} :: the kneecap, patella
patella {noun} :: a disease of the olive tree
patellifer {adj} [New Latin] :: producing plates
patellula {noun} [New Latin] :: patellula
patelluliformis {adj} [New Latin] :: having the form of a patellula, patellula-shaped
patens {v} :: being opening; open
patens {v} :: being accessible; accessible, passable
patens {v} :: being exposed; vulnerable
patens {v} :: evident, manifest
patens {adj} :: open, accessible
patentior {adj} :: more open or accessible
patentissimus {adj} :: most or very open or accessible
pateo {v} :: I am open
pateo {v} :: I am accessible, attainable
pateo {v} :: I am exposed, vulnerable
pateo {v} :: I increase or extend (said of frontiers or land)
pater {noun} :: father (male parent)
pater {noun} :: head of household
pater {noun} :: parent
pater {noun} :: forefather
pater {noun} :: priest
pater {noun} :: honorific title
patera {noun} :: A broad, flat dish or saucer, used especially for libations
pater familias {noun} :: head of household
Pateria {prop} :: A deserted island mentioned by Pliny
paternalis {adj} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin] :: Of or pertaining to a father, paternal
paternitas {noun} [Late Latin] :: fatherly feeling or care; fatherhood, paternity
paternitas {noun} [Late Latin] :: parental descent from the father's side
Pater noster {prop} :: The Lord's prayer (literally our father)
paternus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a father, paternal, fatherly
paternus {adj} :: Related through the father, or his side of the family, paternal
paternus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to one's forefathers, ancestral
paternus {adj} :: Of or connected with one's origin or birthplace, native
pater semper incertus est {phrase} :: "The father is always uncertain" (i.e., the identity of a child’s father is always in question)
patesco {v} :: I am opening, being revealed, being disclosed
patesco {v} :: I become known
patesco {v} :: I extend or stretch out
pathetice {adv} :: pathetically
patheticus {adj} [post-Classical] :: full of pathos, affecting, pathetic
pathicus {adj} :: (of men) someone submitting to sex (anal sex) or socialy unacceptable lust, pathic, lascivious; of catamites, prostitutes or books
pathicus {noun} :: sodomite, a man who submits to anal sex, a bottom
Pathissus {prop} :: A river of Dacia and tributary river of the Danube, probably the Tisza
pathologicus {adj} :: pathological
patibulum {noun} :: fork-shaped yoke or gibbet (for criminals)
patiendus {v} :: which is to be endured etc
patiens {v} :: suffering, enduring
patiens {v} :: allowing, acquiescing, submitting
patiens {v} :: patient; long-suffering
patientia {noun} :: suffering
patientia {noun} :: patience
patientior {adj} :: comparative of patiēns
patientissimus {adj} :: superlative of patiēns: most or very patient, long-suffering etc
patina {noun} :: A broad, shallow dish, a pan, stewpan
patina {noun} :: A kind of cake
patina {noun} :: A crib, manger
patior {v} :: I suffer, endure
patior {v} :: I allow, acquiesce, submit
Patmos {prop} :: Patmos
pator {noun} :: opening
Patrae {prop} :: a city of Achaia situated on the coast, now Patras
patrandus {v} :: which is to be accomplished
patrans {v} :: accomplishing
patraster {noun} :: father-in-law
patraster {noun} :: step-father
patratio {noun} [rare] :: an effecting, achieving, accomplishing
patrator {noun} :: an effecter, achiever, accomplisher
patraturus {v} :: about to accomplish
patratus {v} :: accomplished
patria {noun} :: country; fatherland [literally]
patria {noun} :: home
patriarcha {noun} [Late Latin] :: patriarch (all senses)
patriarchalis {adj} :: patriarchal; of or pertaining to a patriarch
patriarchatus {noun} :: patriarchate
patriarches {noun} :: alternative form of patriarcha
patriarchia {noun} :: patriarchate (the dignity of a patriarch)
patriarchia {noun} :: a patriarchal church (each of the five great basilicae of Rome)
patrice {adv} :: in the manner of a father, paternally
patriciatus {noun} :: The rank of a patrician
patricida {noun} :: A patricide
patriciolus {noun} :: diminutive of patricius
patricius {adj} :: patrician, noble
patricius {noun} :: patrician
Patricius {prop} :: given name
patricus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a father, paternal, fatherly
patrie {adv} :: paternally
patrimonialis {adj} :: of or belonging to a patrimony, patrimonial
patrimoniolum {noun} [Late Latin] :: a little patrimony
patrimonium {noun} :: the estate or assets that are passed from father to son, patrimony
patrimus {adj} :: Having a living father
patrioticus {adj} :: of or belonging to one's native land; patriotic
patrisso {v} :: I take after one's father
patritius {noun} :: alternative form of patricius
patritus {adj} [archaic] :: of one's father or forefathers
patrius {adj} :: father's, fatherly, paternal
patrius {adj} :: hereditary; ancestral
patrizo {v} :: alternative form of patrissō
patro {v} :: I bring about, accomplish
patro {v} :: I ejaculate
patrocinalis {adj} :: of or belonging to protection or patronage
patrocinium {noun} :: protection, defence
patrocinium {noun} :: patronage
patrocinor {v} :: to protect, defend
Patroclus {prop} :: Patroclus
patrona {noun} :: female patron, protector
patronalis {adj} :: of or belonging to a patron
patronatus {noun} [Late Latin] :: patronage
patronus {noun} :: a protector, patron
patronymice {adv} :: according to the father's name
patronymicus {adj} :: formed after a father's name, patronymic
patruelis {f} :: A first cousin on the father's side; the child of one's father's brother (one type of parallel cousin)
patruus {noun} :: paternal uncle; a father's brother
patruus {noun} :: a severe reprover
patruus {adj} :: of or pertaining to a paternal uncle (a father's brother)
pattersonensis {adj} [relational] :: Mount Patterson (California)
Patulcius {prop} :: an epithet of Janus, because in time of war his temple stood open
Patulcius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by:
Patulcius {prop} :: Quīntus Patulcius, a person mentioned by Cicero
patulus {adj} :: open, wide open, gaping
patulus {adj} :: spread out, extended
patulus {adj} :: common (open to all)
paucidens {adj} :: Having few teeth
pauciflorus {adj} :: having few flowers
paucifolius {adj} :: having few leaves
paucimaculatus {adj} [New Latin] :: having fewer than normal spots
paucimobilis {adj} :: having little movement
paucior {adj} :: fewer
paucior {adj} :: too few
paucior {adj} :: rather few
paucisetus {adj} [New Latin] :: having little bristles
paucissimus {adj} :: fewest, littlest
paucitas {noun} :: scarcity, paucity
pauculus {adj} [diminutive] :: very few or little
paucus {adj} :: few, little
Paula {prop} :: given name
paulatim {adv} :: gradually, little by little, bit by bit
paulisper {adv} :: for only a brief period
paullatim {adv} :: Variant of paulatim
paullo {adv} :: somewhat
paullo {adv} :: a little
paullulus {adj} :: alternative form of paululus
paullum {noun} :: A little (small amount)
paulo {adv} :: a little
paululus {adj} :: very little or small
paulum {adv} :: little, a little
paulus {adj} :: little, small
Paulus {prop} :: A cognomen of the Aemilius clan
Paulus {prop} :: Paul (biblical character)
pauper {adj} :: poor
pauperasco {v} [Late Latin] :: I grow poor
pauperatus {v} :: impoverished
pauperculus {adj} [diminutive] :: poor, poor little
pauperies {noun} :: poverty
pauperior {adj} :: poorer
paupero {v} :: I impoverish, I make poor
pauperrimus {adj} :: poorest or very poor
paupertas {noun} :: the state of being poor, poverty; need, indigence
paupulo {vi} [of peacocks] :: I call
pauquinus {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: few
paurosaccharolyticus {adj} [New Latin] :: saccharolytic for some sugars only
pausa {noun} :: a pause, halt, stop, cessation, end
pausea {noun} :: A kind of olive, which yielded an excellent oil
pauso {v} :: I halt, cease, pause
pauso {v} :: I rest in the grave
Pausulae {prop} :: Pausulae (town) situated on the right bank of the river Flusor
pauxillulus {adj} :: very little, very small
pauxillus {adj} :: very small, tiny
pava {noun} :: peahen; also eaten as a delicacy
pavefaciens {v} :: frightening
pavefacio {v} :: I frighten, scare or alarm
pavefacturus {v} :: about to frighten
pavefactus {v} :: frightened
pavens {v} :: trembling or quaking with fear
pavens {v} :: fearing, dreading
Paventia {prop} [Roman god] :: the goddess who guarded children against sudden terrors
paveo {vi} :: I am struck with fear, I am afraid or terrified; tremble or quake with fear
paveo {vt} :: I fear, dread or am terrified by
pavesco {v} :: I become alarmed or afraid
pavesco {vt} :: I fear, I dread
pavibundus {adj} :: fearful, anxious
pavicula {noun} :: a rammer
pavidus {adj} :: trembling, quaking, fearful, terrified, alarmed
pavidus {adj} :: timid, timorous, shy
paviendus {v} :: which is to be beaten
paviens {v} :: beating
pavimentandus {v} :: which is to be paved
pavimentans {v} :: paving
pavimentarius {noun} :: floor-maker, who makes the tiled ground, paviour
pavimentaturus {v} :: about to pave
pavimentatus {v} :: paved
pavimentatus {adj} :: paved
pavimento {v} :: I pave
pavimentum {noun} :: a floor composed of small stones beaten down
pavio {v} :: I beat, strike
pavio {v} :: I ram
pavio {v} :: I tread down
paviturus {v} :: about to beat
pavitus {v} :: beaten
pavo {noun} :: peacock, peafowl; a bird associated with Argus and sacred to Hera; eaten as a delicacy
pavoninus {adj} :: of or pertaining to a peacock
pavoninus {adj} :: colored like the tail of a peacock
pavor {noun} :: The act of trembling, quaking, throbbing or panting with fear
pavor {noun} :: Fear, alarm, terror, fright, panic
pavor {noun} :: Fear through expectation, dread, thrill, anxiety, trepidation
pavus {noun} :: alternative form of pavo
pax {noun} :: peace
pax {noun} [poetic] :: rest, quiet, ease
pax {noun} [transferred sense] :: grace (esp. from the gods)
pax {noun} [transferred sense] :: leave, good leave (permission)
pax {noun} [ecclesiastical] :: peace, harmony
pax {interj} :: silence! be silent! hush!
paxillus {noun} :: peg, pin, small stake
Pax Julia {prop} :: Pax Julia (town) situated on the road between Ebora and Esuris, now Beja
pax sit rebus {interj} :: stop talking!, work in silence!
p. Chr. n. {adv} :: abbreviation of post Chrīstum nātum: AD (A.D., A. D.; annō Dominī)
-pe {particle} :: used in the formation of certain words as an intensive particle
pe {noun} :: letter: p
peccabilis {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: peccable; liable to sin
peccandus {v} :: which is to sin, transgress or offend
peccans {v} :: sinning, transgressing
peccans {v} :: offending
peccator {noun} :: sinner
peccator {noun} :: transgressor
peccatrix {noun} :: sinner (female)
peccatrix {adj} :: sinning, sinful
peccatum {noun} :: sin, error, fault
peccaturus {v} :: about to sin
peccatus {v} :: sinned
pecco {v} :: I sin, transgress
pecco {v} :: I offend
pecorarius {noun} :: herdsman, shepherd
pecten {noun} :: comb
pecten {noun} :: pubic hair
pecten {noun} :: scallop
pectens {v} :: combing
pectens {v} :: carding (fibres)
pectens {v} :: hoeing, weeding
pectinandus {v} :: which is to be combed
pectinans {v} :: combing
pectinaturus {v} :: about to comb
pectinatus {v} :: combed
pectino {v} :: I comb or card
pecto {v} :: I comb
pecto {v} [of wool] :: I card, heckle, comb
pecto {v} [by extension] :: I hoe, weed
pecto {v} [figuratively] :: I give someone a thrashing, thrash
pectorale {noun} :: anything worn around the chest
pectorale {noun} :: breastplate, a form of armour of a human or mount
pectorale {noun} :: breastgirth, breastplate, breaststrap, a contrivance on a mount preventing the saddle from sliding back
pectorale {noun} :: breastgirth, breastband, breaststrap, supporting the mammaries of a human female
pectoralis {adj} :: of or pertaining to the chest or breast
pectus {noun} :: chest, breast
pectus {noun} [figuratively] :: heart, breast, as the seat of emotion
pectus {noun} [figuratively] :: soul, spirit, mind, understanding
pectus {noun} :: person, individual (as a being of passion)
pectusculum {noun} :: (little) breast
pecu {noun} :: cattle
pecu {noun} :: domestic animals
pecuarius {adj} [relational] :: sheep, cattle
pecuinus {adj} :: of cattle, beast-like
peculator {noun} :: embezzler
peculatus {noun} :: embezzlement of public money or property, peculation
peculiaris {adj} :: private
peculiaris {adj} :: personal
peculiaris {adj} :: peculiar, specific
peculiaris {adj} :: singular, exceptional
peculiariter {adv} :: privately, personally, peculiarly, particularly
peculium {noun} :: private property (originally in the form of cattle, but later in the form of savings)
peculor {v} :: I defraud the public; I embezzle public funds
peculor {v} :: I peculate, embezzle
pecunia {noun} :: money
pecunia {noun} :: wealth
pecunia {noun} :: (figuratively) cash, ready money, liquid wealth
pecunia non olet {phrase} :: The value of money is not affected by the business it comes from, even from the most unpleasant one
pecuniarius {adj} [relational] :: money; pecuniary, financial
pecuniosior {adj} :: richer, wealthier
pecuniosissimus {adj} :: richest, most or very wealthy
pecuniosus {adj} :: moneyed, rich, wealthy
pecuniosus {adj} :: gainful
pecus {noun} [zoology] :: A group of large domestic animals: a herd of cattle, horses, or donkeys; such animals in a collective sense: cattle and equines
pecus {noun} [zoology, figuratively] :: Any other group of animals, imagined as a herd or flock; such animals collectively exclusive of humanity: beasts
pecus {noun} [pejorative] :: A mindless group of people: "cattle", "sheep", rabble, the mob
pecus {noun} [zoology, Late Latin] :: Any individual animal, conceived as a member or usual member of a flock or herd
pecus {noun} :: A single herd animal, especially a head of cattle, a horse
pecus {noun} :: A single animal, a beast, especially smaller livestock or livestock taken generally
pecus {noun} [pejorative] :: A mindless or violent person: a brute, an animal
pedagogus {noun} :: alternative form of paedagōgus
Pedalie {prop} :: Pedalie (town) situated near Pinare, mentioned only by Pliny
pedalis {adj} [relational] :: foot
pedalis {adj} :: measuring one foot long
pedarius {adj} [relational] :: foot
pedarius {adj} :: measuring a foot long
Pedasum {prop} :: A city of Caria and once the chief seat of the Leleges
pedatim {adv} :: step by step, little by little
pedem refero {v} :: to retreat
pedes {noun} :: a walker, one who walks
pedes {noun} :: foot soldiers, infantry
pedes {noun} [Late Latin, chess] :: pawn
pedes {adj} :: on foot
pedester {adj} :: walking, pedestrian, on foot
pedester {adj} :: of infantry, foot soldiers
pedester {adj} :: prosaic, commonplace
pede tellurem pulso {v} :: I dance
pedetemptim {adv} :: gradually, cautiously, step-by-step
pedetemptissime {adv} :: superlative of pedetemptim
pedetemptius {adv} :: comparative of pedetemptim
Pediaeus {prop} :: The largest river of Cyprus
Pedianus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pedianus {prop} :: Quintus Asconius Pedianus, a Roman historian
pedica {noun} :: shackle, fetter
pedica {noun} :: snare
pedicandus {v} :: alternative form of paedīcandus
pedicans {v} :: alternative form of paedīcans
pedicator {noun} :: alternative form of paedīcātor ("sodomite")
pedicaturus {v} :: alternative form of paedīcāturus
pedicatus {v} :: alternative form of paedīcātus
pedicellatus {adj} [New Latin] :: pedicellate
pedicellus {noun} [Vulgar Latin, New Latin] :: little foot
pedicellus {noun} [Late Latin] :: a little louse
pedico {vt} :: alternative form of paedīcō ("sodomize")
pedico {noun} :: alternative form of paedīcō ("sodomite")
Pediculi {prop} :: A tribe of Apulia
pediculo {v} :: I free from lice; delouse
pediculosus {adj} :: lousy; full of lice
pediculus {noun} :: A little foot
pediculus {noun} [botany] :: A footstalk or pedicel of a fruit or leaf
pediculus {noun} :: A louse; sea louse
pediformis {adj} [New Latin] :: having the form of a foot
pediludium {noun} [New Latin, sports] :: football (soccer)
pedis {noun} :: louse
pedisequa {noun} :: (female) attendant
pedisequa {noun} :: handmaiden
pedisequus {adj} :: That follows on foot
peditatus {noun} :: foot soldier(s), infantry
peditum {noun} :: fart
Pedius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pedius {prop} :: Sextus Pedius, a Roman jurist
Pedius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Pedia
Pedna {prop} :: Pedna (island)
pedo {v} :: I furnish with feet, foot; prop up trees or vines
pedo {vi} :: I break wind, fart
Pedo {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pedo {prop} :: Pompeius Pedo, a Roman consul
pedor {noun} :: alternative form of paedor
Peducaeus {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Peducaeus {prop} :: Titus Peducaeus, a Roman senator
Peducaeus {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Peducaea
peduclus {noun} :: alternative form of pēduculus
peduculosus {adj} :: alternative form of pēdiculōsus: lousy; full of lice
peduculus {noun} :: louse
pedulis {adj} :: made or intended for the feet
Pedum {prop} :: Pedum (ancient city), probably the modern Gallicano
pedunculatus {adj} :: having a pedicel; pedunculate
pedunculus {noun} :: alternative form of pedīculus
peganum {noun} :: A kind of rue
pegasus {noun} :: pegasus (a winged horse or a bird with a horse's head, suspected to live in Africa)
Pegasus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Pegasus
Pegasus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pegasus {prop} :: Plotius Pegasus (a Roman senator and jurisconsult active under the Flavian dynasty)
pegma {noun} :: A bookcase
pegma {noun} :: A scaffold
pegma {noun} :: a fixture made of boards, for use or ornament, belonging to a house
Peguntium {prop} :: Peguntium (town)
peiero {v} :: I swear a false oath
peiero {v} :: I perjure myself
peior {adj} :: worse
peioro {v} [Late Latin] :: I make worse; I aggravate
Peirus {prop} :: A river of Achaia, falling into the sea near Olenus
peiuro {v} :: I lie
peiuro {v} :: I swear false oath
peiuro {v} :: I swear falsely
peius {adv} :: comparative of male
pejero {v} :: alternative form of peierō
pejor {adj} :: alternative typography of peior
pejoro {v} :: alternative form of peiōrō
pekinensis {adj} :: Pekinese
pelagicus {adj} :: pelagic (of the open sea)
Pelagones {prop} :: A Greek tribe of Macedonia
Pelagonia {prop} [geography] :: A district in the north of Macedonia
pelagus {noun} :: the sea
pelagus {noun} [rare] :: the plain, especially in the Aeneid
pelamis {noun} :: alternative spelling of pēlamys
pelamys {noun} :: a young tunny (a.k.a. tuna) before it reaches one year of age (thereafter called thynnus)
pelax {noun} :: alternative spelling of pilax
Pele {prop} :: An island siatuated near Ephesus
pelecanus {noun} :: pelican
Pelendava {prop} :: Pelendava (town), situated near the modern city of Craiova
Pelendones {prop} :: A Celtiberian tribe of Hispania Tarraconensis
Pelendos {prop} :: An island mentioned by Pliny
pelengensis {adj} [relational] :: Peleng (island in Indonesia)
pelex {noun} :: alternative form of paelex ("concubine", "mistress")
pelicanus {noun} :: alternative form of pelecānus
pelicatus {noun} :: cohabitation, concubinage
Pelinaeus {prop} :: A mountain on the island of Chios
Pelinnaeum {prop} :: A town of Thessaly situated a little above the left bank of the Peneus
Pelium {prop} :: A mountain of Thessaly, continuation of the Mount Ossa
pella {noun} :: alternative spelling of perula
Pella {prop} :: Pella
Pellana {prop} :: a town of Laconia situated on the valley of the Eurotas
pellarius {noun} :: one that prepares skins; a furrier, skinner, or tanner
pellax {adj} :: seductive, deceitful, misleading
pellectio {noun} :: readthrough
pellecturus {v} :: about to attract, entice, induce
pellectus {v} :: attracted, enticed, induced
pellegendus {v} :: which is to be read over (silent/aloud) or gone through
pellegendus {v} :: which is to be recounted
pellendus {v} :: which is to be impelled, pushed
Pellene {prop} :: A city of Achaia situated between Aegira and Sicyon
pellens {v} :: impelling, propelling
pellex {noun} :: alternative form of paelex ("concubine", "mistress")
pellicens {v} :: attracting, alluring, coaxing
pellicens {v} :: rivalling
pelliciendus {v} :: which is to be attracted, enticed, induced
pelliciens {v} :: attracting, enticing, inducing
pellicio {v} :: I allure, entice, inveigle
pellicio {v} :: I decoy, coax, wheedle
pellicio {v} :: I attract, win over
pellicius {adj} :: made of skins
pellicula {noun} :: small skin or hide
pellicula {noun} [New Latin] :: movie, film, video
pelliger {adj} :: clad in skins or furs
Pellio {prop} :: given name
pellis {noun} [anatomy] :: pelt, hide, animal skin
pellis {noun} [mycology] :: the outside of a sporocarp
pellis {noun} [military] :: a tent for soldiers
pello {v} :: I push, drive, hurl, impel, propel; expel, banish, eject, thrust out
pello {v} :: I strike, set in motion
pello {v} [military] :: I rout, put to flight, discomfit
pello {v} [music] :: I strike the chords, play
pello {v} [figuratively] :: I touch, move, affect, impress
pello {v} [figuratively] :: I conquer, overcome, beat, defeat
Pellonia {prop} [Roman god] :: a goddess who puts the enemy to flight
pellucens {v} :: alternative form of perlūcens
pelluceo {v} :: alternative form of perlūceō
pellucidus {adj} :: transparent, pellucid
pellucidus {adj} :: very bright
pelluvia {noun} :: footbath
pelophilus {adj} :: surface-loving
Pelopidas {prop} :: Name of a general of Thebae, friend of Epaminondas
Peloponnesus {prop} :: The Peloponnese
peloris {noun} :: large mussel or clam
Pelorus {prop} [geography] :: A promontory of Sicily that forms north-eastern point of the whole island
Pelso {prop} :: The lake Balaton
pelta {noun} :: a small crescent-shaped shield of Thracian design
Peltae {prop} :: one of the principal towns of Phrygia situated at the head of the river Maeander
peltastes {noun} :: a soldier armed with a pelta
peltatus {adj} :: armed with a pelta; shield-bearing
peltifer {adj} :: armed with a pelta; shield-bearing
Peltuinum {prop} :: A town of the Vestini, situated not far from the modern town of L'Aquila
Pelusium {prop} :: A city of Egypt at the eastern mouth of the Nile
pelvis {noun} :: shallow bowl or basin
pembaensis {adj} [New Latin, used as a specific epithet] :: discovered in or native to Tanzania and nearby areas
peminosus {adj} :: full of cracks or chinks, uneven, rough
pemma {noun} :: pastry
pena {noun} :: alternative form of poena
penangianus {adj} [relational] :: Penang
penarius {adj} [relational] :: for provisions
penas {noun} :: home, hearth
penatiger {adj} :: bearing the penates (the household gods)
penator {noun} :: provisions-carrier
pendens {v} :: pending
pendens {v} :: depending
pendens {v} :: hanging down
pendeo {v} :: I hang (down), I am suspended; hover, overhang, float
pendeo {v} :: I hang about, loiter, tarry, linger
pendeo {v} :: I hang down; I am weak or without strength; sag, droop
pendeo {v} :: I weigh
pendeo {v} :: I have weight or value
pendeo {v} :: I rest or depend upon
pendeo {v} :: I hang upon a person's words; listen attentively to
pendeo {v} :: I am suspended, interrupted or discontinued
pendeo {v} :: I am ready to fall, hang suspended
pendeo {v} :: I am uncertain, perplexed or in suspense
pendere filo {phrase} :: to be in great danger or peril (literally to hang by a thread)
pendere tenui filo {phrase} :: to be in great danger or peril (literally to hang by a thin thread)
pendo {v} :: I suspend, hang
pendo {v} :: I weigh, weigh out
pendo {v} :: I pay
pendo {v} [figuratively] :: I consider, ponder
penduliflorus {adj} [New Latin] :: having hanging flowers
pendulus {adj} :: hanging, hanging down, pendent, suspended
pendulus {adj} :: doubtful, uncertain, hesitating
Penelenitae {prop} :: Penelenitae (town)
penelops {noun} :: A kind of duck
penes {prep} :: Under one's government or command
penes {prep} :: In one's disposal or custody
penes {prep} :: At, with, about, concerning
Penestae {prop} :: A tribe of Illyria settled in a mountainous district
penetrabilior {adj} :: more piercing
penetrabilis {adj} :: penetrable
penetrabilis {adj} :: piercing (sound)
penetralis {adj} :: piercing, penetrating
penetralis {adj} :: internal, inner, innermost, deepest (within)
penetrandus {v} :: which is to be entered
penetrandus {v} :: which is to be penetrated
penetrans {v} :: entering
penetrans {v} :: penetrating
penetratio {noun} :: piercing, penetration
penetro {v} :: I enter
penetro {v} :: I penetrate
Peneus {prop} :: the chief river of Thessaly, which rises in Mount Pindus and flows into the Gulf of Therma
Peneus {prop} :: Peneus (river), which rises in Mount Erymanthus and flows into the Ionian Sea
Peneus {prop} [Greek myth] :: A river god, father of Daphne
penicillatus {adj} :: Having tufts of fine hair (like a painter's brush); penicillate
penicillum {noun} :: A painter's brush
penicillum {noun} :: (a particular style of) painting
peniculamentum {noun} :: a tail, train
peniculamentum {noun} [transferred sense, ante-Classical] :: a train (of a garment)
peniculus {prop} :: a brush [for removing dust] (for which ox-tails and horse-tails were used)
peniculus {prop} :: a sponge
peniculus {prop} :: a painter’s brush or pencil
peniculus {prop} [perhaps, in an ambiguous sense] :: penis, membrum virile
peniculus {prop} [Medieval Latin] :: a scourge (kind of whip)
Peniculus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Epidicus as well as The Two Menaechmus by Plautus
peninsula {noun} :: alternative form of paenīnsula ("peninsula")
peninsularis {adj} :: alternative form of paeninsulāris
penis {noun} [archaic] :: tail
penis {noun} [anatomy] :: the penis, male sexual organ
penis {noun} [figuratively] :: lust
penitior {adj} :: more inward
penitissimus {adj} :: innermost
penitus {adj} :: inner, inward
penitus {adv} :: inwardly
penitus {adv} :: inside
penitus {adv} :: (from) within
penitus {adv} :: thoroughly
penitus {adv} :: deeply
Penius {prop} :: A tributary river of the Phasis, in Colchis
Penius {prop} :: A small town on this river
penna {noun} :: wing [of natural or supernatural creatures]
penna {noun} [figuratively] :: wing as a symbol of speed
penna {noun} :: feather, especially a flight-feather; pinion
penna {noun} :: quill pen
pennatus {adj} :: winged
penniger {adj} :: feathered, winged
pennula {noun} :: diminutive of penna, a small wing
pennus {adj} :: sharp, pointed
Pennus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pennus {prop} :: Marcus Iunius Pennus, a Roman consul
pensilis {adj} :: hanging (down), pendant, pensile
pensio {noun} :: payment
pensio {noun} :: instalment
pensio {noun} :: pension
pensio {noun} :: recompense
pensitandus {v} :: which is to be weighed, pondered
pensitans {v} :: weighing, pondering
pensitatio {noun} :: payment
pensitatio {noun} :: compensation, recompense
pensitaturus {v} :: about to weigh, ponder
pensitatus {v} :: weighed, pondered
pensito {v} :: I weigh (out)
pensito {v} :: I think over, ponder, consider
pensito {v} :: (fig.) I pay (out)
penso {v} :: I ponder, consider
penso {v} :: I weigh, counterbalance
penso {v} :: I pay for, purchase
penso {v} [Medieval Latin] :: I think
pensum {noun} :: weight (of wool to be handed over as part of daily work)
pensum {noun} :: work quota
pensum {noun} :: task, job, duty
pentaculum {noun} :: pentacle
pentagonum {noun} :: pentaphyllon
pentanum {noun} [organic compound] :: pentane
Pentapolis {prop} :: The name of several pentapolises (associations of five cities) in the Hellenistic world, especially the one in Cyrenaica
pentastomus {adj} [New Latin] :: With five mouths
pentecontarcus {noun} :: pentecontarch (commander of a platoon of fifty men)
pentecoste {noun} :: alternative case form of Pentēcostē
Pentecoste {prop} [Christianity, Late Latin] :: Pentecost (Christian festival)
penteris {noun} :: quinquereme
Penthesilea {prop} [Greek mythology] :: A queen of the Amazons and daughter of Ares and Otrera
Pentri {prop} :: A Samnite tribe who inhabited a region between modern Abruzzo and Molise
penuarius {adj} [relational] :: provisions
penultimus {adj} :: alternative form of paenultimus ("penultimate")
penuria {noun} :: want, need, scarcity
penus {noun} :: Provisions, food
penus {noun} :: The innermost part of a temple of Vesta, the sanctuary
Peparethus {prop} :: Peparethus (island) situated off the coast of Thessaly
peperomia {noun} [New Latin] :: peperomia
Pephnus {prop} :: A town of Laconia, on the eastern coast of the gulf of Messenia
pepo {noun} :: pumpkin, large melon
per- {prefix} :: Used to make adjectives or verbs that are "very" something
per- {prefix} :: Used to form verbs that are intensive or completive, conveying the idea of doing something all the way through or entirely
per {prep} :: through, by means of
per {prep} :: throughout, during
pera {noun} :: bag, satchel (slung over one shoulder)
pera {noun} :: wallet
pera {noun} :: scrip
Pera {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pera {prop} :: Marcus Junius Pera, a Roman consul
peracturus {v} :: about to pierce
peractus {v} :: pierced, transfixed
peractus {v} :: traversed
peractus {v} :: harassed
peractus {v} :: executed, finished, accomplished
peracutus {adj} :: very sharp or penetrating
peradulescens {adj} :: very young
peraeque {adv} :: likewise, equally
peragendus {v} :: which is to be pierced
peragens {v} :: piercing
perago {v} :: I pierce, transfix
perago {v} :: I traverse
perago {v} :: I harass
perago {v} :: I execute, finish, accomplish, complete
peragrandus {v} :: which is to be traversed
peragrans {v} :: wandering throughout, traversing
peragrans {v} :: scouring
peragratio {noun} :: wandering, traversing
peragraturus {v} :: about to traverse
peragratus {v} :: traversed
peragro {v} :: I wander or travel through or over; pass through, traverse; spread through
peragro {v} :: I search through, penetrate, scour
perakensis {adj} [relational] :: Perak (Malaysia)
peramanter {adv} :: very lovingly or fondly
perambulans {v} :: roaming, touring, perambulating
perambulatio {noun} :: ramble, perambulation
perambulaturus {v} :: about to roam, tour or perambulate
perambulo {v} :: I go through; roam, tour, traverse, perambulate
perambulo {v} :: I visit in succession (especially of a physician)
peramplus {adj} :: very large
perangustus {adj} :: very narrow
per annum {adv} :: See: la perannum throughout the year
per annum {adv} [proscribed] :: per annum; per year
perantiquus {adj} :: very ancient
perarans {v} :: ploughing through
perarans {v} [figuratively] :: writing or inscribing on a waxen tablet
perarans {v} [figuratively] :: traversing
perarius {noun} :: alternative spelling of pirarius
peraro {v} :: I plough through, furrow
peraro {v} [figuratively] :: I furrow or scratch over, injure
peraro {v} [figuratively] :: I write, inscribe or incise on a waxen tablet
peraro {v} [figuratively] :: I traverse
perattentus {adj} :: very attentive
perbacchans {v} :: carousing
perbacchaturus {v} :: about to carouse
perbacchatus {v} :: caroused
perbacchor {v} :: I revel or carouse throughout
perbene {adv} :: very well
perblandus {adj} :: very pleasant etc
perbonus {adj} :: very good; excellent
perbrevis {adj} :: very small, little, small etc
perbreviter {adv} :: very briefly, concisely, with very few words
perca {noun} :: a perch (fish)
percalefacio {v} :: I warm or heat through or thoroughly
percalleo {vt} :: I know or understand well
percarus {adj} :: very dear or beloved
percelebrandus {v} :: which is to be proclaimed
percelebrans {v} :: proclaiming
percelebraturus {v} :: about to proclaim
percelebratus {v} :: proclaimed
percelebro {v} :: I proclaim or publish widely; make something thoroughly known
perceler {adj} :: very fast or swift
percello {v} :: I beat down
percello {v} :: I overturn or upset
percello {v} :: I strike or smite
percello {v} :: I overthrow
Percennius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Percennius {prop} :: Percennius, a Roman soldier
percenseo {v} :: I count over, reckon up, enumerate, go through, go over
percenseo {v} :: I survey, view; review, examine
percenseo {v} :: I go or travel through or over
percensus {v} :: reckoned up
percensus {v} :: surveyed
perceptibilis {adj} :: perceptible, participating (in anything)
perceptio {noun} :: a taking, receiving, collecting, gathering
perceptio {noun} [figuratively] :: perception, comprehension
perceptor {noun} :: a receiver, imbiber
percepturus {v} :: about to occupy etc
percepturus {v} :: about to notice, perceive etc
perceptus {v} :: perceived, observed, having been perceived or observed
percido {vt} :: I cut or beat to pieces, smash
percido {vt} :: I cut to pieces, rout entirely, destroy
percido {vt} :: I sodomize, commit sodomy with
percieo {v} :: I move, rouse, stir up or excite greatly
percieo {v} :: I call aloud, attack, abuse
percio {v} :: alternative form of percieō
percipibilis {adj} :: perceptible, participating (in anything)
percipiendus {v} :: which is to be perceived
percipiens {v} :: securing, gaining
percipiens {v} :: perceiving
percipiens {v} :: feeling
percipiens {v} :: learning
percipio {v} :: I seize or take on (entirely); assume; earn; occupy, keep (i.e. maintain control)
percipio {v} :: I perceive, observe, notice
percipio {v} :: I feel
percipio {v} :: I learn, know, conceive, understand
percisus {v} :: Broken, chopped (in an obscene way)
percitus {v} :: shaken, excited
percolatio {noun} :: a straining or filtering through, percolation
percolatus {v} :: strained through, filtered through, percolated
percolo {v} :: I strain or filter through; I percolate
percommodus {adj} :: very suitable, convenient etc
perconor {v} :: I carry out an undertaking
percontans {v} :: investigating
percontatio {noun} :: questioning, inquiry
percontaturus {v} :: about to investigate
percontatus {v} :: inquired, investigated
percontor {v} :: I inquire, investigate
percontor {v} :: I question, interrogate
Percote {prop} :: Percote (town) situated between Lampsacum and Abydus
percrebesco {v} :: alternative form of percrēbrēscō
percrebresco {v} :: I become very frequent or prevalent
percrebresco {v} :: I spread
percribro {v} :: I sift thoroughly
perculsus {v} :: beaten down
perculsus {v} :: overturned or upset
perculsus {v} :: struck
perculsus {v} :: overthrown
percuriosus {adj} :: very inquisitive etc
percurrens {v} :: running, hastening or passing through
percurro {v} :: I run, hasten or pass through, traverse, pass or run over or along; stroke
percurro {v} :: I wind or bend around
percurro {v} [figuratively] :: I mention briefly or cursorily
percurro {v} [figuratively] :: I scan (briefly), look over; review
percurro {v} [figuratively] :: [of feelings] I run through, penetrate, agitate
percursatio {noun} :: running or travelling through
percursatio {noun} :: traversing
percussio {noun} :: beating, striking; percussion (act of beating etc)
percussio {noun} [music] :: beat
percussor {noun} :: A stabber, striker, shooter
percussor {noun} :: A murderer, assassin, bandit; executioner
percussurus {v} :: about to pierce
percussus {v} :: thrust through
percussus {v} :: pierced
percutiens {v} :: piercing
percutio {v} :: I strike, beat
percutio {v} :: I make an impression on the mind, touch, please, delight, astonish, shock
percutio {v} :: I pierce, thrust, or punch through, kill
perdecipio {v} :: I deceive utterly
perdecorus {adj} :: very comely or pretty etc
perdendus {v} :: which is to be destroyed, wasted or lost etc
perdens {v} :: destroying, ruining
perdens {v} :: wasting, squandering
perdens {v} :: losing
perdepso {v} :: I knead over
perdepso {v} :: I have improper sex (with)
Perdiccas {prop} :: The name of three kings of Macedonia
Perdices {prop} :: A town of Mauretania situated near Sitifi
perdifficilis {adj} :: very difficult etc
perdignus {adj} :: very worthy
perdite {adv} :: desperately
perdite {adv} :: excessively
perditio {noun} :: ruin, destruction
perditio {noun} :: perdition
perditior {adj} :: more ruined etc
perditior {adj} :: more depraved etc
perditior {adj} :: more reckless etc
perditissimus {adj} :: utterly destroyed
perditissimus {adj} :: totally wasted
perditor {noun} :: destroyer, ruiner
perditurus {v} :: about to ruin, squander etc
perditus {v} :: destroyed, ruined
perditus {v} :: wasted, squandered
perditus {v} :: lost
perdives {adj} :: very rich, wealthy
perdives {adj} [of land] :: very productive, fertile
perdix {f} :: partridge
perdo {v} :: I destroy, ruin, wreck
perdo {v} :: I waste, squander
perdo {v} :: I lose utterly, suffer loss
perdocendus {v} :: which is to be instructed
perdocens {v} :: instructing
perdoceo {vt} :: I teach, instruct or inform thoroughly
perdocturus {v} :: about to instruct
perdoctus {v} :: instructed
perdolens {v} :: Sorrowing, grieving, suffering
perdoleo {v} [ante-Classical] :: to suffer or grieve greatly
perdomandus {v} :: which is to be kneaded
perdomans {v} :: kneading
perdomiturus {v} :: about to knead
perdomitus {v} :: conquered, subjugated, defeated
perdomitus {v} :: kneaded
perdomo {v} :: I subjugate completely; conquer, vanquish, overcome
perdomo {v} :: I knead (dough)
perdormisco {v} :: I sleep on
perducens {v} :: leading, carrying, bringing through
perduco {v} :: I lead, conduct, convey, carry, guide or bring through or to a place; deliver
perduco {v} :: I spread over, bedaub, coat, besmear
perduco {v} :: I rub out, erase, cross through
perduco {v} :: I take a drink, drink off or up, quaff, drain
perduco {v} [figuratively] :: I bring, carry or guide someone or something to a certain condition
perduco {v} [figuratively] :: I draw out, lengthen, prolong, continue; spend, pass
perduco {v} [figuratively] :: I draw or bring over, win over, persuade, induce
perductio {noun} :: a leading
perductio {noun} [rare] :: conducting of water
perducto {v} :: I lead, conduct to or over a place
perductor {noun} :: a leader, conductor
perductor {noun} :: a pimp, pander
perductor {noun} :: a guide, conductor
perductus {v} :: conducted, conveyed
perductus {v} :: delivered
perduellio {noun} :: treason
perduellio {noun} :: public enemy
perduellis {noun} :: public enemy
perduellis {noun} :: enemy (in time of war)
perdurans {v} :: hardening
perdurans {v} :: enduring
perduro {v} :: I harden
perduro {v} :: I endure
peredendus {v} :: which is to be ate up
peredens {v} :: eating up
peredo {v} :: I eat up, consume, devour (completely)
peredo {v} :: I waste away
pereffluo {v} :: I flow through
peregre {adv} [of movement, of location] :: abroad; to, from abroad
peregre {adv} [Late Latin] :: [augmented by various prepositions]
peregrinabundus {adj} :: traveling about
peregrinans {v} :: roaming
peregrinatio {noun} :: travel; travel abroad
peregrinatio {noun} :: sojourn
peregrinatio {noun} :: pilgrimage
peregrinator {noun} :: Someone who travels about
peregrinatus {v} :: Living abroad, abroad, in foreign areas, roaming abroad
peregrinor {v} :: I am or live in foreign parts, am abroad or a stranger, go abroad, travel about; roam, rove; sojourn abroad, peregrinate
peregrinus {adj} :: foreign, alien
peregrinus {adj} :: exotic
peregrinus {noun} :: foreigner; traveler
peregrinus {noun} [legal] :: a foreigner who is neither resident nor domiciled in the jurisdiction of the court
perelegans {adj} :: very elegant etc
peremptor {noun} :: destroyer (person), slayer, murderer
peremptorius {adj} :: deadly, destructive
peremptorius {adj} :: mortal
peremptorius {adj} :: decisive, peremptory
perempturus {v} :: about to destroy
peremptus {v} :: destroyed
perendie {adv} :: on the day after tomorrow
perendinus {adj} :: after tomorrow
perenne {adv} :: all year, year-round
perenne {adv} :: constantly, perpetually
perennis {adj} :: perennial
perennis {adj} :: continual, everlasting, perpetual
pereo {v} :: I vanish, disappear, come to nothing
pereo {v} :: I leak; I am absorbed
pereo {v} :: I perish, pass away, die, be ruined
pereo {v} :: I pine away with love
perequito {v} :: I ride through or around
pererro {v} :: I wander through, roam or ramble over
peresurus {v} :: about to eat up
peresus {v} :: ate up
pereundus {v} :: which is to be absorbed
perevacuo {v} :: I empty totally
perexcelsus {adj} :: very elevated, lofty, high
perexiguus {adj} :: Very small
perfacetus {adj} :: very elegant etc
perfacetus {adj} :: very courteous etc
perfacetus {adj} :: very witty etc
perfacile {adv} :: very easily
perfacile {adv} :: very willingly
perfacilis {adj} :: very easy
perfacilis {adj} :: very courteous
perfamiliaris {adj} :: very familiar, intimate, friendly etc
perfamiliaris {noun} :: close friend
perfectio {noun} :: finishing, completion
perfectio {noun} :: perfection
perfectior {adj} :: more complete or perfect
perfectissimus {adj} :: most perfect
perfecturus {v} :: about to complete, perfect, cause etc
perfectus {v} :: achieved, executed, carried out, finished, completed, having been finished or completed; complete
perfectus {v} :: perfected, having been perfected; perfect, excellent, exquisite
perfectus {v} :: brought about, caused, having been brought about or caused
perfectus {v} [grammar] :: perfect
perferendus {v} :: which is to be carried or conveyed
perferens {v} :: conveying etc
perfero {v} :: I bear, carry or convey through to a place or to the end; bring home
perfero {v} :: I convey news, announce, state
perfero {v} [figuratively] :: I bear, support or endure to the end
perfero {v} [figuratively] :: I bear, suffer, tolerate, put up with, submit to, endure
perfero {v} [figuratively] :: I bring to an end, carry out, complete, finish, accomplish
perfero {v} [figuratively] :: I carry out, conduct, maintain, manage
perfero {v} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: I bear the penalty of
perferveo {vi} :: I am very hot
perficiendus {v} :: which is to be performed, completed etc
perficiens {v} :: achieving, establishing, perfecting
perficio {v} :: I finish, complete
perficio {v} :: I perfect
perficio {v} :: I carry out, execute, perform
perficio {v} :: I achieve, accomplish
perficio {v} [by extension] :: I bring about, cause, effect
perficiundus {v} :: alternative form of perficiendus
perfidia {noun} :: faithlessness, dishonesty, treachery, falsehood, perfidy
perfidiosior {adj} :: more treacherous
perfidiosus {adj} :: treacherous, perfidious
perfidus {adj} :: That breaks his promise; faithless, false, dishonest, treacherous, perfidious, deceitful
perfidus {adj} [by extension] :: Treacherous, unsafe, dangerous
perfigo {v} :: I pierce through, transfix
perfingo {vt} :: I form, represent
perfingo {vt} :: I counterfeit perfectly
perfinitio {noun} [Medieval Latin, law] :: a judgment, ruling, decision
perfixus {v} :: transfixed
perflabilis {adj} :: that can be blown away; airy
perflabilis {adj} :: susceptible
perflagitiosus {adj} :: very shameful
perflatus {v} :: blown through, across or over
perflo {vt} :: I blow through, across or over
perflo {vi} :: I blow (through)
perfluo {vt} :: I flow or run through something
perfluo {vi} :: I flow or run through
perfluo {vi} :: I drip with something
perfluo {vi} [of garments] :: I flow, stream or float
perfluo {vi} [figuratively] :: I cannot keep a secret; I leak
perfluus {adj} :: flowing, undulating
perfluus {adj} [figuratively] :: effeminate
perfodio {v} :: I dig or pierce through, transfix, stab, perforate
perfodio {v} :: I make by digging through; break into
perforans {v} :: perforating
perforans {v} :: penetrating
perforatio {noun} :: perforation
perforatio {noun} :: penetration
perforatus {v} :: pierced
perforatus {v} :: penetrated
perforo {v} :: I bore or pierce through; I perforate
perforo {v} :: I penetrate
perfossus {v} :: to dig through, pierce through, transfix
perfoveo {vt} :: I warm through
perfracturus {v} :: about to break through
perfractus {v} :: broken through
perfricandus {v} :: which is to be rubbed all over
perfricans {v} :: rubbing all over
perfricans {v} :: putting on a brave face
perfricaturus {v} :: about to rub all over
perfricaturus {v} :: about to put on a brave face
perfricatus {v} :: rubbed all over
perfricatus {v} :: put on a brave face
perfrico {v} :: I rub all over
perfrico {v} :: I put on a bold face (rub away blushes)
perfrigidus {adj} :: very cold
perfringendus {v} :: which is to be broken through
perfringens {v} :: breaking through
perfringo {v} :: I break or shatter
perfringo {v} :: I break through (an obstacle)
perfringo {v} :: I violate or infringe
perfruitus {v} :: thoroughly enjoyed
perfruor {v} :: I enjoy thoroughly
perfuga {noun} :: deserter
perfugio {v} :: I flee or desert
perfugio {v} :: I take refuge
perfugium {noun} :: refuge, shelter
perfunctorius {adj} :: careless, negligent
perfunctorius {adj} :: perfunctory
perfuncturus {v} :: about to perform
perfunctus {v} :: performed
perfundo {v} :: I pour (liquid) over or through; I perfuse
perfundo {v} :: I flood or bathe
perfundo {v} :: I imbue
perfungens {v} :: performing
perfungor {v} :: I fulfil, perform, discharge
perfungor {v} :: I undergo, endure
perfusus {v} :: perfused
perfusus {v} :: bathed
perfusus {v} :: imbued
Perga {prop} :: A city of Pamphylia situated between the rivers Catarrhactes and Cestrus and famous for the worship of Artemis
Pergama {prop} :: The fortified citadel of Troy
Pergama {prop} [poetic] :: Troy (city)
pergamentum {noun} :: parchment
pergamenum {noun} :: parchment
Pergamon {prop} :: alternative form of Pergamum
Pergamum {prop} :: Pergamum
Pergamum {prop} :: The fortified citadel of Troy
pergaudeo {vi} :: I rejoice greatly
perge {interj} [idiomatic] :: go on!, proceed!, press on!, persist!
pergendus {v} :: which is to be proceeded, continued
pergens {v} :: proceeding
pergens {v} :: continuing
pergens {v} :: arousing
pergo {vi} :: I go on, proceed, hasten, press on
pergo {vt} :: I continue, go on or proceed with something
pergo {vt} :: I wake up, awaken, arouse
pergrandis {adj} :: huge, very large
pergratus {adj} :: very pleasing etc
pergravis {adj} :: very heavy
pergravis {adj} :: very troublesome
pergravis {adj} :: very grave
pergula {noun} :: A booth, stall or shop in front of a house
pergula {noun} :: A hut or hovel
pergula {noun} :: A brothel
pergula {noun} :: An arbour
pergula {noun} :: A framework supporting a vine or plant
perhaurio {vt} :: I drink up, drain completely
perhennis {adj} :: medieval spelling of perennis
perhibens {v} :: extending, presenting, producing, granting
perhibens {v} :: assigning
perhibens {v} :: asserting
perhibens {v} :: naming
perhibeo {v} :: I hold out, extend; present, produce, bestow, afford, grant, give
perhibeo {v} :: I attribute, ascribe, assign
perhibeo {v} :: I say, assert; call, name
perhibitus {v} :: Having been ascribed; asserted
perhonorificus {adj} :: very honorific (that shows or confers great honour)
perhorreo {v} :: I tremble or shudder greatly (at)
perhorresco {v} :: I tremble or shudder greatly
perhorresco {v} :: I recoil in terror (from)
perhorresco {vt} :: I dread
peribolus {noun} :: circuit
peribolus {noun} :: enclosure
peribolus {noun} :: precinct
peribolus {noun} :: outer wall
pericarpium {noun} :: pod, husk, shell
Pericles {prop} :: Pericles, a celebrated Athenian orator and statesman
periclitabundus {adj} [post-classical, sometimes, with genitive or dative] :: trying, testing, making a trial or essay
periclitandus {v} :: About to be tried, proved, or tested
periclitandus {v} :: About to be risked or endangered
periclitandus {v} :: About to be attempted
periclitans {v} :: being in peril, danger
periclitatio {noun} :: A trying; trial, experiment, test
periclitatus {v} :: tried, proved, tested
periclitatus {v} :: risked, endangered
periclitatus {v} :: attempted
periclitor {v} :: I try, prove or test
periclitor {v} :: I attempt
periclitor {v} :: I am put in danger, I am imperiled
periclitor {v} :: I risk
periclum {noun} :: Variant of periculum
periculose {adv} :: With danger, risk or peril; dangerously, perilously, hazardously
periculosissime {adv} :: superlative of perīculōsē
periculosissimus {adj} :: Most or very dangerous, hazardous or unsafe
periculosius {adv} :: comparative of perīculōsē
periculosus {adj} :: dangerous, hazardous, perilous
periculum {noun} :: trial, experiment, attempt, proof, essay
periculum {noun} :: risk, hazard, danger, peril
periculum {noun} :: ruin, destruction
periculum {noun} [legal] :: trial, action, suit
periculum {noun} :: writ of judgment or judgement, sentence
periculum {noun} :: (attack of) sickness
periens {v} :: vanishing, disappearing, coming to nothing
periens {v} :: leaking
periens {v} :: perishing, passing away, dying
periens {v} :: pining away with love
perileucos {noun} :: An unknown kind of gem
perimendus {v} :: which is to be destroyed
perimens {v} :: destroying
perimetros {noun} :: perimeter
perimetros {noun} [mathematics] :: circumference
perimo {v} :: I annihilate, extinguish, destroy
perimo {v} :: I hinder, prevent
perimo {v} :: I kill, slay
Perimula {prop} :: An ancient town on the Gulf of Thailand, now Malacca
perinde {adv} :: in the same manner, as, just as, quite as, equally
perinfamis {adj} :: very disreputable, notorious, infamous
periniquus {adj} :: very unjust, unfair etc
Perinthus {prop} :: an important city of Thrace situated on the Propontis
periodicus {adj} :: periodic, periodical (returning regularly)
periodus {noun} :: a complete sentence; period
periodus {noun} :: the circuit of the four Grecian games
peripetasma {noun} [chiefly in the plural] :: curtain, hanging; carpet; covering
Periphanes {prop} :: given name, character in the play Epidicus of Plautus
peripheralis {adj} [New Latin] :: alternative spelling of peripheriālis
peripheria {noun} :: circumference
peripheria {noun} :: periphery
peripherialis {adj} [New Latin] :: peripheral
peripsema {noun} :: refuse, filth, offscouring
peripsima {noun} :: alternative form of peripsēma
periscelis {noun} :: garter, anklet
peristroma {noun} :: covering, curtain, carpet
peristylium {noun} :: a peristyle, an open interior space surrounded by columns
peristylum {noun} :: peristyle (inner courtyard surrounded by columns)
perite {adv} :: skillfully, expertly
perite {adv} :: cleverly
peritia {noun} :: experience; practical knowledge (gained by experience); expertise
peritior {adj} :: more skillful etc
peritissimus {adj} :: most or very skillful etc
peritonaeum {noun} [anatomy] :: peritoneum
peritonealis {adj} [New Latin] :: peritoneal
periturus {v} :: about to vanish etc
peritus {adj} :: skillful, skilled, expert, experienced, practised
peritus {adj} :: clever, skilfully constructed
periucundus {adj} :: very pleasant, agreeable, delightful, pleasing
periurissimus {adj} :: most or very false or lying
periurium {noun} :: A false oath; perjury
periuro {v} :: alternative form of pēierō
periurus {adj} :: perjured
periurus {adj} :: false, lying
periyarensis {adj} [relational] :: Periyar (in India)
perizoma {noun} :: girdle
perizoma {noun} :: loincloth
perizoma {noun} :: apron
perjucundus {adj} :: alternative form of periucundus
perjurissimus {adj} :: alternative form of periūrissimus
perjurium {noun} :: alternative form of periurium
perjurus {adj} :: alternative form of periūrus
perla {noun} :: alternative spelling of perula
perlabor {v} :: I slip or glide through; I skim
perlateo {v} :: I lie completely hidden; stay or remain hidden (throughout)
perlatio {noun} :: transferal (bearing away)
perlaturus {v} :: about to convey, announce etc
perlatus {v} :: carried, conveyed
perlatus {v} :: announced
perlavo {v} :: I wash or bathe thoroughly
perlecturus {v} :: about to survey
perlectus {v} :: examined, surveyed
perlectus {v} :: read (aloud)
perlegendus {v} :: which is to be surveyed
perlegens {v} :: surveying
perlego {v} :: I view all over, examine thoroughly, scan, survey
perlego {v} :: I read through or over, read to the end; read aloud
perliberaliter {adv} :: very nobly etc
perliberaliter {adv} :: very liberally
perlibet {v} [impersonal] :: It is very pleasing; I should like very much
perlinens {v} :: smearing all over
perliniens {v} :: alternative form of perlinēns
perlinio {v} :: alternative form of perlinō
perlino {v} :: I smear all over
perlongus {adj} :: very long, tedious etc
perlubenter {adv} :: very willingly etc
perlucens {v} :: shining through
perluceo {v} :: I shine through; I am visible, transparent or seen through
perluceo {v} [figuratively] :: I shine through, I am apparent, clear or intelligible
perlucidulus {adj} :: somewhat transparent
perlucidus {adj} :: transparent, pellucid
perluo {v} :: I wash off
perluo {v} :: I bathe
permadefaciens {v} :: drenching thoroughly
permadefacio {v} :: I wet through
permadefacio {v} :: I drench thoroughly
permadefacturus {v} :: about to drench thoroughly
permadefactus {v} :: drenched thoroughly
permagnificus {adj} :: Very sumptuous or magnificent
permagnus {adj} :: very great
permagnus {adj} :: very large
permanandus {v} :: which is to be permeated
permanans {v} :: permeating
permanaturus {v} :: about to permeate
permanatus {v} :: permeated
permanendus {v} :: which is to be survived
permanens {v} :: lasting, continuing, ongoing
permanens {v} :: persisting, persevering
permaneo {v} :: I stay to the end, hold out, endure; last, survive, outlive, continue
permaneo {v} :: I persist, persevere
permaneo {v} :: I devote my life to, live by
permano {v} :: I flow or leak through; I permeate
permansio {noun} :: permanence
permansurus {v} :: about to endure
permaxime {adv} :: Very greatly indeed
permeabilis {adj} :: passable
permeabilis {adj} :: permeable
permeandus {v} :: which is to be traversed, penetrated
permeans {v} :: traversing, penetrating
permeaturus {v} :: about to traverse, penetrate
permeatus {v} :: traversed, penetrated
permensus {v} :: measured, counted
permeo {v} :: I pass through, traverse
permeo {v} :: I penetrate, pervade
permereo {vi} [as a soldier] :: I serve out, go through service
Permessus {prop} :: A river of Boeotia, whose springs were situated on the Helicon
permetior {v} :: I measure (out or through)
permetior {v} :: I pass or travel through, traverse
permiscendus {v} :: which is to be intermingled
permiscens {v} :: intermingling
permisceo {v} [of things] :: I mix or mingle together thoroughly, commingle, intermingle, combine
permisceo {v} [of people] :: I mix together, unite, join, combine
permisceo {v} :: I throw into confusion, confound, disturb
permissio {noun} :: yielding, ceding
permissio {noun} :: surrender
permissio {noun} :: leave, permission
permissor {noun} :: permitter
permissurus {v} :: about to permit
permissus {v} :: thrown
permissus {v} :: sent away
permissus {v} :: exported
permisturus {v} :: about to intermingle
permistus {v} :: alternative form of permixtus
permities {noun} :: ruin, destruction, decay
permities {noun} :: a wasting away, perishing
permittendus {v} :: which is to be permitting
permittens {v} :: permitting
permitto {v} :: I let go, let loose; cast, hurl, throw; send away, export
permitto {v} [figuratively] :: I give up, leave, entrust, surrender
permitto {v} [figuratively, with dative] :: I give leave, allow, suffer, grant, permit, let
permixtim {adv} :: confusedly
permixtim {adv} :: promiscuously
permixturus {v} :: about to intermingle
permixtus {v} :: mixed, mingled, combined
permixtus {v} :: united
permodestus {adj} :: very modest etc
permodicus {adj} :: very moderate, temperate or restrained
permolestus {adj} :: very troublesome etc
permoneo {v} [Late Latin] :: I admonish
permoturus {v} :: about to agitate
permotus {v} :: agitated, shaken up
permotus {v} :: aroused, excited
permovendus {v} :: which is to be agitated
permovens {v} :: agitating
permoveo {v} :: I move, shake up or stir up thoroughly, agitate
permoveo {v} [figuratively] :: I move deeply; stir or rouse up, overrule, excite, arouse; upset; influence, sway, induce, persuade
permulcendus {v} :: which is to be caressed
permulcens {v} :: caressing
permulceo {v} :: I touch or rub gently, stroke, caress
permulceo {v} :: I soften
permulceo {v} :: I charm, please, flatter, delight
permulceo {v} :: I appease, allay, tame
permulsurus {v} :: about to caress
permulsus {v} :: stroked, caressed
permulsus {v} :: charmed, flattered
permulsus {v} :: appeased, allayed
permultus {adj} :: very much, very many
permundo {v} :: I clean or cleanse thoroughly
permutandus {v} :: which is to be transformed
permutans {v} :: transforming
permutatio {noun} :: change, alteration
permutatio {noun} :: exchange, barter
permutaturus {v} :: about to transform
permutatus {v} :: transformed
permuto {v} :: I change or alter throughout or completely, transform
permuto {v} :: I interchange or exchange something for another, swap; exchange money, buy
permuto {v} :: I turn about or around
perna {noun} :: A haunch or ham together with the leg, gammon
perna {noun} [of animals] :: A thigh-bone, with the meat upon it to the knee-joint, a leg of pork, a ham or gammon of bacon
perna {noun} :: a kind of mussel
perna {noun} :: alternative form of perula
pernarius {noun} :: a ham-seller
pernecessarius {adj} :: very necessary
pernecesse {adj} :: very unavoidable, inevitable, indispensable
perneco {v} :: I kill, slay outright
pernego {v} :: I deny entirely
pernego {v} :: I refuse flatly
perneo {v} :: I spin out (or to the end)
perniciabilis {adj} :: destructive, ruinous, pernicious
pernicies {noun} :: ruin
pernicies {noun} :: disaster
pernicies {noun} :: bane, pest
pernicies {noun} [figurative] :: execution, death
pernicior {adj} :: nimbler, swifter
perniciosior {adj} :: more destructive etc
perniciosissimus {adj} :: superlative of perniciōsus
perniciosus {adj} :: destructive, ruinous, baleful, pernicious
pernicissimus {adj} :: nimblest or very nimble
pernicissimus {adj} :: swiftest or very swift
perniciter {adv} :: nimbly
perniciter {adv} :: swiftly
pernio {noun} :: A kibe on the foot, a chilblain
perniteo {v} :: I shine brilliantly
pernix {adj} :: nimble, agile
pernix {adj} :: swift
pernobilis {adj} :: very noble
pernobilis {adj} :: very famous
pernoctans {v} :: spending / staying the night
pernocto {v} :: I spend the night
pernosco {v} :: I examine thoroughly
pernosco {v} :: I learn (about) thoroughly
pernotus {v} :: well known, thoroughly known
pernumero {v} :: I reckon up, count out
pero {noun} :: A kind of boot made of raw hide, worn chiefly by soldiers or wagoners; a clodhopper
perobscurus {adj} :: very obscure or vague
perobtusus {adj} :: very blunt etc
peroleo {v} :: I emit a penetrating odor
peronatus {v} :: Half-booted, wearing low boots
peropportunus {adj} :: very suitable
peropportunus {adj} :: very advantageous
peropportunus {adj} :: very favourable, opportune
peroptatus {adj} :: highly desired
perorandus {v} :: which is to be harangued
perorans {v} :: haranguing
peroraturus {v} :: about to harangue
peroratus {v} :: harangued
peroro {v} :: I speak at length, harangue
peroro {v} :: I conclude a speech
Perorsi {prop} :: An ancient tribe of Africa, which dwelt between the Canarii and the Pharusii
perosus {adj} [active] :: hating, loathing, detesting, abhorring
perosus {adj} [passive, Late Latin] :: hated, loathed, hateful, odious
perpaco {v} :: I quiet or subdue completely
perpallidus {adj} :: very pale
perparvulus {adj} :: very little
perparvus {adj} :: very small, little, cheap
perparvus {adj} :: very unimportant
perpaucus {adj} :: very little
perpaucus {adj} :: very few
perpello {v} :: I strike or push violently
perpello {v} [figuratively] :: I drive, urge, force, enforce, constrain, compel, prevail upon; influence
perpendendus {v} :: which is to be weighed carefully, examined
perpendens {v} :: weighing carefully, examining
perpendicularis {adj} :: perpendicular
perpendiculariter {adv} :: perpendicularly
perpendiculum {noun} :: plumbline, plummet
perpendo {v} :: I weigh or examine carefully or exactly
perpensurus {v} :: about to weigh carefully, examine
perpensus {v} :: weighed carefully, examined, considered
perperam {adv} :: wrongly, incorrectly
Perperene {prop} :: Perperene (town), situated south-east of Adramyttium
perperitudo {noun} :: thoughtlessness, headlessness
Perperna {prop} :: A Roman nomen — famously held by:
Perperna {prop} :: Marcus Perperna Vento, a Roman praetor
perperus {adj} :: faulty, defective, wrong
perpes {adj} :: continuous, uninterrupted, continual, perpetual
perpessio {noun} :: bearing, suffering, enduring
perpessurus {v} :: about to endure
perpessus {v} :: endured
perpetiendus {v} :: which is to be endured
perpetiens {v} :: enduring
perpetim {adv} :: continually, unceasingly
perpetim {adv} :: forever
perpetior {v} :: I endure (bear steadfastly), put up with, stand
perpetrandus {v} :: leaded to something
perpetrandus {v} :: something that was put in practice
perpetrans {v} :: carrying through, accomplishing
perpetratrix {noun} :: perpetratress; female perpetrator
perpetratus {v} :: accomplished
perpetratus {v} :: perpetrated
perpetro {v} :: To carry through, complete, effect, bring about, achieve, execute, perform, accomplish
perpetro {v} :: To commit or perpetrate
perpetuabilis {adj} [Late Latin, rare] :: that can be perpetuated
perpetualis {adj} :: that holds everywhere, universal, general
perpetualiter {adv} :: permanently
perpetuandus {v} :: which is to be perpetuated
perpetuans {v} :: perpetuating
perpetuarius {adj} :: constant, permanent
perpetuarius {adj} :: always employed, constantly engaged in any business or calling
perpetuarius {noun} :: a fee farmer, hereditary tenant
perpetuatio {noun} :: continuance, preservation
perpetuaturus {v} :: about to perpetuate
perpetuatus {v} :: perpetuated
perpetue {adv} :: perpetually, constantly, continuously
perpetuitas {noun} :: perpetuity, continuity
perpetuito {v} :: I perpetuate
perpetuo {adv} :: constantly
perpetuo {adv} :: perpetually
perpetuo {v} :: To cause to continue uninterruptedly, to proceed with continually, to make perpetual, perpetuate
perpetuum {adv} :: forever, perpetually
perpetuus {adj} :: perpetual, continuous, uninterrupted, constant, incessant, unbroken
perplanus {adj} :: very level, flat, even
perplexabilis {adj} :: perplexing
perplexitas {noun} :: perplexity, state of bewilderment
perplexitas {noun} :: obscurity
perplexus {adj} :: entangled, involved, intricate, confused
perplexus {adj} [figuratively] :: unintelligible, complicated, intricate, inscrutable, ambiguous; dark, obscure
perpoliendus {v} :: which is to be polished
perpoliens {v} :: polishing
perpolio {v} :: I polish thoroughly
perpolio {v} :: I put finishing touches to
perpoliturus {v} :: about to polish
perpolitus {v} :: polished
perpotandus {v} :: which is to be drunk up
perpotans {v} :: drinking up
perpotatio {noun} :: drinking bout
perpoto {v} :: I drink heavily
perpoto {v} :: I drink up
perpoturus {v} :: about to drink up
perpotus {v} :: drunk up
perpropinquus {adj} :: very near
perpungo {v} :: I pierce through
perpurgandus {v} :: which is to be cleansed, purged thoroughly
perpurgans {v} :: cleansing, purging thoroughly
perpurgaturus {v} :: about to cleanse, purge thoroughly
perpurgatus {v} :: cleansed, purged thoroughly
perpurgo {v} :: I cleanse or purge thoroughly
perpusillus {adj} :: very small
perpusillus {adj} :: very little
perquam {adv} :: as much as possible, extremely, exceedingly
perquirendus {v} :: which is to be searched
perquirens {v} :: inquiring
perquirens {v} :: examining
perquiro {v} :: I ask, inquire or search diligently
perquiro {v} :: I examine
perquisiturus {v} :: about to search
perquisitus {v} :: searched (for)
perraro {adv} :: very rarely
perrarus {adj} :: very rare or uncommon
perrecturus {v} :: about to proceed, continue
perrectus {v} :: proceeded, continued
perreptandus {v} :: which is to be crawled through
perreptans {v} :: crawling through
perreptaturus {v} :: about to crawl through
perreptatus {v} :: crawled through
perrepto {v} :: I crawl or creep through
perridicule {adv} :: ridiculously, hilariously
perridiculissime {adv} :: superlative of perrīdiculē
perridiculius {adv} :: comparative of perrīdiculē
perridiculus {adj} :: very ridiculous or hilarious
perrogatio {noun} :: A decree
perrogatio {noun} :: The action of asking persons in succession
perrogatio {noun} [legal] :: The passage of a law
perrogo {v} :: I ask in succession, one after another, or in turn
perrogo {v} [legal] :: I carry through a law, pass a law
perrumpo {v} :: I break or force through
perrumpo {v} :: I overcome
perruptus {v} :: broken or forced through
perruptus {v} :: overcome
Persa {noun} :: A Persian
persaepe {adv} :: very often
persaepe {adv} :: very frequently
persalutatio {noun} :: a greeting to everyone
persaluto {v} :: I greet, salute everyone (in turn)
persano {v} :: Emphatic form of sānō: to heal thoroughly; to heal completely
persapiens {adj} :: very discerning, wise, judicious
persapiens {adj} :: very discreet
persapienter {adv} :: very wisely, sensibly
persapienter {adv} :: very judiciously, discretely
perscisco {vt} :: I learn thoroughly, become well informed of
perscribendus {v} :: which is to be written out
perscribens {v} :: writing out
perscribo {v} :: I write out; I write in full or in detail
perscriptio {noun} :: act of writing down
perscriptio {noun} :: entry (in a book)
perscriptio {noun} :: assignment (act of assigning)
perscripturus {v} :: about to write out
perscriptus {v} :: written out
perscrutans {v} :: searching (high and low)
perscrutans {v} :: examining or investigating (very thoroughly)
perscrutaturus {v} :: about to search, investigate
perscrutatus {v} :: searched, investigated
perscrutor {v} :: I search (high and low)
perscrutor {v} :: I examine or investigate (thoroughly)
persea {noun} :: kind of sacred tree in Egypt and Persia
persecandus {v} :: which is to be dissected
persecans {v} :: dissecting
persecaturus {v} :: about to dissect
persecatus {v} :: dissected
perseco {v} :: I dissect, cut up, excise
persectandus {v} :: which is to be pursued
persectans {v} :: pursuing
persectaturus {v} :: about to pursue
persectatus {v} :: pursued
persector {v} :: I follow or pursue (in order to investigate)
persecturus {v} :: about to dissect
persectus {v} :: dissected
persecutio {noun} :: pursuit, chase
persecutio {noun} :: prosecution
persecutio {noun} :: persecution (of Christians)
persecutor {noun} :: pursuer
persecutor {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: persecutor of Christians
persecuturus {v} :: about to pursue
persecutus {v} :: followed, pursued
persecutus {v} :: prosecuted
persedeo {vi} :: I remain sitting; stay long
persenilis {adj} :: very aged or senile
persentio {v} :: I perceive plainly
persentio {v} :: I feel deeply
Persephone {prop} :: Persephone (Greek goddess)
Persephone {prop} [transferred sense] :: Death (personified)
persequendus {v} :: which is to be followed or pursued
persequendus {v} :: which is to be accomplished
persequens {v} :: following, pursuing
persequens {v} :: accomplishing
persequor {v} :: I follow perseveringly, continue to follow; search through; pursue
persequor {v} :: I seek to obtain, strive after, seek out
persequor {v} :: I follow the teaching or example of someone, imitate
persequor {v} :: I follow up with action, execute, bring about, do, accomplish
persequor {v} [in a hostile manner] :: I pursue, chase, hunt; avenge, take vengeance upon someone or something; prosecute
persequor {v} [in writing] :: I follow, take down, minute down, keep pace with, record
persequor {v} [in speech or writing] :: I relate, recount, describe, explain
persequor {vi} :: I follow or come after
perserpo {v} :: I creep perpetually, crawl
Perses {noun} :: alternative form of Persa
Perseus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Perseus
Perseus {prop} [constellation] :: The constellation Perseus
perseverandus {v} :: which is to be abided by or adhered to
perseverandus {v} :: which is to be continued
perseverans {v} :: enduring
perseveranter {adv} :: steadfastly, persistently
perseverantia {noun} :: steadfastness, constancy
perseverantia {noun} :: persistence, perseverance
perseverantissime {adv} :: superlative of persevēranter
perseverantius {adv} :: comparative of persevēranter
perseveraturus {v} :: about to continue
perseveratus {v} :: continued
persevero {v} :: I abide by; I adhere to
persevero {v} :: I persist or persevere
persevero {v} :: I continue
persibus {adj} :: very knowing, very acute
persica {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: walnut
persicum {noun} :: peach (fruit)
persicus {adj} :: Persian; of Persia
persicus {noun} :: a peach tree
persilio {vi} :: I leap or jump through
persillum {noun} :: A kind of phial used in sacrifices
persimilis {adj} :: very similar
persimplex {adj} :: very simple, plain
Persis {prop} :: the country of Persis, between Caramania, Media, and Susiana, now Fars or Farsistan
Persis {adj} [poetic] :: Persian
Persis {noun} :: a Persian woman
persistens {v} :: persisting, remaining
persisto {vi} :: I persist, continue steadfastly
persisto {vi} :: I remain
Persius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Persius {prop} :: Aulus Persius Flaccus, a Roman poet
persoluturus {v} :: about to pay
persolutus {v} :: paid
persolvendus {v} :: which is to be paid
persolvens {v} :: paying
persolvo {v} :: I release or discharge
persolvo {v} :: I pay, pay out or render
persona {noun} :: mask
persona {noun} :: character
persona {noun} [grammar] :: person
persona {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a person, personality
persona {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a lord
persona {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: dignity
personalis {adj} :: personal; of or belonging to a person
personaliter {adv} :: personally
personandus {v} :: which is to be resounded
personans {v} :: resounding, ringing
personaturus {v} :: about to resound
personatus {v} :: sounded, resounded
personatus {adj} :: masked
personatus {adj} :: assumed, pretended, counterfeited, fictitious
persono {vi} :: I sound through and through, resound, ring
persono {vi} :: I make a sound on a musical instrument, play, sound
persono {vt} :: I fill with sound, make resound
persono {vt} [rare] :: I cry out, call aloud
persorbendus {v} :: which is to be absorbed
persorbens {v} :: absorbing
persorbeo {v} :: I suck or drink up, absorb
persorpturus {v} :: about to absorb
persorptus {v} :: absorbed
perspectandus {v} :: which is to be inspected
perspectans {v} :: inspecting
perspectaturus {v} :: about to inspect
perspectatus {v} :: inspected
perspecto {v} :: I examine closely
perspecturus {v} :: about to perceive
perspectus {v} :: perceived, discerned
perspectus {v} :: well-known
perspeculandus {v} :: which is to be inspected
perspeculans {v} :: examining
perspeculaturus {v} :: about to examine
perspeculatus {v} :: examined
perspeculor {v} :: I examine or explore thoroughly
perspicacia {noun} :: perspicacity, shrewdness
perspicacior {adj} :: more perspicacious etc
perspicacissimus {adj} :: most or very perspicacious etc
perspicacitas {noun} :: sharp-sightedness, discernment, discrimination
perspicax {adj} :: sharp-sighted, quick-sighted, perspicacious,
perspiciendus {v} :: which is to be perceived
perspiciens {v} :: perceiving
perspicillatus {adj} [New Latin] :: Having or appearing to have spectacles
perspicillum {noun} :: telescope, spyglass
perspicillum {noun} :: spectacles, glasses
perspicio {v} :: I see through something
perspicio {v} :: I perceive or discern clearly
perspicuitas {noun} :: transparency, clarity
perspicuitas {noun} :: perspicuity
perspicuus {adj} :: transparent, clear
perspicuus {adj} :: evident, manifest, perspicuous
perspiro {v} :: I breathe everywhere
perspiro {v} :: I blow constantly
perstans {v} :: Lasting, enduring, continuing, persevering
persterno {v} :: I level or stretch something out evenly
persterno {v} :: I pave all over
perstillandus {v} :: which is to be dripped
perstillans {v} :: dripping, leaking
perstillaturus {v} :: about to drip
perstillatus {v} :: dripped
perstillo {v} :: I drip, leak
persto {v} :: I continue standing
persto {v} :: I remain steadfast
persto {v} :: I continue, persevere or persist
perstrependus {v} :: which is to be echoed
perstrepens {v} :: resounding, echoing, ringing
perstrepiturus {v} :: about to echo
perstrepitus {v} :: echoed
perstrepo {v} :: I make much noise
perstrepo {v} :: I resound, echo, ring
perstrictio {noun} :: rubbing, friction
perstringens {v} :: grazing
perstringens {v} :: seizing etc
perstringo {v} :: I draw together or up
perstringo {v} :: I graze
perstringo {v} :: I seize
perstringo {v} :: I blame, censure, reprimand, reprove
persuadendus {v} :: which is to be persuaded
persuadens {v} :: persuading, convincing
persuadeo {v} [with dative] :: I persuade, convince
persuadeo {v} :: I prevail upon, persuade or induce to do something
persuasibilis {adj} :: convincing, persuasive
persuasio {noun} :: persuasion (act of)
persuasurus {v} :: about to persuade
persuasus {v} :: persuaded, convinced
persubtilis {adj} :: very fine, thin etc
persubtilis {adj} :: very precise, keen etc
persulcatus {adj} :: very or completely sulcate
persulto {v} :: I leap, skip or prance about
pertaedet {v} [impersonal] :: it wearies, disgusts, bores
pertaesus {v} :: wearied, bored
pertaesus {v} :: disgusted
pertemptandus {v} :: which is to be tested thoroughly
pertemptans {v} :: testing (thoroughly)
pertemptaturus {v} :: about to test thoroughly
pertemptatus {v} :: tested thoroughly
pertempto {v} :: I test, try, attempt thoroughly
pertendendus {v} :: which is to be persisted
pertendens {v} :: persisting
pertendo {v} :: I persevere or persist
pertensurus {v} :: about to persist
pertensus {v} :: persisted
pertentandus {v} :: which is to be tested, tried
pertentans {v} :: testing, trying
pertentatio {noun} :: testing, experimentation
pertentatio {noun} :: exploration
pertentaturus {v} :: about to test, try
pertentatus {v} :: tested, tried
pertento {v} :: I test, try, experiment
pertento {v} :: I explore thoroughly
pertenuis {adj} :: very thin, fine or slender
pertergendus {v} :: which is to be cleaned
pertergens {v} :: cleaning
pertergeo {v} :: I wipe off, wipe dry, clean, cleanse
pertergeo {v} :: I rub, brush or touch against gently
perterrendus {v} :: which is to be terrified
perterrens {v} :: terrifying
perterreo {v} :: I frighten or terrify (thoroughly)
perterriturus {v} :: about to terrify
perterritus {v} :: having been frightened, terrified
pertersurus {v} :: about to clean
pertersus {v} :: cleaned
pertica {noun} :: pole, long staff
pertica {noun} :: measuring rod
pertica {noun} [units of measure] :: rod, [especially] the Roman rod of 10 ft (about 3 m)
pertimeo {v} :: I fear greatly, I am very timid
pertimescendus {v} :: which is to become frightened
pertimescens {v} :: becoming frightened
pertimesco {v} :: I become very frightened
pertimesco {vt} :: I fear greatly, I dread
pertinacia {noun} :: perseverance, constancy
pertinacia {noun} :: obstinacy, stubbornness
pertinacissimus {adj} :: most or very persevering, obstinate, steadfast etc
pertinaciter {adv} :: obstinately
pertinaciter {adv} :: steadfastly
pertinacius {adv} :: comparative of pertināciter
pertinax {adj} :: persevering, obstinate
pertinax {adj} :: pertinacious
pertinax {adj} :: tenacious
pertinax {adj} :: steadfast
Pertinax {prop} :: A Roman cognomen, famously held by:
Pertinax {prop} :: Pertinax, a Roman emperor
pertinens {v} :: extending
pertinens {v} :: pertaining
pertineo {v} :: I extend, stretch out, reach, matter
pertineo {v} :: I belong, relate, pertain, have concern
pertineo {v} :: I have a tendency to, tend to
pertineo {v} :: I am the property of, belong to; I am attributable to
pertingendus {v} :: which is to be extended
pertingens {v} :: reaching, stretching, extending
pertingo {v} :: I stretch or reach out; I extend
pertitus {adj} [with a numerical prefix] :: divided into X parts; divisible by X
pertorqueo {v} :: I twist out of shape, distort, contort
pertorqueo {v} :: I hurl
pertractandus {v} :: which is to be touched
pertractans {v} :: touching, feeling, handling
pertractans {v} :: investigating, studying
pertractaturus {v} :: about to touch
pertractatus {v} :: touched
pertracto {v} :: I touch, feel, handle
pertracto {v} :: I investigate, study
pertracturus {v} :: about to entice
pertractus {v} :: enticed
pertrahendus {v} :: which is to be enticed
pertrahens {v} :: enticing
pertraho {v} :: I draw, drag, bring or conduct forcibly to a place
pertraho {v} :: I entice, lure or allure to a place; lead astray or away
pertraho {v} :: I draw out, extract
pertranseo {v} :: I go or pass through
pertranseo {v} :: I pass away
pertranseundus {v} :: which is to be transited
pertransiens {v} :: going or passing through or away
pertransitus {v} :: passed through or away
pertristis {adj} :: very sad, etc
pertundendus {v} :: which is to be bored through, which is to be perforated
pertundens {v} :: boring through, perforating
pertundo {v} :: I bore through, perforate
pertunsus {v} :: perforated
perturbandus {v} :: which is to be perturbed
perturbandus {v} :: which is to be confused
perturbandus {v} :: which is to be alarmed
perturbatio {noun} :: confusion
perturbatio {noun} :: disturbance, disorder
perturbatio {noun} :: commotion
perturbatio {noun} :: revolution
perturbatio {noun} :: perturbation
perturbatio {noun} :: passion
perturbaturus {v} :: Frightened thoroughly
perturbatus {v} :: confused
perturbatus {v} :: disturbed, perturbed
perturbatus {v} :: troubled, alarmed
perturbo {v} :: I confuse
perturbo {v} :: I disturb or perturb
perturbo {v} :: I trouble or alarm
perturpis {adj} :: very ugly etc
Pertusa {prop} :: A town of Africa mentioned in the Antonine Itinerary
pertusurus {v} :: about to bore through or perforate
pertusus {v} :: perforated
peruanus {adj} :: Peruvian
perula {noun} :: a little wallet, a pocket
perula {noun} :: in literal use
perula {noun} [transferred sense, comical] :: a tumescent womb or paunch
perula {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: pearl (shelly concretion, usually found in oysters, and often valued in a manner akin to semi-precious gems)
peruncturus {v} :: about to anoint
perunctus {v} :: anointed
perungendus {v} :: which is to be anointed
perungens {v} :: anointing
perungo {v} :: I anoint, besmear
perurendus {v} :: which is to be burnt up
perurens {v} :: burning up
perurgens {v} :: oppressing, distressing
perurgeo {v} :: I press upon greatly; oppress, distress
perurgeo {v} :: I press or urge greatly; take great pains to
perurguens {v} :: alternative form of perurgēns
perurgueo {v} :: alternative form of perurgeō
peruro {v} :: I burn completely; burn up, consume
Perusia {prop} [geography] :: Perugia
perustus {v} :: burnt through and through, burnt completely
perusurus {v} :: about to burn up
perusus {v} :: burnt up
perutilis {adj} :: Very useful
Peruvia {prop} [New Latin] :: Peruvia (country)
peruvianus {adj} [New Latin] :: Peruvian
pervadendus {v} :: which is to be pervaded
pervadens {v} :: pervading
pervado {v} :: I pass or spread through; I pervade
pervagandus {v} :: which is to be pervaded
pervagans {v} :: pervading
pervagatior {adj} :: more pervaded
pervagaturus {v} :: about to pervade
pervagatus {v} :: pervaded
pervagor {v} :: I wander through; I rove about
pervagor {v} :: I pervade
pervagor {v} :: I extend
pervagus {adj} :: wandering all over, roaming widely
pervaleo {v} :: I am very able or powerful
pervalidus {adj} :: very strong
pervasurus {v} :: about to pervade
pervasus {v} :: pervaded
pervecturus {v} :: about to convey
pervectus {v} :: conveyed
pervehendus {v} :: which is to be conveyed
pervehens {v} :: conveying
perveho {v} :: I carry, bear or convey through
perveniendus {v} :: which is to be reached or attained
perveniens {v} :: coming, arriving
perveniens {v} :: reaching, attaining, coming to
pervenio {v} :: I come, arrive
pervenio {v} :: I reach, attain, come to
perventurus {v} :: about to arrive, attain
perversio {noun} :: inversion
perversio {noun} :: perversion
perversitas {noun} :: frowardness, untowardness, perversity
perversurus {v} :: about to overthrow
perversus {v} :: overthrown
perversus {v} :: subverted, corrupted
pervertendus {v} :: which is to be overthrown
pervertens {v} :: overthrowing
perverto {v} :: I overthrow
perverto {v} :: I subvert or corrupt
pervestigandus {v} :: which is to be investigated thoroughly
pervestigans {v} :: investigating thoroughly
pervestigaturus {v} :: about to investigate thoroughly
pervestigatus {v} :: investigated thoroughly
pervestigo {v} :: I examine or investigate thoroughly
pervetus {adj} :: very old, aged, ancient
pervetus {adj} :: very long-standing
pervicacia {noun} :: persistence
pervicacia {noun} :: obstinacy
pervicax {adj} :: firm, determined, persistent, dogged
pervicax {adj} :: stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, wilful
pervicax {adj} :: steadfast
pervicturus {v} :: about to conquer
pervictus {v} :: conquered
pervicus {adj} :: stubborn, obstinate
pervidendus {v} :: which is to be overlooked
pervidens {v} :: overlooking
pervideo {v} :: I look over or on, overlook, survey, view
pervideo {v} :: I consider, examine
pervideo {v} :: I perceive, discern
pervigeo {v} :: I continue blooming or flourishing; bloom or flourish to the last
pervigilans {v} :: keeping vigil, keeping watch
pervigilo {v} :: I remain awake all night; keep watch all night; keep a religious vigil
pervincendus {v} :: which is to be conquered
pervincens {v} :: conquering
pervinco {v} :: I conquer completely, gain a complete victory
pervinco {v} :: I carry a point, maintain an opinion
pervinco {v} :: I surpass, outdo, exceed
pervinco {v} :: I induce or prevail upon with great effort; effect or bring about with much labor
pervinco {v} :: I prove, demonstrate
pervisurus {v} :: about to overlook
pervisus {v} :: overlooked
pervius {adj} :: Having a passage through; passable, traversable, penetrable
pervolgandus {v} :: alternative form of pervulgandus
pervolgans {v} :: alternative form of pervulgans
pervolgaturus {v} :: alternative form of pervulgāturus
pervolgatus {v} :: alternative form of pervulgātus
pervolgo {v} :: alternative form of pervulgō
pervolo {v} :: I fly through or about
pervolo {v} :: I wish greatly
pervolvo {v} :: I roll or tumble about
pervolvo {v} :: I am very busy
pervulgandus {v} :: which is to be published
pervulgans {v} :: publishing
pervulgaturus {v} :: about to publish
pervulgatus {v} :: published (made known publicly)
pervulgo {v} :: I publish (make publicly known)
pes {noun} :: a foot, in its senses as
pes {noun} [anatomy] :: a human foot
pes {noun} [zoology] :: any equivalent body part of an animal, including hooves, paws, etc
pes {noun} [units of measure] :: any of various units of length notionally based on the adult human foot, especially [historical] the Roman foot
pes {noun} [poetry] :: a metrical foot: the basic unit of metered poetry
pes {noun} [geography] :: the base of a mountain
pes {noun} [furniture] :: the bottom of a leg of a table, chair, stool, etc
pes {noun} [figuratively] :: a place to tread one's foot: territory, ground, soil
pes {noun} [nautical] :: a rope attached to a sail in order to set
pes {noun} [music] :: tempo, pace, time
pes {noun} [botany] :: the pedicel or stalk of a fruit
Pescennius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pescennius {prop} :: Pescennius Niger, a Roman emperor
pescia {noun} [plurale tantum] :: A kind of caps made of lamb skin
pesoluta {noun} :: An Egyptian plant used for making garlands
pessarium {noun} :: A pessary
pessime {adv} :: superlative of male
pessimo {v} :: I ruin (spoil completely)
pessimus {adj} :: worst
Pessinus {prop} :: A town in the west of Galatia situated near the left bank of the Sangarius
Pessium {prop} :: a town of the Iazyges mentioned by Ptolemy
pessulum {noun} :: a pessary
pessulus {noun} :: a bolt (of a door)
pessum {adv} :: to the lowest part
pessum {adv} :: to the bottom
pessum {adv} :: in ruin
pestibilis {adj} :: pestilential, destructive, noxious
Pestici {prop} :: A tribe of Scythia mentioned by Pliny
pestifer {adj} :: pestilential
pestifer {adj} :: destructive, baleful, noxious, pernicious, pestiferous
pestilens {adj} :: pestilential, infected, unhealthy
pestilens {adj} :: noxious, destructive, pestilent
pestilens {noun} :: a pestilent or noxious man
pestilentia {noun} :: infectious or contagious disease; plague, pestilence
pestilentialis {adj} :: pestilential
pestilentus {adj} :: pestilential, unhealthy
pestis {noun} :: a disease, plague
pestis {noun} :: a pest
pestis {noun} :: destruction, ruin, death
petasatus {adj} :: wearing a travelling-cap; hence, ready for a journey
petasio {noun} :: A leg or pestle of pork, especially the shoulder
petasius {noun} :: a petasius: a large, broad-rimmed bell used for summoning monks
petasus {noun} :: a travelling hat or cap with a broad brim
petasus {noun} [architecture] :: something in the shape of a cap, placed on a building; a cap, cupola
petaurista {noun} :: an acrobat
petaurum {noun} :: A stage or springboard used by tumblers and ropedancers
Petavonium {prop} :: Petavonium (town) situated south of Asturica
Petelia {prop} :: Petelia (city) situated near Croton
petendus {v} :: which is to be desired
petendus {v} :: which is to be attacked
petens {v} :: desiring
petens {v} :: attacking
petesso {v} :: I strive after eagerly, pursue
petesso {v} :: I strive after repeatedly
Petesuchus {prop} :: An Egyptian pharaoh mentioned by Pliny
peticius {adj} :: that requests something
Peticus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Peticus {prop} :: Gaius Sulpicius Peticus, a Roman consul
Petidius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
petigo {noun} :: a scab, an eruption
petilium {noun} :: an autumnal flower
Petilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Petilius {prop} :: Quintus Petilius Cerialis, a Roman general
petilus {adj} :: thin, slender
petimen {noun} [pathology] :: A sore on the shoulder of a beast of burden
Petinesca {prop} :: A town of Helvetia mentioned in the Antonine Itinerary
petiolatus {adj} :: having a petiole / leafstalk; petiolate
petiolus {noun} [Late Latin] :: a little foot
petiolus {noun} [Late Latin] :: a fruit stalk; stem
petisso {v} :: alternative form of petessō
Petitarus {prop} :: Petitarus (river)
petitio {noun} :: an attack, thrust, blow
petitio {noun} :: a request, petition, beseeching
petitio {noun} :: an applying for office
petitio {noun} [legal] :: suit, claim
petitio {noun} [legal] :: right of claim
petitor {noun} :: seeker, striver
petitor {noun} :: applicant, candidate
petitor {noun} :: claimant, plaintiff
petitor {noun} :: suitor, wooer
petiturus {v} :: about to seek
petitus {v} :: sought
peto {v} :: I ask, beg, request
peto {v} :: I make for (somewhere)
peto {v} :: I seek, aim at, desire
peto {v} :: I beg, beseech
peto {v} :: I attack
peto {v} [ecclesiastical] :: To missionize or proselytize among the people of a place
petoritum {noun} :: An open, four-wheeled carriage
petra {noun} :: stone, rock
Petra {prop} :: Petra (an <<ancient>> Hellenistic <<city>> and <<former bishopic>> in Roman <


Petra {prop} :: Petra (a <<medieval>> fortified <<town>> in <<r/Lazica>>, in the modern <<c:pref/Georgia>>)
Petra {prop} :: Petra (an <<ancient>> lost <<town>> in <<r/Corinthia>> in modern <<c/Greece>>)
Petra {prop} :: Petra (an <<ancient>> lost <<town>> in <<r/Elis>> in modern <<c/Greece>>)
Petra {prop} :: given name
petraeus {adj} :: That grows (or lives) in rocky places
Petreius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Petreius {prop} :: Marcus Petreius, a Roman praetor
Petreius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Petreia
petro {noun} :: A rustic, a country bumpkin, yokel, hayseed, hick
petro {noun} :: An old wether (a ram whose flesh is as hard as stone)
Petrocorii {prop} :: A tribe of Aquitania mentioned by Pliny, whose capital was Vesunna
Petronella {prop} :: given name
Petronius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Petronius {prop} :: Gaius Petronius Arbiter, a Roman courtier
Petronius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Petronia
Petropolis {prop} [Medieval Latin, New Latin] :: Peterborough, England
Petropolis {prop} [New Latin] :: Saint Petersburg, Russia
Petropolis {prop} [New Latin] :: Petrovaradin, Serbia
Petropolis {prop} [New Latin] :: Petrópolis, Brazil
Petropolis {prop} [New Latin] :: Pierre, USA
petroselinum {noun} :: rock parsley
petrosus {adj} :: rocky
Petrus {prop} :: Peter [biblical character]
Petrus {prop} :: given name
pettia {noun} [Late Latin] :: piece, portion
Petuaria {prop} :: A town of Britannia whose ruins are situated near the modern town of Brough
petulans {adj} :: pert, saucy, impudent, wanton
petulans {adj} :: freakish
petulans {adj} :: petulant
petulanter {adv} :: insolently, impudently
petulanter {adv} :: petulantly
petulantia {noun} :: impudence
petulantia {noun} :: wantonness
petulantia {noun} :: petulance
petulantior {adj} :: more insolent etc
petulantissimus {adj} :: most or very pert, impudent etc
petulcus {adj} :: butting (of horns or head)
petulcus {adj} :: wanton, frisky
Peuce {prop} :: an island formed by the Danube
peucedanum {noun} :: hog fennel, sulphurwort
Peucela {prop} :: One of the chief cities of the Assacani, situated between the course of the rivers Indus and Cophen
Peucestas {prop} :: A distinguished officer in the service of Alexander the Great
Peucetii {prop} :: A tribe of southern Italy, inhabiting the southern part of Apulia
Peucini {prop} :: A tribe of Germany mentioned by Pliny
peumene {noun} :: A kind of scum of silver
pexus {v} :: Neatly combed; new
Phacium {prop} :: A town of Thessaly situated near the course of the river Peneus
Phacusa {prop} :: One of the Sporades
phaecasium {noun} :: a kind of white shoe, worn at Athens by the priests
Phaedima {prop} :: The daughter of Otanes and one of the wives of Cambyses
Phaedra {prop} [mythology] :: Phaedra
Phaedria {prop} :: given name, character in the play Aulularia of Plautus
Phaedromus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Curculio of Plautus
phaenomenon {noun} :: appearance (especially in the sky)
phaenomenon {noun} :: phenomenon
Phaenon {prop} :: synonym of Saturnus
Phaenon {prop} :: synonym of Iuppiter
Phaestum {prop} :: A town of Crete situated near Gortyna
Phaethon {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Phaëthon (son of Helios and Clymene, who, having obtained from his father permission to drive the sun’s chariot for a day, lost control of the steeds, and was struck down by a thunderbolt of Zeus, to prevent his setting the earth on fire)
Phaethon {prop} [poetic] :: a divine epithet of the Sun
Phaethon {prop} :: synonym of Iuppiter
Phaethon {prop} :: synonym of Saturnus
Phaethontaeus {adj} [New Latin] :: alternative spelling of Phaëthontēus
Phaethonteus {adj} :: of or belonging to Phaëthon, Phaëthontean
Phaethonteus {adj} [poetic] :: of a poplar or poplars
Phaeton {prop} :: alternative spelling of Phaëthōn
phagedaena {noun} [medicine] :: cancer
phagedaenicus {adj} :: cancerous, spreading like cancer
phagedaenicus {adj} :: suffering from cancer
phager {noun} :: A kind of fish
Phagita {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Phagita {prop} :: Cornelius Phagita, a Roman man captured by Caesar
phago {noun} :: a glutton
Phalacrum {prop} :: One of the main promontories of Corcyra
phalaena {noun} [New Latin] :: a moth
phalanga {noun} :: wooden roller (for moving ships or military engines)
phalanga {noun} :: carrying pole
phalanga {noun} :: alternative form of phalanx
phalangium {noun} :: A kind of venomous spider
Phalanna {prop} :: A town of the Perrhaebi in Thessaly
phalanx {noun} :: phalanx, battalion
Phalasarna {prop} :: A town of Crete situated on the northwestern side of the island
phalera {noun} :: ornament
phalera {noun} :: phalera
phalerae {noun} :: a metal disc or boss, especially worn as a military ornament on the breast
phalerae {noun} :: a trapping for the forehead and breast of horses
Phalerum {prop} :: The oldest harbour of Athens, connected with the city with a long wall
phallicus {adj} :: phallic
Phaloria {prop} :: A town of Thessaly situated near Tricca
Phanagoria {prop} :: An ancient city situated on the Asiatic side of the Bosporus Cimmerius
Phanostrata {prop} :: given name, character in the play Cistellaria of Plautus
Phanote {prop} :: A fortified town of Chaonia in Epirus
phantasia {noun} :: fancy, idea, notion; fantasy
phantasia {noun} :: phantom, apparition
phantasia {noun} :: imagination
phantasia {noun} :: phase (of the moon)
phantasicus {adj} :: fanciful
phantasicus {adj} :: ghostly
phantasma {noun} :: image, appearance
phantasma {noun} :: apparition, spectre, phantom
phantasticus {adj} :: imaginary
pharanitis {noun} :: A kind of amethyst
Pharao {prop} [Late Latin] :: Pharaoh
Pharasmanes {prop} :: A king of Iberia and father of Rhadamistus
Pharbaethos {prop} :: A town of Lower Egypt on the eastern branch of the Nile
Pharcadon {prop} :: A city of Thessaly, situated to the left of the Peneus
pharetra {noun} :: a quiver
pharetra {noun} [by extension] :: a kind of sundial in the form of a quiver
pharetratus {adj} :: equipped with or wearing a quiver, quivered
pharetriger {adj} :: carrying a quiver, quiver-bearing
Pharisaeus {noun} [chiefly in the plural] :: a Pharisee (a member of the Jewish sect of that name)
Pharisaeus {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin, exclusively in the plural, the sect taken as a collective] :: the Pharisees
Pharisaeus {adj} :: Pharisaean
pharmaceuticus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to drugs; pharmaceutical
pharmacopola {noun} :: Person who sells medicines; quack
pharmacopola {noun} :: pharmacist
pharmacum {noun} :: drug, medicine
pharmacum {noun} :: poison
Pharmatenus {prop} :: A small river on the coast of Pontus
Pharnabazus {prop} :: The son of Pharnaces and Persian satrap
Pharnaces {prop} :: The progenitor of the kings of Cappadocia
Pharnaces {prop} :: The name of two kings of Pontus
Pharnacia {prop} :: An important city on the Black Sea, now Giresun
Pharnacias {prop} :: A river of Bithynia, mentioned by Pliny
Pharnacotis {prop} :: Pharnacotis (river)
Pharnaspes {prop} :: A Persian, father of Cassandane
pharnuprium {noun} :: A fig wine
pharoensis {adj} [relational, New Latin] :: pharaoh
Pharsalia {prop} :: The region around Pharsalus
Pharsalia {prop} :: The Battle of Pharsalus of 48 B.C.
Pharsalia {prop} :: Lucan's poem, the Pharsalia
Pharsalus {prop} :: a city of Thessaly where Caesar defeated Pompey
pharus {noun} :: lighthouse
Pharus {prop} :: Pharos, the small island off Alexandria where the famous lighthouse was located
Pharusii {prop} :: An ancient tribe which dwelt on the west coast of Africa
Pharygae {prop} :: A town of Locris
pharynx {noun} :: pharynx
phascola {noun} :: wallet, scrip
phase {noun} :: Passover
phase {noun} :: the Passover sacrifice; Paschal Lamb
Phaselis {prop} :: A coastal town of Lycia situated on a headland
phasellus {noun} :: alternative form of phasēlus
phaselus {noun} :: a kind of bean with an edible pod, French bean, kidney bean, phasel
phaselus {noun} [transferred sense] :: a light vessel (in the shape of a kidney bean) made of wicker-work or papyrus, sometimes also of burned and painted clay
phaseolus {noun} :: A type of bean with an edible pod; in Antiquity: cowpea, New Latin: kidney bean
phasianus {noun} :: pheasant (bird)
Phasis {prop} :: An important river of Colchis, now called Rioni
phasma {noun} :: An apparation, specter, phantom
phaulius {adj} :: bad, referred to olives
phaunos {noun} :: A parasitic plant
Phazania {prop} [geography] :: Fezzan
Pheate {prop} :: An island situated near Ephesus
Phegus {prop} :: One of the demes of Attica
Pheia {prop} :: A city of Pisatis situated upon an isthmus
pheleta {noun} :: cheat, rogue, robber
Phellus {prop} :: A town of Lycia situated near Antiphellus
Pheneus {prop} :: A town of Arcadia, shut on every side by mountains
Pherae {prop} :: a city of Thessaly and legendary residence of Admetus and Eumelus
Pherae {prop} :: a city of Messenia
Pherecrates {prop} :: An Athenian comic poet
phiala {noun} :: saucer (or similar broad, flat bowl)
phiala {noun} [Late Latin] :: a censer, thurible
Phidon {prop} :: A king of Argos
Phigalia {prop} :: An ancient town of Arcadia situated upon the right bank of the Neda
Phigamus {prop} :: A small river in Pontus
-phila {suffix} :: -phile
Phila {prop} :: An island of the Mediterranean situated near the Stoechades
Philadelphia {prop} [historical] :: Philadelphia (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in the <<r/Decapolis>> in modern <<c/Jordan>>)
Philadelphia {prop} [historical] :: Philadelphia (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in <<r/Lydia>> in modern <<c/Turkey>>)
Philae {prop} :: a small island in the Nile situated near Syene
Philae {prop} :: a city near this island
Philaenium {prop} :: given name, character in the play Asinaria of Plautus (a young prostitute)
Philematium {prop} :: given name, character in the play Mostellaria of Plautus
Philippa {prop} :: given name
Philippa {prop} :: A fictitious Greek female character in the play Epidicus of Plautus, famed Roman playwright of the Old Latin period
philippensis {adj} [relational] :: Philippines
Philippi {prop} :: Philippi (ancient city in Macedonia and site of a famous battle)
Philippinae {prop} :: Philippines
philippinensis {adj} [New Latin] :: Filipino
philippinicus {adj} :: Filipino
philippinus {adj} [relational] :: Philippines
Philippopolis {prop} :: A city of Thrace, now Plovdiv
Philippus {prop} :: given name
Philiscum {prop} :: Philiscum (town)
Philistus {prop} :: A Greek historian, born in Syracuse
Philocalia {prop} :: a town of Pontus situated west of Coralla
Philocrates {prop} :: given name, character in the play Bacchides of Plautus
Philodemus {prop} :: An Epicurean philosopher and poet, born in Gadara
Philolaches {prop} :: given name, character in the play Mostellaria of Plautus
philologicus {adj} :: philological
philomela {prop} [literary zoology, originally] :: The swallow
philomela {prop} [literary zoology, mistakenly] :: The nightingale
Philomela {prop} [mythology] :: A female given name, particularly the sister of Procne who is raped and mutilated by her brother-in-law Tereus and supposedly transformed into a swallow by the gods
Philomelium {prop} :: A town of Phrygia situated on the road from Synnada to Iconium
Philopolemus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Bacchides of Plautus
philosophandus {v} :: which is to be philosophized (thought about rationally)
philosophans {v} :: philosophizing
philosophaster {noun} :: a bad philosopher, philosophaster
philosophaturus {v} :: about to philosophize
philosophatus {v} :: philosophized
philosophe {adv} :: philosophically
philosophia {noun} :: philosophy
philosophice {adv} :: philosophically
philosophicus {adj} :: philosophical
philosophor {v} :: I philosophize
philosophus {adj} :: philosophical
philosophus {noun} :: philosopher
Philoxenus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Bacchides of Plautus
Philto {prop} :: given name, character in the play Trinummus of Plautus
philtrum {noun} :: love potion, philter
phimus {noun} :: A dicebox
Phinopolis {prop} :: A town of Thrace situated on the Black Sea
Phintias {prop} :: a tyrant of Agrigentum
Phintias {prop} :: Phintias (city), situated between Agrigentum and Gela
Phintonis {prop} :: An island situated between Corsica and Sardinia, probably the Maddalena island in Italy
phlebotomia {noun} :: bloodletting, phlebotomy
phlebotomus {noun} :: Lancet, fleam
phlegma {noun} :: phlegm
phlegmaticus {adj} :: full of phlegm
Phlegra {prop} :: The ancient name of the town Pallene
Phlius {prop} :: A city of Peloponnesus situated between Sicyon and Argolis, near the sources of the river Asopus
phloginos {noun} :: A flame-colored gem
phoca {noun} :: seal (marine animal)
Phocasia {prop} :: An island of the Aegean Sea mentioned by Pliny
Phocis {prop} [geography] :: a region of ancient Greece
Phoda {prop} :: ancient town of Arabia mentioned by Pliny
Phoebus {prop} :: Apollo, i.e. Phoebus Apollo, the "radiant one"
Phoenice {prop} :: Phoenicia
phoeniceus {adj} :: purple-red
Phoenicia {prop} :: Phoenicia
phoenicitis {noun} :: An unknown kind of precious stone, perhaps having a purple or crimson color
phoenicius {adj} :: Phoenician
phoenicurus {noun} :: The redstart
Phoenicusa {prop} :: Filicudi, one of the Lipari Islands
phoenix {noun} :: phoenix
phoenix {noun} :: Phoenician
phoenix {adj} :: Phoenician
Phoenix {prop} [Greek mythology] :: A companion of Achilles during the Trojan War
Pholoe {prop} :: A mountain of Arcadia on the borders of Elis
Pholoe {prop} :: A mountain of Thessaly and abode of the Centaurs
Pholus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: A centaur, son of Silenus
phonascus {noun} :: teacher of singing and elocution
Phorontis {prop} :: Phorontis (town)
phosphorus {noun} [New Latin, chemistry] :: phosphorus
Photice {prop} :: A city of Epirus mentioned only by later writers
Photinus {prop} :: given name
Photinus {prop} [so, especially] :: Photinus (the bishop of Sirmium, founder of a Christian sect, the adherents of which are called Phōtīniānī)
Photinus {prop} :: Saint Pothinus (Lyonnais martyr)
photomachinula {noun} :: a camera
phoxinus {noun} :: the common minnow
phragmites {noun} :: a kind of reed
Phraortes {prop} :: A king of Media
phrasis {noun} :: diction
phrenesis {noun} :: madness, delirium, frenzy
phreneticus {adj} :: mad, delirious
Phrixa {prop} :: A town of Triphylia situated on the left bank of the river Alpheus
Phrixus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: The son of Athamas, king of Boeotia, and Nephele
Phronesium {prop} :: given name, character in the play Truculentus of Plautus
phryganion {noun} :: An unknown sort of insect
Phrygia {prop} :: Phrygia
Phrygia {prop} [poetic] :: Troy
Phrynichus {prop} :: An Athenian general
Phrynichus {prop} :: An Athenian literary, disciple of Thespis
phrynos {noun} :: A kind of venomous frog
Phrystimus {prop} :: Phrystimus (river)
Phthenethu {prop} :: A town of Egypt mentioned by Pliny
Phthia {prop} :: A city of Thessaly and birthplace of Achilles
Phthiotis {prop} [geography] :: The southern district of Thessaly
phthisicus {adj} :: consumptive, phthisical (suffering from consumption or phthisis)
phthisicus {noun} :: a consumptive, a phthisic or phthisical (one suffering from consumption or phthisis)
phthisis {noun} :: consumption, phthisis, tuberculosis
phthongus {noun} :: a sound, tone
phthongus {noun} :: a note in music
phur {f} :: alternative form of fūr
phy {interj} :: pish!
phycitis {noun} :: An unknown kind of precious stone, with a color similar to seaweed
Phycus {prop} [geography] :: A promontory of Cyrenaica and the most northerly point of Lybia
Phycus {prop} :: A town on this promontory
Phygia {prop} :: given name, character in the play Aulularia of Plautus
Phylace {prop} :: a town of Thessaly situated near Pharsalus
Phylace {prop} :: a town of Pieria
phylacterium {noun} :: amulet
phylacterium {noun} :: phylactery
phylacterium {noun} :: gladiator's medal
phylarches {noun} :: alternative form of phylarchus
phylarchus {noun} :: phylarch
Phyllius {prop} :: a Bœotian who was in love with Cygnus
phylum {noun} :: phylum
phyma {noun} [pathology] :: A kind of boil or tumour
physalis {noun} [New Latin] :: bladder
Physca {prop} :: A town of Eordaea, in Macedonia
Physcus {prop} :: Physcus (town) situated on the coast
Physcus {prop} :: A tributary of the Tigris
physeter {noun} :: blowpipe
physeter {noun} :: sperm whale
physica {noun} :: natural sciences; natural philosophy
physica {noun} [New Latin] :: physics
physicalis {adj} [relational] :: physics, natural science
physicus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to natural philosophy or physics; physical, natural
physicus {noun} :: physicist; naturalist
physiologia {noun} :: physiology
physiologicus {adj} :: physiological
physodes {adj} [New Latin] :: bellows-like
Phyteum {prop} :: Phyteum (ancient town)
Phytia {prop} :: a fortified town of Acarnania, situated near Stratus
piaculum {noun} :: propitiatory sacrifice
piaculum {noun} :: sin, crime, guilt
piandus {v} :: which is to be appeased
pians {v} :: appeasing
piaturus {v} :: about to appease
piatus {v} :: appeased
pica {noun} :: magpie
picardicus {adj} :: Picard
picca {noun} :: pickaxe, pike
picea {noun} :: spruce, pitch pine
Picentia {prop} :: The chief town of the Picentini in Campania
Picenum {prop} [geography] :: A district of central Italy extending from the mouth of the river Aesis to that of the Matrinus, corresponding more or less to the region of Marche
piceus {adj} [relational] :: pitch
piceus {adj} :: pitch-black
pichinchensis {adj} [relational] :: Pichincha (in Ecuador)
picipes {adj} [New Latin] :: pitch black-footed
picosa {noun} :: pickaxe
picris {noun} :: a bitter lettuce
Pictauia {prop} :: alternative form of Pictavia
Pictavia {prop} [medieval] :: Pictland, land of the Picts; Scotland
pictipennis {adj} [New Latin] :: having a coloured wing or fin, or coloured feathers (as if painted)
pictipes {adj} [New Latin] :: having coloured feet or legs
Pictones {prop} :: A Celtic tribe of Aquitania, whose capital was Limonum
pictor {noun} :: A painter; embroider
pictor {noun} :: (later Latin): An easel (for holding a painting)
Pictor {prop} :: a cognomen famously held by:
Pictor {prop} :: Quintus Fabius Pictor, a Roman politician
pictura {noun} :: painting, the art of painting
pictura {noun} :: picture (image), a painting
picturatus {adj} :: decorated with colour
picturatus {adj} :: variegated
picturatus {adj} :: embroidered
pictus {v} :: decorated, embellished, having been decorated
pictus {v} :: painted, coloured, having been painted
pictus {v} :: portrayed, having been portrayed
Pictus {prop} {m} :: a Pict, a resident of early Scotland
Picumnus {prop} :: a minor Roman god of the fields, matrimony, and fertility
picus {noun} :: a woodpecker
picus {noun} :: a griffin
Pidossus {prop} :: Pidossus (island)
pie {adv} :: piously, devoutly
pie {adv} :: dutifully, loyally
Pieria {prop} [geography] :: A district in Macedonia
Pieria {prop} [geography] :: Pieria (district)
pietas {noun} :: Dutiful conduct, sense of duty
pietas {noun} [to the gods] :: Piety, conscientiousness, scrupulousness,
pietas {noun} [to one's parents, children, relatives, country, benefactors, etc.] :: Duty, dutifulness, affection, love, loyalty, patriotism, gratitude
pietas {noun} :: Gentleness, kindness, tenderness, pity, compassion
pietaticultrix {noun} :: maternal carer
pigeo {v} :: to feel annoyance or reluctance at; to repent of
pigeo {v} [third person, singular, impersonal] :: [+ accusative of the person, + genitive of the cause of distress] it irks, pains, disgusts, afflicts, grieves
piger {adj} :: backward, slow, dull, lazy, indolent, sluggish, inactive
piget {v} [+ accusative of the person, + genitive of the cause of distress] :: it irks, pains, disgusts, afflicts, grieves
pigmentarius {adj} [relational] :: paint, unguent
pigmentarius {noun} :: A dealer in paints and unguents
pigmentosus {adj} [Later Latin] :: pigmented, coloured, stained
pigmentum {noun} :: A material for coloring; color, paint, pigment, dye
pigmentum {noun} [figuratively, of style] :: Ornament, coloring
pigneratus {v} :: pledged, pawned, mortgaged
pigneratus {v} :: guaranteed, assured
pignero {v} :: I pledge, pawn, mortgage
pignero {v} :: I guarantee, assure
pignus {noun} :: pledge, mortgage
pignus {noun} :: hostage
pignus {noun} :: wager, stake
pigredo {noun} :: slothfulness, indolence
Pigres {noun} :: A writer born in Halicarnassus
pigritia {noun} :: sloth, sluggishness, laziness, indolence
pigrito {v} :: alternative form of pigritor
pigritor {vi} [Late Latin] :: I am slow, sluggish, slothful, or tardy; I tarry
pigro {v} :: I am indolent, slow, dilatory
pigro {v} :: I hesitate
piguus {adj} :: indolent
piissimus {adj} :: most or very pious etc
pikermiensis {adj} [relational] :: Pikermi
pila {noun} :: mortar (used with a pestle)
pila {noun} :: ball
pila {noun} :: pillar
pila {noun} :: pier
pila {noun} :: ball
pila {noun} [figuratively] :: a game of ball
pila {noun} :: globe, sphere
pilamalleus {noun} [New Latin] :: golf (ball game)
pilaris {adj} :: of hair
pilatus {adj} [military] :: armed with javelins
pilatus {v} :: depilated
pilatus {v} :: plundered
pilatus {v} :: fixed firmly
Pilatus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pilatus {prop} :: Pontius Pilatus (died AD 37), fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea (AD 26–36)
pilax {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a cat
pileatus {adj} :: capped
pilentum {noun} :: a chariot used by Roman ladies
pileus {noun} :: alternative spelling of pilleus
pilipes {adj} [New Latin] :: hairy-footed
Pilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
pilleatus {adj} :: wearing a pilleus
pilleus {noun} :: a felt cap worn at the Saturnalia, and given to freed slaves
pilleus {noun} :: (hence) liberty, freedom
pillo {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: chaff
pilo {vi} :: I put forth hairs, grow hairy
pilo {vt} :: I deprive of hair, make bald, depilate
pilo {vt} [figuratively] :: I plunder, pillage
pilo {v} :: I ram down, fix firmly
pilo {noun} :: alternative form of pillō
pilosus {adj} :: hairy, shaggy
pilpito {vi} [of mice] :: I squeak
pilula {noun} :: A small ball, globule; pellet
pilula {noun} [medicine] :: A pill
pilum {noun} :: a pounder, pestle
pilum {noun} :: a javelin, throwing spear
Pilumnus {prop} :: a minor Roman god guarding the good health and growth of children
pilus {noun} [anatomy] :: A hair
pilus {noun} [figuratively] :: An insignificant amount; iota; least amount
pilus {noun} :: A maniple of the triāriī; a reserve company of veteran soldiers
pimpinellifolius {adj} :: pimpernel-leafed
pina {noun} :: sea pen (of order Pennatulacea)
Pinara {prop} :: A city of Lycia situated ath the foot of Mount Cragus and not far from the river Xanthus
Pinare {prop} :: Pinare (town)
Pinarius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pinarius {prop} :: Lucius Pinarius Mamercinus Rufus, a Roman consul
Pinarius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Pinaria
Pinarus {prop} :: A river of Cilicia flowing into the Mediterranean Sea, now the Deli Çay
pinaster {noun} :: wild pine
pinatubonensis {adj} :: Of or from Mount Pinatubo
pinax {noun} :: A picture on a wooden tablet
pincerna {noun} :: cupbearer
pincerna {noun} :: butler
Pindarus {prop} :: Pindar (Greek lyric poet)
Pindasus {prop} :: A mountain of Mysia containing the sources of the river Cetius
Pindus {prop} :: A long range of mountains situated in northern Greece
Pindus {prop} :: One of the towns of the tetrapolis of Doris
Pindus {prop} :: A river of Doris flowing into the Cephisus
pinea {noun} :: pine cone
pinea {noun} :: pine nut
pinetum {noun} :: a pine wood, pine grove
pineum {noun} :: pine cone
pineus {adj} [relational] :: pine
pineus {adj} :: pinelike
pingendus {v} :: that which is to be painted
pingo {v} :: I decorate or embellish
pingo {v} :: I paint, tint or colour
pingo {v} :: I portray
pinguamen {noun} :: fat
pingue {noun} :: fat; grease
pinguedo {noun} :: fat
pinguedo {noun} :: oiliness
pinguedo {noun} :: richness, abundance
pinguedo {noun} :: fullness
pinguesco {v} :: I grow fat or rich
pinguido {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: alternative form of pinguēdō
pinguis {adj} :: fat, plump
pinguis {adj} :: thick, dense
pinguis {adj} [of taste] :: dull, insipid, not pungent
pinguis {adj} [of wine] :: oily, rich, full-bodied
pinguis {adj} [of land] :: fertile, rich
pinguis {adj} [figuratively, of the mind] :: heavy, dull, stupid, obtuse
pinguis {adj} [figuratively] :: bold, strong
pinguis {adj} [figuratively] :: quiet, comfortable, easy
pinguis {adj} [phonology] :: of the sound l, velarized (cf. dark l)
pinguissimus {adj} :: most or very fatty, oily etc
pinguitudo {noun} :: fatness, obesity, plumpness
pinguitudo {noun} [of soil] :: richness, fertility
pinguitudo {noun} :: oiliness
pinguitudo {noun} [of pronunciation] :: coarseness, broadness
Pingus {prop} :: A river of Moesia, now called Pek
pinicolus {adj} [New Latin] :: pine-dwelling
pinifer {adj} :: Producing pines, pine bearing
piniger {adj} :: pine-bearing
pinna {noun} :: alternative form of penna
Pinna {prop} :: A city of the Vestini situated on the eastern slope of the Apennines, now the town of Penne
pinnaculum {noun} [Late Latin] :: a peak, pinnacle
pinnatifidus {adj} [New Latin] :: pinnatifid
pinnatus {adj} :: feathered; winged
pinnatus {adj} :: pinnate
pinniger {adj} :: alternative form of penniger
Pinnius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pinnius {prop} :: Quintus Pinnius, a friend of Varro
pinnula {noun} :: small wing, or plume of feathers
pinnula {noun} :: small fin
pinoteres {noun} :: hermit crab
Pinpedunni {prop} :: A tribe of Aquitania mentioned by Pliny
pinsatio {noun} :: stamping, pounding, crushing
pinso {v} :: I beat, pound
pinso {v} :: I lash, scourge
pinso {v} :: I beat
pinso {v} :: I pound
pinsus {v} :: pounded, beaten
pinus {noun} :: pine tree
pinus {noun} :: pinewood, or a thing made of such wood
pinus {noun} :: lance, spear
pinus {noun} :: wreath of pine leaves
pinus {noun} :: pine forest, pineland
pio {v} :: I appease, propitiate
pio {v} :: I purify, expiate
Pion {prop} :: A mountain situated near Ephesus
Pionia {prop} :: Pionia (town) situated on the road from Dorylaeum to Philadelphia
piper {noun} :: pepper
piperatus {adj} :: peppered, having been seasoned with pepper
piperitus {adj} :: pepper, peppery, peppered
pipians {v} :: chirping, peeping
pipiens {adj} :: chirping, piping
pipilo {v} :: I twitter, chirp
pipinna {noun} :: pee-pee, willy (term indicating a small penis)
pipio {noun} :: chirping bird
pipio {noun} :: squab
pipio {v} :: I pipe or chirp
pipio {v} :: I whimper
pipio {vt} :: I pour out (whimpers)
pipizo {noun} [Late Latin] :: the young of the crane
pipo {vi} [of chickens] :: I pip, peep
Piquentum {prop} :: Piquentum (town), now Pinguente
piracium {noun} :: perry
pirarium {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: an orchard for pear-trees
pirarius {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a pear-tree
pirata {noun} :: pirate
piraticus {adj} :: piratical
pirum {noun} :: a pear (fruit)
pirus {noun} :: a pear-tree
Pirustae {prop} :: A tribe of Illyricum
Pisae {prop} :: Pisae (city)
Pisatis {prop} [geography] :: the central region of Elis
Pisaurum {prop} :: A considerable town of Umbria, situated on the Adriatic coast, now the town of Pesaro
Pisaurus {prop} :: One of the most important rivers of Umbria flowing into the Adriatic Sea near Pesaro, now the river Foglia
piscans {v} :: fishing
piscarius {adj} :: of or pertaining to fish or fishing
piscarius {noun} :: fishmonger
piscator {noun} :: fisher, fisherman
piscaturus {v} :: about to fish
piscatus {v} :: fished
Pisces {prop} :: the Fishes, Pisces (constellation)
pisciculus {noun} :: little fish
pisciculus {noun} :: minnow
pisciculus {noun} :: tiddler
pisciculus {noun} :: In plural, an early name for Christians, in reference to the waters of baptism, and in allusion to the vesica piscis
piscina {noun} :: pond, pool
piscina {noun} :: fish pond
piscina {noun} :: swimming pool
piscis {noun} :: a fish
Piscis {prop} :: the Fish, Piscis Austrinus (constellation)
piscivorus {adj} [New Latin] :: fish-eating
piscor {v} :: I fish
piscosus {adj} :: full of fish
pisculentus {adj} :: full of or teaming with fish
pisculentus {adj} :: made of fish, fishy
Pisida {noun} :: A Pisidian (inhabitant of Pisidia)
Pisidia {prop} :: Pisidia (region)
Pisilis {prop} :: Pisilis (small town), situated between Caunus and Calynda
Pisistratus {prop} :: Peisistratus, tyrant of Athens
pisito {vi} [of starlings] :: I cry
piso {noun} :: mortar
Piso {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Piso {prop} :: Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso, a Roman statesman
pistacia {noun} :: A pistachio tree
pistacium {noun} :: A pistachio nut
pistana {noun} :: A plant, the arrowhead
pisticus {adj} :: pure
pisticus {adj} :: genuine
pistillum {noun} :: A pestle
pisto {v} :: to pound
Pistoclerus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Bacchides of Plautus
pistola {noun} [New Latin] :: pistol
pistolium {noun} [New Latin] :: pistol
pistor {noun} [originally] :: pounder of far/spelt (a slave who grinds it into flour)
pistor {noun} [from ~2c. BC, when bread baking becomes a trade] :: miller and/or baker
Pistorium {prop} :: A town in the northern part of Etruria, now Pistoia
pistriger {adj} :: whale-bearing; carrying a whale's body, ending in a whale's tail
pistrinum {noun} :: mill
pistrinum {noun} :: bakery
pistrinum {noun} [figuratively] :: drudgery, oppressive labor
pistris {noun} :: Any sea monster; a whale, shark, sawfish
pisturus {v} :: about to pound
pistus {v} :: pounded, beaten
Pistyrus {prop} :: a city and lake of Thrace
pisum {noun} :: pea, pease
Pitaium {prop} :: Pitaium (town)
Pitane {prop} :: A city of Aeolis situated at the mouth of the river Evenus
pithecium {noun} :: a little ape
pithecium {noun} :: a kind of flower, possibly monkey-flower (Mimulus) or snapdragon (Antirrhinum)
Pithecusa {prop} :: Another name of the island Aenaria
pitheus {noun} [astronomy] :: A barrel-shaped comet
Pitinum {prop} :: A town of the Vestini, situated not far from the modern town of L'Aquila
Pitio {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pitio {prop} :: Lucius Sempronius Pitio, a Roman moneyer
pittacium {noun} [Late Latin] :: label, ticket on a wine bottle or amphora
pittacium {noun} [Late Latin] :: label, ticket for publicity of a right to enter to or use a place
pittacium {noun} [Late Latin, figurative] :: a public proclamation, announcement
pittacium {noun} [Late Latin] :: a directory, index, register
pittacium {noun} [Late Latin] :: a writ or document attesting the conclusion of an agreement of any kind
pittacium {noun} [Late Latin] :: a writ or document confirming the receival of a performance, a quittance
pittacium {noun} [Late Latin] :: a plaster; small piece of linen with salve
pittacium {noun} [Late Latin] :: a patch on a garment
pittosporum {noun} [New Latin] :: a pittosporum
pittosporum {noun} [New Latin] :: the pittosporum collectively
Pituanius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
pituita {noun} :: mucus, phlegm
pituita {noun} :: rheum, head cold
pituitosus {adj} :: pituitous, phlegmy
Pitulum {prop} :: A town of Umbria mentioned only by Pliny
Pityusae {prop} :: two islands on the southern coast of Spain, called Ebusus and Ophiusa
pius {adj} :: pious, devout
pius {adj} :: dutiful, loyal
pius {adj} :: good, blessed
pius {adj} [Late Latin] :: holy
Pius {prop} :: given name; taken by several Popes of the Roman Catholic Church
pix {noun} :: pitch, tar
Plac. {prop} :: abbreviation of Placidus
placabilior {adj} :: more placable, pacifying etc
placabilis {adj} :: placable
placabilis {adj} :: pacifying, appeasing, moderating, propitiating, acceptable
placandus {v} :: which is to be appeased
placans {v} :: appeasing
placatio {noun} :: appeasement
placaturus {v} :: about to appease
placatus {v} :: soothed, appeased, calmed
placatus {v} :: quiet, gentle, still, calm, peaceful
placens {v} :: pleasing, welcoming, satisfying
placenta {noun} :: a round phyllo cake with a ribbed base and a convex top with a knob in the middle and a honey and cheese filling.
placenta {noun} :: a cake of any type
placenta {noun} [New Latin] :: ellipsis of placenta uterī: placenta
placentalis {adj} [New Latin] :: placental
placenta uteri {noun} [New Latin, anatomy] :: placenta (vascular organ in gestating mammals)
Placentia {prop} :: Placentia (city)
placeo {v} [with dative] :: I am pleasing or agreeable to; I please; I am welcome or acceptable; I satisfy [in a mental rather than a sensual way]
Placia {prop} :: Placia (town) situated east of Cyzicus
placide {adv} :: gently, calmly, gradually, peacefully, quietly, placidly
placidissime {adv} :: superlative of placidē
placidius {adv} :: comparative of placidē
placidus {adj} :: Placid, gentle, quiet, still, calm, mild, peaceful
placidus {adj} [of fruits] :: Ripe, mellow
placidus {adj} [of plants] :: Not wild, fruitful, suitable for cultivation
Placidus {prop} :: A masculine cognomen — famously held by:
Placidus {prop} :: Lactantius Placidus (circa AD 350–400), presumed author of a commentary on P. Papinius Statius’s Thebaid (circa AD 92)
placitum {noun} :: opinion, teaching, theory
placitum {noun} :: decree, sentence, suit, litigation
placitum {noun} :: plea
placiturus {v} :: about to please, satisfy etc
placitus {v} :: pleasing, agreeable, acceptable, agreed upon
placo {v} :: I appease
placo {v} :: I placate, pacify, assuage
placo {v} :: I reconcile
Plaetorius {prop} :: The name of a Roman gens, famously held by:
Plaetorius {prop} :: Marcus Plaetorius Cestianus (a Roman praetor)
Plaetorius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Plaetoria
plaga {noun} :: plague, misfortune
plaga {noun} :: stroke, blow, cut
plaga {noun} :: wound, gash, injury
plaga {noun} :: tract, region, quarter, zone
plaga {noun} :: hunting net, web, trap
plagatus {adj} :: wounded
plagella {noun} :: alternative form of plagula
plagiandus {v} :: which is to be kidnapped
plagians {v} :: kidnapping
Plagiaria {prop} :: Plagiaria (ancient town) situated near Emerita Augusta
plagiarius {noun} :: torturer, oppressor, plunderer
plagiarius {noun} :: kidnapper
plagiarius {noun} :: plagiarist
plagiaturus {v} :: about to kidnap
plagiatus {v} :: kidnapped
plagiger {adj} :: stripe-bearing, born to be flogged
plagio {vt} [Late Latin] :: I steal (a person), kidnap
plagium {noun} :: manstealing, kidnapping, the selling of freemen as slaves
plago {v} :: I strike
plagosus {adj} :: fond of beating or striking
plagula {noun} :: sheet of cloth or paper
plagula {noun} :: bed-curtain
Plaguleius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Plaguleius {prop} :: Plaguleius, a Roman partisan
plana {noun} :: smoothing plane
planarius {adj} [Late Latin] :: of or pertaining to a plane; planar
Planasia {prop} :: Planasia (island), now Pianosa
planca {noun} :: slat, plank
Plancius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Plancius {prop} :: Marcus Plancius Varus, a Roman governor
Planctae {prop} :: A group islands of the Black Sea, mentioned by Pliny
planctus {v} :: struck, beaten
planctus {v} :: bewailed, lamented, mourned
planctus {noun} :: beating or striking especially of ones breasts
planctus {noun} :: wailing, lamentation
plancus {adj} :: flat-footed
plancus {noun} :: alternative form of plangus
Plancus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Plancus {prop} :: Lucius Munatius Plancus, a Roman consul
plane {adv} :: plainly (to the senses or undestanding), distinctly, intelligibly
plane {adv} [emphasising correctness] :: clearly, obviously
plane {adv} :: (also used as an affirmative answer)
plane {adv} :: wholly, utterly, thoroughly, quite
Planesium {prop} :: given name, character in the play Curculio of Plautus
planeta {noun} :: planet (wandering star)
planetula {noun} [New Latin] :: small planet, minor planet
plangendus {v} :: which is to be struck or beaten
plangendus {v} :: which is to be bemoaned
plangens {v} :: striking, beating
plangens {v} :: bewailing, lamenting, mourning
plango {v} :: I strike, beat (esp. with a noise)
plango {v} :: I beat the breast, head, etc., as a sign of grief
plango {v} :: I lament aloud, wring the hands; I bewail
plangor {noun} :: striking, beating
plangor {noun} :: grief, loud mourning, wailing
plangus {noun} :: A sort of eagle
planiceps {adj} [New Latin] :: flat-headed
planifrons {adj} [New Latin] :: having a flat front or forehead
Planinum {prop} :: Planinum (town)
planior {adj} :: flatter, more level or even
planipennis {adj} :: having a flat horn
planissimus {adj} :: most or very level or flat
planitia {noun} :: alternative form of plānitiēs
planities {noun} :: plain, plateau
planities {noun} :: flatness
planta {noun} :: any vegetable production that serves to propagate the species; a sprout, shoot, twig, sprig, sucker, graft, scion, slip, cutting
planta {noun} :: a young tree, a shrub that may be transplanted; a set
planta {noun} :: sole of the foot
plantagineus {adj} [relational] :: plantain
plantago {noun} :: the plantain, especially the greater plantain (Plantago major)
plantago {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a field or other place planted with vines, a vineyard
plantans {v} :: planting
plantans {v} :: propagating
plantaria {noun} :: Cuttings, slips (of plants)
plantaria {noun} :: Winged sandals
plantaris {adj} :: related to suckers or sprouts
plantaris {adj} :: related to the sole of the foot
plantarium {noun} :: nursery (for young plants)
plantatio {noun} :: planting, transplanting
plantatus {v} :: planted
plantatus {v} :: propagated
plantiger {adj} :: having shoots, branching
planto {v} [of garden vegetables] :: I plant, set
planto {v} :: I transfer, set (vegetables, young trees), propagate from cuttings
planto {v} :: I fix in place
planum {noun} :: a plain, level ground
planus {adj} :: level, flat, even
planus {adj} :: intelligible, clear
planus {noun} :: a tramp, hobo
planus {noun} :: a cheat, impostor
plasmatio {noun} :: a forming, fashioning, creating
plasmator {noun} :: a former, fashioner, creator
plasmatus {v} :: formed, (substantive: formation, that which is formed)
plasmo {v} :: I form, mould, fashion
plastes {noun} :: One who shapes or moulds things; moulder, shaper
plasticus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to moulding or shaping
plasticus {adj} :: Made of plastic
Plataeae {prop} :: Plataea (city in Greece, famous for the important battle fought there)
platalea {noun} :: spoonbill
platanetum {noun} :: a planetrees grove
Plataneus {prop} :: Plataneus (river)
platanifolius {adj} [New Latin] :: A specific epithet for organisms having leaves like a sycamore or plane tree
plataninus {adj} :: of or pertaining to a planetree
platanus {noun} :: planetree, sycamore
Plate {prop} :: An island off the coast of Troad
platea {noun} :: street
platea {noun} :: courtyard
platensis {adj} [relational] :: River Plate
platessa {noun} [Late Latin] :: flatfish, plaice
platicus {adj} :: compendious, general
platinum {noun} :: platinum
Plato {prop} :: Plato, a Greek philosopher
Platon {prop} :: alternative form of Platō
Platonicus {adj} :: Platonic, of or pertaining to Plato
platyphyllus {adj} [New Latin] :: having flat leaves
platyrhynchos {noun} [New Latin] :: a specific epithet for a flat-nosed organism
platyrhynchus {noun} [New Latin] :: a specific epithet for a flat-nosed organism
plaudendus {v} :: which is to be struck
plaudens {v} :: striking, beating
plaudens {v} :: applauding
plaudens {v} :: approving
plaudo {v} :: I strike, beat, clap
plaudo {v} :: I applaud; I clap my hands in token of approbation
plaudo {v} :: I approve
plaudo {v} :: I strike hands to complete a bargain
plaudo {v} [poetic, of wings] :: I beat, flap
plausibilis {adj} :: plausible (worthy of being applauded)
plausibilis {adj} :: praiseworthy
plausibilis {adj} :: acceptable
plausibilis {adj} :: pleasing
plaustrum {noun} [vehicles] :: wagon, wain, cart
plaustrum {noun} :: the Big Dipper
plausurus {v} :: about to strike
plausus {v} :: struck
plausus {noun} :: applause, cheers
Plautius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Plautius {prop} :: Marcus Plautius Silvanus, a Roman politician
plautus {adj} :: wide, broad
plautus {adj} :: flat, level
plautus {adj} :: broad-shouldered
Plautus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Plautus {prop} :: Titus Maccius Plautus, a Roman playwright
Plavis {prop} :: the Piave river
plebeius {adj} :: plebeian
plebeius {adj} :: common, vulgar
plebeius {noun} :: plebeian
plebejus {adj} :: alternative form of plebeius
plebejus {noun} :: alternative form of plebeius
plebes {noun} :: alternative form of plēbs
plebicola {noun} :: populist (politician, judge etc.)
plebis {noun} :: alternative form of plēbs
plebs {noun} [countable and uncountable] :: plebeians, common people
plectendus {v} :: which is to be plaited, which is to be woven, which is to be braided
plectendus {v} :: which is to be twisted, which is to be bent, which is to be turned
plectendus {v} :: which is to be punished
plectendus {v} :: which is to be beaten
plectens {v} :: plaiting, weaving, braiding
plectens {v} :: twisting, bending, turning
plectens {v} :: punishing
plectens {v} :: beating
plecto {v} :: I plait, weave, braid
plecto {v} :: I twist, bend, turn
plecto {v} :: I punish; I beat
plecto {v} :: I blame
plectrum {noun} :: A plectrum; tool for playing a stringed instrument
plectrum {noun} :: A lyre, lute
Pleiae {prop} :: A town of Laconia mentioned by Livy
Pleias {prop} :: a Pleiad, one of the Seven Sisters
Pleias {prop} [plural] :: the Pleiades (constellation)
Pleias {prop} [transferred sense, poetic] :: a storm, rain
Pleistus {prop} :: A river of Greece rising in the Mount Parnassus and flowing into the Gulf of Corinthus near Cirrha
plemina {noun} [plurale tantum] :: The lines of hands and feet
Pleminius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pleminius {prop} :: Quintus Pleminius, a Roman politician
plenarius {adj} :: full, plenary; entire
plenarius {adj} :: absolute
plendus {v} :: which is to be filled
plene {adv} :: fully
plenilunium {noun} :: full moon
plenior {adj} :: fuller, plumper
plenior {adj} :: more satisfied
plenissimus {adj} :: most or very full
plenissimus {adj} :: most or very satisfied
plenitas {noun} :: The state of being full; fullness; abundance, copiousness, plenty, repletion
plenitudo {noun} :: fullness, abundance, plenitude
plenitudo {noun} :: thickness
plens {v} :: filling
plenus {adj} :: full, filled, complete
plenus {adj} [with genitive or ablative in later Latin] :: full (of), plump
plenus {adj} [poetic] :: satisfied
pleo {v} :: to fill, to fulfill
pleraque {noun} :: all, every thing
pleraque {noun} [less emphatically] :: the most, the greatest part
pleraque {adv} [post-Classical] :: mostly, for the most part
pleraque omnia {noun} [of things] :: almost all, nearly all
plerique {noun} [with specific referents] :: most of them
plerique {noun} [of people generally] :: most people, most men, the majority
plerique omnes {noun} [of people] :: almost all, nearly all
plerumque {noun} [construed with a partitive genitive] :: the greatest part, the greater part
plerumque {adv} :: for the most part, on most occasions, (for) most of the time, mostly, usually, generally, ordinarily, very commonly, very often, very frequently
plerumque {adv} [post-Augustan, less emphatically] :: on many occasions, often, frequently
plerumque {adv} :: to a large extent, largely
plerunque {noun} :: alternative form of plērumque
plerunque {adv} :: alternative form of plērumque
plerus {adj} :: most, almost all
plerusque {adj} :: most, very many, most of, the greater or larger part or number of, a very great part or number of
plerusque {adj} [less emphatically] :: a considerable part or number of, a great part or number of, many, much, many of, much of
Plesidippus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Rudens of Plautus
plethora {noun} [Late Latin] :: plethora
pletura {noun} :: plethora
pleturus {v} :: about to fill
pletus {v} :: filled
Pleumoxii {prop} :: A Gallic tribe who were under the dominion of the Nervii
pleuralis {adj} [New Latin] :: pleural
Pleuratus {prop} :: A king of Illyria and son of Scerdilaedus
Pleuron {prop} :: Pleuron (city) situated in the plain between the Achelous and the Evenus
Pleuron {prop} :: Pleuron (city) situated at the foot of the Aracynthus
Pleusicles {prop} :: given name, character in the play Miles Gloriosus of Plautus
plexippus {noun} [New Latin] :: A specific epithet of the monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus
Plexippus {prop} :: One of the 50 sons of Aegyptus (a king of Egypt), the twin brother of Danaus, who had 50 daughters
plexurus {v} :: about to plait, about to weave, about to braid
plexurus {v} :: about to twist, about to bend, about to turn
plexus {v} :: plaited, having been plaited, woven, having been woven, braided, having been braided
plexus {v} :: twisted, having been twisted, bent, having been bent, turned, having been turned
plexus {noun} :: twining, plaiting, braid
Plias {prop} :: alternative form of Pleias
plicandus {v} :: which is to be folded
plicans {v} :: folding, rolling
plicatilis {adj} :: pliable, flexible (that may be folded up)
plicatrix {noun} :: A laundry-woman who folds clothes
plicaturus {v} :: about to fold
plicatus {v} :: folded, having been folded
plico {vt} :: I fold, bend or flex; I roll up
plico {vt} [late, non classical meaning] :: I arrive (this meaning comes from sailors, for whom the folding of a ship’s sails meant arrival on land)
Plinius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by:
Plinius {prop} :: Gaius Plinius Secundus, Pliny the Elder
Plinthine {prop} :: Plinthine (town) situated not far from Taposiris
plinthus {f} [architecture] :: plinth
plinthus {f} [surveying] :: a hundred-acre plot of land
plipio {vi} [of goshawks] :: I cry
plisimus {adj} :: alternative form of plūrimus
Plistia {prop} :: Plistia (town), mentioned only by Livy
plodo {v} :: alternative form of plaudō
plorandus {v} :: which is to be deplored
plorans {v} :: crying out
plorans {v} :: complaining
ploraturus {v} :: about to deplore
ploratus {v} :: cried out; complained; lamented
ploratus {noun} :: crying, wailing, weeping, lamenting
ploro {v} :: I cry out
ploro {v} :: I deplore
ploro {v} :: I lament, complain
plostrum {noun} :: alternative form of plaustrum
Plotinopolis {prop} :: A town of Thrace situated on the road from Trajanopolis to Hadrianopolis
plotus {noun} [New Latin, obsolete] :: synonym of anhinga: the darter or snakebird
ploxenum {noun} :: A wagon-box
pluit {v} :: It rains; it is raining
pluma {noun} :: feather, plume
pluma {noun} [by extension] :: metal scale of armor
pluma {noun} :: beard-down
plumacium {noun} :: A feather pillow; a down pillow
plumagine {noun} :: plumage
plumandus {v} :: which is to be feathered
plumans {v} :: feathering
plumarius {adj} :: of or pertaining to feathers
plumarius {adj} :: embroidered with feathers
plumarius {noun} :: embroiderer
plumaturus {v} :: about to feather
plumatus {v} :: feathered
plumbago {noun} :: graphite
plumbago {noun} :: the color of graphite
plumbago {noun} :: leadwort
plumbandus {v} :: which is to be soldered
plumbans {v} :: soldering
plumbarius {adj} :: Of or pertaining to lead
plumbarius {noun} :: A plumber
plumbaturus {v} :: about to solder
plumbatus {v} :: soldered
plumbea {noun} :: A ball of lead
plumbeum {noun} :: A leaden vessel
plumbeus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to lead
plumbeus {adj} :: Made of lead, leaden, full of lead
plumbeus {adj} :: Blunt, dull
plumbeus {adj} :: Heavy, burdensome
plumbeus {adj} [poetic] :: Vile, bad, poor
plumbeus {adj} [figuratively] :: Stupid, stolid
plumbo {v} :: I solder with lead
plumbo {v} :: I make with lead or out of lead
plumbosus {adj} :: leaden, full of lead
plumbum {noun} :: lead (metal)
plumbum {noun} :: ball of lead
plumbum {noun} [poetic] :: pipe of lead
plumbum {noun} [New Latin] :: pencil
plumescens {v} :: fledging
plumesco {v} :: I fledge (grow feathers)
plumeus {adj} :: downy, covered with down
plumeus {adj} [figuratively] :: soft, light, delicate
plumeus {adj} [figuratively] :: embroidered
plumifer {adj} :: Bearing soft, downy feathers
plumiger {adj} :: feathered, covered with feathers, feather-bearing
plumipes {adj} :: having feathered feet (poetic)
plumo {v} :: I feather; I cover with feathers
plumo {v} :: I embroider
plumo {v} :: I cover with scales
plumo {v} :: I grow feathers; become fledged
plumosus {adj} :: feathered, covered with feathers
plumosus {adj} [figuratively] :: downy
plumula {noun} :: a small feather
plumula {noun} :: a down feather
pluo {v} [impersonal] :: (it) rains
pluo {v} :: I fall or drip like rain
plurale tantum {noun} :: plurale tantum
pluralis {adj} :: plural; pertaining to more than one
pluralis {adj} [grammar] :: plural
pluralis {noun} [grammar] :: plural [short for numerus plurālis]
pluralitas {noun} :: plurality
pluries {adv} :: often, frequently
plurifariam {adv} :: in many places
plurifariam {adv} :: in many ways, manifoldly, variously
pluriformis {adj} [post-classical] :: pluriform, having many forms, manifold, varied
plurimus {adj} :: most
plurimus {adj} :: very many
plurivocus {adj} [Late Latin] :: Having different meanings or interpretations
plus {adj} :: (more in quantity) more, additionally
plus {adj} :: (more in extent) further
plusquamperfectum {noun} [grammar; neuter substantive (etymological)] :: the pluperfect
plusquamperfectus {adj} :: more than perfect
plusquamperfectus {adj} [grammar] :: pluperfect
Plutarchus {prop} :: Plutarch of Chaeronea (Lūcius Mestrius Plūtarchus, ca. 46 AD – 120 AD), a celebrated Graeco-Roman philosopher, historian, biographer, essayist, and priest at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi; best known for writing his Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, a biographical series commonly referred to as Plutarch's Parallel Lives
Plutarchus {prop} :: given name
pluteus {noun} :: A form of protective shed or breastwork
pluteus {noun} :: A moveable screen
pluteus {noun} :: A bookcase, bookshelf
plutonium {noun} :: plutonium
pluvia {noun} :: rain
pluvia {noun} :: [later] a shower (of something)
pluvialis {adj} :: Of or pertaining to rain
pluvialis {adj} :: rainy, bringing rain
pluviaticus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to rain
pluviatilis {adj} :: Of or pertaining to rain; consisting of rain
pluviosus {adj} :: Full of rain; rainy
pluvius {adj} :: rainy, bringing rain
pluvius {noun} :: The inner court of a dwelling, usually open to the sky and capable of collecting rainwater
p. m. {phrase} :: post meridiem — post meridiem (p.m.)
p. m. {phrase} :: per/pro mille () — permille (per mille)
p. m. {phrase} :: pro memoria
p. m. {phrase} :: post mortem — post mortem (post-mortem, postmortem)
P. M. {adv} :: alternative form of p. m.
pneumaticus {adj} [relational] :: wind
pneumaticus {adj} :: pneumatic
pneumophilus {adj} [New Latin] :: lung-loving
pnigeus {noun} :: A type of regulator in a water organ
pnigitis {noun} :: A type of clay used for pottery
pnix {noun} [pathology] :: A cramp, spasm
po- {prefix} :: off, away
poclum {noun} [ante-Classical] :: alternative form of pōculum
Pocrinium {prop} :: Pocrinium (town) situated along the course of the Liger
poculentus {adj} :: potable, drinkable
poculum {noun} :: a drinking cup
Podalia {prop} :: A town of Lycia situated not far from the sources of the Xanthus
podeo {v} :: alternative form of pudeō
podex {noun} [vulgar] :: [anatomy] anus, rectum, asshole
podex {noun} :: fundament
podia {noun} [nautical] :: A rope fastened to one of the lower corners of a sail
podium {noun} :: balcony, especially in an amphitheatre
poema {noun} :: poem (literary piece written in verse)
poema {noun} :: poetry
Poemamenus {prop} :: A town in the south of Cyzicus
poemarium {noun} :: collection of poems
poena {noun} :: penalty
poena {noun} :: punishment
poena {noun} [figurative] :: execution
poenae servus {noun} :: alternative form of servus poenae
poenalis {adj} :: penal; of or pertaining to punishment
poenaliter {adv} :: by punishment or penalty
poenarius {adj} :: of or belonging to punishment, penal, criminal
poenas do {v} [idiomatic] :: I pay the penalty
poeniendus {v} :: alternative form of pūnendus
poeniens {v} :: alternative form of pūnens
poenio {v} :: alternative form of puniō
poenitens {v} :: repenting
poenitentia {noun} :: alternative form of paenitentia
poeniteo {v} :: alternative form of paeniteō
poenitudo {noun} :: alternative form of paenitūdō
poeniturus {v} :: alternative form of pūnītūrus
poeniturus {v} :: alternative form of paenitūrus
poenitus {v} :: alternative form of pūnītus
Poenius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by:
Poenius {prop} :: Poenius Postumus, a Roman prefect
poesis {noun} :: poetry
poesis {noun} :: a poem
poeta {noun} :: poet
poetaster {noun} [New Latin] :: poetaster
poeticus {adj} :: poetic
Poetovio {prop} :: Poetovio (town), now Ptuj
poetria {noun} [ML.] :: poetry, poesy
poetria {noun} :: poetess
pogonias {noun} [astronomy] :: A kind of comet
Pohangensis {adj} :: of Pohang
Pohangum {prop} :: Pohang (city)
pol {interj} :: by Pollux!, truly!, really!
Pola {prop} :: Pula
polabicus {adj} :: Polabian
polaris {adj} [Late Latin] :: Of or pertaining to the poles (northern and southern)
polea {noun} [uncountable] :: The dung of an ass's foal, allegedly used, according to Pliny the Elder, for a preparation administered as a drug
Polemonium {prop} :: A town of Pontus situated at the mouth of the river Sidenus
polenta {noun} :: pearl barley, peeled-barley, hulled and crushed grain, groats
polenta {noun} :: barley meal
polia {f} [hapax legomenon, mineralogy] :: a precious stone
polia {noun} :: a stable of horses
Polichna {prop} :: A town of Laconia mentioned by Polybius
Polichna {prop} :: A town of Messenia
Polichna {prop} :: A town in Crete situated near Cydonia
Polichne {prop} :: A town in the upper valley of the Aesepus
poliendus {v} :: which is to be polished
poliens {v} :: polishing
Polimartium {prop} :: Polimartium (town), situated not far from the right bank of the river Tiber, now the town of Bomarzo
polimenta {noun} :: the testicles, especially of the pork
polio {v} :: I polish, I smooth
poliocephalus {adj} :: Used as a specific epithet; having a gray head
polion {noun} [Late Latin, plant] :: A strong-smelling plant, perhaps Teucrium polium
-polis {suffix} :: city; forms names of cities
politia {noun} [Late Latin] :: state, government
politice {adv} :: politically
politicus {adj} :: political, civil, of the state, relating to civil polity
Politorium {prop} :: Politorium (ancient city), destroyed at a very early period
politurus {v} :: about to polish
politus {v} :: polished
politus {v} :: smoothed
polium {noun} :: alternative form of polion
pollen {noun} [literally] :: flour, especially fine flour, milldust
pollen {noun} [transferred sense] :: the (very) fine powder or dust of other things
pollendus {v} :: which is to be prevailed
pollens {v} :: able, being strong; mighty, powerful
Pollentia {prop} :: Pollentia (city), situated near the confluence of the Stura and Tanaro
Pollentia {prop} :: Pollentia (town)
Pollentia {prop} :: Pollentia (town), now Pollença
polleo {v} :: to be strong or powerful; to prevail
polleo {v} [of medicines] :: to be potent, to operate
polleo {v} :: to be worth; to have importance
polleo {v} :: to be rich in
pollex {noun} :: thumb
pollex {noun} :: great toe
pollex {noun} :: a unit of distance, equivalent to approximately 24.6 mm; one uncia (see also: Ancient Roman units of measurement)
pollex {noun} :: seal (insignia)
pollicaris {adj} :: of a thumb
pollicendus {v} :: which is to be promised
pollicens {v} :: promising, guaranteeing
pollicens {v} :: bidding, offering
pollicens {v} :: forboding
polliceor {v} :: I promise, guarantee
polliceor {v} :: I bid, offer
polliceor {v} :: I forbode
pollice verso {phrase} :: with the thumb turned (how spectators indicated favor or displeasure at gladiatorial games)
pollicitandus {v} :: which is to be promised
pollicitans {v} :: promising
pollicitatio {noun} :: promise
pollicitaturus {v} :: about to promise
pollicitatus {v} :: promised
pollicitor {v} :: I promise
polliciturus {v} :: about to promise
pollicitus {v} :: promised, guaranteed
pollinctor {noun} :: undertaker; a person who prepared corpses for a funeral
pollingo {v} :: I wash a corpse in preparation for a funeral
pollinium {noun} [New Latin] :: pollinium
Pollio {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pollio {prop} :: Gaius Asinius Pollio, a Roman poet
pollis {f} :: alternative form of pollen
pollubrum {noun} :: A washbasin, a laver
polluceo {v} :: I place upon an altar as a sacrifice, offer (up)
polluceo {v} [of a meal] :: I serve up
polluceo {v} :: I entertain
pollucibilis {adj} :: sumptuous, rich, magnificent
pollucibiliter {adv} :: sumptuously, richly, magnificently
polluendus {v} :: which is to be soiled
polluens {v} :: soiling, defiling, polluting, staining, fouling
polluens {v} :: contaminating, violating, dishonouring, desecrating
polluo {v} :: I soil, defile, pollute, stain, foul
polluo {v} [figuratively, morally] :: I contaminate, violate, dishonor, desecrate, pollute, defile
pollus {adj} :: alternative form of polus
pollutio {noun} :: pollution, contamination, defilement
pollutrix {noun} [Late Latin] :: a (female) polluter
polluturus {v} :: about to soil
pollutus {v} :: Soiled, defiled, polluted, stained, fouled; having been soiled, defiled, polluted, stained or fouled
pollutus {v} :: Contaminated, violated, dishonored, desecrated, polluted; having been violated, dishonored, desecrated or polluted; corrupt, depraved; no longer virgin, unchaste
Polonia {prop} [Medieval Latin, New Latin] :: Poland
polonicus {adj} :: Polish
polonium {noun} :: polonium
polulus {adj} :: alternative form of paululus
polus {noun} :: pole (an extreme point of an axis)
Polusca {prop} :: A Volscian small town situated near Corioli
polyacanthus {adj} [New Latin] :: having many spines or thorns; polyacanthous
polyadenus {adj} [New Latin, botany] :: polyadenous (having many glands)
Polyaenus {prop} :: A rhetorician of Macedonia
Polyanthes {prop} :: A tributary river of the Aous
polyanthus {adj} [New Latin] :: Having many flowers
Polybus {prop} :: given name — famously held by:
Polybus {prop} :: a king of Corinth, at whose court Oedipus was brought up
Polybus {prop} :: one of the suitors of Penelope (the wife of Odysseus)
polycephalus {adj} [New Latin] :: A specific epithet for several organisms that appear to have many heads
polychresta {noun} :: polychrest
polychrestus {adj} :: polychrest
polychronius {adj} [Late Latin] :: long-lived
polydactylus {adj} [New Latin] :: many-fingered
polygamus {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: polygamous
polygonoides {noun} :: A type of clematis
polygonos {noun} :: knotgrass
polygonum {noun} [mathematics] :: polygon
polymitarius {adj} [relational] :: damask
polymitarius {adj} :: highly wrought or finished; ornate
polymitus {adj} :: woven with many threads; damasked
polymorphus {adj} :: polymorphous, polymorphic
Polynesia {prop} [New Latin] :: Polynesia
polynomium {noun} [mathematics] :: polynomial
polypodium {noun} [Late Latin, botany] :: a polypody
polypodium {noun} [Late Latin, botany] :: the polypodia collectively
polypus {noun} :: octopus
polypus {noun} :: cuttlefish
polypus {noun} :: nasal tumor
polyrhizus {adj} [New Latin] :: Having many roots
Polyrrhenia {prop} :: A town in the north-western part of Crete
polysemus {adj} :: Having many significations
polysigma {noun} :: overuse of the sound "s" in speaking
polyspaston {noun} :: A hoisting-tackle with many pulleys
Polytelia {prop} :: Polytelia (ancient town)
polytheismus {noun} :: polytheism
polytrichus {adj} [New Latin] :: Having many hairs
Polyxena {prop} [Greek mythology] :: The daughter of Priamus and Hecuba, sacrificed to the ghost of Achilles
polyzoarium {noun} :: A polyzoary
Pomanus {prop} :: A navigable river in the territory of the Pandarae
pomerium {noun} :: bounds, limits, especially the space on either side of town walls left free of buildings
Pometia {prop} :: Pometia (ancient city), whose position is unknown
pometum {noun} [post-Classical] :: a place planted with fruit trees, an orchard
pomifer {adj} :: fruit-bearing
pomoerium {noun} :: alternative form of pōmērium
Pomona {prop} [Roman god] :: the goddess of fruitful abundance
Pomona {prop} [metonymically] :: fruits
pomosus {adj} :: fruitful; full of fruit
pompa {noun} :: procession, parade
pompa {noun} :: pomp
pompalis {adj} :: processional
pompalis {adj} :: pompous
pompaliter {adv} :: processionally
pompaliter {adv} :: pompously
pompaticus {adj} :: showy, pompous, splendid
pompatus {v} :: acted or done pompously (with pomp)
pompatus {adj} :: splendid (with pomp)
Pompeiani {prop} :: inhabitants of Pompeii (a city), the Pompeiians
Pompeianum {prop} :: a villa of Cicero near Pompeii
Pompeianus {adj} :: of or belonging to Pompeii (a city), Pompeiian
Pompeii {prop} :: Pompeii (a maritime city in the south of Campania, overwhelmed by an eruption of Vesuvius, A.D. 79)
Pompeiopolis {prop} :: Pompeiopolis (city)
Pompeiopolis {prop} :: Soli, Cilica (city in Cilicia, modern Turkey, after being rebuilt)
Pompeius {prop} :: Pompey
Pompejus {prop} :: alternative form of Pompeius
Pompelo {prop} :: The chief town of the Vascones in Hispania Tarraconensis, now Pamplona
pompholyx {noun} :: A substance deposited from the smoke of smelting furnaces
pompilus {noun} :: pilot fish
pompo {v} :: I act pompously (with pomp)
Pomponius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pomponius {prop} :: Titus Pomponius Atticus, a Roman editor and patron of letters
Pomponius {prop} :: Pomponius Mela, a Roman geographer
pomum {noun} :: any type of fruit (applied to apples, cherries, nuts, berries, figs, dates, etc.)
pomum {noun} :: fruit tree
pomum aurancium {noun} :: alternative spelling of pōmum aurantium
pomum aurantium {noun} :: orange (fruit)
pomus {noun} :: fruit
pomus {noun} :: fruit tree
ponderandus {v} :: which is to be weighed; pondered
ponderans {v} :: weighing
ponderans {v} :: pondering
ponderatio {noun} :: weighing
ponderatio {noun} :: weight
ponderaturus {v} :: about to weigh; ponder
ponderatus {v} :: weighed; pondered
pondero {v} :: I weigh
pondero {v} :: I ponder, reflect on, weigh up
ponderositas {noun} :: ponderousness
ponderosus {adj} :: heavy, weighty, ponderous
pondo {adv} :: by weight, in weight
pondus {noun} :: weight
pondus {noun} :: weight of a pound
pondus {noun} :: heaviness, weight of a body
pondus {noun} :: load, burden
pondus {noun} :: quantity, number, multitude
pondus {noun} :: consequence, importance
pondus {noun} [of character] :: firmness, constancy
pondus atomicum {noun} [New Latin, physics, chemistry] :: atomic weight
pone {prep} :: behind; in the rear of
pone {adv} :: after, back, behind, in the rear
ponendus {v} :: which is to be placed, which is to be put, which is to be laid
ponendus {v} :: which is to be ordained
ponens {v} :: present active participle of pōnō
pono {v} :: I place, put, lay
pono {v} :: I ordain
pono {v} :: I set up, pitch (camp)
pons {noun} :: A bridge, a construction or natural feature that spans a divide
pons asinorum {noun} :: literally, "the Bridge of Asses": the geometric theorem (Euclid's fifth) that the two angles opposite the equal sides of an isosceles triangle are also equal
pons asinorum {noun} :: a difficult early test that must be passed if further progress is to be made
Pontia {prop} :: The most considerable island of the Pontine Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea, now Ponza
ponticulus {noun} :: little bridge
ponticus {adj} :: Pontic
Pontidius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by:
Pontidius {prop} :: Marcus Pontidius, a Roman orator
pontifex {noun} :: a high priest, State minister in ancient Rome
pontifex {noun} :: a pontiff or bishop of the early Christian church, now specifically the Pope
pontificalis {adj} :: pontifical
pontificatus {noun} :: pontificate (office of a pontif/pontifex)
pontificium {noun} :: The dignity of a pontiff or bishop
pontificius {adj} :: pontifical
Pontius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name", famously held by:
Pontius {prop} :: Pontius Pilatus
pontivagus {adj} :: wandering over the sea
pontivagus {noun} :: wanderer of the sea
pontivagus {noun} :: voyager, navigator
ponto {noun} :: ferryboat
ponto {noun} :: a floating bridge or pontoon
pontus {noun} :: the sea, the deep
pontus {noun} :: a wave (of the sea)
Pontus {prop} :: Pontus (kingdom and later Roman province)
Pontus {prop} :: the Black Sea
Pontus {prop} :: the general region around the Black Sea
Pontus Euxinus {prop} :: Black Sea
popa {noun} :: A priest's assistant (at a sacrifice)
popa {noun} :: A woman who sold animals for sacrifice
popanum {noun} :: a sacrificial cake
popayanensis {adj} [relational] :: Popayán
Popilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Popilius {prop} :: Marcus Popilius Laenas, a Roman consul
popina {noun} :: bar, bistro, cookshop, restaurant, eating house (place where food and drink was prepared and sold)
poples {noun} [literally] :: the ham of the knee, the hough, the hock
poples {noun} [transferred sense, in general] :: the knee
poplicus {adj} [Medieval Latin, rare] :: alternative form of publicus
Poppaeus {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Poppaeus {prop} :: Gaius Poppaeus Sabinus, a Roman consul
poppysma {noun} :: tut tut (clicking with the tongue or lips in approbation)
poppyzon {noun} :: one making a smacking noise with the mouth or lips
populabundus {adj} :: laying waste, ravaging
populandus {v} :: which is to be devastated
populans {v} :: ravaging
popularis {adj} :: popular (by, of or for the people)
popularis {noun} :: compatriot, comrade
populariter {adv} :: popularly, populistically (in a populist manner)
populatio {noun} :: the act of laying waste or plundering
populatio {noun} :: plunder, booty
populatio {noun} :: destruction, devastation, corruption, ruin
populatio {noun} [Late Latin] :: population; a people, multitude
populaturus {v} :: about to ravage
populatus {v} :: ravaged
populetum {noun} :: a poplar grove
populeus {adj} [relational] :: poplar
Populonia {prop} :: an epithet of Juno
Populonia {prop} :: Populonia (city), near the modern city of Piombino
populor {v} :: I lay waste, ravage or devastate
populor {v} :: I plunder or pillage
populor {v} :: I destroy or ruin
populus {noun} :: a people, nation
populus {noun} :: a community of people
populus {noun} :: the people
populus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a group of people
populus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a parish, part of a city
populus {noun} :: poplar tree
poquinus {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: alternative form of pauquinus, few
poquitus {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: little
poquitus {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: weak
-por {noun} :: suffixed to the genitive of the master’s name, forms names of male slaves: “—’s boy” = [gen.] servus
por- {prefix} :: forth, forward, further, onward
porca {noun} :: sow (female pig)
porca {noun} [agriculture] :: the ridge between two furrows; a balk
porcarius {adj} [Late Latin] :: of or relating to a swine
porcarius {noun} :: a swineherd
porcella {noun} [ante-Classical, Late Latin] :: female piglet
porcellanus {adj} [relational] :: porcelain
porcellus {noun} [Late Latin] :: piglet
porceo {v} [archaic] :: I keep or ward off or back, hinder, restrain
porcetra {noun} :: a sow that has once littered
Porcifera {prop} :: Porcifera (river), now Polcevera
porcile {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a pigsty
porcinus {adj} [relational] :: pig, swine, hog
porcinus {adj} :: porcine
Porcius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Porcius {prop} :: Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis, a Roman politician and statesman
Porcius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Porcia
porculetum {noun} [agriculture] :: a field divided into bed
porculus {noun} :: piglet; a little pig
porcus {noun} :: a piglet, a young pig
porcus {noun} :: [more generally] a pig, hog
porcus {noun} :: short for porcus marīnus
porcus {noun} [pejorative] :: glutton, pig
porcus {noun} :: female genitalia
Pordoselene {prop} :: An island lying between Lesbos and the coast of Asia
Pordoselene {prop} :: A town on this island
porisma {noun} :: A corollary
pornographia {noun} :: pornography
porosior {adj} :: more porous
porositas {noun} :: porosity
porosus {adj} :: porous
porphirio {noun} :: purple swamphen (Fulica porphyrio) (or similar waterfowl)
Porphyrius {prop} :: A Grecian philosopher, disciple of Plotinus
porpita {noun} [New Latin] :: brooch
porrectior {adj} :: more stretched or extended
porrecturus {v} :: about to stretch
porrecturus {v} :: about to offer as a sacrifice
porrectus {v} :: stretched, extended
porrectus {v} :: offered as a sacrifice
porricio {v} :: I make an offering of
porricio {v} :: I offer as a sacrifice
porricio {v} :: To bring forth, produce any thing
porrigendus {v} :: which is to be stretched
porrigens {v} :: stretching
porrigo {v} :: I stretch, spread out, extend
porrigo {v} :: I offer, hold out
porrigo {noun} :: dandruff, scurf
porro {adv} [of motion] :: on, forward, onward
porro {adv} [of giving something received] :: forward
porro {adv} [static, ;, Old Latin, Late Latin, poetic] :: away, yonder
porro {adv} [of motion, ;, Old Latin, Late Latin] :: outwards, away, outside
porro {adv} :: hereafter, henceforth
porro {adv} [in argumentation] :: then, furthermore, besides
porro {adv} :: on the other hand, but
porrò {adv} [New Latin] :: alternative spelling of porrō
porrum {noun} :: leek
porrum {noun} :: chives
Porsena {prop} :: A king of Etruria who made war on Rome
porta {noun} :: gate, especially of a city
porta {noun} :: entrance, passage, door
porta {noun} [figuratively] :: way, means
portabilis {adj} :: portable, capable of being carried
porta itineri longissima {phrase} [of journeys] :: the gate to the journey [is the] furthest (meaning the first step is always the hardest)
portandus {v} :: which is to be carried, borne
portans {v} :: carrying, bearing
portans {v} :: conveying, bringing
portarius {noun} :: doorkeeper, gatekeeper
portarius {noun} :: porter
portarius {noun} [New Latin, football] :: goalkeeper
portator {noun} :: carrier; bearer; bringer
portaturus {v} :: about to carry, bear
portatus {v} :: carried
portatus {v} :: conveyed
portendens {v} :: indicating
portendens {v} :: predicting, foretelling, portending
portendo {v} :: I indicate, point out
portendo {v} :: I predict, foretell, portend
portentus {v} :: indicated, pointed out
portentus {v} :: predicted, foretold
Porthmus {prop} :: A harbour of Euboea situated opposite to Rhamnus
porticus {noun} :: colonnade, arcade
porticus {noun} :: portico
portio {noun} :: share, part, portion
portio {noun} :: relation, proportion
portitor {noun} :: ferryman
portiuncula {noun} :: small part, portion
porto {v} :: I carry, bear
porto {v} :: I convey, bring
portoricensis {adj} :: Puerto Rican
portorium {noun} :: (in Roman Republic) port duty, levie paid by ships to finance upkeep of public harbours
portorium {noun} :: (in Roman Empire) 1/40 (2.5%) custom-tax on trade between Roman provinces
Portucale {prop} :: A city of Roman Lusitania now called Oporto, more specifically, Vila Nova de Gaia
Portucale {prop} [Medieval Latin] :: The region or county of Oporto
Portucale {prop} [Medieval Latin, New Latin] :: Portugal
portucalensis {adj} [Medieval Latin, New Latin] :: Portuguese
portucensis {adj} [Medieval Latin, New Latin] :: Portuguese
Portucensis {f} [Medieval Latin, New Latin] :: Portuguese
Portugallia {prop} [medieval, New Latin] :: Portugallia (country)
portulaca {noun} :: The purslane
Portunata {prop} :: Portunata (island)
Portunus {prop} :: a minor Roman god, protector of harbors, also called Palaemon
portus {noun} :: harbour, port
portus {noun} :: haven, refuge, asylum, retreat
portus {noun} :: warehouse
Portus {prop} [more fully “Portus Ostiēnsis Augustī” or, later, “Portus Rōmae”] :: Portus (large artificial harbour of Ancient Rome)
Portus Argous {prop} :: alternative form of Argōus Portus
Portus Ostium {prop} :: Portus Ostium (city)
porus {noun} :: pore, passage in the body
porus {noun} :: tufa
posca {noun} :: an acidulous drink of vinegar and water
Posca {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Posca {prop} :: Marcus Pinarius Posca, a Roman praetor
poscendus {v} :: which is to be requested
poscens {v} :: begging, requesting, desiring
posco {v} :: I beg, I demand, I request, I desire
posco {v} :: I demand for punishment, I ask the surrender of
posco {v} :: I call someone
posco {v} :: I ask in marriage, I demand one's hand
Posidea {prop} :: Posidea (town)
Posingae {prop} :: A tribe of India mentioned by Pliny
positio {noun} :: position, place
positio {noun} :: framing
positio {noun} :: theme
positio {noun} :: planting (of crops)
positio {noun} :: lie (of land)
positio {noun} :: attitude
positivus {adj} :: positive
positivus {adj} [grammar] :: positive (of an adjective, not comparative or superlative)
positurus {v} :: about to place, about to put, about to lay
positurus {v} :: about to ordain
positus {v} :: placed
positus {v} :: ordained
posse {noun} :: power, ability
posse {noun} :: potentiality, capability of being
posse {noun} [Late Latin] :: force, body of men
posse {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: territory, dominion
possessio {noun} :: The act of taking possession of, seizing, occupying, taking
possessio {noun} :: The act of holding; possession, occupation, control, occupancy
possessio {noun} :: That which is possessed; a possession, property
possessiuncula {noun} :: small possession or estate
possessivus {adj} :: possessive
possessor {noun} :: possessor, owner
possessor {noun} :: occupier
possessurus {v} :: about to possess, occupy or inhabit
possessus {v} :: possessed
possessus {v} :: seized
possestrix {noun} :: feminine noun of possessor
possibilis {adj} :: possible, that may exist, that may be done
possibilitas {noun} :: possibility
possibilitas {noun} :: power (to do something)
possidendus {v} :: which is to be possessed etc
possidens {v} :: having, holding, owning, possessing
possideo {v} :: I have, hold, own, possess
possideo {v} :: I possess lands, have possessions
possideo {v} :: I take control or possession of, seize, occupy
possideo {v} :: I occupy, inhabit, abide
possum {v} :: I am able, can
post {prep} :: (of space) behind
post {prep} :: (of time) after, since, (transf.) besides, except
post {adv} :: (of space) behind, back, backwards
post {adv} :: (of time) afterwards, after
post Christum natum {phrase} :: after Christ's birth; Anno Domini
postea {adv} :: afterwards, hereafter, thereafter
postea {adv} :: next, then
posteaquam {adv} :: after
posteo {v} :: I follow, go behind
posterior {adj} :: [of time] coming after, later; next, following
posterior {adj} :: the later of the two, [of persons] the younger
posterior {adj} :: [of space] further to the back, hinder, posterior
posterior {adj} :: later in position or order of mention, latter
posterior {adj} :: less important, secondary, inferior
posterior {noun} [chiefly in the plural] :: later generations
posteritas {noun} :: future time
posteritas {noun} :: posterity
posteritas {noun} :: offspring
posterus {adj} :: following, next, coming after
posterus {adj} [figuratively] :: inferior
posteundus {v} :: which is to be followed
postglenoidalis {adj} [New Latin] :: postglenoid
posthabendus {v} :: which is to be postponed, neglected
posthabens {v} :: postponing, neglecting
posthabeo {v} :: I place after, esteem less; postpone, neglect
posthabiturus {v} :: about to postpone, neglect
posthabitus {v} :: postponed, neglected
posthac {adv} :: After this time, henceforth, hereafter, in the future, from now on; thereafter
post hoc {phrase} :: after the fact
post hoc ergo propter hoc {phrase} [logic] :: after this, therefore because of this
posticulum {noun} :: a small outhouse
posticum {noun} :: back door
posticum {noun} :: outhouse
posticus {adj} :: back, rear, posterior
postiens {v} :: following
postilena {noun} :: crupper (contrivance to keep a saddle from sliding forward)
postis {noun} :: post, doorpost, doorjamb
postludium {noun} [New Latin, music] :: postlude
postmodo {adv} :: afterwards
postmodo {adv} :: presently, shortly
postmodum {adv} :: afterwards, presently, shortly, later
postorbitalis {adj} [New Latin] :: postorbital
postpono {v} :: I postpone
postpono {v} :: I neglect or disregard
postpositus {v} :: postponed
postpositus {v} :: neglected, disregarded
postquam {conj} :: after
postremo {adv} :: at last, finally
postremogenitus {adj} :: last-born
postremum {adv} :: last of all, finally
postremus {adj} :: last
postremus {adj} :: next, following (coming after)
postridie {adv} :: on the following/next day
postscribo {vt} :: I write after or under
post scriptum {phrase} :: postscript, after text, literary afterthought (at the end of any text)
post scriptum {phrase} :: after the written part
postscriptus {v} :: written after
posttympanicus {adj} [New Latin] :: posttympanic
postulandus {v} :: which is to be claimed, accused, required
postulans {v} :: asking, requesting etc
postulans {v} :: prosecuting, accusing etc
postulatio {noun} :: petition, request
postulatio {noun} :: complaint
postulaturus {v} :: about to claim, accuse, require
postulatus {noun} [legal] :: claim, demand, suit
postulatus {noun} :: request
postulatus {v} :: requested, demanded
postulatus {v} :: prosecuted, sued
postulo {v} :: I demand, ask, request, desire
postulo {v} :: I pretend, claim
postulo {v} :: I prosecute, accuse, impeach, sue
postulo {v} [of things] :: I contain, measure
postulo {v} [of things] :: I need, require, call for, demand
Postumius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Postumius {prop} :: Aulus Postumius Tubertus, a Roman military leader
Postumius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Postumia
postumus {adj} :: last, especially of children born following death of the father
postumus {noun} :: a posthumous child
potabilis {adj} :: drinkable, potable
potamogeton {noun} :: pondweed
Potamus {prop} :: A town of Attica situated north of Thoricus
potandus {v} :: which is to be drunk
potans {v} :: drinking (alcohol)
potatio {noun} :: drinking (act of)
potator {noun} :: drinker
potator {noun} :: tippler
potatus {v} :: alternative form of pōtus
potens {adj} :: being able (to), able; potent, mighty, strong, powerful
potentatus {noun} :: might, power
potentatus {noun} :: rule, dominion, command
potenter {adv} :: powerfully, forcefully
potenter {adv} :: effectively
potentia {noun} :: force, power, might
potentia {noun} :: ability, capacity
potentia {noun} :: political power, authority, influence, sway
potentia {noun} :: crutch, walking aid (Middle Latin only)
Potentia {prop} :: Potentia (city), situated in the valley of the Casuentus, now Potenza
Potentia {prop} :: Potentia (town), situated on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, now Potenza Picena
potentialis {adj} [relational] :: force, power
potentior {adj} :: mightier, stronger, more powerful
potentissimus {adj} :: mightiest, strongest, most or very powerful
potestas {noun} :: power, ability
potestas {noun} :: mastery, control
potestas {noun} :: authority, jurisdiction
potestas {noun} :: dominion, political power
potestas {noun} :: right, legal power
potestas {noun} [of a word] :: meaning
potestas {noun} :: possibility, opportunity
Potidaea {prop} :: An ancient city of Macedonia, situated in the narrowest point of the peninsula of Pallene
Potidania {prop} :: Potidania (town) situated on the borders of Locris
potiens {v} :: obtaining
Potina {prop} [Roman god] :: The goddess that presides over children's drinking
potio {noun} :: drinking
potio {noun} :: drink, draught, potion
potiono {v} :: I give to drink
potior {v} :: I obtain, acquire, get
potior {v} :: I grasp
potior {v} :: I attain
potior {v} :: I seize, capture
potior {v} :: I control
potior {adj} :: more able, capable; more possible; more preferable
potis {adj} :: able, capable, possible
potissimum {adv} :: chiefly, above all
potissimus {adj} :: strongest, mightiest, most powerful
potissimus {adj} :: chief, principal
Potitius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
Potitius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Potitia
potiturus {v} :: about to obtain
potitus {v} :: obtained, acquired
potitus {v} :: grasped
potitus {v} :: attained
potitus {v} :: seized, captured
potitus {v} :: controlled
Potitus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Potitus {prop} :: Lucius Valerius Potitus, a Roman consul
potius {adv} :: rather
potius {adv} :: rather than [potius quam]
potius {adv} :: instead
potius {adv} :: perhaps
poto {v} :: I drink (liquor)
potor {noun} :: drinker (especially a hard-drinker)
potorius {adj} [relational] :: drinking
potrix {noun} :: tippler (female)
potulentus {adj} :: rather drunk, tipsy
potulentus {adj} :: alternative form of pōculentus
poturus {v} :: about to drink
potus {noun} :: drink, draught
potus {noun} :: drinking (action)
potus {v} :: drunk, having been drunk
potus {v} :: drained, having been drained
practicus {adj} :: practical
practicus {adj} :: active
prae- {prefix} :: before; in front
prae- {prefix} :: in charge
prae {adv} :: before
prae {adv} :: in front
prae {prep} :: before
prae {prep} :: in front of
prae {prep} :: because of
praeacutus {adj} :: sharpened, pointed
praealtus {adj} :: very high
praealtus {adj} :: very deep
praeambulo {v} :: I walk before
praeambulum {noun} [Medieval Latin, Late Latin] :: preamble, preface
praeambulus {adj} [Late Latin] :: preceding
praeambulus {adj} [Late Latin] :: preparatory
praeambulus {noun} [Late Latin] :: forerunner
praeaudio {v} :: I hear beforehand
praebendus {v} :: which is to be proffered
praebens {v} :: proffering
praebens {v} :: providing
praebeo {v} :: I proffer
praebeo {v} :: I provide, grant, service
praebeo {v} :: I show, display
praebeo {v} :: [reflexive] I show myself (to be)
praebitio {noun} :: giving, furnishing, supplying, providing (act of)
praebiturus {v} :: about to proffer or provide
praebitus {v} :: proffered
praebitus {v} :: provided
praecanto {v} [pre-Classical] :: I foretell, prophesy
praecanto {v} [post-Augustan] :: I enchant, bewitch
praecantor {noun} [Late Latin] :: enchanter
praecauturus {v} :: about to guard against
praecautus {v} :: guarded against
praecavendus {v} :: which is to be guarded against
praecavens {v} :: guarding against
praecaveo {vt} :: I guard against (beforehand), seek to avert or prevent
praecaveo {vi} :: I take care or heed, beware; I am on my guard
praecedendus {v} :: which is to be preceded, surpassed
praecedens {v} :: preceding
praecedens {v} :: surpassing, excelling
praecedo {v} :: I precede (go before)
praecedo {v} :: I surpass or excel
praecellens {v} :: surpassing, excelling
praecellens {adj} :: excellent; preeminent
praecellenter {adv} :: surpassingly, excellingly
praecellentissimus {adj} :: most or very excellent
praecellentissimus {adj} :: most or very preeminent
praecello {v} :: (transitive) I surpass, outdo
praecello {v} :: I excel (with per or ablative)
praecentio {noun} :: prelude (singing or playing before a sacrifice, battle etc)
praeceps {adj} :: head first, headlong
praeceps {adj} :: steep, precipitous
praeceps {adj} [figuratively] :: hasty, rash, precipitate
praeceps {adv} :: headlong
praeceps {noun} :: a precipice, steep place
praeceps {noun} :: extreme danger
praeceptio {noun} :: taking or receiving in advance; anticipation
praeceptio {noun} :: preconception
praeceptio {noun} :: precept
praeceptor {noun} :: teacher, instructor, tutor, preceptor
praeceptor {noun} :: commander, ruler
praeceptum {noun} :: teaching, lesson
praeceptum {noun} :: precept
praeceptum {noun} :: order, command
praecepturus {v} :: about to take or seize
praecepturus {v} :: about to anticipate
praeceptus {v} :: anticipated
praecerpo {v} :: I pluck, pick, harvest beforehand, or before the right time
praecerpo {v} :: I lessen or diminish
praecessor {noun} :: predecessor
praecessor {noun} :: superior (person of higher rank)
praecessurus {v} :: about to precede, surpass
praecessus {v} :: preceded, surpassed
praecidens {v} :: shortening
praecidens {v} :: separating
praecidens {v} :: battering
praecido {v} :: I cut off in front or through; shorten; sever, separate
praecido {v} :: I beat to pieces, batter, smash
praecido {v} [nautical] :: I cut off or across, avoid, sail straight
praecido {v} [of discourse] :: I cut short, abridge; I am brief; break off or finish abruptly
praecido {v} :: I break off, cut off, end, destroy
praecido {v} :: I deny flatly, refuse, decline
Praecilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
praecinctus {v} :: surrounded, encircled
praecingo {v} :: I gird about
praecingo {v} :: I surround or encircle
praecino {v} :: I sing or play before
praecino {v} :: I predict, foretell
praecipiendus {v} :: about to predict or foretell
praecipiens {v} :: anticipating
praecipio {v} :: I take or seize beforehand, in advance
praecipio {v} :: I anticipate
praecipio {v} :: I enjoin, direct, order, command
praecipio {v} :: I teach, instruct, advise, inform
praecipitandus {v} :: which is to be thrown
praecipitans {v} :: throwing
praecipitatio {noun} :: headlong fall
praecipitatio {noun} :: inconsiderate haste
praecipitatio {noun} :: precipitation (all senses)
praecipitaturus {v} :: about to throw
praecipitatus {v} :: cast down; thrown headlong
praecipitium {noun} :: precipice
praecipito {v} :: I cast down; I throw headlong
praecipue {adv} :: especially
praecipue {adv} :: chiefly
praecipuus {adj} :: particular, special
praecipuus {adj} :: distinguished, preeminent
praecisio {noun} :: the act of cutting off
praecisio {noun} :: a piece cut off; cut, cutting
praecisio {noun} [rhetoric] :: the act of breaking off abruptly, aposiopesis
praecisio {noun} :: an overreaching
praecisus {v} :: shortened, severed
praecisus {v} :: battered, smashed
praeclamo {v} :: I forewarn (cry out beforehand)
praeclare {adv} :: clearly
praeclare {adv} :: splendidly
praeclare {adv} :: famously
praeclare {adv} :: nobly
praeclarior {adj} :: even clearer
praeclarior {adj} :: even brighter
praeclarissimus {adj} :: clearest, brightest; most famous
praeclaritas {noun} :: excellence
praeclarus {adj} :: Very clear or bright
praeclarus {adj} :: Famous
praecludo {v} :: I close or block
praecludo {v} :: I forbid access to
praeclusus {v} :: blocked, closed
praeco {noun} :: herald, crier
praecogito {v} :: I ponder beforehand; I precogitate
praecogito {v} :: I premeditate
praecognitus {v} :: foreknown, foreseen
praecognosco {v} :: I foresee or foreknow
praeconceptus {adj} :: preconceived
praeconium {noun} :: the office of a public crier or auctioneer
praeconium {noun} :: a publishing or proclaiming
praeconius {adj} [relational] :: publishing, advertising
praecoquus {adj} :: alternative form of praecox
praecordia {noun} [anatomy] :: diaphragm; midriff
praecordia {noun} :: entrails
praecordia {noun} :: chest
praecordium {noun} :: diaphragm (midriff)
praecordium {noun} [in the plural] :: entrails, vitals
praecox {adj} :: ripe before its time; premature
praecox {adj} :: precocious; untimely
praecupidus {adj} :: very desirous or fond of
praecuro {v} :: I arrange (etc) beforehand
praecurrens {v} :: preceding
praecurrens {v} :: surpassing
praecurro {v} :: I run before
praecurro {v} :: I precede
praecurro {v} :: I surpass
praecursor {noun} :: forerunner, vanguard
praecursor {noun} :: spy
praecursus {v} :: preceded
praecursus {v} :: surpassed
praeda {noun} :: plunder, spoils of war, booty
praeda {noun} :: prey, game taken in the hunt
praeda {noun} :: gain, profit
praedabundus {adj} :: ravaging, pillaging, plundering
praedamno {v} :: I condemn beforehand
praedandus {v} :: to be plundered, raided
praedans {v} :: pillaging, plundering
praedans {v} :: robbing
praedatio {noun} :: the taking of booty or plunder; predation
praedator {noun} :: raider, plunderer, pillager, hunter
praedator {noun} [biology] :: predator
praedatorius {adj} :: plundering piratical, rapacious, predatory
praedatus {v} :: pillaged, plundered, despoiled
praedatus {v} :: ravaged, robbed
praedestinatus {v} :: predestined, predetermined
praedestino {v} :: I predestine or predetermine
praedestino {v} :: I provide beforehand
praedetermino {v} :: I fix beforehand; I predetermine
praedialis {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: relating to farms or estates
praediator {noun} :: A person who buys, or deals in properties at auction
praediatorius {adj} :: prediatory (relating to the auctioning of land/property)
praedicabilis {adj} :: praiseworthy, laudable
praedicamentum {noun} [Late Latin] :: that which is predicated, a predicament, category
praedicamentum {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a preaching, discourse
praedicandus {v} :: which is to be proclaimed, which is to be declared publicly
praedicandus {v} :: which is to be announced, which is to be made known
praedicandus {v} :: which is to be praised, which is to be commended, which is to be extolled
praedicans {v} :: proclaiming, declaring publicly
praedicans {v} :: announcing, making known
praedicans {v} :: praising, commending, extolling
praedicatio {noun} :: public proclamation or publication
praedicatio {noun} :: praise, commendation
praedicatio {noun} :: prediction, prophesy
praedicatio {noun} :: preaching
praedicative {adv} [rare] :: positively
praedicativus {adj} :: declaring, asserting, predicative
praedicator {noun} :: one who makes a thing publicly known, a proclaimer, publisher, crier
praedicatorius {adj} :: a praising, laudatory
praedicatrix {noun} :: a woman who makes known; a female proclaimer, publisher
praedicatum {noun} :: thing said of a subject
praedicaturus {v} :: about to proclaim, about to declare publicly
praedicaturus {v} :: about to announce, about to make known
praedicaturus {v} :: about to praise, about to commend, about to extol
praedicatus {v} :: proclaimed, having been proclaimed, declared publicly, having been declared publicly
praedicatus {v} :: announced, having been announced, made known, having been made known
praedicatus {v} :: praised, having been praised, commended, having been commended, extolled, having been extolled
praedicendus {v} :: which is to be foretold, which is to be predicted
praedicendus {v} :: which is to be notified, which is to be given warning of
praedicendus {v} :: which is to be advised, which is to be admonished, which is to be charged with what should be done
praedicendus {v} :: which is to be announced at an auction
praedicens {v} :: foretelling, predicting
praedicens {v} :: notifying, giving warning of
praedicens {v} :: advising, admonishing, charging with what should be done
praedicens {v} :: announcing at an auction
praedico {v} :: I proclaim, declare publicly
praedico {v} :: I announce, make known
praedico {v} :: I praise, commend, extol
praedico {v} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: I preach the gospel
praedico {v} :: I foretell, predict
praedico {v} :: I notify, give warning of
praedico {v} :: I advise, admonish, charge with what should be done
praedico {v} :: I announce at an auction
praedictio {noun} :: foretelling, prediction
praedictivus {adj} :: foretelling, predictive
praedictum {noun} :: a prediction
praedictum {noun} :: a forewarning
praedictum {noun} :: a command
praedicturus {v} :: about to foretell, about to predict
praedicturus {v} :: about to notify, about to give warning of
praedicturus {v} :: about to advise, about to admonish, about to charge with what should be done
praedicturus {v} :: about to announce at an auction
praedictus {v} :: foretold, having been foretold, predicted, having been predicted
praedictus {v} :: notified, having been notified, given warning of, having been given warning of
praedictus {v} :: advised, having been advised, admonished, having been admonished, charged with what should be done, having been charged with what should be done
praedictus {v} :: announced at an auction, having been announced at an auction
praedifficilis {adj} :: very difficult, troublesome
praedigestus {adj} :: well-digested
praedilectus {adj} :: favourite, chosen, beloved
praedispono {v} :: I dispose, distribute or arrange in advance
praedispositio {noun} :: predisposition
praedispositus {adj} :: prepared or arranged in advance
praedispositus {adj} :: predisposed
praeditus {adj} [frequent, Classical, construed with the ablative] :: endowed, gifted, or provided with, possessed of something (above others)
praeditus {adj} [post-Augustean, of a deity, construed with the dative] :: placed or set over, presiding over any thing
praedium {noun} :: farm
praedium {noun} :: estate
praedium {noun} :: manor
praedo {noun} :: robber, thief
praedo {noun} :: pirate
praedo {noun} :: criminal
praedo {v} :: alternative form of praedor
praedoceo {vt} :: I teach, instruct or inform beforehand
praedominans {v} :: predominating
praedominantia {noun} :: predominance
praedominaturus {v} :: about to predominate
praedominatus {v} :: predominated
praedominor {v} :: I predominate
praedor {v} :: I acquire loot, such as through robbery or war
praedor {v} :: I pillage, plunder, despoil
praedor {v} :: I ravage, rob, take
praeduco {v} :: I lead, draw, interpose, make or put before or in front
praeductal {noun} :: a pencil for drawing lines
praeductorius {adj} :: of or for drawing forwards
praeemineo {v} :: I project forward; I am prominent
praeemineo {v} [figuratively] :: I surpass, excel, [can be used with the dat and the acc]
praeeo {v} :: I precede (with dat.)
praeeo {v} :: I go forward; lead the way
praeeo {v} :: I dictate
praeeundus {v} :: which is to be preceded
praefans {v} :: prefacing
praefatio {noun} :: preface, prologue
praefatio {noun} :: appellation, title, honorific
praefaturus {v} :: about to preface
praefatus {v} :: prefaced etc
praefectissa {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: female steward or governor; wife of a steward or governor
praefectura {noun} :: presidency, superintendence, prefecture
praefectus {noun} :: officer, official
praefectus {adj} :: put in charge
praeferendus {v} :: which is to be presented
praeferens {v} :: presenting
praefero {v} :: I bear, hold or carry before or forth
praefero {v} :: I carry before, place or set before, offer, present
praefero {v} :: I place someone or something before another
praefero {v} :: I prefer, like
praefero {v} :: I take beforehand, anticipate
praefero {v} :: I show, display, exhibit, discover, expose, reveal, betray
praeferox {adj} :: very fierce, bold, violent etc
praefestino {v} :: I am overhasty
praefestino {v} :: I hasten past
praefica {noun} :: A woman hired to lament at the head of a funeral procession; wailer
praeficiendus {v} :: which is to be placed in command
praeficiens {v} :: placing in command
praeficio {v} :: I place in command
praefigo {v} :: I fasten before, attach in front
praefigo {v} :: I point with
praefiguratio {noun} :: prefiguration
praefinio {v} :: I determine or fix beforehand; I prescribe
praefinio {v} :: I limit (set bounds)
praefinitio {noun} :: appointment (fixed beforehand)
praefinitus {v} :: prescribed
praefinitus {v} :: limited (within bounds)
praefixus {v} :: fastened or attached in front
praefixus {v} :: prefixed
praefloreo {vi} :: I flower or blossom early
praefluo {vit} :: I flow or run by or past
praefoco {vt} :: I choke, suffocate
praefoco {vt} :: I block, obstruct
praefoco {v} [passive] :: I am choking
praefodio {v} :: I dig or bury before or in front of
praefodio {v} [of time] :: I dig or bury before
praefor {v} :: I say, utter, mention beforehand or in advance
praefor {v} :: I preface
praefor {v} :: I say a preliminary prayer
praefugio {v} :: I flee before
praefulgeo {v} :: I shine or beam forth (greatly), glitter in front of
praefulgeo {v} [figuratively] :: I shine or glitter too much, shine above noticeably
praefundo {vt} :: I pour out, shed, sprinkle (especially before or in addition)
praefuturus {v} :: about to preside
praegaudeo {vi} :: I rejoice greatly
praegero {v} :: I bear or carry before
praegero {v} :: I do before
praegestio {v} :: I am very eager (to)
praegestio {v} :: I desire greatly (to)
praegnans {adj} :: alternative form of praegnās
praegnas {adj} :: with child, pregnant
praegrande emporium {noun} [New Latin] :: supermarket
praegrandis {adj} :: very large; huge, colossal
praegrandis {adj} :: very great; powerful
praegravis {adj} :: very heavy; burdensome
praegrediens {v} :: preceding
praegrediens {v} :: surpassing
praegredior {v} :: I precede (go ahead or before)
praegredior {v} :: I surpass or excel
praegressus {v} :: Gone ahead
praegustator {noun} :: taster (of food before it is brought to table)
praegustatus {v} :: tasted beforehand
praegusto {v} :: I taste (eat or drink) beforehand
praehibendus {v} :: alternative form of praebendus
praehibens {v} :: alternative form of praebens
praehibeo {v} :: alternative form of praebeō
praehibiturus {v} :: alternative form of praebiturus
praehibitus {v} :: alternative form of praebitus
praeiaceo {v} :: I am situated or lie before or in front of
praeiacio {v} :: alternative form of praeicio
praeicio {v} :: I throw or cast up in front
praeicio {v} [figuratively] :: I cast up, object, utter reproachfully
praeiens {v} :: preceding
praeintelligo {v} :: I have foreknowledge (of)
praeiturus {v} :: about to precede
praeitus {v} :: preceded
praeiudicandus {v} :: which is to be prejudged
praeiudicans {v} :: prejudging
praeiudicaturus {v} :: about to prejudge
praeiudicatus {v} :: prejudged
praeiudicium {noun} :: precedent, example
praeiudicium {noun} :: prejudgment
praeiudico {v} :: I prejudge
praeiuratio {noun} :: An initial oathtaking which others then repeat
praejaceo {v} :: alternative form of praeiaceō
praejacio {v} :: alternative form of praeicio
praejicio {v} :: alternative form of praeiciō
praejudicatus {v} :: alternative form of praeiudicatus
praejudicium {noun} :: alternative form of praeiudicium
praejudico {v} :: alternative form of praeiūdicō
praejuratio {noun} :: alternative form of praeiūrātiō
praelatura {noun} :: prelature; of or pertaining to a prelate
praelaturus {v} :: about to present
praelatus {v} :: carried
praelatus {v} :: offered, presented
praelatus {v} :: preferred
praelatus {v} :: anticipated
praelatus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: prelate
praelecturus {v} :: about to read something to others, about to recite, about to set an example in reading, about to lecture upon an author
praelecturus {v} :: about to sail by or along, about to skirt
praelectus {v} :: read to others, having been read to others, recited, having been recited, set as an example in reading, having been set as an example in reading, lectured upon, having been lectured upon
praelectus {v} :: sailed by, having been sailed by, skirted, having been skirted
praelegandus {v} :: which is to be bequeathed
praelegans {v} :: bequeathing
praelegaturus {v} :: about to bequeath
praelegatus {v} :: bequeathed, having been bequeathed
praelegendus {v} :: which is to be read to others, which is to be recited, which is to be set as an example in reading, which is to be lectured upon
praelegendus {v} :: which is to be sailed by, which is to be skirted
praelegens {v} :: reading something to others, reciting, setting an example in reading, lecturing upon an author
praelegens {v} :: sailing by or along, skirting
praelego {v} :: I read something to others, recite, set an example in reading, lecture upon an author
praelego {v} :: I pick or choose out, select
praelego {v} :: I sail by or along somewhere, skirt
praelego {v} :: I bequeath beforehand, bequeath something to be given before the inheritance is divided
praeliaris {adj} :: alternative form of proeliāris
praeliator {noun} :: alternative form of proeliātor
praelibatio {noun} :: offering of the first fruits
praeligandus {v} :: which is to be bound
praeligans {v} :: binding
praeligaturus {v} :: about to bind
praeligatus {v} :: bound
praeligo {v} :: I bind
praeligo {v} :: I tether
praelium {noun} :: alternative form of proelium
praelocutio {noun} :: preface, foreword
praelongus {adj} :: very long
praeloquor {v} :: I speak beforehand or first, speak before another, forestall in speaking
praeloquor {v} :: I say beforehand in the way of a preface, premise
praeloquor {v} :: I foretell, predict
praelucens {v} :: lighting the way
praeluceo {v} :: I shine or give light before or in front; hold or carry light in front, light (the way)
praeluceo {v} :: I am bright, shine forth
praeluceo {v} :: I shine brighter, outshine, surpass
praeludium {noun} :: A prologue, prelude
praeludo {v} :: I play beforehand (as practice)
praeludo {v} :: I preface
praelusio {noun} :: a prelude
praelustris {adj} :: very illustrious or magnificent
praemando {v} :: I preorder
praemando {v} :: I chew beforehand
praemando {v} :: I explain accurately and clearly
praematurus {adj} :: premature, untimely
praemedicatus {adj} :: protected from disease by a medicine or a charm
praemeditor {v} :: I muse or deliberate beforehand; I premeditate
praemissurus {v} :: about to forward
praemissus {v} :: sent forward or ahead
praemittendus {v} :: which is to be forwarded
praemittens {v} :: forwarding
praemitto {v} :: I send forward or ahead
praemium {noun} :: profit derived from booty, booty
praemium {noun} :: profit, advantage, prerogative, distinction
praemium {noun} :: prize, reward, recompense
praemium {noun} :: bribe, bribery
praemoneo {v} :: I admonish or remind beforehand, forewarn
praemoneo {v} :: I foretell, predict, foreshow; foreshadow
praemonitio {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: a warning
praemonitor {noun} [post-Classical Latin] :: a forewarner, premonitor
praemonitorius {adj} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: that gives previous warning; premonitory
praemonitus {v} :: forewarned
praemonitus {v} :: predicted
praemonstratus {v} :: Having been guided, having been directed, having been briefed
praemonstro {v} :: I show beforehand; I guide, direct
praemonstro {v} :: I predict, presage, prognosticate
praemordeo {v} :: I bite in front or at the end of something
praemordicus {adj} :: bitten off at one end (as when eating asparagus)
praemorior {v} :: I die prematurely
praemoveo {v} :: I move beforehand, stir greatly
praemuniendus {v} :: which is to be fortified
praemuniens {v} :: fortifying
praemunio {v} :: I fortify (defend in advance)
praemunio {v} :: I safeguard
praemuniturus {v} :: about to fortify
praemunitus {v} :: fortified
Praeneste {prop} :: One of the most ancient and important cities of Latium, famous for its sanctuary, now Palestrina
praeniteo {v} :: I shine or glitter forth; shine brightly
praeniteo {v} [figuratively, with dative] :: I outshine, excel in brilliance
praenomen {noun} :: An ancient Roman first name
prænomen {noun} :: alternative form of praenomen
praenoscens {v} :: foreknowing
praenosco {v} :: I foreknow
praenotatio {noun} [Late Latin] :: The act of noting beforehand
praenotatus {v} :: perfect participle of praenotō
praenotio {noun} :: preconception
praenoto {v} [post-Classical Latin] :: I mark or note beforehand
praenoto {v} [post-Classical Latin] :: I entitle, name
praenoto {v} [post-Classical Latin] :: I note or designate beforehand
praenoto {v} [post-Classical Latin] :: I note down, write down
praenuntians {v} :: foretelling, predicting
praenuntio {v} :: I announce beforehand
praenuntio {v} :: I foretell or predict
praeoccupatio {noun} :: preoccupation
praeoccupatio {noun} :: anticipation
praeoccupatus {v} :: preoccupied
praeoccupatus {v} :: anticipated, prevented
praeoccupo {v} :: I seize or occupy beforehand: I preoccupy
praeoccupo {v} :: I anticipate or prevent
praeoleo {v} :: I emit or exhale an odor beforehand
praeopto {v} :: I prefer
praeordinatio {noun} :: preordination
praeordinatus {v} :: preordained
praeordino {v} :: I preordain
praeparandus {v} :: which is to be prepared
praeparans {v} :: preparing
praeparatio {noun} :: preparation (act or result of preparing)
praeparativus {adj} :: preparative
praeparatorius {adj} :: preparatory
praeparaturus {v} :: about to prepare
praeparatus {v} :: prepared, having been prepared
praeparo {v} :: I prepare
praependeo {v} :: I hang before or down in front
praepes {adj} :: swift (of flight), rapid
praepes {adj} :: winged
praepollens {v} :: exceeding or surpassing in power or influence
praepolleo {v} :: I exceed or surpass in power or influence; I am very powerful or distinguished
praeponderatus {v} :: preponderated, outweighed, overweighed
praepondero {v} :: I preponderate (give more weight or influence to)
praeponendus {v} :: which is to be placed in command etc
praeponens {v} :: placing in command; putting in front of
praepono {v} :: I place in command, in front of or before
praepositio {noun} :: preference
praepositio {noun} :: prefixing
praepositio {noun} [grammar] :: preposition
praepositurus {v} :: about to place in command etc
praepositus {v} :: placed in front
praepositus {v} :: placed in command
praepositus {noun} :: One placed in command: a commander, a leader, particularly:
praepositus {noun} :: A prefect
praepositus {noun} :: A chief, a head
praepositus {noun} :: An overseer
praepositus {noun} :: A president
praepositus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: A provost
praepositus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: A reeve
praepositus villae {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: A constable
praepositus villae {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: An underconstable, a petty constable
praepositus villae {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: A reeve
praeposterus {adj} :: reversed, inverted
praeposterus {adj} :: perverted, distorted
praeposterus {adj} :: absurd, preposterous
praepotens {adj} :: very powerful etc
praepropere {adv} :: too hastily or precipitously
praeproperus {adj} :: overhasty, sudden, precipitate
praeputium {noun} [anatomy] :: prepuce, foreskin
praequestus {adj} :: complaining beforehand
praereptus {v} :: snatched away
praereptus {v} :: forestalled
praeripio {v} :: I snatch (before another)
praeripio {v} :: I forestall
praerogatio {noun} :: A distributing beforehand
praerogatio {noun} :: A vote, decision or verdict beforehand
praerogativa {noun} :: The tribe or century to which it fell by lot to vote first in the Comitia
praerogativa {noun} :: The choice of the century that voted first
praerogativa {noun} :: A previous choice, verdict or election
praerogativa {noun} :: A sure sign, token, prognostic or omen
praerogativa {noun} :: A prior preference, privilege, prerogative or claim
praerogativatius {noun} :: Someone who enjoys certain privileges or prerogatives
praerogativus {adj} :: That is asked before others for one's opinion, that votes before or first, prerogative
praerogatus {v} :: Asked before someone else or first, having been asked before someone else or first
praerogatus {v} :: Paid beforehand or in advance, having been paid beforehand or in advance
praerogo {v} :: I ask before someone else, ask first
praerogo {v} :: I pay beforehand or in advance
praerumpo {v} :: I break off
praerumpo {v} :: I tear to pieces
praeruptissimus {adj} :: hastiest, most or very rash or precipitate
praeruptus {v} :: broken off
praeruptus {v} :: torn to pieces
praeruptus {adj} :: hasty, rash, precipitate
praes {noun} :: surety, bondsman
praes {adv} :: at hand; now
praesaepe {noun} :: enclosure, pen, fold
praesaepe {noun} [by extension] :: hut, dwelling
praesaepe {noun} :: a crib
praesaepe {noun} [astronomy] :: space between the two stars called Aselli in the constellation of Cancer
praesaepio {v} :: I block up or fence in front; I barricade
praesaepium {noun} :: alternative form of praesaepe
praesaeptus {v} :: barricaded
praesagio {v} :: I forebode
praesagium {noun} :: premonition, presentiment, foreboding
praesagus {adj} :: foreboding
praesagus {adj} :: prophetic
praesciens {v} :: foreknowing
praesciens {v} :: predicting, foretelling
praescientia {noun} :: foreknowledge, prescience
praescio {v} :: I foreknow, know in advance
praescius {adj} :: prescient
praescribo {v} :: I write in front; I prefix
praescribo {v} :: I order, appoint, direct, command or prescribe
praescriptio {noun} :: preface, introduction, commencement
praescriptio {noun} :: pretext, excuse, pretence
praescriptio {noun} :: precept, order, rule, law
praescriptus {v} :: prefixed
praescriptus {v} :: ordered, appointed, directed, commanded or prescribed
praesens {adj} :: present
praesens {adj} :: immediate
praesens {adj} :: at hand
praesens {adj} :: existing
praesens {adj} :: prompt
praesens {adj} :: propitious
praesens {adj} [grammar] :: present
praesentans {v} :: presenting
praesentans {v} :: showing
praesentatio {noun} :: presentation, exhibition, showing
praesentatus {v} :: Presented, exhibited or shown
praesente {noun} :: present circumstance
praesentia {noun} :: presence; the state of being present or at hand
praesentia {noun} :: present (time)
praesenti fortuna peior est futuri metus {phrase} :: the fear of the future is worse than present fortune
praesenti fortuna pejor est futuri metus {phrase} :: alternative typography of praesentī fortūnā pēior est futūrī metus
praesentio {v} :: I have a presentiment
praesentio {v} :: I presage
praesento {v} :: I present, exhibit or show
praesepe {noun} :: alternative form of praesaepe
praesepium {noun} :: alternative form of praesaepium
praesertim {adv} :: especially
praesertim {adv} :: particularly
praeservio {v} :: I am a slave to; I serve
praeservo {v} :: I watch over beforehand
praeservo {v} :: I protect beforehand, keep beforehand, guard beforehand, save beforehand
praeservo {v} :: I preserve, store beforehand
praeses {noun} :: sitting before ..
praeses {noun} :: protector, guard, guardian, defender
praeses {noun} :: head, chief, ruler
praesessurus {v} :: about to guard
praesidendus {v} :: which is to be guarded etc
praesidens {v} :: sitting before or in front of
praesidens {v} :: sitting beforehand
praesidens {v} :: guarding, watching, protecting, defending
praesidens {v} :: presiding over, directing, commanding, controlling, governing, superintending
praesidens {v} [substantive] :: a president, director, ruler, governor, leader
praesideo {v} :: I sit before or in front of
praesideo {v} :: I sit beforehand
praesideo {v} :: I guard, watch, protect, defend
praesideo {v} :: I preside over, have the care or management of, direct, command, control, govern, superintend
praesidium {noun} :: defence, protection, help, aid, assistance
praesidium {noun} :: guard, garrison, convoy, escort
praesono {vi} :: I sound beforehand
praesono {vt} :: I sound louder than something, surpass above something in sound
praestabilior {adj} :: more preeminent etc
praestabilis {adj} :: preeminent, distinguished, excellent
praestabilis {adj} :: exalted
praestandus {v} :: which is to be excelled
praestans {v} :: excelling
praestans {v} :: providing, supplying
praestantia {noun} :: preeminence, superiority, excellence
praestantior {adj} :: more excelling
praestantissimus {adj} :: Most outstanding, most excellent
praestantissimus {adj} :: Very outstanding, very excellent; excelling greatly
praestatio {noun} :: a guaranty, warranty
praestatio {noun} :: a payment (of what is due)
praestaturus {v} :: about to excell
praestatus {v} :: excelled
praestigia {noun} [chiefly in the plural] :: deception, illusion, trick
praestigium {noun} :: delusion, illusion
praestigium {noun} :: magic trick
praestituendus {v} :: which is to be predetermined
praestituens {v} :: predetermining
praestituo {v} :: I determine in advance
praestitus {v} :: standing out, preceding, superior, excellent, unsurpassed, excellent
praestituturus {v} :: about to predetermine
praestitutus {v} :: predetermined
praesto {adv} :: present, at hand, ready
praesto {adv} :: (with sum) (to be) at hand, (to be) ready to help
praesto {v} :: I stand before
praesto {v} :: I am outstanding; I excel
praesto {v} :: I provide, supply, offer, bestow
praestolans {v} :: waiting for, expecting
praestolatio {noun} :: expectation; waiting for
praestolatus {v} :: waiting for, expecting
praestolo {v} [archaic, Late Latin] :: alternative form of praestōlor
praestolor {v} :: I await, wait for
praestolor {v} :: I expect
praestrictio {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: a binding fast, binding up
praestringo {v} :: I bind fast; I tie up
praestringo {v} :: I squeeze tight; I compress
praestringo {v} :: I graze, glance off
praestruo {v} :: I build or prepare in advance
praestruo {v} :: I arrange or set up in advance
praestultus {adj} :: very foolish
praesul {noun} :: public dancer who dances in leaps
praesul {noun} :: the leader of the Salii (Ancient Roman priests of Mars)
praesul {noun} [post-Classical] :: director, president
praesul {noun} [post-Classical] :: patron, protector
praesul {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: bishop
praesum {v} :: I am before something
praesum {v} :: I preside or rule over
praesum {v} :: I lead, take the lead
praesum {v} :: I command, have command, be in command of, have charge of, be in charge of
praesumendus {v} :: which is to be presumed
praesumens {v} :: anticipating
praesumens {v} :: presupposing
praesumens {v} :: presuming
praesumo {v} :: I presume, in its separate senses:
praesumo {v} :: I take before or first
praesumo {v} :: I anticipate
praesumo {v} :: I presuppose
praesumo {v} :: I take for granted
praesumptio {noun} :: presumption
praesumptio {noun} :: anticipation
praesumptio {noun} :: obstinacy, stubbornness
praesumpturus {v} :: about to presume
praesumptus {v} :: presumed
praesuppono {v} :: I presuppose
Praesus {prop} :: A town of Crete situated near Mount Dicte
Praetavi {prop} :: A tribe of Arabia mentioned by Plinius
praetempto {v} :: alternative form of praetentō
praetendo {v} :: I stretch forth or forward; I extend
praetendo {v} :: I spread before, hold out, place in front of
praetendo {v} :: I put forward as an excuse, allege, pretend
praetensus {v} :: Having been stretched forth; having been extended
praetensus {v} :: Having been spread before; having been held out
praetensus {v} :: Having been put forward as an excuse
praetento {v} :: I test, try etc. beforehand
praetento {v} :: I make a pretext of
praeter- {prefix} :: preter-; beyond, (pass) by
praeter {prep} :: past, by (of motion)
praeter {prep} :: besides, except
praeter {prep} :: beyond
praeter {prep} :: more than
praeterduco {vt} :: I lead, draw or conduct past or by
praeterea {adv} :: besides, moreover
praeterea {adv} :: thereafter, henceforth
praeterea {adv} :: in addition, else
praetereo {v} :: I pass by or go by
praetereo {v} :: I disregard, neglect, omit or miss
praetereo {v} :: I surpass or excel
praetereundus {v} :: which is to be disregarded
praeterfluens {v} :: flowing by
praeterfluens {v} :: disappearing
praeterfluo {vit} :: I flow or run by or past
praeterfluo {vi} :: I go by or past, pass away, disappear
praeterfugio {v} :: I hasten by, pass over hastily
praetergrediens {v} :: walking by, marching by
praetergredior {v} :: I walk, march, go or pass by
praetergredior {v} :: I surpass or excel
praetergressus {v} :: walked or marched by
praetergressus {v} :: surpassed, excelled
praeteriens {v} :: passing by
praeteriens {v} :: disregarding or neglecting
praeteriens {v} :: surpassing
praeteriturus {v} :: about to disregard
praeteritus {v} :: passed by
praeteritus {v} :: disregarded, neglected, omitted or missed
praeteritus {v} :: surpassed or excelled
praeteritus {v} [grammar] :: preterite; past
praeteritus {adj} :: past, in the past
praeterlabor {v} :: I slip, glide or flow by
praetermissurus {v} :: about to permit, neglect, overlook
praetermissus {v} :: permitted, neglected, overlooked
praetermittendus {v} :: which is to be permitted, neglected, overlooked
praetermittens {v} :: permitting, neglecting, overlooking
praetermitto {v} :: I allow or permit to pass
praetermitto {v} :: I omit or neglect
praetermitto {v} :: I overlook
praeternaturalis {adj} :: supernatural, preternatural
praeterpropter {adv} :: thereabout, more or less
praeterquam {adv} :: beyond, besides
praeterquam {adv} :: except, save
praeterquam {adv} :: not only
praetervectio {noun} :: riding, sailing, or passing by
praetervecturus {v} :: about to drive, ride, sail (etc.) by
praetervectus {v} :: driven, riden, sailed (etc.) by
praetervehens {v} :: driving, riding, sailing (etc.) by
praetervehor {v} :: I drive, ride sail etc. by
praeterversurus {v} :: about to go or pass by
praeterversus {v} :: gone or passed by
praetervertendus {v} :: which is to be gone or passed by
praetervertens {v} :: going or passing by
praeterverto {v} :: I go or pass by
praetervolo {v} :: I fly by or past
praetervolo {v} :: I escape (slip by)
praetexendus {v} :: which is to be fringed
praetexens {v} :: fringing
praetexo {v} :: I fringe, edge, border (weaving)
praetexo {v} :: I place before or in front
praetexo {v} :: I adorn
praetexo {v} :: I pretend
praetextatus {adj} :: wearing a toga
praetextatus {adj} :: juvenile
Praetextatus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Praetextatus {prop} :: Servius Sulpicius Praetextatus, a Roman consul
praetextum {noun} :: pretense, excuse
praetexturus {v} :: about to fringe
praetextus {v} :: fringed
Praeti {prop} :: A tribe of India mentioned by Pliny
praetimeo {v} :: I fear beforehand, worry
praetondeo {v} :: I clip or shear in front or the end of
praetor {noun} :: leader, head, chief, president
praetorianus {adj} :: praetorian
praetorianus {adj} [relational] :: bodyguard
praetoricius {adj} :: praetorian
praetoriolum {noun} :: small country seat
praetorium {noun} :: headquarters; general's tent; council of war
praetorium {noun} :: governor's palace
praetorium {noun} :: villa
praetorius {adj} :: praetorian
praetorqueo {v} :: I turn or twist forwards or around
praetrepidans {adj} :: trembling greatly
praetrepidans {adj} :: very hasty or impatient
praetura {noun} :: praetorship
Praetutii {prop} :: A tribe of Central Italy, inhabiting a part of Picenum bounded by the river Vomanus on the south and Albula on the north
praeuro {v} :: I burn before, or at the end
praeuro {v} :: I scorch, parch or wither
praeustus {v} :: burnt before or at the end
praeustus {v} :: scorched, parched or withered
praevalens {v} :: dominant
praevalens {v} :: superior
praevaleo {v} :: I am very able or more able; I am superior, prevail
praevaleo {v} [legal] :: I am settled or established
praevalidus {adj} :: very strong or powerful
praevalidus {adj} :: prevalent, prevailing
praevaliturus {v} :: about to be superior, about to prevail
praevaricans {v} :: transgressing
praevaricatio {noun} :: violation of duty
praevaricatio {noun} :: collusion
praevaricatio {noun} :: transgression
praevaricator {noun} :: A person (especially an advocate) who violates his duty; prevaricator
praevaricator {noun} :: sinner, transgressor
praevaricator {noun} :: apostate
praevaricatrix {noun} :: sinner (female)
praevaricatus {v} :: transgressed
praevaricor {v} :: I walk crookedly
praevaricor {v} :: I transgress, violate or sin against
praevehor {v} :: I travel past or along
praeveniens {v} :: anticipating
praeveniens {v} :: preceding
praevenio {v} :: I anticipate
praevenio {v} :: I precede
praevenio {v} :: (figurative) I interrupt, prevent
praeverro {v} :: I sweep or brush before
praevertendus {v} :: which is to be anticipated
praevertens {v} :: anticipating
praeverto {v} :: I anticipate
praeverturus {v} :: about to anticipate
praevertus {v} :: anticipated
praevideo {v} :: I see first or beforehand
praevideo {v} :: I discern or anticipate beforehand, foresee
praevideo {v} [Late Latin] :: I provide
praevisus {v} :: foreseen; anticipated
praevius {adj} :: going before, leading the way
prandendus {v} :: which is to be breakfasted
prandens {v} :: breakfasting
prandens {v} :: lunching or eating (in general)
prandeo {vi} :: I take or eat breakfast or luncheon, breakfast; I eat (in general)
prandeo {vt} :: I breakfast on, lunch on, take as breakfast or luncheon; I eat (in general)
prandium {noun} :: late breakfast
prandium {noun} :: luncheon
prandium {noun} [poetic] :: any meal
pransor {noun} :: lunch-guest
pransurus {v} :: about to breakfast
pransus {v} :: breakfasted
Pras {prop} :: A town of Phthiotis situated a little south of Pharsalus
praseodymium {noun} :: praseodymium
Prasiae {prop} :: A town situated on the eastern coast of Laconia
Prasiae {prop} :: A township in Attica
Prasii {prop} :: An ancient tribe of India, whose capital was Palimbothra
prasinatus {noun} :: having a leek-green garment
prasinus {adj} :: leek-green; prasinous
pratensis {adj} [relational] :: meadow
pratincola {f} :: an inhabitant or resident of a meadow
Pratitae {prop} :: A tribe of Media mentioned by Pliny
pratulum {noun} :: a small meadow
pratum {noun} :: meadow
pratus {noun} :: meadow
prave {adv} :: wrongly, improperly
pravicordius {adj} :: evil-minded
pravicordius {adj} :: mean-spirited
pravior {adj} :: more crooked, deformed
pravior {adj} :: more depraved, perverse, wicked
pravissimus {adj} :: most or very deformed
pravissimus {adj} :: most or very depraved
pravitas {noun} :: crookedness, inequality, irregularity, deformity
pravitas {noun} :: impropriety, perverseness
pravitas {noun} :: viciousness, untowardness, depravity
pravus {adj} :: crooked, deformed
pravus {adj} :: depraved, perverse, wicked
Praxagoras {prop} :: Name of a physician of Cos, instructor of Plistonicus
Praxiphanes {prop} :: A Greek philosopher, native either of Mytilene or Rhodes
Praxiteles {prop} :: Praxiteles (a celebrated Greek sculptor)
precabundus {adj} [Late Latin] :: entreating, beseeching
precans {v} :: entreating, beseeching
precarius {adj} :: related to entreaty or petition
precarius {adj} :: obtained by entreaty or by mere favor
precarius {adj} :: doubtful, uncertain, precarious
precatio {noun} :: prayer, praying
precative {adv} [Late Latin] :: by prayer; by request
precativus {adj} [Late Latin] :: prayed for, requested by means of a prayer or request
precativus {noun} [New Latin, grammar] :: precative
precatorius {adj} :: praying
precaturus {v} :: about to beg, beseech, pray
precatus {v} :: beseeched, entreated
Precius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
precor {v} :: I beseech, beg, pray, entreat
precor {v} :: I wish well or ill (to someone); I greet with a wish
prehendo {v} :: I lay hold of, seize, grasp, grab, snatch, take, catch
prehendo {v} :: I detain someone in order to speak with him, accost, lay or catch hold of
prehendo {v} :: I take by surprise, catch in the act
prehendo {v} [of trees] :: I take root
prehendo {v} [poetic] :: I reach, arrive at, attain
prehendo {v} [poetic] :: I take in, reach or embrace with the eye
prehendo {v} [figuratively, rare, of the mind] :: I seize, apprehend, comprehend, grasp
prehensio {noun} :: seizing, apprehending, arresting, capturing
prehenso {v} :: I grasp, seize, catch
prehenso {v} :: I take hold of
prehensus {v} :: seized, grasped, grabbed, taken, caught
prehensus {v} :: detained, accosted, caught hold of
prehensus {v} :: taken by surprise
prelum {noun} :: a press; winepress; oilpress
prelum {noun} :: a press for smoothing clothes
premendus {v} :: which is to be pressed
premens {v} :: pressing
premens {v} :: pursuing
premissa {v} :: Alternative form of praemissa
premo {v} :: I press
premo {v} :: I pursue
prendo {v} :: alternative form of prehendō
prensans {v} :: grasping, seizing, catching
prensans {v} :: taking hold of
prenso {v} :: alternative form of prehēnsō
prensurus {v} :: about to lay hold of, grasp
prensus {v} :: alternative form of prehēnsus
preparatus {v} :: prepared, having been prepared
Prepesinthos {prop} :: One of the Cyclades
presbyter {noun} [Late Latin, Christian Latin] :: an elder, presbyter
presbytera {noun} [Late Latin] :: A priestess
presbytera {noun} [Late Latin] :: The wife of a priest
presbyterium {noun} :: presbytery (assembly of elders)
presens {adj} :: alternative form of praesēns
prespensis {adj} [relational] :: Prespa
presse {adv} :: precisely
presse {adv} :: accurately, exactly, correctly
presse {adv} :: without ornament, simply [of speech]
pressio {noun} :: a pressing, pressure
pressio {noun} :: prop, fulcrum of a lever
pressior {adj} :: more suppressed etc
pressior {adj} :: more compressed etc
presso {v} :: I press, squeeze
pressorium {noun} :: press (especially for grapes)
pressulus {adj} :: somewhat pressed in or compressed
pressura {noun} :: a pressing, pressure
pressura {noun} :: throng, crowd
pressura {noun} :: an unnaturally long or heavy sleep
pressura {noun} [poetic] :: juice; that which is pressed out
pressura {noun} [figuratively] :: a burden
pressura {noun} [figuratively] :: oppression, affliction, distress
pressurus {v} :: about to press
pressus {v} :: pressed, having been pressed, squeezed
pressus {v} :: suppressed, moderate, slow, having been kept down
pressus {v} [of the voice] :: subdued, having been subdued
pressus {v} [of color] :: lowered, subdued, gloomy
pressus {v} :: compressed, concise, plain
pressus {v} :: close, exact, accurate
pretiandus {v} [Late Latin] :: that is to be esteemed, prized, or valued
pretiandus {v} [Medieval Latin] :: that is to be appraised, assessed, or valued
pretiator {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: an appraiser, a valuer (one who sets a thing’s price, one who estimates a thing’s value)
pretiatus {v} [Late Latin] :: (having been) esteemed, prized, or valued
pretiatus {v} [Medieval Latin] :: (having been) appraised, assessed, or valued
pretio {v} [Late Latin] :: I esteem, I prize, I value (hold in high regard, consider valuable)
pretio {v} [Medieval Latin] :: I appraise, I assess, I value (estimate the worth of, set a price for)
pretiose {adv} :: in a costly manner, expensively, richly, splendidly, magnificently, wealthily
pretiosior {adj} :: costlier, more expensive
pretiosissimus {adj} :: costliest; most or very expensive etc
pretiosus {adj} :: valuable, precious
pretiosus {adj} :: expensive, costly
pretium {noun} :: worth, price, value, cost
pretium {noun} :: pay, hire, wage, reward
pretium {noun} :: ransom
pretium {noun} :: bribe
pretium {noun} :: punishment
prevaricator {noun} :: alternative form of praevāricātor
prex {noun} :: prayer; request
prex {noun} :: entreaty
Priamus {prop} :: Priam
Priantae {prop} :: A Thracian tribe mentioned by Pliny
Priaponnesos {prop} :: Priaponnesos (island)
Priapus {prop} [Greek god] :: Priapus, god of procreation
Pribislavus {prop} :: given name
pridem {adv} :: long ago, long since
pridem {adv} :: previously, formerly
pridie {adv} :: On the day before
Priene {prop} :: Priene
Prifernius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Prifernius {prop} :: Titus Prifernius Geminus, a Roman senator
primarius {adj} :: One of the first, or first rank, chief, principal, excellent, remarkable. It was used as the title of a position in universities
primas {adj} :: one of the first or principal, chief, excellent, noble; alternative form of prīmus (first)
primatus {noun} :: primacy, supremacy
primiformis {adj} :: of or belonging to the primary form; original
primigenius {adj} :: original, primitive
primigenius {adj} :: firstborn
primigenus {adj} :: original
primipilus {noun} :: First or chief centurion
primitia {noun} [chiefly in the plural] :: first fruits
primitivus {adj} :: primitive (first of its kind), original
primitus {adv} :: originally, at first, from the first, from/at first flush
primivirgius {noun} :: chief verger
primo {adv} :: first, firstly, first of all, first up, at first, before all else
primogenita {noun} [Late Latin] :: primogeniture (inheritance by the first-born child of the entirety of, or of a privileged position in, a parent’s wealth, estate, or office)
primogenitalia {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: rights of primogeniture
primogenitalis {adj} :: first-born
primogenitalis {adj} :: the first of all as to origin, original
primogenitura {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: primogeniture [inheritance by the first-born child of the entirety of, or of a privileged position in, a parent’s wealth, estate, or office]
primogenitus {adj} [post-Augustan] :: first-born
primordialis {adj} :: original, primordial
primordium {noun} :: beginning
primordium {noun} :: origin
primordium {noun} :: commencement
primoris {adj} :: first, foremost, closest to the front
primoris {adj} :: earliest
primoris {adj} :: chief, principal
primulus {adj} :: (the very) first
primum {adv} :: first, at first
primum non nocere {phrase} :: First, do no harm (an adage taught to medical students reminding them to consider the possible harm of any intervention)
primus {adj} :: first
primus inter pares {phrase} :: first among equals
Prinas {prop} :: Prinas (river)
princeps {adj} :: first, foremost
princeps {adj} :: chief, distinguished
princeps {noun} :: leader, first man
princeps {noun} :: principal person
princeps {noun} :: author, originator, founder, head
princeps {noun} :: chief, director
princeps {noun} :: prince, sovereign
princeps {noun} [military, as plural] :: company or division of the second line of soldiers
principalis {adj} :: first, original
principalis {adj} :: chief, principal
principalis pars {noun} [Late Latin, grammar] :: either of the active and passive voices, regarded as the principal parts of the verb
principalis pars {noun} [Late Latin, grammar] :: either of the noun and the verb, regarded as the principal partēs ōrātiōnis
principatus {noun} :: first place
principatus {noun} :: rule
principatus {noun} :: leadership
principatus {noun} :: supremacy
principatus {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: sovereignty
principatus {noun} [Vulgar Latin] :: principality
principialis {adj} :: original (from the beginning)
principissa {noun} [New Latin] :: princess
principium {noun} :: a beginning, an origin
principium {noun} :: a groundwork, a foundation
principium {noun} [in the plural] :: the elements, the first principles
principium {noun} [military, in the plural] :: the front ranks, camp headquarters
principor {v} :: I rule (over)
Prinoessa {prop} :: Prinoessa (island)
prinus {noun} :: holm oak
prior {adj} :: former, prior, previous (preceding in time)
prior {adj} :: the first, the original
prior {adj} :: in front
prior {adj} [figuratively] :: better, superior
prior {adj} [substantive, Medieval Latin] :: abbot, prior
prioratus {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: priority, precedence
prioratus {noun} [Medieval Latin, New Latin] :: priory
prioria {noun} [Medieval Latin, New Latin] :: priory
priscus {adj} :: former
priscus {adj} :: ancient
priscus {adj} :: old-fashioned
prisma {noun} :: prism
pristinus {adj} :: former, early, original, primitive
pristinus {adj} :: pristine
pristinus {adj} :: previous
pristinus {adj} :: traditional
pristinus {adj} :: that has already existed for some time (i.e. not new), old
prius {adv} :: previously
prius pariet locusta Lucam bovem {phrase} [of impossible things] :: A locust will sooner give birth to an elephant
priusquam {conj} :: before
priusquam {conj} :: until
privandus {v} :: which is to be bereaved
privans {v} :: bereaving
privatim {adv} :: privately; as a private individual
privatio {noun} :: privation, deprivation
privaturus {v} :: about to bereave
privatus {v} :: bereaved, deprived, robbed or stripped of something, having been deprived of something
privatus {v} :: freed, released, set apart, delivered from something, having been released from
privatus {v} [by extension] :: apart from the state; unofficial; peculiar, special, personal, individual, private
privatus {noun} :: A man holding no political office or associated with the cursus honorum
privatus {noun} :: A man in a private life, citizen, member of the public
Privernum {prop} :: Privernum (city) situated in the Volscian mountains, now Priverno
privigna {noun} :: stepdaughter
privignus {noun} :: stepson
privilegium {noun} [legal] :: A law or bill concerning a specific individual
privilegium {noun} :: A privilege, prerogative
privo {v} [with ablative, genitive or accusative] :: I bereave, deprive, rob or strip of something
privo {v} [with ablative] :: I free, set apart, release, deliver from something, relieve of
privus {adj} :: one's own, private, peculiar, particular
pro- {prefix} :: forward direction, forward movement
pro- {prefix} :: downward and forward movement
pro- {prefix} :: action directed forward or in front
pro- {prefix} :: prominence
pro- {prefix} [prefixed to verbs of utterance] :: in place of, on behalf of
pro- {prefix} :: bringing into being, forth, or into the open
pro- {prefix} [temporally] :: prior, fore-
pro- {prefix} :: advantage
pro {prep} :: for
pro {prep} :: on behalf of, in the interest of, for the sake of
pro {prep} :: before
pro {prep} :: in front, instead of
pro {prep} :: about
pro {prep} :: according to
pro {prep} :: as, like
pro {prep} :: as befitting
proagorus {noun} :: chief magistrate (in Sicily)
proavus {noun} :: great-grandfather
proavus {noun} :: forefather, ancestor
proba {noun} [Late Latin] :: test, trial
proba {noun} :: proof, evidence
probabilior {adj} :: likelier, more probable
probabilis {adj} :: likely, credible, probable, plausible
probabilis {adj} :: commendable, admirable
probabilis {adj} :: justifiable
probabilissime {adv} :: superlative of probābiliter
probabilitas {noun} :: probability
probabilitas {noun} :: credibility
probabiliter {adv} :: probably, plausibly
probabilius {adv} :: comparative of probābiliter
Probalinthus {prop} :: a town of Attica situated on the plain of Marathon
probandus {v} :: which is to be approved, tested, proved
probans {v} :: approving, commending
probans {v} :: testing, inspecting
probans {v} :: demonstrating, proving
probatio {noun} :: test, trial, inspection, examination
probatio {noun} :: approbation, approval, assent
probatio {noun} :: proof, demonstration
probatissimus {adj} :: most or very esteemed
probatissimus {adj} :: most or very pleasing
probator {noun} :: approver
probator {noun} :: examiner
probaturus {v} :: about to approve, test, prove
probatus {v} :: approved, commended; esteemed; having been approved
probatus {v} :: tested, inspected, having been tested
probatus {v} :: demonstrated, proved, having been demonstrated
probatus {v} [by extension] :: pleasing, agreeable, acceptable
probe {adv} :: well, rightly, properly, correctly, fitly, opportunely, excellently
probior {adj} :: better
probior {adj} :: nobler
probitas {noun} :: honesty, probity
probitas {noun} :: uprightness
problema {noun} :: problem, puzzle, enigma, question proposed for solution
problematicus {adj} :: problematic
probo {v} :: I approve, I commend
probo {v} :: I test, I inspect
probo {v} :: I demonstrate, I prove, I show
probo {v} :: I acquit, exonerate
pro bono publico {phrase} :: for the public good
proboscis {noun} :: proboscis
proboscis {noun} :: snout
proboscis {noun} :: trunk
probrum {noun} :: disgrace, shame
probrum {noun} :: abuse, insult
probrus {adj} :: disgraceful
probrus {adj} :: ignominious, infamous
probus {adj} :: good, serviceable, excellent, superior, able
probus {adj} [morally] :: upright, honest, virtuous, moral
Probus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Probus {prop} :: Marcus Pomponius Maecius Probus, a Roman consul
procacia {noun} [Late Latin] :: shamelessness, impudence
procacissimus {adj} :: boldest; most or very bold etc
procaciter {adv} :: boldly, shamelessly
Procas {prop} [Roman mythology] :: A mythological king of Rome
procax {adj} :: bold, shameless, impudent, insolent, forward, pert, saucy, wanton
procedendus {v} :: which is to be proceeded, advanced
procedens {v} :: proceeding, advancing, appearing
procedo {v} :: I proceed, advance, appear
procella {noun} :: storm, gale
procella {noun} :: tempest, hurricane
procellaria {noun} [New Latin] :: petrel
procer {noun} [chiefly in the plural] :: noble(s), prince(s), chief(s)
procerior {adj} :: higher, loftier, taller
procerior {adj} :: more slender or elongated
proceritas {noun} :: height, tallness
proceritas {noun} :: length
proceritudo {noun} :: high stature, tallness, height
procerus {adj} :: high, tall, lofty
procerus {adj} :: extended, elongated
processio {noun} :: advance (military)
processio {noun} :: procession
processurus {v} :: about to proceed or advance
processus {v} :: advanced, having been advanced
processus {noun} :: A course, progression, progress, process, advance
processus {noun} [by extension] :: An elapsing, passing away, lapse
Prochyta {prop} :: Prochyta (small island) situated off the coast of Campania, now Procida
procidens {v} :: falling, collapsing
procidens {v} :: striking down
procido {v} :: I fall forwards, down or flat; collapse
procido {v} [of part of the body] :: I fall down or forwards out of place
procido {v} :: I strike down
Procilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Procilius {prop} :: Procillius, a Roman historian
procinctus {noun} :: preparedness, readiness (e.g. for battle)
proclamandus {v} :: which is to be proclaimed or declared
proclamatio {noun} :: outcry
proclamatio {noun} :: proclamation
proclamo {v} :: I call or cry out, vociferate; proclaim, declare
proclinatio {noun} :: bending, inclination (forwards)
proclinatio {noun} :: slope, declivity
proclinatus {v} :: bent, inclined, tilted
proclinatus {v} :: tottered
proclino {v} :: I bend, incline or tilt (forwards)
proclivior {adj} :: steeper etc
proclivis {adj} :: (sloping) downward; downhill
proclivis {adj} :: prone (to)
proclivis {adj} :: steep (hence unsafe)
proclivis {adj} :: easy
proco {v} :: I ask, urge, demand
pro confesso {adv} :: as if confessed or admitted
proconsul {noun} :: proconsul; a man who became governor of a province or a military commander following a term as consul
proconsul {noun} :: an ex-praetor made governor of a small province
proconsul {noun} :: a governor in one of the provinces of the Roman Senate
proconsularis {adj} :: of or pertaining to a proconsul; proconsular
proconsulatus {noun} :: the proconsulate, proconsulship; the office of proconsul
proconsulatus {noun} :: a propaetorship
procor {v} :: alternative form of proco
procrastinatio {noun} :: a putting off until tomorrow; procrastination
procrastinatrix {noun} [rare] :: A female who procrastinates
procrastino {v} :: I put off until tomorrow; I defer, delay, procrastinate
procreandus {v} :: which is to be begotten
procreans {v} :: begetting
procreaturus {v} :: about to beget
procreatus {v} :: begotten
procreo {v} :: I beget, generate, procreate, produce
procubo {v} :: I lie outstretched
procudendum {v} :: fashioning by hammering, making by hammering
procudendum {v} :: hammering out, forging
procudendum {v} :: forming, producing
procudendus {v} :: which is to be fashioned by hammering, made by hammering
procudendus {v} :: which is to be hammered out, forged
procudendus {v} :: which is to be formed, produced
procudens {v} :: fashioning by hammering, making by hammering
procudens {v} :: hammering out, forging
procudens {v} :: forming, producing
procudo {v} :: I fashion by hammering, I make by hammering
procudo {v} :: I hammer out, forge
procudo {v} :: I form, produce
procul {adv} :: far, far away; at a distance, from afar
proculdubio {adv} [New Latin] :: without doubt
Proculeius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Proculeius {prop} :: Gaius Proculeius, a friend of Augustus
proculus {adj} :: whose father is distant
Proculus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Proculus {prop} :: Proculus Julius, a Roman legendary figure
procumbens {v} :: falling forwards
procumbens {v} :: sinking down
procumbens {v} :: prostrating
procumbo {v} :: I fall forward
procumbo {v} :: I sink down
procumbo {v} :: I prostrate (myself)
procurandus {v} :: which is to be managed, administered
procurans {v} :: managing, administering
procuratio {noun} :: administration, management
procuratio {noun} :: stewardship
procurator {noun} :: manager, overseer, superintendent
procurator {noun} :: agent, deputy
procuratrix {noun} :: a female manager
procuraturus {v} :: about to manage, administer
procuratus {v} :: managed, administered
procuro {v} :: I manage, administer
procurrens {v} :: running or rushing forwards
procurrens {v} :: advancing
procurrens {v} :: jutting out
procurro {v} :: I run or rush forwards
procurro {v} :: I advance
procurro {v} :: I jut out
procus {noun} :: wooer, suitor
procus {noun} :: alternative form of procer
procusurus {v} :: about to fashion by hammering, make by hammering
procusurus {v} :: about to hammer out, forge
procusurus {v} :: about to form, produce
procusus {v} :: having been fashioned by hammering, made by hammering
procusus {v} :: having been hammered out, forged
procusus {v} :: having been formed, produced
Procyon {prop} [constellation] :: Canis Minor
prod- {prefix} :: prevocalic form form of prō̆-
prodendus {v} :: which is to be produced, reported, proclaimed etc
prodens {v} :: producing, publishing, proclaiming
prodeo {v} :: I come forth, appear
prodeo {v} :: I advance
prodicendus {v} :: which is to be deferred
prodicens {v} :: defering
prodico {v} :: I say, fix or appoint beforehand; I give notice
prodico {v} :: I defer
prodictio {noun} :: a deferring, adjournment
prodicturus {v} :: about to defer
prodictus {v} :: defered
prodiens {v} :: appearing
prodiens {v} :: advancing
prodigiosus {adj} :: unnatural, strange
prodigiosus {adj} :: wonderful, marvellous, prodigious
prodigium {noun} :: omen, portent, prophetic sign
prodigium {noun} :: prodigy, wonder
prodigo {v} :: I squander, waste
prodigo {v} :: I use up, consume
prodigo {v} :: I drive forth
prodigus {adj} :: wasteful, lavish, prodigal
proditio {noun} :: discovery, betrayal, treason
proditio {noun} :: appearance (coming or going)
proditio {noun} :: sally
proditor {noun} :: traitor, betrayer
proditurus {v} :: about to produce, publish, proclaim
proditus {v} :: produced, published, proclaimed
prodo {v} :: I give, put or bring forth; bear, produce, propagate
prodo {v} :: I put forth in writing; publish, exhibit, make known, relate, report, record
prodo {v} :: I proclaim, appoint, elect, create
prodo {v} :: I give up, surrender, abandon
prodo {v} :: I reveal, disclose; betray perfidiously, surrender treacherously
prodo {v} :: I permit to go farther, protract, project; put off, defer; prolong; hand down; bequeath
prodoceo {vt} :: I teach or induct before; show by teaching, inculcate
pro dolor {interj} :: unfortunately, alas
producendus {v} :: which is to be presented, extended, exposed
producens {v} :: bringing forth etc.; presenting
producens {v} :: lengthening, extending, prolonging
producens {v} :: disclosing, exposing
producibilis {adj} [Late Latin] :: which lengthens out
produco {v} :: I lead or bring forth, forward or out
produco {v} :: I conduct to; bring before, present
produco {v} :: I draw or stretch out, lengthen, extend
produco {v} :: I bring to light, disclose, expose
produco {v} :: I advance, draw out
produco {v} :: I bring forth, bear, beget; bring up, rear, educate
produco {v} :: I expose for sale
produco {v} :: I place one thing before another
produco {v} [grammar, of pronunciation] :: I lengthen, prolong
produco {v} [figuratively] :: I bring into use, make, invent devise, produce
produco {v} [figuratively] :: I raise, promote, advance
produco {v} [figuratively] :: I lead or induce someone to do something, entice
produco {v} [figuratively] :: I draw or drag out, lengthen out, prolong, protract
produco {v} [figuratively, of time] :: I pass, spend
produco {v} [figuratively] :: I plant, cultivate
producte {adv} :: lengthened, long
productilis {adj} :: ductile
productio {noun} :: prolonging, lengthening, extension
productio {noun} :: production (bringing-forth)
productivitas {noun} [uncommon] :: creative power; productivity
productivus {adj} [of words] :: fit for prolongation or lengthening
productivus {adj} [Late Latin, grammar] :: productive
producto {v} :: I throw before, interpose
productor {noun} :: a leader away, an enticer
productor {noun} :: a pander?
productum {noun} :: that which is brought forward or produced; product
productum {noun} [only in plural] :: things which are preferable
producturus {v} :: about to present, extend, expose
productus {v} :: brought forth, forward or out, having been brought forward
productus {v} :: lengthened, extended, protracted, having been extended
productus {v} :: disclosed, exposed, having been exposed
productus {v} :: advanced, drawn out, having been advanced
productus {v} :: brought up, reared, educated, having been brought up
productus {v} [grammar, of pronunciation] :: lengthened, prolonged, long, having been lengthened
productus {v} [figuratively] :: invented, devised, produced, having been invented
productus {v} [figuratively] :: enticed, having been enticed
productus {v} [figuratively] :: prolonged, protracted, long, lengthy, having been prolonged
produx {noun} :: a twig, shoot, layer
proeliandus {v} :: which is to be fought
proelians {v} :: fighting, battling
proeliaris {adj} :: of or pertaining to a battle
proeliator {noun} :: a fighter, warrior, combatant
proeliatus {v} :: fought, battled
proelior {v} :: I fight (in battle)
proelium {noun} :: a battle, combat, conflict
proelium {noun} :: a warrior
proelium {noun} :: a contest, strife
Proerna {prop} :: A town of Phthiotis, situated between Pharsalus and Thaumaci
profanatus {v} :: desecrated, profaned
profanatus {v} :: violated, polluted
profano {v} :: I desecrate, profane
profano {v} :: I violate, pollute
profanus {adj} :: secular, unconsecrated, profane
profanus {adj} :: impious, wicked
profatus {v} :: spoken out, having spoken out
profecticius {adj} [Late Latin] :: That comes from a father or grandfather
profectio {noun} :: departure
profectio {noun} :: journey
profectitius {adj} [Late Latin] :: synonym of profectīcius
profecto {adv} :: actually, indeed, really, truly, surely, assuredly
profecturus {v} :: about to advance etc
profecturus {v} :: about to depart, about to leave
profectus {noun} :: advance, progress, effect, increase, growth, profit, success
profectus {v} :: advanced, progressed
profectus {v} :: effected, accomplished, obtained
profectus {v} :: departed, left, having departed
proferendus {v} :: which is to be proffered
proferens {v} :: bringing forth
proferens {v} :: advancing
proferens {v} :: deferring
proferens {v} :: discovering
proferens {v} :: mentioning
profero {v} :: I bring out, bring forth
profero {v} :: I appear, show myself
profero {v} :: I offer, proffer
profero {v} :: I stretch out, extend
profero {v} [military] :: I march on, advance
profero {v} [figuratively] :: I produce, induce growth
profero {v} :: I utter, pronounce
profero {v} :: I put off, defer, adjourn
profero {v} [painting] :: I bring out, represent distinctly
profero {v} [figuratively, with se] :: I raise or elevate myself from a lower station
profero {v} :: I make known, publicize
profero {v} :: I discover, invent, reveal
profero {v} :: I quote, cite, mention
profero {v} :: I impel
profero {v} :: I prolong
profero digitum {v} :: I lift a finger; make minimal effort
professio {noun} :: declaration, avowal, profession (act of professing)
professio {noun} :: occupation, profession (professional employment)
professor {noun} :: teacher, professor
professorius {adj} :: professorial
professorius {adj} :: authoritative
professus {v} :: confessed, acknowledged, avowed, professed, declared
professus {v} :: promised
profestrix {noun} [Contemporary Latin] :: feminine noun of professor
profestus {adj} :: Not kept as a holiday
profestus {adj} [relational] :: weekday
proficiens {v} :: advancing etc
proficio {v} :: I advance, make progress, make headway
proficio {v} :: I benefit, profit, take advantage
proficio {v} :: I help, contribute, am useful
proficiscens {v} :: departing, leaving
proficiscor {v} :: I set out, depart, leave
profilius {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a grandson
profitendus {v} :: which is to be confessed, acknowledged, avowed or professed
profitendus {v} :: which is to be promised
profitens {v} :: confessing, acknowledging, avowing, professing
profitens {v} :: promising
profiteor {v} :: I declare publicly, own (up to) or confess openly, acknowledge, avow, profess
profiteor {v} :: I offer freely, promise
profiteor {v} :: I profess, claim; I declare myself (as), practice (as)
profiteor {v} :: I make a show of, show, display
profiteor {v} :: I make a public statement or a return of
proflamen {noun} :: assistant or substitute priest
proflatus {noun} :: breeze
proflatus {noun} :: snoring
profligatissimus {adj} :: most or very profligate or depraved
profligatus {adj} :: profligate
profligatus {adj} :: depraved, wanton
profligo {v} :: I strike or dash to the ground
profligo {v} :: I overthrow, overcome, conquer
profluens {v} :: flowing or running forth or along, discharging
profluens {v} :: being relaxed
profluens {v} [figuratively] :: flowing or springing forth, issuing, proceeding
profluens {v} [figuratively] :: gliding, proceeding imperceptibly
profluo {vi} :: I flow or run forth or along; discharge
profluo {vi} :: I am relaxed
profluo {vi} [figuratively] :: I flow or spring forth, issue, proceed
profluo {vi} [figuratively] :: I glide, proceed imperceptibly
profluvium {noun} :: A flowing forth
profluvium {noun} :: a discharge
profluvium {noun} :: flux
profor {v} :: I speak out
pro forma {adv} :: pro forma, for the sake of form only
profugiens {v} :: fleeing, running away, escaping
profugio {v} :: I flee, run away or escape
profugus {adj} :: That which flees, has fled, fugitive
profugus {adj} :: unsettled, roving, vagabond, wandering
profugus {adj} :: banished, exiled
profundens {v} :: pouring forth
profundior {adj} :: deeper
profundior {adj} :: more profound, intense etc
profundissimus {adj} :: deepest, very deep
profundissimus {adj} :: most or very profound, intense etc
profunditas {noun} :: depth
profunditas {noun} :: vastness, immensity
profundo {v} :: I pour forth
profundo {v} :: I prostrate
profundo {v} :: I squander
profundum {noun} :: abyss, depths
profundum {noun} :: boundless expanse
profundus {adj} :: deep, profound
profundus {adj} :: intense, extreme, profound; immoderate
profundus {adj} :: boundless, vast; bottomless
profundus {adj} :: thick, dense
profundus {adj} :: obscure, unknown, mysterious
profusissimus {adj} :: most or very excessive, lavish, extravagant
profusus {adj} :: excessive, lavish, profuse, extravagant
profuturus {v} :: about to benefit or profit etc
progener {noun} :: grandson-in-law (granddaughter's husband)
progeneticus {adj} [New Latin] :: progenetic
progenies {noun} :: race, family, progeny
progenitor {noun} [rare] :: ancestor, progenitor
progero {v} :: I carry forth, carry out
progero {v} :: I clear out
progero {v} :: I cast out
progero {v} :: I carry before
progero {v} :: I bear in front
progignendus {v} :: which is to be begotten, produced
progignens {v} :: begetting, producing
progigno {v} :: I beget
progigno {v} :: I produce
prognatus {adj} :: born, descended or sprung from
prognosis {noun} :: forecast, prediction
prognosticon {noun} :: a prognostication; an omen or sign of the future
progrediendus {v} :: which is to be advanced
progrediens {v} :: advancing, proceeding
progrediens {v} :: progressing, developing
progredio {v} :: Alternative form of progredior
progredior {v} :: I come, go, or march forth, forward or on; advance, proceed
progredior {v} [figuratively] :: I make progress, advance, develop, proceed, go on; advance in age, get older
progressio {noun} :: progression
progressio {noun} [mathematics] :: arithmetic progression
progressio {noun} :: advancement, progress, growth, increase
progressior {adj} :: more advanced or progressed
progressivus {adj} :: progressive
progressurus {v} :: about to advance
progressus {v} :: advanced, proceeded
progressus {v} :: progressed, developed
progressus {noun} :: advance
progressus {noun} :: progress
proh dolor {interj} :: alternative form of prō dolor
prohibendus {v} :: which is to be held back, which is to be kept off, which is to be restrained, which is to be averted; which is to be prevented, which is to be hindered
prohibendus {v} :: which is to be forbidden, which is to be prohibited
prohibendus {v} :: which is to be kept, which is to be preserved, which is to be defended, which is to be protected
prohibens {v} :: holding back, keeping off, restraining, averting; preventing, hindering
prohibens {v} :: forbidding, prohibiting
prohibens {v} :: keeping, preserving, defending, protecting
prohibeo {v} :: I hold back or before, keep off, restrain; avert; prevent, hinder
prohibeo {v} :: I forbid, prohibit
prohibeo {v} :: I keep, preserve, defend, protect
prohibeo {v} :: I keep (someone (accusative)) off (something (ablative))
prohibitio {noun} :: prohibition, prevention
prohibiturus {v} :: about to hold back, about to keep off, about to restrain, about to avert; about to prevent, about to hinder
prohibiturus {v} :: about to forbid, about to prohibit
prohibiturus {v} :: about to keep, about to preserve, about to defend, about to protect
prohibitus {v} :: held back, having been held back, kept off, having been kept off, restrained, having been restrained, averted, having been averted; prevented, having been prevented, hindered, having been hindered
prohibitus {v} :: forbidden, having been forbidden, prohibited, having been prohibited
prohibitus {v} :: kept, having been kept, preserved, having been preserved, defended, having been defended, protected, having been protected
proiciens {v} :: discharging, scattering
proiciens {v} :: extending, projecting
proicio {v} :: I throw, thrust, drive, fling or hurl forth, down, away or out; discharge, scatter
proicio {v} [by extension] :: I stretch out, hold out, extend, project
proicio {v} [by extension] :: I cast out, expel, exile, banish
proicio {v} [in architecture] :: I let part of a building jut out, cause to project
proicio {v} [figuratively] :: I throw away, give up, yield, resign, renounce, reject, disdain; neglect, desert, abandon
proicio {v} [figuratively, with se] :: I rush into something; degrade myself
proicio {v} [figuratively] :: I put off, defer, delay
proiectus {v} :: discharged, scattered
proiectus {v} :: projected
proin {adv} :: alternative form of proinde
proinde {adv} :: just (so), even
proinde {adv} :: hence, therefore, accordingly
projectus {v} :: alternative form of prōiectus
projiciens {v} :: throwing, driving, flinging away, discharging, scattering, extending, projecting, expelling, rejecting, neglecting
projicio {v} :: alternative form of prōiciō
prolabens {v} :: collapsing
prolabor {v} :: I glide, slide, slip forward
prolabor {v} :: I collapse, decay
prolapsio {noun} :: slip, fall
prolapsio {noun} :: error
prolapsurus {v} :: about to collapse
prolapsus {v} :: collapsed
prolatandus {v} :: which is to be lengthened
prolatans {v} :: lengthening
prolataturus {v} :: about to lengthen
prolatatus {v} :: lengthened, enlarged, prolonged
prolatio {noun} :: postponement
prolatio {noun} :: enlargement
prolato {v} :: I lengthen, extend, enlarge
prolato {v} :: I prolong
prolaturus {v} :: about to proffer
prolatus {v} :: appearing etc
prolatus {v} :: proffering etc
prolatus {v} :: extending etc
prolecto {v} :: I allure or entice
proles {noun} :: offspring
proletarius {adj} :: belonging to the lowest class of citizens, whose only contribution to the State was their offspring
proliferus {adj} :: proliferous
prolimen {noun} :: lintel in front of an entrance
prolixe {adv} :: largely, abundantly
prolixior {adj} :: more courteous
prolixior {adj} :: more favourable
prolixitas {noun} :: great extent, long duration
prolixitas {noun} [of speech] :: prolixity
prolixitudo {noun} :: prolixity
prolixius {adv} :: comparative of prōlixē
prolixus {adj} :: stretched out, extended
prolixus {adj} :: courteous
prolixus {adj} :: favorable
prolocutus {v} :: to speak out
prologeticus {adj} :: self-centered
prologus {noun} :: a preface to a play; a prologue
prologus {noun} :: one who recites a prologue
prolongandus {v} :: which is to be lengthened
prolongans {v} :: lengthening
prolongatio {noun} [Late Latin] :: lengthening, prolongation
prolongaturus {v} :: about to lengthen
prolongatus {v} :: lengthened
prolongo {v} :: I lengthen, prolong or extend
proloquens {v} :: speaking out, declaring
proloquens {v} :: foretelling, predicting
proloquium {noun} :: enunciation
proloquium {noun} :: exposition
proloquor {v} :: I speak out, utter, declare, say
proloquor {v} :: I foretell, predict
proluceo {v} :: I shine forth
proluvies {noun} :: inundation, overflow
proluvies {noun} :: discharge
promens {v} :: producing, bringing forth
promercalis {adj} :: that is bought and sold openly
promerendus {v} :: which is to be deserved
promerens {v} :: deserving
promereo {v} :: I am deserving of, deserve, merit, earn
promereo {v} [by extension] :: I acquire, earn, gain, get, win
promereor {v} :: alternative form of prōmereō
promeriturus {v} :: about to deserve
promeritus {v} :: deserved
Prometheus {prop} [mythology] :: Prometheus
promethium {noun} :: promethium
prominens {v} :: prominent, jutting out, projecting
promineo {v} :: I stand or jut out; I project, overhang; I am prominent
promineo {v} [figuratively] :: I bend or reach out (for), extend (to)
promiscue {adv} :: in common, promiscuously, confusedly, indiscriminately
promiscus {adj} :: alternative form of prōmiscuus
promiscuus {adj} :: not separate or distinct, mixed; mutual, shared
promiscuus {adj} :: indiscriminate, promiscuous
promiscuus {adj} [grammar] :: epicene
promiscuus {adj} :: common, usual, general
promissio {noun} :: promise (act of promising)
promissor {noun} :: promiser
promissor {noun} :: guarantor
promissum {noun} :: promise
promissurus {v} :: about to promise
promissus {v} :: promised
promittendus {v} :: which is to be promised
promittens {v} :: sending forth
promittens {v} :: promising
promitto {v} :: I send forth
promitto {v} :: I promise
promnion {noun} :: A dark-colored gem
promo {v} :: I take or bring out or forth, produce, bring to light
Promona {prop} :: Promona (town)
promoneo {v} :: I warn or admonish further
promontorium {noun} :: alternative form of prōmunturium
promoturus {v} :: about to propel, advance
promotus {v} :: propelled, advanced
promotus {v} :: extended
promotus {v} :: displaced
promovendus {v} :: which is to be propelled, advanced
promovens {v} :: propelling, advancing
promoveo {v} :: I move forward, cause to advance, push onward, propel, advance
promoveo {v} :: I extend, enlarge, increase
promoveo {v} [of a joint] :: I put out, dislocate, displace
promoveo {v} [figuratively] :: I bring to pass, effect, accomplish, progress
promoveo {v} [figuratively] :: I enlarge, increase, promote, advance
promoveo {v} [figuratively] :: I bring to light, reveal
promoveo {v} [figuratively] :: I put off, defer, postpone
promptior {adj} :: readier, more willing or eager
promptior {adj} :: quicker, more prompt
promptissimus {adj} :: most or very ready, willing or eager
promptissimus {adj} :: most or very quick or prompt
promptitudo {noun} :: promptitude
promptuarium {noun} :: cupboard, storeroom
promptuarium {noun} :: repository
promptus {noun} :: a taking forth
promptus {noun} :: an exposing to view, a being visible, visibility, in the phrase:
promptus {noun} :: readiness; willingness, zeal, as in the phrases:
promptus {noun} :: ease, facility; only in the phrase:
promptus {v} :: produced
promptus {adj} :: manifest, disclosed
promptus {adj} :: ready, willing, eager
promptus {adj} :: quick, prompt
promulgandus {v} :: which is to be published
promulgans {v} :: publishing
promulgatio {noun} :: proclamation, promulgation
promulgaturus {v} :: about to publish
promulgatus {v} :: published, promulgated
promulgo {v} :: I publish, promulgate
promulsidare {noun} :: the tray for serving out the entrée, salver for the starter
promulsis {noun} :: the first course of a Roman meal, entrée, hors-d'œuvre
promunturium {noun} :: peak; highest part of a mountain chain
promunturium {noun} :: cape, headland, promontory
promus {adj} :: of or belonging to giving out, distributing
promus {noun} :: A distributor of provisions
promus {noun} :: A steward, a butler
promutuor {v} :: I lend beforehand
promutuum {noun} :: an advance, loan
promutuus {adj} :: paid beforehand
promutuus {adj} :: advanced, lent in advance
Pronaea {prop} :: Pronaea (river), now the Prüm
pronepos {f} :: great-grandchild
proneptis {noun} :: great-granddaughter
pronoea {noun} :: providence
pronomen {noun} [grammar] :: pronoun
pronuba {noun} :: maid of honour
pronuncio {v} :: alternative form of prōnūntiō
pronuntiandus {v} :: which is to be proclaimed, which is to be declared, which is to be announced
pronuntians {v} :: participle of prōnūntiō: pronouncing
pronuntiatio {noun} :: proclamation, declaration
pronuntiatio {noun} :: pronunciation, speech
pronuntiatio {noun} [rhetoric] :: manner, delivery
pronuntiaturus {v} :: about to proclaim, about to declare, about to announce
pronuntiatus {v} :: proclaimed, having been proclaimed, declared, having been declared, announced, having been announced
pronuntio {v} :: I proclaim, declare, announce
pronurus {noun} :: A grandson's wife
pronus {adj} :: turned forward, inclined, leaning, hanging
pronus {adj} :: bent over, bending, stooping
pronus {adj} :: prone, face down
prooemium {noun} :: a preface, introduction, prelude
prooemium {noun} [poetic] :: a beginning
propagandus {v} :: which is to be propagated
propagans {v} :: propagating
propagatio {noun} :: propagation
propagatio {noun} :: (human) reproduction
propagatio {noun} :: extension, enlargement, prolongation
propagaturus {v} :: about to propagate
propagatus {v} :: propagated
propago {v} :: I propagate
propago {v} :: I extend, enlarge, increase
propago {noun} [botany] :: set, layer, shoot (of a plant, for propagation)
propago {noun} :: offspring, descendant, child
propago {noun} :: children, race, breed, stock, progeny; posterity
propalam {adv} :: in full view, openly, publicly, notoriously, manifestly
propalatus {v} :: manifested, divulged
propanum {noun} [organic compound] :: propane
propatulus {adj} :: open (in front), uncovered
prope {adv} :: near, nearby, nigh
prope {adv} [figuratively] :: close in time
prope {adv} :: almost, nearly
prope {adv} :: better (as an approximation)
prope {prep} :: near
prope {prep} [figuratively] :: towards, about (in time)
propediem {adv} :: shortly, before long
propellendus {v} :: which is to be propelled
propellens {v} :: hurling, propelling
propellens {v} :: overthrowing, expelling
propellens {v} :: impelling, urging
propello {v} :: I drive, push or urge forth or forward; hurl, propel
propello {v} :: I hurl or cast down, overthrow, expel
propello {v} :: I drive on, impel, incite, urge
propello {v} :: I drive away, keep or ward off
propemodum {adv} :: nearly, almost
propendeo {v} :: I hang down, forth or forward
propendeo {v} [figurative] :: I weigh more, preponderate
propendeo {v} [figurative] :: I am inclined, disposed to, favourable
propendulus {adj} :: hanging forward or down
propensio {noun} :: inclination, propensity, tendency
propensior {adj} :: readier, more eager etc
propensus {adj} :: hanging down, preponderant
propensus {adj} :: inclining toward, coming near, approaching
propensus {adj} :: inclined, disposed, prone, ready, eager, willing
properandus {v} :: which is to be hastened
properans {v} :: hastening
properans {v} :: quickening, accelerating
properanter {adv} :: quickly, with haste
properaturus {v} :: about to hasten
properatus {v} :: hastened
propere {adv} :: hastily, quickly, speedily
properipes {adj} :: fleetfooted
propero {v} :: I hasten, quicken or accelerate
propero {v} :: I hurry, rush
propero {v} :: I repair, return
Propertius {prop} :: A Roman family name — famously held by:
Propertius {prop} :: Sextus Propertius, a Roman poet
properus {adj} :: hasty, quick, speedy
propheta {noun} :: prophet, soothsayer
prophetalis {adj} :: prophetic, prophetical
prophetans {v} :: prophesying, foretelling, predicting
prophetatio {noun} :: a prophesying, soothsaying
prophetes {noun} :: alternative form of prophēta
prophetia {noun} :: prophecy, prediction
prophetia {noun} :: prophets as a group
propheticus {adj} :: prophetic
prophetis {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: prophetess
prophetissa {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: prophetess
prophetizo {v} [Late Latin] :: I prophesy
propheto {v} :: I prophesy, foretell or predict
propinans {v} :: drinking to someone's health
propinans {v} :: pledging
propinans {v} :: offering food or drink
propinans {v} :: supplying, providing, or procuring something
propinans {v} :: watering (plants)
propino {v} :: I drink to someone's health, toast someone
propino {v} :: I pledge
propino {v} :: I offer food or drink
propino {v} :: I supply, provide, procure something
propino {v} :: I water (plants)
propinquans {v} :: hastening near
propinquans {v} :: approaching
propinquior {adj} :: nearer
propinquitas {noun} [in space or time] :: nearness, propinquity, proximity
propinquitas {noun} [figuratively, of persons] :: connection, affinity, kindred, relationship
propinquo {v} :: I bring near; I hasten
propinquo {v} :: I draw near; I approach
propinquus {adj} [of space] :: near, neighboring
propinquus {adj} [of time] :: near, at hand, not far off
propinquus {adj} [of appearance] :: resembling, similar, like, alike
propinquus {adj} [of a relationship] :: kindred, related
propionicus {adj} :: propionic (specifically, that oxidizes propionate)
propior {adj} :: nearer, closer
propior {adj} :: later (more recent)
propitiatio {noun} :: appeasement, atonement, propitiation
propitiator {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: a propitiator
propitiatorium {noun} :: a means of reconciliation, an atonement, propitiation
propitiatorium {noun} :: a place of atonement
propitiatorius {adj} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: atoning, reconciling, propitiating
propitio {v} :: I propitiate
propitio {v} :: I soothe
propitius {adj} :: favorable, well-disposed, kind
propitius {adj} :: propitious
propius {adv} :: nearly, almost
proplasma {noun} :: model (of something to be made)
propola {noun} :: retailer
propola {noun} :: stallholder
propolis {noun} :: bee-glue, propolis
proponendus {v} :: which is to be proposed
proponens {v} :: setting forth
proponens {v} :: declaring
proponens {v} :: proposing
propono {v} :: I set forth
propono {v} :: I make known
propono {v} :: I declare
propono {v} :: I propose
propono {v} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: I designate
Propontis {prop} :: Sea of Marmara
proportio {noun} :: proportion
proportio {noun} :: symmetry
proportio {noun} :: analogy
proportionalis {adj} :: proportional
proportionatus {adj} :: proportioned, proportionate
propositio {noun} :: proposition, representation
propositio {noun} :: subject, theme
propositio {noun} :: statement
propositio {noun} :: proposition, sentence
propositurus {v} :: about to propose
propositus {v} :: set forth
propositus {v} :: declared
propositus {v} :: proposed
propraetor {noun} :: An ex-praetor (in Rome) sent as praetor to a province where there was no army
proprietas {noun} :: quality, property, peculiarity, character
proprietas {noun} :: the legal position of an owner particularly if his property is encumbered with a usufruct
proprietas {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: property, possessions, things belonging to someone
proprietas {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: office concerning the commemoration of a certain saint
proprius {adj} :: own, individual
proprius {adj} :: special, particular, characteristic
propter {adv} :: near, at hand, hard by
propter {prep} :: near, close to, hard by
propter {prep} :: because of, on account of, for
propter {prep} [rare] :: through, by means of
propterea {adv} :: therefore; for that reason
propudium {noun} :: A shameful act
propudium {noun} :: A shameful person; wretch, villain
propugnaculum {noun} :: bulwark, rampart, fortress
propugnaculum {noun} :: defence
propugnandus {v} :: which is to be contended
propugnans {v} :: contending
propugnatio {noun} :: defence
propugnatio {noun} :: vindication
propugnator {noun} :: A champion or defender (male)
propugnaturus {v} :: about to contend
propugnatus {v} :: contended
propugno {v} :: I fight or contend for
propugno {v} :: I defend
propulsandus {v} :: which is to be propelled
propulsans {v} :: propelling
propulsatio {noun} :: repulse
propulsaturus {v} :: about to propel
propulsatus {v} :: propelled
propulso {v} :: I drive forward, propel
propulso {v} :: I drive back, ward off, repel or repulse
propulso {v} :: I avert
propulsurus {v} :: about to propel
propulsus {v} :: propelled
propungo {v} :: I prick in front, I puncture in front
propurgo {v} :: I cleanse beforehand
proquam {adv} :: in proportion as
proquam {adv} :: according as
prora {noun} [nautical] :: prow
prorepturus {v} :: about to hurry
proreptus {v} :: hurried
proripiendus {v} :: which is to be hurried
proripiens {v} :: hurrying
proripio {v} :: I drag or snatch forth
proripio {v} :: I hurry forth or away
prorito {v} :: I provoke, tempt, incite or cause by means of irritation
prorito {v} :: I attract, invite
prorogatio {noun} [of a term of office] :: A prolonging, extension
prorogatio {noun} [of an appointed time] :: A putting off, deferring; postponement
prorogativus {adj} :: Admitting of delay; having delayed effects
prorogator {noun} :: Somebody or something that pays or gives out; dispenser
prorogo {v} :: I prolong, draw out, keep (something) going
prorogo {v} :: I extend (a term of office, a certain situation)
prorogo {v} :: I preserve, keep for a long time, continue
prorogo {v} :: I defer, put off, postpone
prorogo {v} :: I pay down beforehand, advance money from one account to another
prorogo {v} :: I propagate, perpetuate
prorsus {adj} :: straightforward, right onwards, straight, direct
prorsus {adj} :: [transf. of style] straightforward, prosaic
prorsus {adv} :: forwards
prorsus {adv} :: straight forward; directly
prorsus {adv} :: certainly, truly, precisely, utterly, absolutely
prorumpendus {v} :: which is to be burst forth
prorumpens {v} :: bursting forth
prorumpo {v} :: I break or burst forth or out
proruo {v} :: I tear or pull down
proruo {v} :: I overthrow or overturn
proruo {v} :: I demolish
proruo {v} :: I fall upon an enemy
prorupturus {v} :: about to burst forth
proruptus {v} :: burst forth
proruptus {v} :: unrestrained
prorutus {v} :: overthrown, overturned
prorutus {v} :: demolished
prosa {noun} :: prose
prosapia {noun} :: stock, race, family, lineage
proscaenium {noun} :: alternative form of proscēnium
proscenium {noun} :: proscenium
Proschium {prop} :: Proschium (ancient town), situated between the rivers Achelous and Evenus
proscindo {v} :: I tear open in front, rend, split, cleave, cut up
proscindo {v} [agriculture, of the first ploughing] :: I plough or break up the land
proscindo {v} :: I cut through, cleave, furrow
proscindo {v} [figurative] :: I censure, castigate, revile, defame, satirize
proscribendus {v} :: which is to be advertised
proscribens {v} :: advertising
proscribo {v} :: I advertise, proclaim
proscribo {v} :: I publish
proscribo {v} :: I proscribe, ban
proscribo {v} :: I outlaw, banish
proscriptio {noun} :: advertisement (public notice)
proscriptio {noun} :: proscription
proscripturus {v} :: about to advertise
proscriptus {v} :: advertised
proscriptus {v} :: outlawed, banished
proscriptus {v} :: proscribed, banned
prosculto {v} :: I peer into, I examine
prosecandus {v} :: which is to be sacrificed
prosecans {v} :: sacrificing
proseco {v} :: I cut off or away
proseco {v} :: I sacrifice
prosectum {noun} :: entrails
prosectum {noun} :: A severed portion of something as a sacrifice
prosecturus {v} :: about to sacrifice
prosectus {v} :: sacrificed
prosecuturus {v} :: about to escort
prosecutus {v} :: escorted, accompanied
prosecutus {v} :: pursued, followed
proseda {noun} :: a prostitute
proselyta {noun} :: a female proselyte, converted woman
proselytus {adj} [Late Latin] :: come from abroad, foreign, strange
proselytus {noun} [Late Latin] :: a sojourner, a stranger in the land
proselytus {noun} [and especially, post-Classical] :: one that has come over from heathenism to the Jewish religion, a proselyte
prosemino {vt} :: I sow, scatter about
prosemino {vt} [figurative] :: I disseminate, propagate
prosentio {v} :: I see beforehand, I perceive beforehand
prosequens {v} :: escorting, accompanying
prosequens {v} :: pursuing, following
prosequens {v} :: describing in detail
prosequens {v} [figuratively] :: attending, waiting on, allowing, accommodating
prosequor {v} :: I escort, accompany
prosequor {v} :: I pursue, follow
prosequor {v} :: I describe in detail
prosequor {v} [figuratively] :: I attend, wait on, allow, accommodate
proserpo {v} :: I creep forward
proserpo {v} :: I creep along, I crawl along
prosiliens {v} :: Jumping up, leaping
prosilio {vi} :: I leap, jump, rush or spring forth or up
prosilio {vi} :: I burst or break forth, start out, start up; hasten
prosilio {vi} :: I leap to or attempt eagerly
prosocer {noun} :: grandfather of one's wife
prosocrus {noun} :: grandmother of one's wife
prosodia {noun} :: prosody
prospectandus {v} :: which is to be beheld
prospectans {v} :: beholding
prospectaturus {v} :: about to behold
prospectatus {v} :: beheld
prospecto {v} :: I look or gaze out at; I behold
prospecturus {v} :: about to foresee
prospectus {noun} :: view, sight, prospect
prospectus {noun} :: panorama
prospectus {v} :: watched or looked (out)
prospectus {v} :: discerned
prospectus {v} :: foreseen
prosper {adj} :: alternative form of prosperus
prosperatus {v} :: furthered
prosperatus {v} :: propitiated
prosperitas {noun} :: success
prosperitas {noun} :: prosperity
prosperitas {noun} :: joy, approbation
prospero {v} :: I further (cause to succeed)
prospero {v} :: I propitiate
prosperrimus {adj} :: most or very prosperous
prosperrimus {adj} :: luckiest of very lucky
prosperus {adj} :: prosperous, successful
prosperus {adj} :: favourable, propitious
prospiciendus {v} :: which is to be foreseen
prospiciens {v} :: watching or looking out
prospicio {v} :: I look far off; I see into the distance
prospicio {v} :: I watch or look out for
prospicio {v} :: I discern, descry or espy
prospicio {v} :: I foresee
prostata {noun} [anatomy] :: prostate
prosternendus {v} :: which is to be prostrated
prosternens {v} :: strewing
prosternens {v} :: prostrating
prosternens {v} :: overthrowing
prosterno {v} :: I strew in front of
prosterno {v} :: I prostrate, knock down, throw to the ground
prosterno {v} :: I overthrow or subvert
prosterno {v} :: I lay low, make fallen
prostibulum {noun} :: prostitute, whore
prostibulum {noun} :: brothel
prostituo {v} :: I set up in public
prostituo {v} :: I prostitute
prostituo {v} :: I dishonor
prostitutio {noun} :: prostitution
prostitutio {noun} :: dishonoring, profaning
prostitutus {v} :: prostituted
prostitutus {v} :: dishonored
prosto {v} :: I stand forth, stand out, project
prosto {v} :: I offer for sale
prosto {v} :: I prostitute (oneself)
prostraturus {v} :: about to prostrate
prostratus {v} :: prostrated
prostratus {v} :: overthrown, subverted, undermined
prosum {v} [with a dative] :: I am useful or of use, do good, help, benefit, serve, profit
prosum {v} [of medicines] :: I am good or beneficial
prosumia {noun} :: A lookout ship
prosus {adv} :: alternative form of prōrsus
protactinium {noun} :: protactinium
protasis {noun} [logic] :: an assertion, proposition
protasis {noun} :: the beginning or first part of a play
Prote {prop} :: An island lying off the coast of Messenia
Prote {prop} :: One of the Stoechades
proteamaculans {adj} [New Latin] :: Protea-staining
protectio {noun} [Late Latin, rare] :: protection; shelter
protector {noun} :: protector (all senses)
protector {noun} :: guardian; guard
protectus {v} :: covered
protectus {v} :: protected
protectus {v} :: defended
protegendus {v} :: to be protected
protegens {v} :: covering
protegens {v} :: protecting
protegens {v} :: defending
protego {v} :: I cover
protego {v} :: I protect
protego {v} :: I defend
protelo {v} :: I drive forward
protelo {v} :: I beat off or repulse
protendendus {v} :: which is to be lengthened
protendens {v} :: extending, distending
protendens {v} :: prolonging, lengthening
protendo {v} :: I extend or distend
protendo {v} :: I prolong or lengthen
protensurus {v} :: about to lengthen
protensus {v} :: lengthened
protenus {adv} :: alternative form of prōtinus
proterendus {v} :: which is to be trampled
proterens {v} :: trampling
protero {v} :: I drive forth or away
protero {v} :: I trample down, tread on sth
protero {v} :: I defeat, overthrow, maltreat, abuse
proterreo {v} :: I frighten, drive or scare off or away, terrify
proterritus {v} :: frightened, terrified
protervior {adj} :: more violent etc
protervior {adj} :: more reckless etc
protervitas {noun} :: pertness, sauciness, boldness, impudence
protervus {adj} :: violent, vehement
protervus {adj} :: reckless, wanton, shameless, impudent
protervus {adj} :: audacious
protestatio {noun} :: declaration
protestatio {noun} :: protestation
protestatus {v} :: testified
protestatus {v} :: protested
protestor {v} :: I testify, bear witness
protestor {v} :: I protest
protinus {adv} :: immediately, forthwith
protinus {adv} :: (rare) forward, farther on, onward
protinus {adv} :: continuously, constantly, uninterruptedly
protium {noun} :: protium
protocollarius {adj} :: of or pertaining to first sheet of a volume
protocollarius {adj} [relational] :: protocol
protocollum {noun} [Late Latin] :: the first sheet of a volume on which contents and errata were written
protoindoeuropaeus {adj} [New Latin] :: Proto-Indo-European
protomartyr {f} :: protomartyr
proton {noun} [physics, New Latin] :: proton
protozoologicus {adj} [New Latin] :: protozoological
protractio {noun} [postclassical] :: a drawing outlengtheningprotraction
protracturus {v} :: about to pull, prolong
protractus {v} :: pulled, prolonged
protrahendus {v} :: which is to be pulled, prolonged
protrahens {v} :: pulling, prolonging
protraho {v} :: I drag, pull, draw or bring forth or out (to a place)
protraho {v} :: I bring to light, discover, disclose, reveal, expose, betray
protraho {v} :: I lengthen out something as to time; prolong, protract, defer
protraho {v} :: I extend, increase
protriturus {v} :: about to trample
protritus {v} :: driven away
protritus {v} :: trampled, overthrown
protrudendus {v} :: which is to be protruded
protrudens {v} :: protruding
protrudo {v} :: I thrust or push forwards
protrudo {v} :: I protrude
protrusurus {v} :: about to protrude
protrusus {v} :: protruded
protuberantia {noun} :: bulge, protuberance
protubero {v} :: I swell or bulge out
proturbo {v} :: I drive, on, forward or away
proturbo {v} :: I repel or repulse
prout {conj} :: according as, in proportion
prout {conj} :: just as, exactly as
provecturus {v} :: about to proceed
provectus {v} :: carried or conducted forward or along
provectus {v} :: advanced, developed
provehendus {v} :: which is to be proceeded
provehens {v} :: proceeding
proveho {v} :: I carry or conduct forward or along
proveho {v} :: I proceed, advance, move, drive, ride, sail etc. to a place
proveniens {v} :: coming forth, originating, arising
proveniens {v} :: appearing, coming forth
proveniens {v} :: growing up, thriving, prospering
provenio {v} :: I come forth, originate, arise
provenio {v} :: I appear, come forth
provenio {v} :: I grow up, thrive, prosper
proventus {noun} :: growth, increase
proventus {noun} :: produce, yield, crop
proventus {noun} :: result, outcome
proverbium {noun} :: proverb, saying, saw, maxim, adage
provide {adv} :: carefully, prudently
providendus {v} :: which is to be foreseen
providens {v} :: foreseeing
providens {v} :: providing
providens {v} :: caring for
providenter {adv} :: with foresight, providently, carefully
providentia {noun} :: The ability to see something in advance; foresight, foreknowledge
providentia {noun} :: Precaution, providence, forethought
providentissime {adv} :: superlative of prōvidenter
providentius {adv} :: comparative of prōvidenter
provideo {v} :: I foresee
provideo {v} :: I am cautious; I act with foresight
provideo {v} :: I provide, see to
provideo {v} :: I look after, care for
providissime {adv} :: superlative of prōvidē
providius {adv} :: comparative of prōvidē
providus {adj} :: prophetic
providus {adj} :: provident, prudent, circumspect, cautious
provincia {noun} :: province, office, duty, command
provincialis {adj} :: provincial (of a province)
provinciatim {adv} :: through(out) the provinces
provisio {noun} :: foreknowledge
provisio {noun} :: foresight
provisio {noun} :: precaution
provisor {noun} :: foreseer
provisor {noun} :: lookout
provisor {noun} :: provider
provisor {noun} :: provisor
provisurus {v} :: about to foresee
provisus {v} :: foreseen
provisus {v} :: provided (for)
provocabulum {noun} :: a word that is used for another, a pronoun
provocandus {v} :: which is to be challenged
provocandus {v} :: which is to be provoked
provocans {v} :: challenging; provoking
provocatio {noun} [Post-Augustan] :: challenge (to combat)
provocatio {noun} [Late Latin] :: stimulus, provocation, encouragement
provocatio {noun} :: (legal) appeal
provocativus {adj} :: elicited (called forth)
provocator {noun} :: challenger [in combat]
provocatorius {adj} :: purgative
provocatorius {adj} [Late Latin] :: provocative, exasperating
provocatrix {noun} [Late Latin] :: challenger; temptress
provocatus {v} :: challenged
provocatus {v} :: provoked
provoco {v} :: I call forth
provoco {v} :: I challenge
provoco {v} :: I provoke
provolo {v} :: I fly or dash forth
provolo {v} :: I hasten or hurry
provolutus {v} :: rolled or tumbled forward or along
provolutus {v} :: prostrated; descended
provolvo {v} :: I roll or tumble forwards, along, over and over or away
provolvo {v} [with passive or se] :: I cast myself down, fall down, prostrate myself; descend
provolvo {v} [figuratively] :: I snatch away, carry away, hurry on
provulgo {v} :: I publish
provulgo {v} :: I divulge or make known
prox {interj} :: by your leave
proximans {v} :: approaching
proximior {adj} :: nearer, closer
proximitas {noun} :: proximity, nearness, vicinity
proximitas {noun} :: similarity, resemblance
proximitas {noun} :: connection, union
proximo {v} :: I approach (come or am near)
proximum {noun} :: the immediate future
proximum {noun} :: the immediate past
proximus {adj} :: nearest, next
proximus {adj} :: adjoining
proximus {adv} :: superlative of prope
proximus {noun} :: neighbour
proximus {noun} :: nearest person
proximus {noun} :: next person, next one
proximus egomet mihi {proverb} [idiomatic] :: every man for himself; charity begins at home
proxumus {adj} :: alternative form of proximus
Prud. {prop} :: abbreviation of Prūdentius
prudens {adj} :: wise, prudent
prudenter {adv} :: wisely, prudently
prudentia {noun} :: acquaintance, knowledge
prudentia {noun} :: sagacity, prudence, discretion
prudentia {noun} :: foresight
prudentia {noun} :: wisdom
prudentior {adj} :: wiser, more prudent
prudentissime {adv} :: superlative of prūdenter
prudentissimus {adj} :: wisest, most or very prudent
Prudentius {prop} :: A masculine nomen — famously held by:
Prudentius {prop} :: Aurelius Prudentius Clemens (AD 348–413), a Roman Christian poet of Calagurris, in Spain
pruina {noun} :: rime, hoarfrost
pruinosus {adj} :: frosty
pruinosus {adj} :: frosted (or living in a frosty environment) (as a taxonomic epithet)
pruna {noun} :: A burning coal, live coal, glowing charcoal
prunifolius {adj} [New Latin] :: purple-leafed
pruniformis {adj} [New Latin] :: prune-shaped
prunum {noun} :: A plum fruit
prunus {noun} :: A plum tree
pruriens {v} :: itching, tingling
pruriens {v} :: longing for
prurigo {noun} :: an itching, the itch
prurigo {noun} :: a lecherous itching, lasciviousness
prurio {v} :: I itch or tingle
prurio {v} :: I long for
pruritus {noun} :: an itching, itch
Prusa {prop} :: Prusa (city)
Prusias {prop} :: The name of various kings of Bithynia
prussicus {adj} :: Prussian
Prytanis {prop} :: Prytanis (small river)
Psacae {prop} :: A tribe of Scythia mentioned by Pliny
psallens {v} :: playing (the cithara)
psallens {v} :: singing (psalms)
psallo {v} :: to make a bowstring twang to send forth an arrow
psallo {v} :: to pluck a string with the fingers [but never with a plectrum]
psallo {v} :: to play, or sing to, a named instrument (such as the cithara or other instrument)
psallo {v} :: to sing or play a tune
psallo {v} :: to sing the psalms
Psalmi {prop} [religion] :: Psalms
psalmicen {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: a psalm-singer
psalmidicus {noun} :: psalmist
psalmisonus {noun} :: psalm singer
psalmus {noun} :: psalm
psalterium {noun} [musical instruments] :: lute or psaltery
psaltes {noun} :: minstrel (player on the cithara)
psaltria {noun} :: lutist (female)
Psamathus {prop} :: Selinunte
Psammetichus {prop} :: The name of three Egyptian pharaohs
psammophilus {adj} :: sand-loving; psammophilous
Psaphis {prop} :: one of the demes of Attica
psecas {noun} :: A female slave who perfumed her mistress's hair
Pselcis {prop} :: A town on the left bank of the Nile
psephisma {noun} :: plebiscite
psephisma {noun} :: ordinance of the people
Pserema {prop} :: An island of the Ceramic Gulf
Psessii {prop} :: A tribe of Sarmatia mentioned by Ptolemy
psetta {noun} :: A species of plaice or sole, also called rhombus
pseudapostolus {noun} :: false apostle
pseudo- {prefix} :: false, fake
pseudoapostolus {noun} :: alternative form of pseudapostolus
pseudocaninus {adj} :: pseudocanine
pseudochristus {noun} :: false Christ
pseudoflavus {adj} :: Yellowish, off-yellow
Pseudolus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Pseudolus of Plautus
pseudomalleus {noun} [New Latin] :: false hammer
pseudopropheta {noun} :: a false prophet
pseudoprophetia {noun} :: a false prophecy
pseudoselinum {noun} :: A plant (possibly a form of angelica)
pseudothyrum {noun} :: a secret door, back door, private entrance
pseudothyrum {noun} [figurative] :: a secret manner
psila {noun} :: A shaggy mat or rug
Psile {prop} :: An Aegean island situated near Samos
Psilis {prop} :: Psilis (river)
psilothrum {noun} :: An unguent for removing the hair and making the skin smooth, a depilatory
Psitharas {prop} :: Psitharas (river)
psittacinus {adj} :: Of or belonging to a parrot
psittacus {noun} :: A parrot (bird)
psoleos {noun} [anatomy] :: the penis
Psophis {prop} :: a city of Arcadia situated west of the chain of Erymanthus
psora {noun} :: the itch, mange
psyche {noun} :: mind
psyche {noun} :: spirit
psychicus {adj} :: animal
psychicus {adj} :: carnal
psychicus {adj} :: psychic
psychomantium {noun} :: a place for necromancy, for consulting with the spirits of the dead
psychopompus {noun} [post-classical] :: psychopomp (entity who assists souls)
psychrophilus {adj} :: psychrophilic
Psychrus {prop} :: A small river in the east of Pontus
Psylli {prop} :: A tribe of Africa mentioned by Pliny
psyllion {noun} :: fleabane
Psyttalia {prop} :: An island situated off the coast of Attica, between Piraeus and Salamis
ptate {noun} :: abbreviation of potestāte
-pte {suffix} :: A particle usually affixed to the ablative singular of these adjectives (meus, tuus, suus, noster, vester) most frequently to that of suus in order to express more emphatically that a thing belongs to a person as contrasted with what is not his own
pternix {noun} [botany] :: The straight stem of a plant
pterus {adj} [New Latin] :: winged
pterygoideus {adj} [New Latin] :: pterygoid
pthisicus {adj} :: alternative spelling of phthisicus
ptilo- {prefix} [New Latin] :: ptilo- (down, feather)
Ptilopaedes {prop} [New Latin, ornithology, rare, collectively] :: All those birds that have a complete covering of down when they hatch; all ptilopaedic birds
ptochotropheum {noun} :: poorhouse
Ptolemaeus {prop} :: Ptolemy (name of Greek origin)
Ptolemais {prop} :: Any of several settlements in the Hellenistic world, including:
Ptolemais {prop} :: Ptolemais (city)
Ptolemais {prop} :: Ptolemais (city)
Ptolemais {prop} :: Ptolemais (city)
Ptolemocratia {prop} :: given name, character in the play Rudens of Plautus
ptyas {noun} :: a kind of serpent, said to spit venom into the eyes of men
ptygma {noun} :: refolded fabric
pubertas {noun} :: puberty (age, manifestations)
puberulus {adj} [New Latin] :: Having short, soft hairs; puberulous
pubes {adj} :: adult
pubes {adj} :: pubescent
pubes {adj} :: ripe
pubes {adj} :: downy (of plants)
pubes {noun} :: youth
pubes {noun} :: youthfulness
pubes {noun} :: pubic hair
pubescens {v} :: ripening
pubescens {v} :: hairy
pubesco {v} :: I become pubescent
pubesco {v} :: I ripen, mature
publica {noun} :: the public
publicandus {v} :: which is to be confiscated
publicans {v} :: confiscating
publicanus {adj} [relational] :: public revenue
publicanus {noun} :: tax collector
publicanus {noun} :: publican
publicatio {noun} :: confiscation (to the public treasury)
publicatio {noun} :: publication, proclamation
publicaturus {v} :: about to confiscate
publicatus {v} :: confiscated
publicitas {noun} :: the state of being public; publicity
publico {v} :: I seize, I confiscate, I make public property, I nationalize
publico {v} :: I make public, I let be known in the public, I publish, I issue, I release
publico {v} :: I release, I open for public access, I unblock
Publicola {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Publicola {prop} :: Publius Valerius Publicola, a Roman consul
publicum {noun} :: state property
publicum {noun} :: the treasury; state depot
publicum {noun} :: state revenue
publicum {noun} :: publicity
publicum {noun} :: public road
publicum {noun} :: the public (people in general; an audience)
publicum {noun} :: commonwealth, the republic
publicus {adj} :: of or belonging to the people, State, or community
publicus {adj} :: public, general
publicus {noun} :: a public officer, magistrate
Publilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Publilius {prop} :: Quintus Publilius Philo, a Roman consul
Publipor {noun} :: a male slave owned by Pūblius
Publius {prop} :: famously held by:
Publius {prop} :: Publius Valerius Publicola (6th century BCE)
Publius {prop} :: Pūblius Aelius Hadriānus (birth name of emperor Caesar Trāiānus Hadriānus Augustus)
Publius {prop} :: Publius Ovidius Naso (Roman poet, 43 BCE - 17 CE)
Pucinum {prop} :: a town of Venetia situated between Tergeste and the river Timavus, now Duino
pudefactus {adj} :: ashamed
pudendum {v} :: shaming
pudendus {v} :: which is to be ashamed of
pudens {adj} :: shameful
pudens {adj} :: bashful, shy
pudens {adj} :: chaste
Pudens {noun} :: A masculine cognomen
pudenter {adv} :: chastely, modestly, bashfully, shyly
pudentior {adj} :: more shameful
pudentior {adj} :: more bashful
pudentissime {adv} :: superlative of pudenter
pudentissimus {adj} :: most or very shameful
pudentissimus {adj} :: most or very bashful
pudentius {adv} :: comparative of pudenter
pudeo {vi} [rare] :: I am ashamed
pudeo {vt} [usually, impersonal] :: I cause shame
pudibilis {adj} :: shameful, abominable
pudibundus {adj} :: shamefaced, bashful, modest, ashamed; blushing
pudibundus {adj} :: shameful, disgraceful, scandalous
pudice {adv} :: chastely, purely, respectably, decently
pudice {adv} :: bashfully, modestly
pudice {adv} :: virtuously
pudicissime {adv} :: superlative of pudīcē
pudicissimus {adj} :: most or very chaste, modest etc
pudicitia {noun} :: chastity, virtue; shamefacedness, modesty
pudicius {adv} :: comparative of pudīcē
pudicus {adj} :: chaste, pure, undefiled
pudicus {adj} :: modest, shamefaced, bashful
pudicus {adj} :: virtuous, honorable or honourable, faithful
puditurus {v} :: about to be ashamed
puditus {v} :: ashamed
pudor {noun} :: A sense of shame; shamefacedness, shyness; ignominy, disgrace; humiliation
pudor {noun} :: Modesty, decency, propriety, scrupulousness, chastity
pudor {noun} :: A blush
pudoratus {adj} :: shamefaced, bashful, modest, chaste
pudoricolor {adj} :: shame-colored, blushing, ruddy, rosy
pudorosus {adj} :: shamefaced, bashful, modest, chaste
puella {noun} :: a girl, a lass, a maiden; a female child
puella {noun} [poetic] :: a sweetheart, a mistress, a beloved maiden
puella {noun} [in jest] :: a kitten
puella {noun} :: a young woman, a young wife
puella {noun} [rare] :: a female slave
puellaris {adj} :: girlish, maidenly
puellula {noun} :: little girl, lass
puellus {noun} :: a young boy, a little boy
puellus {noun} [in erotic context] :: catamite
puer {noun} :: a child; chit
puer {noun} :: a boy; lad (between an infans and adulescens)
puer {noun} :: a male servant or page; slave
puer {noun} :: a bachelor
puer {noun} :: boyhood (ex: in puero, "in his boyhood" or "as a boy")
puera {noun} :: girl
puera {noun} :: maiden
puerarius {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: boyish
pueraster {noun} [hapax legomenon, Medieval Latin] :: A preadolescent or adolescent boy, a preteen or teen
puerculus {noun} :: a small boy
puerigenus {adj} :: that begets boys
puerilior {adj} :: comparative of puerīlis: more boyish, more youthful
puerilior {adj} [figuratively] :: more immature, childish
puerilis {adj} :: boyish, youthful
puerilis {adj} [figuratively] :: immature, childish
puerilissimus {adj} :: superlative of puerīlis: most, or very boyish, youthful
puerilissimus {adj} [figuratively] :: most, or very immature, childish
puerilitas {noun} :: boyhood, childhood
pueriliter {adv} :: childishly, foolishly
puerinus {adj} :: youthful
pueritia {noun} :: Boyhood, childhood, youth
pueritia {noun} [figuratively] :: Innocence; childishness, callowness
puerities {noun} :: childhood
puerpera {noun} :: a woman in labor or in childbed, a lying-in woman
puerperus {adj} :: of a woman in labor
puertia {noun} :: alternative form of pueritia ("boyhood, childhood; callowness")
puerulus {noun} :: little boy
puerulus {noun} :: little slave
puga {noun} [anatomy] :: buttock
pugil {noun} :: a boxer, pugilist
pugil {noun} [figuratively] :: a hardened forehead
pugilares {noun} :: alternative form of pugillārēs
pugilatio {noun} :: boxing with the cestus, pugilism
pugilator {noun} :: boxer, pugilist
pugilatorius {adj} :: alternative form of pugillātōrius
pugilatus {noun} :: a boxing, fighting with the cestus
pugilice {adv} :: like a boxer; vigorously, stoutly
pugilis {noun} :: boxer, pugilist
pugillar {noun} :: alternative form of pugillārēs
pugillares {noun} :: a writing-tablet, notebook
pugillaria {noun} :: alternative form of pugillārēs
pugillariarius {noun} :: one who makes writing-tablets
pugillaris {noun} :: alternative form of pugillārēs
pugillaris {adj} [relational] :: fist
pugillatio {noun} :: alternative form of pugilātiō
pugillator {noun} :: alternative form of pugilātor
pugillatorius {adj} :: of or belonging to the fist
pugillatus {noun} :: alternative form of pugilātus
pugillor {v} :: alternative form of pugilor
pugillum {noun} :: handful, fistful
pugillus {noun} :: alternative form of pugillum
pugilor {v} :: I fight with the fist or cestus; I am a boxer
pugilus {noun} :: alternative form of pugillum
pugio {noun} :: a dagger
pugiunculus {noun} :: a small dagger, poniard
pugna {noun} :: a fight, battle, combat, action
pugna {noun} :: a line of battle, troops drawn up for battle
pugna {noun} :: a contest, dispute, quarrel
pugnacitas {noun} :: desire or fondness for fighting
pugnacitas {noun} :: combativeness, quarrelsomeness, pugnacity
pugnaciter {adv} :: combatively, fightingly
pugnaciter {adv} :: aggressively, fiercely
pugnaculum {noun} :: a fortified place, fortification, fortress, bastion, bulwark
pugnandus {v} :: which is to be fought or opposed
pugnans {v} :: fighting, combating
pugnans {v} :: opposing
pugnantia {noun} [mostly plural] :: contradictions, inconsistencies, things irreconcilable
pugnator {noun} :: fighter, combatant
pugnatorius {adj} :: of or belonging to a fighter or combatant
pugnatrix {noun} :: Female fighter or combatant
pugnaturus {v} :: about to fight
pugnatus {v} :: fought
pugnax {adj} :: combative, fond of fighting, pugnacious, aggressive
pugneus {adj} [relational] :: fist
pugnicula {noun} :: a slight contest, a skirmish
pugnitus {adj} :: with the fists
pugno {v} :: I fight, combat, battle, engage
pugno {v} :: I contend, conflict, oppose, contradict
pugno {v} :: I endeavour, struggle, strive
pugnus {noun} :: a fist; a hand with all fingers curled up
pugnus {noun} :: a fistful, handful
pulcellus {adj} :: beautiful little
pulcer {adj} :: alternative form of pulcher
pulcerrimus {adj} :: alternative form of pulcherrimus
pulchellus {adj} :: beautiful little
pulcher {adj} :: beautiful, fair, pretty
pulcher {adj} [figuratively] :: noble, honorable, excellent
pulcherrime {adv} :: superlative of pulchrē
pulcherrimus {adj} :: superlative of pulcher; most or very beautiful
pulchre {adv} :: beautifully
pulchre {adv} :: rightly, correctly
pulchrior {adj} :: more beautiful or honourable
pulchrissime {adv} [proscribed] :: superlative of pulchrē
pulchritudo {noun} :: beauty, attractiveness
pulchritudo {noun} :: excellence
pulchritudo {noun} [by extension] :: a beautiful thing
pulchrius {adv} :: comparative of pulchrē
pulchrum {noun} :: beauty
pulcre {adv} :: alternative form of pulchrē
pulcrior {adj} :: alternative form of pulchrior
pulcrissime {adv} :: superlative of pulcrē
pulcrius {adv} :: comparative of pulcrē
pulegium {noun} :: pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
pulenta {noun} :: crushed grain cooked with water
pulex {noun} :: flea
pulicarius {adj} :: of, of having fleas
Pullanus {noun} :: a Poulain
Pullariae {prop} :: a group of islands of the Adriatic Sea, now the Brijuni islands
pullarius {adj} :: Of or pertaining to young animals
pullarius {noun} :: The keeper of the sacred chickens
pullastra {noun} :: a young hen, pullet
pullatus {adj} :: clothed in dirty or black clothes
pulleiaceus {adj} :: black
pullicenus {noun} :: a chick, chicken
pullinus {adj} :: of or belong to young animals
pullinus {adj} [with dentēs] :: the first teeth of a colt, milk teeth
pullo {v} :: I put forth, sprout out, germinate
pullulo {v} :: to put forth, sprout out, come forth
pullulo {v} :: to bring forth young
pullulo {v} :: to spread, grow, increase
pullulo {v} :: to bring forth, produce
pullulus {noun} :: young (of animals)
pullulus {noun} :: chick
pullulus {noun} :: sprout, twig
pullulus {noun} :: (term of endearment) darling
pullus {noun} :: A young animal
pullus {noun} :: chick, chicken
pullus {noun} :: foal
pullus {noun} :: [term of endearment] darling
pullus {adj} :: dark-colored; dusky
pulmentarium {noun} :: A porridge-like mix consumed by the poor of Ancient Roman; this was made with a mixture of lentils, peas and beans
pulmentarium {noun} :: relish (eaten with food)
pulmentum {noun} :: a small portion of meat or fish eaten as a starter to a meal (later applied to larger savoury dishes)
pulmentum {noun} :: a condiment, relish, eaten with bread
pulmo {noun} [anatomy] :: A lung
pulmo {noun} [with marinus] :: A lunglike marine animal; a sea-lung, jellyfish
pulpa {noun} :: the soft part of an animal's body; flesh
pulpa {noun} :: the fleshy part, pulp of fruit
pulpa {noun} :: the pith of wood
pulpitum {noun} :: platform, scaffold, or pulpit for public presentations or lectures
pulpitum {noun} :: stage (for actors)
pulpo {vi} [of vultures] :: I cry
pulposus {adj} :: fleshy, pulpy, pulpous
pulpus {noun} [Late Latin] :: octopus
puls {noun} :: meal, porridge
pulsandus {v} :: which is to be beat
pulsans {v} :: pushing; striking, beating, battering, hammering, knocking on; pulsating
pulsans {v} [figuratively] :: urging or driving on, impelling, moving, agitating, disturbing, disquieting
pulsans {v} [figuratively] :: accusing, defaming; injuring, insulting
pulsans {v} [figuratively] :: removing, putting out of the way; dispelling
pulsatio {noun} :: beating, striking
pulsaturus {v} :: about to beat
pulsatus {v} :: beat
pulso {v} :: I push, strike, beat, batter, hammer; knock on; pulsate
pulso {v} [figuratively] :: I urge or drive on, impel, move, agitate, disturb, disquiet
pulso {v} [figuratively] :: I accuse, defame; injure, insult
pulso {v} [figuratively] :: I remove, put out of the way, drive away; dispel
pulsurus {v} :: about to impel, propel
pulsus {noun} :: pulse, impulse, beat, stroke
pulsus {v} :: expelled, kicked out, having been kicked out
pulsus {v} :: pushed, shoved, having been pushed
pultiphagus {adj} :: porridge-eating
pulverizandus {v} :: which is to be pulverized
pulverizans {v} :: pulverizing
pulverizaturus {v} :: about to pulverize
pulverizatus {v} :: pulverized
pulverizo {v} :: I pulverize (reduce to dust)
pulverulentus {adj} :: dusty; pulverulent
pulverulentus {adj} :: toilsome
pulvillus {noun} :: little pillow
Pulvillus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pulvillus {prop} :: Marcus Horatius Pulvillus, a Roman consul
pulvinar {noun} :: A couch for (images of) the gods
pulvinatus {adj} :: cushion-shaped (having a swelling)
pulvinus {noun} :: cushion, pillow, bolster
pulvinus {noun} :: An elevated piece of arable land; a raised bed
pulvis {noun} :: dust, powder
pulvis {noun} [figuratively] :: an arena, place of contest
pumex {f} :: a pumice stone
pumex {f} :: pumice
pumex {f} :: any porous rock
pumilio {noun} :: dwarf
pumilus {noun} :: dwarf
pumilus {adj} :: dwarf (especially as a taxonomic epithet)
punctatus {adj} :: punctuated
punctatus {adj} :: pointed
punctatus {adj} [New Latin] :: punctate
puncticollis {adj} [New Latin] :: having a pierced stem
punctifrons {adj} [New Latin] :: marked with points on the front or forehead
punctigerus {adj} :: stinging
punctillum {noun} :: a little point, a dot, spot
punctim {adv} :: with the fists
punctio {noun} :: puncture, pricking
punctipennis {adj} [New Latin] :: having a pierced wing or fin, or pierced feathers
punctiuncula {noun} :: a slight pricking, a pricking pain
punctorium {noun} :: an instrument for pricking or puncturing
punctuatus {v} :: marked with a point or by pointing; pointed, pricked; having been marked by pointing
punctulatus {adj} :: Having small spots or punctures; punctulate
punctulum {noun} :: small prick, point or spot
punctum {noun} [, also grammar, maths] :: point
punctum {noun} :: puncture
punctum {noun} :: moment
punctum {noun} :: small portion
punctum {noun} :: an affirmative vote, suffrage, ballot
punctum {noun} [poetry] :: applause, approbation
punctum delens {noun} [orthography] :: a punctum delens; mark made to indicate that a written character is an error to be ignored
punctum temporis {noun} :: second (unit of time)
punctum temporis {noun} :: instant, moment
punctuo {v} [Medieval Latin] :: I mark with a point or by pointing; point, prick
punctura {noun} :: a pricking, prick, puncture
puncturus {v} :: about to prick, puncture, sting
punctus {v} :: pricked, punctured, pierced, having been pricked
punctus {v} :: marked with points; stippled
punctus {v} :: stung, bitten, pinched, having been affected sensibly
punctus {v} :: vexed, annoyed, grieved, troubled, disturbed, having been vexed or annoyed
punctus {noun} [Late Latin, New Latin, ;, also mathematics] :: point
punctus {noun} :: a pricking, stinging, puncture
punctus {noun} [dubious] :: a point
pungendus {v} :: which is to be pricked, punctured, stung
pungens {v} :: pricking, puncturing, stinging
pungo {v} :: I prick, puncture, sting
puniceus {adj} :: pure lively red, scarlet
punicus {adj} :: Punic, Carthaginian
puniendus {v} :: which is to be punished
puniens {v} :: punishing
puniens {v} :: avenging, taking vengeance
punio {v} :: I punish
punio {v} :: I take vengeance, avenge
punitio {noun} :: punishment
punitio {noun} :: vengeance
punitor {noun} :: a punisher
punitor {noun} :: an avenger
puniturus {v} :: about to punish
punitus {v} :: punished, having been punished
punitus {v} :: avenged, having been avenged
punjabiensis {adj} :: Of or from Punjab
pupa {noun} :: girl, little girl
pupa {noun} :: doll, puppet
pupa {noun} [New Latin] :: pupa (of an insect)
pupilla {noun} :: orphan, ward (female)
pupilla {noun} [anatomy] :: pupil of the eye
pupillus {noun} :: orphan, ward
Pupius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Pupius {prop} :: Marcus Pupius Piso Frugi Calpurnianus, a Roman consul
Pupius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Pupia
puppis {noun} :: stern, poop of a ship
puppis {noun} [by extension] :: a ship
puppis {noun} [figuratively] :: backside of a person
puppus {noun} :: alternative form of pūpus
pupula {noun} :: pupil (of the eye)
pupula {noun} :: little lass (term of endearment)
pupulus {noun} :: little boy
pupulus {noun} :: puppet
pupus {noun} :: a boy, a child
pupus {noun} :: a puppet
pupus {noun} :: the pupil of the eye (post-class. for pūpula and pūpilla)
pure {adv} :: clearly, brightly, cleanly
pure {adv} :: correctly, faultlessly, perfectly, purely
purgamentum {noun} :: sweepings, offscourings, filth, dirt
purgandus {v} :: which is to be cleaned or purged
purgans {v} :: cleaning
purgans {v} :: purging
purgatio {noun} :: purification, cleansing, purging
purgativus {adj} :: purgative, cathartic
purgatorium {noun} :: a purgative
purgatorium {noun} :: act or means of cleansing
purgatorium {noun} [Ecclesiastical] :: purgatory
purgatorius {adj} :: cleansing, purgative, purgatory
purgaturus {v} :: about to purge
purgatus {v} :: purged
purgito {v} :: I cleanse, purify
purgo {v} :: I clean; I purge
purificans {v} :: purifying
purificans {v} :: cleansing
purificatio {noun} :: purification
purificatus {v} :: purified
purificatus {v} :: cleaned, cleansed
purifico {v} :: I purify (ritually)
purifico {v} :: I clean or cleanse
purior {adj} :: cleaner
purior {adj} :: purer
purissimus {adj} :: cleanest, purest, very clean or pure
puritas {noun} [post-classical] :: Purity
puritas {noun} :: purulence
puriter {adv} :: cleanly, clearly, purely
purpura {noun} :: the purple-fish, a species of shellfish or mussel
purpura {noun} :: the color purple
purpurarius {adj} :: purple
purpurascens {v} :: becoming purple
purpurascens {v} :: somewhat purple
purpurasco {v} [rare] :: I become purple; I am adorned
purpuratus {adj} :: clothed in purple (and hence, of high office)
purpuratus {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: a Byzantine (Roman) emperor's children
purpureus {adj} :: purple, including reddish, violet, and brownish
purpureus {adj} :: clothed in purple
purpureus {adj} [figuratively] :: brilliant, shining, beautiful
Purpurio {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Purpurio {prop} :: Lucius Furius Purpurio, a Roman praetor
purpuro {v} :: I make (something) purple
purpuro {v} :: I beautify, adorn
purulentus {adj} :: purulent, festering
purus {adj} :: clear, limpid
purus {adj} :: clean; pure
pus {noun} :: pus
pus {noun} :: foul, corrupt matter
Pusanensis {adj} :: Of Busan
Pusanum {noun} :: Busan
pusca {noun} :: alternative form of pōsca
pusillanimis {adj} :: faint-hearted, timid, pusillanimous
pusillanimitas {noun} :: faintheartedness, timidity, pusillanimity
pusillianimis {adj} :: timid, pusillanimous
pusillitas {noun} :: littleness, smallness, tininess
pusillulus {adj} :: very little, very small
pusillus {adj} :: very little, very small, tiny
pusillus {adj} :: petty, insignificant
pusio {noun} :: lad (young boy)
Pusio {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Pusio {prop} :: Lucius Cornelius Pusio, a Roman consul
pustula {noun} :: inflamed sore, blister, pustule
pustulatus {adj} :: blistered
pustulosus {adj} :: full of blisters or pustules
pusulatus {adj} :: alternative form of pustulātus
pusus {noun} :: a boy, a little boy
puta {adv} :: suppose, for instance, namely
puta {noun} :: girl
putamen {noun} :: cutting, clipping (that which is cut away)
putamen {noun} :: shell, peel (removed from eggs, vegetables etc.)
putandus {v} :: which is to be cleaned
putans {v} :: cleaning
putans {v} :: arranging
putans {v} :: valuing
putans {v} :: judging
putatio {noun} :: The act of pruning or lopping [of trees]
putatio {noun} :: The act of reckoning or considering; computation
putaturus {v} :: about to clean
putatus {v} :: cleaned
putens {v} :: Rotting
puteo {v} :: I stink, am rotten, putrid
Puteoli {prop} :: Puteoli (coastal city), founded as a port for Cumae, now Pozzuoli
puter {adj} :: rotten, decaying
puter {adj} :: crumbling, friable
puteus {noun} :: pit, dungeon
puteus {noun} :: well
puteus {noun} :: cistern
putide {adv} :: disgustingly, disagreeably, offensively
putide {adv} [of language composed or uttered] :: with affectation, affectedly, pedantically
putidior {adj} :: more rotten, decaying, spoiled, fetid, etc
putidissime {adv} :: superlative of pūtidē
putidissimus {adj} :: superlative of pūtidus
putidius {adv} :: comparative of pūtidē
putidus {adj} [literally] :: rotten, decaying, spoiled, fetid
putidus {adj} [of a wound] :: festering, infected, purulent, suppurating
putidus {adj} [without the attendant notion of decay or infection] :: stinking, reeking, foul, mephitic
putidus {adj} [in contemptuous language, of persons] :: old, half-rotten, withered, decrepit
putidus {adj} [of persons’ minds] :: addled, worn-out
putidus {adj} [of actions, utterances, etc.] :: tiresome, wearisome, objectionable, vexatious, offensive, disagreeable, disgusting
putidus {adj} [of written style, rhetorical composition or pronunciation] :: unnatural, affected, stilted, pedantic
puto {v} :: I clean, cleanse
puto {v} :: I trim, prune, lop
puto {v} [figurative] :: I arrange, settle
puto {v} [figurative] :: I value, esteem, deem, regard, consider
puto {v} [figurative] :: I judge, suspect, suppose
puto {v} [figurative] :: I ponder, consider, think about
putor {noun} :: a stink, stench, foul odor
putorius {noun} :: polecat
putorius {noun} [New Latin] :: skunk
Putput {prop} :: Putput (town), whose ruins are near the modern city of Hammamet
putredo {noun} :: putrefaction, rottenness
putrefacio {v} :: I rot or putrefy
putrefactio {noun} :: rotting, putrefaction
putrefactus {v} :: rotted, putrefied
putreo {v} [ante-Classical] :: I decay, rot, putrefy
putreo {v} [ante-Classical] :: I fester
putrescendus {v} :: which is to be putrefied, rotted
putrescens {v} :: putrefying, rotting
putresco {v} :: I putrefy or rot
putridus {adj} :: rotten, decayed, putrid
putridus {adj} :: withered
putus {adj} :: pure
putus {noun} :: a boy
pycnitis {noun} :: mullein
pycta {noun} :: Prizefighter, boxer, pugilist
pycta {noun} :: A (fighting) cock
pyctes {noun} :: alternative form of pycta
Pydna {prop} :: An ancient city of Pieria situated on the coast
pyelus {noun} :: A bath
pygargus {noun} :: addax (antelope with a white rump)
pygargus {noun} :: A kind of eagle, harrier, or other raptor, perhaps Circus cyaneus
Pygela {prop} :: A town of Ionia situated to the south of Ephesus
pygidialis {adj} [New Latin] :: pygidial
pygidium {noun} [New Latin] :: pygidium
pygmaeus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a pygmy or dwarf, especially to the mythical Pygmaeī of Africa
pygmaeus {adj} :: Short; of reduced stature
pygmeus {adj} :: alternative form of pygmaeus
pylae {noun} :: A narrow pass, a defile
Pylene {prop} :: Pylene (town) situated between the rivers Achelous and Evenus
pylorus {noun} :: The lower orifice of the stomach
Pylus {prop} :: The name of three cities of Peloponnesus
pyogenes {adj} [New Latin] :: pyogenic, pus-producing; A specific epithet for several pyogenic bacteria
pyra {noun} :: (funeral) pyre
pyralis {noun} :: a winged insect that was supposed to live in fire
pyralis {adj} [relational] :: funeral pyre
pyramidalis {adj} :: pyramidal
pyramidatus {adj} :: pyramidal
pyramis {noun} :: a pyramid
Pyramus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Pyramus
Pyramus {prop} :: A river of Cilicia flowing into the Mediterranean Sea near Mallus, now the Ceyhan River
Pyranthus {prop} :: A town of Crete situated near Gortyna
Pyrasus {prop} :: A town of Phthiotis, in Thessaly
pyren {noun} :: An unknown kind of precious stone
pyrenaicus {adj} :: Pyrenean
Pyretus {prop} :: a river of Scythia that flows into the Danube, now the river Prut
Pyrgi {prop} :: Pyrgi (city), near Alsium and port of Caere
pyrifolius {adj} [New Latin] :: fiery-red-leafed
pyriformis {adj} :: pear-shaped, pyriform
pyritis {noun} :: A form of black pyrite
pyrius {adj} :: fiery
pyrius {adj} :: pyrogenic
Pyrnus {prop} :: Pyrnus (town)
pyromis {noun} :: pyramid
Pyropum {prop} :: a town of Parthia mentioned by Pliny
pyrotechnicus {adj} :: pyrotechnic, of or relating to pyrotechny
Pyrrha {prop} :: a town on the island of Lesbos
Pyrrha {prop} [geography] :: a promontory of Thessaly
pyrrhulus {adj} [New Latin] :: red in colour
pyrricha {noun} :: war dance
Pystira {prop} :: An island off the coast of Izmir
Pythagoras {prop} :: Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician
Pytheas {prop} :: A geographer of Marseilles
pythia {noun} [historical] :: A priestess of Pythian Apollo; Pythia
pythius {adj} :: Pythian
Pytho {prop} [historical] :: The city of Pytho
python {noun} :: soothsayer
pythonicus {adj} :: prophetic
pythonicus {adj} :: magical
pythonissa {noun} :: witch
pythonissa {noun} :: sorceress
Pythopolis {prop} :: Pythopolis (town)
pyxis {noun} :: A small box, for holding medicines or toiletries
Pyxites {prop} :: A river of Pontus emptying itself into the Black Sea near Prytanis
Pyxurates {prop} :: The name of the Euphrates in the earlier part of its course