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peccātrīx f (genitive peccātrīcis); third declension (post-Classical)

  1. sinner (female)



Third-declension noun.

singular plural
nominative peccātrīx peccātrīcēs
genitive peccātrīcis peccātrīcum
dative peccātrīcī peccātrīcibus
accusative peccātrīcem peccātrīcēs
ablative peccātrīce peccātrīcibus
vocative peccātrīx peccātrīcēs



peccātrīx (genitive peccātrīcis); third-declension one-termination adjective (post-Classical)

  1. sinning, sinful
    • c. 420 CE, Jerome, Commentaria in Isaiam 4:
      Propter luxuriam, et voluptates, et lucra de populis inter se habent discordiam, ut de una haeresi duae fiant, et rursum ipsae dividantur in partes, ut proprios abducant greges et devorent domos viduarum, et mulierum peccatricum, semper discentium, et numquam ad scientiam veritatis pervenientium.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • c. 420 CE, Jerome, Commentaria in Epistolam ad Ephesios 1:
      electi erant a Deo, missos esse in eruditionem et magisterium animarum peccatricium
      they were chosen by God, to be sent for the instruction and teaching of sinful souls
    • c. 420 CE, Jerome, Commentaria in Zachariam :
      Nostrorum autem plerique referunt ad coelestem Jerusalem, et hanc dicunt iterum exstruendam, quae ruina animarum peccatricum fuerat destituta.
      But most among us refer to heavenly Jerusalem, and say this is to be built anew, which by the downfall of sinful souls had been forsaken.
    • 1526, Martin Luther, In Oseam prophetam annotationes a Martino Lvthero Wittembergae praelectae, page 18:
      Nõ solum erigit altaria peccatricia
      Not only does he erect sinful altars

Usage notes


Defective adjective; not used with masculine nouns (which take peccātor instead), but it may be used with plural neuter nouns. Declined like victrīx.



Third-declension one-termination adjective (feminine-only in the singular, feminine- and neuter-only in the plural).

singular plural
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
nominative peccātrīx peccātrīcēs peccātrīcia
genitive peccātrīcis peccātrīcium
dative peccātrīcī peccātrīcibus
accusative peccātrīcem peccātrīcēs peccātrīcia
ablative peccātrīce
vocative peccātrīx peccātrīcēs peccātrīcia


  • peccatrix”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • peccatrix in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.