User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-eo-r
Ra {prop} /ɹɑː/ (Egyptian god of the Sun) | :: Reo |
Rabat {prop} /ɹəˈbat/ (capital of Morocco) | :: Rabato |
rabbi {n} /ˈɹæ.baɪ/ (Jewish scholar or teacher) | :: rabeno, rabenino [female] |
rabbinical {adj} /rəˈbɪnəkəl/ (Referring to rabbis, their writings, or their work) | :: rabena |
rabbit {n} /ˈɹæbɪt/ (mammal) | :: kuniklo |
raccoon {n} /ɹæˈkun/ (nocturnal omnivore living in North America, Procyon lotor) | :: lav-urso, prociono |
raccoon {n} (any mammal of the genus Procyon) | :: [member of genus] prociono |
raccoon {n} (any mammal of the subfamily Procyoninae) | :: [member of subfamily] procioneno |
raccoon {n} (any mammal of the family Procyonidae) | :: [member of family] procionedo |
raccoon dog {n} (Nyctereutes procyonoides) | :: niktereŭto |
race {n} /ɹeɪs/ (contest) | :: vetkuro |
race {v} (to move or drive at high speed) | :: kuregi, vetkuri |
race {n} (a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of a common heritage) | :: raso |
racecourse {n} (a course over which races are run) | :: kurejo |
racecourse {n} ((UK) a racetrack where horse races are run) | :: kurejo |
racer {n} /ˈɹeɪsəɹ/ (someone who takes part in a race) | :: kuranto |
Rachel {prop} /ˈɹeɪt͡ʃəl/ (younger daughter of Laban) | :: Raĥel |
racial {adj} /ˈɹeɪʃəl/ (of or relating to a race (or a people)) | :: rasa |
racialism {n} (racism) SEE: racism | :: |
racially {adv} | :: miksrase |
racism {n} /ˈɹeɪsɪzm̩/ (racial prejudice or discrimination) | :: rasismo |
racist {n} /ˈɹeɪsɪst/ (person who believes a particular race is superior to others.) | :: rasisto |
racist {adj} (relating to racism) | :: rasisma, rasista |
racistly {adv} (in a racist manner) | :: rasisme |
rack {n} /ɹæk/ (frame for hanging objects) | :: vestarko |
racket {n} /ˈɹækɪt/ (implement) | :: batilo, pilkoĵetilo, rakedo, raketo |
rack one's brain {v} (struggle to think of something) | :: cerbumi |
racoon {n} (raccoon) SEE: raccoon | :: |
rada {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet | :: |
radiate {v} /ˈɹeɪdieɪt/ | :: radii |
radio {n} /ˈɹeɪdiˌoʊ/ (technology) | :: radiofonio, radio |
radioactive {adj} /ˌɹeɪdioʊˈæktɪv/ (exhibiting radioactivity) | :: radioaktiva |
radioactivity {n} (emission of ionizing radiation) | :: radioaktiveco |
radio amateur {n} (person who practises the hobby of amateur radio) | :: radioamatoro |
radio telescope {n} (astronomical device) | :: radioteleskopo |
radish {n} /ˈɹadɪʃ/ (plant Raphanus sativus var. sativus) | :: rafano |
radish {n} (edible root) | :: rafaneto |
radium {n} /ˈɹeɪ.dɪ.əm/ (chemical element with an atomic number of 88) | :: radiumo |
radius {n} /ˈɹeɪ.di.əs/ (bone (human)) | :: radiuso |
radius {n} (line segment) | :: radiuso |
radix {n} (biology: root) SEE: root | :: |
radon {n} /ˈɹeɪdɒn/ (chemical element) | :: radono |
rafter {n} /ˈɹɑːftə(ɹ)/ (one of a series of sloped beams) | :: ĉevrono |
rag {n} /ɹæɡ/ (piece of cloth) | :: ĉifono |
rag {n} (mean or tattered attire) | :: vestaĉo |
Ragdoll {n} (cat breed) | :: ragdola kato |
ragout {n} /ɹæˈɡuː/ (stew of meat and vegetables mixed together) | :: raguo |
Ragusa {prop} (Dubrovnik) SEE: Dubrovnik | :: |
rail {n} (means of transportation) SEE: railway | :: |
railroad {n} (permanent road consisting of fixed metal rails) SEE: railway | :: |
railroad {n} (transportation system) SEE: railway | :: |
railroad {n} /ˈɹeɪlɹoʊd/ | :: fervojo |
railroad crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing | :: |
railroad tie {n} (piece supporting the rails of a railroad) | :: ŝpalo |
railway {n} /ˈɹeɪlˌweɪ/ (track, consisting of parallel rails) | :: fervojo |
railway {n} (transport system using these rails) | :: fervojo |
railway {n} | :: fervojo |
rain {n} (condensed water from a cloud) | :: pluvo |
rain {v} (of rain: to fall from the sky) | :: pluvi |
rainbow {n} /ˈɹeɪnboʊ/ (multicoloured arch in the sky) | :: ĉielarko |
rainbow {n} (assortment, varied multitude) | :: gamo |
rainbow {adj} (multicoloured) | :: multkolora |
rainbow flag {n} (rainbow-striped flag used as a symbol of LGBT pride and social movements) | :: ĉielarka flago |
rain cloud {n} (cloud from which rain is falling) | :: pluvnubo |
raincoat {n} /ˈɹeɪnkoʊt/ (waterproof coat) | :: pluvmantelo |
raindrop {n} /ˈɹeɪndɹɑp/ (droplet of rainwater) | :: pluvero |
rainforest {n} (type of forest) | :: pluvarbaro |
rainstorm {n} (storm characterized by substantial rainfall) | :: pluvego |
rainy {adj} /ˈɹeɪni/ (abounding with rain) | :: pluva |
raise {v} /ɹeɪz/ (to cause to rise) | :: altigi, plialtigi |
raise {v} (to bring up, to grow) | :: eduki |
raisin {n} /ˈɹeɪzn̩/ (dried grape) | :: sekvinbero |
Rajasthan {prop} /ˈɹɑːdʒəstæn/ (a state in western India) | :: Raĝastano |
rake {n} (a lot, plenty) SEE: plenty | :: |
Raëlism {prop} (religion with liberal sexual views) | :: raelismo |
rally {n} (demonstration) SEE: demonstration | :: |
Ralph {prop} /ɹælf/ (male given name) | :: Rolfo |
ram {n} /ɹæm/ (male sheep) | :: virŝafo |
ram {n} (battering ram) SEE: battering ram | :: |
ramble {n} (stroll) SEE: stroll | :: |
ramble {v} (wander) SEE: wander | :: |
RAM disk {n} (virtual disk, implemented in software, that stores its contents in RAM) | :: ĉefmemora disko |
ramen {n} /ɹɑːmən/ (soup noodles of wheat, with various ingredients (Japanese style)) | :: rameno |
ramp {n} /ɹæmp/ (inclined surface) | :: ramplo |
rampart {n} /ˈɹæm.pɑː(ɹ)t/ (defensive structure; bulwark) | :: remparo |
rampion {n} (Phyteuma) | :: fiteŭmo |
rancid {adj} (rancid) SEE: offensive | :: |
rancid {adj} /ˈɹænsɪd/ (being rank in taste or smell) | :: ranca |
Randolph {prop} /ɹændɒlf/ (male given name) | :: Randolfo |
random {adj} /ˈɹændəm/ (all outcomes being unpredictable) | :: aleatora, arbitra, hazarda |
random {adj} (mathematics: of or relating to probability distribution) | :: aleatora |
random {adj} (undistinguished, average) | :: hazarda, hazardeca |
range {n} /ɹeɪndʒ/ (line of mountains, buildings etc.) | :: montaro |
range {n} (selection, array) | :: gamo |
range {n} (maximum reach of capability) | :: atingopovo |
range {n} (music: scale of tones) | :: amplekso |
range {v} (to classify) SEE: classify | :: |
range {v} (to travel over) SEE: roam | :: |
range {v} (to separate into parts) SEE: sift | :: |
ranger {n} /ˈɹeɪndʒɚ/ (Park ranger) | :: arbargardisto |
Rangoon {prop} (Yangon) SEE: Yangon | :: |
Rangoonese {n} (someone from Rangoon) | :: rangunano [man or woman], rangunanino [woman] |
rank {n} /ɹæŋk/ (position based on a shared property) | :: vico |
rank {n} | :: rango |
ransom {v} /ˈɹænsəm/ (to pay a price to set someone free) | :: elaĉeti |
ranunculus {n} (buttercup) SEE: buttercup | :: |
rap {n} (rap music) SEE: rap music | :: |
rape {n} /ɹeɪp/ (act of forcing sexual activity) | :: seksatenco, seksperforto |
Raphael {prop} /ˈɹæ.feɪ.ɛl/ (Archangel) | :: Rafaelo |
Raphael {prop} (given name) | :: Rafaelo |
rapid {n} /ˈɹæpɪd/ (section of river) | :: katarakto |
rapidity {n} /ɹəˈpɪdɪti/ (speed, swiftness) | :: rapideco |
rapidly {adv} /ˈɹæpɪdli/ (with speed) | :: rapide |
rapier {n} /ˈɹeɪpˌɪə(ɹ)/ (slender straight sharply pointed sword) | :: rapiro |
raping {n} (rape) SEE: rape | :: |
rap music {n} (music form) | :: repo, rapo |
rapunzel {n} (rampion) SEE: rampion | :: |
Rapunzel {prop} /ɹəˈpʌnzəl/ (a German fairy tale) | :: Rapunkolo |
Rapunzel {prop} (the main character of that tale) | :: Rapunkolo |
rarity {n} /ˈɹɛɹ.ə.ti/ (measure of the scarcity of an object) | :: malofteco, rareco |
rarity {n} (rare object) | :: maloftaĵo, raraĵo, kuriozaĵo |
rascal {n} /ˈɹɑːskl̩/ (cheeky person) | :: kanajlo, fripono |
rascal {n} | :: bubaĉo |
rash {adj} /ɹæʃ/ (hasty) | :: temerara |
rasp {n} (coarse file) | :: raspilo |
raspberry {n} /ˈɹæzˌbɛɹi/ (plant) | :: frambujo |
raspberry {n} (fruit) | :: frambo |
raspy {adj} (irritable) SEE: irritable | :: |
raster graphics {n} (structure representing grid of pixels) | :: rastruma bildo |
rat {n} /ɹæt/ (rodent) | :: rato |
rate {n} (speed) SEE: speed | :: |
ratel {n} (Mellivora capensis) SEE: honey badger | :: |
ratify {v} /ˈɹætɪfaɪ/ (give formal consent to) | :: ratifi |
ratio {n} /ˈɹeɪ.ʃoʊ/ (number representing comparison) | :: proporcio |
ratio {n} (arithmetics: relative magnitude of two quantities expressed as quotient) | :: proporcio |
rational {n} (rational number) SEE: rational number | :: |
rationalism {n} (philosophical theory) | :: raciismo |
rationally {adv} (in a rational manner) | :: racie |
rational number {n} (quotient of integers) | :: racionala nombro |
rattler {n} (rattlesnake) SEE: rattlesnake | :: |
rattlesnake {n} (venomous snake) | :: krotalo, sonserpento |
raven {n} /ˈɹeɪvən/ (bird) | :: korvo, korako |
raven {adj} (of the color of the raven; jet-black) | :: korva |
ravine {n} /ɹəˈviːn/ (a deep narrow valley) | :: ravino |
ravish {v} (rape) SEE: rape | :: |
ray {n} /ɹeɪ/ (beam of light or radiation) | :: radio, radiuso, raio |
ray {n} (mathematics: line extending indefinitely in one direction from a point) | :: radio, radiuso, raio |
ray {v} (to emit something as if in rays, to radiate as if in rays) | :: raii |
ray {n} (marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail) | :: rajo |
Raymond {prop} /ˈɹeɪmənd/ (male given name) | :: Rajmundo |
razor {n} /ˈɹeɪzə/ (shaving knife) | :: razilo |
razor blade {n} (razor blade) | :: razoklingo |
re- {prefix} /ɹiː/ (again) | :: re- |
reach {v} /ɹiːt͡ʃ/ (to arrive at by effort) | :: atingi |
reach {v} | :: atingi |
reachable {adj} (within easy reach) | :: atingebla |
reaction {n} /ɹiˈækʃən/ (action in response to an event) | :: reakcio, reago |
reactionary {n} /ɹiˈækʃən(ə)ɹi/ (such a person) | :: reakciulo |
read {v} /ɹid/ (look at and interpret letters or other information) | :: legi |
read {v} (speak aloud words or other information that is written) | :: legi, laŭtlegi |
read {v} (have the ability to read text or other information) | :: legi |
readable {adj} (legible) SEE: legible | :: |
read between the lines {v} (infer a meaning that is not stated explicitly) | :: legi inter la linioj (legi interlinie) |
reader {n} /ˈɹidɚ/ (person who reads a publication) | :: leganto |
readily {adv} /ˈɹɛdɪli/ (showing readiness) | :: prete |
readiness {n} (state or degree of being ready) | :: preteco |
reading {n} /ˈɹiːdɪŋ/ (process of interpreting written language) | :: legado |
Reading {prop} /ˈɹɛdɪŋ/ (the town) | :: Reading |
readjust {v} (to adjust again) | :: reĝustigi |
ready {adj} /ˈɹɛdi/ (prepared for immediate action or use) | :: preta |
ready {adj} | :: preta |
ready, set, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go | :: |
ready, steady, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go | :: |
real {adj} /ˈɹiːəl/ (true, genuine, not merely nominal) | :: vera |
real {adj} (genuine, not artificial, counterfeit or fake) | :: aŭtenta |
real {adj} (genuine, unfeigned, sincere) | :: aŭtenta, vera |
real {adj} (that has physical existence) | :: reala |
real {adj} (mathematics: relating to numbers with a one-to-one correspondence to the points on a line) | :: reela |
real {adj} | :: reala |
real {n} (mathematics: a real number) SEE: real number | :: |
real {adv} (really) SEE: really | :: |
realism {n} /ɹi.əlɪzm/ (concern for fact or reality) | :: realismo |
reality {n} /ɹiˈælɪti/ (state of being actual or real) | :: realeco |
reality {n} (a real entity, event etc.) | :: realaĵo |
reality {n} (entirety of all that is real) | :: realo |
reality {n} | :: realaĵo |
realizable {adj} (capable of being realized or achieved) | :: realigebla |
realize {v} /ˈɹi.ə.laɪz/ (to make real) | :: realigi |
realize {v} (to become aware of) | :: ekkonscii, ekkompreni |
really {interj} /ˈɹɪli/ (indicating surprise at, or requesting confirmation of, some new information) | :: ĉu vere? |
realm {n} /ɹɛlm/ (territory or state) | :: regno |
real number {n} (limit of a convergent sequence of rational numbers) | :: reela nombro |
realpolitik {n} /ɹeɪˈɑlpoʊlɪˌtik/ (pragmatic international government policy) | :: realecpolitiko |
reaper {n} (the Grim Reaper) SEE: Grim Reaper | :: |
reap hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle | :: |
reaping hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle | :: |
reap what one sows {v} (receive justice) | :: kiu semas venton, rikoltas fulmotendron |
rear-view mirror {n} (mirror inside a vehicle giving view of the traffic behind) | :: retrospegulo |
reason {n} /ˈɹiːzən/ ((the capacity of the human mind for) rational thinking) | :: racieco |
reason {n} | :: kialo |
reason {n} (math: ratio, proportion) SEE: ratio | :: |
reasoning {n} /ˈɹiːzənɪŋ/ (deduction of inferences or interpretations) | :: rezono, rezonado |
reata {n} (lasso) SEE: lasso | :: |
rebate {n} /ˈɹiːbeɪt/ (A deduction from an amount to be paid; an abatement) | :: rabato |
rebate {v} (To deduct or return an amount from a bill or payment) | :: rabati |
rebel {v} /ɹɪˈbɛl/ (to resist or become defiant towards) | :: ribeli |
rebellion {n} /ɹɪˈbɛl.i.ən/ (defiance) | :: ribelo |
rebellious {adj} /ɹəˈbɛliəs/ (showing rebellion) | :: ribelema |
rebirth {n} /ɹiˈbɝθ/ (reincarnation) | :: renaskiĝo |
reboot {n} /ˈɹiːbuːt/ (instance of rebooting) | :: restartado |
reboot {v} (To execute a computer's boot process and reload the operating system) | :: restarti |
rebound {v} /ˈɹibaʊnd/ (To bound or spring back from a force) | :: resalti |
rebuild {v} /ˈɹiːbɪld/ (to build again) | :: rekonstrui |
rebuilt {v} /ɹiˈbɪlt/ (Past tense of rebuild) | :: rekonstruis |
rebuke {n} /ɹiˈbjuːk/ (harsh criticism) | :: riproĉo |
rebuke {v} (to criticise harshly; to reprove) | :: admoni, riproĉi, skoldi |
recall {v} (to recall) SEE: reproduce | :: |
receipt {n} /ɹɪˈsiːt/ (written acknowledgement) | :: kvitanco |
receive {v} /ɹɪˈsiːv/ (take what is offered, accept from another) | :: ricevi |
recent {adj} /ˈɹiːsənt/ (having happened a short while ago) | :: lasta, lastatempa |
recently {adv} /ˈɹiːsəntli/ (in the recent past) | :: lastatempe |
reception {n} /ɹɪˈsɛp.ʃn̩/ (social engagement) | :: akcepto |
reception {n} (front desk) | :: akceptejo |
receptionist {n} /ɹɪˈsɛpʃənɪst/ (employee who receives visitors and/or calls, typically in an office setting) | :: akceptisto |
receptive {adj} /ɹɪˈsɛptɪv/ (capable of receiving something) | :: akceptema |
receptive {adj} (ready to receive new ideas or concepts) | :: akceptema |
recess {n} (botany, zoology: sinus) SEE: sinus | :: |
rechew {v} (chew again) | :: remaĉi |
recipe {n} /ˈɹɛs.ɪ.pi/ (instructions for making or preparing food dishes) | :: recepto |
reciprocal {adj} /ɹɪˈsɪpɹək(ə)l/ (done by each of two people towards the other) | :: reciproka |
reciprocally {adv} (in a reciprocal manner) | :: reciproke |
recite {v} (to recite) SEE: say | :: |
recite {v} /ɹɪˈsaɪt/ (to repeat aloud some passage, poem or other text) | :: deklami |
reckless {adj} /ˈɹɛkləs/ (careless or heedless; headstrong or rash) | :: temerara |
reckoning {n} /ˈɹɛkənɪŋ/ (the action of calculating or estimating something) | :: kalkulo |
reclaim {v} (to recycle) SEE: recycle | :: |
recline {v} /ɹɪˈklaɪn/ | :: kuŝi |
recognition {n} /ˌɹɛkəɡˈnɪʃən/ (the act of recognizing or the condition of being recognized) | :: rekono |
recognition {n} (acceptance as valid or true) | :: agnosko |
recognition {n} (official acceptance of the status of a new government by that of another country) | :: agnosko |
recognition {n} (honour, favorable note, or attention) | :: honora mencio |
recognizable {adj} (able to be recognized) | :: rekonebla |
recognizably {adv} (in a recognizable manner) | :: rekoneble |
recognize {v} /ˈɹɛkəɡnaɪz/ | :: rekoni |
recommend {v} /ɹɛkəˈmɛnd/ | :: rekomendi |
recompense {v} /ˌɹɛkəmˈpɛns/ (to reward or repay (someone) for something done, given etc.) | :: premio |
reconcile {v} /ˈɹɛkənsaɪl/ (to make the net difference in credits and debits of a financial account agree with the balance) | :: bilanci |
reconnaissance {n} /ɹɪˈkɒnəsəns/ (act of gathering information) | :: rekognosko |
reconstruction {n} (something reconstructed or restored) | :: rekonstruo |
record {n} /ˈɹɛkɔːd/ (most extreme known value of some achievement) | :: rekordo |
recorder {n} (musical instrument) | :: bekfluto |
recount {v} (to tell, narrate) | :: rakonti |
recover {v} /ɹɪˈkʌvə/ (transitive: to get back, regain) | :: regajni |
recover {v} (intransitive: to get better, regain health) | :: resaniĝi |
recreate {v} (to produce again, to recreate) SEE: reproduce | :: |
recruit {n} /ɹɪˈkɹut/ (newly enlisted soldier) | :: rekruto |
recruit {v} (to enroll or enlist new members or potential employees) | :: adeptigi |
recruit {v} (to supply with new men, as an army) | :: varbi |
rectangle {n} /ˈrɛkˌtæŋɡəl/ (quadrilateral) | :: ortangulo, rektangulo |
rectangular {adj} (having a shape like a rectangle) | :: ortangula |
rectify {v} (to heal) SEE: heal | :: |
rector {n} /ˈɹɛktɚ/ (headmaster) | :: rektoro |
recumbent {n} (special type of bicycle) | :: kuŝbiciklo {m} |
recumbent bicycle {n} (recumbent) SEE: recumbent | :: |
recuperate {v} (recover, especially from an illness) SEE: recover | :: |
recurrence {n} (return or reversion to a certain state) | :: reokazo |
recycle {v} /ɹəˈsaɪkəl/ (to break down and reuse component materials) | :: recikligi |
recycle {v} (to reuse as a whole) | :: reuzi |
red {n} /ɹɛd/ (colour) | :: ruĝa |
red {adj} (having red as its colour) | :: ruĝa |
red blood cell {n} (haemoglobin-carrying blood cell in vertebrates) | :: eritrocito |
Red Crescent {prop} (branch of the Red Cross) | :: Ruĝa Krescento |
Red Cross {prop} (Red Cross) | :: Ruĝa Kruco |
red deer {n} (Cervus elaphus) | :: cervo |
redden {v} /ˈɹɛdn̩/ (to become red) | :: ruĝiĝi |
redden {v} (to make red) | :: ruĝigi |
red dwarf {n} (small star) | :: ruĝa nano |
redeem {v} /ɹɪˈdiːm/ (to liberate by payment of ransom) | :: elaĉeti |
redeem {v} (to expiate, atone for) | :: elaĉeti |
redemption {n} /ɹɪˈdɛmpʃən/ (salvation from sin) | :: elaĉeto |
red fox {n} (Vulpes vulpes) | :: ruĝa vulpo |
redhead {n} /ˈɹɛdˌhɛd/ (red-haired person) | :: rufulo |
red hot {n} (hot dog) SEE: hot dog | :: |
red kite {n} (Milvus milvus) | :: ruĝa milvo |
redly {adv} (in a red manner) | :: ruĝe |
red lynx {n} (bobcat) SEE: bobcat | :: |
redo {v} /ɹiˈdu/ (to do again) | :: refari |
red phalarope {n} (Phalaropus fulicarius) | :: larĝbeka falaropo |
red rail {n} (bird of extinct Mauritian species) | :: ruĝa ralo |
Red Sea {prop} (sea between Africa and Arabia) | :: Ruĝa Maro |
redshift {n} /ˈɹɛdˌʃɪft/ (change in wavelength) | :: ruĝenŝoviĝo |
Red Square {prop} (Moscow square) | :: Ruĝa Placo |
redstart {n} (ground-feeding bird) | :: ruĝvostulo |
red-tailed hawk {n} (bird of prey) | :: jamajka buteo |
reduce {v} /ɹɪˈduːs/ (to bring down) | :: malpliigi, malaltigi |
reduce {v} (to bring to an inferior rank) | :: malaltigi |
redundant {adj} /ɹɪˈdʌn.dənt/ (superfluous) | :: superflua |
red wine {n} (red coloured wine) | :: ruĝa vino |
reed {n} /ɹiːd/ (grass-like plant) | :: kano |
reed {n} (music: part of mouthpiece) | :: anĉo |
reed {n} | :: kano |
reef {n} /ɹiːf/ (rocks at or near surface of the water) | :: rifo |
reefer {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana | :: |
reefer {n} /ˈɹiːfə/ (marijuana cigarette) | :: kanabcigaredo |
reelect {v} (to elect for a subsequent time) | :: reelekti |
reelection {n} (the act of being elected after already being elected once) | :: reelektiĝo |
refer {v} /ɹɪˈfɝ/ (to allude to (grammar term)) | :: rilati |
referee {n} /ˌɹɛfəˈɹiː/ (sport: umpire, judge of a game) | :: decidisto, arbitraciisto |
referee {v} (to act as a referee) | :: arbitracii |
reference {n} /ˈɹɛf.(ə)ɹəns/ (academic writing: source) | :: referenco |
reference {n} | :: referenco |
referendum {n} /ˌɹɛfəˈɹɛndəm/ (direct popular vote) | :: referendumo |
refine {v} /ɹɪˈfaɪn/ (to reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from impurities; to free from dross or alloy) | :: rafini |
reflect {v} /ɹɪˈflɛkt/ (to mirror, or show the image of something) | :: speguli |
reflection {n} /ɹɪˈflɛkʃən/ (act of reflecting; the state of being reflected) | :: reflekto |
reflection {n} (something that is reflected) | :: speguliĝo |
reflection {n} (careful thought or consideration) | :: konsidero |
reflex {n} /ˈɹiːflɛks/ (automatic response) | :: reflekso |
reflexive {n} (reflexive pronoun) SEE: reflexive pronoun | :: |
reflexive pronoun {n} (a part of speech) | :: refleksiva pronomo, refleksivo |
reflexology {n} (study of behavior) | :: refleksologio |
reflexology {n} (form of complementary medicine) | :: refleksologio |
reforest {v} (afforest) SEE: afforest | :: |
reforest {v} (replant) | :: rearbarigi |
reforestation {n} (replanting) | :: rearbarigo |
reform {n} /ɹɪˈfɔɹm/ (amendment) | :: reformo |
refract {v} (to refract) SEE: disperse | :: |
refraction {n} /ɹəˈfɹækʃən/ (bending of any wave) | :: refrakto |
refrain {n} /ɹɪˈfɹeɪn/ (burden of song) | :: refreno |
refresh {v} /ɹɪˈfɹɛʃ/ (to renew or revitalize) | :: revigligi |
refresh {v} (computing: to cause to refresh a display) | :: aktualigi |
refreshing {adj} /ɹəˈfɹɛʃɪŋ/ (refreshing) | :: revigliga |
refrigerate {v} (freeze) SEE: freeze | :: |
refrigerator {n} /ɹɪˈfɹɪd͡ʒəˌɹeɪɾɚ/ (appliance) | :: malvarmujo, fridujo |
refugee {n} /ˈɹɛfjʊdʒiː/ (person seeking political asylum) | :: rifuĝinto [male or female], rifuĝintino [female] |
refund {v} /ɹɪˈfʌnd/ (to return (money) to (someone)) | :: repagi |
refusal {n} /ɹɪˈfjuːzl̩/ (the act of refusing) | :: rifuzo |
refuse {v} /ɹɪˈfjuːz/ ((intransitive) decline a request or demand) | :: rifuzi |
regarding {prep} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹdɪŋ/ (concerning) | :: pri |
regardless {adv} /ɹɪˈɡɑɹd.lɪs/ (actioned in a way which shows no consideration) | :: senrigarde |
regenerate {v} /ɹiːˈdʒɛnəɹeɪt/ (to construct or create anew, especially in an improved manner) | :: regeneri |
regent {n} /ˈɹiːdʒənt/ (one who rules in place of the monarch) | :: reganto |
regicide {n} /ˈɹedʒəsaɪd/ (one who kills a king) | :: reĝmortiginto, reĝmurdinto |
regidor {n} (alderman) SEE: alderman | :: |
regime {n} /ɹəˈʒiːm/ (mode of rule or management) | :: reĝimo |
regime {n} | :: reĝimo |
regiment {n} /ˈɹɛdʒɪmənt/ (army unit) | :: regimento |
region {n} /ˈɹiːd͡ʒn̩/ (any considerable and connected part of a space or surface) | :: regiono |
register {v} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪs.tə/ (to place one's name, or have one's name placed in a register) | :: registriĝi |
registrar {n} /ˈɹɛdʒ.ɪsˌtɹɑɹ/ (official keeper of records) | :: aktisto |
regret {v} /ɹɪˈɡɹɛt/ (feel sorry about some past thing) | :: bedaŭri |
regret {v} (to feel sorry about anything) | :: bedaŭri |
regrettably {adv} (in a manner inspiring or deserving regret) | :: bedaŭrinde |
regular {adj} /ˈɹɛɡjəlɚ/ (having a constant pattern) | :: regula |
regular {adj} (happening at constant intervals) | :: regula |
regularly {adv} /ˈɹɛɡjəlɚli/ (with constant frequency) | :: regule |
regulate {v} (control) SEE: control | :: |
regulation {n} /ˌɹɛɡjʊˈleɪʃən/ | :: regularo |
rehearse {v} /ɹɪˈhɜːs/ (repeat what has already been said) | :: gurdi |
reign {n} /ɹeɪn/ (The exercise of sovereign power) | :: regado |
reimburse {v} (to compensate with pay or money; especially, to repay money spent on one's behalf) | :: repagi |
reincarnation {n} (rebirth of a mental capacity in a physical life form) | :: reenkarniĝo |
reindeer {n} /ˈɹeɪndɪə/ (Rangifer tarandus) | :: rangifero |
reject {v} /ɹɪˈdʒɛkt/ (refuse to accept) | :: malakcepti, malagnoski |
rejection {n} /ɹəˈdʒɛkʃən/ (the act of rejecting) | :: malakcepto |
rejoice {v} /ɹɪˈd͡ʒɔɪs/ (be happy) | :: ĝoji |
rejoice {v} (make happy) | :: ĝojigi |
rejuvenate {v} (render young again) | :: rejuniĝi |
rejuvenation {n} (the process of rendering young again) | :: rejuniĝo |
re-laid {v} /ˈɹileɪd/ (Simple past) | :: remetis |
relapse {v} /ɹɪˈlæps/ (To fall back again) | :: refali |
relapse {n} (the act or situation of relapsing) | :: refalo |
relate {v} (to narrate) SEE: narrate | :: |
relate {v} (to interact) SEE: interact | :: |
relation {n} /ɹɪˈleɪʃən/ | :: rilato |
relational {adj} (relative) SEE: relative | :: |
relationship {n} /ɹɪˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp/ (connection or association) | :: rilato |
relationship {n} (kinship) | :: parenceco |
relationship {n} (romantic or sexual involvement) | :: amrilato |
relative {n} /ˈɹɛl.ə.ɾɪv/ (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption) | :: parenco, parencino [female] |
relatively {adv} /ˈɹɛl.ə.tʰɪ (proportionally) | :: relative |
relative pronoun {n} (pronoun that introduces a relative clause) | :: rilata pronomo |
re-lay {v} /ˌɹiˈleɪ/ (to lay again) | :: remeti |
relevant {adj} /ˈɹɛləvənt/ (directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic) | :: rilata, grava |
relevant {adj} (not out of date) | :: aktuala |
relief {n} /ɹɪˈliːf/ (type of artwork) | :: reliefo |
relief teacher {n} (supply teacher) SEE: supply teacher | :: |
religion {n} /ɹɪˈlɪdʒən/ (system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) | :: religio |
religion {n} | :: religio |
religious {adj} /ɹɪ.ˈlɪ.d͡ʒəs/ (concerning religion) | :: religia |
relinquish {v} /ɹɪˈlɪŋkwɪʃ/ (to give up, abandon) | :: abandoni |
relinquishment {n} (act of relinquishing) | :: abandono |
reliquary {n} /ˈɹɛlɪkwɛɹi/ (container for religious relics) | :: relikvujo |
relocate {v} (to move (something) from one place to another) | :: translokigi |
relocate {v} (to change one's domicile or place of business) | :: translokiĝi |
relocation {n} /ˌɹiːləʊˈkeɪʃən/ (moving to another place) | :: translokigo |
reluctance {n} /ɹɪˈlʌktəns/ (unwillingness to do something) | :: sindetenemo |
rely on {v} (to be confident in) | :: fidi |
remain {v} /ɹɪˈmeɪn/ (to stay behind while others withdraw) | :: resti |
remain {v} (to continue unchanged) | :: resti |
remain {v} (to await; to be left to) | :: resti |
remains {n} (remains) SEE: wreck | :: |
remake {n} /ɹiːˈmeɪk/ (new version of film) | :: refilmado |
remark {n} /ɹɪˈmɑɹk/ (expression of something noticed) | :: rimarko |
remasticate {v} (chew again) | :: remaĉi |
remedy {n} /ˈɹɛmədi/ (something that corrects or counteracts) | :: rimedo |
remember {v} /ɹɪˈmɛmbɚ/ (to recall from one's memory) | :: memori |
remember {v} (to memorize) | :: memori |
remember {v} ((obsolete) to remind) SEE: remind | :: |
remind {v} /ɹəˈmaɪnd/ (Cause one to experience a memory; bring to a person's notice) | :: memorigi |
remit {v} (to postpone) SEE: postpone | :: |
remorse {n} /ɹɪˈmɔɹs/ (feeling of regret or sadness for doing wrong or sinning) | :: memriproĉo |
remote {adj} /ɹɪˈmoʊt/ (distant or otherwise unaccessible) | :: izolita |
remote control {n} (device used to operate an appliance or mechanical toy from a short distance away) | :: teleregilo |
remove {v} (to remove) SEE: delete | :: |
remove {v} /ɹɪˈmuːv/ (to take away) | :: forigi, forpreni |
ren {n} (a kidney) SEE: kidney | :: |
renaissance {n} (Renaissance) SEE: Renaissance | :: |
Renaissance {prop} /ˈɹɛnəˌsɑːns/ (14th-century revival) | :: Renesanco |
Renaissance {prop} (the period) | :: Renesanco |
Renaissance {adj} (relating to the Renaissance) | :: renesanca |
Renaissance {adj} (relating to the style of the Renaissance) | :: renesanca |
renal {adj} /ˈɹiːnəl/ (pertaining to the kidneys) | :: rena |
rename {v} (to give a new name to) | :: renomi |
rend {v} (to separate into parts with force) | :: disŝiri |
render {v} /ˈɹɛn.də/ (to interpret) | :: reprodukti |
rendering {v} /ˈɹɛndəɹɪŋ/ (present participle of render) | :: bildigo |
renewable {adj} (Able to be renewed) | :: renovigebla |
renewal {n} (act of renewing) | :: renoviĝo |
rennet {n} /ˈɹɛnɪt/ (An enzyme) | :: kazeigaĵo, kazeigilo, kazigilo |
rennet stomach {n} (abomasum) SEE: abomasum | :: |
renounce {v} /ɹɪˈnaʊns/ (decline association with) | :: malkonfesi |
renounce {v} | :: rezigni |
renovate {v} /ˈɹenəveɪt/ (to renew; to revamp) | :: renovigi |
renovation {n} (act or process of renovating) | :: renovigo |
renown {n} /ɹɪˈnaʊn/ (Fame or wide recognition) | :: distingo |
renowned {adj} /ɹɪˈnaʊnd/ (famous) | :: renoma |
rent {n} /ɹɛnt/ (payment made by a tenant) | :: luo |
rent {v} (to occupy premises in exchange for rent) | :: lui |
rent {v} (to grant occupation in return for rent) | :: luigi |
repaid {v} /ɹiˈpeɪd/ (past tense of repay) | :: is |
repair {v} /ɹɪˈpɛɚ/ (to restore to good working order) | :: ripari |
repair {n} (act of repairing something) | :: riparado |
repair {n} (result of repairing something) | :: riparo |
repay {v} (pay back) SEE: pay back | :: |
repdigit {n} /ˈɹɛpˌdɪdʒɪt/ (number composed of one digit) | :: repdigito |
repeat {v} /ɹɪˈpiːt/ (do or say again) | :: ripeti |
repellent {adj} /ɹəˈpɛlənt/ (repulsive, inspiring aversion) | :: naŭza |
repent {v} /ɹɪˈpɛnt/ (to feel sorrow or regret for what one has done or omitted to do) | :: penti |
replace {v} /ɹɪˈpleɪs/ (to substitute) | :: anstataŭigi |
replaceable {adj} (capable of being replaced) | :: anstataŭigebla |
replacement {n} /ɹɪˈpleɪsmənt/ (a person or thing that takes the place of another; a substitute) | :: [thing] anstataŭaĵo; [person] anstataŭulo |
replacement {n} (act of replacing) | :: anstataŭigo |
replica {n} /ˈɹɛplɪkə/ (exact copy) | :: repliko |
reply {v} /ɹɪˈplaɪ/ (to give a written or spoken response) | :: respondi |
report {n} /ɹɪˈpɔɹt/ (information describing events) | :: raporto, informo |
reporter {n} /ɹɪˈpɔɹtɚ/ (journalist) | :: ĵurnalisto |
repose {n} /ɹɪˈpoʊz/ (rest) | :: ripozo |
repose {v} | :: ripozi |
repository {n} (a location for storage, often for safety or preservation) | :: deponejo |
reprehensible {adj} (blameworthy) | :: kondamninda |
reprehensible {adj} (deserving of reprehension) | :: kondamninda |
represent {v} /ɹɛp.ɹɪ.ˈzɛnt/ | :: reprezenti |
repress {v} /ɹəˈpɹɛs/ (forcefully prevent an upheaval from developing) | :: subpremi, sufoki |
repress {v} (to keep back) | :: deteni |
reprimand {v} /ˈɹɛpɹɪmɑːnd/ (to reprove in a formal or official way) | :: admoni |
reproach {n} /ɹɪˈpɹoʊtʃ/ (mild rebuke, or an implied criticism) | :: riproĉo |
reproach {v} (to criticize or rebuke someone) | :: riproĉi, admoni |
reproachful {adj} (with reproach) | :: admona |
reproduce {v} /ˌɹi.pɹoʊˈdus/ (to produce an image or copy of something) | :: reprodukti |
reproduction {n} (a duplicate) | :: reprodukto |
reproductive {adj} (of or relating to reproduction) | :: reprodukta |
reproductive system {n} (reproductive system) | :: reprodukta sistemo |
reptile {n} /ˈɹɛp.taɪl/ (a cold-blooded vertebrate) | :: reptilio |
republic {n} /ɹɪˈpʌblɪk/ (a type of state) | :: respubliko |
republican {adj} /ɹɪˈpʌblɪkən/ (favoring a republic as form of government, favoring republicanism) | :: respublikisma |
republican {adj} (of or belonging to a republic) | :: respublika |
Republican {adj} (republican) SEE: republican | :: |
republicanism {n} (republicanism as a form of government) | :: respublikismo |
Republic of Finland {prop} (official full name of Finland) | :: Finnlanda Respubliko |
Republic of India {prop} (official name of India) | :: Barata Respubliko, Hinda Respubliko |
Republic of Macedonia {prop} (Republic of Macedonia, see also: Macedonia) | :: Respubliko Makedonio, Respubliko Makedonujo, Respubliko de Makedonio |
Republic of North Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: North Macedonia) | :: Respubliko Nord-Makedonio |
Republic of Poland {prop} (official name of Poland) | :: Respubliko Pollando |
Republic of South Africa {prop} (official name of South Africa) | :: Respubliko de Sud-Afriko |
Republic of the Congo {prop} (country) | :: Respubliko Kongo |
Republic of Turkey {prop} (official name of the country of Turkey) | :: Turkia Respubliko |
repudiate {v} /ɹɪˈpjuː.di.eɪt/ (to reject the truth of, deny) | :: malagnoski |
repurpose {v} /ɹiˈpɝpəs/ (reuse without alteration) | :: aliuzi |
request {v} /ɹɪˈkwɛst/ (to express the need or desire for) | :: peti |
require {v} (ask) SEE: ask | :: |
reread {v} /ɹiːˈɹiːd/ (to read again) | :: relegi |
reredos {n} (screen or decoration behind the altar in a church) SEE: retable | :: |
rescue {n} (liberation) SEE: liberation | :: |
research {n} /ˈɹi.sɚtʃ/ (inquiry or examination) | :: esploro |
reseda {n} /ɹɪˈsiːdə/ (plant of the genus Reseda) | :: rezedo |
resemble {v} (compare) SEE: compare | :: |
resemble {v} /ɹɪˈzɛmb(ə)l/ (to be like or similar to something else) | :: simili |
reservation {n} /ˌɹɛzɚˈveɪʃən/ (act of withholding) | :: rezervado |
reservation {n} (arrangement by which something is secured in advance) | :: rezervado |
reserve {v} (to reserve) SEE: hold | :: |
reserve {v} /ɹɪˈzɝv/ (to keep back; to retain) | :: rezervi |
reserve {v} (to keep in store for future or special use) | :: rezervi |
reserve {v} (to book in advance) | :: rezervi |
reserve bank {n} (reserve bank as a central bank) SEE: central bank | :: |
reserved {adj} /ɹɪˈzɝvd/ (slow to reveal emotion or opinions) | :: rezerviĝema |
reserved {adj} (set aside for a particular person or purpose) | :: rezervita |
reside {v} /ɹɪˈzaɪd/ (to dwell permanently or for a considerable time) | :: loĝi |
residence {n} /ˈɹɛz.ɪ.dəns/ (place where one lives) | :: loĝejo |
resign {v} /ɹɪˈzaɪn/ (quit a job or position) | :: rezigni |
resign {v} (to give up) | :: rezignacii |
resignation {n} /ɹɛzɪɡˈneɪʃən/ (act of resigning) | :: abdiko, demisio |
resignation {n} (declaration that one resigns) | :: abdiko, demisio |
resignation {n} (state of uncomplaining acceptance) | :: rezignacio |
resilient {adj} (able to withstand force without cracking; elastic) | :: fortika |
resilient {adj} (returning quickly to normal after damaging events or conditions; psychologically or structurally tough) | :: rezistema |
resin {n} /ˈɹɛzɪn/ (viscous liquid of plant origin) | :: rezino |
resist {v} /ɹɪˈzɪst/ (to withstand actions or effects of) | :: rezisti |
resolution {n} /ˌɹɛzəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ (statement of intent) | :: intencdeklaro |
resolution {n} (computing: number of pixels in an image as stored or displayed) | :: difino |
resolve {v} /ɹɪˈzɑlv/ (to find a solution to) | :: solvi |
resound {v} /ɹɨˈzaʊnd/ ((intransitive) to reverberate with sound or noise) | :: sonori |
resource {n} /ˈɹisɔɹs/ (something that one uses to achieve an objective) | :: resurso |
resourcefulness {n} (the ability to cope with situations) | :: inventemo |
respect {n} /ɹɪˈspɛkt/ (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit) | :: respekto, respektemo, altestimo |
respect {v} (to have respect for) | :: respekti, altestimi |
respectable {adj} /ɹi.ˈspɛk.tə.bl̩/ (deserving respect) | :: respektinda |
respectful {adj} /ɹɪˈspɛktfəl/ (characterized by respect) | :: respekta, respektema, altestima |
respectfully {adv} /ɹɪˈspɛktfəli/ (in a respectful manner) | :: altestime, respekte, respekteme |
respective {adj} /ɹɪˈspɛktɪv/ (referencing two or more things as individuals) | :: respektiva |
respectively {adv} /ɹɪˈspɛktɪvli/ (in a relative manner) | :: respektive |
respiratory {adj} /ˈɹɛspəɹəˌtɔɹi/ (relating to respiration; breathing) | :: spira |
respiratory system {n} (system of organs) | :: spira sistemo |
respond {v} (to say in reply, to respond) SEE: return | :: |
respond {v} /ɹəˈspɒnd/ (to say something in return) | :: respondi |
respond {v} | :: respondi |
response {n} /ɹɪˈspɒns/ (an answer or reply) | :: respondo |
responsibility {n} /ɹɪˌspɑnsəˈbɪlɪɾi/ (the state of being responsible) | :: respondeco |
responsibility {n} (a duty, obligation or liability for which someone is responsible) | :: respondeco |
responsible {adj} /ɹɪˈspɒnsəbl̩/ | :: respondeca |
rest {n} /ɹɛst/ (relief afforded by sleeping; sleep) | :: ripozo |
rest {n} (relief from exertion; state of quiet and recreation) | :: ripozo |
rest {n} (peace, freedom from trouble, tranquility) | :: kvieto |
rest {n} (pause of a specified length in a piece of music) | :: paŭzo |
rest {n} (physics: absence of motion) | :: kvietmaso |
rest {n} (object designed to be used to support something else) | :: subtenilo |
rest {v} (intransitive: take repose) | :: ripozi |
rest {n} /ɹɛst/ (remainder) | :: resto, restaĵo |
rest {v} (to remain) SEE: remain | :: |
restaurant {n} /ˈɹɛs.t(ə)ˌɹɑnt/ (an eating establishment in which diners are served food) | :: restoracio |
rest in peace {v} (blessing or expression of hope) | :: ripozu pace |
restless {adj} /ˈɹɛstlɪs/ | :: maltrankvila |
restlessness {n} (state or condition of being restless) | :: maltrankvileco |
restoration {n} /ɹɛstəˈɹeɪʃən/ (the process of bringing an object back to its original state) | :: restaŭro |
restoration {n} (the return of a former monarchy or monarch to power) | :: rereĝigo, rereĝiĝo |
restore {v} /ɹɪˈstɔɹ/ (To bring back to a previous condition or state) | :: restaŭri |
restore {v} | :: restaŭri |
restructure {v} (to change the organization of) | :: alistrukturi |
result {v} /ɹɪˈzʌlt/ (to proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence) | :: rezulti |
result {v} (to come out) | :: rezulti |
result {n} (that which results) | :: rezulto |
resume {n} (curriculum vitae) SEE: curriculum vitae | :: |
resume {v} /ɹɪˈzjuːm/ (start something again that has been stopped or paused) | :: daŭrigi |
resurrect {v} /ɹɛzəˈɹɛkt/ (to raise from dead) | :: reviviĝi |
resurrection {n} /ɹɛzəˈɹɛkʃən/ (the act of arising from the dead) | :: reviviĝo |
Resurrection {prop} (resurrection of Jesus) | :: reviviĝo |
resveratrol {n} (phenolic substance) | :: resveratrolo |
retable {n} (table or shelf behind an altar) | :: retablo |
retain {v} /ɹɪˈteɪn/ (to keep in possession or use) | :: reteni |
retainer {n} /ɹɪˈteɪn.ə/ (dependent or follower) | :: akompananto |
reticulum {n} (the second stomach of a ruminant) | :: centipelio |
retina {n} /ˈɹɛt.ɨ.nə/ (thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball) | :: retino |
retinol {n} (the vitamin) | :: retinolo |
retinue {n} /ˈɹɛtɪn(j)uː/ (group of servants) | :: akompanantaro |
retire {v} /ɹəˈtaɪə(ɹ)/ (to stop working on a permanent basis) | :: retiriĝi |
retire {v} (to retreat from action or danger) | :: retiriĝi |
retort {v} (to retort; to throw back) SEE: return | :: |
retreat {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
retreat {v} (retreat) SEE: withdraw | :: |
retreat {n} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return | :: |
retro- {prefix} (back or backward) | :: retro- |
retromingent {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly | :: |
return {n} (answer) SEE: answer | :: |
return {v} /ɹɪˈtɜːn/ (to come or go back) | :: reveni |
return {v} (to give something back to its original holder or owner) | :: redoni |
return {v} | :: reiri |
return {n} (act of returning) | :: reveno, reiro |
return {v} (to take something back to a retailer for a refund) SEE: take back | :: |
reunification {n} (the unification of something that was previously divided; used especially of a country) | :: reunuiĝo |
reunion {n} (reunification) SEE: reunification | :: |
reunite {v} (to unite again) | :: rekunveni [re- + kunveni] |
revanchist {n} (avenger) SEE: avenger | :: |
reveal {v} /ɹəˈviːl/ (to uncover) | :: malkaŝi |
revelation {n} /ɹɛvəˈleɪʃən/ (the act of revealing or disclosing) | :: revelacio |
revenge {n} /ɹɪˈvɛndʒ/ (retaliatory action) | :: venĝo |
revenge is a dish best served cold {proverb} (revenge is best or most satisfying when delayed) | :: venĝo estas plado manĝita malvarme, venĝo estas plado plej bone servita malvarma |
reverse dictionary {n} (a dictionary in which entries are sorted alphabetically by their last letter, then second-to-last, and so on) | :: inversa vortaro |
review {n} /ɹɪˈvjuː/ (account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work) | :: recenzo |
review {v} (to write a review) | :: recenzi |
review {v} (to look back over in order to correct or edit; to revise.) | :: revizii |
reviewer {n} (critic) | :: recenzisto |
revival {n} /ɹɪˈvaɪvəl/ | :: reviviĝo |
revoke {v} (to cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversing) | :: revoki |
revolt {n} /ɹɪˈvoʊlt/ (act of revolting) | :: ribelo |
revolution {n} /ˌɹɛvəˈl(j)uːʃən/ (political upheaval) | :: revolucio |
revolve {v} /ɹɪˈvɒlv/ (to orbit a central point) | :: rivolui |
reward {v} /ɹɪˈwɔːd/ (give a reward to) | :: premii |
reward {v} (recompense) SEE: recompense | :: |
rewatch {v} (to watch again) | :: respekti |
rewrite {n} /ˈɹi.ɹaɪt/ (something that has been written again) | :: reverko |
rewrite {v} | :: reskribi |
Reykjavik {prop} /ˈɹɛk.jə.vɪk/ (capital of Iceland) | :: Rejkjaviko |
Reynard {prop} (name in European folklore for the red fox) | :: Renardo |
rhamnose {n} (methyl-pentose) | :: ramnozo |
rheme {n} /ɹiːm/ (part of a sentence) | :: remao |
rhenium {n} /ˈɹiːniəm/ (chemical element) | :: renio |
rheumatics {n} (rheumatism) SEE: rheumatism | :: |
rheumatism {n} /ˈɹu.məˌtɪz.m̩/ (any painful disorder of muscles, tendons, joints, bones and nerves) | :: reŭmatismo |
Rhine {prop} /ɹaɪn/ (river that flows through Europe) | :: Rejno |
Rhineland {prop} /ˈɹɑinland/ (land on both sides of the river Rhine) | :: Rejnlando |
Rhineland-Palatinate {prop} (state) | :: Rejnlando-Palatinato |
rhinoceros {n} /ɹaɪˈnɑsəɹəs/ (herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s)) | :: rinocero, nazkornulo |
rhizome {n} /ˈɹaɪzoʊm/ (horizontal underground stem of some plants) | :: rizomo |
Rhône {prop} (Rhone) SEE: Rhone | :: |
rho {n} /ɹoʊ/ (letter of Greek alphabet) | :: roto |
Rhode Island {prop} /ˌɹoʊd ˈaɪ.lənd/ (a state of the United States of America) | :: Rod-Insulo |
Rhodes {prop} /ɹoʊdz/ (island) | :: Rodoso |
Rhodian {n} (Someone from the island of Rhodes) | :: rodisano [man or woman], rodisanino [woman] |
rhodium {n} /ˈɹoʊdiəm/ (chemical element) | :: rodio |
rhododendron {n} /ɹoʊdəˈdɛndɹən/ (flowering shrub in the genus Rhododendron) | :: rododendro |
rhododendron {n} (oleander) SEE: oleander | :: |
rhombicosidodecahedron {n} /ɹɑmbɪˈkoʊsiˌdoʊdɛkəhidɹən/ (Archimedean solid) | :: rombo-dudek-dekduedro |
rhombus {n} /ˈɹɑːmbəs/ (A parallelogram having all sides of equal length) | :: rombo |
Rhone {prop} (river) | :: Rodano |
rhumb {n} (A line which crosses successive meridians at a constant angle) SEE: rhumb line | :: |
rhumb line {n} (a line cutting all meridians at a constant angle) | :: loksodromio |
rhyme {v} /ɹaɪm/ (put words together) | :: rimi |
rhythm {n} /ˈɹɪ.ð(ə)m/ (variation of strong and weak elements of sounds over time) | :: ritmo |
rhythm {n} | :: ritmo |
rhythm and blues {n} (rhythm and blues) | :: ritmenbluso |
Ri {prop} (Korean surname) SEE: Yi | :: |
rib {n} /ɹɪb/ (curved bone) | :: ripo |
ribbon {n} /ˈɹɪbən/ (long, narrow strip of material) | :: rubando |
rib cage {n} (part of skeleton) | :: torako |
riboflavin {n} /ˌraɪboʊˈfleɪvɪn/ (the vitamin B2, riboflavin) | :: riboflavino |
ribose {n} (naturally occurring pentose sugar) | :: ribozo |
ribosome {n} /ˈɹaɪbəˌsoʊm/ (organelle) | :: ribosomo |
rice {n} /ɹaɪs/ (plants) | :: rizo |
rice {n} (seeds used as food) | :: rizo |
ricefield {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy | :: |
rice paddy {n} (field immersed in water dedicated for the cultivation of rice) SEE: paddy | :: |
rich {adj} /ɹɪt͡ʃ/ (having wealth) | :: riĉa |
Richard {prop} /ˈɹɪtʃ.əd/ (male given name) | :: Rikardo |
rickets {n} /ˈɹɪkəts/ (disorder of infancy) | :: rakito, rakitismo |
rickroll {v} /ˈɹɪkˌɹoʊl/ (to rickroll) | :: rikroli |
ricotta {n} /ɹɪˈkɑtə/ (Italian whey cheese) | :: rikoto |
riddle {n} (sieve) SEE: sieve | :: |
riddle {n} /ˈɹɪdəl/ (verbal puzzle) | :: enigmo |
ride {v} /ɹaɪd/ (to transport oneself by sitting on and directing a horse, bicycle etc.) | :: rajdi |
ride {v} (to be transported in a vehicle as a passenger) | :: rajdi |
rider {n} (robber) SEE: robber | :: |
ridge {n} /ɹɪdʒ/ (chain of hills) | :: altaĵaro |
ridicule {v} /ˈɹɪdɪkjuːl/ (to make fun of someone) | :: ridindigi, moki |
ridicule {n} (derision) | :: mokado |
ridiculous {adj} /ɹɪˈdɪkjʊləs/ (foolish, absurd) | :: ridinda |
ridiculously {adv} (in a ridiculous manner) | :: ridinde |
riding crop {n} (horsewhip) | :: vipeto |
rifle {n} /ˈɹaɪfəl/ (firearm with a rifled barrel) | :: fusilo |
rift {n} (shallow place in a stream) SEE: ford | :: |
rig {n} /ɹɪɡ/ (the arrangement of masts etc.) | :: rigaro, rigo |
rig {v} (to equip and fit a ship) | :: rigi |
Riga {prop} /ˈɹiːɡə/ (capital of Latvia) | :: Rigo |
right {adj} /ˈɹaɪt/ (straight, not bent) | :: rekta |
right {adj} (of an angle, 90 degrees) | :: orta |
right {adj} (geometry: incorporating a right angle between edges, faces, axes, etc.) | :: ĝusta, prava |
right {adj} (of direction, opposite of left) | :: dekstra |
right {interj} (checking agreement) | :: ĉu ne? |
right {n} (legal or moral entitlement) | :: rajto |
right {n} (right, not left, side) | :: dekstra |
right {n} (right-wing politicians and parties) | :: dekstra |
right angle {n} (angle of 90 degrees) | :: orto |
right away {adv} (very soon; immediately) | :: tuj |
righteousness {n} /ˈɹaɪt͡ʃəsnəs/ (quality or state of being righteous) | :: justeco |
rightful {adj} (by right, by law) | :: laŭleĝa, rajta |
right now {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately | :: |
right now {adv} (at this precise moment) | :: ĝuste nun |
Rijeka {prop} /ɹɪˈjɛkə/ (coastal city in Croatia) | :: Rijeko |
rim {n} /ɹɪm/ (edge around something) | :: rando |
ring {n} /ɹɪŋ/ (round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger) | :: ringo |
ring {n} | :: ringo |
ring {v} ((intr.) to produce a resonant sound) | :: sonoradi |
ring {v} ((tr.) to make something produce a resonant sound) | :: sonori |
ring {v} | :: sonori |
ring down the curtain {v} (stop) SEE: stop | :: |
ring finger {n} (finger between the middle finger and little finger) | :: ringofingro |
ringneck dove {n} (Streptopelia risoria) | :: Afrika turto, hejmturto |
ring up the curtain {v} (start) SEE: start | :: |
rinse {v} /ɹɪns/ (to wash something quickly using water and no soap) | :: akvumi |
rinse {v} (to remove soap from something using water) | :: tralavi |
Rio de Janeiro {prop} /ˈɹiːəʊ dɪ ʒəˈnɪəɹəʊ/ (state) | :: Rio-de-Ĵanejrio |
Rio de Janeiro {prop} (municipality) | :: Rio-de-Ĵanejro |
riot {n} /ˈɹaɪ.ɪt/ (tumultuous disturbance of public peace) | :: tumulto |
rip {v} (to fart) SEE: fart | :: |
rip {n} (tear) SEE: tear | :: |
rip {v} (to mock) SEE: mock | :: |
rip {v} /ɹɪp/ (to divide or separate the parts of) | :: ŝiri |
RIP {interj} /ɑː(ɹ) aɪ ˈpiː/ (abbreviation: rest in peace) | :: RP |
ripe {adj} /ɹaɪp/ (ready for reaping or gathering, of fruits and seeds) | :: matura |
ripen {v} /ˈɹaɪpən/ (to grow ripe) | :: maturiĝi |
rip off {v} ((idiom) to steal, cheat or swindle) | :: ŝakri |
rise {v} /ɹaɪz/ (to move upwards) | :: altiĝi, plialtiĝi |
rise {v} (of a quantity, etc: to increase) | :: plialtiĝi |
rise {v} | :: supreniri, malsubiri, leviĝi |
rise up {v} (to rise to the surface) | :: leviĝi |
risk {n} /ɹɪsk/ | :: risko |
rite {n} /ɹaɪt/ (ritual) | :: rito |
ritual {n} /ˈɹɪ.tʃu.əl/ (rite) | :: ritaro, ritualo |
rival {n} /ˈɹaɪvəl/ (competitor with the same objective) | :: rivalo |
river {n} (large stream which drains a landmass) | :: rivero |
riverbank {n} (sloped side of a river) | :: riverbordo |
riverboat {n} (watercraft) | :: enlanda ŝipo |
river horse {n} (hippopotamus) SEE: hippopotamus | :: |
rivulet {n} /ˈɹɪv.jə.lət/ (small brook) | :: rivereto |
Riyadh {prop} /ɹiˈjɑːd/ (capital of Saudi Arabia) | :: Riado |
roach {n} (US: cockroach) SEE: cockroach | :: |
road {n} /ɹəʊd/ (a way for travel) | :: ŝoseo, vojo |
roadblock {n} (Something that blocks or obstructs a road) | :: baraĵo, barilo |
road map {n} (a map with a visual representation of roads used for automobile travel and navigation) | :: vojmapo |
road roller {n} (heavy engineering vehicle used to compact asphalt) | :: ŝoserulo |
roadrunner {n} /ˈɹoʊdˌɹʌnə(ɹ)/ (bird of the Geococcyx genus) | :: vojkurulo |
road sign {n} (sign for traffic control or driver information) | :: vojsigno |
roam {v} /ɹoʊm/ (wander freely) | :: migri |
roar {v} /ɹɔɹ/ (of animals, to make a loud deep noise) | :: rori |
roar {n} (cry of the lion) | :: roro |
roast {v} /ɹoʊst/ (to cook food by heating in an oven or fire) | :: rosti |
robber {n} /ˈɹɒ.bə(ɹ)/ (one who robs) | :: rabisto |
robber crab {n} (coconut crab) SEE: coconut crab | :: |
robbery {n} /ˈɹɒbəɹi/ (act or practice of robbing) | :: rabado |
robe {n} /ɹoʊb/ (long, loose outer garment) | :: robo |
Robert {prop} /ˈɹɒb.ət/ (given name) | :: Roberto |
robin {n} /ˈɹɑb.ɪn/ (Erithacus rubecula) | :: ruĝgorĝulo |
Robin Hood {prop} /ˈɹɑbɪn hʊd/ (legendary outlaw) | :: Kapuĉa Robĉjo |
robot {n} /ˈɹoʊbɑt/ (intelligent mechanical being) | :: roboto |
robot {n} (machine to perform complex tasks) | :: roboto |
robot {n} (traffic light) SEE: traffic light | :: |
robotic {adj} /ɹoʊˈbɑt.ɪk/ (of, relating to, or resembling a robot) | :: robota |
robotically {adv} (in a robotic fashion) | :: robote |
Rocco {prop} (male given name) | :: Roĥo |
rock {n} /ɹɑk/ (natural mineral aggregate) | :: roko |
rock {v} (move gently back and forth) | :: balanci |
rock and roll {n} /ˈɹɒk ənd ˈɹəʊl/ (style of music) | :: rokenrolo |
rock dove {n} /ɹɒk dʌv/ (Columba livia) | :: rokkolombo, livio |
rocking chair {n} (chair with a curved base which can be gently rocked) | :: lulseĝo, balancoseĝo |
rocking horse {n} (a child’s toy consisting of a (usually wooden) horse mounted on a rocker or swing) | :: balancoĉevalo |
rock music {n} (popular music genre) | :: rokmuziko, roko |
rock paper scissors {n} (popular child's game) | :: papero, tondilo, ŝtono |
rock pigeon {n} (rock dove, Columba livia) SEE: rock dove | :: |
rocky {adj} /ˈɹʷɒki/ (full of rocks) | :: rokriĉa |
rod {n} /ɹɑd/ (stick or bundle used for punishment) | :: vergo |
rod {n} (slang: penis) | :: kaco |
rod {n} (slang: pistol) SEE: pistol | :: |
rodent {n} /ˈɹəʊdənt/ (mammal of the order Rodentia) | :: ronĝulo |
roe {n} (roe deer) SEE: roe deer | :: |
roe {n} /ˈɹoʊ/ (eggs of fish) | :: frajo |
roe deer {n} /ˈɹəʊˌdɪə/ (small deer species, Capreolus capreolus) | :: kapreolo |
roentgenium {n} /ɹɛntˈɡɛniəm/ (chemical element) | :: rentgenio |
Roger {prop} /ˈɹɒdʒə/ (male given name) | :: Roĝero |
rogue {n} /ˈɹoʊ̯ɡ/ | :: bubaĉo |
roleplay {n} (roleplaying game) SEE: roleplaying game | :: |
roleplaying game {n} (type of game in which the players assume the role of a character) | :: rolludo |
roll {v} /ɹəʊl/ (to cause to revolve) | :: ĝirigi |
roll {v} (to wrap round on itself) | :: volvi |
roll {n} (part; office; duty) | :: rolo |
rollerblade {n} (type of roller skate) | :: vicradaj sketiloj |
rollercoaster {n} /ˈɹoʊlɚˌkoʊstɚ/ (amusement ride) | :: onda fervojo |
roller skate {n} (a boot having small wheels) | :: rulsketilo, rulŝuo |
rolling stock {n} | :: vagonaro |
rolling stone {n} (womanizer) SEE: womanizer | :: |
roly-poly {n} /ˌɹəʊlɪˈpəʊli/ (toy that rights itself when pushed over) | :: staremulo, obstina Joĉjo |
Rom {n} /ɹoʊm/ (a member of the Romani people) | :: cigano |
Rom {prop} (language) SEE: Romani | :: |
Rom {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani | :: |
Roma {prop} (the Romani macrolanguage) SEE: Romani | :: |
Roma {n} (member of the Roma/Romani people) SEE: Romani | :: |
Roma {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani | :: |
Roma {prop} (the Romani people) | :: Romaoj |
romaji {n} /ˈɹoʊmədʒi/ (romanization of Japanese) | :: romaĵi, romaĝi |
Roman {adj} /ˈɹoʊmən/ (of or from Rome) | :: Romia |
Roman {n} (a native or resident of Rome) | :: romano [man or woman], romanino [woman] |
Roman {n} (a native or inhabitant of the Roman Empire) | :: romaniano [man or woman], romanianino [woman] |
Roman alphabet {n} (Latin alphabet) SEE: Latin alphabet | :: |
Roman Catholic {adj} | :: romkatolika |
Roman Catholicism {prop} (set of beliefs) | :: romkatolikismo |
Romance language {n} (language descended from Latin) | :: latinida lingvo |
Roman Empire {prop} /ˈɹoʊmən ˈɛmpaɪɚ/ (ancient Latin empire) | :: Romia imperio |
Romani {n} (member of the Roma people) SEE: Rom | :: |
Romani {prop} /ˈɹo.mə.ni/ (language) | :: cigana; la cigana lingvo |
Romani {n} (nomadic people) SEE: Roma | :: |
Romania {prop} /ɹoˈmeɪˌni.ə/ (South-Eastern European country) | :: Rumanio, Rumanujo |
Romanian {n} /ɹoʊˈmeɪ.ni.ən/ (native of Romania) | :: rumano [man or woman], rumanino [woman] |
Roman nose {n} (aquiline nose) SEE: aquiline nose | :: |
romantic {adj} /ɹəʊˈmæntɪk/ (powerfully sentimental, evocative) | :: romantika |
romantic {n} (person with romantic character) | :: romanikisto, romanikulo |
romantic {n} (person who is behaving romantically) | :: romanikisto, romanikulo |
romanticism {n} (romantic quality, spirit or action) | :: romanikismo |
romanticist {n} (advocate or follower of romanticism) | :: romanikisto, romanikulo |
Rome {prop} /ɹoʊm/ (city) | :: Romo |
Rome {prop} (empire) | :: Romio |
Romeo {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend | :: |
Rome wasn't built in a day {proverb} (it takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive) | :: ne en unu tago elkreskis Kartago |
Ronald {prop} /ˈɹɑnəld/ (male given name) | :: Ronaldo |
roof {n} /ɹuːf/ (the cover at the top of a building) | :: tegmento |
roof tile {n} (tile covering a roof) | :: tegolo |
rook {n} /ɹʊk/ (bird) | :: frugilego, kampokorvo |
rook {n} (chesspiece) | :: turo |
rookie {adj} (amateur) SEE: amateur | :: |
room {n} /ɹuːm/ (space) | :: ĉambro |
room {n} (division in a building) | :: ĉambro |
roommate {n} /ˈɹumˌmeɪt/ (US: with whom one shares an apartment or house) | :: kunloĝanto |
roomy {adj} (spacious) | :: vasta |
rooster {n} (flower) SEE: violet | :: |
rooster {n} /ˈɹustəɹ/ (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) | :: virkoko {m}, kokiĉo {m} |
root {n} /ɹuːt/ (part of a plant) | :: radiko |
root {n} (computing: user account at the root of the directory structure) | :: ĉefuzanto |
root {n} (person who manages accounts on a UNIX system) | :: ĉefuzanto |
root {n} (arithmetic: square root) SEE: square root | :: |
root beer {n} /ˈɹut ˌbɪɹ/ (beverage with sarsaparilla root) | :: radikbiero |
rope {n} /ɹoʊp/ (thick, strong string) | :: ŝnuro |
Roquefort {n} (blue cheese made from sheep's milk, produced in France) | :: rokforto |
Rosa {prop} (female given name) SEE: Rose | :: |
rosary {n} /ˈɹoʊzəɹi/ (Catholic prayer beads) | :: rozario |
rosary {n} (devotion) | :: rozario |
rose {n} /ɹoʊz/ (flower) | :: rozo |
rose {n} (a plant or species in the rose family (Rosaceae)) | :: rozaco, rozacoj {p} |
Rose {prop} (female given name) | :: Roza |
rosebush {n} (rose plant) | :: rozarbo |
rose chafer {n} (Cetonia aurata) | :: orskarabo |
rosehip {n} /ˈɹoʊzhɪp/ (the fruit of a rose plant) | :: rozfrukto |
rosemary {n} (shrub) | :: rosmareno |
Rosetta Stone {prop} (large inscribed stone) | :: Rozeta ŝtono |
rosin {n} (liquid resin) SEE: resin | :: |
rosin {n} /ˈɹɒ.zən/ (solid form of resin) | :: kolofono |
rostrum {n} (zoology: beak) SEE: beak | :: |
rot {v} /ɹɒt/ ((intransitive) to suffer decomposition) | :: putri |
rotary {n} (traffic circle) SEE: traffic circle | :: |
rotational {adj} (of, pertaining to or caused by rotation) | :: rotacia |
rotten {adj} /ˈɹɑtn̩/ (decayed, gone bad) | :: putra |
rotten {adj} (mean) | :: aĉa |
Rotterdam {prop} (city and port in The Netherlands) | :: Roterdamo |
rotula {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap | :: |
rotunda {n} (roundabout) SEE: roundabout | :: |
rouge {n} (blush) SEE: blush | :: |
roughly {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately | :: |
roughness {n} (property of being rough) | :: maltrankvileco |
round {adj} /ˈɹaʊnd/ (circular or cylindrical) | :: cirkla |
round {prep} (around) SEE: around | :: |
round {adv} (around) SEE: around | :: |
roundabout {n} (road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island) | :: rondoplaco |
roundhouse kick {n} | :: gira kiko |
Round Table {prop} (King Arthur's table) | :: Ronda Tablo |
roundworm {n} (invertebrate of the phylum Nematoda) SEE: nematode | :: |
route {n} /ɹuːt/ (course or way traveled) | :: irvojo, vojo, vojiro, itinero |
rove {v} /ɹoʊv/ (to wander about at random) | :: vagi |
row {n} /ˈɹoʊ/ (line of objects) | :: vico |
rowan {n} /ˈɹaʊ.ən/ (Sorbus aucuparia) | :: sorparboo |
rowanberry {n} (fruits of the rowan) | :: Sorpujbero |
rowboat {n} (small boat that is rowed) | :: remboato |
rowel {n} /ˈɹoʊəl/ (small spiked wheel on the end of a spur) | :: spronradeto |
rowing {n} /ˈɹoʊɪŋ/ (action of the verb "to row") | :: remado |
rowing {n} (the sport) | :: remado |
rowing boat {n} (rowboat) SEE: rowboat | :: |
royal {adj} /ˈɹɔɪəl/ (of or relating to a monarch or their family) | :: reĝa |
royalist {n} (supporter of monarchy) | :: rojalisto |
royal we {n} (plural "we" used by a sovereign) | :: reĝa ni |
RSS feed {n} | :: abonfluo |
rösti {n} /ˈɹɔsti/ (traditional dish in Germanophone Switzerland made from fried potatoes) | :: roŝtio |
RTFM {phrase} (Abbreviation of Read the fucking manual) | :: LLFL (Legu la fuŝitan lernolibron) |
rub {v} /ɹʌb/ (to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area) | :: froti |
rubber {n} /ˈɹʌbɚ/ (pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree) | :: kaŭĉuko |
rubber {n} (eraser) SEE: eraser | :: |
rubbish {n} (garbage) SEE: garbage | :: |
rubbish bin {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can | :: |
rubble {n} /ˈɹʌb.əl/ (the broken remains of an object, usually rock or masonry) | :: ŝtonetaro, rubo |
rubella {n} /ɹuːˈbɛlə/ (disease caused by the Rubella virus infecting the respiratory tract) | :: rubeolo |
rubeola {n} (measles) SEE: measles | :: |
rubidium {n} /ˌɹuːˈbɪd.i.əm/ (element with atomic number 37) | :: rubidio |
Rubik's cube {n} (cubical mechanical puzzle) | :: kubo de Rubik |
ruble {n} /ɹuːbəl/ (Russian monetary unit) | :: rublo |
ruby {n} /ˈɹuːbi/ (type of gem) | :: rubeno |
ruby {n} (5½-point type) SEE: agate | :: |
Ruby {prop} (the female given name) | :: Rubi |
rudder {n} /ˈɹʌdɚ/ (underwater vane used to steer a vessel) | :: direktilo, rudro |
rudder {n} (control surface of an aircraft) | :: direktilo |
rude {adj} /ɹuːd/ (bad-mannered) | :: malafabla |
rudely {adv} /ˈɹuːdli/ (in a rude manner) | :: malĝentile |
rudeness {n} (property of being rude) | :: malĝentilo |
rudiment {n} /ˈɹuːdɪmənt/ (fundamental principle or skill) | :: bazo |
rudimentary {adj} /ˌɹuːdɪˈmɛntəɹi/ (basic; minimal) | :: rudimenta |
ruff {n} /ɹʌf/ (the bird Philomachus pugnax (syn. Calidris pugnax)) | :: duelbirdo |
ruff {v} (play a trump card) SEE: trump | :: |
rufous-bellied kookaburra {n} (Dacelo gaudichaud) | :: ruĝventra kukabarao |
rufous-naped tit {n} (Periparus rufonuchalis) | :: ruĝecnuka paruo |
rug {n} (wig) SEE: wig | :: |
rug {n} /ɹʌɡ/ (partial floor covering) | :: tapiŝeto, mato |
rugby {n} /ˈɹʌɡbi/ (a sport where players can hold or kick an ovoid ball) | :: rugbeo |
ruin {n} /ˈɹu.ɪn/ (remains of destroyed construction) | :: ruino |
ruin {v} (to ruin) SEE: wreck | :: |
rule {n} /ɹuːl/ (regulation) | :: regulo |
rule {v} (to regulate, be in charge of, make decisions for, reign over) | :: regi |
rule {n} (straight-edge) SEE: ruler | :: |
ruler {n} /ˈɹulɚ/ (measuring or drawing device) | :: liniilo |
ruler {n} (person who rules or governs) | :: regnestro |
rum {n} /ɹʌm/ (distilled spirit) | :: rumo |
ruminant {n} /ˈɹuːmɪnənt/ (artiodactyl ungulate mammal which chews cud) | :: remaĉulo |
rummy {n} /ˈɹʌmɪ/ (card game) | :: rumio |
rumor {n} /ˈɹumɚ/ (statement or claim from no known reliable source) | :: onidiro |
rump {n} /ˈɹʌmp/ (the hindquarters of an animal) | :: gropo |
rump {n} (the buttocks) | :: gropo |
run {v} /ɹʌn/ (to move quickly on two feet) | :: kuri |
run a red light {v} (1.To pass through the traffic light when the red light is illuminated) | :: preterveturi ruĝan trafiklumon |
run away {v} (to flee by running) | :: forkuri |
run away {v} | :: forkuri |
runestone {n} (stone with a runic inscription) | :: runŝtono |
Réunion {prop} /ɹiːˈjuːnjən/ (Overseas department of France) | :: Reunio |
run-of-the-mill {adj} (ordinary) | :: ordinara, ordinaraj {p}, kutima, kutimaj {p} |
runway {n} /ˈɹʌnweɪ/ ((aviation) strip for airplanes to land on or take off from) | :: avia dromo, avia kurejo |
rural {adj} /ˈɹʊɹəl/ (pertaining to non-urban areas) | :: kampara |
ruse {n} /ɹuːz/ (action intended to deceive, see also: trick) | :: ruzo |
Russia {prop} /ˈɹʌʃə/ (country in Asia and Europe) | :: Rusio, Rusujo, Ruslando |
Russian {adj} /ˈɹʌʃ(ə)n/ (of or pertaining to Russia) | :: rusa |
Russian {n} (person from Russia) | :: ruso, rusino [female], ruslandano, ruslandanino [female], rusujano, rusujanino [female] |
Russian {n} (ethnic Russian) | :: ruso, rusino [female] |
Russian {n} (Russian (language)) | :: Rusa |
Russian doll {n} (wooden doll) | :: matrjoŝko, matrjoŝka pupo |
Russian Federation {prop} (alternative formal name of Russia) | :: Rusia Federacio |
Russianize {v} (to make Russian) | :: rusigi |
Russian Orthodox Church {prop} (one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches) | :: Rusa Ortodoksa Eklesio |
Russian roulette {prop} (deadly game with revolver and random spinning) | :: rusa ruleto |
russification {n} (Russification) SEE: Russification | :: |
Russification {n} (process of making anything Russian) | :: rusigo |
Russify {v} (to make or become more Russian) | :: rusigi |
Russki {n} /ˈɹʌ (alternative term for Russian (derogatory)) | :: rusaĉo |
Russophone {adj} (Russian-speaking) | :: rusparola |
Russophone {n} (someone who speaks Russian) | :: ruslingvano, rusparolanto |
rust {n} /ɹʌst/ (result of oxidation) | :: rusto |
rust {n} (colour) | :: rustokoloro |
rusty {adj} /ˈɹʌsti/ (affected by rust) | :: rusta |
rutabaga {n} /ˈɹutəˌbeɪɡə/ (edible root) | :: napo |
ruthenium {n} /ɹuːˈθiːniəm/ (chemical element) | :: rutenio |
rutherfordium {n} /ˌɹʌðəɹˈfɔːɹdiəm/ (chemical element) | :: ruterfordio |
ruthless {adj} /ˈɹuːθləs/ (without pity or compassion) | :: senkompata |
rutinose {n} (disaccharide consisting of rhamnose and glucose) | :: rutinozo |
Rwanda {prop} /ɹuˈɑndə/ (country) | :: Ruando |
Rwandan {n} (a person from Rwanda or of Rwandan descent) | :: ruandano [man or woman], ruandanino [woman] |
rye {n} /ɹaɪ/ (the grass Secale cereale or its grains as food) | :: sekalo |
rye {n} (rye bread) SEE: rye bread | :: |
rye bread {n} (type of bread) | :: sekalpano, sekala pano |
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Poland) SEE: Poland | :: |
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (republic) SEE: republic | :: |
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (commonwealth) SEE: commonwealth | :: |
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Republic of Poland) SEE: Republic of Poland | :: |