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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-h

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ha {interj} (a representation of laughter) :: χα /cha/
ha {interj} (an exclamation of triumph or discovery) :: χα /cha/
Habacuc {prop} (Habakkuk) SEE: Habakkuk ::
Habakkuk {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Αββακούμ /Avvakoúm/
Habakkuk {prop} (prophet) :: Αββακούμ {m} /Avvakoúm/
Habakkuk {prop} (male given name) :: Αββακούμ {m} /Avvakoúm/
habilitation {n} (postdoctoral academic qualification required for tenure) :: υφηγεσία {f} /yfigesía/
habit {n} (an action done on a regular basis) :: συνήθεια {f} /synítheia/
habit {n} (action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without awareness) :: συνήθεια {f} /synítheia/, έξη {f} /éxi/
habit {n} (long piece of clothing worn by monks and nuns) :: ράσο {n} /ráso/
habit {n} (addiction) :: έξη {f} /éxi/, εθισμός {m} /ethismós/
habitable {adj} (inhabited) SEE: inhabited ::
habitué {n} (one who frequents a place, a regular) :: τακτικός {m} /taktikós/, τακτική {f} /taktikí/, τακτικό {n} /taktikó/
haboob {n} (violent sandstorm) :: χαμπούμπ /champoúmp/
hack {v} (to gain illegal access to a computer network) :: χακάρω /chakáro/
hacker {n} (one who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data) :: χάκερ {m} /cháker/
hackneyed {adj} (repeated too often) :: τετριμμένος {m} /tetrimménos/, κοινότοπος {m} /koinótopos/
hacksaw {n} (saw) :: σιδηροπρίονο {n} /sidiropríono/
haddock {n} (marine fish) :: βακαλάος {m} /vakaláos/
Hadean {adj} (of geologic eon from 4,600 to 3,800 million years ago) :: καταρχαιοζωικός /katarchaiozoikós/
Hadean {prop} (Hadean eon) :: Καταρχαιοζωικός {m} /Katarchaiozoikós/
Hadean time {prop} (Hadean) SEE: Hadean ::
Hades {prop} (from Greek mythology) :: Άδης {m} /Ádis/, Τάρταρα {n-p} /Tártara/
Hades {prop} (the Greek translation of Sheol) :: Άδης {m} /Ádis/
Hades {prop} (hell) :: κόλαση {f} /kólasi/
Hadrian {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adrian ::
Hadrian {prop} (the Roman emperor) :: Αδριανός /Adrianós/
hadron {n} (composite particle composed of quarks) :: αδρόνιο {n} /adrónio/
haematologist {n} (scientist who specializes in haematology) :: αιματολόγος {m} {f} /aimatológos/
haematology {n} (scientific study of blood and blood-producing organs) :: αιματολογία {f} /aimatología/
haematophagous {adj} (feeding on blood) :: αιματοφάγος /aimatofágos/
haemodialysis {n} (hemodialysis) SEE: hemodialysis ::
haemophilia {n} (any of several hereditary illnesses that impair the body's ability to control bleeding) :: αιμοφιλία {f} /aimofilía/
haemorrhage {n} (hemorrhage) SEE: hemorrhage ::
haemorrhoidal disease {n} (disease) :: αιμορροϊδοπάθεια {f} /aimorroïdopátheia/
Haemus {prop} (king of Thrace) :: Αίμος /Aímos/
hafnium {n} (chemical element) :: άφνιο {n} /áfnio/
Hagar {prop} (mother of Ishmael) :: Άγαρ {f} /Ágar/
Hagar {prop} (female given name) :: Άγαρ {f} /Ágar/
Haggai {prop} (book of The Bible) :: Αγγαίος {m} /Angaíos/
haggle {v} (to argue for a better deal) :: διαπραγματεύομαι /diapragmatévomai/, [colloquial] παζαρεύω /pazarévo/
Hagia Sophia {prop} (a former basilica, now a museum in Turkey) :: Αγία Σοφία /Agía Sofía/
hagiographer {n} (someone who writes the biography of a saint) :: αγιογράφος {m} /agiográfos/
hagiography {n} (study of saints) :: αγιολογία {f} /agiología/
haha {interj} (representation of laughter) :: χαχα /chacha/
Haifa {prop} (a city in northern Israel) :: Χάιφα {f} /Cháifa/
hail {n} (balls of ice) :: χαλάζι {n} /chalázi/
hail {v} (to fall from the sky, of hail) :: πέφτει χαλάζι /péftei chalázi/
hail {v} (to greet) :: χαιρετώ /chairetó/
hail {v} (to name, to designate) :: προσφωνώ /prosfonó/
hail {v} (to call out loudly in order to gain the attention of) :: καλώ /kaló/, φωνάζω /fonázo/
hail from {v} (to be a native of) :: κατάγομαι /katágomai/
Hai-nan {prop} (Hainan) SEE: Hainan ::
Hainan {prop} (province of China) :: Χαϊνάν /Chaïnán/
Hainaut {prop} (province) :: Αινώ {n} /Ainó/
hair {n} (a pigmented keratinaceous growth on the human head) :: τρίχα {f} /trícha/
hair {n} (the collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of humans and animals) :: μαλλιά {n-p} /malliá/, κόμη {f} /kómi/
hair {n} (one of the above-mentioned filaments) :: τρίχα {f} /trícha/
hair conditioner {n} (cosmetic product) :: μαλακτικό {n} /malaktikó/
haircut {n} (act of cutting of hair) :: κούρεμα {n} /koúrema/
haircut {n} (style into which hair is cut) :: κούρεμα {n} /koúrema/
hairdresser {n} (professional for haircutting or hairstyling) :: κομμωτής {m} /kommotís/, κομμώτρια {f} /kommótria/
hairdresser's {n} (hairdresser’s shop) SEE: hair salon ::
hairdressing salon {n} (hairdressing salon) SEE: hair salon ::
hair dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer ::
hairdryer {n} (electrical appliance for drying hair) :: πιστολάκι {n} /pistoláki/
hairgrip {n} (flat hairpin with two prongs) :: φουρκέτα {f} /fourkéta/
hairless {adj} (bald) SEE: bald ::
hairpin {n} (pin or fastener for the hair) :: φουρκέτα {f} /fourkéta/
hairpin {n} (tight bend) SEE: hairpin bend ::
hairpin bend {n} (acute curve in a road on a steep incline) :: φουρκέτα {f} /fourkéta/
hair roller {n} (a small tube that is rolled into a person's hair) :: μπικουτί {n} /bikoutí/
hair salon {n} (workplace of a beautician or barber) :: κομμωτήριο {n} /kommotírio/, κουρείο {n} /koureío/, μπαρμπέρικο {n} /barmpériko/
hairstyle {n} (the style in which someone's hair has been cut and arranged) :: χτένισμα {n} /chténisma/
haitch {n} (name of the letter H) SEE: aitch ::
Haiti {prop} (a country in the Caribbean) :: Αϊτή {n} /Aïtí/
Haitian {n} (person from Haiti) :: Αϊτινός {m} /Aïtinós/, Αϊτινή {f} /Aïtiní/
hajib {n} (headscarf) SEE: hijab ::
hajj {n} (pilgrimage to Mecca) :: χατζ /chatz/
hajji {n} (one who has participated in a hajj) :: Χατζής {m} /Chatzís/, Χάτζι {m} /Chátzi/
halberd {n} (hand weapon) :: αλαβάρδα {f} /alavárda/
halcyon {n} (poetic: kingfisher) :: αλκυόνη {f} /alkyóni/
halcyon {n} (bird of genus Halcyon) :: αλκυόνη {f} /alkyóni/
halcyon days {n} (halcyon days) :: αλκυονίδες ημέρες {f-p} /alkyonídes iméres/
half {adj} (consisting of a half) :: ήμισυς {m} /ímisys/, μισός {m} /misós/
half {n} (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided) :: μισό {n} /misó/
half {n} (half a standard measure) :: μισό {n} /misó/
half {n} (math: fraction) :: μισό {n} /misó/
half-awake {adj} (barely awake) :: αγουροξυπνημένος /agouroxypniménos/
half-baked {adj} (partially cooked) :: μισοψημένος {m} /misopsiménos/
half brother {n} (a male half-sibling) :: ετεροθαλής αδελφός {m} /eterothalís adelfós/
half-life {n} :: περίοδος ημιζωής {m} /períodos imizoḯs/
half-line {n} (ray) SEE: ray ::
half-naked {adj} (with very few clothes on) :: ημίγυμνος /imígymnos/
half note {n} (minim) SEE: minim ::
half past {n} ("half past one" as example of usage in other languages) :: και μισή /kai misí/
half sister {n} (a female half sibling) :: ετεροθαλής αδελφή {f} /eterothalís adelfí/
half title {n} (book title) :: ψευδότιτλος {m} /psevdótitlos/
half-uncle {n} (half-brother of one's parent) :: ετεροθαλής θείος /eterothalís theíos/
Halicarnassus {prop} (ancient Greek city) :: Αλικαρνασσός /Alikarnassós/
Halifax {prop} (city in West Yorkshire, England) :: Χάλιφαξ {n} /Chálifax/
Halifax {prop} (city in Nova Scotia, Canada) :: Χάλιφαξ {n} /Chálifax/
Halki {prop} :: Χάλκη /Chálki/
hall {n} (corridor or a hallway) :: χολ {n} /chol/, διάδρομος /diádromos/ [formally]
hall {n} (meeting room) :: αίθουσα {f} /aíthousa/
hall {n} (manor house) :: μέγαρο {n} /mégaro/
hall {n} (building providing student accommodation) :: φοιτητική εστία {f} /foititikí estía/
hallelujah {interj} (exclamation to praise God) :: αλληλούια /alliloúia/
hallelujah {interj} (general exclamation of gratitude) :: αλληλούια /alliloúia/
hall of fame {n} (hall which honors people of great importance to some field) :: αίθουσα της φήμης /aíthousa tis fímis/
halloumi {n} (traditional cheese from Cyprus) :: χαλούμι {n} /chaloúmi/
Halloween {prop} (October 31st) :: Χάλοουϊν {n} /Cháloouïn/
hallucination {n} (sensory perception of something that does not exist) :: παραίσθηση {f} /paraísthisi/
hallucination {n} (act of hallucinating) :: παραίσθηση {f} /paraísthisi/
hallux {n} (big toe) SEE: big toe ::
hallway {n} (corridor) SEE: corridor ::
halo {n} (atmospheric phenomenon) :: άλως {f} /álos/
halo {n} (luminous disc around the heads of saints) :: φωτοστέφανο {n} /fotostéfano/, άλως {f} /álos/, δόξα {f} /dóxa/
halogen {n} (any element of group 17) :: αλογόνο {n} /alogóno/
halt {v} (limp (walk lamely)) SEE: limp ::
halter {n} (animal's headgear) :: καπίστρι {n} /kapístri/
halva {n} (confection) :: χαλβάς {m} /chalvás/
ham {n} (thigh of a hog cured for food) :: χοιρομέρι {n} /choiroméri/, ζαμπόν /zampón/
ham {n} (back of the thigh) :: [of an animal] ιγνύς {f} /ignýs/
ham {n} (actor with an exaggerating style) :: άσχετος {c} /áschetos/
ham {n} (ham radio operator) :: ραδιοερασιτέχνης {m} {f} /radioerasitéchnis/
hamadryad {n} (a woodnymph) :: αμαδρυάδα {f} /amadryáda/
hamartia {n} (sin) SEE: sin ::
Hamburg {prop} (city and state of Germany) :: Αμβούργο /Amvoúrgo/
hamburger {n} (sandwich) :: χάμπουργκερ {n} /chámpourgker/, χάμπεργκερ /chámpergker/
hamburger {n} (ground beef) :: κιμάς {m} /kimás/
Hamilcar {prop} (given name) :: Αμίλκας /Amílkas/
hamlet {n} (small village) :: χωριουδάκι {n} /chorioudáki/
Hamlet {prop} (the main character of the play Hamlet) :: Άμλετ {m} /Ámlet/
hammam {n} (Turkish bath) SEE: Turkish bath ::
hammer {n} (tool) :: σφυρί {n} /sfyrí/
hammer {n} (part of a firearm) :: επικρουστήρας {n} /epikroustíras/, [colloquial] λύκος {m} /lýkos/, [colloquial] κόκορας {m} /kókoras/
hammer {n} (bone of the middle ear; see also malleus) :: σφύρα {f} /sfýra/
hammer {n} (piano part) :: πλήκτρο {n} /plíktro/
hammer {v} (to shape by beating) :: σφυροκοπώ /sfyrokopó/
hammer and sickle {n} (symbol of communism) :: σφυροδρέπανο /sfyrodrépano/
hammock {n} (swinging couch or bed) :: αιώρα {f} /aióra/
hamster {n} (small, short-tailed European rodent) :: χάμστερ {n} /chámster/
Han {prop} (Chinese ethnicity) :: Χάνας /Chánas/, Χαν /Chan/
hand {v} (to give, pass or transmit with the hand) :: δίνω /díno/
hand {n} (part of the fore limb) :: χέρι {n} /chéri/
hand {n} (pointer of an analogue/analog clock) :: δείκτης {m} /deíktis/
hand {n} (side; part; direction, either right or left) :: πλευρά {f} /plevrá/
hand {n} (power of performance; means of execution; ability; skill; dexterity) :: δεξιοτέχνης {m} /dexiotéchnis/
hand {n} (servant, laborer, workman, trained for special duty; a performer) :: χειρώνακτας {m} /cheirónaktas/, εργάτης {m} /ergátis/, εργάτρια {f} /ergátria/
hand {n} (handwriting; style of penmanship) :: γραφή {f} /grafí/, γράψιμο {n} /grápsimo/, γραφικός χαρακτήρας {m} /grafikós charaktíras/
hand {n} (that which is, or may be, held in a hand at once) :: χεριά {f} /cheriá/
hand {n} (set of cards held by a player in a card game) :: χαρτωσιά {f} /chartosiá/
handbag {n} (small bag carried in the hand) :: τσάντα {f} /tsánta/
handball {n} (team sport) :: χειροσφαίριση {f} /cheirosfaírisi/, χάντμπολ {n} /chántmpol/
handball {n} (football offence) :: χέρι {n} /chéri/
handbook {n} (a book of reference) :: εγχειρίδιο {n} /encheirídio/
handbrake {n} (hand-operated brake in a car) :: χειρόφρενο {n} /cheirófreno/
handcraft {n} (handicraft) SEE: handicraft ::
handcuff {n} (ring of a locking fetter for the hand) :: χειροπέδα {f} /cheiropéda/, [pair] χειροπέδες {f-p} /cheiropédes/
handcuffs {n} (metal rings for fastening wrists) :: χειροπέδες {f-p} /cheiropédes/
handed {adj} (with hands joined) SEE: hand in hand ::
handful {n} (amount held in hand) :: χούφτα {f} /choúfta/
handful {n} (small number) :: χούφτα {f} /choúfta/
hand grenade {n} (explosive device) :: χειροβομβίδα {f} /cheirovomvída/
handgun {n} (small, hand-held gun) :: πιστόλι {n} /pistóli/, [revolver] περίστροφο {n} /perístrofo/
hand-held {adj} (held in one hand) :: χειρός /cheirós/, χειρόφερτος /cheirófertos/
handicapped {adj} (having a handicap) :: ανάπηρος /anápiros/
handicraft {n} (trade requiring skill of hand) :: χειροτεχνία {f} /cheirotechnía/
handicraft {n} (handicraftsman) :: χειροτέχνης {m} /cheirotéchnis/
hand in {v} (to give to a responsible person) :: καταθέτω /katathéto/
hand in hand {adv} (holding or clasping hands) :: χέρι-χέρι /chéri-chéri/
hand job {n} (An act of masturbation performed by someone else's hand) :: μαλακία {f} /malakía/
handkerchief {n} (cloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands) :: μαντήλι {n} /mantíli/
handle {n} (part of an object held in the hand when used or moved) :: χειρολαβή {f} /cheirolaví/, χερούλι {n} /cheroúli/
handle {n} (part of a door) :: λαβή {f} /laví/
handle {n} (nickname) :: παρανόμι {n} /paranómi/, ψευδώνυμο {n} /psevdónymo/
handlebar {n} (bar for steering) :: τιμόνι {n} /timóni/
hand-me-down {n} (An item that is passed along for someone else to use) :: αποφόρι {n} /apofóri/
handrail {n} (rail which can be held) :: κάγκελο {n} /kágkelo/, κουπαστή {f} /koupastí/
hands down {adv} (without much effort, easily) :: αβρόχοις ποσίν /avróchois posín/
hands off {interj} (don't touch!) :: κάτω τα χέρια! /káto ta chéria!/
handsome {adj} (of man: attractive) :: ωραίος /oraíos/
handstand {n} (a movement or position in which a person is upside down) :: κατακόρυφος {f} /katakóryfos/
hands up {interj} (surrender!) :: ψηλά τα χέρια /psilá ta chéria/
handwriting {n} (act or process of writing with the hand) :: γραφή {f} /grafí/
handwriting {n} (characteristic writing of a particular person) :: γραφή {f} /grafí/, γράψιμο {n} /grápsimo/, γραφικός χαρακτήρας {m} /grafikós charaktíras/
handwriting {n} (text written by hand) :: γραπτό {n} /graptó/, γραφή {f} /grafí/
handwritten {adj} (written with a pen or pencil) :: χειρόγραφος /cheirógrafos/
handy {adj} (within reach) :: εύκαιρος /éfkairos/, πρόχειρος /prócheiros/
handy {n} (handgun) SEE: handgun ::
handy {n} (hand job) SEE: hand job ::
hang {v} (to be or remain suspended) :: κρεμάω /kremáo/
hangar {n} (a large garage-like structure where aircraft are kept) :: υπόστεγο {n} /ypóstego/
hanger {n} (hangman) SEE: hangman ::
hang glider {n} (aircraft) :: αιωρόπτερο {n} /aioróptero/
hang glider {n} (rider) :: αιωροπτεριστής {m} /aioropteristís/
hang gliding {n} (flying in a hang glider) :: αιωροπτερισμός {m} /aioropterismós/
hanging {adj} (suspended) :: αναρτημένος {m} /anartiménos/, κρεμάμενος {m} /kremámenos/, κρεμαστός {m} /kremastós/
hanging {n} (means of execution) :: απαγχονισμός {m} /apanchonismós/
hanging {n} (public event at which a person is hanged) :: απαγχονισμός {m} /apanchonismós/
hanging {n} (way in which hangings (decorations) are arranged) :: κρεμαστά /kremastá/
hangman {n} (executioner) :: δήμιος {m} /dímios/
hangman {n} (game) :: κρεμάλα {f} /kremála/
hangman's noose {n} (knot) :: βρόχος {m} /vróchos/, θηλιά {f} /thiliá/
hangnail {n} (protruding piece of nail tissue or skin near base of fingernail or toenail) :: παρωνυχίδα {f} /paronychída/
hang tough {v} :: δεν το βάζω κάτω /den to vázo káto/
Hannah {prop} (mother of Samuel) :: Άννα /Ánna/
Hannah {prop} (female given name) :: Χάνα {f} /Chána/
Hannibal {prop} (name) :: Αννίβας {m} /Annívas/
Hanoi {prop} (capital of Vietnam) :: Ανόι /Anói/
Hanover {prop} (German city) :: Αννόβερο /Annóvero/
Hansen's disease {n} (leprosy) :: νόσος του Χάνσεν {f} /nósos tou Chánsen/, λέπρα {f} /lépra/
Hanseong {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
Hanukkah {prop} (the Jewish festival) :: Χανουκά /Chanouká/
Hanyang {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
hapax {n} (hapax legomenon) SEE: hapax legomenon ::
hapax legomenon {n} (word occurring only once) :: άπαξ λεγόμενο {n} /ápax legómeno/
haphazardly {adv} (in a haphazard manner) :: όπως όπως /ópos ópos/
hapless {adj} (very unlucky; ill-fated) :: άμοιρος /ámoiros/
haplogroup {n} (group of haplotypes) :: απλοομάδα {f} /aploomáda/
haploid {adj} (having a single set of unpaired chromosomes) :: απλοειδής {m} /aploeidís/
haploid {n} (haploid cell) :: απλοειδές {n} /aploeidés/
haplology {n} (deleting syllables) :: απλολογία {f} /aplología/
haplology {n} (instance of deleting a syllable) :: απλολογία {f} /aplología/
haplotype {n} (group of alleles) :: απλότυπος {m} /aplótypos/
haply {adv} (perhaps) SEE: perhaps ::
happen {v} (to occur) :: συμβαίνω /symvaíno/, γίνομαι /gínomai/, τυχαίνω /tychaíno/, λαχαίνω /lachaíno/, τυγχάνω /tyncháno/, διαδραματίζομαι /diadramatízomai/, σημειώνομαι /simeiónomai/
happen on {v} (happen on) SEE: chance upon ::
happily ever after {adv} (happily until one's death) :: κι έζησαν αυτοί καλά κι εμείς καλύτερα /ki ézisan aftoí kalá ki emeís kalýtera/
happiness {n} (emotion of being happy) :: ευτυχία {f} /eftychía/
happiness {n} (good luck) :: ευημερία {f} /evimería/, προκοπή {f} /prokopí/, ευπραγία {f} /efpragía/
happiness {n} (agreeable feeling) :: ευτυχία {f} /eftychía/, χαρά {f} /chará/
happy {adj} (contented, joyous) :: ευχαριστημένος {m} /efcharistiménos/, χαρούμενος {m} /charoúmenos/
happy {adj} (fortunate, lucky) :: ευτυχής /eftychís/, ευτυχισμένος /eftychisménos/
happy {adj} (appropriate, apt, felicitous) :: ευτυχής /eftychís/, ευτυχισμένος /eftychisménos/
happy birthday {interj} (good wishes for a birthday) :: χαρούμενα γενέθλια /charoúmena genéthlia/, χρόνια πολλά {n-p} /chrónia pollá/, να τα εκατοστίσεις /na ta ekatostíseis/
happy Easter {phrase} (an expression used during Easter) :: Καλό Πάσχα /Kaló Páscha/; Χριστός ανέστη /Christós anésti/ [greeting], αληθώς ανέστη /alithós anésti/ [reply]
happy ending {n} (happy end) :: χάπι εντ {n} /chápi ent/
Happy Holidays {phrase} (holiday greeting) :: καλές γιορτές /kalés giortés/
happy New Year {phrase} (Happy New Year) :: καλή χρονιά /kalí chroniá/, ευτυχισμένος ο καινούριος χρόνος /eftychisménos o kainoúrios chrónos/, χρόνια πολλά /chrónia pollá/
haptic {adj} (of or relating to the sense of touch) :: απτικός {m} /aptikós/
haptic {adj} (of or relating to haptics) :: απτικός {m} /aptikós/
haptic interface {n} (user interface) :: απτική διεπαφή {f} /aptikí diepafí/
harangue {n} (impassioned speech) :: φιλιππικός /filippikós/
harangue {n} (tirade) :: αναβαλλόμενος /anavallómenos/, εξάψαλμος /exápsalmos/
harangue {v} (to give a forceful lecture) :: κατσαδιάζω /katsadiázo/, εξαπολύω φιλιππικό /exapolýo filippikó/, ψέλνω τον αναβαλλόμενο /psélno ton anavallómeno/, ρίχνω εξάψαλμο /ríchno exápsalmo/
harangue {v} (to address the public) :: δημηγορώ /dimigoró/
harassment {n} (persistent attacks and criticism causing worry and distress) :: παρενόχληση {f} /parenóchlisi/
harbinger {n} (that which foretells the coming of something) :: προάγγελος {m} /proángelos/, πρόδρομος {m} /pródromos/
harbinger {v} (to announce) :: προαναγγέλλω /proanangéllo/
harbor {n} (for ships) :: λιμάνι {n} /limáni/
harbor {v} (to provide safe place) :: φυγαδεύω /fygadévo/, περιθάλπω /perithálpo/, φιλοξενώ /filoxenó/
harborless {adj} (harborless) SEE: harbourless ::
harbour {n} (harbor) SEE: harbor ::
harbourless {adj} (without harbour) :: αλίμενος /alímenos/
hard {adj} (requiring a lot of effort to do or understand) :: δύσκολος {m} /dýskolos/
hardcover {n} (a book with a rigid binding) :: σκληρόδετο βιβλίο {n} /skliródeto vivlío/
hardcover {adj} (of a book: having a rigid binding) :: σκληρόδετος {m} /skliródetos/
hard disk {n} (recording disk in a drive unit) :: σκληρός δίσκος {m} /sklirós dískos/
hard disk {n} (unit and all the disks within it) :: σκληρός δίσκος {m} /sklirós dískos/
hard drive {n} (device used for storing large amounts of data) :: σκληρός δίσκος {m} /sklirós dískos/
harden {v} (become hard) :: σκληρύνω /sklirýno/
harden {v} (make hard(er)) :: σκληρύνω /sklirýno/
harden {v} (become less sensitive) :: σκληρύνω /sklirýno/
hardhearted {adj} (lacking in compassion) :: σκληρόκαρδος /sklirókardos/
hard labor {n} (forced labor) SEE: forced labor ::
hard of hearing {adj} (having difficulty hearing) :: βαρήκοος /varíkoos/
hard-on {n} (rigid state of the penis) SEE: erection ::
hard reset {n} (factory reset) SEE: factory reset ::
hard roe {n} (roe) SEE: roe ::
hard shoulder {n} (verge to the side of a highway) :: ΛΕΑ {f} /LEA/
hardware {n} (fixtures, equipment, tools and devices) :: δομικά υλικά {n-p} /domiká yliká/
hardware {n} (material part of a computer) :: υλισμικό {n} /ylismikó/
hardware {n} (electronic equipment) :: ηλεκτρονικός εξοπλισμός {m} /ilektronikós exoplismós/
hardware {n} (metal implements) :: σιδηρικά {n-p} /sidiriká/, είδη κιγκαλερίας {n-p} /eídi kigkalerías/
hardware {n} (slang: firearm) :: βαρύς στρατιωτικός εξοπλισμός {m} /varýs stratiotikós exoplismós/
hardware store {n} (merchant) :: σιδηροπωλείο {n} /sidiropoleío/
hard-wearing {adj} (wear-resistant) :: ανθεκτικός /anthektikós/
hare {n} (animal) :: λαγός {m} /lagós/
harem {n} (the private part of an Arab household) :: χαρέμι {n} /charémi/
haricot {n} (common bean) SEE: common bean ::
harlequin {n} (pantomime fool) :: αρλεκίνος {m} /arlekínos/
harlot {n} (a female prostitute) :: καριόλα {f} /karióla/
harm {n} (injury; hurt; damage) :: βλάβη {f} /vlávi/
harm {v} (cause damage) :: βλάπτω /vlápto/
harmonica {n} (wind instrument) :: φυσαρμόνικα {f} /fysarmónika/
harmony {n} (agreement or accord) :: αρμονία {f} /armonía/, αρμονικότητα /armonikótita/
harmony {n} (pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds) :: αρμονία {f} /armonía/
harmony {n} (music: the academic study of chords) :: αρμονία {f} /armonía/
harmony {n} (music: two or more notes played simultaneously to produce a chord) :: αρμονία {f} /armonía/, συγχορδία {f} /synchordía/
harness {n} (restraint or support) :: ιπποσκευή {f} /ipposkeví/, χάμουρα {f} /chámoura/
harp {n} (musical instrument) :: άρπα {f} /árpa/
harp on {v} (to continue to bring up a point of contention) :: λέω τα ίδια και τα ίδια /léo ta ídia kai ta ídia/
harpoon {n} (spearlike weapon) :: καμάκι {n} /kamáki/
harpsichord {n} (musical instrument) :: τσέμπαλο {n} /tsémpalo/
harpsichordist {n} (one who plays the harpsichord) :: αρπιχορδιστής {m} /arpichordistís/
harpy {n} (Fabulous winged monster with the face of a woman) :: άρπυια {f} /árpyia/
harquebus {n} (obsolete matchlock firearm) :: αρκεβούζιο /arkevoúzio/
Harris {prop} (English surname) :: Χάρις /Cháris/
harrow {n} (device) :: σβάρνα {f} /svárna/, βωλοκόπος {m} /volokópos/
harrow {v} (drag a harrow over) :: σβαρνίζω /svarnízo/, βωλοκοπώ /volokopó/
harrow {v} (traumatise, frighten) :: βασανίζω /vasanízo/, τραυματίζω /travmatízo/
Harry {prop} (male given name) :: Χάρι {m} /Chári/
harsh {adj} (rough) :: τραχύς /trachýs/
harsh {adj} (severe or cruel) :: σκληρός /sklirós/
hartwort {n} (plant of Europe) :: καυκαλήθρα {f} /kafkalíthra/
Harvard {prop} (name) :: Χάρβαρντ /Chárvarnt/
harvest {n} (autumn, fall) SEE: autumn ::
harvest {n} (season of gathering the ripened crop) :: θέρος {m} /théros/
harvest {n} (process of gathering the ripened crop) :: συγκομιδή {f} /sygkomidí/, θερισμός {m} /therismós/, τρύγος {m} /trýgos/
harvest {n} (yield of harvesting) :: συγκομιδή {f} /sygkomidí/, σοδειά {f} /sodeiá/
harvest {n} (product or result of any exertion) :: καρπός {m} /karpós/
harvest {v} (to bring in a harvest; reap) :: θερίζω /therízo/, τρυγώ /trygó/
harvest {v} (to be occupied bringing in a harvest) :: θερίζω /therízo/, τρυγώ /trygó/
harvest {v} (to win, achieve a gain) :: αποκομίζω /apokomízo/
Hasdrubal {prop} (given name) :: Ασδρούβας /Asdroúvas/
hash browns {n} (chopped and fried potatoes) :: ξεροτηγανίδια {n-p} /xerotiganídia/, χας μπράουνς {n-p} /chas bráouns/, χασντ μπράουνς {n-p} /chasnt bráouns/
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan {prop} (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) :: Χασεμιτικό Βασίλειο της Ιορδανίας {n} /Chasemitikó Vasíleio tis Iordanías/
hashish {n} (marijuana generally) SEE: cannabis ::
hashish {n} (dried leaves of the Indian hemp plant) :: χασίσι /chasísi/
hassium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 108) :: χάσιο {n} /chásio/
hasta la vista {phrase} (see you later) SEE: see you later ::
hat {n} (a head covering) :: καπέλο {n} /kapélo/, πίλος {m} /pílos/
hatbox {n} (a piece of luggage, case, or box for a hat) :: καπελιέρα {f} /kapeliéra/
hatch {n} (trapdoor) SEE: trapdoor ::
hatchery {n} (a facility where eggs are hatched under artificial conditions) :: εκκολαπτήριο {n} /ekkolaptírio/
hate {v} (to dislike intensely) :: μισώ /misó/, απεχθάνομαι /apechthánomai/
hate {n} (hatred) SEE: hatred ::
hate speech {n} (offensive speech) :: λόγος μίσους {m} /lógos mísous/
hatless {adj} (not wearing a hat) :: ακαπέλωτος /akapélotos/
hatred {n} (strong aversion) :: μίσος {n} /mísos/, έχθρα {f} /échthra/, απέχθεια {f} /apéchtheia/
hat trick {n} (three achievements in a single game or similar) :: χατ τρικ {n} /chat trik/
Hattusa {prop} (city) :: Χαττούσα /Chattoúsa/
haughtily {adv} (in a haughty manner) :: ακατάδεκτα /akatádekta/
haughtiness {n} (the property of being haughty) :: ακαταδεξιά {f} /akatadexiá/
haughty {adj} (disdainful, supercilious; in demeanour conveying the assumption of superiority) :: υπεροπτικός /yperoptikós/, αλαζών /alazón/, αλαζόνας /alazónas/, αλαζονικός /alazonikós/
haunt {v} (to inhabit, or visit frequently) :: στοιχειώνω /stoicheióno/
haunt {v} (to make uneasy) :: στοιχειώνω /stoicheióno/
haunt {v} (to stalk) :: ακολουθώ /akolouthó/
haunt {v} (to live habitually) :: συχνάζω /sychnázo/
haunt {n} (place at which one is regularly found) :: στέκι {n} /stéki/, λημέρι {n} /liméri/, εντευκτήριο {n} /entefktírio/
haunt {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
haunted {adj} (frequented by a ghost) :: στοιχειωμένος {m} /stoicheioménos/
haunted house {n} (house believed to be a center for supernatural occurrences) :: στοιχειωμένο σπίτι {n} /stoicheioméno spíti/
Hausa {n} (people) :: Χάουσα /Cháousa/
Hausdorff dimension {n} (type of fractal dimension) :: διάσταση Χάουσντορφ {f} /diástasi Cháousntorf/
Havana {prop} (capital of Cuba) :: Αβάνα {f} /Avána/
Havana {n} (cigar) :: πούρα Αβάνας /poúra Avánas/
have {v} (to possess) :: έχω /écho/
have {v} (auxiliary used in forming the perfect and the past perfect tenses) :: έχω /écho/
have a nice day {phrase} (goodbye) :: καλή σου μέρα /kalí sou méra/
have a wank {v} ((slang) masturbate) SEE: wank ::
have eyes on {v} (observe) SEE: observe ::
have fun {v} (enjoy oneself) :: διασκεδάζω /diaskedázo/
have fun {interj} (wish someone a good time) :: καλή διασκέδαση {f} /kalí diaskédasi/
have it out {v} :: διαπληκτίζομαι /diapliktízomai/, μαλώνω /malóno/
haven {n} (harbour) :: λιμάνι {n} /limáni/
haven {n} (refuge) :: καταφύγιο {n} /katafýgio/
have one's cake and eat it too {v} (to seek to have two things which are mutually incompatible) :: [literally "to want both the whole pie and the dog fed"] θέλω και την πίτα ολόκληρη και τον σκύλο χορτάτο /thélo kai tin píta olókliri kai ton skýlo chortáto/
have one's eye on {v} (watch) SEE: watch ::
have one's hands tied {v} (be powerless to act) :: δένω τα χέρια /déno ta chéria/
haversack {n} (shoulder bag) :: ταγάρι {n} /tagári/
have sex {v} (take part in a sexual act) :: κάνω σεξ /káno sex/, συνουσιάζομαι /synousiázomai/, συνευρίσκομαι /synevrískomai/
have the foggiest {phrase} ("I haven't the foggiest": I don't know) :: δεν έχω ιδέα /den écho idéa/, δεν έχω την παραμικρή ιδέα /den écho tin paramikrí idéa/
Hawaii {prop} (state of the United States) :: Χαβάη {f} /Chavái/
Hawaiian {adj} (of or having to do with the Hawaiian race, culture, or language) :: χαβανέζικος /chavanézikos/
Hawaiian {n} (a descendant of the peoples inhabiting the Hawaiian Islands prior to European contact) :: Χαβανέζος {m} /Chavanézos/, Χαβανέζα {f} /Chavanéza/
Hawaiian {n} (Hawaiian language) :: χαβανέζικα {f-p} /chavanézika/
hawk {n} (predatory bird of Accipitridae) :: γεράκι {n} /geráki/
hawk {n} (plasterer's tool) :: πηλοφόρι {n} /pilofóri/
hawkbit {n} (flower of the genus Leontodon) :: αγριοραδίκι {n} /agrioradíki/
hawker {n} (peddler) SEE: peddler ::
hawker {n} (falconer) SEE: falconer ::
hawkish {adj} (supportive of warlike foreign policy) :: πολεμοχαρής {m} {f} /polemocharís/
hay {n} (grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder) :: άχυρο {n} /áchyro/, σανός {m} /sanós/
haya {n} (beech) SEE: beech ::
hazard {n} (chance) SEE: chance ::
hazard {n} (the chance of suffering harm) :: τύχη {f} /týchi/
hazard {n} (peril) :: κίνδυνος {m} /kíndynos/, ρίσκο {n} /rísko/
hazard {n} (obstacle) :: εμπόδιο {n} /empódio/
hazard {v} (to chance; to take a risk) :: τολμώ /tolmó/, διακινδυνεύω /diakindynévo/
hazel {n} (tree / shrub) :: φουντουκιά {f} /fountoukiá/ (fundukiá)
hazel {n} (hazelnut) SEE: hazelnut ::
hazel grouse {n} (bird) :: δασόκοτα {n} /dasókota/
hazelnut {n} (shrub) SEE: hazel ::
hazelnut {n} (fruit) :: φουντούκι {n} /fountoúki/
hazing {n} (humiliating initiation practices) :: καψώνι {n} /kapsóni/
he {pron} (personal pronoun "he") :: αυτός {m} /aftós/
head {adj} (of, relating to, or intended for the head) :: κεφαλικός /kefalikós/
head {n} (bow of a vessel) SEE: bow ::
head {n} (headache) SEE: headache ::
head {v} (to behead) SEE: behead ::
head {n} (part of the body) :: κεφάλι {n} /kefáli/
head {n} (mental aptitude or skill) :: κεφάλι {n} /kefáli/, μυαλό {n} /myaló/
head {n} (topmost or leading part) :: κεφαλή {f} /kefalí/, κεφάλι {n} /kefáli/
head {n} (leader, chief, mastermind) :: κεφαλή {f} /kefalí/, κεφάλι {n} /kefáli/, αρχηγός {m} /archigós/
head {n} (headmaster, headmistress) :: διευθυντής {m} /diefthyntís/, διευθύντρια {f} /diefthýntria/
headache {n} (pain or ache in the head) :: πονοκέφαλος {m} /ponokéfalos/, κεφαλαλγία /kefalalgía/
headache {n} (nuisance or unpleasant problem) :: πονοκέφαλος {m} /ponokéfalos/, μπελάς {m} /belás/, βάσανο {n} /vásano/
headbutt {n} (sharp blow) :: κουτουλιά {f} /koutouliá/, κεφαλιά {f} /kefaliá/
headbutt {v} (to deliver a sharp blow) :: κουτουλώ /koutouló/
head cheese {n} (terrine) SEE: brawn ::
header {n} (upper portion of a page layout) :: κεφαλίδα {f} /kefalída/, κεφαλάρι {n} /kefalári/
header {n} (text used to mark off a quantity of text) :: κεφαλίδα {f} /kefalída/
header {n} ((computing) the first part of a file or record that describes its contents) :: κεφαλίδα {f} /kefalída/
header {n} (horizontal structural or finish piece over an opening) :: κεφαλάρι {n} /kefalári/, ανώφλι {n} /anófli/
header {n} (headlong fall or jump) :: κουτουλιά {f} /koutouliá/, κεφαλιά {f} /kefaliá/
header {n} (soccer: act of hitting the ball with the head) :: κεφαλιά {f} /kefaliá/
headhunter {n} (savage) :: κρανιοθήρας {m} /kraniothíras/, κυνηγός κεφαλών {m} /kynigós kefalón/
headhunter {n} (recruiter) :: κυνηγός κεφαλών {m} /kynigós kefalón/
heading {n} (title) :: επικεφαλίδα {f} /epikefalída/, τίτλος {m} /títlos/
heading {n} (direction) :: πορεία {f} /poreía/
headless {adj} (without a head) :: ακέφαλος {m} /akéfalos/
headlight {n} (bright light in front of vehicle) :: προβολέας {m} /provoléas/
headmaster {n} (the most senior master in a school (male)) :: διευθυντής {m} /diefthyntís/
head of state {n} (the chief public representative of a nation) :: επικεφαλής του κράτους {m} /epikefalís tou krátous/
headphone {n} (listening device) :: ακουστικό {n} /akoustikó/, ακουστικά {n-p} /akoustiká/
headphones {n} (pair of speakers worn over or in the ears so only the wearer can hear the sound) :: ακουστικά {n-p} /akoustiká/
headpiece {n} (helmet) SEE: helmet ::
headpiece {n} (headstall) SEE: headstall ::
headquarters {n} (the military installation) :: αρχηγείο {n} /archigeío/, επιτελείο {n} /epiteleío/
headquarters {n} (center of organisation's activity) :: έδρα {f} /édra/
headquarters {n} (a place) :: κέντρο {n} /kéntro/
headscarf {n} (piece of material worn over the head) :: μαντήλα {f} /mantíla/
headscarfless {adj} (not wearing a headscarf) :: αμαντήλωτος /amantílotos/
head-shrinker {n} (slang: psychotherapist) SEE: shrink ::
heads or tails {n} (heads or tails) :: κορώνα ή γράμματα /koróna í grámmata/
headstall {n} (part of the bridle that fits over the horse's head) :: καπίστρι {n} /kapístri/
headstone {n} (tombstone) SEE: tombstone ::
headstrong {adj} (determined to do as one pleases, and not as others want) :: ισχυρογνώμων /ischyrognómon/
head tax {n} (tax determined as uniform amount per individual) SEE: poll tax ::
head to toe {adv} (entirely; completely; over one's full body) :: πατόκορφα /patókorfa/
heal {v} (make better) :: θεραπεύω /therapévo/
heal {v} (become better) :: αναρρώνω /anarróno/
health {n} (state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction) :: υγεία {f} /ygeía/
health care {n} (prevention, treatment, and management of illnesses) :: φροντίδα υγείας {f} /frontída ygeías/
healthcare {n} (health care) SEE: health care ::
healthful {adj} (beneficial to health) :: υγιεινός /ygieinós/
healthy {adj} (enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit: well) :: υγιής {m} /ygiís/, γερός {m} /gerós/, ακμαίος {m} /akmaíos/, εύρωστος {m} /évrostos/
healthy {adj} (conducive to health) :: υγιεινός {m} /ygieinós/
healthy {adj} (evincing health) :: γερός {m} /gerós/
healthy {adj} (significant, hefty) :: ικανός {m} /ikanós/, δέων {m} /déon/
heap {n} (pile) :: σωρός {m} /sorós/, στοίβα {f} /stoíva/
heap {n} (type of data structure) :: σωρός {f} /sorós/
heap {v} (to pile in a heap) :: στοιβάζω /stoivázo/
heap {v} (to form or round into a heap) :: στοιβάζω /stoivázo/
hear {v} (to perceive with the ear) :: ακούω /akoúo/
hear, hear {interj} (expression of support) :: άκουσον, άκουσον
hearing {n} (sense) :: ακοή {f} /akoḯ/
hearing {n} (proceeding) :: ακρόαση {f} /akróasi/
hearing {n} (legal procedure) :: ακρόαση {f} /akróasi/
hear of {v} (become aware of) :: έχω ακουστά /écho akoustá/
hearse {n} (vehicle for transporting dead) :: νεκροφόρα {f} /nekrofóra/
heart {n} (an organ) :: καρδιά {f} /kardiá/
heart {n} (emotions or kindness) :: καρδιά {f} /kardiá/, ψυχή {f} /psychí/
heart {n} (a shape or symbol) :: καρδιά {f} /kardiá/
heart {n} (a suit of cards) :: κούπα {f} /koúpa/
heart {n} (centre or core) :: καρδιά {f} /kardiá/
heart attack {n} (death) SEE: death ::
heart attack {n} (failure) SEE: failure ::
heart attack {n} (acute myocardial infarction) :: έμφραγμα {n} /émfragma/, έμφραγμα του μυοκαρδίου {n} /émfragma tou myokardíou/
heartbreaker {n} (person who causes sorrow) :: [regarding love affairs] καρδιοκατακτητής {m} /kardiokataktitís/
heart-breaking {adj} (that causes extreme sorrow or grief) :: σπαραξικάρδιος /sparaxikárdios/
heartburn {n} (pain caused by stomach acid) :: καούρα {f} /kaoúra/
heart failure {n} (cessation of the heartbeat; cardiac arrest) :: συγκοπή {f} /sygkopí/
heartfelt {adj} (felt or believed deeply and sincerely) :: ειλικρινής /eilikrinís/
hearth {n} (floor of fireplace) :: τζάκι {n} /tzáki/
heartless {adj} (without feeling) :: άκαρδος /ákardos/
heartlessly {adv} (in a heartless manner) :: άκαρδα /ákarda/
hearts {n} (plural of "heart") SEE: heart ::
heart-shaped {adj} (having the supposed shape of a heart) :: καρδιόσχημος /kardióschimos/, καρδιοειδής /kardioeidís/
heat {n} (thermal energy) :: θερμότητα {f} /thermótita/
heat {n} (preliminary race, used to determine the participants in a final race) :: προκριματικός αγώνας {m} /prokrimatikós agónas/
heat {n} (heating system) SEE: heating ::
heat capacity {n} (the capability of a substance to absorb heat energy) :: θερμοχωρητικότητα {f} /thermochoritikótita/
heat exchanger {n} (device for transferring heat) :: εναλλάκτης θερμότητας {m} /enalláktis thermótitas/
heath {n} (type of land) :: θαμνότοπος {m} /thamnótopos/, ξερότοπος {m} /xerótopos/
heath {n} (shrub of the family Ericaceae) :: ρείκι {n} /reíki/
heathen {adj} (not adhering to an Abrahamic religion) :: αλλόθρησκος /allóthriskos/
heathen {n} (person who does not follow an Abrahamic religion) :: ειδωλολάτρης {m} /eidololátris/
heathen {n} (uncultured or uncivilized person) :: ακαλλιέργητος /akalliérgitos/
heathen {adj} (Heathen) SEE: Heathen ::
heathen {n} (Heathen) SEE: Heathen ::
Heathen {n} (adherent of the Germanic neo-pagan faith of Heathenry) :: ειδωλολάτρης {m} /eidololátris/, ειδωλολάτρισσα {f} /eidololátrissa/
Heathrow {prop} (airport in England) :: Χίθροου /Chíthroou/
heating {n} (system) :: καλοριφέρ {n} /kalorifér/
heatproof {adj} :: ανεξίθερμος /anexíthermos/
heat-resistant {adj} (resistant to fire or heat) :: ανεξίθερμος /anexíthermos/
heat sink {n} :: ψύκτρα {f} /psýktra/
heat stroke {n} (severe hyperthermia) :: θερμοπληξία {f} /thermoplixía/
heat wave {n} (heat wave) SEE: heatwave ::
heatwave {n} (period of very hot weather) :: καύσωνας {m} /káfsonas/
heave {v} (to lift) :: σηκώνω /sikóno/
heave {v} (to rise and fall) :: ανεβοκατεβαίνω /anevokatevaíno/
heave {v} (to retch) :: ανακατεύομαι /anakatévomai/
heave-ho {interj} :: έγια μόλα /égia móla/
heaven {n} (sky) :: ουρανός {m} /ouranós/, ουράνια {n-p} /ouránia/
heaven {n} (paradise and upper-world) :: παράδεισος {m} /parádeisos/, ουράνια {n-p} /ouránia/
heaven {n} (blissful place or experience) :: παράδεισος {m} /parádeisos/
Heaven {prop} (All meanings) SEE: heaven ::
heavenly body {n} (natural celestial body) :: ουράνιο σώμα {n} /ouránio sóma/
heavens {n} (the sky) :: ουρανός {m} /ouranós/
heavy {adj} (having great weight) :: βαρύς {m} /varýs/
heavy {adj} (serious) :: σοβαρός /sovarós/
hebdomad {n} (period of seven days) SEE: week ::
hebdomadal {adj} (occurring once a week) SEE: weekly ::
Hebe {prop} (goddess of youth) :: Ήβη {f} /Ívi/
Hebei {prop} (province of China) :: Χεμπέι /Chempéi/
hebephrenia {n} (form of schizophrenia) :: ηβηφρένεια {f} /ivifréneia/
Hebraism {n} :: εβραϊσμός /evraïsmós/
Hebraist {n} (a scholar who specializes in the study of the Hebrew language) :: εβραϊστής /evraïstís/, εβραΐστρια {f} /evraḯstria/
Hebrew {adj} (pertaining to the people) :: εβραϊκός /evraïkós/
Hebrew {adj} (pertaining to the language) :: εβραϊκός /evraïkós/
Hebrew {n} (person) :: Εβραίος {m} /Evraíos/, Εβραία {f} /Evraía/
Hebrew {n} (language, see also: Biblical Hebrew) :: εβραϊκά {n-p} /evraïká/
Hebrews {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Εβραίους {m-p} /Evraíous/
Hebron {prop} (city in Palestine) :: Χεβρώνα {f} /Chevróna/
hectare {n} (unit of surface area) :: εκτάριο {n} /ektário/
hecto- {prefix} (hundred) :: εκατό- /ekató-/, εκατο- /ekato-/
hectolitre {n} (100 litres) :: εκατόλιτρο /ekatólitro/
hectometer {n} (hectometre) SEE: hectometre ::
hectometre {n} (the length of 100 metres) :: εκατόμετρο {n} /ekatómetro/
Hector {prop} (Trojan hero) :: Έκτορας {m} /Éktoras/
Hector {prop} (male given name) :: Έκτορας {m} /Éktoras/
Hecuba {prop} (the wife of King Priam) :: Εκάβη /Ekávi/
hedge {n} (thicket of bushes planted in a row) :: φράχτης {m} /fráchtis/, φράκτης με θάμνους {m} /fráktis me thámnous/
hedgehog {n} (animal) :: σκαντζόχοιρος {m} /skantzóchoiros/
hedgehog {n} (obstacle) :: εχίνος {m} /echínos/
heedful {adj} (taking heed) :: προσεκτικός {m} /prosektikós/
heedful {adj} (mindful) :: προσεκτικός {m} /prosektikós/
heedless {adj} (unaware, without noticing) :: αδιάφορος {m} /adiáforos/
heedlessness {n} (the state or character of being heedless) :: απροσεξία {f} /aprosexía/
heel {n} (anatomy: part of the foot) :: φτέρνα {f} /ftérna/
heel {n} (part of shoe) :: τακούνι {n} /takoúni/
Hegel {prop} (surname) :: Χέγκελ /Chégkel/, Έγελος /Égelos/
Hegelian {adj} (of or pertaining to Hegel's ideas) :: εγελιανός /egelianós/, χεγκελιανός /chegkelianós/, χεγγελιανός /chengelianós/
Hegelianism {n} (the system of logic and philosophy) :: εγελιανισμός {m} /egelianismós/
he-goat {n} (billy goat) SEE: billy goat ::
heifer {n} (young cow) :: δαμαλίς {f} /damalís/, αγελαδίτσα {f} /ageladítsa/
height {n} (distance from bottom to top) :: ύψος {n} /ýpsos/
height {n} (height of a standing person or animal) :: ύψος {n} /ýpsos/
height {n} (highest point) :: κορυφή {f} /koryfí/
Heijō {prop} (Pyongyang) SEE: Pyongyang ::
Heilongjiang {prop} (province of China) :: Χεϊλονγκτσιάνγκ /Cheïlongktsiángk/
Heilongjiang {prop} (Amur) SEE: Amur ::
Hei-lung-chiang {prop} (Heilongjiang) SEE: Heilongjiang ::
Heine {prop} (surname of German-speakers) :: Χάινε /Cháine/
heinous {adj} (totally reprehensible) :: στυγερός {m} /stygerós/, αποτρόπαιος {m} /apotrópaios/, απεχθής {m} /apechthís/, μισητός {m} /misitós/
heir {n} (one who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property of another) :: κληρονόμος {m} {f} /klironómos/
heir {n} (one who inherits, or has been designated to inherit, a hereditary title or office) :: κληρονόμος {m} {f} /klironómos/
heir {n} (successor in a role) :: διάδοχος {m} {f} /diádochos/
heir apparent {n} (someone who will definitely inherit) :: φυσικός κληρονόμος {m} {f} /fysikós klironómos/
heirless {adj} (without heirs) :: ακληρονόμητος /aklironómitos/
heirlessness {n} :: ακληρία {f} /akliría/
heirloom {n} (valued possession passed down through the generations) :: κειμήλιο {n} /keimílio/
heir presumptive {n} (one who inherits if no better choice is born) :: επίδοξος κληρονόμος {m} /epídoxos klironómos/, πιθανός κληρονόμος {m} /pithanós klironómos/
Heisenberg uncertainty principle {prop} (physical principle) :: αρχή της απροσδιοριστίας του Χάιζενμπεργκ {f} /archí tis aprosdioristías tou Cháizenmpergk/
Helen {prop} ((Greek mythology) the daughter of Zeus and Leda) :: Ελένη /Eléni/
Helen {prop} (female given name) :: Ελένη {f} /Eléni/
Helenus {prop} (the son of King Priam) :: Έλενος /Élenos/
Helga {prop} (female given name) :: Όλγα {f} /Ólga/
helical {adj} (in the shape of a helix) :: ελικοειδής /elikoeidís/, ελικοειδές /elikoeidés/, σπειροειδής /speiroeidís/
heliciculture {n} (snail farming) :: σαλιγκαροτροφία /saligkarotrofía/
helicopter {n} (aircraft) :: ελικόπτερο {n} /elikóptero/
heliocentric {adj} (having the sun at the center) :: ηλιοκεντρικός /iliokentrikós/
heliocentricism {n} (heliocentrism) SEE: heliocentrism ::
heliocentrism {n} (the theory that the sun is the center of the universe) :: ηλιοκεντρισμός {m} /iliokentrismós/
heliophilous {adj} (needing or tolerating a high level of sunlight) :: ηλιόφιλος /iliófilos/
heliophobic {adj} (averse to sunlight) :: ηλιόφοβος /iliófovos/
Helios {prop} (god) :: Ήλιος {m} /Ílios/
heliosphere {n} (region of space) :: ηλιόσφαιρα {f} /iliósfaira/
heliotherapy {n} (therapy) :: ηλιοθεραπεία {f} /iliotherapeía/
heliotrope {n} (plant that turns so that it faces the sun) :: ηλιοτρόπιο {n} /iliotrópio/
heliotrope {n} (Heliotropium arborescens) :: ηλιοτρόπιο {n} /iliotrópio/
helipad {n} (helicopter landing place) :: εξέδρα ελικοπτέρου {f} /exédra elikoptérou/, ελικοδρόμιο {n} /elikodrómio/
heliport {n} (facility for helicopters) :: ελικοδρόμιο /elikodrómio/
helium {n} (chemical element) :: ήλιο {n} /ílio/
helix {n} (in architecture) :: έλικα {f} /élika/
helix {n} (of the ear) :: έλικα {f} /élika/
hell {prop} (abode for the condemned) :: Κόλαση {f} /Kólasi/, κόλαση {f} /kólasi/
hell {n} (place of suffering in life) :: κόλαση {f} /kólasi/
Helladic {adj} (of or related to the Hellas civilisation) :: ελλαδικός /elladikós/
Hellas {prop} (Greek name for Greece) :: Ελλάδα {f} /Elláda/, Ελλάς {f} /Ellás/ [formal, literary, Katharevousa], Ελληνική Δημοκρατία {f} /Ellinikí Dimokratía/
hellebore {n} (Any species of genus Helleborus) :: ελλέβορος {m} /ellévoros/
Hellene {n} (a Greek, see also: Greek) :: Έλληνας {m} /Éllinas/, Ελληνίδα {f} /Ellinída/
Hellenic {adj} (of or relating to the ancient Greek culture and civilization) :: ελληνικός {m} /ellinikós/
Hellenic {adj} (of or relating to Hellas or the Hellenes) :: ελληνικός {m} /ellinikós/
Hellenic Republic {prop} (official name of Greece) :: Ελληνική Δημοκρατία {f} /Ellinikí Dimokratía/
Hellenism {n} (characteristics of ancient Greek culture) :: ελληνισμός /ellinismós/
Hellenism {n} (culture and civilization of the Hellenistic period) :: ελληνισμός /ellinismós/
Hellenism {n} (national character or culture of Greece) :: ελληνισμός /ellinismós/
Hellenist {n} (specialist in the study of Greek culture or history) :: ελληνιστής {m} /ellinistís/
Hellenist {n} (person who adopted the Greek culture during the Hellenistic period) :: ελληνιστής {m} /ellinistís/
Hellenistic {adj} (of or relating to a period of Greek history) :: ελληνιστικός /ellinistikós/
Hellenistic {adj} (of or relating to a Hellenist) :: ελληνιστικός /ellinistikós/
Hellenize {v} (to make Hellenistic) :: ελληνίζω /ellinízo/
Hellespont {prop} (strait connecting the Sea of Marmara with the Aegean Sea) :: Ελλήσποντος {m} /Ellíspontos/
hello {interj} (greeting) :: γεια /geia/, γεια σου {s} /geia sou/, γεια σας {p} /geia sas/, χαίρετε /chaírete/
hello {interj} (when answering the telephone) :: εμπρός /emprós/, παρακαλώ /parakaló/, ναι; /nai?/
Hello World {n} (Hello World) :: Καλημέρα κόσμε /Kaliméra kósme/
hellspawn {n} (monster) SEE: monster ::
hellspawn {n} (fiend) SEE: fiend ::
helm {n} (steering apparatus of a ship) :: πηδάλιο {n} /pidálio/
helmet {n} (protective head covering) :: κράνος {n} /krános/
helmeted guineafowl {n} (Numida meleagris) :: μελεαγρίδα {f} /meleagrída/
helot {n} (serf, slave) SEE: slave ::
help {n} (action given to provide assistance) :: βοήθεια {f} /voḯtheia/
help {n} (person or persons who provides assistance with some task) :: βοηθός {m} {f} /voïthós/
help {n} (person employed to help in the maintenance of a house) :: οικιακή βοηθός {f} /oikiakí voïthós/
help {n} (textual support of a software application) :: βοήθεια {f} /voḯtheia/
help {v} (transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something)) :: βοηθώ /voïthó/, συντρέχω /syntrécho/
help {v} (contribute in some way to) :: βοηθώ /voïthó/
help {v} (intransitive: provide assistance) :: βοηθώ /voïthó/
help {interj} (cry of distress) :: βοήθεια /voḯtheia/
help desk {n} (a section of an organization to help customers or users) :: γραφείο πληροφοριών {n} /grafeío pliroforión/
helper {n} (one who helps) :: βοηθός {m} {f} /voïthós/
helping {n} (serving) SEE: serving ::
helping verb {n} (auxiliary verb) SEE: auxiliary verb ::
Helsinki {prop} (the capital city of Finland) :: Ελσίνκι {n} /Elsínki/
hem {n} (border of an article of clothing doubled back and stitched together) :: στρίφωμα {n} /strífoma/
hematemesis {n} (vomiting with blood) :: αιματέμεση /aimatémesi/
hematic {adj} (hematic) :: αιματικός /aimatikós/
hematite {n} (mineral) :: αιματίτης {m} /aimatítis/
hematocele {n} (swelling) :: αιματοκήλη {f} /aimatokíli/
hematologist {n} (haematologist) SEE: haematologist ::
hematology {n} (study of blood and related organs) SEE: haematology ::
hematoma {n} (swelling of blood from broken vessel) :: αιμάτωμα {n} /aimátoma/
hematuria {n} (condition) :: αιματουρία {f} /aimatouría/
Hemera {prop} (personification of the day) :: Ημέρα {f} /Iméra/
hemi- {prefix} (half) :: ημι- /imi-/
hemiplegia {n} (total or partial inability to move one side of the body) :: ημιπληγία {f} /imipligía/
hemisphere {n} (half of the Earth) :: ημισφαίριο {m} /imisfaírio/
hemisphere {n} (any half-sphere) :: ημισφαίριο {n} /imisfaírio/
hemisphere {n} (lobe of cerebrum) SEE: cerebral hemisphere ::
hemlock {n} (poisonous plant of genus Conium) :: κώνειο {n} /kóneio/, κιρκούτα {f} /kirkoúta/; Byzantine: μαγγοῦνα {f} /mangoῦna/, μαγκοῦνα {f} /magkoῦna/, μαγγοῦτα /mangoῦta/, μαγκοῦτα /magkoῦta/
hemodialysis {n} (extracorporeal dialysis) :: αιμοδιάλυση {f} /aimodiálysi/
hemoglobin {n} (the iron-containing substance in red blood cells that transports oxygen) :: αιμοσφαιρίνη {f} /aimosfairíni/
hemolysis {n} (destruction of red blood cell) :: αιμόλυση {f} /aimólysi/, αιμολυσία {f} /aimolysía/
hemolytic {adj} (producing hemolysis) :: αιμολυτικός /aimolytikós/
hemoperfusion {n} (procedure in which drugs or toxins are removed from a patient's blood) :: αιμοδιήθηση {f} /aimodiíthisi/
hemoptysis {n} (expectoration of blood) :: αιμόπτυση {f} /aimóptysi/
hemorrhage {n} (release of blood; bleeding) :: αιμορραγία {f} /aimorragía/
hemorrhagic {adj} (of, relating to, or producing hemorrhage) :: αιμορραγικός /aimorragikós/
hemostasis {n} (keeping blood inside a damaged vessel) :: αιμόσταση {f} /aimóstasi/, αιμοστασία {f} /aimostasía/
hemp {n} (Cannabis sativa) :: κάνναβη {f} /kánnavi/
hempseed {n} (seed of the hemp plant) :: κανναβούρι {n} /kannavoúri/, κανναβόσπορος {m} /kannavósporos/
hen {n} (female chicken) :: κότα {f} /kóta/
hen {n} (female bird) :: πουλάδα {f} /pouláda/
hen {n} (hen-like woman) :: κότα {f} /kóta/ [pejorative]
Henan {prop} (Chinese province) :: Χενάν /Chenán/
henbane {n} (Hyoscyamus niger) :: δαιμοναριά {f} /daimonariá/
hence {adv} (as a result, therefore) :: εξού /exoú/
henceforth {adv} (from now on) :: εφεξής /efexís/
henceforward {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
henchman {n} (a loyal and trusted follower or subordinate) :: μπράβος {m} /brávos/
hendecagon {n} (geometry) :: εντεκάγωνο {n} /entekágono/, ενδεκάγωνο {n} /endekágono/
henhouse {n} (house for chickens to live in) :: κοτέτσι {n} /kotétsi/, ορνιθώνας {m} /ornithónas/
henna {n} (shrub) :: χένα {f} /chéna/
henna {n} (dye) :: χένα {f} /chéna/
henotheism {n} (belief or worship) :: ενοθεϊσμός {m} /enotheïsmós/
Henry {prop} (given name) :: Ερρίκος {m} /Erríkos/, Ενρίκος /Enríkos/
hentai {n} (a work of anime that contains sexual art (esp. manga or anime)) :: χεντάι /chentái/
hepatectomy {n} (surgical removal of the liver) :: ηπατεκτομή {f} /ipatektomí/
hepatic {adj} (relating to the liver) :: ηπατικός /ipatikós/
hepatite {n} (barite) SEE: barite ::
hepatitis {n} (liver inflammation) :: ηπατίτιδα {f} /ipatítida/
Hephaestus {prop} (Greek god) :: Ήφαιστος {m} /Ífaistos/
heptadecagon {n} (geometry) :: δεκαεπτάγωνο {n} /dekaeptágono/, δεκαφτάγωνο {n} /dekaftágono/
heptagon {n} (polygon with seven sides and seven angles) :: επτάγωνο {n} /eptágono/, εφτάγωνο {n} /eftágono/
Heptanese {prop} (a group of islands in the Ionian Sea) :: Επτάνησα /Eptánisa/
her {determiner} (belonging to) :: της {f} /tis/
Hera {prop} (queen of the gods, wife of Zeus) :: Ήρα {f} /Íra/
Heraclea {prop} (name of numerous Hellenistic cities) :: Ηράκλεια /Irákleia/
Heracles {prop} (the son of Zeus, see also: Hercules) :: Ηρακλής {m} /Iraklís/
Heraclitus {prop} (given name) :: Ηράκλειτος {m} /Irákleitos/
Heraclius {prop} (given name) :: Ηράκλειος /Irákleios/
herald {n} (a messenger, especially one bringing important news) :: κήρυκας {m} /kírykas/, αγγελιοφόρος {m} {f} /angeliofóros/
herald {n} (a harbinger giving signs of things to come) :: πρόδρομος {m} /pródromos/, προάγγελος {m} /proángelos/
herald {n} (an official whose speciality is heraldry) :: οικοσημολόγος {m} {f} /oikosimológos/
herald {v} (announce) :: προαναγγέλλω /proanangéllo/
heraldry {n} (the profession of devising and blazoning arms) :: εραλδική {f} /eraldikí/
herb {n} (plant used to flavour food) :: μυρωδικό {n} /myrodikó/
herb {n} (plant used in medicine) :: βότανο {n} /vótano/
herb {n} (slang: marijuana) :: χόρτο {n} /chórto/
herbaceous {adj} (botany: not woody) :: ποώδης /poódis/, χορτώδης /chortódis/
herbalism {n} ((obsolete) botany) SEE: botany ::
herbarium {n} (collection of dried plants) :: φυτολόγιο {n} /fytológio/
herbicide {n} (substance used to kill plants) :: ζιζανιοκτόνο {n} /zizanioktóno/
herbivore {n} (plant-eating organism) :: φυτοφάγος {m} /fytofágos/
Herculean {adj} (of extraordinary might, power, size, etc.) :: ηράκλειος /irákleios/
Hercules {prop} (constellation) :: Ηρακλής {m} /Iraklís/
herd {n} (any collection of animals gathered or travelling in a company) :: [domestic:] κοπάδι {n} /kopádi/, [wild:] αγέλη {f} /agéli/
herd immunity {n} (form of indirect protection against a disease) :: ανοσία αγέλης {f} /anosía agélis/
here {adv} (in, on, or at this place) :: εδώ /edó/
here {adv} (to this place) :: εδώ /edó/
hereafter {n} (existence after death) SEE: afterlife ::
hereafter {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
here and now {adv} (at this time and in this place) :: εδώ και τώρα /edó kai tóra/
here and now {n} (present situation) :: παρόν {n} /parón/
here and there {adv} (from time to time) SEE: from time to time ::
here and there {adv} (in one place and another) :: ενιαχού /eniachoú/
hereditary {adj} (which is passed on as inheritance) :: κληρονομικός {m} /klironomikós/
hereditary {adj} (of a title, honor or right: granted to somebody's descendant after that person's death) :: κληρονομικός {m} /klironomikós/, προγονικός {m} /progonikós/
hereditary {adj} (of a person: holding a hereditary title or rank) :: κληρονομικός {m} /klironomikós/
hereditary {adj} (of a disease or trait: passed in the genes) :: κληρονομικός {m} /klironomikós/
heredity {n} (hereditary transmission) :: κληρονομικότητα {f} /klironomikótita/
here lies {phrase} (epitaph) :: ενθάδαι κείται /enthádai keítai/
heresiarch {n} (founder of a heresy) :: αιρεσιάρχης {m} /airesiárchis/
heresy {n} (dissension from religious dogma) :: αίρεση {f} /aíresi/
heresy {n} (a controversial opinion) :: αίρεση {f} /aíresi/
heretic {n} (someone who believes contrary to fundamentals) :: αιρετικός {m} /airetikós/, αιρετική {f} /airetikí/
heretic {adj} (heretical) SEE: heretical ::
heretical {adj} (of or pertaining to heresy or heretics) :: αιρετικός {m} /airetikós/
heretical {adj} (contrary to mainstream or accepted opinion) :: αιρετικός {m} /airetikós/
here you are {phrase} (said when handing something over) :: ορίστε /oríste/
heritage interpretation {n} (discipline of explanation) :: ερμηνεία φυσικής και πολιτιστικής κληρονομιά /ermineía fysikís kai politistikís klironomiá/, ερμηνεία κληρονομιάς /ermineía klironomiás/
Her Majesty {pron} (title of respect when referring to a queen) :: Αυτής Μεγαλειότης /Aftís Megaleiótis/
Herman {prop} (given name) :: Αρμάνδος {m} /Armándos/
hermaphroditic {adj} (of or pertaining to hermaphrodism) :: ερμαφρόδιτος {m} /ermafróditos/
hermaphroditic {adj} (biology: possessing the reproductive organs of both sexes) :: ερμαφρόδιτος {m} /ermafróditos/
Hermaphroditus {prop} (Greek god) :: Ερμαφρόδιτος {m} /Ermafróditos/
hermeneutics {n} (art and science of text interpretation) :: ερμηνευτική {f} /ermineftikí/
Hermes {prop} (Greek god Hermes) :: Ερμής {m} /Ermís/
hermetic {adj} (pertaining to Hermes Trismegistus) :: ερμητικός /ermitikós/
hermetic {adj} (pertaining to alchemy) :: ερμητικός /ermitikós/
hermetic {adj} (isolated) :: ερμητικός /ermitikós/
hermetic {adj} (hermetically sealed) :: ερμητικός /ermitikós/, στεγανός /steganós/
hermetically {adv} (hermetically) :: ερμητικά /ermitiká/
Hermione {prop} (Daughter of Helen and Menelaus, wife of Orestes) :: Ερμιόνη /Ermióni/
hermit {n} (religious recluse; eremite) :: ερημίτης {m} /erimítis/
hermit {n} (recluse; someone who lives alone) :: ερημίτης {m} /erimítis/
hermit {n} (hermit crab) SEE: hermit crab ::
hermitage {n} (dwelling place of hermit) :: ερημητήριο {n} /erimitírio/, αναχωρητήριο {n} /anachoritírio/, ησυχαστήριο {n} /isychastírio/
hermitage {n} (place of seclusion) :: ερημητήριο {n} /erimitírio/, ησυχαστήριο {n} /isychastírio/
hermit crab {n} (crustacean) :: πάγουρος {m} /págouros/
hernia {n} (part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part) :: κήλη {f} /kíli/
herniation {n} (formation of a hernia) :: εγκολεασμός {m} /egkoleasmós/
hero {n} (person of great bravery) :: ήρωας {m} /íroas/, ηρωίδα {f} /iroída/
hero {n} (role model) :: πρότυπο {n} /prótypo/, ήρωας {m} /íroas/
hero {n} (main protagonist) :: ήρωας {m} /íroas/, ηρωίδα {f} /iroída/
Herod {prop} (king) :: Ηρώδης {m} /Iródis/
Herodotus {prop} (ancient historian) :: Ηρόδοτος /Iródotos/
heroin {n} (powerful and addictive drug) :: ηρωίνη {f} /iroíni/
heroine {n} (female hero) :: ηρωίδα {f} /iroída/
heroism {n} (the qualities characteristic of a hero, the display of them) :: ηρωισμός {m} /iroismós/
heron {n} (bird) :: ερωδιός {m} /erodiós/, αρδέα {f} /ardéa/, τσικνιάς {m} /tsikniás/
Herostratus {prop} (ancient arsonist) :: Ηρόστρατος /Iróstratos/
herpes {n} (viral disease) :: έρπης {m} /érpis/
herpes zoster {n} (acute viral inflammation) SEE: shingles ::
herpetology {n} (the branch of biology dealing with reptiles) :: ερπετολογία {f} /erpetología/
herring {n} (fish in Clupea) :: ρέγγα {f} /rénga/, ρέγκα {f} /régka/
hers {pron} (that which belongs to her) :: δικός της {m} /dikós tis/, δικιά της {f} /dikiá tis/, δική της {f} /dikí tis/, δικό της {n} /dikó tis/, δικοί της {m-p} /dikoí tis/, δικές της {f-p} /dikés tis/, δικά της {n-p} /diká tis/
hertz {n} (the derived unit of frequency) :: χερτζ {n} /chertz/
Hesiod {prop} (Greek poet) :: Ησίοδος /Isíodos/
hesitant {adj} (tending to hesitate) :: διστακτικός {m} /distaktikós/
hesitate {v} (to stop or pause respecting decision or action) :: διστάζω /distázo/
hesitation {n} (act of hesitating) :: δισταγμός {m} /distagmós/
Hesperides {n} (a group of nymphs) :: Εσπερίδες {p} /Esperídes/
Hesse {prop} (state) :: Εσσή /Essí/
Hestia {prop} (Greek goddess) :: Εστία {f} /Estía/
he's unconscious {phrase} (he's unconscious) :: είναι αναίσθητος /eínai anaísthitos/
hetaera {n} (hired female companion) :: εταίρα {f} /etaíra/
hetero- {prefix} (other) :: ετερο- /etero-/
heterodox {adj} (of or pertaining to creeds, beliefs, or teachings that are different from the norm) :: αλλόδοξος /allódoxos/
heterogeneity {n} (nonuniform quality of a substance) :: ανομοιογένεια {f} /anomoiogéneia/
heterogeneous {adj} (diverse in kind) :: ετερογενής /eterogenís/
heterogenous {adj} (heterogeneous) SEE: heterogeneous ::
heteronym {n} (word having the same spelling but different pronunciation) :: ετερώνυμο {n} /eterónymo/
heterosexism {n} (Discrimination in favor of heterosexuals) :: ετεροσεξισμός /eterosexismós/
heterosexual {adj} (sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex) :: ετεροφυλόφιλος /eterofylófilos/
heterosociality {n} (sociality with members of the opposite sex) :: ετεροκοινωνικότητα {f} /eterokoinonikótita/
heterotopic {adj} (occurring in an abnormal anatomical location) :: ετεροτοπικός /eterotopikós/
hetman {n} (a historical military commander in various Eastern European countries) :: χετμάνος {m} /chetmános/
heuristic {adj} (relating to general strategies or methods for solving problems) :: ευρετικός {m} /evretikós/
heuristic {adj} (in computing, that is not certain to arrive at an optimal solution) :: ευρετικός {m} /evretikós/
heuristic {n} (heuristic method, heuristics) :: ευρετική {f} /evretikí/
he who laughs last laughs best {proverb} (success is better after you've endured ridicule) :: γελάει καλύτερα όποιος γελάει τελευταίος /geláei kalýtera ópoios geláei teleftaíos/
he who laughs last laughs hardest {proverb} (he who laughs last laughs best) SEE: he who laughs last laughs best ::
hex {n} (short for hexadecimal) :: δεκαεξαδικό /dekaexadikó/
hexadecagon {n} (geometry) :: δεκαεξάγωνο {n} /dekaexágono/
hexadecimal {n} (number system with base sixteen) :: δεκαεξαδικό {n} /dekaexadikó/
hexadecimal {adj} (expressed in hexadecimal) :: δεκαεξαδικός {m} /dekaexadikós/
hexagon {n} (A polygon with six sides and six angles) :: εξάγωνο {m} /exágono/
hexapod {n} (insect) SEE: insect ::
hi {interj} (friendly, informal greeting) :: γεια /geia/
hiatus {n} (gap in a series) :: χάσμα {n} /chásma/
hiatus {n} (interruption, break or pause) :: παύση {f} /páfsi/ (páfsi)
hiatus {n} (syllable break between two vowels) :: χασμωδία {f} /chasmodía/
hibernation {n} (state of inactivity during winter) :: χειμερία νάρκη {f} /cheimería nárki/
hibiscus {n} (flower) :: ιβίσκος {m} /ivískos/
hiccough {n} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hiccough {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hiccup {n} (spasm of the diaphragm) :: λόξιγκας {m} /lóxigkas/
hick {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hick {n} (country yokel or hillbilly) :: χωριάτης {m} /choriátis/, [regional] βλάχος {m} /vláchos/
hide {v} ((transitive)) :: κρύβω /krývo/
hide {v} ((intransitive)) :: κρύβομαι /krývomai/, [Epic] κεύθομαι /kéfthomai/
hide and go seek {n} (hide and seek) SEE: hide and seek ::
hide and seek {n} (game) :: κρυφτό {n} /kryftó/
hideous {adj} (extremely ugly) :: κακάσχημος /kakáschimos/
hideous {adj} (distressing or offensive to the ear) :: απαίσιος /apaísios/
hideous {adj} (hateful; shocking) :: απαίσιος /apaísios/
hideout {n} (A place to hide) :: κρυσφήγετο {n} /krysfígeto/, κρυψώνας {m} /krypsónas/, λημέρι {n} /liméri/
hierarch {n} (one who has high and controlling authority in sacred things) :: ιεράρχης {m} /ierárchis/
hierarch {n} (a title of bishops in their role as ordinaries (Eastern Orthodoxy)) :: ιεράρχης {m} /ierárchis/
hierarchical {adj} (Pertaining to a hierarchy) :: ιεραρχικός {m} /ierarchikós/
hierarchical {adj} (Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastic or priestly order) :: ιεραρχικός {m} /ierarchikós/
hierarchical {adj} (Classified or arranged into successive ranks or grades) :: ιεραρχικός {m} /ierarchikós/
hierarchy {n} (body of authoritative officials organised by rank) :: ιεραρχία {f} /ierarchía/
hierarchy {n} (class of objects) :: ιεραρχία {f} /ierarchía/
hieratic {adj} (of or pertaining to priests) :: ιερατικός {m} /ieratikós/
hieroglyph {n} (element of ideographic writing system) :: ιερογλυφικός {m} /ieroglyfikós/
hieromonk {n} (monk of the Eastern Church who is also a priest) :: ιερομόναχος {m} /ieromónachos/
Higgs boson {n} (elementary particle) :: μποζόνιο Χιγκς {n} /bozónio Chigks/
Higgs particle {n} (Higgs boson) SEE: Higgs boson ::
high {adj} (elevated; tall) :: ψηλός {m} /psilós/
high {adj} (slang: stoned) :: μαστουρωμένος {m} /mastouroménos/
high {n} (anticyclone) SEE: anticyclone ::
high altar {n} (main altar in a church) :: Αγία Τράπεζα {f} /Agía Trápeza/
high court {n} (supreme court) SEE: supreme court ::
high-definition television {n} :: τηλεόραση υψηλής ανάλυσης {f} /tileórasi ypsilís análysis/
high fidelity {n} (electronic system) :: υψηλή πιστότητα {f} /ypsilí pistótita/
high-level {adj} (of or pertaining to a person of high rank) SEE: high-ranking ::
highlight {n} (hair dyed a different color) :: ανταύγεια {f} /antávgeia/
highlighter {n} (pen for highlighting) :: υπογραμμιστής {m} /ypogrammistís/
Highness {n} (form of address) :: Υψηλότατος {m} /Ypsilótatos/, Υψηλοτάτη {f} /Ypsilotáti/
high-priced {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive ::
high-ranking {adj} (at an important, elevated, or exalted level in a hierarchy or organization; high-level) :: υψηλόβαθμος {m} /ypsilóvathmos/
high relief {n} (sculpture in which forms extend from the background by at least half of their depth) :: έξεργο {n} /éxergo/
high road {n} (main road or highway) SEE: highway ::
high school {n} (secondary school) :: γυμνάσιο {n} /gymnásio/, λύκειο {n} /lýkeio/
high spirits {n} (joyfulness) :: κέφι {n} /kéfi/
high street {n} (the main street of any town) :: κύριος δρόμος {m} /kýrios drómos/
high summer {n} (hottest part of the summer.) :: ντάλα καλοκαίρι {n} /dála kalokaíri/
hight {v} (call) SEE: call ::
hight {v} (be called) :: λέγομαι /légomai/
high tide {n} (the natural tide at its highest level) :: πλημμυρίδα {f} /plimmyrída/
highway {n} (main public road) :: αυτοκινητόδρομος {m} /aftokinitódromos/
Highway Code {prop} (road manual) :: Κώδικας Οδικής Κυκλοφορίας {m} /Kódikas Odikís Kykloforías/
highwayman {n} (a person who robbed travelers on roads) :: ληστής {m} /listís/
highwire walker {n} (acrobat who practices highwire walking) SEE: tightrope walker ::
hijab {n} (headscarf) :: χιτζάμπ {n} /chitzámp/
hijack {v} (to seize control of a vehicle) :: καταλαμβάνω /katalamváno/, απάγω /apágo/
hijack {n} (instance of hijacking of a vehicle) :: πειρατεία {f} /peirateía/, -πειρατεία {f} /-peirateía/, [air piracy] αεροπειρατεία {f} /aeropeirateía/
hijacking {n} (instance of such an act) SEE: hijack ::
hiker {n} (One who hikes, especially frequently) :: πεζοπόρος {m} {f} /pezopóros/
hilarious {adj} (very funny; causing great merriment and laughter) :: ιλαρός {m} /ilarós/
hill {n} (elevated location) :: λόφος {m} /lófos/
hill {n} (sloping road) :: κλίση {f} /klísi/
hill {n} (heap of earth surrounding a plant) :: βουναλάκι {n} /vounaláki/
hillock {n} (small hill) :: λοφάκι {n} /lofáki/
hillside {n} (side of a hill) :: πλαγιά /plagiá/
hilt {n} (grip of a sword) :: λαβή {f} /laví/
Hilversum {prop} (city in North Holland) :: Χίλφερσουμ /Chílfersoum/
him {pron} (he) SEE: he ::
Himachal Pradesh {prop} (Himachal Pradesh) :: Χιμάτσαλ Πραντές /Chimátsal Prantés/
Himalayan Plateau {prop} (Tibetan Plateau) SEE: Tibetan Plateau ::
Himarë {prop} (town) :: Χειμάρρα /Cheimárra/
hindbrain {n} (hindbrain) :: ρομβεγκέφαλος /romvegkéfalos/
hinder {v} (to make difficult to accomplish) :: παρεμποδίζω /parempodízo/
hinder {v} (to keep back; to delay or impede) :: παρεμποδίζω /parempodízo/
hinder {adj} (of or belonging to that part in the rear) :: πισινός /pisinós/, οπίσθιος /opísthios/
Hindi {n} (language) :: χίντι /chínti/
hindrance {n} (something which hinders) :: κώλυμα {n} /kólyma/, εμπόδιο {n} /empódio/
Hindu {adj} (of or relating to Hinduism) :: ινδουϊστικός /indouïstikós/
Hindu {adj} (of or relating to Hindus and their culture) :: ινδουϊστικός /indouïstikós/
Hindu {n} (religious adherent) :: ινδουιστής {m} /indouistís/
Hinduism {prop} (religion) :: ινδουισμός {m} /indouismós/
Hindustan {prop} (northern region of India) :: Ινδουστάν {m} /Indoustán/
Hindustan {prop} (alternative name for India, see also: India) :: Ινδουστάν {m} /Indoustán/
hinge {n} (device for the pivoting of a door) :: μεντεσές {m} /mentesés/
hinterland {n} (land immediately next to a coast) :: ενδοχώρα {f} /endochóra/
hip {n} (joint) :: ισχίο {n} /ischío/
hippie {n} (1960s nonconformist) :: χίππης {m} /chíppis/, χίππισσα {f} /chíppissa/
hippocamp {n} (mythological creature) SEE: hippocampus ::
hippocampus {n} (mythological creature) :: ιππόκαμπος {m} /ippókampos/
hippocampus {n} (brain region) :: ιππόκαμπος {m} /ippókampos/
Hippocrates {prop} (an Ancient Greek male given name) :: Ιπποκράτης /Ippokrátis/
hippodrome {n} (horse racing course) :: ιπποδρόμιο {n} /ippodrómio/
hippopotamus {n} (large African mammal) :: ιπποπόταμος {m} /ippopótamos/
hipster {n} (person interested in the latest trends) :: χίπστερ {m} {f} /chípster/
hiragana {n} (Japanese syllabary) :: χιραγκάνα /chiragkána/
hire {v} (to obtain the services of in return for fixed payment) :: νοικιάζω /noikiázo/
Hiroshima {prop} (a city in Honshu, Japan) :: Χιροσίμα {f} /Chirosíma/
his {determiner} (attributive: belonging to him) :: του {m} /tou/
his {pron} (that which belongs to him) :: δικός του {m} /dikós tou/, δικιά του {f} /dikiá tou/, δική του {f} /dikí tou/, δικό του {n} /dikó tou/, δικοί του {m-p} /dikoí tou/, δικές του {f-p} /dikés tou/, δικά του {n-p} /diká tou/
His Imperial Majesty {pron} (His Imperial Majesty) :: Αυτού Αυτοκρατορική Μεγαλειότητα {m} {f} /Aftoú Aftokratorikí Megaleiótita/
His Majesty {pron} (title of respect used when referring to a king) :: Μεγαλειότατος {m} /Megaleiótatos/, Αυτού Μεγαλειότητα /Aftoú Megaleiótita/
His Royal Highness {pron} (royal title) :: Αυτού Βασιλική Υψηλότητα /Aftoú Vasilikí Ypsilótita/
histamine {n} (an amine) :: ισταμίνη {f} /istamíni/
histidine {n} (essential amino acid; C6H9N3O2) :: ιστιδίνη {f} /istidíni/
histogram {n} (graphical display) :: ιστόγραμμα {n} /istógramma/
histological {adj} (pertaining to histology) :: ιστολογικός /istologikós/
histolysis {n} (breakdown of bodily tissues) :: ιστόλυση {f} /istólysi/
historian {n} (writer of history) :: ιστορικός {m} {f} /istorikós/
historian {n} (person who studies history) :: ιστορικός {m} /istorikós/
historic {adj} (historical) SEE: historical ::
historical {adj} (pertaining to history) :: ιστορικός /istorikós/
historical linguistics {n} (the scientific study of language change) :: ιστορική γλωσσολογία {f} /istorikí glossología/
historical present {n} (tense) :: ιστορικός ενεστώτας {m} /istorikós enestótas/
historic present {n} (tense) SEE: historical present ::
historiographer {n} (historiography scholar) :: ιστοριογράφος {m} {f} /istoriográfos/
historiography {n} (writing of history) :: ιστοριογραφία {f} /istoriografía/
historiography {n} (study of the discipline and practice of history) :: ιστοριογραφία {f} /istoriografía/
history {n} (aggregate of past events) :: ιστορία {f} /istoría/
history {n} (branch of knowledge that studies the past) :: ιστορία {f} /istoría/
history {n} (record or narrative description of past events) :: ιστορικό {n} /istorikó/
history {n} (medicine: list of past and continuing medical conditions) :: ιστορικό {n} /istorikó/
history {n} (computing: record of previous user events) :: ιστορικό {n} /istorikó/
history repeats itself {proverb} (Translations) :: οι αιώνες αντιγράφουν αλλήλους /oi aiónes antigráfoun allílous/
hit {v} (to give a blow) :: χτυπώ /chtypó/
hit {v} (to hit) SEE: strike ::
hitch {n} (connection point for trailer) :: κοτσαδόρος {m} /kotsadóros/
hitch {v} (to attach) :: κοτσάρω /kotsáro/
hitchhike {v} (to try to get a ride in a passing vehicle while standing at the side of a road) :: κάνω οτοστόπ /káno otostóp/
hitchhiker {n} (a person who hitchhikes) :: άτομο που ταξιδεύει με οτοστόπ {n} /átomo pou taxidévei me otostóp/
Hitler {prop} (Austrian surname held by Adolf Hitler) :: Χίτλερ {m} /Chítler/
hit on {v} (to approach somebody seeking love, sex, etc.) :: την πέφτω σε /tin péfto se/
hit point {n} (A unit of damage) :: επίπεδο ζωής {n} /epípedo zoḯs/
hitpoint {n} (hit point) SEE: hit point ::
hive {n} (structure for housing a swarm of honeybees) SEE: beehive ::
Hämeenlinna {prop} (city) :: Χάμενλιννα /Chámenlinna/
hmm {interj} (indicating thinking or pondering) :: χμ /chm/
hnn {interj} (indicating thinking or pondering) SEE: hmm ::
hoard {n} (hidden supply) :: θησαυρός {m} /thisavrós/, απόθεμα {n} /apóthema/
hoard {n} (archeology: cache of valuable objects) :: θησαυρός {m} /thisavrós/
hoard {v} (to amass) :: αποθησαυρίζω /apothisavrízo/, συσσωρεύω /syssorévo/
hoarfrost {n} (frozen dew drops) :: πάχνη {f} /páchni/
hoarse {adj} (afflicted by a dry, quite harsh voice) :: βραχνός /vrachnós/
hoary {adj} (white or gray with age) :: γκρίζος /gkrízos/, γηραιός /giraiós/
hoatzin {n} (bird, Opisthocomus hoazin) :: οασίν {n} /oasín/, οατσίν {n} /oatsín/
hoax {n} (anything deliberately intended to deceive or trick) :: φάρσα /fársa/
hobbit {n} (fictional small humanoid creature) :: χόμπιτ {n} /chómpit/, Χόμπιτ {n} /Chómpit/
hobble {n} (Short straps tied between the legs of unfenced horses) :: πέδικλο {n} /pédiklo/
hobble {n} (An unsteady, off-balance step) :: πεδίκλωμα {n} /pedíkloma/
hobby {n} (activity done for enjoyment in spare time) :: χόμπυ {n} /chómpy/, χόμπι {n} /chómpi/, πάρεργο {n} /párergo/
hobnob {n} (informal chat) :: κουβεντούλα {f} /kouventoúla/
hobnob {v} (to drink with) :: κουτσοπίνω /koutsopíno/
hobnob {v} (to associate in a friendly manner with) :: συναναστρέφομαι /synanastréfomai/
Ho Chi Minh {prop} (Ho Chi Minh City) SEE: Ho Chi Minh City ::
Ho Chi Minh City {prop} (largest city of Vietnam) :: Χο Τσι Μινχ /Cho Tsi Minch/
Ho Chi Minh City {prop} (Saigon) SEE: Saigon ::
hockey {n} (the sport) :: χόκεϋ {n} /chókeÿ/
hockey puck {n} (puck used in hockey) :: σφαίρα {f} /sfaíra/
hodja {n} (a Muslim schoolmaster) :: χότζας {m} /chótzas/
hoe {n} (agricultural tool) :: τσάπα {f} /tsápa/
hoe {v} (to use the gardening tool) :: τσαπίζω /tsapízo/
Hogwarts {prop} (fictional school for learning magic) :: Χόγκουαρτς {n} /Chógkouarts/
hogwash {n} (nonsense) :: κουραφέξαλα {n-p} /kouraféxala/
hoi polloi {n} (elite) SEE: elite ::
hoi polloi {n} (the common people) :: οι πολλοί {m-p} /oi polloí/, πλήθος {n} /plíthos/, μάζα {f} /máza/
Hokkaido {prop} (a northern largest island of Japan, or a prefecture based in itself) :: Χοκκάιντο /Chokkáinto/
hold {v} (to grasp) :: κρατώ /krató/
hold {v} (to contain) :: περιέχω /periécho/
hold {v} (to cause to wait) :: βάζω σε αναμονή /vázo se anamoní/
hold {n} (wrestling grip) :: λαβή {f} /laví/
hold {n} (cargo area) :: αμπάρι {n} /ampári/
hold good {v} (be true) :: αληθεύει /alithévei/
hold one's breath {v} (to hold one's breath) :: κρατάω την ανάσα μου /kratáo tin anása mou/
hold one's breath {v} (to wait) :: περιμένω πώς και πώς /periméno pós kai pós/
hold one's tongue {v} (refrain from talking about something, see also: shut up) :: κρατάω το στόμα μου κλειστό /kratáo to stóma mou kleistó/, κρατώ το στόμα μου κλειστό /krató to stóma mou kleistó/
hold up {v} (to wait or delay) :: αργώ /argó/
hole {n} (pit) SEE: pit ::
hole {n} (hollow in some surface) :: τρύπα {f} /trýpa/, οπή {f} /opí/
hole {n} (opening in a solid) :: τρύπα {f} /trýpa/, οπή {f} /opí/
hole {n} (orifice (see anus etc. for specific body cavities)) :: τρύπα {f} /trýpa/
hole {n} (undesirable place) :: τρύπα {f} /trýpa/
hole {v} (to destroy) SEE: destroy ::
Holi {prop} (Hindu festival) :: Χόλι /Chóli/
holiday {n} (day on which a festival etc. is traditionally observed) :: γιορτή {f} /giortí/
holiday {n} (day declared free from work by the government) :: αργία {f} /argía/
holiday {n} (period of one or more days taken off work for leisure and often travel) :: διακοπές {f} {p} /diakopés/
holiday {n} (period during which pupils do not attend school) :: διακοπές {f} {p} /diakopés/
holiness {n} (state or condition of being holy) :: αγιότητα {f} /agiótita/, αγιοσύνη {f} /agiosýni/
Holland {prop} (region of the Netherlands, see also: Netherlands) :: Ολλανδία {f} /Ollandía/
hollow {n} (hollow in some surface) SEE: hole ::
hollow {n} (sunken area) :: βαθούλωμα {n} /vathoúloma/, κουφάλα {f} /koufála/, κοιλότητα {f} /koilótita/
hollow {n} (feeling of emptiness) :: κενό {n} /kenó/
hollow {adj} (having an empty space inside) :: κούφιος {m} /koúfios/, κοίλος {m} /koílos/
hollow {adj} (echoing, reverberating, as if in a hollow space) :: υπόκωφος {m} /ypókofos/
hollow {adj} (without substance) :: κούφιος {m} /koúfios/
hollow victory {n} (Pyrrhic victory) SEE: Pyrrhic victory ::
holly {n} (any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Ilex) :: ίλεξ {f} /ílex/
Hollywood {prop} (area of Los Angeles) :: Χόλυγουντ {n} /Chólygount/
Hollywood {prop} (the American motion picture industry) :: Χόλυγουντ {n} /Chólygount/
holmium {n} (chemical element) :: όλμιο {n} /ólmio/
holm oak {n} (evergreen tree, Quercus ilex) :: αριά {f} /ariá/
holocaust {n} (sacrifice to a god) :: ολοκαύτωμα {n} /olokáftoma/
holocaust {n} (annihilation of a group of animals or people) :: εξολόθρευση {f} /exolóthrefsi/
holocaust {n} (state-sponsored mass murder of an ethnic group) :: γενοκτονία {f} /genoktonía/
Holocaust {prop} (the mass murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany) :: Ολοκαύτωμα {n} /Olokáftoma/
Holocaust {prop} (the mass murder of 11 million people by Nazi Germany) :: Ολοκαύτωμα {n} /Olokáftoma/
Holocene {adj} (relating to the epoch from about 11,000 years ago to the present) :: ολόκαινος /olókainos/
Holocene {prop} (The Holocene epoch) :: Ολόκαινο {n} /Olókaino/
Holodomor {prop} (1932–33 famine in Ukraine) :: Γολοντομόρ /Golontomór/
hologram {n} (three-dimensional image created by holography) :: ολόγραμμα {n} /ológramma/
holograph {n} (hologram) SEE: hologram ::
holograph {n} (handwritten document) :: ολόγραφος /ológrafos/
holographic {adj} (in the form of a hologram or holograph) :: ολογραφικός /olografikós/
holographic {adj} (handwritten) :: ιδιόχειρος {m} /idiócheiros/, ολόγραφος {m} /ológrafos/
holography {n} (a technique for recording, and then reconstructing, the amplitude and phase distributions of a coherent wave disturbance) :: ολογραφία {f} /olografía/
holonymy {n} (system of holonyms) :: ολωνυμία {f} /olonymía/
holotropic {adj} :: ολοτροπικός {m} /olotropikós/
Holstein {prop} (region) :: Χόλσταϊν /Chólstaïn/
holy {adj} (dedicated to a religious purpose) :: άγιος /ágios/
holy {adj} (revered in a religion) :: άγιος /ágios/
holy {adj} (dedicated for a specific purpose) :: ιερός /ierós/
Holy Book {prop} (Holy Writ) SEE: Holy Writ ::
Holy Communion {prop} (Christian sacrament) :: Θεία Κοινωνία {f} /Theía Koinonía/
holy day {n} (festival) SEE: feast day ::
Holy Ghost {prop} (aspect of the Holy Trinity) SEE: Holy Spirit ::
holy grail {n} (distant, near impossible goal) :: άγιο δισκοπότηρο {n} /ágio diskopótiro/
Holy Grail {prop} (artifact in Christian mythology) :: Άγιο Δισκοπότηρο {n} /Ágio Diskopótiro/, Άγιο Ποτήριο {n} /Ágio Potírio/
Holy Land {prop} (that part of Asia in which most Biblical events are set) :: Άγιοι Τόποι {m-p} /Ágioi Tópoi/
Holy of Holies {prop} (the most sacred place within a sacred building) :: άδυτο {n} /ádyto/, ιερό {n} /ieró/
Holy of Holies {prop} (inner sanctum) :: τα άδυτα των αδύτων {n} {p} /ta ádyta ton adýton/
Holy Roman Empire {prop} (state) :: Αγία Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία {f} /Agía Romaïkí Aftokratoría/
Holy Saturday {n} (the Saturday immediately after Good Friday) :: Μεγάλο Σάββατο /Megálo Sávvato/
Holy See {prop} (episcopal see of the Catholic Church) :: Αγία Έδρα {f} /Agía Édra/
holy shit {interj} (expression of surprise or the like) :: γαμώτο {n} /gamóto/
Holy Spirit {prop} (Christian: aspect of the Holy Trinity) :: Άγιο Πνεύμα {n} /Ágio Pnévma/
Holy Thursday {prop} (Maundy Thursday) SEE: Maundy Thursday ::
Holy Thursday {prop} (Ascension Day) SEE: Ascension Day ::
holy war {n} (primarily religious war) :: ιερός πόλεμος {m} /ierós pólemos/
holy water {n} (water, sanctified) :: αγίασμα {n} /agíasma/
holy water sprinkler {n} (aspergillum) SEE: aspergillum ::
Holy Week {prop} (week preceding Easter) :: Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα {f} /Megáli Evdomáda/
Holy Writ {n} (Bible) :: Αγία Γραφή {f} /Agía Grafí/
Holy Writ {n} (Christian sacred writings) :: Αγία Γραφή {f} /Agía Grafí/
Holy Writ {n} (any sacred writings) :: ιερό κείμενο {n} /ieró keímeno/
homage {n} (in feudalism, the formal oath of a vassal to his or her lord) :: δήλωση υποτέλειας {f} /dílosi ypotéleias/
homage {n} (demonstration of respect) :: σεβασμός {m} /sevasmós/
homage {n} (artistic work imitating another in a flattering style) :: φόρος τιμής {m} /fóros timís/
home {n} (house or structure in which someone lives) :: σπίτι {n} /spíti/, σπιτικό {n} /spitikó/
home {n} (someone’s native land) :: πατρίδα {f} /patrída/, γενέτειρα {f} /genéteira/
home {n} (childhood or parental home) :: πατρικό {n} /patrikó/
home {n} (habitat) :: κατοικία {f} /katoikía/, περιβάλλον {n} /perivállon/
home {n} (place of refuge or rest) :: άσυλο {n} /ásylo/
home {adv} (at home) :: στο σπίτι /sto spíti/
home {adv} (homewards) :: προς το σπίτι /pros to spíti/
homebird {n} (person who likes to stay home) :: σπιτόγατος {m} /spitógatos/
homebody {n} (person who likes to stay home) :: σπιτόγατος {m} /spitógatos/
homebrewed {adj} (homemade) SEE: homemade ::
homecoming {n} (the act of returning home) :: νόστος {m} /nóstos/
home country {n} (country where a person was born and raised) :: πατρίδα {f} /patrída/
home economics {n} (the study of homemaking) :: οικιακή οικονομία {f} /oikiakí oikonomía/
homeland {n} (country which one regards as home) :: πατρίδα {f} /patrída/
homeless {adj} (lacking a permanent residence) :: άστεγος /ástegos/
homelessness {n} (state of being homeless) :: αστεγία {f} /astegía/
home loan {n} (mortgage on a house) :: στεγαστικό δάνειο {n} /stegastikó dáneio/
homemade {adj} (made at home) :: σπιτικός /spitikós/
homeomorphism {n} (in topology) :: ομοιομορφισμός {m} /omoiomorfismós/
homeopathy {n} (system of treating diseases with very small amounts) :: ομοιοπαθητική {f} /omoiopathitikí/
home page {n} (main or first page of a website) :: αρχική σελίδα {f} /archikí selída/
Homer {prop} (Ancient Greek poet) :: Όμηρος /Ómiros/
home school {n} (boarding school) SEE: boarding school ::
homesick {adj} (missing one's home or family) :: νοσταλγός {m} {f} /nostalgós/
homesickness {n} (missing one's home or family) :: νοσταλγία {f} /nostalgía/
home straight {n} (straight part of a running track leading to the finishing line) :: τελική ευθεία {f} /telikí eftheía/
home sweet home {n} (Nice, comfortable home) :: σπίτι μου, σπιτάκι μου /spíti mou, spitáki mou/
homicide {n} (the killing of one person by another) :: ανθρωποκτονία {f} /anthropoktonía/
homicide {n} (a person who kills another) :: ανθρωποκτόνος {m} {f} /anthropoktónos/
homicide {n} (police jargon: a victim of homicide) :: ανθρωποκτονία {f} /anthropoktonía/
homily {n} (sermon) :: ομιλία {f} /omilía/, κήρυγμα {n} /kírygma/
homily {n} (platitude) SEE: platitude ::
hominid {n} (primate of the taxonomic family Hominidae) :: Ανθρωπίδας /Anthropídas/, Ανθρωπίδης /Anthropídis/
homo- {prefix} (Same) :: ομο- /omo-/, ομό- /omó-/
homocentric {adj} (anthropocentric) SEE: anthropocentric ::
homoerotic {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual ::
homogeneity {n} (quality of being homogeneous) :: ομογένεια {f} /omogéneia/
homogeneous {adj} (of the same kind; alike, similar) :: ομογενής /omogenís/
homogenise {v} (homogenize) SEE: homogenize ::
homogenization {n} (homogenization) :: ομογενοποίηση {f} /omogenopoíisi/
homogenize {v} (to make homogeneous) :: ομογενοποιώ /omogenopoió/
homogenized milk {n} (treated milk) :: ομογενοποιημένο γάλα /omogenopoiiméno gála/
homograph {n} (word with the same spelling but different meaning) :: ομοιογράφος {m} /omoiográfos/
homologous {adj} (showing a degree of correspondence) :: ομόλογος {m} /omólogos/
homologous {adj} ((biology) corresponding to a similar structure in another life form) :: ομόλογος {m} /omólogos/
homologous {adj} ((genetics) having the same morphology as another chromosome) :: ομόλογος {m} /omólogos/
homonationalism {n} :: ομοεθνικισμός {m} /omoethnikismós/
homonym {n} (word with the same sound or spelling) :: ομώνυμο {n} /omónymo/
homophobia {n} (fear, dislike, or hate of homosexuals) :: ομοφοβία {f} /omofovía/
homophone {n} (words with the same pronunciation) :: ομόφωνος {m} /omófonos/
homophonous {adj} (having the same pronunciation) :: ομόφωνος /omófonos/
homophony {n} :: ομοφωνία {f} /omofonía/
homosexual {adj} (sexually attracted solely or primarily to the same sex) :: ομοφυλόφιλος {m} /omofylófilos/, ομοφυλόφιλη {f} /omofylófili/
homosexual {adj} (involving or relating to homosexuals) :: ομοφυλόφιλος {m} /omofylófilos/
homosexual {adj} (intended for or used by homosexuals) :: ομοφυλόφιλος {m} /omofylófilos/
homosexual {n} (person who is attracted solely or primarily to others of the same sex) :: ομοφυλόφιλος {m} /omofylófilos/, λεσβία {f} /lesvía/ [lesbian]
homosexuality {n} (sexual orientation) :: ομοφυλοφιλία {f} /omofylofilía/
homosociality {n} (sociality with members of the same sex) :: ομοκοινωνικότητα {f} /omokoinonikótita/
Honduras {prop} (a country in Central America) :: Ονδούρα {f} /Ondoúra/
honest {adj} (scrupulous with regard to telling the truth) :: τίμιος /tímios/, έντιμος /éntimos/
honesty {n} (quality of being honest) :: εντιμότητα {f} /entimótita/, τιμιότητα {f} /timiótita/, χρηστότητα {f} /christótita/, ευσυνειδησία {f} /efsyneidisía/, ηθικότητα {f} /ithikótita/, ευθύτητα {f} /efthýtita/
honey {n} (sweet substance produced by bees) :: μέλι {n} /méli/
honey {n} (term of affection) :: γλύκα {f} /glýka/, γλυκιά {f} /glykiá/
honey {n} (colour) :: μελί {n} /melí/, μελόχρουν {n} /melóchroun/
honey {adj} (honey-colored) :: μελής /melís/
honey bear {n} (kinkajou) SEE: kinkajou ::
honey buzzard {n} (Pernis apivorus) :: σφηκιάρης {m} /sfikiáris/
honeycomb {n} (structure of cells made by bees) :: μελικηρίς {f} /melikirís/, μελιτόκηρον {n} /melitókiron/, μελόπηττα {f} /melópitta/, κηρήθρα {f} /kiríthra/, μελισσοκόμικος /melissokómikos/
honeycomb stomach {n} (reticulum) SEE: reticulum ::
honeyed {adj} (containing honey) :: μελένιος /melénios/
honeyed {adj} (sugary) :: μελένιος /melénios/
honeymoon {n} (period of time immediately following a marriage) :: μήνας του μέλιτος {m} /mínas tou mélitos/
honeymoon {n} (trip taken by a newly wed married couple) :: μήνας του μέλιτος {m} /mínas tou mélitos/
honeysuckle {n} (plant) :: αγιόκλημα {n} /agióklima/
honey wine {n} (mead) SEE: mead ::
Hong Kong {prop} (coastal administrative region in south-east China) :: Χονγκ Κονγκ /Chongk Kongk/
Honiara {prop} (the capital of the Solomon Islands) :: Ονιάρα {f} /Oniára/
honk {v} (to use a car horn) :: κορνάρω /kornáro/
Honolulu {prop} (the capital of Hawaii) :: Χονολούλου /Chonoloúlou/
honor {v} (think of, respect highly) :: τιμώ /timó/
honorable {adj} (worthy of respect) :: αξιότιμος /axiótimos/, εντιμότατος /entimótatos/
honor among thieves {n} :: μεταξύ κατεργαραίων ειλικρίνεια /metaxý katergaraíon eilikríneia/
Honorius {prop} (male given name) :: Ονώριος /Onórios/
honour {n} (honour) SEE: honor ::
honour {v} (honour) SEE: honor ::
Honshu {prop} (the main island of the Japanese Archipelago) :: Χόνσου {f} /Chónsou/ (rare {n})
hood {n} (headwear) :: κουκούλα {f} /koukoúla/
hood {n} (protective cover) :: κάλυμμα {n} /kálymma/
hood {n} (soft top) :: κουκούλα {f} /koukoúla/
hood {n} (car engine cover) :: καπό {n} /kapó/
hood {v} (cover with a hood) :: σκεπάζω /skepázo/, κουκουλώνω /koukoulóno/
hood {n} (thug) SEE: thug ::
hooded {adj} (wearing a hood) :: κουκουλοφόρος {m} /koukoulofóros/
hooded {adj} (covered with a hood) :: κουκουλοφόρος /koukoulofóros/
hooded crow {n} (Corvus cornix) :: σταχτοκουρούνα {f} /stachtokouroúna/
hoodiecrow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
hoof {n} (tip of a toe of ungulates) :: οπλή {f} /oplí/
hoofed {adj} (having a hoof) :: οπληφόρος /oplifóros/
hook {n} (rod bent into a curved shape) :: άγκιστρο {n} /ágkistro/, γάντζος {m} /gántzos/
hook {n} (loop shaped like a hook under certain letters) :: άγκιστρο {n} /ágkistro/
hook {n} (software feature) :: άγκιστρο {n} /ágkistro/
hook {v} (to steal) SEE: steal ::
hook {n} (fishhook) SEE: fishhook ::
hookah {n} (pipe) :: ναργιλές {m} /nargilés/
hook and eye {n} (a matched hook and an eye, used for fastening) :: κόπιτσα {f} /kópitsa/
hooked {adj} (having a sharp curve at the end; resembling a hook) :: αγκιστροειδής /agkistroeidís/
hooker {n} (prostitute) SEE: whore ::
hooknose {n} (aquiline nose) SEE: aquiline nose ::
hooligan {n} (person that causes trouble or violence) :: χούλιγκαν {m} {f} /choúligkan/, ταραξίας {m} {f} /taraxías/, ταραχοποιός {m} {f} /tarachopoiós/
hooliganism {n} (behavior) :: χουλιγκανισμός {m} /chouligkanismós/
hoop {n} (circular band of metal used to bind a barrel) :: στεφάνη {f} /stefáni/
hoopla {n} (a carnival with throwing hoops) :: κρίκοι {m-p} /kríkoi/
hoopoe {n} (bird Upupa epops) :: τσαλαπετεινός {m} /tsalapeteinós/
hoopster {n} (basketball player) SEE: basketball player ::
hooter {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick ::
hooter {n} (owl) SEE: owl ::
hooter {n} (horn of a motor vehicle) :: κόρνα {f} /kórna/
hooter {n} (slang: nose) SEE: schnozzle ::
hoover {v} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum ::
hoover {n} (vacuum cleaner) SEE: vacuum cleaner ::
hop {n} (the plant whose flowers are used in brewing) :: λυκίσκος {m} /lykískos/
hop {n} ((plural) flowers of the hop plant) :: λυκίσκοι {m-p} /lykískoi/
hope {v} (to want something to happen, with expectation that it might) :: ελπίζω /elpízo/
hope {n} (belief that something wished for can happen) :: ελπίδα {f} /elpída/
hope {n} (person or thing that is a source of hope) :: ελπίδα {f} /elpída/
Hope {prop} (female given name) :: Ελπίδα {f} /Elpída/
hopeless {adj} (destitute of hope; having no expectation of good; despairing) :: ανέλπιδος /anélpidos/
hopeless {adj} (desperate) SEE: desperate ::
hopeless {adj} (incurable) SEE: incurable ::
hopelessness {n} (the lack of hope; despair) :: απελπισία {f} /apelpisía/
hophornbeam {n} (Any species of the genus Ostrya) :: οστρύα {f} /ostrýa/, οστρυά {f} /ostryá/
hoplite {n} (A heavily-armed infantry soldier of Ancient Greece) :: οπλίτης {m} /oplítis/
hopscotch {n} (child's game) :: κουτσό {n} /koutsó/
Horace {prop} (poet) :: Οράτιος {m} /Orátios/
Horace {prop} (male given name) :: Οράτιος {m} /Orátios/
horde {n} (wandering troop or gang) :: ορδή {f} /ordí/
horde {n} (a large number of people) :: ορδή {f} /ordí/
hordeolum {n} (infection) SEE: stye ::
horizon {n} (line that appears to separate the Earth from the sky) :: ορίζοντας {m} /orízontas/
horizontal {adj} (parallel to the plane of the horizon) :: οριζόντιος {m} /orizóntios/
horizontally {adv} (in a horizontal direction or position) :: οριζόντια /orizóntia/
hormone {n} (substance produced by the body that effects physiological activity) :: ορμόνη {f} /ormóni/
hormone {n} (synthetic compound with the same activity as a hormone) :: ορμόνη {f} /ormóni/
Hormuz {prop} (island in the Strait of Hormuz) :: Ορμούζ /Ormoúz/
Hormuz {prop} (strait that connects the Persian Gulf with the Gulf of Oman) :: Στενά του Ορμούζ {n-p} /Stená tou Ormoúz/
horn {n} (growth on the heads of certain animals) :: κέρατο {n} /kérato/
horn {n} (substance) :: κερατίνη {f} /keratíni/
horn {n} (any of several musical wind instruments) :: κέρας {n} /kéras/, κόρνο {n} /kórno/, [French horn] γαλλικό κόρνο {n} /gallikó kórno/
horn {n} (instrument used to signal others) :: κέρας {n} /kéras/
horn {n} (loud alarm, especially on a motor vehicle) :: κόρνα {f} /kórna/, κλάξον {n} /kláxon/
horn {n} (informal: generally, any brass wind instrument) :: καραμούζα {f} /karamoúza/
horn {n} (coarse slang: erection) :: καύλα {f} /kávla/
hornbeam {n} (tree of Carpinus) :: γάβρος {m} /gávros/
horndog {n} (man fixated on sex) :: καυλιάρης {m} /kavliáris/
horned {adj} (having horns) :: κερασφόρος {m} {f} /kerasfóros/
hornet {n} (a large wasp, of the genus Vespa, with a brown-and-yellow-striped body) :: σερσένι {f} /serséni/, σκούρκος {m} /skoúrkos/
horniness {n} (sexual excitement) :: κάβλα {f} /kávla/, καύλα {f} /kávla/
Horn of Africa {prop} (peninsula in East Africa) :: Κέρας της Αφρικής {n} /Kéras tis Afrikís/
horn of plenty {n} (the cornucopia) SEE: cornucopia ::
horny {adj} (hard or bony) :: κεράτινος /kerátinos/
horny {adj} (sexually aroused) :: καυλωμένος /kavloménos/
Horologium {prop} (constellation) :: Ωρολόγιον {n} /Orológion/
horoscope {n} (astrological forecast) :: ωροσκόπιο {n} /oroskópio/
horror {n} (intense distressing fear or repugnance) :: τρόμος {m} /trómos/
horror movie {n} (motion picture which horrifies or frightens) :: ταινία τρόμου {f} /tainía trómou/
hors d'oeuvre {n} (appetizer) :: ορεκτικό {n} /orektikó/
horse {n} (members of the species Equus ferus) :: άλογο {n} /álogo/, ίππος {m} /íppos/
horse {n} (gymnastic equipment) :: ίππος {m} /íppos/
horse {n} (knight in chess (see also knight)) :: ίππος /íppos/, άλογο {n} /álogo/
horseback {adv} (on the back of a horse) :: καβάλα /kavála/, καβαλαρία /kavalaría/
horse chestnut {n} (tree) :: αγριοκαστανιά {f} /agriokastaniá/
horse-drawn {adj} (pulled along by horse) :: ιππήλατος {m} /ippílatos/
horsefly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) :: αλογόμυγα {f} /alogómyga/
horseling {n} (foal) SEE: foal ::
horseman {n} (man who rides a horse) :: ιππέας /ippéas/
horseman {n} (soldier on horseback) :: καβαλάρης /kavaláris/
horseman {n} (man skilled in horsemanship) :: αλογάνθρωπος /alogánthropos/
horsepower {n} (metric) :: ίππος {m} /íppos/
horseradish {n} (plant) :: χρένο {n} /chréno/, αγριοράπανο {n} /agriorápano/
horseradish {n} (condiment) :: χρένο {n} /chréno/, αγριοράπανο {n} /agriorápano/
horseshit {n} (bullshit) SEE: bullshit ::
horseshoe {n} (metallic shoe of a horse) :: πέταλο {n} /pétalo/
horseshoe {v} (to apply horseshoes to a horse) :: πεταλώνω /petalóno/
horsetail {n} (ponytail hairstyle) SEE: ponytail ::
horsewoman {n} (a female equestrian) :: αναβάτρια {f} /anavátria/
horticulture {n} (the science of caring for gardens) :: κηπουρική {f} /kipourikí/, κηπευτική {f} /kipeftikí/
horticulture {n} (small scale agriculture) :: φυτοκομία {f} /fytokomía/
hosanna {interj} (liturgical word) :: ωσαννά /osanná/
hose {n} (flexible tube) :: λάστιχο {n} /lásticho/
Hosea {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Ωσηέ /Osié/
Hosea {prop} (prophet) :: Ωσηέ {m} /Osié/
hospice {n} (a facility or organization offering palliative care for the terminally ill) :: άσυλο ανιάτων {n} /ásylo aniáton/
hospitable {adj} (cordial and generous towards guests) :: φιλόξενος /filóxenos /
hospital {n} (large medical facility) :: νοσοκομείο {n} /nosokomeío/
hospitality {n} (act or service of welcoming, receiving, hosting, or entertaining guests) :: φιλοξενία {f} /filoxenía/
hospitalization {n} (hospitalizing of a patient) :: νοσηλεία {f} /nosileía/
host {n} (person who receives or entertains a guest) :: οικοδεσπότης {m} /oikodespótis/, οικοδέσποινα {f} /oikodéspoina/
host {n} (person or organisation responsible for running an event) :: διοργανωτής {m} /diorganotís/
host {n} (moderator) :: συντονιστής {m} /syntonistís/
host {n} (computing: computer attached to a network) :: κεντρικός υπολογιστής {m} /kentrikós ypologistís/
host {n} (biology: cell or organism which harbors another organism) :: ξενιστής {m} /xenistís/
host {v} (perform the role of a host) :: διοργανώνω /diorganóno/
host {n} (multitude of people arrayed as an army) :: στρατιά {f} /stratiá/
host {n} (consecrated bread) :: αντίδωρο {n} /antídoro/
hostage {n} (person given as a pledge or security) :: όμηρος {c} /ómiros/
hostel {n} (an affordable overnight lodging place) :: ξενώνας {m} /xenónas/
hostel {n} (a temporary refuge for the homeless providing a bed and sometimes food) :: άσυλο {n} /ásylo/
hostel {n} (short for youth hostel) SEE: youth hostel ::
hostile {adj} (belonging or appropriate to an enemy) :: εχθρικός {m} /echthrikós/, [Epic] δάϊος /dáïos/
hostile {adj} (antagonistic) :: εχθρικός /echthrikós/
hostile {n} (an enemy) :: εχθρός {m} /echthrós/
hostility {n} (state of being hostile) :: εχθρότητα {f} /echthrótita/, εχθρικότητα {f} /echthrikótita/
hostility {n} (hostile action, especially a military action) :: εχθροπραξία {f} /echthropraxía/
hostname {n} (name by which any device attached to a computer network is known) :: όνομα υπολογιστή {n} /ónoma ypologistí/
hot {adj} (having a high temperature) :: ζεστός {m} /zestós/, θερμός /thermós/
hot {adj} (of the weather) :: κάνει ζέστη /kánei zésti/
hot {adj} (feverish) :: ζεστός /zestós/
hot {adj} (spicy) :: πικάντικος /pikántikos/, καυτερός /kafterós/
hot air {n} (empty, confused or exaggerated talk) :: αερολογίες {f} {p} /aerologíes/
hot-air balloon {n} (balloon-shaped aircraft filled with hot air) :: αερόστατο {n} /aeróstato/
hot chocolate {n} (beverage) :: ζεστή σοκολάτα /zestí sokoláta/
hot dog {n} (frankfurter in a bun) :: χοτ ντογκ {n} /chot dogk/
hotel {n} (establishment providing accommodation) :: ξενοδοχείο {n} /xenodocheío/
hotelier {n} (someone who runs a hotel) :: ξενοδόχος {m} {f} /xenodóchos/
hot flash {n} (sudden sensation of heat, symptom of the menopause) SEE: hot flush ::
hot flush {n} (sudden sensation of heat, symptom of the menopause) :: έξαψη {f} /éxapsi/
hothouse {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
hotkey {n} (keyboard shortcut) SEE: keyboard shortcut ::
hot spell {n} (heatwave) SEE: heatwave ::
hottie {n} (informal: hot-water bottle) SEE: hot water bottle ::
hot water bottle {n} (a flexible bottle for heat therapy) :: θερμοφόρα /thermofóra/, μπουγιότα /bougióta/
houbara bustard {n} (Chlamydotis undulata) :: χλαμυδωτίδα της Σαχάρας {f} /chlamydotída tis Sacháras/
hound {n} (dog, hunting dog) :: κυνηγόσκυλο {n} /kynigóskylo/, λαγωνικό {n} /lagonikó/
hour {n} (time period of sixty minutes) :: ώρα {f} /óra/
hour {n} (the time) :: ώρα /óra/, χρόνος /chrónos/
hourglass {n} (clock) :: κλεψύδρα {f} /klepsýdra/
house {n} (genre of music) SEE: house music ::
house {n} (human abode) :: σπίτι {n} /spíti/
house {n} (archetypal structure of a human abode) :: σπίτι {n} /spíti/
house {n} (an establishment, business) :: οίκος {m} /oíkos/
house {n} (dynasty, familiar descendance) :: οίκος {m} /oíkos/
housebreaker {n} (criminal) :: διαρρήκτης {m} /diarríktis/, διαρρήκτρια {f} /diarríktria/
household {n} (those living in the same residence) :: νοικοκυριό {n} /noikokyrió/, οικογένεια {f} /oikogéneia/, σπιτικό {n} /spitikó/
household {adj} (belonging to same house and family) :: οικιακός {m} /oikiakós/
household {adj} (found in or having its origin in a home) :: οικιακός {m} /oikiakós/
household deity {n} (minor god or goddess who protects a home or family) :: οικιακή θεότητα {f} /oikiakí theótita/
house-hunting {n} (searching for a home) :: αναζήτηση στέγης {f} /anazítisi stégis/
house husband {n} (husband who remains in the homestead) SEE: househusband ::
househusband {n} (husband who remains in the homestead) :: νοικοκύρης {m} /noikokýris/
housekeeper {n} (someone employed to manage or look after a home) :: οικονόμος {f} /oikonómos/
housekeeper {n} (someone who manages the home, traditionally female head of household) :: οικονόμος {f} /oikonómos/, νοικοκυρά {f} /noikokyrá/
housemaid {n} (female servant attached to the non-servant quarter part of the house) :: οικιακή βοηθός {f} /oikiakí voïthós/
house music {n} (type of electronic dance music with an uptempo beat and recurring kickdrum) :: χάουζ {f} /cháouz/
house of cards {n} (structure made by stacking playing cards) :: σπίτι από τραπουλόχαρτα {n} /spíti apó trapoulócharta/
House of Commons {prop} (lower house in UK or Canadian parliament) :: Βουλή των Κοινοτήτων /Voulí ton Koinotíton/
house of ill fame {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
House of Lords {prop} (upper chamber of UK parliament) :: Βουλή των Λόρδων /Voulí ton Lórdon/
House of Representatives {prop} (lower house of parliament) :: Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων /Voulí ton Antiprosópon/
house sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus) :: σπιτοσπουργίτι {n} /spitospourgíti/
housewife {n} (female head of household) :: νοικοκυρά {f} /noikokyrá/, οικοδέσποινα {f} /oikodéspoina/
housework {n} (domestic household chores) :: οικιακά {n-p} /oikiaká/
Houston {prop} (Texan city) :: Χιούστον /Chioúston/
hovel {n} (poor cottage) :: χαμόσπιτο {n} /chamóspito/
hovercraft {n} (vehicle supported on a cushion of air) :: αερόστρωμνο {n} /aeróstromno/
how {adv} (to what degree) :: πόσο /póso/
how {adv} (in what manner) :: πώς /pós/
how {adv} (in what state) :: πώς /pós/
how {adv} (used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings) :: πολύ /polý/, πόσο /póso/, τι /ti/
how {conj} (in which way) :: πώς /pós/
how are you {phrase} (greeting) :: [informal, singular] τι κάνεις; /ti káneis?/, [formal, plural] τι κάνετε; /ti kánete?/, [informal, singular] πώς είσαι; /pós eísai?/, [formal, plural] πώς είστε; /pós eíste?/
how do you do {phrase} (Phrase: how do you do) :: χαίρω πολύ /chaíro polý/
how do you say …… in English {phrase} (request for translation into English) :: πώς να πω …… στα αγγλικά; /pós na po …… sta angliká?/
howdy {interj} (hi) SEE: hi ::
howdy doody {interj} (hi) SEE: hi ::
howl {n} (protracted, mournful cry of a dog or a wolf) :: ούρλιασμα {n} /oúrliasma/
howl {n} (prolonged cry of distress or anguish) :: ούρλιασμα {n} /oúrliasma/
howl {v} (To utter a loud, protracted, mournful sound or cry, as dogs and wolves often do) :: ουρλιάζω /ourliázo/
howl {v} (to utter a sound expressive of pain or distress) :: ουρλιάζω /ourliázo/
how many {determiner} (what number) :: πόσοι /pósoi/
how many languages do you speak {phrase} (how many languages do you speak?) :: πόσα γλώσσες μιλάτε; /pósa glósses miláte?/
how many siblings do you have {phrase} (how many siblings do you have?) :: [informal] πόσα αδέλφια έχεις /pósa adélfia écheis/?
how much {determiner} (what quantity) :: πόσος {m} /pósos/, πόση {f} /pósi/, πόσο {n} /póso/
how much {determiner} (what is the cost/price?) :: πόσο κάνει αυτό; /póso kánei aftó? /, πόσο κοστίζει αυτό; /póso kostízei aftó? /
how much does it cost {phrase} (how much is it?) :: πόσο κοστίζει; /póso kostízei?/, πόσο κάνει; /póso kánei?/
how much is it {phrase} (how much does it cost) SEE: how much does it cost ::
how old are you {phrase} (what is your age in years) :: πόσο χρονών είσαι; /póso chronón eísai?/ [informal], πόσο χρονών είσαστε; /póso chronón eísaste?/ [formal]
howzit {interj} (what's up) SEE: what's up ::
hryvnia {n} (Ukrainian currency) :: γρίβνα {f} /grívna/, χρίβνια {f} /chrívnia/
Hsin-chiang {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang ::
Hu {prop} (Chinese surname) :: Χου /Chou/
hub {n} (central part of a wheel) :: πλήμνη {f} /plímni/, χοινίκη {f} /choiníki/, [colloquial] αφαλός {m} /afalós/
hub {n} (point where many routes meet) :: κόμβος {m} /kómvos/
hub {n} (computer networking device) :: πλήμνη {f} /plímni/
hubbub {n} (A confused uproar, commotion, tumult or racket.) :: φασαρία {f} /fasaría/
Hubei {prop} (province in central China) :: Χουμπέι {f} /Choumpéi/, Χουπέι {f} /Choupéi/
Hubert {prop} (male given name) :: Ουβέρτος {m} /Ouvértos/
huckster {n} (peddler) SEE: peddler ::
hue {n} (color or shade of color; tint; dye) :: απόχρωση {f} /apóchrosi/
hue {n} (character; aspect) :: χροιά {f} /chroiá/
Huelva {prop} (city and province in Andalusia, Spain) :: Ουέλβα {f} /Ouélva/
hug {n} (affectionate embrace) :: αγκαλιά {n} /agkaliá/, αγκάλιασμα {n} /agkáliasma/
hug {v} (cling closely together) :: αγκαλιάζω /agkaliázo/
hug {v} (embrace) :: αγκαλιάζω /agkaliázo/
huge {adj} (very large) :: τεράστιος /terástios/
hull {n} (outer covering of a fruit or seed) :: φλοιός {m} /floiós/, φλούδα {f} /floúda/
hull {v} (to remove the hull of a fruit or seed; to peel) :: ξεφλουδίζω /xefloudízo/, αποφλοιώνω /apofloióno/
hull {n} (frame of a ship or plane) :: σκάφος {n} /skáfos/
human {adj} (of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens) :: ανθρώπινος /anthrópinos/
human {adj} (having the nature or attributes of a human being) :: ανθρώπινος {m} /anthrópinos/
human being {n} (a human being) SEE: human ::
human being {n} (person) :: άνθρωπος {m} /ánthropos/, ανθρώπινο ον {n} /anthrópino on/
humanism {n} (historical revival of Classical culture) :: ουμανισμός {m} /oumanismós/
humanism {n} (ethical system) :: ανθρωπισμός {m} /anthropismós/
humanist {n} (person who believes in the philosophy of humanism) :: ανθρωπιστής /anthropistís/
humanistic {adj} (of or pertaining to humanism) :: ανθρωπιστικός /anthropistikós/
humanitarian {adj} (concerned with people's welfare) :: ανθρωπιστικός /anthropistikós/
humanity {n} (human beings as a group) :: ανθρωπότητα {f} /anthropótita/
humanity {n} (human condition) :: ανθρώπινη υπόσταση {f} /anthrópini ypóstasi/
humanity {n} (quality of being benevolent) :: ανθρωπιά {f} /anthropiá/
humankind {n} (human race) SEE: mankind ::
humanoid {adj} (having the appearance or characteristics of a human) :: ανθρωποειδής /anthropoeidís/
humanoid {n} (a being having the appearance or characteristics of a human) :: ανθρωποειδές {n} /anthropoeidés/
human right {n} (basic right that all humans should be guaranteed) :: ανθρώπινο δικαίωμα {n} /anthrópino dikaíoma/
human rights {n} (basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed) :: ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα {n-p} /anthrópina dikaiómata/
human sacrifice {n} (the ritual killing of a person) :: ανθρωποθυσία {f} /anthropothysía/
human shield {n} (civilians placed in or around targets) :: ανθρώπινη ασπίδα /anthrópini aspída/
human trafficking {n} (criminal activity in which people are recruited, etc. to serve an exploitative purpose) :: τράφικινγκ {n} /tráfikingk/
Humbert {prop} (male given name) :: Ουμβέρτος /Oumvértos/
humectant {n} (substance that promotes the retention of water) :: υγραντικό {n} /ygrantikó/
humerus {n} (bone of the upper arm) :: βραχιόνιο οστό {n} /vrachiónio ostó/
humid {adj} (slightly wet) :: υγρός /ygrós/, νοτερός /noterós/
humidity {n} (dampness, especially that of the air) :: υγρασία {f} /ygrasía/
humiliate {v} (to injure a person's dignity and self-respect) :: ταπεινώνω /tapeinóno/, ρεζιλεύω /rezilévo/, ντροπιάζω /dropiázo/
humility {n} (characteristic of being humble) :: ταπεινότητα {f} /tapeinótita/
hummingbird {n} (any of various small American birds in the family Trochilidae) :: κολιμπρί {n} /kolimprí/
hummock {n} (small hill) SEE: hillock ::
hummus {n} (dip made of chickpea paste) :: χούμους {n} /choúmous/
humongous {adj} (extremely large) :: θεόρατος /theóratos/
humorous {adj} (full of humor or arousing laughter; funny) :: αστείος {m} /asteíos/, κωμικός {m} /komikós/
humorous {adj} (showing humor; witty, jocular) :: αστείος {m} /asteíos/, ευτράπελος {m} /eftrápelos/, πνευματώδης {m} /pnevmatódis/
humour {n} (something funny) :: χιούμορ {n} /chioúmor/
hump {n} (mound of earth) :: τούμπα, μαγούλα {f} /toúmpa, magoúla/
hump {n} (deformity of the human back) :: καμπούρα {f} /kampoúra/
hump {n} (rounded fleshy mass as in camel's back) :: ύβος {m} /ývos/, καμπούρα {f} /kampoúra/
humpback {n} (humpbacked person) :: καμπούρης {m} /kampoúris/, καμπούρα {f} /kampoúra/
humus {n} (group of compounds in soil) :: χούμος {m} /choúmos/
Hun {n} (German) SEE: German ::
Hun {n} (member of nomadic tribe) :: Ούννος {m} /Oúnnos/
Hunan {prop} (province of China) :: Χουνάν /Chounán/
hunch {n} (hump; protuberance) :: καμπούρα {f} /kampoúra/, όγκος {m} /ógkos/
hunch {n} (stooped or curled posture) :: καμπούρα {f} /kampoúra/
hunch {n} (idea, theory) :: προαίσθημα {n} /proaísthima/
hunch {v} (to slouch, stoop) :: καμπουριάζω /kampouriázo/
hunchback {n} (vulgar: person with kyphosis) :: καμπούρης {m} /kampoúris/, καμπούρα {f} /kampoúra/
hunchback {n} (one who is stooped or hunched over) SEE: humpback ::
hunchback {n} (deformed upper spinal column) SEE: humpback ::
hundred {num} (cardinal number 100) :: εκατό /ekató/, εκατόν /ekatón/
hundred {n} (hundred-dollar bill) :: κατοστάρικο {n} /katostáriko/
hundredth {adj} (ordinal of 100, see also: 100th) :: εκατοστός /ekatostós/
hundredth {n} (person or thing in the hundredth position) :: εκατοστός {m} /ekatostós/
hundredth {n} (one of a hundred equal parts of a whole) :: εκατοστό {n} /ekatostó/
Hungarian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Hungary) :: ουγγρικός /oungrikós/
Hungarian {n} (person from Hungary) :: Ούγγρος {m} /Oúngros/, Μαγυάρος {m} /Magyáros/, Ουγγαρέζα {f} /Oungaréza/
Hungarian {n} (the language) :: ουγγρικά {n-p} /oungriká/
Hungary {prop} (the country) :: Ουγγαρία {f} /Oungaría/
hunger {n} (need for food) :: πείνα {f} /peína/ [daily/ordinary need of food], λιγούρα {f} /ligoúra/ [desperate need of food], σιτοδεία {f} /sitodeía/, ασιτία {f} /asitía/ [scarcity of food due to natural disaster], λιμός {m} /limós/ [scarcity of food due to war]
hunger {n} (strong desire) :: λαχτάρα {f} /lachtára/, πόθος {m} /póthos/, πείνα {f} /peína/
hunger {v} (need food) :: πεινώ /peinó/
hunger {v} (desire) :: ποθώ /pothó/, λαχταρώ /lachtaró/
hungry {adj} (affected by hunger; desirous of food) :: πεινασμένος /peinasménos/, νηστικός /nistikós/
hungry {adj} (eager, having a desire for something) :: πεινασμένος {m} /peinasménos/
hunk {n} (sexually attractive man) :: καμάκι {n} /kamáki/
hunt {v} (to chase down prey) :: κυνηγώ /kynigó/, θηρεύω /thirévo/
hunt {v} (to search for something) :: ψάχνω /psáchno/, αναζητώ /anazitó/
hunt {n} (the act of hunting, shooting) :: κυνήγι {n} /kynígi/, θήρα /thíra/
hunt {n} (hunting expedition) :: κυνήγι {n} /kynígi/
hunter {n} (person who hunts game) :: κυνηγός {m} /kynigós/
hunter {n} (hunting dog) :: κυνηγόσκυλο {n} /kynigóskylo/
hunter {n} (person who pursues someone) :: κυνηγός {m} /kynigós/
hunter {n} (person who searches for something) :: κυνηγός {m} /kynigós/
hunting {n} (chasing and killing animals for sport or to use its parts) :: κυνήγι {n} /kynígi/, θήρα {f} /thíra/
hunting {n} (looking for something) :: άγρα {f} /ágra/, αναζήτηση {f} /anazítisi/
Huntington's chorea {n} (Huntington's disease) SEE: Huntington's disease ::
Huntington's disease {n} (the neurological disease) :: χορεία του Χάντινγκτον {f} /choreía tou Chántingkton/
hurdle {n} (artificial barrier over which people or horses jump in a race) :: εμπόδιο {n} /empódio/, φράγμα {n} /frágma/
hurler {n} (pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
hurlyburly {n} (noisy and disorderly tumult) :: αναμπουμπούλα {f} /anampoumpoúla/
hurrah {interj} (expressing approval, appreciation, or happiness) :: ζήτω /zíto/, γιούπι /gioúpi/, άλα /ála/, όπα /ópa/, ώπα /ópa/, εύγε /évge/, μπράβο /brávo/, οπ /op/
hurricane {n} (weather phenomenon) :: ανεμοστρόβιλος {m} /anemostróvilos/, κυκλώνας {m} /kyklónas/, τυφώνας {m} /tyfónas/
hurricane {n} (meteorology: a wind scale for quite strong wind) :: τυφώνας /tyfónas/
hurt {v} (to be painful) :: πονώ /ponó/
Hus {prop} (A Czech surname​) :: Χους /Chous/
husband {n} (male partner in marriage) :: σύζυγος {m} /sýzygos/, άνδρας {m} /ándras/
husband {v} (to conserve) :: διαχειρίζομαι /diacheirízomai/
husbandry {n} (cultivation of crops and raising of livestock) :: κτηνοτροφία {f} /ktinotrofía/
husky {adj} (hoarse and rough-sounding) :: βραχνός /vrachnós/
husky {n} (Any of several breeds of dogs used as sled dogs) :: χάσκυ /chásky/
hussar {n} (light cavalry of any of several European armies) :: ουσάρος {m} /ousáros/
hussy {n} ((obsolete) a housewife or housekeeper) SEE: housewife ::
hustler {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
hut {n} (small wooden shed) :: υπόστεγο {n} /ypóstego/, καλύβα {f} /kalýva/
hut {n} (primitive dwelling) :: καλύβα {f} /kalýva/
hutong {n} (lane) SEE: lane ::
hutong {n} (alley) SEE: alley ::
hyacinth {n} (plant of the genus Hyacinthus) :: υάκινθος {m} /yákinthos/, ζουμπούλι {n} /zoumpoúli/, ζιμπούλι {n} /zimpoúli/
Hyacinth {prop} (male given name) :: Υάκινθος {m} /Yákinthos/
Hyacinth {prop} (female given name) :: Υακίνθη {f} /Yakínthi/
Hyacinth {prop} (Hyacinthus) SEE: Hyacinthus ::
Hyacinthus {prop} (a Spartan youth loved and accidentally killed by Apollo) :: Υάκινθος /Yákinthos/
hybrid {n} (biology: offspring resulting from crossbreeding) :: υβρίδιο {n} /yvrídio/
Hydra {prop} (mythical serpent) :: Λερναία Ύδρα {f} /Lernaía Ýdra/
Hydra {prop} (constellation) :: Ύδρα {f} /Ýdra/
Hydra {prop} (one of Pluto's moons) :: Ύδρα /Ýdra/
hydrargyrum {n} (cognate translations of hydrargyrum — otherwise see mercury) :: υδράργυρος {m} /ydrárgyros/
hydrate {n} (solid compound containing or linked to water molecules) :: ένυδρο άλας /énydro álas/, υδρίτης {m} /ydrítis/
hydrate {v} (to absorb water) :: ενυδατώνω /enydatóno/
hydraulic fracturing {n} (technique in which a mixture of water and sand is forced down an oil well) :: υδραυλική θραύση {f} /ydravlikí thráfsi/, υδραυλική ρωγμάτωση {f} /ydravlikí rogmátosi/
hydro- {prefix} (pertaining to water) :: υδρο- /ydro-/
hydrobiology {n} (study of the biology of the organisms that inhabit bodies of water) :: υδροβιολογία /ydroviología/
hydrocarbon {n} (compound of carbon and hydrogen) :: υδρογονάνθρακας {m} /ydrogonánthrakas/
hydrocephalus {n} (skull enlargement due to fluid) :: υδροκεφαλία {f} /ydrokefalía/
hydrocyanic acid {n} :: υδροκυανικό οξύ {n} /ydrokyanikó oxý/, πρωσσικό οξύ {n} /prossikó oxý/
hydroelectric {adj} :: υδροηλεκτρικός {m} /ydroïlektrikós/
hydrofoil {n} (vessel) :: υδρολισθητήρας {m} /ydrolisthitíras/, υδροπτέρυγο {n} /ydroptérygo/
hydrofracking {n} (hydraulic fracturing) SEE: hydraulic fracturing ::
hydrogen {n} (chemical element) :: υδρογόνο {n} /ydrogóno/
hydrogenation {n} (the chemical reaction of hydrogen with another substance) :: υδρογόνωση {f} /ydrogónosi/
hydrogen bomb {n} (thermonuclear bomb) :: βόμβα υδρογόνου {f} /vómva ydrogónou/
hydrogen cyanide {n} :: υδροκυάνιο {n} /ydrokyánio/
hydrography {n} (Measurement and description of navigable waters) :: υδρογραφία {f} /ydrografía/
hydrology {n} (science related to water) :: υδρολογία /ydrología/
hydrolysis {n} (a chemical process of decomposition) :: υδρόλυση {f} /ydrólysi/
hydrometeorology {n} (the branch of meteorology) :: υδρομετεωρολογία {f} /ydrometeorología/
hydronym {n} (name of a body of water) :: υδρόνυμο {n} /ydrónymo/
hydronymy {n} (naming of water bodies) :: υδρονυμία {f} /ydronymía/
hydrophilic {adj} (having an affinity for water) :: υδρόφιλος /ydrófilos/
hydrophobia {n} (rabies, see also: rabies) :: ὑδροφοβία /ὑdrofovía/
hydroponics {n} (cultivation of plants in a nutrient solution) :: υδροπονία {f} /ydroponía/
hydrostatics {n} (study) :: υδροστατική {f} /ydrostatikí/
hydroxide {n} (univalent anion) :: υδροξείδιο {n} /ydroxeídio/
hydroxy {adj} :: υδροξύ {n} /ydroxý/
hydroxyl {n} (-OH) :: υδροξύλιο {n} /ydroxýlio/
Hydrus {prop} (constellation) :: Ύδρος {m} /Ýdros/
hyena {n} (mammal) :: ύαινα {f} /ýaina/
Hygieia {prop} (Greek goddess of health, hygiene, cleanliness, and sanitation) :: Υγιεία /Ygieía/
hygiene {n} (conditions and practices that promote and preserve health) :: υγιεινή {f} /ygieiní/
hygrometer {n} (instrument that measures humidity) :: υγρόμετρο {n} /ygrómetro/
hygrometric {adj} :: υγρομετρικός /ygrometrikós/
hygrophilous {adj} (adapted for growth in a damp or wet environment) :: υγρόφιλος /ygrófilos/
hylozoism {n} (belief) :: υλοζωισμός {m} /ylozoismós/, υλοζωία {f} /ylozoía/
hymen {n} (membrane which occludes the vagina) :: παρθενικός υμένας {m} /parthenikós yménas/
hymn {n} (a song of praise or worship) :: ύμνος {m} /ýmnos/
hyper- {prefix} (over, above, beyond) :: υπερ- /yper-/
hyper- {prefix} (excessive) :: υπερ- /yper-/
hyper- {prefix} (existing in more than three spatial dimensions) :: υπερ- /yper-/
hyper- {prefix} (linked non-sequentially) :: υπερ- /yper-/
hyperactive {adj} (having an increased state of activity) :: υπερδραστήριος /yperdrastírios/
hyperactivity {n} (Quality of being hyperactive) :: υπερκινητικότητα {f} /yperkinitikótita/, υπερδραστηριότητα {f} /yperdrastiriótita/
hyperbaton {n} (grammar) :: υπερβατό /ypervató/
hyperbola {n} (geometric curve) :: υπερβολή {f} /ypervolí/
hyperbole {n} (rhetorical device) :: υπερβολή {f} /ypervolí/
hypercorrection {n} (nonstandard language use that results from the over-application of a perceived prescriptive rule) :: υπερδιόρθωση {f} /yperdiórthosi/
hypercritical {adj} (overly critical) :: υπερκριτικός {m} /yperkritikós/
hyperglycemia {n} (unusually high concentration of sugar in the blood) :: υπεργλυκαιμία {f} /yperglykaimía/
Hyperion {prop} (a Titan, the son of Gaia and Uranus) :: Υπερίων {m} /Yperíon/
hyperkinetic {adj} (of, relating to, or affected with hyperkinesis or hyperactivity) :: υπερκινητικός /yperkinitikós/
hyperkinetic disorder {n} (developmental disorder) :: υπερκινητικότητα {f} /yperkinitikótita/, υπερκινητική διαταραχή {f} /yperkinitikí diatarachí/
hyperlink {n} (link from one electronic document to another) :: υπερσύνδεσμος {m} /ypersýndesmos/, υπερζεύξη {f} /yperzéfxi/
hyperlink {n} (area on a Web page) :: υπερσύνδεσμος {m} /ypersýndesmos/, υπερζεύξη {f} /yperzéfxi/
hyperlink {v} (to point to another document by a hyperlink) :: υπερσυνδέω /ypersyndéo/
hyperlink {v} (to add a hyperlink to a document) :: υπερσυνδέω /ypersyndéo/
hyperlink {v} (to use a hyperlink to jump to a document) :: υπερσυνδέομαι /ypersyndéomai/
hypermarket {n} (combination of department store and supermarket) :: υπεραγορά {f} /yperagorá/
hypermedia {n} (use of text, data, graphics, audio and video) :: υπερμέσα {n} /ypermésa/
hypermetropia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: farsightedness ::
hypernova {n} (the gravitational collapse of a massive star to form a black hole) :: υπερκαινοφανής {m} /yperkainofanís/
hypernym {n} (superordinate grouping word) :: υπερώνυμο {n} /yperónymo/
hyperonym {n} (hypernym) SEE: hypernym ::
hyperopia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: farsightedness ::
hypersomnia {n} (a state of drowsiness or sleepiness) :: υπερυπνία {f} /yperypnía/
hyperspace {n} (mathematics) :: Ευκλείδειος χώρος {m} /Efkleídeios chóros/
hyperspace {n} (notional space in science fiction) :: υπερδιάστημα {n} /yperdiástima/
hypertension {n} (abnormally high blood pressure) :: υπέρταση {f} /ypértasi/
hypertext {n} (uncountable: text for the Web) :: υπερκείμενο {n} /yperkeímeno/
hypertext {n} (countable: hypertext document) :: υπερκείμενο {n} /yperkeímeno/
Hypertext Markup Language {prop} (language) :: γλώσσα σήμανσης υπερκειμένων {f} /glóssa símansis yperkeiménon/
hypertextual {adj} (of or relating to hypertext) :: υπερκειμενικός /yperkeimenikós/
hyperthermia {n} (medical condition) :: υπερθερμία {f} /yperthermía/
hypertrophic {adj} (pertaining to hypertrophy) :: υπερτροφικός {m} /ypertrofikós/
hypertrophy {n} (an increase in the size of an organ due to swelling of the individual cells) :: υπερτροφία {f} /ypertrofía/
hypertrophy {v} (to increase in size) :: υπερτροφώ /ypertrofó/, αυξάνω /afxáno/
hyphen {n} (symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split) :: ενωτικό {n} /enotikó/
hyphenate {v} (to break a word at the end of a line according to the hyphenation rules) :: ενωτικεύω /enotikévo/
hyphenated {adj} (written with a hyphen) :: ενωτικευμένος /enotikevménos/,
hyphenation {n} (inclusion and location of hyphens) :: ενωτίκευση {f} /enotíkefsi/
Hypnos {prop} (Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep) :: Ύπνος {m} /Ýpnos/
hypnotherapist {n} (practitioner of hypnotherapy) :: υπνοθεραπευτής {m} /ypnotherapeftís/
hypnotic {adj} (inducing sleep; soporific) :: υπνωτικός /ypnotikós/
hypo- {prefix} (Anatomical sense) :: υπο- /ypo-/
hypo- {prefix} (Medical sense) :: υπο- /ypo-/
hypo- {prefix} (Chemical sense) :: υπο- /ypo-/
hypoallergenic {adj} (containing few allergens) :: υποαλλεργικός /ypoallergikós/
hypoallergic {adj} (hypoallergenic) SEE: hypoallergenic ::
hypocentre {n} (focus of an earthquake) :: υπόκεντρο {n} /ypókentro/
hypochondria {n} (psychological disorder) :: υποχονδρία {f} /ypochondría/
hypochondriac {adj} (affected by hypochondria) :: υποχόνδριος /ypochóndrios/
hypochondriac {n} (person affected with hypochondria) :: υποχόνδριος {m} /ypochóndrios/
hypocorism {n} (term of endearment) :: υποκόρισμα /ypokórisma/, ὑποκορισμός /ὑpokorismós/
hypocrisy {n} (claim, pretense, or false representation of holding beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not actually possess) :: υποκρισία {f} /ypokrisía/
hypocrite {n} (person practising hypocrisy) :: υποκριτής {m} /ypokritís/, υποκρίτρια {f} /ypokrítria/, φαρισαίος {m} /farisaíos/, φαρισαία {f} /farisaía/
hypofunction {n} (abnormally low function) :: υπολειτουργώ /ypoleitourgó/
hypoglycemia {n} (low level of blood glucose) :: υπογλυκαιμία {f} /ypoglykaimía/
hypoglycemic {adj} (suffering from hypoglycemia) :: υπογλυκαιμικός /ypoglykaimikós/
hypoglycemic {n} (a sufferer of hypoglycemia) :: υπογλυκαιμικός {m} /ypoglykaimikós/, υπογλυκαιμική {f} /ypoglykaimikí/
hypohydration {n} (dehydration) SEE: dehydration ::
hyponym {n} (more specific word) :: υπώνυμο {n} /ypónymo/
hyponymy {n} :: υπωνυμία {f} /yponymía/
hypospadias {n} (medicine: a birth defect of the male urethra) :: υποσπαδίας {m} /ypospadías/
hypostasis {n} (sedimentary deposit) :: υπόσταση {f} /ypóstasi/
hypostasis {n} (inherent reality or substance) :: υπόσταση {f} /ypóstasi/
hypostyle {adj} (architecture: having a roof supported on a row of columns) :: υπόστυλος /ypóstylos/
hypotension {n} (disease of abnormally low blood pressure) :: υπόταση {f} /ypótasi/
hypotensive {adj} :: υποτασικός {m} /ypotasikós/
hypotenuse {n} (The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle) :: υποτείνουσα {f} /ypoteínousa/
hypothalamus {n} (a region of the brain, below the thalamus) :: υποθάλαμος {m} /ypothálamos/
hypothecation {n} (the use of property as security for a loan) :: υποθήκευση {f} /ypothíkefsi/
hypothermia {n} (medical condition) :: υποθερμία {f} /ypothermía/
hypothesis {n} (tentative conjecture in science) :: υπόθεση {f} /ypóthesi/
hypothetical {adj} (based upon a hypothesis) :: υποθετικός /ypothetikós/
hypothyroidism {n} (disease state) :: υποθυρεοειδισμός {m} /ypothyreoeidismós/
Hypsipyle {prop} (Lemnian queen) :: Υψιπύλη {f} /Ypsipýli/
Hyrcania {prop} (region in south of Caspian Sea) :: Υρκανία {f} /Yrkanía/
hyssop {n} (herb of the genus Hyssopus) :: ύσσωπος {m} /ýssopos/
hysteria {n} (behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion) :: υστερία {f} /ystería/
hysterical {adj} (arising from hysteria) :: υστερικός /ysterikós/
hysterical {adj} (prone to having hysterics) :: υστερικός /ysterikós/