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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-t

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
ta {interj} (thanks) SEE: thanks ::
tab {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
tab {v} (a space character that extends to the next column) :: tabulátor
tabby {n} (cat) :: cirmos
tabernacle {n} (portable tent used before the construction of the temple) :: szent sátor
tabla {n} (an Indian drum) :: tablá
table {n} (item of furniture) :: asztal
table {n} (grid of data in rows and columns) :: táblázat
table {n} (collection of arithmetic calculations) :: táblázat
tablecloth {n} (a cloth used to cover and protect a table, especially for a dining table) :: abrosz, asztalterítő
table football {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball ::
table lamp {n} (lamp designed for tables) :: asztali lámpa
table of contents {n} (organized list summarizing book or document) :: tartalomjegyzék, tartalom
table soccer {n} (foosball) SEE: foosball ::
tablespoon {n} (a large spoon, used for eating food) :: evőkanál
tablespoonful {n} (measure of volume) SEE: tablespoon ::
tablet {n} (pill) SEE: pill ::
tablet {n} (tablet computer) SEE: tablet computer ::
tablet computer {n} (a type of computer) :: táblagép, tablet
table tennis {n} (game similar to tennis) :: asztalitenisz, pingpong
table wine {n} (ordinary wine, which is neither fortified nor sparkling) :: asztali bor
tabloid {n} (A newspaper that favours stories of sensational nature) :: bulvárlap, pletykalap, hecclap
taboo {n} (inhibition or ban) :: tabu
taboret {n} (a low stool) :: zsámoly
taboret {n} (embroidery frame) :: hímzőráma, hímzőkeret
Ta-ch'ing {prop} (Daqing) SEE: Daqing ::
tachometer {n} (device for measuring rpm) :: fordulatszámmérő
tachycardia {n} (rapid resting heart rate) :: tachikardia
tacit {adj} (Done or made in silence; implied, but not expressed; silent) :: hallgatólagos
taciturn {adj} (untalkative, silent) :: hallgatag
taciturnous {adj} (taciturn) SEE: taciturn ::
tack {n} (nautical: distance between these maneuvers) SEE: board ::
tack {v} (nautical: to turn the bow through the wind) :: lavíroz
tack {n} (thumbtack) SEE: thumbtack ::
tackle {n} (sports: attempt to take control over the ball) :: szerelés
tackle {n} (nautical: system of ropes and blocks) SEE: block and tackle ::
tactful {adj} (possessing tact) :: tapintatos, diszkrét, diplomatikus
tactfully {adv} (in a tactful manner) :: tapintatosan
tactless {adj} (without tact) :: tapintatlan
tadpole {n} (toad or frog larva) :: ebihal
taffeta {n} (woven fabric) :: taft
tag {n} (small label) :: címke, cédula
tag {n} (game) :: fogócska
tag {n} (type of graffiti) :: graffitis névjegy
tag {n} (skin tag) SEE: skin tag ::
Tagalog {n} (language) :: tagalog
Tagalog {n} (member of the second largest Filipino ethnic group) :: tagalog
Tagalog {adj} (of or relating to the Tagalogs) :: tagalog
tagatose {n} (ketohexose) :: tagatóz
T'ai-an {prop} (Tai'an) SEE: Tai'an ::
Tai'an {prop} (prefecture-level city in China; village in western China) :: Tajan
Taibei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei ::
T'ai-chou {prop} (Taizhou) SEE: Taizhou ::
taiga {n} (subarctic zone of coniferous forest) :: tajga
taikonaut {n} (Chinese astronaut) :: tajkonauta
tail {n} (appendage of an animal) :: farok
tail {n} (slang for the phallus) :: farok
tailbone {n} (coccyx) SEE: coccyx ::
tailed {adj} (having a tail) :: farkú, farkas, farkos
tailor {n} (person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession) :: szabó
tailor's chalk {n} (chalk-like material used for marking alterations on fabric) :: szabókréta
tailpiece {n} (secures strings on a musical instrument) :: húrtartó
tails {n} (side of coin) :: írás
Taimyr {prop} (large peninsula) :: Tajmír
Tainan {prop} (a city in Taiwan) :: Tajnan
Tʻai-pei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei ::
Taipei {prop} (Taipei) :: Tajpej
Taiwan {prop} (East Asian country) :: Tajvan, Kínai Köztársaság
Taiwan {prop} (East Asian island) :: Tajvan
Taiwanese {adj} (relating to Taiwan) :: tajvani
Taiwanese {n} (person from Taiwan) :: tajvani
Taiwanese {prop} (language) :: tajvani
Taiwan Strait {prop} (the channel of water between mainland China and Taiwan) :: Tajvani-szoros
T'ai-yüan {prop} (Taiyuan) SEE: Taiyuan ::
Taiyuan {prop} (a prefecture-level city in northern China) :: Tajjüan
Taizhou {prop} (city in Zhejiang) :: Tajcsou
Taizhou {prop} (city in Jiangsu) :: Tajcsou
Tajik {n} (person) :: tádzsik
Tajik {prop} (language) :: tádzsik
Tajik {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people or the Tajik language) :: tádzsik
Tajiki {prop} (dialect of Persian) SEE: Tajik ::
Tajikistan {prop} (Republic of Tajikistan) :: Tádzsikisztán
Tajikistani {adj} (person of Tajik origin) SEE: Tajik ::
Tajikistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Tajik language) SEE: Tajik ::
Taj Mahal {prop} (monument in India) :: Tádzs Mahal
taka {n} (national currency of Bangladesh) :: taka
take {v} (to get into one's hands or control) :: vesz, fog, megfog, megragad, kézbe vesz
take {v} (to get into one's possession) :: elvesz
take {v} (to receive or accept) :: átvesz, elfogad
take {v} (to grab and move to oneself) :: vesz, elvesz
take {v} (to gain a position by force) :: megszerez, elfoglal, bevesz, megragad, birtokba vesz, foglyul ejt
take {v} (to carry) :: visz, elvisz, odavisz
take {v} (to choose) :: választ, kiválaszt
take {v} (to support or carry without failing or breaking) :: bír, elbír
take {v} (to endure) :: elvisel, kibír, bír, visel
take {v} (to ingest medicine) :: bevesz, szed
take {v} (to assume or interpret to be) :: vesz, értelmez, feltételez, felfog
take {v} (to consider in a particular way) :: vesz, tekint, néz, gondol, vél, tart, felfog
take {v} (to last or expend [an amount of time]) :: tart, igénybe vesz
take {n} (act of taking) :: megfogás, halászat, kihalászás, kifogás
take {n} (profit) :: bevétel, nyereség
take {n} (interpretation or view) :: nézet, vélemény, értékelés, látásmód, felfogás
take {n} (film: attempt to record a scene) :: felvétel, filmfelvétel
take {n} (catch) :: elkapás, átvétel, labdaátvétel
take a bath {v} (to bathe) SEE: bathe ::
take a bow {v} (to accept applause at the end of a performance) :: meghajol
take a chance {v} (to risk) :: megkockáztat, kockáztat, tesz egy próbát, megpróbálkozik
take a dump {v} (defecate) SEE: defecate ::
take advantage {v} (profit from a situation) :: kihasznál
take advantage {v} (make use of something) :: hasznosít
take advantage of {v} (make use of) :: kihasznál, hasznát veszi
take advantage of {v} (exploit) :: kihasznál
take after {v} (to resemble in appearance or habit) :: hasonlít
take a hint {v} (to understand an indirect suggestion) :: veszi az adást
take a look {v} (to examine or observe) :: megnéz
take apart {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
take a stand {v} (assert a position) :: állást foglal
take away {v} (to take away) SEE: remove ::
takeaway {n} (restaurant selling food to be eaten elsewhere) :: elvitelre árusító étterem
takeaway {n} (meal bought to be eaten elsewhere) :: elvitelre árult étel
takeaway {n} (an idea from a talk, presentation, etc., that the listener or reader should remember and consider) :: tanulság, kulcsgondolat, gondolat, lényeg
take back {v} (take back) SEE: withdraw ::
take back {v} (retract an earlier statement) :: visszavon
take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves {proverb} (if you take care of little things one at a time, they can add up to big things) :: sok kicsi sokra megy
take courage {v} (take courage) SEE: take heart ::
take down {v} (remove something from a wall or similar vertical surface to which it is fixed) :: levesz
take down {v} (remove something from a hanging position) :: levesz
take down {v} (write a note, usually recording something that is said) :: leír, lejegyez
take down {v} (remove a temporary structure such as scaffolding) :: lebont
take down {v} (lower an item of clothing without removing it) :: lejjebb enged
take effect {v} (to become active; to become effective) :: hat
take flight {v} (to become airborne) :: szárnyra kap
take for granted {v} (assume something to be true without verification or proof) :: készpénznek vesz
take for granted {v} (give little attention to or to underestimate the value of) :: természetesnek vesz, magától értetődőnek érez
take French leave {v} (take French leave) :: angolosan távozik
take heart {v} (to be courageous) :: felbátorodik
take-home {n} (take-home pay) SEE: take-home pay ::
take-home pay {n} (net earnings of a wage earner) :: nettó bér
take into account {v} :: számításba vesz, számol vele, figyelembe vesz
take into consideration {v} :: tekintetbe vesz, figyelembe vesz
take it away {v} (to begin) :: a húrok közé csap
take it into one's head {v} (to be seized with a sudden (often ill-advised) notion) :: fejébe vesz
take it or leave it {phrase} (accept the situation without change) :: eszi, nem eszi, nem kap mást
take no notice of {v} (to ignore) :: figyelmen kívül hagy, rá se hederít
take note {v} (to pay attention) :: tudomásul vesz, figyelembe vesz, észben tart, megjegyez, figyel, odafigyel, ügyel
take notes {v} (make a record of what one hears or observes) :: jegyzetel
take off {v} (to remove) :: levesz, levet
take off {v} (to begin flight) :: felszáll
take off {v} (to imitate) SEE: imitate ::
take off {v} (to quantify) SEE: quantify ::
takeoff {n} (start of flight) :: felszállás
take on {v} (To obtain the services of (a person) in exchange for remuneration; to give someone a job) SEE: employ ::
take one's own life {v} (commit suicide) SEE: commit suicide ::
take out {v} (to remove) :: kivesz, kivisz, kihúz, [by presenting it] elővesz, előhúz, [garbage] levisz/kivisz
take out {v} (to escort someone on a date) :: elvisz, visz [specifying the destination]
take out {v} (slang: to kill or destroy) :: kinyír, likvidál, kiiktat, elpusztít, megsemmisít
take out {v} (to pay money for an official service) :: [insurance] köt, megköt, [loan, mortgage] felvesz
take out of context {v} (to report out of context) :: szövegösszefüggésből kiragad
take pity {v} (to show compassion towards) :: megszán, megkönyörül
take place {v} (to happen) :: sor kerül rá
take responsibility {v} (to blame oneself for something; to acknowledge a fault) :: felelősséget vállal, vállalja a felelősséget
take the lead {v} (to advance into first place) :: vezet
take the lead {v} (to assume leadership over a group) :: elöl jár, élen jár
take the wrong way {v} (to misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand ::
take to one's bed {v} (to become bedbound due to sickness or infirmity) :: ágynak esik
take to task {v} (hold sb. accountable) SEE: hold to account ::
take umbrage {v} (to take offense) :: megütközik
take umbrage {v} (to become angry and resentful) :: megütközik
take up {v} (to pick up) :: felvesz
take up {v} (to begin doing (an activity) on a regular basis) :: elkezd, belekezd, hozzákezd, nekilát, nekifog, hozzáfog
take up {v} (to address (an issue)) :: megbeszél, egyeztet, felvet, szóba hoz
take up {v} (to occupy, to consume (space or time)) :: foglal, elfoglal, leköt, kitölt
take up {v} (to shorten by hemming) :: bevesz
take up {v} (to accept (a proposal, offer, request, etc.) from) :: elfogad
take up {v} (to resume) :: folytat
talc {n} (soft mineral) :: zsírkő
talc {n} (talcum powder) SEE: talcum powder ::
talcum powder {n} (perfumed talc) :: hintőpor
tale {n} (type of story) :: mese, történet, elbeszélés
talent {n} (unit of weight and money) :: talentum
talent {n} (marked ability or skill) :: tehetség
talent {n} (talented person) :: tehetség
talented {adj} (endowed with talents) :: tehetséges
Taliban {n} (member of the Taliban movement or its militia) :: tálib
Ta-lien {prop} (Dalian) SEE: Dalian ::
talisman {n} (magical protective charms) :: kabala, talizmán
talk {v} (to communicate by speech) :: beszél, beszélget
talk {n} (conversation) :: beszéd, beszélgetés
talk {v} ((transitive) to discuss) SEE: discuss ::
talk around {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade ::
talkative {adj} (tending to talk or speak freely or often) :: beszédes, bőbeszédű
talkative {adj} (speaking openly and honestly, neglecting privacy and consequences) :: fecsegő
talkie {n} (movie with sound) :: hangosfilm
talking book {n} (audiobook) SEE: audiobook ::
talking-to {n} (rebuke, reprimand) :: fejmosás, szidás, dorgálás, feddés
talk out {v} (to resolve a problem by talking about it) :: kibeszél
talk out of turn {v} (speak when not allowed to) :: [interrupt] belebeszél, beleszól, közbeszól; [gab] fecseg, [colloquial] eljár a szája
talk over {v} (discuss) SEE: discuss ::
talk over {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade ::
talk page {n} (place on wikis where discussion of a page takes place) :: vitalap
talk shop {v} (discuss one's work) :: szakmázik, szakmai dolgokról beszélget, munkahelyi ügyekről beszélget
talk show {n} (TV or radio programme in which a host converses with guests) :: talkshow
tall {adj} (of a person) :: magas
tall {adj} (of a building) :: magas
Tallinn {prop} (Capital of Estonia) :: Tallinn
tallow {n} (hard animal fat obtained) :: faggyú
Talmud {prop} (collection of Jewish writings) :: Talmud
talon {n} (remaining stock of undealt cards) SEE: stock ::
talon {n} (hooked claw) :: karom
talus {n} (anklebone) SEE: anklebone ::
tambour {n} (drum) SEE: drum ::
tambourine {n} (percussion instrument) :: csörgődob, tambura
tambura {n} (stringed instrument) :: tambura
tame {adj} (not wild) :: szelíd
tamer {n} (one who tames or subdues) :: szelídítő
Tamil {adj} (of or pertaining to the Tamil people, culture, or language) :: tamil
Tamil {n} (person) :: tamil
Tamil {n} (language) :: tamil
Tamilian {n} (a person of Tamil ethnicity) SEE: Tamil ::
Tamil Nadu {prop} (state in southern India) :: Tamilnádu
tan {n} (colour) :: sárgásbarna
tan {n} (darkening of skin) :: lebarnulás, lesülés, napbarnítottság
tan {n} (bark of tree) :: cser
tan {adj} (colour) :: sárgásbarna
tan {adj} (dark skin) :: barna, lebarnult, bronzszínű
tan {v} (to become tan due to exposure to sun) :: lebarnul, lesül
tan {v} (to turn animal hide into leather) :: cserez
Tanakh {prop} (body of Jewish scripture) :: Tanakh
tandem {n} (bicycle) :: tandem
tang {n} (tongue) SEE: tongue ::
Tanganyika {prop} (lake) :: Tanganyika-tó
Tanganyika {prop} (territory, former country) :: Tanganyika
tangent {n} (in geometry) :: érintő
tangent {n} (in trigonometry) :: tangens
tangent plane {n} (differential geometry) :: érintő sík
tangerine {n} (fruit) :: mandarin
tangible {adj} (touchable, palpable) :: tapintható
tangible {adj} (possible to be treated as fact) :: kézzelfogható, tárgyi, materiális
tangle {n} (tangled twisted mass) :: gubanc
tango {n} (ballroom dance) :: tangó
T'ang-shan {prop} (Tangshan) SEE: Tangshan ::
Tangshan {prop} (prefecture-level city in northern China) :: Tangsan
tank {n} (armoured fighting vehicle) :: harckocsi, tank
tank {n} (reservoir or dam) SEE: reservoir ::
tankard {n} (drinking vessel) :: kupa
tanked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
tanker {n} (member of a tank crew) :: páncélos
tank top {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet ::
tank trap {n} (anything placed to impede the movement of tanks) :: tankcsapda
tanner {n} (person whose occupation is to tan) :: tímár
tannery {n} (place where people tan hides to make leather) :: cserzőműhely
tannin {n} (tannic acid) :: csersav
tansy {n} (plant of the genus Tanacetum) :: varádics
tantalum {n} (A metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 73.) :: tantál
tantrum {n} (often childish display of bad temper) :: hiszti, hisztéria, dühkitörés, cirkusz, rapli
Tanzania {prop} (United Republic of Tanzania) :: Tanzánia
Tanzanian {n} (a person from Tanzania or of Tanzanian descent) :: tanzániai
Tanzanian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tanzania and its people) :: tanzániai
Tao {prop} :: tao
Taoism {n} (Chinese philosophy founded by Lao-tzu) :: taoizmus
tap {n} (spigot) :: csap, csapszeg, pecek
tap {n} (device to dispense liquid) :: csap, vízcsap, csaptelep
tap {v} (to operate an electronic device by tapping its touch screen) :: koppint
tape {n} (video or audiocassette tape) :: szalag
tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
tape measure {n} (graduated ribbon for length measurement) :: mérőszalag, centiméter [colloquial], centi [colloquial]
taper {n} (slender wax candle) :: vékony gyertya
taper {v} (to become thinner or narrower at one end) :: vékonyodik, elvékonyodik, keskenyedik, szűkül, csúcsosodik
taper {v} (to diminish gradually) :: fogyatkozik, csökken, halványul, elhalványul
tape recorder {n} (an electromechanical device use to record and play back sound) :: magnetofon, magnó
taper off {v} (diminish or lessen gradually; to become smaller, slower, quieter, etc.) :: alábbhagy, ritkul, gyérül, szelídül, enyhül, mérséklődik, elcsendesül, elül, fogyatkozik, apad, csillapodik
tapioca {n} (starchy food from cassava) :: tápióka
tapir {n} (large odd-toed ungulate with a long prehensile upper lip of the family Tapiridae) :: tapír
tap water {n} (water from a tap) :: sima víz, csapvíz
tar {n} (substance) :: kátrány
tarantass {n} (a low horse-drawn carriage without springs used in Russia) :: tarantász
Tarantian {prop} :: Boreális
Tarantino {n} (dialect of Neapolitan) :: tarantói
Tarantino {n} (native or inhabitant of Taranto) :: tarantói
tarantism {n} (an extreme urge to dance thought to have been caused by the bite of a tarantula) :: tarantizmus
Taranto {prop} (city and province) :: Tarantó
tardigrade {n} (water bear) SEE: water bear ::
target {n} (butt or mark to shoot at) :: céltábla, célpont
target {n} (goal or objective) :: cél
target {n} (kind of small shield) :: pajzs
target {v} (to aim something (especially a weapon) at a target) :: céloz, célba vesz, fókuszál
target audience {n} (group of people) :: célközönség
target group {n} (group of people) :: célcsoport
target language {n} (language into which a translation is done) :: célnyelv
tariff {n} (duties imposed) :: tarifa, vám
tariff {n} (a schedule of rates, fees or prices) :: díjszabás, tarifacsomag
tarn {n} (small mountain lake) :: tengerszem
tarp {n} (tarpaulin) :: vízhatlan ponyva
tarp {v} (tarpaulin) :: vízhatlan ponyva
tarpan {n} (Equus ferus ferus) :: tarpán
tarpaper {n} (heavy paper coated with tar) :: kátránypapír
tarragon {n} (perennial herb Artemisia dracunculus) :: tárkony
tarragon {n} (the leaves of Artemisia dracunculus) :: tárkony
tarsal {n} (bone) :: lábtőcsont
tarsal bone {n} (tarsal) SEE: tarsal ::
tarsier {n} (insectivorous primate) :: koboldmaki
tarsus {n} (the part of the foot between the tibia and fibula and the metatarsus) :: lábtő
tart {adj} (with sharp taste, sour) :: fanyar
tartar {n} (hard yellow deposit on the teeth) SEE: dental calculus ::
tartaric acid {n} :: borkősav
Tartu {prop} (second-largest city in Estonia) :: Tartu
Tash {prop} (Nyírtass) :: Nyírtass
Tashkent {prop} (capital of Uzbekistan) :: Taskent
task {n} (piece of work done as part of one’s duties) :: feladat
Tasmania {prop} (Australian state) :: Tasmania
Tasmania {prop} (island comprising majority of state) :: Tasmania
Tasmanian devil {n} (Sarcophilus harrisii) :: erszényes ördög, tasman ördög
Tasman Sea {prop} (part of the Pacific Ocean) :: Tasman-tenger
Tass {prop} (Tass, Bács-Kiskun) :: Tass
taste {n} (one of the sensations produced by the tongue) :: íz
taste {n} (the sense that consists in the perception and interpretation of this sensation) :: ízlelés, ízérzékelés, ízérzék, ízlelőképesség
taste {n} (implicit set of preferences) :: ízlés
taste {n} (personal preference; liking; predilection) :: ízlés, tetszés, kedv
taste {n} ((figuratively) a small amount of experience) :: ízelítő, kóstoló
taste {v} (to sample the flavor of something) :: ízlel, kóstol, megízlel, megkóstol
taste {v} (to have a taste) :: íze van , ízű
taste {v} (to experience) :: ízlel, megízlel
tastebud {n} (a small organ on the tongue used for tasting) :: ízlelőszemölcs, ízlelőbimbó
tasteful {adj} (exhibiting good taste) :: ízléses
tasteless {adj} (having no flavour) :: ízetlen, íztelen
tasteless {adj} (lacking refinement) :: ízléstelen
taste of one's own medicine {n} :: egye meg, amit főzött (let him/her eat, what he/she has cooked)
taster {n} (Person who tastes wine etc.) :: kóstoló
tasting {n} (taking of a small amount of food or drink in order to taste it) :: kóstolás
tasty {adj} (having a pleasant or satisfying flavor) SEE: delicious ::
tasty {adj} (having or showing good taste) :: ízléses
tat {v} (slang: tattoo) SEE: tattoo ::
Tatar {n} (person) :: tatár
Tatiana {prop} (female given name) :: Tatjána
Tatra {prop} (mountain range on the border of Poland and Slovakia) :: Tátra
tatt {n} (tattoo) SEE: tattoo ::
tattle {v} (to report incriminating information or wrongdoing) :: megmond [childish], árulkodik
tattoo {n} (an image made in the skin with ink and a needle) :: tetoválás, tetkó
tattoo {v} (to apply a tattoo) :: tetovál
tau {n} (Greek letter) :: tau
taunt {v} (to make fun of (someone); to goad into responding) :: kigúnyol
taunt {n} (a scornful or mocking remark) :: gúnyolódás, beszólás
taupe {n} (a dark brownish-gray colour) :: tób, tóp
taurine {n} (amino-sulfonic acid) :: taurin
Taurus {prop} (constellation) :: Bika (csillagkép)
Taurus {prop} (astrological sign) :: Bika
taut {adj} (under tension) :: feszes
taut {adj} (experiencing anxiety or stress) :: feszült
tautology {n} (expression that features tautology) :: tautológia
tautology {n} (in logic) :: tautológia
tautomerization {n} (isomerization between tautomers) :: tautomerizáció
tavern {n} (bar) :: csárda, kocsma
tawny {adj} (of a light brown to brownish orange colour) :: világosbarna
tawny {n} (A light brown to brownish orange colour) :: világosbarna
tawny owl {n} (Strix aluco) :: macskabagoly
tax {n} (money paid to government) :: adó
tax {v} (to impose and collect a tax) :: megadóztat
taxation {n} (act of imposing taxes and the fact of being taxed) :: adózás, adóztatás, megadóztatás
taxation {n} (particular system of taxing people or companies) :: adórendszer
taxation {n} (revenue gained from taxes) SEE: tax revenue ::
tax authority {n} (government organization responsible for tax collection) :: adóhatóság
tax collector {n} (one who has the responsibility for collecting taxes) :: adószedő
tax evasion {n} (illegal avoidance of tax) :: adócsalás, adóelkerülés, adóeltitkolás, adókijátszás
tax-exempt {adj} (exempted from paying tax) :: adómentes, illetékmentes
tax haven {n} (country that levies low taxes on foreign businesses) :: adóparadicsom
taxi {n} (vehicle) :: taxi
taxi {v} (move an aircraft) :: gurul
taxidermy {n} (art of stuffing dead animals) :: taxidermia
taxi driver {n} (person who drives a taxicab) :: taxisofőr
taximeter {n} (device in a taxicab that calculates the fare) :: taxaméter
tax office {n} (government-established place offering advice on tax affairs) :: adóhivatal
taxonomy {n} (science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms) :: rendszertan, taxonómia
taxonomy {n} (classification in a hierarchical system) :: osztályozás
taxpayer {n} (person who pays tax) :: adófizető
tax rate {n} (rate at which something is taxed) :: adókulcs
tax reduction {n} (reduction of tax rate) :: adócsökkentés
tax return {n} (declaration of income to the tax authority) :: adóbevallás
tax revenue {n} (total revenue from taxes) :: adóbevétel
tax stamp {n} (revenue stamp) SEE: revenue stamp ::
Taylor {prop} (surname associated with "tailor") :: Szabó
Taylor series {n} (power series of a function calculated from derivatives at a reference point) :: Taylor-sor
Tay-Sachs disease {n} (rare genetic disorder in which gangliosides accumulate in the brain's nerve cells) :: Tay–Sachs-betegség
Tbilisi {prop} (the capital city of Georgia (the country)) :: Tbiliszi
tbsp {n} (abbreviation for tablespoon) :: ek.
T cell {n} (lymphocyte that can recognise specific antigens and can activate or deactivate other immune cells) :: T-sejt, T-limfocita, T-lymphocyta
Tchaikovsky {prop} (surname) :: Csajkovszkij
tea {n} (main evening meal) SEE: dinner ::
tea {n} (dried leaves of tea plant) :: tealevél
tea {n} (drink made from leaves of tea plant) :: tea
tea {n} (cup of this drink) :: csésze tea
tea {n} (drink made from other plants) :: tea
tea {n} (light afternoon meal) :: tea, uzsonna
teabag {n} (sachet of tea) :: teafilter
tea ceremony {n} (detailed ritual in Japan or Asia for preparing, serving and drinking tea) :: teaszertartás
teach {v} (to pass on knowledge) :: tanít, megtanít [transitive], oktat
teach {v} (to pass on one's knowledge as one's profession) :: tanít
teacher {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger ::
teacher {n} (person who teaches) :: tanár, tanító, oktató, pedagógus
teacher {n} (a female person who teaches) :: tanárnő, tanítónő
teacher's aide {n} (teaching assistant) SEE: teaching assistant ::
teacher's desk {n} (pulpit) SEE: pulpit ::
teacher's desk {n} (rostrum) SEE: rostrum ::
teacher's desk {n} (teacher's desk, see also: desk) :: katedra, pulpitus [dated], tanári asztal
teaching {n} (the profession of teaching) :: tanítás, oktatás
teaching assistant {n} (individual who assists a teacher) :: gyakornok
teach someone a lesson {v} (punish (informal)) :: megleckéztet
teahouse {n} (a cafe that sells tea) :: teaház
teak {n} (timber) :: tíkfa
teak {n} (tree) :: tíkfa
teakettle {n} (a vessel for boiling water for tea) :: teáskanna
teal {n} (duck) :: réce
teal {n} (colour) :: kékeszöld
tea leaf {n} (leaf of the tea plant) :: tealevél
tea leaf {n} (thief) SEE: thief ::
team {n} (group of people) :: csapat, csoport
teammate {n} (one who is on the same team) :: csapattárs
team sport {n} (sport competed between two teams each with two or more players) :: csapatsport
tea party {n} (semi-formal social gathering) :: uzsonna
teapot {n} (vessel for tea) :: teáskanna
tear {v} (rend) :: tép, szakít
tear {v} (remove by tearing) :: letép, leszakít
tear {v} (to demolish; to tear down) :: lebont, lerombol
tear {v} (become torn) :: szakad, elszakad
tear {v} (move at excessive speed) :: száguld, repeszt
tear {n} (hole or break caused by tearing) :: szakadás
tear {n} (drop of clear salty liquid from the eyes) :: könny
tear {v} (to produce tears) :: könnyezik
teardrop {n} (single tear) :: könnycsepp
tear duct {n} (tear duct) :: orr-könnyvezeték
tearful {adj} (accompanied by tears) :: könnyes
tearful {adj} (sorrowful) :: szomorú
tear gas {n} (chemical compound) :: könnygáz
tearoom {n} (teahouse) SEE: teahouse ::
tear up {v} (To damage) SEE: damage ::
tease {v} (to poke fun at) :: ugrat
tease {v} (to provoke or disturb) :: bosszant
tea shop {n} (a shop where tea or coffee is served) SEE: teahouse ::
teaspoonful {n} (unit of capacity) :: kávéskanálnyi
teat {n} (projection of mammary gland) :: mellbimbó
tea towel {n} (cloth for drying dishes and glassware) SEE: dishcloth ::
technetium {n} (chemical element) :: technécium
technical {adj} (pertaining to the useful or mechanic arts) :: műszaki
technically {adv} (based on precise facts) :: szigorúan véve
technically {adv} (having certain skills) :: szakmailag
technical support {n} (services providing assistance with technology) :: technikai segítségnyújtás, technikai támogatás
technical term {n} (word that has a specific meaning within a specific field of expertise) :: szakkifejezés, műkifejezés
technician {n} (occupation) :: műszerész, technikus, laboráns, (mechnanic in general) szerelő
technique {n} (practical aspects of a given art) :: technika
techno {n} (style of music) :: techno
technology {n} (the study of or a collection of techniques) :: technológia, technika
tectonic {adj} ((geology) relating to large-scale movements) :: tektonikus
tectonic plate {n} (large piece of Earth's lithosphere) :: kőzetlemez
teddy bear {n} (a stuffed toy bear) :: maci, mackó
Teddy boy {n} (form of male youth culture) :: jampec
tedious {adj} (boring, monotonous) :: unalmas, fárasztó
teen {adj} (teenager) SEE: teenager ::
-teen {suffix} (to form numbers 13 - 19) :: tizen- [11 to 19]
teenager {n} (person aged between thirteen and nineteen) :: serdülő, tini, tinédzser, tizenéves, kamasz
teeny-weeny {adj} (very small) :: icipici, icike-picike
teetan {n} (pipit) SEE: pipit ::
teething troubles {n} (problems that are expected with any new and untried product, venture, etc.) :: kezdeti nehézségek {p}, gyermekbetegség
teetotaler {n} (person who completely abstains from alcohol) :: antialkoholista
teetotaller {n} (person who completely abstains from alcohol) :: antialkoholista
Teheran {prop} (Tehran) SEE: Tehran ::
Tehran {prop} (capital of Iran) :: Teherán
tečka {n} (tečka diacritic) SEE: dot ::
Telangana {prop} (A state of India) :: Telangána
Tel Aviv {prop} (city in Israel) :: Tel Aviv
telecommuting {n} (practice of using telecommunications technology to work from a remote location) :: távmunka
telegram {v} (telegraph) SEE: telegraph ::
telegram {n} (message sent by telegraph) :: távirat
telegraph {n} (apparatus, or a process, for communicating) :: távíró
telegrapher {n} (a telegraph operator) :: távírász
telegraph stamp {n} (stamp intended solely for the prepayment of telegraph fees) :: távírdabélyeg
telemedicine {n} (transfer of medical information via telecommunication technologies) :: telemedicina
telepath {n} (person with telepathic ability) :: gondolatolvasó
telepathy {n} (communication by psychic means) :: telepátia, gondolatátvitel, gondolatolvasás
telephone {n} (a device used for two-way talking with other people) :: telefon
telephone {v} (to call someone) :: telefonál
telephone {n} (Chinese whispers) SEE: Chinese whispers ::
telephone book {n} (telephone directory) SEE: telephone directory ::
telephone booth {n} (a small enclosure housing a public telephone) :: telefonfülke
telephone box {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth ::
telephone card {n} (phonecard) SEE: phonecard ::
telephone directory {n} (a listing of telephone subscribers) :: telefonkönyv
telephone girl {n} (female telephone operator) :: telefonoskisasszony
telephone kiosk {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth ::
telephone line {n} (infrastructure which allows a single telephone to be connected to a network) :: telefonvonal
telephone number {n} (digits assigned to a telephone) :: telefonszám
telephone operator {n} (a person who operates a telephone switchboard) :: telefonközpontos, központos
telephone operator {n} (a person who provides assistance in establishing a connection, or who provides information or takes messages via the telephone) :: telefonkezelő, telefonos, telefonoskisasszony
telephoto lens {n} (telephoto lens) :: teleobjektív
teleportation {n} (process of moving matter from one point to another) :: teleportáció , teleportálás
teleprompter {n} (device that displays scrolling text) :: súgógép
telescope {n} (optical instrument that magnifies) :: teleszkóp, távcső
Telesphoros {prop} (Son of Asclepius) :: Teleszphorosz {m}, Teleszforosz {m}
televangelist {n} (televangelist) :: televíziós hittérítő, televíziós hitszónok
television {n} (medium) :: televízió
television {n} (device for receiving television signals) :: tévékészülék
television channel {n} (a specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television) :: televízió csatorna
television program {n} (the content of an individual television broadcasting) :: tévéműsor, műsor, [as broadcast] tévéadás
television series {n} (series) SEE: series ::
television set {n} (television) SEE: television ::
telework {n} (telecommuting) SEE: telecommuting ::
tell {v} (to pass information) :: elmond
tell {v} (to say) :: mond
tell {v} (to instruct) :: megmond
tell {v} (to discern, notice, identify or distinguish) :: megmond
tell {v} (narrate) SEE: narrate ::
teller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
tell it to Sweeney {phrase} (expression of disbelief) SEE: tell it to the marines ::
tell it to the marines {phrase} (expression of disbelief) :: hiszi a piszi
tell me about it {phrase} (used to express agreement and sympathy with previous speaker's statement) :: ne is mondd
tell on {v} (to tell someone that someone else has done something wrong) :: beárul, árulkodik
Tellurian {n} (inhabitant of the earth) SEE: Earthling ::
tellurium {n} (chemical element) :: tellúr
telly {n} (television (medium), see also: television) :: tévé
telophase {n} (final stage of mitosis or meiosis) :: telofázis
Telugu {prop} (Dravidian language of India) :: telugu
Telychian {prop} :: Telychi
temblor {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake ::
temperance {n} (state with regard to heat or cold) SEE: temperature ::
temperance {n} (Tarot card) :: megfontoltság
temperate {adj} (moderate; not excessive heat, climate) :: mérsékelt
temperate {adj} (not marked with passion) :: higgadt
temperate {adj} (moderate in the indulgence of the natural appetites or passions) :: mértéktartó
temperate zone {n} (region between the tropics and the polar region) :: mérsékelt égöv
temperature {n} (a measure of cold or heat) :: hőmérséklet
temperature {n} (elevated body temperature) :: láz
temper tantrum {n} (fit of bad temper) SEE: tantrum ::
tempest {n} (storm) :: vihar
tempest in a teapot {n} (big fuss made in a small context) :: vihar egy pohár vízben [storm in a glass of water]
Templar {n} (one of the Knights Templar) :: templomos, templárius
template {n} (physical object) :: sablon
temple {n} (place of worship, see also: church; mosque; synagogue) :: szentély, templom
temple {n} (place holding a religious presence) :: szentély, templom
temple {n} (something of importance) :: templom, szentély
temple {n} (region of skull) :: halánték
Temple {prop} (the chief temple to YHWH in Jerusalem) :: templom
Temple in Jerusalem {prop} (Temple in Jerusalem) :: jeruzsálemi templom
temporal bone {n} (either of two compound bones at the sides of the skull) :: halántékcsont
temporal lobe {n} (division of cerebrum) :: halántéklebeny
temporarily {adv} (for a limited period of time) :: ideiglenesen, átmenetileg
temporarily {adv} :: nem véglegesen
temporary {adj} (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant) :: ideiglenes, átmeneti
temporary tooth {n} (milk tooth) SEE: milk tooth ::
temporize {v} (to deliberately act evasively or prolong a discussion) :: időt húz, húzza az időt
temporomandibular joint {n} (the joint on either side of the human head where the jaw (mandible) meets the skull (at the temporal bone)) :: állkapocsízület
tempt {v} (to provoke someone to do wrong) :: kísért, megkísért
tempt {v} (to attract, allure) :: csábít, csalogat
tempt {v} (to provoke) :: kísért, kihív
temptation {n} (act of tempting) :: kísértés
temptation {n} (condition of being tempted) :: kísértés
tempus fugit {proverb} (time flies) SEE: time flies ::
ten {n} :: tíz
ten {num} (the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11) :: tíz
tenant {n} (one who pays a fee in return for the use of land, etc.) :: bérlő, [in the Middle Ages, serf or villein] jobbágy
tenant {n} (one who has possession of any place; a dweller; an occupant) :: lakó
tenant {n} (law: one who holds property) :: tulajdonos
tench {n} (species of freshwater game fish) :: compó
Ten Commandments {prop} (religious ten commandments) :: tízparancsolat
tend {v} (to be probable or likely) :: szokott
tend {v} (to look after) :: ápol, gondoz
tendency {n} (likelihood of behaving in a particular way) :: irány
tenderize {v} (make tender) :: [make softer in general] puhít, [with a mallet] klopfol, kiklopfol
tenderizer {n} (a form of mallet used to beat meat before cooking) :: húsklopfoló
tenderloin {n} (tenderest part of a loin of meat) :: bélszín, vesepecsenye
tendon {n} (tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment) :: ín, ínszalag
tendril {n} (thin, spirally coiling stem) :: inda
tenebrous {adj} (dark and gloomy) :: komor
tenement {n} (a building that is rented to multiple tenants, especially a low-rent, run-down one) :: bérház
tenement {n} (any form of property that is held by one person from another, rather than being owned) :: bérlet, bérlemény
tenet {n} (an opinion, belief or principle) :: elv, nézet
tenfold {adj} (containing ten parts) :: tízrészes, tízes
tenfold {adj} (ten times as much) :: tízszeres, tízszer akkora/annyi
tenfold {adv} (by ten times as much) :: tízszeresen, tízszeresére
tenfold {v} (increase to ten times as much) :: [transitively] megtízszerez, [intransitively] megtízszereződik, tízszeresére
ten million {num} (10,000,000) :: tízmillió
tenner {n} (note worth ten basic units of currency) :: tízes
tennessine {n} (chemical element with atomic number 117) :: tenesszium
tennis {n} (sport played by two or four players with strung racquets) :: tenisz
tennis court {n} (surface on which tennis is played) :: teniszpálya
tennis elbow {n} (inflammation) :: teniszkönyök
tennis player {n} (a person who plays tennis) :: teniszező, teniszjátékos
tennis racket {n} (tennis bat) :: teniszütő
tennis shoe {n} (regional: sneaker) :: teniszcipő
tenor {n} (musical range) :: tenor
tenor {n} (musical performer) :: tenor
tenor {n} (tone) :: tónus
tenor {adj} (of or pertaining to the tenor part or range) :: tenor
tense {n} (verb forms distinguishing time) :: igeidő
tense {adj} (showing stress or strain) :: feszült
tension {n} (psychological state) :: feszültség
tent {n} (portable lodge) :: sátor
tenth {adj} (ordinal form of ten, see also: 10th) :: tizedik
tenth {n} (something in the tenth position) :: tizedik
tenth {n} (a tenth; one of ten equal parts of a whole) :: tized
tenth {n} (the interval between any tone and the tone represented on the tenth degree of the staff above it) :: decima
tenth grade {n} :: tizedik osztály
ten thousand {num} (10,000) :: tízezer
Tepelenë {prop} (town) :: Tepelena
tepid {adj} (lukewarm) :: langyos
tepid {adj} (uninterested) :: langyos, lagymatag
terabyte {n} (1,000,000,000,000 bytes) :: terabyte
terbium {n} (chemical element) :: terbium
terephthalic acid {n} (benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid) :: tereftálsav
term {n} (limitation, restriction or regulation) :: feltétel
term {n} (word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge) :: szakkifejezés
term {n} (relations among people) :: viszony
term {n} (part of a year) :: félév, negyedév
termes {n} (a termite) SEE: termite ::
terminal cisterna {n} (area of the sarcoplasmic reticulum of striated muscle cells) :: terminális ciszterna
termination {n} (the process of terminating or the state of being terminated) :: befejezés, megszüntetés, megszakítás, lezárás, felbontás, befejeződés, felmondás
termination {n} (the process of firing an employee) :: elbocsátás, felmondás
termination {n} (the last part (or morpheme) of a word, see also: suffix) :: végződés, toldalék
termination {n} (An induced abortion) :: terhességmegszakítás, abortusz
terminative {n} (terminative case) :: terminativus, határeset
terminator {n} (an AI machine in science fiction) :: terminátor
terminology {n} (the doctrine of terms; a theory of terms or appellations; a treatise on terms, a system of specialized terms) :: terminológia
terminology {n} (terms used in any business, art, etc) :: szaknyelv, szakkifejezések {p}
terminus {n} (end point of a transport system) :: végállomás
termite {n} (insect) :: termesz
term of art {n} (term specific to a particular field) SEE: technical term ::
term of endearment {n} (word, phrase, or nickname expressing affection) :: becenév, becézés [in general], becéző szavak {p} [in general]
terpene {n} :: terpén
Terpsichore {prop} (Greek mythology: one of the nine muses) :: Terpszikhoré
Terra {prop} (the Planet Earth) SEE: Earth ::
terrace {n} (platform that extends outwards from a building) :: terasz
terracotta {n} (hard red-brown earthenware) :: cserép, cserépedény, terrakotta
terracotta {n} (colour) :: terrakotta
terracotta {adj} (colour) :: terrakotta
Terracotta Army {prop} (the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of the First Emperor of China) :: agyaghadsereg
Terracotta Warriors {prop} (Terracotta Army) SEE: Terracotta Army ::
terraforming {n} (planetary engineering) :: terraformálás
terrain {n} (area) :: terep
Terran {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling ::
terrestrial {adj} (living or growing on land; not aquatic) :: szárazföldi
Terrestrial {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling ::
terrible {adv} (dreadful; causing alarm or fear) :: borzasztó, rettenetes, szörnyű, borzalmas, rettentő
terrible {adv} (unpleasant) :: szörnyű, borzalmas, borzasztó
terrible {adv} (very bad) :: rémes, borzalmas, szörnyű
terrific {adj} (great or intense) :: hatalmas
terrific {adj} (extremely good) :: fantasztikus
territory {n} (large tract of land) :: terület
terror {n} (extreme fear) :: rettegés, rémület, borzalom
terror {n} (action or quality of causing dread) :: rettenet, borzalom, terror
terror {n} (something causing fear) :: rém
terror {n} (terrorism) :: terror
terrorism {n} (use of terror as a means of coercion) :: terrorizmus
terrorist {n} (person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle) :: terrorista
terrorist {adj} (of or relating to terrorism) :: terrorista
terse {adj} (brief, concise, to the point, see also: brief; concise) :: tömör
tertiary {adj} (of third rank or order) :: tercier
terza rima {n} (arrangement of triplets rhyming aba bcb cdc) :: tercina
tesla {n} (Unit of measurement of magnetic flux density) :: tesla
test {n} (challenge, trial) :: próba
test {n} (academics: examination) :: vizsga
test {n} (product examination) :: teszt, vizsgálat
test {v} (to challenge) :: kihív
test {v} (to administer an examination during the academic term) :: vizsgázik, vizsgáztat
test {v} (to place a product or piece of equipment under everyday and/or extreme conditions) :: tesztel, vizsgál
testament {n} (document containing a person's will) :: végrendelet, testamentum
testament {n} (part of the Bible) :: testamentum
testament {n} (credo) SEE: credo ::
test case {n} (a legal action intended to set a precedent) :: próbaper
test case {n} (set of conditions and variables used to test an application) :: teszteset
testicle {n} (male sex gland) :: here
testify {v} (to make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath) :: tanúvallomást tesz, tanúskodik, vall
testify {v} (to make a statement based on personal knowledge or faith) :: tanúsít, tanúskodik, tanúságot tesz
testimonial {n} (statement given under oath) SEE: testimony ::
testimony {n} (statement in court) :: tanúvallomás, vallomás
testimony {n} (account of first-hand experience) :: tanúskodás
testimony {n} (personal account of conversion) :: tanúságtétel
testimony {n} (witness, evidence proof of some fact) :: tanúság, tanúbizonyság, bizonyság, jel, tanújel
test pilot {n} (aviator who flies new and modified aircraft in specific maneuvers) :: berepülőpilóta
test tube {n} (glass tube) :: kémcső
test tube baby {n} (baby who was conceived by in vitro fertilisation) :: lombikbébi
tetanus {n} (disease) :: tetanusz
tetracycline {n} (antibiotic produced by bacteria) :: tetraciklin
tetracycline {n} (antibiotic with the same general structure) :: tetraciklin
tetragon {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
Tetragrammaton {prop} (the four Hebrew letters י-ה-ו-ה, used as the ineffable name of God) :: tetragrammaton
tetrahedron {n} (polyhedron) :: tetraéder
tetrahydrocannabinol {n} (THC) :: tetrahidrokannabinol
tetrahydrofuran {n} (heterocyclic ether) :: tetrahidrofurán
tetralogy of Fallot {n} (congenital heart defect) :: Fallot-tetralógia
tetrapod {n} (any vertebrate with four limbs) SEE: quadruped ::
tetrasyllabic {adj} :: négy szótagú/szótagos
tetratomic {adj} (consisting of four atoms) :: négyatomos
Teutonic {adj} (relating to the ancient Germanic people) :: teuton
Teutonic Knights {prop} (order) :: Német Lovagrend
Teutonism {n} (German idiom) SEE: Germanism ::
Texan {adj} (of or pertaining to Texas) :: texasi
Texan {n} (an inhabitant or a resident of Texas) :: texasi
text {n} (a written passage) :: szöveg
textbook {n} (formal manual of instruction) :: tankönyv
textbook case {n} (real-life case that matches theory) :: iskolapélda
texture {n} (feel or shape of a surface or substance) :: szövet, tapintás, tapintású
Thai {adj} (of or pertaining to Thailand) :: thai, thaiföldi
Thai {n} (person from Thailand or of Thai origin) :: thai, thaiföldi
Thai {n} (language) :: thai
Thai boxing {n} (Muay Thai) SEE: Muay Thai ::
Thailand {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Thaiföld
Thais {prop} (female given name) :: Thaïsz, Thaisz
thalamic {adj} (of or pertaining to the thalamus) :: talamikus
thalamus {n} (anatomy: structure within forebrain) :: talamusz, látótelep
thaler {n} (historical monetary unit) :: tallér
Thalia {prop} (the muse of comedy and idyllic poetry) :: Thaleia, Thalia
Thalia {prop} (one of the three Graces) :: Thaleia, Thalia
thallium {n} (chemical element) :: tallium
Thames {prop} (river through London) :: Temze
than {prep} (Introduces a comparison) :: mint
thanatology {n} (deathlore) SEE: deathlore ::
Thanatos {n} (Thanatos, the god of death) :: Thanatosz
Thanetian {prop} :: Thaneti
thank {v} (express gratitude or appreciation to someone) :: megköszön, köszön
thank {v} (credit or hold something responsible) :: köszön
thank God {interj} (exclamation of gratitude or relief) :: hála istennek, hála Istennek
thanks {interj} (used to express appreciation or gratitude) :: köszönöm, köszi [informal]
thanks {n} (expression of gratitude) :: köszönet
thanks {n} (grateful feelings) :: hála
thanks for your help {phrase} (thanks for your help) :: köszönöm a segítséget
Thanksgiving {prop} (Thanksgiving Day) :: hálaadás
Thanksgiving Day {n} (Thanksgiving) SEE: Thanksgiving ::
thanks in advance {interj} (thanks in advance) :: köszönöm/köszönjük előre is, előre is köszönettel
thanks to {prep} (because of) :: köszönhetően
thank you {interj} (an expression of gratitude) :: köszönöm [first-person singular], köszönjük [first-person plural]
thank you very much {interj} (greater gratitude than "thank you") :: köszönöm szépen, nagyon szépen köszönöm
that {conj} (connecting a noun clause) :: hogy
that {conj} :: hogy
that {determiner} (what is being indicated) :: az [followed by a definite article: az a…, az az…]
that {pron} (that thing) :: az
that {pron} (which) :: ami, amelyik [which], amely
that {adv} (to a given extent or degree) :: ilyen, olyan, ennyire, annyira
that {adv} (to a great extent or degree, very) :: olyan, annyira
that being said {adv} (that said) SEE: that said ::
thatch {n} (straw for covering roofs or stacks) :: zsúp
that is {adv} (in other words) :: azaz, illetve
that is to say {adv} (in other words) SEE: that is ::
that said {phrase} (even so) :: ezzel együtt, ettől függetlenül, ettől még, ugyanakkor, mindamellett, mindazonáltal
that's a relief {phrase} (that's a relief) :: micsoda megkönnyebbülés
that ship has sailed {phrase} (that opportunity has passed) :: ez a vonat (már) elment (this train has gone)
that's it {phrase} (There is nothing more to the issue) :: ennyi, ez minden
that's life {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life ::
that train has left the station {phrase} (that opportunity has passed) SEE: that ship has sailed ::
thaw {v} (to melt, dissolve, or become fluid) :: olvad
thaw {v} (to cause frozen things to melt, soften, or dissolve) :: felolvaszt, kiolvaszt
thaw {n} (the melting of ice, snow or other congealed matter) :: olvadás
the {article} (article) :: a [before consonant], az [before vowel]
the {article} (with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”) :: a
the {adv} (the + comparative, the + comparative) :: minél + comp., annál + comp.
theanine {n} (amino acid) :: teanin
the apple does not fall far from the tree {proverb} (a child is similar to its parents) :: nem esik messze az alma a fájától
theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
theater {n} (place or building) :: színház
theater {n} (drama or performance as a profession or artform) :: színház
theater of war {n} (the area in which armed conflict takes place) :: hadszíntér
theatre {n} (theater) SEE: theater ::
theatrically {adv} (in a theatrical manner) :: teátrálisan
the bends {n} (decompression sickness) SEE: decompression sickness ::
the bill, please {phrase} (the bill, please) :: a számlát, legyen szíves
thede {n} (nation) SEE: nation ::
the die is cast {phrase} (the future is determined) :: a kocka el van vetve
the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on {proverb} (life goes on even if some will try to stop progress) :: a kutya ugat, a karaván halad
the drinks are on me {phrase} (the drinks are on me) :: az italt én fizetem
thee {pron} (thou) SEE: thou ::
thee {pron} (Objective case of 'thou') :: téged
the early bird catches the worm {proverb} (be motivated so you can accomplish what you want, in the morning) SEE: the early bird gets the worm ::
the early bird gets the worm {proverb} (whoever arrives first has the best chance of success) :: ki korán kel, aranyat lel
The End {n} (end of a story) :: vége
the end justifies the means {proverb} (morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary) :: a cél szentesíti az eszközt
theft {n} (act of stealing property) :: lopás
the grass is always greener on the other side {proverb} (others' circumstances seem more desirable) :: a szomszéd rétje mindig zöldebb
The Hague {prop} (Dutch city) :: Hága
the icing on the cake {n} (something that intensifies the appreciation of something else) :: hab a tortán (whipped cream on the cake)
their {determiner} (belonging to them (plural)) :: -uk, -ük, -juk, -jük
theirs {pron} (that which belongs to them) :: övék, övéik
the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing {phrase} (two parts of an organization are unaware of each other's activities) :: nem tudja a bal kéz, mit csinál a jobb
the line is busy {phrase} (the line is busy) :: foglalt a vonal, foglalt
them {pron} (third personal plural pronoun used after a preposition or as the object of a verb) :: őket, azokat
thematic vowel {n} :: kötőhang, kötőhangzó
theme {n} (subject of a talk or an artistic piece) :: téma, tárgy
theme {n} (recurring idea) :: motívum
theme {n} (music: main melody of a piece of music) :: téma, motívum
theme {n} (computing: collection of color schemes, sounds, artwork etc.) :: téma
theme {n} (linguistics: topic, what is generally being talked about) :: téma
theme {n} (regional unit of organisation in the Byzantine empire) :: thema
theme song {n} (a song accompanying a program) :: főcímzene, [if it includes singing] főcímdal
the mills of the gods grind slowly {proverb} (justice cannot be avoided) :: Isten malmai lassan őrölnek
the more the merrier {proverb} (it is more fun with more people) :: [we…] minél többen vagyunk, annál jobban érezzük magunkat, [they…] minél többen vannak, annál jobban érzik magukat
the more the merrier {proverb} (a greater amount of something is better) :: minél több (van / van belőle), annál jobb
themselves {pron} (the reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun) :: maguk, magukat
themselves {pron} (the persons of unspecified gender previously mentioned, as the object of a verb or following a preposition) :: önmaguk, önmagukat
then {adv} (at that time) :: akkor
then {adv} (soon afterward) :: aztán, azután, majd, utána
then {adv} (next in order) :: aztán, majd
then {adv} (in that case) :: akkor
then {adv} (at the same time; on the other hand) :: ugyanakkor, viszont, másfelől, másrészt
then {adj} (being so at that time) :: akkori
then {n} :: akkor
the night is young {phrase} (it's not very late) :: fiatal még az éjszaka
theocracy {n} (government under the control of a Church) :: papi uralom, teokrácia
theodolite {n} (instrument) :: teodolit, szögmérő
theologian {n} (one who studies theology) :: teológus
theologist {n} (theologian) SEE: theologian ::
theorem {n} (proved mathematical statement) :: tétel
theoretical {adj} (of or relating to theory) :: elméleti
theoretically {adv} (in theory) :: elméletileg, elvileg, teoretikusan
theoretical physics {n} (description of natural phenomena) :: elméleti fizika
theorize {v} (formulate theories) :: elméletbe foglal
theory {n} (a coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena) :: elmélet
theory of mind {n} (ability to form an opinion about what other people are thinking) :: tudatelmélet
theory of relativity {n} (special and general relativity) :: relativitáselmélet
theosophic {adj} (of, or relating to theosophy) :: teozófiai
theosophy {n} (doctrine of religious philosophy and mysticism) :: teozófia
the other day {adv} (lately) :: a minap, nemrég, a napokban
the penny drops {phrase} (understanding is reached, one comprehends) :: leesik a tantusz (the token drops)
the proof of the pudding is in the eating {proverb} (the only real test of something is as what it is intended to be used for) :: a puding próbája az evés
therapeutic {adj} (of, or relating to therapy) :: terápiás, gyógyászati
therapeutic {adj} (having a positive effect on the body or mind) :: terápiás, gyógyító, gyógyhatású, gyógy-
therapeutical {adj} (therapeutic) SEE: therapeutic ::
therapist {n} (one who provides therapy) :: terapeuta
therapy {n} (treatment of disease) :: terápia
there {adv} (in or at that place) :: ott
there {adv} (to or into that place; thither) :: oda
thereafter {adv} (after that) :: azután
there and back {phrase} (on or for a round trip journey (literal)) :: oda-vissza
there are two sides to every question {proverb} (don't make a judgement until you hear the other side) :: az éremnek két oldala van
there be {v} (to exist) :: van
thereby {adv} (by that) :: ezáltal
therefor {adv} (therefore) SEE: therefore ::
therefore {adv} (for that or this reason; for that) :: azért, ezért, emiatt
therefore {adv} (consequently; by consequence) :: következésképpen, tehát
there is {v} (third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be) :: van, vannak {p} [as a leading element of a sentence]
there is an exception to every rule {proverb} (every rule has an exception) :: a kivétel erősíti a szabályt
there is nothing new under the sun {proverb} (there is nothing new) :: nincs új a nap alatt
theremin {n} (electronic musical instrument) :: teremin
there's a grain of truth in every joke {phrase} (people convey truth in jokes) :: minden viccnek a fele igaz, minden viccben van valami igazság
there's been an accident {phrase} (there's been an accident) :: baleset történt
there's no accounting for taste {proverb} (people's tastes differ) :: ízlések és pofonok [in full: ízlések és pofonok különbözőek/különböznek], kinek a pap, kinek a papné, nem vagyunk egyformák
there's no place like home {proverb} (one feels most comfortable at home) :: mindenütt jó, de legjobb otthon
there's no point crying over spilt milk {proverb} :: késő bánat ebgondolat
there's no such thing as a free lunch {phrase} (nothing is free; everything has a price) :: semmi sincs ingyen, semmit nem adnak ingyen, semmit sem adnak ajándékba
thereupon {adv} (following that/it) :: azután, ezután
thereupon {adv} (therefore) :: emiatt
there you go {phrase} (here you are) SEE: here you are ::
there you go {phrase} (you have done it, or are doing it, correctly) :: ez az, jól van, megy ez, ügyes vagy, [something is completed successfully] meg is van, meg is vagyunk
there you go {phrase} (expressing exasperation) :: na tessék, tessék, lám, már megint, [if a positive case is mentioned or implied as a counterpoint to the current situation] bezzeg
there you go {phrase} (expressing that the implication of the speaker's statement is actually the same as one's own) :: na látod, na látja
thermal conductivity {n} (measure of the ability to conduct heat) :: hővezetés
thermal printer {n} (printer that operates by applying heat) :: hőnyomtató
thermal spring {n} (hot spring) SEE: hot spring ::
thermochemistry {n} (the study of the thermodynamics of chemical reactions) :: termokémia
thermodynamics {n} (science of heat-energy conversion) :: hőtan
thermometer {n} (apparatus used to measure temperature) :: hőmérő, lázmérő [for measuring body temperature]
thermos {n} (vacuum flask) :: termosz
thermosphere {n} (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) :: termoszféra
thermostat {n} (device which maintains the desired temperature) :: termosztát, hőszabályzó, hőfokszabályzó
the road to hell is paved with good intentions {proverb} (well-intended acts can lead to disasters) :: a pokolba vezető út jószándékkal van kikövezve
Theron {prop} (5th century BC tyrant of Akragas) :: Teron
thesaurus {n} (book of synonyms) :: szinonimaszótár, tézaurusz, tematikus szókincstár
these {determiner} (plural of this) :: ezek, ezeket
these {pron} (plural of this) :: ezek, ezeket
Theseus {prop} (hero) :: Thészeusz
the shoe is on the other foot {phrase} (the roles have been reversed) :: fordul a kocka
thesis {n} (statement supported by arguments) :: tézis
thesis {n} (written essay submitted for a university degree) :: diplomamunka, szakdolgozat, [postgraduate] disszertáció
thesis statement {n} (sentence that clarifies the main point of a text) :: tételmondat
the sky is the limit {proverb} (nothing is out of reach) :: a határ a csillagos ég
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak {proverb} (achieving something is made impossible by frailty) :: a lélek kész, de a test erőtlen
Thessalonians {prop} (books of the Bible) :: Thesszalonikaiakhoz {p}
Thessaly {prop} (region of Greece) :: Thesszália
the streets are paved with gold {phrase} (place where it is easy to live well) :: kolbászból van fonva a kerítés (the fence is woven of sausage) [usually in the negative]
theta {n} (Greek letter) :: théta
the thing is {phrase} (introduce main point) :: az a helyzet, hogy…, az az igazság, hogy…, az igazság az, hogy…, a helyzet az, hogy…, az van, hogy
the toilet is clogged {phrase} (the toilet is clogged) :: eldugult a vécé/WC
the whole nine yards {n} ((And) everything) :: minden
they {pron} (third-person plural pronoun) :: ők
they {pron} (third-person singular, of unknown, irrelevant or non-binary gender) :: ő
thick {adj} (relatively great in extent from one surface to another) :: vastag
thick {adj} (densely crowded or packed) :: sűrű
thick {adj} (having a viscous consistency) :: sűrű
thicken {v} ((transitive) to make wider) :: vastagít, megvastagít
thicken {v} ((transitive) to make more viscous) :: sűrít, besűrít, [by roux or other thickening] habar, behabar
thicken {v} ((intransitive) to become wider) :: vastagodik, megvastagodik, vastagszik, megvastagszik
thicken {v} ((intransitive) to become more viscous) :: sűrűsödik, besűrűsödik
thickening {n} (the process of making something, or becoming, thick or viscous) :: sűrűsödés, besűrűsödés, sűrítés, besűrítés
thickening {n} (a substance, usually a source of starch, used to thicken a sauce) :: sűrítőanyag, dúsítóanyag, habarás, rántás
thicket {n} (copse) :: bozót
thickness {n} (layer) SEE: layer ::
thickness {n} (property of being thick in dimension) :: vastagság
thickset {adj} (having a short heavy build or stature) :: zömök
thief {n} (one who carries out theft) :: tolvaj
thigh {n} (upper leg) :: comb, felsőcomb
thighbone {n} (femur) :: combcsont
thimble {n} (a protective cap for the finger) :: gyűszű
thimbleful {n} (as much as a thimble will hold) :: gyűszűnyi
thimblerig {n} (Sleight-of-hand betting game) :: itt a piros
thin {adj} (having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite) :: vékony
thin {adj} (very narrow in all diameters; having a cross section that is small in all directions) :: vékony
thin {adj} (having little body fat or flesh; slim; slender; lean; gaunt) :: vékony, sovány, karcsú
thin {adj} (of low viscosity or low specific gravity) :: híg
thin {adj} (scarce) :: gyér, ritka
thing {n} (that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept) :: dolog
thing {n} (living being or creature) :: teremtés, lény
thingamajig {n} (something that one does not know the name of) :: izé
thing of the past {n} (something that has gone extinct or become obsolete, or the action of becoming obsolete) :: már a múlté, a múlt ködébe vész, nyoma sem maradt
thingy {n} (a thing) :: izé, micsoda, hogyishívják
think {v} (communicate to oneself in one’s mind) :: gondolkodik
think {v} (be of the opinion that) :: gondol
think {v} (guess, reckon) :: gondol
think {v} (consider, judge, regard something as) :: vél
thinker {n} (one who spends time thinking) :: gondolkodó
think nothing of it {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
think of {v} (think) SEE: think ::
think over {v} (ponder or reflect) :: végiggondol, átgondol
think tank {n} (group producing research and recommendations) :: agytröszt
think through {v} (to fully consider an action) :: végiggondol
thioether {n} (analogue of an ether in which the oxygen has been replaced by sulfur) :: tioéter
thiophene {n} (aromatic heterocyclic compound) :: tiofén
Thira {prop} (Santorini) SEE: Santorini ::
third {adj} (the ordinal form of the cardinal number three, see also: 3rd) :: harmadik
third {n} (person or thing in the third position) :: harmadik
third {n} (one of three equal parts of a whole) :: harmad
third {n} (interval) :: terc
third {v} (divide into three parts) :: harmadol
third-degree {adj} (causing severe scarring) :: harmadfokú
third-degree burn {n} (severe burn) :: harmadfokú égési sérülés
third grade {n} :: harmadik osztály
thirdly {adv} (in the third place; third in a row) :: harmadszor
third party {n} (someone not directly involved in a transaction.) :: harmadik/kívülálló fél
third person {n} (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is not the audience or the one making the statement) :: harmadik személy
third person {n} (law: third party) SEE: third party ::
third-person singular {n} :: egyes szám harmadik személy
Third Reich {prop} (Germany under the Nazi regime) :: Harmadik Birodalom
third time's a charm {proverb} :: három a magyar igazság
third wheel {n} (unwanted third party accompanying two people on a date) :: gyertyatartó
Third World War {prop} (World War III) SEE: World War III ::
thirst {n} (dryness) :: szomjúság, szomj
thirsty {adj} (needing to drink) :: szomjas
thirteen {num} (the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen) :: tizenhárom
thirteenth {adj} (ordinal form of thirteen, see also: 13th) :: tizenharmadik
thirteenth {n} (something in the thirteenth position) :: tizenharmadik
thirteenth {n} (one of thirteen equal parts of a whole) :: tizenharmad
thirteenth {n} (the interval comprising an octave and a sixth) :: tredecima
thirties {n} (1930s) :: harmincas évek
thirtieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number thirty, see also: 30th) :: harmincadik
thirtieth {n} (the person or thing in the thirtieth position) :: harmincadik
thirtieth {n} (one of thirty equal parts of a whole) :: harmincad
thirty {num} (cardinal number) :: harminc
thirty-eight {num} (38) :: harmincnyolc
thirty-eighth {adj} (ordinal form of thirty-eight) :: harmincnyolcadik
thirty-fifth {adj} (35th) :: harmincötödik
thirty-fifth {n} (35th part) :: harmincötöd
thirty-first {adj} (ordinal form of thirty-one) :: harmincegyedik
thirty-five {num} (35) :: harmincöt
thirty-four {num} (34) :: harmincnégy
thirty-fourth {adj} (ordinal form of thirty-four) :: harmincnegyedik
thirty-nine {num} (39) :: harminckilenc
thirty-ninth {adj} (ordinal form of thirty-nine) :: harminckilencedik
thirty-one {num} (31) :: harmincegy
thirty-second {adj} (ordinal form of thirty-two) :: harminckettedik
thirty-seven {num} (37) :: harminchét
thirty-seventh {adj} (ordinal form of thirty-seven) :: harminchetedik
thirty-six {num} (36) :: harminchat
thirty-sixth {adj} (ordinal form of thirty-six) :: harminchatodik
thirtysomething {n} (tricenarian) SEE: tricenarian ::
thirty-third {adj} (ordinal form of thirty-three) :: harmincharmadik
thirty-three {num} (33) :: harminchárom
thirty-two {num} (32) :: harminckettő
Thiruvananthapuram {prop} (capital of Kerala, India) :: Tiruvanántapuram
this {determiner} (the (thing) here) :: ez [followed by the article a/az]
this {determiner} (which is current) :: [before time of day] ma, [before hét or hónap] e, [before év] ez, [otherwise] ezen/ebben a/az ……
this {adv} (To the degree or extent indicated) :: ilyen, ennyi
this {pron} (The thing, item, etc. being indicated) :: ez
this afternoon {adv} (during the afternoon of today) :: ma délután
this and that {pron} (things) :: ezt is, azt is
this evening {adv} (during the evening of today) :: ma este
this morning {n} (during the morning of today) :: ma reggel, ma délelőtt
this time {n} (on or near the same date (in the past or in the future)) :: ilyenkor
this time {n} (now, today, on this occasion) :: ezúttal
thistle {n} (plant) :: bogáncs
this way {adv} (as follows) SEE: thus ::
this way {n} (to indicate direction) :: erre
this year {adv} (during the current year) :: idén
thither {adv} (to that place) :: oda
thole {v} (to suffer) SEE: suffer ::
thole {v} (to endure, to put up with) SEE: endure ::
thole {n} (cupola, dome, rotunda) SEE: cupola ::
Thomas {prop} (given name) :: Tamás
Thomism {n} (the philosophy and theology of Thomas Aquinas) :: tomizmus
thong {n} (leather strip) :: szíj
thong {n} (footwear) :: papucs, lábujjközös papucs, [slang or colloquial] tangapapucs, vietnámi papucs, strandpapucs, [slang] pacsker
thong {n} (G-string) SEE: G-string ::
thoracic {adj} (of the thorax) :: mellkasi
thoracic cavity {n} (chamber of the human body) :: mellüreg
thoracic duct {n} (major vessel of the lymphatic system) :: mellvezeték
thoracic vertebra {n} (any vertebrae in the chest region) :: hátcsigolya
thorax {n} (region of the mammalian body) :: mellkas
thorax {n} (middle of three distinct divisions in an insect, crustacean or arachnid body) :: tor
thorium {n} (chemical element) :: tórium
thorn {n} (sharp protective spine of a plant) :: tüske, tövis
thorn apple {n} (Datura stramonium) SEE: jimsonweed ::
thornbush {n} (thorny shrub or bush) :: tüskebokor
thorough {adj} (detailed) :: alapos, beható, mélyreható
thoroughly {adv} (in a thorough or complete manner) :: alaposan, tüzetesen
those {determiner} (plural of that) :: azok
thou {pron} (singular nominative form of you) :: te
thou {v} (to address (a person) using the familiar second-person pronoun) :: tegez
though {adv} (however) :: azért, mindazonáltal, mindamellett, mégis
though {conj} (although) :: bár, noha, habár, jóllehet, ámbár
thought {n} (form created in the mind) :: gondolat
thought {n} (process) :: gondolkodás
thoughtcrime {n} (a crime) :: gondolatbűn
thought experiment {n} (attempt to solve a problem using human imagination) :: gondolatkísérlet
thoughtlessness {n} (disregard for other's feelings) :: figyelmetlenség, tapintatlanság
thoughtlessness {n} (heedless disregard for the consequences of one's actions) :: meggondolatlanság, vigyázatlanság
thought-provoking {adj} (thought-provoking) :: gondolatébresztő
thousand {num} (cardinal number 1000) :: ezer
thousandth {adj} (ordinal form of 1000, see also: 1000th) :: ezredik
thrash {v} (to thresh) SEE: thresh ::
thread {n} (long, thin and flexible form of material) :: cérna; fonál, vezérfonal, motívum, téma
thread {n} (a sequence of connection) :: fonál, összefüggés
thread {n} ((Internet): a series of messages) :: szál, téma
thread {n} (a screw thread) SEE: screw thread ::
threads {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes ::
threads {n} (thread) SEE: thread ::
threat {n} (expression of intent to injure or punish another) :: fenyegetés
threat {n} (indication of imminent danger) :: veszély
threaten {v} (to make a threat against someone; to use threats) :: fenyeget
three {num} (cardinal number 3) :: három
three {n} (digit/figure 3) :: hármas
three days ago {adv} (three days ago - translation entry) :: három napja, három nappal ezelőtt, tegnapelőtt előtt
three-dimensional {adj} (existing in three dimensions) :: háromdimenziójú, háromdimenziós
three-dimensional {adj} (having depth (or the illusion of depth) as well as height and width) :: térhatású, háromdimenziós
three-dimensional {adj} (lifelike) :: háromdimenziós
threefold {adj} (three times as great) :: háromszor akkora
threefold {adj} (triple) :: háromszoros
threefold {adv} (by a factor of three) :: háromszorosan, háromszorosára
three fourths {num} (3/4) :: háromnegyed
three-headed {adj} (having three heads) :: háromfejű
three hundred {num} (cardinal number 300) :: háromszáz
three-pronged {adj} (having three prongs) :: háromágú
three quarters {num} (3/4) :: háromnegyed
threesome {n} (a sexual activity involving three people) :: édeshármas
three stops short of Dagenham {adj} (crazy; mad) SEE: crazy ::
three thousand {num} (3,000) :: háromezer
threonine {n} (an essential amino acid) :: treonin
thresh {v} (to separate the grain from the straw or husks) :: csépel
thresher {n} (farm machine) :: cséplőgép
threshing floor {n} (floor of a threshing house) :: szérű
threshing sledge {n} (rectangular table of wood used to separate grain from straw) :: cséplőmű
threshold {n} (bottom-most part of a doorway) :: küszöb
threshold {n} (point at which an action is triggered) :: küszöbérték
threshold potential {n} (the critical level to which a membrane potential must be depolarized to initiate an action potential) :: küszöbpotenciál
thrice {adv} (three times) :: háromszor
thrift {n} (characteristic of using a minimum of something) :: takarékosság
thrift {n} (savings bank) :: takarék
thrift shop {n} (shop which sells used goods) :: adománybolt, használtcikk-bolt, használtruha-bolt
thrifty {adj} (given to, or evincing, thrift) :: takarékos
thriller {n} (a suspenseful, sensational genre of fiction) :: thriller
throat {n} (front part of the neck) :: torok
throatlatch {n} (part of a bridle) :: torokszíj
throb {v} (to vibrate or pulsate with a steady rhythm) :: lüktet
throb {n} (beating, vibration or palpitation) :: lüktetés
thrombocyte {n} (platelet) SEE: platelet ::
thrombocytopenia {n} (abnormally low platelet count) :: trombocitopénia
thrombosis {n} (formation of thrombi, causing obstruction of circulation) :: trombózis
thrombus {n} (blood clot formed in blood vessels that leads to thrombosis) :: vérrög
throne {n} (ornate seat) :: trón, trónus, trónszék
throne {v} (enthrone) SEE: enthrone ::
throne room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
throttle {v} (to cut back speed) :: lassít, fékez, lefékez
through {prep} (to or up to, until (and including)) SEE: to ::
through {prep} (from one side of an opening to the other) :: át, keresztül
through {prep} (entering, then later exiting) :: át, keresztül, végig
through {prep} (surrounded by (while moving)) :: át, keresztül
throughout {adv} (everywhere) :: mindenhol, mindenütt, végig, keresztül-kasul
throughput {n} (rate of data transmission) :: áteresztőképesség, áteresztés, átbocsátás, forgalom
throughput {n} (rate of processing) :: teljesítmény
throw {v} (to cause an object to move rapidly through the air) :: dob
throw a tantrum {v} (To have a temper tantrum) :: hisztizik, hisztériázik, cirkuszol, raplizik
throw away {v} (discard or dispose of) :: eldob
throw-in {n} (throw of the ball back into play) :: bedobás
throw in the towel {v} ((idiomatic) to quit; to give up) :: bedobja a törülközőt
throw pillow {n} (a small decorative pillow) :: díszpárna
throw the baby out with the bathwater {v} ((idiomatic) to discard something valuable) :: a fürdővízzel együtt a gyereket is kiönti
throw up {v} (to vomit) SEE: vomit ::
throw up one's hands {v} ((idiomatic) to quit; to give up) SEE: throw in the towel ::
thru {prep} (through) SEE: through ::
thrush {n} (one of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae) :: rigó
thrush {n} :: [oral] szájpenész, [vaginal] hüvelygomba, [either] candida-fertőzés
thrust {v} (make an advance with force) :: taszít
thug {n} (someone who treats others violently or roughly) :: orgyilkos, bandita
Thule {prop} (the northernmost location of the ancient world) :: Thule
thulium {n} (chemical element) :: túlium
thumb {n} (digit) :: hüvelykujj
thumbnail {n} (small picture) :: indexkép, nézőkép, miniatűr, miniatűrkép, bélyegkép
thumb one's nose {v} (to act disrespectfully, especially by flouting the object of disrespect) :: fittyet hány
thumbtack {n} (nail-like tack) :: rajzszög
thunder {n} (sound caused by lightning) :: mennydörgés, égzengés
thunder {n} (sound resembling thunder) :: dörgés
thunder {n} (deep, rumbling noise) :: robaj
thunderbird {n} (mythological bird) :: mennydörgésmadár
thunderbolt {n} (flash of lightning accompanied by thunder) :: villámcsapás
thundercloud {n} (cloud) :: viharfelhő
thundercloud {n} (something menacing and brooding) :: viharfelő
thunderstorm {n} (storm with thunder and lightning) :: égiháború
Thuringia {prop} (state) :: Türingia
Thursday {n} (day of the week) :: csütörtök
thus {adv} (in this way or manner) :: így, ily módon, ekképp, ekképpen
thus {adv} (as a result) :: így, úgyhogy, ezáltal, ilyenformán
thwart {v} (to prevent; to halt; to cause failure) :: meghiúsít
thyme {n} (plant of the genus Thymus, see also: wild thyme) :: kakukkfű
thymine {n} :: timin
thymosin {n} :: timozin
thymus {n} (ductless gland located behind the breastbone) :: csecsemőmirigy
thyroid cartilage {n} (the largest cartilage in the larynx) :: pajzsporc
thyroid gland {n} (large butterfly-shaped endocrine gland) :: pajzsmirigy
ti {n} (seventh note of a major scale) SEE: si ::
Tianjin {prop} (city in China) :: Tiencsin
Tiberius {prop} (given name) :: Tibor
Tibet {prop} (region in Inner Asia) :: Tibet
Tibet {prop} (shorthand for the Tibet Autonomous Region) :: Tibet, Hszicang
Tibetan Buddhism {prop} (body of Buddhist religious doctrine characteristic of Tibet) :: tibeti buddhizmus
Tibetan Mastiff {n} (Tibetan Mastiff) :: tibeti masztiff
tibia {n} (bone of the leg) SEE: shinbone ::
tibia {n} (segment of insect's leg) SEE: shinbone ::
tibicen {n} (flute-player) SEE: flautist ::
tick {n} (arachnid) :: kullancs
tick {n} (checkmark) :: pipa
tick {v} (make a clicking noise) :: ketyeg
tick {v} (make a tick mark) :: kipipál
ticker {n} ((colloquial) heart, see also: heart) :: ketyegő
ticket {n} (admission to entertainment) :: jegy
ticket {n} (pass for transportation) :: jegy
ticket collector {n} (ticket validity checker) SEE: ticket inspector ::
ticket inspector {n} (person who checks passengers have a valid ticket) :: ellenőr, jegyellenőr, jegyvizsgáló
ticket machine {n} (ticket vending machine) :: jegyautomata, jegyértékesítő automata
ticket office {n} (an office where tickets may be purchased) :: jegypénztár
ticket tout {n} (person who resells tickets) SEE: scalper ::
tickler {n} (conundrum) SEE: conundrum ::
tickler {n} (reminder) SEE: reminder ::
tick tock {interj} (sound of a ticking clock) :: tik-tak
tic-tac-toe {n} (game) :: amőba
tidal wave {n} (large and sudden rise and fall in the tide) :: szökőár
tidal wave {n} (tsunami) :: cunami
tidal wave {n} (figurative: sudden, powerful surge) :: nagy érzelmi hullám, fellángolás
tiddlywinks {n} (game in which the objective is to shoot winks into a cup) :: bolha-játék
tide {n} (periodic change of sea level) :: árapály
tide {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide ::
tide {n} (low tide) SEE: low tide ::
tidy {v} (to make tidy) :: takarít
tie {v} (to attach or fasten with string) :: köt
tie {n} (necktie) SEE: necktie ::
tie-dye {v} (to dye with strings) :: batikol
T'ien-chin {prop} (Tianjin) SEE: Tianjin ::
Tierra del Fuego {prop} (archipelago between Chile and Argentina) :: Tűzföld
tiger {n} (The mammal Panthera tigris) :: tigris
tiger shark {n} (Galeocerdo cuvier) :: tigriscápa
tight {adj} (narrow) SEE: narrow ::
tight {adj} (firmly held together) :: szoros
tighten {v} (to become tighter) :: feszül
tightrope walker {n} (acrobat who practices tightrope walking) :: légtornász
tights {n} (women's garment) :: harisnyanadrág, harisnya
Tigrinya {prop} (language) :: tigrinya {s}
Tigris {prop} (river in Southwest Asia) :: Tigris
tilde {n} (diacritical mark) :: hullámvonal, tilde, hullám
tile {n} (mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces) :: cserép, csempe
tile {v} (to cover with tiles) :: csempéz, cserepez, burkol, befed
till {prep} (until) :: -ig [suffix]
till {conj} (until) :: amíg, ameddig
till {n} (cash register) :: kassza, pénztárgép
till {n} (box within a cash register) :: kassza, pénztartó, pénzkazetta
till {n} (contents of a cash register) :: kassza, pénzkészlet
till {v} (to work or cultivate) :: szánt, felszánt, művel, megművel
till death do us part {adv} (phrase said as part of wedding vows indicating commitment) :: míg a halál el nem választ, (now as a name of the vow itself) holtomiglan-holtodiglan
tiller {n} (person) :: kapás, kapáló ember
tiller {n} (machine) :: kapálógép
tiller {n} (part of the rudder) :: kormányrúd, hajókormány
till point {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk ::
timber {n} (wood that has been cut ready for construction) :: épületfa
timber {interj} (warning shout used by loggers) :: dől a fa!
-time {suffix} (suffix used to indicate how many times something has occurred) :: -szoros, -szeres, -szörös
time {n} (inevitable passing of events) :: idő
time {n} (quantity of availability in time) :: idő
time {n} (measurement of a quantity of time) :: időtartam
time {n} (time of day, as indicated by a clock, etc) :: idő, óra
time {n} (particular moment or hour) :: idő, ideje
time {n} (numerical indication of a particular moment in time) :: időpont
time {n} (instance or occurrence) :: alkalom
time {n} (ratio of comparison) :: -szor, -szer, -ször
time {n} (era) :: idő, kor, korszak
time {n} (youth or young adulthood) :: idő
time {n} :: idő
time bomb {n} (bomb with a timeout mechanism) :: időzített bomba
time capsule {n} (sealed container) :: időkapszula
time-consuming {adj} (requiring significant amounts of time) :: időigényes
time flies {phrase} (time seems to pass quickly) :: repül az idő
time heals all wounds {proverb} (negative feelings eventually fade away) :: az idő minden sebet begyógyít
time interval {n} (a period of time with fixed, well-defined limits) :: időintervallum
time is money {proverb} (time is money) :: az idő pénz
timelessness {n} (property of being timeless) :: időtlenség
timeline {n} (graphical representation of a chronological sequence of events) :: idővonal
timely {adj} (done at the proper time) :: időszerű
time machine {n} (device used to travel in time) :: időgép
time management {n} (management of time) :: időbeosztás, időgazdálkodás, időmenedzsment
time of day {n} (loosely specified period of or point in time) :: napszak
time of day {n} (time according to the clock) SEE: time ::
time of departure {n} (the time when an airplane etc. is scheduled to depart) :: indulási időpont
timeout {n} (The allowed maximal time for a process to end normally) :: időkorlát
timeout {n} (The intentional termination of an incomplete task after a time limit) :: időtúllépés
timer {n} (device) :: időzítő
times {prep} (multiplied by) :: -szor, -szer, -ször
time series {n} (set of data points representing values of a variable at different times) :: idősor
timetable {n} (a structured schedule of events) :: menetrend
time travel {n} (hypothetical or fictional travel to the past or future) :: időutazás
time-traveller {n} (one who engages in time travel) :: időutazó
time will tell {phrase} (results of an action cannot be known beforehand) :: majd kiderül, majd meglátjuk, majd elválik
time zone {n} (range of longitudes where a common standard time is used) :: időzóna
timezone {n} (time zone) SEE: time zone ::
timid {adj} (lacking in courage or confidence) :: félénk
timidity {n} (state of being timid) SEE: timidness ::
timidness {n} (state of being timid) :: bátortalanság
Timișoara {prop} (city in Romania) :: Temesvár
Timor-Leste {prop} (East Timor) SEE: East Timor ::
Timothy {prop} (books in the New Testament) :: Timótheosz
Timothy {prop} (companion of Paul) :: Timótheosz
Timothy {prop} (male given name) :: Timótheosz
timpani {n} (kettledrums) :: üstdob
timpanum {n} (musical instrument) SEE: kettledrum ::
timpanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear ::
timpanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
timpanum {n} (hearing organ) SEE: tympanum ::
timpanum {n} (ornamental panel) SEE: tympanum ::
timps {n} (timpani) SEE: timpani ::
tin {n} (element) :: ón
tin {n} (airtight container) :: konzerv
tin {n} (metal pan) :: tepsi
tin {v} (to place into a tin in order to preserve) :: konzervál, befőz
tin {v} (to cover with tin) :: ónoz
tinder {n} (dry sticks etc.) :: gyújtós, gyúanyag, alágyújtós, aprófa
tin ear {n} (inability to appreciate the elements of performed music) :: botfül
tinker {n} (itinerant tinsmith) :: bádogos, drótostót
tinker {v} (to fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it) :: eszkábál
tinkerer {n} (meddler) SEE: meddler ::
tinnitus {n} (perception of nonexistent noise) :: fülzúgás
tin opener {n} (tin opener) SEE: can opener ::
tin-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener ::
tinsmith {n} (a person who makes or repairs things with tin) :: bádogos
tin soldier {n} (toy soldier) :: ólomkatona
tiny {adj} (very small) :: apró
-tion {suffix} (producing a noun meaning the action or effect of a verb) :: -ció
tip {n} (extreme end of something) :: hegy, csúcs
tip {v} (cause something to be in a tilted position) :: megdönt
tip {n} (small amount of money left for a servant as a token of appreciation) :: borravaló, jatt
tip {n} (piece of private information) :: füles, értesülés
tip {n} (piece of advice) :: tipp
tipcat {n} (game in which a wooden piece is struck with a stick) :: pilinckézés
tip of the iceberg {n} (small indication of a larger possibility) :: a jéghegy csúcsa
tiptoe {n} (tips of one's toes) :: lábujjhegy
tip-top {adj} (excellent) SEE: excellent ::
tirade {n} (long, angry or violent speech) :: tiráda
tiramisu {n} (semifreddo dessert) :: tiramisu
tire {n} (rubber covering on a wheel) SEE: tyre ::
tire {v} (to become sleepy) :: elfárad, fárad
tire {v} (to make sleepy) :: fáraszt, kifáraszt, elfáraszt
tired {adj} (in need of rest or sleep) :: fáradt
tired {adj} (fed up) SEE: fed up ::
tiresome {adj} (causing fatigue or boredom) :: unalmas, idegesítő, fárasztó
tiring {adj} (that tires or tire) :: fárasztó, kimerítő
tissue {n} (sheet of absorbent paper) :: papír zsebkendő
tissue {n} (aggregation of cells) :: szövet
tissue paper {n} (thin, translucent paper) :: selyempapír
tissue paper {n} (unspecified product made of tissue) :: papír zsebkendő, WC-papír, papírtörlő
Tisza {prop} (river in Central Europe) :: Tisza
tit {n} (a mammary gland, teat) :: emlő
tit {n} ((slang, vulgar) a woman's breast) :: cici, csöcs
tit {n} (chickadee) SEE: chickadee ::
Titan {n} (mythological giant) :: titán
Titan {prop} (moon of Saturn) :: Titán
Titanic {prop} (ship) :: Titanic
titanite {n} (mixed calcium and titanium neosilicate) :: titanit
titanium {n} (chemical element) :: titán
titfer {n} (hat) SEE: hat ::
tit for tat {n} (hat) SEE: hat ::
tit for tat {n} (act of returning exactly what one gets) :: amilyen az adjonisten, olyan a fogadjisten
tit fuck {n} (stimulation of a penis by breasts) :: spanyolozás, melldugás
tithe {n} (tenth) SEE: tenth ::
tithe {n} (tax paid to the Church) :: tized
Tithonian {prop} (age 152.1-145Ma ago) :: Tithon
title {n} (prefix or suffix added to a name) :: cím, titulus, beosztás
title {n} (right to ownership) :: jogcím, tulajdonjog, cím, jogosultság, jogalap
title {n} (certificate of ownership) :: jogcímigazolás
title {n} (name of a book, etc) :: cím
title {n} (subject of a writing) :: cím
titled {adj} :: című
title deed {n} (deed by which the title to property is conveyed) :: tulajdoni lap
title page {n} (page in a book) :: címlap
titling {n} (Prunella modularis) SEE: dunnock ::
titling {n} (stockfish) SEE: stockfish ::
titmouse {n} (Any bird of the family Paridae) :: cinke
Titoism {n} (socialist ideology) :: titoizmus
titty {n} (kitty) SEE: kitty ::
Titus {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Titusz
Titus {prop} (biblical character) :: Titusz
Titus {prop} (male given name) :: Titusz
Tōkyō {prop} (Tokyo) SEE: Tokyo ::
to {particle} (infinitive-marker) :: -ni
to {prep} :: -nak/-nek
to {prep} (in the direction of, and arriving at) :: -hoz/-hez/-höz [allative, arriving at], felé [postposition, in the direction of]
to {prep} (used to indicated exponentiation) :: [ordinal number of the exponent in superessive case]
toad {n} (amphibian similar to a frog) :: varangy, varangyos béka
toad {n} (very unpleasant man) :: varangy
toadstool {n} (an inedible or poisonous mushroom) :: bolondgomba, mérges gomba
to a fault {adv} :: túlzottan/túlságosan (is), túlontúl
to and fro {adv} (back and forth) :: oda-vissza, ide-oda, előre-hátra
to an extent {prep} (to some extent) SEE: to some extent ::
Toarcian {prop} :: Toarci
toastmaster {n} (person who proposes toasts, etc.) SEE: master of ceremonies ::
tobacco {n} (any plant of the genus Nicotiana) :: dohány
tobacco {n} (leaves of certain varieties of tobacco plant) :: dohány
tobacconist {n} (smoker) SEE: smoker ::
tobacconist {n} (person who sells tobacco) :: trafikos, dohányárus
tobacconist {n} (tobacconist's shop) SEE: tobacconist's ::
tobacconist's {n} (shop that sells tobacco products) :: dohánybolt, dohányáruda, trafik
tobacco pipe {n} (smoking tool) :: pipa
-to-be {suffix} (future, later, expectant) :: leendő, -jelölt
to be honest {phrase} (frankly) :: hogy őszinte legyek, őszintén szólva
Tobias {prop} (male given name) :: Tóbiás
toboggan {n} (long sled without runners) :: tobogán
to boot {adv} (in addition) SEE: in addition ::
today {adv} (on the current day) :: ma
today {adv} (nowadays) :: ma, manapság, napjainkban
today {n} (today (noun)) :: ma
today's {adj} :: mai
toddler {n} (young human child) :: tipegő
to do with {prep} (relate or relevant to) :: szól, kapcsolatos, köze van hozzá
toe {n} (each of the five digits on the end of the foot) :: lábujj
to each his own {proverb} (every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences) :: ízlések és pofonok, kinek a pap, kinek a papné
to err is human {proverb} (Everybody makes mistakes) :: tévedni emberi dolog
tofu {n} (protein-rich food made from curdled soy milk) :: tofu
toga {n} (loose outer garment worn by the citizens of Ancient Rome) :: tóga
together {adv} (at the same time, in the same place) :: együtt
toilet {n} (personal grooming) :: toalett
toilet {n} (room used for urination and defecation, see also: bathroom; men's room; ladies' room; outhouse; portable toilet; latrine; shitter) :: mosdó, árnyékszék, illemhely, mellékhelyiség, toalett, WC [informal]
toilet {n} (fixture used for urination and defecation, see also: flush toilet; squat toilet; chemical toilet; urinal; latrine) :: vécé, WC, vécécsésze
toilet paper {n} (paper to clean oneself after defecation or urination) :: toalettpapír, vécépapír
Tokaj {prop} (town in Hungary) :: Tokaj
Tokelau {prop} (a territory of New Zealand in the Pacific) :: Tokelau-szigetek
token {n} (keepsake or souvenir) :: szuvenír
token {n} (piece of stamped metal used as a substitute for money) :: zseton, játékpénz, tantusz, telefonérme
token {n} (atomic piece of data) :: szóelőfordulás, szópéldány, példány, token, szövegszó
Tokyo {prop} (capital of Japan) :: Tokió
Tokyoite {adj} (relating to Tokyo) :: tokiói
Tokyoite {n} (person from Tokyo) :: tokiói
tolar {n} (currency of the Republic of Slovenia) :: tolár
tolerable {adj} (Moderate in degree; mediocre; passable, acceptable or so-so) :: tűrhető
tolerant {adj} (tending to permit, allow, understand, or accept something) :: toleráns
toleratable {adj} (tolerable) SEE: tolerable ::
to let {prep} (being advertised for rent (of a room or property)) SEE: for rent ::
Tolkienian {adj} :: tolkieni
toll {n} (fee for using roads and bridges) :: vám
toll {n} (loss or damage) :: áldozat
toll {v} (to impose a fee) :: díjat szed / számít fel
toll {v} (to levy a toll) :: vámol, megvámol
toll {n} (act or sound of tolling) :: harangszó, harangzúgás, kongás, [the act] kongatás
toll {v} (to make the noise of a bell) :: kong, szól, zúg
toll {v} (to ring a bell slowly and repeatedly) :: kongat, megkongat
Tolstoyan {adj} (of or relating to Tolstoy) :: tolsztoji
toluene {n} (liquid hydrocarbon) :: toluol
tom {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
tom {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
tom {n} (male cat) :: kandúr
tomato {n} (tomato plant) :: paradicsom
tomato {n} (fruit) :: paradicsom
tomato juice {n} (juice made from tomatoes) :: paradicsomlé
tomato sauce {n} (pasta sauce) :: paradicsomszósz
tomato sauce {n} (ketchup) SEE: ketchup ::
tomayto, tomahto {phrase} (to suggest a distinction without a difference) :: egyik kutya, másik eb, egyik tizenkilenc, másik egy híján húsz, egyre megy
tomb {n} (small building or vault for the remains of the dead) :: sír
tomboy {n} (girl who acts as a typical boy would) :: fiús lány
tombstone {n} (stone on grave) :: sírkő
tom cat {n} (male cat) :: kandúr
tomcat {n} (tom) SEE: tom ::
Tom, Dick and Harry {n} (anybody or everybody; random or unknown people) :: boldog-boldogtalan, mindenki, bárki, akárki
tome {n} (one in a series of volumes) :: kötet
tomfoolery {n} (foolish behaviour) :: ostobaság, bárgyúság, sületlenség
tomnoddy {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin ::
tomorrow {adv} (on the day after the present day) :: holnap
tomorrow {n} (the day after the present day) :: holnap
Tomsk {prop} (а city in Russia) :: Tomszk
Tom Thumb {prop} (the thumb-sized hero of a fairy tale) :: Hüvelyk Matyi, Babszem Jankó
-tomy {suffix} (cutting, incision, section) :: -tómia, -metszés
ton {n} (unit of weight) :: tonna
ton {n} (register ton) :: regisztertonna
ton {n} (large amount) :: rengeteg, (egy) rakás, (egy) halom, egy csomó
ton {n} (speed of 100 mph) :: száz mérföld per óra, óránként száz mérföld(-es sebesség)
ton {n} (£100) :: száz font
tone {n} (pitch of a word that distinguishes a difference in meaning) :: tónus
tone-deaf {n} (unable to distinguish differences in pitch) :: botfülű
toneme {n} (phoneme) :: tonéma
tongue {n} (organ) :: nyelv
tongue {n} (language) SEE: language ::
tongue-twister {n} (phrase which is difficult to say) :: nyelvtörő
tonic {n} (tonic water) SEE: tonic water ::
tonic water {n} (carbonated beverage) :: tonik
tonight {adv} (during today's evening) :: ma este
tonight {adv} (during today's nighttime) :: ma éjjel, ma éjszaka
tonight {n} (nighttime today) :: ma este, ma éjjel, ma éjszaka
tonsil {n} (palatine tonsil) :: mandula
tonsillitis {n} (inflammation of the tonsils) :: mandulagyulladás
tonsure {n} (bald patch resulting from being tonsured) :: tonzúra
too {adv} (likewise) :: is, szintén, úgyszintén, ugyancsak, egyaránt
too {adv} (more than enough; as too much) :: túl
too bad {phrase} (that's a pity) :: kár
toodeloo {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
too good to be true {adj} (appearing to be exceptionally good, and therefore arousing suspicion of illegitimacy) :: túl szép, hogy igaz legyen
tool {n} (mechanical device intended to make a task easier) :: [for repairs] szerszám, [device, means, instrument in general] eszköz, [mostly in compounds] szer
tool {n} (penis) :: szerszám
toolbar {n} (row of icons in a graphical user interface) :: eszköztár, eszközsor
toolbox {n} (storage case for tools) :: szerszámosláda
toolbox {n} (set of routines) :: eszköztár
toolmaking {n} (manufacture of tools) :: szerszámkészítés
tooltip {n} (an element of a graphical user interface) :: szövegbuborék, buboréksúgó, buboréktipp, eszköztipp, felbukkanó ablak, helyi súgó, súgóbuborék, súgószöveg, magyarázódoboz, eszközleírás, elemleírás, segédszöveg, leíróbuborék, gyorstipp, felugró üzenet
too many {determiner} (excessive) :: túl sok
too much {adv} (excessively) :: túlságosan, túlzottan, [only of quantity] túl sok
toon {n} (town) SEE: town ::
to one's heart's content {adv} :: kedvére, kedve szerint
to one's knowledge {prep} (to one's knowledge) :: tudtommal, tudomásom szerint, úgy tudom
to one's way of thinking {prep} (in one's opinion) SEE: in one's opinion ::
tooth {n} (biological tooth) :: fog
tooth {n} (saw tooth) :: fog
tooth {n} (gear tooth) :: fog
tooth and nail {adv} (viciously) :: foggal-körömmel
toothbrush {n} (brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue) :: fogkefe
tooth decay {n} (dental caries) SEE: dental caries ::
toothed jelly fungus {n} (mushroom, Pseudohydnum gelatinosum) :: kocsonyás álgereben
toothed jelly mushroom {n} (Pseudohydnum gelatinosum) SEE: toothed jelly fungus ::
tooth enamel {n} (substance) SEE: enamel ::
tooth fairy {n} (a figure of modern myth) :: fogtündér
toothless {adj} (Having no teeth) :: fogatlan
toothpaste {n} (paste for cleaning the teeth) :: fogkrém
toothpick {n} (stick for removing food residue from the area between the teeth) :: fogpiszkáló
tooth socket {n} (socket in the jaw) :: fogmeder
top {n} (uppermost part) :: tető, felső rész
top {n} (lid, cap, cover) :: fedő, kupak
top {n} (garment worn to cover the torso) :: felső
top {n} (child’s spinning toy) :: búgócsiga
topaz {n} (gem) :: topáz
top hat {n} (cylindrical hat) :: cilinder
topic {n} (discussion thread) SEE: thread ::
topic {n} (subject; theme) :: téma
top notch {adj} (Of the highest quality) :: első osztályú, príma
topnotch {adj} (of the highest level) SEE: top notch ::
top-notch {adj} (of the highest quality) SEE: top notch ::
topology {n} (study of geometric properties that are not changed by stretching etc.) :: topológia
topology {n} (arrangements of computer nodes) :: topológia
topos {n} (literary theme) :: toposz
topple {v} (to push, throw over, overturn or overthrow something) :: dönt, leborít, felborít, ledönt
topple {v} (to totter and fall, or to lean as if about to do so) :: eldől, felborul, dől
topside {n} (upper side) SEE: upper side ::
top up {v} (to fill) :: feltölt, megtölt, teletölt, újratölt
top up {v} (to extend credit) :: feltölt
toque {n} (knitted hat) SEE: beanie ::
toque {n} (chef) SEE: chef ::
tor {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
Torah {prop} (the Five Books of Moses - the full body of Jewish law) :: Tóra
torch {n} (flashlight) SEE: flashlight ::
torch {n} (stick with flame at one end) :: fáklya
torch {v} (set fire to) :: felgyújt
torchlight {n} (light produced by a torch) :: fáklyafény
torment {n} (extreme pain) :: kín
tornado {n} (violent windstorm) :: tornádó
Toronto {prop} (city in Canada) :: Toronto
torpedo {n} (underwater weapon) :: torpedó
torpedo {n} (fish) :: zsibbasztó rája
torrent {n} (violent flow, as of water etc.) :: özön
torrid {adj} (very hot and dry) :: perzselő, tűző
torrid {adj} (full of intense emotions...) :: perzselő, forró
Torschlusspanik {n} (fear that time is running out to act) :: kapuzárási pánik
torso {n} (body excluding the head and limbs) :: törzs, torzó
torte {n} (a rich, dense cake) :: torta
tortoise {n} (land-dwelling reptile) :: teknősbéka, teknős
Tortonian {n} :: Tortonai
torture {n} (intentional causing of somebody's experiencing agony) :: kínzás
torture {n} ("suffering of heart" imposed by one on another, in personal relationships) :: kínszenvedés
torture {v} (to intentionally inflict unnecessary pain or suffering on helpless victims) :: kínoz
torus {n} (shape in 3-dimensional Euclidean space) :: tórusz
Tory {n} (a member or supporter of the Conservative Party (UK, Canada)) :: tory
to say nothing of {conj} (apophasis used to mention another important, usually related, point) :: nem is beszélve arról, hogy…, nem beszélve arról, hogy…, arról nem is beszélve, hogy
to say the least {adv} (suggesting understatement) :: finoman szólva, enyhén szólva
to scale {prep} (such that each dimension has the same proportion to the original) :: méretarányosan
tosh {n} (silly nonsense) :: ostobaság, zagyvaság, butaság, hülyeség
Tosh {prop} (Nyírtass) :: Nyírtass
to some extent {prep} (in part) :: valamennyire, valamelyest, némileg, némiképp
toss {n} (throw, a lob, of a ball) :: dobás, hajítás, eldobás, elhajítás
toss {v} (to throw with an initial upward direction) :: dob, hajít, eldob, elhajít
toss {v} (to flip a coin) :: feldob egy pénzt, feldob egy pénzdarabot
toss {v} (to discard) :: eldob
toss {v} (to be thrown around as a ship in rough seas etc) :: hányódik, hánykolódik
tosser {n} (wanker) SEE: wanker ::
total {n} (amount) :: végösszeg
total {n} (sum) :: összeg
total {adj} (entire) :: összes
total {adj} (complete) :: teljes
totalitarianism {n} (system where state wields absolute control) :: totalitarizmus
total war {n} (warfare where all of a country's resources are employed) :: totális háború
totem pole {n} (sculpture) :: totemoszlop
to that end {prep} (therefore) SEE: therefore ::
to the max {prep} (very) SEE: very ::
to the power of {prep} (indicating an exponent) :: -odikon/-adikon/-ediken/-ödiken, -odik/-adik/-edik/-ödik hatványon
totter {v} (move or stand unsteadily) :: tántorog, totyog
toucan {n} (Ramphastid) :: tukán
touch {v} (make physical contact with) :: érint, megérint, hozzányúl, hozzáér, tapint, megtapint, érintkezik, összeér, ér
touch {v} (affect emotionally) :: meghat, megindít, megérint
touch {n} (act of touching) :: érintés, tapintás
touch {n} (sense of perception by physical contact) :: tapintás
touch {n} (style or technique) :: technika
touch {n} (distinguishing feature) :: jellegzetesség
touch {n} (small amount) :: kevés
touch {n} (part of a sportsfield) :: partvonalon túli terület
touch {n} (close communication) :: kontakt, kapcsolat
touch {n} (ability to perform a task) :: képesség
touché {interj} (fencing hit) :: tus
touché {interj} (acknowledgement) :: touché, jogos
touching {adj} (provoking sadness and pity) :: megható, megindító
touch-paper {n} (a strip of impregnated paper used as a fuse) :: gyutacs
touch screen {n} (input/output device) :: érintőképernyő
touchstone {n} (stone used to test the quality of gold alloys) :: próbakő
touchstone {n} (standard of comparison or evaluation) :: ismérv, kritérium
touch wood {v} (to make contact with wood or another material to avert bad luck) SEE: knock on wood ::
touch wood {interj} (hopefully; said when touching something wooden) SEE: knock on wood ::
tough {v} (endure) SEE: endure ::
tough {adj} (difficult to chew) :: rágós
tough {adj} (stubborn) SEE: stubborn ::
tough {adj} (resilient) SEE: resilient ::
tough out {v} (endure) SEE: endure ::
toupe {n} (hairpiece) SEE: toupee ::
toupee {n} (wig) :: tupé
tour guide {n} (guide on organised tours) :: idegenvezető
tourism {n} (the act of travelling or sightseeing) :: turizmus
tourist {n} (someone who travels for pleasure) :: turista
tournament {n} ((historical) series of battles) :: lovagi torna, torna
tournament {n} (series of games) :: torna
tourniquet {n} (a tightly compressed bandage used to stop bleeding) :: érnyomó, ércsíptető, érszorító, érleszorító, [medical] turniculum
tour operator {n} (company that sells package holidays) :: utazásszervező
tour operator {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency ::
tovarish {n} (comrade) SEE: comrade ::
toward {prep} (in the direction of) :: felé
toward {prep} (in relation to) :: iránt
toward {prep} (for the purpose of) :: -ra, -re, céljából
toward {prep} (located near) :: felé, környékén, közelében
towards {prep} (toward) SEE: toward ::
towel {n} (cloth used for wiping) :: törülköző
tower {n} (structure) :: torony
tower {n} (Tarot card) :: torony
tower crane {n} (crane on a metal tower) :: toronydaru
Tower of London {prop} (a fortress in London) :: londoni Tower, Tower
Tower of Pisa {prop} (Leaning Tower of Pisa) SEE: Leaning Tower of Pisa ::
tower over {v} (to be considerably taller than) :: tornyosul
to whom it may concern {phrase} (phrase used to begin a formal letter to an unknown recipient) :: mindenkinek, akit illet, mindazoknak, akit illet, annak, akit illet, Tisztelt Címzett (Dear Recipient)
to whom this may concern {phrase} (salutation) SEE: to whom it may concern ::
town {n} (settlement) :: város
town hall {n} (a building that houses the local government offices of a town) :: városháza
townhouse {n} (town hall) SEE: town hall ::
township {n} (a subdivision of a county) :: járás
town twinning {n} (pairing of towns or cities) :: testvérváros
tow truck {n} (motor vehicle for towing) :: autómentő
toxic {adj} (having a harmful chemical nature) :: mérgező
toxicologist {n} (scientist or physician who speciality is toxicology) :: toxikológus
toxicology {n} (scientific study of poisons and poisoning) :: toxikológia
toxin {n} (a toxic or poisonous substance) :: méreg
toy {n} (something to play with) :: játék, játékszer
to your health {phrase} :: egészségedre [informal term addressed at a single person; for its variants, see Usage notes there]
Trabby {n} (Trabant) :: Trabi
tracer {n} (A piece of ammunition for a firearm that contains magnesium or another flammable substance) :: fényjelző lőszer
trachea {n} (thin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi) :: légcső
tracing paper {n} (translucent paper) :: pauszpapír
track {n} (a song or other relatively short piece of music, on a record, separated from others by a short silence) :: szám
track {n} (caterpillar track) SEE: caterpillar track ::
track cycling {n} (Cycling discipline) :: pálya-kerékpározás
track down {v} (to search, hunt) :: lenyomoz
tracker {n} (server software that coordinates peers in the BitTorrent protocol) :: tracker, nyomonkövető
tracking {n} (consistent adjustment of space between individual letters) :: betűritkítás
tract {n} (series of connected body organs) :: traktus
tractable {adj} (capable of being easily led) :: irányítható
traction engine {n} (steam engine) :: lokomobil
tractor {n} (farm vehicle) :: traktor, mezőgazdasági vontató [formally]
tractor {n} (truck (or lorry) for pulling a trailer) :: vontató, kamion
tractor {n} (any piece of machinery that pulls something) :: vontató
tractor driver {n} (one who drives a tractor) :: traktorvezető, traktorista, traktoros
trade {n} (buying and selling) :: kereskedelem
trade {n} (instance of buying or selling) :: kereskedés, üzlet, üzletelés
trade {n} (instance of bartering) :: csere
trade {n} (those who perform a particular kind of skilled work) :: mesterember, szakember
trade {n} (those engaged in an industry) :: szakember, iparos, szakmabeli, szakma
trade {n} (skilled practice of an occupation) :: mesterség, szakma
trade {n} (business given by customers) :: forgalom, üzletmenet, üzlet
trade {n} (steady winds above and below equator) :: passzát, passzátszél
trade {n} (publication intended for participants in an industry) :: szaklap, szakfolyóirat
trade {n} (slang: brief sexual encounter) :: numera
trade {v} (to engage in trade) :: kereskedik, üzletel
trade {v} (to give in exchange) :: cserél, elcserél
trademark {adj} (distinctive, characteristic) :: jellegzetes
trademark {n} (identification of a company's product) :: védjegy, márkanév
trader {n} (one who earns a living by trading) :: kereskedő
trade union {n} (organization) :: szakszervezet
trade wind {n} (steady wind) :: passzát, passzátszél
tradition {n} (a part of culture that is passed from person to person or generation to generation) :: hagyomány, tradíció
traditional {adj} (of or pertaining to tradition) :: hagyományos
Traditional Chinese {prop} (Chinese written using traditional characters) :: hagyományos kínai
traditionally {adv} (traditional manner) :: tradicionálisan, hagyományosan
traductology {n} (translation studies) SEE: translation studies ::
traffic {n} (pedestrians or vehicles on roads or on the air) :: forgalom
trafficator {n} (blinking light) SEE: indicator ::
traffic cone {n} (cone-shaped marker) :: terelőkúp
traffic jam {n} (situation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow) :: forgalmi dugó, dugó, közlekedési dugó, torlódás
trafficking {n} (human trafficking) SEE: human trafficking ::
traffic light {n} (signalling device) :: jelzőlámpa, közlekedési lámpa, stoplámpa
traffic sign {n} (traffic sign) :: közlekedési jelzőtábla
tragedy {n} (drama or similar work) :: tragédia, szomorújáték, dráma
tragedy {n} (disastrous event, especially one involving great loss of life or injury) :: tragédia
tragic {adj} (causing great sadness) :: tragikus
tragic {adj} (relating to tragedy) :: tragikus
trail {n} (track followed by a hunter) :: nyom
trailblazer {n} (one that blazes a trail to guide others) :: úttörő
trailblazer {n} (innovative leader) :: úttörő
trailer {n} (vehicle towed behind another, used for carrying equipment) :: utánfutó, tréler
trailer {n} (preview of a film) :: előzetes
trailer hitch {n} (hitch for a trailer) :: vontatóhorog
trail mix {n} (a blend of foods for snacking on the go) :: diákcsemege
train {n} (line of connected cars or carriages) :: vonat, vasút
train {n} (group of animals, vehicles, or people) :: karaván
train {n} (series of electric pulses) :: pulzus
train {v} (to practice an ability) :: edz
train {v} (to teach a task) :: kiképez
train crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing ::
trainer {n} (person who trains another; coach) :: tréner, edző
trainer {n} (running shoe) :: tornacipő
training {n} (the activity of imparting and acquiring skills) :: képzés
training {n} :: oktatás, edzés, tréning, tréningezés
training wheels {n} (pair of small wheels attached to a child's bicycle) :: kitámasztó pótkerék, támasztókerék, segédkerék
train of thought {n} (flow of thinking) :: gondolatmenet
train of thoughts {n} (train of thought) SEE: train of thought ::
train shed {n} (a building, adjacent to a railway station, covering the tracks and platforms with a roof) :: csarnok
train station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station ::
trait {n} (an identifying characteristic, habit or trend) :: jellemző, jellemvonás
traitor {n} (one who violates allegiance and betrays one's country) :: hazaáruló
traitor {n} (a betrayer) :: áruló
trajectory {n} (path of a body) :: röppálya
tram {n} (passenger vehicle) :: villamos
tramcar {n} (streetcar) SEE: tram ::
tramp {n} (homeless person) :: csavargó
tramp {v} (to hitchhike) SEE: hitchhike ::
trampoline {n} (gymnastic and recreational device) :: trambulin
trance {n} (such a state induced by hypnosis) :: transz
trance {n} (genre of electronic dance music) :: trance
tranche {v} (slice) SEE: slice ::
tranquilizer {n} (anything that tranquillizes or soothes) :: nyugtató
tranquilizer {n} (drug used to reduce anxiety or tension) :: nyugtató, nyugtatószer
trans- {prefix} (across, through, over, beyond, to or on the other side of, outside of) :: transz-
transaction {n} (finance: transfer of funds into, out of, or from an account) :: tranzakció
transcendence {n} (the act of surpassing usual limits) :: felülemelkedés
transcendental number {n} (irrational nonalgebraic number) :: transzcendens szám
transclude {v} (substitute input) :: áthivatkozik, távbeágyaz
transclusion {n} (the inclusion of part of one hypertext document in another one by means of reference rather than copying) :: áthivatkozás, távbeágyazás, hivatkozás-átemelés
transcription {n} (in music) :: átirat
transcription {n} (recorded programme) :: felvétel, felvett műsor/adás
transcription {n} (in linguistics) :: átírás, [by pronunciation] kiejtés szerinti / fonetikus átírás
transcription {n} (in genetics) :: transzkripció
Transdanubia {prop} (region of Hungary) :: Dunántúl
transduction {n} (physiology: the conversion of a stimulus from one form to another) :: ingerület
transept {n} :: kereszthajó
transfer {v} (to move or pass from one place, person or thing to another) :: átvisz, áttesz, átszállít, áthelyez
transfer {v} (to convey the impression of something from one surface to another) :: átvisz, átnyom, átmásol
transfer {v} (to be or become transferred) :: áthurcolkodik, átköltözik, átmegy
transfer {v} (arrange for something to belong to or be controlled by somebody else) :: átruház
transference {n} (the act of conveying or transferring) :: átvitel, átszállítás, áthelyezés, [of ownership] átruházás
transference {n} (term used in psychology) :: áttétel, indulatáttétel, érzelemáttétel, indulatátvitel, érzelemátvitel, transzferencia
transformation {n} (act of transforming) :: átalakítás, alakítás
transformation {n} (state of being transformed) :: átalakulás, alakulás
transformation {n} (linguistics: rule that systematically converts one syntactic form into another) :: transzformáció
transformer {n} (device that changes the characteristics of AC electricity) :: transzformátor
transfuge {n} (deserter) SEE: deserter ::
transfuge {n} (turncoat) SEE: turncoat ::
transfusion {n} (medicine: the transfer of blood or blood products from one individual to another) :: vérátömlesztés, transzfúzió
transgender {adj} (not identifying with culturally conventional gender roles) :: transznemű
transgender {n} (a transgender person) :: transzneműség, transznemű
transgression {n} (violation of a law, command or duty) :: kihágás
transhumanism {n} (philosophy favoring the use of science and technology) :: transzhumanizmus
transient {n} (traveller) :: átutazó
transistor {n} (solid-state semiconductor device, with three terminals) :: tranzisztor
transition {n} (process of change from one form, state, style or place to another) :: rendszerváltás
transition metal {n} (transition element) :: átmenetifém
transitive {adj} (grammar, of a verb: taking an object or objects) :: tárgyas
transitive verb {n} (a verb that is accompanied by a direct object) :: tárgyas ige
translatable {adj} (capable of being translated into another language) :: fordítható, lefordítható
translate {v} (to change text from one language to another) :: fordít, lefordít
translate {v} (to have a translation into another language) :: fordítható, lefordítható, kifejezhető
translate {v} (to change from one medium to another) :: átültet
translate {v} (to change from one form to another) :: megmutatkozik, kifejeződik, kifejezhető
translate {v} (physics: to subject to translation) :: eltol
translate {v} (to move or carry from one place to another) :: áthelyez
translate {v} (to remove, as a bishop, from one see to another) :: áthelyez
translation {n} (act of translating between languages) :: fordítás
translation {n} (result of translating between languages) :: fordítás
translation {n} (of forces in a gearbox) :: váltás, [slow to fast] felváltás, [fast to slow] leváltás
translation {n} (math, physics: motion without deformation or rotation) :: eltolás
translation {n} (genetics: process for producing proteins) :: transzláció
translation studies {n} (study of theory and practice of translating and interpreting) :: fordítástudomány, transzlatorika, traduktológia
translative {n} (translative case) SEE: translative case ::
translative case {n} (case used to indicate a change in the state of a noun) :: translativus, translativus-factivus, translativus-factitivus, eredményeset
translatology {n} (study of theory and practice of translating and interpreting) SEE: translation studies ::
translator {n} (someone who translates) :: fordító
transliterate {v} (to represent letters or words in the characters of another alphabet or script) :: átbetűz, transzliterál, betűnként/betű szerint átír
transliteration {n} (product of transliterating) :: átbetűzés, transzliteráció, betű szerinti / betűnkénti átírás
translucent {adj} (allowing light to pass through, but diffusing it) :: áttetsző
transmissible {adj} (able to be transmitted) :: átadható
transmissible {adj} (contagious) :: fertőző
transmutation {n} (transformation) SEE: transformation ::
Transnistria {prop} (Transnistria, an autonomous territory in Moldova) :: Dnyeszter-mellék, Transznisztria
transparency {n} (quality of being transparent; transparence) :: átláthatóság
transparent {adj} (see-through, clear) :: átlátszó
transparent {adj} :: nyílt
transpire {v} (to happen, take place) SEE: happen ::
transpire {v} (to give off) :: kiad, kibocsát, áraszt
transpire {v} (botany: to give off water and waste products through the stomata) :: kipárologtat, kigőzölögtet
transpire {v} (to become known) :: kiderül, kitudódik
transport {v} (carry or bear from one place to another) :: szállít, fuvaroz
transport {n} :: szállítás, fuvarozás, közlekedés
transport {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport ::
transportation {n} (act of transporting) :: szállítás, fuvarozás
transportation {n} (deportation to a penal colony) :: deportálás
transportation {n} (means of conveyance) :: közlekedés
transpose {v} (to reverse or change the order of two) :: felcserél, áthelyez, áttesz
transpose {v} (music: to write or perform (a piece) in another key) :: transzponál
transpose {v} (algebra: to move (a term) to the other side of an equation) :: rendez [with the equation as its object]
transpose {v} (mathematics: to rearrange elements in a matrix) :: transzponál
transpose {v} (law: to give force to a directive by passing appropriate implementation measures) :: átültet
transrealism {n} (literary mode) :: transzrealizmus
transsexual {n} (person whose gender identity did not match his/her birth sex, and who therefore is changing or has changed sex) :: transzszexuális
transuranic {adj} (element with atomic number greater than 92) :: transzurán
transverse colon {n} (part of colon) :: haránt vastagbél
transvestite {n} (cross-dresser, see also: cross-dresser) :: transzvesztita
Transylvania {prop} (Transylvania) :: Erdély
Transylvanian {adj} (related to Transylvania) :: erdélyi
Transylvanian {n} (inhabitant or resident of Transylvania) :: erdélyi
Transylvanian Saxon {n} (German settler of Transylvania) :: erdélyi szász
Transylvanian Saxon {prop} (West Central German lect) :: erdélyi szász
trap {n} (device designed to catch or kill animals) :: csapda
trap {v} (to catch in a trap or traps) :: csapdába ejt
trapdoor {n} (door set into floor or ceiling) :: csapóajtó
trapeze {n} (trapezium) SEE: trapezium ::
trapeze {n} (swinging horizontal bar) :: trapéz
trapezium {n} (polygon with two parallel sides) :: trapéz
trapezium bone {n} (a bone of the carpus at the base of the thumb) :: trapézcsont
trapezoid {n} (quadrilateral with two sides parallel) SEE: trapezium ::
trapezoid {n} (quadrilateral with no sides parallel) SEE: trapezium ::
trapezoid bone {n} (one of the carpal bones of the wrist) :: kis trapézcsont
trapper {n} (one who traps animals) :: prémvadász
trash {n} (things to be discarded) :: szemét
trash can {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can ::
trauma {n} (serious injury to the body) :: trauma, sérülés, seb, sebesülés
trauma {n} (emotional wound) :: trauma, megrázkódtatás
trauma {n} (event) :: megrázó/traumatikus esemény
traumatology {n} (branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of trauma) :: traumatológia
travel {v} (be on a journey) :: utazik
travel {n} (act of traveling) :: út, utazás
travel agency {n} (tour operator) SEE: tour operator ::
travel agency {n} (company) :: utazási iroda
travel agent {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency ::
travel book {n} (book about travelling to a certain region) :: útikönyv
traveler {n} (one who travels) SEE: traveller ::
traveler's check {n} (check draft) SEE: traveller's cheque ::
traveling {n} (action of travelling) :: utazás
traveller {n} (one who travels) :: utazó
traveller's cheque {n} (preprinted cheque for a fixed amount) :: utazási csekk
travelling {n} (action of travelling) :: utazás
travelling salesman problem {n} (mathematical problem) :: az utazó ügynök problémája
travel sickness {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
traverse {v} (computing: to visit all parts of; to explore thoroughly) :: bejár
travesty {n} (An absurd or grotesque misrepresentation) :: megcsúfolás, karikatúra
travesty {n} (A parody or stylistic imitation.) :: paródia
tray {n} (object on which things are carried) :: tálca
tray {n} (notification area in a computer's graphical user interface) :: tálca
treacherous {adj} (exhibiting treachery) :: áruló
treacherous {adj} (deceitful; inclined to betray) :: álnok
treachery {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
treacle {n} (molasses or golden syrup) :: melasz
treadmill {n} (piece of indoor sporting equipment) :: futópad
treadmill {n} (mill worked by persons) :: taposómalom
treason {n} (crime of betraying one’s country) :: árulás, hitszegés
treasure {n} (collection of valuable things) :: kincs
treasure {n} (any single thing one values greatly) :: kincs
treasure {n} (term of endearment) :: drágám, édesem
treasure {v} (consider to be precious) :: nagyra becsül, sokra tart, becsben tart, nagyra tart, féltve őriz
treasure chest {n} (chest filled with treasure) :: kincsesláda
treasurer {n} :: pénztáros
treasure trove {n} (hidden treasure, subsequently discovered) :: kincslelet, lelet, kincsesbánya, kincsestár, kincstár
treasury {n} (place where treasure is stored safely) :: kincstár
treasury {n} (place where state or royal money and valuables are stored) :: államkincstár
treasury {n} (collection of artistic or literary works) :: tárház, kincsestár
treat {v} (to negotiate) :: tárgyal
treat {v} (to discourse, conduct a discussion) :: bemutat, foglalkozik, értekezik
treat {v} (to handle a subject in writing or speaking) :: tárgyal, feldolgoz, foglalkozik
treat {v} (to entreat or beseech) :: könyörög, esedez, eseng
treat {v} (to handle, deal with or behave towards in a specific way) :: bánik, kezel
treat {v} (to entertain with food or drink) :: megvendégel, meghív, befizet
treat {v} (to care for medicinally or surgically) :: kezel
treat {v} (to subject to a chemical or other action) :: kezel
treat {v} :: megjutalmaz, meglep <--! Was under "to celebrate or reward with a present" -->
treat {n} (An entertainment, outing, or other indulgence provided by someone for the enjoyment of others) :: szórakozás, mulatság
treat {n} (An unexpected gift, event etc., which provides great pleasure) :: meglepetés, ajándék, (delicacy) csemege
treat {n} ((obsolete) An entreaty) SEE: entreaty ::
treat {n} ((obsolete) A parley or discussion of terms; a negotiation) SEE: negotiation ::
treatment {n} (process or manner of treating) :: bánásmód
treatment {n} (medical care for an illness or injury) :: kezelés, gyógykezelés
treatment {n} (preserving or giving particular properties) :: kezelés
treaty {n} (a binding agreement under international law) :: szerződés
treble {v} (to multiply by three) :: megháromszoroz
tredecillion {num} (1042, see also: septillion) :: szeptillió
tree {proverb} (large woody plant) :: fa
tree {v} (chase up a tree) :: fa
treehouse {n} (a house within a tree) :: lombház
treeless {adj} (having no trees) :: fátlan
tree ring {n} (annual growth ring in the trunk of a tree) :: évgyűrű
tree shrew {n} (small shrew-like animal) :: mókuscickány
tree trunk {n} (the main structural member of a tree) :: fatörzs, törzs
trehalose {n} (disaccharide formed from two glucose units) :: trehalóz
trellis {n} (An outdoor garden frame which can be used to grow vines or other climbing plants) :: lugas
trema {n} (the diacritical mark) SEE: diaeresis ::
Tremadocian {n} :: Tremadoci
tremble {v} (to shake) :: reszket
tremor {n} (shake, quiver, or vibration) :: reszketés, remegés
tremor {n} (earthquake) :: remegés, rázkódás, lökés
tremor {v} (to shake or quiver; to tremble) :: reszket, remeg
trench {n} (long, narrow ditch or hole) :: árok
trench {n} (military excavation) :: lövészárok
trench coat {n} (military-style raincoat) :: viharkabát, trencskó, ballonkabát
trepanation {n} (practice of drilling a hole in the skull) :: lékelés
trepang {n} (sea cucumber) SEE: sea cucumber ::
trespass {n} (sin) SEE: sin ::
Târgu Mureș {prop} (city in Romania) :: Marosvásárhely, Székelyvásárhely
triage {n} (assessment or sorting according to quality) :: rangsorolás, osztályozás, besorolás, minősítés, válogatás
triage {n} (the process of sorting patients) :: triázs, betegosztályozás, előosztályozás, betegek vagy sérültek előzetes sürgősségi besorolása
trial {n} (chance to test something out) :: próba, teszt, kísérlet
trial {n} (appearance at judicial court) :: tárgyalás
trial {n} (difficult experience) :: baj, nehézség, kellemetlenség, megpróbáltatás, próbatétel
trialogue {n} (meeting (European Union)) :: trilógus, háromoldalú egyeztetés
triangle {n} (polygon) :: háromszög
triangle {n} (percussion instrument) :: triangulum
triangle {n} (love triangle) SEE: love triangle ::
triangle pose {n} (trikonasana) SEE: trikonasana ::
triangular {adj} (shaped like a triangle) :: háromszögletű, háromszög alakú, [rare in this sense] háromszögű
triangular {adj} (having a triangle as a base) :: háromszög alapú
triangular {adj} (having three elements or parties) :: [with three parties] háromoldalú, három résztvevős, [with three elements] háromrészes
triangular number {n} (an integer which is the sum of n natural numbers) :: háromszögszám
triangulation {n} (surveying technique) :: háromszögelés
Trianon {n} (royal palaces in Versaille, France) :: Trianon
Trianon {n} (Treaty of Trianon) :: Trianon
Triassic {prop} (the geologic period) :: triász
triathlete {n} (An athlete who competes in the triathlon) :: triatlonista
triatomic {adj} (consisting of three atoms) :: háromatomos
tribe {n} (group of people) :: törzs
triboluminescence {n} (production of light) :: tribolumineszcencia
tribulation {n} (adversity) :: sanyarúság, szorultság, szorongattatás, nyomorúság
tributary {adj} (subordinate, inferior) SEE: subordinate ::
tricarboxylic acid cycle {n} (the Krebs cycle, see also: Krebs cycle; citric acid cycle) :: trikarbonsavciklus
tricenarian {n} (a person between age thirty and thirty-nine) :: harmincas éveiben járó, harmincvalahány éves, harmincadik születésnapját betöltött
triceps {n} (triceps brachii) SEE: triceps brachii ::
triceps brachii {n} (the triceps in the upper arm) :: háromfejű karizom, tricepsz
trichology {n} (knowledge or study of hair) :: hajgyógyászat, trichológia
trick {n} (something designed to fool) :: trükk, csíny, csel
trick {n} (magic trick) :: bűvészmutatvány, bűvésztrükk, mutatvány
trick {n} (effective, clever or quick way of doing something) :: trükk, fortély, fogás
trick {n} (winning sequence in cards) :: ütés
trick {n} (slang: act of prostitution) :: menet
trick {n} (slang: customer to a prostitute) :: kuncsaft
trick {v} (to fool; to cause to believe something untrue) :: becsap, rászed, beugrat, átver
trickery {n} (underhanded behavior) :: fortélyosság
trick or treat {interj} (extortion) :: csokit vagy csalunk, csokit vagy csínyt, adsz vagy lesz kapsz, adsz vagy kapsz
trick question {n} (misleading question) :: becsapós kérdés
trickster {n} (fraud) SEE: fraud ::
tricky {adj} (hard to deal with) :: nehéz, fogas, fogós, húzós
tricky {adj} (adept at using deception) :: ravasz, cseles, trükkös, fifikás, ördöngös, dörzsölt, furfangos, agyafúrt
triclinic {adj} (having three unequal axes all intersecting at oblique angles) :: triklin
tricolour {n} (A flag with three stripes of different colours) :: trikolór
tricot {n} (soft knit fabric) :: trikó
tricycle {n} (cycle with three wheels) :: tricikli
tridecagon {n} (geometry) :: tizenháromszög
trident {n} (three-pronged spear) :: háromágú szigony
Trieste {prop} (province) :: Trieszt
trifle {n} (dessert) :: angol krémdesszert
trigeminal nerve {n} (nerve responsible for sensation and motor function in the face and mouth) :: háromosztatú ideg
trigger {n} (finger-operated lever used to fire a gun) :: ravasz
trigger {v} (to fire a weapon) :: elsüt
trigger {v} (to initiate something) :: kivált
trigger finger {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger ::
trigonometric function {n} (a function of an angle) :: trigonometrikus függvény, szögfüggvény
trigonometry {n} (branch of mathematics) :: trigonometria
triiodomethane {n} (iodoform) SEE: iodoform ::
trikonasana {prop} (the Triangle Pose in yoga) :: trikonászana
trilingual {adj} (expressed or written in three languages) :: háromnyelvű
trillion {num} (a million million, 1012, see also: billion) :: billió
trilogy {n} (collection of three works) :: trilógia
trimester {n} (period of three months) :: trimeszter
trimester {n} (term of academic year) :: trimeszter
Trinidad {prop} (an island of the Caribbean) :: Trinidad
trinitrotoluene {n} (a highly explosive yellow crystalline substance) :: trinitrotoluol
Trinity {prop} (Christianity: three persons of the Godhead) :: Szentháromság
trip {n} (journey) :: kirándulás, utazás
tripe {n} (stomach lining of animal for food) :: pacal
triphthong {n} (monosyllabic vowel combination involving movement from one vowel to another) :: hármashangzó, triftongus
Triple Gem {prop} (Triple Gem) :: három ékesség
triple jump {n} (athletics field event) :: hármasugrás
triple jumper {n} (athlete who competes in the triple jump) :: hármasugró
triplet {n} (one of three siblings born at the same time of the same mother) :: hármasiker
tripod {n} (a three-legged stand or mount) :: tripod
Tripoli {prop} (capital of Libya) :: Tripoli
triptych {n} (art: a picture or series of pictures painted on three tablets connected by hinges) :: triptichon
trip up {v} (cause to fall or stumble) :: elgáncsol
Tripura {prop} (state) :: Tripura
triquetral bone {n} (one of the carpal bones of the wrist) :: háromszögletű csont
triquetrum {n} (anatomy) SEE: triquetral bone ::
trisect {v} (to cut into three pieces) :: harmadol
trismus {n} (lockjaw) SEE: lockjaw ::
trisyllabic {adj} (having three syllables) :: három szótagú/szótagos
trite {adj} (used so many times that it is commonplace, or no longer interesting or effective; worn out, hackneyed) :: elkoptatott, elcsépelt, banális
tritium {n} (radioactive isotope of hydrogen) :: trícium
triumph {n} (conclusive success; victory; conquest) :: diadal
triumph {n} (ceremony performed in honour of a victory) :: diadalmenet
triumph {n} (a state of joy or exultation at success) :: örömujjongás
triumph {v} (to prevail over rivals) :: diadalmoskodik, győzedelmeskedik
triumph {n} (trump card) SEE: trump ::
triumphal {adj} (of or relating to a triumph) :: diadalmi
triumphal {adj} (that celebrates or commemorates a triumph or victory) :: diadalmi
triumphal arch {n} (monumental arch that commemorates a victory) :: diadalív
triumphant {adj} (celebrating victory) :: diadalmas, diadalmaskodó
triumvirate {n} (a ruling group of three) :: triumvirátus
Trivandrum {prop} (Thiruvananthapuram) SEE: Thiruvananthapuram ::
trivet {n} (stand with three short legs) :: háromlábú állvány
trivet {n} (stand to support hot dishes and protect the table) :: edényalátét
trivia {n} (quiz) SEE: quiz ::
trivial {adj} (of little significance or value) :: jelentéktelen
trivial {adj} (common, ordinary) :: közönséges, útszéli
trivial {adj} ((mathematics) self-evident) :: nyilvánvaló, magától értetődő, triviális
trivially {adv} (in a trivial manner) :: triviálisan
trochee {n} (a metrical foot) :: trocheus
trochlear nerve {n} (motor nerve that innervates the superior oblique muscle of the eye) :: sodorideg
troika {n} (carriage) :: trojka
troika {n} (group of three) SEE: triumvirate ::
Trojan {n} (computer malware) SEE: Trojan horse ::
Trojan {n} (person from Troy) :: trójai
Trojan {adj} (relating to the city Troy) :: trójai
Trojan horse {prop} (epic wooden horse) :: trójai faló
Trojan War {prop} (mythological war) :: trójai háború
troll {n} (person who provokes others) :: troll
trolley {n} (cart or shopping cart) :: bevásárlókocsi
trolley bus {n} (bus powered via overhead electric cables) :: trolibusz, troli
trombone {n} (a musical instrument in the brass family) :: harsona
Tromsø {prop} (municipality in Norway) :: Tromsø
trophic level {n} (position of a group of organisms in a food chain) :: trofikus szint
trophy {n} (object rewarding success) :: trófea
tropic {adj} (tropical) SEE: tropical ::
tropic {n} (either of the two parallels) :: térítő
tropic {adj} (referring hot and humid weather or climate) :: trópusi, tropikus
Tropic {n} (one of the two Tropics) SEE: tropic ::
tropical {adj} (dated: metaphorical, figurative) SEE: figurative ::
tropical {adj} (of or pertaining to the tropics) :: trópusi, tropikus
tropical {adj} (from or similar to a hot humid climate) :: trópusi, tropikus
tropical {adj} :: tropikus
tropical rainforest {n} (forest) :: trópusi esőerdő
Tropic of Cancer {prop} (the parallel of latitude 23°30′ north of the equator) :: Ráktérítő
Tropic of Capricorn {prop} (parallel of latitude 23°30' S) :: Baktérítő
troponym {n} (more specific verb (grammar)) :: troponima
trot {n} (toddler) SEE: toddler ::
troth {n} (truth) SEE: truth ::
Trotskyism {n} (left-wing political philosophy named after Leon Trotsky) :: trockizmus
Trotskyist {n} (a supporter of Trotskyism) SEE: Trotskyite ::
Trotskyite {n} (an advocate of the communist doctrines of Leon Trotsky) :: trockista
trotter {n} (the foot of a pig) :: csülök
troubadour {n} (an itinerant performer of songs) :: trubadúr
trouble {n} (distressful or dangerous situation) :: baj, gond
trouble {n} (difficulty) :: nehézség
trouble {n} (effort) :: fáradság
trouble {v} (to bother; to annoy) :: zavar
troublemaker {n} (one who causes trouble, especially deliberately) :: bajkeverő
troubleshooting {n} (identification and resolution of problems) :: hibaelhárítás, hibakeresés, problémamegoldás
troublesome {adj} (giving trouble) :: bajos
trough {n} (a long, narrow, open container for feeding animals) :: vályú
trounce {v} (to beat severely, see also: thrash) :: összever
trounce {v} (to beat thoroughly, to defeat heavily) :: elver, megver, megsemmisítő vereséget mér
troupe {n} (company of actors, etc.) :: színtársulat
troupe {n} (any group of people) :: csoport
trouser {v} (to pocket) SEE: pocket ::
trousers {n} (article of clothing for the lower body) SEE: pants ::
trout {n} (fish) :: pisztráng
trove {n} (treasure trove) SEE: treasure trove ::
trowel {n} (mason's tool) :: kőműveskanál
trowel {n} (tool used for smoothing mold) :: spakli
Troy {prop} (an ancient city) :: Trója
truancy {n} (the act of shirking from responsibilities and duties) :: lógás, iskolakerülés
truce {n} (a period of time in which no fighting takes place) :: fegyverszünet
truck {v} (trade) SEE: trade ::
truck {n} (semi-trailer) :: kamion
truck {n} (vehicle designed for carrying cargo) :: teherautó, kamion, haszongépjármű [formally]
truck {n} (flatbed railway car) :: pőrekocsi
truck {n} (wagon) SEE: wagon ::
true {adj} (concurring with a given set of facts) :: igaz
true {adj} (A state in Boolean logic that indicates an affirmative or positive result) :: igaz
true {adj} (Loyal, faithful) :: igaz
true {adj} (Genuine) :: igazi, valódi, eredeti
truffle {n} (tuber) :: szarvasgomba
truffle {n} (chocolate truffle) SEE: chocolate truffle ::
truly {adv} (honestly, genuinely) :: tényleg, valóban, igazán
truly yours {phrase} (yours truly) SEE: yours truly ::
trump {n} (suit that outranks all others) :: adu, tromf
trump card {n} (trump) SEE: trump ::
trumpet {n} (brass instrument) :: trombita
trumpet {v} (play the instrument) :: trombitál
trumpeter {n} (person who plays the trumpet) :: trombitás, kürtös, trombitajátékos
Trumpian {adj} (resembling or pertaining to the philosophy, rhetoric, and style of Donald Trump) :: trumpi
truncate {v} (shorten something as if by cutting off part of it) :: csonkol
trunk {n} (tree trunk) :: törzs, fatörzs, tuskó, fatuskó
trunk {n} (large suitcase or chest) :: bőrönd, útibőrönd, utazóbőrönd, utazóláda
trunk {n} (extended nasal organ of an elephant) :: ormány
trunk {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) :: csomagtartó
trunk {n} (telecommunications line) :: trönk
trunk {n} (torso) SEE: torso ::
trunk {n} (swimming trunks) SEE: swimming trunks ::
trust {n} (confidence in or reliance on some person or quality) :: bizalom
trust {n} (dependence upon something in the future; hope) :: bizodalom, remény, reménység
trust {n} (a group of businessmen or traders) :: tröszt
trust {v} (to place confidence in) :: bízik, megbízik
trustable {adj} (capable of being trusted) :: megbízható
trustee {n} (person to whom property is legally committed in trust) :: vagyonkezelő, meghatalmazott, gondnok, letéteményes, kurátor, megbízott, gyám, kezelő
trustfulness {n} (the property of being trustful) :: megbízhatóság
trustworthy {adj} (reliable) :: megbízható
truth {n} (state or quality of being true to someone or something) :: igazságosság
truth {n} (conformity to fact or reality) :: igazság
truth {n} (true facts) :: igazság
truth be told {interj} (when admitting something one might otherwise lie about) :: az igazat megvallva
truth or dare {n} (game where players perform a dare or answer a question) :: felelsz vagy mersz
truth table {n} (table showing all possible truth values for an expression) :: igazságtáblázat
truth value {n} (values in logic) :: igazságérték
try {v} (to attempt) :: próbál, megpróbál, próbálkozik, megpróbálkozik, megkísérel
try {v} (to make an experiment) :: próbaképpen [adverb, used with the verb of the action]
try {v} (to put to test) :: kipróbál, próbára tesz
try {v} (to taste, sample, etc) :: [of food] megkóstol, [of clothes] felpróbál, [with any other object] kipróbál
try {v} (to put on trial) :: [of a person] bíróság elé állít, [of a case] tárgyal
try {n} (an attempt) :: próba, próbálkozás, kísérlet
try on {v} (to test the look of) :: felpróbál
try out {v} (to test something) :: kipróbál
tryptophan {n} (essential amino acid) :: triptofán
tryst {n} (prearranged meeting, now especially between lovers) :: találka, légyott, randevú
tsar {n} (an emperor) :: cár
tsarevich {n} (a son of a tsar, a prince in Russia or Bulgaria) :: cárevics
tsarevich {n} (the firstborn son of a tsar) :: cárevics
tsarevich {n} (the crown prince of Russia or Bulgaria) :: cárevics
tsarina {n} (empress or wife of a tsar) :: cárnő, cárné
tsarism {n} (system of government) :: cárizmus
tsarist {adj} (from the time of the tsar) :: cári
tsaritsa {n} (tsarina) SEE: tsarina ::
tsetse {n} (fly of the genus Glossina) :: cecelégy
T-shirt {n} (type of shirt) :: póló, trikó
Tsinghai {prop} (Qinghai) SEE: Qinghai ::
Tsitsihar {prop} (Qiqihar) SEE: Qiqihar ::
tsp {n} (abbreviation for teaspoon) :: tk.
Tsukuyomi {prop} (Japanese moon god) :: Cukujomi
tsunami {n} (large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean) :: cunami, szökőár
tsuris {n} (problems or troubles) :: córesz
tteokbokki {n} (stir-fried tteoks seasoned with red pepper paste) :: ttokpokki
T tubule {n} (extension of the cell membrane of striated muscle cells) :: T-tubulus
tub {n} (broad, flat-bottomed vessel) :: kád
tub {n} (bathtub) SEE: bathtub ::
tuba {n} (a large brass musical instrument) :: tuba
tube {n} (a pipe) :: cső
tube {n} (a tin can) :: doboz (sör)
tube {n} (the London underground) SEE: Tube ::
Tube {prop} (informal: the London underground) :: metró
tuber {n} (fleshy underground stem) :: gumó
tuberculosis {n} (infectious disease) :: tuberkulózis
tubular bells {n} (percussion instrument) :: csőharang
tuck {v} (push the end of fabric out of sight) :: tűr, betűr
tuck {v} (place somewhere safe or hidden) :: dug, bedug
tucker {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub ::
tuck in {v} (to pull the blankets or duvet up over (someone in bed); to put (someone) to bed) :: lefektet (és betakar), ágyba tesz, ágyba dug
tuck in {v} (to push in loose clothing) :: tűr, betűr, bedug, begyűr, betuszkol, besuvaszt, begyömöszöl
Tuesday {n} (day of the week) :: kedd
Tuesday {adv} (on Tuesday) :: kedden
tuffet {n} (clump of grass) :: fűcsomó
tuffet {n} (low seat or stool) :: puff
tuft {n} (bunch) :: fürt [hair], csomó [grass]
tufted titmouse {n} (Baeolophus bicolor) :: indiáncinege
tug {n} (tugboat) SEE: tugboat ::
tugboat {n} (small, powerful boat) :: vontatóhajó
tughra {n} (signature of an Ottoman sultan) :: tuğra
tug of war {n} (game) :: kötélhúzás
tulip {n} (plant) :: tulipán
tumble {v} (to fall end over end) :: bukik, elbukik, felbukik, bucskázik, hanyatt esik, lebukfencezik, lebucskázik, lezuhan
tumble {v} (to roll over and over) :: hánykolódik, forgolódik, kavarog, forog, özönlik, bukdácsol
tumble {v} (to perform gymnastics such as somersaults, rolls, and handsprings) :: bukfencezik
tumble {v} (to muss, to make disorderly; to tousle or rumple) :: felborít, felborogat, feldönt, kiborít, ledönt, összekuszál, összegyűr, széthány
tumbledown {adj} (in disrepair, poorly maintained) :: ütött-kopott
tumble dryer {n} (electrical device) :: szárítógép
tumbler {n} (acrobat) SEE: acrobat ::
tumbler {n} (drinking glass without stem) :: pohár, vizespohár
tumbleweed {n} (plant which breaks loose and is driven by the wind) :: ördögszekér
tummy {n} (childish language for stomach) :: pocak, poci, hasikó
tumor {n} (oncology, pathology: an abnormal growth) :: daganat
tumour {n} (tumor) SEE: tumor ::
tuna {n} (fish) :: tonhal
tuna {n} (flesh) :: tonhal
tundra {n} (flat treeless arctic region) :: tundra
tune {v} (to adjust a musical instrument) :: hangol
tuneful {adj} (having or producing a pleasing tune) :: dallamos
Tung-kuan {prop} (Dongguan) SEE: Dongguan ::
tungsten {n} (chemical element) :: volfrám
Tungusic {adj} (of or pertaining to these languages) :: tunguz
tunic {n} (garment) :: tunika
tuning fork {n} (fork-shaped object which emits a tone) :: hangvilla
Tunis {prop} (capital of Tunisia) :: Tunisz
Tunisia {prop} (Republic of Tunisia) :: Tunézia
Tunisian {n} (person from Tunisia) :: tunéziai
Tunisian {adj} (pertaining to Tunisia) :: tunéziai
tunnel {n} (an underground or underwater passage) :: alagút
tunnel vision {n} (one-track mind) SEE: one-track mind ::
tunnel vision {n} (restricted field of vision) :: csőlátás
tup {v} (fuck) SEE: fuck ::
tup {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
turban {n} (man's head-dress) :: turbán
turbanned {adj} (Wearing a turban) :: turbános
turbid {adj} (having the lees or sediment disturbed; roiled; muddy; thick; not clear) :: zavaros
turbinal {n} (nasal concha) SEE: nasal concha ::
turbinate {n} (nasal concha) SEE: nasal concha ::
turbinate bone {n} (nasal concha) SEE: nasal concha ::
turbine {n} (rotary machine) :: turbina
turbot {n} (any of various flatfishes of family Scophthalmidae) :: rombuszhal
turbulence {n} (disturbance in gas, fluid) :: turbulencia
turd {n} (piece of solid feces) :: ganéj, szar
turf accountant {n} (bookmaker) SEE: bookmaker ::
Turinese {adj} (of or relating to Turin) :: torinói
Turinese {n} (a person from Turin) :: torinói
Turing machine {n} (abstract machine) :: Turing-gép
Turk {n} (a person from Turkey) :: török
Turk {n} (a speaker of the various Turkic languages) :: türk
Turk {n} (bloodthirsty and savage person) :: barbár, vandál
Turk {n} (Muslim) SEE: Muslim ::
turkey {n} (bird) :: pulyka
Turkey {prop} (country at intersection of Europe and Asia) :: Törökország
turkey vulture {n} (a common North American vulture, Cathartes aura) :: pulykakeselyű
Turkic {adj} (of or relating to this language group or the people who speak it) :: türk
Turkish {n} (official language of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) :: török
Turkish {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Turkey, the Turkish people or the Turkish language) :: török
Turkish bath {n} (establishment) :: törökfürdő
Turkish delight {n} (confection) :: szultánkenyér, török csemege, lokum
Turkman {n} (person from Turkmenistan) :: türkmén
Turkmen {adj} (of or pertaining to Turkmenistan, the Turkmen people or the Turkmen language) :: türkmén
Turkmen {n} (Turkman) SEE: Turkman ::
Turkmenistan {prop} (Central Asian country) :: Türkmenisztán
Turkmenistani {adj} (person of Turkmen origin) SEE: Turkmen ::
turmeric {n} (spice) :: kurkuma
turn {v} (move around an axis through itself) :: forog, fordul
turn {v} (change the direction or orientation of (something)) :: fordít, forgat, elfordít, elforgat
turn {v} (change one's direction of travel) :: fordul, befordul, elfordul, kanyarodik
turn {v} (become) :: lesz
turn {v} (reach a certain age) :: lesz, betölt, elér
turn {v} (metamorphose) :: változik, átváltozik
turn {v} (shape (something) on a lathe) :: esztergál
turn {v} (go bad) :: megsavanyodik
turn {v} (of leaves, to change color in autumn) :: -ul/-ül [e.g. “turn yellow”: sárga → sárgul, “turn brown”: barna → barnul]
turn {n} (movement about an axis ending up with the same orientation) :: fordulat, elfordulás, megfordulás
turn {n} (chance to use (something) shared in sequence with others) :: sor [in phrases, see the entry, e.g. ], [it's someone's turn [as a verb]] jön or következik
turn {n} (change in temperament or circumstance) :: fordulat, fordulópont, változás
turn {n} (character; personality; nature) :: beállítottság, hajlam, érzék
turn a blind eye {v} (to ignore or deliberately overlook) :: szemet huny
turn a deaf ear {v} (to refuse to listen or hear something) :: a füle botját sem mozdítja
turn back {v} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return ::
turncoat {n} (a traitor) :: köpönyegforgató
turn down {v} (refuse, decline, deny) :: elutasít, visszautasít
turner {n} (person working a lathe) :: esztergályos
turn in {v} (submit something) :: bead, lead, benyújt
turn in {v} (to relinquish; to tell on someone to the authorities) :: felad, feldob, felnyom, beköp
turn in one's grave {v} (be appalled, offended or disgusted by something, despite being deceased) :: megfordul a sírjában, forog a sírjában
turn into {v} (intransitive: become) :: válik, átváltozik
turnip {n} (white root of Brassica rapa) :: fehérrépa, tarlórépa
turnkey {adj} (ready to use without further assembly) :: kulcsrakész
turn off {v} (switch off appliance or light) :: kikapcsol [device or appliance], lekapcsol [light]
turn off {v} (rotate a tap or valve to stop outflow) :: elzár
turn of the century {n} (beginning or end of a certain century) :: századforduló
turn on {v} (to set a flow of fluid or gas running by rotating a tap or valve) :: kinyit
turn on {v} ((transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.) :: bekapcsol [device, machine, apparatus]; felkapcsol [lights]; beindít [system]
turn one's back {v} (to forsake, to abandon; to ignore) :: hátat fordít
turn out {v} (to result; end up) :: végződik, alakul, sikerül
turn out {v} (to succeed) :: sikerül, összejön
turn out {v} (to attend; show up) :: eljön, megjelenik, ellátogat, részt vesz, jelen van
turn out {v} (to extinguish a light or other device) :: lekapcsol, kikapcsol, elzár, elolt
turn out {v} (to become apparent or known) :: kiderül
turn out {v} (to produce; make) :: előállít, gyárt, készít
turn out {v} (to leave a road) :: lefordul, lekanyarodik
turn out {v} (to remove from a mould, bowl etc.) :: kifordít
turn out {v} (to refuse service or shelter; to eject or evict) :: kitessékel, kidob, kiteszi a szűrét
turn over {v} (to transfer) SEE: transfer ::
turn signal {n} (turn signal) SEE: indicator ::
turn the other cheek {v} (accept injury without revenge) :: másik arc odafordítása/odatartása
turn the tables {v} (To reverse a situation so that the advantage has shifted) :: fordul a kocka, felülkerekedik
turn turtle {v} (to fail, go belly up) SEE: fail ::
turquoise {n} (gemstone) :: türkiz
turquoise {n} (colour) :: türkiz, türkizkék
turquoise {adj} (made of turquoise) :: türkiz
turquoise {adj} (having a pale greenish-blue colour) :: türkiz, türkizkék
turtle {n} (land or marine reptile with a shell) :: teknősbéka, teknős
turtle {n} (turtle dove) SEE: turtle dove ::
turtle dove {n} (bird in the genus Streptopelia) :: vadgerle, gerle
turtleneck {n} (turtleneck sweater) :: garbó
Tuscany {prop} (region in Italy) :: Toszkána
tusk {n} (pointed tooth) :: agyar
tussis {n} (cough) SEE: cough ::
Tutankhamon {prop} (Egyptian Pharaoh) :: Tutanhamon
tutu {n} (ballet skirt) :: tütü
tuxedo {n} (formal jacket) :: szmoking
tuxedo {n} (formal suit) :: szmoking
Tuzla {prop} (a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina) :: Tuzla
TV series {n} (series) SEE: series ::
twang {v} (to produce or cause to produce a sharp vibrating sound) :: peng, [one time only] pendül, [to cause to produce this sound] penget
twat {n} (vulgar slang, vagina) :: pina
tweak {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: prostitute ::
tweet {v} (internet: to post an update to Twitter) :: tweetel, csiripel
tweezers {n} (small pincer-like instrument, usually made of metal, used for handling small objects) :: csipesz
twelfth {adj} (ordinal form of twelve) :: tizenkettedik
twelfth {n} (one of twelve equal parts of a whole) :: tizenketted
twelfth {n} (interval) :: duodecima
twelfth grade {n} :: tizenkettedik osztály
twelve {num} (cardinal number 12) :: tizenkettő
twelveth {adj} (twelfth) SEE: twelfth ::
twenties {n} (the decade of the 1920s) :: húszas évek
twentieth {adj} (ordinal form of twenty, see also: 20th) :: huszadik
twentieth {n} (ordinal object) :: huszadik
twentieth {n} (portion of whole) :: huszad
twenty {num} (cardinal number) :: húsz
twenty {n} (a banknote with a denomination of 20) :: húszas
twenty-eight {num} (number) :: huszonnyolc
twenty-eighth {adj} (ordinal form of twenty-eight) :: huszonnyolcadik
twenty-eighth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-eighth position) :: huszonnyolcadik
twenty-eighth {n} (one of twenty-eight equal parts of a whole) :: huszonnyolcad
twenty-fifth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-five) :: huszonötödik
twenty-fifth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-fifth position) :: huszonötödik
twenty-fifth {n} (one of twenty-five equal parts of a whole) :: huszonötöd
twenty-first {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-one) :: huszonegyedik
twenty-first {n} (ordinal) :: huszonegyedik
twenty-first {n} (portion of a whole) :: huszonegyed
twenty-five {num} (twenty-five) :: huszonöt
twenty-four {num} (cardinal number) :: huszonnégy
twenty-fourth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-four) :: huszonnegyedik
twenty-fourth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-fourth position) :: huszonnegyedik
twenty-fourth {n} (one of twenty-four equal parts of a whole) :: huszonnegyed
twenty-nine {num} (cardinal number) :: huszonkilenc
twenty-ninth {adj} (ordinal form of the number twenty-nine) :: huszonkilencedik
twenty-ninth {n} (person or thing in the twenty-ninth position) :: huszonkilencedik
twenty-ninth {n} (one of twenty-nine equal parts of a whole) :: huszonkilenced
twenty-one {num} (cardinal number) :: huszonegy
twenty-second {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-two) :: huszonkettedik
twenty-second {n} (person or thing in the twenty-second position) :: huszonkettedik
twenty-second {n} (one of twenty-two equal parts of a whole) :: huszonketted
twenty-seven {num} (twenty-seven) :: huszonhét
twenty-seventh {adj} (ordinal for of twenty-seven) :: huszonhetedik
twenty-seventh {n} (person or thing in the twenty-seventh position) :: huszonhetedik
twenty-seventh {n} (one of twenty-seven parts) :: huszonheted
twenty-six {num} (cardinal number) :: huszonhat
twenty-sixth {adj} (ordinal number) :: huszonhatodik
twenty-sixth {n} (the person or thing in the twenty-sixth position) :: huszonhatodik
twenty-sixth {n} (one of twenty-six equal parts of a whole) :: huszonhatod
twenty-third {adj} (the ordinal form of the number twenty-three) :: huszonharmadik
twenty-third {n} (person or thing in the twenty-third position) :: huszonharmadik
twenty-third {n} (one of twenty-three equal parts of a whole) :: huszonharmad
twenty-three {num} (twenty-three) :: huszonhárom
twenty-twenty hindsight {proverb} :: utólag okos ([to be] clever in retrospect)
twenty-two {num} (twenty-two) :: huszonkettő
twice {adv} (two times) :: kétszer
twiddle one's thumbs {v} (to circle one's thumbs around one another) :: malmozik az ujjaival, malmozik
twiddle one's thumbs {v} (to wait or dawdle) :: malmozik
twig {n} (a small thin branch) :: gally
twilight {n} (light before rising and after the setting of the Sun) :: szürkület, félhomály [both before sunrise and after sunset], pirkadat, pirkadás, virradat [before sunrise only], alkonyat [after sunset only]
twill {n} (weaving pattern) :: sávoly
twin {n} (either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects) :: iker
twin {adj} (forming a matched pair) :: pár
twink {n} (gay slang: young, attractive, slim man) :: nyunyó
Twin Towers {prop} (the two main buildings of the World Trade Center) :: Világkereskedelmi Központ
twist {n} (twig) SEE: twig ::
twist {n} (twisting force) :: csavarás, csavaróerő, torzió
twist {n} (anything twisted, or the act of twisting) :: forgatás, csavarás, tekerés, sodrás, fonás
twist {n} (form) :: csavarodás, tekeredés, spirál, csigavonal
twist {n} (sudden bend (or short series of bends) in a road, path, etc) :: kanyar, kanyarulat
twist {n} (distortion to the meaning of a word or passage) :: elferdítés, kiforgatás
twist {n} (unexpected turn in a story, tale, etc) :: fordulat, csavar
twist {n} (type of dance) :: tviszt
twist {n} (sprain, especially to the ankle) :: rándulás, megrándítás
twist {v} (to turn the ends in opposite directions) :: csavar, teker, sodor, fon
twist {v} (to join together by twining) :: összeteker, összecsavar, összesodor, összefon
twist {v} (to distort or change the truth or meaning) :: elferdít, eltorzít, kiforgat
twist {v} (to wind, to follow a wavy course) :: kanyarog, kígyózik
twist {v} (to injure (a body part) by bending it in the wrong direction) :: megrándít
twist drill {n} :: fúrófej, fúrószár, spirálfúró, csigafúró
twist of fate {n} :: a sors fintora, a sors iróniája
twisty {adj} (curly) SEE: curly ::
twitch {n} (Elymus repens) SEE: couch grass ::
twitter {n} (sound made by birds) :: csiripelés, csicsergés
Twitter {v} (tweet) SEE: tweet ::
two {num} (numerical value) :: kettő, két
two {n} (digit or figure) :: kettő, kettes
two beers, please {phrase} (two beers, please) :: két sört kérek
two cents {n} (one's opinion) :: vélemény, magánvélemény
two cents {n} (worthless amount) :: fillér, fitying, fabatka, lyukas garas
two heads are better than one {proverb} (joint thinking pays) :: több szem többet lát
two hundred {num} (cardinal number 200) :: kétszáz
two left feet {n} (exhibiting clumsiness) :: kétballábas adj
two left hands {n} (lacking dexterity in either hand) :: kétbalkezes
two-legged {adj} (having two legs) :: kétlábú, kétágú, kétszárú
two-line double pica {n} (meridian) SEE: meridian ::
two-move checkmate {n} (quickest possible checkmate) SEE: fool's mate ::
two-party system {n} (dominance of two parties) :: kétpártrendszer
two's complement {n} :: kettes komplemens
two-stroke engine {n} (an engine in which the pistons perform two strokes per engine cycle) :: kétütemű motor
two thousand {num} (cardinal number) :: kétezer
two-time {adj} (twice over) :: kétszeres
two-time {v} (to be unfaithful to one's partner) :: megcsal
two wrongs don't make a right {proverb} (a wrongful action is not a morally appropriate way to correct or cancel a previous wrongful action) :: [paraphrasis] az egyik fél vétsége nem teszi a másik vétségét semmissé
Tyche {prop} (Greek goddess of luck/fortune) :: Tükhé
tycoon {n} (wealthy, powerful business person) :: iparmágnás
tympanic membrane {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
tympanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear ::
tympanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
tympanum {n} (triangular space between the sides of a pediment) :: timpanon
type {n} (blood group) SEE: blood type ::
type {n} (grouping based on shared characteristics) :: típus, fajta, osztály, minta [military]
type {n} (individual that represents the ideal for its class) :: archetípus
type {n} (preferred sort of person) :: eset
type {n} :: szóalak, típus
type {v} (to use a typewriter) :: gépel, legépel
type {v} (to enter characters into a computer using keyboard) :: gépel, bepötyög [informal]
typecast {v} (to cast an actor in the same kind of role repeatedly) :: beskatulyáz
typecast {v} (to identify someone as being of a specific type) :: beskatulyáz
type design {n} (the art of designing typefaces) :: betűtervezés
type designer {n} (a person who designs typefaces) :: betűtervező
typeface {n} (font family) :: betűtípus
type II error {n} (accepting the null hypothesis when false) :: másodfajú hiba
typesetter {n} (a typesetter) :: betűszedő, szedő
typesetting {n} (setting or composition) :: tördelés
type species {n} :: típusfaj
typewriter {n} (machine used to print text by pressing keys) :: írógép
typewriter {n} (one who uses a typewriter) :: gépíró, gépírónő
typhoid {n} (typhoid fever) SEE: typhoid fever ::
typhoid fever {n} (illness) :: hastífusz
typhoon {n} (hurricane in the Pacific) :: tájfun
typhus {n} (disease) :: tífusz, kiütéses tífusz, flekktífusz
typical {adj} (capturing the overall sense of a thing) :: tipikus, jellemző
typing {n} (the act of typing) :: gépelés
typist {n} (person who types) :: gépíró, gépírónő
typo {n} (error) :: elírás, nyomdahiba, elgépelés
typo {v} (make a typographical error) :: elgépel
typo {n} (compositor) SEE: typesetter ::
typographer {n} (typewriter) SEE: typewriter ::
typographer {n} (person skilled in typography) :: tipográfus
typographer {n} (kind of bark beetle) :: betűzőszú
typographic {adj} (typographic) SEE: typographical ::
typographical {adj} (pertaining to typography or printing) :: tipográfiai
typographical error {n} (typing error) :: elírás, nyomdahiba, elgépelés
typographic apostrophe {n} (an apostrophe that has a curved, asymmetrical form, contrasted with the straight, vertically symmetrical typewriter apostrophe) :: nyomdai aposztróf
typography {n} (art and technique) :: tipográfia
typometer {n} (a ruler used in the graphic arts) :: tipométer
tyrannical {adj} (of, or relating to tyranny, of a tyrant) :: zsarnoki
tyrannical {adj} (despotic, oppressive, authoritarian) :: kegyetlen
tyrannize {v} (to oppress someone) :: zsarnokoskodik, hatalmaskodik
tyrannize {v} (to rule as a tyrant) :: zsarnokoskodik
tyranny {n} (government in which a single ruler has absolute power) :: zsarnokság
tyranny {n} (absolute power, or its use) :: zsarnokság
tyrant {n} (absolute ruler) :: zsarnok, despota, kényúr
tyrant {n} (harsh and cruel ruler) :: zsarnok, despota, elnyomó, kényúr
tyrant {n} (oppressive and harsh person) :: zsarnok
tyre {n} (wheel covering) :: gumi, autógumi [on cars], bicikligumi, kerékpárgumi [on bycicles]
Tyre {prop} (an ancient sea port and city state of Phoenicia) :: Türosz
Tyrol {prop} (state in the west of Austria) :: Tirol
tyrosine {n} (nonessential amino acid) :: tirozin
Tyumen {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Tyumeny
tzaddik {n} (a very righteous person) :: cadik