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User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-k

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
k {prep} :: to
k {prep} :: toward, towards
-ka {suffix} :: Appended to words to create a feminine version of a noun, especially a profession, origin, or proper name
-ka {suffix} :: Appended to words to create a diminutive form of a noun
{n} :: letter: k
{n} :: (informal) (he/she/it) regrets
kabaret {m} :: cabaret
kabar pižmový {m} :: musk deer (Moschus moschiferus)
kabát {m inan} :: coat
kabátek {m} :: diminutive of kabát
kabel {m} :: cable
kabelka {f} :: handbag, purse (a small bag used by women for carrying various small personal items)
kabelová televize {f} :: cable television (television received through coaxial cables)
kabelovka {f} :: cable, cable TV (TV broadcast over cable network)
kabina {f} :: cabin, cab, cockpit
kabina {f} :: cage (of a lift)
kabina {f} :: booth (for a telephone)
kabina {f} :: cubicle (a small enclosure at a swimming pool etc used to provide personal privacy when changing)
kabina {f} :: cubicle (a small enclosure in a public toilet for individual use)
kábr {m} [regional] :: guy, dude
kabriolet {m} :: cabriolet, convertible (automobile with a retractable top)
Kábul {prop} {m} :: Kábul (capital)
Kábulan {m} :: person from Kabul
kácení {n} :: verbal noun of kácet
kácení {n} :: felling
kácet {v impf} :: fell
kacíř {m} :: heretic
kacířka {f} :: female heretic
kacířský {adj} :: heretical
kacířství {n} :: heresy
káča {f} :: top, spinning top
Káča {prop} {f} :: given name
káčátko {n} :: duckling
káče {n} :: duckling
kačena {f} :: female duck
kačena {f} [colloquial, pejorative, offensive] :: stupid woman (objectionable woman)
Kačena {prop} {f} :: given name, a pet form of Kateřina
kačení {adj} [relational] :: duck, duck's
kačenka {f} :: diminutive of kačena
kačenka {f} :: duckling
kačenka {f} :: rubber duck
kačenka {f} :: Verpa (genus of fungi in the family Morchellaceae)
Kačenka {prop} {f} :: given name, a pet form of Kateřina
kačenka česká {f} :: early morel, wrinkled thimble-cap, Verpa bohemica (mushroom from the family Morchellaceae growing in the spring in deciduous groves)
kačer {m inan} :: drake (male duck)
Kačer Donald {prop} {m} :: Donald Duck (Disney character)
kačeří {adj} [relational] :: drake
kačka {f} [colloquial] :: duck (bird)
kačka {f} [colloquial] :: crown, koruna (Czech currency)
kačka {f} :: harlequin duck
Kačka {prop} {f} :: given name, a pet form of Kateřina
káď {f} :: vat (an open top container for liquid or friable products with a capacity of tens to hundreds of liters)
kadeř {m} :: curl (lock of curling hair)
kadeřavá kapusta {f} :: kale
kadeřávek {m} :: kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
kadeřnictví {n} :: hairdresser's, barber's
kadeřník {m} :: hairdresser
kadibouda {f} [colloquial] :: outhouse (outdoor toilet)
kadibudka {f} [colloquial] :: outhouse (outdoor toilet)
kadidelnice {f} :: censer
kadidlo {n} :: frankincense
kadit {v impf} [colloquial] :: To defecate (about an animal or a human)
kadit {v impf} [slightly dated] :: to burn incense (in a church, during the liturgy)
kadit {v impf} [obsolete] :: to flatter, soft-soap
kadmium {n} :: cadmium
kafčo {n} [colloquial] :: coffee
kafe {n} [colloquial] :: coffee (beverage)
kafemlejnek {m} [colloquial] :: coffee grinder
kafíčko {n} :: diminutive of kafe
káfir {m} :: kafir (infidel from an Islamic point of view)
kafkovský {adj} :: Kafkaesque
kafr {m} :: camphor
kafrat {v impf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to talk
Kagošima {prop} {f} :: Kagošima (prefecture)
Kagošima {prop} {f} :: Kagošima (capital city)
Káhira {prop} {f} :: Káhira (capital city)
Káhiřan {m} :: person from Cairo
kách {adj} [colloquial] :: rash, hasty
káchat {v} :: to quack (to make a noise like a duck)
kachle {f} :: tile
kachna {f} :: duck (bird)
kachna {f} :: female duck
kachna {f} :: hoax
kachní {adj} [relational] :: duck
kachní {n} :: duck (flesh of a duck used as food)
kachnice {f} :: stiff-tailed duck
kachnička {f} :: diminutive of kachna
kachnička {f} :: Aix, genus within the family Anatidae
kachnička {f} :: rubber duck
kachnička mandarinská {f} :: mandarin duck
kaiserka {f} :: Kaiser roll
kaj {adv} [dialectal, Moravia, Silesia] :: where (position or direction)
Kája {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Karel
kajak {m} :: kayak
kajčí {adj} [relational] :: eider, eider's
kajícník {m} :: penitent (one who repents)
kajícnost {f} :: contrition, penitence
kajícný {adj} :: repentant, penitent, contrite
kajka {f} :: eider (duck of the genus Somateria)
kajuta {f} :: cabin (on a ship)
kakadu {m anim} :: cockatoo
kakao {n} :: cocoa
kakaový bob {m} :: A seed of the cocoa plant
kakapo {m anim} :: kakapo
kakariki {m anim} :: kakariki
kakat {v impf} [childish] :: To poo (about an animal or a human)
kaki {n} :: persimmon fruit
kakraholte {interj} :: darn
kaktus {m inan} :: cactus
kal {m} :: dregs (suspended sediment or other particles in a liquid)
kalamář {m} :: inkpot, inkwell
kalamita {f} :: calamity
kalandra {f} :: calandra
kalašnikov {m} :: Kalashnikov
kalba {f} [colloquial] :: carousal, drinking party
kalcifikace {f} :: calcification
kalcinace {f} :: calcination (the process of calcining)
kaldera {f} :: caldera
kaleidoskop {m} :: kaleidoscope
kalendář {m} :: calendar (system by which time is divided into days, weeks, months, and years)
kalendářní {adj} :: Relating to calendar
kálet {v impf} :: to defecate (expel feces from one's bowels)
kalhotky {f} :: panties (US), knickers (UK)
kalhotky {f} :: diminutive of kalhoty
kalhoty {f} :: trousers
Kálí {prop} {f} :: Kali (Hindu goddess)
kalibrace {f} :: calibration
kalibrovat {v impf} :: to calibrate
kalif {m} :: caliph
kalifát {m} :: caliphate
Kaliforňan {m} :: Californian
Kalifornie {prop} {f} :: Kalifornie (state)
kalifornium {n} :: californium (element)
kalifornský {adj} :: Californian, California
kaligrafie {f} :: calligraphy
kalich {m} [botany] :: calyx
kalich {m} [anatomy] :: major calyx
kališnictví {n} :: Utraquism
kališník {m anim} :: Utraquist, Calixtine
kalit {v impf} [metallurgy] :: to harden; to temper
kalk {m} [linguistics] :: calque
Kalkata {prop} {f} :: Kalkata (capital city)
kalkatský {adj} :: Kolkata
kalkul {m} :: calculus (formal system for symbol manipulation)
kalkulace {f} :: calculation
kalkulačka {f} :: calculator (electronic device)
kalkulovat {v impf} :: to calculate (to plan)
kalorie {f} :: calorie (amount of heat to raise 1 gram of water by 1°C)
kalorimetr {m} :: calorimeter
kalorimetrie {f} :: calorimetry
kalous {m} :: any owl of the genus Asio
kaluž {f} :: puddle
kam {adv} :: whither (to what place)
kamarád {m anim} :: buddy
kamarádíček {m} :: diminutive of kamarád
kamarádka {f} :: female buddy
kamarádství {m} :: friendship, camaraderie
kamarádšoft {m} [colloquial, often, pejorative] :: friendship, camaraderie
Kambodža {prop} {f} :: Cambodia
Kambodžan {m anim} :: Cambodian (person)
Kambodžanka {f} :: female Cambodian
kambodžský {adj} :: Cambodian, of Cambodia, Cambodia's
kambrium {n} :: Cambrian
Kamča {prop} {f} :: A pet form of the female given name Kamila
Kamčatka {prop} {f} :: Kamchatka (a long peninsula in the Russian Far East)
kam čert nemůže, nastrčí ženskou {proverb} :: Tentative: The explanation of why the person caused the problem is that she is a woman
kamélie {f} :: camellia (plant)
kámen {m inan} :: stone (substance, small piece)
kámen {m inan} :: piece (in board games)
kamenáček {m anim} :: turnstone
kamének {m} [literary or dialectal] :: diminutive of kámen
kamenět {v impf} :: to turn into stone
kamení {n} [singulare tantum, collective] :: stones
kameníček {m anim} :: diminutive of kameník
kameníček {m anim} [obsolete] :: vernacular name of some birds nesting among stones, such as wheatear
kameníček {m inan} [obsolete] :: diminutive of kámen
kameník {m anim} :: stonemason
kámen mudrců {m} [alchemy] :: the philosopher's stone
kámen, nůžky, papír {m} :: Rock Paper Scissors
kamenný {adj} [uncomparable] :: stone, stony (made of stones)
kamenný {adj} [uncomparable] :: connected with stone
kamenný {adj} [figuratively] :: stony (hiding or showing no emotions)
kamenolom {m} :: quarry (a site for mining stone, limestone or slate)
kamenotisk {m} :: lithography
kamenovat {v impf} :: to stone (to pelt with stones)
kamera {f} :: camera (for moving pictures)
kamera, klapka, jedeme {phrase} :: lights, camera, action!
kameraman {m} :: cameraman
Kamerun {prop} {m inan} :: Cameroon
Kameruňan {m} :: Cameroonian (person)
Kamerunec {m anim} :: Cameroonian (person)
kamerunský {adj} :: Cameroonian, of Cameroon
kamikadze {m anim} :: kamikaze (one who makes an attack requiring his suicide, especially when done with an aircraft)
kamikaze {m anim} :: kamikaze (one who makes an attack requiring his suicide, especially when done with an aircraft)
Kamil {prop} {m} :: given name
Kamila {prop} {f} :: given name
Kamilka {prop} {f} :: given name
kamínek {m} :: diminutive of kámen
kamion {m} :: truck (vehicle for cargo)
kamión {m} :: truck (vehicle for cargo)
kamioňák {m} [colloquial] :: truck driver, trucker
kamna {n} :: stove, heater
kámoš {m} [colloquial] :: buddy
kámoška {f} [colloquial] :: female buddy
kampaň {f} [marketing, politics] :: campaign
kampanolog {m} :: campanologist
kampanologický {adj} :: campanological
kampanologie {f} :: campanology (the study of bells, their casting, tuning and ringing)
kampus {m} :: campus (grounds or property of an organization, often including buildings)
kamzice {f} :: female chamois
kamzičí {adj} [relational] :: chamois
kamzík {m anim} :: chamois
káň {f} [rare] :: alternative form of káně
Kanada {prop} {f} :: Kanada (country)
Kanaďan {m anim} :: Canadian
Kanaďanka {f} :: female Canadian
kanadský {adj} :: Canadian
kanadský žert {m} :: practical joke
kanadský žertík {m} :: diminutive or alternative form of kanadský žert
kanál {m} :: sewer, drain, gutter
kanál {m} :: canal
kanál {m} :: channel
kanálek {m} :: diminutive of kanál
kanálek {m} :: canal (anatomy)
kanalizace {f} :: sewer (pipes used to remove human waste and to provide drainage)
kanape {noun} :: sofa
kanár {m} :: canary
kanasta {f} :: canasta
kancelář {f} :: office (room)
kancelář {f} :: agency
kancelářská židle {f} :: office chair, desk chair
kancelářský {adj} [relational] :: office
kancerogen {m} :: carcinogen (substance or agent that can cause cancer)
kancerogenní {adj} :: carcinogenic, cancer-causing
kancl {m} [colloquial] :: office (a building or room where clerical or professional duties are performed)
kancléř {m} :: chancellor
kancléřka {f} :: female chancellor
Kančendžanga {prop} {f} :: Kangchenjunga
Kančendženga {prop} {f} :: Kangchenjunga
kančí {adj} [relational] :: boar
kandela {f} :: candela (unit of luminous intensity)
kandidát {m} :: candidate
kandidátka {f} :: female candidate
kandidátka {f} :: (list of candidates for an election) ticket
kandidátní {adj} [relational] :: candidate
kandidatura {f} :: candidacy, candidature
kandidovat {v both} :: to be a candidate
kandidóza {f} [pathology] :: candidiasis
kandži {n} :: kanji (Chinese characters as used for the Japanese language)
káně {f} :: buzzard
káně {n} :: buzzard chick
kanec {m anim} :: male wild boar
kanec {m anim} :: male pig, boar
kání {n} :: verbal noun of kát
kání {adj} [relational] :: buzzard
kanibal {m} :: cannibal
kanibalismus {m} :: cannibalism (the act of eating another of one's own species)
kaňka {f} :: blot
kankán {m} :: cancan (dance originating in France)
kannadština {f} :: Kannada (one of Dravidian languages)
kánoe {f} :: canoe
kanoista {m} :: canoeist
kanoistika {f} :: canoeing
kanoistka {f} :: female canoeist
kanón {m inan} [colloquial] :: cannon
kanón {m inan} [military] :: a kind of cannon with a long strong barrel
kanón {m inan} [colloquial, complimentary] :: a very competent person
kaňon {m inan} :: canyon
kánon {m inan} [music] :: round
kanónenfutr {m} :: cannon fodder
kanonický {adj} [mathematics, computing] :: canonical
kanonický tvar {m} :: canonical form
Kansas {prop} {m} :: Kansas (<<state>> of the mid <<c/USA>>)
Kansasan {m} :: person from Kansas
kantáta {noun} :: cantata
kantiánský {adj} :: Kantian
kanton {m} :: canton
Kanton {prop} {m} :: Kanton (caplc)
kantonština {f} :: Cantonese (language)
kantovec {m} :: Kantian (a follower of Kant)
kantovský {adj} :: Kantian
kantůrek {m} :: diminutive of kantor
kantýna {f} :: cafeteria
kaolin {m} :: kaolin
kaolín {m} :: kaolin (fine clay, rich in kaolinite, used in ceramics, paper-making, etc.)
kaolinit {m} :: kaolinite
Kao-siung {prop} :: Kaohsiung
kapa {n} :: kappa
kapacita {f} :: capacity
kapalina {f} :: fluid, liquid
kapalný {adj} :: liquid (flowing freely like water; fluid; not solid and not gaseous)
kapání {n} :: dripping
kapat {v impf} :: to drip
kapavka {f} :: gonorrhea
kapela {f} :: band (group of musicians)
kapénka {f} :: droplet
kapénkový {adj} [relational] :: droplet
kapesné {n} :: pocket money (small sum of money given to a child, by a parent or guardian)
kapesní {adj} :: pocket (of a size suitable for putting into a pocket)
kapesníček {m} :: diminutive of kapesník
kapesní hodinky {noun} :: pocket watch
kapesník {m} :: handkerchief
kapesní nůž {m} :: pocket knife, pocketknife
kapička {f} :: droplet (very small drop)
kapilára {f} :: capillary
kapilární {adj} [medicine] :: capillary
kapitál {m} :: capital (the means to acquire goods and services, including financial means)
kapitál {m} :: capital (already-produced durable goods available for production)
kapitalismus {m} :: capitalism
kapitalista {m} :: capitalist (an owner of capital, such as factories and shares in corporations)
kapitalistický {adj} :: capitalist
kapitalizmus {m} :: capitalism
kapitálky {fp} :: small caps
kapitálový {adj} [relational] :: capital
kapitálový trh {m} :: capital market
kapitálový účet {m} :: capital account (record of country's international flow of assets)
kapitán {m} :: captain
kapitánka {f} :: female captain
Kapitol {prop} {m inan} :: Capitol (the building in Washington, D.C., where the Congress of the United States meets)
kapitola {f} :: chapter (in a book)
kapitolka {f} :: diminutive of kapitola
kapitula {f} :: chapter (corporate ecclesiastical body)
kapitulace {f} :: surrender, capitulation
kapitulovat {v both} :: to surrender, to capitulate
kapka {f} :: drop (small mass of liquid)
kapka v moři {f} :: drop in the bucket, drop in the ocean
kaplan {m} :: chaplain
kaple {f} :: chapel
kaplička {f} :: diminutive of kaple
kapodastr {m} :: capotasto
kapoun {m} :: capon (cockerel which has been gelded and fattened for the table)
kapouní {adj} [relational] :: capon, capon's
kappa {n} :: kappa
Kappadokie {prop} {f} :: Cappadocia (an ancient region in the center of Asia Minor, in present-day Turkey)
kapr {m} :: carp
kapradina {f} :: fern
kaprál {m} [dated] :: corporal (military rank)
kapří {adj} [relational] :: carp
kapřík {m} :: diminutive of kapr
kapři si rybník nevypustí {proverb} :: people do not act against their own interests
kapři si rybník sami nevypustí {proverb} :: alternative form of kapři si rybník nevypustí
kapři si svůj rybník nevypustí {proverb} :: alternative form of kapři si rybník nevypustí
kapsa {f} :: pocket
kapsaicin {m} :: capsaicin
kapsář {m} :: pickpocket
kapsářka {f} :: female pickpocket
kapsička {f} :: diminutive of kapsa
Kapské město {prop} {n} :: Kapské město (legislative capital)
Kapské Město {prop} {n} :: Kapské Město (city)
kapsle {f} [pharmacy] :: capsule
kapuce {f} :: hood (worn over one's head)
kapucín {m} :: Capuchin
kapusta {f} :: the Gemmifera group of cabbages
kapusta kadeřavá {f} :: kale
Kapverďan {m} :: Cape Verdean (person)
kapverdský {adj} :: Cape Verdean, of Cape Verde
Kapverdy {prop} {mp} :: Kapverdy (archipelago/and/country)
kapybara {f} :: capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
kar {m} :: cirque
kára {noun} :: cart
karabáč {m} :: a certain kind of whip
karabina {f} :: carbine (a weapon similar to a rifle but shorter in length)
karabina {f} :: carabiner (a metal link with a gate)
Karáčí {prop} {n} :: Karáčí (capital city)
karafiát {m} :: carnation (a plant of species Dianthus caryophyllus)
Karákoram {prop} :: Karakoram
Karákóram {prop} :: Karakoram
karambol {m} :: carom billiards
karamel {m} :: caramel (confection)
karanténa {f} :: quarantine (measure)
karanténní {adj} [relational] :: quarantine
karaoke {n} :: karaoke (singing entertainment)
karapax {m} :: carapace, shell (of crustaceans)
karas {m anim} :: any fish of the genus Carassius
karát {m} :: karat [US], carat [UK] (measure of the purity of gold)
kárat {v impf} :: To rebuke, upbraid, reproach
karate {n} :: karate
karavan {m} :: caravan (UK)
karavana {f} :: caravan (a convoy or procession of travelers, their vehicles and cargo, and any pack animals, especially camels crossing a desert)
Karavanky {prop} {p} :: Karawanks
karbamazepin {m} :: carbamazepine
karbamid {m} [organic compound] :: carbamide
karbanátek {m} :: meat patty, rissole, frikadelle
karbid {m} :: carbide
karbohydrát {m} :: carbohydrate
karbon {m} :: Carboniferous
karbonát {m} :: carbonate
karboxylová kyselina {f} [organic chemistry] :: carboxylic acid
karboxylový {adj} :: carboxylic
karburátor {m} :: carburetor
karcinogen {m} :: carcinogen (substance or agent that can cause cancer)
karcinogenní {adj} :: carcinogenic, cancer-causing
karcinom {m} :: carcinoma
karcinom děložního čípku {m} [oncology] :: cervical cancer
karcinom děložního hrdla {m} [oncology] :: cervical cancer
kardiak {m} :: cardiac (person with heart disease)
kardie {f} :: cardia
kardigan {m} :: cardigan
kardinál {m} :: cardinal (in Catholic Church)
kardinalita {f} [set theory] :: cardinality
kardinální {adj} :: cardinal
kardinální číslo {n} :: cardinal number (set theory)
kardio- {prefix} :: cardio-
kardiochirurg {m} :: heart surgeon
kardiochirurgie {f} :: heart surgery
kardioida {f} :: cardioid (epicycloid with one cusp)
kardiolog {m} :: cardiologist
kardiologický {adj} :: cardiological
kardiologie {f} [medicine] :: cardiology
kardioložka {f} :: female cardiologist
kardiomyocyt {m} :: cardiomyocyte
kardiomyopatie {f} :: cardiomyopathy
kardiopulmonální {adj} :: cardiopulmonary
kardiostimulátor {m} :: pacemaker (medical implement used to stimulate a heart to beat)
kardiotoxicita {f} :: cardiotoxicity
kardiovaskulární {adj} :: cardiovascular
karditida {f} :: carditis (inflammation of the heart)
Karel {prop} {m} :: given name
karetní hra {f} :: card game
karfiol {m} :: cauliflower
karfiól {m} [colloquial] :: cauliflower
kari {n} :: curry (mixture of ground spices)
kari {n} :: curry (dish)
karí {n} :: curry (mixture of ground spices)
karí {n} :: curry (dish)
Karibik {prop} {m} :: Caribbean
Karibské moře {prop} {n} :: the Caribbean Sea
karibský {adj} :: Caribbean
kariéra {f} :: career
kariérismus {m} :: careerism
kariérista {m} :: careerist
kariérní {adj} :: career (when used attributively)
karikatura {f} :: caricature, cartoon (a drawing satirising current public figures)
karikaturista {m} :: caricaturist
karikovat {v impf} :: to caricature
karimatka {f} :: sleeping pad, ground pad, sleeping mat, roll mat
Karina {prop} {f} :: given name
Karla {prop} {f} :: given name
Karlíček {prop} {m} :: given name
Karlička {prop} {f} :: given name
Karlík {prop} {m} :: given name
karlovarský {adj} :: Karlovy Vary (when used attributively)
Karlovy Vary {prop} {mp} :: A spa city situated in western Bohemia, Czech Republic, on the confluence of the rivers Ohře and Teplá
karmazín {m} :: carmine (pigment)
karmelitán {m} :: Carmelite
karmelitánský {adj} :: Carmelite
karmín {m} :: carmine (pigment)
karneval {m} :: carnival (festive occasion marked by parades)
kárný {adj} :: disciplinary
Karolína {prop} {f} :: given name
Karolínka {prop} {f} :: given name
karolinský {adj} :: Carolingian
karolinský {adj} :: Caroline
karolinský {adj} :: Related to Carolina (state)
Karolíny {prop} {p} :: Caroline Islands
karosérie {f} :: coachwork
kárový {adj} :: diamonds (of the suit of diamonds)
Karpaty {prop} {p} :: Carpathian Mountains, Carpathians
karta {f} :: card
karta {f} [graphical user interface] :: tab
kartáč {m} :: brush (for cleaning)
kartáček {m inan} :: diminutive of kartáč
Kartaginec {m} :: Carthaginian (person from Carthage)
kartaginský {adj} :: Carthaginian (of or pertaining to Carthage)
Kartágo {prop} {n} :: Carthage
kartel {m} :: cartel
karteziánský {adj} :: Cartesian
kartézský {adj} :: Cartesian
kartézský součin {m} [set theory] :: Cartesian product
kartička {f} :: diminutive of karta
kartograf {m} :: cartographer
kartografický {adj} :: cartographic
kartografie {f} :: cartography
karton {noun} :: cardboard
kartotéční {adj} [relational] :: register
kartotéka {f} :: register, registry
kartotéka {f} :: filing cabinet
karty {fp} [plurale tantum] :: cards, card game
Karviná {prop} {f} :: A city in Moravian-Silesian Region of the Czech Republic, on the Olza River
Karvinsko {prop} {n} :: Karviná region
káry {noun} [plurale tantum, cards] :: diamonds
karyatida {f} :: caryatid (a sculpted female figure serving as an architectural element)
karyotyp {m} :: karyotype
kasa {f} :: cash desk
kasa {f} :: box office
kasárna {np} :: barracks (a group of buildings used by military personnel as housing)
kasárny {fp} :: barracks (a group of buildings used by military personnel as housing)
kasař {m} :: safecracker
kasein {m} :: casein
kasička {f} :: diminutive of kasa
kasino {n} :: casino
kasiterit {m} :: cassiterite
kaskadér {m} :: stuntman
kaskadérství {n} :: stunt
Kaspické moře {prop} {n} :: Caspian Sea
kaspický {adj} :: Caspian (of or pertaining to Caspian Sea or the region around it)
kasta {f} :: caste
kastaněty {noun} :: castanets
kastrace {f} :: castration (the act of removing the testicles)
kastrát {m} :: eunuch
kastrol {m} :: casserole, saucepan
kastrovat {v both} :: to castrate
kastrůlek {m} :: diminutive of kastrol
kaše {f} :: paste, pulp, mash
kaše {f} :: pap, porridge, gruel, puree, pudding, especially potato puree
kašel {m} :: cough
Kašgar {prop} {m} :: Kašgar (city)
kašička {f} :: diminutive of kaše
kašlat {v impf} :: to cough
kašlat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to not care
Kašmír {prop} {m} :: Kashmir
kašmírština {prop} {f} :: Kashmiri (language)
Kašmířan {m} :: Kashmiri
kašna {f} :: fountain (artificial water feature)
Kašpar {prop} {m} :: given name
Kašpárek {prop} {m} :: Kasperle, Punch and Judy (puppet)
kaštan {m} :: chestnut tree
kaštan {m} :: chestnut (nut)
kaštanově hnědá {f} :: chestnut (reddish-brown colour)
Kašub {m anim} :: Kashubian (person)
kašubština {f} :: Kashubian (language)
kat {m anim} :: executioner
kát {v impf} :: to repent
Káťa {prop} {f} :: A pet form of the female given names Kateřina
katabolismus {m} :: catabolism
katal {m} :: katal (unit of catalytic activity)
Katalánec {m} :: Catalan (Person from Catalonia)
Katalánie {prop} {f} :: Katalánie (autonomous community)
Katalánsko {prop} {n} :: Katalánsko (autonomous community)
katalánský {adj} :: Catalan (of or pertaining to Catalonia)
katalánština {prop} {f} :: Catalan (The language of Catalonia)
katalepsie {f} :: catalepsy
katalog {m} :: catalog, catalogue
katalytický {adj} :: catalytic
katalýza {f} :: catalysis
katalyzátor {m} :: catalyst
katamaran {m} [shipping] :: catamaran
katan {m anim} :: executioner's assistant
kataplexie {f} :: cataplexy (abrupt loss of muscle tone)
katar {m} [pathology] :: catarrh
katar {m} :: Cathar
Katar {prop} {m inan} :: Qatar
katarakt {m} :: cataract (waterfall)
katarakt {m} :: dashpot
katarakta {f} :: cataract (eye disease)
katarský {adj} :: Qatari, of Qatar, Qatar's
katarze {f} :: catharsis
Katařan {m anim} :: Qatari (person)
katastr {m} :: cadastre
katastrální {adj} :: cadastral
katastrofa {f} :: catastrophe
katastrofický {adj} :: catastrophic
katatonický {adj} :: catatonic
katatonie {f} :: catatonia
katatonní {adj} :: catatonic
katedra {f} :: department (organizational unit at a university)
katedra {f} :: teacher's desk in a classroom
katedrála {f} :: cathedral
kategorický {adj} :: categorical (having or allowing no exception)
kategorický imperativ {m} [ethics] :: categorical imperative
kategorie {f} :: category (class)
kategorie {f} [mathematics] :: category
kategorizace {f} :: categorization (the process of sorting or arranging things into categories)
kategorizovat {v p-i} :: to categorize
katecheta {m} :: catechist
katechin {m} :: catechine
katechismus {m} :: catechism
katechizmus {m} :: catechism
Kateřina {prop} {f} :: given name
Káthmándú {prop} {n} :: Káthmándú (capital)
kationt {m} :: cation
Katka {prop} {f} :: A pet form of the female given name Kateřina
katoda {f} :: cathode
katolicismus {m} :: Catholicism
katolický {adj} :: Catholic
katolictví {m} :: Catholicism
katolička {f} :: female Catholic (member of a Catholic church)
katolík {m} :: Catholic (member of a Catholic church)
Katuška {prop} {f} :: given name, a pet form of Kateřina
kauce {f} :: bail
kauce {f} :: deposit
kaučukovník {m} :: rubber tree (tropical South American tree, the principal source of natural rubber)
kausalgie {f} :: causalgia
kauza {f} [law] :: case
kauzalgie {f} :: causalgia
kauzalita {f} :: causality
kauzálně {adv} :: causally
kauzální {adj} :: causal
káva {f} :: coffee
kavalerie {f} :: cavalry
kavalérie {f} :: cavalry
kavárna {f} :: café
kavárnička {f} :: diminutive of kavárna
kavče {n} :: young jackdaw
kavče {n} :: chough
kavčí {adj} [relational] :: jackdaw, jackdaw's
kaviár {m} :: caviar
kávička {f} :: diminutive of káva
kavka {f} :: jackdaw (bird) (Coloeus monedula)
Kavkaz {prop} {m} :: Caucasus
Kavkazan {m} :: Caucasian (person from Caucasus)
kavkazský {adj} :: Caucasian (pertaining to the Caucasus region or people)
kávovar {m} :: coffeemaker
kávovník {m inan} :: coffee (plant of the genus Coffea)
kávový {adj} [relational] :: coffee
kavyl {m inan} :: feathergrass (any of various grasses of the genus Stipa)
kaz {m} :: flaw
kaz {m} [dentistry] :: caries
Kazach {m anim} :: Kazakh (person)
Kazachstán {prop} {m inan} :: Kazakhstan (country)
Kazaň {prop} {f} :: Kazaň (caplc)
kázání {n} :: sermon
Kazaška {f} :: female Kazakh
kazašský {adj} :: Kazakh, of Kazakhstan
kázat {v impf} :: to preach
kázat {v impf} :: to moralize, to lecture
kazatel {m} :: preacher
Kazatel {prop} {m} :: Ecclesiastes, Preacher
kazatelna {f} :: pulpit (in a church)
kázat vodu a pít víno {v} :: to not practice what one preaches, to say do as I say and not as I do
kázeň {f} :: discipline (controlled behavior)
kázeňský {adj} :: disciplinary
kazeta {f} :: cassette, tape
kazeta {f} :: cartridge (for inkjet printers)
Kazimír {prop} {m} :: given name
kazisvět {m} :: spoiler
kazit {v impf} :: to spoil (of food)
kazit {v impf} :: to corrupt, spoil, botch
kazuistika {f} :: case study
kazuistika {f} :: case report
každodenní {adj} :: everyday
každopádně {adv} :: in any case, in any event, either way
každoročně {adv} :: annually
každoroční {adj} :: annual (happening / occurring once a year)
každý {pron} :: each, every
každý {pron} :: everybody, everyone
každý dobrý skutek je po zásluze potrestán {proverb} :: no good deed goes unpunished
každý svého štěstí strůjcem {proverb} :: every man is the architect of his own fortune; he who does not strive after his happiness shall have none
kbelík {m} :: bucket (container)
KBT {noun} :: CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)
{symbol} :: The symbol for the Czech koruna
kdákat {v impf} :: to cluck, cackle (hen)
kdákat {v impf} :: to cackle, chatter (person, especially female)
kde {adv} :: where?
kde {pron} :: where
kdekoli {adv} :: anywhere
kdekoli {adv} :: wherever
kdekoliv {adv} :: anywhere
kde není žalobce, není soudce {proverb} :: where there is no plaintiff, there is no judge (if nobody complains, nobody will enforce the law or rule)
kde to jsme {phrase} :: where are we
kdežto {conj} :: whereas (in contrast)
kdo {pron} :: who
kdo dřív přijde, ten dřív mele {proverb} :: first come, first served
kdo hledá, najde {proverb} :: seek and ye shall find
kdo chce, hledá způsob, kdo nechce, hledá důvod {proverb} :: alternative form of kdo chce, hledá způsoby, kdo nechce, hledá důvody
kdo chce, hledá způsoby, kdo nechce, hledá důvody {proverb} :: those who want to do something find a way to do it, and those who do not find reasons for why it is not possible; where there is a will there is a way
kdo chce kam, pomozme mu tam {proverb} :: Tentative: A person should be allowed to proceed in an action harmful to himself if he insists
kdo chce psa bít, hůl si vždycky najde {proverb} :: it is easy to find a stick to beat a dog
kdo chce s vlky býti, musí s nimi výti {proverb} :: when in Rome do as the Romans do
kdo jinému jámu kopá, sám do ní padá {proverb} :: He who puts down traps for other people is caught in them himself
kdokoli {pron} :: anyone, anybody
kdokoliv {pron} :: anyone, anybody
kdo lže, ten krade {proverb} :: he that will steal an egg will steal an ox
kdo nic nedělá, nic nezkazí {proverb} :: Tentative: Mistakes that are not too severe or too often made are all right, and preferable to no activity at all
kdo se bojí, nesmí do lesa {proverb} :: He who is afraid should not visit scary places or do risky things
kdo seje vítr, sklízí bouři {proverb} :: sow the wind, reap the whirlwind
kdo se směje naposled, ten se směje nejlíp {proverb} :: he who laughs last laughs best
kdo si počká, ten se dočká {proverb} :: all things come to those who wait
kdoule {f} :: quince (fruit)
kdouloň {f} :: quince (tree)
kdo zaváhá, nežere {proverb} :: he who hesitates is lost
kdy {adv} :: when
kdy {conj} :: when (at what time)
kdyby {conj} :: if
kdyby něco {phrase} :: Just in case
kdykoli {adv} :: whenever, at any time
kdykoliv {adv} :: whenever (at whatever time)
kdysi {adv} :: once, formerly
když {conj} :: when (at such time as)
když {conj} :: when (at a given point of time)
když {conj} :: if (supposing that, assuming that, in the circumstances that)
když jde o {phrase} :: as for
když kocour není doma, mají myši pré {proverb} :: when the cat's away the mice will play
když kocour není doma, myši mají pré {proverb} :: when the cat's away the mice will play
když se dva perou, třetí se směje {proverb} :: The quarrel of two parties is to the benefit of the third one, which might have stimulated the quarrel
když se chce, všechno jde {phrase} :: where there is a will there is a way
když se kácí les, létají třísky {proverb} :: you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
ke {prep} :: to
ke {prep} :: toward, towards
kebab {m} :: kebab (dish, whether shish kebab or donner kebab)
kebule {f} [colloquial] :: head
kecat {v impf} [colloquial, derogatory] :: to talk
kecat {v impf} [colloquial, derogatory] :: to fib
kecy {m} :: bullshit (nonsense)
kečuánský {adj} :: Quechuan (of, or pertaining, to the Quechua people or language)
kečuánština {f} :: Quechua (Inca language)
kečup {m} :: ketchup
kedluben {m} :: kohlrabi
kefír {m} :: kefir (fermented milk drink from the Caucasus and Eastern Europe)
kejhák {m} :: neck
kejhák {m} [colloquial] :: life, as something that can be lost
kel {m} :: tusk
kelímek {m} :: disposable cup
kelpa {f} :: Kelp
Kelt {prop} {m} :: Celt
keltistika {f} :: Celtic studies
keltský {adj} :: Celtic
keltština {f} :: Celtic (branch of languages)
kelvin {m} :: kelvin (unit of temperature)
Kelvinova stupnice {f} :: Kelvin scale
Keňa {prop} {f} :: Kenya
Keňan {m anim} :: Kenyan
Keňanka {f} :: female Kenyan
kenotaf {m} :: cenotaph (monument to honor the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere)
kenozoikum {n} :: Cenozoic
keňský {adj} :: Kenyan
kentaur {m} :: centaur
kentauří {adj} [relational] :: centaur, centaur's
keplerovský {adj} :: Keplerian
kepr {m} :: twill (pattern)
kepr {m} :: twill (cloth)
keptuška {f} :: a bird from the genus Vanellus
keramický {adj} :: ceramic
keramika {f} :: ceramic or ceramics
keratitida {f} :: keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
keratokonjunktivitida {f} :: keratoconjunctivitis (inflammation of the cornea and the conjunctiva)
Kerberos {prop} {m} :: [Greek mythology, animate] Cerberus, three-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades
Kerberos {prop} {m} :: [astronomy, inanimate] Kerberos, a moon of Pluto
Kerberos {prop} {m} :: [networking, inanimate] Kerberos, a computer network authentication protocol
kerblík {m} :: chervil
kérka {f} [slang] :: tattoo (an image made in the skin with ink and a needle)
Kerkyra {prop} {f} :: Kerkyra (island)
Kerkyra {prop} {f} :: Kerkyra (city)
keř {m} :: bush, shrub
keříček {m} :: diminutive of keř
keřík {m} :: diminutive of keř
keš {f} :: cache (fast temporary storage where recently or frequently used information is stored to avoid having to reload it from a slower storage medium)
keš {f} :: cache (hidden box used in geocaching)
kešu {m} :: cashew (nut)
kešú {adj} :: alternative form of kešu
kešu oříšek {m} :: cashew nut
ketoacidóza {f} :: ketoacidosis (severe form of ketosis)
ketóza {f} :: ketosis (metabolic state involving production of ketones)
ketština {f} :: Ket (language of certain Siberian people)
keynesiánský {adj} :: Keynesian
kéž {particle} :: A statement of a wish that is hard or impossible to fulfill
kibicovat {v impf} :: to kibitz
kikirikí {interj} :: cock-a-doodle-doo (the cry of the rooster)
kilák {m} [colloquial] :: kilometer
Kilimandžáro {prop} {n} :: Kilimandžáro (volcano)
kilo- {prefix} :: kilo-
kilo {n} :: kilo, short for kilogram
kilo {n} [colloquial] :: a hundred crowns (Czech currency)
kilobajt {m} :: kilobyte
kilobit {m} :: kilobit
kilobyte {m} :: kilobyte
kilogram {m inan} :: kilogram
kilohertz {m} :: kilohertz
kilojoule {m} :: kilojoule (an SI unit of energy equal to 103 joules)
kilometr {m inan} :: kilometer (US), kilometre (UK)
kilotuna {f} :: kiloton
kilowatthodina {f} :: kilowatt-hour
kimono {n} :: kimono (traditional Japanese clothing that is worn in formal occasions)
kináza {f} :: kinase
kindoš {m} [regional] :: kid, child
kinestetický {adj} :: kinesthetic
kinetický {adj} :: kinetic (relating to motion)
kino {n} :: cinema
kiosek {m} :: kiosk
Kiribaťan {m} :: Kiribatian (person)
Kiribati {prop} {n} :: Kiribati
kiribatský {adj} :: Kiribati, of Kiribati
kisoida {f} :: cissoid
Kišiněv {prop} {m} :: Kišiněv (capital)
kivi {m} :: kiwi (flightless bird of the genus Apteryx, native to New Zealand)
kiwi {n} :: kiwi, kiwi fruit
Kjóto {prop} {n} :: Kjóto (prefecture)
Kjóto {prop} {n} :: Kjóto (capital city)
klacek {m} :: stick, club, branch
klacek {m} [colloquial] :: yob, lout (boy or adolescent)
klacek {m} [colloquial] :: penis
klad {m inan} :: pro (advantage)
klad {m inan} :: ordering
klad {m inan} [biology, systematics] :: clade (A group of animals or other organisms derived from a common ancestor species.)
kláda {f} :: log
kláda {f} [slang] :: cold temperature
kláda {f} [colloquial] :: cock (penis)
Kladeňák {m} :: person from Kladno
kladenský {adj} [relational] :: Kladno
kladina {f} :: balance beam
kladívko {n} :: diminutive of kladivo
kladívko {n} [anatomy] :: malleus
kladivo {n} :: hammer (tool)
kladka {f} :: pulley
kladkový {adj} [relational] :: pulley
kladkový nerv {m} [neuroanatomy] :: trochlear nerve
kladně {adv} :: positively
Kladno {prop} {n} :: Kladno (city), located 25 km northwest of Prague, part of the Prague metropolitan area
kladný {adj} [mathematics] :: positive
kladný {adj} [physics] :: positive
Kladsko {prop} {n} :: Kladsko (town)
klady a zápory {m} {p} :: pros and cons
klakson {m} :: horn (loud alarm, especially on a motor vehicle)
klam {m} :: fallacy, illusion
klam {m} :: deception
klamat {v impf} :: to deceive, to fool
klamná analogie {f} [logic] :: false analogy
klamný {adj} :: fallacious
klanět {v impf} :: to bow (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference)
klapka {f} :: (music) key or valve (of a wind instrument)
klapka {f} :: earmuff or earflap
klapka {f} :: blinker (for a horse)
klapka {f} :: clapperboard
Klára {prop} {f} :: given name
klarinet {m} :: The clarinet, a woodwind musical reed instrument
klarinetista {m} :: clarinetist
klarinetistka {f} :: female clarinetist
Klárinka {prop} {f} :: given name
Klárka {prop} {f} :: given name
klas {m inan} :: ear (fruiting body of a grain plant)
klasa {f} [colloquial, archaic] :: class (group of students taught together)
klásek {m inan} :: diminutive of klas
klásek {m inan} [botany] :: spikelet
klasicismus {m} :: classicism (the classical traditions of the art and architecture of ancient Greece and Rome)
klasický {adj} :: classical, classic
klasifikace {f} :: classification
klasifikátor {m} :: classifier
klasifikovat {v p-i} :: to classify
klasik {m} :: classic (author)
klasika {f} :: classic (artistic work)
klást {v impf} :: to put, to lay, to lay down, to deposit
klášter {m} :: monastery, convent
klášterní {adj} [relational] :: monastery, cloistral
Klášterní Hradisko {prop} {n} :: Klášterní Hradisko (a former monastery and a former village north-east of the city of Olomouc, nowadays a quarter of Olomouc)
Klaudie {prop} {f} :: given name
klaun {m} :: clown
klausovec {m} :: adherent of Václav Klaus, a Czech politician and former Czech president noted for free market views and other strongly held views
klausovský {adj} :: Klausian (of or relating to Václav Klaus, a Czech economist, free markets supporting politician and president)
klaustrofobie {f} :: claustrophobia (fear of closed, tight places)
klávesa {f} :: key (on a musical instrument)
klávesa {f} :: key (on a typewriter or computer keyboard)
klávesnice {f} :: keyboard
klávesová zkratka {f} :: keyboard shortcut
klávesový {adj} [relational] :: key, keyboard
klávesy {noun} :: keyboard (electronic device resembling a piano)
klaviatura {f} :: keyboard (of a musical instrument)
klavír {m inan} :: piano
klavírista {m} :: pianist
klavíristka {f} :: female pianist
klec {f} :: cage
kleč {f} :: mountain pine, Pinus mugo
klečet {v impf} :: to kneel
Kleinova láhev {f} :: Klein bottle
klejotok {m inan} :: gummosis
klejovka {f} :: A plant of the genus Espeletia, the frailejón plant of the northern Andes' paramos
klek {m} :: genuflection
klekačka {f} :: kneeling chair
kleknout {v pf} [, used with si] :: to kneel
Klement {prop} {m} :: given name
klenba {f} :: vault (an arched structure of masonry, forming a ceiling or canopy)
klendra {f} [colloquial] :: cold
klení {n} :: cursing, swearing
klenot {m} :: jewel, gem
klenot {m} [heraldry] :: crest
klenotník {m} :: jeweler (a person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry)
klenoty {noun} :: jewelry (shop)
klenutý {adj} :: arched
klenutý {adj} :: vaulted
Kleopatra {prop} {f} :: Cleopatra
klepání {n} :: verbal noun of klepat
klepat {v impf} :: to knock (on a door etc)
klepat {v impf} :: to shiver, shake
klepeto {n} :: claw
klepítko {n} :: chelicera
klepna {f} [colloquial] :: gossip (someone who likes to talk about someone else's private or personal business)
klepnout {v pf} :: to click (a computer mouse)
klepot {m inan} :: clatter (sound)
klepsydra {f} :: clepsydra, also: a time unit determined by a clepsydra
kleptoman {m} :: kleptomaniac
kleptomanie {f} :: kleptomania
klesající {adj} :: decreasing, shrinking
klesat {v impf} :: to fall, to decrease
klesnout {v pf} :: to fall, to drop, to decrease
kleště {noun} :: pincers (tool)
kleště {noun} :: pliers
kleště {noun} :: tongs (an instrument or tool used for picking things up without touching them with the hands or fingers)
kletba {f} :: curse (supernatural detriment)
klíč {m} :: key (of a lock)
klíč {m} :: wrench (US), spanner (UK)
klíč {m} [music] :: clef
klíč {m} [cryptography] :: key
klíč {m} [databases] :: key (field of a relation constrained to be unique)
klíč {m} :: clue (informations which can lead one to a certain point)
klíček {m} :: diminutive of klíč
klíček {m} :: sprout (early growth of a plant)
klíček {m} :: diminutive of kel
klíčit {v impf} :: to germinate
klička {f} :: (knot) bow, loop
klička {f} :: (sport) sidestep
klička {f} :: (window) winder
klička {f} :: (handwriting) squiggle
kličkovat {v impf} :: to zigzag
klíční kost {f} [skeleton] :: clavicle, collarbone
klíčový {adj} :: key
klid {m} [physics] :: rest (absence of motion)
klid {m} :: calm
kliďas {m} [colloquial] :: calm person
klidit {v impf} :: to leave, to go away
klidný {adj} :: calm (of a person)
klidný {adj} :: calm (of a place)
klient {m} :: client (customer a buyer or receiver of goods or services)
klient {m} :: client (computer application or system that remotely takes advantage of a server application or a system)
klient {m} :: client (person who receives help or advice from a professional person)
klientela {f} :: clientele
klientelismus {m} :: clientelism
klih {m inan} :: glue
klik {m} :: push-up
klik {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: click
klika {f} :: door handle
klika {f} :: doorknob
klika {f} :: crank (a bent piece of an axle or shaft, or an arm attached to the end of a shaft or wheel, used to impart a rotation to a wheel or other mechanical device)
klika {f} [colloquial] :: luck
klika {f} [colloquial] :: clique (group of people)
klika {f} [graph theory] :: clique (subgraph isomorphic to a complete graph)
kliknout {v pf} :: to click (a computer mouse)
kliková hřídel {f} :: crankshaft (a rotating shaft that drives a crank)
klikyhák {m} [colloquial] :: squiggle
klima {n} :: climate
klimatický {adj} :: climate, climatic
klimatizace {f} :: air conditioning
klimatizovat {v both} :: to air-condition
klimatolog {m} :: climatologist
klimatologie {f} :: climatology
klimatoložka {f} :: female climatologist
klimoška {f} [colloquial] :: air conditioning
klín {m} :: wedge (simple machine)
klín {m} :: lap
klín {m} [heraldry] :: pile
klinický {adj} :: clinical
klínopis {m} :: cuneiform (ancient writing system)
klínopisný {adj} [relational] :: cuneiform
klínová dutina {f} [anatomy] :: sphenoid sinus
klínová kost {f} [anatomy] :: sphenoid bone
klínové písmo {n} :: cuneiform (ancient writing system)
klínový {adj} :: sphenoid
klípek {m} :: diminutive of klep
klisna {f} :: mare (female horse)
klišé {n} :: cliché
klíště {n} :: tick (arthropod)
klíštěcí {adj} [relational] :: tick, tick's (the arthropod's)
klíšťový {adj} [relational] :: tick (of the arachnid)
klít {v impf} :: to curse, swear
klít jako pohan {v impf} [simile] :: swear like a pagan
klitoris {m} [anatomy] :: clitoris
kloaka {f} :: cloaca, vent
klobása {f} :: sausage
klobouček {m} :: diminutive of klobouk
kloboučník {m} :: hatter (person who makes, sells, or repairs hats)
klobouk {m inan} :: hat
klobouk dolů {phrase} [idiom] :: hats off
klobouk dolů {phrase} :: See: cs klobouk dolů
klokan {m} :: kangaroo
klokánek {m} :: diminutive of klokan
klokaní {adj} [relational] :: kangaroo, kangaroo's
klokanice {f} :: female kangaroo
kloktadlo {n} :: gargle
kloktání {f} :: gargling
kloktat {v impf} :: to gargle
klomipramin {m} :: clomipramine
klon {m} :: clone
klonit {v impf} :: to tend to think
klonovat {v impf} :: to clone
klopot {m inan} :: trouble, difficulty
klopot {m inan} :: clatter (sound)
klopýtnout {v pf} :: to stumble, to trip
kloub {m} :: joint
kloubák {m} [colloquial] :: bendy bus
kloubový {adj} :: articulated
kloubový autobus {m} :: articulated bus
klouček {m} :: diminutive of kluk
kloudný {adj} :: worthwhile, suitable, decent
klouzačka {f} :: slide (toy for children)
klouzat {v impf} :: to slide (to move with low friction)
klouzavý průměr {m} :: moving average
klouzek {m} :: slippery jack, sticky bun (any mushroom of genus Suillus)
klouzek {m} :: talc (soft mineral)
klozet {m} :: toilet, closet
klub {m} :: club (association of members)
klub {m} :: club (establishment providing entertainment, nightclub)
klubíčko {n} :: diminutive of klubko
klubovna {f} :: clubhouse
klučičí {adj} [relational] :: boy, boy's, boys'
klučík {m} :: diminutive of kluk
kluk {m anim} :: boy
kluk {m anim} :: boyfriend
kluk {m anim} :: jack (playing card)
kluk jako buk {m} [simile] :: healthy, strong boy
klukovský {adj} [relational] :: boy, boy's, boys'
klus {m} :: trot
klusat {v impf} :: to trot, lope
kluzák {m} :: glider (aircraft without engine)
kluziště {n} :: skating rink
kluzký {adj} :: slippery
kluzký jako úhoř {adj} [simile] :: slippery as an eel
Kluž {prop} {f} :: Cluj, Cluj-Napoca (city in Romania)
klystýr {m} :: enema
kmen {m} :: trunk (of a tree)
kmen {m} :: log (the trunk of a dead tree, cleared of branches)
kmen {m} :: tribe (group of people)
kmen {m} [taxonomy] :: phylum
kmen {m} [biology] :: strain (variant of species, like of virus)
kmen {m} [linguistics] :: stem
kmenová buňka {f} :: A stem cell
kmenový {adj} :: Related to kmen
kmenový zaměstnanec {m} :: A permanent employee (employed directly by the business giving him or her work, as opposed to an agency worker)
kmet {m} :: very old man
kmín {m} :: caraway (fruit and spice)
kmitání {n} :: verbal noun of kmitat
kmitání {n} :: oscillation
kmitat {v impf} :: to oscillate
kmitočet {m} :: frequency (of radio frequency)
kmoch {m anim} [chiefly Moravia] :: alternative form of kmotr
kmotr {m} :: godfather
kmotra {f} :: godmother
kmotřička {f} :: diminutive of kmotra
knajpa {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: pub
knedlíček {m} :: diminutive of knedlík
knedlík {m inan} :: dumpling (food)
kneipa {f} [archaic, colloquial] :: pub
kněz {m} :: priest
kněžka {f} :: priestess
kněžna {f} :: princess
kniha {f} :: book (a collection of sheets of paper bound together to hinge at one edge)
kniha {f} :: book (a major division of a published work)
kniha {f} :: omasum (the third portion in the stomach of a ruminant)
knihař {m} :: bookbinder
knihařství {n} :: bookbindery
knihkupec {m} :: bookseller, bookman
knihkupectví {n} :: bookstore, bookshop
knihomol {m} :: bookworm
knihopisný {adj} [archaic] :: bibliographic
knihovna {f} :: library
knihovna {f} :: bookcase
knihovní {adj} [relational] :: library
knihovnice {f} :: a female librarian
knihovnictví {n} [information science] :: library science
knihovnictví {n} :: librarianship
knihovnictví a informační věda {f} [information science] :: library and information science
knihovnička {f} :: diminutive of knihovna
knihovník {m anim} :: librarian
knihtisk {m} :: Letterpress
knír {m} :: mustache
knírač {m} :: schnauzer (breed of dog)
knírek {m} :: diminutive of knír
kníže {m} :: prince
knížecí {adj} :: prince, prince's
knížectví {n} :: principality
knížečka {f} :: diminutive of kniha
knížka {f} :: diminutive of kniha
knižní {adj} [relational] :: book
knižní {adj} :: literary
knižní vazba {f} :: bookbinding
knížtička {f} :: diminutive of knížka
knoflíček {m} :: diminutive of knoflík
knoflík {m} :: button (fastener in clothing)
knot {m} :: A candle wick
-ko {suffix} :: Forms diminutive nouns
ko- {prefix} :: co-
koalice {f} :: coalition
koalice {f} :: female koala
koaliční {adj} :: coalition
kobalt {m} :: cobalt
kobercářský {adj} :: related to carpets
koberec {m} :: rug, carpet
kobereček {m} :: diminutive of koberec: rug (partial floor covering)
koblih {m} :: alternative form of kobliha
kobliha {f} :: Berliner (a doughnut with a sweet filling)
kobliha {f} [colloquial] :: big turd
koblížek {m} :: diminutive of koblih
kobra {f} :: cobra (Various venomous snakes of the family Elapidae)
kobra {f} [volleyball, jargon] :: cobra (a method of playing the ball using stiff fingers above the head)
kobří {adj} [relational] :: cobra
kobyla {f} :: mare (female horse)
kobylí {adj} [relational] :: mare, mare's
kobylka {f} :: grasshopper
kobylka {f} :: filly
kocour {m anim} :: tomcat, male cat (domestic species)
kocourek {m} :: diminutive of kocour
Kocourkov {prop} {m inan} :: A place or situation where people behave foolishly
kocouří {adj} [relational] :: tomcat, tomcat's, tom, tom's (of male cat)
kocovina {f} :: hangover
kočár {m} :: carriage (wheeled vehicle)
kočárek {m} :: diminutive of kočár
kočárek {m} :: pram, baby carriage
kočí {m} :: coachman
kočičí {adj} :: cat, cat's, feline (of or belonging to a cat)
kočičí {adj} :: catlike
kočičí zlato {n} :: fool's gold
kočička {f} :: pussy (affectionate term for a cat)
kočka {f} :: cat (domestic animal)
kočka {f} [colloquial] :: attractive woman
kočkodan {m} :: guenon
kočkovitý {adj} :: feline, of the taxonomical family Felidae
kočovník {m} :: nomad
kočovný {adj} :: nomadic
kód {m} :: code
Kodaň {prop} {f} :: Kodaň (capital city)
Kodaňan {m} :: Copenhagener (someone from Copenhagen)
kodek {m} :: codec
kodex {m} [formal] :: A code (set of principles or rules)
kodifikace {f} [legal] :: codification
kodifikace {f} [linguistics] :: codification
kodifikovat {v p-i} :: to codify
kódování {n} :: encoding
kódovaný {adj} :: encoded
koeficient {m} :: coefficient
koeficient šikmosti {m} [statistics] :: skewness
koeficient špičatosti {m} :: kurtosis
koenzym {m} :: coenzyme
koevoluce {f} :: coevolution
koexistence {f} :: coexistence
koexistovat {v} :: to coexist
kofein {m} :: caffeine
koga {f} :: cog (ship)
kogentní {adj} :: mandatory
kogna {f} :: a parrot from a genus Enicognathus
kognitivní {adj} :: cognitive
kognitivní psychologie {f} :: cognitive psychology
kognitivní terapie {f} :: cognitive therapy (form of psychotherapy)
kognitivní věda {f} :: cognitive science
koherence {f} [physics] :: coherence
koherentní {adj} [physics] :: coherent
koheze {f} :: cohesion
koho chleba jíš, toho píseň zpívej {proverb} :: don't bite the hand that feeds you
kohorta {f} :: (supporters) A cohort
kohorta {f} :: (Roman legion) A cohort
kohout {m anim} :: cock, rooster
kohout {m inan} :: tap, faucet
kohoutek {noun} :: cockerel
kohoutek {noun} :: diminutive of kohout (cock)
kohoutek {noun} :: faucet
kohoutek {noun} :: withers
kohoutí {adj} [relational] :: cock, cock's, rooster, rooster's
kohoutková voda {f} :: tap water (water that has come from a tap)
kochat {v impf} [rare, literary] :: to love
kochat {v impf} :: [literary] to enjoy
koincidence {f} :: coincidence (of objects, the property of being coincident; occurring at the same time or place)
koincidence {f} :: coincidence (of events, the appearance of a meaningful connection when there is none)
koitus {m} :: coitus
kóje {f} :: cubicle (a small separate part or one of the compartments of a room)
kojenec {m} :: infant (very young child)
kojenecký {adj} :: infant
kojení {n} :: verbal noun of kojit
kojení {n} :: breastfeeding
kojit {v impf} :: to breastfeed, to suckle, to nurse
kojná {f} :: wetnurse
kojot {m} :: coyote (mammal)
kokain {m} :: cocaine
koketa {f} :: flirt, coquette (person who flirts)
koketerie {f} :: flirting, flirtation, coquetry
koketérie {f} :: flirting, flirtation, coquetry
koketka {f} :: diminutive of koketa
koketovat {v} :: to flirt, to coquet
kokodák {interj} :: cluck (the sound made by a hen)
kokos {m} :: coconut
kokos {m} [colloquial] :: head
kokosové mléko {n} :: coconut milk
kokosovník {m} :: coconut palm, coconut
kokosový {adj} [relational] :: coconut (made from or related to coconuts)
kokot {m} [vulgar] :: dick (highly stupid or contemptible person)
kokotina {f} [vulgar] :: bullshit
kokpit {m} :: cockpit (the space for pilot and crew in a helicopter, aircraft, boat or spacecraft)
kokrhání {n} :: crow (cry of the rooster)
kokrhat {v impf} :: to crow (a rooster)
koks {m} :: coke (solid residue from roasting coal in a coke oven)
koks {m} [colloquial, slang] :: cocaine
koktání {n} :: stuttering, stammering
koktat {v impf} :: to stutter, to stammer
koktejl {m} :: A cocktail
koktejl {m} :: A milkshake
kola {f} :: (drink) cola
kolaborace {f} :: collaboration (treasonous cooperation)
kolaborant {m} :: collaborator (person who cooperates traitorously with an enemy)
kolaborovat {v impf} :: to collaborate (to cooperate treasonably as with an enemy occupation force in one's country)
koláč {m} :: kolach (type of pastry)
koláček {m} :: diminutive of koláč
koláčový {adj} [relational] :: kolach
koláčový graf {m} :: pie chart
kolagen {m} :: collagen
kolagenáza {f} :: collagenase
kolagenní {adj} :: collagen, collagenous
kolárek {m} :: clerical collar
kolář {m} :: wheelwright
kolaterál {m} :: collateral (pledged for the repayment of a loan)
kolaterální {adj} :: collateral
kolaterální oběh {m} :: collateral circulation
kolaudace {f} :: approval
kolaudace {f} :: verification of basic conditions after completion (usually of a building)
kolaudace {f} :: housewarming (a party)
koláž {f} :: collage
kolčava {f} :: least weasel (Mustela nivalis)
kolčaví {adj} [relational] :: least weasel, least weasel's
kolébat {vt impf} :: to rock (move back and forth or from side to side)
kolébat {v impf} :: to rock, sway
kolébat {v impf} :: to waddle
kolébka {f} :: cradle (rocking bed for a baby)
kolečko {n} :: small wheel
kolečko {n} :: wheelbarrow
koleda {f} :: carol
kolega {m anim} :: colleague
kolegialita {f} :: collegiality
kolegiální {adj} :: collegial (adhering to ethos between colleagues)
kolegiálnost {f} :: collegiality
kolegyně {f} :: female colleague
kolej {f} :: rut, track, groove
kolej {f} :: railway track
kolej {f} :: hall of residence
kolejní {adj} :: collegiate, collegial (related to a college)
kolejnice {f} :: rail (metal bar)
kolejnička {f} :: diminutive of kolejnice
kolek {m} :: revenue stamp
kolek {m} [obsolete] :: diminutive of kůl
kolek {m} [obsolete] :: seal (printing matrix or its impression)
kolekce {f} :: An assortment
kolektivismus {m} :: collectivism
kolektivista {m} :: collectivist (an advocate of collectivism)
kolektivistický {adj} :: collectivist
kolektivní {adj} :: collective
kolektivní nevědomí {n} [psychology] :: collective unconscious
kolektivní sport {m} :: team sport
kolem {adv} :: around
kolem {adv} :: past
kolem {adv} :: about
kolem {prep} :: around
kolemjdoucí {m} :: passer-by (a person who is passing by)
koleno {n} [anatomy] :: knee
koleso {n} :: a big wheel
kolesový parník {m} :: paddle steamer
kolibří {adj} [relational] :: hummingbird, hummingbird's
kolibřičí {adj} [relational] :: hummingbird, hummingbird's
kolibřík {m} :: hummingbird
kolíček {m} :: diminutive of kolík
kolíček {m} :: clothespin, clothes peg
kolíček na prádlo {m} :: clothes peg
koliha {f} :: curlew
kolik {adv} :: how much, how many
kolík {m} :: baton (object transferred by runners in a relay race)
kolík {m} :: peg, stick
kolika {f} :: colic
kolikátý {num} :: which in order, rank or number
kolik je hodin {phrase} :: what time is it?
kolikrát {adv} :: how many times
kolik to stojí {phrase} :: how much is it?
Kolín {prop} :: Kolín (town) some 55 kilometres east from Prague, lying on the Elbe river
kolínka {np} :: elbow macaroni
kolínko {n} :: diminutive of koleno
kolísat {v impf} :: to fluctuate
kolitida {f} :: colitis
kolmice {f} :: perpendicular (line or plane that is perpendicular to another)
Kolmogorovova složitost {f} [computing theory] :: Kolmogorov complexity
kolmý {adj} :: perpendicular
kolník {m} :: swede
kolo {n} :: bicycle, bike
kolo {n} :: wheel
kolo {n} :: (sport) round
koloběžka {f} :: scooter, kick scooter
kolobrnda {f} [colloquial] :: scooter, kick scooter
kolokace {f} [linguistics] :: collocation
kolomaz {f} :: cart grease
Kolombo {prop} {n} :: Kolombo (the commercial <<capital>> and largest <<city>> of <<c/Sri Lanka>>)
kolona {f} :: congestion
kolona {f} :: traffic jam
kolona {f} :: queue
kolo na hřídeli {n} :: wheel and axle
koloniál {m} :: grocery (shop)
kolonialismus {m} :: colonialism
koloniální {adj} :: colonial
kolonie {f} :: colony
kolonista {m} :: colonist
kolonizace {f} :: colonization
kolonizátor {m} :: colonizer
kolonizovat {v p-i} :: to colonize
kolonoskopie {f} :: colonoscopy
kolorimetrie {f} :: colorimetry
kolos {m} :: colossus
kolotoč {m} :: carousel, merry-go-round
kolotočář {m} :: carny
kolouch {m} :: fawn (young deer)
koloušek {m anim} [diminutive] :: fawn (young deer)
koloušek {m anim} [often, contemptuous] :: twink, chicken (young, slim and hairless gay)
kolovrat {m inan} :: spinning wheel (device for spinning thread with a wheel and a spindle)
kolovrátek {m} :: diminutive of kolovrat
kolovrátek {m} :: barrel organ, street organ
kolt {m} :: Colt (revolver)
Kolumbie {prop} {f} :: Kolumbie (country)
Kolumbijec {m anim} :: Colombian (person)
Kolumbijka {f} :: female Colombian
kolumbijský {adj} :: Colombian, of Colombia, Colombia's
koluze {f} :: collusion
kóma {n} :: coma (deep sleep)
komanč {m} [colloquial] :: communist
Komanč {m} :: Comanche (member of the Comanche people, a North American ethnic group/people)
komando {noun} :: commando
komár {m} :: mosquito (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood)
komár {m} :: communist, commie (coloquially)
komáří {adj} [relational] :: mosquito
kombajn {m} :: combine, combine harvester
kombajnér {m} :: combine driver
kombajnista {m} :: combine driver
kombinace {f} [mathematics] :: combination
kombinační číslo {n} :: binomial coefficient
kombinatorika {f} :: combinatorics (branch of mathematics)
kombinéza {f} :: boiler suit
kombinovat {v impf} :: to combine
komedie {f} :: comedy [drama]
komentář {m} :: comment
komentátor {m} :: commentator
komentátorka {f} :: female commentator
komentovat {v impf} :: to comment
komenzál {m} [ecology] :: commensal
komenzalismus {m} [ecology] :: commensalism
komerčně {adv} :: commercially
komerční {adj} :: commercial
kometa {f} [astronomy] :: comet
komický {adj} :: comical, comic
komička {f} :: female comedian, comic
komik {m} :: comedian, comic
komiks {m inan} :: comic (a cartoon story)
komiksový {adj} :: comic, comic-book
komín {m} :: chimney
kominík {m} :: chimney sweep
komisař {m} :: commissioner
komisařka {f} :: female commissioner
komise {f} :: commission (body of officials)
komoda {f} :: chest of drawers
komodita {f} :: commodity
komoditní trh {m} :: commodity market
komolý {adj} :: truncated
komoň {m} [archaic, literary] :: horse
komora {f} :: larder, pantry, closet, boxroom or utility room
komora {f} :: chamber, house (legislative body)
komora {f} :: ventricle (of a heart)
komora {f} :: chamber, container (technical)
komora {f} :: lock (waterways)
komorní hudba {f} :: chamber music
komorský {adj} :: Comorian, of the Comoros
Komory {prop} {mp} :: Comoros
Komořan {m anim} :: Comorian (person)
komouš {m} [colloquial] :: communist
komp {m} [colloquial] :: computer (programmable electronic device)
kompaktní {adj} :: compact
komparace {f} :: comparison, comparation (the act of comparing)
komparativ {m} [grammar] :: comparative
kompars {m} [film, theater] :: extras, supernumeraries (walk-ons)
komparz {m} :: A troupe of extras, of supernumerary actors
kompas {m inan} :: compass (navigational device)
kompatibilita {f} :: compatibility (ability of two things to function together without mutual interference)
kompatibilní {adj} :: compatible (capable of interaction)
kompatriot {m} :: (bookish, rare) compatriot
kompilace {f} :: compilation
kompilace {f} :: compilation (translation of source code into object code by a compiler)
kompilátor {m} :: compiler (one who compiles)
kompilátor {m} [computing] :: compiler (computer program that transforms source code into object code)
kompilovat {v impf} :: to compile
kompilovat {v impf} [computing] :: to compile (to produce executable file)
kompl {m} [colloquial] :: computer
komplementární {adj} :: complementary
kompletní {adj} :: full (complete)
komplex {m} [psychology] :: complex
komplexita {f} [uncommon] :: complexity
komplex méněcennosti {m} :: inferiority complex
komplexní {adj} [mathematics] :: complex
komplexní {adj} :: comprehensive
komplexní číslo {n} [mathematics] :: complex number
komplexnost {f} :: complexity
komplic {m anim} :: accomplice (an associate in the commission of a crime)
komplikace {f} :: complication
komplikovaný {adj} :: complicated
komplikovat {v impf} :: to hinder (to make a task difficult)
komponent {m} :: component
komponenta {f} :: component
komponista {m} :: composer
komponistka {f} :: female composer
kompost {m} :: compost
kompostovat {v impf} :: to compost
kompot {m} :: compote
kompozitum {n} [linguistics] :: compound
kompres {m} :: compress (cloth used to dress or apply pressure to wounds)
komprese {f} :: compression
kompresní {adj} :: compression
kompresor {m} :: compressor (device that produces pressure)
komprimovat {v impf} :: to compress
komprimovat {v impf} :: to compress (to make digital information smaller by encoding it using fewer bits)
kompromis {m} :: compromise
komsomol {noun} [historical] :: Komsomol (youth communist league)
komu {pron} :: dative singular of kdo
komuna {f} :: commune
komunální {adj} :: municipal, local
komu není rady, tomu není pomoci {proverb} :: Tentative: He who does not heed advice cannot be helped
komu není shůry dáno, v apatyce nekoupí {proverb} :: There is no way to compensate for lacking talent
komunikace {f} :: communication
komunikační {adj} [relational] :: communication
komunikativní {adj} :: communicative, talkative
komunikátor {m} :: communicator (one who communicates)
komunikátor {m} :: communicator (device that facilitates communication)
komunikovat {v impf} :: to communicate (to express or convey ideas)
komunismus {m} :: communism
komunista {m} :: communist
komunistický {adj} :: communist
komunistka {f} :: female communist
komunistobijec {m} :: a vocal critic of communists
komunita {f} :: community
komunizmus {m} :: communism
komůrka {f} :: diminutive of komora
komu se nelení, tomu se zelení {proverb} :: early bird gets the worm
komutativní {adj} [algebra] :: commutative
komutativní těleso {n} [algebra] :: commutative division ring, field
koňadra {f} :: great tit
koňadra {f} [nautical] :: rode
koňak {m} :: cognac
konat {vt impf} :: to do
konat {v impf} :: to take place
konativní {adj} [psychology] :: conative
konat se {v} :: reflexive of konat
koncentrace {f} :: concentration
koncentrační {adj} [relational] :: concentration
koncentrační tábor {m} :: concentration camp
koncentrák {m} [colloquial] :: concentration camp (camp where large numbers of persons are detained)
koncentrát {m} :: concentrate (A substance that is in a condensed form)
koncentricita {f} :: concentricity
koncentrický {adj} :: concentric
koncentrovaný {adj} :: concentrated (not dilute)
koncentrovat {v both} :: to concentrate (increase the strength and diminish the bulk of, as of a liquid or an ore)
koncepce {f} :: concept, conception (an image, idea, or notion formed in the mind)
koncept {m} :: draft (early version of a written work)
koncern {m} :: corporate group, holding company
koncert {m inan} :: concert (musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part)
koncertní {adj} [relational] :: concert (musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part)
koncové světlo {n} :: taillight
koncovka {f} [grammar] :: inflectional suffix
koncovka {f} [chess] :: endgame
koncovka {f} [computing] :: extension (of a file name)
koncovka souboru {f} :: file extension, filename extension
koncový {adj} [relational] :: end
koncový mozek {m} :: cerebrum; telencephalon; endbrain
koncový stav {m} :: final state
koncový uživatel {m} :: end user
končetina {f} :: limb (appendage of human or animal)
končit {v impf} :: to end; to finish
kondenzátor {m} :: capacitor
kondice {f} :: condition, shape, fitness
kondom {m} :: condom
kondor {m anim} :: condor (bird)
kondor andský {m} :: Andean condor (Vultur gryphus)
kondor kalifornský {adj} :: California condor
kondoří {adj} [relational] :: condor, condor's (of the bird)
kondylom {m} :: condyloma (wart or similar growth in the genital area)
konec {m inan} :: end (extreme part)
konec {m inan} [dated] :: end (purpose)
konec dobrý, všechno dobré {proverb} :: all's well that ends well
konec hry {phrase} [video games] :: game over
konec světa {m} :: the end of the world
koneček {m} :: diminutive of konec
konečně {adv} :: at last, finally
konečník {m} :: rectum
konečnost {f} :: finiteness
konečný {adj} :: final
Konečný {prop} {m} :: A Czech masculine surname
konečný automat {m} :: finite state machine, finite state automaton, state machine
konejšit {v impf} :: to soothe
konektivita {f} :: connectivity
konektor {m} :: connector (mating pair of devices)
konev {f} :: A watering can
konexe {f} :: connections (often in plural)
konfederace {f} :: confederation
konfekce {f} :: mass-produced wear
konference {f} [science] :: conference
konfese {f} :: creed, denomination
konfidenční interval {m} :: confidence interval
konfigurace {f} [physics, chemistry] :: configuration, electron configuration
konfiskace {f} :: confiscation, expropriation
konfiskovat {v impf} :: to confiscate
konflikt {m} :: conflict
konformace {f} [chemistry] :: conformational isomerism
konformismus {m} :: conformism
konformista {m} :: conformist (someone who tries to conform to the mainstream)
konformista {m} :: Conformist
konfrontace {f} :: confrontation
konfrontační {adj} :: confrontational
konfucián {m} :: Confucian
konfuciánský {adj} :: Confucian
konfuciovský {adj} :: Confucian
Konfucius {prop} {m} :: Confucius (an influential Chinese philosopher)
konfuze {f} [literary] :: confusion
konfuzní {adj} [literary] :: confused
kongenitální {adj} [medicine] :: congenital
Kongo {prop} {n} :: Kongo (large river)
Kongo {prop} {n} :: Congo
kongres {m} :: congress (political body in the U.S.)
kongres {m} :: congress (gathering or assembly; a conference)
kongresman {m} :: congressman
kongresmanka {f} :: congresswoman
kongruence {f} [mathematics] :: congruence (two numbers' giving the same remainder when divided by some given number)
kongruentní {adj} [mathematics] :: congruent (with difference divisible by modulus)
konchoida {f} :: conchoid
koní {adj} [relational, archaic] :: horse, horse's
konický {adj} :: conical
kónický {adj} :: conical
koníček {m} :: small horse
koníček {m} :: hobby
koník {m} :: diminutive of kůň
konipas {m anim} :: wagtail
konjugace {f} [grammar] :: conjugation (the act of conjugating a verb)
konjugace {f} [biology] :: conjugation (the temporary fusion of organisms, especially as part of sexual reproduction)
konjugovat {v impf} [grammar] :: to conjugate (to inflect (a verb) for each person, in order, for one or more tenses)
konjunkce {f} [grammar] :: conjunction
konjunkce {f} [logic] :: conjunction
konjunkce {f} [astronomy] :: conjunction (the alignment of two bodies in the solar system such that they have the same longitude when seen from Earth)
konjunktiva {f} :: conjunctiva
konjunktivitida {f} :: conjunctivitis
konjunktura {f} :: macroeconomic situation
konjunktura {f} :: boom, upswing (period of prosperity, growth, progress, or high market activity)
konkávně {adv} :: concavely
konkávní {adj} :: concave
konkávnost {f} :: concaveness, concavity
konkrétní {adj} :: concrete
konkrétní {adj} :: specific
konkrétum {n} :: concrete term (term that refers to concrete objects)
konkubína {f} :: concubine
konkubinát {m} :: concubinage
konkurence {f} :: competition
konkurenceschopnost {f} :: competitiveness (the ability to compete successfully)
konkurenceschopný {adj} :: competitive (capable of competing successfully)
konkurenční {adj} :: competitive
konkurenční výhoda {f} :: competitive advantage
konkurent {m} :: competitor (product)
konkurování {n} :: competition (action of competing)
konkurovat {v impf} :: to compete
konopářský {adj} :: related to hemp
konopí {n} :: hemp, cannabis
konopka {f} :: linnet
konotace {f} :: connotation
konsensuální {adj} :: consensus, consensual
konsensus {m} :: consensus
konsenzuální {adj} :: consensus, consensual
konsenzus {m} :: consensus
koňská dávka {f} [idiom, colloquial, colloquial] :: elephant dose, a large amount of something (usually of a medicine, food and so on)
koňská síla {f} :: horsepower
koňský {adj} [relational] :: horse, horse's, equine
konsolidace {f} :: consolidation
konsonant {m} [phonetics] :: consonant
konsorcium {n} :: consortium
konspirace {f} :: conspiration
konspirační {adj} :: conspiration
konspirační teorie {f} :: conspiracy theory
konspirátor {m} :: conspirator
konstábl {m} :: constable (British or New Zealand police officer rank)
konstanta {f} [computing] :: constant
Konstantin {prop} :: given name
Konstantinopol {prop} {f} :: Constantinople (name of present-day Istanbul from 330-1930 CE.)
konstantní {adj} :: constant, invariant, invariable
konstatovat {v both} :: to state
konstelace {f} :: constellation (arbitrary formation of stars perceived as a figure or pattern)
konstipace {f} [medicine] :: constipation
konstituce {f} :: constitution (system of laws that regulates an institution)
konstituce {f} :: constitution (a person's physique or temperament)
konstituce {f} :: constitution (composition)
konstituce {f} :: ecclesiastical decree or document
konstituce {f} :: The act, or process of setting something up, or establishing something; the composition or structure of such a thing; its makeup
konstituční {adj} :: constitutional (relating to a legal or political constitution)
konstituční izomerie {f} :: constitutional isomerism
konstrukce {f} [geometry] :: construction
konstruktivismus {m} :: constructivism
konstruktivní kritika {f} :: constructive criticism
konstruktor {m} [programming] :: constructor (a class method that creates and initializes each instance of an object)
konšel {m} :: (history) town councillor
kontakt {m} :: contact
kontaktní {adj} :: contact (when used attributively)
kontaktní čočka {f} :: contact lens
kontaktolog {m} :: contact lens specialist
kontaktovat {v} :: to contact (establish communication with)
kontaminace {f} :: contamination, pollution (the act or process of contaminating)
kontaminace {f} [linguistics] :: contamination, portmanteau (grammatical blend)
kontaminovat {v p-i} :: to contaminate
kontejner {m} :: container
kontext {m} :: context (text in which a word appears)
kontinent {m} :: continent
kontinentální {adj} :: continental
kontinentální šelf {m} [oceanography] :: continental shelf
kontingenční {adj} [relational] :: contingency
kontingenční tabulka {f} :: contingency table
kontinuální {adj} :: continuous (without break, cessation, or interruption in time)
kontinuita {f} :: continuity
kontinuum {n} :: continuum
konto {n} :: account, bank account
kontraband {m} :: contraband
kontrabas {m} :: double bass, contrabass
kontracepce {f} :: contraception
kontracepční {adj} [relational] :: contraception
kontraceptivum {n} :: contraceptive (a drug that prevents conception resulting from sexual intercourse)
kontradikce {f} :: contradiction
kontrahent {m} :: party (a person or group of people constituting a particular side in a contract or legal action)
kontraindikace {f} :: contraindication
kontrakt {m inan} :: contract
kontraproduktivní {adj} :: counterproductive
kontrarevoluce {f} :: counterrevolution
kontrarevolucionář {m} :: counterrevolutionary (a person who opposes a revolution and attempts to reverse the changes made by it)
kontrarevoluční {adj} :: counterrevolutionary
kontrarozvědka {f} :: counterintelligence (all those activities undertaken to neutralize or exploit the espionage activities of another nation or an enemy)
kontrast {m} :: contrast
kontrastní {adj} :: contrast (when used attributively)
kontrastovat {v impf} :: to contrast
kontrola {f} :: inspection (the act of examining something, often closely)
kontrola {f} :: feature (in orienteering)
kontrolka {f} :: indicator light (a source of light, often a light-emitting diode, used for indication rather than illumination)
kontrolní součet {m} :: checksum
kontrolovat {v impf} :: to check; to check for
kontroverze {f} :: controversy
kontroverzní {adj} :: controversial
konurbace {f} :: conurbation
konvalinka {f} :: lily of the valley
konvence {f} :: convention (custom)
konvenční {adj} :: conventional
konvent {m} :: convent
konventní {adj} :: convent
konvergence {f} :: convergence
konvergentní {adj} :: convergent (that converges)
konvergentní {adj} [mathematics] :: convergent
konvergovat {v impf} :: to converge
konvertor {m} :: converter
konverzace {f} :: conversation (talk)
konverzace {f} :: phrasebook
konverzovat {v impf} :: to converse (to talk; to engage in conversation)
konvexně {adv} :: convexly
konvexní {adj} :: convex (curved or bowed outward like the outside of a bowl)
konvexní {adj} [mathematics] :: convex
konvexnost {f} :: convexness
konvice {f} :: kettle (container for tea)
konvička {f} :: diminutive of konvice
konzerva {f} :: tin, can
konzerva {f} [colloquial] :: conservative person
konzervace {f} :: conservation
konzervant {m} :: preservative
konzervatismus {m} :: conservatism
konzervatista {m} :: conservative
konzervativec {m} :: conservative
konzervativismus {m} :: alternative form of konzervatismus
konzervativní {adj} :: conservative
konzervovat {v impf} :: to preserve
konzervovat {v impf} :: to tin, can or pickle
konzistence {f} [logic] :: consistency
konzistentní {adj} [logic] :: consistent
konzola {f} :: cantilever, bracket
konzola {f} :: (computing) console
konzul {m} :: consul (official residing in a foreign country)
konzulární {adj} :: consular
konzulát {m} :: consulate
konzultant {m} :: consultant
Konžan {m anim} :: Congolese
Konžanka {f} :: female Congolese
konžský {adj} :: Congolese
kooperace {f} :: cooperation
koordinace {f} :: coordination (the act of coordinating, making different people or things work together for a goal or effect)
koordinační {adj} :: coordination, coordinating
koordinátor {m} :: coordinator
koordinátorka {f} :: female coordinator
koordinovat {v both} :: to coordinate (to synchronize activities)
kop {m} :: kick
kopa {f} :: heap, pile
kopa {f} [archaic] :: sixty, threescore
kopáč {m anim} {m inan} :: digger, navvy
kopáč {m anim} {m inan} [rugby] :: kicker
kopáč {m anim} {m inan} [dated] :: footballer
kopáč {m anim} {m inan} :: groundbreaker (hand tool for breaking ground)
kopačky {fp} :: football boots, soccer boots, football shoes
kopálista {m} [colloquial] :: soccer player
kopaná {f} :: football [UK], soccer [US, Australia], association football
kopat {v impf} :: to dig
kopat {v impf} :: to kick
kopátko {n} [rugby] :: kicking tee
kopec {m inan} :: hill
kopecký {adj} :: belonging to or connected with Svatý Kopeček
Kopecký {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
kopeček {m inan} :: diminutive of kopec
Kopeček {prop} {m inan} :: clipping of Svatý Kopeček
Kopeček u Olomouce {prop} {m inan} [dated] :: quarter of the city of Olomouc in the Czech Republic
kopejka {f} :: kopek (one-hundredth of a ruble)
kopernicium {n} :: copernicium
Koperník {prop} {m} :: Copernicus
kopí {n} :: spear
kopie {f} :: copy (the result of copying)
kopírák {m} [colloquial] :: carbon (a sheet of carbon paper)
kopírka {f} :: photocopier, copier
kopírovací {adj} :: copying
kopírovací papír {m} :: carbon paper
kopírovat {v impf} :: to copy
kopnout {v pf} :: to kick (to give a single kick)
kopr {m} :: dill (herb)
kopretina {f} :: oxeye daisy
koprocesor {m} :: coprocessor
koprodukce {f} :: co-production, coproduction
koprodukční {adj} :: co-production, coproduction
koprofilie {f} :: coprophilia (a marked interest in excrement, especially for sexual excitement)
koprolálie {f} :: coprolalia (uncontrolled use of obscenity)
koprovka {f} [colloquial] :: dill sauce
koprový {adj} [relational] :: dill
kopřiva {f} :: nettle
kopřivka {f} :: hives, urticaria
kopřivka {f} :: gadwall (Mareca strepera)
kopřivový {adj} [relational] :: nettle
kopt {m} :: soot
Kopt {m} :: Copt (Egyptian Christian)
koptický {adj} :: Coptic
koptský {adj} :: Coptic
koptština {f} :: Coptic (language)
kopulace {f} [archaic] :: wedding
kopulace {f} :: copulation, coitus
kopule {f} :: dome (element of architecture that resembles the hollow upper half of a sphere)
kopýtko {n} :: diminutive of kopyto
kopytník {m} :: ungulate
kopytník {m} :: any plant from genus Asarum (hazelwort)
kopyto {n} :: hoof (of an animal)
kór {adv} [dialectal] :: especially, when
kór {interj} [dialectal, Moravia] :: intensifier
korál {m} :: coral (substance)
korálovec {m} :: coral snake
Korálové moře {prop} {n} :: the Coral Sea
korálový {adj} [relational] :: coral
korálový útes {m} :: coral reef
Korán {prop} {m} :: Qur'an
korba {f} :: truckbed
korba {f} [colloquial] :: muscleman
kord {m} :: smallsword
kord {m} [fencing] :: épée
kord {m} :: cord (woven fabric used especially in tyres)
Kordillery {prop} {fp} :: American Cordillera
Korea {prop} {f} :: Korea
koreanistika {f} :: Korean studies
Korejec {m anim} :: Korean (person)
Korejka {f} :: female Korean
Korejská lidově demokratická republika {prop} :: Democratic People's Republic of Korea
korejský {adj} :: Korean
korejština {f} :: Korean (language)
korek {m} :: cork (bark)
korekce {f} :: correction
korektní {adj} :: correct
korektní {adj} :: proper
korektura {f} :: correction
korela {f} :: cockatiel
korelace {f} :: correlation
korelační koeficient {m} :: correlation coefficient
Korfu {prop} {n} :: Korfu (island)
Korfu {prop} {n} :: Korfu (city)
korfuský {adj} :: Corfu
koriandr {m} :: cilantro (leaves of the coriander plant)
koridor {m} :: corridor
korigovat {v p-i} :: to correct (to make something that was not valid become right)
Korint {prop} {m} :: Korint (city)
Korinťan {m} :: Corinthian
korintský {adj} :: Corinthian (of or relating to Corinth)
kormidelník {m} :: steersman, helmsman
kormidelník {m} [canoeing] :: stern paddler
kormidlo {n} :: rudder
kormidlovat {v impf} :: to steer
kormorán {m} :: cormorant
kormoutit {v impf} :: to sadden, to make sad
kormoutit {v impf} :: to grieve, to be sad
kornatění {n} :: Arteriosclerosis
kornatění tepen {n} :: arteriosclerosis
korneální {adj} :: corneal
kornout {m} :: paper cone
kornout {m} :: paper or cellophane cone filled with food
kornout {m} :: an ice cream cone
koronální {adj} [anatomy] :: coronal (of a plane or a section, such that it divides the body into back and front part)
koronární {adj} :: coronary (of or relating to coronary artery)
koronární arterie {f} :: coronary artery
koronavirus {m} :: coronavirus
koroner {m} :: coroner
koroptev {f} :: partridge
koroptví {adj} [relational] :: partridge, partridge's
korouhev {f} :: banner (flag or standard)
korouhev {f} :: kind of military unit
korouhvička {f} :: diminutive of korouhev
koroze {f} :: corrosion
korporace {f} :: corporation (business entity)
korporátní {adj} :: corporate
korpulentní {adj} :: corpulent
korpus {m} [linguistics] :: corpus
Korsakovův syndrom {m} :: Korsakoff's syndrome (form of amnesia)
korsický {adj} :: Corsican
Korsičan {m} :: Corsican (person)
Korsičanka {f} :: female Corsican
Korsika {prop} {f} :: Corsica (island in the Mediterranean to the north of Sardinia)
kortikoid {m} :: corticosteroid
kortikosteroid {m} :: corticosteroid
kortizol {m} :: cortisol
kortizon {m} :: cortisone
koruna {f} :: crown (royal, imperial, or princely headdress)
koruna {f} :: crown, monarchy
koruna {f} :: koruna (Czech currency)
koruna {f} :: coin or banknote with the value of one Czech koruna
koruna {f} [botany] :: crown
koruna {f} :: corolla
koruna {f} [music] :: fermata
korund {m} :: corundum
korunka {f} [dentistry] :: crown
korunní princ {m anim} :: crown prince
korunovace {f} :: coronation, crowning
korunovat {v p-i} :: to crown (to formally declare (someone) a king or emperor)
korupce {f} :: bribery, corruption
korutanský {adj} :: Carinthian
Korutany {prop} {mp} :: Korutany (state)
korveta {f} :: corvette
korýš {m anim} :: crustacean
korýtko {n} :: diminutive of koryto
koryto {n} :: trough (long, narrow container, open on top, for feeding or watering animals)
koryto {n} :: channel (the physical confine of a river or slough, consisting of a bed and banks)
koryto {n} [politics, figurative, derogatory] :: the work-related benefits (money, housing, cars, influence, etc.) provided to government officials and elected politicians; suggests misuse for personal gain; cf. pork barrel
korzet {m} :: corset
kořen {m} :: root
kořenáč {m} :: flowerpot
koření {n} :: spice
kořenový {adj} [relational] :: root
kořínek {m} :: root (the part of a hair under the skin that holds the hair in place)
kořist {f} :: prey
kořist {f} :: plunder, spoil
kos {m anim} :: blackbird
kosa {f} :: scythe
kosa {f} [colloquial] :: cold temperature
kosatčí {adj} [relational] :: orca, orca's
kosatec {m inan} :: iris (plant of the genus Iris)
kosatka {f} :: orca (cetacean)
kosatka {f} :: jib (a triangular staysail)
kose {n} [rare] :: blackbird chick
kose {adv} :: crookedly, obliquely
kosekans {m} :: cosecant (in a right triangle, the reciprocal of the sine of an angle)
kosí {adj} [relational] :: blackbird, blackbird's
kosinus {m} :: cosine
kosíř {m inan} :: billhook (cutting tool with a curved or hooked end to the blade)
kosit {v} :: to mow, to scythe
kosmetický {adj} :: cosmetic
kosmetička {f} :: female beautician
kosmetika {f} :: cosmetics
kosmetolog {m} :: cosmetologist
kosmetologický {adj} :: cosmetological
kosmetologie {f} :: cosmetology
kosmická loď {noun} :: spaceship, spacecraft (vehicle that flies through space)
kosmický {adj} :: space (attributive usage)
kosmický {adj} :: cosmic (attributive usage)
kosmický let {m} [astronomy] :: space flight
kosmodrom {m} :: spaceport, cosmodrome (site for launching spacecraft)
kosmogonie {f} :: cosmogony
kosmograficky {adv} :: cosmographically
kosmografický {adj} [astronomy] :: cosmographic, cosmographical
kosmografie {f} :: cosmography
kosmolog {m} :: cosmologist
kosmologicky {adv} :: cosmologically
kosmologický {adj} :: cosmological
kosmologie {f} :: cosmology
kosmonaut {m} :: astronaut, cosmonaut
kosmonautika {f} :: astronautics
kosmonautka {f} :: female astronaut, cosmonaut
kosmopolita {m} :: cosmopolitan, cosmopolite
kosmopolitický {adj} :: cosmopolitan
kosmopolitismus {m} :: cosmopolitanism
kosmopolitní {adj} :: cosmopolitan
kosmos {m} :: cosmos
kosočtverec {m} :: rhombus
kosodélník {m} :: rhomboid (parallelogram of certain properties)
kosodřevina {f} :: mountain pine, dwarf pine, mugo pine (Pinus mugo)
Kosovan {m} :: Kosovan (person)
Kosovanka {f} :: female Kosovan
Kosovo {prop} {n} :: Kosovo (partly-recognized <<country>> in <<r/Southeast Europe>>)
kosovský {adj} :: Kosovar
kost {f} :: bone (any of the components of an endoskeleton, made of bone)
kost {f} [colloquial] :: girl, woman
kostální {adj} [medicine] :: rib, costal
kostarický {adj} :: Costa Rican, of Costa Rica
Kostaričan {m anim} :: Costa Rican (person)
Kostaričanka {f} :: female Costa Rican
Kostarika {prop} {f} :: Kostarika (country)
kostel {m inan} :: church
kostelíček {m} :: diminutive of kostel
kostelík {m} :: diminutive of kostel
kostelník {m} :: verger
kostelník {m} :: sexton, sacristan
kosterní {adj} :: skeletal
kosterní soustava {f} :: skeletal system
kostka {f} :: die (polyhedron used in games of chance)
kostka {f} :: cube (object more or less in the form of a cube)
kostlivec {m} :: skeleton (an anthropomorphic representation of a skeleton)
kostní {adj} [relational] :: bone
Kostnice {prop} {f} :: Konstanz (city)
kostní dřeň {f} :: bone marrow
kostra {f} :: skeleton (the system that provides support to an organism, internal and made up of bones and cartilage in vertebrates, external in some other animals)
kost radličná {f} [skeleton] :: vomer bone
kostrč {f} :: tailbone, coccyx
kostřava {f} :: fescue (any plant of the genus Festuca)
kostřička {f} :: diminutive of kostra
kostým {m} :: costume (disguise)
kostýmek {m} :: diminutive of kostým
kosý {adj} :: crooked, oblique
koš {m} :: basket
košár {m} :: light sheep pen
košatý {adj} :: having many branches
košatý {adj} :: hefty, bulky
košatý {adj} :: expansive, extensive
košenila {f} :: carmine (pigment)
košer {adj} :: kosher
košerák {m} [colloquial] :: shochet (kosher butcher)
košíček {m} :: diminutive of koš
košík {m} :: A shopping basket
košík {m} :: diminutive of koš A small basket
košíková {f} :: basketball (the sport)
košile {f} :: shirt
košile bližší než kabát {proverb} :: blood is thicker than water
košilka {f} :: diminutive of košile
košonek {m} [sports] :: jack (for bowls or péntaque)
košový {adj} [relational] :: basket
košťálový {adj} :: cruciferous
košťátko {n} :: diminutive of koště
koště {n} :: broom (domestic utensil with fibers bound together at the end of a long handle, used for sweeping)
koštnout {v pf} [colloquial] :: to taste, to try (to sample the flavor of something orally)
koštovat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to taste, to try (to sample the flavor of something orally)
kótace {f} :: quotation (finance)
kotangens {m} [trigonometry] :: cotangent
kotě {n} :: kitten (young cat)
kotec {m} :: hutch (cage for rabbits)
kotel {m} :: boiler
kotleta {f} :: cutlet (meat chop)
kotletka {f} :: diminutive of kotleta
kotlík {m} :: diminutive of kotel
kotlík {m} :: billycan
kotlina {f} :: deep valley
kotník {m} [anatomy] :: ankle
kotouč {m inan} :: disc
kotouč {m inan} [ice hockey] :: puck
kotouč {m inan} :: Any of several species of trochid
kotovat {v both} [finance] :: to quote
kótovat {v both} [finance] :: to quote
kotrba {f} [colloquial] :: head
Kotrba {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
kotrmelec {m} :: somersault
kotva {f} [nautical] :: anchor
kotvička {f} :: diminutive of kotva
kotviště {n} [nautical] :: anchorage (place for anchoring)
kotvit {v impf} :: to anchor
kouč {m} :: coach, trainer
koudel {f} :: tow (bundle of fibers)
koukat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to look
kouknout {v pf} [colloquial] :: to look
koukol {noun} :: corncockle (plant of the genus Agrostemma)
koulař {m} :: shot-putter
koulařka {f} :: female shot-putter
koule {f} [geometry] :: sphere (solid)
koule {f} :: ball
koule {f} :: shot (for shot put)
koule {f} [colloquial] :: (in plural) testicles
koulovačka {f} :: snowball fight
koumes {adj} [colloquial] :: clever
koupák {m} [colloquial] :: public outdoor swimming pool
koupaliště {n} :: [UK] lido (public outdoor swimming pool)
koupání {n} :: bathing
koupat {v impf} :: to bathe
koupě {f} :: purchase
koupel {f} :: bath
koupelna {f} :: bathroom, bath
koupit {v pf} :: to buy
koura {noun} [dialectal] :: alternative form of kura
kouř {m} :: smoke (produced by burning material)
kouření {n} :: verbal noun of kouřit
kouření {n} :: smoking
kouřící {adj} :: smoking
kouřit {v impf} :: to smoke (to deliberately inhale smoke)
kouřová clona {f} :: smokescreen, smoke screen
kouřový {adj} [relational] :: smoke
kousat {v impf} :: to bite
kousavý {adj} :: scathing (harshly or bitterly critical)
kousek {m} :: bit (small piece)
kousek {m} :: chunk
kousíček {m} :: diminutive of kousek
kousnout {v pf} :: to bite
kousnutí {n} :: bite (the act of biting)
kout {m} :: corner (the space in the angle between converging lines or walls which meet in a point)
kout {v impf} [dated] :: to forge
kout {v impf} [dated] :: to hammer
koutek {m} :: corner
kout železo, dokud je žhavé {v impf} [idiomatic] :: to strike while the iron is hot
kouzelná hůlka {f} :: magic wand
kouzelník {m} :: magician
kouzelný {adj} :: magic, magical
kouzelný proutek {m} :: magic wand
kouzla {n} :: magic (supernatural method to dominate natural forces)
kouzlit {v impf} :: to do magic
kouzlo {n} :: spell
kov {m inan} :: metal
kov {m inan} [heraldry] :: metal
kovadlina {f} :: anvil (heavy iron block used in blacksmithing upon which metal can be struck and shaped)
kovadlinka {f} [anatomy] :: incus
kovalentní {adj} :: covalent
kovalentní vazba {f} [chemistry] :: covalent bond
kování {noun} :: verbal noun of kovat
kování {noun} :: fitting (a small detachable part of a device or machine)
kování {noun} :: forging (activity)
kovariance {f} :: covariance
kovárna {f} :: forge, smithy, smithery (workshop in which metals are shaped by heating and hammering them)
kovář {m} :: smith
kovářova kobyla chodí bosa {proverb} :: the shoemaker's children go barefoot
kovat {v impf} :: to forge
kovat {v impf} :: to hammer
kovboj {m} :: cowboy (person who tends cattle)
kovolist {m} :: metal master
kovoprůmysl {m} :: metal industry
kovošrot {noun} :: scrapyard
kovošrot {noun} :: scrap metal
kovový {adj} :: metal
koza {f} :: goat
koza {f} [colloquial] :: tit (woman's breast)
koza {f} :: sawhorse
kozáček {m} :: diminutive of kozák
kozáček {m} :: kazachok, kozachok (Ukrainian and Russian couple-dance with constantly increasing tempo)
kozačky {fp} :: long women's boots
kozák {m} :: Cossack
kozák {m} :: any mushroom of genus Leccinum
kozel {noun} :: billy goat, he-goat, male goat
kozelec {m inan} :: hogtie
kozí {adj} [relational] :: goat (of or belonging to a goat), hircine
kozí {adj} :: goatlike, similar to something of a goat
kozička {f} :: diminutive of koza
kozlí {adj} [relational] :: billy goat, he-goat, male goat
kozlík {m} [animate] :: young billy goat
kozlík {m} [inanimate] :: box, seat (for a coachman)
kozlík {m} [inanimate] :: valerian (any plant of the genus Valeriana)
kozlík lékařský {m} :: valerian (a hardy perennial flowering plant, Valeriana officinalis, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers)
kozoroh {m} :: ibex
Kozoroh {m} [zodiac constellations, astrology] :: Capricorn
kozorožec {m} :: ibex
koželuh {m} :: tanner (person whose occupation is to tan hides, or convert them into leather by the use of tan)
koženka {f} :: leatherette, artificial leather, imitation leather, leather substitute, synthetic leather
koženkový {adj} [relational] :: leatherette (produced from)
kožený {adj} :: leather (made of leather)
kožešina {f} :: fur
kožešina {f} [heraldry] :: fur
kožešinka {f} :: diminutive of kožešina
kožešník {m} :: furrier
kožich {m} :: fur coat
kožní {adj} :: cutaneous, skin
kra {f} :: floe, iceberg
krá {interj} :: caw (the harsh cry of a crow)
krab {m} :: crab
krabí {adj} [relational] :: crab, crab's
krabice {f} :: box (container)
krabice {f} :: (unusual) a female crab
kráčet {v impf} [formal] :: to walk, pace, step, strut
krádež {f} :: theft
kradmý {adj} :: furtive, stealthy
krahujčí {adj} [relational] :: sparrowhawk, sparrowhawk's
krahujec {m anim} :: sparrowhawk (Accipiter)
krahujec obecný {m} :: sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)
krach {m} :: crash
krach na burze {m} :: stock market crash
krachovat {v both} :: to go bankrupt, to collapse, to fail, to go bust
kraj {m} :: region
krajan {m} :: compatriot, countryman
krajánek {m} :: diminutive of krajan
krájet {v impf} :: to cut, to slice, to chop
krajíc {m} :: slice (of bread)
krajíček {m} :: diminutive of krajíc
krajíček {m} :: diminutive of kraj
krajina {f} :: landscape
krajka {f} :: lace (fabric)
krajkový {adj} :: Made from lace
krajkový {adj} :: Decorated with lace (e.g. underwear)
krajní {adj} :: extreme (in the greatest or highest degree; intense)
krajnice {f} :: shoulder (part of a road where drivers may stop in an emergency)
krajní levice {f} :: far left, extreme left
krajní pravice {f} :: far right, extreme right
krajnost {f} :: extreme
krajský {adj} :: regional
krajta {f} :: python
krákat {v} :: to caw (to make the harsh cry of a crow, rook, or raven)
krakatice {f} :: squid
krakorec {m} :: cantilever, bracket
Krakov {prop} {m} :: Krakov (city)
Krakovan {m} :: Cracovian
kraksna {f} [colloquial] :: clunker (a decrepit motor car or other machine)
král {m anim} :: king (male ruler)
král {m anim} :: king (chess figure)
král {m anim} :: king (playing card)
kralevic {m} [literary] :: crown prince, heir apparent (son of a king)
králice {f} :: female rabbit
králíček {m anim} :: diminutive of králík
králíček {m anim} :: kinglet (bird of the family Regulidae)
králičí {adj} [relational] :: rabbit, rabbit's
králík {m anim} :: rabbit
králík {m anim} :: rabbit fur
králík {m anim} :: diminutive of král
Královec {prop} {m} :: Königsberg (the former capital of East Prussia, Germany)
královéhradecký {adj} :: Hradec Králové (when used attributively)
královna {f} :: queen
královnička {f} :: diminutive of královna
královrah {m} :: regicide (killer of a king)
královražda {f} :: regicide (killing of a king)
královský {adj} :: royal (of or relating to a monarch or their family)
království {n} :: kingdom
krám {m} [colloquial] :: store
krám {m} [colloquial] :: trifle, bagatelle
Kramář {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
kraniální {adj} [medicine] :: cranial
kraniostenóza {f} [pathology] :: craniostenosis
kraniosynostóza {f} [pathology] :: craniosynostosis
krápník {m} :: dripstone, whether stalactite or stalagmite
kras {m} :: karst
krása {f} :: beauty
krasavec {m} :: handsome man
krasavice {f} :: beauty (beautiful woman)
kráska {f} :: beauty (beautiful woman)
krásně {adv} :: beautifully
krásněji {adv} :: comparative of krásně
krásnější {adj} :: comparative of krásný
krasnoarmějec {m} :: Red Army man
Krasnojarsk {prop} {m} :: Krasnojarsk (krai)
Krasnojarsk {prop} {m} :: Krasnojarsk (city/administrative center)
krásný {adj} :: beautiful
krasobruslař {m} :: A male figure skater
krasobruslařka {f} :: female figure skater
krasobruslení {n} :: figure skating
krasohled {m} :: kaleidoscope
krást {vt impf} :: to steal
krásti {vt impf} :: obsolete form of krást
krást jako straka {v} [simile] :: to steal a lot
krášlit {v} :: to beautify
krát {prep} :: times (multiplied by)
kraťasy {mp} [colloquial] :: shorts (short pants)
krátce {adv} :: shortly
kráter {m} :: crater (hemispherical pit created by the impact of a meteorite or other object)
kráter {m} :: crater (basinlike opening or mouth of a volcano)
krátit {v impf} :: to shorten
krátit {v impf} [mathematics] :: to cancel
krátkodobý {adj} :: short-term
krátkozrakost {f} :: myopia
krátkozraký {adj} :: myopic (unable to see distant objects unaided)
krátký {adj} :: short
Kratochvíl {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
kratochvíle {f} :: pastime
kráva {f} :: cow (female domesticated ox or other bovine, especially an adult after she has had a calf)
kráva {f} [colloquial, pejorative, offensive] :: bitch (objectionable woman)
kráva {f} [colloquial] :: big, large object
kravál {m} [colloquial] :: noise, racket, tumult, uproar
kravata {f} :: tie, necktie
kravata {f} [martial arts] :: chokehold, headlock
kravaťák {m} [colloquial] :: suit (person who wears matching jacket and trousers)
kraví {adj} [relational] :: cow
kravička {f} :: diminutive of kráva
kravina {f} :: bullshit (nonsense)
kravinka {f} :: diminutive of kravina
kravský {adj} [relational] :: cow, cow's
krb {m inan} :: fireplace
krbový {adj} [relational] :: fireplace
krček {m} :: diminutive of krk
krčit {v impf} :: to crumple, wrinkle, crease
krčit {v impf} :: to crumple, wrinkle, crease
krčit {v impf} :: to cower
krčma {f} [archaic] :: pub
krčmář {m anim} [archaic] :: innkeeper, tavernkeeper
Krčmařík {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
krční {adj} :: cervical
krční mandle {f} [anatomy] :: palatine tonsil, tonsil
kreace {f} :: creation
kreacionismus {m} :: creationism
kreativita {f} :: creativity
kreativní {adj} :: creative
kreatura {f} :: creature
kreatura {f} :: monster
kredit {m} :: credit
kreditka {f} [colloquial] :: credit card
kreditní {adj} [relational] :: credit
kreditní karta {f} :: credit card
kreditní riziko {n} :: credit risk
kreditor {m} :: creditor
krédo {n} :: creed
krejčí {m} :: tailor
Krejčí {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
Krejčík {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
krém {m} :: custard
krém {m} :: cream (oil or fat emulsion to apply to the skin)
kremace {f} :: cremation
krematorium {n} :: crematorium
kremelský {adj} :: Kremlin
Kreml {prop} {m} :: Kremlin
krém na boty {m} :: shoe polish (product used to make shoes shine)
krém na opalování {m} :: sunscreen, sunblock
krémová {f} :: cream (colour)
krémový {adj} :: cream
kremrole {f} :: cream roll
Kremže {prop} {f} :: Kremže (town)
krepdešín {m} :: crêpe de Chine
kresba {f} :: drawing (a picture, likeness, diagram or representation, usually drawn on paper)
kresba {f} :: drawing (creation of a picture)
kresbička {f} :: diminutive of kresba
kreslíř {m} :: drawer (an artist who primarily makes drawings)
kreslit {v impf} :: to draw (to produce a picture)
Kréta {prop} {f} :: Crete
Kréťan {m} :: Cretan
kretén {m anim} [mildly, vulgar] :: cretin
kretenismus {m} :: cretinism
kreténský {adj} :: cretinous
krev {f} :: blood
kreveta {f} :: shrimp
krev není voda {proverb} :: blood is thicker than water
krevní {adj} [relational] :: blood
krevní destička {f} :: platelet
krevní msta {m} :: blood feud
krevní oběh {m} :: bloodstream
krevní skupina {f} :: blood type
krevní sraženina {f} :: blood clot
krevní tlak {m} :: blood pressure
krchov {m} [colloquial] :: cemetery
kriket {m} :: cricket (sport)
kriminál {m} [colloquial] :: nick, slammer (prison)
kriminalita {f} :: crime, crime rate
kriminální {adj} :: crime, criminal
kriminologie {f} :: criminology (the study of crime and criminals, especially their behaviour)
kripl {m} :: cripple (impaired person)
krise {f} [archaic] :: alternative spelling of krize
kristadelfián {m} :: Christadelphian
kristadelfiánský {adj} :: Christadelphian
Kristián {prop} {m} :: given name
Kristina {prop} {f} :: given name
Kristína {prop} {f} :: given name
Kristus {prop} {m} :: The Christ
Kristýna {prop} {f} :: given name
Kristýnka {prop} {f} :: given name
kriterium {n} :: criterion
kritérium {n} :: criterion
kritické množství {n} :: critical mass
kriticky {adv} :: critically
kritický {adj} :: critical
kritický bod {m} [thermodynamics] :: critical point
kritický racionalismus {m} [philosophy] :: critical rationalism
kritička {f} :: female critic
kritik {m} :: critic
kritika {f} :: criticism
kritika {f} :: critique
kritizovat {v impf} :: to criticize [US], to criticise [UK] (to find fault)
kritizovatelný {adj} :: criticizable
krize {f} :: crisis
krize identity {f} [psychology] :: identity crisis
krize středního věku {f} [psychology] :: mid-life crisis
krizový {adj} [relational] :: crisis
krk {m inan} :: neck
krkatý {adj} :: having a large neck
krkatý {adj} [colloquial] :: stingy, niggardly, miserly
krkavcovití {mp} :: Corvidae
krkavčí {adj} [relational] :: raven, raven's
krkavec {noun} :: raven
krkavice {f} :: carotid artery, carotid
krknout {v} :: to burp (to emit a burp)
krknutí {n} :: burp (a louder belch)
krkolomný {adj} :: overcomplicated
krkolomný {adj} :: dangerous
Krkonoše {prop} {mp} :: Giant Mountains
krkonošský {adj} :: Giant Mountains
krkoun {m} :: scrooge (miserly person)
krleš {interj} [archaic] :: Kyrie eleison
krmelec {m} :: crib (feeding trough for animals elevated off the earth or floor, especially one for fodder such as hay)
krmit {vt impf} :: to feed (object: animal, child, old person)
krmivo {n} :: fodder (food for animals)
krocan {m} :: turkey
krocaní {adj} [relational] :: turkey, turkey's
kročej {m} [literary] :: step
kročeje {f} :: footstep
kroj {m} :: national costume (folk dress)
krok {m} :: step, pace
krokodýl {m} :: crocodile
krokodýlí {adj} [relational] :: crocodile, crocodile's
krokodýlí slza {f} :: crocodile tear
krokodýlí slzy {noun} :: crocodile tears
krokoměr {m} :: pedometer
krom {prep} :: except, but
kromaňonec {m} :: Cro-Magnon (earliest known form of modern human, in Europe)
kromě {prep} :: except, but
Kroměříž {prop} {f} :: Kroměříž (town). From 1998 UNESCO-listed because of its chateau and two gardens. Nicknamed Athens of Haná
Kroměřížsko {prop} {n} :: Kroměříž region
kromolyn {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: cromolyn
kronika {f} :: chronicle (a written account of events and when they happened, ordered by time)
kronikář {m} :: chronicler
kronikářka {f} :: female chronicler
Kronos {prop} {m} :: Cronus
kropáč {m} [historical] :: morning star (weapon)
kropáč {m} [liturgic] :: aspergillum
kropáč {m} [dialectal] :: watering can
krosna {f} :: internal or external frame backpack
krotit {vt impf} :: to tame
krotit {v impf} :: to control oneself, to moderate one's behaviour or manner
krotitel {m} :: tamer
krotký {adj} :: tame
kroucení {n} :: twisting
kroucený {adj} :: twisted
kroupa {f} :: hulled grain
kroupa {f} :: hailstone
kroupy {fp} :: hail (in meteorology)
kroutit {v impf} :: to twist (to turn the ends in opposite directions)
kroužek {m} :: diminutive of kruh
kroužek {m} :: kroužek, ring (ring-shaped diacritical mark)
kroužková zbroj {f} :: chain mail
kroužkové brnění {n} :: chain mail
kroužkovec {m} :: annelid
kroužkový pořadač {m} :: ring binder
krovka {f} :: elytron
krt {m} [literary] :: mole (burrowing mammal of the family Talpidae)
krtčí {adj} [relational] :: mole, mole's
krteček {m} :: diminutive of krtek
krtek {m anim} :: mole (talpid)
krtek {m anim} [dialectal] :: metro
krtina {f} :: molehill (a small mound of earth)
krtonožka {f} :: mole cricket
kruci {interj} :: darn
kruciáta {f} :: crusade
krucifix {interj} :: darn
krucinál {interj} :: darn
krucinálfagot {interj} :: darn
krucipísek {interj} :: darn
kruciprdel {interj} :: damn
kruciš {interj} :: darn
krůček {m} :: diminutive of krok
kručení {n} :: grumble, growl (the sound made by a hungry stomach)
kruh {m} [geometry] :: disc (circular plate)
kruh {m} [pottery] :: wheel
kruh {m} :: circle (group of associated people)
kruháč {m} [colloquial] :: roundabout (road junction)
kruhový {adj} :: circular
kruhový objezd {m} :: traffic circle, roundabout, rotary
kruhy {m} [plurale tantum, gymnastics] :: rings
kruchost {f} [rare, literary or poetic] :: brittleness
kruchost {f} :: In specialist usage
kruchost {f} [mineralogy] :: brittleness
kruchost {f} [physics] :: brittleness
kruchost {f} [biology] :: brittleness, fragility
kruchost {f} [chemistry] :: brittleness
kruchý {adj} [rare, literary] :: brittle, crumbly
kruchý {adj} [obsolete] :: (of food) crisp
kruchý {adj} [obsolete] :: (of soil) solid, firm, (of stones) hard, (of bread) stale
kruchý {adj} [mineralogy] :: brittle
krumpáč {m} :: pickaxe, pick
krunýř {m} :: shell (of crustaceans)
krupice {f} :: semolina
krupiér {m} :: croupier (person who collects bets and pays out winnings at a gambling table)
krupiérka {f} :: female croupier
krupobití {n} :: hail storm
Krušné hory {prop} {fp} :: Ore Mountains
krušný {adj} [of time, life, work] :: hard, [of work] strenuous, [of time] grim
krušný {adj} [obsolete] :: connected with ore
krut {m inan} [mechanics] :: torsion
krůta {f} :: turkey (bird)
krůtí {adj} [relational] :: turkey, turkey's
krutí brko {interj} :: darn
krutihlav {m anim} :: wryneck (a type of a woodpecker)
krutost {f} :: cruelty
krutovláda {f} :: tyranny
krutý {adj} :: cruel
kružítko {n} :: compass (for drawing circles)
kružnice {f} [geometry] :: circle (outline figure)
krvácení {n} :: verbal noun of krvácet
krvácení {n} :: bleeding, hemorrhage
krvácet {v impf} :: to bleed
krvácivý {adj} :: bleeding
krvavý {adj} :: bloody
krvavý {adj} :: gory
krvavý {adj} [cooking, of cooked meat] :: rare
krvelačný {adj} :: bloodthirsty (eager to resort to violence)
krveprolití {n} :: bloodshed
krvesmilný {adj} :: incestuous
krvetvorba {f} :: haematopoiesis, hematopoiesis
krvežíznivý {adj} :: bloodthirsty (eager to resort to violence)
krvinka {f} :: blood cell
krychle {f} [geometry] :: cube
krychlový {adj} :: cubic (of a unit)
Krym {prop} {m} :: Crimea
krymský {adj} :: Crimean
kryoterapie {f} :: cryotherapy
krypl {m} :: alternative form of kripl
krypta {f} :: crypt
krypto- {prefix} :: crypto- (secret)
krypto- {prefix} :: crypto- (cryptographic)
kryptografický {adj} :: cryptographic
kryptografie {f} :: cryptography
kryptografie s veřejným klíčem {f} :: public-key cryptography
kryptokomunista {m} :: crypto-communist, cryptocommunist
kryptoměna {f} :: cryptocurrency
krypton {m} :: krypton
krysa {f} :: rat
krysař {m} :: ratcatcher (person who catches rats)
krysař {m} :: (legend) Pied Piper
krysí {adj} [relational] :: rat, rat's
krystal {m} [chemistry] :: crystal
krystalizace {f} :: crystallization
krystalizovat {v impf} :: to crystallize
krystalografie {f} :: crystallography
krystalová mřížka {f} :: crystal lattice
Kryštof {prop} {m} :: given name
Kryštůfek {prop} {m} :: given name
kryt {m} :: cover, shield
kryt {m} :: housing, casing (of a part of a machine)
kryt {m} :: (military) shelter
krýt {v impf} :: to cover
krýt {v impf} :: to protect
krytka {f} :: cover
křeč {f} :: spasm
křeč {f} :: cramp
křeččí {adj} [relational] :: hamster, hamster's
křeček {m} :: hamster
křečkovat {v} [pejorative] :: to hoard
křečová žíla {f} :: varicose vein
křečovitý {adj} :: spasmodic, convulsive
křečovitý {adj} :: cringeworthy
křečovitý {adj} :: strained, forced, contrived
křečový {adj} :: convulsive, spastic
křečový {adj} :: varicose
křehkost {f} :: fragility
křehký {adj} :: fragile
křemen {m} [mineralogy] :: quartz
křemičitan {m} [Inorganic chemistry] :: silicate
křemičitý {adj} :: silicic
křemík {m} :: silicon
křemíkovodík {m} :: silane (SiH₄)
křen {m} :: horseradish
křen {m} [slang] :: cockblocker
křenový {adj} :: horseradish
křepelčí {adj} [relational] :: quail, quail's
křepelka {f} :: quail
křesadlo {n} :: tinderbox (container once used to help kindle a fire)
křesílko {n} :: diminutive of křeslo
křeslo {n} :: armchair
křest {m} :: baptism
křesťan {m} :: Christian (believer)
křesťanka {f} :: female Christian
křesťanskodemokratický {adj} :: Christian Democratic
křesťanský {adj} :: Christian
křesťanství {n} :: Christianity
křesťanstvo {n} :: Christians
křestní {adj} :: baptismal
křestní jméno {n} :: first name, given name, Christian name
křičet {v impf} :: to shout
křičet {v impf} :: to scream (to make the sound of a scream)
křída {f} :: chalk (for writing)
křída {f} [geology] :: Cretaceous
křidélko {n} :: diminutive of křídlo
křidélko {n} :: aileron
křídlo {n} :: wing
křídlo {n} [musical instruments] :: grand piano
křídlovka {f} :: A flugelhorn
křik {m} :: shouting
křiklavý {adj} :: loud (of a colour, clothing, etc, having unpleasantly and tastelessly contrasting colours or patterns)
křišťál {m} :: rock crystal
křišťál {m} :: lead crystal, lead glass
křišťálový {adj} [relational] :: quartz
křišťálový {adj} [relational] :: lead glass, lead crystal
křivda {f} :: injustice, wrong, grievance
křivdit {v} :: to wrong
křivé svědectví {n} :: perjury (the deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath)
křivice {f} :: rickets (disorder of infancy)
křivítko {n} :: French curve
křivka {f} [geometry] :: curve
křivka {f} :: crossbill (any bird of the genus Loxia)
křivopřísežník {m} :: perjurer
křivý {adj} :: crooked, bent
křivý {adj} :: false
kříž {m} :: cross
kříž {m} :: crucifix
kříž {m} :: club (playing card symbol)
kříž {m} [heraldry] :: cross
Kříž {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
křižák {m} :: crusader
křížala {f} :: Dried apple chip
kříže {m inan} [plurale tantum, card games] :: clubs
křížek {m} :: diminutive of kříž
křížek {m} :: a sharp on a note
křížek {m} :: the # symbol
křížem {adv} :: crosswise
kříženec {m} :: hybrid
křížení {n} :: verbal noun of křížit
křížení {n} [biology] :: hybridization
křížení {n} [architecture] :: crossing
křížit {v impf} :: to crossbreed, to hybridize
křižník {m} :: cruiser
křížová klenba {f} [architecture] :: ribbed vault
křižovat {v impf} :: to cruise
křižovatka {f} :: intersection, junction
křížová výprava {f} :: crusade
křížovka {f} [games] :: crossword
křížový {adj} :: crosswise
křížový {adj} [anatomy] :: sacral
křížový {adj} :: (Christianity) Related to the cross
křížový {adj} :: clubs (of the suit of clubs)
křováček {m anim} :: scrubbird
křoví {n} :: shrubbery, bushes (mass of woody plants that are not trees)
křtít {v impf} :: to baptize (to sprinkle or pour water over)
křupan {m} :: yokel, bumpkin, boor
křupavý {adj} :: crisp, crispy, crunchy
křupnout {v impf} :: to snap, to crack, to rupture
ksí {n} :: xi (Greek letter)
ksicht {m} [colloquial] :: face (the front part of the head)
ksindl {m} [vulgar] :: rabble, riffraff
kšanda {f} :: one of a pair of braces (suspenders)
kšandy {fp} :: (UK) braces, (US) suspenders
kšeft {m} :: deal (instance of buying or selling)
kšeft {m} :: shop
kšilt {m} :: visor (of a cap)
kšiltovka {f} :: baseball cap
kterak {pron} [literary] :: how
který {pron} [interrogative] :: which
který {pron} [relative] :: which (the one or ones that)
který {pron} [relative] :: which (who; whom; what)
kterýkoli {pron} :: any, whichever
kterýkoliv {pron} :: any, whichever
ku {prep} [colloquial] :: to (in the direction of, and arriving at)
Kuba {prop} {f} :: Kuba (island/and/country)
Kuba {prop} {f} :: A pet form of the male given name Jakub
Kubáň {prop} {f} :: Kubáň (river)
Kubánec {m anim} :: Cuban
Kubánka {f} :: female Cuban
kubánský {adj} :: Cuban (of, from, or pertaining to Cuba, the Cuban people or the Cuban dialect)
kuběna {f} :: concubine
kuběnář {m} [rare] :: one who keeps a concubine
kubická rovnice {f} :: cubic equation
kubický {adj} :: cubic (of a unit)
Kubíček {prop} {m} :: given name, a pet form of Jakub
kubík {noun} [archaic] :: synonym of chlapík
kubík {noun} :: cubic meter [US], cubic metre [UK]
Kubík {prop} {m} :: given name, a pet form of Jakub
kubismus {m} :: cubism
kubista {m} :: cubist
kubistický {adj} :: cubistic
kučera {f} :: curl (lock of curling hair)
Kučera {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
kudla {f} [colloquial] :: jackknife
kudla {f} [colloquial] :: knife
kudlanka {f} :: mantis
kudlička {f} :: diminutive of kudla
kudrna {f} :: curl
kudrnáč {m} :: curly (a person or animal with curly hair)
kudrnatý {adj} :: curly
kudy {adv} :: which way, which direction
kufr {m inan} :: suitcase
kufr {m inan} :: boot (of a car)
kufřík {m} :: briefcase
kuhnovský {adj} :: Kuhnian
kuchař {m} :: cook, chef
kuchařka {f} :: cookbook
kuchařka {f} :: female cook
kuchařství {n} :: cooking, cookery
kuchyně {f} :: kitchen
kuchyně {f} :: cuisine, cookery
kuchyňka {f} :: diminutive of kuchyně
kuchyňský {adj} :: kitchen (when used attributively)
kujný {adj} :: malleable
kuj železo, dokud je žhavé {proverb} :: strike while the iron is hot
kukaččí {adj} [relational] :: cuckoo, cuckoo's
kukačka {f} :: cuckoo
kukalka {f} :: coua
kukátko {n} :: opera glasses
kukátko {n} :: peephole, spyhole
kukla {f} :: cocoon
kukla {f} :: balaclava
kukmák {m inan} :: Volvariella and Volvopluteus (genera of fungi in the family Pluteaceae)
kukmák bělovlnný {noun} :: silky sheath, silky rosegill, Volvariella bombycina (mushroom growing on trunks and decayed stumps of dead hardwoods)
kukmák okázalý {noun} :: big sheath mushroom, rose-gilled grisette, Volvopluteus gloiocephalus (species of saprotrophic fungus)
kuku {interj} :: cuckoo (the sound of cuckoo)
kukuřice {f} :: maize, corn
kukuřičný {adj} [relational] :: corn (made from or related to corn)
kůl {m} :: stake, post (pointed, long, slender piece of wood)
kůl {m} :: stake (timber to which a martyr was affixed to be burned)
kůl {m} [volleyball, slang] :: post supporting the net
kůl {m} [heraldry] :: pale
kulajda {f} :: a certain kind of soup from potatoes and milk or sour cream, often with mushrooms
kulak {m anim} [historical, pejorative] :: kulak, a prosperous peasant marked as an enemy of the people by the communist regime, especially in the time of forced collectivization (e. g. in Czechoslovakia 1948–cca 1960)
kulatá závorka {f} :: round bracket
kulatit {v impf} :: to make round(er)
kulatý {adj} :: round
Kuldža {prop} {f} :: Ghulja, Yining (city in China)
kule {f} :: bullet
kule {f} [slang, education] :: The worst grade for a performance at school
kule {f} [colloquial] :: testicle
kule {f} [plurale tantum] :: suit in German playing cards
kulečník {m} :: billiards, cue sport
kulhat {v impf} :: to limp (to walk lamely, as if favouring one leg)
kuli {m} :: coolie (unskilled Asian worker)
kulíbám {interj} [colloquial, archaic] :: greeting
kuličkové ložisko {n} :: ball bearing
kuličkové pero {n} :: ballpoint pen
kulich {m inan} :: A type of winter hat
kulich {m anim} [obsolete or dialectal] :: little owl (Athene noctua)
kulích {m anim} [obsolete] :: Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola)
kulích {m anim} [obsolete] :: alternative form of kulík
kulík {m} :: plover
kulinární {adj} :: culinary
kulinářství {n} :: culinary arts
kulisa {f} :: A part of theatre scenery - a backdrop or coulisse
kulisa {f} :: Background music, muzak
kulisa {f} :: [by extension] A background, a feature of a scenery, event etc
kulisák {m} :: stagehand
kulíšek {m anim} {m inan} :: diminutive of kulich
kulíšek {m anim} {m inan} :: pygmy owl
kulka {f} :: bullet (projectile)
kulka {f} :: small ball
kulka {f} :: ball (testicle)
kůlna {f} :: A shed, hut
kulomet {m} :: machine gun
kulová plocha {f} :: sphere (the surface of a sphere or ball)
kulovitý {adj} :: spherical, global
kulový {adj} :: Related to spheres; spherical
kulový {adj} :: (cards) of diamonds
kulový blesk {m} :: ball lightning
kulový ovladač {m} :: trackball
kult {m} :: cult
kultivace {f} :: cultivation
kultivovaný {adj} :: cultivated
kultivovat {v impf} :: to culture (to maintain in an environment suitable for growth)
kultovní {adj} [relational] :: cult
kultura {f} :: arts
kultura {f} :: culture (arts, customs and habits)
kultura {f} [microbiology] :: culture
kulturismus {m} :: bodybuilding
kulturista {m} :: bodybuilder
kulturistický {adj} :: bodybuilding
kulturistika {f} :: bodybuilding
kulturní {adj} :: cultural
kulturní antropologie {f} :: cultural anthropology
kulturní šok {m} :: culture shock
kulturtrégr {m} :: Kulturträger (someone who transmits culture)
kumpačka {f} [slang] :: company (military unit)
kumpačka {f} [colloquial] :: company, group, team
kumšt {m} :: art
kumulace {f} :: accumulation
kumulativní {adj} :: cumulative
kumys {m} :: koumiss (fermented drink)
kůň {m anim} :: horse
kůň {m anim} [colloquial] :: knight (chess piece)
kuna {f} :: marten
kuna {f} :: kuna (currency of Croatia)
kunda {f} [vulgar] :: vagina, cunt
kunda {f} [vulgar] :: bird (attractive woman, object of sexual attraction)
kundička {f} :: diminutive of kunda
kuní {adj} [relational] :: marten
kuňk {interj} :: croak (the cry of a frog or toad)
kuňkat {v impf} :: to croak (of a frog or toad, to make its cry)
kunsthistorička {f} :: female art historian
kunsthistorie {f} :: art history
kunsthistorik {m} :: art historian
kupa {f} :: heap
kupec {m anim} :: merchant, trader
kupka {f} :: diminutive of kupa
kupka sena {f} :: haystack
kupní síla {f} :: purchasing power
kupní smlouva {f} :: contract of sale
kupodivu {adv} :: oddly enough, suprisingly enough
kupole {f} [architecture] :: dome
kupón {m} [finance] :: coupon
kupovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of koupit
kupř. {adv} :: abbreviation of kupříkladu: e.g.
kupříkladu {adv} :: for instance, for example
kur {m anim} :: A group of bird genera in the Phasianidae family, composed of Bambusicola, Galloperdix, Gallus, and Ptilopachus
kur {m anim} :: Especially the common household chicken (Gallus gallus, sometimes Gallus gallus domesticus)
kur {m anim} [archaic] :: rooster
kura {f} [archaic] :: hen
kůra {f} :: bark (of a tree)
kůra {f} :: crust (of the Earth or of bread)
kůra {f} [anatomy] :: cortex
kůra {f} :: rind (of fruits such as orange and lemon)
kurátor {m} :: curator
kuráž {f} [colloquial] :: courage
kurážný {adj} :: courageous
kůrčička {f} :: diminutive of kůra
kurděje {f} :: scurvy (deficiency of vitamin C)
kurdský {adj} :: Kurdish
kurdština {f} :: Kurdish (language)
kurevník {m} :: womanizer
kurfiřt {m} :: prince-elector, Elector
Kurilské ostrovy {prop} {mp} :: Kuril Islands
Kurily {prop} {p} :: Kurils, Kuril Islands
kuriosita {f} :: alternative spelling of kuriozita
kuriozita {f} :: curiosity (extraordinary object)
kůrka {f} :: crust
kurkuma {f} :: turmeric (spice)
kurňa {interj} :: darn
kurník {m} :: henhouse
kurník {m} :: darn
kurník šopa {interj} :: darn
Kuronsko {prop} {n} :: Kuronsko (region)
kuronský {adj} :: Curonian
kůrovec {m} :: bark beetle
kůrový {adj} :: bark (of a tree)
kurs {m} :: alternative form of kurz
Kursk {prop} {m} :: Kursk (oblast)
Kursk {prop} {m} :: Kursk (city/administrative center)
kursový {adj} :: exchange rate
kurt {m inan} :: court (place arranged for playing the games of tennis, basketball, squash, badminton, volleyball and some other games)
kurtizána {f} :: courtesan
kurva {f} [vulgar] :: whore (prostitute)
kurva {interj} [vulgar] :: damn, shit, fuck
kurva drát {interj} [vulgar] :: fuck, shit, damn
kurvafix {interj} [vulgar] :: damn, shit, fuck
kurvička {f} :: diminutive of kurva
kurvit {v} [vulgar] :: to spoil, to botch
kurvit {v} [vulgar] :: to fuck around (to have sex with many partners)
kurýr {m} :: messenger
kurz {m} :: course (period of learning)
kurz {m} :: course (direction of movement of a vessel)
kurz {m} :: rate (in exchange rate)
kurzové riziko {n} :: currency risk
kuřácký {adj} [relational] :: smoking (used for or related to smoking tobacco)
kuřačka {f} :: female smoker
kuřák {m} :: smoker
kuřátko {n} :: diminutive of kuře (chick)
kuřátko {n} [affectionate] :: little child
kuřátko {n} [dialect, Moravia] :: chanterelle, Cantharellus cibarius, species of mushroom within the family Cantharellaceae
kuře {n} :: chick (young chicken)
kuřecí {adj} [relational] :: chick, chick's
kuří {adj} [relational] :: chicken, chicken's
kuřice {f} :: a teen chicken (a chicken, which is old already, but doesn't lay eggs yet)
kus {m} :: piece (part)
kus {m} :: chunk
kusadlo {n} :: mandible (mouthpart of an insect)
kuskus {m} :: couscous
kůstka {f} :: ossicle
kuše {f} :: crossbow
kušna {f} :: muzzle (the protruding part of many animal's head which includes nose, mouth and jaws)
kušna {f} [mildly, vulgar] :: trap (human mouth)
kušovat {v impf} :: to shut up
kutánní {adj} :: cutaneous
kutě {n} :: bed (place for sleeping)
kutil {m} :: do-it-yourselfer, DIYer
Kuvajt {prop} {m inan} :: Kuvajt (country)
Kuvajťan {m anim} :: Kuwaiti (person)
Kuvajťanka {f} :: female Kuwaiti
kuvajtský {adj} :: Kuwaiti, of Kuwait, Kuwait's
kůzlátko {n} :: diminutive of kůzle
kůzle {n} :: kid (young goat)
kůzlečí {adj} :: kid (young goat)
kůže {f} :: skin
kůže {f} :: leather
kužel {m} [geometry] :: cone
kuželka {f} :: pin, skittle (target in bowling and skittles)
kuželosečka {f} :: conic section
kuželový {adj} :: conical
kůžička {f} :: diminutive of kůže
Kvád {m} :: Quadi person
kvádr {m} [geometry] :: cuboid
kvadratická rovnice {f} :: quadratic equation
kvadratický {adj} :: quadratic
kvadratický průměr {m} :: quadratic mean
kvadrila {f} :: quadrilla (dance)
kvadrilion {num} :: quadrillion (1015)
kvádro {n} [colloquial] :: tuxedo
kvadruplegie {f} :: quadriplegia
kvadruplegik {m} :: quadriplegic
kvak {interj} :: croak (the cry of a frog or toad)
kvák {interj} :: croak (the cry of a frog or toad)
kvákat {v} :: to croak or to quack (to make a frog sound or a duck sound)
kvaker {m} :: Quaker
kvalifikace {f} :: qualification (racing)
kvalifikace {f} :: qualification (for a job)
kvalifikovaná většina {f} :: qualified majority, supermajority
kvalifikovaný {adj} :: qualified (meeting the standards, requirements, and training)
kvalifikovat {v p-i} :: to qualify (to become eligible for a next stage in a competition)
kvalita {f} :: quality (level of excellence)
kvalitativní {adj} :: qualitative
kvalitativní požadavek {m} :: qualitative requirement
kvalitativní ukazatel {m} :: qualitative indicator
kvalitativní výzkum {m} :: qualitative research
kvalitní {adj} :: quality
kvalt {m} [colloquial] :: hurry
kvaltovat {v} [colloquial] :: to hurry
kvantifikace {f} :: quantification
kvantifikace {f} [logic] :: quantification
kvantifikátor {m} :: quantifier
kvantifikovat {v both} :: to quantify
kvantil {m} :: quantile
kvantita {f} :: quantity
kvantitativní {adj} :: quantitative
kvantitativní požadavek {m} :: quantitative requirement
kvantitativní ukazatel {m} :: quantitative indicator
kvantitativní uvolňování {n} :: quantitative easing
kvantitativní výzkum {m} :: quantitative research
kvantizace {f} [signal processing] :: quantization
kvantová mechanika {f} [mechanics] :: quantum mechanics
kvantování {n} [signal processing] :: quantization
kvantování {n} [physics] :: quantization
kvantový {adj} :: quantum
kvantum {n} :: quantity (especially in plural)
kvantum {n} [physics] :: quantum
kvap {m inan} :: haste
kvark {m} [physics] :: quark
kvartál {m} :: quarter (period)
kvartér {m} :: Quaternary (geological period)
kvartet {m} [music] :: quartet
kvartil {m} :: quartile
kvasar {m} :: quasar
kvasinka {f} :: yeast
kvasit {v impf} :: to ferment
kvasnice {f} [plurale tantum] :: yeast (froth used in baking and brewing)
kvaš {m inan} :: gouache
kvašení {n} :: fermentation
kvazar {m} :: quasar
kvaziuspořádání {m} :: preorder
kvé {n} :: letter: q
k věci {adj} :: to the point
kvedlačka {f} :: wooden whisk, stirring sticker, beater
kvedlat {v impf} :: to stirr, to mix
kvér {m} [colloquial] :: gun, firearm
kverulant {m} :: complainer
kverulantka {f} :: female complainer
kvést {v impf} :: to flower, bloom
kvést {v impf} :: to flourish, prosper, blossom
kvésti {v impf} [archaic] :: Alternative form of kvést
květ {m} :: flower (reproductive structure)
Květa {prop} {f} :: given name
květák {m} :: cauliflower
květákový {adj} [relational] :: cauliflower
květen {m inan} :: May
květena {f} :: flora (plants considered as a group, especially those of a particular country, region, time, etc.)
květenství {n} :: inflorescence
květina {f} :: flower, plant
květináč {m} :: flowerpot
květináček {m} :: diminutive of květináč
květinář {m} :: florist
květinářka {f} :: female florist
květinářství {n} :: florist's, flower shop
květinka {f} :: diminutive of květina
Květka {prop} {f} :: given name
květnatý {adj} :: flowery
květnový {adj} [relational] :: May
Květoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
Květoslava {prop} {f} :: given name
kvetoucí {adj} :: blooming, flowering
Květuš {prop} {f} :: A pet form of the female given name Květa
Květuš {prop} {f} :: Květuš (village)
Květuše {prop} {f} :: given name
Květuše {prop} {f} :: A pet form of the female given name Květoslava
Květuška {prop} {f} :: A diminutive of the female given names Květuše and Květa
kvíčala {f} :: fieldfare
kvíčalí {adj} [relational] :: fieldfare, fieldfare's
Kvido {prop} {m} :: given name
kvinta {f} :: fifth (musical interval)
kvintový kruh {m} :: cycle of fifths
kvitovat {v both} :: appreciate, acknowledge gratefully
kvitovat {v both} :: to confirm, acknowledge (receipt)
kvitovat {v both} :: to acknowledge (accept something as a fact)
kvíz {m} :: quiz
kvočna {f} :: hen (female chicken)
kvorum {n} :: quorum (the minimum number of members required for a group to officially conduct business and to cast votes)
kvórum {n} :: quorum (the minimum number of members required for a group to officially conduct business and to cast votes)
kvóta {f} :: quota
kvrdlačka {v impf} :: alternative form of kvedlačka
kvrdlat {v impf} :: alternative form of kvedlat
kvůli {prep} :: due to, because of
kvůli {prep} :: for the sake of
-ký {suffix} :: Appended to nouns to form adjectives expressing relation to the group of people or animal species
-ký {suffix} :: Appended to nouns describing places to form adjectives expressing relation to the place
kyan {m} :: cyanogen
kyanid {m} :: cyanide
kyanid draselný {n} :: potassium cyanide, cyanide
kyanit {m} :: kyanite (blue neosilicate mineral)
kyanovodík {m} :: hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
kyber- {prefix} :: cyber-
kyberbezpečnost {f} :: cybersecurity
kybernetický {adj} :: cybernetic
kybernetik {m} :: cyberneticist, cybernetician
kybernetika {f} :: cybernetics
kyberprostor {m} :: cyberspace
kyberpunk {m inan} [singulare tantum] :: cyberpunk, a sci-fi subgenre
kybersex {m} :: cybersex
kyberšikana {f} :: cyberbullying
kyberterorismus {m} :: cyberterrorism
kyberútok {m} :: cyberattack
kýbl {m} :: bucket (container)
kyblík {m} :: diminutive of kýbl
kyborg {m} :: cyborg
kýč {m} :: kitsch
kyčel {f} [anatomy] :: hip
kyčelní {adj} :: hip
kýchání {n} :: verbal noun of kýchat
kýchání {n} :: sneezing
kýchat {v impf} :: to sneeze
kýchnout {v pf} :: to sneeze
kýchnutí {n} :: verbal noun of kýchnout
kýchnutí {n} :: sneeze
kyj {m} :: club, cudgel (a short heavy club with a rounded head used as a weapon)
Kyjev {prop} {m} :: Kyjev (capital city)
Kyjevan {m} :: person from Kiev
kyklop {m} :: cyclops
kykyryký {interj} :: cock-a-doodle-doo (the cry of the rooster)
kýl {m inan} :: keel
kýla {f} :: hernia
kýlní {adj} :: hernial
kýlní pás {m} :: truss (bandage and belt for supporting hernia)
kymácet {v impf} :: to sway, topple
-kyně {suffix} :: A suffix forming female roles
kynolog {m} :: cynologist
kynologie {f} :: cynology
kyperský {adj} :: Cypriot (of, from or relating to Cyprus)
Kypr {prop} {m inan} :: Cyprus
kyprý {adj} :: plump
kyprý {adj} :: fluffy
Kypřan {m anim} :: Cypriot
Kypřanka {f} :: female Cypriot
kypřící prášek {m} :: baking powder
Kyrgyz {m anim} :: Kyrgyz (person)
Kyrgyzka {f} :: female Kyrgyz
kyrgyzský {adj} :: Kyrgyz, of Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstán {prop} {m inan} :: Kyrgyzstan
kyrys {m} :: cuirass
kysaný {adj} :: sour
kysel {m} :: kisel, kissel (dessert)
kyselina {f} :: acid
kyselina acetylsalicylová {f} :: acetylsalicylic acid
kyselina akrylová {f} :: acrylic acid
kyselina askorbová {f} :: ascorbic acid
kyselina asparagová {f} :: aspartic acid (a nonessential amino acid)
kyselina benzoová {f} :: benzoic acid
kyselina bromičná {f} :: bromic acid
kyselina bromovodíková {f} :: hydrobromic acid
kyselina citronová {f} :: citric acid
kyselina citrónová {f} :: citric acid
kyselina dusičná {f} :: nitric acid
kyselina dusitá {f} :: nitrous acid (HNO2)
kyselina fluorovodíková {f} :: hydrofluoric acid
kyselina fosforečná {f} :: phosphoric acid
kyselina ftalová {f} :: phthalic acid
kyselina glutamová {f} :: glutamic acid (the nonessential amino acid (α-amino-glutaric acid))
kyselina chlorečná {f} :: chloric acid
kyselina chloristá {f} :: perchloric acid
kyselina chlorovodíková {f} :: hydrochloric acid
kyselina jablečná {f} [organic compound] :: malic acid
kyselina jodovodíková {f} :: hydroiodic acid
kyselina kyanovodíková {f} :: hydrocyanic acid
kyselina linolová {f} :: linoleic acid
kyselina máselná {f} :: butyric acid
kyselina mléčná {f} :: lactic acid, milk acid
kyselina močová {f} :: uric acid
kyselina mravenčí {f} :: formic acid
kyselina octová {f} :: acetic acid
kyselina olejová {f} :: oleic acid
kyselina palmitová {f} :: palmitic acid
kyselina salicylová {f} :: salicylic acid
kyselina sírová {f} [inorganic compound] :: sulfuric acid
kyselina siřičitá {f} :: sulfurous acid
kyselina stearová {f} :: stearic acid
kyselina šťavelová {f} :: oxalic acid
kyselina telurová {f} :: telluric acid
kyselina thiokyanatá {f} :: thiocyanic acid
kyselina uhličitá {f} :: carbonic acid (A weak unstable acid, H2CO3)
kyselina vinná {f} :: tartaric acid (a white crystalline acid that occurs naturally in many plants, and in wine)
kyselo {n} :: a certain kind of sour soup, made from sourdough
kyselost {f} :: acidity
kyselý {adj} :: sour
kyselý {adj} :: acid, acidic
kysličník {m} :: oxide
kysličník uhličitý {m} [inorganic compound] :: carbon dioxide
kyslík {m inan} :: oxygen
kýta {f} :: ham (the thigh and buttock of any animal slaughtered for meat)
kytara {f} :: guitar
kytarista {m} :: guitarist
kytaristka {f} :: female guitarist
kytice {f} :: A bouquet. (bunch of flowers)
kytička {f} :: diminutive of kytka
kytka {f} [colloquial] :: flower (a plant that bears flowers, especially a plant that is small and lacks wood)
kytka {f} [colloquial] :: bouquet
kytovec {m} :: cetacean
kyvadélko {n} :: diminutive of kyvadlo
kyvadlo {n} :: pendulum
kývat {v impf} :: to swing (legs etc)
kývat {v impf} :: to nod (head)
kývat {v impf} :: to oscillate (pendulum)
kývat {v impf} :: to wobble (chair etc)
kýžený {adj} :: desired