See also: crypto
[edit]From Ancient Greek κρυπτός (kruptós, “hidden, secret”).
Derived terms
[edit]Alternative forms
[edit]- (prevocalic) crypt-
[edit]From Ancient Greek κρυπτός (kruptós, “hidden, secret”).
[edit]- (General American) IPA(key): /kɹɪptoʊ-/
- Hidden, invisible.
- crypto- + crystalline → cryptocrystalline (“whose crystalline nature only becomes apparent at high levels of magnification”)
- crypto- + zoology → cryptozoology (“the study of animals whose existence has not been proven”)
- Secret.
- crypto- + fascist → cryptofascist
- crypto- + -lect → cryptolect (“a secret language”)
- Relating to cryptography, the study of secret communication.
- crypto- + function → cryptofunction
- crypto- + variable → cryptovariable
- Cryptocurrency.
- crypto- + asset → cryptoasset
- crypto- + collectible → cryptocollectible
Derived terms
See also
[edit]Internationalism (see English crypto-), from Ancient Greek κρυπτός (kruptós).
Derived terms
[edit]From Ancient Greek κρυπτός (kruptós, “hidden, secret”).
[edit]Audio: (file)
Derived terms
[edit]- cryptage
- cryptanalyse
- cryptanalyste
- cryptand
- cryptant
- cryptarithmétique
- cryptate
- crypte
- cryptement
- crypténamine
- cryptenveloppe
- crypter
- cryptesthésie
- crypteur
- cryptie
- cryptique
- crypto-analyse
- crypto-anarchisme
- crypto-anarchiste
- crypto-communisme
- crypto-communiste
- crypto-efflorescence
- crypto-empreinte
- crypto-endomitose
- crypto-fascisme
- crypto-fasciste
- crypto-haplomitose
- crypto-portique
- crypto-protectionnisme
- cryptoanalyse
- cryptoanalyste
- cryptoanalytique
- cryptobatholitique
- cryptobiose
- cryptobium
- cryptobranche
- cryptocalvinisme
- cryptocalviniste
- cryptocentre
- cryptocéphale
- cryptocérate
- cryptochimère
- cryptochrome
- cryptoclimat
- cryptoclimatologie
- cryptoclimatologique
- cryptococcose
- cryptocommunisme
- cryptocommuniste
- cryptocorpocollinite
- cryptocotylédone
- cryptocristal
- cryptocristallin
- cryptocyste
- cryptodate
- cryptodère
- cryptodicyclique
- cryptodire
- cryptodiversité
- cryptodroite
- cryptoefflorescence
- cryptofaune
- cryptogame
- cryptogamie
- cryptogamique
- cryptogamiste
- cryptogélocollinite
- cryptogénétique
- cryptogénique
- cryptogonomérie
- cryptogramme
- cryptographe
- cryptographie
- cryptographier
- cryptographique
- cryptographiquement
- cryptohalite
- cryptolapiés
- cryptolite
- cryptologie
- cryptologique
- cryptologue
- cryptoloppe
- cryptomacéral
- cryptomane
- cryptomaniaque
- cryptomanie
- cryptoménorrhée
- cryptomère
- cryptomérie
- cryptomérique
- cryptomètre
- cryptomitose
- cryptomnésie
- cryptomonade
- cryptonyme
- cryptopartie
- cryptopériode
- cryptoperthite
- cryptophage
- cryptophagidé
- cryptophone
- cryptophonie
- cryptophonique
- cryptophyte
- cryptopine
- cryptopode
- cryptopolyploïde
- cryptopolyploïdie
- cryptoportique
- cryptoprocte
- cryptoprotectionnisme
- cryptoprotectionniste
- cryptoradariste
- cryptorchide
- cryptorchidie
- cryptorchidisme
- cryptorhynque
- cryptorithme
- cryptosporidie
- cryptosporidiose
- cryptostome
- cryptosystème
- cryptotélégraphie
- cryptotélégraphique
- cryptotélinite
- cryptoténie
- cryptotoxine
- cryptovitrodétrinite
- cryptoxanthène
- cryptoxanthine
- cryptozoïte
- cryptozoologie
- cryptozoologique
- cryptozoologiste
- décrypter
Further reading
[edit]- “crypto-”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.
- Translingual terms derived from Ancient Greek
- Translingual lemmas
- Translingual prefixes
- English terms derived from Ancient Greek
- English terms with IPA pronunciation
- English lemmas
- English prefixes
- English productive prefixes
- Dutch internationalisms
- Dutch terms derived from Ancient Greek
- Dutch lemmas
- Dutch prefixes
- French terms derived from Ancient Greek
- French terms with audio pronunciation
- French lemmas
- French prefixes