Category:English terms derived from Ancient Greek
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English terms that originate from Ancient Greek.
This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.
- English terms derived from Doric Greek (0 c, 11 e)
- English terms derived from Epic Greek (0 c, 1 e)
- English terms derived from Ionic Greek (0 c, 1 e)
Pages in category "English terms derived from Ancient Greek"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 12,297 total.
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- a-
- āā
- aam
- Aaron
- Aba
- abaciscus
- abacomancy
- abacus
- Abaddon
- abaddon
- abaptiston
- abarognosis
- abarthrosis
- abase
- abasia
- abate
- abaton
- abax
- abba
- Abba
- abbot
- Abdera
- Abderite
- abderitism
- Abdias
- abdominocardiac
- Abel
- abenteric
- Abernethy's sarcoma
- abetalipoproteinemia
- Abgarus
- Abilene
- abiogenesis
- abiosis
- abiotic
- ablastin
- ablastous
- ablepharon
- ablepsia
- ablutophobe
- ablutophobia
- ablutophobic
- abnormal
- abrachia
- abrachiocephalia
- Abraham
- Abrahamic
- Abraham's bosom
- abranchiata
- Abrasax
- abrocome
- abrosexual
- abrotanum
- abscopal
- absinthe
- absinthium
- Absyrtus
- abulia
- abydocomist
- Abydos
- abysm
- abyss
- -ac
- acacia
- Acacius
- academe
- academia
- academic
- academy
- Academy
- Acadia
- acaleph
- acampsia
- acanth-
- acantha
- acanthion
- acanthite
- acantho-
- acanthocarpous
- acanthocephalan
- acanthocladous
- acanthocyte
- acanthokeratodermia
- acanthoma adenoides cysticum
- acanthophorous
- acanthopteri
- acanthopterygian
- acanthosis nigricans
- acanthus
- acapnia
- acardia
- acardiac
- acarid
- acaridan
- acaro-
- acarology
- acarpous
- acarus
- acatalectic
- acatalepsy
- acataleptic
- acathistus
- acaustobiolith
- accidie
- accismus
- accusative
- Aceldama
- acentric
- acephal
- Acephalite
- acephalocyst
- acephalous
- acerous
- Aceso
- acetyl
- Achaea
- Achaean
- Achaemenes
- Achaemenid
- achaenocarp
- achalasia
- acheilous
- achene
- Acheron
- Achilles
- achilous
- achlamydate
- achlamydeous
- achluophobia
- achluophobic
- Achlys
- acholia
- achoresis
- achroite
- achromatic
- achromatize
- achromatopsia
- achromous
- achroödextrin
- achroous
- acinaces
- aciurgy
- acleioproctic
- aclinic
- acme
- Acmeism
- acmesthesia
- acne
- acoel
- Acoemetae
- acolasia
- acology
- acoloutha
- acolutholect
- acolyte
- aconite
- acontia
- acopic
- acoptic
- acosmism
- acoumeter
- acoumetry
- acousmatic
- acoustic
- acra
- acrasia
- acrasy
- Acre
- acribic
- acridology
- Acridophagi
- acridophagus
- Acrita
- acritarch
- acritochromacy
- acroamatic
- acroasis
- acroatic
- acrobat
- acrocephaly
- Acroceraunian
- acrodrome
- acrogynous
- acrolith
- acromegalia
- acromegaly
- acromesomelia
- acromion
- acromphalus
- acroneme
- acronical
- acronycal
- acronym
- acropetal
- acrophony
- acroplaxome
- acropodion
- acropoleis
- Acropolis