cervical cancer (countable and uncountable, plural cervical cancers)
- (pathology, oncology) A type of cancer of the cervix of the uterus which can afflict some female mammals including humans. The term usually does not refer to cancer of the neck or other parts of the anatomy which use the term cervix.
cancer of the cervix
- Afrikaans: servikale kanker
- Chinese:
- Mandarin: 子宮頸癌/子宫颈癌 (zh) (zǐgōngjǐng'ái)
- Czech: karcinom děložního hrdla m, karcinom děložního čípku m
- Danish: livmoderhalskræft c
- Dutch: baarmoederhalskanker (nl) m
- Finnish: kohdunkaulansyöpä
- French: cancer cervical m, cancer du col de l’utérus m, cancer du col utérin m
- German: Gebärmutterhalskrebs (de) n, Kollumkarzinom n, Zervixkarzinom m
- Hungarian: méhnyakrák (hu)
- Icelandic: leghálskrabbamein n
- Indonesian: kanker leher rahim
- Irish: ailse cheirbheacs f
- Italian: please add this translation if you can
- Japanese: 子宮頸癌 (ja) (しきゅうけいがん, shikyūkeigan)
- Latin: carcinoma cervicis uteri f
- Malay: barah pangkal rahim
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål: livmorhalskreft m
- Nynorsk: livmorhalskreft m
- Polish: rak szyjki macicy m
- Portuguese: câncer cervical m (Brazil), cancro cervical m (Portugal)
- Romanian: cancer cervical n, cancer de col uterin n
- Russian: рак ше́йки ма́тки m (rak šéjki mátki)
- Spanish: cáncer cervical m
- Swahili: saratani ya mlango wa kizazi, kansa ya mlango wa kizazi
- Swedish: livmoderhalscancer (sv) c, cervixcancer (sv) c,
- Turkish: rahim ağzı kanseri, servikal kanser, serviks kanseri