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User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/5500

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  1. मुकुल (mukula) (mukula)
    n. (m. g. %{ardharcA7di}
    ifc. f. %{A}) a bud (also fig. `" a first tooth "') Ka1lid. Pur. S3us3r. (in this sense also %{makula} L.)
    the body
    the soul
    (only n.) a kind of metre Ked.
    m. (with %{hAsta}) a bud-like junction or bringing together of the fingers of the hand Nalo7d.
    N. of a king and another man Ra1jat.
    (with %{bhaTTa}) N. of an author Cat.
    mf(%{A})n. closed (as eyes), Ma1latim. Sch.
  2. मुक्त (mukta) (mukta)
    %{muktA}, %{mukti} see p. 816 &c. mfn. loosened, let loose, set free, relaxed, slackened, opened, open MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    liberated, delivered, emancipated (esp. from sin or worldly existence) Mn. MBh. &c. (with instr. or ifc. = released from, deprived or destitute of
    cf. Pa1n2. 2-1, 38)
    fallen or dropped down (as fruit) Hariv.
    abandoned, relinquished, quitted, given up, laid aside, deposed MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    sent forth, emitted, discharged, poured out, hurled, thrown ib.
    left free (as a road) Megh.
    uttered (as sound) MBh.
    shed (as tears) Pan5cat.
    let fly, applied (as a kick) Ragh.
    gone, vanished, disappeared (esp. ibc.
    cf. below)
    m. N. of one of the 7 sages under Manu Bhautya MBh.
    of a cook Ra1jat.
    (%{A}) f. (with or scil. %{dis}) the quarter or cardinal point just quitted by the sun VarBr2S.
    a pearl (as loosened from the pearl-oyster shell) Mn. MBh. &c.
    an unchaste woman
    a species of plant (= %{rAsnA})
    N. of a river VP.
    n. the spirit released from corporeal existence W.
    (%{e}) ind, beside (with instr.) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 72
    iii, 2, 108 &c.
  3. मुक्तकेश (muktakeśa) (muktakeśa)
    mf(%{A} or %{I})n. `" loose-haired "', having the hair dishevelled or hanging down Mn. MBh. R. &c.
  4. मुक्ति (mukti) (mukti)
    f. setting or becoming free, release, liberation, deliverance from (comp.) S3Br. &c, &c.
    final liberation or emancipation, final beatitude (= %{mokSa}, q.v.) Ka1v. Katha1s.
    abandonment, putting off, giving up (comp.) ib.
    throwing, casting, hurling, shooting, sending Hariv.
    discharge (of a debt
    cf. %{RNa-m-})
    N. of a divine being (the wife of Satya) Cat.
  5. मुक्ता (muktā) (muktā)
    f. of %{mukta}, in comp.
  6. मुक्ताकार (muktākāra) (muktākāra)
    (%{-tA7k-}) mfn. having the look or appearance of a pearl (%{-tA} f.) Bhartr2.
  7. मुख (mukha) (mukha)
    n. (m. g. %{ardharca7di}
    ifc. %{A}, or %{I} cf. Pa1n2. iv, 1, 54, 58) the mouth, face, countenance RV. &c, &c.
    the beak of a bird, snout or muzzle of an animal Gr2S. Mn. MBh. &c.
    a direction, quarter (esp. ifc. cf. %{diG-m-}
    mfn. turning or turned towards, facing cf. %{adho-m-} also %{am} ind. cf. %{prAn-mukham})
    the mouth or spout of a vessel Ka1tyS3r.
    opening aperture, entrance into or egress out of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the mouth or embouchure (of a river) Ragh.
    the fore part, front, van (of an army) TBr. MBh.
    the upper part, head, top, tip or point of anything VS. Br. MBh. &c. (also mfn. in comp. cf. %{payo-m-} )
    the edge (of an axe) Ka1v.
    the nipple (of a breast) Hariv.
    the surface, upper side A1ryabh. Sch.
    the chief, principal, best (ifc. = having any one or anything as chief &c.) S3Br. MBh. &c.
    introduction, commencement, beginning (ifc. = beginning with
    also %{-mukhA7di} cf. the use of %{Adi}) Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    source, cause, occasion of (gen. or comp.) MBh.
    a means (%{ena} ind. by means of) S3am2k.
    (in dram.) the original cause or source of the action Das3ar. Prata1p.
    (in alg.) the first term or initial quantity of a progression Col.
    (in geom.) the side opposite to the base, the summit ib.
    the Veda
    rock salt
    m. Artocarpus Locuchs L.
  8. मुखर (mukhara) (mukhara)
    mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{mukha}
    cf. Pa1n v 2 107 Va1rtt. i Pat.) talkative, garrulous, loquacious (said also of birds and bees) Ka1v. Katha1s.
    noisy, tinkling (as an anklet &c.) Mr2icch. Ka1lid.
    sound resonant or eloquent with, expressive of (comp.), ka1v. Katha1s.
    scurrilous Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    foul-mouthed, scurrilous speaking harshly or abusively
    m. a crow
    a conch shell
    a leader, principal, chief Hit.
    N. of a Na1ga MBh.
    of a rogue Cat.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a serpent-maid Ka1ran2d2.
    (%{I}) f. the bit of a bridle Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
  9. मुखरता (mukharatā) (mukharatā)
    f. talkativeness, garrulity, noisiness Kir.
  10. मुख्य (mukhya) (mukhya)
    mf(%{A})n. being in or coming from or belonging to the mouth or face AV. &c. &c.
    being at the head or at the beginning, first, principal, chief, eminent (ifc. = the first or best or chief among, rarely = %{mukha} or %{Adi} q.v.) TS. &c. &c.
    m. a leader, guide Ka1m.
    N. of a tutelary deity (presiding over one of the 81 or 63 divisions or Padas of an astrological house) VarBr2S. Hcat.
    pl. a class of gods under Manu Sa1varn2i Pur.
    (%{A}) f. N. of the residence of Varun2a VP.
    n. an essential rite W.
    reading or teaching the Vedas ib.
    the month reckoned from new moon to new moon ib.
    moustache Gal.
  11. मुख्यार्थ (mukhyārtha) (mukhyārtha)
    m. the primary meaning of a word (as opp. to %{gauNA7rtha}, the secondary or metaphorical meaning) S3am2k. Sa1h.
    mfn. employed in (or having) the original sense Siddh.
  12. मुग्ध (mugdha) (mugdha)
    &c. see p. 825, col. 1.
  13. मुग्धबुद्धि (mugdhabuddhi) (mugdhabuddhi)
    mfn. = %{-dhI} Katha1s.
  14. मुग्धाक्षी (mugdhākṣī) (mugdhākṣī)
    f. a fair-eyed woman Ka1v. Katha1s.
  15. मुचलिन्द (mucalinda) (mucalinda)
    v.l. for %{mucilinda} q.v.
  16. मुचुकुन्द (mucukunda) (mucukunda)
    m. Pterospermum Suberifolium
    N. of a Daitya
    of an ancient king(or Muni) MBh. BhP.
    of a son of Ma1ndha1tr2i (who assisted the gods in their wars with the demons and was rewarded by the boon of a long and unbroken sleep) MBh. Pur.
    of a son of Yadu Hariv.
    of the father of Candra-bha1ga Cat.
    of a poet of Ka1s3mi1ra ib.
  17. मुञ्ज (muñja) (muñja)
    m. `" sounding, rustling (?) "', a species of rush or sedge-like grass, Saccharum Sara or Munja (which grows to the height of 10 feet, and is used in basketwork) S3Br. &c. &c.
    the Bra1hmanical girdle formed of Munja (cf. %{mauJja} Mn. ii, 27, 42 &c.) an arrow(?) W.
    N. of a king of Dha1ra1 Das3ar.
    of a prince of Campa1 Pin3g. Sch.
    of a man with the patr. Sa1mas3irsvasa Shad2vBr.
    of a Bra1hman MBh.
    of various authors &c. Cat.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a river VP.
    = m. (see comp. below).
  18. मुण्ड (muṇḍa) (muṇḍa)
    mf(%{A})n. shaved, bald, having the head shaved or the hair shorn Mn. MBh. &c.
    having no horns, hornless (as a cow or goat) Var.
    stripped of top leaves or branches, lopped (as a tree) MBh.
    pointless, blunt Katha1s.
    without awns or a beard (a kind of corn)
    low, mean W.
    m. a man with a shaven head, bald-headed man Ya1jn5. i, 271 (also applied to S3iva) MBh.
    the trunk of a lopped tree W.
    a barber
    N. of Ra1hu
    of a Daitya Hariv.
    of a king Buddh.
    pl. N. of a people MBh.
    of a dynasty VP.
    (%{A}) f. a (close-shaved) female mendicant
    a widow Gal.
    a species of plant
    Bengal madder W.
    (%{I}) f. Sphaerantus Hirtus Bhpr.
    N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda MBh.
    n. (L. also n.) a shaven head, any head Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    myrrh L.
  19. मुण्डक (muṇḍaka) (muṇḍaka)
    mfn. shaved, shorn DivyA7v.
    m. the lopped trunk or stem of a tree, pollard
    a shaver, barber
    (%{ikA}) f. a species of plant
    n. the head
    N. of the chapters into which the Mun2d2akopanishad is divided.
  20. मुण्डित (muṇḍita) (muṇḍita)
    mfn. shaved, bald, shorn, lopped Ka1v. Hit.
    (%{A}) f. a window Gal.
    n. iron L.
  21. मुद् (mud) (mud)
    1 cl. 10. P. %{modayati}, to mix, mingle, blend, unite Dha1tup. xxxiii, 66. 2 cl. 1. A1. (Dha1tup. ii, 15) %{mo4date} (ep. and m. c. also P. %{-ti}
    pf. %{mumo4da} RV.
    %{mumude} MBh. &c.
    aor. %{amodiSTa} Gr.
    Pot. %{mudImahi} RV.
    Prec. %{modiSISThAs} AV.
    fut. %{moditA} Gr.
    %{modiSyate} MBh.
    ind. p. %{-modam} MBh.), to be merry or glad or happy, rejoice, delight in (instr. or loc.) RV. &c. &c.: Caus, %{modayati}, %{-te} (aor. %{amumudat}), to gladden, give pleasure, exhilarate MBh. Bhat2t2.: Desid, of Caus. %{mumodayiSati} S3Br.: Desid. %{mumodiSate} or %{mumudithate} Pa1n2. 1-2, 26: Intens. %{momudyate}, %{momudIti}, %{momotti} Gr.
  22. मुदित (mudita) (mudita)
    mfn. delighted, joyful, glad, rejoicing in (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a partic. sort of servant R.
    (%{A}) f. joy, gladness, complacency Lalit.
    sympathy in joy Divya1v.
    n. a kind of sexual embrace
    a partic. Siddhi, Sa1m2khyas. Sch.
    w.r. for %{nudita} and %{sUdita}.
  23. मुद्ग (mudga) (mudga)
    m. (accord. to Un2. i, 127 fr. %{mud}) Phaseolus Mungo (both the plant and its beans) VS. &c. &c.
    a cover, covering, lid
    a kind of seabird(prob. w.r. for %{madgu} q.v.)
  24. मुद्गर (mudgara) (mudgara)
    m. (prob. fr. %{mudga}) a hammer, mallet, any hammer-like weapon or implement MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a bud
    a kind of jasmine (n. its blossom)
    a species of fish
    N. of a Na1ga MBh.
    n. a partic. posture in sitting Cat.
  25. मुद्गल (mudgala) (mudgala)
    m. (prob. fr. %{mudga}) N. of a R2ishi with the patr. Bha1rmyas3va (the supposed author of RV. x, 102), V. Nir. MBh. &c. [822,3]
    of a disciple of Sa1kalya VP.
    of a son of Vis3va1mitra MBh.
    of various authors and other men (also with %{bhaTTasUri} &c.) Cat.
    pl. the descendants of Mudgala TBr.
    N. of a people MBh.
    n. a species of grass
    = %{mudgalA7paniSad}.
  26. मुद्रा (mudrā) (mudrā)
    f. (fr. %{mudra} see above) a seal or any instrument used for sealing or stamping, a seal-ring, signet-ring (cf. %{aGguli-m-}), any ring MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    type for printing or instrument for lithographing
    the stamp or impression made by a seal &c.
    any stamp or print or mark or impression MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a stamped coin, piece of money, rupee, cash, medal
    an image, sign, badge, token (esp. a token or mark of divine attributes impressed upon the body) Ka1v. Pur. Ra1jat.
    authorization, a pass, passport (as given by a seal) Mudr.
    shutting, closing (as of the eyes or lips gen. or comp.) Ka1v.
    a lock, stopper, bung Amar. Bhpr.
    a mystery Cat.
    N. of partic. positions or intertwinings of the fingers (24 in number, commonly practised in religious worship, and supposed to possess an occult meaning and magical efficacy Das3. Sarvad. Ka1ran2d2. RTL. 204
    a partic. branch of education (`" reckoning by the fingers "') DivyA7v.
    parched or fried grain (as used in the S3a1kta or Ta1ntrik ceremonial) RTL. 192
    (in rhet.) the natural expression of things by words, calling things by their right names Kuval.
    (in music) a dance accordant with tradition Sam2gi1t.
  27. मुनि (muni) (muni)
    m. (accord. to Un2. iv, 122 fr. %{man}) impulse, eagerness (?) RV. vii, 56, 8
    (prob.) any one who is moved by inward impulse, an inspired or ecstatic person, enthusiastBr.
    a saint, sage, seer, ascetic, monk, devotee, hermit (esp. one who has taken the vow of silence) S3Br. &c. &c. (with %{hRdayeSu@sthitaH}, the internal monitor or conscience Mn. viii, 91)
    a Bra1hman of the highest (eighth) order, Hcst.
    N. of a son of Kuru MBh.
    of a son of Dyuti-mat Ma1rkP.
    of Vya1sa Kir.
    of Bharata Sa1h.
    of Agastya
    of a Buddha or Arhat Lalit.
    of Pa1n2ini &c. (cf. %{-traya})
    of other nien VP.
    of various authors Cat.
    of various plants (Agati Grandiflora, Buchanania Latifolia, Butea Frondosa, Terminalia Catappa, the mango-tree and Attemisia Indica)
    pl. `" the celestial Munis "'N. of the seven stars of Ursa Major (and there fore a symbolical N. for the number `" seven "') Var. Su1ryas. S3rutab.
    (%{i}) f. a female Muni (also %{I}) Un2. iv, 122 Sch.
    N. of a daughter of Daksha (and wife of Kas3yapa), mother of a class of Gandharvas and Apsaras (cf. %{mauneya}) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    n. N. of a Varshs (called after a royal Muni) VP.
  28. मुमुक्षु (mumukṣu) (mumukṣu)
    mfn. desirous of freeing, wishing to deliver from (abl.) MBh.
    eager to be free (from mundane existence), striving after emancipation RV. Up. &c.
    wishing to let go or give up (acc.) Katha1s.
    wishing to discharge or shed or emit or shoot or hurl or send forth (acc. or comp.) MBh. Ragh.
    m. a sage who strives after emancipation W.
  29. मुमुक्षुत्व (mumukṣutva) (mumukṣutva)
    n. (Veda7ntas.) desire of liberation or of final emancipation.
  30. मुमूर्षु (mumūrṣu) (mumūrṣu)
    mfn. wishing or being about to die, moribund ib.
  31. मुर (mura) (mura)
    1 n. encompassing, surrounding
    (%{A}) f. see 2. %{mura}. 2 m. N. of a Daitya slain by Kr2ishn2a MBh. Hariv. BhP. (cf. %{muru})
    (%{A}) f. a species of fragrant plant (named after the Daitya) Bhpr.
    said to be the N. of the wife of Nanda and mother of Caudragupta VP.
    n. see under 1, %{mura}.
  32. मुषित (muṣita) (muṣita)
    mfn. stolen, robbed, carried off RV. &c. &c.
    plundered, stripped, naked S3Br. Gr2S.
    bereft or deprived of, free from (acc. ) RV.
    removed, destroyed, annihilated Ratna7v. Katha1s.
    blinded, obscured MBh.
    seized, ravished, captivated, enraptured MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    surpassed, excelled Ka1vya7d.
    deceived, cheated Ratna7v. BhP.
    made fun of Ra1jat.
  33. मुष्क (muṣka) (muṣka)
    m. (fr. %{muS} = %{mUS} + %{ka}?) `" little mouse "', a testicle, the scrotum RV. &c. &c.
    (du.) pudenda muliebria AV. VS. TS.
    an arm (?)
    Schrebera Swietenioides
    a muscular or stout person
    a thief.
    a crowd, heap, multitude[Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. {musculus}.]
  34. मुष्टि (muṣṭi) (muṣṭi)
    mf. stealing, filching W.
    the clenched hand, fist (perhaps orig. `" the hand closed to grasp anything stolen "') RV. &c. &c.
    a handful S3Br. &c. &c.
    a partic. measure (= 1 Pala) S3a1rn3gS.
    a hilt or handle (of a sword &c.) Ka1v. Katha1s.
    a compendium, abridgment Sarvad.
    the penis (?), Mahidh. on VS. xxiii, 24.
  35. मुष्टिक (muṣṭika) (muṣṭika)
    m. a handful (see %{catur-m-})
    a partic. position of the hands Cat.
    a goldsmith
    N. of an Asura Hariv.
    (pl.) of a despised race (= %{DombAs}) R.
    (%{A}) f. see %{akSara-muSTikA}
    (prob.) n. a pugilistic encounter MBh.
    a partic. game Sin6ha7s.
  36. मुष्टिकाकथन (muṣṭikākathana) (muṣṭikākathana)
    n. talking with the fingers Cat.
  37. मुसल (musala) (musala)
    m. n. (often spelt %{muzala} or %{muSala}
    cf. Un2. i, 108 Sch.) a pestle, (esp.) a wooden pestle used for cleaning rice AV. &c, &c.
    a mace, club Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. %{cakra-m-})
    the clapper of a bell Katha1s.
    a partic. surgical instrument Sus3r.
    a partic. constellation VarBr2S.
    the 22nd astron. Yoga or division of the moon's path MW.
    m. N. of a son of Vis3a1mitra MBh.
    (%{I}) f. Curculigo Orclnoides
    Salvinia Cucullata
    a house-lizard
    an alligator L.
  38. मुहूर्त (muhūrta) (muhūrta)
    m. n. a moment, instant, any short space of time RV. &c. &c. (ibc., in a moment
    %{ena} ind, after an instant, presently)
    a partic. division of time, the 3oth part of a day, a period of 48 minutes (in pl. personified as the children of Muhu1rta) S3Br. &c. &c.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Dharma or Manu and mother of the Muhu1rtas) Hariv. Pur.
  39. मूक (mūka) (mūka)
    (S3Br. %{mUka4}) mf(%{A})n. `" tied or bound "' (scil. tongue-tied), dumb, speechless, mute, silent VS. &c. &c.
    wretched, poor
    m. a fish
    the offspring of a mule and mare
    N. of a Da1nsva MBh.
    of a serpent-demon ib.
    of a poet Cat.
    (%{A}) f. a crucible(= or w.r. for %{mUSA}).
  40. मूढ (mūḍha) (mūḍha)
    mfn. stupefied, bewildered, perplexed, confused, uncertain or at a loss about (loc. or comp.) AV. &c.&c.
    stupid, foolish, dull, silly, simple Mn. MBh. &c.
    swooned, indolent
    gone astray or adrift As3vGr2.
    driven out of its course (as a ship) R.
    wrong, out of the right place (as the fetus in delivery) Sus3r.
    not to be ascertained, not clear, indistinct A1past. R.
    perplexing, confounding VP.
    m. a fool, dolt MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    pl. (in Sa1m2khya) N. of the elements Tattvas.
    n. confusion of mind Sarvad.
  41. मूढत्व (mūḍhatva) (mūḍhatva)
    n. bewilderment, confusion, infatuation, folly, stupidity MaitrUp. Katha1s. Pan5cat.
    bewildering, confounding Kap. Sch.
  42. मूत्र (mūtra) (mūtra)
    n. (prob. fr. %{mU} = %{mIv}
    but cf. Un2. iv, 162) the fluid secreted by the kidneys, urine (%{mUtraM} 1. %{kR}, to make water) AV. &c. &c.
  43. मूर्ख (mūrkha) (mūrkha)
    mf(%{A4})n. stupid, foolish, silly, dull TS. Mn. &c.
    inexperienced in (loc.) Katha1s.
    = %{gayatrI-rahita} or %{sA7rtha-gAyatrI-rahita}
    m. a fool, blockhead Bhartr2.
    Phaseolus Radiatus
    N. of a poet Cat.
  44. मूर्खत्व (mūrkhatva) (mūrkhatva)
    n. stupidity, foolishness, dulness Ka1v. Pan5cat.
  45. मूर्छन (mūrchana) (mūrchana)
    mfn. stupefying, causing insensibility (applied to one of the 5 arrows of Ka1ma-deva) R.
    (ifc.) strengthening, augmenting, confirming Pan5car.
    n. (m. c.) and (%{A}) f. fainting, swooning. syncope Sus3r. Kir. Sch.
    (in music) modulation, melody, a regulated rise or fall of sounds through the Gra1ma or musical scale (ifc. f. %{A}) Ka1v. Pur. Sam2gi1t.
    n. vehemence, violence, prevalence, growth, increase (of diseases, fire &c.) MBh.
    (also %{A} f.) a partic. process in metallic preparations, calcining quicksilver with sulphur Bhpr. Rasar. see p. 823, col. 3.
  46. मूर्छा (mūrchā) (mūrchā)
    f. fainting, a swoon, stupor MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    mental stupefaction, infatuation, delusion, hallucination Ka1v. Sarvad.
    congealment, solidification (of quicksilver) Ka1v.
    modulation, melody (= %{mUrchanA}) S3is3. Sch.
  47. मूर्छित (mūrchita) (mūrchita)
    mfn. fainted, stupefied, insensible (n. impers.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. calcined, solidified (said of quicksilver) Sarvad.
    intensified, augmented increased, grown, swollen (ifc. = filled or pervaded or mixed with) MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r.
    tall, lofty W.
    reflected (as rays) Var.
    agitated, excited MBh.
    n. a kind of song or air BhP.
  48. मूर्त (mūrta) (mūrta)
    mfn. coagulated TS.
    settled into any fixed shape, formed, substantial, material, embodied, incarnate S3Br. &c. &c.
    real (said of the division of time in practical use, as opp. to %{a-mUrta}) Su1ryas. (IW. 177)
    stupefied, unconscious, insensible Ragh.
  49. मूर्ति (mūrti) (mūrti)
    f. any solid body or material form, (pl. material elements, solid particles
    ifc. = consisting or formed of) Up. Mn. MBh. &c.
    embodiment, manifestation, incarnation, personification TBr. Mn. MBh. &c. (esp. of S3iva Hcat.)
    anything which has definite shape or limits (in phil. as mind and the 4 elements earth, air, fire, water, but not %{AkAza}, ether IW. 52 n. 1), a person, form, figure, appearance MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    an image, idol, statue Ka1v.
    beauty Pan5cat.
    N. of the first astrological house VarBr2S.
    of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma BhP.
    m. N. of a R2ishi under the 10th Manu ib.
    of a son of Vasisht2ha VP.
  50. मूर्तिमत् (mūrtimat) (mūrtimat)
    mfn. having a material form (ifc. = formed of), corporeal, incarnate, personified Mn. MBh. &c.
  51. मूर्धग (mūrdhaga) (mūrdhaga)
    mfn. sitting down on a person's head Ka1v.
  52. मूर्धज (mūrdhaja) (mūrdhaja)
    m. pl. `" head-born "', the hair of the hhead MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the mane Katha1s.
    N. of a Cakravartin Buddh.
  53. मूर्धन् (mūrdhan) (mūrdhan)
    m. (Un2. i, 158) the forehead, head in general, skull, (fig.) the highest or first part of anything, top, point, summit, front (of battle), commencement, beginning, first, chief (applied to persons) RV. &c, &c, (%{mUrdhni} with %{vRt} &c., to be above everything, prevail
    with %{dhR}, or %{A-dA} = %{mUrdhnA} 1. %{kR}, to place on the head, hold in high honour)
    the base (in geom.
    opp. to %{agra}
    perhaps w.r. for %{budhna}) Col.
    (in gram.) the roof or top of the palate (as one of the 8 Sthanas or places of utterance) Pa1n2. 1-1, 9 Sch.
    (with Buddhists) `" the summit "'N. of a state of spiritual exaltation DivyA7v.
  54. मूर्धन्य (mūrdhanya) (mūrdhanya)
    mfn. being on or in the head, belonging to the head, capital Kaus3. Ka1v. Pur.
    `" formed on the roof or top of the palate, `" N. of a class of letters (the so-called `" cerebrals "' or `" linguals "', viz. %{R}, %{RR}, %{T}, %{Th}, %{D}, %{Dh}, %{N}, %{r}, %{S}) Pra1t. Pa1n2.
    highest, uppermost, pre-eminent Inscr.
    (%{A}) f. N. of the mother of Veda-s3iras VP.
  55. मूर्वा (mūrvā) (mūrvā)
    f. (cf. %{mUrv}) Sanseviera Roxburghiana (a sort of hemp from which bowstrings and the girdle of the Kshatriyas are made) Var. Sus3r. (cf. %{maurva}).
  56. मूल (mūla) (mūla)
    n. (or m. g. %{ardharcA7di}
    ifc. f. %{A} or %{I}
    prob. for 3. %{mU4ra} see above) "' firmly fixed "', a root (of any plant or tree
    but also fig. the foot or lowest part or bottom of anything) RV. &c. &c. (%{mUlaM} %{kR} or %{bandh}, to take or strike root)
    a radish or the root of various other plants (esp. of Arum Campanulatum, of long pepper, and of Costus Speciosus or Arabicus)
    the edge (of the horizon) Megh.
    immediate neighbourhood (%{mama@mUtam} = to my side) R.
    basis, foundation, cause, origin, commencement, beginning (%{mUlAd@Arabhya} or %{A} %{mUlAt}, from the begbeginning
    %{mUlAt}, from the bottom, thoroughly
    %{mUlaM} %{kramataz@ca}, right through from beginning DivyA7v.) Mn. MBh. &c. (ibc.= chief principal cf. below
    ifc. = rooted in, based upon, derived from)
    a chief or principal city ib.
    capital (as opp. to `" interest "') Sa1mavBr. Prab.
    an original text (as opp. to the commentary or gloss) R. Katha1s. Sus3r.
    a king's original or proper territory Mn. vii, 184
    a temporary (as opp. to the rightful) owner Mn. viii, 202
    an old or hereditary servant, a native inhabitant MW.
    the square root Su1ryas.
    a partic. position of the fingers (= %{mUta-bandha}) Pan5car.
    a copse, thicket
    also m. and (%{A}) f. N. of the 17th (or 19th) lunar mansion AV. &c. &c.
    m. herbs for horses, food DivyA7v.
    N. of Sada1-s3iva Cat.
    (%{A}) f. Asparagus Racemosus
    (%{I}) f. a species of small house-lizard
    mfn. original, first Cat.
    = %{nija}, own, proper, peculiar L.
  57. मूलक (mūlaka) (mūlaka)
    mf(%{ikA})n. (ifc.) rooted in, springing from (%{-tva} n.) MBh. Jaim. Sch. &c.
    born under the constellation Mu1Ia, PA1n2. iv, 3, 28
    m.n. a radish Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.
    a sort of yam W.
    m. a kind of vegetable poison
    N. of a prince (a son of As3maka) Pur.
    (%{ikA}) f. a root used in magic Pan5cat. Sin6ha7s.
    n. a root MBh. Pan5car.
  58. मूल्य (mūlya) (mūlya)
    mfn. being at the root Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
    to be torn up by the rroot Pa1n2. 4-4, 88
    = %{mUlenA7nAmyam} and = %{mUlena@samaH} ib., 91
    to be bought for a sum of money, purchasable W.
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) original value, value, price, worth, a sum of money given as payment (e.g. %{dA7tum@mUlyena}, to part with for a certain price, sell
    %{dattvA@kiMcin@mUlyena}, having given something in payment
    %{mUlyena} %{grah}, to buy for a price, buy
    %{mUlyena} %{mArg}, to seek to buy) Mn. MBh. R. &c.
    wages, salary, payment for service rendered Ra1jat. Katha1s.
    earnings, gain Pan5cat.
    capital, stock Katha1s.
    an article purchased W.
  59. मूष (mūṣa) (mūṣa)
    m. (%{A} and %{I}) f. a rat, mouse Pan5cat.[827,2]
    a crucible Ma1rkP. Kull.
    (%{A}) f. see below.
  60. मूषिक (mūṣika) (mūṣika)
    m. a rat, mouse Gaut. MBh. &c.
    Acacia Sirissa
    pl. N. of a people inhabiting the Malabar coast between Quilon and Cape Comorin MBh. (B. %{bhUSika})
    (%{A}) f. see below.
  61. मृकण्ड (mṛkaṇḍa) (mṛkaṇḍa)
    (and %{-Daka} L.) or %{mRkaNDu} m. N. of an ancient sage, the father of Ma1rkan2d2eya Ma1rkP. (cf. Un2. i, 38 Sch.)
  62. मृग (mṛga) (mṛga)
    m. (prob. `" ranger "', `" rover "') a forest animal or wild beast, game of any kind, (esp.) a deer, fawn, gazelle, antelope, stag, musk-deer RV. &c. &c.
    the deer or antelope in the moon (i.e. the spots on the disk supposed to resemble those of an antelope as well as a hare)
    the ddisk or antantelope in the sky (either the Nakshatra Mr2iga-s3iras or the sign of the zodiac Capricorn
    also in general the 10th arc of 30 degrees in a circle) Su1ryas. VarBr2S. &c.
    an elephant with partic. marks (accord. to`" one the secondary marks of whose body are small "') R. Var.
    a large soaring bird RV. i, 182, 7 &c.
    N. of a demon or Vr2itra in the form of a deer slain by Indra ib. i, 80, 7 &c.
    of a celestial being (occupying a partic. place in an astrol. house divided into 81 compartments) VarBr2S. Hcat.
    of a partic. class of men whose conduct in coitus resembles that of the roebuck
    of the district in S3aka-dvi1pa inhabited principally by Bra1hdvipa themselves VP. (v.l. %{maga})
    of a horse of the Moou VP.
    musk (= %{mRga-nAbhi} or %{-mada}) VarBr2S.
    a partic. Aja-pa1ia sacrifice
    search, seeking, asking, requesting
    (%{A}) f. = %{mRga-vIthI}
    (%{I}) f. a female deer or antelope, doe Hariv. R. &c.
    N. of the mythical progenitress of antelopes MBh. R. Pur.
    a partic. class of women
    a kind of metre Col.
    a partic. gait of a dancing girl Sam2gi1t.
    demoniacal possession, epilepsy L.
  63. मृगपति (mṛgapati) (mṛgapati)
    m. `" lord of the beasts "', a lion Hariv. BhP. &c.
    a tiger MBh.
    `" antelope's lord "', a roebuck Hariv.
    %{-gamanA} f. (with Buddhists) N. of a goddess Ka1lac.
  64. मृगया (mṛgayā) (mṛgayā)
    f. hunting, the chase (acc. with %{at}, %{gam}, %{car} &c. dat. with %{yA}, %{nir-yA} and %{vihar}, to go hunting) Mn. MBh. &c.
    Chase personified (as one of the attendants of Revanta) VarBr2S.
  65. मृगराज (mṛgarāja) (mṛgarāja)
    m. `" king of beasts "', a lion MBh. R. Ragh. &c.
    the zodiacal sign Leo VarBr2S.
    a tiger MBh.
    the moon (see %{ja-lakSman})
    N. of a poet Cat.
    %{-tA} f. dominion over the beasts Vcar.
    %{-dhArin} m. N. of S3iva Vikr.
    %{-lakSman} mfn. having the mark or name of lion or the moon Ven2is.
  66. मृगाक्षी (mṛgākṣī) (mṛgākṣī)
    f. a fawn-eyed woman Megh. Ra1jat. &c.
    %{-tri-yAmA} L.
  67. मृणाल (mṛṇāla) (mṛṇāla)
    n. (also m. g. %{ardharcA7di}
    and %{I} f. MBh. R.
    cf. Un2. i, 117 Sch.) `" liable to be crushed "', the edible fibrous root of some kinds of lotus (f. according to some `" a smaller root "'), a lotus-fibre, fibre attached to the stalk of a water-lily MBh. Ka1v. &c. [830,1]
    n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus L.
  68. मृण्मय (mṛṇmaya) (mṛṇmaya)
    w.r. for %{mRn-m-}, col. 3.
  69. मृद् (mṛd) (mṛd)
    1 (cf. %{mrad} and %{mRD}) cl. 9. P. %{mRdnAti} (cl. s. P. A1. %{ma4rdati}, %{-te} MBh.
    ef. Naigh. ii, 14
    pt P. %{mamarda}, 3. pl. %{mamRduh}. or %{mamarduH} A1. %{mamRde} MBh.
    aor, %{amaradIt} Gr.
    fut, %{mardiSyati}, %{-te} ib.
    inf. %{marditum} MBh.
    %{-tos} Br.
    %{-mrade4} ib.
    ind, p, %{mriditvA} Pa1n2. 1-2, 7
    %{mR4dya} Br. &c.
    %{-mardam} Ka1v.), to press, squeeze, crush, pound, smash, trample down, tread upon, destroy, waste, ravage, kill, slay MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to rub, stroke, wipe (e.g. the forehead) ib.
    to rub into, mingle with (instr.) Sus3r.
    to rub against, touch, pass through (a constellation) VarBr2S.
    to overcome, surpass Bhat2t2.: Caus. %{mardayati} (m. c. also %{-te}
    aor. %{amImridat} or %{amamardat}), to press or squeeze hard, crush, break, trample down, oppress, torment, plague, destroy, kill MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to rub Ka1v. Katha1s.
    to cause to be trampled down Ka1tyS3r. Sch.: Desid. %{mimardiSati}, to desire to crush or pound MBh. Intens. %{marmartti} (only Impv. %{-ttu} RV. ii, 23, 6), to crush, grind down, destroy
    %{marImartti} and %{marimRdyate} Gr. [Cf. Gk. $ and under %{mRdu}.] &251636[830,1]
  70. मृत (mṛta) (mṛta)
    mfn. dead, deceased, deathlike, torpid, rigid RV. &c. &c.
    departed, vanished (as consciousness) MBh.
    vain, useless Ka1v.
    calcined, reduced (said of metals) ib.
    n. death MBh. R.
    = %{caitya}, a grave
    begging, food or alms obtained by begging L.
  71. मृताण्ड (mṛtāṇḍa) (mṛtāṇḍa)
    n. a seemingly dead or lifeless egg (cf. %{mArtANDa})
    (%{A}) f. (a woman) whose off spring dies Hcat.
    m. the sun(cf. %{mRtaNDa}).
  72. मृत्तिका (mṛttikā) (mṛttikā)
    f. earth, clay, loam VS. &c. &c. (ibc. also %{a}) [830,2]
    a kind of fragrant earth
    aluminous slate L.
  73. मृत्तिकावती (mṛttikāvatī) (mṛttikāvatī)
    f. (Ka1d.) N. of a town.
  74. मृत्यु (mṛtyu) (mṛtyu)
    m. (very rarely f.) death, dying RV. &c, &c.
    (deaths of different kinds are enumerated, 100 from disease or accident and one natural from old age
    ifc. = `" ddisease caused by or through "')
    Death personified, the god of ddisease (sometimes identified with Yama or with Vishn2u
    or said to be a son of Adharma by Nirr2iti or of Brahma1 or of Kali or of Ma1ya1
    he has also the patronymics Pra1dhvan6sana and Sa1mpara1yan2a, and is sometimes reckoned among the 11 Rudras, and sometimes regarded as Vya1sa in the 6th Dva1para or as a teacher &c.) S3Br. MBh. Pur. &c.
    N. of the god of love[828,1]
    of a partic. Eka7ha S3a1n3khS3r.
    of the 8th astrol. house VarBr2S.
    of the 17th astrol. Yoga Col. (%{mRtyor@harah} and %{mrityor@vikarNa-bhAse}N. of Sa1mans).
  75. मृदङ्ग (mṛdaṅga) (mṛdaṅga)
    &c. see %{mRdaMga}, col. 2.
  76. मृदा (mṛdā) (mṛdā)
    f. clay, loam, earth S3vetUp.
  77. मृदु (mṛdu) (mṛdu)
    mf(%{u4} or %{vI4})n. soft, delicate, tender, pliant, mild, gentle VS. &c, &c.
    weak, feeble AV.
    slight, moderate Sus3r.
    slow (gait) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis. Gan2it.
    m. the planet Saturn VarBr2S.
    N. of a king and various other men VP. (cf. %{g}. %{bidA7di})
    (%{u}) f. Aloe Perfoliata
    (%{vI}) f. a vine with red grapes(cf. %{mRdvIkA})
    n. softness, mildness, gentleness MBh. Ka1v. &c. (also m. Pa1n2. 2-2, 8, Vartt. 3 Pat.) [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. {mollis}.]
  78. मृदुल (mṛdula) (mṛdula)
    mfn. soft, tender, mild Ka1v. BhP. Kuval.
    m. Amyris Agallocha
    n. water W.
    a variety of aloe-wood A.
  79. मृधस् (mṛdhas) (mṛdhas)
    n. disdain, contempt (only %{-dhas-kR} to disdain, contemn, injure) RV.
    fight, battle[831,1]
  80. मृध्र (mṛdhra) (mṛdhra)
    n. contempt or one who contemns or injures, adversary, foe RV.
  81. मृध्रवाच् (mṛdhravāc) (mṛdhravāc)
    (%{mRdhra4-}) mfn. speaking injuriously or contumeliously, insulting ib.
  82. मृन्मय (mṛnmaya) (mṛnmaya)
    mf(%{I})n. made of earth or clay, earthen RV. &c, &c. (with %{gRha4} n. the grave
    with or scil. %{pAtra}, an earthenware vessel).
  83. मृषा (mṛṣā) (mṛṣā)
    ind. in vain, uselessly, to no purpose RV. &c. &c.
    wrongly, fabely, feignedly, lyingly AV. &c. &c. (with %{kR}, to feign
    with %{jJA} or %{man}, to consider false or untrue
    %{mRSai9va} %{tat}, that is wrong
    %{varanIyam@mRSA@budhaiH}, untruthfulness is to be avoided by the wise)
    `" Untruth "' personified as the wife of A-dharma BhP.
  84. मृषात्व (mṛṣātva) (mṛṣātva)
    n. incorrectness, falsity S3am2k.
  85. मेखला (mekhalā) (mekhalā)
    f. a girdle, belt, zone (as worm by men or women, but esp. that worn by the men of the first three classes
    accord. to Mn. ii, 42 that of a Bra1hman ought to be of %{muJja} [accord. to ii, 169 = %{yajJo7pavIta} q.v.]
    that of a Kshatriya, of %{mUrvA}
    that of a Vais3ya, of %{zaNa} or hemp, I.W. p. 240) AV. &c
    the girth of a horse Katha1s.
    a band or fillet
    (ifc. f. %{A}) anything girding or surrounding (cf. %{sAgara-m-})
    investiture with the girdle and the ceremony connected with it VarBr2S.
    a sword-belt, baldric
    a sword-knot or string fastened to the hilt
    the cords or lines drawn round an altar (on the four sides of the hole or receptacle in which the sacrificial fire is deposited) BhP.
    the hips (as the place of the girdle)
    the slope of a mountain (cf. %{netamba}) Ka1lid.
    a partic. part of the fire-receptacle Hcat.
    Hemionitis Cordifolia
    N. of the river Narma-da1 (prob. w.r. for %{mekalA})
    of a place (?) Va1s., Introd.
    of various women Viddh. Katha1s.
  86. मेखलिन् (mekhalin) (mekhalin)
    mfn. id. (ifc. = wearing a girdle of) MBh. Hariv.
    m. a Bra1hmanical student or Brahmaca1rin MBh. (gen. pl. %{-lInAm} B.)
    N. of S3iva S3ivag.
  87. मेघ (megha) (megha)
    m. (fr. %{migh} = %{mih} cf. %{meghamAna}) `" sprinkler "', a cloud RV. &c. &c. (aho cloudy weather)
    a mass, multitude (see %{gRha-m-}) Cyperus Rotundus
    (in music) a partic. Ra1ga Col. [831,3]
    a Ra1kshasa(?)
    N. of a king (pl. of a dynasty) VP.
    of an author ( = %{-bhagIratha}) Cat.
    of a poet ib. (v.l. %{meca})
    of the father of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1
    of a mountain (cf. %{-giri} and %{-parvata})
    n. talc L.
  88. मेथि (methi) (methi)
    m. (perhaps fr. 1. %{mi}) a pillar, post (esp. a pillar in the middle of a threshing-floor to which oxen are bound, but also any central point or centre) AV. &c. &c. (also %{methI}, f.
    v.l. %{medhI8} %{meDhI}, %{medhI8}
    %{medhI-bhUta} mfn. forming a solid pillar or centre MBh.)
    cattle-shed AV. (%{methI} f. Ta1n2d2Br.)
    a prop for supporting carriage-shafts AV. &c. &c. (also %{methI}, f.)
  89. मेदस् (medas) (medas)
    n. fat, marrow, lymph (as one of the 7 Dha1tus, q.v.
    its proper seat is said to be the abdomen) RV. &c. &c.
    excessive fatness, corpulence S3a1rn3gS.
    a mystical term for the letter %{v} Up.
  90. मेदस्विन् (medasvin) (medasvin)
    mfn. `" having Medas "', fat, corpulent, robust, strong S3is3. Sus3r.
  91. मेदिन् (medin) (medin)
    mfn. having Medas, possessing vigour or energy (= %{medasAyukta} = %{bala-vat}) Sa1y.
    m. `" one who is unctuous or sticks closc(?) "', a friend, companion, partner, allyBr.
    (%{I}) f. see next.
  92. मेदुर (medura) (medura)
    mfn. fat S3Br. Sus3r.
    smooth, soft, bland, unctuous
    thick, dense, thick like (comp.) Uttarar.
    thick with, full of (instr. or comp.) Ka1v.
    (%{A}) f. a partic. medicinal plant
  93. मेध (medha) (medha)
    m. the juice of meat, broth, nourishing or strengthening drink RV. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
    marrow (esp. of the sacrificial victim), sap, pith, essence AV. TS. Br.
    a sacrificial animal, victim VS. Br. S3rS.
    an animal-sacrifice, offering, oblation, any sacrifice (esp. ifc.) ib. MBh. &c.
    N. of the reputed author of VS. xxxiii, 92 Anukr.
    of a son of Priya-vrata (v.l. %{medhas}) VP. [833,1]
    (%{A}) f. see below
    mfn. g. %{pacA7di}.
  94. मेध्य (medhya) (medhya)
    mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{medha}) full of sap, vigorous, fresh, mighty, strong AV.
    fit for a sacrifice or oblation, free from blemish (as a victim), clean, pure, not defiling (by contact or by being eaten) Br. Mn. MBh. &c.
    (fr. %{medhA}). wise, intelligentVS.
    = %{medhAm@arhati} g. %{daNDA7di}
    m. a goat
    Acacia Catechu
    Saccharum Munja
    N. of the author of RV. viii, 53
    58 Anukr.
    (%{A}) f. N. of various plants (thought to be sacrificially pure)
    the gall-stone of a cow (= %{recanA})
    a partic. vein Pan5car.
    N. of a river MBh.
  95. मेनका (menakā) (menakā)
    f. N. of the daughter of Vr2ishan2-as3va Shad2vBr.
    of an Apsaras (wife of Hima-vat) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  96. मेय (meya) (meya)
    mfn. to be measured, measurable Pa1n2. 5-2, 47 Va1rtt. 5. mfn. comparable (see %{a-pratim-}).
  97. मेरु (meru) (meru)
    m. (Un2. iv, 101) N. of a fabulous mountain (regarded as the Olympus of Hindu1 mythology and said to form the central point of Jambu-dvi1pa
    all the planets revolve round it and it is compared to the cup or seed-vessel of a lotus, the leaves of which are formed by the different Dvipas q.v.
    the river Ganges falls from heaven on its summit, and flows thence to the surrounding worlds in four streams
    the regents of the four quarters of the compass occupy the corresponding faces of the mountain, the whole of which consists of gold and gems
    its summit is the residence of Brahma1, and a place of meeting for the gods, Rishis, Gandharvas &c., when not regarded as a fabulous mountain, it appears to mean the highland of Tartary north of the Hima7laya) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a partic. kind of temple VarBr2S.
    the central or most prominent bead in a rosary
    the most prominent finger-joint in partic. positions of the fingers
    N. of the palace of Ga1ndha1ri (one of the wives of Kr2ishn2a) Hariv.
    of a Cakra-vartin
    (with %{zAstrin}) of a modern teacher Cat.
    of another man Ra1jat.
    f. N. of the wife of Na1bhi and mother of R2ishabha VP. (cf. %{-devI}).
  98. मेल (mela) (mela)
    m. ( %{mil}) meeting, union, intercourse Ka1v. Katha1s.
    (%{A}) f. see below.
  99. मेलक (melaka) (melaka)
    m. id. Ka1v. Pan5cat. (%{-kaM-kR}, to assemble together)
    conjunction (of planets, in %{graha-m-}) Su1ryas.
  100. मेलन (melana) (melana)
    n. meeting, union, junction, association Katha1s.
  101. मेष (meṣa) (meṣa)
    m. (2. %{miS}) a ram, sheep (in the older language applied also to a fleece or anything woollen) RV. &c. &c.
    the sign of the zodiac Aries or the first arc of 30 degrees in a circle Su1ryas. Var. BhP.
    a species of plant Sus3r.
    N. of a partic. demon(cf. %{nejam-})
    (%{A}) f. small cardamoms
    (%{I}) f. (cf. %{me4zI}) a ewe RV. VS. Kaus3.
    Nardostachys Jatamansi
    Dalbergia Ougeinensis L.
  102. मइत्र (maïtra) (maitra)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{mitra}, of, which it is also the Vr2iddhi form in comp.) coming from or given by or belonging to a friend, friendly, amicable, benevolent, affectionate, kind Mn. MBh. &c.
    belonging or relating to Mitra VS. &c. &c.
    m. `" friend of all creatues "', a Bra1hman who has arrived at the highest state of human perfection
    a partic.mixed caste or degraded tribe (the offspring of an out-caste Vais3ya
    cf. %{maitreyaka}) Mn. x, 23
    (scil. %{saMdhi}) an alliance based on good-will Ka1m.
    a friend (= %{mitra}) Pa1n2. 5-4, 36 Va1rtt. 4 Pat.
    N. of the 12th astrol. Yoga Col.
    the anus Kull. on Mn. xii, 72
    a man's N. much used as the N. of an imaginary person in giving examples in gram. and philos. (cf. %{caitra} and Lat. {Caius})
    N. of an A1ditya (= %{mitra}) VP.
    of a preceptor Cat.
    (%{I}) f. see below
    n. (ifc. %{A}) friendship S3Br. &c. &c.
    a multitude of friends MBh. (Ni1lak.)
    = %{-nakSatra} Su1ryas.
    an early morning prayer addressed to Mitra BhP.
    evacuation of excrement (presided over by Mitra
    %{maitraM} 1. %{kR}, to void excrexcrement) Mn. iv, 152
    = %{-sUtra}.
  103. मइत्रि (maïtri) (maitri)
    m. a metron. of a teacher MaitrUp.
  104. मइत्रायण (maïtrāyaṇa) (maitrāyaṇa)
    n. (for 2. see below), kind or friendly way "', benevolence MBh.
  105. मइत्रावरुण (maïtrāvaruṇa) (maitrāvaruṇa)
    mf(%{I4})n. descended or derived from Mitra and Varun2a, belonging to them AV. TS. VS. Br.
    relating to the priest called Maitra1varun2a Pan5cavBr.
    m. a patr. RV. vii, 33, 11 (of Agastya or of Va1lmiki
    %{I} f. S3Br.)
    N. of one of the officiating priests (first assistant of the Hotr2i) Br. S3rS.
    %{-camasIya} mfn. being in the cup of this priest A1pS3r.
    %{prayoga} m. %{-zastra} n. %{-zruti} f. %{-soma-prayoga} m. %{-hautra} n. N. of wks.
    %{-Ni} m. a patr. of Ma1nya or Agastya RAnukr MBh.
    of Vasisht2ha ib.
    of Va1lmi1ki Uttarar.
    %{-NIya} mfn. relating to the priest called Maitra1varun2a, S3a1khBr.
    n. his office Siddh.
  106. मइत्री (maïtrī) (maitrī)
    f. friendship, friendliness, benevolence, good will (one of the 4 perfect states with Buddhists Dharmas. 16
    cf. MWB. 128) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    Benevolence personified (as the daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) BhP.
    close contact or union Megh. Vcar.
    (ifc.) equality, similarity Prasannar.
    N. of the Nakshatra Anura1dha1
    N. of an Upanishad (cf. under %{maitri}).
  107. मइत्रेय (maïtreya) (maitreya)
    mfn. (fr. %{maitri}) friendly, benevolent MBh.
    m. (fr. %{mitrayu} Pa1n2. 6-4, 174) patr. of Kausha1rava AitBr.
    of Gla1va ChUp. (accord. to Sch. metron. fr. %{mitrA})
    of various other men MBh. Pur.
    N. of a Bodhi-sattva and future Buddha (the 5th of the present age) Lalit. (MWB. 181 &c.)
    of the Vidu1shaka in the Mr2ic-chakat2ika1
    of a grammarian (= %{-rakSita}) Cat.
    of a partic. mixed caste (= %{maitreyaka}) Kull. on Mn. x, 33
    (%{I}) f. see below.
  108. मइथुन (maïthuna) (maithuna)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{mithuna}) paired, coupled, forming a pair or one of each sex BhP.
    connected by marriage Pa1rGr2.
    relating or belonging to copulation Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. (with %{bhogu} m. carnal enjoyment
    with %{dharma} m. `" sexual law "', copulation
    with %{vAsas} n. a garment worn during copcopulation)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) copulation, sexual intercourse or union, marriage S3Br. &c. &c. (acc. with %{As}, %{i}, %{gam}, %{car}
    dat. with %{upa-gam}, or %{upakram}, to have sexual intercourse)
    union, connection L.
  109. मइनाक (maïnāka) (maināka)
    m. (fr. %{menA}) N. of a mountain (son of Hima-vat by Mena1 or Menaka1, and said to have alone retained his wings when Indra clipped those of the other mountains
    accord. to some this mountain was situated between the southern point of the Indian peninsula and Lan3ka1) TA1r. (v.l. %{mainAga4}) AV.Paris3. MBh. &c.
    N. of a Daitya Hariv.
  110. मइरेय (maïreya) (maireya)
    m. n. a kind of intoxicating drink (accord. to Sus3r. Sch. a combination of %{surA} and %{Asava}) MBh. R. &c.
  111. मइरेयक (maïreyaka) (maireyaka)
    m. n. id. MBh.
    m. pl. N. of a mixed caste MBh. (cf. %{maitreyaka}).
  112. मोक्ष (mokṣa) (mokṣa)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) emancipation, liberation, release from (abl., rarely gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    release from worldly existence or transmigration, final or eternal emancipation Up. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW. 39)
    N. of partic. sacred hymns conducive to final emanemancipation Ya1jn5.
    (in astron.) the liberation of an eclipsed or occulted planet, the last contact or separation of the eclipsed and eclipsing bodies, end of an eclipse Su1ryas. VarBr2S.
    falling off or down Kum. VarBr2S. (cf. %{garbha-})
    effusion VarBr2S.
    setting free, deliverance (of a prisoner) Gaut.
    loosing, untying (hair) Megh.
    settling (a question) Katha1s.
    acquittance of an obligation, discharge of a debt (cf. %{riNa-})
    shedding or causing to flow (tears, blood &c.) Ma1rkP. Sus3r.
    casting, shooting, hurling MBh. Ka1v. Pur.
    strewing, scattering Kum. Katha1s.
    utterance (of a curse) R.
    relinquishment, abandonment Katha1s.
    N. of the Divine mountain Meru
    Schrebera Swietenioides L.
  113. मोक्षण (mokṣaṇa) (mokṣaṇa)
    mfn. liberating, emancipating Cat.
    n. liberation, releasing, rescuing MBh. Mr2icch.
    setting at liberty (a criminal) Mn. ix, 249
    loosing, untying Pan5cat.
    shedding, causing to flow Ma1lav. Sus3r. (cf. %{rakta-m-})
    giving up, abandoning, deserting Pan5cat. Hit. (v.l.)
    squandering W.
    (%{I}) f. the magic art of releasing any one HParis3.
  114. मोक्षित (mokṣita) (mokṣita)
    mfn. set free, liberated MBh. Hariv.
    wrested away Hariv.
  115. मोघ (mogha) (mogha)
    (or %{mogha4} MaitrS.) mf(%{A})n. (1. %{muh}) vain, fruitlets, useless, unsuccessful, unprofitable (ibc. and %{am} ind. in vain, uselessly, without cause) RV. &c. &c.
    left, abandoned MBh.
    idle ib.
    m. a fence, hedge
    (%{A}) f. Bignonia Suaveolens
    Embelia Ribes L.
  116. मोद (moda) (moda)
    m. (2. %{mud}) joy, delight, gladness, pleasure RV. &c. &c.
    fragrance, perfume BhP. (cf. %{Amoda})
    N. of a partic. formula A1pS3r.
    of a Muni Cat.
    (%{A}) f. a species of plant (= %{aja-modA})
    a kind of Andropogon L.
  117. मोदक (modaka) (modaka)
    mfn. (ifc.) gladdening, exhilarating MBh.
    m. n. a small round sweetmeat, any sweetmeat MBh. R. &c.
    (in medicine) a kind of pill Sus3r. Bhpr.
    m. a partic. mixed caste (the sons of a Kshatriya by a S3u1dra mother)
    (%{I}) f. N. of a partic. mythical club R.
    n. a kind of metre Col.
  118. मोदन (modana) (modana)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) gladdening, delighting, gratifying (mostly ifc.) MBh. R. Hariv.
    (%{I}) f. musk
    n. the act of gladdening &c. Dha1tup.
    wax (= %{ucchiSTa-m-})
  119. मोदिन् (modin) (modin)
    mfn. rejoicing, glad, cheerful MaitrUp.
    (ifc.) gladdening, delighting MBh.
    (%{inI}) f. Jasminum Zambac or Auriculatum
    = %{aja-modA}
    musk(cf. %{modana})
    an intoxicating drink L.
  120. मोह (moha) (moha)
    m. (1. %{muh}
    ifc. f. %{A}) loss of consciousness, bewilderment, perplexity, distraction, infatuation, delusion, error, folly AV. &c. &c. (%{moham-brU}, to say anything that leads to error
    %{mohaM-yA}, to fall into error
    %{mohAt} ind. through folly or ignorance)
    fainting, stupefaction, a swoon MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (in phil.) darkness or delusion of mind (preventing the discernment of truth and leading men to believe in the reality of worldly objects)
    (with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice Dharmas. 139)
    a magical art employed to bewilder an enemy (= %{mohana}) Cat.
    wonder, amazement
    Infatuation personified (as the offspring of Brahma1) VP.
  121. मोहन (mohana) (mohana)
    mf(%{I})n. depriving of consciousness, bewildering, confusing, perplexing, leading astray, infatuating MBh. R. &c.
    m. the thorn-apple
    N. of S3iva R.
    N. of one of the 5 arrows of the god of love Vet.
    of various other authors and men Katha1s. S3ukas. Cat.
    (%{A}) f. the flower of a sort of jasmine
    Trigonella Corniculata
    (%{I}) f. Portulaca Quadrifida
    a partic. illusion or delusion Sarvad.
    a partic. incantation Katha1s.
    N. of an Apsaras Pan5car.
    of a female demon (daughter of Garbha-hantr2i) Ma1rkP.
    of one of the nine S3aktis of Vishn2u
    n. the being deluded or infatuated, delusion, infatuation, embarrassment, mistake Nir. Bhag. Gi1t.
    stupor, being stupefied Sus3r.
    sexual intercourse Ka1v. Sa1h.
    the act of perplexing, puzzling, bewildering R. Gi1t. Ma1rkP.
    any means employed for bewildering others Das3.
    temptation, seduction W.
    a magical charm used to bewilder an enemy
    the formula used in that process (esp. the hymns AV. iii, 1, 2) Kaus3.
    N. of a town MBh.
  122. मोहित (mohita) (mohita)
    mfn. stupefied, bewildered, infatuated, deluded (often in comp. e.g. %{kAma-m-}, infatuated by love) MBh. R. &c.
  123. मोहिन् (mohin) (mohin)
    mfn. deluding, confusing, perplexing, illusive MBh. R. &c.
    (%{inI}) f. a fascinating woman MW. (cf. RTL. 65. n. 1)
    the flower of a species of jasmine
    N. of an Apsaras Pan5car.
    of a daughter of Rukma7n3gada VP.
    %{-ni-mantra} m. %{-rAja-sahasra-nAmA7vali} f. N. of wks.
  124. मउक्तिक (maüktika) (mauktika)
    mfn. (fr. %{mukti}) striving after final emancipation Pan5cat.
    m. (only in MBh.) n. (fr. %{muktA}
    comp. f. %{A}) a pearl (properly `" a collection of pproperly "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  125. मउन (maüna) (mauna)
    m. (fr. %{muni}) a patr. A1s3vS3r.
    pl. N. of a dynasty VP.
    (%{I}) f. N. of the 15th day in the dark half of the month Pha1lguna (when a partic. form of ablution is performed in silence) Col.
    n. the office or position of a Muni or holy sage S3Br. MBh. [837,1]
    silence, taciturnity ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c. (%{maunaM} with %{kR}, or %{vi-dhA} or %{sam-A-car}, to observe silence, hold one's tongue).
  126. मउनिन् (maünin) (maunin)
    mfn. observing silence, silent, taciturn MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. = %{muni} (sometimes ifc. in proper names e.g. %{gopInAtha-m-}).
  127. मउर्य (maürya) (maurya)
    m. patr. fr. %{mura} and metron. fr. %{murA} VP. HParis3. (cf. g. %{kaNvA7di})
    pl. N. of a dynasty beginning with Candra-gupta Pur.
  128. मउर्व (maürva) (maurva)
    1 mf(%{I})n. made from the iron called %{muru} BhP. 2 mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{mUrvA}) made of the Sanseviera Roxburghiana, coming from or relating to Mu1rva1 or bow-string hemp Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh.
    (%{I}) f. see below.
  129. मउलि (maüli) (mauli)
    m. the head, the top of anything Hariv. Ka1v. Hit. &c. (%{maulau@ni-dhA}, to place on the head, receive respectfully)
    chief, foremost, best Bha1m.
    Jonesia Asoka
    patr. Pravar.
    pl. N. of a people Ma1rkP.
    mf. a diadem, crown, crest MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a tuft or lock of hair left on the crown of the head after tonsure, a top-knot (= %{cUDA}) Kum. (v.l.)
    hair ornamented and braided round the head (= %{dhammilla}) Ven2is.
    (also %{I}) f. the earth L.
  130. मउसल (maüsala) (mausala)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{musala}) clubshaped, club-formed A1s3vS3r. R.
    fought with clubs (as a battle) MBh. Hariv.
    relating to the battle with clubs (cf. %{-parvan})
    N. of a Madhu-parka (composed of ghee and spirituous liquor) Kaus3.
    relating to Mausalya g. %{kaNvA7di}
    m. pl. N. of a family Sam2ska1rak.
  131. म्रदिमन् (mradiman) (mradiman)
    m. softness Naish.
    tenderness, mildness S3is3. Ra1jat.
  132. म्लान (mlāna) (mlāna)
    mfn. faded, withered, exhausted, languid, weak, feeble MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    relaxed, shrunk, shrivelled Car.
    dejected, sad, melancholy Das3.
    vanished, gone Naish.
    black, dark-coloured Prab.
    foul, dirty
    m. a house frog
    n. withered or faded condition, absence of brightness or lustre VarBr2S.
  133. म्लिष्ट (mliṣṭa) (mliṣṭa)
    mfn. spoken indistinctly or barbarously Pa1n2. 7-2, 18
    withered, faded, faint (= %{mlAna})
    n. indistinct speech, a foreign language L.
  134. म्लेच्छ (mleccha) (mleccha)
    m. a foreigner, barbarian, non-Aryan, man of an outcast race, any person who does not speak Sanskr2it and does not conform to the usual Hindu1 institutions S3Br. &c. &c. (%{I} f.)
    a person who lives by agriculture or by making weapons
    a wicked or bad man, sinner
    ignorance of Sanskr2it, barbarism Nya1yam. Sch.
    n. copper
    vermilion L.
  135. म्लेच्छित (mlecchita) (mlecchita)
    mfn. = %{mliSTa} Pa1n2. 7-2, 18 Sch.
    n. a foreign tongue
  136. यकन् (yakan) (yakan)
    see next.
  137. यकार (yakāra) (yakāra)
    m. the letter or sound %{ya}, Tpra1t.
    %{-rA7di-pada} n. a word beginning with %{ya} (euphemistically applied to any form of %{yabh}) Ka1vya7d.
  138. यकृत् (yakṛt) (yakṛt)
    n. (the weak cases are optionally formed fr. a base %{yakan} cf. Pa1n2. 6-1, 63
    nom. acc. %{ya4kRt} AV.
    abl. %{yakna4s} RV.
    %{yakRtas} Sus3r.
    instr. %{yaknA4} VS.
    loc. %{yakRti} Sus3r.
    ibc. only %{yakRt}) the liver RV. &c. &c. [Cf. Gk. $
    &254134[838,2] Lat. {jecur}.]
  139. यक्ष (yakṣa) (yakṣa)
    n. a living supernatural being, spiritual apparition, ghost, spiritVS. Br. Gr2S3rS. (accord. to some native Comms. = %{yajJa}, %{pujA}, %{pUjita} &c.)
    m. N. of a class of semi-divine beings (attendants of Kubera, exceptionally also of Vishn2u
    described as sons of Pulastya, of Pulaha, of Kas3yapa, of Khasa1 or Krodha1
    also as produced from the feet of Brahma1
    though generally regarded as beings of a benevolent and inoffensive disposition, like the Yaksha in Ka1lida1sa's Megha-du1ta, they are occasionally classed with Pis3a1cas and other malignant spirits, and sometimes said to cause demoniacal possession
    as to their position in the Buddhist system see MWB. 206, 218) Up. Gr2S. Mn. MBh. &c.
    (with Jainas) a subdivision of the Vyantaras
    N. of Kubera VarYogay.
    of a Muni R.
    of a son of S3vaphalka VP.
    of Indra's palace
    a dog
    (%{A}) f. N. of a woman HParis3.
    (%{I}) f. a female Yaksha MBh. R. &c. (%{yakSINAm@prathamA@yakSI} = %{durgA} Hariv.)
    N. of Kubera's wife L.
  140. यङन्त (yaṅanta) (yaṅanta)
    m. the A1tmanepada Intens. formed by reduplication and the suffix %{ya} ib. vi, 1, 9 Sch.
  141. यजत (yajata) (yajata)
    mf(%{A4})n. worthy of worship, adorable, holy, sublime RV. [cf. Zd. {yazata}]
    m. a priest (= %{Rtv-ij})
    the moon
    N. of S3iva
    (with A1treya) of a R2ishi (author of RV. v, 67, 68) Anukr.
  142. यजन (yajana) (yajana)
    n. the act of sacrificing or worshipping Mn. MBh. &c. (%{tava@yajanAya}, to worship thee BhP.)
    a place of sacrifice R. BhP.
    N. of a Ti1rtha MBh.
  143. यजमान (yajamāna) (yajamāna)
    mfn. sacrificing, worshipping &c.
    m. the person paying the cost of a sacrifice, the institutor of a ssacrifice (who to perform it employs a priest or priests, who are often hereditary functionaries in a family) S3Br. &c. &c. (%{I} f. the wife of a YYajama1na BhP.)
    any patron, host, rich man, head of a family or tribe Pan5cat.
  144. यजुस् (yajus) (yajus)
    n. religious reverence, veneration, worship, sacrifice RV.
    a sacrificial prayer or formula (technical term for partic. Mantras muttered in a peculiar manner at a sacrifice
    they were properly in prose and distinguished from the %{Rc} and %{sAman} q.v.) RV. &c. &c.
    N. of the Yajur-veda q.v. (also pl.)
    of a partic. sacrificial text Nr2isUp.
    m. N. of a man Katha1s.
  145. यज्ञ (yajña) (yajña)
    m. worship, devotion, prayer, praise
    act of worship or devotion, offering, oblation, sacrifice (the former meanings prevailing in Veda, the latter in post-Vedic literature
    cf. %{mahA-y-}) RV. &c. &c.
    a worshipper, sacrificer RV. iii, 30, 15
    32, 12)
    = %{Atman}
    Sacrifice personified MBh. Hariv.
    (with %{prAjApatya}) N. of the reputed author of RV. x, i 30 Anukr.
    N. of a form of Vishn2u Pur.
    of Indra under Manu Sva1yambhuva ib.
    of a son of Ruci and A1ku1ti ib.
  146. यज्ञभाग (yajñabhāga) (yajñabhāga)
    m. a share in a ssacrifice Hariv. Ka1v. Pur.
    %{-bhuj} m. enjoyer of a share in a ssacrifice, a god Kum. Pur. -2. mfn. having a share in a ssacrifice, Ma1rkP. [840,1]
    m. a god, in %{-ge7zvara} m. `" lord of the gods "'N. of Indra S3ak.
  147. यज्ञसेन (yajñasena) (yajñasena)
    (%{yajJa4-}) m. N. of a man TS. Ka1t2h.
    of Drupada MBh.
    of a king of Vidarbha Ma1lav.
    of a Da1nava Katha1s.
    of Vishn2u MBh.
  148. यज्ञिय (yajñiya) (yajñiya)
    mf(%{A})n. worthy of worship or sacrifice, sacred, godly, divine (applied to gods and to anything belonging to them)MBh. BhP.
    active or eager in worship and sacrifice, pious, devoted, holyTS. Hariv.
    belonging to worship or sacrifice, sacrificial, sacred RV. &c. &c.
    m. a god Nir.
    N. of the Dva1para or third Yuga
    Ficus Glomerata L.
  149. यज्वन् (yajvan) (yajvan)
    accord. to Pa1n2. 4-1, 7 Va1rtt. 1 Pat.)n. worshipping, a worshipper, sacrificer RV. &c. &c. (%{yajvanAm@patiH}, the moon L.)
    sacrificial, sacred RV. i, 3, 1
    m. an offerer, bestower Hcat.
  150. (ya) (ya)
    1 the 1st semivowel (corresponding to the vowels %{i} and %{I}, and having the sound of the English %{y}, in Bengal usually pronounced %{j}).2 m. (in prosody) n. bacchic ($) Pin3g. 3 the actual base of the relative pronoun in declension [cf. %{ya4d} and Gk. $].4 m. (in some senses fr. 1. %{yA}, only L.) a goer or mover
    a carriage (?)
    (%{A}) f. going, a car
    restraining, religious meditation
    pudendum muliebre
    N. of Lakshmi1.
  151. यत (yata) (yata)
    see under %{yam}, p. 845.
  152. यति (yati) (yati)
    1 m. (for 2. and 3. see col. 2 and p. 845) a disposer RV. vii, 13, 1 (Sa1y. `" a giver "')
    `" a striver "', an ascetic, devotee, one who has restrained his passions and abandoned the world Up. Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. IW. 131)
    N. of a mythical race of ascetics (connected with the Bhr2igus and said to have taken part in the creation of the world) RV. &c. &c.
    N. of a son of Brahma1 BhP.
    of a son of Nahusha MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    of a son of Vis3va1mitra MBh.
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    = %{nikAra} or %{kAra} L.2 (fr. 3. %{ya} correlative of %{ta4ti}
    declined only in pl. nom. acc. %{ya4ti}), as many as (= Lat. {quot}), as often, how many or often RV. (for 1. and 3. %{yati} see col. 1 and p. 845). 3 f. (for 1. and 2. see p. 841, cols. 1 and 2) restraint, control, guidance TS. Br.
    stopping, ceasing, a pause (in music) Sam2gi1t.
    a caesura (in prosody) Pin3g.
    (also %{I}) f. a widow L.
  153. यत्न (yatna) (yatna)
    m. activity of will, volition, aspiring after Kan2. Bha1sha1p.
    performance, work Bhar.
    (also pl.) effort, exertion, energy, zeal, trouble, pains, care, endeavour after (loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c. (%{yatnaM} with %{kR}, %{A-sthA}, %{samA-sthA}, %{A-dhA} and loc. or inf., `" to make an effort or attempt "', take trouble or pains for "'
    %{yatnena} or %{-tnais}, `" with effort "', `" carefully "', `" eagerly "', `" strenuously "' [also %{yatna} ibc.]
    %{yatnenA7pi}, `" in spite of every effort "'
    %{yatnair@vinA}, `" without effeffort "'
    %{yatnAt}, with or notwithstanding effeffort
    %{mahato@yatnAt} "', with great effeffort "', `" very carefully "')
    a special or express remark or statement A1pS3r. Sch. %{yatya} see p. 841, cols. 1 and 2.
  154. यत्नवत् (yatnavat) (yatnavat)
    mfn. possessing energy (%{-tva}) n. making effort, taking pains about (loc.), strenuous, diligent Mn. MBh. &c. [841,2]
  155. यथार्थ (yathārtha) (yathārtha)
    (%{-thA7r-}) mf(%{A})n. accordant with reality, conformable to truth or the true meaning, true, genuine, right (with %{svapna} m. a dream which is fulfilled
    with %{janman} n. a life in the true meaning of the word) Ka1v. Pan5cat. &c.
    ibc. or (%{a4m}) ind. accaccording to the aim or object, suitably, fitly S3Br. Gr2S3rS. Nir.
    accaccording to pleasure or liking Gr2S3rS. RPra1t. Dra1hy.
    accaccording to truth or fact, truly, really MBh. R. &c.
    %{-kRtanAman} mfn. appropriately named R.
    %{-tattvam} ind. in accordance with truth or reality MBh.
    %{-tas} ind. id. Hariv. R. Asht2a1vS.
    %{-tA} f. suitableness, rectitude, accordance of a name with its meaning Kir. Katha1s.
    %{-nAmaka} mfn. having an appropriate name (%{-tva} n.) Kir. Sch.
    %{-nAman} mfn. id. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-bhASin} mfn. speaking fitly or truly Ragh.
    %{-maJjarI} f. N. of wk.
    %{-varNa} m. `" having a true colour or appearance "', a spy, secret emissary MW. (cf. %{--rha-v-})
    %{-rthA7kSara} mfn. having letters expressive of the true sense Vikr.
    %{-rthA7khya} mfn. having an appropriate name Katha1s.
  156. यदु (yadu) (yadu)
    m. N. of an ancient hero (in the Veda often mentioned together with Turvas3a [or Turvasu] q.v., and described as preserved by Indra during an inundation
    in epic poetry he is a son of Yaya1ti and brother of Puru and Turvasu, Kr2ishn2a being descended from Yadu, and Bharata and Kuru from Puru
    Yadu is also called a son of Vasu, king of Cedi, or a son of Hary-as3va) RV. MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    N. of a country on the west of the Jumna1 river (about Mathura1 and Vr2inda1-vana, over which Yadu ruled
    according to others the Deccan or Southern peninsula of India) W.
    pl. the people of Yadu or the descendants of king Yadu (cf. %{yAdava}) ib.
  157. यदृच्छ (yadṛccha) (yadṛccha)
    mf(%{A})n. spontaneous, accidental A1pGr2.
    (%{A}) f. self-will, spontaneity, accident, chance (ibc. or %{ayA} ind. spontaneously, by accident, unexpectedly), S3vetUP. Mn. MBh. &c.
    (in gram.) see %{-zabda}, below
    %{-tas} ind. by chance, accidentally BhP.
    %{--bhijJa} (%{-cchA7bh-}) m. a voluntary or self-offered witness Na1r.
    %{-mAtra-tas} ind. only quite by accident Katha1s.
    %{-lAbha-saMtuSTa} mfn. satisfied with obtaining what comes spontaneously, easily satisfied Bhag.
    %{-zabada} m. `" chance-word "', a word neither derived from authority nor possessing meaning S3is3.
    %{-saMvAda} m. accidental or spontaneous conversation Uttarar.
    %{-cchika} m. (scil. %{putra}) a son who offers himself for adoption MW.
  158. यन्त्र (yantra) (yantra)
    see col. 3. n. any instrument for holding or restraining or fastening, a prop, support, barrier RV. &c. &c.
    a fetter, band, tie, thong, rein, trace Mn. MBh.
    a surgical instrument (esp. a blunt one, such as tweezers, a vice &c., opp. to %{zastra}) Sus3r. Va1gbh.
    any instrument or apparatus, mechanical contrivance, engine, machine, implement, appliance (as a bolt or lock on a door, oars or sails in a boat, &c.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (cf. %{kUpa-}, %{jala-}, %{taila-y-}
    ibc. or ifc. often = mechanical, magical)
    restraint, force (%{eNa} ind. forcibly, violently) MW.
    an amulet, mystical diagram supposed to possess occult powers Katha1s. Pan5car. (cf. RTL. 203).
  159. यन्त्रमातृका (yantramātṛkā) (yantramātṛkā)
    f. N. of one of the 64 Kala1s (q.v.) Cat.
  160. यम (yama) (yama)
    m. a rein, curb, bridle RV. v, 61, 2
    a driver, charioteer ib. viii, 103, to
    the act of checking or curbing, suppression, restraint (with %{vAcAm}, restraint of words, silence) BhP.
    self-control forbearance, any great moral rule or duty (as opp. to %{niyama}, a minor observance
    in Ya1jn5. iii, 313 ten Yamas are mentioned, sometimes only five) Mn. MBh. &c.
    (in Yoga) self-restraint (as the first of the eight An3gas or means of attaining mental concentration) IW. 93
    any rule or observance Pa1rGr2.
    (%{yama4}) mf(%{A4} or %{I4})n. twin-born, twin, forming a pair RV. &c. &c.
    m. a twin, one of a pair or couple, a fellow (du. `" the twins "' N. of the As3vins and of their twin children by Ma1dri1, called Nakula and Saha-deva
    %{yamau@mithunau}, twins of different sex) ib.
    a symbolical N. for the number `" two "' Hcat.
    N. of the god who presides over the Pitr2is (q.v.) and rules the spirits of the dead RV. &c. &c. IW. 18
    197, 198 &c. RTL. 10
    289 &c. (he is regarded as the first of men and born from Vivasvat, `" the Sun "', and his wife Saran2yu1
    while his brother, the seventh Manu, another form of the first man, is the son of Vivasvat and Sam2jn5a1, the image of Saran2yu1
    his twin-sister is Yami1, with whom he resists sexual alliance, but by whom he is mourned after his death, so that the gods, to make her forget her sorrow, create night
    in the Veda he is called a king or %{saMgamano@janAnAm}, `" the gatherer of men "', and rules over the departed fathers in heaven, the road to which is guarded by two broad-nosed, four-eyed, spotted dogs, the children of S3arama1 q.v.
    in Post-vedic mythology he is the appointed Judge and `" Restrainer "' or `" Punisher "' of the dead, in which capacity he is also called %{dharmarAja} or %{dharma} and corresponds to the Greek Pluto and to Minos
    his abode is in some region of the lower world called Yama-pura
    thither a soul when it leaves the body, is said to repair, and there, after the recorder, Citra-gupta, has read an account of its actions kept in a book called Agra-sam2dha1na1, it receives a just sentence
    in MBh. Yama is described as dressed in blood-red garments, with a glittering form, a crown on his head, glowing eyes and like Varun2a, holding a noose, with which he binds the spirit after drawing it from the body, in size about the measure of a man's thumb
    he is otherwise represented as grim in aspect, green in colour, clothed in red, riding on a buffalo, and holding a club in one hind and noose in the other
    in the later mythology he is always represented as a terrible deity inflicting tortures, called %{yAtanA}, on departed spirits [846,2]
    he is also one of the 8 guardians of the world as regent of the South quarter
    he is the regent of the Nakshatra Apa-bharani1 or Bharan2i1, the supposed author of RV. x, 10
    14, of a hymn to Vishn2u and of a law-book
    %{yamasyA7rkaH}N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.)
    N. of the planet Saturn (regarded as the son of Vivasvat and Cha1ya1) Hariv. BhP.
    of one of Skanda's attendants (mentioned together with Ati-yama) MBh.
    a crow(cf. %{-dUtaka})
    a bad horse (whose limbs are either too small or too large)
    (%{I4}) f. N. of Yama's twin-sister (who is identified in Postvedic mythology with the river-goddess Yamuna1) RV. &c. &c.
    n. a pair, brace, couple
    (in gram.) a twin-letter (the consonant interposed and generally understood, but not written in practice, between a nasal immediately preceded by one of the four other consonants in each class) Pra1t. Pat. on Pa1n2. 1-1, 8
    pitch of the voice, tone of utterance, key Pra1t.
  161. यम (yama) (yama)
    m. a rein, curb, bridle RV. v, 61, 2
    a driver, charioteer ib. viii, 103, to
    the act of checking or curbing, suppression, restraint (with %{vAcAm}, restraint of words, silence) BhP.
    self-control forbearance, any great moral rule or duty (as opp. to %{niyama}, a minor observance
    in Ya1jn5. iii, 313 ten Yamas are mentioned, sometimes only five) Mn. MBh. &c.
    (in Yoga) self-restraint (as the first of the eight An3gas or means of attaining mental concentration) IW. 93
    any rule or observance Pa1rGr2.
    (%{yama4}) mf(%{A4} or %{I4})n. twin-born, twin, forming a pair RV. &c. &c.
    m. a twin, one of a pair or couple, a fellow (du. `" the twins "' N. of the As3vins and of their twin children by Ma1dri1, called Nakula and Saha-deva
    %{yamau@mithunau}, twins of different sex) ib.
    a symbolical N. for the number `" two "' Hcat.
    N. of the god who presides over the Pitr2is (q.v.) and rules the spirits of the dead RV. &c. &c. IW. 18
    197, 198 &c. RTL. 10
    289 &c. (he is regarded as the first of men and born from Vivasvat, `" the Sun "', and his wife Saran2yu1
    while his brother, the seventh Manu, another form of the first man, is the son of Vivasvat and Sam2jn5a1, the image of Saran2yu1
    his twin-sister is Yami1, with whom he resists sexual alliance, but by whom he is mourned after his death, so that the gods, to make her forget her sorrow, create night
    in the Veda he is called a king or %{saMgamano@janAnAm}, `" the gatherer of men "', and rules over the departed fathers in heaven, the road to which is guarded by two broad-nosed, four-eyed, spotted dogs, the children of S3arama1 q.v.
    in Post-vedic mythology he is the appointed Judge and `" Restrainer "' or `" Punisher "' of the dead, in which capacity he is also called %{dharmarAja} or %{dharma} and corresponds to the Greek Pluto and to Minos
    his abode is in some region of the lower world called Yama-pura
    thither a soul when it leaves the body, is said to repair, and there, after the recorder, Citra-gupta, has read an account of its actions kept in a book called Agra-sam2dha1na1, it receives a just sentence
    in MBh. Yama is described as dressed in blood-red garments, with a glittering form, a crown on his head, glowing eyes and like Varun2a, holding a noose, with which he binds the spirit after drawing it from the body, in size about the measure of a man's thumb
    he is otherwise represented as grim in aspect, green in colour, clothed in red, riding on a buffalo, and holding a club in one hind and noose in the other
    in the later mythology he is always represented as a terrible deity inflicting tortures, called %{yAtanA}, on departed spirits [846,2]
    he is also one of the 8 guardians of the world as regent of the South quarter
    he is the regent of the Nakshatra Apa-bharani1 or Bharan2i1, the supposed author of RV. x, 10
    14, of a hymn to Vishn2u and of a law-book
    %{yamasyA7rkaH}N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.)
    N. of the planet Saturn (regarded as the son of Vivasvat and Cha1ya1) Hariv. BhP.
    of one of Skanda's attendants (mentioned together with Ati-yama) MBh.
    a crow(cf. %{-dUtaka})
    a bad horse (whose limbs are either too small or too large)
    (%{I4}) f. N. of Yama's twin-sister (who is identified in Postvedic mythology with the river-goddess Yamuna1) RV. &c. &c.
    n. a pair, brace, couple
    (in gram.) a twin-letter (the consonant interposed and generally understood, but not written in practice, between a nasal immediately preceded by one of the four other consonants in each class) Pra1t. Pat. on Pa1n2. 1-1, 8
    pitch of the voice, tone of utterance, key Pra1t.
  162. यमक (yamaka) (yamaka)
    mfn. twin, doubled, twofold MBh.
    m. a religious obligation or observance (= %{vrata})
    (scil. %{sneha}) two similar greasy substances, oil and ghee Sus3r.
    m. or n. restraint, check (= %{yama})
    (%{ikA}) f. (scil. %{hikkA}) a kind of hiccough Bhpr.
    n. (in med.) a double band or bandage Sus3r.
    (in rhet.) the repetition in the same stanza of words or syllables similar in sound but different in meaning, paronomasia (of which various kinds are enumerated) Ka1vya7d. Va1m. &c. (cf. IW.457)
    a kind of metre Col.
  163. यमज (yamaja) (yamaja)
    (MBh. Hariv. &c.) or
  164. यमधानी (yamadhānī) (yamadhānī)
    f. YYama's dwelling or abode Bhartr2.
  165. यमुना (yamunā) (yamunā)
    f. N. of a river commonly called the Jumna1 (in Hariv. and Ma1rkP. identified with Yami1 q.v.
    it rises in the Hima7laya mountains among the Jumnotri peaks at an elevation of 10,849 feet, and flows for 860 miles before it joins the Ganges at Allahabad, its water being there clear as crystal, while that of the Ganges is yellowish
    the confluence of the two with the river Sarasvati1, supposed to join them underground, is called %{tri-veNI} q.v.) RV. &c. &c.
    of a daughter of the Muni Matam2ga Katha1s.
    of a cow Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
  166. ययाति (yayāti) (yayāti)
    m. (prob. fr. %{yat}) N. of a celebrated monarch of the lunar race (son of king Nahusha whoni he succeeded [847,2]
    from his two wives came the two lines of the lunar race, Yadu being the son of Devaya1ni1, daughter of Us3anas or S3ukra, and Puru of S3armisht2ha1, daughter of Vr2isha-parvan
    Yaya1ti Na1husha is also represented as the author of RV. ix, 101, 4-6) RV. MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  167. यव (yava) (yava)
    1 m. the first half of a month (generally in pl.
    accord. to Comn. = %{pUrva-pakSAH}
    also written %{yAva}) VS. S3Br. Ka1t2h. 2 mfn. (1. %{yu}) warding off, averting AV. Ya1jn5. 3 m. barley (in the earliest times, prob. any grain or corn yielding flour or meal
    pl. barley-corns) RV. &c. &c.
    a barley-corn (either as a measure of length = 1/6 or 1/8 of an An3gula VarBr2S.
    or as a weight= 6 or 12 mustard seeds= 1/2 Gun5ja1 Mn. Ya1jn5.)
    any grain of seed or seed corn Bhpr.
    (in palmistry) a figure or mark on the hand resembling a barley-corn (supposed to indicate good fortune) VarBr2S.
    N. of a partic. astron. Yoga (when the favourable planets are situated in the 4th and 10th mansions and the unfavourable ones in the 1st and 7th) ib.
    speed, velocity W. (prob. w.r. for %{java})
    a double convex lens ib. [Cf. Zd. {yava}
    Gk. $
    Lith. &256791[847,2] {javai4}.]
  168. यवन (yavana) (yavana)
    1 mfn. (1. %{yu}) keeping away, averting (see %{dveSo-ya4vana}). 2 n. (2. %{yu}) mixing, mingling (esp. with water) Nya1yam. 3 mfn. quick, swift
    m. a swift horse(prob. w.r. for %{javana}). 4 w.r. for %{paijavana} Mn. vii, 41. 5 m. an Ionian, Greek (or a king of the Greeks g. %{kambojA7di}
    in later times also a Muhammadan or European, any foreigner or barbarian) Mn. MBh. &c.
    N. of a caste Gaut. (accord. to`" the legitimate son of a Kshatriya and a Vais3ya1 or `" an Ugra who is an elephant catcher "') of a country (= %{yavana-deza}, sometimes applied to Ionia, Greece, Bactria, and more recently to Arabia) W.
    a carrot
    pl. the Ionians, Greeks (esp. the Greek astrologers) MBh. VarBr2S. &c.
    N. of a dynasty Pur.
    (%{I}) f. the wife of a Yavana, a Greek or Muhammadan woman Ka1lid. Sis3. (Yavana girls were formerly employed as attendants on kings, esp. to take charge of their bows and quivers)
    = %{javanI}, a curtain
    n. salt from saline soil L.
  169. यशस् (yaśas) (yaśas)
    n. beautiful appearance, beauty, splendour, worthVS. S3Br. Gr2S3rS.
    honour, glory, fame, renown AV. &c. &c. (also personified as a son of Ka1ma and Rati Hariv.
    or of Dharma and Ki1rti Pur.)
    an object of honour, a person of respectability S3Br.
    favour, graciousness, partiality RV.
    N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.
    = %{udaka}, water, or %{anna}, food, or %{dhana}, wealth Naigh.
    (%{yaza4s}) mfn. beautiful, splendid, worthy, excellent
    honoured, respected, venerated ib.
    pleasant, agreeable, estimable ib.
  170. यशस्विन् (yaśasvin) (yaśasvin)
    mfn. beautiful, splendid, illustrious, famous, celebrated AV. &c. &c. (superl. %{-vi4-tama})
    m. (with %{kavi}) N. of a poet Cat.
    (%{inI}) f. N. of an artery Cat.
    of various plants (wild cotton = %{yava-tikta}, = %{mahA-jyotiSmatI} &c.)
    of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda MBh.
  171. यशोदा (yaśodā) (yaśodā)
    f. (of %{yazoda}) N. of the daughter of a class of deceased ancestors Hariv.
    of the wife of the cowherd Nanda (Kr2ishn2a's foster-mother who nursed him immediately after his birth cf. IW. 332) Hariv. Pur. &c.
    of the wife of Maha1-vi1ra (and daughter of Samaravi1ra) W.
    %{-garbha-sambhUtA} f. N. of Durga1 MBh.
    %{-nanda} (Hariv.), %{-nandana} (Pan5car.), %{-suta} (Ca1n2.), m. `" Yas3o-da1's son "', metron. of Kr2ishn2a. -2.
  172. यशोधर (yaśodhara) (yaśodhara)
    mfn. maintaining or preserving glory BhP.
    m. N. of the fifth day of the civil month
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a by Rukmin2i1 MBh. (v.l. %{yazo-vara})
    (with Jainas) of the 18th Arhat of the preceding and of the 19th of the future Utsarpin2i1
    of various other men Katha1s. Ra1jat.
    (also with %{bhaTTa} and %{mizra}) of various authors Cat.
    (%{A}) f. N. of the fourth night of the civil month
    of the mother of Ra1hula Buddh.
    of several other women MBh. Katha1s. Pur.
  173. यष्टि (yaṣṭi) (yaṣṭi)
    1 f. (for 2. see p. 848, col. 3) sacrificing Pa1n2. 3-3, 110 Sch. (prob. w.r. for %{iSTi}).
  174. याग (yāga) (yāga)
    m. (1. %{yaj}) an offering, oblation, sacrifice
    any ceremony in which offerings or oblations are presented Ya1jn5. Ragh. Ra1jat. &c.
    presentation, grant, bestowal Hcat.
  175. याचक (yācaka) (yācaka)
    m. a petitioner, asker, beggar Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    (%{I}) f. a female beggar MBh.
  176. याच्ञा (yācñā) (yācñā)
    f. begging, asking for (comp.), asking alms, mendicancy, any petition or request, prayer, entreaty TS. &c. &c. (%{yAcJAM-kR}, to fulfil a request)
    the being a suitor, making an offer of marriage Katha1s.
  177. याजन (yājana) (yājana)
    n. (fr. Caus.) sacrificing for others, the act of performing a sacrifice for (gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
  178. याजुष (yājuṣa) (yājuṣa)
    mf(%{I})n. relating to the Yajus or Yajurveda TBr.
    m. an observer of religious ceremonies as prescribed in the Yajur-veda MW.
    a partridge (cf. %{taittirIya-saMhitA})
  179. याज्ञ (yājña) (yājña)
    mfn. (fr. %{yajJA}, of which it is also the Vr2iddhi form in comp.) relating or belonging to sacrifice Nir. %{yAjJika}, %{yAjya} see above.
  180. याज्ञवल्क्य (yājñavalkya) (yājñavalkya)
    m. (%{yA4}, fr. %{yajJavalka}) N. of an ancient sage (frequently quoted as an authority in the S3Br.
    the first reputed teacher of the Va1jasaneyi-sam2hita1 or White Yajur-veda, revealed to him by the Sun
    he is also the supposed author of a celebrated code of laws, which is only second in importance to that of Manu, and with its well-known commentary, the Mita7kshara1, is the leading authority of the Mithila1 school
    cf. IW. 291) S3Br. &c. &c.
    pl. the family of YYajur-veda Hariv.
    mfn. relating to or derived by YYajur-veda
    n. N. of an Upanishad
    %{-gItA} f. %{-TIkA} f. %{-dharma-zAstra} n. %{-mahimavarNana}, n. %{-yoga} m. %{-zikSA} f. %{-smRti}, f.
    %{-kyo7paniSad} f. N. of wks.
  181. यात (yāta) (yāta)
    mfn. gone, proceeded, marched (n. also impers.) RV. &c. &c.
    gone away, fled, escaped MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    passed by, elapsed Hariv. Var.
    entered upon, pursued (as a path) R.
    gone to, come or fallen into (acc. loc, or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    situated (as a heavenly body) VarBr2S.
    become, turned out (%{kva@tad@yAtam}, what has become of this?) Hariv.
    known, understood Pat.
    n. motion, progress, gait, course, drive RV. &c. &c.
    the place where a person has gone Pa1n2. 2-3, 68 Sch.
    the past time (opp. to %{an-Agatam}, the future) VarBr2S.
    the guiding or driving of an elephant with a goad L.
  182. यातृ (yātṛ) (yātṛ)
    1 mfn. going, travelling, marching, being on a journey RV.
    going for, seeking ib.
    (ifc.) going to or in, riding on MBh. Hariv. &c.
    m. a charioteer(?) RV. i, 70, 11
    (%{yAtR4}), an avenger (?) RV. i, 32, 14 (= %{hantR} Sa1y.) [849,3]
  183. यातृ (yātṛ) (yātṛ)
    1 mfn. going, travelling, marching, being on a journey RV.
    going for, seeking ib.
    (ifc.) going to or in, riding on MBh. Hariv. &c.
    m. a charioteer(?) RV. i, 70, 11
    (%{yAtR4}), an avenger (?) RV. i, 32, 14 (= %{hantR} Sa1y.) [849,3]
  184. यातु (yātu) (yātu)
    m. one who goes, a traveller
    `" going against, attack (?) "', sorcery, witchcraftKa1t2h. S3Br.
    a kind of evil, spirit, fiend, demonKaus3.
    n. = %{rakSas} L.
  185. यात्रा (yātrā) (yātrā)
    f. going, setting off, journey, march, expedition MBh. Ka1v. &c. (with %{prANAntikI} or %{aurdhvadehikI} = death
    %{yAtrAM-yA} or %{dA}, to undertake an expedition, take the field
    %{yAtrAm-pRch}, to wish luck DivyA7v.)
    going on a pilgrimage (cf. %{gaGgA-} and %{tIrtha-y-})
    a festive train, procession Katha1s. Ra1jat. Hit. (cf. %{deva-y-})
    a feast, festival (= %{utsava}) Ba1lar.
    support of life, livelihood, maintenance Mn. MBh. &c.
    intercourse (with %{laukikI}, worldly intercourse = %{jagad-y-}) Mn. xi, 184
    way, means, expedient
    passing away time W.
    practice, usage, custom W.
    N. of a partic. kind of astronomical wk. (cf. %{yoga-y-})
    of a sort of dramatic entertainment (popular in Bengal) W. %{yAtrika} &c. see p. 849, col. 3.
  186. यादव (yādava) (yādava)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{yadu}) relating to or descended from Yadu MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a descendant of YYadu (also pl.) ib.
    N. of Kr2ishn2a
    N. of various authors (cf. comp.) Cat.
    (%{I}) f. a female descendant of YYadu MBh. Hariv.
    N. of Durga1
    n. a stock of cattle L.
  187. यादृश (yādṛśa) (yādṛśa)
    mf(%{A})n. = prec. S3Br. &c. &c.
    %{yAdRza@tAdRza} (Pan5cat.) or %{yAdRza-t-} (MBh. Katha1s.), `" any one whatever "', `" anybody whatsoever. "'
  188. यान (yāna) (yāna)
    mfn. leading, conducting (said of a road
    `" to "' gen. or adv. in %{-trA4}) RV.
    (%{yA4nI}) f. a path, course TS. MaitrS. Ka1t2h. (cf. g. %{gaurA7di})
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a journey, travel
    going, moving, riding, marching &c. to (loc. or comp.) or upon (instr. or comp.) or against (acc. with %{prati}) Mn. MBh. &c.
    a vehicle of any kind, carriage, waggon, vessel, ship, litter, palanquin RV. &c. &c.
    (with Buddhists) the vehicle or method of arriving at knowledge, the means of release from repeated births (there are either 3 systems, the %{zrAvaka-yAna}, the %{pratyeka-buddha-y-} or %{pratyeka-y-}, and the %{mahA-y-}
    or more generally only 2, the %{mahA-yAna} or `" Great method "' and the %{hina-y-} or `" Lesser method "'
    sometimes there is only `" One Vehicle "', the %{eka-yAna}, or `" one way to beatitude "') SaddhP. Dharmas. 2 (cf. MWB. 159 &c.)
  189. याम (yāma) (yāma)
    1 m. (for 2. see below, for 3. see p. 851, col. 3) motion, course, going, progressBr.
    a road, way, path ib.
    a carriage, chariot RV.
    (ifc. f. %{A}) a night-watch, period or watch of 3 hours, the 8th part of a day Mn. MBh. &c.
    pl. N. of a partic. class of gods MBh. Hariv. Pur. (%{yama-syA7rkaH} w.r. for %{yam-} q.v.)
    (%{I}) f. N. of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Dbarma or Manu
    sometimes written %{yAmi}) Hariv. Pur.
    of an Apsaras Hariv.3 m. ( %{yam}
    for 1. 2. %{yAma} see p. 850, col. 1) cessation, end TS.
    restraint, forbearance (= %{yama}, %{saMyama})
    (%{yAma4}) mf(%{I4})n. (fr. %{yama}, of which it is also the Vr2iddhi form in comp.) relating to or derived from or destined for Yama Br. Kaus3. Mn.
    n. N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.
  190. यामिन् (yāmin) (yāmin)
    see %{antar-yAmi4n} (for %{yAminI} see p. 850, col. 1).
  191. यामुन (yāmuna) (yāmuna)
    mfn. (fr. %{yamunA}) belonging or relating to the river Yamuna1 (commonly called Jumna), coming from it, growing in it &c. MBh. Hariv. R.
    m. a metron. Pa1n2. 4-1, 113 Sch.
    N. of a mountain MBh. R.
    of an author (also called %{yAmunA7cArya} and %{-rya-svAmin}) Cat.
    pl. N. of a people MBh. Var. Pur.
    n. (scil. %{AJjana}) antimony, collyrium AV.
    N. of a Ti1rtha MBh.
  192. यावत् (yāvat) (yāvat)
    mf(%{atI})n. (fr. 3. %{ya}
    correlative of %{tAvat} q.v.) as great, as large, as much, as many, as often, as frequent, as far, as long, as old &c. (or how great &c. = quantus, quot or qualis) RV. &c. &c. (%{yA4vantaH@ki4yantaH}, `" as many as "' TBr.
    %{yA4vad@vA@yAvad@vA}, `" as much as possible "' S3Br.
    %{yAvat@tAvat}, `" so much as "', in alg. applied to the first unknown quantity [= x] or so much of the unknown as its co-efficient number
    in this sense also expressed by the first syllable %{yA} cf. IW. 182
    %{iti@yAvat} in Comms. `" just so much "', `" only so "', `" that is to say "', `" such is the explanation "')
    ind. as greatly as, as far as, as much or as many as
    as often as, whenever
    as long as, whilst
    as soon as, the moment that, until that, till, until RV. &c. &c. (in these senses used with either pres. Pot. fut. impf., or aor., or with the simple copula). %{yAvat} with the 1st sg. of pres., rarely of Pot., may denote an intended action and may be translated by `" meanwhile "', `" just "'
    %{yA4vad@yAvad-tA4vat@tAvat}, `" as gradually as-so "' S3Br.
    %{yAvan@na}, `" while not "', `" before "', `" till "'
    `" if not "', `" whether not "'
    %{na@yAvattAvat}, `" scarcely-when "', `" no sooner-than "'
    %{na@param}, or %{na@kevalam-yAvat}, `" not only-but even. "' Sometimes %{yAvat} is also used as a preposition with a prec. or following acc., or with a following abl., rarely dat. e.g. %{mAsam@ekaM@yAvat}, `" during one month "'
    %{sUryo7dayaM@yAvat}, `" until sunrise "'
    %{sarpa-vivaraM@yAvat}, `" up to the serpent's hole "'
    %{yAvad} or %{yAvad-A@samApanAt}, `" until the completion "'
    %{yAvad@garbhasya@paripAkAya}, `" until the maturity of the fetus. "' Sometimes also with a nom. followed by %{iti} e.g. %{anta@iti@yAvat}, `" as far as the end "'
    %{paJca@yAvad@iti}, `" up to five "'
    or with another ind. word e.g. %{adya@yAvat}, `" up to this day. "' %{yAvatA} ind. as far as, as long as A1past. R. BhP.
    till, until (with Pot.) La1t2y. (with %{na}, as long as not, before BhP.)
    as soon as, the moment that Cat.
    in as much as Pat.
    %{yA4vati} ind. as long as, as far as &c. S3Br. TBr.
    %{yAvati-tAvati} Das3.
  193. यास्क (yāska) (yāska)
    m. (fr. %{yasku}) patr. of the author of the Nirukta (or commentary on the difficult Vedic words contained in the lists called Nighan2t2us
    he is supposed to have lived before Pa1n2ini
    cf. IW. 156 &c.) S3Br. RPra1t. MBh.
    pl. the pupils of Ya1ska Pa1n2. 2-4, 63 Sch.
    (%{I}) f. (and pl. %{yAskyaH}) ib.
  194. युज् (yuj) (yuj)
    1 (cf. 2. %{yu} cl. 7. P. A1. Dha1tup. xxix, 7) %{yuna4kti}, %{yuGkte4} (ep. also %{yuJjati}, %{-te}
    Ved. %{yojati}, %{-te}
    %{yuje}, %{yujmahe}, 3. pl. %{yujata} Impv. %{yukSva4}
    Pot. %{yuJjIyAt} R.
    pf. %{yuyo4ja}, %{yuyuje4} RV. &c. &c., 3. sg. %{yuyojate} RV. viii, 70, 7
    aor. Class. P. %{ayokSIt}, %{ayaukSIt} or %{ayujat}
    Ved. also A1. %{a4yuji}
    Ved. and Class. %{ayukSi}, %{ayukta}
    fut. %{yoktA4} Br.
    %{yokSyati} ib.
    %{-te} AV. &c. &c.
    inf. %{yoktum} Br.
    %{yuje4} RV.
    ind. p. %{yuktvA4} ib. &c. &c.
    %{yuktvA4ya} RV. Br.
    %{-yujya} MBh. &c.), to yoke or join or fasten or harness (horses or a chariot) RV. &c. &c.
    to make ready, prepare, arrange, fit out, set to work, use, employ, apply ib.
    to equip (an army) R.
    to offer, perform (prayers, a sacrifice) BhP.
    to put on (arrows on a bow-string) MBh.
    to fix in, insert, inject (semen) S3Br.
    to appoint to, charge or intrust with (loc. or dat.) MBh. VP.
    to command, enjoin BhP.
    to turn or direct or fix or concentrate (the mind, thoughts &c.) upon (loc.) TS. &c. &c.
    (P. A1.) to concentrate the mind in order to obtain union with the Universal Spirit, be absorbed in meditation (also with %{yogam}) MaitrUp. Bhag. &c.
    to recollect, recall MBh.
    to join, unite, connect, add, bring together RV. &c. &c. (A1. to be attached, cleave to Hariv.)
    to confer, or bestow anything (acc.) upon (gen. or loc.) BhP. Ma1rkP. (A1. with acc., to become possessed of MBh.
    with %{Atmani}, to use for one's self, enjoy Mn. vi, 12)
    to bring into possession of, furnish or endow with (instr.) Mn. MBh. R. &c.
    to join one's self to (acc.) RV.
    (in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.) VarBr2S.: Pass. %{yujya4te} (ep. also %{-ti}
    aor. %{a4yoji}), to be yoked or harnessed or joined &c. RV. &c. &c.
    to attach one's self to (loc.) Hit.
    to be made ready or prepared for (dat.) Bhag.
    to be united in marriage Gaut. MBh.
    to be endowed with or possessed of (instr. with or without %{saha}) Mn. MBh. &c.
    (in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.) VarBr2S.
    to accrue to, fall to the lot of (gen.) Pan5cat.
    to be fit or proper or suitable or right, suit anything (instr.), be fitted for (loc.), belong to or suit any one (loc. or gen.), deserve to be (nom.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    (with %{na}) not to be fit or proper &c. for (instr.) or to (inf., also with pass. sense = `" ought not to be "') Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat.: Caus. %{yojayati} (m. c. also %{-te}
    aor. %{ayUyujat}
    Pass. %{yojyate}), to harness, yoke with (instr.), put to (loc.) Kaus3. MBh. &c.
    to equip (an army), draw up (troops) MBh. R. &c.
    to use, employ, set to work, apply, undertake, carry on, perform, accomplish Mn. MBh. &c.
    to urge or impel to Bhartr2. Prab.
    to lead towards, help to (loc.) Sarvad.
    to set (snares, nets &c.) MBh. Hit.
    to put or fix on (esp. arrows) A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c.
    to aim (arrows) at (loc.) R.
    to fasten on or in, attack, adjust, add, insert Kaus3. Ka1v. Pur.
    (with %{manas}, %{AtmAnam} &c.) to direct the thoughts to, concentrate or fix the mind upon (loc.) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    to join, unite, connect, combine, bring or put together (also = write, compose) R. Var. Ra1jat. &c.
    to encompass, embrace MBh.
    to put in order, arrange, repair, restore Ra1jat.
    to endow or furnish or provide with (instr.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to mix (food) with (instr.) Mn. vii, 218
    to confer anything upon (loc.) BhP.
    (in astron.) to ascertain or know (%{jAnAti}) the conjunction of the moon with an asterism (instr.) Pa1n2. 3-1, 26 Va1rtt. 11 Pat.
    (A1.) to think little of, esteem lightly, despise Vop. in Dha1tup. xxxiii, 36: Desid. %{yuyukSati}, to wish to harness or yoke or join &c.
    to wish to appoint or institute MBh.
    to wish to fix or aim (arrows) BhP.
    (A1.) to wish to be absorbed in meditation, devout Bhat2t2.: Intens. %{yoyujyate}, %{yoyujIti} or %{yoyokti} Gr. [Cf. Gk. $, $
    Lat. &258667[853,2] {jungere}, {jugum}
    Lith. {ju4ngus}
    Slav. {igo}
    Goth. {juk}
    Germ. {joh}, {Joch}
    Angl. Sax. {geoc}
    Eng. {yoke}.]
  195. युक्त (yukta) (yukta)
    %{yukti} &c. see cols. 2, 3.
  196. युक्तमद (yuktamada) (yuktamada)
    mfn. intoxicated Ma1lav.
  197. युक्ति (yukti) (yukti)
    f. union, junction, connection, combination AitBr. Ta1n2d2Br.
    preparation, going to, making ready for (loc. or comp.) R.
    application, practice, usage Katha1s. Sus3r.
    trick, contrivance, means, expedient, artifice, cunning device, magic Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5car. (%{yuktiM-kR}, to find out or employ an expedient
    %{yukti} ibc.
    %{-tyA}, %{-tibhis}, and %{-ti-tas} ind. by device or stratagem, artfully, skilfully, under pretext or pretence
    %{yuktyA} &c. ifc. = by means of)
    reasoning, argument, proof, influence, induction, deduction from circumstances Kap. Ka1v. Var. &c. (%{-tas}, by means of an argument)
    reason, ground, motive BhP. Ma1rkP.
    suitableness, adaptedness, fitness, propriety, correctness MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{yuktyA} and %{-ti-tas}, properly, suitably, fitly, justly, duly)
    meditation on the supreme being, contemplation, union with the universal spirit S3am2k. (cf. IW. 111, 3)
    (in law) enumeration of circumstances, specification of place and time &c. Ya1jn5. ii, 92
    (in rhet.) emblematic or mystical expression of purpose W.
    (in dram.) connection of the events in a plot, concatenation of incidents, intelligent weighing of the circumstances Das3ar. Sa1h. Prata1p.
    (in astron.) conjunction Jyot.
    (in gram.) connection of words, a sentence Nir.
    connection of letters Vishn2. [854,1]
    supplying an ellipsis W.
    mixture or alloying of metals VarBr2S.
    sum, total Su1ryas.
  198. युग (yuga) (yuga)
    %{yugma}, %{yugya} &c. see p. 854.
  199. युगपद् (yugapad) (yugapad)
    ind. `" being in the same yoke or by the side of each other "', together, at the same time, simultaneously (`" with "' instr. Pa1n2. 2-1, 6 Sch.
    cf. %{yuga-za4ram}) Gr2S3rS. &c. &c.
    (%{-pat})%{-karman} n. a simultaneous action La1t2y.
    (%{-pat}) %{-kAla} mfn. taking place at the same time A1pS3r.
    (%{-pat}) %{-prA7pti} f. reaching simultaneously A1s3vGr2.
    (%{-pad}) %{-bhAva} m. simultaneousness Ka1tyS3r.
  200. युगल (yugala) (yugala)
    n. (rarely m.
    ifc. f. %{A}) a pair, couple, brace Ka1v. Pur. Pan5cat. &c. (%{-lo-bhU}, to be yoked or united with)
    `" double prayer "'N. of a prayer to Lakshmi1 and Na1ra1yan2a L.
  201. युग्म (yugma) (yugma)
    mf(%{A})n. even (as opp. to `" odd "') Gr2S3rS. Mn. &c.
    n. a pair, couple, brace S3a1n3khGr2. Ya1jn5. R. &c.
    twins Sus3r.
    (in astron.) the sign of the zodiac Gemini
    a double S3loka (cf. %{yuga}) Ra1jat.
    junction, confluence (of two streams) R.
    often w.r. for %{yugya}.
  202. युज्य (yujya) (yujya)
    mfn. connected, related, allied
    homogeneous, similar, equal in rank or power RV.
    suitable, proper, capable RV. VS.
    n. union, alliance, relationship RV. (with %{jamad-agneH}) N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr. (v.l. %{yugya}).
  203. युञ्जान (yuñjāna) (yuñjāna)
    mfn. uniting, joining, arranging, performing Katha1s. BhP.
    appointing to, charging or entrusting with (loc.) MBh.
    suitable, proper MW.
    successful, prosperous ib.
    m. a driver, coachman
    a Yogin
  204. युध् (yudh) (yudh)
    1 cl. 4. A1. (Dha1tup. xxvi, 64) %{yu4dhyate} (rarely P. %{-ti}
    cl. 1. P. %{yodhati} AV. Br.
    Impv. %{yo4tsi} RV.
    pf. %{yuyo4dha}, %{yuyudhe4} RV. &c. &c.
    aor. Ved. %{yodhi}, %{yodhat}, %{yodhAna4}
    %{ayodhIt}, %{yodhiSat}
    ep. %{yotsIs}
    Class. %{ayuddha}
    fut. %{yoddhA} MBh.
    %{yotsyati}, %{-te} Br. &c.
    inf. %{yudhe4} or %{yudha4ye} RV.
    %{yudham} Br.
    %{yoddhum} MBh.
    ind. p. %{-yuddhvI} RV.
    %{-yudhya} MBh.), to fight, wage war, oppose or (rarely) overcome in battle
    to fight with (instr., also with %{saha}, %{samam}) or for (loc.) or against (acc.) RV. &c. &c.
    (%{yu4dhyati}), to go Naigh. ii, 14
    to move, fluctuate (as waves) MaitrS. (cf. Pat. on Pa1n2. 3-1, 85): Pass. %{yudhyate}, to be fought (also impers.) Hit. (v.l.): Caus. %{yodha4yati} (Pa1n2. 1-3, 86
    m. c. also %{-te}
    aor. %{ayUyudhat} MBh.
    Pass. %{yodhyate} ib.), to cause to fight, lead to war, engage in battle RV. &c. &c.
    to oppose or overcome in war, be a match for (acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to defend MBh. iii, 639: Desid. %{yu4yutsati}, %{-te} (P. in Class. only m. c.), to be desirous or anxious to fight, wish to fight with (instr.) RV. &c. &c.: Caus. of Desid. %{yuyutsayati}, to make desirous of fighting Bhat2t2.: Intens. %{yoyudhyate}, %{yoyoddhi} (cf. %{yavIyu4dh}) Gr. [Cf. Zd. {yud}
    Gk. $.] &259068[854,3] 2 m. a fighter, warrior, hero MBh. Hariv.
    (%{yu4dh}) f. war, fight, combat, struggle, contest RV. &c. &c.
  205. युत (yuta) (yuta)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see below) kept off, removed (see comp.)
    separate (= %{pRthak}) L.2 mfn. (for 1. see above) attached, fastened (ifc.) Bhartr2.
    added Su1ryas.
    united, combined, joined or connected or provided or filled or covered with, accompanied by, possessed of (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    (ifc.) standing in conjunction with VarBr2S.
    made or consisting of R.
    (with instr.) occupied in, performing (sacrifices)
    (ifc.) connected with, concerning R. BhP.
    n. a partic. measure of length (= 4 Hastas) %{yutaka}, %{yuti} see under 1. 2. %{yu}.
  206. युत (yuta) (yuta)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see below) kept off, removed (see comp.)
    separate (= %{pRthak}) L.2 mfn. (for 1. see above) attached, fastened (ifc.) Bhartr2.
    added Su1ryas.
    united, combined, joined or connected or provided or filled or covered with, accompanied by, possessed of (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    (ifc.) standing in conjunction with VarBr2S.
    made or consisting of R.
    (with instr.) occupied in, performing (sacrifices)
    (ifc.) connected with, concerning R. BhP.
    n. a partic. measure of length (= 4 Hastas) %{yutaka}, %{yuti} see under 1. 2. %{yu}.
  207. युतक (yutaka) (yutaka)
    1 n. = %{yautaka} (q.v.)2 mfn. (for 1. see above) joined, connected
    n. (only L.) a pair
    a sort of cloth or dress
    the edge of a cloth or dress
    the edge of a winnowing basket
    doubt or an asylum (%{saMzaya} or %{saMzraya})
    friendship or forming friendship.
  208. युद्ध (yuddha) (yuddha)
    mfn. fought, encountered, conquered, subdued MBh.
    m. N. of a son of Ugra-sena VP.
    (%{yuddha4}) n. (ifc. f. %{A}) battle, fight, war RV. &c. &c.
    (in astron.) opposition, conflict of the planets Su1ryas. VarBr2S. [855,1]
  209. युद्धकारिन् (yuddhakārin) (yuddhakārin)
    mfn. making war, fighting (%{-ri-tva} n.) Hit.
  210. युधिष्ठिर (yudhiṣṭhira) (yudhiṣṭhira)
    m. (for %{-sthira}) `" firm or steady in battle "'N. of the eldest of the 5 reputed sons of Pa1n2d2u (really the child of Pr2itha1 or Kunti1, Pa1n2d2u's wife, by the god Dharma or Yama, whence he is often called Dharma-putra or Dharma-ra1ja
    he ultimately succeeded Pa1n2d2u as king, first reigning over Indra-prastha, and afterwards, when the Kuru princes were defeated, at Hastina1-pura
    cf. IW. 379 &c.) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a Hariv.
    of two kings of Kas3mi1ra Ra1jat.
    of a potter Pan5cat.
    (with %{maho7pA7dhyAya}) of a preceptor Cat.
    pl. the descendants of Yudhi-sht2hira (son of Pa1n2d2u) Pa1n2. 2-4, 66 Sch.
    %{-vijaya} (or %{-dig-v-}) m. N. of a poem by Va1sudeva Parama-s3iva-yogin of Kerala. [855,2]
  211. युयु (yuyu) (yuyu)
    m. a horse(prob. w.r. for %{yayu}).
  212. युयुत्सु (yuyutsu) (yuyutsu)
    mfn. wishing to fight (`" with "' instr., also with %{saha}, %{sA7rdham} &c.), eager for battle, pugnacious MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a combatant W.
    N. of one of the sons of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra MBh. BhP.
  213. युयुत्सा (yuyutsā) (yuyutsā)
    f. (fr. Desid.) the wishing to fight, desire for war, pugnacity, combativeness MBh. Hariv. R.
    %{-rahita} mfn. without wish or intention to fight, cowardly W. %{-tsu}
    %{yuyudhAna}, %{-dhi} see above.
  214. युयुधान (yuyudhāna) (yuyudhāna)
    m. N. of a son of Satyaka (one of the allies of the Pa1n2d2avas) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    a Kshatriya, warrior
    N. of Indra
  215. युवन् (yuvan) (yuvan)
    mf(%{yUnI}, or %{yuvatI8} q.v.) n. (prob. fr. 2. %{yu}) young, youthful, adult (applied to men and animals), strong, good, healthy RV. &c. &c.
    m. a youth, young man, young animal (in Veda often applied to gods, esp. to Indra, Agni, and the Maruts). ib.
    (in gram.) the younger descendant of any one (an elder being still alive) Pa1n2. 1-2, 65, &c.
    N. of the ninth year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years Jyot.
    an elephant 60 years old Gal. [Cf. Lat. {juvenis}, %{juventa}
    Slav. {junu8}
    Lith. {ja4unas}
    Goth. {juggs} [855,3]
    Germ. {junc}, {jung}
    Angl. Sax. {geong}
    Eng. {young}.]
  216. युवनाश्व (yuvanāśva) (yuvanāśva)
    m. N. of the father of Ma1ndha1tr2i and of various other men MBh. R. Hariv. Pur.
  217. युवराज (yuvarāja) (yuvarāja)
    m. `" young king "', an heir-apparent associated with the reigning sovereign in the government, crown prince R. VarBr2S. &c.
    N. of Maitreya (the future Buddha)
    of various authors Cat.
    %{-tva} n. the rank or position of an heir-apparent to a throne R. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
    %{-divAkara} m. N. of a poet Cat.
  218. यूष (yūṣa) (yūṣa)
    m. n. (fr. 2. %{yu}) soup, broth, pease-soup, the water in which pulse of various kinds has been boiled Gr2S3rS. Katha1s. Sus3r.
    m. the Indian mulberry tree[Cf. Lat. {ju1s}
    Slav. {jucha}.]
  219. यूथ (yūtha) (yūtha)
    m. n. (in the older language only n.
    fr. 2. %{yu}) a herd, flock, troop, band, host, multitude, number, large quantity (ifc. f. %{A}) RV. &c. &c.
    (%{I}) f. a kind of jasmine (= %{yUthikA}) L.
  220. यूप (yūpa) (yūpa)
    m. (prob. fr. %{yup}
    but according to Un2. iii, 27, fr. 2. %{yu}) a post, beam, pillar, (esp.) a smooth post or stake to which the sacrificial victim is fastened, any sacrificial post or stake (usually made of bamboos or Khadira wood
    in R. i, 13, 24
    25, where the horse sacrifice is described, 21 of these posts are set up, 6 made of Bilva, 6 of Khadira, 6 of Pala1s3a, one of Ud2umbara, one of S3leshma1taka, and one of Deva-da1ru) RV. &c. &c.
    a column erected in honour of victory, a trophy (= %{jaya-stambha})
    N. of a partic. conjunction of the class A1kr2iti-yoga (i.e. when all the planets are situated in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses) VarBr2S.
  221. योक्तव्य (yoktavya) (yoktavya)
    mfn. to be joined or yoked or united &c.
    to be concentrated (as the mind) MBh.
    to be prepared or employed or practised or applied TS. Bhag. (n. impers.)
    to be inflicted (as punishment) MBh.
    to be entrusted or charged with (loc.) ib.
    to be furnished or provided with (instr.) ib. Hariv.
  222. योग (yoga) (yoga)
  223. योगतारा (yogatārā) (yogatārā)
    (Su1ryas. Col.) f. the chief star in a Nakshatra
    %{-rA7valI} f. N. of sev. wks.
  224. योगमाया (yogamāyā) (yogamāyā)
    f. magic Katha1s.
    the Ma1ya1 or magical power of abstract meditation BhP.
    the power of God in the creation of the world personified as a deity
    N. of Durga1 A.
  225. योगस्थ (yogastha) (yogastha)
    mfn. absorbed in YYoga Bhag.
  226. योगिन् (yogin) (yogin)
    mfn. joined or connected with, relating to, accompanied by, possessed of (comp.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Hariv.
    being in conjunction with (e.g. %{candra-y-}) Ma1rkP.
    possessed of superhuman powers W.
    m. a follower of the Yoga system, a Yogin (usually called Yogi1) or contemplative saint, devotee, ascetic MaitrUp. Bhag. &c. (cf. RTL. 87)
    a magician, conjurer W. [858,1]
    a partic. mixed caste Cat. (v.l. %{yuGgin})
    an orange tree
    natron, alkali
    N. of Ya1jn5avalkya Cat.
    of Arjuna
    of Vishn2u MBh.
    of S3iva
    of a Buddha
    (%{inI}) f. see next.
  227. योग्य (yogya) (yogya)
    &c. see pp. 856, 858.
  228. योग्यता (yogyatā) (yogyatā)
    f. suitableness, fitness, propriety, ability R. Katha1s. &c.
    %{-grantha@rahasya} n. %{-pUrvapakSa-rahasya} n. %{-rahasya} n. %{-vAda} m. %{-vicAra} m. N. of wks.
  229. योजन (yojana) (yojana)
  230. योद्धृ (yoddhṛ) (yoddhṛ)
    m. a fighter, warrior, soldier MBh. R. &c.
  231. योध (yodha) (yodha)
  232. योधन (yodhana) (yodhana)
    n. the act of fighting, battle, war MBh. Pur.
    battle-cry L.
  233. योधिन् (yodhin) (yodhin)
    mfn. (ifc.) fighting, combating MBh. R.
    m. a warrior, conqueror ib.
  234. योध्य (yodhya) (yodhya)
    see p. 858, col. 2.
  235. योनि (yoni) (yoni)
    (i.e. VS. xxiii, 2) Ka1tyS3r.
  236. योषित् (yoṣit) (yoṣit)
    f. = %{yoSaNA} (also applied to the females of animals and to inanimate things e.g. %{yoSito@mantrAH}, `" female magical texts "') RV. &c. &c.
  237. यउगपद्य (yaügapadya) (yaugapadya)
    n. (fr. %{yuga-pad}) simultaneousness S3a1n3khS3r. Sa1h. Prata1p. &c.
    (%{ena}) ind. simultaneously, together MBh.
  238. यउवन (yaüvana) (yauvana)
    n. (fr. %{yuvan}) youth, youthfulness, adolescence, puberty, manhood (also pl. = juvenile deeds or indiscretions
    ifc. f. %{A}) AV. &c. &c.
    a number of young people (esp. of young women) Pa1n2. 4-2, 38
    N. of the third stage in the S3a1kta mysteries Cat.
  239. रक्त (rakta) (rakta)
    mf(%{A})n. coloured, dyed, painted Br. Gr2S3rS. Mn. &c. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-2, 1)
    reddened, red, crimson S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. Ka1v. &c. (said of 5 or 7 parts of the body which ought to be red MBh. iv, 253 VarBr2S. lxviii, 84)
    `" coloured or modified by nasalization "', nasalized (said of a vowel) RPra1t. (cf. %{raGga})
    excited, affected with passion or love, impassioned, enamoured, charmed with (instr.), attached or devoted to, fond of (loc. gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    beloved, dear, lovely, pleasant, sweet Ka1v.
    fond of play, engaging in pastime, sporting
    m. red colour
    Barringtonia Acutangula
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    of the planet Mars VarBr2S. Sch.
    (%{A}) f. lac (= %{lAkSA}) Sus3r.
    Abrus Precatorius (or its seeds as a measure or weight, = %{raktikA}) Car.
    Rubia Munjista
    Echinops Echinatus
    N. of one of the 7 tongues of fire
    (in music) N. of a S3ruti Sam2gi1t.
    n. blood Mn. Hariv. &c.
    a partic. disease of the eyes, Hcat
    the menstrual fluid
    the fruit of Flacourtia Cataphracta
    = %{padmaka} L.
  240. रक्तक (raktaka) (raktaka)
    mfn. red VarBr2S.
    passionately attached to, fond of, enamoured
    pleasing, amusing
    m. a red garment
    an amorous or impassioned or sporting man
    a player
    Pentapetes Phoenicea
    a redflowering Moringa
    red Ricinus
    Caesalpina Sappan
    (%{ikA}) f. Abrus Precatorius (its seed or grain is used as a weight = 1/6, 1/7, or 2/15 Ma1shaka) S3a1rn3gS. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
    (in music) a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.
  241. रक्तबीज (raktabīja) (raktabīja)
    m. the pomegranate tree
    N. of a physician Ma1rkP.
  242. रक्ष (rakṣa) (rakṣa)
    1 mf(%{I})n. (%{A} f. see p. 860) guarding, watching, protecting, serving
    a watcher, keeper Suparn2. MBh. &c. (mostly ifc.
    cf. %{kSetra-}, %{go-}, %{cakra-r-} &c.)
  243. रक्षक (rakṣaka) (rakṣaka)
    mf(%{ikA})n. = 1. %{rakSa} Katha1s. Pan5cat. Hit. (cf. %{aGga-}, %{go-}, %{dhana-r-} &c.)
    (%{ikA}) f. an amulet, charm, anything worn as a preservative L.
  244. रक्षण (rakṣaṇa) (rakṣaṇa)
    m. `" protector "'N. of Vishn2u MBh.
    (%{A}) f. guarding, protection S3ak. (v.l.) Pan5car.
    (%{I}) f. a rein, bridle
    Ficus Heterophylla
    (%{ra4-}) n. the act of guarding, watching, protecting, tending (of cattle), preservation (`" of "' gen. loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    a ceremony performed for protection or preservation Ma1rkP. [860,1]
  245. रक्षा (rakṣā) (rakṣā)
    f. the act of protecting or guarding, protection, care, preservation, security Mn. MBh. &c.
    a guard, watch, sentinel Mr2icch. Ka1m.
    any preservative, (esp.) a sort of bracelet or amulet, any mysterious token used as a charm BhP. Sus3r.
    a tutelary divinity (cf. %{mahA-r-})
    ashes (used as a preservative)
    (%{A} or %{I}) f. a piece of thread or silk bound round the wrist on partic. occasions (esp. on the full moon of S3ra1van2a, either as an amulet and preservative against misfortune, or as a symbol of mutual dependence, or as a mark of respect) MW.
  246. रक्षस् (rakṣas) (rakṣas)
    mfn. guarding, watching (see %{pathir-})
    n. `" anything to be guarded against or warded off "', harm, injury, damage RV.
    (in RV. and AV. also %{rakSa4s}, m.) an evil being or demon, a Ra1kshasa (q.v.
    in VP. identified with Nirr2iti or Nairr2ita) RV. &c. &c.
    pl. N. of a warlike race g. %{parzv-Adi}.
  247. रक्षित (rakṣita) (rakṣita)
    mfn. guarded, protected, saved, preserved, maintained, kept RV. &c. &c.
    m. N. of a teacher of medicine Sus3r.
    of a grammarian Siddh.
    of various other men HParis3.
    (%{A}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.
  248. रक्षितृ (rakṣitṛ) (rakṣitṛ)
    mfn. one who guards or protects, a guard, protector, watch, sentinel RV. &c. &c.
  249. रघु (raghu) (raghu)
    mf(%{vI4})n. ( %{raMh}
    cf. %{laghu}) hastening, going speedily, fleet, rapid RV.
    light, fickle ib.
    m. a racer, fleet courser ib.
    N. of an ancient king and ancestor of Ra1ma (described in Raghu-van6s3a as son of Dili1pa and Su-dakshin2a1
    he was father of Aja who was father of Das3a-ratha
    hence he was great-grandfather of Ra1ma
    in the Ra1ma1yan2a Raghu is said to be son of Kakutstha
    in the Hari-van6s3a two Raghus are mentioned among the ancestors of Ra1ma) R. Hariv. Ragh. Pur. (IW. 344)
    of a son of Gautama Buddha Buddh.
    of various authors (also with %{daiva-jJa} and %{sUri}) Cat.
    = the poem %{raghu-vaMza} (cf. next)
    pl. the descendants of Raghu Ragh. Ra1jat.
  250. रङ्ग (raṅga) (raṅga)
    %{raGgita}, %{raGgin} see p. 862. m. colour, paint, dye, hue MBh. Sus3r. Lalit.
    the nasal modification of a vowel S3iksh.
    a place for public amusement or for dramatic exhibition, theatre, play-house, stage, arena, any place of assembly MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the members of an assembly, audience S3ak. Sa1m2khyak. Das3ar.
    a dancing-place
    a field of battle
    diversion, mirth
    (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
    an extract obtained from Acacia Catechu
    N. of a man Ra1jat.
    of various authors (also with %{bhaTTa} and %{jyotir-vid}) Cat.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a river DivyA7v.
    n. (m.) tin (= %{vaGga}) L.
  251. रचन (racana) (racana)
    n. the act of making, forming, arranging, preparing, composing Ka1v.
    mostly (%{A}) f. arrangement, disposition, management, accomplishment, performance, preparation, production, fabrication MBh. Ka1v. &c. [861,1]
    a literary production, work, composition VarBr2S. Sa1h.
    style Sa1h.
    putting on, wearing (of a garment) Mr2icch.
    arrangement (of troops), array Pan5cat.
    contrivance, invention Katha1s. BhP.
    a creation of the mind, artificial image Jaim.
    fixing the feathers on an arrow
    dressing the hair (cf. %{keza-r-})
    stringing flowers or garlands W. (often ifc. with concrete meaning e.g. %{nivAsa-recanA}, a building Mr2icch.
    %{gIti-racanA}, a song Ra1jat.
    %{kUTa-racanA}, an artifice, trick Katha1s.
    accord. toalso = %{pari-spanda} or %{pari-syanda}, %{prati-yatna}, %{granthana}, %{gumpha}, %{vyUha}, %{niveza}, %{sthiti}
    also = %{pAza}, %{bhAra} &c., abundance, quantity ifc. after a word meaning `" hair "'
    cf. Pa1n2. 2-3, 44 Sch.)
    (%{A}) f. N. of the wife of Tvasht2r2i BhP.
  252. रचित (racita) (racita)
    mfn. produced, fashioned, constructed, performed, arranged, prepared, made of (instr. or comp.). Ka1v. Var. BhP.
    made or chosen for (nom.) Bhat2t2.
    placed, inserted, inlaid, fixed on or in (loc.) Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP.
    set out, displayed in (loc. or comp.) Ka1lid.
    directed towards (loc.) BhP.
    furnished, provided, set or studded with (instr. or comp.) Hariv. Ka1lid. Sus3r.
    (ifc.) occupied with, engaged in Ba1lar.
    (with %{mRSA}) invented Katha1s.
    m. N. of a man g. %{bidA7di}.
  253. रजक (rajaka) (rajaka)
    m. a washerman (so called from his cleaning or whitening clothes
    regarded as a degraded caste
    accord. toeither `" the son of a Pa1ra-dhenuka and a Bra1hm2ani1 "' or `" the son of a Nisht2hya and an Ugri1) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a parrot or a garment (%{zuka} or %{aMzuka})
    N. of a king VP. (prob. w.r. for %{rAjaka})
    (%{ikA}) f. a washerwoman Pa1n2. 3-1, 145 Pat.
    (%{akI}) f. id. or the wife of a washerman ib.
    N. of a woman on the third day of her impurity Bhpr.
  254. रजनि (rajani) (rajani)
    &c. see p. 863, col. 1. f. (m. c. and ibc.) = %{rajanI}, night.
  255. रजस् (rajas) (rajas)
    n. `" coloured or dim space "', the sphere of vapour or mist, region of clouds, atmosphere, air, firmament (in Veda one of the divisions of the world and distinguished from %{div} or %{svar}, `" the sphere of light "', and %{rocanA@divaH}, `" the ethereal spaces "', which are beyond the %{rajas}, as ether is beyond the air
    often %{rajas}, = the whole expanse of heaven or sky "', divided into a lower and upper stratum, the %{rajas@uparam} or %{pArthivam} and the %{rajas@uttamam} or %{paramam} or %{divyam}
    hence du. %{rajasI}, `" the lower and higher atmospheres "'
    sometimes also three and RV. i, 164, 6 even six such spheres are enumerated, hence pl. %{rajAMsi}, `" the skies "')TS. VS. Br.
    vapour, mist, clouds, gloom, dimness, darkness
    impurity, dirt, dust, any small particle of matter RV. &c. &c. (cf. %{go-r-})
    the dust or pollen of flowers Ka1lid. BhP.
    cultivated or ploughed land (as `" dusty "' or `" dirty "'), arable land, fields RV.
    the impurity i.e. the menstrual discharge of a woman Gr2S. Mn. MBh. Sus3r. &c.
    the `" darkening "' quality, passion, emotion, affection MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (in phil.) the second of the three Gun2as or qualities (the other two being %{sattva}, goodness, and %{tamas}, darkness
    cf. IW. 85
    %{rajas} is sometimes identified with %{tejas} q.v.
    it is said to predominate in air, and to be active, urgent, and variable) Sa1m2khyak. VarBr2S. Sus3r. &c.
    `" light "' or `" day "' or `" world "' or `" water "' Nir. iv, 19
    a kind of plant (= %{parpaTa}) Bhpr.
    m. N. of a R2ishi (son of Vasisht2ha) VP. [Cf. Gk. $
    Goth. {riqis}.] &261608[863,2]
  256. रजस्वल (rajasvala) (rajasvala)
    mf(%{A})n. covered with dust, dusty MBh. BhP.
    full of the quality %{rajas}, full of passion Mn. vi, 77
    having water (= %{udaka-vat}) Nir. Sch.
    m. a buffalo
    %{uSTra} or %{gardabha} Sa1y. (cf. %{raje7Sita} under 2. %{raja}, col. 1)
    (%{A}) f. a menstruating or marriageable woman Gr2S. Mn. MBh. &c.
  257. रज्जु (rajju) (rajju)
    f. (ifc. sometimes m.
    in earlier language also %{rajjU}, f.
    Ved. acc. %{rajjvam}
    gen. %{rajjvAs} Mn. xi, 168
    probably fr. an unused %{rasj}, or %{rajj}
    cf. %{rasanA} = %{razanA}) a rope, cord, string, line RV. &c. &c. (%{rajjum@A-sthA}, to have recourse to the rope, to hang one's self MBh.)
    N. of partic. sinews or tendons proceeding from the vertebral column Sus3r.
    a lock of braided hair, braid (= %{veNI})
    N. of a partic. constellation VarBr2S.
    Caryota Urens
    a measure of 8 Hastas or 192 inches[Cf. Lith. {rezgu4}, `" I plait. "']
  258. रञ्जन (rañjana) (rañjana)
    mf(%{I})n. colouring, dyeing (%{-tva} n.) Sarvad.
    (ifc.) pleasing, charming, rejoicing, delighting Gi1t. (cf. %{jana-raJjanI})
    conciliating, befriending MW.
    m. Saccharum Munja
    (%{I}) f. prob. friendly salutation Buddh.
    the indigo plant
    Nyctanthes Arbor Tristis
    a kind of fragrant perfume
    red arsenic
    (in music) a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.
    n. the act of colouring or dyeing Va1gbh.
    colour, dye, paint R.
    (in gram.) nasalization VPra1t. Sch.
    the act of pleasing, delighting, conciliating, giving pleasure MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a partic. game
    red sandalwood
    cinnabar L.
  259. रञ्जित (rañjita) (rañjita)
    mfn. coloured, dyed, painted, tinted MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    illumined BhP.
    affected, moved, charmed, delighted MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  260. रण (raṇa) (raṇa)
    1 m. delight, pleasure, gladness, joy RV. VS. AV.
    (also n.) battle (as an object of delight), war, combat, fight, conflict RV. &c. &c.
  261. रत (rata) (rata)
    %{rati} &c. see under %{ram}, p. 867, cols. 2, 3.
  262. रति (rati) (rati)
    f. rest, repose VS. S3a1n3khGr2.
    pleasure, enjoyment, delight in, fondness for (loc. or comp.
    %{ratim} with %{Ap}, %{labh}, %{upa-labh}, %{adhi-gam}, %{vidkR} or %{bandh} and loc., `" to find pleasure in "') Up. Mn. MBh. &c.
    the pleasure of love, sexual passion or union, amorous enjoyment (often personified as one of the two wives of Ka1ma-deva, together with Pri1ti q.v.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    the pudenda
    = %{rati-gRha}, pleasure-house VarBr2S.
    N. of the sixth Kala of the Moon Cat.
    of an Apsaras MBh.
    of the wife of Vibhu (mother of Prit2hu-shen2a) BhP.
    of a magical incantation recited over weapons R.
    of the letter %{n} Up.
    of a metre Col.
  263. रत्न (ratna) (ratna)
    n. (1. %{rA}) a gift, present, goods, wealth, richesS3Br.
    a jewel, gem, treasure, precious stone (the nine jjewel are pearl, ruby, topaz, diamond, emerald, lapis lazuli, coral, sapphire, Gomeda
    hence %{ratna} is a N. for the number 9
    but accord. to some 14) Mn. MBh. &c.
    anything valuable or best of its kind (e. g. %{putra-r-}, an excellent son)
    a magnet, loadstone Kap. Sch. (cf. %{maNi})
    = %{ratna-havis} S3Br.
    m. (with %{bhaTTa}) N. of a man Cat.
  264. रत्नाकर (ratnākara) (ratnākara)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a jewel-mine (%{-tva} n.) Pan5car. BhP. &c.
    the sea, ocean Ka1v. &c.
    N. of a Buddha Buddh.
    of a Bodhi-sattva ib.
    of various other persons Ra1jat. Cat. &c.
    of a mythical horse Katha1s.
    of various wks.
    of a town (in this sense perhaps n.) Katha1s.
    pl. N. of a people MBh.
    %{-nighaNTa} m. %{-paddhati} f. N. of wks.
    %{-mekhalA} f. `" sea-girded "', the earth Das3.
    %{-sa-pAda-zataka} n. N. of wk.
    %{-rAyita} mfn. resembling a jewel-mine, (or) resresembling the sea Hcat.
  265. रत्नावली (ratnāvalī) (ratnāvalī)
    f. a string of pearls Mr2icch. Hit. Katha1s.
    a partic. rhetorical figure Kuval.
    N. of various women Katha1s. Ra1jat. &c.
    of a drama by king Harsha-deva (or rather by the poet Ba1n2a
    cf. IW. 505 n. 1)
    of other wks. (also %{-vali})
    %{-nibandha} m. %{-paddhati} f. N. of wks.
  266. रथ (ratha) (ratha)
    1 m. (4. %{R}) `" goer "', a chariot, car, esp. a two-wheeled war-chariot (lighter and swifter than the %{anas} q.v.), any vehicle or equipage or carriage (applied also to the vehicles of the gods), waggon, cart RV. &c. &c. (ifc. f. %{A})
    a warrior, hero, champion MBh. Katha1s. BhP.
    the body
    a limb, member, part
    Calamus Rotang
    Dalbergia Ougeinensis
    = %{pauruSa}
    (%{I}) f. a small carriage or waggon, cart S3is3.
  267. रथी (rathī) (rathī)
    mfn. (nom. sg. m. and f. %{rathI4s}
    acc. sg. %{rathya4m} pl. %{rathya4s}) going or fighting in a chariot (as subst. = a carriage-driver, charioteer, car-fighter, champion, hero, leader, lord) RV. AitBr.
    carried on a waggon, forming a cart-load RV.
    belonging to a chariot ib.
  268. रथिन् (rathin) (rathin)
    mfn. possessing or going in a chariot or carriage, fighting in a war-cchariot (superl. %{-thi4-tama}) RV. &c. &c.
    consisting of cchariot MBh.
    carried in cchariot (as goods) RV.
    accustomed to cchariot (as horses) ib.
    m. an owner of a carriage or cchariot, charioteer, warrior who fights from a cchariot RV. &c. &c.
    a Kshatriya MBh.
    a driver HParis3.
    (%{inI}) f. a number of carriages or cchariot g. %{khalA7di} on Pa1n2. 4-2, 51 Va1rtt.
  269. रथ्य (rathya) (rathya)
    (or %{rathya4}) mfn. belonging or relating to a carriage or chariot, accustomed to it &c. (with %{Aji4}, `" a chariot-race "') RV. S3Br.
    (?) delighting in roads (see f. and %{rathya-virathya})
    m. a carriage or chariot-horse RV. S3ak.
    (%{A}) f. see below
    n. carriage equipments (trappings, a wheel &c.) RV. La1t2y.
    a chariot-race or match RV.
    a carriage, vehicle (?) ib.
  270. रद (rada) (rada)
    mfn. (ifc.) scratching, splitting, gnawing at Ghat2.
    m. the act of splitting or gnawing
    a tooth (and therefore N. of the number 32) Ka1v. Var.
    the tusk of an elephant Var. Nalo7d.
  271. रदन (radana) (radana)
    m. a tooth Sus3r. (cf. comp.)
    an elephant's tusk Hariv. Ragh. [866,3]
    n. the act of splitting, tearing &c. W.
  272. रन्ध्र (randhra) (randhra)
    n. rarely m. (prob. fr. %{rad}) a slit, split, opening, aperture, hole, chasm, fissure, cavity RV. &c. &c. (nine openings are reckoned in the human body cf. under %{kha}
    and sometimes a tenth in the skull, as in the fontanel of an infant)
    the vulva BhP.
    a partic. part of a horse's head VarBr2S. S3is3. (cf. %{upa-r-})
    a defect, fault, flaw, imperfection, weak part Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. (cf. %{chidra})
    N. of the 8th astrological mansion VarBr2S.
    of the number `" nine "' (cf. above) MW.
    m. N. of a son of Manu Bhautya VP. (v.l. %{bradhna})
    the off spring of a Bra1hman and a Maitri1 L.
  273. रपस् (rapas) (rapas)
    n. (cf. %{repas} fr. %{rip}) bodily defect, injury, infirmity, disease RV. VS. (accord. to Sa1y. also = %{rakSas}).
  274. रभस् (rabhas) (rabhas)
    n. violence, impetuosity, zeal, ardour, force, energy RV.
    (%{-sA}) ind. violently, impetuously, forcibly, roughly MBh. Pur.
  275. रभस (rabhasa) (rabhasa)
    mf(%{A})n. (fr. prec.) impetuous, violent, rapid, fierce, wild RV. &c. &c.
    (ifc.) eager for, desirous of Ka1lid.
    strong, powerful (said of the Soma) RV.
    shining, glaring ib.
    m. impetuosity, vehemence, hurry, haste, speed, zeal, passion, eager desire for (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (also %{A} f.
    %{rabhasa} ibc.
    %{at} and %{ena} ind. violently, impetuously, eagerly, quickly)
    joy, pleasure Gi1t.
    regret, sorrow W.
    N. of a magical incantation recited over weapons R.
    of a Da1nava (v.l. %{razmisa})
    of a king (son of Rambha) BhP.
    of a Ra1kshasa
    of a lexicographer (also called %{rabhasa-pAla}) Cat.
    of a monkey R.
  276. रम (rama) (rama)
    mfn. pleasing, delighting, rejoicing (only ifc.
    cf. %{mano-r-})
    dear, beloved W.
    m. (only L.) joy
    a lover, husband, spouse
    Ka1ma-deva, the god of love
    the red-flowering As3oka
    (%{A}) f. see s.v.
  277. रमण (ramaṇa) (ramaṇa)
    mf(%{I})n. pleasing, charming, delightful BhP.
    m. a lover, husband (cf. %{kSapA-r-}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    Ka1ma-deva, the god of love
    an ass
    a testicle
    a tree similar to the Melia Bukayun
    = %{tinduka}
    N. of Arun2a or the charioteer of the Sun
    of a mythical son of Manohara1 MBh. Hariv.
    of a man Pravar.
    pl. N. of a people (cf. %{ramaTha}) MBh.
    (%{A}) f. a charming woman, wife, mistress
    a kind of metre Col.
    N. of Da1ksha1yan2i1 in Ra1ma-tirtha Cat.
    (%{I}) f. see s.v.
    n. pleasure, joy Subh.
    dalliance, amorous sport, sexual union, copulation Nir. S3ukas.
    decoying (of deer) S3is3. vi, 9 (cf. Pat. on Pa1n2. 6-4, 24 Va1rtt. 3)
    (ifc.) gladdening, delighting BhP.
    the hinder parts, pudenda (= %{jaghana})
    the root of Trichosanthes Dioeca
    N. of a forest Hariv.
    of a town DivyA7v.
  278. रमणीय (ramaṇīya) (ramaṇīya)
    1 mf(%{A})n. to be enjoyed, pleasant, agreeable, delightful, charming Up. MBh. &c.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a singer Ma1lav.
    of a town HParis3.2 Nom. (fr. %{ramaNI}) A1. %{-yate}, to represent a wife, be the mistress of (gen.) Sa1h.
  279. रमित (ramita) (ramita)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) gladdened, delighted, rendered happy Gi1t.
    n. (prob.) pleasure, delight (see next).
  280. रम्भ (rambha) (rambha)
    m. (for 2. see p. 868, col. 2) a prop, staff, support RV. viii, 45, 20
    a bamboo
    N. of the fifth Kalpa (q.v.) Cat.
    of the father of the Asura Mahisha and brother of Karambha ib.
    of a Na1ga VP.
    of a son of A1yu Hariv. Pur.
    of a son of Vivin6s3ati BhP.
    of a king of Vajra-ra1tra Katha1s.
    of a monkey R.
    (%{A}) f. see next.
  281. रम्य (ramya) (ramya)
    mf(%{A4})n. to be enjoyed, enjoyable, pleasing, delightful, beautiful S3Br. &c. &c.
    = %{bala-kara}
    m. Michelia Champaka
    another kind of plant (= %{baka})
    N. of a son of A1gnidhra VP.
    m. or n. (?) a pleasant abode Vishn2.
    (%{A}) f. night Hariv.
    Hibiscus Mutabilis
    = %{mahe7ndra-vAruNI}
    (in music) a kind of S3ruti Sam2gi1t.
    N. of a daughter of Meru (wife of Ramya) BhP.
    of a river W.
    n. the root of Trichosanthes Dioeca
    semen virile L.
  282. रम्यक (ramyaka) (ramyaka)
    m. Melia Sempervirens Bhpr.
    N. of a son of A1gnidhra BhP.
    n. (in Sa1m2khya) one of the 8 perfections or Siddhis Tattvas. Sa1m2khyak. Sch. (also %{A} f. scil. %{siddhi})
    the root of Trichosanthes Dioeca Sus3r.
    n. N. of a Varsha called after Ramyaka Pur.
  283. रम्यत्व (ramyatva) (ramyatva)
    n. (R.) pleasantness, loveliness, beauty.
  284. रयि (rayi) (rayi)
    m. or (rarely) f. (fr. %{rA}
    the following forms occur in the Veda, %{rayis}, %{-yi4m}, %{-yibhis}, %{-yINAm}
    %{rayyA4}, %{-yyaI4}, %{-yyA4m}
    cf. 2. %{rai}), property, goods, possessions, treasure, wealth (often personified)VS. Br. S3rS. ChUp.
    stuff, materials Pras3nUp.
    v.l. for %{raji} q.v.
    (?) mfn. rich RV. viii, 31, 11
    ix, 101, 7.
  285. रव (rava) (rava)
    m. (1. %{ru}) a roar, yell, cry, howl (of animals, wild beasts &c.) RV. &c. &c.
    song, singing (of birds) MBh. R. &c.
    hum, humming (of bees) Ragh. Katha1s.
    clamour, outcry Katha1s.
    thunder RV. MBh.
    talk MW.
    any noise or sound (e.g. the whizz of a bow, the ringing of a bell &c.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (%{A}) f. see s.v.
  286. रवि (ravi) (ravi)
    m. (accord. to Un2. iv, 138 Sch. fr. 1. %{ru}) a partic. form of the sun (sometimes regarded as one of the 12 A1dityas
    hence %{ravi} is also a N. of the number `" twelve "') Var. Hariv. &c.
    the sun (in general) or the sun-god, Mn2. MBh. &c.
    = %{ravidina}, Sunday Inscr.
    Calotropis Gigantea
    a mountain
    N. of a Sauvi1raka MBh.
    of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra ib.
    of the author of a Comm. on the Ka1vya-praka1s3a Cat.
    of the author of the Hora1praka1s3a ib.
    the right canal for the passage of the vital air (?) W.
  287. रश्मि (raśmi) (raśmi)
    m. (exceptionally f.
    cf. %{razanA} and Un2. iv, 46) a string, rope, cord, trace, rein, bridle, leash, goad, whip (also fig. applied to the fingers) RV. &c. &c.
    a measuring cord RV. viii, 25, 18
    a ray of light, beam, splendour RV. &c. &c.
    = %{anna}, food VS. xv, 16
    = %{pakSa}, or %{pakSman} L.
  288. रस (rasa) (rasa)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) the sap or juice of plants, Juice of fruit, any liquid or fluid, the best or finest or prime part of anything, essence, marrow RV. &c. &c.
    water, liquor, drink MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    juice of the sugar-cane, syrup Sus3r.
    any mixture, draught, elixir, potion R. BhP.
    melted butter
    (with or scil. %{gavAm}) milk MBh.
    (with or scil. %{viSasya}) poison Das3. Ra1jat. [869,3]
    soup, broth
    a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body, serum, (esp.) the primary juice called chyle (formed from the food and changed by the bile into blood) ib.
    mercury, quicksilver (sometimes regarded as a kind of quintessence of the human body, else where as the seminal fluid of S3iva) Sarvad.
    semen virile RV. i, 105, 2
    any mineral or metallic salt Cat.
    a metal or mineral in a state of fusion (cf. %{upa-}, %{mahA-r-})
    Vanguieria Spinosa
    a species of amaranth
    green onion
    = %{amRta}
    taste, flavour (as the principal quality of fluids, of which there are 6 original kinds, viz. %{madhura}, sweet
    %{amla}, sour
    %{lavaNa}, salt
    %{kaTuka}, pungent
    %{tikta}, bitter
    and %{kaSAya}, astringent
    sometimes 63 varieties are distinguished, viz. beside the 6 original ones, 15 mixtures of 2, 20 of 3, 15 of 4, 6 of 5, and 1 of 6 flavours) S3Br. &c. &c.
    N. of the number `" six "' VarBr2S. S3rutab.
    any object of taste, condiment, sauce, spice, seasoning MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the tongue (as the organ of taste) BhP.
    taste or inclination or fondness for (loc. with or scil. %{upari}, or comp.), love, affection, desire MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    charm pleasure, delight ib.
    (in rhet.) the taste or character of a work, the feeling or sentiment prevailing in it (from 8 to 10 Rasas are generally enumerated, viz. %{zRGgAra}, love
    %{vIra}, heroism
    %{bIbhatsa}, disgust
    %{raudra}, anger or fury
    %{hAsya}, mirth
    %{bhayAnaka}, terror
    %{karuNa}, pity
    %{adbhuta}, wonder
    %{zAnta}, tranquillity or contentment
    %{vAtsalya}, paternal fondness
    the last or last two are sometimes omitted
    cf. under %{bhAva}) Bhar. Das3ar. Ka1vya7d. &c.
    the prevailing sentiment in human character Uttarar. Ra1jat.
    (with Vaishn2avas) disposition of the heart or mind, religious sentiment (there are 5 Rasas or Ratis forming the 5 degrees of %{bhakti} q.v., viz. %{zAnti}, %{dAsya}, %{sAkhya}, %{vAtsalya}, and %{mAdhurya}) W.
    a kind of metre Pin3g.
    N. of the sacred syllable, `" Om, `" S3a1n3khGr2.
    the son of a Nisha1da and a S3anaki1
    (%{A}) f. see s.v.
  289. रसना (rasanā) (rasanā)
    f. the tongue as organ of taste MaitrUp. MBh. &c.
    N. of two plants (= %{gandha-bhadrA} and %{rAsnA}) Bhpr.
  290. रसा (rasā) (rasā)
    f. moisture, humidity RV.
    N. of a river ib.
    a mythical stream supposed to flow round the earth and the atmosphere ib. (Nir. xi, 23)
    the lower world, hell MBh. Pur. (cf. %{-tala})
    the earth, ground, soil Ka1v.
    the tongue
    N. of various plants (Clypea Hernandifolia
    Boswellia Thurifera
    Panicum Italicum
    a vine or grape
    = %{kAkolI}) L.
  291. रसवत् (rasavat) (rasavat)
    (%{ra4sa-}) mfn. full of juice or sap, juicy, succulent, strong RV. &c. &c.
    moist, well watered (as a field) MBh.
    filled with juice (as a cup) Kaus3.
    overflowing with (instr.) Pan5car.
    tasty, charming, elegant, graceful, lovely MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    possessing love and the other Rasas, impassioned, full of feeling, affected by emotions of love or jealousy &c. MW. [870,2]
    spirited, witty ib.
    (%{I}) f. see below
    n. a tasteful style Bhat2t2. Sch.
    %{-tara} mfn. more savoury, more delightful Vikr.
    %{-tA} f. juiciness, savouriness, sapidity
    tastefulness, elegance, beauty Va1s. Sa1h.
  292. रसविद् (rasavid) (rasavid)
    mfn. knowing tastes or flavours, having good taste, discriminating BhP.
  293. रसाल (rasāla) (rasāla)
    m. the mango tree Prasannar.
    the sugar-cane
    the bread-fruit tree
    a kind of grass
    a kind or mouse Cat.
    (%{A}) f. curds mixed with sugar and spices MBh. Hariv. R.
    the tongue
    Du1rva1 grass
    Desmodium Gangeticum
    a vine or grape
    N. of wk.
    (%{I}) f. sugar
    n. myrrh or frankincense
  294. रसिक (rasika) (rasika)
    mf(%{A})n. tasteful, elegant Bhartr2.
    having a discriminating taste, aesthetic Ka1v. Katha1s.
    having a taste for or a sense of, fond of, devoted to, delighting in (loc. or comp.) ib. Ra1jat. Sa1h.
    sentimental W.
    fanciful MW.
    lustful ib.
    m. a man full of taste or feeling (cf. %{a-r-})
    a libertine W.
    Ardea Sibirica
    a horse
    an elephant
    unboiled juice of sugar-cane
    (%{A}) f. see below.
  295. रसेन्द्र (rasendra) (rasendra)
    m. `" chief of fluids "', quicksilver Can2d2.
    the philosopher's stone (the touch of which turns iron to gold) W.
    %{-kalpadruma} m. %{-cintAmaNi} m. %{-cUdAmaNi} m. %{-maGgala}, n. %{-saMhitA} f. %{-sAra-saMgraha} m. N. of wks.
  296. रसोन (rasona) (rasona)
    see %{rasona}, p. 871.
  297. रहस् (rahas) (rahas)
    1 n. (for 2. see p. 871, col, 1) swiftness, speed, velocity BhP. n. (for 1. see p. 859, col. 3) a lonely or deserted place, loneliness, solitude, privacy, secrecy, retirement (%{rahas}, %{-si} and %{-ssu} ind. privately, in secret) Mn. MBh. &c.
    a secret, mystery, mystical truth Ka1v. Pur.
    sexual intercourse, copulation L.
  298. रहस्य (rahasya) (rahasya)
    mfn. secret, private, clandestine, concealed, mysterious Vas. MBh. &c. (%{-syAni@romANi}, hair on the private parts Mn. iv, 144)
    (%{A}) f. = %{rAsnA} or %{pAThA}
    N. of a river MBh.
    n. a secret, any secret doctrine or mystery, any subtle or recondite point, mystical or esoteric teaching Mn. MBh. &c.
    an Upanishad (see %{sa-r-})
    full or abridged N. of various wks.
    (%{am}) ind. in secret, secretly, privately MBh.
  299. रहित (rahita) (rahita)
    mfn. left, quitted, forsaken, deserted, lonely, solitary MBh. R. &c. (%{e} or %{eSu} ind. in secret, secretly, privately)
    deserted by, separated or free from, deprived or void or destitute of (instr. or comp.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    (ibc.) wanting, absent (cf. below).
  300. राक्षस (rākṣasa) (rākṣasa)
    mf(%{i})n. (fr. %{rakSas}) belonging to or like a Rakshas, demoniacal, infested by demons AitBr. &c. &c. (with %{vivAha}, or %{dharma} or %{vidhi} m. `" one of the 8 forms of marriage "', the violent seizure or rape of a girl after the defeat or destruction of her relatives see Mn. iii, 33)
    m. a Rakshas or demon in general, an evil or malignant demon (the Ra1kshasas are sometimes regarded as produced from Brahma1's foot, sometimes with Ra1van2a as descendants of Pulastya, elsewhere they are styled children of Khasa1 or Su-rasa
    according to some they are distinguishable into 3 classes, one being of a semi-divine benevolent nature and ranking with Yakshas &c.
    another corresponding to Titans or relentless enemies of the gods
    and a third answering more to nocturnal demons, imps, fiends, goblins, going about at night, haunting cemeteries, disturbing sacrifices and even devouring human beings
    this last class is the one most commonly mentioned
    their chief place of abode was Lan3ka1 in Ceylon
    in R. v, 10, 17 &c. they are fully described
    cf. also IW. 310 RTL. 237) Kaus3. Up. &c.
    a king of the Rakshas g. %{parzv-Adi}
    (with Jainas) one of the 8 classes of Vyantaras
    N. of the 30th Muhu1rta
    of one of the astronomical Yogas. Col.
    of a minister of Nanda Mudr.
    of a poet Cat. (cf. below)
    m. n. the 49th year in the Jupiter cycle of 6o years VarBr2S.
    (%{I}) f. a Ra1kshasi1 or female demon MBh. Ka1v. Katha1s.
    the island of the Ra1kshasas i.e. Lan3ka1 or Ceylon Buddh.
    N. of a malignant spirit supposed to haunt the four corners of a house VarBr2S.
    of a Yogini1 Hcat.
    a kind of plant (= %{caNDA})
    a large tooth, tusk L.
  301. राग (rāga) (rāga)
    m. (fr. %{raJj}
    ifc. %{A}, or %{I}) the act of colouring or dyeing (cf. %{mUrdhaja-r-})
    colour, hue, tint, dye, (esp.) red colour, redness MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    inflammation Car.
    any feeling or passion, (esp.) love, affection or sympathy for, vehement desire of, interest or joy or delight in (loc. or comp.) Up. Mn. MBh. &c.
    loveliness, beauty (esp. of voice or song) S3ak. Pan5cat.
    a musical note, harmony, melody (in the later system a partic. musical mode or order of sound or formula
    Bharata enumerates 6, viz. %{bhairava}, %{kauzika}, %{hindola}, %{dIpaka}, %{zrI-rAga}, and %{megha}, each mode exciting some affection
    other writers give other names
    sometimes 7 or 26 Ra1gas are mentioned
    they are personified, and each of the 6 chief Ra1gas is wedded to 5 or 6 consorts called Ra1gin2i1s
    their union gives rise to many other musical modes) Bhar. Sam2gi1t. Ra1jat. Pan5cat. &c.
    nasalization, Rpra1t.
    a partic. process in the preparation of quicksilver Sarvad.
    seasoning, condiment Car.
    a prince, king
    the sun
    the moon
    (%{A}) f. Eleusine Coracana (a sort of grain, commonly called Ra1ggy, and much cultivated in the south of India)
    N. of the second daughter of An3giras MBh.
    (%{I}) f. Eleusine Coracana L.
  302. रागिन् (rāgin) (rāgin)
    mf(%{iNI}) n. (fr. %{raJj}, and %{rAga}) coloured, having a partic. colour (applied to a kind of Amaurosis or blindness when it affects the second membrane of the eye, as opp. to %{a-rAgin}, which affects the first) Sus3r.
    colouring, dyeing
    red, of a red colour Pan5cat. Katha1s.
    impassioned, affectionate, enamoured, passionately fond of or attached to or hankering after (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    gladdening, delighting Ma1lati1m.
    m. a painter
    a lover, libertine ib.
    a sort of grain
    (%{iNI}) f. a modification of the musical mode called Ra1ga (q.v.
    35 or 36 Ra1gin2i1s are enumerated) Sam2gi1t. Pan5car. S3ukas.
    a wanton and intriguing woman W.
    N. of the eldest daughter of Menaka1 Pur.
    of a form of Lakshmi1 ib.
  303. राघव (rāghava) (rāghava)
    m. (fr. %{raghu}) a descendant of Raghu patr. of Aja, of Das3a-ratha, and (esp.) of Ra1ma-candra (du. %{rAghavau} = Ra1ma and Lakshman2a) R. Ragh. &c.
    N. of various authors and others (also with %{AcArya}, %{bhaTTa}, %{paJcA7nana-bhaTTA7cArya}, %{cakravartin}, %{rAya} &c.) Cat.
    of a serpent-demon
    the ses, ocean
    a species of large fish L.
  304. राजन् (rājan) (rājan)
    1 m. (ifc. mostly %{-rAja}, esp. in Tat-purushas
    f. %{-rAjan}, %{-jA} or %{-jJI}
    cf. Pa1n2. 4-1, 28 Sch.) a king, sovereign, prince, chief (often applied to gods e.g. to Varun2a and the other A1dityas, to Indra, Yama &c., but esp. to Soma [also the plant and juice] and the Moon) RV. &c. &c.
    a man of the royal tribe or the military caste, a Kshatriya A1s3vS3r. ChUp. Mn. &c. (cf. %{rAjanya})
    a Yaksha
    N. of one of the 18 attendants on Su1rya (identified with a form of Guha)
    of Yudhi-sht2hira MBh. (%{rAjJAm@indra-maho7tsavaH} and %{-rAjJAm} %{pratibodhaH}N. of wks.) [875,1]
    (%{rA4jJI}) f. see s.v. [Cf. Lat. {rex}
    Kelt. {ri7g}, fr. which Old Germ. {ri7k}
    Goth. {reiks}
    Angl. Sax. {ri7ce}
    Eng. {rich}.]
  305. राजक (rājaka) (rājaka)
    mfn. illuminating, irradiating, splendid W.
    (%{-ka4}) m. a little king, petty prince RV. Hariv.
    a king, prince (= %{rAjan}, esp. ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    N. of various men Ra1jat. Lalit.
    n. a number of kings Ka1v. Pur. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-2, 39).
  306. राजकोशनिघण्टु (rājakośanighaṇṭu) (rājakośanighaṇṭu)
    m. N. of a dictionary by Raghu-na1tha Pan2d2ita (also called %{rAja-vyavahAra-koza}).
  307. राजतस् (rājatas) (rājatas)
    ind, from the kkings Mn. iv, 33.
  308. राजन (rājana) (rājana)
    mfn. belonging to a royal family (but not to the warrior caste) Siddh. on Pa1n2. 4-1, 137
    (%{I}) f. N. of a river MBh.
    = %{gautamI}
    (%{-na4}) n. N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.
  309. राजन्य (rājanya) (rājanya)
    mf(%{A4})n. kingly, princely, royal RV. &c. &c.
    m. a royal personage, man of the regal or military tribe (ancient N. of the second or Kshatriya caste) ib. (cf. IW. 228)
    N. of Agni or Fire Un2. 100 Sch.
    a kind of date tree (= %{kSIrikA})
    pl. N. of a partic. family of warriors VarBr2S.
    (%{A}) f. a lady of royal rank MBh. Hariv.
  310. राज् (rāj) (rāj)
    1 (prob. originally two roots
    cf. %{raj} %{raJj}, %{RJj}) cl. 1. P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xix, 74) %{rA4jati}, %{-te} (Ved. also %{rASTi}, %{rAT}
    pf. %{rarAja}
    %{rarAje} or %{reje}, 2. sg. P. %{rarAjitha} or %{rejitha} MBh. &c.
    aor. %{arAjiSuH} RV.
    %{arAjiSTa} Gr.
    fut. %{rAjitA}, %{rAjiSyati} ib.
    inf. %{rAja4se} RV.), to reign, be king or chief, rule over (gen.), direct, govern (acc.) RV. &c. &c.
    to be illustrious or resplendent, shine, glitter ib.
    to appear as or like (%{iva}) Kum. vi, 49: Caus. %{rAjayati}, %{-te} (aor. %{ararAjat}), to reign, rule AV. MBh.
    to illuminate, make radiant (cf. %{rAjita}): Desid. %{rirAjiSati}, %{-te} Gr.: Intens. %{rArAjyate}, %{rArASTi} ib. [For cognate words see under %{rAjan}.] 2 (ifc.) shining, radiant &c.
    (%{rA4j}) m. (nom. %{rA4T}) a king, sovereign, chief (in later language only ifc.) RV. &c. &c.
    anything the best or chief of its kind (cf. %{zaGkha-r-})
    N. of an Eka7ha S3rS.
    a kind of metre RPra1t.
    f. N. of a goddess (explained by %{rAjamAnA}) TBr.
  311. राजि (rāji) (rāji)
    f. (prob. fr. %{raj}, %{raJj}) a streak, line, row, range S3Br. &c. &c.
    a line parting the hair MW.
    the uvula or soft palate
    a striped snake
    a field
    Vernonia Anthelminthica(cf. %{rAjI})
    m. N. of a son of A1yu MBh. (B. %{raji})). L.
  312. राजस (rājasa) (rājasa)
    mfn. belonging or relating to the quality %{rajas} (q.v.), endowed with or influenced by the quality of passion, passionate (%{-tva} n.) MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c.
    m. pl. N. of a class of gods in the 5th Manv-antara VP.
    (%{I}) f. N. of Durga1
  313. राजसिक (rājasika) (rājasika)
    mfn. = %{rAjasa} Pan5car.
  314. राजानक (rājānaka) (rājānaka)
    m. an inferior kkind, petty prince ib.
    N. of Mammat2a Cat.
    %{-mahimA7cArya} m. N. of an author ib.
  315. राजिक (rājika) (rājika)
    mfn. see %{SoDasa-r-}
    m. = %{nare7ndra}
    N. of a Muni Cat.
    (%{A}) f. see %{rAjikA} under %{rAji}, col. 2. m. pl. N. of a people R. (v.l.)
  316. राज्य (rājya) (rājya)
    mfn. kingly, princely, royal TBr.
    n. (also %{rA4jya} or %{rAjyA}) royalty, kingship, sovereignty, empire (`" over "' loc. or comp.
    `" of "' gen. or comp.
    acc. with %{kR} or Caus. of %{kR} or with %{upa-As} or %{vi-dhA}, to exercise government, rule, govern) AV. &c. &c.
    kingdom, country, realm (= %{rASTra}) ib. 1.
  317. राढा (rāḍhā) (rāḍhā)
    f. beauty, splendour
    (sometimes written %{rArA}) N. of a district in the west of Bengal (= %{suhma}) and its capital Katha1s. Prab.
  318. राणा (rāṇā) (rāṇā)
    m. (corruption of %{rAjan} q.v.) a king.
  319. रात (rāta) (rāta)
    mfn. given, presented, bestowed RV. &c. &c. (often ifc.
    cf. %{asmad-}, %{deva-}, %{brahma-r-}. &c.)
    m. N. of a teacher Pin3g. Sch.
  320. राति (rāti) (rāti)
    mfn. ready or willing to give, generous, favourable, graciousVS. Br.
    f. a favour, grace, gift, oblation RV. &c. &c. (in RV. also `" the Giver "' conceived of as a deity and associated with Bhaga
    %{indrasya@rAtI} v.l. %{-tiH}N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.)
  321. रात्रि (rātri) (rātri)
    or (older) %{rA4trI} f. (prob. `" bestower "', fr. %{rA}
    or `" season of rest "', fr. %{ram}) night, the darkness or stillness of night (often personified) RV. &c. &c. (%{rAtrau} or %{-tryAm} ind. at nnight, by nnight
    %{rAtrau@zayanam}, a festival on the 11th day of the first half of the month A1sha1d2ha, regarded as the night of the gods, beginning with the summer solstice, when Vishn2u reposes for four months on the serpent S3esha)
    = %{ati-rAtra} S3Br.
    = %{rAtri-paryAya} ib.
    = %{rAtri-sAman} La1t2y.
    (only %{rAtri}) one of the 4 bodies of Brahma1 VP.
    = %{haridrA}, turmeric MBh. Sus3r.
    (with the patr. %{bhAradvAjI}) N. of the authoress of RV. x, 127 Anukr.
  322. रात्रिक (rātrika) (rātrika)
    mfn. nocturnal, nightly Pan5cad.
    (ifc. after a numeral) lasting or sufficient for or completed in a certain number of nights or days (cf. %{eka-}, %{dvai-}, %{paJca-r-})
    (%{A}) f. night MW.
  323. राद्ध (rāddha) (rāddha)
    mfn. accomplished, brought about, perfected, achieved, prepared, ready (n. impers. `" it has been achieved by "', with instr.) Ka1tyS3r. BhP.
    successful, fortunate, happy Br. Kaus3.
    fallen to the share or lot of any one BhP.
    propitiated, conciliated MW.
    perfect in mysterious or magical power, adept, initiated ib.
  324. राद्धि (rāddhi) (rāddhi)
    f. accomplishment, perfection, completion, success, good fortune AV. Br. S3rS.
  325. राधा (rādhā) (rādhā)
    f. prosperity, success
    (also du.) N. of the 21st Nakshatra Vis3a1kha1 (containing 4 stars in the form of a curve supposed to be %{a}, %{t}, %{v}, Librae, and $ Scorpionis cf. %{nakSatra})
    a partic. attitude in shooting (standing with the feet a span apart
    cf. %{-bhedhin}, %{-vedhin}), Pracan2d2.
    Emblic Myrobolan
    Clytoria Ternatea
    N. of the foster-mother of Karn2a (q.v.
    she was the wife of Adhiratha, who was Su1ta or charioteer of king S3u1ra) MBh. (cf. IW. 377)
    of a celebrated cowherdess or Gopi (beloved by Kr2ishn2a, and a principal personage in Jaya-deva's poem Gitagovinda
    at a later period worshipped as a goddess, and occasionally regarded as an Avata1ra of Lakshmi1, as Kr2ishn2a is of Vishn2u
    also identified with Da1ksha1yan2i1) Gi1t. Pan5cat. &c. (cf. IW. 332)
    of a female slave Lalit.
  326. राधस् (rādhas) (rādhas)
    n. favour, kindness, bounty, a gift of affection, any gift
    munificence, liberality ib.
    accomplishment of one's wishes, success BhP.
    striving to accomplish or gain ib.
    wealth, power ib.
  327. राधिका (rādhikā) (rādhikā)
    f. endearing form of Ra1dha1 (the Gopi1) Gi1t. Pan5car.
  328. राधेय (rādheya) (rādheya)
    m. metr. of Karn2a (cf. under %{rAdhA}) MBh. R. Ra1jat.
    of Bhishma
  329. रइ (raï) (rai)
    1 cl. 1. P. (Dha1tup. xxii, 23) %{rA4yati}, to bark, bark at (acc.) RV. [Cf. Lat. {latrare}
    Lith. {re4ti}, {lo4ti}
    Slav. {lajati}
    Goth. {laian}.] 2 m. (nom. %{rAs}?) barking, sound, noise MW.
  330. राम (rāma) (rāma)
    mf(%{A4})n. (prob. `" causing rest "', and in most meanings fr. %{ram}) dark, dark-coloured, black (cf. %{rAtri}) AV. TA1r. (%{rAmaH@zakuniH}. a black bird, crow Ka1t2hGr2. Vishn2.)
    white (?)
    pleasing, pleasant, charming, lovely, beautiful MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a kind of deer Car.
    a horse
    a lover VarBr2S.
    pleasure, joy, delight BhP.
    N. of Varun2a.
    N. of various mythical personages (in Veda two Ra1mas are mentioned with the patr. Ma1rgaveya and Aupatasvini
    another RRa1mas with the patr. Ja1madagnya [cf. below] is the supposed author of RV. x, 110
    in later times three RRa1mas are celebrated, viz. 1. Paras3u-ra1ma [q.v.], who forms the 6th Avata1ra of Vishn2u and is sometimes called Ja1madagnya, as son of the sage Jamad-agni by Ren2uka1, and sometimes Bha1rgava, as descended from Bhr2igu
    2. Ra1ma-candra [see below]
    3. Bala-ra1ma [q.v.], `" the strong Ra1ma "', also called Hala7yudha and regarded as elder brother of Kr2ishn2a [RTL. 112] accord. to Jainas a Ra1ma is enumerated among the 9 white Balas
    and in VP. a RRa1mas is mentioned among the 7 R2ishis of the 8th Manv-antara) RV. &c &c. N. of a king of Malla-pura Cat.
    of a king of S3r2in3ga-vera and patron of Na1ge7s3a ib.
    of various authors and teachers (also with %{AcArya}, %{upA7dhyAya}, %{kavi}, %{cakra-vartin}, %{jyotir-vid}, %{jyau-} %{tiSaka}, %{tarka-vAg-Iza}, %{dIkSita}, %{daiva-jJa}, %{paNDita}, %{bhaTTa}, %{bhaTTA7cArya}, %{vAjapeyin}, %{zarman}, %{zAstrin}, %{saMyamin}, %{sUri} &c.) Cat.
    N. of the number `" three "' (on account of the 3 Ra1mas) Hcat. (%{rAmasya@iSuH}, a kind of cane = %{rAmakaNDa} L.)
    pl. N. of a people VP.
    (%{A4}) f. a beautiful woman, any young and charming woman, mistress, wife, any woman Kat2hUp. MBh. &c. (for comp. see p. 878)
    a dark woman i.e. a woman of low origin TS. TA1r.
    N. of various plants (Jonesia Asoka
    Aloe Perfoliata
    Asa Foetida &c.)vermilion
    red earth
    a kind of pigment (= %{gorocanA})
    a river
    a kind of metre
    (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
    N. of an ApsarasSch.
    of a daughter of Kumbha7n2d2a Hariv.
    of the mother of the ninth Arhat of the present Ava-sarpin2i1
    (%{I4}) f. darkness, night RV.
    n. id. ib.
    the leaf of Laurus Cassia
    Chenopodium Album
    = %{kuSTha} L.
  331. रामण (rāmaṇa) (rāmaṇa)
    m. Diospyros Embryopteris(v.l. %{ramaNa})
    a tree resembling the Melia Bukayun
    (%{A}) f. N. of an Apsaras R. (v.l. %{vAmanA}).
  332. रामनवमी (rāmanavamī) (rāmanavamī)
    f. N. of the 9th day in the light half of the month Caitra (being the birthday of Ra1ma-candra) Ra1matUp. RTL. 430
    %{-nirNaya} m. %{-pUjA} f. %{-vrata-kathA} f. %{vrata-mAhAtmya}, n. N. of wks.
  333. रामायण (rāmāyaṇa) (rāmāyaṇa)
    see %{rAmAyaNa}, col. 3.
  334. राल (rāla) (rāla)
    %{rAlaka}, or %{rAli} m. the resin of Shorea Robusta
  335. राव (rāva) (rāva)
    m. (1. %{ru}) a cry, shriek, roar, yell, any sound or noise MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  336. रावण (rāvaṇa) (rāvaṇa)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to cry (with gen. or ifc.
    only in this sense to explain the name of the famous Ra1kshasa) MBh. R. &c.
    m. N. of the ruler of Lan3ka1 or Ceylon and the famous chief of the Ra1kshasas or demons whose destruction by Ra1macandra forms the subject of the Ra1ma1yan2a (as son of Vis3ravas he was younger brother of Kubera, but by a different mother, Ilavila being the mother of Kubera, and Kes3ini1 of the three other brothers Ra1van2a Vibhi1shan2a, and Kumbha-karn2a
    he is one of the worst of the many impersonations of evil common in Hindu1 mythology
    he has ten heads and twenty arms, symbolizing strength
    this power was, as usual, acquired by self-inflicted austerities, which had obtained from Brahma1 a boon, in virtue of which RRa1van2a was invulnerable by gods and divine beings of all kinds, though not by men or a god in human form
    as Vishn2u became incarnate in Ra1ma-candra to destroy RRa1van2a, so the other gods produced innumerable monkeys, bears, and various semi-divine animals to do battle with the legions of demons, his subjects, under Khara, Du1shan2a, and his other generals) MBh. R. Hariv. &c. (IW. 353)
    patr. fr. %{ravaNa} g. %{zivA7di}
    N. of a prince of Kas3mi1ra Ra1jat.
    of various authors Cat.
    (%{I}) f. (with %{cikitsA}) N. of a medical wk.
    n. the act of screaming &c. MW.
    N. of a Muhu1rta Cat.
  337. राशि (rāśi) (rāśi)
    m. (L. also f.
    once m.c. in R. %{I}, f.
    derivation doubtful, but cf. Un2. iv, 32) a heap, mass, pile, group, multitude, quantity, number RV. &c. &c.
    (in arithm.) a sum or the figure or figures put down for an operation (such as multiplying, dividing &c.) Col.
    a measure of quantity (= %{droNa}) S3a1rn3gS.
    a sign of the zodiac (as being a certain sum or quantity of degrees), one-twelfth part of the ecliptic, an astrological house MBh. VarBr2S. &c. (cf. IW. 178)
    a heap of corn
    N. of an Eka7ha S3rS.
  338. राष्ट्र (rāṣṭra) (rāṣṭra)
    see s.v.
  339. रास (rāsa) (rāsa)
    m. uproar, noise, din
    N. of a partic. rustic dance practised by cowherds, (esp.) the dance practised by Kr2ishn2a and the Gopi1s Hariv. Pur. Gi1t. &c. (cf. %{rAsaka}) [879,3]
    any sport or play
    a legend (?), in %{narmadA-sundarI-r-} (q.v.)
    = %{bhASA-zRGkhalaka} L.
  340. रासभ (rāsabha) (rāsabha)
    m. (1. %{rAs}), the brayer "', an ass, jackass, donkey RV. &c. &c.
    (%{I}) f. a she-ass MBh. Pan5cat.
  341. राहु (rāhu) (rāhu)
    m. (fr. %{rabh}
    cf. %{graha} and %{grah}) `" the Seizer "'N. of a Daitya or demon who is supposed to seize the sun and moon and thus cause eclipses (he is fabled as a son of Vipra-citti and Sin6hika1 and as having a dragon's tail
    when the gods had churned the ocean for the Amr2ita or nectar of immortality, he disguised himself like one of them and drank a portion
    but the Sun and Moon revealed the fraud to Vishn2u, who cut off Ra1hu's head, which thereupon became fixed in the stellar sphere, and having become immortal through drinking the Amr2ita, has ever since wreaked its vengeance on the Sun and Moon by occasionally swallowing them
    while at the same time the tail of the demon became Ketu [q.v.] and gave birth to a numerous progeny of comets and fiery meteors
    in astron. Ra1hu is variously regarded as a dragon's head, as the ascending node of the moon [or point where the moon intersects the ecliptic in passing northwards], as one of the planets [cf. %{graha}], and as the regent of the south-west quarter [Laghuj.] [880,1]
    among Buddhists many demons are called Ra1hu) AV. &c. &c.
    an eclipse or (rather) the moment of the beginning of an occultation or obscuration VarBr2S.
  342. राहुल (rāhula) (rāhula)
    m. N. of a man Pravar.
    of a son of Gautama Buddha MWB. 25
    of a son of Suddhodana VP. (v.l. for %{rAtula})
    of a minister Buddh.
  343. रिक्त (rikta) (rikta)
    %{riktha4} &c. see col. 2. mfn. (accord. to Pa1n2. 6-1, 208, also %{ri4kta}) emptied, empty, void AV. &c. &c.
    bared (as an arm) Megh.
    hollow, hollowed (as the hands) Cat.
    poor, indigent MBh. BhP.
    idle, worthless Pa1n2. 8-1, 8 Sch.
    (ifc.) devoid or destitute of, free from, without MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. (in augury) N. of one of the four wagtails which serve for omens VarBr2S.
    of a man Pat.
    (%{A}) f. (scil. %{tithi}) N. of the 4th, 9th, or 14th day of the lunar fortnight VarBr2S. (cf. %{riktA7rka})
    n. an empty place, desert, wilderness, wood L.
  344. रिपु (ripu) (ripu)
    mfn. deceitful, treacherous, false RV.
    m. a deceiver, cheat, rogue ib.
    an enemy, adversary, foe Mn. MBh. &c.
    (in astrol.) a hostile planet VarBr2S.
    N. of the 6th astrological house ib.
    a gall-nut
    N. of a son of S3lisht2i Hariv.
    of a son of Yadu and Babhru Pur.
  345. रिपुता (riputā) (riputā)
    f. enmity, hostility Hit.
  346. रिरंसु (riraṃsu) (riraṃsu)
    mfn. wishing for sport or sexual pleasure, wanton, lustful Hariv. Ka1v. Sus3r.
    wishing to enjoy (any one acc.) carnally HParis3.
  347. रिरंसा (riraṃsā) (riraṃsā)
    f. (fr. Desid. of %{ram}) desire of pleasure or of sexual enjoyment, lasciviousness, lustfulness MBh. Katha1s. Pur.
  348. रिष्ट (riṣṭa) (riṣṭa)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see below) torn off, broken, injured2 mfn. hurt, injured wounded (cf. %{a4riSTa} and 1. %{riSTa})
    failed, miscarried S3Br.
    m. a sword(cf. %{riSTi})
    Sapindus Detergens(cf. %{a-riSTa})
    N. of a Daitya Hariv.
    of a king MBh.
    of a son of Manu Ma1rkP. [881,2]
    (%{A}) f. N. of the mother of the Apsarases ib. (prob. w.r. for %{a-riSTA})
    n. misfortune, calamity VarBr2S. Sch.
    a bad omen Sus3r.
    good luck, fortune L.
  349. रीति (rīti) (rīti)
    f. going, motion, course RV.
    a stream, current ib.
    a streak, line, row Pa1rGr2. Hariv. Naish.
    limit, boundary (= %{sIman})
    general course or way, usage, custom, practice, method, manner Ka1v. Katha1s. Sarvad.
    natural propensity or disposition
    style of speaking or writing, diction (three are usually enumerated, viz. %{vaidarbhI}, %{gauDI}, %{paJcAlI}, to which a fourth is sometimes added, viz. %{lATikA}, and even a fifth and sixth, viz. %{AvantikA} or %{yAvantikA} and %{mAgadhI}) Va1m. Ka1vya7d. Sa1h. &c.
    yellow or pale brass, bell-metal Ra1jat. Katha1s.
    rust of iron
    scoria or oxide formed on metals by exposure to heat and air L.
  350. रुच् (ruc) (ruc)
    1 cl. 1. A1. (Dha1tup. xviii, 5) %{rocate} (Ved. and ep. also %{-ti}
    pf. %{ruroca}, %{ruruce4} RV. &c. &c.
    Subj. %{rurucanta} Pot. %{rurucyAs} RV.
    p. %{rurukva4s}, %{rurucAna4} ib.
    aor. %{arucat} Ra1jat.
    %{arociSTa} Br. &c.
    %{arukta} TA1r.
    p. %{rucAna4} RV.
    aor. Pass. %{aroci} RV.
    Prec. %{rucIya} TA1r.
    %{rociSIya} Br.
    %{ruciSIya} AV.
    fut. %{rocitA} Gr.
    %{rociSyate} MBh.
    inf. %{rocitum} ib.
    %{ruce4} RV.
    ind. p. %{rucitvA} or %{rocitvA} Pa1n2. 1-2, 26), to shine, be bright or radiant or resplendent RV. &c. &c.
    (only in pf. P.) to make bright or resplendent RV.
    to be splendid or beautiful or good AV. Mn. MBh. &c.
    to be agreeable to, please (dat. or gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    to be pleased with, like (acc.) MBh. R.
    to be desirous of, long for (dat.) Hariv.: Caus. %{roca4yati}, %{-te} (aor. %{a4rUrucat}, %{-cata}
    Pass. %{rocyate}), to cause to shine RV.
    to enlighten, illuminate, make bright ib. S3Br. BhP.
    to make pleasant or beautiful AV. AitBr. Kum. [882,1]
    to cause any one (acc.) to long for anything (dat.) Gi1t.
    to find pleasure in, like, approve, deem anything right (acc. or inf.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    to choose as (double acc.) R.
    to purpose, intend Hariv.
    (Pass.) to be pleasant or agreeable to (dat.) R.: Desid. %{ruruciSate} or %{rurociSate} Gr.: Intens. (only p. %{ro4rucAna}) to shine bright RV. [Cf. Gk. $, $
    &267141[882,1] {lux}, {luceo}, {luna}, {lumen}
    Goth. {liuhath}, {lauhmuni}
    Germ. {lioht}, {lieht}, {licht}
    Angl. Sax. {leo4ht}
    Eng. {light}.]
  351. रुज् (ruj) (ruj)
    1 cl. 6. P. (Dha1tup. xxviii, 123) %{ruja4ti} (ep. also %{-te}
    pf. %{ruro4ja} RV. &c. &c.
    aor. 2. sg. %{rok} VS.
    %{ruk} MaitrS.
    %{araukSIt} Gr.
    fut. %{roktA}, %{rokSyati} ib.
    inf. %{-ru4je} RV.
    ind. p. %{ruktvA4}, %{-ru4jya} Br.), to break, break open, dash to pieces, shatter, destroy RV. &c. &c.
    to cause pain, afflict, injure (with acc. or gen.
    cf. Pa1n2. 2-3, 54) VS. &c. &c.: Caus. %{rojayati} (aor. %{arUrujat}), to cause to break &c.
    to strike upon (loc.) BhP.
    (cl. 10 Dha1tup. xxxiii, 129) to hurt, injure, kill: Desid. %{rurukSati} Gr. (see %{rurukSa4Ni}): Intens. %{rorujyate}, %{rorokti}, Gr. [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. {lugeo}.] &267372[882,3] 2 (ifc.), breaking, crushing, shattering MBh.
    pain, illness, disease Mn. MBh. &c.
    fracture MW.
    toil, trouble ib.
    Costus Speciosus Bhpr.
  352. रुक्म (rukma) (rukma)
    %{rukmin} see next page.
  353. रुक्मिन् (rukmin) (rukmin)
    mfn. (%{iNI})n. wearing golden ornaments, adorned with gold RV. Br.
    m. N. of the eldest son of Bhi1shmaka and adversary of Kr2ishn2a (he was slain by Bala-ra1ma
    see %{rukmiNI} above) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    N. of a mountain
    (%{iNI}) f. see above.
  354. रुचक (rucaka) (rucaka)
    mfn. very large(W. also `" agreeable, pleasing
    sharp, acid
    tonic, stomachic "')
    m. n. a tooth Sus3r.
    a kind of golden ornament or necklace Das3.
    a ring
    any object or substance supposed to bring good luck Sus3r.
    a citron
    m. a dove, pigeon
    Ricinus Communis
    N. of one of the five remarkable personages born under partic. constellations VarBr2S.
    a kind of four-sided column ib.
    N. of a son of Us3anas BhP.
    of a king VP. (v.l. %{ruruka})
    of an author Prata1p. Sch.
    of a mountain Pur. S3atr.
    n. a horse-ornament
    a garland
    Embelia Ribes
    sochal salt
    sweet juice
    a bright yellow pigment = %{go-rocanA} q.v.
    a kind of tonic (see above)
    a sort of building or temple having terraces on three sides and closed only on the north side VarBr2S.
  355. रुचि (ruci) (ruci)
    f. (%{ruci4} MaitrS.) light, lustre, splendour, beauty AV. &c. &c.
    colour Ka1v.
    liking, taste, relish, pleasure, appetite, zest AV. &c. &c. (ifc. taking pleasure in, desirous of. longing for
    with loc., %{prati} inf. or comp.
    %{ruciM-dA} or %{rucaye-bhU}, to please
    %{rucim@A-vah}, with dat., to excite a desire for
    %{rucyA} or %{sva-rucyA}, at pleasure, at will)
    a kind of coitus
    a kind of pigment (= %{rocanA})
    N. of an Apsaras MBh.
    of the wife of Devas3arman ib.
    m. N. of a Praja1-pati (the husband of A1ku1ti and father of Yajn5a or Su-yajn5a and of Manu Raucya) Pur.
    of a son of Vis3va1mitra MBh.
    of a king VP.
    mfn. pleasant, agreeable (= %{rucira}) R.
  356. रुचित (rucita) (rucita)
    mfn. shone upon (by the sun &c.), bright, brilliant, glittering "' S3Br. S3rS.
    pleasant, agreeable, S3an3khGr2. MBh.
    sweet, delicate, dainty Un2. iv, 185 Sch.
    sharpened (as appetite) W.
    digested ib.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of metre W. (prob. w.r. for %{rucirA})
    n. an exclamation used at a S3raddha Mn. iii, 254.
  357. रुचिर (rucira) (rucira)
    mf(%{A}) n. bright, brilliant, radiant, splendid, beautiful MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    pleasant, charming, agreeable to, liked by (gen. or comp.) ib.
    sweet, dainty, nice
    stomachic, cordial, S3srn3gS.
    m. N. of a son of Sena-jit Hariv.
    (%{A}) f. a. kind of pigment (= %{go-rocanA})
    N. of a woman (see col. 3)
    of two metres Col.
    of a river R.
    n. (only.) saffron (prob. w.r. for %{rudhira}), a radish
    cloves (prob. w.r. for %{suSira}).
  358. रुच्य (rucya) (rucya)
    mf(%{A})n. bright, radiant, beautiful, pleasing Naish.
    giving an appetite, tonic Sus3r. Bhpr.
    m. (only L.) a lover, husband
    Strychnos Potatorum
    Aegle Marmelos
    (%{A}) f. (only L.) black cumin
    a species of cucumber
    n. a kind of tonic W.
    sochal salt L.
  359. रुष् (ruṣ) (ruṣ)
    1 (cf. %{ruz}) cl. 1. 4. P. (Dha1tup., xvii, 42
    xxvi, 120) %{roSati} or %{ruSyati} (rarely %{-te}, and %{ruSati}, cf. %{ruSat}
    Gr. also pf. %{ruroSa}
    aor. %{aruSat} or %{aroSIt}
    fut. %{roSitA}, %{roSTA}
    inf. %{roSitum} or %{roSTum}
    ind. p. %{ruSya} MBh.), to hurt, injure, kill (%{hiMsAyAm}) Dha1tup.
    (cl. 1.) to be hurt or offended by, take offence (acc.) RV. viii, 99, 4
    to displease, be disagreeable to (gen.) ib. viii, 4, 8 AitBr. iv, 10 (cf. %{ruSat} and 1. %{ruzat})
    (cl. 4.) to be vexed or cross, be angry with (gen.) MBh. R. &c.: Caus. (or cl. 10. Dha1tup. xxxii, 131) %{roSayati}, %{-te} (aor. %{arUruSat}
    Pass. %{roSyate}), to vex, annoy, displease, irritate, exasperate MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to be furious or angry DivyA7v.: Desid. %{ruruSiSati}, %{ruroSiSati} Gr.: Intens. %{roruSyate}, %{roroSTi} ib. [Cf. Gk. $ &c.] &268111[885,1] 2 f. (nom. %{ruT} Siddh.) anger, westh, rage, fury, passion MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  360. रुह् (ruh) (ruh)
    1 (cf., 1. %{rudh}) cl. 1. P. (Dha1tup. N. xx, 29) %{ro4hati} (m. c. also %{-te} and %{ruhati}, %{-te}
    Ved. and ep. impf. or aur. %{aruhat}
    Pot. %{ruheyam}, %{-ruhethAs}, %{-ruhemahi}
    Impv. %{ruha}, p. %{ru4hANa}
    pf. %{ruroha}, %{ruruhu4H} RV. &c. &c.
    %{ruruhe} BhP.
    aor. %{a4rukSat}&c.
    fut. %{roDhA} Gr.
    %{rokSya4ti}, %{-te} Br. &c.
    %{rohiSye} MBh.
    inf. %{roDhum} Br. &c.
    %{rohitum} MBh.
    %{ro4hiSyai} TS.
    ind. p. %{rUDhvA4} AV., %{-ru4hya} ib. &c.
    %{-rUhya} AitBr.
    %{-ru4ham} RV.
    %{-ro4ham} Br.), to ascend, mount, climbBr. S3rS.
    to reach to, attain (a desire) S3Br.
    to rise, spring up, grow, develop, increase, prosper, thrive RV. &c. &c. (with %{na}, `" to be useless or in vain "' MBh.)
    to grow together or over, cicatrize, heal (as a wound) AV. Katha1s. Sus3r. &c.: Caus. %{roha4yati} or (later) %{ropayati}, %{-te} (aor. %{arUruhat} or %{arUrupat} Gr.
    Pass. %{ropyate} MBh. aor. %{aropi} Ka1v.), to cause to ascend, raise up, elevateRa1jat.
    to place in or on, fix in, fasten to, direct towards (with acc. or loc.) MBh. Ka1v. Katha1s.
    to transfer to, commit, entrust Ragh. (cf. %{ropita})
    to put in the ground, plant, sow MBh. R. VarBr2S.
    to lay out (a garden) MBh.
    to cause to grow, increase Ra1jat.
    to cause to grow over or heal AV. Katha1s. Sus3r.: Desid. %{ru4rukSati} see %{A-ruh}: Intens. %{roruhyate}, %{roroDhi} Gr.
  361. रुद् (rud) (rud)
    1 (cf. 1. %{ru}) cl. 2. P. (Dha1tup. xxiv, 59
    cf. Pa1n2. 7-2, 76) %{roditi} (Ved. and ep. also %{rudati}, %{-te} and %{rodati}, %{-te}
    pf. %{ruroda}, %{rurude} MBh.
    aor. %{a4rudat} AV. &c.
    %{arodIt}, %{-diSuH} Gr.
    %{araudiSIt} BhP.
    fut. %{roditA} Gr.
    %{rodiSyati} Ka1v.
    inf. %{roditum} ib.
    ind. p. %{ruditvA} or %{roditvA} MBh.
    %{-rudya} Katha1s.), to weep, cry, howl, roar, lament, wail RV. &c. &c.
    to bewail, deplore ib.: Pass. %{rudyate} (aor. %{arodi}
    %{rudyamAne}, `" while weeping is heard "' Mn. iv, 108): Caus. %{roda4yati} (aor. %{arUrudat}), to cause to weep or lament RV. &c. &c.: Desid. %{rurudiSati} Gr. (cf. %{rurudiSA}, %{-Su}): Intens. %{rorudyate}, %{rorotti} (p. %{rorudyamAna}, %{rorudat}) MBh. [Cf. Lat. {rudere}
    Lith. {ru4dis}, {rauda4}, {raudo4ti}
    Angl. Sax. {reo4tan}.] 2 (ifc.), weeping, crying &c. (see %{agharu4d} and %{bhava-rud})
    f. cry, wail
    grief, pain
    disease W.
  362. रुदित (rudita) (rudita)
    mfn. wept, lamented MBh. Ka1v. &c. weeping, crying, lamenting ib.
    wet with tears MBh.
    n. weeping, crying, lamentation Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s. &c.
  363. रुद्ध (ruddha) (ruddha)
    &c. see col. 2.
  364. रुद्र (rudra) (rudra)
    mfn. (prob.) crying, howling, roaring, dreadful, terrific, terrible, horrible (applied to the As3vins, Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varun2a, and the %{spa4zaH})(accord. to others `" red, shining, glittering "', fr. a %{rud} or %{rudh} connected with %{rudhira}
    others `" strong, having or bestowing strength or power "', fr. a %{rud} = %{vRd}, %{vRdh}
    native authorities give also the following meanings, `" driving away evil "'
    `" running about and roaring "', fr. %{ru} + %{dra} = 2. %{dru}
    `" praiseworthy, to be praised "'
    `" a praiser, worshipper "' = %{stotR} Naigh. iii, 16)
    m. `" Roarer or Howler "'N. of the god of tempests and father and ruler of the Rudras and Maruts (in the Veda he is closely connected with Indra and still more with Agni, the god of fire, which, as a destroying agent, rages and crackles like the roaring storm, and also with Ka1la or Time the all-consumer, with whom he is afterwards identified
    though generally represented as a destroying deity, whose terrible shafts bring death or disease on men and cattle, he has also the epithet %{ziva}, `" benevolent "' or `" auspicious "', and is even supposed to possess healing powers from his chasing away vapours and purifying the atmosphere
    in the later mythology the word %{ziva}, which does not occur as a %{name} in the Veda, was employed, first as an euphemistic epithet and then as a real name for Rudra, who lost his special connection with storms and developed into a form of the disintegrating and reintegrating principle
    while a new class of beings, described as eleven [or thirty-three] in number, though still called Rudras, took the place of the original Rudras or Maruts: in VP. i, 7, Rudra is said to have sprung from Brahma1's forehead, and to have afterwards separated himself into a figure half male and half female, the former portion separating again into the 11 Rudras, hence these later Rudras are sometimes regarded as inferior manifestations of S3iva, and most of their names, which are variously given in the different Pura1n2as, are also names of S3iva [883,2]
    those of the Va1yuP. are Ajai9kapad, Ahir-budhnya, Hara, Nirr2ita, I1s3vara, Bhuvana, An3ga1raka, Ardha-ketu, Mr2ityu, Sarpa, Kapa1lin
    accord. to others the Rudras are represented as children of Kas3yapa and Surabhi or of Brahma1 and Surabhi or of Bhu1ta and Su-ru1pa1
    accord. to VP. i, 8, Rudra is one of the 8 forms of S3iva
    elsewhere he is reckoned among the Dik-pa1las as regent of the north-east quarter) RV. &c. &c. (cf. RTL. 75 &c.)
    N. of the number `" eleven "' (from the 11 Rudras) VarBr2S.
    the eleventh Cat.
    (in astrol.) N. of the first Muhu1rta
    (in music) of a kind of stringed instrument (cf. %{rudrI} and %{rudra-vINA})
    of the letter %{e} Up.
    of various men Katha1s. Ra1jat.
    of various teachers and authors (also with %{AcArya}, %{kavi}, %{bhaTTa}, %{zarman}, %{sUri} &c.) Cat.
    of a king Buddh.
    du. (incorrect acc. to Va1m. v, 2, 1) Rudra and Rudra1n2i (cf. also %{bhavA-r-} and %{somA-rudra})
    pl. the Rudras or sons of Rudra (sometimes identified with or distinguished from the Maruts who are 11 or 33 in number) RV. &c. &c.
    an abbreviated N. for the texts or hymns addressed to Rudra Gr2S3rS. Gaut. Vas. (cf. %{rudra-japa})
    of a people (v.l. %{puNDra}) VP.
    (%{A}) f. a species of creeping plant
    N. of a wife of Vasu-deva Va1yuP.
    of a daughter of Raudra1s3va (v.l. %{bhadrA}) VP.
    pl. a hundred heatmaking suns "' rays
    (%{I}) f. a kind of lute or guitar(cf. m. and %{rudra-vINA}).
  365. रुद्राभिषेक (rudrābhiṣeka) (rudrābhiṣeka)
  366. रुधिर (rudhira) (rudhira)
    mfn. (prob. fr. the above lost root %{rudh}, `" to be red "'
    cf. %{rohita} and also under %{rudra}) red, blood-red, bloody AV. v, 29, 10 [884,3]
    m. the bloodred planet or Mars VarBr2S. Pan5cat.
    a kind of precious stone (cf. %{rudhirA7khya})
    (%{ru4-}) n. (ifc. f. %{A}) blood S3Br. &c. &c.
    saffron Car.
    N. of a city Hariv. (cf. %{zonita-pura}). [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. &267944[884,3] {ruber}, {rubeo}, {rufus}
    Lith. {ru4das}, {rau4das}, {raudo4nas}
    Slav. {ru8dru8}, {ru8de8ti}
    Goth. {rauths}
    Angl. Sax. {rea4d}
    Eng. {red}
    Germ. {ro7t}, {rot}.]
  367. रुरु (ruru) (ruru)
    m. (cf. 1. %{ru} Un2. iv, 103) a species of antelope (picta) VS. &c. &c.
    a kind of savage animal BhP. (cf. %{raurava})
    a dog
    a species of fruit tree g. %{plakSA7di}
    a form of Bhairava Cat.
    N. of a son of the R2ishi Pramati by the Apsaras Ghr2ita1ci1 MBh. Katha1s.
    of a son of Ahi1na-gu VP.
    of one of the Vis3ve Deva1h2 Hariv.
    of one of the 7 R2ishis under Manu Sa1varn2i (with the patr. Ka1s3yapa) ib.
    of a Danava or Daitya (said to have been slain by Durga1) Katha1s.
  368. रुष्ट (ruṣṭa) (ruṣṭa)
    mfn. id. ib.
    m. N. of a Muni Cat.
  369. रूक्ष (rūkṣa) (rūkṣa)
    1 mf(%{A})n. (prob. fr. %{rUS}
    cf. 2. %{rukSa}) rough, dry, arid, dreary S3Br. &c. &c.
    emaciated, thin Sus3r.
    rough to the taste, astringent MBh. Sus3r.
    not greasy or oily (as food or medicine) Katha1s. Sus3r.
    hard, harsh, unkind, cruel (as a person or speech) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    unpleasant, disagreeable, not soft (to the sight, smell &c.) ib.
    dismal (as a house) Pan5cat.
    soiled, smeared, dirtied R. Mudr.
    having the smell of an elephant in rut
    m. hardness, harshness
    the smell of the rut of an elephant
    a kind of grass (= %{varaka})
    (%{A}) f. Croton Polyandrum or Tiglium
    n. a good kind of iron
    the thick part of curds L.
  370. रूढ (rūḍha) (rūḍha)
    mfn. mounted, risen, ascended AV. &c. &c.
    lifted up, imposed on, laden (see %{-paricchada})
    grown together, healed R. Sus3r.
    sprung up, grown, increased, developed, produced from (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    budded, blown W.
    large, great MW.
    high, noble (see %{-vaMza})
    diffused, spread about, widely known, current, notorious, famous Ka1v. Sa1h.
    traditional, conventional, popular (opp. to %{yaugika} and said of words which have a meaning not directly connected with their etymology
    esp. in pl. applied to names of warrior tribes, which also denote the country inhabited by them) S3is3. Pa1n2. Sch. &c.
    acquainted or conversant with (loc.) Gan2it.
    certain, ascertained W.
    obscure MW.
    m. a scar (also n. and %{A} f.)
    barley L.
  371. रूढि (rūḍhi) (rūḍhi)
    f. rise, ascent (lit. and fig.), increase, growth, development Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    birth, production W.
    decision Ra1jat.
    fame, celebrity, notoriety S3is3.
    tradition, custom, general prevalence, current usage (esp. of speech) Nya1yam. Ra1jat.
    (in rhet.) the more amplified or popular or conventional meaning of words, the employment of a word in such a meaning (as opp. to %{yoga}, q.v.) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-2, 55 Sa1h. Kpr. &c.
  372. रूप (rūpa) (rūpa)
    n. (perhaps connected with %{varpa}, %{varpas}
    ifc. f. %{A}, rarely %{I}) any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour (often pl.), form, shape, figure RV. &c. &c. (%{rUpeNa} ifc. in the form of [886,1]
    %{rUpam-kR} or %{bhU}, to assume a form
    often ifc. = `" having the form or appearance or colour of "', `" formed or composed of "', `" consisting of "', `" like to "'
    sometimes used after an adj. or p.p. to emphasize its meaning or almost redundantly cf. %{ghora-r-}
    or connected with a verb e.g. %{pacati-rUpam}, he cooks very well cf. Pa1n2. 8-1, 57)
    dreamy or phantom shapes (pl.) VS. S3Br.
    handsome form, loveliness, grace, beauty, splendour RV. &c. &c.
    nature, character, peculiarity, feature, mark, sign, symptom VS. &c. &c.
    likeness, image, reflection Mn. Katha1s.
    circumstances (opp. to `" time "' and `" place "') Mn. viii, 45
    sort, kind R. Sus3r.
    mode, manner, way Kap.
    (ifc.) trace of. R.
    a single specimen or exemplar (and therefore a term for the number `" one "') VarBr2S. Gan2it.
    a partic. coin (prob. a rupee) VarBr2S.
    a show, play, drama Das3ar.
    (in alg.) the arithmetical unit
    (pl.) integer number
    known or absolute number, a known quantity as having specific form (and expressed by %{rU} i.e. first syllable of %{rUpa}) IW. 182
    (in gram.) any form of a noun or verb (as inflected by declension or conjugation) Pa1n2. 1-1, 68 &c.
    (in phil.) the quality of colour (one of the 17 or 24 Gun2as of the Vais3eshikas) IW. 68
    (with Buddhists) material form i.e. the organized body (as one of the 5 constituent elements or Skandhas) Dharmas. 22 MWB. 109
    (in dram.) a reflection or remark made under partic. circumstances when the action is at its height (%{garbhe}) Bhar. Das3ar. &c.
    (only L.) cattle
    a beast
    a sound, word
    rereading a book (= %{granthA7vRtti})
    m. a word of unknown meaning AV. xviii, 3, 40
    (pl.) N. of a people MBh.
    m. or n. N. of a place (v.l. %{rUma}) Cat.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a river VP.
  373. रूपक (rūpaka) (rūpaka)
    mfn. having form, figurative, metaphorical, illustrating by figurative language Sa1h.
    m. a partic. coin (prob. a rupee) Var. Pan5cat. &c.
    (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t. (cf. %{-tAla})
    (%{rU4pakA}) f. a female fox or jackal AV. xi, 9, 15 [cf. Zd. {urupi}]
    (%{ikA}) f. swallow-wort, Asclepias Lactifera
    n. form, figure, shape, appearance (mostly ifc., with f. %{A}, = having the form of, composed or consisting of, similar to) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    image, likeness AitBr. Katha1s.
    feature, sign, symptom W.
    kind, species MaitrUp.
    (in rhet.) a figure of speech, metapbor, comparison, simile (esp. one in which %{iva}, %{vat} &c. are omitted e.g. %{bAhu-latA}, `" a creeper- like arm "', %{paNi-padma}, `" a lotus-like hand "' [886,3]
    there are 3 or 4 varieties of Ru1paka e.g. the %{ardha-r-}, `" partial metaphor "', %{khaNDa-r-}, `" imperfect mmetaphor "', and %{lalAma-r-}, `" flowery mmetaphor "') Ka1vya7d. Sa1h. &c. (cf. IW. 458)
    a drama, play, theatrical performance (esp. of the principal class, as opp. to the %{upa-rUpakas} or inferior dramas
    of the former there are 10 species including the Na1t2aka or higher order of play and the Prahasana or farce) Das3ar. Sa1h. &c. (IW. 471)
    a partic. weight (= 3 Gun5ja1s)
    = %{mUrta} or %{dhUrta} L.
  374. रूपधर (rūpadhara) (rūpadhara)
    mfn. having the form or shape of, being of the colour of (ifc.
    e.g. %{go-r-}, cow-shaped
    cf. %{kAma-r-}) Ragh. VP. &c.
    m. N. of a king Katha1s.
  375. रूपवत् (rūpavat) (rūpavat)
    mfn. having form or colour, formed, embodied, corporeal R. BhP. Katha1s.
    having a beautiful form or colcolour, handsomely formed, handsome, beautiful (superl. %{-tama}) Pa1rGr2. MBh. Nir. &c.
    having the form or appearance of (ifc.) MBh. Ma1rkP.
    (%{atI}) f. a handsome woman (N. of various women) Buddh. Katha1s.
    of a river BhP.
  376. रूपिन् (rūpin) (rūpin)
    mf(%{iNI})n. having or assuming a partic. form or figure, embodied, corporeal MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    having a beautiful form or figure, well-shaped, handsome, beautiful S3Br. &c. &c.
    (ifc.) having the form or nature or character of, characterised by, appearing as MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  377. रूप्य (rūpya) (rūpya)
    ind. performing, acting, gesticulating S3ak.
    having seen, considered &c. 2. [554,2] mfn. to be seen or defined or ascertained MBh.
    not yet certain, questionable Va1m.
    %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. W. mfn. well-shaped, beautiful Pa1n2. 5-2, 120
    stamped, impressed ib.
    to be denoted (or capable of being denoted) figuratively or metaphorically Sa1h.
    (ifc.) formerly in the possession of or possessed by Pa1n2. 5-3, 54
    proceeding from er originating with (= %{tasmAd@AgataH}) ib. iv, 3, 82
    m. N. of a man g. %{tikA7di}
    of a mountain S3atr.
    (%{A}) f. a partic. fragrant substance Gal.
    n. silver Mn. MBh. &c.
    wrought silver or gold, stamped coin, rupee
    collyrium L.
  378. रूप्यक (rūpyaka) (rūpyaka)
    see %{suvarNa-r-}.
  379. रेखा (rekhā) (rekhā)
    f. a scratch, streak, stripe, line Gr2ihya1s. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    a continuous line, row, range, series MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the first or prime meridian (considered to be a line drawn from Lan3ka1 to Meru i.e. from Ceylon [supposed to lie on the equator] to the north pole) Su1ryas.
    a right or straight position of all the limbs in dancing Sam2gi1t.
    delineation, outline, drawing, sketch Ka1v. Katha1s.
    appearance (%{rekhayA} ifc. under the appappearance of Ba1lar.
    %{rekhAM@na-labh}, not to attain even to the appappearance of, not to be at all equal to Vcar.)
    deceit, fraud (= %{chadman})
    fulness, satisfaction (= %{Abhoga})
    a small quantity, little portion(cf. %{-mAtram}).
  380. रेणु (reṇu) (reṇu)
    m. (or f. Siddh.
    or n. g. %{ardharcA7di}
    fr. %{ri}, %{rI}) dust, a grain or atom of dust, sand &c. RV. &c. &c.
    the pollen of flowers MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    powder of anything S3is3.
    a partic. measure Lalit. (= 8 %{trasa-reNus} L.)
    m. N. of a partic. drug, Piper Aurantiacum VarBr2S. Sus3r. (cf. %{reNukA})
    Oldenlandia Herbacea
    N. of the author of RV. ix, 70 and x, 81 (with the patr. %{vaizvAmitra}) AitBr. S3rS.
    of a descendant of Ikshva1ku Hariv.
    of a son of Vikukshi R.
    f. N. of a wife of Vis3va1mitra Hariv.
  381. रेणुक (reṇuka) (reṇuka)
    m. a partic. formula recited over weapons R.
    N. of a Yaksha MBh. (Ni1lak.)
    of a son of Ren2u VP.
    of a mythical elephant MBh.
    (%{A}) f. see below
    n. a species of gem L.
  382. रेतस् (retas) (retas)
    n. ( %{ri}, %{rI}) a flow, stream, current, flow of rain or water, libation
    flow of semen, seminal fluid, sperm, seed RV. &c. &c. (%{retaH-sic} or %{ni-sic} or %{A-dhA} with loc., `" to discharge semen into "', intpregnate
    %{reto-dhA} A., to conceive
    %{retaso@'nte}, after the discharge of ssemen)
    offspring, progeny, descendants TS. S3Br.
    quicksilver (regirded as S3iva's semen)
    sin (?) Sa1y. on RV. iv, 3, 7.
  383. रेफ (repha) (repha)
    m. a burring guttural sound, the letter %{r} (as so pronounced) Pra1t. S3rS.
    a word BhP.
    (in prosody) a cretic ($) Pin3g.
    passion, affection of the mind
    mfn. low, vile, contemptible(cf. %{repa}). %{-phas}, %{-phin} see ib.
  384. रेवत् (revat) (revat)
    mfn. (prob. contracted fr. %{rayi-vat}) wealthy, opulent, rich, prosperous
    abundant, plentiful ib.
    brilliant, splendid, beautiful (%{a4t} ind.) ib. MBh. xiii, 1853 (here applied to the Gan3ga1)
    (%{a4tI}) f. see below
    n. wealth, prosperity RV.
    N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
  385. रेवत (revata) (revata)
    m. a species of plant (the citron tree or Cathartocarpus Fistula L.) Sus3r.
    N. of various persons Buddh. (cf. %{revataka})
    of a son of Andhaka Hariv. (v.l. %{raivata})
    of a son of A1narta BhP. (cf. %{reva})
    of the father of Revati1 and father-in-law of Bala-ra1ma MBh. [888,1]
    of a Varsha (?) ib.
    (%{i} and %{I}) f. see under %{reva4t} below.
  386. रेवन्त (revanta) (revanta)
    m. N. of a son of Su1rya and chief of the Guhyakas VarBr2S. Pur.
    the 5th Manu of the present Kalpa (cf. next and %{raivata}).
  387. रइवत (raïvata) (raivata)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{reva4t}) descended from a wealthy family, rich RV.
    relating to Manu Raivata Pur.
    connected with the Sa1man RRaivata TS. VS.
    m. a cloud Naigh. i, 10
    a kind of Soma Sus3r.
    a species of tuberous vegetable (= %{suvarNA7lu})
    N. of S3iva
    (as patr. of %{revata} and metron. of %{revati}) N. of a demon presiding over a partic. disease of children MBh.
    of one of the 11 Rudras Hariv. Pur.
    of a Daitya
    of the 5th Manu Mn. i, 62 Hariv. Pur.
    of a R2ishi MBh.
    of a Brahmarshi Lalit.
    of a king MBh.
    of Kakudmin (the ruler of A1narta) Pur.
    of a son of Amr2itodana by Revati1 Buddh.
    of a mountain near Kus3a-sthali (the capital of the country A1narta) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    (with %{RSabha}) N. of a Sa1man Pan5cavBr. La1t2y.
    (%{I}) f. (with %{iSTi}) N. of a partic. Isht2i (= %{pavitre7STi} Ni1lak.)
    n. N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr. Vas.
  388. रोग (roga) (roga)
    m. (1. %{ruj}) `" breaking up of strength "', disease, infirmity, sickness (also personified as an evil demon) AV. &c. &c.
    a diseased spot Sus3r.
    Costus Speciosus or Arabicus L.
  389. रोगिन् (rogin) (rogin)
    mfn. sick, diseased, ill Mn. MBh. &c.
  390. रोचन (rocana) (rocana)
    mf(%{I} or %{A})n. bright, shining, radiant AV. Br. Gr2S. MBh. Hariv.
    giving pleasure or satisfaction, pleasant, charming, lovely Bhat2t2. BhP.
    sharpening or stimulating the appetite, stomachic Sus3r. [889,1]
    m. N. of various plants (Andersonia Rohitika
    Alangium Hexapetalum
    the pomegranate tree &c.)
    apartic. yellow pigment (v.l. for %{rocanA}) MBh. (C.)
    a stomachic W.
    N. of a demon presiding over a partic. disease Hariv.
    of one of the 5 arrows of the god of love (`" exciter "') Cat.
    of a son of Vishn2u by Dakshin2a1 BhP.
    of Indra under Manu Sva1rocisha ib.
    of one of the Vis3ve Deva1h2 VP.
    of a mountain Ma1rkP.
    (%{A4}) and (%{I}) f. see below
    n. light, brightness, (esp.) the bright sky, firmament, luminous sphere (of which there are said to be three
    cf. under %{rajas})Br. (in this sense sometimes %{A}, f.)
    pl. lights, stars AV.
    (ifc.) the causing a desire for BhP.
    (%{ruci-ruce@r-}) N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr.
  391. रोचिस् (rocis) (rocis)
    n. light, lustre, brightness RV. &c. &c.
    grace, loveliness BhP.
  392. रोष् (roṣ) (roṣ)
    mfn. (nom. %{roT}) one who hurts or injures or irritates or enrages %{roSa} &c. see p. 885, col. 1.
  393. रोटी (roṭī) (roṭī)
    f. bread (see %{phiraGga-r-}
    cf. the similar Hindi1 word).
  394. रोदन (rodana) (rodana)
    n. id. A1past. R. Sus3r. &c. (in S3a1rn3gS. reckoned among the diseases of children)
    a tear, tears
    (%{I}) f. Alhagi Maurorum
  395. रोध (rodha) (rodha)
    (ifc.) sprouting, growing &c. (cf. 2. %{ava-rodha} and %{nyag-r-})
    m. growing, ascending, moving upwards (cf. next).2 m. (for 1. see above, col. 1) the act of stopping, checking, obstructing, impeding
    suppressing, preventing, confining, surrounding, investing, besieging, blockading MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    obstruction of the bowels, costiveness Car.
    attacking, making war upon (gen.) R.
    a dam, bank, shore Ra1jat. Sus3r. (cf. %{rodhas})
    an arrow
    a partic. hell VP.
    N. of a man g. %{zivA7di}.1 %{rodhana}. see p. 884, col. 1. 2 %{rodhaka} &c. see p. 884, col. 2.
  396. रोध (rodha) (rodha)
    (ifc.) sprouting, growing &c. (cf. 2. %{ava-rodha} and %{nyag-r-})
    m. growing, ascending, moving upwards (cf. next).2 m. (for 1. see above, col. 1) the act of stopping, checking, obstructing, impeding
    suppressing, preventing, confining, surrounding, investing, besieging, blockading MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    obstruction of the bowels, costiveness Car.
    attacking, making war upon (gen.) R.
    a dam, bank, shore Ra1jat. Sus3r. (cf. %{rodhas})
    an arrow
    a partic. hell VP.
    N. of a man g. %{zivA7di}.1 %{rodhana}. see p. 884, col. 1. 2 %{rodhaka} &c. see p. 884, col. 2.
  397. रोध्र (rodhra) (rodhra)
    m. (prob. connected with %{rudhira}) the tree Symplocos Racemosa (it has yellow flowers, and the red powder scattered during the Holi1 festival is prepared from its bark) Ka1v. Var. Sus3r.
    n. sin (also m.)
    offence L.
  398. रोप (ropa) (ropa)
    1. &c. see p. 889, cols. 1, 2. 1 m. (1. %{rup}) confusing, disturbing W. 2 m. (fr. Caus. of 1. %{ruh}) the act of raising, setting up, planting, fixing in &c. MBh.
    an arrow S3is3. Naish.
    n. a fissure, hole.
  399. रोपण (ropaṇa) (ropaṇa)
    &c. see p. 889, col. 2. 2 mf(%{I})n. causing to grow, causing to grow over or cicatrize, healing Sus3r.
    putting on Katha1s.
    m. an arrow
    n. the act of setting up or erecting, raising Kr2ishis.
    the act of planting, setting, sowing, transplanting Pan5cat. Kr2ishis.
    healing or a healing application (used for sores) Sus3r.
  400. रोपित (ropita) (ropita)
    1 mfn. bewildered, perplexed W. mfn. caused to grow, raised, elevated &c.
    fixed, directed, aimed (as an arrow) Ragh. Sa1h.
    set (as a jewel) Hit.
    committed, entrusted Ragh.
    set, planted Kull. on Mn. i, 46.
  401. रोमन् (roman) (roman)
    1 n. (prob. connected with 1. %{ruh}
    cf. %{loman}) the hair on the body of men and animals, (esp.) short hair, bristles, wool, down, nap &c. (less properly applicable to the long hair on the head and beard of men, and to that of the mane and tail of animals) RV. &c. &c.
    the feathers of a bird R. (cf. %{mayUra-r-})
    the scales of a fish (see %{pRthu-r-}).
  402. रोम (roma) (roma)
    1 m. (of uncertain derivation, but cf. 1. %{ropa}) a hole, cavity
    n. water2 m. the city Rome Cat. (cf. %{bRhad-roma} and next)
    pl. N. of a people VP. 3. 4 see under 1. %{roman}. 3 in comp. for %{roman}.4 (ifc.) = %{roman} (cf. %{a-} %{dIrgha-}, %{sa-r-}).
  403. रोमक (romaka) (romaka)
    1 m. Rome Siddha7ntas3.
    `" the Roman "'N. of a partic. astronomer Var.
    N. of a village in the north of India g. %{palady-Adi}
    of a partic. mixed caste (v.l. for %{rAmaka}) Vas.
    = %{romaka-siddhA7nta} below
    pl. N. of a people MBh. ii, 1837 (cf. 2. %{roman})
    the people of the Roman empire, the Romans VarBr2S.2 n. (fr. %{rumA}) a kind of saline earth and the salt extracted from it (accord. to some `" the salt from the lake Sambar in Ajmere "') Sus3r. &c. (cf. %{raumaka})
    a kind of magnet3 see under 1. %{roman}. 3 n. hair (= %{roman}) Hcat. (esp. ifc. f. %{ikA}).
  404. रोमकूप (romakūpa) (romakūpa)
    m. n. `" hair-hole "', a pore of the skin (%{bhavatAM@roma-kUpANi@prahRSTAny@upalakSaye}, `" I observe that the hairs on your bodies bristle "') MBh. R. &c. (cf. %{-randhra}).
  405. रोमन्थ (romantha) (romantha)
    m. (perhaps for %{ruj-m-}
    cf. cognate words below) ruminating, chewing the cud Ka1lid. VarBr2S. &c.
    chewing (of betel) Ra1jat.
    frequent repetition ib. (cf., %{gagaNa-r-}). [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. &269635[890,1] {e-rugere}, {ructare}, {ruminare}, fr. {rugminare}
    Slav. {rygati}
    Lith. {atru4gas}
    Germ. {itarucchen}, {itru10cken}
    Angl. Sax. {roccettan}, {edroccian}.]
  406. रोमन्थन (romanthana) (romanthana)
    n. ruminating
  407. रोष (roṣa) (roṣa)
    m. anger, rage, wrath, passion, fury A1past. MBh. &c. (%{roSaM-kR} with %{prati}, `" to be angry with "').
  408. रोषण (roṣaṇa) (roṣaṇa)
    mfn. angry, wrathful, passionate, enraged at or against (gen. or comp.) MBh. Hariv. Ma1rkP. (%{-tA} f. S3ak.)
    m. (only L.) a touchstone
    an arid or desert son containing salt
    Grewia Asiatica.
  409. रोहित (rohita) (rohita)
    mf(%{A} or %{iNI} q.v.)n. (cf. %{lohita}) red, reddish RV. &c. &c.
    m. a red or chestnut horse RV. TS. Br. (applied to the Sun AV. xiii, 1 &c., and therefore in pl. N. of these hymns)
    a kind of deer VarBr2S. Uttarar. Sus3r.
    a kind of fish, Cyprinus Rohitaka Mn. MBh. &c.
    a kind of tree, Andersonia Rohitaka Sus3r.
    a sort of ornament made of precious stones
    a partic. form of rainbow (cf. n.) VarBr2S.
    N. of a son of Hari-s3candra AitBr. BhP.
    of a Manu Hariv.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a ib. (v.l. %{rauhita})
    of a son of Vapush-mat (king of S3a1lmala) Ma1rkP.
    of a river Buddh.
    pl. N. of a class of Gandharvas R.
    of a class of gods under the 12th Manu Ma1rkP.
    n. a kind of metre AitBr.
    a kind of rainbow appearing in a straight form, Indra's bow unbent and invisible to mortals VarBr2S.(cf. %{rohite7ndra-dhanus})
    N. of the Varsha ruled by Rohita (son of Vapush-mat) VP.
  410. रउक्ष्य (raükṣya) (raukṣya)
    n. (fr. %{rUkSa}) roughness, hardness, dryness, aridity Ya1jn5. Sus3r.
    harshness, cruelty, uncouthness MBh. Ragh.
  411. रउच्य (raücya) (raucya)
    m. (fr. %{rucya} = %{bilva}) a staff of Bilva wood
    an ascetic with a staff of BBilva wwood W.
    (fr. %{ruci}) N. of the 13th (9th) Manu Hariv. Pur.
    mfn. belonging to Manu Raucya Ma1rkP. [891,1]
  412. रउद्र (raüdra) (raudra)
    or %{raudra4} mf(%{A} or %{I})n. (fr. %{rudra}) relating or belonging to or coming from Rudra or the Rudras, Rudra-like, violent, impetuous, fierce, wild (%{am} ind.) RV. &c. &c.
    bringing or betokening misfortune, inauspicious R. Var.
    m. a descendant of Rudra MBh.
    a worshipper of Rudra W.
    (pl., or sg. with %{gaNa}) a class of evil spirits Hariv.
    (scil. %{rasa}) the sentiment of wrath or fury Sa1h. Prata1p.
    N. of Yama
    the cold season of the year, winter
    a partic. Ketu VarBr2S.
    N. of the 54th year of the Jupiter cycle of 60 years ib.
    (pl.) N. of a people MBh.
    (also n.) heat, warmth, sunshine
    (also n. and %{I} f.) N. of the Nakshatra A1rdra1 when under Rudra VarBr2S.
    (%{I}) f. N. of Gauri1
    one of the 9 Samidhs Gr2ihya1s.
    a partic. S3akti Hcat.
    (in music.) a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.
    a partic. Mu1rchana1 ib.
    a species of creeper
    N. of the Comms. on the Tattva-cinta1man2i-di1dhiti and the Nya1ya-siddha7nta-mukta7vali1 by Rudra Bhat2t2a7ca1rya
    (with %{megha-mAlA} and %{zAnti}) of two older wks.
    n. savageness, fierceness, formidableness Katha1s. Sus3r.
    N. of a Lin3ga Cat.
    of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.
  413. रउप्य (raüpya) (raupya)
    mfn. (fr. %{rUpya}) made of silver or resembling silver, silvery, silver Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a place MBh.
    n. silver Ga1rud2aP.
  414. रउमक (raümaka) (raumaka)
    1 n. (cf. 2. %{romaka}) = prec. n. Sus3r.2 mfn. (fr. 2. %{romaka}) g. %{palady-Adi}
    Roman, spoken by the inhabitants of the Roman empire Col. [891,2]
    derived or coming from the astronomer Romaka Cat.
  415. लकार (lakāra) (lakāra)
    m. the letter or sound %{la} APra1t. (applied in naming the 10 tenses and moods as above Pa1n2. 3-4, 77 Sch.)
    %{-vAda} m. %{-vizeSA7rtha-nirUpaNa} n.
    %{-rA7rthaprakriyA} f. %{-rA7rtha-vAda} m. N. of wks.
  416. लकुट (lakuṭa) (lakuṭa)
    m. = %{laguDa}, a club A1pS3r. Car.
  417. लकुटिन् (lakuṭin) (lakuṭin)
    mfn. carrying a club, armed with a clubMa1rkP.
  418. लकुलिन् (lakulin) (lakulin)
    m. N. of a Muni Cat.
  419. लक्ष (lakṣa) (lakṣa)
    m. or n. (prob. fr. %{lag} as `" that which is attached or fixed "') a mark, sign, token, (esp.) a mark to aim at, target, butt, aim, object, prey, prize RV. ii, 12, 4 &c. &c. (cf. %{labdha-l-}
    %{AkAze@lakSam-bandh}, to fix the gaze vaguely on space, look into space as if at some object barely visible in the distance S3ak.
    cf. also %{AkAza-baddha-lakSa})
    appearance, show, pretence (cf. %{-supta})
    a kind of citron
    a pearl
    (also n. or %{A} f.) a lac, one hundred thousand Ya1jn5. Hariv. &c.
  420. लक्षण (lakṣaṇa) (lakṣaṇa)
    mfn. indicating, expressing indirectly Veda7ntas.
    m. Ardea Sibirica
    N. of a man Ra1jat. (often confounded with, %{lakSmaNa})
    (%{A}) f. see s.v.
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a mark, sign, symbol, token, characteristic, attribute, quality (ifc. = `" marked or characterized by "', `" possessed of "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    a stroke, line (esp. those drawn on the sacrificial ground) S3Br. Gr2S3rS.
    a lucky mark, favourable sign Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.
    a symptom or indication of disease, Cat
    a sexual organ MBh. xiii, 2303
    a spoon (?) DivyA7v
    accurate description, definition, illustration Mn. Sarvad. Sus3r.
    settled rate, fixed tariff Mn. viii, 406
    a designation, appellation, name (ifc. = `" named "', `" called "') Mn. MBh. Ka1v.
    a form, species, kind, sort (ifc.= `" taking the form of "', `" appearing as "') Mn. S3am2k. BhP.
    the act of aiming at, aim, goal, scope, object (ifc. = `" concerning "', `" relating to "', `" coming within the scope of "') APra1t. Ya1jn5. MBh. BhP.
    reference, quotation Pa1n2. 1-4, 84
    effect, operation, influence ib. i, 1, 62 &c.
    cause, occasion, opportunity R. Das3.
    observation, sight, seeing W.
  421. लक्षिन् (lakṣin) (lakṣin)
    mf(%{iNI})n. (fr. %{lakSa}) having good marks or signs R.
  422. लक्षित (lakṣita) (lakṣita)
    mfn. marked, indicated, distinguished or characterized by (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    vaguely indicated or expressed, equivocal, ambiguous (as a word which is indecent only in its figurative sense e.g. %{janma-bhUmi}, `" place of birth "' and `" the female organ "') Va1m. ii, 1, 18
    (ifc.) aimed at (as a target or object aimed at by an arrow) R.
    called, named S3rutab.
    considered or regarded as, taken for (nom.) BhP.
    enquired into, examined Mn. Sa1h.
    recognised MBh.
    perceived, observed, beheld, seen, evident MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    known, understood Ratna7v.
    proved Ja1takam.
    excellent ib.
  423. लक्ष्मन् (lakṣman) (lakṣman)
    n. a mark, sign, token, characteristic AV. &c. &c.
    a good or lucky mark, excellence MBh.
    a bad mark, stain, blemish Ba1lar.
    definition (as `" the marks or characteristics collectively "') Sarvad.
    = %{pradhAna}, the chief, principal
    a pearl
  424. लक्ष्मण (lakṣmaṇa) (lakṣmaṇa)
    mf(%{A4})n. having marks or signs or characteristics TS.
    endowed with auspicious signs or marks, lucky, fortunate
    m. Ardea Sibirica A1past.
    N. of a Va1sisht2ha g. %{zubhrA7di}
    of a son of Das3a-ratha by his wife Su-mitra1 (he was younger brother and companion of Ra1ma during his travels and adventures
    LLakshman2a4 and S3atru-ghna were both sons of Su-mitra1, but LLakshman2a4 alone is usually called Saumitri
    he so attached himself to Ra1ma as to be called RRa1ma's second self
    whereas S3atru-ghna attached himself to Bharata) R. Pur. &c.
    N. of various authors and other persons (also with %{AcArya}, %{kavi}, %{dezika}, %{dvivedin}, %{paNDita}, %{bhaTTa}, %{zAstrin}, %{sUri} &c.) Cat.
    (%{A}) f. the female of the Ardea Sibirica MBh.
    a goose Un2. iii, 7 Sch.
    a kind of potherb Car.
    N. of various other plants (Hemionitis Cordifolia
    Uraria Lagopodioides
    = %{putra-kandA} and a white-flowering Kan2t2aka7ri).
    N. of a wife of Kr2ishn2a Hariv. Pur.
    of a daughter of Dur-yodhana (carried off by Sa1mbha, a son of Kr2ishn2a) BhP.
    of an Apsaras Hariv.
    of a Buddhist Devi1 Ka1lac.
    of the mother of the 8th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1
    n. a mark, sign, token MBh. R. &c. (often v.l. %{lakSaNa}), a name L.
  425. लक्ष्मी (lakṣmī) (lakṣmī)
    f. (nom. %{I4s}, rarely %{I4}
    also ifc. as mf., but n. %{i}
    cf. %{lakSmIka}) a mark, sign, token RV. x, 71, 2 Nir. iv, 10
    (with or without %{pApI4}) a bad sign, impending misfortune AV. A1pS3r.
    (but in the older language more usually with %{pu4NyA}) a good sign, good fortune, prosperity, success, happiness (also pl.) AV. &c. &c.
    wealth, riches Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    beauty, loveliness, grace, charm, splendour, lustre MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    N. of the goddess of fortune and beauty (frequently in the later mythology identified with S3ri1 and regarded as the wife of Vishn2u or Na1ra1yan2a
    accord. to R. i, 45, 40-43 she sprang with other precious things from the foam of the ocean when churned by the gods and demons for the recovery of the Amr2ita q.v.
    she appeared with a lotus in her hand, whence she is also called Padma1
    accord. to another legend she appeared at the creation floating over the water on the expanded petals of a lotusflower, she is also variously regarded as a wife of Su1rya, as a wwife of Praja1-pati, as a wwife of Dharma and mother of Ka1ma, as sister or mother of Dha1tr2i and Vidha1tr2i, as wwife of Datta7treya, as one of the 9 S3aktis of Vishn2u, as a manifestation of Prakr2iti &c., as identified with Da1ksha1yan2i1 in Bharata7s3rama, and with Si1ta1, wife of Ra1ma, and with other women) ib. (cf. RTL. 103
    108 &c.)
    the Good Genius or Fortune of a king personified (and often regarded as a rival of his queen), royal power, dominion, majesty Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
    a partic. verse or formula Nr2isUp.
    N. of various plants (Hibiscus Mutabilis
    Mimosa Suma
    a white Tulasi1
    = %{Rddhi}, %{vRddhi}, %{priyaGgu}, and %{phalinI})
    of the eleventh Kala1 of the moon Cat.
    of two kinds of metre Col.
    the wife of a hero
    = %{dravya}
    a pearl
    N. of the wife of king Candra-sin6ha of Mithila1 and patroness of various authors (also called %{lakhamA}, %{laSamA}, %{lakhimA} or %{lachimA}) Cat.
    of a poetess ib.
    of another woman S3ukas.
  426. लक्ष्य (lakṣya) (lakṣya)
    mfn. to be marked or characterized or defined, Kap. Sch.
    to be indicated, indirectly denoted or expressed Sa1h. Veda7ntas.
    (to be) kept in view or observed VarBr2S. Katha1s.
    to be regarded as or taken for (nom.) S3is3. Hit.
    to be recognised or known, recognisable by (instr. or comp.) Hariv. Ka1lid. Dhu1rtas.
    observable, perceptible, visible MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. N. of a magical formula or spell recited over weapons R.
    n. an object aimed at, prize MBh. R. Ka1m.
    (exceptionally also n. with m. as v.l.) an aim, butt, mark, goal Up. Gaut. MBh. &c. (%{lakSyaM-labh}, to attain an object, have success
    %{lakSyam-bandh} with loc., `" to fix or direct the aim at "', with %{AkAze} = %{AkAze@lakSam-bandh} see under %{lakSa}) [893,2]
    the thing defined (opp. to %{lakSaNa}) A.
    an indirect or secondary meaning (that derived from %{lakSaNA}, q.v.) Kpr.
    a pretence, sham, disguise Ragh. Ka1m. (cf. %{-supta})
    a lac or one hundred thousand Ra1jat.
    an example, illustration (?) Sa1h.
    often v.l. or w.r. for %{lakSa} and %{lakSman}.
  427. लक्ष्यता (lakṣyatā) (lakṣyatā)
    f. the being visible, visibility (acc. with %{nI}, to make visible, show) Ra1jat.
    the being an aim or object (acc. with %{yA}, to become an aim) Katha1s.
  428. लगुड (laguḍa) (laguḍa)
    m. (cf. %{lakuTa}) a stick, staff, club MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    n. Nerium Odorum L.
  429. लग्न (lagna) (lagna)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see p. 895, col. 2) adhered, adhering or clinging to, attached to, sticking or remaining in, fixed on, intent on, clasping, touching, following closely (with gen. or ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (with %{pRSThe}, %{pRSTha-tas}
    or %{pRSTha} ibc., following on a person's heels
    with %{mArge}, sticking to i.e. following the road
    with %{hRdaye}, one who has penetrated the heart)
    one who has entered on a course of action, one who has begun to (inf.) Pan5cat.
    meeting, intersecting, cutting (said of lines) Gol.
    immediately ensuing Pan5cat.
    passed (as days) Vet.
    consumed by, spent in (instr.) Kuill. on Mn. vii, 127
    auspicious (see comp.)
    furious through being in rut (an elephant)
    m. a bard or minstrel (who awakes the king in the morning)
    m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the point of contact or intersection (of two lines), the point where the horizon intersects the ecliptic or path of the planets Su1ryas. VarBr2S.
    the point or arc of the equator which corresponds to a given point or arc of the ecliptic ib.
    the division of the equator which rises in succession with each sign in an oblique sphere ib.
    the point of the ecliptic which at a given time is upon the meridian or at the horizon (%{kSitije}, %{lagnam}, horizon Lagna
    %{madhya-lagnam}, meridian Lagna) ib.
    the moment of the sun's entrance into a zodiacal sign ib.
    the rising of the sun or of the planets ib.
    (in astrol.) a scheme or figure of the 12 houses or zodiacal signs (used as a horoscope)
    the whole of the first astrological house
    (also with %{zubha}, %{zobhana}, %{anukUla} &c.) an auspicious moment or time fixed upon as lucky for beginning to perform anything Ra1jat. Katha1s. Hit. [893,3]
    the decisive moment or time for action, decisive measure Katha1s.1. and 2 see col. 2 and p. 895, col. 2. 2 mfn. (also referable to 1. %{laj}
    for 1. %{lagna} see p. 893, col. 2) ashamed Pa1n2. 7-2, 14 Sch.
  430. लघु (laghu) (laghu)
    mf(%{vI}, or %{u})n. (a later form of %{raghu}, q.v.) light, quick, swift, active, prompt, nimble Mn. MBh. &c. (also said of a partic. mode of flying peculiar to birds Pan5cat.
    applied to the Nakshatras Hasta, As3vini1, and Pushya VarBr2S.)
    light, easy, not heavy or difficult AV. &c. &c.
    light in the stomach, easily digested Sus3r.
    easy in mind, light-hearted Hariv. Ka1lid.
    causing easiness or relief Sa1m2khyak.
    well, in good health
    unimpeded, without attendance or a retinue MBh. iii, 8449
    short (in time, as a suppression of the breath) Ma1rkP.
    (in prosody) short or light (as a vowel or syllable, opp. to %{guru})
    (in gram.) easily pronounced or articulated (said of the pronunciation of %{va}, as opp. to %{madhyama} and %{guru})
    small, minute, slight, little, insignificant S3Br. &c. &c.
    weak, feeble, wretched, humble, mean, low (said of persons) Mn. MBh. &c.
    young, younger (see %{-bhrAtR})
    clean, pure (see %{-vAsas})
    soft, gentle (as sound) Katha1s. BhP.
    pleasing, agreeable, handsome, beautiful MBh. Ka1lid.
    m. bdellium
    (%{u}) f. Trigonella Corniculata
    (%{vI}) f. id.
    a light carriage
    a slender or delicate woman W.
    n. a partic. measure of time (= 15 Ka1sht2ha1s= 1/15 Na1d2ika1)
    a partic. species of agallochum[894,1]
    the root of Andropogon Muricatus
    (%{u}) ind. lightly, quickly, easily &c. S3ak. (%{laghu-man}, to think lightly of. S3ak.) [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. &270806[894,1] {le8vis} for {le1vis}, {lenhuis}
    Lith. {lengvu8s}, {le8ngvas}
    Angl. Sax. {lungre}, `" quickly "'
    Eng. {lungs}, `" lights. "']
  431. लघिमन् (laghiman) (laghiman)
    m. lightness, levity, absence of weight MBh. Ka1v. Pur.
    a kind of %{siddhi} or supernatural faculty of assuming excessive lightness at will Vet. Ma1rkP. Pan5car. (cf. RTL. 427)
    lowness, meanness (of spirit) Ka1d.
    thoughtlessness, frivolity Bhat2t2.
    slight, disrespect S3a1rn3gP.
  432. लघुकउमुदी (laghukaümudī) (laghukaumudī)
    f. `" the short or easy Kaumudi1 "', N. of an easy epitome of the Siddha7nta-kkind by Varada-ra1ja.
  433. लघुचेतस् (laghucetas) (laghucetas)
    mfn. little-minded, low-mminded Bhartr2. Pan5cat. &c.
  434. लङ्का (laṅkā) (laṅkā)
    f. N. of the chief town in Ceylon or of the whole island (renowned as the capital of the great Ra1kshasa Ra1van2a q.v.
    accord. to some accounts LLan3ka1 was much larger than the island of Ceylon is at present, or was even distinct from it, the first meridian of longitude which passed through Ujjayini1 being supposed to pass through LLalso) MBh. R. &c.
    N. of a lake (= %{rAvaNa-hrada}) R.
    of a Yogini1 Hcat.
    of a S3a1kini1 or evil spirit
    an unchaste woman
    a branch
    a kind of grain L.
  435. लङ्घनीय (laṅghanīya) (laṅghanīya)
    mfn. to be lept or passed over, to be crossed or traversed Katha1s.
    to be reached or caught or overtaken (%{a-l-}) S3ak.
    to be transgressed or violated Cat.
    to be insulted or injured Pan5cat.
  436. लङ्घित (laṅghita) (laṅghita)
    mfn. lept over, overstepped, traversed, transgressed, violated, disregarded, insulted MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    made to fast Car. mfn. passed away, gone by La1t2y. [1113,3]
  437. लङ्घ्य (laṅghya) (laṅghya)
    mfn. to be lept or passed over or crossed or traversed Ka1v. Katha1s. [895,2]
    attainable Ra1jat.
    to be transgressed or violated or neglected ib. BhP. Pan5car.
    to be injured or offended or wronged MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to be made to fast Sus3r.
    to be cured by fasting Car.
  438. लज्जा (lajjā) (lajjā)
    f. shame, modesty, bashfulness, embarrassment (also Shame personified as the wife of Dharma and mother of Vinaya) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the sensitive plant, Mimosa Pudica L.
  439. लज्जाकर (lajjākara) (lajjākara)
    mf(%{I})n. causing shame, shameful, disgraceful Ka1vya7d.
  440. लज्जालु (lajjālu) (lajjālu)
    mfn. shameful, bashful, timid (in Pra1kr2it {-luka}) Ratna7v.
    f. Mimosa Pudica, Bbpr.
  441. लता (latā) (latā)
    f. a creeper, any creeping or winding plant or twining tendril Mn. MBh. &c. (the brows, arms, curls, a slender body, a swordblade, lightning &c. are often compared to the form of a creeper, to express their graceful curves and slimness of outline
    cf. %{bhrU-l-}, %{bAhu-l-}, %{taDil-l-} &c.)
    the Ma1dhavi1-creeper, Gaertnera Racemosa Bhpr.
    Trigonella Corniculata ib.
    Panicum Italicum
    Cardiospermum Halicacabum
    Panicum Dactylon
    = %{kaivartikA}
    = the plant %{sArivA}
    a slender woman, any woman Naish. Tantras.
    the thong or lash of a whip, whip Pan5cat. Sus3r.
    a string of pearls VarBr2S.
    a streak, line (%{vArAM@latAH}, thin jets of water) Ba1lar.
    a kind of metre Col.
    N. of an Apsaras MBh.
    of a daughter of Meru and wife of Ila7vr2ita BhP.
  442. लब्ध (labdha) (labdha)
    mfn. taken, seized, caught, met with, found &c.
    got at, arrived (as a moment) Katha1s.
    obtained (as a quotient in division) Col. (cf. %{labdhi})
    (%{A}) f. N. of a partic. heroine
    a woman whose husband or lover is faithless W.
  443. लब्धनामन् (labdhanāman) (labdhanāman)
    mfn. one who has gained a name, well spoken of, famous, celebrated Ka1m. Ratna7v. (`" for "' loc.
    in Pra1kr2it).
  444. लम्फ (lampha) (lampha)
    m. a leap, spring, jump(cf. %{jhampa}).
  445. लम्फन (lamphana) (lamphana)
    see %{ul-} and %{pra-l-}.
  446. लम्ब (lamba) (lamba)
    mf(%{A})n. hanging down, pendent, dangling, hanging by or down to (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    long, large, spacious (see comp.)
    m. (in geom.) a perpendicular Col.
    (in astron.) complement of latitude, co-latitude, the arc between the pole of any place and the zenith Su1ryas.
    N. of a partic. throw or move (at a kind of chess or backgammon or draughts)[897,2]
    a present, bribe(prob. w.r. for %{laJcA})
    = %{nartaka}, %{aGga}, or %{kAnta}
    N. of a Muni Cat.
    of a Daitya Hariv.
    (%{A}) f. see s.v.
    (%{I}) f. a kind of food prepared from grain Madanav.
    a flowering branch Harav.
  447. लम्बक (lambaka) (lambaka)
    m. (in geom.) a perpendicular A1ryabh.
    (in astron.) the complement of latitude, co-latitude Gol.
    a partic. implement or vessel
    N. of the 15th astrological Yoga
    N. of the larger sections or books in the Katha1-sarit-sa1gara (there are 18 Lambakas containing 124 Taramgas or chapters)
    w.r. for %{lambhaka} Katha1s. lxi, 24
    (%{ikA}) f. the uvula or soft palate (cf. %{lambikA-kokilA}).
  448. लम्बित (lambita) (lambita)
    mfn. hanging down, pendent MBh.
    hanging by (instr.) ib.
    sunk, gone down, glided down, fallen off MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (ifc.) clinging or adhering to, supported or resting on R. Ragh.
    = %{vi-lambita}, slow (of time in music)
  449. लम्भन (lambhana) (lambhana)
    n. the act of obtaining or receiving, attainment, recovery MBh. R.
    causing to get, procuring Das3. HParis3.
  450. लय (laya) (laya)
    %{layana} &c. see p. 903, col. 2. [897,3] m. the act of sticking or clinging to (loc.), S3is. (%{layaM} %{gA} with loc., to become attached to any one "' Kuval.)
    lying down, cowering MBh.
    melting, dissolution, disappearance or absorption in (loc. or comp.) Up. Kap. &c. (%{layaM} %{gam} or %{yA} to disappear, be dissolved or absorbed "'
    %{layaM} %{saM-gam}, to hide or conceal one's self "')
    extinction, destruction, death MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{layaM} %{yA}, to be destroyed, perish "')
    rest, repose S3is3. BhP. (cf. %{a-laya})
    place of rest, residence, house, dwelling W.
    mental inactivity, spiritual indifference Kap. Veda7ntas.
    sport, diversion, merriness Va1s.
    delight in anything Harav.
    an embrace
    (in music) time (regarded as of 3 kinds, viz. %{druta}, `" quick "', %{madhya}, `" mean or moderate "', and %{vilambita}, `" slow "'), Kalid. Das3ar. Pan5cat. &c.
    a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
    the union of song, dance and instrumental music
    a pause MW.
    a partic. agricultural implement (perhaps a sort of harrow or hoe) VS.
    a swoon
    the quick (downward) movement of an arrow
    (%{A}) f. N. of a Yogini1 Hcat. (v.l. %{jayA})
    n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus Bhpr.
    mfn. making the mind inactive or indifferent BhP.
  451. ललाट (lalāṭa) (lalāṭa)
    n. (later form of %{rArAta} q.v.) the forehead, brow AV. &c. &c. (%{e} ind. on the forehead, in front
    the destiny of every individual is believed by the Hindu1s to be written by Brahma1 on his forehead on the 6th day after birth see RTL. 370).
  452. ललित (lalita) (lalita)
    mfn. sported, played, playing, wanton, amorous, voluptuous Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
    artless, innocent, soft, gentle, charming, lovely (%{am} ind.) ib. &c.
    wished for, desired MBh. Mr2icch. BhP.
    quivering, tremulous Ba1lar.
    m. a partic. position of the hands in dancing Cat.
    (in music) a partic. Ra1ga Sa1h.
    (%{A}) f. a wanton woman, any woman W.
    N. of various metres Col.
    (in music) a partic. Mu1rchana1 Sam2gi1t.
    a partic. Ra1ga ib.
    N. of a gram. wk.
    N. of a Durga1 or a partic. form of her Hcat. Cat.
    of a Gopi1 (identified with Durga1 and Ra1dhika1) PadmaP.
    of the wife of a S3ata7yudha Hparis3.
    of a river Ka1lP.
    n. sport, dalliance, artlessness, grace, charm R. Kpr.
    languid gestures in a woman (expressive of amorous feelings, `" lolling, languishing "' &c.) Das3ar. Sa1h.
    N. of 2 metres Pin3g. Sch.
    of a town Ra1jat. (cf. %{-pura})
    a kind of necklace (?)&c. see p. 897, col. 3.
  453. लव (lava) (lava)
    m. (1. %{lU}) the act of cutting, reaping (of corn), mowing, plucking or gathering (of flowers &c.), Das. Nalo7d.
    that which is cut or shorn off, a shorn fleece, wool, hair Mn. Ragh.
    anything cut off, a section, fragment, piece, particle, bit, little piece (%{am} ind. a little
    %{lavam@api}, even a little) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (cf. %{padAti-l-})
    a minute division of time, the 60th of a twinkling, half a second, a moment (accord. to others 1/4000 or 1/5400 or 1/20250 of a Muhu1rta) ib.
    (in astron.) a degree Gol.
    (in alg.) the numerator of a fraction Col.
    the space of 2 Ka1sht2ha1s
    loss, destruction
    sport(cf. %{lala})
    Perdix Chinensis W.
    N. of a son of Ra1macandra and Si1ta1 (he and his twin-brother Kus3a were brought up by the sage Va1lmi1ki and taught by him to repeat his Ra1ma1yan2a at assemblies
    cf. %{kuzI-lava}) R. Ragh. Uttarar. Pur.
    of a king of Kas3mi1ra (father of Kus3a) Ra1jat.
    n. (only L.) nutmeg
    the root of Andropogon Muricatus
    a little (cf. m.).
  454. लवण (lavaṇa) (lavaṇa)
    mf(%{A})n. (derivation doubtful) saline, salt, briny, brinish S3Br. &c. &c. (%{-NaM@kRtvA}, or %{kRtya} g. %{sAkSA7di})
    tasteful, graceful, handsome, beautiful W.
    m. saltness, saline taste W.
    the sea of salt water (in MBh. vi, 236 &c. one of the seven oceans which surround the Dvi1pas in concentric belts) IW. 420
    N. of a hell VP. (v.l. %{savana})
    of a Ra1kshasa or Daitya MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    of a king belonging to the family of Haris3candra Cat.
    of a son of Ra1ma (= %{lava} q.v.) S3atr.
    of a river
    = %{bala} and %{asthi-deva}
    (%{A}) f. lustre, grace, beauty(cf. %{lAvaNya})
    Cardiospermum Halicacabum
    N. of a river Ma1lati1m.
    (%{I}) f. (g. %{gaurA7di}) N. of various rivers
    n. (according to some also m. and %{A} f.) salt (esp. seasalt, rock or fossil salt
    but also factitious salt or salt obtained from saline earth) AV. &c. &c.
    oversalted food
    lustre, beauty, charm, grace (ifc. see, %{nir-l-} and %{lava-NA7kara})
    a partic. mode of fighting (prob. w.r. for %{lambana}) Hariv.
  455. लव्य (lavya) (lavya)
    mfn. to be cut or mown or hewn down Bhat2t2. (cf. %{eka-} and %{duHkha-l-}). see p. 898, col. 3.
  456. लशुन (laśuna) (laśuna)
    n. or (rare1y) m. (Un2. iii, 57
    sometimes written %{lasuna} cf. %{rasuna}) garlic Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c.
    one of the 10 kinds of onion
  457. लषण (laṣaṇa) (laṣaṇa)
    mfn. one who desires or longs for Pa1n2. 3-2, 150
  458. लषित (laṣita) (laṣita)
    mfn. wished, desired &c. MBh.
  459. लस (lasa) (lasa)
    mfn. shining, playing, moving hither and thither (cf. %{a-lasa4})
    having the smell of bellmetal
    m. fever "' in a camel
    smell of bellmetal
    (%{A}) f. saffron, turmeric
    n. red sandalwood
  460. लहरि (lahari) (lahari)
    or %{-rI} f. a large wave, billow Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
  461. लाक्षा (lākṣā) (lākṣā)
    f. (cf. %{rAkSA} and Un2. iii, 62 Sch.) a species of plant AV.
    a kind of red dye, lac (obtained from the cochineal or a similar insect as well as from the resin of a partic. tree) Mn. MBh. &c.
    the insect or animal which produces the red dye MW.
  462. लाघव (lāghava) (lāghava)
    n. (fr. %{laghu}) swiftness, rapidity, speed MBh. R.
    alacrity, versatility, dexterity, skill MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    lightness (also of heart), ease, relief Mn. Ya1jn5. Sus3r.
    levity, thoughtlessness, inconsiderateness, rashness R. Katha1s.
    insignificance, unimportance, smallness R. Ma1lav. Ma1rkP.
    (in prosody) shortness of a vowel or syllable (opp. to %{gaurava}), Pin3g.
    shortness of expression, brevity, conciseness Sarvad. Ka1ty. Sch.
    lack of weight or consequence, derogation of dignity, slight, disrespect MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  463. लाङ्गल (lāṅgala) (lāṅgala)
    n. (cf. %{lag} and %{laGg}) a plough RV. &c. &c.
    a kind of pole used in gathering fruit from a tree R. Sch.
    a plough-shaped beam or timber (used in the construction of a house)
    a partic. appearance presented by the moon VarBr2S.
    the palm tree
    a kind of flower
    membrum virile(cf. %{lAGgUla})
    (%{I}) f. N. of various plants Pan5car. Sus3r. (accord. toJussiaea Repens
    Hemionitis Cordifolia
    Rubia Munjista
    Hedysarum Lagopodioides
    the cocoa-nut tree
    = %{rAsnA})
    of a rive MBh.
    m. a kind of rice Car.
    N. of a son of S3uddhoda and grandson of S3a1kya BhP.
    pl. N. of a school Sam2hUp.
    of a people VP. (v.l. for %{jAGgala}).
  464. लाङ्गूल (lāṅgūla) (lāṅgūla)
    n. (Un2. iv, 90 Sch.) a tail, hairy tail S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. &c.
    membrum virile
    (%{I}) f. Uraria Lagopodioides L.
  465. लाङ्गूलिन् (lāṅgūlin) (lāṅgūlin)
    mfn. tailed, having a tail W.
    m. a monkey
    a kind of bulbous plant which grows on the Hima-vat
    (%{inI}) f. N. of a river Ma1rkP. (cf. %{lAGgulinI}).
  466. लाञ्छन (lāñchana) (lāñchana)
    n. a mark, sign, token (ifc.= marked or, characterized by, furnished or provided with) Ka1lid. BhP.
    a mark of ignominy, stain, spot Vcar.
    a name, appellation[900,2]
  467. लाञ्छित (lāñchita) (lāñchita)
    mfn. marked, decorated, characterized by, endowed or furnished with (comp.) Ka1v. Pur. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
  468. लाट (lāṭa) (lāṭa)
    m. pl, (fr. %{rASTra}) N. of a people and of a district inhabited by them (= Gk. $ of Ptolemy) MBh. Var. &c.
    (sg.) a king of the La1as Katha1s.
    the country of the La1t2as Uttamac.
    m. or n. (only L.) clothes, dress
    worn-out clothes, shabby ornaments
    idle or childish language
    (in rhet.) repetition of words in the same sense but in a different application
    mf(%{I})n. relating to the La1t2as or belonging to La1t2a Ra1jat. Sa1h.
    old, worn, shabby (as clothes) W.
    childish ib.
  469. लाप (lāpa) (lāpa)
    m. speaking, talking W.  %{lApin} see p. 896, col. 2.
  470. लाभ (lābha) (lābha)
    m. meeting with, finding Mn. Katha1s.
    obtaining, getting, attaining, acquisition, gain, profit Mn. MBh. &c.
    capture, conquest Hariv. VarBr2S.
    apprehension, perception, knowledge S3am2k. Sa1h. BhP.
    enjoying MW.
    N. of the 11th astrological house or lunar mansion VarBr2S. (also %{-sthAna}, Cat) &c. see p. 897, col, 1.
  471. लालस (lālasa) (lālasa)
    mf(%{A})n. (fr. Intens. of %{las}) eagerly longing for, ardently desirous of, delighting or absorbed in, devoted or totally given up to (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{-tA} f.)
    m. and (%{A}) f. longing or ardent desire, fond attachment or devotion to (loc.) Bhartr2. Ba1lar. (L. also `" regret, sorrow
    asking, soliciting
    the longing of a pregnant woman
    dalliance "')
    (%{A}) f. a kind of metre Pin3g. Sch.
  472. लालित (lālita) (lālita)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) caressed, fondled, coaxed, indulged, cherished MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    n. pleasure, joy, love MW.
  473. लावक (lāvaka) (lāvaka)
    m. a cutter, reaper S3am2k. Ma1rkP.
  474. लावण्य (lāvaṇya) (lāvaṇya)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) saltness, the taste cr property of salt Amar.
    beauty, loveliness, charm Inscr. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
  475. लास (lāsa) (lāsa)
    m. the act of jumping, sporting, dancing, R2it. (cf. %{rAsa})
    dancing as practised by women
    soup. broth (= %{yUSa})
    saliva (?), in %{alAsa} q.v. %{lAsin}, %{lAsya} see p. 899, col. 2.
  476. लास्य (lāsya) (lāsya)
    n. dancing, a dauce (esp. accompanied with instrumental music and singing), a dance representing the emotions of love dramatically (this was at one time a principal part of the drama, and as such accord. to Bharata and the Das3a-ru1pa consisted of 10 divisions or An3gas, viz. %{geya-pada}, %{sthita-pAThya}, %{AsIna}, %{puSpa-gaNDikA}, %{pracchedaka}, %{tri-gUDha} or %{tri-mUDhaka}, %{saindhava}, %{dvigUDhaka} or %{vimUDhaka}, %{uttamo4ttamaka}, and %{ukta-pratyukta}
    including also a style of dramatic composition in which there is abrupt transition from Sanskr2it to Pra1kr2it and from Pra1kr2it to Sanskr2it
    the term %{lAsya} is also applied to the Na1ch [Nautch] dance of the Indian dancing girls, consisting chiefly of gesticulation with a shuffling movement of the feet forwards and backwards, as invented by Pa1rvati and opposed to the boisterous masculine dance called Ta1n2d2ava practised by Siva and his followers
    cf. IW. 467) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a dancer Ma1rkP.
    N. of a king VP.
    (%{A}) f. a dancing girl L.
  477. लिखित (likhita) (likhita)
    mfn. scratched, scraped, scarified AV. &c. &c.
    written Pan5cat. Katha1s. (= mentioned Inscr.)
    drawn, delineated, sketched, painted Ka1v. VarBr2S.
    m. N. of a R2ishi and author of a work on law (frequently mentioned together with S3an3kha q.v.). MBh. (IW. 302)
    N. of San3kha's brother (whose hands were cut off by king Su-dyumna as a punishment for having eaten some fruit in S3an3kha's hermitage without leave, described in MBh. xii, 668 &c.)
    n. a writing, written document, scripture Ya1jn5. Sch. (IW. 297).
  478. लिङ्ग (liṅga) (liṅga)
    n. (once m. in Nr2isUp.
    ifc. f. %{A}, %{I} only in %{viSNu-liGgI}
    prob. fr. %{lag}
    cf. %{lakSa}, %{lakSaNa}) a mark, spot, sign, token, badge, emblem, characteristic (ifc. = %{tal-liGga}, `" having anything for a mark or sign "') Up. MBh. &c.
    any assumed or false badge or mark, guise, disguise MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a proof, evidence Kan2. Ka1tyS3r. Sarvad.
    a sign of guilt, corpus delicti Ya1jn5. Sch.
    the sign of gender or sex, organ of generation Mn. Hariv. Pur. &c.
    the male organ or Phallus (esp. that of S3iva worshipped in the form of a stone or marble column which generally rises out of a %{yoni}, q.v., and is set up in temples dedicated to S3iva
    formerly 12 principal S3iva-lin3gas existed, of which the best known are Soma-na1tha in Gnjara1t, Maha1-ka1la at Ujjayini1, Vis3ve7s3vara at Benares &c.
    but the number of Lin3gas in India is estimated at 30 millions IW. 322 n. RTL. 78, 1
    90) MBh. R. &c.
    gender (in gram.
    cf. %{puM-l-}), Prst. Pa1n2.
    the image of a god, an idol VarBr2S.
    (in logic) = %{vyApya}, the invariable mark which proves the existence of anything in an object (as in the proposition `" there is fire because there is smoke "', smoke is the %{liGga}
    cf. IW. 62)
    inference, conclusion, reason (cf. %{kAvya-l-})
    = %{lingazarIra} (in Vedanta)
    anything having an origin and therefore liable to be destroyed again Kap.
    = %{AkAza} Ka1ran2d2.
    (in Sa1m2khya) = %{prakRti} or %{pradhAna}, `" the eternal procreative germ "'[902,1]
    = %{vyakta}
    cf. RTL. 30
    = %{prAtipadika}, the crude base or uninflected stem of a noun (shortened into %{li}) Vop. Sch.
    (in rhet.) an indication (word that serves to fix the meaning of another word
    e.g. in the passage %{kupito@makara-dhvajaH} the word %{kupita} restricts the meaning of %{makara-dhvaja} to `" Ka1ma "') = %{linga-purANa} BhP.
    the order of the religious student W.
    a symptom, mark of disease W.
  479. लिङ्गप्रतिष्ठा (liṅgapratiṣṭhā) (liṅgapratiṣṭhā)
    f. the setting up or consecration of a Phallus of S3iva (see comp.)
    N. of sev. wks.
    %{-paddhahti} f. N. of wk.
    %{-vidhi} m. rules for setting up a Phallus of S3iva Cat.
  480. लिङ्गवत् (liṅgavat) (liṅgavat)
    mfn. having marks, containing a characteristic Vait. BhP.
    having various sexes or genders MaitrUp.
    having or wearing a small model of the Phallus of S3iva in a casket suspended round the neck
    m. N. of a partic. S3aiva sect who so wear the PhPhallus (commonly called Lin3gaits and sometimes Jan3gamas) RTL. 88.
  481. लिप (lipa) (lipa)
    m. smearing, anointing, plastering W.
  482. लिपि (lipi) (lipi)
    f. (accord. toalso %{lipI}) smearing, anointing &c. (see %{-kara})
    painting, drawing
    writing, letters, alphabet, art or manner of writing Ka1v. Katha1s. [902,3]
    anything written, manuscript, inscription, letter, document Naish. Lalit.
    outward appearance (%{lipim-Ap}, with gen., `" to assume the appearance of "'
    %{citrAM@lipiM} %{nI}, `" to decorate beautifully "') Vcar.
  483. लिप्त (lipta) (lipta)
    mfn. smeared, anointed, soiled, defiled AV. &c. &c.
    sticking or adhering to (loc.) S3Br.
    joined, connected Un2. v, 55 Sch.
    (%{A}) f. see %{liptA} below.
  484. लिप्सा (lipsā) (lipsā)
    f. (fr. Desid.) the desire to gain, wish to acquire or obtain, longing for (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.  %{lipsu}, %{lipsya} &c. see p. 897, col. 1. [903,1]
  485. लिप्सित (lipsita) (lipsita)
    mfn. wished to be obtained, desired R.
  486. लिप्सितव्य (lipsitavya) (lipsitavya)
    mfn. desirable to be obtained, wished for MBh.
  487. लिवि (livi) (livi)
    f. = prec. Un2. iv, 119 Sch. (accord. toalso %{-vI}).
  488. लीला (līlā) (līlā)
    f. (derivation doubtful) play, sport, diversion, amusement, pastime MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    mere sport or play, child's play, ease or facility in doing anything ib.
    mere appearance, semblance, pretence, disguise, sham Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. (ibc. sportively, easily, in sport, as a mere joke [903,3]
    also = %{lIlayA} ind. for mere diversion, feignedly)
    grace, charm, beauty, elegance, lovelniess Ka1lid. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
    (in rhet.) a maiden's playful imitation of her lover, Dalar. Sa1h. Prata1p.
    a kind of metre (4 times $) Col.
    N. of a Yogini HParis3.
  489. लुण्ठक (luṇṭhaka) (luṇṭhaka)
    m. a robber, plunderer Hcar.
  490. लुण्ठन (luṇṭhana) (luṇṭhana)
    n. the act of plundering, pillaging (see %{grama-l-})
    w.r. for %{luJcana} S3ak. Sch.
    v.l. for %{luThana}
  491. लुण्ठि (luṇṭhi) (luṇṭhi)
    f. plundering, pillaging, sacking Ra1jat.
  492. लुण्ठित (luṇṭhita) (luṇṭhita)
    mfn. plundered, pillaged, robbed, stolen Hariv. Katha1s. (also w.r. for %{luJcita}).
  493. लुप्त (lupta) (lupta)
    mfn. broken, violated, hurt, injured VarBr2S.
    robbed, plundered, (ifc.) deprived of. Kaus3. MBh. &c.
    suppressed, lost, destroyed, annihilated, disappeared A1s3vS3r. MBh. &c.
    (in gram.) dropped, elided Pra1t. Pa1n2. &c.
    (in rhet.) elliptical (as opp. to %{pUrNa}, complete "') Va1m. Kpr.
    n. stolen property, plunder, booty
    (prob.) disappearance (cf. %{zaza-l-}).
  494. लुब्ध (lubdha) (lubdha)
    mfn. bewildered, confused AitBr. (%{am} ind.)
    greedy, covetous, avaricious, desirous of or longing for (loc. or comp.) Gaut. MBh. &c. [905,1]
    n. a hunter MBh. R.
    a lustful man, libertine W.
  495. लुब्धक (lubdhaka) (lubdhaka)
    m. a hunter MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a covetous or greedy man
    the star Sirius (so called because S3iva in the form of a hunter shot an arrow [represented by the three stars in the belt of Orion] at Brahma1 transformed into a deer and pursuing his own daughter metamorphosed into a doe
    cf. %{mRga-vyAdha}) Gan2it. Katha1s.
    N. of the hinder parts, Bhp.
  496. लून (lūna) (lūna)
    mfn. cut, cut off, severed, lopped, clipped, reaped, plucked MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    nibbled off Hit.
    knocked out Katha1s.
    stung Ra1jat.
    pierced, wounded Ragh.
    destroyed, annihilated Ra1jat.
    n. a tail(cf. %{lUma}).
  497. लेख (lekha) (lekha)
    m. (cf. %{rekha}) a line, stroke Ma1nGr2.
    (also pl.) a writing, letter, manuscript, written document of any kind Hariv. Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c. (cf. %{kUTa-l-})
    a god, deity S3is3.
    = %{Abhoga}
    N. of a man g. %{zivA7di}
    of a poet Cat.
    pl. N. of a class of gods under Manu Ca1kshusba Pur.
    (%{A}) f. see below. %{lekhana}, %{lekhin} &c. see p. 901, cols. 2, 3.
  498. लेखक (lekhaka) (lekhaka)
    m. a writer, scribe, clerk, secretary Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    one who delineates or paints MW.
    (%{ikA}) f. a little stroke Ka1d.
    n. a writing, written message Subh.
    a calculation (%{-kaM} %{kR}, to make a calculation, reckon) Mr2icch.
  499. लेखन (lekhana) (lekhana)
    mf(%{I}) n. scratching, scraping, scarifying, lancing Sus3r.
    exciting, stimulating, attenuating ib. S3a1en3gS. Bhpr.
    m. Saccharum Spontaneum (a sort of reed of which pens are made) W.
    (%{I}) f. id.
    an instrument for writing or painting, reed-pen, painting-brush, pen, pencil MBh. VarBr2S. Hcat. (m.c. also %{-ni})
    a spoon, ladle (cf. %{ghRta-I-})
    n. the act of scratching or scraping, lancing, scarifying Car. Sus3r.
    touching, coming in contact (said of heavenly bodies) AV.Paris3.
    writing down, transcribing Katha1s. Pan5cat.
    an instrument for scraping or furrowing Kaus3.
    Betula Bhojpatra (the bark of which is used for writing)
    the leaf of the palm tree (used for the same purpose) W.
    making thin, attenuating, reducing corpulency (see next).
  500. लेप (lepa) (lepa)
    m. the act of smearing, daubing, anointing, plastering Ya1jn5. Ka1v. Pur.
    anything smeared on, ointment, unguent, plaster MBh. Hariv. Sus3r. &c.
    a coating of paint &c.
    spot, stain, impurity (lit. and fig.), any grease or dirt sticking to vessels, (esp.) particles or remnants wiped from the hand after offering oblations to three ancestors (these remnants being considered as an oblation to paternal ancestors in the 4th, 5th and 6th degrees) S3rS. Gaut. &c.
    food, victuals Bhadrab.
    a kind of disease Car. %{lepana}, %{lepin} &c. see p. 902, eol. 3. [906,1]